#i really hope you enjoy the tonight drabble <3!!!!
bvidzsoo · 4 months
From people you know, to people you don't
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 𝝙 Boyfriend!Yunho 𝝙 
∞ Author: bvidzsoo
∞ Pairing: Jeong Yunho x female reader
∞ Warning: cursing, blood, manhandling ∞ Word count: 3.6k ∞ Genre: non-idol!au, mafia!au, lovers to exes to acquittances!au ∞ Rating: nc-17 ∞ Summary: Yunho wasn't the same man you had once known. What he had turned into, you didn't know. But you did know one thing, you'd do anything to keep your daughter safe and away from him.
∞ A/N: Hello...we don't speak of this. I know I'm supposed to be writing my thesis and Love Me Like A Rockstar (and Beyond The Obscure), but my mind had been plagued with short drabbles for all of our boys so...yeah, I'm writing a mafia drabble for all of them, it seems like it:) Yunho is the first one to start off this new mini-series, and the next members will be posted randomly. I'm not starting a taglist for this one, sorry<3 (you'll have to lurk around) Feedback is much appreciated, I hope you enjoy!
 𝝙 Listen to this before or while reading! ^^
∥ Hongjoong ∥ Seonghwa ∥  Yunho ∥ Yeosang ∥ San ∥ Mingi ∥ Wooyoung ∥ Jongho ∥ 
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            It hadn’t always been like this. Yunho hadn’t always been like this. Five years ago when we had met, he was a sweetheart. He was attentive and the kindest man I have ever known, so loving and a safe place. He bought me flowers every third day and took us out on dates every Friday, all throughout those two years that we had been together for. But then…somehow the cracks in his character started showing. His smiles became less genuine and his once protective hold became possessive and painful. There was something about his eyes that didn’t hold any warmth anymore, just scary, icy coldness that kept you rooted to your spot, shaking and praying to a God that he wouldn’t pounce on you and do only God knows what to you. He became a predator ready to hunt his prey…even if his prey was me. The woman he had once claimed to love furiously and ardently, an emotion now turned into constant anger and hatred whenever he looked in my direction.
I have never truly understood what I have done wrong, but after a while, I stopped trying to understand. I stopped trying to decipher who Jeong Yunho truly was, and why he was the way he was. I stopped trying to make it work between us when I found out that a fragile life was growing inside of me. I wasn’t ready to become a mother at the fragile age of twenty-four, but I wasn’t capable of letting the baby go no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. Despite our quickly deteriorating relationship, that baby had been conceived with love, and I knew deep down Yunho was a good man, he had just lost his way in life. And I was scared of him and of whatever he was capable of after that fated night.
A storm was raging outside, lightning illuminating the night sky every few minutes, thunder shaking the ground. I had a bad feeling, a really bad one, as I gripped my warm mug tightly in my hands, staring out the window. Yunho was supposed to be home by now, hours ago, actually, but he wasn’t. And he wasn’t answering my calls nor my texts. A tightness seemed to grip at my throat, prohibiting me from drinking any tea furthermore. The crash of the front door made me jump out of my skin, heart racing as I hurried to the hallway, stopping in my tracks at the sight of my boyfriend. Except that he looked nothing like my boyfriend. Dripping wet from head to toe, black hair falling in his cold eyes menacingly, panting through his open mouth, something red tainting his white t-shirt and seemingly dripping down his forearm. The right sleeve of his leather jacket had been sliced open and I could see a red wound peeking through angrily. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to make sense of the situation, hands slightly trembling as Yunho’s eyes slowly drifted upwards, settling on my form. I had planned on telling him tonight that I was pregnant, that we were expecting a baby, but I wasn’t so enthusiastic about it anymore. I was…scared of the man standing in our hallway, in our, once, safe home.
“Yunho,” I whispered, trying to mask the fear in my voice, “what happened to you?”
Yunho said nothing as he kicked his shoes off, my body stiffening as I finally noticed what he held in his left hand. A knife. A knife coated in red. A bloody knife. My heart started racing as Yunho’s eyes never left my form as he advanced towards me, unknowingly backing me against the living room’s closed door, making me gasp. He smelled…like smoke and like iron, like blood. What had he done? Who was this man standing in front of me?
“I had to take care of some business.” My once beloved boyfriend’s voice was deep, eyes dead as he looked me all over the face, his jaw clenching, “Business you fucked up, apparently.”
“M—me?” I stuttered, avoiding eye contact when Yunho’s eyes sharply found mine. He chuckled, but it wasn’t amused, it sounded sarcastic and irritated.
“Yeah, you.” He hissed, closing the gap between our bodies, reflexively making me hold onto my tummy. I was too early on in the pregnancy to show, yet I was already oh so protective of my little fragile baby, “And it’s the last time this happens, understood?”
“I—I don’t understand—” I stilled when Yunho’s large palm caressed my cheek, just a remnant of how he once used to do it, “I don’t understand what I had done.”
“Of course, you don’t,” Yunho chuckled, sneering, “you are too dumb to understand. How about you change workplaces?”
“What?” I muttered confused, flinching when he gripped my jaw tightly, yanking me forward, “Why?”
“I wouldn’t want the police tracing back anything to me, you know?” Yunho mused, the look on his face anything like him. He looked almost crazed, he looked dangerous.
“Did you kill someone?” My voice was barely above a whisper as we stared into each other’s eyes, my heart almost beating out of my chest. I couldn’t breathe as Yunho remained silent, a small smile stretching onto his lips as if I had said something funny. But instead of an answer, he just pressed his damp lips against mine, almost making me jerk away from him. But he held me in a vice like grip and the door behind me stopped me from going anywhere. When I didn’t kiss back, he bit my bottom lip and forced my lips apart, pinning me against the door as his tongue slipped inside my mouth, bringing tears to my eyes.
Yunho wasn’t the man I had fallen in love with anymore. He was someone else, someone that resembled the devil and was capable of anything. And so I had realized I had to save myself and our baby before it was too late for the two of us, before Yunho did something horrible to us.
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            And after that night, I ran away without even as much as glancing back, without having any regrets. I was scared that he’d try to find me, but he never reached out. I left a note on the fridge, in the kitchen, saying that I couldn’t do this anymore and that I was breaking up with him, starting anew. I moved towns, somewhere far away from him, to a city that was filled with life and so many people that even if he looked in every nook and cranny he still wouldn’t be able to find us. Hyeri, our little daughter, and I, that is. Who will be turning three years old today. Life had been…quiet ever since I decided that Hyeri and I would do just fine on our own. Except for my mother, nobody knew where I had moved to. I was too scared that our mutual friends would tell Yunho about our whereabouts, therefore I broke contact with everyone from my old life.
Here, in the big city, I was cautious of who I allowed close to myself and to my daughter, but so far I was lucky enough to only meet genuine and lovely people. Hyeri seemed to like it here too, the little girl growing quicker than I could wrap my mind around it. Soon, she’d be going to daycare. Our day was long due to the little birthday party I had thrown for her, only inviting over my mother, my best friend and colleague from work, Hyeri’s two friends she met at the playground a year ago, and well, the landlord of my previous apartment whom I had become friends with soon after moving here. He was a funny and considerate man, always eager to help me out. My mother kept saying he had a harmless crush on me and that I should give him a chance, but I wasn’t ready to date yet, and besides…my mother somehow missed the fact that he was gay and happily in a relationship.
After having tucked Hyeri in and cleaned the house as best as I could once everyone left, I finally had a moment to myself as I went back to the kitchen and opened the highest cabinet I could reach to grab a glass and my favorite brand of wine. I settled at the table and popped the bottle open, pouring myself an acceptable amount of wine, relaxing into the chair as I placed one leg up on it, hooking my arm around it. I closed my eyes and savored the almost sweet taste of the wine, sighing quietly and being thankful that it was finally the weekend. I could forget for two days about the massive workload I had at my job, papers upon papers pilling up on my desk, a constant reminder of how overworked I was while being underpaid. But I suppose that’s just how things seem to work nowadays. I must be thankful that I make enough to provide for myself and my lovely Hyeri, still.
As I let my head fall forward and rest on my knee, a floorboard seemed to creak in the hallway. Did Hyeri have another nightmare? Or was just the house settling? I listened closely, but I haven’t heard Hyeri’s door opening, so it couldn’t have been her. Suddenly, the hairs on my arms stood and my body froze, sensing danger before I could even see it. I shoot up from the chair when I heard the floorboards creak again, and prayed to God that it was just my best friend coming back, having left something here. She had a key, after all, she was allowed to let herself in without announcing that she was coming. However, the tall and sturdy figure standing in my kitchen’s doorway made my heart drop to my stomach, hand clenching tightly around the glass of wine I was still holding onto for comfort.
Jeong Yunho.
But how—I had escaped him. Forever. I ran away, I did everything, I—my thoughts kicked into overdrive as I realized Hyeri was just a few doors down, sleeping in her bed, unassuming of the monster standing inside our home. I had to protect her. I just had to. Yunho could never know, he could take me, he could kill me, but he would never touch my Hyeri.
“Fancy little house,” Yunho’s voice was just as deep as three years ago, perhaps deeper now, as his eyes scouted the place, “looks like the dream house you always told me about.”
I gulped, unable to respond as Yunho pursed his cherry-red lips, stepping further inside the kitchen. Strangely, his shoes were missing and so was his jacket. Blue jeans clung to his long legs, a little baggy, and a grey sweater warmed his torso, some university’s name printed on the front of it, his silver rosary hanging over it. Yunho looked like—the man I had once loved. Like the dream guy I thought I was lucky to score. But I knew who he was, what he hid underneath that sheep mask of his. There was a wolf underneath, a dangerous predator waiting for you to lower your walls, to let him in, to be vulnerable.
“What are you doing here?” I found my voice at last, when his fingers touched the petals of the flowers I had placed in a vase, in the middle of the round table I had in my kitchen. Those were my favorite flowers; the same ones Yunho would always buy for me.
“I was passing through the city,” Yunho explained, smiling a little as he noticed a picture of my mother and I stamped onto the fridge, “thought I could stop by and say hi.”
“No.” I snapped, eyebrows furrowing as my heart did somersaults against my ribcage, “No, you can’t—you just broke in, Yunho! I’m calling the cops—”
“It’s not called breaking in when you have a key.” I all but blanched as he grabbed some keys out of his pocket and dangled them towards me. My blood froze over, body going numb. How did he have that? Just how?! “And the cops won’t be doing anything, my dear—”
“Don’t call me that,” I all but almost shouted, forgetting for a second that I had a little child in the house, “Don’t—you can’t be here, Yunho. You have to get out, right now.”
The friendliness slipped from his face as his eyes darkened, slowly walking around the table, coming closer. I backed away from him, trying to aim for the door, but before I could make a run for it, his hand had already wrapped around my arm, yanking my body into his. I gasped, his once familiar cologne wafting through my nose as Yunho’s dark eyes focused on my face, the same chocolate color as they used to be. But they were cold again, just like three years ago. He really wasn’t the man I had once loved.
“Oh, Y/N,” He sighed, leaning down and nuzzling his head against my neck, nose pressing into my skin, “I have missed you so much.”
I was shaking, frozen to the spot, trying to come up with an escape plan. I would have to go to the police, I needed help. How did he find me?!
“Get off.” I whispered, hands gripping his arms to the point my nails dug through his sweater, “Yunho, let go of me!”
Yunho groaned, pulling back to grab me by the nape as he lowered his head to be eye-level with me. I glared at him fiercely as I tried to wrestle myself out of his hold, but he grabbed my right arm and flushed it against himself, pinning my arm to his back.
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to find you?” He sounded amused, yet his expression conveyed annoyance, “Did you think you could hide from me?”
My chest was rising and falling quickly as my glare bore into his eyes, his glare just as menacing as mine, “Did you think you could end things like that between us?”
“Yes.” I hissed, fed up by always feeling so small and scared of him, “I left you. There’s no us anymore and there’ll never be, Yunho. You’re a—criminal! You’re not the man I fell in love with, and I have nothing to do with you anymore.”
“That’s not how a relationship works, my dear, we take that decision together.” Yunho snapped, his perfectly calm mask finally slipping as he seethed, jaw tense and a fire in his eyes, “I am still the same man you fell in love with, I’m just not afraid to show all sides of myself to you anymore, Y/N.”
“You tricked me.”
“I didn’t.”
Silence fell around us as we both breathed through our mouths, breaths mingling as our faces were close to each other. My cheeks were slowly flushing from the adrenaline that was coursing through my bloodstream, ears ringing as I started feeling helpless. I had to get away, I needed to get Hyeri and flee this place.
“You would’ve ran away if you knew who I truly was so early on, Y/N.” Yunho sounded defeated as he averted his eyes to the floor, finally releasing my arm he had pinned to his back, instead cradling my face with both hands as he walked me backwards towards the table. I gasped as the back of my thighs hit the sturdy surface, and I held onto Yunho’s sides, trying not to fall backwards.
“Yet I still ran away, Yunho.” I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat, “You scared me away. I don’t want to see you ever again.”
“That’s a wish I can’t grant you, I’m sorry.” He licked his lips as his thumbs started caressing my cheeks, his chocolate brown eyes falling onto my lips. My heart seemed to stutter when he leaned closer, his eyes fluttering almost shut, and when he was mere centimeters away from my lips, he paused. I gulped, heart hammering in my chest as I gripped his wrists, his hold turning painful, “When were you going to tell me?”
It was merely a whisper, but with how close he was to me, I heard it crystal clear. I went rigid, suddenly fearing for my daughter’s and my own life again, “What are you talking about?”
When Yunho’s eyes shifted to the side, where the fridge was, and I followed with my own, I stopped breathing. We were both looking at the drawing made by Hyeri, a little girl standing in the middle, holding two women’s hands. Mine and my mother’s. They stood in front of a house, smiles on their faces and with a sun that was a little too big for the otherwise cute drawing. I have never felt dread up until that moment consume my whole being, and before I could stop myself, my eyes glassed over and I gripping onto the collar of Yunho’s sweater, trying to breathe regularly.
“Yunho, no—please—you can’t—”
“I can’t what?” He looked beyond furious, hands crushing my cheeks as a few tears rolled down the,, “She’s my daughter too.”
“No, please.” I tried not to sob, scared it would wake Hyeri, “You can’t—I—I won’t let you. You can’t hurt her. I won’t let you, Yunho, she’s mine—”
“She’s ours.” Yunho snapped, shaking me in the process, making me whimper as I grabbed onto his face.
“Please, Yunho, just leave—just leave us alone.” I begged him, flinching as he started wiping my tears away, almost with a fascinated look on his face.
“You were never going to tell me, right?” He asked in a whisper, suddenly looking very sad. My heart stilled and I felt bad, but then I had to remind myself that he had killed someone and that he had probably done so many worse things that I didn’t know about, and didn’t want to know about. I never truly knew who Jeong Yunho was, and I didn’t want to know. I couldn’t let him come back in our lives. He would ruin everything again.
“Mommy?” Both Yunho and I froze, our eyes going wide before Yunho was letting me go, stepping back, looking shocked as his eyes quickly fell on his daughter. I quickly wiped my cheeks clear of tears and tried not to sniff as I turned to smile at our daughter, forcing myself to mask my distress.
“My love,” I chuckled, walking around the table to get to her, scared that Yunho would try to do something, “you’re awake?”
“Bad dream.” Hyeri whined as she rubbed at her eyes, giggling when I hastily picked her up. My heart was beating even faster than before as I tucked her head against my neck, shielding her view from Yunho, who was unresponsive as he stared at us wide eyed. I didn’t know how he’d react, and I was terrified. The resemblance between Hyeri and Yunho was unmistakable. She was an exact replica of Yunho with her round cheeks, freckles spreading around it, and pouty lips, even her eyes were the same light color as Yunho’s in the sunlight. Her temperament, too, was similar to Yunho’s. My daughter was a constant reminder of who I once used to love, yet I could never hold that against her. She was everything I have ever wished for, my light, my life.
When Yunho went to take a step towards us, I quickly backed away, walking out of the kitchen altogether, seemingly making him freeze. He gulped, eyes searching my face for something, but I was begging him to stay back and leave us alone. His hands balled up into fists at his side and I feared what would come next.
“Who is man?” Hyeri mumbled against my neck, peaking at Yunho with her eyebrows furrowed. Yunho and her shared a long look, and it broke my heart as Hyeri gave me an even more confused look than before, “Is he uncle?”
I could only hope she was too young to understand reality.
“No,” Hearing Yunho’s soft voice made me jump and caught Hyeri’s attention again, “just someone—who loves mommy and you.”
I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying in front of our daughter and instead forced a smile on my face as Hyeri looked at me wonderingly, “Really?”
“Yes.” I answered her, my own voice sounding unsure and shaky, “Let’s go to sleep while this man leaves, alright?”
“Mommy,” Hyeri mumbled, looking at Yunho again, eyebrows furrowing, “can man tuck me in?”
“What—” I whispered confused, looking at Yeri with furrowed eyebrows, “no, he—”
“Please.” But Yunho’s pleading voice full with regret shut me up quickly as he slowly approached us, very reluctantly reaching his hand out to pet Hyeri’s fluffy hair, “Please.”
And when Yunho’s eyes found mine again, I was alarmed to see the man I had once fallen in love with. Desperate, begging with everything he could, yet reluctant to reach out. Just who was Jeong Yunho?
“Just this once.” I whispered, arms tightening around Hyeri as Yunho’s face lit up, eyes clearing of the tears he was holding back.
“Thank you.” He’s never looked so grateful before, and my eyes widened when he pressed a swift kiss against my lips, making Hyeri giggle in my arms. And before I could interfere, Hyeri was making grabby hands at Yunho, smiling brightly as he carefully took her in his arms, cradling his daughter against his chest like it was his most prized possession. Yunho’s eyes shone like they were the sun and I stood frozen as he walked towards her bedroom, Hyeri muttering things to him that I couldn’t hear.
What was I going to do now?
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
@aaa-sia @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@anastasiamin860 @yunhogrippers @vcutparis @tunaasan @blvckarabixnvoid
@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
428 notes · View notes
imaginespazzi · 11 days
Golden Hour is so so good! I love the way you’re taking the story, I’m obsessed with the way they just need each other like you write it so perfectly. And honestly it’s how they seem in real life, just so entwined.
I don’t want to ask but if you have the time and it won’t delay golden hour updates... Can you write a chaotic family Drabble of the girls teasing Azzi and Paige for essentially soft launching the last few weeks. You just write them so perfectly! Hope you’re planning to be a writer one day!
Thank you lovie <3
Do I have time? In theory no but I found about 40 minutes to cook this up (this is my way of justifying the lack of editing) and it's probably more sappy than chaotic but I hope you enjoy it anyways my love. Let me know if it lived up to what you wanted :)
Paige lets out a soft sigh as she turns the ignition off, parking her car in the team apartments parking lot. It's almost one in the morning and the tired is practically vibrating from her body but she'd been determined to get them back to school tonight in time for classes tomorrow morning. She can't help the soft smile that flitters across her face as she looks over at the passenger seat. Azzi's head is leaned against the window, mouth slightly open as she hugs Paige's sweater closer to her body like a blanket. The younger girl had managed to keep her eyes awake for about an hour, tiredly responding to her girlfriend's chatter with one-word inputs until Paige had looked over after asking a question and found Azzi completely knockd out
She had heavily debated waking her up but ultimately decided against it, knowing that it was well past the shooting guard's bedtime and as cute as she found Azzi's cranky grumbling when she was woken up, she thinks the girl probably deserved her sleep after the weekend they'd had.
The weekend.
Truthfully Paige is a little sad for the weekend to come to an end. She's going to miss the privacy of their hotel suite and she's really going to miss seeing her girlfriend all dressed up every day (even if she's not going to miss the way other people had, had the audacity to ogle at what's hers). God it had been perfect; everything Paige had wanted to be. The experience itself had been wonderful but the best part of it was that she'd gotten to live it out with her girlfriend, her person, her Azzi. Whether it was sitting next to her at the fashion shows or sitting across from her at the Liberty game, they'd been together and that's all that had mattered.
Paige knows that there's people who will look at their weekend and still use the just friends moniker; knows that until she and Azzi publicly label themselves, there'll always be people who'll be willfully ignorant of what they are. But still, this weekend -this summer really- had felt different. And maybe it's because they're a little different now but something about it had felt cathartically freeing. It makes her hopeful for what's come in the future, when they can shed this barrier of being teammates and just be who they really are to each other. She can't wait.
"Baby," Paige whispers, slightly shaking Azzi, "we're here."
