#i spend so much time screaming at them to ron
beebeesiims · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
this is so hard, because almost every sim in my current household is my favorite but since @bastardtrait made a post about them today, i'll start with the heads of my household: #phibby!!
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Ibrahim Emre Lucky by @bastardtrait
- Has a rib tattoo that says just as long as there are stars above us, in honor of the first night he told Phoenix he loved her and their daughter Aurora. - Has saved the aforementioned daughter from death TWICE. - Moved to Copperdale to teach theater at the high school (he was in drama as a child) but is currently the head of the arts department as well as one of the theater teachers. - Is the one who posed the idea to Phoenix of adopting their youngest, Samuel Valentine, when one of his students approached him about her pregnancy. - Like his fathers before him, he regularly calls his children sprogs. But as of recently, he's started slipping into Turkish when he's exasperated. - Bonus fact: he was prom king. Suck on that, Jakob!
If you want to read more about Ibrahim, please read the Lucky Legacy over on Ron's tumblr!
Phoenix Avani Hightower Lucky
- Is the oldest of a set of twins (the other is her brother, Finch). She also has an older sister named Autumn. - Got pregnant as a teenager during her very first woohoo with Ibrahim. - Is max parenting, cooking, dancing, charisma and at least like 2 or 3 other skills. - Started out teaching math at Copperdale high school, but is now the chancellor for the Copperdale school district. Her goal was always administration after being denied the chance to apply for early graduation or a spot as valedictorian during her time at Harborview High School. Despite the fact that she was a perfect student, had only ever missed the 2 days it took her to give birth and recover, and was voted both prom queen and head of the cheerleading team, the administration felt it reflected poorly to allow her to represent the school in an official capacity due to her status as a teenage mother. Her goal has been to change the system ever since. - Has a "sleeve" of star tattoos in honor of the night she climbed out of her window to see Ibby (the first night she said she loved him) and their daughter Aurora. - Bonus fact: her gamertag is queen.lucky
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
✨🏴‍☠️OC Questionnaire Mega Tag 🏴‍☠️✨
Thank you so so much for all these OC Questionnaire Tags:
@tragedycoded here, @wyked-ao3 here and here, @jev-urisk here, @illarian-rambling here,
@oliolioxenfreewrites here, @drchenquill here, @pluppsauthor here, and @saturnine-saturneight here. Thank you everyone who has tagged me, and even if I don’t see your tag just know that I appreciate you a lot! (I found out that Tumblr doesn’t catch all the times I’m mentioned either. Feel free to DM me if you wanna chat or get added to my writing list! ✨)
Allllright let’s get started on these….who should I—
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Cheers, mate! 🍻
Five Things that make you happy?
Benjamin, Rum, my ship, my mates, and blasting the smug grin off the faces of royals :)
If you could save just one other person who would it be?
Take one guess, mate.
Tell us one of your funniest jokes.
There once was a lad whose nose flew off from a point-blank shot. What did he say? “Tell us one of your funniest jokes.” No? Not laughing? Oh darn, I thought that was quite the knee slapper there. :)
Where would you like to visit?
Around the Caribbean Isles with my husband and crew. The waters should be good this time of year…
When do you usually go to sleep?
Well, depends….usually after Benji and I—
Benjamin: —STOP. 😡
Are you a jealous person?
Have you committed a crime?
….Nah. ;)
Do you have a chore you absolutely hate?
Usually it’s the mates that do those, but cleaning the heads has never been a favorable chore for any of them.
Benjamin:…Not at all. 😑
Tell me an embarrassing childhood story.
I was spending a night in the slammer after Officer Ralph caught me pickpocketing. I tried using the butter from my bread at dinner to slip through the bars, and wound up getting stuck. Officer Ralph was none too pleased about that one, as he had to get out the hacksaw on the iron bars to free me.
Are you a good person?
I’m a pirate. Are pirates known to be good people?
Benjamin: You’re a pirate with a heart of gold, Peter.
Oh love, you’re gonna make me blush. I’ll remember that line next time I’ve pissed you off enough~
What's the worst thing you've ever done? Do you regret it?
…..Oh Gods. I don’t think I want to go there…
Benjamin: …It’s fine, Peter—
—it’s not. Back on Bloodwater Bay, I….I still wake in cold sweats to that scream.
Benjamin: It had to be done. I realize it now. You saved me….
….I may have saved you, but I’m no hero for that.
What's the quickest way to make you laugh?
Insulting parliament. Or robbing them blind.
What is your favorite song right now?
“The Wellerman” is right fun, it is. Never fails to make me break out in a jig with the mates.
Do you sometimes wish to be someone else?
Mmmmmmnope. Can’t say I do.
Do you push forward or take time to rest?
I’d take time in the islands to let my mates rest, but if I let my guard down for even a second it could spell disaster. I remain vigilant, even in slumber.
What is your favorite drink?
Ron de Barbados. A gorgeous, rich rum with earthy flavors and hints of vanilla. A kick of cinnamon spice, and a dash of hazelnut that tickles the tongue. A bottles worth about twenty grand, but you’d be a fool to think I’d purchase a bottle to enjoy its contents :)
If you had to pick an item of clothing or an accessory to wear for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It’d have to be my father’s tricorn. I’m honored to continue his legacy.
If you were forced to forget one memory, what would you choose?
Remember that thing I regret? On Bloodwater Bay? If I could erase that from my mind, I’d do so in a heartbeat. The day I nearly lost my husband is a day that still rests as a deep scar stitched across my chest, and perched there is the little red bird that I must protect at all costs.
What is a positive thing your worst enemy would say about you?
That I have guts. And I’m not afraid to spill them.
Thank you, Peter. 🏴‍☠️💛✨
Leaving this as an +open tag for anyone who wishes to join 💛✨
✨👇Tag list for writing snippets below. DM me if you’d like to get added 👇✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@deanwax , @dyrewrites , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @finickyfelix , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd , @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @mysticstarlightduck , @yourpenpaldee , @moltenwrites , @pixies-love-envy , @davycoquette , @writeahurricane , @nczaversnick , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees , @aintgonnatakethis , @thecomfywriter , @pluppsauthor , @flurrysahin , @authorcoledipalo , @jadeglas , @spookyceph , @astramachina , @48lexr , @differentnighttale , @inseasofgreen , @saebasanart , @leatafandom
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softguarnere · 11 months
I've been staring at your ask box for about 20 minutes now because i'm speechless, your writing is so fucking good!!! I've even sent it to my friend (she is not into hbowar) and she was like woow, specially at Ares and Athena, sooo I was wondering if you could write more stuff like that? it's not like I've been shaking, crying, screaming at my screen while reading over and over again BUT PLEASE WRITE MORE SPEIRS X READER
Evaded by Hypnos
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Ron Speirs x reader
A/N: Omg hi anon! Thank you so much 💖 This ask absolutely made my day when I got it! Ares and Athena is one of my favorite fics that I've written, so I'm super glad you and your friend liked it as well! This is a prequel based off an off-handed line at the end of the fic about how Ron and the reader met. I really hope you like it! (and tagging @ronsparky since you wanted to read it 😁) As always, this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans! Warnings: language
The night sky hangs still overhead. Somewhere in the distance, machine gun fire pops in bursts, shattering any stillness that might have been about to settle over everyone. Some people can sleep through just about any conditions. Good for them. They’re probably the only ones managing to catch some shuteye. Meanwhile, everyone else is awake and in varying degrees of alertness, and all for different reasons. Some are too scared to attempt sleep, afraid that it might be the last time that they ever shut their eyes. But for Ron and those like him, staying alert is the only thing to do when sleep remains elusive.
D-Day has been hectic, to say the least. Scattered men have been trying to rejoin their companies. They’ve all been on the move, living one order to the next, one objective to the next. The frustration of the night has turned to exhaustion for many, as Fox Company remains elusive. Ron never would have guessed that their biggest challenge once they got to Europe would be trying to keep the companies in line as they moved. Which seems funny, in a sort of pitiful way, now that he’s alone and there’s time to think about it.
Lots of time to think about it. Hours stretch before him in the dark night. Now that they’ve got Talbert from Easy Company taken care of, Ron leans back in his foxhole, waiting for something else to happen, or for sleep to take him first.
You’re so quiet that he doesn’t notice you until you speak. “Lieutenant Speirs?”
Ron looks up. Through the darkness, he can just make out the shape of someone standing above his foxhole, staring down at him. Her voice is quiet, but firm. Ron sits up straight to get a better look. “Yes?”
You gesture down, indicating the foxhole, him, the room he has. “Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” he replies, already moving over to create more space.
“Thanks,” you say when you hop in and land beside him with a soft thump! Now that you’re closer, he recognizes you. Lieutenant (Y/L/N), from Easy Company. One of the women in the female paratrooper program – and one of the only women to become an officer so far. Maybe it’s the poor lighting, but it looks like you smile at him. “Went to make sure they had Talbert handled, and then came back to find that some of the guys had taken my foxhole.”
“You didn’t make them move?” Ron isn’t sure if it comes out as more of a question or a statement. Obviously you either didn’t make them move, or they chose not to listen to your order – a problem with some of the men when it comes to the gender of whoever is giving them a command.
You shake your head. “I’ve fought enough battles today.”
That doesn’t seem fair. Ron doesn’t know you personally – has never even spoken to you one on one before now – but he’s heard about you. And the popular consensus seems to be that you’re a good officer. The upper echelon seem to think so, and so do the men and women of Easy company. Good officers are hard to come by. They shouldn’t be left in the dark looking for a foxhole to spend the night in.
“Well, if you ever need a place to stay, my foxhole is always open.” The words are out of Ron’s mouth before he’s fully had time to realize how cheesy and awful they sound. Thank God for the darkness, because he grimaces, and when he hears you emit a small laugh, his cheeks feel a little warm.
“Thank you, Lieutenant. That’s very kind.”
“You can call me Ron,” he offers.
A pause. Great, he’s said the wrong thing again.
Or maybe not. “Okay,” you agree. “Thank you . . . Ron.” You don’t say it reluctantly, just slowly, like maybe it’s some sort of trick, or like you’re taking your time trying it out. “You can call me (Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” he repeats. It’s beautiful. It suits you.
There’s the clinking sound of metal on metal as you unscrew your canteen and take a sip of water. You sigh through your nose. “So, Ron. Why are you awake on such an exciting night?”
He starts to make something up, then thinks better of it. He’s only just properly met you, and yet, he feels that he can tell you the truth, even though most people probably wouldn’t believe him. It must be something about being under the cover of night; it’s a shroud that makes sharing secrets easier, somehow.
“To tell you the truth, (Y/N) . . .” He allows the words to hang there for a second to create suspense. “I just can’t sleep.”
In the darkness, he hears you replace the lid of your canteen. “Is tonight special? Or is this an ongoing issue?”
Ron blinks. No one has ever asked him that before. Back in training, everyone seemed to think that his lack of sleep was some sort of vigilance, like staying up late was a way to assert dominance over everyone, proving that he was fearless in the face of the night, like some sort of watch dog. Really, the simple answer was that he just couldn’t sleep. There wasn’t more to it then, and there’s not really more to it now.
“The latter,” he replies.
You hum. “Me, too.”
“Yep. Chalk it up to the war being so damn exciting, or something, but I haven’t slept well since Toccoa.”
“I don’t know about the excitement. Those horrible mattresses, maybe.” Ron grins, forgetting that you probably won’t be able to see it in the dark. You let out a short laugh, though, and he knows that for the first time since he joined up, one of his jokes has actually been taken as a joke instead of being misconstrued.
“Well, they were better than a foxhole,” you muse. He can hear metal on metal again as you open your canteen once more. “Sorry if I’m keeping you up, though.”
“You aren’t,” Ron promises. “In fact, it’s kind of nice having someone else with the same issue. Good to have company.”
“I agree.” For a moment, the two of you fall into a lull. Ron swears that he can feel you looking at him from the corner of your eye, like you’re sizing him up. He decides to make the first move.
“So, (Y/N),” he begins. “Where are you from?”
And that is the beginning – how Ares met Athena. All because Hypnos evades both, and the Fates tied them together because of it.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Every Perfect Curve
George Weasley x Chubby Reader
You had given birth to your sweet little Freddy a while ago. While finally having a moment to yourself, you can’t help but feel self conscious that you haven’t ’bounced back’ like so many others have. George is there to remind you that you are just stunning. Even if you never ‘bounce back’ as they say
Warnings: 16+, Body Dysphoria, Trans Masc coded but over all discussion of weight gain, flirting, sexual content ((no sex)) nursing, postpartum, After The Deathly Hallows Content, Pregnancy
Writing Coms Open
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“This used to fit-!” You sniffled, as you were fighting with your body. Trying so hard to get your pants on. You haven’t worn pants since your second trimester. You wanted to wear pants again, but it doesn’t seem like that will happen. You couldn’t even get them past your thighs. It was so frustrating, how much weight you had gained.
“Jellybean, you just had a baby. You think Mum is built like a string bean like the kids she popped out?” George tried to explain, as he was undoing his suit jacket. So happy to have the work day done with, and finally spend some time with his family. You, little Freddy, and Bill with his own pregnant wife.
Since after the war, Bill figured to return back to Gringotts. Stable job, close to George, well paying, and those goblins actually gave him medically paid vacation leave for every time the week of the full moon was coming. It was perfect. Also, he won’t lie, was nice to have a part time job at WWW. Everything was perfect, besides well….The hormones.
“But she had seven kids! I just had one-!” You sniffled. Luckily, George was a fourth kid of seven. He knows a thing or two about someone with hormones. Especially ones with postpartum. Molly had caught some after Ron, funny enough. He knew not to poke the bear, too much.
Before he could stop you, you were already crying. “I’m so fat-! Look at my chest! Look at my thighs! I’m covered in stretch marks, and I can’t wear clothes right anymore! I’m bigger than a inflatus charm! How can you even stand the sight of me?!” You sobbed, as those hormones were just destroying your head space. He let you scream it out, having long since casted a silencing charm on your shared bedroom. Just letting you scream it out. Better out than in.
“Jellybean-“ He cooed, as he would leave himself in his dress shirt now. He would sneak behind you, and wrapped his arms around your stomach. Happily tracing over your stretch marks, and resting his head on yours. Just looking into the mirror, and seeing you struggle. Wet tears and all. He didn’t see what you saw. He saw someone he loved. Every inch of you was devine. Every stretch mark, roll, and sag. That was you.
“Jeans are uncomfortable anyway.” He tried to joke with you, as he scratched his finger on the rough denim. Going to make a disgusted face at the texture. Despite your tears, you couldn’t stop your smile. Damn him. He always found a way. You hated how he made you smile, as you now over thought. Were you crying for attention now? Were you making a big deal out of nothing? Luckily, your husband was quick to distract you from such scary thoughts.
