#i mostly use neutral good and lawful evil
bobbile-blog · 6 months
Okay so I've finally gotten to Jessicalter's Oprec and now feel qualified to talk about Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures. holy shit. This went straight into my list of top Arknights events. Fantastic event, spoilers will be under the cut so I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading the event first. It's really good and worth your while.
Anyway, what follows is a scattered mess of thoughts about this event and things that stuck out to me.
First off, plot stuff! I'll probably cover this when I do my next plotline recap post, but what I took away from the end is that Clip Cliff seems to want to make Blacksteel independent, or at least more self-determining than it is now. He seems to be gathering resources and assets like mobile city plates and investing in long-term infrastructure like merc training, so he definitely has a long game he's pushing for. I don't think we know enough go speculate about his goals, but we'll definitely be coming back here again. After all, Tila has an infection monitor in her art, which probably means she's going to be playable at some point in the future.
Next, having looked into this a little on my own, I was interested in some of the previous places Raythean has shown up. Specifically, the ones that stood out were the drones in the Kazimierz Major and arming Silverash's forces in Kjerag, which might be referring to the Tschäggättä. It's not just notable for their apparent level of technology, but also as a faint connecting thread between three separate capitalism plotlines. I don't know if that's going to be meaningful in the future, but I found it interesting enough that I thought I'd bring it up.
Now on to more narrative things. While I love Liskarm and Franka, I do think it was the right choice to give them less screen time in this event. They're both (for the most part) fully-realized characters who understand their own motivations and morals. This is above all else an event about Jessica learning to stand on her own as an adult, so it makes sense that they're more here to support her than they are to play their own roles in the story.
Speaking of said roles, I liked the event's commentary on cops. It pointed out an interesting distinction that I wouldn't really have ever thought of, that between mercenaries and cops. To start: cops exist to protect property, not people. The police exist to protect things and do not have an obligation to err on the side of people over things, and in fact are supposed to do the opposite. This event understands that, and that role os the core of how the bank treats the Blacksteel mercs. CV, however, raises an interesting point that mercenaries are bound by the letter of a contract and not the larger obligation to property cops are, so they can actually raise moral objections and point to their contracts, sort of a Lawful Evil/Lawful Neutral to cops' Neutral Evil. The independence of their position with respect to cops allows for more of an independent morality than you'd get in a cop story and I like that, I think it's a really smart direction to take your writing in.
On a (mostly) separate note, holy shit Arknights is really good at writing cowboy stories. Between this and chapter 9 (and I would argue An Obscure Wanderer), Arknights has repeatedly made it clear that they Do Not Fuck Around with their cowboy stories and I'm surprised I haven't heard more people talking about it. It kinda has everything:
- It takes place in a rural, working-class setting undergoing a larger imminent societal shift that can inform the larger narrative, and deals with a semi-mythologized past that is rapidly disappearing.
- It has a protagonist and an antagonist that serve as foils, both very heavily affected and defined by the (same) violence in their past that they've both had different reactions to. Our protagonist has come to terms with the violence as a tool to maintain order, while our antagonist has used it for personal gain and in some ways lost control of it.
- It's a story about community, and heavily emphasizes local and personal community over larger artificial corporate "community". That's my reading of the recurring motif of the cold btw, warmth represents the close, personal community Davistown used to have and the cold that now pervades it comes from how the bank has systematically dismantled that community.
- And, I'd argue most importantly, it understands the narrative power of a bullet. The Showdown at the end of a cowboy story is powerful because we've spent the entire runtime of our story with these characters, and they are now facing each other down with the intent to end one of their collective two stories. The entire weight of the narrative so far comes to rest on a single moment of tension. It's really hard to gather up the kind of narrative momentum you need to make that hit like it does in CV. For example, it requires a really light hand with actual action in the story, so that it really does feel like it's an even standoff between our protagonist and antagonist. On the other hand, though, you do actually have to establish the relative skill of both parties and actually sell the danger of the moment to the audience. It's really hard to toe the line between tension and actual action in a way that makes for a satisfying resolution, and CV does it extremely well.
Honestly, Arknights just seems really good at getting the vibes of American media right. This is something I noticed in DV and Lonetrail too, and I haven't really been able to put my finger on what it is about them, but the vibes are just really on-point. I want to write more about this at a later point once I actually figure out what it is that I'm feeling, but maybe it's the setting, maybe it's the cast, maybe it's the plot points, maybe it's something in between — it just seems to understand the spirit of period cowboy stories in a way that I can't describe. Good shit.
Finally, I wanna end this with where Jessica is now. The events of CV take place In between the events of Loneterail and Ideal City, so the current "now" of the story is a few months ahead. Jessica left for the frontier along with Woody, Helena, and Miles. They live together in a small new settlement, building the place from the ground up with Woody and Jessica acting as town sherrifs. At the point we're at now, rhe town is fairly well-established and Woody has temporarily left on other business, leaving Jessica the sole sherrif of their new settlement. However, she's risen to her new station, and is growing into a stronger person than she ever was before.
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relic-seeker · 8 months
it's always really weird reading fics or looking at art of hollow knight & specifically the pale king, because the interpretations of him i see are COMPLETELY different to one another.
one moment i might be seeing him as a flawed yet noble king, then others he's the scourge of the whole kingdom.
it's really odd for me because i simply cannot see any king ever as a "good guy" in any respect -- this comes from living in britain, under a very corrupt monarchy. unfortunately this then reflects onto how i see the pale king as well -- i don't really know how to feel about him because mostly what i feel is a hatred for the system in general.
there are very valid criticisms of him from a contemporary human pov: all the stuff with vessels & using a living creature to seal an Infection for the greater good; leaving the rest of the vessels at the bottom of the abyss after he picked the 'perfect' one; colonising hallownest in the first place when there were clearly natives etc; implementing the strong caste / class system in hallownest-- there may be more but that's what i think of from the top of my head
yet, a lot of people spin these things to make him a very positive force in hallownest. lots of people interpret his relationship with the white lady as something very loving, or the moment you see at the end of the path of pain is something that shows he may have wanted to care for his child but couldn't due to the duty of sealing the Infection. even the fact he built a monument in the centre of the capital city to his child is enough to show he clearly cared for the hollow knight.
i think something that aids the understanding of who he is is putting it all in the context of possibly being someone from hallownest: wouldn't you truly believe that the hollow knight was truly hollow & save everyone? i can't remember the source for it, but i think there was an inkling somewhere (correct me if wrong) that the public of hallownest didn't even believe the king's plan was going to work -- shows a degree that he didn't completely brainwash the entire kingdom into loving & worshipping him... plus in the sense of being a controlling & powerful king, he does everything majorly right -- basing my views on that of the medieval european feudal system etc (ive not much knowledge of other ways kingdoms ran, my history degree hasn't started yet).
either way, i think the pale king is certainly morally grey at best but he's got a code of conduct -- imagine him as lawful neutral if you will. in terms of alignment, it seems that most put him somewhere in the lawful category but evil or good, but that just doesn't feel right. a truly good person probably would not seal their hundreds of children down in a deep pit (whether they thought they were hollow or not) & a truly evil person would not go to the lengths & agony to save his entire kingdom.
therefore: the pale king has a set of morals & codes he abides by, but they can definitely be questionable! but he's as complex as any other person & i LOVE seeing interpretations where he's portrayed in a fairly positive light :D
(especially all compared to my uhh anti-monarchy stance)
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fernsnailz · 1 year
Wait, Shadow and the rest of Team Dark worked for G.U.N? That feels really weird given his backstory, as well as Rouge's distaste for the law...
yeah lol, it's a bit unclear because they only work for GUN in some canon. rouge has always been an agent of sorts, starting in SA2 where she worked as an undercover agent for the president. however, the president and GUN are treated as two separate entities in that game, and rouge doesn't seem to have any connection to GUN.
the first time it's mentioned that team dark works alongside GUN is Sonic 06, where rouge and shadow are explicitly stated to be working as GUN agents. rouge is in communication with them pretty consistently throughout the game, and shadow's story begins with him on an official GUN mission to find rouge and the scepter of darkness. omega's role with GUN in 06 is a bit unclear - as far as i can tell, it's never explicitly stated within the game whether omega works for GUN or not? idk. if anyone has any sources stating otherwise lmk
of course, given that 06's timeline is basically completely erased from existence once the game's story ends, it's entirely possible that team dark's involvement with GUN starts and ends within the 06 timeline. future games never bring it up as far as i can remember... which brings us to the archie comics (as it always does).
the archie comics take 06's concept of team dark GUN agents and REALLY runs with it. all three members seem to work for GUN full time, where they operate under commander tower (aka the commander from SHtH 2005) and work alongside hope kintobor (genius teen related to the robotniks. it's complicated. she's also only there pre-reboot).
