#i love tiger division
kalijhomentethi · 2 years
ok so guess who recently got into marvel comics
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aceconnorhawke · 2 years
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This cover’s a major win for me personally
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For All That Was Lost
BLEACH Anime Celebration - Day 3: Loss
Rating: K+ with mild themes
Setting: Sometime before chapter 686, during autumn or winter.
Synopsis: While on a visit to the World of the Living, Shinji and Momo reflect on what was lost and what was saved.
AN: so this is a little bit late, due to 1) the original copy not saving properly, and 2) becoming unwieldy and going from 700 to 2000+ words. Anyhow, I present a brotp fic with one of the best captain-lieutenant duos. This may or may not have been a deleted scene from my other fic As Months Go By, As Season Change slightly remodeled for these prompts; you don’t need to have read it (or part 2 whenever it comes out) to understand what’s going on here. Also, it just dove-tailed from the last fic I wrote, To Give Your Shelter.
Also, in case you’re wondering, this is what Shinji is wearing (minus the beret and fancy shoes).
I hope you enjoy this one!
“This is hardly warranting of a video, sir.”
“But it’s a historic moment! Hold on a sec.”
Momo loses the fight to not smile as her captain fishes his denreishinkai out of his coat pocket with his free hand.
All around them, humans walk past, some glancing at Shinji while he unlocks his phone and gets the camera ready. Momo knew even before they’d arrived at Karakura Town he would choose to dress to stand out, and he didn’t disappoint with the pale purple turtle neck, baggy coat, and orange-tinted sunglasses with the attached chain looping around the back of his neck. She’d gone for something tamer – a pale pink sweater, black and white pleated skirt, and dark stockings – which got a mocking sigh of disappointment from her captain. ‘Honestly, Hinamori, you haven’t been keeping up with the trends of the World of the Living!’ he’d teased.
Well, looking around, she’d say she was closer to whatever clothing trends humans had in this city. When he finally has the camera ready, she sighs through her nose. “How about a photo instead?”
He looks at her from over the sunglasses, and she looks right back, unyielding. It’s a staring contest for almost thirty seconds when Shinji gives her a defeated smirk. “Well, I guess it’s a good compromise.”
He shuffles next to her and leans back, holding the denreishinkai far enough to get both of their heads and the café behind them in view. “All right, hold up your coffee.”
She does so and widens her smile into a grin.
“To trying café coffee for the first time!” he cheers, ‘clinking’ his foam cup against hers.
“Honestly, sir,” she chuckles.
He snaps a few pictures, with only difference in any of them being one without his sunglasses; she likes that one best. She makes a mental note to get a copy from him later.
“Right, let’s get going,” he says while putting his denreishinkai away. “Hiyori’s gonna kick my ass if we don’t get to the warehouse on time.”
They start down the bustling street, passing an array of shops and restaurants. Momo begins to wish she’d taken more than one day off to visit the World of the Living; there’s several shops she would walk into and an izakaya she could see herself, Rangiku, Toshiro, Izuru, and Renji going eat at.
Shinji starts on his double espresso, and after the first sip, gives a long, approving hum. “Now that is coffee.”
He looks at her expectantly. Momo will never understand how the most trivial things are get the most authoritative looks out of him.
“It still feels too hot,” she says with a nervous chuckle.
He shrugs. “Just don’t let it get cold. It’ll tastes more bitter. It’s not like iced coffee when that happens.”
“Iced coffee? You can have it cold too?”
“Weren’t you paying attention to menu boards?” he chortles.
“Honestly, I couldn’t get over the pastries they had there.” She grins. “They were so pretty! I almost bought one.”
“Well, why didn’t ya?”
“We wouldn’t have time to eat it. Besides, it’d probably get messed up on our way to see Sarugaki-san and the others.”
“They have containers to stop that from happening, dummy.”
He glances over his shoulder, the café almost a tiny rectangle in the distance. It’d too far for either of them to run back and get anything.
Momo waves her free hand. “If I have time on the way back, I’ll get something then.”
They continue on down the city street, weaving their way through groups of humans. Despite their brisk pace, Momo takes everything in. Some of the stores and restaurants remind her of those in Rukongai, and some of the technology is similar to what had recently been developed by the Twelfth Division. She’s never seen so many humans before, nor such tall building in the World of the Living. It’d been decades since she last in this world, and until now she’d only ever heard about it’s development from Shinigami who were sent on patrols to the cities and towns.
She looks at her captain when they stop at a traffic crossing. Despite what he wore and his bright blonde hair, he oddly fitted in with the rest of the humans. The way he held himself, slightly hunched in the shoulders and a hand stuffed into his pants pocket, it not only made him appear more casual - not that he was ever as stoic or formal as some of the other captains were in the first place. He’d lived this world for over a hundred years, probably knows this town like the back of his hand, it’s understandable he’d feel relaxed being here.
Momo decides if they have time, she’ll ask him to show her the places he’d worked at and question him and the other Visoreds about what had changed the most in Karakura Town.
At the green light, they cross to the other side. Along the way, a strong gust of wind blows through, causing Momo and most others to huddle in on themselves. Shinji though remain standing straight, his coat and the chain attached to his sunglasses blowing out behind him as he takes another sip of coffee. For a moment he looks like one of the models from one of the magazines he read.
Momo chuckles, tempted to get her denreishinkai and take a picture.
“What’re you laughing about?” he asks once they reach other side of the street and into a courtyard.
“It’s nothing.”
“Well, it’s gotta be something or else ya wouldn’t…” He does a double take, gaze going over her head. “No way!”
Momo blinks and comes to a stilted stop. Her captain is frozen with his mouth agape. Following his line of sight, he’s staring wide eyed at a shop on the opposite side of the courtyard. AB Cookies.
“Do you know that place?” she asks.
“Yeah, but last I saw it, it was on a different street. She must’ve moved it.”
“Kurosaki Orihime.”
Momo’s eyes widen. “I had no idea she worked in a bakery. Is she the manager?”
“Co-manager.” Shinji checks his watch, then looks between further down the street and AB Cookie. After a beat, be mutters under his breath, “Screw it.” Then, to Momo, “You’ve met Orihime before, right?”
She nods.
“Well, I’m thinking you wanted to get something before, and I guess we shouldn’t come empty handed if we’re late.” Without warning, he walks speedily towards the bakery. “So, we might as well get a peace offering before we arrive!”
Taking the hint, she catches up to him.
Walking into the bakery, Momo is greeted by various sweet scents and brightly colored decor. There are only a few tables and chairs inside, all of them up against the wide windows that look out onto the courtyard. The glass counter is full of pastries, and the wall behind it lined with different breads. Some baked goods look like nothing she’d ever seen, and upon reading a few of their labels, she raises a brow.
“Raisins and leek?” she says under her breath. “Strawberry and seaweed?”
Shinji doesn’t notice her bewilderment as he sidles up to the cash register.
“Yo, anyone in?” he calls out. When no answer comes, he tries peering through the doorway off to the left of the breads. “Says it’s open. Maybe she’s-”
“Sorry to keep you waiting!” Orihime walks through the doorway, wearing a uniform that matches the sweet aesthetic of the decor. “Welcome to AB Cookies, how can I….?” She blinks at Shinji, who just grins back in return. “Hirako-san!”
“Nice to see you, Kurosaki.” He gestures to Momo. “You remember Hinamori, right?”
Momo quickly straightens and bows her head. “It’s good to see you, Kurosaki-san.”
“Likewise, Lieutenant Hinamori. What brings you both here? Are you visiting?”
“Yeah, but unfortunately we’re short on time,” Shinji answers. “Here to visit Hiryori and the others.”
“Ah, I see. We saw them just last week actually.”
“For real? Why?”
Orihime’s smile turns rueful. “Kazui went off exploring and bumped into Aikawa-san. He brought him home before he could wonder into the warehouse.”
“Geez, kid sounds like his dad, wondering into places he shouldn’t.” Then, with a teasing lit, “You were a bit like too, now that I think about it.”
That gets a nervous chuckle out of Orihime. “I guess so.”
Shinji leans an arm on the counter. “Next time I’m here, I’ll swing by and see Ichigo too. In the meantime, I came by to see if you could give me your best donuts.”