“Come on. You like my pants anyway.” He added. Given how tall he was, the fabric was able to stretch around you easier. You didn’t even have a chance to argue, before he found a pair of his old pajama pants. You figured not to fight him, and soon sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the jeans off, and helped you into the old soft fabric. Just pampering you. Kissing those newly soft features, and admiring you. Kissing that belly, that took care of your shared little boy. Admired those thighs, and appreciated those stretch marks from that hard working body.
“Much better?” He asked, as they were able to properly fit. Given the height, there was plenty of fabric over your stomach. Enough to even pull the plaid high enough to not drag on the ground. He even worked on making sure you had some nice warm socks, so you didn’t get chilly. Making sure you were as cared for as you deserved.
“Shut up.” You huffed, but he knew you were just frustrated with your body. He knew what that was like. Losing an ear sure makes life hell. If anyone can relate to hating your own body, it’s him. He would let you be frustrated, as he tried to make sure you were comfortable. Seems your top wouldn’t be next, as you two heard noises from the living room.
“ACK-! FLEUR HELP-!” Bill shouted, followed by the devious giggles of your son. Next were the sweet giggles of the Half Veela, as she was most likely working on saving her partial werewolf groom. The giggles of your son gave you a brief smile, but your eyes were on your body again.
“Hey, look at me-“ George would soon cup your face, so to make sure you stopped looking at yourself. “You have a body of a mother, a parent. All this squish was used to make sure our little boy was born happy and healthy.” He tried to reassure you, with a kiss to your lips. With his face with yours, he reached to his dress shirt. He took it off, and soon slipped it on you. He left it unbuttoned, so your sore breasts didn’t get more irritated. Yet still feel somewhat covered.
“And these-“ He gently touched said breasts, making sure to not irritated your sore nipples. “These are big because someone here eats like a Weasley. Playing with them more than me! That little bugger-“ And you laughed. He got you to laugh, and he was grinning with pride.
Speaking of hungry, a shrill cry was soon from the living room. “He eats like a Weasley alright-“ You sighed, but felt a bit more confident now. He was right. You were big because Freddy needed a lot of nutrients. Your breasts were large because he needed to eat a lot. Your body was built for your son to thrive. Being squishy wasn’t so bad. Right?
The both of you were quick to come to your living room, and soon seen Bill trying his best to distract Freddy from his hungry belly. Tickling him, and making little animal sounds. That seemed to entertain the little ginger, as he cooed. Fleur was even doing the same, as she sat with him. The wolf, and the harpy. Chirps and barks.
“His first words are going to be growls, knock it off-!” George would, playfully, say. That made them look over. Bill was quick to cover his eye, given the other one was blind, as to give you privacy. Despite the fact he had seen you nurse before. You still appreciated the gesture, regardless.
“Oh hush-“ Fleur tsked, before she would hoist herself up. Using the side of the couch for support, as so to make sure you had all the space on the couch to feed your son on. You wanted to tell her she didn’t have to, but she was in that Tri Wizard Tournament for a reason. She knows how to be strong.
“Come here, sweetie-“ You shushed, as Bill handed you your son. Those big eyes of his just glowing, and his chubby little fingers reaching for you. Your eyes, and George’s hair. Such a sweet thing. Seeing those chubby hands made you think about your chubby figure. Much like he will, you’ll out grow yours one day. If not? Well, least you know you’ll use it to make sure your son is taken care of. Because that soft body was soothing his upset stomach already. Just snuggled into your warm breasts.
“When will I get a turn?” George asked, as you smacked his shoulder. “Hey-!” He whined, as you rolled your eyes. You would soon be on the couch, and brought your legs up. Left to rest in your husbands lap, as Bill got you some pillows for your back. Your husband rubbing your feet, as you let Freddy nurse. Gentle with his fluffy ginger hair, and admiring him.
“Oh he is so handsome-“ Fleur cooed, as she watched. She was due any time now, as well. Having her watch you nurse was very useful for her. That also made you feel better. If you didn’t get so chubby, Fleur wouldn’t get to see what would happen with her. To see how much it helps with her soon to be child. Maybe being larger wasn’t as ugly as you thought. There was so much beauty in it. Beauty in using what you had to help others.
“Hungry thing.” Bill snorted, as his wife gently smacked his own arm. “If not for the hair, that appetite says Weasley all over it.” George echoed. You rolled your eyes, as your son kept nursing away. Needing to stuff his belly full. Was ages, but he finally was satisfied. With a cloth over your shoulder, you would gently burp him.
“He’s picking up signlaguge so quickly. Swear he will be better at it than me before he’s even two-!” George scoffed, but those eyes were sparkling. He was proud of his smart baby boy. “And soon French-“ Fleur echoed. “Arabic ain’t that bad-“ Bill tagged in. “And of course Romanian.” You vouched for Charlie. “Smart ass baby.” George snorted, before you kicked his thigh.
This moment was soothing. All just parents, together, with your children. Gentle learning for Fleur, and comfort. George was right. Your body was built for something. It was built to take care of your baby boy, and help Fleur learn how to treat her own baby. Being chubby wasn’t a sin. Just as much as being skinny and muscular had its benefits, so did being soft and squishy.
“There we go-“ You smiled, as he gave his little burp. “Much better, hm?” You smiled, as you would bring him to lay on your chest. Just like that, he was knocked out. Sleeping soundly, on your soft breasts. Listening to your heart beat, and able to take a well deserved nap.
“He got that from Fred. That was the only way we could tell you two apart. Whenever Fred was done feeding, he knocked right out. You? You got more energy, and got so excited you ended up throwing up.” Bill chuckled, as that seemed to comfort George. He missed his Fred, but knowing a part of him was still around made him smile. His hand ever so gentle on his son’s back, as he gently rubbed your own stomach. Admiring your stretch marks.
“This might be soon, but do you think-?” George questioned, as he kept tracing the indents in your skin. Another kid, already? You couldn’t blame him, though. He was a magical identical twin. The idea of growing up an only child sounded horrifying. Bro to mention big families is all he knew. Maybe…..
You looked to your sleeping son, and your own body. A smile crossed your lips, as you soon help George’s hand. “Plenty of nutrients for a round two, huh?” You joked. You were able to joke about your own body, and that cleared any worry George had. The two of you were financially fine, and had plenty of support.
He kissed your lips, before kissing your son’s head. A tiny little smile crossed those chubby little cheeks, and you had to wonder why you ever thought chubby cheeks could be so horrible. Your son had the prettiest cheeks around, and you hoped your next kid could have them all the same. Pretty, chubby, features.
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inkedobsidian · 2 years
~ Fuck up the friendship - G.W ~
summary: Fuck Up The Friendship by Leah Kate
pairing: George Weasley x SlytherinxReader
warnings: drinking
word count: 2,287
a/n: Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas!
Master-List - Prompts
The chorus of music and chattering echoed so loud that it came past the entrance into the Gryffindor common room, letting all the passers-by know that an after Quidditch party was in full swing. Y/N jogged up the stairs with Harry and Ron trailing slowly behind. Y/N needed the two boys so she could also get into the common room as she wasn't a Gryffindor, but a Slytherin. As they all reached the painting the boys turned around to look at her with a look.
"What?" Y/N said confused at the two boys.
"Hands," Ron said so matter-of-factly. This was a normal thing when the two boys let Y/N into the common room, she had to put her hands over her ears to block the password as if Fred and George haven't already told her. The younger boys didn't know that though so she did as they asked.
After a mutter of the password from the boys, the painting opened and the common room full of life came into view. People of every coloured robe littered the main common room area, every colour except Green. The match had been Slytherin vs Gryffindor so obviously when Gryffindor was victorious and the party began no Slytherin was going to party to their loss, no one except Y/N. She was after all Fred and George's best friend and cheered for them even against her own team.
As Y/N walked in the room behind Harry and Ron, the twins immediately bounded over cheering and lifted Y/N onto their shoulders as she started laughing at them.
"A toast to Y/N! The only Slytherin to come party!" George screamed over the loud crowd which earned a roar from the other houses in the room.
"You know I only came for you two, you dimwits." Y/N chuckled as the twins settled her down on the sofa in the middle of the room. As they placed her down they both sat on either side of her body with their arms behind her trapping her in between them. She wasn't even gonna deny that she loved the twins like her own family. Y/N is an only child from a pureblood family line, when she got placed in Slytherin she was welcomed with open arms, then she became best friends with Fred and George, and now people question if the hat placed her in the correct house.
Fred and George knew Slytherin was exactly where Y/N belonged. They've all been friends since the first year despite the housing gap they spent any time they could together, which included all the pranks they pulled together. They also loved how every Quidditch game she cheered for them, not the Gryffindor team, just them. Even if it does earn her dirty looks from other Slytherins when they're playing.
"So how are my two favourite string beans?" Y/N said pulling the two twins closer towards her.
"String beans? Says the person built like a baked bean?" Fred laughed handing Y/N a drink.
"A bak- A BAKED BEAN?" Y/N shouted while turning to face Fred, leaning closer into George as she turned. The trio broke into immediate laughter which caused a few eyes to float their way. One of those eyes being none other than Hermione Granger herself who had finally got into the Quidditch party spirit and had a little bit to drink. Seeing Y/N sat with the twins gave Hermione a perfect idea so she skipped over to them and grabbed Y/N by the wrist, pulling her to a standing position.
"Is this your not so subtle way of asking me to dance, Granger?" Y/N laughed following Hermione's pull into the crowd. She turned back to give a wink to the twins before giving Hermione her full attention.
"You just spend so much time with Fred and George! We need some girl time!" Hermione raised her voice to be heard over the loud crowd they were entering. Y/N loved how the younger trio treated her, she didn't think they'd be so accepting of her with her being a Slytherin and a pureblood. However, when Y/N punched Malfoy in their second year for calling Hermione a mudblood, they all knew she different than how they first thought.
Voices started to drown around the girls as the music was turned up and the dancing began. Y/N loved how much more outgoing Hermione had become over the past few years and Hermione just liked that she had another girlfriend considering how often she was around Ron and Harry. The girls swayed in rhythm together as the drinks got to their heads more and more. Just as the second some came to an end Hermione looked over towards the sofa that Fred and George were still sat and noticed something.
"Someone's staring at you," Hermione said in a singsong voice in Y/N's ear. Y/N didn't even know who she meant but her blood pressure shot up at the idea. She tried to do a subtle left and right look to see if it was anyone around her and when she couldn't see who Hermione meant she got quite disappointed.
"Like fully behind you, do a spin," Hermione whispered in her ear grabbing her hand and spinning her. As she spun all Y/N could see was George looking in her direction.
"You mean Weasley?" Y/N was shocked and confused if that was who Hermione was talking about. She knew it wasn't when she immediately looked at her with her eyebrows raised.
"Why did you just go bright red? George? You like George!?" Hermione shouted a little bit too loud. Y/N quickly shushed Hermione and did a quick spin to make sure no one heard her shout.
"No of course not! You said someone was looking at me and I turned around and seen him!" Y/N tried to quickly cover herself even though she knew Hermione had already seen her go bright red.
"No, you idiot I meant Dean Thomas! He's stood behind the couch against the wall!" Y/N once again turned around and looked past George to see Dean Thomas who was in face staring at her. George however noticed that she looked straight past him and he couldn't deny he was disappointed. George then saw someone walk from behind him and straight towards the girls, his whole body immediately tensed up so much that even Fred noticed.
"You okay mate?" Fred asked nudging George. George silently took a sip of his drink and nodded. Fred followed George's eye-line to discover what he was staring so intently at, then he realized.
"You know you can't be too cross of guys flirting with her, she's super attractive and lovely to everyone." Fred didn't want his brother to feel like this but George never showed any signs of being interested in Y/N when she was around so how would she know. George just turned to stare at Fred.
"I know I haven't told her but I don't wanna fuck up our friendship if she doesn't like me back, she deserves to be happy." George knew he should tell her eventually, just in case she does feel the same about him. However, he couldn't deny how terrified he was of the idea that she won't feel the same and then won't want to be around him anymore. He'd rather love her in private than lose her in public, "If she likes Dean or wants to potentially be with someone else then she deserves the world."
"Well, I don't think she wants Dean because she's walking back this way." Fred pointed at Y/N and George immediately shot his sight towards her. Y/N had her hand gently on Dean's arm with her other arm around Hermione. She then shook her head and walked back towards the couch away from Dean who couldn't hide the disappointment on his face as she returned to the twins. On the flip side, George couldn't hide his excitement as Y/N came back and flopped on the couch in the middle of the twins.
"Back with my favourite boys," Y/N said loudly as she ruffled both of their hairs. George felt the heat rise to his cheeks and Fred just smirked at both of them.
"So what did Dean want?" George asked trying to hide the evident jealousy in his voice. Y/N turned to look straight at him and he could feel the alcohol hit his head or was it butterflies in his stomach? Without even thinking about it Y/N reached out to move a piece of hair that was on his face to the side. Once she brushed the hair past his ear she let her hand fall slowly down his cheek and then she turned to face the crowd like that didn't just happen. Fred noticed and his eyes went wide and darted back to the crowd as well. George just kept his gaze towards her before slowly looking back towards Fred to see what he thought.
"He wanted to go to Hogsmede this weekend on a date, sweet kid but I told him I already had plans." Y/N chuckled as she talked about it. She did think Dean was a sweet kid but dating someone two years under her was a no-go for her. Plus she already liked someone else, but she wasn't gonna tell them that.
"Do you have plans?" Fred asked curiously.
"Yeah! It's mine and Hermione's national muggle games night. Once a month we play a muggle board game she brings in and chat about secret stuff!" Y/N clapped like it was Halloween and they'd just blown up something. George felt happy that she couldn't go with Dean even if it did feel selfish.
"Anyway! I love you boys but I'm gonna leave because I gotta be up to study tomorrow!" With too much energy that she should have Y/N jumped up off the couch and waved goodbye to both boys before even giving them a chance to say goodbye. Fred just kept looking at George until he finally realized he was being stared at.
"Well?" Fred said motioning to the exit.
"Well, what?" George asked completely clueless. For a minute Fred just stared at George in complete disbelief. Part of Fred just wondered if George was a complete idiot.
"Go walk her back!" Fred said practically pushing George out the door himself.
Meanwhile, Y/N had begun to semi-drunkenly wander around the castle thinking to herself. She thought she was all alone until she heard footsteps getting increasingly close to her, she thought without a doubt that a teacher was following her and she was in trouble for sure. Until a hand was placed on her shoulder and she turned to see her favorite person in the world.
