#i mean that wasnt her only issue but it was one of the big ones
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
im finally going to replay y0...
#it's been a little over 2 years#and ive never replayed any of the games before so im very interested in what this is gonna be like#i just played them slowly and in order + lad ishin at the end#i kinda wanted to do the judgments first but uh. they're never on sale <3#someday though#ugh im nervous though#not about this but like. ok real ones will remember that a couple of months ago i mentioned i finally asked my mom for like. mental health#assistance that wasnt her telling me to stop spiralling. the two appointments we could do were like. next week or october#i technically have enough time to get my shit together but ive also like. never talked to an actual doctor about this stuff before#and she kept asking me if i could be more specific than 'general longterm mental health issues' (and anxiety which she added)#but like. i dont wanna tell her Shit about that yknow#especially not like. just woken up at 2pm no preparation#also she added anxiety on her own. so you KNEW it was an issue and you didn't fucking do anything about it? at all??#truthfully i don't think it's nearly as big of an issue as before. i get stressed about stuff sure but it's pretty circumstantial#like these days i dont have anxiety about much of anything because im not trying to decide my entire future between 8 hour days in the#bright lights and eye contact factory#girl you don't have any idea what we're getting into by doing this#anyway if i get an ocd diagnosis that'll be the most awkward because that's the only one they actively joke about and that i've butted head#with them on. (i mean theyre also shit to npd/aspd ppl i just haven't chewed them out for it yet bc every time i do that i end up useless#for the rest of the day at least and i gotta pick my battles)#and idek what i wanna do about the Probably Autism going on man. i've been thinking about doing foster care/adoption for years now#when im older/if im ever financially stable. a diagnosis could basically nuke my options for that#but they'd NEVER believe a self diagnosis#whatever FUCK JT ITS YAKUZING TIME!!!!!!!!!#OH AND IT'S THE FIRST TIME DOING ONE ON LEGEND#which im nervous about bc i never really play stuff on anything but normal#so uh. 😬😬
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Oh My God. My ex got a puppy. (The close ex. Not the bad ex. Fuck the bad exes.) After spending so long trying to convince him and his family to allow me to drag along my big pit bull into their house, he one day just up and ends up with a pit mix puppy and I’m Obsessed With This Tiny Baby.
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Once I’m back in town I’m just going to force my way into the house and do nothing but play with the baby.
#taks speaks#just LOOK AT HER#and yes that's a fridge in his room. i was being mean about it last night tbf.#its the same size as the one in my kitchen yet he said 'its a mini fridge' sure dude. sure.#either way there's now a fridge and a puppy in there#also tbf when i asked to bring along my dog his mom still had a dog and she didn't like other dogs. which is fair.#and then the cat.... but that cat wants to eat the dog#the cat wins 90% of the time and now there's a baby a third of his size#its not that big aussie shepard anymore but a baby pittie#and my god shes like BABY BABY#so littol. so smol. so precious.#she looks just like my sister's dog as a puppy and I've been trying to find the exact pic of him at that age but i CANT#i think my sister is the only one with those pics and those would be on her OLD phone#he's so big now. ended up being the size of my dog. before he ended up with a broken spine and needed to be put down...#which i wasnt there for which is why i was trying to drag him along with me#jeez i still want a new puppy and now im vicariously living through my ex again#hes wanting to run genetic tests on her when shes older to figure out exactly what kind of mutt she is#and im just like 'that's likely a staffy. maybe a bit of boxer'#and he's like 'BUT GENETIC ISSUES'#and im just here like 'that's a mutt. they're healthy. 99% of the time.'#but still for the curiosity. this little girl will get a genetic test#he's grasping at straws trying to guess the breeds and pulled rhodesian ridgeback out#which is a fair guess but she's still got that round baby face so its hard to tell. not to mention no dorsal fur which is a ridgie trait#also that ridgies are extremely rare in this part of the world. they're african dogs.#so me thinks the typical FL brown dog which is usually pit/hound/lab#like the dog that's across the street from me that always greets me when i check the mail#and cur. can't forget about the cur. and if she's a cur then there's going to need to be a lot of exercise.#looking again. yeah. that might be cur.
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marvelstars · 10 days
Anakin Skywalker vs Jedi identity
I have seen many takes I consider bad about Anakin because they are based more on a narrative trope than about the character in the movies but recently I found another one I thought was interesting to analyse.
This idea that Anakin would have forgotten all about the well being of others if he choose to marry Padme and leave with her resigning to his place in the Jedi Order.
This take presumes just because Anakin(and Padme) wish to have a family, make their relationship official and raise their children on their own home instead of sending them to the Jedi order, a perfectly normal and fair aspiration by all measures considering their actual work dedicated to the Jedi Order and the Republic absorbed their childhood, this somehow means Anakin no longer cared about other people because he left the Jedi and the Jedi are involved while he is selfish and only wanted to be a Jedi for fame and the cool lightsaber, an understable take if you are looking at him as a jock trope but that is not the character from the movies, novels, comics or TCW.
For Anakin, the character in the movies, being a Jedi was secondary to freeing the slaves on Tatooine, it was secondary to freeing his mother, secondary to seeking peace in the galaxy, secondary to helping the clones, while at the same time, he had a big amount of respect towards the Jedi beliefs, so much that he bassically memorized their philosophy, he is actually the only main character other than Yoda who talks about Jedi philosophy in PT outside of the context of duty to the Republic and he uses those arguments to defend the Jedi Order from Palpatine´s criticisms , in fact in TPM , in his child mind, being a Jedi was his means towards achieving this ideal of freedom in the outer rim, for Anakin being a Jedi was never an end on itself, it was a means towards making lasting changes.
"I had a dream, I was a Jedi, I came back here and freed all the slaves" - Anakin Skywalker
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It´s interesting for me because if anything Anakin´s problem when it comes to other people is that he cares so much that the Jedi often had to convince him to leave them behind, be it his Mom, Padme, clone troopers, his padawan, etc. His issue with the Jedi Order wasnt their involvement in helping others, that´s what he admired of them, his issue was their detachment often meant him abandoning family or leaving behind people who needed help because of this ideal of a higher duty, the many over the few or the one.
For example, that time he disobeyed orders to go investigate an objective for the republic army and discovered their information was incomplete and they were about to bomb civilians that had been made slaves by the separatists so he went to rescue them before doing their attack.
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This personal characteristic of Anakin would not have changed if he left the Jedi Order to live with Padme, he still would have this urge to do anything in his power to help, because that´s simply who he is as a person since he was a young child, he wants to help, he likes to help, this is why he helped Padme get to her planet, that´s who he is and as much as he respects the Jedi, he can still help even if he left the Order.
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I believe Yoda was right when he rejected Anakin from the Jedi Order at the start of TPM, not because Anakin didn´t have Jedi aptitudes, he already had a lot of them but those were not developed in the context of the Jedi Order, with a Jedi teacher, he learned them from his mother, from seeing the injustice on Tatooine, from wanting to do something about it. Anakin was already too involved with the world outside the Jedi Order as a child for him to adapt to the ways of the Jedi Order or to be content just following the Jedi Code for the rest of his life and this conflict between duty to the Order, to his family, to his friends was exploited by Palpatine.
So in a world in which Anakin married Padme and went to live with her, I don´t believe he would have cared much about losing his Jedi status, because that always had been secondary to his main ideals, which were to make a difference in the galaxy he lived and he would have seek to make that difference married to Padme or not.
This is also why I don´t see him at all as a stay at home Dad/Husband, the moment he was free to explore his own projects he definitely would have tried to make his childhood dream a reality and he definitely would have done so with Padme´s support and whoever wanted to join, he was a child slave who managed to help a Queen and a Jedi with his talents and good will alone, that´s who he is and that didn´t change.
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evansboyfriend · 3 months
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re: age gap discourse
again. abby didn't take advantage of buck in any way, despite their very big and obvious age gap (he was 26 and she was 42). more under the cut because this got loooong.
she didn't groom him. i know i mentioned "25 and 40+" ages in my post but i was throwing some average numbers in there. i was trying to communicate that an age gap isn't inherently problematic, it doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is toxic or abusive or anything. it could be a SIGN. a reason to keep an eye out for such unhealthy power dynamics that may have something to do with age. nuance. you know?
she did approach him looking for something casual (encouraged by carla) because s1 did focus on buck as the 'pretty boy of the LAFD' and buck approached the relationship with the intention of making a commitment (wanting to leave his 'sex addict' ways behind him) and i remember while watching s1, at no point did either of them actually say "this is what i'm looking for in our relationship" and obviously, it was doomed from the beginning. my girl abby was going through it. she didn't have the space in her life for commitment at that point, and it does seem that buck kind of realised it at some point, but buck was committed to her. and when she left, she didn't tell him to wait for her, and yeah, she did do him dirty, she did lowkey ghost him, and buck was left hanging on to nothing and it hurt him a lot. adding to his attachment and/or abandonment issues. in this story... yeah, she'd be "the bad guy" but it's not as black and white. i love buck but i dont hate abby.
one thing that personally really grossed me out was the dinner date. im 30 years old, and this is my thought process: if i was on a date with someone much younger who was about to order alcohol and i was thinking "what if they get carded and i dont" i would NOT be giggling. i would haul ass out of there faster than quicksilver (evan peters). yeah yeah this is fiction and im not abby but im at the age where anyone younger than 25 is a BABY to my eyes. and im not infantalising anyone. i remember being 25. it wasnt that long ago. this is the kind of thing other people my age + older might understand. its hard to explain. but its very much the, i'm at a different stage in my life. i have matured in the last 5 years more than i ever thought possible. and the thing is, maybe someone who's 25 might be where i am at 30, because we all have different life experiences, you know? anyway this is all my personal perspective. my only "issue" wrt to "the age gap" with these two lol
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tobacconist · 3 months
Okay like i actually feel so guilty and this isnt even a joke. i dont know how to say this without sounding insane but yes; wizards are real. i am one of them. no, i havent been to hogwarts. yes, i do have a wand. no, i won't show it to you. etc, etc. genuinely this weighs heavy on my soul. ive talked about this before but i feel like its important for me to write this out once again. j confess it: j was party to them what put that curse on jk rowling. (iykyk) like, bitch, im actually so sorry. it was never meant to go this far. i mean i never meant for... well, i dont think any of us did (originally) but now we are where we are, and theres no turning back. not now.
