#i need to practice writing jesus but this was fun nonetheless
littleclownbaby · 10 months
I'm Glad My Mom Died Review
I didn't actually plan to make this my first review on this here little book review account, but I loved this book so much that I feel like it deserves a review while it's still fresh in my mind. I never listen to audiobooks but I will admit that, in rare form, I actually did for this book. Jennette McCurdy herself narrated it, which I think gave a lot of insight and a personal touch to the narration (although, if I can be a bit of an ass and critique her a little here, she read way too damn fast, and at times it was a little hard to keep up).
Two years ago, during my own experience recovering from a spiral into disordered eating, I stumbled upon McCurdy's YouTube channel where, before the release of her book, she uploaded podcast episodes and interviews divulging her experiences with disordered eating and her chaotic past. I found so much solace in these videos, and McCurdy's positive yet refreshingly cynical attitude was a huge comfort to me during a difficult time.
Hearing her voice as a writer in this book made my already-massive respect for her grow tenfold. The dysfunction in her childhood is hard to fathom - living in a hoarder house, a disconnected "father," an overbearing and abusive mother, growing up Mormon. There is much that I relate to, especially the "mother-as-best-friend" dynamic, which I myself have been unpacking recently. The realization that Jennette has in therapy, wherein the facade of her perfect mother begins to crack, was fucking gut-wrenching. In the audio recording, it is the only time she chokes out a sob, and... fuck dude. So did I. Jesus.
Her experience with disordered eating is something I, on a much smaller scale, can relate to - the desperate bid for control, the obsession with your body and numbers, the way other problems diminish as your eating disorder becomes all-consuming. However, I can't imagine the scale of her disorder, and the role it played in her life. With such little control, and with such scrutiny by her mother, the people orchestrating her career in the entertainment industry, the public eye, it's as if an eating disorder was the only thing she could have had to control it all, and to shut everything else out. As poor of a coping skill as eating disorders are, I can imagine how, while traumatic, it was also incredibly self-soothing. As Jenette says, eating disorders are the kind of thing you don't really understand until you've had one.
I was at first a bit annoyed by how short each chapter is, and I still feel as though many of them ended a bit abruptly. But I began to appreciate the brevity of each chapter - they each felt like their own short story within the greater context of her life, touching on so many different themes and tracking the minutiae of the periods of her life. Sex and dating and acting and OCD and EDs and her mom's abuse and cancer and dad-reveal are all woven together in small chapters, each one like a slap in the face. Much like Jennette, the reader is battered with traumatic events in succession, with little room to come up for air.
As I mulled about the battering of misfortunes that McCurdy has faced throughout her life, I thought, "How did chaos keep finding her?" And not only her - I've been thinking about my own life, lives of certain friends, of people I knew in school; the lives of people with messy childhoods, who seem to track this mess on their shoes into a muddy-footprinted adulthood. I think that, no matter how inadvertently, chaos follows chaos. You become a magnet for it. Because when you've grown up in it, when you can do a 360º spin and see nothing but chaos in all directions, you can't even see that there is a normal out there. And in your cocoon of chaos, you feel safe, soothed. A million voices at once, plus car crash and wall-punching and glass shattering noises, are going to deafen all the little individual voices in your head - the ones that tell you you're nothing, you're unlovable, you're a failure. So the abusive mom and eating disorders and schizophrenic boyfriend and impostor dad, all of it, seem to be not a random act of misfortunes, a cosmic fluke that caused one single person more grief than a dozen combined, but a testament to the fact that a traumatic childhood leads a person into a life of chaos. Only with reflection, with work, with therapy – with the courage to stop spinning, and to walk straight ahead past and through that 360º circle of chaos – can you finally end the cycle, turn the magnet around, be free of chaos for good.
While I read, I thought of The Bell Jar. Through it all, with gritted teeth, I waited until McCurdy's bell jar would lift - even just a little. And though it seems that her jar may never be all the way up, that her air may always be slightly acrid, it seems that she can now, finally, at least breathe well. That her jar has lifted enough for some reprieve. That is something we can all hope for.
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spitdrunken · 11 months
Nothing hurtful about not responding to requests! Sometimes it's a bit of a bummer but it's unreasonable to place too much expectation in someone writing something for you (for free, as a hobby nonetheless) if it doesn't click with them.
Most writing blogs kind of pick and choose. Some don't but that sounds like an exhausting practice to be honest LOL. I respect the generosity and discipline but Jesus Christ.
Glad your real life is picking up - always the best reason to be more absent online.
Also please share if you're writing more Fionna and Cake works lol. Idc if it's cringe. Am ravenous
Yeah, I guess you're right :")! Thank you for taking the time to send this in, I will try to answer some asks when I have a bit more time! I need to just remember this blog should be fun for me, above absolutely everything else, haha.
I'm not working on any longer fics, at the moment! I might in the future, though. I like the thought of writing some stuff about Reader, when being transported into the Land of Ooo, turn right back around from the wintery forests and walk towards the Candy Kingdom! And just gets taken in by Candy Queen instead, haha.
I also have some assorted Simon ideas... Some age gap not-a-relationship (he's not emotionally ready for that), slightly messed up stuff going on. Taking care of him when he's black out drunk, and that's how your bond forms. He can't even remember how the two of you met, but... Yeah, I have a lot of angst ideas about that one, actually HAHA
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Thomas Hewitt/Selectively mute!Reader, part 5
Summary: The Sheriff picks you up after you broke down on the side of the road. You know this can’t end well, but he makes you an offer you can’t refuse; use your nursing skills to heal the giant man he brings you to, and you can go free. Unfortunately for you, he obviously needs more than a nurse. (And how can you be sure he’ll really let you go when ‘Thomas’ is healed?)
Content Warning: Female reader, cannibalism, mild violence/references to violence, veiled reference to rape, period-typical homophobia. (PLEASE NOTE: These are not my feelings on homosexuality, and in context, Luda Mae is relatively open-minded for her time period, but I’d consider it mildly homophobic by today’s standards. No slurs are used, but I’m tagging for safety.)
A/N: We’re switching perspective, but maintaining 2nd person narration. I think it should be clear, but let me know if anything is confusing. This is only my second attempt at writing in 2nd person.
Part Four
Part One
In the kitchen, while you were upstairs tending to Thomas, Luda Mae stood at the kitchen cutting board, slicing tomatoes. Hoyt came up behind her with a package of meat, a shaky “S” scribbled on the brown paper for “sausage”. Thomas may not have been literate, but the family knew his brand of shorthand and that was all that mattered.
Hoyt laid the package on the counter beside her, then leaned his weight on one elbow. “What’re you thinking, Mamma?” She glanced at him, mouth pursed. Her gaze drifted upstairs, and Hoyt sniffed derisively. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.”
She stilled her hand, resting the tip of the blade on the cutting board. It gleamed in the harsh light of the late afternoon sun spilling in through the window. “Where was she going, I wonder,” she asked aloud.
“Don’t matter. She ain’t ever getting there,” Hoyt replied.
“Think she’s got any family that’d come snooping for her?” Anyone she would miss? Anyone that would miss her?
Hoyt grumbled. “Ain’t ever mattered before. I don’t know why it’d matter now.” He gave her another pointed look. She just shrugged and resumed slicing. The knife slipped through the tomato so easily the flesh never so much as bruised. Thomas made sure his Mamma’s knives were never dull. Such a good boy....
“Brave little thing, isn’t she?” Luda Mae observed aloud.
He grunted. “She’s meat—soon as Tommy’s back on his feet. So don’t go getting attached. Ain’t like we need another mouth to feed.”
“It’d be useful. Having a nurse.”
“She ain’t family.”
“She wouldn’t be the first adopted Hewitt.” Or she could marry into the family, but Luda Mae didn’t want to give Charlie any bad ideas.
He snorted. “Oh, yeah? How good do you think she is with a chainsaw?” Luda Mae glared at him, but he returned the look with upraised brows. “She ain’t family, Mamma. What makes you think she’ll be willing to do what needs doing?”
“The girl ain’t a stranger to hardship. She’d understand.”
“Now, how do you figure that?”
She didn’t bother trying to explain to him. “Call it woman’s intuition.”
He snorted, a little smirk quirking his mouth. “Woman’s intuition, huh?” His tongue fumbled over the word ‘intuition’, but he managed to convey his derision nonetheless. “Guess we’ll see, won’t we?” He lifted his chin, scratching the underside of his jaw. “Sure is pretty, at least. I wouldn’t mind getting better acquainted—“ Luda Mae whirled around, knife uplifted. “Jesus, Mamma! What the hell’s wrong with you?!” His eyes were focused on the blade’s tip, mere inches from his nose.
“You’re gonna leave that girl alone.”
“What does it matter? She’s meat.”
“Not while she’s treating Thomas she ain’t!” Luda Mae lifted her chin, eyes fierce as she held the knife with an ease that came from long practice. “You leave that girl alone. Whether she ends up at the table or on it, you ain’t gonna touch a hair on her head. Not ‘til Tommy’s well. You got that, Charlie?” she emphasized his name, earning a disgruntled sigh.
Ultimately, though, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah. I got it.” He looked away, arms crossed. “Girl’s already puttin’ maggots on his chest. Can’t see how she could make it much worse for him, but I won’t give her a reason to. Happy?”
“I’ll be happy if you keep your word. And you watch your tongue—the good Lord didn’t die so you could use his name like that.”
“Don’t go pointing knives at my face, and I won’t!” he said, already leaving the room.
“Where’re you going?” she asked.
“Talk to Monty about our guest.” Under his breath, he added, “If I ain’t allowed to have fun with her, then he ain’t either.”
Luda Mae shook her head. “Men,” she grumbled. It might be nice to have another woman in the house. Henrietta and Kathy were fine friends—practically family—but it wasn’t the same as having another woman in the home. Especially if you took to Tommy.
Tommy’d always been so shy. If he’d ever had a crush on a girl—or even another boy; Luda Mae might have, initially, disapproved of such a thing, but if Tommy ever found a boy to love, she imagined she could find it in herself to accept him—he never said ‘boo’ about it. Poor boy was probably too shy to act on his feelings, if he even allowed himself to acknowledge them. Besides, the kids he’d gone to school with had been so cruel to him. It was no wonder her sweet, sensitive boy had been too timid to approach any of them.
But you....
You barely seemed to notice his facial scarring. You treated him like he was just another patient—even after Hoyt had kidnapped you. You weren’t squeamish, and you’d even said good people could be driven to do bad things despite themselves. You seemed ideal.
Luda Mae wasn’t going to get her hopes up—disappointment was too close a companion—but it seemed a shame to dismiss this opportunity or to sabotage it. She’d keep Charlie away from you, and he’d make sure Monty minded his manners. The rest would be up to you and Tommy.
She tilted the cutting board over the pan, dumping tomatoes in amongst the diced onions, already sizzling. Then she opened the package of sausage, breaking it up into bite-sized pieces to brown. Her nose curled a little at the unpleasant smell—not quite like boar taint, but closer than she was comfortable with. She wished for a little thyme or oregano, but settled for rosemary. The hearty shrub didn’t mind the Texan heat, unlike the more delicate herbs the family could no longer afford.
She wondered, as she ground the fresh rosemary between her fingers, if you were more like that hearty shrub, or if you were too delicate to withstand their way of life.
Well. They’d find out soon enough.
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parkertech · 4 years
Tattoos & Tears — CHAPTER 4
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a/n: on everybody's 18th birthday, they get a tattoo of their soulmate written on their wrist. for you, it's your best friend who you thought you got over. who even has a girlfriend of his own.
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, jealousy, angst
MJ was rudely awoken by the morning sun blinding her eyes. She mentally cussed it out in her head, before checking the time. She groaned at the realization that she had to get ready, and turned over patting Peter’s shoulder.
“Pete...wake up...” she whispered. It was Peter’s turn to groan, and he buried his face in his pillow, his eyes still closed. MJ giggled at how much of a couch potato he was being, before running her hand through his hair.
“It’s 7:00 Peter...come ooonn...” He only groaned even louder in protest. He could feel MJ’s body heat, and instead of it being comforting, he found it the opposite. He scooted slightly away from her, and sighed feeling the cool mattress under his skin.
“I don’t wannaaaa...the days gonna be full of boring lessons, and boring teachers, and boring people...”
“Yeah, everyone’s basically boring.” MJ replied. She jumped out of Peter’s bed, grabbing an outfit she left in his closet. “Well, besides your friends, of course.” Peter hummed and nodded in response while MJ left his room to his bathroom to take a shower.
With MJ’s last sentence, he was reminded of all his friends. MJ, Ned, Betty, Y/N...
Wait, Y/N!
He shot up from his bed, realizing he had a big priority on his hand today. All the memories of last night came back, and he mentally cursed himself all over again.
Okay, he needed a plan. That was his thing, that’s how he got MJ as his girlfriend. And that worked out. Even though he technically couldn’t check any of those things off...
Peter started making the list mentally. Okay, step one. Apologize for being a dick. Even if he wasn’t secretly sorry. It was Brad Davis for crying out loud! But that still didn’t mean he controlled you. Step two, basically be your bitch. That would soften you up a bit. Hand her the homework if she needs it, give her notes for the day, etcetera, etcetera. And if all else fails and you’re still mad at him, step 3. Leave her alone.
But what if he doesn’t want to?
No no, not about you, Peter.
If you were really mad, you would just need space to soften up. Then he’d try again. Peter took a breath, letting his plan sink in, before getting ready for the day.
MJ beat Peter to school, when she realized she was going to be late if she waited for him. As she was taking out all her textbooks and notes for her next class, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She turned around, only to be cornered by Peter himself, who had a bright smile on his face.
“Hey, you.” He said cheery. MJ couldn’t stop the matching smile that came across his face.
“Hey to you, too.” Peter chuckled a bit before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. MJ’s cheeks immediately flared up, and she could tell she was blushing. There was a slight fire in her that she couldn’t put out if she tried.
But Peter didn’t feel it.
He was expecting the butterflies, and the flushed cheeks, but he felt nothing. The only thing he felt was a slight discomfort, as he pulled away with a confused look. He could hear tingling, and knew it was his spider sense.
“What’s wrong?” MJ asked. Usually he would continue his affection, but apparently today was different. Peter turned to look down a hall, and his spider sense turned off once he saw you.
Except you weren’t alone.
There you were, leaning against your locker with a bright smile on your face, laughing at something Brad Davis said. He had a casual arm leaning against the locker above you, and he was slightly towering over you. Peter also took in your appearance. You were hearing a white, long sleeve scoop neckline shirt, along with a dark blue denim skirt that stopped in the middle of your thighs. You had soft, yet gentle makeup on your face, and your hair was a little more neater today.
You were dressed to impress someone.
And that someone was Brad.
Peter grit his teeth a little, before turning back to MJ.
“Nothing, just thought my spider senses sensed danger.” MJ nods with an ‘oh’ face, before turning back around and continuing rummaging through her locker. Peter took this chance to look back up at you. Brad was now smiling at you, and he could see his eyes trail up and down your body. Peter’s chest grew tight, and he felt that familiar jealousy from last night, all because he was checking you out.
Jesus, why was he being so weird?
He knew it was a problem if he could address it himself. MJ shut her locker, and grabbed his hand. Peter took the hint, and walked her to her History class, but his eyes never left the not -so-subtle flirting Brad was doing. And he could tell you enjoyed it.
But little did Peter know, he was far from right.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Peter looking at you. You knew you needed some kind of way to distract yourself. Plus, you needed to keep your lie going. You killed two birds with one stone, and pretended to be interested in Brad. You felt a little bad, honestly. Brad didn’t deserve to be lied to of such a thing, and it made you feel more guilty when you could tell he was into you.
It was easy to pretend to have the same feelings. You giggled at all his jokes, even if they weren’t that funny, maybe touched his bicep a bit, but that was it. The only thing motivating you was imagining it was Peter. You heard the bell rung, and turn to your locker grabbing one last book.
“That’s us. Do you wanna walk to class together?” See, if this were really Peter, you’d be a stuttering, blushy mess. But it isn’t, so you’re not. Brad smiles at your offer before nodding.
“Yeah, maybe we could also sit next to each other?” Brad really was too naive for his own good...you wanted to sit with Peter, but he was probably sitting in between MJ and Ned by now.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Brad waited until you locked your locker before walking down the sea of students to your class. It was silent except for his little comments, but it was a kind of peaceful silence. As promised, you and Brad took a seat in the middle next to each other.
Peter was occupied talking to Ned about his new Millennium Falcon LEGO set, until you walked in the room. With Brad. God, why is he always there?
He practically glared daggers at him, and he pulled a seat next to you. Of course, he was sitting next to you now. He only temporarily moved his eyes when the teacher came in to start the lesson. He stole occasional glances, and when the teacher assigned partners for a new project, guess who volunteered to be your partner?
“Okay, so we can continue doing this at my house?” You asked Brad. Peter growled a little. You just started talking to him and he’s already going to your house? Great.
MJ spotted his tense stance, and gently put her hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little, but nonetheless played it off.
The bell finally rung after what felt like an eternity, and MJ telling him to wait for her was the only thing stopping him from speeding away in annoyance. Him, MJ, Betty, and Ned, all sat in a table, across from each other. He expected you to sit next to them per usual, but he didn’t see any sign of you.
“Guys, do any of you see Y/N?” He asks. Betty’s eyes widen a little at the mention of your name, but she plays it off by looking around. She spots you a few tables down, and points.
“There she is.” He looked where Betty pointed. You had one of your notebooks open, writing away to it. Peter didn’t realize it, but he was admiring how your tongue poked out a little when you were very concentrated, and when you brushed your hair behind your ear because it was getting in the way. It showed more of your face, and for some reason that made his heart swell. As quick as the view was memorable, it became trashed the second Brad came into view. You looked up at him and smiled for what felt like the hundredth time that day. When Brad sat down next to you, he notice he had two trays of food, and handed one to you.
Get a load of this fucker.
Peter was full on fuming now. He could tell you were having fun with him, and it just made the anger in him rise even more. He knew the rest of the day wasn’t gonna be good if he kept seeing you two like this. Most of the lunch period was spent looking and glaring at you and Brad. Peter rarely payed any attention to his friends’ conversations, and only responded with one worded sentences. MJ noticed him being off, because she notices everything, and thought he was having a bad day. Maybe it was just this once. She decided to give him space. If something was wrong, he would tell her. She was certain of that.
“I’ll be right back.” He mumbled to his friend group. Betty and MJ eyed him, and Betty’s eyes widened when she realized he was walking to you.
Does he know? Did he somehow figure it out? Shit shit shit shit!
Peter sat across from you, which snatched your attention from Brad to him. You smiled at him while Brad just gave him a weird glance.
“Hey, Peter! What’s up?” He furrowed his eyebrows at how friendly you were being. Were you really going to act like last night didn’t happen? Or was he making it a big deal when it really wasn’t?
“Can I talk to you? In private?” He glared at Brad a bit, and it was very noticeable. You were about to call him out on it, before Brad intervened.
“It’s cool, I’ll just throw away our trash and let you guys talk, okay?” You nodded as Brad took your tray full of trash and his own, going over to the trash bin.
“So what did you wanna talk about?”
“I wanted to say sorry...for how I acted yesterday...” Peter’s aggressive demeanor was quickly turned into a shy one just by standing across from you.
“Oh, that? It’s okay, I was just in a snippy mood. Probably because of the alcohol.” It was easier to sugarcoat it instead of telling the truth. Eventually he’d wonder why you were so mad and figure it out. Peter wasn’t stupid, just not that observant.
“No, I feel like it was my fault mostly. I mean I’m the one that brought it up, even though I know I can’t control your love life, I’m sorry about that too, and I-“
“Peter I said I forgive you. It’s okay.” You stopped him mid rambling and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. His palms suddenly became sweaty and he placed them on his thighs instead of in front of him on the table.
“Okay. Cool. Yeah.” You nodded and he awkwardly nodded back, before going back to his seat. He joined in MJ’s conversation a little unwillingly, while Betty took her chance to sit in front of you this time.
“What was he talking about?” She whispered. You shot your head up from your notes and furrowed your eyebrows.
“He doesn’t know, right? About your tattoo.” Your eyes widened and you looked around, making sure no one heard you.
“Betty! Ssh! Don’t say it so loud! No, he doesn’t. He was just talking to me.” Betty sat there staring at you for a few seconds before asking another question.
