#i might give up on either of them for this assignment and do something completely unrelated
HOW am i meant to find photo reference for my stupid underfed old sweatshirt too-short jeans currently living his sad backstory 17-year old looser boy? What are the search terms for this?
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intersex-support · 1 month
Intersex Support FAQ
1. What is intersex?
Intersex is an umbrella term that describes people who have variations in sex characteristics that fall outside of the sex binary. This includes variations in genitals, internal reproductive organs like testes and ovaries, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and/or the way that your body produces or responds to hormones. Some examples of intersex variations include AIS, CAH, PCOS, Klinefelters, hypospadias, and more. 
The three main factors that define intersex variations are: 
Variation in sex characteristics 
The variation falls outside of the sex binary and is different from what is considered typical “male” or “female” development. These variations in traits might often be stigmatized and discriminated against for being outside of the sex binary.
This variation is either present from birth or develops spontaneously later in life. It is not caused by transitioning or by something temporary like a medication side effect, tumor, or other medical diagnosis. 
(This definition is inspired by InterACT).
2. Does ____ count as intersex? 
There are around 40 different intersex variations that are currently known. InterACT”s intersex variation glossary lists out those intersex variations and gives a brief description of each one.
However, we know that isn’t a complete list. People have intersex variations that haven’t been medically researched yet, or might have a rare variation that the intersex community isn’t aware of yet. 
There are also some variations that might seem on the border between perisex and intersex. Some types of hormonal or reproductive diagnoses might not have a clear answer on whether they’re intersex or not. 
Ultimately,  intersex is a social/political identity rather than a strictly medical one. Increased research and changing social attitudes can cause the definition of intersex to expand over time. Regardless of whether someone has a confirmed intersex variation or an “intersex adjacent” diagnosis, if intersex resources are helpful to you, we hope that you continue to use them and act in solidarity with the intersex community. 
On this blog, we do include PCOS with hyperandrogenism as part of the intersex community. Check out our PCOS tag for more posts about our reasoning, and PCOS specific resources.
3. Am I intersex?
We cannot diagnose you with an intersex variation over the internet. We can share resources such as the intersex variations glossary, share tips for navigating the medical system, and share information on other non-clinical signs of being intersex. 
Some questions to ask yourself that can help you start the process of intersex discovery:
What do my sex traits (genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, hormone levels, etc) look like? Does this seem like it lines up with the “typical” descriptions of those sex traits? 
Do I have any information about my birth? Were there any complications? Did doctors do extra testing at birth? Did doctors take me away from my parents for long periods of time? Did it take me longer to have my sex assigned at birth?
What was puberty like for me? Did I have early or late puberty? Did I have to go on hormones to start puberty? Did I have any variations in puberty, such as unexpected breast growth, irregular periods, or other changes? Did I go through puberty at all?
If you’ve tried to have children, are you infertile or struggling with fertility?
Did I have any unexplained surgeries or medical procedures as a child? Was I ever told I had to have organs removed and was told it was because of a cancer risk? Did I have to be on specific medications or hormones throughout my childhood? Did I have to go see a doctor more frequently? Did I go to an endocrinologist or pediatric urologist as a child? 
Do I have surgery scars or scar tissue? Do I have more frequent UTIs than typical?
Do I have access to my medical records? Is there records of hormone panels, ultrasounds, physical exams, surgeries, or other medical procedures? 
This kind of information can help you start to piece together if you think you might have an intersex variation, or if you think your intersex variation was hidden from you. 
If you’re sending in an ask trying to figure out if your symptoms line up with a specific intersex variation, please share as much information as you’re comfortable with so that we can answer with the most helpful resources. 
4. Can I self diagnose as intersex? 
It’s complicated! Intersex is different from other LGBTQIA identities, in that it’s not only about self determination, but also about our embodied experience in a very specific way. In order to be intersex, you have to have an intersex variation. And there are many intersex variations that can only be confirmed through medical testing, so it’s not something that is easy to self-diagnose.
However, we recognize that the medical system is expensive, discriminatory, and often actively hides information about people’s intersex variations from them. (it wasn’t even until 2006 that the AAP stopped recommending that doctors lie to their patients about intersex status, so many intersex adults were born before that policy change!) Considering all that we know about intersex oppression, curative violence, and medical abuse, it feels incredibly cruel to tell people that they have to force themself through that system in order to seek answers. 
So, we understand that there are ways of finding out that you are intersex without having a specific, confirmed, medical diagnosis. Many of us might find out that we’re intersex because we realize that our genitalia visibly looks different, and we can tell that we are intersex, even if we don’t know our specific diagnosis. Others might find out that we’re intersex because of strange discrepancies in our medical record. We might find out through discovering surgery scars on our body. We might go through puberty and realize that we’re developing in an atypical way to our peers. We might do a lot of research into intersex variations and have a pretty good guess into what variation lines up with our experiences. We might have some test results that help us understand we have intersex traits, even if we don’t know our specific diagnosis.  
Before self diagnosing, we think it’s important to do thorough research into intersex variations, so that you truly understand what intersex means, what intersex variations exist, and understand how that information applies to yourself. It’s also important to be considerate of how we interact in community spaces, and respect other intersex people's boundaries as you engage in a questioning or diagnosis process. 
5.  Are intersex people trans?
Some intersex people are trans, and some aren’t. Most intersex people are still assigned a gender at birth, and many intersex people who are raised as one gender and then later identify as another gender identify with the label trans. Intersex people can be cis or trans just like any other group of people. 
Many intersex people have complicated relationships with gender, and don’t feel like labels like cis or trans really fit their experiences. For this reason, terms like intergender and ipsogender were coined.
6. Are intersex people LGBTQIA?
It’s complicated! The “I” in LGBTQIA stands for intersex. Intersex history is intertwined with other parts of queer history. For example, the very first protest for intersex people in the United States was organized by Hermaphrodites with Attitude and Transexual Menace. There are intersex inclusive versions of community pride flags. Many intersex people view their intersex identity as a queer identity. Intersex oppression overlaps in many ways with homophobia and transphobia. 
However, not all intersex people think that intersex should be included in the LGBTQIA community. Sometimes this is for bigoted reasons, with intersex radfems who use this stance as a way to be transphobic. But there are also intersex people who think that the “I” should only be included in the acronym when intersex people are actually meaningfully being included in queer spaces and resources. Many of us feel frustrated when people put “LGBTQIA” on a resource but then don’t actually have any intersex specific information in those resources. 
In general, this is an ongoing intracommunity discussion where we don’t have a consensus. 
7. Are intersex people disabled? 
It’s complicated! Intersex is an umbrella term for many different experiences, and there is not one universal intersex experience. Some intersex people identify as disabled. Some intersex people do not.
Many intersex variations do cause disabling impacts in our bodies and lives. Some intersex variations are comorbid with other health conditions. Other intersex people become disabled because of violent normalizing interventions we’ve survived, such as forced surgery or other types of medical abuse. 
Intersex people are also impacted by many of the same structures of oppression that harm disabled people. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by ableism. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by pathologization. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by curative violence. 
In the book Cripping Intersex, Celeste Orr explores all these concepts and creates something called “intersex is/and/as/with disability,” which is a model to think about all these different and sometimes conflicting relationships with disability. Some intersex people might identify directly as disabled. Others might sometimes think about the way that intersex is treated as a disability. Other intersex people might think about intersex and disability as a way to have solidarity. All of these relationships with disability are meaningful parts of the intersex community. 
8. What is intersex oppression/intersexism/interphobia/compulsory dyadism? 
Intersex people face a lot of oppression in many ways in society. At the core, intersex oppression relies on the idea that the only acceptable sex traits are sex traits that fit into the sex binary. Intersex oppression relies on mythical ideas of the “ideal male or female” body, where someone's chromosomes perfectly line up with their genitalia and internal reproductive organs, with perfectly normal hormone levels and perfect secondary sex characteristics that don’t have any variation. When people don’t fit into that “perfect” sex binary, they are seen as less valuable, abnormal, and threatening. There is then a societal pressure to eradicate any traits and people that fall outside of the sex binary, which causes a lot of targeted discrimination of intersex people. This form of oppression is called “compulsory dyadism,” and was coined by Celeste Orr. 
Compulsory dyadism is also rooted in, overlaps with, and is the foundation for many other types of oppression. For example, ableism is another form of oppression that creates ways of harming people whose bodies and minds are labeled as less valuable for societally constructed reasons. Check out Talila Lewis’s definition of ableism for more information. Another example is how racialized people are targeted by sex testing policies in sports--both intersex and perisex women of color are consistently targeted by sex testing policies designed to exclude intersex people from sports. Another example is that homophobia and transphobia contribute to why intersex bodies are seen as threats that need to be eradicated--society views existing with intersex sex traits as a slippery slope to growing up as a gay or trans adult. Compulsory dyadism is also at the root of a lot of transphobic rhetoric about how transitioning “ruins” people’s bodies. All these forms of oppression are connected. 
There are a lot of ways that compulsory dyadism causes intersex people to be targeted and discriminated against. A huge issue is nonconsensual surgeries at birth, that attempt to “normalize” ambiguous genitalia, remove intersex people’s gonads, and otherwise alter genitalia or internal structures. These surgeries are often referred to as intersex genital mutilation, or IGM. These surgeries do not have any medical necessity, but doctors lobby to continue to be allowed to perform them anyway. These surgeries can sterilize intersex people, cause lifelong trauma, and also cause many disabling medical complications. Alongside IGM, intersex people also face a lot of different types of medical abuse. 
Besides curative violence and medical abuse, intersex people also face discrimination in our schools, jobs, and public places. We face legal discrimination in changing our names and sex markers. We face discrimination from institutions like CPS, which often target parents, especially people of color, that refuse to put their children through intersex genital mutilation. Many intersex people survive targeted sexual violence. We have a widespread lack of resources, visibility, and representation. Many people still have prejudiced ideas about intersex people and call us slurs. These are just a few examples of the many way that interphobia/intersexism show up in our lives. 
9. What is intersex justice? 
Intersex justice is a framework created by intersex activists through the Intersex Justice Project as a way to fight for intersex liberation. 
“Intersex justice is a decolonizing framework that affirms the labor of intersex people of color fighting for change across social justice movements. By definition, intersex justice affirms bodily integrity and bodily autonomy as the practice of liberation. Intersex justice is intrinsically tied to justice movements that center race, ability, gender identity & expression, migrant status, and access to sexual & reproductive healthcare. Intersex justice articulates a commitment to these movements as central to its intersectional analysis and praxis. Intersex justice acknowledges the trauma caused by medically unnecessary and nonconsensual cosmetic genital surgeries and addresses the culture of shame, silence and stigma surrounding intersex variations that perpetuate further harm.
The marginalization of intersex people is rooted in colonization and white supremacy. Colonization created a taxonomy of human bodies that privileged typical white male and female bodies, prescribing a gender binary that would ultimately harm atypical black and indigenous bodies. As part of a liberation movement, intersex activists challenge not only the medical establishment, which is often the initial site of harm, but also governments, institutions, legal structures, and sociocultural norms that exclude intersex people. Intersex people should be allowed complete and uninhibited access to obtaining identity documents, exercising their birth and adoption rights, receiving unbiased healthcare, and securing education and employment opportunities that are free from harm and harassment.” (Source: Dr. Mel Michelle Lewis through the Intersex Justice Project.)
There are seven principles to intersex justice: 
Informed consent
Legal protections
Children's rights
Patient-centered healthcare
10. What is intergender? 
Intergender is a gender identity for use by intersex people only. It doesn’t have one specific definition-it is used by intersex people to mean a whole variety of things. It’s used to describe the unique ways our intersex experience intersects with and influences our gender.  Some people use it as a modifying term, such as calling themselves an intergender man or woman, as a way to explain the way being intersex affects their identity. Other people identify solely as intergender, and have that be their whole gender. 
11. What is dyadic/perisex/endosex? 
All are words that mean “not intersex.” Different groups will have different preferences on which one they like to use. 
12. Is hermaphrodite an offensive term? 
Yes. It is an incredibly offensive slur that perisex people should never say. Many intersex people have a very painful history with the slur. Some of us reclaim the term, which can be an important act of healing and celebration for us.
12. Can perisex people follow? 
Feel free, but understand that questions by intersex people are prioritized! Anyone is welcome to follow.
13. I’m writing a character who’s intersex…
Check out this post:  https://trans-axolotl.tumblr.com/post/188153640308/intersex-representation. If you’re writing about intersex people for a paid project, you should pay an intersex person to act as a sensitivity reader before publishing. 
Check out our Resources and Intersex Organizations pages as well!
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sidekickjoey · 1 year
In the summer of '86, fresh off of saving the world, Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler get blonde highlights.
Be it a coping mechanism after handling the hell that was spring or simply a mutual need for change, the decision is made without nervousness from either party. They enter the salon together, swear up and down to their assigned hairstylists that, yes, this is what they want and no, they do not care that their hair already looks perfect as is, thanks, and leave donning notably different looks.
Steve's signature chestnut ends up woven between streaks of gold, giving him a sort of distracting glimmering effect when he walks out into the sun. Nancy's waves, though still shoulder length and crimped to perfection, sway almost completely and utterly blonde in any light.
Needless to say, their new looks quickly make them, the former it-couple of Hawkins, the talk of the town once more - including that of their two closest friends, Eddie and Robin.
They, unlike the general public of Hawkins, have spent the past few months slowly building massive crushes on Steve and Nancy, entranced by their might after surviving the horrors of the Upside Down. While to most a change in hair color for Steve and Nancy is merely an oddity, to them? It's like someone hit the panic button and left them to scatter in a secluded room.
Robin has only been over her gaga-for-Vickie phase for a few weeks now. The wound is still fresh, and she knows she should not be looking once again into a possible unrequited love situation until she is better healed emotionally. She also knows he has a weakness for blondes that goes beyond all reason, i.e. Tammy Thompson and her muppet singing voice. She shouldn't act and possibly jeopardize one of her most sincere female friendships over a silly little weakness like that.
However, Nancy looks like a vision in blonde.
Robin thinks it's her big doe eyes that do it. They pop when the blonde meshes with Nancy's fair skin, and it makes her heart swoon in the most debilitating of ways. Not to mention, the softer cut she got along with the lighter coloring frames her face so well. Robin swoons over it. If not for her fear of rejection, she probably would have already taken the leap and done something stupid, like confess how Nancy's scrambled her brain.
Eddie's not doing much better himself with Steve.
He had been there in the early days, when Scoops Ahoy's newest worker showed up in his first edition of golden highlights. Like any good Hawkins resident, he had handled it with poise, class, and lots of extra trips to Scoops Ahoy whenever he happened to be at the Starcourt Mall, along with frequent whisperings of 'what the hell' expressed in the confines of his room where no one could hear him freak out. T'was standard™.
This look, though...it blows Scoops Ahoy Steve away by miles.
It's bright. It's golden. It's like he slipped and fell into some kind of radiant daydream, only to emerge like a ray of sunlight to distract Eddie Munson and Eddie Munson alone, and Eddie can't shut up about it.
Seriously, Wayne has heard enough.
The issue is, he has next to no idea what to do about these feelings. His mind is screaming to make a move on the guy, because you only live once and, well, he's already on his second try. However, his little worried heart loves Steve's newfound companionship and whatever odd-couple friendship they have going on right now. He doesn't want to lose that because of some dye job and a trim. It's too important, too good.
So, like Robin, he finds himself refraining.
They both refrain, and over the next week or so, the decision to do so eats at them like mad. They stumble over their words when speaking to Steve and Nancy. They actually stumble physically, in Robin's case, when Nancy walks by one morning. They tell anyone and everyone they can about it aside from Steve and Nancy, and by the end of that week, it all hits a breaking point. Word slips for the sake of everyone's sanity to Steve and Nancy.
It should mark the beginning of havoc and betrayal.
Instead, it breeds two plans.
Because, here's the thing: Steve and Nancy are not dumb, contrary to what some might think. They are wildly observant people. They know what their friends are up to, and Robin and Eddie are high on that friend list after spring. They've seen their behavior and, though Nancy had to spell a little bit of it out for Steve, both have come to the conclusion that something is definitely up in the crush department. If they want to capitalize on it, they know there is no better time than now while their haircuts are still new and their own crushes are seeking an opportunity to spill their feelings.
Nancy's plan to handle Robin, to the untrained eye, is simple. She's known for carefully thought out strikes when people least expect them, and the last thing she's going to do is stop using that tactic to her advantage now.
So, she invites the other girl on a trip to the mall for new bracelets. She claims it's on account of Holly taking hers hostage (not a total lie) and needing time out with someone her age (also not a total lie), and Robin buys it in seconds. A day later, they meet up at a boutique mall just outside of Hawkins and roam for a few hours together. It's simple. Casual. Subtle enough to be innocent from afar yet just intimate enough for Nancy to make her move when the time is right.
The time becomes right when they're sitting at a booth in the food court, chatting about Holly's other jewelry-related crimes. Nancy accidentally knocks the fork for her salad off the table, catching the attention of them both. Robin is quick to say she's got it, but Nancy is faster. Ready. She reaches down, picks up the fork, and in a fit of bravery, makes damn sure she holds eye contact with Robin the entire way back up. Robin swallows and looks away, clearly flustered and trying to behave over such a small thing as eye contact. But, Nancy doesn't want her to ignore it this time. So, she pulls a cheesy line from Steve's old book (that she totally did not rehearse with Steve, not at all) and misbehaves, just to get the ball rolling.