basically, there was a big uproar in the wizarding community after that play 'the cursed child' came out. idk, i never saw it. you see, jk rowling didnt actually 'write' the harry potter series. she 'wrote' it, but it was not actually 'wrought' by her, like... to put it bluntly, the original was all based off of real events (albeit with significant alterations) and ,madame, was the one chosen to write the 'muggle-redacted' version, because she has (distant) wizard ancestry. she herself is completely unaware of this. well then, anyway, then there was the fantastic beasts saga; and, like, we were ALL pissed off. even the muggles sensed that something wasnt right. it wasnt 'magical'. it was a disgrace. so... yeah... we did it. we... uh... put that powder on her doorstep, so to speak. we crossed some bones. it was actually nothing to do with transness at all to begin with, it was about some political shit to do with the labour party and jeremy corbyn? or something like that? idk, were not supposed to vote and be political, we have our own kings and queens. anyway yeah we were just sore about how we were portrayed in it and especially how she distorted the whole plotline about grindelwald and harrys children. like bitch, if youre listening, tell me: WHY DIDNT YOU WRITE 'THE FOUR MARAUDERS' LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!? OR 'THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALBUS DUMBLEDORE' OR 'HOGWARTS A HISTORY'? or ANYTHING ELSE! it could have all been so different... 'fantastic beasts'??? sorry what??? it was genuinely like smearing dogshite upon our screens. im sorry love, but were still right angry about it. we loved you... how... how could you? 'newt scamander' - who is this fellow? we have never heard of him. oh, what? did you feel some tingle of inspiration? some new character, who loves magical creatures. he was expelled from hogwarts... fond relationship with dumbledore... THATS HAGRID! THATS THE YOUNG HAGRID! FUCK! anyway yeah, i didnt watch any of the other ones cus it was just embarrassing to see johnny depp dressed up like that.
and ofcourse there was all the other stuff before that (dont forget to be awesome!) but basically we cast a spell, several spells, and sent evil fortunes to be upon her. i regret it deeply. but by gum was the woman strong! i beg you all to realise that she literally was not transphobic until we caused this incessant stream of abuse to be directed towards her. like, we literally did this to her. on purpose. it was a targeted campaign of psychic harassment and manipulation that we have put her through for YEARS, and its only a few months ago that she truly started to crack. weve all since disbanded, because covens never stay together very long; thats why hogwarts is only a dream - but the spells have been spoken and the weird it is weft, and it would be a strong hand that would unweave them. that is to say - it is ongoing, and i am so sorry sorry sorry sorry
and for the record :- transexuality/homosexuality/genderqueerness/goatfucking is literally not an issue in wizard society we literally have potions that can change your gender in an instant or turn it back again, most of us have non-human ancestry, and we regularly trade our sperm and eggs with other species such as elves and the chinese. so there.
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raffe156 · 2 years
Breakaway State part 3
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Pairing - Price X Female OC “Tank”
Summary - Tank is a thief, Price is still having bad dreams, Luke pitching a tent, Toy fighting*, Mckinley has control issues, Jumping out of helicopters and Kyle is just happy to have Tank back.
A/N - Honestly, I love you lot! The memes the asks all of it thank you so much! I know this was meant to be Sqaud * and 141 sharing but I've split it up to be honest it just means the next bit is halfway done and will be uploaded sooner x
Warnings - NSFW, smut, safe sex, p in v, Angst. Language, Age gap Price (39) reader (25), Violence, fighting, abuse, abuse of power, injury, Blood, mentions of death, mentions of scars
I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha 
Tags:  @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81  @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost @fluffysmiko @bangirl134 @mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake @boomtowngirl @fanficandartgal @merakiaes @tapioca-marzipan @boniscute @chb-7 @adicthao @a-littlebirdie @mostannoyingbillioner @brewed-pangolin
If I've missed anyone, please let me know ​
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters - Only Tank, Luke, Dredd and Mckinley
Masterlist link here
“You heard anything from Tank, Kyle?” Price knew you and him spoke often.
“No not spoke to her since last week…Oh But I did get sent a picture…wanna see?” Kyle pulled his phone out searching for the image. He smiled angling his phone towards Price. It was a candid picture of you, you looked deep in thought or spaced out the looks were the same. You must have been on a mission when it was taken as your were fully geared up AK hugged to your body, you were cold…you hated the cold. Price stared at the image for a few minute longer…then he noticed your hat…a black beanie with a little green stitch, too big for your head because it wasnt yours, it was his. Price gave a little chuckle. When had you swiped that from him?
“Something funny boss? I know she looks like a right miserable get” Kyle took another look at the phone smiling.
Price felt a sense of pride knowing you had his hat on, even thought the T-shirt was back with him you still had his hat, still holding on. Still had some of him with you.
“Yeh she does…who sent it to you?” Price still hadn’t looked away from your face.
“Dredd sent it over, said she’s doing ok, but…” Kyle paused he thought for a moment if it was a good idea to tell Price what Dredd had mentioned.
“But? Go on…” The flutter in his chest had been replaced by a sinking feeling now. Something wasn’t right and it something wasnt right he needed to know.
“No…I think she’s just homesick…you know how she is…different team, different ways of doing things Tank is stubborn shell learn”
“Yeh you can say that again…if she would have spoken to me I would have put her straight…Mckinley is a nut job…but hey she went off thinking she knew best…”
It was clear Price still felt the sting of you leaving without telling him and his nights were still plagued with vivid nightmares, the latest one was of him of finding your lifeless body in a ditch, him being too late to save you as always, Mckinley taunting him from inside his head. It was safe to say Price hadn’t had a good night's sleep in weeks, but what else was new.
“That’s meant to be a 2 man tent?” You looked at Luke as he finished hammering in the last tent peg.
“Yes it's meant to be a 2 man tent… cosy one” He burst out laughing he had no idea how the air mattress would fit. Neither did you…least you were used to sleeping on the cold ground, there was that time in Bahrain when you and Price had slept in a ditch together in the middle of the desert. A faint smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. Luke thought it was for him.
“Have you seen through my plan? Is now a good time to say there’s only one sleeping bag? It’s an extra large double one, but I’m a big guy” He backed you up against his Old Defender, arms either side of you. He did cause a stir inside you he really did, your body reacted well to him, but your mind hesitated.
“Only one sleeping bag? Why do I feel like I’m in a romance novel? I’m sure we will manage Luke, I’ve done my fair share of sharing single mattresses and sleeping bags! It will have to do for the next 2 days” You laughed thinking about when you had to share a single bed with Kyle in a grim hotel just outside of Columbia, Kyle was a cuddler. That had been for 2 nights only getting a few hours relief when Price would wake Kyle up to change watch. Price had slept in the questionable armchair the first 2 nights letting you take the bed, he only gave in when you shouted at him to get in bed on the last night. When Kyle came to wake you up to switch he had found you tucked into Price, your face buried in his side and his arm around you tight. Kyle decided against waking you and went back on watch. Later when being asked why he hadn’t woke you. He said it was too precious of a moment to ruin! It was the best you had both slept…especially as later that night you ended up getting shot not telling Price and attempting to sew yourself back up.
“I’d love to visit that planet that you go to so much?” Luke was currently fiddling with the drawstring on your hoodie.
“Ill get you a ticket for next time” you reached up pulling him into a kiss just as he pulled the drawstrings tight making your hood close up.
The fire crackled, the smoke permeating your pores and hair follicles. As you watched it crackle, Luke watched you, the way the warm orange glow light up inside your eyes and the way the shadows moved around your face.
“Getting pretty late, wanna hit the hay?” He couldn't hide the smirk, he knew you could see right through him. You shook your head, laughing. Oh yeh you definitely did see right through him.
“Yeh wow look at the time…9:30pm” You leaned into him. His sturdiness supporting you. Luke rested his head on top of yours he loved the way the smoke had mixed with the smell of your shampoo, he could smell it on your skin as well, Smokey sweet vanilla, it made his mouth water. He pulled your face up to meet his, his lips softly making their way up your neck, his beard rough on your soft flesh. It gave you goosebumps, he could feel them under his lips. He wanted you there and then out in the open, next to the fire.
“Luke…lets get inside the tent….” You ran your fingers through his hair , your nails raking his scalp. He didn’t need to be told twice, he picked you up almost falling into the tent.
“Christ sake Luke! Haha don’t want the air mattress popping do we!” Your heart was beating through your chest. Were you nervous? You watched as Luke fumbled with the zip of the tent. He quickly removed his boots an yours as he did you pulled your hoodie over your head, Luke mirrored your motions also removing his jumper. A grin plastered on his face he made you giddy.
“Help me off with my pants please…” it was a genuine request there wasn’t any room to stand up in the tent so pulling them off was a struggle, he nodded instead of rushing like before he gently hooked his fingers into the waistband slowly shimming them down your legs till they slipped off. He unbuckled his belt leaning forward to slip his jeans off his backside as he did he fell forward into you, making you both burst out laughing.
You helped him pull them off with your foot.
Luke knelt infront of you, both in just a T-shirt and underwear, he began to run his hand back up you leg the roughness of his palm causing a little gasp to escape, his thumb stopping over a large scar on your thigh. Oh you remembered why you were nervous now…Luke still didn’t know what you really did for a job…he hadn’t seen all your scars he had only seen the ones on your hands. It was a good job blood didn’t stain skin. What would he say, maybe he wouldn’t notice all of them, there was a fair few. Maybe you could leave your T-shirt on? Maybe he wouldn’t even ask?
“How did you get that?” He was still running his finger along it. Shit. You had been stabbed by one of the world's most wanted terrorists? No!
“Fell off my bike as a kid…into a metal fence” you quickly pulled his face forward into yours, kissing him gently, catching his bottom lip in your teeth. Even in the dimly lit tent you could see his pupils had blown completely. He had all but forgotten about your scar, but you still started thinking of other excuses to explain the many others. Luke pulled his top over his head you instinctively reached out to touch his chest, you ran your fingers over the dark chest hair. He was solid exactly how you had imagined. He pulled you to the edge of the air mattress, you thighs resting on top of his, he was boiling hot it almost stung your skin. When had you breathing got so heavy? He motioned to remove your T-shirt but you clung to it, you hands flying down to hold the hem. Luke’s up in the air as if he was showing he was unarmed.
“Ok…top can stay on…but can I…” he reached around you slowly as if you may snap at him any moment. Once you realised he was just trying to unhook your bra you eased up, pulling the straps down to help slip it out from under your T-shirt. As soon as the bra was off he gently pushed you down onto your back. He rested his hand on your hip his thumb rubbing back and forth. It sent a pulse down to your core. With his other he cupped your breast softly licking at your nipple through your T-shirt softly biting at it as it hardened under his touch. Arching your back you felt his bulge brush against your centre he was big. You felt the rumble of a moan as he sucked your nipple he was now rubbing his thumb over your other one. Even through the T-shirt, you could feel his warm breath as he sucked. You wanted his hands all over you wanted them searing into your skin. As he pulled back to admire you he let out a small groan. His mouth sounded wet an you wanted it on you.
“Look at what you’ve done to me…” he had pulled his cock out an began slowly stroking himself you could hear the wet sounds of it in his fist as he pumped away. He knew how to pull at your cords you could feel the slickness in between your thighs your underwear as soaked as your T-shirt.
“Touch yourself for me…” He almost sounded like he was begging. You did as you were told pulling you underwear to the side. Before you could get your hand near yourself Luke had your fingers in his mouth his tongue running over each finger. You nearly melted into the floor.
