#i love my big adorable druid so much :^)
amygdalae · 1 year
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jenyifer · 4 months
Hum I realized I haven’t shared any of my book recs on here. I know I should watch new bl. I plan on finding something in June.
Since I got broken up I’ve been reading lgbt books. My ex gf had been showing me things about being lgbt that I had never imagined before and without her I still wanted to learn to experience different stories. So I used my love of fantasy and sci-fi and started listening and reading as much as I could. I don’t really care for overly spicy things but I like when the characters are realistic adults. So keep that in mind with this list.
1. The House in the Cerulean Sea 10/10 Fantasy great characters and mc growth. Found family always gets me. The ending was perfect. I’ve listened to it 15 times and forced my parents and uncle to read it. I’m excited for book 2.
2. The Darkness Outside of Us. 10/10 Sci-fi Space. This book made me feel so much. Surprised me. Had me gasping for air in my cube to the point people had to ask if I was okay. Had me running to the car to cry as I listened to the last part. Go in blind and enjoy the space and gay of it all.
3. Dark Rise 10/10 Classic Fantasy It is incredibly rare any book surprises me. Most of the time I can guess the plot a mile away. Dark Rise hit me over the head a couple times had me crying. But it was so epic and adventurous reminded of the feeling I had reading David Eddings as a child. (Not that lgbt as I would have liked but… it was there I assume book 2 a lot more)
4. Iron Widow 10/10 Sci-fi Mechs Fantasy Post Apocalypse I adore a mechs and history. It was extremely exciting. I adore the main couple even though main girl is actually mentally unstable but you love her anyways.
5. The Extraordinaries 9/10 Superhero. The main character is lovably stupid aside from his ADHD which I can relate on. I loved the lesbian side couple. The story was fun felt like it was written for the early college me who loved superheroes.
5. Adam Binder Series White Trash Warlock 9/10. Urban Fantasy. It gives me flash backs to Harry Dresden and Iron Druid but not in the obvious way just in vibe. I love main characters being country. I’m from Mississippi not Oklahoma but I can relate to being a gay in a small town moving to a big city. I love the main couple. The mystery magic system was interesting. I wish it had a bit more romance actually. Just because I love the main couple and side characters a lot and want happiness. I wish I could get more people to read this one it’s wonderful a lot better than a lot of urban str8 fantasy I’ve read and it was my main category for years. The mystery element was decent. I need to start book 3.
6. Ocean’s Echo 8.5/10 sci-fi mystery the main characters are… so wonderful. They are extreme but I love them so much. I’ll protect them to the end of days. I have this book over it’s… I guess in the same universe book Winter’s Orbit because I think the mystery suspense is more intense in Ocean’s echo also much more spacey sci-fi. Romance is also arranged marriage but is VERY different from winters orbit. I wish… I wish this book wasn’t associated with the other because it gets unfairly compared because the narrator is the same etc but Ocean’s Echo is great in its own right and is definitely not a copy
7. Winter’s Orbit 8.5/10 MYSTERY sci-fi edging on fantasy. Arranged marriage. Slow burn. These characters are also 10/10 I love them. I have experienced an abusive relationship before and appreciated seeing a character with the scars a similar past. Often if a character is portrayed as in an abusive relationship they focus on the event but it effects Everything in your world. Even now I have these scars after 8 years. I loved the mystery it was the main focus which I liked. The romance felt natural.
8. Fragile Remedy 8/10 one of the first books I read it made me cry and was a good single dystopian gem. Had a real… divergent hunger games kind of vibe to the world from what I remember.
9. Lightning struck heart 7/10 classic fantasy this is what I said on my insta at the time “It is an extremely comedic fantasy adventure with wizards, unicorns, knights, and dragons. Right up my alley! However the ending was disappointing. I'll listen to the next book in the series and hope it improves. Just found character arch unbelievable in last chapters.”
10. A wish upon a star by tj klune ^follow up books I read like 4 of them 5/10 I did stop listening to it this is what I said on my insta “Well I continued listening the tales of verania series and made it to the original end of the series. I'd say if you want a gay fantasy comedy without too much thinking Listen to the audio. Narrator is the biggest part of why I didn't quit. Idk if I'll read the other books though it is very friendship is magic smooth brain ideas I've read”
Unable to finish (been desperately trying to find a lesbian story and finding nothing)
Girl, Serpent, Thorn 4/10 my review from insta “Unable to finish it. The world is interesting. The first 3rd seemed promising but after major conflict the writing goes way down. But the MC doesn't grow. The f/f is so shallow it made me roll my.eyes until I had to stop listening. Wanted the bad guy to win and kill everyone”
The Midnight Girls. So intensely annoying and childish. I couldn’t do it I think I made it to chapter 3 but it was a struggle.
In the ravenous dark. I got to one third of the audio book and had to stop. The universe was okay but main girl was very annoying. Was kind of hoping her and the ghost would be together not… not the weird bullshit that was going on. Idk what the end of the book was going to be but it was not for me.
I’ll post another with my current to read list. I’m really going through them now because I have to drive two hours a day to and from work. Give me your suggestions though please thank you.
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autistichalsin · 6 months
Do you have hcs of halsin's parents' and/or siblings' names? Or at least some hcs about them like their class or occupation/work or deities they believe or anything else?
Names: not yet, because I am not great at names, especially elven ones, and I headcanon Halsin with a big family (unusually large for elves, which becomes relevant later in the timeline I made for him and my Dark Urge, Kiaran) which means LOTS of people to name.
Class/occupation/etc: YES.
So my basic thoughts on Halsin's family, keeping in mind that John Corcoran (Halsin's writer) said that Halsin was the youngest son (which of course means little sisters are still possible):
His father (who we know from a comment Halsin made looks a lot like him) was a Bard. (Why? Partly because it's unexpected, partly because because that would be part of where Halsin gets his love of telling stories from). He worshipped Corellon.
His mother was a Ranger who semi-retired when she had his older siblings. There was quite a gap between Halsin's closest older sibling and Halsin, and when Halsin was born, she fully retired. As you might expect for a Ranger, she primarily worshipped Mielikki.
Halsin's oldest brother was a Cleric of Corellon. Halsin didn't get to see him very much, but they loved each other a lot.
His oldest sister was a healer (haven't decided yet if she was a Cleric or a Druid, though I'm leaning towards Cleric.) She settled into a different elven community when she married her wife. She helped encourage Halsin's interest in healing.
His next oldest siblings were twins, brother and sister. They were both Rangers, and he was the closest to them of any of his siblings. Halsin definitely spent a significant part of his childhood planning to become a Ranger so he could have adventures with them (even though his mom always said he'd decide on a Druid eventually, and was of course right.) They both worshipped Mielikki. The brother had a wolf companion, and the sister had a hawk.
Halsin's younger sisters never really had a chance to pick a patron deity- none of them made it to their teenage years. :( Halsin adored them and totally had a "mother hen" way of taking care of them because he was just so excited he finally got to be a big sibling. They loved the stories he'd tell them every night (which is another part of why he loves, in the post-canon timeline, telling his orphans stories so much- it reminds him of those days).
I'll come up with names for everyone eventually, it just requires a bit of a lore deep dive to find both a fitting name for them in Elvish AND to make sure I'm not giving them the Elven equivalent of "Jane Doe" as a name LOL
Thank you so much for this ask!!
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
Dear Gale,
It has been three days since I left Waterdeep to visit my family in Rivington and I miss you terribly. I hope Tara is looking after you whilst I am away. Give her a big cuddle from me.
Father is always asking about you and Mother has promised to cook her signature seafood stew when we next visit. Next month, perhaps?
I must confess, it is strange being back here. I grew up on this farm, yet it is a completely different world to me, now I am finally accustomed to living in Waterdeep and indulging in its splendours.
Where do I even begin?
A lot has happened in the family since our wedding all those months ago. Alexandra is pregnant and is expecting a baby girl - yes, we are going to be an aunt and uncle! Olivia has matured so much since I last visited. I vividly remember caring for her at the age of twelve when Mother, Father and Alexandra were away for months at a time, all whilst I was studying the ways of nature and becoming Initiate Druid. She is now twenty-two years old and living in Turmish - we must pay her a visit soon!
Shadowheart wrote to me whilst I have been staying here and she sends her regards. She is itching for us to visit her at the cottage once the academic year settles down for you. Buttons is now a year old! We will need to bring treats and be armed with cuddles (fear not, Buttons does not bite). Do you recall my first week working at House of Pride Perfumes when the hunting dogs thought you were an intruder? And I taught you how to calm them down, so the bouquet of roses you brought me did not get torn to shreds? Buttons will be a piece of cake!
I will be returning to Waterdeep in two days. Whilst I have enjoyed visiting and catching up with my family, it will never compare to the life and home that I share with you.
I love you always and consider myself the luckiest and proudest wife in the universe.
All my love,
Sweetest Kara,
Worry naught, my love, Tara has been fussing over me since the very moment you left. It is almost as though I cannot take care of myself without one of the two of you here! I swear on my honor, I am perfectly capable by myself. Regardless, we are both doing well though I do miss you terribly.
Do let both your parents know I will be up with you when we return, I cannot miss any mother’s home-cooked meal when offered so sweetly. I believe next month will work, I shall make arrangements with the academy at once.
Send my warmest congratulations to Alexandra! She must know that “Uncle Gale” will be spoiling her child rotten, so help me gods. Perhaps after we visit again next month we can take a trip to Olivia. I’m sure she’s grown finely in these last few years apart from you.
It seems as though we are planning our whole summer out already! After the year is over for the academy, we can make arrangements to visit her. I certainly do remember that! I do not know how I could ever forget such an event. If Buttons is half as rowdy as they were, I doubt I’ll find as much trouble as I had.
Send word when you have started your way home, my love. My mother is itching to visit us, as well, and has been hounding me to take an evening off from “pointless ramblings” to spend with her. I’m not quite sure she understands those “pointless ramblings” are important research papers, but I know her heart is in the right place.
I adore you with my very whole soul, my love. You are the stars that light my path home in the night, and the sun that guides me through the day. You are the beacon of hope that allows me to keep pushing even at my darkest hour and without you here, I find it all the more difficult. I cannot wait for your return.
