#i saw pictures of this match and realized i never actually did anything with it back in the day
the-kipsabian · 5 months
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atskiruma · 1 year
he makes you cry
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expl: he doesn't usually care about others' feelings, so how was he supposed to know what he did to you was mean?
a/n: appalled that this is my first time doing my favorite geo boy, appalled and ashamed; also exhausted this might not be my best work, requests sent will be fulfilled soon, i just need some rest! just got hired at a job that i went for an interview with today, so work will slowly be coming out later and later, sorry!
ask me anything
second-person writing no pronouns used, 2,818 words
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Xiao was not fond of caring about others' emotions, nor did it ever occur to him that he should care. He tried to keep his life as simple and as peaceful as possible because he deserved it after everything he went through before. Which was why he was so confused when someone would cry in front of him. Xiao never cried when times were hard, what made those salty tears escape human eyes so easily?
Most of the time, he never saw people cry, and if he did, he ignored it. That's how he was taught to deal with emotion, he'd ignore it.
It began when you were up in your room at the Inn, minding your business and trying to figure out how to make the woven bracelet that the Traveler had taught you. Frankly, it was pretty difficult, and when the Traveler was teaching you, you were so busy watching them that you never actually learned.
The hours were beginning to fly by and you could hardly make out the original pattern you were trying to replicate. Repeated failures over and over and piling yarn began to stack up on the bed next to you. It was when you had finally gotten it down to only mess up again because something distracted you was when you finally snapped.
Throwing the bracelet across the room where it rested under the table, streams of hot tears began to roll down your cheeks in frustration. You were doing everything right, why wasn't it working!
It happened to be the same time you were leaving your room when Xiao was strolling down the hallway. The two of you made eye contact and his eyes flew to where the tears were running toward the bottom of your neck. His eyes widened only a little bit and his mouth opened and closed like a fish only to not know what to say.
You also stood still and stared at him. Why? Maybe you were just waiting for him to comfort you or you were curious about what he had to say. But when it was clear that he'd keep gapping like a fish, you started to walk off again. Only for him to grab your wrist before you made it too far and pull you a bit toward him.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, hardly making eye contact with you and finding his shoes on the floor more entertaining. It was shocking to see him show such concern in general, but you remembered why you were upset and started to ball again. Pushing yourself into his chest and crying warm tears into his shirt.
His hands fumbled on the sides of you for a while until he rested them softly on your hips. Awkwardly patting you in a form of reassurance he'd never shown anyone before.
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His face was pretty flat when you began to show signs of distress and sadness. Albedo was too focused on his experiment to even realize that something went wrong on your end. The sound of a beaker crashing to the floor sounded across the room, but he still kept looking forward, hardly hearing anything at all.
That sound kept up for a while, you were pretty sure you broke at least 5 beakers in the time it took for you to get them from the spare cabinet. It wasn't until the 6th beaker that you managed to catch did Albedo actually turn around to see what had happened.
His experiment seemed to be going fine, the color of the liquid sitting at the bottom of the beaker matching the picture right next to it perfectly. You sighed when you saw he had already beaten you to make the antidote.
"I don't know how you do it 'bedo. This one is probably the most difficult I've done." You said before wiping your forehead which was littered with sweat from how hard you'd been concentrating.
"Just try again, I'm sure you'll be able to complete it." He said, his encouraging words going little to no length and falling straight to the floor. It didn't help that the trashcan full of your previous broken beakers was so close. It was extremely discouraging to see how much damage you've caused just trying to learn how to brew the antidote.
Then Albedo took his leave, putting his things down when he realized the clock read 9 PM. Bidding you goodbye, he looked back one last time with his handle on the doorknob and spoke. "Humans sometimes do not carry the skill to complete such a difficult task, do not push yourself to do something you simply can't achieve."
And then the door shut. All you did was stare at where he previously had been, his words repeating in an endless loop shrinking infinitely into your mind.
"Huh?" Was all you said before a warm feeling rushed down your cheeks and landed on the toe of your shoes. Did he just call me stupid? You thought to yourself. The frustration you felt along with the fact that he just said that, caused a rush of salty tears to leave your eyes. Your eyelashes stuck together as tears mended them together.
You continued to stand there and cry, until the door opened again and the alchemist stuck his head back in the door, announcing he forgot something towards the floor. That was until he lifted his head up to see you standing there, crying. For once, he stood still and just stared at you unable to conjure any words for the scene he was witnessing.
The sniffles and the silent sounds of tears padding the floor were all that was making sound in the room. As Albedo continued to stare at you like the two of you were playing a game of freeze tag.
"I'm stupid aren't I 'bedo?" You said, which made him flinch when the sound of the nickname you gave him came out in a harsh and rude manner. "Too stupid to figure out the dumb potion because I'm just a mere human in your eyes."
"What're you talking about?" He said, with the quietest and most emotion-full voice you've ever heard him use. Albedo continued to step closer to you, almost as if he was never moving at all. When he finally did reach you, his hand brushed against your cheek and his eyes held so much concern it could fill up the sea.
"I don't think you're lesser than me, is this about what I said? I didn't mean it like that..."
You kept sniffling while looking at him, still stubborn for more than what he was giving you. His arms reached around you and held you close, something he often did when Klee would sob, which he learned from Jean.
The two of you stood like that for a while, until the blazing sun rested its eyes in the distance, and the sorrowful moon began to creep up the valley.
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"What is wrong with you??" Tighnari's harsh voice came out in a way you only heard once in a while. His irritated look glared at you from where you stood, all you had done was knock down a few books, but it looked like other things were really beginning to upset him.
You expected to greet the forest ranger and spend some time together, seeing as the both of you made those plans a while ago, but it seems that he was really busy with something that he was supposed to finish a while ago.
He whipped his head back to look at the beakers on the table, making a very loud and audible sigh at your appearance here. "I'm busy, so make another time for..." He waved his hands around dramatically and quick, "Whatever it was you were planning and leave me be."
You stood silent for a while, shocked that he was giving you such an attitude, but at the same time, you had no idea how to respond to what he said. So, you did just that and didn't respond, turning on your heels and leaving. Unfortunately, Tighnari didn't hear you leave and assumed you were still sitting there waiting for him like usual. So when he turned around and opened his mouth to address you and apologize, he stopped in his tracks to see you weren't there.
When you saw Tighnari again, it was actually just his voice you had heard and your eyes didn't flicker to see if it was actually him. Collei was holding some sort of dinner for the forest rangers in the area, to both thank them and congratulate her for beating Eleazar. But you finally did see him when it was too late, and you were bumping into the forest ranger with food in your hands.
A shocked gasp came out of your mouth till the echoed noise of a bowl rumbled onto the ground and crashed down, the food flying along with it. Your distressed state increased, and you immediately flew down to try and clean it up.
In fact, you were so busy trying to clean the bowl of food that had spilled over that you didn't even realize the forest ranger was standing behind you with his hands behind his back. Until the call of your name was repeated for the 3rd time, did you turn around to look at him, tears in your eyes from how frustrated you were?
Tighnari's eyes widened before he immediately dropped to his knees and put his hand on your shoulder for comfort. It shocked him to see you in such a vulnerable state, especially with how cheery you always seemed around him.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Tighnari said, before moving his eyes down to the food splattered all over the dirt. You didn't even realize how much helping out at the party would stress you out. As soon as Tighnari muttered the words are you alright, tears flooded out more and more as you tried to hide your face in your hands. Your shoulders and body shook with how much you were crying. Tighnari moved closer to you and shielded you with his body.
Not only did he treat you terribly before, but the first time he sees you in days, you were crying? His heart felt like it could break then and there. His hand came around your back to soothingly rub circles on it while you continued to sob. His ears even flattened a bit on his head in guilt.
When Collei had come around the corner to see the pasta salad splattered on the ground, and Tighnari hugging you with his tail between his legs. She smiled and sighed a bit, before walking away to leave you two be.
It felt like a long time while the two of you sat like that, his hand never stopping to rub your back. You finally pulled away to look at him and Tighnari rested his hand on your cheek in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that, I was irritated and you came in at a bad time. I never want to hurt you." His guilt-written face and ears practically flattened to his head making your heart beat in a painful rhythm.
"You can make it up to me by helping me clean this up?" You said as a sly grin grew a little bit on your face. He smiled back and rolled up his sleeves to begin cleaning.
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Scaramouche was a mean boy, everyone knew that he had no filter and he acted as if he didn't care about anyone when in reality it was the exact opposite.
"You're pathetic!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, looking at your shocked expression and stance from across the room. You had just failed to do the task that Nahida assigned you again, and it seemed like the newly-found anemo holder was growing more and more impatient watching you fail over and over.
"Excuse me?" You spat back, clearly irritated with his outburst and pushiness. Scaramouche scoffed again before trailing over to where you were, Nahida watching the interaction from her desk.
"You've been doing it all wrong, and that pathetic idiot brain can't seem to comprehend that." His fingers flew a swift flick to your head, pushing you back a centimeter. "If you keep failing, shouldn't you be trying something else instead of pushing the same solution over and over? Moron."
His insults over and over were hurting, sure, but you were used to it. When you felt good. Right now, this was the last thing you needed after failing again and again. At one point you even glanced over at Nahida after failing and saw her face look a bit reluctant about your skills. Which increased your anxiety tenfold.
"I never knew someone could be so stupid. I even worked with morons every day in the Fatui, but none match up to how idiotic you are." Scaramouche just kept blasting insult after insult at you. What was with him today? Was he really that peeved you didn't wait for him in the morning to walk over here?
Moving aside and putting your hands up defensively, you made way for the prince and his smart brain. He moved in front of you and began looking down at what you were doing. It looked like Nahida was still working with you on Fermat's Last Theorem, which was an extremely difficult math equation, back in the 17th century. Scaramouche made a noticeable eye roll before sitting down to begin writing out how to solve it.
What he didn't see was your reaction to the last flinching insult he threw your way. He didn't witness the tears swell up in your eyes and he also didn't see you walk away and leave the sanctuary. Only witnessing your presence gone when he looked up to turn another sarcastic comment towards you. Scaramouche's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before looking around him to see where you went. He turned towards Nahida when he couldn't find you and she looked up at him before looking back down at her papers.
"Tsk, whatever." He pushed his seat back and sat up to leave, wondering what he should have for dinner instead of concerning himself with where you went. It wasn't until later in the evening when he saw you again, sitting back at the desk, not uttering an obnoxious sigh or an irritating "What does this mean??"
He eased himself over to you with his hands in his pockets before leaning behind your shoulder to see what you were doing. You were working on the problem again, but his copy of it was nowhere to be seen, that is until he looked towards the trash and saw his handwriting on the paper barely crumpled and resting near the top of the bin.
"You threw away my paper?" He said with irritation lining every letter. You kept writing though and paid him no mind. The silent treatment seemed to be really riling him up because he continued to berate you over and over as you sat there taking it and continuing to work.
It was only an hour later that it really started to bother him with you being quiet. Maybe what he said earlier was too harsh, he didn't really feel that bad, but if it meant you weren't going to speak to him then he had to do something.
Leaning over you again, he placed his hand on your upper arm, grabbing your attention from the unusual act. His eyes met yours and held the stare for a couple seconds before he spoke,
"I'm sorry." That was all he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him, before squinting your eyes in confusion and responding.
"Sorry for what..?" The sarcasm dripped from every syllable and landed on his fragile ego.
His eyes widened and he took his hand from your arm, frowning and shouting back,
"I don't repeat myself! Accept the apology I gave you."
"You're such a child, does saying sorry really hurt that bad?"
"You heard me!"
Your eyes rolled and you turned back to your paper as if you were going back to ignoring him, his eyes softened again and he grabbed your arm once more.
"I'm sorry I said those mean words to you. I didn't mean it, I don't like it when you leave without me and I don't like it when you're upset."
When he grabbed your arm, you didn't turn to face him again, but after hearing the words he spoke, you turned again with a smile on your face and leaned closer to his.
The blush was evidently growing the more you leaned in, and you could see his adam's apple bob with nervousness.
"I accept your apology Kunikuzushi."
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wifey-badalee · 4 months
Clearly you’d rather be with her part 2
This picture inspired the angst for this fic.
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When you had told alexia you needed a break and space she had thought you meant just for that time, but you had gone all week and ignored her and she didn’t know where you were. She called all her friends and your friends to ask about you including Olga, which was not a good idea. Olga went on an hour rant about how Alexia deserved better than you even using herself as an example, alexia didn’t pay attention to that but she did think Olga was right.
The word cup final match had come around and it was strange for alexia, she was always used to you messaging her Good luck and ow much you love her ,and you would see her again the game, but this morning she didn’t receive anything.
She was actually missing you a lot and reflecting on what you said but Olga’s words got to her and she was back to being mad at you, she actually started to feel a certain way towards Olga which she had never felt. She was scared about this feeling.
When alexia had gotten to the game she had seen her family and friends which included Olga obviously, but a little higher on the stands she had noticed a familiar figure, YOU.
You still came to the game despite everything, you knew how important it as and how bummed Alexia felt at the fact that she wasn’t able to play when she felt discomfort in her knee again. She smiled a little at you not wanting to get the wrong intention, but u smiled back and mouthed the words “ good luck” t her. She felt a little giddy inside at the fact that you showed up and smiled at her she truly did love you despite everything. But she then realized that’s the feeling she was having with Olga, she immediately felt nauseous at that thought , her eyes went to Olga’s and Olga smiled at her and made a heart towards Alexia and she smiled back doing the same, not realizing you were watching that entire interaction. You got so mad at that, really after you ignoring and ghosting her she still hasn’t changed, wow you were truly foolish, you thought this plan to come was dumb.
They won, Spain won the cup, you were so proud of al of them and Alexia despite how you felt. Afterwards all of the team were going around to family and celebrating, alexia was so caught up in her excitement she immediately ran to her family and then in the process hugged Olga not forgetting to leave quite a long kiss on her cheek and the hug wad quite long to. You didn’t know how to feel was it out of friendliness or what but you also felt shitty as you are still her girlfriend she didn’t even think about you but went t Olga , after a while they she reached her hand to Olga and they held hands so a while, you were now fuming you felt so fed up and you had made your decision, you and alexia aren’t meant to be her match was Olga clearly, she clearly loved her more than you, her actions spoke a 1000 words even though Alexia never said anything. You stood up and walked out into the lobby, alexia saw you stand and leave and was confused , why were you leaving already she hadn’t spoken to you yet, she cut her greeting short and ran up to find you quickly. She found you just before you exited and stopped you.
“ wait, amor, where are you going? Why are you leaving already,?” she asked.
You truly were dumbfounded at her questions, was she really that oblivious?
“ Are you seriously asking me that question? You completely ignored me once again like you always do for HER, I’m tired of being your second opinion, I’m your girlfriend why do I have to be the second opinion over that girl. What is wrong me with, why do you make me feel so invisible whenever she is around, am I not enough , what do I lack that she has, she doesn’t all that much greater than I do!”, you yelled and questioned .
You felt bad at the comment you made about her looks, but you were so angry and it was the truth she wasn’t that much more beautiful than you so what attracted alexia to her so much.
“What is wrong with, why would you say that about her, who have you become?”, says alexia
“ Oh wow that’s all you think about is her and her feelings, what about me I’m here to you know, om tired of you invalidating my feelings, how many times do I have to say this!”, you scream
Well the universe was truly not on you side as you see Olga approaching you’ll. This made everything a whole lot worse you felt like a tea pot steaming.
“ Why do you have to come and ruin Alexia’s day, you knew how important this was to her and yet you came to ruin what is wrong with you, why don’t you value you relationship, Alexia is already out of your league , just appreciate what you get, you are so ungrateful!”, Olga yelled at you.
If speechless was a person it would be you, more at the fact that alexia just stood there doing nothing. You just looked between the two of them and laughed, you wanted to walk away but no you weren’t gonna be the good guy anymore.
“ Firstly this is a conversation between my girlfriend and I something you seem to forget a lot so you have not right butting in and giving your 2 cents that wasn’t asked and needed for. So kindly mind your business and not mine or alexia’s at that matter. I’m done with you inserting yourself in this relationship its obnoxious and annoying!”, you told her.
Alexia was shocked she’d never seen you like this or heard you talk like this she felt proud but after looking at Olga’s “hurt” expression she immediately got defensive and told you off.
