#i see you signed it Sammy may i call you that now!!!
Hihihi it's me again 💃
Not sure if it's Legacy or us that keeps building the moth nests but I present to you another doodle~
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My phone is on 4% but I had to send this in :3
i fully believe that Foul Legacy was the one who initially built the blanket nests, only for you to add more pillows and quilts for optimal snuggling, so now you build nests together to bond :>
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
you're not santa
i may or may not be having a small (this is a lie) crisis over liam believing in santa this year? i am 90% certain he doesn't actually believe in santa and just said he does because he thinks the cool gifts come from santa. meanwhile i am just trying to get the vibes on if i need two wrapping papers this year or not for the same amount of gifts. so anyways working through the feelings with putting the idiots in the situation as always, enjoy.
rated t | cw: the mildest innuendo | tags: fluff, modern au, married steddie, steddie dads, the magic of christmas is all of it not just santa etc
"You better be quieter this year," Steve slapped Eddie's still bare ass as he hurried to throw on his Christmas pajamas. "Almost woke Maddy up last year. You're lucky I was standing by the door."
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly. "Well, maybe if you hadn't turned the-"
"Just go!" Steve laughed, throwing a pillow at him with deadly accuracy.
Eddie threw it back at him with a smirk. "When I get back, I'm giving you your present."
"You already did, Eds."
"No, that was just one of them," Eddie rushed to say before leaving their bedroom and quietly closing the door behind him.
Both bedroom doors were closed across the hall, so he quickly made his way down the stairs to the garage, where all the gifts were hiding since Robin dropped them off earlier that day.
But when Eddie opened the garage door and flipped the light switch, a voice startled him into nearly turning and running.
"I knew it!"
Their oldest son had been acting very suspicious of Santa related discussions for months now, and Steve had warned him that he was getting to an age where a lot of his friends probably didn't believe in Santa anymore.
"Sammy, why aren't you in your bed?" Eddie put his hands on his hips, identical to the way Steve stood when he was about to have a very serious conversation with one of their three kids.
"Because I saw Auntie Rob bring in a big bag earlier and you and Dad were trying to keep us distracted. So I looked out here while you were cleaning up dinner and saw all these presents." Sammy was standing with his hands on his hips, a mirror image to Steve in every way down to the same swoop of hair and freckles across his cheeks. "And all of these say from Santa, but Santa wouldn't have even come here yet because he was in London one hour ago and London is at least four hours from here!"
Eddie bit back a laugh at how Sammy tried to explain his way through the Santa gifts being here.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Eddie asked, dropping his arms and sitting down on the ground, gesturing for Sammy to join him.
"I already know Santa isn't real," Sammy said as he sat, sounding absolutely miserable.
"What do you mean Santa isn't real?" Eddie asked, pretending to be shocked at the revelation.
"Really, pops? You're gonna act like Santa is real?" Sammy got the sass from Steve, too. It was both annoying and adorable. "I'm seeing the evidence that he isn't with my own eyes."
"Look, Sammy, can I call you Sammy?" Eddie smiled when Sammy let out a laugh. "Santa as you know him isn't real, you're right. But there is a Santa. He's just so busy and can't do it all in one night, so he has presents delivered early for some people, like you and your brother and sister. But he can't ruin the magic, so he left them at Auntie Rob's house for safekeeping."
It sounded airtight. Any kid who wanted to believe in Santa would definitely believe that.
"Dad. Seriously." Sammy was giving him The Look. "I'm nine years old. I have straight As. I'm not stupid."
Which was something Eddie knew of course. He was endlessly proud of all of his super smart kids who did a million times better in school than he and Steve ever did.
But he didn't think believing in Santa was a sign of a kid not being smart.
"You're smart enough to learn the truth, which is that Santa gives the parents a lot more control than we let you think. Don't you think it would be harder to get Maddy to do her homework if I said 'Dad will take a present away' instead of 'Santa is watching to make sure you do your homework'?"
Sammy looked out at the garage, the clutter of children's outdoors toys and broken Christmas decorations and bulk snacks for lunchboxes scattered around.
"So he just gives you the toys when he thinks we've been good enough for them?" Sammy asked, still sounding unsure.
"Exactly! And he usually delivers them a couple weeks early so we can make sure they're wrapped and ready for tomorrow."
"So why keep it all a secret?"
Damn Sammy for always being two steps ahead of Eddie.
"It's more fun this way! Olivia was so excited to leave out cookies before bed, remember? If we told her this, she wouldn't even get to be excited about Rudolph eating the carrots, right?"
"So Rudolph is...real?"
"Okay, that one might be a lie," Eddie gave in on that to sell the rest of it. That's what you had to do with Sammy.
"So who eats the carrots?"
"I take bites and spit them in the trash. You know I hate carrots."
"Why don't you make Dad do it?" Sammy leaned against Eddie's side, letting out a long yawn. He was probably sitting out here for the last couple of hours waiting. He had to be exhausted.
"Dad did a lot of that stuff when you were really little. For five whole years before we switched."
"So he sleeps while you bring out all the presents?"
Eddie's face went red as he thought about what Steve was probably doing in their room right now.
"Yep! He did a lot of baking and stuff all day today so I let him rest," Eddie wrapped an arm around Sammy as his weight became heavier against him. "I think you should probably get some rest, too. Santa wouldn't want your Christmas morning ruined because you stayed up all night."
"I guess." Sammy yawned again. "Can I sleep on the couch?"
"You know Dad's rule. Bedrooms only on Christmas."
"Yeah, but that was for the secret. Now I know."
"But Maddy and Olivia don't. We have to keep this a secret from them, okay?" Eddie paused when he heard some footsteps directly above them. His brows furrowed.
"Maybe Santa forgot one?" Sammy asked, perking up.
"Maybe. Better get to your bed so he doesn't see that you're awake," Eddie nudged him.
No sooner had the words left his mouth than Sammy was rushing out of the garage and up the stairs to his bedroom.
Eddie looked above him, but no more bumps could be heard.
After setting all the presents under the tree in a mostly organized fashion, Eddie got back to the bedroom, where Steve was fast asleep.
He got into bed carefully, not wanting to wake him up, but Steve's eyes blinked open slowly as he curled up under the comforter.
"Took you too long," Steve whispered.
"What?" Steve's eyes opened all the way and tears were instantly filling them. "Does he know?"
"Sh," Eddie pulled Steve against his chest and ran his hands through his soft hair. "I'll tell you tomorrow. Sleep, love."
They heard a small bump on the roof and then silence.
Steve sat up and looked out the bedroom window, then back at Eddie.
"What was that?"
"Must've been Santa," Eddie teased.
Steve rolled his eyes.
They both stayed up for a bit longer to make sure no other noises happened outside, but fell asleep when there was nothing.
The next morning, all three kids jumped into their bed, yelling about how many presents Santa brought them and how full their stockings were.
Steve and Eddie made their way downstairs, rubbing their eyes as the kids pushed them down on the couch while they started grabbing gifts.
By the end, the kids were so busy playing with new toys, they didn't notice one more present hiding between the fireplace and the tree. Eddie reached over for it, not recognizing the wrapping paper.
"Did Robbie say she was getting them something else?" he asked, holding the gift out to Steve.
"Nope," Steve took it, checked the tag, then handed it back to Eddie with a shrug. "Says it's for you."
Wayne wouldn't be bringing his gifts for everyone over until that afternoon, so who could this one even be from?
He opened it carefully, worried that it was a prank by Steve and the kids. It wouldn't be the first time they managed to pull off a prank gift.
The confusion only increased when he pulled out a small plastic replica of the London Bridge.
"You don't even like London that much. Who got you that?" Steve asked, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"No idea."
Sammy looked up at them over the new book about planets he got and beamed.
"Santa brought you a present!"
Eddie was suddenly reminded of their conversation last night, how Sammy insisted Santa was just in London and couldn't possibly have made it here.
Eddie had seen a lot of weird things in his life, had ignored a lot of them and passed them up to weird coincidence, but this was different.
He set the replica on the table by the couch and wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders, kissing the top of his head as he leaned further into him.
"Santa?" Steve asked.
"Must've been a good boy this year," Eddie smiled.
"Uh-huh. I'm sure you were," Steve kissed his cheek before turning back to watch their kids playing on the floor.
Maybe Eddie would have to write a letter to Santa next year to thank him for the gift.
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
Back Into Trouble (Winchester!Reader x Winchester Bros PLATONIC)
A sequel to Brother Mine
This fic takes place somewhere near the end of season 1, after episode 19 but before episode 20. In addition, there's a song called Brother Mine that is really sweet and cute especially if put into this context of being Sam and Dean's, but especially Dean's, older brother. "I know that I sit and I worry too much/Especially when you come home such a sight/But I guess what you've got to do, boy, you go ahead and do it/And I sure hope things will be all right"
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You may not have enjoyed returning to hunting, but you're damn good at it.
Although it's made even more frustrating when your father actually calls in.
You're not so thrilled about continuing on this... gallivanting cross-country, especially when John is chasing down the demon that killed your mother.
But Sam seems to have come to terms with it, though you honestly feel like that might have more to do with his desire to avenge Jess.
The real problem you see with your little brothers is their inability to let go.
You had all been raised by John in the hunting lifestyle, the family business.
But it's been decades since your mother's death. A horrible thing, that you have had to come to terms with having no real answers for.
And you can understand the desire for vengeance, for a clear-cut answer that will "solve everything."
It won't.
Something you've tried to get your brothers to think about is the future. About what they want out of their lives.
Because you remember how it was, living completely in the moment, day to day, hunt to hunt. And it was Bobby who pointed out that you had potential, that you deserved a life, if not now, then at least the promise of one.
So you convince them to take a rest in Massachusetts after leaving a hunt. Just to take a couple of days for hanging out.
Dean wants to see the Cheers bar and Sam wants to visit the Old North Church, so you get an actual hotel suite in Boston.
You check in with your colleagues and employees, apologizing for being incommunicado for so long. Thankfully the hotel has a business center with a fax machine you can sign invoices and contracts with.
Dean looks at you curiously. "So... you really did just... start a business?"
"Technically I bought it out from the owner who wanted to retire. So more... maintaining."
"You really are just... out of the life."
"I was, til you two called me."
"...sorry." Dean mumbles, and you grab his shoulder.
"Don't be. I was never doing this for Dad. I'm here for you and for Sammy."
Dean nods thoughtfully.
"You saw him. With that girl at the art gallery. He liked her. She liked him."
"And you... with Cassie."
"Your point being?"
"Life keeps building off-ramps for you but you keep on truckin down this road."
Dean scowls. "Look, I'm not stupid. I know this life is dangerous. I know my days are probably numbered. But I'm making a difference. I'm saving people."
"What about you?"
He blinks. "What about me?"
"I'm done trying to force you out of the life, Dean. It's your choice. When we finally deal with all this shit - when the bastard that killed Mom is dead and you and Sam are finally free... I'm not gonna stop you if you go back to hunting."
"You're not?"
You nod. "But I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose contact with you again. I'll be there when you need a place to crash or a voice to call. Maybe you'll even visit me.
"Just... I need you to promise me you're not gonna run yourself into the ground. None of this has been your fault. It's not your fault about Mom, and it wasn't your fault I left, and it's not your fault that Dad couldn't really be a dad to us."
Dean wants to protest but you shush him. "You're gonna do what you do. And I'm gonna stop hunting again. For good this time. But when you decide it's time to come home... I hope you come to me, little brother."
You stand up then, leaving Dean to his thoughts. He's quiet for the rest of the day, but you feel an almost companionable nature to the silence.
And just maybe, after this all... maybe your brothers will follow you away from the things that go bump in the night.
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oddballwriter · 3 months
The Second: Go Around
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Summary: Upon some further reflection and revelations, Steven finds out that he may have ruined something that he didn't know was there in the first place. But he doesn't even have enough time to think on that due to an unexpected event.
Warnings: Angst, pining, implied unrequited pining, jealousy, sudden turns in plot near the end, mentions of kidnapping and a character getting kidnaped along with an attempt to kidnap the reader
Author’s Snip: Surprise! I've been cooking this up in the drafts for a while now. Technically, it was done, but I was in the trenches of studying for finals week and wanted to see if I could add to it once everything was done. But I figured that this was great as is. So she got a little bit of extra time to marinate.
Notes: This will in fact be a series on my blog so be sure to give some support for a part three.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1,171
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @autismsupermusicalassassin @spicydonut25 @ominoose @iheartlovesickmen
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It should be fun, meeting your best friend's childhood friend. But it leaves something sour in Steven's mouth and puts a pit in his stomach. Something about seeing it, being in the atmosphere of it, hearing jokes and laughs fly by like rapid-fire but not feeling involved in it. Not being in on the joke or being in the dynamic. It plucks at the strings in his heart in all the wrong ways. But he doesn't know why.
You clearly want the two key halves of your life to combine and get along but something inside of him bars him from fully doing it. He sits there listening to you laugh and smile at everything Samson says meanwhile he only gets a nod, and then it's right back to Samson.