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pre-reboot archie doesn't dive deep into why each member decided to join GUN. shadow starts working for them soon after he regains all of his memories and seems to work alongside them to ensure the general safety of the world, rouge is likely there for a paycheck (and any missions that involve chaos emeralds and various gems), and omega is. complicated. technically archie omega (pre-reboot) is a combination of e-123 omega and e-102 gamma (quite literally. like both of their personalities in one robot) and he was just kinda brought to work at GUN after shadow found him in the middle of a forest. don't worry about it
GUN mostly serves as a vessel for team dark to be sent on missions and adventures throughout the various archie sonic stories, and team dark is able to work alongside them without much conflict. that is, until the reboot.
after the super genesis wave (aka the reboot), team dark's first mission with gun is to destroy the black comet 2 and the black arms forces on it. they're not alone this time - they have a number of other GUN soldiers with them, and here we start to see the cracks between GUN and team dark form. given that they're fighting the black arms and shadow is half black arms, some of the GUN soldiers very clearly Do Not Like Shadow and Do Not Trust Him.
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but what really matters here is what commander tower does during this arc - before the mission, he asks rouge and omega to neutralize shadow if he falls under the influence of the black arms.
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while the reboot never had enough time to dig much deeper into the gray morality of GUN, it's very clearly a consistent trait of the organization. it's most apparent in the arc i just talked about, but future arcs hint at some shady stuff happening when they can. for example, GUN seems to have snively robotnik (aka eggman's evil nephew) on staff as a scientist, and they very clearly show us (in this panel i think is honestly kinda hilarious) that snively is Up To Some Evil Shenanigans.
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with all that in mind, i can finally give my opinions on team dark as GUN agents. i completely agree with the sentiment you expressed in your ask - shadow working for GUN completely conflicts with his past, his traumas, and his characterization within most of the games. despite shadow being a "for the greater good" sort of person, i don't think he would ever trust GUN enough to work alongside them. and i think the same goes for rouge and omega, though to a lesser degree. while i think both of them would find it beneficial to work alongside GUN in some cases, ultimately they're both entirely self-driven and wouldn't see much of a reason to work for GUN full time. and because of this, i generally think it was probably for the best that the modern version of team dark just kinda dropped the GUN agent narrative. it puts less limitations on their characters, and the stories don't have to make every team dark related event about GUN.
and yet... i really like the stuff that post-reboot archie had going on. i love the inside look at GUN, and i love seeing how much pressure and strain they put on team dark. because ultimately, GUN is an antagonistic force that a group of heroes are working for. the military is a consistent obstacle in sonic stories, and to see how they impact the characters they've hurt the most from the inside of their organization is so interesting to me. GUN is doing the same thing that all of team dark's previous foes have tried to do to them - they're using team dark as weapons and turning them against each other. maybe the members of team dark wouldn't want to work for GUN, but GUN would do ANYTHING to keep the three of them around because all three of them are liabilities if they're let loose into the world with no supervision. GUN is keeping their enemies close and using them as weapons. and i fuckin love that
so while i'm ultimately glad that team dark is no longer associated with GUN, i would have loved to see a version of the narrative exploring why they left. they would all know GUN was just using them, but what would have been the final straw? did they resign peacefully? are they all on the run as rogue agents? i dunno! but i wish it could be explored a little, even if it wasn't canon or whatever. wghelp that's all i got for this one good night tristate area
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Been watching bits and pieces of Fairly Odd Parents New Wish.
And it always bugged me how the lore for this series is very half baked or even nonsensical. So I’m bored and have time.
This will be partly from many types of fairy books and based on the Fey slightly.
There are several different types of magicals beings in the Magical World.
Fairies: Good aligning, from Chaotic, Lawful, and Neutral. It’s in a fairies nature to bring light and joy, they do their best when bring happiness. Hence why they are often the main inheritors of Godkids.
Their courts often are at their strongest during the Summer and Spring months. Of which the Fairy Council has its most powers and why during these times it’s best to hold court.
Fairies don’t have full control over earth, but they have primary control. And are assigned the most god kids. Mostly due to the fact they often win the bake off against the Anti Fairies.
Anti-Fairies: They are mostly Evil aligned beings. Chaotic, Lawful, and Neutral. Depending on their alignment is depending on how much bad luck they bring.
Some, like Anti-Cosmo, are Chaotic-Evil and bring a lot of bad luck. To the point that just by being in the same room as them can cause ill fortunes as a side effect. Others, like Anti-Wanda, are Neutral-Evil, they still cause bad luck but only in certain ways. Or often only in ways they like, neither swayed by misery of others or just wanting to cause mayhem for the sake of it, but rather just for personal gain.
They are the group that controls the Fall and Autumn courts. Their Fairy Court is often the worst to be stuck with. They are unfair, like causing problems and curses, and their deals are very unbalanced.
They also inherit the least amount of god kids and have the least amount of control in the world. Though they can occasionally get a godkid, if the godkid gives up their fairies due to selfish reasons. But can just as easily lose them if the godkid chooses benevolence over malice.
This is mostly due to the fact they keep losing the bake off. And godkids naturally being inclined to kindness or being unaware of how to summon an anti-fairy.
Pixies: Their alignment tends to be Neutral, but never True Neutral. Mostly they are either chaotic or lawful, speculation for this could be because of their bureaucratic ways being so monotone, their magic reacts by making them one ‘extreme’ or the other.
Chaotic Pixies can bend rules easily for their own desires. Even if in very boring ways. But for a pixie it’s still a bit too much for them. Hence why most Chaotic Pixies are rarely seen in office meetings and often are kept at an arms length by the rest.
Lawful Pixies are just soul sucking, metaphorically, they are by the book and nothing can sway them from it. Doesn’t matter if the laws are good or evil, just that they are law. Hence why they get most of the office sitting desk jobs or meetings. They are a pain in the butt to work with due to their rule stickler ideas and mounds of paper work.
In terms of Godkids they actually prefer to get them when older as teens near adults. I like Fairies, who prefer to help young kids, pixies like working with older teens and young adults. Mostly ambitious ones by getting them to follow rules and laws to use loops holes to climb the ranks. They tend to have a good hold over this, and rarely away from it. Very few pixies get a godkid/teen younger than 15.
They don’t have a ‘council’ mostly just an office group of high ranking people.
Fey: They can be any alignment. These creatures are old and the first magicals to ever exist. Often are the ones on all fairy councils, fey often are rhetorical result of any magical being alive for so long. Gaining a human looking form and larger wings. Their magic has developed for so long, they just became more human looking. (Jorgan and Tooth Fairy being a few)
Becoming a Fey isn’t just a manner of age but also magical power. Oddly enough the only Fey to come to existence is often those who have had alot of Godkids and/or magical experiences.
Cosmos and Wanda are the first fairies in a long time to be near Fey status, gaining a human looking form they can transform into.
Some Fey have just existed for as long as many can remember. Some think all magicals descended from these Fey, but it’s unknown for the most part.
Fey are capable of using magic to bend and shape reality in more ways than other magicals. But often tend to just go into a specialty form of magic. (Ie, Tooth Fairy went into Tooth Magic).
However some can be rather powerful due to a loop hole. Which I will get into later.
Angel: Cherubs to be precise, real human to eldtrich horror angels aren’t ever seen or thought to be extinct. Cherubs are rare, often tending to be more emotional based magicals creatures from positive to negative. They don’t grant wishes, but often show up when a person is trying to alter a persons emotions. Love being one of them, ie Cupid.
Animals: Some animals can be magical too. Hence dragons or even unicorns. Their alignment varies depending on the type. And some can even have godkids too, though this is very very rare and only just started as a program with various results.
- Peri is technically a ‘fey’ given his magical levels. But chooses the appearance of a fairy. He was born of a wish making him a being of pure magic. Though oddly Irep is not the same in that regard only coming as a by product of Timmy’s wish, hence why Irep is jealous of Peri.