“ she’s not meddling but doing something you should defending me and reasoning and being considerate, it’d my big day and all you did was think about yourself, you are obnoxious and man speaking to her like that, I don’t know who you have become but I don’t like this , take Olga as a role model and learn from her instead of judging this is how you should be.”, alexia said
You wanted to break down and cry right there but you weren’t gonna give Olga that satisfaction seeing that smirk on her face. You looked at alexia and said
“ well then why don’t you date her, because I’m done I can do this anymore living in her shadow, clearly you’d rather be with her.”, you replied
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pandoa · 1 year
smile with me!!
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where they see you, who is never one to show much emotion, smile for the first time
~feat. cater diamond, azul ashengrotto, rook hunt, and lilia vanrouge~ twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader
a lot of you guys chose this in the poll i posted earlier, so here it is~ i chose which characters to include btw- have fun lolol
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cater diamond sees you smile for the first time when he is mindlessly taking candid photos of the both of you together. it happens when you're looking at the adorable plushies featured at a themed café that had just opened up within the isle of sages. cater had wanted to visit it "for the aesthetics" and decided to bring you along simply for the fun of it. although he would never expect the surprise he felt when he saw a bright smile form on your charming face as he spam-clicked the camera button on his phone, taking random candids of the two of you as your eyes seemed to light up at the small, little plushies that came hugging the straws of your drinks. at first, the young man couldn't believe his eyes; you weren't exactly the type to reveal much emotion, let alone actually smile. but as a light giggle escaped your mouth as you took your own pictures of the soft stuffed animals, cater had realized how lucky—and special—he was for you to be comfortable enough to show your real emotions around him.
"Prefect! Oh my Sevens!"
"Look at these tiny plushies that come with our drinks! They look so so. . . cute?"
"Hm? Oh, it's nothing. The pictures I just took of us came out adorably~"
"Of course I already took photos! You never know when one pic can be the photo that's Magicam-perfect. But don't worry; I won't be posting these on Magicam."
"Why? Because they're too special to showcase to the internet, silly~ Oh yeah! And (Y/n), before I forget—"
"You have a precious smile~"
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azul ashengrotto sees you smile when you let out a dazed sigh of satisfaction while performing for an audience at mostro lounge. it was an odd time for you to smile, actually. given the debt you were in with his business, azul was sure you would be anything but happy at the damages your little cat familiar had caused—which was why you were there now, performing in front of an audience full of students to make up for the debt you and grim were inevitably in. although, since it was your final performance for the week, the man supposed a little relief on your part was granted. he just didn't think he'd finally see a wide grin from your usually blank face shine and fill the room as the lounge's spotlight continued to glimmer above you. crowds of applause played throughout the room, whistling of some audience members sang in admiration, and you bowed, satisfied with your final performance. azul had even caught the chatter of some students sitting near him gushing over your radiance on the lounge's makeshift stage. but he had to admit... he, too, felt something small tug within his heart the moment you displayed a smile that could catch the attention of anyone around you. it was strange, but he would consider himself lucky for getting the chance to see it that day.
"Well done today, (Y/n)! Here, have a sip of some water for your efforts—no charge included."
"Sales were especially successful tonight and I am proud to say that if you keep this up, you and Grim will be free of debt sooner than originally planned. I trust that you will keep up the good work."
"Tips left for you are in that jar on top of the counter, along with some comments and notes left by the audience."
"You did well, Prefect."
"Oh and, if you feel comfortable in doing so, please keep on doing what you did today whenever you perform here."
"That smile of yours is very charming, if you did not know."
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rook hunt spots a smile slowly escaping the corners of your face as he gently applies a soft shade of lip tint to your lips that matches your complexion. you were on your usual visit to pomefiore—off to go see the eccentric huntsman in his dorm room—when the man had suggested that he give you a little makeover with the new products vil had given him earlier that day. the young hunter seemed quite excited about the whole ordeal, so how could you refuse? giddily sitting you down on a seat in front of his dorm's mirror, rook had begun to apply shades of makeup gradually, delicately holding your face close to his to get a more detailed view of the cosmetics painting your cheeks. the man was completely focused on the strokes of his brush until he caught sight of a small, but enchanting smile, gracing your typically neutral expression when he had been applying a layer of lip tint to your face. any expression—or lack thereof—of yours was already spellbinding to him, but this time it had been different. this time, rook could have sworn he felt all the troubles of the world dissipate into thin air as the room seemed just a bit more brighter with your smiles filling each corner of the hunter's heart, making him endlessly fawn and ramble over how angelic you had looked at that moment.
"Mon ange! My, how most dazzling you are today!"
"Your beauty is always a sight to behold, however, today you are gleaming so incandescently! I must be careful; I may go blind by your shinning glow."
"Surely you see it as well, mon trésor. The way your existence illuminates tenfold whenever you bless the world with your joy."
"Your smile is something I wish to never be taken away from you."
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lilia vanrouge catches your smile as he sneaks up to you in surprise, melodic laughter coming from your form following right after. just as he had caught you off guard, he was surprised as well seeing as you had never reacted that expressively the other times he had magically sprung up in front of you, hair oddly hanging from his head and body upside down as lilia's figure floated above you. perhaps it was the adorable way his cheeks had seemed to squish together as it gravitated down to the ground that had caused you to laugh so happily. or perhaps it was the cute, little "boo!" that came out of his lips that made you jump up, pleasantly astounded. either way, whatever reason you had that caused you to be so amused had lilia grinning as well in satisfaction. your rare smile had simply looked so endearing; it was like an unknown force was pushing against the third year—calling him to treasure and protect this emotion of yours at all costs. the specialness of your joy made the heart of this old fae flutter at the loveliness you had shown only to him that day.
"Ah, my apologies, Prefect, I did not mean to startle you too mu—"
"Hm? Oh? It's alright? My, that was unexpected, if I may be completely honest."
"Nothing to worry about, dearest (Y/n)~ I just want to engrave this moment into my mind for eternity, hehe."
"Why? To remember the sights of the first smile you had given me, of course~"
"That right there is something quite special to treasure in itself, wouldn't you say so, dear?"
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a/n: believe it or not, my motivation for writing this came from people seeing my face for the first time after wearing a mask ever since 2020 (but extremely romanticized ofc lolol)
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OK SO WHILE I WAS WATCHING SOME TOKIO HOTEL EDITS I GOT THIS IDEA(if it's too much feel free to ignore and I'm sorry if I confused you, I'm not good at explaining😭😭AND I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS GIRLY❤️😘)
Ok so. Modern! Dad! Tom Kaulitz with teen twins(maybe around 15-16 or sum). Like one daughter and one son. Both of them are super sassy and aren't scared of confrontation like they are really confident, they don't care what anyone thinks of them(like they laugh at haters and stuff) yet they take no disrespect especially not towards their dad or the other twin. Tokio Hotels' younger fanbase also literally simps for them and stuff, like they make edits of them and stuff. The twins also really remind everyone of Tom when he was their age. Like the boy, he has the same style his father did just with a little more modern touch to it. And the girl, her style consists a mix of Tom's style too. For exampld: cargo/parachute pants, tube tops, bralette/crop tops, trapper/biker/cadet caps, beanies, platform heels/boots(Demonias), oversized shirts/hoodies, hoop earrings, chains, bead bracelets, long acrylic nails, etc. . Like whenever anyone sees the twins, you know their outfits are never boring/dry. Like the girl is an absolute maneater and the boy is a womanizer(but they have admirers of all genders). Like both twins especially the girl really love Heidi because let's just say their bio mom went to get milk right after they were born. And like how would the relationship with their uncles(Bill, Georg and Gustav) be?
I know this is a hell lot so I won't be surprised if you just ignore it LMAO💀💀
(I love this idea sm hold up I'm finna add it to my Dr but Bill lmao. And so worries, I did a lot to match this so I hope you enjoy!)
Kaulitz Twins Gen #2
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The media went crazy when you guys were born
Or being brought into the world
If you do the math, Tom was only seventeen and even he was freaking out
Especially with your mother and media and his career
But, with help from the band, he actually managed to become a good dad
Tried to help your mother stay but she just walked out
He never really looked for her, thinking if she could leave two beautiful kids like you guys she didn't deserve to even be looked for
Or if she ever wanted anything from Tom after she left he told her to fuck off
He didn't think he would be a good dad
Until he finally held you guys in the hospital room
Then he finally realized maybe, he would be a good dad
And he promised to never fuck it up
And he didn't!
Bill was happy to meet you guys, Georg was happy for Tom and sorta excited for two kids runnings around the stage while Gustav was a bit nervous but happy nonetheless
Bill always took you guys out and dressed you up when you guys were kids
No matter your gender
Georg let you guys rain hell, eat candy, stay up, even bought you guys a puppy to spite Tom
Gustav was a more relaxed uncle who let you guys do what you want but be careful while doing it
As you guys grew older you grew up in the media eye
Especially because of who your family was and you needed to be brought on tour with them
Tom tried to control it but paparazzi would literally run after you guys when the band would try and shield you guys from them
Tom felt helpless in those situations and did his best to keep you guys safe
You were confused when you saw your dad upset and yelling at the random people with cameras and when you guys would go home he would apologize
You didn't know why he did but you knew they just made your dad upset
And that made you and your twin upset, very much
Whenever paparazzi would come around you guys would yell at them
Shit like "No pictures!" Or "go away!" "Leave us alone!" "Stop following us, weirdos!"
Your dad's and uncles taught you guys to speak your minds but couldn't help but be surprised when you guys yelled at paparazzi
When you were little you and your twin even threw shit at them for following you guys
You were like six mind you
Better paparazzi, not such prying and rude ones, actually found it funny and when you guys were photographed like that it went sorta media crazy
You guys were known as the second generation of Kaulitz Twins sort
You guys were very sassy, spoke your mind and didn't care what people thought of you guys even from a young age
If expressed any interest in media, like modeling, singing and your twin did too Tom would let you guys
He would watch over of course but you guys did modeling, photoshoots, even went into interviews when you guys were young
For being teenagers you guys had quite the fanbase
You guys aren't scared of confrontation at all
Like one time someone was giving your Uncle Bill a hard time at a signing and wouldn't leave him alone
You and your twin went over, pushed them away and started yelling at them to back up or you would have to put them on their ass
Safe to say they left
Bill was surprised but your dad was very much proud
He didn't raise you guys to take bullshit
Tom admires that you guys could be so confident even at a young age
You guys genuinely do not care about being talked about or what people think about you guys
You guys have so much fun making fun of haters and laughing at them
Especially ones that try and "confront" you guys in public
You even told one "Get the fuck out my face." Laughing so hard your twin had to hold you up as Tom lead you guys away
Tom likes that you guys don't any bullshit from anyone
Especially when you guys defend him and your twin
You guys don't stand for hate and God help anyone who tries you guys
You have fought a few people when it got out of hand
They were talking shit so I say it was justified
You and your twin poke fun at how the younger fans already are simping for you guys
You are sorta like your dad when he was young in that tense
Like you guys play with hearts, flirt, tease and shit like that
You guys see edits and posts about you guys and how people find you guys attractive
You guys are constantly commenting on the edits and shit like that or are so smug about it
You guys like the attention you guys get so much
You guys like the reactions you get from fans when they see you guys saw their edits or posts and are giving them attention
You guys are too much like your father
So much so you remind everyone who your dad is everyday by simply existing
Your brother has a few collections of your dad's old clothes back then and wears them a lot
Like his shirts, hats, pants and bands that Tom wore he has a lot of them, the ones that weren't donated
Your brothers style is almost exactly like your dad's and everyone sees it
Except it has a more modern touch and a few more stuff your brother incorporated
Your style was the most surprising to everyone but not at the same time
Your style was definitely influenced by Bill when he dressed you up when you were younger
Your style everytime you wear something makes a statement and is always photographed or edited by fans
Doesn't help you look fucking good in everything you wear
Some stuff is sorta revealing and short so obviously Tom being that dad he is says stuff like
"That's too short. You look good, I know, hon, but what if you get cold?"
Get Heidi to talk to him, and plus your his little girl so he lets you rain hell if you wanted too
Bill absolutely loves your style and helps you pick out what to wear
Is holding your hand above your head, spinning you to get a full look of the outfit and applauding y'all's work
None of your family stands for any shaming of your outfits though
Especially when people say you're asking for attention or are dressed too skimpy and shit like that
Your response is always the same, that you want the attention and to fuck off
But when you're not wearing stuff like that you also wear some of your dad's old clothes or stuff that fit his style back then
Especially his shirts and his old pants
Everyone knows when you step outside your outfits are gonna be fucking good
Always making a statement and never leaving in a "basic" outfit
Tips you find from uncle Bill that are always helpful
You guys have a lot of fans, all genders, who simp for you guys and some even throw themselves at you guys
Let's just say you guys take up some offers
But you guys are described as two twins who is a maneater and a womanizer
You guys are exactly like your father in that sense when he was your age
He tries to get you guys not to like players or absolute dick like he was when he was your age
He just wants you guys to be safe and not play around with people's hearts
But bring up old interviews and he'll leave you guys to your own devices
You guys flirt, tease, kiss and sometimes more with fans but he's still your dad so he'll object
He'll take you guys away when he sees that so be careful not to do it flat out in front of your dad
Be sneaky, whisper and sneak off
You both really love Heidi
She's your mom
Not step mom or anything but your mom as she took you guys in and raised you as her own kids when she didn't need too
You and your brother are a mama's boy, mama's girl, daddy's girl and daddy's boy
You both love them equally no matter what
You both really loved by both your parents and your siblings
You helped your dad propose to Heidi and we're so excited when they got married
You two were so happy to see your parents happy and officially have siblings
You guys are little schemers with Heidi's kids
Heidi helps you guys with anything and no matter what it could be
Heartbreak, outfits, crushes, stress, happiness, anything and she is there
Even if your mom tried to come back in your life Tom and Heidi would leave it up to you guys
But when you say no it's a weight off their shoulders
You call Heidi mom and so does your brother
The first time you did Heidi froze for a moment but couldn't help but pecker kisses all over your guys' faces and hug you guys
You're her kids and she wouldn't have it any other way
You guys are very famous around the world and it can be very stressful at times
But with your uncle's, dad, mom and your twin, you wouldn't change it for anything
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fallinforerling · 1 year
So proud of our boy 🫶
It gave me an idea for an imagine or whatever, if youd like
Being one of erlings best friends and being there to support him for the final and him being super overwhelmed by the victory and his feelings, spilling the beans to her on the pitch after the match 🤌🩵
Lots of love to you xx
heart rush - eh
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ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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It all felt like a blur. One moment he was on the pitch, following the ball, waiting for the right opportunity to make an assist that would win them the Champions League, or even better, make the goal of his career so far. Then, in what seemed like a mili-second, Rodri took the chance and made all of his dreams a reality.
They were the UCL champions. Finally. 
He ran after his teammates, shouting at the top of his lungs, hugging every single person that crossed his path. He couldn’t believe it. The sequence of greeting, accepting the medal, cheering on a cloud of confetti with all of his team, looking at the screaming fans, and feeling like his face would split in half from all the smiling passed quickly. 
He wanted to see you. He knew you were near, next to his family. The adrenaline rush was so high that he felt like jumping in place. Once he finally saw you running across the pitch towards him on your Man City shirt, smiling as beautifully as always and shouting his name, he knew he needed to do something. Anything.  
“Erling! You did it!” Was the first thing he heard falling from your lips before your body practically slammed itself against his. He hugged you so tightly that he was afraid he might actually crush you. 
When you separated, he didn’t think twice. He just held your face with both hands and went for a kiss. Only when he had his lips against yours did he realize what he was doing. But he didn’t have time for regrets; he only laughed when he let you go, not knowing what to expect.
“I…” He started, still holding your face, trying to find the right words to excuse himself in case you were mad.
“I’m so proud of you.” You said instead, the smile never leaving your face. Then you were the one going in for a kiss, having to tiptoe a bit to reach. This kiss was less effusive, but still full of something he knew was mutual.
So he wasn’t only winning the UCL today. 
The moment, as intimate as it could be in the middle of a pitch full of people, lasted a few seconds more before teammates, photographers and family came by, cheering and hugging him. He saw you stepping back with the same sweet smile, hugging one of his sisters and greeting other family members of close teammates. 