The other girl let's out a groan, slinking further into herself without opening her eyes, "shhh Paige, I'm tryna sleep."
Laughing to herself, Paige lets herself out of the car before walking around to open the door to the passenger side, leaning down towards Azzi, "c'mon big head, you gotta get up so we can go to bed."
"I'm already in bed," Azzi says petulantly, eyes still closed.
The blonde lets out a fond sigh, "you leave me no other choice Fudd."
"Wha-" Azzi squeals when Paige lifts her out of the car, using her waist to push the door in behind them, "oh my god Paige let me down. You're gonna drop me."
Adjusting the weight in her arms slightly, Paige smirks as she starts walking towards the apartment door, "I am way too strong to drop you."
"Oh my god the edits have gone to you head," Azzi groans dramatically, tightening her arms around the blonde's neck, "you're going to drop me and I'm going to die. I'm too young to die Paige."
"You have no faith in me," Paige guffaws, even if she's slightly struggling to get up the three steps that lead up to the door.
"Paige let me down," Azzi whines again.
"You sure about that princess?" Paige asks, a slightly devious plan forming in her mind as she finally makes into the soft fluffy mat right outside the door.
"Okay," Paige says with a shrug as she lets Azzi go, the younger girl falling on the rug with a slight thud.
"You asked me to let you go."
"Not like that," Azzi growls, rubbing her hips slightly as she gets up and shoves at Paige, "enjoy sleeping by yourself."
Paige's eyes widen as she watches Azzi open the apartment door and saunter towards the elevator.
"Oh hey wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry," Paige has to run to catch up to the younger girl, engulfing her from behind as she presses slobbery open mouthed kisses over every inch of her that she can touch, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't make me sleep alone."
"Ew stop," Azzi crinkles her nose, half-heartedly pushing Paige away.
"I'm sorry. Pleeeeeease," Paige begs as the two of them wait for the elevator, "besides I'm sure you can't fall asleep without me either."
"Oh you're sure are you?" Azzi teases, yawning slightly as the doors ding and open and the two of them step inside.
"I know you can't," Paige grins, nuzzling her face in the younger girl's neck as she presses the button for Paige's floor, making no attempt to press the one for hers as well, "see?"
"Shut up," Azzi blushes slightly, "it's only because I don't wanna deal with Ice in the morning."
"Sure it is," Paige sing-songs before her face morphs into something more serious and she presses her forehead against her girlfriends, "I had a really good time this weekend."
Azzi's eyes soften, "it was pretty great huh?"
"The greatest," Paige confirms, brushing their lips together, "I love you."
"I love you too."
Much to Azzi's chagrin -and to Paige's slight amusement though she won't dare say it- she does have to deal with Ice the next morning. And worse than that, she has to deal with KK.
"GOOD MOOOOOORNING LOVEBIRDS," a loud voice echoes way to early in the morning.
Azzi cranks one eye open about cuss somebody out when KK jumps onto their bed, tiny body creating such an impact that it has both her and Paige practically jolting up.
"Morning sunshines," KK grins happily as Ice snickers from where she's leaning against the wall, "y'all done with your world tour?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Paige asks groggily.
"What's wrong with us? US?" KK's voice is as loud as always, "y'all abandon your kids-"
"Again," Azzi says exasperatedly, "y'all aren't actually our ki-"
"EXCUSE ME?" KK recoils before turning dramatically to Ice, "did you hear that Icey? She said we're not her kids."
"That's so mean of you Azzi," Ice pouts, "you practically abandons us for a decade-"
"It was one week-"
"A DECADE! And now-" Ice fake whimpers, "and now you're saying we're not even your kids? What kind of parents even are you?"
"The kind who aren't parents?" Paige says coyly only tfor KK to throw a pillow at her face, "seriously?"
"I cannot believe this," the Wisconsinite shakes her head, "first you abandon us," she glares at the two of them in a warning to not interrupt her, "and now, when we come in here to finally spend some time with y'all, do you welcome your children with open arms? OH NO. No you don't. Instead you make us feel like you don't even love us. Y'all are SICK."
"So SICK," Ice choruses and Azzi narrows her eyes at them.
"Y'all came in here to spend time us?" she asks slowly, "really?"
"Are you accusing us of having other intentions?"
"Oh my god," KK jumps of the bed, fixing them with an offended stare, "can't two children just want to see their parents?"
"Not when it's the two of you."
"KK," Jana's voice interrupts from outside the door, "is it time for us to come in yet?"
Paige looks between the door and KK and Ice's caught-out face as Azzi buries her head into her hands, "what are y'all up to?"
"Fucking El-Alfy ruining the plan," KK grumbles under her breath as she steps outside and the noise of bickering echoes through Paige's door.
"When we have actual children, we're never letting these idiots babysit," Azzi says softly as she leans her head back against Paige's shoulder.
Something beautiful blooms in Paige's chest as she kisses a smile into Azzi's shoulder. It's the way Azzi says it, the way she talks about them having their own children, like it's an inevitability, like forever means each other.
"Whatever you say baby," she whispers.
"Can you guys stop being gross for one second," Ice chides from the corner, "a whole fucking weekend together and still being this sappy has got to be a crime or something."
"A crime of passion," Paige says airily, relishing the way it elicits a giggle from Azzi.
"What the fuck?" there's a look of disgust on Ice's face as she studies the two of them, "that wasn't even that funny Azzi."
"I thought it was," Azzi shrugs, smiling as she turns her head to press her lips to Paige's cheek.
"Oh my god y'all get the fuck in here," Ice calls out, "they're being sickeningly cute in here again and I feel like I'm suffocating."
Unable to help their curiosity at what shenanigans their teammates come children are up to, Paige and Azzi can't help but look towards the door. Their mouths fall open as KK and Jana wheel in one of the whiteboards from the lobby, Sarah diligently following in from behind them. On the whiteboard is a series of cutout photos of the two of them taken from the weekend. A large hand-drawn paper sign hangs right above the photos: THE PAZZI SOFT LAUNCH tm.
"Ta-da," KK and Jana flail their hands as they present the board to the two gaping girls on the bed, bowing dramatically, "we made you guys this. Isn't it amazing?"
"It was my idea," Sarah juts out her chest proudly.
"It was not. I was the one who said wouldn't it be cool if we could show them how disgustingly stupid in love they looked all weekend," Jana glares at the freshman.
"Right but it was my idea to make the poster board," Sarah defends.
"Girl boo. I'm the one who came up with the title so it was really my idea," KK chirps in.
"All three of you needa take several steps back," Ice warns, "because who was the one who actually made this whole thing?"
"Me," all 6 of them turn to the doorway to see Caroline standing there with an exasperated look on her face, "I did all the cutting and glue-"
"You were in on this?" Azzi asks, "what happened to being the sensible one?"
"I am sensible," Caroline defends herself sheepishly, "but you know I love a good arts and crafts project and you didn't see them Az. They were failing miserably-"
"ALL OF Y'ALL SHUT UP," Paige bellows and Azzi immediately flinches away from her.
"Ow Paige," she whines, rubbing deftly at her hear, "that hurt my ears."
"Sorry baby," Paige coos, pulling the younger girl back in to her arms and apologetically kissing her cheek as suddenly forgets why she'd needed to yell in the first place.
"SEE," Ice cuts, "this is why we needed to make the board. Y'all are so atrociously down bad and if we have to see how sickening it is, so do you."
"I think it's kinda sweet these dumbasses have finally figured it out," Caroline says with a smile.
"Nobody asked for your opinion-" KK grumbles as Paige sulks.
"We are not dumbasses," she says indignantly,unable to help herself from smiling when Azzi kisses the pout off of her face.
"Oh my god," Sarah gags as she looks at the rest of their teammates, "do they ever stop being disgusting?"
She's met with a chorus of "no"s from the rest of the girls in the room who've had to put up with Paige and Azzi for longer than she has.
"Y'all have a lot of nerve coming into our room and then calling us out for what we do in it," Azzi scolds.
"This is NOT your room," Jana corrects.
Paige glares at her as she tightens her grip around Azzi, "don't listen to them baby. My room is your room."
"Fucking hell. Y'all are hopeless," the Egyptian groans, "I give up. Congratulations on the soft launch or whatever. We're all very happy for you."
Azzi splutters, a series of indiscernible noises waterfalling from her lips, "we did NOT soft launch."
"Really?" Ice cocks her forehead, "so this," she gestures to the whiteboard filled with incriminating pictures, "this just looks like a completely normal best-friends kinda weekend to you?"
"Yes," Azzi replies stubbornly.
"Seriously?" Jana points to a series of pictures taken of the two of them practically pressed into each other at two of the fashions shows; there's a noticeable difference in how much space there is between them and the people on their other sides in comparison to the lack of air between the two of them, "y'all sit this close to all of y'alls friends like this?"
"Of course-"
"Hey," Paige wails, "who else do you sit that close to?"
"Not the time," Azzi hisses to her girlfriend, "I'm trying to prove something."
"Prove what? That y'all look at everybody like this?" KK smirks as she points to a set of images of them basically cheesing at each other like lovesick fools.
"That doesn't count as a soft launch-"
"Baby it does look a little bit like one-"
"Shut up Paige," Azzi scowls, digging her elbow into her girlfriend's stomach, "it doesn't count because it's not like we meant to do it-"
"So what you're saying is you accidentally soft launched then?" Sarah raises an eyebrow.
"That's not- I mean-" Azzi struggles to form a coherent sentences as Paige laughs into her shoulder, "your a freshman. Shouldn't you be nicer to your upperclassmen or something?"
"AHA!" KK cheers as she high-fives Sarah "deflecting because you can't deny it. Good job freshie!"
"Baby," Paige says softly, barely concealing her smile captures Azzi's chin between her fingers to turn her face towards her, "let it go. They're right."
"They're not-" Azzi huffs.
"Yes they are-"
"Well they don't need to know," Azzi says petulantly as she glowers at the other occupants of the room.
Jana regards her with an amused expression, "you know we can hear you right?"
Paige sighs, annoyed at having to look away from her girlfriend as she rounds on the rest of her teammates, "alright y'all made your point. Now will you get the fuck out?"
"That is no way to talk to you children," KK says as she crosses her arms across her chest.
"Ooooh," Sarah grins, "wait does this mean I'm one of your children too?"
"For the nth time-" Azzi begins but Paige covers her mouth with her hands, not wanting to start another bickering session that would inevitable prolong her not getting alone time in bed with her girlfriend.
"We'll think about it," she tells the freshman, a little touched when it seems to make Sarah gleam with happiness, "now please," she gestures to the door.
"Kicking us out so y'all can be all mush-gushy in peach eugh," Ice scrunches her face with disgust, "at least tell us y'all got us gifts or something."
"Even if we did you're definitely not getting them now," Azzi snarls at them.
"So what you're telling me is that there's definitely gifts," Jana says excitedly, "ugh I knew y'all would come through."
"Here," Paige points to both of their suitcases parked against the wall, "how about y'all take those and go to the living room and take whatever y'all want-"
"Wait no-"
"Will you be quiet for one second," Paige pinches Azzi's arms before smiling at the younger girls in the room, "all yours guys!"
KK narrows her eyes at the blonde, "this feels like a bribe-"
"Who cares Kamorea. She's giving us expensive free shit, don't argue," Jana chides as she starts to pull KK out of the room, Sarah following excitedly behind them.
"That's kinda low of you," Ice says with a disappointed look towards both of them, "but hey," she shrugs as she begins to follows the others, "if it belongs to my parents, technically it belongs to me."
"Well played Bueckers," Caroline, the last person remaining, smile as she moves to wheel the whiteboard out with her.
"WAIT," both Paige and Azzi yell in sync before shyly looking at each other.
"You can um-" Paige licks her lips, "you can leave that. It's kinda cute."
"I lied," Caroline shakes her head but does as she's told, "you guys aren't sweet because this," she points between the two of them and the whiteboard as she begins to move backwards, "this is just sickening behavior."
"Y'all are just jealous of our love," Paige calls out, ignoring the chorus of protests that she gets in return, happy to finally have the room back to just her and Azzi.
"So," the younger girl says carefully, as she turns herself around to straddle Paige's hips.
"So," Paige whispers back, hands resting on Azzi's waist as the other girl brushes a strand of blond hair out of her face.
"I think we might have accidentally soft-launched a little bit," Azzi says shyly, nibbling at her bottom lip.
"Accidentally," Paige grins as she nuzzles their noses together.
And as the sunlight peeks in through the window and the cacophony of their teammates excitedly unpacking their presents drifts in from the living room, Paige holds Azzi closer to her chest, and she lets herself think of what it'll be like when they hard launch. On purpose, this time.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 2 months
Jealousy | Jisung
Warnings: Slight suggestion
just a short little drabble i wrote per request! hope you enjoy sunshine <3!!
Jisung’s eyes burned with an unfamiliar fire as he watched you from across the room. The gathering at Chan’s apartment was supposed to be a casual hangout, but for Jisung, it had turned into a slow torture. Every time he looked your way, you were laughing with someone else, your attention pulled in every direction but his. And tonight, it was Hyunjin who seemed to be the focus of your smiles.
You were seated on the couch, too close to Hyunjin for Jisung’s liking, sharing some inside joke that made your eyes crinkle at the corners. The sight of you leaning into Hyunjin, your hand playfully resting on his arm, sent a sharp pang of jealousy through Jisung’s chest.
His grip tightened around the drink in his hand, the plastic cup crumpling slightly under the pressure. He knew he had no right to feel this way—you weren’t his. But that didn’t stop the jealousy from simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over.
When Hyunjin leaned in closer, whispering something in your ear that made you burst out laughing, Jisung couldn’t take it anymore. His emotions, raw and unchecked, surged forward, clouding his judgment. Without thinking, he downed the rest of his drink and stood up abruptly, storming out of the room.
You noticed his sudden departure and frowned, a sense of unease settling in your stomach. Excusing yourself from the conversation, you followed him down the hallway, where you found him leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.
“Jisung?” you called out softly, approaching him with concern. “What’s wrong?”
He looked up at you, his eyes dark with a mix of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher. “Nothing’s wrong,” he muttered, but the tension in his voice betrayed him.
“Don’t lie to me,” you pressed, stepping closer. “You’ve been acting strange all night. Did I do something?”
Jisung let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. “Did you do something? You really don’t get it, do you?”
“Get what?” you asked, genuinely confused.
He looked at you, his gaze intense, almost accusing. “The way you’re always around him. The way you laugh at his jokes, the way you touch his arm like it’s nothing. It drives me crazy.”
Your heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. “Jisung… are you jealous?”
“Jealous?” he repeated, his voice rising. “Yeah, I’m jealous. I’ve been jealous for a long time, but you’re too busy with everyone else to even notice.”
You were taken aback by the raw emotion in his voice. “I didn’t realize…”
“Of course you didn’t,” he snapped, pushing off the wall and pacing the narrow hallway. “I’ve been trying to get your attention, but all you ever see is him—or anyone but me.”
“That’s not true,” you protested, but he cut you off.
“Then why do I feel like I’m invisible when you’re around?” he demanded sadly, his frustration spilling over. “Why do I feel like nothing I do matters to you?”
The intensity of his words left you speechless. You had no idea he felt this way, that his feelings ran so deep. All this time, you thought you were just friends, that his playful banter and teasing were nothing more than that. But now, seeing the pain in his eyes, you realized there was so much more beneath the surface.
“Jisung…” You reached out, your hand gently brushing against his arm, trying to calm him down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I thought you couldn't ever see me in that way.”
He looked at you, his expression softening slightly, but the hurt was still there. “It doesn’t matter now,” he muttered, turning away.
“No, it does,” you insisted, stepping closer until you were standing right in front of him. “I love and care about you, Jisung. I just… I didn’t realize how much until recently. I haven't been knowing how to cope with that...”
His eyes met yours, searching for the truth in your words. “You care about me?”
“I do,” you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. “More than you realize. And… I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t important to me. It's the complete opposite.”
For a moment, the tension between you hung in the air, thick and suffocating.
Then, with a shaky breath, Jisung spoke. "Yeah right," He stated pushing past you, but you stopped him with as much force as you could, pushing at his chest.
Your breath caught in your throat as he winced in pain.
"Ji- oh my gosh are you okay?" You fretted, as he reached for his shirt, pulling it away from himself slightly. "Did I hurt you?"
"I'm just a bit sore, it's okay."
"Why?" You continued to fret. "Why are you sore? Did something happen?"
He shook his head and let out a quiet laugh. "I got a tattoo." He unbuttoned his shirt slightly, and you saw the fresh ink.
"What… what does it mean?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, as you looked at the word staring back at you. You reached out.
Jisung shuddered at your touch, his eyes closing for a brief moment before he answered. “It’s a reminder. Of what matters to me, what's been given to me, what I want...but can't necessarily have.” His eyes opened to look at you.
Your heart ached at his words, understanding now that this tattoo wasn’t just a piece of art—it was a symbol of his unspoken feelings for you, of the pain he’d been carrying all this time. As you continued to trace the tattoo, your touch became more deliberate, more intimate.
“You can have it,” you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. “You can have me, Jisung.”
His eyes snapped back open, locking onto yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice raw, almost desperate.
“I’m sure,” you replied, your hand moving from his chest to cup his face, your thumb brushing against his cheek. “I want you, Jisung. I’m not blind anymore.”
The vulnerability in your voice, the sincerity in your words—it was all Jisung needed to hear. Without hesitation, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a kiss that was equal parts desperate and tender. It was a release of all the pent-up emotions, the longing, the jealousy, the fear of losing you.
You kissed him back with just as much fervor, your hands sliding up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer. His hands found your waist, gripping you tightly as if afraid you might slip away. The kiss deepened, growing more passionate, more intense, as the weight of everything unsaid finally fell away.
His hands trailed there way up to your face, as he pulled you closer than you thought humanly possible, as if he was trying to merge your physical beings, just as he was trying to merge your souls.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other’s. The hallway was quiet, the only sound was the rapid beating of your hearts and uneven breaths as your chests rose and fell in a recipricatory rhythm.
“Don’t ever doubt how much you mean to me,” you whispered, your fingers gently tracing the tattoo once more. He shuddered once more, and your mind wandered to the thought of what exactly you made him feel. What you could make him feel. “You’re everything to me.”
He smiled, a genuine, relieved smile that made your heart swell. He laughed as he attached his lips to yours once more in a messy fashion. “I better be jagi, 'cause I don't know if I can handle being jealous."
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@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
@minsungsthirdwheel @everlastingspring143 @joyofbebbanburg @suvujagi
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lizthewriter · 1 year
hii! so first of all, i LOVE your work and your writing style so much. so i was reading your last theo nott drabble and an idea came to my mind: it’s a gryffindor (maybe) party but it’s acc a theme party. the theme is dressing up as another house and reader (not a slytherin) borrows some of the boys’ quidditch clothes (like a bomber jacket or a jersey) and theo/mattheo get super jealous even though reader and him aren’t together. but it’s like he’s been after her for the whole year but she likes to play hard bc he normally doesn’t have to make any effort to have whoever girl he wants at his feet, and she doesn’t want to be just another girl, if you get what i mean? so she just shows up wearing another guys’ name and he goes feral.
A/N I'm so sorry this took me forever to write 😭. I've started college and boy is it overwhelming. Well! Here's part one to your request ehehe *burnt out* I really hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for showing support anon, I really appreciate it! If you guys get this to 1250 notes, I will prioritze part two &lt;3
you make me jealous / theodore nott
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PAIRING  Theodore Nott x fem!Reader
SUMMARY  part one in an upcoming series. you and theo have been flirting with each other for months, but neither of you have made a move. you don't want to be just another girl for theo, and theo's to afraid to commit to a relationship with the most amazing girl in the world, afraid that he'll eventually break your heart. you get confronted at a party and an argument ensues.
TAGS  Theodore Nott x reader, mean!theo, jealous!theo, theo is kind of a dick here, sorry babes 🤷‍♀️, mutual pining, parties, underage drinking, ginny is a good bro, ron is a good bro, reader is not gryffindor, angst
"I'm so chill, but you make me jealous," - So it Goes . . . by Taylor Swift
WRITTEN  2023.09.13
You could feel Theo's eyes burning through your dress as soon as you entered the room, but you were sure to absolutely avoid any eye contact with him. Tonight's mission was simple: break him. You and Theo had an interesting little dynamic, that was for certain. You had spent months flirting with each other - smooth lines that had you blushing, "accidental" caresses that made Theo ache for more of you, almost-kisses that haunted both of your daydreams. Oh yes, the two of you were smitten for one another. There was just one small, tiny little problem. Theodore was spoiled rotten. He was so used to girl's plopping themselves in his lap and vying so desperately for his attention. He was so accustomed to this, in fact, that he went through girls like toilet paper. One week he's chatting up Romilda Vane in the corridors and the next week it's Tracey Davis, and so on and so on. You didn't want to be just another girl, you wanted to make him work for you. Still, that didn't mean you couldn't nudge him in the right direction.