Orihime grabs a nearby pair of tongs and gestures to a cabinet on the right. “How many would you like? We do a special for a dozen.”
“A dozen it is!” Shinji turns to Momo. “Which ones do ya want? Or would like something else?”
Momo would argue that he didn’t need to pay for her snack, but she knows he’ll insist until they get into an argument which would probably make them late.
That, and the donuts are all very cute. Most looked like animals, including a cat with chocolate whiskers and a rabbit with almond ears. The few that didn’t have an animal design were glazed in fluro colors with floral designs in white frosting.
She points to the donut shaped like a tiger. “I’ll have a yuzu one, please.”
Shinji makes a choked sound. Glancing up at her captain, she discovers he’s trying to withhold laughter. She goes to ask what’s funny, but he’s quick to start picking the other donuts.
As Orihime bustles about folding up a box and putting their selection into it, Shinji asks her about Ichigo and Kazui, the store, and a few people Momo assumes are humans.
However, she doesn’t listen to their conversation, instead becoming focused on Orihime herself. To think one of the saviors of the Soul Society runs a bakery. Considering her role in the war, it’s humbling to find out she lives a life like this, with a family of her own and in a job that’s far more peaceful than a Shinigami’s.
She smiles so brightly, even after everything that happened. Everyone had moved on from the war and Aizen’s betrayal in their own, but some still struggle to do so. They can’t forget what they saw, or what they lost, or who they’d lost.
There are times where Momo suddenly remembers someone who was no longer alive; a subordinate or seated officer, a friend from another division, and sometimes someone who is alive but had lost a part to themselves – whether it was a limb or an aspect of themselves hardened by what they saw and experienced. She also remembers wonderment some had in their eyes as they spoke of the World of Living after coming back from a posting, hoping to go back again when they were on leave and see and try thing that were unlike anything in the Soul Society.
“Oi, Hinamori.”
Momo blinks out of her reverie. “Captain?”
Shinji and Orihime look at her, the former with a slight furrow in his brow and the latter holding out the box of donuts to him.
“You spacing out?” Shinji asks.
“Sorry! I was just thinking, that, uh…this bakery is amazing. Kurosaki-san, did you bake everything here yourself?”
Something changes in Orihime’s smile, but Momo can’t put her finger on it. Regardless, Orihime answers, “Oh, thank you! I bake most of it with the help of Harumi-san and Ito-kun. They’re on their break right now, otherwise I’d introduce you to them.”
Momo manages a smile. “It looks like a lot of hard work. I’m looking forward to trying the donuts.”
Shinji takes the box of donuts and turns back to Orihime. “As is, we’ll be back for more some other time. Say ‘hi’ to Ichigo and Kazui-chan for me, yeah?”
After bidding farewell, they’re quick to return to the courtyard and speedily walk to the warehouse.
For Momo, stepping back out is like being in a different world. At least the Arrancar and Hollows were aware that a war took place, but no one here would except those who had been at the battle itself. A small part of her bitterly thinks how none of the humans anywhere will ever know of the sacrifices made or the lives lost to save them all. Perhaps more than that though, she’s sad that none of those who are gone will ever get a chance to do what they wanted in the World of Living. Some may have already reincarnated as a human, but they aren’t the same person she knew them as.
“Looks like you’re spacing out again.”
They’re on a different street now, heading towards a park only a few feet away. She’d barely notice the change in scenery, nor how slow their walking pace had become.
As they cross on to the path that winds through the park, she sighs. “I was just thinking that this world almost vanished during the war.” She swallows against the lump building up in her throat. “We’re taught our duty as a Shinigami is to maintain to balance and project lives that aren’t involved in our world. The humans will never know that, and it’s better of course that they don’t, but even so...”
She tilts her head back, watching the clouds move by through the leaves and branches that arc over them. Shinji’s face loses any traces of humor as his gaze falls to the ground.
When he says nothing, Momo starts to ramble. “Hirose-san wanted to go to a flower festival in the country side. She heard about it while on a posting in a seaside town, a lot of the residents traveled from there to go. She wanted to see if all the flora there was like ours.
"Hoga-san and Domen-kun both wanted to go to a beach, neither of them had seen the sea before. They also wanted to go to the bars and see if the drinks here taste any different from those in the Rukongai.
"Funai-kun wanted to go to a festival here. He said he saw something called a Ferris wheel and wanted to go on it.”
An amused snort comes from Shinji. “That right? Thought he didn’t like heights.”
“Are they tall?”
“Yeah. You get into one of the carts on this massive wheel and they take you up for a spin.”
“That sounds strange.”
“Nah, not like a fast spin. It’s slow so you get to take in the scenery.”
Momo smiles. “That’s probably why he wanted to go in one. He wanted to look for a new landscape to paint.”
They come to a natural stop at the side of the path. Though the look Shinji levels at her appears nonchalant, she knows better.
“I get it," he says, "but this is the way it has to be.”
“...I know.”
“Like you said, it’s how we’re trained to think. We screwed up in the past with the Quincy and others, but I’d like to we’ve finally learned from it.” He takes a sip of coffee and ponders for a moment. “We’re also taught to lay down our lives for our friends and family. In doing so, we can go knowing we fought with everything we had, that we protected the worlds for all the inhabitants.”
And this fleeting feeling, of nostalgia and fondness, collides with what Momo sees all round her.
Surrounded by leafy green trees and shrubs, flowers swaying in the breeze, and humans, gathered as families or friends or alone on park benches, it’s all life. The children can continue to laugh and smile, the adults can keep their heads up and continue to try to provide for and help each other without being burdened by something so existential. To wish that they knew about the war that almost made this world vanish would not only burden them, abut also be a disservice to the friends and subordinates she’d lost, who gave their lives to ensure no one suffered. That the wonders this world has could continue to amaze the humans and Shinigami for decades to come.
“If there’s one thing I learned while living here it’s that human screw up, a lot. Some more than others…”
Her captain’s words stop her from becoming overwhelmed. She looks back to him, about to question him, but stops when his smile returns a fraction.
“But there’s that chance to change,” he continues. "Not everyone takes it, but for those that do, for those who choose to do the right thing, for those who choose to keep walking after going through hardships, I think that’s reason enough to keep this world.”
Momo is momentarily speechless, taken aback by the uncharacteristic sentimentally of her captain. “That’s…awfully wise for you, sir.”
He blinks at that, and then laughs in shock. “What kind of back-handed compliment is that?!”
“Ah, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just…I’m not used to speaking like that.”
“Well, when you get to my age, you learn a lot. In fact, get your denreishinkai out and write down whatever I just said! We’re gonna write it as part of a field report for today.”
She laughs at that. “Sir, we’re not on duty!”
Shinji starts laughing too. “Doesn’t matter, our division’s gotta know what they’re fighting for and that’s the best way I’ve ever worded it.”
Her smile is wide as she shakes her. "I'll type it up later."
Shinji points to her cup as he takes one last sip of his own. “Still haven’t tried your coffee. Has it gone cold?”
She'd almost forgotten about it. “It’s still warm.”
Momo finds herself looking around the park again, at all the humans going in and out. Then, she raises the latte to her lips and takes a sip.
For all that was lost, there was much more still alive.
“It’s good.”
Momo goes to knock on the warehouse’s entrance, but Shinji steps in front of her.
“No need. Besides, you’ll want me to go in first.”
Momo raises a brow at that, but doesn’t say anything as her captain opens the door. He starts to announce their arrival when a red blur comes barreling towards them, jumping from somewhere up high and landing right in front of Shinji.
“You’re late!” Hiyori shouts.
Shinji scrambles to put the box of donuts in front of him and raise its lid. “Do you really wanna ruin these?!”
Hiyori pauses, one of her sandals raised high. She glares down at the donuts, eyeing each one as if assessing an enemy. Shinji doesn’t move a muscle, not even to reign in his deep-set scowl or look back at Momo. It was as if he were a student waiting for the approval of a teacher who is always hard to please.
What feels like a minute later, Hiyori sniffs, then lifts her foot and puts her sandal back on. “Fine.” She snatches the box from Shinji. “At least you got enough for all of us.”
“You’re welcome” Shinji snarks as she steps aside to let them in.