After he had done all the basic photos that he was asked to pose for, he called you. You turned, hiding his last name on the back of your shirt with your hair. He pointed to the trophy, which was resting on the ground, waiting for the next player to pick it up. Someone (probably his father) has put a Norway flag on your shoulders, and when you jogged towards him, he never felt prouder.  
“Wanna take some pictures with it?” He said once you made it to his side, pointing to the trophy again. 
“Of course I do.” Both of you seemed a bit nervous to actually speak, but once you squated next to it, he felt like you both knew what to do. 
You fixed the flag around his shoulders while he held you by the waist, both grabbing the holders and smiling at the cameras. A few flashes later, he helped you lift it. Both of you kissed it, still looking at the camera. Then you turned to look at him, holding his gaze, he felt the need to kiss you again. 
He knew it was very possible for a couple of videos of him kissing you were already up there. But if he did this, the photos would most definitely make it to every single page and it was going to be official.
There wasn’t anything else he wanted more. So he leaned at the same time as you, both kissing for a brief moment for the cameras. He heard cheering on the back, and once you were done, Rodri patted his shoulders so he would be able to take photos with his family. 
Still wrapped around the flag, you both walked back to his family, hugging each other and chatting like nothing happened. Well, like nothing new happened. Alfie stared at both of you for a moment before letting it go, like he knew this would happen eventually.
Hours later, his predictions were certain. There were videos and pictures everywhere of the moment you ran into each other and kissed. Hundreds of people were wondering if you had always been his girlfriend instead of his friend. Then the photos started to also make their way into every single page that popped up on his homepage. They complimented your reaction, your beauty, the way you both looked at each other, when he carried you around the pitch, and how cute it was when you fixed his Man City hat and kissed his cheek. Everyone was happy for him. 
He was happy for himself. 
What a day to be a winner.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234| @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349 | @may-machin
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courtingchaos · 6 months
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Violence Ad Nauseam
Gator Tillman x Fem Reader
Series Master List
A/N: Would you all like some actual story to go along with the smut chapters? Finally getting into the meat of this after months of being stuck on it. This is going to feel a little out of order with the next two chapters, mainly because those were written first but this bridged a gap I had in my conflict so have at it. This is the tinder to start the bonfire (and also to show off Roy, the world’s biggest bastard). Hope you enjoy, PLEASE read the warnings everyone!
Warnings: Violence, assault (Roy hits reader), depictions of injury, descriptions of injury, talk of violence.
18+ NSFW No Minors
A quiet afternoon on account of the brothers going off for lunch leaving just you in your corner and your father in the house. You saw him through the kitchen window when you stepped out to ask Ty something. He hovers just around the sink so you know he’s cooking, rinsing off the cranberries or breaking down some bird. Wednesday nights mean Family Meetings and when you’re done out here in the garage with this new dash wiring you’ll go in and quietly help him make your mother’s linzer tart.
Between the solder you pinch to the newly stripped wires and the radio droning at the side of your head, it takes you longer than it should to realize the rest of the noise has quieted. Suddenly it isn’t just four brothers gone but the whole homestead seems to have taken off, or at least run away from the heavy footfalls that almost echo in your workspace.
“What are you working on?” Roy’s deep voice is clear without the ring of metal work in the background.
You don’t look up from your work, especially not for him. “Custom dash.”
“Is that for you?”
“You know it isn’t.”
His laugh is anything but jovial, a thin ice pick that hits your spine wrong. You finish with your wires, tucking them back into their casing, before you turn to look at him smiling at you. It’s flat and doesn’t reach his eyes, a startling match to someone else you know. “What do you need?”
“Just came to talk.”
“Father’s in the house. You can talk to him.”
“I already did.” His footsteps seem measured in the last few feet he closes between you two. Those green eyes seem to darken the longer they look down at you, his distaste for you never more apparent. You hazard a look past him towards the open, empty bays and confirm you’ve been left for the wolves.
“There’s not much I can help you with.”
“Oh I beg to differ.” Suddenly he’s reaching for a folding chair leaned up against the wall. Opening it and motioning for you to sit with a wide open palm. “Have a seat sweetheart.”
Your heart pounds in your chest hard enough to crack ribs. “I’d rather stand.”
“I’d rather you sit.” Those eyes turn hard with a glint in the florescent work lights above. “Please.” Again he gestures at the open seat and you stall just a little too long. He grabs your bicep and yanks you forward to stand in front of the chair. “Sit. Down.”
There’s no one out here now. Your phone sits on your workbench, plugged in and on silent. The radio still sings out low and the garage remains quiet like it was the dead of night. So you sit and you swallow the vitriol that rises in your throat because you know when you’re outnumbered.
Roy nods his head when you do as asked and leans back onto the thick wooden worktop, arms crossed too casually across his chest. “You’ve been doing a little research I hear.”
“I do a lot of research, you’ll have to be specific.” You stare up at him with your best poker face, trying hard to leave the disgust out of your features.
“Don’t play fucking stupid.”
“I’m not.” You blink too much as your nerves start to flood in with his sharp tone. “I’m the brains around here, remember?” Licked lips end up bitten lips and you can see him watching all of your nervous energy bleed out into the open. “If Father didn’t know then-“
“I found that P.I. you hired. The one out of Biloxi.” He watches you still suddenly. “Hm. Clearer picture now?”
You nod because you don’t trust your voice to not betray you. Roy is a pain in your ass but he’s a dangerous one, something better left alone until it decides to leave you be. You’ve poked him before with your words and your blatant disregard for his need of Gator but now he has you cornered in silence.
“He sang quite the tune when it came down to brass tacks. Showed me the file on Gator first and then little ol’ me.” He clears his throat. “What are you looking for, bookworm?”
You open your mouth but he railroads you, talks right over your explanation because he didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t want to know about you looking into Gator and finding the hidden rot, the long trail of familial deceit that spanned from the gulf to the frozen plains Roy inhabited.
“You think you know it all don’t you? Think you can just do what you want because you think you’re smarter than everyone around you?” He stands to his full height, hands dropping to hang at his sides. “You’re sticking your nose in the wrong business.”
“He deserves to know.”
“Deserves to know what? That his father is running the same game down at home?” He scoffs at you. “You think he doesn’t know what kind of family he comes from?”
“He doesn’t know about you.”
“And what about me?”
You let your schooled features fall when you realize Roy thinks this is all about his money. “Does your brother know?” You feel bold when you lean into your question. “You two seem awfully close. Is that what you’re afraid of? Him finding out or you loosing money?”
There’s a dawning look on his face when he finally gets it.
“Does your brother know he raised your son or are you only keeping that secret from Gator?”
The air is heavy with every deep breath you and Roy take. He stares down at you staring defiantly up at him and the hollow chuckle from deep in his throat makes your skin crawl.
“You think he’s gonna believe you?” Roy leans down slow to get level with you, crouches in front of you with a creaking knee and violent look in his eye. Only a foot away and you hate how much you can see of Gator here; in the anger and the slope of his nose.
“I don’t lie to him.”
One thing about Roy is that he isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. It’s a common misconception because he has a posse behind him willing to do his bidding but in the right circumstances, ones like these with no prying eyes or ears, he sticks his hands right into the muck.
He moves faster than you think someone of his age should, especially with that loud knee, but knuckles wrap into the front of your jacket before you know what’s happening. He’s stronger and taller than you and he hauls you up fast, the chair collateral that gets kicked to the wayside by his boot. Your heels drag for just a moment before your back hits the side of the car you’ve been working on hard, wind knocked out of you while Roy gets in your face.
“I don’t care what kind of shit you’ve been pullin’ with him but I don’t play fucking games.” He shifts you up the door so you’re on tiptoes and supported by just his massive fists. “You’re fucking with things you have no idea about.”
“Then why don’t you enlighten me?” It’s strained out of you with your collar twisted up. Even pinned up against a car you still feel the need to goad him, especially when he’s this worked up. “Is it just about money with you or are you afraid of being responsible for him too?”
Roy pulls away for a moment, faltering enough to let you slip down almost onto flat soles. Your laugh is shallow too when you watch Roy’s face contort into a scowl.
“I’m warning you.” His voice doesn’t waver in anger. It’s flat like the look in his eyes.
“And I’m telling you-“
You hear the crack before you fully register what’s happened. The clap of an open palm that sets your face on fire and snaps your head sideways, brain rattling around in your skull. It takes a moment before you feel the sharp pain in your jaw and realize you can’t clench your teeth. It hangs unnaturally while you slide to the floor heavily, legs tangled under you while you try to make sense of what’s happened.
“You ain’t telling me shit.” He spits down at you, confused on the floor. “Look at me.” He demands but your vision swims and the pain surges into nausea. You couldn’t turn your head even if you wanted to but all your whimpering sends Roy into a further rage. He bends down and grabs your jaw roughly, twisting you sideways to look at him all while you scream in the back of your throat. His fingers dig into the hinge of your jaw and you howl louder with the pain he inflicts.
“I have no reservations with you.” He holds your face tighter and you cry, hot tears that spill over and down your flaming cheek. “I don’t care about whatever pedestal that boy puts you on, you start nosing around in my business?” He shakes your head and the edges of your vision darken momentarily. “I’m gonna put a fucking end to it.” He drops you suddenly and you barely catch yourself from hitting cement. His legs are all you can make out of him while you try to cradle your jaw and you watch him move away from you to your bench. “You’re gonna do whatever you want because you’re too smart for your own good, right?” He shifts things around that you can’t see, sends them clattering before you notice his boots in your peripheral again. “Right?!” He yells down at you and makes you jump before you try to shake your head no. “Well don’t lie to me, darlin’.”
“I’m not.” Only it comes out slurred and half formed from your numb lips. Roy clicks his tongue at you before he crouches next to you again only this time you flinch and that makes him smile.
“Look,” he squints at you holding your face together and trying to look him in the eye with all the disgust you can muster, “go ahead and call one of your brothers.” He tosses your phone on your lap. “Tell them what happened.”
You shake your head again.
“No?” It could almost be concern that he flashes you but you know better. “Gonna keep this to yourself?”
You nod almost against your own will.
“Like your little findings too?” His voice is soft like he’s trying to calm one of his horses. It has the opposite effect on you though, that roiling nausea replaced by rage in your gut. You nod again though, tears still falling freely down your face.
“Good girl.”
If you could spit at him you would. He stands gingerly to avoid his knee popping and you watch him walk away a few feet before he turns back to you. “Now I’m gonna head back up to the house, let your father know I’m done out here.” He checks his phone before giving you one last look, gesturing at his own jaw. “Should get that checked out.”
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ahonice · 1 year
it doesn't matter
jamie drysdale x fem reader (ft. trevor zegras)
word count: 4.3k
warnings: drinking, sexual themes and mentions of sex, cursing, jamie being a fake swiftie (dw that is taken care of), reader has a guilty conscious, fluff (some angst i think), happy ending (those are rare on this blog), not proofread because i accidentally queued this so it posted on its own oops
note: i rewrote this about three times over the past two months, hope you guys are pleased with the final outcome. any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. hope you guys enjoy. have a great day, love y’all babes <3 !!!
“hey you’re single right?” your head shot up at the sound of trevor, one of your closest friends, voice. you had known trevor since you moved to anaheim for college, on your first day in town he accidentally took your coffee from the pickup area at starbuck and you chased him down because you would be damned if you spent ten dollars on an iced coffee that you wouldn’t of been able to drink. it would’ve been a lie if you said you didn’t have a crush on him, he was so funny and kind and not to mention the fact that he is genuinely gorgeous, but you never acted on anything because you were worried he wouldn’t reciprocate your feelings, and the fact that the two of you have had one too many drunken, and a couple sober, hookups didn’t help either.
“of course i am, or else what we did last night would’ve been morally wrong, why?” your heart rate picked up, thoughts running a mile a minute. was he about to ask you out? did he actually like you back the way you dreamed he did? was our relationship finally gonna be something more than friends who fuck at times?
“i wanna set you up with my roommate, jamie. i think you guys would like each other.”
it was a crushing blow, not only did trevor just inadvertently just tell you your feelings are one sided, but that they are so one sided that he thinks his roommate would be a better match for you than himself. you felt sick to your stomach, this was in no way a heartbreak, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt.
“earth to y/n.” trevor’s voice shook you from your trance, you had completely forgotten he was there. “you good? you haven’t said a word in like five minutes.”
“yeah i’m fine, um who is this guy? i don’t think i’ve heard you talk about a jamie before.” you wanted this to be a joke, for trevor to say he was kidding, maybe jamie wasn’t real and he just wanted to see if i was open to a relationship right now. 
“well he’s on the ducks as well, seems like your type. brunette with blue eyes, he’s got nice eyebrows too, just a couple weeks older than you, i know you don’t like extremely tall guys so him being 5’11 is perfect.” the more trevor went on about jamie the more you realized that jamie was in fact a real person and did seem like my exact type. “he has freckles too, i know you love those on guys and he looks good in the color green, he checks off all your boxes y/n.” you hated that he did. 
“can i see a picture before i agree to anything?” you didn’t want trevor to get suspicious when you said no, so you wanted to seem like you were at least considering it.
“absolutely.” looking over at trevor’s phone you let out a small sound of surprise.
he was gorgeous
“trevor why have you never told me about him before?” you said, grabbing his phone to go through all of his instagram posts. “he is literally beautiful!” 
“i honestly didn’t even think about it, but jamie saw you at our party last week and asked about you and i knew i had to make you two happen.” trevor said, taking his phone back. “come over tonight. we’re having a party before the season starts, you’ll be able to meet jamie.”
it didn’t take you very long to get ready, your hair and makeup having already been done from your errands earlier in the day, but you did struggle picking out an outfit as every twenty year old girl would. you didn’t quite know who it was that you were dressing up for, in previous months it was always trevor. you were always hoping that he would see you and you would end up staying with him until the morning. while that was usually the case, the second part of your fantasy never came true. the part where trevor realizes he has feelings for you that go further than seeing you as a good fuck. but now there was jamie, you hadn’t even met him yet and you were still wanting to impress him. maybe trevor would see you with jamie and it would make him realize his feelings for you. but jamie seemed nice, once trevor left you looked him up and watched a few too many tiktoks and interviews involving him, he seemed like the polar opposite of trevor and that might just be what you need, it also doesn’t hurt that he was just about one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in your life, trevor was not lying when he said that jamie was your exact type. settling on a simple pink top and black jeans you made your way towards the uber trevor had ordered for you, palms sweaty and legs slightly shaking as you confirmed where you were headed before you saw your apartment complex disappear in the distance. 
“y/n thank god you’re here, i was starting to think you were pussying out.” trevor loudly yelled as he approached you, great he was already at least three drinks in. “catch up” he said once he was standing in front of you, handing you a beer. 
“i don’t drink this crap, you know this.” you said, shaking your head as trevor silently continued to push the can in your face.
“fine, i bought you some caymans. they’re in the garage fridge, but don’t take too long, jamie is excited to meet you.” you ignored the way his eyebrows wiggled as you began walking towards the garage.
once you were in there you grabbed two drinks, just so you wouldn’t have to come back out for at least half an hour, as well as a shooter. you needed the liquid confidence that would come from the tiny bottle of pink whitney. 
once you made your way back into the party you walked around looking for trevor, stopping a couple of times to greet those you knew, before you found him sitting with the man of the hour.
“y/n! come here, meet jamie.” trevor waved you over, you took a generous sip of the alcohol in your hand before making your way over, sitting down on the couch. trevor in the middle of us, as he began rambling to no one in particular about something you didn’t quite know, your ears tuning him out as the sound of your heartbeat in your ears took over all your senses. 
“y/n, are you even listening to me?” trevor asked you, gently poking the exposed part of your waist.
“no.” the laugh you heard after that made a bush creep up your neck, jamie’s laugh was just as beautiful as he was.
“rude, anyways y/n this is jamie. jamie, this is y/n.” he motioned the two of you towards each other as he talked, jamie reached in front of him to offer you his hand. “now get to know one another, i’m gonna go play pong.” trevor stood up before you could protest him leaving you alone with jamie.
you expected it to be awkward, but it wasn’t. conversation was flowing between the two of you like you had known each other for years, you talked about the basics, what tv shows you enjoyed, favorite movies, taste in music, which then led to a thirty minute discussion about taylor swift and how jamie claimed he was a swiftie but couldn’t name any songs that weren’t played on the radio
“i have a lot to teach you i guess.” you were definitely making it obvious that you were interested in him, but you didn’t care. you’d usually be so shy around a guy so cute, but something about jamie made you calm, that was the simplest way to put it.
