#i love them endlessly. this was the best worst thing to ever happen to me!
esmes · 8 months
josh groban and annaleigh ashford's final final scene - january 14, 2024
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writingwithfolklore · 10 months
The (not so) Secret Magic of Asking for Things
                I’ve taken three classes I didn’t have the prerequisites for, gotten two jobs in editing, and was offered an internship with a big magazine. My secret? I asked.
                It sounds almost too simple to be true, but that really is all you need to do to get what you want. Ask the right way, to the right person, at the right time, and you can get just about anything you want. The worst thing that has ever happened to me from asking for what I want was an apologetic no. The best things? Jobs I love, classes I’m enjoying, and an internship that’s going to look amazing on my resume.
                When emailing, there’s a structure to making requests. Here’s an email I sent out to take a creative writing class I shouldn’t have been able to take as example:
Subject: Program Override for (Course) (keep it short and clear)
Hello Person,
I hope you’re having a good morning/week/weekend. (always open with a nice pleasantry. Sets a good tone).
I am a third year student in (program) looking to take (course), however I noticed there was a program restriction that bars me from registering for it. (Start with a very quick context, only keep the details that are absolutely necessary.)
Creative writing is my greatest passion and I constantly strive to be better at it. (Course) would allow me to grow my skills in this area and gain valuable connections with other writers at (school). If there is any way to override the restriction, I would be endlessly grateful.
(Make personal connection and state clearly what you want.)
Thank you,
(Sign off)
                Easy peasy, right?
                Other opportunities I got came from knowing the right people. I asked one of my profs if she knew of any internships, and she happened to know an editor of a magazine that she reached out to on my behalf. Within a month I had an interview with them. I made friends with a guy who was hiring for an editing position—I told him I would be interested in it, and in a few weeks I got the job.
                Make clear to the people around you the goals and things that you want. I tend to mention these goals during the “say one interesting thing about you” class introductions thing they make us do.
                So many times have I said, “Hi, I’m Annai and I’m a novel writer looking to get published in YA and hopefully children’s writing” and have had people come up to me with offers to collab on a children’s book, or who know someone getting published, or have a family member who is an editor.
                If you want it, just ask.
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poguestarkey · 1 year
not in the same way- t.n.
back after a quick 8 month hiatus my b
decided to write a little blurb about reader not being in love with theo since i feel like it's always the other way around.
yes i am eating up the tiktok ideas of him being italian don't start w me
warnings: just angst on angst, destruction of a friendship, theo being sad (that's a trigger in and of itself tbh), sickly sweet adorable girlhood moment btwn the GryffGirlies, like one potty word, i plucked that one scene right out of TSITP don't come for me, horrifyingly unedited cuz i just dont care
theo nott x gryffindor!reader
That's all that washes over you when you finally meet his eyes. It runs ice-cold through your veins and you can practically hear what he's going to say before it even leaves his mouth. You're sure he can see the way your head shakes slowly as you realize because he reaches for your hand and holds it tightly between his. Not out of comfort, but as a plead.
Please, please don't do what I think you're going to.
Theo... oh, sweet Theo. Theo, with his huge blue eyes and endlessly large heart. Theo, always the first to celebrate the small wins with you. Theo, who in theory, should be the perfect man for you.
But Theo, who no matter how hard you tried, never made your heart sing the way your friends giggled about.
You never thought twice about the way his hands would linger over yours as he explained Arithmancy problems or how he always pulled you close in by the shoulder while chatting with his Slytherin friends, his fingers mindlessly tracing patterns into your sweater. His sweater. You've been friends since third-year, best friends. So many years of being close to him desensitized you to the constant comments of "That's Nott's girl," and "Would you look at the lovebirds!" They never hit home and you always scoffed them off with ease.
With ease, until last weekend in your dorm after an open-mic night at the Three Broomsticks. You and Theo had performed the most atrocious duet rendition of the new Weird Sisters song, "Why Can't You See."
"Y/N, do you even see the way he looks at you?" Parvati asked. Your head shoots up this.
"C'mon, Y/N/N. The man is absolutely smitten with you. It's almost painful to watch, really," Lavender piped in, causing Hermione and Padma to sit up and join the conversation. Eyes widening, you realize who they're talking about.
"Theo? No... No, Theo and I are just-" You're cut off.
"Just friends. We've heard. A million times," Hermione sighs. "I mean Merlin's beard Y/N, you have to have noticed by now. Nott can't keep his hands off of you."
"'Mione, that's not- no, that's different. He just likes physical touch and that's fine-" You're cut off yet again by a slurry of teenage girls throwing evidence at you.
"-ever touch Malfoy-"
"-actually lights up when you enter a room, I've never-"
"-bigger heart eyes for you if they were cartooned on him in the Prophet-"
Your hands grow shaky and your breath becomes heavy in your lungs as the weight of what this means washes over you. Hot tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you fight the burn in the back of your sinuses with everything you have.
"Wait!" Hermione nearly shouts, and the cacophony of squeals and stories comes to a halt. "Y/N? Why are you crying? Are you alright?"
Her words make the first sob break out of your chest, and your hand shoots to your mouth to try and stifle the sound. Padma, ever the lover, is immediately at your side.
"I- I- I can't... I don't lo- if he really feels that way, it will destroy us," you cry, leaning further into her touch. Quickly, and with increasing amount of concern written on their features, the rest of the girls surround you.
"What do you mean, love?" you can't see her, but you know it's Lavender's breathy voice. "Isn't this a good thing?"
"No, no, no, no-" Your breath begins to hitch again, and 'Mione rubs gentle circles on your back. "Lav, him being in love with me is the worst thing that could happen."
"I don't mean to be insensitive, but the rest of us are quite out of the loop here and, er, well- why?" You let out a chuckle at Parvati's bluntness, but still felt the squeeze of the answer in your heart. You've known, deep down. You denied it as hard as you could manage but still, it creeped up on you, terrorizing your thoughts.
"He will never forgive me. I know he'll try so hard, but it'll never be the same, because he will never forgive me for not loving him the same way. Because he's done everything right. He is kind, and patient, and loving, and all of the wonderful things I've always said that I wanted but still, I just don't love him like that. And I want to- fuck, I want to so bad. It kills me that I can't. But he can never know that I know, because he will never, ever forgive me when I can't say it back." The last few words come out nearly inaudible as gasping sobs take over your body. "And I am so afraid to lose my best friend."
A squeeze from Hermione saves you from your thoughts. No one knows what to say, and Padma pulls your pillow and quilt from underneath you before grabbing her own, forming a pile on the floor. The corners of your lips perk up as you realize what she's doing, and soon the room is filled again with the sounds of girlish giggles and gossip and your four closest girlfriends do their best to keep your chin up for you.
The rest of the week, you can hardly look Theo in the eyes. You're not trying to avoid him, but every time you're in the same room you feel so overcome with guilt that it's hard to breathe.
On Sunday, you skip breakfast and hole away in the library under a stack of potions textbooks, shooing him away with a curt "Sorry, Teddy. Too busy."
Monday, you sit at Gryffindor's table for every meal and only speak in DADA to tell him it's his turn to practice defensive spells.
It's Tuesday night when you get the owl.
please talk to me. i need to see you, i'm worried. you're not alright.
i miss you.
You write him back on the same piece of parchment, your shaking hands causing ink to splatter into tiny dots across his script.
I know. I'm sorry. Friday night.
Wednesday and Thursday are a blur of forced smiles to him and the burn of his stare from across the Charms classroom.
Friday comes, and you're damn near ready to pull Mrs. Norris' tail just to get a detention.
You know the exact bench in the courtyard he'll be sat at, and you count your paces as you walk. His eyes catch you and he swings his feet off the ledge, shutting his book.
"Y/N," He breathes, the sweetest smile on his face. "What's going on, cara mia?"
Every strategy you had for keeping him away from the elephant in the room goes flying out of your head faster than a Firebolt.
"It's nothing, really. Please don't worry. I know I've been distant but it's really nothing to be concerned about so-" your voice is getting louder and faster, a tell-tale sign that you're not telling the truth.
He cuts you off with your name.
"Y/N." You're eternally thankful that it's late enough that no one is outside with you. "Tell me what's happened. Please." His eyes grow even larger with pure concern and he moves his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You pull your lip between your teeth while thinking about how to respond.
"I just... Teddy, I can't tell you. I just can't. I promise it's alright, I just don't want to talk about it." You're lying through your teeth and you're sure he knows it too.
"Alright," he whispers, voice dropping. His hand hasn't moved from the side of your face since he fixed your hair, and his eyes move to scan the slope of your lips. You can feel the pit in your stomach start to form as you fear what's coming next. "You are the most beautiful thing on this planet, you know that?"
His thumb is tracing the plane of your cheek.
"Theodore..." He smiles at his full name, and his eyes start to close.
