#i moved it farther from the steps where it's easy to reach
messier51 · 1 year
at this point i think the raccoons are just digging in and knocking over any potted plants i leave accessible overnight out of spite
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honeydjarin · 1 year
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You often find yourself in the galley, seeking the company of your favorite chef. Even when your half asleep, Sanji can’t bring himself to turn you away.
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1,500
a/n: how often can I write about sleeping? It’s what I long for most of all. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with opla!sanji, but now I can't stop thinking about him!
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Your feet carry you over salt-soaked wood, up creaking stairs bordered by sun-warmed railings, before settling in front of the closed door to the galley. You hesitate for only a moment. The evening sun glares off the porthole window and prevents you from peeking into the room beyond, but you know the man you seek is in there. Sanji is almost always in the kitchen now that he has the freedom to experiment with new recipes as he pleases. 
When you first enter the galley, it’s with the intention of keeping the Going Merry’s chef company. Sanji’s easy going nature is addicting. Friendly and flirtatious conversations with him always leave you glowing golden—brighter than the sun. His comfort as he works in the kitchen, his joy for what he does, is contagious. Oftentimes, you find yourself at the door to the galley, having had no plan to walk there. You seek out his company whenever you’re given the chance, consciously or not. 
You hadn’t meant to develop such a large crush on the chef. He wasn’t supposed to be anything more than a crewmate. A friend. You had been wary of the flirt when he joined the Straw Hats. His first impression left you with his self confidence and charm but no glimpse of his care for friends and strangers alike. You never could have expected how easily the newest member would wiggle his way into your heart. 
You take a breath, then step into the room hidden behind the door. 
Sanji is exactly where you expect him to be, flitting around the kitchen as he begins preparations for dinner. When he hears the door open, he turns your way, a smile pulling at his lips as soon as he sees it’s you.
“Hello, darling. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He doesn’t stop what he’s doing, but he slows, keeping his gaze on you. “Are you hungry?”  
“Not yet. I just wanted to keep you company,” you say, making your way farther into the kitchen. A part of you can’t help but think Sanji must get lonely in the galley after having spent so much time surrounded by others at the Baratie, but he never complains. 
The other part of you worries that Sanji actually prefers the time alone, and that your presence in the kitchen is unwelcomed. The Going Merry isn’t a particularly large ship, and finding a moment to be alone can be difficult. 
“Then today I am a lucky man,” he replies. His smile never falters, eyes gleaming as though he truly does feel lucky to spend time with you. It’s enough to dispel any lingering worries, at least for the time being. 
You warm beneath the weight of his gaze, heartbeat fluttering from the sudden attention. For a moment you forget yourself, too lost in the twin seas trapped in Sanji’s eyes. Your own lips pull into a matching smile and you feel like you’re glowing, just like you always do when he gives you his attention. Sanji’s gaze seems to soften, as if, somehow, he can see the light burning in your chest. 
If you don’t move now, you’ll sink too deeply into this feeling, you’ll get too wrapped up in your not so little crush. 
You take a step forward, then another. Your feet carry you to one of the seats at the counter, keeping the island between you. Sanji’s gaze still washes over you, but at least this way, no matter how tempting it may be, you won’t find yourself reaching out to him. You won’t tangle your fingers between his own, won’t run your spare hand through his hair or cradle the soft curve of his cheek, won’t lean in to kiss his still grinning lips. 
The evening sun filters through the galley windows, gleaming off cookware and pooling on the countertops. Your seat is strategically situated in the center of one of those pools, the hazy light casting a warm beam across your skin. You sink into its embrace, growing more relaxed with each slow breath you take. The warmth is like a hug, and you can’t help but to settle into it. 
You fold your arms on the countertop and rest your chin on them, easing into a comfortable position. You could fall asleep like this. 
Oftentimes, you offer to help Sanji cook, not wanting to be in the galley without at least being useful, but today you seem to be slipping—too relaxed, too tired, content just to watch the chef in his element. You’re only half aware of what he is doing as he works. 
“Here,” Sanji says, setting a glass down in front of you. “Try this.”
Small bubbles rise from the liquid inside, popping as they reach the surface. When you take a sip, it’s cool and saccharine, flavors mixing to create the perfect balance.  
“Oh! It’s good,” you praise before taking another sip. You have to set the glass down, wanting to savor the drink Sanji made just for you. “Everything you make is good.” 
“You’re too sweet to me, darling.” 
His words make you smile, but you keep your attention on the glass in front of you, too afraid that if you look at him he will see in your eyes just how deep your affections lie.
Beads of condensation have already formed on the outside of the glass, making the fizzy liquid inside look almost cloudy. You trail your finger through the moisture on the smooth surface, the cool liquid dripping down your fingertip leaving a clear path behind your touch, a curve into a point. Reflect and repeat. When you pull your hand away, a little heart remains. 
The blonde chef leaves you feeling like a lovesick fool—as sticky sweet as the drink he made you. 
This moment is too easy, too safe. You hardly notice the way your eyelids weigh heavy, each blink lasting longer than the one before it. The sounds of chopping vegetables and boiling water begin to fade, barely noticeable as sleep creeps ever closer.  
“As flattered as I am that you want to keep me company even when you’re so tired, I must insist that you find a more comfortable place to nap. I’ve heard that pain is beauty, but beauty sleep should never cause someone as sweet as you to wake up in pain.” 
If you weren’t already so close to sleep, Sanji’s words might have sent your heart racing. He thinks you’re sweet too. 
“I’ll be fine, Sanji. It’s just a little cat nap,” you offer, only half aware of what you’re saying.  
You don’t hear if he responds. 
It’s a chill seeping into your skin that starts to wake you up. The ocean air isn’t really that cold, but the absence of the sun on your skin creates a change in temperature stark enough to make you sigh in disappointment. What once felt like a soft embrace now feels like a missing piece. 
There’s the sound of something being whisked, or stirred, the only evidence you have that you aren’t alone in the galley.  
You stretch your arms out to your sides, groaning slightly at the stiffness in your shoulders. Sanji was right, your body does hurt. You keep your eyes closed as you stretch, desperately clinging to those last moments of sleep as you work out the aches in your muscles.  
“Hmm. It’s cold now,” you mumble. The stirring sound stops. 
The creeping sense of cold doesn’t have long to settle over you. Before you can continue to complain about the movement of the sun, something heavy and warm is draped over your shoulders. The heat of your skin sinks into the fabric before it is reflected back at you, just like the sun. It feels like a blanket. At the very least, it offers the comfort of one. 
You pull the fabric closer around you, feel the curl of a collar around your neck and the holes for sleeves catch on your shoulders—definitely not a blanket. The fabric of Sanji’s jacket is smooth and well made, the quality much better than most of the crew’s clothing.  
What is this made of? You want to ask. Boyfriend material? 
But where flirtation spills naturally from Sanji’s lips, it only ever sounds awkward and stilted from yours. You leave the words unsaid, choosing instead to offer a simple “thank you.” 
“You seemed quite content. It would be a shame for you to grow cold simply because the sun doesn’t understand how much you appreciate it.” 
Finally, you open your eyes. 
Sanji leans on the counter beside you, offering you a soft smile. It’s subdued, as if he himself isn’t even aware he’s doing it. He looks good like this—he always looks good. He looks at ease right now, like he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Or with anyone else.   
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but for just a little while, you can almost let yourself believe that he feels the same way about you. Why else would he look at you like that, with such fondness?  
“So you decided to keep me warm instead?” you prod. 
“Of course,” he responds without hesitation. “I can’t bring you the sun, but I can offer you this.”  
Of course. He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. As if he couldn’t ever bring himself to consider an alternative. 
You feel warm again, glowing. 
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a/n: I’m planning on writing a second part to this. Hopefully it won’t take too long ^_^
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jjtheresidentbaby · 6 months
Hi! I just saw that you’re doing obx fix’s now and I’m so happy! I was wondering if you could do one with cg!Rafe Cameron and a little!reader, where the reader stayed up all night playing and they are very sleepy. If you can, could you make it very cute and fluffy?
It’s totally fine if you can’t write it!
Btw, I love your fics!
˚. ❝₊˚ 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 ❞ ˚₊·
» rafe cameron x reader
» a/n: ah sorry this got a tad angsty, i swear i can’t write rafe without it turning angst *stares at all my wips with him*
» warnings: slight angst, rafe being insecure, pet names
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“Here you go sweetheart.” Rafe smiles as he slides a plate of pancakes over to you from the other side of the island in the tannyhill kitchen. You rub at your eyes and nod in thanks, still tired from not going to bed when you were supposed to last night but waking up at your normal time.
“You okay?” There’s already a furrow of worry in Rafe’s brow, his voice soft but concerned in full. It’s always been easy to tell when Rafe gets worried about you, his go-to emotion with anyone else is anger but with you it’s different, you get his vulnerable side.
“I’m tired.” You huff and stare at the cut up pancakes on your plate, feeling slightly guilty for not eating them when Rafe had spent the morning cooking for you.
“I guess you did go to bed pretty late last night, you don’t have to eat if you don’t want to.” Rafe assures and plucks the plate from its place in front of you, slipping it into the fridge and instead pulling out a reusable bottle of water he keeps on hand for you. You don’t know when the bottle got bought or what prompted Rafe to get you your own bottle instead of just grabbing one from the cabinets, but you won’t ask, there’s no need to, the fact that he did it is more than enough.
“Do you wanna go lay on the couch? We can watch a movie, have a chill day.” Despite how nonchalant Rafe is trying to sound, you can tell he’s studying your every move to see if something else is wrong or if he’s the one doing something wrong.
He’s been hesitant about taking care of you in certain ways, always checking to make sure that you’re okay, second guessing things under his own anxiety that he’s messed it up, trying to do things perfectly in fear of you leaving and finding a new caregiver because he slipped up. It’ll never be the case and you’ve told Rafe both when little and big that you don’t care if things are perfect, you just want him, in any way shape or form. You think in the past few months he’s been getting better at accepting what you say as truth, but times like this you can see the insecurities poking through.
“Yeah, movie.” Once you have the bottle of water securely in your hands, Rafe comes to scoop you onto his hip. You happily take the physical contact and lean your cheek onto his chest, breathing in his familiar pine scented cologne and snuggling against the soft sleep shirt he still has on.
“The normal?” He asks and sits down on the couch without putting you down, content to hold you throughout the movie- and if he’s being honest it’ll be easier to put you down on a bed if you fall asleep this way, avoids the risk of waking you up by picking you up.
“Yeah.” Your favorite movie is already queued up on the Tv, as it has been since the second week of Rafe stepping in as your caregiver, it’s a small detail but it always makes you smile.
“You can go to sleep, little one.” His hand reaches to lay on the back of your head, thumb rubbing back and forth against your hair as you nod along.
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to slip shut and for Rafe to pull a blanket from the back of the couch around your shoulders. You can feel how he relaxes against the back of the couch once you’ve sunk farther into his chest, finally accepting that being tired really was the only issue. You find it fascinating how expressive Rafe’s body language can be without him knowing, how much him being calm makes you calm, how your body naturally leans into his when you know he needs it and that he subconsciously does the same. It’s a comfort you don’t find with other people, you cherish it with Rafe even if it is just the two of you falling asleep on the couch for an afternoon.
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ivfrankenstein · 6 months
DEATH CHERISHES YOU | nuada silverlance x fem!reader;
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the bloodstains on the stairs that had brought him here could be compared to breadcrumbs. step by step he was moving away from the original destination, consciously choosing to approach a new one. this one may not have been such an urgent matter for the prince, but another opportunity might not present itself for a long time to come.
farther on, the traces went away from the stairs and into the depths of the hall, from where a familiar dripping sound reached his ears. even at a distance it was effortless for nuada to hear all the breaths in and out of the person in there, so anyway, by the time his presence was noticed and all sounds suddenly stopped, it was definitely too late.
“you are easy to find, even when you're hiding.” he spoke first and purposely omitted the greeting, “shouldn't someone be watching you?”