“Nice an wet for you…” he placed his free hand on your thigh a tight grip. You were speechless.
You dipped your fingers inside yourself, an you were right he did know how to pull at your cords. As you rubbed little circles over your clit Luke pushed his middle finger inside you, your walls immediately clenched around him.
“Let’s see what two fingers does to you eh?” As the words left his lips he slipped his ring finger inside you slowly curling them up, the thickness of them caused you to let out a little whimper.
“There’s a good girl…does that feel nice? Tell me”
“It feels so good…sir…”
The combination of you rubbing yourself an his fingers had made your mind go to mush. You didn’t realise what you had said till you heard Luke chuckle.
“Sir? I like that…what about Captain?”
The word brought you round from your haziness, like a smack to the face it felt like a sharp sting. Luke picked up on your sudden mood change while slipping the condom on.
“Sorry too far?…I don’t mind sir…or whatever” in an effort not to ruin the mood you played along, he wasn’t to know you had imagined many a time Your real Captain an you in this very same situation. He didn’t know he was partly to blame for you an said Captain coming to blows an ultimately deciding it wouldn’t work, he didn’t know you had left your team and your captain as you couldn’t stand to be around him an his “girlfriend” and now called another man Captain a man who paled in comparison a man who if you were being honest scared you half to death.
Luke didn’t know how much weight that word carried.
“No…not at all” you reached out to him giving him your best smile even in the growing darkness of the tent. He angled his body as he hunched over you kissing your neck, his skin smelt of cut grass, cold air and aftershave. It tasted salty as you kissed his shoulder. He slowly edge the tip inside you pushing just halfway in allowing you to adjust around him.
“God it feels so good even with this on…” He edged in further. You could feel him holding back as if he was scared he was going to break you, he was definitely the biggest you had had the full feeling was a new one an you had to angle your hips so he didn’t hit your cervix but even at this pace you were close.
“You can be abit rough you know I don’t mind at all…sir” You kissed under his jaw as you whispered into his ear. Your words sent him wild causing him to buck his hips into yours the sound of his thighs slapping against your backside could probably be heard across the site, but you both didn’t care. Both crying out into the night like wild animals. Both melting together, as you came undone under him the faint smell of cigars and gun oil filled your nose and instead of a mess of dark curls was a short clipped auburn cut, pale grey eyes replaced for dark blue ones. You weren’t looking at Luke you were looking at John. You shut your eyes and kissed John away deciding it wasn’t fair to Luke.
He let out a low grunt as his hips stuttered. He crashed down to your side pulling you tightly to him, his hair falling in front of his face.
He ran his thumb over your lips as you combed your fingers through his dark curly hair pushing it out of his face.
“Where have you been all my life woman?” He kissed the top of your head.
Fighting a never ending war alongside your Captain.
“What do you mean sharing the base sir?” Kyle had mixed emotions on one hand he got to see you for a few days on the other he had to see you with a different team, with another Captain.
“Squad 8 are going to be bunking here for a few days a quick stop over before they are relocated to their next housing state” Price avoided eye contact with Kyle, he knew he would give himself away. He was looking forward to seeing you, maybe get a chance to talk with you, but the idea of Mckinley lurking around made his blood pressure rise.
“Well, at least we get Tank for a few days eh boss? Like the good old days” Kyle gave him a weak smile. They both missed you and this was better than nothing.
“hahaha ok, ok, you win! I submit!” Crest tapped your leg causing you to release him from the arm bar you had him in.
“Told you didn’t I? Haha even at 6ft 2’ Crest, no man is too big to fall!” You laughed, helping him up from the ground. Crest laughed as you hoisted him up.
“Small but might eh Tank? Got some strength in you girl…Glad your on our side!” He patted you on the back. Dredd threw you your water bottle.
“Think that move will help me bag Ghosty?” She leant on the ropes of the boxing ring, you cocked your eyebrow at her, she was being deadly serious.
“I think it would take more than that to bag Ghost…” You scoffed, but you did imagine how you would grapple him to the ground, he defiantly wouldn’t go down as easy as Crest.
“Imagining how you would do it?”
Dredd threw a towel at your head. From the corner of your eye you spotted Mckinley strutting into the gym hall as he got closer the mood changed dramatically as if a dark cloud had rolled in on an otherwise sunny day. The cut was just healing above Crest's eyebrow from where Mckinley had struck him that night. You had never seen a Captain turn on his lieutenant like that in all your years of service, maybe the odd cross word but nothing on that level, you thought of Price and Ghost going to blows like that…
“Not packing up yet are you?” McKinley’s words cut through the room, Dredd flickered her eyes at your hand wraps as if to say ‘start unwrapping them now’ but it was already too late.
“Course not, still have your wraps on Tank…how about it? Let's see if you can knock me on my arse like you did to Crest…come on let's see how well Price trained you?”
Before you could answer he was already in the ring. He was stocky and well built, you had sparred with bigger men and women but none as volatile as him.
“Ok…fair enough…but I’m warning you, Price taught me well” you gave him a playful smirk, a little bit of banter. You regretted it instantly as his grin had dropped into a straight line in the blink of an eye. Dredd looked from you to Mckinley, her expression said it all…
As you readied yourself, you noticed him watching you like a hawk, you just needed to get him on his arse as quickly as possible, take him down, but then wouldn’t that just make him angrier? But you couldn't just let him win?
The first blow to your stomach caused you to double over…the wind knocked from your lungs…
“HEY!! I hadn’t even rung the bell!” Dread was shouting from the side.
“Sorry but she wasn't paying attention…thought I'd bring her back down to earth…no time to be daydreaming out in the field Tank, that’s how you die…No Captain Price here to jump in front of a bullet for you…” His lip curled up as he spoke. Your blood began to boil. He was rilling you up. He wanted you unfocused. Dredd rang the bell.
“I took the bullet for him actually!” You managed to evade his next punch by ducking as you did you reached to lock his leg into a hold to pull him down, but he was one step ahead and his elbow connected with your shoulder blade. You just needed to get him on his back.
“That’s even worse…which shoulder was it…this one?” He shot a blow to your shoulder. The pain ripped through it like toothache. He was pushing you off the edge now.
“No wonder you left…must of gone soft in his old age eh?” He attempted another jab to your shoulder, but you managed to block this one landing a blow to his chest. It seemed to only hype him up further, but you knew he had felt the rage behind it. You took your chance your blows rained in on him, tight and fast but not fast enough his elbow came up again clashing with your skull this time, before you could right yourself another blow to your chest, then a third to your head. He didn’t stop. He had you where he wanted you now. You could hear the bell ringing but he didn’t stop blow after blow you could hear Dredd shouting for him to stop…his final punch was to your face he had seen an opening and went for it. Your lip smashed against your teeth splitting instantly. It rattled your skull.
You reached out with one hand resting it on his forearm the other palm up in surrender…you looked up at him…so close that you could hear his heartbeat. He changed his stance, disarming himself. Mckinley glanced down at your lip, blood from your nose had mingled with that from your lips causing your teeth to be stained dark red. He swiped his thumb along your bottom lip, the salt from his hands causing it to sting.
“Don’t worry…your with me now…I'll toughen you up”
“How long have you been sat here?” Ghost handed Kyle a coffee. It was about 5am, cold and windy, but Kyle had been sat outside waiting for you to arrive.
“Not long actually…they should be arriving soon…where’s the Captain?” Kyle took the coffee gladly. He knew Price was probably hiding in his office using the excuse of paperwork to keep him busy. Ghost lifted his mask up to drink his tea, black no sugar, two teabags.
“He’s hiding in his office… don't blame him to be honest…Mckinley is a cunt wouldn’t be surprised if he nuts him as soon as he claps eyes on him…they go way back…Price was there when he got the nickname The Buthcer…nasty little fucker…” Ghost clocked Kyles's shocked expression.
“An he’s Tank's new Captain? What the fuck?” Kyle pressed his fingers into his eyes. What were you doing?
“We need to talk to her, I don't like this…she doesn’t belong with them…she’s 141 born and bred, Price needs to talk some sense into her…I need to talk some sense into her…Its not right…” Ghost rested his hand on Kyles's shoulder he felt sorry for the lad he really did miss you, If he was being honest Ghost missed you.
“Listen Kyle…she’s made of strong stuff our girl…she’ll be ok you never know she might love being with them…”
Your stomach was in knots, as the helicopter got closer to the base. You knew Kyle would be waiting for you he had text you late last night. Dredd had done her best at treating your lip and covering your black eye and brushed cheekbone, but it was no good you looked busted. Your plan was to tell them you fell…easily done in your line of work. God you hated how you were trying to cover for Mckinley, bu you wanted to avoid as much chaos as possible the next few days. You glanced out the window, you were half a mile out from the base, but you could still make out Kyle in blue and the huge black mass that was Ghost. Your heart jumped in your chest, you hadn’t realised how much you had missed them. Noticing your little smile Dredd squeezed your thigh.
“Kyle is so cute bet he's been waiting since early this morning…He really does wear that mask all the time doesn’t he?” Dredd was now leaning over you to get a better look at Ghost.
“He really does…I’m going to get him to take it off one day…” You both giggled like school girls. Mckinley cleared his throat his boot knocking yours. You exchanged looks with Dredd. You grew impatient as the helicopter descended, already unbuckling your belt, Kyle noticed your squirming in your seat his heart swelling at the site of you, he couldn't hold it in he set off jogging towards the helicopter.
“And there he goes…” Ghost sighed a smile pulling at his mouth.
The landing was taking too long, as soon at it touched the ground you didn’t even wait to be cleared or dismissed by Mckinley, you bolted like a dog off its lead, nearly hitting the deck you legged it towards Kyle jumping up into his open arms. You breathed him in, fresh air, wet tarmac, coffee and lynx body spray you had missed it, he smelt like home.
“Missed me Garrick?” You didn’t even lift your head, instead you held on to him tigher, he did the same.
“Course I did you clown!”
Kyle glanced over at Squad 8, He clocked Mckinley straight away, he was the guy starting through him.
“Come on you two, break it up…” Ghost caught a glimpse of your face. His eyes narrowed.
“What the fuck is that about?” He pulled your face up towards the light. He could feel his blood boiling.
“Kyle put her down…let me see your face…now” you tried to brush him off but he wasn't playing around. Kyle turned his head to look at what the fuss was about. His eyes widened as he saw your cheekbone.
“What the fuck Tank? How did that happen?” Kyle was now holding your face and inspecting your lip.
“I fell over while out on recon, uneven terrain wasn't watching where I was going you know me…” They looked at each other, they didn’t buy it. Ghost looked over at Mckinley, then back at you.
Surely he wasn't that stupid to bring you back damaged, knocked about…Ghost knew Mckinley believed in ‘Tought love’, but was he that arrogant that he wanted to show off his handy work to Price. Ghost sighed.
“Fair enough Kid, come on let's get you inside it's cold.”
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umbreoncomplex · 2 months
did it have to be a fucking fire?