This is what you feared so much.
That you would lose everything over one moment, just like this.
He can't be more than a breath from your mouth when both of your palms find his firm chest and push him away.
"Wait- wait, Theo. No. I don't- I'm sorry, but I-" His eyes snap open, that beautiful blue full of confusion. "I'm sorry, Theo." You can already feel hot tears threatening to spill over, and your stomach is churning.
"I.... What?" He says it so quietly you aren't even sure he meant to say it aloud. His hands move from your face, now salty and wet, to run through his hair, tugging on the strands.
"That's what I've been off about. I've been scared that you're gonna..." You gesture wildly between the two of you, not sure what to call it.
"Kiss you?"
"Why would you be scared of me kissing you, Y/N?" He looks genuinely, honestly puzzled.
"Because... because I don't... I didn't know, and then this weekend the girls were all on about it and I had no idea what they were talking about, and they told me, and I just panicked, Theo. I had no idea." He's stood up now, and you're seconds behind him, standing still in the chilly air as he paces and presses his hands into his eyes. "If I'd known sooner, Teddy... I would've- I could've done something, I don't know, could've tried-"
He stops, now just in front of you. "If you knew?"
"If I knew that you felt that way-"
"I thought you knew!" The crack of his voice splits your chest in two, unaided by the tears beading in his eyes. You've never seen him cry. "I thought you knew! From the moment I crashed your cabin on the train, I thought you knew."
The two of you just stand there, staring at each other, as cold, biting raindrops start to fall from the sky. You fight to form words but absolutely comes to your brain and you can't do anything but stare at him as he continues.
He hasn't even opened his mouth to start the next sentence when you realize what you're going to hear. You can't tell if it's the rain or the pure dread coursing through your veins that's turning your fingers ice-cold as you shake your head "no" to something he hasn't even said yet.
"I've been in love with you since I was 13, Y/N/N." He's holding onto your hand with both of his like it's his only lifeline while he desperately spills words. "I am so in love with you. You turn my world. You are my absolute everything. It consumes me. I can't hold it anymore, Y/N," He cries. Your eyes are squeezed shut and it's a wonder you haven't broken his hand with how tightly you're holding it between you. "Please, please, please say something."
"I love you," He sucks in a breath and you open your eyes to meet his. "I love you so much, Teddy. More than anything." His hands are now on either side of your face, and your fingers are laced around his wrists. "But I'm not in love with you," You choke out, grip relaxing.
His forehead presses against yours and he does nothing to quiet to sobs racking his body as you pull him against you, wrapping your arms around his warm frame.
You whisper dozens of apologies and "I wish I dids" into his ear before he releases you and sits back on the bench, moving the thoroughly soaked book to the side so you can join him. His head is in his hands and his elbows rest on his knees, and you think that you've never seen him look so defeated.
Finally, you tear your eyes away from him and stare straight ahead at the ivy covered walls, praying that the silence swallows you whole.
It's practically deafening, actually, because the sound of his heart breaking is echoing across the stone.
Eventually, you speak up.
"I think... I think I should probably go, right?"
He picks his head up but doesn't look at you as he replies:
"Yeah, I think that's for the best."
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mymarifae · 2 years
i want to talk about an.
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i want to talk about an in “kick it up a notch!” specifically, and correct a slight misconception i’m starting to see pop up about her character development and how it relates to the rest of VBS but mostly akito.
an is alone in her fear of being left behind and all her other feelings of inadequacy and jealousy in regards to kohane’s astounding growth as a singer. akito is not going through the same thing she is. for one, that’s not his partner. he’s not the one who plucked kohane out of a crowd and he’s not the one who designated himself as her mentor and expected to always be the teacher and never the student.
that was all an.
that’s why this is hitting her so hard. she assumed that she was the natural talent of the vivids - and i’ll get to why that is in a second; bear with me. and no, akito does not feel this way about toya. at least not anymore.
akito’s able to pick up on what’s going on with an so, so easily because he’s extremely observant and emotionally intelligent for his age. and because yeah, he’s been through his fair share of struggling with abandonment issues and feelings of inadequacy.
key words: been through.
akito isn’t... over his problems by any means, but he’s already felt what an feels now. all the way back in middle school, when he and toya were just BAD DOGS. hell, he felt it during that soccer game that made him quit the sport altogether. and just... in general, with the way the shinonome household is, he’s well-versed in feeling untalented, and like he’s not special, and like he will never accomplish anything in his insignificant life.
he’s gone through this shit before. he’s confronted those nasty, traitorous feelings of jealousy and the fear and the despair, and he worked through them with toya. and they came out on the other side stronger and closer than ever.
i’ll get into why in just a second again, just keep bearing with me, but i need to stress that an has never been seriously challenged before. that’s why this is happening the way it is. that’s why she has no idea what these feelings are or how to deal with them. it will probably be easiest for her to lean on akito as she works through this because he understands best the very specific circumstances of her emotional turmoil:
“i picked some guy off the street and made them my partner and it turns out they’re better at singing than me.”
but akito is old friends with negativity and he knows how to channel it into positive energy, into something that will push him forward and push him to prove everyone wrong. and you know what? he’s finally getting somewhere.
“find a way out” was literally about him starting to realize that he’s not... just endlessly chasing after the rest of vbs anymore. he’s managed to close that distance he’s felt for the past... 325734254889 events.
performing against the musician that bullied him all those years ago let him see his improvement objectively. he’s better than he was in middle school, and he’s better than the guy who humiliated him and that guy improved too! that’s just how much akito has grown. he’s surpassed a lot of his limits, barriers that he once thought were impossible for him to overcome. he’s flying high above many, many people’s heads now. that is what akito started to realize that night. (and i say “started” since he kind of freaks out afterwards - because he’s not used to thinking of himself like that. he’s not used to being proud of himself. which breaks my heart but that’s getting off topic.)
the point is. akito is very, very close to overcoming this idea that he will always be the worst at everything he loves. or he’s hell of a lot closer to it than an is. and even if he’s not, he knows how to cope with those feelings and fight against them.
an doesn’t.
why? because like i said, she’s never been challenged. everything has almost always just been handed to her. i don’t mean that like she’s spoiled or something; i just mean... everyone has always looked at her and seen Shiraishi Ken’s daughter first and foremost.
“you want to learn to sing? hah! of course you do! you’re ken's daughter!”
“look at you go! of course you’re a natural at this! you’re ken's daughter!”
“you want to surpass RAD WEEKEND? well, if anyone’s got the abilities to do it, of course it’ll be ken’s daughter!”
this is the dialogue an has grown up hearing. just an endless mantra of: “you’re naturally talented / you’ll be fine / go and do your own thing / you don’t need any extra help / you don’t need any push or shove.”
“you’re ken’s daughter!”
think of it this way: what almost always happens to “gifted kids” in school? they start off miles ahead of their peers. they are separated from those peers. they are not given the same resources their peers are given because they don’t need them. inevitably, those children once praised for being so so so much smarter, so much more talented and special, fall behind as their peers begin to catch up. they weren’t given the tools they needed to continue growing, so they stagnate.
that’s close to what’s happening here with an. the rest of vbs has begun to grow beyond what she was able to achieve innately, and that scares her so fucking much. especially when it comes to kohane because there’s no way around it: an expected to always be better than her. not in a nasty, self-centered way, of course; that’s not the kind of person she is. this was just her subconscious expectation because that was how she was taught to think about herself. but now reality’s catching up to her, and she lacks the tools she needs to keep moving forward with everyone else.
she doesn’t need breathing exercises or extra warm-ups or anything like that. what she lacks is an emotional tool set. she doesn’t know how to cope with feeling inadequate and worthless and good lord it took her like an entire event to learn what jealousy is.
an is alone in her feelings right now. she can lean on her teammates - she can lean on akito especially. but she’s the only one that can free herself from these chains rusted over with fear. no one’s going to save her. no one can save her. as painful as it is, this is the push she needs. if she never learns to process and deal with these feelings, she’ll never be able to keep up with the people she loves.
but don’t take these somber words the wrong way. this is project sekai, after all! this is a game about love and friendship and growing up, and accepting your flaws and shortcomings and pushing yourself to be the best you can be - to always strive for a bright future.
an will be okay. vbs will be okay. it’ll sting for a bit, sure, but they’ll make it through.
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Endlessly Falling
joaquin torres x sunshine!reader/ofc
3k words
she was falling, and there was only one person she trusted to catch her.
set in the same universe as this fic
warnings: angst, fear, canon-typical violence but i think it's pretty vague, reader/ofc has a fear of heights, idk let me know if i'm missing anything
note: idk if this is any good, i wrote it in like four hours unedited while i was trying to distract myself from burnout from work. feedback is always welcome :) also let me know if you notice anything familiar about sunshine's backstory... idk maybe there's something there, maybe there's not. let me know what you think!