Batting her eyes, she asks in her most casual drawl, "Sheesh Robin, do blondes always make you this nervous?"
Robin chokes on her milkshake. 'Accidentally' knocks over her own fork. Goes down beneath the table to - not subtly - whisper-scream about what the hell that just was, because what the hell was that? Hello?
Nancy finds it incredibly endearing. She kind of wants to tell her about it.
She joins Robin on the floor to do so and giggles, freakin giggles, at Robin's shock and awe over her being there. Robin, panicked, reaches for the fork she dropped and holds it up to Nancy for her to see like it's some kind of explanation for her huddling under the table a full minute after it fell. She then stutters out a small 'got it,' despite Nancy being a goddamn journalist who notices things for her job and is fully capable of using her own two eyes to see, what the heck Robin??
Nancy still finds it all so endearing, though she doesn't think saying it out loud would be the best course of action anymore. Her last words sort of sent the poor girl into a spiral, and as fun as it is sharing this cramped space with her, she kind of wants to get off the gross tile if at all possible. So, instead, she does the next best thing and expresses her fondness physically.
With a kiss.
On the mouth.
Hidden by the table but all-too-real and seen to Robin, who forgets how to breathe because oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH.
It's perfect. It's effortless. It's everything. It's hands-down worth the hours of waiting Nancy had to do under a hairdryer in foils to get her here, and even more worth Robin's adorably rushed confession after the fact that she's always liked blondes, just a little bit.
Steve's plan is a lot different than Nancy's.
He is a tried-and-true passionate romantic after all, and Eddie is about as dramatic as Shakespeare. A casual outing or demure kiss under a table is just not going to cut it in terms of a confession for either of them. Steve knows this. He tells it to Nancy. Repeatedly.
After hours of back and forth over the phone, he eventually finds himself at a music store, equipped with a wad of cash and his eyes set on an, admittedly, badass looking guitar. It has blue flames along its black exterior that rise to its very top and are lined with a reflective silver, making it glimmer even in the dim light of the shop. Eddie's been moaning about losing his sweetheart to the Upside Down for weeks -- no, months at this point. Steve thinks this blue beauty would be a perfect replacement for her. He also thinks it might just be what they need to stop dancing around each other's feelings too, if he's lucky.
He purchases it and stows it away in his bedroom before calling Eddie over the following day. The boy is all nerves when he finally arrives. Steve doesn't help ease them by running his hand through his hair more than once, but what can he say? It's a tough habit to break, and he's been doing it ever since he's hand anything more than a buzz cut. Sue him.
After pleasantries about their day are discussed and Eddie appears to be more calmed down, Steve invites him upstairs for a 'surprise' that just about undoes all the poor boy's progress at once.
Because Steve didn't just place the new guitar in its case and put a bow on it to surprise Eddie. No, he propped that sucker on its stand, bought a small light to illuminate the silver and blue, and placed a little card on the case that said, 'To Eddie, from your sweetheart.'
Steve watches as Eddie physically has to reboot upon seeing it all. He then rushes to cover his ears as Eddie returns to consciousness with a full-blown yell, running over to his gift with repeated 'no way's that get higher and higher in volume with each utterance. All noise ceases when he finally reads the card, though. That's when Steve feels safe enough to drop his hands to his side and make his approach, a shy grin on his lips.
"Like it?"
"Y-You're my sweetheart?"
With a shrug, Steve once again cards a hand through his hair. "If you want me to be. I-I mean, I assumed you would want me to be with all the looks you've been giving me, a-and everything with the Upside Down. But if I've got that wrong, if...shit, maybe I should just-"
Their first kiss is messy, wet, and way too enthusiastic.
Eddie's all teeth from how wide he's smiling into the kiss, and Steve nearly falls over from the sheer force of the guy barreling into him. He grows a bit dizzy, too, from how firm Eddie's grip on his hair has him, and that does little for his already frazzled balance. But, it's perfect. It's so stupidly them and perfect and wild like Steve had hoped it to be, like Eddie hoped it to be.
Later, when Steve leaves Eddie to enjoy his guitar in peace and breathe because, yeah, he finds himself making a mental note to call Nancy when he's home. If this is what one round of highlights gets him, he'll be damned if they don't plan another round for touch ups soon.
Stepping inside, Steve catches sight of a blinking light on his answering machine that tells him Nancy'd be damned, too.
He smiles.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Are you hurt? - Simon "Ghost" Riley
Tumblr media
Based on a request:
GN!Reader, Doctor!reader, MDNI, 18+, Smut
You have been recently been assigned to a new base, thanks to the recommendations of Kate Laswell. 141 had recently arrived back at base, their assignment was a tough one to complete, unfortunately for Ghost, he found himself injured. He was dragged to the infirmary despite him saying he was more than okay.
It was a known fact he hated medics, never trusted one, ever. Your team of nurses waited for him in a private room.
''Sir, you have to sit down!'' the nurses tried to control him. ''fuck off I don't need the help!''
You walked in after hearing all the commotion. You sent all the nurses away and closed the curtains and door. It was now you and him in the room.
''Mr. Riley, either I help you or you bleed out.''
''Ghost.'' he said in an annoyed tone.
''..right, Ghost, so will you let me help you? or will I have to sedate you?'' You prepared a needle for him, he shook his head.
''no one else can help, you understand?''
''Alright, just sit steady and I'll clean and close your wounds.'' you have him a small kind smile. After you closed the wound by his abdomen, you noticed some blood leaked down from his balaclava. He knew you had noticed it too, he looked away.
''take it off.''
''my mask?''
You shrug and reached for the needle and prepared his arm to be injected. ''I try to be nice and reasonable, but I have a job to do.''
''Fine, but only attend the wound, no wandering.''
You nod and smile. Soon you slowly took the mask off. The way he looked even under the black eye pain and the dead look on his eyes, still made you blush.
His cheek was bleeding, a somewhat deep cut on it. You gently and carefully cleaned and closed the wound. ''that wasn't so bad was it?'' you smiled as you cleaned up the table by you.
He stayed silent and just looked at you.
''I don't recommend you putting that dirty mask on, you'll get an infection.''
And he didn't say a word, he just stared at you. Inspected your every little detail.
''Thanks.'' he got up from the bed and walk towards the door. He turned back to you, in your hands you had two surgical masks.
''Put one on and take the other.'' it was as if you knew he would ask for one. He takes them from your hand and leaves.
For a few days you two pass each other, you smiled at him and he gives you a small nod. At times when he wouldn't see you eat with the other doctors or medics, he would look for you. He would walk around the hallways of the offices or wander around the medical center. One day he hadn't seen or heard from you, so as usual he went looking for you.
You took your gloves off and walked away from a patients room. He carefully trailed behind, you could feel his presence. You stepped into your office and intentionally left the door open.
''might as well come in.'' you said. All he did was stand by the doorway. ''hi.'' was all he could come up with.
''Hey,'' you smiled at him.
''Can I take a seat?''
You nod as he slowly closes the door behind him and takes a seat in front of your desk. You two awkwardly stare at each other.
''are you hurt?''
''no, I just wanted to talk.'' His eyes trailed to your lips, those war plump lips of yours. How they widened more as you smile or talk about something you liked.
''Simon, call me Simon when we are all alone.''
''right..so Simon, what is it that you wanted to talk about?''
His mind went blank. For days since your delicate hands touched his body he had been dreaming about you. He would touch himself at night, dreaming of your body bouncing on his as you two got off each others high. How he would leave marks on your neck each time you moaned his name. He would love to have a taste of you.
And in that moment he looked around to make sure all curtains were closed, he locked the door and approached you.
''can I kiss you, love?''
You didn't say anything but gave him a small nod. His lips brushing against yours. He was hungry for you, his tongue exploring your mouth as yours did the same. His hands roamed your body, having a feeling for what he knew he would soon call his.
He pulled away, a small smile on him. ''let me please you, love.'' and you allowed him to. He slowly bit your neck, leaving small marks around it.
His throbbing cock leaking pre-cum each time he heard your moans. So soft and delicate, it drove him mad.
He unzipped his pants and took his now hardened cock out. "go on love, I know you want to." You mouth slowly reached for his throbbing cock. It was so sensitive and warm, he tasted somewhat sour and sweet, but you not once complained. He moaned as you pumped his cock. He was so needy for you, wanting to push you more in. You gagged and cried as his hands pushed your further down. Whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth you would jerk it off.
His cock twitching as his cum leaked inside of your sweet mouth. He made you look at him, your eyes dazed as if you had just gotten drunk on his sweet cum.
His hands closing your mouth, ''drink it, we don't want to waste this do we?'' you shake your head and slowly swallow his seed. You opened your mouth to show him it was empty, some of his thick sticky cum rolling down your neck.
''Good boy/girl. Did so well for me.'' he kissed you, he wrapped his arms around your waste.
''why don't you meet me at my room after your shift, think you'll like what I planned for both of us.''
A/N: I know this is short, but I had to feed my hungry mask kinked whores <3
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malaanna · 22 days
The original challenge and rules are from @ginovasims. I only adapted it to base game. You can find the original rules here: https://ginovasims.tumblr.com/starsignchallenge
And big thanks to Hope for helping me edit it <3
I have copied some of the rules below for your convenience.
·  A twelve generation legacy challenge based on the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.
Aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish (I recommend long but it is entirely your choice).
Each goal must be met before the new heir takes over.
You cannot give the sims dramatic makeovers or personality adjustments. Slight changes to the appearance are fine but they can’t be made into a whole new sim.
If you do this challenge, please credit @ginovasims.
Vague guidelines/suggestions:
Heir can be any gender, they don’t have to be female. They can also be any sexuality. 
Children don’t have to be genetic, they can be adopted, BUT they must be adopted as a baby/toddler.
Mods and custom content can be used.
The generations will offer three traits, you do not need the heir to have all three traits, but they MUST have at least TWO of them.
If you cannot add any of the required traits when the heir is a child, you are able to choose another trait and change it to the correct trait when available (either as a teen or YA). You can do this through cheats in CAS. But the same rule applies that you must have at least two of the offered traits by the time the heir is a YA.
If you do not have all of the packs required to complete the requirements for each generation, either find a similar alternative or skip that rule. But where possible, you must complete each generation requirement.
(OPTIONAL) I have assigned each generation a colour, you don’t have to follow this at all, or you can only use it as much as you want. You don’t need a whole yellow house with a sim only dressed in yellow, for example. It’s up to you!
(OPTIONAL) I have also given every generation a different theme to name their children. Again, this is all optional and you can ignore this, I just thought it would be fun and add a little extra challenge by coming up with different names you might not always use.
(OPTIONAL) Use the hashtag #StarSignChallenge on tweets, posts, and videos.
Generation 1 - Aries
You have always been an independent and confident person. Even since childhood, you knew what you wanted to do and had a plan to get there. You dreamed of becoming- no, you WOULD become a businessman/woman. You wouldn’t let anything get in your way and put all your efforts into climbing to the top in the world of business. You make friends with like-minded people and bump heads with those you don’t get on with as well. Your main issue is that you have never liked it when people tell you what to do. You often get easily frustrated when you think people are saying that you’re unable to do something. You never turn down a challenge and have always been extremely passionate about all of your interests. Anything bold and daring, you’d try it. You live for a life of thrills, always in action. You have always been loyal, sticking by your friends through thick and thin. It’s the same in relationships. In your eyes, love is built on trust and loyalty, and you would never forget this. You will always fight for what you believe is right and support the people you love, no matter what.
Any partner must be a good friend before you start romancing them
Never cheat on a partner
You must never initiate a breakup or divorce, but your partner can if it fits the story
Master fitness skill 
Have at least two tattoos
Dye your hair a bright color at least twice in your YA life
Reach at least level 7 of the business career
Reach at least level 3 of the Bodybuilder aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Woohoo in 3 different locations (hot tub, rocket ship, backyard observatory)
Make sure you have enough household funds to give your heir 30k when they move out
Reach level 10 of the business career 
Complete the Bodybuilder aspiration 
Give children winter themed names
Traits: Hot-headed, Loyal, Active 
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Business (managment branch)
Colour: Navy Blue
Generation 2 - Taurus
You grew up close to your parents and, because of their hot-headed nature, you have quite a short temper as well, and your problems can often seem trivial. The smallest things can offset your balance and get inside your head. But that’s okay, because you’ve found something to help you cope and distract you: food. You love to cook. Whenever you get stressed, you go to the kitchen and let all your frustration out into your cooking. And it pays off, your food is incredible. You spent your teen years cooking and dreaming about a future doing the same. Your dream is to one day become a master chef, but you need to make a name for yourself in the cooking industry first. Starting from the bottom won’t be easy, but you know you have the drive and the talent to make it. Nothing will stop you from achieving your dream. Even though you had a really close relationship with your parents, they did work a lot, meaning you spent a lot of time home alone.
Anytime a negative hot-headed moodlet appears, you must cook any meal (you don’t have to eat it, just cook)
Reach level 7 of the culinary career
Marry a co-worker
Reach level 10 of the cooking and gourmet cooking skills
Have twins (can cheat for this)
Host dinner parties and invite your parents at least every other week
Reach level 3 of the Master Chef aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Reach level 10 of the culinary career
Cook food with ingredients that you produced/collected
Complete the master chef aspiration
Give children food themed names
Traits: Good, Hot-headed , Foodie
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary (chef branch)
Color: Orange
Generation 3 - Gemini
Being a twin, you always feel like you have to try harder to carve your own personality. You and your twin aren’t the same person, just because you look the same. You are unique and will prove that to everyone, in the most dramatic and fun ways you can think of. You’re a bold and confident person who wants to stand out, in every sense. You always worked hard in school, but it came easy to you to get good grades. You’re a natural genius, and aren’t afraid to show off and boast about it. You have a variety of friends and enjoy meeting new people, and you’ve never been afraid to experiment with fun and different styles or hobbies. Because of your parent’s hot-headed attitude and their frequent freaking out at little things, you’ve become a bit unpredictable as well. No one knows what mood you’ll be in, or how you’ll react to things. You enjoy this though, you like that people see you as an enigma. Life would be boring without a bit of spontaneity! It’s the same with your work life, and in romance too. You can’t settle in one job for a long time; you always get bored and want to try something new. You’re no different with relationships. You never really have a serious, long-term partner. It’s not that you aren’t interested in romance, it’s more that the idea of exploring new romances and people excites you more than settling down with one partner forever. You have always been inspired by your grandparent’s love of adventure. You want to explore different cultures, try new things, and be courageous! But can you keep up with this lifestyle forever?
Achieve an A grade throughout school 
Always wear bright colours
Have at least two piercings 
Take a ‘gap year’ after highschool and spend at least 2 days on vacation
Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from woohoo with a friend at a party
Stay friends and co-parent with your child’s other parent
Never get married
Reach level 3 of the Renaissance Sim aspiration
When your child is a toddler, move house. Move again when they are a teenager
Optional Requirements: 
Visit your grandparent (if they are still alive) at least twice in your life 
Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration 
Uproot your life when you become an adult and move to a different world
Give children location themed names
Traits: Genius, Outgoing, Erratic
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Any
Colour: Mint
*Generation 4 - Cancer
You’re never able to fully settle as a child due to your parent’s erratic ways and brash decisions. Your life is often uprooted by moving houses so you never feel fully stable or like you fit in anywhere. You feel like you never really had any true friends growing up; you always have to leave them behind when your parent decides it’s time for a change of scenery. You try to stay in touch online, playing games with them and chatting, but it isn’t the same as being with them in person. Your parents always love you and treat you well, but you can’t help but dream of having a ‘normal’ family. With parents who live together and living in a forever home. You have always wanted this life for yourself. But when you get it, you realise that this ‘normal’ family isn’t everything. Things aren’t as easy as they always seemed. Your partner has been keeping secrets from you, and you find out in the worst way possible. Absolutely distraught and heartbroken, you begin to put all your effort and love solely into your children, often forgetting to care for yourself. Your children are innocent in this and you won’t let them suffer because of your partner’s mistakes. It takes you a while to get over the pain they caused you, but, eventually, you are able to pick yourself up and find a new focus in life. Your children will always come first. You decide to join the tech guru career. Over time, you learn that the main thing in life is having people who love and support you, and just because a family isn’t always together, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.
Play online video games with friends every week as a teenager
Have a rom-com style ‘meet cute’ at the library as a YA
Get engaged within a week of knowing each other, and married within the next week
Have at least one son and one daughter
Walk in on your spouse having an affair after you’ve had children 
Join the Tech Guru career at least a week after discovering your spouse’s affair
Reach level 5 of the tech guru career (eSports branch)
Reach level 3 of the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Reach level 10 of the programing and video gaming skills
Have your parent move in with you when they become an elder
Optional Requirements: 
Have a pen pal as a teen
Complete the postcard collection
Divorce your spouse and find love with a friend you haven’t spoken to since childhood 
Go on a holiday with just your children after discovering the affair
Reach level 10 of the tech guru career
Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Name children after video game characters
Traits: Family-oriented, Geek, Gloomy
Aspiration: Happy Family
Career: Stay-at-Home Parent, Tech guru (eSport branch)
Colour: White
Generation 5 - Leo
Your life is never the same since one of your parent’s cheated on the other. The previous heir would give you and your siblings extra attention, and you lap it up. You know you were always spoiled as a child, and you never go without something you want. Despite all this, you do truly appreciate everything they do for you to try and give you a happy childhood. They teach you to be selfless and pure, and you keep these values in mind through your whole life. You aren’t a selfish person at all, you just know your worth and won’t let anyone treat you any less than that. Throughout your childhood, you have a passion for the arts. You’re always doing something to creatively express yourself. Anytime you have the opportunity to be the center of attention, you take it. You always knew you wanted to be known in the world, but would never give up on your creative hobbies for the sake of your career. You use your creative mind to post style vlogs. The more you post, the more your following grows, and your fame is quick to follow. Before you know it, you have paparazzi following you around and screaming fans chasing you, and you love every second of it. You adjust well to the celebrity lifestyle, and live a life of luxury with your equally famous partner and children. Who said you couldn’t have it all?