You do talk to him of course. You prompt conversation between the two of them but he bars up when Samson starts talking. He seems to just naturally take up all the attention with his stories and references.
It feels torturous when it's meant to be joyous.
Steven can't put the feeling into words until Marc says it.
"Jealousy" he says.
"You're jealous that that Sammy guy is getting all of her attention instead of you," Marc explains. Steven scrunches his nose in disagreement, "I am not." he claims.
"Steven, you just sit there and silently sulk while you watch them talk, and then when they do involve you you just pass it off and then continue to sulk till whatever hang out the three of you are doing is over, and then you sulk a little more." Marc bluntly lays out. "I just don't know what to say. I feel like a third wheel when I'm with them." Steven says to defend his so-called sulking. "Then just talk to her for a bit and then if Sammy comes in you go off that." Marc recommends, "I know you don't do good with new people but I'm sure it'll be fine, they can just translate what gets lost." Marc points out, mentioning that you could act as a safety shoot for Steven.
"It feels inappropriate though, I feel like if I say something then it'll be awkward. I'm outside of their dynamic." Steven excuses.
"You want to know what's inappropriate, Steven?" Marc asks, "Making out with someone right in front of your friend while on a mission to stop the uprising of the apocalypse that they've accidentally been involved in." Marc mentions, "That's third wheeling." Marc concludes. "I get it, shame on me for kissing Layla. Thanks. The punch to the face really sent some mixed signals." Steven remarks sarcastically. "That is not the conversation we're having right now, Steven." Marc claims. "Well, then what is the conversation, Marc?" Steven questions.
Marc sighs, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but after all the signs, you don't get to be jealous because her childhood friend is in town." Marc says. "Excuse me? What are you on about? What signs?" Steven asks. Marc pinches the bridge of his nose in disappointment, "Damnit, I really didn't give you enough social awareness when you reformed after mom died, did I?" Marc grumbles.
"All the times she would make time to be around you. The times she could go out of her way to sit with you when you were on lunch break at the museum and then visit the museum to drop by the gift shop and talk to you on your shift. Going to your flat to watch documentaries with you. All the compliments, and comments, and check-ins, and phone calls. And the time she bakes vegan cookies for you." Marc lists off, sparing no detail. Steven stands there as Marc goes off, slowly and almost painfully coming to the realization as he goes on and on, finally seeing it and having it hit him.
"She liked you, Steven. She liked you a lot." Marc says. "She was practically giggling and twirling her hair like a schoolgirl anytime she talked to you." Marc adds.
Steven continues to stand there, shocked at this revelation and the stupid amount of time it took him to finally see it. Steven can only bring himself to ask "What... do I do now?".
"Well, that depends," Marc answers, "Do you like her back?" he questions. Steven thinks about it further and much to his own horror and dismay, he feels the feelings bloom from his chest, unpleasantly violent. Steven never answers but judging by the "hm" from Marc, he can see the blushing horror all over Steven's face. "That's unfortunate, Steven," he says.
"I really wish I could fix this for you, but I don't think I can, buddy." Marc solemnly confesses. "No..." Steven mutters, in denial, "You can manage something. You're good with people and getting them to turn around. I'm sure you can help me with something. Wingman something up for m-" Steven babbles, trying to reason out a way. "Steven, I think too many things are in the way of that now." Marc breaks to Steven, "You're not just Steven anymore. Now it's you, me, and Jake, not to mention that this whole thing also involves Layla too. And you might be a bit too late for the ship. She's probably taken her loss and moving on." Marc explains.
"So I should just move on too after just finding out about all this?" Steven asks.
"You do what you want Steven, but I can only help you so much. This is your own can of beans that you need to sort out." Marc says, "But you might have a disadvantage now instead of an advantage.".
Just as Steven taking it all in and what Marc is implying when saying that Steven has a 'disadvantage', he hears frantic knocking at his door.
He warily goes over to the door, unsure of who would be trying to see him right now, but when he looks through the peephole, and sees you looking panicked and continuing to knock he opens the door.
You're hysterical and look like you ran there.
"Sammy! They took Sammy!" is all you exclaim when Steven lets you in. "What? Who?" Steven asks and he gently grabs you by the shoulders to keep you steady, "Who took Sammy? What's happened?" he questions.
"These guys came out of a van and tried to grab me," you attempt to explain through sobs and gasps. Fearing that you might faint from how distressed you are Steven carefully guides you to a place for you to sit down. "They tried to take me but Sammy got in the way and tried to fight them off! I was able to get away but they took him!" you manage to explain to Steven.
"But they had the mark, Steven! They had the scale tattoo!" you exclaim.
Steven pales once he hears those words and he can feel Marc and even Jake get struck to their cores too.
How the hell are they still around and what do they want now?
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lostloveletters · 6 months
Leave a Tender Moment Alone (John Brady x OFC)
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Summary: Private Kate Woodward and Lieutenant John Brady are reluctant to wear their hearts on their sleeves, but they're each starting to wonder if maybe they should.
Word count: 1k
Note: Meet Woody! Title comes from the Billy Joel song. For a little bit of context, this takes place before Damn Yankees, but you don't need to read that to understand what's going on in this fic. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Warnings: Light period-typical misogyny. Inevitable historical and technical inaccuracies.
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Private Kate Woodward had a child clinging to her leg, another hanging onto her back, both attached to her like little monkeys. 
The village kids were always in the mechanics’ orbit. Woody wanted to be a good role model for them, even if she didn’t quite know what that looked like. She wasn’t exactly keen to admit it to anyone except Holly, but offering her expertise as a mechanic to the WAC wasn’t entirely out of love for country.
After years of wandering aimlessly up and down the West Coast, she woke up one morning and realized she didn’t like her friends (if she could even call them that), working almost exclusively on stolen cars because she couldn’t hold down a legitimate mechanic job, and especially not the type of person she’d become. So she signed up, expecting to be working on jeeps or trucks, but instead found herself applying her knowledge to planes. 
Her first commanding officer, Lieutenant Deanna Seberg from Glendale, designated her Woody to differentiate her from the dozen or so Catherines and Kathleens who used Kate as a nickname.
She liked being Woody. Woody was tough and competent yet approachable, likable, even. She tried to be good. Helpful but not too imposing. Kept her cursing to a minimum. Checked her temper. Had to. She was part of something bigger than herself, bigger than any of them could have ever conceived of. Finally found a way out through it. She couldn’t afford to fuck it up.
While the handful of other mechanic girls had gotten their experience through family garages or the odd trade school, they accepted her claim that hers came from messing around with friends’ cars. She was good at what she did. No need to push it. 
Thankfully, Kenny had their backs, the young Arkansan drawling that where he came from, women weren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty to get the job done by the end of the day, whatever it may be. If that also involved entertaining English laborers’ kids, fascinated by Americans and their planes, she’d try her damnedest.
“Miss Woody!” Billy shouted, making a running start toward her. 
“Wait!” she yelled. “I can’t—“
Just before impact, which would have surely sent her directly to the ground with three children in tow, Billy was scooped up in Lieutenant John Brady’s arms. 
“You could take off with that speed, buddy,” he said, flying the boy around for a moment before setting him on his feet and ruffling his hair.
Woody smiled as the other two children climbed off of her. “You saved the day, Lieutenant.”
“Miss Woody, now you’ve got to give the hero a kiss!” Sarah, the young girl who’d been hanging off her back exclaimed with a flourish of her hands. “That’s what happens in the stories.”
Brady shook his head. “Miss Woody doesn’t have to—“
Woody gave him a quick peck on the cheek, their small audience of Billy, Sammy, and Sarah giggling and cheering in delight. “Why don’t you kids go make some trouble for Mr. Kenny?”
The children ran off, arms spread out wide as they imitated planes themselves. God, had she ever been that carefree as a kid?
Brady cleared his throat. “I came by to see how the fort’s doing.”
“And just in time. That would’ve been a hell of a tumble if it weren’t for you,” she said.
“You’re great with those kids.”
She smiled. “Thanks. I try to be the kind of adult I wish I had around when I was their age, you know?”
“That’s good of you.”
“C’mon, I’ll show you what we’ve done so far.”
He stuck close to her as they made their way around the damaged plane, Woody taking care to let him know exactly what had been fixed so far and where they were having a bit of trouble. Shuffled a little closer to her when she pointed at one of the engines.
He smelled nice, a reprieve from the mix of fuel, motor oil, and sweat. Not to mention the occasional whiff of cow manure drifting through the air on a strong breeze. For a moment, she envisioned her arms around him, burying her face in the crook of his neck while something soft and slow filled the room. Wondered how he’d hold her.
Shit. Stop daydreaming.
She glanced at him every so often. His expression didn’t change much. Brows furrowed, handsome face etched with concern as he scrutinized the state of his plane.
“Really, I’ve seen worse,” she said.
He scoffed. “That’s reassuring.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I don’t need you to tell me that.”
Certainly wasn’t the first plane he crash-landed, but as soon as the words left his mouth, he could practically hear his mother’s voice, ‘John Brady, I did not raise you to speak to young ladies that way.’ Except he’d hardly consider Woody a young lady. She was a mechanic with a mouth when she got a few beers in her. More rough-and-tumble than any of the girls he grew up with.
Everyone seemed to like her, though. Hell, he sure did. Hambone already made a stupid comment about how he should ‘ask Woody to kiss it better’ when his fort, so comically named Brady’s Crash Wagon, went up in smoke. Probably why it smarted to feel like she pitied him or something.
Smarted worse to see the way her lips pressed in a thin line. Kept her gaze anywhere but him.
“Kenny told me you stay out here late working on it. Thank you,” he said, a stubborn substitution for an apology. “I appreciate that.”
“You’re welcome.”
Wasn’t sure what else he could say, and she was doing everything but telling him to buzz off. 
“Well, I’ll let you get back to it, Woody.”
She nodded. “See you around, sir.”
He tried not to kick himself too much as he walked off, not entirely sure where he was going.  
“Hey Lieutenant!” Woody shouted when there was a few yards of distance between them.
He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at her. “What is it?”
“You got something—“ She gestured to her own cheek.
He wiped the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him and fought back a smile at the grease smudged on his fingertips.
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theunhingedcowboy · 1 month
A List of things that happened at Collision and ROH taping from this weekend.
First of all getting to be in the environment that has been created at the e-sports from this residency is phenomenal and I hope that it will happen again in the future.
Getting seats four rows back from the ring and we were still so close (that will change I'll explain) and getting to go with both my dad and cousin was so much fun
FINALLY getting to see Darby wrestle in person was amazing
The bull rope match was fucking brutal and the TV broadcast did not do it justice the crowd was so fucking over for Rosa it was awesome
So right in front of us about 30 minutes into the show there was a row of 8 seats that were empty right at the barricade and no one had shown up. So my cousin may have taken initiative and got up to the seats and by the Rush and Vance match we were all up front and no one said anything
My cousin saying to Turbo of the Outrunners that "he was like Hogan without the racism and an actual 10 incher" which Turbo totally popped for
Rush and Vance match was so much fun. Getting on tv for most of that match and me cackling like a psychopath made it loud and clear on the broadcast
Me screaming like a lunatic during swerves's match and afterward the cameraman came over to film me (thank God that didn't make the broadcast)
Swerve v Ishii was so fucking awesome
Heart eyes at Stat
Me handing my dad $10 when Christian walked out in the turtleneck ref sweater
Getting to see HoB so close was so fucking awesome
Juice being the chaos junkie that he is
Shayna talking shit to my cousin and then blowing him a kiss after beating up BBG and HOB
Flipping off the patriarchy
RoH Taping
Having beef with the premier athletes
Abadon, my beloved
Getting to see Sammy wrestle was also a lot of fun
Mina, my beloved
Toa mean mugging me when I did the claw for the von erichs
My cousin cheered on Cage of Agony only to accidentally drop his phone over the barricade and Cage to look at him and call him an idiot even though he wanted Cage to win
My cousin continues his years long beef with Matt Taven and Taven shouting at him "you don't have a wiener"
The Von Erichs and Sammy came over to sign my little autograph book, Sammy was so nice and it was so nice to see the Von Erichs again since I met them last year
This was the next day continuing ROH tapings
Tony coming out to say that someone wanted to say hi to the kids and me fully believing that it was gonna be Mortos until Hologram came out
I love Lance Archer. The guy in front of us had a bunch of signs and one of them saying "The murderhawk just needs a hug" and Lance coming over like he was going to give a hug only to rip up the sign
Watching Ari get beat up by Ishii made my day
Cheering so loud for Rocky Romero and him noticing me and giving me a wink (can confirm I am dead)
8 man tag match between Sammy, Dustin, and the Von Erichs v Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom, once again keeping up the beef and telling the dark order they can do so much better than undisputed kingdom
When Harley Cameron came out and I told my dad to "get his girl"
Queen Aminata is one of the best female wrestlers right now I genuinely love her so much she is so cool
The Righteous reminding me in person that Vincent looks almost exactly like a friend of mine but with dreads
Taya v Mina was fun
Watching the Premiere Athletes at least 8 times over the course of 48 hours and continuing to make sure that we have beef
Also after the match my cousin and I were booing Tony Neese and he tried to get security to kick us out and my cousin blew Tony a kiss
Getting to see Briscoe wrestle this close was so cool and Mortos is so fucking over I love it.