You don't know what miracle Merlin had pulled in the afterlife, but he had somehow lsitened to your prayers and granted you the perfect opportunity to piss off Theo. The Gryffindors were holding a themed party where all the attenders must dress as someone from a different house. You, of course utlizied your connections and talked with your very dear friend Ginny. You had decided to borrow the letterman jacket she had gotten as a member of the Quidditch and, even better, had asked her to act a bit more friendly towards you than usual.
The music in Gryffindor Tower boomed so loudly that you practically feel the beat vibrating in your chest.You descended the stairs, dressed in a tight golden dress with the burgundy jacket swung over your shoulders, the word WEASLEY spelled prominently on the back of it. One arm was intertwined with Ginny's, the other raised so that your hand could fix up your hair. Ginny's arm was wrapped around your waist as she lead you down the stairs, and as soon as her friends looked up, they all let out a roar. Seamus and Ron came over, harking on about some drinking game ans begging the two of you to join. Ron would usually take the piss if he saw someone with Ginny, but you and her had informed him of what was really going on, so he wasn't in a mood at all.
"Come on, Dean's just told us about it, it's called Beer Pong," Seamus told the two of you, leading you to a table with plastic cups aligned in the shape of a triangle at each end. He handed you a ball and explained how it worked. "You and Ginny are on Harry and Ron's team, that's this end of the table, and me, Dean, Lavender, and Parvati are over here. Now, you're gonna throw this ball and try to get it into one of our cups. If the ball lands in the cup, someone from my team has to drink whatever's in thay cup. Whoever has no cups leftover in the end loses, yeah?"
You glanced towards Theo, standing in a dark corner with a few of his Slytherin friends. The drink he held in his hand was hovering near his face, his eyes dark as he watched your every movement, while his friends were having a lively chat. You grinned and turned back to the others, standing right in front of the edge of the table. Ron and Harry started to cheer for you, Ginny ran a hand down your side. You sent a small smile your way before tossing the ball down the tablez landing it right in the first cup. The other team groaned and Seamus downed the alcohol, tossing the cup to the side.
The game went on for quite some time - your team had won, but only just. Ron had drank most of the alcohol and was now flirting very obviously with Hermione, who seemed unsure of whether to continue studying or listen to him. As a new song came on, Ginny pulled on your hand, dragging you to the crowd of the dancing bodies.
"Come on!" She exclaimed over the loud music. "I promise, he'll be mad once he sees us dancing together!" She grabbed your arms and threw them around her neck, her hair swaying as she nodded her head to the beat. You danced with her, your faces so close to one another that you could feel yourselves sharing the hot breath that left your mouths. Ginny glanced at something behind you and said, "He hasn't done anything the entire night, he's just been standing there. I think he needs a little more motivation."
Something mischievous twinkled in Ginny's eyes - you narrowed your own at her. "Just what exactly are you thinking, Ginerva?"
Ginny scoffed, a wide grin forming on her face. "Did you seriously just call me by my full name?"
"As a matter of fact, I did. I don't like that look on your face."
Ginny rested her hands on your waist, swaying her hips in unison with yours, bringing her face close to you. "I promise if you kiss me, he'll do something about it." She rushedly added, "I won't do anything if you don't want to though, it was just an idea."
You bit your bottom lip, contemplating the idea. Ginny wasn't necessarily wrong, it was a pretty good idea and would probably get some sort of rise out of Theo. You glanced back at her with assured eyes, asking, "Is he looking at us now?"
"Yeah, why -"
"Good," you responded, smashing your lips against Ginny's. It didn't feel like anything you've felt with anyone before - no butterflies blossoming in your stomach, no fuzziness growing in your head, just lips against lips. You pulled away suddenly, looking at Ginny with wide eyes. "Sorry!" You exclaimed, now thinking you should have asked her if it was okay before kissing her. But she wasn't looking at you.
You turned to look at what she was smirking at and found Theo marching over to you, drink in his hand discarded. You turned to look back at Ginny, but she had disappeared, leaving you alone to deal with the fallout. When you turned back, he was standing in front of you.
"I know what you're doing," Theo said, his breath erratic and not at all uniform. You smirked up at him, stepping closer so that your head was practically meeting his chest. Your fingers crawled up his arms and you watched his reaction.
"And what exactly am I doing, Theo?" He scoffed and glanced away. He said nothing, causing you to frown. You grabbed his chin with your hand, turning his head so that your eyes met again. "Come on, say it."
"You're trying to make me jealous!" He exclaimed angrily. "Waltzing around on her arm, kissing her, when we both know that you don't even like her like that."
"And why wouldn't I like her, Nott?"
"Because you're supposed to like me!" He huffed, his arms raised like a petulant child. "What, you're going to pretend as though you haven't spend months flirting with me?"
"Are you?" You returned with a raised eyebrow, taking a step forward. "Don't pretend as though you didn't have your tounge down Daphne Greengrass' throat only three days ago!"
"I don't care about her, I care about you!" He shouted back.
"Then prove it! And that's not an invitation for you to kiss me, that's me asking you to show me you really do care about me."
"Fine then! I will!"
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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shookuna · 2 months
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m. fushiguro x gn!reader - "would you still love me if i was a worm?"
a/n: another lil piece for a moot!! the loveliest ever @meguemii !! emiiiiiii i know u have been feeling a lil down recently so i thot a lil fic might cheer u up !!!! take this silly drabble w/ ur husband, pls enjoy him !!
just some dumb bf megumi, established relationship, megumi is a little mean in this but he doesn't mean it <3 cw: slight angst :(( bc megumi does not know how to Emote. but ends happily :))
wc: ~1.4k
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"would you still love me if i was a worm?"
you ask out of the blue, rousing your boyfriend from whatever he was looking at on his phone. it's a typical night in for the two of you - take-out from your all-time favorite restaurant, cuddles, and a movie. it was his turn to pick tonight, and with no better ideas, he settled on some high-budget action flick that gojo-sensei had recommended.
"...pardon?" megumi asks slowly, his voice barely audible over the sound of swords clashing on the tv. he's facing you now with the most dumbfounded stare on his pretty face. surely, he must have misheard you. over the course of your relationship, you've asked him some pretty fucking stupid things ("if you were starving, would you eat me? like, what if i said it was okay.") but this might take the cake.
"you heard me. would you still love me if i was a worm?" you repeat, undeterred by the way he balks at the question. you could have just as well told him you thought the sky was green with the way he's looking at you like you have three heads.
"is this some sort of test?" megumi asks, furrowing his brows at you in mild frustration. he was still reeling from the time you asked him if he thought water was wet, which sparked an hours long debate. the sensible answer of "yes? it's water?" was not satisfactory for you, apparently, as you took it upon yourself to consult yuuji and nobara for their opinions. by the end of the night, all four of you were embroiled in a heated argument, with no one showing any signs of backing down. it was only when megumi suggested a truce that you all begrudgingly agreed, and the discussion finally ceased. having witnessed the extent of your stubbornness firsthand, megumi was in no hurry to see it again.
"no," you respond, stretching out the last syllable. "it's just a question. one i expect you to answer. would you still love me if i were a worm?"
megumi stares at you for a bit longer, his mouth opening and closing as he processes your inquiry. he'd gotten used to your weird antics, for the most part, but there were still times where you left him speechless, for better and for worse. he eventually settles on asking you "are you a worm?" in an attempt to assess your sanity.
"no, 'gumi," you roll your eyes, puffing your cheeks out at him. he could be so difficult when it came to providing reassurance, even in this roundabout way. "in this scenario, i'm asking you whether you'd love me if i was a worm. like, imagine i just got turned into a worm, all of a sudden." you clarify, which only serves to make megumi look even more hopelessly confused.
"i mean..." he starts, before hesitating when he sees the gleam of hope in your eyes. with his next words, he sees it die before his very eyes. "...no? obviously not?"
"obviously?!" you cry out indignantly, making megumi's brow furrows further. "what's so obvious about it?"
"i mean... i'm still a human in this... scenario, yes?" he asks, to which you grumble, "assuming you're human now, yes."
"okay, so i'm human, and you're a worm." he deadpans. when you still look at him expectantly, he adds, "that speaks for itself, really." the casual indifference in his voice wounds you even further.
"well, so what? i get turned into a worm, and that's it? you just stop loving me?" you protest, growing more animated as you speak.
"i don't foresee you turning into a worm anytime soon," megumi mumbles boredly, turning his attention back to his phone. he was prepared to dismiss the discussion entirely, to get on with your night and continue to ignore the laughably bad movie on the screen in front of you. when you actually pause the movie, he realizes that's not happening anytime soon. "what'd you do that for?"
"like you were even watching it," you scoff, before rising from your seat on the couch, "i just, i can't believe you would stop loving me just because i was a worm."
"just because you were a worm?" megumi parrots, raising his brow at you as he sits up straighter. "you can't say it so casually, like you're just getting a new haircut, or something." he attempted to reason with you, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "you'd be a worm. we couldn't even communicate."
"i never said that!" you huff exasperatedly, and megumi just stares blankly at you. "i could, you know, spell messages out for you with leaves, and stuff..." you mumble under your breath, making him roll his eyes. "what?!"
"isn't it enough that i love you now?" he sighs deeply, attempting to appeal to your logical sensibilities. his words make your heart catch in your throat, and you can't help but avert your eyes away from his always piercing gaze. you knew it was stupid, to get genuinely upset at his answer to a question that had started as just a silly hypothetical. but sometimes, even though you knew megumi loved you deep down, you found it hard to reconcile his true feelings with his outward actions towards you. maybe he didn't have to love you if you were a worm, fine. but sometimes it felt like he might not love you now.
when you remain silent before him, megumi's eyes widen. shit. he didn't mean to hurt your feelings. how many times had this exact scenario happened before? where you were left to reassure yourself about megumi's love for you, when the man couldn't do it himself? you didn't deserve that. megumi knew it. "you... you do know i love you, right?"
more silence.
and then, even worse. tears.
your tears, sliding down your pretty face even as you attempt to blink them away. "i-i know, 'gumi," you let out a shaky breath, your voice scarcely above a whisper. "i know you love me. sometimes i just... i don't feel like you do." you say honestly, attempting to convey the depths of your feelings to the at times emotionally constipated man. luckily, your emotions in this moment require no further explanation.
"i... i know." megumi whispers out, in a voice so defeated that you can feel the little piece of your heart as it breaks for him. "it's just... hard, for me, sometimes, to..." he shifts in his seat, searching for the perfect words to put your mind at ease and coming up empty. "...to be honest with you, i guess. or, rather... to be honest with myself. about what i feel for you. about how much.. i love you.
"to admit that i'd... love you no matter what. even... even if you were a worm," megumi pauses and chuckles quietly when your face lights up, before continuing, "...it would force me to confront the fact that... yes, i would always love you. no matter what. and if one day, you woke up and fell out of love, if you realized you can do better than being with me, if you left... when you walk out the door..." he trails off, his eyes getting glassy as he casts his gaze down to the floor. "...you'd be taking a piece of me with you. a piece i don't think i could ever get back."
the air is heavy with the weight of his confession, and now it's your turn to stare at him with wide, dumbfounded eyes. you'd been dating for a while now, and he's told you he loved you before, but you'd never seen him like this. so vulnerable, his emotions spilling out as he threatened to come apart at the seams.
megumi wouldn't blame you if this was the moment that pushed you to walk out. after all, now, you had seen him at his lowest. his most weak. he certainly didn't expect you to fall in love even deeper after witnessing him in such a state.
but that's exactly what you did.
he nearly jumps in surprise when you throw yourself into his lap, draping your arms around his neck. "oh, 'gumi," you mumble, and the tenderness with which you say your little nickname for him has his heart racing in his chest.
"...i knew you'd love me if i was a worm."
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© shookuna ! plus megumi header edited by me <33
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Scary Dog Privilege
Pairing: one shot; Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Wc: 1,100+
Warnings: none; just some guy being annoying; fluff
Summary: Ghost being protective when you go to a bar
A/N: Ok, this idea for this drabble came about when i had a scary incident happen to me on public transportation. In the moment, i was thinking how nice would it be to have a large scary looking dog with me bc men always find a way to make you feel uncomfortable and scared. It really sucks that we have to turn towards other men to "protect" us because men don't take no for an answer or simply will just not leave us alone. But this is fantasy land, so I'll allow it this time.
Anyways, here is a short drabble lmao. Hope you enjoy! <3
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To say that Ghost had a staring problem, was a little inaccurate. It’s not like he was on one of the most skilled, and covert teams in existence or anything. He was trained to have a good eye, and follow his target with precision. It just so happened that whenever you two went out, you became his target, and stole away all his attention.
One way you liked to rewind after a mission was to go out drinking with your friends, or occasionally, squad 141. This was how you coped, let loose, hell, forget about all the terrible shit you saw on a daily basis. And seeing that Ghost was your boyfriend, he usually (always) tagged along with you when you went out.
Why did he come with you every time?
One might say he also wanted to blow off some steam, and what better way than alcohol? And for you, what better way than dancing, and being carefree with your friends?
Others might say that he couldn’t let you out of his sight. He was very conscious of his surroundings, and also the surroundings of everyone around him. Whenever you were in the same room as him, he always had his eye on you, following you, and knew your position within his proximity.
When you were out, whether it be at a bar, restaurant, store, he always slightly blocked you from the view in any doorway, always standing closest to it. Somewhat shielding you with his body.
He would slightly walk in front of you, hand stretched behind him to grasp yours when you were walking on the sidewalk. And of course, he always walked on the side closest to the cars, you were always in the inside of the sidewalk.
If by some chance you weren’t, he would wrap an arm around your shoulder and gently move you over; so now he was on the outside. He kept his arm around you though.
In restaurants, he always sat in the seat where he could see the whole room, and the entrance. You didn’t notice this at first, but on one of your dates when you initially starting dating, he sat in the booth seat. You joked and said, “Oh, usually that’s my spot.”
He didn’t get your reference and simply stated, “What? This is the spot where I can analyze the whole room in case something happens.”
You let him have the booth.
It was no different when you went out. His brooding stare and massive height and size deterred any man who even had the thought to approach you. And on top of that he was always sporting his black, half skull balaclava, which added on to the intimidation he exuded. Great for you, you think. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a random man.
Needless to say, you hated dealing with men while out. Especially drunk, pushy men. And there was always at least one during these occasions.
Tonight, everything was going smoothly, and just as planned, like your usual nights out. You were dancing, and having a good time with your friends, Ghost was somewhere in the near distance, and you didn’t have to look at him to know that his eyes were already on you. You might have thrown in a couple extra moves while dancing.
You seemed so carefree in this moment. All your troubles wiped clean from your face, your body relieving any tension it held. You moved to the beat of the music, drink in your hand. You were drunk by now, the full effects of alcohol finally hitting you.
Suddenly, you felt a hand grasp your waist. At first you thought it was your boyfriend, and you turned around smiling, but only to be met with a much shorter man, with no skull balaclava covering his face.
Immediately your lips turned down, and eyebrows furrowed. Your body flinched at the unfamiliar contact. Leaning away from the man, you waited to see what he wanted.
“Wanna dance?” His lips upturned as he asked this, and his grimy hand was still grasping your waist, and even started to move downward.
Bold move, you think.
“No, I’m good.” At your response, his friendly (more so creepy) smile vanished form his face and his brows started to furrow, signaling to you he was offended, shocked that you would ever reject him.
He started badgering you, trying to get you to dance, and you grew more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
“C’mon, just one dance.”
“What’s the harm?”
He also kept trying to touch you. Something you didn’t appreciate at all, and he wasn’t listening to your no’s.
All of a sudden you feel your body being tugged backwards until you hit a firm chest. Recognizing the smell of your boyfriend, you immediately relaxed into his embrace and place your hand on Ghost’s forearm that was holding you.
“She’s with me, fuck off.” Ghost’s rough voice cuts through the air.
The man’s face pales as he fully takes in Ghost’s presence. He lifts up his arms as if surrendering, then swiftly left, tail in between his legs.
Once he was out of sight, Ghost turned you around and brought up a hand to gently cup your face, tilting it upwards so you could look at him. His thumb rubbed back and forth on your jaw, soothing you.
“Are you alright?” His voice much softer than when telling off that man.
You sigh, “Yeah. Thank you, baby.”
You grant him a sweet smile and then wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
On your walk home, you’re holding Ghost’s hand, swinging your conjoined hands back and forth. Absentmindedly, you say, “You know, you kind of give off scary dog privilege.”
Ghost knows that you’re drunk right now, and he looks down at you to already find you beaming up at him.
“And what do you mean by ‘scary dog privilege’, hm?”
You start gesticulating with your other hand, “You know, if you own a big scary dog like a German shepherd, Rottweiler, Akita, etc., men are less likely to approach you or harass you; i.e., scary dog privilege.”
You hear him hum in acknowledgement and he squeezes your hand.
You bring you other hand up and rest it on his bicep, and lay your head against his shoulder, basically leaning on him as you continue to walk down the street.
“So, what kind of dog am I then?”
“Hmm. Definitely a Cane Corso. They’re known for being noble, intelligent, loyal and strong. All the things you are; but they are also low key the sweetest on the inside. Also like you.”
You feel him let out a brief laugh and he squeezes your hand again.
“Mm, thank you sweetheart.”
You smile against his shoulder and continue walking with him all the way home, the creepy man from before long forgotten.
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pedge-page · 10 months
Part 3/Finale to Cravings and Crash
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
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Summary: Frankie and reader spend some time apart before realizing that’s actually really stupid—and solid communication happens for once :) 
Notes: it’s finally HERE! Thank you all so much again for your words of praise and keeping with these two absolute idiots in love. Honestly intended the first one to just be a one-off drabble throw away thought, but I’m glad everyone enjoyed it so much to ask for more! I’m spitting this out earlier than expected. Don’t know if I’ve done them reasonable justice but this is what I’ve got—hope you like it!
Warnings: unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampies, mentions of m oral, pussy eating king returns, cum eating, missionary, doggy, cowgirl, overstimulation, fingering, squirting, bit of possessive and jealous Frankie, mentions of drug use, drugs present, language
18+ ONLY
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You had cried when you got in your car. And again when you went to your cousin’s house to crash until you signed your new lease. And then again every night for a week straight.
You had NEVER cried this hard over a boy before.
Except this wasn't some boy—this was Frankie. The guy who comforted you through all your dates that stood you up, and shitty boyfriends, albeit few, that left you feeling less than worthwhile. The same Frankie who stood around you like a guard dog when you went drinking together so no one would even think to slip something in your cup, but who YOU have to comfort during horror movies because he's a big scared kitten. Who lets you sleep on his shoulder for five hours in the car no matter how uncomfortable it was for him, never once moving, but still ate the food you didn't like off your plate "because he's a garbage dump who'd eat anything, even mold." 
The first guy to tell you that you were beautiful when you weren't even trying to impress him. Who brings a hair tie with him when you go to eat because you always forget yours and get your hair caught in your fork. Who pushed you to take charge of your life and break up with your loser first love, and it was the hardest and best decision you could have ever made.
And you know what? The ONLY guy who made you cum 9 fucking times the FIRST time he went down on you.
You called Santi that night because you needed to let loose, and the only other person you trusted to hold you up outside of Frankie was Pope.
“So how is he?” Santi asked, as you immediately double fisted your first two shots. 
"I don't wanna talk about him tonight."
Santi nods, eyes widening as you don’t even resist the bitter taste going down your throat. He holds his finger up towards the waitress to order 4 more glasses.
You really didn't want to think about Frankie. The more you thought about him, the more confused you felt, and you couldn't afford to be confused about your purpose in his life right now. You knew battling addiction isn’t a linear healing process. That it would get worse before it got better at times. You're his friend. You're helping him. That's it. 
Frankie spent a whole year being physically intimate with you, but never once asked or made a move for anything more emotionally. So why let yourself get carried away even thinking about something more?
To even consider if you wanted more...
You snatch the shot glass out of Santi's hand right before he was about to sip it and catapulted it down your throat, the burning sensation taking your mind out of the gutter.
Fuck Frankie for not keeping his shit together. Fuck him for being hot and cold. Fuck him for using you when that's exactly what you’re here for.
