#i remembered whilst doing this you can do shift + enter to make the spaces between lines smaller than the default
auggietopia · 5 months
green thirteen
i’ll be buried in my bedroom, filled with moss and torn by time. i flagged it with a grave marker back when i turned thirteen, and was sentenced to a social death because i was unclean; a large, unsightly thing. drown me in the reservoir. lay my weary bones to rest and leave me well alone or else, laugh at me in death when my ears can hear no more, or, at least, i can’t be told. after all, i’m stagnant water  with a film of ugly algae; sitting mildew since thirteen. i don’t want to be to blame for once. leave my bones to dust here until the end of time. no one will visit my deathbed and mutter amongst themselves “how on earth did they bury them up on the second floor?” and outside the window, the sky will be blue, and the grass freshly cut and crisp green.
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phantomenby · 1 year
Sweet thing part four
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"Come on out kit, playtimes over..." Paul had begun stalking up and down the hall, his movements were almost catlike as his eyes scanned over every room with each passing to watch for any movement.
His nose had been put to good work in their efforts of hunting you down, nostrils flaring like the predator he was as he looked around, working to catch every subtle sliver of your scent that had been left behind in your efficient escape whilst the sun was keeping them away.
Unfortunately, you were a little too good at hiding. And you had clearly picked up on the fact that human smells could mask one another.
Regardless they could still smell you throughout the house and feel your recent presence, your room of course being the centre of your presence with your room recently used. It was almost intoxicating, their desire for you pushing them to work harder in their hunt as a need burned through them much like what they felt for each other.
Paul could feel his senses becoming irritated as he continued to pick up the fleeting stench of your parents and some awful room spray you had drowned the whole building in. The burning notes of lavender and cheap vanilla were making him want to burn the whole place down.
All four of them could feel you were still inside and thus trapped for as long as it took to find you, with plenty of dark spaces to crawl into when the sun rose once again.
Marko and David had begun inspecting each room with unmatched efficiency, checking each space meticulously. If they could get into your head it would be easier to bring you back to them, the more willing the better but a little stress and fear would make you seek them out eventually.
Out in the hallway Paul was tapping his thick metal rings along the walls, letting them leave small silver scuffs on the soft floral wallpaper.
You could hear it, the dull taps. It felt as rhythmic as the thudding of your heart as it thundered in your chest as you pressed the fabric closer to you, hoping it would somehow muffle the sound.
All you wanted was for them to leave. To walk back out the door and never see them again-
We can't do that kitten
David's voice echoed in your mind, making your breathing falter.
It was unexpected, yes. But he had done it before.
You remembered the way his voice filled your mind, his smooth-pitched honey tone sweetening your veins until you fell into their grasp, buttering you up to their affections.
Even now it was intoxicating.
Your body naturally reacted, pushing you up from the floor and closer to the wall that hid you from their sight.
You doubted it would be long until they found you.
I can hear you pup, come to us...
Dwayne was even louder, though you were sure it was from how deep his voice had become. If you could see him through the ceiling you would be witness to his face morph, his fangs protruding as he fought his hunger.
He was standing directly above you on the roof, from the rise in your heart rate it was easier to find you though he was still having a hard time finding a way to you.
But being above you did nothing if they couldn't find where you were hidden.
Unfortunately for you, David's mind was working a mile a minute, and the creak of your parent's bedroom door as he entered through it told him everything he needed.
He could hear you trying your best to calm down, your body shifting beneath the thick quilt as you pushed yourself into the corner of the small space.
Your hands had moved to shield your mouth, your chest constricting as your breathing became strained from the tightening of your body as your tried to bury yourself into the wall.
"Oh babe..." he pulled open your mother's vanity draw, making sure it dragged slowly, Marko slipping into the room soon after and searching under the large bed with burning golden eyes, "think you can hide from us?"
They were getting closer and you could do nothing but press your hand harder against your mouth, fighting your tears.
You dreaded to think what they would do if they found you. Would they punish you? Hurt you? Kill-
The resounding growls you heard shut you right up, all four joining together to drown out your thoughts.
You were helpless, the only thing between you and them was a small panel of wood. And from your experience, it was thin enough for a human to kick through with little effort. Let alone what they were.
All of them were in the room now, you could tell from the movements, someone had entered through the window and Paul had come from the hall. Their movements were changing constantly, and every other moment one of them would drag their feet back down the hall in an effort to pick up something to single you out.
David was more of an observer and naturally Marko did most of his dirty work for him, your parent's room was looking like it had been raided with almost everything scattered about. They were setting the scene should anyone come back earlier than expected.
Paul was making his way across the wall that led towards where you were hidden, and you knew it wouldn't be long until he figured it out. You were doing your best to keep your thoughts empty until you realised just how quiet it had gotten.
oh no you thought, looking warily at the opening where you could hear fabric moving slowly.
Oh yes a voice crooned back.
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Prompt: Buck and Reader are dating (maybe even engaged) before buck joins 118. Buck doesn't tell about reader at anyone in the station. Eddie could already be part of 118. And then buck gets hurt or something and they meet reader. Athena loves her and then can we have a scene of buck&reader with the fire kids.
Emergency Contact 
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of hospitals and injuries, a mention of pregnancy 
Category: Angst and fluff
Word Count: 3.3k 
Author’s Note: Italics is a flashback :) 
A house fire, a normal occurrence for the 118. They arrive, Buck and Eddie make their way through the house whilst Hen and Chim tend to the others. The family that lived there, the Smiths, couldn't find their daughter outside and figured she was still inside so they had gone in to find her. 
Buck and Eddie had spilt up when they got inside, Buck going left and Eddie going right. Eddie had found the little girl and managed to get her out of the house, her parents were grateful that he brought her back to them. 
“Where’s Buck ?” Bobby turns to Eddie. 
Eddie glances around, unsure as to where his friend was. “I thought he was right behind me, I swear I saw him on the stairs” 
Bobby radioed, “Buckley, come in” 
Before they could get an answer, there was a loud crash from inside the house. Eddie and Bobby run back in to see Buck on the floor of the kitchen, the ceiling had a massive hole in it and he was covered in dust. Buck tries to sit up a little too fast but falls onto his back. It seems like the floor had given out under him and he had fallen through. 
“Buck?” Eddie calls to him, checking his pupils. “Yeah, definite concussion,” he tugs on Buck’s coat, feeling his abdomen area. “At least 2 broken ribs, if not more.” Eddie looks up at their captain, his hand still gently feeling Buck’s abdomen.
Bobby comes over, grabbing Buck’s feet as Eddie sits Buck up carefully and loops his arms under his. The two men carry him out, Chimney rolling a stretcher over to them. From that point, Hen and Chim took over, checking his vitals and if they had missed any other fractions or broken bones. The ambulance pulled off first, Chimney in the driver’s seat and Hen in the back with Buck. The firetruck followed, both vehicles headed to the hospital. 
“Did anyone call Maddie ?” Hen breaks the silence filled waiting room. Bobby looks up at her, Hen speaks again, “she is his emergency contact, isn't she?” 
Something about that didn’t sound right to Bobby. He hadn’t been there when Buck started as a probie but he had gone over everyones forms when he became captain. He can���t remember who Buck’s emergency contact was but he didn’t think it was Maddie. 
“Does anyone have her number ?” Bobby asks, no one answers. “I’m gonna head back to the station, I'll give her a call and come back. If anything changes, let me know?” Eddie answers with a yeah and Bobby heads out. 
Once he arrived back at the station, he searched through the drawers of files - which truthfully, should be organized better, but that was a problem for another time. Once finding the file, his finger runs down the page. Maddie’s name was on the form but as a secondary contact. y/n l/n was the name listed as primary contact so he called this mystery woman. She answers after the first 2 rings. 
“Hi, is this y/n?” 
“It is, who’s this?” 
“I’m captain Bobby Nash with the 118.” 
“What can I do for you, captain ?” 
“You’re listed as Evan’s primary emergency contact.” there was a pause in the conversation, the line had gone silent. 
“Yeah, is he alright ?” the woman’s voice returns. 
“He fell through the floor during a call today. He has a concussion and a few broken ribs- one of the ribs seems to have punctured a lung and he’s in surgery now. I was calling to notify you, we’re at the hospital if you’d like to join us” 
“Thank you for calling, I'll be there soon” and with that, she hung up. Bobby still had no idea who this woman was or how she knew Buck. The lack of emotion in the call didn’t help him gauge who it might be. He pushed the thought from his mind and called Maddie - surely whoever this y/n woman was, was obviously important to Buck if she was listed before Maddie but Maddie was his sister and she deserved to know so he called her anyways. 
When Bobby returned back, Buck was still in surgery. He sat down just as Athena arrived. A box of donuts in one hand and one of those huge containers of coffee in the other, Bobby got up and helped her, not before pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
“You didn’t have to come by,” he tells her as he sets the thing of coffee on the table in the middle of the room, she gives him a small smile. “Buck might be trouble but he’s still one of ours. I’d show up for any of them, you know that” she nudges him with her shoulder softly, he smiles at her once more. Everyone gets up, helping themselves to the coffee and donuts that Athena brought- they all thanked her as they all know the horrors of hospital food. 
A woman walks in, she’s at the nurses desk which is across from where the team sat. She’s asking for Evan Buckley and the nurse points her in the direction of the team in the waiting room. She approaches, her hands shoved in her sweater pocket- rather Buck’s sweater pocket. Bobby had seen him show up to work in that very sweater a few days before. 
“You must be y/n” Bobby stands, his hand stretched out to her. 
“I am, you’re Bobby, right ?” your hand comes out to reach his, shaking it. It didn’t take long for Bobby to notice the large diamond on your ring finger. Your hand lets go of his, returning to its spot in your pocket. Bobby gives you a small smile which you mirror. 
“Everyone, this is y/n. Buck’s- sorry, I didn’t ask. How do you know Buck?” Bobby asks you, you glance around the room. Everyone's eyes were on you. 
“I’m Buck’s-” 
“Y/n!” a woman calls for you. Turning around, you see Maddie approaching you. “Mads!” your arms open as she gets closer. She embraces you in a hug, your hand rubbing up and back her back. 
“Did you hear anything yet ?” she asks you, letting you go. Shaking your head, “I just got here” 
“You know her too ?” Chimney pipes up from his chair, Maddie looks over at him. “Yeah, obviously. She’s Buck’s fiancee” she tells him, the entire room goes silent. 
You look over at your sister in law, “they didn’t know that yet Mads” chuckling, you pat her back before taking a seat across from a woman in a police uniform. Maddie’s eyes went wide, her mouth slightly opened in shock. “Sorry! I thought you told them” she says, sitting beside Chimney. “I was about too but you called for me” 
Everyone’s attention is on you, the woman sitting across from you speaks up. “Well, it’s nice to meet you” she says, “I’m Athena, Bobby’s wife” she introduces herself. 
“Ah, so the whole family’s in law enforcement huh ?” you smile, Athena chuckles. “Seems like it. What do you do ?” 
“I’m a nurse over at General” 
“I thought I had seen you somewhere before” Athena smiles.
The room goes back to quiet, the team talking amongst themselves. Maddie sat beside you and on her other side was Chimney, you had seen him for the pictures Maddie showed you when she started seeing him. Beside him was a woman, she wore glasses and had a friendly smile- Hen. Buck had told you about her and her wife, they seemed like nice people. Sitting beside Hen was a man, cute with somewhat of a resting bitch face- that was Eddie, Buck’s best friend. Buck practically lived at his house when you worked night shifts and you had also seen a million and one photos of his son, Christoper, who was the sweetest little boy on the planet from what you had heard. 
Your hand rested on your lap, your thumb pushing and pulling the engagement ring on your finger back and forth. 
“He must really love you because that’s one hell of a rock” Athena was pacing the room and was now beside you, her hand reaching for yours to take a closer look at the ring. You laugh, “it is, isn't it?” 
“I have to ask, how long have you two been engaged ? Because he’s never mentioned you.” 
“Oh I know,” you hum, “we like to keep things low key but um, it’s been 2 years since we got engaged. We aren't really in a rush to get married.” you tell her. 
“2 years? That’s a long time to keep a secret like that” 
“Yeah, it’s been a challenge- but it’s not like he didn’t want to tell you guys. He just didn’t know how. Oh you know how he is- actions over words.” 
You and Athena talk a bit more, she tells you how Bobby proposed to her on Christmas Eve. She showed you a picture from when they got married- her own massive ring adorning her finger. You told her about how Buck proposed to you. 
“Babe! The pancakes are going to get cold!” you shouted for your boyfriend from the kitchen of your apartment. 
“I’m coming woman! Calm down” he shouts back, his footsteps coming closer with each step.
Buck had the weekend off and so did you- a rare occurrence for the two of you. You decided that instead of going out to get breakfast like you normally would, that you would cook instead. Hence why you were up at 10:15 on a Saturday morning and why your boyfriend’s shirt that you were wearing, was covered in flour and eggs. 
Buck’s arms wrapped around your waist, your attention on the stove. His hands coming ups under your shirt to feel your bare skin, he was busy peppering kisses down your neck. You nudge him with your shoulder, “go sit down, I'll bring the pancakes over in a minute” you tell him and he hums. Pressing one more kiss to your neck, he untangles himself from you and goes to the table. 
The layout of your apartment was a bit strange, the kitchen was by the front door but the kitchen didn’t have much space so your table was closer to your living room than the kitchen and there was a wall blocking you when you were in the kitchen so you weren’t able to see the table. 
Now heading to the table with a plate in each hand, you were focused on not dropping the plates. That went out the window when you entered the room to see your boyfriend down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand. 
“Buck” you breath 
“Y/n, you are so amazing, you just- god, this is so cheesy but you really do take my breath away. Last night, I was laying beside you and I had this perfectly rehearsed speech that I was going to give you but it just doesn't make sense now. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You stood by my side and didn't complain when I worked long hours or didn't have time because I joined the fire department. You are the woman of my dreams and I would do anything for you. So I hope you would do me the honour of being my wife ?” 
“Yes, oh my god yes” you lean down to kiss him. Buck smiles, “baby?” 
“You gotta put the plates down” he chuckles, you hadn't realized you were still holding the plates. Setting them down, Buck gets up. The ring that was in the box was now in his hand, he slid the ring on your finger. Holding your hand up, you admired the ring. 
“I think this deserves a proper breakfast” 
“I don’t think there’s anything better than this” he pulls you in for a hug. 
Athena laughs when you tell her, “he ambushed you when you were making him breakfast ? This kid has no sense of the right time” you chuckles at her comment. “It was perfect. I don’t think I would have it any other way, you know?” 
The doctor comes in, he asks for Buckley and all 7 of you stand. “Wow big group. Okay- we were able to patch the hole. He’ll need to be off work for the next 3-4 weeks before he can even consider going back but he should make a full recovery.” a few breaths of relief were let out around the room. “He’s in recovery now, I can take you in one at a time. Who would like to go first ?” 
Everyone's looking at you and you glance over your shoulder. “Do any of you want to go ?” you ask, no one answers you. 
“Maddie ?” 
“I’m gonna get some air and some coffee and then I'll be there. Give him a hug for me” she gives your hand a squeeze, you smile at her. Following the doctor down the hallway, you pass multiple rooms all with different families and people with different injuries. That’s one of the things you enjoyed about the hospital- if you looked past all the sadness, there were so many success stories, so many happy families. 
Room 276 at the end of the hall was his. Buck was asleep, a few wires and such were hooked to him. Pulling a chair up to his bedside, your hand reached for him, holding it gently as your thumb rubbed the top of it. Your eyes drift to his monitor by his bedside, steady heartbeat and blood pressure. There was nothing to be concerned about yet you couldn't look away. 
“y/n,” a faint whisper left his lips, you glanced down at your fiancee, his eyes barely opened. 
“Buck,” you smiled, your hand coming up to touch his face. He nuzzled closer to your hand, turning his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to the palm of your hand. 
“Can I- water?” you let go of him to get the glass from the counter. Pouring some water in it, you stick the straw in the cup before holding the straw to his lips. He sighed and looked at you as you set the cup down. “I guess the secret’s out ?” he smiles, you nod. 
“Maddie let it slip, but I was about to tell them so it’s fine” you kiss his forehead. 
“Is everyone here?” 
“Yeah, in the waiting room. They all thought you’d look horrendous so I came in to check, lucky me right ?” you joke, Buck lets out a weak laugh before his hand comes up to his chest. 
“Ow, don’t make me laugh” he pouts, you smile at him. Sitting at the edge of the chair, your hand finds his hair, brushing it back softly. 
“Surgery isn't a good look on you” 
“Hey, I always look good” he pouts once more. 
The few weeks go by a lot quicker than expected and Buck is set to return to the 118 on Monday. Athena had helped you plan a little surprise get together for Buck but you had just told him that you were headed over to Bobby and Athena’s for the day because you were going shopping with Athena. You left home around noon and helped them set up all day and you called Buck around 6. 
“Hey babe, how’s shopping going ?” 
“It’s alright, we’re back at the house now. Bobby was saying that you should swing by, we could all have dinner together”
“Hm yeah, that sounds good. I’ll be there soon”
Now you wait. The entire team was already there, everyone scattered amongst the living room, waiting for him to arrive. He knocked on the door, Athena shouted for him to come in. He walked in, everyone waited for him to round the corner, the surprise evident on his face. 
“What’s all this?” he smiles, he makes his way down the stairs. 
“Welcome back” Bobby goes over to give him a hug. Buck makes his way around the room, saying hello to everyone. Eventually, he finds you in the kitchen with Karen who says hello to him and then leaves the two of you in the kitchen. 
“So did you really go shopping ?” he asks, his arm over your shoulder and your arm wraps around his waist. 
“Yeah but for party supplies” you smile at him, he leans down and kisses your head. Chris, Denny and Harry all come into the kitchen on the hunt for sweets that you previously heard Eddie, Athena and Hen all telling them that they weren't allowed to have. Of course they assumed that if they sweet-talk Buck that he would give them, and he did, he never said no to those boys. 
All three of them made themselves comfortable on the couch as Buck returned with a plate of cupcakes for them. Buck sat beside them, pulling you onto his lap. 
“Do you have any scars from the surgery ?” Denny asks him, looking over at Buck. “Yeah, do you wanna see ?” Buck asks, the 3 boys nod eagerly. You smile at them, Buck unbuttons the top of his shirt, pulling it to the side to show the boys the scar from the surgery. It was fairly tiny but still noticeable. 
“Woah that’s cool!” “Can I poke it?” “That’s weird looking” 
You and Buck laugh at the responses- boys will be boys. The 3 boys ask a few more questions and Buck shows them a couple other scars that he had gotten over the year, eventually they get bored of Buck and his stories and go off to find someone else. You leave Buck in the living room as he was talking to Maddie and Chimney. 
Now in the backyard, you and Athena were talking about when you'd actually go shopping when someone bumped into your leg. Looking down, you see Nia beside you, you pick her up and hold her, Nia sitting comfortably on your hip now. The two of you go along with your conversation and Nia cuddles into your side, you glance down at the little girl who was smiling at you, you give her a smile too. 
Buck’s arm wraps around your shoulder, he presses a kiss to your temple. “Hey,” he smiles before leaning forward to take a peak at Nia, “Hey kiddo” he reaches out to hold her hand, she smiles at him. 
“You 3 look comfortable together” Hen says as she makes her way over with Karen. Buck laughs. 
“If you’re open to babysitting, feel free to take the kids anytime” Karen jokes, you smile. “I might take you up on that. It’d be like to have an actual kid around rather than just Buck” you laugh, Buck pouts. “Hey! I’m not that bad” the 3 women all give him looks. Athena pats his shoulder, “that’s what you think Buckaroo” 
“Having the kids around would be good practice” Your fiancee thinks out loud. 
“Practice for what, darling?” 
“You know, one day maybe we’d have kids” 
“Oh not now? Not a fan of the whole pregnancy glow thing ?” 
“Oh I am, I do it right-” “don’t finish that sentence” you laugh, leaning up to give  him a kiss. You had a feeling that your fiancé’s family was about to become yours too. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21 @fernandaweasley2 @yikesyikesyikes95 @hotchsdarling @venusrosepetal @luke-alvez  @caitsymichelle13 @averyhotchner
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nevess · 3 years
— redamancy;
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(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full
🌱… description: Mitsuya is perceived as the perfect boyfriend, brother and human. But just like any other, he has flaws. For the first time in a while, he told you about them and you comfort him. Lots of fluff;
🍵… warnings: swearing? feeling down? idk what to put here so probably none;
🧳 … character/s: mitsuya takashi;
☕️… word count: 1657 ; | date: November 27, 2021
a/n: Its 2:22am so this is not proof read so sorry for grammar mistakes. Im following my creative impulse rn. Hope you like it!! its my first time doing this tipe of writing ^^<33 baiii love you. Remember to drink water and eat!! 
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You were waiting for Mitsuya to open the front door of his house while being worried sick for him. He didn't come to the date you guys planned for two weeks, and since this afternoon you've been texting him and tried calling but no response was delivered. Minutes passed and still no signs of anyone being home or him being online. Ten minutes later and nobody answered the door, so you took the hidden key under the flower pot, placing it back in its rightful place after the door was unlocked. 
Once in, you find yourself with black room, lights off and everything seems normal. Except, you knew this wasn't, not his house at least. Luna and Mana are usually awake at this time whilst Takashi is in the kitchen or working in the dining room. You entered the household and made your way to your boyfriend's room, opening the door quietly and with such slowness so you wouldn't make any noise. 