Hiyori ignores him, instead nodding at Momo. “I bet you’re the reason he isn’t twenty minutes late, but he’s the reason you’re five minutes later. If you can get him down to two minutes, I’ll shout you dinner next time you’re here.”
Shinji gawks. “Since when do you pay for other people’s dinners?”
“Since she’s had to put up with you, Baldy!”
Momo edges her way past the two as they get into an argument. She meets the gazes of the remaining three Visoreds. Aizawa slowly makes his way towards her and Hachigen follows.
“Hinamori-san, right?” Love says as he nears. “Didn’t really get a chance to speak back during the war.”
“It’s good to finally meet you, Lieutenant,” Hachigen greets.
Although she feels a slight thrum of anxiety, Momo is surprised how calm she is. Perhaps because she met them during the war before they went to the Soul Palace, and they’d help seal the cracks between the Soul Society and the World of the Living; without their efforts, who knew how the war would’ve turned out. Before any of that, she’d seen and heard Shinji speak to these people over the denreishikai. He’d talked about them both fondly and in annoyance, but she could tell the connection he has towards them ran deep.
“Hello, Aizawa-san, and Ushoda-san” she greets in return with a bow of her head. “I’ve looked forward to finally speaking with you all.”
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eumenidaes · 2 years
Things I like according to my coworker
Tiger Division
Dan Mora
Monkey Prince
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matramancer · 1 month
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🌸Previously we focused a lot on Mitsuri! Reader’s background, now, I want to show her relationship to Gen in particular after becoming a platoon leader and drop some interactions with Kikoru!
part 1 | Masterlist
🌸Tags: narumi pining stage(?). oblivious Narumi, mutual pining, mutual admiration, friends to lovers but not yet question mark, loser narumi, OBAMITSU NARUMI AND READER!!!
Well into your time in the First Division, you’ve established a rather interesting sense of partnership with Narumi Gen.
At first, the two of you were still quite stiff, what with how it seemed like you and Narumi were just too different in terms of personality.
One was a lousy trash man–brash, childish and stuck to his handheld when he wasn’t on the field, and while the other was a happy go lucky, passionate girl who grew to be well loved for her demeanor, you were quite shy when it came to approaching him. After all, he IS your captain and the man on top of the Defense Force. You had a great deal of respect for him even before you joined arms. In fact, striving to be worthy to stand with him–to be stronger, was the collective ambition of every officer there.
After finally earning his acknowledgement, you ended up spending more and more time with him. Since you caught his eye with your strength. then you’ll have to keep honing it if you were to prove your existence. So you trained and trained, kept your limbs stretched, made sure your flexibility and agility always stayed fresh in your blood. Turn it into second nature. 
And whenever the captain threw his hand in and actually showed up for a couple of rounds to spar you, you gave it your all. It became clear that he in particular took part in stoking your flames with his principle. To show results.
With that in mind, you’ve been building blocks since the very beginning, he notes one day, rummaging through your files and every assessment result.
Your shooting range assessments during your time as a rookie. Physical check ups. Combat training. Laps. They were above average–it’s what landed you in the First Division in the first place.
But what made you shine was your insane physical prowess, and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held.
Your terrain practice and obstacle shooting course held the highest rookie records. Your field reports never lied, there was even drone footage. Then there was the daikaiju incident, where you wielded an entire machine gun and amassed such a formidable blast upon first use, the numbers were too overwhelming for a rookie.
He remembers another report he got after your health assessment. They had studied the composition of your muscles, your combat levels, and more. Gotten real up and personal with you, so much so that you noted the experience while looking away. 
He’ll never forget Isao’s words after Hasegawa recounted their discoveries in his office. Your extreme constitution, your rapidly increasing combat power, your leap in abilities as soon as you donned on your suit. Your power.
“Another prodigy right after Ashiro Mina.” Narumi paused as Isao turned to face the both them. “The next piece of the puzzle for the Defense Force.”
If Mina was the missing link to fight daikaiju–humanity’s biggest threat at the time, then you were second just to her to complete the frontlines. Another sleeping tiger.
Isao himself gave him and Hasegawa an order. One that drove home the responsibility he had as your captain now. “Hone her strength. A girl with her potential belongs in our main defenses.”
He made you sound all cool and all, but as soon as Narumi made his way to the training hall, he was flabbergasted as you held a comically long photostrip filled with the pictures of the cats you had back at home, gushing over them with several of your platoon members.
“I love Nekotarou, General Whiskers the 2nd, and Meowy Antoinette soooo much!” Were those the names of your cats? He wonders. “I’m going to spend my life savings on building a shrine in their image near Yokohama Station.“ Impossible.
Hearing that gave Narumi whiplash. Right, the daikaiju prodigy that even Mr. Isao acknowledged…
So there you were one day, nervously looking down at a serious private meeting with your Captain and Vice Captain. “You know, Mr. Isao went over some of your assessments some time ago.” Your heart immediately dropped, your shocked expression instantly showing on your face.
“DIRECTOR GENERAL SHINOMIYA?!?!?!?!” Narumi watched as you, noting how you were akin to watching a hamster get scared by loud noise.
You quickly regain your composure (though you still looked comedically nervous in Narumi’s peering eyes) as he read out your achievements. You’ve already proved yourself well, with a high performance level that was brimming with potential.
But most notably, it was your high physical prowess and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held. That was what made you a force to be reckoned with,
“So, with that in mind–” Hasegawa stood up, followed by Narumi. “As a newly appointed platoon leader with one of the strongest, most unique combat power readings we’ve had in the force, we will start work on your special weapon.”
“...” You stare at the two of them. Narumi stares back. Hasegawa paces his sight between the two of you. Then, the words processed in your head, and you let out the biggest beamful smile they’ve set their eyes on. “THANK–THANK YOU SO MUCH!” you stifled a few tears, following them like a duckling to meet with Izumo Tech.
And after a long testing period, you were bestowed with what the people at the weaponries department could only describe as a weapon as unique as its user. Your whip-sword.
With how unique your weapon was, it was imperative for you to train twice as hard–learning the ropes and making sure your new fighting style was worth all the effort. Your pride as an officer–a bearer of a special weapon relied on this. That was when Narumi rolled in, and when he wanted to test your strength himself, you eagerly accepted. Unexpectedly, it turned into a new tradition between the two of you.
Around this time was the turning point of how you slowly broke out of just simple subordination to him, and towards a strange yet delightful symbiotic relationship, one where you didn’t just acknowledge each other’s strengths, but learned more about the person behind them. He started talking to you more once you asked him excitedly about what games he plays, and he started to eat the meals you brought.
Truth to be told, your journey only became more arduous then. You were strong, sure, but you still couldn’t hold a candle to Narumi. And it only spurred you on further.
A particularly remarkable moment between the two of you was the first time you really voiced your compliments to him outloud (to Hasegawa’s dismay…)
It was when he beat you in hand to hand combat one day, and perhaps something felt different with how you were pushing your blood circulation and heart beat to the limit, but it was super clear that he really went all out that day. And he was admirable. “You’re amazing, Captain!” 
“Of course,” he was to reply to you instinctively, but the sheer look of admiration you had sprawled on your face despite getting floored took him by surprise. You were always holding back a little around him–though he knew from word of mouth that you really were a very excitable person–so to see this other side of you was still pretty new for him. He just soaks in your words as you continue.
“Your form is amazing, how long did it take you to perfect it?” “I need to up my precision too. Yours is so remarkable.” “Please let me spar with you more!”
Perhaps you let your mouth run a little too loose by then. “I hope to one day earn my place next to you, Narumi–” You stop. Narumi stops. Then, your hands fly to your mouth as you let out a choked sound of what seemed to be your life regrets. “--I’m sorry!!!” Your forehead had already hit the floor multiple times before he registered your apology, seeing you fret over thinking that you overstepped a line.
But things are okay. You’re good friends now. He’s confident with that. He’s seen all 2760 of the pictures in your “my cats❤️❤️” album on your phone. He has all your favorite foods memorized. He knows the best ways to bait you.
He also had a huge ego boost when you showed up one day with the ends of your hair dyed a new color, following the long tradition of the 1st Division platoon leaders.
Has been scolded once or twice by Hasegawa for making you stay up late helping him farm dungeons on his BS5. When Narumi rebutted that he was your captain and that this was “an important mission”, Hasegawa promptly shot him down by stating that it was abuse of power.