“When are you gonna tell him?” You scoffed and shrugged before turning back to her.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I have to. The tattoo is probably wrong anyways.” Betty furrowed her eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, why are you acting like it’s not a big deal?”
“Maybe because it’s not. A flaw could’ve happened, who knows.” Betty glared at you, obviously annoyed. How did you go from having a full on panic attack to acting like it’s nothing?
“Really? So being in love with him isn’t a big deal?” You clenched your jaw, just wanting her to stop. You didn’t want to think about anything of last night, and Betty wasn’t really helping.
“I was drunk, okay?” But you meant it.
“I don’t think you would have a full on breakdown about that, even if you were drunk.”
“Betty, I don’t want to talk about it anymore, okay? I’m hanging out with Brad, and I think I might actually be into him. I don’t want a stupid fucking tattoo to ruin that for me!” Betty was way more confused now. But she didn’t have the energy to argue. She rolled her eyes a little, putting her hands up in defense, before leaving the table and going back to Ned.
When school hours were over, Brad went over to your house as planned. MJ went over to Peter’s house as usual, except he wasn’t as enthusiastic about it. He’d rather be alone. With you.
That was all that was on his mind. You, you, you. He mentally scolded himself, constantly repeating that he had a girlfriend to focus on instead. To get his mind off of you, he decided to go through a Star Wars marathon with MJ. He ignored her protests and stayed silent, which was unlike him. He’d banter to her saying it’s overhated, but he didn’t have the energy today.
The distraction didn’t work, though. He knew literally every line, what was going to happen, yadda yadda yadda. It just made him more bored. Peter looked down at MJ spooned up beside him, her eyes closed and her breathing slow. He carefully and cautiously moved out of his place between the couch and her, and didn’t waste any time to put on his red and black spandex and jump out the window.
When Peter started patrol, it was near sundown. When he checked his phone, it was 12 in the morning. He knew MJ would be up by now, and the thought of that annoyed him. He didn’t know why, but now he kind of found the thought of hanging around MJ really negatively. It’s not her as a person, it’s hanging out with her as her boyfriend. As Peter stared at his bedroom window, his thoughts ran wild.
Did he want to break up with MJ?
Peter knew the answer but wanted to try and prove himself wrong. He knew he couldn’t. But he didn’t want to hurt MJ. Sure, breakups happen, but someone gets hurt. He doesn’t want to hurt anybody. Especially someone as good as MJ. The thought of it made his eyes water. Peter pinched the bridge of his nose, squinting his eyes shut and groaning a little.
“Peter, is everything okay with you?” He heard his new A.I.—E.D.I.T.H. ask. He figured out a way to transfer E.D.I.T.H. to his suit, since the glasses Tony gave him were a bit too big. He never threw them out, of course. He wanted to keep some part of him, besides the suits he made for him.
“Yeah, everything’s fine, E.D.I.T.H.” He knew based off his annoyed and upset tone he was far from right.
“Your heart rate hasn’t been picking up whenever you’re around Michelle.” E.D.I.T.H. stated. Great, he was trying to doubt himself and here goes a computer who literally knows everything. “Is everything okay between you two? I don’t see you argue.” That last word made his mind flashback to yesterday. When he was on your fire escape. It made his heart clench in the worst way possible.
As if the poor boy hadn’t been thinking enough, he went deeper into his mindset. And the deeper he went, the more and more you came up. He saw your smile, how bright and happy it was. He heard your laugh echo in his head, remembering the corny science pun he told you that made him laugh too. He kept getting flashes of you looking at him, of him spending time with you at your place, and how every time you were around you made him smile. He felt that tingle in his stomach, and his hands getting clammy under his suit, and hearing his heart beat in his ear drums. All of this was obvious signs of nervousness.
Peter also thought about MJ. But her smile wasn’t that bright. Her smile didn’t make him mimic it. Her laugh didn’t have as much power as yours did. He saw their moments together, but MJ being replaced with you. He felt his heart tug painfully, instead of any nervousness, and all of a sudden the lightbulb in his head clicked.
“Peter?” E.D.I.T.H. called his name one last time. Peter’s voice cracked as he finally replied to her.
“No, E.D.I.T.H. Everything is not okay between me and MJ...”
a/n: hehehe that cliffhanger
Taglist 🏷 (requests are open!)
@marvel4geeks @ladykxxx08 @chloecreatesfictions @joyleenl @witchything @pluckypete @yourneighbourhoodclown @whatareyouhidingpeter @elamvlfoy @trumpettay
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missjanjie · 4 years
Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) | (3/?)
Title: Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) Summary: A sequel to Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa are back at NYU, but with new and improved positions. Brooke’s ready to start her career as a professor when, as fate would have it, she realizes her TA, Jackie, might have the hots for a student named Jan. The couple just might see it as a sign to give two new girls the love story they found in the same place. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~9k (total) Relationship(s): Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Jankie (Jan Sport/Jackie Cox) Rating: E
read on ao3
Brooke Lynn furrowed her brows and strummed her fingers against the table. “So, let me see if I’ve got this right – you invited Jan over to practice for her audition, got wine drunk, then dry-humped until she got off?”
Jackie nodded in confirmation, her eyes fixated more on her coffee cup than Brooke – she had to build back up to being able to make eye-contact. “Then in the morning she was gone and she left me a note,” she finished, holding the piece of paper up. “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”
“It wasn’t your smartest move,” she told her, trying not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all. “But if she just left like that, she’s probably just as scared as you are. Listen, the first day I met Vanessa was a mess. I walked her home from work that night, kissed her, and then literally ran away. She still makes fun of me for it.”
The story made Jackie laugh, but it caught her by surprise as well. She had always seen Brooke as someone so unshakably confident. “I guess if things worked out for you guys, all hope isn’t totally lost…” She took another sip from her drink and sighed. “I still don’t know how I’m going to face her in class on Monday,” she admitted.
Brooke reached across the table and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Just focus on your work. I promise I’ll find something to keep you busy, okay?” As much as she wanted to continue her matchmaking game, she could see that the tension needed to diffuse before she tried to push them closer. Just because Katya lucked out didn’t mean lightning would strike twice.
Jackie’s entire body relaxed in relief. She was still anxious about seeing Jan again, but it meant a lot to know that Brooke was looking out for her. “Okay. Yes, thank you. I can work with that.” She nodded, then checked her phone. “I have to get going, though. I’ll talk to you later,” she said as she gathered her things, including the note that she tucked into her pocket.
Brooke smiled and waved her off. She stayed put, though. She was expecting Vanessa any minute now. They liked meeting here when they could, after all, it was the café A’keria recently became the owner of, the same one she’d started working in after the Starbucks fiasco all those years ago. It was sentimental to them now.
“Hey boo,” Vanessa greeted as she walked in, leaning over and giving her wife a kiss before sitting down. “Must’ve just missed Jackie, how’s she doing?”
“The poor girl is going through it,” Brooke shook her head sympathetically. “She and Jan got drunk and fooled around, and Jan left before she woke up. She left a Post-It or something.”
Vanessa frowned and shook her head. “Mh-mm, I hate Post-Its. If you’re gonna dip, send a text like a normal person,” she mused.
“Maybe she thought a handwritten note would be more meaningful,” she reasoned. “Regardless, she’s just gonna need some time to recover before we continue with any matchmaking shenanigans.”
Vanessa gave a firm nod of agreement. “Understood.” She sat quietly for a moment, strumming her fingernails against the table. “I wanna talk about the baby thing.”
Brooke blinked in surprise at the abrupt subject change but leaned in to listen attentively nonetheless. “Of course, what’s on your mind?”
“Listen… I know we got good genes and all, but I don’t wanna create a baby in a lab when there are so many kids that need a family. I had friends in foster care when I was little, you know? That shit must’ve really sucked for them. And I just think… You and me are in a position to really help a kid out,” she told her, then held her breath as she waited for her wife’s response.
Brooke reached across the table and held Vanessa’s hands. “Baby girl, if that’s what you want, I am a hundred percent on board. I think that’s a wonderful motivation to adopt. We can start looking at agencies as soon or as late as you want. I’m in this with you all the way,” her thumb stroked over Vanessa’s wedding band. “That’s what I promised you. That’s the promise I make to you every day as your wife.”
Vanessa blinked and looked down. “Shit, you gonna make me cry,” she mumbled, giving Brooke’s hand a light squeeze to reassure her she was okay. “Guess we gotta think about redecorating the guest room then, huh?”
“You know my weakness for interior design,” she cooed, pressing a kiss to the back of Vanessa’s hand.
By the time Monday rolled around, Jackie had talked herself out of most of her anxiety. When the time was right, she thought, she could talk things out with Jan. But until then, she had a job to do, a job that she did like.
Jackie’s main task was to write a lot of information on the chalkboard. It was perfect as far as she was concerned – having her back to the class meant she didn’t have to worry about making awkward eye contact with Jan. She had to admit, it was kind of a genius move on Brooke’s part.
Jan, however, was left with a predicament of her own. She and Gigi had sat in the front because even with contacts or glasses, they were both nearsighted as all hell. However, this put Jackie right in her line of sight, and she immediately began regretting her decision.
While the dress Jackie wore came down to her knees, the fabric clung to her body in a way that accentuated some of her best physical features.
And Jan hadn’t meant to stare – staring was rude and her mother taught her better. But she would be damned if Jackie’s ass wasn’t hypnotizing her. She couldn’t help but wonder how she hadn’t noticed before.
“You’re gonna snap your pen in half with the way you’re biting it,” Gigi poked Jan’s shoulder, snapping her friend out of her trance. “Also, some subtlety really wouldn’t hurt you right now.”
Jan blushed, looking down at her notes, which were nowhere near as detailed as usual. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Gigi chuckled. “Please, your eyes were about to burn a hole into her butt.”
“They were not, I was just reading the board,” she insisted, but now that she had to actively avoid staring, her body seemed all the more compelled to continue. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, trying to get her mind and body on the same page.
“Hey, you have good taste, I’m just saying be less obvious about it.”
Jan just buried her face in her notes, hoping that if she focused on getting work done, her mind would stop conjuring images of Jackie in various states of undress.
“...And that’ll just about do it,” Brooke Lynn was saying. “You guys are free to go, see you Wednesday.” She closed her book, punctuating the dismissal. Her eyes followed the students out of the room, waiting until they were alone before speaking to Jackie. “How are you feeling?”
Jackie exhaled deeply, dropping herself down onto the desk closest to Brooke’s as if she were dead weight. “I feel okay. I think not having to look at her made it easy. Have you seen her eyes? They’re so warm and brown and–”
“–And couldn’t stay off of you,” Brooke finished with a smirk. “Jackie, she is hot for you, you should’ve seen how she was staring at you. I already knew you have a great ass, but damn, it had a magnetic pull on that poor girl.”
Jackie turned a shade of red deeper and brighter than it had ever been. She suddenly became hyper-aware of her body, not necessarily in a self-conscious way – in fact, part of her was flattered – but it was overwhelming to process at first. “I guess she might not regret the other night that much then,” she managed with a strangled laugh.
“Honey, it’s pretty clear she wants a repeat performance. I wasn’t even paying all that much attention to her, but I swear I almost offered her a towel,” she chuckled.
Even though Jan was long gone, Jackie looked out of the classroom and into the hall, as if she could still catch sight of her. “I never thought I’d be relieved to be objectified,” she mused.
Brooke let out a light laugh at that. “So you’ll go talk to her?”
She shook her head as her gaze drifted back to the desk. “Not yet. Soon… Hopefully soon. I think I’ll know when I’m ready.”
“Well, other than you ogling the TA you fooled around with, I think today went well,” Gigi said as they walked back to the residence hall. “You ready for your audition later?”
“I wasn’t ogling her.” Jan chewed on her lip. “Don’t laugh, but…” She shifted awkwardly as she looked anywhere but directly at her friend. “I’m worried I might be too… distracted to nail it.”
Gigi looked at her friend with an arched brow. “First of all, yes you were. We established this. Second, you think you’ll be too horny to focus on singing?” She really did try her best not to laugh, but a small giggle slipped through. “Babe, just masturbate like a normal person before you go.”
She huffed. “Don’t you think I’ve thought of that? Lem’s probably gonna be in there, what am I supposed to do, tell her to leave so I can jerk off? We’re close, Geege, but I think there’s a line.”
“Then go in the shower. Jesus, do I have to spell it out for you?” Gigi rolled her eyes.
“You don’t think it’s weird to get off thinking about someone you’re not dating?” Jan asked quietly.
Her friend pinched the bridge of her nose. “At this point I just think you need to do it so you stop sounding so neurotic and paranoid. Hell, if I wasn’t in a committed relationship, I’d offer to help you out myself.”
Jan cocked her head to the side. “Thanks, I think.”
When Jan did get back to the dorm, she saw Lemon on her bed with her AirPods in, just as she’d anticipated. She waved at her to get her attention, waiting for her to take one of them out. “Hey sweetie, I’m just gonna shower before my audition. You know, get nice and calm,” she told her.
Lemon smiled and nodded. “Oh shit, I forgot that was today. Break a leg! But like, not in the shower. That would be bad.”
Jan chuckled as she grabbed what she needed to bring into the bathroom. “I don’t know where I’d be without your wisdom, doll,” she winked playfully before leaving.
The first thing Jan did once she got in the shower was put music on – this wasn’t her first rodeo, so to speak. Even with earbuds in, she knew she ran the risk of Lemon hearing her moan if she didn’t drown it out. With the music playing and water running, Jan undressed and stepped into the shower, letting out a sigh of relief the second the hot water hit her body.
After she washed her hair, Jan leaned against the shower wall, resting her head against the cool tile. She let her hand travel down her body. There was a moment of hesitation when her fingers grazed over her pussy, but after a deep breath, she began rubbing her clit with two fingers. Her eyes fluttered shut as soft, breathy moans slipped out.
“Fuck…” Jan wasn’t thinking about anything at first, but without even trying, her thoughts drifted to Jackie, to what happened the other night, to that day in class. And once she got started, there was no chance of stopping. “Oh, Jackie…” she moaned, rocking against her fingers. Her free hand went to her breast, groping it, and tweaking her nipple.
By the time her orgasm hit, Jan needed to rest her entire weight against the wall to keep herself up. Her legs were shaking and she was whimpering, taking deep breaths as she finally felt sturdy enough to stand back upright. After that, she just did a quick wash off her face and body before getting out and drying off, going back into the bedroom wrapped up in her robe shortly after.
“Hey, feeling any better?” Lemon asked casually. It was clear she hadn’t moved an inch this whole time, nor was she aware of what Jan had gotten up to.
“Much better, actually,” Jan nodded, taking the towel wrap off of her head and combing her hair out. “What’s your plan for the rest of the day?” she asked as she continued getting ready.
Lemon paused her music and took out her earbuds, she had been waiting for an opportunity to talk about herself. “Actually, I’m meeting up with a girl later.” She didn’t wait for Jan to ask before she continued. “Okay, so, like, I had just lit a joint and I see this really pretty girl – tall, you know how I like ‘em – and she seems hella stressed, so I offer her a hit. So, we’re smoking and chatting and long story short, we have a date tonight.”
“That was the short version?” Jan teased as she got dressed. “I’m guessing it'll be more of the same?”
She scoffed. “No… We’ll probably fuck too.”
Jan laughed softly as she straightened her hair, then pulled it up into a high ponytail. “Well, it’s always nice to have an itinerary,” she hummed. “I’ll see you later.”
Jan stepped onto the stage and held herself with confidence. She introduced herself, handed the sheet music to the pianist, and then she simply did what she did best; she sang. She gave it her all, emoting all the right words, belting all the right notes. There was a lingering rush of adrenaline when she finished. “Thank you,” she smiled politely and made her way off stage.
“Great job up there,” a distinct voice out of seemingly nowhere caused Jan to jump, startled.
“Oh, thanks Vanjie,” Jan smiled, running her fingers through her ponytail. “I didn’t realize anyone other than the directors were watching.”
Vanessa shrugged. “People gave up tryna tell me what to do a long time ago. Except for Brooke, but there’s always an exception for the wife. But anyway… you feelin’ okay? I don’t know all the details, but I know you had a rough weekend.”
Of course, Jan figured Vanessa knew more than she let on – she could safely assume Jackie told Brooke, and Brooke told Vanessa. But she hoped some details had gotten lost in translation. “Oh, yeah, I guess,” she bounced awkwardly on the balls of her feet. “Things are a little weird, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Listen, I’ve been in your shoes. The worst thing you can do is overthink it. Brooke did it, Jackie does it, and I get the vibe you do too. Not everything’s as deep as y’all make it out to be, you know?”
Jan chewed her lip and nodded. Sure, she knew Vanessa was right, but it was easier said than done. It wasn’t something she could simply stop doing, something she could just turn on and off at will. “The situation’s just… It’s complicated. But I get what you’re saying, I do,” she assured. “All I wanna focus on now is being able to sleep tonight so I can be ready to see if I got a callback tomorrow.”
Vanessa gave Jan’s arm a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “You got this. Ain’t no one around you doubting that.”
And Jan tried her best to take that to heart, she tried to stay positive the rest of the night, to turn her brain off when it was finally time to sleep. She was pretty sure she passed out at nearly three in the morning, but as soon as her alarm went off, she shot right out of bed.
Lemon rolled onto her side, watching Jan scramble to get ready with energy from god knows where. “How the fuck do you do that?” she mumbled groggily.
Jan shrugged as she brushed her hair. “It’s a blessing and a curse, Lem.” She checked her phone. “The callback list should be up by the time I get there,” she murmured, offering a quick goodbye to her roommate before she was out the door.
By the time she got to the auditorium, there was already a small group of hopeful actors forming outside the doors. And as soon as the list went up, they all crowded around it.
Too impatient to wait, Jan made her way to the front, offering haphazard apologies to everyone she bumped out of the way. It was worth it for the happiness and relief she felt when she saw that she was on the callback list for Veronica.
The first thing she did was call Gigi and did her best to not scream into the phone. “I got a callback! And there were only two other girls listed for Veronica, Geege, I’m this close to getting it. I can taste it.”
“That’s my girl, I knew you’d crush it,” Gigi replied. “You’re gonna nail the callback too, and don’t be afraid to take my advice again if you need it.”
Jan furrowed her brows. “How did you know I followed your advice?”
Gigi had a smug grin that Jan swore she could feel through the phone. “I didn’t.”
21 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer), Chapter 3 (Branjie, Jankie) - Joley
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Brooke Lynn furrowed her brows and strummed her fingers against the table. “So, let me see if I’ve got this right – you invited Jan over to practice for her audition, got wine drunk, then dry-humped until she got off?”
Jackie nodded in confirmation, her eyes fixated more on her coffee cup than Brooke – she had to build back up to being able to make eye-contact. “Then in the morning she was gone and she left me a note,” she finished, holding the piece of paper up. “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”
“It wasn’t your smartest move,” she told her, trying not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all. “But if she just left like that, she’s probably just as scared as you are. Listen, the first day I met Vanessa was a mess. I walked her home from work that night, kissed her, and then literally ran away. She still makes fun of me for it.”
The story made Jackie laugh, but it caught her by surprise as well. She had always seen Brooke as someone so unshakably confident. “I guess if things worked out for you guys, all hope isn’t totally lost…” She took another sip from her drink and sighed. “I still don’t know how I’m going to face her in class on Monday,” she admitted.
Brooke reached across the table and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Just focus on your work. I promise I’ll find something to keep you busy, okay?” As much as she wanted to continue her matchmaking game, she could see that the tension needed to diffuse before she tried to push them closer. Just because Katya lucked out didn’t mean lightning would strike twice.
Jackie’s entire body relaxed in relief. She was still anxious about seeing Jan again, but it meant a lot to know that Brooke was looking out for her. “Okay. Yes, thank you. I can work with that.” She nodded, then checked her phone. “I have to get going, though. I’ll talk to you later,” she said as she gathered her things, including the note that she tucked into her pocket.
Brooke smiled and waved her off. She stayed put, though. She was expecting Vanessa any minute now. They liked meeting here when they could, after all, it was the café A’keria recently became the owner of, the same one she’d started working in after the Starbucks fiasco all those years ago. It was sentimental to them now.
