#i might make doodles or more simple looking stuff
shiqingxuanz · 3 months
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here he is!
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stevelieber · 1 year
Thoughts on giving critiques to comics artists.
Seeing lots of discussion from students about sour experiences with an unhelpful art teacher, so here's a long, long post about giving critiques.
NB: I have no formal training as a teacher, but I was a student, and I've spent decades giving artists feedback on their work.
When someone brings me a portfolio, I like to establish my limitations & clarify my perspective. My work is firmly rooted in traditional US comics storytelling (i.e., not manga or art-comics.) I can give feedback on other approaches but they should know where I’m coming from.
“We've only got a little time for this, so I'm going to spend that time focusing on things to correct. That doesn't mean you're doing everything wrong, or that there’s nothing good here, but it’ll be more helpful if I identify some problems and show you how to fix them.”
Why? Because for many young artists their entire sense of self worth is wrapped up in being good at what they do. (It was for me!) In school they were probably the best artist in their peer group. But now if they're hoping to turn pro, they’re at the bottom.
Sometimes you know what’s up when you see page 1, but try to keep an open mind. Some build their portfolios by sticking new pages at the back & don’t weed out the old stuff up front, so the work gets better as you go. When it’s like that I ask: “Show me your best 8 pages.”
I ask questions: "What's the goal? Do you want to be hired to work on someone else's project, or to get the story you're showing me here published?"
If 1, I steer towards a portfolio that'll showcase hirable skills. If 2, I look for what tweaks will make that particular story more effective.
"Do you have teachers giving you regular feedback? What are they telling you?" Sometimes a student is getting bad advice. In cases like that, I'll do my best to be extra clear WHY I'm giving them advice that's 180 degrees from what they've been hearing.
“What artists are you looking at? Is there someone you admire or try to emulate?” This often helps me understand choices they're making, and I can sometimes incorporate things those artists do into my suggestions.
I ask myself questions about what I’m seeing. First: Is there a narrative? If not, I make it 100% clear I'm not speaking as any sort of expert. I'm good at critiquing storytelling, but don't have anywhere near as much to offer illustrators or designers.
Can I follow the story? Or am I confused about what's going on? Are the characters and settings drawn consistently? If not, is the artist at least making use of tags (distinctive clothing, hair etc.) to keep the characters recognizable?
Does the artist demonstrate a good command of basic academic drawing? If not, Do I think they need it? Do I focus on "how to draw" or on "what to do when you can't draw?" Is the artist putting the viewer’s eye where it needs to be to tell the story effectively?
(At this point I’m usually doing little doodles to go with my instructions. I scribble out ugly little 5 second diagrams that I hope will clarify what I’m talking about. Or they might make me seem demented. Hard to say!)
Is the artist making choices that are creating more work than necessary? Is there a particular weakness? I once spoke to an artist with a portfolio full of great work when he was drawing animals and monsters, but his humans were amateurish in comparison. I spent that critique talking about drawing people.
A crit can be a grab bag. In addition to big-picture advice, I'll point out tangencies, violations of the 180-degree rule, wonky anatomy, weird perspective, places where the artist neglected to do important research, odd choices in how they spotted black, whatever catches my eye.
I also try to make a point of defining the terms, so that jargon like “tangency,” “180-degree rule,” and “spotting black” don't go over their heads. Find simple, concrete ways to talk about these things, & clarify why it's a problem when they aren't done correctly. Draw diagrams!
Recognize that even a perfectly phrased explanation might not sink in. Some lessons can only be learned when a student is ready, and it might take a year or two of work before they can understand what you were saying. It's good to plant seeds.
Are there other artists who are particularly good at solving the problems the student is trying to solve? I steer them towards that artist's work. And I always recommend life drawing & the use of reference to give work variety and authority.
Despite what I said earlier about focusing on what's wrong, I try at the end to find something encouraging to say. And if I’ve really piled on the criticism, I emphasize that I only spent the time and energy to do so because I take their efforts seriously.
If I've done my job right, they'll leave my table with tools to make their work better. And maybe in a few years they'll be looking at some younger artist's work, surprised to discover just how much you can learn when you're asked to teach.
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an-albino-pinetree · 6 months
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Hey folks, welcome to the blog! I’m Tree! 🌲 A quick note before the fun kicks off - I post NSFW/Suggestive stuff, as well as gore, and other topics folks might deem disturbing I'd greatly appreciate it if I could see your age in your bio, if you're interacting with my spicier work.
The thought of 17 and under individuals interacting with me, a 22 year old, makes me a more than lil wigged out, and I'm gonna be making a few changes, for my own wellbeing and the internet safety of others
This has been on my mind for a while now, I just didn't know how to approach it here.
So please put your age in your bio! I might have to start blocking people and I really don't wanna do that! and no, putting 18+ in your bio does not count for me!
haunted hotel au blog !- @welcome-tothe-harehotel
If you’re looking for the full l o r e of my ongoing super indulgent storyline, of my Amazing Digital Carnival “user” and Carnival!Jax, all that stuff should be under the tag # player tree! :]
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It’s here again!! ✨ I do this every year with every fandom I’m currently obsessed with
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And this year is no different!
The rules are simple! Pick a Jax and request a flag! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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Will you do other Tadc Characters? - I can absolutely try, yes!
Can multiple people request the same flag with the same character? - Yes! and I’ll try to draw something a lil different every time!
What are the AU Jax’s I can request? - Og Tadc Jax, Carnival!Jax (Sentient and Non Sentient! Please disclose!), FreakshowCarnival!Jax, Doppelgänger!Jax, Hotel!Jax, and SCP :] (I can ask the creator about Freakshow, if he’s requested!)
Can I use my request as an icon? - Yes! Just please credit me! ;v; 🌲
The inbox will be open all of June, and I will try to get to as many of these as I can!!
(I will be ignoring any not flag doodle requests for the time being, simply, because I have enough requests I’m procrastinating on as it is!)
Happy Pride! ✨✨
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meruz · 1 year
sorry if this has been asked before, but i wanted to ask about your lineart! the weight and line economy are just so nice, i get stars in my eyes looking at your lineart and doodles. could i ask what your approach to lineart is and what tips you might offer?
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Wow I love these questions - Line is so interesting!!! It's a really big topic so I feel like any tips I give will be just barely scratching the surface. It's like deceptively simple...any given line drawing is essentially taking all the information we glean from seeing something irl ie light, shadow, dimension, texture, perspective, etc and boiling it down to the simplest possible visual information.
I think most commonly my line is informed by light source so like. thicker more continuous lines face away from the light and thinner more broken lines towards. and a lot of my spot blacks r simply cast shadows.
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here's a more extreme example
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BUT like everything to do with art there's no hard and fast rules. I use blacks when I think it'll be effective or interesting and I leave them out when I don't need em. umm couple things I find myself doing a lot... using spot blacks to make the separation between characters clearer. I like casting shadow in between characters so its easy to separate and read their silhouettes even when they're mashed together.
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u can go even further to purposely create a silhouette like
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to draw attention to a finger or tongue LOL. There's some comic book artists who are absolute masters at this type of stylization. Alex toth and his spiritual successor Chris samnee come to mind for me right away.
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I feel like I'm also often using line weight to separate planes receding in space
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im naturally a really heavy handed and scribbly drawer(...?) draftsman. and im nearsighted so when i see things i percieve and break it down into big shapes over thin contours. so stuff like spot blacks and shadows came easy to me, the tricky part was making the rest of the lines lighter when they needed to be so the blacks could actually have impact LOLL. a lot of effective visual communication is about balancing contrasts. like I had to really train myself to press less hard on the pen. I think this is actually really evident if u go back in my archive to older sketches LOL
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I actually feel like a lot of how I trained my hand to tackle line weights was thru stuff like hand lettering where you rly have to focus on being sensitive to that kind of thing.. contrasting strokes etc.
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also exercises like figure drawing will have you flexing those muscles constantly
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I'm starting to just regurgitate lessons from freshman year of art school so I'll stop here with the demos but yeah...I hope this was helpful!? I love line!!! I want to get even better at line work so I can feel confident posting work that's only line no color or value... I'll leave you with a bunch of artists who I think have particularly expressive and beautiful linework (not including toth and samnee who I already mentioned and who's work I love so much). You can probably learn much more from them than you can from me...!
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Charles dana gibson LOL
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Matias bergara
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tonci zonjic
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naoki urasawa
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Daniel warren johnson
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shiyoon kim
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michel breton
also yoji shinkawa, tomer hanuka, leo romero, I feel like I'm gonna post this and think of so many more. there's so many good artists...!
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
In what ways do you believe V would display romance and affection?
V is... a difficult one smh. she hardly even allows anyone to touch her, and the solver had altered her AI beyond the possibility of her being able to relearn a new personality easily- or at least not overnight. Its like a semi-perminant trauma response.
so lets see-
V is prideful, even if she doesnt flaunt it like J, she couldnt bring herself to actually face people when shes doing something kind for them, she usually does it from behind the curtain. she doesnt want anyone to know she has anything soft about her, shes still scared of getting hurt, we have seen this several times during the show where she gets put off by the solver when Uzi uses it.
But when in a relationship she had to deal with the fact that the bond has to go both ways. it was... not easy for her to even admit she liked to be in a relationship in the first place. in fact i doubt if any of them even thought about it at all- before they knew what was happening they were all just an inseperable part of eachothers lives, and try as she might, N and Uzi just knew she cared about them lol.