“Tsuya…?” You whispered softly, his name rolling your tongue with a whit of worry and unsertiness. No answer. There was a shuffle of fabric as the hump of blankets moved while Takashi shifted his body at the sound of his name being called. You wanted to be mad at him for forgetting your date, especially one like this. You were excited to go to the festival that arrived in Japan just for today and he totally forgot! 
Opening the door and peeking through the small space, you saw his room, noticing the mess that was invading the space. It was unlike him to have an untidy and messy room, mainly because he liked to have an organized space so he could clear his mind and work in peace. You got closer to him and sat nearby on his bead. Your hand now rests on his ruffled hair, leaving soft strokes. “What's wrong, ‘kashi? Why did you stood me up?” You asked in a half whisper, a little anger nipping. 
When he inhaled from his nose you heard the sniff it made; he cried. What made him cry? You were shocked to find him in such a vulnerable state, so tilting your head while you felt a twinge in your chest you proceeded to interact. “Here, hold my hand.” You said while taking out your shoes and laying on your side. You offered your hand to the purple haired boy who seconds later intertwined your fingers together, giving it a tight squeeze without saying a word. You remain in silence, and a little impatient, as the unsteadiness invades your mind, millions of questions were formed but none of them answered. 
Takashi Mitsuya is a man that knows his way around words, but when it comes to understanding his feelings it can be like wanting to complete a puzzle but none of the pieces fit with each other. Because you grew up being close to him you understood he needed a little bit of time to process what was happening, and that's exactly what you were trying to do. Offering him enough space to do so, and at the same time letting him know you were there for him. 
After a while of silence and you physically giving him comfort he speaks. “Y/n… Am I a good brother? A good boyfriend even?” You didn't have any doubts that he was not the perfect person, he had his flaws. But when it comes to being a good brother, he was the best. And as a boyfriend, you couldn't ask for a better one. He always hypes you up when you feel a little insecure or when you are being confident in the ‘fit' you are wearing. Is the best at comforting you when you feel sad, and even helps you become a better person.
There is no hesitation or doubt when you immediately answer his question. “You are an amazing one, babe.” You softly respond. His body is now facing yours, so you move your hand to his neck, gently trailing invisible shapes in his skin with your tumph.  Eyes looking swollen and red because of crying earlier. “My beautiful blueberry boy.” You whisper with a sweet and reassuring tone. He looked up to see your eyes, ones that he loved so much. Melting at the love that was transmitted through them. 
He was bottling up everything, and you came to that conclusion due to you recognizing the facial expression he had right now, it was the same he had the first time he ever told you what he felt when overwhelmed with him. He blamed himself for having those feelings and blamed himself for everything he couldn't fix. Mitsuya is not used to sharing his feelings or even voicing them to other people or himself; he has a hard time identifying them. He understands what being happy, sad, angry, disgusted or afraid is like, but the different denominations come a little more harder for him to describe. 
“Let me take care of things for once, okay? Rest, I'll be by your side. Allow me to take the pain away from you.” You pleaded to him with a tendered voice. He made a pout with his lips, curling them up to stop them from shaking. Thick tears started to wet his cheeks. “I am sorry…” He mumbled with a broken voice, proceeding later to roughly explain how he was feeling. It broke your heart to know that all of this was happening to him and you didn't even notice. Meanwhile, you kept the slow paced strokes on his hair. He was telling you how unworthy, pettiful and afraid he felt. You copy his pout and leave a kiss on his forehead while wrapping your arms around his neck and muttering words of affirmation to him. 
His body is close to yours, both of you feeling the warm emitter, while you do your best to let him know that you don't view him as such. How he was describing himself made you want to cry too. ‘If he only knew how amazing he truly was’, you thought to yourself. “Kashi…” His name leaving your lips made him look up to you. Slightly moving your face away and adjusting your body to be able to caress his cheeks with ease. “You are not your thoughts.” A small kiss on the tip of his nose and then on his lips was all he needed before you continued talking. “You are an amazing brother. I’m sure Luna and Mana wouldn't change you for the world, they admire you and love you so much. You give them everything you can, and that is exactly what they need.” 
You look into his puffy violet eyes once more before you leave another kiss on his lips, this one being a little longer. “Mitsuya Takashi, you are my favorite person in the entire world. It is the way you look into my eyes and let me know everything will be fine. The way you take your time with everything you do because you only want to give the best of you to others.” You made a little pause to leave a kiss on both of his cheeks, before you continue. “Is the way you embrace every imperfection I possess and help me view it from a different perspective… The way you take care of me, and everyone you care about, giving them only the best you can afford.” 
Both of your hands stay on each of his cheeks as you look into the violet haired man's eyes. “Even if you sometimes can be a perfectionist and get frustrated, even if when you get mad become a different person, a hot one i may add-” You let out a chuckle, while a smile attempts to form in your boyfriend's face. “The love you provide to your sisters, and the way you support your mom in everything you can so the burdens become a little less heavier for her, are enough. ‘Tsuya, you are a human being, it's okay to not be perfect. I love you for who you are, not what you can buy or give me. Your family is blessed to have such an amazing person with them.” 
He smiles with his wet cheeks burning because he couldn't hide the effect your words had on him. He was hard on himself, he forces himself to surpass those expectations he thinks will make him better. With you by his side always reminding him it's okay not to be perfect and to have low moments he feels like he can go beyond he ever imagined. The way you talk about him, with so much love dripping from your expression, the way your body responds to him, and how you look at him. Ever since you started talking he found himself getting lost in those dazzlings, heavenly and enchanting eyes of yours. The deep color that decorates them and makes them unique from anyone else's. He is grateful to have you in his life. 
“Do you want to cuddle while we watch a movie?” You asked as a way to comfort him. He wasn't a big fan of watching movies, but you knew he was weak for one he used to watch with his little sister as kids. The only DVD his mom ever bought for them. Mitsuya nodded his head while hugging your torso and found physical comfort by laying his head on your chest. You return to surround his neck with your arms while you leave a kiss on his head. “The same as always?” You asked even though you already knew his answer. 
Both of you end up spending the night cuddling and Takashi falling asleep half through the movie. The next day you spend it papering each other and in the evening playing with Mana and Luna, who barged into Mitsuyas room while you were cuddling, demanding to spend time with both of you.  
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© Nevess 2021. My original posts are not allowed to be edited, translated and/or re-uploaded on another account or platform without my permission, nevertheless, re-blogs are accepted and very appreciated.
Tag list: @saturnmitsuya @the2ndl
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roscgcld · 4 years
RYOMEN SUKUNA || we will meet again
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: ryomen sukuna
pronouns: she/her
proof read: N/A
"Promise me...that one day, we will meet again."
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Back in the day, when Jujutsu Sorcerers were at their prime, lived a Cursed Spirit who goes by the name Sukuna. Once a human Sorcerer himself, he had somehow managed to create himself into the Jujutsu world's most feared Cursed Spirit. He was dubbed 'the King of Curses' and rained terror over the human and jujutsu world; with super natural powers and a sadistic personality to match the title. Everyone who has crossed him shook in absolute fear.
That was, of course, before he met a particular princess.
She was a beautiful woman; the daughter of one of the then king’s favourite concubines. Born with the alluring beauty of her mother, and a heart of gold, it was hard to ignore her presence when she walked into a room. 
She was brought up in the palace, where she was given the title as princess; but she will never sit on the throne of the kingdom her father rules over. As only the King’s wife is allowed to bear the heir that will sit on the throne. She didn’t mind, she had never desired such power to begin with. Even if she was going to be married off to one of the many foreign princes asking for her hand in marriage, she didn’t care about titles. 
Since she was never destined to sit on the throne, her father had given her quite the freedom to do as she pleases. With all her free time, she tends to use it connect to the people of her kingdom; helping the needy during their time of need, always purchasing things from the local vendors and merchants that have travelled long and far. She is beloved by the people, and shines a light on the royal family that makes them more human instead of the godly image that is projected onto the royal family.
Anyone who meets her would fall in love for her - and apparently not even Cursed Spirits were the exception.
The princess have always love spending her time out in nature - horse back riding with a few of the guards in training, swimming in the river that her brothers love to hunt by, learning about the different plants and herbs from the doctors that go out foraging for medical herbs. So it came to the surprise to no one when Sukuna stumbled onto the princess by accident on the riverbed.
Sukuna had not expected to see any human about as he goes about his walk deep in the woods. It was one of those rare moments to himself where he does not necessarily have anything he needed to do on hand, and also the few rare moments where he does not have a mob of sorcerers up his ass. He was just enjoying the sounds of nature and the soft wind blowing against his kimono when he heard what sounded like a human's laughter coming from the river near by. At first he was curious, since no human usually ventures this deeply into the woods. At the same time, he had wanted to ignore it, since humans are just a pain in the ass to deal with even if they can't see you. However, there was something so alluring about that soft giggle that had him wanting to see just who this annoying brat was. So, without even him realising what was happening, his feet quietly walked towards the river and before he knew it, he had pushed the last branch aside to peek over at the river bed curiously. Sitting before him on a flat rock by the river was a woman with flowing hair, her small feet dipped into the running water below as her hands reached forward to play with a few of the fishes that swam by. The pink fabric of her furisode laid behind her like a pink halo, showcasing the intricate sakura trees and flowers that were sown into the fabric. The aura around her was relaxed and peaceful, and somehow just seeing her brings him a sense of peace. As if she could sense his stare, the woman suddenly pauses before she turns to look over her shoulder curiously; bright and seemingly glowing eyes meeting his red ones head on. Sukusa felt the world around him come to a stop as the eyes of the princess before him trapped him on the spot, causing him to loose all train of thought from before. "Oh - were you wanting to sit here too?"
The casual way she just asked him that question definitely threw him off. The woman actually just lets out a soft laugh at his dry answer. "It's alright - we can share the space if you don't mind." She commented, a teasing tone taking over her voice as she patted the free spot beside her. "I promise I don't bite."
If she had known just who this man was, she might actually understand how ironic her sentence was. But Sukuna decided not to comment on it as he quietly makes his way towards her, sitting down at the spot beside the princess whose eyes had already returned to the river before her. "The water feels extra nice today. And there is more fishes then usual." She conversed with the man casually, causing Sukuna to wonder if she is pretending to be as dense as she is right now. "How are you so calm right now? I mean, do you see a 10ft tall human with four arms every day or what? Your reaction is sort of dull." 
The princess pauses in thought as she thinks, looking far too relaxed by his side. "I have always been able to see...odd things." She started off with a soft hum, glancing over at the man beside her with a soft smile. "I have asked people around me before, and after realising that I am the only one who can see them, I decided to ignore them." She admitted, running her dry hand through her hair softly. "But if I am being honest, this is the first time one has actually ever spoken to me."
"Well, I'm not the everyday curses." He said with a slightly proud tune in his voice, to which the princess beside him looks up at the taller man with interest. "Every day curses are small things, I am basically what people in my world call a Special Grade Curse." He continued, and for some reason, when he saw how her eyes were staring up at in him awe, he looked away with a light blush on his face. He doesn't even know what was about her that drags out these human-like emotions from him - he had never felt like this ever before.
"Special Grade Curse?" She echoes back with curiosity, to which the man beside her just nods softly as he leans back to rest on the free arms, the other two crossed across his chest. Suddenly she turned to face him, her eyes shining so brightly with excitement that it caused Sukuna to squint a little. "Can you explain just what you are to me a little more?"
One question was all it took to have Sukuna falling, and if he was being honest - he actually didn’t mind spending so much time on this little human. From sharing stolen nights in her bedroom in the royal palace, to sneaking out to just go to the riverbed where the met for the first time; they even spent time just wandering about his domain. It was actually during these small explorations of the world around them that created a special bond between the two.
For her, he was her escape from the restrictive and repetitive routine of royal life. For him, she was his utopia, a person he can turn to whenever he feels like just killing everyone around him. Soon though, these emotions sprouted into something deeper and more personal. It was jarring at first, falling for a human - but he knows that she was worth it all.
He remembers the way her eyes shone brightly with a constant look of innocence in them, yet she is mature and realistic enough to know that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. He remembers the way she carries herself, her warm and loving smile, how content he felt whenever she wrapped her arms around him. He loves the feeing of her soft hair that tumbles around her face in soft waves, how it feels like silk whenever he runs his fingers through them. How with just one glance, she can fill the void in his heart that he didn't know existed.
Yet they were never set to happy ending to begin with.
It was during just what started off like a normal day when the town the princess was in was suddenly invaded by a rival kingdom’s army. Their goal was to conquer and take over the kingdom with any means necessarily; meaning that the royal family had to go.
Uraume had entered his hideout, panting with wide eyes as they told Sukuna of the town now plunging into chaos. Within seconds the Cursed Spirit was up and sprinting towards the royal palace, great fear and anger gripping him from within. Entering through the destroyed doors of the grand palace, he ignored the screams of anguish of the others around him as he ran straight towards one of the buildings - the building where the royal sleeping chambers were located.
When he finally found her room, he felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest at the sight before him.
The once beautifully crafted shoji doors with panels decorated in a beautiful forest scene now laid in tatters, the furniture inside looking as if though a huge scuffle had happened. Rushing deeper into the room, he felt his heart sank to its stomach when he saw the splatters of blood leading towards the small room where the princess would sleep in.
Entering the back room, his red eyes scanned over the many splatters of blood about the room, the red handprints of the princess smeared across the ornate walls whilst the body of the princess laid on her futon; the sheets now soaked in blood. "No, no, no.." Sukuna managed out in horror as he quickly made his way to his lover's side, pulling her bloodied body into his arms immediately. "Flower, open your eyes. Please.."
Slowly her eyelids begin to move, and Sukuna felt his heart break when he saw how her now dull and tired eyes shifted to look up at him, taking a moment to truly process just who he was. "I'm so sorry..." Sukuna mumbles out through a small voice as he pulls her closer, trying his hardest to press his hands against the gashing wound on her abdomen. Since the wound was inflicted by a non-sorcerer, there was no trace of cursed magic on her; meaning that there was no way he can save her to begin with. "I-If only I had known..."
"Shh...it's okay.." The princess whispered out in a soft but pained tone, her bloody hand reaching up to cup his tattoo cheek ever so softly. The familiar touch brought another wave of emotion through Sukuna as he tries to blink back his tears, pulling her closer to his chest as he shifted his posture so she was sitting in his lap. He barely even acknowledge his own kimono that was slowly being soaked in blood. "Y-You didn't know this was going to happen...no one did...don't blame yourself..."
With watery red eyes Sukuna marvelled at how even though she was on death's doorstep, she still tried to put on a smile for his sake. "I'm so sorry..." Sukuna manages through a pained tone, tears now sliding down his face in thick streams whilst the woman just gave him a loving smile, resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't be.." She mumbles softly, forcing the man to look down at her as she gave him the same smile that had him falling for her from the beginning. "You know that...it takes more than this to get rid of me.."
The teasing words caused Sukuna to let out a soft and pained laugh, remembering the times where he would tell her how annoying she was whenever she would cling onto him and tease him relentlessly. He would trade anything to go back to those moments once more. "Brat.." He manages through his silent sobs, to which the woman just lets out a soft laugh as her fingers slowly traced along his features. For a few moments it was just silence, but the next time she spoke, Sukuna knew that the end was coming.
"Promise me...that one day, we will meet again."
"I promise, my love." Sukuna mumbles back quietly, resting his forehead against hers when he noticed how much effort it takes for her to blink. "No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you." He told her firmly as he presses a loving kiss on her forehead. "No matter how long it takes.." She echoes quietly, to which Sukuna just press a loving kiss on her head just as he felt her soft hand slowly slide down his chest, falling limply on her side.
For a moment Sukuna just held her against him, quietly crying into her hair. His entire world was in his arms, and just like that she was taken away from him. From that sadness came anger, and he soon found himself with the deep desire to crush whoever took her away from him.
Thus started the true rein of terror under the King of Curses, his anger fueling him to chase for bigger goals. Whilst he strive to rid of this world of dirty humans who took his flower away from her, he kept the vow that they promised one another - that they will wait for the other no matter how long it takes.
Because he had promised you so, and he’d do anything to keep that promise.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
#9 “Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.” with Obi-Wan & Jango & Satine? (... or Obi-Wan/Jango/Satine, I'm not picky)
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Oh, I'm going to make this deeply stupid and AU because I got struck by a plot bunny and I'm taking it out on a prompt.
Satine hates the man named Jango Fett.
They've met before, once or twice. He'd known her father, before the latter's assassination. She'd met Jango when she was a child, before he'd lost his people at Galidraan, before she'd lost her sister to a terrorist group and her father to a blaster shot. She'd thought him gruff but kind, at the time, and very sad.
Now, she just wants him to trip on a pipe and brain himself on one of the many rusted, broken beams around them. She won't strangle him herself, won't turn her back on her oaths and commit violence, but she's not too proud to hope for an accident.
"Pick up the pace, princess."
"I am a Duchess," she snaps, lifting her skirts to step delicately over something that might have been machinery at one point.
The only light they have is from his helmet, and the only reason she hasn't fallen from the fabric catching on some matter or other is that he has a sense for when she gets caught.
He'd suggested that she pull the skirts up to gird her loins, and then found that the numerous layers made it impossible. He'd offered to cut the skirt down to something more manageable, without depriving her of the coverage she still needed in the cold of these darks, dank ruins. He'd then found that the vibroblade did nothing against the skirts.
(She was a pacifist, not stupid. Of course her clothing was reinforced.)
"I don't care," he says back through grit teeth. She's not sure why he hasn't just left her for dead, but she's not going to complain. Much. "Just move."
They've been making their way through the ruins for hours. They still don't know how they got here. They have no way to find out.
They just head up, and hope it gets them somewhere.
(Signs litter the walls, all in a script unfamiliar to them. Archaic, or simply foreign, they don't know.)
She freezes.
Fett moves behind her, light shifting with the noise of his beskar, and then he says, "I'm going to turn out the light for a second. Give us a minute to adjust to the dark after I do. I think I saw something glowing, but I can't tell with the flash on."
She nods, sure that he can see it, and they are engulfed in the dark again.
It's not for long, because the glow that Fett described is real. Faint, far off down the hallway and a pale blue that winks in and out in multiple spots at once, but there.
"We'll need the light to make it there without you getting rust sickness," Fett mutters. He flicks the headlight back on. "Might get some kinda hint out of it, whatever it is."
"You'd risk it?"
"Don't have any other choice," Fett tells her. "Move out, Princess."
They reach the blue glow, entering a large, cavernous atrium, just as dark as the rest of the ruins so far, but much less cramped than the previous hallways.
It is mostly floating motes of something, and the something in question makes Satine's skin crawl. She has no idea what it is. She doesn't think Fett does either, but he's a little busy trying to get a scan of the room around them. Satine can just barely see the floor from the blue light, and she steps closer carefully. Part of her screams about deep sea fish and wild space ancients, creatures that use light to hunt, but they've had nothing else yet. No hints.
This place feels ancient. Perhaps the spirits that linger are even older.
"I'm fine," she calls back, deliberately refusing to understand the man's worry. She just... reaches out.
And one of the blue lights comes to her.
Fett swears and comes closer, but Satine pulls her hands to her chest, cradling the little light to herself. It's larger than she'd expected, perhaps the size of a Chandrila plum. It's warm, too.
"You're going to get yourself killed," Fett snaps.
"It's friendly," she says. "I think."
"You think," Fett hisses, the noise crackling through the vocoder. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Listen--"
The lights coalesce. They are, for the moment, blinding, and Satine flinches away.
Fett has a blaster out before Satine can even open her eyes again. She knows the noise better than she'd like. She can identify which blaster it is by the click of the safety alone.
Any Mandalorian her age can.
"Oh dear," an unfamiliar voice says. "I'm afraid that--well, yes, Mando, hello there. I'm afraid that the blaster won't do much to me. I'm already long dead, you understand."
When Satine manages to blink the spots out of her vision, it's to see a glowing, slightly blue-tinged human figure in clothing that is distinctly Jedi, if very... very outdated.
The man--she thinks it's a man, beards usually indicate such--smiles and waves at her. "I apologize for the light show. It's been quite some time since I've had reason to take a solid form."
"I can imagine," Satine says, her voice weak even to her own ears. The man isn't much older than her, or at least wasn't when he... died? Or perhaps he was elderly when he died, and just rolled his age back as this spirit for some reason.
He smiles kindly, and then looks past her shoulder to Fett. He rolls his eyes, and smirks, and says, "Su cuy'gar, Mand'alor."
"I am not Mand'alor," Fett growls out. "I don't hold that title anymore."
"You do in spirit," the figure claims. "None other can say the same, not yet."
Before Fett can argue further, the man smiles pleasantly, and says, "I don't suppose you could remove yourselves from my shrine? Just a few steps back, thank you."
Satine looks down. She notices the raised platform and carved sigils and the stone column she hadn't seen in the earlier darkness, and flushes. She steps back and down, and Fett does the same.
"Now," the figure says. "As I was saying--"
"What are you?" Fett demands. "Ghost of a Jedi?"
"Something like that," the figure allows. "I was not just a Jedi, but... yes, I'm something you could call a ghost. I'd prefer simply a spirit."
"Like the ka'ra," Satine mutters, and grunts in disagreement.
"Those, Duchess, are only Mandalorians."
"Then I suppose it is fitting that I am both," the spirit says, and his form shifts.