“do they have to?” the voice from the darkness answered him with a question, “all my caretakers are busy at the moment. why don't you come visit me later?”
he stepped unobstructed around one of the columns on his right side and could now see the one talking to him from the back. it would be a pretty vulnerable position for another even without a bleeding wound on her arm. but he had more than once been able to see that she was not much bothered by this dangerous proximity. y/n was judged to be reckless and at times just a less skilled member of the team, which, nuada could tell, was hardly the truth.
“with seven nannies the child still loses an eye. are you familiar with that saying?”
“i am.”
it was very polite of her to answer him first, and only then to immediately clamp the end of the cloth with her teeth to tear it in two. the injury was deep enough that blood trickled from her hand to the floor, but y/n handled it with a dexterity that a less skilled member of the team could only envy.
“it's all a total waste of your blood.” he remarked, watching the small puddle below where she was sitting. there was all sorts of junk scattered everywhere. and the smell… it alone could suffocate a human victim.
“that troll has eaten over a dozen teenagers, in case you're wondering.” she forced herself to turn around and look at the expression on his face only to see nothing but a slightly raised eyebrow.
“one more ogre, one less.” he also gave her a nonchalant shrug, “there's not enough of you to catch them all anyway.”
“i’m not surprised you're more than okay with that information.” she said to his face before turning away again, continued to bandaging her arm and willfully badly playing the part where she wasn't dying to know what he was up to, “it just proves that an ogre as the only reason would hardly have caught your attention. so in that case, what brought the prince here?”
“the same as you.” it didn't cost him anything to tell her the truth, knowing there was probably nothing she could do about it, “it took me a lot of time and resources to find anything about this place myself.” except that what she wanted to get from him was different from what he'd come to share, “you did a great job, honestly. but it's for sure not the one that impresses me the most.”
it lasted less than a couple seconds, the way she stopped moving altogether, as if one single hint from him had paralyzed her to the bone. it was clear that the slightest interest shown in her ability would be met with the utmost wariness, which proved she was many things, but certainly not reckless.
“do me a favour, given my situation, and instead tell me if i should start worrying or not? it'll take me a while to remember where i left the gun.”
“oh, a gun, how uncivilised,” he said in a bored tone, “you have more delicate weapons with you. but i doubt you'll resort to any of them.”
“and why is that?” she asked, trying to stay focused, “i kept you from dying once because it was fair to your people. but for the second time, i hope your sister will forgive me for my non-interference.” her last words came out floating in a trembling voice. she was for now done with the bandage and turned to his side, with her hand clasped to her chest.
she seemed kind of particularly susceptible right now, and his years of being a corruptor suggested this might be a good moment to get close to her. but nuada's choice was to stay where he stood. from the beginning he was carrying this belief that y/n would want to know more without him seducing her into it. that's why he came. so he could see it for himself.
“by letting me live, you risked the fate of mankind by putting the interests of our race first. it's only fair for me not to fight you.”
“what a noble act. i know a few people for whom to take that chance would be enough to keep them happy for the rest of their lives.”
it might have seemed like an unnecessarily rude response, but it was clear to both of them that she was simply using the language of facts.
“and i will put my sister's name on that list with my own hand.” he confirmed it, “but as we've seen, that's not an acceptable outcome for you.” he paused to allow her to dispute it, but y/n only raised an eyebrow at him skeptically, willing to hear his explanation, “i'm going to guess that you've thought about the possible consequences of this decision of yours so often that you're now equally afraid of it and eager to discover it. you,” he pointed at her with an open palm, “already have so much of me in your thoughts that it's easier to let me go just to finally see.”
for a few seconds they looked silently into each other's eyes, almost like examining that gaze for recognition.
“if so,” then, as nuada assumed she would, y/n found an answer way too quick for someone for whom what she'd heard would be new, “i think it won't sound too presumptuous that to come to those conclusions you must have thought a lot of me yourself.”
the next thing the prince heard was his own laughter. how she succeeded in making a fool of him so easily by saying it caused him to laugh about it absolutely sincerely. it was so human, he couldn't even be prepared for it.
“that was a dirty trick.” she admitted before he could, “in my defense, it's getting hard to keep my attention, so..” she reached for the walkie-talkie fixed to her belt, but before she pressed it, she looked at the prince once more, “if you'll excuse me.”
“please.” nuada only said.
“death jr. to red.” y/n switched, bringing the radio to her lips, “death jr. to red. we have a royal guest in the neighborhood. over.”
he smirked and nodded in understanding, “as a good team member should.”
y/n said nothing more and just watched him escaping casually into the darkness again. from there he added, “i hope by the next time when we get a chance to finish our conversation, you don't have so much blood on you, my dear. although i must say that red suits you well.”
—gif: @amatesura 📿 also, english not my first language. so, i beg you pardon.
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wild-lavender-rose · 22 days
I wish you could write a fic where.... Y/N gets injured and tries to take care of her wounds on her own but Legolas finds her and tries to take care of her but she is scared to let him see. Lots of hurt/comfort fluff??
(You don't have to but it would be so cute!)
Okay, this is actually one of my favorite tropes to write so when I saw this I got so excited lol. Hidden injury? Not wanting to ask for help? Extra fluff? Yes please <3 I hope you enjoyed this, I haven't written for Legolas in several months and don't feel like this is my best work. But I hope you enjoy, anon!
Warning: description of injury
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Your back connected with the tree, the fabric of your shirt catching on pieces of bark as you slowly slid down to sit between its roots. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were setting up camp and beginning to prepare dinner. You had made the excuse of going to find firewood and separated from the group, going much farther than was necessary before finding this old tree to hide behind.
You had been injured by the orc attack while attempting to save Boromir. In the flurry of events that followed it had been easy to hide the blood stain on your left side. You hadn't looked at it for two whole days, convincing yourself that it was just a small scratch. But after hours of hard travel with barely time for breath, you had been forced to admit that it was much worse than a scratch.
Breathing hard, you grit your teeth and lifted your shirt to reveal the dirty bandage you had wound around your waist. It was soaked through and dripping with blood.
You cursed the sight of it and the orc who had wounded you, going to dig through your bag for another bandage when the sense of someone watching stopped you cold. In one smooth movement you were on your feet with your knife at the ready, waiting for the one you sensed to appear.
"Easy, my love." Legolas stepped into the clearing. "I thought you were collecting firewood."
You lowered your knife. "I am."
Legolas's eyes narrowed as he regarded you. The impact of moving so quickly made you sway, putting a hand against the tree for support as the knife slipped from your fingers. "Go back to camp."
"You've been injured."
You shook your head. "It's nothing."
"I see blood." Legolas was by your side in an instant, taking hold of your arm as you continued to sway.
"Legolas, please," you leaned until your back was flush against the tree. "I can handle it."
Legolas's gaze was piercing. "Your reason is tainted with pain. I see it in your eyes."
You opened your mouth to object, but instead whimpered when Legolas touched your side. "Stop," you slid down to the ground once more. "Please, I must...I must handle this alone."
"You are not alone." Legolas knelt beside you. "You will never be alone. Let me help you."
"I will slow down the group, we won't save the hobbits," you began to ramble, a bloody hand reaching up to push the sweaty hair from your forehead. "I cannot, I cannot be injured now."
"Legolas?" Aragorn's deep voice rang through the forest.
"Here, Aragorn. Come quickly!" Legolas called.
"No, my love," you grabbed at his arm but it was already too late.
Aragorn appeared in moments, his dark eyes taking you in before he sank to the ground. "How long have you been injured?"
You shook your head. "It's nothing."
"Lift your shirt for me."
"I will not."
"My love, look at me," Legolas reached out and cradled the side of your face, guiding your eyes to his. "You do not have to hide this from me. Aragorn has herbs that will heal the wound, and we will not leave you before you are healed."
Tears filled your eyes. You reached up, fingers encircling his wrist. "Promise?" You whispered.
Legolas gave a solemn nod. "I promise."
Something inside you snapped. The fear and anxiety of being discovered dissolved, allowing the true weight of pain to show on your face. Already weak, you grew dizzy and slumped back against the tree.
Legolas raised your shirt and ripped off your haphazard bandage. Blood flowed freely from your wound. Aragorn began to work, muttering soft words in elvish to Legolas as he applied pressure to stop the bleeding. You screamed and tried to thrash, but Legolas held you still while Aragorn whispered his apologies.
"Easy, my star. Easy," Legolas held your hand and wiped the sweat and tears from your face. "I have you now. I'll take care of you."
And you believed him.
Fanfic Masterlist
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ryulvrs · 5 months
can you write a gidle yuqi smut? where yuqi igets jealous because y/n is to “close” with Soyeon and Minnie??
too close (song yuqi, smut)
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summary: your girlfriend, yuqi, gets jealous after hanging out with your friends and you fuck to prove otherwise to her
warnings: soft!dom!yuqi x bottom!f!reader, couch sex, jealousy, slight hair pulling, eating out (reader receiving)
word count: 671
a/n: i tried to do something different with this but idk 😭
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turning to face your girlfriend and instead of seeing a face with a big smile, but seeing an angry expression is unsettling.
you don’t know what you did. all you can think of is that you shut the door after saying goodbye to your friends just now. maybe the door was too loud? but she wouldn’t be that upset.
“huh?” you ask stepping closer to her. she just scoffed and turned her head away from you.
“what, yuqi?” using her name when talking to her wasn’t something you normally did, but her whole attitude was serious so you tried to match that.
"i hate how close you are to them," she states.
taken aback, you let out a breathy sound trying to speak. "what?" you say.
"you're always right next to them when they visit," she made sure to emphasize 'right.'
you thought everything she was saying was profound and kind of dumb as these are your friends she's talking about.
"yeah, i sit next to them? but it's nothing more than that. yuqi are you jealous?" you ask tilting your head.
"no, i just-" she cuts herself off. "i want you to be like that with me," she whispers.
you giggle, you thought her neediness for attention was adorable. "yuqi, you're my girlfriend. soyeon and minnie are my friends, i can be more than like that with you," you say attempting to reassure her.
she looks down, with a face that only could read of dissatisfaction. closer, you move to reach out to her face and comfortingly kiss her. "i promise you. i'm sorry i made you feel that way."
she takes your hand and kisses you back, this time more eagerly. "how much more than that?" she pulls back for a second to say. you smirk, stomaching her flirtatious joke.
both of your lips find their way to each other's once more attaching desperately. her hands slip down your pants, she's moving quickly. little foreplay, just two needy girlfriends.
following this, you remove her outfit as well. you both stumble back onto the same couch soyeon and minnie were sat on minutes prior.
her hands grab onto your thighs gently and she pushes you up the couch so you could lie in a comfortable yet easy way for her to access your cunt.
"tell me if its too much," she groans with that raspy, deep voice she has. you nod, watching as her eyes disappear by what you could see of your lower half.
all you can feel now is the tip of her tongue flicking at the most sensitive outlines of your pink pussy. her motions catch you off guard, and you let whimpers slip out. "more," you whine.
she sticks her tongue farther into you, and you feel every curl she makes. you find your hand slipping to grip onto her hair, wishing for her to go even deeper.
her mouth sucks onto your folds, and you see her look up at you with the same amorous aura in her eyes. she's no longer being light with you, she just as horny to have you as you are to have her.
she gives you small breaks to breathe from your constant moaning by kissing your thighs. "feels okay?" she asks.
"it feels really good," you whimper. she smirks, bringing her mouth back to your folds to continue giving you pleasure.
the feeling of her sucking down onto you makes you moan nosily. you have to grip onto the sofa to resist from shaking. "please," you moan wretchedly.
she gives you what you want, and she quickens the pace of her tongue, feeling little drops of your liquids soak into her mouth.
yuqi groans into the sensation, not letting anything leak out of her mouth and go to waste. "you taste beautiful, y/n," she smiles licking a little off her lips.
you smile back instinctively, and sit up so you can pull her closer to kiss her. "you can always do more to me than they can."