V learned to open up a bit more. She opts for silence rather than flat out lying to peoples faces now, and when she feels ready to share something the others hear her out.
another thing that V does is trying to participate in things N and Uzi suggest. its really not easy to deal with 2 people who are so emotionally charged- so N and Uzi dont blame her for sitting out of activities but she tries to join them just to have the company, like going out around the desolate human cities looking for random stuff and sharing interests, or cuddling in a fort and doodling stuff- maybe even sometimes dancing or looking for clothes and getups. even though she might not participate in the activity herself, she still likes to be present and that itself shows N and Uzi that she cares.
speaking of clothes, Vs time with Lizzy showed her that a part of her still wishes she had the freedom to live as a normal drone for all the time that was robbed of her. she likes to look pretty and she likes to wear pretty outfits... something that she might have not had the choice on even if she had lived all her life as a normal drone. and showing the other two some of the outfits she choses and prettying herself up for her partners is probably a side of her shes not gonna willingly let anyone else see any time soon. N and Uzi arent complaining :p
Initiating any physical affections is something that she does rarely but sometimes even she craves the attention. Uzi and N feel like a cat had chosen to trust them lmao. She used to start really simple like curling her tail around N or Uzi or their leg or tail- she opted to skip hand holding and just go towards hugs or cuddles whenever she wanted the attention or N and Uzi were idly doing something and she just decides to join. sometimes she would demand neck scratches and rubs or head pats, she usually doesnt let anyone simply touch her so those are a big deal. and well if she goes for more like kisses or anything more intimate, she makes sure that her partners are okay with it and that shes not bothering them or forcing them by doing so.
Sleeping. thats it. V hardly allows herself to rest. the fact that she would let herself sleep around N or Uzi or even cuddle with them shows shes immensely trustful and happy of where she is right now. N and Uzi want to expload cuz its like a cat had fallen asleep on them and now they cant move cuz they dont wanna wake her up TvT
i think thats all i have for nowwww >:3
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brokenpieces-72 · 5 months
Task force 141! Gangster x Reader
Truth or Pain
This is part 3. Part 2
Leave a comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.
You’re hanging out with Soap again and he watches you work on a your newest piece. You enjoy moments like these. You feel like yourself, and like you aren’t forcing your part. Soap was impressed with your skill. You were very good with your hands, and your work was great demonstration.
“You want to try?” You offer Soap a brush.
“You think I can make somethin as good as you?” He asks taking up your offer.
“Try it.” You say. A small voice in the back of your head suggests getting him on vandalism but you ignore it. He takes the brush and adds a bit of colour to wall… in the form of a very crude doodle of himself.
You finally take a break with him, warming your hands on the hot cup of cocoa.
“So what exactly do you guys do? Like I’ve seen you guys work but… I don’t get it.” You say, breaking the silence.
Soap thinks for a moment before answering. “We do what needs to be done.”
When he looks at you to see your reaction he finds you silently asking for more details.
“The Los Voqueros sell medicines. Simple stuff that’s not easy to afford. Painkillers, allergy meds. Ya know Farah, woman that ‘elped ‘ide us when those cops tried to grab us? She’s a bit of a vigilante, keepin some big corporation from ruin’in her neighbourhood.
“The problems with the world canna be solved by cops and white collars. They don’a’ven want to. We do. We set the world right, and we ‘ven ave a little fun on the side.”
He gives you a soft elbow to the arm. You smile. But underneath there’s a few things going on you’re not telling him. He’s given you two statements. One that can be used on Farah Karim, for aiding two criminals. The other could start a hunt for the Los Voqueros and their shipments of drugs. It wasn’t what you had been sent to find but it was a start. You might actually be taken seriously at the precinct, people might actually start having faith in your abilities. But… Farah had shown you and a few others kindness and trust. Her neighbourhood was constantly being targeted for demolition and businesses. You knew how expensive medications and drugs could be, you had needed them before yourself. As you sat there continuing to sip your warm drink, you started to ask yourself if this was truly what you wanted to do. The cops were bringing down people who were just trying to help. Sure they clubbed and partied on the side but hell, who doesn’t take some personal time?
You decide to keep the information to yourself for now, after all, Graves would only ask for a report on Soap and Ghost. Farah and Alejandro weren’t the priority.
You think back to your father. He was trying to help too. But it got him killed. You couldn’t let a bunch of gangs run free just because they were trying to help. The man sitting next to you had killed people before. He beat up good cops, stole shipments of drugs, and made it difficult for businesses to expand and grow the economy.
The rest of the day goes by fairly casually. You don’t give Graves anything on Soap, because well, he hadn’t given you anything. Nothing you could prove. Graves is frustrated, but he’s honestly too tired to care and leaves soon after.
A few more weeks go by and try to keep tabs on everything you can. The Los Vaqueros approved of the artwork you came up with, and now they were deciding where they wanted it. Hopefully they would give you a chance to be alone to work on it and you could find more evidence. Soap had mentioned helping with recent shipments so maybe you could get something from there.
The location was an old and empty warehouse, practically deserted. Alejandro and Rudolfo went with you to the location to show you where they wanted it.
It was more like where they wanted you though. Next thing you know, Rudolfo has you pinned against the wall while Alejandro is yelling questions.
“What are you looking for?”
“The fuck are you talking about?!” You yell. Rudolfo holds you tighter by your jacket. “Why are you here? What the fuck you want?!” Alejandro is pissed, but you have to stay quiet. You can’t give them anything.
“For the fucking mural! You asked me to!” You choke out. Rudolfo is ordered to drop you and you hit the floor, coughing.
Alejandro is nowhere close to being done with you. A good man he may be, but with traitors? Few could tell you how that went.
You’re met with a boot against your ribs as a warning.
“Why are you really here… out with it.” He warns.
“I don’t kno-“ before you can finish you get the wind kicked out of you.
“You know damn well why you’re here…tell me now.” He orders. Rudolfo keeps an eye out while Alejandro continues interrogating you.
“What are you talking about?!” You manage after regaining some air. He holds up his phone and shows a photo of you… in uniform.
“What are you looking for?” He asks. There’s some lenience as he lets you get to your hands and knees. Alejandro helps you stand by grabbing you and pinning you to the wall again. You try to kick him off, your heart pounding in your chest and ears ringing in your head.
“Start talking!”
“I don’t know what you mean!”
“I know you’re a fucking cop!” He yells. “You’re undercover! I know you are, so start talking! Who else is undercover? What are you trying to find?!”
“Get off!” You yell back. At this point you’d have enough evidence for assault, but right now you were fighting to remain an assault victim.
“Not until you tell me who else is undercover with you.” Alejandro demands, you get punched in the gut making you cough. “Tell me and you walk away!”
“I…don’t…” another hit, this one to the face. There’s footsteps but you barely notice them. He grabs you by the jaw and gets close.
“Talk and I won’t tell Soap… you walk away and nothing happens…”
“…I’m a cop…” you admit. You were scared. You didn’t know how he knew. You weren’t supposed to say anything. When he brought up Soap though… Soap was the only one who seemed to put any trust in you. Losing that would hurt more than anything Alejandro could do to you.
“Where are your partners? Who are they?” Alejandro asks, his rage reducing a bit. Before you can answer though you hear a thick Scottish accent shouting and Alejandro pulled off of you.
You fall back to the ground and see Soap and Alejandro arguing with Rudolfo nearby trying to break them apart. You can barely make out what they’re saying, but eventually two hands grip your arms and help you to your feet just as Soap turns to you.
“Come on kid.” You hear a deep British voice say and you look to see Ghost is holding you, and lead you out of the warehouse while Soap follows not long after.
Ghost gets you to a car, telling you to get in the back which you do and you sit patiently for Soap to come along and sit in the passenger’s seat. They don’t say anything to you, just start driving.
As they get on the road Soap speaks up.
“Where we takin the cop?” He asks.
Your heart plummets when he says it. The way he says it tells you he’s pissed. With you.
“I’m taking Y/N to a hide out. The boss can deal with them.” Ghost said.
Soap looks back at you in the rear view and you look away. Not out the window, but more at the door. Your body was sore from Alejandro, and you were tired. You were too nervous to fall asleep.
When you get to the hideout, you sit up so Ghost can open the door. He jerks his head signalling for you to get out of the vehicle, and you do, keeping your head down. You can’t look at either of them.
Ghost leads you inside with Soap following behind you. He opens the door telling you to sit down, before stopping Soap from going inside and shuts the door.
“The fuck is this?” Soap asks annoyed.
“You’re emotional MacTavish.” Ghost tells him.
“Have fuckin right to be. We trusted ‘em and-“
“They were doing their job.” Ghost finishes the sentence.
“They used us.”
“You knew this was possible… like father like child.” Ghost reminds him. Soap is still pissed and kicks the ground hard in frustration. Ghost just folds his arms, and leans in front of the door frame letting Soap get his colourful Scottish phrases rattle off while tossing and kicking anything he could get his hands on.
You can hear them from outside and you consider running off, running away and not looking back. Soap and his men had given you a chance, a chance you had been waiting for. Soap was your friend, and he would defend you to no end. Any of his men tried to get handsy or get too drunk and go off he was beside you, jabbing back at them. He talked you up to Rudy and Al, assured Farah you were a good person, kept you close to his side… you start to wonder if it had all been for the case, or if you had done it because you felt like you were a part of something for once.
Ghost soon comes back inside, Soap is nowhere to be seen.
“You broken?” He asks. You fight your tears and shake your head.
“Take your jacket off and roll up your shirt.” He orders. You slowly stand and do as he says, showing a couple bruises. Ghost sighs and gets an ice pack from his freezer handing it to you along with a rag. You take it already knowing what to do, while he pulls up a chair and sits in front of you.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
“Y/n… y/n l/n.” You say shifting a little as you placed the ice pack to one of the bruises.
“…you’re a cop.” He says. You nod, despite the statement being rhetorical.
“Soap was aware that could be the case… given your father.” He says. You look at Ghost.
“We knew your dad. All of us, including the boss. Good man.” He said as if trying to end the discussion. You two sat in silence for a bit while you mulled over what he said. Your father was a cop, did he do the same thing? Go undercover? Did Graves know?
“Keep the pack.” Ghost says standing up. You follow him to the car and he takes you back to your apartment. Before you exit the car he gives you a piece of paper.
“Text this for a ride.” He says. You take it.
“Could you tel-“
“No.” He says. “Tell Soap yourself.”
You nod and leave the car and go inside to your apartment. It’s late, almost midnight and god knows how long Graves has been waiting.
You knock on your own door and Graves soon opens it. When you walk in you hardly pay him any mind as he’s demanding to know where you’ve been. He keeps asking even while you’re getting some painkillers for your soreness and now headache from Graves.