"Georgie! I thought for sure you were a professor and that I was in so much trouble!" Y/N said attaching onto George like a koala. She was one of the only people that could tell them apart and he loved her for it. Nobody else bothered enough to try, but she did. She did because she knew it mattered to George who always seemed to be overlooked.
"Well, I couldn't let you roam the halls alone that would be very mean of me," George laughed as he pulled her in under his arm so they began walking side by side cuddled as they walked. "So are you going to arrange to see Dean another day?"
"No, I don't like him in a romantic way he's just a friend. What about you though I never see you with any girls, anyone you've got your eye one?" Y/N questioned without having the confidence to look up at George in case he said someone and she couldn't hide her disappointment.
"Just one," George announced with a breathy sigh after it. He wanted so badly to tell her but once again he just couldn't he wasn't brave enough. Ironic for a Gryffindor. Y/N couldn't deny her disappointment, although he didn't say a name he seemed happy just thinking about it and that's all she wanted. For him to be happy.
"Well, whoever it is she I hope she's fantastic. As long as we remain best friends, I couldn't bear to lose you." Y/N smiled looking up at George who looked back down at her.
"George I-"
"I know we're best friends, I know this might cost me you but I just can't not tell you after seeing you tonight. Y/N I've been crazy about you for years and I know you might not feel the same as we've never talked about it nor have you ever shown any interest in me but I-"
"Just please don't say you hate me I promise I'll never bring it up if you don't fe-"
"I love you, George." Y/N said loudly so George couldn't cut her off again. With a moment of shock, he stopped walking and just looked down at her. The girl he's loved for years saying she feels the same. She always has.
With what seemed like a stupid moment of bravery George grabbed Y/N and held her up against a wall so her legs wrapped around his hips. Their faces were centimetres apart and both of their hearts were racing at what was happening.
"Let's fuck up the friendship," George whispered. All Y/N could do was nod and stare at the boy she loved who had just admitted how he felt for her. Without another word, their lips met and they don't even know how long they stayed there for.
All Y/N knew was she now had a more personal reason to cheer him on at matches now, and she couldn't be happier for it.
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lcisabc23 · 11 months
Isn't it annoying?
Fred sighed as he lay back on the bed in his and George's shared room, waiting for George to return up the stairs with their food. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Fred sat up and went out of the room to listen down the stairs, he could hear his mother lecturing George. feeling a bit protective of his brother he went downstairs to get into the middle of this. "my brothers would have never been hiding in their room! not spending time with their family!" Their mother screamed at George making George groan "Mum for the last time we are not hiding away, Fred has a headache so we are staying upstairs till it goes away!" he said trying to stay calm knowing if he raised his voice their mother would find more reasons to yell at him. "Gideon would have never talked back to me like that!" she shouted making George groan he was holding the plates of food while trying to hold the cups while he did. Fred watched for a few seconds knowing George was getting overwhelmed "George what is taking so long mate, you trynna kill me?" Fred said rubbing his head and walking over to George grabbing the plates of food while George held the cups. "your brother tells me you have a headache Freddie would you like some potions to help with it, darling?" Molly said changing up her attitude seeing as Fred actually seemed to have a hurting head. "it's fine mum I just wanna relax for a bit" Fred said moving towards the stairs and making sure George was behind him.
The whole way to their room George remained quiet staring at the ground as he sat down on Fred's bed, "why does she always do that" he muttered as he put the cups on the side table beside him. "what compare us to our uncles?" Fred said jokingly as he sat beside George handing him his plate and making George sigh and nod. "isn't it annoying? She keeps comparing us to them we only met them once before they died, they are amazing but it's totally uncool to be compared to them all the time" George said with a groan as he played with his food. Fred nodded along with his younger twin "I know but that's just how mum has always been, remember when she yelled at us for turning Ron's bear into a spider. She went on and on about how they would have never done that to her." Fred said with a chuckle before eyes the way George was playing with his food "Eat George or I'll shove it down your bloody throat" Fred threatened as he ate some of his own food eyeing George who looked at him offendedly. "I will! it's just that mum always makes the stuff I dislike" he said with a groan as he forced himself to eat the food.
"I wish they were still here truth be told," Fred said with a gentle smile making George chuckle and nod, "they were amazing greatest pranksters to ever exist," George said making Fred agree. HOWEVER ON THE OTHER SIDE "Our babies agree with us we are the best of the best" Fabian said hugging Gideon tightly "True that, they come a close second. The marauders a third" Gideon said making Fabian nod and sit next to the two who were talking about random pranks they should do once they go to Hogwarts again as they eat their food. "Molly needs to relax on them," Gideon said with a frown, the two were talking and following George when she began to yell at him. "She changed so much," Fabian said with a sigh Gideon agreed as he crouched beside George "I hated this food as well it was simply horrendous when Molly made it," Gideon said with a shiver.
"Y'know Freddie why does it feel like we are being watched" George said with a shiver making Fred look at him with a raised eyebrow. "because you have stalkers that are simply mad for you Georgie," he said with a sarcastic tone making George look at him offendedly once more.
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saintsenara · 1 year
For the ask game: I’ll go for 1, 19, and 29 for Tom/Harry. And, if you’d like, 30 for a ship of your choice! 😊
(P.S. I just saw your post about the Myrtle rom-com! I am HYPED).
thank you so much for the ask, @spacecadette - and for reminding me to tentatively go back to ao3 and launch myrtle's hot girl era to the world.
the answer [unhinged and deranged] to question 30 is here and the questions for the ask game are here
1. what are their love languages?
answered here, and i stand by it. there's no interest from these two in words of affirmation or spending quality time together, and their interest in physical touch - the succour of a generation of smut writers - is mostly because who wouldn't want to be constantly running their hands over someone who has/had a bit of your soul living in them.
lord voldemort's love language is gift-giving, harry's is acts of service. they make it work.
19. how do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
answered from voldemort's perspective, although of course he denies it indicates any affection for harry, here.
and as for harry? well, as ron says in canon [tomarry shipper, we all knew it]: you really understand him.
harry is probably the only person in the entire story who can completely appreciate just how grim voldemort's childhood was, and who can understand how that might have influenced the choices he made throughout his life. it's this that drives him, even in the middle of war, to beg voldemort to try to feel remorse; it's this which makes him want to help the soul-piece at king's cross; it's this which causes his obvious - and, to other characters, very confusing - empathy for the teenage tom riddle, who is disappointed to find his uncle living in a shack and furious when hepzibah smith insults his mother.
and that understanding - especially for someone who is, underneath the mask of cold brutality, just a feral boy who wishes to be seen and known - is like the tides against a cliff.
harry offers up a little space for voldemort to meditate on the fact that being an orphan is like being a palimpsest, constantly searching for traces of your ancestors within yourself; gets into days-long arguments about whether mrs cole or petunia was worse; "accidentally" leaves bob ogden's memory out, allowing voldemort to see his mother for the first time; recognises that hating your mother for dying and your father for abandoning you is a pretty natural reaction for a child to have, and dumbledore needed to tighten up; tells voldemort he'd have been a terrible teacher, because you can't let basilisks loose in schools and expect that not to affect a hiring committee; deals with a week of screaming when he tells voldemort about regulus; points out that gringotts is a bank and you can just ask for an account there; is game for starting new traditions for high-days and holidays, since neither of them ever had any as children [harry pretends the fireworks on nye are for voldemort, voldemort genuinely believes it]; and - and this is the one voldemort simply can't deal with and pretends never happens - forgives him.
because he's harry potter, damn it, and he gets to decide if that prophecy actually means anything.
he also allows voldemort to do all their interior design, even if that means living in a house with so much gold in it it's basically the interior of a byzantine cathedral. whatever keeps him out of trouble.
29. what is something they can never agree on? how do they meet in the middle?
ethics. obviously.
criminal justice. politics. the economy. whether hell is real. wandlore. dumbledore. if harry killing voldemort balances out voldemort killing harry's parents. werewolf rights. muggle technology. house elves. whether hermione is annoying. spoiler ettiquette. dinner. where to go on holiday. if harry looks good in his weasley jumper. if albus severus is a worse name for a child than delphini. whether hagrid should have been expelled. whether dogs are better than cats. what they're doing that weekend.
the list truly is endless...
they meet in the middle quite literally when they start hexing each other, activate the old wand connection, and are knocked out by the force of the magic when the golden bead reaches the middle of the spell. they wake up and decide to agree to disagree. they make it, at most, a day before it happens again.
ron and hermione are losing their minds.
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vir-g-o · 10 months
Draco x Slytherin!Reader
Y/N Hawthorn was the oldest daughter of the Hawthorn family. The Hawthorn were known for the giant empery of feather pens they built. They distributed to the Minister, and all across England and Ireland. The first time that Draco and Y/N meet was at a party thrown by the Malfoy’s at their Manor. Mr Hawthorn, well known feather pens seller and distributor (and discreet supremacist of pureblood supporter), and Lucius Malfoy meet at the Minister, and got along right away. Having both children of the same age and living fairly close to each other they though it was a great idea to bring them together. Mr Hawthorn arrived at Malfoy´s Manor with his pregnant wife (Bhavana, a beautiful woman, from a poor pureblood Ireland family, that won the lottery marrying to her wealthy husband), and their daughter. Bhavana was a beautiful tall and skinny woman, with dark hair and blood-red eyes. Her daughter Y/N was nothing the less her exact picture, a pale kid with the same fire eyes. Draco and Y/N, both arrogant with sharp tongues little kids, as their parents, fit in with each other perfectly. Except for one little, insignificant detail: Y/N's mother never really agreed with the purist ideas of blood. But both of her and Y/N quickly learned to suck it up out of convenience after a few incidents with Mr Hawthorn when Y/N was younger and therefor more imprudent. From that night Draco and Y/N became close friends, and Y/N spend tons of days out at the Malfoy´s Manor. Both got sorted at the Slytherin house, to the pleas of their fathers. But at Hogwarts, they dynamic became to change.
3th year
The firs class of Care of Magical Creatures was important. At least for Y/N. She loved magical creatures, although for Draco it wasn't so exciting. The young witch had spent all summer trying to tame the beast-like book and had accomplish it. She was the only one apparently.
"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Draco sneered. "We should have stroked them! why didn't we guess!"
"I -- I thought they were funny," Hagrid said uncertainly to Hermione.
"Oh, tremendously funny!" said Draco. "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"
Y/N rolled her eyes. After 2 years at Hogwarts she had realise that Draco acted way differently in front of other people than he did when they were alone. She knew that he wanted to shine and the fact that he was surrounded by people he believes where below him didn't make him any more charismatic. Y/N usually kept quiet when he started getting noisy.
"You shouldn't say things like that in public Draco" said Y/N while keeping her eyes on the book she was reading.
"Why? Don't tell me you like those filthy mood bloods" reply Draco with a mix of confusion and despise
"It's bad taste expressing one's negative feelings towards other person to their face" Y/N have mastered her parent’s ways on not getting in trouble by sharing their political views. "You never know how people would react, what if someone got violent with you?"
"I'll beat them off" said Draco nonchalant.
Y/N was always surprise at how much slower boys grew up than girls.
The class continue in a way that surpassed Y/N's expectations. Meeting hippogriffs in their first class was not at all what they all were expecting.
After Harry Potter little trip on Buckbeack Hagrid untied the hippogriffs one by one, and soon people were bowing nervously, all over the paddock. Neville ran repeatedly backward from his, which didn't seem to want to bend its knees. Ron and Hermione practiced on the chestnut, while Harry watched. Y/N, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had taken over Buckbeak. He had bowed to Draco and Y/N, who were both patting his beak.
"I knew it must have been easy, if Potter could do it.... I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you?" he said to the hippogriff. "Are you, you great ugly brute?"
It happened in a flash of steely talons; Draco let out a high-pitched scream and Y/N felt to the floor, next moment Hagrid was wrestling Buckbeak back into his collar as he strained to get at Draco, who lay curled in the grass, blood blossoming over his robes.
"I'm dying!" Draco yelled as the class panicked. "I'm dying, look at me! It's killed me!" Y/N suffocated a scream of fear.
"Yer not dyin'!" said Hagrid, who had gone very white. "Someone help me-- gotta get him outta here --"
Hermione ran to hold open the gate as Hagrid lifted Draco easily. Blood splattered the grass and Hagrid ran with him, up the slope toward the castle. Y/N and Pansy Parkinson were holding each other with their eyes full of tears.
Y/N and Pansy weren't really close, they get along fairly but after the incident with Draco and Buckbeack they became much closer.
"He should be fired!" said an infuriating Pansy when she and Y/N gathered together at the Slytherin common room.
"It was really dangerous to bring high dangerous classified creatures to the first class" agreed Y/n "I’m so worried about Draco" said in a low voice, he was still at the nursery.
"You and Draco are close, aren't you?" Pansy had eyes shining in curiosity
Y/N blushed a little "Well, we know each other since we were little"
"Do you like him?"
Pansy's question took Y/N of surprised
"Ugh no way, he's just a friend" she left out a little laugh, but the reality was that she has blush.
"Huh, that’s great. Although he's a little cute..." said Pansy looking side-eye to Y/N with a malicious smirk on her face.
Y/N smiled "I guess he is a little cute"
They both break out giggling with their faces red. Then Pansy shhh when realized they were getting a little attention on the common room.
After that they got closer. They often sat together and would talk secretly about Draco. Y/N enjoyed how they both took it light-hearted and neither of they get jealous. Although Y/N was a little more direct in her approaches to Draco, and Auri would just look at her with a raised eyebrow and a smile. Y/N would do the same when she saw Draco and Y/N talking or sitting privately at the common room or the library.
After the incident not much happened between Y/N and Draco, but that didn't last longer.
"But why he's going to get killed?" Y/N cried loudly burying her head between her legs.
"He could have killed me! Don't you care?" Draco responded with an angry tone. They had never fight before.
"I do care! But it wasn't his fault! It was Hagrid's, why couldn't they fire him? Why they have to kill Buckbeack?" the poor girl was in a sea of tears unable to stop "and it was also your fault Draco! Tell them to stop!"
"There, there...quit crying" despite not feeling guilty at all Draco was clumsily patting Y/N in the head. He did felt guilty for making her cry. "Oh...you always have had a soft spot for beasts and sick creatures, don't you? There's nothing to be done, my father is furious"
Y/N's parents also were when she told them all about it in a letter and Y/N couldn't bring herself to defend neither Hagrid or Buckbeack.
At the end of the next Care of Magical Creatures class she approached to Hagrid. He seemed numb with shock at the verdict.
"Hmmmm Professor, I’d like to have a word with you" she said nervously
"What'S miss..."