(aka my google docs rant written from 3 to 4 am about spirit of justice and apollos backstory)
okay to preface this is not an essay. this is a yap session. my word isnt law on anything but instead by opinions based on my life and upbringing. im no be all end all for how you should view ace attorney and apollo but i cant NOT talk about him
so like, i have major fucking issues with spirit of justice. a lot of different issues. one of them is apollo. something i struggle with a lot as an adoptee is representation in media. its not that big of a deal i guess. but its frustrating what the limited pool of adoptee characters is filled with. a lot of it are these grandiose tragedies orphaning a child. which can happen in the real world. im not denying the existence of those orphaned by great tragedy. but it feels like the only type of adoptee representation out there. a lot of times, it feels like their tragedy is more of a spectacle than anything, rather than actually treated as a tragedy. after having finished aa4, before really knowing anything about aa6, i would lightheartedly talk about how i appreciated apollo and trucy not having the backstory of their parents dying in a great tragic fire on a boat out on sea wherein they had to abandon their baby in a basket and push it across the sea. you can imagine my reaction to learning how apollos dad died considering the choice of examples i tend to joke about
because, look, trucy is a good example of a way you can use some of the admittedly crazy circumstances of ace attorney while not falling into tired tropes about adoptees. she was the daughter of a single father and was abandoned by him. he didnt die some sort of heroic death or whatever. he left her. simple as that. sure, he disappeared in a magic act to escape a criminal conviction, but it was a breath of fresh air after a lot of carbon copy orphaning stories. and you know what sweetened the deal with me? thalassa coming back. thalassa regaining her memories. and still not returning to trucy. that hit such a good emotional spot for me. adoption exists in a great many different forms. some bio parents never get told the whereabouts of their children. but some do. some are only a call away from their bio children and refuse to get in contact with them. and in a world where most adoptees i saw were orphans, it hit me hard to have a character with the experience of, not only having living bio parents, but those who did not reach out to them. sure, thalassa promises to tell trucy and apollo eventually, but shes still pushing it off. still refuses it for a while. and it almost made me cry
this isnt even mentioning trucys relationship with nick and the gramaryes. a lot of stories either prioritize blood family or chosen family and refuse to let you have both. but there are children who experience both. children who do love or want to love both their biological and adopted families. and trucy is not demonized for wanting to love both. she calls zak and nick daddy and, sure, theres a joke about how it gets confusing, but its not Bad that she cares for both, that she still considers both her parents. and thats something special. especially as she wasnt adopted at birth. she did live with the gramaryes for a not insignificant amount of time. if she wants to keep her connections, her feelings, then let her
in aa4 and aa5 we hardly get any information about apollos family aside from his connection to thalassa and trucy, and honestly, i was very okay with that. i liked him serving as a mostly blank slate. i had been excited to project my own experiences on him, especially as he was from thalassa’s first marriage, meaning thalassa had very purposefully left him behind. far before her whole assumed death. thats another thing i cried about and i think its very telling of the type of experience ive had. we didnt know much about his fathers death by aa4, but i was honestly fine with the idea of apollo being left to a single father who died. i was a little wary, considering how orphaning tends to be handled, but i had hope. theres plenty of ways to die after all. and both trucy and apollo had a lot more grounded experiences than i was used to. i dont ever expect to find characters who experiences match my own by like 80% but im not that broken up about it, especially when aa4 handled apollo and trucy surprisingly well
and of course, i ended up being spoiled for aa6 before playing. and my frustration got to fester for like weeks until i finished up aa6. and it just kept getting worse. apollos dad dies in a fire. sure, ironic and mildly annoying but not that big of a deal. apollo was raised by the leader of a rebellion. okay… not the biggest fan but sure i gues. the fire was part of an assassination plot. what the fuck are you on about now. apollos foster father was the husband to the queen who was assassinated, also connecting apollo to the royalty of another country. now im sick of all this. theres a whole nother argument to be made about WHY apollo was given this backstory which im absolutely going to touch on at a later date. but it was honestly disheartening to learn about his backstory. what i loved about aa4 was how much more realistic these stories felt compared to everything else. but sure make him an illegitimate prince to a throne as well as the son of an infamous rebel. whatever man. i dont care (Cares a lot). it was just a slap in the face. and maybe thats my fault for getting too excited about any adoptees in media. but like jesus man. did you really have to do all that? i get ace attorney has a thing for these crazy plots and schemes and pieces falling together but i swear to god apollos story just feels like such a tropey mess compared to others.
i can live with jove dying in a fire. thats fine. i am MORE than okay with apollo growing up in khura’in, either being born there or not. if aa6 handled khura’in half decently, it couldve been fun to explore. unfortunately, aa6 handled khura’in Horribly. where you start adding in the plotlines about the defiant dragons and dhurks marriage to amara you just. lose me so thoroughly. i just lose my excitement an interest. because apollo is another of the hundreds of adoptee stories that couldve been good, couldve given representation to people like me, an opportunity to see a very underdiscussed part of our lives in media, but ended up falling so short. it feels like no one wants to write an adoptee unless theyre a spectacle. and yea i get it stories are stories you gotta make things interesting whatever. but so many mundane aspects of life are written about time and time again. so many life experiences are included as a Normal part of existence, rather than something you have to dramaticize so heavily. adoption in media feels like a tool rather than an author legitimately wanting to write about more diverse life experience. someone being an adoptee or an orphan is usually used to provide a narrative reason for a characters family being uninvolved in the story, to connect to them to a grand plot or scheme (orimarily through character relations), or for the beloved angst factor of a tragic childhood. and its tiring. does anyone care about the children of teen pregnancies? the children of international adoption? the rehomed or the abandoned or the neglected or the displaced? i could be here for hours concocting various types of adoptees that can exist in the world because its such a large spectrum of experience. but it feels like no one cares. maybe im making a mountain out of a molehill, but i had high hopes for ace attorney, and it hurt to have them crushed. its hard wanting to get excited about adoptee characters when theyre consistently placed in the same character templates to be repeated over and over again. i wish my story was treated as a real life possibility. as a type of person who can exist in the world. so often are adoptees and their stories mystified in media. or, on the other end, are completely ignored and disregarded. adoptee characters never feel like theyre written as, or discussed in fandom as, characters with traits that people can have, but instead as completely fictional tropes and archetypes. every day i see arguments about shipping adopted characters and so often it feels like adoption only exists as the fictional and hypothetical. and apollo just feels emblematic of this to me. because he had potential. we saw this potential in trucy. but they had to make him “interesting”. had to spice up his story. had to justify his involvement in khura’in because otherwise the story starts feeling too much like a white savior story. they didnt come here to write a realistic adoptee. and maybe i shouldnt be putting that expectation on writers. but goddamn i am sick of dining on crumbs. im sick of only finding myself in headcanons that I MYSELF HAVE TO CREATE
apollos backstory deserved better
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Why Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc Fumbled the 77th Class
(QUICK EDIT BECAUSE I REALIZE I WASNT CLEAR: MY beef isn't with brainwashing as a whole in the danganronpa universe. I think there are good points in the story for it to be used. My beef is using one video to mass brainwash the entire 77th class in one go when there was a lot more interesting and effective ways to do it. Instead of an interesting plot device used to explain more inconsequential parts of the greater story, Despair Arc uses it like a crutch. Just because the concept exists doesn't mean it was the right choice for every instance)
So, recently I rewatched the entire D3 Anime with my lovely fiance. I was in the trenchs of the fandom when the show was originally airing, so I thought it would be a great revisit.
It brought me to a realization. The entire brainwashing the remnents felt like the writers way of digging themselves out of a corner that they dug themselves into. What do I mean?
I mean that they couldn't have Junko dragging the 77th class into despair, because they scrubbed away all of the character's most interesting flaws in order to make them into one big happy class of good people.
Don't get me wrong, the characters do have flaws still. But they're almost all downplayed, or so minor you miss them completely. And the few characters that do get to keep some flaws like Nagito, have their entire characters changed anyway to make them more likable. I assume this was because they wanted to play up Chiaki as the group's glue. They wanted to show that Chiaki was this symbol of hope that united her classmates as one. The problem with that is now the class has no reason to fall into despair that they couldn't overcome as a team.
Compare this to how each character was at the start of Danganronpa 2. I'll list some examples to help illustrate what I'm saying here.
Akane Owari
DR2: Akane is extremely spirited, loyal, and impulsive. One of the first things we learn about her is that she marches to the beat of her own drum and doesn't really like to be told what to do by others. Its that impulsive, headstrongness that is one of her most endearing traits and damning flaws. Its amazing when she refuses to let Monokuma's mind games beat down her spirit, but it back fires when she gets over confident and charges into a fight she couldn't win. It ends up getting one of her friends hurt.
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(Note: Akane starts the fight with Monokuma despite warning, and Nekomaru gets hurt. She's devasted)
DR3: Akane is very spririted still, and obviously loves her friends very much. But her impulsiveness is scrubbed down to a joke. Sure, she destroys the classroom with Nekomaru. But no one really gets hurt and its just played for laughs. Her big flaw doesn't end up affecting herself, others, or the plot in the slightest so instead of it being a flaw, its just a quirk.
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(Note: Oh no, she takes steroids. Hahahha, anyway. No consquenses here.)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
DR2: Fuyuhiko starts out extremely abrasive, rude, and rejects others at every turn despite an obivious desire to be apart of the group. He sees himself as not wanting to rely on others, and expects rejection in return. The only reason he changes is because his source of socialization and trust, Peko, its taken away from him making him confront the reality of having to accept others.
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(Note: Fuyuhiko literally spends all of his time and dialog being as rude and anti-social as possible up until Peko dies.)
DR3: In a brillant move of character assasination, Fuyuhiko is literally one of the first people to accept Chisa, has little to no issues getting along with his classmates beyond acting a little edgy, and its just another memeber of the big happy family. Why? What happened to him learning to distrust others thanks to being distrusted himself? What happened to his "I can do it by myself" additude? For some reason, the writing team felt like it was better to skip all of his growth, learning, and redemption so they could have him be a cool tough guy with a heart of gold in the end. Like they were scared people wouldn't like him anymore if he *gasp* hadn't gone through anything that forced him to change?! Even though this is the DESPAIR arc?!
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(Note: He literally spends 3 seconds fighting Chisa before giving up and respecting her because she threatened him. This is the guy who literally tells you his parents have tried to murder him during arguements with a laugh. But yeah sure he's going to 1. Believe his teacher is gonna kill him. 2. Respond to a violent threat with respect and not more violence. Because no one ever tried threatening him in DR2 only for him to not react to it at all ://)
Mahiru Koizumi
DR2: Mahiru is an obvious moral compass, always trying to do what she thinks is right. At first glance, you're tempted to think that she's immune to having a flaw like self-rightousness, since she presents herself as very selfless and I believe she does strive to become that. But she's human at the end of the day. In chapter 2 we discover she dilberately helped Sato hide her murder. She threw away evidence that she knew lead to Sato being found out as the killer. Sure, Sato was her friend and she didn't want to stand by and let her friend be killed but it was the wrong thing to do. Ironically, she was no better then Kuzuryu here. Making the situation worse by trying to protect someone she loved.
