#i probably wont start talking to them now! we'll see i guess!
adidegmez · 2 months
invincible s1&2 spoilers
i'm starting to watch invincible for the first time and i wanted to write here.
i like the art style. and i thought episodes would be 20 minutes or something this is so much better.
s1 spoilers
s1 ep1(it's about time)
wow. ep was good i liked mark. but the end wow! i didnt see that coming. I saw Omni Man doing bad things before watching the series, but I didn't think it would happen this early. I liked the guardians. Why did he kill them?
s1 ep2(here goes nothing)
i like teen team. and eve. is omni-man lying? i think so. or did something else really happen? i think omni-man wants earth just for himself. and I didn't expect this much blood, at least not this early.
s1 ep3(who you calling ugly?)
guardians of the globe look a lot like the Justice League. mark would probably be better with eve. she'll understand him. but i like amber too. robot!? why?
s1 ep4(neil armstrong, eat your heart out)
yes, something is wrong with nolan. he is not truly a hero. If Superman or Spider-Man were in his place, they wouldn't be able to just stand by while the city is under attack. omni-man scares me. i dont know what comes next.
s1 ep5(that actually hurt)
omni-man let his son die. well, he is not dead but still he didnt save him. What was he thinking? i thought heroes were dead. im glad theyre still alive. and titan! He fooled invinvible.
s1 ep6(you look kinda dead)
its nice to see mark smile. i hope it can last, probably wont but still. whats robot doing? im glad william learned about invincible but amber should learn too. i really dont understand why omni-man killed the guardians. whats with the white house guy and his son we'll see i guess. eve is happy thats nice but mark… heroes cant have a normal relationship i guess.
s1 ep7(we need to talk)
I don't understand why omni-man killed the guardians. I can not understand. Why did he do it?
s1 ep8(where i really come from)
i thought Nolan was lying about his planet and its people. But judging by the name of this episode, Omni-Man may not be from Viltrum. we'll see. I liked that the logo became more bloody as the story progressed. Where is the invading alien? I think we will see it in season 2. this was so good. there are so much things to see in s2. i love mark. he changed his father and maybe in the future omni-man would help save the World because of his son. No one who knew Nolan believed he could do such a thing.
s2 spoilers
s2 ep1(a lesson for your next life)
This must be a different universe or another timeline or a dream. Mark doesn't do this. Someone must be controlling his mind. wasn't donald dead? it was a different dimension. and a villain is born. Mark already has a lot to take care of. now this!
s2 ep2(in about six hours i lose my virginity to a fish)
I hope mark and amber can make it work. The logo is starting to return to its old self. Does this indicate that things will get better? But this can't be, there are so many things, I don't know how it will turn into good?
s2 ep3(this missive, this machination!)
why? Why do they give up what they love for other people? I don't understand. In the TV series or movies I watch, most of the time, nerds compromise on the things they love to be normal. But I love them the way they are and I think they need to find nerds like themselves and live without compromising what they love. i dont know i just feel bad for the collection😅. who tells the story? i like allen. How is he still alive? I knew something was wrong with Thaedus. is allen dead now? seeing debbie, listening her stories makes me sad. nolan was a good dad and a good husband. and now he is gone. amber understands mark this is good. William helps mark. mark has amber eve William and debbie has no one. omni-man! i didnt think he would be back this early.
s2 ep4(it's been a while)
Nolan confuses me. I think he really liked Debbie and Mark. imo he is confused too. Debbie changed him. Maybe it would have been different if he wasn't a Viltrumite. He saved the aliens. He was doing heroism for his duty on Earth, but he didn't have to save those aliens, but he saved them anyways.
s2 ep5(this must come as a shock)
are dupli-kate and shrinking rae really dead? Why didn't Cecil send more heroes? Maybe then they could win. Allen is alive. Thaedus is a viltrumite?!
s2 ep6(it's not that simple)
what! rex died?! why? i thought someone would come and save him. Will the sequids return? They controlled Rudy's mind so I can't be sure. im glad debbie is raising the kid. dubli-kate is really dead.i liked her i liked them all. im glad rae and rex is alive(barely). amber and mark… they love each other. theyre good for each other but it wont work. i wish it could work. I think Rick will fight Invincible. he is a good guy if he was really him he wouldn't fight but he changed so I don't know what he'll do. sequids are back.
s2 ep7(i'm not going anywhere)
there ia 13th doctor cosplayer. i liked it. we saw her 3 times, i think it was the same woman. Am I paying too much attention or will something happen? first time okay second time was okay too but the 3rd time mark and amber was walkinkg and i saw her twice. It was very funny and cool that they animated every example Filip gave while he was talking. spider-man's hand gesture. I love the references. I wish they had erased Rick's memory too. It would be better. i liked april. I hope she doesn't do anything bad. amber and mark they always understood each other until the end. they still do. i wish things could be different but they cant be together. yes, allen is strong. but anissa was right they could save so many people. but what's bad is their attitude. If they had been a little more compassionate or kind, things could have been different. So many people would not have resisted and many worlds could have been saved with less loss.
s2 ep8(i thought you were stronger)
Talking dinosaurs? so many universe. mark is bad. The multiverse is confusing me. How can he be bad in so many universes and be good in this one? but im glad he is good in this one. is that batman? he really killed angstrom. i hope he can put this behind him. kate is alive! I hope mark and eve can be together. allen and nolan. Nolan is a nice guy I wish he wasn't a viltrumite. He was just raised wrong and if he had been raised by good people like Martha and Jonathan Kent he could have become like Superman. I think we can already see that he cares he cares about others genuinely. and thats because debbie and mark really changed him and i hope we can see that more in season 3.
I started the series by seeing a speech by Debbie. I wanted to watch it before, but his speech was really beautiful and tragic. and I immediately started watching the series yesterday. Before i started, I thought it was Nolan who broke his arm and that made everything worse, but at least Nolan is not that person anymore (He never hurt Debbie physically, but he did hurt some people, including her son). I thought Nolan was such a bad guy. he grew up in viltrum but the world changed, him debbie changed him. He loved Debbie, he loved Mark and Oliver. And I hope Nolan can do better things in the future.
this story was amazing. and animation is the perfect way to tell it. i really cant wait for season 3.
this story was tragic. i cried a lot. this Show might be my favorite superhero Project. i love marvel and dc. i saw a lot of superhero shows and movies but this was incredible. i dont know what to say but im glad i watced this Show. im glad i knew mark. and debbie. and nolan. they are amazing. i hope they'll get a happy ending.
i hope season 3 will come soon.
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circlemidnight · 1 year
what do u predict will happen in the next episode and whether it contributes to the jeronica agenda knowing that v will ask reggie on a date and jug continues to investigate w tabitha in 7x10?
Well I think the double date ends badly for her, going off what we've seen so far. If I had to guess, either it becomes clear to her that Reggie is only there for Betty, or they have some kind of car race and Veronica gets upset, considering her involvement with James Dean. If Reggie is still into fast cars and he's racing Archie because of some rivalry brewing over Betty, I think Veronica will peace out by the end of the night. I think next episode Jeronica probably talk and start to mend fences and get back to being friends. For now Veronica has decided to chase someone else, and Jughead is grieving so I think there wont be anything romantic between them yet maybe just some hints they miss each other. Maaaybe she is the one who first plants the seed that something is amiss with Ray's death? Like they will help each other a little to remind themselves they are a good team? So I think JT will still get their cute plot, but bearing in mind that Erinn doesn't seem to be available for the whole season, and that she is playing 50s teen Tabitha not Angel Girlfriend Tabitha, I don't think much will come from it. Like, maybe Tabitha says she's moving to Chicago but she wishes him luck with finding justice or maybe she asks him to come travel with her but he says he needs to stay and solve Ray's murder idk. It will be something bittersweet but hopefully it forces some growth on Jughead. I was honestly expecting them to reveal it was Angel Tabitha is disguise and she's trying to nudge events in the right direction, but I am not sure they are going with that? We'll see. It would be good for her to check in and give some kind of hint about the time travel side of things but I fear they were just using her as a plot device so Ras could write his period drama.
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twilightknight17 · 10 months
P5T Story Finale - Part 1
I'm just starting off with the assumption that this will have to be 2 parts, to fit all the pictures I took. XD
So, where we left off, I was doing pretty good.
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We'd beaten Metal Marie, and Lavenza had some challenges for us to unlock our final skills. I was kind of hyped, because honestly, it seemed like a good opportunity to get everyone's ultimate personas back. And then Erina could just have whatever.
It was not second awakenings, despite the way they talked about it sounding very second-awakening-ish. Instead, we get a maximum power skill for each Thief's specific element. And, sorry everyone, but Joker's is the coolest.
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I also think that it's worth mentioning that when you die, Lavenza quotes Paradise Lost at you.
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She also quotes it at the very start of the game, so she's very well-read. Probably Margaret and Theodore's influence; I can't see Elizabeth sitting through a book like that. XDDD
Anyway, Lavenza's challenges were some very elaborate puzzle levels and endurance missions with gimmicks, but nothing that was completely unreasonable. The one where you had to kill everything in one turn by using one-mores and platforms to get Joker to the top of the level to trigger the widest-possible AOA range was awesome. I felt smart when I finished them, which was the important part.
And my reward, other than skills, was......
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You have to be level 96 to fuse Satanael, tho, so like... holy fuck, Atlus. Booooooo. And he's got like seven components, which I'm pretty sure he did in P5, but you couldn't fuse him til NG+, so you at least would have had most of them by then. This is just taunting me. Plus, it's not nearly as easy to get money in this. You have to replay missions, and later missions give more money but also take longer, so it seems like it'll be a little tedious to complete the compendium.
Metal Yoshiki and Metal Shadow Toshiro went down next, and I'm pretty sure it confirmed that it wasn't actually Toshiro's shadow, just a piece of Salmael masquerading as it. I wasn't... super impressed with these fights? They were basically the same as the first go round, just with more health, more damage, and slightly different arenas. Metal Shadow Toshiro skipped his first round and went right to Giant Scary Eri, so... Yeah. They were fine, I guess.
I did notice something a little funny, though. The final Kingdom is "The Path to God" in the replay menu, and there are six missions (not counting the bosses), each with a letter appended to them.
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All six in order spells "A S Y L U M".
If Salmael rules this Kingdom, is he the crazy one, then? :P
So, we are off to the final boss. My goblin kids are ready to beat the shit out of their third god in like... four months? Wow.
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Slap him so hard he drops his head, Futaba!
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I finally realized what this thing's appearance reminds me of. Some weird fusion of Yald, and the Queen from Deltarune.
He has the SMUGGEST VOICE of any god so far and it just makes me want to hit him harder. Maybe I should have done some grinding for Satanael after all.
He just wants to ~save humanity~, and I'd just like to mention how much I love my wife.