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Not me forgetting its Mermay until the last day of May. Anyway, idk if it really counts but now I don't have time for plot planning so have an Azul X Reader.
I really love the idea of present day chubby Azul. Maybe he gained weight over stress, I'm not sure. But you still think he's more than adorable when you see him again a year later.
Leave Me Be
Chubby!Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Self-shaming, Depression, reader is probably also chubby but maybe I'm just projecting
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Traveling to the deepest depths of the Coral Sea was less than easy. Honestly, the amount of potions and formulas you had to drink from weaker mages made you feel like shit. Azul could've done far better for you, but upon your accidental return to Night Raven College through some portal you'd found in a puddle, you'd found that he'd left the school and decided to take a year for himself at home.
You were shocked, but there wasn't much you could do; he wasn't returning your messages. You waited a couple of weeks for school to let out, and had Jade and Floyd take you to his home.
You quickly found out that Azul had moved out of his family's home, into the outskirts of town, apparently, according to the rumors, depressed and ashamed of himself.
Alone, with Jade and Floyd already gone to their own destination, you swam unguided to where you hoped was at least the general direction of his new home.
The other Mers had said his home wasn't easy to miss, but for someone as unsuited to water as you, particularly in these dark depths, a serious worry that you would get lost ruminated in the back of your mind.
Around 30 minutes of aimless swimming later, you saw a dim light in the gloom.
It seemed to glow a dim purple, somewhere off in a hole in the side of a massive rock formation.
Bracing yourself to swim upwards quite the distance, you realized just how massive this wall of rock and sediment was.
It was just a guess.
No one had mentioned Azul's home as being on the human equivalent of a mountainside. But then again, it didn't seem like many people had visited him. They spoke strongly of his gloomy, irritated demeanor, and unwillingness to use his magic anymore. It seemed that shortly after he moved, he began rejecting visitors all together.
You pulled yourself along the rough rock wall with your hands, following the light, which became clearer and brighter the closer you swam.
It was just a guess, but you were certain if there was any place the Azul you knew would hide, it would be far away from others, holed up in a spot where he'd be safe and unbothered.
The relatively small opening to the cavern you were less than a few feet from fit the definition to a tee.
Maybe 12 feet across both directions, the mouth of the cavern felt tucked away.
You took in a deep breath when you reached the edge, seeing the gauzy purple light brighten from within, relishing the strange feeling of water filling your lungs instead of air.
"Azul?" You called out, unsteady and feeling small in the vast ocean around you, hands still tightly gripped on the rough rocky surface.
A small flurry of bubbles, and the light turned off with a tick.
"I'm not accepting visitors at the moment." A voice called from within, annoyance pricking every syllable.
You sighed and valted yourself into the entrance of the cave with relief, not going any farther.
"Did you not hear me? Step out of my home, I have not invited you here!" His tone was sharp and outright angry.
You couldn't see a thing in the dark now, but you could feel the soft swish in the water of Azul's swift movements nearby.
"Zullie, it's me." You called into the dark, feeling unsettled.
A silence seemed to fall over the small space.
His voice shook, a little weaker than he had clearly intended it to come out.
"I've missed you." You said tentively, hoping he would turn the light on already.
"Why are you here?"
His voice was composed and sharp again.
"W-well," it was your turn to stutter. He seemed almost angry that you were here. "I found a portal back to school and.. I found out that you had left, and I just..." Though you tried to keep yourself together, tears began to flow freely into the ocean. "I couldn't leave you alone. The first person I went looking for when I came back, was you."
You could hear the heavy breathing from what you could now identify as across the room.
That swish of movement again, and--
"Leave me be."
"You heard me." He sounded solemn. "Go, Yuu. Go back to school, or go back home." His voice was softened and shaky; you could hear small sniffles.
"Azul, please, I've missed you so much!" He must have heard the panic, the hurt in your voice, but he only sank deeper into the depths of his cave.
"I don't want you here." He mumbled. "I don't want you here, and I'm not coming back to school either. Don't wait for me."
"Zullie, please! What happened? What's made you like this?"
"You have," He grumbled into the waves.
Your voice dropped to a whisper. "Me? What did I do?" You sat at the edge of the cave.
He didn't respond.
"I'll sit here until you tell me," you warned, in a voice softer than you thought you could manage.
The silence answered you.
"Azul.. I'll go. Just, listen for a moment. I'm sorry if I hurt you... I.. I really missed you. I'm so, so sorry, I'm--" You were crying into your hands at this point.
A single tentacle wrapped around your arm and gently tugged it away from your face.
"It's not your fault.. I shouldn't have hidden it from you. Yuu.. there was something I neglected to tell you before you left. I.. love you. And I didn't tell you. And I've regretted that every day since. I didn't think I would ever get the chance to tell you again."
The tentacle tightened around your arm.
You wiped your tears away, a wry laugh escaping from your mouth amongst the remnants of sobs.
"That's.. what I regretted too. I didn't tell you either.. I love you too, Azul."
You crawled closer to embrace him.
The tentacle rapidly whished away, and you heard him scoot back. You stopped in your tracks.
"Yuu.." You could hear the pain in his voice. "It would still be better if you left."
"Absolutely not! You can't j-just confess and expect to escape it now!" You protested. "I've missed you for far too long. Please, I don't want to leave you right now."
You grasped in the dark, coming into contact with a tentacle you gently pulled toward you, sensing Azul moving closer with it.
"You.. you won't like me anymore." His voice is breathy and he sounds pitiful.
"Who said that?"
"You don't understand... I'm not.. what you remember."
"What does that mean?"
"I look different."
"Your mer form, you mean? I've seen it before."
"No.. I looked different in.. other ways."
"...What do you mean?"
The air that hung between you was dampened by the cold, lonely feeling of sadness.
"I used to be fit, and beautiful, for a time... but I couldn't keep that up after you left. Now I'm just a disgusting remnant of who I was when you knew me. I've done nothing but indulge myself in treats, forgotten all about ideal caloric intake, I've not exercised or--" His voice was tangibly anxious, fast and unstable. You could guarantee his eyes were glazed over with tears.
You squeezed the tentacle you were holding tighter, watching him quiet as he wrapped it around your hand, shaking and softly crying.
"Azul, are you trying to tell me that you've gained weight?"
"I look disgusting."
You cast your eyes downward with solemn understanding. "I doubt that, Zullie. I can't imagine you could ever look anything other than perfect in my eyes." Your voice was whisper quiet, but his breath still caught at the sentiment, whimpers lessening as you gently ran a finger back and forth over his suckers to calm him.
"Don't hate me." He muttered, suddenly pulling away from you and shuffling to the other side of the cavern again.
The light revealed your beautiful octo-mer, still as wonderfully entrancing and gorgeous as you'd remembered.
He took your breath away. You could hardly even see any imperfections, even now. His stomach was rounder, his arms were less toned, his jawline was softer and his tentacles looked more full than before. But he was still the most beautiful man you'd ever lain eyes on.
His icy blue eyes were filled with tears you couldn't overlook, and before he could say another word, you launched yourself upon him in a tearful embrace, soothing him with soft whispers while your tears intermingled with his into the open ocean.
His tentacles wrapped against you, words of love and passion falling from both your lips.
You put your hands on each side of his face, guiding him to look into your eyes.
"Azul, I don't see any difference. You're still you. And I love you because of the Azul up here--" you pushed a finger at his forehead. "Not because your body has changed. I love you, Azul. And I won't leave you again."
He buried his head against your neck.
"I love you, I love you so much, Yuu..."
"Zullie.. I'm here to stay. Do you hear me? I'm never leaving you again."
He pulled you tighter to him, sobbing once again.
"Thank you... thank you for coming back, Angelfish."
May 31st, 2023
Yeah, this was healing, I know I'm not fat but damn I feel horrible about my body :(
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secret-fungi · 24 days
Sweet Pea
Book: Astrea's Broken Heart Paring: David/Audrey Word count: 975 Rating: G
A very short fic for JB
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David opened the heavy wooden door, finding the small apartment, stepping over the toys that had been discarded in a rush. toeing off his shoes before he moved farther within the home. He tossed his keys into the tray that sat on the small console table against the wall. He took off his suit jacket as he followed the scent that had enveloped the home.
Tossing his suit jacket onto the back of the sofa he noticed the lack of…. Chaos. It was quiet. Too quiet to mean anything good, and as he came into the kitchen he found her at the sink with her back towards him, washing the dishes as she listened to her stereo on a very low volume. He never understood the point of that, they had slept peacefully through loud music while she was pregnant with them, what was the difference now that they were bigger?
WIth a grin he moved across the kitchen, coming up behind her david pressed himself against her, wrapping his arms around Audrey’s hips and pressing a kiss to the side of her neck, bringing the bright bouquet of flowers up to her line of sight. 
“David?” she asked “Did you sell our children?” he muttered into her neck. She made an offended noise, her hand slapping his arm playfully as he continued to grin.  “Where are they?” he asked, “Napping, don’t you dare wake them.” she said, leaning back against his chest for a moment, letting his soft kisses and the scent of his cologne wash away the troubles of the day, just as he always did.
The man didn’t so much as mutter a response, just continuing to sway with her, his hand coming to rest against her growing stomach. 
He took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips as he kissed her fingertips. “Did you miss me?” he asked. 
             David promised to give her the stars, and sometimes he wondered if what he gave was enough, when it seemed to everyone that it was him who benefited most from her wish. 
“Yes.” She replied, resting the flowers on the counter before turning into him. “Did you?” she asked, playing with the collar of his dress shirt. “madly.” 
She smiled up at him before pulling him down to kiss her, her fingers burying themselves in his curls as they kissed. She smelt of warmth and sweetpeas and his fingers sunk into her flesh. The soft whispers of the stereo encased them in a bubble, one that made them forget to notice how very quiet it was.
Sweet pea, apple of my eye
Don't know when and I don't know why
You're the only reason I keep on coming home
He brought her to the center of the kitchen, spinning her around as her laughter broke their kiss. It filled the room, and whenever She laughed David vowed to always keep her doing it, to keep her happy because David had, at long last, found the peace he had thought impossible in the woman. He found it in her perfume, and the endless containers of skincare that cluttered the bathroom counter, In the humming that always came from her, in the toys he tripped over whenever he came home, in the childish doodles hung on the wall, most of all he found it in her laughter— he found it in every place he looked, because within each of those places he found her.
They continued to sway, unaware of the two children watching from under the table, their hands and clothes painted evidence of their innocence and eyes wide in curiosity as their parents laughed. Their plans of avenging their mother’s anger plaused for just a moment. 
           And as they were distracted with each other the two children snuck from underneath the table and reached for a glass jar that sat on the counter. It was too easy to get away with and as they scurried off with their bounty they didn’t notice the pair that followed behind them, waiting till they went back to their headquarters, a blanket fort their father had made for them in their closet. 
They returned giggling with glee before continuing their mischief. They stirred a pot of god knows what, Naomi tried her very best to unscrew the jar as Eliana stirred the chunky mixture.
That was when David showed himself, He crouched down to peer into the fort, a smile on his lips and an amused twinkle in his eyes as he looked at his daughter. “What are you brewing, my little witches?” he asked, looking at the muddy glittering liquid. “Potions!” Naomi replied giddily. “Oh? and what are they for?” he asked 
At this, Eliana decided to look up from the pot she was stirring. “A stink potion!” she exclaimed with a devilish glint in her dark eyes. “Oh for who?” “Cassiel, he made momma mad.” “did he?” he asked, his eyes shifting to Audrey who stood outside the fort. 
“Oh! no Uncle Cas was just being funny, I’m just a bit sensitive right now.” she assured “Cause you miss daddy?” Eliana guessed sympathy. David grinned and Audrey hummed in agreement.
“Good thinking, we’ll have to save your potion for him.” David said “David.” He dropped his shoulders dramatically, pulling the two into his arms.  “We do not solve issues with potions, my little witches.” then bringing the girl’s head close to his lips he whispered softly: “We’ll use it later.” 
