#i love this game already... the art... the museum...
galpalaven · 2 years
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my parents bought me Coral Island so here's my farmer, Rowan!!
got my eyes on Theo or Chaem for her ;w;
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ayyponine · 10 months
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Thrilling conclusion of the museum poll fr last sunday. You guys chose well thanks! pt 1/2
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cheri-2047 · 7 months
Genshin date headcanons (venti, lyney, ga ming, kaveh)
if i accidentally mischaracterized them i deeply apologize
warnings: nothing it’s mostly fluff, btw it’s established relationship already
He would love to take you on a picnic up on a hill. somewhere where the sun is in the perfect position and where the winds feel nice.
he would have a basket of all your favorites and a bottle or two of wine. (If you dislike wine, he will bring your favorite drink)
you guys would talk and just do whatever and have fun! This man loves to make you laugh, it makes him feel really happy.
afterwards, you guys go on a gliding date. Going down the hill and going around mondstadt wherever you guys please.
At night, he brings you to the tavern to drink (but then again if you dislike drinking, he will take you out to a romantic dinner).
afterwards when he brings you home, he leaves a flower in your hair and gives you a kiss
this MF would greet you at your house doing a magic trick for you to get a rainbow rose on your hair. He would also say smth flirty as his first greeting like “it was a cloudy day before you, my light has appeared!” Or smth like that
he would take you to his favorite cafe in Fontaine, to have breakfast with you there.
whenever a kid approaches him and asks him to do a magic trick, he would go “alright! But only one okay? I’m on a date with this (if ure a girl, beautiful lady, if ure a guy, handsome man. If ure a diff gender he says with my dearest) and afterwards starts rambling on to the kid about how much he loves you. This man would show you off every single moment he gets.
he would walk you around the streets of Fontaine until he reaches his home. He brings you there and cooks lunch for you, somehow he knows your favorites even if he never told u. This man is strange 😭
after you guys eat he cleans up (and if you offer to help, he would not let you) and you guys cuddle on the couch watching a movie until both of you fall asleep.
He would take you on a dim sum and street food date, all with him paying for it ofc! He would bring you to his favorite street food stalls and you guys get to try the most delicious foods ever.
whenever he sees fellow co-workers, he loves Telling them “I’m on a date!!” He’s really happy and excited you guys are together.
whenever he sees any of his relatives he tells you to run, which actually becomes pretty fun for both of you since ou guys treat it like a heist 😭
When it gets dark, he brings you to a special area in Liyue Harbor. He then performs you a dance that he himself made specifically for you. Obviously this attracts some people so at the end he proudly announces that he made it for his beloved.
He brings you to your home and before you guys part, he hugs you tightly saying “Thank you..I had the best day today my love”
He’d take you to the palace of Alcazarzaray, showing you around. Hed talk about his experiences in making it too.
you guys hang out there for awhile, talking about yourselves and getting to know one another even more
afterwards, he’d take you to an art museum. Both of you then jokingly judge modern art 😭😭😭😭 and just have fun
afterwards HED invite you to his and haithams home. He payed haitham to let him have the date there and for haitham not to interrupt because this man knows haitham would interrupt you guys 😭
he cooks for you and you guys eat together
afterwards you guys play bored games. You personally invite haitham so that you’d have more players and you’d get good entertainment whenever haitham and kaveh are beating each other
when it reaches night, kaveh invites you to stay. You two cuddle on his bed and sleep in each others arms.
sorry this was not proofread at all and that venti’s part is so short 😭 I tried.
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exilethegame · 4 months
What's the go-to topic for the RO's if you want to get them talking for the next 4 hours straight? In other words, what kind of things are they most interested in/passionate about?
Vethna: Politics in Vygrand, the ethics of blood magic, the history of magic in general... they are very much an academic at heart and like trying to find the balance between a "perfect world" and reality. Plus they've never spoken about these things to someone who takes them seriously, so having a place to do just that would have Vethna blabbering for hours.
Nikke: Weapons, daggers, specifically. He collects them as he finds them which may be grim to other people (considering he usually takes them from the bodies of the people he kills), but hey... it's still a cool collection, okay? He also loves talking about all his adventures and sharing stupid stories about cool places he's visited. Also fighting techniques. He's genuinely super into that. Goes for Jost + Nikke that they both have A LOT to say about the Taipan gang in Vrithka as well. Like a lot a lot. (None of them are good things)
Jost: Jost is a listener, not a talker. But in the rare, rare occasion you have her going on about something, it's usually because she's upset and somehow, you became the one person she trusts enough to vent things to. It's not necessarily upset as in sad, per se, but she's in a place emotionally where needs someone to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. (However, passion-wise, she's super into the arts, so you could probably pull some words out from her re. arts from the Old Worlds, museums, that sort of thing). 
Amilia: Amilia does not stop talking. Amilia will go for hours talking about a cute mushroom on the side of the road, no not underestimate her. And you know what? Yes, she's doing it to annoy who she's with, but part of her really is interested in that mushroom you know. On a more serious note, she's really into music and getting to know people. Amilia's one of those people that makes others open up pretty easily, and it's something she genuinely enjoys since she likes learning the "lore" of individuals. (... is that just gossip?)
Sabir: Astrology, the gods of the Old World, the Old World in general, really. Interestingly enough, Sabir does not enjoy talking about politics. Like you can rile him up if you try hard and enough, but he sincerely tries to avoid getting too far into it because it's such a glib subject. That, and he's already talking about politics all day given his position. Sabir isn't a ramble talker though-- he won't just chatter for hours on end about something. He's into the art of conversation, you see. The back-and-forth is what's fun for him, so he'd rather talk about nothing at all and fill the conversation with shallow banter than passionately talk about his map collection.
Syfyn: Just remind her of the time someone vaguely pissed her off one time and you got about an hour of entertainment off that incident alone. (One time a person cut her in line at the mess hall, one time she stubbed her toe because someone moved a box, one time--) Syfyn also likes talking about combat and training, but Nikke's more like "genuine excitement and tips and tricks" and Syfyn's more like "lmfao I kicked your ASS you're a loser" or "did you see how hard I punched that thing lemme remind you"
Freedom: Hmm... this only works if one is super-super close with Freedom, but they'll be very genuine and skip the word-games when it comes to talking about the Old World, the time when the other gods were alive, their past and people they've met/known. That's the one thing Freedom could speak about for hours and be upfront about AND be genuinely invested in the conversation. They enjoy sharing relics of history with people who are actually willing to listen, and the fact anyone might want to really know about them on an individual level would be very flattering.
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edenesth · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Dear Soulmate
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I'm sorry it took me so long, anon! I didn't know how to approach this and was waiting for a friend to do it first🙈
For my one and only, my pookie, @itstheghostofmypast💖
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Choi San — soulmate au (idiots to lovers)
In a world where soulmates exist, most people discover their other halves before reaching twenty-five, you struggle to find yours, even when he had been right in front of you all along. You've witnessed those around you revelling in the bliss of finding their destined partners, all the while blindly awaiting your own.
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"I cannot believe this, I'm dying alone!" you cried.
"Pooks, he'll come when the timing's right, I just know it," Eve, your closest friend and platonic soulmate, reassured you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you poured out your frustration. Despite being on the cusp of turning 26, your soulmate remained elusive.
"How did you and Hwa find each other again?" you asked, desperate for answers.
Eve sighed, "Whenever one of us gets hurt, a flower tattoo appears on the other in the same spot of their body. You know how clumsy I am, he found me through those blossoms. But each soulmate pair has their own unique connection. Haven't you felt anything special?"
See, in this world with soulmates, each pair discovers their connection in their own way. There's no universal formula, and you despised that fact vehemently. It only added unnecessary complexity to the already challenging quest for love.
Your parents had found each other through their inner voices, where their internal voices are the other's instead of their own. Your sister had found her soulmate through a compass on her body that led her to where her other half is.
And then there was you. Nothing. Nada. Niente. Absolutely nothing at all.
And as your birthday drew near this year, panic set in. You'd soon be a year older than the age when most people found their soulmates. Maybe you didn't have one, maybe he died, maybe he got aborted as a foetus, maybe—
"Woah, woah, just take a deep breath, everything will be okay," your friend reassured, trying her best to help in any way possible, "Hey, didn't you say you've been having a lot of dreams lately? And it's always that same dream?"
You blew a raspberry in frustration, "Yeah, but I doubt my recent dreams have anything to do with my soulmate, assuming I even have one. They're always about that art museum I go to on weekends. I think it's just because I spend so much time there."
She pondered for a moment, "Wait a minute, didn't you mention that San guy you always see there? What if—"
"Oh, hell no," you exclaimed, shuddering at the possibility of that annoyingly gorgeous mountain of a man being your destined lover, "I'd rather be alone forever than end up with someone like him."
It all happened on a day when you sought solace at the museum after a taxing week at school. Exhausted from dealing with incompetent classmates and antagonistic professors, you longed for a moment of peace as you approached your cherished spot in the corner. But to your dismay, you discovered an ignorant man occupying not just one seat, but the entire bench with his belongings. And not just any bench, your bench, the one everyone knew better than to occupy.
So you did the first thing that came to mind, you might have uttered some unkind words out of irritation. Looking back, you acknowledge it was all very unnecessary, considering it was likely his first visit to the museum and he clearly didn't realise it was your spot. However, your pride prevented you from admitting fault.
Consequently, he responded with equal unpleasantness. Even the museum guards had to intervene before things escalated into a fight. Like dealing with children, they persuaded both of you to share the bench since there was clearly more than enough space for two.
You adamantly refused to yield your spot and relocate, asserting your presence since you were here first. Similarly, it seemed his foolish pride prevented him from budging as well; thus, you both found yourselves locked in a silent standoff, exchanging wary glances as you engaged in a weekly silent war.
"Ugh, was hoping I wouldn't have to see your face today," San sneered, earning a glare from you as you settled down beside him. You were running slightly late, having trouble getting up after yet another frustrating dream, one slightly more annoying than usual.
Deliberately nudging his bag aside with irritation, you narrowed your eyes, "You wish, loser. This spot is mine, and it's staying that way."
He smirked in response, "Someone's in a foul mood, but then again, when are you not? Hope it's not because of that dream where your precious bench gets snatched away for good."
"Shut the hell up—"
You stopped short, a sudden realisation hitting you like a ton of bricks. You hadn't shared that dream with anyone, not even Eve. No one should know about it except... No freaking way. He couldn't possibly be the one you've been waiting for all this time. It seemed too absurd to be true. Why, out of all people, would fate pair you with this insufferable, infuriating, irksome yet undeniably attractive, bastard?
"Surprise, genius. It's me, your soulmate."
"I knew," he confessed, his voice carrying frustration and resignation, "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were my other half. That's why I came here in the first place, why I was in this exact spot."
Your breath hitched as his words sank in. All this time, he had known, yet he had still chosen to engage in your petty conflicts.
"But when I met you," he continued, "I was excited, hopeful even. But your attitude, your stubbornness... it's unbearable. As much as I feel the pull towards you, I can't ignore how immensely annoyed I am by your behaviour."
His words landed like a punch to the gut.
"I know that if I had a choice in who my soulmate is," he admitted, his gaze intense, "it would never be you."
After a moment of processing his words, you gritted your teeth in anger, "Well, joke's on you, buddy. I don't want you either. Maybe it would be best for both of us if you stop showing up here from now on."
Days turned into weeks, and true to your request, San ceased his visits to the museum. At first, you felt a strange sense of relief, but soon, that relief morphed into a tumult of conflicting emotions.
You didn't know how to feel. Did you truly mean what you said, or were those words simply born out of anger? Your emotions were a tangled mess. On one hand, you had just turned away your soulmate after yearning for his presence for so long. On the other hand, you couldn't shake the resentment that it had to be him, of all people. Part of you longed to be near him, to reconcile and embrace your destiny. But another part recoiled at the thought, recoiled at the frustration his presence brought.
Unbeknownst to you, San wasn't doing much better. His heart felt hollow, the absence of your presence leaving a gaping void. He tried to carry on with his life as before, but the weight of your rejection hung heavy on his shoulders. But his pride also kept him from reaching out to you.
He suppressed the pull towards you, buried it beneath layers of denial and indifference. But no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, your essence lingered in his dreams, haunting him with visions of what could have been.
Then, one day, fate intervened in a way neither of you could have predicted. You fell ill with food poisoning and ended up in the hospital. In a panic, San saw it in his dream, a vision of you lying pale and weak in a hospital bed. Without hesitation, he raced to your side, his heart pounding with fear. As he stood in the hospital room, watching over you, he realised the depth of his feelings. Despite everything, he couldn't deny the truth any longer. You were his soulmate, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
You furrowed your brows at his unexpected appearance, "What the hell are you doing here? Who invited you?"
His heart sank at your coldness, but before he could form a response, Eve intervened, giving you a playful smack on the shoulder, "Stop it, you! He came all this way, and you're still going to be mean to him?" Turning to San with a warm smile, she continued, "You must be San! I'm Eve, her best friend. It's nice to finally meet you. Oh, and please don't take her words to heart. She likes to pretend as if she hadn't been dying to see you again."
Blushing furiously at her blunt revelation, you shot her a glare, but she simply tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "Behave yourself. I'll be back shortly after settling the bill with Hwa," she said, brushing past San. As she passed him, she gave a polite nod, "Please take care of her for me, won't you?"
"Of course, Eve," he replied, nodding in return.
As soon as your friend left the room, he took a step closer, his tone serious, "Listen, I'm tired of playing games. I came here because I realised I can't bear to lose you again. So, tell me if you feel the same right now. If you still want me gone, I'll leave and never show my face around you ever again."
His words struck a chord, and you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He couldn't resist the pull any longer, sitting down beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you. Relief flooded through him as he felt you relax in his embrace.
"I don't want to lose you again either. I'm sorry I was an idiot," you whispered.
"You should be," he teased, planting a kiss on your hair, "But I'm sorry too. Perhaps I should have told you who I was from the start. Let's just... not say things we don't mean and hurt each other again, okay?"
You nodded, squeezing him tightly, "Okay, Sannie."
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blythsholland · 8 months
No More Secrets!
Pairing: Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: You join the cast of TBOSAS, sparks fly between you and Tom, and fans are quick to notice some things.