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(Note: Sato literally confesses to the murder, and in the next seen Mahiru covers up for her.)
DR3: Mahiru is literally just a sweet, shy, angel with a good head on her shoulders. They literally change the dialog in Twilight Syndrome Murder case to where Mahiru no longer knows Sato is a killer. WHY?!
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(Note: Sato LITERALLY DENIES having killed Natsumi, and Mahiru is all like 'Okey I believe you!' no photos. Nothing. Just done.)
I could sit here and write out examples for all of the class 77 characters (Don't get me started on the destruction of Nagito), but we would be here all day.
In short, Despair Arc, despite its name decided to scrub away every major flaw from its cast of characters and ended up backing itself into a corner. Sure, if they kept the original characterizion, its easy to figure out how Junko drags everyone into despair. She could pray on Mahiru's guilt over her part in the murder. But because they insisted on hyping up 77 as this hopeful, supportive crew, it no longer became realisitic for Junko to break them down one by one because they all clearly have 14 other reasons to keep on moving towards hope.
It feels like the only character they didn't do this with was Mikan, but they didn't even take advantage of her insecurity and show Junko twisting her mind into relying on Junko herself. She's just brainwashed. They're all brainwashed. That's it. That's the only reason they're in despair.
And it doesn't make the characters better, or more likable. Fuyuhiko is my favorite character, not because of all his good traits, but because he had to earn them and still has flaws regardless of them.
But at the end of the day, the biggest crime here is the DESPAIR ARC had less despair then the DR2. Its just, the class being buddies and 'oh no brainwashing :(('
Which begs the question, why class 77B? Why not any other class? We know that Junko, when choosing followers, seeks out people who already are vunerable in some way. (See Warriors of Hope as an example) I'm not saying all the characters had to start off depressed and easily manipulated. But if you kept their original characterizations from the beginning of DR2, thats all Junko would need to get her foot in the door. But with how they are in DR3, there's nothing about them that special or would give the impression that they'll be any easier to break apart then her own classmates. What I enjoyed about the remnents of despair reveal orignally was that I could (Despite my undying love for all the characters) how they could be used and abused until they fell into despair. A clever manipulator could see that too.
So Despair Arc's solution? Brainwashing! Junko didn't have to pick a class who had enough gaps she could wedge herself into. She could pick any randos and carry out her plan anyway with ease by murdering Chiaki. Yaaaaaaay.
Honestly the character that gets the worst scrubbing here is Junko herself. Sure, we as an audience don't get a lot of information about her motives, what makes her tick, any of that. But we do know that when she does something, she wants to do it in a way that causes the most despair possible. Thats literally the only thing we really can be sure about. So, you're telling me she'd opt for just brainwashing her core group of followers instead of savoring in destroying the last bit of hope inside all of them. Bringing them into despair one by one and having them spend the rest of their days serving the person who maniuplated and abused them into unrecognizable versions of themselves who can no longer pull themselves out of despair on their own. Not because they were brainwashed, but because she broke them so far they see no other path.
The brainwashing idea as a whole is fine. But when the only thing that sets the remnents of despair apart from the parade of reserve course students, and the Future Arc victims is that they don't die from their brainwashing. That sucks.
Like I said, for the Despair Arc, it sure seemed like a pretty hopeful story with a tragic ending. This should have been an arc that left the viewer reeling, praying for someone to swoop in and save these kids despite the fact we already knew they were doomed from the start. Because we knew what they could become. We should have been left feeling despair right along with the characters because we saw their dreams, confidence, and hopes all broken away.
What did I feel at the end of the arc instead?
"Oh, its cool how they show shots of all of them starting the tragedy"
I said that aloud because it was all I had to say. I didn't feel anything about the brainwashing and affects afterwards. Yes, there is a sad element knowing that none of their actions were their fault at the end of the day. But its not *despair* its just a shame. I don't blame any of them and thats the problem.
Naegi took a chance and tries to save the remnents? Well duh. They're brainwashed. Its not their fault why wouldn't he forgive them?
MAN EVEN NAEGI GETS THE SHAFT HERE. Because instead of him later having to make the hardest decision imaginable, having to help and forgive the people to hurt him badly because it was the right thing to do, its now an easy decision anyone with a brain could have made.
Sigggggghh. I really wish they had just made a Super Danganronpa anime instead of this and kept the Despair Arc on the back burner until they had the time and budget to give the story what it deserved.
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adidegmez · 1 month
spn s13 spoilers
s13 ep1(lost and found)
if dean thinks cas is really dead then what did they do to his body? did they burn him, bury him or nothing? jack is just a baby right now. winchesters are maybe not superheroes but they are my heroes. dean is just telling the truth?! he is not okay. he lost everyone he cared except sam. sam is calmer than dean. jack is just a sweet little boy. sam is scared. castiel is jacks father(according to jack at least). thats nice. damian as in damian wayne? i dont think i know anyone else named damian. dean'S prayer… he even add crowley he loved him(sometimes). and Chuck he left and he just doesnt care. he left lucifer on earth. everything happened on this Show is because of him. and i still believe if they raise jack right he will be good. no one is born evil. even if lucifer was a bad guy he was an angel he was the angel. jack is half angel and this is not a bad thing. dean said goodbye to everyone cas, kelly, mom and crowley. and crowley i just cant he said his name with the other people he cared about people he respected and its sad that crowley didnt get to see this. Dean accepted the deaths of all of them. How can he do this? They can still return, why not? and mary did return she is not dead.
s13 ep2(the rising son)
im sos sorry dean but sam is right. He is right on every part of this issue. Jack is not bad, your mother is alive, the only way to save her is with Jack's help. i knew jack was watching scooby i thought dean would let him watch. but i think he needs a little time to know jack. sam is nerveous when talking to jack because he never had an experience with kids like dean had. dean would calm jack down he wouldve known what to do but he is mourning the people he lost and he is angry. and that prevents him see the way that sam sees. sam did a good job with jack. i expected dean to say he is batman but i guess its not the time. lucifer is funny sometimes. good job jack. i think dean will understand jack, eventually. i hope that time comes soon.
s13 ep3(patience)
kelly was a great mother. i get deans point of view but he needs to calm down. it's been a long time missouri. she died! jack really cares about deans opinions just like his dad(cas). dean will get over this and he will be nicw to jack eventually, i just hope it wont be late. yes, sam is the best person to understand jack. this is brilliant. i really love how he treats jack. i love sam. i know dean is in pain but sam is right this is resembles to sam's situation. sam deserved to be saved so does jack. and jack didnt do anything wrong yet he has been on earth like a week. and cas mary it wasnt his fault. dean lost them and he is blaming jack. but its lucifers fault. and jack doesnt deserves a this treatment from dean. dean should help sam save jack. i have always been on the same page as dean always but not this time. i hope dean changes his mind soon. because i need both winchesters in the same page. cas! im glad he is back but if he could return does this mean crowley could return too. and i think i finally understand something. Charlie and now rowena are dead and they wont return cause the story doesnt need them anymore. but i need them to return. i always see spoilers but ive never heard rowenas death. and ive never seen anything about charlie's return. but i want them to return. I didn't even like Rowena that much in the beginning but lately I've started to like her. Charlie is a completely different matter, i always loved her, I need her to come back.
s13 ep4(the big empty)
clone wars!!!!!!! i didnt see that coming. clone wars is my favorite star wars Show. i love ahsoka too but anakin is not bad sam. well he turned to vader but he was a good master palpatine manipulated. i hope jack loves clones. they are my favorite thing about star wars. clones are amazing. dean cas sam and crowley closed the door. crowley sacrificed himself. i think i love jack. cas where are you? why does lucifer need mary? Dean needs to pull himself together as soon as possible, he scares Jack, he even upsets Sam. misha is amazing. finally dean complimented jack. i needed that. finally dean is thinking like sam. thank you dean. cas is back.
s13 ep5(advanced thanatology)
yes, something is wrong with sam. dean wears sunglasses indoors. Do the w's represent how many times the winchesters died? did billie become death? she is death thats not good. I wish Dean hadn't killed death. I loved him. thats a good thing afterall. billie let dean live. Dean lost his faith. But when Cas comes, he will be happy. hi cas. welcome back. look in their eyes. team free will together again.
s13 ep6(tombstone)
cas is back. everyone is happy. i missed you cas. and the hugs. jack did it jack brought him back. team free will 2.0 . dean is back. he really missed cas. his eyes are shining. i missed funny dean. Seeing Dean happy makes me happy. cas… all i can think about is his character development. he is an amazing character. he changed so much. his talk with jack was beautiful. hats, dean is really back. dean finally said it, jack is not a monster. i wish he didnt leave. i hope hell come back.
s13 ep7(war of the worlds)
what happened to mary? So will Michael be the villain of this season? i knew it was kevin. hi kevin! i missed you. i think i would prefer lucifer to that Michael. lucifer is so funny. lucifer is back, Mary stayed in the other World. i thought ketch was a clone. I don't remember seeing anything about clones in this series, but for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is always clones. But it turned out to be an evil twin. i believe that story hes telling the truth. rowena isnt dead right? cas and lucifer, lucifer is so funny. and he is trying to save the World for himself probably. i believed ketch. asmodeus and ketch, they will trouble the Winchesters. If Dean had said yes to Ketch, would Ketch have worked with them instead of Asmodeus?
s13 ep8(the scorpion and the frog)
supernatural really did everything. now there is a heist episode. and it was funny. yes, i missed hopeful dean. it was nice to see that. Didn't Bart say there were copies of the spell? Couldn't they find them? The bus scene reminded me of the scene where they left Charlie on the bus. i missed Charlie.
s13 ep9(the bad place)
i think jack wants to bring mary back not lucifer. Jack gets very happy when he gets a "good job" from Dean. And that makes me happy too. Jack also joined the family. I love him. dean! why did you treat her like that? well at least jack found mary and the winchesters are together. but idk where kaia is.
s13 ep10(wayward sisters)
claire is getting better at hunting. they are on a hunting trip… they said it again. i like it. i love donna and the others, we should see them more. i love jody. Claire's speech was like the beginning of a new series. I researched but they haven't made a mini series, I hope they tell this story here. i love the girls they are amazing.
s13 ep11(breakdown)
the real fbi is here. The beginnings of the episodes always resemble Criminal Minds. but almost the entire episode was really like cm. garcia would find her quickly. i liked doug. i hoped he would become a hunter. doug and donna were good. come on, first dean now sam they lost hope but it was always like this and they believed this job. but now they are in a dark place. i need hopeful winchesters back.