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She was running for her life. Again. She was really getting tired of this shit. 
She remembered a few weeks ago when the worst thing she had to worry about was getting her essays turned in on time, emailing her professors, and working on her thesis, back when she was just a grad student. Since meeting Joaquin, she found herself in trouble a lot more than she ever expected to be. 
That wasn’t to say this was the first time she’s ever had to run for her life, or that meeting Joaquin was the start of her getting into trouble. Or that meeting Joaquin was her first time helping a superhero. No, she had plenty of experience with this sort of thing. She remembered when she was a teenager the few (multiple) times when her dad’s work followed him home (literally) and having to hide or having to flee her own home just so he could take care of it. Terrifying as it was, she had learned to be good at finding the best hiding spots on the fly. And she still remembered when she was nineteen being trapped in a cage with a monster (who, to be fair, was her dad, but we won’t go into the specifics this time), with the intention of being mauled to death alongside a woman she barely knew. And just a year later, having to travel halfway across the world to help a superhero with identity issues to stop a cult and rescue her dad from said cult (her dad had a bad habit of getting himself into trouble, but he would always tell her that her uncle was even worse). 
Yeah. This wasn’t her first rodeo. And she was positive it wouldn’t be her last, either. 
But she sure as hell didn’t miss having to do this. 
Sam and Joaquin had both understood and agreed initially that they needed her help if they were going to stop this underground terrorist group. Bucky had been on the fence about it at first, thinking her too nice and innocent to get involved, but once she had proved herself in a fight the first time he had realized he had jumped the gun on judging her. She was a formidable opponent while still being able to maintain her happy nature and her positive, love-for-life attitude. 
Which was why she found herself in this position for the first time in years. She hadn’t meant to cause a distraction, she had just been sent by the men on a reconnaissance mission to one of their underground meetings while the three of them tried to take out their base of operations nearby. Even to her, the meeting was much bigger than she had been expecting, and the sound of the men updating her on their progress through her earpiece was only confirmation: they were a much bigger threat than they had initially believed. She had been listening to one of the leaders of the group as he slowly but surely began riling everyone up, his voice raising as he spoke to them about forcing order to the world and subjecting the people who had no care for them. He was nearly shouting at that point, and it was honestly beginning to frighten her. She was so ensnared by his words that the sound of Sam yelling through the earpiece completely threw her off her guard. 
The sound of gunshots on the other end of her earpiece caused her to gasp in fear, which caused her to slap her hand over her mouth in dread. She was scared for her friends, but she was also terrified at the sudden silence that happened in the room next to her after she did so. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as what was surely only a few seconds felt like years as she awaited what would happen. She didn’t dare breathe as she waited, her back pressed against the wall to make herself as small as possible. 
“Someone’s here with us. Take care of it.”
The leader’s words were just loud enough for her to hear, but it was more than enough to set her off at a sprint to get out of there. 
She had been running for what had felt like forever when she finally thought to check in with the others to make sure they were okay, and to find out what the hell happened. 
“What the hell happened?” she shouted through the earpiece. 
“They knew we were coming! It was a setup!” Sam shouted back. He and Bucky were fighting off terrorists left and right as they themselves tried to get out of the base. Their initial plan had been to find the leaders at the base and to either a) reason with them and get them to come willingly (Sam’s idea) or b) stop them by any means necessary (Bucky’s idea), but the three men had been met with nearly an entire army once they got there like they knew they were coming. The place had been booby trapped of all things, tipping the group off so that they opened fire seconds later. They all knew that if they were in trouble, she would be too. “Get outta there, now!”
“I’m trying!”
And she was. Unfortunately for her, the place was a maze, and with about ten angry men chasing after her, it was hard for her to focus on where all of the hallways led to rather than just trying to get away from them. Her fear was making it hard to think, and luckily it was making it hard to think about the fear itself. She just needed to get away. 
The sound of Joaquin’s voice in her ear immediately began to uncloud her mind. “Find a way to go up! Stairs, ladder, window, anything! I’ll come find you!”
She wasn’t able to think about how he would be able to do so, but she listened to him anyway. She trusted him enough to believe he was telling the truth. 
Truthfully, Joaquin didn’t know if he was. He had split from Sam and Bucky once they had opened fire, Sam telling him to fly out of there to find their superior and tell them all they had learned about the group. He often thought about what it would be like to jump out as Falcon, but he wasn’t exactly able to reflect on those expectations when he was in the middle of a life or death situation. He thought once he did so that he was in the clear, but there had been a couple of helicopters right outside waiting for him. So, they had air support. Of fucking course they did. 
Joaquin was sure that their superior would get an earful from Sam once they were finally on the clear (if they ever got to that point). He was doing his best to take out the people shooting at him from the helicopters, making sure they stayed focused on him so they wouldn’t start shooting elsewhere, but the entire time his focus was elsewhere. He couldn’t keep his mind off of her, and he was riddled with guilt. 
Joaquin was the one who had fought so hard to convince Sam and Bucky that she could help them on this mission. While they had both known she could handle herself, they were hesitant to let her go into the field with them, especially on a mission like this. She would have to get about as close as she physically could to this terrorist group without them finding out she was there, and they weren’t willing to risk her getting hurt or worse if something went wrong. It was the last thing Joaquin ever wanted, but he saw how hard she fought to convince them. He saw her conviction and determination, and more than anything, he saw that she truly cared. She just wanted to help, and Joaquin knew that. She was running for her life right now because he was the one to convince them to let her help. 
She was in danger because of him. 
He was right about her needing to find a way up. She had found a door that led her to a staircase all the way up to the roof. She took a quick glance over her shoulder to see how close the men were, finding them far away enough for her to be able to lock the door behind her. If she wasn’t running for her life, she would’ve thought about how it definitely seemed like a safety issue for the door to even have a lock, but she was more concerned about buying herself at least a minute or two to get to the top. She didn’t look back again after she locked the door and began to race up the stairs, not until she heard the sound of a gunshot blowing the door open. The information that they did have guns with them scared her more than she thought it would. They liked the chase, and they didn’t want the end to be quick if they did catch her. The thought made her blood run cold, and a new wave of adrenaline filled her as she continued to run. 
Once she reached the roof, once again locking the door behind her to buy herself some time, she looked out to try to find Joaquin anywhere nearby, but he was nowhere to be found. She braced herself as she looked over the edge of the building she was on, and the realization of just how far up she was was quick to set in. She hadn’t realized how long the staircase was nor how far up she had run, but the sight of the city what looked like miles beneath her caused her heart to beat faster for a completely different reason. She could handle most things—monsters, cults, running for her life. Heights weren’t one of those things. 
“Joaquin,” she said. She tried to steady the tremble in her voice, trying to control her breathing. 
“I’m on my way!” he shouted back, trying to dodge the helicopter that was currently shooting at him. He was not on his way, but he needed to be soon if he wanted any chance of getting to her in time. 
The sound of the men chasing her banging on the door to the roof made her jolt, dread filling her veins like venom. They were throwing themselves against the door to get it open. Unsuccessfully, sure, but the knowledge that they had the means to get the door open with their weapons made her believe that this was just a sadistic scare tactic. The thought made her sick. 
“Joaquin,” she warned. She was unable to hide the fear she felt from her voice. Even she could hear her voice shake. 
So could Joaquin, and he knew they were both running out of time. Taking out the pilot in the final helicopter, he set the thrusters of his wings to full power before jetting off to where she was. 
“I’m on my way!” he shouted once again, but he knew that he wouldn’t be there in enough time. Thinking fast, he added, “You’re gonna have to jump!”
Her stomach dropped at the thought. “I can’t,” she whispered. But she knew she was running out of options. The men chasing her would get tired of playing with her, and in seconds they would be out there with her. She’d have nowhere else to go. Her hands were already shaking as the reality of what she had to do was setting in. 
And she was right. The sound of the door to the roof being blown open made her jump, and the sight of the men closing in on her filled her with a fear she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She didn’t think. She ran to the edge of the building and jumped, right before they could grab her. 
She’s fallen before. She’s fallen out of tall trees when she was little, her dad constantly scolding her for climbing trees when she knew she might fall, but that’s why she always did it—to get better at climbing without falling. She’s jumped off of high platforms, trying to get down from where she was to try to help someone who needed it. She’s been thrown off of the side of a building before, but even then that was done when she was unconscious. This was something different. Being in free fall for so long, that sinking feeling in her gut never leaving but slowly getting worse as she seemed to fall closer to the ground in slow motion. The air whipped at her as if punishing her for jumping, her fear only growing as it felt like she would be endlessly falling. 