The soul intertwined with yours forever,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
look i'm a mlm but the way you draw rarijack makes me giggle and kick my feet in the air like a school girl. thank you for my life i need these women WED!!!
THATS WHAT IM SAYIIIIING these two are the hydrogen bomb of shipping the opposites attract + incredible chemistry goes hard as hell, and i love my designs of them on the anthro side, its some of my best work; and if you saw the other sketches i have of them on the backlog and my other ideas you'd explode lmao (i know i have) Applejacks GOTTA be shaped like a truck and Rarity has gotta be gorgeous and hold that girl. you couldn't pry them from eachother with a crowbar imma put some of the ideas i have + WIPS for rarijack stuff under the cut cause it might be a bit much lmao. Some of it is adorable, some of it might be too horny
Like. y'know that scene on indiana jones 1 where Indy and marion kiss for the first time after he just points the booboos and she kisses them? that but with AJ and rarity would be incredible lmao. i might not even do the anthros tho, just the pony versions would be cute. (also unlike marion rarity would flip if she was slept on lmao) I had this funny idea where Rarity invites AJ to a party but forgets to tell her its a party so applejack shows up with a sexy mechanic routine that they clearly have done before and embarasses herself and rarity when twilight opens the door and is like "um i need help reacting to something" I had this idea of D&D classes with an barbarian AJ and princess rarity where the group needs to escort the princess and well. This super pompous royal woman is getting a bit too into her big sweaty barbarian bodyguard lol. (and for the record twilight=wizard, Sunset=dark palladin, Rainbow=rogue, Fluttershy=druid, Pinkie=Bard) I literaly have a sketch with anthros of rarity in lingerie holding Applejack, who is kneeling, on a leash. i did a very very homoerotic sketch of vampire queen rarity and Applejack holding a stake to her. and shes letting. pinned on the floor. it's already on patreon (and what the horniest thing ive ever conceived is rarity licking AJs wounds while not being allowed bite her. damn.) Also absolutely will make a small comic of this part of the fanfic i wrote (havent posted yet tho im drawing chapter covers)
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generaly just drawing cute pony stuff would be fun to do. This ship is unmatched in potential and i love them to bits lmao
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memoiandy · 4 months
Sparkles and memories
Astarion x fTav fanfic
(Note: I posted this as a part of another thread and the fic was bigger than I anticipated. I am posting here as my own separate post. Mostly for myself but whoever else reads it, please enjoy!
This oneshot is my HC version of the poly convo with Astarion. I wish Tav could politelly decline Halsin and then talk with Astarion about it. The scene starts after Astarion says he'd be fine with Tav sexing Halsin up. Which my Tav is defo not gonna do...)
She frowns, taking a small step back. It stings a bit, the thought Astarion would be fine if she shared her body with the druid. But then she noticed that curve of his pretty mouth, that signature fake smile she recognizes now.
"Why would I do that?" She keeps her voice low but the slight irritation comes through anyway.
He hears it, of course he does. He's great at reading people. His next words are more genuine. "Well... it's not like I have much to offer at the moment. And with my past... my generous amount of so called lovers... It's not like I can stop you from having a good time."
The more he talks, the more vulnerable look creeps into his face. Her chest tightens, the familiar ache when she sees him like this - strugling with the shadows of his past, the pain seeping through.
She moves closer to Astarion, watching his reaction. There is tension in the air, something she didn't want at all. She meant to tell him about the conversation with Halsin as a joke. She thought it was funny! How could she even think about being with someone other than her vampire?! Ridiculous!
"This... us, we want this to be real, no?" She touches her heart and then his heart in an elven fashion. She leaves her hand on his chest as if seeking for his heartbeat.
He nods, eyes uncertain where this is going. He's so endearing like this, her sweet, lovable rogue. To confirm his gesture, Astarion closes his bigger hand on top of hers and caresses it carefuly.
"I do, you know I do. I just wish I could offer you more. I wish... I could erase all the memories of those countless meaningless bodies and hands and mouths... "
She stops him by putting a gentle hand on his cheek. "Then lets create new memories." She tries to make him feel all the care and adoration she feels for this silly, frustrating, amazing man. And love, something she is still too afraid to tell him. It feels too big to share. She keeps it close to her hearth as something sweet and precious.
She stands on her toes and puts a light kiss on one of his cheeks, the one with that small beauty mark. "I have such a good time with you, whatever we're doing," she whispers and it sounds like a secret shared just between the two of them.
She kisses the top of his nose playfully. "You reading one of your adventure books with Drizzt aloud or teaching me how to lockpick." She kisses the corner of his mouth and feels his arm sneaking around her waist and pulling her closer. She gasps a little, she always does and it makes him hum hapilly.
"There is nowhere I'd rather be. I have no desire to explore what Halsin has to offer as a lover. Or any of the others. I am yours as long as you'll have me," she finishes and hates how her face and neck flush with pink. She is 137 years old and being with this damned vampire makes her blush...
But it makes him smile and relax. He crooks his eyebrows in that charming way of his. "And I thought I am the one with a silver toungue."
She chuckes and puts her arms around his neck. This feels good and right and the tension is gone and forgotten. "Well... I had a good teacher."
He feigns shock. "Another suitor! Do I know him?"
"You might. He's very charming. Roguish and witty. Very funny. Very brave. Handsome as hell," she sighs dreamily.
Astarion tuts and tightens his arms around her. "Do I have to kill him as well, Sparkles? I planned on getting rid of the big druid already. You know I killed a bear before..."
This time she kisses his lips because you can't be this close to Astarion and not kiss him. He kisses her back more fiercely, cupping the back of her head in his hand and making her bow back a bit. Greedy man.
It's been a while since they kissed like this. It's thrilling and sweet and feels like a promise when his tongue slips between her lips and tastes her. It makes her curl her toes and forget anything other than the sharpness of his fangs. The way his velvet toungue leads hers in this dance. How he pushes her so close to his body so there no place for anything else. Just like in those silly novels she always thought are just a fantasy. But this... it makes her want, want, want...
She makes quiet needy noises and feels her magic spike up. Fine sparkles fly in the air, like their own personal bonfire. They kiss his skin and it feels as if he's touched by sunlight. He grunts as he realizes he's the cause of this, he makes her lose control and sparkle for him.
She pulls away before the magic can hurt him.
"How is that for a new memory?" She bumps her nose into his gently. She loves his nose. She started to love everything about this man.
"Perfect." His eyes are still closed and he breathes her in. His anchor, his friend, his confidant. She smells like home. "You're perfect, Sparkles."
She laughs quietly, a small happy sound. Then she straightens up and pulls back. "Now where were we? You won't believe the conversation I just had with Halsin!"
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Protection from good and evil
It's just a little something how i imagine Tav falling in love with this two entirely different person Astarion and Halsin. Enjoy
When Astarion disappeared in the woods, you remained with Halsin next by the campfire. Your eyes followed Astarion until you lost track of his figure. You and Halsin sat by the fire alone and you looked into the flames tiredly. You felt Halsin’s calming presence and you craved this calmness. Even if you loved Astarion more than everything, the safe aura that surrounded Halsin, his steadiness was always tempting to you. When you first met with the big bulky elven druid, you weren't interested in him. His look was harsh as a half orc’s, his face plowed deep ditches. And he always talked about his responsibilities, and it bored you. But when you looked into his warm amber eyes, and heard his soothing voice, you wished to be near to him. Slowly you noticed the dreamy looks he gave to you, and you started to enjoy the evenings when you two sat by the fire silently.
But today you were exhausted. Not just this specific day worn you out, but trying to keep Astarion healthy and happy all the time drained you. Usually you didn’t mind that, drained body and soul, but today you reached your limits. You let out a long sight toward the flames. ”What is bothering you my friend?” Asked Halsin in his warm, tender voice. You stayed silent for a long time, but he didn’t hasten you, just waited silently scanning your face. “It’s just..” You stopped. You weren't sure you have the right complaining about the situation, you willingly chose. “It’s just him.” You beconed with your head toward the forest, where Astarion disappeared. “I love him, you know, more than anything. I adore him, I would do everything for him, but..” The corner of your lips bended down. “It’s so difficult”  Your voice broke, and tears started to rally in your eyes. “I’m trying my best to heal his trauma, I always walk on eggshells with him, and I'm trying to give him everything he needs and not what he wants. But the last few days were so hard for me as well. I have my problems too, but I don't want to burden him” You started to sob when you said that.”He is so fragile, even if i do everything to keep him emotionally safe he keeps trying to manipulate me, no matter how many times i told him, he don’t have to do this. He has me all the way, but he doesn't trust me. I’m so tired Halsin” Your tears flowed down on your cheeks and shined on your chin in the light of the fire before they falled on the dust. ”I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to lose him, but i can’t lose anything that never was mine” Your voice choked in bitterness. “Astarion still feels himself Cazador’s puppet, no matter what he says, and i feel powerless against his force. I don’t have help, I have to keep this branch together and alive. I have to heal him, but I'm so exhausted.” You silenced, and wiped down your tears with the palm of your hand. ”There, there” Halsin sat across by your side and embraced your tiny fragile body in a big warm hug. You hid your face in his chest and suddenly you heard his slow strong heartbeat. Like a lightning strike slit in your heart, how much you missed this voice with Astarion. You sobbed heavily and Halsin raised his palm, and rested on your head. His fingers slowly calmingly played with your hair. “I love him, I love him more than my life” You cried proven. “I’m just so tired!” Halsin lifted your face and slowly caringly started to wipe down your tears. But your tears were inexhaustible. You looked into his eyes through your tears and saw the safe unconditional love that you needed the most at the moment. Your hands reached his face and you started to explore his face with your fingertips like you were blind. This motion encouraged him, and  he gently started to kiss your tears down from your cheeks. You freezed in a moment, and he stopped. ”I am sorry if i misunderstood you” He told you and you felt this conversation so easy against the conversations you two had with Astarion. You knew you don’t have to search for the second meaning of his words. “No, you didn’t, it’s just… I mean, this is good, but i don't want to hurt Astarion” He took back his hands from your face, but he kept hugging you with a brotherly hug. You just stayed like that in silence for a long time. “No need to rush anything my heart” He said with a most warm tone in his voice and your heart filled with bitterness. Despite you rejected him, You utterly needed his soothing presence. “Nature has its own ways and your healing effort will not pass without a trace. Give him time. Give time to yourself. And please take care of yourself. You only can be a healer, if you are healed.” You stayed silent for a while, then you timidly asked him “Can we stay like this for a little longer? ” He tightened his embrace and he dug his face into your hair and murmured. “Yes my heart, we can stay here as long as you need.”