“Nothing happened.” You say.
“Somethin happene-“
“Nothing… got into a fight that was it.” You say.
“You start it?” He asks.
“Who did?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter sergeant, now start talking!”
“I don’t know anything!” You yell. Your whole body tensed as it felt like you were at the warehouse getting questioned again. You flinched when he got closer. You clenched your fists digging the nails into your palms.
“Sergeant this is getting ridiculous. I have half a mind to take you off this case.”
“Then do it…” you mutter. At this point you don’t care. You’re in pain and this case made everything you had started to care for fall apart. What had Graves honestly done except tell you, you weren’t ready and remind you of the expectations you had being your father’s kid? Soap knew your dad, and never once reminded you of living up to him.
“What?” Graves looks at you stunned.
“Do it. Take me off the case. It’s probably for the best.” You say shrugging. Graves looks at you pressing his lips together. He shook his head.
“Your fath-“
“I don’t give a fucking damn about my father or how I’m his disappointment of a kid okay? You’re right I’m a fucking joke being his kid.”
“I’ve given you a chance to prove yourself!” Graves argues.
“And what have I done? Nothing! I’m a glorified tagger that’s what you said right?! Fine! Then I’ll be one! You gonna arrest me then?” You’re staring him down now. He just looks back, hiding his surprise. If Graves was being honest, he was tempted to do so.
“…I’ll be back in the morning.” He says and leaves your apartment. As soon as the door closes your pain opens. You’re hurting, he can tell. Something happened that scared you and that’s all he sees. He doesn’t know what’s going on deeper. The act was working but on him. The act of joining a gang in order to get closer, but that wasn’t an act to you. Not anymore. You clean yourself up, apply ice to your bruises, and stare at your father’s badge. How much did he know? How much did any of them know? You keep asking questions the whole night.
Price is sitting at a booth in a restaurant going over some paperwork when Johnny strides over and sits in the booth across from him. Price finishes the sentence he was reading and looks up.
“You knew this could happen.” Price says calmly.
“Don’t fuckin remind me…” Soap grumbles.
“How is l/n?” Price asks. “Simon told me he sent her home.”
“He did… Alejandro got to her before I ever could.” Soap comments.
“Yeah well, from what you told me, she won’t be for long. She has my number and if she was talking cops would be knocking.”
“Now what?” Soap asks.
“We wait.” Price tells him.
Taglist : @H0n3y_L3m0n
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oddballwriter · 10 months
HEYAA. I’ve been so obsessed with ur MK stuff lately it’s insane. Wondering if I could request a little blurb with Steven? 🙏 Maybe artistic reader who uses Steven as a muse of sorts? 🎨 Maybe Steven finds reader’s sketches of him and Reader is like embarrassed 😨 that he may be uncomfortable with it? Add and change up anything you’d like!! 😽 ur my fav writer thank you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼❤️❤️
Your Drawings Look like Heaven to Me
Summary: Steven always enjoys your drawings and art, big or small, painting or simple sketch and doodle. But he's a bit surprised when he discovers that you have a habit of drawing a certain muse that you have. 
Warnings: There's nothing that I can actually thing of other than it's mentioned that the reader draws Steven when he's unaware, but I don't think it's that bad. Also 'Y/n' is used once. 
Author’s Snip: This was meant to be just a little blurb but I got the writing equivalent of zoomies. You asked for a cookie and I made you a cake with layers, frosting, and toppings. This is insane how did I do this. I think it's because I've been drinking a monster while writing this. I have paused the video that I was previously watching in the background because I am so focused. I'm not even joking this shit is 1517 words long and that is before I proof and grammar checked it. I think this might be the longest writing I've done thus far. Enjoy your free cake, anon.
Notes: This is written in the lens of a world where it's just Steven, so none of the actual events in the show happen.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven always knew you drew. You met at your jobs at the museum, at the time, you were working the front desk while he of course worked at the gift shop. The two of you weren't all too familiar with each other since you only saw each other in passing. You knew him as Steven from the gift shop, and he knew you as Y/N from the front desk. You did learn more details through others. Steven was a chatty guy who had an impressive knowledge about Egyptology and mythos. And you were the person at the front desk who did nothing but sit there and draw all day when not granting visitors entry, or in most cases, taking a second to scan a preprinted ticket and check the schedule.
Steven heard talk that you were really talented in your art. You were able to draw what were basically pictures of things you saw or even made up. He hadn't seen your actual art till one day he found you sat where he usually did for lunch, drawing the statue man that he talked at everyday. And wow, were they right about how well you could draw. Though while you talked to each other you laughed "Well of course I'm able to draw him perfectly. He doesn't move.".
That lunch break was a long time ago. You two started dating between then and now. Steven managed to leave the museum for a new one that actually let him be a tour guide. You eventually managed to find work that let you use your skills in art instead of using it to beat the boredom of your job. And you also moved in with Steven in his little flat, in which he cleared out some of this clutter to make a space for you to work and make your own.
You would draw little doodles for Steven to have. Like Gus swimming around. An Egyptian god that you made using his books as a reference. You even drew him a little alligator with a speech bubble saying "Later" on a sticky note. He still has it by the way. He laminated it using clear tape and has it in his wallet as a pick-me-up when he's upset or as a lucky charm of sorts. You always made drawings for him. But never once had he thought that you would make drawings of him. Let alone how many drawing you made of him.
Steven isn't a man who likes to snoop around regularly, feeling a massive sense of ruining someone's privacy. But you said that he could always look through your sketchbooks and art pieces if he wanted, as long as it wasn't a commission that was still being worked on, which he respected. You, like any other artist, had a plethora of sketchbooks of different sizes that served different purposes. There were your personal sketchbooks, outline and testing sketchbooks, practice sketchbooks, a lot of sketchbooks with a lot of different things they were for. It amazed him just how many you had and how you were able to remember which is which.
He knew which ones were ones he gifted you though. Steven was never confident when it came to gifting you supplies. He wasn't an artist himself so he didn't know what was perfect and what was something you would say thank you for out of courtesy. One of the things he used as a safe play were sketchbooks. The bookstore he frequented had a section of art stuff and found that the sketchbooks were not only great quality but also had various designs on their covers. So he'd get you one almost every time he went.
When he looked at them on the shelf next to your desk he realized that he had never actually seen inside of those ones. He was a bit hesitant to grab one since he didn't know if you would want him to. It's not like he could ask you right now. You were out running some important errands and he didn't want to bother you. However, they were on the part of the shelf that you put all your regular personal sketchbooks, which he was allowed to look at so he took a one random from the collection and flicked through the pages.
Out of some coincidence, it was the first sketchbook he got you, which was admittedly one he got you before he learned what pages were good for actual art. The first few pages were doodles that were likely from testing how the paper held up with the actual process of drawing which soon stopped and the rest of the art was actually taped on like they originally belonged to another sketchbook.
Steven thought of that as a clever use for the pages. You would sometimes make art you thought was nice on miscellaneous papers and would simply take the piece with the art out and stick it somewhere else. But he soon notices a theme amongst all the doodles and drawings, which then follow into all of the other sketchbooks he gifted you.
Most of the drawings in these sketchbooks were of him.
They were all different. Some were him lounging around or taking a nap. Something that would have made him unaware of you creating a drawing of him. There was one that was him asleep laying in bed from what would be your side of the bed. His face was calm, the limpness of his arms and body was captured perfectly, the sheets drawn with the most accurate wrinkles, and the lighting gave the impression of the light of the morning that came in through the curtains. It looked like you simply took a picture of him while he slept but it was clearly a sketch drawn using a pen and pencil.
There was these bust and face portraits that spanned through out the books, of course of him. The first were already so good in detail considering these had to be drawings of him from memory. But they only got more detailed as they went on. You managed to get his amount of stubble right. You had the little baby curls that lived along his hair line. The crease between his eyebrows he had since he always had a slight anxious expression. That tiny little dimple that he had next to his nose that he didn't know existed until you pointed it out one time.
Steven's mind was boggling to him to see such detailed drawings of him that looked so carefully done even when they were simply quick sketches. They were life-like. They were him. They were Steven. To be honest, how could it not? You see his face all the time. So why wouldn't you have him completely memorized. It was just the fact that you had taken time and pages to draw him and him alone.
It was a bit jarring, for the both of you, when you walked through the front door with a hand full of groceries and other things from your errands and he was seen looking at all the drawings of him. You were embarrassed that he finally saw all your drawings of him and worried that he would think it was weird. He thought that he crossed a line and breached your privacy.
You two avoided talking about it till Steven finally did during dinner later that evening.
"You, uh, draw me... a lot." Steven spoke. "Yeah. I do." you blush as you avoided eye contact in case his eyes showed that your fear of him finding your habit with drawing him was strange was correct. "Why do you draw me so much?" he questions. You sighed, "It's sort of a habit I formed." you confess. You proceeded to explain how it started,
"I first drew you as an exercise to get rid of some art block. I usually draw faces of people I know as a means to do that. So I drew you. It was okay. But when I looked at it a couple days later I thought that I could do it again to improve on detailing some more. Then I used you as a study for lighting and colors.".
"Then, sometimes, I would just draw you when I thought you looked pretty or thought of you. And that's sort of what I've been doing." you explain further. "I thought you would find it weird if you saw all the times I drew you and so I just put them in the books you got me and hoped you wouldn't see them." you say in a timid manner.
"I don't think it's strange. I think it's actually quite flattering." Steven clarifies. "I was just surprised that you think of me as something worth drawing. Especially with such detail." he remarks. You breathe a sigh of relief at that.
"If I'm entirely honest, love," Steven spoke up, "Never tell me that you're drawing me from where I am. I'll get nervous and possibly ruin the position that you're drawing me in." he remarks.
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exuvianen · 10 months
misc. stationery hcs [housewardens]
short stationery + penmanship hcs with the housewardens!
cw: n/a
notes: another old piece... just some silly hc's don't take them too seriously. i tried writing the same amount for everyone but it’s kinda clear who i’m biased towards… feel free to drop an ask or to add on! likes + rbs are appreciated <3
wc: ~1100 words?? wow. that's more than i expected.