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think to breathe. She couldn’t think, her mind somewhere up in the clouds that she seemed to remember falling through when she jumped. Her eyes were dripping with tears she couldn’t stop as the cool air burned them as she went. Another punishment, she thought. The air was thin, too, choking her up even more. She couldn’t find her voice, though if she did, she wouldn’t have been able to think about calling for Joaquin again. She couldn’t think about whether he would catch her in time. She just had to continue falling. 
Joaquin’s heart raced as he did, his sights set on her as he flew to catch her. He could hear the fear in her voice when she said she couldn’t jump, it had been clear as day to him that she was afraid to. He hadn’t wanted to make her do it, but he knew she had to. And he knew he would rather die than let her hit the ground. He wouldn’t let her get hurt again. He would make sure of it. 
When he was finally close enough, his arms reaching for her, Joaquin felt time stop. He couldn’t think. The only thing he could focus on as he reached for her was her eyes. Those eyes he had seen could hold such light and happiness as he had come to know her, those same eyes that were squeezed shut from fear and wet with tears he knew she couldn’t stop. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, never daring to let go. 
Once she felt him surrounding her, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, aware enough to not choke him but clutching onto him like her life depended on it, because it did. There was nothing that would get her to let go. And now that he was holding her, she could finally feel herself breathe again. 
They were both silent as he flew them away from the building, away from all of the bad men who wished them harm, away from where she felt for a moment she was falling to her death. The pit in her stomach from falling was gone, replaced with something else she couldn’t place. She still felt sick feeling her insides shaken so much, but it wasn’t just that. She felt a pull inside her, not in her stomach but maybe in her chest. She couldn’t know for sure, still barely able to think or process what was going on. The only thing she knew for sure at that moment was that she felt well and truly safe wrapped up in Joaquin’s arms. 
Joaquin finally landed them on the roof of another building, much much shorter than the one she had jumped from and miles away. With the way she was clutching onto his back, he knew she could use a moment to stand on her own two legs and catch her breath. Once his feet touched the ground, he slowly eased her down as well, taking care to handle her gently for fear of causing her any more grief. His arms didn’t leave her even as she got her footing, nor did they when she leaned heavily against him once she was standing. She was still gripping him for dear life, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. He was sure he was holding her in a similar way. 
“Are you okay?” he asked after a few minutes. He always made sure that she was, and if she wasn’t, he always did what he could to help. 
“…Yeah,” she answered slowly, barely audible if it weren’t for her mouth being so close to his ear. “Just… need a minute.” 
Joaquin knew that they didn’t have a minute. He should’ve already been with his superior by now, finishing up with the debrief as they waited for Sam and Bucky to return as well. But he wasn’t concerned with any of that right now. The only thing he cared about was the woman in his arms, shaking like a leaf as she tried to calm down. For her, he would make the time. 
He readjusted his arms around her so that he was hugging her instead, one arm around her waist while the other came up to her shoulders, his hand holding her head against him and stroking her hair. He tried to steady his breathing in a way that she could follow, willing his own heart rate to slow down as he tried to help her calm down. 
She wasn’t the only one who had felt like they were endlessly falling. The only difference was, his had been slow and steady, hardly noticing it was happening until it hit him all at once. And he knew he would fall again and again if it meant getting to hold her like this. 
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Hey there! My names eage, I'm 22 and this is my dungeon meshi sideblog! I sometimes draw but I mainly write fanfic
Updates every Thursday!
Fanfic masterpost
The Bed They Made
Chilaios, ongoing, everything is the same but Laios is knocked up and no one but Chilchuck knows
It was a mistake. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, and then he wouldn't ever think of it again. Yes, it was a risky move, one that was both incredibly fun but also so stupid in hindsight. Of course, the one time he caved to his desires, this happens. With his party leader of all people! Laios is carrying his fourth child. And he didn't even know it. Not yet.
Hug me like you mean it
Chilchuck and Laios, 2546 words, pre-relationship
Chilchuck has exceptional hearing, and Laios is terrible at hiding his feelings.
Sick in the Head
Chilchuck and Laios, 2091 words,
Laios thought he knew Chilchuck well enough, but now he wasn't sure. Since his fight with Shuro, he started questioning what exactly he knew, and it made his stomach twist. So when Chilchuck asks to talk to him alone, he can't help but prepare for the worst.
Mana Sick
Chilchuck and Laios, 1288 words,
Coming back from searching for herbs to cure Marcilles petrification, Chilchuck stumbles upon Laios in the throes of mana sickness, and reluctantly helps him
"No, I'm the one whose honored."
Chilaios, ongoing, 9,126 words, based on the smiling friends qoute
Sometimes when Chilchuck drank, he would start spouting nonsense. Looking back, this was probably one of those times.
We Run Faster than Others
Marcille and Fionil, 6509 words, post Canon hurt/comfort
Marcille has a nightmare and Fionil does her hair.
Sleepless Nights
Unrequited Chilaios, 6690 words, pre-canon, Laios has a guilty crush
"Hunger, Lust, Love, and the weird ways we connect"
Chilchuck was always on his mind. Laios wasn't sure when it started. They had worked together for a couple of months, maybe a year, he wasn't too sure. But he knew one thing for certain, and that was Chilchuck was endlessly cool, confident, and skilled. After a certain point, the half foot had popped into his head and made a place for himself.
Language Barrier
Chilaios, 3873 words, pre-Canon Hurt comfort
Over the years, Laios had seen the many sides of a drunk Chilchuck. There was the affectionate variant—one of the more common sides—where Chilchuck was sappy and sweet to the point it felt out of character. There was also the angry variant. This one was more like Chilchuck's usual snippy attitude, but turned up to an extreme. Right now, Chilchuck was neither affectionate nor angry, but... well, it was hard to describe.
Chilchuck has a moment of weakness, and Laios stays with him despite it.
The work of Nightmares
Laios and Chilchuck, Laios and Marcille, 1504 words, Laios has a fucked up nightmare and Marcille suffers for it, part 1
In the middle of the night, Laios began to shake from a nightmare ravaging his mind. Marcille dives in to help him but finds a gruesome scene.
The Laios with terrifying eyes
Chilaios, 3726 words, Shapeshifter episode gone wrong, part 2
Among the duplicates of Laios, one of them stood out particularly well. No, it wasn't the one who towered high enough to hit the ceiling, or the effeminate one who spoke in a breathy voice.
It was the one with wide, hungry eyes. He stood with his back straight, taut, and braced, an 'innocent' grin stretching along his face.
Plagued by Visions of You
Pre relationship Chilaios, ongoing, 4,897 words, porn with plot - Chilchuck gets struck by a horny beam, part .5
Laios is haunting him. Despite being alive, he has infested every part of his mind, clouding every thought, and Chilchuck was sick of how aroused it made him.
Chilaios week
The Laughing Wolf Tavern
Gen, 6683 words, day 1 - Drinking buddies/Seasons
A series of moments across the first year of their working relationship, highlighting the tumultuous relationship between the ever curious fighter and the prickly lockpick. The best way to bond was over booze after all!
A wounded Changeling
Chilchuck and Laios, 3345 words, day 2 - Changelings/Wounded
Fascinating was the only way Laios could describe the whole situation. Swapping to a different race entirely posed issues and highlighted the things he liked more about his old body, but it also gave him a lot to wonder about. Such as - was a headpat supposed to feel a certain way? It didnt feel bad, but it wasnt good either. Without this occurring, Chilchuck would have never done that, and Laios would have never found his answer.
To hold a Half-Foots tools is a Privilege, not a Right
Chilchuck and Laios, 524 words, day 3 - Hold/Carry
Chilchuck reflects on how he's come to trust Laios with carrying his lockpicks.
When I wake up next, I know you'll be there
Chilchuck and Laios, 3544 words, day 4 - Nightmares/Trust
In the dungeon, they were all well acquainted with death. If you hadn't yet met them, you were incredibly fortunate, or it was creeping up on you when you least expected it. Nightmares were just as familiar. It was as unavoidable as death itself, since it came with the territory. Number one is to thoroughly prepare for the worst-case scenario. There would be no nightmares if no one died. No party was ever that lucky, however. Which leads to the next best thing: relying on your party for support. Confiding, or better yet, sharing a bedroll together, chased the bad dreams away most times.
You've Got Some Nerve, Laios
Chilaios, 1658 words, day 5 - Shapeshifter/First Kiss
The group has been infested by shapeshifters, and Laios chooses to utilize information that only the real Chilchuck would know to lure out the fake.
Is it too late?
Chilaios, 3397 words, Day 6 - Beach episode
He followed Marcilles advice, went back to Kahka Brud, and spoke with his wife. She asked that they separate for good. In terms of marriage. So, he came back to Melini. He had nowhere else to go. Even if this place felt like the furthest from home... it held some special people.
Marcille will probably cry when he breaks the news, Senshi will usher him to the kitchen and show him how to make a dish to give him something to do and help him reflect, Izutsumi will give him an awkward pat on the back, and Laios... Laios would sit him down to eat.
