#i managed to turn an ask in something this long omg kill me
ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Hello! First of all I love your stories so much💖 and hope you're having an amazing day. I wanted to ask if you could write something with this, feel free to decline if not 😊
I have this idea of Daryl and the reader being a thing before the apocalypse, Merle hated his girl and left her closed in a place with loads of walkers around without D knowing(something similar to what happens to him in Atlanta) but she manages to escape and survive thanks to what D has taught her. The group at the prison helps her after finding her tiredly fighting some walkers close to there. D and M are in the woods and the scene of D's back comes and says that the reader was his saviour for staying with him even after that and that they were planning to escape and get married. They arrive at the prison and she punches M in the face and well says to D everything that happened. M gets to see how D gets around Reader and before leaving the prison says to reader to take care of his bro and "sacrifices" himself going to fight the governor, D and r found him already turned and they both cry, promising to take care of each other.
I love the detail here! Plz forgive me, this turned out way longer than I intended. Nearly 5k words! I hope I did your vision justice! It was getting pretty long so I had to cut and tweak some things but I tried make sure to include all your key details!
Summary: You and the Dixon brothers are on your way to Atlanta to find that refugee center you heard about on the radio before they stopped broadcasting. When your journey is interrupted and you and Merle get separated from Daryl, Merle impulsively leaves you trapped and stranded in fear Daryl would choose you over him if it came down to it. When you're reunited with your love, you face tragedy together.
Note: There are some time jumps here. They're labeled to hopefully avoid confusion. Also some canon dialogue <3 A lot of your backstory with the Dixons wasn't totally necessary but I was trying to create a ~vibe~
18+ MDNI || Warnings: profanity, TWD typical violence, canonically moral deficient character, death and dying, mentions of alcohol and pills
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the way he cowers and shrinks away from Merle's walker makes me cry every time omg
        Things went south so fast. The three of you were traveling relatively trouble free. The guys could hunt, and Daryl had taught you a thing or two yourself, so food was never an issue. Finding water wasn't as hard as it would be later down the line. All the supplies left in homes and stores hadn't been completely ransacked yet. It was the beginning of the outbreak. With Merle's truck, Daryl's bike, some weapons and supplies, and the general survival skills you were learning from the two of them, fleeing to the city to find that refugee center had been as easy as something like that could get, until the water ran out.
        It should have been an easy pit stop. The town was small. Your grandma would have called it a 'blink of an eye' town, because when you passed towns so small on a trip they'd fly by in the blink of an eye. There was a general store right on the corner, so that was where you decided to start the search. Just some water, maybe first aide and booze. Who knew what you'd find? The truck was parked right outside the store. Daryl wanted a smoke. He said he'd meet you and Merle inside. Then the growls started. Daryl could hear them from a distance, so he knew it was a big herd. 
        None of you had had much trouble with the big groups of them yet. So far, maybe ten or fifteen at a time. You killed the ones that got too close and fled as fast as you could. No unnecessary risks, that was the rule. Merle always said if he died it would be from something cool like a police shootout or a bank robbery. He refused to go out the way those things took people out. Daryl always said he'd shoot himself before he let them get the chance to eat him alive or turn him. He'd never be a walking corpse. You? Daryl always said you were too pretty to die. You just said you were too much of a badass. 
        Daryl popped his head inside. There were only two freaks inside and they were easy enough to take down, so you and Merle were just looting by then. 
        "Incoming. We gotta head out." Daryl announced.
        "Just a second, baby brother. I'm lookin' for the whiskey." Merle said.
        "Ain't got time for that. I can hear 'em comin'." Daryl insisted. You zipped your bag up with everything you had found so far, including the water, and walked toward your broody boyfriend with a half smile.
        "There were exactly three waters left. How's that for good luck?" You said to him.
        "Why'd'ya think I keep ya 'round? You're my good luck charm." He winked before slapping the window to get Merle's attention. "C'mon, man! No unnecessary risks!" 
        You slipped past Daryl and stepped outside, throwing your bag in the bed of the truck. You could hear the moans and groans. You turned your attention in the direction of the noise and you could see the heads peeking up over a hill. Your eyes grew wide as your heart sped up.
        "Uh... Guys? We gotta go!" You called out, not taking your eyes off the herd that was slowly coming into view. You had never seen so many of them.
        "Merle, come on!" Daryl was growing more aggravated and impatient as the seconds ticked by. 
         Daryl jogged back to the truck just as Merle was emerging from the little shop. With no sense of urgency in sight, Merle just looked over the bottle of Jack he had found as he casually strolled over to the driver's side. You scooted into the middle seat and Daryl hopped in the passenger spot and slammed his door shut.
        "Hurry up, man!" Daryl urged his brother. 
        Merle grumbled some smartass remark about being afraid of 'a few dead bodies' as he cranked the engine and hit the gas, speeding away.
        You were so sore. So exhausted. So ready to just give in, but you couldn't. You refused to give in that easy. Someone told you once that you were too pretty to die, and you took that to heart. 
        You kept swinging your machete at them as they closed in on you. You were cornered between a building and a fence. What the hell were you supposed to do now? You had no idea, but you were determined to figure it out. You had gotten yourself out of worse situations.
        "Gon' have to circle back somewhere to get back on the interstate." Daryl informed, looking at the map.
        "I don't need a second driver." Merle waved him off. You rolled your eyes. You were glad to be surviving something so scary with the man you loved, but the third wheel was getting hard to live with. 
        "Whatever, man." Daryl huffed, turning his attention to the window instead of paying his brother any mind.
        You kept your attention on the rearview mirror, relieved to see the herd fading away as the truck rolled forward. Those things really freaked you out, especially when they were all together like that, stumbling and bumping into each other carelessly.
        A mile or so down the road, you heard a loud pop and the engine started to sputter. "Ah, hell." Merle sighed. 
        "What?" Daryl asked, leaning forward to see his brother.
        "Gas is empty." He replied, looking down at the dash.
        "Are you kiddin' me?" Daryl asked incredulously. "Ya didn't think to check before?"
        "I did check, but I thought we'd be back on the interstate by now. Plenty o' cars to siphon a li'l fuel from back there." Merle defended. 
        "Hate to raise the stakes even higher here," you interrupted. "But, that herd is gonna be catching up soon, so we need to figure something out."
        Merle shot you a sideways glance. If it was up to him he would have just left you back home and fled with his brother, but Daryl insisted on picking you up. Now, he couldn't even hop on his bike with his baby brother and sail away to safety because there wouldn't be room for you and Daryl would never agree. He wasn't the greatest brother, but he wouldn't leave Daryl behind either.
        "Wha's that?" Daryl suddenly asked, breaking the tense silence as the three of you considered your pressing circumstances.
        You both turned your attention to what the archer was pointing out. Just beyond the treeline was a small wooden structure. Some kind of shack. 
        "A house?" You wondered.
        "Nah. Shed or somethin'." Daryl figured.
        "Maybe we can hide there and let the freaks pass by. They're pretty stupid, right? Maybe they'll just keep going straight if we don't draw their attention." You suggested.
        "Won't even know we're there." Daryl agreed.
        "Well then let's quit the yappin' and get over there before they see us." Merle drawled as he pushed his door open. Daryl got out and offered you a hand while you stepped out of the truck. Your posh parents never liked him much, but they never saw what a gentlemen he could really be. You had cut ties with them long before the dead started roaming.
        You were beginning to think maybe this was really the end. It really wasn't that many. Seven at the most. But you were just so tired. You lazily swung the blade into a skull and struggled to yank it out. You had climbed on top of a dumpster, so at least they couldn't reach you, but you were still trapped until you could get rid of them. You wondered how stupid it would be to take a quick nap. Surely one of them would reach you eventually. You decided against it.
        Without any spoken agreement, the three of you grabbed any supplies you thought you'd need and jogged over to the dilapidated structure. It was vacant and smelled faintly of mildew and rotting wood.
        "It'll do." Merle sighed.
        "Do? This is a mansion compared to the truck." You remarked, stretching your body. You were stiff from so much sitting. 
        The three of you watched silently through the cracks in the door as the herd stumbled by with their swinging arms and dragging feet. The smell was something you couldn't get used to, and with so many of them, it was strong. You gagged quietly. Daryl rubbed a hand up and down your back when he noticed.
        The three of you really thought you were fine. You outsmarted the dead ones and soon you'd be on your way again. You had never been so wrong about anything before.
        Merle got a little too comfortable given the situation. He went and dug through his duffel for his whiskey. He had been drinking so much you wondered if his piss could get someone drunk. The entire time you'd been on the road with them, the man had managed to find liquor everywhere he went. There wasn't a single day he hadn't been drunk, and if there had been, you were sure he'd have a stash of pills to keep him feeling nice. You guessed you couldn't blame him. Shit was rough nowadays.
        When Merle found the bottle he dropped it and it shattered. After giving Merle a look that could kill, Daryl turned his attention back to the herd. A few of them were veering off. The sound had caught their attention. Only a few heard, but as they started walking toward the shed, more followed. 
        "Shit." You whispered. 
        "This place ain't gon' hold." Daryl added.
        "My Jack." Merle complained.
        "Hell with your booze, man." Daryl scoffed as some of the dead started to claw at the outside. "We gotta go."
        "Go  where, baby brother?" 
        "We could take down the few that are at the door and break for the truck."  You thought.
        "Nah, too many on the road. But we can run off that way." Daryl nodded toward the back of the shed.
        "Okay." You nodded, throwing your bag over your shoulders and readying your machete.
        Merle haphazardly hooked his duffel and cocked his pistol.
        "No guns. Too loud." Daryl reminded him.
        "Relax. It's a last resort." Daryl shrugged, tucking it unto his belt. With a nod to each other, you and Daryl kicked the door open and took down two walkers. Merle was right behind you.
        Tires screeched from ahead. You looked up and saw a car. A woman and a man got out of the vehicle and rushed over, taking down the walkers with ease and precision. Gee, you thought. Bet it's nice to have someone that has your back. 
        The couple walked over to the dumpster and eyed you cautiously, glancing at each other. "You okay?" The man finally asked.
        "Could use an espresso." You quipped.
        "What's your name?" The woman inquired.
        "I'm Maggie." She introduced. "This is Glenn."
        Only using your energy on the ones closest, the three of you darted deeper into the woods. They followed, because they saw you and now they wanted you. 
        Only, there were more in the trees than you anticipated. Usually the woods were pretty clear save for a few stragglers here and there. These woods were not. You wondered why, but there was no time to guess. You just kept running.
        Eventually there were just too many. Daryl got pushed further and further away as more and more emerged from behind trees. When you realized you couldn't see him anymore you called for him.
        "Quiet girl! He can take care o' himself. You're drawin' more to us!" Merle hissed. You reluctantly obeyed, because you knew he was right. Daryl probably evaded them somewhere and would meet you both back at the truck.
        When the running began to take its toll and your chest started to burn, you put more of a focus on searching for somewhere to hide. To your advantage, there was an overgrown cabin not too far ahead. erle peered over his shoulder.
        "We're losin' em. Let's get inside an' wait 'em out. Daryl 'll meet us back at the truck when it passes." He strategized well for his inebriated state.
        "Okay." You breathed, just grateful for a chance to stop and rest.
        "Need some help? Maggie asked, offering you a hand as you slid off the edge of the dumpster.
        "You have a group?" Glenn wondered. Maggie gave him an unsure look. You noticed Glenn looked pretty beat up. You wondered what happened.
        "No." You said lowly. You did have people, but you were left behind. 
        "Well.." Glenn trailed off, looking to Maggie as if to silently ask what they should do with you.
        "You can come with us. Can't promise you can stay though." She spoke up.
        The cabin had been vacant for a long time. Some of the old dusty furniture remained so you both sat down and just breathed. You handed him a water bottle and sipped on one for yourself while you waited. It felt like hours had gone by. It had grown dark out. Merle peeked out of the window. There were a bunch of them all around, but they had no idea the two of you were in there. It seemed like they lost their lead and just stopped, staggering around in the same spot. 
         "There's a lot of 'em, but they ain't payin' attention. I say we leave out the back an' sneak back toward the road." Merle suggested. You thought for a second. 
        "Yeah," you nodded. "Okay." 
        Just as you passed it by, Merle suddenly shoved you in a closet and shut it behind you.
        "Merle, what the fuck, man?" You complained, banging at the door. It wouldn't budge.
        "Quiet, now. Don't wanna draw in any unwanted attention." He taunted. You sighed.
        "Merle, c'mon this isn't funny."
        "'Fraid it ain't a joke, Darlin. Truck's outta gas an' my bike only carries two."
        Your heart sank.
        "Daryl isn't just gonna leave without me." You reminded.
        "He won't have a choice when I tell 'im 'bout how them dead ones took ya down." He mockingly lamented. "It was just terrible, ya know? They grabbed her. I couldn't pull'er away in time before they got to chompin'."
        "The hell, dude? Don't do this!" You begged, banging at the door again.
        "Look. Ya got your bag in there, got your weapon, got your wits. You'll figure it out." He reasoned.
        "Not if I'm trapped!" 
        "I'm sure you can kick that slab o' wood down if ya try hard enough." He was getting further away by the sounds of it. "Jus' try not to be too loud. Don't want 'em hearin' ya."
        "I'd be grateful." You admitted. "I haven't had anywhere to rest in a while. I have some medicine here I'd be happy to share in exchange for a good night of rest."
        "Watcha got?" Maggie asked.
        "We actually came out her for medicine." Glenn added.
        "Some antibiotics, some Benadryl, some stuff for pain. Oh, and I found an EpiPen. I'm allergic to bees, so." 
        "Antibiotics is what we need." Maggie said.
        "Yeah, whatever you need. Thanks again."
        They still hit a few stores while you rested in their car. Maggie made sure to grab the keys just in case you tried anything, but you were too tired to try even if you wanted to. When they had found everything they thought they'd need for the prison, they drove you back. Rick and the others were apprehensive, with everything happening with Woodbury and recently losing one of their best fighters. Daryl was also their hunter, their tracker, and generally someone they all relied on.
        You explained to them that you were traveling with some people to Atlanta but they left you behind and you'd been on the move ever since. "I'd be glad to sleep outside if it makes you more comfortable." You said to Rick. "I can leave in the morning. I just really need somewhere to sleep."
        Rick studied you for an uncomfortably long time before he asked, "How many walkers have you killed?"
        "Walkers?" You asked. You'd never heard that term before.
        "The dead." He clarified.
        "Oh... I don't know, really. A lot."
        "How many people have you killed?"
        "None." You said honestly. "But there is one person I might beat to death if I ever see him again."
        "He left me stranded, surrounded by the dead."
The Next Morning
        Rick let you sleep in a separate cell block. He let you know you'd be locked in for a the night but that he'd come get you in the morning to talk. You didn't really care. You just wanted rest. 
        When he came and got you that morning you were offered a warm meal, which you gladly accepted. You made sure to give them the majority of your antibiotics as a show of gratitude. 
        Meanwhile, deep in the woods, two rednecks were hashing it out. Name calling, shoving, whatever it took to unleash all the pent up frustrations they had between each other.
        See, in all that time Daryl spent with Rick and their group, he began to find a side of himself that was suppressed with his brother around. The only person to ever make him believe he could be good was taken from him before they made it to the quarry. Merle, on the other hand, only represented everything that Daryl was trying to put behind him. Merle was capable of hurting good people or looking the other way instead of helping someone in danger. If only Daryl knew some of the things Merle had really done.
        "There was a baby!" Daryl defended as Merle laid into him for risking his own ass to save a family on a bridge.
        "Oh, otherwise ya woulda just left 'em to the biters." Merle retorted.
        "Man, I went back for ya. Ya weren't there. I didn't cut off your hand, neither. You did that. Way before they locked you up on that roof. You asked for it."
        "You know what's funny to me? Hmm? You and Sheriff Rick are like this now." Merle said, locking his two fingers together. "I bet you a penny and a fiddle o' gold you never told him that we were plannin' on robbin' that camp blind."
        "It didn't happen!" Daryl snapped. "And we woulda never had to if ya didn't let the truck run out o' gas! And my girlfriend wouldn't be dead!" Daryl's chest was heaving as his eyes stung, threatening to spill fresh tears at the thought of her. Merles eyes flashed something Daryl couldn't quite decipher.
        "It didn't happen 'cause I wasn't there to help you!"
        "When we were kids.. Who left who then, huh?" Daryl frowned.
        "What? Huh, is that why I lost my hand?" Merle rasped.
        "You lost your hand 'cause you're a simple-minded piece o' shit!" 
        "Yeah?!" Merle lost it. He grabbed Daryl by the shirt. "You don't know!"
        When Daryl fell to the ground, his shirt ripped down the back. Merle froze. His chest felt tight as he stared down at the gruesome scene left on Daryl's back from years of abuse at the hands of their father. "I -- I didn't know --"
        "Yeah, ya did." Daryl's voice cracked as he pushed himself to his feet. "That's why ya left. But (Y/N), she never left. She was always there, man. Always. She was the one who saved me. She protected me. Not you, man!" He wiped a tear as he took a breath between heated words. "We were gon' run away, gon' get the hell outta that town and get married, maybe start a family. I don't know, and I never will thanks to you!"
        He did blame his big brother for the loss of his love, but not in the way that he should have. He blamed Merle's clumsiness, carelessness, and negligence. He had no idea that Merle trapped and abandoned you.
        Daryl went back home to the prison. Merle couldn't stand too watch him leave, so he followed. Guilt was starting to eat at him, gnawing away at his insides, mouthfuls at a time. He almost felt nauseous hearing about you and what Daryl had planned with you. He tried to imagine his battered baby brother in a nice little house with a wife and kids. Hell, he even tried to picture it for himself, but the image wasn't clear enough for it to seem possible. All either of them had ever known was violence and loneliness. That was why they needed each other. That was why he had to get rid of you.
        You had just finished a tour of the prison. Rick told you that you could stay for a while, but he didn't know if he trusted you as one of them. He shared a little about a rival community with a crazed leader. You understood. You never expected to stick around, even if they offered. You couldn't see yourself trusting anyone after what Merle did to you.