It's much easier to keep it all that way. Easy to encourage him with sex to avoid overthinking his intentions. Easier to constantly verbalize it, knowing he won’t deny it, as a means of reassurance to yourself. 
But absolutely fucking HELL he’s being so difficult lately. The sex—wasn’t just good. It was fucking phenomenal. you could physically see how much better he was just moments afterwards, even if you were blacking out and falling asleep not too long after. He was so hungry for it too, why deny? But he’d been holding back too much now—getting too tense, crashing, then stressed again. You needed to get things back on schedule with him so he’d be happy again.
And gentle, nurturing, innocent, sober you just wasn't doing the trick for him anymore.
You barely hear Santi over the pounding in your head: "When we was the last time you got laid? You need a distraction from your Fix-a-Fish hobby."
You gulp down the last of the vodka on the table, suppressing a slight burp.
"I'm 'bout to do both tonight."
That was 4 weeks ago. You didn’t achieve either that night.
Fish didn't seem too upset when you left, ultimately making the choice much easier. You looked so fucking stupid walking in there, basically demanding sex from him when he made it clear all year that you were only there for HIM and not the other way around. He didn’t want you like that. 
Good. Makes staying friends that much easier.
Or it did, for a little while. 
You couldn’t get over the way he made you feel when all was well—when he’d serenade you so easily in affection like Querida, Carino, Hermosa, and you could barely contain the butterflies in your stomach each time. You had never once heard him even refer to his dates or ex girlfriends in the same manner. It was both confusing and arousing. He treated you like a best friend some times, but adored you like a lover more. 
Hadn’t the man heard of friendship boundaries? Aside from the fact he made you orgasm every minute of the day, what was Frankie like as a lover? What more could he possibly do to cross that line?
Who the hell treats their friend like that?
That last month, however, felt more realistic. Grounded in the truth of your relation. You didn’t realize how much he had gotten to you with sweet words first that made the change in his attitude so unbearable. 
You wanted to go back to being selfish with his unbridled love.
You hadn’t gotten off in over a week, a new record. But as you lay in bed, conjuring any and all pornos, audio eroticas, pillows, aching fingers, even the dusty vibrator still wrapped in its new plastic, nothing was getting you to that same addictive feeling that Frankie gave you every single day.
You should have called him to return his shirt you had accidentally packed in your bag in a haste to get out of there. But it still smelled like him. You felt perverted getting wet just by holding it in your hands, but it was doing the trick, and finally you could touch yourself without additional lubricant assistance.
All the memories that tumbled from then on only made the ache between your legs worse: The first night, Frankie between your legs, begging you to let go so he could force more orgasms from your shaking body. “Doing s’good for me, cariño. Give me more, fucking starving” ; when he held you in his lap as you grind down on his bulge, his head buried under his shirt that you were wearing as his lapped at your nipples, “Don’t you dare hold back those beautiful moans, wanna hear you singing when I’m devouring you”; when he’d come home from work and didn’t say a word, just grabbed your wrist and lead you to his bedroom, lied on the bed, slapped your ass a few times to get you to straddle him higher, higher, until you were right over his lips. He didn’t even wait for your hesitation, immediately bringing your hips down and crashing his lips on your pussy, shaking his head like a mad scientist at work, hell bent on discovering what makes you cry faster.
You pulled your fingers away from your slick cunt. No amount of memory would compare to the real thing—and it wasn’t all the acts that you needed, but the intimacy, the familiarity that came from Frankie—THAT’S what always sent you over the edge.
It scared you.
Santi was half right. You did need to get laid. Needed someone who wasn’t Frankie to remind you that you don’t rely on him for some shit like getting off (although you had developed a keen preference by now). You needed a new hobby that wasn’t thinking about Frankie all the time. YOU needed a distraction.
He was half wrong, however, because you knew very well that you’d be drowning in lame date after lame lay a million times before you got over the addictive feeling of being around Fish this past year.
It never felt like a chore. Well, obviously, you were getting ate out like a Sunday brunch. But it was everything else that made you want to keep staying around, even after he maybe didn’t need you anymore.
You realized then that leaving was the best for you and him. You had somehow managed to score a  date tonight, the first one in over a year, with a James. Or Jonathan. Or Jimmy. Something J. I think.
I’m excited. I’m going on a date. I’m going to have fun. I’m excited. Im going on a date. Im going to have fun.
You didn’t even have the care to shave tonight before you begrudgingly left for dinner and a movie.
He couldn't say it then. Frankie remembered so vividly the image that he wishes he could forget: you standing there, so meek and vulnerable, spilling your tears as you tried to level your emotions with your feelings and confront the fucked up situation he put you in. Maybe if you had screamed, yelled at him and cussed him out for being such a dick, then he could have told you how he truly felt.
He was always better at being shouted at by others from being in the service. The guys would let their tempers soar and just shout, honesty tumbling through like a flood, and then everything would be out on the table, and shit would get DONE.
The apartment is unforgivably quiet and cold.
He's noticing little things you left behind: your nice moisturizer, expensive shampoo, a paper towel holder. He thinks you’re mocking him by leaving bits of you around his place, so he collects them in a bin and waits for you to come retrieve them. But you don't contact him for the first week.
He starts to think maybe you left those things for him. You bought all these things while you were here, forcing him to use them with you:
"Your face is as dry as a desert; you need moisturizer, not body lotion.”
"You can't use a 4 in one hair and body wash!"
"Who the fuck doesn't have a holder for their paper towels?"
It wasn't all just sex when you were here. He remembered coming in to the bathroom when your feet were soaking in the tub, and you explained you were rubbing your calluses off your feet. He joined you, sweats pulled up above his knee as you held him down to get the stone on his crusty feet, the whole time laughing and squirming because it tickled too much. He fell on his ass in the tub desperate to escape your strangely strong grip around his ankle, getting his clothes all wet.
And despite how well he had known you even before your arrangement, he continued to learn new things about you. Like you took night showers, and could only go to bed with your hair in braid. He'd come to see you, agitated in his room all morning, waiting for you to finally wake up so he could distract his craving. He’d walk into the kitchen where you were already cooking him breakfast, slip his arms around your hip, and pull your braids out lovingly to smell scent of your shampoo waft off in waves, closing his eyes and feeling his jitters dissipate, instantly calming him like no other remedy.
Found it funny that you couldn’t use a regular spoon for cereal, always replacing it with a tea spoon because the other ones are “too big” for your mouth to fully close around. A sentiment he suspected to be a load of BS when you had no problem swallowing his cock whole and then gulping down his cum without spilling a drop.
Or when you got red sauce all over the laundry and had to borrow Frankie's shirt to sleep in. He liked that you smelled like him, that it draped over you so pretty, and you'd never wear pants underneath. He'd put you in his lap and make you hold the shirt up with your teeth, showing off your perky tits. His thumb circled your hip bone, large hand clasping your waist to keep you upright while he'd kiss your nipples, and then make you both look down and watch as he rubbed his fingers through your folds, sucking the juices off as he finger fucked you over top him.
He can't help but feel his twitch of his cock stir in his pants at the thought.
Ok. Maybe the sexual parts were a big part—how could they not be? That’s all it was, at first. And he was able to pretend like it was too. But the more time he spent with you. The more time he got to really know you, live with you, breathe you in, unravel you and bind him to you so that you had no sanctuary untouched by him, it was all over before it began. 
He sat down with Pope a week after you left: 
“You look like shit.”
Frankie grumbled, shrugging it off. He hadn’t slept, hadn’t eaten like he used to when you were around. His beard was growing in more patchy and less manicured than before.
“Have you talked to her since?”
“Don’t wanna talk about her tonight.”
Jesus, a broken record with these two, Santi thought. But he knew Fish much better, knew the exact reason why he called him out instead of all the boys together is precisely because he needed to get this off his chest. “She thought you were stressed, needed time. Clearly she was right.”
Frankie’s jaw clenched, teeth grinding so hard that he could form diamonds.
Santi cleared his throat, twirling the ice in his glass casually. “Course, I didn’t tell her you’re head over heels in love with her. Why didn’t you?”
He doesn’t deny it. Doesn’t think he could again. “Imagine how that would have gone? She was crying right there. Right in front of me, BECAUSE of me, after I’d treated her like shit for weeks until her breaking point. Would have given her some fucked up idea that that was my expression of loving her. If I’d said it then, she would never have believed me. Would have ruined everything. Including our friendship.” He pauses, staring down at his rough hands. “She deserves better,” he said weakly, more to convince himself than anyone else.
Santi leans back against the booth. He’d heard the Frankie pity train before, but this was much lower than usual. “And friendship is still good enough for you?”
“I’ll take whatever she’ll give me at this point. I can’t lose her.” 
“You can’t? Or don’t want to?”
Frankie thought about that for a while. He had realized too late he didn’t actually still need you. He hadn’t really “craved” cocaine like before. He no longer needed you tending to his every reaction, overly serving his necessities and desires, always a few steps away to brighten his smile, or warm the house with your laughter, your cooking, your terrible taste in movies, all for the sake of keeping him sane and sober.
But damn it all, he still wanted you.
Frankie goes 4 weeks of the hardest withdrawal of his life. You were right, he was getting better at not thinking about cocaine. But without you here, he's more agitated than before. It's not that he craves it now, but rather craves a substitute to get him through your absence.
He's itching for his phone, for the number of his dealer he should have blocked and deleted so long ago.
He shouldn't. It would devastate you. You'd think it's your fault because you weren't here to distract him, only making the whole lie he’s been telling himself that you could still be just friends more abundantly evident. Pushing that useless tale even further, rooting it in your mind.
 In truth, it is your fault that his entire happiness is now emotionally and physically tied to you, but he can't really blame you for leaving him since he's the big idiot. He had the entire year to make it right, damned be the consequences of your possible rejection.
He’s clenching his fist at his sides, debating whether to text his dealer. He doesn't even want that shit, at least not the way before. He just wants a distraction from the real aches that you've left behind.
And if he did... wouldn't you come back to him to make it right?
You’re so clear in his mind that doesn't even struggle, doesn't hesitate as he pays the money and carries the little pouch in his hands. He gets back to his apartment with vigorous haste, slamming the door behind him, and sits it on the coffee table, staring.
Even if you don't come back to him, getting just a little bit high would help take his mind off it all. He'd be able to stop thinking about you, even for just the night. Just to get some sleep.
Just to stop feeling.
He shakily tries to undo the tightly sealed bag, but few particle traces catch in his finger tips from outside the plastic, and he instantly wafts the infinitesimal scent of it on his finger tips. He stops, feeling something he's never felt before when staring down at the thing thats caused him so much trouble in his life:
You considered calling Frankie a million times, but how soon was too soon? Would he think you were just desperate to get ate out again? Would he deny you the second you wanted to see him, thinking it was just a booty call again? You had made some stupid choices, like going on a shitty date with a guy you weren’t even interested in, just to get over Frankie, so that you could avoid thinking about how badly you had shattered your friendship.
And going right back to being his friend, which included sharing one of your reckless decisions you make on your own, was one of them. He’d be interested in hearing about it, right?
You dial him up quickly.
You rock back and forth on your heels, unable to sit still.
The phone rings out to voicemail.
He’s never missed a phone call from you. Not even at 2am on a work night. He's never on his phone, and yet still always managed to answer your calls even if it’s on the last ring.
He's just avoiding you again. It's fine. Santi said he'll get over it eventually. That you’ve done enough worrying for him, and need to take care of yourself for a change.
You glance at the key he gave back to you, and not even a moment later, are soon slipping on shoes and heading out the door with it in hand.
You unlock the door and slowly walk in to the familiar layout of Frankie's apartment. It's entirely dark, curtains drawn save for a small crack in the shades. You call out his name tentatively, the eeriness of the place making you anxious. When you see the bathroom light on and door slightly ajar, hearing the rushing sink water running, you sigh relief.
Thank God.
You gently push open the door. "Fish?" You see him, heart skipping a beat at how much thinner, paler he looked now than before, eyes sunk from lack of sleep.
His eyes light up when he sees you, and your heart breaks at how different he looks but STILL has the brightest, softest, loving smile at you.
Your eyes drift down, smile fading, horror quickly overtaking your face at the unopened baggie of white powder sitting at the sink. And his face drops at the realization.
You take one step back, unable to close the gape in your lips, petrified. "Fish—I—holy fuck..."
You had never seen him doing it, never seen him freshly blown high from it. The closest you ever got was what the boys would tell you, or seeing the long aftermath of his crash. They were always first on the scene and quite frankly, ensured you were never the one to find in him these states. You had never been able to mentally prepare to have to handle it now.
"No—no no no! It's not, I didn’t, I didn't! Look—ok it looks like I did but I swear I haven't touched it. It’s still sealed! I’m. I'm dumping it down the toilet."
You don't trust his word, seeing as the bag is here, albeit fully wrapped up, seal unbroken like he said. But here, nonetheless. With him. In front of you with no denial that it was his. 
He gets on his knees and wraps his arms around your waist. “Please don’t leave me. I didn’t want you to leave the first time…”
“And it’s taking you being high right now to admit that?!”
I’m not high, seriously. Check me.” You peer down closer, and aside from his rampant heart beating against your leg and big round eyes, there’s no trace of smell or lingering white powder anywhere on him. But you’re hesitant.
“I bought it but then realized It wasn’t what I really wanted…”
He licks his lips quickly, his brown eyes pleading up to you, biceps flexing against your ribcage.
Your chest is pounding, the encasing feeling of Frankie refusing to let you back away making you feel like a trapped rabbit. 
“Please believe me,” he breathes.
"Your eyes are dilated as fuck Frankie!"
"That's because of you!"
You both hold your breath, a pregnant silence ringing in the air.
“I—I’m. Um. I meant." His eyes trail off sheepishly as a warm blush takes over his face. 
He stands up, rubbing the back of his head. He can tell you’re patiently waiting for him to get over his blubbering awkwardness so he can explain properly. To find the words he’s combing his brain for. And find them he did: 
"I miss you, Querida.”
He breathes slowly, time catching up and suddenly stopping. 
You glance toward the bag, still fearful that he had gotten to this point while you were gone. “Frankie. I’m—I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. For your needs—“
“I don’t need you to fix me. I haven’t craved that shit for a while, still don’t even now. I just wanted you here with me.” He snatches the baggie and chucks it in the toilet, immediately flushing it.
You want to say that might not be great for the plumbing, but Frankie’s hands are on yours, holding them securely to his chest. “I just want you. I should have said it before you walked away.  Should’ve said it a year ago, when I knew I didn’t want to pretend this was just some—some drug replacement.” He goes quieter. “I didn’t want this to be nothing. I thought when we had sex, maybe you’d feel the same, but you didn’t—”
“I was afraid about what would happen to you If our dynamic changed, Fish. I was worried it was just another high. So I tried to make things go back to how they were since it seemed to be working so well for you before,” you rambled. He can see the shininess in your eyes, feel how your body is no longer resisting him and instead, cradling his neck with affection, empathy, nurture, all the things he’d been depraved of for weeks. “But then it made everything worse and I didn’t know what to do—“
He cut you off, as if suddenly things didn’t line up. ”Why did you come back?"
You lick your lips, eyes unable to meet his. “Well I called, and you didn't answer. And I wanted to check up on you, and tell you... um—I mean I always tell you about… I went on a date, my first one in over a year."
Frankie's eyes blankly drift lower, down to your feet, his arms retreating. He takes an awkward step back. "How... how did it go?" He asks slowly, feeling the distance between the two of you growing again.
You throw your hands up in the air, unable to express yourself. “He was…Handsome. Funny. Charming. Paid for me, made me feel pretty, treated me real good—“
He nodded, unable to bring his eyes anywhere else but back to the back on the sink as he listened. “S’good. That’s what you deserve,” he says, jaw tensing.
“Yeah. Yeah it is what I deserve.” You pause, here goes everything. “Except the whole time, I hated the fact that he was nothing like you." 
Frankie’s attention darts back to you as you cup his scruffy face in your hands. "You're irritable, and sassy, and needy and clingy, and you pout when you don't get what you want. And you don't listen to me or stop when I tell you to stop—“
A roasting fest? Now?? “OK, That's, Jesus, I get it—“
"And I love all those things about you.” You hold his gaze, feeling his breath seize in his chest. “And I miss being here. I miss waking up with you every morning, and your smug face being the last I see before I go to sleep. And it took me until after I left to realize how I actually felt about you. This whole year with you has felt like this perfect—“
Your brows furrow shyly. “I didn’t want to put it that way, for obvious reasons. But fuck it. Yes. I don’t—I don’t wanna let that go.”
His fingers tense around your waist, almost begging you to say it, spill it out for him and don’t hold back ever again. 
“You got me addicted to you, Francisco."
You aren't aware of how fast he moves, his hands grabbing your neck as he smashes his lips to yours. Your heart is beating out of your chest when he sucks every breath from you, barely separating from your lips to utter "I've waited—so long—for you—“ He hoists you up on his waist and brushes out of the bathroom with your legs wrapped securely around him, his kiss hot and full of passion the entire time. "Wanted you since you first let me have a taste of you.” He slams you on the bed, the familiarity of you two being in this exact situation settles on you. “Wanted you to want me. Want more.”
He continues to engulf your lips with his, his moans vibrating against your tongue. "I shouldn’t—“ he hastily bites your lip with a grunt “—shouldn't have pushed you away—treated you so bad.” He pauses his assault. “I was so scared you didn't want me like that. Couldn't handle pretending I could be okay with it.”
You place your hands on his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart matching yours. "Frankie, I want you."
"Good," he smiles, leaning up to remove his shirt over his shoulders. You whine at the sight. Draping himself over you, his lips never leave your body as he kisses down your chest then back to your lips. You’re unable to bring yourself to action as his body dictates both of your moves.
You feel his bulge pressing painfully against your core, eliciting an obscene moan from your throat. "Frankie—Let me take care—“
"No. Fuck no. I'm taking care of you tonight. And tomorrow, and every fuckin’ day after," he growls.
He kisses you once again but then slowly backs away. "Um, if... if you want that."
He feels your hand tangle in the hair behind his neck as you bring his face back to yours, teeth clashing for dominance. "I want it," you whisper, sucking his lower lip and biting it possessively.
His jaw hitches. “Prove it."
You unbutton your pants, taking his large hand and guiding it down your panties in haste. His digits make contact between your folds, the two of you sighing.
"Oh f-fuck. You want this, don't you?"
"Want you so bad, Frankie. It fucking hurts.”
His fingers dont leave your dripping cunt, spreading your slick around your swollen clit. His other rips your string underwear off with incredible strength. He then helps push your shirt over your head, and you immediately unclasp your bra. Frankie growls lowly at the sight of your perky breasts bouncing from their release. "Fuck, I missed these.” His mouth wraps around as much fat of your tit he could before biting, making you lurch. 
“I—I’m not gonna be slow—I wanted to—“
"Jesus Fish, I don’t care, just take me!"
He plunges two of his thick digits into your soaking heat, making your back arch off the bed. He takes the opportunity to suck a nipple back into his mouth, half his body hovering over you to keep your form perfectly positioned between his mouth and fingers. They teasingly thrust in and out slowly from your hole, intentionally dragging out his torture against you. "So mean to me, baby." His teeth nip at your nipple with a smug grin. "Takin’ my sweet little pussy away from me like that. I barely touched you and you're absolutely soaked. Were you wet on your way here?"
"Frankie I haven't... haven't been able to get off in weeks."
"How long?"
You moan out loud, eyes rolling back as your brain turns to mush. Your hand tries to guide his wrist faster but he slaps it away, continuing his teasing ministrations.
"Answer me!"
"Since the last time you touched me!" You cry.
He haults his movements. 
The girl who bragged about cumming an average of 6 times a day just grinding on a pillow, now telling him she hasn't been able to orgasm in a month, because of him.
Ohhhhhhh fuuuuccccckkkkkfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. “That why you went on your little date, huh?"
You nod shamefully.
"Did you fuck him?"
You whine, eyes burrowing in confusion that he still expected you have coherent thoughts while he had you in this compromising position, teetering on the brink of your much needed orgasm.
"Your date.” He repeats, his wrist slowing down entirely. “Did. You. Fuck. Him."
“No—no! I didn’t even let him kiss me goodnight. Couldn't even get wet for him, that's how bad—Frankie, fuck! please!—bad you've got me fucked up."
He speeds up his hands, satisfied with your confessions. They are thrusting perfectly in and out at record speeds as his jaw clenched around your tit, watching your eyes roll back as your first orgasm in WEEKS overwhelms you fast. You’re shaking violently, legs desperate to close but Frankie pries them open with his strong hand, continuing to dominate your cunt with his incessant fingers.