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Salmael is totally cool with our disagreement, obviously.
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Us? All by ourselves? You think so highly of us~
Salmael says that his actions are the consensus of humanity, so we should just give in. The game gives you an option here between "Our wills are firm" and "Send us back to the real world." Which, if you remember, he offered to send us all home without our powers or memories, so... put a pin in that. We'll be back. In THIS timeline, we tell God to fuck off, as is our wont.
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I feel justified in writing Ryuji calling Yaldabaoth "Yald" in an actual fic, now. XD
Seriously, Atlus, one line of dialogue. "We've already beat up a 'god' who thought he knew what was best for us." Call Maruki on his BS.
Anyway, as always, these gods who want peace and happiness and order are willing to murder us. Ooohhhh nooo, I don't waaaaant to use force, you just leave me no chooooooiiiiiice~ Blarg. XD
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The battlefield is wild, though. I'm always down for a good giant clock.
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The five platforms rotate either forward or back based on a skill that warns you in advance. Platforms that go past the end positions sink into the green, and more arise on the other side to replace them.
So, we wallop the shit out of god while avoiding being tossed into a green abyss. I only lost Toshiro during this stage of the fight, so I still had my three primary fighters and three baton passes.
Salmael, upon being knocked down in round 1, throws a temper tantrum, and... well, I guess calling it "going one-winged-angel" isn't appropriate here. He's still got all his wings, just gets more raggedy and dirty.
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But the important part is that he loses the mask and his face is FUCKED UP
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He gets two new attacks for this round. The first one is a very Dark Hour-esque clock which leaves numbers on some of the platforms. That's how many people need to be standing on that particular platform to avoid triggering an attack that paralyzes you on your next turn.
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Overall, challenging! Especially because the numbers don't rotate with the platforms, so if he does both skills at the same time, you've gotta make sure you're not gonna rotate away from the number you need. (Learned that the hard way.)
The second one is some kind of giant antenna that spawns in the middle of the arena, and you have like... three turns to AOA it before he does some horrible targeted missile barrage. I had the worst time with that. That's how I lost all three of my remaining squad in one turn, because I couldn't get the downed enemy to line up right to allow the AOA.
So we're down Ann, Morgana, and Akira. Welcome to the fight, Haru, Yusuke, and Ryuji!
Salmael's second form has about twice as much health as his first form, which can be mitigated by AOA-ing the antenna, because Futaba can then turn the missiles on him. I only managed that once. X'D But the game REALLY smacked me when it did the clock attack and the arena rotation on the same turn, and the clock was four platforms, each with a 1 on it. I didn't have Toshiro anymore. I couldn't put one person on each platform. So everyone got paralyzed, and the rotation was poised to dump both Haru and Yusuke into the abyss with no way to move them.
It was going to be up to Ryuji to win this fight alone.
...or, it would have been, but as I watched Yusuke sink into the green depths, I realized that... the platform just popped back up on the other side. Yusuke was fine. Didn't even do any damage. X'D I spent the whole fight thinking that if I got sucked down with a platform, that person would just die. But no.
In the end, Haru dealt the final blow, and Salmael took that really well. He just straight up starts taking a swing at us and throwing gears. So I guess we DID slap him so hard he dropped his head!
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My baby boy gets to say more than one line of dialogue in this game!
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This is the smile of a savior, everyone.
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Honestly this last AOA cutscene is wild. I like it better than Scramble's, I think? I need to watch it again, but it's really well done. Halfway through, Erina gets squashed by a whole ton of gears and ends up... I'm assuming drifting in the Sea of Souls, and Toshiro calls her back so she can take her Ernesto form and blast the hell out of Salmael. And then she turns back into Erina and she and Akira slam a flag through Salmael's face. :3
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Yeah, yeah. Same as every other monster.
Salmael takes defeat well, of course. By exploding.
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And Toshiro catches a brief glimpse of the overwhelming existential dread that knowing about meta-space can cause: namely that humanity is constantly accidentally almost destroying itself.
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I like to think that he gets a phone call from the Shadow Ops at some point. XDDDD
Anyway, with Salmael dead, his primary Kingdom is collapsing, so it's time to get the hell out of here. And with this, I have hit the image limit, so... Off we go. Part 2 is next!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Sorry guys but I cannot get excited for the play when literally most of us wont be able to watch it. Some of us cannot even go to London in general. I just feel like the play was such sloppy idea and i do not know why did they choose to do this. Many of us will only be able to get spoilers from others who can go and watch it, we are lucky if they end up filming it and drop it on netflix but even then it is such an unfortunate situation to see that they trest the play thing as some sort of a 'only rich audience can see it' thing and it painfully sounds like cash grab.
If you don't want to get your hopes up that it could be released on streaming, I get that! Even in the case it does go to streaming, it probably wouldn't be until the play finishes production the following summer in 2024. So it is very likely we'll have to get spoilers and information from fans attending in person until then.
Luckily a lot of fans active online are attending, so those tidbits are likely to be accessible fairly soon after showings begin. I would guess by the time a month has passed, most of the story will be available in text form for fans that want spoilers. I know some fans might prefer to wait for when it becomes available on streaming IF that is even an option down the line. That's fair too.
I will say that this is at least something set in stone for the time being. The first showing is November 17th, which is not far from now, about a little over 2 months. This means new canon content in a matter of a few months so I'm not really complaining regardless of what form it comes in tbh.
I do think that on the surface it does operate as a cash grab, as do the pop up stores that exist throughout major cities. I do not live anywhere near London, nor any of the pop up stores, so I get major fomo in regards to these types of things for sure.
However, I also thrive on hiatus activities which includes sleuthing and looking into the little content we get when filming starts up again leading up to promo and release. That phase is enjoyable to me. And I do think that this play offers up something fans can talk about and discuss, regardless of the vast majority of us not being able to witness it for ourselves in person.
I can agree that the play seems like a dumb idea for certain reasons, but I do like it for other reasons too. I like that this means less time presumably wasted on backstory in s5. There's just too much that has to be covered in s5, in the present timeline. I could handle a couple flashbacks, as that's pretty common for the average season. However we had so fucking many in s4 and I don't think we can afford multiple flashback arcs in s5 again. This play at least affords them the opportunity to provide 2+ hours of canon content they don't have to waste time on in s5, but that will play a small part in adding to the universe in a way that will hopefully be accessible in the future when it's an overall story to watch back on as a whole.
It very well could never become accessible to the general public beyond word of mouth from those who attended. I think that would suck balls and I would be pretty pissed. Though shows are going on from Nov 2024 until August of 2024, with 1-2 shows almost every single day... So it's going to be something that I think would be near impossible to not have the context for fully for those that do want it eventually, even if we don't get to see it for ourselves.
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objectosexual · 1 year
hey gamers, this blog is a huge WIP (and i might change the URL... we'll see) but for a basic intro/pinned post...
my name is carson, im in my late 20's, im gay and objecto. im also trans and use he/it pronouns
my main blog is @clippy + my selfship blog is @ohgodimyearning... consider this blog to be a companion to the latter (most of my F/O's are objects)
i also have a locked NSFW twitter account with similar content that can be found here (you will need to send a follow req to it tho, sorry!) -- keep in mind that it 1) doubles as a vent account and 2) does have NSFW images
this will also be a general animism/POSIC+ blog, tho please keep in mind that i primarily view those things through a lens of being romantically and sexually interested in objects... that isnt to say i want to fuck every object i view as having a soul, but wanting to fuck objects has essentially made me... aware of it, i guess. (that and im autistic so i've always had weird hyper-empathy toward objects)
my literal first crush ever was on Herbie (the VW beetle) so i have a huge soft spot for cars, but i also like other vehicles/modes of transit, robots/computers, toys, roller coasters, and buildings
i also like objectheads and i know those arent inherently an objecto/posic thing, the main one i care about is Cl*ckboy, whose design helps me Process my feelings for the real life object he is based on
^ i will go more in depth about this sort of thing in the future (i think explaining my "journey" with this part of my sexuality will help others who are "questioning" -- i used to talk CONSTANTLY about wanting to kiss cars on main and i've had ppl tell me i helped them connect the dots so. lol) but i currently am fighting w my body for energy so dont expect it soon...
I will block people with no ages in their bio (unless i already know you)! While i will not be sharing mature images, i will 100% be sharing sexually explicit/suggestive/etc text posts.
if i interacted with your post, and you're a minor or don't want NSFW blogs interacting with you, please let me know and/or block me! i wont take offense to you asking me to delete a reblog or being blocked. everyone's comfort is my priority, and i do my best to screen OP's of posts before reblogging to my sideblogs but sometimes i forget/miss things
anyway i think that's all for now...? i will start reblogging things here ASAP i think, but just know im kinda working behind the scenes and probably wont make many, if any, original posts until im a little more settled here
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eirian · 1 year
i talked w ruby tonight abt how i was flip flopping abt comicmaking again and she said she observed that i likely genuinely just. dont like making comics LOL. bc in all the time ive been making comics ive complained abt them and gotten stressed abt them way too much to be actually enjoying them, and if im not enjoying them That Much then i probably shouldnt be doing them
yknow i agree. the only real enjoyment i get out of comics is 1) seeing the folder full of finished pages and 2) seeing people actually read them. i hate the process of making them and how much time and effort and energy i have to put into them compared to what i get from them
so! i guess i really am gonna go forward making visual novels for my stories :) probably wont be voice acted, at least not on first release because i cant afford to pay voice actors properly, but maybe down the line theyll have music and voices and such. but i think for now i'll just stick with silent vn stuff!
i think this'll be more fun bc then i can produce interactive stories that take way less time and effort to make and still have people read them :) im excited
now all i gotta do is find the time and energy to make them LOL. idk what i'll do for sure but im thinking i'll start with mirrors chapter 1 and then switch off with villain + school every chapter? to give them equal attention..perhaps. we'll see. yay
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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We do hear something practically everybody is trying to stop him when he's trying to make things work like me and you people are a bunch of morons we have this huge thing to do if anything I shouldn't be helping it comes to me because the rest of your stone cold stupid we need to have businesses you guys don't do anything unless you're drunk there's a lot of stuff you can do. Well you're drunk you don't really care as long as you don't get too drunk. Has better medicine than this other stuff this doesn't build up in your system quite safe it's so damned evil this whole world is great to go and see some idiots down there and they're making mistakes. He said that I would have a chair at the company he's not sure which one and probably Ben Arnold and I do agree with something this is what he wants to do and she is saying not on this one and stuff like that but they have two companies and she can't speak for her company but he does know that one of the other has to have this happened with us stroh's is a more attractive company but this is a real company in a real firm and they probably will pump out their inexpensive beer here and say that's a good point and they have the hops and we don't have probably any so I say that we sit down and we have a meeting and talk about what to do and so he can't go strolling up there and don't know it's not right and I guess I should try to do what I should do he's got a strategy And it's her he says she agrees and the others agree that we could start the company from up there tomorrow and we would know what they're pulling and how much and we can look at the plants and inspect and we could build some up N in survival these guys want beer and we'll hand out samples in the morning we can hand out bread and cheese and beer and there's a certain bread and cheese and I do understand what he's saying when you drink it with that that mixture tastes great and it is important so I wanna sit down and have a meeting and this is a good structure for the other one so we have to decide or they do. an truump is up an evil and out shortly. and kamilla hears it will strengthen here nd hit the shit dn good. we wait for their input
mac daddy
we think we have it. the two of you and so on. no but it is how it is with other cos. and we should. nd your up there. as hq for several. and he nods sees it. w e work on the structure behind closed doors. and we also hit trump and clones. they blow. are in and all over the place boht are. and we use it. jason dies. and is out shortly bja rolls in nd teh spuedo empire. and wont truce. but fight trump and clones. and trump your dead you idiot.