        You were sitting in the cell you slept in the night before, sharpening your machete and thinking about the things that you couldn't change. You heard distant voices echoing from the other block. It was some sort of confrontation from the sound of it. You snuck over to the cellblock where everyone stayed and peeked around a corner. Glenn and Maggie were blocking most of your view, but they seemed to be the most pissed off. Rick was off to the side trying to mediate.
        "You can't let him stay. Not after what he did to Glenn!" Maggie demanded.
        "He goes, I go."
        You stopped breathing. That voice sent chills up and down your spine. 
        "Okay." Rick held his hand out, attempting to set forward a solution but the room fell silent as you stepped into view. Merle noticed you first. He looked like he had seen a ghost.
        "Well, I'll shit bricks." He murmured in disbelief.
        "(Y/N)?" Daryl breathed, almost inaudibly. Your eyes were welling with tears as you stood just feet away from the man you loved.
        Daryl dropped everything and ran over to you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up. You couldn't even hug him back because your arms were trapped under his. All you could do was let out something between a giggle and sob.
        "Daryl." You whispered. Your body felt so perfect against his, just how he remembered. Then, it dawned on him. He set you down and turned to look at Merle, a blend of betrayal and fury flooding his eyes.
        "You said she was dead!" Daryl growled. 
        As everyone around you watched the scene before them unfold, they felt clueless. Daryl had never mentioned you because it hurt too much to bring up. Your feet began moving before you could even think. One second you were standing beside Daryl, then you blinked and you were inches away from Merle, rearing your fist back and striking his jaw with a force you didn't even know you were capable of. Merle stumbled and dropped to the ground holding his face. He moved his jaw around a little before he glared up at you.
        "Okay. I deserved that." He accepted.
        "Yeah, you did." You spat. 
        "Hold on. Someone care to explain what the hell's goin' on here?" Rick spoke out.
        You turned to Daryl, as if it was he who answered the question. You didn't care to share with the class. Daryl needed to know.
        "When we got separated in the woods.." You began, taking a breath. "Merle and I found a cabin. We hid there, waited for shit to blow over, and we were supposed to meet you back at the ruck. Merle figured you'd wait for us there."
        "And I left her." Merle admitted from behind you. You glanced back at him momentarily. You were surprised at his accountability.
        "In a closet." You added spitefully. "The place was surrounded. Took me forever to get out of there and even longer to get back to the truck. By then, you two and the bike were gone."
        Daryl's nostrils flared with rage. His fists were balled up so tight his knuckles turned white against his tan skin. His shoulders rose and fell with each heavy breath he took. He was so pissed, so hurt. The weight of the revelation had weighed him down so heavily that his boots felt like they were nailed to the ground. Otherwise, he would have lunged at his brother and beaten the teeth out of his skull. All that time Daryl spent in pain, mourning the loss of someone who wasn't gone. All because his brother didn't like her.
        "Why." Daryl growled.
        "The bike only fit two, man." 
That Night
        You sighed contently as Daryl traced little circles over your shoulder. Once it was decided to leave Merle in a cell, and everything had been explained to Rick, you and Daryl retired to his own cell to enjoy your reunion in private. He was laying on the bottom bunk, one foot crossed over the other as he stared into space, enjoying the feeling of your head on his chest and your arm and leg draped over him.
        "I missed you." You whispered, breaking a long, comfortable silence.
        "Mm." He hummed. "I mourned ya every day. I shoulda gone back."
        "Don't do that. We're together now. Don't blame yourself." 
        "Shoulda never believed 'im. I knew how jealous he was. Thought he'd get over it." He confessed. You smiled softly and nuzzled up closer, taking in a whiff of his sweaty scent.
        "Me too." You agreed. "But he left me with my bag. He didn't want me to die. I think he was afraid if only two of us fit on the bike you'd leave him behind."
        "Nah. Woulda had your sweet ass ride the handlebars." He teased, twirling a finger through your hair. You giggled, then you paused.
        "Wow. I think that's the first time I've laughed since we got split up." You realized.
        "Sure ya didn't find no boyfriends along the way?" He joked. He always did that when things felt too heavy between the two of you. You rolled your eyes, not that he could see it.
        "You say that like I've had a lot of those. We've been together since we were like, twenty." You laughed.
The Next Day
        Merle and Michonne had disappeared. You learned that the leader of the opposing community -- the Governor, as they called him -- wanted Michonne in exchange for peace, but Rick refused. Merle had likely taken her as a peace offering since he knew what the Governor was capable of.
        You and Daryl left to search for him. He took you to a spot where they had previously convened for negotiation. The two of you did a brief sweep of the area before stumbling across some walkers. You each took one down after another until you were left with only one. You froze when you registered what -- or who -- it was. 
        A sob immediately escaped Daryl as he fell backwards. You blinked back tears as you crouched down behind him and pulled him against you, rocking gently as Daryl wept. Merle's dead body clumsily pushed itself off the ground and onto its feet. You stood first, hoping to put it down before Daryl had to do it himself, but Daryl was quick to push past you. He violently shoved the corpse. It sumbled back, but it walked toward him again. Over and over Daryl shoved what was left of his brother as he cried. Tears were freeling spinning down your cheeks. 
        When Merle's body fell on its back, Daryl crawled on top of it and plunged his knife into its skull over and over and over until he collapsed.
        You wanted to intervene, to console, to be his rock, but something told you to let him get it out. He needed to. So, you waited until Daryl's blind rage simmered down and placed an assuring hand on his shoulder.
        "Wanna bury him?" You whispered.
        Daryl shook his head.
        "Okay." You relented. You glanced around your surroundings and noticed a patch of wildflowers off in the distance. "I'll be right back." You squeezed him gently before jogging over and gathering each and every flower in the patch. When you walked back over to where Daryl was hunched over Merle, he looked up at you with wet, red eyes. When he clocked the flowers, he gave a single nod and stood up beside you. You split the flowers in half and handed Daryl a bundle. The two of you placed them each individually around Merle's corpse.
        You thought back to a conversation you had with Merle the night before, when you couldn't sleep and went out of the cell to get some water.
        "Take care of my baby brother, will ya?" Merle's voice echoed through the quiet block.
        "I always have." 
"We'll take care of each other." Your vice cracked as you spoke. "Promise."
        "Promise." Daryl whispered.
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koolades-world · 9 months
OK OMG this is so fun so sorry for the long wait, also taking inspo from honkai star rail's heliobi which are basically little fire guys that take a host and feed off their emotions and uses their deepest desire against them which either kills them directly, or drives them insane! fun right?
part one can be found here if you haven't read it or want to reread it haha
dance of the haunted (part two)
Instead of running home, Satan began to run towards the Demon Lord's palace. He still wasn't sure what Lucifer could want, but he thinks it would be wisest to get Diavolo and Barbatos first. He quickly barged in the front door without knocking. Little D's crowded around him, asking what was wrong. He ignored them.
"Barbatos! We need to talk!" He yelled out. Like magic, Barbatos was behind him, a hand on his shoulder.
"What's the matter? No need to yell." He tried to quiet down the disturbed demon.
"I think Lucifer might want to harm Mc over this journal I found. I found it one time at a bookstore and it was Lilith's and it spoke to me as her and I don't really know if it was her and..." Satan began to ramble, spilling out everything at once.
"Lucifer wanting to harm Mc? That seems out of character for him. Are you sure?" Barbatos hushed Satan again.
"I think. He called me asking me to bring Mc home with me, when the matters of this journal don't concern them at all. That journal gave me negative feelings overall and it makes me wonder if it asked for them specifically. I apologize for the lack of detail and how unclear this all is, but I just don't know." Satan confessed.
"Alright. I understand. I will go with you to check this out." Barbatos agreeded.
"Let's get Lord Diavolo too. He might be able to help." Satan sucked in a deep breath to calm himself down a little more.
"As you wish. I'll fetch the young master. Please wait here." Barbatos began to walk away. Satan turned away to pay attention to the chattering, worried Little D's and when he turned back, Barbatos had simply disappeared. He tried to consul them, telling them that everything was going to be alright, but he couldn't even convince himself of that. At some point, Barbatos returned with Diavolo. Satan quickly ran through the story one last time for Diavolo, who seemed the most worried. Together they made their way to the House of Lamentation. They passed Purgatory Hall on the way there. They saw one light on in the kitchen with a shadow passing in front of it. Satan didn't know who it was, but he hoped they would remain safe. Satan dreaded arriving at the place he called home. He wasn't ready. But, did he really have a choice?
As soon he arrived, he decided to make their presence known. He slammed the door open. "I'm here, just as you requested, dearest brother." Satan snarled. A soft buzzing overhead could be heard overhead.
"And where is Mc?" Lucifer was standing with his arms crossed between the double staircases, just like he had predicted. He was in his demon form. His wings rustled, agitated.
“That’s none of your business.” He curtly answered. Barbatos stood behind him silently, while Diavolo started at Lucifer intently. "Where's the journal? I'm not here to mess around."
"How dare you hide something like that from me? Did you steal this?" Lucifer held the book in front of him, clutching it tightly.
"I found it at a bookstore and bought it. Why does it matter?" Satan was already frustrated. He let out a sharp breath of air from his nose.
"Because this is one of the few thing I managed to recover from the Celestial Realm. It went missing a while back and after finding this in your room I can only assume you are responsible." Lucifer pointed an accusatory finger at Satan.
"Don't you think you would have found it sooner? This is pointless. What do you even want?" Satan's tail lashed about behind him. He had transformed at some point. Barbatos opened his mouth, but paused as they heard a thump behind them. They turned around to see Beel with the sternest expression on his face Satan had ever seen. His arms were crossed and he started at them with dead, unreadable eyes.
"Lucifer, what is all this about? You know you can always talk to me, right?" Diavolo spoke up.
"You have no part in this conversation. You couldn't bring Lilith back to me. Nothing that comes out of your mouth matters anymore, Diavolo." Lucifer snapped back. Satan froze for a moment. He had never heard Lucifer address Lord Diavolo with such animosity. Diavolo paused too.
"That's absolutely no way to speak to your Prince, Lucifer." The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife. The way Diavolo spat out Lucifer's name was something Satan never thought he would hear, no less see them on separate sides of anything this serious. "You of all demons would know I did everything in my power to resolve the situation as best as possible. If I had done what you initially asked, we would have risked war with the Celestial Realm." Diavolo sighed, malice growing in his usually kind features.
"You took advantage of me. I knew what I was getting into but it wasn't clear that by save her, you would rip her away from me. Now, we can be together again, no thanks to you lousy idiots." Lucifer held the book out in front of him.
"Lucifer, what are you talking about?" Satan watched as Lucifer opened the green journal. A mysterious wind whipped up the pages and opened it to a specific page. A tiny woman popped out, sitting on the edge of the book. As she jumped off of it and onto the ground, she grew into a more normal size. She was beautiful, and eerily reminded Satan of Mc in a few ways he couldn't place. Looking into her eyes was just like looking into Mc's. However, instead of appearing fully fleshed out, she was opaque and flickered in and out of existence. Her hands passed though anything she touched. Her smile would have lit up the room if it didn't seem so empty. That had to be what Lucifer thought was Lilith. Based on the reactions of Diavolo and Barbatos, his fear was confirmed.
"Hello Luci!" She threw her arms around his middle. "I've missed you." Lucifer smiled a smile Satan had never seen before, something that was clearly reserved for Lilith. But, he knew that couldn't be Lilith. She had died so long ago. This wasn't his brother's sister. Like moths to a flame, his brothers began to appear, like they sensed her arrival.
“Lilith!” Asmo flung himself at her after basically leaping off the top of the staircase. Beel stepped out from behind them and stared in awe.
“It’s good to have you back.” Lucifer told her. Satan could’ve believe his eyes. Didn’t he see what Satan saw?
“I recognize those two. Prince Diavolo and his beloved attendant, Barbatos. It’s an honor to meet you.” She bowed, making Diavolo’s eye tick. “But I don’t recognize you. You must be Satan. Luci, you really should be thanking him. He freed me. He showed me that there was more than that book.” Lilith stepped into the middle of the room and reached a hand out. Satan stepped back. Lilith grimaced and stepped back to Lucifer. He put his arm around her shoulder. “Where Mc? I’ve heard so much about them and are dying to meet them.” Lilith looked around the room again.
"You can't be serious." Satan immediately knew that wasn't Lilith. The real Lilith was not only dead, but had some inkling of who Mc was, according to what they had told him.
"How dare you disrespect her like that!" Lucifer raised his arm to point, but Lilith lowered it for him.
"Pointing is rude. Maybe he doesn't believe I'm actually here. Ask me anything, my dear brother, that might make you believe me. How about your past with Mc, hmm?" She spoke with a sickly sweet tone that lured his brothers in successfully. He began to sweat, and briefly glanced at Barbatos and Diavolo. Barbatos was studying Lilith with an intesity he rarely saw. Diavolo met his eyes and nodded at him, as if to signal him to move forward with the plan he thought Satan might have.
But he didn't. He wracked his brain for a question good enough to ask that she also wouldn't know the answer to. Something small would sound stupid and probably be rejected. Suddenly the perfect question hit him like a sack of bricks.
A smile grew on his face. "This should be an easy one. This question is for Lilith, and Lilith only. Has Mc ever died?" It was so simple it was nauseating, but he knew she would not be able to answer it. The real Lilith knew about the moment her brother murdered Mc, but the fake did not. He hadn't told her when they first met, and since her brothers thought she was the real deal, they hadn't bothered to ask.
"Of course not! How else would they be here with us today? That reminds me, are they on their way? I'm just dying to meet them." The room froze at her casual response. A look of horror began to dawn on her brothers faces. Belphie seemed the most stunned.
"Lils?" Belphie quietly addressed her.
"Yes?" She turned to face her brother. Belphie opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again, at a loss for words. The faux Lilith scanned everyone's faces, realizing she had said something very wrong. Before she could address her mistake, the doors slammed open behind them.
It was Satan's turn to become horrified. Behind him stood Mc, Solomon, and Simeon. Mc looked weak, and every pact mark except his own was glowing brightly. Solomon also looked slightly drained, a slight pink glow emitting from underneath his shirt. More than anything, they both look distressed, as if they knew something was wrong with the demons they had a pact with.
"Satan! What's going on?" They stumbled in, a hand on their head.
"What are you doing here?" Satan lunged forward to catch them before they fell.
"Something is wrong. Everything burns. What aren't you telling me?" Mc groaned. He held them against himself, cradling them.
"I'm sorry, but now's not the time to explain. Just hang in there, ok? You're going to be alright." As he spoke, Mc began to visibly deteriorate in condition. Their body was wracked with tremors, trying their best to focus in on Satan's face. They placed their shaky hands on his face in an attempt to steady themselves and to retain focus on him. Solomon made retching noises and doubled over, holding his side. Satan had never seen the sorcerer react in such a way to anything.
"It's that book. You may have already realized, but that is not Lilith. It's merely a copy of her based on her memories." Barbatos spoke up and pointed an accusatory finger at the fake Lilith. A look of rage crossed her face.
"After all my hard work, all it took to unravel my illusion was a Lucifer ripoff? Ugh. Whatever, I'm almost ready anyways." She grabbed the book out of Lucifer's hand and held it to her chest. She was solid enough to touch things in the real world now. Like dominoes, the six brothers standing next to her collapsed, causing Mc and Solomon to worsen. Solomon fell onto all fours. Mc desperately looked into Satan's eyes, their grip slackening. Both of them were gasping for breath.
"Barbatos, what's wrong with them?" Simeon hoisted Solomon off the ground, lifting him like a feather. A quick look at his side where he had been grabbing showed that Asmo's pact mark had begun to dim. He searched Barabatos' eyes pleadingly.
"If I'm right about the creature we're dealing with, Solomon and Mc are indirectly having their souls drained due to their link with the brothers. Their strong emotions over being reunited with their sister allowed the creature to access their soul and in turn, the human's they're linked with. The brothers were alright for much longer due to the power imbalance. Solomon and Mc are merely humans. Solomon has so many pacts so his soul is divided, leading to 'cracks' and more weaknesses, so to say, and Mc is having most of their soul siphoned out. However, If a more powerful being, for example, Satan and I, were to channel power into them, it would sustain them temporarily, like setting up a barrier between the force and their soul." Barbatos took Solomon from Simeon and concentrated on his pact mark. It started to glow brightly, and caused Solomon to stir.
Satan wasn't sure when Solomon had shut his eyes. He was busy focusing on Mc. Their pact marks began to dim, their eyes beginning to also flutter shut for longer and longer between each blink. He didn't have to be told twice to concentrate all his being into channeling power into Mc. His pact mark began to glow brighter than he had ever seen it before.
"Young Master, Simeon. Destroy that book. We cannot keep this up for a prolonged amount of time. All of the energy we funnel into Solomon and Mc is effectively being taken by the false Lilith. We can only sustain until that book is taken care of." Barbatos looked at the two entities gathered around them. Faux Lilith was more focused on the fallen brothers than what was happening across from her.
"We won't let you down." Diavolo wasted no time charging her, sending flames that sprouted from his palms at her. They licked the book and singed her clothes. There was a noticeable stir in the grounded brothers and the humans. Simeon ran behind her and attempted to snatch to book from her. She ducked under his hands and dashed deeper into the house. After a quick glance back at the rest of the group, the two of them charged after her.
"Mc? Solomon? Are you with us?" Their grip on his face was so weak at this point, so he took one off his cheek to grip it tightly.
"Everything is blurry. Lean in closer." Mc relaxed into his arms and he got closer to peer into their eyes.
"I'm here, but I hope they hurry with that thing. At this point I feel like it might hurt less to just cut the pact mark off my body." Solomon was lightly shaking and grimacing.
"Are you in pain, Mc?" Satan noticed they hadn't said anything regarding how they were feeling.
"It feels like hot irons are being pressed to the pact marks. Don't stop whatever you're doing. It feels nice." They were quieter this time, and moved sluggishly.
"Don't worry. Diavolo and Simeon are going to put an end to this. It will get better, just hold on." They could hear the fight raging on somewhere else in the house, the kitchen based on the sound of pots and pans being flung. After they heard a shrill scream, the brothers began to stir again, and Solomon and Mc looked like they had just taken a breath of fresh air.