Eventually you went to your tent. You waited for Astarion, but he didn't show up, and you were so tired, that your eyes closed, and you fell asleep. You awakened in the middle of the night and saw Astarion sitting beside you and resting his chin on his knees. Suddenly you felt overwhelming guilt about the evening. “So, you and Halsin spent some quality time together?” He asked, and his voice sounded false as he tried to sound careless. “Oh no, Moonshine” He loved when you called him like this, your moonshine, as he loved to call you his sunshine. “Nothing happened, i just needed a little pep talk” “I know” He said, and you knew he heard everything. “I’m sorry” You bowed your head. “I didn’t want to burden you.” “You want to teach me that it's ok to rely on someone, like this? You told me that reciprocity is the key to a healthy relationship, and you hide your exhaustion from me?  Foolish little pup, you are” Said he with forgiveness in his voice. “Come on darling!” He stretched his arm toward you and pulled you in a hug. You took a deep breath admiring his scent, and wrapped your arm around him tightly. “Please hold on Sunshine, don't let me fall again. I’m trying, you know, to be better.” He  Murmured into your ear with deep sadness. “I know Moonshine and I will stand beside you till the end of everything, and more.” “Now, that’s what i wanted to hear” He smiled and slowly softly started to kiss your face.
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year
Title: genesis (3532 words) Pairing: astarion/tav Warnings: nsfw, fluff and smut A/N: more from astarion's pov lol ♥ very intimate; part three for moonlight on the river
Read on AO3!
Sarnarei glares at the Candulhallow's Tombstone, arms crossed. They spent fifteen minutes tearing the empty shop apart looking for the evidence for the murders. Karlach yawns as she checks the desk for the fifth time.
"Do you still have the journal from Dolor?" Shadowheart asks Sarnarei, stress lining her face. "I do, but I left it in my trunk."
"I suggest we go back and read it. There may be a key hidden there. Or at least a clue." Shadowheart replies, heading to the front of the building. Karlach follows, nodding. "Plus we can take a little break. It is getting a little late, soldier."
Sarnarei looks over at Astarion who waves his hand flippantly, "We can fight the big bad Bhaal once we're more rested." She grimaces but follows their party out.
As soon as they arrive, she tears through the chest, pulling out all the journals and tatted notes she saved looking for any sign. Astarion rests on the bed next to it watching as their merry party speaks to each other, waiting.
"I still want to at least figure out how to enter. We can go out for a moment. Whatever rests there, we won't fight tonight." Sarnarei says softly, mostly to herself.
"Do we have to go back out? I think we're all pretty exhausted." Astarion whispers, his eyes drinking in her dress, the way her hair falls in front of her face. He loves how determined she is. He holds himself back, wanting to kiss her and maybe more. She hasn't done anything different and yet...
She glances up at him, tilting her head to the side, not picking up on his cue. "Are you sure?"
He smirks, how adorable is she when she's clueless? His eyes flick up to Wyll who passes by as he nods, "Exhausted. So tired." He says it louder than necessary so the horned man could hear. Wyll turns, raising his eyebrow as he glances at Astarion. The vampire cuts his eyes to Sarnarei and then back to Wyll, hoping his silent pleas would be understood.
Wyll nods, a cheeky smile coming to his lips as he yawns so loudly, "I'm ready to turn in for the evening. How about you, Shadowheart? Halsin?" Astarion glares at the Warlock's back at the mention of Halsin. He didn't mind sharing her with him, especially when they weren't physical. The idea still doesn't bother him, at least he thinks. The two of them didn't spend that much time together from what he noticed anyway. When they did speak, they weren't physical. Maybe they broke up and she didn't tell him.
"Hmm, I could rest for the night," Halsin says, coming over to Sarnarei's side. "Is everything alright, my heart?" My heart.
Astarion keeps up his smirk, his mind racing with the possibilities in case Halsin chooses to stay.
She nods, turning to him, "Yeah, I found what I needed, but I don't want to overburden you all." She says sweetly, closing the trunk.
"Of course." He glances over at Astarion, "How are you handling everything?" He asks, his voice full of concern.
"Better. Thank you, Halsin." He gives him a curt nod. The druid raises his eyebrow, a compassionate smile on his lips. "I think we're going to go take Lakrissa up on her offer. Have a night to just relax while we can."
Karlach appears out of nowhere her vibrant smile brightening up the room as she wraps her arm around Halsin. "Fuck yes. Let's go! I hear they have a super funny comedian on tonight. I want to laugh my stomach bursts." She shoots a look at Shadowheart, "You can heal that, right?"
The cleric smirks as she rolls her eyes, "I would prefer it not come to that, but I will do my best." The rest of the crew filter out, Halsin being the last.
"Don't keep her too long, Astarion." He teases, winking as he closes the door.
He takes a deep breath as he returns to Sarnarei, who stands at her entrance a bit bewildered. "Alone with a bed." He says, ignoring her suspicion as he sits back down. He's bedded thousands, but the thought of being intimate with her makes him so anxious. Her confusion leaves as she sits next to him, concern taking over.
"I would like a night of passion with you, Sarnarei. If I can't handle it, I'll let you know so we can stop. I know that look in your eyes. You don't want me to feel distressed and we've been going slow, but I don't want to wait any longer. I think I'm ready." He states, taking her hands into his own.
She licks her lips, glancing up at him. "If you feel uneasy at any point, we will stop." She replies, moving closer. She misses him, misses his body against her own, but holds him in such regard. It would hurt her to the core if she did anything and he just went along with it to make her happy.
He nods, leaning forward, and kissing her slowly. He sucks on her bottom lip, dragging his teeth carefully along it. He leans her against the pillows, not breaking their kiss. She moans softly as her arms wrap around his shoulders, her legs wrapping around his waist. He pulls away, gazing upon his lover. She searches his face as her hands go to his ornate jacket, pulling at the buttons.
"I love you," He whispers as he shrugs the jacket off, letting it fall off the bed. His hand slips between her thighs, his fingers gently gliding along her pelvis over her pants.
"I love you too," She whispers back, rocking her hips against his touch. She slips her hand down along his pants where his cock stands half hard. He shudders at her touch, focusing on finding her pants, and dragging them off.
Her hands return to her body, fiddling with the corset top. His eyes stay glued to her chest, watching as they fall from the lack of support. He swallows hard as he leans down, replacing her hands with his own as he undoes her corset, taking the pretty and sturdy fabric from her torso, and adding it to their clothing pile. She whimpers as his kisses return to her neck and collarbone, his talented fingers massaging her chest through her beige sleep top. She closes her eyes as he runs his fingers along her top.
"Can I please you first?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
Astarion pauses in between his kisses, raising his eyebrow. "Please me first?"
She nods as she sits up, her hand returning to his hardening cock. "You always please me first. I want to make sure you're sated." She explains, tracing her fingers up to his loosened frilly shirt, dragging it over his body. He nods after a moment, considering. The worst thing is that he could disassociate, but Sarnarei's attention and focus are so acute on him, that she would notice and stop in her tracks. He feels like a burden as he rests on the other side of the daybed. "Tell me to stop if you don't like it." She whispers, helping him out of his trousers. He gives another nod as she pecks him quickly, her soft body caressing his.
"My sweet, I can handle a blowjob." He says sarcastically, running his fingers through her hair as she slides between his legs. 
Astarion watches her with heated eyes as she holds his cock in her hands. He exhales deeply as he looks up at the ceiling, her hands gently stroking him. She leans down, pressing soft kisses along his shaft. He closes his eyes, keeping his hands to himself. Before he would have forced her mouth open, fucking her mouth hard, hearing her gags and whimper. But he lets her take her time now, her tongue tasting him. She smiles up at him as she reaches his tip, her tongue rolling around it. Her fangs peak just underneath her full lips, framing his cock so dangerously. He groans softly, his knee coming up as he gently pets her hair. Just focus on her, his mind repeats as she opens her mouth, guiding his cock down her throat. He watches as she closes her eyes, bobbing her head along his shaft. She moans softly as she drags her fingertips along his inner thighs, her eyes cutting up to his.
His breathing quickens as he massages her scalp, her mouth perfectly warm around his shaft. His fingers grip her hair, his hips trying to thrust lazily into her mouth to quicken her speed. He can't help it, moaning as her tongue rests against the thick underside vein, gently pressing along it as she massages it with each bob. Halsin must have taught her that, he thinks quickly as he tosses his head back.
"My love..." He moans, trying to keep in the present. She pulls up, stroking him. "You are being too devilishly good." He purrs as she rubs him off, feeling proud of herself.
"Oh?" She asks before sucking his pink tip again, her plump lips the perfect frame around it. He closes his eyes briefly as she takes him as far as she can, her mewls muffled. His hips buck against her mouth as he feels himself getting lost in the pleasure.
Too dangerous, too tempting. 
"That's enough. I need you." He says, dragging her head up to his cold lips. She laughs softly against his lips, kissing him back. He pushes her back, rolling to be on top of her. His hard cock presses along her warm slit but he pulls away, quickly lying on his stomach as he buries his head between her thighs.
She arches her back, her hips pressing against his mouth. She can barely get her bearings as his tongue prods her apart. Her moans fill the room as his tongue laps at her clit. Her hands tug her shirt off before returning to her breasts, playing with her nipples as she watches his feast. She bites her lip, her breathing quickening. She missed this, so much. Sure she's had others now, but Astarion... She closes her eyes as she moans, her legs resting on his shoulders. He could taste her getting closer, her clit becoming more engorged with each suckle. He comes up for air gently biting her inner thigh before making a trail of kisses up her belly, her chest, and her mouth. He finds focusing on her makes it more enjoyable. She's so reactive to him, the way her tongue rolls around with his, her moans. He breaks the kiss, giving her time to breathe.