Thor Freya
We want this to work we have a system and a consortium john Remelard is not part of it and the clones are not and BJA has some roles as does Brad and Jason had some and gave up and he's out. There are others from miscellaneous and you're still going along and would rather have stuff so we're going to ask them to the table and we need people on the board in a president and vice president of each company. Now I'm heading this off and I understand they like his company it's better to start small and he says it is but this one will be huge because we're gonna make it inexpensively and I do recognize that will probably start the inexpensive brand and false death was. And we do like the structure we'll make it down there and we'll bang it out and they can make some up there to legitimize it and we can help with that. I do understand it all can work and it can work right now I do understand why we would do it and they understand it and we are going to roll on it. There are several other companies to work on but this one is a primary concern because it is a staple for the Morlock.
we roll now and thank yoiu Zues and your welcome and i request it be first as it is remote and a smaller brand and they approve so i put it in he said the last part adn now too
we do this good idea all
Frank Castle Hardcastle
Duke Nukem Blcokbuster
0 notes
am-i-sans · 10 months
dnd adventures 37
tori and cam are eeby deeby! dess is back though! suzy and inferno are unsupervised while were landing. oh no. they land on their faces. frog waves bye to tori and cam and waves hi to dess.
suzy grabs inferno and starts running, its time for chaos. undyne chases them they cant be allowed unsupervised. kris asks if this is normal and dans says "hes evil and shes prebuscent." undyne whistles and summons soupnik to swoopdown and grabs them in his claws.
suzy elbows kris and demands they get a dragon, again. kris just snorts. soupnik drops them by undyne lol. shes so mad lol. suzy books it again oh no. charity also flees lol. heres comes soupnik! they only grab inferno lol. he goes REALLY high in the sky oh no. HE DROPS HIM! before he hits soupnik catches him and sets him by undyne. frog wants to do that lol.
kris tells dans his kids are funny lol. 'their not my kids but they may as well be.' vani huffs and goes to find lil suzy. shes chilling in a tree. vani is making sad noises and climbs up the tree and tries to make her get on his back. she tries to wrestle him and falls out of the tree. we hear loud yelling lol and go over.
dans asks if lil suzy is done now. she runs off and trips on a rock and lands on her face. dans sighs and says they need to find jevil. everyone else is laughing at suzy and frog goes to help her up. inferno complains she left him. lil suzy tells inferno he shouldve gotten good. inferno walks over and tells her to say it to his face. 'git gud!' he sees undyne and walks away pissed.
vani refinds the trail and off we go. soupnik in the air. dans hands big suzy more jerky. we stumble across a bone i guess. suzy holds it up and dess takes it lol. she rubs her chin in thought like a cartoon charactor. 'well this is clearly a bone.' inferno takes it, bites, and says 'yep thats bone' suzy is mad they wanted to do that lol. inferno finds another one! dans found one too lol. inferno gives it to suzy and she eats it. dans hands it to big suzy as undyne yells at him lol. she yeets it and lil suzy runs after it, fetch!
dess tries to take the bone from suzys mouth and she yanks back lol. dess lies and says its a jevil bone the shithead. back to searching! inferno trips on his face while looking for bones. tori is out of eeby deeby! frog is trying to clean infernos bones lol. kris and dans had been talking and stuff. tori is just confused why do the kids have bones. vani happy dances around tori.
we stumble upon a clearing and theres a guy there, its jevil but we dont know but frog knows and runs over and hugs him! dess yells to not hug the murder clown. he picks up frog and spins them around "look how tall you got!" undyne and tori yell at frog to get back from him, weaponized. frog is just excited lol but jevil is silent.
undyne fucking takes frog away from him frog is so upset. undyne says hes dangerous but frog says shes dangerous cause she has a sword. hes working with steve. frog says steve probably lied to him. inferno is confused about steve and suzy says he has a lot to catch up on.
dess walks up to him and asks if hes been working with any strange men lately xD "which one?" "do you know a guy that would fuck that guy?" she points at dans and he says 'bruh'. undyne points her sword at him and asks if he works for steve. thats not his name so dans asks the real dumbass name lol. yep, oh no. dans him to not work for him and to tell us where he is and we'll leave him alone. its all part of the game? he doesnt know where he is. inferno wants his hat off to see if hes bald sksksk. big suzy also wants to see and kris punches her lol.
inferno walks over and takes off his hat. and smacks his bald head oh no. jevil fucking squeaks like a toy. undyne hands frog to tori. big suzy and kris slap dans bald head lol. jevil asks inferno if hes done lol. dans asks if he knows where steve went or what hes doing. nope frick. frog asks to slap jevils bald head. 'of course!' tori wont put them down sad.
its been 3 hours we have gotten nowhere
tori asks if hes going to work with him. he just wants to play a game, game! he can show us if we like, ummm... undyne no. dont. tori uses stone skin on frog. he leans in to frog and suzy and says its not a game for kids and they should go play somewhere else. dess makes a face thinking its an 'adults' game. tori sets frog down and tells them to go. suzy says lets go find bones and takes them away.
jevil needs more players and he summons a bunch of giant bat skeletons. suzy steps forward 'so its THAT kind of game. better watch out, your dealing with a couple of sharks!'
battle! The World Revolving! Shark To Shark!
dess uses snowball storm on the center of the bad guys. jevil was barely phased lol. undyne attacks! big damage but he does negate some psychic damage. big suzy attacks! missed one her damage is shit lol. jevils turn! he missed dans lol. he also missed suzy. he does hit undyne! big damage. dans hits nice. a bat bites suzy ouch. kris attacks! good job! another bat bites suzy but misses. it hits inferno! tori attacks! she lightnings jevil! infernos turn! he failed. jevil laughs at him.
dess swings her axe at jevil! failed 2 out of 3 swings. undyne goes! so much divine smite. but hes immune to being knocked prone. somewhere in the woods we hear screaming. tori tells undyne if she kills him she has to tell frog what happaned. undyne just wants to knock him out. suzy attacks the bats and kills one of them nice. jevil attacks! he goes after dans! he crits tori! but shes immune to crits! then he uses haste on himself. dans hits big nice. kris is still kinda sucking, frick. suzy yells at them to do what undyne is doing lol. a bat misses. the other bat misses too. tori witchbolts! she crits! thats so much fucking damage wtf. infernos turn! hes fucking using fireball. poor kris they were standing right there they are on fire. jevil stumbles back.
jevil starts laughing and says they did well and he wants to play again, then he fucking disappears and the bats drop dead. he drops a scythe and a crystal. undyne picks up the scythe. dans picked up the crystal. he looks through it and briefly sees mod shade's room. he puts it away and decides he didnt see anything. then he goes and helps kris not be on fire. suzy screams demanding to know who set kris on fire. the knife disappears from undynes hands.
frog shows up and asks where jevil went. it appears in suzy's hands and frog points it out. dans points out inferno for setting kris on fire. inferno is nonchalant. she punches him and it hurts lol. dess says we killed jevil and dans has to yell no they didnt cause frog is upset. lil suzy says they found some bones. inferno takes one of the bat skulls.
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Welcome back princess
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What's this? A WandaNat x reader drabble out of nowhere? Yes it is because I miss Nat and all these TikTok edits about them are making me sad because they deserved at least a little romantic plot line, Vision on the side maybe, pretty sure he would've liked being with Nat too, anyway I'm rambling. Enjoy!
A/n: No I don't know what this is, but I'm pretty sure I have a mild concussion from working with horses...so everything I write and say from now on is probably a result of that. Also this gaunt been proofread, we die like men
Words: 1,400
Warnings: Darkish (I guess) No minors 18+ as usual, Mommy wanda daddy Natasha, mention of a fiancé called Mike andddd general adult themes
"You seduced me!" You tumbled out of the bed that you woke up in while the woman watched you "it takes two people to fuck darling, you wanted me I wanted you, seems pretty simple, especially when you legs were around my shoulders-"
"Stop!" You shouted silencing the redheaded woman "please I just want to go home to my...my fiancé" you looked down sadly, you cheated on your fiancé, he was going to be so upset.
You didn't realise the woman had gotten out of bed and walked towards you until you felt hands on your waist "oh sweetheart he wont find out, you belong here now" her grip tightened when you tried moving away "hey shh no moving printsessa I need you to see someone" the door opened behind you and you felt another pair of hands join the ones already there
"Hey there krasivaya devushka, what a pretty thing you are" you were turned around meeting the eyes of Natasha Romanoff and you instantly shrunk under her gaze "don't hide from me darling" her voice was stern and her fingers lifted your chin up to look at her, she smiled and kissed you softly "I think we'll keep her-"
Your phone started to ring stopping Nat from talking "nope, Wanda will get that for you little one" she nodded to the red head behind you and Wanda took a step back picking up your phone and answering it on speaker "Y/n's phone, who is this?"
"Y/n? Where are you? Your friend said you disappeared from the party, are you okay? Who answered the phone?" Your fiancé sounded panicked, he was sweet like that, always looking out for you, a wonderful man, and yet here you were involuntarily squashed between two redheads who didn't allow you to talk while the phone was on.
"Sorry dear mike, your fiancé is a little preoccupied, but don't worry we'll return her safe and sound when her hangover stops" Wanda hung up without another word throwing the phone to the ground.
Suddenly Nat pushed you back onto the bed leaning over you "how about you show me all the things Wanda got to experience last night? Apparently you have a really talented tongue" she tore your panties away from you making you gasp from the cold air that hit you.
"I'm too tired please" you whispered but Nat just shook her head "awh sweetheart I wasn't asking, you belong to us and will do as I say"
"So how was she?" Wanda was sat on a stool at the kitchen counter awaiting her girlfriend's return "fucking amazing" she rounded Wanda kissing her "but not as good as you my love"
"Hmm I should think so, do we keep her then?"