s13 ep12(various & sundry villans)
lucifer is hilarious. omg not the love spell. not dean please. yes sam save dean. hello boys(crowley said it the best). hi rowena. welcome back. how are you alive? they all forgot about adam. cas loves his son. i love how he talks about jack. Rowena asked about Crowley because she wondered if he might pose a risk to her, right? I wish there were nice mother and son scenes. I don't even think Rowena would be upset about Crowley's death, but I wish she would be. she is sad?! rowena is right. when is lucifer ever gone. he always comes back. cas and lucifer made a good team. that was a little brutal. Rowena took the page, didn't she? i thought sam would give her but i didnt think would do it. but he did. lucifer is not dead. We forget the traumas of the Winchesters very quickly, they are not even mentioned. They always show themselves strong, they don't show what's inside them. Dean spent 40 years in hell, Sam was tortured by Lucifer, Dean had to survive in purgatory… I hope Rowena doesn't cause trouble for the boys.
s13 ep13(devil's bargain)
i thought lucifer would let cupid live but he killed him and i suppose he did it just for fun. i forgot about ketch. How did Lucifer not die? i missed kevin. sister jo(daneel ive been waiting for this, i thought we would saw her earlier on the show). Doesn't the prophet know the difference between Cas and Asmodeus? ketch is right. lucifer cant do the things he promised, right? gabriel!!! well, i hope winchesters can save him.
s13 ep14(good intentions)
Dean you are amazing Cas you are amazing too. Mary is not Mary. They're still messing with Jack's head, right? hi bobby! sometimes jack's smiles are sweet but sometimes he scared me he smiles like lucifer sometimes, other than that he is just a sweet boy. and i love him. i love this bobby too but i want old bobby. mary made the deal she brought so much pain to her boys but we saw what the world would be like if she hadn't made that deal, and I think Mary did the right thing. If that deal hadn't happened, we would never have met the boys. cas! i dont like where this is going. i hope cas wont go far. Dean and Sam are Jack's role models, I think he chose very good role models. Whatever it takes… both Dean and Cas go too far. They need to calm down and think a bit. I hope nothing bad happens to them. I'm sorry about Donatello, I didn't like him as much as Kevin, but he was still a good guy. He didn't deserve what happened to him (like all the good characters in the series)
s13 ep15(a most holy man)
While Dean was saying enjoy, he was thinking things like this will be the last time you drive and he was imagining how he would kill that man. yes i totally believe dean would kill for the baby. I heard that that scene was improvised and it's really a perfect scene. I never thought that the blood would come from that man. I thought it would be from someone we knew before or someone very important.
s13 ep16(scoobynatural)
do you know how long i've been waiting for this. I've seen a lot of clips about this episode and I was very curious about it. When I started this season, I was thinking that they were opening a portal to the Scooby universe with Jack. I even thought that they would travel to different universes throughout the season thanks to Jack's portals. just for fun. But when it comes to SPN, sometimes this is only possible for a few episodes. There is a villain in every season and the world is in danger, so team Free Will has to save the World all over again. But did the trickster really die and come back, or was he never dead? i really love when dean is being a fanboy. he genuinely loves them and he shows that he loves them. and i love him for this. i love deans love for scooby-doo. this is one of my favorite episodes now. it was awesome. i love dean. i love sam and cas too but dean has a special place in my heart.
s13 ep17(the thing)
poor gabriel, I hope he can get out of there. Ketch is saving Gabriel right now, even if it's for himself. where is cas? why aent they waiting for him? ketch did some bad things, idk how to feel about him. gabriel is okay for nw with sam. dean really has a death wish. he doesnt care if he dies he only care about the others. yeah this is a nice thing but he would die to protect them and i dont want him to die.
s13 ep18(bring 'em back alive)
Charlie! Until two days ago, I didn't see anything about whether we would see Charlie in this series again but then I learned that we will see the apocalyptic world version of her. I knew she would come but I didn't expect that we would see her now. i missed her. She shouldn't have died. why didnt they wait for cas? i think ketch really cared about mary. gabriel is back! and he left. Asmodeus is dead, right? i hope he wont come back. ketch is complicated. Charlie is acting like our Charlie. i couldnt believe charlie's death and i still cant. she shouldn't have died.
s13 ep19(funeralia)
rowena what are you doing? i thought maybe rowena was trying to get crowley back but then i said she wouldnt do that. is she really trying to get fergus back? if thatsthe truth please let her try. i want crowley back. rowena is kinda right only team free will gets to come back from the dead. naomi is alive. I hope Sam doesn't have to kill Rowena. I started to love Rowena even more. I think there is such a thing as the Winchester Effect. They changed an angel, the king of hell, the most powerful witch and many more people and turned them into better people, and it is great to watch the character development of those characters. They changed Rowena as well as Crowley. I think Rowena loved Crowley. I wish she had the chance to tell Crowley that, or at least show it.
s13 ep20(unfinished business)
Fenrir from Norse mythology, right? I realized the last part was similar to Steve and Tony's argument (Marvel). we'll löse, we'll do that together too… they lost, steve wasn't there. i hope sam could be there when it comes to that. I can't be sure about deaths when it comes to tricksters. I even wondered if Loki replaced Gabriel at the end, but they wouldn't do such a thing because the story would be extended unnecessarily and there is no need for such a thing. i missed our kevin, he wouldnt do that. poor jack. mary sees her as a son:)
s13 ep21(beat the devil)
rowena and gabriel? little awkward but funny. In the beginning ep was hilarious but then it all went dark. rowena didn't run, this time she stayed. she has changed(the winchester effect). lucifer's bar scene was awesome. Sam died and came back, thanks to Lucifer. I'm glad he is back but lucifer brought him. they found jack and mary. dean watched his brother die, again. and the look on his face is telling everything. im glad the brothers are back together.
s13 ep22(exodus)
no, mary. i know you want to help the other World but your boys came for you. you shouldnt do that to them. lucifer is not entirely wrong. yes he does so many bad things but sometimes he does good things. like most of the villains on spn he is complicated. I've seen the scene where Cas and Lucifer drive the bus on the internet before, but I didn't think it was real. I thought it was someone's dream or something. i know lucifer is bad but he tried to do the right thing. he fought Michael, and now he is doing bad things because sam wouldnt let him come with them. sam has hs reasons but now lucifer is going to help Michael nd i think he is not happy about it because h will have brought Michael to the other world, just as his relationship with Jack was getting better. and he knows this will upset his son. Gabriel isn't really dead, right? Otherwise they woudn't have zoomed in on his face. its always good to see bobby but i wish we couldve seen our bobby with the boys and our Charlie.
s13 ep23(let the good times roll)
I would like to see charlie and rowena together. Dean's dream is very beautiful, but with their luck, it is impossible. I wish it could happen, no one deserved retirement more than them. but i dont think they would get a happy ending. This is how I wanted Dean to treat Jack from the beginning. Dean's speech was beautiful. soft dean is my favorite, he is kind and sweet when he needs to be. I love him. I was going to believe in Lucifer because he wanted his son and was doing good things just for him, but in the end he ruined everything again. Dean, you tried so hard to keep Michael from getting to you. I wanna cry. michael has dean, i hope dean can beat him. Is Lucifer really gone? dean… i want to kill Michael. i hope dean will be the one to kill him. The suit and hat suit Dean very well. Just when good things are happening, everything turns bad, and every season, boys cannot find comfort. Can't the kids relax for just one season? There won't be a big bad guy for the end of the season, maybe if they want they can hunt like in the first season or just have a good time together in the
bunker. only 1 season. I wish… but it's impossible. i just want to see them happy.
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yurianonikki · 2 months
21|07|24| yulia’s diary
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.╰┈➤. entry 1; into the new world,
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆╰┈➤. today's mood; content - happy?> a bit bored, but motivated. confused.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ i dont know if moving was a good decision. im having regrets, lots of regrets i guess, i left everything i knew behind in what feels like a split second decision. everything i became used to over the past nearly 11 years was gone in just a few weeks. everything i learned at school, pointless. i cant use that information for anything because i dont study the same subjects anymore. i do miss my small citizenship class, and my much larger and chaotic health&social care class. music just isn't as entertaining. but at least i get to do history still??? i mean theres only 1 person in music who i talk to - and she used to have a crush on my boyfriend 😬. my friends who i knew (but lowkey hated 🤫) were gone. speaking of friends, i cut contact with nearly everyone i knew before moving; lots of my online friends are gone completely and we havn't spoken in weeks - months even, and i dont talk to anyone i knew irl except for my boyfriend. its easy when you move so far away you never have to come in contact with those people - unless your unlucky enough to still see them in the city centre when youre walking home from school or hanging out with your new friends and/or bf - some people try to keep in contact some dont care, or at least dont show that they care. but maybe it was good for me. i mean i did lots of things i regretted there, so many embarassing things related to me, i had so many enemies for no reason really? im not sure why i was so disliked; i know that my old friend group from 3 years ago still talk shit about me and make up lies but im curious how bad it is to have made so many people dislike me... the only closure i got was that one of the girls told me now ex-bestfriend that shes ''sorry for being rude''. rude? rude. seriously. thats it. you think you were rude. but thats a story for a different time. in a way i do miss my best friends but i also dont know how to feel. i never felt comfortable around them to be myself, i always felt like an outcast even though we were supposed to be a group. the biggest difference between us was our ethnicities, they were bulgarians and i was polish. there wasnt many polish kids at my old school. i mean there were the twins who were very weird and apparently groped another student AT SCHOOL?... definately not. there was ro**** who was the girl who said ''sorry for being rude'', mm nope. there was ga******* who started to hated me because of my relationship with my current bf, again definately not. je*****, ga******'s cousin and ro****'s friend, absouluetly not. theyr all weird and have a weird story connecting them to me but its too long to look back on today. at least at my new school there tons of polish kids who im friends with and i finally feel welcomed. even tho i tend to be quiet because ive only known them a few weeks they dont exclude me like my old friends; they do quite the opposite actually and it feels nice. the only down side is they all known and are possibly friends with ga****** because she sort of goes to our school sort of doesnt? again her story will be another entry. and also theyre friends with her best friend na***** who dispises me because of ga******'s weird issues. 😐 but im staying strong. ignoring them. not letting them affect me. thats what im gonna convince myself at least.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ its summer break now finally. 6 long weeks of term ugh 😮‍💨. i have so much spare time to do anything i want. yesterday i was really motivated to learn coding, but i dont think it will go anywhere, even the super simple stuff is complicated for me. i am NOT. a maths-y person. ive started to become more active on my blogs, hence why im writing this, a big dream of mine as a kid was to be a writer 🫠, this is nice and easy and stress free<3 ive been wanting to learn guitar now properly since starting music at school because its a big part of our final grade but also just to have something as a hobby. i dont think ive ever had a real hobby and it makes me a bit embarassed, like im super boring and dont do anything besides sit on my phone and play games and just fuck around on instagram being messy. photography is also something i wanna get into but a good quality camera is expensive (im aware i dont need expensive equipment for photography but you gotta admit it makes your work nicer), guitars are also expensive tho, doubt i will get one anytime soon considering our renovations, my mothers financial and mental problems and my sister not working too. hughhh, though i have been thinking of getting a summer job. 1) for money 2) my mum said if i do something over summer she will get me a cat 🐈 3) i wont feel like im wasting my days away being a bum like my boyfriend likes to call it>:( so when my mother is free ill bring it up to her, as well as starting pilates at home again. i first started back in the beginning of may and i was doing really good; i felt better, my body looked good, and i felt like i had a hobby. but by the end of school i completely stopped doing it because i was so drained physically and mentally. i mean imagine making up at 5am every day and only getting home 12 hours later, sometimes even as late as 19:00. i also have been feeling insecure in my body, as if im gonna gain weight and look just gross. even though my bf reassures me i look great and still look great even after not working out i just have a feeling in the back of my mind hes just saying that to make me happy, not because he means it. on a happier note, ive started watching more animes; death note specifically. 1) to make my boyfriend happy, he begs me to watch it like at least 5 times a week 2) i had the most random urge to start watching death note whilst having no prior interest and very little knowledge. so far im liking it tho, currently at episode 26, and if you havent guessed already my favourite character is misa;3 also getting back into snsd has been refreshing🪩
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ im not sure when ill update this next, probably soon as i have a lot of time to do so, or whenever i get a random thought and have no where else to share it to🌝
🎧ྀི 사랑해 널 이 느낌 이대로, 그려왔던 헤매임의 끝
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
hey, i'm new to cr fandom and wasn't there when c2 was airing, may i ask out of curiosity what was the fandom's problem with its ending?