As Satan was about to ask how Mc felt again after the look on their face, the fight was brought back into the front room. This time, faux Lilith seemed to have a different goal in mind; Mc. She lunged at the two of them. Satan was quick to move. Barbatos hoisted Solomon onto his shoulder and moved back. She redirected to follow Satan's every move and tried to grab at Mc. Simeon and Diavolo rushed after her every time to no avail.
"What do you want with Mc?" He had his back to the faux Lilith, to hold himself between her and Mc.
"I need their body to complete my transformation. They're a real descendent of Lilith! If I use their body, I can finally be close to her again!" She gave Satan no time to think and rushed at him again. He fled up the stairs, planning to go to the one place he thought might keep her out.
He hurriedly climbed the long, twisty staircase to the attic. She was right on his tail. As he passed the threshold, he slammed the door shut with his tail, locking it. He looked around for anything that might be of use desperately, still clutching Mc to his chest. They seemed barely coherent, still trying their best to look at his face. If he tried to channel his power to use against Lilith, it would take away from what he was channeling into Mc, but it was all he had. She slammed on the door, starting to bash a small hole in it. Satan set Mc down on the bed that was always in the attic so he had time to search through everything in the attic for help. At this point, he noticed something long and shiny sticking out from under the bed. As he reached for it, he jumped back. It stung where he had made contact with it. He reached back under again, and despite the burning, he got it out into full view. He recognized it as Simeon's sword. It was blessed in several different ways, which was why he had issues picking it up. If he wanted to defeat this creature, he knew what he had to do.
As the door was finally broken through, he wielded the sword, despite the burns forming on his hand. He lunged at the faux Lilith, causing her to stumble back and onto the stairs again. She scurried past him and at Mc again and as she did, he caught sight of the book in her waistband. He knew he wouldn't be able to reach Mc in time at this rate, so he plunged the sword right into the book, and into faux Lilith. She collapsed to the floor, screaming loudly. Satan dropped the sword and hurried past her to stand between her and Mc. He watched as she disintegrated while writhing, leaving just the book behind, with a large gash right through the middle.
He jumped at the sound of Mc behind him. They were attempting to sit up, a hand on their head. "Mc! How are you feeling?" He sat beside them, holding their hand with his uninjured one.
"It feels like I got burnt, everything is spinning, and I kind of feel like throwing up but better than before. What happened?" They looked around. "How did we even get here?" They asked.
"Long story. Right now, we need to get you back downstairs to Barbatos. Everyone is probably waiting for us. Do you need a hand?" He got up and walked around to the side Mc was on.
"That would be nice." He extended an arm to them, which they took and hung off of. On their way out, he picked up the ruined book. It had begun to ooze a black substance.
"Do you mind grabbing Simeon's sword? I would, but it really stings." He opened his domainant hand to show them the outline of the sword in his hand from where he had held it.
"Satan! When did you get this?" They took his hand to spread his fingers while leaning against him for support, wincing as they did so.
"Just now. Also part of the long story. What's most important is getting you downstairs, Mc! Worry about me later, love." Mc gave him a quick glare, but did as he asked and picked up the sword. Together, they hobbled down the stairs and reunited with everyone else.
They were swarmed by the brothers who were on the ground last time they saw them. After seeing Mc hiss in pain and the holy blade, they moved back a little. Behind them was the others. Solomon was sitting on the ground, being tended to by Simeon and Barbatos.
"I believe this belongs to you." Mc held the sword out in front of them, catching Simeon's attention.
"Oh, thank you! I was wondering where it was sent when I lost it during the battle." He took the sword from them, to which it vanished after he briefly inspected it. "Now, come sit over here and let me look after you." After he saw Satan's hands, he made him sit down too.
"So, us three again, huh? Cats, am I right?" Solomon chuckled, causing the other two to laugh too.
"Do you remember anything? I just remember entering the house and staring at Satan." Mc asked Solomon.
"It's about the same for me. I remember getting here and almost throwing up, and that's it." As he was speaking, Barbatos moved around to his injured side and pulled up his shirt. "Barbatos, at least buy me dinner first." This earned him a strained, tight smile and a swat to the head. After seeing what Barbatos was looking at, the levity of the moment was drained. Over where his pact with Asmo was crusted over with a burn so deep in color you wouldn't be able to tell it was there if the pink glow wasn't emitting from the cracks in his skin. In contrast, his pact with Barbatos was baby smooth and looked refreshed.
"Is that what I'm going to look like?" With a gulp, they peeled off their shirt, and revealed the caked over pact marks. The only visible one was Satan's. It looked revitalized. Each of the burnt marks hurt to touch. The men around them looked a little embarrassed. As Simeon began tending to the burns and assessing the situation, the six brothers approached them again.
"I'm sorry, Mc, Satan, Solomon. For my reaction." Lucifer began his apology. Surprisingly, Satan interrupted him.
"It's not you're fault. It's the creature that possessed you. It's not you fault it went missing. It probably meant to find it's way back into our home. You wouldn't have known. I know this won't take away the guilt, but you just wanted to see her again. I don't blame you." He stunned Lucifer.
"I'll make it up to you. Thank you." Lucifer gently smiled at his younger brother, something he never thought he'd see. His brothers gathered around them, also apologizing. Mammon and Levi were in tears and Asmo was gripping Solomon so tightly he almost lost circulation.
As Lucifer took his injured hand, Satan looked around at everyone there, grateful to had been part of such a family.
SUPER SUPER proud of this one! honestly at first I didn't know where I wanted this to go but I am SO happy with it. I've def improved with fight scenes but I tried to avoid it because i never like them haha
but thank you all for patiently waiting! happy new year <3
all the people I promised to tag :D
@jasthelazyelf @boxofgasoline @clemtastica @cosmic-caffelatte @hananacchi @anxious-chick @smc-angl @exrellian @majesticselena @marvelous-maniac
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scekrex · 4 months
So here I'm after telling you that I need to cry over the next part of "A bloody nose and two bleeding hearts" I was thinking about it for a moment and it took me there...
Adam took the reader back to heaven yay. But not everything is so dandy, the Reader has fallen, even if he's back, he's fallen angel. With that comes everything that a fallen angel would feel...cut connection with Father, that strange feeling of being alone, cast aside, not wanted. If the reader had wings there are phantom pains, I'm imagining that the wings would somehow change, maybe colour, or maybe he would lose feathers in a few places, unfortunately it's not two or three feathers... Now the Reader is thinking about what Adam has told him and he can't help but wonder if that was a lie, because how could someone want him after the fall? Adam on the other side doesn't know what to really do with the reader... He sees that the reader is getting more and more depressed with each day, but it has been a long time since he had comforted someone depressed(I imagine it would be Cain after killing Abel, but that's just my little headcanon, that Cain after killing his brother and coming back to his senses would get so depressed). Even so he tries to take care of the reader, by not letting Sera close again or something like that. It does help a bit, but the reader now needs all love Adam could give him, to see and feel that what Adam has told him was real, that he was wanted by someone even if he fell.
So yes, that's all I think...and even if not it doesn't matter, I'll love it anyway
Omg I love this soooo much - depressed reader is something I find so much comfort in
Part 1
For what we have done we will pay our price
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt - with comfort
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Heaven felt different, now that you were back. It felt so cold, so lonely, all the warmth it had once provided was gone, you were no longer able to feel the heavenly connection to it you once had. Its colors had once been bright and welcoming to your eyes but after your fall they simply didn’t look the same to you, they looked grayish, boring and just as cold as they felt. The great and loving connection you used to have to Father was not present anymore, you were not able to feel him guiding you, protecting you anymore and you were only to assume that he wasn’t feeling your bright spirit in return. Because your spirit seemed to be so many things and all of them were ugly, ugly just like your appearance had become once your feet had touched hellish ground.
Your wings simply weren’t the same anymore, just like everything else and while you were somewhat thankful that you weren’t surrounded by sinners, you weren’t quite sure if being surrounded by judgemental angels was any better. They stared at you, at your wings and really, you couldn’t even blame them because if you were in their position you would’ve stared and judged as well. But it really didn’t help with your situation. Your wings, once a beautiful bright white with a light blue touch to the tips of your feathers had turned gray, not only had they changed to look less pure and more tainted, you had also started to lose feathers. That had started once Adam had brought you back to heaven and you only assumed it was their way of punishing you for disobeying the law. In the end it really didn’t matter why it happened, what was more important was that it happened and it made your wings look rotten, which only caused your appearance in general to look even messier.
Because ever since Adam had brought you back to heaven you had been crashing at his place, they had sold your place within a couple of hours and while that had been painful due to the loss of very personal items, it wasn’t the end of the world. Everything else seemed like it though. The energy to leave the bed every day was barely existent and you asked yourself how Adam did it, how he managed to get up every day, how he managed to just go about his day and not give a fuck about heaven’s questionable decisions.
You were lying in the first man’s bed, your body was covered by your own wings and a soft blanket - the blanket was necessary because of the giant bald areas on your wings, without it you would’ve caught a cold, a thing Adam tried to prevent. Your relationship towards Adam had changed in general, there was no more playful teasing, that had been replaced by soft touches and warm cuddles every now and then, but was it enough to keep you sane and intact? You weren’t sure. On the other hand you weren’t truly sure of anything, not when Adam’s soft words felt like lies. Why would the brunette care for you in the ways he claimed to care for you and like you? What reason have you ever given him to think of you as someone to adore and love?
The first man entered the room, something you were only able to hear, your eyes were covered by three feathers that were still left on the edge of your wing, three lonely feathers that reminded you of what you’ve once been and how drastically that had changed. “Are you dead?” the first man asked jokingly, but to you his question wasn’t funny. Because to you death seemed like a less painful and energy draining thing, like a thing more beautiful than the miserable afterlife you were stuck in. And it wasn’t Adam’s fault, yes he had been teasing you, yes he had been pushing your buttons but you had been the one to punch him so really it was your fault for losing control. And yet he not only brought you back to heaven but also let you crash at his place. Probably the nicest thing Adam had done since Eden.
“I wish,” you mumbled against the dry skin of your almost featherless wing, the sensitive body part twitched and you sighed as you removed it from your body and simply cuddled up in the blanket instead. You were able to remember how your wings used to feel, how the connection to Father used to feel and what heaven used to look like and you were quite sure that the blanket was not making up for your once so soft wings - far from it actually. You heard clicking sounds, Adam must have put something down. And just as you were about to turn around to look at what he was doing the mattress dipped next to you and you felt the blanket being lifted up a little. The next thing you recognized were strong arms that wrapped around your body and pulled you flush against Adam’s chest. It was more of a reflex to tug your wings in during cuddles. And then you felt it. Soft feathers were brushing against your bare torso, they slid over your sweaty skin so smoothly.
Adam had wrapped his wings around you.
“Don’t fucking say that,” his voice sounded so unusual soft, so warm and comforting, there was no sarcastic comments, no harsh shoves, he was not trying to push your buttons either. He simply laid there, right next to you and tried his best to bring back the familiar feeling of heaven. You felt his feathers gently stroking your back in slow motions, up, then down, then up, then down. You got lost in the rhythm of it, so lost in fact that you forgot to respond to Adam. But was it important to respond to the brunette in the first place? You had only been honest and you were quite sure that everything else you had to say the first man wouldn’t like at all. And while his words were cheap - they had been and maybe they always will be - his actions weren't. Because instead of thinking of you as something disgusting he held you in his arms like the biggest treasure he had ever been allowed to touch. He looked at you with such loving eyes, touched you with gentle hands and cozy wings, kissed you with soft lips and passion you never expected from a person like him.
And maybe - just maybe - rotting away in heaven wasn’t all that bad. At least not with Adam by your side.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
suddenly i remember the days of obey me
domestic partner hcs with lucifer, diavolo, and asmo???
mischievous and silly arc is over, fluffy and domestic begins - ✨💅
Domestic HC with Lucifer, Diavolo, and Asmo with NB! s/o
omg hi ✨💅 anon!! I didn't know you were also in OM! ik you ask for some fluff, yet I ended up spicing everything with angst.. tell me why I get so carried away omg 💀💀
NBreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff, mention of alcohol, also kinda angsty in Diavolo's part and suggestive in Asmo's part??
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-If you were able to get so deep in his heart, he will never let you go now. I'm meaning it not only in some jealous possessive way, but in some overprotective one too.
-He's already lost enough in his life, so you're too precious for him now, and Luci is ready to protect you from anything, with all possible ways.
-Well but it didn't mean he would save you from his brothers and all this cacophony they make. He would never admit but one of the reasons why he falls for you so much is your ability to get into this trouble and then find the most ridiculous way to get out of this.
-Acting like all these things annoys him but really loves to see these little accidents and take part in it too. (Also, of course Luci wouldn't scold you as hard as he scolds his brothers after this.)
-"What do you mean this idiot again got into some debts?" - your boyfriend sighs, disappointed, as you are sitting on his office, telling him another story about Mammon and his and yours adventures. - "There's no way he would ever get mature, for demon's sake.."
"But don't you actually love it?" - you can't help but giggle, clearly see as the corners of his lips lift a little. - "There's no way you don't adore Mammon the way he is.."
Lucifer just scoffs again. You're really lucky that he's your boyfriend, cause he would kill right in place anyone else who would say something like that.
"I just got used to such behavior.." - another small sigh as he looks away with a light blush. What great magic do you possess that Avatar of Pride himself just can't hide his true emotions? It's like bright colors appear on his face against his will..
-It's actually surprising how soft Lucifer can be when no one else is around, just you and him in his office or bedroom..
-Only you have a privilege to see his relaxed face after a long day. Your presence is enough for your boyfriend to calm down, and all thoughts about paperwork and other problems fade away as soon as your gazes meet. The uncontrollable urge to pepper your whole face in kisses is the only thing in his mind now.
-Absolutely love gentle kisses, especially in moments like that, when Lucifer too drained after another loud day in House of Lamentation. All he needs now is to feel your generous care, your tender love, as your light touches soothe his tensed muscles.
-I don't want to say he suddenly would stop teasing you - Luci still absolutely adores how quickly your face turns red after a few of his commentaries.
-Just, even though he loves something burning and passionate in your relationship, he adores some cozy peace too. It helps the bond between you two get stronger as your souls get closer to each other, while some wild naughty games keep this initial feeling in your hearts glowing bright.
-So yes, he can be all lovey-dovey, but only in private. When outside Lucifer prefers more 'serious' touches - his arm resting on your waist, caressing it through the fabric, or his hand on your shoulder as he pushes you closer to himself in a crowded corridor. Lucifer just absolutely loves to brag off about you being so close to him through these actions..
-Demons who usually get to talk with you always avoid you when you're with your boyfriend, and you wonder why. Well, maybe if you would turn and look up at Lucifer's face you would realize, but he manages to change his expression to a calm and smuggy one every time you try to do this.
"Is something wrong? You keep looking at me with such an amusing face.." - he always chuckles, enjoying your frustration.
"Nothing.. Just sometimes it feels like you have some sort of vibe that frightens everyone off.." - you mumble in response.
"Mm? Vibe? I think I can say it's just my prideful aura.. You know, not everyone can get too close to someone as omnipotent as me.." - oh, of course. It wouldn't have been Lucifer if he hadn't started bragging a little, showing his prideful side. Yet you just chuckle, teasing him a little bit:
"Oh? And then how high-powered I am if I get so close?"
".. you had another sort of power.. I would prefer to say 'charm', actually, that makes everyone around you engrossed by this.." - Despite you hoping to make your boyfriend flustered, his words tickle your heart and make you blush a little again. - "But among all of them, you chose me.. Doesn't that mean we are a perfect, powerful couple..?"
-Lucifer always has some poetic words to make you shy and giggly, but he absolutely adores you when you tease him too. It's a game for both sides, isn't it? So he wants to see what you have for him in store too.
-And if you are able to make him flustered (that is more easily done when you two are alone, and he shows his sensitive side), it's just a wonderful view - light red color perfectly suits his face, and the way his perpetually furrowed brows arch slightly, making his gaze so alluring and sensual.. You can't help but finish Lucifer off, cooing at him for being so cute and adorable. Extra points if you would pepper his face with kisses between your little compliments.
-He just can't help but being a big softie around you. You're cold? Here, take his coat. Or maybe your arms shiver under such wind? Of course you can borrow his gloves too. Seeing you enjoying his clothes makes him happy, and it also strokes his ego very much as he kinda sees it as marking.
-But what actually makes his heart melt and swell is seeing you early in the morning in his shirt. Lucifer is not a morning demon, yet he always wakes up in a more high mood if you spend the night in his room and greets him in such an outfit.
"Good morning.. I just wanted to go to the kitchen and make you coffee.." - you chuckle, watching the sleepy yet pleasant face of your boyfriend. His casual styled hair is so messy, but it just makes him look even hotter.
"Good morning.. I wouldn't mind such a treat right in the morning.. " - Lucifer also chuckled, placing his hand on your waist and moving you closer to himself in a warm hug. - "But I do hope you will go like that? Only in my shirt?"
"Ahh, you want your brothers to be jealous?" - you giggle, burying your fingers in black locks and messing with his hair a little. And of course Lucifer wouldn't move away, as your soft palm on his forehead and playful fingers are very enjoyable. - "Want me to bring some sweets along with coffee?"
"Mm.. No, you don't need to." - he furrowed his brows for a moment before smirking, moving his lazy gaze from yours eyes to your lips. - "After all, you can provide me with another tasteful treat, don't you think..?"
-It feels like you moved from your room to his now, as more than half nights you spend here. Even if your boyfriend is too busy with some paperwork and can't pay you that much attention before sleep, your persistence helps him work without any distractions, as he didn't feel that stressed about this bunch of documents.
-Uh.. But can I actually say 'without any distractions'..? As sometimes, as you sit near him, you can't help but tickle him a little, he places your arm on his one.. You do know he's busy, but you also know your lover too well and can see when he needs a small break.
-And Lucifer absolutely adores how you spoil him with some tea or coffee, or cheering him up with a few kisses, telling that work is almost done and he should keep it up just a little. He's playful, teasing you about what kind of reward he will get from his precious human, but deep in his soul he's grateful for this. Nothing can keep him moving (not only in the sense of documentation) as much as you and your soft smile..
"Here.. You should be thankful that I was able to sneak into the kitchen and steal this from Beel.." - your soft giggle tickles his heart as you place a small plate with tarts and a warm cup of coffee near him.