Play an instrument of your choosing through childhood and teen years
Reach level 8 of the style influencer career
Donate to charity every week after you start working
Master any instrument 
Reach level 4 of the photography skill
Reach level 3 of the Friend of the World aspiration 
Marry another a coworker as an adult 
Adopt at least two children together (you can also have genetic children)
Optional Requirements: 
Master the childhood creativity aspiration 
Reach level 10 of the style influencer career
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration 
Host house party weekly
Give all your children whacky and eccentric names
Traits: Creative, Good, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Style influencer (Trend Setter Branch)
Colour: Yellow
Generation 6 - Virgo
You never really fit into the famous lifestyle you were brought up with, it didn’t feel like you. You didn’t appreciate being in the public eye and couldn’t wait to move out and stop being known as the famous child of the social media celebrity that is your parent. While the rest of your family would rather be outside, followed by fans and paparazzi, you had always much preferred being home, tucked up with a good book. You still had a good relationship with your parents growing up, but felt like they unintentionally put extra pressure on you to be the best. The whole world watched you grow up, so they would know if you put a toe out of line. You always worked hard to avoid this embarrassment, for both yours and your parents’ sake. Having famous and rich parents meant that you had so much handed to you growing up. A lot of people would have loved this, but you hate it. You want to make your own life and create your own path, without your parents’ help or money. You were never interested in romance or love, but you love the idea of being a parent. You heard about how your great-grandparent had your grandparent with a friend, and the two would co-parent to raise them. This inspired you, and you realised you didn’t need a partner to be a parent. And so that is what you do. You and a close friend agree to raise a baby together, in a completely platonic relationship. The child would still grow up in a supported and loving home, and no one said that there had to be romance involved to look after a baby together. You provide them with anything they need, just as your parents had done for you. Except you would create and make everything for them, not just buy it with a celebrity status, and you always make sure it was perfect for your little angel.
Read one book every week as a teen
Finish school with an A grade
Move out with just 2k to your name
Drastically change your appearance after moving out (no facial reconstruction)
Master the painting and handiness skill
Decorate every room with paintings that you painted
Never decorate your house with something you buy IF you are able to make it (i.e. dining table or chairs)
Never pursue a romantic relationship 
Have a baby with a good friend and co-parent with them (you can woohoo with them to start the pregnancy, but remove all romance afterwards or you can have a science baby with them)
Reach level 3 of the Bestselling Author aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Instead of moving out with 2k, keep track of how much money you earn while living with your parents, and move out with just that money as a YA
Publish books as a side job/hobby
Reach level 10 of the writing, photography, gardening, fishing
Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration 
Name children after book characters
Traits: Perfectionist, Bookworm, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Freelance Writer
Colour: Lilac
*Generation 7 - Libra
Growing up in a home built solely by your parent made you appreciate every detail, you knew that everything you owned was built with love. You never took a possession for granted, and would always relish in new items and objects. Your parent was a perfectionist so you knew that everything in your house would be of excellent quality, and this was what you’d grown to expect, in every walk of life; excellent quality. Since your parent cut themselves off from fame and fortune, you never knew your grandparent as a child. As a teenager, you became curious about your extended family, so your parent introduced you. It was easy to see that you had a lot more in common with your grandparent than your parent. You loved their life of luxury, especially how posh and expensive everything was. You knew you wanted a life like this. You always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and relished in honesty and truth. You decided you would join a business career. Plus, the job paid well so you’d be able to afford your luscious dream home. Your best friend as a child came from a wealthy family, so you bonded over your love of materialistic goods. When you became teens, you saw each other in a whole new light. You started dating and everything seemed perfect for a long time. Until, a matter of days before your birthday, something happens for you to break up with each other. You were both devastated but knew it was for the best. You had a few more serious relationships after your breakup, but none of them felt right. You eventually bumped into your first love again, and rekindled the relationship. This time, the love between you both was stronger than ever and you knew you’d met your soulmate. You live out the rest of your days in a luxurious house, full of materialistic goods, growing old together.
Always dress to impress
Don’t have any relationship with your grandparent until you’re a teenager, but become good friends before you become a YA
Fall in love with your childhood best friend and date as teenagers 
Breakup before you become a YA and go your separate ways
Have two positive and serious relationships as a YA, but end them by asking to be friends
Rekindle your love with a childhood sweetheart and never break up with them again
Have only two children close in age, but only after you become an adult
Reach level 8 of the business career (Investor branch)
Reach level 3 of the Soulmate aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Move in with your grandparent as a teen
Live in a modern mansion 
Reach level 10 of the business career (Investor branch)
Complete the Soulmate aspiration 
Name children after gemstones
Traits: Romantic, Cheerful, Materialistic 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: business (investor branch)
Colour: Pink
Generation 8 - Scorpio
You always loved hearing about your parents’ love story and dreamed of having one yourself. Two childhood friends who fell in love and always found their way back to each other, what’s more romantic than that? As a teenager, your romantic relationships never worked that well. The other sim never quite lived up to your expectations. You wanted them to be perfect, and they weren’t. What made it worse was that your older sibling seemed to find the perfect partner while you were both at school. How was that fair? Not only that, they had better grades than you, and more friends. Anything you could do, they could do better. You were both given the exact same opportunities as children and raised the same, so it seemed wrong that they were better than you. But the one thing they couldn’t take from you was your music. That was the only thing you knew you were better at than them. Through your teen years, when you weren’t stuck on bad dates, you were in your room playing one of your instruments. When you became a young adult, you and your sibling cut ties and didn’t really interact with each other at all. You were also still on the hunt for a perfect partner. You continue to date around, but are faced with failure. How could it be so hard to find someone to love? You eventually decide to put your dating life on hold and focus on yourself. You have always enjoyed being active and sporty but never really concentrated on it as you were so preoccupied with dating and your music. But since you weren’t dating, you could bring your attention back to fitness. Lo and behold, you bumped into someone at the gym. Someone you never expected to be interested in. Someone so different from you and your family. But this sim captured your interest and really excited you. Could it be the love you were looking for all along? After your engagement and career success, you decided it was about time you made amends with your sibling. You realised that happiness didn’t come from other people and there was no use comparing yourself to them. Happiness comes from within and you strive to become the best version of yourself.
Lose any relationship with your sibling as a teen and have no relationship with them until you’re engaged and at level 7 of your career, then become BFFs with them
Have multiple failed romances in both your teen years and young adult years
Meet a sim at the gym who is very different from all your past romances 
Get engaged after two weeks of dating
Only have one child 
Busk weekly until you become a parent
Write and sell songs as frequently as you can
Reach level 7of the fitness
Master 2 instruments 
Reach level 8 of the Musician career
Reach level 3 of the Musical Genius aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Master any instrument while you’re still a teenager
Master 3 instruments
Reach level 10 of the musician career 
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration 
Give children musical themed names
Traits: Jealous, Active, Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer (musician branch)
Colour: Emerald Green
*Generation 9 - Sagittarius 
Being an only child meant you always had your parents’ attention, and you loved it. You weren’t a difficult child but you were very playful and never took things too seriously. At school, you were known as the class clown and never put too much effort into your studies. You loved parties.  Drinking, partying, exploring yourself. Getting juiced at clubs and spending your nights with strangers, anything to have a bit of fun. You made money by doing some part time jobs. Things went on like this for a while, until one night, something changed. You were expecting a baby with a random stranger. And they didn’t want the baby. Even though it wasn’t anything you’d anticipated ever wanting, the idea of having a child of your own felt… nice. You agreed that you would take the baby in and raise them by yourself, without the other parent. You saw it as a sign that it was time for you to grow up and mature. You had to support this new little person who only had you to rely on, and you refused to let them down. You stopped partying as frequently and spoke to your parent about a job in the entertainer industry. They made it big playing music, and you had always loved all the songs you’d heard at the clubs through the years. You wanted to produce your own tracks, and it meant you could still spend some evenings out doing your standup routines. You might never be the picture-perfect and most organised parent, but you’d do everything in your power to provide for your child.
Never achieve more than a B grade at school 
Go out to a nightclub or host a party every night in your early YA life 
Get a tattoo while juiced at night club
Only do part time jobs (but never overmax it, when you reach the top of the career, switch career)
Have a baby with a random stranger from a one-night stand
Move back in with your parents after becoming a parent
Enter the entertainer career after becoming a parent 
Reach level 5 of the guitar skill
Reach level 7 of the comedy skill
Reach level 3 of the Party Animal aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
If you are able to become pregnant, woohoo with multiple people in one night so you never know who the parent is
Reach level 8 of the guitar skill
Reach level 10 of the comedy skill
Complete the Party Animal aspiration 
Name your child after a cartoon character
Traits: Music Lover, Goofball, Childish
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Part time jobs (before your child is born), after entertainer (Comedian branch)
Colour: Red
Generation 10 - Capricorn
You never really understood why your parent chose to live their life the way they did. No order, no plans, just doing whatever they felt like in the moment. You loved them, but you had very different belief systems and the pair of you often had arguments about these disagreements. They did what they could to provide for you, but you couldn’t help but question if it was enough. They never got a real job or fully settled down, and you felt a bit embarrassed that you were brought up in your grandparent’s house since they never bought their own home. You decided early on that you would strive to be better than the legacy they left behind. You would work towards big achievements, in both your professional and personal life. You decided that when you have children, you would always do whatever you could to help them achieve and set them up for success. You started by thinking about where your parent went wrong, and worked hard to do better. You’d get As in school. The idea of getting juiced and woohooing with strangers was something you decided you’d never do. Everything you would do, you wanted to do it properly and like a real adult. Your children would learn to be responsible and have a parent they can fully rely on. You always had an appreciation for the finer things in life, and would often be seen turning your nose up at whatever seemed below you. You didn’t have the most friends because of this, partly because you never saw them being as good as you, and partly because no one liked your attitude. You didn’t mind though, you wouldn’t want to be seen with anyone or anything lower than your worth. Why settle for anything less?
When you become a teenager, have arguments with your parent and lose friendship (never enter the red though)
Never have more than three friends outside of family 
Have As all through school 
Always dress smart and never wear revealing clothes 
Never get any tattoos or piercings 
Never dye your hair 
Marry a snob sim  
Hire a maid/nanny to take care of your children and home while you are at work 
Never send a baby or toddler to daycare
Never woohoo in public 
Have a big white wedding
Reach level 7 of the writer career (journalist branch)
Reach level 10 of any 3 skills
Reach level 3 of the Successful Lineage aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Go on family vacations to Oasis Spring
Reach level 10 of any 5 skills
Reach level 10 of the writer career (journalist branch) while you are still a YA
Complete the Successful Lineage aspiration
Give children traditional names
Traits: Snob, Ambitious, perfectionist
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Writer (journalist branch)
Colour: Black
*Generation 11 - Aquarius
You grew up in the city and never felt like you truly belonged there. It felt too chaotic and crowded, full of fake people pretending to be happy. At least, that’s what it seemed like to you, because you were never happy there. You felt drawn to the place with warm climate. So with your childhood best friend, your only friend, you decided to move to the Oasis Spring at the first chance you could. You always had a passion for plants, always making sure that your garden looks healthy. So you started selling things that you grown. In the loud hustle and bustle of the night life, you could escape by focusing solely on your paintings. Watching the brush swirl on canvas. Whenever you were stressed or tense, you would go back to painting. You met someone who you’d never seen in the small town before.
Have only one friend throughout your childhood and teen years
Move to Oasis Spring as a YA with your BFF
Live with your BFF until you get married, then make sure you see them every week after moving out
Marry a sim with Art Lover trait
Reach level 7 of the painting skill
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach level 3 of the Freelance Botanist aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Complete the frog collection 
Grow a Cowplant
Have at least 5 perfect plants
Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration
Give children water themed names
Traits: Cheerful, Loves the Outdoors, Loner 
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: None
Colour: Peach
*Generation 12 - Pisces 
Growing up you were always connected with natural world. You grow up playing in your parent’s garden and watching the pother parent paint. So you developed love for both those things. Any way you could express yourself creatively, you would try it. You were a free spirited child,used to the expensive outdoors, so you tend to be really clumsy. As a teenager, after trying many different hobbies, you found that your true calling and passion was for art. You loved to paint and craft things. It was never your plan to sell your art or become famous, you just wanted to create. And create you did. Your home was covered in your artwork. Your parent couldn’t be more proud of the caring and artistic person you’d become. So you began to think, why care what others think? What’s the point in over-thinking and becoming paranoid about people judging you? You would always have your family and animals there for you, no matter what, and that was all you needed.
Never go fishing 
Start painting with your parent as a child
Reach level 3 of 3 different creative skills as a teen before learning the painting skill
Become BFFs with your non art lover parent 
Master the painting skill
Reach level 5 of gardening skill
Decorate your house with your artwork
Reach level 3 of the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Paint individual portraits of your family members (use paint from reference)
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach level 7 of any creative skills
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration 
Give children art themed names
Traits: Vegan, Clumsy, Art Lover
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire 
Career: Freelance artist
Colour: Baby Blue
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waechan · 8 months
nct dream in school (hyung line)
me and my friend were talking about what each member would be like in school and i got this idea from that lol
fluff! just fun little thought blurbs
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mark lee
group: smart yet stupid yet hot friend group (yk exactly what im talking about)
fav class: computer science
dream job: engineering
relationship status: either single af or in a super committed relationship
thoughts: i would be so scared of this man holy shit
like imagine just walking by mark with a bunch of his friends and you make eye contact with him and he just keeps walking past you cause you're irrelevant lol
like i literally think i would tear up bc i want him to smile at me that bad
sorry i just wish guys like mark existed irl lmao-
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2. renjun huang
group: the friendly guys in the back of the class that everyone secretly has crushes on
fav class: literature
dream job: elementary school teacher
relationship status: single and not looking
thoughts: this might be in the complete opposite direction of what you guys were thinking but i lowkey think renjun would be the sweetest person ever
like smiling while walking down the halls, saying hi to all the teachers (but not in an annoying teachers pet way), eating a little ice cream cone from the student store like i can so picture it
idk why but he seems like he would like literature or like ap music or some smart stuff like that
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3. jeno lee
group: jocks.
fav class: weight training
dream job: anything sports related
relationship status: player (but like a good person yk?)
thoughts: ik this is so basic for jeno but he literally just oozes sports vibes
like 90s love jeno killed me, beatbox jeno killed me, anything where jeno is jock material = my death
i genuinely do think he'd be the sweetest jock tho
like i can picture him turning in an assignment late and then apologizing to the teacher and getting an extension because he's just that sweet
bumping into you in the hallways doing something stupid and youd glare but hed give you an eye smile and a wave and you would melt on the spot (ik i would at least)
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4. lee haechan
group: those guys that stand in the corner and talk quietly while watching everything around them
fav class: study of films
dream job: director
relationship status: secret relationship
thoughts: i feel like haechan would just be misunderstood
he'd have a lot to take care of at home and most people would judge him because he'd always look disheveled
when he does open up to people though he'd be one of your closest friends
i feel like when he opens up he REALLY opens up
is careful about who he'd be friends with
i see him in film or anything related to art in general
lmk how you guys like this! just for funsies mostly<3
111 notes · View notes
dramioneasks · 8 months
Can u please recommend some full length rom-com style dramione
Random recs:
Benefits By: artemisgirl - M, one-shot - “I’m trying to make a case for why she should marry me,” Draco told him, scowling as Harry started laughing. “If I want an upgrade from ‘friends with benefits’ to 'husband with benefits'—” … When Draco Malfoy realizes that 'friends with benefits’ just isn’t enough anymore, he begins to strategize on how to get Hermione to commit to more.
Hot for Teacher - MotherofBulls - E, 26 chapters - Draco is a single dad trying to raise a teenager on his own. When he notices his son’s newfound interest in girls, he takes it upon himself to give him some fatherly advice. Little does he know that his son’s crush is none other than his own childhood nemesis, who has taken up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts. Draco tries to juggle awkward situations, parenthood, and his own budding interest in Hermione Granger. Part 1 of “This Is Everything” series. COMPLETE!
The Bargain by Lincolepog - M, 29 chapters, Words: 102,657  - Heading back to Hogwarts for his 7th year, Draco Malfoy is given a very interesting deal from Hermione Granger; to play the role of her fake boyfriend. As time goes on, they learn to get passed their differences, but is it enough? What will it cost the two of them?
Starving by CharliPetidei - E, 5 chapters - Hermione has everything figured out. Sex is like food. Club nights are far too expensive. And men belong in the category of 'things that are more faff than they're worth'. You know, like hair straightening charms, lingerie, and mathematical integration. This is a story about food and sex, though not at the same time. Winner of best fluff, best smut, and runner-up for best use of prompt in the Dramione Fanfiction Forum's 2020 'Sounds Like Dramione' comp.
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare - E, 36 chapters, Words: 199,584 - Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown – to both of their displeasure. Features hyper-competent, fiery Hermione and lazy, yet dangerous, Draco. Slow burn.