"Hawthorn, sir"
"Just Hagrid S'fine" Y/N nodded quickly
"I heard about Buckbeack..." suddenly she felt stupid about what she was doing, she has heard about it through Draco and was friends with him, and he was the guilty one about the whole situation after all "I’m so sorry about it, I just wanted to say that I don't think it's fair and that he's a wonderful creature" her eyes were crystal again.
Suddenly she notices that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger where there looking, She didn't know how much of it they had heard. Y/N knew they were close to Hagrid. The four of them looked at each other awkwardly but Hagrid start talking.
"S'all my fault. Got all tongue-tied. They was all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh looked up fer me, Hermione. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Committee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em...."
"There's still the appeal!" said Ron fiercely. "Don't give up Yet, we're working on it!"
They were walking back up to the castle with the rest of the class. Y/N stayed quiet and uncomfortable.
Ahead they could see Draco, who was walking with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, and kept looking back.
"S'no good, Ron," said Hagrid sadly as they reached the castle steps.
"That Committee's in Lucius Malfoy's pocket. I'm jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that...."
Hagrid turned around and hurried back toward his cabin, his face buried in his handkerchief.
"Look at him blubber!"
Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had been standing just inside the castle doors, listening. Draco looked quickly to Y/N and then went back to the trio of Gryffindors.
"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?" said Draco. "And he's supposed to be our teacher!"
Y/N was about to open her mouth but then
Hermione had slapped Draco across the face with all the strength she could muster. Draco staggered. All of them stood flabbergasted as Hermione raised her hand again.
"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul -- you evil --"
"Hermione!" said Ron weakly, and he tried to grab her hand as she swung it back.
"Get off, Ron!"
Hermione pulled out her wand. Draco stepped backward. Crabbe and Goyle looked at him for instructions, thoroughly bewildered.
"C'mon," Draco muttered, and in a moment, all three of them had disappeared into the passageway to the dungeons. Y/N was about to go with them but she was stopped by Harry's voice.
Y/N was a little bit shock but maintained her poker face.
"You're Y/N Hawthorn, right?" Ron and Hermione also looked at him confused
"Yeah, why?"
"We heard you talking to Hagrid" Y/N could feel her face red "Thanks for defending Buckbeack" he said.
"How are you friends with Malfoy?" Hermione said, she still looked shake and heavy mad after hitting Draco.
Y/N felt really pressured under their eyes
"We don't always agree, but I really appreciate him, he's not always a jerk"
"Yeah right" Ron tone was sarcastic "I’m sure deep down he's adorable"
"But it's true, I never had seen him acting like this before we came to Hogwarts, although maybe that was because we were usually alone when we were together" she looked sadly to the ground.
The chat between her and the trio extended a little bit longer. She couldn't convince them that Draco was actually nice to have around and she didn't blame them, but she made it clear that he was really important to her. They talked about their stay in their respective houses, and went along with the Gryffindor vs Slytherin thing humorously, and about classes and professors and some others unimportant things.
Later that night after classes Draco confronted her in the library.
"What where you doing with Potter and his friends?" he has given himself permition to sit right next to her, and she was sure by the fact that he didn't had any books with him that he had going to the library just to look for her. And the thing was that she had go there just to avoid him.
"I was showing my respects to Hagrid about Buckbeack" she knew that Draco was referring just about that and hasn't found out about her little talk with the golden trio, because if that was the case he probably wouldn't be so calm "I don't get why you had to make those stupid comments about Hagrid! Seriously you are so insensitive!"
"I didn't know you cared that much" he said in a mocking tone
"You know I do! I told you that that mouth of you would bring you consequences! You know me, you know I liked to be discreet about thing, why can't you keep your thoughts to close ones? I'm the one that doesn't know you anymore! Why you act like such a jerk? You really need that much of external approval?" Y/N didn't realise she was screaming until she notices the contrast of what she has just said with the silence of everyone else at the library. After a scolding of Madam Pince they both headed towards Slytherin's common room silently.
After a few moments Draco finally talked.
"If that what you think then I don't get why are we even friends"
Y/N stayed silent. She had been wondering about that too lately. She didn't like the way Draco acted in a lot of instances but she still had a lot of fun with him and care for him deeply. But she didn't say anything. Neither did Draco after that, and they both went straight to their beds without saying good night.
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mandg-readings · 5 days
I’m a new listener and I think your readings are so amazing. I often read to my husband on long road trips while he’s driving, so I have a little experience trying to show when different characters are speaking. It’s so hard! You do such an excellent job, particularly when the four of them are together. I can always tell the difference between Draco, Ron, and Harry which I think is extremely talented of you. Not to mention the mixing! And sound effects! I can’t even imagine beginning to do such a thing.
I’m really really thankful that you’re recording Lionheart! I’ve been really wanting to re-read it soso badly, but just can’t justify spending the time when I have such a long reading list and so little time to read. So thank you thank you thank you! You and GT are both so talented, and I’m in disbelief all the time that y’all gift us things like this.
Thanks again 🧡
OMG I'm so jealous of your husband! I wish my partner would read to me... he must love road trips with you. Have you thought about becoming a podficcer? 👀 we can always do with more, with the ever expanding catalogue of fics. Totally agree with you on the difficulty in making characters sound different, especially with big scenes and a large cast of characters. When the Golden Quartet are in the same room as similar sounding voiced characters it can be hellish. E.g. the Christmas Party chapter was SO much fun but the only difference between Hermione and Daphne is the slight posher enunciations, then you've got Lupin, a deeper Harry gravel voice, with Harry...and Draco with Sirius, who is just a deeper Draco voice 😂 If characters aren't regular cameos then I tend to just throw whatever comes out of my mouth tbh, if I can't remember what it was, then the listener can't - is what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.
And thank you for saying so about their voices, I worked really hard on Ron's because he sounded too similar to Draco in my initial practice recordings. Sound effects aren't too bad to be honest! It's just a case of finding something that matches the little movie in your brain, and then if you can't find a royalty free sound, there's the effort and task of re-creating one with household items or yourself. For example, I'm the pistons of the Hogwarts Express, just slowed my "tshh tshh tshh" down gradually and lowered the pitch. Did the same inhaling into the mic up close for the Dementors. As for the werewolf scream/howl in CH20 something, make like Hermione and "awooo", play with the tempo a bit, find a royalty free male scream of agony and mix the two together. It's more time consuming than anything, to be honest with you!
Haha, this fandom is a bit like throwing Netflix on and scrolling endlessly till you find something to watch, but then all of a sudden there's 50 shows you want to watch, all at the same time. Too much bloody choice but I say that lovingly because we're never going to be starved. One of my favourite romance manga has a dead fandom, there's like 40 fics for it, most are in Spanish and I've read them all. So Dramione fans do not know how lucky they are to have such a thriving community!
The entire collective mind of the Dramione fandom is so generous and talented, it's mind boggling, and over a year in I'll be reading something and be overcome with that feeling of "holy shit, this is free to read." We can thank a mixture of "wow I can do whatever the fuck I want" and insane levels of passion for that. And YES, totally not biased of me to say that GT is one of my favourite writers, and Lionheart is not just the one of the best fanfic I've read, it tops anything published I've ever read, the beautiful prose, the amazing characterisations and depth, so much depth to every single character, among many other things I could gush about, and I'm so grateful to them for allowing me make the experience more accessible to people.
Thanks so much again for your kind words and for listening to my podfic, apologies if I rambled on a bit. I was clearly feeling talkative today. 🤗
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pebblysand · 3 months
hi! i loved the new chapter but i am so curious about the chatgpt version lol 👀
thank you! hahah i had a hunch someone would ask.
Tumblr media
so basically, out of all of these, chapter 22 4.0 is the one where i actually finished the chapter, hitting circ. 34,200 words. subsequent versions were me editing and trying to cut down words because the length really was my primary concern for this chapter.
now, for context, as i've said before, i'm not one of those people who are viscerally opposed to chatgpt. i work in tech, i think AI is a tool that has its strengths and weaknesses, and i do not feel threatened by it. i don't think chatgpt will be able to write something like castles any time soon and if it ever does, then it means it has developed quasi consciousness, and as such i won't feel threatened by it more than i feel threatened by any other writer. i don't have a strong desire to rehash that debate, if anyone who reads this wants to come scream at me in my inbox then fine, this is not a hill i will die on.
so, having said that, in this chapter, i mostly used chatgpt to reduce my wordcount. i ran most of my first draft through it and asked it to reduce the wordcount. to be full transparent, this led to ... mixed results:
i first found out that chatgpt actually cannot count words lmao. the wordcounts it gave me for snippets and the ones i would get on google docs were wildly different. i mean by, like, hundreds of words.
secondly, did it help? i guess yes ... ish? it honestly probably only helped me take out maybe 500 words out of the 2,000 i ended up taking out. mostly by shortening sentences and highlighting unnecessary details.
to give an example, this is the original version of a paragraph i ran through chatgpt (178 words):
The weeks - passed. Once Ginny’s people got involved, Harry realised he wasn’t needed much anymore. She would spend her days on long calls with her editor every day, talking about moving [x] scene from one chapter to the next, discussing word choices and the narrative value of certain moments. Ginny never closed the door on him, but it became obvious this was a part he couldn’t help with. The days got warmer, the sun brighter. He took Lily out of the house a lot. Brought her to Quidditch practice with Hawk and the team; her presence softened Ron’s frustration with him. They went to the park almost every day; he got her one of those Muggle scooters and she zoomed up and down the paths in Hampstead Heath, scaring off the pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about him. ‘You alright?’ she would ask, tagging along with him and Lily sometimes. He would shrug. ‘You know you’re going to have to keep your head down, right? You won’t be able to defend her from everything.’
Chatgpt's version (134 words):
Weeks passed. Once Ginny’s team took over, Harry realized he wasn’t needed much anymore. She spent her days on calls with her editor, discussing scene placements, word choices, and narrative nuances. While Ginny never shut him out completely, it became clear this was an aspect he couldn’t contribute to. As the days warmed and the sun brightened, he often took Lily out. They attended Quidditch practices with Hawk and the team; Lily’s presence eased Ron’s lingering tension. They visited the park nearly every day; Harry got her a Muggle scooter, and she zoomed around Hampstead Heath, startling pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about Harry. ‘Are you alright?’ she’d ask, joining them occasionally. He’d shrug. ‘You know you have to keep a low profile, right? You can’t protect her from everything.’
Final version (140 words):
The weeks passed. After Ginny’s people took over, Harry realised he wasn’t needed much anymore. She’d spend her days on calls with her editor, discussing scene placements, word choices, and narrative nuances he knew nothing about. While she never shut him out, it became clear this was an aspect he couldn’t contribute to. The days warmed and the sun brightened, he took Lily out often. They went to Quidditch practice with Hawk and the team; her presence eased the lingering tension with Ron. They visited the park nearly every day; Harry got her a Muggle scooter and she zoomed around Hampstead Heath, startling pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about Harry. ‘Are you alright?’ she’d ask, joining them occasionally. He’d shrug. ‘You know you have to keep a low profile, right? You can’t protect her from everything.’
i think overall, this was probably one of the rare ones where i accepted most of its modifications. i would say that most of the time, i accepted a sentence here and there. as you can see, the problem with it is that it dries up the prose. it gets rid of filler words and condenses information, which isn't super castles-y. it's fine to accept when it's a paragraph that doesn't matter much (like this one) but it feels awkward on more important stuff. i think overall, i still prefer the first version, but i was okay with the final version because i desperately needed to cut down the wordcount, and whilst it wasn't great, it was fine.
so, as i said, i probably deleted, like, 300-500 words with it, and the rest just deleting stuff myself. it didn't massively change anything.
hope this helps :)
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Could we have an AU where’s Bradley’s papers didn’t get pulled and he goes to the Naval Academy where he meets Jake and Jake takes him home for Christmas to meet his dad and his dads partners? I’m gonna roll with the idea that Goose is alive (cause I love goose too much to kill him) and he and Mav and Carole are gone on some cruise or something so Bradley doesn’t have any family to go home to for Christmas so ofc Jake being the sweet bf he is invites Bradley home to spend it with him and his family. The only problem tho is that Jake hasn’t exactly told Bradley that two of his dads are a couple of the most influential men in the navy. Bradley just knows them as Ron the man who is terrified of cats and Tom who taught Jake how to speak polish as a kid. Jake also hasn’t told his dads that he’s dating Bradley as in Bradley Bradshaw, the son of goose from their top gun class (let’s pretend that Jake also doesn’t realize that his bf is the son of Admiral Bradshaw who was in the same top gun class with his dads). Jake also definitely hasn’t said anything about his dads cause he doesn’t want to be labeled a nepo baby and he wants to prove himself in the academy. Same as Bradley. And we can we have best friend Javy who knows exactly who Bradley is but won’t tell Jake cause he’s just absolutely living for the free entertainment that this is gonna provide on his winter break (Javy is going home with Jake and Bradley cause his parents are also not around for Christmas).
Don’t mind me just dropping things in your ask box with the intention of leaving them here for me to remember in a couple months when I have the free time to write
Omg please join Phanie (Aki) and I in writing them. I’d scream. I’m begging you
Bradley can admit he’s excited to meet Jake’s dads. He knows very little all things considered but knows Jake was always supported in anything he wanted to do.
He sends off a final text to his mom before joining Jake and Javy in the truck. “So? Do I get to see some cows or some shit since we’re in Texas?”
Jake laughs from where he’s driving. “Not a chance cowboy. Pa and Tata said no cows.” Bradley nods he shuffles his feet a little. “But horses right? Always wanted to actually try riding one.”
Jake looks over with a smile. “Yeah baby, horses.”
Javy grins from where he’s sitting in the back texting Bob. Oh he can’t wait for this Christmas.
When they get to the ranch Bradley can only stand there for a second. It’s a big house. Bigger then he expected. Five dogs pour out of the door, Jake and Javy both toss their bags aside to grab them. Jake ends up picking up a little mutt. “Jake is that a coyote?” Jake blinks at Bradley and gives him the ‘I’m adorable and did nothing wrong’ smile. “No..?”
There’s a whistle from the porch. “Baby don’t lie to the poor man. Y’all come on. It’s cold out.” Jake laughs. “Good thing they live in California most of the year. Dad gets cold as hell.”
Bradley nods and grabs Jake’s bag. They make their way to the house, when they step inside Javy takes off deeper into the house like he owns the place. There’s voices in the other room that greet him with joy.
Jake nods for Bradley to follow him. When they enter the kitchen Javy is up on the counter next to the man who came out to get them. “Baby!” Jake is swept into a hug, “oh honey welcome home. And this must be the boyfriend huh?”
Bradley gives the man a little wave. “Hello. I’m Bradley.” The blond clone of Jake smiles and brings him into a hug. “My name is Chris hon.”