Of course I came back for you
Chilaios, 11,401 words, Day 7 - Freeday! Laios got eaten by the dragon
Laios Touden was the biggest idiot in the world, he went and got himself eaten by a dragon! Of course Chilchuck would delve back into the dungeon with Falin and Marcille to get him back, even if that meant confronting things he would rather keep buried.
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whumpshaped · 10 months
∆ (i hope youre still doing these hhh) i might be missing something about vampire hierarchies and how things work and exactly how much power sires have over their little vampire babies, but i must ask helle this after reading about them being crucified or i will implode:
How can you still miss your siblings after they did such awful things to you without even sparing a glance? I am a firm believer of cutting anyone who hurt you out of your life at the first opportunity, especially family on the principal that you never outright choose to be part of a family like this in the first place. And they certainly hurt you, even if under the order of someone else! And even after that, after a simple order from your sire and all that pain and betrayal, you still tried to help them? You still miss them to this day? Think about them? You must be the kindest, most forgiving person if you do. I know for a fact if that happened to me, while I may have been forced into submission at the time, looking back on it I would be endlessly bitter and angry, maybe even vengeful. Perhaps you did similar things to them under familiar circumstances when ordered, and I just don't get it. Maybe they apologized after, or even offered to be hurt in return. I know vampires heal and all, but you must have remained deeply scarred from that situation only, if only on a mental level, and I'm sure that wasn't the only time something like this happened. So I don't get it. Is it just a longing for people who understand you? Some form of twisted nostalgia?
"Of course I am bitter and angry. It was– It was one of the worst things that I have ever endured." They open their mouth to say something else, to continue yelling about how unfair it all was... but their anger seems to fizzle out as quickly as it came. They pause for a long moment, looking for the words to explain something that can probably never be properly conveyed.
"We have all done things to each other that we regret," they say quietly. "I... did not understand it at the time, why they refused to even look at me. I understood it later on, when I realised just how horrifying it was watch someone you love get hurt. Hurt by you, regardless of orders. There were plenty of times when I refused to look. Plenty of times when I did, out of defiance, out of a desperate need to remember, just so I could repay the lady someday. That day never came. Her death was quick and painless."
"I was bitter when I realised they would never stand up for me. When I realised I came centuries too late for them to still have the sort of naivety that would make them engage in futile rebellion. It made me want to stand up for them, so that maybe... maybe they would get that spark back. All it did was get me hurt beyond measure. I stopped blaming them, after a while."
"When Aurora–" They suddenly cut themself off, and for a moment you think they're holding back tears. "When Aurora got turned and the lady started 'training her', I... I did not have it in me to stand up for her anymore. Again and again, after every single one of her escape attempts, I went out and brought her back. I dragged her, kicking and screaming, to that wretched room with the silver whips. She begged me much the same as I begged my siblings that night on the cross. I could not bear to look at her."
"Some days, I am angry with them. I am angry with myself. Most of all, I am furious with the lady. I am bitter that after my only act of meaningful rebellion, they still decided to run off and leave me." They give you a sad smile. "I suppose they thought it best to cut me off. And maybe I am stupid for missing them so terribly, but what am I to do? If I could stop on command... If I could stop on command, maybe I would. As it is, however..."
They sigh, wiping their eyes before the tears have a chance to overflow. "I like to tell myself I would turn them away. That I would reject them the same way I felt they rejected and abandoned me; but I doubt I could. They will always have a place here, I think. If they wanted it."
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sapphic-agent · 10 months
A thing I would have liked to see explored from MHA is villains that are like a Mr. Freeze type of villain. I know we do technically get that with Gentle Criminal, but I think we should have more than just him. Still one of my faves, though! As a previous example, Mr. Freeze had a hard life growing up. He froze bugs, and because of this, got sent to a boarding school. He had no friends and I would assume got bullied, until he met Nora. Nora and Victor (Mr. Freeze's real name) got along super well, until Nora fell sick. Wanting to help people and his wife, he developed a major breakthrough in cryogenics, until the rich bastard came in and literally ruined his life. He's doing this to cure his wife, because he loves and cherishes her. He searches ENDLESSLY to help his wife. Batman can see the horror and tragedy of the situation. And during Batman The Animated Series, when Bats says "Nora wouldn't have wanted this." he woefully looks at her in her ice tank, with a somber expression. Hell, even during that episode, Victor didn't even break out. Half of the main villains wanted to become heroes and failed at doing so. While the others somewhat had sobs? (I mean, Toga didn't. Her incident happened when she was 14-years-old.) I.e. where the villain has every reason on what they're doing, upset at the ones who wronged them, and they KNOW what they are doing is bad, but what other choice do they have? It's why I LOVED Gentle Criminal so much, because those are my fave type of villain. Ngl, I was STOKED to see Gentle Criminal helping out the heroes because my main man deserve it. I just kind of wished this dynamic was explored more, because there are a lot of villains like that?? And we kind of only get a few like Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, and I think you could even argue Twice, if you really wanted to. It could also help develop Izuku even more to show that not everything is just black and white, and there is gray in there. It kind of bugged me we wither get super mass murders or just literally the worst people ever, and barely any of that gray in between who knows, deep down what they're doing isn't the best, but have no other choice, but to do it. You could argue SOME of the league was like this, but not entirely. Some of them DO have morals but nothing really akin to like... Mr. Freeze, Harvey Dent/Two-Face, etc. ....I think I'm off to make an OC like that now.
Batman villains are top tier. Hori could definitely benefit by making more complex, morally gray characters. Unfortunately, most things are black and white with MHA
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lettucebee17 · 1 year
Ok so 4 ur 100 followers event: I NEEEED sum of ur opinions. And u don’t have 2 do all of these BUT: floyd/kalim, cater/idia, & the freshmen poly use (yes all of them. Yes all dating each other. I don’t make the rules (yes I do))
Never underestimate me, I will do all of them. And I will do all of them in this one post so buckle in!
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I think they are incredibly cute but I also think them dating is a disaster waiting to happen.
They're vibes are immaculate because both of them are so physically affectionate and they would just be so adorable (even if the pda would be awful for everyone around them, Jamil would despise them)
Unfortunately, if they started dated, nothing would be able to rein in the chaos. They would never get anything done ever again.
As absolutely adorable as I think they are together, I, personally, think they're cuter as friends because I don't think the relationship would be very healthy for either of them. Obviously not in the sense that I think it would be abusive to any extent. I just think they'd bring out the worst qualities in each other and neither of them would be able to take anything seriously (including their relationship)
I still adore their dynamic and I NEED them to interact more so badly...
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Idia and Cater have so much untapped potential in their relationship (platonically OR romantically)
It's not my top ship for either of them but it most certainly is UP THERE. I love them.
They're both just so cringefail (affectionate) and I want them to be cringefail together.
I think that them dating would be so good for both of them. Because, like, Cater has the whole thing where he puts up a mask around other people, but I think Idia would coax him out of that shell and encourage him to just be himself (probably not on purpose but through the virtue of the fact that he cannot handle Cater's preppy mask)
And on the other hand, Cater, being the ultra-extrovert that he is, would encourage Idia to actually get out and do things more and help build his self confidence, but he'd also understand when Idia's just not able to go out and do things and he'd respect that because I'm sure he's had similar feelings and has forced himself to just push through them (which I know from personal experience isn't always the best idea)
They also both have the whole complex of 'I can't get too close to anyone because I'm just going to leave them soon' and them being able to work through that together would just be so good.
Unfortunately, I think this is more of a ship of perpetual pining because neither of them would ever make a move first (minus perhaps some playful flirting from Cater). I think Ortho would ultimately have to give his brother the push that would be necessary for them.
Freshmen Polycule:
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I tend not to go for polycules, simply because it is too many character dynamics for me to consider at once. I love seeing stuff that other people make for polycules but I tend to steer clear of doing it myself.
That said: I think the freshmen polycule is incredible. Like, they're already such a funny friend group that adding romance onto it just enhances it tenfold.
I like to imagine it's something that happened slowly and without a single one of them realizing it. I'm a big supporter of the headcanon of weekly freshmen game nights, so I like to think that those just kept getting progressively further into romantic relationship territory with all of them until one day one of them went 'are any of us dating each other?' and someone else went 'are we all dating each other??' and it just sort happened from there.
It endlessly confuses all of the upperclassmen, who can barely get along with each other on a good day, much less within other dorms. Like, they were already confused about the friendship but then they all started kissing each other and no one can figure out who's dating who and the freshmen refuse to explain.
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hes just being messy, he was with meredith in la last wednesday and then now is like very public with gab. i actually feel pretty bad for meredith, the unfollow makes me think she thought they were more serious than they were. i dont think dating casually is a crime but all parties should at least be on the same page 😕 (no need to post this just telling you)
I’m very confused by all this and I guess y’all really don’t understand boundaries, respect, or consent. But since I’ve deleted just about 40 asks about this in the past 48 hours or so, fine. I guess we are talking about this. (Not directed at you alone or anything just my general feelings on the subject and on the fandom.) you wanna talk about Matty’s love life? Let’s talk about it.