And that concludes my weekend I will make another post like this next week cause I am going back to collision for the final show. This was the most fun I have had all year and something that I really hope AEW does again in the future
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losfacedevil · 1 year
Sk8er Boi // SFK
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a/n ~ Just a little introductory taste of another wild world my mind is cooking up! Skater Boy Sammy anyone? Psst @gretasmokerising I did it....and he may be as big as FM!Sam
He heard her before he saw her. 
The mixture of wheels cruising down the street melding with that of a metal sounding beat filled the cool September afternoon. Sam turned his attention from the box of new records he was cataloguing, looking up just in time to see a purple haired beauty zip by. He stood to his full height, quickly making his way over to the opened front door and stuck his head out. He quickly found her stopped at the busy intersection waiting for her turn to cross. 
“I swear you spend more time daydreaming than you do working, boss man.”  The sales associate, Atticus, called out; sidling up behind Sam and clapped a hand down on his shoulder. He chuckled lightly, eyes trained on her as she jogged across the intersection, dropping the board at her feet and mounting quickly. 
“That’s a great tune, who is she?” Atticus mumbled, his attention now drawn to where Sam was staring. Sam shook his head and with a light shrug of his shoulders turned his attention back to Atticus. 
“Fuck if I know. But she looks interesting.”
Sam groaned as he flipped the Open sign to Closed as he slipped out of the small record shop, placing his board securely under the toe of his shoe as he dug his store keys out of his messenger bag. He quickly locked the door and yanked on it a few times; ensuring the lock was fully engaged and slipped his keys back into his bag.
He took a deep breath of the cool nighttime air, reveling in the silence of the night surrounding him. He kept his gaze trained on the line of security lights that remained on inside the shop, a curt nod of approval his party time signal to the ghosts he was convinced lived in the shop. 
“Will the cops stop me tonight? The world may never know.” Sam chuckled to himself.
He was quick to mount his board, throwing his arms out to the side to steady his balance, with a quick chuckle at his own expense; and gently kicked off of the ground. 
The skatepark was his escape, where he went after a long day at the shop. Somewhere he could get lost in the speed of his board and the wind whipping his long hair around his face. Hitting the half pipes was iffy after curfew; the cops patrolling the small park behind the junior high having a soft spot for the record junkie. 
Sam was on autopilot, his feet quickly getting him to a comfortable speed and he coasted down the street; his eyes trained everywhere but where he was going. The city streets were dead at this time, anyone under the age of twenty being held under a strict curfew due to summertime vandalism.
His ears perked up as he rounded the corner to the school, the undeniable sound of wheels against the concrete infiltrating his senses. A soft sigh escaped him as he realized he wouldn’t be alone, the serenity of the skatepark now being shared by another. He let his board slow to a near crawl, dismounting it as he neared the opening in the gate. Sam’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes landed on her. 
She stood in the middle of the ramps, eyes trained on the purple skateboard sat at her feet. Rubbing her hands together she took a deep breath and placed her right foot at the front of her board, kicking off with her left before placing her foot on the board and steadying herself. A goofy skater. 
She let her board gain speed naturally, the harsh dips of the half pipes sending her zipping across the concrete. Sam could see the look of concentration on her face as she pushed down on the back of her board, lifting the front wheels slightly to gain some air. He watched on silently as she quickly steadied into the Ollie as her board came back down and shot out right from under her. 
A yelp sounded from her chest as she hit the ground, quickly replaced by a frustrated groan as she realized she wasn’t alone. She pushed herself to stand, quickly brushing herself off before stalking off across the park and snatched up her board. Sam couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him as he watched the beginner frustration play across her face. 
“You’re facing the wrong way for that. You’re a goofy skater you need to start at the left side of your board.” He called, slowly making his way over to where she stood. A confused expression kissed her features as she dropped her board back at her feet. 
“Excuse me?” Her voice was light, not at all matching her outward appearance. 
“You skate right foot forward, that’s goofy… yknow what it doesn’t matter. I can help you nail that Ollie if you’d like. It’s the easiest beginner trick.” Sam chuckled, taking off at a jog before dropping his board and mounting it in one swift motion. 
A soft smile spread across his face as he let his board gain speed naturally, zipping past her multiple times before steadying himself on his board. Her eyes never left him as he did just as she had, pushing his back set foot down on the board and executed a perfect ollie. 
“See not all that hard.” Sam chuckled, hopping off his board in front of her and let it roll away. Her eyes were guarded as she stared him down, crossing her arms over her chest and marched his stance. 
“Yeah well you’re not goofy are you?” A boisterous laugh escaped Sam as his board came back towards him. 
“It’s easier to get the hang of it if you’re not moving. Start like this.” Sam mounted his board, steadying his body before showing off the little skater tricks he knew. 
“If you bend back on your back supporting knee and release quick you’ll get the air you need without the delay you had. It’ll give you that extra ten seconds to steady yourself before you land.” 
She rolled her eyes as Sam landed Ollie after Ollie, pointing out different ways he was stood, how quickly his knee snapped and just how to position his feet. Dismounting his board he nodded at hers, a soft smile spreading across his face. 
“Now show me what you learned.” Sam chuckled, eyes trained on her as she mounted her board. 
“I learned I need to stay away from this skatepark after dark, that’s when all the crazies come out. So like this?” She hyper focused on the board at her feet, doing exactly as he had shown her. Pushing down on the back of the board she kicked it up, landing it almost cleanly with that of a little wobble. 
Sam’s arms shot out, wrapping his hands quickly around her wrists and steadied her back into the middle of the board. She kept her eyes downcast to her feet as he nodded at her, a proud smile splayed across his face.
“That’s more like it, do it again.” A soft sigh slipped past her nose as she did what she was told, kicking up and landing with even more ease. 
“Okay fine, maybe you do know what you’re talking about, goofy.” She giggled, shaking his hands off of her wrists and quickly kicked off from where she stood. Sam’s jaw dropped, feigning shock as his eyes trailed her around the skatepark. 
“The name is Sam, not goofy. Can you Ollie over that stick?” He called, pointed out the smallest stick in the middle of the concrete. A smug look kissed her features, heading quickly to the death she knew that little bit of debris was going to cause. Screwing her eyes shut she did exactly as he told her and landed flawlessly with a soft victory shriek. 
“Guess you’re not that bad of a teacher, Sam. You come here often?” Her bold side came out, eyeing the sprinkling of tattoos that covered his forearm. 
“Almost every night, it’s a good place to unwind.” She nodded slowly, letting her board coast around him as she took in the little things about him; a silver hoop through his left nostril, an almost fully hidden tattoo kissing the side of his neck and the red beanie sitting atop his head that offered a pop of color to his wardrobe. 
“That it is, I have to jet before I get my ass handed to me. Strict parents even at my age, Yknow? But maybe we can do this again. That is if we run into each other.” Sam laughed and nodded his head, reaching out to fist bump her as she zipped past with a curt nod. 
“You got it!” He called, shaking his head lightly as she quickly zipped away from the skate park and  into the night.
TAGLIST ?: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @sparrowofthedawnsworld @runwayblues @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @vanfleeter @puzzle-gvf @belovedsamuel @sunandthemoontwinflames @twistedmelodies @sunfl0wer-power @miguelnation
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karahalloway · 7 months
Devil May Care
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Fandom: Heaven’s Secret (Book 1: Season 1)
Pairing: Lucifer x F!OC (Devon Hart)
Series: Oh, So Devilish
Chapter summary: Devon sneaks off to track down a lead on her death... But she's not alone.
Word count: 5,100
Warnings: M (swearing, angst, suicidal thoughts, aggro, toxic behaviour, references to death, physical violence)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: So. This is not what I was supposed to be working on. At all. Not only is this not Intentions, but it’s not even TRR… or Choices, for that matter. However, a couple of weeks ago, @angelasscribbles convinced me to take the plunge with a Romance Club choices game called Heaven’s Secret and I became instantly hooked… especially on Lucifer’s character. I have a type; can’t you tell? 😆
A/N2: This first part of what turned into a two-parter (it just got too long, so I had to split it) focuses on the events that take place at the end of HS S1E5 and the second part focuses on the start of S1E6. Because while I love the character of Lucifer, I felt like that his characterisation missed the mark a bit (especially considering that he is the literal Son of Satan) so, I decided to make… adjustments 😏
A/N3: I appreciate that this is not what most people on my tag list signed up to read, but I have tagged my Permas anyway, in case anyone wants to indulge me. However, in the (highly likely) event that I end up writing more for this fandom, moving forward, I will only tag people who specifically request to be tagged. So if you want in on Part 2, let your preferences be known, or forever hold your peace.
A/N4: By way of context for people who decide to read, but are not familiar with canon for this story, here is some background (which I have also tried to incorporate as much as possible into the fic itself): MC (default name, Vicky Walker, but for various reasons, I decided to create an OC instead) is killed in a car crash. However, instead of ‘simply’ dying, she is offered the choice to become an immortal and join the Angels & Demons Academy (located in Heaven) and train to become either an angel or a demon (your choices in the game actually affect your path — prior to choosing an eventual side, you are referred to as an ‘Unclaimed’). As part of her training, MC is sent down to Earth to complete assignments that require her to influence humans into making various choices… however, MC is also secretly trying to investigate the circumstances of her (highly suspicious) death. Also, for the purposes of this universe, Lucifer is the demon son of Satan and Lilith (not a fallen angel as per Biblical canon). Dino, Sammy and Fencio are true-born angels (don’t ask about the names), Mimi and Adi are true-born demons. Both angels and demons (and Unclaimed) are anthropomorphic and have wings; however, when they go down to Earth, they disguise themselves in human form. Hope that helps! 🤗
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Devil May Care
“Ah, there you are…”
Jerking my gaze away from Dino, I spot Sammy’s human form standing a few feet away.
“Sorry,” I say, quickly wiping the remnants of the wetness from my face. “I… I just needed a minute.”
Sammy nods in understanding. “If it’s any consolation, the fact that you care is a good thing. It shows you still have your humanity. No death should be treated lightly, yet most demons… and a fair number of angels have lost sight of that. But it’s a strength. Don’t let Adi or Mimi tell you otherwise.”
“Thanks, Sammy…” I say with a sniffle, forcing myself to stand.
“Any time,” he acknowledges with a lop-sided smirk. “But we should get going.”
“Yes. It is time to return,” confirms Dino, coming to stand beside me.
As if on cue, the air begins to thicken around us, and a familiar crackle of energy raises the hairs on my arms. Glancing up, I see the very fabric of the night sky stretch and strain as an otherworldly wind whips the now-familiar bridge between the dimensions into shape.
Dino steps into the centre of the maelstrom first, lifting into the air as the vortex sucks him back to the ethereal realm. 
“See you on the other side,” Sammy winks as he leaps after the other angel.
With a heavy exhale, I shove my hands into the pockets of my biker jacket, and force myself to move towards the epicentre of the storm.
Finding myself back on Earth in the wake of my death hadn’t been easy the first time, and it sure as hell hasn’t gotten any easier the second time either. Because even though everyone at the Academy keeps reminding me that my mortal life is well and truly over, and there is no going back, for whatever inexplicable reason I can’t seem to accept my new-found providence.
And coming back here — to the human realm — just feels like a massive kick in the gut each and every time… Like a kid being taunted with everything they can’t have from the other side of a toy store window. A cruel reminder of what that was wrenched away from me. My friends… My family… Even myself.
The undeniable force of the vortex tugs at my clothes, trying to lift me skywards, but I find myself fighting it.
Maybe because my death had been thrust upon me with such shocking suddenness… giving me no time to prepare, much less come to terms with it before I fell into the world of angels and demons. Maybe because the grief I saw etched into my father’s face has woven itself into the threads of my soul as well, reinforcing the harshness of the truth that we got cheated out of what could have been left of our precious, irretrievable time together. Or maybe it’s because I know that my killer is still out there, living it up despite the crime he committed against me, free from punishment, free from the scythe of justice.
The tip of my finger brushes against the folded letter buried in my pocket.
Since picking it up outside of my house a few days ago — though, to be fair, I have no idea how time converted between Earth and the angelic realm, so for all I know, it could’ve been years since my last visit – I’ve carried the piece of paper with me everywhere. In part because I don’t want anyone finding it and wondering how I managed to get my hands on it in the first place… As given that we aren’t supposed to interact with mortals outside of our given assignments, I am not particularly interested in the chewing out that is no doubt in store for me if someone decides to rat on me. But also, in part because I cannot let what happened to me go… and desperately crave answers.
Digging my heels in on the edge of the swirling whirlpool of energy, I pull the letter out…
…but as if by fate, the square of paper is ripped from my grasp by a particularly vicious gust of wind.
“No…!” I gasp, throwing myself heedlessly after my only lead.