Bradley blinks for a second, he knows Jake’s dads names are Tommy and Ron. Doesn’t remember a Chris. “You’re Jake’s father?” The man nods and presses a kiss to Jake’s head on the way by. “Yep! I’m dad. Ron is pa, Tommy is tata which is polish for father.”
Bradley nods. Suddenly there’s two new men in the kitchen. Jake takes off for them both. “Pa! Tata!” They catch Jake in a hug, “hey chickie.” “Hey kiddo.”
Bradley blinks. He’s seen these men in photos with his dad and Mav.
Holy shit that’s Tom Iceman Kazansky.
“Holy shit Tommy is that Nick Bradshaw?”
Bradley freezes. Jake looks up at his dad in confusion. “Pa?” Tom blinks for s few seconds and then snaps his fingers, “Bradley right? Bradley Bradshaw? Never did get how Nicky got Carole to agree to that.”
Jake smacks Tom’s chest with a laugh. “Tata! You can’t be mean to him already!”
Javy snickers from where he’s sitting. Chris elbows him gently in the side. “You put it all together didn’t you kid?” Javy can only shrug, “needed some kind of drama this year.” Chris snorts and makes Javy try some of the soup he was making.
Bradly points at Ron, “you’re his wingman right? Uh? Slider?” Tom snorts, “nailed it kid. He’s more of a husband then a wingman now though.”
Bradley laughs and stares at Jake who isn’t really looking at him. “You’re a nepo baby aren’t you!?” Jake shakes head but before he can say anything Ron interrupts as he walks by Bradley and goes to the kitchen. “Say’s you Bradley. Your dad is an admiral as well.” Jake pulls himself out of Tom’s arms, “he’s what!” Bradley and Jake stare at each other for a good minute.
Oh Javy can’t believe his sister is missing this year’s entertainment just for a fucking cruise. She’d love this. It’s better then The bachelor.
“You are both nepo babies and I’m going to guess you didn’t share who your fathers were for the same reasons. Now someone besides Javy set the table.”
Jake snaps out of it faster and kisses Bradley on the way by, “not done with this conversation.” Bradley nods. He desperately hopes his phone has enough service to text his dad. He needs to know what to be prepared for.
Brad what do you mean Ice married his RIO?
Dad I swear. And there’s another blond.
Is it Hollywood?
No? Someone named Chris Seresin?? Jake has his last name??
Tell them I say hello and that we’re all catching up next time we’re all in California.
Dad love you but really not helping the freak out I’m having. JAKES DAD IS THE GODDAMN COMPACFLT
That’s a lot of yelling kiddo, but don’t fuck up with Jake Ice could end your career :) I dunno if I could stop him! :) :)
Love you baby! Have fun! Send photos! Your mom says kisses!
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hotforharrysheart · 2 years
You’re both up early after the last concert of the European leg of Love on Tour and you’re headed to Cornwall instead of London.
You’re in bed snuggled up with him, side by side, chests pressed together, enjoying the last few moments before you have to get up and get ready to go to the airport.
He presses a series of soft kisses to your lips, just enjoying the feel of your warm mouth against his.
“Mmmm…these lips are magic,” you say as he pulls back, fingers brushing over them.
He smiles at you and presses another soft kiss to your mouth.
“Can’t wait to get to Cornwall. Just want to unplug from everything and be alone with my rockstar boyfriend,” you say against his lips.
“Mmmm…can’ wait either Jezebel.”
“I guess we should get up and get to the airport,” you say fingers softly moving through his chest hair.
“Mmmm…’m already up,” he drawls pressing his pelvis against yours.
“So you want me to scream your name one last time before we leave, hmmm?”
He laughs his breathy little laugh, his finger circling your nipple. “Maybe.”
“Wellll…I suppose you could talk me into that,” you say rolling over in top of him. “It’d be so easy for me to just lift up and let you in…”
“Do it…fuckin’ do it.”
You move your hips up to get into position and then you both jump as you hear someone banging on the door.
“There’s ya tea,” he says sighing.
“Best get up and going then,” you say moving off him and getting out of bed.
He watches you go to the door and then texts Ron. He’s gonna surprise you with a blackout after you arrive. You want to unplug then that’s what’s gonna happen.
He gets up and pads to the living area and pours a cup of coffee and sits down next to you while you sip your tea, his hand on your thigh. It doesn’t take long for you both to get ready for the airport and then you’re finally on the way to your little bubble.
You’re almost giddy as you approach the pink cottage and you sigh a contented sigh as you see the pink door and Harry pulls the Range Rover into the garage.
He squeezes your inner thigh where his hand has rested protectively since you left the airport. His head falls back on the headrest, he slumps his body, closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath. You smile grasping his hand. There’s just something so sexy about relaxed Harry…his body limp with contentment and his muscles slowly releasing their tension. He rolls his head toward you and gives you a goofy grin, “We. Are. Here, Love…” he says on a huge sigh. “Love wha’ I do, love lettin’ it go fo’ a while too. You ok, babe?”
“I’m perfect, H. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much. Are you ok?” You say mirroring his position against the headrest and running your hand up and down his arm.
“’m great…jus’ wanna spend a couple of days, eatin’ a ‘lil food, drinkin’ a ‘lil too much, fuckin’ ya hourly, eatin’ a ‘lil more food, makin’ ya cum over and over, maybe visitin’ tha pets,” he leans forward to place a soft kiss against your lips, “makin’ love ta ya, drinkin’ a ‘lil wine off ya body, then goin’ down on ya, fuckin’ ya in the tub…,”
You interrupt, “Harry… baby, you’re digressing into filth…”
“tastin’ my honey in our pink room,” he reaches down and fondles your breasts, “wanna fuck ma tits, maybe eat a ‘lil more for strength, take some pics of your beautiful body while ya cum,” he inhales deeply and holds it and finally exhales a deep relaxing breath, “jus’ wanna get lost wi’ ya…ya good wi’ tha’?”
You smile a relaxed smile, “Oh baby, I’m so so good with that. Did you get to contact Ron and Helen about our stay, is the cottage ready for us?”
“Oh, yeah, they got us all fixed up, but they’re goin’ out of town fo’ a couple of days ta visit a friend so they won’t be around righ’ now.”
You pout, “Oh phooey, we can’t see Bennett and Thomasina for a while then.”
“’S ok ‘cause all I wan’ ya ta see fo’ a while is tha man who wan’s ta be ya husband…naked…inside ya,” his eyes get glassy.
Your eyes fill with tears that are slowly streaming down your cheeks. “Baby, say it again, please?”
“Tha man who wan’s ta be ya husband,” he chokes saying it.
You close your eyes, “Well the woman who wants to be your wife really, really likes that idea.”
This time when he grins a tear drops from each of his eyes onto the front of his shirt and he laughs that breathy laugh, “Fuck tha’ sounds good.” He reaches up and rubs your cheek, “I’m so in love wi’ ya.”
You reach up to place your hand over his on your cheek, “I’m so in love with you.”
“Maybe we oughta get outta tha garage now an’ go celebrate, yeah?” he says with a sniff.
You nod and wipe his tear. Truth be told it’s been a very emotional last few weeks with so so much going on. It’s not surprising that so many things feel raw, vulnerable and open. You know you’ve never, ever in your life felt so deeply and loved so thoroughly. You wonder if your parents had the same relationship, did they love as deeply? You shake your head wondering where thoughts of your parents are coming from. You’ve been having these wondering moments more often for months now, but they seem to sneak up on you at the most random moments.
Harry sees you shake your head and frowns slightly, “Ya ok?”
“Yeah, I’m great,” you tell him. Now’s not the time.
You make your way into the cottage and find the usual welcome basket from Ron and Helen. Helen left a dozen berry cream muffins from Marcy’s café, your favorite. There’s a stock fridge full of the foods and drinks from your requested list and, of course, fresh fruit, homemade breads with jam and butter and that cheese Harry loves so much. But no fresh Hydrangeas from their garden, they’re all gone for the season, instead there are flowers from the flower shop and a boat load of handmade soy and beeswax candles.
“Wow, Ron and Helen are feeling super romantic, look at all these homemade candles, and…,” you stop and walk toward the dining table, “what…what is this? This is an old Tiffany oil lamp? My god it’s beautiful, I bet that’s lovely when it’s lit!” you say spinning around looking for Harry.
He’s standing there holding his phone up with one hand when the shutter clicks.
You put your hand on your hip, “Are you taking a picture of me?”
“Yup.” He holds it up again.
You cover your face with both hands, “Harry I’m a traveling mess!” you say peeking through split fingers.
The shutter clicks again and he pulls the phone close to his abdomen so he can look at it. A few movements later, “Look at my new home screen,” he smiles proudly holding up his phone.
You walk toward him and look at the phone, “Babe, that’s silly! Maybe when one of Ron and Helen’s wedding pics comes in you can use that one,” you say wrapping your arms around his torso and leaning up on tiptoes to kiss him.
“Nope, only wedding type pics tha’ go on ma phone are ones of my bride, till then silly it is,” he holds his phone up at arm’s length and takes a selfie of the two of you snuggled together, your head rested on his chest. He pulls it in so you can both take a look at it.
“Awww…I like that one, send it to me...I think I w….(Loud click, then darkness everywhere)
“Wha’ the…” Harry says holding you a little tighter.
“Harry! Oh my god, did we not pay the electric bill!?”
He burst out laughing, “Hardly, love,” he says through fits of giggles.
“Stop it! That’s the kinda thing we “common” folk have to think about in these situations!” You say slapping his chest cocking your mouth to one side.
“Don’ think tha’s the problem, babe,” he says pulling away.
You tighten your arms. “Ummm…Harry, I guess now is the time to tell you I’m scared of the dark…and with the shutters still closed it’s dark and the sun is going down fast. When I first came to live with my Auntie, I slept with the light on, not a nightlight but THE light on. Don’t know why, I can usually make it just fine if I’m very still, but if I have to walk around, I get really, really scared. Please don’t leave, please don’t leave!” you say in a massive, rushed jumble of words before burying your head in his chest.
“Hey, Hey, Hey, Shh-Shh-Shh… ‘m not goin’ anywhere. Jesus, I wish I’d known tha’… listen ‘s ok, worst case scenario we have tons of candles an’ tha’ lamp right there ya love s’ much, hmm? We can light it an’ see those beautiful colors ya were talkin’ abou’, kay? In fact, let’s go over there an’ light it right now.” He threads his fingers in yours and kisses your forehead, cursing to himself, maybe this wasn’t a good idea, for fuck’s sake.
You take a deep breath and reason with yourself as your eyes adjust to the darkness. It’s not all that dark, it’s just moving around in the dark that seems scary. You feel comforted that he’s holding on to you tightly.
He guides you over to the lamp and thanks the gods there is a butane lighter there. Carefully removing the glass lantern, he turns the wick mechanism and the wick rolls up slightly. Flicking the lighter on the wick bursts into flame and the entire room lights up. He turns his head immediately to you and you let out a deep exhale. “Ya good?”
“Yeah, I think so,” you chuckle awkwardly, “uh, so… that was me freaking out like an idiot.”
He chuckles, “S’ok, babe, everybody’s got summat, ‘m terrified of clowns, prolly piss ma pants ‘f one jumped out at me in broad daylight, so wha’?” he shrugs his shoulders, “ya hate the dark, I hate clowns. No big deal. Lemme go see if I can figure out wha’s goin’ on, ya ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good now that the lamp is on, I’ll go light some candles and put them around.”
“Hey c’mere,” he says pulling your arm to get you to walk to him, “I’m righ’ here, ‘s all good, I love you.”
He walks toward the garage door, “Jesus Christ, wha’ hav’ I done…” he chastises himself for planning a blackout night. She wanted to unplug, so he’d planned for Ron to switch the main off but leave the fridge and hot water on. A sort of planned stranded night alone together. Fuck, if he’d only known you didn’t like the dark. Wonder why he thought to himself? Well, it wasn’t a lie, Ron and Helen were out of town for the night and fuck if he knew where the main was to switch. You’d just have to live with it till morning. But, by God, his girl wouldn’t spend a moment afraid, he’d make sure of that. He’d make sure she was distracted and warm and comforted.
He walks through the garage, flashlight lighting up his car and miscellaneous garage items. He sighs. He looks all around but no sign of the breaker box. This was a bad idea, he thinks, but nothing to be done about it now.
You look up as he comes back in the room. You’ve lit all the candles and the room is aglow. You found three old down comforters in the bedroom on the main floor and are laying them out on the floor in front of the fireplace and he stops in the doorframe and just watches you work. “You just gonna stand there gaping?”
He smirks. “Jus’ admirin’ tha view is all.”
“Should we open the windows?”
“Yeah, it’s chilly but it’ll get stuffy in here if we don’. I’ll get goin’ on tha fire.”
“Ok, thank you,” you say softly.
You both work silently to finish up and get everything set up.
“Ya hungry? It looks like tha water an’ fridge are still on.”
You furrow your brow and look at him. That seems awfully convenient and you wonder if he’s planned all of this but you decide to just go with it. “Yeah, let’s eat.”
“Ok, jus’ stay here an’ I’ll get it tagether.”
You hear the wine bottle opening and the glug glug of the wine as he pours it into the glasses.
He brings in the wine on a tray and sets it down and then jogs back to the kitchen. A few minutes later he’s back with a charcuterie board. He sits the board down and sits down on your pallet bed next to you and picks up both wineglasses, handing one to you. “‘M sorry abou’ tha electricity, bu’ ya did say ya wanna unplug.”
You giggle. “I dunno if I meant literally, but yeah. I just want to be alone with you.”
“Cheers, Jezebel,” he says clinking his glass to yours and taking a sip.
After nibbling on the meats, cheeses and fruit, he watches as you stretch your arms in a yawn and the way your shirt raises up.
“Tired, baby?”
“Mmmm…a little.”
“Wanna cuddle fo’ a bit?”
“That’d be nice,” you say taking your shirt off and pulling down your leggings.
He gulps. The sight of your naked body is still something that makes him crazy…even after all of these months.
You lay down and watch as he takes his shirt and joggers off and lays down behind you, snuggling in close to you and wrapping his arm around you, his hand just under your breast, fingers moving over your tattoo.
You sigh a contented sigh and before you know it, you fall asleep.
Harry lays there for a moment, holding you, wishing he knew what caused that quiver he heard in your voice when talking about being afraid of the dark. You twitch in your sleep and scoot your body back closer to him and he leans over and kisses the shell of your ear. God, he loves how even in your sleep you need to be as close as possible. I better stay awake with all these candles and watch over everything, he thinks to himself. They’re all in glass jars…that’s good…maybe I’ll close my eyes for just a minute…he thinks just before he to succumbs to sleep.