Armor. It does not cover all of him--his pelvis and head are distinctly bare--but the shapes are distinctly Mandalorian. The colors aren't quite exact, with the blue glow he carries about him, but she's fairly certain she's seeing blue, green, and black. Reliability, duty, and justice.
Fitting, for a Jedi. The symbol for the Order is on his pauldron, even, and the hilt of his saber hangs easy at his side.
The gasp that comes through Fett's vocoder is harsh. She can't imagine he likes this.
"You--" he cuts himself off, takes a breath audible even past the helmet, and tries again. "There is no way you are Tarre Vizsla."
"No, I'm afraid not."
"So you must be Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The man smiles and tucks his hands into his sleeves, the swinging of the fabric allowing them the glimpse of vambraces beneath. He ducks his head in a shallow nod. "I am indeed."
Satine feels how empty of blood her own face is. She can't imagine Fett is doing much better.
"This is the Kar'ta-yaim be talyc rang," Fett mutters, horrified in a way that Satine feels her own self echoing. "You..."
"Well, we certainly never called it that," Kenobi says, head tilting faintly. "But I imagine that after the siege... Yes, Temple of Bloodied Ash would certainly reflect our final days."
It was one of the few stories that didn't pit Jedi and Mandalorians against each other, in the histories.
It had been the first attempt to coexist, the warriors of the saber and the warriors of iron. None managed to wed the two philosophies the way Kenobi had, but that hadn't mattered. They'd lived together, in peace. The reports had been clear enough, that there hadn't been weapons storage. There hadn't even been real defensive measures, barring the force fields. The Jedi had refused to let war reach this building, even whilst the Sith still raged across the galaxy. The other temples could handle the atrocities afar. The children, the elderly, the infirm, they were all to find a home here. The only weaponry were the sabers and whatever metals the Mando'ade carried in their armor.
Just a place of peace, a home to research, to children, to hospitals, all slaughtered to the last man, and set ablaze after. Nobody had ever tried such an attempt at peace between Mandalore and Jedi since. The location has been lost for longer than anyone remembers, but...
"Why are we here?" Satine asks.
"I wonder," Kenobi says, seeming far too pleased for the revelations of the last minute. He strokes at his beard, and then turns and sweeps an arm across the air. As he does, a whirring noise surrounds them, stuttered and heavy, but growing in power. Bit by bit, the sections of the wall that he'd gestured at begin to glow.
There are lights set into the wall like circuitry, warm and bright. The generators, which much be centuries old, at the least, continue to run.
"They draw energy from the river in the mountain," Kenobi says, before either of them thinks to ask. "Come along, my dears."
Satine hesitates. So does Fett.
Kenobi turns, presumably noting that their footsteps aren't following him. He smiles, and the corners of his eyes crinkle.
Satine can't remember how old he supposedly was, at his death. His eyes are much older, but...
"I assure you, it's perfectly safe," he tells them. "The building won't hurt you."
"The building?" Fett asks, sounding perhaps a little more dubious than the situation warranted. They were already talking to a figure of legend.
"Yes, the building," Kenobi repeats, indulgent in a way that Satine would have found irritating if aimed at her, but rather approved of like this. "The walls are already straightening out, I feel. And the droids are going to be clearing out the debris soon enough. The rust will be a little difficult to manage, of course, but..."
"What do you mean the walls are going to straighten out?" Satine asks. "And how... this place has been dead for centuries, hasn't it? How did you wake it?"
"Duchess Kryze, I didn't wake the Temple," Kenobi tells her. She doesn't know how he got her name. "You did."
She doesn't know what to say in response. She stays quiet, and waits for him to elaborate.
"Is it because she woke you up?" Fett asks, clearly unwilling to play a waiting game. "You're a... guardian? The keyholder to the power?"
"Mand'alor," Kenobi says, with a smile playing on his lips behind the carefully-groomed beard, "I am the Temple."
He smiles and starts walking backwards, gliding in a way that makes it clear he doesn't need to step, really, because his feet don't stay planted where he puts them. They have to follow, now, or risk losing him. "My consciousness, my very self, is woven into every bit of this building. I have no flesh, not anymore, but while my sense of self stays coherent in the Force... the Temple is my body."
"How?" Satine demands, hurrying to keep up. She tries to ignore the way the flagstones shift and settle ahead of her, still and level by the time she steps forward. She tries to ignore the grinding of metal, as it's pulled into the walls like it's soup instead of stone. She tries to ignore the creaking of the foundation about them, and stays focused on the pleasant smile of one of the only two Mandalorian Jedi in history that maintained the balance.
"Do your history books carry the name of my apprentice?" Kenobi asks.
"Skywalker," Fett says immediately. "And... Tano, I think, before she changed it. She escaped, didn't she?"
"Yes, she was away at the time," Kenobi says, voice distant for but a moment. Somewhere far off among the tunnels, there is a mighty crash. "I'd fought until I couldn't any more. My armor, what I had of it, protected me from the flames. I'd worn a helmet during the siege, and it filtered the smoke, even as I lay dying from other wounds... between that and the Force, I lasted long enough that Anakin found me. The others had all died of smoke inhalation, if they hadn't succumbed to their injuries or the flames themselves by that point."
"The fire didn't reach you?" Fett questions.
"Mm, no, the alcove I was in was all stone, and there wasn't anything flammable enough nearby to reach," Kenobi says, sounding distant again. "In any case, Anakin found me. He was... distraught. Desperate. Not entirely sane, I think, but with what he walked into, I can't find it in myself to fault him."
"Master Kenobi," Satine finds herself saying. "What did he do?"
Kenobi's smile is sad. She'd call it resigned, really. He's lived--sort of--with this situation for centuries now. It makes sense. "He took my mind, my soul in the Force, and 'saved' it in a way that would leave me tied to the world past my death. It was ingenious, but... I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I don't think Anakin realized what he was doing until long after he'd already succeeded at the impossible."
"He cursed you," Fett declares.
Kenobi shrugs. "I think he expected the temple to be cleaned and re-inhabited again soon enough. It wasn't, as you can see. The generators have been gathering power for centuries, but the fire destroyed most of them, and we didn't have anything in reserve with how much we poured into the shields during the battle. I couldn't fix the ruins, and with the horrors that had occurred, nobody was coming back. Anakin said he would, he promised, but... he disappeared. He visited, and he spoke with me, but a few years in he was simply... lost. I had a connection to his ship's signal, and it winked out in the blink of an eye, and never came back."
Oh. Terrifying.
"For all that I am the Temple, now, there are still secrets here that I don't yet understand," Kenobi tells them. "Your arrival, for one thing. The sediment carried up the mountain has slowly buried the temple over the centuries. There isn't a way in, save for two tunnels leading to the river, both of which I know are untouched."
"We just woke up here," Satine admits.
"Yes," Kenobi says. "You did. And part of me knows why."
"...part?" Fett asks.
It's a fair question to ask of a man who happens to have a brain that is also an entire building, somehow.
"Areas are cut off from my awareness," Kenobi admits freely. "Cave-ins and the like, mostly. There are one or two that I think I cut deliberately, due to what lay within."
Also terrifying, thank you.
"But I do believe I know what happened," he says, with that same damnably soft smile. "You two are the leaders of your people, yes? Tradition on one side, and peace on the other."
Satine shares a glance with Fett, and then turns to Kenobi and nods.
"Then I do believe it's simply the right time," he tells them. "You'll need to work together."
"I don't think so," Satine immediately denies.
"The Force works in mysterious ways," Kenobi tells her. "And if it brought you here--and you couldn't have arrived otherwise, I promise you that--then it was for a reason. Two leaders, the same people, with ideologies that I do believe are possible to bring together into, if not mixing, then at least coexistence."
"Impossible," Fett says. "The New Mandalorians are cowards, Kenobi. To share a culture with them--"
"Is as unlikely as Jedi and the old Mandalorians?" Kenobi asks, smiling so very politely that Satine wonders at how they aren't frozen stiff at the sight of it.
The sigil of the Order gleams mockingly from his pauldron.
Kenobi huffs out a breath, just a shadow of a laugh the slightest duck of his head, and then he turns and waves open a door.
Beyond him, sitting clean and pretty and entirely free of dust on its ancient stand, rests the Darksaber.
Satine stares.
She's sure Fett does, too.
"That can't be real," she says, her mouth moving before she can control it. "The Darksaber is lost, but it's popped up in history too recently to have been here since the fires."
"I saw it in Tor Vizsla's hands less than a years ago," Fett confirms. The vocoder cuts emotion from his voice, but not enough. "This place has been locked tight for centuries. The saber can't be here."
"The same could be said of the two of you," Kenobi points out.
It's true.
Satine steps forward, when it becomes clear that Fett won't. She picks up the weapon, holds it like the antique it is, square and unwieldy, but so very, very old that she cannot deny its importance. Weapon or not, it is her people's history.
She lights it.
The blade burns black.
"Turn it off," Fett rasps, and she does.
Satine looks back at him, and then to Kenobi. She turns fully, and steps forward, and holds it out to Fett.
He looks at her, uncomprehending.
"If you'd like to check for yourself," she says, and her voice is too quiet, but she can't help it. Something is happening, something heavy and broken, and she can't ignore the pressure of the future in this moment.
Fett takes the saber. He looks at it in his hands, and she thinks he is shaking.
"Your people need you, Mand'alor," Kenobi says, and there is no room for question. "They also need the Duchess."
"Why you?" Fett asks, voice strained and shattered in a way Satine can't even begin to pick apart.
"It was either me or Tarre, really," Kenobi says, with an idle shrug unfitting of the situation. "And I'm a little more... accessible, shall we say, to those who aren't sensitive to the Force."
Kenobi steps forward and rests an immaterial hand on Fett's shoulder.
"I already failed my people once," Fett says, barely audible.
"And now you shall save them," Kenobi says. His voice is firm. It is as if there is no question, to him, about whether or not Fett will succeed. "You won't be alone, either."
Satine shifts her weight, refusing to meet Kenobi's eyes. Her hands fist in her dress, and her mind races.
"What do you need of me?" Fett manages.
"What do you need of me, Master Kenobi?"
Satine looks up.
Fett... Fett removes his helmet, and looks at Kenobi with an expression that is more desperation than deference.
"To cooperate with those who would follow a different creed," Kenobi says, so low it's practically a murmur. His hand, still intangible, reaches out to cup Fett's jaw. Fett leans into it. "To protect those who cannot do so for themselves. Our people are warriors, Mand'alor, but to refuse violence for violence's sake, after the wars that have killed our home and rendered it little more than glass, that is its own bravery."
"Listen to me," Kenobi says, and Fett falls silent. "You will need to protect them. The Duchess may have the funds and the support to bring forth education, agriculture, childcare, and so on, but there are many who would take advantage of that peace. She provides the home for tradespeople, but you are the shield that keeps them safe."
It could be a balance, Satine tries to tell herself. Maybe.
Kenobi seems so certain of it, and Satine may hate violence, but she is far from unaware of the pirates and warlords that nip at their borders.
"The foundlings need homes," Kenobi continues. "The stories need to be told. The culture is fading, Mand'alor. Bring it back."
His eyes flick to Satine, and she looks away.
(Her pressure was only ever on violence. Her advisors had pressed at the erasure of the rest, but if it meant children grew up without the worry of their parents dying in pointless battle, then wasn't it worth bending?)
(Couldn't she look the other way as they tightened restrictions on even symbolic vambraces, if it meant few too-small bodies in the streets?)
(Her planet was a wasteland. What did culture mean in the face of so many dead?)
(She knows Fett doesn't see it that way, but she is the only governing New Mandalorian with any blood on their hands. She knows the weight of violence, of lives taken by her actions.)
(She knows it, and she rejects it knowingly.)
Fett breathes harshly, and Satine closes her eyes.
"I agree to try," she says. "If we can get out of these ruins and back to our people... I will try. I cannot speak for my people on this, but to instate the old Mandalorians as a planetary guard... it may be doable."
"Little steps, my dear," Kenobi says. He looks down at Fett, who's... not well, it seems. "The Mand'alor needs some help, I think. I'm no trained mind healer, but I imagine I can help. More than most, maybe. There are few who know what it is to be a sole survivor."
He smirks, just a little, at the joke that he is not, in fact, a man who survived.
It's not very funny.
"I'll stay," Fett says. "I'll... I'll learn. Master Kenobi, you... Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me."
"As a student?" Kenobi asks, catching on to just the same thing as Satine has. "Not in the Force, surely, but... you truly wish to stay?"
"There are none left alive that I would trust to show me the way," Fett says. Beseeching, he reaches for Kenobi, and his hands pass through. There's a pain in him that Satine can't quite comprehend, and Fett falls to his knees. "Please."
"You need only ask," Kenobi says. "The Duchess will look after our people until the King takes his throne, and then you will rule together."
They'll have to, Satine tells herself, and steps forward. She puts a hand on Fett's shoulder, and pulls him to his feet.
"Where do we begin?" she asks.
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
~ High on hatred ~
Warnings: SMUT, college!au, stoner!jisung, fem!reader, goodstudent x badstudent, illegal substances, fingering, blowjob, aggressivity(?), choking, hairpulling, penetrative sex (stay safe :c), nicknames (babygirl, slut..), hickies, cuddles!
Word count: 3,134 words (ok cherry slow down ffs) 
Requested: yesyes~ thank u anon for requestiiing cc:
Note: ok huge note here! i literally know nothing about drugs/illegal substances (or even legal substances for maybe except my raging caffeine addiction)  (where im from most substances are illegal heh) so please understand if this shits written like shit) also bad boys x good girls is my WEAKNESS since i always want some “bad boy” to wreck my good girl agenda hahahsh 
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Jisung wasn’t the most outstanding student in college but somehow you ended up being partners for a group project. The quiet straight A kid with the failing stoner, you could already imagine how this would go. You sat next to him in the lecture hall after your professor had announced the pairs and dreaded introducting yourself but your parents raised you with the belief that kindness comes first so you took a deep breath and said: 
“Hi! I’m y/n” you smiled at him. His gaze met yours, those dark brown eyes were somewhat bloodshot and his aura reeked of smoke. 
“Sup, Jisung” he waved with his thumb, pointer- and middle finger lazily towards you as his gaze scanned your body. You felt a bit uncomfortable by his predatory stare so you shifted in your seat, adjusting the white flowy skirt you had on. 
“Ehm.. so.. how do you want to structure up the project? I was thinking that we could divide the parts by-” you were stopped by his scoff. You looked at him in confusion. This would be much more difficult than you anticipated.
“Come over to my house tonight babygirl” his corny smirk and raspy voice made you want to punch him. Taken aback you turned your head slightly as you said; 
“What? So I can be another one of the girls you fuck?” your blood was boiling. Who does he think he is with his snapback and  dangly silver earrings? 
“Chill, I was thinking about working on the project but you seem to have other plans in mind with me” he smirked, still observing you. 
Your face turned beet red and Jisungs cocky attitude did not help in the slightest. 
“I.. I d-didn’t mean that..” you stuttered but you decided to shut up to not make the situation worse. Jisung reached for the post-it notes that were by your side and wrote something down. He teared it off the pad and just as you stood up, hoping to walk away and never see him again you heard him say;
“Babygirl, come at 7″ he stretched out his arm, hand holding the note. 
You grabbed it aggressively and stomped off as you heard him yell “Come safely babygirl” 
On your way home you crumbled up the note and stuffed it in your pocket. You had no intention of meeting him but when you arrived home you reached for the pink note in your pocket as you took off your backpack and sat down in the kitchen. The pink note had his adress on it. The urge to just scream and rip up the note was strong but something stopped you and that was the fact that you needed to get this project done. You were not going to fail because of some stoner. You unpacked your bag and started studying on some of your other courses but the note always lurked in the corner of your eye. 
Hours later you stood infront of your mirror putting different shirts on hangers against your torso, comparing the colors. Being preoccupied with choosing the cutest shirt you didn’t notice the fact that you tried to look your best for Jisung. Eventually you snapped out of your good girl side that always wanted to look presentable. Why do I care about what he thinks of me? You rolled your eyes and put the shirts back into your closet as you took out a sweatshirt and a matching pair of sweatpants. “This will do” you said under your breath as you slipped into the comfortable fabric before you ordered a taxi. 
“Shit better be worth it” you sighed as you clicked “proceed” and saw the sum. You packed your bag with the necessary stationary, threw on a fluffy ivory jacket and grabbed the keys with a jingle. 
You greeted the taxi driver whose taxi stood infront of the apartment complex. Before you headed out you managed to grab the pink note and now showed it to the driver that nodded whilst the soft radio static played in the background. The town looked so peaceful in the evenings, the artificial lights from the thousands of offices reflected in your glistening eyes as you looked out the window. You noticed that your shoulders were tense signaling that you were nervous which was dumb. Why would you be nervous to meet a dirtbag that has the right to call you ‘babygirl’? A shudder cascaded down your spine at the though of that awful nickname, especially when it echoed in your head in Jisungs voice. 
The taxi halted infront of a long block of brick apartment complexes, the nightlife being busy as usual in the big city you resided. A small “thank you” slipped out of your tongue before you opened the car door and were met by the cold breeze. The entrence had grand glas and wood double doors which opened with a loud creek. You looked at the note once again, checking what apartment number the boy lived in. “248″ you muttered as you made your way up the stone staircase. “Found it”, you stood infront of the slightly bashed ivy colored door. Your hesitant fist made it’s way to knock on the door and after 5 nervewracking seconds the tall, slim boy opened the door with a joint between his lips. Smoke was emitting from behind him and the organic scent hit your nostrils. 
“You came babygirl” he leaned against the door frame as he drew in the smoke from the joint and blew it towards you. You coughed and waved your hand infront of your nose, clearing the smoke. 
“What you standing for? Come in” he snapped his head backwards as a sign for you to step in. You looked down and entered the small smoke-filled apartment. He went to his room and you followed behind with small steps observing the disorganised living space that was cluttered with takeout boxes and photos of friends. His room wasn’t any better. Piles of laundry sat everywhere in the small room and the bed wasn’t made. Did he seriously think that the two of you could do the project when there was a mess wherever you looked? He kicked a pile of clothes away from the carpet and threw a cushion from the bed towards you. He sat down on the carpet as he drew in another breath of smoke into his lungs. Reluctantly you sat down on the cushion opposite to Jisung that was dressed in a boxy white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. 
The big bunch of papers that were required for the project came out of your backpack that was sitting beside you. You spread out the papers on the carpet to make sure Jisung could see but he didn’t seem interested. Instead he kept on smoking as he stared at you intentively, that preditory gaze of his returning. As you were about to start talking about the ideas you had he stretched out his hand offering you a puff. You furrowed your eyebrows as a response to his action. 
“No thanks, I don’t do... that..” you said whilst shaking your head gently. 
That teeth-gritting smirk was plastered on his face as he said:
“You sure babygirl? It will help you relax” he heightened his eyebrows at you. 
Normally you would be very stubborn. You never let anyone do something to you that you didn’t like but in that moment you were swooned by his presence. Was it your feelings or the smoke that you had been breathing in? Without thinking twice you grabbed the joint from his hand to which he licked his lips, grinning.
You put it against your lips and puffed deeply, tasting the smoke in your mouth and feeling it spread in your lungs. A loud cough startled Jisung a bit and you passed the joint back to the brown haired boy. Instantly he looked thousands times more attractive. ‘I must be crazy’ you though as you gently shook your head and tried to concentrate at the papers laid out infront of you. In your peripheral view you saw Jisung shift closer to you and you lifted your head up to look at him. There was something intoxicating about him. The way his brown locks hanged over his eyes or how his piercings shined in the light from outside or maybe it was that veiny hand that held the flaming joint. Whatever it was you found yourself leaning closer to him. Just as he hit the joint again, the smoke spreading in his mouth, you attached your light pink lips onto his plump ones. Jisung opened his mouth in the kiss, crashing his tongue on yours which made the smoke enter your mouth. Being to caught up in the moment Jisung put out the joint on the dark wood flooring which probably was a huge fire hazard but did either of you care in the moment? No. 
The kiss was passionate coming from the tremendous amount of sexual tension in the air. Jisung veiny hand cupped your blushing cheek for a second before it snaked around the back of your neck, pulling you deeper into the wet sloppy kiss. You broke the kiss for a moment to stand up and Jisung did the same but only for a moment as you were pushed down against the unmade bed. It smelled just like him. The substances he was smoking accentuated his natural smell because of course it wasn’t just weed but tobacco as well. You remembered the countless times he had been smoking a cigarette with his friends outside the college department and the momentary eye contact the two of you made before you hurried off to your other classes. It always seemed like his gaze lingered on you even as you walked away. 
You landed with your hands beside your head. As Jisung hovered above you he held both of your hands in his, pinning you to the bed. The wet patch in your panties was growing simply by seeing him on top of you. He leaned down to kiss you once again, biting so hard on your bottom lip that it almost drew blood. The two tongues fought for dominance but the second his hand crept underneath your sweatshirt you lost, a low whine escape your mouth in defeat. Your heads twisted as the makeout session got a slow but steady pace. His hand was warm but more substantial than you though against your boobs which he squeezed harshly through your white bra. Involuntarily your hand grabs a fist of his hair making him smirk against the kiss.
“Desperate babygirl?” he coaxes you. 
“Desperate to get this over with so we can work on the project” you answer inbetween kisses.
“I think you have a much bigger problem to worry about” he growled and looked down for a split second.
As if the smoke wasn’t enough this just added fuel to the fire, both to the deep red color your cheeks were stained with and the wetness in your panties. His clothes were off in a blink and before you knew it he was pulling away yours as well, leaving you with nothing but your slightly embarrassing pink panties that were decorated with a small animal print. 