“Hey boo,” Vanessa greeted as she walked in, leaning over and giving her wife a kiss before sitting down. “Must’ve just missed Jackie, how’s she doing?”
“The poor girl is going through it,” Brooke shook her head sympathetically. “She and Jan got drunk and fooled around, and Jan left before she woke up. She left a Post-It or something.”
Vanessa frowned and shook her head. “Mh-mm, I hate Post-Its. If you’re gonna dip, send a text like a normal person,” she mused.
“Maybe she thought a handwritten note would be more meaningful,” she reasoned. “Regardless, she’s just gonna need some time to recover before we continue with any matchmaking shenanigans.”
Vanessa gave a firm nod of agreement. “Understood.” She sat quietly for a moment, strumming her fingernails against the table. “I wanna talk about the baby thing.”
Brooke blinked in surprise at the abrupt subject change but leaned in to listen attentively nonetheless. “Of course, what’s on your mind?”
“Listen… I know we got good genes and all, but I don’t wanna create a baby in a lab when there are so many kids that need a family. I had friends in foster care when I was little, you know? That shit must’ve really sucked for them. And I just think… You and me are in a position to really help a kid out,” she told her, then held her breath as she waited for her wife’s response.
Brooke reached across the table and held Vanessa’s hands. “Baby girl, if that’s what you want, I am a hundred percent on board. I think that’s a wonderful motivation to adopt. We can start looking at agencies as soon or as late as you want. I’m in this with you all the way,” her thumb stroked over Vanessa’s wedding band. “That’s what I promised you. That’s the promise I make to you every day as your wife.”
Vanessa blinked and looked down. “Shit, you gonna make me cry,” she mumbled, giving Brooke’s hand a light squeeze to reassure her she was okay. “Guess we gotta think about redecorating the guest room then, huh?”
“You know my weakness for interior design,” she cooed, pressing a kiss to the back of Vanessa’s hand.
By the time Monday rolled around, Jackie had talked herself out of most of her anxiety. When the time was right, she thought, she could talk things out with Jan. But until then, she had a job to do, a job that she did like.
Jackie’s main task was to write a lot of information on the chalkboard. It was perfect as far as she was concerned – having her back to the class meant she didn’t have to worry about making awkward eye contact with Jan. She had to admit, it was kind of a genius move on Brooke’s part.
Jan, however, was left with a predicament of her own. She and Gigi had sat in the front because even with contacts or glasses, they were both nearsighted as all hell. However, this put Jackie right in her line of sight, and she immediately began regretting her decision.
While the dress Jackie wore came down to her knees, the fabric clung to her body in a way that accentuated some of her best physical features.
And Jan hadn’t meant to stare – staring was rude and her mother taught her better. But she would be damned if Jackie’s ass wasn’t hypnotizing her. She couldn’t help but wonder how she hadn’t noticed before.
“You’re gonna snap your pen in half with the way you’re biting it,” Gigi poked Jan’s shoulder, snapping her friend out of her trance. “Also, some subtlety really wouldn’t hurt you right now.”
Jan blushed, looking down at her notes, which were nowhere near as detailed as usual. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Gigi chuckled. “Please, your eyes were about to burn a hole into her butt.”
“They were not, I was just reading the board,” she insisted, but now that she had to actively avoid staring, her body seemed all the more compelled to continue. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, trying to get her mind and body on the same page.
“Hey, you have good taste, I’m just saying be less obvious about it.”
Jan just buried her face in her notes, hoping that if she focused on getting work done, her mind would stop conjuring images of Jackie in various states of undress.
“…And that’ll just about do it,” Brooke Lynn was saying. “You guys are free to go, see you Wednesday.” She closed her book, punctuating the dismissal. Her eyes followed the students out of the room, waiting until they were alone before speaking to Jackie. “How are you feeling?”
Jackie exhaled deeply, dropping herself down onto the desk closest to Brooke’s as if she were dead weight. “I feel okay. I think not having to look at her made it easy. Have you seen her eyes? They’re so warm and brown and–”
“–And couldn’t stay off of you,” Brooke finished with a smirk. “Jackie, she is hot for you, you should’ve seen how she was staring at you. I already knew you have a great ass, but damn, it had a magnetic pull on that poor girl.”
Jackie turned a shade of red deeper and brighter than it had ever been. She suddenly became hyper-aware of her body, not necessarily in a self-conscious way – in fact, part of her was flattered – but it was overwhelming to process at first. “I guess she might not regret the other night that much then,” she managed with a strangled laugh.
“Honey, it’s pretty clear she wants a repeat performance. I wasn’t even paying all that much attention to her, but I swear I almost offered her a towel,” she chuckled.
Even though Jan was long gone, Jackie looked out of the classroom and into the hall, as if she could still catch sight of her. “I never thought I’d be relieved to be objectified,” she mused.
Brooke let out a light laugh at that. “So you’ll go talk to her?”
She shook her head as her gaze drifted back to the desk. “Not yet. Soon… Hopefully soon. I think I’ll know when I’m ready.”
“Well, other than you ogling the TA you fooled around with, I think today went well,” Gigi said as they walked back to the residence hall. “You ready for your audition later?”
“I wasn’t ogling her.” Jan chewed on her lip. “Don’t laugh, but…” She shifted awkwardly as she looked anywhere but directly at her friend. “I’m worried I might be too… distracted to nail it.”
Gigi looked at her friend with an arched brow. “First of all, yes you were. We established this. Second, you think you’ll be too horny to focus on singing?” She really did try her best not to laugh, but a small giggle slipped through. “Babe, just masturbate like a normal person before you go.”
She huffed. “Don’t you think I’ve thought of that? Lem’s probably gonna be in there, what am I supposed to do, tell her to leave so I can jerk off? We’re close, Geege, but I think there’s a line.”
“Then go in the shower. Jesus, do I have to spell it out for you?” Gigi rolled her eyes.
“You don’t think it’s weird to get off thinking about someone you’re not dating?” Jan asked quietly.
Her friend pinched the bridge of her nose. “At this point I just think you need to do it so you stop sounding so neurotic and paranoid. Hell, if I wasn’t in a committed relationship, I’d offer to help you out myself.”
Jan cocked her head to the side. “Thanks, I think.”
When Jan did get back to the dorm, she saw Lemon on her bed with her AirPods in, just as she’d anticipated. She waved at her to get her attention, waiting for her to take one of them out. “Hey sweetie, I’m just gonna shower before my audition. You know, get nice and calm,” she told her.
Lemon smiled and nodded. “Oh shit, I forgot that was today. Break a leg! But like, not in the shower. That would be bad.”
Jan chuckled as she grabbed what she needed to bring into the bathroom. “I don’t know where I’d be without your wisdom, doll,” she winked playfully before leaving.
The first thing Jan did once she got in the shower was put music on – this wasn’t her first rodeo, so to speak. Even with earbuds in, she knew she ran the risk of Lemon hearing her moan if she didn’t drown it out. With the music playing and water running, Jan undressed and stepped into the shower, letting out a sigh of relief the second the hot water hit her body.
After she washed her hair, Jan leaned against the shower wall, resting her head against the cool tile. She let her hand travel down her body. There was a moment of hesitation when her fingers grazed over her pussy, but after a deep breath, she began rubbing her clit with two fingers. Her eyes fluttered shut as soft, breathy moans slipped out.
“Fuck…” Jan wasn’t thinking about anything at first, but without even trying, her thoughts drifted to Jackie, to what happened the other night, to that day in class. And once she got started, there was no chance of stopping. “Oh, Jackie…” she moaned, rocking against her fingers. Her free hand went to her breast, groping it, and tweaking her nipple.
By the time her orgasm hit, Jan needed to rest her entire weight against the wall to keep herself up. Her legs were shaking and she was whimpering, taking deep breaths as she finally felt sturdy enough to stand back upright. After that, she just did a quick wash off her face and body before getting out and drying off, going back into the bedroom wrapped up in her robe shortly after.
“Hey, feeling any better?” Lemon asked casually. It was clear she hadn’t moved an inch this whole time, nor was she aware of what Jan had gotten up to.
“Much better, actually,” Jan nodded, taking the towel wrap off of her head and combing her hair out. “What’s your plan for the rest of the day?” she asked as she continued getting ready.
Lemon paused her music and took out her earbuds, she had been waiting for an opportunity to talk about herself. “Actually, I’m meeting up with a girl later.” She didn’t wait for Jan to ask before she continued. “Okay, so, like, I had just lit a joint and I see this really pretty girl – tall, you know how I like ‘em – and she seems hella stressed, so I offer her a hit. So, we’re smoking and chatting and long story short, we have a date tonight.”
“That was the short version?” Jan teased as she got dressed. “I’m guessing it’ll be more of the same?”
She scoffed. “No… We’ll probably fuck too.”
Jan laughed softly as she straightened her hair, then pulled it up into a high ponytail. “Well, it’s always nice to have an itinerary,” she hummed. “I’ll see you later.”
Jan stepped onto the stage and held herself with confidence. She introduced herself, handed the sheet music to the pianist, and then she simply did what she did best; she sang. She gave it her all, emoting all the right words, belting all the right notes. There was a lingering rush of adrenaline when she finished. “Thank you,” she smiled politely and made her way off stage.
“Great job up there,” a distinct voice out of seemingly nowhere caused Jan to jump, startled.
“Oh, thanks Vanjie,” Jan smiled, running her fingers through her ponytail. “I didn’t realize anyone other than the directors were watching.”
Vanessa shrugged. “People gave up tryna tell me what to do a long time ago. Except for Brooke, but there’s always an exception for the wife. But anyway… you feelin’ okay? I don’t know all the details, but I know you had a rough weekend.”
Of course, Jan figured Vanessa knew more than she let on – she could safely assume Jackie told Brooke, and Brooke told Vanessa. But she hoped some details had gotten lost in translation. “Oh, yeah, I guess,” she bounced awkwardly on the balls of her feet. “Things are a little weird, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Listen, I’ve been in your shoes. The worst thing you can do is overthink it. Brooke did it, Jackie does it, and I get the vibe you do too. Not everything’s as deep as y’all make it out to be, you know?”
Jan chewed her lip and nodded. Sure, she knew Vanessa was right, but it was easier said than done. It wasn’t something she could simply stop doing, something she could just turn on and off at will. “The situation’s just… It’s complicated. But I get what you’re saying, I do,” she assured. “All I wanna focus on now is being able to sleep tonight so I can be ready to see if I got a callback tomorrow.”
Vanessa gave Jan’s arm a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “You got this. Ain’t no one around you doubting that.”
And Jan tried her best to take that to heart, she tried to stay positive the rest of the night, to turn her brain off when it was finally time to sleep. She was pretty sure she passed out at nearly three in the morning, but as soon as her alarm went off, she shot right out of bed.
Lemon rolled onto her side, watching Jan scramble to get ready with energy from god knows where. “How the fuck do you do that?” she mumbled groggily.
Jan shrugged as she brushed her hair. “It’s a blessing and a curse, Lem.” She checked her phone. “The callback list should be up by the time I get there,” she murmured, offering a quick goodbye to her roommate before she was out the door.
By the time she got to the auditorium, there was already a small group of hopeful actors forming outside the doors. And as soon as the list went up, they all crowded around it.
Too impatient to wait, Jan made her way to the front, offering haphazard apologies to everyone she bumped out of the way. It was worth it for the happiness and relief she felt when she saw that she was on the callback list for Veronica.
The first thing she did was call Gigi and did her best to not scream into the phone. “I got a callback! And there were only two other girls listed for Veronica, Geege, I’m this close to getting it. I can taste it.”
“That’s my girl, I knew you’d crush it,” Gigi replied. “You’re gonna nail the callback too, and don’t be afraid to take my advice again if you need it.”
Jan furrowed her brows. “How did you know I followed your advice?”
Gigi had a smug grin that Jan swore she could feel through the phone. “I didn’t.”
15 notes · View notes
Divide and Conquer - Alex Morgan imagine
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A/N: Where R and Alex are getting married in a week and the gang plans a bachelorette party for R. Chaos ensues. Might not be my best work. I have splitting headache but I hope you guys enjoy this fluff. Also I’ve tried writing in first POV.
(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up with Alex's weight on top of me. It was exactly a week before our wedding and today is our bachelorette parties.
As much as we want to spend all our time together, our friends had other plans.
The team decided to split themselves up among us and plan parties for the both of us separately and I'm pretty excited to be honest.
Alex starts to stir and eyes I would willingly drown myself in all day look up at me.
"Good morning beautiful" I said, kissing the top of her head. She hums her reply and snuggles closer.
"Morning" She said, her voice still filled with sleep.
"Are you excited for what our 21 idiot best friends have planned?" I asked, chucking slightly. Alex groans and rolls over so she can face me.
"I honestly just want to spend my day with you" She says with a pout. My heart skips a beat and I reach out to cup her cheek.
"Don't worry baby. After next week, you'll have me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not" I said, pecking her lips. She smiles and fakes annoyance.
"Sounds like a chore" She said.
"I promise to make it worth while" I said, pulling her closer and started kissing up her neck. Alex sighs contentedly and starts to sink into me.
My hands find purchase on her waist to pull her closer when a knock on our hotel room door. Alex and I both groan.
"(Y/N), Alex! Stop having sex we're coming in!" Kelley said, a little too loudly for my taste.
"Jesus fucking christ Kelley" Alex said as Kelley, Tobin and Allie crashed into our room.
Alex and I sat up in our bed, I wrap my arms playfully around my fiance.
"It is still way too early for you to be dragging me away from her" I said, pulling Alex closer.
The three girls visibly cringed.
"Come on, (Y/N)! It's gonna be your bachelorette party. You'll have all the time for sex once you're already married" Tobin said, her and Kelley started making their way towards the bed to pull me away from Alex.
"You make it sound like all we do is sex" Alex said.
"Isn't it though? I mean we can always hear you three doors down" Allie said. The both of us flushed red.
I was the first to recover and finally gave in to Tobin and Kelley who were trying to get me off the bed.
I stood up and shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, what can I say? My lady likes to let me hear how much she enjoys it" I said. Kelley and Tobin whooped while Allie had shock written on her face.
"(Y/N)!" Alex said, throwing a pillow at me. I laughed and shoot her a flying kiss. She rolls her eyes but still manages to give me a mega watt smile.
"I love you" I said with a cheeky grin.
Before she could reply, Tobin and Kelley are already dragging me out of the room with my suitcase in tow.
"Hey, wait. Where are we going it's like 8 in the morning!" I said, trying to plant myself on the floor of our room but failing miserably.
"We've got a whole day planned with activities, (Y/N)! So those Allie and the others with Alex!" Kelley said, still pushing me to the door.
"We'll take care of her, Alex!" Tobin called. My fiance's laugh filled the room and I couldn't help but smile through all my friends' antics.
"Enjoy, baby!" Alex said, seeing my off with Allie next to her. I groaned but flashed her a smile nonetheless.
Tobin and Kelley shove me into their room where half of the team is gathered for my party.
Ashlyn, Tierna, Emily, Alyssa, Megan, AD and Jessie were all hanging about already dressed for whatever they've got planned for me.
"There's the lucky woman!" Ashlyn called, swinging her arm around me and leading me into the middle of the room.
"Damn right, I'm lucky" I said. Megan groans.
"Yeah, yeah. We know you're so in love with Alex. You're gonna make me puke" She said playfully.
"Shut up. We know how much of a romantic you are when you're with Sue" I said. Megan huffs but nodded in approval.
"We've got a lot of surprises in plan for you" Jessie said with a wicked grin on her face.
"Should I be scared?" I asked with a laugh.
"I would" Baby T chimed in. I looked at her worriedly but she shrugged me off with a laugh.
"Don't worry. We got you" Uncle said, patting me on the back.
They let me get ready before practically dragging me out of the hotel. I managed to get a peek of Alex with the rest of our friends having brunch in the hotel restaurant.
I groaned, why did I get stuck with the chaotic frat boys?
We plowed through a list of activities all day, starting with a pick up game with local players. After all, what better way to celebrate my marriage with Alex than playing the game that brought us together.
Then, AD and Pinoe dragged me to do suit shopping for the wedding. They decided I needed their fashion advice.
"Oh please, I know for a fact that Sue keeps you slaying. You'd be hopeless on your own" I told Megan after they criticized the third suit I've tried on.
"Shut up, (Y/N)" Megan responds. AD laughs and hands me another suit.
"Try this, (Y/N). I'm sure Alex is gonna swoon the moment she sees you in this" AD said. I flashed her a grin.
"She always swoons over me" I said.
The rest of the day blows by with the frat boys dragging me around before we ended up in a pub crawl that evening.
Kelley and I engaged in a who knows Alex better game, with of course me crushing it. Kelley groans in frustration as I hold a 5-1 lead over her.
We got a private room in one of the pubs in town and Ash was on stage as the host.
"Alright. Alex's favorite sex position!" She said. The whole room whooped.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I said, chuckling. I stood up and grabbed the microphone from Ash.
"What happens in our bedroom, stays in our bedroom" I said. Collective groans could be heard around the room and I chuckled.
"Then keep the noise down too!" Emily shouted. I blushed a deep red but managed to flip her off.
The rest of the night was a blur with more soccer puns than I care to remember. Emily and Kelley also gave me a fucking lap dance I would like to erase from my memory.
I stumble out of the room determined to get to the bathroom when I see Alex and our other friends huddled up on the bar counter. She spots me and gives me the sexiest smile I've ever seen.
She excuses herself and walks towards me. I leaned on the bar and smiled at her.
"You come here often?" I said, trying to fight back a laugh. Alex plays along and slides into the bar stool next to me.
"Maybe" She said. We stare at each other for a while before bursting into laughter.
"God, I missed you baby" I said, leaning in to peck her on the lips.
"I missed you too. How has the frat boys been treating you?" Alex said, intertwining your fingers.
"It was pretty fun. But don't tell them that" I said with a chuckle.
"How about you?" I asked her, moving her hand up so I can kiss her knuckles.
"The girlies have been treating me nicely. Christen took me to yoga and it really calmed me down" Alex said. I smiled at my fiance.
"We have some pretty awesome friends, don't we?" I asked, smiling back at the room where Kelley and the others were.
They were currently hosting a dance battle between Kelley and Sonnett.
"Yeah. We do" Alex replied.
Kelley and Allie were calling for us and we both looked at each other.
"Wanna get out of here?" I said. Alex clings to me and grins.
"Yes" She said.
We dashed out of the bar hand in hand with our friends calling out in the distance.
I love them but I've gotta be with my future wife now.
The End
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Oh my god they were roommates
You are forced to take over the monitoring of Loki. Snapshots from the life of being a god handler.
It’s weird how a phrase or sentence can inspire a whole story. In this case it was “A polished turd is a turd nonetheless.” This is what grew from it. The whole story is almost 13.000 words long, so I felt I had to split it into parts. I will post the next part tomorrow.
If you like it, let me know. Knowing that people enjoy my writing is what keeps me posting my stories.
Word count: 2051
Part 1
Walking through the huge glass doors, you almost stopped and turned around. Any other time the music would at the very least have you tapping your toes, but not this time. Even the ridiculously expensive DJ could not turn your mood upside down.
You looked around the room. Of course they had cleared a space for dancing. Stark’s lavish parties always had lots of people dancing, and those who weren’t inclined to rock to the music could watch the night over the city through the massive windows.
The city looked like a twinkling Christmas ornament against the dark sky. Below, cars sped to and from, creating colourful lines of light in the raindrops on the glass. This was exactly how you felt. The calm rain washed the outside of the building while the loud chaos raged inside. Breathing in and out, you decided to hide in the corner, have one drink, and then head home to a date with Netflix and your pyjamas.
What on earth had made you think that attending a party filled with happy people would keep your heartbreak away? It hurt more than it should. Yes, Tommy was an asshole, you realised that now, but it was so hard to let go of the past two years. A part of you missed him, but you weren’t at all sure if you missed him or if it was just the lack of somebody there. You hoped it was the latter. If not, you needed to have a stern talking-to with yourself. In any case: procuring a drink was the next point on your agenda.
You shuffled through the crowd, wanting to be anywhere else, but you had said you would come, and you always kept your promises. You drew a deep breath and turned to the bar, where you bumped into Loki and his handler, Ben Reed.