“i would love that.” the blush on his face matched yours. you smiled at him, contemplating whether or not you wanted to ask the question you had been wanting the answer to all night.
“so why have i never seen you around or met you before? i’ve known trevor for almost two years now, and i’m over here quite a lot.” 
“i usually just stay in my room all day, especially during parties, i’m not the biggest fan of them.”
“then why are you out here right now and not bunkered up in your room?”
“i wanted to meet you, to get to know you.” jamie answered, scratching the back of his head and giving you a sheepish smile. “i came downstairs last weekend to grab something from the kitchen and that's when i saw you, i really lucked out that you are friends with trevor or else i probably never would’ve been able to find out who you were.” 
you nodded at his response, informing him that you were glad you were friends with trevor too.
“speaking of him, i was hoping to see him again before i left.” you told jamie, standing up from your spot on the couch noticing his slightly upset expression. “let me give you my number, i would love to see you again, maybe begin my lessons on taylor swift to you.” 
“i would love that.”
after exchanging contact information with jamie you made your way outside towards the pong tables, hoping that trevor would still be out there. 
“hey trevor, i was just about to leave, wanted to say goodbye.” you said approaching him in the dimly lit yard.
“you’re leaving already? i didn’t even get any time with you.” he pouted, resting his chin on your shoulder his arms loosely around your waist. 
“sorry trev, but i got to know jamie. don’t let this get to your head, but i think you might be a pretty good wingman.” you joked, your arms around his neck gently running your hands through the ends of his hair. it wasn’t abnormal for the two of you to be so affectionate, so this felt normal.
“good, i’m glad.” his tone didn’t sound like his statement, but you could easily chalk that up to the alcohol in his system finally wearing him down. 
“why don’t i help you get into bed? basically everyone has left already.” you suggested, forcing his head up to meet yours at your eye level.
he smirked before responding. “i like where this was going.” 
“nothing like that buddy, besides you just set me up with your best friend that wouldn’t be a good idea, don’t you think?”
“that's not fair, you can’t do that.” he mumbled, his head dropping back down into the crook of your neck. “you can’t say you're taking me to bed, and then not take me to bed the way i want you to take me to bed."
you rolled your eyes at his comment and began dragging him back inside and up towards his room. once you wrestled him out of his jeans, giving up on putting pants on him because of his multiple attempts to lure you into bed, you got him to lay down and made sure he was comfortable before you headed downstairs to get some water and pain killers for him to take once he woke up in the morning. 
“goodnight trevor.”
you made your way outside onto the front lawn while you waited for your uber to arrive. you usually would’ve taken trevor up on his offer to spend the night with him, but something about even just thinking about doing that was now making you feel guilty. it wasn’t like you and jamie were in a committed relationship or anything, but he seemed to genuinely like you and was actually interested in getting to know you and you didn’t want to do anything to sabotage that.
from: unknown number
can we meet up today for coffee or lunch? i would love to start becoming a real swiftie.
to: unknown number
am i right in assuming this is jamie??
from: unknown number 
yes 🙃
to: jamie🤭
i would love to meet up.
to: jamie🤭
could we get lunch? i am literally starving because of my hangover.
from: jamie🤭
absolutely. send me your address, i’ll come pick you up. 
you were in full panic mode, you had no idea what to wear and the fact that it was visibly obvious that you were hungover didn’t help at all. you told jamie to give you at least thirty minutes, after he told you that an hour was too long. 
you took the fastest shower you ever have in your life before tackling the biggest issue, your outfit. you went through every drawer, bin, and your closet before you decided on biker shorts and a crewneck. you could only hope that jamie wasn’t planning on taking you somewhere with a dress code. 
makeup was applied and your hair was pulled into a claw clip before jamie texted you that he was outside, you did some final touches before you made your way out of your apartment complex. you lucked out seeing that jamie was in a comfy outfit just like you were. once you were buckled up jamie handed you his phone and told you to pick the music before driving off.
“so what is your all time favorite taylor swift song?” jamie asked once he joined you in the booth you found for the two of you, he had taken you to in and out claiming he was craving a burger, and you didn’t complain because you would never pass up the opportunity to fuck up some animal fries.
“i don’t have just one, i think it is humanly impossible to have just one.” you told him, taking a sip of your lemonade before continuing. “i do, however, have a list of my top sixteen songs by her in no particular order.”
“sixteen songs? that’s insane.” 
“she has over two hundred songs, you’ve got a lot of listening to do.”
“well why don’t you give me your list of songs, the only ones i really care about are the ones you like.” you blushed at his words, before stating all of your favorite songs by her. his only responses were “i don’t know that one, never heard of it, i know that one, wait no i don’t”
once you were done and jamie confirmed all the songs were now added to his spotify you two began eating as you gave him a run down of her career.
“so who is your favorite and least favorite ex of hers?”
“i hope you don’t have plans for the rest of the day because i have a lot to say on this.”
“do you want to get dessert? there is a nice ice cream place a few minutes from here.” jamie asked while you two were walking around huntington beach. you didn’t even realize how long the two of you had been hanging out until he asked if you wanted to get dinner, and now three hours after that when he is now asking to get dessert. 
“yea i would love to.” he smiled down at you and you made the move to hold his hand. “sorry, i hope this is ok, i just wanted to hold your hand.” you blushed, turning your head away from him.
“it’s ok, i wanted to as well.” he blushed as well before he began leading the way towards the ice cream shop. 
“i had a lot of fun today, i was honestly a little nervous that with both of us sober it would be a little awkward, but it wasn’t and i would like to see you again. soon. sorry if that is a bit forward.” you told jamie as he pulled up in front of your apartment.
“i’d like to see you soon too, like tomorrow soon. are you busy tomorrow? we could get dinner, a nice place this time, not that in and out and qdoba aren’t nice it’s just-”
“yea i would love to, just send me the restaurants info before so i can figure out what to wear.”
“you’ll look beautiful in whatever you wear y/n.” you blushed at jamie’s comment before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. you were quick to get out of the car, yelling a goodbye as you ran into the front doors of your building.
“finally you’re back. where the hell were you? i’ve been here for hours.” 
“how the hell did you get into my apartment trevor?” you asked the boy who was sprawled out across your couch eating your food. “stop eating my wheat thins asshole.”
“i found your spare key, i mean hiding it on the top of the door frame is just a horrible idea y/n.” trevor said as he went back into your kitchen, hopefully to put your snacks away.
“what are you doing her trev?” you asked, taking your shoes off before making your way into the living room.
“where were you? you’re never out late, and i got here at like two and it’s now eleven. did you pick up a shift?” trevor was quick to join you on the couch, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over the two of you.
“no, i was actually with jamie, he picked me up at noon to get lunch and then we spent the whole day together.” you blushed remembering how much fun you had today and how it was the first time in a while that you had enjoyed a date that much.
“oh, i didn’t realize that you two were getting along that well.” trevor said, reaching towards the table to grab the remote. “what the hell did you two talk about for nearly twelve hours? jamie cannot be that interesting of a guy.”
“we started off talking about taylor swift and how he is a fake swiftie, just like you are.” trevor cut you off with a gasp and hit you with the pillow he was using. “and then we talked about our childhoods, stories from school and growing up where we did.” you smiled at nothing, just reflecting on this one story jamie had told you about his worst halloween costume, which you then one upped with your own horrible halloween story. “thanks for pushing me to meet him trevor, i know it’s only been a day but i feel an actual connection with him and i can’t remember the last time i felt that with a guy.” 
you and jamie had been going on dates multiple times a week for the past month now and tonight the team had the night off and jamie was taking you to his favorite restaurant for date night. you weren’t dating, yet, but both you and jamie have spoken about it as something you both want. it’s just up to when the timing is right.
“where is he taking you out tonight?” trevor asked you as he joined you in your bedroom. you called him over to help you pick out an outfit for tonight.
“cortina’s” it wasn’t a black tie restaurant, but it wasn’t a jeans and a tshirt restaurant either. “i was thinking my black leather pants and then a nice top, maybe my pink top with the mesh sleeves?” you were met with silence from your best friend, “hello? earth to trevor.”
“sorry what?” you rolled your eyes before entering the bathroom, changing into the outfit you had in mind. “what do you think?”
“i think that jamie isn’t coming to pick you up for another two hours and that gives us plenty of time to have some fun.” trevor said, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you open mouth kisses on the exposed skin of your neck down to your shoulder, you let yourself revel in the feeling before you snapped back into your senses.
“trevor stop.” you pushed his arms off of you as you distanced yourself from him. “trevor you can’t do that, we can’t do this anymore.”
“why not y/n? you and jamie aren’t dating, there is nothing wrong with it. it’s been a month and i’m getting frustrated.” he groaned, flopping down onto your bed.
“that is not my issue trev, don’t blame me. i can guarantee that there are at least one hundred girls in your dm’s right now who would be willing to hook up with you, go bother one of them.” you snapped back at him, not in the mood.
“i don’t want some random girl, i want you y/n. aren’t you in the mood even a little bit, it’s been a month for you too.” you avoided his eyes as you made your way to your vanity to begin your makeup. “wait have you been fucking jamie? what the fuck y/n?”
“trevor you have no right to be upset, we are nothing. you were the one who set us up. isn’t this what you wanted?”
“no this isn’t what i wanted, i should’ve just made jamie make a move on his own. if that was the case you would still have no idea who the hell he was because jamie is too much of a little-”
“get out.” you cut trevor off before he could say anything worse. “trevor get out and don’t talk to me until you manage to get your head out of your ass.”
“is everything okay? you seem a bit off.” jamie asked, he was right. after your argument with trevor you had been a bit out of it, the guilt of what you had done with trevor in the past was eating away at you. “could we talk about it later? i don’t want to ruin dinner.” your voice was shaky as you spoke.
“yes of course, but i’m gonna be honest i’m a little worried now.” jamie said, playing with the napkin on his lap. 
“i am too, don't worry.” your attempt at a joke didn’t help, but thankfully the waiter came to take our orders. 
dinner was terrible. 
you two tried your hardest to have everything be normal and how things had been in the past month, but both of you were worried about what you had to say. jamie was scared you were gonna break things off with him, he was already nervous for tonight because he was going to ask to make things official between you two, and now he was even more on edge. while you were worried that after you told him about you and trevor’s past that he would no longer want anything to do with you and would break things off before they even got fully started. 
“so can you tell me what is going on?” jamie asked once you two had exited the restaurant and were sitting in his car.
“i want you to know that this started before i even knew you existed and it stopped the moment i met you.” you took a couple of deep breaths before continuing. “trevor and i had been hooking up, for nearly the whole time we were friends, but i swear to you the second i met you i cut it off. i’m really sorry for not telling you sooner, it’s just that i really, really, like you and i didn’t want anything to jeopardize that, even though keeping it a secret probably wasn’t the best alternative.” you looked out the window, avoiding his gaze, afraid of how badly he was judging you right now. “i understand if you don’t want to continue this anymore, you can just drop me off right here and i’ll uber home.”
“y/n. i don’t care.” you finally peeled your eyes away from the reflection of the cars in the side view mirror to see jamie looking at you with a smile. “your previous relationships are none of my business, yes it is a bit uncomfortable that he is my roommate and one of my closest friends, as well as one of yours, but i really, really, like you too so that doesn’t matter to me.” you smiled back at him, a few tears building up in your waterline. “i was actually going to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend, and i still want to. so y/n would you make me the happiest man alive and officially become my girlfriend?”
“yes jamie, i would be honored.” you leaned over the center console and kissed his cheek, to not distract him from the road. “it sounds like you proposed jamie.” you laughed. “are things going to be weird around trevor for you?” you hated the idea of being the cause of their falling out, or to have any team problems sprout from this.
“yes.” jamie replied bluntly. “and i’m definitely not the biggest fan of you two hanging out without me there, at least for a little bit, but it’ll all work out. i won’t let it get to me or my game, but the second he makes a comment about you it’s over.”
you giggled before replying with a short “got it.” and placed your hand over his.
“and don’t worry, i never plan on going anywhere without you drysdale. you’re gonna have to start coming to girls' nights too.”
note: i actually rewrote this three times and each time the plot was different, the last version was so much juicer and had so much drama (trevor realized he was in love with reader, but he was too late dun dun DUNNNN) but i cut that out because i couldn’t get the wording right. anyways i hope y’all enjoyed, leave feedback (any and all is appreciated), have a great day, i love y’all babes <3 !!!
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 6 months
Hot Chocolate
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Hey Y'all I absolutely love the holidays and Christmas is my fave holiday out of the year so in honor of that I want to create some cute holiday one shots ! I hope you all enjoy this
Sierra Six X Reader
Christmas was your favorite time of the year. The Magic of Christmas in New York was something that you can't describe.
The happy feeling in the air. The lights glowing in the night sky. God if you got lucky and was able to see snow. It was just pure magic. 
You always felt happier during the season.. Most people were stressed but not you.
Being able to go buy gifts for your loved ones. Helping those in need was something that was special to you
. Gift giving was your love language just being able to see the thought and time someone put into picking out the most perfect gift. 
This year was even more special for you. It was the first time that you were spending it with someone you truly were in love with.
Before you were either single or just not with the right person. But that chance meeting with six at a diner was something your never going to forget. 
You both were sitting alone at the bar side when the most devilish handsome man in front of you asked if you could pass the ketchup.
Now hear me out there’s way more to this. He didn’t even look up when he asked you. 
But when he looked up and saw the most beautiful smile and person in front of him he didn’t realize how long he was actually staring at you. 
“Is there something wrong oh god is there food stuck on my face” you panicked 
That broke the major trance he was in
“No uh sorry mm excuse me” He said clearing his throat. His face turning beat red
“Well good thing I don’t but you do” you said pointing to the small ketchup dot on his face. 
His face turned blood red and he was clearly embarrassed
“It seems to suit you you look hot with it” You blurted out now your face was blood red from embarrassment because why would you yell that out. 
He grabbed the napkin and wiped his face
“Now don’t you turn red your also the second hottest person in here next to me obviously” He said making you laugh. 
After that the rest was history. You sat for hours just talking and after he asked you out on a proper date.
That was almost a year ago and in that year you learned so much about him. 
What he actually did for work his past and everything. You didn’t mind he only did those things to protect people.
He was kind and sweet and amazing and you were so lucky. 
Though he always told you it was the opposite way. He never thought he would ever be so lucky to meet and fall in love with a amazing person such as yourself.
He knew so much about you even about your love for the holiday. 
Which is why you were in such a fuss to make it so special. You were killing yourself decorating the apartment all up and even making a big deal about the most perfect tree. 
“Babe it’s just a tree calm down” He said laughing at you.
You were currently taking measurements and shaking them and inspecting them for fulliness. 
You gasped out loud
“Just a tree no no you don’t understand the tree is everything there is no christmas without a tree” He just laughed at you 
After a couple of hours and him huffing and puffing it was cold you finally found the most perfect one.
You took it home and made him wear matching pajamas. You all decorated the tree together and sipped on hot chocolate. 
You made him watch christmas movies and take pictures and even though he tried to act manly he had never been happier or more in love. 
The season was flying by and you were spending all day out trying to find him the most perfect gift.
Because all that man did was say he didn’t want anything. Because he was in prison at such a young age he missed out on a lot.  
He talked a lot about playing games and being a nerd so you tracked down all old games and systems.
You even brought him that nice watch he had been not secretly eying. 
You were all around time trying to get everything when you got a text on your phone. 
“Come here to our place” Was it said you knew what it meant instantly. 
So you hurried and shoved all your stuff into the trunk and raced over to where he was.
He sitting at the same seat where you both meant. He loved going there back with you and getting lost in your eyes all over again. 
You ran over to him and snuck up behind him. 
“Guess who” You said covering his eyes.
“Rachel my secret girlfriend is that you” He said not even able to contain his laugh. 
“Wow okay i see how its hopefully she shows up” You said in between laughs. 
He turned around and grabbed you and pulled you close into him. 
“Mm she’s later but your good enough for now” He said smiling in your lips and leaning in and kissing you slowly. 
