#i need more x reader of him pls
okkalo · 9 months
thinking about how rindou does everything to make sure you guys are that couple out in public.
he makes sure he always has on something matching your outfit, both to look good together and to let others know both of you are in a relationship.
always had his hand interlocked with yours, guiding you through crowds with ease. if he’s taunting someone when out with you (gotta keep his rep ig), he’ll instead have his arm thrown over your shoulder.
if you choose to post him on social media he makes sure that the pictures are high quality. prefers faceless pictures with that dark filter.
meanwhile, rindou will baby you behind doors.
he rubs your back to make sure you have an easier time falling asleep.
he’ll give massages or go full chiropractor and help you pop a part of your body that’s in pain (you can’t tell me he doesn’t know how to do it. i refuse to believe it.).
sits down routinely with you to decide what nail color he you both should go next.
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aesthetic-bbyg · 4 months
he’s fine asf but y’all are not ready for that convo.
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pumpkinsareamazing · 8 months
Michael ♥︎
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〜 Michael who tossed the now avatars of sin down to the devildom, showing his true powers and what he’s willing to do to anyone who opposes him.
〜 Michael who clearly may have had some opinions about the exchange program but picks his best angels who he knows will tell him everything.
〜 Michael who knows about you the second Luke reported back to him.
〜 Michael who can’t believe Lord Diavolo would stick you with the Fallen. With your pure soul? Now that’s just laughable.
〜 Michael who watches over you. With the unknowing help of Simeon and Luke of course!
〜 Michael who just knows that these demons and that shady human sorcerer is just not good for you.
〜 Michael who visits you in dreams to fill your head with gorgeous scenery of the Celestial realm.
〜 Michael who is bitter and jealous over the fact you wanted to come back to the Devildom after the exchange program ended.
〜 Michael who wants to protect you from those god-awful demons hold you in his beautiful white wings.
〜 Michael who finally makes himself heard to day of a Gala Diavolo host.
〜 Michael who almost steals you away only to be stopped by Lucifer himself.
〜 Michael who laughs at the pained faces of the demons as he holds you tight.
〜 Michael who finally won you. And he doesn’t care if you don’t like it.
(If you see this I’m making a rewrite)
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suusoh · 3 months
would be funny, if Nina had a gf, and due to Johan's tendency to see him and nina as the same, he'd drop by casually, disguised or not, while nina is away. What's wrong? Nina is him and he's Nina! There's no complications with kissing him! You're basically kissing his sister! (Eaten ask)
your brain anon...........like EXACTLY. exactly. God this is sooo hot and weird which is johan's brand. He is karl marxing the fuck out of his sister's girlfriend. What do you mean "meet my girlfriend"? You mean meet OUR girlfriend. right? (tw: nonconsensual kissing, yandere)
Could you imagine bidding your girlfriend, Nina, goodbye after she spent the whole evening at your place? You whine and beg her to stay longer, clinging onto her, but she rolls her eyes playfully and insists she has to go.
She gives you a loving parting kiss on your lips, then plants even more– on your nose, cheeks, and finally your forehead– before she reluctantly pulls away. Any more, she jests, and she won’t be able to leave.
"You know I hate leaving you like this," she laughs softly. "But don't worry, I'll make up for today once my exams are over. Okay?"
She gives you one last final kiss before finally leaving, waving at you as she walks down the street.
You sigh and close the door, already missing her.
You really love Nina, but sometimes it feels like she doesn’t have much time for you. You understand she has her exams, a part-time job, and aikido training, which doesn’t really leave much left for you. Still, you can’t help but feel a bit greedy, wishing she’d at least dedicate a part of her to you. You're her girlfriend, after all.
You sigh one last time. No use.
She’s already spread too thin, and you know if you tell her your concern, she’ll worry and try to double her efforts to make time for you. No way in hell are you going to give her any more stress in her life. Although today was just half a day together, you're grateful. Even if it left you unbelievably craving, aching for more…
You hear a soft knock on your door. Is it Nina? Did she forget something? Oh, your prayers have been answered. You just wanted one more second with her. You open the door immediately, an excited smile on your face.