i want to start by saying this post is meant as a personal memory and not an incitement of any discourse. i do not want a lot of asks or replies or anything about this if i can help it. i would also politely ask that no one reblog this as i really just. dont want attention about this when ive discussed it to death on twitter. i also apologize for not having screenshots but i truly cannot bring myself to wade through that again. it was bad enough i still have nightmares about it.
basically, about 3 eps before c2's end, matt clarified on twitter the campaign was coming to a close, and that. did not go well. you see, folk (myself included, though i wasnt part of the following clown show) were very sure c2 would continue a while. it felt unfinished as the empire/trent had to be taken down, and for some of us ludinus was clearly the big bad, etc. so this was incredibly jarring to a lot of folk. and with that came anger. a lot of critique came down to fear of things being rushed, a lack of closure, claims of extreme neoliberialism due to not taking down the empire (i could write an essay on and cite multiple leftist activists who have stated c2 is truthful to the activist tale, not neoliberalism, and also how c3 deconstructs beau & caleb's actions, but everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on it), and that if shadowgast did not fuck in this short timespan the fans were going to kill liam & matt. and threats of killing were the least of what ensued. im just gonna put a tw here for discussion of extreme harrassment and even threat of necrophilia/rape:
people were. atrocious. beyond atrocious. know why 4sd/a lot of q&a events of theirs for a while had no fan questions? partially bc fans were frankly terrible at asking non-ship questions on talks machina, but mainly because folk FILLED their inboxes with insults (and a twitter account was made of screenshots bragging about it) that only the crew would get to filter out, not the cast. know why dani was terrified to show her face on 4sd for a bit? c2 fans would not let up on how it was her cishet fault fjorjester happened. people thought the solution to alleged neoliberalism was to therefore @ travis saying they would defile his veteran fathers corpse. if there was any solid discussion critiquing c2 happening, it was so drowned that actors who had nothing to do with the show told cr fans to stay away if that was how they treated their favorite creators wanting a break. it really didnt help that a certain disgraced talks machina host was firing potshots on twitter when the cast seemed to be just trying to take it all in, so more discourse was kicked up from him. in general besides all of that, you had the average death & even a few rape threats you would expect from the pits of fan entitlement. the way they were hardly the most notable of the insults hurled their way still rattles the mind. and thats just what i saw. my friends have claimed to have seen worse, but if we can help it we dont discuss it in detail, it's that bad. like i said, any idea of an actual conversation about c2 and how someone felt about it from an analysis perspective was not even a drop in the bucket; there was no actual discourse but rather spitting hatred pouring over that mistook personal grievances for excuses to mistreat quite literally anyone around them who didnt agree that threatening to defile someone was funny bittersweet revenge.
the thing is, after the c2 finale happened? i mean, a lot of folk didnt originally like it (i think it's generally pretty well liked now, and i enjoy it), but it wrapped up a lot of issues pretty well. all that terror & terrorizing over a fictional story was really for nothing. and even if it had ended undebateably badly did anything warrant that fallout?
there are of course a few other factors that seperate cast from fandom now. laura also got innumerable threats from tlou fans for playing some antagonist character, twitter is a dysfunctional shithole, and it's just rational the more popular you get to not be buddy-buddy with fans. but that was. a Time, for sure. c3 is a decent campaign but im far from the first person to note that many of its traits are set in trying to find vox machina's fixed story beats so no story beat is left "unturned" and being as un-m9-like as possible, even when they love the m9. a lot of the worst m9 fans now who harrass other campaign enjoyers and lament c2 being "an unloved middle child" are folk who never left the bitterness they held in that time. for as much discourse as c3 has kicked up i really dont think any of it compares to the sheer scale of what happened late may 2021, and im hoping with all my heart it never does reach that level ever again (i think c3 has a slightly smaller (at least online) fanbase compared to c2, and isnt marked by a pandemic hiatus, so hopefully that means something).
i hope i answered your question. i really hate remembering this time but sometimes i think it should be remembered so folk know what the cost of extreme parasociality is. the distance the cast has from fans now is not only earned but maybe should have always been there, so things never evolved to that extremity. but now it's done and gone. i envy people who watch cr on their own merits and didn't get sucked into twitter at the time; it has been fascinating watching folk say they love the travelercon/aeor arcs and the ending. rewatching later c2 really emphasizes how many complaints hinged on extremely online & parasocial headspaces - you definitely wont hear anyone nowadays say liam is a biphobic cishet abusing matt by not making caleb kiss essek yet. i hope new fans have a better time than we did. oh - and get off twitter.
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certifieduruihater · 4 months
wish we got to learn more about april's character outside of when she hangs out with the turtles. maybe part of the reason for this is because the writers wanted to make her a "part of the team," hence the reason why we only ever see her with the turtles, but that logic doesnt hold up when the guys themselves have established personalities on their own. like we know what every single one of the turtles does for a hobby. but i still don't know what april likes to do for fun. she can draw, sure, but is that her hobby? idk. she journaled after their defeat during the invasion, but did she always do that or was that just a one time thing? she never really struck me as incredibly reflective or introspective, either. she's more of a "go out and get 'em" kind of person to me.
i wish we could have gotten to see more of what she's like at school, too. how come she doesn't have more friends? she's a nice girl, and she doesn't strike me as particularly shy. is there some other reason? she signed up for extra credit classes, but why? does she need more credit? is she studious? enjoys school? why was she failing trig? bad at math? bad at trig itself? doesn't want to study? no time to study ever since mutant insanity invaded her life/grief over her father? it's these little questions that i think would have painted a better picture of april's character.
and this is what i mean when i say i wish she had better writing. april is not a bad character. she's not "ungrateful." she's not a "brat." she's not a "b****." from what we do see of her, she's kind and friendly, but can also be incredibly stubborn and a little prideful.
when she blows up at the turtles for getting her dad mutated? completely understandable. the guys got cocky and reckless (which was another point of the episode). they did not prioritize her or her dad's safety. the only reason they were out there was because the turtles insisted, and didnt think of the potential consequences. and yeah. it WAS the turtles' fault that the city got mutated. yes, it was an accident. yes, they were kids. but like i said, they were incredibly cocky, reckless, and arrogant. accept your faves' flaws guys!! and the way mikey delivered the news that it was their fault was...oof. so blasé. not apologetic at all. bro was treating this as a comic book adventure the whole time. no wonder she got mad. i would too, and im an adult. she's 16. of course she's going to say hurtful things in anger (imo what she said in the episode wasnt even that bad. it was understandable, given the situation). of course, it's fine when raph or mikey throw a tantrum (and usually for much more minor reasons), it's fine when donnie explodes in anger, but when april does it, the world ends? april actually blamed herself first, before she found out that it was their fault. her first reaction is NOT to blame others. and part of the reason for her anger was BECAUSE she trusted the guys so much. she spent the episode filled with hope that because of her and her dad's help, they'd be one step closer to taking down the kraang. she didn't even WANT to ask her dad in the first place, considering her dad's been suffering paranoia as a result of being kidnapped from the kraang for an entire season. but she had hope and faith in the turtles as heroes.
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she had faith in them, and her entire life fell apart. AGAIN.
that's why when they revealed it was their fault that her dad got mutated, it was a big loss of trust for her. for a whole season april has been going along with the guys shenanigans, agreeing to be bait, wanting to tag along, wanting to be useful. i like this for her character because it shows that she does have a limit. she's not a yes-man for the turtles. she's her own person (which many fans seem to dislike). have fans ever considered that maybe april didnt WANT a crazy life? that she never asked for any of this? that she wanted to be normal? what's wrong with that? and after she and the guys resolve their issues, april even admits that her father's mutation "was an accident, and more importantly, you're my friends. I don't ever want to hold a grudge ever again." she needed that reflection time away from the guys to reach this conclusion.
she endures a whole episode of feeling looked down on by the guys due to a mix of their insensitive comments (raph in particular), as well as her own pride/wanting to be included/not wanting to feel useless mixed in there, sort of snaps at raph ONE TIME (to which raph doesnt even care), and suddenly, she's the devil incarnate. unbelievable.
and another thing: she's not a mary sue. she has flaws. in fact, the fandom actively blows up at her whenever she does display her flaws (pride, stubbornness, willingness to throw herself headfirst into danger). so then what does the fandom want? oh, i know. someone who will bow to the turtles' every whim. someone who has just enough of a character, or can at least pretend to be one, just so long as they don't get in the guys' way. so long as this person doesnt hurt their little pookie-bear. okay tmnt fandom. i see u
so even if we did see what she was like outside of the turtles, i wonder if anyone would even care. after all, this is a show about the turtles. most viewers probably aren't here for april. maybe this is what the writers were thinking? and worse, some people might have even complained about the screentime april would have gotten, saying that it was too much :/
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Wait I'm confused. You never even said anything hateful about Shouto so what are they on about? Seriously anons come out with some crazy shit sometimes.
(Answering to this post.)
Yeah, i feel the same, especially Shouto of all characters.
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Only thing i could think is that i said i didnt like how Todo-family plotline was handled. And i said Ochaco-Toga interaction is handled better than Shouto-Dabi's because once again, i think issues with Todo-Family isnt adressed or solved in any way. And last one is i said Deku sees villains as more human than Ochaco and Shouto, and its true.
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Shouto is child soldier. Whole his arc is about he is stucked in his mind. He couldnt even get along with hero friends at the beginning of this series. Also, he has zero mercy and sempathy for villains. He has no issues with violently attacking and murdering them. He couldnt care less about villain worldview until his family member is involved. Its sad but its true, its called character flaw and it makes sense considering his background.