They grinned at him, with their round childish faces holding onto his neck as he returned to their mother, failing to keep the pride from his face as she looked at the mess they had made of themselves.
“I’ll get them cleaned up.” He assured “go rest.” he added with a kiss to her forehead. 
Sweet pea, keeper of my soul
I know sometimes I'm out of control
You're the only reason I keep on coming home
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Clan of Three - Chapter 2
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Chapter Two: The Sin
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 4.3K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: Fighting, betrayal, angst, violence/injuries, Mando being a father
A Mandalorian, an infant creature, and a teenage girl from Tatooine. No one had expected the three to meet and be the bounties the hunter was delivering to. The ship owned by the bounty hunter exits hyperspace over Nevarro. He had to admit whatever the kid did had improved the speed of being in hyperspace, the travel being cut down. The sound of a call from the hologram is Greef, “Mando. I've received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy. Safe passage! You know where to find me.” The transmission ends leaving the Mandalorian in silence, he turns to see you still asleep before he hears a cooing noise. Looking back to see the small child playing with a ball from one of the levers.
Mando reaches over grabbing it as it makes a sound of sadness, “It’s not a toy.” He places the ball back onto the level the child staring at it as he takes the ship down to the planet below.
The shaking of the ship wakes you from a dreamless sleep you rub the sleep off your face seeing Mando flipping switches and shutting off the ship, “Where are we?” You mumble letting out a yawn and stretching your arms out. He stands up heading towards the ladder,
“We’re on Nevarro.” The name of the planet was one you weren’t familiar with, you hardly knew the planets in your systems. You follow down below the child’s carrier floating behind you as you enter the cargo hold. Mando presses a button along the wall and the ramp of the ship goes down. The black sands are the first thing you notice the smell of fire deep in the air but no one seemed bothered by it. You follow behind Mando trailing slightly taking in everything, you felt like a child born into the world. Nothing looked familiar to you and the people around you none you’d ever seen.
“So what are we doing here? Getting more supplies before we travel to Tatooine?” You ask running up beside him as he stays silent the people around him moving out of the way just by his presence. He turns down an alley which you have to stop and follow with how quickly he turned and disappeared down it, but you could see the wisp of his cape. Finding him standing outside a building the child in his carrier beside him. “So is this your place or somewhere we’re staying?” You say looking around the alleyway seemed like no one came around here which was weird.
A small hole opens beside the door and a droid pokes through, Mando holds up a disc and a red light from its eye scans it. It makes a noise of confirmation retracting back. A few seconds passed confusing you why the doors didn’t just open when they open revealing two stormtroopers, their armor scuffed and dirty. You instantly take a step back your eyes widening seeing people apart of the empire. A hand stops you from moving farther back and you look up at Mando seeing he was the one to stop you.
“Mando what are you doing with…” Your voice trails off as it hits you and he could tell you noticed. You push off him trying to grab the child and run off when strong hands from one of the troopers grab you pushing you inside the building the other roughly yanks the cradle.
“Easy with that,” Mando says looking at the trooper handling the child glancing back and seeing the other slamming you against the wall pinning your hands behind your back as you struggle to break free.
“You take it easy.” The trooper replies before they lead them all further into the safe house. You enter a larger room where you see an older man seated at a table with another man dressed in an imperial uniform standing beside him. You slam your head back against the trooper's helmet it letting out a shout as you push off him your hands grabbing his blaster and pointing it at the traitor the sound of weapons cocking aimed at you.
“You lying bastard!” You shout at the Mandalorian and your anger boils more unable to tell the emotion hidden behind his helmet. Did he even feel guilty?! “Should’ve killed you when I had the chance!” You shout out as he doesn’t even pull out his weapon just looking at you. The troopers around you shout at you to put the blaster down. Electricity rushes through your body as you crumble to your knees the weapon falling from your hands. Two troopers rush for you one kicking away the blaster as they pull you two your feet your body crying out in pain and numbness.
“A feisty one she is.” The older man says looking over you making you cringe in disgust. You spit at his feet and one of the troopers kicks you to your knees.
“Don’t hurt her!” The younger man says holding his hand out, he comes over and you glare at him struggling in their grasp as he pulls out a device. It pricks your neck before shining a bright red. He nods before moving over to the child.
“You touch him and I’ll rip your arms off.” You hiss out fighting in the two troopers’ grasp as the man looks at you for a second before pricking the child a cry comes from it before the device glows red as well.
“They’re health…very healthy.” The man says and the other man nods.
“Your reputation was not unwarranted.” He says while Mando looks over the two of you.
“How many fobs did you give out?” He asks and the man laughs,
“These assets were of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure their delivery” He pulls out a container placing it on the table, “But to the winner…go the spoils.” He opens the container revealing several bars of beskar. You were sold off for metal. The older man waves his hand out, “Take these two, Dr. Pershing I’m sure you’re pleased.” The doctor nods pushing the carrier holding the child off into another room as the two troopers start pulling you out of the room though you fight.
“You lying bastard! You’re no Mandalorian! I swear you’re dead to me!” You spit venom with your word as your shouts are muffled behind the closed door before it fades. The Mandalorian looks away from the door trying to get those words out of his head.
“What are your plans for them?” He speaks out and the client looks at him surprised.
“How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation, You have taken both commission and payment. Is it not the Code of the Guild that these events are forgotten?” He asks the silent bounty hunter before closing up the container of beskar and pushing it towards him, “That beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armor. Unfortunately, finding a Mandalorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel.” Leaving the building with a case of beskar he can’t deny the tense feeling in his chest.
The Nevarro cantina is filled with music and drinking but mainly people drinking away their lost bounty when the person that stole their reward away entered. Silence fills as he slowly enters the glares and whispers directed toward him as he stands in front of Greef. “Ah, Mando! They all hate you Mando because you’re a legend.” He greets him as the bounty hunter looks around at the glares pointed at him.
“How many of them had tracking fobs?” He asks and Greef laughs taking a sip from his drink.
“All of them! All of them! But none of them closed the deal. Only you, Mando. Only you. And with it, the richest reward this parsec has ever seen. Please sit, my friend.” He cheers him waving him to sit but the hunter hesitates his hand resting on his blaster, the armor he wore freshly made beskar from the Mandalorians, “They're all weighing the Beskar in their minds, but not me. No. I, for one, I celebrate your success. Because it is my success as well. Hell! Even I am rich. Now, how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable partner?” Greef asks his most valued hunter as he sits down taking his hand off his blaster.
“I want my next job.” He says surprising Greef, “ Next job? Take some time off. Enjoy yourself. I'll take you to the Twi'lek healing baths.” He suggest but the bounty hunter was adamant.
“I want my next job.”
“Sure. Fine. You hunters like to keep busy, right?” Greef says pulling out the multiple pucks and looking over them, “Well, these are all far away.”
“The further, the better,” Mando says wanting to get off this planet already
“Well, take your pick. You've earned it,” He says as Mando looks over the details for each puck before grabbing one, “Ah. That's the best one of the lot. A nobleman's son skipped bail. Looks like you're headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac.”
“Any idea what they're gonna do with it?” Mando asks his question not involving the nobleman’s son.
“With what?” “The kids.”
Greef shrugs taking a sip from his drink, “I didn't ask. It's against the Guild Code.”
“They work for the Empire. What are they doing here?” Mando pushes and Greef looks at the bounty hunter.
“The Empire is gone, Mando. All that is left are mercenaries and warlords. But if it bothers you, just go back to the Core and report them to the New Republic.” Mando scoffs looking away
“That's a joke.” He stands up heading for the door
The guild member looks at the bounty hunter, “Mando, enjoy your rewards. Buy a camtono of spice. By the time you come out of hyperdrive, you will have forgotten all about it.”
The empty ship echos his movement and his thoughts as he straps into his seat preparing for takeoff reaching for a lever seeing the ball on it gone, he looks back seeing it resting on the seat. Grabbing it he screws it back to the lever. In hyperspace, it will all be forgotten.
‘You’re no Mandalorian.’
Your words ring in his head as he looks over to where you sat before looking forward his hands on the controls to take off. His hands move across the board the sound of the engine humming off as the ship settles and he stands heading off the ship back into the town.
You were brought into the room by the troopers and the doctor when they strapped you down onto the table. You struggle in your restraints trying to break free. Pershing comes over with a needle making you panic and fight more into your restraints. The snap of one restraint has his eyes widening and the two troopers come over holding you down as the needle presses into your arm and you watch as your blood comes out of your body filling into small vials. You felt weak after multiple vials were taken and the straps are taken off you. The two troopers grab you by the arms dragging you out as you fail to stand throwing you into an empty storage room. You barely catch yourself from smacking into the ground before the door closes behind you locking and shrouding you in darkness. Pushing yourself to your knees and sitting against the wall you take deep breaths trying to calm your rapidly beating heart.
What did the empire want with you? Had they figured it out and that’s why Mando went after you? The thought of the bounty hunter made anger flood through your veins. He betrayed you…he left you for dead with the empire...and the child. You quickly wipe the tears that flood your eyes. You had to stay strong..you needed to fight back. You had to get out of here..you and the child.
The darkness is calming nothing but the sound of your breathing is what you can hear. A rumble shakes the room the sound far off in the distance making you hold your breath to listen. It’s quiet before another rumble and then you hear the sound of blasters. You stand up hearing the sound of shouts and gunfire before it grows quiet again. The sound of footsteps grows close to the door and you press against the wall beside the door as the door opens and light floods the room. You see a single trooper enter the room their blaster ready and you strike. You kick the back of his knee sending him crashing against the ground his blaster sliding across the room. You rush towards it when a hand latches onto your leg tripping you and you hit the ground. A cry escapes your mouth feeling your ankle twist in the wrong direction. You’re flipped over as the trooper pins you down as you try to break free his hands wrap around your throat trying to knock you out. You grab his wrists trying to pry them off looking up the blaster was just within your reach. Your hand reaches out trying to grab the blaster your fingers just brushing it when the pressure on your neck grows tighter. You bring your hand back using both of them to try to get the man off of you. Glancing up the blaster was just a hair away, you reach forward your fingers scraping it making it spin on the floor moving further away before your hand returns to the other around your neck. You could feel your body growing weak the spots of black painting your vision. Your hand grasps out begging for the weapon. The weapon slides into your hand and you swing it out hitting him against the head with it. You scramble back as he looks at you lunging towards you. Your finger presses against the trigger hitting him point-blank in the chest dropping dead.
You gasp pushing yourself against the corner, “Hey what’s taking long we have to-” The sound of a new trooper enters the room, and you pull the trigger again hitting him in the leg he cries out in pain hitting the ground. You scramble to stand and when he tries to grab his blaster you fire again and he stills. Your hands shake holding the blaster. You’ve never killed someone before, sure animals when hunting but never a person before. This person had thoughts, emotions, and life, and you took it away. You felt sick. The sound of more blaster fire makes you stand straight. You had to get out of here. The place felt like a maze as you walk through the halls seeing the aftermath of whatever fight there was, dead stormtroopers lined the halls. Your ankle cries out in pain feeling fire fill it when you put too much pressure on it. You encounter a few but you quickly shot them before they realized it was you and take advantage of your injury. Whoever was attacking this place was on a mission. You had to find the child. You found the laboratory finding it empty with only two troopers there dead. The sound of gunfire sounds loud down one hallway and you felt a sense. The child.
Mando exits the storeroom holding the child only to run into a stormtrooper. He quickly exchanges gunfire letting the bullets bounce off the beskar, shooting the trooper down the second trooper getting burned by his flamethrower. His screams filled the hall as he burns before collapsing to the ground. Turning around to head down the hallway to be at the end of a blaster pointed right between the gaps of his helmet and chest plate. One pull of the trigger and he would be a dead man. What surprised him more was seeing the cold look on your face. Your neck was covered in quickly forming bruises in the shape of hands. He could tell you were keeping pressure off one foot an injury you must have sustained.