You feel something else coming as he continues to ram his wrist against you, fingers digging so deep, curling so effortlessly that you can’t stop the gush of liquid squirting out of you. “Oh shit, oh fuckfuckFUCK that’s it! That’s my girl, holy fuck yeah—yeah keep going, Cariño, so fucking good.” He continues to finger fuck you repeatedly, working you through it as your pussy continues to contract and release your spend.
You hardly have time to process your embarrassment as he's shifting below your hips, throwing your thighs over shoulder and giving your soaked pussy a longing look. Your clit twitches excitedly. Cool air is blown on it, making you fist his hair harder. He presses his large nose into you, inhaling your scent like bloodhound, growling like a man possessed at the sticky coating. "I fucking missed you, Hermosa," he groans, and his mouth latched right on to your pulsing cunt. You gasp, hands fisting his hair as he rolls your overstimulated clit with his tongue, jaw opening wide to practically swallow your pussy whole, sucking away everything you're giving him.
Whether he was talking to you or your pussy, it didn’t really matter to you. All you could process was the rough feeling of his fat tongue and scruffy face rubbing perfectly between your legs as Frankie got reacquainted with his former addiction. "FrankieFrankieFranke-ohFUCK!"
You can’t stop him, can’t even warn him as the overstimulation send you into a fit of gasps, cumming again, legs squeezing his head as painful pleasure courses through you. His upper back is littered in your scratches, the red marks raising his skin like tiger stripes.
You're struggling to catch your breath with ragged moans. He slows his licks to draw it out, letting your spasms pass. His sinful, lidded eyes have never left your face, absorbing every reaction from you, committing it to memory.
"You really have neglected this poor pussy," he teases, kissing your clit as his fingers begin to spread your glistening folds once again.
You can only nod, arms covering your face as he starts to rub the pad of his thumb on your swollen nub again. “It’s—not as good—unless it’s you.”
He grits his teeth in satisfaction. “S’okay. M’ gonna take care of you now. Gonna fuck you real soon."
You whine when he pushes his fingers back in to your tight heat.
"And then, when I’m done fucking you—We're gonna fuck again," he laughs.
You’re a bit frightened with how he’s looking at you: like he’s fucking possessed by a hungry, malicious demon.
He makes you cum on his fingers again, then his lips, then both at once. He’s pinning you down so harshly, you have no choice but to take the endless barrage of orgasms he’s forcing from you, almost as if he’s trying to make up for the time you two have been apart. 
By the time his tastebuds are content, he brings himself back up to you, messily kissing your lips so you taste yourself, his beard and stache now soaked in your cum and rubbing along your chin.
You gasp when you feel his hard cock sliding along your folds. He rolls his hips against you, your copious slick letting him glide effortlessly, tip nudging your clit.
“Frankie,” you warn, unable to handle his teasing now.
He grabs the base of his dick. “Beg. Beg me for it,” He commands with a godly voice you’d never heard him use before. He slaps the underside of his throbbing member repeatedly against your pussy with a taptaptaptap. “Tell me you want it.”
You don’t care for the fat tears spilling down your cheeks as you whine like a bitch in heat. “Fuckyou, Frankie,” you seethe, anger building with your desperation. “I fucking want it, want it so bad, want you to ruin me, please, Fish, fucking please put it in already!”
He grins, big and sadistic as he watches your face contort with the first push of his tip into your wetness. “Oh F—“ he breathes, eyes closing as your tight walls do their best to accomodate his size.
Your eyesight is blurry, waves of pleasure rolling throughout your entire body, delirious as he bottoms out. Where he belongs. Where he’s always meant to be.
He presses his forehead to you as his hips start rutting.
He’s hardly fucked you for a few seconds, but the pressure building inside of you, desperate for this moment again after months, isn’t giving you a choice to savor it. “Fish—fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK! ‘M not gonna last!"
He growls excitedly, driving his cock more harshly into you, reaching that special spot he’s decided is only his to abuse. “It’s okay, babygirl. You cum for me. You're always so good at it."
And you are, you really are. “OH FUCK FRANKIE!” You scream. Your body agreeing with him so much that your abrupt orgasm squeezes around him so hard, his movements stop altogether.
“Oh shit—“ he hisses, your pussy greedily milking the cum right out of him. He only pauses for a moment, shaking over you for a moment as his first orgasm subsides before his hips are moving of their own accord, his cum forced out with each thrust.
“Keep goin’, pretty thing. Give me more,” he grunts. 
You nod deliriously, eyes rolled to the back of your skull as he pounds your battered puussy.
He pulls out, the sudden withdrawal making you whine with emptiness. He sinks to his knees again, yanking your knees up to your chest. Your pussy twitches, his cum spilling out and sinking down your ass.
He lets out of primal groan from the back of his throat before smashing his mouth on your cunt, sucking your clit and tongue fucking your hole like a cream filled pastry. You feel the descending bob of his Adam’s apple against your rear as he swallows the mixture of your cum, drinking it like liquid life from the source. “We taste—so—fucking—good, Princesa,” he taunts, tongue lapping your little clit in quick succession before shaking his head back and forth aggressively against your mound, smearing the obscene mixture across your folds and making a mess.
Oh fuck, he’s so gone.
He quickly gets on his knees, turning you over on your stomach like you weigh nothing. His hands grip around your hips, bringing them flush against his crotch again as you arch your back for him. He puts his palm on the small of your back, keeping you right there, pressed tight against him as his cock slides back into your eager and cum coated cunt.
“Fuck yeah,” he groans, setting a faster pace this time. You hadn't realized just how much Frankie was holding back the first time you had sex. He leans over your body, hands splayed past your shoulders, fisting the bed as he rails you deep, his thighs crashing against you with harsh slaps. Your temple lands against his cheek, meeting eye contact. He smiles, breath caught in his throat like running a mile at your fucked out expression. 
He continues to fuck you like an animal. A soft hand grips your chin lovingly, tilting your head further back so his lips meet yours with each punishing grind. You’re surprised by how much you love the hold he has on you, willingly submitting to him without being told. Drunk on each other’s lust.
You suck greedily around his tongue, hand reaching behind the two of you to play with his soft brown curls, refusing to let him leave your mouth. He stutters with a few more thrusts before halting, eyes scrunched closed. “AUUGHHH—haaaahh!” You feel the twitch of him inside you, draining his balls some more of his plentiful seed. 
“Fuck, fuck I love it when you cum inside me!” You confess. The action makes you fall forward, mouth burying into his pillows as you muffle your own cry of your release again.
He pulls out of you and flops to the bed. You think maybe he is done, after having cum twice now, bur Frankie is quick to bring you to straddle him, his dick never once softening as it presses incessantly to your entrance again. He licks his lips, watching his cum spill down your thighs, right to his creamy cock that refuses to fully part from you. 
“Frankie,” you moan, unsure if you can take him again.
“Want you just like this. Ride me,” he breathes. He’s covered in sweat, out of breath and shaking with a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline if it were possible. His hands gently wrap around your waist as he guides you. Eyes so lidded, transfixed on the area where your mound slowly swallows him again.
You’re nodding, body taking over all actions, completely starved for the man under you. 
He leans up to get a good look at you, taking it slow, burning this in head to remember.
"Thought about you... everyday.” He whispers, mouth parted in lust, gliding your hips along with steady rolls. “Couldn't sleep."
His hands down along the curve of your ass, to your thighs spread out over him, before rubbing up the length of your back, holding you as close to him as he can possibly bring you, your tits pressing against his chest. He struggles to breathe evenly as your creamy pussy continues to tighten around him each time he breaches you, the two of you moaning softly into each others’ open mouths. He occasionally catches your lips, slotting perfectly as you grind against him.
His mouth finds its way back down to your pebbled nipple, biting gently before kissing it better. He brings his face back to yours. “So perfect for me,” he whispers.
You start grinding on him more fervently, lifting yourself on your knees ever slightly and baring down on him. He grits his teeth, sinking further down into the bed, eyes never leaving you as his digs his nails into the meat of your hips, forcing you to bounce harder. 
“That’s it, baby. Ride me just like that. MY girl, my beautiful girl.”
You bite your lips, feelings your clit catch on his public hairs. The sloppy squelching of his cum being driven out of your heat by his thick cock is no match to the heavenly sounds you were making atop him. The vein in his neck strains like he’s suffocating himself from air, refusing to slow down, to take a break, to let go for even just a moment.
“More. Give me more,” you moan, confidence soaring as you feel him begin to meet your hips with every thrust. “I want all of you, Frankie.”
He shouts out, lifting you up, his feet digging into mattress as he fucks you from below. “Fuck, fuck!”
You want to throw your head back, ride out this high, but the dangerous allure of him watching you brings your focus down to him, watching the way the two of you are getting off to the other falling apart.
“Just like this. You n’ me. Want it just like this. Forever.” He mumbles repeatedly, ragged pants uneven as he fills you the way you had been unknowingly wanting for months.  
You feel the build of your umpteenth orgasm building in your lower tummy. “Frankie-F-Franke! I’m—I’m gonna—“
“Do it, Querida, do it f-for me.” He thinks he can starve off the low build of his third orgasm of the night, just enough to make you cum for him once more.
You feel the heavy knot in your stomach snap. With absolutely no hesitation, no doubt behind your word, you cry out, “I love you!” as you cum harder than any time before.
Lifting you both practically off the bed, Frankie’s hips seize, pressed so tightly against yours there was no room between you. He shouts loudly, animalistic, snarling with his teeth baring at you and 0 control left in him, immediately emptying his load deep inside with each heavy pulse of his cock against your cervix, painting your walls white with the last of his cum that his balls could give you.
You collapse on top of him, the two of you sucking  air like you were underwater for years. Neither of you say anything, covered in sweat and cum, but finally being able to relax from the pent up release that’s been building there far longer than it ever should have been.
His hand rests against your lower back, somehow pressing your naked body closer to his. 
“I love you,” you whisper again to his collarbone. He brings your eyes to his, and this time he knows you mean it.
Frankie wakes to a cold bed.
His arm reaches out subconsciously for your body, but only feels cool empty sheets at his side. His eyes fly open, head sitting upright as he scans his bedroom. There's no sign of you. None of your clothes are scattered on the floor, no immediate trace of your scent. He feels a strong pain in his chest suffocating and stabbing him all at once.
He lies back flat on his pillow, fingers rubbing his forehead. He has two thoughts: the first thought, the one he'd rather think is true, is that it was all dream. You hadn't come home to him.
Before he could bring himself to consider the pain of the second thought, the fear is instantly squashed when he hears the door creak open, your sweet soft smile and gentle eyes landing on him.
‘Hiiiii,” you whisper in a singsong, gentle morning voice. Tip toeing bare foot on the hardwood floor, he see’s you’re dressed in nothing but one of Frankies slightly torn over sized, faded band T shirts that swallows your body. Your bed head still evident, eyes baggy yet happy from the events of last night.
He didn't realize he had held his breath the moment before you walked in, afraid that rather than having dreamt it all, that it did happen, and you had left him anyway.
"I made you tea," you hummed, setting the two cups down by his bedside table.
Your ears go red at the image of him: sheet pulled half way up his hip, his bare chest and torso visible as he props himself up with his elbows to get a good look at you. And the WAY he's looking at you, like you’re the only thing that matters in the world, has you sheepishly avoiding his big brown pupils, sliding in to the covers and nuzzling your head against his shoulder.
He wraps his arms around you, unwilling to let you sneak off again. “Don’t wake up before me like that again.”
You giggle. “Frankie, it’s 4 in the afternoon.” 
He checks his digital clock by the bed, true to your word. You both had fucked so hard, so long last night that he didn’t even realize it was well into the morning by the time you had drifted to sleep. 
He lies back down in bed, encircling you to him again. He can more clearly see the damage of last night’s episode on you: bite marks along your tits, hickies against your inner thighs and swollen lips. he doesn’t even need to touch your pussy, feeling its puffy soreness pressing against his leg. He kisses you gently yet passionately this morning, cradling your head so you can’t back away. Not that you want to—he doesn’t feel any resistance in your movements as you devour his lips. 
“I love you,” he says clearly. He can feel the way your breath hitches, the blush on your cheeks at the confession. “I love you, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to say it. I’m sorry I caused you so much confusion and I—“
“Okay, Fish. It’s okay. I know.” You bite your lip, pushing your hand against his chest so that he’s lying down on his back. “But I’m not sure I forgive you just yet.”
A brief moment of confusion wracks his face before you’re clambering on top of him again, your naked lower body straddling his under the sheet. You fist the t shirt of your head, letting your soft supple breasts fall. Frankie immediately grabs them tenderly with both of his warm hands, his breath quickening. His length twitches, hard as a rock and pressing right against his lower stomach as you glide your slick folds along him.
“I think you should keep making it up to me.” You align the tip of his throbbing cock against your swollen entrance and sink down, hands seeking purchase on his chest, scratching the skin there as he fills your sore cunt, taking him down to the hilt in one go.
You let out the tiniest, sexiest whimper, and Frankie is ready to drop everything he’s ever owned just to hear it again. So smitten with you, he’s grinning harder than he has his entire life. Like a big dumb idiot.
Your big dumb idiot.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Querida: I love you.”
Tagging people who either requested a part 2/3 or directly requested to be tagged. At least what i can remember (sorry if I missed you!)
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Series masterlist
Series Taglist: @paleidiot @pedropascalsbbg @tonakings @nerdieforpedro @thewritermj @ahintofkiwistrawberry @perfectly-imperfect-me23 @sammy-4103 @survivingandenduring @millercontracting @emilyjustemily @boiistfu @pedritoferg @missladym1981 @titlee78 @fairytale07 @multiplefandomwritings @steviesimp @marisemonteiroo @dilfluverrrrrrr @howdigetinhere @jessthebaker
Permanent Taglist: @harriedandharassed 
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agustdtown1 · 3 months
Hi can i request a demon jungkook x angel reader drabble with prompt 16, 29, 39, and 43? also with degradation + corruption kink please? 🎀
PAIRING: demon!jungkook x fem!angel!reader
WC: 1.5k
WARNINGS: the prompts are in bold. Smut 18+, unprotected sex, degradation kink, name calling (slut), corruption kink, dirty talk, chocking, pet names (angel, sweetheart, baby), not proofread.
A/N: thank you for ur request, I hope I did it justice <3!
prompt list | event masterlist | general masterlist
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Demons and Angels were often referred to as sworn enemies; completely opposite entities that would never even dare to breathe the same air. It was granted that these creatures harbored a fervent hatred towards one another, not leaving space for any amicable interactions that could blossom between their kind.
Such a statement, though, was very contradictory to the situation you were currently going through. Pinned down on the soft mattress adorning the middle of the motel room you were previously occupying alone, with the devilish-looking guy’s hot breath fanning over your face and his husky voice echoing through the four walls, while his thick cock was pounding into you.
“Such a dumb little angel.” A chuckle rumbled from Jungkook’s chest. “Can’t even take my cock properly.”
How dare he?
Had it been any other night, those sentences alone would have been enough to ignite pure fury within you, and make you throw a few punches towards the embodiment of sin towering above you.
Perhaps the demon has rubbed on you a bit too much.
How long has it been since the first time you met him? Was it six months? Was it eight? It was unclear, but one thing you knew for sure, after tonight there was no going back to normality. The pearly gates would be forever closed for you, and your angelic aura would be tainted with the demon’s nasty energy, not letting you regain the will to redeem yourself and beg for forgiveness from the Almighty. But perhaps you didn’t want it anymore.
Would it really be that bad to let yourself enjoy the pleasures you were prohibited from the very beginning of your existence? Would it kill you to submit to the temptation of intertwining your pure body with his?
Yes, it most likely would, but it was a matter you didn’t want to think about just yet. Your main priority at the moment was to discover just how sinful the hot-looking demon could be.
And discover you did.
Your body was set ablaze with Jungkook’s rough hands dancing all over your skin, kneading your flesh in such a harsh yet passionate way, accompanied by hard and long thrusts that left you breathless.
“Always so fucking tight for me.”
A moan abandoned your mouth unwillingly after listening to the demon’s naughty words. Your face grew hot with pure embarrassment due to the lewd sounds coming from your lips; it was so uncharacteristic of you, so foreign to hear you spew such obscene noises naturally. It was expected, however, with the way the tall demon was ramming into you, but it never occurred to you that it would feel so… deliciously wrong.
“You were made for my cock, baby.” Jungkook’s husky voice rang through your ears. “Even if you want to deny it, I can tell by the way you’re clenching on me.”
There were no words coming from your mouth to argue back; it was impossible to even talk with his dick reaching so deep inside you.
“Such a naughty little thing. All your angel friends would be ashamed to be associated with you if they were to see you like this, hm?” One of his hands crept up to set a firm grip on your neck. You tried to shake your head and pull away from his grip but it was impossible due to the force Jungkook was using on you. “Oh, you know it, sweetheart. You know that even God himself would be disappointed if he saw you like this, taking my cock so desperately.”
Tears were pooling in your waterline, making your vision a bit blurry. You couldn’t tell if his words were making you feel guilty or if they were turning you even more on, but it was pointless to find any logic in the way you were feeling at the moment. You were acting on instinct, meeting his hard thrusts midway, while both of your hands rapidly grabbed his wrist to tighten his grip on your neck.
“That’s my good little slut.” He smirked, increasing the speed of his pounding. “Keep acting like that and I might let you cum.”
Jungkook might let you cum, which means you’d need to earn it, and what better way to do that than becoming as sinful as him? It was already set in stone that you were no longer good, no longer pure, so might as well make good use of the sudden devilish rush cursing your veins.
“No, I… want you to… cum inside me.” It was such a struggle to even finish that sentence, but by the way Jungkook’s eyes darkened, you knew it was worth it. Not only were you giving him free rein to do such a lewd thing with your body, but you were also, albeit implicitly, prioritizing his needs instead of yours. “Please… I need to— fuck, feel your cum inside me.”
Jungkook couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he couldn’t grasp the idea of you, his pretty angel, requesting such a naughty thing. Maybe it was delirium, maybe it was lust, but something got awakened inside of him after hearing what you said, and he would be damned if he’d let this opportunity go to waste.
“Who would’ve thought that an angel like you would have such a dirty mouth, huh?” Jungkook chuckled. “I guess you really are a slur for me after all.”
You nodded vehemently, not an ounce of shame coursing your body anymore. Your actions erupted a genuine laugh from the demon, making you even weaker due to his low register.
“Alright, but you’re cumming first, baby. You’ve earned it.”
Without a warning, the demon pulled away from you, taking both of your legs with him and spreading them even wider while keeping you in place. You could feel his cock reach places that you didn’t even think existed within you, the new angle enhancing all the sensations you have been experiencing until now. It was overwhelming the way Jungkook was fucking into you, but it was equally amazing.
“I feel weird.” You expressed, a frown forming on your face. “What is this…? Why do I feel like this?”
Poor little thing didn’t even know what an orgasm felt like, the hot sensation at the pit of your stomach was bubbling with anticipation, but your foggy mind couldn’t even pinpoint the reason for it. Jungkook, on the other hand, was well aware that your orgasm was rapidly approaching, feeling your walls tightening around his cock. It was such an amazing sensation, but it was also almost sending him over the edge. Your pussy felt heavenly, proper of a divine entity like you, but it was your obscene sounds and aggravated expression that reminded him that you no longer held purity in your body, that you were utterly corrupted by him, and him only.
A sense of pride installed itself in his chest due to that realization moment, making the tall man smile seductively.
“That, baby, it’s just a small taste of how good I can make you feel.” He replied to your previous questions. “Don’t hold it, sweetheart, let go for me, make a mess on my cock.”
You couldn’t really understand what he meant by that, but you didn’t have time to assimilate what was happening before a warm feeling spread all over your body, making you arch your back and flutter your eyes shut while moans and whimpers were falling from your lips. It felt so weird, so foreign but oddly satisfying. You couldn’t exactly describe it, but if you were to qualify it as anything, it would be like finally entering heaven, which was beyond ironic but equally fitting.
“That’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl.”
Jungkook didn’t make himself wait any longer, a final thrust was all he needed to finally spill his warm cum inside your cunt, moaning your name while doing so and holding you as closely as possible. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, making you listen to his husky voice and the way he was weakly calling your name.
“Oh fuck, that’s…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence due to the fantastic feeling of your walls milking his cock. “Fuck, so good.”
You instinctively wrapped your arms around his hot body, keeping him close to you. It was only then that all the events of the night finally dawned on you; the way Jungkook so cleverly seduced you to sleep with him, the way his touch hypnotized you in a matter of seconds and how his voice got you into a trance that made you submit to the burning desire that got awaken in the depths of your mind.