He rubs his cock against her, remembering how much physically he loves the ridges above her slit. He's so sensitive already from his want for her, that he takes a deep breath, trying not to get overwhelmed. He gently thrusts inside of her, both of them moaning. He laughs softly as she looks away, her cheeks flushed. 
He holds himself above her, wanting to watch her every reaction as he starts to rock his hips. Her brows knit together as she whimpers tiny prayers to some unknown god. He smiles to himself, how dramatic she is being. He hasn't even done anything yet. He picks up his pace, needing more of her reactions, her moans. "Ah, I love you... Oh, my love." She whines, her hands covering her face as she pants. He frowns as he thrusts harder, taking her hands from her face, their fingers interlacing. 
"Please don't hide your face from me." He says, pounding into her. She nods, her brows knitting up as she looks up at him. Her watchful eyes meet his, a quick assessment before he rolls his hips against hers. A distraction, he thinks as she cries out, looking away again. She clenches around him as she opens her legs more for him. He can feel himself slipping into overdrive, doing it until he releases. This will be an uphill battle. He wants to stay in the moment so badly, but the motions are the same. The same sensations he'd felt for so long. 
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, holding him closer, making him slow down. His breathing catches in his throat as she kisses him softly, their hips rocking together. The act brings him back to the moment, his hand leaving hers as he cups her breast, tweaking her nipple between his fingers.
She breaks the kiss, whimpering. Their foreheads touch, and their breathing becomes one. He brushes his nose against hers, their lips barely touching as they pant. His hips grind, burying himself deep inside.
"Astarion..." She moans, her hands resting on either side of his head, their eyes locking.
He grins, picking up his pace again. "Like that?" He asks, feeling electricity in their touch, their gaze.
"Y-y-yes!" She stammers, struggling to keep up. Her tail rests on the back of his thigh, running up and down as he thrusts. He growls, enjoying her gentle touch on his body.
He slows, pulling back. He wants to see the full view again, his hands resting on the underside of her knees. Her arm covers her mouth, muffling her praises as he continues his slow pace. He watches as his cock disappears inside of her warm inviting hole before rocking his hips back. Gods... He doesn't think he'll last long, overwhelmed with his need for her. How gorgeous she is coming undone beneath him. He lets go of her leg briefly, removing her hand from her mouth. "Please, my love. I need to see you." He whispers, returning his hand to her leg. She scrunches up her nose as she looks away, feeling so full from his thrusts.
"Can, can I ride you?" She asks in between cries. He nods laughing softly to himself, reluctant to pull out. He's feeling more alive now, invigorated. She smiles up at him, kissing him quickly, following as he lies on his back. Before she mounts him, she assesses him, staring deeply into his eyes. "We can stop if you want."
He shakes his head, guiding her hips down. "I don't want to." He smiles, kissing her valid worries away.
She whines as he thrusts inside, stretching her again. He doesn't want to give her room to doubt. She saw his familiar face distant look creeping in despite his best efforts. His fingertips gently massage her ass, feeling her tail swipe back and forth between his legs. Her hands rest on his shoulders, her ass rocking back against his thighs.
"You're perfect. So perfect." He whispers as she lifts her hips slightly, trying to find a comfortable pace on her knees.
She rolls her eyes, trying to suppress the smile, moaning out instead. "You're so... Handsome." She replies quickly, feeling his grip tighten on her hips.
His brow quirks up as he smirks, "Oh, go on." He slowly takes over the pace, finding a comfortable rhythm.
She squirms above him, trying to handle his languid thrusts while trying to answer his question, gasping every time he fully sheathes her. "Ah... The Gods took their time... When creating you..." She barely can make out her compliment as he varies his speed, watching as her face contorts with ecstasy.
"They really did, darling, but..." He quickens his thrusts, delighted with himself when her tail wraps around his shin for leverage against his relentless strokes. "I think you could do better."
She whimpers, her nails digging into his shoulders, her breasts bouncing between her arms. "Fuck. Astarion. Please." Her stomach tenses from the immense pleasure. He groans with her, her warm walls clenching around his cock. Her moans become his favorite song, his name on her lips only increasing his need for her. He focuses on the pain from her nails digging into his skin, pounding as hard as he can as she loses her grip, laying on top of him as she cries into his neck. 
He slows, giving her a chance to catch her breath, edging her as she rocks her hips, slowly riding him. She sits up after a moment, her eyes still closed as she tries to get more comfortable on her knees after the pummeling. He closes his eyes, enjoying her taking her time, his cock nestled deep inside, his tip pressing against her c-spot. She squirms again as she tries her best to ride him, her legs shaking. He smiles up at her, her brown skin with a soft sheen of sweat.
"Every time I move, I get so overwhelmed." She says quickly, turning her head away from him as she rocks her hips. She glances down at him through her lashes, checking to see if he's still present.
His eyes are hungry as he digs his fingers into her skin, starting to take over the pace again. "My love, I am lost in your pleasure. Those beautiful brown orbs hypnotize me." He starts his thrusts again, her eyes shut tight, her tail gripping him hard. She leans down, wrapping her arms around him as she comes undone above him, his name sung to the heavens. She tosses her head back as she holds herself still against his thrusts. She makes fists against his chest, her orgasm taking her vision. 
He's proud of himself, feeling her contract and gush around him. Her pleasure belongs just to him, no one else. He moans with her, not giving her time to relax this time as he leans up, wrapping her in an embrace as he buries his head in her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. He grinds against her in this new position, panting against her hot skin. He lifts his hips against her, rutting against her, his tip convulsing inside.
She's too perfect, too close to the sun and like some mortal flying close, he dares try, unafraid of burns. He almost bites her neck out of habit, to eat and spill his seed as he's done for the past centuries. He stops himself, giving her soft unhurried kisses along her neck and chest, as he twitches inside with each thrust. He is so used to going as fast as he can once he feels himself about to cum. Always a race, but he takes his time, feeling more sensitive each time he thrusts inside.
The urge to relentlessly pound her does wash over him, but he keeps at it, her moans cheering him on. He tenses each time her ass comes flush against his skin, nostrils flaring. "Sarnarei..." He whimpers her name, his hands wrapping around her back. "I love you. I..."
She doesn't say it back, not having a chance as she feels his engorged tip pressing against her cervix. She holds him close to her chest as he pants, his body contracting as he holds his hips up, his cock erupting deep inside of her womb.
Neither of them says anything, their haggard breaths and soft sighs fill the silence. Her fingers massage his damp scalp while the others make a small circular pattern on his shoulder. If he could sleep, he would. He would sleep for eternity in her arms. He glances up at her after a moment, a sleepy smile on his face. She returns the sleepy smile, too tired to check him over and assess him. "I love you too," She finally replies, her voice hoarse.
She moves from his lap, letting his now flaccid cock slip out. She whimpers, missing the fullness. Astarion rolls his eyes as he pulls her into a cuddle, staring up at the wooden ceiling. "I was so nervous before..." He admits, laughing to himself.
"Nervous?" She asks, worries lining her face.
"I know. How could I be nervous about something as easy as this." His voice is light but his expression serious as he glances down at his partner. "I wanted you. Craved you. I starved and you brought me back to life. I felt so connected." The worries disappear as she kisses his shoulder. "I still will need more time before we make this a regular occurrence again."
Sarnarei traces another mindless pattern on his chest, nodding. "Take all the time you need. I'll always be here. You know I won't mind." Her smile is warm and understanding. Always so understanding.
He lifts her face towards his, the chaste kiss deepening as he pulls her closer, his thigh brushing against her still swelling clit. She whimpers against his mouth, breaking the kiss. "I can still tease though," Astarion says cheekily.
"Don't tease me too much. I don't know if I can go again." She whines hiding her face.
"Well, in that case, we should probably go down to see this comedian."
Sarnarei grimaces as she lifts her head, feeling exhausted. "We could just stay here."
Astarion nips her neck playfully. "There's too much temptation in this bed... Come, let's go have some fun, my sweet. We can always see where the night takes us." He picks her up with ease, her giggles erupting from her chest as he leads them to the bath to clean up.
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tarabyte3 · 6 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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floof-writes · 9 months
WARNING: this post includes some negativity about something you might love: D20’s The Seven, specifically choices made by Sephie about Sam Nightingale’s actions and backstory
TL;DR- (Disclaimer, I'm only to episode 5) The way Sephie chose to play Sam makes her seem aloof, toxic, disingenuous, and attention-seeking compared to the rich found-family themes of past Fantasy High seasons and to her fellow characters in this season. Less importantly but still frustrating, she doesn't follow the 'one leveled spell a round' rule. If she had all these flaws and was also funny, I might forgive her. But, alas.
Watching The Seven right now for FHJY and while I have countless good things to say about it, forgive me for instead ranting about the fan beloved Sam Nightingale. While I understand that many people love it, Sam/Sephie’s stage mom backstory gets on my fucking nerves. Especially the viral video thing in episode 5. Sephie blows up a bit (a bit in a comedy show! They're always doing bits!) into something big and then chooses to duck out instead of committing and resolving. I LIVE for emotional moments in D20, I seriously do, but whatever Sephie has been doing just doesn’t work for me. It feels cheap. D20 emotional moments have a ton of build-up through comedy/resistance, and I hate to say it, but Sam is not a funny character. I’m not saying she’s not realistic- she’s traumatized and is going through a lot, but Sephie is playing her in the wrong genre. D20 is a comedy.
Here's the thing: Ally also gets criticism for playing Kristen in a really explicit and overt way, trampling over other roleplay with her trauma, and that is true (sorry Kristen, ily!), but at least what Ally did is funny. Sam isn't. Sephie almost nailed it when Rebecca revealed she was getting divorced- her reaction was both real and comedic, but later when she called Penelope it felt forced/spotlighty/too soon, especially considering she didn't even have a mirror charge left. And that attention-seeky vibe isn’t helped by the fact that Sephie chose to play an ex-child actor: a real-life tragedy that almost always comes off as cheap when fictionalized.