Matty is 34 years old. Which means he’s well above the legal age of consent and, yeah, god help him, as a cis straight man, he do be acting like an absolute child sometimes, BUT it’s his life. His decisions to make.
From everything that we know about him, and especially after the ENTIRE FUCKIN WORLD turned against him over the summer, he is a lot more kind, compassionate, smart, self-aware, gentle, and pure-hearted than anyone’s ever given him credit for. Even his own fans. Say what you will about Matty Healy, but if it were me, in his shoes, I’d feel more than entitled to be Turner bitter towards the public what with the way we all (yes, we, as his fans too) have been treating him. But NOPE. Matty is a way bigger person than most of us. He didn’t say a damn thing. He kept his mouth shut and his head down and he did what he needed to do, he never let any of it deter him from being vulnerable and honest with us and putting on the best fuckin show that he could possible put on every fuckin night.
If that doesn’t earn him the benefit of the doubt then I don’t know what will.
I’m not sure why or when some of us have decided that it is our place to observe what goes on in his love life, to monitor his following/followers lists, to draw conclusions based on those numbers, or to consume public glimpses of his interior life as if it’s some tv show or movie or reality tv, even when those images are taken without his consent, and decide Meredith is not “marriage material” or Gabriette has “an aesthetic that I can finally get behind” (which, by the way, is a very sexist and disgusting thing to say about them as well as Matty, but I guess this fandom is hypocritical and will turn against its own values as soon as Matty Healy’s dick is involved), but at some point apparently that happened and we started to treat him as less than human.
Fine, fine, I’ll even give you that much. Be sexist. Be judgmental and creepy and all up his ass. But to do all that and then “feel sorry for Meredith” call him a “mess”??? When you LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM?!!!!! How do know she thought it was more serious than it is??? Were you there??? Since we’re making judgements and assumptions based on the tiny fragments that we see, I’m gonna go ahead and make a judgment of my own and say since I didn’t see you in the middle holding one of his hands and one of hers, then you weren’t there. So why do you feel qualified to talk about what he may or may not have done??? Do you know him? Is he your bestie???? Did he confide in you??? Hmm? Fuckin tell me!!!!
To summarize: he’s a form of entertainment to you. You don’t care about his boundaries. And you have such a low opinion of him that (despite him proving in what is objectively one of the worst things to happen to a public figure, that he’s endlessly graceful and kind) you will comfortably assume the worst of him without A SHRED OF ANYTHING REMOTELY RESEMBLING EVIDENCE. So….why are you a fan? Hmm? Why do you feel comfortable supporting someone you think so little or and have no respect for as a human being?
If any of you really think “he deserve love” and “he deserves companionship.” Then you’d shut the fuck up, stop engaging with content that commodities and dehumanizes him, and mind your fuckin business for fucks sakes.
I mean, how would you like it if, based on a 7 second story on Instagram, or a tweet you made about your personal life or whatever, I (somehow who knows absolutely nothing about you) came up to you and was like “omg I noticed so and so has unfollowed you. Then two days later you posted a pic with this other person. You must have really crushed someone’s heart and led them on making them believe you were more serious than you actually were. And now you’re using this other person who appeared in a picture with you. That is concerning behavior my friend.” If you’re okay with me doing that to you then you and I must live wildly different realities.
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captmickey · 1 year
Been thinking about the Plunderbunnies a little but all I can really do rn is rotate them in my brain, so I wanted to ask... you got any headcanons to share? Maybe regarding their wedding, or being new parents with Boybrush?
Oh boy do I!
....just realized I shout that everytime someone asks me about headcanons and the such.
But yes! Yes I do! I have thought about it intensely for... well, ever. Especially in regards to their wedding. So lets break it down by each thing because I'm that person
In regards to their wedding:
-I always loved the idea that Guybrush had to get his wedding suit tailored because he is both very tall and very lanky. But because of his nerves getting the best of him and imagining all the worst case imaginable scenarios, he shakes like a leaf which causes needles to poke him which makes him panic even more (a.k.a ask me about my 'Guybrush has a phobia of needles' headcanon) and luckily Haggis sees what's happening and manages to calm Guybrush's nerves.
-Thanks to Return, Guybrush wrote with Elaine the invites. He added the haiku and it was a surprise hit... don't ask him to write any more poems/haikus... it was a one time thing.
-Grubby hands is I.... Guybrush stomped the glass at the wedding. If you know, you know.
-I don't know why, but I loved the idea of Wally being a part of Elaine's bridal party over Guybrush's. So Carla and Wally definitely threw an excellent bachelorette party.
-The Barber Quartet were Guybrush's groomsmen. (If Winslow had known Guybrush then, absolutely would be his Best Man).
-Guybrush and Elaine dated for a bit longer before they tied the know officially. Guybrush proposed properly and with a (thankfully) uncursed ring.
-Elaine made the uncursed ring her earring as seen in Tales because one, too big to wear as a ring and two, it's her good luck charm since Guybrush went to great lengths to craft it for her.
In regards to Boybrush:
-Everybody when they heard the news initially panicked that Guybrush would be a terrible father because he's that much of a goof. He not only destroyed but obliterated that fear by being the best husband/father there is.
-Elaine, admittedly, was insulted on Guybrush's behalf that everyone kept asking her if she's feeling safe around him.
-Guybrush stayed up late and read as many parenting/baby books there is so he can take care of Elaine and their soon to be kid. It is safe to say he's the most knowledgeable pirate in that regard.
-Guybrush also panicked endlessly if he was even fit to be a dad. Not that he didn't want to be... he did. Badly. But he feared that everyone's assumption on him had some validity. Elaine had to calm him down that he would be fine... and he calmed her down as well that she would be an excellent mother.
-They were each other's cheerleaders throughout the whole thing.
-It was Guybrush's idea to stay on land during the final months of the pregnancy. He read too many books and the idea that they could be caught in a storm or a battle when it was time scared him.
-Because Meathook moved away, they took residence in his place and refurbished it to be a proper home. They still refer to their ship as home, but this is their "in-between sailing" home.
-Carla saw the extreme lengths Guybrush was going through for Elaine that she had no problem stepping in to help to let him catch some sleep. He was trying his hardest and Elaine would stare, smirk, and go "told you so."
-Winslow and Anemone were the only two to not judge but they knew not to overwhelm either. If they were needed, the Threepwoods knew where to find them.
-After Boybrush was born, Guybrush held him and immediately felt a shift: being a father and a husband was far more important to him. He still loved being a pirate, but that was easily third place.
-Whenever Boybrush woke up in the middle of the night, Guybrush would wake to take care of him... Elaine has done much of the work and he feels this is the least he can do.
-That being said, Elaine has caught him dead asleep with Boybrush in his arms in the rocking chair. She tells him it's okay that she takes care too.
-It shocked Guybrush how quickly Boybrush falls asleep in Elaine’s hold. He has to tell stories to get the child to sleep.
-One time Elaine went to Carla to help with gubernatorial work... they heard snoring and found Guybrush asleep on the couch with Boybrush on his chest drinking from the baby bottle.
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Cake (Luke + Calum) Smut Masterlist
Links Last Checked: February 19th, 2024
Endlessly (ao3) - pxnkspace M, 3k
Summary: Calum and Luke have been together for almost five years now and Calum just wants to show Luke that he is the right guy for him.
For Lack of a Better Partner (ao3) - DaddyAshton E, 2k
Summary: Calum hasn't gotten laid in ages. Luke wants Calum but has absolutely no way to tell him. They compromise.
for you are not beside but within me (ao3) - elysianhood E, 11k
Summary: Calum pulled Luke up with his blonde locks by his right hand and wrapped his left tightly around his throat, restricting his airway, and leaned in close to the teary blue eyes, hissing threateningly, ‘You never – ever – speak to me like that ever again, you filthy slut. Ever. You don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re just a fucktoy, remember? A dirty, fucking whore. That’s all you’ll ever be.’
or; Luke was a bad boy and Calum isn't happy.
I Can't Remember (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance E, 49k
Summary: Waking up naked next to your best friend is not good but waking up naked next to your best friend and being the only one who remembers is worst. That was happened to Luke Hemmings. Maybe he would have forgotten about it if it happened once but that was not the case. And what were those weird feelings that he was experimenting all the time? He could not be attracted to Calum... that was impossible since he has known Calum all his life. He was definitely going crazy...
I Know You Well (ao3) - alseeptoday E, 5k
Summary: Luke had a feeling that he would like to be fingered but he was always too afraid to try. Calum helps him find out.