- no one is sure what Peri is capable of, not even himself. And why he’s trying to hard to prove himself as a Godparent because he had to fight hard to evil get this job as many don’t trust him.
- Da Rules has slowly gotten thicker over the years, mostly due to Timmy.
- Depending on the season depends on what fairy court you’re given. Most godparents wait for summer or spring for their courts. Not wanting to put themselves or their godkids at the mercy of the Anti Fairy Court.
- In this universe Godkids can be adopted by Godparents, this was how new fairies would often made after babies were outlawed. However it’s very rare, and often most Godkids don’t need adopted.
- A fairy godparents, no matter who, job is to provide something their godkid is missing. Parental figure? Love? Escapism in a healthy way? Therapy? The goal is to better the kid where the human parent has failed. To make them into better parents without much trauma.
- most do still forget their fairies, but in their is more their memories are altered to cut out magic and think they had teachers, cousins, or friends who were better role models than their parents.
- Magic is a secret due to problems in the past of human abusing is. Even pixels do the same to their adult charges once they get their aspiration goals.
- human witches do still exist using a very very rudimentary form of magic that is based upon intent. That also still comes around to them back if they do curses and hexes. Not many of them practice it and they are seen as crazy or just doing placebo effect by other humans.
- not all fairies become Godparents, or actually takes a long time for them to be trained properly. Hence why there aren’t many godparents. Luckily kids seem to be doing better these days so this give them time to train before the crash and a bunch of kids need them.
That’s about all I got for now. Feel free to add some of your own ideas and Headcanons.
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blueishspace · 11 months
Here is a Minecraft deities/entities list I have created for myself but that I tought might help out others so I am putting it here... It's a mix canon headcanons, theories and interpretations so everyone is free to disagree with stuff, also keep in mind I am not into all these series so I am not an expert and a lot of these was made through research.
Creation deities and fundamental concepts of the universe:
Mojang/Minecraft/Microsoft - triple faced embodyiment of existance.
Hatsume Miku - canon creator of Minecraft apparently.
Clara - goddess of space.
Wendarr The Timekeeper - god of time.
Sad ist - goddess of lore (not canon but I find it funny so I am keeping it here).
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Molympus Slimecicle - God of magic, enchanting and crafting.
Molympus Condi - god of dimensions.
Light associated deities:
Jeb - creator and god of colours, probably inventor of light.
Aeor - reindeer deity of light and good.
BdoubleO - as god of the sun, possibly a god of rulers (he is the kingmaker after all).
Darkness associated deities:
Exor - god of darkness and evil.
The World Historian - god of the void.
Null - god of emptyness, the lack of existance.
Life/nature/earth deities:
Prime - goddess of Life and possibly Fortune.
Velara The Benevolent - goddess of health, healing, regeneration, possibly growth.
PearleascentMoon/Santa Perla - goddess of agricolture and fertility, possibly goddess of the moon. (Agricultural cycles used to be measured using the moon cycle in the past so not too unlikely).
The Goat goddess (the perimeter one)- mostly a goddess of redstone but also goddess of tomatoes and fertility.
Molympus Grizzly - god of nature and tools.
Molympus Blitzy - god of mobs and animals.
Death/rebirth gods and entities:
Kristin - goddess of death and depending on interpretation the afterlife.
PhilZa - The angel of death.
Foolish - as the totem god of undying, is also a sky god and a sea god.
Lady Irene - I am not sure exactly about her domain but I am putting her here because it fits the themes.
Shad the destroyer - could have put him with the chaos gods but this feels like a better placement.
XD - as the god of Limbo, is also the main dsmp god and possibly a god of dreams.
Chaos gods:
Dianite - god of chaos and the Nether, also a god of trade and thievery.
Entity 404 - entity of pandemonium, somewhere between god and demon.
The blood god - pretty self explanatory.
Idona the malevolent - goddess of conflict and war or murder(?). Possibly a goddess of retribution like Nemesis in greek mythology.
Drista - goddess of mischief, pranks and levity (I think?).
The egg - who tought to create a sentient parasitic red egg is either a genius or insane lmao.
Herobrine - as creator/entity/deity of monsters, also possibly a god of mist.
Sky and water deities:
Jimmy - as demigod of rivers, possibly also a Listener.
Axolotl Lizzy - demigoddess of the ocean.
S2 Joel - god of the sky.
The Sky Gods (Wilbur Soot random items videos)
Foolish - as a sea and a sky god, also totem god of undying.
Herobrine - as possibly the god of mist, also creator/entity/deity of monsters.
Order gods:
Mianite - god of order, law and the Overworld.
BdoubleO - as possibly the god of rulership, also sun god.
Cucurucho - as rule enforcer entity...thing, also Qsmp entity.
Neutral gods and entities:
Ianite: Goddess of balance and the end.
Gray forester: Grayscale entity.
Tenos The Omniscient- god of experience, knowledge and wisdom.
Eldritch gods:
Grian - Watcher.
Martyn - Listener.
Jimmy - as possibly a Listener, also a demigod of rivers.
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Server gods and entities:
XD - as main god of the dsmp, also god of Limbo and possibly a god of dreams.
Callahan - minor dsmp deity.
Tubbo - main god of the Bear smp.
Cucurucho and Other Qsmp entities.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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Hello, can I have a bed placement chart of your skeletons?
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Undertale Sans - He's true neutral. He likes his bed in a corner so it takes less place to set his trash tornado. What? Priorities you know. He doesn't even sleep that much in his bed anyway, the couch is more comfortable.
Undertale Papyrus - Lawful good because that's how normal people are supposed to have a bed? He used Sans' way for the longest time, but then he grew up and realized Sans is actually wrong on a lot of things so why not the place of his bed. He feels such like a rebel now.
Underswap Sans - He's true neutral as well because he needs the rest of his room for his training machines. He doesn't sleep that much in his bed either, but just because he hates sleeping. He's barely ever in his room except to exercise.
Underswap Papyrus - Neutral evil. As an author, it's hard to focus sometimes and he found out that raising his legs against the wall is actually really helping to find inspiration (it's not a true story or something and I'm definitely not neutral evil myself, you have no proof).
Unferfell Sans - Chaotic good. So he was lazy when he moved in and kinda threw his bed with his blue magic, then got tired, then decided it was fine where it was and never touched it again.
Underfell Papyrus - Lawful good, and he's judging everyone who's not doing the same (right Red?). Alas, he has to be the role model in this house because how would anyone live without his guidance?
Horrortale Sans - He actually put his bed in a small alcove, between two walls. Since he moves a lot when he's sleeping, he doesn't risk falling off the bed. He feels safer too like this.
Horrortale Papyrus - Lawful evil, but not by choice. His medical bed has to stay away from the walls because of all the machines and to be able to lift and go down. His maniac mind doesn't like that too much but he got used to it.
Swapfell Sans - Lawful evil. He has a giant round King bed with curtains and he would kill anyone who tries to take it away from him. He looks ridiculously small when he sleeps in it, but Nox likes to have space when he sleeps.
Swapfell Papyrus - He glued his bed to the ceiling obviously. Where else? Ok, maybe it was supposed to be a joke at first and he kinda didn't find a way to put his bed down yet. He's sleeping in a hammock for now lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Chaotic good so he can have a good point of view on both the windows and the door. He's still getting attacked often at home, so he thought the bed placement like a soldier. Typic Wine.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Chaotic good as well, but mainly because the spaces around his bed are so full of plushies that he actually doesn't have any other choice really.
Some other weirdos:
Outertale Sans - His bed is actually on the wall so he can sleep like an astronaut, standing up. He has straps and everything to not fall down.
Outertale Papyrus - Same as his brother, but on the ceiling because he prefers to feel like he's actually lying down, even though he's mostly sleeping on the straps like it's a hammock lol.
Dancefell Papyrus - Chaotic good, because he sleeps in a coffin and it's too large to fit against the wall. So he spent 24 hours in this thing for a Youtube video and he actually found it more comfortable than his bed, so now he's sleeping in the coffin. His brother is cringing so hard for his partners sometimes.
Dustale Sans - Chaotic good as well, but he doesn't have a bed. He has a human-size fluffy dog basket because he sleeps all curled up at night. It's surprising the first time you see it, but it actually makes sense after a while.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Hi. Read you post about the dead three's chosen, and I was wondering about the "We got the threat of sexual exploitation (assuming it didn't happen), there's a subtle undercurrent of incest to some interactions" part. Is this something in the game that I missed? Is it a dnd lore thing?