The letter zooms around the circumference of the vortex — like a hapless butterfly riding the edge of a tornado — and begins to track upwards, ever further from my reach…
But just as it’s on the verge of vanishing into the void, it is suddenly snatched out of the air with inhuman speed and precision.
I stumble to stop, mouth agape and arm outstretched like some drunken ballerina as I lay eyes on the dark form on the other side of the vortex.
Of all the possible ways this screw-up could’ve gone, this is — hands down — the worst.
As even in human skin… without the horned wings gathered around him like a dark halo, or the pulsing, ethereal tattoos that seem to constantly shift along the visible surface of his skin… there is no mistaking the raw power emanating from the being standing across from me.
Lucifer cocks a lazy brow in my direction as he holds the note up. “Lost something, have we?” 
His eyes meets mine, and in spite of the distance separating us, I feel the full heat of the fire that burns in his demonic gaze scorch into me like the blade of a hot knife.
And despite drawing upon every ounce of my willpower to prevent it from happening, I feel an incriminating blush rise up my cheeks.
A slow smile curves at his lips. “I thought so…”
“Give it back!” I snap, my momentary embarrassment morphing instantly into anger… even though I know in the back of my mind this is exactly the reaction he is probably looking to goad me into.
Because I am angry. Angry at myself for being stupid enough to arm someone like Lucifer with such potent ammunition to use against me. Angry with him for the fact that he managed to sneak up on me like this in the first place.
But most of all, my heart is still bleeding for that little girl who died a senseless death mere minutes ago… and the knowledge that I had been complicit in it. 
And I cannot keep a latch on the tidal wave of red rising over me. Nor do I really want to. 
I have already cried a river on the bench with Dino — commiserating not just for the fate of the girl, but for the fucked up situation I now find myself in as well — and I have no tears left. Just raw, frothing rage at the inherent unjustness of the world, at the flippant and uncaring attitude of my fellow immortals who see humans as mere pawns on their eternal chess board, and my own powerlessness in the face of forces and rules that I don’t yet fully understand, but which I’m being steered to blindly conform to anyway.
And the arrogant demon standing in front of me is just as good a scapegoat for my ire as any.
“Or what?” he taunts, sliding his thumb slowly across the paper… taunting me shamelessly with the missive he now holds in his hand.
Something inside of me snaps and I launch myself at him with a wordless yell.
But the vortex has apparently had enough of being kept on hold by my indecision, and before I’ve made it two steps, I find myself being sucked up to go careening through time and space like a discombobulated pinball.
“Damn it!” I cuss as I’m tugged through the shimmering funnel against my will.
I had one chance to make some much-needed progress on figuring out who killed me and why, and I’ve managed to blow it.
And who knows when I’ll have the opportunity to try again? Or even if I’ll be able to try again…
As knowing Lucifer — the literal Spawn of Satan — he’ll end up throwing me under the bus the moment we get back to the Academy… just for perverse kicks.
“Asshole…” I gripe under my breath as I feel the speed of the vortex slow, indicating that my unplanned trip is about to come to an end.
But as my feet touch down once more, it is not back at the Academy where I find myself. Instead, I’m standing outside of a building that looks very much like a police station… in my hometown.
Dino had mentioned previously that destinations in the vortex are set by one’s intentions.
Since I had been so focused on the letter — which my father had received from the lead detective assigned to my case — the vortex must’ve thought this is where I had wanted to go.
And I’m not about to look an unexpected gift horse in the mouth.
Knowing that I didn’t have a lot of time before my classmates — and Fencio! — notice my absence back in the angelic realm, I hurry across the street.
Taking the steps two at a time, I shove myself through the revolving door and step into the station. Luckily, I have the contents of the letter memorised, given that I no longer have it in my possession, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to blag my way through this with some semblance of grace.
The receptionist manning the counter looks up at my arrival. “Can I help you?”
“Erm… Yes,” I confirm, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear as I step forward. “I’m looking for DC Lawton. He was heading up the Hart case…?”
I cross my fingers behind my back, hoping against hope that it’s only been mere weeks and not decades since my death, and the police are still investigating.
The receptionist takes a moment to consult her computer. “Yes. He should still be in.”
A relieved breath bursts out of me. Another break!
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Not exactly…” I admit. “But… I do have some information relating to the case that he needs to hear.”
The woman behind the desk studies me for a long moment, no doubt wondering what a petite Korean girl wearing pink pigtails and spiked leather could possibly have to contribute to a homicide investigation… given that that is the mortal skin I am currently masquerading around in.
But she nevertheless seems to take me at my word. “Down the hall, second door on the left.”
“Thank you!” I blurt, already turning away.
Speedwalking past the desk and down the corridor, I locate the correct door and push down on the handle without knocking.
The lone man occupying the room barely glances up from his stack of papers at the sound of my arrival. “Yeah?”
“DC Lawton?” I ask, stepping into the room.
“That’s what it says on the name plaque,” he grunts, indicating the front of his desk.
“Great!” I exclaim, moving up to him. “I…”
I trail off, realising that I haven’t actually planned out what I was going to say when I got here. As I can’t exactly reveal that I am the dead victim from one of his case files, come to demand answers about the circumstances of the car crash that killed her.
The detective raises his head, waiting for a response..
I take a deep breath. “I hear you’re the lead investigator on the Hart case.”
He nods. “That’s right. And you are?”
“An interested party,” I admit. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.
His brows furrow, no doubt in response to the same train of thought that chugged down the tracks of the receptionist’s mind earlier. “What kind of interested party?”
I’m not sure exactly how I had expected this conversation to go, but it definitely wasn’t like this. 
But then I remember that I’m not a mere human anymore…
And I’m not willing to leave empty-handed.
Ditching any rational approach, I scrunch my face up in pretend grief as I flop dramatically into the chair at the side of the detective’s desk. “I didn’t want to say anything before because I didn’t want anyone to know… especially my parents… but I can’t keep it in anymore and I need to tell someone!”
DC Lawton startles slightly at my unexpected and borderline theatrical flip of composure. “Keep what in anymore?”
I slap an aggrieved hand onto his. “That Devon and I were in a relationship!”
The detective’s eyes widen in shock, and I use his momentary surprise to lock my gaze with his, just like we practiced back at the Academy.
The physical contact, combined with the suddenly unrestricted access to the window of his soul, allows me to breach the energetic wall encasing his body, and dive right into the hidden recesses of his mind.
Yes! It worked!
But I force myself to curtail my celebration, knowing that I need to focus all my attention on maintaining the delicate connection with the man sitting in front of me.
“You must help me, Detective,” I urge, tightening my hold on his hand.
DC Lawton looks somewhat dazed — like he’s been whacked over the back of the head — but at the sound of my voice, his pupils dilate eagerly. “How can I help?”
“The girl in the Hart case that you’re investigating… she was run off the road. Do you know by who?”
“No,” he intones, his voice slightly groggy. “The vehicle was a rental. A black minivan. I haven’t had a chance to talk to the rental company yet…”
“Which rental company?” I press.
“Global Drive,” he says. “The license plate is NYK 357.”
“Can you write that all down for me?”
He lifts his pen up with a nod to scribble onto a Post-It. “Your hand is so warm…”
“Thanks,” I say, snatching the note from him and breaking off the contact in the process.
He blinks up at me rapidly. “Any time…?”
Jumping up from the chair, I turn to dash out of the room…
…and nearly trip over my own feet when I come face to face with the glowering form leaning against the door jamb.
“What th—?”
Lucifer’s lips curl back to reveal teeth. “I should have you racked in the Pits.”
An involuntary shiver runs down my spine at his words. Not because of the sinister nature of the threat — I’ve been to Hell, and it certainly is no picnic! — but because I can see from the tight set of his jaw that he is actively considering carrying it out.
I force myself to meet his burning gaze head-on. “Well, unfortunately for you, I didn’t end up in Hell when I died. So, you don’t get to make that call.”
“No,” he growls back. “But your flagrant disregard for the rules makes you a liability, and I refuse to take the fall for you.”
“Well, maybe you should’ve thought of that before you decided to follow me,” I hit back, bumping him with my shoulder as I shove past him on my way out of the room.
His hand shoots out to latch around my arm with a vice-like grip, and suddenly I find myself nose-to-nose with him.
“I didn’t follow you,” he hisses into my face, his coal-black irises alight with the very fires of Hell. “The vortex brought me here because you can’t keep hold of your own fucking trash.”
“It’s not trash!” I spit back. “It’s—“
“Was it worth it?”
The question — and the sudden change in his tone — catches me off guard. 
I blink in confusion, wondering if I maybe misheard him. But while his piercing gaze is still locked onto me with the same degree of ferociousness as a moment ago, behind the raging inferno of irritation glimmers a genuine spark of curiosity.
“Maybe,” I concede tightly, trying to get a read on him.
As demons, I’ve learnt, are inherent wildcards. Unpredictable at the best of times, and downright diabolical at the worst. Which means their whims and whiles can change at the drop of a hat, and it is dangerous to get caught in a compromising position with them.
Which — unfortunately — is exactly where I have managed to find myself with Lucifer. Trapped in a corner, with him holding all the trumps. So, I don’t want to admit any more than I strictly have to.
He rakes his hot gaze over me one more time — as if trying to catch me out in a lie — before pulling back slightly.
“Hmm… Not a complete waste of wings then…”
I wrench my arm from his grasp. “Fuck you.”
I swear I hear a snort of amusement escape him as I stomp away… But I resist the urge to sucker punch him. He is not worth it, and I have better things to do with my limited time on Earth anyway.
Glancing down at the Post-It in my hand, I can see that DC Lawton has been kind enough to scrawl down the address of the rental centre… and that it is only a few blocks away.
Which is a blessing, given that I don’t have any money on me with which to hail a cab or jump on a bus, and our lessons at the Academy have yet to cover how to magically hotwire a car. 
So, walking it is. At least the physical exertion will give me a chance to blow off some steam.
Shoving the note into my pocket, I push through the revolving doors of the station, and back out onto the street. Pausing for a second to get my bearings – it’s been a while since I last frequented this part of town, having spent the preceding four years of my mortal life off at college – I quickly rake through my mental map of the neighbourhood before setting off to the right.
Except, I don’t even make it to the end of the block before I feel a tell-tale prick in the back of my neck. Glancing over my shoulder, my stomach drops as I catch sight of Lucifer a few yards behind me.
Gritting my teeth, I pick up my pace, hoping that it’s merely an unfortunate coincidence that he happens to be going in the same direction as me.
But it seems that I am in no such luck, as he’s still tailing me two blocks later, like an annoying black fly that I cannot seem to shake, no matter how hard I try.
With the result that by the time I get to the next crosswalk, my cool has evaporated completely, and instead of crossing the road in front of me, I end up rounding on him like a rabid pitbull.
“You’re such a fucking hypocrite!”
My outburst seems to catch him off-guard. But whatever jump I may have managed to get on him is fleeting at best, and in the next instant, he’s up in my face again, teeth bared and hackles raised. “Watch your tongue, Unclaimed. Before I rip it out of your mouth.”
“Oh, the truth hurts, does it?” I snip up at him.
“You don’t know the meaning of pain,” he grits, his hand snapping around the base of my throat.
My eyes narrow. “I know more than you think.”
“No. You don’t.” The flames in his eyes lick over me contemptuously. “And your arrogance will get you killed. Permanently.”
“Bet you’d love to be the one to do it, too,” I goad with a humourless smile. 
I know I’m playing with hellfire. But I don’t care. I didn’t ask for this life, and I’m still not convinced I want it. So, if Lucifer is willing to put me out of my misery, then so be it. Being who he is, I’m sure he has the means… and I’ve just handed him the opportunity on a silver platter.
The Prince of Darkness stares at me for what feels like an age, his hand wrapped around my throat, face a mere breath from mine, his gaze simmering as if trying to read my very soul.
“Unlike you, angel, I’m not that stupid,” he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper. His hand drops from my neck as he steps abruptly past me.
“Then why are you still here?” I demand, whirling around after him.
He stops a few feet away, shoulders tense. But when he looks back at me, rather than anger or annoyance, it’s that devilish grin playing at his lips again. “Maybe I’m just enjoying the show.”
“Eugh!” I grit, throwing my hands up in the air as I plow past him.
Conceited, egotistical, patronising bastard! Why can’t he fall back into the Seventh Circle of Hell, where he fucking—
I’m so incessed that I end up storming right by the rental centre… and have to retrace my steps from the other end of the block to correct my mistake.
So, by the time I arrive back at the correct entranceway, my mood is even more foul than when I left the police station.
“Save it,” I spit as I reach the still-smirking form of Lucifer, leaning against the metal fence post of the lot.
His brow arches. “Did you hear me—?”
I flip him off in no uncertain terms as I stride past without a backwards glance.
He wants to stick around? Fine. But that doesn’t mean I need to be nice to him. Hell will have to freeze over first.
Arriving at the first row of parked cars, I pull the Post-It out from my pocket and begin scanning the plates, looking for the black van.
“Good afternoon, miss. Can I help you find anything in particular?”