He was actually the first person you showcased your new fighting style with your whip-sword to. Still couldn’t believe that you actually named it after your cats.
When the time came for you to use your new weapon on the field for the first time, you felt a bit more pressured than you should. Despite the fruitful results from in house training, the field is a very different environment, and you couldn’t afford to mess up. This test drive meant a lot–developing your weapon probably took a fortune–and you didn’t want to disappoint Narumi. He spent so much time with you. For you.
You move towards the approaching Yoju with total concentration, launching yourself in the air. “MTS-1437 field test commenced. Initiate subjugation,” Kurusu announced through the comms whilst giving you clearance, the operations room watching expectantly.  
To say it was a success was an understatement. Not when the entire operation room seemed to look at your floating figure in awe, your sword gracefully twirling around your body. You looked as light as the wind, so graceful and elegant as you zeroed in on the yoju, before unleashing an onslaught of the techniques you spent so much practice on. Seeing you with your sword dance didn’t just fit your entire being amazingly – It felt so right.
Inside of him, Narumi felt a sense of achievement, watching you from the operations room as well. 
“...Did she just say Catlove Shower?” He tensed, coughing a bit. 
His memories bring him back to the specialized training room the both of you frequented, when you had eagerly just showed him your techniques. He remembers how gleefully you smiled, how your eyes turned into half moons from how elated you were after he gave you his approval. It was just a “good job” he thought, but it must have meant the world for you. Your place in the force must have meant the world for you. Something in his heart started to tug.
Before he realized it himself, a snide remark came out of his throat. “She was really happy with the names she thought up–so shut it.” Everyone near his vicinity tensed, looking at him in shock. No one expected him to comment that, not even Hasegawa.
As mentioned in the previous headcanons, you and Narumi have grown accustomed to each other’s fighting style. As you also worked with the combo of gunmanship to melee–though not exactly similar, you had turned to him for a lot of pointers. Not only that, but the joint weapon training you underwent with him contributed a lot to both of your understandings of how the other fought. So, it was no surprise that your battle sense became more reminiscent of his.
Narumi only let you join his side as soon as he knew he didn’t have to worry about you. As much as he valued you as a person and the friendship you had, he knew that the laws of the battlefield were strict. He couldn’t trust himself if he couldn’t trust you to handle your own. Especially when the 1st Division handled the toughest of kaijus.
His tough love and constant, merciless training made you stronger. And truthfully, seeing you advancing so rapidly in his eyes scared him a bit (was this what Isao felt?). So he was immensely tough on you. You had to be strong.
But when it came to Narumi and your beloved 1st Division officers, you quickly reminded them of the you behind your strength. The (Y/N) that smiled and earned herself the title of the Pillar of Love, the pink creature that made up the most unlikely duo on planet Earth with Narumi Gen.
It’s the mutual understanding and respect you have with each other that brought your bond both in and out of the battlefield this far.
So when Kikoru rolled in, she couldn’t help but admire you. At the time of her transfer, you were a name she’s heard whispers about. The 1st Division’s pillar of love. An expert heavy hitter who excels in mid ranged combat. Exactly someone she could confide in in improving her techniques with the axe.
And Gen used this to his advantage.
“Oi, Narumi.” He winces in pain as you whack the top of his head in place of Hasegawa, letting out a string of complaints. “As much as I love Kikoru-chan, I don’t think General Shinomiya would appreciate it if you threw all the training to me.”
“I told you, it’s our dual responsibility,” he says in between button mashing his console, “I gave you the order to help teach her the ropes. You have a similar combat style with hers.”
“I trained with you, and you’re training with her. Which means I’m training with–” cutting off his speech, you brazenly pick up his lawn chair, balancing the captain as you carried the seat to the training grounds. You made it look so easy.
“My apologies, captain!” Kikoru watches in stunned silence as you haul him over to where the two of you were previously sparring, dropping him on the ground gently whilst listening to his childish rebuttals.
The blonde only watched as Narumi rose from his seat and yelled out more curses in an annoyed frenzy, now chasing you in circles as you held his handheld controller. You were expertly dodging him too, maneuvering the strikes he made with his hands and feet. Yet it despite the showcase of skill, it all felt too goofy to be real.
Was that… really the strongest kaiju combatant in Japan and the famed love pillar?
“GIVE THAT BACK!” Narumi yells, reenacting a forward strike so cleanly, it had Isao written all over it. He narrowly misses your body mid jump.
“MY APOLOGIES!” Your apologetic tone could not be more contrasting than your actions as your legs landed on his head, pummeling Narumi to the ground for your landing.
At this point, even Kafka was watching with his jaw on the floor, Kikoru beside him watching intently. “Even in a light quarrel, those two are masters in their field! But still…” She zeroes in on the tug of war for Narumi’s console between the two of you.
…Could she really trust the two of you during her time here?
A/n: Part three with wingman Kikoru question mark?
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
Hi! I recently discovered this and i took me a while read everything but i just couldn't stop it, I love it! Can you someday write something about F reader and Ace like childhood friends to lovers?
Aaaah I am glad you like! And I hope you like this, I don't do gendered readers I'm afaird <3 I hope thats okay.
Ace x GN Reader SFW WC: 889
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You’d known Ace since you were both kids, when he wasn’t roughhousing and causing trouble with his brothers he was with you. You’d lay on the grass together and stare at the sky, watching the clouds. You could tell he enjoyed these moments as much as you, tired from a day of rolling around and screaming at Sabo and Luffy he just took the time to breathe in your company. 
“That cloud looks like a goat,” You pointed and Ace followed your finger, narrowing his eyes at the white fluffy shape before scoffing. “More like a sabertooth tiger,” He replied as if that was a simple fact and you were wrong. You huffed back at him. “But the horns look!” You nudged him with your elbow and waved your finger, trying desperately to paint the picture for him.
“You're blind!” He nudged back. “What?” You sat up and frowned at him, he sat up with you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as he nodded to the shape. “No, no, look at it this way!” You rolled your eyes knowing you were right.
Despite the occasional disagreement, he was your best friend, and every moment you spent with him you were at your happiest.
“What?” You asked, loudly as you almost dropped your drink and stared at him. “Yeah! I got a boat and a crew, I’m finally ready to set sail as a pirate!” you shook your head, thinking about the long months he’d vanished, you’d been worried sick about him and now he came back with all these wild promises of adventure and claims he was ready to set sail and make something of himself.
Sure, he’d grown up, filled out, and come back with a devil fruit power, he still hadn’t gone into the details about that, but still. Ace was happier, confident and you were happy for him but the way he was coming back into your life just to leave again? 
You were both teenagers and despite the time and space that was ever between you over the years you remained best friends. You felt your heart ache as he carried on talking about how he was going to leave today, how the world was waiting for him. You’d always known he was desperate to be heard, to be seen, to pave his own way, and to avoid the looming shadow of his father's legacy, you’d just always hoped you could be at his side for it. To see him shine like the star he was.
“So,” You started and he watched you “You came back after all this time just to leave again?” to leave ME again.
“I- what? No!” He slammed his hands on the table, making the cups wobble and spill. “I was coming to ask you to join me! I don’t think I could do this without you.” He said with determination to get you on his side again before he reached over the table to grab your hands. “Come on, like we always talked about!”
Despite your better judgment you joined his crew, and became a Spade pirate. You hadn’t been serious when you were kids, how you’d both talk about the possible future but you couldn’t be without him again and you had a feeling he wouldn’t have taken no for an answer. Ace was as stubborn as he was cute.
You even stayed by his side when the Whitebeard Pirates had assimilated you all to their ranks, you’d cleaned Ace’s cuts, bandaged his wounds, and tried to talk him out of killing Whitebeard, though you knew that was never going to happen. 
It had been years now, the way you carried on growing up side by side. You’d held his hand when he’d taken the leap and gotten the huge tattoo on his back, you had a matching one, just much smaller than the one that marked his pride in his new life and role as the second division commander.
You’d gotten closer and spent all your free time with him. He was lying on your bed as you finished washing up for the night, ready for bed, and watching as Ace was dozing off on the bed. This was how it always happened, he had his own room but more times than not he would fall asleep on your bed and you’d wake up bing spooned by him. His strong arms around your waist and his lips against your neck as he snored.