I also looked through some older posts about Bhaal/Durge stuff, and... Jergal is ruthless and manipulative?! How bad is he? Like, what can a Durge who is free of Bhaal and may be protected by Jergal expect, both in life and afterlife? Are there no good options for Durge (except maybe becoming immortal)?
Also just wanna say thank you for all your dnd lore posts. I've mostly just played in homebrew games, so wotc dnd lore hasn't come up much, and I'm learning so much from your posts!
The good news about Jergal is that he has at least shifted from Lawful Evil to Lawful Neutral, so he's probably somewhat less of a jackass...? We hope. He also tends to prefer subtler manipulation, and seems to let people's own personalities steer them (because they'll take them where he wants them to go naturally); Bane in particular is his unwitting puppet, apparently, but Jergal hasn't directly pulled the strings at all yet, for whatever reason. Jergal's faithful usually 'live' in the City of Judgement on the fugue, or he has them as undead scribes working in his temples on Toril (I imagine it's the same paperwork whichever plane you're on). It's a quiet, but not terribly interesting existence. I doubt he's steal Durge from Bhaal to use as a scribe though. Usually if he needs a servant on the Prime Material plane for some task or other he sends them back as an undead of some kind if/when they die (he likes mummies, usually). He might also be manipulating them into becoming some kind of powerful outsider he can subtly puppet like the Dead Three, or Kelemvor, or Cyric... I really don't know.
(Also I think we're supposed to take Jergal being the 'good guy' at face value in-game.)
Durge could move planes to escape the divine shenanigans. The Dead Three in current times are bound to Toril, and Jergal cannot directly bother you in the city of Sigil at the centre of the universe (which all gods are forbidden to enter on pain of total annihilation courtesy of the Lady of Pain. He can send pawns to bother you, but can't go there or do anything himself.)
No problem. (Unsurprising; homebrew is much easier to manage. I can't imagine how people who are obsessed with the lore of multiple DnD settings cope.)
And Durge's other 'duty' as Bhaal's Chosen, and their extremely normal relationship with their father is going under a cut.
There's nothing in tabletop lore, past a disturbing Bhaalist spell ('attraction') that can cause love/lust in targets, which is built into Bhaal's avatars and manifestations; some gods having a tendency to sleep with their followers; and a comment from Ed Greenwood that many clergy encourage people to have kids (more people raised from birth within the church = more souls and power for the deity). Also apparently having a tattoo of a god's holy symbol is often a turn on for that god's priests... for some reason...
This stuff mostly comes from the BG3:
The exploitation:
Durge is expected to provide more Bhaalspawn for Bhaal's plans, and always has been. It's most obvious in the feral ending, where Bhaal destroys their mind and puppets them directly, but it's still on their to-do list if they keep his 'love' and become his Chosen:
Sarevok Anchev: 'You failed to bring forth issue while you helmed our cult. It is a mortal sin for a Chosen. I even hoped you and my daughter might one day create a new blood-lamb for us, but it is not to be...'
Durge: 'When I bring ruin to the world, will Bhaal allow me to spare my beloved?' Sceleritas: 'Of course Master! We will always need to sire more Bhaalspawn! Although if they are not up to the task we may need to find you a breeding-mate. Or ten.'
As with anything else in Durge's life, they have no say in Bhaal's intentions for them. They start that conversation off by asking permission to keep their lover and don't even get to respond to being told that they're expected to be breeding stock, probably with a wider range of 'partners'. Just silent acceptance.
The incest:
As ever I could be reading into this, but I'm not the only person who picked up on it so maybe not.
The most overt instances of this implication crops up in the original feral ending and the current, where Bhaal is subjecting Durge to constant rape by inflicting sexual hyperarousal on them and forcing them to have sex in order to breed an army of Bhaalspawn by cross-breeding them with various monsters... which they don't actually remember, because it's not the monsters they're thinking of during the act, where it's implied that Bhaal is forcing them to think of him:
*Your memory of last night's act is absent. In the moment of mounting, your mind emptied itself, and you could think only of Bhaal. The gnoll's rump seemed to become his Temple's graven altar where you once led worship.*
"Father, I love you. I'm a good spawn. A good little spawn."*
Alternatively: "a good boy/girl."
And in one of the Bhaalist religious texts you can find in game that describes how Bhaal basically gives his followers orgasms when they murder:
"Once Bhaal's favour has quickened within one oh his beloved murderers, the bliss of his love is nigh-indescribable. For he blesses his loyal with a new sensation: a mindless, instinctual, primal sensation that comes within the bowels, an erotic spasm that washes over the killer, in the moment of murder. It is said that in that instant, his Divine Essence can almost be tasted. Forsake all other hedonisms, acolytes, for nothing can compare. Until the true ecstasies of murder wash over you, initiates, this scroll contains a prayer, you may say after a kill, calling for the Lord's disgrace to find its course in your body."
The Urge - which is Bhaal as much as it's Durge- does/can cause sexual arousal, which indicates that Bhaal does do this to them or is at least inflicting his own 'pleasure' on them by experiencing the kills through them.
*Your body feels aroused imagining a broken twisted neck, and a thrill thinking of a trailing intestine.*
'I feel the most intense pleasure [when killing]. Arousal, even.'
*The masterful painting [Minthara] depicts of the massacre awakens you hungrily.* Durge: 'Stop! I'm growing aroused!' or Durge: 'How delightful, I'm very eager to begin.' Nightwarden Minthara: 'Control yourself - you are as uncouth as the goblins.'
Notably Minthara responds the same even if Durge doesn't flat out say it, so I'd assume they're having the same response to that 'hunger' regardless.
In the same area you find that text, if you become the 'Chosen' of the Redcap masquerading as Bhaal to the kuo-toa, you get this:
*Mad guilt swills in your swooning, sick body. Today you became the tart of a false God, and your evil pride revolts.*
'Tart' being the polite way of saying 'whore', which on its own might just be a poetic way of calling them unfaithful to their religion, but with the extra context is beginning to form a potential pattern. I don't know whether Durge is referring to themselves, or if it's Bhaal calling them that. Or which is worse.
Similarly, the dream where Bhaal summons you to the duel with Orin to become his Chosen is labelled 'BloodWedding'. Again, wedding has more than one meaning, but it's most common usage is of the marital kind, and *gestures at the context of the fuckery above helplessly*
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And if you go through with the whole thing and accept Bhaal, Sceleritas will tell you this:
'You and the Urge are wedded, now. One body, one mind.'
Oh, and if you have a love interest they're your 'false bride.' Let's not ask who the real one is.
Also this is a possible dialogue option if you sleep with the drow guy at Sharess' Caress and is meant to be humorous, but apparently Durge does take their daddy issues into the bedroom:
Player: 'I'm a disappointment to my father. Maybe we can work with that.'
I feel like I've forgotten some parts, but that's the gist of it.
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Raymond Reddington is a great example of an evil character working with good characters
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Raymond "Red" Reddington (played by James Spader) is the primary protagonist of the show The Blacklist. He is a notorious criminal who turns himself into the FBI (in amazing style, walking in and giving his name and asking to speak to Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Harold Cooper, then assuming the position to be cuffed while they look him up).
Once in front of Cooper, Red basically pitches the premise of the show- he has a list of criminals that he offers to help the FBI pursue, criminals that span the world and are so good at what they do, the FBI doesn't even know about them. Each episode (or occasional two parter) is about another one of these criminals who Red tells the task force about.
He's not gone soft or turned a new leaf of anything, tho, he is still a cold blooded killer who makes frequent use of his many criminal contacts and isn't interested in playing by the FBI's rules. He is in fact using the task force to his own ends and has made the case to the task force that he's more useful when he has his autonomy and cover, that they can't do anything with the names he gives them if he isn't allowed to "keep up appearances."
Red is a very nuanced portrayal of a cold blooded, ruthless criminal. He has loved ones, such as his assistant and heavy Dembe Zuma, whom he rescued from a life of child slavery, whether as a sex slave or child soldier, and he shows genuine care for Elizabeth Keene, who is essentially his handler in his roll as a criminal informant, and Mr. Kaplan, an older woman (and a lesbian) who runs body disposal and evidence cleanup for Red. It is clear that Red sees his closest associates as some form of family.
And if that bond is betrayed, well, he is still a ruthless criminal and has certain ideas about how things should go. The surest way to end up dead is to get in his way (actually, rather than whatever way he assumed you would as part of his Xanatos gambit).