"I'm sure his plate was full of baking so he wouldn't mind if you take one.." - Lucifer chuckled, moving a little from the table with a tired sigh. - "But thank you anyways.."
"You're welcome. Just finish your report as fast as you can, okay? I'm kinda lonely.." - you mumble but your boyfriend clearly sees that you are just acting. But even knowing it, he still falls for your games, letting you toying with his heart.
"Of course, darling.. But only if you would share some of your energy with me.." - he patted his lap, inviting you to sit down. Having you so close, being able to smell your genteel fragrance, your sweet perfume, feeling your warmth.. His whole face tells you how much he needed it right now.
"Oh, are you trying to say I'm more powerful than you and should take charge of my precious boyfriend..?" - you can't help but giggle, enjoying his weakness in front of you.
"This is not really what I meant.. You just have some magic bent to fill me with determination.." - Lucifer's smuggy smile gets wider as you sit on his lap, leaning to his chest. He immediately hugs your waist with his hand, another strokes your cheeks as he makes you look up at him.
"Darling.. S/o.. I love you."
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-Be ready to be pampered like a high royalty.
-Well, because you ARE a high royalty, don't you think? If you decided to engage in a relationship with Diavolo, that means you're serious about this, right? Cause he is.
-Despite his goofy careless behavior, he does appreciate you near him on a deep, serious level. After all, he is the future King of Devildom, he can be humorless while making great plans that indulge you in his life.
-So he's willing to take you with him anywhere. He doesn't care about your status as an ordinary human or just an exchange student, Dia will take you to different formal evenings, parties and meetings.
-Of course he would prepare you for this, buying all outfits that you want, sponsoring any of your wishes, so you would look stunning every evening, lighting up big rooms of his castle brighter than any lamps and candles can.
-Well, but it's only if you want to join all of these things. It's a big part of Dia's life and he does understand that you need to show up here, as his partner, yet if you are not comfortable, he would never push you into this. Just be more stubborn when it's a really important event or if it's something he finds fascinatingly interesting and really wants you to see.
-Diavolo just knows how to make this puppy's eyes, almost begging with his whole body and actions, as he is trying to persuade you for another soiree.
"It would be just an amazing evening..!" - he swears, holding your hands in his big and warm ones. - "But not that amazing if you won't go.."
"Dear, I know you wanted me to go, but I'm gonna be kinda busy.." - you sigh but without rancor, as it actually was kinda amusing to see Lord of Demons himself clinging to you so much. It almost feels like he's ready to drop to his knees.
"But there's gonna be your favorite meal..!"
"And I'm sure you have some paperwork to do, don't you?" - ignoring his demands, you just chuckle. - "Barbatos wouldn't let you go out this evening, Dia.."
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you would agree to accompany me.. I was hoping to spend this evening together with you, dancing and having fun.." - your boyfriend mumbled, frustrated. Just how did you know about his unfinished work..! Moreover, teasing him with such a cunning smile.. You just love to toy with him, knowing well he can't resist your charm..?
"Aww, so you just want to spend some time together? Then what do you say about me cheering you up a little while you're working?" - you giggle, cupping his cheeks as Diavolo looks at you with such hope. - "I don't want to steal Barbatos's work but I'm sure this is what he's actually wouldn't mind.."
-Well, but honestly, Barbatos WOULD mind, as his Lord is just so easy to distract.. He always starts working hard and carefully with all these documents, hoping to finish everything quickly and hear some praise from you, yet every time he starts wondering about you and your warm hands, about soft kisses you would give him as a small treat.. Every time it just ended up with you on his lap as Diavolo asking for another little break.
-He's just a big fan of touches, kisses, cuddles..! And there's no difference if you're in his Castle or in RAD, he would be glad to hug you tightly, to hold your hand with such a proud face. Of course he wouldn't get too touchy, leaving the most passionate and sweet things just for you two to see and enjoy, yet he can't control this urge to place hand on your waist or shoulder in a protective way.
-In a protective way? Well, because there sure to be some demons who'd envy you getting so close to Diavolo. Maddie alone would be a big problem, what can we say about others unruly witches, demons and succubus who were also wishing to get in your place?
-You will not receive a whole guardian team, but now you notice the gaze of Barbatos on your back more often, as he's just following orders of his Lord to check on you. Your boyfriend himself can't be with you all the time, even if he's really yearning to, so he would send his servant.
-And of course you would move to Lord Demon's Castle now. Maybe Diavolo would try to fake it and tell it's another way to keep you safe, yet you can clearly see how happy he is about making you stay so close to him. And soon he would give up, telling you how long he was waiting for it.
"Here.. This would be your new bedroom.." - A small chuckle escaped his lips as you two were standing in a kinda large room, already filled with furniture and all needed things. Diavolo is such an attentive lover, knowing all your hobbies by heart, as he pleases you with small gifts almost every day. - "I try to make according to your tastes, yet if there is something you want to add or change, tell me, princess.."
"Hmm.. That's good, but I thought you would sleep in your room.." - you can't help but giggle, noticing his surprised face and light blush. Yet Diavolo quickly came back fast and laughed too.
"Well, I thought about all the times when you spent nights in my castle before.. But maybe you wouldn't be comfortable living with me that close on a daily basis.." - he mumbled with an ashamed expression, but his pale golden eyes were glowing with excitement, holding out hope. Sometimes it was so easy to read Lord of Demons like an open book. Well, at least for you.. - "But if you don't mind pushing things more, then I'll be glad.."
-And he means it. You can't imagine how much he was longing for you, even before you two started a relationship, and now, as with each step he's closer and closer to lure you into the depth of his soul, Diavolo gets more and more impatient. You have no idea how hard it is for a demon to control his craving urge to just capture and withhold his precious human all to himself..
-So yes, he's really possessive, getting jealous so easily.. That's another reason why you moved from House of Lamentation, as thoughts about you hanging out with Seven brothers for a whole evening, about their privilege to adore your sleepy face early in the morning as they share breakfast with you.. It was like a hot burning needle in his heart, and Diavolo is sure he has all the right to get rid of this feeling by placing you near him.
-It's not like he's not confident in himself or in your loyalty, it's just.. As a prince, he gets used to receiving everything he wants by just snapping his finger, to get so many presents and gifts just because. But with you he can feel that his wealth and title is not what makes you interested, that you see his personality first, that you see him. And Diavolo was hankering for this empathy for so long, craving for someone like you by his side..
-So of course he do feel fear of losing you. What if his character is not that bright and interesting as one of brothers? Maybe demons around him get attached to his money and status because he's nothing without this things? Maybe he was wishing for you to see through this tinsel but when the gold curtain rises there's nothing on a stage of his soul and heart? Maybe you just mistaken with your interest to him and soon would realize how empty he's without this masquerade?
-And now Diavolo bewildered with his jealous, trying to win you over with his real feelings, which are a real mess due to his confusion over his own personality, and at the same throwing more money in your eyes, wishing to keep you next to him with it. If he will not be able to make you feel safe, to make you want to live in such abundance, then at least he would tie you to him with deep feel of guilt for all this amount of money he spent on you, isn't he..?
-And even when Diavolo do tries to control his jealousy, you can feel as his grip on your waist get tight when you're in RAD, how he tend to kiss you longer and deeper right in front of everyone. Some small, harmless questions about your friends in Academy never make you suspicious, when in fact your boyfriend was carefully thinking about everyone around you. He doesn't mind to make his or his servant's hands dirty, if suddenly Diavolo would realize there's someone bad who not worthy your attention.. Or get too many of your attention..
-Yet your boyfriend doesn't want to scare you away, still acting all bubbly and ebullient. And he's actually happy to fool around with you, it's not just an act! Diavolo does understand sometimes that many of his servants, subordinates, just demons around tolerate his airheaded behavior only because he's a Lord.. Yet you actually enjoyed his company, having fun along with him..!
-It's just so heartwarming, to have someone who understands you and doesn't care about your status in the first place. Sometimes you even surprise Lord of Demons with your lack of interest for his title. You always had talked with him on equal, and it was probably the first thing that amuse him in you.
-Especially how easy you call him by any teasing nicknames, as he absolutely love it. Any nicknames, you name it, Diavolo would be glad to hear it for yourself and use for you. It's like another small game for him, as he love to think what cute compliment would be suit you today.
"Mm.. You buy yourself a new shampoo?" - his lips curved in a soft smile, as pleasant smell tickle his nose during his bear hug with you. - "You smell so fresh and sweet, my little buttercup.."
"Aren't you call me your sweetie pie yesterday?" - you chuckle, trying to breath normally as your boyfriend just have tendency to squeeze you too tight in his grasp.
"Well, because yesterday we was baking together..!" - Dia laugh, remembering a big mess on Castle's kitchen and your crooked cake in the middle of table. - "That was fun, but for me, our product turned out not that yummy and delicious, as you.. And there's probably no sweets that would delight me as much as your lips.."
"Ooh? Someone flirty? That's mean I should call you a smooth talker today, am I?" - you chuckle yet get on your tiptoe to press your lips to his in a small playful kiss.
"I honestly wouldn't mind anything.. As long as it's your voice, I don't care about what you call me.. I just hear your loving tone and it's enough to make everything inside me trembling in happiness.." - he mumbled, his casual loud voice now was almost like a whisper, as Diavolo got into some romantic mode. Honestly, he always starts to melt like that when you hang out around him for a whole day, turning into a timid needy demon who's only wish is to receive some kisses.
"S/o, i.. I just addicted to you.."
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-Ahh, get prepared to fully renovate your life - your schedule, your wardrobe, your free time, everything..!
-Cause Asmo requires a lot of time !! You're literally was able to charm him, him, the avatar of Lust who's get used to charm everyone around him, not the vice versa..! So of course he wants to spend as many times with you as he can, exploring this new thrilling pleasure of yearning only to one person..
-Always know what you two would do in the evening, as he has a whole list of adorable sweet things he want to do with you. Shopping date, night tour along all Devildom's clubs, calm spa evening, cute little baking lesson, quality time at the cafe with bunch of photos for Devilgram.. You name it!
-It's honestly surprise you, where your boyfriend get so much energy and passion for you everyday. Not like you get tired of it, but Asmo literally ready to spend whole days and nights with you.
-In the begging you though it all would be harder, with his addiction to clubs and flirt with succubus. Yet he turns out to be really loyal boyfriend, even more faithful than many other guys can be. Like, he do still love to have some chit chats with witches and pretty demons, yet now Asmo would never cross the line, getting too lovely with anybody else than you.
-He even likes to brag about how happy he is in his relationship with you..! Now it looks more like you two share one Devilgram's blog, as his whole account is in cute photos with you on different dates. And yes, Asmo absolutely loves to spend lazy evenings in his bed with you, trying new funny effects and masks, or maybe filming a new video in Fab Snap.
"Oh, here, here, look..! This filer will show us how good our couple is..!" - he giggles, hugging you and leaning his head closer to yours, and now a big heart appears on a screen right above you.
"I thought you already had said to me that we're a perfect match..?" - A small chuckle escaped your lips as you hugged him back, waiting for results.
"Of course I said that, cause it's true..! ♡" - your boyfriend puffs out his cheeks, acting like you just said something mean. - "But aren't you feeling this funny tickle in your stomach, amused by waiting.. Ahh, I wonder if my phone can feel how deep my love for you is..!"
"Due to how many pictures of me you have, I'm sure your gadget is well informed.." - and it was true, as even your own gallery had more different things than Asmo's one. - "See? The results are 95%.."
"Ahh.! Where did it lose 5%?!" - your boyfriend whines, deletes the recorded video and starts filming again. - "It's probably because we were just hugging and giggling..! Come here, give me some sweet kisses filled with your love, and I'm sure it will be 100% this time..!"
-Asmo can be a big tease, actually, with all his light playful touches and smooches. Well, he's a demon, after all, and a very lustful demon, who knows how to make you all shy and silent after a few words and strokes. And despite always acting so lovable and affectionate, your boyfriend can sit straight and not show you any romance, making you the one who would cling and ask for some attention..
-Ahh, and your blushing needy face is so cute, he can't be so harsh with you for a long time, quickly clinging to you and giving more passionate deep kisses, teasing you for being so sensitive today.
-He is still kinda angry at you for not falling under his charm, actually! So when Amso is able to make you yearn for his feelings, it's like a little win for him, as he just can't help but keep toying with you a little.. But it's clearly seen that you do enjoy his games, aren't you!
-And of course he loves it when you tease him back..! This unknown yet so intriguing interesting feeling when someone makes him swoon, tickling his heart the same way he is always mocking someone.. It's surprisingly pleasant, and sometimes your boyfriend switches from naughty brat to sensitive needy demon, enjoying how you keep fooling him.. Just why does his head get so dizzy and he actually wants more..?
-Only sweet, cute, pink nicknames for both of you..! Such as 'cuite', 'cupcake', 'rose', etc.. Everything around Asmo should be perfect and adorable, and you, dolly, also would be covered in this bright glitter..
-And the first thing your boyfriend wants to do is to poke his nose in your wardrobe. Who as not him can help you improve your style and turn into the most popular human here, in Devildom? So you both would be an iconic duo, stunning more bright than any stars around..!
-It doesn't mean Asmo would throw away all your clothes, no. He's still respecting your own opinion and doesn't want to change your style, it's what makes you so unique, after all! But some little correction there and there, a few new outfits as a gift from your boyfriend, aren't these bad? It would give you more inspiration and ideas for your new looks.
"Come on, hurry up and unpack it..!" - Asmo whines, absolutely impatient as you sit in his room with a package in your hands. Just when he gets time to go shopping without you..? - "I want to see your adorable reaction, angel..!"
"Hm..? It kinda reminds me of your casual outfit.." - you mumble, a little bit surprised, looking at a set of clothes in white, pink, and reddish-pink colors. - "Is it..?"
"Yesss..!! It's a matching outfit!♡" - too excited to control himself, he screams, jumping from bed and hugging you. - "Please, try it on right now! I promise to not peeking at you while you change, hehe.."
"Oh yes? And I just thought about surprising you with a little show as a thanks for this gift.." - you sigh dramatically, making Asmo even more exuberant.
"Ahh, Doll! I appreciate your wish to please me too, yet we would move to such things after, okay? We have things to do..!" - with these words your boyfriend brings more packages with new clothes for both you and him. And, of course, matching. - "Some anticipation will just spice up things, you know? So let's warm up a little with a small exhibition, mm? ♡"
-Of course clothes and fashion tips are not the only things you would receive from him.. Asmo absolutely loves to pamper you with facial masks, lotions, creams, anything! Your head on his laps as he takes care of your skin is one the best way to relax, as you literally can fall asleep on his soft thighs, lulled with tender touches of his slim fingers.
-And the same goes to him! Asmo loves when demons around him pamper him and treat him good, but it never will compare to even the slightest attention from you, as your love and care can almost bring him back to heaven.
-There's no one who Asmo would let touch his face, no need to talk about any cosmetic procedures. Yet you can squeeze, stroke, tickle his skin as much as you want, as your hands are softer than silk and warmer than sun.. And when you kiss him playfully on the lips after washing off the clay mask, this little treat burns his insides more than a good shot of whiskey, making his soul ache for more.
-Would you ever thought a demon who's always seeking attention and flirting could be jealous? And Asmo isn't shy about saying out loud, protectively hugging you and leaning on you. He knows it's stupid, especially from his side, yet there's nothing he can do about it, you're just his little star..!
-Your boyfriend doesn't even know how to form this itching feeling that keeps pinching his soul into words, as he never feels any envy or anything! Like, yes, back then he can envy the popularity of some demons, and sometimes he still can be jealous if someone was able to buy the last limited mascara before him, but it's different! This storm of emotions that his soul undergoes when someone starts to be too chatty with you is just unbearable..!
-And all that Asmo can do it's to turn on his childish clinging behavior, throwing a little tantrum. Not a real one, as he sees that you didn't flirt back or anything, he just doesn't know how to relieve his stress that someone will outshine him in your eyes, as it's actually a thing that worries him.
"Just what sort of course you cast on me so now I feel like that..? Me! Feeling insecure..!" - small drops of tears shining in your boyfriend's eyes as he hugs himself with a melancholy look.
"What do you mean, honey? Something happened?" - you really try to hold your chuckle but when Asmo acts like that, overdramatically, you find it kinda amusing.
"This incubus! The one you were talking to just now! Is he pretty? What do you think?" - he suddenly furrowed his brow, waiting for an answer.
"Mm.. How can I call someone pretty, when for me the meaning of the word 'pretty' or 'beautiful' is your visage?" - you purr, getting closer and hugging him.
"You're more dangerous than any powerful witch.. As no one can fill my heart with such joy with one phrase.." - A little whine tickles your ear as he hugs you back, tight and needy. - "And the worst part is that I know that you just tease me, yet I will fall for it again and again.."
"Oh, tease? Is there something I can do to prove to you my words..? Maybe I should kiss the prettiest lips right now?" - you look at his deep dark eyes, that were filled with such need, then slowly lower your gaze at his lips with a small smile.
"Ahh, silly s/o!! You can kiss your own lips.." - Asmo giggles, grasping on your waist as he leans his face closer to yours. - "Just promise me.."
"That's you're mesmerized with me no less than I'm with you..♡"
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
I request more Tom angst (sorry if your getting tired of them ^^) Tom finds out that the girl he really likes has a crush on Bill. Maybe no happy ending?
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synopsis: tom finally builds up the courage to tell you how he feels after years of being silently in love with you, only to find out your heart is waiting for somebody else.
content: angst
a/n: i will neverrrr get tired of angst omg, i never normally write bad endings they make me too sad, and i never write from tom’s point of view so i hope this is okay since it’s like my first time doing it, hope you enjoy!!