You kissed him back the butterflies always there. After you broke the kiss you sat down next to him. 
“Just in time” Jean said she was there the night you two meant and every other time you had been there. 
She placed two big cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream. You smiled big and instantly grabbed it and sipped it. It soothed your soul. 
“Mm omg soo good” You said laughing and sitting the cup down. 
“What’s this for though” You asked 
“Because I love you” Six said. 
“Are we going home and changing into our pj’s and watching more christmas movies because you love me” You said leaning into him. 
“Maybe” He said smiling, picking up his cup of hot chocolate to his mouth and taking a sip. 
You both laughed and you spent hours again just sitting there and talking and eating a favorite pastime of yours.
After you left you walked through NYC looking at the lights and seeing everything so neatly decorated. 
After you went home and of course he went home and put his matching pajamas on with you and laid in bed and watched christmas movies. 
You were laid up all on him and he wrapped you in his arms.
Six never really cared about the holidays due to never having a family to come home to but thank goddess that changed.
You were the greatest gift he could have ever asked for.
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quixoticall · 8 months
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This Could Get Ugly 2. The Beginning
Summary: It's 1983 and The Downsides need another lead singer and you just happen to need a band--it's a perfect match. The only issue? You have to pretend to be in a relationship with your bandmate, Steve Harrington, but you can't help but be drawn to the band's broody guitar player.
pairing: s.h. x fem!reader, e.m. x fem!reader, j.b. x n.w., r.b x n.w.
Previous Chapter🎺
WC: 2.4K
Warnings: Sexism, Murray Bauman
NANCY: Nancy Wheeler, former keyboardist for The Downsides.
  I had been playing piano since I was eight, it was just one of those things my parents signed me up for to make me more well-rounded for college applications but I ended up loving it more than they had hoped.
I auditioned for the band on a whim, I was going to Indiana State at the time, getting my teaching degree but I loved playing the piano more than I would ever love being a teacher. To be honest, when I auditioned, I didn’t think they were going to take me, not even after I saw they had another girl in the band. Don’t get me wrong, I knew I had the talent for it, I just didn’t necessarily give off Rock and Roll vibes, but they accepted me anyway.
  I had a feeling Steve liked me from the moment we met, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him then. He’s Steve Harrington for God’s sake. Girls had posters of him up on their walls for the better part of the 80s. I just—I didn’t want people to think I got the spot because I was involved with the lead singer. I wanted people to know that I earned my place through talent. Steve was really disappointed when I turned him down, but he was always really respectful about it.
  That didn’t mean he stopped being interested or that I didn’t feel his eyes on me during every rehearsal in the summer of ‘81.  
Of course, you knew that when you had been signed to Starcourt Records it wasn’t completely because of your talent.
You had started to wonder, however, if Starcourt had given you a shot because they didn't want to risk litigation or maybe because those record execs had seen your name floating around in a magazine or, more importantly, your picture.
The more you thought about it, the more insecure about your place you had felt, like an imposter among others who had earned their spots. But, after one week of rubbing shoulders with the musicians over at Starcourt, you realized that to be able to make it, you were going to have to ooze confidence, even if that confidence was fake.
NANCY: We started playing gigs together around the Midwest. In the beginning, we mostly played covers but eventually, we started writing our own music. I’m not a great songwriter and, to be frank, neither is Steve, so a lot of the stuff we were coming up with was pretty simple but it worked for us. We went from playing weddings to actually getting gigs that paid money. I mean it was barely enough to cover gas to get there but it was something. I guess, for the sake of transparency, there is one more thing I have to talk about while we’re talking about this time in the band’s life.
Steve and I spent a lot of time writing music together. It was great, being able to get close. I thought we were becoming friends. He was still a bit hung up, though and one night, when we were up late writing at his tiny apartment, he kissed me. And I kissed him back.
The next day, I told him that that couldn’t happen again. I gave him my reasons and he respected that but still, I could tell he was crushed. I think that between the kiss and us having this talk, he had begun to hope that something would happen between us.
I think that’s what made me and Jonathan hurt him so much more. 
You didn’t necessarily like Murray when you first began to work with him but you did trust him. In the professional capacity at least. He never tried anything with you, which you appreciated although that bar was abysmally low.
You hadn’t known what to expect on your first day in the studio but you had a feeling that as far as the music was considered, you were in decent hands.
Boy, were you fucking wrong.
The moment you had stepped into the studio, Murray had handed you a stack of music, all unfamiliar and definitely nothing you had written.
“What’s this?” You had asked, eyes crinkling in confusion.
“A few contenders for an EP. The team over at marketing came up with some branding concepts and this is what we landed on.”
He then pulled out a thick folder overflowing with pictures of what you assumed the studio had wanted to mold you into. It was all bubblegum and teased hair and not at all what you had envisioned.
“Wait, Murray, I don’t understand.  I have a brand, one that I've spent a lot of time curating along. This isn't me and this is definitely not my music.  You said I could sing the music that I’ve written.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Murray hummed, condescendingly, “I never said that.”
“Well, if I can’t sing my music then I just won’t sing at all.” You were the full image of a petulant child, arms crossed and lips dangerously close to a pout.
Murray feigned concern for a moment before hunching down so that he was at eye level with you.
“You signed a contract,” he spoke slowly, “Starcourt owns you, and if you don’t like it, then talk to a judge.”
He turned away from you, leaning against the mixing console. He speaks again after what seems like an eternity.
“Listen, sweetheart, I’m not saying it’s ethical or right, but if you want to make it in music, you got to play the game. You can’t come in here, swinging your metaphorical dick around, calling the shots when you haven’t proven you can rake in the dough.
“Sure, you’ve got talent, but who doesn’t? Right now, there’s a line of girls around the block who can sing and write and are probably better at following directions, waiting to take your spot.
"Plus, I read the songs you sent over, you have some good lines but there's not a single song worth attaching Starcourt's name to. Take this as an opportunity to learn, to be better, to actually work for something for the first time in your life. You have nothing right now, so nothing is below you, not even this pop dribble they're giving you to sing.
"I’m not saying it’s always gonna be this way, but you have to prove to them that you can play before they take you seriously, and then if you got what it takes, you can start writing your own music. Hell, if you make them enough money, they’ll let you play the fucking didgeridoo and go out in a nun’s habit… well, maybe not the habit, but the point stands. So, can we stop acting like the spoiled princess we are for just one afternoon and get to rehearsing?”
You snatched the book of songs from his outstretched hand and with a smile on your face, tore it down the middle before stomping off.
It had taken five days of Murray, along with various other executives at Starcourt, pounding on your door at the Chateau Mormont—the hotel that was your permanent residence since you had turned 18— before you had even considered setting foot in Starcourt again.
All it took was a gift basket full of Champagne and half a dozen threatening letters from their legal team.
NANCY: Jonathan came on as our second guitarist. I remember when he came to the audition he was this quiet, super shy kid who barely managed to make eye contact, but once he had a guitar in his hands, he had this way of coming alive. He wasn’t a showman like Steve, but he was electric when he played.
We—I never meant for things to turn out the way they did but with Jonathan, it wasn’t much of a choice. I know this sounds so cliche, but we were drawn to each other. I remember, during rehearsals, even before we really knew each other, he and I would lock eyes from across the room and I would know exactly what he was thinking.
Soon, we were sneaking around together. We were getting more and more serious, it was only a matter of time, honestly, before the others found out. Jonathan wanted to come clean early on, he could tell it was causing me so much stress, but I didn’t want to tell anyone else. Part of it, was Steve, of course, but also, what Jonathan and I had felt precious and personal and ours. I wanted to stay in this bubble we had built for ourselves.
Of course, it was Steve and Robin who eventually caught us, making out in Jonathan’s car after rehearsals one day.
To say that Steve took it hard is probably an understatement. He skipped rehearsal for five straight days and when he showed up he had this new song he had written, this ballad called, “Regret You”.
“If I never had you, then why can’t I forget you / I hate myself because I could never regret you.”
Yeah, that was an awkward one to rehearse but, to his credit, it was a great song. It was the song that got us noticed.
You had spent months recording your first EP, a five-song collection the studio had decided to name “The Setlist”. It was meant to be a play on your groupie status, or at least that’s what some intern over in the marketing department had claimed, a little too proud of himself for your liking.
While you couldn't ignore the sense of accomplishment that bubbled below the surface, you mostly felt empty. 
The whole thing made you think of your father, whom you hadn't spoken to in years but had a very staunch view on artistic integrity. He despised artists who 'carelessly churned out poor imitations of real art for money'.  "To make art is as close as one can get to being god," he had explained to you once, with self-important tears in his eyes, "why would anyone sell that off? Art should mean something to the artist. Otherwise, they are a peddler of fake divinity." 
Your father had never had to worry about money a day in his life. 
That empty feeling was only exacerbated when, the Friday after you had officially finished recording, Murray had invited you to lunch with a particular proposition in mind.
“No, Murray, not gonna happen. Over my dead body and all that,” you spat from across the table.
“Listen, I don’t want to pull the contract card on you, but I will,” he warned with no real heat as he swirled his gin martini in one hand.
“Nice try,” you mirrored his pose, martini and all, “but the contract doesn't cover this, only original work. Not duets. You know that, I know that, so why don’t you try again and give me one good reason why I would even consider a duet with The Letterman’s.”
Murray gave you a look you had come to familiarize yourself with—one that was equal measures of pride and annoyance. It was the look he gave you whenever you bested him.
“How about the fact that they’re one of the hottest acts right now and being on a track with them would guarantee you a spot on the charts which is a great place to be at any point in time, but especially when you’re about to release an EP?”
Your face dropped in the way it only did when you knew Murray was right about something you didn’t want him to be right about. A look he had been starting to familiarize himself with.
"Fine, I’ll do it, but I want to spend as little time as possible with Jason. He’s a pompous ass.” “No disagreements there, sweetheart.”
The day you were scheduled to record with Jason and the rest of his band, he was an hour late. You hadn’t doubted for a moment he had done this on purpose.
When he finally had shown, he pretended not to know you, a game you had quickly caught on to, and made sure to respond with, “It’s so nice to meet you, Jackson” after he made a show of introducing himself to you which made the rest of his band and Murray guffaw.
Jason narrowed his eyes at you, his voice struggling to stay level, and said, “Watch it. We’re the ones doing you a favor here, remember?”
“I did you one first,” you responded, your eyes meeting his gaze, “remember?”
It had taken 20 minutes for his bandmates to calm him down, but eventually, the two of you got into the booth.
Your only priority had been to do your best job in as few takes as possible because you did not know how much longer you could tolerate being in Jason’s presence.
In the end, after a two-hour session, Murray had sent you both home, either happy with the finished product or at his wit’s end with the tension. Either way, three weeks later you had a duet with The Letterman’s called “It Was You” and just as Murray had predicted, it was quick to climb the charts.
You were getting noticed.
NANCY: Not long after Steve wrote “Regret You” we got noticed by a scout from Starcourt Records. I think at first we thought it was some sort of scheme, but it was legit. They had us record a few demos and in something like six months, they moved us to a house in Culver City.
The whole thing had felt like some sort of fever dream. I had to quit school and tell my parents. They didn’t even know I was in a band. Or seeing anybody. Needless to say, they didn’t take any of it well. When we got to LA, we did more test recordings and they even had us playing some shows at a few clubs on the strip.
Like I said: total fever dream.
But, when you’re under the thumb of a label like that, there are certain stipulations. One of the first things they told us was that they wanted to make our sound more modern and pop. We kinda
had an alternative, experimental sound back then. They said synth was going to be the new thing so they wanted Robin to learn how to play the synthesizer which meant that on certain songs, Jonathan would have to take over for bass. Also, they wanted Steve to be more of a frontman and less of a guitar player. Steve could always work a crowd, and they wanted to use that, especially with this new sound they had envisioned for us. All of this meant we needed another guitar player and, believe it or not, the label already knew who that was going to be. Eddie Munson.
Taglist: @rexorangecouny
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canbean-enby · 1 year
You Accidentally Found His Sketchbook pt. 3 Bakugou x Gn!reader
A/n: THIS IS FINALLY DONE OMFG. I am sorry I have kept you loves waiting but...the more you wait the better something will be right? Anyway, here we are. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for all of the love you all have been showing this small series :) Gn!reader x Bakugou CW: cussing and bad cat puns
Best experienced in light mode
Part one | Part two |
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You looked at your phone and noticed that the times didn’t correlate at all. Why is the picture set for the future if it’s the same date?
You stopped in your tracks and looked up at him, realizing what the blonde was too shy to ask you aloud.
“Meet me at the front at three. If you’re late, I’m leaving your stupid ass”
And he just walked off. Many thoughts raced through your mind but the main one being:
Is this a date?
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Before you could ask, the blonde walked away from you, getting away just as you blinked. Whether this was a date or not, you need to figure out what to wear. Your panic made you call Mina instantly, she would be able to decipher this madness…right? Wrong. When you told her the situation, she brought along the rest of the group, and the five of you could not figure out the blond’s true intentions. The first time looking at the drawing, they said that it was “obviously a date.” However, looking at it a second, third, and fourth time, the group became more confused. 
"Is that a blush on his face?"
"No, he must’ve done that by accident."
"Why would he keep it if it was by accident? It must be a date."
"Look at how he is dressed, it’s too casual. It can’t be a date."
"That’s just how he dresses, plus, it looks like he tried a little more than usual."
The contradicting thoughts made your head swirl. You were so panicked that you didn’t even notice the time. It was just thirty minutes before you had to meet up with the male, and no one could decipher the picture. So, for your sanity, you shoved everyone out and decided to go with the flow. You looked at the drawing, saw what you wore in it, and tried to match it as best as you could. Not too much, but something that shows you still put in the effort. This should be fine...right?
There was no time to debate because as you finish, you look at the clock and realize you’re a minute late. You grab your phone and wallet, then zoom out of your room at a speed that would make Allmight jealous.
As you walk up to the entrance of the dorms, you notice the blonde instantly and he is dressed in the same fashion as you are. You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding and speed walk up to him.
“I’m so sorry I’m late I-“
“Just shut up and let’s go.”
The abruptness of his speech made you turn silent. You decided that talking wouldn't be best until you made it to the cafe.
Little did you know that the crimson-eyed male in front of you was sweating his ass off. Without you talking, his thoughts were going wild. He was so nervous and the fact that you were not your usual chatty, funny, and extroverted self made him doubt if you really wanted to be here. Obviously, you did or you wouldn't be here...right?
He had to try something, anything to get you to talk again. To hear that sweet voice that he subconsciously wishes he could hear forever.
"What the hell did you put on? It's making my nose bleed."
You look up at him and roll your eyes, a small smile plastered onto your face as you walk up beside him. You pinch him a little before responding. "For your information, this is actually my favorite scent so watch what you say next firework."
That nickname. That goddamn nickname. Besides the fact that it is meant to be an insult. It makes his stomach do small flips every time he hears it. The usual nicknames or insults that were thrown his way were never creative enough or personalized to make him care. They were often repetitive of what someone else said or just basic. Maybe Kirishima's was also different but that doesn't count at this moment.
"Oi are you listening" you smack him on the shoulder as you notice the blonde was staring into space.
"Of course I was."
"Then answer my question."
"What question?"
You roll your eyes for the second time that afternoon and ask him once again. "Why are you bringing me here?"
You decided to get the question out into the open so you know what to expect. Whether you were going to be disappointed, surprised, or excited by his answer you couldn't wait all night to hear what it was.
"Because I fucking felt like it. It's your birthday stupid. Plus, you like this shitty cafe, and it's not that expensive."
He shrugs and looks ahead of him again. Of course, he didn't answer your question. Why were you expecting a response outside of that one? He's Bakugou Katsuki.
The rest of the walk to the cafe was quiet. Mixes of small jokes and jabs at each other were sprinkled in every now and then. But that didn't stop the anxiety that settled in the pit of both of your stomachs.
Upon entering the cafe, you hear a mix of coos and meows. This is where you belong. You take a deep breath and smile down as you feel something brushing up against your leg. When you look down you expect to see the cat that always greets you, a cute blue-eyed Birman that you have fallen in love with. However, you are met with a gray British Shorthair in its place. While this has caused you slight shock and panic, you pick up the cat anyway and give it the attention it deserves before putting it back down.