“Aren’t you adorable?” he cooed at you as his hand trailed down your torso and plummeted into your panties. 
“Shut up-ahh” your attempt of trying to bring his cocky attitude failed once again when he brutally entered two fingers into your sopping cunt. You couldn’t help but to moan as he started to pump his digits inside of you obviously enjoying the sight of the good girl being demolished beneath his touch. When he started to circle your clit with his thumb you held on to his wrist, digging your nails into his skin in order to stop a loud moan. Jisungs fingertips grazed your g-spot and by this point your small whines turned into breathy moans. 
“I though you didn’t like me?” he said arrogantly.
“I don’t” you tried to keep your composure even though his fingers felt so good inside of you. 
“Judging by your wet cunt you seem to like me very much, babygirl” he said while grabbing a fistful of your hair. You couldn’t argue because if you really hated him why were you so desperate to have his length inside of you? 
Jisungs fingers pulled out of you, your juices covered his digits and as his fingers got closer to your face you opened your mouth and sucked them clean. He harshly pulls you up by your hair, now sitting on the edge of the bed as Jisung stands infront of you. His dick had both girth and length which made your mouth water by just the sight. The red tip was decorated with a bead of precum and as he still held your hair he put the tip against your lips. Instantly you started sucking him off. First you kitten licked the tip of his immense dick being a bit afraid of his size but Jisung got impatient and yanked you by your hair once again, making you take him fully in your mouth and choking. Your eyes burned as they teared up but that didn’t stop you from sucking him off, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head profusely. He didn’t seem too impressed though. 
“I think I found one thing babygirl can’t do. Sucking dick” he grinned as he looked you deep in the eyes for a second before he bucked his hips into your mouth and facefucked you. His length hit the back of your throat everytime he fucked into you but you were to busy looking at his perfect face. Those sinful grunts that came out from his mouth made you rub your thighs in desperation. How could someone you hated look so ethereal with his dick in your mouth? The way sweat beads formed around his temple and coated a couple of those light brown streaks. The way his big hand held your hair tightly and most importantly those sounds. Those lewd sounds that rolled off his tongue. 
He rolled his head back and then looked back at you, catching you staring at him. 
“No I definitely think babygirl likes me. Those loving eyes don’t lie” he uttered, staring at you and stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
As he pulled out you caught your breath and coughed a for bit before you scooted back on the bed, dragging Jisung by his hand which landed him on top of you once again. He seperated your legs with his knee and lined himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing into you. His girth with the slow movement made you roll your eyes back, the feeling of being filled made you content. 
“Fuck...you feel so tight” he said, brows furrowed as he started to slowly push in and out of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss to muffle your moans. The pace steadily increased as you bit his bottom lip while kissing, returning the favor from before that contributed to your swollen lips. When the kiss broke a string of spit seperated your lips as the both of you panted from the thrusts that were becoming more aggressive. You moaned as you gripped onto the bedsheets upon which your knuckles whitened. Jisungs noises turned you on crazily but when he snaked his hand around your neck you could only whine in response. He choked you and held you pinned down stopping you from squirming away.  The other hand was circling your clit which only heightened the pleasure, eyes rolling back into your skull. A squeak erupted from the bed everytime Jisung pounded into your soaked cunt but that wasn’t the only sound. The both of you moaned in unison which fit the sound of skin slapping that was filling the room. You tightly shut your eyes trying to silence a moan but opened them soon after, meeting Jisungs brown orbs. His lids were low from the blunt smoke but that only gave his arrogant attitude a boost. 
You could feel that he was near by the way his dick twitched inside of you. Feeling cocky you decided to clench against his length which also pushed you closer to your own release. He was clearly getting pissed and leaned down to your neck, sucking purple marks onto it which would be impossible to cover up. You whined and squirmed as you needed to go to school tomorrow and couldn’t bear the strange looks from others when your neck was covered in bruises. 
“That’s what you get for clenching around me like a little slut” he growled against your neck as you clenched around him once again earning a moan from him. Now he was getting really close and so were you. His thrusts got harder but sloppier, your boobs bouncing with the pace. You clenched around him one last time and that was the trigger for Jisungs release. The vein on his neck popped up to the surface as his jaw hanged open. Your cunt filled with his warm load which made you cum grip tightly on anything beside you. The both of you rode out the orgasm which made your legs shake and spine bend up from the mattress. Eventually Jisung pulled out leaving you feeling empty with his white cum dripping out of your hole. He layed beside you and panted, chest heaving. You layed there in silence for a minute, only the sound of heavy breathing could be heard in the dark evening. Deciding to clean up the mess he had made you stood up causing the cum to leak down your unstable leg but before you could take a step Jisung grabbed your soft hand and pulled you down onto the bed again. You looked at him in confusion. 
“You weren’t planning on leaving me without any cuddles?” he said with a slightly whining voice.  
You couldn’t believe what you heard. Before another thought could cross your mind you were already snuggled up in his arms, your head against his heaving chest. It was cozy and you felt safe despite that you barely knew him. You stroked his cheek gently as you observed his perfect facial features. Sure, his attitude could use some work but his face had a flawless charm. 
“We should study more often” he muttered against your hair as he kissed you on your head. 
Even if the caring boy was high off his rockers your heart fluttered at his words. You blushed as you snuggled closer to his chest, falling sound asleep in his grasp. 
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
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Just a night at the studio with Yoongi
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut (18+ only plz) I love yoongi so much omg
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This can be read as a stand alone or as an extension of the FnD series. I am so in love with yoongi it’s insane and, I’ve missed him so much my goodness. I wrote this in like two hours so I really hope you like it ok bye :D
Warnings: explicit smut
“You look good.” You note simply from the pull-out couch in Yoongi’s studio, growing disinterested with the pile of work sitting on the table in front of you
Yoongi looks as though you’ve just shook his hand with a prank buzzer, his body subtly jolting in his desk chair.  
“Me? Why?”
His response makes you laugh as you prop your elbow on the arm of the couch, “You just do. I like watching you work, you look cool.”  
Yoongi is unable to help the new color present on his cheeks nor is able to help the flutter of desire in his gut.  
But all he does his smirk, glancing towards you and then back at his computer screen whilst his long fingers card through his black hair.
“Thanks.” He mutters but there is a renewed sense of light in his eyes as he hits enter on the keyboard.
The sound pulls you towards his fingers, which you have an unnatural obsession with.  
They look graceful settled on the black keys and yet agitated all at the same time.  
They are unsure of exactly where to go, unflexing and flexing against the plastic before Yoongi drags them slowly back to the surface of the desk.  
You’ve been here for hours.
He asked you to accompany him this morning and you eagerly obliged, wanting nothing more than to spend the day with him, even if you weren’t interacting.  
The blue light emanating from your phone lets you know what time it is and you have to admit, you’re a little shocked.
You hadn’t even remembered seeing 9 o’clock, how did time pass so quickly?
As if on cue, you yawn, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to avoid alerting Yoongi.
You’re too late.  
He sees you out of the corner of his eye and immediately takes out one of his headphones, his eyes holding a bit of regret.
“Yah, I’ve kept you here for so long haven’t I?” His voice is tender and warm, seeping in through the fabric of your hoodie and down into your skin, “I should take you home...I’m sorry jagi. I didn’t even realize how late it was.”
“No no-” You cut in, shaking your head, “You don’t have to be sorry at all- you've been working your ass off. I’m just happy you ask me to come, I’ve never gotten to see you work before.”
Yoongi’s heart skips a bit a little at how genuine you sound. He can’t understand why you’d want to just sit here with while he produces but, he’s touched regardless.
“You’ve been working hard too though.” He points out, nodding his head to the mountain of paper on the table, “I don’t want to keep you up all night.”
“I like staying up late.” You insist, crossing your legs and tucking them up on the futon, “Besides,” The tone of your voice lowers a bit as you feel quite shy about what you’re going to say next, “I don’t like sleeping without you...”
Yoongi is almost certain he made out what you said because the grin on his lips is involuntary. However, he decides to mess with you anyway.
“What was that last part?” He asks, brows raised playfully.
He spins slightly in his desk chair with his legs spread out in a way that shouldn’t be attractive.
But it absolutely is.
With a roll of your eyes, you slump against the futon, shoving your hands into your lap, “I said I don’t like sleeping without you.”  
His grin widens, his pretty teeth practically blinding you as he does.
“That shit is cute...” He chuckles more to himself than to you, his teeth securing themselves to his bottom lip, “You wanna stay with me then?”
Yoongi calling you cute makes you want to squeal like a schoolgirl but thankfully, you’re able to refrain.  
With an assured nod, you return his grin, “Yes please.” Your reply is delivered musically which causes him to chuckle again.
He shakes his head, practically exploding with fondness before using his fingers to gesture to the screen in front of him.
“I shouldn’t be too much longer, maybe like an hour or so, then we can go to bed.”
With that, your plans for the remainder of the evening are set in place and you decide that you’re going to put away your work for the night and scroll on your phone.  
You can only work on something for so long before your brain is fried.
Another hour or so passes and you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier.  
However, your brain quickly finds itself attaching to the only thing in this room that could distract you from the heaviness in your lids:
He’s dressed head to toe in black: black hair, black sweats, black hoodie and black vans.  
The only thing that stands out in terms of color are the many silver earrings adorning his ears.
The way he hunches over the desk, transfixed on the screen shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he manspreads in the chair shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he chews on the tip of his thumb shouldn’t be sexy.
But it is.  
Because he is.  
You find yourself growing uneasy with the lack of attention.
Not in an emotional way but, in another way entirely.
You can’t help but stare at him and wonder how the hell you got so lucky.  
It would be incredibly easy to stare at him all night, marveling at all of the little things that make him beautiful.
However, he doesn’t allow you to because his heighten sense of awareness has finally caught onto the fact that you’re staring at him.  
Turning towards you, he smirks and shakes his head playfully, “Yah- “ He jerks his chin at you, “What are you looking at?”
Shamelessly, you giggle and prop your chin up on the palm of your hand, “My insanely hot boyfriend...”
He waves you off, wrinkling his face in mock disgust, “Aish, stop all of that.”
“Why don’t you ever let me compliment you?” You protest, your voice heightening slightly, “If I want to say you’re hot, I’m going to say it- whether you like it or not.”
The apples of his cheeks turn a dusty rose color, his teeth finding purchase on his bottom lip as he forces his eyes to stay put on the screen, “I never said I didn’t like it...”
He smirks at the end of his confession, tapping his index finger against the space bar, letting the beat fill the room for the 1000th time.  
It sounds good so you honestly didn’t mind.
Getting to hear Yoongi’s music as it was being made was a privilege you did not take for granted so, you certainly didn’t mind if you had to hear it 1000 more times.  
A few more moments pass as the two of you settle back comfortable silence. You don’t refrain from stealing more glances of your boyfriend but, you decide to stop pestering him until his ready to call it a night.
Then it’s fair game.
During a stolen glance however, you notice him wincing a bit as he adjusts himself in his chair. Yoongi has a bad back that he frequently sees a chiropractor for but, it doesn’t stop him from hunching over for hours on end anyway.
“Is your back hurting?” You murmur, trying to keep the concern in your voice at a minimum.
He hates when you worry about him and, you expect him to tell you no but instead he brings a hand around his shoulder to rub at the likely tense muscles.  
“Yeah- it’s really sore. I need to get with a posture coach or something because, I’m sure sitting in this chair for hours on end only makes it worse.” He winces again, trying to straighten up in the rickety old desk chair.
You make a mental note of looking into buying him a new chair for Christmas; maybe one of those fancy gamer chairs with all the padding.
“Do you want me to rub it for you?”
Keeping your tone casual is easy enough but it doesn’t stop the excitement from brewing in the pit of your stomach. You and Yoongi often indulge in physical affection (and by often, you mean OFTEN) but it’s been a busy few weeks which has unfortunately lessened the amount of time you were able to spend wrapped up in one another. This has been starting to get to you of course but, the reasonable side of your brain tells you that it’s perfectly normal/healthy to go without sex for a few weeks. However, the less-logical (ie the ridiculously in love) part of your brain tends a signal to the entirety of your nervous system that makes you literally ache for your boyfriend.  
The way he’s been acting this evening is only worsening that ache.  
Besides, you don’t like the fact that he’s hurting so really massaging him would be a win/win scenario.  
A small smirk forms on his lips, as he putters around on his keyboard. He still doesn’t look at you but, the glint in his eyes tells you he likes the idea.
“I wouldn’t mind that - I just need like 15 more minutes.” He murmurs, straightening his back once more, his eyes showing a bit of discomfort.
“You don’t have to stop...” You offer, keeping your voice nice and sweet, “I can just sit behind you while you work.”
He licks his lips, shifting in his chair before finally glancing over at you, the smirk still lingering on his lips, “Is it my birthday or something? Why are you trying to spoil me?”
This makes you roll your eyes, “Because I’m in love with you and I want to make sure you feel good, is that alright? Why are you being so difficult?” You gripe, quite matter of factly.
Yoongi breaks out in a fit of rickety laughter, amused by your annoyance.  
The softie in him wants to love on you 24 hours a day but, the brat in him secretly gets a kick out of riling you up.
Plus, annoying you sometimes comes with an added bonus that fuels the less orthodox side of Yoongi’s desires.
“Come here then-” He says in the midst of his laughter, “My aching back needs you...”
You push yourself off of the futon, grumbling to yourself, “This is why I always say you’re like a cat because, I’m trying to love you and you’re asking me if I permit or something...”
Yoongi laughs again, shaking his head and before you can sit down, he’s turning in his chair and grabbing your hand. Despite you pretending to wiggle your hand out of his grip, he interlocks his fingers with yours and places a kiss to the back of your hand.
“I love you.”
These words have been spoken a thousand times but it doesn’t stop your soul from ascending to the tippy top of heaven anyway.
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of him being soft for you.
“Whatever.” You pout, pretending to jerk your hand away once more which causes him to flash that brilliant gummy smile of his. “Just make your stupid, beautiful music, pretend I’m not even here...”
He kisses his teeth and shakes his head, “That’s literally impossible but I’ll try.”
His words may be sarcastic and subtle but you know very well that they have 100 different meanings.
That’s kind of your favorite thing about him.
It’s the fact that he can say so much whilst using his words sparingly. Yoongi has a way of letting you know how he feels without pouring his heart out. Although, there are plenty of times when he does that too and, you love it all the same. But, he’s the type of person to love in secret and, it’s not because he’s ashamed or emotionally unavailable; it’s because he understands how precious love really is and you’re the only one he wants to be vulnerable with.  
You bite your lip to avoid smiling and as you try to move away, Yoongi jerks your hand towards his body gently, his pretty chestnut eyes widening a bit.
“Say it back.” He insists, his voice softening to a specific tone that seems to rot your resolve from the inside out.  
You can’t tell if he knows what he’s doing or if he is unaware he’s using the same voice he uses when he begs for you but either way: you give him what he wants.
“I love you too.”
This satisfies him beyond belief, his grin returning whilst he tugs you down to his level, his sweet lips awaiting yours.
Despite what he wants to do, Yoongi just pecks at your mouth a few times before releasing your hand.
He knows if he kisses you the way he wants to, it will be game over so, thankfully he manages to control himself.  
“This track is called Moonlight right?” You inquire gently, as you take your seat behind him, doing your best to find the right position that won’t limit his movement.  
He grins to himself, delighting in the fact that you remembered something he’s only told you once.
“Yeah.” He clicks over his keyboard, trying to prepare himself for your touch. He takes a deep breath, his eyes fluttering a bit when he feels your palms smooth over his aching back.
He knows it might sound excessive but it really isn’t his fault.
The way you touch him has devasting effects on his ability to think clearly. He knows being in love intensifies things yes but, it’s the way you seem to know his body, the way you seem to treasure him and the way you seem to seek out the areas of his skin that are the most sensitive that drives him up the wall.  
Yoongi has a feeling that you’d be able to touch anyone this way but, he counts every single lucky star in the sky that he’s the one you want to touch.  
“Do you like it so far?” You lower your voice to the precipice of a whisper, not wanting to disturb him too much.
As he readies his reply, you begin gently massaging the parts of his back that you know bother him the most: his shoulder blade, the center of his spine and base of his neck. The close proximity allows you to take in the way your boyfriend smells: like clean laundry and the summer berries. You resist the urge to take a bite out of him as he replies.
“I do but it needs a lot of work still.” He realizes how quick he is to downplay his progress and he amends his response in order to give himself some credit, “I got a lot done today though and I’m excited to see where this track goes.”
His answer makes you happy as it’s not often Yoongi outwardly expresses excitement towards his current projects.  
“Do you like it?” He asks you, keeping his tone casual as he turns down the volume slightly, wanting to hear you clearly.
With a kiss to the back of his neck, you smile, “Honestly? I’m already in love with it. It has such a cool vibe. It’s very old school but also very modern at the same time, the lo-fi elements are sending me. I can’t wait to hear the vocals when you’re done with the lyrics.”
Yoongi grins, his features swimming with pride at your compliments. He is addicted to your praise in normal situations but hearing you compliment what he is most passionate about sends him into another world.
“Thank you.” He mumbles warmly, relaxing further into your touch, “I should be starting on vocals tomorrow I think. I don’t have the second verse done yet, but I think once I have everything recorded, it will give me more inspiration.”
You’re working at the tenderness surrounding his shoulder, not pressing too hard but insuring that your fingers are gently working all of the knots that have formed within his muscles. You wonder if it’s helping him at all but the way he sighs and presses against your hands tells you all you need to know. Before you’re able to continue the conversation, your boyfriend chuckles in front of you, almost in disbelief.
“What?” You prod, smiling at the sound of his laughter.
“Nothing it’s just-” He leans back against his chair fully causing you to remove your hands from him for moment, “if you had told 15 year old me that one day I would be working on my music, in a real studio, while the most beautiful girl in the world rubs my back for me, I would have told you to fuck off and stop messing with me.”
Your smile broadens as you lean forward, draping your arms around the back of the chair and resting them on your boyfriend’s chest. You place a kiss on his temple which makes him smile, his hands coming up to rest on top of yours.
“I wish 15 year old you didn’t have to endure so much but,” You kiss his cheek now, your heart filling with joy as his gums once again make an appearance, “I’m glad you’ve let me prove him wrong.”
He turns slightly, his lips brushing against your whilst he does and rather than say anything, he just places a soft kiss onto your mouth.
Despite the awkward angle, you reciprocate, allowing your lips to melt against his, kissing him slowly but deliberately. He tucks his lips between yours, nibbling gently at your bottom lip, a shaky breath escaping his nose. The hands he placed over yours intertwining messily with your fingers, squeezing softly whilst he cranes his neck to continue kissing you. Freeing one of your hands, you trail your fingers up the side of his throat, eliciting a shiver from your boyfriend as you cup his cheek.
It’s not an ideal angle to start making out but something about his throat and chest being exposed to you, makes it 10 times hotter. The beat of his song is still playing softly in the background until his hand suddenly moves from yours to hit the space bar. He doesn’t stop kissing you all the while, only seeking to deepen the motions between your lips. You allow your fingers to run up the side of his neck again as they tuck themselves into his hair, scratching tenderly at his scalp. Yoongi seems to sigh hopelessly into your mouth, unable to resist how weak you make him.  
You want to feel his tongue but just as you trace yours against the inside of his lips, he pulls away, a bit of shared saliva still connecting the two of you.
“Let’s go to bed...” He whispers shakily and you know very well what he means by that.
Seconds later, your back is pressed against the sheets covering the futon, your boyfriend quickly descending over you, his lips eagerly seeking yours again.  
He resumes his earlier motions with slightly more enthusiasm, sucking and licking into your mouth, his hips pressing down against yours. You can feel how hard he’s gotten, his erection straining painfully against the denim of his jeans. He doesn’t seem to mind though, his focus is on kissing you right now.  
You allow your hands to travel to the hem of his t-shirt, slipping your fingers beneath the material to explore the velvety texture of his skin. Yoongi’s hips and stomach are extremely sensitive, he’s told you before that touching him there is almost immediately going to get him hard. Given the fact that he’s already hard, he has no choice but to twitch around in his jeans while you touch him.  
In order to distract himself from the possibility of cumming in his pants, he pulls away from your lips momentarily to sit back on his knees. He stares down at you with an intensity he only reserves for performing and fucking, which to Yoongi, they are often one in the same. He pulls his t-shirt off hastily, throwing it behind him and revealing the beautiful expanse of his body to you. The sight of him makes you reach up with grabby hands, wanting nothing more than to feel his weight on you again. Instead of coming back down however, he merely smirks and shakes his head.
“Uh uh, it’s your turn...” He murmurs, his voice deep with the heavy arousal weighing on his tongue.  
You pout but otherwise oblige, pulling off the hoodie you’re wearing to reveal the black sports bra you had thrown on before coming to meet him here.  
Its nothing fancy or intentionally erotic but it gets Yoongi going anyway, merely because it’s your body.
He makes a small grunt in the back of his throat as he rushes back with his lips. He begins kissing over the swell of your breasts, biting and sucking as he does, his eyes shutting.
“How are you so fucking beautiful hm? Did they make you in a lab or something?” He accuses in his raspy voice, grinning when he hears you giggle.
“Yes actually they did- I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now but, I wasn’t sure how you’d react...”