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she was perfect. every single thing about her, from her deep blue eyes, big and inviting, to her long brunette hair, sweeping downwards to her lower back, somehow always managing to make it look flawless. her lips, plump and pink, always coated with the same lipgloss, my mind wanting to do nothing more than kiss them, feel them against mine. her body, crafted by god himself, complimenting her with the most perfect curves, every single part of her almost too faultless to be real. her beauty was mesmerising, literally leaving me breathless, ever since i first saw her. even when she swore she looked a mess - to me, she was the most beautiful girl i had ever laid eyes on.
it wasn’t just her physical appearance that i had fallen in love with. her personality enticed me more and more each day. she was kind, with one of the best sense of humours that i had ever witnessed, the two of us often sitting for hours together, laughing at things that other people might find dumb, but any words that left her mouth were like music to me, the most carefully crafted melody to ever grace my ears. her smile, able to make me feel completely content, no matter how shitty i had felt before, because she could make me forget it all, making it something of the past, like my sadness was never there in the first place. she was selfless, willing to do whatever it took for the people she loved. and she did love me, just not in the same way that i loved her.
at first, i tried to get over her, not even daring to confess the way i felt, completely afraid of ruining what we already had, because being friends with her, even if it meant that i tortured myself doing so, was a million times better than throwing away what we had for the sake of my own feelings, which i knew could never be reciprocated, not even wasting my breath by asking her. she was out of my league, deserving of somebody way better than me, someone who could give her the attention she was worthy of.
it was different before i became famous. i could spend as much time with her as i wanted. but now, i was constantly touring, and i would go weeks without seeing her, understanding that a relationship just wouldn’t be right. so i kept my feelings to myself, hoping that they would fade if i slept with other girls, taking my mind off of her. but they didn’t. they only worsened my feelings as i would close my eyes, imagining that the girl i was with was her, knowing that it would be the closest i could ever get to being her’s. and it killed me, knowing that i loved her, and i could never bring her to love me back. so many girls fell at my feet, unbeknownst to the fact that i had my heart in somebody else’s hands - they were just too oblivious to realise it. i was convinced that i would feel this way forever, despite me being only thirteen when we first met, i knew that i wouldn’t be able to love somebody the way that i loved her.
and i was right. now, six years later, my heart still throbs at the sight of her, wishing that i could call her mine. though our friendship is stronger than ever, it isn’t enough for me anymore. we have grown up, young adults now. i have grown much taller, losing my light brown dreadlocks, replacing them with jet black braids. and she has grown, but in different ways. she has matured, turning into a smart and beautiful woman. yet the way i felt towards her hasn’t changed - not in the slightest. for the first time ever, confessing my feelings is crossing my mind, my heart running ahead of my conscience and telling me that i should.
“i think she likes you.” bill shrugs, his body spread across the couch in the living room of our hotel room. we were on tour, having one more show to perform the next day in italy before we would return back home - this being the first time i would see her in over a month.
“really?” i ask, shocked at his answer and how casually he says it, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
“mhm.” he begins, shoving another candy in his mouth, chewing and swallowing it before continuing. “i mean, she’s the closest with you out of the four of us. you guys are inseparable, you have been since we were what, fourteen?”
“yeah but, she’s never given me a reason to believe she likes me more than a friend. after all these years, absolutely nothing. it’s driving me insane!” i sigh, grabbing the pillow next to me and digging my face into it, annoyed at how calmly bill is speaking about the whole thing.
“then tell her! you can’t expect her to be psychic, i didn’t even know you had liked her for this long until you told me. you don’t really make it obvious.” he laughs, shaking his head as i blush slightly. “i can’t believe my brother is in love!”
“fuck off, this is serious!” i groan, throwing the pillow at him as he laughs even harder. “what if she doesn’t like me back, and i ruin our friendship? i’ll never be able to forgive myself.”
“tom literally every girl on the planet likes you. i don’t think she’s any different, especially ‘cause she actually knows you, the real you, not just the version the tabloids see.” he says, becoming a little more serious now. “you need to stop being such a pussy and tell her, before it’s too late.”
“you’re right.” i nod, the decision finally being made, my mind willing to risk what we already have, unable to hide it anymore.
“i always am.” bill shrugs, smirking when i roll my eyes at him.
“so then loverboy, how was your tour? how many girls did you fuck this time, hm? can i count it on both hands or does that not even cover like, half of it?” she laughs, her body sprawled out on her bed as i sit in her desk chair, spinning around on it slowly, a cheesy grin appearing on my face.
“i’m not that bad!” i defend, shaking my head. “i do other things beside hook up with girls you know.”
“mhm, sure you do, i’m sure hot famous rockstars have way more hobbies.” she smiles, another laugh erupting from her mouth.
my eyes study her features, getting lost in them immediately. her hair is sprawled around her on the bed, still soft and perfectly styled, the ends curled slightly. her skin is smooth, a single mole on her upper cheek, another small one above her lip. her eyes are half open, showing a part of the beautiful ocean blue within them that i had fallen in love with. her lips are curved upwards into a smile, two dimples forming on her cheeks, this one of the first things i ever noticed about her.
“tom? tommm?”
i am snapped from my trance as she waves her hand in my face, laughing at the way i blink rapidly, my cheeks flushing red as i realise that she has caught me staring at her.
“you good? i thought i’d lost you there for a second.” she jokes, now laid on her front, her legs bent upwards as her thighs are in the air, head resting in her hands which are now propped up on the bed.
she awaits my response and, my heart moving ahead of my mind, i blurt something out before i can take it back. “can i talk to you?”
my question comes out more uncertain than i had anticipated, the room falling silent as her eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“why did you get so serious all of a sudden? did someone die or something? did you get some girl pregnant? i told you to use protection.” she laughs, her smile slowly fading as she sees that i am not laughing with her. “tom, what’s up, you’re scaring me.”
she sits up on the edge of her bed, crossing her legs and scanning my expression.
“no! no nothing like that.” i force a smile, easing her nerves. yet i am unable to make eye contact with her, looking towards the ground as i fiddle with the material of my t-shirt.
“then what’s up with you?” she asks, becoming increasingly concerned.
the words are stuck in my throat, holding me back as my mouth becomes dry, unable to spit out the three simple words. my mouth hangs open, no noise escaping from it. she stands up, walking closer to me and putting a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me, but it only worsens my nerves.
“seriously, is everything okay? i don’t wanna go all soppy on you, you know i hate that shit, but you can talk to me, you know that.” she says, stepping backwards a little and folding her arms.
“i like you.” i finally blurt out, looking upwards as her eyes widen, shock taking over her entire expression.
“what?” is all that she can muster, her eyes frantically scanning mine for any hint that this is another prank of mine.
“i’m in love with you. i have been since we were thirteen.” i confess, mumbling the last part and looking back downwards, unable to look at her face any longer, my stomach sinking as she stays silent.
the silence is louder than ever, tension so thick that it is almost visible, none of us daring to say anything as my mind is working overtime, wondering what the fuck i was thinking, my gut always telling me that she had never felt the same way. part of me wants to blame bill for convincing me to tell her, but the other part, the more irrational side, tells me that that would be stupid, none of this bill’s fault no matter how hard i search for someone else to blame.
“tom i-” she begins as i look upwards, her eyes glossy with tears, a couple beginning to roll down her cheeks. “fuck, i didn’t want to tell you like this.”
“tell me what?” i ask, panicking even more than i had been before, somehow fearing that her rejecting me isn’t even going to be the worst part.
“before i say this, i just- shit. i just wanna say that im so sorry, and i never ever wanted to hurt you. you’re my best friend and i-”
“what are you talking about?” i mutter, my own eyes welling up slowly.
“i like somebody else.”
those four words crash down on me, hitting me with more force than a bus would, the pain far worse, impact far heavier as my breath gets stuck in my throat, feeling as if my heart has been ripped out of my chest. i can no longer stop the tears as they cascade down my face, with her now sobbing as she realises how much she has hurt me, wether she meant to or not.
“who?” i manage to say, looking into her eyes. the answer would only hurt me more, but i wanted to know the truth, maybe it would help me get over her, or maybe that was the denial within me talking.
i wish i had never asked.
“tom you don’t need to know that, i’ve caused you enough upset-”
“just tell me.” i interrupt, feeling numb to the pain suddenly, wanting to get the answer out of the way. my face is emotionless, the only giveaway of my heartache being the tears which silently fall from my bloodshot eyes.
she pauses, pursing her lips together as the tears continue to fall, breaking eye contact for the first time, looking downwards, a look of guilt washing over her face, not even needing to look into her eyes to see it. the way she refuses to look at me gives me the silent giveaway that i should have just stayed curious.
my lips part, mouth dropping open as i pray that i had misheard her, that my ears had deceived me, and that i didn’t just hear her confess that she likes my brother, not me.
“tom please i’m so so sorry. i don’t wanna lose what we already have-” she begins, but i shake my head, staying silent and quickly exiting the room, running down the stairs as she calls after me. i ignore her pleas, opening her front door and slamming it shut, rushing to my car and hitting the wheel harshly, resting my head against it and beginning to sob, feeling like a complete idiot for confessing, knowing that i was way too delusional to ever think i had a chance.
now, i can take my anger out on bill, feeling such an inexplicable rage towards him, blaming him for this entire thing, the way he humiliated me, made me think i have a chance. in that moment, it wouldn’t have surprised me if he already knew she wanted him, not me, using it as a way to spite me even more. my eyes are blurry, tears blocking part of my vision as i turn my keys into the ignition, taking one last look at her house and driving away.
“how did it go? did she feel the same way?” bill says once i enter our house, quickly rushing over to me, stopping in his tracks once he sees my face, red and filled with rage, my eyes bloodshot, hands balled into fists.
“fuck off. you knew that she liked you, didn’t you, hm? you wanted to see me get fucking humiliated, you selfish piece of shit!” i shout, repeatedly pushing him, using more strength each time my hands collide with his chest, his back hitting the wall with a thud.
“can you calm down! what are you even saying?” bill shouts over me, grabbing both of my arms and holding me back as i desperately scramble to hit him harder, wanting to show him the pain he has caused me, knowing that no matter how violent i get, his wounds won’t even scratch the surface of my broken heart.
“she fucking likes you, now just fuck off and leave me alone.” i mutter, my chest heaving up and down as i back away, storming towards my bedroom and ignoring his confused shouts behind me, slamming the door with a thud. i collapse onto my bed, unable to hold back the sobs as i realise that i have lost her, no one left to blame as i have taken all my frustration out on bill, completely despising him, knowing that i will envy him for the rest of my life, willing to give anything to be in his position. he could live a million lifetimes and still never be deserving of someone like her.
she loves me, but she will always love him more.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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ughgoaway · 9 months
Yes so many constant teacher reader thoughts! What about early dating when she's had a really hard week at school, maybe she's been staying behind for parents night or something and is absolutely exhausted. She's not replying to Matty as much or just giving him short ideas and him being Matty starts to worry that she's having second thoughts about their relationship
Omg people having thoughts about my au is so cool… and this is such a good thought. 
You and Matty have only recently started dating, maybe a month and a bit? And matty thinks it's been going perfectly, but he can't help but feel insecure about the relationship. He is so madly in love with you and has been for so long. He can't help but be nervous he's going to lose you. And he can't bear the thought because he's only just managed to get you. 
You reassure him when he asks that you want to be with him, that you were also pining over him for months, and that this is exactly what you wanted that whole time.
And Matty believes you, for the most part. But there's always that sneaking thought of “what if”. What if she hates me? What if she regrets this relationship? What if she thinks im wrong for her? What if this is all wrong?
it's been a stressful week at work. You have parent evening at the end of the week, which means it's lots of late nights preparing everything you're gonna say to each parent. It might seem easy to talk to parents about their kid's progress, but it's one of the worst parts of being a teacher.
It seems parents either think their child is an angel on earth or the spawn of Satan. You say one thing they can improve upon, and suddenly, a parent is jumping down your throat, “How could you? My little Amy is perfect!!” or they start scolding the child in front of you “You are useless! Why can't you just focus for 5 bloody minutes??” 
So you've been fucking exhausted all week, and you've cancelled on Matty twice. You had a date on Monday, but you saw the pile of work on your desk and messaged to reschedule for Wednesday.
Matty then didn't hear from you all of Tuesday or Wednesday, so was already nervous you were mad at him. But when you text to cancel on Wednesday? His heart fucking dropped.
You must be second-thinking this whole thing. Maybe you decided the risk to your job was too much, or maybe Matty isn't how you wanted him to be. 
But in an attempt to stop himself from spiralling too much, he texts George and details his worries. Of course, George simply calls him a twat and says “Trust me, she likes you. It's sickening being around the two of you for more than 10 minutes.”
Matty wants to tell George he and Charli are no better, but he leaves it for today and takes his friend's words at face value.
So he texts back saying it's fine and that he misses you. and each minute that passes by with no response is killing Matty slowly.
After 45 minutes of silence, you just reply “<3”, which doesn't exactly help Matty’s mental state. 
He texts you every day, and each day, your responses get shorter and shorter. Until it's Sunday, and he hasn't heard from you since Friday evening. 
It's then he decides you must be rethinking this, rethinking him. there is no reason why you would be ignoring him otherwise. And it fucking shatters him, he goes into break-up mode before any break-up even happens.
He drops Annie off at Hanns and stops at Tesco, grabbing ice cream, red wine, and tissues. He wants to feel like a girl in a shit romantic comedy, so he's gonna do just that. 
2 bottles of wine later, Matty thinks it's the perfect time to call you… despite it being 3 am. Needless to say, you don't answer. But Matty being Matty, he leaves a wine-drunk voicemail. 
“Heyyyyy y/n. It's Matty. Your boyfriend. I think… anyway, im just calling to say you can just dump me, you know? You don't have to be nice or anything. I won't turn Annie against you. But I don't think I could even if I wanted to, m’ pretty sure she likes you more than me already. But whatever… I've had a few bottles of wine and just thought I should call and tell you im fineeee. Totally fineeee. So yeah, if we’re over of whatever, you can let me know. Because im fine. Like so fine…. Okay, bye.”
And with that, he passes out on the sofa, spilling wine on his rug that he will be forced to scrub tomorrow.
It's 7 a.m., and Matty's head is banging, so much so it sounds like someone is hammering on his door. Oh, wait. Someone is hammering on his door.
He stumbles off the sofa and catches a glance in the mirror, his eyes are hollowed, and heavy bags sit beneath them. Half his curls are flattened and stuck to his head, whereas the others are sticking on end like he had been electrocuted. 
“Ye-” he starts to speak as he opens the door, but you storm in talking before he can even get one word out. 
“BREAK UP WITH YOU? WHY WOULD I BREAK UP WITH YOU?” You stand in Matty’s front room with your hands on your hips. clearly, you had stormed straight over here from your flat, not even bothering to get out of your Halloween pyjamas (it is like May btw <3).
Matty rubs at his eyes and blinks a few times, “what?” he asks, coughing as he finishes because Jesus Christ, his throat feels like it's full of sandpaper. 
“...do you seriously not remember?” you shake your head at Matty with wide eyes, and he nervously shakes his head, and he swears he can almost see the steam coming out of your ears. 
“Matty. You called me at 3 in the morning telling me to dump you. Why the fuck would you think that? Why would I ever dump you?” your voice is softer now and you've come closer to Matty, and he can see any rage you might have had was never really anger.
It was fear. Pure fucking fear. 
“Oh.. that,” Matty says shyly, rubbing at his face and pulling it down. 
“Yup. that,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Okay, im so sorry about that,” Matty starts to explain, desperate to get you to understand his fucking crazy brain, “I had a few bottles of wine and my stupid anxiety took over. You hadn't really spoken to me this week, and you cancelled our date, so I convinced myself you were having second thoughts. And drunk Matty thought the best course of action was a long rambling voicemail reassuring you that you can dump me.”
You nod slowly, and Matty seemingly can't stop his word vomit, “And you can if you want to! But I really don't want you to. Like at all. Im actually kind of obsessed with you, if im honest” Matty steps closer to you and pulls you into his chest. 
Your arms remain limp at your sides for the first few seconds, and Matty wants to die. But just before he pulls away, your arms slip over his shoulders, and your fingers wind into his curls at the back of his neck.
You burrow your head in his neck, and Matty can feel you nodding, “Okay. That makes sense” he breathes a sigh of relief. Thank GOD you didn't dump him then and there. 
You snap back and look at him intensely before saying, “But just so you know, I was planning for parent's evening this whole week. That's why I was so quiet. And I would never break up with you just by ghosting you. And if im being totally honest, I would never break up with you in the first place. or ever, really."
Matty nods and can't help the smile that comes on his face, you don't want to break up with him. ever.
You snap your fingers in front of his face before he can get too happy, “Hey don't you start smiling. I’m still pissed off at you… but you are especially cute in the mornings, so I feel you’re trying to manipulate me into forgiving you... are you?”
“Well that depends, is it working?” he teases
“Maybe... Shut up.”
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ghostlee · 2 months
you know what? I will do it again.
while I know lmk is not entirely accurate to jttw, it crosses with the actual story enough to where I can say that…man, nezha really deserves tickles in an affectionate and happy way-
like the man is immediately born with his father thinking he’s a demon (though, in Li Jing’s defense, nezha was born as a flesh ball and already knew how to walk and talk), saves his friend from being eaten by a sea dragon, killed himself at 12 years old so that the sea dragon didn’t flood his town, got his temple of honor burned down by Li Jing for petty reasons, got revived from lotus roots…the list goes on, and essentially ends with this man never actually getting a happy ending-
anyways, he desperately needs to feel child-like joy again because this man has so much trauma packed into his little brain, and he just needs to laugh happily for once in his now-immortal life :(
This man fr has so much on his mind constantly and some tickles just to make him throw his head back and laugh away as he doesn’t give a single other care would be so good for him omg.
I could totally see a scene where Wukong feels kinda bad for stressing Nezha out with things and he goes to have a talk with the man and Nezha is a bit standoffish at first like “what could you possibly hope to achieve in talking to me about this now. Do you even know how much stress you brought upon me? We’re you hoping I’d forgive you for this all?” And Wukong can see some tears in Nezhas eyes as the lotus prince turns his head away. He’s angry but in all honesty probably wants to have a good friendship with Wukong.
Wukong reaches a hand out and carefully puts it on Nezhas shoulder, they have a long talk about it all and near the end of the serious conversation Wukong says something kinda dumb and hears Nezha laugh quietly at him and gets feigned offended as he looks at Nezha like “and what are you laughing at??” Wukong would ask him and Nezha would hold his hand up to his face and look away as he smiles. “Nothing.” Nezha says through a small smile.