Looking up, I see a suited man with a combover and a name tag looking at me expectantly. The rental rep, by the looks of him.
“Yes, actually,” I affirm. “I’m looking for a black minivan.”
“You have come to the right place,” he tells me with an eager smile as he starts to lead me to the other side of the lot. “Global Drive stocks the largest selection of rental vans available for hire in the area, and we’re happy to accommodate both long- and short-term requirements. Are you moving, by any chance?”
“Huh?” I’d been too busy trying to match the van plates to the number on the Post-It that I totally missed the question.
The rep’s smile falters slightly. “Since your interest is in a minivan, am I correct to assume that y—?”
Both mine and the rep’s gaze snap around to land on the hulking presence of Lucifer, who has managed to slither up behind us without either of us noticing.
“We’re not planning on renting it,” he adds, with what I can only deduce is his interpretation of an angelic smile.
My stomach drops. Oh, no…
The rep frowns. “Then why—?”
“Because this lovely young lady is of the belief that she may have left a rather intimate item in one of your vans following a recent excursion of ours. And she’s desperate to retrieve it.”
“Oh, well of course!" agrees the rep. “We pride ourselves on—"
“It’s lacy… And expensive…” Lucifer clarifies with a sly look. “And probably lodged between the—”
“The point is!” I interject loudly, my cheeks burning with mortification despite the fact that the entire story is a shameless lie. “We would like to take a look in the van. The plate number was NYK 357.”
The demeanour of the rep suddenly shifts. “Umm… Are you certain?”
“Yes,” I say, laying a hand on his arm to try and sway him like I did the detective. “Very—”
The rep snatches his arm away. “I’m going to need to see some ID. I cannot allow access to the vehicles without verifying that—”
I reach towards him again. “Surely that’s not necessary… We just want to take a quick peek, and—”
“He’s going to bolt…” breathes Lucifer in my ear.
I flick my head away irately. “Shut—”
But the rep has already turned tail and fled.
“Damn it!” I grit.
“Told you,” Lucifer smirks down at me.
I give him an annoyed shove. “He only did that because of you! If you hadn’t stuck your nose in it, I would’ve—”
“I did nothing,” he counters tersely, the coals of his eyes flaring in warning. “Your attempt to influence him was doomed from the start. But you were too obstinate to notice.”
“Obstinate!” I cry. “You were breathing in my ear!”
“And did you like it?” he purrs, suddenly all up in my space again as he flips the tables on me with diabolical speed.
“No,” I snort, turning pointedly away. 
He deliberately sabotaged my attempt to establish a connection with the rental rep. Whether for his own perverse enjoyment — like the Devil temping Eve in the Garden — or whether for some more sinister reason, it doesn’t matter. The end result is the same. And I have no clue how I’m going to be able to salvage this rapidly snowballing clusterfuck, given that I am already working on borrowed time.
But I know I have to try. I’ve somehow managed to make it this far, in spite of the successive obstacles Lucifer’s thrown in my way, and I refuse to give that bastard the satisfaction of believing that I’m going to let him win whatever one-sided game he’s playing.
“He is gay.”
I stumble to a stop. “Say what?”
Lucifer is standing in front of me, blocking the way to the door of the rental centre. “The rental rep. He is gay. That is why your feeble attempts to influence him didn’t work.”
“Yeah… Right…” I snap, trying to push past him. I’m not falling for whatever kind of trick this is supposed to be.
He grabs my arm. “Check that attitude before I check it for you, Unclaimed. Because you’re not going to like my methods…”
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” I hit back. “Because based on what I’ve seen of your ‘methods’, they are mediocre at best.”
His eyes flash in fury. “You’ve seen nothing, angel…”
“I’m not an angel,” I deride, wrenching my arm from his grasp.
He scoffs. “Well, you’re certainly no demon. The way you’re floundering around like—”
I catch sight of something through the window. “Oh, no…”
Lucifer jerks his gaze over his shoulder…
…and before I can blink, he’s vanished into the rental centre, the glass door flapping wildly in his wake.
Catching the handle on the out-swing, I dash after him as fast as my stiletto boots can carry me… and an involuntary gasp escapes me as I lay eyes on the scene in front of me.
The rental rep is pressed up against the wall, his feet dangling a good foot off the ground as Lucifer holds him suspended with the hand locked around his neck. The phone that I’d spotted the rep frantically trying to dial a moment ago lies shattered on the floor.
“Please…” begs the man, clawing desperately at the fingers that are squashing his trachea. “I—“
“Shut up,” growls Lucifer, shoving the rep higher. “You have exactly two seconds to tell us everything we need to know before I rip your throat out. And if you even think about lying… Well, you don’t even want to go there…”
The rep blanches visibly. “Anything! I’ll… I’ll tell you anything! Please, just—“
“Ask him,” Lucifer barks without even a glance in my direction.
I take a shaky step forward. “We… We’re looking for the driver who rented the black van. License plate—”
“I… I know…” croaks the rep, his face starting to redden from the lack of oxygen. “I worked the shift and… and remember him. He never bought the van back…”
My throat tightens painfully. Because he rammed me off the road…
“Who was he?” demands Lucifer.
“Not… local,” the man rasps, struggling for breath. “Gave a hotel as an address… Hotel… Hotel Aphrodite. And his name… His name sounded strange… almost French. But he didn’t speak—”
“To Hell with all that,” comes the short-tempered command. “Give us the fucking name.”
“Am-Amidi Laurent!”
Lucifer drops the rep like a sack of trash. “You got that?”
“Yeah…” I confirm tightly, watching the man wheeze on the floor.
“Good,” he grits. “Let’s go.”
Without giving me a say in the matter, he grabs my wrist to haul me out the door.
I stumble after him like a witless marionette, trying to process what I just witnessed.
Lucifer… Willing to kill… For me…?
The concept simply does not compute.
“Happy now?”
The sound of Lucifer’s voice wrenches me from the whirlpool of my thoughts…
…and looking up, I find that we’re back out on the street, just around the corner from the rental centre.
“I…” I glance back in the direction of Global Drive with a lump in my throat. “Why did you do that?”
“To save time,” he replies dispassionately. “And get the truth out of him.”
“Yeah… But…” A shiver courses through me at the ease with which he’d immobilised the rep… The ease with which he’d threatened him. “Why?”
Lucifer lets out an exasperated exhale. “Hell’s bells, you Unclaimed are dense sometimes… Because that’s what you wanted.”
I gape at him, stupefied. This must be some kind of fever dream…
“Don’t I get a thank you?”
The simplicity of his question knocks me off kilter completely.
My eyes lift to his almost on their own volition, and I find him gazing down at me silently, intently… like a cat waiting to see in which direction the mouse will jump.
Except there is no malice or mockery in his gaze. Just plain old curiosity once again.
And because my tongue has become stuck in my throat, and after everything that’s just happened, my mind is a non-functioning mess, I do the stupidest thing imaginable…
…and reach up to kiss him on the cheek.
He stiffens — probably just as shocked by what’s happening as I would be if I could think coherently right now. But for whatever reason, he doesn’t laugh or pull away. He simply stands, still as a statue, hardly even drawing breath.
I have no idea how long we stay there, frozen in time with my lips pressed against his jaw — the heat of his skin burning me even through the dampener of his mortal guise — before we finally break apart.
I turn quickly away, face flushed and heart hammering, not being able to bring myself to look him in the eye for fear of what I might find there.
Oh, Christ… What the hell did I just do?
The story continues in Devil You Know
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 11
Read Chapter Ten here.
The Little Registration Agent smiled as she saw Alyssa and Sammy return. “How can I help you today?”
Alyssa and Sammy sat in the chairs in front of her. “I’d like to register as her Caregiver. She was just classified as a Level Two Little.”
“No problem,” the agent responds, “can I see both of your IDs? Thank you.”
The agent starts typing in the information into the computer. “Okay, yes, I have her file here. Samantha is listed as an L2. And you said you’d like to register as her Caregiver, not Guardian, correct.
“Yes, Caregiver,” Alyssa responds.
“No problem,” the agent responds, “you have read and understand all the obligations and responsibilities that registering as a Caregiver entails, have you not?”
“Yes, I have,” Alyssa responds.
“Okay,” the agent says as the printer whirls to life, “I’ll need both of you to sign here…great. And I will notarize it now. Done. Okay, as soon as I scan that in the system, you will officially be registered as Samantha’s Caregiver.”
Tears well in Alyssa’s eyes as the notarized paper is scanned. She looks over at Sammy. Sammy timidly smiles back, grabbing Alyssa’s hand as she notices Alyssa’s tears.
“Thank you, Allie. I love you so much. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“I love you, too, Sammy. Always.”
“Great, now that that is finished, you are officially a Caregiver, Alyssa! Now, just a few more things and you’ll both be done. First, we need new pictures of you both for your updated ID cards.”
With the pictures taken, the agent leaves to collect the new cards. When he comes back, she hands one to Alyssa.
“Your ID is essentially identical to your last, Alyssa. Same basic driver’s license, but with your Caregiver status listed there along with Samantha’s information.”
The agent hands the second one to Alyssa. “Here is Samantha’s Little Identification Card. It is important you carry it with you. Or whoever is caring for Samantha. Obviously, Samantha’s previous driver’s license has been rescinded. This new ID reflects her Level Two Little status, your information as Caregiver, and can be used as a bank card to cover any expenses if necessary. You may connect it to your bank later.”
Sammy looks at the card, more tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t even think about driving. But now it’s just another privilege she lost. She tries her best to not cry again.
“And finally,” the agent says, “here is your government stipend card for all new littles. The government covers most of the initial expenses for new Littles. It should cover the cost of one month of diapers, a new bed or crib, a changing table, the government mandated Little’s car seat and installation, as well as a head start on a new wardrobe and any accessories.”
“Thank you, understood,” Alyssa says.
“Now, you have 72 hours to schedule your car seat installation. If you fail to do so, you will receive a daily fine. And if your Little is not riding in it after that time, you will receive a hefty fine and ticket. You can arrange installation at Littles’R’Us, the government’s preferred Little’s retailer.”
“Understood,” Allie says.
“Now, unless you have any other questions, you are all set!”
“Nope, none from us. Thank you for your assistance!”
As they walk out of the Littles Registration Office, Alyssa stops and gives Sammy a massive hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I know that was all so much to handle all at once, Sammy. I’m so proud of you! You were so mature about all of it.”
Sammy just sighs. The whiplash for the last hour and a half clearly overwhelming her.
“How about this, Sammy. We don’t need to worry about any of this for the rest of the day. We can handle everything later. How about we go back home, you take a nap and forget about everything. I’ll call my parents and Lindsay and we can have a movie night. We can go shopping for you later if you want. How does that sound?”
“W-will I have to wear my diapers there, Allie?” Sammy whines.
“Let’s see how you do for the rest of your day. But if you do, I promise I won’t tell my parents or Lindsay you’re in diapers. It will be our little secret.”
“Okay, Allie. A movie does sound fun!”
Twenty minutes later, Sammy is fast asleep. Alyssa calls her parents.
“Hey Mom, it’s official, I’m a Caregiver!” Alyssa rejoiced.
“Oh my gosh, honey, I’m so proud of you! I’ve always known you’d make the best Caregiver when the time came! Sammy doesn’t know how lucky she is!”
“I’m the lucky one, Mom! But listen, today has already been extremely difficult on Sammy. I think I made a mistake by bringing her to the Littles Registration office so soon. Sammy got one look at all the Littles and had a very messy accident right in the waiting area.”
“Oh, the poor thing. How did she handle it?”
“Not very well, not that I blame her. I never wanted her first time in diapers to happen so publicly. But I think it’s safe to say she’ll be in diapers full time from now on.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie, I know you’d hoped for a bit longer before that happened. But it was inevitable.”
“I know, but it’s here now. And listen, to calm her down after, I told her I’d see if we can do a movie night as a family—and that I wouldn’t tell any of you about her diapers. So can you let Dad and Linds know so they can pretend Sammy’s not in diapers, at least for tonight?”
“That’s very sweet of you, Alyssa. I’ll let them know. What kinds of movies should I pick out? Do you only want movies appropriate for Littles tonight?”
“I think she deserves one last night of normalcy, Mom. We can worry about Little stuff in a day or two.”
“Sounds good, she is your Little after all! I’m still so proud! I’ll see you both tonight!”
Go to Chapter Twelve.
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lostgirl677 · 2 months
Revenge part.6
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
part 5
Summary: Y/N and the Winchester brothers are on the trail of a mysterious werewolf, but who knows where this may lead them? Another successfull hunt or a more serious mess?
“Y/N?” I heard someone calling my name from a distance. “Y/N? C’mon, wake up, please.” I felt the ghost of a touch on my face. Slowly, I regained my senses. A dull pain on the side of my head manifested itself and suddenly became violent. I heard a sound of something metallic jingling. And the pressure I felt on my wrists was released. I raised my hand to touch the painful part of my head. But a calloused hand gently stopped me. “Hey, don’t touch it.” I heard him say softly. It was a male voice for sure.  When I finally opened my eyes, I saw a blurry face blocking the light from my vision. I heard him again “That’s it! C’mon, Y/N please. Try to focus your eyes on me. Show me you’re okay.” I recognized this voice.