“Give me the child and I won’t paint your brains against the wall.” You hiss one hand holding the gun, finger on the trigger the other held out to take the child who coos happily seeing you.
“You don’t understand I came here-” He starts but you cut him off, “Don’t understand that you’re a kriffing traitor? Now give me the child, I won’t ask again.” You demand your finger twitching on the trigger.
“I made a mistake, I’m sorry…you have you believe me. I promise you’ll return to your home.” Mando promises and you look at him still uncertain as you look at the beskar helmet. Your hand twitches your gaze meeting the child in his arms who is looking at you and you sense it, the feeling of trust..to trust him. The sound of a blaster fills the air and Mando stiffens before looking behind him and seeing a stormtrooper with a blaster wound in his chest before he hits the ground. You lower your weapon looking at him.
“Come on let’s go.” You say and he nods leading you through the halls before you enter the same room you arrived in when you first came here. Seeing a doorway leading outside you both moves towards it.
“Freeze! Don’t move.” A group of troopers appears and you all pause in your place, “Hands up. Drop the blaster.” They call out and you sigh dropping the blaster holding your hands up while Mando only holds one hand up.
“Wait. What I’m holding is very valuable.” Mando says as the four troopers circle you cornering you.
“He has the assets, turn and face me.” One of the troopers behind you says as you both turn around, “Now slowly get on your knees,” They order as you both begin to kneel down when you see Mando’s hand move to his wrist. Suddenly bullets that whistle in the air shoot out from his wrist taking out all of the troopers. You look around shocked seeing them all down.
“Come we have to go.” He says helping you to your feet and you wince slightly accidentally putting pressure on your bad foot, “Can you walk?” You nod waving him off and grabbing the blaster you put down.
“Yeah let’s just get off this damn planet.” You say the three of you exiting the imperial compound. You all walk through the streets trying to keep unnoticed in the shadows, you’re glued to Mando’s side using his cape to hide most of the blaster in your hand. You turn down the street right outside the landing zone seeing multiple bounty hunters armed with weapons. A man steps forward looking at Mando and you and the child.
“Welcome back, Mando!” He greets the bounty hunter beside you, did they know each other, “Now put the package down and step away from the other one.” His cheerful voice grows cold quickly and you look at the bounty hunters surrounding you all.
“Step aside. I'm going to my ship.” Mando calls out and the man shakes his head,
“You put the bounty down and perhaps I'll let you pass.” The man speaks about the child and you can see their hands hovering over their own blaster ready for the fight that was going to be inevitable.
“The kids are coming with me,” Mando responds and the man shakes his head.
“If you truly care about the kids, then you'll let them stand by the speeder and we'll discuss terms.” He warns him and you could feel the tension coming off Mando, as he looks at the speeder with an R6 astromech droid ready for the command
“How do I know I can trust you?” Mando calls out and you could see his hand shifting toward his blaster.
“Because I'm your only hope.”
Mando looks down at the child and at you and your jaw drops slightly when he hands the child off to you. You grab it with your one free arm. This couldn’t be happening he wasn’t just giving up, “Mando…” His blaster comes into his hand with a flick of his wrist he shoots one of the bounty hunters, and you feel the ground disappear underneath you as Mando rushes jumping onto the speeder carrying luggage.
“Drive. Drive!” Mando shouts out and the droid drives off. You’re quickly put down hidden behind the crates as he exchanges fire with his fellow bounty members. The sound of the blaster hitting close to you makes you jump and you see the droid fizzling its head blown off. The vehicle comes to a screeching halt sending you sliding. You hiss feeling the pain in your foot grow more painful. The bounty hunters draw in firing at the Mandalorian as he pulls his rifle off his back and he hits two hunters incinerating them.
“That's one impressive weapon!” The man that knew Mando yells out from where he was hiding.
“Here's what I'll do. I'm gonna walk to my ship with the kids and you're gonna let it happen.” Mando shouts out hidden behind one of the crates quickly shooting down a bounty hunter that tries getting a surprise attack.
“No. How about this? We take the kids, and if you try to stop us, we kill you and we strip your body for parts.” The man shouts back and the fighting continues, looking down at the child in your arms you place it down grabbing the blaster before coming up and firing out at some of the bounty hunters. You hit one of the bounty hunters letting out a cheer when pain spreads across your arm. A scream rips from your throat as you drop your blaster falling back in the speeder grabbing your arm where the bullet grazed your skin, the flesh burned from the ray. Mando looks back at you seeing you hit firing back with more urgency.
“Don't hit the target!” The man calls out seeing you get hit. You hiss in pain the cool air brushing against your wound, the blood pouring down your arm. As the bounty hunters grow closer Mando holds out his arm flames pouring out as they scream in pain burning before it runs out. You look up fear and tears brimming your eyes, was it over? He looks at you and the child before reloading his weapon and preparing for his final stand.
As you prepare for the end a large barrage of blasts comes from the air, looking up you see people donning jetpacks shooting at the bounty hunters. Your eye widens seeing the familiar helmets on them. They were Mandalorians!
One of the Mandalorians hovers over you three firing down at the bounty hunters, “Get out of here! We'll hold them off!”
“You're going to have to relocate the covert,” Mando calls out knowing the punishment of involving the Mandalorians.
“This is the Way.” He responds and all the Mandalorians including yours repeat it back in unison, “This the Way.”
He nods as the male Mandalorian takes off fighting them as he looks down at you and the child. Your arm was still bleeding and the child just looked frightened. “Come on we have to go!” He jumps off the speeder grabs the child and you jump over the side almost falling to the ground if Mando didn’t grab you. You shake your head trying to keep the pain in.
“I can’t...my foot.” You say your voice trembling and he looks around before handing you the child again and scooping you up holding you in his arms. You hold the child close to your chest your other hand wrapped around his neck. Rushing through the fighting running into bounty hunters but they are put down by Mandalorians. Seeing the ship ahead he brings the ramp down bringing you on when you hear the cocking of a blaster. Mando turns you and the child still in his arms seeing Greef pointing a blaster at you all.
“Hold it, Mando. I didn't want it to come to this. But then you broke the Code.” He says shaking his head almost disappointed in the hunter. Mando feels cornered when a blaster bolt hits Greef right in the chest. Sending him staggering toward the edge of the ramp. He looks down seeing you holding his blaster before you push your hand out and Greef is sent flying off the ship ramp rolling on the ground. Mando looks at you surprised hidden by his mask before he carries the two of you onto the ship bringing you to the cockpit and quickly taking off. The sound of blasters hitting the ship being protected by the shields as the Mandalorians provide cover fire. Sitting in your chair you see out the window the Mandalorian that spoke to you all salute Mando before flying off.
“I gotta get one of those.” Mando huffs before leaving the atmosphere. The child resting in his lap the other seated on their chair, he looks down at the kid reaching for the ball on the lever. He reaches over unscrewing it handing it to the happy child. The vast space to go off to now an enemy of the guild…the thoughts of the things he’s seen both of these kids do in his head. The kid with the mudhorn and you with Greef. They needed to lay low before he could begin to think more of it.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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— summary : you love jazz, she hates jazz.
— word count : 0,8k
— warnings : fluff, jazz pianist!fem!reader, aspiring actress!natasha, la la land inspired, natasha is mia & reader is sebastian basically.
a/n : i might make a part two, or one where they go to a planetorium together, i don't know yet though. this is la la land inspired but it's not the exact same plot (kinda different kinda not ykyk).
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life hasn't been easy lately for both you and natasha. you were a struggling jazz pianist trying to do your best at a boring restaurant, with boring people who aren't interested in whatever boring christmas music you were playing.
and natasha was an aspiring actress who just lost another audition for a role she's been practicing for weeks, and to make it worse she has to walk home all alone in disappointment.
the chances of her stumbling upon you was very small, but here she is.
standing near the entrance of a fancy restaurant, she stopped and listened as you transition from a lame christmas song to one of the most beautiful melodies she has ever heard.
as minutes went by, the soft and slow tune slowly became rushed as your hands moved faster and faster, reaching the end of the song. you stood up from the stool and look around for a bit, only to realize no one was paying attention.
you didn't spot the redhead staring at you in awe near the entrance. what you do see is the owner gesturing for you to go to him.
there was a few possibilities that might happen, maybe he wants you to play more songs like the one you just did, maybe he's gonna finally let you play something else other than christmas music, or maybe you can get-
he spoke. you stood still, "okay i hear what you're saying, but i don't think you're saying what you mean." you reply. you can't lose another job.
"yeah no, i don't think you hear what i'm saying, you're fired." he repeated. "okay but that's not what you mean, what you mean is?" — "you're fired!" he repeats once again.
you sighed in defeat, grabbing your bag you leave the restaurant.
but a voice called you from behind.
"hey! i just saw your performance and i wanted to say that you were really good, incredible actually." the girl complimented. "you saw that?" you asked, thinking no one was paying attention other than the owner. "yeah, it was good, you're good." she states, giving you the sweetest smile. "thank you." you smiled back, before walking away towards your car.
your heart grew faster every step you make, going farther away from her. there was just something about her.
maybe it's how soft her voice is when she spoke, maybe it's her fiery red hair, or her beautiful blue dress that complimented her green eyes. either way, you hope to see her again.
and yet the chances of you bumping into her again were small, but surprisingly, you did, a couple of times, in a span of a couple of months.
now you are at a coffee shop when you see the familiar fiery red hair again. your heart bloomed flowers. she looked effortlessly beautiful all the time, even with her messy hair style, even with the semi-annoyed face she had one, even with her apron tangled around her waist, she looked unreal.
"you again! what're you doing here?" she asks. "oh you know, meetings, studio heads, and.." you joked, shrugging.
"how did you get on the lot?"
"i just hauled my ass past the guard gates. i think i have 20 minutes before they find me." you give her a sarcastic smile.
"you don't happen to have a break do you?" you furrow your brows, this is your opportunity to spend more time with her. "i'm off in ten minutes, so.." she replies, you nod. "can i hide in the bathroom?" you whispered — "yes."
the 10 minutes went by and now your walking side by side, talking about all the topics anyone could ever discuss as you walked through the different set scenes and stages there.
you learned how much she's been wanting this career, you listened as she tells you how she got interested in acting and the efforts she has made for this so-called acting gig.
you do the same, you rambled about how you love jazz, how important it is for you, and how much you wanted to make this jazz thing work.
"oh and, i should probably tell you something now, to get it out of the way but, i hate jazz." she stated causing you to pause mid-walking. "you okay?"
"wait what do you mean you hate jazz?" you question. "it's just when i listen to it i don't enjoy it." she answers — "yeah but that's such a blanket statement you don't like jazz." you look around in disbelief. you just poured your heart out talking about jazz to her.
"um, what're you doing right now?"
"let's go to a jazz bar, me and you." you say, not even second-thinking it before speaking.
"like a date?" she teases, smirking.
was this your chance? should you just wing it? you should just wing it. "yeah," you nod, "i mean if you want to." your face grew hot, shit you're blushing.
"sure. it's a date then." she agrees.
you smile like a 4-year old who just got a new toy. this is your chance to introduce natasha to the beauty of jazz and maybe change her mind about it.
"yeah, a date."
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bee6r · 1 year
Bruised but Not Broken
{JJ Maybank x !GN Reader!}
Warnings: Drinking, smoking, violence/abuse, cursing.
A/N: This isn't edited or proofread (just a heads up lol), so ignore all spelling mistakes. Set in season 1, but no spoilers. Fluff!
Words: ~1k
JJ had had a crush on you since the two of you were in grade school, but in an uncharacteristic way, he had never had the guts to tell you. Today, as he rode home in John B's car, which he stole borrowed for the afternoon, all he could think about was you. How beautiful/handsome you looked when your hair was wet, and how your smile could light up a room, even when everyone was feeling down.
He pulled into the grass in front of his house, turning off the engine and hopping out onto the ground. Even before he stepped into the house, he knew something was off, and walking over the threshold, his fears were confirmed.