Bad Books and Second Looks - GracefulLioness - E, 10 chapters - Hermione has not been lucky in love. When a break-up forces her to find a new flat, she thinks she’s hit the jackpot. Until she realises that she might just be falling for her new flatmate’s boyfriend. Perhaps when Ginny lends her some of her steamy romance novels, her luck will change.
You Make Me Shiver and Shake by Stargazing121 - M, 16 chapters - Draco is an artistic genius, Hermione a budding art agent. But once they start to work together, will they be able to resist the growing attraction between them? “I’m not going to take you on as an art client!” Hermione scoffed. “Why not Granger,” he said. His tone was silky, like the sound of fine cloth running through your hands. “You know there has always been something between us.” “That won’t work on me,” she answered flatly. “Ok, I admit that was pushing it.” He shrugged, “But pushing against beautiful women is what I do best Granger.” “Not that either.” “Damn it, I forgot that trying to flirt with you was like flirting with a slug. Actually, I think I’d get more luck with the slug.” “You’d make a lovely couple. You’re certainly as slippery,” Hermione said. “I can think of someone I would rather form a partnership with,” he said, his voice low and almost a whisper.
Clueless - jacemorgensterns - T, one-shot - Draco is a college student living in an apartment with his roommate Theo. He occasionally gets into trouble and always gets away with it. When his luck is threatening to turn on him Hermione comes to to the rescue and an agreement between them forms that eventually spirals out of control. A Dramione romcom AU with as many romcom tropes I could fit in from Draco’s point of view. One-shot.
Fate Has It In For Me by jigglyjelly28 - T, 39 chapters, Words: 196,573 - “Seeing as you two have driven me half-mad over these few months with your Veela heritage problem, I thought that it would be perhaps, in Pureblood politeness, that you at least give a suitable explanation of what you’ve been doing.” Draco was told he was a Veela years ago but forgot. He’s been told again and has a year to find his Mate.
Accidental Proposal - CJRed - M, 36 chapters, Words: 108,673 - Hermione finds out that she is really a Nott, and there are so many rules to being a Pureblood, too bad Draco Malfoy seems to have forgotten one of the most important rules of all! Hermione/Draco. Theo and Hermione are siblings. Ignores epilogue and off canon in some other places as well. Set in 8th year. Language, Fluff, and Lemons. Complete.
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maochira · 1 year
Let me be crucified - on you! (Ryusei Shidou x reader)
Synopsis: Shidou has a crush on you and is VERY open about it. He flirts with you at any chance he gets but also ends up saying a few more or less unholy things.
Tags: gn!assistant!reader x Ryusei Shidou, suggestive flirting, 16+ I guess?, title is a line from Crucified by OOMPH! because it just screams Shidou energy to me
This is part of my Shidou birthday countdown event and also plays in my Neo Egoist League series!
Ryusei Shidou. He's an absolute menace in many aspects. Especially since he just loves to make your working hours even harder than they already are. Either he constantly asks you for help when he doesn't even need it, or he follows you as you complete your task. He's a bit like a little clingy dog. Except for the fact that dogs usually listen when you give them instructions, and Shidou doesn't.
For the past few days, you were busy doing tasks you were assigned to do around the other teams, which meant you got a bit of a break from Shidou. Today you're back to doing work around the PxG team, and of course, the first person who spots you entering the team's area is Shidou. He remembers the time when you usually arrive there, so he probably spent the last few days hopelessly waiting for you. But well, here you are now.
Surprisingly, he doesn't approach you like he usually does. He doesn't even say a stupid pickup line, and neither does he greet you. Instead, he looks at you with a cocky grin as you walk past him. You're genuinely surprised when he doesn't talk to you, but decide to not comment on it. After all, you have work to do and this might start a conversation with Shidou that will end up getting way longer than you'd like to.
Even though Shidou is annoying most of the time, you can't help but admit he's grown onto your heart at least a little bit. He started crushing on you just a few days after meeting you for the first time, but so far you haven't found yourself falling back for him. Shidou doesn't give up, though. He likes to tease you whenever he gets the chance and almost everything he says to you is in a flirty tone. As much as you hate to admit it, he definitely has a certain charm that just catches a part of you. No matter how annoying you think he is, nothing ever makes you feel as if you genuinely want him to shut up. But if he wants you to fall back for him, Shidou certainly has to try harder.
While you're busy with your work, every now and then you can spot Shidou near you or just walking by in the corner of your eye,. But for some reason, he still hasn't approached you. Well, maybe that's because his teammates are around most of the time and while you believe Shidou doesn't feel any shame, that might be a reason why he's currently holding back. Or maybe he's planning something new. Or did he lose his feelings out of nowhere because he didn't get to see you for three days? No no, that can't be the case. He still has this overconfident grin on his lips when he's near you. He's definitely trying to come up with something new.
The PxG players are in the middle of today's practice when Loki asks you to refill their almost empty water bottles. You were just standing there watching the team anyways, so you quickly left to do your given task. But just a few moments after entering the hallway, you can feel someone following you. Without looking back, you immediately know it's Shidou.
He doesn't talk yet, though. But when you're opening the first water bottle to refill it, Shidou quickly stops you by hugging you from the back. He rests his head on your shoulder and you can just sense the smirk on his face, even without seeing it.
"You're doing really good work, assistant-chan." Shidou says while pulling you a little closer to his body.
"Assistant-chan?" You raise an eyebrow. "You know I have a name?"
Shidou lets you go from the hug, but grabs your shoulders and makes you turn around to face him. "Assistant-chan! Because I adore how nicely you do your work. But you know... there's some special work you could do to help me out."
Shidou is about to lean his face a bit closer to yours, but you already took a step back. It's more than obvious that he's not genuinely asking for help, but instead trying to flirt more. He might be interrupting you at your current task, but at least he's amusing.
You let out a short chuckle before continuing to talk. "And what do you happen to need help with? You see... I'm actually busy refilling water for your teammates, who are - other than you - at practice right now."
"Oh come on!" Shidou raises his voice a little, but in a rather teasing than aggressive tone. There is a slight hint of aggressiveness, but it sounds fake. "Do I look like I need to be at practice? Especially when I can be spending my time with a sweet thing like you?"
"You, Shidou-chan," You start in a slightly teasing tone, "Should be at practice because your team needs you. And I, your 'assistant-chan', need to do my job."
Shidou seems to be taken aback by the hint of teasing in your voice. He's flirted with you so often and has always tried to get more of a reaction out of you other than rejection, but now that you're starting to tease him back even just a little bit, he seems to be out of words for a moment. Well, until he gets a new thought and starts speaking once more.
"My assistant-chan? At this point, why don't you become my personal assistant, eh?" The grin on Shidou's face widens. "I certainly know something you could help me with. Hint: it's in my pants."
The immediate response in your brain is 'What the fuck did he just say?' but if you backed out now, Shidou would see that as one step closer to winning your heart - which is something you definitely don't want him to think.
It takes you a moment to find a good response, but you win a bit of time by finally starting to refill one of the bottles. Your back is turned to Shidou now, so he can't see how you're actually struggling to come up with something.
After you finish refilling the first bottle and put it aside, you turn around to face Shidou again. "You're so unholy sometimes, I think you deserve to be crucified." You tease him again.
"Oh, I'd love to!" For a second, you could swear there were little sparkles in Shidou's eyes. He seems to enjoy how you're starting to tease him. "Let me be crucified -" Shidou pulls you closer by your collar and leans his face towards yours, "- on you."
And this is the first time Shidou manages to put a genuine blush on your face. But in no way are you giving in to him like this.
"I'll admit, that was smooth." You carefully remove his hand from your collar before grabbing his instead, pulling him even closer to your face. "You're getting better at this." You pull him just a bit closer, acting as if you're about to kiss him. And as Shidou leans in for that, you push him away with both of your arms on his shoulders.
The startled look in his eyes is absolutely priceless. You've never seen him this caught off guard by anything.
"If you get even better, maybe I'll have to actually crucify you! But I won't let you know if it's gonna be in the way you want it, or the way I want it."
Taglist (sign-up link): @starhrtz @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon
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drdemonprince · 11 months
genuine question, I get why blaming people who have just caught covid for it is some fucked up victim blaming bullshit, and highly analogous to shaming ppl who've gotten an STI, but is it okay to assign blame/responsibility to people who *give* others covid? it seems to me that just like with STIs (particularly HIV and HSV bc they're not curable) its your responsibility as like, a person who has sex and isn't a total asshole, to do a reasonably good job of knowing whether you have these things, and then either give people who might catch it from you the ability to consent knowing that, or only interact with people in such a way that transmission is highly unlikely. In other words, having or getting an infection is morally neutral, but failing to break the chain of transmission isn't, especially when that failure results from complete inaction/ignoring the problem, as opposed to *attempting* to break it and failing due to factors outside your control. I've seen people saying that beleiving this is the same as slut shaming people who get STIs, and tbh that seems ridiculous to me, but what do you think? is "if you have covid and pass it on to someone, especially by going around in public without a mask, you are morally responsible for the harm the disease causes them" incorrect/going to backfire in some way I'm not seeing? I do get how the same statement about HIV is not good, but also you can't give someone HIV by eating in the same restaurant, so it seems like there are some important differences.
The passage on moralizing HIV transmission in Sarah Schulman's book Conflict is Not Abuse is a real stand-out passage in an otherwise (to me) highly underwhelming tome -- because Schulman has been involved in AIDS activism since its early days and is very conversant in the laws that have been used to incarcerate gay men and others for having the virus, and for supposedly passing it along to other people.
We can philosophize all we want about how wrong it would be for a person to knowingly go about infecting other people, but when we're actually dealing with how such matters go in the real world, it's not a useful moral or practical question. How do we know that someone knows they have the virus? Do we consider a person morally culpable if they have the sniffles but brush it off, not realizing it's something more serious? What about an Autistic person or trauma survivor with alexithymia, who is not closely attuned with their body states? If I can walk around with a bleeding gash on my leg for hours or a bloody UTI and not know it, I can have a mild cold and not know it. Am I too blame for spreading the virus then? What about someone who does know they have COVID but has no legal protections in their workplace and no financial support and determines they have no choice but to do a shift at the grocery store, because otherwise they'll be fired and at risk of homelessness?
These might sound like extreme examples, but we're talking about collectively millions of people's everyday experiences here. If a person is at fault for any disease that they spread, what then? What logically follows from that declaration? Should we make knowing transmission illegal? We've already seen in history how such a policy is used to terrorize and oppress gay men. It's an impossible thing to enforce, because someone's knowledge state is impossible to fully know or surveil, especially when we're not, you know, providing tests to anyone in any kind of systematic way, and in fact our government and most of our employers are actively discouraging us from testing or knowing too much.
Of course, I doubt that you actually want any kind of legal policy like that very much. I'm certain what you are really asking about is what responsibilities we should reasonably expect individual people to hold. And the answer is, well, look at how they are holding them now! Clearly people do not have adequate support at the moment to even be cognizant of their status. It's not a useful question. It just isn't. If we were providing free tests every day at major public access points and legally protecting people's rights to call off sick whenever they did test positive, and paying them lost wages, then we could talk about people being irresponsible and knowingly spreading a disease out of malice or laziness. but we don't have any of that, so we can't.
The solution to a population failing to take the "right" actions is always to look at the external factors that makes taking the right action hard. And right now? Being responsible surrounding covid is very, very hard. We can condemn every person who spreads COVID (or HIV) to another person morally all we like, but it's not going to save lives, and it's going to harm a lot of vulnerable people in the process, so why do it? Why not instead ask ourselves what we can do as a society to help make it easier for a person to behave in pro-social ways?
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itzzaira · 3 months
TMNT Fandom Family Reunion - Campfire event || short story
Based off of these tags below from this post (tags belong to Allyheart707, their tumblr tagged below)
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You thought you could hide these there and I wouldn’t notice? ✨️
Cabin 10 - the besties
Little Subjects - @allyheart707
The Wrong Side of the Portal - me!
Heishi was not someone who took breaks.
He fought, he thought, he planned, he trained, he was on the lookout- the little slider was always doing something.
Anything at all.
Don't stop.
Just so he wouldn’t be seen as weak, or a waste, or-
Just to hopefully make his Master proud. Just to be enough. Just once. That's all he wanted.
Keep going.
But as if that hadn't been hard enough before, these other three stupid turtles made it so hard!
Like seriously?! Sitting around a stupid campfire listening to stupid stories and making those stupid snacks that actually tasted amazing- aaaugh Heishi no!
He shouldn't be liking those snacks. They weren't healthy. They made him weak.
Heishi refused to be weak.
...Yet, against his will, he was still roasting a marshmallow above the campfire.
Mikey had pushed one into his hands- heck, he had even invited Heishi to join him and the other two, but the young warrior had simply huffed, shook his head, crossed his arms, and looked away. He shouldn't be here, he had things to do! Like train! Or anything! Just more! He had to do more!
Not enough.
Curse the other big Raph for managing to convince him to stay.
"Say, none of these guys have had any training, right?" The big Raphael had said, watching as his own version of Heishi- who he kept calling 'Leonardo' was handing Mikey a s'more. "And there's a lot of new people here... so wouldn’t they need a tough warrior to keep an eye on them? Just in case they got into trouble?"
If he was stuck here anyway. He might as well keep watch.
Keep working.
It wasn't the best thing to do, but... it wasn't the worst thing either. Heishi liked these guys.
Currently, both Mikey and Donnie were asleep, leaning against the log they had been sitting on earlier with a blanket tugged around them. Raph sat on said log, having been dozing off but woke up when the other Raphael tried to tuck a blanket around him too. "Go back to sleep, kid." The big one whispered, patting his shell. Raph, however, slowly shifted his gaze to look at Heishi.
"...Leo." The snapper whispered, holding out am arm sleepily. The slider scoffed.
"Heishi." He corrected.
Even though he acted annoyed about the name, 'Leo' didn't feel as bad as it should. Which just made poor Heishi feel worse. Why did the name sound right? He didn't want it to! Master Draxum would be so angry at him for disrespecting the name his creator had given him-
"Don't you feel tired, bud?" The big turtle asked- he wasn't the same species as Raph. He didn't even have freckles- he did have a crack in his plastron and wore a red bandana. "It's late."
"No." Heishi shook his head, stubbornly facing the fire, ignoring the other three tots completely. "Warriors don't sleep. Need to keep watch." Even if his eyes were drooping. Even if he felt exhausted. He had to keep awake and finish the job he had been assigned.
Try. Harder.
"...Ah-ha." Raphael looked a bit confused but didn't argue. He wasn't as nice as Raph. "...Aren't you like- four?"
Excuse me? "No! I'm big!"
Heishi huffed, puffing out his cheeks and glaring in an attempt to look angry- but in Raphael's eyes, he just looked stupid. However, there was something else...
This was familiar.
"...Alright, bud." The turtle decided- and for a brief moment, he looked at 'Leonardo', so fast Heishi almost missed it- but he noticed. Why did he look at Leonardo like that? Why did he give that same look to the tiny slider? "But you do know you need to be close to those you guard, right?"
...What? Heishi looked up, confused. Raphael nodded, a serious expression on his face.
"Come on, every warrior knows that." He said, placing both his hands on his hips. "How are you supposed to protect those you guard when you're far away? Evil will get to them before you can!"
Heishi had never heard of such thing before- Master Draxum never told him. So. Was Raphael lying? But Raph didn't lie. And Raphael was Raph. Just from another world, but older. So Raphael wouldn’t lie either, right? Did that mean master Draxum hadn't taught him something? But why?
'Well duh.' His mind supplied. 'He probably thought you weren't ready for such a responsibility! You fail all the time!'
This was Heishi's chance to prove he could do something.
With a newfound determination, the young turtle nodded and got up. This caused him to remember he still had been roasting a marshmallow- and cringed when he saw how burned it had gotten. Raphael patted his back- that felt nice. Why did it feel nice-? "I'll get you a new one, kiddo, just sit down."
Heishi nodded, threw the marshmallow on the ground, and held the stick in front of him as some sort of sword as he marched over to where his brothers the other three turtles slept. He could do it! He would do great! Because he was Heishi. The greatest warrior of them all!
He saw down, stick in his lap.
He wouldn’t fail. Not this time.
Okay this was boring.
Heishi yawned, shook his head, then looked at the fire. The fire was pretty. It was bright, warm, and... so cozy. And useful. For keeping warm, for cooking...
...Okay. Those marshmallows were not as bad as the young turtle had claimed them to be. He hoped the other Raph would bring more soon he actually wanted one. Plus! Food is important! To grow big! And strong! It wasn't his fault that that happened to be sweet treats.
...Not like Master Draxum was there to tell him no.
A soft murmur had him looking to his left- Mikey shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake, holding a bit more onto Donnie, squishing his cheek onto the other's shoulder. Heishi couldn't help but snicker. But he yawned afterward and leaned his back on the log behind him.
...Actually... now that he wasn't sitting up anymore... he was pretty tired.
But- no! He said he would watch over these guys! That's his job! He couldn't just abandon his job. No way!
Try harder.
But he was so tired.
Not enough.
Tiredness didn't matter! This place was new. He didn't know anyone. Who knows what kind of dangers there were lurking around?
But the campfire was cozy. Everyone was laughing and talking. There were blankets and marshmallows shared everywhere. Best of all- barely any humans at all.
This place couldn't be that bad, right?
His eyes drooped, and the little turtle looked up at the ceiling, trying to think.
...The ceiling was pretty.