But the parallels between Ally’s Kristen and Sephie’s Sam don’t end there! One of the biggest reasons people were annoyed by Kristen was Ally’s (and to an extent, Brennan/fellow player's), absolute ignorance of the rules about concentration spells, which made her really overpowered in season one. My argument against this as a newbie dnd player was always ‘rule of cool, it was fun to watch and fun to play so it doesn’t matter!', but as a more experienced player I finally understand that frustration even though I tried not to feel it. The same thing happened with Sam in ep 4- she casts two leveled spells in a single turn with Quicken Spell (Lightning Bolt and Fly, and again later with Enthrall and Suggestion), which makes her seem crazily overpowered despite the fact that she’s a 3/6 multi-class among a 9th level druid and a 9th level cleric. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good multi-class, but she shouldn’t be outstripping them so handily (Yielle also fucking slayed this fight though).
[A proposed alternate turn for her second mistake: Quicken spell to Enthrall and then use her winged boots and second action to attack the harpy and catch Penny (a ranged cantrip (LIGHTNING LURE) or a weapon attack if the DM allowed that to cause her to drop Penny, opposed strength with Danielle’s Bear Totem advantage if not). It would have been just as cool and displayed better teamwork, plus it was an opportunity to roleplay bonding and show gratitude for the Feather Fall that saved her fucking life.]
In fact, for me, there’s only three rather subjective reasons why I adore Kristen so much and find Sam super annoying: 1. As we've been over before, Kristen is funny. Sam is not. 2. I personally really relate to Kristen’s Overpowering Trauma (tm) and as an amateur actress, find bitter child actress plots absolutely inconceivable (Disclaimer:Jeanette McCurdy’s ‘I’m Glad My Mom Died’ made me fucking lose it). And 3. Kristen's story is about finding love (of herself through romantic but most importantly platonic relationships), supporting others, and understanding the world. Caring so much she self-destructs. Even her famous rule-breaking was usually caused by a conflict with Bless, a spell she cast every time to protect her friends. But Sam has thus far rarely displayed unselfishness, despite knowing the Maidens for nearly twice as long as Kristen knew the Bad Kids by the end of Season One. Kristen was self-centered in that Ally often drew the focus of roleplay towards their character's own issues and sub-plot, (or by being the purest form of the new player paradox and asking to do something crazy.) Sam is self-centered in that same way, and also in that she is literally selfish. Antiope says 'I have an opportunity' and instead of saying 'I get it, the pressure of having a parent who doesn't understand you changes everything, but even then a part of you still wants what they want for you' she says 'so you won't be there for me? How could you?'. Penny saves her life before being snatched into the air like a mouse to a hawk, and Sam is the only one who can fly but she plays the harp instead of helping her in return.
ALL the maidens lost months to more than a year of their lives. All the maidens are grappling with generational expectations, trauma, and pressure just like Sam. The big what-if at the end of highschool. I was only going to point out Antiope and Penny, but this actually seems to be a major theme of the season, since Ostentatia and Zelda also have overt themes of this.
Look, if you’re gonna play angsty, there’s a trick to it. There's this highschool level acting advice I've heard so many times: The worst choice you can make on stage is to be bored, because what is the audience to do except be bored as well? Similarly, if you choose to play disconnected, then how is an audience supposed to connect? In a group of people who have vocalized endless support for you, ‘I’m fine, I'm fine' (as shown in episode 5's viral video scene) is just dishonest, and it's honestly a betrayal of Sephie’s fellow actors who are working to improvise a history of openness and support with Sephie’s character, just so Sam can seem aloof and angsty. Break down in their arms, Sephie! Get flustered and run away! Either ‘I Kiss Her And Skateboard Away/I Burn Two Luck Points To Stop Riz From Finding Out’ OR ‘I Need Everyone To Dogpile On Me Right Now/I Kiss Everyone On The Mouth’ levels of teen angst are needed for this to be actually funny. Sam could've had something unique and iconic up there with Kristen and Fig's struggles with being known, but she isn’t cringefail enough. She's not relatable, and she claims to be bitter but really she's just mean. And again, I never said she isn’t realistic- real life people do the ‘I’m fine’ thing. Real life teenagers make a big deal out of something to tease out sympathy/curiosity over a Hidden Trauma and then duck out of an explanation for the attention of it all. But it isn’t funny and it feels OOC for a maiden who had a year and a half to become fucking codependent (/pos) with these other six girls.
Rant over, something positive to end the post: TaleSpire is so fucking cool! Physical battlemaps are awesome but you couldn't do a 700ft+ chase battle on the dome's tabletop. They really took advantage of using a virtual tool this season and did something they couldn't do otherwise. (Plus the fact that TaleSpire is treated like video game software and has a one time purchase fee instead of a subscription based model is fucking awesome!)
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whathebeep · 9 months
Can I just say like,,, obviously my brain is always thinking about Baldur's Gate 3 and narratively how it could continue for a BG4 (I know I'm getting ahead of myself here) BUT
There's so many characters that could make comebacks in the game and I am so here for it. In my mind, under the cut, here's the top contenders for returning characters (other than obviously Volo, Jaheira and Minsc) (Late game Spoilers included!!)
So first and foremost our fav Archdruid Halsin! The fact that he goes back and rebuilds the shadowlands village and builds it up as a community means so much. It means you could go there in BG4 and meet Halsin, the community leader, the wise Archdruid who runs the orphanage. Whether or not he is actually the leader directly or just a respected community member and advisor to the leader of the town/village (depending on how big it grows) would both be good narrative choices. You could listen in on him tell stories of the adventures he has with the PC from BG3 to the kids. Hell you could probably meet Thaniel while in the area if you're a druid/have a high enough nature skill. There's so many possibilities for this and I adore it so much.
There's a lot of the characters you could also meet there too, who so happened to either have settled down there or are only passing through, visiting an old friend.
Astarion of course you could meet either ending route for him! Either as an adventurer (maybe travelling with Shadowheart?) Or as a vampire lord ruling in Baldur's Gate, out of Cazador's old estate. He would probably keep the vampire secret from you as he's a spawn l, but perhaps if he comes to trust you he'll let you know. Perhaps he'll even direct you to a safe spot in the Underdark to rest your head. Whether or not he tells you it's all spawn would be up to choice. If he's a vampire lord I imagine he'll be very Strahd/Cazador like, and will either want you to be a spawn for him or will want to kill/manipulate you into doing his bidding. Either way he'd probably be a boss fight
Shadowheart as an adventurer as well (again potentially travelling with Astarion, or having settled down) but HEAR ME OUT. I love LOVE the idea of A Selune worshipper Shadowheart eventually returning to revitalize the Selune temple you see early game and starting up a village there. Hells.or even Isobel and Dame Aylin doing that and Shadowheart eventually making a home there.. I'M HERE FOR IT
Lae'zel ofc, but they'd have to have a strong reason for her to return to the material plane. Maybe she would, after defeating the bitch I MEAN Lich Queen.
Gale maybe as an Elminster type character? Like it would be different depending on what ending for him is considered "canon", but either god of ambition or teacher will work super super well for this. He could offer the position of his chosen to the PC cause let's be real that's basically your thing no matter if you're good or evil, or he could be a wise wizard who can give safe advice to you or just bump into you on your travels.
UGH there's just so many options and I love it
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Loved your last response, especially the Gale one made me think again.
So instead of dark and twisty, I have had this perhaps even a bit silly fluffy one stuck in my head.
Tav has a bit of me, myself and I day exploring nature and finds a litter of young dogs maybe few months old, hitting that teenage stage so its a bit of a happy chaotic sitaution.
Upon returning to an empty camp, Tav decided to make as much as possible gourmet dinner for all the pups she has adopted now and ofcourse scratch.
How would the companions react to the sight of Tav sitting on the ground having dinner with them and telling stories (has animal speech but not a druid)
Shadowheart / Minthara / Jaheira / Minsc
- undecided Anon
Shadowheart would only look from the distance, amused a bit at the this display of pure goodness amongst their daily life of bloodshed.
The puppies look adorable, cuddling to each other and to Tav for warmth as they messly finish their bowls of food. Your ever gentle voice reassuring them that there is still more food and they can slow down.
She almost wants to join this feather soft paradise of happiness, but she feels too impure herself to be allowed this joy. As if the puppies might run away at the sight of her. The picture she sees of you amongst the puppies looks perfect, she doesn't want to ruin it with her presence and tarnish its purity.
Minthara stands around the edges of your circle of adopted puppies. Eyeing them with a cold look as she appeases their worth and your fast attachment to them.
Would tell you it's a good idea to bring potential hunting dogs back to camp, she herself is also big on pets. Her spiders helped discipline and stir fear in the heart of many that dares to question her before.
One puppy is brave enough to approach her, not shying away from her ice cold stare as he sniffs her boot then gives it an experimental lick. Minthara nods in approval at his bravery.
She tells you to pay speical attention to that one, his fearlessness should be rewarded with a bigger portion of meat.
The fact you talk to them is very normal to her, at this point she could probably communicate fluidly with any spider without having to cast animal speech. Just make sure to reminder them that you are the one in charge and raise them to be obedient.
Jaheira hides how delighted she is, trying to frown her way out of the excitement that flashes across her face for a split second.
She beelines to your spot immediately upon her arrival, very clearly interested in the puppies. And they adore her, it takes a couple sniffs for them to recognise the scent of a druid and immediately dogpile her.
Honestly at that moment, as she is buried under so many fluffy dogs with wagging tails, she thinks she'd die happily.
But she sternly orders them to behave, they ignore it and keep licking her face. Forcing her frown away as her guards drops more and more.
Minsc he is completely overjoyed and delighted when he sees you've made a lot of new friends, maybe even your very own gaggle of oversized Boos.
Sits down next to you and pets the puppies, they climb him like Boo does and pile into his lap. He is impressed by the fact you can also speak with animals like him despite not being a druid.
He shows you some tricks he has learned about handling puppies, even helps you pick names for them.