His father sat in the middle of the couch, simultaneously smoking a joint and drinking a halfway full beer. JJ stopped at the door, staring at his father, who stared back for a moment before standing up and throwing the beer across the room.
"Where's my money son?" JJ didn't move, just staring at his father. "You got it yet?" JJ nodded his head yes, and step farther into the room, still making sure to keep his distance, but his father crossed the room in JJ's direction in three easy strides, stopping only when he was half a foot away from JJ faces. "Give it to me."
"I don't have it," JJ responded, attempting to keep his composure, but he could feel the anger rising up in him. "I'll get it but I don't have it-" he had just barely uttered the last couple of words when his dad punched him forcefully in the nose, knocking him backwards onto the porch. Scrambling to get on his feet again, JJ attempted to back away, but his dad was quick, and punched him again, this time knocking him down the porch steps and onto the lawn.
"You little bitch!" His dad screamed, attempting to punch him again as JJ got to his feet, but this time he was away to move out of the way of the punch. The force behind it, and the fact that his father was slightly drunk, caused him to lose his balance. Taking advantage of the fact that his dad was now on the ground, JJ got on top of him, punch him hard in the nose several times.
Even as his son hit him, JJ's dad still had the strength to fight back, and by the time JJ was finally able to get away from him father, they both had sustained many injuries in the face and torso.
Hopping into John B's truck, JJ peeled off the property, not taking the time to look behind him or pay attention to the road; no one really came up that road anyway. Before he could really wrap his mind around what he was doing, and before he could talk himself out of it, JJ pulled off the road and onto a narrower gravel path towards your house.
You were somewhere in the middle of a kook and a pogue, living, not luxuriously, but more comfortably than some. JJ knew this road well, and despite the many bumps and small ditches that lined the way, he was able to make it up to your house safely.
He collected himself for a moment, still not really sure what he was doing, but determined to do it nonetheless. Jumping out and walking up to your front door, he knocked once, then twice. It was opened a few moments later by you, a smile, and then a worried look spreading across your face when you got a good look at JJ.
"Are you-" you start, reaching up to stroke his cheek, that was now beginning to bruise, but JJ walked forward and hugged you, wrapping his arms securely around your waist, and burying his face into your shoulder. "JJ," you breathed consolingly, bringing your arms to rest at his shoulders and around the back of his neck. "It's okay, it's okay."
As your words slowly calmed him, he let out small, whimpered cries. That is really what let you know how hurt he was. Until that moment, you had never seen JJ Maybank cry, which is why you only wrapped your arms tighter around him.
A few minutes of this passed, and you were still supporting JJ in your arms (despite the height difference). He slowly rose from your shoulder, and looked you straight in the eyes. His cheeks were rosy and wet with tear marks, but he looked more composed than he did a few minutes ago. You reach up and wipe away a couple of the droplets that were still lingering on his face, and smiled. It was a small smile, but it still set off a warm feeling in JJ's chest, and in that moment, he knew exactly what he wanted. Ever feeling that he had been hiding or ignoring over the past few years began to rush into him, and leaning down slowly, as if to give you time to pull away, he kissed you.
It was gentle and sweet, and everything about it screamed love, not lust. Anyone could see that he didn't like you the way he liked every other girl who had wondered into his life. He liked you so much more, and he liked you in the way he never thought he could like anyone. You were the center of his universe and the only person he would ever trust with who he truly was.
Everything he had ever wanted to say, he told you with that kiss, and by the way you kissed him back, he knew that you felt the same. The gentleness soon was washed away by passion, and as he brought you impossibly closer to him, both of you smiled into the kiss, knowing that this was meant to be.
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Fuck it Friday ✍🏼
Tagged by the lovely @wikiangela <3
More jealous!Eddie. I read your comments & cc and I’ve made some adjustments to the story. This is 20 of the 44 sentences I owe you for the poll game! 🏃🏽‍♀️✨
The threat Eddie’s hands imposed didn’t last long. Buck took them both in his before they reached his neck and rapidly maneuvered them behind the shorter man’s back, pulling him in as a consequence. They were suddenly very, very close.
Eddie would be lying if he said his heart didn’t immediately jump. He could practically feel the heat coming off Buck’s skin from under his own shirt. Still, he wasn’t at peace, so he struggled. Hard. “Let go of me.”
“Tell me what’s going on with you first” urged Buck, his voice soft for the situation. It was maddening, but it was working. No matter how much he moved, he somehow ended up farther into his arms, like quicksand. “You’re acting like a lunatic and I deserve to know why.”
He grunted and scoffed, opening and closing his mouth several times, a bit of a reality check washing over him. “I- uh, I plead the fifth.”
Buck’s grip became tighter, and he was forced to look at him, swallowing. Staring into anyone’s eyes was easy for him, but he wouldn’t win against these.
“For someone who came in here banging on my door and demanding to come inside, you sure seem like you have nothing to say.”
Again, he had no option but to swallow. Truth be told, he wasn’t really thinking. There were few moments in his life where his vision was completely red, and this was one of them. If only he hadn’t listened to her.
His muscles tightened, an uncomfortableness setting in his every fiber. He felt like he was coming down from a very painful high, and he wasn’t ready to face anyone about it, especially not Buck. “Let go of me” he ordered. “Now.”
Instead of stepping back, the blond man moved closer, letting go of Eddie’s arms but cornering him against the kitchen aisle. “Not until you calm down.”
But how was he supposed to? Everything she told him was real, and the proof was right before his eyes. He had marched in here with a purpose, but that purpose was misguided. He was everything she told him he was. “I can’t.”
It could have been the uneasiness in Eddie’s eyes, or maybe the fact he owed him, but before either could do anything about it Buck was leaning down and capturing his lips with his own.
It was one fast kiss, touch and go, just to calm him down, he told himself. It quickly became hungry.
Eddie’s hands pushed on his chest almost desperately, trying to fight him off, but Buck kept him steady by the hips, overpowering him until he relaxed under his touch. No less than three minutes.
“Eddie” he pleaded, his voice breaking as he put some distance between them. “Please tell me what’s going on with you.”
Thing is, Eddie’s brain had stopped working around the same second he felt Buck’s tongue. He had desired this for so long, and now that he had it… he didn’t deserve it. “No” he finally said, pushing Buck away softly. “I’m not gonna let it happen like this.”
“Eddie” insisted Buck. “It’s just you and me.”
A spark of something lit up inside him. So Buck was alone. Simultaneously and unwillingly, the pit in his stomach deepened. “You didn’t- did you- well did she-”
“There was no date, Eddie,” said Buck, stopping his train of thought rather violently. “Did you really think I was gonna go after you kissed me? You kissed me. Have you thought about that? You kissed me.”
“You keep repeating it like it’s the worse thing that’s happened to you” he barked, hitting him on the shoulder. Honest to god, he had no idea how to dig himself out of this situation and he was starting to panic.
Buck took one step closer and Eddie’s breath hitched, his heartbeat raising. He couldn’t stop staring. “No, Eddie, it wasn’t. And if you had asked me to stay, I would have.”
Tags!! @alyxmastershipper @eddiesbvckley @eddiecore118 @buckleys-diaz @buckleyndiaz @buckleyobsessed @911onabc @princessfbi @honestlydarkprincess @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @cowboy-buddie @cowboy-buck @try-set-me-on-fire @transbuck @thosetwofirefighters @housewifebuck @malewife-buck @lover-of-mine (let me know if u wish to not be tagged in the future!)
tags for readers: @mattsire @knightlywonders 💗
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loveneversleepss · 1 year
3. Lust
Warnings: switch povs, cursing, degrading names(slut,whore), nicknames, argument, some tension, manipulation?, smut(yeah..), unprotected sex, Mwah 💋 long asf.
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Lix’s pov
How did I miss all the signs?
The pink hair? Heart necklace which she never took off. The compulsion I felt when I first made eye contact with her. The irresistible thoughts. The reason why she was being chased by that group of men.
It was all there and I overlooked her. I never even thought it was her. How could I be so stupid?
Now she has both lust and envy. She has always been a step farther than all of us. Now she proves it. She will definitely take revenge on me…
Dumb little boys. They practically gave you their rings. So stupid. Now it’s time for your reign to begin. Starting with your first appearance..
Kingdom of lust.. definitely is a place with no rules. Freedom to do whatever you want. Parties all night. Food. Drinking. Drugs. Sex. You name it.
You reach the gates of your castle. Noticing it’s abandoned and vines are growing all over. Tsk tsk. This is definitely going to need some work. But first you need some helpers…
“What are you doing?” You turn around to see a woman. Skinny and short. You take a step closer to her. Making eye contact. “Why don’t you go find people to help me, hm?” She immediately turns around and starts talking to other people.
Shortly after a while a big crowd is surrounding you. Time for introductions.
“What a crowd. So this is how you greet your queen?” The crowd looks at each other in disbelief. Muttering and mumbling. You smirk. “Hush now. Do you need some proof?” You move your hair to show your necklace. It shining brightly in the light. “Ahh also not only queen of one kingdom. But two. I now own both the lust and envy kingdom.” Showing your rings on your hands. You turn around using your newly gained powers to move the vines off the gate.
“Shall we go in?” You place your hand ok the gate. A loud flash sparks up as a firework explodes in the air. In shape of a heart. You walk in, the vines falling from beside you. The fountains turning on. The vine magically disappearing of the walls. The castle looking immediately alive. Looks like you didn’t have to do much.
The doors open in front of you as you step in. The clicking of your heels echoing in the large room. A grand staircase. Infinite rooms. You order people to get food, drinks, clothes, etc.. them bringing them immediately inside the castle. “Excuse me.” A small voice asks you. It’s a girl. Barely at the age of 7.
You bend down and smile at her. “Aren’t you a pretty little girl.” She smiles wide at you. “But.. you don’t look like a queen. Where’s your crown.” You frown at her and stand up. She’s right. What kind of queen doesn’t own a crown. “Go ahead and run along.” She quickly turns and runs away.
But first. You need the kingdoms to know who you are. “You. Spread the word. Let every kingdom know who I am.” The man bows and runs. This people are so easy. You walk around the halls of your new home. Taking notice of a particular room.
“Oh my queen.” A woman bows to you. “Do you know what this room is?” You ask her. She shakes her head. “We tried to open it but it’s enchanted. Only you can open it.” You nod your head. “You can go now.” Making sure the girl leaves before you attempt to open the door.
Placing your hand on the door. It slowly opening for you. Slowly you walk in. How eye opening..
~~~ Linos pov
“Did you see this?” Chan comes rushing up to us. I gathered everyone together again to discuss our situation. We take a look at what’s in his hand. A paper. Announcing that y/n has two kingdoms. Dammit.
“Now what do we do?” Hyunjin asks.
“Well it says here tonight she’s having a party.”Jeongin says.
“Why would we go to that? It’s a set up.” Han adds.
“I mean if we don’t go we’re basically saying we don’t like her. She might get angry and take revenge.” Changbin argues.
“How about this. Only one of us go. To scope out her thoughts and actions. Then come back and report everything.” I say.
“But who would go?” Felix asks.
We all look at each other. All a little scared to speak up.
“Definitely not you two. You already lost your rings. We need someone.. who can get out of there without being seen..” Seungmin says.
We all turn to Hyunjin. He looks at us confused. Then it hits him.
“Oh hell no. No way. Im not gonna sacrifice myself.” Hyunjin yells and tries to walk away. Chan grabbing his arm and bring him back.
“You have to. You can slow down the time to get past everyone and just to her. Without being seen.” I say trying to convince him. He huffs and pouts his lip. “Just don’t fall for her tricks. That is her power. Be careful.”
“Can’t believe this..”
~~ Hyunjin’s pov
It’s about 9:00. Im being forced to go to this stupid party. Which I most likely will lose my powers. I just gotta be careful. Keep my distance. Just ask her some questions and get out of there.
Walking up to the gates of this hell hole. Holy shit. This is crazy. There must be at least 3 thousand people here. Guess it’s time to use my powers.