Insecurities (ao3) - gonefornow T, 3k
Summary: Luke and Calum have been together for a while now and Luke wants to take Calum out. Unfortunately, Calum isn’t ready to make their relationship public and it makes Luke insecure.
I want to hide you in my arms so no one can see you (ao3) - Lukes_Kitty E, 3k
Summary: Luke escaped from his former pack. He couldn’t stand them at all and he had such a weird feeling in his guts for the last few days so the omega simply ran away. But the weird feeling turned into a full-grown heat. When he writhed in the dirt an Alpha from another pack found him and brought him to the head-alpha, who is eager to help the boy…
The story where Luke goes into heat and Calum helps him through it
Late - @daydadahlias​​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) E, 9k
Summary: Calum loves when Luke comes over late. When Luke comes over late, he has to stay the night.
Lips Pressed Close to Mine (ao3) - FayeHunter E, 30k
Summary: Being Luke’s rebound after his breakup should have been easy, but unfortunately for Calum, he’s sort of in love with Luke. It certainly makes things more complicated
Looking In Your Eyes And They’re Burning Fire (ao3) - fourdrunksluts E, 8k
Summary: Luke doesn’t think he’s very good at sex, so Calum helps him practice, and maybe learns a few things along the way.
no control (ao3) - dazedlight (opinionoutpost) E, 5k
Summary: Michael and Ashton have way too much loud sex, and Calum and Luke decide to make their displeasure known.
Skinny Dipping In The Dark (ao3) - clifftesticle M, 1k
Summary: 5SOS decide to go swimming, and after Michael and Ashton leave, Calum and Luke decide to go skinny dipping together. It just goes really smutty from there
Sweet Sticky Thing (ao3) - antisocialhood E, 4k
Summary: There’s a fucking dildo on his counter and the strap on piece next to it, both ordered by his boyfriend for him to be fucked with. Luke wonders if he’s dreaming and lets out a small squeal, grabbing the toy and staring at it. It’s thick and long, and looks exactly like a real cock despite the bright purple color it holds. He picks up the strap-on harness piece and fiddles around with it before pushing the dildo through the top hole.
That’s going to be on him. He’s going to fuck his boyfriend with a piece of plastic while his own cock hangs needily below.
or, Calum's finally ordered his precious strap on and Luke's ready to fuck him.
Take Notes - @daydadahlias​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) E, 78k
Summary: “Calum,” Luke replies shakily, reeling. “I can’t take your virginity.”
“You’re not taking it,” Calum says in a small laugh, bobbing his head, “I’m giving it to you.”
Or, the one where Calum wants someone to teach him about sex and Luke happens to be an education major.
That’s Money, Honey (ao3) - senioritastyles E, 22k
Summary: "Excuse me?” Calum calls, gesturing for the bartender and waiting for him to come over before continuing. “Who is that, over there? The boy on stage.”
Michael doesn’t even have to look, already smiling and nodding as he tops off Calum’s already half-gone whiskey. “That’s Luke.” Michael explains and Calum nods, sipping at his whiskey again as he watches Luke dance, body swaying fluidly in front of several men dressed pretty similarly to how Calum is. “He tends to attract the uh, black card crowd.” Michael says, handing Calum back his own black card.
Or: Calum makes Luke his sugar baby.
The Bruises On Your Thighs Like My Fingerprints (You're About To Bloom) (ao3) - Migs E, 5k
Summary: Calum doesn't like it when other people touch his boyfriend's perfect arse. Because what if someone can touch it better than Calum? What if Luke leaves him for some better arse toucher? Calum can't let that happen. He can't let someone take away his future with Luke, their two dogs and a litter of puppies, just because they worshiped that ass better than he did.
OR Calum gets riled up when other people touch Luke's butt so he reminds Luke who can satisfy him best.
Tinder Boy (ao3) - boomercal N/R, 10k
Summary: After a few fateful swipes Luke and Calum ended up hooking up from Tinder, then they went their separate ways… at least they tried to.
you drape your wrists over the steering wheel (ao3) - spaces M, 2k
Summary: the one where calum and luke have sex. in a car.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
DUUUUDDDEEEEE. Fork! (I’m trying to sensor myself. Is it working?!)
So OK BUT THEN HERE WE MAYBE HAVE ANOTHER WEIRD NON-ALIBI if they find Fred. IS Willow gonna say something once they find/identify Chrissy’s body/know that Fred is missing. But also he’s by lovers lake? And then mentally Nancy came across Chrissy’s body…closer to that where they found her necklace and shoe. So does that mean someone or something is moving her body? AND WHERE ARE THE GATES BUT WILL THERE EVEN BE GATES OR IS SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING.
Omg. My synapses are firing!!! Cruel of you to release this first thing in the AM when I have a day full of meetings. I might reread tonight. I definitely have ideas but I DONT HAVE MY NOTEBOOK. I’m gonna scribble some on a napkin. Hmmm too early to tell
Poor Eddie and poor Willow. But they’re together and have one another. I think…you know I joke about my theories and everything but truly that’s what we’re all here for. The love they have for each other and their willingness to endure countless nightmares for each other. I can’t wait to see THEM RUN AWAY TOGETHER WHEN THE TOWN GOES ON A MANHUNT AND THEY JUST CUT AND RUN AND START OVER. TOGETHER (👀👀👀👀👀👀) Damn I thought that was gonna work.
And Wayne. I’m here for actual Dad Wayne Munson. Because he goes through so much to make sure his boy is safe. Omg. “Our boy” I’m freaking tearing up.
Congratulations on another great chapter and yet another strand in the grand web you are weaving. Aghhh. You’re the best but you’re the worst but you’re the best. You deserve a medium place. *forehead smooches*
FINALLY replying because i was trying to give everyone time to read but i want you to know this made my day when i received it this morning 🖤
first of all, as always, i love your mind. you're thinking big (even if you're not right) and i adore it <3 also the image of you scribbling down your theories on a napkin just has me cackling i love you jo 😭😭😭
and oh yeah, there's quite a bit going on, quite a lot to cover, but i think that's why even amongst this "angst", i find so much comfort in continuing their story. it's just as much their love that makes me giddy to write this story as it makes you all to read it (which still blows my mind, btw).
dad wayne munson is everything to me. him and hopper are the town's resident adoptive fathers, and both of them just bring me so so much comfort. if i find a way to insert hopper's return into this fic, you already know i am. just give me a day or two of planning i'm a determined woman on a mission
thank you so much. i know i'm a broken record, i know all i ever seem to do is thank y'all and tell you how much i appreciate you guys and your support, but i do. i truly mean it so much that if i think about it too much, i'd cry. when i started all this, i thought this was going to be some silly fic i'd post and have to celebrate even having one reader, something i'd have to manically talk and plan out with my best friend and that at the end of the day, would only really mean something to me. you guys have been so endlessly supportive, so achingly sweet, and i just. gah. i don't know how to repay you all. i love you guys. you guys let me have my cake, and eat it too. that's probably the greatest gift i've received in all my years of writing fics.
also... side note.... has someone been rewatching the good place? 👀
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corpseaten · 3 days
what are those about? and i don't recommend csm, just... im glad you won't waste your time. i've watched all of hq & read the time skip special, how's the manga? i think i've gotten pretty far in the manga but it's been so long i don't remember - 🍀
YAPPING WARNING I AM SO SORRY…, Houseki no kuni is a literary masterpiece and criminally underrated. You remind me of cinnabar from it —
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(this is them) , it’s about a bunch of gemstones who fight against lunarians (creatures of the moon) who trying to kill them and take their parts, the main character is the best main character in anything I have read/seen in a long time. Everytime you think something good is going to happen somehow the worst thing possible does it’s devastating. The ending of it was the main character becoming a comet and exploring space and time endlessly, and the author timed this with a real life comet that only appears every 74 years that was coincidentally the exact colour of the main chatacter (phos), which means she timed her hiatuses so she could match the ending with the time of the comet which is so. augh. head in hands. I love you ichikawa. I do recommend if you ever sre in the mood to read it. Love and heart is less complex. Just about high school student where one of them is completely obsessed with the other but he doesn’t go like full yandere until the end . . lots of the main cast just go evil at somepoint it’s really strange. Why does the main girl attract so many crazy people whilst being completely normal . . it does get dark with the main character being the reason/cause for the yanderes mother dying and she has to come to terms with it so it’s not all just yandere stuff which is cool. Have you not deen Nana? in personality you kind of remind me of the black haired Nana. —
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it’s about two girls with the same name living in apartment 707 together! Honestly I think it’s implied they had romantic feelings for each other but thought they needed to be with men so they went and got married to them instead and it’s really sad and basically every character is kind of a bad person but it makes it really good and believeable becasue nobody is fully good despite how hard they try, the music is also very good. Another show where the main character goes in a downwards spiral and things just keep getting worse . . . Then Carole and Tuesday is a sweet series about two girls from different paths who meet and they form a band together to try and fight the popularity of ai music, this came out before the huge ai craze and is very ?? accurate in depicting how things are now with ai and although the themes are very futuristic it’s really cute, the music is also touching. It also handle a lot of heavier topics like terrorism , corrupt politics, racism and I think they’re done very well for what an anime about two girls who like to sing could do. Tuesday was literally modelled around me she is Me for real. Haikyuu is so good! I really love the manga. I’ve cried so many times over it, all the characters being included makes me so happy . . . Rice farmer Kita my beloved. You should re-read it if you’d want to , I can’t explain how good it is in words. It just reaches into your heart I find.