He doesn't exclude Scratch either, he is still a puppy in Minsc's eyes and he gets as many pets and treats as all the other puppies. Scratch gets spoiled that night.
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littlelovelyra · 3 months
Chapter 6: The Inconvenience (The Change Series)
"... My patience is wearing thin and I would very much like to relax with my girlfriend, yes you heard me, my GIRLFRIEND. Now get out or you will die sooner rather than later.”
Notes: Sorry this took so long! I've been busy with work lol - also for my other fics if you are following them, I promise updates are coming <3
Summary: You and your companions are celebrating the small victory of finally killing Auntie Ethel, saving the young girl from a horrible demise and reuniting her with her mother. The location of your celebration is at the speakeasy Astarion had previously taken you to (the one that has some special infused wine for vampire spawns like yourself) - later that evening your companions head back to the Elfsong continue your celebrations while you and Astarion take a walk to the docks…. and end up getting kidnapped, again. Great.
For ease all my work is 18+ minors DNI
Warnings: torture (ish if you squint its very very short), fluff, blood, fighting, language, let me know if i missed anything?
Laughter and cheers fill the air of the speakeasy you and Astarion visit frequently, because why would you pass up the opportunity for free beverages? Especially when said beverages were infused with ethically sourced humaniod blood. Glancing around the room you see Karlach and Halsin arm wrestling to see who’s the toughest, no doubt Karlach will take the victory, Halsin may be huge for an elf, however, he is just a big softie. You watch as the sweat beads atop the druid’s brow as Karlach flashes a knowing smile. You can almost see the veins in his hands pulsing as he strains to pin her and against all his efforts Karlach flicks her wrist in one movement pinning his arm to the table. Halsin’s head rolls back and a rumbling belly laugh fills the room as Karlach dramatically kisses her muscles while she flexes. These moments are rare since you are all occupied with taking steps to defeat the elder brain, the destination seems eons away as you are trying to help all your companions with their battles. Cazador was just one abuser on that list… you still needed to aid Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, Lae’zel… the list goes on and on. But today… today was a small victory and you owed it to them to have a small respite to celebrate. 
“Evening Tav, you look beautiful as always.” Lysander, the very flirtatious barkeep leans over the counter giving you his best smile. 
“Evening Andy, as always you are too kind to me.” You return his smile with your own, knowing that Astarion is watching. This was one of the fun little games you loved to play with him, he gets so very jealous of Lysander and you find it quite adorable. “How has business been? Anything interesting happening as of late?” You bat your eyes and slowly brush your hair over your shoulder.
“Business has been busier since your last visit m’lady. I have noticed more of our patrons are requesting our… infusions.” He presses his lips together and his brow furrows in mild concern.
“Is that so? Well, Andy, you’ve piqued my interest! What can you tell me about these new patrons?” You keep your voice light and flirtatious but a wave of anxiety courses through your body. You know Sebastian is waiting to strike at any given moment and while your other half is not worried, you certainly are. 
“I’m glad you came tonight, there is something I needed to tell you. There were four spawns here two nights ago, asking of you and your… friend.” Lysander always refused to acknowledge Astarion’s connection to you, but you let it pass this evening and allowed him to continue. “I knew they spoke of you as the descriptions fit. I had told them that many people visit this establishment and I couldn’t possibly keep track of every soul who walked through my doors.” He offers a sheepish smile as his face reddens. “I thought you should know… If you are in any sort of trouble m’lady… Let me try to help in any way that I can?” His hand momentarily touches yours in a show of concern, however, he releases it as he sees Astarion stalking over to the bar. 
“So lovely to see you, Andy. This looks like a fascinating conversation, mind if I butt in?” Astarion glances at you raising his eyebrow, a subtle smirk appears as he wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Andy was just telling me he had some people here asking for us. But he graciously turned them away. He offered help if we need it.” You smile sweetly at the barkeep and his eyes sparkle at your acknowledgement. “If anything comes up again, please see me at the Elfsong Tavern. We have the whole upper floor. Thank you again for letting me know but my companions and I should be going.” You nudge your head to the group just as Gale drunkenly knocks over a bottle of wine and you give Lysander an apologetic smile. “I know my drinks are complimentary but please take this to restock.” You place a pouch filled with 500 gold coins and his eyes widen in appreciation and shock at your generosity. 
As your group leaves the speakeasy to make their way home you and Astarion fall slightly behind after letting them know you will see them in the morning. The pale glow from the moon illuminates the quiet streets of Baldur’s Gate as you stroll hand in hand towards the docks, only the sound of the wind dancing through the sails surrounds you and for once you feel a moment of peace. The soft tap of your footsteps along the dock echoes out over the still water that reflects the clear skies above, looking as if the water were the stars themselves. 
While admiring the star-filled water, Astarion's arms wrap around your waist from behind pulling you into him and he places his chin atop your head, gazing out at the water with you in a comfortable silence. Eternity… You get to be with this man, eternally. Tears sting your eyes at the thought and an uncomfortable lump of emotion builds in your throat. How far the two of you have come from the first moment you met. After all the obstacles you have faced together most people would have crumbled to the pressure, but not you. Your love seems to withstand anything, and although you are far from being able to live a peaceful life you think to yourself that it wouldn’t matter as long as you had each other. 
You are not sure how long you have been standing there lost in your thoughts but you feel a slight shift in how Astarion holds you. His arms seem to have tightened, his stance has widened and he now stands upright while his head slowly scans the area. 
“My love, it seems we have some… visitors” He calmly whispers into your ear and you mentally ready yourself for a fight. 
There is something about the still of the water you find yourself staring at while you hold her. Perhaps it’s the inky darkness or the way it reflects the stars… or it’s because of both. You would not be able to see the stars had the water not been so dark and it comes to mind that that is what Tav is to you, the light in the dark. With all the darkness that has surrounded you throughout your journey, she has been the light. You wonder to yourself if you would ever stop being in awe of her and deep down you already know the answer is no.
Something snaps your attention away as you see a shadow shift behind a barrel from the corner of your eye. Cautiously you glance around the area and notice three shapes slowly sneaking their way to you and your lover. Mentally you scoff at their amateur attempt at staying hidden, they clearly need some lessons in the art of being stealthy and you doubt Sebastian even knew where to start. Nonetheless, your grip tightens around Tav’s waist as you adjust your stance and ready yourself.
“My love, it seems we have some… visitors” Your voice remains calm and kept to a whisper. You feel her breathing become shallow as anxiety settles within her chest. “I will not let you go, you’ve got this and I’ve got you.” 
Three vampire spawns spring out of the shadows and surround you, two males and a female, their crimson eyes glowing with hatred. 
“Sebastian requires your presence, Astarion.” The female hisses in your direction. You vaguely remember her, the half-elf you had found one evening at the bar in Wyrm’s Crossing. Her hair was a pale blonde back then but it seems she has since changed it to an inky black. 
“I hate to disappoint but we will politely decline.” Tav’s voice flows through the air with an eerie calm as you feel her body tense against yours.
They do not bother to respond, instead, they inch closer to you grabbing both you and Tav sending you disappearing in a cloud of red mist. Gods dammit, not this again. You think in frustration as you both appear in a familiar part of the Underdark. The bloody Underdark, of all places… you let out a loud annoyed sigh.
The three spawns quickly bind you and Tav together back to back and usher you to sit inside an inactive Faerie ring. This looks… familiar. 
“The Faerie ring, does this look familiar to you?” You send a mental note to Tav utilising the tadpoles link.
“Yes, we’ve been here before. If you go slightly left, that crevice leads to the Kuo-Toa.” She proceeds to send you a mental image of the pathway leading to your fishy friends. “How are the binds? Do you think you would be able to undo them?”
“With some time, I may be able to get them loose-.” Your thought is cut off as you see the half-elf female approach you. 
“Well, it seems like this is my lucky day. Sebastian can’t make it here as soon as we had hoped, but, he told us we could have some fun as long as you were left alive.” She flashes a wicked smile and pulls out a dagger, pressing the tip to your cheek just hard enough causing a drop of blood to spill. 
“If you touch him again, you will regret it.” Tav’s voice cuts through the air sharply, every word laced with a poisonous promise. 
“Last I checked, you were the ones tied up.” The half-elf drags the dagger down your chest and you press your lips together to muffle the scream that threatens to escape your throat. You will not let them hear you scream. 
Tav wriggles behind you furiously “You’re going to regret that! I’ll kill you!” Her voice cracks betraying her.
The half-elf drags the dagger slowly up your left thigh and you concentrate hard on holding back the screams of pain that are trying to claw their way out. You slowly wriggle your bound hands trying to find any weak points in the binding and realise that they have not been tightened enough. Amateurs. You mentally scoff. 
“If this won’t make you scream… perhaps this will.” The female walks around and runs her blade down Tav’s arm and she grunts through the pain. A rage settles in your chest and you promise yourself that she will pay for this. “I can get these ropes loose, they haven’t tightened them.” You pass a mental note to your lover as you stealthily release one hand and work on hers. “Be prepared to run.”
“I have a plan. Follow me once we get free alright?” She gently squeezes your hands that are loosening her bindings and it’s not long before her hands are freed.
Tav spits in the half-elf’s face which sends her tumbling back in disgust “Detono!” She sends the half-elf flying back landing in the middle of a small group of spawns. The two of you jump to your feet and you ignore the burning pain shooting through your body.
“Ira et dolor!” An ominous black mist encases the spawns and between the whispers of the fog, you hear blood-curdling screams as they attempt to escape. 
Tav grabs you by the hand and sprints toward the crevice, leading to the Kuo-Toa and you climb down the cragged rock with haste. 
As you reach the bottom you sprint towards the creatures stopping in place once they all turn their attention to Tav.
“Mahkloompah!” They yell in unison and bow their heads in reverence to your lover.
“OH great and mighty Mahkloompah, to what do we owe this visit?” The one you know as ‘Pooldrip the Zealous’ waves his arms about excitedly as he awaits your reply.