The task force he works with are broadly characters I would place as good-aligned in D&D- Lawful Good, by the book, stick up his ass hero field agent Donald Ressler, Neutral Good, emotions on his sleeve computer specialist Aram Mojtebai, "somewhere in the intersection of Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral" profiler with a heart of gold but circumstances of shit Liz Keene, and Neutralish Good leaning Chaotic or Lawful from situation to situation team dad Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Harold Cooper, but also with True Neutral agent on loan from the CIA Meera Malik and Neutral *Something* Mossad Agent on loan Samar Navabi.
Samar and Meera do their share of questionable or outright immoral things, but mostly in that 24-style of "if I don't do this bad thing, innocents could die". Tho, Meera cheerfully informs a suspect in her first episode what the difference between FBI and CIA is, namely, that she's allowed to prod at the open wound on his leg to get him to talk.
But Raymond is the Big Evil Teammate. Meera will take advantage of a suspect's wounds to get information. Samar's specialty in Mossad is actually torture, and has on occasion pulled a "do what you want with him." But Raymond has a torture specialist on speed dial and is pretty quick with summary executions with no feelings of regret.
But the Task Force works with him because he largely targets criminals with his own crimes and he's useful.
He is a perfect example of the evil teammate, which some of the good guys even like (or at least have respect for)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
First Ninja can easily defeat Chase during Heylin Eclipse. If he finds out about this phenomenon, will he take advantage of the opportunity?
Well, perhaps not easily, but his chances of winning certainly rocket from 15-25% to like, 75-85%!
The thing is, we do not know many details about Heylin Eclipse, the only sure thing is that Chase seems to be unable to use magic freely (but he still can participate in showdowns and use Wu, which imo require some?? sort of minimal magical capacity) and transform into his dragon/lizard form. It also seems that the same magic usually assists Chase in being/reacting faster, since he is easily caught by Wuya (but she is also weakened?? so). Does it just takes away that buff he acquired since becoming Heylin or is the Eclipse actively nerfing him (making him sluggish)?
However, just as Chase himself said, despite lack/suppression of Heylin magic, he is not helpless - he has strategy and experience on his side and not to mention probably 100 tricks up his sleeve AND its one of the rare instances his motto of 'using Wu as a crutch' is nowhere to be seen, because he literally had Serpent's Tail hidden in his gauntlet! (talk about aces in sleeves huh!)
(I kind of wish there was a bit more of that smart and experienced Chase in the episode, instead of what happened.)
So that's mostly the reason why I think First won't get a win too easily. But of course the main question is would he even use that opportunity? TBH I don't think he will go out of his way to do it.
(kinda radnom babbling on under cut, u can ignore it, the point of anwer was said xD)
In my mind, after First VS Chase event, First is too busy doing his stuff to actively worry about Chase. I mean, this guy still has a Sorcerer locked under his town attracting/causing chaos and monsters, and a Ninjanomicon to write and to prepare the future generations to keep Sorcerer locked and Norrisville safe, and probably other dozen things he has to worry about (and unlike Chase, First got only this mortal life and time to deal with it all, lol).
And while, sure, while Chase is a menace and a threat to any capable warrior, Chase also has been around for so long: he has clearly established his place in Hierarchy of Dark forces loooooong before Ninja came around. And yet while participating in wars and causing trouble, he is yet to be the supreme overlord of the world or whatever, so?? Chase kinda leads an existence of eternal evil final boss, doing his evil things and what not. Mostly he is too busy collecting cool warriors, like pokemons or trader cards or whatever.
I feel like in some sense First would understand the whole 'letting evil exist for the sake of the world balance' thing. Because like the XS last episodes established - Chase's existence is a sort of necessary evil that keeps balance from being upset too much on either side. Selfish and Cruel enough to be evil, but also Reasonable and Honorable enough to be sorta neutral good...-ish? I guess the right alignment would Lawful Evil? Though it doesnt really fit completely right, but it somewhere in that ballpark.
(On a side note, IMO about the Sorcerer - he is pretty much clear is not necessarily just Evil, he is more of Chaotic Evil. And Chaos is sort of also neutral, in a sense?? I mean Sorcerer was running around turning people into monsters, causing havoc across continents to gain power to... I dunno, be unstoppable? Cause more chaos and pain? Destroy everything?? Perhaps his goal was to make the World be like Chaos Realm/Land of Shadows? Who knows??? His motivation is as mysterious as his defeat in the finale, lol. But his deal feels more like those World-ending Spiders That Eat from XS, because it seems to me, he basically just gained more power for sake of more Chaos, not like... rule the world or something.)
Also while Chase is bugging First, he is kinda... not actively doing world-ending evil stuff to First's knowledge?
It's like... bothering First is distracting him from doing other evil stuff (he still probably has some schemes going on, but like in the background, not related to First), so First is like 'I could waste energy and effort to put an end to his reign of terror...but i guess i can let him bother me if it stops him from actively doing evil, just for a bit ' (but Chase is certainly doing evil, just nowhere First can see lol).
But, let's suppose First does figure out about Heylin Eclipse. For it to be of any use to First, it has to happen soon and in his lifetime, when he is still physically capable to take on Chase. He also got to plan out how he would defeat Chase (kill or capture him, how to do it and etc.). AND he also got to plan it around his duties to Norrisville. So like, if by incredible stroke of luck, all of it aligns? First might attempt it and most likely win!
But i feel if, it would take much longer (like say 30+ years) for Eclipse to arrive, First would not prioritize capturing Chase over his duties in Norrisville. This dude already wasted most of his life to defeat the Sorcerer (and like a bajillion creatures and monsters to do it), AND he is gonna waste his afterlife to keep him locked up too, just let the poor man rest! xD
(There is now an image in my head of First looking at Chase and going 'Not My Problem' and just peacing out of there.)
So, yeah, while I'm sure First can defeat Chase during Heylin Eclipse, Im not so sure he would actively dedicate himself to doing it.
On ANOTHER, much more shippy note (that u can ignore if its not ur thing), there is something very delicious in the idea that First, knowing such a blatant weakness of Chase's, and just doesn't do anything about it. Perhaps it's because, in some way, First prefers to fight Chase in full power, a much honorable battle no matter if it ends in defeat or victory. Or because it feels like such underhanded tactic of striking when his opponent is at their weakest. Maybe it feels this way because, they are enemies in name only because of their moral alignments, not because either of them actually hate each other (that much lol).
Ooooo just imagine, First and Chase confrontation during Eclipse, Chase fully expecting First to take the opportunity (because its what he will do), but First does the unexpected, and instead of ending the fight, he steps back and that stops Chase on his tracks. And somehow they end up waiting out the Eclipse together, First keeping an eye out for his weakened enemy, while Chase, despite all his previous flirting and needling, is geniuenly baffled by First's behaviour. He really did expect First to take the chance, after all the annoyance and bothering, and just generally First being exasparated with him. But here they are, with Chase at his weakest and First watching his back.... Trully strange.
*eyebrow wiggle*
but thats just silly shippy thoughts haha. I do feel like First will 100% use that opportunity to whoop Chase's ass just to vent all the frustrations about the trouble and annoyances Chase caused.
anyway ye sorry for rambling ;D
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lyledebeast · 8 months
I think what really makes The Patriot such a great movie for Jason Isaacs in spite of being such a shitty movie for just about everyone else involved just comes down to laziness in the writing. Robert Rodat wrote a protagonist who is allegedly, somehow, a badass Rambo-style war hero and haunted by his past AND a good father, and the filmmakers planned from the beginning to rely on Mel Gibson's charisma to sell him. Roland Emmerich admits they never really considered anyone else for the role. Meanwhile, Tavington on paper is a cardboard cutout Evil English Snob. The original plan was to cast Jude Law, a solid Evil English Snob choice, but when he took too long to officially accept, they offered the part to an actor with little experience in American film who had not played a major antagonist before. And they let him implement some of his own ideas because his character wasn't the one they really cared about.
And he stole their movie!
I would argue that the main reason for this, the reason all the others stem from, is Issacs' idea for Tavington's backstory. Not only does it explain why he is in the Army and so desperate for a British victory, but also, in part, why he has such particular beef with a father.