When you're seated at your table, you keep looking around for the cat that was dear to your heart and after looking around you decided that asking an employee would probably be more efficient than looking around. So, you grabbed the attention of the closest one to you and asked where the cat named Harvey went.
"Fortunately, Harvey was adopted! It was just yesterday too." The employee left with a smile on their face while a frown took over yours. Harvey felt like your personal cat. While you knew that he was at risk of being adopted every time you left the shop, you felt that because he was there the next time you arrived, meant that you both shared some sort of connection and that you both belonged together. But that is only wishful thinking.
"This is turning out to be a shitty birthday."
You didn't notice the concerned face that Bakugou wore as you read the menu. You already knew what you wanted, of course, you just like to see the drawings that cascade the menu. Mixes of pinks, greens, and oranges fill the menu in the shapes of vines, hearts, and roses.
"What can I get for you today?"
The voice of your waiter pulled you out of the trance that you were in. Looking at the male, you smiled as you noticed that he wore the signature cat ears that some employees choose to put on. Most don't but some do and it was cool to see that some of the employees put in the extra mile that makes you smile.
The smile that you showed the waiter made Katsuki bawl his fits a little. He took a quick look at the menu and interrupted the small moment by ordering.
"Get me a BL kitty with a black paw-ffee." (Get it? BLT but its BL kitty? No? Pawffee? Okay ill stop
He felt stupid for saying such childishly unfunny puns but he said it now, he can't take it back. The way you giggled made it worth it though.
You know he hated every second of it but he still did it. You thought he wasn't going to order anything or make you order for him but his stubborn nature took over. You turned to the waiter and told him what you wanted. After taking your menus, he strolled off to the back to tell the staff what you want but not before sending you a small smile.
Your face heated up a little bit as you went to go look down at your phone. Seeing that you were added to a group chat named "Bakugou & y/n sitting in a tree", you rolled your eyes and opened it and were overwhelmed with a bunch of text messages asking how it was going. You gave them a quick "it's going okay" before looking up to see that Bakugou has become a favorite for the cats. He had at least three on him in total. One brushing against his leg, one on his lap, and another on his shoulder. He mumbled about how big the one on his shoulder was but didn't move the fur ball. You took this opportunity to snap a picture and send it to the group chat, not noticing their text messages about the sketchbook. You muted the chat because the buzzing was becoming distracting and looked back up to see another cat that had moved against the blonde's leg.
"Damn firecracker, you gettin' all the pussy today." He looked up at you and scoffed, rolling his eyes before moving the cat on his shoulder down on the floor.
"Tell anyone about this and you'll be turned to ashes."
You decided not to tell him that their friend group already knows about the love he's getting. Knowing that it would be much funnier to watch the embarrassment as they bombard him when they get back.
Over the course of three hours, you both make conversation over anything. Training, homework, extra curricular's, your friends, previous birthdays, etc. You were both enjoying yourselves, to say the least. You shared some laughs, especially when Katsuki spat out his drink from how much sweeter it was than usual. Maybe you added some sugar in there while he was in the bathroom...who's to say? When you both finished eating you decided that it would be best to leave. The question was, who was going to pay the bill?
You tried and failed to pay for the entire thing but argued with him over splitting it. He couldn't take your nagging anymore so he agreed to split it with you. When you both got up, you didn't notice the 4,000 ¥ he slipped into your pocket with a small smirk. He knew you were gonna chew him out for it later but he couldn't care less.
The walk back to the dorms was slow. You both didn't want this day to end yet but you were both too afraid to express that to the other.
"I didn't like how that scummy waiter was eyeballing you. I was gonna punch his lights out if he kept looking."
This took you by surprise. Not only did this subject come out of nowhere but the possessive tone behind it made your heart flutter a bit and your brain confused.
"So what if he was looking at me? Not like I'm off the market." He stood dead in his tracks. Looking down at the ground with his hands in his pockets, messing with the loose thread that was in them.
You stopped a few feet ahead of him, looking back when you noticed that the second set of footsteps stopped.
"So I just wasted my fucking time?!"
His tone was strong and aggressive, masking the hurt and dread that he felt inside.
"What are you talking about?" You were more confused than ever. Your stomach turned and your mind raced at what you could've said wrong.
"This whole thing. Me asking you to come to this stupid place as a fucking date. Just for you to say you want to fuck with a cat boy"
"Wait, date?" Your eyebrows came together and your hands started to shake as you thought about the word that just left his mouth. He was kidding. This was a joke right?
"Yea date you simpleton. Can't you read? Or are you too stupid to read my perfect handwriting?"
"Kat...I don't remember reading anything about a date in your drawing."
His eyes widened slowly as he realized that he both exposed himself and yelled at you for not knowing that this was a date. All because you didn't read his note.
"You're a moron. I put a note on the last page. You didn't fucking read it?"
You shook your head slowly as the beats of your heart began to go faster. This was a date? There was another page after the picture?
"I'm sorry. After I saw the picture I didn't look through the rest of it...guess I should've."
"Yea you should've."
He brushes past you and continues walking towards the dorms. All you could do was sit there in silence. Both shock and fear keep you from joining the blonde. Did you just fuck up your chances?
He stops after getting a few feet away from you and turns around, scoffing at the fact that you are not able to keep up with him.
"Are you coming dipshit? I'm not repeating what I said in that letter. Come read it for yourself."
You snap out of the trance you're in and jog up to where he is and join him in walking back to the dorms.
As soon as you got there, your four friends came up to you bombarding you with questions about how the date was and what you guys talked about.
"Wait- how did you guys know it was a date? I didn't even know."
They handed you the sketchbook. It was opened to the last page that you neglected.
I guess you're not as bad as the other idiots we're acquainted with. You better read this shit because I am treating this as more than just friends hanging out. I know you like me. You can't even hide it well. But I guess I like your stupid ass too.
This made your heart flutter like he wrote the most beautiful poem for you. You turned around and saw the small blush that started to build on the blonde's face.
"Seems like someone isn't able to hide it anymore." He scoffs and crosses his arms, looking over to the side of him.
"If you would've read it in the first place then we wouldn't be in this situation. But you didn't because you're an idiot."
You walked over to him and caressed his arm gently, trying to alleviate the 'anger' that he was throwing at you. "I know. I'm sorry okay? I'm an idiot I will admit it." You decided to throw away your pride for a second so you can see that grin that he wears when you admit to him being right (which is very rare). It is a special grin that makes his eyes sparkle and his face light up a little. You hate that you have to say that he is right about something for it to show but you didn't care at this moment. You were happy that your feelings are out in the open and you want him to be happy too.
He looks past you to see the audience that was still there and grabs you by the arm to take you to his dorm. He still had one more present for you and he didn't want to have an audience while you both were having your moment.
Once you both were in his room, he flicked on the lights and you immediately heard shuffling. "Is there a rat in here or something dude?"
"After I just admitted my feelings to you, you're gonna call me dude?"
He chuckled and walked over to the source of the noise, picking up what seemed to be a carrying case for an animal...he didn't.
"Open it. Don't argue with me."
And so you did. You opened the box to see your favorite cat stretching his legs out from being in the same position when he was napping just a few minutes ago. You called out his name and his eyes immediately darted to you, widening slowly as he realized who you were. He jumped out of the box and walked to you slowly, sniffing your arms before he crawled into your lap and sat there. Small tears ran down your cheeks at a rapid rate as you pet him, looking up at the blonde and whispering a quiet thank you. He nodded and knelt down, burning this moment into his brain forever.
"You're lucky you have someone like me around. Those shitty T-shirts could never compare to my amazing gift."
Your eyes roll at his comment, "The T-shirts weren't shitty, asshole. I thought they were cute. But, you and Harvey here are the best gifts I have ever gotten by a landslide. Best birthday ever."
The blush on the blonde's face grew. He was one of the best birthday gifts you've gotten?
"Of course I make a great birthday gift. Who wouldn't want me? Happy birthday, dumbass."
You decide to do something that you've been thinking about doing since becoming friends with the blonde. You move a hand to his face and kiss his cheek, quickly looking back down at Harvey to hide the embarrassment on your face.
"Thank you firework."
You caused this man to malfunction. The mix of the kiss and the nickname has sent his brain into overdrive. The only thing he could get out was
"Whatever ya idiot..."
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Man In Black
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Summary: Jake Kiszka X fem reader, set in the early 1950s the reader struggles through a romance with a criminal. I couldn’t shake this idea after seeing Jake in the new black suit so here ya go!
Warnings: 18+ only! Not for minors! fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), some p in v, slight dom Jake, sorry if I missed anything
Word count: 4.8k
The streets were dark and quiet at this hour, but you actually preferred making the walk from the schoolhouse to your flat at night. The cool breeze and the hazy glow from the street lamps always gave you time to think.
Tonight started out feeling like any other night, as the sound of your block heels hitting the paved walkway with every step lulled you into a near sleep-like drift home.
That was until the hairs on the back of your neck stood to a point, your skin prickling with the feeling of being watched.
You slowed your walk, stepping more gently, and your ears focused in on the sound of a secondary pair of footsteps following closely behind you.
You sucked in a breath, preparing yourself to confront your stalker as you came to a halt just a block from your destination.
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk home alone at night?” A slightly raspy yet light voice called out to you.
Although your blood was still pumping at a high rate, your heart soared into the top of your chest when you easily realized who it was just by his sound. “You’re the only man who’s ever approached me in the middle of the night, Jacob Thomas Kiszka”. You could already picture his face behind you, his plump and rosy lips curling in a smirk when you successfully identified him.
“Is that right? Well I guess I’m the only danger here then”. He let out a breathy chuckle, quiet hums of amusement cut short by the brisk night air.
“You’re entirely right” you smiled, turning on your heel and jumping into his arms. He embraced you back, tightly wrapping his free arm around your shoulders and squeezing your frame against his. “How long are you here for?” You mumbled into the collar of his coat. Although your unexpected reunion was thrilling, you knew better than to get too excited.
He loosened his hold on you, taking a step back so you could speak face to face now. “Just about 20 hours doll”.
Under the streetlamp you let yourself take him in. He looked like a ghost suddenly appearing before you, just as you had last seen him only painstakingly different all at the same time.
His coat was nice, nicer than anything you’ve ever seen him in before, black satin cut and put together in a way that broadened his usually narrow and delicate frame. He looked more filled out as well, like he had really been doing well for himself, and it looked good on him. Way too good.
To match his new coat he had on a pair of black slacks and black heeled boots giving him that extra inch of height he always craved but never quite bothered you.
One of his hands was full like usual, carrying his one and only prize possession, a heavy looking black guitar case. The other was also carrying something much smaller.
He followed your eyes as they trailed down his arm and he lifted it to reveal a bottle of dark red wine. “Picked this up in Chicago, as soon as I saw it I thought y’know who will love this? and all I thought of was you. So then I was on the first train here, just got out of the station. Figured you were still livin’ at the same place. Saw you walking by yourself”. He recounted his steps that led him here, but something about it sounded too good to be true, surely he had some other ‘business’ here as he always did.
“Little daring of you to be coming home right now, I hear they’re out looking for you again” a sudden realization washed over you as soon as the words left your mouth and you quickly hooked your arm under his, leading him off the sidewalk. Even if it was late, you had been standing outside with him for too long, you needed to get him inside.
“They’re always looking for me” he chuckled again, but allowed you to tug him off to your place, that having been his intention the entire time.
“Well maybe if you weren’t a wanted criminal” you scolded him, just as you always did on these unscheduled visits.
“If I wasn’t a criminal what?” He urged you to finish your sentence, always pushing you to rethink your morals when he was in question.
“Doesn’t matter, because you are, and I don’t want to see you getting arrested at my doorstep, now get inside” you pulled your keys out of your coat pocket when you arrived at your flat, quickly unlocking the door and ushering him inside.
Once safe from any prying eyes that could recognize him, you let out a sigh as you watched him place his guitar case down and slowly begin to reacquaint himself with your small studio apartment.
For a moment your eyes remained on the case in the entryway, it looked so common and unassuming, but you knew locked inside was not only a guitar, but hidden tools of his trade.
You grew up with Jake, just outside of town, your family farm having been next to his. Jake was a lively young man and a hard worker, tending to the upkeep of his family’s property along with his brothers.
It didn’t take long for the innocent little girl that you were to fall for him and his charm as soon as the two of you were old enough to truly understand what a crush was.
Your family didn’t agree with your choice of date though. They wanted you to marry into a white-collar family, get you out of the country and making a real living.
Back then you refused every other male they sent your way, building up quite the reputation of being a stiff-skirt until not many appropriate suitors kept coming. Eventually you finished school and got yourself a job in town teaching, proving to your father you didn’t need a man to raise you up, you did it all on your own.
Jake distanced himself from you during your short term courtships, and in the meantime he got caught up in his own city life.
The two of you were reunited at a small club, the other teachers at the schoolhouse dragging you out when they found out you were still single and living on your own.
You hadn’t expected to meet anyone that night, let alone Jake again, but the moment your eyes locked from across the sea of tables and swaying skirts, a fire was reignited deep within you.
When Jake approached, it was evident he wasn’t the same ol’ country boy you grew up with. He was dressed in all black that night as well, his signature look now, as he held out his hand and invited you to a dance.
“Never expected to see you here” he smiled slyly as he guided you towards the small dance floor in front of the stage where the band played jazzy music to keep the guests of the club entertained. “You look” he held your shoulders as he examined you in your nicest dress. Despite your initial unwillingness to go out, you had ended up enjoying dressing yourself up with your matching gloves and extra bit of makeup. “You look like a real life doll, absolutely gorgeous” he took your hands in his again, and attempted to dance with you.
You giggled as his feet kept getting mixed up with yours, grinning widely as a blush colored his face. He clearly wasn’t one for dancing, but he was trying to impress you like he always did.
“What’s happened to you Jacob?” You questioned where he had gone, remembering all the times you visited home and hoped you would get to see him again.
“Had to get out of there, make something of myself. Tried to start a band, you know how I loved playing the guitar for you?”
You nodded your head, remembering many nights the two of you would sneak out to meet at the pond that lay at the back of your two properties. You would bring a quilt and he would bring his guitar and the two of you would sit there late into the night talking, listening to him write songs, and sometimes when he was bold enough you would let him steal a few kisses.
“Well, I met quite a few people along the way. Other musicians, some guys who work in the stock market, investors and what not, ended up getting real interested in banking”.
“Banking?” You were surprised, never imagining the Jake you grew up knowing to be privy to a profession such as banking, but maybe he’d grown up to be the man your father always expected you to be with, and maybe you weren’t so against the idea any longer. “So what, you’re making money to start investing?”
“More like some people have invested in me, my ear specifically” he sounded like he was trying to tell you something more, get you to read between the lines, but you were not following him.
“That’s really great Jake, I can’t wait to see how it turns out for you” at the time you were proud of him, part of you wishfully thinking that your time to be happy together had finally arrived.
The dance the two of you had finally managed to get down came to a finish and he walked you back to your table. “Listen, I’m going to be leaving tomorrow, for a while, but it was really nice to see you again. Honestly sweetheart I-” he was looking down at his feet, his voice was getting caught up, like he was afraid he might never see you again so he had to get everything off his chest now while he had the chance. Then he looked back up, locking eyes with you again, “You know I always loved you right? Never loved a girl so much in my life, and now I meet you here, I meet this beautiful woman and I just can’t help but regret leaving before I ever told you”.
“Jake…” your voice trailed off because you felt tears pricking your eyes by his heartfelt words. You wanted to tell him you felt the same, that you had fought off every other man who had ever looked your way in keeping hopes that he would make this very confession to you. Only you didn’t feel like the woman he made you out to be, there was always one thing missing, and you wanted him to make you into that woman.
Your grip on his sleeve tightened keeping him there with you before he disappeared from you again. “Before you leave” you spoke up, hoping you weren’t being too forward, “would you come stay with me? Tonight? It’s the weekend so I don’t have a class tomorrow”.
“You’re a teacher?” Was his first question, smiling at the detail “of course you are”.
“So?” He hadn’t given you an answer, and you would be way too embarrassed if he declined your invitation after all the signals he’d been giving you tonight. “Before your umm, business trip, I’d like for you to come over”.