AN: For the sake of this social media au, let’s pretend spiderman: no way home was being filmed as well!
part 2
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thehungergames posted a photo
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liked by youruser, variety, tomblyth, zendaya and others.
thehungergames Rising Star @ youruser has joined the cast for the upcoming Hunger Games prequel: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, lead by Tom Blyth and Rachel Zegler. Character details still unknown. (📸 Getty)
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youruser I’m so happy and excited to join such wonderful cast! 🤍🤍🤍
tomblyth Welcome to the hunger games! 🐍🕊️
↪️ youruser Can’t wait to work with you! 🫶🏻
↪️ user The hands heart emoji… oh I ship it already!
rachelzegler Fans aren’t ready! 👀
userfan If I have to guess, I’d say she’s playing someone from the academy. Maybe even have a relationship with Coryo.
comment liked by youruser
↪️ youruser You just have to wait and see!🤫
user1 AHHHH IM SO HAPPY. I just know she’s going to be amazing in this!
youruser posted a photo
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Liked by tomblyth, tomholland2013, jacobbatalon, zendaya and others.
youruser That’s a wrap on No Way Home! 🎬 Grateful for this amazing opportunity! Catch me in the FoS crew!!! Iykyk 🕸️🕷️
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zendaya I’m going to miss youuuu 🥺
↪️ youruser I’m gonna miss you too :(
jacobbatalon FoS crew let’s goooooo!! 🤙🏽
tomholland2013 now why would you post that pic of me giving the finger 😂
↪️ youruser your beautiful girlfriend told me to post and I follow orders!
↪️ zendaya you bet I did! sorry love @ tomholland2013 😂🩷
userfan1 FoS?!?!? What does that mean???
user @ userfan1 It means friends of spiderman. If you saw FFH they mention this towards the end!
blythloverrrr This is like the 4th consecutive post Tom has liked of youruser 👀
↪️ youruserfans1 right 👀 apparently he also liked one or two edits of her not too long ago.
↪️ blythloverrrr that’s interesting ✍🏼
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liked by user1, blythloverrrr, userfan22, and others.
youruserupdates_ @ youruser posted on her story this morning on her way to Berlin . And surprise, a fan spotted Tom Blyth picking her up at the airport. The two of them shared a hug that looked very cozy. 👀
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blythloverrrr that’s a cozy hug indeed. ✍🏼
userfan2 relax guys, they’re just friends!
user1 @ userfan2 who’s saying they aren’t?
youruserfans okay but can we acknowledge the fact that he went to pick her up? that’s so sweet!
user23 I ship them idc!!!
user3 him liking almost all her posts, liking some of her edits and now he’s picking her up??? Something is happening idk. 🫢
blythfan can a guy and girl be just friends? let them be!
youruser posted a photo
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liked by tomblyth, tomholland2013, zendaya, rachelzegler and others.
tagged: tomholland2013, zendaya, rachelzegler, tomblyth
youruser Life lately 🤍
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tomholland2013 gonna tell Sony to make that pic of me the official poster for nwh 😂
↪️ youruser you’re so unserious 😭
hunterschafer I’m going to meet you as soon as I get on set next week!
↪️ youruser YES PLEASE! 🥹
rachelzegler 🩷🩷🩷 that pic tho, tom can’t never be serious.
lionsgate Coriolanus snow, part time model!
user1 that pic of Tom belongs on an art museum!
blythloverrrr okay but the last pic??? Is everyone seeing this??? 👁️
user Yeah they’re definitely dating, I have no proof but I also have no doubts 👀
tomblyth 🤍🤍🤍
comment liked by youruser
↪️ youruser 🥰
part 2? 👀
If you want to be tagged let me know!!
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staranghae · 6 months
[3:17 AM]
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summary. yoon jeonghan is like art in a museum. look don't touch kinda deal. so, what happens when your idiot best friend dares you to kiss him during a drunken game of truth and dare? let's find out...
pairing. jock! y.jh x reader wc. 1k warnings. mentions of murder (lighthearted), profanity, bestie! mingyu genre. fluffy fluff, jeonghan is very aditya kashyap coded in this. a/n. requested by a lovely anon! this feels so cliche but I love cliches so here you go! hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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you were going to murder kim mingyu one of these days.
your head hadn't even hit the pillow after your designated midnight 'talk' with him that he had gone and woken up the rest of the dorm to play a game of truth or dare.
you had agreed, strictly telling him that you would be staying for only one round of the game. a girl needs her beauty sleep after all.
what started as one single round with barely 5 people from dorm was now going strong on round 5 with all 17 people in the dorm sitting on the floor in varying stages of drunkenness, save for a few who were still sober, including you and yoon jeonghan.
yoon jeonghan, the captain of the soccer team and also the guy you've been crushing on since high school. by pure coincidence, the two of you ended up in the same university and in the same major AND in the same friend group! it truly felt like the universe was on your side with this one.
your fantasies were interrupted by the shrill sound of someone mingyu squealing. you looked to find the cause of his sudden excitement only to find the bottle had landed on you. you looked back up at him only to find him staring at you, a sinister glint in his eyes. with an overly saccharine tone, he asks you,
"y/nie, truth or dare? you have to pick dare by the way, you picked truth twice in a row already so."
"then why'd you ask the question, dipshit?"
you heard a low chuckle come from your side. you look to find the source of the sound, only to see jeonghan looking at you. your staring contest is abruptly ended by the sound of mingyu aggressively clearing his throat..
"so, y/nie, your dare is..." he looks around the room, trying to find a dare for you to do. his wandering eyes finally land on him.
"your dare is... kiss the person sitting on your right! and a proper kiss, not just a peck." he says while the circle starts cheering at his dare.
to others, the cheering might seem unnecessary but there's some context behind this. context being, the guy sitting on you right is yoon jeonghan. despite his whole jock persona, jeonghan is a strict one-woman man. and kissing people for dares is not a thing he does. not even if he's single.
so, knowing him, you don't even bother to ask him before reaching for your drink. the group starts boo-ing at you as you lift the cup.
all at once, someone is snatching the cup from your hands while simultaneously pulling you back into their lap. you look behind you, only to find yoon jeonghan staring at you with a smirk gracing his lips.
you scramble to get off his lap, but he effortlessly manhandles you into facing him and for a moment, it's just you and him. he moves a lock of hair behind your ear and asks you quietly,
"do you hate me that much?"
you feel like a fucking teenager all over again, sputtering and stuttering out an answer,
"n-no, it's just that... you don't do st-stuff like this."
"stuff like what?"
"kissing people for dares kinda stuff."
he looks confused at your statement. and his hands, still on your waist, aren't exactly helping you give him an answer. you muster up every last ounce of confidence in your body and tell him,
"jeonghan, the entire university knows about your 'one-woman man' agenda. you've never kissed a girl for a dare, ever."
he blanks for a second before laughing. not a giggle or a chuckle, but a full out laugh. everyone else in the room is extremely confused at his sudden burst of laughter, the two of you had been conversing in hushed voices and whispers, and now he was laughing?
you look at him incredulously, a little offended at his sudden burst of laughter. he looks at you through teary eyes and immediately stops laughing. amidst the chaos, he asks you a question,
"y/n, did you, maybe, ever consider the possibility of you being my one-woman?"
you visibly malfunction at his question. you get off his lap and go outside the dorm to the patio to clear your head. you don't see jeonghan get up and run after you.
the two of you stand in silence until you decide to break the ice,
"since when?"
he looks at you before sighing heavily, "since freshman year, i think?"
"of university? so 4 years!"
he shakes his head.
"of high school. so... 8 years, actually," he says with a small smile.
you stare at him, wide eyed and completely thrown off your axis. he's liked you longer than you've liked him? actually, you only knew of his existence in sophomore year, so he's liked you since before you knew he existed?!
lost in your thoughts you don't see him come closer to you.
you look up at his call of your name only to find him standing right in front of him. like close enough that your lips could touch if you stood upright. he looks down at you with a soft gaze and informs you,
"we still didn't finish the dare."
you look up at him and then look to the door, when your classmates were peeking as though you wouldn't have seen then from a mile away
in an attempt to be petty and still do the dare, despite your current predicament, you grab jeonghan by the collar of his shirt and pull him down to meet him halfway.
jeonghan, despite his initial shock at your sudden move, immediately kisses you back, his hands finding solace on your waist.
the entire dorm erupts in hoots and cheers, successfully resulting in the faculty dorm waking up.
jeonghan just laughs and tugs you back into the dorm, straight onto his bed. the two of you end up in each other's arms, laughing and happy. as the two of you drift off to dreamland, you only have one thing on your mind.
maybe you owe mingyu a blind date with one of your friends for his efforts.
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emptymasks · 1 year
Old Web European Musical Sites
So this post started because I was looking through the waybackmachine on the Internet Archive for the old Disney Fairies site for a friend, and remembered I'd backed up some old musical related sites a couple years ago on the waybackmachine just to archive them.
Which made me remember how recently I saw someone on here, I don't remember who, asking if there were interviews either about Elisabeth das Musical or specifically with Uwe Kroger (the actor who originated the role of Der Tod/Death) in English to which someone had answered no but there are some quotes and fragments in other posts on here. Which made me remember an old website I'd found that did have interviews on and I went out to find it. After I found it, I tried to find another website I'd found that had nice old photos of Uwe on that I'd save for I'd never seen them anywhere else, but sadly can no longer find the site and I hadn't bookmarked it or archived it. But, in doing so I did find some others.
So, come along with me as I find some ye olde websites based around European Musicals and Non-English Musicals, all of which I am archiving using the waybackmachine and can be found on my archive.org account @ wennli3b3 under the 'web archives' tab on my profile.
What is old web? The aesthetics wiki describes it as "Essentially consisting of screencaps and gifs, Old Web is an aesthetic utilizing traditional web design elements combined with aspects of poetry and self-expression. This also includes GIFs, video games, and clip-art. This aesthetic expresses nostalgia for Internet culture of the early 1990s to early 2010s." Think of old GeoCities and AngelFire websites, the pre-2010s internet where it wasn't uncommon for anyone to make their own little website for anything and the internet wasn't just social media. There's just such a charm for me about these old sites and the work people put into customising and decorating their sites, often just as a fun project for themselves or a way to document things they loved. Therefore the websites we'll be looking at are from the 90s up to the late 2000s, 2010s and onwards websites don't count for this list.
What is the waybackmachine? The waybackmachine is hosted on the Internet Archive, it's a digital archive of websites that lets you visit websites as they were during the past if they've been archived there.
[Note: this post won't have clickable links because that can make Tumblr unhappy and either hide or soft-block my post, so sadly no clickable links, but I will write out the links with spaces in the hopes that won't hide the post and you will just have to type them in for yourselves, and I will link my web archive page in the replies to this post. I am also not claiming to be the first to back these sites up or discover them, some of them have already been archived in past, but doing them all under one account means you guys can have an easy list of them all in one place. Some of these sites no longer exist and are only accessible via the waybackmachine, in those cases I will save those sites to my web archive so they are all listed on one page.]
1. musicalvienna . at
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Staring with a website some of you will be familiar with and while in it's current 2023 form doesn't count as old web and is easily accessible, we're going back in time with the waybackmachine to see how the site looked and what information it had about old current productions in 2000-2008. And frankly I don't know what to do with the information that at some point in 2000 there was a 'vampire museum' inside the Raimund Theatre that had what appears to be a wax figure of Steve Barton in his original Graf von Krolock costume. I. What??
2. eljen . net / kroeger
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A fansite dedicated to Uwe Kroger, the actor, that was run seemingly from 1998-2002 that old photos, links to music that no longer work, but most important to me is the 'Press' page that has many articles and interviews with Uwe that have been translated into English! The site is also available in German eljen . net / kroeger / deutsch. A special shoutout to Uwe's own drawing of himself as Der Tod.
3. eljen . net / elisabeth
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Run by the same person as the first site, in fact it is technically the same site however if you go to the root eljen . net there is just a blank page with a link to the /kroeger site, there's no direct link to the Elisabeth site, you can only find it through googling or having the direct URL.
4. iukc . de
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The Uwe Kroger fanclub webite seems to have started around 2000 but it was taken offline sometime after October 2021 as going to the URL now leads to a 404 error page, but the site is still accessible using the waybackmachine. On a 2019 capture of the website it states this fanclub was dissolved on December 31st 2019 and was advertising the uwe-kroeger-community . com website as a new fanclub. Some of the pages are available in English and Japanese, but all of the pages are only available in German. The site includes information about the fanclub, as well as lists of Uwe's work, discography, and more.
5. gudrun-kauck . de
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A site that as far as I can tell is run by someone just documenting their life and things they see, and that happens to include many musicals. Down the left side of the site there are pages for The Phantom of the Opera, Tanz der Vampire, Ludwig, Concerts, Musicals and Actors. Here there is so much information, interviews, photos, screenshots, transcriptions of scripts and lyrics, articles, and more. This site is a real treasure trove. It's been updating since at least 2004 and it's most recent update was in 2023. This site is in German.
6. jimsteinman . com
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The Tanz der Vampire page on Jim Stienman's website has links to lots of articles, interviews and photos for the original 1997 Vienna production and the 2000 Stuttgart production. This site is in English.
7. carpe-jugulujm . com
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Another site that is no longer active and can only be accessed via the waybackmachine, it was online by 2006 and taken offline between late 2021 and 2023. It has information on productions of Tanz der Vampire between 1997 and 2009 and is one of the few if not the only place I've found information about the 2000 Estonia production. This site is in English.
8. geocities . ws / mymusicalworlds
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This website is all in Chinese, however parts of it are in English and German. It lists information on different musicals, actors, and has lyrics for songs, and photos. It also has midi files but, as with almost all of these old sites, the download links no longer work.
9. theatre-musical . com
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This website started around 2002 and was closed some time in 2016, if you go to the website now all you'll get is a message saying the website has been closed, however the old pages are still accessible via the waybackmachine. There's pages for many musicals with lots of information about each show and each of these musical pages has a link to a page that lists other sites, official and fanmade, that are about this musical. There's many more sites to find via
10. elisabeth-fanclub . de
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A fansite dedicated to Elisabeth das Musical, more specifically the 2001 Essen production and 2003 Vienna Revival. This site includes information and photos about these productions. It was online by 2004 and was taken offline some time after 2007 and is only now available via the waybackmachine. This site is in German.
11. sisi-net . de
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While this site is more dedicated to the actual real Empress Elisabeth, it also has a page dedicated to Elisabeth das Musical which includes several articles and interviews for the 2001 Essen production. There is also some information on here about the Ludwig musical. This site is in German. It was online by 1999, in 2008 the site was empty and "'"under construction" and after 2008 seemed to have either had it's domain sold or hacked and became used for something else, and by 2019 was offline.
12. geocities . com / broadway / 8851
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Another site that is dedicated to the real person Elisabeth, but also has information about multiple productions of Elisabeth das Musical. The site was started in 1996 and is no longer online as GeoCities no longer exists as a website hoster, but can be accessed using the waybackmachine. This site is in English.
13. elisabeth-musicpage . de
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A German fansite for the 2001 Essen production of Elisabeth das Musical that contains information about the show, merchandise, photos, etc. The site was online by 2002, went under construction in 2005 and after 2006 went offline and only accessible via the waybackmachine. This site is in German.
14. elisabeth-das-musical . de
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The old official site for the 2001 Essen production of Elisabeth das Musical. It's only accessible via the waybackamachine however all I could access is this homepage as the site seems to require flash player which no longer exists. The site was made in 2001, by 2006 it was redirecting to a different website that no longer exists, and by 2008 it was just offline.