Colorful, sparkly, glittery- were all caves this pretty? And dreamy. And soothing... and...
He hadn't even been aware that he had been dozing off until an arm wrapped around him.
Heishi blinked his eyes open (when had he closed them?) Surprised to see Raph- his Raph, (just barely) awake, no longer sleeping on the log but now sitting in the floor next to him, trying to pull the young slider close. "You looked cold..." he murmured, pulling the blanket and clumsily trying to cover Heishi with it too.
For whatever strange reason, the younger turtle didn't push him away as he should.
Instead, he let Raph pull him into a hug, just like when he had done in the lab. Curling up in his lap on instinct, his tail doing a little wag when he felt the older one's arms wrap around him. Raph put his head on top of Heishi's, blinking slowly, while lifting his knees- causing Heishi to snuggle closer to the snapper. That was fine. The slider nuzzled into his neck. This was nice.
...Maybe Heishi wasn't watching over them right because he was tired?
He yawned, and snuggled closer to Raph. The snapper shared his blanket with him, making sure he was fully covered before leaning back. The blanket was thin and soft. So soft.
So... if he was messing up because he was tired. That meant he should sleep, right?
"Sorry it took so long, kid, apparently someone tried to take the marsh-...oh."
"Shh." Raph shushed above him, pressing his fingers to his lips. Raphael nodded, unsure what to do with the marshmallows now. Sad. Heishi had wanted some- but he was sleepy. He would take some tomorrow, then, he was already drifting off.
At some point, a second blanket got thrown over them- Heishi opened his eyes a little bit to see his own counterpart, 'Leonardo'- the one in blue smiled gently once they made eye contact. "Go back to sleep, baby blue." He whispered- Heishi didn't understand that nickname. He should ask tomorrow, once he was awake. He instead hummed for now, relaxed, and fell asleep for real this time.
But not before he felt arms tightening around him, and hearing the softest 'Goodnight, Leo.' whispered to him that he ever heard, while another, bigger hand, patted his head.
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6okuto · 2 years
I saw "suggestion for cove" i ran here asap. So hear me out hear me out.... In game you only hear about mc and Cove going to school between the steps so i would love to see if you have any headcanon about the two of them hanging school life ( from step 1 age to step 3, you choose what age )
— cove school life hcs
thank you. Thank You. i miss him. like i could just replay the game he's Right There but I Miss Him. i'm saur sorry if any of this doesn't match canon I haven't played in so long. also sorry if my experience doesn't match urs. um. i tried to pick universal experiences
the both of you stay up the night schedules come out to make sure you have classes together. there's quiet celebrations when you match up and groans where you don't
you share anything and everything that happened during your time apart on your way home ! cove has never had your math teacher in his life but from the sheer amount of stories you've shared he hopes he never sets foot in that class
BOOK FAIRS! if you really wanted something he'd offer to help pay for it. he might have gotten one of the cool pens or eraser or something
you're always field trip buddies. you sit on the bus together, you walk around together, it is simply law!
oh my god assemblies where the teachers got seats and the kids didn't. he turns to you and whispers about how unfair it is every year. you agree obviously
THE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PLAYS ☹️ thinking about little cove singing. help. the songs get stuck in your head after music class so they get stuck in His and
little school valentine's where the both of you get each other the cards/candies they sell. platonic or not—personally i love doing it w friends
god. you know he's going to bee line towards you during group projects. why wouldn't he! he knows how you work, you know how he works, it's perfect like It's Perfect
doodle on his notebook doodle on his notebook do
there's a page where the both of you talk in the back of your notes that's a complete mess but it's lovely
asks you for help on what to say during introductions/ice breaker activities. what he says changes over time of course but he's been using the same base for years atp
school dances might be a bit hectic for him but if you wanted to go he'd definitely try his best . just give him some time and don't pull him into the middle of it all please
depends on if cove was athletic or studious but um. cove protecting you during dodgeball! let's think about this (said by girl who despised every version of dodgeball.)
you know he loved the swimming unit for p.e. like he'd actually be excited to come to school
the Dance unit. every time he'd switch over to being your partner you could see him relax
would Absolutely do the thing where you stand in line in a way so you get put on the same teams. every time the teacher would pull a quick one and you'd be on different teams he'd either sneak onto yours or be very upset.
if the class had an assigned seating chart he'd be very tense walking in before seeing the board. he denies it but you're either going to see him pout or grin at the results so
i don't know how they got to school but If it was a vehicle,, car or bus,, just imagining you dozing off and cove scooting over so you can rest your head on his shoulder ☹️
(the first time he saw you rest against the window he started panicking because of how bumpy the road was and now it's stuck in his mind forever)
walking is still quite lovely though. holding hands on the way to school...please.
you and cove will always wait for each other any day you finish earlier than the other
if you ever forgot your lunch cove is immediately splitting his in half
he'd help you study for your classes even if he wasn't taking them. hand him a quizlet/flashcards/your study guide and you're all set!!
y'know how they'd force you to go outside for recess even if it was cold as shit. i feel like cove tried to hide in the washroom at least Once. he could probably get away with it a few times before getting caught
i think it's up to you what it is but like, having something you do after exams to celebrate and relax. i'm not saying cove uses this as motivation but you know.
and if you ever did particularly bad on one cove would be upset with you because ?? he knows how hard you tried and just wants to cheer you up. always reminds you that you did your best and there's always next time.
gives you a Look when you tell him you stayed up or weren't taking care of yourself. will do everything in his power to help you
depending on what clubs you joined, he'd try to tag along. especially if it was a more chill one and not like, a dance club (😔)
^ though if you were in any kind of performance cove would make sure he could come. smiles to himself when you get on stage like Ok That's Awesome For Me
in my mind if you're dating,, you are The prom couple. even if you aren't voted in, it doesn't take a lot to notice the sea green haired boy and his s/o who he has a soft spot for. come on. there's at least 2 friend groups discussing how you'd win (i have no idea how prom works btw)
you know at the end of elementary + jr. high + high school there'd be those parties or graduation. people, fairly, get upset about leaving their friends. but cove without fail looks at you and is always always grateful for the fact he knows he won't lose you
i don't know the last time i used this taglist If Ever. pls tell me if ur not supposed to be on it omg. | @lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis
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tokiro07 · 3 months
That reply I got on my last Zelda post made me realize that I was only thinking about the story elements for potential Zelda-led games and not the mechanics of those games. I touched on it a bit in my reply, but I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into it here
As in Echoes of Wisdom, the goal here is to find gameplay styles that de-emphasize direct combat or physical dexterity, though we don't need to completely eschew them either (even EoW Zelda throws boulders around, after all)
Skyward Sword: a common complaint with Skyward Sword was the lack of content in the sky, so I think revisiting that through Zelda herself would be a great idea. Getting to spend more time with the Loftwings would be fun too, so I'd like them to play an active role within the dungeons. To that end, I'm thinking something inspired by Team Ico's The Last Guardian would work well, with the goal being to guide and instruct the Loftwing to perform tasks, requiring the player to pay attention to its mannerisms in order to gain some semblance of control
Minish Cap: the shrinking mechanic in the original was already a game-spanning puzzle in and of itself, so revisiting that could work well for Wisdom gameplay. To differentiate it, though, I might recommend expanding it to include shrinking and growing other objects, maybe a little bit like Superliminal but on a smaller scale. Or Zelda could just be shrunk down the entire time and needs to figure out how to navigate the world around her
Four Swords/Adventures: FSA ended with Zelda talking about learning a lesson about teamwork and some such, so this could either be another co-op game where the players need to coordinate with each other, or one player would be given multiple characters to work with at once and need to keep track of them all, like the single player in Tri Force Heroes. Honestly, my problem with TFH was that it was clearly not designed for single player, so if they revisited that concept with that explicit intention, I think they could have something solid
Ocarina of Time: obviously this would be Sheik stealth game. Oracle of Seasons already had minor stealth segments, so if you expand that concept into something more akin to the classic Metal Gear games, being more focused on observation, reaction and improvization than pure memorization, I think you'd really have something
Link Between Worlds: again, the 2D/3D puzzles of the original were already exactly the kind of thing we're looking for, so if the developers felt in any way that they hadn't fully explored the concept, like giving Zelda the ability to actually perform actions in 2D rather than simply moving, I think it would be worth revisiting
Zelda 1/Adventure of Link: similar to my idea for Four Swords, I think this one would best focus on the dichotomy between the two co-existing Zeldas, so perhaps an It Takes Two approach with each character having unique abilities would be best. Again, this is a good opportunity for co-op, but I'd like it if they could be controlled simultaneously, like in FSA. Maybe something more like Mario & Luigi's overworld segments, where they're both moving at the same time and different buttons are assigned to each character to activate their unique abilities. We don't really know enough about either of these Zeldas to conjecture what powers they'd have, but if we go off of Zelda I being under a sleep curse, maybe something to do with stillness vs. motion? Like one can make things stop and the other can make things speed up? It would take some workshopping, but I see potential here
Twilight Princess: knowing so little about the Twilight Realm, I'm envisioning labyrinthian architecture, where pathfinding is the name of the game. Given the predilection for darkness, perhaps light-based puzzles would be in order
Wind Waker: this one has the best reason to expand into combat for sure since Tetra is a fighter, but coordinating with her crew to perform tasks either for puzzle-solving or combat would be a perfect way to incorporate her Wisdom into the gameplay. Maybe there would be naval battles where steering the ship in the right way or firing the cannons at the right time would help fend off enemies. Maybe on land, resource management of ammunition and other supplies would be something the player has to be mindful of, or Tetra can bring two or three of her crew along at a time like the Sages in TotK to use their abilities
Spirit Tracks: the Phantoms were already pretty much exactly what we're looking for, so I think just coming up with new Phantoms and level designs would be sufficient. Rearranging the Spirit Tracks themselves for more efficient navigation could also be fun, but I don't know if most fans want land development in their Zelda games
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom: I already said in my last post that the Ancient Power system in TotK would have worked as a Wisdom mechanic, so again, any enhancement or refinement therein should probably go to Zelda
If I were a professional, I'm sure I could come up with something a lot more workable than these high concepts, but my main goal with this thought exercise was just to see how the extant stories could be used to make new ones, and I definitely see a lot of areas of opportunity
Of these, I personally like the Skyward Sword idea best, I like what Last Guardian was going for and would really like to see the concept explored by other developers
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rollfordexterity · 2 months
wrote a statement fic in transcript format that takes place in The Entwined Archives, a tma au that myself and the wonderful @simcardiac-arrested came up with! the characters featured are their ocs and can be found on the askblog @dj-wayback. this au obviously is not canon compliant to the original askblog (and no, it's not really canon compliant to tma either, but there are a few minor spoilers). big spoilers for cream's askblog though. fic is under the cut, trigger warnings are listed below
List of content warnings: abuse, graphic animal abuse, animal experimentation, dehumanisation, unethical science, overworking and burnout, hallucinations, dissociation, migraines, shock (medical), burning, descriptions of death by immolation, toxic workplace environment, canon-typical Buried and Desolation content, slightly implied cannibalism (kinda), emetophobia, suffocation, gore, blood, memory loss
Stress Testing
(slightly frantic, almost whispered) …Is this working? Good. I need to - I just - I have to record this somehow. I need to be sure of this. There’s something wrong, it’s all missing, I am all missing, and if I do not say this now it might go missing too. I don’t know what happened but it’s all gone.
I… my apologies. These are not the ramblings of a drunkard or a child with an overactive imagination, I swear it. My memory of these events is lacking, I will admit, but I know that something happened, even if I cannot prove it. I was perfectly healthy before, I would not just hallucinate this, no matter what the doctors may believe.
I should start at the beginning. This started… up to six months ago, I believe. Possibly longer. My sense of time is quite distorted now. At the time, I was fresh out of school, having just completed my Masters in Theoretical Physics. It was a competitive field, but I did eventually manage to find a position as a research assistant with the company Transcendent Life Labs. The job description was a little vague, but I applied anyway, and after an unexpectedly short interview process I was hired. It was mostly the standard interview fare, about work ethic and prioritisation, strengths and weaknesses, et cetera, but there were a number of more personal questions. Asking about my social life, my hobbies, that sort of thing. It did strike me as a little odd, but some workplaces do have a more casual atmosphere.
The supervisor I was assigned to was an accomplished scientist named Finite Waves. My position as their assistant meant that I worked directly with them at an isolated research facility for some time. There was barely anything for miles around and no roads, so I had to stay at the facility in a small room. I had few personal effects, but I did not mind so much given that I did not spend much time there anyway. As we were located quite far out, the lab’s surroundings were surprisingly untouched by people and I faintly recall thinking it was quite beautiful. The other researchers were generally affable, though I rarely interacted with them. Admittedly, the cafeteria food was... lacking, and usually a little burnt, but it was altogether not an unpleasant environment at first.
Finite Waves’ research was about critical phenomena in natural sciences. Critical points are a concept originally from thermodynamics: the point at which a liquid and a vapour can coexist. If you increase the pressure, the equilibrium is broken and the vapour will condense to a liquid. A simple comparison might be that friction can build up at a tectonic fault until it has to give, resulting in earthquakes. There is an idea in criticality that the brain might operate in a similar way in order to make itself more sensitive to certain inputs and stimuli, but prevents itself from completely reaching the critical point. Finite Waves wanted to study how the brain might be pushed past that critical point, how a complete and irreversible change might be induced.
Admittedly, this was not my area of expertise: I am a specialist in quantum mechanics and when I accepted the job offer I had assumed I would be assigned to a department where they were actually doing that. I certainly wasn’t expecting neuroscience. Then again, I do not recall my interviewer actually asking what I had studied. Nor can I remember, well, anything else about them. At the time, I simply accepted that I was lucky to have found a job, and that I should treat this as a learning experience. So in the weeks before my employment was due to begin, I read everything I could find on the subject. I was quite tired by the end, but I concluded that I had a reasonable base of knowledge and if I was missing something I could find out more later.
It turned out to be gruelling, tedious work, but I have always been an efficient researcher and in the beginning I even completed some tasks with time to spare. I used to carry a small sketchbook with me, an old, battered thing I’d used so much that one half of the cover was practically hanging off it, so once my work was finished I would take a break and spend some time drawing. At the time, I reasoned that this was perfectly acceptable — there was no work left, so it would not matter if I was doing this during my lab hours. It helped to alleviate some of the stress of the job, in any case. Finite Waves walked in while I was drawing once, and although he did not reprimand me for it, the look of disapproval he gave me was enough that I was sure to keep the sketchbook in my desk when I was not using it and I became more wary about listening for their footsteps when I was on a break.
However, as the… weeks? Months? As I said, I cannot remember how long I was there — as time passed, Finite Waves increased my workload, and I found that I had far less time for breaks. I started staying in the labs after hours, writing report after report. I was also assigned various tests to run, but they were exceedingly strange. Essentially, I was performing materials testing, looking for the aforementioned critical point at which various items were supposed to “change”. The methodology was somewhat unique, however.
To begin with, I could not understand why I was being given materials like the toys and shelters from the animal specimens’ pens, and it seemed like a waste since the tests I was being asked to run usually damaged or destroyed them. It always felt like I was killing them when that happened, though I could not explain why. They were just objects. Half of the equipment I was using looked like it would be better suited to an abattoir and the other half involved using natural materials to test factors like environmental degradation. On one memorable occasion, I had a small tub of swirling molten golden fluid that completely dissolved the chewed wicker toy I was testing. Finite Waves was in high spirits that day.
It was also unclear what results I was meant to be looking for — I am certain there was a reason for it, but perhaps I have forgotten it.
Finite Waves seemed quite certain about it though. I wondered if the methodology had been approved by an ethics board, especially given the… ah, conditions of the animals. While I was not testing anything on them directly, their health often worsened significantly with the removal of such items and they were not kept together despite being a social species. Many did not even have bedding in their cages. Their keeping and observation was not part of my responsibilities; Finite Waves observed them instead and I believe he was running some other tests that I was not involved in, but I know the creatures were pushed completely to the edge of stability. I certainly noticed symptoms such as fur loss, lack of appetite and sudden bouts of aggression on the few occasions that I had to enter the containment room.
As the project wore on, Finite Waves seemed more on edge, and I will admit his behaviour was disconcerting. Sometimes I would see him performing a dissection on one of those unfortunate specimens after hours, usually a rabbit. He always seemed… slow. Methodical and drawn out, in the way that one might savour a delicious meal. I never saw him smile, but I got the sense that he relished it nonetheless. No one else seemed particularly perturbed by this, so I chose to ignore it for the time being. You meet plenty of eccentrics in this field after all, and while it was a little sickening at times I could hardly ask him about it. Not when I felt as if when he looked at me, he was simply performing another dissection.
The work was exhausting. I did question it at times; what I was doing had moved far beyond the scope of the simple theoretical physics research I had expected, and likely had little to do with proper neuroscience as well. Finite Waves tended to keep me too busy to think about it much, though. I have never been one to shy away from work, but it was far more than I had ever had to do, even during my degree. Soon, I began losing track of time. I would begin a report at two, and come to my senses well into the night with no idea how long I had been sitting there and a splitting migraine that felt as if my head would melt from the pain. More than once, I forgot what day it was, and simply kept going through the motions in a fugue state with black spots at the edges of my vision. Other times, I would bury myself in work with feverish dedication, only to finally finish a report and instantly be overcome with a wave of burning pain. On the rare occasion that I ventured to the cafeteria, I found that everything I ate was bitter and chalky, more ash than food. Curiously, there never seemed to be anyone in there. I assumed it was simply that my hours were odd, and I could hardly focus on the minutiae like that. My mouth was always dry and I could barely stand. The few nights I spent in bed were sleepless, as I spent the entire time curled up with a fan activated to try and cool my searing skin and head. Working could usually distract me from it, though, or at least I felt that it was better to be in pain and doing something rather than sitting around in agony and accomplishing nothing, so I resorted to staying hunched over stacks of meaningless paperwork. My sketchbook went all but forgotten in the drawer of my desk.