Looking at them, you felt even more awkward with your plain, black skirt and blouse. Loki, like everyone else, was wearing black, but the details of his suit and the way he held himself made him look extra dashing and out of place. Standing next to Agent Reed, even more so.
If you squinted, you could just about make out the snakes winding and slithering over the lapels of his jacket, just barely visible when the light hit just right. Most likely sorcery, you thought, and felt bad for Ben, who looked no more than average compared.
“Good evening, Y/N,” Loki said with a polite smile. “Are you here alone tonight?”
“Yes.” Your reply was short and curt, and Loki knew better than to pry.
Agent Reed, however, did not. He looked you up and down. “What’s the matter, Y/N? You look like someone stole your toy.”
You pulled self-consciously on your skirt, slipping the heel of your shoes on and off. “Tommy dumped me last week,” you replied, surprised that it didn’t bring tears to your eyes, and hoping that the information would make him back off. You were in no mood to deal with him today.
You didn’t have anything in particular against Ben as such, it’s just that he had little to no compassion for others, and he had a little too much fun being a power hungry know-it-all. Okay, so maybe you had something against him after all. But you tolerated him because you were co-workers. And you liked being around Loki. Despite his closed-off demeanour and his violent past, he made you laugh with his weird humour and stories.  You wouldn’t go so far as to call yourselves friends, but you did enjoy his company at least.
“What?” Reed exclaimed without real feeling. “But he was such a handsome man. You looked so good together.”
You opened your mouth to tell him to kindly fuck off, but Loki beat you to it. “A polished turd is a turd nonetheless, Agent.” He turned to you and inclined his head slightly. “If you require my assistance, fair Y/N, I know several ways to maim and disembowel someone without taking their lives –“ He winked at you, but Reed frowned.
“Now now, Loki. You are still on probation, remember? Talk like that can get you in trouble.”
You rolled your eyes. “Only if you rat on him, Ben. It’s not Loki’s fault you’ve no humour.” Turning back to Loki, you were smiling for the first time in what felt like ages. “Thank you, but no thanks. I greatly appreciate the offer, but Tommy doesn’t deserve another thought from me.”
“I wholeheartedly agree. Maybe you would like to accompany the Agent and myself? There is an empty table over there. What would you like to drink?”
You caught the eyes of the bartender, who sidled over to the three of you. “One rum and coke. With a lime wedge, please. Thank you.”
Holding up a finger, Benjamin nodded. “Beer.”
“And for you?” the bartender asked Loki.
“Brillet, please. Grande Champagne, if you have.”
A couple of minutes later, you were making your way to the empty table, just far enough from the biggest crowds to be able to talk, but close enough that you could zone out without it turning too awkward.
The evening turned out a lot better than you feared. One drink turned to two, turned to three, and the conversation flowed freely, only interrupted by loud outbursts of laughter. You even bobbed your foot to the music.
“Please excuse me,” Loki said, rising from the table. “Oh, no need to follow,” he added when Reed moved to get up too. “I just have to visit the restroom. Don’t worry. You’d know it if I tried anything.” He lifted his trouser leg slightly to reveal a sleek, black device. You knew they were monitoring him, but an ankle bracelet?  So many questions filled your brain.
Reed seemed satisfied, and lowered himself back into the chair. Once Loki was out of earshot, he blew out a loud breath. “Jesus! I’m so sick of this. Following his every move. That goddamn weaselly face of his… I swear I’ll go mental one day!”
You frowned. It couldn’t be that bad. “You don’t have to follow him, you know. I’m sure he’s –“
“Loki is a war criminal, Y/N. He’ll never be a good citizen; evil is in his spine. But I guess you’re too blinded by his charm to see it.”
That was unnecessary harsh, you thought. Since the invasion of New York you had never seen Loki do anything illegal, and you were a firm believer in second chances and judging by what people did rather than what they had done. Reed, on the other hand… Apparently he held grudges, and when he decided he didn’t like you, well, then everybody knew it.
When Loki came back, looking fresh as always, Reed got to his feet. “I’m sure you can keep an eye at him,” he said to you, nodding to Loki. “I’m gonna…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but ploughed his way through the crowd towards a beautiful redhead dancing on her own by the DJ booth.
“Wow, that was sudden,” you said with a smile. “Not that I’m sad he left.”
Loki nodded, a smug smile spreading over his face. “I’m afraid he doesn’t like me very much.”
You watched as Reed tried and failed to grab the woman’s hand. A giggle escaped before you caught yourself, and you turned back to Loki. “Why? I mean, there’s the… but you’ve been very well behaved after, and he wasn’t even stationed in New York.”
Loki sipped his cognac, watching Reed’s efforts with amusements. “Well, he’s not very good with the ladies,” he said as if that would explain everything.
You gestured for him to continue.
“Last month he asked out a colleague, Annette was her name, I believe, but she turned him down. Rather harshly too, I’m afraid.”
“Oh? How?” You felt curiosity grow in your chest. His luck with the ladies couldn’t have anything to do with Loki, but then you remembered his comment earlier.
Loki shrugged just as the woman was joined by her friends, taking Reed by surprise. You both snorted into your drinks. “She told him that she would rather go on a date with me than spend an evening with him.”
“That is the correct term, yes. Ever since, his behaviour towards me has been increasingly colder.”
“Not your fault, though,” you offered, swinging your glass a little too vigorously, sloshing the drink over the edge. “Ben is rude. He doesn’t understand – see?”
The redhead slapped him hard across the cheek and turned to her friends, who were all laughing. Fuming, he returned to the table, and you hastily tried to look like you hadn’t been watching.
“Come on,” he growled, gesturing to Loki. “It’s time to go.”
Looking between them, you frowned. You weren’t at all ready to end the evening, and you were contemplating suggesting that you could take custody of Loki for the reminder of the night, but that probably weren’t a good idea anyway.
“Have a pleasant rest of the evening, Y/N,” Loki said, lifting your hand to his lips with a wink. Behind his back you could practically see smoke billowing from Ben’s ears. “Until our next meeting.”
It didn’t take long to finish your drink and call for a cab. The sudden stop to your talk with Loki reminded you that you came to the party alone, and that thought sent a wave of sadness and anger through you, and a short car ride later, you aggressively kicked off your shoes and stomped to bed without removing your makeup or clothes.
A week later you were sitting by your desk, trying to plot numbers into an Excel spreadsheet and not dying of boredom, when Miriam from floor three handed you a thick envelope. “You’ve got a mission,” she said before hurrying back to the elevator.
You opened the folder and pulled out a good pile of papers stamped CONFIDENTIAL in bright, red ink. Most of them contained notes and reports on Loki: his crimes and his progress, and you skimmed through it. As far as you could see he had done nothing to warrant suspicion the last three years, only minor pranks and general mischief, most of which, to be frank, you found hilarious.
The four last pages of the document contained a rough outline of a plan, and notes on Loki’s magic. A yellow post-it fluttered to the floor. When you picked it up, it revealed a time and location for a meeting. A quick glance at your calendar made you sweat. Tomorrow.
Loki was already there when you arrived, coffee in hand. Considering how he had treated the other agents (and to be fair, you couldn’t really blame him), you had decided to try to start on his good side, so you brought him a coffee as well.
“Morning,” you yawned, sliding the styrofoam cup over the table. It was too early to warrant a full sentence yet.
“Good morning, Y/N.” His voice was silky and suspicious. Clearly he hadn’t been informed of the change yet. You wondered if it was intentional, or if Agent Reed had just upped and fucked off the second he got the all clear.
Director Fury waltzed into the room moments later, followed by two agents you had never seen before. “Good. You’re both here. Please have a seat, Agent Y/N,” he added when you got to your feet.
Loki narrowed his eyes. “What the hell is going on, Fury?”
You swallowed, hoping your first task wouldn’t be cleaning up a showdown between the two. Because you were pretty certain it wouldn’t be pretty.
Fury smirked. “I have good news for you. Agent Reed resigned.”
You felt your face twitch as Loki leaned back into his chair and visibly relaxed. It was difficult to decipher his face, but you thought you could see a drop of relief in his eyes.
“However,” Fury continued, “I think you know we can’t just let you roam free. You have still to prove your allegiance. So I have assigned a new agent to keep you company.”
Nodding, you gave Loki a tight-lipped smile and a small salute with your coffee cup. Behind you the two agents tightened their grips on whatever weapons they were carrying.
Needing to diffuse the tension, you threw out your arms. “Tadaa. Could be worse, right?”
Loki remained silent, and you prayed he wouldn’t blow up. After a couple of uncomfortable minutes, he seemed to sink back in his chair. “Could be worse.”
Fury slid a folder across the table. “Good. That’s that out of the way. Do try to be a little excited, Loki. I thought you didn’t get along with Agent Reed.”
Loki caught the folder and read through the assignment. Once he was done, he groaned and rolled his eyes.
“We are in the process of finding a new apartment for you,” Fury said, ignoring Loki’s silent protest. “There is little in the vicinity of Y/N, but we will have a place ready within the next week or so.”
You looked at Loki, slumped in the chair, and Fury, oblivious to what was the real problem here. “Um, I have a suggestion,” you began, feeling all eyes on you and squirming in your seat. “If you need me to be closer… How about I move instead? It’s no problem for me to rent out my apartment. I have no sentimental ties to it, especially after…” You cleared your throat, shoving the memories of finding Tommy on your couch with some random chick to the back of your mind. What he had thought bringing her to your place instead of his own you didn’t know, but then again he had been absolutely sloshed. “Anyway, I’m sure it’s easier for me to move to the other side of the city?”
Hoping Fury would at least consider it, you glanced at Loki through the corner of your eyes. His back sat straighter, and he had moved to the edge of his seat. Maybe it would be a bearable arrangement after all.
“I’m sorry,” Fury said. “We have no one to relocate in that area. But…” He suddenly got a sly look in his eye. “Loki. You have a spare room, do you not? That would make it much easier for us.”
“What? Absolutely not!” His face clouded over, and you could practically sense the fire in his eyes. Okay, so this wouldn’t be easy after all.
What followed was a staring contest that would have even the testosterone filled tomcat slinking away to hide under the stairs. But eventually Loki inhaled and rubbed his temples. It looked like he mouthed “Fine,” but other than that he gave no indication that he was okay with the arrangement.
“So that’s decided. How soon can you move, Y/N?”
Feeling slightly dizzy from the power display that just played out, you hesitated. “Uh… whenever, really. Depends how much I have to bring with me.”
Part two
Tagging the peeps who have shown interest: 
@80percentmarvel @tardis-is-mine @schwarzwaelder-kirschtorte
69 notes · View notes
WhatsApp? Part 15. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you.
A/N: “Let’s talk about s*x baby, let’s talk about you and me.”, going off the rails, as I always tend to. Enjoy, babes.
Warnings: Oh, first kiss like hello bitch? Some smut happening/implied at the end of the chapter. Also, I think it's time to properly hit it off and just slowly start to slide towards the end.
Word Count: 3.7 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten  Part eleven  Part twelve  Part thirteen  Part fourteen
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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You couldn't actually believe that it happened - for some unknown reason, you found a fucking gem hidden amongst the other guys, with such a silly coincidence. Yeah, having Steve close could be described as a drug, simply. 
The evenings after your work were the absolute best. It was nice to have fancy dinners, to go into some crazy places; but as the weather got crazier and crazier, you started to have him over. Sometimes, he even slept at your place. On the sofa, but you tried your best to stay cool about that. 
It wasn't about you not being attractive or whatever - it was just about Steve being Steve. That was just a thing you discovered throughout the time. Steve being Steve consisted of holding your hand on the street occasionally, but just really innocently, sitting far away from you on the sofa, really gentlemen manners, never ever being mature or whatever. 
Bucky told you that those things were completely normal around that man out of time - and that it was bullshit to wait for him changing the things around. Not gonna happen, girl.
“How about yesterday’s hangout?” - Bucky asked from somewhere between Deena’s neck as he kissed her tenderly. You, Buck, Deena, and Sam were hanging out for that day’s lunch pause and so far so good. 
“You already know the answer, Buck.” - You mumbled and rearranged the glasses on your nose. Yesterday, Steve was having a sleepover at your place and you watched Harry Potter together. That man never saw those movies and Sam hadn't the time to show him. 
It was all fun, kind of romantic, cheesy enough, it was fun with a lot of popcorn and some really sweet drinks. As usually, Steve fell asleep on your couch, this time during the three trials of the Goblet of fire. Then you turned the movie off, covered him in a spare blanket and called it a day as well.
“Lemme guess.” -  Deena looked at you from under Bucky’s armpit and you almost didn't see her eyes because of the cap she was wearing. That piece of clothing was definitely her boyfriend’s. Sam Wilson, another of their friends, was walking on your second side, sipping some green-ish smoothie which looked disgusting to you. - “Steve was acting like Steve, wasn't he?” 
“I’m tellin’ ya, girl. Ma boy is just all over the place from you, even after all the time ya just simply hang out with him...” - Sam threw a hand over your shoulder and shook you a bit, offering you a sip from that disgusting smoothie. 
The more you got to know Sam, the more touchy and feely person he was around you. But it wasn't too much at all or something like that; it was just in a friendly way and you could feel that. So his huge fucking arm over your tiny shoulder? That was a normal thing for you at that time - after hanging out with Steve for three to four months. 
The first date was something that almost made you explode with happiness - Steve really put some effort into that. It wasn't effortless after that one night, not at all; but Steve was still nervous around you. Sweet and caring, but fucking nervous. And you could feel that. 
But you wanted to cuddle, you would beg to be kissed, you would bring him the whole world if he only indicated that he loves you. You just needed that - your patience was wearing. It would take only a slow push to throw you off the fucking cliff. 
And you pushed his fucking smoothie away because it just smelled so terribly.
“You would bet your fucking birdy brain, asshole.” - You looked at Sam with a shocked face. 
“Then fucking do it, girl, and stop yellin’ at me. It ain't my fault at all. Jesus, those hormones are just fuckin’ you up.” - Sam said and watched you like you were a fucking psycho. Yeah. The period was always the toughest time in women's life - and you were letting Sam and Steve letting to know your feelings. From the men, you were always only nice to Bucky, because he was always nice to you.
You didn't have your period, it ended up like three days ago, but you told Sam that it continued so you could behave like a dick to him without finding excuses, which you did anyways. 
“So, it is pretty obvious to me. Because your little Stevie is fucking oblivious, we need to make a plan.” - Deena peeped from under Bucky and opened the door to the bistro you were visiting that day. As usual, there were a few ladies and some young boys who desperately wanted to take a photo with the less known Avengers. 
You knew how to handle those situations with smiles - Steve had taught you, how not to freak out when someone wanted to take a photo with him. It usually happened when you and Steve went to the supermarket or to take some takeaway food. The people were just so happy to meet those superheroes in person, to have a small talk and to leave.
That was pretty ok and some fans of Steve, Buck or Sam even appreciated you, asked about your day and so on. Sometimes they even insisted on having you and Deena on the photo, usually adding something like “Even a supersoldier needs a shoulder to lay and cry on” or “Behind every successful superhero, there is a woman” and you personal favourite was “Superheroes find super girlfriends who can bare their whole history and personality and love them for who they are” (you saw that on one young lady’s Instagram story - there was a photo of you watching Steve with a dead stare when he was choosing his ice cream’s flavor for a half an hour; Peter had shown it to you while you were at work.)
“What kind of plan, Deena?” - You raised her eyebrows at her and she and Buck shared a stare like it was completely obvious. 
“I would name it the ’Seducing Steve’ plan for work purposes.” - She said in a laid back tone and sat down into the furthest box. 
And so, wizardry and witchcraft were starting when those three started to discuss how to seduce Steve Fucking Rogers.
“Oh, she's in a good mood.” - Bucky answered Steve’s question when he and Sam came back home from their work out. - “It is a pity that youve missed that lunch. We had such a good time.”
“Oh, yea?!” - Sam shouted from the bathroom so loudly, that the glasses started to shake. - “Yo girl almost killed me four thousand times, she was grumpy and a pain in my fuckin’s ass!” 
“That is what you get from messing with the ladies. Oh wow, how sad I am that she didn't hit your forearm with that fork.” - Bucky yelled back and Steve was really confused - he was about to buy her some chocolate nonetheless and some other snacks, but he needed to know how he should act. 
“WHAT?!” - Sam’s head peeked from behind the door at that exact moment. - “She started all those kinds of beef and now your taking her side? Traitor!” - The chocolate skinned diva closed the door again. 
“I will leave you to that.” - Steve slowly put his jacket on, but Buck and Sam got into their beef so much that they didn't even notice that Steve is leaving. - “Today is the day od Lord of the Rings. I'm curious about that and I hope I won't fall asleep.” - He smiled and left the flat, writing you a super-short text. 
Steve: See you at your place in ten.
You checked yourself in the mirror for the last time - you had a lumberjack shirt put on because according to Sam and Buck, Steve was secretly living for women in shirts; especially with some nice top under it. Fuckingly tight jeans were just something that needed to be and some high-heeled boots were it. 
Sam said that you didn't need anything more than that. 
But Bucky laughed devilishly, kissing Deena on her temple. You needed one last thing before you could call your plan a success. Other man’s attention. And Bucky was fucking sure you could achieve that, you little hidden she-devil.
And he knew that other man’s attention is something that can make Steve all worked up. Bucky chuckled; he was sure that it will be more than enough to work Steve up for not only just a kiss. But he shut his bitch ass up - if you will take a day off tomorrow, he will know that the plan worked.
When Steve showed at your door, you let him in - but only to put the paper bag near your fridge. Then you put your old, but the still sexy, jacket on. This one especially Deena’s favorite; she used to say that this jacket was making your boobs bigger and that it practically screams fuck-me-here-and-now. The only problem with it was that it wasn't really warm.
“You're going somewhere?” - Steve asked with a small smile, frowning a bit. 
“Yeah. I want to leave for the night, have some fun in the downtown. Sorry that I didn't text you that I'm changing the schedule, I just thought that I can surprise you.” - You locked the door to your apartment and took his elbow to your hand, leading that poor and scared man behind you.
From nowhere, Deena took some tickets out of her purse - it was tickets to some local stage where a DJ would be performing. She wanted to go, but in the last while, she decided that she wanted to do something different - which implied that she wanted to fuck the night away. 
But it was your chance after all - a chance that shouldn't be left alone. And if Steve would not hit on you after that? Well, at least you could drink your fucking ass off before showing him what courage looks like.
The night was pretty cold, today at least, but it wasn't that much of a long road. The sky was all iron cold and almost white, illuminated with the yellow shining of the city lamps. Something about that felt nice when you and he walked next to each other on the crowded streets, laughing and simply talking without the smallness of your room, without watching every move he made, if he wasn't closer or too far away. 
He felt less nervous. Bucky got an idea why, but again, that fucker just smiled and sipped his diet cola without giving you a proper fucking answer. 
"So, we're in front of the club. Come on, I wanna have some fun!" - You smiled and basically dragged that poor man inside. Oh yeah. Modern-day disco - Steve Rogers's personal nightmare. His greatest enemy which he couldn't beat even if he tried to.
There was a lot of young people - including people from the age of eighteen, maybe even younger, and up. Steve wasn't feeling his best, that was for sure. But he was doing it for you, that kept him going.
The show itself was good - you screamed most of the lyrics because you knew them from when you and Pete turned on the radio and sang along. That man was a fucking bomb of that summer, which made you wonder why would Deena give up on that tickets so easily and why he was performing for such a small crowd when he could sell out stadiums full of people.
"I'm going for another beer!" - You screamed to Steve, he needed to lean down, and you shook the empty plastic cup. - "You want some?"
Steve would gladly not accept your offer, just because you were getting drunk as hell, and he didn't even know that you had two shots of some really good Russian vodka stuff in each of your cups of the beer. He was drinking as well, but he knew that nothing, except Thor's centuries-old ale, could bring him on his knees.
But he gently refused with a smile, biting those comments down into his lower lip. You shook your shoulders and left to get some other shit.
A guy trailed you down at the bar; he had his eyes on you since the very beginning. Your enthusiasm for the music, your dancing moves and knowing almost every lyric made him watching you all the time. You seemed to have company - but since the man wasn't holding your lips from behind while you danced, since he didn't even kiss you, the bar guy assumed that it isn't your date.