15. sissi . nl
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The official site for the 1999 Dutch production of Elisabeth das Musical. The site went up in 1999 and is no longer online and only accessible via the waybackmachine.
16. marloes . info
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A site where someone cataloged every musical they saw between 1996 and 2004. Some of these listings link to their reviews of the musicals and pictures they took (the pictures of Elisabeth das Musical really interest me because they went on a night where Jesper Tyden was understudying for Der Tod (he usually played Rudolf) in teh 2001 Essen production).
17. danceofthevampries . com
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The official site for the 2002 Broadway production of Tanz der Vampire. Whilst we all have... feelings about this production, the site's design is very of its time. It has information on the (re-written) plot, cast, downloads for the original English demo recordings (that no longer work), and more. In 2002 the cast page lists the Broadway cast, after the shows closure in 2003 these pages advertised the 2003 Hamburg cast, and by 2006 it now advertises the 2006 Berlin cast, and then even by 2012 that page was no longer being updated. This site is now only accessible via the waybackmachine, I don't know when exactly it went offline but I remember being able to acccess it back in 2020. This site is in English.
18. tanzdervampire . de
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The official site for German-lanuage productions of Tanz der Vampire from 2000 to around 2004, mostly the 2003 Hamburg production. Some pages of the site sometimes redirect to musicalwelt . de, like the 'galarie' page that links to a page of many paintings by Mike Schöbs of the original 1997 Vienna production. The site is only accessible via the waybackmachine, sometimes I have difficultly loading the pages, and sometimes the pages on later dates redirect to stagegholding . de which no longer exists or works.
19. tanz-der-vampire . de
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A fansite for the 2003 Hamburg production of Tanz der Vampire that is still online. It has info about the musical and this production. The page I found the most interesting is the info > links page. It has a list that includes screenshots of websites from around 2003 with official and fanmade sites for different actors from the musical (such as Marjan Shaki, Maike Switzer, Aris Sas, Thomas Mülner, Jens Janke, Ian Jon Bourg, Kevin Tarte and more) most if not all of these sites are on the waybackmachine (and I'm saving them to my own web archive page rather than listing them all here, Tumblr has a text limit and an image limit and we're already running close to it).
20. fuer-sarah . de
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A fansite dedicated to actors who played Sarah including understudies, alternates, swings, and dancers who played Sarah/Solo Female Dancer in the dance sequences in Tanz der Vampire. This site is in German and is only available via the waybackmachine and was active between 2001-2005.
21. musicalland . de
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A fansite dedicated to musical theatre with some more specific pages dedicated too Elisabeth das Musical, The Phantom of the Opera, 42nd Street and Mamma Mia. The site is still online and stopped updating in 2010. This site is in German. The link to the Elisabeth das Musical page no longer works, but can still be accessed using the waybackmachine.
22. old-hickory . demon . co . uk / jim
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A fan page for composer Jim Steinman that has pages about his non-musical work as well as his musicals Tanz der Vampire and Whistle Down the Wind. The Tanz der Vampire pages include lyrics in German and English, as well as the entire original 1997 Vienna libretto translated into English, as well as the 2000 Stuttgart production's programme fully translated into English that includes information and interviews. The site is in English and only accessible via the waybackmachine.
23. romeojulietmusicals . com
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A fan site for the French musical Roméo et Juliette that has pages dedicated to many different language productions with cast lists, information, lyrics and lyric translations. There are galleries on the site but the images on longer load. This site is in English and was online between 2004 to 2008. There is a 'related links' page that contains so many more links to other musical sites.
24. compat . tf1 . fr
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A fan site for Roméo et Juliette for the original 2000 Paris production containing images of the cast, and video interviews and behind the scenes with links that no longer work. This site is in French.
25. mozartbudapest . hu
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The official website for the 2003 Budapest production of Mozart das Musical. This website is only accessible via the waybackmachine, it contains the cast list, a bio of Mozart (the person), but sadly most of the image no longer work. I mention it here only because when i opened it I was surprised the original logo animation and music still played. This site is available in English and Hungarian.
26. notredameonline . com
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During 2000-2001 this URL was for the French musical Notre Dame de Paris and you can see this via the waybackmachine. The site then went offline after 2001 and the domain was sold and since 2006 has belonged to the University of Notre Dame. I really like the design of this site, sadly most of the links open pop-ups that no longer work. The site is available in French and English.
27. notredamedeparis . it
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The official site for the 2002 Italian tour of Notre Dame de Paris. It has a lot of information about the musical and this specific production. This site is in Italian and is only accessible via the waybackmachine.
28. geocities . ws / dreamcatcher182004
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A fansite dedicated to a few musicals that was last updated in 2003. It has pages for Chicago, Les Mis, Miss Saigon, The Phantom of the Opera and Tanz der Vampire.
So yeah, that was a list. I hope that was interesting or for anyone wanting to find more information about these musicals for research, essays, or just for fun, that this post was helpful or interesting in some way. There are a lot more websites than just the ones on this list, however Tumblr has both a photo and a character limit for text posts. If you want a larger catalog you can look at my Internet Archive (archive . org) page @ WennLi3b3 and go to my 'web archives' page, this lists both pages I myself have archived and pages other's have archived and I have bookmarked. Hope someone found this interesting. I just like making lists.
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hopelesswritergall · 11 months
His muse
A/N :So many people wanted it, so enjoy
Taglist(Comment, ask or message me to be added or removed): @daenerysapologist @howyouloveyourdragon @simp-aholic @thisaccountisrandomsstuff
Aemond would not say he is obsessed. Does he go out of his way to see you? If you count coming to the museum only on the days you work? Yes, then definitely. He once asked what days you were working, which was an innocent question. He just wanted to know when he could show you some of his own drawings.. So now every Sunday morning and Wednesday midday he is sitting at a bench looking at the paintings, holding his sketchbook tilted so you can’t see what he is drawing, which infuriates you to some degree. You were curious as to what he could be drawing, seeming to be on a new page every single day you see him. How many variations of one painting can a single man make?
It was Sunday morning and you had just taken your place in your designated room. Checking to see if the alarms were all working, getting some water and then it was a waiting game. Waiting for that usual guy, Aemond you had recently learned, to show up. You didn’t quite know what intrigued him this much about the painting, but alas, a customer is a customer after all. It was just 10 minutes after opening that you heard the oh so familiar sound of his leather boots on the floor. The way the light that was supposed to be on the paintings almost seemed to gravitate towards him, as if he was the main attraction. You gave him a quick nod and greeted him politely. “Goodmorning Aemond, coming to see the same paintings again? For the twentieth time, it must be already.”
“But of course, the art always seems to be a little different each time I visit. It’s worth it, the paintings inspire me.” he would say as he grabbed his little sketchbook and supplies.
“To everyone their own I suppose. We are hosting a competition by the way, it is about artwork inspired by paintings here! Why don’t you submit your work? You’ve been practicing so long, I’m sure you will win.”
He would’ve loved to, just to see your excitement, but the only problem is that his drawings weren’t inspired by the paintings. They were inspired by his muse. You
“Oh well I don’t think that is such a great idea….” He would mumble, almost inaudible.
“Oh come on, I’m sure it isn’t that bad! Just show me, I’m sort of the jury, I can find you some advice in advance.” You offered to him, while speaking you had ascended from your chair and started to walk over to where he was sitting. Aemond however hadn’t noticed this yet, it was only when he looked up to study you some more that he noticed you weren’t at your usual place. He then felt a presence looking over his shoulder and he quickly shut his book. But it was too late, you’d already seen it. Now you would probably get a restraining order against him, finding him a creep, a weirdo perhaps even a freak. He was preparing himself to get yelled at. But to his surprise it never came.
Instead you pointed out “My hair isn’t exactly that colour. It’s a bit off, but it was a pretty drawing!”
“You aren’t freaked out? Creeped out by it?”
“Should I be? I think it rather endearing that out of everything that we have in this museum you pick me to draw! I think of it as a compliment!”
“Well you are kinda my muse after all… I just felt this connection the first time I saw you, and then I couldn’t help but draw you, and then again and again…”
“How about we go for a drink? After I’m done working? The white stag perhaps? And after that we could discuss a perhaps more professional drawing session. Where I’d model for you. How does that sound?”
“What time do you get off?”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Long Post is Long. Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Matt Maher; Clowning; Rhys Darby; Rosie; Samba; Max Trolling Reminder; Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles; Watch Party Reminders for Feb 11; SafeSpaceShip; Art Director's Guild Nominee; We Need to Be a Lighthouse! Game; AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Well as you can imagine, the David Jenkins IG is the big news of today. The clowning forecast has gone up significantly. Dad posted one of the late-blooming SaveOFMD banners in NY and attached Elton John - Candle In The Wind to the post. This song has some very specific significance to our fandom.
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Apparently back when we lost Lucius in Season 1, Chaos Dad posted this song to Nathan Foad. Src @cptn_brightsky's Twitter Post
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Now ADD to that... David Jenkins ALSO added this picture of Matthew Maher standing in front of a saveOFMD flyer found out on the street.
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NOW OF COURSE, we are all clowning, but I think as usual Chaos Dad is trying to give us info without giving us info since the fandom pays so much attention to every little detail.
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@saltpepperbeard has a theory that I'm down to clown with until I turn blue in the face. Src.
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So yeah, as always take the clowning how you will, but I'll be honest, this looks like great news to me. It really does. CLOWN ON MY FRIENDS.
= Other Cast & Crew Sightings =
Rhys Darby's going to be at The Bourbon Room Hollywood next Friday, 2/16 at 8 PM PT.
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== Rosie ==
Since doing cute stuff just doesn't stop in the Darby houshold, tonight I wanted to make a special shout out to Rosie Carnahan Darby, Rhys' Wife who has been active the last couple days. First and foremost, she knit a little blanket and hat for Samba's baby!
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Second apparently she's restocked the Awesomeness Comedy website with more Buttons McGinty books and Comedy Special DVD's in case you're interested.
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Oh and by the way, Samba loves the blanket:
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= Vico Ortiz =
Tonight Vico was out performing with Them Fatale Drag Kings at their last night at their home bar Redline! Just some shots from their IG stories, feel free to check out more.
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== Max Trolling ==
Gentle reminder luvs, if you're going to IG, or Twitter to troll Max posts, let's try to remember not to post OFMD/Negative comments on any posts that are celebrating underrepresented groups. We want to support those groups. Please note however, if you'd done it previously and didn't know, don't beat yourself up! We all make mistakes, just please try to keep it in mind going forward! (If you can delete your previous posts, great, if not, again not the end of the world).
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== Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles ==
Why Deleting and Destroying Finished Movies Like Coyote vs Acme Should Be a Crime
This article is from yesterday but this blurb was pretty damn specific so I wanted to make sure if you missed it you got to see some of the reasons why Max did cancel OFMD.
"Some of the company’s tactics post-merger were garden-variety ruthless, like eliminating 87 series from its streaming platform Max, so that they won’t have to pay union-mandated residuals to the talent that created already-existing programs or pony up funds to produce more seasons of existing ones (such as “Our Flag Means Death,” one of the company’s most popular and critically acclaimed comedies—canceled after just two seasons)."
= Watch Party / Event Reminders =
Feb 11: Q+ and AdoptOurCrew Season 2 Live-Rewatch Party
Times: 2PM GMT, 9 AM EST, 6 AM PST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Feb 11: Relax I'm From the Future Watch Party! =
Sunday February 11th, 1 PM PT. 4 PM ET, 9PM GMT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== In Person Events: San Diego CA ==
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February 11, 2024 at 4 PM at Maritime Museum of San Diego
Costumes & Cosplay Encouraged! Location: Maritime Museum of San Diego 1492 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101
= Art Director's Guild Award Nominee! =
Sorry, I forgot to add this one yesterday!
Ra Vincent - Nominee for Half-Hour Single - Camera Series. Src: @AdoptOurCrew and ADG
Check out the Design Presentation: OFMD_s2_art.pdf
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== We Need To Be A LightHouse! ==
Have YOU heard of this awesome new Monkey Island Inspired Point and Click Adventure Game by @blueberreads and @eldawee? They've been working on it for months and it's FINALLLLLLLY HEEEERE!
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These folks are so incredibly talented! Please go check it out here! https://dawee.itch.io/lighthouse If you're using a MAC OS you'll most likely need to download an executable at the bottom of the main page. Just FYI! If it prompts you with the "you downloaded this from the internet" error just click OK. I already started playing with it and I'm in love.
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I pushed Ed and he asked if I wanna do something weird xD Okay no more spoilers, GO CHECK IT OUT!
== AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure Game!==
In honor of the s2 watch party with Q! tomorrow, @adoptourcrew did a really adorable choose your own adventure game on twitter today! They did polls and let the majority pick which direction they wanted the story to go!
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Since it was a lot of pictures I made a separate post so you can see the whole story: @adoptourcrew Choose Your Own Adventure here on tumblr. Please check it out!
== Love Notes ==
Alrighty lovelies. It's been another busy day. Lots of clowning, lots of hope, lots of emotional roller coasters. I hope you had a good time and generally it was more positive than negative. I have a lot I want to say, but my brain is still pretty foggy. So I'll make this short.
Sometimes when things go well, our brain gets excited and then they overcompensate when we calm down. It starts to think a lot more negatively because it had so much extra dopamine for a time. When that happens, little things can be really devastating. I just want you to remember that we all make mistakes and YOU, you beautiful imperfect being are not your mistakes. They hurt, and we learn from them, but they don't define us. Try not to listen to your brain if it's telling you otherwise. You are so very wonderful.
Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
Here's a picture I found today I thought really applied to all you wonderful people. Thank you to all the folks who reached out to me and checked in and sent me love when you knew I was struggling (there are too many to list and I don't know if you want to be tagged so please just know how much I appreciate you). I love you all so much, and I'm so lucky to how found people who make me feel like it's ok to be me.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight is once again animal themed. I wish I'd made that Taika gif last night for the lovebirds theme, but here we are.
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writtenonreceipts · 21 days
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Rowaelin Month Day Two: Spies/Heist @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist // AO3 Link
Inspired mostly by Leverage but also White Collar
Will be a mix of being set in the US and with Terrasen being a real place bc I can be more lenient with history and art and such this way.  Just go with it.
Summary: She’s a thief with only one thing on her mind: finish the job and move on.  When she’s asked to break into Terrasen’s Museum of Art, Celaena has her doubts.  Mostly because she’d much rather be grifting her way across Europe.  But when she learns what needs stealing?  Well…her schedule clears right up.  Enter the client, a pain in her ass.
Warnings: None, ~3.6k words
The Too Far Gone Job (Part One)
There was a subtly to her job that no one quite understood.  It wasn’t surprising this day in age, but Celaena was a bit insulted by it all the same.  Too often people were so precocious and proud in themselves that they failed to recognize that beauty was in the details.  Many things took a great deal of care to be done properly.  A brain surgeon didn’t rush in with a scalpel after hardly reading scans.  A gymnast would spend hours and years perfecting that one little twist to bring the perfect flip.