An hour later he wakes up missing the feeling of your warmth against his body. He raises his head slightly and sees that you’ve rolled forward on your tummy and are still fast asleep. He can’t help looking down your body. He smirks slightly at the fact that white cotton panties have ridden up your bum on the left side while the right side stayed in place because you’ve bent your knee and pulled it up closer to your body. He raises up on his elbow just so he can get a better look. He can’t help himself, he runs his finger down the length of your spine and circles the dimples on your lower back as he leans forward to kiss that heart-shaped freckle on your shoulder.
“Mmmm, H?” you say sleepily.
“Hey baby,” he says kissing that freckle again.
“We fell asleep.”
He chuckles at your statement of the obvious and continues to kiss across your shoulders and the back of your neck. “Yeah, we did. How ya doin’?”
“Mmmm, good… but even better if you keep doin’ that.”
He runs his hand down your back and around to your tummy rubbing soothing circles. You start to roll over, “No, don’ move, stay like tha’,” he whispers against your skin before placing a wet kiss on your shoulder blade.
You reach up and pull your hair up and over to one side offering the back of your neck to him.
“Wan’ ma kisses, swee’heart?” he asks as he kisses the warm skin on the back of your neck.
Goosebumps breakout on every inch of your body and your breath catches as his tongue laves a particularly sensitive spot just behind your ear.
“Mmmm…” you roll straighter and stretch like a cat after a long nap; long arms over your head, straightened long legs, arching back, even your toes stretch and then curl. “Don’t stop…” you slur against the pillow.
“Never stop,” he whispers as he rolls over on top of you, trying to prop his weight up with his knees and elbows.
“Just lay on me, I wanna feel your weight.”
He relaxes on your back and you can feel his hard pecs, abs and his very hard cock nestled against your panty covered bum. Placing one knee between your legs he can’t help rutting his pelvis. “Feel s’good, baby, I wan’ ya,” he says running his fingers along your underarm to the side of your breast as it rests against the duvet.
“Side boob…,” you say with turning your head with a smile.
Raising up on his hands he kisses down your back ribs to the side, “Jezebel side boob.”
You pull your hand back to run it through his hair. “I want you, Harry. Do you want me?”
“Fuck yeah, I wan’ ya, wan’ ya jus’ like this. Help me take these panties off,” he says pushing at the waistband.
You reach down and cover his hand, taking a moment to squeeze it, a gesture to let him know you’re with him. You both manage to get them off while you lay flat. He shifts up to get his boxers off and to position himself between your legs propped on his knees. He props up on one hand next to your head and runs his other under your body and down to your mound. You can’t help but flex your hips up so he has better access to you.
“Tell me Jezebel, are ya wet fo’ me?”
You nod, “Touch me.”
He runs his fingers down your mound until his middle finger finds your clit, “Here, babe? You wan’ ma touch here?” He swivels his hard cock against your bum.
You roll your head down burying in your forehead against the pillow, “Yes, more,” you knees spread wider and this time your swivel your hips against him.
“Fuck, ‘m s’hard,” he says
“Babe, I’m so wet,” you both say at the same time.
“Pull ya knees up, love,” he says pulling back so you have space.
You pull your knees up, spread wide – a perfect dirty downward dog position with your pussy propped up and open to him. Your stretch your arms out long above and turn your head to the side.
He leans on his arm to the side to get a good look at your blissful, relaxed face. He grinds his cock against your wet open cunt. “Wanna fuck ya jus’ like this, ya gon’ lemme slip inside?”
“You know that’s what I want, Harry, I want you inside me,” you whine.
He reaches down and runs his cockhead up and down your drippy hole, “Fill ya up,” he whispers just as he pushes inside. His mouth slacks open and eyes flutter shut as he inhales deeply. He exhales through pursed lips very slowly in an attempt to gain a little control.
“Ah!....Mmmm,” you breath out.
“Oh baby…s’warm an’ wet fo’ me,” he murmurs against the skin of your shoulder.
“Deeper, Harry…” you moan longing to feel him as deep as he’ll go.
Running one hand around to your lower tummy he places his palm just under your belly button, “Here, wanna feel me here, doncha?”
“Mm-hmm” you nod rocking back to him.
He pushes up with his arm, hands propped on your hips for leverage. “Jesus,” he says looking down where his cock is buried. He pulls out and smirks at the glistening sheen covering him. You push back and he looks up and sees your hands fisted in the duvet, long lean back, shoulder blades flexing, sides quivering with your breathing. “Ya good?”
“S-s-so deep like this…,” you whine as he pumps once then again.
He looks down again at how your wetness has formed a creamy white ring at the base of his dick, “Tight,” he mutters to himself and flutters his eyes. His hands push you forward and then pull your back on him, he does it again, then falls forward onto his hands needing to be closer to you.
He bucks his hips, “Touch y’self fo’ me,” you pull your arms down, one wraps around his and grabs on, the other finds your clit poking out just above where he has you stretched out on his thrusting cock. You can’t help touching him as he moves in and out.
“Feel me, babe? Can ya feel me fuck ya?”
“Yes! Don’t stop, please….”
He swivels his hips and pumps, swivels and pumps as you pant out his name.
“Har..ry, Har..ry, it’s so good.”
“Wan’ ta fuck ya all week, yeah?” he picks up the pace, “Wan’ ta spend hours in ya, take ya ta the edge over an’ over, wan’ ya cumming fo’ me all week, wan’ ma honey all ov’r me…”
“That m-m-outh of y-y-yours,” you say on a long moan loving every word of his dirty talk.
“Know ya love it… Come on, babe, can tell ya close. I’m gonna cum an’ I need ya wi’ me.”
You rub your clit just right and he changes his angle just right, “Right there! Right there! Right there!” Your orgasm blasts through and your hips buck and writhe against his pelvis.
He pumps in one last deep thrust and stills. “Fuuuck! Fuuuck!” You both fall to the side a panting mess of limbs. “Jesus Fucking Christ, love, are you ok?”
“Mm-hmm,” you hum smiling. “Needed that so bad.”
“Wan’ed ta go slow, but, god…”
You roll over to face him and run your finger down his chest, “Was perfect. Just what I wanted, alone time to do what we want, when we want, as much as we want…but I kinda hoped you kiss me more.”
He grins, “C’mere.” He pulls you to him, smooths your hair to the side and cups your cheek. He strokes along your bottom lip, “All tha kisses ya wan’,” he leans to kiss your lips, darting his tongue out to tangle with yours.
He just makes out with you…right there in the living room, in front of the fire, candles burning low, and you a mess from the sex you just had…and neither of you care. He just enjoys kissing you with no agenda and it makes your heart melt.
When he does finally pull away from your mouth, you smile at him and card your fingers through his curls. You love how long they’re getting. “Thank you.”
He smiles his most beautiful smile at you. “Fo’ wha’?”
You shrug. “For being you. For loving me like you do. For…fuck, I dunno…everything.”
He tucks your hair behind your ears. “Ya welcome bu’ if that’s the case I hafta thank ya too. Fo’ all those things an’ fo’ puttin’ up wi’ ma crazy life…know it’s no’ easy.”
“No, but it’s worth it. YOU’RE worth it.”
He presses his lips to yours in a series of soft kisses.
He moves slightly and his arm grazes your breast and you moan into his kisses. “Sensitive?”
“Mmmm…yes,” you say shyly biting your lip.
“Hmmm…got plans for these this week yanno,” he rasps middle finger circling your nipple.
“Yeah? Tell me.”
He laughs his breathy little laugh. “Patience, Jezebel. We have all week.”
You hmph. “Tease.”
He chuckles and kisses the apple of your cheek. “Ya love me.”
You sigh dramatically. “I do.”
“Found a deck of cards when I was looking for a flashlight earlier. Care to play a game?”
A memory flashes through your mind and then slips away. “Sure.”
He looks at you and furrows his brows. Somethings going on with my girl, he thinks. He just hopes you’ll confide in him soon. He stands up and walks to the kitchen and grabs the cards and sits down in front your legs crossed over each order. He takes the cards out of the pack and shuffles the deck. “Poker? Think there’s some pretzels we could use for chips…”
You don’t even hear him. A memory has come back of your dad teaching you to play poker and it’s so vivid you feel like you’re gonna vomit. You clamber up and run to the bathroom, flip the toilet seat and dry heave, tears running down your face.
Harry’s right behind you and he gently holds your hair back. “Ya ok?”
You nod and raise up to move to the sink and turn the tap on to splash cool water on your face.
He grabs a towel and hands it to you and you dry your face. “Wha’ happened? Wha’s goin’ on?” He asks, fingers moving gently over your flushed cheeks.
You grab his hand and kiss his fingers. “I…I had a memory of my parents. My dad was teaching me to play poker and my mum was kidding him about teaching an eight year old to play,” tears start running down your cheeks, “it was a good memory and…”
He grabs a Kleenex and hands it to you and you wipe your cheeks.
“I haven’t thought about them in so long, H. After they died, I couldn’t remember very much about them.”
He rubs his hands up and down your arms, soothing you. “An’ now?”
“I think…I think my memory is trying to come back…I keep having these flashes.”
He purses his lips. “Have ya thought about seein’ a therapist?”
“I have and I think…I think I need to.”
He pulls you into his arms. “I think s’too. We’ll find ya a good one, yeah? Whatever ya goin’ through, we’ll work through it, alrigh?”
You nod against his chest. “I want to remember.”
He kisses your forehead. “C’mon, let’s watch a movie, yeah? Laptop’s fully charged. I’d make some popcorn, but…,” he grins, “how abou’ some cheese an’ crackers? Sound good?”
You nod and kiss his chest.
You make your way down the stairs back to your pallet. Harry heads to the kitchen stark naked, comfortable to be in his own skin. You, however, feel a little chill in the air so you opt to snatch his discarded Beastie Boy’s tee and grab his boxers to slip on rolling down the waistband to just below your belly button. You pad over to the back of the couch to fetch your laptop and glasses, when you get back around to the pallet Harry is tossing a bite of cheese in his mouth as he sets the dish down.
“Hey! Steal ma heart an’ now ya steal ma pants!” he calls out pretending to be perturbed with his hands on his hips
You buckle over in laughter, “Harry…,” you laugh some more, “you’re so hard to take seriously when you stand there naked like you’re superman.”
He drops his hands with a grunt. “Think ‘m offended.”
You walk over and wrap your arms around his waist and place your hands on his bum cheeks and do a little back and forth drumming on them, “Aww, baby, I’m sorry, you’re my superman and god knows I love ya naked.”
“Yeah? Well, I love ya naked as well, ya cold?”
“Yes, but…also just like wearing your things too… especially the things closest to your body,” you say leaning your head to one side and looking up at him as you press your body into his. “That alright?”
He leans down to kiss your nose, “Jesus, babe…sexy as fuck is wha’ tha’ is. Course ya can wear anythin’ of mine.”
“Can I pick the movie, please?” you say with a pathetic pout.
“Sure, but can we move ta tha couch, ma bum hurts on tha floor.”
You drum on his cheeks again, “It’s because you have so little padding back here, baby,” you say with a grin. “How about an oldie but a goodie, “When Harry Met Sally”?”
“Hav’n seen tha’ in ages, sounds great.”
While you get the couch set up with pillows and blankets, Harry disappears to put on some fresh boxers on the way back making a beeline through the kitchen for some bottles of water.
You sit back on the couch while he stretches out with his head in your lap and fiddles with the laptop on a pillow on his chest. You brush your fingers through his hair and he unconsciously gets situated better so you can continue. He grunts slightly when you stop causing you to giggle and start again. All situated you decide to watch the movie just as you are. The only time it’s a problem is when you’re both laughing so hard at Meg Ryan faking an orgasm at the diner.
“Ya never faked wi’ me hav’ ya?”
“Uhhh, you’ve got to be kidding, right? There’s no way…like…Harry, trust me, no, I have never faked an orgasm with you ever.”
“Better no’, jus’ so ya know, I’d know ma cock’d know…know how ya feel when ya cum…an’ I’d know,” he says looking up at your from your lap.
You raise your eyebrows and shake your head slightly, “Harry, I have no doubt that you’d know, I think you know my body better than I do.”
Grabbing the laptop so it doesn’t fall over, he leans up to kiss you. “Tha’s right, love, I know this body… an’ ‘ll know it tha rest of ma life.”
“You sure you won’t get bored of it after a while?”
He stops your hand in his hair and pulls it to his mouth kissing the inside of your ring finger, “Look at me… No. Answer to tha’ is…No. Ya my best friend, my lover, my mate…No. Just…No. Wan’ forever, wi’ ya, only wanna belong ta you. I love you.” He reaches up to thumb the bottom of your lip, “Don’ forget tha’.”
Blinking away tears, you release a breath and lean down to kiss him again, “I love you very much.”
You settle back against the couch and continue to play with his hair. It’s just as relaxing for you as it is for him, to be honest.
Twenty more minutes into the movie, your hand stills in his hair and he looks up to see that you’ve drifted off with your head leaning against a pillow against the back of the couch. He smiles and decides to finish out the film. So glad she’s relaxed he thinks to himself. He checks the time on his laptop and see’s it’s only 7:00 p.m. Deciding it’s your week to do as you please, sleep when you want and do what you want, he decides to leave you be as he watches Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan work out their own love story. It’s a love story…that thought starts his imagination to working on something special he can plan for the evening. He’ll have to improvise with no electricity, but maybe that would be part of the pleasure… part of being “unplugged.” By the time the credits roll on the movie he’s got a plan in his head and now he just needs you to stay asleep long enough for him to put it into play.
Thirty minutes later, you rouse to find yourself alone, stretched out on the couch with a blanket tucked around you and the Tiffany lamp moved to the sofa table in front of you ensuring there’s plenty of light around you. Harry must’ve gone to do some work and didn’t want you to wake up in the dark you think as you rub your eyes. You slip your legs off the couch and swivel to sit up. There’s a folded note tented next to the lamp with the letters LOML on the front.
You open the note to read, “Follow the candles. Follow the petals. Come find me.” You look behind you hoping upon hope that he hasn’t destroyed the flowers that Helen left. The flowers are sat on the dining table pretty as can be. You see that there are a couple of candles on the stairs leading up to the second floor, and, sure enough, there are little white petals trailing down the stairs back to you. You smile and lean down to pick up a few only to find they are pieces of white paper towel torn to look like flower petals. “So sweet,” you whisper aloud. Looking back at the note you see a postscript that says “If you get scared, call out and I’ll come get you.” You smile to yourself, biting the end of your finger, not because you’re nervous, but because you’re beaming inside. Following the “petals” you tiptoe on pink tipped toes up the steps toward your bedroom where there’s a glow and humming coming from the en suite bath along with the sound of running water. You peek around the doorframe to see his back as he’s facing the mirror and shaving. He reaches down to swish the razor in the water and looks up to catch your reflection as you stand in the doorway in his rumpled shirt and boxers. He stops, smiles and says, “Ya found me.”