“Dean?” I asked as I blinked more my eyes to get past the blur. Then I finally saw his face correctly. “Y/N, what happened to you? Where’s Sam?” I tried to sit up but Dean stopped me. ”Easy, Y/N. Just tell me.” I saw the concerned look in his eyes.  I tried to gather my memories as best as I could. Everything came back all at once. “The Sam who was with us today was a shapeshifter and he followed us since Lebanon's events. He works with Joe. He kidnapped Sam this morning. And he knocked me out before running away.” I said as I rubbed the side of my head. Dean’ eyes widened as he seemed to take all the information in. “Son of a bitch” he simply muttered while yanking the chains away.
He seemed to regain a bit of his cool when he glanced at me and asked “Okay. We’ll get Sam back quickly. But first, I have to take care of you. Do you feel well enough to walk?” I slowly nodded my head. But then I got scared and asked suspiciously “Wait. How do I know you’re not a shifter?” He looked at me incredulously, sighed and grabbed my silver dagger to hand it to me. I studied his face to try to detect any sign of pain. Thankfully, he didn’t flinch. “See? Didn’t burn myself. But now, I have to make sure you’re not a shifter either. Your turn, sweetheart.” I took the dagger from his hand. He looked at me intently and studied my face too. When he saw my lack of reaction at the silver touch, he sighed in relief. “Okay, so no one here is a shifter. Now it’s time to go find Sammy. I’m going to lift you carefully and I’ll help you out of here. Sounds good?” “Yeah, thank you.” 
Once we were out of the basement, Dean guided me on the stairs while holding me. He broke the silence by saying “We have no time to waste. We have to find Sam. I can drop you at a hospital, if you want.” He paused for a second to glance at me. I just shook my head. Then I asked him “How did you find me?” He sighed and said “I waited for you in front of Baby for around ten minutes. But I didn’t see you coming back. So I thought that maybe something bad happened to you. That maybe Joe was waiting for you. I sneaked into the flat but you weren’t there. So I rushed to the basement. I found the door open and the trap door. I called for you but nobody answered. And when I landed, I found you chained and unconscious on the floor and Sam was nowhere to be seen.”
 We were finally out of the building when I decided to ask him “Did you look at that room?” “No. I mostly focused on you, to be honest.” He said in a soft tone. He threw me a concerned look and he moved his hand to caress my back. He was back to the gentle Dean I always knew. Though his gesture was comforting, Dean’s ‘mood swings’ were really disconcerting. But if he wasn’t a shapeshifter, what else could explain his behavioral change, then? Was he a crocotta? I saw him on the phone last night and he wasn’t there when I woke up this morning. No, it wouldn’t make sense. He couldn’t be possessed either. As much as it intrigued me, I had to leave this question aside, as we had more important things to do.
To get back to the important subject, I said, “Well, apparently someone knew that Glen was a werewolf judging by the chains and the claw marks.” Dean seemed to think for a bit while opening Baby’s door for me, then said “But no one was with him when he went all Cujo.” As we both got seated, I replied “There must be an explanation. But first, we have to find Sam.” Dean threw me a panicked glance as he seemed to realize something and replied “He could be anywhere at the moment.” So I tried to reassure him, “The shifter told me that he kidnaped him this morning. So it was more than probably during his jogging. Anyone could have noticed some guy dragging another one in the streets. I’m sure his hiding place is close to the park where he went running.” I barely finished my sentence that Dean immediately started the engine and simply said “The Golden Gate Park”. I looked at him as he maneuvered Baby out of the parking place. All his muscles seemed to be tense and determination was painted on his face. “We don’t have any more time to waste.”
It was a miracle that we didn’t get arrested or into an accident. Dean was driving like a mad man, completely off the speed limit throughout our  journey to the park. And to make things worse, the traffic was terribly busy at this hour. I was used to Dean being reckless, but this was getting out of hand.”Get off my way, damn cable car!” was all he screamed as he barely avoided it. Right after this close call, I decided to intervene. “Dean! Please, slow down a bit! We won’t be of any help if we end up in an accident!” With his eyes still on the road and his hands gripping the wheel harder, he yelled at me “I know! Okay?! I know! But that son of a bitch could be harming Sam at the moment!” Though I felt the anguish in his voice, I rolled my eyes and replied “And you think that us possibly getting into a car wreck will stop him?! Dean, please, calm down. Slow down a bit. We’re close to the park.” I said, almost pleading with him  as I gently put my hand on his arm and the other on the dashboard to steady  myself. Dean was incredibly stubborn but my gesture and the desperation in my tone seemed to calm him a bit. He sighed and slowed down Baby’s pace. “Okay. But I swear that if he touched as much of a single hair on Sam’s head, he’s dead!” 
After a few minutes, many honking, near accidents and various insults and threats directed at pedestrians and other drivers, we finally arrived. Dean parked Baby in a haste and practically jumped out. I barely had the time to unbuckle my seatbelt that he was already away from the car. “Dean! Please wait, we don’t even know where they are!” I screamed as I attempted to follow him. I knew it was nonsense to run like that and I was sure that deep down, Dean knew it, too. But I could never reason with him when it came to Sam. So I didn’t argue and tried to run after him. We both rushed like idjits, trying to get through the crowd. With some luck, we could maybe spot something useful. But the crowd was getting thicker and only got in our way. I was sure we could have enjoyed this beautiful park in another circumstance. All around us, people were enjoying themselves in the heat of this late afternoon, strolling peacefully or maybe laughing at a very funny story. It was a huge contrast to our panicked state. Fear was rising in my blood with each passing second and seeing Dean in such distress worsened the situation. It felt surreal. Almost like being stuck in a loop: pushing people out of our way, trying to catch our breath, turning our heads to look in every direction and then realizing that we had no idea of the direction we should go and back to running again. Plus, time was running fast against us. We were progressively losing daylight and who knew what could be lurking here once the night had fallen.
We ran around for what felt like hours. Although we didn’t know where we headed, we still made it quite far from where we parked the car. Well, at least judging by the almost complete absence of people around and the growing presence of trees. Though my lungs burned from the running session, I was glad to be away from the suffocating crowd. While running, I sometimes checked the sky, trying to know what time it was. The sky took beautiful colors, indicating that the sun had set for quite some time. After a time of running, Dean abruptly stopped and almost made me fall. He brought his hands in his hair, and he turned on himself to face me. Dean was out of breath, just like me. His eyes were gleaming with tears, and he seemed about to break down. “Dammit! This park is too big. This asshole could be anywhere. Even outside of the park for that matter. A stupid joke to lead us here!” Dean was frantic, restless. It seemed that nothing could calm him.
My own heart seemed about to explode, but that was my shot to try to reason with him. I carefully closed the distance between us to get him to look at me.“Dean” was all I said to attempt to gain his attention. His eyes were roaming all over the landscape before finally landing on me. Even with his eyes on me, I could feel he wasn’t fully paying attention to me. And who could blame him? So, I took another step closer to him and said softly “Dean, listen to me.” But, he stepped back as if he was afraid of me. His expression seemed to shift from complete distress to an unreadable one. It wasn’t like him at all. Though my heart sank, I deeply breathed and tried again “I know you don’t want to hear that but we have to calm down a bit and to think. Running around leads to nothing. Now, breathe a little and try to focus.” Judging by the look in his eyes, Dean seemed to finally have a moment of clarity in the hell he had in his mind. He seemed to think, a focused expression on his face. Then he turned his gaze toward me again. “You think they’re here? In the park?” He asked, stepping in my direction. But before I could reply, he turned his back and began to pace around.  “But where?” And he went to an alt and finally said, “My baby brother is somewhere and I can’t find him. Lately, I was too caught up with…the case. So caught up that I can’t even protect him from an asshole shifter.” His voice broke a little and his shoulders slouched in defeat.
I swiftly approached him in an attempt of a hug. I was sure that he would push me away. But to my surprise, he didn’t slip away from my touch and gladly accepted it. I then lifted his chin to make him look at me. “Hey, you didn’t fail Sam. They know the books. They basically know everything about us. It’s not your fault. He told me that he wanted to kidnap you at first but the diner was too crowded. If they are in the park, there aren't many places where he could hide him without getting noticed. I’m going to find a map of the park. But keep in mind that it's more than probably another trap. Plus, the night is falling. We’ll have to be extra careful, okay?” He wiped a stray tear with the back of his hand and nodded his head. 
We then looked thoroughly at the map. After a moment, I sighed “There’s so many places” as I rubbed my forehead. Dean threw me a desperate look at those words but he redirected his eyes on the map and kept looking nonetheless. The more I looked at the map, the less hopeful I felt. I couldn’t tell Dean such a thing, I didn’t want to crush his hopes. But if it was a useless lead, we’d have to face it. Looking at this damn map was giving me a migraine. Then, Dean pointed his finger at an area and his face lit up. “Look, Y/N! There’s a lake named Elk Glen Lake. Do you think there’s a correlation?” He said as hope seemed to fill his eyes. Thoughts were running fast in my mind. After all, this wasn’t completely irrelevant to think about it, considering the weird game we were thrown into. “Well, it could seem far-fetched but with such a crazy mind as Joe’s, anything is possible. We have to check it.” “This whacko really loves to play with us.” I then tried to look closer in the area. “Look! There’s two separate sets of buildings around this area.  One around Overlook Drive and the other next to Middle Drive W. Should we look in both?” Dean approached his head and took a good look. “We should go check both of them. We’re too far from this place. Let’s go fetch Baby. And there’s no way I can leave you alone here.” He said as he gently took my hand and we left.
We took a quick ride to get near Overlook Dr. As we couldn’t drive on this road, we finished our journey by foot. Soon enough, we would be in the complete dark without any source of light as the new moon was tonight. And I could tell by the way he breathed that Dean was frustrated as hell. Well, it was more groans than breaths honestly. Our rapid footsteps made a terrible noise in the night, as did our irregular breathing. After a long walk in a wooded area with no one around, we finally arrived in a restricted area. At the moment we set foot in this place, we both grabbed our guns. It was a kind of construction site with various machines around. With poor lighting to top it all, it seemed straight out of an 80's horror movie. The air around us was perfectly still. I could almost expect a monster jumping out at us. I then realized that it was totally  possible when you lived a hunter's life.As my body temperature slowly got back to normal, I realized how chilly the air was. I couldn’t help but have slight shivers down my spine.
As I looked around us, I noticed that there was only one building. Dean got closer to me and finally said “I think we’ll have to check this building. This asshole could be here. Ready, Y/N?” I looked around while getting a better hold on my gun. Then I replied, “As I’ll ever be.” Dean threw me a serious look and declared “Okay. Follow me.” And we were finally moving toward the building. As we approached, I couldn’t help but sometimes throw a look or two behind our backs. I definitely watched too many horror movies with Dean. When we arrived next to the door, I slowly put my hand on the handle and tried to open it. But I noticed that it was locked. “It’s locked?”,asked Dean, visibly surprised. He then gently pushed me to the side. “What are you doing? You don’t think of breaking it, right?” I questioned him. He gave me a look and said “What? You have a better idea?”I got my picks out of my pocket and said “Yeah. The James Bond’s way.” He almost laughed when he asked “The James Bond’s way?” I just rolled my eyes and picked the lock. 
As we stepped in, I was shocked by the complete silence and darkness reigning here. It wasn’t as big as it looked from the outside. Dean and I went immediately shoulder to shoulder, raising our guns and trying to be as silent as possible. After a quick look around in the dark, there weren't many places where the shifter could hide. It was just a big room with three doors leading to supposedly other smaller rooms. The building was mostly empty, if it wasn’t for some tables here and there. As I kept looking around, Dean suddenly made a few gestures to tell me to take the door on my left. As he slowly walked away from me, I just glanced at him to see him preparing himself to open the other door. I, too, got closer to my door. Slowly grabbed the handle while preparing my gun with my other hand. My heartbeat was going crazy and a goosebump was forming on my arms. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever could be behind it and pulled the handle down. As I finally opened it, a scream suddenly interrupted me. It was Dean. I quickly turned, raised my gun and ran toward him. He seemed to be fighting someone.
I was ready to aim at the enemy. Dean was kicking and screaming, wrestling with….a broom? “Dean, stop.” I say, trying to pry the broom away from him. The look on his face was priceless. The adrenaline was visibly still coursing in his veins. “Something fell on me when I opened the door.” He said, still panting from the surprise. I stifled a laugh and said while holding his attacker. “Of all the monsters that ever attacked you, the worst one appears to be a broom. It’s a broom closet, Dean.” he grimaced at my jibe. “Yeah. Ha ha, real funny” he scoffed as i helped him up. “You okay, though? No dust bunny on you?” I ask, not resisting to poke a bit of fun at him despite the current situation.”You done?” he asked me with a bitch face that would make Sam proud. “Yeah, let’s go”. With that, we finished inspecting the other rooms.