Wukong would then jab Nezha in the side quick and say to him “here I’ll give you something to really laugh at.” And watch at the lotus prince jumps and quickly reaches down to his side with his hands to protect himself as he looks at Wukong with wide eyes.
He would be all like “don’t you dare Wukong.” And he can see the monkey kings tail start swishing back and fourth as he wiggles his fingers at Nezha.
Nezha quickly jumps up and goes to make a run for it. Wukong goes after him and is like “wow you are a lot faster then I remember.” But manages to catch up and pounce on Nezha. Que the scribbling his fingers into the man’s sides and hearing him let out a loud and uncontrollable scream of laughter as he starts struggling to get away. Wukong just poking and prodding and squeezing all over Nezhas sides before he flips him onto his back and pushes up his shirt and in one fluid go blows a big raspberry right down onto the middle of Nezhas tummy.
Nezha just absolutely convulses and yelps with laughter as he tries to push Wukongs head away all while laughing up a storm.
Oh that was so good for me ty for talking with me about it always feel free to come back so I can yap more about it 😤
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pandenewie · 2 months
22 - Rom-coms
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AN: Not me actually posting, omg it's a miracle...
The sound of a car horn blaring causes Y/n's head to snap up. They immediately recognize Jay's car parked outside their work as he gives them a cheesy wink from the driver's seat. Laughing, Y/n walks towards his car.
“I didn't know you were picking me up.” Y/n smiles as they get into the passenger seat. Jay simply shrugs, tapping his hands mindlessly on the steering wheel. “Just trying to be a gentleman.” Y/n laughs at his nonchalant behaviour. “And what would you have done if I drove to work today?” They raise an eyebrow at him. “Do I look like an idiot? I drove by your house to check.” Jay jokes, causing Y/n to snort. “When he stalks you.” They sarcastically swoon, causing Jay to chuckle.
Jay reverses out of the car park, resting his arm on Y/n's headrest as he looks behind him. They know he doesn't have to do this - the act likely being a subtle attempt at making Y/n flustered. Their lips curve upwards into a small smile at this thought.
The two sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes as Jay focuses on driving. It doesn't take long for Y/n to notice that he's not driving in the direction of either of their houses. “Where are we going?” Y/n asks, turning to Jay with a smile and raised brow. “Telling you spoils the fun, don't you think?” He replies. Y/n can only roll their eyes at his smug response. “How cliché of you.” They laugh. “Of course, I've got to put my years’ worth of rom-com viewing to use.”
They drive for a bit longer, far into the countryside. Y/n quickly finds some familiarity in the direction, recognizing it as the way they drove with Heeseung and his friends when they visited their swimming spot. Jay seems to notice Y/n taking in their surroundings, laughing slightly.
“Don't try to be clever; I’m not taking you to the swimming spot.” He says, a cunning grin on her face as he glances in Y/n's direction. “Where are you taking me, then?” Y/n asks, curiously. Jay just chuckles at the question and focuses his attention back on the road, the lack of answer causing Y/n to slump back into their seat in defeat.
After driving for a little longer, the car suddenly turns down an unfamiliar road. Y/n has never been this far into the country before and the anxiety starts to set in that they do, in fact, have no idea where Jay is taking them.
“Do you trust me?” Jay asks suddenly.Y/n turns to look at him, studying his side profile and the small smirk on his face. They know they should say no. They want to say no. But Y/n finds their head nodding before their brain can catch up. Jay's smirk changes to a smile when he sees them nodding. “Close your eyes.” He teases. Y/n does as they're told, whispering a light-hearted “please don't kill me” as their eyes flutter shut. Jay only laughs at this, driving for a minute or so longer before pulling the car to a halt.
“Don't open them until I say so.” Jay says, undoing his seat belt and opening the car door. Y/n tries their best to listen out for context clues, hearing the sound of Jay walking around the car before opening… the boot? They hear rummaging sounds, lots of rummaging - almost as if he's looking for something.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” Jay says, finally. Y/n doesn't hesitate, opening their eyes and turning in their seat to face Jay.
There he sits in the boot of his car, a proud smile on his face as he's surrounded by blankets and pillows. The back seats are pushed down, making the car seem spacious and cozy. There are even some small warm-toned fairy lights scattered around, giving off a glowy ambience.
“I had a really great time watching Mean Girls with you and… I wanted to do something like that again. Only this time… I wanted to make it special.” Jay says, a small blush dusting his cheeks. Y/n doesn't know what to say - they can't remember the last time someone went through this much effort for them. “Jay… this is amazing.” Y/n manages to say, looking at him with a big smile. “You haven't even seen the best part yet.” Jay chuckles, nodding behind Y/n.
When Y/n turns around, their mouth falls into a smile. It appears that Jay has driven them to some kind of lookout, overlooking the valleys of the countryside. “Holy shit.” Y/n mumbles, their breath taken away by the view.
“The guys and I were driving back from our swimming spot last week and your idiot cousin got lost,” Jay chuckles. “So I took over driving and we stumbled upon this place… and the first thing I thought was: I want to show Y/n this.”
Y/n can't help the way their smile widens at his words, turning around to give him a cheeky grin. “You really have been studying those rom-coms.” They tease, causing a pink blush to make home on Jay's cheeks. “Is it too cheesy? We can do something else if you want.” The boy replies, sheepishly. Y/n only shakes their head, looking at him with nothing short of adoration. “Jay, it’s perfect.”
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Blankets? Check. Snacks? Check. Laptop? Check. Laptop charged? Check. Jay had gone through this thought pattern meticulously before picking up Y/n from work. Anxiety flowed through his body, his perfectionism coming in full swing as he planned and prepared their date. And with Y/n’s head lying comfortably on his shoulder as they watch Legally Blonde, he realises that all that overthinking paid off.
To think that mere months ago he barely knew Y/n - the name he’d heard of here and there but not had the pleasure of meeting. Even when the two had finally been introduced, they got off on such a strange foot that there was no telling how their relationship would develop - if they were to even have one. It’s strange to think of the odd coincidences that brought them together in this moment - coincidences that Jay is ever so thankful for.
“You thinking about something?”
The sound of Y/n’s voice cuts through the noise emitting from Jay’s laptop. “Just… reminiscing, I guess.” He mumbles, the answer causing Y/n to giggle slightly into his shoulder. “About what?” They ask, looking up at him with a smile and a curious glint in their eyes. “Well, I think it's safe to say when we met I never expected we'd have… this kind of relationship.” Jay admits. “You’re telling me you didn’t immediately fall in love with the crazy person who climbed out your window?” Y/n jokes, raising an eyebrow at him accusingly. Jay laughs, shaking his head. “Not exactly… I’m happy though.”
Noticing the shift in tone, Y/n adjusts their posture, nuzzling their head further into Jay’s shoulder as they look up at him fondly. “Yeah?” They ask, earning a nod in response. “Yeah. I was kinda in this weird… slump before I met you. I wasn’t really going out or doing a lot…I think meeting you really helped me… find myself again.” Jay says, his eyes focusing on his hands as they play with a loose thread of his jeans. Y/n notices the fidgeting and gently places their hand on his, attempting to comfort any nerves.
“I don’t know what exactly you were going through but… I’m glad that I could help you.” Y/n says softly, squeezing Jay’s hand. He gives a tight-lipped smile in return - not one to enjoy being vulnerable. Y/n giggles at his expression. “We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to.” They smile, causing Jay to shake his head. “It's okay… just want you to know how important to me you are.”
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Hours go by like minutes as the two lay in each other's embrace, the movies on Jay's laptop long forgotten as they talk about anything and everything. It's been a while since Y/n has felt so at ease with someone. Jay seems to have broken down their walls much faster than anyone in the past. 
“Are you getting tired?” Jay asks, noticing the speed of Y/n's replies slowly decreasing. Y/n shakes their head, about to say no before being interrupted by a yawn pushing past their lips. They giggle awkwardly as Jay shoots them a raised eyebrow. “Come on, I'll drive you home.” Jay says, patting Y/n's thigh as he goes to sit up. Y/n lets out a noise of complaint, one close to a whine as their head falls off his shoulder. They don't want to go home. They don't want this night to end.
Going back home means going back to this whole Jay and Kimmy cheating debacle - and Y/n would much rather stay trapped in their little bubble with him.
“Listen, as adorable as you look right now, we have to get you home. We don't want anyone thinking I kidnapped you.” Jay jokes as he begins packing up the blankets and snacks. Y/n doesn't exactly hear the rest of his sentence. It's hard to pay attention after Jay Park calls you adorable.
They reluctantly climb back into the passenger seat, stretching out their tired limbs. Jay snickers at Y/n, finishing packing up before climbing into the driver's seat. “You can sleep if you want,” Jay says softly. “I'll get you home safe.” Y/n tries to ignore the way their heart flutters at his words, mumbling a small thank you as they close their eyes.
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Jay carries Y/n’s sleeping body into their apartment - the second time he’s done so. However this time, they have no complaints - relishing in the way he gently sets them down on the bed. 
Y/n's a cute sleeper. Jay had noticed this the first time they fell asleep in the car. The way their head falls to the side, lips slightly pouty. As creepy as it sounds, he thinks he could watch them sleep forever.
“Sweet dreams, Y/n.” He mumbles, more to himself than anything. He knows they can’t hear him, far too deep in their slumber. And yet he hopes that subconsciously, the gentle words help ease Y/n’s rest.
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TAG LIST (open): @bringer-ofchaos @yenqa @fakeuwus @mrchweeee @jjongshrts @oldjws @jxp1-t3r @wildflowermooon @starchasing-cryptid @miniature-tragedy @kgneptun @raginghellfire @blackhairandbangs @rikibun @woninluv @bee-the-loser @eclipse-777
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Omg so excited ur writing prompts again I literally love everything you write ❤️
I’d love a fluffy ass one of Ian and Anthony where Ian gets sick and clingy. Just love sick fics.
Ian/Anthony - Sick Fic
Ian sniffles and tugs the blanket further up his body, leaving it just under his chin. He’s alternating between too hot and too cold, but right now he’s cold, his body shivering on his couch even with the cozy blanket.
He’d caught a stupid cold and usually his immune system is a little stronger, but this one is kicking Ian’s ass to the point that he stayed home from the office today. There’s a history documentary playing on YouTube and Ian has his eyes closed as he half-heartedly listens to the video, it���s just background noise at this point, something to try and help to lull him to sleep. 
Ian might doze off. He’s not sure for how long, but he rouses when he hears the jangle of keys turning in the front door of his home. The list of people who have a spare key to his place is small and so Ian has a feeling he knows exactly who it is. 
There are footsteps and the rustling of a paper bag, and Ian can hear those footsteps getting closer and closer to where he’s resting. Then they stop and there is a quiet stillness before Ian hears a familiar voice. 
“Ian? You awake, buddy?” 
“Yeah,” Ian says from his spot on the couch. His throat feels sore even with the one word he spoke. 
Then Anthony rounds the back of the couch and comes into focus. He’s got a mask on - probably because they can’t afford for him to get sick as well and Ale and Kiana would kill them- but his eyes are the same warm and affectionate brown that Ian’s always known. 
He’s sick and maybe that’s the reason that Ian feels extra happy to see Anthony. 
“How you feeling?” Anthony asks, leaning in and pressing the back of his hand to Ian’s damp forehead. 
“You shouldn’t touch me,” Ian says, “you’ll get sick.” and if he sounds just a tad more pathetic than he might otherwise, well, that’s his business. 
“I assumed the risks the moment I stepped in the door,” Anthony says. “Are you hungry? I brought you soup.” 
Ian opens his mouth but Anthony must sense the question because he barrels on. 
“It’s that good kind you like, the fancy one.” 
Ian smiles despite feeling so ill. God, he’s happy to see Anthony. 
“I got you popsicles too. I remember you used to eat them when you didn’t feel good as a kid.” 
Damn Anthony and his steel-trap memory. 
Ian sits himself up, tugging his blanket to wrap around his shoulders like a makeshift cape. 
“A popsicle sounds good.” 
Anthony nods and pads into the kitchen, Ian trailing along. 
Anthony digs into the freezer and produces the bright yellow popsicle box, popping open the sealed edge. 
Ian doesn’t have to tell him which color he wants. He watches as Anthony digs around for a red popsicle and hands it over to Ian. 
Ian takes the popsicle and sits at the stool at the island of his kitchen. Anthony turns to the paper bag and starts putting the cans of soup he bought away. 
“How was the office?” Ian asks, wrapped in his blanket and sucking at his popsicle. 
“Fine, everyone says hi,” Anthony says as he closes the cupboard and turns to face Ian. He smiles, which Ian can manage to see through the mask. “If I’m honest. It was boring as hell without you.” 
Ian smiles and he feels a little blip of affection pulse through him. 
“I’ll be back soon.” 
“I know,” Anthony says. “It’s just weird without you.” 
“Your turn to be a single parent,” Ian teases. 
Anthony laughs, “Okay, fair.” 
Anthony turns back to the bag and pulls out some medicine, setting it on the island in front of Ian. 
“I got you a couple different things. A syrup and a pill form, and some cough drops.” 
“Thanks,” Ian says. 
He pictures Anthony at the grocery store close to the office, walking through the aisles and picking out what he thought Ian might want or need. It makes his chest feel warm. That Anthony thought about him. That Anthony cares about him enough to come over, to bring soup, to bring medicine. 
“Of course,” Anthony says, “you’re my best friend, Ian.” 
Ian is quickly realizing he’s a sap when he’s sick and the words hit him harder than they might have otherwise. Anthony is his best friend. Anthony cares about him. Ian is glad for that. 
“For real,” Ian says again, “Thank you for taking care of me.” 
Ian knows he sound sickeningly sincere and if he weren’t sick he might be blushing. 
Anthony, he smiles, and Ian can see where the edges of his eyes get all misty. 
“Now I know you’re sick because you’re being really sweet.” 
“Shut up,” Ian whines. He has a tendency to be ‘baby girl’ as Erin likes to put it, around Anthony, and being sick only makes Ian want to slide into that role even further. 
He likes Anthony taking care of him, bringing him soup, smiling at him. 
“So,” Anthony says, “what were you watching?” 
Ian shrugs as he finishes off his popsicle, his mouth tasting of artificial cherries and childhood. 
“Just some history thing.” 
Ian slides off his stool and uses his foot to press down on the lever of his trash can, opening the lid up and tossing the stick inside. 
Anthony stretches and Ian thinks maybe he’ll decide to leave. After all, his job here is done for the most part. Ian is surprised at himself that he doesn’t want Anthony to go. 
“Sounds cool, let’s go watch it.” 
Then Anthony leads Ian into the living room and Ian settles on the couch, tugging his blanket back over him. Anthony sits in a recliner off to the side, a safe distance from Ian. 
Ian is comfortable, happy, as he chooses a brand new documentary to watch so Anthony can get the gist from the beginning. Anthony happily interjects his thoughts as they watch. Ian still feels like crap, but with Anthony over, the illness is a little more manageable.
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notthestarwar · 5 months
👀so… undead fox you say?
omg thank you for asking! sorry it took me so long to reply to this lol
ok i love this story its so twisty.
ok so it begins with this
'an old evil sleeps in the heart of Coruscant. there is something wrong with the coruscant guard'
this is from ch1 (it's a red herring dw)
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hound finds the body of a clone and it becomes apparent that this is far from the first. the guard keep finding these bodies and theyre very sad about it but also being kind of shifty? like. they arent telling anyone outside the guard about it and theyre kinda dealing with it quietly.
meanwhile, the guard are trying to deal with hushing up another problem. theres something very wrong with Fox. he is acting kind of creepy. vacant and he's always staring off in to the distance with glazed eyes and theyre having to round him up and keep an eye on him at all times but he always manages to escape anyway. he's always talking about hearing the whispers of coruscant and saying bizzare shit. theyre trying to get him to keep his helmet on to hide that there is clearly something up with him but he's just not cooperating. he isnt really doing his job anymore and he also wont look after himself at all. theyre having to make him shower and clean his teeth and stuff.
pretty much: the guard is stressed as hell trying to keep this all under wraps. theyre having to dodge calls from foxs batchmates. the calls turn in to visits. theyre still finding dead clones round every corner on coruscant and going to a strange amount of effort to hide the deaths. you begin to get the idea that maybe… maybe its fox killing these clones.
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eventually, cody turns up at the guard headquarters just as theyre taking in a dead clone. and. surprise! the dead clone is fox.
the story comes out, it turns out ALL the dead clones are fox. It started with the chancellor was sending fox on these weird missions. he came back from one of them different, (possesed) and ever since then the chancellor keeps killing him. every time, fox just reports in like normal after he wakes up. the chancellor is disturbed as hell. he cant find any way to use fox, fox is just a liability. if the jedi find out about this possessed clone, theyre going to start asking questions palpatine doesnt want asked. he's worried fox could be traced back to him. but heres the funny part. he is weirdly unnerved by fox. he's a bit of a control freak and he hates how out of control this situation is with fox and fox is generally…very creepy. in palpatines eyes its like. you kill your employee and the next morning he's standing at your desk like nothing has changed. he's unnerving!!! palpatine is so creeped out by fox that he doesnt want to imprison him so he just ends up with this tunnel vision trying all these different ways to kill him like. it'll work this time.
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once cody finds out they go to the jedi and tell all. the jedi are like. right we need evidence so we can take down the chancellor. quin starts working on the case, but his proximity to new fox results in him being slightly possesed himself and falling. now they are weird and creepy together.
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the whole point of the story is about the guard grieving someone whos still there. meanwhile, fox is trying to figure out who he is now (he eventually gets more of a hold over the posession and starts living again but hes a whole new person now.) while watching the guard mourn someone he doesnt remember how to be. he cant be that for them. his old self is a stranger.
its also about how trauma can make you worse. he knows that they all miss who he was but he's changed. quinlan is made worse by fox and neither of them really care. quinlan is happy to embrace this new him now hes fallen. theyre both making each other worse but they do love each other. the sith spirit iteself has been changed by trauma, it turns out that it was the spirit of a child thats been trapped in this sith temple for ages, slowly losing what it is to be human. the spirit possesses him both to save itself and to save fox. so the whole story is about these grey areas of morality. theyre not doing the right thing, nobody is, but at the same time its kind of understandable why??? its a mixed bag of fun ethical dilemas pretty much.