“Marco asked how long we’d been dating today,” you started and he snapped awake, looking at you from under his hat. “And what did you tell him?” you laughed at his reaction, he must have been asked the same question by other whitebeards. “I said since we were young.”
You got into bed next to him, taking his hat and setting it on the nightstand, gently brushing back his hair and seeing his brows furrow as he wrinkled his nose. “Are we dating?”  you shrugged and got comfy, feeling him latch onto you almost instantly, 
“I think we crossed the line of what is acceptable for friends a while ago.” You said, closing your eyes as you felt the breath from his chuckle tickle your neck from how close he was nuzzling you.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
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jung-koook · 1 year
230708 - hoseok on weverse: Army!! How are you doing??? 🫡❤️‍🔥 It's a lovely weekend.💜 After completing my assistant research lectures at the 36th Division White Tiger Training Brigade, I was appointed as a diligent platoon sergeant in the reconnaissance unit. I've been serving in this role with dedication. I've been so busy with my duties that I haven't had time to share updates… I've come here briefly through this message to convey my greetings to you all. During this scorching July while performing military duties, I couldn't help but remember the hot days when I was active as J-Hope around the same time last year. Although our individual appearances may be completely different, I believe that our passionate aspirations for the future are still the same!!!! I wanted to share the news that I'm living as both Jung Hoseok and J-Hope, unchanged no matter when, where, or what circumstances. Haha🫡 Please take care of yourselves, ARMY Be careful of the heat And also be careful of the rain~~~ To all the military personnel and trainees!!!!!! I wish you all good health. Salute!! ❤️‍🔥🫡 (trans. cr. hourlyseokseok)
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 2
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Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Rinnosuke -
"Rinnosuke Morichika lives in an overly-cluttered curio shop, and has a special interest in making magical inventions. Since he doesn’t live in a modern setting— but a pocket dimension slightly disconnected to the outside world— whenever a modern item shows up in his shop via spiriting away, he can obsess over it for extended periods of time. He is quite blunt without realizing it, even to people he cares for. He also has a special ability to generally understand the name and use of any item he touches (though this backfires sometimes, he thought a Gameboy was a doomsday device once)."
Fuuta -
"okay look theres so many fucking signs hes autistic. he cannot tell tone and often doesn't know how to react to stuff which is a major point in his character id say. he was asked if he remembered his victim's name (hes a murderer. oops!) and his response was something along the lines of "Of course I do. I saw it everywhere." because he did not understand that they wanted to know what it was since it wasnt directly stated. im convinced that hoodies are a comfort object of his because i genuinely have not seen him without one except for one time. also hes canonically a chronically online twitter user. also he gets really passionate about his interests. also not really related but everyone in the fandom agrees hes transgender but no one can agree on what way. ive seen every single gender hc for this dude. vote kajiyama fuuta for this sopping wet poor little meow meow of a man."
Hansum -
"He's just a very odd and strange lad, can't remember names well, is an alien (mild spoiler), he's very popular, obsessed with Doritos and becomes their mascot, just refers to everyone as humans which is a mood, and is completely socially oblivious."
Miyuki -
"Relatable neurodivergent-Gifted Child syndromeTM case with all the superiority-inferiority complex that results. A chronic show-off and scheming strategist with a lowkey hopeless romantic dramatic aspect to him, silly cool and pathetic in a very hilarious way. Shirogane has a trademark glare purely thanks to his eyebags as he runs on coffee everyday having to support his family with multiple jobs in addition to class, on top of student council president duties. He's kind and an obsessive perfectionist who fills his entire wall with the weirdest motivational posters. Shirogane is very devoted to his love. He likes penguins (Kaguya and him is peak asd4asd and bi4bi btw)."
Kirito -
"He's autistic and bisexual as hell, and there's a good bit of trans coding in him 🥺
Autism coding: Bro's literally got a sword and swordfighting hyperfixation where, despite playing a game that focuses around guns, he still chooses to use a sword!! We also see him completely missing Asuna's flirting at first (he tells her she could have just checked her friendlist to make sure he was alive, in response to her tracking him down to see him)
Bi coding: Dual wielding swords is literally a euphemism in Japan for bisexuality; and Kirito initially tries to hide the fact he can dual wield out of fear of how the people he's close to will view him (and once he reveals it to them and they accept it, he begins to be more open about it.) Also in the Underworld arc he becomes very close with Eugeo to the point of living with him (and sharing a bed on occasion), and there are several parallels between Eugeo and Asuna, and they're so gay for each other that despite the anime having only a toned down version of it, they're still very affectionate (Also of note is that Eugeo is the only guy in SAO canon to consistently have a 'laying in bed with Kirito' talk CG in the spinoff games) (There's more but it's spoilers and this is a shortened version)
Trans coding: Kirito is very trans coded in the light novel (which shows Kirito's thoughts in much greater detail than the anime) Aincrad arc reveals that Kirito explicitly Does Not Like his real face, and dislikes how feminine it looks (he mentions that its led to him and his cousin being mistaken for sisters) And in Phantom Bullet arc, he's visibly uncomfortable at being mistaken for a girl due to his avatar's appearance, and in response to being misgendered he briefly panics and checks to make sure his chest flat (at least in the anime adaptation) 🏳️‍⚧️"
Shirou -
"Has one goal in life and ignores almost everything in favor of trying to fulfil that goal."
Keith -
"Speaks in a way that is seen as weird and has mannerisms others think is funny. He struggles with not being taken seriously by others because of this and many of the things others say goes over his head. He struggles to connect with other people because of these things. His entire arc in the second film is about him deciding that the people who don't accept him for who he is aren't worth it and that he's going to continue being himself."
Junpei -
"for other fans of this series, I know the more obvious representation here may be Luou, Junpei is So Good. his special interest is ballet and he has so many hangups involving how his family sees him and how other boys his age interpret him to the point that his idea of masculinity is extremely narrow and he enforces social rules on himself to mask and keep people from realizing that he loves something that Isn't Manly. he misinterprets social cues and takes things literally, like assuming that when Miyako asked him to dance with her she meant Right This Minute rather than as a pair in the studio. for some reason the point where he cuts his hair super short to prove his devotion to ballet is also sticking with me, I think maybe it's the combination of the way it's normal for boys/men in Japan to do that, yet Junpei didn't realize that kind of attitude/action didn't suit ballet at all? he wasn't aware that the context was completely different. Junpei also doesn't act or pretend very well, he's gotta put his whole entire ass into his roles, which he then proceeds to get TOO into and cause a lot of trouble, without giving too much away! he's really relatable to me as someone who's socially anxious but very skilled at masking, and seeing him become more comfortable with himself and start to show how he really feels is so inspiring to me."
Kazuma -
"He may be (wildly) misguided but his intentions are good kinda! He’s just the Guy of all time idk how to explain it."