And a thief?  Well, a thief would take her time with understanding every intimate detail of her target before attempting a break-in.  The Mortimer Wyrdlock for example was the best, most secure safe in the world.  Built with seismic sensors as well as heat sensors, biometric scans, and thick, metal that no mere handheld saw could touch—it was suicide to even try and get close.
Celaena always put her faith in the underdog.
Concerto No. 4 in F Minor played through the grand halls of Terrasen’s Museum of Art.  She’d always preferred this concerto to the others mostly for the violin.  For the feeling it evoked for the way it always felt like there was a game afoot, a secret to be held, all with the slow building crescendo.  It was beautiful.  Once, she’d been able to play it on the piano, rather compellingly if she could say so herself.  That was before she’d been ushered into her current lifestyle.
All of the things she loved about the song were only emphasized by the marble and vaulted ceilings of museum.  And even though the song was still just an afterthought to cover the chatter and scuffing feet of the party, Celaena could appreciate all the subtle nuances of the song.  Glorious and powerful.
She weaved through the many bodies meandering about the hall.  Most, if not all, were too consumed with the expensive champagne and caviar floating around them.  It was far too easy to pick a target in all the men (and women) surrounding her.  Especially the senator that was already drunk with his fancy watch hanging out in the open like that.  Of the string of Eyllweian diamonds that another woman wore.  So easy.
But she had a plan.
And it only seemed right that this plan be executed here.  It had been ages since she’d stolen something from this museum.  Twelve years to be exact.  She’d been twelve and pressed to execute a flawless grift. 
The architecture of the building was flawless, truly.  The vaulted ceilings, the tall windows that stretched along the walls to look over the Oakwald Mountains.  It created an atmosphere of elegance and finesse.  It was one of the oldest buildings in all of Terrasen, one of the last remaining from the war. 
Which made it the perfect target.
Celaena fingered her glass of champagne as she moved through the masses of people.  She could have spoken to a few of them, that was what she loved most about a job.  The grift.  The subtle machinations she made to ease a mark into doing what she wanted.  It wasn’t lying and it wasn’t stealing, it was merely encouragement. It helped that most of her marks were bastards and the very thing that was wrong with society.  Usually.  Most of the time she just wanted the shiny things. (Alright so it was lying and it was stealing, but could you really blame her?).
Truth be told, she was just a little distracted by all the beauty surrounding her.  There were the vases from Mesopotamia, the old book of King Brannon, the Darcus blades.  She really wanted to steal those, but it would almost be too easy.  All she needed to do was flirt with the security guard doing a terrible job to blend in with the party.  The poor thing was in a cheap suit and poorly done tie…how had he gotten approved for this job?  It would almost be mean to target him.
Celaena moved through the party with ease, setting her champagne flute on a passing tray, only acknowledging the server with a small nod, the server barely offered a smile.  A strand of Celaena’s red hair fell over her eyes and she flicked it back casually.  Her dress clung to her frame, thin as she was.  She allowed her own confidence to carry her when she felt weak.  Because she was more than capable of this task.  In all her years of the grift, her appearance and the way she interacted with those around her proved to be the surest way to get a job done properly.
So, Celaena wore her too thin frame to her advantage and became what everyone expected: daddies little girl slumming her way through a party. 
She was invisible when she wanted to be which let her slip down an un-manned hall.
The archived vault of the museum often held the more private items.  Those that were not to be displayed without express permissions of certain clients.  Celaena’s target for tonight actually was one such item.
It was far too easy to slip down a service staircase.  She’d gotten her hands on a universal scanner so she could hack various systems with ease.  Usually if she was doing her job right, the mark was opening doors for her.  Unfortunately for her, tonight she needed more finesse and isolation.
Holding the skirt of her dress in one fist, Celaena moved down the stairs.  Her research on the museum told her that most of the below staff would be dismissed for the Gala above.  There would be one historian finishing up cataloging and a security guard to keep them company.  The security guard would have a simple enough rotation, likely only venturing on rounds once every thirty minutes.  This area was even better secured then upstairs, the guard needn’t worry about a thief like her.
Celaena couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.
She wished she could be back upstairs mingling and grifting.  It was what she preferred.  She liked putting on that mask, liked slipping away into another persona, liked pretending she was anything but herself.
As she turned down a one of the halls, she checked the small signal reader she’d stuffed into her bra.  Her comms had remained silent all night, not surprising.  But she’d thought there would have been at least something.
Four steps forward to a small alcove where the old diaries of some old white man were held.  Two breaths.  Duck back out and then left and straight.
The Mortimer Wyrdlock stood before.  The chrome fixtures glinted in the overhead lights leaving the safe looking like something out of any thief’s wet dream.  Elide was going to kill her for this.
“Hello, beautiful,” she murmured.  The safe really was deserving of all sorts of praise.
A soft noise came from the other side of her comms.
“Anything you’d like to add?” she said, keeping her voice low.
Celaena rolled her eyes and approached the safe.  The lovely little beastie practically called her name.
She stayed in her little alcove waiting a beat, two.  Down one of the other halls she heard the subtle conversation of the historian and security guard in one of the labs.  Unsurprising, she’d encouraged a meeting between them last week, prompting a friendship.  A small little hack into their lives revealed them both to be bird enthusiasts.  A little nudge here and there and they were automatic best friends. 
She wished it were that easy for her.  Making friends.  But what could she do?  Tell someone what she really wanted to do was bungee off the Eiffel tower?  Break into the Louvre?  Steal one of Terrasens national treasures?
No one understood her on that level.  Not anymore.
She approached the keypad lock of the safe and set to work. 
Elide had worked a system override into the scanner that Celaena smuggled in with her.  All she needed to do was hook it up to the safe and let the code do the work.  That would take getting a wire into the system.  Something that Celaena wasn’t the most comfortable with.  Maybe she should have tried the flirting and grifting route…but the client had been clear on the way the job should go.  They couldn’t even have a hint of anyone being manipulated and used.  Rude, honestly.  People were used and coerced every day.  Tricking someone into giving her the Ring of Mab didn’t seem so problematic when you really thought about it.
Celaena made contact to the keypad.
Her handheld device ran through a string of numbers and binary as it worked.  Gooseflesh rose on her skin, but that was to be expected.  Before the Gala, Celaena had made sure the heating system when down to alter the heat sensors readings.  It also helped that the sequins of her dress were heat reflective and had been tested to throw off certain sensors.
As she continued to work, Celaena didn’t want to think about how long it had been.  Usually she didn’t have to, but in this case, she was on the clock.
Her fingers flew over the screen as she manipulated the numbers just as Elide had taught her.  It was simple enough, but if she ran into any walls or blocks, Celaena had no idea what she would do.  She knew the basics to get what she needed and wanted on any other job, but the Mortimer?
As her heart pulsed in her throat, Celaena punched in the last sequence she needed.
She couldn’t help but hold her breath as she waited for the system to respond.  She was taking too long.  She knew she was taking too long.  Even with the chill of the room, she could still feel sweat collect along the back of her neck.
And then the cogs began turning.
As the vault swung open on silent hinges, Celaena allowed herself to take a breath.  She certainly didn’t get the same charge out of this as Elide.  Give her a cocktail and a trust fund baby any day.
She didn’t bother worrying about her fingerprints as she pulled the vault door open further.  Those had been burned off as a birthday gift when she was twelve.  And consistently afterwards.  Eventually most of her prints stopped regenerating and only the pinky finger of her left hand and middle finger of her right were legible.  She’d learned to adapt the way she touched and handled things. 
Inside, the vault wasn’t as spacious as the movies made scenes like this appear.  Even though it was nearly seven feet tall and five feet wide, there were still shelves that lined the walls and smaller casements for various items.  Once Celaena entered she felt constricted over the small space.  Pushing those sentiments aside, she went straight to the back of the vault where her target was clearly laid out.
The Eye of Elena, to some, was a simple necklace.  Easy in design without too many adornments and gems.  But the story behind it was what was truly remarkable.  Once, it was said to have belonged to an ancient queen who had worn it as a shield of protection and power.  This queen lived under many names, many faces, and led to the redemption of her kingdom from invaders.  The legends said it was magic and the hand of the gods.  Historians said she was a brilliant tactician with skilled generals (while also indicating that there was no way a woman could have accomplished all that she had done).  Celaena liked believing in the greater legends.
The glass case of the Eye was what made the Mortimer Wyrdlock so special.  It had personalized individual sections for specific items that could be adjusted to various parameters.  The sight of the necklace though, sitting on that satin pillow with a gold light shining down on it—it sparked a bit of rage within her.  The necklace didn’t belong to the museum and it didn’t even belong to her client.
And here she was stealing it.
The card inside the case indicated the donator it was on loan from.  On loan.  More like coerced.  Everyone felt intitled to something just because it glittered in the light. The original owners had indeed donated it to the museum, with the promise of getting it back.  But Celaena had seen the drawn-out documents between lawyers and directors insisting that it belonged to the museum.  That the owners had forfeited their rights to the necklace due to the smallest of red tape, coercion.  Control.  Lies.
The necklace didn’t deserve to be treated this way.  Strange to say about a necklace but true none the less.
This case used biometrics to open which was a little tougher to hack, but they’d been prepared for that.  It only took a few keystrokes to trick the technology to accept Celaena’s eye scan and the case popped open.
In her comm, Celaena heard a small cough.  She rolled her eyes.
“You could have done this yourself, retrieval specialist,” she murmured, knowing the comm could pick up just about any soft-spoken sound she made. “Give me five.”
Nothing on the other line.
Celaena took that as a victory and went to work.  Carefully, she opened a small drawstring bag lined with traces of led and dropped it in the necklace.  And the card.
She tucked the sachet in a secret pocket along the lining of her dress and replaced the lid.  She made her way back out of the vault before pausing at the doorway.  She ran her hand along the edge and allowed a little smirk to play on her lips.  Her work would run for just a moment longer.
The alarm went off just as Celaena left the archival stairwell.  She let the door shut behind her and slipped into the crowd of guests that were being ushered out of the museum.  Protocol stated that all guests were subjected to a search before and after leaving.  The good thing about being a thief and a grifter?  The rules didn’t apply to her.
She ducked into a storage closet just past the Van Goh exhibit to find a duffle bag already waiting for her.  Inside was an extra server uniform, pair of black shoes, and a taser.  She made the change of clothes quick and smooth, just as she’d practiced.  The sachet and necklace went in her bra and the scanner to an ankle holster.  Thankfully the uniform dictated flared pants for women and not a skirt.
From there it was easy to blend in with the catering crew and then disappear into the night.  Truly, some people were really unobservant.
When she ducked into an alley a few blocks away, it was the first time that Celaena took a breath.  A deep breath that filled her lungs.  It wasn’t clean or clear, but she was breathing and she was free.
Just thirty yards away waited a plain white van with the decals of a plumbing company.  She was about to make her way to it when she heard a scrape come behind her.
Spinning, Celaena’s hand went to the taser in her pocket.  She really wanted to tase someone.
“Well done,” a deep voice said from the shadows. “Only took you an hour.”
“You sound surprised,” she replied, fingers still reaching for the taser.  “You should know better than to underestimate me.”
It really was insulting when people doubted her…even if most of what anyone knew about her was based on rumor.
The man only hummed in response.  He came a few steps closer before stopping.  The pale lights of the street lamps barely permeated the night, but it was enough to get a decent look at him.  She’d only met him once before, heart rumors of him aside from that.  Well, their meeting had been less of a meeting and more of a shower of bullets.  She recognized him all the same.
His silver hair, his large build, the sharp angles of his face.  Tonight, he wore dress pants and a black shirt rolled to the elbows, leaving powerful forearms on display.  He was a force to be reckoned with, a fighter, a killer.
Everything about Rowan Whitethorn screamed danger.  Celaena knew better than to trust him.  But for this particular job, she wouldn’t regret being selfish.
“Oh, I’m not a fool, Rowan said.  He held out a hand. “Which is why I’m here.  My necklace?”
Celaena sneered at him. “My payment?”
“Transferred.  Don’t you trust me?”  He smirked at her, coming just a step closer.
Did he have to be so big?  And as much of an asshole as he was?
“I don’t trust anyone.”
“You can check your accounts, it’s all there.”  Rowan didn’t look at all worried or concerned over her lack of faith.  Instead, he merely waited as she pulled out her phone (which was essentially the scanner she’d used for her thievery) and checked her account as prompted.  It was all there.  All hundred thousand.  She was honestly a little surprised he’d kept his word.
Celaena said nothing as she took the necklace from her bra and walked it toward him.
“Can I know what your plans are for it?” she asked, tone neutral and even.
“No,” he said.  He adjusted one of his sleeves, making sure the cuff stayed rolled up properly. “Just know that it’s going to well taken care of.  You don’t need to worry.”
Celaena dropped the sachet into Rowan’s hand and he returned the comm she’d given him for the night. “As long as you know about the curse.”
Rowan raised a brow before he opened the bag to peek inside. “Curse?”
“Sure,” she shrugged and took a slow waltz in a circle around him. “The old queen who slaughtered an army who dared try to steal from her?  She still haunts that necklace, you know.”
Rowan didn’t bother acknowledging her.  He only tucked the necklace in his pocket. “Aren’t you a little old for ghost stories?”
She stopped in front of him once again and clasped her hands behind her back. “Sleep well, Mr. Whitethorn.  I hope your dreams are nightmarish and bloody.”
“Try not to miss me too much,” he said in reply.
Celaena spun on her heel and headed to the van.  She didn’t look back until she was already pulling the driver’s door open.  When she had settled herself in the driver’s seat and looked through the windshield, the alley was empty.
Scrubbing a hand down her face, certainly smudging any remnants of her make-up, Celaena drew in a deep breath.  It had been a long night and was only going to get longer.  It didn’t help that she had a massive headache brewing behind her eyes.  She waited a few more minutes to make sure the alley was empty before reaching into the other side of her bra, drawing out another black baggie.
Upending the bag, a display card and golden necklace fell into her lap.  The necklace she’d given Whitethorn was an exact replica of the original.  A damn good replica if her supplier knew what they were doing.
Celaena glanced at the card and made a small promise to herself, and her family.  She would get the necklace back to its proper owners.  And then maybe she could finally be herself again.
Donated by the Ashryver-Galathynius Family
She ran her nails along her hairline before she tugged the red wig from her head and tossed it to the back of the van just as the passenger door opened.
“Next time I get to break into the fancy safe and do the stealing,” Elide said as she clambered in.  She still wore her server’s uniform of white and black, her hair pinned in a tight bun. “I hate people.”
“Sure. Next time.”
“How beautiful was the Mortimer?” Elide asked, a small pout forming on her lips. “Did you see how the wiring connected?  How did the scanner do on the hack?  Did I program it right?”