Just a friend. That's what Steve was in his eyes.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself!" - That guy shouted at you so you could at least barely hear him through the EDM and basses. - "I live for that, sweetie! Name's Rick, by the way!" - He offered you a hand. You accepted it without further thinking; it was warm, dry and he had a firm handshake.
He was pretty handsome, you needed to say that, but it was fading away in comparison to Steve's eyes. Girl, you needed to hit a home run that night so bad. You just needed to, not thinking about the rest which might follow right behind.
"Name's Y/N. Awesome to meet you!" - You smiled, getting the cash out of your back pocket.
"Leave it there, Jesus. It's my treat!" - Rick bumped your palm away and quickly paid the beer and two shots. He was watching as you poured them down to the beer with an open mouth. - "Wow. That's something. I like your style!" - He smiled widely and you chuckled.
"So what are you searching for in here?" - He asked when you poured half of the bear down your throat. You frowned cluelessly at him. - "Everyone in there is searching for something. Some of them are feeling tough since they used their fake IDs, some people are looking for a good fuck in here, someone's mingling out there. Might be my case!"
"Oh, really?" - You opened your mouth. Girl, you were so wasted at that moment, I tell you. - "How so?"
"A bad breakup. I'm trying to find someone who would like to mingle!" - He shouted over the start of a new song. - "You?"
"Hitting my best shot with a totally clueless guy! You see him? He's Captain America himself!" - You shouted and Rick suddenly stopped. Shit. Captain was eyeing him down with a dead stare and you were his fucking girl. He needed to back off as soon as he fucking could to save his own damn ass. - "He's the sweetest and most caring guy ever! You know? But when we're alone, he's all nervous. I need to make him make a move with me finally."
"Yeah. I don't wonder why he's nervous. You're so gorgeous!" - Rick complimented you light-heartedly. It made you smile and you tenderly pat his shoulder.
That was all Steve needed to see. A guy whispering you things, you touching his shoulder and laughing out loud. You had the most beautiful face when you were laughing. And he wasn't the reason for that laughter. Steve just stopped from anything he was doing and frowned, watching your every move.
He knew he was taking things too slowly. He was acting like a fifth-grader around you, but it had a specific and good reason. Steve was sure as hell that he would lose control as soon as his lips would touch yours. You smelled so good, you were funny, beautiful and for that matter, he was sleeping on ice for the last seventy years. And he was a man.
It would be a disgrace for Steve to say that he's horny. Or to say it out loud. But the truth is that is was almost painfully obvious for Bucky and Sam, and basically for every single person who knew Steve. Like Natasha specifically.
But sometimes, when you watched the movie like nothing mattered, Steve looked at your partially opened lips and eyes slowly winking, on that messy hair and a right t-shirt - and suddenly, all he could think about was sex. Or literally tearing the top off you, so he could see more of that body. Or just standing behind you while you leaned down to search through your cupboards, just to gently circle his hands around your waist and to brush his weakest spot on that peachy ass.
That was when Steve sat straight and moved even further away from your body. He didn't want to look like a horny rabbit in your eyes. Even if you wanted to fuck soul out of his body when the nearest chance comes by.
You were both such dummies in that matter. Even Peter could tell Steve's not relaxed bevause of something when he met him for the first time. Peter had similar feelings for Liz Allen, but he was just itching to kiss her. Peter could instantly tell what the fuck is going on.
But you couldn't. That's why you were standing at the bar with Rick's face practically laid on your shoulder. And Steve didn't know what to do first - if he should beat the soul out of his fucking body or if he should you home.
The other option said way better.
You could see Steve's body coming through the crowd directly to you and you bit your lip. Fucking Bucky Barnes. He was right; of course, he was, he knew Steve way better than anybody. You looked at Rick and raised your eyebrows, pouring that drink down.
"Wish me luck, Rick." - You kissed his cheek just to work Steve up even more. - "Hoping for the best lady for you to mingle with!" - You held your fingers crossed tightly when Steve approached you in his typical not-so-sure-about-anything behavior. He leaned down to your ear, touching your jaw with shaking fingers.
"Do you want to leave this place?" - He asked in a sultry tone and you smiled at him. You were drunk, your eyes were shining, your smile was big as ever and even though the beer was smelling from you, you were one of the sexiest ladies Steve has ever seen. So when you nodded, he exhaled.
Oh man, did he finally worked up the courage to do you things you will never forget? He was all heated up when you stood in front of the club as you watched the first snowflakes of that year fall down onto the ground.
He covered you in his jacket because your fuck-me jacket was lost somewhere inside.
"Your place or mine?" - He whispered, playing with his thumbs on your jawline.
"What?" - You asked drunkenly and giggled.
"Don't you try to play that innocent card on me now." - He stood up laughing, watching the people looking at you. No stupid photos now; he would most likely kill them if they would ask. Right now, he had some bigger problems which you needed to solve. - "I know what you're after. And I'm after that as well, kitten. So... I'm asking, you if it's your place or mine."
Sam was at home at that time - not much of a problem for Rogers. He would just swing you on his shoulder, look at his friend and he knew that Sam would immediately know that he should leave the place hella fast. Buck was over at Deena's and Steve knew that they're probably occupied by each other as well.
"Mine. Definitely mine." - You sighed and let him lead you home through the crowds of people. They were staring at you two - Cap and his drunk girlfriend. Oh, did Steve know that his reputation will be torn apart in tomorrow's news and he couldn't care less?
Steve was sure that Tony will be making fun of him or teasing him alongside Clint, Bucky and Sam will be eager to hear every single detail, Natasha will have that sultry face and curious eyes - but Steve decided that every one of them could go fuck themselves if they want.
All he wanted at that moment was you, finally naked, in the shortest time possible.
You almost crashed the door to your flat. The first kiss sure wasn't as romantic or slow or pure as would've wished, but you didn't think about that much. Why? Your back was pressed to the wall next to your door as you were slowly turning into a moaning mess.
There was a little thing that nobody knew about Captain America himself, maybe even Bucky didn't - he was extremely eager. Thanks to his self-control, he was somehow able to hide that element of his personality in front of the others. But he knew how he acts when he has nothing that would make him stop.
The warmth of someone's body leads to touching. Touch leads to a kiss. The kiss leads to foreplay. Foreplay leads to showing you the heaven's gate. That was just how he saw things.
You stripped the jacked off your body in a short five seconds, along with the shirt. You could hear your furniture moving, falling down and crashing onto the ground. You didn't fucking care at all.
Steve was hot under your touch, firm and smooth, his kisses were sweeter than Bucky's plums and the palms on your ass were making you nuts.
Boy, you didn't know what pleasure the man out of time will bring you that night; but you couldn't wait.
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paechwrites · 5 years
A mega gift fic I did for @caruleanfox as a writing exercise and because I just wanted to lol. Enjoy ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
It was the third time in the row that Dave came by to his sister's house, the first visit Rose assumed he needed something, eggs or milk maybe; it wasn't odd for him to swing over to Rose and Kanaya's house, showing up on their doorstep at least once a week or so and asking if they wanted to join him in whatever social activities he had planned. 
But instead, Dave casually offered to watch over their son, Jasper, with a solemn expression. The first time, Rose gladly handed him over without a second thought, needing a night out for just her and Kanaya without maternal duties. The second run happened two days after, three movie tickets in his hand and inquiring if Jasper wanted to go with him and Karkat to the theatres. The movie, in question, was a kids film, particularly for children under the age of five. Jasper, what Dave shrugged off as a coincidence, happened to be under the age of five - two, to be specific. 
Rose smirked at this, commenting slyly on the matter. "Did you really go and buy tickets at the box office for a mind-numbing children's film, even if my answer if Jasper could come was no? Are you regressing due to your blemished childhood? I hope Karkat hasn't reacted so negatively to this development."
Dave frowned, shaking his head and insisting he just wanted to spend quality time with his nephew. Nonetheless, Rose complied, taking a moment to bathe him while Kanaya proceeded to dress him. Once Dave dropped off Jasper back to his home, their son had been the most hyper he'd ever been, after consuming popcorn and a probable gratuitous amount of candy without monitors. 
Perhaps Dave was merely trying to win Jasper's love, bigger than he adored his mothers. Kanaya, admittedly, felt a twinge of jealousy creep up her shoulder.
And the third time, Dave took him for a day out at Chuckie E. Cheese and insisted Rose and Kanaya join along, to which Jasper wasted no time getting tuckered out; Dave had to fit himself into the kiddy playhouse entrance and climb up obstacles in order to fetch him from the highest ground. When Dave brought him down, his face had been greased with specks of pizza sauce and only a handful of tickets clutched in his little hand. 
Dave went ahead and used a napkin from a nearby empty table to rub away the sauce, fixing the strands of bleach hair then asking him gently if he wanted to cash in the the tickets before they left the establishment. That moment, Rose had never seen once, a fatherly aura practically radiating from the display, not to mention once Dave set him down and reached for his hand. 
Rose and Kanaya had never certainly seen that side of him, Dave moreso acting as Jasper's fun, no-limit uncle that helped him to get food smattered on his face and clothes with spoilt treats added. Mainly because he didn't have kids of his own so repercussions weren't always present in his mind than just having simple fun. The change was drastic, not even Karkat had an answer to it when questioned about it.
Then it hit them. Rose and Kanaya shared knowing, curious looks as they walked back to the car while Dave carried Jasper on his shoulders.
"Is there something you've been pondering about, Dave?" Rose asked, criss-crossed on the couch on an afternoon with Dave sitting inches away from her on the couch.
Dave shot his head up from his phone, a reflection of Rose staining his shades.
"Ponderin' about what brand of shoes I should buy? Fuck yeah, I've been, I only have like one pair of shoes like as if I'm a bum on the street with tissue boxes for shoes and shaking that mug as rhythmically as I can, except instead of pennies, it says coochie because matters of the heart come first." Dave spouted, checking his phone when it buzzed in his palm. Rose gave him a mellow look, fixing her posture on the cushions.
"I think Nike's would look good," Rose mused out loud, thuds suddenly resonating out in the hall until her purple eyes landed on Jasper; who beamed at the sight of his uncle.
"But you and I both know that wasn't what I was referring to."
Dave raised both his brows above his shades, watching as Jasper toddled over to Rose and stabled his hands on her lap.
"I don't know what the hell you're getting at, but I genuinely thought you were invested with me about choosing what sick shoe wear I should buy. I'm hurt, Rose." Dave put an exaggerated hand to his chest, earning Rose to roll her eyes.
"I'll humor you later on that, if you'd like, but I called you over for important matters." Rose stated, resting a soothing hand on Jasper's stark white hair. Dave shrugged lightly in response.
"Nothing important really going on."
"Matters as in, family matters. Or alternatively, why you keep whisking away my son."
Dave froze, lowering down his phone as his thumbs hovered above the keyboards.
Rose looked at him attentively, her posture fitted into as if she was a therapist handling one of her usual patients.
"Well, uh," he cleared his throat, turning off his phone and glancing up at Rose with his shades mirroring a view of herself. Rose suddenly placed both her hands against one knee, perking it up a bit on the couch and making Dave groan.
"I feel like I'm being interviewed for a babysitting job here." Dave said, slackening his shoulders.
"I mean technically, you've been babysitting these past days."
"Those are classic uncle bro bonding days, not boring ol' hours of making sure the kid doesn't get into any trouble around the house."
"Jasper rarely gets into trouble, mind you."
"Yeah but that ain't the point though."
Rose piqued an eyebrow, scanning him over suspiciously with deep purple eyes.
"You know, I've never really pegged you as one to have baby fever," Rose said, causing Dave to choke up and grasp a hold onto his pants.
"Baby fever? There's no baby fever or any sort of fever flaring up in here." Dave deadpanned, as hard as he could manage, what with his voice raising high pitched in the middle of his sentence. Rose pursed her lips in amusement.
"Are you and Karkat, perhaps, leaning in a family-way now?" Rose smirked, Dave immediately waving her off before dropping his hand flat. He emitted a loud sigh, his cheeks flushing and feeling more vulnerable than he's ever been. She'll prattle on about this if he doesn't come clean.
"Okay," Dave started. "Okay, okay. This is really fuckin' dumb, it happened in a really-"
"Dave." Rose cut in a little sharply, gesturing towards Jasper with a nod of her head.
"I mean, uh, this is really kinda unfortunate and dumb that I have really strong feelings for, and it happened in a very uncharacteristic cool kid way." he rambled, Rose humming responsively.
"Go on."
Dave let out a huff.
"Dude, make sure you know how to handle those kids," Dave advised, not looking up from his phone as he slung his arm over the bench and bubbly giggles poured into his ear, Karkat's more deeper, scratchier laughter roaring above them. "I don't wanna deal with angry lusii or something. Whoever the hell is in charge of those kids."
"I'm wrangling them just fine, thanks for asking." Came Karkat's gruff, along with grub chirrups. Dave nodded mindlessly, scrolling through his new messages. For awhile, Karkat's laughter intermingled with practically chipmunk-squeaked voices were all Dave could hear, eventually growing fond of the sound with a small smile tugged at the corner of his lip. The growing generation of young trolls loved Karkat astoundingly, just as much as they did Kanaya; it was quite comedic to see a grub latch onto his pant leg as he started trekking back home.
"Hey Dave!!"
At this, Dave lifted his head up and away from his screen, a low sounding 'yeah?' under his breath. The view of Karkat being used as a jungle gym obstacle for the young trolls met his shaded gaze, a bronze grub tucked to his chest and pressing its head affectionately into him, a wide toothy grin plastered on Karkat's face as a rust climbed and perched onto his shoulder.
"These little bastards think I'm cooler than you!" Karkat boasted. He never was one for censoring himself around delicate, impressionable ears - that is, unless Rose and Kanaya were around. They'd lecture him more than once when a profanity would slip off his gray tongue with innocent Jasper only inches away.
Dave couldn't help but emit a giggle, warmth vibrating throughout his chest. His small smile transpired to a full, fleshed smile, just the imagery of Karkat doting on children set a sudden flame.
It wasn't seconds long until the thought rushed into his head; the thought of a tiny being that shared Karkat's gray skin, but looked like Dave and had his unnaturally burgundy pupils, right there in the commotion with the wrigglers and Karkat. He swallowed.
Dave buried his face into his palms, shades pushed up against his forehead. Rose, this time, looked at him with a soft smile, shifting a little closer to him and placing a hand on his knee. Jasper stood onto his tippy toes, reaching for the slowly sliding-off shades, to which Rose made a disapproving noise of and probed him to quickly snatch away the shades.
Rose playfully shook her head, then reverted her attention back on Dave.
"Well, there is certainly nothing wrong with developing a paternal need.." Rose started, Dave squeaking into his palms. Oh, jesus, it was a terrible idea to converse with Rose about this. But what other choice did he have? Karkat was off the table immediately (for now) and Kanaya would undoubtedly take the same route Rose is doing now, the others he just didn't feel too confident to bring it up. His ears felt hot, feeling as if every eyes in the room were glued onto him; except for perhaps one little boy too transfixed with Dave's shades behind the couch.
"Oh my god, Rose, no."
"I think you'd make an excellent father, and Karkat definitely fits the role quite nicely from what Kanaya has told me."
"Rose, don't infect me with your family disease-"
"I think it's about time Jasper gets a cousin anyway, he spends a little too much time with adults rather than other children his own age range, don't you agree?"
Dave issued another throaty noise, a bright red blush painting his face behind his hands. He'd have to talk to Karkat about the idea tonight, instead of harboring it any longer.
Karkat tapped his spoon against the rim of the bowl, watching the dices of chopped carrots swimming in the broth, mixed with pieces of chicken and optional trollian toppings. Dave still wasn't up for trying Alternia cuisines, much to Karkat's annoyance, so he made sure to store a separate pot for himself that were filled to the brim of what Dave would gag at and compare it to the most vulgar of things.
Karkat hummed thoughtfully, dipping his spoon back into the soup and bringing it into his mouth. Where was Dave anyway? Dinner had been prepared half an hour ago and the last time Karkat heard of him was when he was at Rose and Kanaya's house.
As if on que, sounds of the living room door creaking open echoed throughout the house, signaling of Dave's arrival.
Karkat perked his posture up a little. Dave walked into the kitchen, shuffling with something in his pocket. It took a minute for Dave to lift his head, a small smile tugging at his lip.
"Yo, Karkat, sorry if I took long." Dave greeted, placing his phone on the table and then heading to the fridge.
"You do know there's freshly cooked dinner to your side, right?" Karkat questioned. Dave shrugged, patting his stomach as he pulled out a basket of strawberries.
"Already ate at Rose and Kanaya's house." he replied, taking a seat across Karkat with the full basket and plucking one out.
All around, dinner was unusually quiet - Dave was unusually quiet, and this set Karkat off a bit. On an ordinary night, Dave would be flapping his mouth away, making all sorts of gestures and going from topic-to-topic. Maybe Dave just wasn't feeling talkative tonight.
But then.
"Hey, so Karkat, you remember that thing like a week ago?"
Karkat looked up from his plate, eyebrow arched. That was unspecified.
"A thing? From a week ago?" Karkat repeated, confused. Dave nodded his head, coughing into his arm as he seemingly choked on a strawberry stem.
"Yeah, y'know, when we were like....uh, at the park?" Dave recounted, a blank expression embedding Karkat's face until he hummed responsively.
"With the lovable little shits? Yeah, I remember that." Karkat said, taking a swig of his drink. Dave stared at his husband through his shades, lips thinned. How in the world was he supposed to go about this without his face looking like a tomato and his hands distractingly fidgety.
Dave let out a drawn string of 'uh's, resting his elbow on the table. Dave never wished for anything more than for Karkat to magically read his racing thoughts, chewing the inside of his cheek as a tic.
Karkat had always been a paternal type, as much as he wouldn't admit and only respond with an roll eye; Dave studied how his expression seemed to soften at the immediate moment a small chubby hand slapped against his chin.
Come on, Dave, the blond thought to himself.
Straightening his stature, Dave pursed his lips. "I could've confused you for a jungle gym obstacle that day, all the grubs and wrigglers just crawlin' over you like you're the Ronald McDonald statue out in the play area. Or wait, were actually any Ronald McDonald statues? Back on my old Earth, I mean, because I swear I have this fuzzy memory of a commercial coming onscreen where other little kids were thrashing and circling around a plastic Ronald McDonald statue like it was the holy man himself, McDonald's being the most devout of all restaurants."
Karkat simply rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you think those kids ever been to Earth C's McDonald's before?" Dave piped up, Karkat only shrugging his arms.
"I don't know, Dave, I'm not even those wrigglers' guardian so it's not like I see them everyday and know what they've been doing or where they've been, let alone digested." Karkat said. A surprising grin mounted itself on Dave's face, startling Karkat just a little.
"Aw sweet, I bet the grubs don't even know what the hell a McDonald's is and the non-grubby ones probably love the shit out of it, McDonald's is practically every kid's paradise to dine out at, I've only gone like three or four times when I was a kid, but that place was an absolute heaven to me, being able to sip on apple jay and eating probably-processed cheeseburgers and greasy as fuck fries-"
Karkat cut into his husband's overtly exciting rambling without hesitation. "Dave, we're most likely not gonna see that gang of ankle biters again."
Dave immediately deflated. Oh, no.
"Half those kids belonged to parents and lusii already present at the park, remember?"
"Yeah, but, didn't you say they were from the brooding caverns?" Dave questioned, tilting his head a little.
"The grubs were from the brooding caverns, but Kanaya's already cleared out the already-hatched grubs from the caverns two days ago, ready for the Mother Grub to deposit more eggs." Karkat explained, watching Dave slumped in his seat with a look of realization and thin lipped upsetness. Karkat chewed on his lip lightly.
It was quiet for a short moment, Dave looking plainly at the table cloth before choking out an 'oh'. Possibly finding the sudden silence just as awkward and unwelcomed the mutant troll found it.
Dave bit his tongue, tips of his fingers burning as he ached to spit out his offer already. He gulped heavily.
"Hey, uh, Karkat, Karlkat, kitkats, Karks," Dave fumbled, leaning more into the elbow laid on the table. "I don't think I've ever used those nicknames before, except for probably kitkat because I mean c'mon, your name practically sets itself up for that pun like it's got no business, I think I actually have a paper with a laundry load of written idea nicknames I can give you, hold on let me go get it-"
"Dave!" Karkat snapped, making the man pause midway of lifting off his seat.