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psychics4unet · 2 months
20 Simpsons Psychic Predictions That Came True 🚀
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Hey there, fellow Simpsons fans! 🎉 If you’ve been following The Simpsons, you know that this iconic show isn’t just about laughs and donuts (though we love those too). It’s also about some eerily accurate predictions that have left us all scratching our heads. 🤔 How did this cartoon get so many things right about the future? Grab a seat, grab a donut 🍩, and let’s dive into some of the wildest psychic predictions from The Simpsons that actually came true! 🚀
🌟🔮✨ Curious about what the future holds for you? Just like The Simpsons predicted some mind-blowing events, you too can uncover what’s in store for your life. Click the link below for your own personal psychic reading and get insights that might just amaze you:
1. Donald Trump’s Presidency 🇺🇸
Season 11, Episode 17 (“Bart to the Future”)
In this episode from the year 2000, Lisa becomes the president and mentions that they inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. Fast forward to 2016, and Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. What the what?! 😲
2. Smartwatches ⌚
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
During a future vision of Lisa’s wedding, her fiancé uses a watch to make a phone call. This was in 1995, way before smartwatches became a thing in the 2010s. Talk about being ahead of the curve! 📱
3. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox 🏰🦊
Season 10, Episode 5 (“When You Dish Upon a Star”)
In 1998, there’s a scene showing the 20th Century Fox sign with a subtitle “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney actually bought 21st Century Fox. Coincidence? I think not! 🎬
4. Video Chatting 💻
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
Again in Lisa’s Wedding, we see video calls being made. This was years before Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom became part of our daily lives. The Simpsons were definitely on to something here! 🖥️
5. The Shard in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
In the same episode (wow, it’s like a crystal ball!), we see a skyline that includes a skyscraper eerily similar to The Shard, which wasn’t built until 2012. 👀
6. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance 🎤
Season 23, Episode 22 (“Lisa Goes Gaga”)
In 2012, The Simpsons showed Lady Gaga performing at a concert, suspended in the air. Fast forward to 2017, and Gaga did exactly that at the Super Bowl halftime show. Fly, Gaga, fly! 🎇
7. Nobel Prize Winner 🏅
Season 22, Episode 1 (“Elementary School Musical”)
Milhouse predicted that Bengt Holmström would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. And guess what? Holmström did win it in 2016. Way to go, Milhouse! 📊
8. Ebola Outbreak 🌍
Season 9, Episode 3 (“Lisa’s Sax”)
In this 1997 episode, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Years later, in 2014, there was a significant Ebola outbreak. Chills! 😬
9. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack 🐅
Season 5, Episode 10 (“$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”)
The show depicted a white tiger attacking entertainers similar to Siegfried and Roy. Tragically, in 2003, Roy was indeed attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance. 😥
10. U.S. Wins Olympic Gold in Curling 🥌
Season 21, Episode 12 (“Boy Meets Curl”)
Homer and Marge compete in curling and win a gold medal. In real life, the U.S. men’s team won the gold medal in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Sweep that, skeptics! 🥇
But wait, there’s more! Let’s keep this prediction train rolling with some honorable mentions that didn’t make the top 10 but are still pretty mind-blowing. 🚂💨
11. Horse Meat Scandal 🐴
Season 5, Episode 19 (“Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”)
Lunchlady Doris used “assorted horse parts” in the cafeteria food. In 2013, a scandal erupted in Europe when horse meat was found in various beef products.
12. FIFA Corruption Scandal ⚽
Season 25, Episode 16 (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”)
The episode features a storyline involving corruption in the World Football Federation. In 2015, several FIFA officials were arrested amid a corruption investigation.
13. Farmville 🚜
Season 9, Episode 12 (“Bart Carny”)
In this 1998 episode, kids are seen excitedly playing a yard work simulator game. Fast forward to the 2000s, and Farmville became a massive hit on Facebook.
14. Faulty Voting Machines 🗳️
Season 20, Episode 4 (“Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
Homer tries to vote for Obama in the 2008 election, but the machine keeps changing his vote to McCain. In 2012, there were real reports of voting machines changing votes.
15. Beats by Dre 🎧
Season 8, Episode 14 (“The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”)
In a scene from 1997, we see a character wearing what looks like modern-day Beats by Dre headphones, years before they existed.
16. Mutant Tomatoes 🍅
Season 11, Episode 5 (“E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)”)
Homer grows mutant tomatoes after using nuclear power on his crops. In real life, scientists created genetically modified tomatoes that glow in the dark.
17. NSA Surveillance 🕵️
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
The movie depicted the NSA spying on citizens. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was indeed conducting mass surveillance on American citizens.
18. Shard Building in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
We see a tall building in the London skyline that resembles The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
19. Michelangelo’s David Censorship 🗿
Season 2, Episode 9 (“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”)
The episode shows Springfieldians protesting against Michelangelo’s David being exhibited. In 2016, Russian campaigners did try to cover the statue.
20. Autocorrect Fail 📱
Season 6, Episode 8 (“Lisa on Ice”)
Dolph writes a memo that says “Beat up Martin” which gets autocorrected to “Eat up Martha.” Apple’s iPhone autocorrect has had many such hilarious fails.
It’s wild, right? How does a cartoon get so many things right? Well, it’s probably a mix of clever writing, sharp observation, and maybe a bit of that Springfield magic. ✨
And it's not just us hardcore fans who are intrigued. Thanks to the internet, more and more people are discovering the spooky accuracy of The Simpsons' predictions. Social media platforms are buzzing with theories and speculations. Reddit threads are filled with fans dissecting episodes, and YouTube is packed with videos analyzing every prediction. It's like a virtual treasure hunt where every frame might hold a secret clue to our future! 🔮
Some folks even believe that the writers have a time machine or some sort of psychic ability. While that’s probably a stretch, it’s fun to think about! One thing’s for sure – The Simpsons will keep surprising us with their uncanny knack for predicting the future.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or just curious about the show’s “psychic” tendencies, it’s clear that The Simpsons is more than just a TV show. It’s a pop culture phenomenon that continues to influence and amuse us, while also making us think twice about what might come next. So, next time you’re watching, pay close attention – you might just be getting a sneak peek into the future! 🕵️‍♂️✨
Stay curious, my friends! And remember, the truth is out there… or maybe just in the next episode of The Simpsons. 🌟🚀
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irondefendersart · 6 days
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Jonathan Gallagher, also known as Z-20, or The Trickster, is a semi-hostile entity, commonly found wandering around the Hadal Blacksite.
- Urbanshade, if he had a wikia page.
Playing a lot of roblox recently, fell in love with Pressure and it's lore, wanted to draw an oc for it, here he is.
He doesn't really have a backstory, but if you've played the other hit roblox game Doors and it's sequel, his gameplay is like a combination of 'Screetch' and 'Giggle' -- if you know, you know. He's pretty easy to get off your back though, just ask for a friendship bracelet (he makes them as a hobby), and he'll (somewhat) leave you alone. The reason why he's 'semi-hostile' is because his bite is devastating if pushed far enough, as typical of his species, he is a tiger shark.
I actually finished this days ago, I just forgot to post it :P
Jonathan (he/it) © IronDefender
Pressure © Urbanshade: Hadal Division / roblox
Reference © Pinterest / DeviantArt (I'll credit correctly once I find it's original source)
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axnewxera · 4 months
// A headcanon (or more of an observation maybe?) I have for Rufus and the Turks
Sooooo I'm only roleplaying Rufus, I'm certainly not saying that every Turk I interact with HAS to follow these ideas. I would MUCH rather you come to the table with your own lore and your own take.
But, here is my personal takeaways from the canon about the Turks and their relationship with Rufus. I'm mostly writing this because it's fun and I'm getting to know my muse a little bit, but this will probably affect how I play the character and his feelings toward the canon Turks and Turk OCs.
I haven't played/watched Before Crisis yet, and I need to revisit Crisis Core because I played it a looooong time ago, so I'm mainly going off the original FF7, the Advent Children sequel film, and Remake and Rebirth. Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena.
My absolute FAVORITE thing about the Turks is that they almost feel like a "main party" of their own game. They're super professional and do hella questionable stuff, but they are FRIENDS, they hang out, they go drinking together, they genuinely care about each other, they talk about their crushes, they have their own Synergy attacks just like the main party...
As evil as Shinra, Inc. is, at least the Turks division of the company seems to be VERY well-managed. And we've seen (moreso in the original FF7) that Heidegger is a super toxic and abusive boss. But, when Rufus takes over, the power dynamics shift a lot. Heidegger is ridiculed and often kind of just acts as Rufus's assistant. The Turks, though, become much more prominent, and I've always gotten the vibe that they report directly to Rufus more than they do Heidegger. Rufus almost seems to steal the department away from him. Even the official art of FF7 had Rufus and the Turks all in one image together. From what I know of Before Crisis, he has a personal history with the Turks and has pretty much gotten their complete loyalty and respect before FF7 happens, and like YEAH that holds up.
I think Rufus is much, MUCH closer to the Turks than the games show us. We never directly see Rufus drinking with them, but we also rarely see him directly out in public at all. He's the Charlie to their Angels, he's more of the behind the scenes guy directing them, but he IS part of the team. He drinks with them, he jokes with them, they all hang out and have love for each other... But with Rufus it's more private and behind closed and guarded doors.
That's not an artificial, "he signs my paychecks" relationship. That's LOVE. That's the power of friendship, the heart of the cards, the eye of the tiger. Just like all the Turks have with each other.