Ahh nothing more peaceful than time slowing down. Now to find y/n. Hmm not here. How about upstairs? There’s a door open.. I open it slowly. Walking inside. Noticing a watch on the floor.
“Hello hyunjin.” Y/n says as she comes up behind me. Shutting the door. She’s dressed in a tightly fitted dress. Heels. And a small crown on her head. She walks past me. Her sweet scent filling my nose. Damn. Don’t really blame Lee know and Felix for hitting that. But that’s not why I’m here.
“Sit. Don’t worry. I don’t want your bracelet.” I stare at her as she sits down in the chair across from me. I reluctantly take the seat next to me. She smiles and tilts her head. “So I assume you came to ask me about everything?” I nod my head. She leans back in the chair, crossing her legs. “Ask away. I promise to answer truthfully.”
I clear my throat. Trying to gain confidence. “Why did you take the rings?” She smirks. “Ah well that was easy. Like taking candy from a baby. You see I planned it all from the beginning. Gain trust from Felix. From Lee know. Then when least expected take it. Not so hard really.”
I fidget with the edge of my pants. “But why?” She hesitates for a second. “Well I wanted to see what would happen. And you would never believe what I found out.” She leans on the table separating us. Her eyes piercing into mine. “You see when I found this necklace. I got my memories back. Tell me.. did you get yours?” I shake my head no. She laughs smuggly.
“There’s a room in this castle. Retelling the story of this world we know. We all know it. The holder who holds all is granted a wish. But one thing it says is.. the greatest holder of lust can restore memories. This holder is destined to hold all. They will either wish to create chaos or restore peace.. that holder is me.” I look at her in disbelief. I don’t believe her.
“Don’t believe me? Fine. I’ll prove it to you.” She gets up and walks towards me. I get up quickly and back away from her. She rolls her eyes. “Jeez relax. I don’t want your powers.. just stand still.” She walks closer. She brings her hand up in a fist and blows a powder in my face. All I see next is black.
Until.. a memory comes up. Me. In the old world. I’m performing on a stage. I’m dancing with a group. Who are these people. I can’t see their faces…
“Hyunjin?” I open my eyes to see y/n above me. I’m on the floor. “What. The. Fuck. Was. That?” She grabs my hand, bringing me up on my feet. “A memory.” I quickly look at my hand and still see the bracelet there. “See I didn’t take it.” I still don’t trust her. “I wanna see this room.” She motions me to follow her.
She leads me to a door. She swishes her hand and it opens. I step in and words start to fill my head. Telling the same story she told me. I walk out quickly. Looking at her. “Believe me now?” I cross my arms. “I want to see that memory again.” She rolls her eyes and walks away from me. Walking back to the room we were in earlier.
“Lay down. Don’t want you to fall on your head again.” I listen this time. Quickly laying down on the bed. Guessing this is her room. She comes and sits next to me. “I’m still new to this so it might now be the same memory..” I nod my head. She blows again and I see black.
I’m here again on this stage. I can hear the crowd screaming. The music. My voice singing out loud. I see a big screen. The name Straykids showing. Is that what we are? What were called? But who are these people next to me? There is 8..
“Hyunjin?” I open my eyes. Feeling a year drop down my cheek. Her hands are cupping my face. She wipes away my tear. “Shh. It’s okay.” I close my eyes. Remembering the feeling I felt. Wishing i could go back. Her hands are so soft. Her smell.
Fuck. No. Stop. I pull her hands off me. Sitting up. “I wanna see again.” She shakes her head no. “That’s enough for today.” No. I need to see it again. “Please.” I grab her hand. She looks up at me. “Not today.. another time. Too much in one day. You took longer to wake up.” She attempts to slip away again.
I pull her back. Accidentally making her bump into me. Her falling and landing on top of me. “Please I’ll do anything..”
~~ your pov
He looks you up and down with puppy dog eyes. This position putting you in a familiar mood. Is there nothing more attractive than a begging man? There isn’t. You sit up on him. Straddling him. You cup his face again. “You have to understand me. If I show you more.. I don’t know if you’ll wake up.” He looks down. You let your forehead fall against his. Something sparks.
He gained another memory. A quick one. He looks up quickly at you. “Do that again.” You do so. This time he gains another without fainting. “This is good. I’m awake. I wonder if..” he stops his sentence. Staring deeply into your eyes. He cups your cheek. Leaning in slowly. Placing a soft kiss on your lips. His lips are soft and gentle.
Bringing your arms around his neck. His hands attaching to your waist being your body closer to his. Taking small breaths in between your kisses. He turns you over on your back. Still kissing you. You open your mouth slightly. His tongue coming into your mouth. He’s definitely the best kisser.
His kisses lead down to your neck then your breasts. Soft sucks barely leaving a trace.
Taglist: @whlfchn @moasworld @felix-housewife @bubblelixie @hyunsungbased @queenmea604
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undergroundbillions · 5 months
Doom's super-easy quick-and-dirty fool-proof rag doll tutorial! Apron!
Part one of many! Masterpost here.
Okay, I took a break from this one but it's time to get back on it! We're making Ann's apron today!
Step 1: Measuring
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This apron will be gathered, so there isn't any precise measuring to do! Measure the distance from the underside of the doll's arms, to where you want the apron to stop on the legs, this is your apron length. Then measure across the waist and multiply this by 2 to get the waist circumference.
Step 2: Gathering the apron
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Cut a long rectangle of fabric that is 2 inches longer than your desired apron length, and at least 2 times longer than the waist circumference. Again, these do not need to be exact. The wider the rectangle, the more full the apron will be.
You will also want to cut several long strips, 3-5 inches wide, for the straps later.
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First, we are going to gather the top of the apron. Using a running stitch, make a loose line of stitching across one long side of the rectangle. These can be a little farther apart than stitches intended to hold things together. As you go, begin gently pulling your string tight so that the fabric bunches up.
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Once you have stitched all the way down the side of the rectangle, it's time to try it on the doll. Wrap the apron around the doll's torso where you want it to sit, and see if you gathered the right amount. You can either pull your string tighter or looser until it perfectly fits the doll, you want the fabric to overlap about an inch in the back. Once it fits, tie off the end of the string so it stays the right size.
Remove it from the doll.
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Cut a strip of fabric, 3-5 inches wide and a few inches longer than the width of the gathered apron. If you want it to tie in the back, it should be at least 8 inches longer. With the "wrong" side facing you, fold either side of the strip 1/2 inch inward and pin in place.
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Take that strip of fabric and line it up with the apron top, keeping a couple inches on both sides. Fold it in half, and slide it over and around the raw edge, sandwiching all the gathered fabric inside. Pin in place, and sew with either a running stitch or whip stitch.
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When you reach the ends, continue sewing the strap to itself so that all the raw edges are tucked inside.
Step 3: Straps
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Cut another 2 strips of fabric 3-5 inches wide. Put the apron on the doll and move it to where you want it, and pin the back closed. Then pin the test straps in place, to the front and the back of the apron. You want them to overlap about a half inch with the apron itself. Cut off any extra.
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With the "wrong" said facing you, fold 1/2 inch inward on each long side of the strap. Pin in place. Next, take the entire strap and fold it fully in half, and replace the pins. The raw edges of the long sides should be hidden inside. Sew with a running stitch or whip stitch along the open side to close it.
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Put the apron on the doll again to find the strap placement. Pin them in place, then remove and sew.
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If you kept your straps long enough, you can simply tie them together. Otherwise, you can use a snap or button to attach the back of the apron.
Step 4: Finishing touches
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Fold over the bottom raw edge to the "wrong" side. If the apron is longer than you'd like, you can fold more here to shorten it. Running stitch along the edge of this folded section. You will also want to do this with the two back edges of the apron.
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Add any fun details (this one has flower buttons!) and you're done!
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dalarans · 5 days
home is where the heartache is
rating: teen and up pairing: astarion x f!durge tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, short & sweet
the second fic in my mini series that includes missing scenes from my fic: shall we renounce
Astarion hasn't had a proper home in centuries. Now he has the chance to imagine what home could really mean to him.
read on ao3 or below ↓↓↓
1492 Nightal 11th
“Here put this on.”
Gurona holds the blindfold out to him, two parts eager and impatient. Astarion takes it gently into his hands, holding it there with suspicion.
“Brought me all the way down here for a bit of fun, love? You only had to ask.”
She smiles reflexively. Blindfolds weren’t a typical part of their repertoire, but if it was something Astarion was up for, she was always one for trying. But his idea of fun is the very last thing on her mind. She won’t ever give a moment to the passing thought. Nothing was going to undo all her hard work.
“I am asking, rather nicely. I’ll even say please.” She nudges him lightly. “Now, put it on.”
He stares down at the blindfold in contemplation, and she assumes he’ll give her lip about it. There’s likely a hundred or so things he could say about it; all salacious jokes meant to amuse her— and they would. She knows very well that when he got started, she would be stuck in fits of laughter, drawn into him, and neither of them would make any progress at all. He was far more dangerous for that alone rather than the violence of his vampiric nature.
“You know, it’s already dark down here. This,” he holds up the blindfold, as if it is a point of contention, “is hardly necessary.”
“Astarion.” Gurona is feeling rather impatient now. “Blindfold, please."
He opens his mouth before promptly closing it, thinking better of himself. With a drawn out sigh, he pulls the cloth to his eyes and ties it as best as he can manage at the back of his head. “This better be good,” he says.
She feels the bubbling of excitement rising through her chest and to her cheeks. He hadn’t put up as much of a fight as she expected. There had been other ploys in the works just in case he would only refuse her. But it had been made easy. Perhaps then everything would go far better than she had played it out in her head.
“Here, take my hand.” He reaches out aimlessly and she gives a light laugh as she takes his hand in her own. “Trust me?”
“I do.” He squeezes her hand gently in reply. “So don’t make me regret it.”
She leads him with cautionary steps deeper into the Underdark, the path already traveled time and time again in secrecy. She minded the raised mushrooms, shimmering with vibrant blues and dreamy purples. There was always enough life from the unearthly fauna to navigate the dark beauties all around her. It would always be her home, even if she hadn’t lived here in several decades.
“Watch your step here,” she warns when the ground slopes upward, old rock embedded into the dirt.
“If I fall, I’m taking you down with me.”
“You’re not going to fall.”
He squeezes her hand a bit tighter. “Oh, is that a promise, darling?”
“It is. If you fall, I’ll be the first to catch you,” she smiles, watching his wobbling steps up the rocks that fared as tentative stairs. “Promise.”
That seems to be enough of a comfort for him. His trust in her is not wasted. She guides him with ease, and no limbs suffer dirt nor damage. She even sees in the set of his shoulders and the shift of his gait, there’s no hesitation, no tension. He moves whole heartedly with her.
The destination itself is not much farther. She can already see the unpainted wooden building slanted to the right, the roofing depressed with several small holes. The dirt beneath their feet softens, the pathway smoothed out with spots of mushrooms and blooming sunless flowers. She’s more careful not to crush the plants beneath her feet. Astarion not so much.
“How much longer?” He asks, the lilt of impatience on his tongue. “As lovely as it is to wander in complete darkness with you, I’d much rather see your lovely face.”
“Miss my face that much already?”
His toothy smile is enough to send bursts of affection to every limb. “It’s my favorite sight of all.”
“Well, you’re just in luck then, as we’ve just arrived.” She tugs him a bit further, the building in question completely in sight now. “Are you ready?”
“To take this damned blindfold off? A thousand percent.”
She stops him at the perfect distance from the front door, so that he might take in the view all at once. She moves behind him, gently undoing the knot he so quickly managed before, and taking the blindfold into her hands. She rests her chin on his shoulder. “Surprise!”
He stands there, arms resting limply at his side before waving a hand in the general direction of the house. “It’s an abandoned shack… You’ve surprised me with an abandoned shack.”
“It’s a house!” She wraps her arms around his midsection and holds him tightly, his unimpressed demeanor unaffected.
“Is it?” He squints mockingly. “What is it then, a home for cravens and scavengers?”