I've done a lot of thinking about the vibes of this and I've assigned a quote to each chapter like I did with dead from the beginning so that's been fun
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This is the ending I've got planned. Fox and quin go off together as these new, worse versions of themselves. The guard and the jedi struggle to understand cause they're stuck on the ppl that Fox and quin were
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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My new old friends and I continue our adventures through Elpis.
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We're about to be eaten by a shark with legs when Venat drops out of goddamn nowhere and knocks the thing out. So fast I didn't even manage to capture the moment.
Hell of an entrance. I can certainly say I didn't expect to meet her like this.
Venat is apparently a former member of the Convocation who has eschewed the majority opinion and elected to remain and continue her work after retiring.
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Former Azem!? OMG.
Venat knows Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch of course, and they all have a little exchanging of pleasantries, discuss the current Azem (Me! It's Past Me! AAA!), and generally make smalltalk. When suddenly Venat turns to me, and asks...
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The question is met with shocked reactions from my two travelling companions. Venat explains how she reached this conclusion: She senses her own magic upon me - a traveler's ward, designed to prevent the corruption of aether - and knowing she has never met me she surmises that she must have woven the enchantment at some point in the future.
I confirm her suspicions.
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Emet-Selch is taking this very seriously. He is not going to like what I have to tell him.
Venat offers her accommodations here in Elpis as a place we can go where I can tell them all my story. Venat seems to me a very lovely person. She's difficult to dislike, even if I may have some grievances with her future self.
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At Poieten Oikos, Venat prepares us some tea, and the group settle in to hear my tale.
I really appreciate how this was done. The time it took for me to explain everything, and the shots of the characters shown throughout as they reacted to what I was presumably telling them. The way the mood progressed from curiosity and hope to solemn horror as each of my new friends were confronted with their fates and the future of the star.
(It made sense to me that Venat was shown specifically contrasted with her future as Hydaelyn, and Emet-Selch with the fate of the convocation as a whole, but it was especially interesting to me that Hythlodaeus was confronted with - and presumably effected the most by - Emet-Selch and his phantom Amaurot. Not his own future as a shade sacrificed to Zodiark, but that of his friend and the burden he would bear. Curious, and food for thought... bad shipper brain! Not time for that!)
I speak for a long time; until the tea has long grown cold. None of them take what I've told them particularly well, and all express doubts. Venat seems the one most inclined to credit my story as being true.
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I am extremely pleased to see that she has several of the same critiques of her future self's actions as I do! Perhaps we will get along better than I expected!
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Emet-Selch is not taking this well at all. Honestly, I don't blame him. He plays the role of villain in this tale, and not only is he fated to labor in grief and isolation for thousands of lifetimes, he is ultimately doomed to fail. He alone among the Convocation must carry the burdens of sanity, memory, and responsibility.
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In defence of your future self; I do not think you abandoned your brethren or your duty. I think assisting me was simply a backup plan in the event that I killed you. As to why you would do something so seemingly illogical as to invite me to Amaurot in the depths of the Tempest? I think, despite it all, you desperately wanted the person you still saw as your old friend to understand you. What you were doing and why. Deep down you didn't want to kill me, but rather, you wanted me to agree with you, to convert to your side of things. As impossible as that eventuality might seem, you still had hope that we could see eye-to-eye. The friend who disagreed so strongly with your chosen course that he left the Convocation might yet return. Your people - those sundered and those imprisoned with Zodiark - might be made whole and restored to life. All could be as it was, and the world could be restored to the version you loved, when you were happy and whole.
So you invited me to Amaurot. A final attempt to force me to see what we'd lost. It wasn't about winning, or the most logical course of action; it was about a desperate hope to reclaim even the tiniest sliver of what you lost. A friendship, a connection. Pain and loneliness and grief and love were your motivations.
Emet-Selch speaks and plans logically, and rationalizes his actions in the moment. But in truth he is ruled by his emotions: he feels too strongly and too keenly. He loved so much that loss turned him into a monster.
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Anyway, back to the preset, Emet-Selch storms out the door with Hythlodaeus running and calling after him.
Venat and I are left alone.
I am concerned, but Venat assures me that if Emet-Selch is truly the man Azem has led her to believe he is, we will see him again.
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Fortunately, Venat seems inclined to help me. I tell her of what I've learned of Dynamis, and of Hermes' experiments with it regarding Meteion. We set about questioning the nearby researchers regarding Hermes and his activities.
Our inquiries are mostly unproductive until we chance upon a researcher whose partner once saw Hermes, late one night, sending multiple Meteia skyward. We decide to speak to the researcher personally to hear this story in full. We ascend to the skyway, and, while waiting to hear from the researcher herself, Venat and I get to talking.
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Venat wants to know what the world in the future is like. She asks me to tell her about my adventures - the smaller details, as opposed to the world ending ones.
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In turn, Venat tells me of her own history; she has been a scholar, one who sought to learn and discover the mysteries of the world. Through her work she feels perpetually in awe of the miracles of creation. She is the Ur adventurer; the desire to travel and learn and experience runs strong in her. And she loves fiercely all that she has come to know.
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Her people are her meaning and her purpose, and they are why she cannot bring herself to return to the star. Not so long as she feels they still need her. She speculates that her future self as Hydaelyn is still waiting for a time when She can let go, confident that we can guide our own way.
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Oh. That is a hell of a question.
And one I'm not given time to answer before the woman we are waiting for appears. But here...
I think it's obvious I love this game. I adore it. It's fantastic. I'm already planning to play it through again once I've finished.
But what of Rhesh'a? How does he feel?
I imagine he's still somewhat in shock. He hasn't had a moment to rest and breathe in a very long time. He's very good at compartmentalizing, bucking down and dealing with stress in emergency situations. But, now, he's approaching the end of his rope emotionally, and he's going to have a hellish reckoning to face when he finally has a chance to come to terms with all he's been through. I do not think his journey can be described in such simple terms as "good" or "bad". Worthwhile? This is his life. All he is, all he has and loves has come to him through this journey.
I will have to think on this more.
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The researcher arrives! She regales us with the tale of the Meteia, shooting skywards like stars from a little isle not too far off. This must be what Hermes was talking about when he told me of Meteion's sisters, off exploring distant stars.
When the researcher had asked Hermes about his secret project, he'd told her that he needed to do more tests before answering any questions.
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I am strongly suspecting that this project of Hermes' with the Meteia is related to the root cause of the Final Days, and it seems Venat agrees with me. We are going to go to the little isle to investigate some more, but I cannot yet fly in Elpis so we need some way to get me there...
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Argos is less than amenable to me riding on him this time. Venat's solution is for me to fight her, and prove to Argos that I am worthy. She does not go easy on me.
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Venat kicked my ass. This fight was not easy with a broken hand, I tell you. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
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Yay! Argos likes me now!
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Oh no.
This dog. This fucking dog, man.
I'm sorry Argos, I'm sure you're the goodest of boys, it's just that you've suddenly become a symbol of everything about to go wrong for me. I tried. I tried so damn hard to ignore it, to put it aside, but my brain can't stop assembling the pieces of the puzzle. And the picture it's creating is upsetting.
Back up a bit. I've been keeping my eye out, and I'm certain I have yet to meet anyone who could be Elidibus. But this dog. Just made me think of something. Elidibus knew to send me into the past because he remembered meeting me here. Re-framed another way; the future I come from already exists as a result of me visiting the past. It's a closed time loop. In order for me to have travelled into the past, I must always have done so. The act of me travelling into the past itself does not create a change in the timeline because that act is a pre-condition to the existence of my own future.
All very well and good, but this dog.
This dog.
This dog knew me in the future.
Argos here had to learn to respect me before he would let me ride him. In the future I come from, my past, he liked me right away. The Watcher even remarked that it was strange for him to behave that way towards me.
But I'm the WoL: I'm used to being exceptional. Why would it be strange that the otherwise unapproachable dog liked me? I am Hydaelyn's specialest little boy, after all.
But here!
He doesn't! He fucking doesn't! I am NOT the exception to the rule!
Which can only mean, that when I encountered Argos on the moon, he was remembering me having earned his respect in the past.
Right now.
I always fought Venat in the past in order to earn Argos' respect. That's why he let me ride him.
Somehow. Incredibly. Horrifyingly. After all I have done. I have not managed to change the future. The timeline has not split. Despite Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus, and Venat all knowing exactly what is coming... and the former two at least (if not all three) explicitly not knowing that in my future... this time still leads to mine.
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While I'm having my little freak out crisis, Venat and I arrive on the little island with the pretty pink tree.
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Venat informs me that there are two ways to view an event in the past with my abilities. The first is what I've always experienced with the Echo, the second is utilizing the ambient aether for the same purpose. While I still can't control the ability voluntarily, Venat will help me.
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I am granted a vision of Hermes and Meteion, having just sent the other Meteia off on their journeys to other stars. Their missions are to seek other intelligent lifeforms on other stars, and inquire of them their conceptions of life and what they live for. In finding these answers Hermes hopes to bring enlightenment to the peoples of this star, and improve the quality of life for all beings, not just man.
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Hermes promises to hold a celebration for Meteion upon her return, and gift her a beautiful flower. I wonder if this is why she wanted to in turn gift Hermes a flower?
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Returning to myself, Venat and I agree that it does not seem likely that Hermes would cause the Final Days on purpose. But we cannot rule out an accidental cause, or an oversight. In light of this, Venat suggests we fill Hermes in on my story, and seek his expertise in the field of Dynamis on this matter.
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That it would not. If there is anything that can be done to prevent Hermes from becoming the Fandaniel of my time, then I would do it.
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plain-as-pandemonium · 3 months
What do you think was going through Bedelia's head during the Antipasto bathtub scene? Just curious how you interpret it!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANT TO KISS YOU ON THE MOUTH FOR SENDING THIS! I've been turning this ask over in my mind for several happy days because it fills me with GLEE, I tell you.
What is going through Bedelia's mind in this moment: What a glorious puzzle-box of a question! The short answer is SO MUCH OMG. Rewatching this scene, and the surrounding scenes, so as to gather my thoughts for this ask, I am truly astonished at how much emotion and conflict and strategy they managed to convey in a few short cuts. Gillian Anderson is genuinely a master of her craft, her portrayal of Bedelia is so nuanced.
The thing is, that bathtub scene in Antipasto has to be placed into context with what happens immediately before it, and what we learn immediately after. Let me talk this through:
i. immediately before
We see Bedelia preparing for her bath, beginning when she asks Hannibal to unzip her dress. She's inviting this intimacy as she a) takes him to task for showing off at his office gala, b) as the two of them discuss the murder he committed in order to get hired for his current job and c) as she coolly asks whether he plans to kill another of his colleagues.
The last thing she says before wordlessly dismissing Hanners is,
"I still believe I am in conscious control of my actions. Given your history, that's a good day."
It's key that she does not seem at all distressed during this discussion. She is willing to undress in front of Hannibal, but she also wants to be alone with her thoughts, and he respects that. That's important context for what's on her mind as she has her bath.
ii. the bath itself
As she sits in the bath, her expression is serious but not anxious, not frightened. We see her open her eyes, watch the steady drip of the faucet while someone is murdering a violin and banging a piano in the background. The shot from above makes it seem like she dropped a goth-ass bath bomb in that water because it is B L A C K. Then she slips beneath the surface and sinks into that blackness, dropping slowly into a fathomless ocean as a riot of bubbles obscures her figure from above.
Then she pops out of the water gasping, as if she's held her breath as long as possible, as if something has startled her. This is the first crack we see in her composure, and it is self-induced. Interesting, right?
iii. immediately after
The first thing we see following the bathtub scene, we see Bedelia (in flashback) sitting in an interrogation room with Jack Crawford telling him,
"If you think you're about to catch Hannibal, it's because he wants you to think that. Don't fool yourself into thinking he's not in control of what's happening."
iv. my thoughts
I've spent way too much time considering Bedelia's mental state during her time in Florence, for uh, various fic-writing purposes. The main thing on her mind during that particular bath scene, I think, is ... conflict.
She has gone to Europe with Hanners willingly. (Though, let's be honest, what were her options, realistically?) Unlike most other characters on this show throughout Seasons 1 and 2, Bedelia knows exactly who she is dealing with and what he is capable of, and the first 20 mins of Antipasto show that pretty clearly.
S3 shows us that Bedelia--who is otherwise so careful, so measured in her actions, so tightly controlled--has a history of taking absolutely batshit insane risks. In that context, her choosing to go with Hannibal makes more sense. Does that mean she feels 100% comfortable and confident in her decision?
In going to Italy with Hannibal, Bedelia is performing a high-wire act with no safety net. No one knows where she is, by design. No one else is coming to save her if things go sideways. She knows she is in danger. A degree of trust exists between her and Hannibal, a willing vulnerability in the way they behave towards each other (for instance, they're both surprisingly comfortable being physically naked around each other), and yet Bedelia--better than anyone--knows Hannibal, knows his quirks, knows how very unpredictable he can be.
And yet she is very much in control of herself around him. Whatever she's got herself into, she knows she can navigate her way out of it.
That bath, to me, represents a moment of doubt. An "oh shit, can I really pull this off?" moment. It's important that she has this moment when she is alone. She doesn't let him see it.
But the doubt is what makes the venture worthwhile for Bedelia. She likes putting herself in dangerous situations to see if she can handle it, to see if she can come out on top. It's a thrill for her, and something I absolutely LOVE about her character. She is there to learn all she can, for her own edification, and to see how far she can push her own (and Hannibal's) boundaries.
If there were no risk, there would be no reward.
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hello hello!
Omg I just saw that there is a slot open for the kissing prompts and I was reading the SpiderShiggy fic again and,,, May I ask "lifiting your lover up" with ShigaDabi? The way you write Dabi all flurstered by Shiggy's strength is so good hsduaidfhuisdaf
As always your fics are amazing and I hope you have an amazing day <3
Prompt: Lifting Your Lover Up
Normal day at base. Dabi got in well past three in the morning from running his jobs, went to bed, woke up somewhere around noon, shoved whatever he could find downstairs into his mouth and gone to debrief with Duster. Nothing strange. All perfectly average and normal. Except the fact that Shigaraki hadn't been creeping in the bar working, sulking, or playing video games. So Dabi had knocked on his door instead. No answer, opened it just enough to peek inside and there was a stunning lack of mop-headed boss. Okay, so that was weird. He'd tracked down Kurogiri then. 
"Hey mist man, where's Duster?" 
And 'Giri had looked up from whatever he was reading. "I believe Tomura Shigaraki is down in the basement training." 
He'd raised a brow at that, but shrugged and went towards the basement stairs. Never seen Duster train before. How much training does a person who kills with a touch really need? Gone downstairs to give his report so he could do something else with the rest of his day. 
Had come down the stairs a while ago, he thinks. Can't really be sure because he's just been staring for a while. Probably shouldn't be. But Duster is training. Knew about the gym in the basement, assumed that it was more for their benefit, has never seen Shigaraki down here before. Has never seen Shigaraki shirtless before. Absolutely did not know that the pale skin beneath his long-sleeved shirts makes way for lean but well-defined muscle. Knew he was fast but didn't know he was strong. Has been watching him spar against Twice's doubles, easily as acrobatic as Compress and having absolutely no trouble destroying the clones of them as Twice produces them. Is still staring, his temperature having crept up a little higher, when Shigaraki and Twice call it for the day. Shig is sweating, but doesn't look tired, pushes his hair back and his eyes are bright and his lips twisted into a smile as he talks to Jin. Takes them both a second to notice him. 
"Yo, Dabi! Who invited him?" 
Shigaraki looks immediately more attentive, knows that he's come for a debrief. "Give me a second, I'll meet you upstairs," Duster tells him. 
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Really glad the attitude is a conditioned response at this point because his mouth is embarrassingly fucking dry as Shig rolls his shoulders and Dabi sees every muscle in his back fucking move. Holy shit. Yeah, quickly turns his ass around and goes back upstairs. Would absolutely not be able to explain himself if he starts smoking. 
Barely able to focus on the debriefing even when Shig meets him in the bar a few minutes later dressed normally. Can't stop thinking about the muscles hidden under his shirt. Is kind of wondering about what ones and what else might be hiding under his jeans too. 
It gets worse from there. Dabi manages to put the knowledge that Duster is secretly kind of ripped, and is absolutely hiding that behind his nerdy gamer schtick, away deep in the recesses of his mind. Absolutely not going to let himself be attracted to the creep. No fucking way. It was just a surprise and it really shouldn't have even been. Duster is obviously a close-combat fighter who's been training to be the next biggest supervillain in Japan for at least a decade. No fucking duh should he have at least some physical prowess to back that up. It was stupid of him to not have been expecting it. He moves on. 
Only he doesn't because knowing Shigaraki is strong and can fight is one thing. Seeing him using that strength is another entirely. 
Happens after a good job. Came back flushed with stolen tech that they're going to have reoutfitted into gear for them to use as they move forward. No one got hurt, they didn't even get spotted, and the take was fantastic. It is a rare moment when they're all in good moods and looking to celebrate. He's even in a good enough mood to stick around and they all have more than a couple of drinks. Getting late and deep enough into their cups that the others are dropping like flies. He's still up, would have to be drinking much, much faster to get the alcohol to build up enough in his system to mess him up before his quirk burns it off, Duster too because he drinks but never very much. Is pretty sure that's because of his own quirk. Really, really would not want to see someone with a quirk like his lose control of his higher faculties. Late enough and enough of the League passed out on the couches and floor. Not really enough room for that and their cohorts are in what's going to be a very uncomfortable tangle of hungover limbs in the morning. 
Not really expecting Shig to go over and very carefully extract Toga from that mess of limbs, but it makes sense, the two of them are the only ones living with Duster and Kurogiri here at the moment. She has a bed. He's expecting Shig to coax her somewhat awake to make her way upstairs, but he bends down and she blinks blearily at him and puts out her arms like a toddler. Dabi snorts and Duster rolls his eyes. But then Dabi is nearly choking on his fucking tongue because Shigaraki bends down low enough for her to loop her arms around his neck, hooks one under her legs and the other around her back, and lifts her off of the couch like she weighs nothing at all. Carries her towards the stairs and mutters to him, 
"Come on," on his way up. Dabi trails after him, mind fucking gone at that easy show of strength. Duster moves to the side of the hall when they get to the top of the stairs and he finally gets with the fucking program. Opens her door so Shig can bring her inside, follows him in and turns down her sheets. Shig pokes at her as he sets her down, "At least take off your shoes." 