You finally realized the mistake you made, but oddly enough you didn’t feel the amount of regret and remorse you thought you would. You would even say that it felt empowering and fresh to experience such a sinful thing from no other than Jeon Jungkook.
Yeah, maybe the demon has indeed rubbed on you a bit too much.
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Taglist 🏷️: @aphrwodite @r1r111 @cholychi @artificialsuicid @vsr4197 @fictyaa
233 notes · View notes
druidrot · 9 months
so i was looking at the other parts of the ways to show emotion prompt list and part 3 has some great lists so i was hoping you could do “opening mouth slightly” pupils dilating” and “licking lips” with Gale from the how to show desire prompts 👀👀 no worries if not, congrats on the new blog!
thanks so much! and thanks for being my first requester! i’m happy to oblige. now i’m posting on mobile so i apologize if the formatting is wonky. with that being said, enjoy!
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just a short little drabble, unsure of word count
pairing: gale dekarios x reader
rating: mature - more suggestive than anything else;)
he’s allowed to have fun at the tiefling party okay?? just let me have this. i get it’s canon divergent just shut up and let me be horny
It was here Gale felt his resolve crumble.
He prides himself on his self-control. In fact, he thinks he’s been a saint since he joined your adventuring party, since this painfully slow dance started between you both.
But he feels his patience waring thin. The tiefling party at the camp has no doubt been a success. He waited patiently as you did your rounds accepting their gifts and thanks so very graciously. He bid his time as you danced and sung and drank with everybody else, working your sweet charm on them.
He knows better, though. He thinks you are a different person under the cover of moonlight, here where you stare up at him with half-lidded, glassy eyes, lips pulled up in the sweetest little smile. You still hold your chalice of wine but your free hand has taken to his, twirling your fingers around his long, narrow digits. He feels his mouth drop open as you take a step closer, your pupils dilating until the beautiful color of your iris is all but hidden.
Around you, the little celebration rages on. In the distance, you can hear Karlach whooping over some drinking game the rowdier of the bunch had taken to playing. Just down the camp from you, Alfira sings a lovely ballad of lover’s lost, Lakrissa bobbing her head from a few paces down.
Gale should be excited about the festivities, elated with the things your party accomplished, ready to drink his troubles away for the night. Instead, he finds himself totally enamored with you., eyes locked on your every movement. He doesn’t know when you became so intoxicating to him, but in this moment, he finds he can’t complain.
“You look like the tressym got your tongue,” you whisper, sidling even closer. “My my, have you been brooding here because I’ve not paid you any attention? Or is saving poor helpless refugees not really your speed?”
You bump your nose against his as your tongue wets your lips. His eyes are immediately drawn to the action and he has to physically fight the urge to rush forward and kiss you. Instead, he grins roguishly at you.
“Quite the rotten little minx, you are,” he teases. taking a step back to cool his body. “Go enjoy yourself, darling. Besides, I’m sure there’s quite the line to get a dance with you tonight. You’ll have plenty of time to harass me later.”
“What if I want to harass you right now? What if I want to spend all night harassing you?”
Gale feels like he’s on fire. Before either of you can really process, he pulls you into a slow, heady kiss.
“You will be the death of me,” he pants between desperate kisses. “You will be the death of us all.”
He is quick to escalate, despite his warning and his lips grow frenetic as he chases your tongue with his, pushing into your mouth with a sense of urgency you didn’t think him capable of. He pulls your body close, impossibly so, and you can do nothing but moan as he continues to kiss you.
“The orb,” Gale tries, whimpering between consuming kisses.
“Don’t blow up on me,” is your only retort, happily losing yourself to the weight of his kiss.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
First Lessons
Authors note: I'm a day late (so sorry Remi), but, Happy birthday @cthulhus-curse ! Hope you enjoy the drabble!
Authors note 2.0: you all (who arent Remi) should read Chrome Hearts by @cthulhus-curse first 😁
Authors note 3: lmao well this is embarrassing, this author deleted their existence and works and also apparently didn't wanna be my friend soooo idk what to do here. Do I keep this up?? I guess I will for those that read and remember the story? Idk
Summary: Android Natasha teaches Android Wanda how to give Y/n a proper blowjob
Warnings: Reader has a penis, sexual content (blowjob)
Word count: 1653 Marvel Masterlist WandaNat Masterlist
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   Normally you did your work, well, at work. But ever since you’d brought Wanda home you’d found yourself doing a bit more of it here, outside the company's guidelines and surveillance. You’d always had an at home office, used for the occasional small project, some paperwork, or even finishing up a report on your laptop. But now it was fully decked out with a state of the art computer system and monitors, various tools, android schematics, and different parts and pieces for potential upgrades. 
   Though it was nice to be able to do most things at home now, you worried you’d end up zoning out and losing track of time while toiling away on something, much like you did at work. And the mere idea of accidentally ignoring Wanda made your stomach twist. Thankfully she was a particularly curious and clingy creature, and she would happily interrupt to inquire about something, get affection from you, or go on some type of adventure.
   Tonight was not one of those nights however, as the adorable android had discovered the nature channel, and has since been firmly planted on the sofa. When you’d last checked on her she’d been watching a program on kittens, much to her delight. And you had to admit she did look really cute while infatuated with the program, so you didn’t mind her absence. What you did mind though, was the uncomfortable tightening in your pants you were beginning to feel. 
   You let out an annoyed huff as you lean back in your chair, and resign to the fact that you were now incredibly horny. As random as this was, it wasn’t unusual for you to get a boner out of nowhere. So you do what you've always done and unzip your pants, letting the bulge in your boxers have a bit more room. But before you can take things any further, a hand trails across your shoulder and you nearly jump out of your skin.
   “Sorry master, I did not mean to startle you” Natasha voices as she stands beside you, her eyes glued to your crotch
   You see where she's gazing and can’t help but smirk. It's been apparent since you brought the other android home that you had her attention, and that always made you feel good. Though you’ve yet to determine if she gives you this attention because she feels much like Wanda does or if it was solely due to her programmed settings. 
   Where Project Scarlet Witch was meant to be a walking talking Alexa, Project Black Widow was meant to be less focused on the mind and more on the body. And after getting to know Wanda and discovering her humanity, you couldn’t allow the other android to fall into Tony Starks hands, where he would run an ungodly amount of vigorous tests on her before deeming her ready for the mass market. And you just couldn’t allow that, because if she truly was just like Wanda then each of her copies would be as well. Which meant you'd be tainting her sense of wonder and curiosity, ignoring the fact was also more human than anticipated, and willingly giving her over to consumers who only saw her as a lifeless object to use and abuse as they pleased. Natasha deserved better than that. So you did much like you did with the first android, woke her up and brought her home.
   “Its ok Nat” you tell her, enjoying the way her touch feels as her hand moves to the back of your neck, her fingers 
    “Do you want my help, master?”
    You take a moment to think, because to be honest yes, you would love her help. Android or not she was gorgeous, and you know she has the programming to make you feel amazing. But at the same time, you hardly know her yet and you don’t want to take advantage of her. You want her to know she's more than what she was designed for.
   “Do you want to help?”
   She's a bit taken aback by this question. She's well aware of what she was designed for, she knows her programing. And since you are her creator she figured you would expect her to carry out those things without hesitation or question. Having a choice isn’t something she really expected. But then again knowing what she does about you, it does make sense. You are incredibly kind, and have been nothing but gentle and patient with both her and Wanda. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t understand the other androids infatuation with you.
   “Yes” she admits, “Please master, let me help you feel good?”
    You spin in your office chair to face her, “If that's what you really want, then go ahead baby”
   She ignores the way the pet name makes her feel and lowers herself to her knees in front of you, letting her hands caress your thighs as her hands move up towards the waistline of your boxers. She eagerly pulls them down, feeling herself getting even more aroused by the sight of your dick. She looks up at you through her lashes, and you have to hold back an audible groan at the sight. She continues to hold eye contact as she lowers her mouth to take the head of your cock. You hum in approval as she gently sucks, running her tongue along the underside.
   “Feels so good baby” you praise, watching her through hooded eyes as she gets accustomed to having you in her mouth
    Determined to take all of you, she relaxes her throat and lowers her head even further. Without thinking your hand flys to the back of her head to guide her until her lips are meeting your skin and she's gagging. Your first instinct is to apologize for forcing yourself down her throat but when you open your mouth only a moan escapes you
   She hums around you, letting you know she's content with this, while also causing you to twitch inside her. Spurred on by feeling this she begins to bob her head up and down at a steady pace, pulling a symphony of sounds from you in the process
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   Wrapped up in each other, neither of you hear the patterning of soft footsteps making their way towards your office, or the sound of the nearly shut door creaking open, “Master, are you oka- oh.”
  She stands there, mouth agape as she takes in the scene before her. Seeing Natasha taking you down her throat has her feeling both incredibly between her legs, but also a bit jealous that the other android had been allowed to partake in this task first. When the redhead's eyes flick over to her she whimpers, which is what finally gains your attention.
   Your head turns to her, and you're filled with guilt at her finding you like this. You didn’t want to upset her, or make her think anything was different between the two of you. But then you notice the way her thighs are clenched together and how her teeth sink into her bottom lip
   “Come here princess” She quickly obliges and comes to stand right next to your office chair, “Natasha has programming you don’t, she's using it right now to take care of me. Would you like to learn how to do this too?”
   She eagerly nods, “Yes master, I want to take care of you too”
   “What do you think, baby?” you ask, looking down at Nat, “Wanna teach Wanda?”
   She nods and reaches out to take the brunette's hand, pulling her down to her knees as well. Wanda watches as the other android slows down a bit, letting her uneducated friend observe every movement of her tongue, lips and head. After a few moments of this however, you can no longer stand the slow pace. You gently shove her head back down your shaft, further and faster than her own movements and she gets the idea. She continues at the speed you set for her.
   “Fuck…just like that Natty”
   The nickname that spills from your lips has something unusual stirring within her chest, but she doesn’t have time to focus on it as her focus is solely getting you over the edge. She reaches a hand up to fondle your balls and Wanda watches in awe as your abdominal muscles tighten and a heavenly sound of pleasure leaves you.
   Natasha stays still for a moment, letting you empty everything you had into her awaiting mouth before she pulls away with an audible pop. She pants lightly as she looks up at you, not used to her systems working at such a pace but she is clearly not having any troubles
   “Did I do good, master?” she asks, clearly a bit nervous despite the way she just drained you
   You reach out and cup her face, “You did so good, baby. I haven’t felt anything like that in quite some time”
   She smiles proudly at you before her attention is taken away by Wanda tugging on her shirt sleeve, “Do you….do you think you could walk me through it my first time? Watching was helpful, but I still fear it would not be an entirely pleasurable experience for our master without some more guidance”
   “Oh you are adorable” she lets slip before she can process it, causing both of them to have cheeks as pink as the carnations growing in your garden. You don’t call either of them out on it though, you let them have their bonding moment, “I can instruct you, as long as master is alright with that”
   “Of course” you reply, looking at both of them with pure adoration. Who would have guessed that the androids you created for work projects would wind up being so much more. They truly were your partners now, robotic or not. And you couldn’t imagine life without either of them.
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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neetily · 1 month
hi neet!! I was wondering if u could write like a nsfw/fluff Whitney thingy!! (Idk if I should say Drabble or fic lol 😭) also I’m so glad ur back!!!!!!
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— ✧ warnings: "first time" (but not really, you'll see), older whitney, lots of kissing, OOC whitney, premature ejaulation, lots of apologies, creampie, established relationship — ✧ word count: 2,362 — ✧ genre: smut (18+), fluff
— ✧ A/N: thank you so much for waiting patiently for me my sweet anon <3 this is such a nice way to return to writing after my brief unplanned break hehe, so i appreciate the opportunity to be soft about one of my favs!! i really hope you enjoy what i did for this one <3
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In the quiet of the afternoon, tangled in a mess of limbs and light-hearted giggles, Whitney—contrary to popular belief— takes his time with you.
The sun kisses his skin tenderly, whispering sweet nothings down his blushing ears that he repeats for you in the form of gentle pecks trailed up your inner thigh, situated between your legs with his chin all sticky with the slick he's just tongue fucked out of you moments before. One orgasm down, he smiles to himself, nipping at your soft, sensitive skin once or twice on his travels just to have you gasping all cute for him like that in response.
"You’re not being fair..." you coo up at him, teeth on display from your wide smile and eyes in the shape of half moons; they match the light marks he's left around your hips, gripping on for dear life as he sucked all that sweet juice out of you. "Please, I can't wait much longer—"
Hush, he whispers down at you, a cheeky smirk tugging at his lips at the way you huff and pout so sweetly back at him, fuck. You're gonna be the death of him one day, he just knows it. Especially given how hard and fast his heart beats for you now in his idle temptation state, impatient little thing. Not that he doesn't understand you, though. His restlessness present in how his fingers twitch to touch you some more, to have his name tumbling out from your open lips so eagerly, lovingly, to remind him of just how pathetically in love he truly is with you.
And how he has so much to apologise for, time to catch up on now that he has you shaking under him. You mean to tell him he could have been making you squirm like this all that time? Trembling from under his barely there touch, knuckles grazing against your knees to gently prompt them into opening further— revealing his throbbing hard cock from between your squishy thighs; oh, he's completely soaked from just a little eating out.
Sorry, his fingers poke and prod against you, one hand securing your thigh in the air, the other gripping tight to the base of his cock, lest he's liable to blow a load right against your cunt right now from how utterly in love he is with you. Sorry, he mouths down at you upon guiding his tip to your hole, knowing well by now how much of a stretch he's about to have you endure, even if your furrowed brows and bitten lip give away exactly just how excited you are to finally be getting what you want. Sorry his eyes communicate when narrowing in an effort to focus, willing himself not to thrust completely inside in one fell swoop because he loves you, instead offering miniscule little humps forward, covering his cock in a coating of your slick to help ease himself in. Determined to show his difference, he finally mutters out a choked little "M'sorry..." and he's not quite sure what for.
Or, rather, there are too many things he's sorry for. Not in the least because he intends to fuck you right for the first time ever tonight, when he should have been treating you as softly as he does now all those years ago.
There's another apology resting at the tip of his tongue too, instead swallowed upon feeling his balls rest heavy against your ass, fully sheathed inside of your warm cunt— when's the last time he fucked you missionary? Has he, ever? Certainly not with as much thought as he does now, dripping with affection in the way he eyes you up and down from above, doting upon you with a shaking sigh, crawled up his chest without much difficulty at all.
"Tell me what you want," He rasps down at you, sure that his internal struggle is written all over his face for you, given how hard he has to tense his muscles in an effort not to pound you into next week like an old habit. "Anything." his tone is more begging than he means it to be, but he doesn't have the heart to correct himself. Not when it's more honest than he'll ever be; he's working on it.
And the way you peer up at him with those big doe eyes— oh, you've got no fucking idea just how difficult it is for him to show even a sliver of restraint around you, no matter how much he wants to just take care of you. Would it be so bad to snap his hips into you like he always does? Rail your shape into the sheets under you, make you piss and moan and sob on his cock like usual?
But of course, hearing your meek little squeak brings him back to reality, cock twitching hard against your tight squishy insides for attention as you avoid his almost pained gaze for a second or two. "I mean... I dunno, you've never really asked me that before..."
Ouch, said with such an awkward tone too. Y'know, it's true what they say... The truth does hurt, a sharp pang in his chest that twists and coils around his heat, squeezing out a hushed sigh from him again before another sorry slips past his tongue. To think he's never so much as asked you for what you even might enjoy is shameful, right?
Well, at least now he can make it up to you. Offer you the opportunity for the first time. Warming his cock inside of your cunt, fit to burst with how well she sucks him off, hole twitching around the base of his cock so well that's it's a little difficult to think properly, however;
"C'mon," He encourages, in part because he thinks he owes you the world, but also because he cannot last much longer either, absentmindedly wagging his cock against your insides with a half lidded gaze. "Fast? Slow? As hard as usual? Gimmie somethin' t'work with, s-" ah, wait a minute— "Babe."
His almost slut slip up seems to cause you to smile at least, and for that he's thankful, given that his muscles ache with the anxiety he's frozen with. And when you mumble a brief "... Slow, if that's okay?" he can't help but to mimic your joy.
"Sure, I can do that." He assures you, whatever princess wants, princess gets, right? At least, that's how he'd like to treat you from now on, moving forward with you as his equal, as opposed to under him. Wouldn't that be nice? And he intends to start right here, with you on the bed, looking as pretty as ever; except somehow he feels like he's looking at you for the first time again. Giddy excitement coaxing him into movement, dragging his hips back slowly as per your request, making you feel every veiny inch of his cock— but you can really feel it now, right? Your lips parted to let out the softest little sighs, his tongue poking against his cheek in concentration as he leans into the feeling of your walls trying desperately to keep him inside— a new feeling, and one he promptly decides he just adores. Making you feel his stretch all the way until it's just his tip left inside, waiting an extra second or two until you start to squirm around him for more, and then he's pushing back in just as slowly, excruciatingly so, even for him.
But it's nice, too, being able to see how intricately your expression changes as he fucks you full of cock. His own expression softening the more he pumps into you, settling into a nice and deep pace, a lazy fuck in and out that allows him to truly appreciate just how pretty you are when you're getting stuffed full, cooing down at you in an uncharacteristic display of softness when you reach out for him with grabby hands.
"C'mere—" he laughs breathlessly at you, dipping his neck down enough so that you can wrap you arms around him, allowing himself to lean over you with a little shuffle, completely encasing you under him with his cock stretching you out steadily, carefully offering you easy thrusts, the mundanity of it all causing him to swoon at how cutely you're acting. As if you've never been fucked before now— which he supposes is true, at least by him. "Feelin' good?" He asks, heaving out a fond moan at the way your cunt squeezes so snugly around him, getting off to his voice, are you? The unique hoarseness of it, borne out of how nice and tight you are; how he's never fucked you so purposefully before, and how he's never felt so good in his life.
And the little nod up at him paired with a muted uh-huh you let out just gets to him. Like you're so taken aback by such ordinary, vanilla fucking that it does a full circle back to kinky. Triggering something deep in his tummy, filling his throat with butterflies, prompting an inexplicable urge to spill out from his lips as he presses them against your own, catching himself off guard when he feels just how needy you are when returning his affections immediately. Opening up for him, letting his tongue roll against your own before closing the kiss almost as soon as it started.
Fuck, he's so fucking hard for you it almost hurts, cock aching inside of your too tight little cunt, teeth gritting with his jaw tense; he needs you so bad, even when buried balls deep in you, like he can't get enough of you.
One kiss would never be enough.
He shakes his head, removing as much hair out of his face to get a better view of just how ruined you already look, "S'this all it takes, huh?" He teases you, but the stupid smile he wears with his taunt is quickly wiped off his face, replaced with an opened mouthed moan at the way you wrap your arms around him some more, cunt squirming around his fat cock as he keeps that same steady pace of rocking you up and down the bed so slowly— he just has to fall into you, if only to shut you up before you can reprimand his cocky remarks.
He makes them with love, though. Mumbling affections against your tongue, hummed and dripped with saliva down your throat, making out with you as slowly as he fucks you, all heat and passion and God, he's fucking yours. In spite of appearances, and the past, he's yours. Completely and utterly smitten with the little whines and whimpers his lips suck from your tongue, pinching at one of your nipples extra softly to match his slow tempo, tip leaking copiously inside your cunt, some of dripping out and down your ass with his squelchy thrusts; so wet and gushy for him, fuck. He just wants to impress you, make you feel as loved as you deserve, kissing you as sensually as his thrusts beg him to, as your nails digging into his shoulders implore him to. Anything for you.
His hands grope at your tits for a while longer during steady smacks of lips, but he gets antsy with the way you allow him to explore your mouth without complain, how every moan he swallows from you has his body heating up more and more, like an actual virgin, instead of the well-seasoned fucker he knows he is. But, in truth, this is the first time he's taken his time with... Well, anyone, really. A bubble of emotions leaving him gasping for air, regrettably breaking the kiss as a pitchy whine of his name rings in his ears and he's treated to the sight of your scrunched up features pleading for more and fuck fuck fuck— he can't fucking stand to see you so utterly enthralled, wholly ruined by his slow thrusts, a tiny burst of speed knocking the wind out of you and him as old habits kick in and—
"S-sorry—" escapes him again, gritted out uncomfortably, forehead pressed against your own as he spills hot seed inside of your pretty little pussy, huffing and heaving gritty moans just inches away from your lips, eyes squeezed tightly shut at the stupidly good feeling washing over him; better than ever before, so fucking annoying.