You bite your bottom lip and nod, grabbing your hands behind your back and bouncing up on your toes, “I did. Whatcha doin’?”
“Thought I’d shave an’ maybe we could get a shower tagether, thought it migh’ be romantic wi’ tha candles, yeah?”
You walk to him and wrap your hands around his waist, “Can I help?” you ask kissing his shoulder blade rubbing your hand on his tummy.
“I’m almost done on my face, but you can help me shave down here,” he grabs your hand and runs it down his happy trail, “Needs a trim, ya think?”
“Well,” you say twisting around to look at his front, “yeah, but, babe, you have time off, it’s just me, you can let it grow, you don’t have to worry about it,” you say smoothing your fingers up and down the area. You smooth one finger along his jaw avoiding the left-over cream, “you can let this grow too, don’t have to worry about it around me, I love you anyway you are, but I’m especially happy when you’re relaxed and happy,” you say leaning forward to kiss just above his nipple, taking a moment to nip at it before you back away.
“Would ignore it, bu’, ya see,” he says with a cocky attitude, “don’ wanna whisker scratch ya up ov’r tha next few days.” He runs a towel over his face then leans down for a kiss and a smirk, “Plan on havin’ ma face in some very sensitive places, don’ wanna hurtcha.”
“Oh you do, do ya?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he says against your lips.
“So you want me to use the trimmer here,” you run you hand down his happy trail and into his boxers, “to here?”
He nods, “Trimmer’s behind ya,” he says will a smirk.
You hook your hands in the elastic of his boxers and pull them down keeping your eyes on his. Pulling the vanity bench out you sit down eye level with his waist. “So just a straight line across here and all the hair above it, right?”
He nods.
You look down and kiss half-way between his belly button and his cock and he groans. “Baby,” he says smoothing your hair off your neck and rubbing his thumb along your jaw.
You set about the job with the rechargeable trimmer, carefully and with concentration. A few moments later you stop and lean back to let the candlelight give you a better view. He runs his hand through his hair and looks down, “Wha’ d’ya think?”
Leaning forward you place a kiss at the base of his cock. “Baby right now I really don’t care, I’ve had your hardness on my lips and now, I’m having a hard time concentrating on anything else.”
“Wha’ do ya wan’, baby, hmm?”
“I want to take that shower your petals led me up here for…I want your hands on me and then, if you feel up to it, I want you to take these candles and me into the pink room and lemme feel that smooth face of yours on all those sensitive places you were talking about.”
“Mmmm…I like the sound of tha’,” he says nipping at your earlobe. “I wanna do s’much wi’ ya this week…wanna be deep inside ya as much as ya can handle…alright? Go ahead an’ jump in tha shower, I’ll run an’ grab tha other candles an’ turn off tha lamp an’ get tha pink room open. Bet Helen has tha room all stocked an’ fresh.”
You put your hand over your face, “Still can’t believe she knows about our room and has seen our pictures on the walls, I can’t think about it or I’ll never be able to face them again.”
“Together fo’ forty-five years, umm, ‘m pretty sure they hav’ a good idea how ta sex it up.”
He smirks a chuckle and swats your bum, “Jump in the shower, be right back. You gon’ be alright here?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m good, but thank you for asking.”
You adjust the temperature on the shower and reluctantly strip off Harry’s boxers and tee, you love wearing his clothes so much, they’ve touched his skin and always smell so good. Not ready to have a wet head of hair with no electricity you use Harry’s hair clip to clip your hair on top of your head and step into the warm water. It sluices down your back a relaxing waterfall causing you to moan. You wash your face first and are just about to reach for some of the lavender and chamomile homemade soap Helen swears by when Harry joins you.
He turns you around to face him and cups your cheeks like a man on fire, “I love ya so much, ya make me s’happy an’, baby, I feel like ’m lying to ya an’… jus’ can’ fuckin’ stand it. Wanted ta give ya an unplugged night, so I…I…had Ron turn off tha main except fo’ the hot water an’ the fridge. Had no idea ya’d be upset by tha dark an’ ‘m so goddamn sorry. The real shit of it is tha’ I don’ know where the breaker is to flip it back on, but I c…”
“Shhh. Harry, I had a feeling and I’m not mad or upset. In fact, I think maybe I needed to realize that I’m not really as afraid of moving around in the dark as I was as a child and you’ve made the most amazing moments of our time here, I mean, I’ve been so relaxed I’ve fallen asleep twice…that’s something. Thank you for worrying about it being a lie, but I don’t think of it as you lying to me, you were creating a moment for us based off something I said,” you reach up to cup his jaw, “And that’s so sweet of you.”
“Well, texted Ron earlier an’ he an’ Helen’ll be back in tha mornin’ ta flip tha switch. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, honey, I’m not.”
“Lemme bathe ya, yeah?” he says against your lips, “There’s a surprise fo’ us in tha pink room. Can’ wait to try it out.”
“Oh, there is, huh? What is it?”
“Ya know I can’ tell ya, ‘s a surprise…jus’ saw it m’self a mo’ ago.”
“Hmmmm…Intrigued…,” you say, squinting. “Will it make me cum? Or rather, will it make us cum?”
“I’m definitely thinkin’ there’ll be orgasms ‘cause of it. Was wonderin’ wha’ ya thought abou’ pickin’ out a safeword. I mean, we can keep the colors if ya like, but I kinna like ya havin’ a word tha’ we’ve picked out. Wha’ d’ya think?”
“Honestly, I’ve been thinking about it too.”
“Ya have?” he says smiling and washing your breasts and tummy, he stops long enough to look up at you, “Have ya picked out a word?”
You nod smiling.
“Oh, ya HAVE been thinkin’ abou’ this,” he says with a smirk, “Ok, wha’s ya word.”
He smiles, “I like it,” he says stand upright to meet your eyes. “Ya know I’d never hurt ya, right? ‘S jus’ in case it gets ta be overwhelming…”
“I know and I trust you with my body,” you thread your fingers through the hair at his neck, “with my pleasure.”
He presses his lips to yours, twists his head to slant his lips on yours. His tongue darts across your bottom lip and you open for him. Wanting him to deepen the kiss you wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself closer. His tongue darts into smooth along the side of yours and you lick along the bottom of his. His breath is warm, his saliva tasting faintly of the toothpaste he must’ve used before he shaved. His hands run around your back and pull you closer to him, one hand sliding down your back to pull your hips flush to his. You can feel his cock begin to harden and twitch.
“Mmmm,” you moan into his mouth as you take your turn to twist your head and slip your tongue along his top lip, pulling away only to dive back in for more. Standing on your tiptoes you pull hard on his neck wanting more of him.
He breaks away reluctantly only to take a breath, “Let’s get outta here, I wan’ more of ya.”
He turns off the water and you both step out. He grabs a towel and starts to dry you off smiling and kissing your body along the way. Holding onto his shoulders for balance as he dries your legs and feet, you bite your bottom lip. When you grab a towel to dry him off, he takes it away, “I can’t, babe, can’t have ya hands on me jus’ yet, wanna make this last.” Threading his fingers in yours he leads you to the doorway in the master closet leading to your special room. Truthfully, it’s never looked more beautiful covered in the flickering light of candles. There’s a basket of fresh fruit and a bouquet of flowers indicating that everything has been carefully taken care of. Your pictures on the wall still pull at your core, just remembering the day they were taken, the intimacy captured, you feel a rush of arousal flow through your already flooded system. You’re lost staring at one of your solo boudoir pictures when he wraps his arms around your shoulders and props his head on top of yours. “Angel.”
You turn in his arms, “I don’t know about that, H, I can be kinda naughty, wouldn’t you say?”
“Deliciously so…” he trails kissing down your neck. “Notice anything new, love?” You look over his should and see that attached to the wall is what looks like a grid of bars. You nod and he pulls back to look at your face, “Wha’ d’ya think?”
“Can I take a closer look?” you say with a smile.
He nods, “’Course.”
Biting your bottom lip you walk over to the wall. The bars are floor to ceiling and at the base on the floor is a leather covered step that’s about six inches off the ground, twelve inches wide and six feet long. You step up on it and reach above you to grab one of the bars, you pull on it slightly to test it’s strength.
“There’s a dimmable light ov’r ya, we can check it out later, but fo’ now ya look amazin’ in tha candlelight."
You turn around as he stalks toward you. When he reaches you, you’re eye to eye with him, the step raising you to a perfect height. “Hi,” you say biting your bottom lip again.
“Hi, baby. Ya interested?”
You nod, then remember, “Ah, I mean… yes, I’m interested.”
“Good job swee’heart, ya remembered your words.”
“Wha’s ya safe word?”
“Let’s start slow. Spread ya legs fo’ me. Now let’s try this,” he says taking one of your hands and having you grab the bar above your head over to the side. He does the same with the other, “eventually I’d like ta tie ‘em ta tha bar, but fo’ tanight, can ya jus’ hold on?”
“Yes,” you say swallowing and nodding your head.
“Good girl.” He steps back a couple of steps to take a look at you. Shaking his head he says, “Baby…s’fuckin’ beautiful.” He walks back to you and runs his finger down your body from your collarbones, between your breasts, over your tummy, all the way down to your swollen clit. “Ya wet fo’ me?”
“Harry…” you say gripping the cold metal bar.
“Wha’ love?”
“What’re you gonna do to me?”
“See, babe, tha’s the thing, I’m gonna do wha’ever I wan’ to.” He says going to the armoire and fetching the toy you bought in Paris.
You gulp and grip the bars tighter, bracing yourself for an onslaught of pleasure.
“Try an’ keep ya legs open as wide as ya can fo’ me.”
“Ok,” you say spreading your legs as far apart as you can.
“‘S’ok if ya can’. I can always strap ya in wi’ these.”
You look down and see restraints he picked up from the back of the bench and your breathing picks up.
“I won’ be mad if ya need ‘em. I wanna push ya a little bit an’ it migh’ get intense,” he says, licking his lips as he stands up and meeting your eyes. “Eyes on me, Jezebel at all times. Understand?”
You gulp, “I understand.”
“Listen, ya gon’ wanna cum, bu’ don’ no matter how good it feels.” He sees the quizzical look on your face. “Ya body is gonna tell ya it needs ta cum bu’ ya have control over it if ya try.” He leans in to press a kiss to your lips and down your neck, his hand sliding to your breast, thumb moving back and forth across your nipple. His mouth finds the sensitive spot behind your ear and your hands on the bars tighten.
You’re turned on and overwhelmed with anticipation and you feel your wetness drip to the leather bench below.
He pinches your nipple hard, while still laving at your neck.
He does it again, but harder and you feel a gush of wetness coat your pussy. He kisses his way to the other side of your neck and finds your sensitive spot while his hand goes to your other breast and he pinches your nipple hard.
You’re panting and white knuckling the bar above your head and you feel yourself drip to the bench again.
His hands move up to your wrists and then slide down your arms, fingers caressing your sensitive armpit and you tremble. They slide down your body to your pussy and he cups you. “Ya drippin’, Jezebel. Seems like this was a good investment,” he says, smirking.
You can’t answer him. He’s so close…pressed right up against you, his lips nearly touching yours.
“Got ma hand all wet bu’ tha’s ok. Won’ let it go ta waste,” he says as he sucks his fingers in his mouth, licking you from his skin. When his tongue darts out and licks a stripe up his hand, you groan.
He bends down to pick up the vibrator and his phone, opening the app that lets him control it. He turns it on the lowest setting and trails it over your collarbones to your armpit and then to your nipples, turning up the speed as the toy circles your nipples. He turns the intensity back down as he moves down your tummy and then bypassing your pussy, he trails it along your inner thighs and goose bumps break out over your entire body.
You watch as he sucks the toy in his mouth and then lightly moves over your slit. “Mmmm…” you say, hips jerking up to get more of the sensation.
He looks up to meet your eyes as he slowly pushes the toy in. “Don’ cum. Know ya wan’ ta, but don’. ‘F ya can’ hold it, lemme know.”
“Ok,” you say breathlessly. You watch as his fingers move on the app adjusting the intensity up and down and it feels so good. You’re so worked up.
He sets the controls to automatically and randomly move the the intensity up and down and then back and forth and stands up, hands going to your breasts and fingers pulling your nipples. “How’s it feel?”
“Ahhhh….mmmm…good,” your voice quivers as the intensity goes up.
“Is it on our spot?”
He reaches down between your legs and pushes the toy in further causing you to cry out. “How abou’ now?”
“Yes! Fuck! Yes!” You’re panting and you’re tummy is quivering. You can feel an orgasm on the way and you clench around the toy.
“Don’ cum. Ya can do this.”
“Mmmmm…ohhhhh….mmmm…I can…I c-can do this.”
“Good girl.” He moves the toy in and out against your spot, eyes biting into yours.
It feels good and you do want to cum but you also want to see if you can control your body and looking in his eyes is giving you something to focus on.
He finds the controls on the toy and sets it too high and he can tell you’re trying to stop the inevitable. He smiles and kisses you and then turns it off.
You slump back against the bars, chest heaving.
“Did s’good fo’ me, Jezebel. Gonna use ma tongue an’ fingers now. Same rules. Don’ cum.”
Your head thunks back against the bar. “Ok,” you pant out. You grimace as he pulls out the toy. You’re so sensitive. You watch as he goes to the kitchen area and cleans the toy, leaving it to dry on the counter and then he comes back to you.
You’re legs are shaking and trying to close.
“Ya need the cuffs?”
You nod. “Yes…please.”
He smirks as he cuffs your ankles. He’s really gonna blow your mind with this next surprise. He stands up and untangles your hands from the bars and lowers your arms to your sides. “Grip the bars behind ya, please.” He smiles as he watches you grab them. He moves to the wall and grabs a small remote that you didn’t notice. He smirks as he hits a button and the bench starts moving up.
You gasp. What the hell?!
He moves you up until he’s mouth level to your pussy and then you get it.
“Jesus, Harry.”
“Arms up, Jezebel an’ hold on tight.” He watches as you do as you’re told and his cock twitches at the way your tits move up with the movement. He takes a second to take in the beauty of this moment. His beautiful Jezebel - ankles cuffed, holding on, and suspended in the air just for him. His hands smooth up your silky thighs as your eyes meet his and you smile a blissed out smile. His middle and ring finger slowly slip inside you and he twists his hand around and smiles at your gasp. He curls his fingers and your hips jerk when he finds your spot. He curls his fingers slowly, just working you up little by little and then his tongue licks up and down your clit at the same pace. It’s slow but intense and your hands tighten on the bars above you.
He sucks your clit into his mouth, tongue moving against you slowly.