The backstory itself is certainly more tragic than Martin's. For all the movie's criticism of "gentlemen," growing up in the expectation of a certain kind of life and having that torn away through someone else's irresponsibility would traumatize anyone. While the movie tells us nothing about Tavington's age when his father died or what happened to him in the immediate aftermath, it is abundantly clear that he has not gotten over it. Martin has not gotten over Fort Wilderness, but by every other account we hear it was 1, Martin's accomplishment and 2, an absolute Roman triumph from the British Colonial perspective. It did nothing to hurt Martin's fortune or prospects, quite the opposite. The only drawback for Martin is that when you commit war crimes, it has an unfortunate way of making you feel like you might be a war criminal. Annoying that.
That Tavington has a saber to grind with fathers is also far more consistent than Martin's approach to fathering, as we see in Tavington's first scene. He points his pistol at Martin's children to get the rise out of him that pointing it at him failed to stir. He never speaks to Gabriel or even looks at him upon discovering the dispatches he carried, but when Gabriel calls Martin "father," suddenly Tavington is invested: "Oh, I see. He's your son. Well, perhaps you should have taught him something of loyalty." Every problem Tavington sees in this scene of performed neutrality he lays at Martin's door, even Gabriel's service in the Continental Army. Could it be projection? If there is one outcome that is not Martin's fault, it is Gabriel joining up against his explicit wishes. Meanwhile, Martin's concern for Gabriel shifts from his endangering five of his remaining children's lives to save him to paying so little attention to him immediately after his new wife's murder that he is able to ride for revenge with no inconsequential number of Martin's men behind him. And he is at least as shocked by Gabriel's death as he was by Thomas's.
The first exchange between Tavington and Martin is mostly unchanged from the script to the theatrical release, but the two following it are dramatically different thanks to Isaacs. He argued successfully that not only would Tavington not be afraid of Martin after the prisoner exchange but that he would do well in the final fight between them (a fight that does not exist in the original screenplay). That fight in particular creates problems for the filmmakers' vision of Martin. In the unaltered first scene, Tavington has all of the power, sitting on his horse while Martin is on foot. In the second, Tavington draws his sword to kill Martin while he is unarmed. Both of these are classic dastardly villain moves. In the last exchange, though, it is Martin who has the advantage of having wounded Tavington twice before they get in sword's reach of each other, and Tavington still kicks his ass. On Tavington's side, this is not representative of a one-dimensional villain but of a man who has clawed his way to being a colonel in the British Army after losing everything with his father's death. The only reason Tavington does not kill Martin, either after the punch Martin does not take like a champ or after he has literally beaten Martin to his knees, is that he is still seeking a connection with a father.
The problem with the changes Jason Isaacs brought about is that they make Tavington a badass fighter with a sad backstory, which also happen to be the only aspects of Martin that get any real development. His onscreen violence evokes Fort Wilderness from first to last, but the third aspect of Martin's character, that he is a good father, is told rather than shown. Had changes been made to Martin that corresponded to Isaacs' for Tavington, then he could have had a stronger ending, perhaps saving Gabriel as he failed to save Thomas. But, no. Instead he just gets out-badassed in his own movie and then handed a giftwrapped victory anyway.
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moltengoldveins · 4 months
molten i have minimal marvel knowledge (only watched like 10 of the movies) but if you have the patience to explain how you think techno and steve roger's friendship would develop/work, i would LOVE to hear about it
( i would ask more about the DC side but unfortunately i know a grand total of Nothing about dc )
OK SO (sorry I took so long to respond I was moving) LET ME TELL YOU THIS HOT NONSENSE. (Fair warning, this is a VERY long post)
SO. First off, I’m gonna quickly establish the Techno im working with since I think you already know who that is (/lh 😉) and then I’ll Explain Steven Grant Rogers.
So, the Techno im working with is fundamentally a lawful neutral character. He believes in freedom, in the moral obligation of someone who is capable of preventing evil to work to the fullest extent possible to prevent said evil. He believes that tyranny dictatorship is wrong and that there should be as little government as possible, and said government should be as democratic and free as possible. He jokes about anarchy, but his actions don’t quite line up with direct anarchy so I’m pretty sure it’s mostly for the bit, but he’s very anti-establishment. Techno is not, however, necessarily concerned with what is Good, so much as what is True. Violence does not necessarily equal evil, and he doesn’t seem to have much of a category for civilians when it comes to controlling the damage war causes, though he does quite firmly distinguish between “people who are my enemies” and “people who aren’t involved.” He is motivated by Justice, not mercy. This doesn’t mean he isn’t merciful: it means he doesn’t believe that he is obligated to be merciful. It means that any act of his mercy is, according to him, an exception to the rule, a kindness the people around him don’t deserve and should not take advantage of. He is unflinchingly loyal and viciously protective, as well as shockingly paranoid and proactive in preparing for any eventuality. He’s also a traumatized veteran and a victim of long-term institutionalized racism and speciesism on account of the Piglin thing, a fact that actually ISNT a headcanon! That’s not even made up! He CANONICALLY was concerned that people treated him like an animal and a weapon as opposed to a person and reacted to conflict and confrontation with the assumption that human characters were more likely to treat him poorly than nonhuman ones, like Ranboo or Philza. (I’ve got a whole other essay in there I won’t get into) ANYWAY
If that’s Techno, Steve Rogers is what you do if you take the same solid gold core and raise him poor and catholic in New York in the 1930s. Steve is religious, but it’s unclear if he’s practicing. His faith is an important core to his worldview and the choices he makes, but he’s not preachy. He’s lawful good at first, but I think his character pretty quickly looses that fundamental foundation of “I am righteous, because I know what is right, and I am doing it.” after he loses Bucky, his kinda maybe love interestchildhood friend and gets yeeted popcicle-style into the modern day. He’s loyal as a dog, stubborn to a fault, and, like Techno, completely and utterly incapable of allowing injustice or ‘wrongness’ to exist in the same space as himself. Before the serum he threw himself into fights with enough regularity that Bucky apparently would just… walk around Brooklyn in the vague area he knew Rogers should be and check alleyways for either a brawl or an unconscious Steve. He also believes in freedom, and in the moral obligation of someone who is capable of preventing evil to work to the fullest extent possible to prevent said evil. However, Steve is Captain America. He’s not an idiot: he’s portrayed as incredibly progressive for every era he’s in, but he fundamentally believes that the US is a good system, or at least the best system possible. He believes in the ideal of the American dream and said dream’s ability to inspire people to do good, even if he doesn’t believe in the reality of that dream. He’s also blatantly unwilling to take orders and follow commands unless he knows the reasoning behind the decisions and has been fully convinced that his actions won’t be furthering evil without his knowledge, and considering his history with Nazis and with SHEILD (the government agency that founded the avengers) being a front for the same Nazi organization that got him and Bucky killed originally? It’s totally understandable for him to be VERY wary of his superiors. He’s a good leader, but he’s quick to make moral judgements of other people’s characters and will stick to them until he’s been beaten over the head with how wrong he is, which is really just a subset of his “you find what is True and Right and then you stick to it to the end and you Make the rest of the world move instead of you” mentality, which is a very helpful mentality for a paragon hero! …. Until they don’t have all the information, or that stubbornness is used against them, or they meet someone who has a quality they think is repulsive or immortal. 
So all this being said…. Holy crap I wanna put these two in a box and shake them around like a stim toy. 
They’re both paragons, by the firm definition of the word, but in completely different ways. They’re both loyal, vicious, guard-dog coded characters, but Techno chewed through his leash and chose his own path (Philza) centuries ago, while Steve was just beaten and dumped in the river by masters he thought were kind, and is now snapping at any human who resembles them. Steve still wants structure above and around him, he still wants to work For a government, as long as it’s a trustworthy one. He’s just not sure how or where to find one, or if he’ll ever be able to trust one again. Techno is absolutely uninterested in that. They’re feral in different ways, and they’ve got very similar opinions about government except for Steve’s uncertainty as to how far exactly he thinks he should go and when, and Techno’s blatant non-regard for things like collateral damage.
They’re both the strongest non-augmented melee fighters of their respective worlds and they’ve both got a signature weapon that, despite actively being a Weapon, is meant to symbolically represent peace and protection. They both have rebirth imagery and close semi-platonic relationships with right-hand-men who are snipers/long distance fighters. They’ve both got a history with being made to perform, Steve with his propaganda and Techno with either his Chat or, in some headcanons, his time as an Emperor or a gladiator. 