As expected, it was a wild goose chase. So we moved to the next building on the map. It was now completely dark. The absence of light only thickenned the tension of the situation. Thankfully, the road to the old McQueen Plant wasn’t long. The first thing I noticed when we set foot in the driveway was that the fences around the restricted place were left open. The path was finally lit by a few lamp poles here and there. As we walked in, we were greeted by a deafening silence. Indeed, this part of the park was eerily calm, too calm for my liking. There was barely a noise except for the few twigs we stepped on. We both acted cautious, looking around every bush and tree. If the shifter was there, he could have been with Joe. After a few more steps in deafening silence, I whispered “I think I see light by the window of the building on our right.” Dean snapped his head to look in the direction of the square building with a greenish roof. ”Someone’s working the graveyard shift, huh?” He said as he readied his gun. As we were getting closer, Dean and I both spotted something weird on the ground. A shoe. I soon realized it was Sam’s left shoe. We exchanged a concerned look.
There we were, in front of the old building. I noticed that, unlike the other building from earlier, the door was slightly ajar. This made me throw a nervous look at Dean. We got ready, guns in hands. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as the pressure increased and my hands shook a little. Before we could enter, Dean put his free hand in front of me to stop me from stepping forward. I curiously looked at him. While placing one hand on the door handle, Dean whispered, “Behind this door, anything could wait for us. There’s probably two Sam inside. And worse, a wolfy bonus. But, at this point, we could only expect another stupid trap. The top priority is to get the real Sam and us out of this alive. So, be careful, okay?” I nodded my head. He breathed deeply and looked me in the eyes. “On the count of three.” he whispered. My blood was almost boiling with anguish. Dean’s countdown was over and we pushed the door. 
When we stepped foot inside, I realized it looked like an old laboratory.  The building seemed empty despite being fully lit. The greenish light of the neon made the lab seem darker.It almost looked like a morgue. Dean made a few gestures to tell me we had to inspect. Even though it was a fair size, the building was too small for us to feel the need to split up. Oddly enough, it was way more stressful to check a building with the light on. Indeed, it could only mean that the monster was waiting for us and it was clearly prepared. It seemed like a game and not just a monster trying to hide from us. It wanted us to find them. Another trap. By the way Dean’s jaw tensed at every step, I could tell that he felt the same. The constant flickering of the neons and the water dripping from a faucet nearby only made the situation worse. 
As I looked at the various glassware and samples miscellaneously placed here and there, I heard a deafening crash and various screams and groans. It sounded like someone throwing around someone else. Dean and I raised our heads, exchanged a look and began to try to locate the origin of the commotion. We then tried to  follow the noise. Judging by the way we heard it It seemed to come from a door in the back of the building. But which one, exactly? The ‘fight’ seemed to keep going as we were getting closer . But, after another violent crash that made the walls vibrate, a complete silence fell again. What if it was Sam? Dean seemed to perceive my anxiety as much as I could feel his. We raised our guns again. It was the red door right in front of us. We didn’t have a minute to waste.So, we swiftly ran to the door without making any noise. I was breathing deeply, getting ready for the possible fight that was awaiting us. But before I could do or say anything, Dean kicked the door open.
Part 7 soon
@hobby27 @vikingqueen28 @mikromoon @multifandomnerd4532 @deans-spinster-witch
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bendysinitiation · 4 months
by no means feel pressured to ship characters just because some of your audience like a ship, and don't take this as a sign of me telling you to do things! I just wanted to ramble here and you are free to respond however you like.
I really like the senry ship, it's really sentimental to me but also because I find it a very interesting dynamic with a lot of potential. Sammy lost his entire identity to the dark basin, and Henry is one of the only fleeting, remaining remnants of that old life. One of the few who can reliably tell him about who he used to be, and what the world outside is like. Will he risk everything and hold onto the past, even as his so called 'saviour' orders him to reject it? Will he value the truth over faith, regardless of what he might find about it? According to his faith, he has nothing to gain and almost every valuable thing remaining left to lose. What will he gain in pursuing this blasphemously forbidden love?
Meanwhile, Henry would also have a dilemma.
When he first became trapped here, his ultimate goal would be escape. By following this love, he makes this goal even harder, if not impossible, because now he is required to rescue someone who is even further gone than him, and who may not even be receptive to leaving. And, assuming that Sammy makes it out with him, his life would never be the same afterwards. There's no solid way to know the consequences. The only thing for certain is that they will happen.
Does he embrace what's hostile to him? Accept the monumental changes and allow them to permanently twist his life even further? Lower himself and risk fates worse than death, to empower someone who barely remembers him and could kill him in an instant?
Sorry if this is a bit rambly but I hope you can see my vision
DAMN go off… I really like this interpretation! I seriously appreciate the whole essay you gave me, I’m glad you enjoy the au enough to put it through your own lens! Its very captivating!
Also, It’s crazy that I have an audience now, as you’ve said. Anyways have this
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(Image ID: A crudely drawn image of Sammy and Sheepry in a parody anime style. Sammy lifts up Henry’s chin and they lock “eyes”. End ID)
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watchingspnagain · 8 months
Rewatching Jump the Shark
Welcome to “Adam is the New Dawn Summers: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e19: Jump the Shark
The boys answer a call on their dad’s old cell phone, and the caller claims to be John’s son. FRAUGHT. They go to meet him, Sam ready to see what’s what, Dean *certain* that this is some monster laying a trap. But all signs point to Adam really being John’s son and therefore the boys’ younger half brother. Adam’s mother has disappeared, and while Sam and Dean try to find out what happened to her, the three brothers have all manner of moments of strife and snipe and hurt and grump. (Dean is especially grump.) Turns out, whoops, that Adam IS a monster (a ghoul) laying a trap, but the ghoul has taken the form of the real Adam, who is very dead but was also very much Sam and Dean’s brother. Ooof.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
oh fuck off, John
jeez, Dean
sammy brushing his teeth is hot don't ask me why i don’t make the rules
"but I'm hungry now" me and Dean are the saaaaame person
LOL it is adorable
omg Sam also has mouthwash
our poor boys
dean is PISSED
and underneath his anger iceburg is a whoooole lot of hurt
don't just throw the silverware on the floor, Dean, you’re better than that
I will forgive him a lot right now, but still
poor Adam
"a car fell on him" DEAN
“a car fell on him”
you’re being a turd
Lor, slap him upside real quick
yep. we've crossed over into "no pie for you"
nah he enjoys that. and then I get all....
yeah right, you would never
yeah, I wouldn't. not enough that he'd feel it
i meant deprive him of pie
oh that.
I meeeean. maybe for a minute or two
what diner has real silver on the table?
Lor. we just watched Dean switch them out and throw the diner’s stuff on the floor
get your head in the game
oh yeah! I was... distracted
oh Dean, honey
oh man, Dean. poor thing.
 his head is near asploding
and his heart
admit it, Dean, your dad was a DICK
as if he could hate John more AND dammit he'd thought the man had run out of ways to hurt him
oh DEAN. he needs a hug. maybe he should pray to Cas
that’s the problem - i don’t think he does hate john and he really needs to
well not enough anyway
he hates himself for not being a better son instead of blaming john for being a shit father
sloppy, John, getting your pic in the paper. terrible hunter
oooof YEP
so this is going right into the I Must Be a Shitty Son because He Loved This Kid More
see, he needs pie
lololol Dean
stop throwing scissors!
omg the spazzing
(course, maybe he's doing it on purpose to protect Sammy from having to go down there)
(I can never decide which I think it is)
oooo you clean that gun, Dean, you clean it good
I mean. Dean is
just not for a JOB
oh Sam
always steps up with the logic
Jesus, Dean, sitting as far away as he can
"nobody just says okay"
Dean. It’s not HIS fault.
Dean is SUCH a whirl of emotions
omg both of them yelling "no" at little brother
“welcome to the family”
poor Sammy
poor Sammy. welcome to being the middle kid, Sam
Somehow he’s always been the middle kid
(do you remember how this goes?)
(i do not)
(oh HO. very good, then)
(well, I mean, Adam ends up as Michael, if that’s what you mean)
(that is not what I mean)
I love that little bracelet on Sam’s wrist
it COULD have been over if the writers hadn't dropped the ball all the way to the center  of the earth at the end
nnnnnggggg Dean crouching by the car
is he wearing…italian boots?
he is wearing SOME kind of very special boots that he did NOT buy at Macy's, that's for sure
pets him
this is why you never park over top of shit
lol poor Bobby. "MORE of you snot nosed Winchesters to look after? I'm gonna resurrect your son of bitch father so I can shoot him myself"
Dean is STRUGGLING with stuff
he REALLY is
wants to hate the kid but also wants to protect him
Big Brother pull is strong with this one
oh Sam
“i think it’s too late for us"
they are beautiful boys, but DAMN they are messed up
they REALLY are
"well then I'll look again"
his little hufflepuff heart can't handle not caretaking his little brother
lol I love that he makes his quips when there's no one to hear them though
I prefer when he says “son of a bitch"
oooof Dean
oh he’s got his thinking cap on
ooof Dean you can stop now
Jesus, Dean.
you probably wanna raise them higher than that too Sam
"Adam's in a better place" not for looooong
i don’t remember how he comes back
is it because dean says no to michael?
the angels bring him back when Dean says no, yeah
stop insulting sammy, dean
"you take it any way you want" ooooooof
The Fraught Brothers Ride Again
cripes, boys
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roxy-bat-wolf-pack · 4 months
Wish I May, Wish I Might ✨️
Part 1
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Roxy Winchester
I was covered in blood. I knew most of it was mine but it did my heart good to know that at least some of it belonged to the bitch that did this to me.
" Does it hurt badly?" Sam asked, swallowing the lump in his throat. To say it hurt was an understatement.
"You try having a rusty dagger go through your arm and tell me if you think it hurts," was all I could mutter, but I instantly regretted it. Sammy had been through worse than this, and I knew it. Yet he didn't bicker with me like he might have with Dean. The snarky comments lingered only in my head. It was always more troubling for them when I was the injured one. After mom died, I was left as the last female Winchester. Something that, despite my best efforts, made the boys all the more worried about me.
Truthfully, what hurt worse than the wound was my brother's worried looks. Sam sat in the back of the Impala with me, his long legs cramped as he held a blood-stained cloth over my wound. It did little to stop the bleeding, as it was already completely soaked through. Dean drove faster than I'd ever seen him drive, regularly throwing concerned glances in the rear view to catch a glimpse at the state I was in. I could only  imagine what he saw. I knew I was green with nausea. The dramatic loss of blood was beginning to affect all parts of my body. My head was pounding, my legs were weak, and my heart was racing. A faint darkness began to creep at the edge of my vision. Even still, I held onto hope that the boys would get me to the hospital in time.
I gave Sam an apologetic look. I'm not sure it even registered in the dark passing glow of the streetlights. Despite Sam being the youngest, his height always made him feel like a big brother. Sometimes I forgot he looked to me as his big sister. As for Dean, well, there was no mistaking his authority as the oldest. It was a responsibility I didn't envy, especially in times like these.
I saw him glance at me again and knew that if anything happened to me, he wouldn't stop blaming himself. To be fair, he couldn't have known that the witches were lurking outside the manor and not hiding inside like we suspected.
It didn't matter now. They were all dead, and if we didn't drive faster, I would be too. The darkness that lined my sight grew stronger.I glanced up at the windshield and saw the white and red sign of the ER entrance.
Dean drove right up to the large automatic doors, and Sam had his feet on the ground before the car came to a complete stop. He hurriedly shut his door behind him, and I felt a rush of cold night air hit me, revitalizing my senses. My side door opened, and he gently lifted me from the seat, reapplying pressure to the wound on my upper arm.
If the staff was surprised at the state of me, they didn't show it, and I didn't blame them. Working the ER in a city like this was probably no easy task. I was rushed into a wheelchair and immediately taken to the back. Through my brain fog, I had a faint recollection of a male nurse stepping in front of my brothers, preventing them from following me. Their anxious faces peeked over the man's head to look at me. The nurses voice was stern.
"You guys can't go back yet. We will need to ask you some questions." I'm not sure my brothers even heard him.
"We're right here, Rocky!" Dean's voice called out, his nickname for me bringing another layer of familial comfort.
"Yeah, we aren't going anywhere! We will be in to see you as soon as they let us, " Sam called, his voice equally anxious.
I tried to smile back at them,  sure it just looked like a grimace, before being wheeled into the next room. As soon as I was out of their view, I allowed the darkness on the edge of my vision to close in.
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kingofrotten · 2 years
My savior
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The youngest hunter rounded the corner into the dark forest. The lights from the streets behind him slowly disappearing as his long legs rushed as fast as they could. A bone chilling scream changed his direction to his left. "Y/N!",he called out hoping he make it back in time. His lungs were burning and every step hurt more and more. "Sam!",he heard the voice of his brother calling out to him from behind. "Down here!", he answered, given his location. The shorter one ran as fast as he could ignoring all thoughts of the worst case scenario. Now he could hear a scream but it doesn't take a doctor to tell that this wasn't human. Sam kept all his senses on high alert. Trying to spot any signs of the wendigo. Or even better, of you.