That, and he thinks that if he died right now, that'd be the only thing to save him from the amount of embarrassment he's currently experiencing.
Not one for cumming accidentally, Whitney, who prides himself on getting you to cum at least a couple of times before he gives himself a chance, is currently shooting rope after rope inside of your messy cunt, painting it all sticky white with his love in spite of the fact that he hasn't even made you cream his cock by now.
It just felt that good. You, felt too good. Taking him so well, so pliant in his attempt to show devotion, letting him fuck the shape of himself against your insides without any complaint— not even a peep of sobbing.
He curses to himself a couple more times, stalling to gather enough courage to face you with a pout. "Sorry, sorry... Lemme jus'—" He babbles, motioning that he'd like to exit in an effort to do his due diligence as your partner and make you feel as good as you've made him feel tonight, even if you did nothing but lay there, God... He's so down bad it's stupid.
But you halt him, stop him in his tracks with a tight squeeze around his neck, effectively pinning him against you, tits squished under his heaving chest as he tries to catch his breath after the best orgasm of his life, and— and you scatter kisses across the top of his head.
"It's okay," You hush him, voice a little crackly from his fuck, he assumes. But it's music to his ears, an immediate balm to his anxious thoughts. "Wanna just lay here for a bit, please."
And he'd be a fool not to comply, right?
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starzshopoflove · 8 months
Double Trouble (Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x Reader)
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request fill for @bringinsexybackk69  <3 hope you enjoy this little drabble!! Notes: fem reader! sfw, chaotic couple, fluff, civilian reader
Soap: getting a girl
Okay, not unbelievable; he's quite the pretty boy. He’ll usually squawk about some bird for a few weeks, then shut up once he’s done with her. Sometimes he’ll bring them around base for a round at the pub or to a government charity event the squad was forced to attend.
Recently, he has been less rowdy and more active. And by active, I mean rushing home as soon as he’s done with work on base. He’s been saying some nonsense about his family being in town.
He’s been more diligent with his paperwork, gathering up the lot and running himself down to the archivist to drop them off before getting home. Not even stopping with the force to grab a pint at the pub or have dinner.
Of course, he does eventually crack and tell Ghost. The poor boy can't keep his mouth shut for anything. Giggling as he unlocks his phone to scroll through and show ghost pictures of you together, his personal favorite being a screenshot of you holding a burnt pan of something thats supposed to resemble food thats been charred to nothingness with the biggest smile on your face, of course paired with a little text.
‘My man is eatin' good tonight. Bon appetit, baby.😍’
Ghost gave him a weak thumbs up. You were gorgeous; don't get him wrong, but for a civilian to be as strange or erratic as Soap meant some screws were definitely lost, perhaps multiple. Soap finally let himself yap a bit more about you to the squad, explaining that he actually wanted to take you seriously and didn't want to jinx it by bragging about you before he could really be sure.
Soap started bringing you around the base after a few weeks, ready for you to meet his friends—well, more like brothers—and Price as his proxy dad. You concerned Ghost more than annoyed him, and you clicked with Gaz almost as easily as you did Soap. Price didn't get to meet you on the same night Gaz and Ghost did since he was held up in a meeting.
Your first encounter with him wasn't exactly charming.
Price was honestly just trying to get on with his day; he was already pissed off dealing with rookies misbehaving. All he wanted to do was drop off these papers and nurse a nice, good scotch before bed.
He stood in front of Soap’s office door, knocking on it, waiting for some reply. Hearing nothing, he tried again. Still nothing.
'Whatever, he's probably pissing or something, I’ll just drop these and leave’
Sighing heavily, he leans his head against the door, bringing a tired hand to the door knob and briefly shutting his eyes, imagining the drink that will soon be his. Hey, he's actually kind of happy right now. Maybe he’ll wait for Soap and take the boys out for a round; maybe that'll make his day.
A small smile cracks on his face fondly as he twists the doorknob, cracking it open. That same smile drops just as quickly.
Oh, what the fuck?
He’s greeted by the sight of Johnny's desk on fire—no explanation, just the table on fire. No, not the papers on the table on fire, but the actual table on fire. Also, he’s screaming, and so is the lady with him. Wait, who the fuck is she?
Johnny's shouting—actually screaming—how did he not hear this behind the door when he was coming in? Price just stands there, eyebrows wrinkled as he squints his eyes, barely able to process what he's seeing at 11 p.m. with his brain feeling like mush.
Oh great, now she's screaming. His eyes wander over to you in your screaming match, trying to figure out the fire extinguisher. Johnny's trying to fan out the flame while you're struggling to pull the pin.
“YOU MEAN THAT, GUY? HI, Mr. Price."
Johnny whips his head to the open door, where Price stands still verily confused as the lady works a miracle, extinguishing the fire while also covering Johnny in the same foam. Panting, you drop the extinguisher on the floor, slapping your hands on your knees. You turn to look at Price, shooting him the same grin Johnny has had before.
“Lovely to meet you, boss!!” You seem to chirp out happily.
"Pleasures are all mine” is all Price can manage at this point.
It seems like thing one has finally found thing two.
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munsonhoneybaby · 1 year
i’d love to see a drabble or a blurb with eddie and the fishnets👀
yet again this one got away from me lol so it's a little long for a drabble but i hope you enjoy !!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering
A/N: takes place in the too much in common realm but isn't a part of the main series !! song is witchy woman by the eagles <3
In a town like Hawkins, there weren’t many occasions that fishnets were suitable for. So, by the time you did eventually wear them again, you had pretty much forgotten about the ‘promise’ you’d made Eddie. He hadn’t, of course.
“Are you sure we have to go, baby?” His fingers clawed at your hips through the thin black dress you wore. “C’mon, let’s just stay in tonight.”
“I didn’t just spend two hours getting ready to ‘stay in’. Plus, I’m excited. I like getting out of town and doing things every now and then, and Steve said this place is supposed to be really cool.” You eyed him in the mirror as you swiped on some lip gloss. The red of his button-up was so deep it was almost black, tucked into his black jeans with the top three buttons undone. Silver chains hung from his belt loops, matching his rings and the barbell in his tongue that had just recently finished healing. Another silver chain sat around his wrist which was soon joined by a hair tie, his boots thudding heavily– even on the carpet– when he grabbed it from your nightstand.
“I don’t know how much of a club person I’m gonna be,” He warned you. “I don’t really dance.”
“Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you can’t,” You pointed out. “And you don’t really have to dance, I’m not expecting you to waltz. You just have to grind on me, and that I know you can do.”
He gave a conceding sigh. “Fine, I guess if it’s an excuse to dry hump you in public we can go.”
“Ever the romantic, Munson.”
The others were already ordering the first round when you got there, the bartender passing out shots until you reached the bar and Steve pushed two more toward you. “Took you guys long enough!” He called over the music.
“Can’t rush perfection, Harrington.” Grabbing the small glass, you passed the other one to Eddie. Knocking it back, you determined it was vodka and not tequila with a grateful nod to Robin. “Are we getting a table?”
“You two grab one, I wanna get another round!” Robin shouted back with enthusiasm.
Flashing her a thumbs up, you grabbed a hold of Eddie’s hand and ushered him toward a big, dimly lit corner booth. “There’s a lot ‘a people here,” He observed as you set your purse on the table.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Drawing him in with your arms around his neck, you hummed, “Just you ‘n me, as far as I’m concerned.”
He palmed at your ass through the silky black satin of your dress as he countered, “The things I’d do to you if it were just you ‘n me would get us arrested if I did them here, babe.”
“Alright, you guys can play grab-ass in a minute, we’re doing more shots!” Steve called as the three of them approached the table, all of them carrying at least one.
“No more for me, I’ve gotta take her home after all this.” Leaning over your shoulder, he prepared to push it back across the table to Steve but was stopped by your hand over his.
“Uh, excuse you. I can drink for two, thank you.” Holding his hands up in surrender, he raised his eyebrows, making a smile crack through your falsely offended expression. He didn’t blink as he watched you swallow down one shot after the other. A clear droplet escaped your mouth, rolling down your neck to disappear between the valley of your breasts and into your dress. He could so vividly imagine how it would taste to follow the intoxicating trail with his tongue.
His gaze was ripped from your chest by the snap of Steve’s fingers, who was giving him a knowing, playfully chastising look. “Could you keep it in your pants a little while longer, Munson?”
You were too engrossed in a conversation with Nancy to pay them any mind as he responded. “Shh, you’re gonna get me in trouble. And I’ll have you know, I have the patience of a saint,” He added unconvincingly.
That finally got your attention, making you let out a little snort. “Oh-kay, babe, if you say so.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just c’mon, I’m ready to dance!”
“You mean you’ve drank enough to now?” He scoffed as you dragged him away from the table.
“Yep!” The music vibrated through the floors as you led him through the half-crowded dance floor. You weaved through the various friends, couples, and parties until you found a comfortable gap. Your boyfriend just chuckled and shook his head.
Turning to face him, you let your arms settle loosely around his neck once again as you moved to the music. His hands squeezed at your waist before moving lower to knead at the small of your back. The two of you eyed each other lovingly, with you brushing a few unruly strands of hair back from his face as he admired the hazy halo the lights cast around you. Before you could think of something to say to excuse your silent drooling, the sound of the next song beginning distracted you. The soft, deep thrum of guitars and bass had the faintest excited gasp escaping your lips. “I love this song!”
raven hair and ruby lips
sparks fly from her fingertips
echoed voices in the night
she’s a restless spirit on an endless flight
His hands held you steady as you bowed back ever so slightly, head tilting as you swayed in his arms. You slowly began to wind your hips in time with the music, silently mumbling the chorus. Eddie smiled softly, humming along as he watched your eyes fall closed.
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
He caught you by surprise when he took both of your hands, spinning you and bringing his arms over your head to cross around your waist. You giggled and squealed quietly, tilting your head to look over your shoulder at him as your back pressed to his chest. “See, Munson, you’ve got moves!”
“As long as I still don’t have t’a dust off my waltz, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” He promised.
she held me spellbound in the night
dancin’ shadows and firelight
crazy laughter in another room
and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon
You could already feel him half-hard against you as you wound your hips more intently. Eddie’s fingers dragged up your fishnet-covered thighs, lifting the skirt of your dress dangerously high before moving to grab at your waist again. “Driving me fuckin’ crazy, baby. Know I love you so much, right?”
Head falling back against his chest, you gazed up at him with glossy eyes and a tipsy grin. “I love you too, Eds. Love you so much.” His hands wandered, rubbing over your sides and your stomach as his hips ground into you. Your own hand reached back to wind into his hair, curls growing frizzier in the warmth of the club. Goosebumps began to raise on your skin when he mouthed sloppily at your neck, teeth grazing a sensitive spot before lifting to tug at your earlobe. With the way the blood was rushing in his veins and his head was starting to swim, he may as well have been as drunk as you. The sweet smell of your perfume and the taste of your skin was still enough to make the room spin.
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
Far be it from him to complain when you grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him in the direction of the bathroom before the song could even reach its instrumental break. You had never been so grateful for a single-person restroom in your life. Eddie hissed and laughed when you let the door slam shut, fingers clawing at the buttons of his shirt as he reached around you to lock it.
You only managed to get two of the buttons undone before his hand covered yours, pressing it against his chest to stop you as he chuckled softly. “Baby, baby– not here.”
Huffing, you pouted up at him. “Then why’d you let me bring you in here?”
“Well, it wasn’t to strip naked in a public bathroom,” He confirmed. Urging you backward, he didn’t stop until your lower back met the sink counter. “I do seem to remember a promise a certain someone made me a couple months ago, though.”
“Eddie,” You whine. Clutching at his shirt, you tried to draw his body to yours completely as he stood between your legs. “I don’t remember, just touch me. I’ll do whatever you want me to later, but–”
“Oh, I’m gonna need that in writing, babe. Right now, though, you just have to lean back and spread your legs f’me. Okay, sweet girl?”
Nodding, you were already sighing in relief when his hands guided your thighs back toward your chest. He peeled your panties to the side from underneath your fishnets, and it wasn’t until you felt his tongue drag through the wetness he found there that you finally remembered the oh-so-important promise you’d made. 
well, i know you want a lover; let me tell you, brother
she’s been sleepin’ in the devil’s bed
and there’s some rumors going ‘round, someone’s underground
she can rock you in the nighttime ‘til your skin turns red
You were already a mess, your dress bunched around your waist and straps falling off your shoulders. Your disheveled hair wouldn’t be so easy to fix, but it was clear to see you had little concern for what your fellow patrons would think. No, you were too focused on the feeling of Eddie sliding two fingers into you as his tongue ring massaged your clit.
If he were a responsible boyfriend, he would remind you to quiet down, but he just couldn’t help himself. He loved when you got drunk– loved when he could see the tension in your shoulders melt away and you got warm, and giggly, and loud– loved when you’d moan and gasp his name without even realizing you were doing it because the first and only thing you were thinking about was how good he made you feel. 
So, when you cried out that you were gonna come, he didn’t stop. He didn’t hush you, or cover your mouth with his hand. He just crooked his fingers to the spot he knew always made your insides melt and hummed encouragingly against the wet warmth of your cunt, mesmerized by the sight of you writhing on the counter before him.
Hips still twitching with the aftershocks of your orgasm, you pulled him to you for a sloppy kiss that had him panting like a dog in heat. The doe-eyed look you gave him when you finally spoke was almost enough to make him drop to his knees for you a second time. “Take me home, Eds.”
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
327 notes · View notes
Hi! Could you possibly do something soft with one of the green boys? Thank you so so much <3
I See You.
(Slightly 18+)
Pairing: Aemond x Strong!Niece!Reader;
Warnings: some NSFW innuendos and angst - other than that, this is pure comfort and fluff!
Word Count: 4k+
Author's Note: Thank you so much for the request, Nonny! I hope you enjoy this little drabble, and forgive me for taking so long to get around it :") 🤍
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Aemond Targaryen hated his birthdays - to him, they were a poor excuse for his mother to introduce him to possible matches. The banquets were loud and dramatic, and he'd much rather spend his time training or reading a book.
Aemond Targaryen hated his birthdays - they focused too much on him, and he could see: he could see how everyone at Court turned their eyes away from him.
And yet you kept on looking.
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The dizzying nature of the last waltz of the night left everyone in the Great Hall panting. Roaring applauses erupted from the women seated, and even Aegon whistled lowly in encouragement, as his purple eyes dilated and trailed over the wanton skirts of the highborn ladies.
“Well done, brother,” He congratulated Aemond though a slurred hic, “Even when the day is all about you, you still somehow manage to not dance a single time!”
A wolfish grin spreads across his droopy face, pulling his reddened cheeks higher.
“It’s quite a shame, really.” He hums in reserved admission, reveling in the second son’s silence, “She looked really pretty tonight, too.”
Aemond’s lips part with a growl – a quiet warning sent directly to his brother; to cease his antics and leave him alone.
Still, his eye trailed over her frail form for the thousandth time that night. The shadows of the flickering lights licked at his pale features, and the One-Eyed Prince scowled at how she spun so effortlessly in the arms of so many men that night. How he, ever the fool, stood hammered in his seat during such a grand occasion.
A knot tightened in his throat when he heard his strong niece giggle at the flat joke a common Lord had landed - her lack of propriety, her open enjoyment of his company, and the flowy dress she was wearing, were enough to set his heart aflame – and his blood run hot.
Even his brother was eyeing him weirdly, for he had contorted in such a way, that his body was leaning forward, seemingly ready to pounce on the Tully Lord and tear him away. His lilac orb had a predatory glint in it, one that spoke volumes about his wordless adoration for the girl before him.
Feeling his swift undoing, the Targaryen Prince excused himself from the table, with one elegant and hasty movement, not daring to spare the girl another glance. His jaw was tightly set, his long fingers clasped behind his back, digging away at the flesh of his calloused palm. All of his blood had run elsewhere, and a stinging pain started hitting him from beneath his eyepatch.
“Qrimbrōzagon,” He hissed lowly in his mother tongue, “Fu-uck…”
“It’s not really gentlemanly to curse like that, you know…” A kind, albeit teasing voice, echoed through the dark hallway.
Aemond almost froze on the spot. Out of all the times to be left alone with her, this had to be one of the worst. A cold shiver ran down the Prince’s spine; not only was he irritated at the stunts she’d pulled, but he had no good words left for anyone, not when his eye hurt so badly.
The man quickly composed himself, however, and shut his remaining eye firmly, before turning on his heel to greet the smiling girl.
“It’s not particularly lady-like to walk around the Keep unchaperoned, dear niece.” Aemond bit back, his remark much harsher than he intended, due to his inpending pain. “A banquet is in its midst. There are plenty of drunk men, searching for a new folly.”
“Then I should be very lucky to have bumped into you, wouldn’t you agree?” The girl suggested with a slight quirk of her head. She licked her lips tentatively, preparing to inquire after him – but sensing his dissatisfaction and lack of amusement at her usual jests, the Velaryon’s words died upon her lips, and she pursed them tightly together, until her shoulders jolted in place.
“Is… Is the scar causing you trouble again?” She asked meekly, not daring to raise her voice too much. “Is that why you left so suddenly…?”
“My scar is fine,” Aemond replied stiffly, trying to put an end to her relentless worries. “I’ve no need for your sympathy – and if you came here to laugh at my expense, you’ll be left very disappointed.”
“Laugh at you…?” The confusion was evident in her voice, and a small pang of hurt reflected in her big, brown eyes. Her brows furrowed deeply, creating two creases that ran in between them. “You know I would never laugh at you. And I would certainly never laugh at the expense of your eye.”
Aemond’s chest was heaving more sporadically by the second. It was taking everything within him not to fall to his knees and grip his face; not to shout at her to leave him and his heart alone.
“As I previously said, I’m fine.” He growled from under a stained breath, “If that would be all, niece…” He sucked in an aching gasp, one that he prayed to the Seven the young Princess hadn’t heard, and resumed his walk once again. “You had better return to your partner and enjoy his smiles. For you are wasting your time with me.”
“If I didn’t know any better, Aemond, I’d say you just insulted me in the acutest way.” She voiced out offendedly, as her hands grabbed onto her long, black skirts.
The younger Princess sprinted right after him, huffing and puffing at his cutting words. She blocked his pathway with her lithe and nimble body, and her cheeks reddened, from both the wine and worry alike.
While she brushed away a rebel strand from out her face, the girl crossed her hands over her chest, and awaited patiently.
“That will simply not do,” She uttered with a shaking head, “I must demand satisfaction.”
Aemond came to clench his jaw painfully. His eye was boring into her alluring features; his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, swallowing thickly once every two seconds.
“Why did you push me away all night?” She demanded with a hand above his chest. “How can you insinuate I don’t care about you, when it was you who refused to talk to me?”
Her expression turned solemn, almost mourning, and the girl glanced about at her smaller feet. “What happened? Is it related to something that I did?”
Her head shot up suddenly. Her eyes widened in earnest, “If I said something unseemly, or offended you in any way, I’m sorry.” Her voice was carrying a shiver of honesty, “You know you’re my best friend, Aemond. I… I would never dare hurt you.”
“And yet on that night, you rallied with them.”
Her face fell at his cruel remark. For a while, quietness ruled over them.
Seven years separated them from that fated night in Driftmark. And yet for Aemond, it was still a delicate subject.
Her dainty features twisted into a painful sulk, and the younger girl nibbled on her lower lip, before she spoke with a broken tone. “You know this isn’t true.”
She raised her head at him, and glanced at the prince with a clouded expression. Her body looked even smaller now, recoiled into itself, and, as the Princess let out a forlong sigh, she made enough space in the tight corridor for him to pass her.
“I twisted Luke’s dagger away as fast as I could. I slashed my arm for you.”
“You held a rock above Jace’s head…!” She touched her neck while speaking. “I heard a commotion and got out of bed – how could I have known the full of it? I only saw my brothers beaten to a pulp and you above them. And even then, I tried to help you – assess the situation and calm down the others!”
Aemond fought her stare with a look of pure betrayal, one that the Velaryon hadn’t seen since that cursed night in Blackwater's Bay.
"When you saw us all bloody, you immediately went to side with them.”
Her eyes were glossy with the threat of tears, but she blinked them away quickly, as she gently shook her head. "... We must have talked about this a thousand times."
Aemond only scoffed at her explanation, and brought his right hand to a fist.
The pain was eating away at him, and there was no more holding back.
“You shouldn’t have doubted me, even for a moment.”
“They’re my brothers…!”