I do not know how long this continued. The calendars in the facility blurred into the background until eventually they were gone altogether. Clocks seemed to melt when I looked at them, although this was likely because of the exhaustion impairing my vision and the blistering sensation behind my eyes. My senses constantly rebelled against me; every light was near-blinding, every footstep sounded like a scream. I went days without seeing anyone except for Finite Waves. Longer, maybe. It often felt as if the facility was entirely empty.
Eventually, this came to a head. The irony that I recall this part fairly well is not lost on me. It was one of the few brief moments of clarity I had. I think I could tell that something was off that night.
It was long past dark, so myself and Finite Waves were the only ones still in the main facility. For once, he had requested that I be present for one of his experiments. Although I’m sure I had worked there for some considerable time, it was highly unusual that I was there for any of his testing when it came to the animals themselves. When I entered the laboratory, I immediately noticed the bizarre setup. There was a rabbit with a couple of nodes attached to its head locked in a cage on the central table, frantically trying to dig. It looked at me for a moment, wide-eyed and piercing. Like it knew me. It was so emaciated I barely recognised it as an animal at first, all shivering skin and bones and eyes.
I wanted to run. I should have run. But Finite Waves stared at me and I felt rooted to the spot.
As I approached the table, the rabbit began digging again. Just digging. It scrabbled at the surface of the table as if it could claw its way through the steel, its mangled paws covered in oozing scabs and sores that had clearly been reopened. How long had it been digging? With a growing feeling of pressure behind my eyes and a little sick to my stomach, I watched as Finite Waves activated what looked like an elaborate heating element on the desk, emitting an oppressive warmth which worsened my now-pulsing headache. The pressure was starting to feel crushing — and then I looked back to the rabbit. It kept digging, no longer just frantic but frenzied. The steel table was heating up, causing its paws to blister and bleed, but it just wouldn’t stop digging. Finite Waves seemed indifferent to its struggle, motioning for me to start writing down whatever result he seemed to be getting from this torture. I complied.
I wrote it all down. I noted how the welts on the rabbit’s skin began to tear and ooze dark liquid that evaporated the second it hit the table, how the melting flesh pulled back to reveal a ribcage cracking under the strain of the quickly-mounting pressure that now descended over the room, how it heaved on the bloodstained soil that spilled from its mouth, how it just kept digging -
- how, when it finally collapsed with a horrible shriek, golden flowers bloomed from the grave that it dug itself and burst into flame from the scorching heat.
The lab was still. The heat and pressure did not abate, but for a second I hoped that it was over. It seemed so fragile, lying there on the table, still blistering and bleeding. The stench of burnt flesh and fur was overwhelming, and the intense heat emanating from the carcass only made my head feel like it was going to split open. I tried to speak, to scream, maybe, but no sound passed my lips. When I glanced towards Finite Waves, though, they looked furious. Trying to keep my composure, I turned back to face them properly, but I am sure they saw through it. The way they looked at me… it was like I was the one lying burned and broken on the steel slab.
They started to march around the room, rifling through desks — looking for something to salvage the experiment, I assumed, although I did not know what. I stayed in the middle of the room watching them. I am not certain what I was expecting to happen, but something deep within me wanted to bolt. Except for the sound of their footsteps on the tiled floor and the quiet crackle of the still-burning corpse, it was agonisingly quiet. Finally, they brandished a small, tattered book from a drawer. It took me far too long to realise what precisely they were holding, but before I could register the dread of seeing them clutching my sketchbook, it was far too late to do anything about it. They stalked back to the central table, and I could only stare in horror and confusion as they set it alight.
It felt like time itself was melting. I was stuck in that moment for ages, watching years of progress go up in flames. As he held my sketchbook in the fire, I saw the pages begin to bubble and blister — I barely understood it at the time, but I am now certain that the dark liquid that dripped from it was blood. I think I heard screaming. Perhaps it was mine, or the book itself. Watching the flames lick the sides of my sketchbook as the pages curled and writhed like tearing skin, I felt the ache behind my eyes become sharper, stabbing until it was scorching, incinerating every neuron and synapse and leaving nothing in its wake.
I cannot possibly convey the pain I felt with mere words. There are dozens of articles online on what happens to you when you burn, reporting every gory detail with morbid fascination, basking in the horror of how the capillaries burst, how the fat melts and how the muscles contract. I read every single one I could find. None of them felt like what happened to me. None of them could grasp how it feels for your brain to cook inside your skull.
I passed out, I think. When I came to, I was lying on the floor. A person whose name I regrettably no longer remember had put me into a safer position — I had gone into shock, apparently. They had been trying to call an ambulance. As it turns out, it is quite difficult for emergency services to reach a lab in the middle of nowhere. I don’t believe they were a coworker of mine; the Hawaiian shirt was hardly appropriate lab attire, but I am grateful for their presence nonetheless. Even if I did initially mistake them for Finite Waves in my confusion. Eventually, an Air Ambulance arrived and I was taken to hospital. My case completely baffled the doctors, as I was uninjured and they could not identify why I went into shock. Eventually, they concluded that I must have been severely dehydrated and gone into hypovolemic shock as a result, that I had just hallucinated all of… that.
I had to stay in hospital for several weeks to recover, but I did return to the research facility to collect my things and resign. Finite Waves was completely absent, and according to sign-in records, had not come in on the day of this incident, nor any day after that. No one recognised my description of the person who called the ambulance either. Aside from my own testimony, there was little to suggest anything had actually happened, save for the charred remains of my sketchbook unceremoniously tossed in a waste paper basket, covered in some dark, dried substance that seemed to have leaked from between the mutilated pages. I tried not to think about it too much.
I cannot shake the feeling that I should have felt more grief in that moment. I had spent a great deal of time perfecting my art, learning how to express rather than merely copy what I saw. And yet it was as if I had never seen it before in my life. I could remember nothing about the drawings within, or how I had done them. My sketchbook was unrecognisable, and all I felt was… empty. As if the very concept of art had burned to ash within me, and taken a part of me with it.
I left rather quickly after that.
Getting back on my feet has been challenging. A number of my possessions seem to be missing, including my phone and laptop, and it is not as if I have any connections at the moment. Even my emergency contact was missing, apparently. I have only vague memories of faceless people who were… perhaps my friends and family. There seems to be very little chance that I might get another job in scientific research — having to leave your last job after having a breakdown and claiming you were violently assaulted by a senior member of staff will do that to a CV.
I did have a stroke of luck, though. Recently, I left my flat to visit a nearby café, and while I was there I ran into a person named Cognitive Dissonance, who seemed to recognise me from… when I was an undergraduate, I think she said? The encounter as a whole was somewhat overwhelming, and I couldn’t remember her at all besides a faint echo of endearment, but the broad strokes seemed to be that we had done some kind of art workshop together and been fairly close. When I mentioned that I was out of work, she suggested I join her at a research job for some kind of paranormal investigations organisation. Fitting, really. I do not think I really have anything to lose at this point, and working for ghosthunters is better than becoming homeless. I was lucky my lease was still going, and my sick leave plus the astounding overtime I was apparently owed paid most of my various debts.
Ah, I… think that is all of it. My interview for the new job is tomorrow. With any luck, it won’t be such a disaster, and I will have something to do again. These days are getting unbearable with nothing to do except lay down with another wretched headache.
…I was unsure if I still had this. Wayback’s investigation into Finite Waves reminded me of it. Evidently, my younger self was right to record it: some of these details did disappear from my mind. I had forgotten about the flowers, for example. Hardly makes for a credible statement, but we are far past that point by now.
It is unusual to hear myself talk about Cognitive Dissonance, though. Although we did maintain a good relationship, I never recovered any memories of them and we did not spend much time together. There was so much work to do, of course. They did not remember a great deal of me either then, and now they certainly do not.
It has been several years since my incident now. I have not heard anything further from Transcendent Life Labs, nor Finite Waves. For the most part, I did put it out of my mind. Though I do occasionally wonder if I might have been able to do something. Perhaps if I had hidden my sketchbook better, or left it in my room… No. It is of little relevance.
In some ways, the work I do now is not so different to what I did back then; my job is still to explain and predict strange occurrences. I am just as efficient and hardworking as I ever was — more, even. It is not as if I have anything else to do on the job now. Without any distractions, I get far more done. More recently, I have endeavoured to make sense of these beings that we call Entities. My colleagues believe them inscrutable, but I cannot accept such a lacklustre answer. If these beings must feed, then it stands to reason that they are to some extent living, and can therefore be observed. Categorised. Understood.
It is then perhaps bitterly ironic that for all my tireless research, all those sleepless nights I have dedicated to unpicking the patterns that emerge from supernatural phenomena, I am yet to find a clear answer as to what happened to me, or why. I don't... perhaps it was just another form of test. Perhaps I will never understand at all. And my headaches are getting worse.
…I know something is wrong. My skin is cracked and peeling, and I cannot rid my mouth of the taste of ash. Weaving Tales attempted to send me home last week with a temperature, of all things. Hah.
But it is of no concern. While these conditions are admittedly unpleasant, they are livable. Sometimes you have to deal with things you dislike to get any work done, after all. I cannot stop now.
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
Can you do a 5 + 1 style fic for Tess? Mix in fluff and smut and angst. Maybe 5 times she says she loves you? +1 Or 5 times she kisses you? Something like that. Thanks for taking the time I love your stuff ❤️
5 times Tess kissed you and 1 time she couldn’t
Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader
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A/N- I haven’t written a 5+1 in forever so this was fun! Honestly she’s a soft little baby for the majority of this, mostly cause I wanted to make the 1 hurt more 😃 she’s sweet and soft. She’s baby. The dialogue from the end part is not directly taken from the show cause I don’t like taking all the exact dialogue I want to make it my own. So there’s pieces but not completely exact. Some are longer than others. Only proofread once.
Warnings- 18+ because there’s a smidge of smut. Fluff, drunkness / drinking, smut: oral ( r receiving ) , mentions of injury/violence,
Word count- 6.9k
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated &lt;3
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It had been a really bad day.
A really bad day. One of those where every single awful thing that had ever happened to you, crept out from the dark corner of your brain that you locked them away in. Thankfully you’d had no work assignments and had spent the day hiding away in your apartment. You were supposed to have met Tess after her own assignment, plans to get rid of some of your stock on her break in between shifts. But you’d stayed home. 
5 years had passed since outbreak day and the amount of shit you had seen in that time… it crept up on you from time to time. She’d understand. 
She’d probably be a little bit pissed at you when you saw her next, if you were honest, but at that moment you didn’t really give a fuck. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and ignore the memories bouncing around your brain. 
You’d had a decent amount of self restraint all day, you hadn’t touched either of the bottles of whiskey under your bed. Or any of the pills. It would’ve been the easy option, knock yourself out with a couple of oxy or see how much whiskey you could drink before it made you pass out. But for the most part you’d restrained yourself, knowing it would only take the pain away temporarily. 
You saw it first hand in Joel. The way he dosed himself up on whatever pills he could get his hands on, only to be just as traumatised the next morning. 
Though by 4:30 your self restraint was gone. You’d finally cracked open a bottle and poured yourself a glass, ready to spend your night drinking yourself into a stupor. Maybe a mixture of pride for holding out so long, but also too terrified to go to sleep. Scared of what fucked up dreams your mind might conjure up. 
Until you heard a knock at the door. 
You sighed in frustration and got up from your spot at the kitchen table and grabbed your keys, pulling open the door ready to tell whoever it was to piss off. But your frustration dissipated when you saw who was standing there. 
Tess had her hands in her pockets, brows furrowing slightly as she looked over you. You didn’t even say anything, just left the door open and dropped your keys back on the side table by the door, leaning heavily against it. 
“ oh someones started early “ she said with a raised eyebrow as she sauntered into your apartment and grabbed the bottle from the table, eyeing the glass before shrugging and drinking straight from the bottle “ how much catching up do I need to do? “
“ I only had one glass “
“ oh that’s easy “ you watched her bring the bottle to her lips again, wincing slightly as the amber liquid burned on its way down. You slid down the wall where you stood, too tired to even make the short distance back to your chair at the table “ you know there’s a perfectly good couch right? “ you waved a hand in dismissal in her direction and leant your head back against the wall behind you. 
You hadn’t even done anything all day. But your muscles felt heavy, your body exhausted. There might as well have been lead in your veins, the weight of your past heavily anchoring you to the floor. 
Your eyes dragged up and down her as she stood by the table, shrugging off her jacket and tossing it over the back of a chair. She took another swig from the bottle and you sighed. 
“ you gonna share that or what? “ she scoffed and made her way over, groaning slightly as she sat down on the floor next to you. 
“ I’m too old for sitting on the fuckin floor “ You accepted the bottle, taking a swig before holding the neck loosely between your fingers. 
“ you’re barely in your fuckin 30s “ 
“ the ever looming fear of being turned into a mushrooms puppet will really age a person “ you rolled your eyes and took another drink. You hoped the alcohol would push the heaviness away, but Tess was enough of a distraction even if it wouldn’t. 
“ gonna tell me where you were today? “ you gestured to your surroundings and she sighed, taking the bottle from you which you took right back “ what’s going on? “ 
“ one of them days “ one thing you loved about Tess? She didn’t pry. She didn’t push. She took what you gave her and didn’t ask for more. In the same way you always did for her. In the days where it was you at the door of her apartment. When she couldn’t bare to leave the safety of those four walls and face the day. You didn’t push. 
“ I have something that’ll cheer you up” she took the bottle from you as she said it, clearly trying to catch up with the amount you were downing. The warm, fuzzy feeling alcohol gave you was settling over your head “ I was on sewer maintenance “ she drank some more “ this one fuckin officer… he was being such an ass “
“ they’re all asses “ you mumbled, sighing and closing your eyes as you let the whisky push away the heaviness and lull you into that relaxed, giggly, care free state it always did before you pushed into the next stage of drunkness. Where you couldn’t walk straight and forgot what you’d been doing when you woke up the next morning. 
That first stage was nice. Bubble headed and warm, the giggles and wooziness that came with being tipsy. 
“ they are. But this one? Fuckin dick “ 
“ how is this supposed to be funny Tess? “ 
“ be fuckin patient I’m getting there “ you rolled your eyes, taking the bottle back “ so he’s being an ass. And this guy was done with his shit- literally “ a string of giggles bubbled past your lips at that “ and so the ass starts shouting, telling him to get back to work. And as he’s yelling, he’s walking. Doesn’t look where he’s going “
“ oh no “ the giggles grew as you anticipated where the story was heading, shifting closer to her and turning in her direction “ god please tell me what I think you’re gonna tell me “ 
“ face first. Straight in the fuckin water. Half the QZs shit on his face “ you both burst into laughter, the imagine of a FEDRA asshole face first in a pile of shit water truly the highlight of your day “ I told you it would make you laugh “ she said through her own laughter, a sound you didn’t get to hear very often. 
You lay your head on her shoulder and sighed, as your giggles began dying down. Tess brought a hand up and cupped your cheek lightly leaning her face against your head. 
“ I like when you laugh “ she said, her voice soft “ better than seeing you grumpy “ 
“ yeah? “
“ yeah. I do. Its cute “ you lifted your head, your chin on her shoulder and wiggling your eyebrows at her
“ oh you think I’m cute? “ you both erupted into giggles again, your faces close to each other and laughing like a pair of kids who just got caught trying to steal cookies from the jar “ youuuu think I’m cuteee “ you said in a silly sing song voice and poked at her arm. 
“ you’re wasted “ 
“ hmm maybe but so are you “ she shrugged and pushed your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear 
“ maybe “ your eyes flickered to where the backs of her fingers were brushing against your cheek now, her touch gentle and soft. 
“ I think you’re cute too for what it’s worth “ you said quietly, the alcohol swimming though your veins speaking words you’d been holding onto for months. 
“ you do? “ 
“ I do “ you said it a little too quickly but you didn’t care. Not when she was that close to you, her fingers on your face and practically sat in each others laps “ I have for a while “
“ I know “ you scoffed at that, trailing you hand up her arm and brushing across her jaw lightly 
“ course you fuckin do “ 
“ you’re not subtle “ 
“ and you wait until now to tell me that? That’s fucked” you said, laughing again. And it made a grin spread across her own face. 
“ I can stop. I can leave and pretend I didn’t say it. Give me the word and I’ll go right now “ your hands twisted into the collar of her shirt and you shook your head. 
“ is this just cause you’re drunk? “ you whispered, trying to clear away the fog in some attempt to figure out if this was real or not. 
“ no “ she shook her head, nudging her nose against yours “ no. No it’s not “ all your sadness from earlier in the day was something of the past, it didn’t matter anymore. Not in that moment “ tell me to stop “ her voice was barely a whisper, so close her lips were brushing yours as she spoke. 
“ m’not gonna do that “
“ good “ it was just a gentle kiss at first. Soft. Lingering. You parted for a few seconds, then she was grabbing at your face with both hands, forcefully pulling you back in a way that took the air from your lungs. 