He pulled his arm from your hold, but only so he could move it to cup your face with his palm. Leaning over be gave you a subtle kiss on the cheek and whispered into your ear. “Of course, how could I ever say no to an invitation from you?”
That night was the first of many nights you shared your bed with Jake, but it stuck out to you as your favorite because then you didn’t know what he had done. You didn’t know how he had thrown your whole life together away before it had ever even started.
When Jake was gone the next morning you felt a pang of sadness, but convinced yourself that he’d come back soon and you could be together at last. It wasn't until three days later when you were at the shop that you saw the papers and heard the men outside talking.
“They’re saying it’s the biggest bank robbery this county has ever seen, only a true genius could have cracked that vault open”.
With your interest peaked you grabbed a paper, paying the tenant at the booth before carrying your groceries and reading the headline report.
Experts theorize the vault was broken into Friday night. The thief used specialized tools and a sharply tuned ear to crack the lock and get the vault open.
You stopped in your tracks, a hot wave of realization washing over you as you recalled Jake's peculiar conversation.
“I’ve gotten real interested in banking… some people have invested in my ear specifically”
You could not believe the picture you were putting together. Jake robbed that bank and you knew it. You could have told someone, submitted an anonymous police report, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn him in even as the reports of more bank robberies from around the country came rolling in.
You started to expect you would never see him again. That he was gone touring the country with a band of criminal masterminds. Six months later though, once the newspapers and radio reporters started to let the story die down for a bit, he appeared out of nowhere and all you could do was be glad to see him, falling right back into his arms once more.
“Just one more glass, for me doll, then I’m yours for the night” his voice was as smooth as the velvety red liquid that he poured. His eyes were trained on his steady hand as his proximity gave you the opportunity to examine his features close up.
The dim lighting cast a shadow on his brow, but his eyes soaked in the candle light, sparkling irises wrapped in a dark chocolatey halo. A hint of stubble was starting to form on his upper lip and chin and you wondered how that might feel grazing against the soft supple skin of your thighs. You imagined it’d be similar to the way your wool skirt sometimes caught on your stockings.
“So as soon as this glass is empty, I can have you?” You baited him as he finished his pour. He nodded with a smirk, sitting back in his seat and finishing off the rest of the bottle in his own glass.
You waited for him to take a sip, eyes locked with yours in anticipation of what the night held as he brought the rim to his lips, the lips you so desperately wanted to be the one caressing right now.
With one confident tilt of your wrist the contents of your glass poured out onto the floor, and in a moment, your glass was empty.
You turned the glass right side up and brought it in front of your face, a faux shocked expression hiding a smile. “Oh, look, empty”.
Jake sat in silence for a moment, utterly surprised by your blatant mocking, then slowly lowered his glass back onto the table.
Before you could utter another snarky peep of disobedience, Jake flew across the table capturing your neck in his grip and bringing his face mere centimeters from yours.
“Do you expect to be rewarded for that behavior?” He growled, nipping at your jaw with his pearly white teeth.
“No sir, I expect to be punished. That’s why you’re here right? To hurt me? To love me so hard that I can’t think of anything other than you as I lay in bed for a countless number of nights until my heart can’t take it any longer?” You felt tears prickling at the corner of your eyes just imagining the pain you knew you were going to wake up with in the morning when he was gone again. Just a ghost of the night, forever haunting you.
“So you want it to be rough? You don’t want me to make love to you anymore?” He was growing angrier by the second. Not at you, not at what you’d done, but at the situation the two of you were in. In truth, he hated it as much as you did. To be free of the infatuation he had on you was a code he’d never learned to crack even as the best vault cracker this country had ever seen.
You whimpered underneath him, spreading your legs and slumping down in your chair. The hand that wasn’t on your throat caressed your thigh, pushing your skirt up until it was bunched at your waist.
“What do you want?” He asked again, the sparkle in his eyes igniting into full blow fires.
“Your fingers” you muttered, grabbing onto his forearm and sliding further down in the chair, your hands on each other the only thing keeping you from falling into the floor.
Although he knew which fingers you meant, the ones around your throat tightened as he slammed his lips into yours, wasting no time in lapping his tongue into your open mouth. Your vision began to blur so you let your eyes flutter closed, trying desperately to kiss him back but his grip was keeping you still. His hand on your thigh began to trail inwards, grazing over your center, but he wouldn’t be able to go very far here, not with your stockings still on.
Instead of letting you up to get undressed, you felt his fingers dig into the seam of the delicate tights, hooking them in and pulling until they were ripping apart. “You going to make a mess on my fingers just like you did on the floor?” He let his grip loosen so you could respond to him, but your mind was too fuzzy to form any coherent words. Instead you just bit into your lip and nodded wildly as his fingers now worked at pulling your panties to the side.
“Not good enough” he urged you, teasing your already soaked entrance, “I want to hear you beg for it”.
Your voice erupted from you as his thumb brushed ever so slightly over your clit. “Please Jakey! Please use your fingers!”
In the far and few times he’d been able to make his way back to you, the love making had always been extraordinary. From the very first time your bodies connected they understood each other, it was no struggle to make the other feel like they were descending on cloud nine. In the in between times, you made do with yourself, and found imagining your fingers were his could did the trick just as well. Now it was real, and you wanted your fantasies played out. Each time you were together growing more and more intense to hold you over. Never knowing when the next time would be.
He pushed his fingers into you slowly and you let out a moan at the welcome intrusion. “That’s it, I’m here love, give yourself over to me”. He began to pump his fingers as soon as he felt you settle around him, watching as your chest began heaving. The hand on your throat slipped down and his nimble fingers deftly undid the buttons on your silk blouse. The way his fingers could work on two separate things at once was impressive to you but then you remembered how skilled he had always been with his hands at everything he’d set his mind to.
Just as you were about to beg him again for more, his fingers retreated from you leaving you whimpering and gasping like a fish out of water with shock. Not even giving you a chance to utter any form of protest he scooped you up from the chair and brought you back down onto the table top.
“Jacob!” You gasped but he ignored your startled yawping, sliding the chair you were just lifted from to face backwards in front of you.
Straddling the chair, he helped you place your heels onto the edge of the table then ran his hand up your stomach, pressing back against your chest to get you to lean back and angle your hips towards him in what you only imagined was a very lewd display.
“You know the wine you so ungraciously spilled?” he smirked up at you from between your legs as he began to run his two fingers back through your still slick folds. “Pairs very well with desserts. I debated picking up something on my way, but all the shops were closed”.
Your legs were shaking with anticipation and also struggling to keep your legs perched on the table with the ruined stockings you still wore making it terribly hard to get any sort of grip.
Encircling one tremoring ankle in his grip, he pulled your legs further apart so he could fit his body easily between, the smirk returning to his face as he admired what he saw. “I guess you will have to do instead”.
Then his face disappeared from your sight, your head slumping back in bliss as his mouth made delicious contact with your core. He was pumping his fingers inside you again, this raised position gaining him even deeper access than before, and his tongue was furiously attacking your sweet bundle of nerves.
You were trying to keep your voice down, knowing well that the walls of your quaint little flat were paper thin, but he was making it increasingly more difficult as he curled his fingers upwards, keeping them buried deep while he made a beckoning motion, calling you towards your inevitable climax.
“How do you think you will taste?” He paused his movements with his tongue to speak when he knew you were getting close. “How about I give you a taste of yourself then you can lick up that mess you made off the floor?”
He let his hand slow down when you didn’t give him a response.
“Yes sir! I’ll clean it up, just-” his fingers sped back up again cutting you off with another drawn out moan.
“Just what?” He chuckled, his face was still so close you could feel the slight displacement of air against your aching center.
“Just use your mouth again, please, I need it”.
“I don’t think you do doll, you’re doing very well just like this”. You whimpered again, teetering on the edge, just waiting and hoping for him to give in.
“I’ll give you what you want, but I expect an apology after. An apology for taunting me and making me treat you this way”.
“I’m sorry!” You didn’t need to wait until after, the words were already pouring out of you. “I’m sorry I said all of that, I missed you so much, missed your touch, missed your voice, missed your cock…”
A groan traveled through him with your heartfelt apology, resuming where he was with his tongue on you again. He was humming with satisfaction as his saliva mixed with your arousal, creating a dark stain on the remnants of your stockings. Then he puckered his lips and gave the bud one hard suck sending you spiraling into your release.
Your arms flailed across the table, knocking your glass to the floor with a sharp crash, another mess to clean. Finding the edge, you gripped the wood to ground yourself as you felt your body soar.
Jake retreated his fingers, but his mouth remained, diving his tongue inside feeling your quivering walls.
When he felt pleased with the mess he’d made of you, he stood back up, kicking the chair to the side and leaning his body along yours.
You crashed your lips into his, taking him up on the promise to taste yourself on him.
“Fuck, I missed you too”. You let your legs slip off the edge, wrapping them around his waist and pulling him closer.
Even through his pants, you felt his bulge pressing up against your now overly sensitive center. “Well darlin’ are you going to finish your meal on the table? Or would you rather take it to the bedroom?”
“So, I’ve heard you’ve been seen with a fuzz” Jake commented with a cigarette pulled out of his crumpled old box showing that he’d had this pack for quite some time. He cupped his hand over the end as he lit it with his silver zippo then fell back next to you on the bed with a long draw.
“I didn’t know you were keeping such close tabs on me, lover”.
Jake wasn’t trying to insinuate you were going to say anything to the cops about his whereabouts. No, he was curious for other reasons about who you were spending your time around.
“Just didn’t think coppers were your type is all”. He took another drag, then reached over to gently put it out, packing the stub back into the box and leaving it on the nightstand. You guessed when you didn’t know how long it would be before you felt safe enough to show your face in a store then you made what you had last.
“He’s a detective,” you corrected matter-of-factly “and what would my type be then?” Reaching over you smoothed your hand over the expanse of his twisted side, wrapping it around his chest as he settled back down once more. “Devilishly handsome, mysterious, long haired men on the run for felony robbery? I’ll have you know, I’m a very respectable woman that can not be seen with the likes”. You giggled as you cuddled down into his side.
“Devilishly handsome hmm?” He smiled widely as he let his arm that you were now resting your head on wrap around your shoulder. “I’ll have you know, that if I ever had a teacher as beautiful as you I might have stayed in school a little longer”. He stared up at the ceiling, only stealing quick downwards glances towards you to make sure you were staying awake since you had made yourself so comfortable in the crook of his arm.
“I’m a grade school teacher Jacob” you were scolding him, but rubbing little circles on his chest with the pads of your fingers. “The boys in my classroom can hardly sit next to a girl, let alone be eying their teacher”.
“Well, I hardly made it past then. Numbers and letters never made as much sense to me as music notes did” the joking tone in his voice turned into something more along the lines of regret. Regret for many things, for not finishing school, for getting into as many fights as he did, for screwing it up with you.
“Do you like him? He treats you right?” He turned the conversation back around, not wanting to spend too much time reminiscing.
You let your fingers steady, flattening your palm as you sighed. That was a complicated question. If he had asked you just a few years ago, you’d assure him that you would never be happy with anyone else. Now, moving on felt like your best option.
“Yeah, he does. He’s the type to propose soon too, very gentlemanly, will hardly lay a finger on me”.
He took your stilled hand in his, holding your touch to his skin for as long as he could.
“That’s good doll, real good, you deserve someone who can give you everything” he’d stopped sneaking glances now, fixated on the ceiling as he finished his thought in a whisper. “Everything I can’t give you”.
“So I guess this was it then. That was the last time?” Your words stung in your throat as you tried to continue to speak, but you fought through it because you knew the end needed to come. You needed to be done with Jacob Kiszka and he needed to be finally done with you.
Craning your neck to look at him, he finally moved to meet your eyes as well. You tried not to think about it too much, but looking at him now made you question how years of teenage pining for each other, and all the passionate nights losing yourselves in each other ignoring the trivialities of the outside world, could all boil down to this.
“No darling,” he rolled over until he was back on top of you “this is the last time”. With a roll of his hips he was back inside you, moving at an antagonizing slow pace that felt like every inch of him was being pulled in and caressed by every inch of you.
“This is the last time?” You repeated as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him even closer to you.
“Shhh” he whispered against your neck, placing sweet kisses everywhere he could as he fucked you again only this time slowly and oh so lovingly.
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
🍃Gifts To and From🔥
Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader FLUFF
Izuku Midoriya x GN!Reader FLUFF
Hello everyone! I'm super happy with this post -specifically for Shoto’s. IDK I just really love it! Thank you all for the support and as always feel free to leave a request🤍 If you want to see the last post to this series(?), click here for Part 4
INFO: Characters are aged up unless specifically mentioned they are not. This is not canon and is just for fun, I do not mean to anger or offend people.
❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
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When the reporters found out it was your birthday: shit got crazy.
—>“What did he get you?”
—> “How much did he spend?”
—>“How many diamonds?”
—> “Was it something for the bed-“
“Enough! He got me breakfast.”
—> “Like from France- oh was it covered in gold leaf”
“No, it was a drink from Starbucks and (enter whatever ya like)”
—> “Wait, he didn’t get you anything?”
People ask you why he’s so cheap.
—>“He has all that money, doesn’t he?! Why won’t he actually buy you something for your birthday?”
You shoot back- “he’s not a damn bank! He’s my boyfriend. He doesn’t need some fancy golden diamond whatever to show he loves me!”
Takes a long time to actually engrave that in Shoto’s brain -that he doesn’t need to buy you the world.
On your first date when you both were in the U.A. He tried to buy you a golden, diamond, thingy - yeah no.
He’s currently a pro hero now, and you both graduated around 5 years ago. He doesn’t buy you jewelry, or cars, or anything like that. He gets you stuff for cooking. Since you like to cook/bake for the two of you.
You say you made the soup with love, NO IT’S NOT BOTTLE YOU CAN BUY
The first time you told him that, the boy looked confused- like is that possible? But then he eats it and he’s like ‘oh. Oh, are you sure that isn't an ingredient?’
Will come behind you and hug you while you cook, lips pressed to your shoulder blade, and ask :
“making it with love?”
“Of course Sho” you laugh
He did end up getting you a necklace for your 3rd anniversary. (It was after the notion of not needing to buy you stuff was engraved into his head.) It's a pretty silver necklace. A thin silver chain with a little salt shaker charm on it, like the ones you’d find in dinner, with the words ‘made with love’ engraved on the back.
You hugged him so tight the day he got you that. He had just come home from patrol and had this flat little teal box. He understood jewelry more than anything after that- it’s supposed to be meaningful.
He'll rest his forehead on your collarbones, his nose touching the little charm that hangs from your neck as his arms wrap around you.
“Sho what are you doing?” You laugh, staring down at the pro hero who just got out of work.
“Just refilling on love”
Oh! At one gala you wore the necklace because screw Endeavor- “
“Not fancy my ass I’ll show him how fancy my love can be.” Sho just smiled. His cufflinks match your necklace.
His home screen is a picture of you mid-fall. The noodle dish you made, coming apart in the mid-air. You look like you’re about to topple over any second, balancing on one leg as the bowl is only in contact with your fingertips. You had asked him earlier to get a picture of you turn with the dish, thinking it would be funny. Or cute. You don’t know- it was meant to be fun. What you didn’t anticipate was Marshy(your cat) sprinting in front of you.
▪️Izuku Midoriya▪️
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Izuku never realized how soft his hair could be until you bought him this certain brand of conditioner.
Hair is like a cloud after you taught him how to take care of it. And his hair looks so… tamed? Like each curl is defined and shiny.
“It- it looks so good!”
He feels more confident and even looks more confident in the photos published by reporters.
He turned pale the first time he saw the price tag of the products you bought him for his hair but you just said.
“You're worth it ZooZoo. Plus it feels nice, right?”
He couldn't stop running his fingers through it- you couldn’t either.
Izuku has a thing for shoes- and it’s not like Kirishima with crocs-
He likes to buy you shoes.
And if you have feet or leg issues(from past injuries or pressure sensitivity etc) he spends so much time researching and sifting through reviews to ensure you’re comfortable.
His heart melted when you came home wearing these nice (pretty) green and black sneakers that match his hero uniform.
They're pictures on the web fans made which show pictures of you wearing your sneakers(a little bit creepy ngl) and pictures of his hero costume and pointing out all the similarities.