“I have come to… issue you with a test! My… chosen and I are being bothered by a few vampire spawn. I could vanquish them with a flick of my wrist, however, I realised, that this would be an excellent test for my most loyal followers!” You spin around dramatically stretching your arms out to the many creatures surrounding you. “Mahkloompah’s blessing will be upon any followers who aid us in our safe return to Baldur’s Gate!” 
The creatures roar with cheers and chant your name. “Oh, magnificent Mahkloompah… we shall pass this test! We will prove ourselves worthy of your blessings!” Pooldrip claps his hands together and bows his head. As you look toward the cragged rock you see the group of spawns closing in. 
You dramatically usher their gaze towards the spawn and bow holding their stare outstretching your arms. A smirk spreads itself across your mouth “Kill them all. But leave the half-elf female for me.” As soon as the words leave your mouth your loyal followers descend, greatly outnumbering the ten spawn that have come to retrieve you. 
As you look around the clashing bodies your gaze lands on the half-elf and you cock your head to the side. “Impero te.” The words slither out from you, snaking their way toward her and you watch her body lock into place as you dominate her. “Come to me.” You command and watch as she makes her way towards you, her eyes wide with fear. 
As she finally stands in front of you a laugh escapes your mouth “Take out your dagger.” Another command fires out and she obeys. “Good. Now, do exactly what you did to my lover on your skin.” A rage bubbles under your skin remembering his muffled grunts of pain. Her eyes well with tears as she slowly carries out your order and an unfamiliar smile settles on your face. 
You feel a hand on your shoulder and Astarion leans down to your ear “Tav, we can be better than this.” His voice is calm as he rubs your shoulder. “She hurt you Astarion.” Your words bite back and you feel a gentle squeeze. 
“I know, I want to hurt her too for what she did to you… but… she’s angry, she has every right to be. I… took everything from these people.” The softness of his voice breaks your rage and you feel tears fall down your cheeks. “You did what you had to… he made you do this… do they not understand?” Your voice cracks as the sobs leave your body.
“I know, what’s done is done. Let her go Tav, it’s alright.” He kisses you softly on your cheek and wipes away the tears that have settled on your skin. You glance at the half-elf and release your hold on her. She stands there for a moment, blade in hand and you can see the thoughts running through her mind as she weighs her options. Astarion folds his arms around you and pulls you in close to his chest. “Go. Now. But know this, if you touch her again, I will not be willing to let you go.” With shaking hands he waves her off, before she leaves you see her eyes soften as she glances between you and Astarion and then disappears in that familiar red mist, the remaining spawn follow her lead and flee from the combat. 
“Let’s go home shall we?” He whispers in your ear and places a soft kiss on your cheek. As you make your way toward the exit of the hidden cove Astarion turns to the Kuo Toa and clears his throat. “Mahkloompa is most impressed with your dedication, she finds favour with you all!” A roar of cheers and praise erupts through the air as you ascend and make your way to the nearest sigil.
In flash of purple light you and Astarion land at the top floor of the Elfsong Tavern and don’t bother filling in your companions of the recent events. You are both tired and in need of some healing, opting for the healing potions you keep in your private quarters. You notice the door to your room is slightly ajar and Astarion protectively walks in front of you using his arm to shield you as he pushes the door open and walks in. 
“Oh for fucksake.” Astarion bites out. “Come to do your own dirty work now Sebastian?” Your body prickles with fury as you spin out of Astarion’s grip and stalk your way towards the spawn stopping halfway.
“You would know all about dirty work, wouldn’t you?” Sebastian spits back his eyes glowing with a red hot hatred. 
“Shut your filthy fucking mouth.” A rage boils through you as you pull a dagger out from your boot as you throw it watching the blade slip through the air and land right next to his head, burying itself in the wall. 
“What a temper she has Astarion. I must say, you chose well for that conquest, she hangs on your every word and is so willing to protect you. A smart move.” Sebastian chuckles softly as he looks at you with disgust. “He doesn’t love you, you know that right? Right?” He holds your stare and a smile plays on his lips. “Astarion… remember what we once shared? Why bother with her? Surely what we had is more… special?” You watch as Sebastian’s eyes turn seductive as if he was trying to lure Astarion back to him and your insecurities bubble within your stomach as he turns to face you. “Gods, you think he loves you, don’t you? Are you that stupid? Do you have any remaining braincells in that thick head of yours?” In a flash Astarion is at his side gripping Sebastian’s throat firmly.
“Do not speak to her that way again or it will be the LAST thing you do. What I have with her… transcends anything I have ever had.” He squeezes tightly and shoves his grip forward knocking Sebastian’s head back. “Now, what do you want? My patience is wearing thin and I would very much like to relax with my girlfriend, yes you heard me, my GIRLFRIEND. Now get out or you will die sooner rather than later.” Astarion’s eyes are ablaze with irritation.
Sebastian’s gaze flickers between you and your lover and you notice the unmistakable glimpse of envy that is soon replaced with humour. “Girlfriend? My how you’ve changed… very well, I’ll take my leave for now. However, this is not over until one of us dies and I assure you, it won’t be me.” He vanishes in that stupid red mist and you continue to stare at the chair he was once in. 
“He was right there. We could have ended this.” Your voice is soft and void of emotion.
“It wouldn’t have stopped anything, he’s not the only spawn who hates me my love.” Astarion wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him, pressing your back against his chest. “Can we just take some healing potions, draw a bath and call it a day please? I refuse to let them get in the way.” He spins you around to face him and he puts on his best puppy pout. All the frustration leaves you and is swiftly replaced with warmth as you stare into those crimson pools, diving straight in and never wanting to resurface. You lift yourself on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around his neck and you place a soft kiss on his lips. 
“Girlfriend, huh?” Your smile presses against his lips and you feel him smile in return.
“Was that term not to your liking? How about… love of my life?” He kisses your forehead. "Wind beneath my wings?” He plants a kiss on your cheek. “The air in my lungs?” You feel a kiss on your jawline. “The beat of my cold heart?” A soft kiss meets your neck. 
“Hmm, any of those will do, I suppose.” You flash him a playful smile as he arches his brow at you and his eyes dance to life. He goes to scoop you up but winces remembering the wounds that are still fresh on his body and yours. “Here, drink this.” You hand him a healing potion and take one for yourself chugging down the contents, already feeling a warmth spread over you. “Let’s get a bath going, we can pour a small extra healing potion in it as well to help speed the process.”
After a few moments you and Astarion are lounging in a warm tub. He sits behind you and you lean back into him resting your head in the crook of his neck with your eyes closed. He exhales slowly and wraps his arms around you pulling you in closer. “I love this.” He whispers out as he rests his head on the lip of the tub. “Me too.” You whisper back, your eyes still closed as you inhale deeply and release the air. 
“Astarion?” You shift your head slightly to look at his face.
“Yes my sweet?” He glances down at you smiling.
“I never thought to ask… if you had thought about being with Sebastian when you first saw he was alive?” You are not necessarily worried about the answer to this question… more curious than anything.
“Little love… nothing compares to you, to what we have. When I saw him, I briefly wondered what I would do myself… but that would have meant losing you to chase something from my past that I have come to realise was not even close to love. What you and I have… its unlike anything I have ever experienced and I don’t ever want to lose that.” He continues to stare into your eyes as if searching them to see if his words have landed in your heart.
“I love you.” The three words spill from your mouth as you shift yourself around and pull him into deep long kiss. 
“And I love you. We’ll get through this spawn situation, we’ll find a way to deal with it. We always do, but for now lets just enjoy some peace and quiet?” You nod your head in agreement as he pulls you in tightly and kisses you tenderly.
As you both finish your bath you pull a book from your dresser and hand it to Astarion as you climb into bed. He walks to the other side and props up some cushions to support his back as he sits up on the bed. You snuggle yourself in as he begins to read to you and the two of you spend the rest of your time like this until rest finds you. 
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Tav’s sex parade – Chapter 2: Your wish is my command (On your knees, darling) (Astarion x Tav)
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, anilingus, fellatio, consensual submission, slight angst)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
It was a nice day and Astarion paced around the dimmed room of the Elfsong Tavern. The others had gone their merry way, spending their time outside in the sun. Astarion envied them. Suddenly, the door opened and Tav strode in. Judging by the damp hair and the smell of lavender coming from her, she'd just bathed – and had used Gale's bath oil. Surprised, Astarion looked at her.
"I thought you're all busy. How do I deserve your company?"
Tav observed him with her head cocked to one side, like Scratch and Naïlo when they were listening carefully. It was adorable.
"I asked the others to find ways to pass the time so that we can be alone for once," the bard revealed. "I think we need to talk."
Astarion tensed, already knowing where this was going. He barked a sharp laugh.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask me about this. My little darling's surely hungry for excitement – just like the druid. The man can't stay quiet about 'enjoying the freedom of nature's gifts'. I bet he'd outlaw clothing if he could. Go right on with Halsin, Gale, and Shadowheart. Far be it from me to hold your hunger against you. But... I do have one question. It's not because... you know... we haven't in a while? Oh, well, it doesn't concern me anyway."
Tav looked at him as if she was staring right into his soul, and the vampire spawn bristled.
"It's fine! Don't worry about my feelings, darling."
"But I do. I know how hard it was for you to trust me and open up to me. I don't want our relationship to sour because of what I'm feeling. My heart's big enough to love more than one person. To love you all equally but differently. It has nothing to do with sex. I mean, sure, I enjoy it, but that's not why I want to be with any of you. It's not why I want to be with you. I love you so much, and it doesn't matter that we're rarely intimate. That's just how our relationship is and that's alright."
The addressed pressed his lips into a thin line, fear clawing its way inside his heart.
"Why do you seek for pleasure with others then? Am I not enough?"
Tav sighed.
"You're more than just your body, Astarion. The simple truth is that I'm in love with all of you; you, Gale, Halsin, and Shadowheart. I want to be with all of you. I want us all to be together, to be a happy little family. But that doesn't mean I love you less, or I wish to seek for excitement. I know how traumatised you are because of Cazador and all the unspeakable things he did to you and forced you to do. I understand that's why you can't say no and you're scared, but there's no need to worry. After all, you're the first."
Astarion raised his brows.