She tasted like the whiskey you’d both been drinking and… something else. Something you’d been yearning for for too long. It wasn’t exactly how you’d expected your first kiss with her to be. You hadn’t exactly imagined some movie, fairytale romance thing. But you also hadn’t imagined the current situation either. 
It was desperate. All tongues and teeth, her hands tugging at the hair in the nape of your neck, yours twisting into the material of her shirt. The kind of kiss that would leave your lips swollen and red when she was done with you. 
Part of your mind that wasn’t all that drunk yet, questioned if this would even be happening if you were both sober. But the louder part was screaming in excitement, telling the other to shut up. That that was something to worry about tomorrow. Not now. Not when she was kissing you like her life depended on it. 
You had to pull apart at some point, gasping for air as you finally parted. You were both quiet for a few moments, just your heavy breaths the sounds between you. She moved away first, reaching for the bottle again and taking a big gulp. 
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Your back arched off the mattress, fingers lacing into her hair as Tess smiled against your cunt, not stopping for a single second in her ministration’s. She was eating like a woman starved, her long slender fingers reaching places inside of you that you never really knew existed. 
“ Jesus fuckin Christ Tess “ you whined, hand patting around for hers. She slid the hand that had been pressing your hips down, up your waist before grabbing your hand. She threaded her fingers with yours, squeezing softly. 
“ I got you baby “ she said, her voice gentle in comparison to the way she curled her fingers inside of you in a steady rhythm “ you gonna come for me? Yeah? “ 
“ yes. Yes. Fuck “ you whined, high pitched sounds leaving your throat as her tongue pressed against your clit again “ just like that “ 
You came on her fingers moments later, a bone shattering grip on her hand as she worked you through it. Not wasting a single drop your slick cunt had to offer. She stopped when you squirmed away from her, the sensation too much. 
Her thumb rubbed circles into your hand and she pressed soft kisses across your thighs and your stomach as you came down, letting your breathing regain its normal pattern. 
“ Tess “ you said softly, and she got the hint, moving her way back up your body and letting your grabby hands pull her down to kiss you. The taste of you lingered on her lips but you didn’t care, hand pulling at her neck to keep her there. You hummed a soft moan into her mouth, making her smile against you. 
“ that good? “ she asked with a grin on her face, when she pulled back, pushing your hair away from your damp forehead.
“ it was alright I guess “ Tess scoffed and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face 
“ you little shit “ she said with a shake of her head and nudged you lightly, rolling onto her back next to you. You propped yourself on your elbow and traced your fingers in nonsense patterns across her skin “ you in a better mood now at least? “ 
“ wasn’t even in a bad mood “ you grumbled, tracing over the lines of her collarbones and down her sternum and back up again. Sometimes when you couldn’t sleep you’d make patterns in her freckles, or trace your fingers over her scars and ask her where each one came from. 
“ sure. You’ve been grumpy as fuck all morning “ you shrugged and she grabbed your hand that was trailing over her skin “ seemed a little happier a minute ago though ‘ oh Tess! Just like like that! ‘ “ you slapped her arm as she pulled a terrible impression of you, her voice high pitched and dramatic 
“ shut up! I don’t sound like that! “ she laughed, grabbing at your hands as you tried to push her off the bed. 
“ oh? You don’t? Huh? “ you clambered on top of her, grabbing at her hands and attempting to pin them down beside her head “ so that wasn’t you moaning my name less than five minutes ago? No? “ 
“ shut up holy shit “ she was still grinning as you managed to push her hands down in a way that was a little too easy for it not to have been intentional. 
“ oh well look at you “ 
“ you’re mean “ 
“ I am? “ you nodded and leant down, lips brushing against hers. 
“ so mean “ she smiled as you said it, tilting her head up to capture your lips again “ making fun of me. Such a bitch” she scoffed at that and you squealed as she pushed at you, so you were now the one with your wrists pinned against the mattress. 
“ I don’t like that tone baby “ you couldn’t stop the grin that spread across your face, gasping when she pressed her thigh between your legs. 
“ and what are you gonna do about it? “ 
“ oh. You’ll see “ 
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The night was not going to plan. At all. You’d been fucked over. Some stupid fucker working for Robert who you were supposed to be trading with. They’d brought pills that were nothing but compacted powdered sugar, trying to screw you over. 
You, Tess and Joel had secured a pretty decent name for yourself within the underground scene of Boston. People trusted you, were loyal to you and didn’t take their business else where. But with that came the fuckers who wanted to challenge it. Who wanted your client base. Wanted the power that the three of you were gaining every day. 
It had gotten messy when you noticed the pills looked different, one taste telling you that you weren’t holding a baggie of Oxy or Hydro. But a bunch of useless shit. Most of the fuckers were now dead or dying in a back alley somewhere in zone 5, you both had guns and all they had were crappy shivs and planks. But somewhere In the tussle, Tess had gotten stabbed trying to defend you. Even though you could take care of yourself. A handmade shiv to the side. 
You’d put him down. The metal pipe one of his friends had tried to hit you with raining down on him until you heard the sickening crunch of god knows what part of him breaking. You’d put a bullet in his face too for good measure. 
It was a miracle you’d managed to get her back to your apartment without being spotted. But she was stubborn and wasn’t the type to scream and cry even if she did have a giant hole in her side. 
“ alright alright. Here we go on the table I need a flat surface “ it wasn’t particularly smooth or glamorous the way you flopped her onto the kitchen table, rushing to pull various shit from cupboards in the kitchen to try and stop your girlfriend from fucking bleeding out. 
“ Jesus fuckin Christ “ she groaned, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. You hurried back over to her, taking her blood soaked hands and gently pulling them away from where she was keeping pressure on her wound “ I swear to fuck if this is how I die- “
“ shut the fuck up “ you pushed up her shirt and started wiping away as much blood from the wound as you could, cleaning it as much as was possible in the circumstances “ you’re not dying. I’m no Florence fucking nightingale but I’m gonna patch you up. And you’re gonna be so pissed at me tomorrow because I stitch you up wonky, but that’s okay. Cause I saved your fucking life so you should be grateful “ 
She actually cracked a small smile at that, eyes locked on your face as you worked at cleaning her up. 
“ so grateful “ you examined the wound in the light of the crappy portable lamps, almost thanking the Lord when it didn’t seem to be too deep. No punctured organs you could hope. You reached for the needle and thread, but your hands were shaking too much to thread the needle and you cursed under your breath “ calm down “ it almost made you laugh. She was the one with a stab wound. Yet she was comforting you. The way she always did. 
“ I’m calm “ 
“ tell that to your face “ you glared at her and focussed on threading the needle.
You wanted to be pissed at her as she lay there watching you. She was too protective sometimes. You liked it. You couldn’t deny that but not when it meant she was getting hurt. Not when she put herself in harms way. Idiot.
You finally got the needle threaded and sat down to look at the wound. 
“ not too deep it should be okay. Gonna hurt though “ 
“ funny I always thought you were the masochist and I was the sadist “ you threw her a look, unable to stop the smile that tugged at your lips. 
“ you’re such an idiot “ her breath was shaky as you started stitching her up, trying to remain as neat as possible. She shifted as you clearly hit a more tender spot, a jumbled string of curse words leaving her mouth. 
“ wait until I get my hands on that motherfucker “ she spat, hissing in pain as you pushed the needle through her skin again, trying to be quick and get it over with. 
“ yeah? What you gonna do? Tell me “ talking was good. She’d taught you that. The times she’d had to patch you up, making you talk to keep your mind off of the pain. 
“ bash his- shit. Bash his fuckin skull in “
“ mhm and what else? “ you asked, wiping at the blood that continued to trickle down her stomach “ details. I want details “ you pushed, keeping her talking. Keeping her distracted. Making her brain tick over with how she planned to beat the living shit out of Robert, not about how painful a blunt needle and sewing thread felt dragging though her skin. 
“ maybe I should take some tips from you. You really fucked that asshole up, huh? “
“ well I learned from the best “ she gave a short laugh, eyes still locked on your face. 
“ fucking Robert “ 
“ mhm fuckin Robert “ you said as you made the final stitch. Her eyes were still on you as you doused the wound in alcohol, in some hope it would kill off at least some of the shit that might cause an infection “ there you go “ 
She pushed her self up onto her elbows with a groan, looking down at your handy work 
“ pretty as a fuckin picture “ 
“ I know. Should’a been a nurse “ you moved to clear away all the shit you’d been using, but she grabbed at your wrist. 
“ thank you “
“ of course “ she pulled you down and you pressed a kiss to her lips lightly, her split lip giving it the metallic taste of blood.
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You woke up in a cold sweat, thrashing around as the covers clung to your arms and legs in a way that felt too constricting. The horrors of whatever had been tormenting you in your sleep still assaulting you, even with your eyes open. 
You couldn’t even fully comprehend what your brain was showing you, just that you knew it was terrifying. Odd faces of your family, of people you had killed. 
“ baby. Baby! Hey! Calm down you’re okay! it’s me! It’s me. I’ve got you “ as your eyes began to focus on your surroundings, your eyes clearing of the dark fog of the nightmare that had attacked your peaceful sleep, you focussed on the strong hands gripping at your arms. The calm voice filtering through your own screams, hitting your ears. 
You reached out in the dark for her, squeezing her tightly when she pulled you into her arms. 
“ Tess “ you sobbed, praying it was her that had you trapped in her arms. Of course it was. It was always her, always the one to pull you back to reality when the nightmares got to you. 
“ that’s right. It’s me, you’re alright. Just a dream, I got you. It’s just a dream all a dream baby girl “ she murmured softly into your hair, stroking her hands over your back and gently shushing you. 
You hated when all the shit you had done came back to haunt you. It made you feel weak. Pathetic. 
Your own mind was punishing you. Attacking you from the inside out for being a shitty person. It never seemed to affect Tess. She had always been stronger than you, always the one doing the comforting. 
“ I’m sorry I- I didn’t mean to wake you I’m sorry- “
“ don’t be sorry. It’s okay “ you pressed your face against her neck, breathing in her scent in some attempt to ground yourself again “ baby “ she gently nudged your face up to look at her, hands cupping your cheeks gently “ you’re home, you’re safe. I’m right here “  
She brushed her thumbs over your tears, her tired eyes scanning your face. She had bags under her eyes, more scars littering her skin in the years since you’d first met her. But those eyes were still the same. No matter how much shit you both did, she still looked at you the same. 
“ you should go back to sleep “ you shook your head. Not wanting to go back to the fucking horrors that were waiting for you the second you closed your eyes  
“ cant. Cant do that shit again “ she sighed but nodded and sat back against the headboard, pulling you with her. 
“ alright. Then we stay awake “ her voice was soft, no sarcasm. No joking. She had to be up early for work, yet she would sacrifice her sleep to stay awake all night with you “ we can talk. Or you can lose at cards to me. Whatever you want, we’ll do it “ you looked up at her, her face illuminated by the moonlight seeping through the gap in the curtains. 
“ I love you “ you whispered, overcome with emotion as you looked at her. You didn’t say it to each other often. In fact she had let it slip maybe three times over the time you’d been together. She was uncomfortable with it. Never wanting to confront and confirm that she had someone she loved. That she had a weakness. That she had somebody to lose. 
She pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and then your lips, telling you without saying it. 
“ I know baby. I know “ 
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If someone had told you that in the middle of the apocalypse you’d be out sunbathing, eating fresh fruit like you were on some kind of vacation. You’d have laughed in their faces. Yet there you were. The backyard of the house next door to Bill and Franks. They’d fixed it up when your visits there grew more regular a few years back. Frankly Bill didn’t seem to pleased by it. Some bullshit ‘ resource management’ thing. But Frank had said he’d loved the project. 
And it meant you got the only slice of true… normality the world had to offer you. You could play pretend. Act like the world was fine. That you and Tess were living in that little town, doing normal human things. Dinner parties with your neighbours, sunbathing in the garden and picnics. It made the return to Boston all that much harder each time, a shocking return to reality. One that was grey and smoky and filled with FEDRA assholes looking for any excuse to shoot. But in the moment, you lived in your make believe world. Forgetting you even had to go back there. 
You could lie in the grass with Tess. And pretend. 
“ I forgot what real strawberries tasted like “ you sighed, savouring every tiny bite of the fruit Frank had brought round for you both “ this is better than sex “ 
“ that’s fuckin rude “ you smiled up at her from where your head rested in her lap, her hair tied up and shiny with the nice shampoos Bill had stocked. She always looked brighter in Lincoln. Not just because the sun was shining and there wasn’t that ever looming greyness. She glanced down at you and your final tiny bites of strawberry “ why are you eating it so slowly? “
“ I’m savouring it “ she rolled her eyes but a smile was pulling at her lips. She started running a hand through your hair, making you sigh as the sun made your body feel sleepy and warm. Safe. 
You wondered if it was what life would’ve been like if the world hadn’t exploded. Of course you knew it wouldn’t in a way. You had lived miles away from Michigan, you probably would never have met. She’d probably still be married, maybe even had another kid as well as her son. Grown old and grey with a bunch of grandkids and died safe and warm in her bed. 
You shocked yourself a little at the jealousy that bubbled up in your chest at the thought. You didn’t want to think about her with someone else. She was yours. You were hers. That was it. 
You would have met. You would have ended up how you wanted. A cosy house and friendly neighbours. Dinner parties. Picnics. Dates. Safe and warm in your bed. 
“ is this technically a date? “ you suddenly asked, opening your eyes again as you got caught up in your daydreaming. Tess shrugged, her eyes closed as she let the sun warm her face. She had a thing for fresh air, always talking about how stuffy the city air was. How she loved being outside of the walls where the air was cleaner. 
“ you want it to be a date? “ you shrugged, her voice sounding slightly teasing. 
“ forget it “
“ oh come on I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It can be a date “ she looked down at you, stroking her hand over your hair. 
“ we’ve been together for all these years and never had a date “ 
“ there’s not exactly many options in the QZ is there “ you sighed and she gave you a look riddled with sympathy “ every time we visit you get like this “ she said softly “ you… drift “ you sat up, pulling your knees to your chest and resting your chin on your hands. 
“ because I feel normal here “ you confessed “ I can pretend. Pretend we’re normal “ it felt silly to say out loud and you waited for her to laugh at you or make a joke. But she didn’t. She just gave a gentle nod “ I don’t have to worry about getting fucking jumped on my way home because someone wants our cards, or selling pills to officers that could have us hung up the gallows if they felt like it. I can forget that we’re shitty people for a bit “ 
Tess was quiet as you spoke, letting your words hang between you. You wondered if it would stem into one of her bad moods. She liked the position you had back in Boston. She liked the power. The control. But you were growing tired of it. And you didn’t know how much longer you could keep it up. Not when you got a taste of the opposite anytime you visited Bill and Franks. 
“ then let’s pretend “ she said after a few moments, standing up and holding out her hand to you “ come on “ you took her hand and she pulled you into her arms, guiding yours around her neck before looping her own around your waist “ I worry too “ she confessed  
“ sure “
“ I do. I worry all the time. About you. There is nothing and no one else in this world that I care about as much as you. You think I like all that shit we do? I do it because it means we have food. And safety. You have food and safety “ 
“ you love that shit don’t play with me Tess “ she sighed and shrugged 
“ I like control. But if I had to give that up to keep you safe? I’d do it in a fuckin heartbeat “ she closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath “ you know. When Joel is done with the battery thing… the Tommy thing. We could lay low for a while “ you quirked an eyebrow at that 
“ you? Lay low? Yeah I’ll believe that when I fuckin see it “ 
“ I’m serious. Im getting too old for that bullshit “ the look in her eyes seemed genuine. She was serious. 
“ really? “
“ maybe we could… even stay here. For a while. I could convince them to let us stay. Bill might like having some extra help for Frank “ you pondered on it, leaving the shitty zone behind. Your illegal runs. Your drug running. Live out the rest of your days in the peace and quiet of Lincoln “ we do this final run with Joel. I’m finalising the trade with Robert for a battery. Joel is sorting the truck. We get him to Tommy in one piece and then… we come back here. Yeah? “ 
Your face lit up and you nodded, a small laugh leaving your mouth. 
“ I’d. I’d like that “ Tess smiled too, nudging her fingers under your chin and pulling you in to kiss her. 
“ hmm you taste like strawberry “ 
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Tess was acting weird. Erratic. It wasn’t like her. You stood hopelessly with Joel as she charged around the room, chucking shit out of boxes and checking the pockets of the dead firefly’s on the floor. Searching for something. Anything. 
“ Tess. What’re you doing? “ Joel spoke before you could. You couldn’t move from where you were stood, an awful biting feeling in your chest as you watched her. Something was wrong. Something was wrong. This wasn’t your Tess. Tess wasn’t erratic and wild. She was organised. Concise. She knew what she was doing at all times and had full control of the situation. 
“ I mean there’s gotta be a map or something right? “ Joel looked over at you, eyebrows raised in some silent request for you to see what the fuck was going on with her. But you still couldn’t move “ Ellie. Did Marlene say where this hospital was? Did she say where she was taking you? “
“ no I- just some place west “
“ west. Fuckin west “ she went back to ferreting through their pockets, chucking useless shit like a pen and a pair of glasses across the room. 
“ Tess we’re done here. Let’s just go home and- “
“ that’s not my fuckin home “ she wouldn’t look at you. Even though your eyes were burning into her, she avoided your gaze. Something was wrong “ our luck had to run out sooner or later “ she said, standing up from where she’d been searching one of the bodies. 
“ holy shit. She’s infected “ Ellie’s voice broke the small silence that had fallen over the group, her tone sounding pained as she said the words you had been refusing to even think about. 