Dave quickly plopped back down, clearing his throat to refresh their conversation. He stabled his feet to the ground, staring directly at Karkat through his shades. Are his shades even appropriate right now? Should he take him off so Karkat could take him seriously?
His fingers moved up a tad, almost wanting to act on just that.
"Karkat, I was kind of thinking, like a lot on this," Dave started, brushing his hand over the black ledges of his shades. His voice almost cracked, nerves jumbling and surging through him. "Those kids from the park, uh, really made me consider something. Of how it would feel like, and be like, to have a lil' tike running around...here too."
Karkat shifted an eyebrow up at him, his face flying into a curious look, and a bit wary. Dave took that as a sign to continue, attempting his hardest not to get caught up in his rambles.
"I've actually sometimes wondered what adorable abomination we could make, like how red their eyes would be, your bright pigment or mine, or if they'd have bleach white strilonde hair, horns or hell, no horns at all."
Karkat slowly released his spoon from his grasp, mouth slightly open. Dave laughed nervously, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.
"What would we name it anyways? Jayden Broseph Karkat The Second Strider-Vantas? Or just Strider?" Dave itched at the back of his palm. "And, y'know, I think it'd be cool to have a family with you - we're already at that age and married, so it's not like we're speeding through this like a goddamn Mario game, have myself a best dad in the world cup while you get the kid ready for school. Rose and Kanaya have been waiting on our asses anyways to get Jasper some new playmate, so..."
Dave removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose, white and red staring keenly at Karkat.
"What....do you think?" he asked aloud.
Karkat blanched. His pointed ears turnt down, hesitating what to say, as a low blush crept on his face and spread.
"Okay. Um, wow," Karkat coughed out, eyes wide. "Are you - you sure?"
"Absolutely, man."
"With me?"
"Who else would I do this with, Gamzee?"
Karkat's eyes traced back to his bowl, shoulders tightening with a grand decision hanging over them. His food might've gone cold by now. He couldn't remember the last time he touched it, actually.
John gaped at them, looking Dave and Karkat up and down before a big grin painted his face.
"So, will you help?" Dave asked once more, returning back the same excited smile as Karkat shuffled behind him.
"Absolutely!" John yelled. "Oh, this is so exciting!"
"I know bro."
The moments in the ectolabs seemed like a blur to Karkat, everything happening so quickly as he stood before the platform and peered down at it intensely, boldly. Waiting for the bundle to just zap and appear, his heart thrumming.
Dave choked beside him, already breaking out into a sweat. "God, I'm so nervous."
"Dave, it's a little late for nervous." Karkat grumbled back, but swallowing thickly with anticipation.
In a flash, what took a swift second but the mutant couldn't tell as he screwed his eyes shut, messy bleach hair suddenly appeared and caught his eye instantly. Two new big and red eyes casted open, six talons clacking against the platform as the red grub emitted a yawn into the air.
"Holy shit its got my hair." Was the first thing Dave voiced. She looked at the two confused, switching her head from the human to the troll. Karkat felt his gaze permanently glued to the new grub, unable to tear his eyes from the mix of red and pale gray and white fluff of hair.
"What?" Dave looked over at him.
"She has your hair....and my blood color." he corrected slowly, while Dave contorted into a surprised expression.
Karkat swallowed again, staring in disbelief at the small thing in front of him. Dave nudged him gently.
"Pick her up." Dave murmured, causing the mutant troll to nod lightly before carefully moving into hold his daughter up, for the first time. This way, Karkat and Dave got a better look at her. She wriggled a bit in Karkat's hands, giving another yawn that showcased her tiny sharp teeth.
"Fuck she's tiny." Dave observed, leaning into Karkat and shifting his shades up a little.
"She's a grub," Karkat said plainly, his tone leaning defensive. "Grubs are naturally tiny."
"I know, though she's not all troll." Dave reminded him, a defeated agreement coming from the troll. He never made so much extra precaution before of holding his grub, making sure to not squeeze her too tight in case his claws pricked her but not too loose where he'd accidentally and regretfully drop her. She reopened her bright red eyes soon enough, staring at him mindlessly.
"Yeah, she's gonna be a weird as fuck kid." Karkat stated, quite affectionately while he softly rubbed a thumb over her chubby cheek. She suddenly glared furiously at him, puffing her cheeks up into a ball. Dave reeled his head back, pretending to feel intimidated by the adorably grumpy, fierce expression his grub gave him.
"Oh jeez, look at that scowl, looks like she doesn't like being called weird." Dave whistled, cracking into a smile. "She looks like you."
Karkat furrowed his caterpillar brows, simultaneously with their new daughter. Dave emitted an amused sound, planting a hand on Karkat's shoulder as he weaved his other through her hair.
A surprised expression struck his face suddenly, pausing his hand for a moment before pushing aside her hair, revealing nubby horns, mirroring her troll dad's but just a tad nubbier, beneath the mountain of white hair.
"She even has your horns." Dave said gleefully, shifting his weight more onto Karkat and wrapping his entire arm around his neck. Karkat grinned, proceeding to cradle his kid closer to his chest, the grub hooking her talons on his turtleneck and keeping a steady gaze on Karkat, responsive small chirrups spilling out from her then nuzzled her grouchy chubby face into his chest when he laid a small kiss to her silky hair.
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wintercosmicskye · 5 years
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Uhh, sorry that some of these pictures are so blurry, but I tried drawing my headcannon for Vlinny's timeline... thing
I'm gonna explain each drawing under the read more ^v^'
1.) Discarded Space Dust: of course the first one has to be my more weird headcanon TvT. But anyways: basically what I headcanon is that the divine spirit (vinny's old mii) and Vlinny were once... one? But like, when the world was made, the uhh beings that made it (the programmers I suppose?) Wanted to make one mii that could run the show and have powers and shit? Like, he was supposed to rule after he got the hang of his magic... but, they decided to get rid of half, I guess you could say the dark magic parts, leaving the divine spirit with only the light (I say divine spirit but he's not the divine spirit YET. Right now he's a mii. I just haven't decided what to call him yet... Miitopia era is vine, tomo is vineh(sauce)... should I call the divine spirit "vinny"??).  They tossed the dark magic out into space, discarded. But little did they know, the discarded space dust began to form a human shape and sentience. The dust is confused and doesn't know what he is, but is joyful and curious. His curiosity one day brought him To inspect earth closer, and fell onto it by mistake. The sort of magic of the place gave him a mii form, almost identical to "Vinny", as they were two halves of one whole. (Note: when I say light magic I don't necessarily mean good magic, and likewise that I don't mean evil with dark magic) 
2.) Before he removed his face: this, as I said before, is how I headcannon Vlinny looked before he removed his face: like vinny's old mii but with the hair mirrored. He forgot about being a cosmic entity when he became a mii, but he would frequently find himself looking at the night sky with longing. He had a positive attitude at first, and rather extroverted, wanting to make friends... but.. He seemed to lack the necessary social skills. He was too eager, he didn't understand personal space, he would try inserting himself in a group of people, only for them to be driven away as soon as he did. He made too much eye contact. people avoided him. He didn't understand what he was doing wrong, and no one would tell him. When he one day ran into someone who looked just like him, he thought things were looking up. "He looks just like me! Are we like brothers? Hey, can we be friends?" Unfortunately,they were actually a turn for the worse. "Vinny" immediately hated Vlinny for looking just like him. Because of his magic, he was popular, and unique. He felt that Vlinny could ruin everything. So he decided to ruin everything for Vlinny first. "Why do you look like me?? You shouldn't look like me... you know, there's nothing more boring than something unoriginal. Why can't you get your own face?" Vlinny was distraught by "vinny's" reaction to him, and because of "vinny" people would ignore him even more. And when they didn't ignore him, they would laugh at him. Vlinny couldn't understand. He was sad. He was jealous. He decided that his own face was to blame, and so he removed it, and then...
3.) True Form/Dark Curse: he becomes the dark curse! He starts out more humanoid, but as he possessed more people his form degrades to the "poop emoji" shape (but after regaining a human form, his true form reverts to the more humanoid one). He feels nothing but the hate and jealousy he had. Possessing people and trying to make "vinny's" life a living Hell for what he did, he practically caused the apocalypse of what they considered a "utopia" (which I decided is called Lumos, like the new one Vlinny made in miitopia that the strong monsters are in). He was finally stopped for the time being when "Vinny" and some others managed to trap him in a stone necklace carved to look like an eye. "Vinny", as his own sort of punishment, agreed to be put in a jeweled necklace of a closed eye, so that if the dark curse returns he could guide his descendents. However, rather than being passed down his family line like he was supposed to someone else took him and he was passed down their family instead. The dark curse in his necklace was also placed in a locked chest, then shoved deep down in an icy mine. Then several generations later, he gets Mike Love (or Bill Trinen???) To go down into the mine and open the chest, he possessed him, and then Miitopia plot.
4.) Reborn: the dark curse is given a second chance at life when Miitopia's hero and savior Vine gives him a new face. He is Vlinny again, but there's something wrong with his mouth... the Great Sage, Jesus, takes Vlinny with him to atone for what he did. Vlinny feels guilty about what he did, but the feeling of jealousy and hate still lingered at the back of his mind. He wants to be good, but is a little confused as to how. Even with Jesus and the others trying to help. Nonetheless, he really does try to atone for what he did. He also must try to get a hold on his powers, as he has trouble controlling them in his new form. However, just as things seemed like they were going well...
5.) Frozen: the monsters are still around even after saving the dark curse, and it causes a lot of problems. People immediately blame Vlinny for the monsters continued presence. One thing after another, and things escalate ending with Vlinny being pushed off a cliff into the water below. His fear triggers his ice powers, and he accidentally completely freezes himself at the bottom of the ocean. Upon this happening, the monsters disappear, and his skyscraper falls from the sky. He hadn't even known his very presence was keeping the monsters in existence. Several generations pass, and people had abandoned the land of Miitopia as water levels rise and the great land is reduced to a small island.
6.) Test Tube: a team of Jahn scientists are the given the task to replicate the leader of a small island with the intention of the clone take his place. They presume that the task will be easy to complete, but find themselves proven wrong as they have difficulty creating a human clone.Yhey began to panic because if they cant complete their task their superiors will dispose of them. When visiting the island to gather more dna samples, one jahn decides to look for specimens in the ocean and discovers... a man that looks eerily similar the person they are trying to replicate frozen in ice! He takes a chance that even his team questions, and brings the frozen man back to the jahn planet, where they thaw him and place him in a test tube so they can revive him (though he somehow still had a beating heart after being frozen for who knows how long). After stabilizing him, they decide to use a serum to give him amnesia, because they dont want his past life interfering with their new plan for him. After hes out of the test tube, the jahns need to reraise him. They try to teach him how to be Vinehsauce (Vlinny develops some jealousy towards Vinehsauce).Vlinny does not like it on the Jahn planet, disliking their excessive order and no fun. Vlinny has difficulty understanding his own emotions, as most around seem to have none whatsoever. Hes also taught combat by a red army jahn (future fake captian jahn) who decides to use vlinny as a weapon for his own plan, and decides to “befriend” Vlinny. Lumberjahn makes the suit Vlinny wears when he first comes to Vineland, which is like a freezer he could wear (and also arm canon). Hes sent to Vineland ahead of the jahns on a ship made just for him, the “Ice Fractal”.
7.) Tomodachi Life: we know what happened here, but I’ll use this spot for headcanons! My interpretation of Vlinny is chaotic neutral, sometimes tipping more towards the good side and evil side. hes abit morally confused, cuz the jahns had no morals at all. He works with the jahns when they come, helping with their quest for chicken cutlets, though the captain is annoyed that Vlinny had not successfully replaced Vinehsauce, but gives him other tasks. Vlinny becomes more involved when the fake captian overthrows the real captian. Vlinny starts to want out when he realized that the fake captain had lied about them being equals and also sees the damage theyre causing, but the fake captain threatens to hurt Dheerse (oh no), a girl on the island that Vlinny had befriended and started to crush on (awww), forcing Vlinny to continue. During the Jahnpocalyse, Vlinny officially turns on the jahns, breaking the fake captians visor and saves Dheerse, who the fake captain was about to force Vlinny to shoot. The real captain gains back control, and decides its time to abandon the mission. they try to take fake captian into custody, but he escapes in pod and is now who-knows-where. Vlinny almost dies at one point after falling out of the jahn ship. his armor is broken and only the the arm with the arm canon was still functional. he stays on the island with lumberjahn, and wants to make things up to Dheerse. Things really start to look up for him, but then the erasings happen. hes one of the only people who remember, her existence being erased from people’s memories. Vlinny, desperately asking everyone where she went, is seen as having gone crazy. additional notes: the parka he wears actually keeps him cool. this is because he has a cold body temperature, and the parka helps hold in his coldness, like how it would hold in another person’s heat. he used to have red blood, but it was replaced with blue blood when the jahns revived him. the blood comes out as a mist if he gets cut in hotter weather. tears freeze on his face when he cries. even though the jahns got rid of his memory, his past still effects him subconsciencly. he wants to befriend people but its harder when hes stuck in his ice room most of the time. he loves being center stage, but is self conscience about his perma smile v-mouth. he likes to play violin, and tries to write his own songs, but rarely shares them. so far only dheerse has heard some of his music in the form of love songs. some of his music is a little on the edgy side.
8.) how vlinny is in Feathers of Frost, my fanfic, minus the fact that he doesnt have the halo and scythe... yet.
thankyou for reading through all this if you did!! sorry if my headcanons are a little weird heh...
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Beatles ship #2
@nicky-is-a-penguin asked : If you are doing ships - I’d love for you to write me one ☺️. I am 5’4, kinda curvy, shoulder length brown hair, sparkly blue eyes, i wear glasses. I’m an introvert, but can be sarcastic when something irritates me or as another way of joking with someone. I’m quiet and don’t really speak unless I have something to say. I love to read and listen to music. I’m quite a chilled person - nothing really angers me (unless its serious). I hope this is enough information - feel free to message me. ❤️
Author’s note : Hi! I will gladly ship you with one of the boys. Also what is up with everyone having pretty blue eyes?
The actual ship:
I shall ship you with John!
teddy John ‘cause that’s always fun
you met at the Cavern
to which your friends had dragged you out that night because people have no respect for introverts yes this is personal experience talking
They had promised it would be fun but once there they completely ditched you to go snog some random blokes
so you were left alone at your table
luckily you’d brought your book with you because a part of you had predicted this would happen
you were deep into your reading when a band came on
the Quarry Men
They sounded half decent but most of all they had a lot of charisma
especially the light brown haired guy in the middle with the guitar
You took a liking to him from afar because he seemed irritated at something
and you yourself were irritated at the fact that you were spending your Friday night in a dingy bar instead of rolled up in a blanket, tea in hand, reading a good book
turns out one of your friends was picked up by Paul when they got off stage
so all the lads ended up at your table
his opening line was something along the lines of “What’s a pretty bird like you doin’ readin’ in a club on a friday night?”
you replied with your sarcasm in all its splendor
and the both of you had an epic sass-off
at the end of which he kissed you
because jesus christ the sexual tension that built up in so little time
at that moment you were not sure how you felt about the kiss
but you came back to the Cavern nonetheless, because you were intrigued
and little by little, you two became a thing
your relationship would involve a lot of hair touching
I don’t know why but I picture it
him ruffling your hair constantly
he really admires the way you wear your glasses
like you don’t even care
and they suit you so well
he has issues with his own glasses but he’s practically blind without them
you are one of the few people who can talk him into actually wearing them
and speaking of the physical aspect of the relationship, John LOVES your curves
since he’s very passionate and vehement (and let’s be honest he can be a bit intense)
and you’re on the chill side
you and john balance each other out well
you’re more laid back so when he gets angry over the little things / throws a tantrum, you’re the one who reminds him
“John you really don’t need to get so worked up over this
it isn’t that important”
and he actually listens
people around the both of you notice and tell you
you’re the only one he listens to when he’s in one of his moods
As for him, he gets you excited for stuff
he tries to make you show enthousiasm
will tell you to “cheer up” or “smile for me love” about thrice a day
unless you specifically tell him it bothers you
in which case he will stop because he has a lot of respect for your boundaries, in spite of not always understanding your introversion
When you guys get into a serious argument it’s bad
Really bad
you might see John shed a few tears because we all know in the end he’s a soft boy, and you get to see his soft side 
He would probably appologise in song lyrics, eventually
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eveningmercury · 6 years
AN: this turned outway longer than I was expecting, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Summary: (Moderncollege AU) Brian and Roger finally decided to open their home to twomore housemates, first an art student with an ambition to try allkinds of new foods, and then an electrical engineer with a knack forcheese on toast.
Ships: no ships forthis story :)
Words: 1632
“Good morning,Brian,” John greeted pleasantly, looking at the astrophysicsstudent over the rim of his coffee mug. “I made breakfast, ifyou’re hungry. Plates are in the box on the counter, forks and knivesare by the fridge.”
Brian nodded in response,setting the textbook he’d been carrying on the table before headingover to the stove to see what the bassist had cooked up. The fryingpan held a handful of sausages, a few strips of bacon, and a coupleof eggs, over-easy.
Nothing that reallyappealed to him, if he was honest. But he didn’t want to hurt his newhousemates feelings, so he scooped an eggs onto his plate, one of thesomewhat tacky white ones with the green trim that Freddie had movedin with him and Roger.
As he stared into thebarren abyss that was their fridge, Brian made a mental note to buysome fruit the next time he went to the store.
“Is that all you’regoing to have? Don’t worry about the others, I can make more ifthere’s not enough.” John looked despairingly at Brian’spractically empty plate, his gaze carefully avoiding Brian’s eyes.
“Oh, no, John, it’sfine,” he hesitated, though he wasn’t sure why. He wasn’t ashamed,not at all, yet he was still hesitant.
“It’s just, well,”John looked at him encouragingly. “I’m a vegetarian,” Hefinished, looking up from his plate to gauge the younger man’sreaction.
John’s mouth formed a soft‘oh’ as he glanced at the breakfast he’d made.
“I’m sorry, Brian, I hadno idea,” He chuckled nervously. “I’ll keep that in mind for nexttime.”
John smiled at him, andBrian couldn’t help but smile back.
“Thanks, John.”
He had a feeling they weregoing to get along swell.
Brian woke one night tothe sound of a package being torn open.
He peeled his eyes open tofind himself seated a the kitchen table, his face pasted to aresearch paper (he was too out of it to remember what on earth thepaper was about- something to do with Zodiacal light). He must havefallen asleep writing. The ache in his neck and back affirmed hissuspicions.
The crinkling sound of thepackage had stopped and was soon replaced by the sound of someoneopening and closing the kitchen cupboards in search of some elusiveobject.
He finally lifted his headfrom the table and found himself looking at a manic Freddie. Hisblack hair was pulled out of his eyes with and elastic band, and thatworried Brian more than anything so far. Freddie never tied his hairup, and he would certainly never use some random elastic that wouldknot and rip his hair as soon as he tried to take it out.
The unusual choice of hairtie quickly slipped from Brian’s thoughts as Freddie apparently foundwhat he was looking for: a Ziploc bag. The design student let out aquiet ‘Aha!’ and stood up to grab whatever package he had beenopening earlier, not even bothering to close the cupboard.
Freddie dumped thecontents of the package into his bag, humming softly. The mysteriousitem was ramen, Brian realized, and he quirked his head. What thehell was Freddie doing with dry ramen and a Ziploc bag?
He settled on it beingsome weird art thing.
His hypothesis was soonproven wrong, however, as Freddie dumped the entirety of theseasoning packet that came with the ramen into his bag, crunched itall up, scooped up a handful of the mixture, and shoved it into hismouth, chewing obnoxiously.
“What the hell areyou eating, Fred?” Brian asked, unable to keep quiet any longer.
Freddie jumped, holdingthe bag to his chest as if it would protect him from whatevernocturnal creature he thought stalked the dimly lit kitchen. Hisstance shifted from one of pure terror to utter relief, albeit angry,as he laid eyes on Brian at the table.
“Jesus Christ,Brian, don’t scare me like that! What are you doing up so late?” hecursed, picking up a pencil that had fallen from where it had beentucked behind his ear.
“What are youeating?” Brian repeated, ignoring the question, his eyes stilltrained on the concoction in Freddie’s hands.