"Yes my love I think we can, I told her to clean up and come talk to us"
“Hi” you’d walked in interrupting their conversation and stood before them “you know what I don’t care what you two have to say, I’m going home, going back to my fiancé, you two aren’t keeping me like some pet or object, you've had your perverted fun and I feel gross even after my shower, now someone take me home!" You demanded shocking both redheads
"Okay princess I'll take you home" Wanda stood away from Nat's grasp who protested "how dare you demand things from us!" Nat started storming towards you but Wanda stopped her "hey Natty relax, our little girl wants to go back to her boring vanilla lifestyle, so let's let her"
"She wanted to stay with us a few years ago. In fact she really wanted to stay with us, remember how she begged?" Wanda let her go remembering the day you came home with them, before you met your stupid fiancé and everything changed, you stopped coming over making Nat and Wanda desperate, you were their girl, their plaything how dare a man take you from them.
"Fuck going home, you're staying here!" Nat pushed past Wanda and pushed you harshly against the refrigerator making you groan in pain "Nat come on please just let me go" you cried as she wrapped her hand around your throat "no! Wanda call her fiancé"
"Nat we'll just kidnap her while she's sleeping again, that worked the first time" Wanda tried but Nat was steadfast in her actions "call him now" she kept eye contact with you while Wanda called the number "Mike it's Wanda, Y/n needs you to come over for her, we don't have time to bring her home"
There were some words spoken on the other end then the phone was put down "he's on his way"
Nat smiled kissing your tears away "how do you think he'll feel when he sees you covered in hickeys, bruises and our lipstick?"
You shook your head refusing to answer instead crying harder to which Nat let go of your throat allowing you to breathe better "oh my love I know you didn't mean to upset us but you went off and got engaged, why would you do that to us? Didn't we take care of you? Provide you with everything you could ever want? Your stuffies are still in your room you know? Covered in dust and feeling neglected, I bet if they were real they'd cry, they'd cry over the fact you chose a man over your girls and cuddly toys" she lent closer to you her breath on your ear "what a pathetic little girl"
The way Nat changed so suddenly from anger to sadness was always interesting to watch, how she could manipulate someone so easily and quickly, Wanda definitely wanted to learn
Nat dropped you and fell to the floor a mess of tears, she was right! You knew she right, how dare you leave your girls, how dare you leave your precious stuffies collecting dust, Nat was right and you felt disgusting for going dating someone else, not even caring about their feelings.
You went quiet with your thoughts, Nat smirking knowing she finally got through to you, glancing to Wanda she noticed her face in deep concentration, reading your mind, Nat wished she could that sometimes.
Wanda knelt down to you stroking your face softly "moya lyubov' are you still in there?"
You were silent a little too long for the women's liking, Wanda refused to go further into your mind but if you didn't speak up soon she wouldn't have a choice
"Mommy?" Your voice was above whisper, your mind clouded with thoughts seeping back in of Wanda and Nat, good memories of them kissing you, taking you out to the zoo, the aquarium and spoiling you rotten "mommy I'm sorry"
Wanda smiled wide bringing you into the tightest hug "mommy's here little one"
Nat came back closer to the two of you and you opened your eyes "Daddy?" Nat nodded "Daddy's here too princess did you miss us?"
You nodded and Wanda brought the two of you to your feet "I'm sorry...sorry for leaving I'm stupid-"
"No no princess you're not stupid, you were just led astray that's all, it happens, now do you want to go bak to your room and your stuffies?"
You eagerly nodded "yes please mommy" Wanda kissed your forehead leading you towards your old room, when you were in your old room you instantly zoned in on the stuffies and broke down again, Nat was right they were covered in dust like they hadn't been touched since you left "buddy, Zoro and toothless" laying down on the bed you pulled all your toys into you kissing each of them on the head letting them know you were back.
Wanda and Nat watched you from the door holding each other's hands "our girl is back" Wanda tried hiding her excited but the tight grip on Nat's hand didn't hide it that well.
"She is, and we'll make damn sure she stays forever" Nat's eyes darkened watching you reunite with your stuffed animals "what do we do about her fiancé?"
Wanda shrugged "he's on his way so we better think of something quick"
Just then a knock on the door interrupted them, you were too preoccupied to notice so Nat kissed Wanda "stay with her while I go and answer the door"
"Don't kill him" Wanda warned and Nat just rolled her eyes "awh but you love me covered in blood"
She left to answer the door when the bell rang again and Wanda sat down on the bed with you "I'll get you a new stuffie if you want?"
"Yes please!" You shouted and threw yourself into her arms tightly hugging her and kissing her allover her face "welcome back princess"
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Hello hi, yes so I'm just gonna rant about an au of mine to you, hope you don't mind.
It's called 'the sea's my sister' and while there's so much angst potential it's just a fun au for me (I"ll think about angst another day). So let's get started
Pre series (before pilots/backstory)
so per usual Nya and Kai lose their parents at ages 3 and 5 respectively BUT two years later, Kai and Nya are playing and Kai ends up almost drowning only reason he didn't die was and you probably guessed he Nya merged with the sea. How exactly she did this I dunno, it's a child panicking her brother hasn't come up for air and he can't swim, and maybe she shouldn't have pushed him in.
Any who she merges with the Sea, but because I say so she stays with kai (he's also nowhere close to the sea so she's have a hard time getting to it)
So any who Kai has a flask that he keeps Nya in when going around and a cup on the counter otherwise. Nya probably has some memory issues but we'll think about that later.
Now onto pilots!
These mostly go as per normal. Nya was taking meaning the flask she's in was accidentally stolen by one of the skeletons. Kai's yelling about losing his sister, (who wu could have sworn he didn't see earlier) and wu takes him in. Faster forward to Fire temper cause nothing else is different and well I dunno yet kai takes the sword for some reason. gotta figure that out later.
Anywho when they're in the underworld Kai goes off and finds nya aka his flask, and when the other lean he has this flask and he calls it his sister, well they think he's crazy, but they still like him so they keep him. and that leads us into.
Season 1!
Mostly normal till we get to full potential because we have no nya, so instead Jay while he's out with the rest of the team sees some old class mates of his and they start picking on him, and then the other three stand up for him, because Jay is jay and that's all they want from him. and bam full potential though it's like a serge of electricity and Jay went all glowey, suffice it to say they were all freaked (jay was first to get his full potential because I want them freaked).
wait was full potential season two?? any who on to.
Season 2
Now everyone still thinks Kai's crazy and just morning his sister, but then lloyd comes along at first he also thinks Kai's just nuts but then he really looks at the at the water and it seems to responds to Kai so he asks, and Kai offers to show him, So they go to the beach and Lloyd meets Nya. Lloyd also gets Nya a transparent flask and decorates it, Nya loves it.
Getting to the dark Island is no problem at all, but they do still find the light house, Nya helps Zane out while he's in the water making sure none of the starfish eat him. Oh and Kai still has aquaphobia even though he can breathe water.
The guys don't really listen when Kai says Nya can just take them to Ninjago city, or at least back to the continent.
Season 3
Everything is pretty much the same except during the middle when the Overlord and Lloyd end up in the sea, Nya takes Lloyd to stix and just traps the Overlord so Neither PIxal or Zane Die.
Season 4
Reason they go to Chen's Ninja work is they're just investigating it. Now Chen can't get off the Island, the Sea wont let him, oh and when he drains Kai's power he drains both Fire and water so it takes a bit longer than everyone else this is just to confuse the rest of the EA.
Skylo still Likes Kai but then she leans he talks to water and calls it his sister, now she still kinda likes him but also thinks he's nuts.
They stop Chen on the island and Garmadon is alive! Oh and when they unlock elemental Dragons Kai flies by the sea and it becomes a freaking Dragon aka Nya and the two fly around and Play together. So Now the other NInja think Kai just might not be crazy.
Season 5
This got the most changes, first of all, Nya just get's Kai to the FSM's tome and he gets the Realm crystal no fighting, Lloyd is still possessed and dealing with Morro, Morro has no friends cause Nya keeps killing them. So unfortunately for Lloyd he ends up being possessed for longer but we get a reformed Morro. So ghost boy is around.
Season 6
just doesn't happen Now I don't remember if Nadakan just messes with the Ninja or if he actually just leaves, but anyway he just stays in djinnjago no fighting.
Season 7
Mostly the Same except it just pixal Making Samurai X since Nya's been the seas this whole time, and Kai goes and finds his parents. Now thought when he's in Krux and Acronix's lair one of the snakes break Nya's flask the gift from Lloyd, so she goes ballistic on them. Kai leaves her to deal and Goes to find their parents. And then he goes to get the Reversal blade, on his own, this freaks his parents. He just jumped off the ship and into the boiling seas on his own! They're worried but he makes it back (and on the fusion dragon? Doesn't he need the master of Water for that??).
Then Krux still fight them and wins but when he get's back to his lair it's just a reck with the Ninja there so they just take the two into custody and revers Wu and Ray.
Season 8
it just doesn't happen Haru convinces her Parents to let her meet/see Sensei g and he helps her through all her problems. Maybe they had to fight a biker gang idk
Season 9
again nothing they were never sent to the first realm so just it doesn't happen.
Season 10
So like they don't have the Realm Crystal or the Golden Armor but like idk Lloyd ends up using his gold powers against them or maybe wu does so they end up decided to go to space and get the Golden weapons that are up there, they never got them in season 3. and then Kai forges the weapons. and bam they win or smth.
Season 11
Now this is just fun since Aspheerra Takes Kai's fire but he still has his Water so he's just angerly taking on Aspheera and throwing water at her.
Part 2 Ice emperor is mostly the same really Maybe Kai leans to control Ice, but mostly he's getting back into using his fire. Though Lloyd get's to have Nya during his Time with Akita, Kai told him to take her. She can't do much since she'll freeze if she leaves her Flask.
Season 12
oh boy now this is fun cause Nya gets to go into Prime empire with them, and now she has a body!! so lots of romance with her and Jay thought it's only the beginning. Mostly goes along normally except every ones' just super excited Nya has a body.
Season 13
I have not watch King of the mountain yet-
Nya got to keep her Body so it goes mostly Normally but instead of her and the queen Murt fighting since Jay's Nya's Ying, Nya and her fight for Jay, Nya's trying to impress him. Plus you can't use vengstone against her Nya's not using elemental power so she can just break out very easily, and she can still turn into water if she wants to.
Season 14
Pretty much the same except like they have the ocean on their side, it's not hard to get Jay back and go take down Ronin. oh and the Overlord is down there too in his own water jail. lol
Season 15
I... I know nothing on what Happens in seabound I mean I know Nya dies and stuff but I really don't know how it goes down so I can't say.
But Ig Kai's having trouble with his water powers?? and goes to Merlopia with the gang?? You'll have to tell me.
Anyway that's all hope you liked reading all this.