They’ve both got (I’m taking some liberties with like, crossover X-men comics and Steve’s hatred of Nazis here) problems with people treating other people as non-human, but Techno is living it, while Steve is working from a place of privilege.
Techno, on the other hand, would not necessarily have the same experience as Steve when it comes to his early life: Steve is still, fundamentally, a small, disabled, asthmatic kid from Brooklyn, and the disconnect between Him and The Body is at absolute best a struggle he works his way through after the first few Avengers films and at worst something that haunts him for the rest of his life. 
Steve might feel his body is not his own but he has no experience with his MIND not being his own. He’s frighteningly intelligent. Techno is smart, but the Voices are another huge difference between them I think I’d find fascinating to explore. 
Steve is not the brains of the Avengers, but he is the mind. He is their compass, their engine, the one making judgements on and off field for the team, but he’s not alone: in good avengers media (Avengers Assemble) he’s working alongside Tony, and he has the whole team at his back. Techno and Phil are alone. They are entirely self-reliant and have been for aeons. There is absolutely no reason for them to understand or comprehend how the Avengers work as a team without some significant work to bridge that gap. Philza is a whole other can of worms: the hardcore worlds might be a form of long-term enforced or self-isolation, the hardcore life system might be shared by both Phil and Techno or be just Phil, they might assume the team can die more than once and be shocked to learn everyone on earth has only one life, they’re so old they carry scars from things they can’t remember anymore and traumas the Avengers are not equipped to handle. 
Literally everything about this dynamic is fascinating to me. How would Steve and Techno fight together? What parts of their political ideals would clash and why? Would they help own another grow or make one another worse? Are we getting post-Bucky-returns Steve, where the Avengers is splintered and Steve is truly disillusioned? Or will Emduo be present for the events of Winter Solider? If they are, how would they influence those events? Techno would take one look at Steve’s reaction to Hydra and know Exactly how much they needed to be wiped from the face of the planet, but how would that go? Would he bring Steve with him? Would he clean house without Steve even realizing and come back like “.ey yo I polished ur government for u. Hope you like it, it’s freshly de-Hydrad. Also half ur entire chain of command is dead they were evil my bad.” Would Philza have enough influence and wisdom to pull Tony away from the idea of Ultron? How would either of these characters interact with Peter Parker (Tommy but… a spider?) or Nightcrawler (That is an Enderman Hybrid. Why is there a normal enderman hybrid in this universe?) or Venom (ah, you fool. I’ve already got someone living in my brain rent-free, bold of you to assume you will survive this mistake). Literally everything about this is amazing and there are ONLY TWO FICS ON AO3. Infuriating. Literally the worst. 
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ishaslife · 1 year
To let him drink blood or to not let him drink blood?
Since the full game is gonna be out soon, the biggest question on my mind has been to whether or not let Astarion drink our or our enemies' blood. The devs pointed out that letting our romances indulge too much can lead to a bad ending for your romance and the character in general and as D&D lore loosely states: "The vast majority of vampires are lawful evil, and none but the greenies attempt to maintain their inner humanity and remain even a neutral, let alone a good one." So I wonder how Astarion's personality would change and mould depending on how much or how little we let him feed on people, whether its us or the enemies we fight.
Cazador and likely why he didn't let Astarion feed on people
I think we can all agree that Cazador is a bad dude. A dead giveaway being that he's a vampire and that he has literal slaves he tortures on a daily basis, based off of what Astarion has told us.
So of course, a big part of him not letting Astarion and his other vampire spawns feed on people is because he wants them to remain weak and to maintain his dominance over his underlings. He sees his spawns as his slaves, why would he share his food with them? But I think another reason he doesn't let them drink intelligent blood is because he wants them to keep some of their humanity, he wants them to feel the pain and suffering he inflicts upon them and animal blood keeps them weak which makes his torture all the more effective. I think a big part of him likes to see this humanity and helplessness in his spawns as he probably has close to nothing in himself, being a vampire. This is of course really fucked up but I would not put it past a vampire's whims.
I think letting him drink from us the first night is important as in his dream, he sees Cazador who tells him "thou shalt not drink the blood of thinking creatures." And letting him drink from us allows him to realise that he isn't under Cazador's influence anymore, that he can in fact drink from a person. After that night, I'm not so sure. I think letting him indulge too much in humanoid blood may not be a good thing as it may slowly strip him of his humanity. But then if he doesn't feed, I feel he'd be far too weak and may easily be swayed by Cazador. So, I think there needs to be a healthy balance where we drinks mostly animal blood and every now and again, humanoid blood.
I wonder if I am thinking way too much into this, it may not be this complex but as Larian talked about the game, it seems there are so many different ways it can go. We'll have to see when the full game comes out.
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thesummoningdark · 3 days
That post about redemption arcs really made me want to talk about my favourite adjacent character arc I've ever played out
So in a long running D&D campaign, I played the Token Evil Aligned Character in the party. No, don't look at me like that, I don't mean in an edgelord murderhobo kind of way. I mean that I was playing a drow who'd had to flee to the surface for reasons of Plot, and he had still entirely internalised the morality and social conventions of the culture he came from, but he was smart enough to figure out that he'd draw less attention and find less trouble if he at least gave the impression of giving a shit about the humans' weird moral hangups. Like oh so casual murder is frowned upon up here? Wild, but sure, I don't want arrested so whatever.
I joined the game at 8th level. The in-canon justification for my presence was that the party were travelling to a new region and one of their allies (the head of the thieves guild, who my character had retroactively been working for) ordered me to go with them to be their guide. Once my character figured out that they were on a quest of world-saving importance, he was fairly invested in helping, due to being one of the idiots who lived there. However this led to some fun and interesting in-character tension, as he was quite happy to employ methods in pursuit of this goal that the rest of the party were uncomfortable with.
(Both he and the chaotic neutral warlock were kept in line mostly by the looming disapproval of our 8ft tall lawful good goliath, and the associated threat of having their spines snapped if they took it too far)
The culmination of this initial mini-arc, of my character being in agreement with the party's goals but not necessarily trusting them to do what needed to be done if it really came to it, happened three years later. In the aftermath of a major battle (which our side lost) the party had to defeat a lieutenant of the main antagonist in order to get to safety. In the course of this fight my character was badly injured (mechanically: was knocked to 0hp in melee with this mini-boss, and only survived by the repeated application of healing cantrips to reset his death saves) and when the party got the upper hand, the lieutenant took him hostage and threatened to kill him if they didn't let her go. I want to stress at this point that when I'd built my character, the DM and I had discussed a contingency subplot that would come into play if he died. Death was an extremely realistic possibility at this point, from both a mechanical and a DM-steering-the-story perspective.
And the lawful good goliath, the one who this entire time had been insisting that the ends didn't justify the means, that they couldn't sacrifice individuals in pursuit of their goals, looked her in the eye and told her to go fuck herself.
It's one of my favourite pieces of RP I've ever seen done. And it was such a huge turning point in my character's relationship with the goliath in particular, who he now had a genuine respect for; and with the party as a whole, now that he was able to believe he really could trust them to make the hard choices if they had to.
I know everyone gets overinvested in their own game, but I genuinely think we all did a great job with that whole arc. I love that it wasn't just the characters from the deep end of the alignment pool being 'tamed', but also a reciprocal process of the good-aligned characters coming to trust that their more extreme methods would be used judiciously and not without good cause. That there was room for different approaches to working towards their cause and different reasons for supporting it.
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Fuck it Pinned post
Im Flight but Wilbur also works
This is my personal blog, my tagged main is @godsleastfavouritewhiteboy
I mostly just post about my ocs here. Fandom art when I think of it. Every so often I go insane about Megatron.
I do requests here, just shoot me an ask
However, please note how much effort I put into each ask depends on how much I'm feeling at the time.
If you want my absolute best guaranteed work, DM me proof of you donating to Any verified Palestinian gofundme.
I work fast but don't pressure me to get to your request immediately, I have other projects I'm working on for myself and a key part of my process is having time to fuck around.
I'll draw any fandom I'm vaguely familiar with and any ocs with references.
I will also Technically draw NSFW but not on this account and if you request it here it'll be deleted.
I also use this account for spam reblogs and various discourse commentary.
Q and A:
Why is anon off?
Because I was on tumblr during the ace discourse height. It's survival instincts.
How did you learn to draw?
Practice. Also four years of very expensive art school
Can you draw ____?
Why don't you draw tntduo anymore?