"What did you forget this ti-"
"Missing me already?"
You freeze, standing dumbfounded. In front of you is not, in fact, your girlfriend, but a tall, blonde man smiling softly at you.
"I'm… I'm sorry. I don't— Do I know you?" you ask, trying to stay cool. He must have the wrong house to ask something like that so proudly. You’ve never met him before.
His smile doesn’t falter at your question. He continues looking at you, his eye contact unwavering.
"You do." he answers, calmly leaving no explanation, still smiling softly.
You’re getting nervous. He keeps staring and smiling at you. You try to get a good look at him. Is he a mutual friend? An old classmate? A person you pissed off once? You’re at a blank. Though… the more you look at him, the more you notice how similar he looks to… to your… what the hell.
Why does he... look... a bit like Nina?
No. You chalk it off. He just has blonde hair and blue eyes, and the fact you’re missing your girlfriend terribly doesn’t help. But even then, their facial features strike a matching resemblance. It’s a bit uncanny.
You let out a nervous laugh and smile sheepishly at him. "Look, I’m really racking my brain here. Have we met before? I’m really sorry if I can’t recall…"
You give him his cue to introduce himself, to remind you who he is, to be offended at you forgetting—anything! He’s just standing there, staring down with that same smile. Your eyes dart around, seeing if this is a prank. A small uneasy pit forms in your stomach.
A beat passes by. You still wait for his reply.
You can't help but start feeling creeped out. Stupid. Always ask who’s there before opening the door. Just ask him what he wants with you and get it out of the way.
"Hey uh, I-"
He kisses you, his lips softly crashing against yours, hands gently cradling the back of your neck. He’s not forceful, but his hold is steady. You squirm and try to break free, but he quickly shushes you and holds you closer, entrapping your lips in another long kiss.
You think of quickly think of biting him, but he gently pulls away right before you can go through with the thought. His hands come up to tenderly cup your face, his thumb softly brushing against your cheek as he looks at you.
Your vision begins to blur from your tears, your legs wobbling from the fear of the situation.
"I don't know you!" you practically scream out. Your desperation kicks in as you continue to panic. "P-Please. please. please. I'm sorry. I don't know you. I don't… I don't… please… I-."
You cry softly, pleading with him. He just continues cradling your face in his hands, looking at you with that godawful eerie smile. He leans back in, slowly murmuring,
He continues peppering kisses all over your wet cheeks. "You do know me," he whispers, kissing your nose. "And you know I need to make it up to you," he says, kissing your forehead. He hums softly and leaves another final chaste kiss on your lips.
"And you know I hate leaving you like this."
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 days
Drink With Me
George Weasley x Reader
AN: For poor @im-trying-my-best-yall who needs some needed fluff
Sum: George has been acting pretty weird around you recently. He keeps trying to say something to you, but whenever he does he seems to switch topics right before he says it. You figured he’s just stressed about planning for WWW after school ends, but it’s getting annoying now. So you confront him
Warning: Short and Sweet
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“Georgie! Hey, I gotta ask you something!”
There you hurried after him, to cut him off from heading to his next class. The rare times he and Fred weren’t glued to the hip. George took up new class that just wasn’t Fred’s speed. Was something about Baking if you recall correctly. Fred prepared to cook. Had to take the chance, while he’s alone, so no one could intercept you both.
“Hey shortie, what’s up?” He would ruffle at your hair, as you quickly fixed it. Those Weasleys and their string bean genes. Made him tower over you. Always left with a hurt neck if you talked to him too long. Hopefully this will be short.
“You’ve been trying to ask me something for the past few days, and I figured now that I caught you that you can tell me. So what’s up?” You asked him. Asking seemed to be what he feared the most out of you.
His wand was soon rubbing his neck, his freckles cheeks flushing, and his doe eyes darting. He just seemed to instantly clammer up. Just not seeming to be the confident ladies man he normally is. He is just a wet hand mess. What was going on?
“Oh yeah….That. Yeah uh….Um.”
Oh how his eyes were darting around. He was trying so hard to find an excuse to not Ben in this situation right now. To find something to make him shut up. To escape this pin. But no one was around. No one anywhere, not even Peeves to give mercy to the bastard in the Gryffindor Robes. He needed to face this head on.