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Ochaco is similar except she is not necessarely violent because she wasnt raised that way. She doesnt have much interaction with villains, never once she thought they have reasons or story, even though she had many interactions with Toga, she made it clear she couldnt care less about her because she is villain, until she saw her crying.
But this doesnt mean they are bad people. Shouto and Ochaco are kind as Izuku is. They are just different characters with different story. Shouto was raised (and abused) with very limited worldview, he was born in hero world. Ochaco is just normal girl who has normal life. Izuku's story is different because he was outcast once.
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Izuku has many scenes since the beginning, that he wonders why they are like that, and while its imperfect and very flawed, he tries to understand them. Literally Allmight explains, at USJ arc, the reason Deku could control his power because he viewed Shigaraki at HIS WORST as human being. Though he became violent after Overhaul arc because it isnt just Shouto, Izuku thing, its about hero society turning children into soldiers.
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I think those three have their own specialities, with Izuku who can see other villains as victim too, with Ochaco who has a lot more human approach and see the needs of people, with Shouto who can immediately see the similarities between him and his villain foil. And Izuku tend to focus on saving strangers while Ochaco and Shouto tends to focus on their close relationships, which is a big flaw for both sides. Thats exactly why they should've talked . This is why i wrote this and this and hoped that they have some talking about villains and its really shame that it didnt happen.
I think some people see character or writing criticism as hate, even though you just want better writing for your faves and story.
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roseworth · 1 year
As one of the most Rose Wilson blogs (excellent taste) what r ur thoughts on the first issue of her Knight Terrors ?
my biggest thoughts on it are just that its not very interesting </3 there are a few things i dont like about it (the lack of lili 😔 but ill circle back to that in a sec) but overall ?? it just didnt really do a lot. theres not a lot to dislike but theres also not a lot to like
but i can excuse the fact that theres not a lot in it given that this is the first time rose is getting the spotlight in like 15 years so not a lot of people are gonna know anything about her backstory so they had to make it accessible to people that dont know her. and i get that
like batman's knight terrors tie-in could delve a lot deeper into his backstory and feelings bc. its batman. everyone knows batman. he has arguably the most famous backstory in western media. but not everyone knows ravager so they had to make it very new reader friendly and i understand that, especially since her biggest trauma (getting drugged by slade) isnt even canon right now (😔) and her other big trauma (her mom dying) is a little more complicated than the story they wanted to tell (mostly because. wade.)
but i wish they had gone a little deeper into like. her feelings. being trapped in a nightmare that you have to escape from is one of my favorite tropes ever so i was soooooooo excited when this book was announced, but it just,, didnt really do anything. there was so much that could've been done with rose protecting and subsequently being betrayed by her younger self, not to mention the whole idea of slade hunting her down. but they didnt really use it? i was hoping for more like,,,, character exploration. but it didnt really deliver
on the other hand though. this one was def trying to do more of a plot than some of the others. like for example the jason & tim one has the basic plot of "theyre in a nightmare" but other than that its really just being used as a way to make them go through their fears n give them some character exploration (side note i wish they had been given two separate ones but thats a whole other post) whereas the ravager one is talking about murder man using rose as a conduit and trying to get into the waking world and making it like. a story instead of just introspection. so it definitely felt like the first issue was setting a lot up for more that will (hopefully) happen in issue two.
anyways back to her mom. again part of the reason that it would be so hard to incorporate lili into the story is that the circumstances surrounding her death would mean reintroducing the story from 30 years ago where she died, which slade wasnt there for so they couldnt wring out her daddy issues, and the fact that its only brought up like. 3 times ever again after that make it hard to reference her. not to mention deathstroke 2016 sort of retconned it that slade murdered her ????? then that was also never brought up again. so once again i understand that it would be very complicated to bring her into the story, not to mention if she showed up she would show up just to die 3 seconds later so i cant be.. too mad.
HOWEVER. they taunted me by mentioning her one (1) time then bringing up the foster parents instead. it seems like it's sort of working toward bringing her pre-52 origin back. but the foster parents were the worst part of her pre 52 origin. and also as my roommate (who hasnt read a lot of rose) pointed out, the foster parents are a deep cut. they showed up for like 3 pages 20 years ago then died and were literally never brought up again (not even a passing mention) until now. and while the story doesnt hinge on knowing who they are, i feel like theres definitely a feeling that youre missing something when you dont know the parents. so the fact that they were there at all seems really weird to me given the fact that im trying to excuse the fact that lili wasnt there. idk. its just hard to understand why brisson chose to put them there instead of lili, who had a major impact on rose's life and her death is the whole reason rose even joined slade at all. at least to me, the fact that lili wasnt there was extremely noticeable and felt wrong (not to mention the "i grew up in a brothel not a foster home" line is kinda iffy to me but maybe im reading too much into it). im still hoping she'll show up in the second issue, especially since they did specifically mention her in the first issue so maybe thats setting her up to show up in nightmare form later (<-delusional)
ok i think thats all my thoughts for now. tldr: its fine, it doesnt have a lot necessarily with it given the fact that rose isnt a well known character so they couldnt dive too deep into her character, but i felt like it wasnt really trying to do anything and it wasnt interesting. the only real problem was the fact that her mom wasnt there. but mostly im willing to wait until the second half before im too harsh on the book
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ill speak my fucking truth, the TUA s4 ending was BULLSHIT.
alright alright, i get yall's issues ab five and lila, but i also understand it to some extent.
but one thing we can all agree on is how full of plot holes, unanswered questions, and how shitty of an ending we've got. also, it was so fucking rushed! hell.
to address the ending; why the fuck? why? why would our comfort characters cease to fucking exist? in all timelines, they've fought so hard to build good lives. it was bound to be ruined, but them to fucking cease to exist? thats wild!
and alright what about the other kids with marigold? (?) there were about what, 40+(?) born, right? where are they? this cant be real.
to address some other plot holes..
ray: what do you MEAN he just.. walked out on allison? they loved each other dearly, we sidnt get a fucking explanation?
sissy, SLOANE??: what, did these characters just disappear into thin air? if ray is alive, why couldn't sissy be, too? mostly after the big part harlan played in the third season. also, where the fuck did sloane go? so ben survived, but sloane just, what? disintegrated??? turned into pure marigold? hell.
ben?: why is no one talking about him? his love story was rushed, his motives were a bit stupid (not entirely, so i could excuse this), also he just fucking died and nobody seemed to actually care? klaus had little to no reaction and he was the closest to ben? what the hell is going on?
viktor: we ve gotten none of his backstory. we see a supposedly ex gf of his at the start, and they say he s getting every girl in town. what is he, afraid of commitment? a player? not able to sort his priorities? also, how come he didn't suffer any consequence after literally sucking those particles out of ben!? i mean, his body's got a fuck ton of marigold, and in theory when coming into contact with that bs particle; he should've what, exploded!?
reggie: how and why is reggie for once, supposedly nice? until now he played a role snd at the evnd revealed a facade and it being some evil plan. this time over though, what we see is what we get. he trusted viktor, he followed up on his word, gave him time, gave him chances, called so many times, and in the end, told his wife that he wishes to save it and couldnt believe it was her behind it. so why is he no longer evil? what's up with that?
jennifer: soo why was she inside a squid? what happened to her parents? how did she get that power? why is she destined to meet ben? erremmm.. so many plot holes w her.
commision: (i might be very wrong here and not remember the past seasons, feel free correct me if im wrong.) but ure telling me, that in NO timeline the commision still exists? lila and five have managed to travel through hundreds of them over the span of 6.5 years. and all of this, none of those timelines were helpful? or.. anything at all? i wish their arc wasnt so rushed, maybe more ppl would see through it. it didnt feel like 7 years. it felt like 2 months.
diego: throughout the season we see him getting clowned on for being a "failure" and being "fat" only for him to look the same, fucking ripped too, and be normal, react like a normal person would. he was a good, hard working father and good husband with pure intentions. what was all that for?
claire: i need to see more of her. we know klaus' been sober for 3 yrs, but its been 6. which menas that claure has seen that "bad, sick" side of klaus. we see her know how to recognise that he was relapsing. i wish we saw more of her childhood, her with allison and how she got so closs to klaus.
it all was so rushed. idk ill add more if i remember more chat.
if any of you want to see me address lila and five, i've made other posts. i think their arc was important, not necessarily asked for, but justified, too. i'll folloe up with more posts and answer questions. no hate here.. js opinions:).
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cloudystrwbrry · 2 months
So I recently finished playing Dangonronpa v3. @sapphictigress was watching and we make it a tradition to do a “first impression” Tier list and then an end of the game tier list. V3 I feel like I had pretty strong feelings about afterwards
First Impressions:
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No one is in S+ at this time because I don’t know anyone yet. This was after meeting the cast for the first time so the only reason Gonta was in F is because all I knew is he liked bugs a lot and I have a big fear of bugs.
Big spoilers below this be warned
AFTER the game ended:
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Tbh most people in C or below I don’t really care about. But I’ll be talking about the people I have any opinions on now so if you are interested then here it is:
Korekiyo: I was SO ready to like Korekiyo considering he has one of the more interesting Ultimates. And then he had to go and betray me by being a sister lover. Unforgivable I can’t even pretend to like him. Even though I know it’s not his fault since none of their personalities were actually them but simulated feelings are still real feelings because he has to feel them into some extent to act that way.
Kaito: I’m sorry Kaito lovers he was just SO annoying and not helpful in the slightest until his trial, AND THAT WASNT EVEN HIS IDEA! He was trying to be a Kaede replacement type but it just wasn’t working and instead came off like he didn’t know what he was talking about and trying to make everyone else be the hope pushers.
The C’s: I probably should’ve put Rantaro in C because he didn’t do anything wrong. Himiko and Tenko are there because I don’t really have much to dislike about them other than they were just a little obnoxious at times.
Tsumigi: Tsumugi was just annoying with “I’m so plain” and I’m sure it was to help hide the fact that she was the Mastermind but she could’ve been more interesting. I mean she’s the ultimate cosplayer! That’s such a cool one! But she sucks! I wish she did more throughout instead of coming in at the last minute to be revealed. I think it would’ve been cool to make her super likable just to have it turn around and be like “hahaha she’s the one who does the evils!”
Kokichi: Kokichi was a little shit but if he wasn’t there the game wouldn’t have been more interesting at times and I can appreciate that in a character. Unlikable yet does things throughout the story to help it progress. And then also turns out that he’s not a complete shithead because in his motive video you find out he’s basically just ultimate leader of the prankster squad and they don’t do violent crimes.
Gonta: the ultimate Gentleman. Very good boyo I just don’t like the bugs that’s why he’s as low as he is
Kaede: I miss my wife tails… I miss her a lot… I’ll be back…. I’m a little pissed off we didn’t get a female protag tbh. She was also so cute and awesome!
Shuichi: he’s a good good boy I have no issues with him for the most part. He was a little stupid at times but it made sense at the end when we found out he was just a regular guy
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