I am very much apologetic for sending you so much to read . . nerding out.
0 notes
ghost-of-the-machine · 7 months
i used to be able to just like. yap for eternity like, it was my favorite thing ever!!
just go somewhere and TALK talk alone, talk for no one, talk til i had nothing to say anymore but recently ive noticed it makes me feel.. worse? like. i was supposed to just JERK OFF AND GO TO BED like . at 9 pm last night 💀 and i stayed up til like 3 am, ive just been talkin and i watched a movie, that was nice.. i miss it? something inside of me is really really sad right now and i cant quite figure out why. its like a weird puzzle, trying to navigate my brain cuz like i KNOW something wrong, but what? whats bothering me? idont understand. maybe im scared of annoying people again, but.. was i scared of that before too? i dont remember if i was or not. what do i even miss? i dont know, i miss? i dont know what i miss. i miss something, probably
maybe thats whats bothering me, i feel like ive lost something, do i feel like ive lost the ability to be comfortable just.. talking ? maybe a little.. some people followed me after i posted my spamton art and anytime that sort of thing happens, i always feel . i feel so horribly guilty!!! youve followed me for that, not to hear me chatter endlessly about whatever comes to my mind. i know i shouldnt care, but im just scared of annoying people, cuz i really do love to talk!!! i love talking about things i like, but.. something is holding me back? it feels like it, i dont know why. i think its just mental barriers. i was so up front and proud of how much i love spamton g spamton, how much i love A LOT of characters. then i made friends and i felt ashamed and embarrassed. is that all it takes? once you have a set of eyes on you that matters, you fold? i feel like that about a lot of things, maybe thats one of the reasons ive been quieter than im used to being
i think im scared, i think it scares me to imagine ever saying anything and having them be like. "eugh." like?? death id prefer death. without them even asking for it ive just kinda cut bits and pieces off to save myself from POTENTIAL rejection, the. i just want to be someone that is adored, as selfish as it is, of course ill change to get that
i think it sorta.. i . its hard to explain, but loving people when you have bpd feels like you will never ever be loved equally, because i have endless devotion and admiration, theres hardly a single thing i dont love about the people i care about, to the point where its a fault. ive let people get away with terrible things, just cuz i loved them so much i didnt care what happened to me. and sometimes it hurts real bad when i remember that the way i love isnt normal, no one could ever love me like that. its why im on edge, the fear of saying something wrong, the fear of cracking this image. they like me, dont they? what if i say something wrong and for even a small second they like me just a little bit less? it makes me chest hurt just thinking about it, its terrifying. if they like me less for a second, maybe.. the rose tinted glasses will shatter, maybe theyll realize im not all that great, maybe itll be over, gone, DONE. finished, ended . dead. i dont want that, its logical to do everything i can to avoid that right?
terrible fate, thats how i see it. the end of all things. worst possible thing to ever happen to me. id rather relive all my trauma over again than lose anyone, id rather anything else. the way i feel is extreme, but. im known for that i guess 💀 its fear, im scared. scared, what if im annoying? i get afraid of annoying STRANGERS, of course im terrified to annoy my best friends. annoying, maybe when im talking to myself about shit they dont care about, its just filler words. garbage, static , words from my mouth and it means nothing to them. isnt that thought so scary? it is to me, i hang on to every word, every stupid joke, every laugh and .
what do i feel now? im working myself up over something that hasnt even happened. ive upset myself over the IDEA of a problem, the thought that maybe something might be wrong. whatever. i think i have this intense loathing for myself, thats the thing?
with bpd, you split. yr thinking isnt clear, its black and white. painful, so painful, but.. im not some mindless monster that just lashes out. thats terrifying, id have no one if i did that right? so i split on myself instead, all that anger and pain is directed at me from inside, it rips me apart. suddenly i can see every flaw, every annoying thing ive ever done every awkward sentence, every joke that didnt land. every opportunity, every single thing that could take it all away from me. as innocent as they are it seems like genuinely theres these big ugly lacerations on my body every time i feel like im possibly maybe not being as charming as id hope to be, ugly scars that ward people off, my blood gets everywhere and it grosses them out, they scoot away an inch for every cut. i know its not true.. i make friends with good people!! the best people, it just.. its what im scared of, which in my eyes means that its true because if im scared of it, there msut be a reason why im scared ofit? it must be actively happening! every rejection of my being is a step closer to abandonment, i g
ive been doing really good, i think. im not so scared of being abandoned because ive been reassured over and over again and i dont have the heart to think past all that work thats been done for me. ive hardly thought about it, anytime i get scared i just remember the things that have been said to me, how secure my place is here. its true, surely.. but this fear is natural for me. its 2nd nature, this fear puts actions in motion to prevent abandonment. fear keeps me safe, keeps me in that little box i think people want me in. the little box that says im okay! im a good person, every aspect of me they can see in the box is enjoyable, who cares if i feel like i need to cut some pieces off to fit there?
i know in my heart its not what they want. im moving too fast, im bracing again. i just get scared, maybe im just needy. what, i need eyes on me? need to feel seen and appreciated with everything i do? if nothing else, at least THAT is 100% selfish, ive been doing better recently... but sometimes its hard not to fall back on those instincts
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ppinp · 8 months
I hate that my first reaction was wait for me on the other side of my self-inflicted misery Underneath a freshly bloomed giving tree But that wasn't you, that wasn't for me This experience taught me the kind of love i need - patient
New record a month and a week. From full moon to full moon to fool and then During that time you fragmented my mind, had me questioning what I held as divine, underlined what I already knew as the ultimate truth about myself and the world, almost knocked me off course but thank God I have a higher calling to keep me aligned. When my friends ask, "What happened to you late November thru December" I'll tell them - I had a whirlwind romance Not because we were mad love meant to be, but through some unspeakable tragedy we couldn't But because I don't remember. I don't remember you asking me a single question about me I don't remember you hearing when I needed space yet managed to convince me that I didn't put in effort... But because it was mad tough from the beginning - fights about semantics controlling language And when the few that have seen us two together ask me: Are you still seeing Ismail - I'll tell them no and give you my blessing if you want your experiences negated your mind faded your feelings invalidated your language controlled while you feed his ego and soul
because you don't have casual sex - only have sex with the people you have conquered already, who hope for something more than a spot on the shelf Possibilities, mistaken for toxicity Reading my notes makes me angry how you seeped into my mind so unnoticeably framing me as the one to blame
Your name and last picture made me Smile Dismantled gender conventions, like the last one, I thought Full of never-ending stories lacking any questions masked by "discomfort" then you wonder why you didn't know the last one why you didn't know me, why you won't know the next one. Connect your patterns, I'll make my own conclusions even if we said it's a common decision. You chose for me, and I'm endlessly grateful that you set me free. Early morning, 5C I thought you could be my anchor but you sent me off into the tick January fog. 5 AM the silent ship by Yahya Kemal Beyatlı I think it's funny how you had a poem at the ready Man of polarities things not adding up my body knew it before I could put it together your calm voice vs your violent messages your fidelity promises vs self confessed attempts at cheating
The only time you let me speak was when I was on stage getting to know me thru my craft was my fist to you and although I wanted to take agecy and get to knowyou in my own way you never pause talking at me - I never got to ask my questions you never got to know me you compared my boobs to triangles yet the point you should have hit on repeat you missed and missed no, touch me like this afraid to interrupt your flow a term youused to mask your selfish acts
calling it by another name didnt change the fact that I didn't cum
We could have been the best that ever was But somehow we couldn't be On the daily you brought out the worst in me A million times better than the last guy who yanked my bar clear out of the sky it was so easy to compete when it was flushed to the ground You were so willing and giving I had forgotten how is to be treated well There was something about you that made me vibrate in all the wrong ways perhaps that fear made me hold you at arm's lenght but you lured me in with promises of softness how you wanted to be on my mental journey with me and how everything was together but that was all smoke and mirrors He was to me Who I was to you Always making space always bending time It was nice until it wasn't I shouldn't have hung up I'll admit it but your frequent interruption didn't permit it Funny how all your lasts would not talk at you but from their pasts but when you have trust issues that's suddenly more valid
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