“Was um. Just wondering if you wanted to hit up the Three Broomsticks together. That’s all.” He tried his best to act casual, and shrug. Made you all the more confused.
Why is this making him so flustered?
“Ok…..Werido. That sounds nice. We could hit it up sometime after class. Fred and Angelina should be-“
“Without them…..”
Just the two of you. No brother, no other friends. Just the two of you. Like a date. Like a normal date that normal couples do. Normal normal normal little dating. Just a date between two people. A date date.
“……I uh. Yeah, I think I can do that.” You swallowed, as this was starting to really register now. He wanted to ask you out on a date. Still, why was he so flustered over it? He’s asked out plenty of guys and gals before. Never sweat this much. Even Fred straight up called Angelina across the table to the Yule Ball, and that was the end of that. What made you different?
“You weren’t dared to do this, were you?”
He stared down at you with the most offended expression possible. As if you called him a blood traitor. Some kind of slur that would make Molly faint. He looked ready to smack you, but of course he wouldn’t. He never would lay a hand on you. Unless you asked.
“What?! The hell you mean ‘was this a dare-‘ bullshit? No! This isn’t some dare. What gave you an idea like that? Fred and I have standards. Pranks like that are not only overly simplistic, but there is no joke at the end of it. Who’s laughing? No one. Give me some respect-!”
He gave you a hip bump, and it made you laugh. Helped you feel a little better over the whole situation. Maybe you were different for other reasons. Maybe he was bashful because you two had been friends for so long. It is pretty awkward to ask a friend out. If they say no, well….You can’t really take back what you said.
“Ok ok, I’m sorry Mr. Weasley. I shall never question your pranking methods again. Now hurry to class, before you get detention. If you get detention we can’t grab butter beers. Go on and get-!” You hip bumped him right back, and he gave that cute crooked smile. One that showed there was no worries to ever hold. That he’s all laughter.
“Alright I’m gone! All gone! Poof!” And down the hallway he went. Vanishing around the corner, as you now were dancing a squealing. Flapping away at your robes in total utter glee.
George Weasley asked you out.
Had you stimming like crazy, unaware that a certain red head had his own stimming session all the same. Flapping his hands to try and calm down. So damn happy you said yes.
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lunarsvertigo · 3 months
so uhhh… who’s gonna take one for the team and start writing all qimir x reader fics?
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yourmybluebanisters · 2 years
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
2023 bill >>
Photos from @billkaulitz on insta
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Can I request your thoughts on Aaron with a very touchy/clingy reader who always likes to be holding onto him? I think after being by himself for years he’d not know how to react at first but he loves it 🥰 I see him growing to almost need that touch himself
Mmmmm yes 🥺🥺🫶🫶
I love this dynamic with my entire heart.
You always want to be touching him. Whether it's just resting your head on his shoulder when you're next to him on the sofa or literally wrapped around him and actually clinging to him. And it's very...different for him. He's not used to it and when you first start dating and being with each other at your separate places you quickly get comfortable with touching him. One time he's standing in the kitchen doing dishes and you walk by him on your way to a cabinet or the refrigerator and as you pass him you brush your hand along his back and he stiffens at first 🥺. You don't notice it. And you don't notice the other times similar things like this happen. But he quickly realises you need to touch him whether it's a conscious thought in your head or not. It doesn't make him uncomfortable but it takes him a bit to get used to it. Because baby is TOUCH STARVED. And it's been so long since he's had this intimacy with anyone. But once he's gotten used to it he doesn't hesitate to do the same things back to you<3. He gives you many random touches and he always relaxes when you touch him randomly instead of tensing up like he did at first. When you first start holding onto him and clinging to him he's a little confused because no one ever did that this much with him "What are you doing?" "I'm holding you? Is that okay?" And he's a little shocked at first but of course he's okay with it! He loves that you want to hold him and be close to him even if it's unusual for him. He's happy to be close and this makes him feel so wanted and loved. And when he's away on a case 🥺 he misses you and your clingy nature so so much. He just wants to be around you and have you all over him. And when he gets to see you once he's home from the case he's grabbing you and holding you because he's missed your touch so badly<3. When he's with you and you aren't touching/clinging to him he instinctively moves closer and initiates touches. Or he just pulls you close to him and you immediately wrap around him and snuggle him 🥰🥰. He loves how touchy and clingy you are because it lets him know you love being close to him and you just love him so much<3
Please I WANT. I want this so so bad. 🥺🫶 Thank you for sending this you made my heart just 💓💕💞. I love Aaron with touchy/clingy reader 🤭❤️. Because it would be me if I had him.