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riddle rosehearts ; housewarden of heartslabyul
has everything you need for school. pencils, pens, erasers, notebooks, binders, glue, tape, scissors,  you name it, riddle has it.
sorts each subject by color, and color codes all his notes/subjects. do NOT mess up his order! 
has extremely neat handwriting - it’s a bit on the smaller side, but it’s easy to read.
riddle shares his notes with others when they ask him for help, so he makes sure it’s legible and easy on the eyes.
as for stationery in general, he probably doesn’t go too wild. standard neon highlighters, blue and black pens, plain covered notebooks, etc. it’s simple, but it’s good enough for riddle.
overall pretty good taste, a little basic, but everything is of good quality.
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leona kingscholar ; housewarden of savanaclaw
literally does not care about stationery. he’s the idgaf king.
he’s that kid who never brings a pencil or pen to class. he barely remembers to bring his notebook too. and he only has one (1) notebook that he uses for everything (he probs doesn’t even take notes in class, he alr knows everything lol).
constantly borrows stuff from ruggie or sends him to buy stuff from sam’s shop. he’s lucky he has ruggie.
has a fancy pen from farena that he never uses, but keeps at the bottom of his drawer. 
does the bare minimum, probably “borrows” other people’s pens/pencils when he loses his. has borrowed at least 20 pens, but was too lazy to give it back. they sit on top of his desk. 
he literally doesn't care about aesthetics, he just gets random stationery to get the job done. has the most mismatched items.
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azul ashengrotto ; housewarden of octavinelle
definitely invests in some quality paper and pens. also a stationery nerd who has everything in his office.
probably has those notebooks/folders with the corny motivational quotes like “the grind never stops” or “no pain no gain”. kinda cringe but he likes them b/c they motivate him.
he’s the type to take notes in class, then rewrite them later. he sells the rewritten notes to other students for a steep price.
jots down ideas or gossip he hears in the margins of his notebooks. he rarely doodles, but sometimes he might draw things from the coral sea if he’s feeling particularly homesick.
color codes all his notes, but uses more neutral colors as opposed to the standard bright/neons. he also has sea-themed folders or notebooks. 
he's fascinated by what land-dwellers use, as paper/ink typically doesn't last in the sea. he really tries a variety of products and enjoys it a lot! and takes notes for his future businesses
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kalim al-asim ; housewarden of scarabia
the guy who has an excessive amount of stationery. probably buys 20 of the same pen because he likes it so much.
he gets those notebooks/folders that have cute animals or wild patterns on them. i feel like he’d also get a lot of stuff with floral designs.
doesn’t care much about the quality/brand of the things he’s buying - rather, he’s more interested in how cool or fun the item looks. 
def owns funky-colored pens, erasers that smell like food, and sticky notes shaped like animals. probs decorates everything with stickers (he loves scratch-n-sniff ones).
the margins of kalim’s notebooks are filled with doodles. some things he draws often are his favorite dishes and animals, and his family members. he probably uses his notebook to plan parties/parades instead of taking notes. jamil has a stroke
his handwriting is very expressive. it's loopy and wide when he's excited, small and sloppy when he's dozing off, and extremely messy when he's scribbling frantically.
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vil schoenheit ; housewarden of pomefiore
owns sets of matching stationery. coordinates his pencil case with his notebooks and folders. probably a fan of minimalism and deep, rich colors. 
has high-quality pens and uses fancy highlighters to annotate his notes (i’m thinking those midliner highlighters and muji pens). he spares no expense for his tools.
color codes all his notes/different subjects, and has a specific color scheme for each subject. he is VERY particular about his color sorting. do NOT mess his categories up.
his handwriting is elegant and beautiful. he probably practiced and experimented with his handwriting a lot due to his fame (he signs autographs and he wants his penmanship to look pretty for his fans!)
he has pinterest worthy notes. he posts them on his magicam stories occasionally to show them off, and to encourage his fans to study hard too.
his fashionista side bleeds into his stationery choices, so he only buys items that are 1) of the best quality and 2) suited for his image. he does NOT cut corners.
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idia shroud ; housewarden of ignihyde. 
does not use stationery LOL (or avoids it. technology is just more convenient for him).
everything is done on digitally, on his computer, tablet, or phone. he’d decorate his laptop or tablet with stickers though, like of his fave idol group “premo” and such. 
if he does own stationery, they are game or anime themed. also limited edition. he def collects merch, like pins and badges as well. i feel like he’d make itabags and stuff but he’d never go out in public with them. he’s too socially awkward just like me fr
he has those cool multifunctional pens, the ones with like 10 different colors, and can also double as a screwdriver or some kind of tool. 
he’d also have a lot of cute cat-themed items. they're just too cute, and he can't resist buying them! he's rich so it's fine...
he's probably designed super multifunctional pens before. he definitely has the brains and resources to do so.
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malleus draconia ; housewarden of diasomnia
archaic stationery. still dips his pen in ink and writes with a feather /hj
he’s fine with the basics though. he just rolls with pen, paper, and ink. it’s good enough for him. 
has beautiful, fancy cursive handwriting, but it’s hard for people to read, especially for his schoolmates b/c the younger generation doesn’t really learn cursive anymore. think like... the penmanship of historical treaties or declarations. it's charming and still legible, but you just need a bit of time to be able to read it. 
probably owns and uses enchanted quills passed down from his family. it reminds him of home and he treasures them greatly. when he’s homesick he’ll twirl them between his fingers. 
he used to break a lot of pencils/pens with his sheer magical fae grip. he’s learned how to control his strength a lot better now, but he still prefers his enchanted writing tools. 
he's not used to modern technology, so he gets a kick out of trying novel stationary items as well. this pencil is also a pen, a highlighter, and a flashlight? wowie!
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imnotasuperhero · 8 months
Turn your sadness into a rainbow.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
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Summary: When your daughter is feeling down, you make it your mission to cheer her up. And if it's with the help of your wife, much better.
A/N: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SIMPLE DRABBLE! But once again, my muses came up with the extended version. So here you have day 3 of Promptober. Hope you enjoy this quick fic.
The closing of the front door had you looking up from your task at hand, sending Wanda a sheepish smile.
"Hello, my love," you greeted her as you extended your arms, waiting.
"Someone is way too happy at… 6:30 am," the brunette raised her sculpted eyebrow as she wrapped her arms around you. "What are you plotting?"
Allowing her to take a look at the scattered colored crayons and the unfinished project in front of you, you leaned against her side, sighing softly. "Ailin was feeling sad last night because you had to rush to work, so I thought about cheering her up." You smiled at the kiss on your cheek.
"What are we working on?" You could hear the confusion in her voice.
"Remember how back in elementary school we did the black painted sheet that showed different colors when you scrapped at it?"
"Sometimes I think you're too good to be true, even if I have no idea your way of thinking." Wanda smiled softly as she grabbed a yellow crayon and started to doodle on the white sheet.
"Just wait and see."
After a few more minutes, you both inspected the work of art and decided it was adequate for a 5-year-old before you covered the colorful drawings in black.
"I was thinking," Wanda broke the comfortable silence as you shared a cup of tea before the chaos of the day busied your day. "We could ask for Nat's cabin? I think it'll be good for the three of us to reconnect as a family?"
Hearing the guilt in Wanda's voice, you couldn't help frowning. "Don't get me wrong, I love the idea. But what's wrong?" You placed the empty cup down before moving to Wanda's chair, straddling her lap.
Sighing, she placed her arms around your waist. "I feel like I'm missing out on her life," the woman blinked rapidly twice, thrice, before she cleared her throat. "And once she knows about the baby," the tear rolling down Wanda's cheek had your thumb brushing it away with a softness you only held for your girls. "And the fact you have to take care-"
Cupping her face, you kissed her wet eyes before you smiled calmly. "She might be young, but she knows how much her mommy loves her, Wands." The pad of your thumbs caressed her wet cheeks. "She understands sometimes her mommy has to be a superhero," you patted yourself at Wanda's small smile.
"Being a doctor has been your dream since I've known you. And I know being a mom has been a challenge. But if you feeling fulfilled means I gotta hold the fort while you're away fighting diseases, then so be it. I make sure Ailin doesn't miss you that much," you winked, pulling a soft chuckle out of her.
The connection between your eyes had you shivering from the intensity of her gaze. But before you could get lost in that oh, so beautiful forest, Wanda hugged you with a force that only served to both; squeeze your heart and fill your lungs. "I couldn't do life without you," she spoke against your neck.
"Ehh… I'm having the bling-bling stuff," you laughed heartily when Wanda pinched your side. "I'm serious. We knew the possibilities and we're doing a great job at handling it."
"I love you, Detka," Wanda vowed softly and you felt as if a heating blanket was placed over your soul.
Before you could respond, the noises coming from the baby monitor on the table had you kissing her lips chastely. "Your baby needs you," you stood up turning off the walkie-talkie, smiling softly as Wanda went to your daughter's room to have a private bonding time.
A few minutes had passed when you heard giggles coming from the hallway, becoming louder and louder the closer your family got.
"Good morning, sunshine," you kissed your daughter's cheek soundly, accepting her hug.
"Mommy is here," her big green eyes shone with a light you'd never get tired of witnessing.
"I told you she'd be back. And she brought you something," you ignored Wanda's confused stare.
"What is it?" The small girl wiggled to be placed on the floor only to start an impromptu treasure hunt.
"Cold," you giggled when she reached for Wanda's bag.
You allowed her to wander for a few moments as you turned to Wanda, wrapping your arms around her neck. "You do the giving, I do the talking," you kissed her nose.
"You'll have dessert tonight." She pecked your lips before she grabbed your hand along the dried black sheet.
"What's this?" Ailin's confused brow inspected the dark paper, looking at you for an explanation after a few seconds.
"Remember what we talked about last night?" You took a dime out of the pocket of your sweatpants. At her nod, you continued. "Mommy wanted to show you a magic trick," you winked before turning to Wanda, who inhaled deeply before taking the coin out of your grip.
"Momma tells me all about you, you know?"
"Even when I'm not nice?" The fear in her features had you biting your laugh.