“Pasta,” thedesign student said simply, holding up the bag and shaking it like itwas some cat toy and Brian was the cat.
Too tired to argue, Brianmerely stared at his housemate in utter horror, hoping that this wasall a fever dream and Freddie wasn’t actually going to voluntarilyput that stuff in his body.
“Well, as fun asthis has been, I have work I need to finish, so, goodnight, darling.”Freddie offered him a tight-lipped smile before grabbing anotherfistful of the dry ramen and shoveling into his mouth.
Brian could only watch asFreddie walked away, his crunching disappearing down the hall.
Freddie sat on the edge ofthe kitchen counter, smearing an unsavory amount of honey on a pieceof toast. John glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, cringingslightly at the amount of sweetness the artist was tainting the poorbread with.
“How much honeyare you going to put on that thing, Fred?” He asked, taking a bitof his own slice of toast.
Freddie shrugged, sendinghim a small glare. “As much as I want, dear.”
The bassist rolled hiseyes, deciding to drop the subject.
“At least it’s notthat monstrosity,” Freddie continued, gesturing to John’s food witha look of disdain on his face.
“What’s so badabout cheese on toast?” John countered, trying not to look tooinsulted.
“There’s nothingwrong with cheese toast, Freddie.” Brian walked into the kitchen,an empty glass of water in one hand and a towel he was using to dryhis curls in the other.
Brian’s attempt atdiffusing the situation proved futile as Roger strolled up next tohim, stretching lazily.
“It’s just a bitweird, since it’s literally all you eat, Deak,” he stated, talkingthrough a yawn.
“It’s good!”John insisted, taking another bite to emphasize his point.
“It’s cheese onbread!” Freddie exclaimed.
“What, have younever had a grilled cheese?” Brian asked him, looking up from themail he was sorting at the table. “It’s essentially the same thing,just minus one piece of bread.”
“What’s a grilledcheese?” Freddie furrowed his brow, his lips curling slightly indisgust.
“Wait, Freddie,you’ve never had a grilled cheese?” Roger stared at himincredulously.
“I mean, he justlearned what ramen was last week,” Brian mused, grimacing as hethought about the singer’s latest midnight snack.
“God, Fred, whatkind of childhood did you have?” Roger stared at the man inquestion, who in turn sent him a glare icy enough to send a chilldown the drummer’s spine.
Brian elbowed him in theside, sending the blond another glare, urging him to mutter a quiet,“Sorry.”
John merely took anotherbite of his toast, before deciding to offer part of the slice toFreddie.
The dark-haired man lookedat the offering, then up at John, then back to John’s outstretchedhand, before hesitantly grabbing the toast.
He took a small bite,chewing slowly, his dark eyes narrowed in contemplation.
The other three watchedhim expectantly, John almost falling off the counter as he leanedcloser to see Freddie’s reaction.
Freddie said nothing as hegave John his breakfast back.
“So? What do youthink?” Roger asked, drumming his fingers in anticipation.
“It’s…”Freddie started. Brian gestured for him to continue.
“Plain,” Hefinished, shrugging slightly.
“Perfect for plainol’ John Deacon, then,” John said, happily shoving the rest of thetoast into his mouth.
Roger Taylor was stressed.
Probably because thekitchen was on fire.
He swore at the smokealarm as its incessant beeping alerted the rest of the house to hislittle incident, which definitely did not include him causing a smallfire, then accidentally creating a much bigger fire in an attempt toput it out with the nearest thing to him: a roll of paper towels.
Now, he wasn’t an idiot.He knew that putting paper towels on a fire was definitely not a goodway to extinguish said thing, but he panicked and just grabbed whatwas closest to him.
He also didn’t get a winkof sleep last night.
“Rog, what the hell didyou do?” The voice of one Brian May drew the blond from his shockedstupor.
“I’m making breakfast.”
“Clearly, you are not.”John’s monotone voice was laced with a slight edge of panic.
Brian was the first tomove, pulling Roger away from the fire by the shoulders, shoving himat John. He quickly maneuvered himself around the growing flames, rippingopen one of the cupboards.
He grabbed a bag of somesort of white powder (silently blessing John Deacon for buying awhole bunch of baking ingredients; apparently it was a side hobby ofhis, and he made a killer lemon tart), quickly dumping it’s contentsonto the stove.
The fire was soonextinguished, and Roger pried himself slowly from John’s arms, whichhad been practically strangling him, and he heaved a breath, coughingas he inhaled a large amount of smoke.
“My, sleep in for tenminutes and look at all the fun I missed.”
The three men slowlyturned to see Freddie, in all of his bedhead glory, standing in thedoorway with a cocky grin.
“I’ll order takeout.”
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alanaswriting · 6 years
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Peter Parker x Reader
Summary:  You bake cookies with your boyfriend Peter on a late September night
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none
A/N:  I disappeared for a little while but I’m kind of back? My computer’s kinda broken but I’m still gonna try and post here and there
Please don’t steal, plagiarize or repost my writing. I work really hard on my writing as I imagine all writers do and it would suck to find out someone else is trying to claim it as theirs
Rosy cheeks, oversized sweatshirts, white papers covered in ink, shaky hands and lots of cookies. That’s what September was like for you and Peter. Every single year. It was always the same, it was the only reason you looked forward to the quickening end of summer truly, aside from Halloween.
The date today was September 21st, it was a little late in the afternoon nearing towards early night. The luminous afternoon sun had already disappeared from the skyline which caused the kitchen to be somber and dim where the ceiling lights soft beams couldn’t reach.
The last time you looked at the clock it had said it was 8:12 P.M. You and Peter were trying to bake homemade cookies from scratch for when Aunt May got home but it wasn’t really working out so well considering Peter just dropped the entire bag of flour onto the kitchen floor unintentionally.
It took merely seconds before the kitchen turned into a disaster.
“Peter!” You scrunch your nose as flour fills the air making it hard to breathe.
Peter begins to cough and you soon begin to do the same as the suffocating ingredient for homemade cookies fills both of your lungs thickly. Your cheeks and eyelashes are practically coated in the white powdery substance as Peter brings his hands to his own face wiping it off so his vision is clear again. His laugh echoes throughout the kitchen and your quiet giggles soon begin to follow.
The flour on his cheeks looked like bright white freckles and his hair was so covered in flour it looked like it was another color. You didn’t even want to begin to imagine what you probably looked like right now, it had to be worse than Peter. You were positive that you were going to need a very long shower to rinse all this off when you’d gotten home later tonight.
“Aunt May’s going to kill me.” He confesses which only causes you to giggle a little further. “I didn’t even mean to drop it.”
The open window by the sink let a slow breeze slip throughout the kitchen from outside causing some of the flour to stir up again uncomfortably. It caused you to sneeze and Peter coughed once again but it wasn’t nearly as bad at before.
“Jesus, you are definitely not cracking the eggs, butter fingers.” You tell him which causes Peter to roll his eyes.
The dim yellow ceiling light illuminates Peter’s face and although he looks quite strange covered in flour you can’t help but find him absolutely adorable. Peter brings his hands to his hair trying his best to ruffle the flour out of the short strands but it wasn’t working out very well since it’s practically imbedded itself into the strands.
“This is a disaster.” Peter points out which it most definitely was but you didn’t want to admit that to him.
You reach your flour covered hand out to cup Peter’s cheek lazily as you bring your other hand up to his cheek dusting off the flour the best you can while stifling a laugh. His lips were pursed together as he held back a smile before you blew a little bit of air towards his face so it’s not so covered in flour. He flinched at the sensation but opened his eyes after a moment to catch your own.
“You look like a disaster.”
“No need to rub it in.”
Peter’s lips curl and it’s evident in his face that although this has turned into a mess he’s pretty happy. He soon brings his fingertips up to your own cheek brushing some of the flour off your cheeks before his thumb brushes against your lips and he stays like that for a second with dilated amber eyes full of resistance. He pulls away quickly and you roll your eyes just like he’d just done moments before as his eyebrows crinkle together at your expression.
“You’re still so shy.” You mumble which causes Peter to visibly relax at your explanation of your eye roll.
“I am not.” Peter defends, doe eyes full of hesitance at his own words almost as if he doesn’t believe them himself.
“That’s such a lie.”
You lean towards the boy in front of you without giving him time to think nor prepare himself as you peck his lips, which thankfully were not covered in flour. It was quick and sweet but effective enough to cause the apple of his cheeks to turn a baby pink as his still dilated eyes widen. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights and it made your stomach twist with tiny butterflies.
“I told you.”
Peter begins to clear his throat as your previous touch on his face disappears and your hands soon fall to your sides lazily. He softly brings his fingers up in front of your face flicking them which causes little freckles of flour to hit your face as you laugh trying your best not to sneeze at the same time.
“Funny.” He snickers playfully.
You wipe your face free of flour again and wipe your hands on Peter’s now white shirt as he scoffs trying to grab your wrists to stop you even though it already had more than just a little flour covering it. You were both giggling and the whole room was filled with the laughter that neither of you could contain.
The night went on like that for quite a long time, full of amusement and radiating of happiness just like many nights prior to this one until you two eventually had to clean up before Aunt May came home otherwise you both knew it’d be the end of you two.
You always loved your September’s with Peter though, nonetheless. Nights like this made you happier than they probably should’ve. It was fun and distracted the both of you from the troubling thoughts in the back of your minds. It made you both happy, and that was important.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Made to Be Broken
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Summary: She’s the President’s daughter and he’s head of her security detail. What could go wrong?
Pairing: Secret Service Dean Winchester x Julianna Mills (OFC, The President’s Daughter)
Word Count: 5104
Warnings: Language, Smut (of the dirty, filthy variety), secrecy, FLUFF (good lord, the fluff came from no where!), mentions of torture, angst, feels, dirty talk, unprotected sex. I think that’s it.  
Square Filled: Secretly Dating
A/N: Written for @spngenrebingo the title was inspired by THIS performance of “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls. It resonated with me and I hope that shows in this work (granted, I’ve seen the song performed a million times but for some reason, this one just stuck with me.) Unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, but the pictures are NOT. I found them on Google, Pinterest and tumblr.
This was wrong, on so many levels. This could get him fired and her publicly shamed; that didn’t stop them however, God himself could have told them to stop and they wouldn’t have listened.
He hiked her skirt up as he flung her panties off as she practically ripped his belt and fly open.
“How long do we have?” She asked as she pulled his pants down
“Twenty minutes?” He asked “Give or take.”
“Better make it quick Winchester,” she told him as she feverishly kissed him “wouldn’t want anyone to come looking for us.”
“You’re with me baby,” he said “NO ONE’S gonna come looking for us.”
He pushed deep inside her as she moaned.
It had started eight months ago; shortly after Dean had been hired on as a member of the Secret Service. They’d first laid eyes on each other a few days before the Presidential Inauguration when they’d been introduced.
“Ma’am, this is Agent Winchester,” The Director of the Secret Service, Bobby Singer, has told her “Agent Winchester, this is Julianna Mills. You’re now assigned as part of her security detail.”
With raven hair, eyes as blue as sapphires; she wore a grey suit with a pencil skirt, a pale pink top poking out from under her suit jacket and t-strap pumps; she had black, winged eyeliner and ruby red lipstick on as well. She gave him a kind, white toothed smile and extended her small, perfectly manicured hand to him.
“Agent Winchester,” She said with a smile “a pleasure.”
Dean flashed her a grin; he looked sharp in a navy blue suit, white shirt and black tie.
“I completely agree.” He told her.
Dean had followed Julianna around like he was supposed to, keeping her moving as her father walked in front of her and her mother.
“Agent Winchester?” She asked him later that night as he walked her to her hotel room door.
“You can call me Dean, if that helps.” He told her and she nodded.
“Dean, how many people have you looked after?” She asked
“Quite a few,” he said “I was a body guard before a decided to join the Secret Service.”
“Have you ever killed anyone?” She asked
He shook his head
“A few well placed kicks and punches usually gets my point across,” he told her “but when I served in the military, yes I did.”
“Can you tell me more about that?” She asked
“Not tonight ma’am,” he said “maybe another time.”
“Why not tonight?” She asked “If you’re going to follow me around I should at least know things about you.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” Dean told her “If you don’t give me any trouble, I’ll tell you all about my military career. Deal?”
She stuck her hand out and shook his
“I’m holding you to that.” She told him.
“I know you will ma’am.” He said
“Please, just call me Julie.” She told him and he nodded.
The next day, Dean escorted Julianna to a local children’s hospital that she frequented. She loved to go in and see the kids and read to them; even bringing books she thought they would like. The Secret Service had gone ahead with dogs and made sure the room Julianna would be meeting the kids in was completely secure.
“Dean, we have a problem,” Dean’s brother, Sam, told him “we’ve got media outside and Julianna specifically asked that no media be present.”
“She did?” Dean asked “She didn’t tell me.”
“She told me this morning,” Sam told him “can you get the police or security here to get them to back off?”
“I’m on it,” Dean said and pulled out his phone “I thought it was a good thing for her to be seen doing shit like this.”
“It is,” Sam said as they walked “but she wants to protect the privacy of the kids.”
Dean was slightly thrown off, but nonetheless, made the call and got local police and hospital security on the media. Once they were back on public property, Dean went back to Julianna’s hotel room.
“Why did you tell SAM you didn’t want media presence and not me?” Dean asked, annoyed.
“I thought that’s what I was supposed to do,” Julianna told him “he’s Chief of Staff.”
“But I’m head of YOUR security. I’M the one in charge of YOUR safety, this is the kind of shit I need to know.” Dean told her.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked him, taken aback.
“When someone that isn’t me knows something that involves your safety before I do, yeah I would say that qualifies me to be mad.” He snapped at her.
“I’m sorry!” She shouted at him “I don’t know how this whole security things works! Ever since my Dad got elected, I’m having to answer a million questions and have my every move questioned and I hate it!”
They stared one another down and Dean’s expression softened
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout,” he told her “your safety is my number one priority and when my brother is telling me what I’m supposed to do to protect you, it threw me for a loop.”
She nodded and finished pinning her hair up. She wore a black and grey striped top, black pants and Converse shoes. Her hair was pinned into a proofed up ponytail along with her signature black eyeliner and red lipstick.
“Dean, can I ask your honest opinion?” She asked him.
“Sure.” He said
“Do I look okay?” She asked “I mean, for a president’s daughter?”
“Honestly?” He asked and she nodded “You look like a pinup girl and that’s not a bad thing.”
“Like Marilyn Monroe if she’d married JFK?” Julianna asked and he laughed.
“Probably, but better.” He said and his cheeks turned pink “Sorry, I’ll just wait outside for you.” He said and shut the door behind him. Her mouth curved into a smile as his comment sunk in. He thought she looked better than probably the biggest blonde bombshell of all time. She grabbed her purse as she blushed.
From then on, Dean always knew about what she was planning to do. Anytime her family stopped in a town, she always went to read to children. Her main platform was promoting literacy among children. Dean watched one day as she gave a passionate speech at a local school library one day.
“Without words we cannot communicate,” she had said “without the ability to read, how will we learn from our past mistakes and how to make our world better? That is why I want to issue a challenge to every child at Silver Springs Elementary and beyond. Nurture your mind the same way you nurture your body with a healthy diet. You’ll be surprised at what you can create.”
He watched as a smile crossed her face and she went on
“I’d like to tell you a story about a young lady that liked to write, just for fun and to tell stories to her mother and sisters. One day, she sat on a train and came up with the idea for a boy with glasses to go to wizard school. Today, we know that woman as J.K. Rowling and the boy she envisioned as Harry Potter. The only limit in your arsenal of written words is your imagination.”
The crowd clapped as she thanked the crowd and walked off stage toward Dean and the rest of her security detail. The rosy glow that illuminated her face was enough to entrance him.
“What’d you think?” She asked Dean as he walked her to her hotel room that night.
“You’re very passionate about reading and writing, why?” He asked and she had smiled.
“I’ll tell you my secret if you tell me yours.” She told him as they arrived at her door.
“What secret is that?” He asked
“About your military career.” She told him.
“Damn, I was hoping you’d forget about that,” he said and then added “pardon my French.”
She held up a hand
“Nothing worse than what I’ve said,” she told him “so care to tell me that story?”
“I’m gonna need alcohol before I tell that story.” He told her as they arrived at her door.
“Well, you’re in luck.” She told him “I can have room service bring it up.”
“You mean me?” He asked “Because I have to check everything you get sent.”
“Everything?” She asked and he nodded “Jesus, when do you sleep?”
“I get my four hours a night and I’m fine.” He said. She shook her head and rolled her eyes
“Fine, do what you must, but don’t keep me waiting.” She told him
“I would never.” He told her as they walked into her room.
She was surprisingly easy to talk to with all their formalities out of the way. Wearing her NYU hoodie and yoga pants with no makeup on, she was just as beautiful as when she was dolled up for the press.
“So you gathered information?” she asked, as she poured them another drink
“By whatever means necessary, yes, I did.” he told her, as he took the drink “Am I proud of what I did? I guess that depends on who you ask.”
“If I asked you?” she questioned and he shook his head as she sipped from her glass.
“The things I did to get the information I needed? No, I'm not proud of that.” he told her “The lives I saved because of that information? Yes, I am proud of that.”
“Did you ever think if those people had families? Children that were waiting for them?” She asked
He shook his head and knocked back the rest of his drink.
“No, I couldn't afford to. If I thought of them as more than a mean to an end, that made me weak. In my former line of work, I couldn't afford to appear weak.” he told her
“Why not?” she asked as she kept sipping.
“Weakness meant they could've found out anything about me. My family, my friends, anyone I had contact with and used it against me.” His green eyes were set, as he moved the glass from hand to hand “I basically had to turn off who I was; everything my parent taught me about being a good and decent person, I had to lock away while I tortured those people.”
She let out a breath and finished off the rest of her drink.
“You hate me, don't you?” he asked and she shook her head, rubbing her eyes.
“No, I couldn't hate you.” she told him “You're too good for me to hate. Do I agree with your methods? No.”
“But?” he asked “I'm sensing a “but” somewhere in there.”
“This is difficult for me to grapple with because of my background.” She told him “I mean, before my dad became president.”
“I'm intrigued,” he said “So you wanted to be a what before your Dad ran for president?” Dean asked as he poured them another whiskey.
“A human rights lawyer,” she told him as she took the glass “like Amal Clooney.”
He shrugged
“You’d be good at it, you could still do it.” He told her and she shook her head as she took another drink.
“Nah, my Mom said the family has to stick together while Dad’s in office. Looks better that way.” She told him.
“If you say so,” he told her “you’d do well at anything you try though. You’re really smart.”
She grinned
“Thank you.” She told him
“Truth or truth?” He asked her
“That’s redundant,” She told him “just ask me to tell the truth.”
“Okay, so tell me the truth,” he said “how had some little rich guy not come and swept you off your feet?”
She laughed
“Because they’re intimidated by me.” She told him “They’re not used to girls who speak their minds and who stand up for themselves. They want decoration and I’m not decoration.”
“You’re got enough to be decoration, just too smart for it.” He pointed out and immediately regretted it. She raised her eyebrows at him.
“You think so?” She asked
“Sorry, I overstepped.” He said and stood up. She followed after him, setting her drink down.
“Dean, please don’t leave.” She said as he walked to the door.
“I should,” He told her, not looking at her “I should walk out of this room and resign, go back home and live a life of mediocrity.”
“But?” She asked
He slowly turned back around, with his loosened tie, un-tucked shirt and light stubble on his face, he looked delicious. He set his drink aside and stood in front of her.
“But then I wouldn’t have the chance to do this.” He said and held her face in his hands as he kissed her, catching her off guard. He pulled back and she pulled him back in, kissing him again.
“No,” he said as they kept kissing “we can’t.”
“We shouldn’t.” She told him as she untied his tie, flinging it to the ground.
“I should go.” He told her as he unzipped her hoodie, peeling it off of her and leaving her in a thin tank top.
“Yeah, yeah you should.” She said as she unbuttoned his dress shirt and tugged it off of him. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and carrying her over to the bed. He got on top of her and kissed her hard. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he practically begged as he kissed her neck and collar bone “tell me to fuck off.”
She tugged in his hair, making him look her in the eye.
“No,” she told him “I’m not gonna do that.”