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kierancaz · 1 year
I wish we got more of Legolas being weird in the movies. Like I haven’t read the books yet but I love the way the fandom describes him as being a little shit and like actually really fucking weird and I just wish we got more of that and also that it came across more in fanfics.
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baeshijima · 6 days
"let's go, rin."
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what if this is where i met my end? what then?
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tonowarii · 2 years
me want more spider fics 😔
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tojisun · 1 year
i had a vision but i do not have the skills 😭
i need this song out now bc it’s so jake ‼️‼️
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ca-8 · 1 year
Hi hi I hope your doing well after all that and I'm glad your back! And thanks to you I'm sorta obsessed with fusionfall!!
Would it be okay if I could get Dexter with a s/o who's from another dimension? Like they love to dimension hop and time hop.
They have this special pocket watch that allows them to take them and a number of people to different dimensions and timelines.
Another cool thing is they can use that pocket watch as a weapon ÙwÚ
Thanks in advance!
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Aww, thank you so much! This means so much more than you think <3 And of course!~
If there's one thing to say, it's that Dexter was fascinated by (Y/n) when they first met. He was practically glued to their side once they heard of their power: all the non-stop questions, then the non-stop follow-up questions, and the close up study of their interdimensional bracelet passed down by the Gods of Space and Time--it's safe to say that they grew close very quickly.
But soon, it became more than a fascination. Dexter didn't know how or even the second it had happened, it just did! It went from wanting to hear stories about worlds outside his own to needing to hear that beautiful voice as it weaves through (Y/n)'s poetic words. Taking a glimpse of them as they walked through the hallways with the most adorable curious look on their face suddenly turned into him showing them their latest invention the second their eyes would meet.
And yes, it's that curiosity, it's akin to his own. The way their eyes lit up at the sight of his outstanding craft makes him feel as though heaven rained down miracles upon him. So much so that it made it to the very top of his priority list whenever he gets his hands on his wrench. Now that the war with Fuse is over, he has all the time in the world to build to his heart's content--especially if it's for someone as spectacular as (Y/n).
Now, (Y/n) never stays in one place for a long period of time. In fact, it felt like they left as soon as they came. But the second their hypnotic gaze locked eyes with his as they said they will come back, hope sparked inside him, igniting an everlasting beating heart. That's why as soon as they left, he went right back in his lab to get to work.
Sometimes, he spends hours upon hours just to get something done just right. Not a screw loose or an exterior discolored, not too loud, not too dull--if there's more he could add or fix, by Genndy, he will do it!
Of course, Dexter has a tendency to overdo his passion projects. It's too long before his assistants have noticed he's been stumbling over more than usual and have passed out in exhaustion during important meetings (even the robots comment on the bags under his eyes when he has his back turned). Despite Computress' efforts on getting him to rest, he still keeps going. No matter who tries to persuade him--Ben, Blossom, Bubbles, DeeDee (although, admittedly, she wasn't much help to begin with), Frankie, Kevin, Gwen--he would not stop so long as he had the chance to be the one who sees that gorgeous smile. Not even when Buttercup chained him onto his own bed! (He foresaw the event and built an emergency escape slide)
Ironically, he was working so hard that he didn't even notice that (Y/n) had come back. And the news didn't take long to hit them either. They were furious! He just went through a war and he's working himself to death for no reason?? (Nobody told them that they were the reason why he was putting his health at risk...they didn't want to ruin the surprise <3)
So, in a fit of rage, (Y/n) marched right down to his lab and pulled him right from his desk. First, he was stunned; he thought he was hallucinating and seeing an angel dancing around him, when it was just his now long-time crush flaying their arms around as they scold him like an angry parent. Once reality had settled in, Dexter tries to tell them that he wanted to surprise them, before completely passing out from exhaustion: "Because who wouldn't want to see th-that...cute...smile...a-again-"
He passes out in their arms
A few hours later, Dexter wakes up to see (Y/n) holding him in his room, and ac the cool, composed man of science he is, he freaks out until he tumbles off the bed and collapses onto the floor. He stutters out questions, face completely covered in blush while his glasses fog up
But (Y/n), on the other hand, only giggles and walks toward him. Before he knows it, she plants a kiss on his lips. "Computress kinda...told me everything, after you passed out.