"Even then," Wanda chuckled softly. "But she also tells me when you feel sad, so I can make sure I can change that when I'm back," your wife patiently explained the knotted words in her mind.
"You see this black paper?" At the girl's nod, Wanda handed her the coin. "Scrap it off," she instructed, and Ailin obeyed her mom's instructions.
But nothing could have prepared you for the reaction you received.
"COLORS!" The toothy smile reflected the mirth she felt as she kept scrapping the sheet, uncovering the doodles you and Wanda had drawn before. "Mommy, look! There are colors!" She turned to your wife, who had unshed tears in her soft eyes.
"There are a lot of colors," she smiled and you felt alienated enough to interfere in such a delicate moment, so you just observed the scene unfold in front of you with warmth filling your insides.
But at Wanda's inability to keep speaking without crying, you took charge of the situation, squeezing her hand in support.
"That magic happens all the time, munchkin." You placed a hand on your daughter's shoulder, giggling when she extended her arms for you to pick her up.
"Whenever you feel sad, make sure you look for something colorful and you'll feel better,"
"Any color?" The kid asked interested.
"Any color you see. Let the comfort protect you from the sadness." you saw how your daughter processed the information she's just got.
"Can I see colors in people?" At her words, you exchanged a look with Wanda, who was equally confused as you.
"I suppose that's possible, yes."
"Okay, because I think of green when I see you."
"Oh, yes?" you tilted your head intrigued by her thinking, but saved it for another time. "And what color is Mommy?"
Ailin's eyes shifted from you to the woman sitting beside you as she pursed her lips, inspecting her mother for a moment.
"Mommy is orange!" She smiled cheekily.
It was Wanda's turn to tilt her head, curiosity written all over her face. "Why orange?"
"Because your hugs are warm like the fire," she explained nonchalantly and you felt your heart somersault Wanda's expression. So full of pure love and amazement.
"I love you, my baby." She took Ailin off your lap, holding her tight against her chest.
"I love you too, mommy."
Leaning down against the back of the couch, you basked in the realization that no matter how busy Wanda got, she would always have time for your daughter and that no matter what, the bond they shared was something unbreakable.
But it wasn't until later that day, when you were on your way back from the store, that your daughter healed the cracks in your heart once again.
"Mom, look!" The girl ran towards a pile of fallen leaves. "Can I bring it to mommy?" She showed you the orange leaf in her small hands, and you felt your heart grow ten times.
"She would love that," you smiled softly, making a mental note to have some tissues at hand when you had to comfort Wanda from her intensified emotions tonight.
It was right then, right there, that you made it your mission to shield them from the cruelty of life. Now more than ever, you made sure Ailin would always have her rainbow to fight her darkness.
Taglist: @wandabear @red1culous @xxxtwilightaxelxxx (If you want to be tagged in all of October's stories or just all my stories in general, let me know!)
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Sirius Black - Heart Stamp
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Pairing : (F/M) || Sirius Black x Reader Word Count : 3.7k Warning : Tattoo. Soulmate AU. Notes : A good for nothing like him surely deserve no soulmate, Sirius believes, but when the heart is starved of something, someone, the universe throws him into another round of misery. An OC was mentioned as Remus’ soulmate. Reader is 2 years younger than Sirius. There might be a part II but I don’t want to make promises.
Sirius winces as the needles pierce through his skin, leaving black marks along the thin lines of stencil he’d agreed upon. He’s lost track of how many markings he’d made on his body. Everyone always admired the beauty, they so called so, of tattoos decorating his skin but for him it was nothing more than a veneer concealing his cowardly self. Everytime he looked at himself from the mirror, he could only let out a sigh, holding on to the last bits of time left before she knew the truth.
He cursed on whoever was responsible to pass down the tradition. What kind of sore tosser thought that it would be a great idea for a sixteen years old to know their soulmates? What if they don’t want to have a soulmate? What if they’re damaged beyond repair to ever deserve a soulmate? Wouldn’t that just be cruel to the other party, having to know that they’re bound for life with someone who’s as good for nothing? Someone like him?
He’s tried every spell, potions, whatever rituals there are that he’d read from the restricted section of the library to revoke the linkage, yet when his birthday came it was clear for him that the world hates him out of spite. Her initials were engraved to his forearm, just below the line of his inner elbow. Though he’s tried to cover the mark with some horseshit phrase he stole from one of Remus’ novels, you can still see the lines of her initials peeking through.
Another laugh the universe cruelly dumped on the poor boy.
As much as his little heart rejoiced in happiness, having to know that the girl he’s been so madly in love with for years was destined to be his soulmate, Sirius had to take the sour turn and hide the truth so as not to make people know who the unlucky girl is. Though he’s got no regret on being disowned by his family, he understands the weight he’s carrying isn’t something he should share with anyone. It would simply be unfair of him to throw the dirt and shame at her, so he chose to remain quiet. Even after her persistent questions of who his twin flame is. 
And so Sirius gained a new routine, weekly going to the tattoo parlour to stamp his skin with some doodles and wearing a long sleeved shirt to cover her initials.
When the tattoo artist was done, Sirius stared at the new markings. It was a simple heart shape, one of the simplest tattoos he has on his body. He wanted to have a reminder of today, one day before she would find out about the lies and secrets he’s hidden from her for the past two years. He needed a reminder that later on tonight when all hell broke loose and she’s angry at him for not telling her that she was his twin flame, when all of the mean things she’s spat gradually turn into cries and begs for him to embrace her, Sirius has to keep the promise he’d made to himself— He will not accept her as his soulmate.
“You alright, Pads?” James asks, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
Sirius nods, faking a smile, “Grand.” 
Placing a few galleons to the table, Sirius heads to the door. His three friends sigh, watching the black haired boy acting so nonchalant when it’s apparent that he’s shattering inside.
“Let’s see what we have left on our to-do list,” Sirius said, looking at his palm as if he was holding a note “Get the stuff for her birthday party tonight, checked. Get her presents and her favourite snacks from Honeydukes, checked. Get a new tattoo and cover her initials once more, checked. Prepare a good argument when she finally finds out that I’m her soulmate, not checked but I’m working on it.”
“You’ve prepared an argument?” James asks with raised brows “How exactly would you argue with her? You’re keeping the fact that she’s your soulmate for two whole years, Pads. I don’t think you should be making arguments, you should be writing your will instead.”
Sirius pursed his lips, tapping his chin in a thinking manner, “Good idea, I’ll add that to the list.”
Remus rolled his eyes, “You’re making a fuss out of nothing. Should’ve just come clean with her in the first place.”
“Speaking from experience, aren’t you Moony?” Peter asks, nudging the wolf boy “How is it with Diane? You look like you don’t need much of our help anymore during full moons.”
“She’s brilliant, she understands my conditions and there’s still a lot to unpack but we’re working on it.” Remus says, slightly blushing at the mentioning of her soulmate “I suppose that’s what being a soulmate means. The universe doesn't just give you some random name to be bound for life with, they chose the one person who would understand you and help you through your nightmares. The same way you would help them through theirs.”
“That’s exactly what I’m feeling with Lily.” James chimes in, looking intoxicated with love as he speaks of her “She makes everything better and easier. We have our misunderstandings and fights, sure, but at the end of the day it would only bring us closer.”
“Alright now, enough of the sappy talk.” Sirius sneered “You lot are making it hard for Wormy who’s yet to meet his girl.”
“Oh, I’m content. I don’t mind waiting for a year or two to finally meet her.” Peter answers, trying to avert the spotlight back at him “I may not know what she looks like yet, but I know that I love her already and that’s enough.”
Sirius chews the inside of his cheek. He knows the trick his friends are pulling, to make him yield into this soulmate rubbish and accept it wholeheartedly. Making it seem as if being in love and having a soulmate is the best thing to have happened to their lives. Had the circumstances differ, Sirius would gladly swallow the idea with bliss but he’s not in such a position right now. The whole predicament with his family is taking enough space in his mind and he wouldn’t want to have her reside in such an uncomfortable place.
“Your antics aren’t working, boys.” Sirius says with a mocking face “Besides, it’s what? 8 hours till midnight? Coming clean to her now would only mean spoiling her surprise, I’d rather stall a few more hours before my execution finally comes.”
James shrugs, “If you say so. Your death, not mine.”
Sirius stares at the Room of Requirement’s door. He could hear the music playing from the inside. People were coming in and out, slightly bumping into him who’s standing right in the middle of the corridor. He could feel his heart beating as if it was fighting its way out of his ribcage. His palms were sweaty, worried about the outcome of tonight. He’s given a lot of thought of the words his friends said earlier, about the concept of soulmate and how it’d change their lives drastically. Perhaps the struggle he’s facing right now isn’t as colossal as he thinks it is. Perhaps her love could help him come out of it alive.
And so Sirius whispered to himself, if by the time she knows and she forgives him from keeping it a secret from her, he would give this soulmate crap a chance and would try to work their way up. He would love her proudly and profoundly. He wouldn’t let his house difficulties affect them. He would give a chance for himself to feel the love he so longed to breathe in for years.
Folding the sleeves of his shirt, barely showing the tattoo that’s covering her initials, Sirius takes his steps into the party. People were already crowding the place, familiar faces talking and laughing with each other. On the sofa he could see his pack being comfortable with each other, inviting him to come and have a seat when his eyes met them.
But Sirius only nods, gesturing that he’ll be over in a minute. He’s got something to cross off of his list right now. Something much more urgent than the game of beer pong.
“Sirius!” A lovely voice called, waving at him “You’re here.”
“Of course, I am. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Sirius says with a wide smile, relieved to have finally met her “Happy birthday, Bug.”
“Not yet.” She shakes her head, smiling “You have to wait till the clock strikes at midnight to say that.”
“Well, I like to do things earlier than most.” He argues, giving her a small box “Your first present.”
“First? There’s more?” She asks as she excitedly takes the gift, opening it and revealing a star pendant necklace “Sirius.. It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Would you like me to put it on you?”
She nods eagerly, “Please do.”