Toga manages to kick them off and then flops back down onto her bed. Dabi throws the blanket back over her, "On your side, brat, don't need you drowning in your puke." 
She flicks him off and rolls over to face Duster, reaching out to catch his wrist. He pauses and she gestures for him to lean down. Visibly amused, Shigaraki leans down and lets Toga whisper something into his ear, hand covering her mouth so Dabi can't even try to read her lips. Duster looks more amused, eyes flicking up to look at him, and then murmurs back, "Is that so?" 
"Mmhmm," Toga agrees. 
"Interesting, you'll have to tell me more about that when you're sober." 
"Okay Tomu, night night." 
"Thanks for tuckin' me in 'abi," 
"Yeah whatever, go to sleep, brat." 
They leave her room, shutting the door behind them, but Dabi's pretty sure she's out before they're in the hall. Waits half a second before his curiosity gets the better of him. 
"What'd she say?" 
Not expecting Duster to consider him for a long moment, eyes raking over him assessingly. "She's drunk. I'll talk about it with her in the morning, see if she actually knew what she was saying and meant it." Doesn't answer his question, "And then, if it's still relevant, we can talk about it."  
Raises a brow, "Okay, you cryptic motherfucker, night." Grateful to be able to go to his room and away from the other man. Didn't realize how fucking hot the alcohol and Shigaraki's easy show of strength had crept his temperature. 
Out in the field with Duster, Compress, and Toga. Supposed to be some spy shit, he's only there in case things get heavy. 
Things get fucking heavy.
Really not expecting to be up against Best Jeanist at the tail-end of the job and he's really overworking his quirk to keep his fibers far, far away from himself and the others as they run across rooftops to their extraction point. It's a nightmare, but they're handling it. It's going to be fine. Two more buildings and he can see Kurogiri's portal is already open and waiting for them. His bad luck that he misses one of the fibers as he jumps to the second to last building. It curls around his leg and he whips around and burns it off before it can restrain him or yank him in, but he loses his balance, drops onto the roof and rolls his ankle hard enough that he's pretty sure he popped some staples and it hurts enough to have him gritting his teeth. Fuck. Tries to keep pushing anyway, one more jump. Just one more. 
Knows that he wasn't able to push hard enough halfway through the arc and his stomach starts to drop. Think fast. Not going to be a splatter on pavement or arrested this early into the game. Oh this is going to fucking suck. Half twists and sends a massive burst of flame towards the wall of fibers that are coming after them. Big enough, hot enough, that he goes rocketing forward the last meter towards the other roof and the seams around his wrists are aching and smoking. Fuck. Lands hard, barely on the edge of the building and stumbles, starts to lose his balance. 
Shigaraki's hand locks around his wrist, grip bruising and pinky raised. Before Dabi can react he's pulled in, can't even blink before he's yelping, suddenly being lifted, his arms frantically grabbing hold of the other man so he doesn't lose his balance again as Shigaraki picks him up bridal style and darts the last few feet through the portal which closes immediately after them. And then he, Compress, Toga, and Duster are standing in the bar with Kurogiri. Well, they're standing. Dabi is being fucking held up by his boss and desperately trying not to turn bright fucking red. 
"You alright?" 
"Uh, yeah, might've fucked up my ankle a little but I've had worse. Thanks for the save." His voice is a little thinner than it should be. "You can put me down." 
And Duster does, but he carries him over to the couch first as Compress grabs the first-aid kit. Shig switches places with the other man when he comes back over and Toga catches Shigaraki's wrist again and pulls him down, covering her mouth again as she whispers to him. Her eyes aren't covered though and they are shining with her mirth. Duster's brows pull together slightly as he gives her that same bemused smile before responding, 
"You're sure?" 
"Interesting," never heard Shigaraki's voice purr like that. Between that sound, being able to lift him, and overusing his quirk, he's having a hard time lowering the temperature of his skin. Has to if Compress is gonna help him wrap his ankle. Shifts his focus to that instead. 
Actually fucked up his ankle more than a little. Ends up needing a crutch for a little while which is so fucking annoying, but at least none of them got fucking arrested. He'll put up with this bullshit on that merit alone. However, he does notice Shigaraki watching him a lot out of the corner of his eye. Absolutely going to set him on fire if he thinks he's a liability now even though he fucking took on the number four hero and managed to limp away with only a sprained ankle. Been working on planning the next job downstairs in the bar with Duster when it gets late enough that going to bed before sunrise sounds like a good idea. Reaches for his crutch without paying attention and knocks it over. 
"Fucking," this sucks, realizes it's fallen too far away and he's gonna have to use the couch to stand up before he grabs it. Sees Duster move closer. Well at least he's saving him some dignity by just helping him without him having to ask--
"Put your arms around my neck," 
"Wha--!" Dabi makes an extremely undignified squeaking sound, scrambling to grab onto Duster as he leans down and hooks his deadly hands under his thighs, just barely below his ass and lifts him. Hooks his legs around his hips too and Dabi's face must be bright fucking red beneath his scars as he clings onto Duster like a fucking koala, faces barely three inches apart. "What the fuck, Shigaraki, put me down!" 
"In a minute." And his voice is low, eyes half-lidded and smug. "Toga has been telling me that your blood smells hot every time you see me doing something like this." Fucking, little brat and her snitch nose. Going to burn it off her face. "You definitely feel hot but you always feel hot." Leans in a little closer, close enough their noses brush and Dabi makes another very undignified sound, temperature spiking another few degrees in spite of himself. Duster's smug smile widens. "Can I kiss you?" 
Really fucking dumb and embarrassing that as soon as the words are out of the other man's mouth his hands are shifting so that he can tangle them into Shigaraki's mop of thick pale hair and is smashing their lips together. Can't help it. His wiry, bratty boss is fucking holding up his weight, doesn't even seem bothered by it. That's so fucking hot he might be on the way to boiling his brain again. Definitely feels like it when the hands around the back of his legs tighten as Shigaraki kisses him back, just as hard and hungry. All teeth and tongues, heat and promise. There's definitely a bit of smoke on his breath when they part for air. Too soon, Dabi is absolutely about to lean back in when Duster murmurs against his lips, 
"I can put you down, Dabi. Or I can hold you against a wall and fuck you stupid."
Makes a very undignified sound at that, but Dabi is more than willing to give up any scrap of dignity he's ever clung to if he gets that in the next thirty seconds, so he just drags Shigaraki back in for another rough kiss. Already knows that the boss is strong, time to put his stamina to the test too. 
Thanks for submitting!
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beanghostprincess · 17 days
Wait ur writing a book?? Whats it about?😳
Omg,,, You wanna know about my book? 👉🏻👈🏻 Blushing giggling kicking my feet,,,,
The story seems a bit depressing but please hear me out 🙏🏻 It gets better-- I promise-- (TW for mentions of suicide attempts and poor mental health but it's not explicit in here at all).
It's the story of a literature professor (Ophelia) whose dream of being a writer gets sidelined because she rarely has the motivation and inspiration to create something she feels content with. So most of her works never see the light of day and instead, she focuses on her job (which means the world to her since she believes teaching others is the core of humanity and working together to understand each other, the past, and literature better is what will improve people's empathy and bonds with each other. She's a bit of an idealistic person tbh). Despite what this might look like, she's pretty much satisfied with her life and doesn't have the need to share those stories with anyone. She might seem a bit cold and stoic at first because of her lack of exaggerated expressions, but she couldn't be more in sync with what other people are feeling since observing others and getting inspiration from real people is what makes her write (she's pretty much introverted and has issues making stable friendships since everyone believes she's a bit boring, so, therefore, the lack of actual inspiration and exciting experiences for her books. She expresses her overwhelming feelings with writing more than she does face to face). Now, a wave of sudden inspiration and creativity comes from meeting her new neighbor (literally in the door next to hers), Ayleen. She gets captivated by her entirely to the point of turning everything she writes about her and the idea she has of her. This is when her own morality gets questioned because Ayleen seems in need of help and Ophelia won't stop asking herself what she should do. Ayleen is noticeably depressed and lonely and without anyone to rely on around her. The only things Ophelia knows about her neighbor are the glimpses she has of her every now and then. Like her expensive clothing, but obviously unhealthy choices of food and awful, awful physical state, and her suspicious behavior. The thing is-- Ophelia starts learning more about her on her own, gets even more infatuated with her, won't stop writing, and starts asking herself if she should help someone who clearly doesn't want to be helped although being miserable. Ophelia isn't quite sure if it's her own selfish need to save someone, or her also selfish need to be closer to her and write. Maybe it's a simple act of kindness and worry for somebody else. Perhaps it's both. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what happens, as long as she saves her (because romanticizing the idea she has of her to turn it into words is starting to make her feel a bit like a shitty person, even if she does believe Ayleen was somehow meant to be turned into art). I'd give more context for Ayleen but the whole point is learning about her through Ophelia's eyes-- Even though, I will tell you her whole story focuses on somebody who has issues understanding the world around her and why people do what they do (since most of her decisions are made because she sees the world in a black/white way) and because of that (and more stuff) her feeling of emptiness keeps growing to the point of not desiring to keep living and waiting for death to come. She believes she doesn't have a purpose anyway, and even though she's aware of what the point of living should be, she finds it rather boring. The whole thing about how boredom kills you? Yeah, that's just Ayleen but taking it to extremes.
Long story short, (and this is not a spoiler because it's barely the first chapter) Ophelia manages to convince Ayleen not to kill herself one night, and Ayleen gets equally as captivated by her (like, extremely. She finds Ophelia to be the most interesting thing she has ever laid her eyes on and it gets her so excited and happy to actually meet her. It's like she's the one who'll offer Ayleen the answers she's been looking for). Since that moment, they sort of start living together? Kind of? Ayleen finds out about the writing and is thrilled she now has something to live for. A purpose. It's not really about feeling desired as it is about finding something that makes her life worth living. And if being Ophelia's muse makes her happy, Ophelia is equally thrilled to write about her (now with less guilt and a whole more love and care since their love keeps growing and turning into something healthier that helps both of them feel more satisfied with their lives). So, TLTR: It's a story about a writer who's aware of her own unhealthy empathy and need to help others but starts questioning her morals and selfishness at the same time she discovers what falling for her muse feels like (or perhaps it's not love, but just what art makes her feel... That's a whole mess for her). While her muse desires to live only through words and Ophelia starts picturing eternity with her outside the little book thing they've got going on-- At the same time, Ayleen finds a purpose and something that makes her satisfied with being alive, and since she's equally as enamored by Ophelia, she is more than happy to learn how to love the things around her and see them in different angles thanks to her.
Yes, this is romance, but it's more of a story about how love might not be enough to save someone who's hurting, but it can make their time alive a happier experience. It's about crossing the line between art and love. It's about how an act of kindness can be selfish and it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's about not caring how you live your life as long as you're satisfied with it. It's about how some might need to find a purpose to live, and others might see life's purpose as just living. It's a love story about falling for what is considered art, or perhaps turning what love is into art. It's about loving being loved but ending up seeing through that person's eyes how there's so much more. It's about how living doesn't necessarily end with death. This is a story about a girl who gets over her dreams and morals to love the person who has turned into both of those things for her, and a girl who couldn't understand living starting to love doing so through someone else's words.
(and yes, it is a bit unhealthy at some points but my girlies are morally gray and have issues™ so they should be allowed to do whatever they want cuz they're my sweetie pies).
At first, I was planning on turning this Sanuso fantasy fanfic I wrote into an actual book. The whole story means the world to me and I actually already have the characters and more plot about them that has absolutely nothing to do with the fic. At this point, this is already a whole different thing-- HOWEVER! Since this would be my first original project, and fantasy settings are a lot of world-building (in both places and magic and creatures etc etc etc) and I'm not that used to reading this genre, I've decided to put that project aside until I'm more experienced to actually do it properly.
But then I remembered THIS idea I had and I just NEEDED to put it into words since it's easier for me to do it as my first project <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME ABOUT MY BOOK BTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't written much yet and I'm still working on building the characters better (I'm a perfectionist when it comes to that) but!!!!!!!! I'm so so so so excited and happy you did!!!!!!! I never get to talk about my ideas online and I think it's the first time I post stuff about my OCs and my story here,,,, If you wanna know more please please ask!!!! But be warned, because I will NOT shut up! <3
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 4  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 837 💌  <= Previous | Chapter 5 =>
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It was finally the talent show and you were back stage looking at the audience from one of the alcoves and you instantly find Kenny, Kyle and Stan. You also located Clyde and Craig not that they were of any importance but thanks to Craig you picked out the real song you were going to be singing.
“(Y/N) you should start getting ready now and by that I mean sit in the chair so I can do your make up.” Bebe said and Wendy set everything they needed on the table. Yesterday they didn’t like your dress so in the end they did take you shopping. They said your dress made you look like you were attending a funeral. They picked out something more, showy but at least you thought it was cute. Once they were done you looked in the mirror.
“Hehe my work here is done.” Bebe said happily while Wendy added “Now go break a leg and kill it.”
“Thank you guys.” You smiled and waved as they left.
 Shortly after the talent show started and Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. First up was Billy turner, who did terrible. Next were the Goth kids, who actually were pretty good. After that were the magic team of Clark and Laura, you didn’t really pay attention to them though. Butters you felt bad for because he pee’d himself. Ike went before Cartman for some reason even though in the order of the show they passed out his name was after Cartman’s.
It was finally Cartman’s turn. You smiled and as he approached the stage you said break a leg and he put on a fake smile and went on stage.
[Another F.U. Song by Reel Big Fish]
Kyle and Stan turned to Kenny who just gave them a thumbs up. As soon as he started to sing it everyone in audience gasped and stayed silent. Everyone's jaw was on the floor, as Cartman walked back off stage. 
"Beat that bitch." Cartman said to you as Mr. Mackey walked up to him "Saying the F world is not mmmm'kay! Cartman you have detention for a week. You’re disqualified!" With that Cartman was dragged away by the ear. Now that the plan worked out it should be smooth sailing from here on out. You took a deep breath before you were handed the mic and walked on stage slowly as the intro to your song played.
[Safe and Sound but the Megan Nicole & Tiffany Alvord version]
Craig instantly recognized the song and a light grin graced his face, Clyde looked at the rare occurrence and smiled "So this girl managed to break your wall huh" Clyde thought to himself and listened to the song. Kenny didn't see (Y/N) anymore he saw an Angle from heaven, "She's so perfect" he whispered to no one in particular   
“OMG! Why didn’t you tell us that you could sing like that!” you just giggled “No one asked”
“And last we have Jimmy” Who gets a boner and runs off stage. “Well now the judges will take a few minutes to score the contestants. And it looks like we have the results. In third place we have the magic duo of Clark and Laura. In second place the Goth kids. And now in first place, (Y/N)! Congratulations to all the winners and let’s give it up one more time for all the performers!”
You did it! Yay you! You met up with Kenny, Kyle and Stan “That was awesome!” you gave them all hugs and Kenny gave you a rose that was from all of them “Thanks you guys!”
Craig and Clyde walked up to you while you were still talking with the guys “Hey (Y/N) that was a good show. Here’s the money from the bets by the way.” You looked at him confused “And why are you giving it to me?”
“Don’t you know that you get 10% of all the bets that were placed against you where else do you think the money goes? Plus I was the one marketing all the bets and if I didn’t do this much people would start talking” Fair enough you guess. Considering no one else said anything this must happen often.
“Okay well thanks I guess. Also thank you Craig.” 
Craig just nodded and started to walk away again and Clyde had to catch up to him again. The other three boys just stared at you wondering why you thanked Craig. “Honestly I will never understand but I don’t care we should go out for ice cream with my winning money!”
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Hello @larabiatasstuff please could you write a story about the blonde general? I had a thought about him being cursed as a teenager, and turned into a beautiful golden dragon. Years later and now an adult, he hides in a cave and comes out only at night to eat the odd cow or sheep, but sometimes, he saw someone either robbing or hurting an iccocent person, and slayed them too. You are a skilled warrior who was asked amongst many other warriors, to find and slay this dragon. You were the only one who agreed to the terms and made your way to the lair of the dragon. But when you see the behaviour the dragon displays when he doesn't notice you, it means something isn't right. You approach him, and your first encounter isn't pleasant, but you try to assure him that you know something is wrong. He manages to somehow signal or carve a picture of what happend to him, and from then on you try to help him out of his curse. Thank you 💙
Omg I absolutely love your request anon 🖤 Of course I write that for you 🙏
It was a normal day in our lovely little village. My father and I just got back from hunting and prepared the meat and the skin when suddenly a rider approached us. "Good morning sir, I suppose you are the leader of this village?" the man said looking down on my father. "You're right well maybe not for long anymore cause my daughter here will take my place soon." the man on the horse raised an eyebrow. "The king sent me to talk to the most skilled fighter in his kingdom not some little girl." my father took a step towards the man, a serious expression on his face. "My daughter is the most skilled fighter here. I fought many battles and now I'm retired. Just because god gave us a daughter doesn't mean she can't fight like a man. I trained her well over the years so tell us why you're here or leave us to our work." I could tell that my father got angry." Well there is a dragon that terrorizes the kingdom. He feasts on the cattle and kills innocent people. The king calls out the bravest and strongest warriors to slay the dragon and bring proof that it's dead. "" How many warriors did you visit already? " I asked, feeling the nervousness of the rider." Umm... So you're the last on my list. " I nodded" And how many agreed on that quest? " " No one if I'm honest. Please my lady... " he started but I cut him off." First of all I'm not a lady and second what do I get when I slay the dragon? " " If you manage to kill the beast, the king will grand you a wish. " I looked at my father and smiled." I'll do it. Where was the dragon last seen?" the man on the horse gave me a paper with some informations on it." You have to travel the unholy lands my la... What was your name again? "" My name is Y/N, tell your king I'll ride at dawn. " the rider nodded, gave his horse the spurs and disappeared.
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Part two 🖤
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