AAETFUYEFYBIAU- I LOVE THIS- I'm just imagining Kai talking to this water flask and the other ninja are just watching from around the corner like "?? bitch what??"
Also, Nya struggling to relearn how bodies work after Prime Empire, resulting in there being times where someone walks into the room and just find Nya laying face down on the ground, apparently being there for over an hour
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: At first? No. Ran was the first one who noticed when something was off but Ranbob brushed it off as him being tired. Though when he saw that his brother was still acting that way he kept checking in, til "Ranbob" eventually snapped at him one day, scaring and hurting Ran enough to get him to stop. His parents and Lias and Memi also noticed, but Lias and Memi didn't ask as often because Ran told them not too, and when Memi asked Ranbob gently told her its ok and to not worry. Lias was hesitant to accept this but eventually did, with Ranbob promising to tell him if something was wrong, a promise he sadly broke. Ranbob was close to his family, especially his younger siblings, and loved to play and study with them. He had a lot of friends at first that he played games with and joked around with. Though after he started to get out under more pressure and the introduction of Dream he got distant, lost all of his friends (even though he still cared for them), didn't play with Lias or Memi nearly as much, started skipping dinners and not talking to his parents or Ran. And when Dream was mostly and fully in control, he stopped talking at all, and ignored everyone. Lias desperately tried to get him to talk but that just resulted in a harsh stare with a silent promise, Memi tried to hug him, which he then pushed her away, and when Ran tried one last time to talk to him, but "Ranbob" just punched him and walked away. When his parents tried one very last time to intervene, that's when it got fatal. The Gladiators where horrified at what they read, finding it hard to believe and making them sick to their stomach. Benjamin caught them reading it, though he simply sadly smiled at them and said, "I read it too. Its horrible isn't it? He didn't deserve to go through that. But we'll help him. We'll help him be free and be himself again, I promise you, and everyone else. We'll save him." They felt like they where staring at a ghost, it was unnerving, to see such a happy and young Ranbob, knowing what will happen to him that will wipe him clean of all happiness. And it felt disrespectful when they caught sights of Ranya, Seth, Lias, and Memi. Cause they never knew them, and now they where looking into the such happy and gleeful eyes of dead people who don't know the torture their son and brother is going through. (And that went for everyone)
3: This is literally Ran's mentally when it comes to being stabbed, "I've been stabbed multiple times before and I haven't died. Therefor, I am immortal." Yes he is :). He gets threatened with Benjamin because if Benjamin finds out he isn't eating or sleeping Benjamin will force him to eat every bite of a full meal and force him to go to bed, sitting next to him and reading to him until he falls asleep. Which sounds nice, but considering Ranbob doesnt want to "bother" them, its a threat to him. Raq will always cause problems, he's a expert tracker and because of that he's able to hunt the groups down. He often will pop out of nowhere and attack the group, chasing them down until someone turns around and attacks him. Often Ran attacks him by looking Raq directly in his eyes, causing him to flee. Cause even though Raq wants to get Ran, he knows very well if they make eye contact he will lose a battle no matter what he does, so its best to run and attempt to blind him at a later point. Ran his very happy to be on the road again, and if Ranbob wasn't there (who's keeping Ran on edge and preventing him from fully enjoying the trip, though its mostly just Ran doing it to himself), he would be non-stop talking and running ahead of the group. But even with Ranbob there he's happy to finally be moving again. 
4: The gladiators did not witness it first hand, rather they heard screaming and went to check it out, worried and alarmed. And when Ranbob went into the depressive state did Benjamin come over to them and explain what was going on and what was going to happen. When then Jackie offered to help keep Ranbob company while Grievous and Watson offered to go along with Cletus to find Ran. When they heard the scream Jackie was scared and nervous, Grievous was anxious and on edge, Watson was calm yet curious, and Ran was mad and on edge. And when they found out what happened, Jackie felt bad and sympathetic, Grievous felt sad and a bit guilty, Watson was sympathetic and felt bad for him, and Ran was pissed. 
5: Isaac and Benjamin just kinda accepted it and went "Yes he is like a lost puppy and we love him for that.", Charles was embarrassed and instead of responding properly he muttered out an excuse and left, cause he was not expecting to be confronted with Ranbob being like a puppy at all and didn't know how to respond, and Cletus just stuck his tounge out and blew raspberries. And Ranbob was just purely embarrassed. 
6: Actually first thing Ranbob got when he arrived to the fishermen house was wrapped up in multiple fluffy blankets and had a hot chocolate shoved in his hands. Also whenever he goes into a depressive episode or wants to go back the fishermen just bring out emergency blankets and quickly make either hot chocolate or tea and Ranbob loves it every single time. 
7: Ranbob is mixed, he loves it being back as it reminds him of such good times, but it also doesn't feel right when Charles says it because Ran was the one who made it. It only sounds right when Ran says it. Ran is angry that Ranbob is letting someone else call him Bobby (which he is also sad about), but is also mad that he's mad that someone else is using it. But he's also happy its being used again, and is happy to see Ranbob still enjoys it. Grievous of course notices it, but doesnt look into it, and so does Watson but he also doesn't ask about it, determing it to be something the brothers themselves have to talk about. 
8:Because if it was Porkius or literally anyone else, they wouldn't of helped and would've watched happily as the two fought, waiting until one fell and even encouraging the fight. But they also jumped into the area from the stands and Cletus specifically placed himself between the two, pushing Ran back and yelling at him (which rarely anyone does) when Benjamin then came up to try to calm the raging enderman down, while Charles checked on Ranbob, and Isaac kept look out for any sudden movements between the two so he could intercept the potential attack. Plus when Isaac saw the other group approaching he ran to meet them, asking if they knew Ran and when they said yes, quickly stating a plan to safely restrain Ran long enough until Ranbob was taken to safety. Then leaving Ran to the group, but also saying how he wanted to talk later. 
10: Sounds like the certain town just may be the ruins of the Greater SMP. So I'll probably have Wilburs Decendent (which I dont currently have a name for, if anyone has one please feel free to suggest one!) As a popular performer there and also the towns historian, so when our groups get there Wilbur is able to provide information about Dream, Ranboo, basically everyone and the history of the SMP. Most likely going be a part of the story when Ran truly starts to slowly believe that his brother didn't meant to do everything he did. 
11: Yep, he knows Ranboo used to have bad memory (not how bad it was, just that it was bad) but he's never read it because Mizu never had the actual book, it was only told in tales and stories that Mizu had. If that makes sense. Ranbob will get plenty more hugs I promise you, though that also means he gets hurt more. 
12: Kinda but also cause I enjoy writing angst. 
Ok ok here's some fluff: These all take place a good week or 2 (or longer) after Ran forgives his brother and the relationship gets better. Watson walks in on the two sharing a blanket and sleeping against eachother. With them leaning on eachother and leaving almost no space between them. Ran finally calls Ranbob Bobby again and Ranbob cries and hugs his brother tightly, Ran is shocked but quickly hugs back just as tightly. Ranbob gets to finally pull a big brother move and tease Ran about his "nerdy" habit of reading so many books, Ran tries to fire back that Ranbob literally picked a idol that requires you to be a bookworm but he simply shoots back that Technoblade also requires you to be a bookworm. Its been spotted multiple times of either Ran or Ranbob having their tail wrapped around his brothers wrist or leg, and the two aren't very far apart now. Jackie jokes about being replaced by Ranbob and being heartbroken, basically draping himself over Ran and whining while everyone else laughs at Rans distress. Ran and Ranbob eventually agree to merge their two hauntings, which is extremely rare and is the biggest sign of trust and love there is in enderman language. Ran reads to Ranbob one night after a bad relapse, which ends up soothing Ranbob much sooner than anything else. 
I also have a more mythical idea of fluff that probably wont be in the main story, but im willing to share it if you want. 
2: Only his family noticed? Dang, okay. I’m irrationally attached to his siblings now that they have names, and this only hurts me. Do the gladiators have any noticeable changes in behavior towards Ranbob and Ran after reading it? Also, who may Ranya and Seth be? I don’t believe I saw them mentioned earlier.
3: Technically, he’s right. He hasn’t died yet, anon, and he’s been stabbed multiple times, he could very well be immortal. I guess he should probably do his best to not get stabbed again though, I hear it’s kind of bad for you. 
Ranbob: *Not doing something he should do for his own health*
Benjamin: *Self Care But As A Threat(Gently)*
Ranbob: *Does it*
Also, even though I acknowledge that Raq could be a genuine threat, all I can imagine are Team Rocket shenanigans. He keeps trying to blind him in various, complicated ways, and fails hilariously. One time he actually manages to do it only for Jackie to take him out or for him to turn around and accidentally look Ranbob straight in the eyes cause the poor hybrid was trying to knock him out without a fight.
4: Yikes, that must have been pretty scary, just hearing everything go down. If I may ask, what exactly happened with Ranbob? You said there was screaming?
5: Well, at least everyone’s come to terms with it. Ran uses people as tote bags, and Ranbob is the local puppy, and it is what it is.
6: Very good! He needs it! Also, do they just keep them on hand? Just-he looks a tiny bit sad and Benjamin pulls blanket and tea out of thin air and burritos him. 
7: Aww. But also, ouch. Oh well. At least we can get Ran eventually picking the nickname up again.
8: Oh? Interesting. Sounds like these guys are pretty quick on their feet. I can see why it’d impress the gladiators.
10: That? Sounds so cool? Oh, I really like that honestly, I can’t wait to see where you take that.
11: Neat. Is that where he got the idea for his diary, or? And why? Why must we suffer in order to take comfort from the kinder things in life? Why can’t Ranbob just have hugs without pain? 
12: Did you genuinely just admit to aiming for my feelings with that last one?! Anon, how could you! I’ve been injured! My heart, Anon! 
13: AWWWW. To all of this. So fluffy, and cute! Just what we needed, thank you! Also, more fluff, you say? Please share, we need all the fluff we can get.
Have a good week, Brothers Anon, and thank you for the lovely fluff, and equally lovely pain. I’m excited for more!
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Who you are (Hamish Duke) Part 2
Summary: You were an Adepti for The Order but you were also a spy for Gnostic council. The council called you back to Belgrace to spy on Vera after the recent werewolf attacks which is when you find out something about one of your old best friends.
Words: 1611
Requested: Yes
Warning or A/N: Part 3 is when it picks up
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You walked into the Temple with a bunch of members running around doing multiple things. An acolyte bump straight into you spilling some kind of mixture all of you. "I'm so sorry Adepti. I didn't see you standing there,"
You were annoyed about it at first but you remembered how hard it was when you were an Acolyte. You half smiled and looked at them. "Look, take a deep breath and relax. I know it's hard your first year but just remember to take a deep breath,"
The acolyte smiled at you. "Thank you,"
You nodded and walked past the acolyte and dodged other members and into Vera's office. "Why is the temple so busy?"