Sirius smiles as he takes the jewelry from her hands. His breathing was caught when she put her hair away, revealing more of her skin. Merlin knows how much will power he’s got to gather to fight the urge to plant a kiss on it, claiming her his. The smell of her perfume is so inviting, becoming his personal force of attraction. The way his fingers brushes to her skin is making the butterflies in his stomach go crazy, combusting as if they were fireworks on New Years eve.
Once the clasp was closed, she turned to face him again. A happy smile was decorating her face, slight blush tainting her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled under the dim light of the room and Sirius swore he’d never seen anyone look more delicate and precious as she is right now.
“You’re staring at me weirdly.” She comments, noticing the lack of blink the older boy was having “Are you alright, Sirius?”
Awkwardly clearing his throat, Sirius nods, “Splendid, really.”
“I think you’re lying but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Sirius smiles. She was acting like a child who’s just gotten themselves a cotton candy at a theme park and it made his chest flutter in bliss. Perhaps this is what his friends were talking about. She makes everything better and easier, indeed.
“Yeah, Sirius?”
“You know that I love you, right?”
The look on her face turns into a soft one, looking slightly downhearted as if she hoped he would mean those words differently, “Of course, Siri.”
“Then promise me this,” Sirius says, this time taking her hands in his and squeezing them gently “Whatever happens tonight, whoever your soulmate would be, promise me that you would still look at me the same way you’re looking at me right now. Look at me with those same eyes that always give me warmth and happiness. Look at me as if I put the Moon and Stars to your sky. Look at me as if I’m someone you love.”
“Sirius, you know I can’t promise you that. People say that once you know your soulmate, you can never look at other people the same way.” She says with an apologetic smile “But for what it’s worth, I hope that my soulmate would be you.”
Sirius nods.
“I mean, I know that’s impossible cause you already know who your soulmate is and it’s obviously not me, that’s why I’m brave enough to admit it.” She rambles, making Sirius to chuckle lightly “But if the Universe could grant me one birthday wish, you know what it’ll be.”
With a forced smile, Sirius brought her hands closer to his chest and kissed them gently. He wishes to live in this moment forever. He wishes to have her this close, close enough to feel his love but far enough to not be chafed from his actions. He wishes to keep her in oblivion and keep loving her in silence, living the rest of his life from fragments of stolen intimacy.
But time is running out. The bomb is about to be explode and all there’s left of him to do now is to sit and wait, crossing fingers that whatever the future would lead them to, his heart and soul wouldn’t crumble completely.
Sirius didn’t realise the blood seeping through his fingernails as he bites them, waiting for her to come out of the room. She’s entered the chamber fifteen minutes before the clock strikes at midnight, wanting to have her own private moment before the initials of her soulmate appear on her skin. The placing of said tattoo is different for everyone, only matching to their soulmate, so she’s asked a couple of her trusted friends, Lily being one of them, to help scan her skin once she officially turns sixteen. Sirius could easily tell her that there’s no need for her girlfriends to help her see where the tattoo would be cause he knows exactly where, but once again he chose to remain silent about it.
Twenty minutes have passed since the day changed and she still hasn’t come out. Sirius was getting more worried of the storm happening on the other side of the door. Is she alright? Is she already having a fit of anger from the realisation? Could she be crying in happiness that her birthday wish is actually granted?
“Lily!” James calls as he notices her girlfriend coming out of the chamber in a hurry “What’s going on in there? Why is she not out yet?”
“Something’s wrong.” Lily says in a hurry as she walks to the drinking table, taking a few bottle of water.
“Wrong? What do you mean wrong?” Sirius asks with alert “Is she alright?”
“Her tattoo, it’s not showing.”
“What?” Remus asks this time “What do you mean it’s not showing? It’s almost 12.30, she should already have her tattoo by now.”
“I know, Remus, but it’s not showing.” Lily answers, sounding as if she couldn’t believe it herself “We’ve checked every inch of her body, there’s no tattoo.”
“Check her left arm, the tattoo should be there.” Sirius says, his tone raising in panic too as he shows the location of her initials “It should be here. My initials should be here.”
Lily raised her brows at his words, turning her eyes to James to ask for explanation but looking at the worry washing over Sirius’ face, she could piece the puzzle together easily.
“Lily, check her arm, please.” Sirius says once more, his tone begging for her to do the favour “My initials should be there.”
“We’ve checked, Sirius, there’s no tattoo.” Lily said once more, looking apologetic this time “But I’ll check her arm again, alright?”
With drinks in her hands, Lily reenters the chamber. The boys now have their eyes glued to the door, dark clouds hovering over their heads. The party is still going in a full blast behind them but the music wasn’t as deafening as the silence around them.
“It’s my fault.” Sirius says with volume barely above a whisper “It must’ve been one of the rituals or spells I did that made her tattoo not show.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Pads. It might just take a longer time for her tattoo to show.” Peter says, trying to enlighten the mood “Her tattoo will show, don’t worry about it.”
“No one has ever had a late appearing tattoo, Wormtail. It’s either there or not there at all.” Sirius says, rummaging his hand through his hair “I screwed up. I screwed up big time.”
Remus places a hand to his friend’s shoulder, “Calm down, mate. We’ll figure it out together, alright?”
“Yeah, Pads. Sit down and we’ll think about it together.” James says, offering a space next to him by the sofa.
Sirius didn’t say a word, his head hung low trying to hide the tears that were starting to fall. He lets Remus guide him to the sofa and sink himself on it once he’s seated. He buries his face on his palm, sobbing. Just how cruel can the world be to him?
Sirius smiles weakly at her once he enters the chamber. She was sitting at the corner, leaning on the walls with head resting on the footing of a table. Tears were staining her cheeks, ruining her makeup. Sirius hates his mind but he couldn’t stop thinking of how pretty she looks as she cries. Her vulnerability made him love her more. It made him want to pull her into a tight hug, hoping his embrace could glue back the pieces of her broken heart.
Taking a seat next to her, Sirius sighs when he feels her head now resting on his shoulder. She was still shaking from the sobs, sniffling as she tried to control her breathing. He tried to peek on her left arm and through the stolen glances, his nightmare was proven to be true. The tattoo wasn’t there.
“I haven’t a soulmate.” She whispers, her voice cracks in between the words “Whatever did I do to not be deserving of one, Sirius?”
“Don’t say that, Bug.” He replied, fighting the cry that’s about to break through “You haven’t done anything wrong, believe me. You deserve all the love in the world and more.”
“I haven’t a soulmate, Sirius. Why?”
Sirius has to close his eyes and pull her for a hug. Her cries were becoming loud once more, breaking right inside his embrace. He could feel his shirt being wet from her tears. He was crying with her, questioning the fault and sin they’ve committed in their previous lives to have the universe curse them so. Why couldn’t they be as normal as other soulmates? Why do they have to have so much pain to go through? Why does the universe love to toy with them so much?
“I haven’t a soulmate, Sirius.” She says once more, repeating the words as if she’s trying to comprehend it “I don’t understand. Don’t we all have a soulmate?”
“We do, Bug.” Sirius says gently “You have a soulmate, believe me. It’s not that something is wrong with you, nothing is wrong with you, nothing could ever be wrong about you. We’ll figure it out together, I promise.”
“I just don’t understand.”
“I know, Bug, I know.” He says, this time pushing her to sit up and cupping her face “We’ll figure this out, alright? You have my word, I will not rest until you get your answers, okay?”
She nods, surprised to see him crying too.
“You’ll get your tattoo, I promise.” Sirius says once more before placing a kiss to her forehead “Don’t you worry your pretty mind, alright.”
Smiling faintly, she rests her head back to his shoulder. She intertwines her fingers with his, focusing on his body heat to be her sole source of energy and tranquillity. For some reason Sirius was the only person that could calm her. She’s heard the same words and promises from her friends yet it has to be Sirius to be the one to give her a fragment of peace. It has to be his voice to give her a sense of security. It has to be Sirius to rescue her.
“You’ve got a new tattoo.” She says, noticing the heart shaped tattoo on his right wrist “I’ve just noticed that.”
She silently traced the lines. Having countless tattoos on his body, Sirius knew that new tattoos aren’t supposed to be touched but he couldn’t careless. Her gentle caresses are his only grip to sanity. Without them he would lose his mind completely.
“I made that for you.” He says with a tired voice “For your birthday.”
She smiles, looking at his eyes with warmth, “Stop it, you’re making me wish harder that you’re my soulmate.”
The smile on his face dilutes for a moment. Should he tell her the truth now? Would right now be the right time to come clean? It would’ve been nice to place all of his cards on the table and let her be the judge of it. Let her be the one to decide their future, whether to build it brick by brick or turn the other cheek and walk away. But with everything that’s happened tonight, could they survive another fight? Would it not shear their last strands of sanity?
Taking a pen out of his back pocket, he reaches for her left arm. Right where his initials should be, Sirius wrote his name. He wrote his name boldly for everyone to see. Though it’s nothing close to how a real soulmate tattoo would look, the position and the smile plastered on her face was enough for him to know that she’s his.
“That looks like a ghastly soulmate tattoo.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, “You love it still.”
She chuckles at last, giving Sirius enough fuel to do the next bold thing.
He leans in, sealing their lips together gently. It took her a few moments to return the gesture but before Sirius could pull away in shame, she placed her hand on his cheek and pulled him closer. The kiss soon becomes desperate, trying to water the thirst they both have been dying of since forever. 
Sirius lifts her and makes her sit on his lap without breaking the kiss. He needed to feel her as close as possible, extremely in need of her touch, but before they could proceed further, Sirius had to step on the brakes and pull away. He couldn’t go all the way with her tonight. Not when he hasn’t come clean to her.
She was smiling sweetly at him, playing with his hair now, “I’d take that you really meant what you said to me earlier.”
Sirius raises his brows, “What did I say earlier?”
“That you love me.” She says with a grin, yet it disappears as fast as it came “But what about your soulmate?”
“Don’t you worry about that for now.” Sirius says gently, smiling as he places a kiss to her nose “All you have to know is that I love you and I will always do.”
She nods eagerly before pulling him into a tight hug.