He bites down harder on you playfully, sucking the skin between his teeth. The delicious sting causes a sharp intake of breath on your part and the sound makes Yoongi even harder. Licking over the purple mark he made, he pulls back to admire his work. With wet lips and dark eyes he looks up at you, a smirk on his mouth,
“I can see why you like giving me these so much...” He raps, his tongue poking out to lick at his bottom lip, “I want you covered in me now.”
His proclamation makes you sick with lust and you’re quick to pull him back over your completely, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.  
Yoongi is eager to reciprocate, his technique a lot sloppier now as the need to be inside of you slowly over takes him.
With one hand, he finds the button of his jeans and pops it open, sighing in relief as his dick is allowed the room it needs. Your hand is quick to cover his, searching for his swollen length mindlessly, desperate to touch him.
“Can I fuck you?” He whispers, nudging his nose on the tip of yours, “Please?”
You nod, kissing at his lips still, your breath uneven, “Yes please.”
The giggle that leaves your mouth shouldn’t spur him on but it does and after finally riding. both you and him of the rest of your clothes, Yoongi is lining himself at your entrance.  
He pushes inside of you, letting another shaky sigh out of his mouth before covering your body with his once more.  
It’s a slow but powerful fuck, leaving no room for the outside world.  
He kisses your face, your neck, your chest, your breasts and tells you how much he loves you.  
He rubs on your clit when you tell him how close you are, encouraging you to let go.
“Ah there it is- is that good jagi? Is it good? Are you gonna cum for me?” He whispers, his face tensing up with pleasure as you contract around him, “You’re squeezing me so tight, you’re doing so good. Just cum baby, I’ll cum too...I just wanna watch you.”
With choppy breath, you arch your back, your hands clawing at his free arm desperately, clining onto him as your orgasm begins crashing over you.
“Yoongi, I’m gonna cum- fu-fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum...I’m gonna cum, oh god...please don’t stop.” You moan softly and the sweetness in your voice drives Yoongi crazy, his pace against your clit increasing. He stares at you, a small but fucked out smile on his lips,
“Oh I’ll never stop sweetheart, not until you cum those pretty brains out...”
His words send you over the edge, your toes curling against the mattress as you whisper his name once again.  
The sight of you cumming is too much for him and although he normally cums inside of you, your post-orgasm haze has a different plan.
“Cum in my mouth.” You plead, tugging at his hips.
Yoongi swallows thickly, nearly blowing his load right then and there, “Really?”
“Yes.” You urge, tugging his hips again, “Please? I want to taste you. Remember you said you wanted me covered in you- cover me. Cover my face please.”
Yoongi’s brain literally short-circuits as he tries his best to process how fucking hot you’re being, his dick twitching inside of you.
“Anything you want remember baby? I’ll give you anything you want...” He grunts, his black hair sticking to his forehead with sweat as he pulls out of you, both of you pained by the loss of contact. He is quick to scoot up the bed until his soaking dick is positioned near your mouth, “I’m going to cum so fucking hard for you- are you gonna swallow it all?”
You nod, wrapping your hand around the length of him, licking at the slit, tasting the mixture of you and him together.  
“Until my stomach is full of you.” You promise before sucking him into your mouth
Yoongi finally breaks, whimpering for you as he usually does, his body jerking as the pleasure overtakes him,
“Holy fucking shit-” He whimpers again, his eyes rolling back as he gives you rope after rope of his release.
It’s a lot but you don’t care, you want every last drop of him. Your hand coaxes out the rest of his cum, your mind high off the taste of your boyfriend; there really is nothing better than this.
Yoongi tucks his fingers into your hair tenderly, grounding himself but also because he wants to touch you.
“Oh my god look at you ah- that's my fucking girl isn't it? You’re so pretty down there you know that? Made me cum so good.”
His voice is pitchy and fucked out and his praise makes you wet all over again, despite your need for a break.  
Immediately Yoongi leans down, kissing you with everything he has, licking at your mouth as if he wants a taste of himself.  
The kissing lasts for another minute or so before Yoongi lays down beside you, pulling you onto his chest.  
You burrow into him, soothing yourself with his unsteady heartbeat as he holds you.
Yoongi smiles down at you, despite the fact that you aren’t looking at him, taking a moment to thank all of his lucky stars once again.
You place a kiss to his chest before turning to look at him, rubbing a thumb over his reddened cheek, “I love you.”
He kisses your thumb, “I love you too.”  
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Selfish Part 2
Pairings | Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x f!reader (kind of?)
Warnings | angst, crying, swearing
Word count | 1669
Summary | y/n and Bucky struggle to deal with Steve's selfish choice
A/n | I'm thinking of writing a part three? Let me know if you'd want to see that!l
Masterlist | Part One | Part three
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"Oh god," Bucky groaned the second he entered y/n's room, lifting his arm to cover over his nose teasingly as he walked in, "you know I love you, Doll, but it's starting to smell as if something's died in here." Bucky over exaggerated, pacing quickly to the windows and pushing them open.
The man let out a long sigh when he finally faced y/n after she made no response. He was so used to her quipping back to his and Sam's jokes that the past week felt as if y/n was gone, too. And in lots of ways, she was.
It had been a week since Steve left, and y/n hadn't moved much since. Bucky had sat down at a table three times a day with her, refusing to leave until she finished her meal and a cup of water. But apart from that, she'd done nothing but stare into space.
As much as he was still grieving, Bucky was used to this. Losing people, that is - not his best friend leaving him and their girl for someone they loved 70 years ago. No, he was out of his area of expertise on that one. But Bucky was used to losing the people he loved. And by now, he'd managed to cut his dazed and broken phase of grieving to a few days, so by now he was only really upset at night.
That's when he would cry into his pillow, feeling more and more alone. Sam was still running missions; just because aliens had invaded didn't mean any human threats had warned off.
It'd been him and y/n for a week in the compound, and it was now that Bucky realised that the girl hadn't even been capable of washing herself. Yikes, she was taking this bad.
"C'mon, Doll. You gotta shower at some point. Or I could run you a bath?" Bucky suggested, huffing another long sigh when y/n looked straight through him. Bucky's jaw clenched and he carded a hand through his hair, blowing out a deep breath before putting on a kind face.
The next thing y/n new, she was sat in the shower. She vaguely remembered Bucky throwing her over his shoulder and walking swiftly to the bathroom, telling her how she still needed to look after herself even though Steve was gone.
God, those words hurt. As in that Steve was gone, of course. Although Bucky telling her she needed to actually clean herself every-now-and-then because she smelt like somebody had died stung a little, it didn't hurt her.
The water pricked at her skin, slates of chilling droplets pelting down on her. She'd been sat there long enough for the water to run cold and her thoughts to run dry.
The only thing y/n could picture was Steve's lifeless body. His eyes void of life, that amused sparkle that'd glint beneath the baby blue when he'd tease her, make a joke, burnt out into emptiness. The bright smile that used to grace his lips when he'd see y/n the fist time after a mission, no matter the length, gone.
She'd also thought about how he died. Did Thanos murder him himself? Had he been saving someone? Did one of Thanos' cronies get to him? Did he fall, or get crushed? The possibilities were endless, but one thing was certain: Steve was gone.
A soft rasp of knuckles against the bathroom for momentarily pulled y/n out of her daze, her red eyes shifting upwards for a moment as she followed the noise with her sight through the steamed-over glass shower door.
"Doll? You haven't drowned, have you?" Bucky's gentle voice sang from the other side. Y/n could physically feel her muscles relaxing at the sound of his thick voice, her mind relaxing, too. Although she hadn't spoken in days, it didn't mean she didn't want Bucky to talk to her.
No, it was quite the opposite, really. Y/n was thankful for Bucky's mindless chatter and conversations, his caring questions and constant check-ups. It grounded her, gave y/n a reason for still being here if someone wanted her company.
Sighing, the girl pulled herself to her feet. She stumbled out of the shower, having to poke her head back in and turn the water off after forgetting initially. She picked up the fluffy towel that Bucky had left folded up for her and patted herself dry before wrapping the cloth around her body. Y/n ran her fingers through her now-damp hair before heaving another sigh.
"She's alive." Bucky smirked as y/n stepped out, clutching the towel to her chest. He was perched on her bed, facing the bathroom door with his hands bracing the edge of the mattress. "I thought you'd never come outta there, it's been over an hour, doll." Bucky explained as she hastily walked over to the drawers on the other side of her bed, pulling out a pair of panties and some shorts before tossing them to the bed.
She bent down more this time, pulling a t-shirt from one of the lower draws and throwing it to join the other clothes on the bed without really looking at what it was. She let the draw shut with a snap, turning to the bed and picking up the panties.
Bucky kept facing away, wanting to give y/n her privacy as she pulled the clothes on under her towel. Bucky could sense y/n still the second she reached to grab the shirt, her hand stilling mid-air.
"You okay, doll?" Bucky mumbled, not wanting to turn and face her incase she was still not fully dressed. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat thickly, her mouth becoming dry as she hummed.
"Mm hm." It was short and cut off, the affirmative noise the closest she'd come to speaking in a week. She turned around again, pulling out another shirt before putting it on.
Y/n walked around the bed again, patting her wet hair between the towel. Bucky's eyes followed her the whole time, cerulean blue watching closely as she dumped the towel in the hamper.
"Do you want me to leave?" Bucky murmured as she climbed into bed, his weight pinning the duvet down on one side. Taking y/n's silence as a yes, Bucky moved to stand up.
"Wait." Y/n's voice was a meek thing, disjointed and hoarse from its only use for seven days being sobbing against her pillow. Yes, the one that still smelt like Steve. "Can you-" y/n took a breath as Bucky looked at her, a happy glint to his eyes. "Would you stay with me? Tonight? I don't know if I can be alone again..."
Bucky's lips tugged into a small smile, the super solder clambering into the bed beside y/n. He nestled in beside her, pulling the girl to his chest as he laced his hand with hers. Their intertwined fingers lay over his chest, his metal arm wrapped around her shoulders.
For a moment all that could be heard was the soft whirring of the metal plates in his arm, and the controlled breathing of the two people.
"Bucky?" Y/n asked, swallowing her fear as she looked up at him. Bucky hummed in acknowledgment, playing with y/n's fingers as he waited for her to speak. "How did- h-how did Steve...you know, die?" Y/n bit through the building tears.
Bucky felt his stomach drop at her question. He didn't expect that right now. Eventually, yes. But not whilst they were curled up on her bed. The words seemed to get stuck in his throat, sticking to his skin as he tried to pry them out.
"I-" he couldn't lie. He couldn't. It would be cruel, to do so. She loved Steve, so she deserved to know the whole truth. "Y/n, Steve didn't- he didn't die." Bucky grated through gritted teeth, tongue like a weight in his sandpaper throat.
"W-what?" Y/n mumbled, eyes widening with shock, fear, hope, anger. She sat up, turning around in his grip to face Bucky. A scowl had settled across her features, plaguing her gorgeous eyes with a hue of hurt. "Then where is he?"
Bucky sighed, his eyes sliding closed as the words fell from her mouth.
"Bucky. Where is Steve?" Y/n spat, her tone morphing into something harsh, something unlike her. Bucky swallowed thickly, but it seemed to do nothing. Y/n watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, arms coming to fold over her chest.
"Steve left, doll. He's not- he's not coming back." Bucky breathed, his face dropping into his hands.
"What do you mean?" Y/n whispered, voice cracking with a bubble of pain. "Why isn't he coming back?"
"Because he left to be with Peggy, okay? He left us, y/n! For some fucking dame that he loved over 70 years ago!" Bucky had finally snapped, his own tears collecting against his flushed cheeks now. Maybe the grief hadn't quiet passed.
Y/n's face dropped into one similar to the day bucky first told her Steve was gone. But, the subtle hint of difference was menacing; this time, rage fuelled her emotions.
"I-I don't understand, why would he-?" Y/n couldn't bring herself to finish her question, the answer already dancing around in her mind.
"I don't either, doll. I miss him, and yet I hate him for what he did. To me, to you, to us." Bucky's voice was barely above a murmured mutter, eyes downcast as he picked at the hem of his shirt.
"I-" y/n opened her mouth before closing it, a croaked sob interrupting a hiccup as she fell back into Bucky's embrace.
Steve, her Steve, had become a selfish, selfish man.
Part Three
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Bucky Barnes One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @zaphdekota @ihavemajordaddyissues @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
You Know What They Say About Weddings // R.W. (celebration fic)
Request: Omg congratulations!!!! Could you do a Ron x Reader with the "theres only one bed" trope and fluff prompts 11 and 1? Thank you so much and congrats again!! - @mischi3f-manag3d
Fluff 1: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Fluff 11: “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
A/N: Just me that's ridiculously attracted to the photo below? Anyway! Here is your request, I hope you like!! 
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: I don’t think there are any - just a load of fluff really.
Word count: 1.6k
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The band hired by Molly Weasley upon the recommendation of an old friend played in the corner of the marquee. The Weasley family and their friends all crowded there; happy to watch the eldest Weasley child, Bill, marry the love of his life, Fleur.
It had been a wonderful ceremony; very few left the service with dry eyes.
You found it hard to keep your emotions in check through it all; wanting so desperately to turn to the youngest Weasley son beside you and ask if he felt the same way as you – if he loved you just as much as you have loved him since Fifth Year.
You think back to this morning; when you had arrived at the Burrow in time to watch the marquee be raised. Your eyes had landed on Ron, and they hadn’t left him. Your eyes ran over his body; drinking in the sight of him in a suit – sleeves rolled up due to the already warm day. Not wanting to be caught, you turned away and rid your mind of the thoughts running through it at warp speed.
With a laugh at the memory, you drag Ron onto the dancefloor. Awkwardness radiates from him, but he dutifully places his hand on your waist and takes your hand in his as your other hand places itself on his shoulder. You laugh together as you try to follow the beat of the song; the dance lessons given by McGonagall doing nothing for either of your left feet. You step on his toes repeatedly, but he doesn’t complain once; he just changes tact – instead of trying to attempt the waltz, he simply changes the hold of his arms and decides to have fun instead.
Spinning around the dancefloor; you can’t help but let yourself imagine. You can’t help but let yourself think of the future you so desperately desired with the very redhead holding you so gently in his arms.
You know what they say about weddings.
Fred leans down to Harry’s ear, pointing towards Ron and you on the dancefloor, “When do you think they’ll pull their finger out?”
Harry laughs, “Worried about the bet, Fred?”
Fred snorts, “Hardly.”
Harry watches his best friend twirl you around on the dancefloor before pulling you back in as you laugh. Harry swivels to face Fred, “You know what they say about weddings.”
You throw off your heels; groaning at the feel of your blood rushing back to your feet. At this height, Ron can easily throw an arm over your shoulder, “Better?”
You nod, “Much.”
Following Ron upstairs, you stifle yawn after yawn. The reception had been one of the best nights of your life; dancing, drinking, laughing – it was a truly happy night. You had danced with Ron for a lot of night; dragging him to the dancefloor for one dance but then staying with him for three more. He eventually left to get drinks whilst you danced with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna – a wide smile across your face.
You hadn’t missed the looks exchanged by the girls when Ron came back to steal your attention. You also hadn’t missed the conversation between Ron’s family and your friends as they watched you continue to the dance with the red-haired man.
You shake your head as you remember that moment; you were aware of the bet they had going. Hermione unable to keep a secret from you had blabbed it to you less than a month after it was made. She felt awful for keeping it from you, but you assured her you didn’t mind too much – curious as to who had what date.
“You don’t mind sharing my room with me?” Ron checks.
You shake your head, smiling at him sleepily, “I don’t mind.”
Ron relaxes somewhat, but he still remains tense, “There’s only one bed.”
You roll your eyes, “How many nights did I sneak into the hospital to stay with you after you hurt your leg?”
Ron blushes, “You’re right. I’ll let you get changed first… just knock when you’re done.”
In that moment, he looks so helpless that you lift yourself onto your tiptoe to press a kiss to his cheek. The last thing you see before closing his bedroom door is Ron pressing a hand to his cheek with a wide smile.
You knock lightly on the door when you’re done changing. Ron enters the room with a light blush dusting his cheeks; his eyes running over body quickly. He turns to his dresser, pulling out his pyjamas.
“I’ll wait outside for you to finish changing.”
Ron shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it; just turn around.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” He laughs.
You turn to face the singular window; the moon is high in the sky and the sky is so clear that you can see the stars. Looking into the garden, you see Bill and Fleur still dancing – alone, no longer surrounded by family and friends. They have no idea they have an audience; they just remain in each other’s arms, finally happy to have a private moment between them. You shift your gaze when Bill dips his heads to kiss his wife.
You think to yourself; there’s just something about weddings.
Ron coughs; bringing you out of your reverie. Turning around, you find him dressed in some old sweatpants and an old shirt. Your heart softens at the sight of him; his hands flex at his side – his nervous tick
His bed is just big enough for two; you lie side by side on your back, hands laid out by your sides. It would take less than a millimetre of space; less than a second of time to reach out and take his hand in yours, to tangle your fingers together.
But you don’t. You lie next to him; mind racing just as fast as your heart – any sense of tiredness hanging over you chased away the moment you laid down next to the boy you’ve loved since Fifth Year.
“Did you have fun today?” Ron asks in the dark; filling the silence.
“I did. It was nice to see everyone before we go back to school. Harry and Ginny looked particularly close.”
Ron frowns, “My sister and my best friend.”
You giggle, turning onto your side, “Don’t act like you don’t approve.”
Ron sighs with a smile,  “You’ve caught me out,” He furrows his brows, “Did you see them all whispering when we were dancing?”
Nodding, you bite your lip, “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
Ron snorts, reaching for your hand in the dark, “I know. Harry told me about it tonight.”
You sit up in bed; not letting go of his hand, “How long has it been going on? Hermione told me about it but she never said when it started.”
“Since last year. Harry only brought it up because if we get together by Saturday, he wins the bet.”
You laugh, “I can’t believe them.”
“Absolute gits,” Ron laughs.
You play with your fingers, dropping his hand to do so, “What do you think of the bet?”
Ron sits up, “Why?”
“It doesn’t annoy you?” You question; risking a peek at his face in the limited light of the moon.
“Not particularly. It’s a harmless bet.”
You nod your head; trying not to think too much of it.
“Why? What do you think of the bet?”
You sigh heavily; wondering how best to phrase what you’ve wanted to say to him all day, deciding that the truth is the best way to go. “I think I’m in love with you,” You state; bluntly, honestly.
Ron’s mouth drops open and you start talking without giving him a chance to say anything, “You don’t need to feel the same; really, you don’t,” You grab a pillow, “I’ll go sleep on the couch, I’ll see you in the morning.”
You make to leave but Ron’s hand grips your wrist, “Sit back down. At least give me a chance to reply.”
You sit back down on the bed slowly; your hand still grips the pillow in case you need to sleep downstairs. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ron asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you say, “I’m not sure. I wanted to, I really did but then you were with Lavender and I didn’t feel like talking to you a lot and then, and then, and then, I guess I didn’t want to ruin the friendship.”
“I wondered why you pulled away through Lavender; I barely saw you.”
You sigh; crushing the pillow to your chest, “It hurt too much to look at you.”
Ron shuffles on the bed, “If I had known-”
“You’d have what?” You interrupt, “You’d have broken up with her?”
Ron shakes his head, “I’d have never dated her.”
“I’d have never dated her,” He repeats, “I’d have asked you out.”
“Oh,” You state.
“Yeah,” Ron mumbles, looking down.
“We’ve mucked this up haven’t we?”
“Nah, we haven’t,” Ron laughs, “We just delayed their bet.”
You giggle, “The bet. Who do we want to win?”
“Who’s the closest to tonight?”
You think for a moment; remembering the piece of paper that Hermione explained was the bet. “I think you were right earlier,” You say, “Harry is the closest by Saturday.”
“What do you think? Shall we let Harry win?”
You smile softly, leaning closer to Ron, “I think I’m okay with Harry winning.”
“Thank Merlin,” Ron whispers before pulling you in for a kiss.
His hand caresses your cheek, and he smiles into the kiss. You soon begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all; having to pull away from the redhead and assure him that it isn’t him you’re laughing at. Your jealousy over Lavender never spurred you to confess your feelings, neither did the Department of Mysteries, but a bet and a wedding has you falling into Ron’s arms.
Well, you know what they say about weddings.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @msmimimerton @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03​ @acciotwinz​ @kashishwrites​
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almond-arlet · 4 years
Heavenly | Nanami x Reader
“Because this is where I wanna be, where it’s so sweet and heavenly, I’m giving you all my love.” - cigarettes after sex
this is my first time writing anything on here so I’m a noob, pls go easy on me. i also haven’t written much in a long time since this pandemic started so...
Warnings: none! just some nanami fluff bc I miss him.
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“HE’S LATER THAN USUAL.” You think out loud, looking at the clock indicating that it was a little after 8pm hanging on the wall before you. You decided to get comfier on the couch you were seated on, resuming the task of reading a book you had left on your shelf for way longer than you should have. You had wanted to surprise your long term boyfriend with a visit to his place. You knew he sometimes finished work much later than his usual time, which was 6pm, but he often worked hard to be clocking out of his space as soon as the big hand hit 12. He loathed working overtime, after all.
Your relationship with Nanami Kento was an unexpected surprise, having not been attracted to him in the slightest at first. Sure, you acknowledged that he was physically attractive, but his stiff and inflexible personality was something you didn’t quite vibe with. You met him a few times when you worked morning shifts at a coffee shop he frequented. He would always answer your ‘how are you?’ with the same one word, fine, monotonous and barely sparing you a glance. Then you began working at a local bar that often had karaoke nights and your superiors would always put you in charge with setting up for the half-drunken ‘singers’.