“Maybe at one point or another but— you’re missing the point, Astarion!”
“Is there a point here?”
“Close your eyes.”
“Come on. Close your eyes.” She tilts her head to be certain he listens. He makes out that he’ll stubbornly refuse but with a deep exhale, his eyes flutter shut. She says quietly, “Now imagine with me. A home, sitting at the peak of a hill, overlooking the cavernous beauty of the Underdark. There’s a little garden out front with bluecaps, barrenworts, foam flowers, and more. A painted door of deep violet, inviting in friends and keeping out enemies.”
“Sounds like a fantasy, darling,” Astarion interrupts, though his eyes remain closed. She holds onto him a little tighter, needling her chin further into his shoulder.
“Shh, I’m not finished.” He relaxes into her and she continues, “When we enter, we’re met with the sweet smell of burning incense and a well-kept hearth. Princess Lollihops greets us at the door. Along the walls are portraits of us, and our friends, and all our adventures. On the shelves and mantle are pieces of us and our hauls, to remind us where we’ve gone and where we’ve yet to go. Books upon books so we never grow bored. A touch of you, and a touch of me, throughout every corner of the home..”
She pauses to let the imagery sink into his mind. She sees it so clearly, and she wishes he might see the same. The home looks like not much of anything at all, but the potential is grand. It could be everything they’ve ever hoped for. Everything they’ve all but lost.
“Do you see it now, Astarion?” She whispers into his ear, and she feels him shiver against her.
“Maybe.” He opens his eyes, resting his hands atop her own. “But that doesn’t make any of it real, love. This place, it’s-it’s…”
“I know it needs a lot of work.”
He lets out a low laugh. “Oh, it needs far more than that— far more than either of us can give.”
“You’re wrong, and I’ll prove that to you.” She doesn’t wish him to see her pout, so she frees herself from the coolness of his body and takes a step towards the home. She waves for him to follow. “You just need to see the vision.”
“I see more than clearly, darling. It’s you who may have hit her head one too many times. We ought to get that checked one of these days.”
Gurona rolls her eyes, pausing at the closed front door. She turns to him, pulling on one of her more sweeter smiles. With enough heart and encouragement, he would see things a shade different than usual. Time. That was what he would need, and they had nothing but time.
“Astarion.” She rests her hand on the doorknob. “Welcome home.”
She pushes the door open behind her, the lock broken from her first foray into the amusements of the abandoned home. She would fix that later (along with the most pressing of issues like the roof full of holes). Gurona steps in slowly, her back to the home, inviting Astarion in with a glance.
“And if I can’t enter, what then?” He’s stopped right at the entrance, the tips of his shoes pressed against an invisible barrier that none can see. She’s quite happy to dissuade all his fears.
“You can enter, Astarion. This is our home now.” She takes his hand and pulls him through with no resistance. “No one can keep you from it.”
They take a tentative walk throughout the home. There’s much to be desired in the decay. The furniture that remains is all but ruined and destroyed, and the smell that lingers is of rot and dust. To her, the small pieces of the home come together to create the possibility of sanctuary. To Astarion, the home is nothing more than worthless pieces of wood barely holding together.
Astarion presses her into one of the weakened walls; it groans from the weight of her. His hands rest on her hips, his mouth just inches from her own. He slips into the smooth tone that always sends goosebumps up and down her spine. “Dream bigger, darling. A mansion, with a room for every vice and depravity. Now that sounds up our alley.”
She moves her hands to his shoulders before threading one hand to the soft flesh of his neck, and the other gently dragging through his curls. “Astarion, I want us to have something. Something for us and us alone. I don’t need a mansion to love you in. I love you here, and now.”
“We might not need a mansion, but we’re more than deserving of one. I mean, for all we’ve done for Faerûn, you would think some god would send us a hoard of riches and barrels of fresh blood.”
“Astarion.” She says his name softly, to draw his attention back to the present. “Do you really hate it so much?”
“It’s…” He sighs, his thumbs rubbing small circles into her hips. “I don’t hate it but— it’s been abandoned for a reason, darling. It’s not worth our time.”
She smiles sadly, staring up into those heartened, crimson eyes. He’s the only one who sees her so clearly: her dreams, hopes, and fears. She says, “Even things long forgotten deserve love, Astarion.”
His lips quirk into a half-smile. “And a little love will save a place like this?”
She nods ardently. “Love can save anything.”
To stop a silly argument from unfolding, or any other way he might readily disagree with her, she leans forward to press her lips against his. It feels important, to seal her love for him in this very spot, to add this moment to their precious small vat of memories. She wants him to feel the power of them both combined, settling into the walls and floorboards. She needs him to feel it.
She clings on tighter, chest flush against chest, both pressed hard against one another, the home singing from the shifting of their weight. She smiles against his mouth, the heat of her own body melding so comfortably with the coolness of his own. His hands are eager at her waist, knotting in her dress.
“If this place was ours, we could do this in any room at any time,” she barely manages with sparing breaths against his lips. He eyes her hungrily.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm.” She kisses along the edges of his lips with a faint giggle. “No one to interrupt us. No curious animals, no sunlight, no sudden dangers.”
His body weight moves against her and she gasps lightly when he shifts his hips into her own. “I do love the sound of that.”
“Make a home with me then, Astarion.” She kisses him again and again. She can taste the hopeful future on his tongue. It stirs her heart with unabashed excitement.
She waits, their hands moving with vigor from clothed skin to exposed. They’ve always allowed their wants and desires to carry them fully from one moment to the next, always hand in hand. It feels as if he hears the hammering of her heart and answers the call with all the adoration and love she so desperately craves. He kisses her like they’re the last two people in all of the Underdark.
“Alright,” he says when he gives her a moment to catch her breath, her hands trembling against his chest. “I want this, love. I want all of this. You, this home, this life. And all that comes with it.”
The tears are instantaneous in her eyes. “You mean it?”
“I do.”
When their mouths meet again, it is made in promise that they’ll finally give each other what they so readily deserve. Something that’s theirs. Something that no god or master could take from them.
A home just for them.
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itsanerdlife · 1 year
Broken Knight 17
Pairing: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Castle!Reader
Warnings: violence. Language. Stalking. Smut (later on). Pettiness. Lies. Secrets.
A/N: Here the smut part. You were warned.
Working  for my father and uncles, has never been an easy task. When I get  attacked one night, it sets them off. My father hires a security team he  knows. I’m unwilling, till he steps off the plane.                 Now  it’s complicated and blurry. James Barnes is more than I bargained for.  And far more is happening then my father bargained for. I can’t help  myself, only I know nothing is easy, and my father isn’t one to be  disobeyed.               Hell’s going to rain down, I’m not sure who is going to survive this time.
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“Show me your hands!” Howie yells.
“It’s me.” Buck’s voice calls back.
Howie drops his aim, Peter let’s go of me. Shoving away from him I hurry around the corner finding Buck standing there, gun holstered.
“Nobody inside.” He assures us. Letting out a breathe, both boys exchange a look.
Putting his hand out, I slip mine into Buck’s. he leads us out of the apartment and down the hall to my apartment. He’s the first to step in, moving the chair away so it’s easier to get in.
“How did nobody know this was happening?” Howie wonders looking around the room, everything is turned over. The couches, chairs, my dining room table, bookshelves, the coat rack.
“I’ll call the help line and see if anyone complained about noise.” Peter pulls his phone out.
“Buck, we need to call some people.” Howie sighs, looking around shocked.
I move farther into the apartment, looking at the destruction.
“Call them, I’ll call the team.” Buck quickly stops my hand from reaching for the crushed photo of me and my brothers. “Princess,” he sighs.
“Don’t touch, right.” My voice defeated.
“I know.” He stares down at me with knowing blue eyes. Nodding he goes back to his phone.
It’s not long before the rest of Bucky’s team is in my turned over apartment, my father and uncles on the way as well.
“Doors not cracked.” Clint’s staring at the door. Running his hand over the frame.
Howie’s head tips as he moves towards the door as well. He drops down, inspecting the handle.
“No scratches, it wasn’t picked.” He comments.
Everyone in the room but me exchanges a look.
“What? What’s that mean?” I ask looking around.
Sam puts a hand on my shoulder, looking down at me.
“That means someone has a key.”
My hand lands on my stomach as it drops. Swallowing hard, my breathe comes fast.
“Y/N?” Becca steps towards me.
“Babe?” Buck’s brow slips up.
“I’m going to be sick.” Turning tripping on my dress I hurry to the kitchen, hand over my mouth. Making it to the sink in time, Becca is scooping up my hair, her hand smoothing up and down my back.
“Bean!?” My father bellows from the hall still.
“Miss!?” Billy hot on his heels.
The three of them rushing into the apartment.
Waving my hand dismissing them as I cough and splutter into the sink.
“What happened?” My father hurries towards me.
Sam sighs. “She found out someone she didn’t agree to has a key to her apartment.”
“Tony!” My father growls.
“I’m calling! I’m calling.” My uncle scrambles for his phone.
“We need the locks changed. The whole place needs to be inspected.” Steve explains.
“Are you okay?” My father looks down at me as I rest on my forearms on the sink.
“Great dad, real great.” I nod, shoving my hand into my hair.
“Hold on.” Billy looks around, an almost confused look on his face. “You only stumbled upon this, thirty minutes ago?” His brow pulls in.
Swallowing hard, I wait.
“But I thought you left the party when the boys did, that was what forty, forty-five minutes ago. Where’s the twenty minutes missing?”
“They were talking with us. At our place.” Howie speaks up before me or Buck can.
“We were just discussing Harry and the events that have happened.” Peter nods, agreeing.
Billy nods, looking around the room. “Right.”
“You can’t stay here tonight.” Becca changes the subject.
“What a hotel?” I slowly stand back up.
“You can come home.” My father nods.
I snort, wiping my mouth with the kitchen towel Becca hands me.
“What?” His brow pulls in looking at me. “You’ll be safe there.”
“That’s not exactly a good idea.” Sam speaks more to my living room rug.
“Why?” My father turns on him, Sam shrinks slightly.
Steve steps in, “Because if they are going after Y/N because of you, that means the two of you in the same house, is an easier target that her on the sidewalk alone.” He explains to my father.
Billy sighs loudly. “I don’t want to agree but he’s not wrong, Frank.” My father growls somewhere low and deep in his chest. “It’s just not smart right now.” He sighs.
“Daddy, they’re right. I go home with you, they have both of us. I don’t know about you but I’m not willing to watch them kill you in front of me for revenge.”
“Like hell you’ll watch them kill her or take her,” Buck stares at my father, who glares back at him.
It’s uncomfortably quiet for several moments.
“Fine.” My father grumbles.
“A hotel isn’t that great of an idea.” Clint shrugs.
“Too easy to break in, no escapes.” Becca nods.
“She’ll come to our apartment.” Peter speaks up.
Everyone pauses for a moment.
“That’s actually smart.” Steve admits. “We take her anywhere and he’s just going to follow, he’ll know. He probably knows all of us, watching our spending.”
“The boys will do anything for her, you know that, Frankie.” Tony assures my father.
He checks the locks on the apartment door, Peter drags over a dining room chair.
“Should fit under the handle.” He nods towards the door. Buck nods, taking the chair and shoving it under the handle.
“Nice touch.” Buck nods backing up.
“Listen,” Howie sighs, leaning on the wall watching him.
“We’re good with you and Y/N, as long as she’s happy and safe.” Peter adds. “But don’t fuck our sister in our house.” Howie groans.
Buck looks between the two of them.
“You two are stupider than you look, if you think that’s what I’m thinking about after your sister’s apartment was broken into.” He sighs, shaking his head.
He steps into the bedroom, she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. Shutting the door behind him he steps towards her. Dressed in a shirt from one of her brothers, all her things still in her apartment.
“Can you just, can you please hold me?” Pretty eyes turned up at him.
“Yeah, yeah I can do that, Princess.” He nods, moving to undress and remove his holster.
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