"So...I presume you...feel the same?"
"...I always have." They stand up, putting their hands on their hips. "BUT! If we're going to be together in A-NY sort of way, you have to promise to take care of yourself. No more pulling all-nighters, Mister...whatever-your-last-name-is!!"
Dexter stays still, stunned. Then, he smiles. "Deal. ...Thank you, (Y/n)."
They sit back now and let him lean into their shoulder. "Of course, you dummy." They admire the sight as he slowly falls back to sleep.
That's how the two officially came to be, and they've been almost inseparable ever since. (Y/n) decided that they wanted him to come along with them as they explore every dimension imaginable. Dexter couldn't contain his excitement and practically packed his entire lab. He even made their own "DimenShip" (A space ship designed for interdimensional travel; built to withstand every environment, atmosphere, and ecosystem that may or may not exist. It even comes with an old-school VHS player! He loves those, and (Y/n) thinks it's adorable)
(Y/n) always loves to see him wake up filled with excitement. He has new requests on where to go to every day, whether it's the past or another dimension made up entirely of computers and technology! (There was, and it's safe to say that they've lived there for a while...)
Occasionally, they'd stop to sniff the roses. If Dexter spotted a place that's perfect for a romantic moment, he'd practically lock them in the DimenShip as he sets up a nice little dinner between the two. Once (Y/n) gets mad enough to break the door down with their magical pocket watch (which not only lets them travel through space and time and glow a cool (f/c) color, but can also turn into a giant spiked ball whenever they want it to), they see nothing but a date from a cheesy romantic movie... A picnic with a display of their favorite food and sweets on top of a picnic blanket with two suns setting in the background of a black and white sky... two candles side-by-side of the picnic basket underneath the pink and lavender curling tree...and Dexter, with his hands folded behind his back as he has that stupid, lovable snarky smile on his face.
The first thing they'd do is pout at him, then run at him and tackle him onto the ground. They cover his stupid laughing face with kisses as they complain about him locking them in the DimenShip when he could just tell them to cover their eyes or look the other way.
"Then I wouldn't get this special treatment, mon amour~"
They'd laugh as they roll across the glowing grass, and he'd finally stop them as he presses his lips onto theirs. They'd press their foreheads together as their fingers intertwine, and when he finally leans back... "I love you, bunny."
And (Y/n) would smile, taking one of his hands and taking off the glove. As they caress the scars, they whisper, "I love you too, dummy."
(He'd call you bunny because of the whole "dimension hop" thing, hAH-!)
I had a lot of fun making this, actually... It was a little intimidating to do because of what just happened recently, but I actually really liked making this. So.. thank you for requesting this. I can't say that a part two is guaranteed but MAYBE!! if I have an idea, I will definitely post a part 2!! And if there are any questions/requests ;3
........This man is my weakness I want a Dex so bad-
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who's calling death the wolf toxic? is it the x reader community i bet it's the x reader community
it’s them for sure but also people in the ao3 tag are writing death/puss fics where he’s acting like a stalker or a toxic boyfriend and i’m just standing here like 🧍‍♂️
to me he is so vanilla aside from all the murders like i just know that he takes up crocheting as a hobby when he is not out reaping souls
which isn’t to say i don’t like the stalker/toxic bf dynamic bc i read them anyway and enjoy them (put the orange cat in situations, heh) i just don’t think they’re as true to his character LOL
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my-blooming-darling · 2 years
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