One day you decided to (you were forced to by a colleague) sing yourself, and it seemed to have grabbed the attention of a guest who had visited the bar for the first time. You knew that because his high cheek-boned, sharp jawed, pointed nose and stiff posture made him stand out like a sore thumb. He came every night in case you sang again. On the days you didn’t sing, he’d make sure you were the one to serve him, and although he wasn’t as interactive with small talk, you very quickly figured out how to interact with him. Then he began to stay long enough to be able to walk you to the nearest taxi pick up spot. Then he began to take you straight home to your doorstep.
And now you’re sitting on the small couch in his living room, reading a book to entertain yourself until he comes home - something you did a minimum of three times a week.
It wasn’t long after the acknowledgment of the time that you heard the familiar sound of keys slotting into the lock of the front door, followed by the sound of the door opening. A smile played on your lips as you listened to the sound of shoes being taken off, a bag hitting the floor and then the sound of sliders dragging across the floor - all sounds that you knew like the back of your hand.
You mark your page in your book and look up to the man who just entered, a tired expression etched onto his sharp features, head of blonde hair dishevelled and goggles still comfortably sitting on the bridge of his nose. Before you could greet him, he came right over to you, taking a seat next to you then dropped his head into your lap. You were quick to raise your arms as soon as you saw what he was doing, a startled ‘oof’ leaving your lips when his head landed onto your thighs.
“Good evening to you, too, Kento.” You muttered, letting him get comfortable as he took off his goggles and then crossed his arms over his chest. You watched him exhale, closing his eyes and remaining silent for a short while.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, sighing again then opening his eyes and looking up to meet your amused gaze. “It’s been a long day.”
“I can tell.” You replied, placing your book on the empty space beside you then bringing a hand up to run your fingers through his hair gently. “You smell gross.” He shut his eyes in response and huffed.
“You smell nice.” He retorted, and you smiled when you saw a hint of amusement playing at the corner of his lips.
“You must be hungry.” You comment, moving some strands of his hair out of the space on his forehead. You leaned down and planted a soft kiss in the spot between his brows then straightened up and gently tapped the crown of his head. “If you go shower, I’ll be finished making something for you to eat . How does that sound?”
“Are you on the menu?” He asked, tone as serious as ever but it made you laugh, tapping the crown of head again.
“Not tonight, you’re already worn out,” you hummed, letting your fingers play with his hair again momentarily. “Up you get, then.”
He nodded his head, opening his eyes and sitting up in one swift movement. Though he was never one to talk about how he felt, he appreciated your very existence. He appreciated that you never probed about his work-life any more than he was comfortable. He appreciated that you read him like an open book and accepted him and all his stiffness. He appreciated that you would always randomly smother him with soft kisses all over his face for no reason. He hoped he’d be able to tell you one day, but for now, he knew that you felt it.
And that you did, which is why you were happy to do things for him as you were doing now, preparing a small snack for him to eat whilst he showered and changed into more comfortable clothing. He was in and out in a flash, which you assumed was either because he didn’t want to be without you for a second or he was incredibly hungry.
You had set up his food on the small kitchen table he had, and watched him take a seat and thank you for the meal. You remembered that there were some pears that hadn’t been touched since the day you brought them to him two days ago, deciding to cut them up for him and see if he would eat them.
Although the both of you sat in a comfortable silence, you couldn’t help but think about how much you loved doing the mundane things for him. Sure, it was nice when you were cuddling on the couch or embraced in all sorts of positions in the bedroom, but there was something about the smaller things that filled your heart with joy.
You looked up from the pear in your hands to see that he had stopped eating, his head resting on a balled fist that was propped up onto the table abs his eyes were on you. His hair was still damp from his shower and pulled back so that his whole face was visible. His expression was hard to read but it didn’t intimidate you, instead, you scoffed and continued to cut the pair in your hands into four.
“What?” You asked, looking down at the piece of pear you were cutting the seeds out of and got rid of the stalk, placing the piece into a bowl before doing the same to the remaining three pieces.
“Should we get married?” He asked, the question catching you off-guard but you remained calm. Your eyes flickered up to him, trying to scan his face for any sign of amusement and finding nothing. He was being serious.
“Why are you asking right now?”
“Because I like the way you cut pears for me.” His answer had you confused and it took all you had inside not to laugh. You slowly nodded your head, putting the rest of his pear slices into the bowl and pushing it towards him.
“So, what? You want me to cut your pears everyday until the end of time?” You teased with a light laugh, wiping your wet hands with a drying cloth that was next to you.
“Yes.” He answered, taking the bowl of pear slices and digging into them right away. “You haven’t answered my question.”
You smiled at him, propping your elbows onto the table and resting your chin in your hands whilst you watched him eat. “Okay. But on one condition.” He didn’t say anything but the speed at which he looked at you indicated he didn’t expect you to agree so easily. “You have to spoil me with gifts everyday. I cut you pear slices, you buy me expensive shiny things.”
His lips pulled into a humoured smile that you rarely saw when you were not in his home. “If that’s what I need to keep you by my side everyday.”
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travellingarmy · 4 years
║Venti║ Frappuccino
Requested from Wattpad.
Modern AU. Fluff.
Word count: 2.3k
With the sound of the bell the hang just above the entrance, you would be greeted by the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee mixed with a sweet aroma from the many pastries that you would see before you.
Working at the cafe was no easy feat with the many people coming in and out in random times but as a university student that still had to pay for their tuition and dormitory whilst still having extra money left over for food, you couldn't complain. Well, not that you would complain. You found joy in being a barista.
"(Y/N), you're zoning out. Come on, we still have customers to serve to." Barbara taps your shoulder, gaining your attention. "Ah, sorry," you muttered, turning to your station. "Hehe, there's no need to apologies. I assume that you have an exam coming up?" she asks, eyeing you from the corner of her eyes as a customer waltz inside. You hummed and nod slightly. "It's a good thing that I met Master Diluc. Otherwise, I don't think I would be cut out to major in business."
After getting the order from the random customer, she returns to have a chat with you. "Stop with the 'Master Diluc'." She laughs. "It's a bit old-fashioned, don't you think?" And indeed it was, but he comes from a wealthy family so you saw it best to address him formally. "And don't be so hard on yourself and say negative things about your own capabilities! You entered this university by your own smarts! Diluc is smart as well, yes, but he got in due to connections along with his brother. That says something a lot about you."
Barbara was always good at cheering people up and supporting them. One can tell that she was quite popular in high school. She wasn't in the same major as you so you ended up being friends through working in the same cafe. She majored in music-- not that it should surprise anyone. With one look at her, you could definitely tell without even knowing her personally. You saw it best that she would become an idol and her personality will help her with that.
You smile at the blonde. "Thanks." She waves her hand in front of her in small motions in dismissal. "I'm just stating facts." You both returned your focus on your job afterwards, listening in on the chatter of others instead. Most were students so they mainly talked about their studies.
The bell rang once again, getting your attention. Coming in, was a usual customer that you learned comes around at 2 in the afternoon; during your shifts. Yes, there were other customers that you would recognize-- making them usual customers as well but this one was quite distinctive, you'd say. He had dark hair that was always braided on both sides of his head that had a natural teal at the tips of it. He would always come alone, only carrying his backpack- that had his laptop- and a notebook.
You don't know who he was but you figured that what made you so intrigued with him was his fluorescent green eyes that would seemingly glow even in the day. It was truly unique.
You look at Barbara who was busy making another customer's order and decided that you would be the one taking his order. Coming up to the counter, you put on a smile as usual. "Hello, what can I get you?" you repeat the words that you grew to familiarize yourself with as if you were a robot being programmed to say it to people you take orders from. In fact, you already know what he will get but it was something you had to say every time.
"Hi, can I get a venti-sized Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino and two double-chocolate chunk brownie?" he says, not needing to look at the menu. You nod, punching in the code of the ordered drink and snacks. "Please wait at the side." You see him walk away from the counter and take his phone out, seemingly texting somebody.
You made the drink in no time and brought it over to the pick-up counter along with his brownies. "Thank you," he said and take his order, then walking to a table and place his things. He sat down and took out his laptop and started jotting things down in his notebook, looking up at the screen from time to time.
You noticed that he brings in new notebooks every week. A waste of paper, you thought. You wonder what major he was in to go through so many notebooks each week but it was rather hard. You guessed business, but you have never seen him around the area so that flopped. He looked like a porcelain doll with his small, pale face and skinny body- that looked as if it would be easy to break- that you guessed he was probably majoring in one of the arts-- visual arts, drama, music. Something that someone with his size could take. You asked Barbara if he was majoring in music but she answered that she has never seen him around.
Well, no matter. The thought alone doesn't bother you as it doesn't hold any importance.
The following week, you didn't go to work and so did Barbara. Well, it wasn't as if you chose not to go to work, rather, it was because the cafe was getting renovated so it had to temporarily close.
Since you had no work to go to, you focused all your energy in your studies. When you aren't studying, you enjoy what little time you had to relax before suddenly getting the urge to study even more so that you don't fail-- sometimes even studying with Diluc outside in the campus grounds.
During those times, you looked out for the guy who usually came to the cafe in the afternoon but to no avail. At this point, you are wondering if he truly goes to the university. That was soon to be answered, however, when you went shopping for more school supplies. The area was located closer to the entrance of the campus so it was quite far away since your department was across the place. The department that was closest to the stores was the arts. It was always lively there with the students showing off their talent and skills. You loved going near there because it looked fun.
After purchasing the needed supplies, you walked back whilst looking at the students and whatever they were up to. Once near the exit that would say that you were no longer in the arts, you hear the strumming of a guitar not too far to your left. It was a rather familiar music but you didn't know what the song was or where you heard it.
You would have just acknowledged that it as a good piece of music and walk away if it wasn't for the fact that when the music stopped, a sigh was heard and the person shifted, allowing you to see their side profile that hid behind a small tree.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the person that dawned familiarity. You finally found him! With that said, your question as to what he was majoring was answered. Music. Looking at him, you see that he looked somewhat annoyed, looking at a piece of paper beside him, brows furrowing. All those papers that you have seen him scribble onto and later crumble it because it dissatisfied him were most likely his other works.
He was so focused on fixing the notes in his paper that he has not felt you watching him. His state made you pity the male. It was most likely a stressful thing to make music with the right notes that satisfied oneself. He was most likely here because the cafe was closed.
An idea came to but you don't know if you should go through with it, not wanting to appear like a creep to him by making a homemade Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino and giving it to him. That thought was quickly changed and decided that you will do just that tomorrow when you looked at him a bit longer.
You waited until it was 2 in the afternoon to make him his frappuccino and bring it over. You were glad to see him at the same spot at the same time. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what to do if he didn't show up. Now thinking about it, you always see him at 2 in the afternoon and wondered if he knew of his routine.
Walking closer, you see that he had more papers and notebooks than what he usually brings to the cafe. "Um, excuse me.." At that, you felt awkward that you walked up to a stranger and began a conversation just to give him a drink.
He looks up, his eyes seeming to glow brighter when they landed on you. "Oh, aren't you the one working at that cafe?" he asks, not needing to specify which cafe since he remembers you. You hummed and nodded. "Aren't you majoring in business? What brings you here?" Your breathing hitched when you saw him smile that you almost forgot the reason as to why you were there. It was adorable.
"Huh? How did you know I majored in business?" you ask. "When you aren't working, I see you studying with Master Diluc.. And I heard your conversation with Barbara from time to time," he answers. "Eh? You know Diluc and Barbara?" Your eyes widened in surprise.
"Well, I know Master Diluc because my brother has a business relationship with his father. As for Barbara, I see her exit class every time I go in," he says. Ah, so that's why Barbara doesn't know him. They have different times, you thought. "Anyway, care to answer my question?" His smile was still on his face when he asked. He seemed more relaxed than when he was working in his music. "Oh, right, I saw you yesterday and thought that you might need something sweet." You offered him the frappuccino as well as some homebaked brownies. "Ah! Thank you." His closed smile soon reveals his teeth, closing his eyes that crinkled at the corner. He accepts the drink and snacks. "Hey, why don't you sit down? It is a long walk from where you came from, yes? And it would be rude to just shoo you so soon." He pats the empty space beside him. "Ah.. Okay.." You hesitantly agreed, not wanting to make him sad at your early leave.
When you sat down, you suddenly felt more aware and felt the awkward tension-- well, you only felt the awkwardness in the air. He seemed fine, sipping the drink freely. Then, "Wah! This is good," he compliments. "I can tell when you make my drink and when your friend makes them." He leans close, putting a hand near his mouth as if to whisper to you. "Don't tell your friend, but I really like it when you make my drinks." He winks. You chuckled, feeling warm inside. "So, what is your name?" he asks, leaning away to give you space. "(Y/N). What about you?" "Venti!"
You smiled. "So, Venti, do you only play the guitar?" you ask, eyeing the wooden instrument on his lap. He shook his head. "I play instruments from all families-- the strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and guitar," he says. "However, I don't play the bigger instruments that require to be picked up because they are too heavy. I also don't really like drums. I find them too loud." You were amazed to know that he could play so many instruments. You have only tried a hand at the piano that you later gave up in high school.
"Which instrument do you like the most?" you asked, seeing as he already said which instrument he doesn't like playing. "Oh, that's easy! The lyre!" His eyes sparkled at the thought of the instrument. "There aren't many occasions where I can play the instrument so I play other instruments like the guitar."
It could be because your major was not appealing and boring that you found yourself interested in the topic at hand and started asking more questions. "Did you get a teacher to help you play the instruments?" He shook his head. "I have lots of books at home to learn from so I taught myself." If you weren't already surprised at his talent, you would be now. "All those instruments?" you ask. He nods proudly.
"Oh! Since you are here, care to listen to a song I've made?" he asks, eager to show you what he could do. You nod excitedly. He laughs and adjusted himself to be more comfortable when playing the guitar.
The song wasn't finished but it was enough to have you breathless. "I don't know how many times I had to rewrite the same notes but I hope this one sounded better?" he asks, turning to you when he stopped playing. You nod. "It sounded amazing!" The compliment made him bashful, scratching the back of his head as he chuckles. "I'm glad you think so! I hope I can finish this soon." He turns his head to look at the paper before returning his focus on you. "Will you listen to it when I finished?" You did not hesitate and nodded.
It wasn't too long since you two started chatting but it felt as if you guys had been friends for a long time. When the cafe opened the following week, you greeted each other with a smile with you already punching in his order that you have memorised by heart.
"Here is your Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino."
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ficforce · 4 years
Lady Beni
Shinmon Benimaru x Reader SFW No set timeline Established relationship Shinra meets Benimaru’s other half
Shinra squinted at Benimaru from across the table, he had long finished his third helping of rice and now had nothing to distract him from the bottom right of the man’s lip. It had been split, it was to the point of being well on its way to healing and there was a whisper of a bruise there too. Someone had given him a vicious uppercut for sure. But who would be stupid enough, let alone brave enough, to injure Captain Shinmon Benimaru?
The man’s thumb brushed over the cut lightly as he read a report, Shinra squinted hard as he thought he saw an almost smile on Benimaru’s lips. “The hell you looking at, kid?”
Shinra jumped and sat up straighter, “Nothing!” He should have known the other would know when he was being watched, another minute passed and teen finally cracked, “Uh, Captain Shinmon?” A grunt of acknowledgement let him know he could continue, “Who hit you?”
“Y/N.” He was yet to look up from the report.
“Y/N?” Shinra leaned forward a little in interest, a woman had hit the Captain?
Benimaru shot him a glare and Shinra shrunk back, “Oi, don’t be so damn casual about her.”
“Waka, that’s the only name you gave him to use,” Konro chose that moment to come in and handed Shinra a wrapped bento box, “I need you to deliver that for me.”
“I’m not listening to any complaints, Konro…” He got up and put his hands on his hips, looking at the bento Shinra was now holding, “Is that for Y/N?”
Konro nodded, “Y/N’s perfecting a new technique by the river, she kept setting things and people on fire by accident. I told her there wasn’t enough space in town.”
“Wait, the Lieutenant called her Y/N too!” The boy let out a yelp as Benimaru smacked the back of his head and glared with his eyes slightly glowing, “OW! …ow… Then, what should I call her? Who is she?”
Benimaru gave a shrug and shoved Shinra with his foot to get him moving toward the door, “You don’t get to call her anything, don’t even look at her - you’re not worthy.”
Shinra grumbled as he saw the Lieutenant hide a laugh behind his hand and shake his head fondly at Benimaru’s pout. He sighed and began walking toward the river, he remembered the place they were talking about and wondered who he was going to meet, someone strong enough to fight Benimaru and who he obviously respected very much. As he walked he was beckoned by the old lady who made daifuku, “Are you going to see Y/N-chan?”
Shinra nodded and looked over his shoulder as if he expected Benimaru to be there and beat him for hearing Y/N’s name again, with no sign of him, Shinra bent down to the old woman’s level, “Who is she?” he whispered, “What should I call her?”
“Y/N-chan?” She tilted her head in confusion, “She’s Beni-chan’s lover, they’ve been together for as long as I can remember… haven’t you met her? I suppose you haven’t, she runs the neighbourhood watch on the other side of Asakusa.” She placed a small bag of daifuku on top of the bento and pat Shinra’s head, “Beni-chan loves her more than anything - Her official title is Lady Beni-chan.” The boy narrowed his eyes at the old lady, certain that wasn’t true but then again… this was Asakusa and they were weird. He made to stand up when he sensed something seriously wrong, suddenly a whoosh of hot air engulfed the street and Shinra made sure to shield the daifuku lady until it had passed.
Bells began to ring and everyone began to get out of the way, helping each other evacuate as the block was deemed unsafe. “It’s another of the big ones!” someone yelled and accidentally bumped Shinra as he passed. A large infernal emerged from the end of the street, fire scorching the homes around it as it ambled unsteadily forward - it was another of the white clads monsters, several infernals merged together to form a giant. Before he could ignite his feet, a fiery matoi flew overhead and took out several buildings in the process. Why couldn’t Benimaru aim for the infernal?! “Damn it, Beni!” A female voice rung through the air and when the teen looked above he saw a figure on the roof above him, the sun blinded him from getting a proper look, “Learn to aim, idiot!”
“Quit complaining!” Benimaru jumped down to the ground beside Shinra, an unlit matoi in his hand, he glared up at the roof and clicked his tongue as if annoyed, “Why don’t you actually do something useful?” He goaded, “Head home and start making dinner like a good girl!”
“Why don’t you shove that up your ass and swivel?” The woman jumped down from the roof and landed gracefully to the other side of Shinra. Shinra was surprised to see that the woman was quite pretty, she looked nothing like he had imagined from hearing her coarse words. Her outfit was very similar to Hikage and Hinata’s, the only difference was that it had no sleeves.
Benimaru shove Shinra roughly and pointed at him, “I told you not to look at her, idiot!”
“Ben-chan!” The woman chided him, “He’s just a baby!”
So this was Y/N? Shinra tried to recall what the old lady had said, she had said that Benimaru and Y/N were long-time lovers and that the Captain loved her more than anything - Then why did they look and speak like they wanted to kick each other’s asses?! He watched as some sort of silent exchange went on and Benimaru took a step back, he formed a circle of flames behind him and then Y/N lifted one of her arms, her fingers forming a distinct sign before the fire around Benimaru began to change.
It shifted and grew, the man adding more firepower to it as it began to coil around him, taking on shape and life until Shinra’s jaw dropped. Y/N had created a giant snake out of the flames, hot enough to singe the stores around the Captain but he seemed perfectly safe in the centre. Y/N lifted her other arm and, with two elegant moves, the fire struck with unbelievable speed and wrapped around the infernal, crushing it in the fiery coils. He watched as its head rose and the snake-like creature looked as if it were trying to eat the monster, all the while it got hotter and hotter until nothing was left of the infernal but ashes.
The fire dissipated into the air and Shinra looked between the two in wonder and awe.
— -
That evening the twins gave a cheer all of a sudden and ran to greet Y/N as she entered the guardhouse, she crouched down to plant a kiss on each forehead and then sent them back to dinner. She looked a little tired and her hair wasn’t as neat as it had been earlier when Shinra had seen her, he also noted the bandages around her forearms and palms. She sat between Konro and Benimaru, the larger man smiling as she grinned at him and told him they had matching wraps for the day.
Before Shinra could speak to her, Benimaru filled a bowl full of rice and placed it in front of Y/N, he then proceeded to pick up a few pieces of meat he had been saving to place them with it. They were sat so close together that they brushed against the other each time they moved. “What happened to your arms?” He asked casually and poured her a drink.
“Hmm?” She finished chewing and then replied, “I added too much fuel to my kindling and scorched myself.”
“Tch, idiot.”
Shinra missed his mouth completely and then blushed as the woman looked at him whilst he tried to pick rice out of his shirt. He didn’t get it, Benimaru had just served her food and they were practically sat on each other but they were insulting the other at the same time. Were they really a couple? “So…uh… you’re a second-generation then?” his grin was wide and he couldn’t help but be tense.
Nobody said anything for a moment and then Y/N let out a little laugh, “You’re so stiff it’s cute!” She had heard about his nervous smiles and didn’t mind that he looked like he was mocking her, “I’m second-gen, I’m only dating Ben-chan so he can light my fires.”