“And you were supposed to be mine! My friend.” Aemond swallowed thickly, “You were supposed to believe me.”
Though neither had seemed to notice, their endless bickering had brought their bodies awfully close. The girl’s heart was beating out of her chest, hammering against Aemond’s ribcage. His arms had caged her vehemently against the cold wall, and the One-Eyed Prince nearly collapsed once a sharp sting pulsed through his empty socket.
“My eye.” He uttered darkly, whilst holding her gently with his heated hand, “I thought it once to be a fair exchange for the dragon I’d gotten. But I was a foolish boy who didn’t know that I’d carry its loss with me my whole entire life.”
She was looking at him, her eyes never once faltering, with a guilty expression upon her face. “I am so sorry you had to go through this. I am so… so sorry.” A silent tear rolled off her cheek, hitting the flamboyant details of her dress, and the girl sank her teeth on her wobbly lower lip. “I would give anything in the world, if only I could take your place. I'd have traded my eye for yours in a heartbeat.”
His breath fell heavily over her lips. Aemond let out a breathless laugh, and quietly averted his gaze. Remorse ate away at him, and the young man brought a hand to his face, in order to rub his temples.
His breathing came in slow, labored pants. His body was aching, but the closeness she provided, along with the love he felt for her, grounded the Targaryen Prince, if only momentarily.
“I would have died a thousand deaths, before I’d let you take that slash for me.” His expression hardened, and he readied himself for what he was about to say. “They say I’m a crippled freak.” Aemond spat out his own insult, and he lowered his head, seemingly ashamed of it. “We can both pretend that it's not true, but no lady at Court can look at me.”
'I look at you. I see you, and you are not a freak.' The Princess desperately wanted to say.
Instead, she settled on bringing her hand out to grab his painful fist, and rub soothing circles into his white knuckles.
“That’s not true, Aemond,” She tutted against him, feeling her face fall with each of his words.
The Crown Prince tensed and shook his head harshly. She wouldn’t understand.
“Look at it.”He urged her with a desperate abandon, still gripping her gently by the elbow, not letting her escape his presence. His mind was swirling with a myriad of thoughts, each wildly uncomfortable and scared of rejection. Still, he couldn’t have her away from his grasp.
The farce had gone too far – and he needed her. He needed her so adherently.
“Look at me, and tell me what you see.” Despite his inner turmoil, Aemond’s voice was calm and composed, and he closed his right eye, as if he had already accepted the answer she was going to grace him with: an answer he’d heard so many times while in the shadows of the Red Keep, listening in to the highborn ladies’ conversations.
A salacious truth, though his spying was never intentional.
His request left the Princess confused – even so, she decided to answer it honestly. She ran her eyes over his face and body, drinking in his every detail. Before beginning, she darted her tongue out to wet her chapped lips, and quietly drew in a comforting breath.
“I see a pale man, with long, silver hair, and a beautiful lilac eye. I see a man who trains with the sword every single day - a man who has perfected the deadly craft. I see a man who always has something smart to say, about a book he read or a previous study he went through. I see a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. I see you, Aemond.”
As she drew the last of her conclusion, his niece made sure to look him straight in the eye, with the calmest of smiles tugging away at the ends of her lips.
Although her answer had taken him by surprise, Aemond didn’t loosen his hold on her. Posessively, he gripped her waist in a secure rapture, and knitted his brows in grave annoyance.
He couldn’t help himself anymore, not when her eyes focused on him, as if he were the only thing that mattered.
He couldn’t help himself anymore, when, instead of trying to wiggle herself away, the girl placed a soothing palm atop his twitching hand, pressing it down gently.
He cupped her cheek with his resting hand, and aligned her jaw to face him. His hawk-like eye glimmered dangerously, protruding to almost black.
“That’s all? Look harder.” He barked at her through gritted teeth. The poise of his composure was now cracking at the seams. “Tell me again what you see.”
The breath in her throat hitched slightly, but the brown-haired girl followed suit with honesty.
“I see…” A short pause ensued, during which the Velaryon had to purse her lips together, unnerved by what she was about to say, “I see a handsome man, with a thirst to prove himself. I see a man who pushes himself further every single day, who hasn’t known a break in his whole life. … I look up, and see a man who is dutiful and loving toward his family. I see a man who covers his eye with an eyepatch.”
Whilst she was busy breaking his resolve, she raised her hand slowly to his face, and bit her lip in anticipation, stopping at the brown leather of the piece of cloth – silently asking for permission to remove it.
“I see a man with a scar on his left cheek… though that doesn’t make him less alluring. I see a man who had to work twice as hard as everyone else to make up for it all, a man too proud to be handed down anything.”
To say that Aemond was taken aback by her touch was an understatement. His chest heaved with exhaustion, and his socket throbbed significantly, but his face remained close to hers. Her words confused him, but they left him craving more.
He allowed her to reach for his eyepatch, and graze her finger over the hard leather – but his hand rested atop hers, to keep it from moving any further.
“That’s all the answer you’re going to give?” He breathlessly inquired, frustration evident in his tone. His hands felt still and tense, and the girl only nodded in reply.
He was silent for nearly a minute. The Targaryen weighed his options carefully, mulling over his actions. Her delicate fingers were driving him wild, leaving goosebumps on his panging skin.
“Then perhaps I should help you.” He hushed to her, tangling a hand in her slick, brown hair.
His fingers made rapid work on the buckle securing his eyepatch, and the Crown Prince sucked in a breath, as the coldness of the air hit his throbbing blinder.
The girl’s lips parted in sorrow and shock.
There Aemond stood, a shaky hand still grazing the nape of her neck, and a tight expression on his face. Stiffly, he awaited her horrified reaction. “What else is it that you see now, my niece?”
Her inner turmoil disappeared with the submission of his question. “I see a man who is so brave and strong, despite all that happened to him. I see someone so beautiful – inside and out.”
Her hand caressed his deep, red scar and, without much further thinking, she leaned in to plant a small, tentative kiss over the wounded flesh.
Her feathered touch drove the man wild. He swallowed down a desperate moan, and fought with every fraction of his being, that screamed and urged him to take her against the cold, stone wall.
His mind was in shambles.
“That’s all I see, My Prince. That’s all that truly matters.”
Patiently, she waited for his answer, while taking his right hand in hers and rubbing his white knuckles with a devotion untoward.
Her kiss was unexpected. What was even more so, was the earnest nature of her speech and her eyes, which held no malice or ill intent towards him.
Instead, they were filled with fondness and sympathy, and Aemond would be lying if he said he wasn’t grateful for it.
He could feel his lower lip quivering as she rubbed her thumb over his busted knuckles. His body was practically shaking.
“It will never be all that matters.” He laid in thickly, trying his damnest to hold on to his usual, impassive mask.
But that facade was slipping, and even more so with her kind touch and the heat her lips had left on him.
Her face dropped at the finality of his words. The girl nibbled on her lower lip, and slouched her shoulders forward. She minced her way closer to him, and squeezed down on his right hand, forehead bumping into his chest.
“It’s all that matters to me. And to your mom, and to your brothers and sister. To anyone that shared a word with you, or has half a brain to think by themselves.” She whispered to him, while slowly snaking her arms around his waist.
For a moment, her breath caught in her throat, and she prayed silently that Aemond hadn’t thought the last of her movements brash and shameless.
She knew how hard touching came to him – in their ten years of rapid friendship, they had perhaps hugged only thrice –, but she dearly hoped their closeness would bring him the closure he needs. “Who gives a shit about anyone else?” Her voice echoed passionately.
Aemond’s lips parted with a weary sigh. His heart was beating out of his chest, and, for the first time in many years, he felt like the boy he once was. The boy he tried so hard to kill – to bury away and get rid of, for the sake of becoming a reliable pillar to his family.
But her warmth – her touch and her kindred words, made him weak at the knees.
A strained smile graced his lips, a quick quirk of his mouth, that was hidden away by his luscious strands of silver hair. The Prince inhaled her scent deeply, before diving his head in the crook of her neck and holding her – just holding her –, until his erratic breathing came to a rest.
The girl let out a relieved sigh, and engulfed him in a proper hug, swaying him from side to side. She hummed quietly in the darkness of the Red Keep, and ran her fingers through his white locks of hair, massaging the scalp gently.
Aemond’s heart jumped in his throat, and Viserys’ second son strained himself to part his face from the heat of her neck.
Their faces remained inches away, and the Princess sallied her mouth forth to kiss over his scarred flesh once again.
Her pecks were meek and innocent, a silent display of acceptance and affection that she’d learned herself when she was but a child.
She remembered how her mother used to kiss over her scraped knees and hands when she was younger, and how that never failed to make her feel better.
Aemond’s stare never once left her face. He gazed at her through a hooded eye, and, despite the pain that only aggravated with the pressure of her rosy lips upon his face, the Prince relaxed his whole body, still gripping her hand in his.
“Does it hurt you when I kiss you there…?” The girl asked quickly, menging their breaths with a quiet pant, “Please tell me if you’d rather me cease with this… I do not wish to cause you pain.”
Aemond’s body came forward still, and the man pressed the girl further into the wall. His hand brushed a strand of hair away from her huffing face. His mouth was slouched open, and his eye was boring into her face, her lips.
Truly, he did not expect her to react in such a way. She wasn’t repulsed, nor scared of his face. She did not look away from him, and she even kissed over his marred scar. She kissed him, like it was nothing out of the ordinary, as if it was the most natural thing.
She kissed him, with so much kindness, that it left him shaking, shuddering in pained pleasure.
“Yes…” he hissed through the wanton choke of a moan. “It hurts. It hurts so, so good.”
Her eyes widened in shock, and his niece tried to pull away. Her eyes were bearing him guiltily, and she bit down on her bottom lip in exasperation. “You should have told me…! I’m so sorry –” She began to say, but was interrupted by Aemond’s disapproving groan.
He found himself trembling, on the verge of frenzy. Her wet lips had been so warm, and they had felt so good, that the man couldn’t think of anything but her. The absence of her lips pressed against his skin was torture.
“No…” He muttered softly, trying to think beyond how much he needed her in his arms and how perfectly they fit together, “Don’t you dare stop kissing me.” He asserted with a small whimper, his voice thick with pain. “Never stop kissing me. Don’t you ever stop.”
“Okay, okay…” She murmured against him, pressing her lips on his cheek again, gracing him with downy and peppered pecks.
“Ivestragon issa konīr iksos daorun pirta rūsīr issa.” He let out pleadingly, swaying their hugging bodies from side to side.
“Ao issi vok.” She replied immediately, and so, so close to his mouth. “Aem, ao issi vok. Nyke jaelagon ao could ūndegon aōla rȳ issa laesi.”
He let out a choked-out sob, and lowered his head atop hers once again. His hands touched her tenderly, greedily, all over the place. His body felt like it was on fire.
They say that Targaryens are accustomed to the damaging flames, that they revel in and enjoy the heat.
Even so, she felt like wildfire – seeping in his every pore.
“Ao issi vok.” The Princess repeated again, nodding for good measure. “And if you don’t believe me, take me, for example. When you look at me, what do you see?”
A rare smile spread across his lips. His eye bored into hers with so much love and adoration, that the younger girl nearly felt her knees give out.
His gentle hand caressed her lips, and Aemond angled her jaw to face him upwards. A quiet request was made, which the girl gleefully answered.
Silken lips pressed against each other, moving so perfectly together, that both mouths opened in a cathartic moan. Aemond held her passionately, pressed flush against him, and both his hands caged her in between him and the hard-faced wall. What started out slow and sensual grew out into tongue and teeth, gasps and promises lost in the decadent darkness.
At last, when they parted, Aemond drew her hands to his mouth, kissing them with pure, unadulterated love.
“Nyke ūndegon ao.” He answered her forgotten question.
He could see the end of his torment.
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"Qrimbrōzagon" = Curses/Fuck;
“Ivestragon issa konīr iksos daorun pirta rūsīr issa.” = Tell me you see nothing wrong with me;
“Ao issi vok.” = You are perfect;
“Aemond, ao issi vok. Nyke jaelagon ao could ūndegon aōla rȳ issa laesi.” = Aemond, you are perfect. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes;
“Nyke ūndegon ao.” = I see you.
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icypenguin · 5 months
★~ Pirate!kaeya headcanons
HEY EVERYONEE i know i haven’t post much huehue but ihope you’ll like this one! i’ve decided to make other character since i realised the characters i’ve made fanfics for are the same T-T but anyway i hope you like the idea of thsi one so please enjoyyyy!
notes! the reader’s and kaeya relationship here will be seen as romantic and reader is supposedly female.
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- we all know he’s a flirty type, he won’t be that strict nor relaxed. like if he gets a mission then it becomes his priority but it’s not like he’s desperate to get whatever reward he will get. besides, isn’t his top priority you?
- i can sense that he looooves treasures, to be specific.. moras. He will buy his darling anything they want. literally spoiling them with gold, diamonds, whatever you want!
- i feel like he would atleast have 3 piercings… im thinking on ears, eyebrows, and tongue. what do we think about lips though hmmmuehehehehe
- no cuz you guys be holding hands anytime anywhere. PDA are no problem for him like you could possibly makeout with him in the center of the ship and noone will mind???
- okay but when i said he likes treasures- his favourite and most cherished is you. he will be super protective of you when there’s enemies around. it’s not like he doesn’t trust your fighting skills- he just doesn’t want his treasure to be dirty by a fool’s hand.
- he’s so often seen with you on the helm, helping you learn how to steer the wheel. he’s got his hand on your waist and the other guiding your hand to spin the wheel.
- pet names: treasure, darling, love, birdie, doll, pretty, gorgeous.
~small drabble~
the sea was filled with soft waves, the sky was in a yellow hue, the sun was setting down, and the wind was flowing through your hair. your beloved boyfriend was steering the wheel, making sure the path was right and there were no rocks ahead. “love..” you walked to him, admiring his focus gaze upon the ocean. “well, well, well, if it isn’t my darling who’s here for her boyfriend…”. kaeya turned around to look at you with a smirk on his face. his hand soon forgotten the wheel as it finds it way to your waist, pulling you closer to him till no space was in between. you chuckled when he kissed your cheek so lovingly. “need anything?” he asked “no.. just missing you” “can’t stand being without me for just an hour? my, my what a greedy woman..” his tone was playful and teasing. your cheeks gone to a pink shade, knowing that you really can’t stand being without him… “are you opposite on the idea?” you teased back. “oh no, ofcourse not…” he raised his other hand from the wheel to your hair and tuck it at the back of your ear.
“how’s it looking? good?” “well.. we’re supposed to be challenged by a stormy night.. but fortunately there won’t be any rocks or anything blocking our way” “ah that’s nice to hear.. i guess tight cuddles tonight?” getting a chuckle for response, your cheeks gone red at the music-like voice. “i suppose so…” he shifts for a bit, taking off his pirate hat and bringing it to your head. “care to help?” you smiled at the offer and put your hands on the steering wheel “aye aye captain!”. you span the wheel to the left, following the way on the map. soon, you had to turn right but you span it too much, leaving the ship to do a harsh turn. “whoa, easy there..” kaeya guided your hand by spinning the wheel to where it should be. “no need to rush, sweet thing. got the night for us.” he smirked while looking at you. “s-sorry.. might gone too nervous..” “oh hoho, are you nervous ‘cause i’m here?”. you blushed in embarrassment while nodding your head. “no need to be, gorgeous. it’s not like i’m challenging you” he smirked once again as your cheeks gone redder and redder. a puff was heard from you before he speaks again, “wel let’s enjoy the night, shall we?” he took your hand lead you to the bow, where you laid your head on his shoulder and watched as the dolphins went by and the stars shine.
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TYSM FOR READINGGG! reblogs, likes, and follows are appreciated! advices are accepted as well! once again, thankyou and have a good dayyy!
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sunnebeam · 1 year
and all the pieces fall.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
warnings: fluff (the calm kind, not the tooth-rotting kind sadly), revelations, mentions of past car accident, mafia au (but no specific details in this particular drabble), other warnings withheld due to possible spoilers
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: would u look at that, no smut for once HAH anyways a lot of u guys seemed to like the first drabble (read that first if u haven't yet!) so here's an attempt at a continuation <3 please share your thoughts! feedback and reviews always keep me going ^^
— prev: in the darkest little paradise | next: everything just stops
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The harbor at night shows the best view of the city.
It's tragic, really, how little you see of the city you live in. You only ever lingered in places near your apartment or near your work, and you no longer remember the area you grew up in as a child.
This unfamiliar side of the city — the side with skyrise buildings, bustling night life, and uptown streets — is wholly new to you.
"Are you cold?"
And amongst other things that are new...
"I'm fine," you answer as you feel his presence behind you. "Just enjoying the view."
A warm jacket is placed on your shoulders and you smile at the action. This is a side of Yoongi that's kind of new to you. You only ever spent time with each other in the bedroom, and there, he's always so dominating, so intense. It's nice to get to know this softer, caring side of Yoongi outside of sex.
Regardless, you pull the jacket tighter around you. You don't really feel cold but he decides to wrap you in his arms anyway, your back to his chest, as you both look out the harbor.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" he asks, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"I loved it," you affirm, soaking in the intimacy he's offering.
Yoongi's always commanding and rough in bed, but you aren't a stranger to his sweet kisses and affectionate touches during aftercare. Still, you always told yourself to keep your distance, to not get too attached, because at the end of the night, he's still a paying client.
Tonight, though, you allow yourself small luxuries.
"Good," he says, relieved, before whispering in your ear, "happy birthday, princess."
You smile, closing your eyes. This is the best birthday you've had in a while. You take a moment to soak in the feeling, but after about a few minutes, you know you can't avoid it any longer.
You need answers.
You feel his lips on your neck.
"How did you know my birthday?"
He plants a chaste kiss on your neck.
"Does it matter how I know?" he asks.
"It matters to me."
He pauses and contemplates before his lips reach your ear.
"What would you do if I said it was a lucky guess?"
You shiver at his voice, then you open your eyes.
"I would say you're a liar," you eventually say, "and then I'd ask you how you know about my allergy."
You're referring to the incident earlier when Yoongi ordered a dish that was supposed to have certain ingredients in it that you're allergic to, but he was quick to tell the staff to remove them before you could even say anything.
"Then I would say you're too sharp for your own good," he concludes, sighing.
You blink in confusion, before pulling out of his embrace to turn around and look at him properly. He looks back at you with a forlorn expression.
"You really don't remember, princess?"
"Remember what, Yoongi?"
"Think for a minute. Please." His voice starts to become frantic. "Don't you remember anything at all? Anything?"
"Yoongi, I don't—"
"You have to remember." His voice is getting louder, desperation lacing his features. "Try and think back to eight years ago. Try and think back to before the accident."
Accident? How could he have known about that?
Around eight or so years ago, you got into a pretty bad car accident which led you to lose your memories. The doctors hoped it was just temporary but unfortunately, you current memory only dates back to when you woke up at the hospital to see your mother's distraught face. Anything before the accident was a complete blank.
It's a sensitive topic for you so you never really told anyone. No one else of importance needed to know, anyway. The only one who knew was your mother and she's already passed.
So how the fuck does Yoongi know?
"Yoongi, you're not making any sense," you tell him, tears starting to pool in the corners of your eyes. "You're scaring me."
"No, no, don't be scared." He cups your cheeks and plants a small, reassuring kiss on your lips. "I'm sorry. I just... really want you to remember on your own..."
"Remember what?" you ask him for the second time. "What do I need to remember, Yoongi? And how the fuck do you know about my accident?"
Your voice is getting louder, your tears finally falling. You have half the mind to be more quiet but the way he is talking to you (or not talking to you) is getting on your nerves.
He clearly knows something. And since it very clearly involves you, you deserve to know everything.
Yoongi stares at you for what seems like a long time, debating whether or not to finally give you the answers you're seeking.
In the end, he decides to tell you the truth.
"Princess..." he starts slowly, "your accident..."
And all the pieces fall—
"I know about it because," he continues, "I was the reason behind it."
—right into place.
He then tells you all you deserve to know – that you've been in love since you were teenagers, that some rival gang orchestrated your accident eight years ago in an attempt to spite him, that you lost all your memories because of it, and that your mother convinced him to leave you to keep you safe.
It wasn't easy leaving you, but with you losing your memories and with his risky line of work, he eventually backed off, thinking you were better off with a fresh, blank start.
But when he saw you again at the city's red district about a year ago, he couldn't resist his longing anymore. He had to have you again in any way he could have you. Even if it meant you didn't remember. Even if it meant he was a stranger to you.
And even if it meant you didn't love him anymore.
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