“It was big and black and a safe,” Celaena said.  She yawned and shook out her blonde hair until it fell around her shoulders. “You took a little longer tripping the alarm then I thought you would.”
Elide pulled a face. “Because I don’t set alarms off.  Looks like you tricked the client.”
“For now,” Celaena said.  She passed the necklace and her phone to her friend. “Transfer the payment so he can’t take it back when he notices the switch.”
“You think someone can hack an account I set up in the first place?” Elide let out a mirthless laugh. “Oh sweet honey child.”
Celaena rolled her eyes and started the van. “Just do it.  Let’s get back to base.”
“Home, it’s your home,” Elide insisted.
Except it wasn’t a home.  It hadn’t felt like a home in so long that she wasn’t even sure what the word meant.
“Whatever,” Celaena said. 
She pulled out onto the road and began the trek across the city.  She made sure they weren’t being tracked or followed, that would put a damper on the evening.  She’d rather be across the country before Whitethorn realized she tricked him.
Her plan wasn’t exactly foolproof.  Steal a priceless artifact and what?  Give it back to the rightful owners?  What would they do with it except give it back to the rightful owners who would then be hit with insurance fraud.  She’d been impulsive and reckless.  Moreso than she usually was.
But she would think about that later.  For now, she would just revel in having the necklace in her possession.
Not gonna lie, am really excited about this one! I hope you enjoy it! It'll be three parts total, the other two parts coming on other days during the month. Thanks for reading, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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Sweet Nothing (Superstar Chapter 6)
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
Roy and the Reader enjoy simple domestic bliss.
Roy Kent x Reader
8.3k words
Warnings: Language, mind-numbing fluff, an overprotective dad, allusions to smut
Wow, this came out kind of long! It was fun to write and I hope all this fluff was worth waiting for!
Keeley eyed me carefully as we ate lunch in my office, door closed to keep out all the men. After the Paris trip, we’d had a hard time synching up our schedules, so she’d finally cornered me and demanded a lunch date, kicking Roy out of the office in the process. We sat on the floor, shoes kicked off, stabbing at the salads she’d picked up for us.
“So, what about after the game?” she asked, eyebrows raised. “Did you join the boys’ clubbing? Jamie didn’t mention if you did.”
“Oh, no,” I admitted, taking a sip from my water bottle. “They asked me to, though.”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Then why were you all dressed up?”
Suddenly, the tomato on the end of my fork looked really interesting and required all of my attention. “Who said I was dressed up?” I asked in my most disinterested voice.
“Only all the guys,” Keeley said with a giggle. “That little red number from the gala- you’re welcome by the way- and some heels with your hair all sexy.” She raised an eyebrow. “I think there’s a couple little crushes in that changing room, you know.” A smirk played on her lips. “Not as big as the one Roy has on you, of course,” she added.
I looked at the non-existent watch on my wrist. “Damn, is my lunch over already?”
“Come on,” she urged, giving me a friendly shove. “Where’d you go all dressed up?”
My story was ready to go. “Just went out exploring and wandering about. Found a nice little bar to sit in, read a bit on my phone.” I shrugged. “Nothing too exciting.”
“What about Roy?”
Once again, my salad was fascinating. “What about Roy? Didn’t he go out with the guys?”
“Nope,” Keeley answered, popping the “p” loudly. “You sure he didn’t join you at the bar?”
“He did not join me at the bar.”
You’re not lying, I thought to myself as I remembered our date at the Louvre, eating dinner with the Mona Lisa, followed by slow dancing in front of the statue of Cupid and Psyche. After that, we strolled around the museum, champagne in hand, gazing at the art. The whole time, I found myself wondering if I’d wake up back in my old room, its walls covered with Roy Kent, to discover the last four months had been a dream. Instead, I had woken up to find he’d run out to grab me a chocolate croissant for breakfast before the sun was up.
But Keeley didn’t need to know any of that right now.
Not that keeping Keeley in the dark was something I liked. Outside of a couple of my really good school mates, Keeley was quickly becoming my best friend. She was sweet, savvy, kickass and independent, and a great hype woman who made anyone feel like they could do anything. There was a part of me that was dying to grab her by the shoulders and scream, “I’m shagging Roy Kent and I think I’m in love with him!”. But I was loving the small bubble Roy and I were living in, where only Jamie Tartt knew about our existence and was threatened into silence. The little bubble where we were constantly holed up in my flat or his house, watching movies or making dinner together, drinking on his back porch and whispering sarcastic jokes late into the night, not having to answer anyone’s questions about how we got together or who liked who first or how someone like me got someone like him. No, thank you. Roy and I would stay in our happy little bubble for as long as it suited us.
“How do I look?”
I poked my head out of Roy’s bathroom to look at him. He was wearing- surprise, surprise- all black: black jeans, black shirt, black jacket.
“You look like Roy Kent,” I answered, running my brush through my hair. “Dunno why you’re so nervous. You’ve met them before. Don’t you remember my dad tackling you?”
Roy sighed and traded one black jacket for another nearly identical one. “Yeah, but that was as ‘Roy Kent, football legend’. This time it’s ‘Roy Kent, old man sneaking into your daughter's hotel room in Paris’.” He turned to me, waiting for my verdict on his outfit.
Tossing my brush on his bed, I strolled over to him and adjusted his jacket, fixing the neckline. “How about ‘Roy Kent, boyfriend who makes their daughter really happy’?” I offered.
A smile cracked through his nerves. “I like the sound of that guy.”
“Me too.” I kissed his cheek. “Now, let’s go so you can stop bugging me about my mum’s pasta.”
The drive to my parents’ was quieter than our usual car rides. It wasn’t hard to figure out why; Roy had already told me that he hadn’t met too many parents in his previous relationships. He was never really with someone long enough to reach that step, and the few times he did, it didn’t go great. He was especially embarrassed to talk about the mother who had propositioned him when her daughter was out of the room. Stories from Roy’s past made me sad sometimes; he’d had a hard time finding people who made him feel cared about for himself, not his skill or fame.
No wonder he clings to Phoebe and his sister, I had realized one day. I hoped my parents would join the apparently short list of people who made him feel special for just being Roy.
We easily found parking in front of my parents’ house and quickly made our way to the door. I carried a pie we’d picked up on the way over, and Roy held a bouquet of flowers he’d brought for my mum. As I unlocked the door, I glanced at him; he looked more nervous than the teenage boyfriends I’d brought home during my school days.
“Relax,” I whispered, planting a small pack on his cheek. “They already adore you.”
As if on cue, my mother yanked the door open, nearly ripping my arm off in the process. “We thought we heard something!” she greeted, ushering us in. She took the pie out of my hands as she kissed me on the cheek. “How was Paris?”
“Great,” I managed, closing the front door behind us. “The team won, and I got to check out the Louvre with Roy.” I shot Roy a knowing look, which seemed to relax him slightly. It also captured my mum’s attention.
“Roy, we’re so glad to have you over again,” she gushed, giving him a half hug that had him frozen in place.
When she pulled away, Roy cleared his throat and held out the flowers. “These are for you,” he stated, a bit stiffly. “I, uh, felt bad for interrupting your dinner last time without bringing anything so…” He trailed off, glancing at me as my mother took the flowers.
I slid my hand into his, giving it a small squeeze. “Where’s Dad?” I asked my mother, trying to put Roy at ease by taking some of the attention off him.
“Dad’s in the kitchen. Hope you don’t mind, we sent the boys to a friend’s house, so it’s just the four of us.”
Atta girl, Mum. My brothers were great boys, but they’d be positively tickled at the idea of having Roy Kent at their dinner table again and would probably be all over TikTok bragging about their “future brother-in-law” before we’d even had dessert. Just the four of us would mean that Roy could just be Roy, my boyfriend getting to know my parents, not Roy Kent, football legend and my lifelong crush.
My dad greeted Roy with a firm handshake, much calmer than the last time he’d seen us together. “How’re you doing, Roy?” he asked in a detached voice, as if he hadn’t been smothering the guy in the entryway just a few months ago.
“Good, sir,” Roy answered, more nervous than I’d ever seen him. “Yourself?”
Dad nodded, letting go of Roy’s hand. “Fine, thanks.” He quickly led us to the dining room, where Mum had clearly gone all out.
On the table was my parents’ best China that usually only came out when my dad’s boss visited or for my gran’s birthday, and there was a bottle of wine that I knew was twice as expensive as the kind they normally drank. Much to my relief, they (most likely Mum) had had the foresight to tuck away any embarrassing photos from my awkward teenage phase as well as that one photo my dad had of an extremely drunk me on my 21st birthday kissing my Roy Kent cardboard cutout, which currently laid flat under my bed at home, where Roy would hopefully never find it.
Roy pulled out my chair for me and then took the same seat he’d been in the night of my dad’s birthday. He shot me an awkward glance; God, this man had played in the freaking World Cup, yet here he was, jiggling his leg and blushing like a schoolboy on his first date.
Fuck, he must really like me, I thought to myself, feeling a bit stupid at such an obvious revelation. Of course Roy liked me; we spent every free moment we could together and when we couldn’t, we were constantly texting or calling each other. Heck, he’d even started using the Snapchat account Ted had made him sign up for so he could send me pictures of his uncle-niece dates. The man was clearly smitten, and the feeling was completely, totally, absolutely mutual.
My mother urged us to load our plates with pasta and salad, which Roy did not need to hear twice. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that he didn’t start eating until I’d taken my first bite; a gentlemanly gesture I’d never had a boyfriend do.
Once we’d all served ourselves food and wine and begun eating, my dad cleared his throat. “So how long… er, when did…” He gestured to the two of us. “When’d this start?”
I shot Roy a glance as I sipped the suddenly very necessary wine; his face had gone a little pale. Apparently I’d have to field this question myself. “Actually, when Roy popped by on your birthday,” I admitted. “Believe it or not, he saw all the posters in my room and didn’t run away.” I took Roy’s hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. “Since it was painfully obvious that I liked him, he asked me out the following weekend, and we made things official about…” I glanced at Roy, doing math in my head.
“A month ago,” he finished for me promptly, a shine in his eyes. “We went to this fundraiser thing hosted by the club owner and…” He trailed off with a shrug. “Dunno, we talked, realized we like being together, and made it official.” His eyes shifted to my dad, as if Roy was hoping he’d be okay with all this.
My dad was staring at Roy with an intensity I’d never seen in my life. Part of me could understand my dad’s hesitation to be as enthusiastic as my mum about this relationship; Roy had about a decade on me (though honestly, neither of us felt it), his temper on and off the pitch was nothing short of legendary, and, thanks in part to my stalker-like tendencies, my dad knew quite a bit about the rotation of gorgeous women who made up Roy’s dating history. During his last visit, Roy had just been someone I shared an office with, so Dad could fawn over him without a second thought. Now, Roy wasn’t just some girlhood crush on my walls, but a real, viable romantic partner. The concept must have been a bit terrifying for the father of an only daughter.
After the longest minute of my life, my dad spoke directly to Roy. “And you… you like my daughter?”
Based on his wide-eyed stare, Roy was not prepared for such a blunt question. “Oh. Um, yeah, of course, I really fucking like her.” Somehow his eyes grew wider. “Shit. Sorry. I mean-” He screwed his eyes shut and let out a tiny growl. With a sigh, he opened his eyes again. “Yes, I like your daughter. A lot.”
Dad didn’t seem ready to let up. “And you treat her well?”
Roy shrugged. “I’d like to think so. I respect her and try to make sure she knows I care about her more than I’ve ever cared about anyone. I like making her laugh. And once she decides she’s sick of keeping us gaffers in line, I’ll support her whatever she ends up doing.”
My dad stared at Roy hard, his jaw set. Come on Dad, ease up, I prayed. Go back to worshipping the grass this man walks on. Remember the way you sobbed when he walked off the field during his last game. Remember how much you want me to be happy. Please.
Finally, my dad nodded slowly. “Alright then. Thank you for your honesty, Roy.” He took a long sip of his wine as the rest of the table stared at him expectantly. At last, he set down his glass. “So, how d’you think the Greyhounds’ odds are for avoiding relegation this season?”
And that was it. The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter and stories and Roy getting second and third helpings of my mum’s pasta. By the time my mum brought out the pie, Roy and my dad had made plans to grab a drink later in the week to watch a football game together and my mum had promised to have us over for dinner again the following week. Roy’s face was full of relief as my mum gave him a hug and my dad shook his hand warmly.
“Was that so bad?” I teased once we were settled in the car.
He shrugged as he started the car, not hiding his smile. “I had a good time. Your parents are pretty great.”
I cleared my throat, keeping my eyes on the road. “Sorry about my dad, though. Not sure what came over him when we sat down.”
“Oh, come on,” he scoffed. “You’re his only daughter. I’m an old man who has something of a reputation. Can’t blame him for not loving the idea of us together.” His voice was thoughtful. “But I hope he believes me when I say I really fucking care about you.” He took my hand. “And I hope you believe it too.”
I turned to look at Roy, who was already glancing at me. “I do,” I assured him. “And I really care about you too.”
Turning his gaze back to the road, Roy nodded. “Good.” He paused for a moment, clearly thinking hard about something. “Just… please don’t tell your dad about our sleepovers. Because with my shit knee, he may be able to outrun me.”
“Oh no, Roy. He could definitely outrun you.”
“Here you go, dear.”
“Thanks, Rose,” I murmured, taking my drink from her. I turned back to Roy. “Alright. Now you can tell me about practice.”
Roy sipped his beer. “Actually, I had something I’ve been thinking about lately that I wanted to ask you about.”
I tilted my head at him. “Anything wrong?”
“Well…” Roy bobbled his head a bit. “Just thinking about how unfair it is that I’ve met your family twice now, but you haven’t met mine.” He glanced at me, playful suspicion in his eyes. “Unless you’re one of those women who thinks it should be all your family all the time and my family can go fuck off a cliff?”
Puzzled but intrigued, I leaned forward. “Absolutely not. Did you have something in mind?”
He tapped the side of his beer bottle. “’ve been promising Phoebe I’d take her to see this fucking stage production of The Sound of Music on Friday. Take her out to ice cream or some shit after. You want to join us?”
While he spoke in that disinterested voice he often used, I could sense the apprehension beneath it. He wanted me to say yes so badly, to be excited to meet the most important person in his life. To be interested in every part of his life, not just football. This would be a key moment in our relationship, and Roy obviously knew it.
“That sounds great,” I gushed, taking his hand. “If I’m being honest, I’ve really been looking forward to meeting Phoebe.”
“She’s dying to meet you too, actually.” He rolled his eyes, as if he wasn’t talking about his precious little niece who was the absolute light of his life. “Been bugging the shit out of me about it ever since I first told her about you.”
A flutter ran through my heart. “You talk about me to Phoebe?”
“Fucking course. Don’t tell her, but that little idiot’s probably my best friend.”