Sirius breaths in her scent as if it was his oxygen. He buries her face on the crook of her neck, kissing her exposed skin gently. He wanted to savour this moment as best as he could, stretching and stalling the time as long as he could. He wanted to freeze time, making them live in this very moment forever. Forget about his family problem and her not appearing tattoo.
Because when tomorrow comes, he’s to face his sins and does his walk of shame.
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heph · 3 months
Hey, I remember you mentioning on your IG something about two types of popular artists and one being good at social media and the other being good at art or something like that (I can't really remember lol). But it got me thinking, any tips for how to be good at social media? Cuz I'm certainly not even after posting art for six years lol
What I meant by that is that there are traits that allow you to grow on social media, and traits that determine what a highly skilled artist is, and those traits do not always necessarily overlap.
I've seen so many amazing artists that post artwork that blow my head off, and yet they don't have many likes. On the other hand, some artists at the same skill level who draw more popular things will get way more attention.
That is not to say that either is the correct way to create art, but there is definitely a formula to social media that is in play.
There are a lot of posts about how to grow a social media account, particularly on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram art spheres, and imo you really need to examine what you want from your art before jumping into social media mode
The stuff you create to pander to social media might not be art that you want to create at all - I'm lucky, because I am less artist more storyteller, and what I enjoy is telling jokes and silly stories to liven up people's moods :] this, of course, conveniently does well on social media. On a personal note, I have a history of being a recluse and not connecting well with people, and art is my way of trying to communicate my feelings, one way or another.
So of course, if you draw for any reason other than my own, my approach to art and it's relation to social media might be inappropriate for you.
All that being said, if u take a look at those "get big on social media" videos they always cite the same few points... And you can look into that, for sure, but this video sums up how I feel about all that.
I spent like 20 minutes drafting words after the above paragraph, but I really ended up regurgitating sentiments from the video... So really don't listen to me, listen to that video
I just realised I didnt actually answer the question with my anecdotal experience, so here's a list of things I did
1. Posted like 3 doodles a day on social media
I did this for 6 months on a side account on Twitter recently and got the account to 11k followers... And I did this for 3 months on Instagram a few years ago and I think got 3.5k followers. Of course, do not spam maliciously and make sure your art is still of good quality, but for those artworks I posted quickly, I did not colour, and mostly did clean sketches. This also trains you in the matter of line confidence haha. Again, this worked for me because of my set of circumstances (love for the media, want to tell stories, simple art style)
2. Focus on my favourite aspects of media
This helps with respect to burnout - kinda hard to burnout when you love what you're making! For me, it's character interactions and comics. I want to see my blorbos kiss and if I'm not the one drawing it who will?!
3. Interact with people
People eat up work that they can interact with. A choose your own story situation, one of those like/rt to strip a character 😭 those do numbers for a reason.
Additionally, if you post stuff people love, people will respond to it with comments, maybe their own headcanons, adding on to the work... I've gone into long looong Twitter thread conversations with people who added onto my ideas that I threw up onto the screen and I think it's also a nice thing to do to respond to positive comments haha... I'm not very good at this (read: bad at communication)
I think that's the key points... Hope this helps!
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notsodailycake · 8 months
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My kofi
Here's a drawing that was supposed to be a simple doodle, then bcame a oractice doodle, to a fully rendered drawing XD
I decided to try out this new style of shading, and i really love it, so i might be drawing like this more often, it's quite easy to do if you know where to add the light/shadow and i had alot of fun doing it. Tho i did struggle a but trying to figure out where to put it, bc it looked weird as i did it, but as the say, trust the proces! Harder than it looks, tho, but in the end, it turned out better than expected! The less i tried to make it look perfect, the better it got.Who knows tho, that might change my style by next month lol
Although i have my general stlye figured out, how i shade has been a struggle 😅
Oh, and obviously, i had to share a version without his visors to show off the eyes bc I'm super proud of it.
I also wanted to try and work on electricity effects(?) and they are surprisingly easy to do XD
Was expecting more of a chalange, but i went quite wellm i kinda had fun doing it, it was and still is my favorite part! Obviously, there is still stuff to improve on, but i think i did quite well
Anyhow, here's a little something from a fnaf sb au of mine. This is Gregory, hero name Breach. The au is called "Hero's Breach" and currently, i have nothing published about it, and imma keep that way till i feel like i can share more of the au
It's currently under works, and i have no clue if or when it will ever come out to the public, but i love drawing this little guy so yall can have this
And on a final note, have a few doodles i did of him these past few months (not many, but hey, i haven't been able to draw alot recently YwY), as well as kinda of a reference drawings for him, they're quite old tho, but i haven't really changed his desing lol
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thewandererh · 9 days
this might become a series, or might not, but one night i was feeling fanart-y so i went kablam and boombam—so, tadaaa: art :]. i have some ideas for some others i could draw some doodles for, but don’t ask me to draw ur fellas (just yet?). anyways! this was done with ‘the soft falcon pen (bleed)’ pen on ibispaintX, and drawn in the same-ish session as a previous post [https://www.tumblr.com/thewandererh/750429727850889216/i-think-i-have-a-type]
had some good fun drawing this, so who knows maybe ill make another part all in the style of simple doodles that could be fun to max produce.
SUL (bald robot boy) - mine and sluggx’s
guel??juno? (floaty flame guy) - Remkae (https://www.youtube.com/@Remkae)
Heart (scraggly winged figure) - Kalei!! (https://www.youtube.com/@Kaleiido)
Heart (toony sweatheart) - @jeweledstone
Mind (silly hair and scary cheek teeth) - @occulee
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loved drawing everyone here!! the diversity in styles and designs is very fun to look and and was neat to experiment with! trying out their style while mincing some of my own in, aswell as how everyone fits on the page,,,mwa💛✨. i really like characters with an exaggeration on expression (+ mesmerizing fluid/fire/smoke animation) so Remkae’s mind design/mindification-of-a-character was a MUst. silly eyes. kalei!!’s Estranger anim crew was very cool to look at and draw, and here i experimented with the squiggles which turned out better than how i usually do it. i had watched the animation recently then and that heart came into…mind. jeweled’s style and fellers are just so fun to look at…i just want to hold them. so simple and neat i love them. i love how their heart fits so nicely in here, looking snug but almost smug. and occulee’s stuff and style just had human faces down and their concepts for mind are very cool :]. trying out different ways to draw hair, and with the 6th spooky month out i’ve been maybe unironically drawing in the roy-hair-style?? occulee’s mind has a mishmash-monstermash hair style. foof to get in his face <33
including some refs of the fellas i drew here for anyone who needs them (will remove if asked). i recommend checking all the artists out!! i linked them up above :]
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that is all for now :] might try again/draw more fanart of these fellows but who knows!
[update time]
maybe expect more content from me? today’s my first full day of summer (yesterday was a half day) and it’s been wild and cool so far. great weather :]!! going swimming on monday💛. also ive been practicing with emoji combinations look
🔅⛵️this is a favorite🦋💦
🪸🌻ough this too🍉🍍
🔅☀️emojis are cool whenever more are added i get happy⭐️✨
🔆this is actually the brightness emoji so it doesnt come up when you search ‘sun’—tricky! pretty though. subtle🔅
anyways!! have a goo day and goobye <3
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suicidalgamergirl · 4 months
Emotional Support Vampire
Finally I get our vamp boy to arrive. Credits of this chapter are from this Fan Wiki.
“Vaness,” a voice chilled, “the worst a man can get.”
Not this. She did not want this.
She turned around, seeing her parents. They were giving disapproving looks at her.
“We made you go to a great university,” her parents said, “then you wasted it all on your ridiculous doodles in your notebook! You are such a disappointment.”
She wanted to scream. She wanted to reason with her parents. But nothing came out from her lips.
She then saw Ken looking at her.
“Dumb ugly bitch,” Ken stated, “too annoying for even a lay.”
She put her hands on her ears, trying to stop the voices.
But they wouldn’t stop. She found herself standing on a stage, confronting an audience that started heckling and hollering at her. Cowering, she still had her ears covered. Why were people like this?!
She was an adult! Their voices should mean nothing! She doesn’t have to listen to them!
“Die,” a voice rang to her as a command.
After hearing that word, the audience started chanting that simple three letter word. 
Die. Die. Die.
Kneeling on the stage, she felt a noose was placed around her neck. Maybe this was going to be how it must end. Everyone was right about her. 
She smelled a fragrance lingering around her as the noose was tightening around her neck.
Bergamot, a sweet lemony bitter orange. 
Rosemary, a herb she used in her cooking class to stuff meats that were going to be cooked. Also used for protection against demons.
And Brandy?
The hell?!
The scent of that strong liquor woke her up. She had tears running down her eyes. She hated having nightmares. They made her feel childish. Made her feel like a failure as an adult. Made her feel that she deserved a pathetic life.
“Gods darling,” a voice said, “you’re finally awake.”
Darling? The minute she heard that, she flung herself out of the bed and fell on the floor.
Trying to get herself together, she stared at her bed. There was a pointy eared, skin as snow, and white haired gentleman with red eyes, looking at her. He is wearing a fancy embroidery outfit that has a set of red dragons across his vest. 
Wait a sec…
Pointy ears, red eyes, and pale skin complexion?
Holy shit! There was a certified vampire in her bed! She wasn’t going to be a juicebox today. She stumbled to get herself up. She didn’t have crosses and rosaries. Nor the occasional garlic. 
But she had one thing that could easily make this intruder meet his match.
The sun.
Heading to the bedroom window, she was finally going to take control of her life. She pulled on the curtains to reveal the glorious beams of the sunlight to fall on her bed. This vampire had finally met his match. He is going to become literal toast.
Nothing happened.
“You know darling,” he mused as he lay on her bed, “you could have been a little more creative with your death threats. Is this honestly how you treat your guests?” 
“Well e-excuse me!” she replied, “It’s not like I expect my guests to lunge at my neck at any minute! Or goes nuts after a simple papercut!” 
“Touche. Though, this is all your fault by the way. You just have to accept the consequences of your actions.”