"If I truly took your virginity that night, you're a natural."
Tav snorted at that.
"Sorry to disappoint, but that's not what I meant. You're the first of our group who became my lover, thus, even though my heart's big enough for everyone, you're my priority. I was attracted to you the moment you held your dagger against my throat and I fell in love with you when you saved me from that bugbear in the goblin camp and ripped out his throat with your teeth."
Smirking, Astarion remarked: "You have interesting perversions, darling."
"I thrive on danger," the addressed shrugged.
"I started liking you when you gave me the dagger that was stuck in that suspicious roast in the Blighted Village, and when you told the drow with vile-smelling blood to fuck off, I'd lost my heart to you," the vampire spawn confessed.
"Seems like we both thrive on danger," Tav chuckled. "I'll always be yours, and today I'll show you again. Today, I do anything you want. Today, your wishes are my commands."
For a moment, they were silent. The pigeons cooed, the sparrows chirped, and the murmur of the bustling city soaked through the walls of the tavern.
"Well then. On your knees, darling," Astarion told her, more as a joke than anything else. He almost choked on his own spit when Tav dropped to the floor immediately. The vampire spawn licked his lips, enticed, and asked: "You'll do anything?"
"Anything," Tav nodded, looking up at him with those kind, green-brown eyes.
Hundreds of possibilities raced through Astarion's mind. A small, bitter part of him wanted to inflict pain on the human bard, to punish her, but mostly, he just wished to feel loved. The vampire spawn ran his long, elegant fingers through Tav's short auburn hair. He'd grown fond of that awful haircut over time.
"Suck me off," he demanded and pulled himself out of his trousers.
"Can I touch you?" asked Tav and Astarion nodded eagerly.
She was the first person in two hundred years who respected his bodily autonomy, and she was always gentle.
Tav grabbed his thighs, leaned forward, and took him in her mouth. Astarion hissed at the sudden heat around his member. He knew he ran colder than others, but it was a shock every time nonetheless. The bard's tongue was talented in much more than poetic verbosity, and Astarion gently scratched his nails over her scalp as she gave him pleasure.
"Drink me in – all of me," he panted, right before coming down her throat. She complied and swallowed it all.
"Ah, Gods..." Astarion felt dizzy. "Are you alright, darling?"
She nodded, wiping her mouth clean with the back of her hand, and the vampire spawn burned up with desire.
"I want you to touch me everywhere. I want your lips, tongue, and hands on my skin."
Tav nodded silently, still panting a little. Astarion helped her onto her slightly unsteady legs and led her to his bed. They stripped hurryingly, then, the vampire spawn lay down on the bed and beckoned her closer. The bard followed, of course she did, and kissed him sweetly. Astarion could taste himself on her tongue and he didn't care in the slightest. Tav obeyed his orders and took him apart, worshippingly. Astarion was in heaven and almost couldn't hold back the happy tears that threatened to spill over. He felt safe, she was safe.
"Kiss my back," he whispered. "Kiss that wretched poem Cazador has left on it. Overwrite its meaning until, every time I think about it, I remember how you kissed it."
Astarion turned around and, for the first time in decades, wasn't scared to do so. Tav would never hurt him. He revelled in her gentle but passionate touch, the way she traced the ridges with her fingers and kissed them better. Astarion panted and moaned, pressing himself into her touch. And suddenly, another desire rose. One that hadn't crossed his mind since he'd been turned into a vampire spawn.
"I want you to - I want -"
He couldn't bring himself to say it aloud. Tav placed a kiss on his shoulder, murmuring: "What do you want, Astarion?"
When the addressed kept quiet, she added: "I'll do anything, remember?"
"Eat my out," the vampire spawn moaned. "Eat me out, please!"
With a hum, Tav left a trail of kisses along his spine until she reached his tailbone. Panting frantically, Astarion brought his knees under him, trembling with anticipation.
"If you're worried about hygiene; I don't -" His face heated in embarrassment. "There's no need for me to use the bathroom. Ever. I'm clean down there, and I had a bath last night."
Tav hummed again and Astarion started to worry that he'd gone too far. But as soon as Tav's tongue licked across his hole enthusiastically, all his concerns went out the window and he let out a guttural moan.
"Gods, you're good at this. Have you ever –"
Astarion dropped the question in favour of focusing on the pleasure. After a while, he started to squirm.
"I need more. Give me your fingers."
His heart almost dropped when Tav moved away. In a sudden panic, Astarion shot up from the bed, only to witness how she fetched a vial of oil. Oh. With a relieved sigh, Astarion lay back down. The bard coated her fingers liberally with the lubricant before pushing one of them inside him carefully. It felt forbiddenly good. The vampire spawn gasped and shook as she found his prostate.
"Yes, right there, right there!" he babbled, whimpering. He shouted in ecstasy when Tav's tongue joined her fingers. It didn't take much more for Astarion to climax. He spilled his seeds all over the bedsheets and feared he could never stop making noises. Tav cleaned her fingers and rinsed her mouth before joining him in bed again.
"Come closer," Astarion sighed, completely blissed out.
She kissed his shoulder again, asking: "Do you want to be the big spoon or little spoon?"
"Little," he admitted, not feeling ashamed in the slightest.
Tav scooted closer to him, wrapped her strong arms around him, and held him to her broad chest. Astarion sighed happily. The human bard kissed his neck.
"I love you."
Astarion smiled and knew she told him the truth. There was no reason to fear that she'd leave him. She'd always be his. He nestled up against her, mumbling: "I love you too."
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abigailmoment · 4 months
I found A Dream Of Silence a couple days ago and I've been playing it nonstop since, it's so good! I love how I was still finding new content after multiple playthroughs.
At the end I saw that you mentioned a few classes were lacking content, and since druid and cleric are my fav I thought I'd give some ideas:
For druid I think it would make sense to incorporate wildshape in somehow. Maybe with higher levels of speech we could mimic a mouse squeaking to draw more mice to the crypt for Astarion to eat? Or with higher levels of touch we could be a purring cat in his lap, I know that always calms me down. And if we get REALLY high levels of touch we could be a big fluffy wolf or bear to provide some tactile comfort.
As for cleric, I was thinking it would make sense for them to be able to heal him a little? Maybe not his actual health, but like slowly over time be able to heal the wounds on his hands? And maybe we could pray instead of whisper at lower speech levels (which I imagine would annoy Astarion at first, but eventually he wouldn't mind as much)? And maybe a cleric (or paladin!) who has sunk a lot of points into speech should be able to banish the nightmare?
And this is just pure self indulgence, but you mentioned you wanted to know how our character would act in Act 2. I really like the idea of my druid being able to tell him he'll see the sun again, maybe even conjure a little sunlight with magic (and they're either weak enough it doesn't hurt him, or because he technically is still tadpoled it doesn't hurt him and he's surprised by that)
^ All of this is just suggestions though, and I'm looking forward to Act 2 no matter what! <33
"I was still finding new content after multiple playthroughs."
Yesss. This is the goal!
Oh, I ADORE the idea of animal sounds being possible for druids! That's so utterly lovely. Especially the purring. And that makes sense because it's just the sort of very faint application of their power that's appropriate in this scenario. I very much want to use that.
I am letting paladins smite the Bastellus. Which is an act that has short term consequences, but there's a possible long term payoff. I've had some very kind cleric players chatter with me about incorporating prayer. I think I'm going to do it in a very sad way.
We are all about self-indulgence here. A conversation about the sun is a lovely idea. I know you're Anonymous, so absolutely no pressure, but if you would like that to be an achievement for your druid particularly please feel free to send me their name.
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myers-meadow · 4 months
"#Thinking about gift giving;; he brings you things like a cat bringing dead mice to the foot of your bed..."
Maybe he brings you undead pets that he turned for you. Would that still count as him bringing you dead things though?
~Idea Stray
I suppose it counts - that's adorable. Baldur's Gate certainly has enough stray cats that would maybe enjoy the company and comfort of palace life <3
I love the idea of taking care of cats together with him, Tav and him would have two, one that prefers him, and one who prefers Tav. Maybe His Majesty made it all the way from the inn to the city? ^^
Or maybe those two cats would grow into four, into six and before they know it, they have a small army of undead cats roaming the city streets adkfsjf 😅😂
Infodump abt the relationship between my Tav and Astarion below the cut. Just in case anyone is curious;;
What I was also thinking,,, is how my Tav Hadewych had a little trouble adjusting to the hunger of being a newly undead vampire consort (in my storyline, consort is different from spawn). In the drabble I wrote, after the 2nd reunion party, she misses Halsin a lot, and doesn't feel good enough to even dare to miss her druid lover. He's such a good, pure, amazing person (to her he can do no wrong), and he picked up on her and Astarion's,,, let's call it complex,,, dynamic. He worries for her, and this makes her think about what she wants (to travel, to stay with Halsin for a bit) - and by then, she's definitively picking up on how Astarion uses her hunger to rely on him.
So, she refuses to eat much, for a bit. Astarion starts bringing in more and more appetising victims. He's becoming desperate and frustrated as she keeps refusing. Eventually, sometimes, she does cave, and they have a big moment of satiety, of indulgance, and the most intense love.
What really gets me about their dynamic is that despite what some fans may say, Astarion has become far from another Cazador - rather the opposite. During this time, and even before, he himself chooses and lures in victims to bring back to Hadewych, or for them to share. It's so delightfully tragic for him to fall back into this pattern of what he's used to, although the power dynamic is completely different this time. He knows he's a lot more than that, but he's still insecure and feels he needs to make sure she won't leave him - if that is through using her hunger, so be it. Hadewych has trouble turning off her conscience when luring victims and killing outside of battle, so she struggles. She's too mortal, too sensitive, still. So he does it for her. Like a cat worried that their owner can't catch their own prey.
I'd like to turn this into a series of drabbles/a full story someday, but for now it marinates inside my brain <3. I hope it goes without saying that Hadewych and Astarion love each other an impossible amount. She knew what she was getting into when letting him ascend - a bit naive maybe, but she just wanted him to be happy and powerful. She is so similar to him, that she understands him too well and could never refuse these completely logical things that he wants.
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