“Don’t let Jamie hear you say that,” I warned with a grin. “He’ll get jealous.”
Predictably, Roy bared his teeth at me. “I’ve told you a million fucking times, Jamie Tartt is not my best friend. He’s not even my friend. I fucking hate that prick. I want to cut his face off and hang it up as a Halloween decoration so I don’t have to pass out candy to fucking trick or treaters.”
“Wow, your best man speech at Jamie’s wedding is gonna suck.”
Despite his best attempt at annoyance, I could see the grin Roy was trying to fight. “Do I have to do that shit where I kiss you just to shut you up?”
I shrugged. “Can’t guarantee it’ll work. But you’re very welcome to try.”
Work that Friday seemed to go in slow motion. It took all my restraint to stop myself from asking Roy a million questions about Phoebe, what she liked, what she knew about me (about us, really), how to make a good impression on her. Instead, I scurried around making sure Ted had a Spanish-to-English dictionary available for a Zoom call he had late in the day and giving Rebecca a non-answer when she asked about my weekend plans.
Finally, Roy and I packed up our things and hopped into his still ridiculous car, stopping at his place to change into what he told me Phoebe called “fancy theatre clothes” before finally going to his sister’s place to pick up Phoebe.
Shit, is this how Roy felt at my parents’? I asked myself as I shook Dr. O’Sullivan’s hand. Of course, I knew her face from the photos of her at Roy’s place, but God, she was beautiful in person. And the smile she wore told me that Roy had definitely mentioned me at least once or twice.
“Is Phoebe fucking ready or what?” Roy sighed after introductions had been made.
“Uncle Roy! Uncle Roy!”
A blur of blonde and pink launched itself at Roy, nearly toppling him over. Phoebe clung to her uncle and gazed up at him, her face full of that love that a small child had for her hero. My entire body melted at the sight of this little girl in a pink dress hugging him tight. Feeling like I was being watched, I glanced over at Roy’s sister, who was looking at me with a pensive expression. We exchanged soft smiles before both turning our attention back to Phoebe.
Roy crouched by Phoebe, ignoring the small crack coming from his leg as he did so, and gestured towards me. “Phoebe, this is-”
Before Roy could finish, Phoebe hurled herself at me, giving me a tight hug. “Oh my gosh. I’m so excited to finally meet you!” Her smile was infectious. “My uncle Roy really likes you.”
“No shit, Phoebe,” Roy growled. “Let’s get going. If you make me miss the opening song, I’ll leave you there and you can become another Von Trapp brat.”
During the ride to the theater, Phoebe asked me a million questions: about my job, my friends, my family, my flat, and what I thought the best ice cream flavors were. In turn, I learned about her school, her friends, her mother, which of her stuffed animals were her favorite, and all the things she loved about her Uncle Roy. By the time we’d found our seats in the theatre, Phoebe was holding my hand like we were the best of friends and begging Roy to let her sit next to me, since he got to sit next to me in the car.
“It’s only fair,” I pointed out to Roy, who smiled and rolled his eyes in that goofy way that made my knees go weak.
The first act of the show was as wonderful as I expected. Phoebe was entranced the entire time, and on her other side I could see Roy mouthing along to every song. We locked eyes a few times, especially when Maria and Captain von Trapp were onstage together. Each time we exchanged bashful smiles, as if we were kids with crushes rather than two adults in a fairly serious relationship.
At intermission, we found seats in the lobby. Roy headed to the line at the bar to get us something to drink, leaving Phoebe and I alone.
“Are you enjoying the show?” I asked, offering her my softest smile.
“Very much,” she said. “Uncle Roy’s made me watch the film about a million times, so we know all the songs. Do you like it?”
I nodded. “It’s one of my favorite movies, too. Can I tell you a secret?” Phoebe nodded earnestly, clearly excited to learn something so important. “I nearly always cry when Maria and Captain von Trapp admit they love each other.”
Phoebe giggled good-naturedly. “My uncle Roy reminds me of Captain von Trapp. Always yelling, but he’s really very nice.” She gazed up at me, a pondering look on her little face before she broke into a huge grin. “I guess that makes you Maria!” My tongue was suddenly too tied to reply, so she continued. “You know, Uncle Roy talks about you all time.”
Clearly, this was the topic Phoebe was most interested in. “And what does your Uncle Roy say about me?” I asked, humoring her.
“Well, the first time he talked about you, he was telling my mum that you had started working at Richmond and he was kind of mad that he had to share his office with you. But then Mummy asked if you were pretty, and he told her to shut up, but he was smiling.” She thought for a moment. “He also says you’re very nice and very smart and that the team would fall apart without you. And he told me that being nice to you is very important because you’re his girlfriend.” She glanced down at her sparkly shoes. “Uncle Roy never introduces me to his girlfriends.”
Part of me knew I should change the subject, but the part of me that turned into a giggling teenage girl whenever I thought about Roy couldn’t resist. “No?”
She shook her little head as she looked back up at me. “No. But my mum says you’re different. She thinks Uncle Roy is going to marry you someday. Would you let me be your flower girl?”
Before I could manage a response, Roy appeared, holding three glasses. “Here. Shirley Temples.” He handed one to each of us. “Don’t fucking spill on your dress,” he warned Phoebe. He sat down beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “What were you two chatting about?”
Of course, Phoebe pipped up before I could open my mouth. “Our favorite songs in the play. Mine’s The Lonely Goatherd.”
“That’s a shit choice,” Roy snorted.
While he went on a rant about why Edelweiss was a perfect song, I turned my gaze to Phoebe, who was already smiling up at me knowingly. Something in my heart warmed with the realization that I had made a new little friend.
The rain pitter-pattered against the window as I folded the laundry I’d managed to avoid for a couple of days. Some cheesy movie played on the television, more for background noise than anything else. My mind was occupied with thoughts of the weekend before, when we’d taken Phoebe on our second outing together: the zoo. She’d been thrilled to hold both our hands and explain everything she knew about each animal; she was especially excited to tell me all about how her Uncle Roy reminded her of the giant gorilla in its enclosure when it banged on the glass.
As if he knew I was thinking about him, Roy interrupted my thoughts with a phone call.
“Hey,” I greeted casually, pretending my heart didn’t skip a beat every time his name lit up my mobile screen.
“What’re you up to today?” he asked in lieu of a greeting.
I lowered the volume on the television. “Told you, I’m having my girlfriends over to have a proper catchup and grabbing drinks with them. I haven’t seen them since before Paris and I feel like I’ve been a shit friend since I started at Richmond.” Since you decided to take up my every waking thought.
“That’s not til tonight, right?”
Onscreen, the two romantic leads began their big blowout argument that threatened to break them up. “Yeah. But I’ve gotta tidy up a bit.” My curiosity got the better of me. “Why?”
“Got an errand to run and wanted your help.”
My curiosity increased. “What sort of errand?” I tucked my mobile between my face and shoulder so I could resume folding.
Roy sighed. “Phoebe’s been bugging her mum about getting a fucking dog, but there’s no fucking way my sister has time for one. So, I was thinking I might as well go down to the pound and get one myself so she can shut up already.”
I scoffed. “I’m sorry, you’re going to adopt a dog just to make your adorable little niece happy?”
There was a pause on Roy’s end. “Yes. That a problem?”
A smile crept across my face. “No. Just trying to figure out what Nora Ephron movie you walked out of.”
“Fuck you.” I could hear Roy’s smile through the phone. “You take that shit back.”
“Nope,” I insisted, my grin growing. “Sorry, you’re a regular Billy Crystal now.”
Now he scoffed, clearly offended. “Billy Crystal? Really? Can’t I at least be Tom fucking Hanks?”
Damn, I love a man who knows his rom-com leads. “If it’ll make you happy, fine. You’re Tom Hanks. Congrats.” I remembered the reason for Roy’s call. “So, why’re you asking me to go with you to get the dog? Not that I mind, but shouldn’t it be Phoebe? She’s the reason you’re getting one to begin with.”
There was a long pause on Roy’s end. With a deep breath, he mumbled, “Well, I kind of wanted to surprise her the next time she comes over. And I also kind of figured… I dunno, you’re my girlfriend and you’re here all the time, you’re gonna see the fucking dog a lot, I wanna make sure you like it too.” He paused a moment. “You could even help me name it and shit. If I let Phoebe name it, I’ll have a dog called Princess Sparkle Rainbow or something equally fucked.”
It wasn’t a big request; just go help Roy pick out a dog, maybe pop in a pet shop to get toys and food and a collar, talk him out of naming it “Fuckface” or some name Phoebe wouldn’t be allowed to say. An easy Saturday morning. If anyone else in the world was asking, it’d be an easy “Sure” and I’d have my shoes on already. But because it was Roy asking, the invitation to join him felt heavier, like it held some meaning other than “Come keep me company”. He wanted my opinion on this multi-year commitment he was making to whatever dog he found; that meant he expected me to stick around for a while, right?
Maybe Phoebe wasn’t so off base when she divulged her mother’s thoughts about Roy and me.
“Sure, Roy,” I answered after what was probably too long of a pause. “I’d love to help you pick a dog.”
Half an hour later I heard that familiar knock at my door. When I opened it, Roy immediately leaned forward to peck my cheek before he entered my flat, twirling his keys in his hand.
“You ready then?”
I nodded, closing the door behind him. “Just need to grab my shoes.” He lingered near the door as I quickly ran to my room to put on some trainers. When I came back, Roy was snickering to himself. “What?”
He shrugged, trying to compose himself. “Nothin’. I just really like your sweatshirt.”
Confused, I glanced down. Dark blue AFC Richmond sweatshirt, one of a million I’d collected over the years. This one, my usual go-to, was pretty simple, with just a small Richmond logo above my heart. It wasn’t like Roy hadn’t seen me wear one a million times at this point, especially on game days.
“The fuck are you on about?” I asked, feeling like I was missing an obvious joke.
Biting his lip, Roy grabbed my arm and pulled me close. “It’s honestly kinda hot seeing you wear my name.”
Oh. Despite the sweater being my favorite, I had found it that morning hung in the back of my closet, untouched in quite a while. Now it made sense why: Roy’s last name and number were emblazoned on the back in large white letters. I hadn’t even noticed when I tugged it on after my shower, especially since I had no plans to see Roy that day.
My cheeks warmed with the reminder that not too long ago, I was just an adoring fan. But Roy’s tightening grip on me brought me back to the moment.
“I’ll just go change really quick,” I breathed, trying to focus on anything but Roy’s hand that had moved firmly to the small of my back.
He shook his head, eyes burning into mine. “Absolutely fucking not. I like seeing my name on you.”
I managed an awkward chuckle. “Come on, Roy. Me wearing your name while I’m out with you in public might be asking for a little bit of trouble, hmm? All it takes is one picture and bam, front page of some rag tomorrow morning.”
Roy stared at me for a moment, his grip softening slightly on my back. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Was that a tinge of disappointment in his voice? If it was, he quickly recovered, adding, “That sweater should be your new pyjamas at my place. Let me see you in it more often.”
“Deal,” I agreed, kissing his cheek before dashing my room to put on a more inconspicuous sweater.
In the car, Roy told me all about Phoebe’s great longing for a dog. She was constantly looking up photos of different kinds of dogs, only wanted dog stuffed animals when out shopping, and had a very long list of possible dog names scribbled in her diary. Despite his ever-constant scowl, I could see the delight in Roy’s eyes when he talked about how “fucking feral” his niece would go once he introduced her to the dog.
At the shelter, Roy got plenty of double takes from employees, but he ignored them, completely focused on the pups in their kennels. He paused in front of one and knelt down beside it. After staring intensely into the crate for a moment, he waved for me to join him.
“What d’you think?”
The medium-sized dog was clearly a mix of about a few different breeds and his black fur looked like he desperately needed a wash. More importantly, his eyes were bright and eager, and he jumped as best he could in his confinement as he gazed at Roy.
I couldn’t help my smile. “I think this might be him.”
An older employee brought us and the dog to a small side yard where we could see him outside the kennels. He immediately jumped on Roy, licking his hands with excitement. Then he turned his attention to me, laying his paws on my thighs. For about five minutes, Roy and I tossed around a toy, watching the dog run around to find it and bring it back to one of us.
After the millionth successful round of fetch, the employee spoke up. “It’s amazing, he’s usually a bit of a grouch. Not aggressive,” she clarified. “But he’s not usually this friendly.” She smiled at us. “He must like you two.”
I turned to Roy, who was on the ground with the dog. “So? You want to take him?”
He gazed up at me as he scratched the dog behind his ears. “Do you like him?”
From the look in Roy’s eye, I knew the answer to that question mattered just as much- maybe even more- than what Roy himself thought of the dog. The idea caused my heart to skip a beat, another reminder that I really mattered to this man.
“I kind of love him already,” I admitted with a chuckle, reaching down to give the dog a pet. “But it’s your choice.”
He nodded, a smile slowly forming. “Yeah, I think he’s the one.”
We spent another five minutes sitting on the grass with the dog, tossing names back and forth, rejecting classics like Max or Fido, deciding against naming him after any footballers, and me forbidding Roy from using any swear words in the name.
Finally, I felt the lightbulb switch on in my brain. “Oscar.”
Roy furrowed his thick eyebrows. “Oscar?”
“For Oscar the Grouch,” I explained, as if it were obvious. “Phoebe told me the two of you always joke that you’re basically Oscar the Grouch. And this guy is supposed to be a grouch, but he loves us. Just like-” I stopped, knowing the next words that almost tumbled out:
Just like how you’re a grouch, but you love me.
Roy nodded, understanding what I meant. “Oscar,” he murmured. He patted the dog on its side. “What d’you think, fella? Feel like you can live with being called Oscar?”
Immediately, the dog sat down, gazing at Roy expectantly.
“Guess his name’s Oscar,” Roy agreed, his smile widening as he looked at me.
By the time we bought everything Oscar would need for his first few days at home and I helped Roy set his house up, I had to hurry home and finish getting my flat ready for my friends. Roy drove me home and walked me up, his arm wrapped lazily around my shoulders.
“Thank you again,” he said once we reached my door. “I really appreciate you helping me find Oscar. I think Phoebe’s going to fucking love him.” He leaned against the wall, looking at me carefully. “So, your friends are coming over, huh?”
I nodded, fiddling with my keys. “Yeah, we’re going to meet here, then head out to grab a drink. It’ll be nice to catch up with each other.” I shoved Roy playfully. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them about how Roy Kent and I have regular sleepovers.”
He stared at me for a long moment, then let out a small huff of a laugh. “Hmm. Yeah, guess you shouldn’t.” His eyes lingered again. “Why don’t I pick you up from the bar once you’re finished? You can spend the night. Help me with Oscar tomorrow.”
“Oh, Roy, I dunno what time we’ll be done, I couldn’t ask-”
“I want you to ask,” he interrupted bluntly. “I don’t want you driving home if you’ve been drinking or getting a ride from someone who has. And I don’t want you taking a fucking Uber when you have a boyfriend who is more than willing to give you a ride home. Even if you make fun of my car.” He held my chin tenderly. “Alright?”