A bright light to the hunters left and a terrifying scream that followed let the hunter change his direction once again. His brother like a shadow following him. The first thing that Sam saw was you on the ground, back turnedin his direction, a little self made flamethrower in hand pointing the flame in front of you at the screaming creature. In that moment it happens that the gas ran out quicker then you thought. You couldn't help thinking about that Dean reminded you befor you left Bobby's place to check the gas. You could hear his "I told you so" in your mind. Maybe it was a coping machism to distracted your self from the pissed, slightly rosted, windigo ready to attack you. You closed your eyes but instead of the pain you expect you felt heat to your right. When you opened your eyes the oldest Winchester was next to you holding his bigger flamethrower toasting the creature. "Hey.", you could hear to your left, but befor you turned your head, two big, strong arms grabbed around you.
Only now Sam could see the with blood soaked jeans ripped by the claws, the three big wounds on leg, stomach and chest, the bruises covering your body, the muddy overlay on your entire body when the creature dragged you on the forest floor. But the thing that broke his heart was the expression on your face when you saw him. The tears that flooded your eyes, blurring your vision, the emptiness in your eye's, exhausted frome the fighting. How your hold body trembled as he picked you up holding you in front of his chest. The lights of the flame dyed down as the oldest hunter finished his job. "I got this. You get her back to the car.", Dean ordered his brother, relived that you survived without life threatening injuries. The way Sam walked back through the forest, may reminded someone of a freshly married man carrying his partner to the little cabin in the woods the spend the honeymoon there. But the slight whimper you gave out while burying your face in the youngest Winchesters chest was the exact opposite of lovely.
I was spontaneous in the mood for a Sammy x reader a couple months ago but due to recent events I could only post it now.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language so I excuse myself for any errors I made.
If you like it tho leave me a like before you repost it, share it, or just genuinely enjoyed it.
Feel free to leave requests, I'll reply as soon as I can.
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funky-gobbo-art · 1 year
Donolinc/Cringe!AU pt. 2
Okay if you're confused please refer to my main trans headcanon post here and the introduction to this au here.
Once again I'll give the same CW as the last post: if you don't wanna see any references to trans male pregnancy please blacklist the terms "mpreg" and "tmpreg", similar content to whats in Mafia 3 normally like violence, bigotry of the 1960's, war, etc.
General disclaimer: I'm not that good at drawing babies/young children. Pls forgive me TwT
(Some of these pictures are older than others)
Danielle Clay was born on Sept 1st 1969. Everyone calls her "Dani" for short. Her biological parents are Lincoln Clay and John Donovan, she has Lincoln's last name because it felt right.
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She shows some signs of having ADHD in her childhood and her parent's quirks definitely rubbed off on her, like poking around things she shouldn't but also going head first into "scary" things.
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Lincoln is so happy to be a dad since he lost his own family, and can be very over protective at times but that doesn't really show up until she's in her pre-teens and onward. Like I said in the last post, John was just happy he could keep this one, it takes a lot of adjusting to this new life, he still does what he normally does but cause he's at Sammy's all the time, he spends the most time with Dani before she eventually goes to school.
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He's definitely more in charge with dressing her and had to learn how to do her hair, which was awkward at first with the whole situation. He may not be an ideal parent but he definitely loves and cares for her a lot. Just is pretty loose with swear words in front of her.
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Since she does get into things a lot, she has to be kept away from loose papers and any potentially dangerous things laying around. She has ruined the vibe of a meeting at Sammy's where Lincoln invited his underbosses in the bar. Donovan, still keeping out of their line of sight, has quickly snatched Dani away from the bar area and took her back to the living space, but thats how the underbosses saw Lincoln's kid for the first time. Father James comes around more often just to check up on the kid and sometimes comes at Lincoln's request. He tries to keep his mouth shut about his opinions on Donovan's parenting, but Lincoln knows exactly what he's thinking.
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Because John is still, well, John, he does complain a lot and projects his own distaste of things onto Dani, like hating the weather, going into the swamps, hating hippies, etc. Dani handles the weather pretty well like Lincoln, and as for hippies, Lincoln's taken her to LaVeau's compound where she interacted with M.J and his friends, so she ends up liking being around people like that, she came home with a flower crown and Lincoln had to answer a lot of questions. When it comes to swamps, once Dani's a teenager she eventually goes out into the Bayou Fantom a lot with her friends. Lincoln also took her to gator feedings before and she loves them.
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She does eventually meet Marshall and Jackie when she's young. Marshall gives John a hard time a lot, occasionally saying some off color things about John as a "joke", and once Dani can talk, she'll even say "MY DAD IS NOT A MOM >:O" which surprised Marshall but he stops those kind of jokes for now. As for Jackie, despite her and John not being that close, since she does know his history and keeps tabs on Jesse, she's just happy to see things seemed to have worked out.
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During all this, in between taking care of Dani, John was still working on his side project and was zeroing in on someone that was actually nearby. He was still fixated on the JFK conspiracy, and from old papers he found linking the Marcano's to local politicians, he started setting up a meeting to go to Baton Rouge, since many folks where still talking about Lincoln's crime spree and how he seemed to be untouched by the law for now. It was big news, and John was pulling some strings to go to a hearing on "Lincoln Clay's behalf". August 25th, 1971, Donovan went to a senate hearing about Lincoln's crime spree and meeting face to face with Senator Blake. Everything was recorded live. Everything. Danielle was nearly 2 years old at this time. The aftermath lead to John leaving the state and hiding for a few months away from the authorities and eventually they lost his scent after a few months
Of course, a serious crime such as assassinating a state senator will mean he's never NOT safe, but after a few months skipping around in different states, changing out cars and his appearance, he did eventually finally get back to New Bordeaux, after leaving Lincoln and Dani on their own for a few months, he missed her 2nd birthday and Lincoln swore he was about to punch him as soon as he got back, but he couldn't. He just got really emotional and made fun of John for having a more unkempt appearance.
In a way, as the new crime lord of New Bordeaux, and making sure the right people stay paid, Lincoln is basically untouchable, sure he has enemies, but law enforcement is in his pocket, he's got people to take care of things, etc. Sammy's becomes somewhat of a safe haven. Donovan can chill out there and not really worry about getting caught for his Live TV stunt, and he content with just leaving it there to make the people he's targeting paranoid. Not sure how he feels about being stuck in New Bordeaux though, but it's a good setup for now. Being around Lincoln means guaranteed immunity, also of course, happy to be near his kid again. Because Lincoln got emotional, Dani needed to be babysat for awhile (probably by Nicki cause she's trusted), and he really wanted to see if somehow he can use John being trans as some kind of loophole so they can legally tie the knot, he's sure he can talk to and bribe the right people but John isn't sure how he feels about it just yet, he just knows Lincoln's very clingy right now and lets him get his feelings out, ofc he missed him too.
Once again, yes I'm planning on adding more. Also I just wanna say, while I love this ship, the only thing that REALLY sucks about it is the age gap. They're both adults that seem to be on equal ground, but despite not revealing John's age, he has to be at most 35, which makes him about 12 years older than Lincoln. Which is eeehhhh....ehhhh.... really clinging on the fact they're both grown and seem to look at each other as equals. So whatever.
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I think it's amazing how Sam looks up to Dean even when they're adults. He told Lucifer that Dean would come and kick his ass. Lucifer. Sam's terrified of Lucifer for obvious reasons but I think this showcases the faith, Sam has in Dean even now. Dean was one of Sam's earliest role models and with their dad out hunting, Dean played an even bigger role. For Sam Dean is "the man without sin." Now obviously Dean is not infallible. He's made plenty of mistakes and I know Dean blames himself for every one but to Sam he pretty much is. Dean almost killed Sam several times but it wasn't him. It was because of the Mark of Cain or because he was a demon or because of Chuck's influence. Sam's devotion to Dean is earth-shattering in a lot of ways but it's quiet. It stays in the shadows but comes out in huge ways. I hope Dean realizes just how much Sam looks up to him.
Dean's devotion to Sam is earth-shattering but it's loud. I think sometimes that is why people wonder if Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves Sam. He does and the show shows this well but because Sam isn't constantly making for lack of a better word love declarations or making deals with demons or Death or even Michael for Dean it may look like he doesn't love him as much. This is of course not true. I also think this is why Sam runs away sometimes, between his own love for Dean and Dean's love for him it's overwhelming. I think it's overwhelming for Dean too but he is awed by it. Like in the finale he was awed by how much he truly loves Sam. More than his dad and more than his mom because Sam was always there when no one else was. Sam is awed by it too but he tends to shy away from the enormity of his love for Dean while Dean embraces it, although it does scare him sometimes. Sam and Dean's love for each other is written into their shared soul. (This is a different meta altogether but I think it's interesting how they sometimes feel guilty when they sacrifice the world for each other or how Dean was terrified to go to Hell but yet they wouldn't do anything differently.)
When Dean looks at Sam all he feels is proud. He doesn't see a blood-junkie or ex-blood junkie, he doesn't feel contempt or disgust, he doesn't see Sam's mistakes, he doesn't see a completely different person then who he knew all his life. He's proud of the man Sam has become although I'm sure he also sees the kid Sam was. He calls Sam "Sammy" when Sam is like 40 years old. It's of course a sign of endearment but also a sign that Sam will always be "Sammy" to him. Going by the show Dean played a big part in raising Sam so he does have a certain ability to get Sam to do what he wants kinda like a parent with their adult child. Sam does tend to listen to Dean more than his dad because I think in a lot of ways he trusts Dean more. (Which is probably fair. I mean their dad literally told Dean if you can't save him you'll have to kill him. Dean would never kill Sam but John I think he'd be at least thinking about killing both his sons at some point throughout the seasons. Let's not forget the Mark of Cain and Dean being a demon. I also think if John ever tried to kill Sam Dean would never let him.) Dean also knows how to get through to Sam which is something their dad probably never perfected. Sam is very much used to Dean's love because their bond is so unconditional.
Even though he got pissed Dean would take their dad's side a lot of the time I'm sure he knew if it was a matter of his safety and it was truly life or death even when Dean was very much deferring to their dad Dean would put him first. Big brother first, soldier and hunter second. (I think that defined pretty much all his life: Big brother first, soldier and hunter second.) Dean has done things throughout their childhood for Sam that maybe went against their dad a bit. The fireworks that made Sam so happy, Dean somehow convincing his dad to let Sam come on hunts, Dean watching Sam's play, letting Sam believe in the Easter Bunny until he was twelve.
Dean does not and never has seen Sam as something less than human or a monster or a freak. I know he's said some hurtful things that were of course targeted to hurt Sam because he felt hurt himself but that definitely does not mean he meant them. You hurt the people you love the most and because of the enormity of their love they have hurt each other horribly. Their bond is stronger than the hurt though. Sam is used to Dean's anger, used to his dad's anger who Dean inherited that particular trait from. He's used to it in himself as well it's just he's not prone to anger as quickly. Sam needs Dean to be proud of him and put him above everyone else and when that's threatened he tends to go a little crazy. (I'm not trying to say Sam is selfish by any means I'm just saying considering all the instability in their lives that one thing is a constant, Sam says as much, and I think anyone would go a little crazy if the one thing they always knew to be true was taken from them.) That is why season 8 happened but I'm glad Dean was able to get through to him. While I do think he knows how Dean gets when he's angry Sam also doesn't want to be a burden and he tends to internalize everything. Anything Dean says in anger, or jest, or frustration, or betrayal, or because he's being facetious get internalized and that's how you get Sacrifice. Because despite being able to read Dean and know he didn't mean it Sam has a lot of self-hate and it tends to fuel the fire.
Dean knows how good Sam is though. He knows he's a hero. I don't truly think Dean has ever looked at Sam as anything but good. He was adamant that Sam wouldn't turn into Max. He was adamant that soulless Sam was not his brother and not Sammy. He told Sam he had thought he was doing the right thing because Sam is always trying to do the right thing and told the doctor in the mental hospital that Sam wasn't evil and while that scene was hilarious I'm 100% sure he truly meant it. (I swear he's also told him you've helped a lot more people than you've hurt but I could be wrong on that one.) His actions also support Dean believing Sam is good because he literally didn't want to let Sam down by saying yes to Michael and of course the biggest of all he went to the cemetery with the understanding he might be killed because he refused to let Sam die alone.
In the end, he did save Sam because their love for each other was what allowed Sam to overpower Lucifer, therefore, saving the world. Their love saves them over and over again. If Sam and Dean hadn't been born the apocalypse happens. I'm sure Dean has always saw Sam as more pure and good than Sam has ever seen himself. I'm sure Dean thinks Sam is a better person than him as well. I think Sam knows this too. (I'm aware of the voicemail of course but one I'm sure Sam figured out that was a manipulation even if they never talked about it and two I headcanon that they did talk about it at some point.) Like I and others have said nothing can tear them apart permanently. Not God and not Death. They accept each other for who they are and still see each other as good even after everything.
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