You rolled your eyes. "What is he doing now?"
"Elemental Transference, what's all over your shirt?"
Your eyes grew big at the mention of that. "Some acolyte spelled something on me and for who?"
"Renee Marand. What did this acolyte look like? I'll make sure they'll clean up after the ritual,"
You quickly walk over to the chair and sat in it. "Nah, don't worry about it. Isn't she that necromancer that was kicked out?"
"She is,"
"Does the gnostic council know?"
Vera nodded. "Oh don't worry about spying on Coventry. He's trying to find all the pages to the Vade Maecum Infernal,"
"The Vade Maecum is-"
"Dangerous. I know. Edward wont listen to reason,"
You shook your head. "What does this have to do with Renee?"
"The same Necrophone that lets you talk to the dead? I thought that was just some story?"
Vera shakes her head. "No. It's very much real,"
You sat back and started thinking that maybe Vera was right to suspect the Grand Magus but you still were wary to spy on him. Anyone that gets in his way, gets killed and you liked being alive too much to die. "Why does he want it?"
"Something to do with the Vade Maecum and how he thinks that the necrophone will help him find the pages? I don't know and I don't know what he wants with the Vade Maecum either but I have a plan but I cant execute it until after the transference is over,"
"What's the plan?"
"All you need to know is heal Renee, get the Necrophone and find the remaining pages,"
Edward walked into Vera's office and you quickly stood up from the chair. "Yes, Grand Magus. Is there anything you need me to do?"
Edward puts his hand on your shoulder. "You looked more and more like your mother each and every day,"
You were a legacy, that's why you went through the levels so quickly was because you were practicing magic all your life. You've known Edward since you were little. Hell, he took you in after your parents have died when you were tenish. "Really think so?"
He nodded. "Yes. She..both of your parents would be so proud of you,"
"Thank you sir,"
He nodded. "And no, we got everything under control for the time being. We'll let you know when it starts."
You nodded and started to walk out of the office but Vera called you back. "Hold on,"
You turned around and looked at her. She walked up to you and handed you a book. You looked down at it and it was the werewolf manual. "I know we haven’t had a recent attack but you can never be too careful,"
You nodded and walked out of the office and noticed that one of the cauldron was bubbling and Jack was walking away from it. You shrugged because you didn’t know if it was suppose to do that or not since this was your first transference ritual.
It had been a few hours since Vera gave you this book and it had taken you just as long to read it. It was a very hard book to read because one it HAD way too much information, drug some points out, and some of it was written in a different language which you had used magic to read. You were just about to stop reading when you read that both human and werewolf forms had a different smell to them. Human form while smells like whatever that human smelled like and the smell of the wolf smelled like warm fur.
You rolled your eyes at the information because that was obvious. You felt your dog's nose rub against your leg. You looked at your dog and smiled as he laid down next to you. You quickly put the book down and went to sniff your dog's fur as he was a wolfdog and his fur was always warm. When you got the smell, you were with a familiar scent. It was the same scent as Hamish, Randall, Jack and Lilith had but your dog's scent was overpowering like theirs were.
Could they really be the werewolves that attacked everyone? Could Hamish?
You were on your way to find Hamish when you saw Jack and Kyle get into a van and drive off. You got back into your car and followed them to a warehouse and saw them start to load people into the back of the van, which you were guessing were the elements. You then see Kyle trying to drive off but something had a hold of the van and then it was let go and Kyle run into a wall. You couldn't see what had ahold of the van cause if you were to move, you would've been spotted. You then see Lilith walking up to Jack's side fully naked. You quickly cut your hand and said the words of a spell that allows you to hear what someone is talking a distance away.
"You wanna explain yourself, asshole?"
"This isn't what it looks like,"
"Really? 'Cause it looks like you're driving five people to their slaughter,"
"I didn't know that,"
"Now you do and we're going to stop it,"
"No, the Grand Magus is after something and I need to know what it. You can't stop it. I won't let you,"
"You think I can't take you?"
"You think you can take Silverback?"
There was a moment of silence before Lilith walked away.
Whose Silverback? Why was Lilith naked?
After Lilith had left, you did too. You were confused as to why Lilith wants to stop the ritual and not to mention how she knows about The Order. You got back to campus, you walked into Blade and Chalice, you started to walk the bar when you heard your name being called. You turned and saw that it was Randall waving you over. You were hit with the smell of warm fur again. The same smell you smelt on your dog but more intense. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good. Where's Hamish?"
Randall shrugged. "Probably, doing teacher assistant things,"
You chuckled. You couldn't believe that Hamish had decided not to become a lawyer because that was the main thing he had always talked about. "Fun,"
"So you travelled around the world?"
"I did,"
Randall was about to say something but his phone went off. He looked down at his pocket, pulled it out and read whatever was on the screen. He grabbed his drink and chugged it before standing up. "Gotta go meet up with Hamish and Lilith. I'll catch you later?"
You smiled and said of course.
You waited a few minutes after him leaving before you got up and left to go after him. He had walked a good few minutes into the woods before you saw a house. A house that looked completely abandoned on the outside. You waited till he was inside the house before walked up to one of the windows. You tried to open one of the windows but it was locked. So you did the same hearing spell you did before. It wasn't much of anything but you saw Jack walking out of the woods. You didn't have to move to hide because you were already in a well shaded area.
Lilith started walking down the stairs. "You're such a fucking hypocrite."
Hamish tried to calm her down. "Okay, lets take a breath,"
"You have the nerve to give me shit about eating some monster's heart, but you turn around and drive a van full of people to their death!"
Randall looked at Jack in shock "You what?"
"It's the Elemental Transference. The spell needs willing sacrifices. Five of them,"
"You're supposed to be sabotaging it. Not helping,"
"I did and we were up and running around again in twelve hours."
"Dude...We're you're we,"
"So you failed. You admit it,"
Failed what?
"No. Look, I talked to Coventry. I saw it in his eyes. He's so desperate for this spell, he'll do anything. He'll risk the entire Order, and we need to know why.
Why is Jack telling them this?
The rest of the conversation was talking about what the spell does and how it's possible and how Jack needed to know what Coventry was after.
"Randall, you wanted an inside man. Let me do my job as a Knight,"
That's the second time you heard them calling themselves Knights. What the hell are they talking about?
"Then go,"
You saw Jack nodding his head and walking out the door.
What are the Knights? Why does Jack desperately need to know what Coventry was after? Why are Hamish, Lilith and Randall want to stop the ritual? Why did Jack tell them?
You were so into your thought and didn't hear the window opening until you heard your name. "Y/N?"
You looked up and saw Hamish looking at you.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Sweetp was laying on my face and now my allergies are going wild. I am very annoyed. But there are bigger things to talk about.
Today was a rollar coaster for me. I slept okay at James's since the heat didn't come on at all for once. Comfy sleep. He let me sleep until 9. Which only gave me a little stress but it wasnt because of anything. Just stress. But he made me a waffle. And i got a shower and got dressed. And he walked ne home.
I spent the morning picking outfits. It was beautiful out. But it was chilly in my apartment. But like a comfy chilly. I did my make up real nice. And then the reply email came in.
Im not going to get into a whole lot. But Brian emailed me back. And offered me $13 an hour. But made it seem like i was out of line for expecting that $12 bump 6 months ago when we talked about it. Then told me i should be grateful that i was making more then some od my coworkers. Um excuse me. That is fundamentally the wrong thing to say to me. I care so so so deeply for my coworkers. And then to try tell me that its unprofessional to talk about wages. I was just sitting in my living room sobbing repeating the phrase "but discussing your wage if a basic labor right" just on repeat but like,blubbering. You know.
So for thr nezt hour im sobbing and typing up my letter of reply. Like I had to take a break a few times I was so upset. I was messaging people and getting other information but I had to stop looking at their comments so that I can write with a clear head. And I said everything I needed to say. It was bigger than pay at this point it was everything. Museum is broken. And if nothing else I am grateful for the time I got to spend there. The weird job I got to have. Meeting James and making friends. It was a great time. But it's not going to survive the way it chews people up. It has such a bad reputation and if they can't afford to pay people that can't afford to stay open. Switch to a volunteer system or closed. It's not sustainable. So I guess I'm done. I'm a Speedway toy last two shifts of the schedule but I'm not even sure at this point. We'll see what happens.
I felt very calm that after I sent my email. I manager Brian asked me not to send his email to other people. Do not share it. And I wont. But I will share mine. I disseminated that email 1st to all of the girls in the girl chat and then then to Jordon and then to James. And now about 12 hours later with a clear head I have now posted on to the community board for ships. We're all employees past and present can see what I said. And honestly I hope things change. Because they need to. I need to listen to us they need to tell us what's going on. We cannot be working blindly and then blamed when things go wrong all the time. And I love that job. But it did not love me back.
And so I cleaned up my face. My new primer work very well in my wings were still intact. And after 45 minutes of crying I was very impressed.
I had to work and I had a really good day. It started rough because there was two children fighting in the hallway I had to separate and then the mother got involved and hit her kid in front of me and then I had to go to the principal. It was a whole thing but everything calmed down after that. My kids cutting line right away and we went upstairs and I got to talk to them about why I quit my job. And I know that sounds weird but we sat down and we talked about why I would quit. And I told them that sometimes you have to do things that are hard because of something you believe in. I asked him what it meant to be ethical. I asked them what they thought a bribe was. And we talked about how you can show Justice in your everyday life. One of my favorite quotes is " Justice is what love looks like in public." And I wholeheartedly believe that. And at this moment I knew if I continue to work at this place I could not in good conscience do that job any longer. The museum has failed and I did not want to be there hurting any longer. And the kids were sad because they like that I can blow up a cannon. But I promised them that we can watch the video on my phone anytime.
The kids got to work on their stop motions today. Mostly they worked with clay and started setting up the stop motions. But it was good. They were really cool and they seem to have a really good time. We watch some videos about how clay mation works and I just had a really good time with them.
And the day ended smoothly. They did a really good job. They got to take their post test today to and they all did Super well. There was only like one or two questions that seem to mess everybody up. But I was proud of them. And then it was time to go home.
I got the 545 bus which is my favorite one. I met James at streets where we got soda. And then we went to taste of Nepal to get dinner. He had ordered online so we just waited in the restaurant to pick it up and it was really cool in there. We talked about everything that happened and what I was going to do moving forward. I sent an email to the BMI and told them that I could to get more hours there. I really need 15 hours or so a week to get to the full 40 so I gave them pretty open availability on the weekends and I gave them my mornings again once my bike is fixed. And everything's going to be okay.