I melted into his touch, unable to look away from the look of intense affection in his eyes. Roy Kent wants to take care of me. And I wanted to let him.
“Alright,” I whispered bashfully, trying not to grin too hard. I stood on tiptoe and gave him a small kiss. “I’ll call you when I’m ready to come home.” I paused. “I mean, when I’m ready to be picked up.”
He nodded. “Good.” He gave me one more quick kiss. “Be safe, alright?”
Of course I’d be safe. It was just me and two of my close friends from school, women I’d known for what felt like forever. I had just tucked away a photo of Roy and me in Paris when I heard a commotion outside my door. When I opened it, I was tackled from both sides- Carly and Allison.
We squealed like children as we hugged and chattered about how good each other looked and how mad we were that we’d gone so long without hanging out together. We sat on my couch for a bit, gossiping about old schoolmates and the things they overshared on social media, before finally getting up and piling into Allison’s car to find a pub not too far from my place. Once we had settled a high-top table, drinks in front of us, we were ready to properly catch up.
“So, how’s life at Richmond?” Allison asked, emphasizing the team name the way all our dads always did. “The team’s actually winning these days!”
I shook my head. “It’s amazing. Believe it or not, the American knows what he’s doing. And he’s honestly the nicest guy in the world.”
Carly leaned forward, clearly already feeling her drink. “And is Jamie Tartt really that pretty in person?”
A snort caught in my throat. “Oh, Jamie’s beautiful,” I assured her. “And his very serious girlfriend Keeley is otherworldly gorgeous and the kindest person I’ve ever met. Sorry.”
Allison nudged me. “Who’s single, then? Because I am obsessed with Dani Rojas. That accent, that hair.” She fanned herself with a napkin.
“Or what about Isaac McAdoo? The things I would let that man do to me…” Carly purred.
I couldn’t help laughing. “Oh God. I’ve seen these guys puke after being run too hard at practice or with bloody noses because someone kicked a ball wrong or playing a game of ‘the floor is lava’ in the changing room or drooling in their sleep on the way home from away games. These are not sexy to men to me.”
“Oh, I know what the problem is,” Allison hummed, shooting me a wink. “She’s got eyes for a certain coach.”
My cheeks warmed. “Dunno what you’re talking about,” I answered, taking a sip of my drink and hoping I looked casual.
Allison rolled her eyes. “Come off it, we’ve all seen the shrine. Hell, I bought you some of those posters.”
“If you marry him, you’ll be just like Princess Kate with her William poster!” Carly giggled.
I turned to Carly. “You know Kate said that never actually happened, right?” I asked, trying to shift focus.
Allison caught my game. “Don’t change the subject! Come on, give us the details. Does Roy Kent, love of your life, know you exist?” She shot me a playful wink.
Despite my flushing face at the sound of his name, I snorted. “He better fucking know I exist, we share an office. We eat lunch together almost every day.”
“What’s he like?” Carly asked dreamily.
I paused. I couldn’t tell them about us dating, but surely that didn’t mean I couldn’t tell them about the Roy Kent I knew. “He’s… surprising,” I finally murmured. “He’s actually very kind and thoughtful. Like if he grabs himself breakfast on his way to work, he usually brings me something. He’s got this little niece he absolutely dotes on, and she positively worships him. And fuck, Roy Kent was a great athlete, but I can’t even begin to describe him as a coach. The man’s kind of brilliant but refuses to take any credit for the team’s success. And he’s funny as hell. Very sharp and witty.” I stopped, realizing that I was completely gushing at this point.
My friends stared at me with looks filled with a mix of surprise, fondness, and a bit of pity.
Allison finally spoke. “Fuck, this goes beyond the posters and teenage idol worship. You’re actually in love with the man.”
I rolled my eyes. “Stuff it. So, I’m a bit attracted to him, big whoop. People get little crushes on their coworkers all the time and do nothing about it. It’s not a big deal.” We’re just in a full-blown relationship. No big deal.
“But most people don’t work with someone they have twenty-seven posters of in their bedroom,” Allison pointed out, giggling over her drink.
Carly sat up. “Twenty-eight,” she corrected. “Don’t forget the shirtless poster in her closet that she was hiding from her dad.”
My jaw dropped at the betrayal from my friends. “You’re both off your rockers,” I scoffed. “Roy Kent’s a nice guy, we’re friends, end of story.”
Somehow, I managed to get the girls to find other topics to focus on. At some point I lost count of how many drinks we’d had; it was easy to lose track when having fun with friends. Once I could feel our energy start to fade, I took out my mobile and shot Roy a quick text telling him where I was.
On my way, he answered.
Once our tab was paid, we headed out of the pub, with me assuring my friends that I had a ride, hoping they would assume I had ordered an Uber. They wouldn’t be thinking that once we actually stepped outside, though.
There was Roy, leaning against his stupidly giant black car, looking every bit like my personal teenage fantasy in his tight black jeans with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. His face lit up when he saw me, as if I were a Victoria’s Secret model and not his girlfriend stumbling out of a pub.
“Need a ride?” he called out casually; he knew exactly how sexy he looked and was really leaning into it. Prick.
The amount of alcohol in my system was enough to make me forget everything except how fucking happy I was to see him. I ran at Roy and jumped on him, enveloping him in a giant hug. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me casually, mumbling “Fucking hello to you, too” into my hair.
My friends’ faces were a jumble of shock, giddiness, and a giant helping of confusion. Their eyes darted back and forth between Roy and me, waiting for some sort of explanation.
Keeping his arm around my shoulder even after I’d let go of him, Roy offered the smallest of smiles to my friends. “Hi. ’m Roy.” He gave a little wave, as if they somehow had no clue who he was. He nodded towards me. “I’m giving this one a ride home if that’s alright.”
Mouths slightly agape, the girls nodded. Still feeling tipsy, I waved to them. “G’night!” As Roy opened the door and placed his hand on my waist to help me into the car, I looked up at him, a dopey, lovesick expression on my face. “Roy?”
“Hmm?” His smile was softer than I’d ever seen it.
“You know I exist, right?”
He nodded, looking at me like I was some magical thing instead of a very sloshed woman. “Yes, I know you exist. Now get in the fucking car before I have to throw you in, hmm?”
Roy managed to get me in the car and then managed to not kick me out of it despite my incessant talking the entire ride back to his place. Instead, he walked me inside and helped me change into one of his sweaters, the one I loved to sleep in. While he changed himself into his sweats, I sat cross-legged on the floor, petting a very sleepy Oscar, now drunkenly explaining to Roy why Paul McCartney was the best Beatle.
As I expressed how much I loved “I Saw Her Standing There”, Roy joined me on the floor, watching me with admiration in his eyes. He absently rubbed Oscar behind the ears, nodding and offering small “Uh-huhs” from time to time.
“You going to kiss me so I can fucking shut up already?” I joked, realizing that he’d never let me go uninterrupted for this long.
Instead, he shook his head. “Nah. I like listening to you.” He paused, his face turning thoughtful. “I really fucking like listening to you.”
I leaned forward and kissed his face. “Thanks,” I murmured, my body now buzzing from the look in his eye rather than the alcohol.
His face screwed up, like he was debating something. “I love you, you know,” he finally breathed. “Like, I really fucking love you.” His shoulders tensed as he stared at me, waiting for me to say something, anything.
Roy Kent loves me. Roy fucking Kent loves me. Roy Kent fucking loves me.
“Holy shit. I love you too,” I blurted, my heart hammering. I blinked a few times. “Wait, you really said that right? I’m not just that drunk?”
Roy’s entire body relaxed, and he laughed so loud he made Oscar jump. “Yeah, I really fucking said that, you sloshed little muppet.” He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. “I love you,” he mumbled against my mouth. “I absolutely fucking love you.”
When I woke up the next morning, Oscar was in his bed, but Roy wasn’t in his. With a small hum, I got up and headed downstairs, where I found Roy sitting on the couch and reading. He gave a small salute when I walked in with the dog at my heels.
“Mornin’,” he greeted, scooting over so I could sit beside him. He pecked my cheek. “Sleep well?”
Despite my giant yawn, I nodded. “Yourself?”
“I always sleep well when you’re here,” he answered nonchalantly, eyes returning to his book. “You hungry?”
I shook my head. “Could go for some tea though.”
He started to get up. “Let me put the kettle on.”
“I’ve got it,” I insisted, standing back up. “You keep reading-” I glanced at the title. “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?”
“Phoebe roped me into her fucking book club,” he grumbled, turning the book so he could glance at the yellow lion on the cover. “We’re doing the whole series. You want in?”
I chuckled. “Sure.” As I turned to head to the kitchen, he grabbed my arm.
“Hey,” he said softly, looking up at me. “I love you.”
Color flooded my cheeks as I smiled down at him. “I love you too.”
He nodded. “Just… wanted to make sure you heard me say it when you’re sober.” He leaned back and returned to his book. “Go on, then.” His eyes flickered up playfully as I made my way into the kitchen put some water on. While I waited for the water, I could hear ping ping ping from the next room.
“No fucking shit,” I could hear Roy exclaim.
Curious, I grabbed my own mobile and looked at it. Despite it being early on Sunday morning, there were several texts on the thread between Ted, Beard, Rebecca, Roy, and myself.
We got Vargas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The following messages were all emojis and gifs sent by Ted, a simple thumbs-up emoji from Beard, and several smiley faces from Rebecca. I rushed into the living room, where Roy was gazing at his mobile. He raised his eyebrows at me.
“This is fucking huge,” he said. “I mean, this deal was more Beard’s doing, I don’t know fuck all about the guy, but my understanding is that Vargas is supposed to be a big fucking deal very fucking soon.”
I nodded, scrolling through the still-incoming texts. “I can tell,” I chuckled. My mind was already running, thinking about all the things I’d have to get done on Monday: helping Keeley schedule a press conference, making sure Will was on top of things in the changing room, getting Ted a new Spanish-English dictionary, because goodness knows he’d already lost the one I’d just bought him.
As if he could feel my to-do list building in my head, Roy waved me over. “Get over here,” he grumbled. “We’re gonna have a fucking busy week, so let’s just be lazy today, yeah?”
A lazy day with Roy. Roy, who drove me home when I was drunk and wanted me to help pick his dog. Roy who loved me.
“That sounds great,” I agreed with a smile. “Let me just grab my tea.”
Once I had my cup in hand, I settled back onto the couch, tossing my legs over Roy’s lap. Oscar settled himself on the rug, clearly satisfied with his new living arrangements. Outside, I could hear the rain begin to pitter-patter as Roy rested a hand comfortably on my shin. A perfect, lazy day indeed.
“Oi, I picked you up one of those fucking rags when I was at the shop the other day,” Roy muttered, nodding towards the coffee table. “Clerk looked at me funny, the prick.”
I snorted and leaned forward to grab it. “Thank you for your sacrifice,” I retorted, flipping the gossip magazine open. We sat in happy silence as I turned the pages. Suddenly, a photo caught my eye, the sight making me choke on my tea.
Roy eyed me with mild concern. “Alright there?”
“Er, yeah.” I nodded. “I just, uh, I figured out where I know Dario Vargas from.”
“Oh?” Roy could not be less interested.
I folded the page back and handed the magazine to Roy. “I’ve seen him in paparazzi photos before. With his girlfriend.”
There, in full color, was a photograph of who I could only assume with Dario Vargas, with a sickeningly gorgeous woman on his arm. Below them was a simple caption: Football star Dario Vargas out for a night in Rome with supermodel Brittany Brett.
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angelinasnotebooks · 11 months
Hate that my form of hyperfixation is consuming and not creating.
I think I've been falling in love with ideas my whole life. I see colors and concepts and characters, and I want every part of the illusion to play around my body and immerse my mind and soul. I thought growing up I would be an artist. When that mentally shattered, I moved on to thinking I would become an author. Now, however, I don't know what or who I'll be. All I know is that my brain never stops coming up with ideas. 
Yet, with all these ideas comes the possibility of creation. It's what I want, isn't it? I want to create these pictures and stories and share them with the world. So, why am I motionless in my pursuit to bring my mind to life? I have a library in my head. There's a girl in there. Her favorite color is blue. She doesn't know if life is worth living. I have an art museum there too. There's a portrait of a dying renegade, and a demon alter ego desiring joy. Then there's the realm of fandoms. The endless multiverse of continuations and alternatives.  
There's a lot going on inside my brain and imagination. Chemicals I do not understand and signals I cannot control. An abundance of beauty only an individual can conjure with their subjectivity. With no outlet for these thoughts and images, I find it all to be too much at times. Wings heavy on my back and flightless under the pressure. The ability to soar is there, but the weight within is burdensome.  
Every day I come up with something new. Some ideas are fresh while others are another line on the loom, but that is all they are. Thoughts. Ideas. Invisible whisps, webs, and wishes. It's as if the only part of my frontal lobe that works is that of imagination and complex thinking. I attempt short stories, painting, studying, chores, school projects, craft projects and I never get them done. Planning, time management, logical reasoning, and decision-making have all taken a backseat. I can't get any of them done, so I turn to what has already been done. 
I rewatch a favorite show. I read another fanfic. I click on a YouTube video and another. I scroll Tumblr. I read character analysis. I try on the clothes in my closet. I add shit to my wish list. I post photos from two months ago on my Instagram. I relate to autistic ADHD tiktokers. I pretend Pinterest will help me get my life together. I think about the MCU. I watch another comfort, crime, haunted, mythical series. I visit my AO3 bookmarks. I doom scroll whatever app I can get my eyes on. I turn thirteen again and either spiral into a depressive state or become infatuated with the Hunger Games--again.
The point is, I can't force my brain to work on the original ideas. Sitting at a desk with supplies doesn't get my hands moving. I fall numb waiting for my body and mind to comply with my intentions. So, I end up here again. Hitting a heart button to let other people know that their commentary and hard work have reached me, and I liked it.  
I don’t want all my ideas and universes to end where they are. I don’t want to minimize or invalidate my existence, or the experiences of others like me, by remaining artistically stagnant. I want my mind to be a visual tangible galaxy free to be roamed and explored. I want to have my heart in my hands, and I want to give it to every single person that I can. I want these thoughts, these precious ideas out of my head and into yours, dear reader. I don't want to consume; I want to create. If I'm going to go down the rabbit hole, I want to be the rabbit. The entrance maker. Not the lost girl I am right now. 