“Too much information, Y/N,” Benimaru smirked behind his cup as he saw her cheeks heat up and she punched his knee in her embarrassment. He brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheekbone and muttered a small apology at making fun of her.
“Ah…” Now they were being sweet to each other, what even was this relationship? He cleared his throat a little and tried again, “So Captain Shinmon provides the firepower?”
“Not always,” she replied, “I can take control of any flame but Ben-chan’s flames are my favourite, I can really go to town with my ability and he’s not stingy, we made a pretty big dragon today!”
Shinra didn’t even think before he spoke, “I thought it was a snake…” Y/N looked mildly annoyed and her expression became a scowl as the other’s tried not to laugh too much at her, “I mean… It was amazing but it was a snake.”
“You should see her fire fox… Looks like a weird pig!!” This time the twins burst into giggles, Konro excused himself and Benimaru pressed his hand to his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. She shot a glare at all of them and the only one to flinch was Shinra as he tried to apologise.
“It was super cool! I was really impressed, Lady Beni-chan!” All of a sudden the laughing stopped and he looked up nervously, “Uh… the Daifuku lady said… that’s what I should call you - The Captain said I can’t use your name so…um…” The boy’s face glowed red and his grin grew as he realised the old lady was probably picking on him.
All of a sudden laughter filled the room and Y/N reached over the table to ruffle his hair. “Call me Y/N, don’t let these assholes get to you, kid.”
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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[ malt whiskey on ice ] 
pairing: chuuya nakahara x gn!reader (there’s an error in the header but i’m too lazy to edit it now i’m sorry)
word count: 2k words
@ah-kaashi​: dinooo im having chuuya brainrot hours right now ಥ⌣ಥ can i request a short fic of chuuya meeting bartender!reader at a bar and eventually starts pining for them? and he only goes to the bar to see them (ahh my heart) he probably would confess to the reader whilst drunk, thanks to his low alcohol tolerance :"
summary: chuuya has a crush on the cute bartender and tries to ask her out. unfortunately, drinking alcohol calms his nerves way too much
a/n: i’m--- i’ll just have a really long list of works under ‘chuuya nakahara’ at this point. also ahhh i hope you like this kei and sorry it took too long but i had so much fun writin this !!
chuuya could never get tired of hearing your bright, cheery voice greeting him as soon as he entered the bar, especially after a long and hard day. he smiles at you, fold his coat and leaves it on the counter beside him along with his hat.
“a good evening to you too, y/n,” he says.
“having your usual?” you asked, already getting out a glass.
“yes please.” 
chuuya knows it’s rude to stare, but he can’t help but do so as you prepare his drink. the fact that your humming easily puts a smile on his face reminds chuuya how much he has fallen for you.
“here you go,” you serve his drink up with a warm smile. “malt whiskey with ice.”
“expect some refills as usual later in the night,” chuuya joked.
“as long as i get to make sure you’re still able to drive home,” you chuckled. the bar was less than half-full tonight, something that chuuya was very much thankful for. you were an amazing bartender and you always interacted with your customers. chuuya was even amazed at how you could hold a conversation with anyone and remember all the stories that people would tell you.
but sometimes, he kind of wanted you all to himself. 
chuuya had been mulling that thought over for quite a long time: asking you out on an actual date instead of coming here every single night and looking at you longingly from across the counter. he did think he had a bit of a chance and you looked like you genuinely enjoyed talking to him and seeing him. but you were like that with everybody too.
“so, what’s been going on with you lately? finally finish that mission you’ve been stressing out on?” you asked while drying glasses behind the counter. chuuya smiled, dragging a gloved finger through the rim of his glass.
“well, if you’d really like to know...”
“you look like you’ve seen better days.” 
“huh?” chuuya blinked out of his thoughts to see the new bartender regarding him with a concerned expression. 
“you’ve been staring at your drink for the past... ten minutes...give or take,” you explained. “people do tend to stare at their drinks quite a bit but when it hits ten minutes that’s kind of raises an alarm for me,” you chuckled. “the ice even melted in your drink. want me to fix you a fresh one?” 
“ah, no. but thanks for the offer though,” chuuya smiled. “shame to waste good alcohol.”
“i hear you,” you shrugged with a smile. “so, wanna tell me what’s been going on?” you asked. “bartenders do make good listeners.”
chuuya raised an eyebrow up at you as he thought about what you said. “um, it’s kind of a long story and i don’t think i’m ready to get into it now,” he confessed.
“that’s fair,” you nodded your head. chuuya was grateful to you for giving him some space. actually, now that he thought about it, he was grateful to you for always greeting him with a smile and asking how he was, even when he came in with the sourest of moods. he knew it wasn’t easy to be a bartender, especially one whose clients were from the mafia.
“how about you though?” chuuya asked. “um, anything special happen to you recently?”
you looked genuinely surprised at the question which made chuuya think that people never really asked about you. “you know, no one’s ever really asked me that,” you chuckled. “but... it’s nice. thanks, nakahara-san.”
chuuya doesn’t know why, but his stomach was practically doing backflips when you said that. have you always looked this cute when you laughed? how come chuuya never noticed that?
“please,” he says. “you can call me chuuya.”
“you never chicken out of anything. come on, you can do this,” chuuya grits his teeth, remembering not to accidentally crush the bouquet in his hands. right after finishing his mission early, he headed to the nearest flower shop to buy some flowers for you. as much as he wanted to give you red roses, he thought it would be a bit too much and didn’t want to accidentally scare you. instead, he settled on some pink peonies that he dearly hoped you would like.
chuuya decided on going to the bar before your shift just to give himself some time to relax. except, when he sits down on the counter, the bartender, an old man who chuuya knows very well, eyes the bouquet in his hands and flashes chuuya a knowing smile.
“do you think they’ll say yes?” chuuya asks, very aware at how nervous he sounds.
“i think it’ll be very interesting,” the bartender says. chuuya groans at how ambiguous that sounds.
“can i have my regular? please?” he asks. the bartender raises an eyebrow at him. “it’s just for the nerves,” chuuya reasons.
he was right in thinking that the alcohol would help with his nerves. except, it works a bit too much.
you always give your reflection a once-over before leaving for your shift at the bartender. the bartender’s uniform isn’t exactly your nicest outfit but you try your best to spruce things up by putting on some lip tint and brushing your hair. you’re not even sure if chuuya will be coming in, he is a busy man, but you apply your lip tint carefully in the mirror and wish for luck.
when you finally leave the employee’s changing room to start your shift, your heart jumps up in your chest when you recognize the familiar hat. except, when you come closer, you find that chuuya is slumped over the counter with an empty glass and a bouquet of flowers at his side.
the sight of the flowers brings a lump in your throat but you push that aside momentarily as you tap on chuuya’s shoulder to check on him.
“hrrrmmm,” he groans but doesn’t move an inch. you tap him on the shoulder again and call out his name, much louder this time, until chuuya finally raises his head. 
his cheeks are flushed pink, no doubt from the alcohol, and his eyes clearly look as if he’s straining to focus as he squints at you. it’s unbelievably cute and you let out a chuckle. 
“it’s not like you to get wasted on a thursday evening,” you smile before your gaze lands on the bouquet of flowers again. “i... see you were planning to ask someone out.”
“huh? yeah,” chuuya drawls, nodding his head slowly. “s’pposed to ask this person out... was waiting for them.”
“and then you ended up drinking too much,” you sigh. “i mean, i keep telling you your alcohol tolerance isn’t that great.”
“wanted to be less nervous,” chuuya whines slightly as his head drops back again. you reach your hand out to hold him back from pitching forward and slamming his face onto the table.
“oh my god, let’s get you sobered up at least before you meet them,” you sigh. it was a thursday night and no one else was at the bar. it probably wouldn’t hurt to step out for a while, wouldn’t it?
you’re practically dragging chuuya behind you to the employee’s room and sitting him on the couch you have there. except, once he sits down he immediately flops on the couch and curls up on his side. you’ve rarely seen the mafia executive look as vulnerable as this with his hat barely even on his head, his red locks framing his sleeping face, and his curled hands under his cheek. chuuya looks just like a little kid and you smile to yourself as you brush a lock of hair out of his face.
you already knew he was a mafia executive when you first met him here, at the bar, and was understandably quite scared of him at first. ‘he’s just a paying customer, like everyone else,’ you reminded yourself before putting on a winning smile to serve him. 
little did you know, you were going to absolutely fall for him. chuuya was always kind and courteous, even tipping more than generously whenever he came in. but what struck you about him was that no matter what, even if he was having the worst of days, he would always ask how you are. as a bartender, you were used to being the one listening instead of being listened to. the fact that chuuya always asked about you and even remembered your ramblings made you smile.
part of you wondered if you had a chance with someone like chuuya. ‘but i guess not,’ you thought sadly, gently laying the bouquet of flowers on the side table. as soon as you did, chuuya shot up from the couch.
“ch-chuuya-san!” you yelped slightly in surprise. 
“flowers... where are they?” he slurred, blinking around at his surroundings.
“here,” you smiled, placing the bouquet on his lap. “that person’s lucky, you know? to receive flowers from you.” 
“yeah...” chuuya smiled. “y/n sure is.” and before you could fully process what he said, chuuya flopped back down on the couch.
“wait, what?” you squeaked. you turned to chuuya and shook him awake. “did you just say y/n?”
“yeah... you know them? works here, always smiley, looks hella cute,” chuuya chuckled before looking at you with the tiniest pout on his lips. “do you think they’d go out with me?” 
you’re astounded and let out a small laugh. “i... i think they would chuuya. just ask them, alright?” 
“alright,”  chuuya nods and yawns before curling up on the couch again. you, on the other hand, are beside yourself with giddiness and it’s taking you all of your self-control not to wake him up. instead, you leave a glass of water and some headache medicine that you keep in your bag and return to your shift.
chuuya wakes up a few hours later with one of the worst headaches he’s ever had and his mouth feeling like sandpaper. also, he has no idea where he is. 
he sits up, blinking at his surroundings as he struggles to remember what happened before he practically blacked out. ‘i was in the bar. i got a drink, and then...’  
chuuya’s gaze lands on you, curled up on a nearby chair with your jacket draped across your torso and suddenly he remembers what exactly he was doing at the bar in the first place. “shit, shit, shit,” chuuya curses and sits up. he actually got blackout drunk before even getting the chance to talk to you and now you had to take care of him. chuuya hated to admit that his alcohol tolerance was low and now it seems he’s suffering the consequences for it.
his luck takes a turn for the worst when the noise stirs you awake.
“chuuya-san? you’re awake,” you yawn sleepily.
“fuck, i... blacked out, didn’t i? y/n, i’m so sorry it must have been so troubling for you,” chuuya immediately apologizes.
“it’s alright--” 
“like, i came in before your shift and i thought drinking would settle my nerves a bit before asking you out and--” chuuya abruptly stops when he realizes what he accidentally blurted out loud. the look on your face says it all though.
“i... “ he starts and stops again. then, he realizes that the flowers he bought are still on the table. so, he picks it up and hands them to you. “i, i really like you, y/n. if you don’t hate me after all this, would you consider going out with me?” 
there’s a smile on your face when you take the flowers for him and chuuya takes it as a good sign. and then you say, “you know, you said a lot of things while you were drunk.” 
chuuya feels his face flush and lets out a groan. “oh god, like what?” 
“we can talk about it if you like,” you shrug. “i’m... i’m free on saturdays, after my five pm shift.” 
chuuya feels his heart leap in his chest and says “i’m free this saturday too,” a bit too enthusiastically, earning another laugh from you. he’s still feeling that euphoria when you stand up and plant a kiss on his cheek.
“also, you’re really cute when you’re drunk.” 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
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weaselbrownie · 4 years
forever | d.m
draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
summary : in sixth year draco started to drift away from her leaving her in the dark, until one night when she decides that enough is enough and tries to find out what’s going on in him, leading in her finding his dark mark
warnings : Mentions of blood, swearing, angst, emotional roller coaster draco
word count : 5k
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Two weeks 
It has been two weeks since you've had a proper conversation with Draco. You were quite confused why he was ignoring you. Sure you both aren't in a relationship, but you've always been close. You've always had a specific relationship with Draco, maybe even kissed a few times but nothing's official. All you know was that you were his and he was yours, it has always been and it will always be. 
When Draco broke his arm in the second year. When you tripped down the staircase in the third year. When he got in a big argument with his dad in the fourth year. When there was a nasty rumor going around about you in the fifth year. 
It was always the two of you against the world.
Well– at least it was until now, the sixth year, the year where Draco started to drift away from you. You have tried so hard to pull him aside and talk but he won't budge, always in a hurry to go somewhere or do something. You were about to give up before you saw him, he was leaving the room of requirement and into the abandoned boy's lavatory in the west wing. 
From the moment he caught your eye you followed him. Sprinting behind him as the soft wind blow on your face. Draco was walking at quite a fast pace, entering the lavatory he shut the door with a loud bang just as you were about to reach for him. 
Fortunately, he didn't lock it so you could slip in easily. Tiptoeing towards the middle of the cold room your skin littered in goosebumps, not knowing what to expect. You have never been here before so the outline of the room was unfamiliar. You made your way to the end of the room to see Draco scrunched up in the corner of the room by a large panel window, overlooking the dark horizon. He hugged his knees before dropping his head in the middle of it. 
He was still, he didn't even look like he was breathing. You moved away from the middle of the hall and to the back of a bathroom stall to hide your body. Moments later Draco finally picked up his head again and fixed his position to sit crisis cross in front of the large window.  His head tilted up to watch the stars, it was bright tonight. The dark sky littered with millions of shining stars. The full moon adding to the beauty, the soft light reflected onto Draco's pale skin making him glow. 
Slowly you peaked out from behind the stall to walk towards him. He didn't recognize your presence at all, seeing as his focus still laid on the sky above him. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" You softly said looking down at Draco and then up to the sky. 
Draco let out a surprised gasp before turning around to look up at you. His gaze stuck to you as he didn't move a muscle, he just sat there, bright silver eyes wide open piercing into yours. You took your vision off of the sky and into Draco below you. You let out a small smile before walking a few steps towards him again. 
"Can I sit?" You chuckled again seeing as you will be doing most of the talking tonight. 
Much to your dismay, Draco didn't reply but rather just nodded before turning around to look out the window again. You settled next to the boy and brought your knees up to your chest before wrapping yourself in your robe. Even though it's late you both still sat in your uniform considering you both had extra classes today. 
You smiled to yourself before turning to face Draco. His face was soft and relaxed, you could tell he's been stressed lately and this was calming him down. His eyes fixed staring at one of the constellations in the sky. You followed his gaze that landed on a familiar star. 
"That's Draco right?" You whispered to him while looking at the sky. 
He seems to be taken back considering he broke the eye contact with the star to look at you. He crooked his head to the side before opening his mouth to let out a few soft words.
"How do you know that?"He genuinely asked, confused on how you managed to remember one of the many stars in the sky.
You let out a soft chuckle before turning to face Draco who's already looking at you with big shining eyes. "I listen you know" You smiled at the boy in front of you. 
What you said was true, Draco is known to drone on and on about the topics he's passionate about, one of them being constellations. The two of you have been sneaking off to the astronomy tower since the second year. When the sky was bright and you could see the stars, he wouldn't hesitate to start talking about them. About how he got Draco as his name or how his extended family's name is all made up of all the constellations in the sky. At times you would even fall asleep on him whilst he talks about the stars, he thinks you don't listen but you do, when have you not listened to Draco.
"All those times we snuck up the tower?" He asked with a soft smile dancing on the corner of his lips. 
You returned the smile and nodded. "I've always loved it when you talk about the stars" you softly started looking into his eyes. "Or when you find a new book in the library– and you read it to me" You chuckled at every memory of Draco excitedly reading to you.
Draco's mouth hung open for a few moments letting your words sink in before turning it into a smile. It was a genuine smile, a smile he hadn't shown anyone in the past two weeks. You felt a little better, even just seeing his smile. He was silent but you could read his eyes, how they sparkle in the dark telling you that he was glad you're there. You snuck your hand on top of his and he gladly took them, flipping his palm over to close his big hand around your small one. 
His smile didn't last long, as Draco unexpectedly launched himself at you, bringing you into a soul-crushing hug. He didn't have to say anything and you knew he needed this, so you hugged him back, snaking your arms around his torso and letting your head rest on his shoulder. 
The two of you stayed like that for a while before he pulled away and moved to lean against one of the big pillars by the window. You watched as she scattered on the floor searching for the perfect spot and position. You kept your eyes on him, watching as the front of his white hair fall against his forehead. Not long after he finally settled down and parted his legs before extending it and patting the space in front of him, motioning for you to sit in between his legs. 
You smiled before gathering yourself to crawl over to his arms. You set yourself in front of him, your back connected to his chest. You leaned back getting comfortable in his embrace as you looked over to the right to take in the dark scenery. His arms snaked to your torso keeping you close to him before you felt his chin on your shoulder, huffing out a loud sigh. 
It was moments like these that you cherish most. Moments where you and Draco are most vulnerable in private. Nobody has seen either of you like this, the both of you have such strict reputations. To the world, the two of you were the great big scary Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N, the two cold Slytherins, the two most heartless students in all of Hogwarts. 
But to the two of you– you're just Y/N, and he is just Draco. You're just kids who’re trying to have fun and pass school. You're just people who want to make it in the real world. You're just two lost souls who need one another to keep going. 
So deep in your thoughts, you didn't even notice Draco calling your name. You blinked a few times before leaning your head against his, slightly shifting towards him. 
"Yes Draco?" you cooed to the boy behind you. 
"Thank you.." He mumbled slowly into your shoulder before a smile formed his lips. 
You chuckled again before turning your head to give him a peck on the side of his hairline. You fixed your position and sunk on the floor even more and leaned back on him. He picked his head up from your shoulder and leaned back to the cold marble pillar, tightening his grip on your torso. 
You smiled to yourself before putting your hands over his to trace his fingers. Whilst playing with his hands one of your fingers traced a bit too far up into his sleeves and you felt something that wasn't supposed to be there. 
The skin on the inside of his left wrist felt different, it wasn't smooth like the rest of him. It was as if someone was harshly scratching on the delicate skin. His grip was strong and so you couldn't see what your fingers felt just seconds ago. 
You start to worry, overthinking in your head. Is this part of the reason Draco has been so distant? What has he been doing? There was nothing more you want to do than just turn around and ask him but right now it wasn't an option. Draco has been avoiding you for weeks and if you ask a sensitive subject now he might just run out of your life forever. Pushing all the bizarre thoughts out of your head you decided to drop it and ask another time. 
So instead of confronting him, you let go of his left wrist and just placed your hands on his forearms. Snuggling deeper into Draco you find yourself drifting. The cool atmosphere of the bathroom and the dimly lit room not helping you fight the urge to fall asleep. So with the last of energy you have, you push yourself up and turned around to find Draco asleep. 
You smiled softly at him before caressing his cheeks and whispered his name to wake him. Draco's eyes flutter and he readjusted his position. Draco sat upright and held your hips, silently asking if everything was alright. 
"We need to head back" You whispered to him with your hands still on his cheek.
He simply nodded before stretching his neck and getting up. You turned around still on your knees before bending down and picking up your bookbag. Standing up with ease you turned around once more to see Draco looking down at you. You smiled at him before you start to head for the door. You could barely get 5 steps in before Draco came next to you and took your book bag from your shoulder and slinging it onto his shoulder instead. You stopped in your tracks and looked up at him, however, Draco didn't stop. He kept walking at a slow pace until he reached the door. 
"Well.. come on now," Draco said looking back at you while extending his hand in your direction. 
You were surprised yes, but that didn't stop you from blushing before jogging up to meet him. You took his hand and the both of you started to wall down the dark hallway hand in hand. 
After that night Draco has made more of an effort to spend time with you, he didn't run off after class like he used to, he even sat down every meal with you. Things were starting to get back to normal, but not quite yet. Every night after dinner Draco always has an excuse, Snape needs him or the prefects’ duties, but you knew he was lying but you didn't want to push your luck– until tonight. 
You decided you've had enough of being kept in the dark and decided to confront him. You were about to do it after dinner but per usual he's already gone, running into the dark spots of Hogwarts. Slightly annoyed you decided it'll be best if you just wait for him in his dorm. 
After Dumbledore dismissed everyone you practically sprint down to the dungeons and into the cold green common room, rushing up the stairs you went into the boy's section, thank Merlin for Draco's private prefect dorm. You opened the door and slowly crept in. His dorm was a little chilly, his books neatly stacked on his desk and his bed nicely made. 
You shrugged off your robe and placed it on his chair before coming to sit on his soft bed. You took a seat on the edge of the bed and took in the scenery of his dorm before collapsing backward and taking a pillow to snuggle. 
Draco left you waiting for around 15 minutes before coming back. The hood of your eyes started to get heavy as it flutters. Before you could completely close your eyes the door burst open revealing a flushed Draco. Your body jolted up in surprise, and you quickly stood in panic. Once you saw who it was you let yourself sit on the edge of the bed again.
"What are you doing here?" Draco blurted out in a not-so-welcoming tone. 
"I was waiting for you," You said slowly as you stood up from the bed. 
Draco eyed you up and down, your hair was slightly messy and your uniform was all halfway done. The top button of your shirt undone and your tie loose, your jumper raised to your hips and your skirt hitched a little higher than usual.
"Now isn't a good time love"  Was all Draco said before turning around to shrug off his robe and placed it on top of yours. 
You fixed yourself a little, pulling your jumper and skirt down before walking a few steps towards him. "Draco–" You started in a slight whisper tone.