Listen I'm all about the fandoms collective adoption of cbur as the communal OC and I support people doing it.
Got no grudge against anyone who draws him and frankly I get the appeal however I just don't draw those two anymore. Partially because I've found I much more enjoy drawing my OCs.
I dont mind if you spread my old tntduo/dsmp art though. I just dont feel connected to it anymore. If anything its just a jump scare when I see it
Why am I blocked?
Dunno. Not gonna unblock you though.
- Feel free to double request as much as you want. There is no limit on requests!
- I will do any request I get - unless I explicitly reject it - but it can take me time to get to you. Please be patient
To be edited as needed
Below the cut is a quick line up of my ocs:
- He/Him
- Masc aligned non binary
- Intersex
- Omnisexual
- Changeling/human
- DND alignment: Lawful evil at beginning of arc, Lawful neutral at end
- dipshit
Tumblr media
- She/her
- Trans femme non binary
- Lesbian
- Dark one
- DND alignment: Lawful neutral at beginning of arc, lawful good at end
- calliopes lover
Tumblr media
- He/him
- Male
- Gay
- Avisine
- DND alignment: Neutral evil at beginning of arc, lawful neutral at end
- williams right hand man and long term lover
Tumblr media
- she/her
- Non binary
- Pansexual
- Dark one/dragon hybrid
- dnd alignment: chaotic evil at beginning of arc, true neutral at end
- the dragon maiden as well as williams wife
Tumblr media
- He/him
- Male
- Gay
- Human
- Dnd alignment: Lawful good
- the king of nogata, williams brother IN LAW and one of his many lovers
Tumblr media
- She/they
- Non binary
- pansexual
- dark one
- dnd alignment: Lawful neutral
- the sultan of Arandia and one of williams many lovers
(the only refs i have of her are a nsfw so Shush I'll add it when I draw her in a SFW context)
- he/she
- Non binary
- pansexual
- changeling
- dnd alignment: Lawful evil
- williams great uncle
Tumblr media
- She/he
- Non binary
- bisexual
- human
- dnd alignment: neutral evil
- williams great aunt
Tumblr media
- He/him
- male
- bisexual
- Avisine
- dnd alignment True neutral
- williams adoptive father
Tumblr media
- she/her
- female
- pansexual
- doveling
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- williams adoptive mother
Tumblr media
(image to be added when design is finalized)
- she/her
- female
- lesbian
- dark one
- dnd alignment: Lawful neutral (bordering on lawful evil)
- calliopes mom
- she/her
- bisexual
- dark one
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- calliopes other mom
- she/her
- aromantic/asexual
- changeling
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- williams only sister
- he/him
- male
- aromantic/pansexual
- Changeling
- dnd alignment: neutral evil
- williams oldest brother
Tumblr media
- she/her
- trans woman
- changeling
- dnd alignment: chaotic neutral
- one of williams MANY lovers
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nerdygoth77 · 2 months
Did Lily ever hookup with any of the other companions and what factions did she work with before arriving to Nuka World?
Was she the typical civilian (minuteman type) and got corrupted by the wasteland/enticed by the raiders of Nuka World or was she always a little Neutral Evil?
Sorry if this is a bit of a long ask I'm just curious 😂
Never apologize for a long ask!! I love in depth questions like this!! I really loved this ask and was so excited I had to answer this the moment I saw it!! This answer is super long btw! I couldn't JUST answer these questions, I had to give you a full history of my OC.
So I have been thinking of Lilly's story for a long time, along with her character development. She is originally based on my evil Overboss playthrough of Fallout 4 where I completely ignore the main story LOL. I get to Nuka World as soon as possible by leveling up, mostly by doing Good Neighbor and Cabot family/Edward Deegan missions.
So Lilly's story isn't quite set in stone! But my main idea so far is that she is pre-war. Lilly does come from Vault 111 but she isn't the mother of Shaun and isn't the Sole Survivor. That's her brothers problem, who gets out of the vault a few days before she does. He goes one way, using his military training and desire for revenge to survive, becoming the leader of the minutemen(or he joins the Brotherhood. Maybe both?? idk yet) Meanwhile Lilly escapes Vault 111 and goes a completely different direction.
The vault is picked clean, and the body's of her brother and nephew are missing, while her sister in laws corpse has a bullet in her skull. Lilly finds no sign of her brother, and doesn't search too hard either. She leaves the vault, avoiding the neighborhood of Sanctuary and the possible people that lived there, their campfires burning brightly in the night only deterring her away.
Lilly's pre-war life wasn't military like her brothers. She was a "no good hippie" who was between jobs and staying with her brother and his wife until she "got back on her feet," Her brother took her in. In return she would help her PTSD stricken brother and his depressed wife take care of their brand new infant son.
Lilly was seen as no good to most in the pre irradiated world. She had been a part of the large underground punk scene in Boston, becoming a disgrace to her family and a nuisance towards the police. Her life had always been chaos, never knowing quite what she wanted to do as she jumped from job to job trying to keep money in her pocket that was instantly spent on drugs and lipstick.
Lilly doesn't even spare a second glance at the vault or neighborhood as she heads into the wasteland. She is more than prepared to leave her old life behind in the ashes of the old world, so she immediately finds a change of clothes, some chems, and heads towards Boston. She doesn't know why Boston, maybe just morbid curiosity of what the city had turned into. Maybe in search for drugs and answers to why she was still living. Her mindset is that of a depressed addict. Nothing on her mind but that next hit that would bring her that sweet rush of endorphins.
She enters the world with little to no knowledge. She can fight decently with her fists and switchblade, pick locks, run her mouth and hardly shoot a gun. She has a rough time getting to Boston, the weirdly smart German Shepherd she finds at a gas station, and lovingly names Dogmeat, helps her survive her first few weeks in the wasteland.
Soon she finds herself in Boston, and like all drifters, she quickly finds herself in Goodneighbor. She immediately sees the potential in the city and in its mob boss ghoul mayor. Lilly and Hancock quickly become romantically involved. (She is def fucking Maccready in secret too. But RJ is nothing more than some fun to her. She also has a fling with Edward Deegan who she also meets in Goodneighbor when he comes offering a job.)
In my au Hancock is a bit darker and mob boss like, Lilly corrupting him slightly. She helps clean up the city, both metaphorically and physically. She wipes the triggermen out, and takes down Marowski. Long story short they take over his chem empire and become the main chem bosses and suppliers of the commonwealth. They build Goodneigbor into an empire. Her charisma and luck are incredibly high, making it all the easier for her.
John teaches Lilly about the Commonwealth, about proper fighting and weapons. She gains as much knowledge as she can about the new world, settling into the line of leadership and manipulation well. But John wants something real and long term. He loves her, but Lilly doesn't love him in return. He has big ideas for the future, from helping synths to building supply lines to marrying her. Lilly doesn't share the same feelings or ambitions, so she leaves.
She takes her knowledge and weapons of the new world and leaves Goodneighbor without warning and without a trace. She disappears yet again into the wasteland until the best thing to ever happen to her since finding Dogmeat happens. She finds Nuka World and meets Porter Gage. Or maybe he finds her instead?? I don't quite have how they meet picked out yet but I have some ideas!
So yes, Lilly has always been a bit evil! She had a few loose screws in the beginning and the Cryo pod only made it worse. She is corrupted before the bombs, but the wasteland corrupts her further and further. By the time she reaches Nuka World she is already a pretty bad person who is scarred inside and out. Meeting and joining the raiders only corrupt her further. Gage actually helps her get clean and off of chems, but she does get a little crazier. But she couldn't be happier. Porter Gage and Nuka World become her lifeline.
Gage does change her for the better. Lilly finally able to commit to things in her life for once, like her romantic relationship with Gage and job as Overboss.
Fun fact: I actually named Lilly after my evil five pound toy poodle. Lilly is a grumpy old bitch of a dog. She is my whole entire world but she has some screws loose for sure.
So the short answer: Yes! She does hook up with other companions, but only John Hancock and RJ maccready. She also sleeps with Edward Deegan, having a short fling with him. All of these relationships are nothing compared to what she has with Porter Gage, their bond being actual love. Lilly is factionless, choosing to go her own way entirely. She becomes a mob boss before completely ditching that life and disappearing on the irradiated wind before finding Nuka World. Starting over with yet another new life. Lilly is a bit evil from the beginning, but the wasteland does corrupt her further.
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