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || three
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
also!!!! the story begins in the christmas period of 2022!!!! IF THERE ARE YEAR ERRORS IM SO SORRY!!!! i legit can't change it omfg
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okay if we were being very honest, e/n was an attractive guy. well-liked by everyone, especially yn's parents -- mother. he had a good office job, loved the idea of starting a family and was rather... old-fashioned in his thoughts.
e/n had asked her out 2 years prior. she agreed because she was desperate to please her mother. but it wasn't as if she didn't like him. she did. just... not as much as she would have preferred. he was all those good things, but he didn't let her be free. he always talked her down when she brought up her art or passions. but he made her parents happy. so she suppressed it.
when he cheated on her, she didn't feel any sadness. not much resentment either. but when he stole her apartment from her, she lost her shit.
"what do you mean i can't take my apartment back? MY NAME IS ON THE LEASE!!"
"i did not sign that! that's a forged signature! how many times do i have to tell you, i have no recollection of EVER signing my apartment off to him! god why won't you even investigate the signature!"
not only did she have to deal with this bastard's theft, but now she had to deal with him at work too.
"do you know where's the bathroom?" (random museum goer)
she kindly pointed her in the direction of the nearest bathroom.
"oh yn! I didn't know you worked here." - e/n
"hi e/n. what do you need. and where's your side chick." - yn
"she went to the bathroom. i wanted to see you." - e/n
"when the fuck are you going to leave me alone? you already stole my house. what else do you want?" - yn
"yn, you're being ridiculous. just come back to me. i'll ditch her for you. i just wanted to try someone new. you're not exactly a... fun partner you know? fun in that way." - e/n
"leave me alone. i already have a new apartment. just please. i don't fucking like you anymore. just leave me alone. stop harassing me, okay? your idiotic excuses and reasonings don't make ANY sense at all. just go." - yn
"so why haven't you told your mom about our breakup? hm? do you really not like me anymore?" - e/n
"i've told you time and time again. i don't talk to my mother. at all. if you care so much, just tell her yourself. why we broke up. hm? or do you want me to get byeongho to tell her. because I will. i'm not telling her because i'm trying to help you save face. if i tell her, your father will know. and he will not be happy. i'm trying to do one nice thing for you despite you fucking another girl in OUR BED." - yn
and just like a saviour, minghao was running up to her.
"yn, your boss told me to look for you about managing my exhibit. oh. hi e/n. get lost, thanks." - minghao
"mind your own business, [redacted slur]" - e/n
security kicks him out.
"thanks, hao. my day has been ruined because of him." - yn
"i'll buy you lunch? i don't think you've had lunch yet." - minghao
"thanks but i'm good. i don't usually have lunch anyways. i'm going to head home. my shift is over." - yn
"did wonwoo tell you our friend was staying over at your place today?" - minghao
"huh. who? he didn't tell me." - yn
i guess he forgot - minghao
"lee chan, or dino. the soloist. so don't be too shocked if you see him walking around." - minghao
"right. i'll see you tomorrow for lunch, minghao. go hang out with jun." - yn
"he's filming a movie right now. how am i supposed to go see him?" - minghao
"figure it out!" - yn
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she forgot about dino and walked into the bathroom not knowing he would be there. luckily, he was half-clothed.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees
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cha-melodius · 6 months
Summarizing My WIPs Badly
Thanks so much to @justabigoldnerd and @pippinoftheshire for the tags, I have never seen this game and it's AMAZING. I am including a selection and not every possible thing on my to-write list because that number is out of hand with the number of prompts still in my inbox. Also I'm not including titles for those that have them because I think it makes it funnier lmao.
Spy tries out different sex acts on his rival until he finds one that fixes him
Two men paid to bend over pool tables forced to share a hotel room
PI who's too tired for this shit helps man too beautiful for his own good cover up a murder
Stuntman tries to impress ex-hookup by pretending he's an action hero in real life
Lawyer who thinks he doesn't have a soulmate abruptly finds himself being held captive by criminals in his soulmate's body
Orchestra conductor convinced to leave steady job after one night of hot pianist ass
Art thief makes a museum owner to fall in love with him by stealing his paintings (napollya)
Seductive felon convinces parole officer to break multiple laws in order to put his dad in prison (lokius)
As a bonus to this, I invite anyone reading this to send me asks telling me which ones you wanna see next and/or to get more info about any of the above. You might get a snippet, or a bit of outline, or just some unhinged rambling!
ETA: Find the ones that have already been explained in my wip tag.
Putting out an open tag to anyone who wants to do this, plus tagging a bunch of folks under the cut.
@cricketnationrise, @kiwiana-writes, @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, @three-drink-amy, @orchidscript, @firenati0n, @dumbpeachjuice, @clottedcreamfudge, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @indestructibleheart, @iboatedhere, @inexplicablymine, @liminalmemories21, @eusuntgratie, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @getmehighonmagic, @magicandarchery, @bigassbowlingballhead, @sparklepocalypse, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @14carrotghoul, @sherryvalli, @leaves-of-laurelin, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @adreamareads, @itsmaybitheway, @ninzied, @porcelainmortal, @wordsofhoneydew, @nicijones, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @mirilyawrites, @maxbegone, @oxfordslutphase, @myheartalivewrites, @nontoxic-writes, @historicallysam, @everwitch-magiks, @dreamycloud
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s0ft-d3cay · 4 months
The Art of Togetherness
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Mike Schmidt x Male Reader | Holy shit, I fucking LOVE MUSEUMS!!!!! That and the idea of a museum date is(heart squeeze) really cute. I might do a little squeal to this because of the ending so...look out for that and my next writing will be a new character! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!!!
Warnings: Domestic family adventure, established relationship, very fluff ridden, Mike is a dinosaur love(me fr), Abby and Reader are artists, Y/N is used, not beta read
WC: 2113
The three ventured up a flight of stairs to a secluded room, a small lookout point of windows showing off the main entrance of the museum. A flurry of colors painted, airbrushed, spray painted, and photographs lined over the walls and hanging from the ceiling. The room held a few multi-colored chairs and a grey couch in the center of the room. A table filled with complimentary snacks, maps, and water lined a glass coffee table.
As Mike took a few steps into the lounge, he found himself starting to get lost within his surroundings, eyes wandering around the room and taking in as much as he could from his position. Finding the lounge peaceful and calming, slowly lull him into a sense of relaxation, something he was not expecting to feel early on within the art museum. He seats himself on the grey couch in the room, leaning back while relaxing his body against its cushioning.
Y/N chuckles, watching the both of them take in the room, he moves to the table near the windows overlooking the hands on art exhibit. The floor beneath the lounge filled with people coloring, painting, and drawing. Even some interactive games placed around them. Smiling, Y/N glances back towards Mike and Abby with a giddy expression. "How are we liking the private lounge?"
"It’s great, honestly. The decor and the comfort it offers just by being in here makes it feel more like a safe zone rather than a simple lounge." He comments back with genuine wonder.
"Exactly why I booked this little room for the three of us. We can still enjoy the museum experience, just less crowded and overwhelming." Y/N replies back, grabbing and opening up the map of the museum. Moving to sit between Abby and Mike, his eyes searching over the color-coordinated buildings and exhibits. Mike eyes drifting all over the map with interest, taking in the colorful map with an eager gaze.
Y/N’s right hand moved to point at the area below them as he spoke. The main exhibit being both art and music, filling both halls with creativity on all sides. Even muffled, the sounds of joy seeped through the room. "We’re already in the art and music building, there’s a few others that are upstairs and this building…here." He points to a bigger exhibit labeled past life of the Dinosaurs.
The man’s gaze drifting towards Abby, "Where do you think we should start our adventure, Abby?" He questioned. A pause of silence stretched as Abby’s expression start to fill with happiness. "I would love to see the exhibit at the top floor. I heard that it holds some of the most popular pieces of art at the museum, and that it was also really interactive too!"
Y/N glances between the two with a hardy chuckle, grabbing a few water bottles and snacks. Throwing them in a small cross bag he wore along with the map. "To the nature art exhibit we go!" He enthusiastically responded with a warm smile.
Mike, now on his feet, his expression filled with excitement and eagerness at the thought of exploring the top floor of the art museum. "What makes the top floor exhibit so popular amongst visitors and art enthusiasts here?" He questioned as they all make their way to the entrance of the exhibit. "All of the art is made by people that passed through." Y/N answered, leading the two up the multi-colored stairs. 
The doorway open and buzzing with small conversations and light instrumental music playing. The room filled with people young and old, both observing and creating art pieces out of the nature around them within the canvas walls. All the windows and doors to the patio open to the small garden, the inside filled with earthy greens, blues, and flowery oranges. Almost every wall, door, and window were covered by an artists creative piece. Every kind of art activity was present in the exhibit, from paint to sculptures to glowing sun catchers.
Y/N takes a moment to find an empty space in the room for the three, his eyes widening as he finds one by the door that leads to the patio. Gently grasping Mike and Abby’s hand, leading them. Mike finds himself in a sense of awe, by the scenery of the gallery floor. He couldn’t help but admire the beautiful artistic expressions that people were putting onto the canvases and other interactive artwork displayed around them. The man could imagine whoever created the room was someone very passionate about the project, as the details and expressions made the room feel more like being outdoors rather than inside a large building.
Every inch of the room covered with artwork that had some kind of artistic value and beauty to be seen. "I don’t know about you guys, but I think this doorway could use a makeover." Y/N brought up, his eyes flickering between the two. The doorway was completely untouched. Mike’s eyebrows raised slightly. "You wanna fill in that spot with some art for the doorway? I mean, the doorway definitely needs some artistic touches, that is for sure." Mike agreed, his voice filled with expressed intrigue. Y/N nods, his gaze almost glowing vibrantly in creativity. His eyes lingered over his boyfriend as he bashfully smiles, leaning his body against the man's arm and side. 
"I have a few ideas, but I think a need an expert’s opinion on it. What do you think Abby?" Mike couldn’t help but blush at the warm body that was Y/N, his face soon filling with a smile as well. He snapped out of his daze at Abby’s opinion, his gaze shifting over towards her. "Since this area has a lot of browns, reds, and greens; I think we should stick with it and add some purples and blues to the mix."
Y/N nods, a hand tracing over the doorway at a distance. His head comfortably resting on Mike's shoulder. "We could use some of the flowers from the garden as well as the color accents and the tree bark and sticks as the base over the doorway." The man adds, looking towards the young girl. His voice and his ideas of designing the doorway were very intriguing and Mike was impressed with his creativity and the way he used his mind.
He let out a hum in agreement when he heard the two's idea for decorating the doorway, his mind on cloud nine with the man’s presence. "Let’s do it!" Abby giggles with a bright grin. Y/N chuckles at her reaction, slowly releasing his hold of Mike. "Perfect, now why don’t you two go gather up some sticks and bark. I’ll be getting us some gloves and aprons so our clothes don’t get dirty."
The small group now in the process of painting over the doorway base before gluing the sticks and bark. The doorway slowly but surely coming together as an entrance of nature to the patio, Y/N was currently concentrating on placing a few light blue flowers within the stick bundles and tree bark. Abby was carefully gluing on small sections of moss and vibrant leaves on the other side.
Mike, completely invested in the process of turning this doorway into a masterpiece, taking in as much detail as he could. His doe eyes would wander over the doorway, then the branches, and then to the bark and the glue being used to blend them all together. He couldn’t help but feel amazed and in awe of what they were able to create with just a few materials. The doorway now looked vibrant and vivid in colors that blended perfectly. Every single detail of the work, the three of them had created added value to it, focusing on the bark and sticks as well as the flowers that had been carefully placed upon it. The doorway looked lively and natural within it’s environment.
Feeling satisfied and proud of the doorway that they had worked on together, Mike now turned his focus onto his sister and Y/N. Mike wanted to tell the both of them just how much he appreciated their shared artistic ability and the work they'd put into the doorway.
Y/N's gaze finally glances away from the doorway, looking towards Abby. "Think we’re done Abby or does it need anything else?" Abby seemed a little conflicted by the question but soon shakes her head after a few moments in thought. "I think it’s perfect." She grins, looking over at the doorway in admiration.
Taking a few photos of their work before collecting the leftover supplies and putting them back. Bits of paint and glue left on all three of them, a remainder of their now-completed project. Gloves, aprons, and sticks either given away to another group or set back were they belonged. 
"The entire two-story building is filled with nothing but dinosaurs." The building, as Y/N stated was indeed filled with dinosaurs. The lower level held about 15 different species of dinosaurs, moving around as if they were alive. Fake plants and rocks filled their stages, enhancing the environment to be almost jungle-like.
As Mike stepped into the building, he was immediately filled with a sense amazement as he observes every single moving and animated prehistoric creature that the exhibit had on display. All of the different species of dinosaurs had different movements they displayed, some of them moving in slow and patient manners, others going in swift and quick motions, moving around and acting as if they were in their own natural habitat. 
The man had reached the point where he was just going from dinosaur to dinosaur, he stopped in front of one of the more life-like versions of an animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex, watching as its eyes flickered red, and it let out a loud screech. The creature even began to move in an aggressive manner, swaying its big thick tail back and forth. The creature’s movement looked so life-like and realistic that it almost felt like it could burst out of the exhibit at any moment.
Y/N walked up beside Mike, his own eyes wide in disbelief at the movement of the animatronic. "These guys are fairly different from the ones at work, huh?" He jokes, his voice catching in his throat as he stares at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Mike’s eyes never moved away from the creature slowly swayed side to side in its aggressive manner. "Shut up." Mike replied, his voice filled with awe and joy as the creature flickered its eyes red again, swaying its tail back and forth.
The three stand awestruck taking in the movements and real life-like roars it erupts. The small group eventually made their way to the second floor. More animatronic dinosaurs only the smaller species with interactive displays. Mike stepped over to one of the smaller dinosaurs which was a Pachycephalosaurus, which displayed a unique feature of being able to be touched by hand. 
Its skin felt rough and bumpy like that of a lizard, and when he touched the dinosaur’s head, he heard the loud and unique sound it made. The display was definitely unique and filled Mike with an even greater sense of awe and excitement as he realized the effort and detail that went into this exhibit.
What felt like hours joyfully pouring over each exhibit, Y/N was beginning to pick up on the cloud of exhaustion hanging over the small group. He gently moves between them, a hand placed on Mikes mid back as his other hand offered to Abby. "What do you two say we…make our way through the gift shop and drive back home for a movie night?” Y/N whispers to both. Mike gave an agreeing nod towards the other man's suggestion. It definitely sounded like the perfect way to wrap up the afternoon and the whole trip here.
Hopping the other two wouldn’t mind a quick stop at the gift shop before they left, as he figured it would be nice to buy some souvenirs to remember the day. That and he wanted to pick up something for Y/N to show his appreciation. Mike soon started to wander through the different sections of the gift shop, looking through each one for something to buy. Though, he was curious and wondered if Y/N would even like whatever he got for him anyways.
Mike soon came across the section of the gift shop that contained merchandise related to the dinosaurs, as there were plush creatures, t-shirts, and various accessories relating to the dinosaur exhibits. Eventually settling on a plush toy triceratops, it was just too adorable and cute to not get for his loving boyfriend.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights of any of the characters I write about, all the rights go to their respective creators
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