“I could get fired for this.” He told her
“I’ll tell them I seduced you.” She shot back
“I can’t even begin to think of the names they’d call you.” He told her, his fingers trailing over her cheek.
“I don’t care.” She told him “I wanted you the second I laid eyes on you. I didn’t think you wanted me.”
“How could I NOT want you?” He asked
“I thought you’d want someone like my sisters.” she told him
Julianna had two younger sisters; Alexis and Claire.
“Alexis is the tomboy. They all love her because she likes to hunt, golf and fish.” She said.
Alexis was a brat, she didn’t care to attend much of anything and would rather spend her time on a baseball diamond than anywhere else.
“Claire is basically Biker Barbie, if anything I figured you’d go for her.” Julianna told him.
With a snotty attitude and a chip on her shoulder; Claire wore black eyeliner and her hair in braids, she was a bigger brat that Alexis.
Dean shook his head
“No, they’re beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t compare to you.” He told her. “You carry yourself with this quiet confidence and you can command the attention of a room without trying. You’re sharp and witty and you speak with such passion about the things you care about. That, to me, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“You think I’m sexy?” She asked and he nodded
“Of course I do,” he said “who wouldn’t?”
She kissed him with renewed passion, locking her legs around his waist.
“I want you,” She told him as they kissed “fuck I want you so badly.”
She clawed at his belt and pants as he yanked her tank top off, leaving her topless. Her bare torso exposed to him, he kissed every inch he could get to, tasting the salty and sweet mix of her skin. He licked and sucked on her nipples, the pink, sensitive buds hardening in his mouth as she writhed under him.
“Dean, oh Dean!” She mewled
“What do you want me to do to you gorgeous?” He asked as he kissed down her belly and to the waistband of her yoga pants. “Your ass looks so fucking hot in these.”
“Mh, really?” She asked “Why don’t you pull those off and see what it looks like bare?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, but did as she commanded and realized she wasn’t wearing panties.
“You dirty, dirty girl.” He said as he spread her legs open, she was practically dripping with arousal. He looked up at her and she nodded, giving him permission. He picked up one leg and kissed from her ankle up to the apex of her thighs. He intentionally skipped where she wanted him most and kissed down to her other ankle.
“DEAN,” she hissed “don’t tease me.”
“Tell me what you want,” he said “and I’ll quit teasing.”
“Go down on me,” she told him “I want to know what that mouth can do.”
“Yes ma’am.” he said as he laid on his front, his head between her legs. He flattened his tongue and licked her from hole to clit, making her back arch. He placed his hands behind her knees and pushed her legs up. He licked the curve of her butt and the backs of her thighs. Surprising even herself, she cried out in passion.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh, that feels, FUCK!” She cried out.
He hushed her
“If anyone hears you, they’ll come to investigate,” he told her “you have to be quiet or I won’t get to finish you.”
She nodded and he went back to work, his tongue seeming to be able to find every spot between her legs that made her pant and bite her lip. He sat up a little, grabbing behind her knees and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He grabbed a pillow from the nearby chair, set it on the ground and placed his knees on it as he opened her legs again.
“Fuck, you taste amazing.” He told her as he dove back in. She sat up and realized what she was looking at. In the full length mirror, she saw the both of them. She looked strung out on passion and her hair was a mess, but the sight of her gorgeous head of security on his knees in front of her was intoxicating. She ran her fingers through his hair as he thrust his tongue into her, his mouth sealing over her pussy. She gripped his hair and rocked, his nose bumping her clit as he gripped her hips and moaned.
“Yes, like that.” He said as she rode his tongue.
“Fuck me Dean,” she begged him “god, please fuck me.”
Without a word, he stood and rid himself of the rest of his clothes. She had gotten glimpses of his “equipment”, his dress pants didn’t do much to disguise what he had, but the truth was far better than she expected. She reached out and gently ran her hand over his velvety length, the tip leaking pre-cum. She lapped her tongue over the tip and he nearly growled.
“Fuck Julie,” he said as he ran a hand through her hair. She took him into her mouth, bit by bit, adjusting to his length and girth, her hand compensated for what her mouth couldn’t take as she began to bob her head up and down him. He hissed and moaned as he held her hair and watched in the mirror.
Here he was, a guy from a small town in Kansas getting a blowjob from the President’s daughter.
It sounded like the plot to a cheap porn but he didn’t care.
“Fuck,” he moaned “you suck cock like a champ sweetheart.”
She hummed and he gripped her hair tighter and let her keep going. She was winding him tightly as she lightly twisted his skin and then started to fondle his balls.
“Fuck,” he hissed “oh fuck!” He yanked her off of him and said “I was enjoying that, but this is gonna be over a lot quicker than I want it to be if you keep going like that.”
She nodded and he helped her stand as he kissed her. He backed up until the backs of his knees hit the bed. Her wrapped his arms around her and sat down. She straddled him and took his length into her hand, guiding it to her waiting hole. She flicked him through her folds and moaned as he kissed her harder.
“You ready for me?” He asked and she nodded guiding him inside her. He thrust his hips up as she took him in, moaning. She quietly moaned his name over and over again in his ear as he grabbed two handfuls of her ass in his hands.
“Fuck,” he moaned as he kissed her “you have the firmest ass I’ve ever grabbed.”
She smirked and kissed him
“And you’ve got the biggest cock I’ve ever had,” she murmured in his ear as she bit the lobe “let me ride you.”
He pulled back as he fully sank into her and nodded as she moved her hips. The sound of her skin hitting his echoed in the room as she rode him slowly at first. She could feel every inch of him filling her nearly to the breaking point. He gripped her flesh hard, there would surely be bruises on her ass in the morning, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was them and being in that moment with him. He laid down, his back flat on the bed as she placed her hands on his chest.
“Mh, look at you riding me like a champ,” he commented “fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.”
She smirked and asked
“You like that? A girl taking charge over you?”
“No,” he said “a WOMAN.”
She bit her lip and slid her hands up and down her own body as he watched. She placed her fingertips on her clit and began to massage the engorged bundle of nerves.
“Fuck!” he moaned as he tried to push into her faster and she shook her head.
“No,” she moaned as she moved her fingers in a slow, torturous circle “I want us to take our time, I want to feel EVERYTHING.”
“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” He told her as she moved and he drank in the sight on top of him. The girl he wanted, that seemed just out of his reach, was now playing with her clit while she rode his hard cock.
If this was a dream, he’d be royally pissed when we woke up.
“Dean,” she moaned “oh god Dean, you feel so good inside me.”
“That’s it,” he growled “use that filthy mouth.”
“You like watching me fuck you?” She asked “Playing with my clit on top of you?”
“God yes,” he groaned “taking what you want from me.”
“Sit up,” She commanded and he followed through, he watched as she glided her hands up her body and cupped both her breasts in her hands. “Mhhh, you wanna suck on these?” She asked him and he nodded
“Yes,” he choked out “yes ma’am, please? May I?”
“Such a-FUCK!-such a good boy. So polite.” She breathed as she kissed him “You may, you may suck on me.”
He captured her nipple in his mouth and sucked on it, his tongue flicking over the hardened bud while his other hand captured her other breast, his thumb flicking over the nipple, making her whine.
“Oh fuck, Dean! Dean, oh fuck!” She moaned “God, I’m gonna come. Fuck, I’m gonna come all over you!”
“Mh,” he moaned “Come for me baby, come all over me.”
She rode him hard, the sound of slapping skin getting louder as she dug her nails into his shoulders, screaming into his chest as she came. He bit into her shoulder and cried out as he let go deep inside her, finally stilling.
After their romp in the broom closet; they straightened themselves up and went back to the engagement she'd been dragged to. Dean watched as she navigated the flurry of people wanting to talk to her, asking which designer she was wearing and what lipstick she used. The black, winged eyeliner has become part of her style and the press pounced on it.
“The eyeliner and lipstick is by Wet N Wild,” she told the reporter “the eyeliner is H2O proof in black and the lipstick is Missy and Fierce in their Liquid Catsuit line.”
Dean smirked internally and said in her ear
“Time to go.”
She gave him a nod and said
“Thank ya'll, it's been a pleasure.” and shook the interviewer's hand.
The next night, they were allowed to go a little more casual; Julianna had ticket to see her favorite band, The Goo Goo Dolls, and wouldn't miss the performance for anything.
“I don't like this,” Dean told her as they walked into the venue “not at all.”
“Relax,” she told him “Secret Service was here beforehand and gave the all clear, don't you have any faith in your men?” she asked
“That's not what I'm worried about,” he said “drunken fools are more my concern.”
“Dean, can you do me a favor for tonight?” she asked and pulled him to the side, out of sight of the other concert goers as they filed into their seat “Please? I almost never ask you for anything but can you throw me a solid on this ONE request?”
“What?” he asked, his eyes searching around them
“Can you please, put the Secret Service on the back burner for ONE NIGHT?” she asked “Just this one? Please?”
“And do what?” he asked
She took his hands and placed them on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck
“Be my boyfriend?” she asked “We NEVER get to go out. Never get to be a couple. All I want is a night of normal. Just one, is all I ask for.”
He sighed
“But the risks.” he insisted and she kissed him
“We'll be fine.” she assured him “I know good and well off duty and undercover cops are here. We will be okay. Just be my boyfriend? Please? It would make me so happy.”
She gave him the sad puppy face and he laughed.
“Fine,” he relented “I cave, I'll do it. But just this one night.”
“Thank you.” she told him and kissed him.
Even though they were supposed to be a couple for the concert, Dean kept his protective guard up. He stood behind her, his arms wrapped around he shoulders, gently pushing away anyone that was too close for his liking. When The Goo Goo Dolls took the stage, Julianna swayed with the music in his arms as they both sang along to the songs they knew. Thunder cracked overhead and the sky opened up, raining down on the crowd just as the band was closing the show with their biggest hit, “Iris”.
“Come on, we gotta go.” Dean said in her ear as they both got drenched.
“No, please!” she begged as the song started and she looked at him “This is my favorite, we can leave after this. PLEASE just let me hear this song.”
He sighed, annoyed and nodded.
“This one more song and we're gone.” he told her and she nodded. His boots were soaked, his back ached and all he wanted to do was go the hell home, but hearing the familiar chords of the song brought him to a place in his mind that made him smile.
And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now
He held her through the song, singing the words in her ear as they swayed. She tightened her grip on his arms and closed her eyes. It was perfectly imperfect and that was what she loved about it and him. As the song ended, she turned to face him, rain rolling down her face
“When everything's made to be broken,” she sang back to him “I just want you to know who I am.”
They kissed as a loud clap of thunder sounded over their heads and he whisked her away as soon as the kiss ended.
The next day Julianna awoke and joined her parents and sisters in the dining room for breakfast where someone immediately poured her a cup of coffee. She thanked them and her Dad asked
“Have fun at the concert last night?” his tone seemingly off from his usual, neutral one.
A woman stood next to Julianna, waiting to take her breakfast order and Julianna looked up at her.
“Can I have eggs? Scrambled with some cheese, and turkey bacon please?” Julianna asked and the woman nodded as left. “I mean yeah,” Julianna said as she added cream and sugar to her coffee “I mean, it was the Goo Goo Dolls. Not Rage Against The Machine, but yeah they put on a good show.”
“You. Were. Seen!” her father said and stood up.
“Dad, I'm a little hung over, so if you could arrive at a point, that would be GREAT.” Julianna told him as Alexis and Claire giggled into their plates.”
“OUT!” her Dad yelled “OUT! EVERYONE OUT!”
The dining room cleared and her Dad threw the newspaper at her. She took a sip of her coffee and turned it over. The picture glaring back at her was of her and Dean making out at the concert and the headline read
“Care to explain this?” her Dad asked, furious.
Julianna looked down at the paper, at her Dad and down at the paper again.
“Oh fuck.” she mumbled.  
You guys good?! Enjoy that??? I hope so!!!! Kind feedback is always welcome, feel free to like, share and comment. Maybe hit that follow button? I love new friends!! All my boxes are open; so if you have any requests or anything you want me to write, drop me a line!!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @ain-t-bovvered @mrswhozeewhatsis @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox@emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @salvachester@myinconnelly1 @mogaruke @imma-winchester-addict@theworldiscolorful @dean-winchesters-bacon @animerose96@l8nit-l0vr @drakelover78​ @curly-haired-disaster​
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hiraethstill · 7 years
Ushijima Wakatoshi, being the work-oriented sort of person he was, never expected have a strange soulmate or soulmates, if any at all. But he couldn't deny the quotes, one on each arm, that said "I'll pay you to watch my dog while I punch this guy in the face” and "Fucking shit hell holy fuck wow oh my god Jesus H. Christ fuck me." Needless to say, he was curious as to what kind of situation would require those to be the first words his soulmates spoke to him, and couldn’t deny that some part of him looked forward to the day he'd meet these two, even if his main priority was volleyball instead of romance.
It was a particularly warm evening as he was heading home from practice that he stopped outside his favorite coffee shop, wondering whether he should treat himself. For some reason, he was hungrier than usual, and he had to admit that this particular cafe’s lemon squares were always a welcome exception to his generally moderate, healthy diet.
He could already feel himself giving in, and pushed open the door. The interior was as cheery as always, inviting him in like a slice of home. Maybe he'd stay for a little bit. It wasn't as if anyone was waiting for him at his apartment anyway.
As pleasant as it was inside, every table was occupied, so he pushed back through the door, eyes already scanning for an empty spot.
What he didn't expect was for a dog leash to be slammed into his chest, along with the words, “I’ll pay you to watch my dog while I punch this guy in the face.”
Semi Eita didn't have his soulmates’ first words to him somewhere on his body. What he did have was a wonderful collie named Ensō that made up for a demanding boyfriend he didn't want to see anymore. Instead of quotes, there were two timers ticking down the minutes on his ankles, which he could easily hide from the windbag who was sitting across from him now in an outdoor cafe.
Leaning down, Semi pretended to pet Ensō but casually lifted the right leg of his jeans to look at the timer that was always slightly ahead.
The timer was almost down to zero.
Across the table, the boyfriend had irritably leaned over to see what he was looking at instead of him, and suddenly stood, chair scraping the floor, immediately starting to yell about how Semi hadn't told him he had a soulmate and was just stringing him along for no reason.
Semi stood too, getting angrier about the situation until, seething, he tugged on Ensō's leash and shoved it into the chest of the nearest stranger.
"I'll pay you to watch my dog while I punch this guy in the face," he growled, not even looking at the person.
But just as he was about to give his unwelcome date a piece of his mind with his fists, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It didn't seem as though it was there to hold him back, but it served to distract him just enough to still his thoughts for a moment.
“Is there a problem?” the stranger asked calmly.
Sneering, the boyfriend sized the stranger up, lips curling distastefully even though the newcomer was much taller and broader than him. “Mind your own fucking business.”
That was when Semi snapped, punching the guy in the face.
While he staggered away with a bloody nose, the wait staff came out to usher all three of them out of the shop, finding Semi screaming at the guy to never show his face to him again. The newcomer quietly waved them off, saying he would take care of it, and he and Ensō nudged Semi toward the exit after the man who'd stumbled out. He also took a few napkins from a table and offered them to him as they sat on the curb.
"Are you alright...?" he asked hesitantly, turning to fully face him.
Semi could now actually study his face, and was taken a little aback at the austere countenance. It was almost as if looking upon the face of an eagle in human form, and he could feel the concern from the slight wrinkle in his brow. Even the frown was almost graceful, and he fought the will to stare.
Blinking to clear his thoughts, Semi nodded and took the napkins gratefully. "Bastard couldn't get away with it forever."
Suddenly his eyes widened, and he checked his ankle frantically. It had to be there. It had to be ticking down. It couldn’t have--
The timer had already stopped.
"Shit!" He buried his face in his hands. How could he let this happen? While screaming at his now ex-boyfriend, he'd let the chance of meeting his first soulmate slip away. The weight of his heart grew tenfold, squeezing in on itself in an attempt to burst.
"Is something wrong?" The tone of the person next to him didn’t vary all that much in pitch, but Semi could discern the faint undercurrent of concern. He wanted so badly to say it wasn’t okay, and something about the stranger…
"Yeah,” he said, taking a deep breath. “My soulmate timer stopped, and if my soulmate was in there, they probably think I'm a nutjob and fled."
There was no pause before the newcomer’s next words.
"No need to worry about that. I don’t believe you are a nutjob."
Tendou Satori had only ever seen the world in boring shades of gray. It made him a little wistful when others talked about colors so offhandedly, or did simple things like driving or watching a movie, but he’d grown used to it. It wasn’t as if he needed color for his job or home anyway, and he got by just fine. There was some theory about the world bursting into color once one found their soulmate, but he didn’t really believe in that sort of thing, and didn’t need to, in his opinion, and hated it when people pitied or made fun of him for something he couldn’t help.
Maybe that was why he loved animals so much. A dog wouldn’t judge or baby him for being different. A cat would regard him just like any other lowly human. Maybe he belonged more in the world of animals than humans, as isolated as he was in human society anyway.
Speaking of dogs, there was one sniffing curiously at him right now, nosing at him in a friendly way. Smiling, Tendou stooped to pet it, wondering briefly where the owner was. There was a leash trailing from its collar, so probably not too far away. He tugged at the collar until the tag was displayed clearly. Ensō, the tag read. There was a number and an address as well, written in slanted, loopy writing.
Tendou looked up and around as the dog - Ensō - rested its head in his lap, looking for whomever might have left it there. The only other people around were two men sitting on the curb not far away, so he steeled himself and walked over. Before he said anything, however, both of them turned around.
They were gorgeous, rivalling any guy he’d picked up at the bar to stave off his loneliness. The one on the right had light hair, ends tipped dark as if dyed, and soft, relieved eyes as he reached out for the dog, which immediately came to him. It seemed as though those eyes could be as hard as iron as well, full of fighting spirit. Tendou barely registered the dog anymore, focusing on the man on the left with the neat haircut and the chiseled jaw. His brain to mouth filter, if he’d had one in the first place, stopped working, and he blurted the first words that came to mind.
"Fucking shit hell holy fuck wow oh my god Jesus H. Christ fuck me."
Had he really just said that? Sure, he’d said some embarrassing things to people before. Sure, he’d had a few one-night stands, but never regretted it before, never lost his cool so blatantly, and in the first few minutes to boot.
Before he could thoroughly process what he’d said, however, the bigger man stood and held out a hand, face passive but eyes subtly glinting with what seemed to be curiosity at the very least.
“So you’re the last one. What’s your name?”
Tendou took the hand, unsure of what else to do. “Tendou Satori? What am I the last one for?”
Even as he said it, he started to notice something different about the man’s face. The monotone shades were starting to drift in and out, giving way to - was that brown?
Tendou whipped his head toward the other one, the one with dyed tips. The first things that struck him was the hair, fading out of subtle grayish tones and into what his mind registered as blonde. Ash blonde. When he turned his head back to the taller man, it was the eyes that caught his attention, a deep olive color.
Entranced, he looked back and forth between them, watching as colors slowly spread across their faces and the rest of their bodies, bled into the surroundings and lit up the sky with fiery shades, the trees with vibrant green, the buildings with more than just monochrome.
Was this color?
“Are you alright?”
He turned back to the first man, whose hand he still held, and dropped it.
“I am… I'm at one hundred twenty percent!” A laugh escaped him, and he couldn't stop, even twirling once. He misjudged his balance, however, and went stumbling into the second man, only able to grin at him. There must have been something in his face other than the usually creepy leer, because Dyed Tips smiled tentatively back, gripping his arms to right him.
“Semi Eita,” Dyed Tips offered. “We’re all soulmates, apparently.”
“Yes, and I am Ushijima Wakatoshi,” the first man said, placing a hand on both Semi and Tendou’s shoulders. “Since you seemed to have spaced out earlier.” He directed the last bit at Tendou, not unkind but blunt nonetheless.
All Tendou could feel at the moment was a giddy sensation welling in his gut, and he couldn't stop grinning.
“Well,” he said. “We are going to have so much fun!”
I’ve finally finished this, after so long, and hey, why not post it for 1,000 followers? This is a huge milestone, and I really wish I had the time to individually thank every single one of you all over again, but I hope this is alright for some sort of gift since I never got the chance to do something for 500. 
I’m really sorry I haven’t made a bigger deal out of all of your support, but I really do cherish every single follower and mutual of mine, so thank you, all of you. <3
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