Advent Children, especially, did a very good job of expanding on Rufus's relationship with the Turks. They're all on the same page as remorseful and genuinely wanting to change the world for the better. Rufus has a moment of genuine shock and concern when Kadaj throws Elena and Tseng's bloody IDs at him. Reno and Rude show panic when Rufus just dives off a building. The fact that Rufus even COULD make that jump with full confidence that the Turks would catch him. And they DO.
Like honestly in my mind the Turks are almost an extension of Rufus himself. A scene with Reno is also a scene with Rufus, even if he isn't physically present, and vice-versa. They all have that Synergy (pun intended) to them. They're all watching each other's backs and on the same side.
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shmowder · 4 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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it's kinda sad really but based on the poll, not a lot of people know about luna snow, white fox, aero, wave, etc! which is a shame because, genuinely, they’re really interesting characters!
sure, some of them has only appeared in one series or doesn’t even have a solo run, but here’s a quick rundown of a couple of asian supes that i think you all should know and love because its aapi and im a proud asian <3
before i start, do read new agents of atlas!! there are a lot of east asian heroes there :)
Let's start...!
Luna Snow
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Seol Hee is a K-pop star who gains ice powers after a rather disastrous debut. In 4L1T, the group she’s in, she was dubbed as Luna (aka her idol name) which became her official hero name! Interestingly, she does occasionally save the world while juggling her idol life. Truly an icon. Also, fun fact! She has an official spotify and released songs so go stream!
See her in:
Marvel’s Future Fight - yes, she’s actually an original character for the game. a few of them are!
Future Fight Firsts - a marvel comic about a few future fight original characters! this comic is going to appear a lot lol
New Agents of Atlas
Tiger Division
White Fox
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As the last descendant of the Kumiho, an ancient Korean yokai, she was first forced to hide her true nature to the world. After her mother’s death, Ami went to live with her uncle and aunt and enrolled into a human high school. This causes her to find out about the evils that killed her mother and, while saving her friend, she defeated them. Afterwards, Ami was invited by a National Intelligence Service agent to join the agency.
See her in:
Marvel’s Future Fight (game)
Future Fight Firsts
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox
New Agents of Atlas
Tiger Division
White Fox Infinity Comics
Lei Ling
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Lei Ling, aka Aero, was a Shanghai agent who also worked as an architect! She had her powers since childhood and she also founded her own architecture firm.
See her in:
New Agents of Atlas
Lin Lie
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Lin Lie was a young man from Shanghai when his father gave him the sword of Fu Xi. The mystical sword dispels demons and its goal is to stop Chiyou from re-emerging. After several fuck ups in DODS: White Fox, the sword shattered and Lie was tossed into a cliff. We learn after a while that he did not die, in fact he got revived by the chi of Shou-Lao which grants him the Iron Fist.
See him in:
Warriors of Three Sovereigns (or just Sword Master in some sites)
New Agents of Atlas
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox
Iron Fist (2020)
A.X.E: Iron Fist
Pearl Pangan
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Pearl Pangan grew up by the beach on Mactan Island in Cebu, Philippines. She loved the sea and became a really good swimmer, having the potential to win the Olympics. However, obstacles in life turned her aside from that path. She was approached by AlonTech who used Pearl’s swimming abilities to conduct experiments on her. AlonTech was eventually attacked by the Triumph Division and during this attack, Pearl was exposed to several unknown energies which granted her the ability to control water.
See her in:
New Agents of Atlas
Marvel Voices Infinity Comics issue 50
Dan Bi
(ive reached the photo max whopsie)
Dan Bi is the daughter of an antique shop owner. One day after Tae Kwon Do class, she returned home to see her father's shop in ruins, her father nowhere to be found. Bounty hunters entered the building and hearing them, she hid under a bed, finding the mask that contained Io. On the quest to search for her father, Dan Bi went after the buyer of an artefact, leading her to Jimmy Woo, who recruited her into the New Agents of Atlas. Keep in mind she’s like 11 or something.
See her in:
Future Fight Firsts
New Agents of Atlas
And that’s some of them! Obviously I didn’t add some like Taegukgi, or else this would've gotten too long, but please check them out and give them some love <3
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bonefall · 2 years
i love the name "the tiger in riverclan" because it makes me picture a dark, cautionary childrens fairy tale...
The title change is exactly because there's a monster still lurking in RiverClan during the opening of that book; the specter of Thistle Law. I want it to be like, at first you think the tiger is Hawkfrost; but it's actually Skyheart, Leopardstar, Blackclaw, Heavystep, and others.
This one would either follow Reedwhisker, or a bunch of different cats.
Reedpaw's mentor is Skyheart, his bully of an aunt, who keeps failing his assessment for ridiculous reasons
He gets bullied by Heavystep a lot; and bonds with Hawkfrost because Hawkfrost stands up against this.
Reedpaw passes his assessment by crafting a net, catching a HUGE carp, and going to Leopardstar before going to Skyheart. A plan Hawkfrost came up with
This book would contain Reedwhisker x Hawkfrost in case it isn't obvious
There's a lot of division in the various cats, and the book doesn't really have a "clean" ending because it doesn't truly end until Mistyfoot kills Leopardstar at the end of TNP
Really, it's a book about divisions, cats trying to be hopeful about natural change when that's actually exactly what they don't need. The ideas of Thistle Law supporters are festering, not dying.
Stormfur's and Feathertail's personalities are practically swapped, more in-line with their TNP appearances. Stormfur is serious and cynical; Feathertail is relaxed and hopeful.
Mosspelt, Dawnflower, and Mudfur are all established Fire Alone supporters.
I'd probably include a small B plot about Mothwing becoming a medcat but not very much; just enough to establish how her and Mudfur have a better relationship than they do in-canon (which kinda makes it seem like Mudfur does not trust her much)
Mothwing is a POV in TNP now so she does not need time here.
Just for bonus: Mudfur is kind of gruff but deeply kind. He's exasperated by how Mothwing is an excellent medic, but is awful under pressure and her skills keep regressing as a result.
Mudfur makes sense as a character to plainly state the thesis of The Tiger in RiverClan: "You can pretend it'll go away but it won't. An unset bone does not heal straight."
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colossal-niamh · 6 months
Alright I promised it so here’s my top 20 matches
Now a quick heads up, this isn’t just going to be a retread of my 5-star list. That’s more of a list of what I think is the best matches in the world, while this is more matches that I in particular like and/or hold sentiment for me. Though there will inevitably be overlap
Honorable mentions:
Hangman Adam Page vs Bryan Danielson 12/15- This match is basically number 21. this is the best AEW world title match and I love it sooo much but it just barely gets eeked out by the other 20
Asuka vs Ember Moon Takeover Brooklyn 3- one of the best NXT women’s matches and just barely didn’t make the cut. If they were to do this with modern Athena this would soar in my personal rankings Bull Nakano vs Aja Kong 11/4- an excellent finale to Aja's long title chase and her crowning as the new top boss of AJW
Kaientai DX vs Gran Hamada, Gran Naniwa, Masato Yakushiji, Super Delfin, and Tiger Mask 4- great and extremely fun multiman tag and a perfect primer for Michinoku Pro's style
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton 6/24- One of Randy's best matches and probably the best PG era no DQ match. THE LIST: 20. Bryan Danielson vs Kenny Omega, 4/12/09- a cartoonish and lighthearted match before each man went on to dominate the world. This is probably the most farcical match on this list but for good reason. it's an excellent display of both men's comedy chops, crowd work and eventually a sprint of both men's in ring capabilities. I delightful foot note
19. Cody vs Dustin Rhodes, 5/25/19- The Match that made me go "oh yeah, AEW's gonna work." Bar none Dustin's best match as he and his brother honor their late father's legacy by drenching themselves in blood. I know Dustin getting busted open was an accident but it added so much to the sprit of the match.
18. WALTER vs Ilja Dragunov, 8/22/21- This is the best NXT match of all time. A passionate and brutal rematch of their 2020 encounter. Dragunov shows he truly does have that dog in him as with a chest made of hamburger meat and a gash on his forehead, physically clobbers WALTER into submission
17. Steve Corino vs Yoshihiro Tajiri, 5/14- This is probably my most self indulgent pick on this list as I feel a lot of people could be turned off by Corino's racist pre match promo. I justify my liking of this match by going "DID YOU SEE HOW HARD TAJIRI KICKED THAT RACIST FUCK'S HEAD?!" Tajiri gives Corino one of the most satisfying beat downs I've ever seen and it rocks so hard.