"Go back to your dorm, it's late and I'm tired," He said sternly.
"Dray please–" 
"I said I'm tired Y/L/N!" He hissed at you, turning around completely to face you.
You flinched backward at his action, Draco was many things but being aggressive with you wasn't one of them. You weren't scared, Draco would never in a million years hurt you, but you were rather surprised. 
"Draco please, I'm trying to fix something here!" You talked back to him showing him that you weren't going to back down. 
Draco only scoffed and rolled his eyes before taking his book bag that sat on the floor and swung it onto his shoulder. Walking past you and into the side of his bed where a large cabinet sat. You stood there, your eyes wide at his reaction. 
"Can you not be an arse for once Draco!" You turned around and shouted at him which caused him to freeze while putting his books away. 
Draco put the book he was holding on the floor before letting out a dark chuckle and smirked slightly. He picked up his head to look at you. Your face was red from rage and your arms crossed in front of you. Draco's jaw tensed and he backed away from the cabinet to stand straight. He mimics your posture, crossing both arms in front of his chest before slowly walking towards you. 
"I wasn't the one to break into someone else's dorm– just to annoy them with stupid questions– when clearly the other person is too tired to speak!" Draco practically growled at you, his eyes darkening and his smirk dropping. 
"Well forgive me for caring about you" You hissed back at the blond boy standing in front of you. 
"Oh cut the bullshit Y/L/N! I don't need you sticking your head somewhere it doesn't belong" Draco spat at you, walking closer than before. 
You groaned again in annoyance as you threw your hands up in the air, shuffling around in the spot where you stood. "You always do this Draco... Always!" You whispered the last part. "I just want to help you–" your sentence was cut short by Draco's loud groan. 
"Piss off Y/N! I don't need your help with anything, I'm capable thankyou very much" Draco hissed in a sarcastic tone at you. 
"What the fuck is your problem, I'm right here to offer you my hand and you're still pushing me away!" You shouted at him, tears on the verge of your eyes threatening to fall any second now. 
"Well I don't need it– So just leave, I know you want to!" He shouted back at you, taking more steps forward closer to your shaking figure. 
You were tired, your body aches from a long day of school and all you wanted to do was snuggle deep in Draco's warm embrace but here you were, screaming and snapping at each other. As Draco got closer you could see the smallest amount of tear on the corner of his eyes, he was tired just like you were. You pulled yourself together, if you give up now there might not be another chance. 
"Just go– I don't need you here Y/N..." He said sternly, trying to hold back something big. 
Your jaw tensed at his words and your mouth curled to the tiniest pout before you let a single tear roll down your face. You took a deep breath and shook your head a little. Your gaze dropped to your shoes as you were debating with yourself on what to do next. You decide that maybe it's time for a different approach. Trying to get him to talk clearly wasn't helping in any way. 
With your heart on the tips of your fingers, your hand reached up to hold his. His eyes stayed on you, burning a hole into your skull if possible. Your body jolts in electricity as the tip of your warm fingers touched his. Draco didn't move a muscle, he didn't even close his hand around yours like he usually would. 
Not giving up you stepped a little closer to Draco while your hand trailed up his forearm. Before you could move your hand even higher you touched the spot again. The spot you touched on the inside of his wrist many nights ago in the abandoned bathroom. Except for this time, it was a different texture, it wasn't just rough and dry it was damp. In panic, you tore your hand away from Draco and lifted it to your face. Your eyes widen in horror as you came face to face with blood. 
Your middle finger was stained with bits of dry blood, you gasped as did Draco. Before you could do anything he started to shuffle backward, you froze in place trying to process what just happened. 
"Dray–" You started softly just to get cut off once more. 
"I told you to leave Y/N– So leave!" Draco started to panic even more than you did.
You shook your head again before tearing your eyes away from your fingers to look at Draco. He was starting to really panic.  His chest was heaving up and down ad he stumbles while walking backward. His eyes were blank as he shook his head. Draco brought his hands up to loosened the tie around his neck as it was suffocating him. 
You started to move towards Draco, placing your hands in front of you to try to calm him down. That's when Draco broke. All the tears he tried hard to conceal burst down his face, his breath started to get uneven, you didn't know what to do so you watched him as he slowly broke down. 
Your heart aches just looking at him, Draco Malfoy, the boy you've loved for years on end. Draco fell back onto his bed and buried his head on the palms of his hands. Another tear escaped your eyes as you try to get closer to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder squeezing it reassuringly. He didn't look up or moved from his previous position, he just continued to sob into his hands. 
You took a seat next to him before placing the hand that was on his shoulder onto his cheek. Draco finally looked up to see your tear-stained face, he sniffled a little before completely throwing himself on you. His actions took you by surprise but you hugged him tightly back, rubbing his back you whispered sweet nothings into his ear that seems to calm him down a little. 
"Y/N you need to leave..." Draco mumbled into your shoulder, breaking the silence. 
"Wha– No!"  You said a little louder than he did as your eyes widened in surprise 
"I'm not going anywhere Draco– We'll get through this, w-whatever this is– I'm not gonna leav–" You were cut off by Draco once more when he tore away from your arms to stand up. 
"You don't get it Y/N! I'm dangerous–I could hurt you!" He shouted in frustration as his hand flew up to his blond locks
"Draco what could you possibly do to hurt me?" You stood up in front of him, confused about why he wants you to leave so badly. 
Draco shuffled around for a little, groaning in frustration every once in a while before streaming down tears on his face again. You didn't know what to do so you stayed in your spot, hugging your figure as you watched the boy in front of you. 
"Draco I'm sure it isn’t that bad– We can figure something out and then w–"
"I’m a death eater!" Draco shouted at you, shutting you up. 
As if all the love in the world was sucked, you stood staring at the figure in front of you. Your eyes widened at the realization of what Draco just said. You couldn't bring yourself to give a big reaction, you silently stood back let your tears out. 
"N-no.." You chocked out still not moving from your previous state. 
"Yes Y/N, I can't protect you anymore you have to leave!" Draco murmured, looking down onto the floor in shame. 
"No– Y-you can’t possibly be a death eater–" You said to him shaking your head in disbelief. 
"And why not Y/N? My dad's a death eater my whole family are death eaters! I was next in line and it was time–" Draco started as he stutters his words towards the shaking girl in front of him.
"Trust me when I said I would change the past if I could, but truth is I can't! Y/N I cant!" His words got louder as the frustration is getting to him.
"Every day I look on my arm and I see the mark of death, I am marked for death! And I tried to protect you for so long but I can only do so much Y/N– I've lost everything in my life and I can’t lose you too" Draco spat out, choking on his own tears and pain. 
"Dray–" You said, standing still in front of him hugging yourself as you watch him get all his pain and anger out. 
Before you could get another word out Draco aggressively rolled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark– surrounded by red scratches. You gasped as your hand flew to your mouth covering it. "Look what they did to me!" Draco shouted as more tears run down his pale face. 
"Oh Draco.." You murmured as you start to walk towards him. When you were just a few feet in front of him you extended your hand out to take his one. You grasped his hand in yours softly before lifting it higher. Your eyes scan his arm, every detail of the dark mark, every end of scar from his scratches. 
You finally let go of his arm and your hand snaked up to hold his face. His tears seemed to have stopped but each drop was strained on his face. You tore your gaze away from his arms and focused on him. Looking up you could see his bright eyes peaked from his heavy lids and thick lashes. 
Draco seems to notice how you're memorizing every detail on his face, he looked into your eyes before looking into your lips and back at your eyes. You noticed his little glance and decided to just go for it. 
Without moving too much you closed the space between the two of you. Your lips pecked his slightly chapped one before cupping his face with your other hand that previously sat on his arm. Draco stayed still for a moment before returning your kiss with even more passion. You were getting dizzy as if all the crying wasn't already enough to knock you out, you were breathing hard against Draco. His arms snaked to your hips as he deepened the kiss a little. After what seems like an eternity you pulled away and wiped his wet face with your thumbs. 
"You really thought I was going to walk away from you?" You softly asked, breaking the heavy silence that sat in the dim room. 
Draco didn't answer you but rather just nodded in shame. "Can I ask a question?" You said again looking into his face. Draco looked back up at you and silently nodded again. "Why did you scratch it?" You murmured at the boy in front of you. 
"It's stupid, but sometimes it hurts so much that I thought it would just come off if I scratch it deep enough..." Draco said slowly as his jaw tightens. 
Your heart breaks at his answer, all this time Draco has been going through all of this alone in fear that you would run away. All this time you could've helped prevent him from hurting himself but you didn't. You cursed yourself for not asking sooner. You nodded when he finished his statement and hugged him. Your arms making way to the back of his neck as you rested your head on his shoulder, Draco holding on to you tighter in fear you might just disappear if he didn't. 
You lead him away from the spot where you stood and towards his connecting bathroom, stopping at his dresser to take out a jumper and some random sweatpants. You entered the cold bathroom and goosebumps started to form on your skin. Slowly you backed him up against the sink countertop as he leaned on the edge. 
"You need to change," You said softly to the boy in front of you. 
"Can you help?" Draco said as he placed a hand onto your arm when you were just about to leave the bathroom. 
You smiled up to the boy before nodding. You brushed a fallen hair behind your ear before placing your hands on the bottom of his jumper. Slowly you lifted the piece of clothing as Draco held his arm up. When you got the jumper off you started to work your hands on his tie, he kept his eyes on you the whole time. Just when you got his tie off he came down and attacked your lips with his again. You slowly kissed him back as if you've been together forever. Your hands continue to undo the buttons on his shirt, and when you got to the bottom you pulled away from his lips just to reattach them on his collarbone, spreading little kisses on his cold skin. You tugged his shirt off before you moved down your lips to his chest, after discarding him of his shirt you pulled away and place your lips on his once more before completely pulling away to get the fresh jumper sitting on the counter. 
Before you placed the jumper on him you reached for your wand and held up his wrist. You looked up at him silently asking if he was okay and he gave you a nod of confirmation for you to clean his scratched arm. You quickly whispered a spell that cleaned his arms and wrapped them in a bandage. You placed your wand back onto the counter as you brought his wrist up to your lips giving it a quick peck. 
You took the jumper and continued to dress him, doing the same with his pants before changing yourself too. You went over to the sink and splashed some water on your face as Draco copied your actions. 
After the two of you got comfortable you lead him out of the bathroom and back into his room. You continued to lead him to the bed and opened the covers to get him in the warm embrace of his bed. You tucked him in, bringing the covers up to his chest and kissing the top of his head before you started to walk away. Draco grabbed your hand keeping you in place just when you turned around. 
"Stay.." He softly said looking up at your figure. 
You turned around and smiled at him before coming to the other side of the bed and got under the covers with him. You shuffled in under the covers to get closer to Draco as he did the same. You laid your arms out for Draco to crawl in and that's exactly what he did. The scent of citrus and mint wash over you as he snuggled closer to you, resting his head on the crook of your neck. His arms snaked onto your hips and his legs tangled themselves with yours. You closed your arms around his shoulder to keep him close and kissed the top of his head before playing with the ends of his hair. 
"I'm not going anywhere Dray" You murmured into his hair as you felt him shift a little under you and fasten his arms on your hips. 
"Yeah?.." He replied softly not moving from his position. 
"Everything that's gonna happen after this, I'll be here, I'll always be here" You smiled into his hair as you make a promise you know you will never break.
"Forever?.." Draco asked as he snuggled deeper into you.
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Only You ~ Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy!
@jesstargaryenqueen @sailorsassley @sjmships @tomtenadia @endlessdaydream @aflickeringsoul @tillyrubes10 @fredweasleyhasadhd @rowaelin-cressworth @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @rowaelinismyotp @rosegoldannie @maryberry @viajandosinalas @becarefuloflove @allthebooksunderthemoon @sheharahu @swankii-art-teacher @superspiritfestival
Chapter Thirteen ~ Burning 
Chapter Twelve ~ Chapter Fourteen 
“We need to make sure invitations are sent to all royal families across the continent. If we send them now we should receive answers in enough time.” 
Aelin had been sat at the table with her mother, Lysandra and Elide for over four hours. Her mother had requested she join her for tea in the morning room, Aelin had happily agreed, hoping that maybe they could talk over everything; but when she had entered the room she immediately wanted to leave again. Strewn over chairs, tables and any workable surface were swathes of fabrics, utensils, flowers and cakes— you name it and it was probably there. She had known this would be something that had to be done… but Gods above. She had been too slow to march out of the room again; her mother had spotted her too quickly and a smile had lit up her face as she gazed upon Aelin. She had ushered Aelin into a seat and declared that now was the perfect time to organise everything. Lysandra and Elide had joined an hour later, managing to escape the worst of her mothers excitement. 
“Perhaps we should send invitations to the Southern Continent too? They are never too bothered with the goings on here, but it would be polite.” Her mother was scrambling for the ink and paper, adding to the ever-growing list of people she wished to invite. 
“Mamma, is this really necessary?” Aelin picked at the lavender fabric that had been placed on her lap, waiting for her to inspect it and share her opinion. 
“I know you would rather go down to the priest in your fighting gear and be done with this all, but you are required to have a wedding fit for a queen, so we shall give you one.” Her mother lent over to Elide who was studying a selection of flowers. 
Aelin brushed the fabrics from her lap and stood, pouring another cup of herbal tea. “I’m just saying that we don’t need to invite everyone for both a mating ceremony and a wedding. Rowan and I would much rather have a mating ceremony just the two of us.” She assumed anyway. The two of them hadn’t discussed any of it in great detail. 
The three women looked up at her. 
“I just—“ she picked up then dropped a rose. “It’s all a bit much, no?”
“I think it’s exciting. We haven’t had a mating ceremony in years.” Elide was clasping a bunch of the flowers in her hands as she spoke. 
Lysandra said nothing and instead went to sit in one of the armchairs, her hands playing with the ends of her sleeves, being unusually silent.
Aelin tore her eyes from Lysandra and back to her mother and Elide. 
“I’m not sure Rowan is one for big displays of… well anything.” 
“I’m sure he’ll do whatever needs to be done, Aelin. Now sit, I want to see which colours are best.” 
Aelin was saved when someone cleared their throat at the door. She could’ve sighed in relief as she eyed Rowan. 
“Sorry to interrupt; but I was hoping to steal Aelin away.” 
Aelin took three steps when her mother stopped her. “We will be finishing this later. Don’t think you can get out of it.” 
She grinned at her mother and hastily exited the room, joining her hand with Rowan’s and heading into the crisp winter air. 
“Thank you for saving me. I was about to go crazy in there.” 
“Don’t thank me quite yet. I told your father and Orlon we were going to pick a place for the ceremony.” 
She groaned. “Why would you say that? I was hoping you were going to steal me away so we could hide in my rooms until dinner.” 
He nudged her side. “I needed an excuse to leave and I don’t think they would appreciate me telling them I was going to spend the rest of the day in your rooms with you.” 
Aelin blushed at that. 
“I also thought that we should get outside whilst we could. I was warned of the winters here, and if the storm last night is anything to go by...” 
She hummed in agreement. The two of them walking in comfortable silence. 
It wasn’t long before Aelin began to speak again. “I don’t see why we need two big celebrations.” She groaned. “A mating ceremony, to me, is meant to be private.” 
He squeezed her hand. “When I was younger—maybe two hundred years ago— mating ceremonies were one of the biggest celebrations. Whole towns would congregate, light huge bonfires, have feasts and dance until dawn, just to celebrate a couples mating.” They continued walking into the forest, “my mother used to tell me stories of her and my fathers. My mother came from a small village outside of Doranelle, when she mated with my father they had a party lasting four days.” 
“Four days?” 
He smiled. “The village was so small that it was rare for the people there to find a mate. Rarer than it is normally, at least.” 
They stopped to sit on a fallen tree overlooking part of the river.
“How did your mother and father meet?” 
“My father lived in Doranelle with the other Whitethorns, he was in charge of Doranelle’s army at the time. He had been sent on a mission to recruit more Fae soldiers. He found his way to my mothers village and knew right away that she was his mate.” 
Rowan’s face fell as he talked about his parents. She did not know where they were or what had happened to them, but seeing the anguish on his face made her heart break. 
“You don’t have to tell me.” 
He shook his head. “It’s fine. I just haven’t told the story in a long time.” Rowan shifted to face Aelin, her body twisting to face him as well. 
“My father stayed in the village, meeting my mothers family, managing to recruit a couple of Fae to join Doranelle’s army— training them whilst he was there. They were mated there and then moved to Doranelle shortly after.” 
“How long after mating did they have you?” 
“It was well over two hundred years. Full-blooded Fae find it difficult to have children. My parents tried for a long time. By the time they had me…” 
She kissed his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
“We got to be a family for fifty years.” His voice cracked. “My father faded first. My mother— she couldn’t cope with the pain of losing her mate, so she faded a year or so after.” 
Aelin felt a tear fall. Seeing him so vulnerable— it broke something inside of her. She didn’t know what to say, she hadn’t realised they had faded so soon. 
“It was a long time ago.” He wiped the tear that was rolling down her cheek. 
“I didn’t know you had such little time with them.” 
“I had enough. And the time we did have together was happy, so I cannot complain.” 
Rowan stood, extending his hand to her. She took it and they continued on their way. The forest had changed dramatically in such a short time, autumn had come and gone in a blink of an eye, the leaves now frozen and crunching beneath their feet. The trees bear as winter embraced the land. They zig-zagged through the forest path, turning down small tracks that had been forgotten for years, enjoying the peace that nature brought. 
The two of them walked in silence, Aelin thinking about Rowan’s family as they went. Rowan deep in his own thoughts. 
They followed a tall hedge that lined the side of the path, the branches thick. As they strode further along Aelin noticed an opening, big enough for someone to fit through. 
It was then that she remembered she had been here once before. She beckoned for Rowan to follow as she once again slipped through the gap. She had been here when she was fifteen. She had stumbled across the clearing by accident; she had been walking along the trail in the forest when she spotted an opening in the bushes. She had slipped through the gap and found herself in awe at the scene before her. 
The clearing had been small, but it had held such beauty that she could do nothing but take it in. Surrounding the clearing had been bushes displaying little white flowers, the floor made up of colourful wildflowers that swayed softly in the balmy summer breeze. To the right was a pool of shimmering water, stones lined the edges— like they had been carefully placed there by someone. The whole area had been bathed in streams of sunlight that filtered through the canopy of trees above; birds flittered from branch to branch, singing their melody as they did. Aelin had never seen anything like it. 
And even now, in the dead of winter; when the flowers were withered and the leafy canopy above gone, only the skeletons of the trees to be seen, she could still see that beauty. The winter sun still bathing the clearing in light, the water crystal clear and sparkling like a thousand little diamonds. 
“How did you find this?” Rowan asked. 
She shrugged. “I accidentally came across it a few summers ago. It became a sort of sanctuary then, somewhere to go when I wanted to be alone. I’d forgotten about it actually. I only remembered it when I saw the opening in the bush.”
She watched as he surveyed the space around them. 
“And you wanted to share it with me? Even though it had been somewhere secret?” He looked to her, eyes shining. 
“Of course.” She smiled. 
Rowan bent down to kiss her, her toes curling at the contact, her body warming. “Thank you.” 
She kissed him again in reply. 
They stood there for a moment longer, both enjoying the warmth of the winter sun on their faces. Aelin slipped her hand from his and walked towards the pool— which she had realised was magical after getting in and all her injuries had healed. She dipped her fingers in, dragging them in the water. 
She turned to Rowan. “Would you like to go in?”
“It has to be freezing in there Aelin. I might have ice as a power, but I’m not so keen on bathing in it.” 
She chuckled as she summoned her flame. “It’s a good thing your mate has fire powers so she can keep it warm.” 
“I like it when you say you’re my mate.” 
He came towards her, the bond tugging between them. 
“I’ll go in with you if you do something for me.” 
“Promise me you’ll stop trying to get me into your bed.” 
Aelin stepped out of his embrace and let out a laugh. “That’s your condition?” She laughed again. “I’ve done it once.” 
“You’ve done it more than that, Aelin.” He laughed along with her, stepping toward her and taking her in his arms. “I want to.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I really want to. But I want to wait. I want to be able to enjoy you, to take our time. I want to be somewhere where we don’t have to hide or be quiet.”
She couldn’t help the heat that spread through her. “If you keep talking like that Rowan, I will have no choice but to start something right here.” 
“Don’t even think about it. Otherwise I will change into my hawk and fly away.” 
Aelin pinched his side then swatted his head, laughing as she did. 
“So going for a swim is off the cards?” 
“Maybe when it’s not the middle of winter… and when you can control yourself.” He winked. 
She stepped back into his embrace, her arms going around his middle as she laid her head against his chest; listening to the steady beat of his heart. The two of them enjoying the warmth of each other, listening to the quiet singing of the birds. 
“I understand why my mother couldn’t stand to be here without my father.” He murmured, resting his chin on the top of her head. “I try to imagine a world without you and it terrifies me. I try to think about what I would do, how I would begin to live without you here…” He pulled away to look at her. “I would walk through the burning heart of hell itself to find you.” 
She shuddered at his words, she wanted to reply— to say something— but all she could do was reach up on her toes and kiss him. Their lips melting together, their tongues finding each other and she moaned at his taste— better than anything she could ever imagine. The kiss full of love and of promises— of things to come. 
He would walk through the burning heart of hell itself, and she would do the same. Wherever he was, she would go, she would find him— in this world and the next. 
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