“My actions? I tried to help…”
She stopped as she was dumbfounded by her words. That albino bat she found. Poor little thing that was being attacked by mean dogs that didn’t know any better. The little bat that was annoyed with her while she was taking care of his wounds. 
She fell on her knees, eyes still wet from her tears. What a dumbass.
“I’m such an idiot,” she said.
“Finally admitting your mistakes is on the path of self improvement,” he replied as he was starting to mock himself as a therapist, “you humans are very stupid at times. It might have been a miracle your species survived a millennium without them blowing the planet up.”
This was going to be a very long and interesting weekend.
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
What got you to start drawing the boys do you take requests? Cause I like the cafe au
When I said I've been a SMG4 fan for 4 years, I left the channel for i dunno how many weeks or months has it been. Then one day I saw WOTFI 2023 recommended in my youtube page and was.
"Wotfi 2023? But I thought- wait- who are these characters again?"
Turns out I forgot that Ive only seen SMG4 and SMG3's (cocomelon ass) designs during wotfi 2022 where it was both of their first redesigns from the movie. I stopped watching for a bit cuz I got busy.
Then I came back to see they were both redesigned in a better version now. Now that I thought about "where was their second redesign then?"
So I knew that I had to binge watch every single episodes from smg4's channel right after wotfi 2022
I then saw how much Three has changed ever since after the 2022th christmas episode.
If I were to be honest, watching igbp for the first time in my life even Mar10 day. I was about 85% sure that Smg3 worries too much for Smg4's sake.
They both are cosmically linked and three can feel what the other of his partner is feeling soooooo?
*circles both of my hands*
Three's gay. He looked fruity he felt fruity. During the movie and during right after he helped four's ass to get his channel back from running again.
It suddenly gave me some time for my brain to tell me "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS COULD BE A HINT- THIS IS MAYBE AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS!" I responded to my brain like- HELL YEAH I'M NOTING THAT DOWN.
Cuz I cant just sit here and just "watch the movie without sayin nothin" I HAD to do something AND make analysis about it because thats what I do when I notice simple details!
So when smg3 confessed those feelings of his to Smg4 and even running to save his life back again and even after saying "we're friends!" This gave me a bit of a shock. Three. Did you know what you did? Did you realize how much it meant for smg4? Did you FORGET- that you said you and him werent friends during the 2020th wotfi?
So then after all of this time... that means smg3 has been the one and always a tsundere to smg4
Even after the castle disappeared, him and three's chemistry started going into an actual progress from both of their chemistry from the relationship.
Thats a dedication for me right there. I do it not only for fun, I do it for my wants, have, and needs.
I know its funny for a minor like me to do all of this dedicaded in just a simple job, I have all kinds of specialities to include my works and skills and use them for this fandom again from how I did to the past ones. (But those past fandoms are dead-)
Ahem- what was I talking about again? Oh right- 3 and 4... sorry got a little bit too chatty-
So I noticed even more about Smg3's notebook and was like- "gahd damn- three had his own personal notebook this whole time?! Whats even inside of it? I'm curious..." so yeah-
Now jumping to where I watched 2023 of wotfi again (twice now) to see its context about it- I was flabberGHASTED in after the "drawing" and also the mysterious tv guy whose also appearing on as the final antagonist in the modern era and a new one from the new era.
"Holysht. This is about to go bonkers for the fans making up stuff about those 'what-ifs' that smg4 made from the previous video back then. (The part where waluigi won or desti being alive)
I'm curious enough to see what happens and even if its about tv adware. Yes too.
(THERE. In November I started to become quite more invested from the fandom and decided to drop in my luggage and load out all of my junks called Info-Analysis?)
So- hello! (Again-) :D it was a pleasure meeting every and one of you all- I stopped in just to come back from the fandom that I never made commentary about but now I can ^^
I started with doodling and knowing basic anatomy and shapes of SMG3 and SMG4's design (the new one) so that I could start on doodling about them. But what I didnt expect for myself is that I had created a long time chapter of "Indigo Secret" that wasn't supposed to be there on purpose.
It was just supposed to be a "silly" comic about it from where ■■■■■■��■ to ■■■■■■■ about the problem and then the part in this that came into ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ from ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
I took myself a big motive after my blog gained 10+ followers and more notes. I thought working here 24/7 would make me feel something more for destiny and the trip!
So- yeah. Work. :) even when I'm at school I also complete my assignments and all of the shts and after that I can continue on with continuing the pages and with some cute doodles with the boys from a scenario playing through my head.
Now you have me making all of this and that ^^
Thats whay I'm popular for :)
2nd answer...
Thank you for liking the cafe au! It means so much to the both for me and shay from the collab to move on!
I did say from my boundaries I take free art request 1 at a time only- and I could allow a second art request if I do have the time ^^
Yes I do take art request :)
(Except for-
oc-shipping with SMG3/SMG4 cuz they're both together in the au
Some stuff that I can't approve on-)
Ask away :)
Thanks for asking me stuffs anon I really enjoy talking ^^
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k1rameki · 7 months
i think i need to expand on my losergirl ayana agenda bc lord have i become hyperfixated (buckle up bc i have gone absolutely insane over this) (this might also end up becoming a hc dump uh oh) (also bear in mind thanks to all the recent art ive been seeing of her ive been on a real ayana kick when it comes to ships n shit so yeah some hcs with the other characters imma mention can be interpreted romantically too teehee) (and also!!! more general ayana hcs too :333 i have a cavity in mein cranium that can only be filled with soft ayana content)
also quick emoji keys for dialogue i may add for this ^_^
🎸 - aldryx
🩻 - tabi
🔻- ayana
🎧 - dalia
📼 - agoti
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some of the many reasons i believe ayana is an absolute girlfailure is her complete and utter failure in her previous relationship/s (I SAY THIS BC SHE PROBABLY HAS BEEN IN A FEW THAT HAVENT WORKED OUT LONG BEFORE SHE MET BOYFRIEND,, also shes just awkward as hell but thats a story for anotha time)
NOT ONLY THAT BUT HELLO??? she appears so calm and collected whenever shes engaging in simple conversation but internally shes freaking out and she has no idea where anything is gonna end up going and often times she can and she WILL let stupid things slip out of her mouth and immediately she regrets it
and let me tell you this she gets more and more pathetic and losery around dalia,, this woman is in LOVE (hence that stupid doodle i made where aya's just freaking out over the slightest bit of affection given to her) (looks like she might have abandonment issues sorry what)
IN FACT. GIVING PHYSICAL AFFECTION TO EVERYONE. SHES ALL FOR THAT SHIT,, hugs, kisses, stroking hair, you name it, this girl is a massive cuddlebug you cant convince me otherwise
i mentioned my pastry chef ayana hc in passing but i'm gonna fully expand on that now: SO. also aya family hcs bc people should talk ab that but ayana's dad is a chef (no specific speciality, but he does make a lot of baked goods) and growing up she would often mirror what he does and that eventually led to her practicing and honing her skills! :D (she also studies culinary arts at college teehee) ALSO!!! she brings all sorts of baked goods she makes over for all her favourite people to enjoy constantly whether that be cookies, pastries, cakes, all of that yummy stuff
despite being an absolute loser girlfail idiot she can jam on the bass like its no tomorrow. IM TALKING ABOUT SLAP, FINGERPICKING, YOU NAME IT, SHE CAN DO IT ‼️‼️ here's an example of the bass playing style i had in mind for her, very energetic and fluid heuehehehehehe
SPEAKING OF (and this ties in a little with my band au) and whenever she drops an epic bassline everyone just stops and stares at her totally being in the zone
🔻: –casually having the time of her life playing a bassline like theres no tomorrow–
🎸: "yo holy crap aya where has this energy been this entire time"
🔻: "huh what do you mean"
HAIR EXTENSIONS!!! ive talked about this on discord before but ayana with naturally shorter hair so she wears hair extensions! (also bc gender euphoria but shhhh)
i also believe that aldryx and tabi had zero idea that she wore them and just believed her hair was naturally long. this is how their conversation went trust;
🔻: " hey guys ^_^"
🩻: ".....did you cut your hair?"
🔻: "no? my hair has always been short"
🩻: "ME TOO— jesus christ my life is a lie"
🔻: "theyre hair extensions not the holy grail calm down 😭😭😭"
AND NOW THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT AYANA INTERACTING WITH THE OTHERS, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY AGOTI/AYA DUO HC BC HELLO romantic or platonic these two are fucking adorable, the loserboy + losergirl pairing ever frfr (also bc i hc that theyre really close in age bc iirc ayana's birthday is january 28th so that would make her around 3-4 months younger than agoti to me at least teehee)
those two gossip about anything and everything and every single night they do each other's hair n spend time doing full fledged spa routines while talking shit about anyone and everyone bc theyre high maintenance as hell and take pride in their combined collection of bazillions of good smelling bodywashes and shampoos
🔻: "oh my god, goti i cant believe i forgot to tell you about some crazy interaction i had with someone earlier today i swear its driving me crazy"
also she works as a seamstress in her spare time when she's not doing music or baking ^_^ she often uses her expertise to create some outfits (with the help of sketches done by either tabi or agoti) and often has trouble finding someone to be her muse so she often gets dalia to help
she takes this VERY seriously by the way if she hears a singular complaint she will go insane
🎧: "how long is this gonna take 😔😔 my arms are getting sore babe i cant stand like this for much longer"
🔻: "dee i love you but i swear to god if you say that one more time i'm going to stab you with this needle until your arm is red and swollen BE PATIENT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU 😭😭😭"
🎧: "😀😀😀😀😀 youre gonna WHAT"
also. shes got a BIG sweet tooth — she and tabi bond over sweets and trying all sorts of new things together, especially chocolatey things bc theyre both obsessed with chocolate anything
🩻: "aya i went to the store and i found this wafer cake thing and i thought you and i should try it"
🔻: "TABI THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS OMG go grab two spoons right now you and i are eating all of this right now"
🩻: "OKAY SURE :] i can already tell this is gonna taste good"
also sometimes she forgets to eat proper meals and will consistently only have sweets and snacks all day until someone calls her out on it, shes very forgetful, oopsies!
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