16. Tsuruta Gun vs SGA 4/20- best 6-man tag in wrestling history, every participant plays their part perfectly. Tsuruta Gun's monumental hater energy is prevalent in all 3 members, Jumbo's ongoing grouchy ace energy, Taue fighting to prove he belongs with the vets, and Fuchi's the evil old man viciously harassing his younger opponents. Meanwhile Misawa, Kawada and Kobashi are in a constant state of white hot babyface sprit that does not let up the entire match.
15. Rey Misterio vs Eddie Guerrero 10/27- The perfect encapsulation of WCW's cruiserweight division. Eddie clawing and slamming Rey with the viciousness only a rudo like himself can show off. Meanwhile Rey shows of just why he's one of the best underdog babyfaces as he uses everything in his book to counteract Eddie's harsh offence. Special shoutout to Rey's The Sprit gear here as it works with the theming of the PPV and as a visual metaphor for a Luchador's mask being a part of themselves.
14. E&C vs The Hardy Boys vs The Dudley Boys 4/1- WWE's best stipulation match with 3 of their best tag teams ever. TLC 2 is the wrestling equivalent to watching the police car pile up from the end of Blues Brothers. An insane series of mesmerizing car crashes in rapid precession.
13. Akira Taue vs Toshiaki Kawada 4/1- These 2 start their own independent blood feud while inside the bigger blood feud that is Tsuruta Gun vs Super Generation Army. Taue and Kawada go at each other like 2 beta fish in the same tank, fast and violently. Taue in particular does the rare but awesome All Japan blade job. a dark horse in the 4 Pillars cannon
12. Eddie Kingston vs Jun Akiyama 11/19- The proper match itself is a good time and one of Eddie's sleeper hits, but the post match is special to me. Eddie showing respect to one of his all time heroes and that hero showing an equal amount of respect back is the only time a wrestling match made me cry. The exact moment I realized who my favorite wrestler is, hail to the Mad King.
11. KENTA vs Ricky Marvin 10/15- This match is one of the best sprints I've ever seen. The moment Marvin launches himself at KENTA begins 2 minuets of the 2 men throwing the sickest strikes and nastiest bombs I've ever seen. Gets everyone I've shown it to jumping out of their seats
10. CM Punk vs John Cena 7/17- Punk snatches victory from the jaw of a corporation. Punk truly attains his 2nd City Saint nickname and the title of generational talent. Cena's no slouch here either as he does his patented one night stoic heel routine like it's 2006 all over again.
9. Jon Moxley vs Wheeler YUTA 4/6- This is my most biased pick as I was there live in the arena for this, but also it's the best match I've ever seen live, so it evens out. This is the match that convinced me Yuta is a guy to look out for. Jon Moxley initiates Wheeler Yuta into the BCC through blood and carnage. I was physically leaping out of my seat as Yoots bit and clawed his way to meet Mox on his level. While he failed to beat Mox, Wheeler's sheer tenacity proved he deserves to stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the best wrestlers in the world.
8. Kenta Kobashi vs Kensuke Sasaki 7/18- I lovingly described this match to a friend as "if 2 fridges worked out and hated your chest." Kobashi vs Sasaki is one of the most Dudes Rock matches ever in a medium designed for shit that makes you go Dudes Rock. watch that chop off in the middle of this match and not get hype I dare you.
7. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena 8/18- This is John Cena's best match in his best genre, all timer wrestler sets their legend in stone by surpassing Big Match John. Bryan that this point was, you know, an exceptional technician with a storied career outside of The Fed. But this particular bout cemented him as a star so bright Even the WWE couldn't look the other way as oceans of people rallied behind that little harry hippie.
6. Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 6/3- This match is mythical. A short hand for greatest of all time for those in the know. In the early years of their decade spanning war, Toshiaki Kawada throws everything in his arsenal at Misawa. In the face of this offence, the Ace manages to have an all timer comeback. I first watched this while on a plane ride and by the time the match was over I didn't ever realize the plane had landed, I was so enthralled I lost track of time.
5. Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 6/6- Buuuut this is my favorite match between the 2. Years later into the feud, Misawa and Kawada have fought so many time and have elevated into a barrage of heavy bombs, stiff strikes and tight grapples. Kawada is an absolute freak at this point, desperate for his first win and eating everything the Ace has in store. Despite all his efforts, the heartbreak sets in as Misawa once again vanquishes Dangerous K. The ending is the same as always but hits hard, Kawada was so close, but victory slips away yet again.
4. The Briscoes vs FTR 12/10- I find it fitting the late great Jay Briscoe's last great match, the last Great Briscoes match, sits atop the heap as the best tag team match. Blood and metal fly. Jay's bleed, Mark's bleeding, Dax and Cash are bleeding. hell even the ref gets in on the blood. A grand farewell to the best team, dead or alive.
3. Terry Funk vs Atsushi Onita, 5/5- This match is a beautiful as it is violent and boy, is it violent. Onita and Funk slug each other as their bodies are pelted with explosions as the hit real barbwire. The battle makes these great transitions as it goes from all out hatred to desperation as the clock winds down, then finally one of the grandest acts of kindness I've ever seen in a match. Onita, realizing Funk will get caught in the explosion, show his foe some humanity and shields his near lifeless body from the final bomb. The best ending to any match I've ever seen
2. Shinobu Kandori vs Akira Hokuto, 4/2- This. Is. War. Hokuto and Kandori go at each other from minute one with unparalleled animosity. They're snappy, they're agile, they are vicious. Kandori's murderous submission holds, Hokuto's brilliant dives and bombs, THAT TOMBSTONE ON THE TABLE. Undoubtedly the greatest women's match ever, no chance of it being topped.
Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe 10/1- The perfect dream match. 2 of the best to ever do it, at the hottest time for the promotion, at the zenith of both men's careers. Kobashi is fresh off his legendary reign of fire with the GHC heavyweight title. Joe's in that mythical period of his career where he's the best wrestler who ever lived. It is 2 unparalleled greats colliding likes stars, and the explosion is spectacular
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granulesofsand · 1 year
🗝️🏷️ RAMCOA, watch me suffer
I’m trying something. I can kind of tell I’m not supposed to, but I haven’t been forcibly removed yet. Take what helps, leave what doesn’t.
Flower Programming
A hierarchy or category based organization of alters in a programmed system. May be across one group or the whole system, paired with other organizational programs or used alone, etc.
In hierarchy, flowers are ranked according to cultural significance— mainstream flower language, religious affiliation, whatever the programmer can dream up. I’m gonna need you to read between the lines a little when I say this might not apply to you.
Common Flowers
Garden flowers
Rose - high ranking, often paired with color programming (examples: red for passion/sex/love, yellow for kindness/friendship/mediation, white for mourning/solemnity/purity), leadership positions
Lily - mid ranking, species and color association (white lily for purity/innocence/forgiveness, tiger lily for ferocity/luck/pride, spider lily for endings/finality/peace), varies in role
Camellia - mid ranking, vague division on herbal vs floral (bloom for desire/longing/adoration, leaves for poise/elegance/serenity), poker face roles, commonly paired with loyalty or don’t doubt programming
Narcissus - high ranking, ties back to narcissus and echo myth, grandiosity/pride/esteem, could be don’t doubt or obey programming
Tulip - mid ranking, color association, love/happiness/gentleness, varies in role
Violet - mid ranking, rank varies from mid to low, chameleon/faithfulness/virtue, varies in role
Edible Herbs
Lavender - mid ranking, often used with sedation effects, calmness/sleep/sweet dreams
Mint - mid ranking, often used with stimulant effects, clarity/focus/singlemindedness
Rosemary - mid ranking, ritual or religious significance, cleansing/preparation/obscurity
Poisonous Herbs
Nightshade - high ranking, ritual or violence training, death/illness/temptation
Datura - mid ranking, ritual or violence training, pain/hallucination/enhancement
Foxglove - mid ranking, violence and deception, secrecy/ambition/lies
There are so many more. I cannot think anymore and I will be spending the next several hours in a dark room, but I hope it’s helpful?
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