We came back to my place and we had dinner. And he hung out for a little bit and walk to the CVS with me on his way home. I picked up a couple things I needed. Just milk and yogurt in the chocolate bar. And then I came home and I've just been enjoying my night. Sweet peas been running outside and running inside. I've been watching videos. I take a bath. My stomach started hurting really bad. I don't know what's up. But it's fine. I'm always in some kind of pain so who knows. James thought that I was saying I thought I was pregnant. Which is hilarious. But I have an IUD and it's probably not true. I do say probably but unlikely is more the case. I can already hear the text messages from my family tomorrow after reading that sentence.
Hoping to do laundry in the morning and vacuum. James is going to come by at lunch time to drop something off before I go to work. And the kids are just going to keep sculpting. Going to be a good time because I don't have to have as many jobs anymore. Good night everyone.
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
Episode 3 - "RIP tribe Jenkins we were too powerful" - Riley
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The 3 tribes of Pendragon, Hatter, and Jenkins have been reorganized and condensed into 2 new Hatter and Pendragon Tribes. Tribal immunity is Scavenger Hunt.
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The fact I have Brayden and Toph in my merged tribe boosts my serotonin. i have a feeling colin may be someone to keep an eye out for in the future now...
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RIP tribe Jenkins we were too powerful. I guess we'll see how Pendragon pans out.
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yall doin me dirty putting me with brayden i just hope that by some miracle me him anastasia and ellie can work together? like i still dont know if theyre plotting on my ass vdshibshj i know brayden told anastasia to take me out when this game started oop but lemme see if dis works. i hope riley follows the logic of the old tribe sticking together and thatll be 5 votes. im kinda obsessed with toph like since the beginning of the game he looks like someone i could totally play with so def wanna work on that relationship. ava and nya? i believe? lets say hello and work on those relationships as well. dis is a bit overwhelming but we shall see how it goes
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uh... well... i am SCREWED. me and ginny were the only ones separated from the Jenkins tribe... RIP. 4 pendragons, 2 hatters, and 2 jenkins... the main things i see here are pendragon yoinking one of the hatters / jenkins and voting the other off... OR a 4-4 tie... OR they're gonna target one of me or ginny cuz none of us have gone to tribal council yet. this is really dicey, and I need to tread very, very carefully from hereon. (ALSO GINNY BARELY TALKS PLS I NEED YOUR HELP GIRL)
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This swap actually turned out pretty amazing for me. I still have Keith and Moth who I worked semi-close with in the pre-swap. Additionally, I've met up with Colin and Babs. A little Raffy magic could keep me very safe on this tribe. I think Kenneth is super fun as he is a newbie AND active. He will definitely make it far in this game. I hope, at the very least, that I can be by his side to make that happen. However, I am wary he might just be making these strong social connections with everyone. As a final note, OG Pendragons have this tribe 4 to 8. That's both good and bad. Good because we have numbers. Bad because that may make people target me very early on just for being a part of it. So, I have decided that if I were to throw any of my OG Pendragons to the wolves it would be Jonathan as I haven't been able to connect with them as well as Keith and Moth. Other than that, I hope this tribe doesn't have to go to tribal all that often between now and the next swap/merge. These people are lovely.
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I'm getting a bad feeling about this... Since most of my Jenkins tribemates are on the other tribe, I KNOW they're good cuz we just keep getting W's... so I think there is a good chance we might lose the challenge. I contributed a good amount, so I hope that the target won't be on me if ever we lose the challenge :( I really don't wanna go, and I wanna reunite with Dennis/Ellie and maybe Anastasia and get further in the game.
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i worked hard on this confessional
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Our tribe did our absolute best in this challenge. I have no idea who is getting targeted if we go to tribal as everyone is so quiet. All I know is that I want to keep Colin, Kenneth, and Keith close to me for this stage of the game. They are the only ones who consistently talk to me. Challenge results: Pendragon wins due to a 10% advantage, Hatter Tribe must go to tribal council the following day.
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Look, before you go to tribal with a group of people it feels like there’s a barrier of game socialization because you haven’t been able to go to tribal with them. But leading up to tribal and after it, a whole new can of worms is available for game talk. Unfortunately it’s an extremely simple vote because Nya has ghosted all of us, but at least we still get to go to tribal so I can talk game with more people even if it’s only a small amount with this easy vote. But who knows, someone might decide to switch shit up!
And also I absolutely love this tribe (Minus Nya cause I haven’t met them) so I’m glad that I get to go forward with this group although I won’t be nearly as happy if we go to tribal again because as I said, I do enjoy this group of people a lot
Moth (Tumblr will only allow me 10 images so player banners stop now, whoops) I believe the only reason I will make it to the next round is because of Raffys advantage. I’d be so screwed otherwise
I like Babs. They got good vibes.
Also I’d kill to know how the other tribe reacted
Dennis in a perfect world i would try to not vote out nya but bdksksksoksks theyve done it to themselves. no need to make waves. unless someone else is secretly plotting on me i think this is about to be an easy tribal. damn one point. miss ellie had her name down on stuff that she didnt do. also overslept that first challenge is she purposey trying to sabotage and play the villain? who knowssss also ive broken my streak of never going to tribe tribal sigh
Toph So what’s happening, I can’t remember the last time I made a confession but the tea yall ?! Soooo the tribe swap happened and my gut was right soooo okay intuition work ! I feel like I really like everyone from the merge and nya as remained inactive since, after losing the challenge it seems like an easy vote but you can never be to safe, I have my little allinnce with Brayden and Ava which is wig and I really dig Ellie , Anastasia, and Dennis too, I’m gonna be so nervous if we have to go to tribal agian because it could be me ! I’m not to sure about Reilly but they seem nice ! I feel pretty good with Anastasia as well and feel we could rope her into an alliance easily, I’m just gonna due my best right now to play the middle, keep my head down and speak positively. I really need to find an idol or something even better just so I don’t have to worry as super much and just plain worry then lol. If anything I’m gonna stay loyal to brayden and Ava the most since there my day one homies. Brayden seems to be close with Anastasia which could definitely help in are favor of having the numbers on are side. But could mean he would easily cut me for her if needed, so that mean I need to get closer with Ava, just to gaurnetee my safety, I have to look out for me this game and only me, making sure the numbers are kn my side I’m constantly on the right side of the vote should help me strageticly float to the end and win my crown thank you very much. I’m also lowkey worried about alliance’s being made right now without me! Everyone seems to be online but my chats are a bit quite but this could be me overthinking things mmmhmm I’m not sure, we’ll anyways it was nice to vent to y’all. :)
Riley Nooooooo I can't believe we lost by just one point. Damn the Hatter tribe's secret bonus point boost >:(
Kenneth I am honestly in such a shock that we won that challenge... Raffy really came in clutch and helped us win AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Now I don't have to worry about being randomly blindsided or targeted for at least a couple more days now pls I just hope we get lucky again and another swap happens where I would be on the right side of the numbers, all prepared for merge domination >:) Raffy Oof. I know the other tribe is MAD because I would be too. Like, we only won because of my advantage giving us a 1 POINT LEAD. That's crazy! Honestly, this works for me as I can still focus o n making strong social connections within this tribe. By the time we go to tribal, I will be so integrated with this tribe that voting me out would do a lot more short-term harm than long-term good. I want to see if Kenneth would start an alliance with me as that is someone I want to work closely with. In this alliance? I have no idea. I'll probably let Kenneth take the lead on that since I want him to feel like he is in charge. Dennis nothing is real
if i go tonight i would applaud it bc i am so sure nya is going. it would be a goop if the vote really wasnt nya but everyone is more or less trying to do the easy thing i think. i just hope she is okay and just too busy for dis.
some time has gone by and im just chilling. im not chilling because i feel safe, im chilling because i dont know what else to do. i cant be all game talk 24/7 because then im an outcast and would get targeted. besides the obvi alliances like a+b and maybe(?!?!??) an e(?!) in there, idk what alliances there are. like there has to be something but i dont have the picture yet. as yall know im not in any alliances in my current tribe besides i guess ellie who i fear is a saboteur lol and most likely working with a+b. a+b are such a double edged sword for me ugh. am i really in their best interests???????????????? am i really in ellies best interest???? do they know about her idol too?????????? likeeeee thats the issue. if im not really in their best interests then im the next to go after nya. i am probs very low if not the lowest on this tribe if dats true. i mean what if i really am in their best interests and theyre all genuinely trying to work with me? idk! if not then im next to go efuhijdhvbf and i fear im probably not.
i really like toph. taurus sun (in the 12th!) gemini everything else king. hes got social game on lock like who wouldnt wanna work with him ?! and hes a cutie ?! ?! ?! but i seen the chart -.- i know what hes doin. i think hes working with ellie. but he reaches out to me and probably others but i like our conversations. (but im sure everyone loves their conversations with toph!! hes great!!!!! friendly ol toph wont harm a fly ?!) i hope he likes me and sees i actually would wanna work with him above all the gorls and chooses me over them too.
ava also knows what theyre doing. saturnian legend. we barely talk but little short bits here and there. i hope its bc theyre busy but im sure ellie is talking to them more than me amongst others too. oop also possible alliance, brayden toph ava who all swapped together. so gotta keep that in mind. but yeah i dont really think im much of their priority esp if theyre on vacay they would hear a name and not stress too much if its mine bc we dont have ties like that.
riley and i talk here and there, had a lil chat today
someone once told me that i just look like someone you cant trust but you can :( sometimes :)
so yeah here i am having lots of thoughts over the last few days.
maybe im not super super invested just yet bc i feel like the rug is gonna get swept out right from under me again :))) also back on my bs telling people im a leo moon. i shouldnt weaponize astrology but hey.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Yeah it's the same anon 💜 dude my apologies for the amount of crap I've spewed in your ask box but in my defense no one I know gives a shit about batfam or gotham rogues or Alfred (I've gushed here about alfreds fabulousness too opps) anndd I partly blame you for me falling back into the titans trap cuz s1 was meh I forgot I even watched s2 😅 then I seen some titans stuff on your blog and boom my brain latched onto it and now here I am experiencing maternal fear for my son jason 😢you are 1000% right this jason is PERFECTION as robin like actual perfection I dunno why but I thought this robin was like 16? So I was thinkin how tf is 16/17 yo supposed to be redhood!? It work in comics/cartoon but live action 16 y/o redhood seems meh I kinda want the lazarus pit just I freakin want TALIA but I don't think that's gonna happen I dunno
Tbh (this may be biased) but I think the Gotham tv show is literally the best dc comics adaptation of anything ever! it is superior to all thier shows movies animations and the arrowverse at least in my books lol
Tumblr is my only form of 'social media' and I don't keep up with updates or anything about shows cuz I like to pretend the fiction is real and I don't want reality wrecking that for me like hahahaa so I had no clue about timmy or babs but I'm so happy
DUDE YES this is literally the only time I can see bruce ever killing the joker on screen aww please I want it so bad I mean they probably won't but they should cuz this is the only capacity in which batman can kill the joker live action like if down the line somewhere on another show/movie bruce killed joker he prob wouldn't be dead dead or they'd bring him back some way so the kill wouldn't even matter but old bruce killing the joker because he's finally had enough he's old now, jasons death finished him and he's not gonna be batman anymore it's a nice end for batman and the joker, it's the only way we'll ever get this end cuz like you said they'll never have the balls to permanently kill joker any other way in live action everything is aligning perfectly for this to happen so dang dc just freakin let it happen c'mon
Yo whose your first fav rogue? Is it riddler? I feel like mines riddler haven't really thought much about whose my fav gotham rogue but I'd probably say riddler, I prefer the central city rogues but the Gotham rogues are just pure chaos and I'm living for that hahaa
I'd rather superheros/vigilantes/villians in live action not have relationship drama just put them in a relationship or dont like I came for the action and weird super shit not the ordinary relationship drama thankfully titans seem to be doing okay in this aspect I do quite like dickkory a lot but I mean in the supergirl show ughhh I was like I came here for the flying and the dope laser eyes I don't give a shit about her getting a boyfriend like seriously whyyy
My brain decides to jump about obsessing over characters like one week Kory is my wife next week detective grayson is my husband and I AM NIGHTWING then my brain is like no Barbara kean is wifey just basically fictionally I'm married to everyone 😅
Yikes this was so long sorry girl
Omg, pls don't apologize! I get so dang excited whenever i get an ask, yours always make my day, you don't even know! Like same about no one i know caring about dc/batfam! And talking to someone about it is so much better than yelling into the wind here on a text post that no one reads xD Don't stop sending your asks whenever you wanna dump your feels/talk about dc/batfam omg.