The look on her face was enough of an answer for you. And it was the thing that finally made you move. You crossed the distance between you in purposeful strides, stopping in front of her 
“ show me “ 
“ look I- “
“ show. Me “ you watched her jaw clench as she grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled it down to reveal exactly what was wrong with her. 
A set of teeth marks surrounded by angry, red skin. Blood was oozing out of the wound, a colour too dark to be normal. But the worst part? You could see the tendrils of the fungus under her skin, raised in her veins as they crawled closer and closer to her brain. The bite was on her shoulder and the fungus was already reaching up the side of her neck. How fast did it move? How long had it been since you’d ran into the clickers? 10 minutes ago? If that? 
They had been the only run in youd had. It had been the only possible place she could’ve gotten bitten. In 10 minutes it was already spreading that far? 
Your mind rushed back to the museum. The clickers that had rushed you, separating you both from Joel and Ellie. The way she had pushed you out of the way of one of them. But she had killed it. How could it possibly have…
“ oops, right? “ she said quietly, eyes glassy with tears that she seemed to be desperately attempting to hold in. Your brain refused to process the information. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. 
It was Tess. Strong and brave and smart Tess. Tess that killed infected like it was nothing. That had lasted 20 fucking years and never been bitten. Tess that was taking you to Lincoln to live out the rest of your days in safety. 
“ Tess- “ she pushed past you and headed for Ellie before you could say anything else, her mind clearly preoccupied. 
“ bandage off. Show me your arm “ you watched her grab Ellie’s arm, ignoring your presence now and talking to Joel. Her mouth was moving but your ears were ringing too loud, not focussing on what she was saying. Watching as her hand started shaking, twitching. It was attacking her nervous system already. 
How long would it be until it was in her brain? Controlling and taking over the mind of the woman you loved. Claiming her body as it’s own, her thoughts, her feelings, turning her into an empty shell of a human. A puppet. 
Your fingers prickled with the lack of air entering your lungs, anxiety overwhelming you, your chest tight and head light. The sudden realisation of what was happening crashing down on you, suffocating you with a heavy weight on your chest that made it feel as though your lungs were collapsing. 
“ oh shit you’re not infected too are you? You don’t look right man “ both Tess and Joel turned to you as Ellie spoke, her voice sounding echoed and far off. 
“ I think I’m having a heart- a heart attack “ you gasped, shaking your head and grabbing at your chest. She appeared in front of you, hands reaching out to you before pulling them away again. 
“ you’re not having a heart attack “ Joel was talking again, but you couldn’t hear him. Your eyes were locked on hers, the tears she’d been holding back silently rolling over her cheeks. She reached out for you again and actually let herself touch you this time. Her hands were trembling as she placed them on your arms. Was it the infection? Or was she scared? Or was it both? 
“ Tess- “
“ shhh let me talk I don’t have a lot of time “ your eyes fell down to the bite mark peaking over the collar of her shirt and she squeezed your arms lightly “ hey. Up here. Look at me not that “ you dragged your eyes back up to her face. Even if it was just so you could burn it into the backs of your eyelids, every single line and scar and freckle that it held “ Joel’s gonna get you and the kid to Bill and Franks- “
“ I’m not- “
“ shut. The fuck up. You get to Bill and Franks they’ll know what to do with the kid. And hey. They love you, they’ll let you stay there with them even if I’m not there- “
“ I’m not going to fuckin Bill and and Franks without you “
“ yes you are. Get the kid there. Bill and Frank they’ll look after you. They owe me “ before you could protest again you startled as one of the body’s on the other side of the room suddenly moved, screeching before Joel shot it in the head. 
There was a commotion somewhere outside, drawing Joel over the door of the building. You looked down at the man he’d just shot, the moss and earth beneath his fingers moving. You’d heard that the fungus could grow underground, knew it could connect colonies of infected miles apart. Is that what it was? Drawing a whole heard of infected in your direction? 
“ how many? “ Tess asked 
“ all of em “ she gave a small nod, hastily wiping away her tears and leaving you again. You watched her as she started pushing barrels over, tossing boxes of grenades and ammo onto the floor. 
“ what are you doing? “ 
“ making sure they won’t follow you “ your ears were ringing again, head aching as the fumes from the barrels drifted into your nose. 
Your hands slipped into your hair, pulling at it in a way that surely made you looked mad. But you needed to feel your scalp prickle with pain, something to wake you up from the fucking nightmare you were living through. 
You watched her talking to Joel again, shaking your head as you tried to wake yourself up. Waiting to feel her hands pull you into her arms and tell you it was okay. It was all a dream and you were safe.
But it didn’t come. You were awake. You were living the nightmare. 
You heart was aching in your chest. You felt as though you could feel each and every heartstring snapping. You had often wondered how after so many of millions of years that human beings had walked the earth, living and adapting to their surroundings, they had not evolved enough to not feel the splintering pain of heartbreak. How had humans evolved so thoroughly, so much that they could adapt to live even after the world had gone to shit. Trained themselves to use guns and knifes to protect themselves yet left their hearts so delicate, so vulnerable that something as fickle as love could cause such a gut wrenching pain.
You’d much rather take a knife to the gut or a bullet to the head. You were certain it would hurt less. 
She reappeared in front of you a few moments later. Her hands cupped your face and you wrapped your fingers tightly around her wrists. 
“ I love you. I’m sorry I never told you as much I should’ve “ she was saying goodbye
“ I’m not fuckin going anywhere Tess you can stop with bullshit goodbyes”
“ you’re gonna get out of here. And go to Bill and Frank. And you’re gonna grow old as them fuckers, you’re gonna be safe. And eat strawberries. And paint with Frank and lay in the sun. You’re gonna live. The way that you’ve always wanted to “ she didn’t get it. Didn’t understand. You wanted those thins. But only if she was there with you. Not alone “ they’ll look after you “ 
“ you look after me “ she closed her eyes, shaking her head as tears kept flowing down both of your faces. 
“ I can’t anymore “ she whispered. 
The noise outside was growing louder, hundreds of infected barely a minute away. 
“ I’m staying here. With you “ she shook her head again and pressed her forehead to yours for a second. 
“ I’m sorry “ your brow furrowed “ Joel “ you realised what was happening a second too late. Joel’s arm wrapped tightly around your waist, lifting you from your feet 
“ let me fuckin go! Put me down! Joel! “ you thrashed and kicked and punched but Joel was stronger than you, no reaction to your squirming as he dragged Ellie along with his other hand. Tears streamed down your face as you craned your neck to try and see her, every ounce of energy you had being used to try and break free of Joel’s tight grip “ Tess! Joel please! Please we can’t leave her. We can’t! Joel! “ 
It wasn’t until you were outside that you managed to break free. 
Only because the building exploding behind you sent the three of you flying, landing face down in the grass. You rolled over, eyes wide as you took in the site before you. Flames licked out of the windows, engulfing the building and all of the infected inside. 
And Tess. 
Some part of you still refused to accept it, making you scramble to your feet without your full consent or knowledge. Stumbling back towards the building only to have Joel’s arms wrap tightly around you again. 
“ it’s over. It’s over “ 
“ no! No! “ Joel’s arm stayed tightly around you as you fell to your knees, sobs wracking your body. 
Because you had no one left. 
Tess was gone. And you were on your own. 
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chevelleneech · 25 days
Y’all be sounding so well thought out with some of y’all’s analyses of Jimin and Jungkook’s actions and words, that I be nodding along and ready to click reblog, but then y’all swan dive off into the most biased and ridiculous takes.
Thinking any of us can sus out when JM and JK have hurt each other on any level deeper than what we see, especially moments where they are only seen laughing and smiling on screen, is crazy talk. I have said this before too, about the idea that they suffer from serious jealousy at times.
We do not know that and have no reason to think that if they’re together, jealousy plays any part in their relationship. It is a natural reaction and I’m sure has made appearances, but a lot of y’all think they get jealous over other members, and assert it as a fact. A lot of y’all think they are hurt when the other does this or that with their other friends, and assert it as a fact.
Giving your opinion on surface level stuff, and then saying, “Maybe” something else might be going on is fine. But the way y’all be like “I do think he was hurt for (insert reason), and that’s why he did (insert thing).” doesn’t make any sense to me, because the only reason you think he was hurt, is because you yourself need to make up a reason for why he did a thing you either don't agree with or don’t understand, and that’s not what an unbiased opinion is.
We cannot decide Jimin and Jungkook’s feelings for them, and then present them as proof of a relationship. We can only interpret what we see and hear, and discuss why it appears to point toward or against a relationship.
So I can say: “Jungkook seemingly being more annoyed at Jimin for not agreeing the pink sausage was indeed pink sausage and not ham, leads me to think he felt playfully vindicated that Jimin got it wrong instead of trusting his taste buds given how often they imply JK cooks for him. Whereas, he didn’t really acknowledge Tae being wrong, because he wasn’t as shocked Tae didn’t believe him, since it’s likely Tae simply isn’t aware of how good JK’s sense of taste is.” — Saying that keeps my thoughts separate from what actually happened, because I can’t say for certain JK felt any of those emotions nor had any of those thoughts. It just appears that way given the context.
What I can’t say: “Jungkook flinched at Jimin for not agreeing the pink sausage was pink sausage, because he cared more about what Jimin thought than Tae, and Jimin not trusting/believing him hurt him a little. So he expressed himself by flinching at him, because his instinct was to rub it in his face.” That is completely subjective, and assigns both emotions and thoughts we have no way of knowing he had or felt.
It is perfectly okay to try your best to be objective, because no one should be having completely subjective opinions on what’s going on between JM and JK, because we don’t know them on a personal level.
This is also why Tkkrs will never get me to see their side clearly. They do not operate with an as objective view point as possible. Everything on their end is subjective, because their interpretations are often based on their wants and not the reality of what is being shared with us. So it’s odd to me to see so many Jikookers veering down that route lately. You guys are wanting situations to be this or that, instead of interpreting what the situation is or appears to be.
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froggibus · 2 years
I've had this idea and I just want to give it to you as a request, I hope you're not too overworked with all the work you've been putting out for all of us! Maybe a one-shot with Hanzo or Genji (whichever you prefer to write the most!) where after a one night stand, you get pregnant and don't tell him in order not to burden them, etc and they find out via someone else or by picking up on small changes on your body, personality? Angst with a fluffy ending, but completely up to you if you want to make it all angst, etc!
Happy Little Accident - Genji Shimada
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Pairing: Genji Shimada x reader
Genre: angst -> fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: you get pregnant with your mission partner’s child after a one night stand, and now you’re not sure what to do
CW: pregnancy, reader is AFAB!, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, angst, mentions of abortion (??), lots of crying, genji is relentless, ghosting
Happy Halloween!! I love this idea so much! thank you anon! also took a bit of a break cause I was SUPER tired after my first day of work, plus just wanted to play obey me in bed <3 enjoy lol
“Shit!” You scream, banging your head on the tile wall of your bathroom. 
The little stick you’re holding in your hand stares at you, two little pink lines on display. In your anger, you snap the stick in half and toss it across the room. It clatters, sound echoing through the room. 
Hot tears clouded your vision. How could you let this happen? With him of all people? It was one night. Just one. And now you were dealing with the consequences of your actions. 
Genji and you had just come back from a rough, three day mission, and you had one night to spend in London before the extraction team came. The two of you had never been close outside of work—only seeing each other when you had to. 
Yet you had always harboured a bit of a crush on him. The quiet man was good at what he does, and he was hot too. Spending a night in a cramped hotel room together didn’t help, either. 
One thing led to another and suddenly he was on top of you, muttering your name like a prayer and giving you the best night of your life. 
He hadn’t tried to reach out to you since, and to avoid an uncomfortable interaction, you decided to use up your vacation days. For the first week or so, you had a good time. You spent time at the beach and sipped mimosas. 
The second week is when it started to go to shit. You woke up every day feeling devastatingly nauseous. You thought you might have gotten food poisoning or something, but when it lasted longer than a few days, you knew what it was. 
Which brought you to this devastating moment where you’re staring at the shattered pieces of a pregnancy test, realizing you’re carrying Genji Shimada’s child. 
You place your head in your hands and tug on your hair in sheer frustration. 
You can’t help but lift up your shirt and look at yourself in the mirror. There’s no visible bulge, no significant change in your appearance. The only evidence of your situation is the pile of positive pregnancy tests in your trash can. 
There’s a ding from your phone, forcing you to drop your shirt and leave the bathroom to check it. 
Shimada: heard you’re not on assignment this week
You don’t answer, slamming your phone face down on the counter. God, how were you supposed to tell Genji? Not only could this end your career as an agent of Overwatch—it could end his, too. 
Another ding, another message. 
Shimada: sucks :( they’re putting me on assignment with Cass instead 
You take a deep breath before typing back. 
You: that sucks :(
You see the three dots show up, indicating that he’s typing and turn your phone off. You don’t want to deal with this right now, and instead settle on grabbing a pint of ice cream from the freezer and flopping into your bed. 
The world (and Genji) can wait a while longer. 
When you check your phone again, there are three messages. 
Shimada: is everything ok with you? 
Shimada: feels like youre avoiding me after the mission 
Shimada: i promise it won’t be awkward 
You check the messages but you have no desire to answer them. What do you even say? You can’t tell him the truth, it’ll just be a burden on him. 
You end up leaving him on read, turning your phone off again and going to bed. 
You go back to work after another week. Countless mission assignments wait for you, not to mention the incredibly annoyed cyborg ninja. 
“Y/n!” Genji practically ambushes when you make it to the hangar. 
“What’s up, Shimada?” 
You try not to look in his eyes but the man makes it impossible, purposely walking directly in front of you. 
“Are you avoiding me? You haven’t answered my texts.”
“I—“ you sigh, “listen, I was just out of work for a week. I’m supposed to be going on a mission with Lena, we��ll talk when I’m back, okay?”
It was the truth, mostly. Although you didn’t plan to tell him what was really bothering you, knowing it would only burden him. 
“Yeah, I know. I swapped with Lena,” your face went white at his words, “you’re going on the mission with me.”
“You swapped? Why?”
It was impossible to hide the panic in your voice. The two of you were going to be stuck, together, in a hotel for at least a night. There’s no way you’ll be able to avoid this conversation with him. 
“Because something is obviously going on and you’re going to tell me.”
“Just leave it alone, Genji.” You groan, “can’t I have any damn privacy?”
“Not when you’re hiding something from me!”
Morrison enters the room just in time to see the two of you mid argument. “Jesus!” He shouts, “the two of you are behaving like fucking children! Just get on the damn plane.”
You and Genji mumble out variations of ‘yes sir’ and slowly climb aboard the plane. You sit in the back row, as far away from him as possible. 
He gives you a sad look and sighs, taking his seat at the front near the pilot. The events of the morning, you could feel exhaustion overtaking you and before you know it, you’re drifting off into sleep. 
When you wake up, you’re laying down across the back row. The air in the jet is cold, but you’re surprisingly warm. When you sit up, a grey sweatshirt slips off your shoulders. 
You squint suspiciously at the fabric before realizing it’s Genji’s. The owner of the sweater is sitting in the row in front of you now, clearly asleep. 
You sigh and cuddle it closer. It smells like him. You miss being close to him, but you know it’ll only be a matter of time before he finds out and leaves for good. You settle in and try to swallow down the nausea, waiting for the jet ride to be over. 
By the time the two of you are at the hotel you’re meant to be staying in, you’re almost overwhelmed by the nausea. You barely manage to swipe the keycard and make it through the door before you’re skidding to your knees in the bathroom. 
Your stomach heaves with every wave of nausea, your arm propping your forehead up on the toilet seat. You don’t even hear Genji come in until he’s sitting next to you, rubbing your back. 
“Y-you don’t have to be here,” you mumble, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“You’re sick, y/n. What else am I supposed to do?”
You bang your head on your arm, “not sick.” You moan miserably, “not sick…”
You raise your head from the toilet and suddenly Genji is wiping your face with a cold cloth, looking at you seriously. 
“But if you’re not sick—“ his eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
You sob, more tears coming. He’s going to figure it out. You let your head drop down and cover your face with your hands. 
“Y/n,” his voice is shaky. “Are you…are you pregnant?”
You cry harder at the word, nodding your head pathetically. Genji is taken aback, he has no clue what to do here. You’re pregnant, and you’ve been avoiding him—which can only mean:
“It’s mine, isn’t it?”
You nod again. “I-I’m so sorry G-Genji!”
You expect him to be angry or annoyed—to be mad at you for ruining his career. Instead, strong arms wrap around you and press you closer to his chest. 
One hand rubs your back while the other rubs your hair. You’re limp in his arms at first, but eventually you give in to the hug and let him hold you. 
“Shhh, no more tears,” he says. “It’s okay, y/n. I-I’m not mad, it’s okay. Everything is gonna be okay.”
“But what?”
You cry, “I’m ruining your career! I had to-to go and get pregnant and now—now I’m just a burden!”
You can’t make it through your sentence without crying even harder, Genji desperately trying to keep you from spiraling into a panic attack. 
“How could I be mad about that? Y/n, you’re carrying my baby…I-I’m gonna be a dad,” he sniffles until your hair. “Unless you’re not planning on—“
“I’m gonna be a mom,” you realize, cutting him off. 
He pulls back so he can look you in the eyes and presses a messy, desperate kiss to your lips. “I didn’t even know I could have kids,” he cups your cheek, “I’m so happy right now.”
He pulls you back in for a kiss, and for a minute, everything feels alright. 
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