The fans fricken LOVE that you both match. To a point, they will send both of you matching sweatshirts, shirts, and pants(or he’ll get a pair of pants and you’ll get a skirt with a similar pattern to his pants if that's what you prefer).
The man picked you up and spun you around when he SEES YOU WEARING ALL MIGHT PLATFORM SNEAKERS(or just ALL MIGHT sneakers if you are not into platforms.)
You both have a lot of matching shoes- converse, sneakers, and his dress shoes are red to match your red heels and/or dress shoes.
He totally had a pair of sneakers that have blues prints of hero costumes as well as a pair of white sneakers that just say ‘shoes’
Izuku ends up giving you your favorite pair of sneakers for your birthday. He hand-painted them, swirls of your favorite colors skillfully and painstakingly done. The words “I love you” are written on the side of the shoes in his handwriting. You love them. And wear that everywhere.
His Lock Screen looks like this:
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hchollym · 1 year
I saw your post about asoiaf character headcanons https://www.tumblr.com/hchollym/656295257177276416/who-are-some-of-your-head-cannons-for-characters and I’m begging for more Willas Tyrell headcanons! Anything you have! What is he into? You said he makes nerdy jokes. Whats his personality like?
How does he feel about the whole “potentially engaged to Sansa thing” and how did he feel when she was forced to marry Tyrion? (I cant imagine he would have been in love w her immediately if they married, bc she is 13 (3 years younger than Margery) and he is at least in his 24-27ish in current book canon)
It's been a while since I got an asoiaf ask, so this was fun! 😃
I'm sorry it took so long to respond though. 🙁
More Willas Tyrell Headcanons:
-He has brown curly hair and hazel eyes.
-He's definitely an introvert. He's very kind and genuine, and some people are drawn to that (like Oberyn), but he's not naturally charming or assertive, so he finds social situations a little more difficult to navigate.
-He enjoys astronomy (since he likes looking at the stars) and drawing/painting (since he drew pictures for Margaery when she was little).
-He's not great at expressing his feelings. He knows how to - he's very self-aware - but he has a tendency to hide his insecurities/sadness and keep things inside, because he already feels physically vulnerable due to his leg, and he's afraid to be emotionally vulnerable too.
-He loves all animals (including cats and dogs), and he always names them after historical figures.
-He can never admit it out loud (because he's a Tyrell), but he gets tired of the smell/sight of roses (they have far too strong of a floral scent). Because of this, he grows his own little garden of Iris Blue Rhythms (but he has it fenced off because they're toxic to dogs). These flowers are a pretty blue and lemon-scented (which is actually his favorite scent, because he loves how fresh it smells).
Headcanons About Willas' Thoughts on Sansa:
-I'm not sure he even knew about the plan until after it was ruined. Mace didn't know, and Olenna may very well have kept that secret close to her chest until after she arrived in King's Landing.
-Once he found out, he was definitely concerned by her age. Even by Westeros' standards, Sansa was still young for marriage, and since she was three years younger than Margaery (his baby sister), he saw her as a child.
-He protested an immediate wedding and argued for a long betrothal, and he only backed down when Margaery told him about the abuse Sansa suffered at Joffrey's hands. At that point, he realized that marrying her quickly was the only way to protect her, and he agreed because it was the chivalrous thing to do.
-He was horrified when he found out that she was married to Tyrion, because 1. Her age was still a factor, and he assumed that Tyrion would consummate the marriage; 2. Tyrion was a part of the family that killed Sansa's father, and he knew that would be traumatizing for her, especially because it meant that she would be stuck around the Lannisters for the rest of her life; and 3. He knew Sansa imagined a much "better" husband than a dwarf (and by Westeros' tradition, it was honestly an insult to marry her to Tyrion).
-He was also disappointed because he knew that Sansa was the best political match he could ever make, and even if she never loved him, he thought that she would at least enjoy Highgarden & he would keep her safe.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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420korn · 1 year
(a really bad first fanfic..!)
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dwayne was nervous. like stupidly nervous. he bit his nails and tapped his feet over and over again. he starred at the big nietzsche sheet in his room. he felt stupid for being nervous..he was nervous because you were coming over to his house, finally after the road trip. so much happened. the had gotten banned from any beauty pageant in california, his grandpa died, but what he was most nervous about was..his voice.you had never. and i mean NEVER. heard his voice before. you had heard chuckles and little quiet laughs.. but never his actual voice. ‘what if she hates it. what if she thinks it’s stupid and laughs at me.’ not that he CARED or anything. but..he just wanted to sound cool..for you.
you on the other hand were ecstatic. dwayne was your best friend. even if you had only know him for a couple of months you grew close. close enough to where you met his family, got to go through his room, and even seen baby pictures. you didn’t have many friends, and neither did dwayne. you guys were like a match made in heaven. though one thing about dwayne is that.. he doesn’t really speak. ever since you met him he hadn’t spoke. he explained why in a long note written on his note pad. you understood why and never really bugged him about it. yes, thinking about what his voice sounded like when you heard a little laugh or something drove you crazy, but you never really said anything. you really wanted to hear his voice because you kinda developed a crush on him.
you really loved everything about him. his hair, his style, his sense of humor, his handwriting, the little smirk he does when you say something funny. he really just drove you crazy. but now you were seeing him. and you couldn’t be happier.
before you knew it you were raising your hand to knock on his door. you waited patiently playing with your sweater and rocking back and forth. the door slightly opened as you saw dwayne’s mom open the door. “oh!” she said quietly as she swung the door open “hey y/n!” you smirked and waved. “hi mrs.hoover..” you said quietly. “DWAYNE Y/N IS HERE.” she said slightly shouting.
dwayne’s heart stopped as he heard your mom say that. he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even realize the time. he quickly put some stuff away and ran to the door. “hi dwayne!” you said while taking off your shoes. you walked over smiling at him. “i missed you.” you said looking up at him. he nodded quickly and led you to his room, blushing slightly at the comment.
“soooooo…how was your trip!!” you said laying down on his bed. dwayne sat down slowly next to you. he didn’t know how to do this. he realized just ripping off the band-aid was the best option. he took a small deep breath in and slowly spoke.
“it was fine..”
you didn’t even realize he spoke at first. you thought someone was at the door tricking you. that’s when you saw no one..except dwayne?
“i said it was fine y/n.”
you got up quickly, mouth wide open.
dwayne giggled and looked at you. “i speak now.” he said looking down. “ but.. what about nietzsche..the vow. what happened??” you said trying to process how beautiful he sounded.
“well turns out i’m colorblind. meaning i can’t be a pilot. yeah..” he said sadly. “oh my god. dwayne..i’m really sorry.” you said trying to comfort him. “it’s fine. i don’t really care..” you looked at dwayne knowing he was lying but didn’t want to talk about it. you tried to change the subject.. knowing it was the best thing to do.
“you sound..really nice though..” you said hiding your face in your hands. dwayne blushed hard. and i mean hard. he didn’t think you would say that. all that worrying for nothing. “thank you..” he said sheepishly.
 Hours passed..
you had been talking to dwayne the whole time. asking him about anything and everything, just to hear his voice. you never thought he would sound this.
“dwayne. i love your voice.”
your eyes widened. you didn’t really mean to say it like that..
“thank you..” he said blush tinting he cheeks again.
you couldn’t take it anymore. you loved dwayne and you couldn’t sit here and act like you didn’t. you couldn’t sit here and act like you only wanted to be friends. you needed to tell him now.
“um. dwayne.. can i please tell you something..”
“yes y/n?”
the way he said your name made this urge to tell him stronger. hoping he would feel the same way. hoping he would confess his love too..
“can you please promise we will still be friends. no matter what?”
“of course. nothing will change that. now tell me. you’re scaring me.”
you took a deep breath in and looked in his eyes
and you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
his eyes widen. panic starts to set in as you realized he probably didn’t feel the same. god you felt so stupid. of course someone as perfect as dwayne wouldn’t like you back. dwayne moved closer to you, your panic starting to slowly slip away. dwyane admires your perfect face, blushing, a smile was then plastered on his face.
“i’ve been in love with you for..forever.”
“that was really straightforward.”
you said smiling
he blushed at how perfect your smile looked in the moment. the way your hair was all messed up from laying down and moving around so much, how the white lamp in his room somehow made you look so beautiful. he couldn’t believe you..the prettiest girl he has ever seen…liked him.
“can i..like..”
“kiss me nerd.” you said forming the words for him
he slowly kissed you moving his lips to match yours. moving his cold hand to your cheek, smiling against your lips.
you caught your breath after the life changing kiss. he liked you. you liked him. and you both couldn’t be happier. you buried your head in the crook of his neck as you took a deep breath.
and..he speaks 🏷️
ALRIGHT THAT WAS IT..! i don’t even know if i really like it but if you guys have suggestions please do give me them. i really wanna fix my writing and make it better. LOVE U ☺️
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ladyescapism · 8 months
The Fourth Archer Sister - Part 2
summary: the baby of the family, Deirdre Archeron, is growing up and finding herself. on place she has already found is in a unknowingly requited crush with a certain shadow singer. will they be able to find each other? or will expectations, honor, and other forces get in the way?
Part 1
Part 3
a/n: we got some dual pov going on here! hope you enjoy!
warnings: none, I think
wc: 1,400
Azriel winnowed out of that hallway as soon as the door shut behind him. 
Did he seriously just insinuate to Dierdre, little Deirdre Archeron, baby of the family, female he had known since she was a mere 17 years old, that asking him for sex was an option? 
Yes, yes he did. 
And if he didn’t hate himself enough already, he couldn’t get the look on her face the moment she realized what he said and before she got embarrassed and probably a little sacred.  
The way her big, blue eyes widened. The way her lips parted as her breath got faster. The way she had to tilt her head to look him in the eye. It made him think of very compromising posit- 
No! No, you’re not doing this again, not with another Archeron sister. 
He cringed as the thoughts of masturbating to the image of Elain came back to him. Gods, what was wrong with him. 
He felt the tightening in his chest and in his balls, though he was a master at ignoring both sensations.
He decided to try and sleep tonight instead of going to train like he usually did. He was actually tired for once and training while semi-hard was never fun. 
The next morning was fun, per usual. Marking another year that the brothers pounded each other with snow in the most affectionate way possible. It was the time in the sauna that Cassian made difficult. 
“Did D talk to you any last night?” 
“We made conversation.” 
“She’s been off lately,” Cassian mused. “I can’t explain it. Maybe everything with Elain getting married and moving to the Day Court and Nesta getting pregnant is overwhelming her?” 
He looked at Azriel. 
“What do you think?” 
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. Deirdre didn’t say anything about being upset about the recent changes in her family, but it’s not like they are close. 
“You sure?” entered a new voice. 
Azriel turned his head as Rhys gave him a pointed look. His tone was friendly, his gaze was not. 
He could hear the silent message. ‘Don’t start messing around with another Archeron sister, especially giving the shit show that you caused when you messed with Elain.’ 
“Maybe she needs a boyfriend,” Cassian said, trying to defuse the tension in the sauna. “Do we know any males good enough for her that we can set her up with?” 
Nausea roiled in Azriel’s gut as he pictured Deirdre with another male. Kissing him, making lov-
Nope not going to go there, not today at least. 
“No,” Rhys mused. “Maybe we can get Mor to play match maker. She would love it.” 
His brothers continued on as Azriel tried to sort himself out. 
You have no claim to her, he scolded to himself. She is a young, beautiful female but she is also your sister-in-law, that you have known since she was a child. You just need to get laid. That’s all. Go into town and find a willing female to fuc- 
“Did you hear me?” Cassian said, jostling his shoulder. 
Azriel shook his head no. 
“You and D are always ignoring me when I try to talk. Anyways, do you think we should try and find a decent Illyrian male to set her up with or someone in town?” 
“Don’t try to set her up with anyone,” he nearly growled. “She’ll find love in her own time.” 
Even though the thought of Deirdre with another male made him irrationally angry, he did want to see her happy. 
“Alright, I’ll give it up for now,” Cassian said, amused at Azriel’s reaction. 
But he was already lost in memories of when he saw Deirdre truly happy. She was always smiling at everyone. Most of the time, the smiles went to her eyes, because she was the type of person to be happy or grateful when the smallest things happen. But when she really smiled, she smiled with her whole face. Her eyes lit up, her teeth bared, and her nose scrunched. 
He had seen that smile exactly three times in the years that he’s known her: when Feyre returned from the Spring Court, when she made the uphill walk from Palace of Thread and Jewels to the River House without breaks or assistance, and when she held Nyx for the first time. 
Should he be jealous of a baby getting smiled at? No. Was he? Yes. Was he going to rot in hell? Absolutely. 
These visits used to just be Deirdre and Feyre, but Nesta joined in once she discovered she was pregnant to commiserate with Feyre. Due to never having any experience with the subject, she was normally just an observer. 
“Have you discussed names yet,” Feyre asked her sister. 
“Endlessly,” she sighed. “But to no avail. Everything Cassian wants is too plain or common for my taste but everything I want, I quote, ‘is going to get them made fun of.’” 
“Illyrians place a lot of importance on a child’s name,” Feyre explained. “They want to name to channel a trait that they want the child to have. That’s why so many traditional Illyrian names mean ‘strong’ or ‘brave’ or something similar.” 
“You should do a music related name,” Deirdre suggested. “You know because your mate bond clicked in after he gave you that Symphonia.” 
“I like the idea, but I can’t think of any non-basic names that have something to do with music,” Nesta, much to Deirdre’s surprise, agreed. 
“What do you think of the name ‘Cana’,” Deirdre offered. “It was the name of this priestess who was world-renowned for her musical ability. Musicians, dancers, and other performers from all over would seek her out gain her blessing. It’s unique but has a strong meaning. But it would only be for a girl, of course.” 
Nesta considered it for a moment and nodded her head. 
“Oh, she’s a girl alright,” Cassian shouted from the foyer.
“I though you two wanted to wait to find out the gender.” 
“We are,” Nesta said. “This one is just certain that the babe is a girl.” 
“Father’s intuition,” he gloated. 
Rhys waltzed in; face flushed from the cold. As he leaned over to give Feyre a kiss, Deirdre looked towards the foyer in search of Azriel. 
“He’s gone up to the roof to get away from us,” Cassian told her, knowing who she was looking for. “We were annoying him in the sauna today.” 
“Shocker,” Deirdre drawled as she rose from her seat and made her way to the staircase. 
Surprisingly, no one said anything about her going off in search of the Shadow Singer, although she could feel Rhys’ questioning eyes burning into the back of her skull. 
She’d deal with his nosey-ness later. 
She found Azriel sitting on the roof of the River House. 
“There you are,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I was wondering where you had run off to.” 
He just nodded once, only sparing her a short glance. 
“Do you mind if I join you?” 
He just nodded again. 
“What were your brother’s saying that annoyed you?” 
Az just looked at her, in that way that seemed like he was peering into her soul. “Just nonsense.” 
“Nonsense has you up here freezing your butt off to avoid them?” 
“They want to set you up with someone.” 
Deirdre just made an “O’ shape with her mouth. “Like romantically?” 
Again, the bastard just nodded. She didn’t have the capacity to be even half-heartly annoyed with him right now. 
“Who did they have in mind,” she asked, hoping her joking tone came through.
“‘No’ they didn’t have anyone in mind or-”
“‘No’ as in no one is setting you up with anyone,” he growled. “You’re too young for all that. So, no dating or getting set up for you.” 
She felt the indignation rise in her chest.
“First of all, who do you think you are to tell me when I can or cannot date,” she said. He tried to open his mouth to get a word in, but she just kept going.
“Secondly, I am 21 godsdamned years old and I’ll go out on as many dates as I see fit, given that I’m an adult who can make her own decisions.” 
“I’m your brother-in-law,” he tried to explain. 
“No you are not,” she scoffed, enunciating each word. “Besides, if we wanted to go along with the archaic rules about who gets to pick who I ‘court’, that would be Rhys’ or Cassian’s job, not yours, as they are technically, my closest living male relatives. And not that it is any of your business, we have had this conversation, Rhys, Feyre, and I about me going out and they don’t care so long as I’m safe.” 
Now she was winded. 
He just looked stunned. 
“I-,” he started. 
She just spun on her heel and headed towards the door. 
tag list:
@feysandzoyalailover @fanfictioniseverything @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @singhillada @marina468
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