And Im so proud I got you into this Titans spiral xD My work here is done hahahaha. But yes, I feel like his looking so young for red hood over shadows how great his jason robin performance was! Love seeing him get that recognition! But yeah, the age is def off, like I cant remember how old they said he was in the show, maybe 16? but too young for red hood in live action form. Like its hard cause in reality 16 year olds and 19 year old boys typically don't look too different, for the most part, while comics you can get get away with it more. Huh, yeah, it doesn't seem like Talia is gonna happen, maybe just maybe a cameo or something? Cause we also weren't expecting joker but here we are(tho it almost looks like he wont be a big plot point/even see him much, it almost looks like it is just showing how brutal gotham is? But like its just the trailer and doesnt always give the full picture so who knows!)
Omg YES about Gotham! I 1000% agree! Im also biased cause its what got me into batman, again like exactly a year ago! It got me into the world like no other media of dc had before!(well, Shazam did, i guess tech thats the start of my interest in dc/first time i read the comics, but gotham is what really got me into this spiral). I hate how much hate it gets, like yeah its not perfect and they took creative liberties obviously, but i 100% agree that its the best adoption of DC yet! 100%! Its so nice to see the characters and rogues fleshed out more. I feel like it successfully did what Nolan tried to do in terms of making it dark and realistic, but in a way that was more accurate and true to the comics! I wish it wasn’t canceled so early and thus the last season had to be so rushed :(
thats smart, i typically dont look for spoilers and stuff anymore but I just got so hyper focused that I had to look at least what the stars were putting out on social media, but yeah, i use to get so caught up in all that that it took the fun out of seeing it live.
Oh my gosh, that would seriously be the PERFECT end to batman and joker story in this universe omg. Amen about all that! And like it would hopefully show Jason how much he cares? So maybe Bruce would kill him after red hood emerges? It will be interesting to see hat causes Jason to be so dang pissed in this version.
ahaha yes riddler is my fav! (my header gave it away didn’t it xD) I love most Riddlers but ESPECIALLY gotham riddler, Ed is like one of my fav character of all time. Oooh, I don’t know central city rogues all that well(well, way more than Metropolis rogues, I know so little about superman world), like I know some from the first 3 and a half seasons of the flash (I watched a couple years ago but got busy with school and couldn’t keep up and just never caught up/didnt have motivation to finish(plus i forgot so much id have to rewatch everything again), but I saw they finally just introduced Bart Allen, so I have have to randomly jump back in for a bit cause Bart is one of my favsss), and the ones in the cartoons and stuff
Ha! true, i dont mind it when its for character development or if I happen to be super into the ship(like Nygmakins in Gotham omg, I know they are super unpopular but they are like one of my OTPs omg), I feel like it has to be balanced right/not too much focus on the drama of the relationship over everything else. Like a minor subplot is good but don’t make it the focus of the show. And yeah , supergirl never appealed to me cause of that reason! i like drama and not JUST action (I like psychological drama, as long as there is comfort to follow xD) but yea i get what u mean by too much relationship focus . I think, for the most part, Gotham did that pretty well.
omg i love the disaster bi vibes you are giving off xD But omg I feel the jumping around thing so much ahaha. Like right now the 4 robins are constantly on rotation on who I’m obsessing over at the moment tbh xD
Omg mine responses are just as long, don’t apologize!!!! <333333333333333
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dreamculture · 7 years
A Conversation with Cowgirl Clue 1.10.18
DREAMCULTURE: I read that you're one of five kids, where do you fit in that and growing up did any of your other family members or siblings influence your love for music or did you take that up on your own?
COWGIRLCLUE: Actually me and my siblings are so different. They're supportive of my music but they don't understand it very much so its been like my own path honestly. Like when I was a kid my older brother and I ,he's my full brother my other siblings are half, my older brother and I we’re close in age so we were wearing diapers and dancing to Madonna when we were kids but like you know, we like music we love it but our music taste is super different.
DC: So in school you'd walk around with headphones and things like you got your first job at age 13. Do you like doing things independently like this is what you're gonna do or do you sometimes rely on other people for help or influence?
CLUE: I mean if its around and inspiring, its definitely great to have a support system, if its not its also good to stay confidant in who you are and being true to yourself. Yeah when I was in high school I didn't have a lot of friends because a lot of my friends were older and graduated so I just hung out in the art class and wore my headphones, discovered new music.
DC: Growing up in Austin, who were you listening to and what kind of shows did you go to?
CLUE: Well I was going to a lot of my cousins shows cause some of my cousins were in bands. I moved around a lot but I was definitely one of the youngest or at least it seemed like one of the youngest people going to shows. Now its totally different cause everyones very young. I was probably the only sixteen or even seventeen year old at shows. I was one of the only people with x’s on my hands but now its totally different. Its super cool.
DC: Was going to shows a big part of your life or did you go to just have fun?
CLUE: I definitely went out of curiosity like whats it all about whats its like whats it like seeing something live like the sound. But there were a ton of artists at the time that I loved so much and I never got to see them live and looking back I'm like ughhh you know? Like will my dad or my mom drive me and like yes sometimes but sometimes no or not at all so it just kinda depended on the time.
DC: Did high school and college guide you into where you are with music now? I know know you started music at 18.
Clue: Well i started DJing pretty young maybe even before I was 18 I think I was maybe 17 but yeah in some ways I think it more helped my mentality maybe not so much with music but it helped me have a motivational mindset. I also took a lot of dance classes which help me now. I didn't realize at the time but it helped me branch out of my shell. In a ways it was good.
DC: You went to college in Olympia and lived in a punk house, what was that like?
Clue: It was cool. It rained a lot so thats why I'm no longer living there anymore cause that does affect your mind no matter how many people wanna tell you that it wont. Olympia is a great place and also a terrible place at the same time. Living in a punk house is cool for like what it is. The rent was cheap, I got to play my music as loud as I wanted, I got to stay up as late as I wanted, and I got to paint my walls black and white striped but at the same time it wasn't always the cleanest place.
DC: Moving onto your music now, you currently live in California. Whats it like being apart of the California music scene compared to other places you've lived and preformed?
Clue: I don't know if its the scene, well I mean yeah theres a lot of people that are very supportive in general but I think thats more of a time thing like I was saying I feel like the younger audience is more brace now than it was before when I was younger. I feel like my music has changed and so I don't know if its the atmosphere thats changed and helped but I don't know maybe its a combination of everything.
DC: When and where did you play your first show?
Clue: My first show... well I played some of my first shows in random bands. Like I would make a band and we would play a show at a friends house and then it'd be done and we'd never play again. I don't even remember who was in my different bands. But my first time DJing my friend was like “Hey do you wanna DJ my birthday party?” and I was like sure and then it just developed from there and now I'm here in Denver it's great.
DC: Where have some of your favorite places to preform been?
Clue: I honestly just like preforming it really doesn't matter as long as the sound system is good I like playing anywhere.
DC: Do you ever get stage fright or anxiety before you go on?
Clue: Yes and no, it depends on if I get to the venue and I don't have a lot of time to soundcheck thats really terrifying, its actually extremely terrifying. I mean I always get stage fright cause thats just normal.
DC: Going on to your lyrics, how do you come up with them for your songs?
Clue: My only EP that I put out was very personal and I played off a lot of metaphors but the album I'm working on now which is my first album, I want it to be more relatable so I'm thinking about more relatable scenarios and less of an intimate setting but also intimate too, and visual lyrics that are visually stimulating are always really good too.
DC: Your 2016 SXSW performance was one of the first performances I saw of you , since then you've accomplished so many cool things like your song "Jewel" was used in a Volcom trailer and you've also done things with Volcom in the past and have been doing things with them like when you took over their snapchat story, how did all these things come about?
Clue: Just really putting out content and meeting new people in music constantly. Never saying no to anything and not having a huge ego will really help you. Just art in general or anything that you wanna accomplish and thats what is helping me right now.
DC: Into your style, its unique and you have your Clue Wear. When did you decide you wanted to start making your own clothes?
Clue: Actually that manifested this past year. Its a lot of work because I hand paint jackets. I was supposed to put it out last year but i haven't yet cause I'm still working on things but its something I'm recently trying out so we'll see how it goes.
DC: I was curious where did your genie aesthetic come from?
Clue: Thats a really good question no ones asked me that before. When I was DJing I guess if I really think about it I came up the name Geniefactory because I felt like if you were some sort of entity and you're changing the space of a room it would kind be like a genie. Smoke represents music like filling the room and changing the atmosphere so thats why I went with it when I really put thought into it.
DC: I know you're into crystals, the moon, plants, things like that and of course your boots! Is there anything you're currently really into?
Clue: I really like stuffed animals they make me feel happy because they just are brainless and cute and thats what they're there to do, to make you feel better.
DC: Last but not least, you're putting out a new album in 2018, what else can we expect from Cowgirl Clue in the new year?
Clue: Shows lots of shows. The new album which I don't have a name for yet and those are pretty big things honestly maybe some music videos too who knows we'll see!
,,,Thank you Ashley for sitting down with me to talk and being the amazing artist and human being that you are!,,, ,,,Thank you to all that have read you can find Cowgirl Clue's music on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Youtube.,,, ,,,Also be sure to see Clue live on her upcoming tour supporting The Garden!,,,
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