It’s slow and methodical. He knows your body like a book by now and he knows what to do to make you cum for him.
He never breaks your eyes contact. The whole time his mouth and fingers are working you, he never looks away.
You can feel another orgasm coiling and the urge to close your eyes and let it wash over you is strong, but you don’t.
He’s so, so proud of you but he’s ready to take it up another notch so he starts moving his fingers against your spot faster and then his tongue is working against you faster and your thighs start quivering.
You’re close. So, so close and you’re doing everything you can to hold it in and then he stops and you’re both panting.
He undoes the cuffs and lowers the bench back to the ground, picks you up and carries you to the bed, his body covering every inch of yours. “Did s’good fo’ me, Jezebel. Fuck…ya amazin’.”
“Hah…Hah…Hah,” you pant your breath out, “Harry, don’ be mad…Hah…I think I might cry, but…Hah…I’m not sad…it’s just so…Oh my god it’s just soooo much…,” you say with a sob leaning up to bury your face in his neck.
“D’ya need ya safeword, love?”
You nod frantically and pull back, “No…no…I don’t wanna stop, I’m just so overwhelmed,” tears dripping down, “I just love you so much and love this so much…I…I’m surprised how much I just never want the feeling to end. Does this kink make me…less?”
“Fuck no! No’ ta me! Ya could never be less ‘cause of wha’ we do,” he holds your chin in his palm, “It’s OUR kink ‘f tha’s wha’ ya wan’ call it. Fuckin’ love gettin’ ya off.”
“And I love getting you off,” you say searching his eyes as your body trembles with arousal.
“Then wha’s less abou’ tha’?” he says leaning down to place an open-mouthed kiss on your jaw that turns into a series of bites down your neck to your shoulder. The sensation adding fire to the burning sensation you feel in body…in your cunt. You can feel your body clamping down pushing wetness from your body. Your clit is feels like it’s been stung by a bee, the need, stinging the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Harrryy...,” you whimper, “I need…My body’s on fire for you. T…t…talk to me…please, t-tell me.”
He pulls back from working his way down your collarbones to your breast and smirks, “Ya wan’ me ta talk naughty ta ya, hmm? Tha’ it?”
You close your eyes and open them back as an answer to his question, “Yhheess…,” you confirm.
He smirks and crawls up your body to your ear, “Ya wan’ hear abou’ how hard my cock is fo’ ya, hmm? Abou’ how I wake up hard as a rock fo’ ya…? How I love smellin’ ya pussy on ma skin, on ma lips…? Tha’ I think abou’ doin’ this…,” he says pressing his middle finger in your channel deep and then swirling it around, “sometimes when I’m on stage, yeah, I hav’ ta focus ta remember lyrics sometimes when I see ya dancin’ because all can think abou’ is this cunt, hot an’ wet fo’ me.”
You roll your head back digging into the mattress, as he kisses down from your ear down to your breast to suck and pop first one nipple then another before kissing up to the other ear, “Think abou’ how sweet ya taste, an’ how pink ya pussy gets when ya all wet an’ ready ta fuck.” He stops for just a moment to breathe into your ear and lower his voice, “Love tha’ ya squirt fo’ me. Tha’ ya gush on me an’ ya can’t hold it back.” You whimper at that comment, his finger still in your pussy, “Jesus, babe…s’wet, ya like dirty talk, hmmm?”
“Gonna cummmm….,” you sob on a long groan.
“No’ yet, babe, hold it fo’ me, wan’ inside ya first,” he says as he settles between your legs, popping your ankles on his shoulders and leaning forward, “Ya ready fo’ ya cock?”
“Yes, Harry! Yes!”
He lines up, looks you in your eyes, “I love ya,” he says as he pushes in deep. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust or to signal you want him to move, he can’t because once he reaches the bottom your orgasm blasts through.
“Harry!” you scream out clenching down on him tight. Tears of pleasure and relief streaming down the sides of your face as the contracting of your abdominal muscles takes over your whole body. The sharp pulsing sucks him in deeper.
“Greedy little pussy, suckin’ me deep,” he pushes one leg off his shoulder to meet the other. He holds them together, pressed to the side while your body twists at the waist. His abdomen is pressed against the back of your thighs changing the angle and making you tighter on him. He snaps in and out with one hand on your thigh and one on your bum cheek, relentlessly thrusting, “Come on, love, know ya got mo’ than tha’ fo’ me. ‘M slippin’ in an’ out so easy, know ya love this!” He moves just right to where on every thrust this cock head hits your g-spot. “One mo’, love, give me one more good one…,” he pleads.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop…” you chant just before you can’t keep your eyes open any longer and the whole world blitzes white.
Harry pushes in one last time and stills as his orgasm overtakes him. He lets out a long groan before falling forward panting to catch his breath.
He collapses on the bed next to you, still panting, his hand running through his hair slowly. “Tha’ was intense…Jesus, ya ok?” He asks, scooting closer and pressing a kiss next to your ear, his hand on your neck, thumb rubbing over your jaw.
You turn towards him and smile. “I’m good,” you tell him as you try and catch your breath. “So good.”
He kisses your mouth softly. “Good. I’ll get ya cleaned up an’ then we can cuddle yeah?”
He smiles softly at you as he cleans you up and then leans over to pick you up and carry you to your bedroom and laying you on the bed. “Lemme just grab the candles and make sure all the candles downstairs are out, yeah? Wan’ some water?”
You nod. After a few minutes you hear the secret door close and then he’s crawling into bed next to you.
He teaches to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of water and passes it to you.
“Thank you,” you say unscrewing to the cap and taking a few drinks before passing it to him. He finishes it and places it back on the nightstand.
You roll over onto your side and he snuggles up behind you, his hand finding your tattoo and fingers slowly moving back and forth over the skin under your boob. You smile at the gesture. Ever since you’ve gotten his initials and the bee inked, his fingers automatically gravitate there.
“Ya ok?” He asks, lips trailing softly down your neck.
“Yes, I’m good.”
“Tha’ was intense, yeah?”
“It was, yeah. Good, though,” you say turning your head to meet his eyes.
He presses a kiss to your lips. “Was really good, Jesus, can’ stop thinkin’ abou’ it.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Hey…how did the bench work if the power is out?”
He laughs his breathy little laugh against your neck. “Knew we’d wanna use tha’, so I made sure tha’ the breaker for tha’ wasn’t turned off,” he says, placing a warm kiss to your neck.
“Oh my god…I should’ve known,” you say giggling and lightly swatting his arm.
“Had ta put a new breaker in for the pink room…s’it all worked out.”
You smile and snuggle back into him. “Wait…so the lights work in there too?”
He chuckles. “Yeah…everythin’ but the furnace.”
You shake your head at him. “Thank you for letting me unplug. I needed that.”
He kisses you on the nose. “My pleasure. Ya wanna go ta Marcy’s for brekkie? Maybe visit with the Chapman’s and Bennett and Thomasina? I gotta an errand ta run.”
You curl your fingers around his. “I’d love that, but what’re you up to?”
He chuckles. “Goodnight Jezebel.”
You sigh. “Goodnight Harry.”
****30 minutes later****
You’d fallen into a deeply sated and contented sleep on Harry’s chest, hair a tousle on his shoulder. Your rest included a rather unladylike snore, that he thought was utterly adorable. He realized it was late, but it just couldn’t wait, he needed to make a phone call to Ron.
“Hey, Ron, so sorry ta bother ya so late. You an’ Helen doin’ alright?”
“Harry, son, how are ya? Is everythin’ alright?,” Ron says with a slight bit of concern.
“Oh, everythin’s fine. Like I said, ‘m sorry ta bother ya so late.”
Harry could hear Helen in the background, "Ronnie, is that the kids? Is everything alright at the cottage? How’s my girl?”
Harry couldn’t help the chuckle.
“It’s Harry, everythin’s fine ‘Elen, kids are ok, sweetie, jus’ some business we need ta talk abou’.” Ron says away from the phone, “Ok, I will, love. Harry? Ya there?”
Grinning to himself, “Yeah, I’m here an’ our girl is doing great,” he says thinking about her sleeping soundly in their bed.
“Good, tha’s good ta hear. ‘Elen sends her love an’ we can’t wait to see ya. What’s on ya mind, son?”
“Well…umm…I need some help lookin’ fo’ somethin’ in town, but I need know it’ll be private, very private, because it’s important…one of the most important things I’ll ever do in ma life…an’…well…I..I’m hopin’ you’ll help me…”
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startanewdream · 2 years
(still slowly catching up with the prompts for @hinnyfest. Prompt #11: Nightmares)
Snape’s face was contorted with hatred. Harry struggled against the invisible ropes that bind him, but it was hopeless; he could only watch as Snape raised his wand, his voice cold and unstoppable: “Avada Kedavra!”
He cried; a mute scream that never left his throat, as the green spell hit Dumbledore—no, it wasn’t Dumbledore. It was Ginny, her red hair spread like flames around her as her body floated in the air, shining under the green light of the Dark Mark, gone—
Then she opened her eyes; there was no warmth in her brown eyes, no smile on the lips that had greeted him every morning for the last weeks.
“This was your fault,” she accused; there was no defense. She was right, and Harry was sorry, but sorrow didn’t bring anyone back to life, didn’t change anything.
“This was your fault,” she said again, and Harry blinked, waking up with a joint. The light burned his eyes as they adjusted to the scene around; he wasn’t on the top of the Astronomy Tower, but rather on the grounds, by the shadow of a tree; the day was warm, bright, and he remembered how he, Ginny, Ron and Hermione had decided to spend their time outside. Harry hadn’t had the heart to disagree; all he knew was he wanted to be with them as much as they could, enjoy these last days before…
He hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but Ginny had coached him into laying his head over her lap (promptly ignoring Ron’s comments about whether it was decent) and then, as she took a book to read, she’d started running her hand through his hair. Her touch was so soft, so relaxing, that he’d drifted off to sleep without even noticing it.
That hadn’t been wise; his sleep had been filled with the same nightmare lately and if he’d screamed like he used to—
“Suggesting I should take Divination, really,” added Ginny.
“It was an older brother’s prank,” Ron said. “Percy recommended it to me, it was only fair that I did the same to you.”
“Percy? Thanks a lot, Ron.”
“You’re welcome, Ginny.”
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly; when she lowered her head, her gaze met Harry’s. A soft smile lifted her lips; Ginny was bright and shining as the day, nothing like the sight that had been haunting his nightmares lately. It was both relieving and painful; he knew what he had to do to keep her safe, and still…
“Sorry,” she said in a low voice. “Didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“I shouldn’t have slept anyway,” he said, embarrassed; he moved to raise, but Ginny held him.
“No, stay. You look like you need some sleep.” She looked ahead for a moment. “We all do, I bet.”
He stole a glance at Ron and Hermione before saying in a small voice. “I don’t wanna bother. My… my dreams haven’t been quiet.”
Her eyes clouded, troubled; Harry didn’t think she was fooled into thinking he was just having nice dreams. Then Ginny took a deep breath as if pulling herself back together, closed her book and moved just enough to lay next to Harry, over the towel they had spread on the floor.
“Let’s sleep together, then.”
“What did you—”
“Oh, shut it, Ron.” She shook her head at her brother, before winking at Harry; he felt his face flushing. “I mean in a very proper way. Wake us up before dinner, okay?”
Ron mumbled something, but as Hermione touched his arm, he agreed to look away.
Harry smiled despite himself. “You will get me in trouble with your brother,” he said, a line that he’d said many times before to Ginny and, just as before, she looked unfazed.
“Forget him, let’s just take a nap.” She grabbed her backpack for a pillow, then offered her arm for him. 
“Shouldn’t you rest in my arms?”
“You can do it next time,” she teased. Darkness threatened to overwhelm him—there would not be a next time, they couldn’t be together anymore…
She must have sensed his hesitation, for Ginny took his hand, intertwining their fingers. “Just close your eyes.”
He did.
“You are safe,” she whispered. “Everything is gonna be fine.”
It didn’t occur for Harry to question her. With his eyes closed, every part of him seemed in tune with her; the smell of flowers; the sound of her soft breath; the softness of her skin; his heart reacting to their closeness. Ginny was warm and tender and so alive. He would do everything he needed to keep her safe—to make everything fine—, but tomorrow; today he just wanted to have a nice dream with her.
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piss-wizard-ao3 · 10 months
dndads s2ep45 spoilers
re: that one quote that absolutely emotionally obliterated a decent chunk of the fandom
alright fuckin bear with me i have some Thoughts and Feelings about particularly how the Close-Foster-Swifts deal with a) parenting and b) intergenerational trauma Anthony: 'As you're saying this, without even wanting it to, tears are rolling down your cheeks. And in that moment, you, and Taylor, and Nick all realise... That there is no fixing this. That this is as good as it's going to get. That you are stuck with each other in the forms that you are now.' this fucking DESTROYED ME and, from what i can tell, a lot of other people in the fandom also. i think this brings up some really important points that resonate w/ me personally about intergenerational trauma, and that are super important to talk about like with the wilsons and the oaks, they manage to (in varying degrees) realise what they did wrong, or what they could do better, and actively try to do better. they actively try to go out of their way to fix things, which is great! breaking that cycle is important, and it takes a while, but they're trying. with the stamplers (+ marlowes), specifically ron and terry jr, they do the 'acknowledging i havent been good enough' to 'trying my best to be what you deserve' pipeline and its Beautiful. and we get a little of that with terry jr and scary too, with terry jr just trying to do his best and scary slowly coming around to realise that she does, actually, care about her stepdad. and its so wholesome and good. it really pays homage to the ron and terry jr relationship i feel, where they end up before he died (F). BUT THE CLOSE/FOSTER/SWIFT FAMILY. i fucking. it hurts. but its the one that hits the closest to home. 'This is as good as it's going to get' fucking resonated with me. im sure it resonated with a lot of people. intergenerational trauma and the effects it has on people is such a core theme of dndads, and the way its handled so differently through each family line is honestly artful. but an important part of the story of intergenerational trauma is when it's not something that you can fix, or go back and apologise for, or something that you can become better from. sometimes trauma just is. sometimes you can't recover from it. families will break up, lineages will die out, stories and lives will be forgotten. and as tragic as that is, as much as it hurts, it's so real. in a way, its a double-edged sword that they all still talk to each-other, that they still cling to what they have, what they wanted to have. especially in the case of Taylor, who does spend a lot of the series with questions about his dad but ultimately thinking he's pretty neat, to then break down to wishing there was time travel so Nicky could be there for him, so they could re-do childhood. i just. screams. thats such a pivotal moment for him. to finally come to terms with and admit the fact that no, things aren't okay, this isn't what he wanted, and if given the chance he would go back and fix them himself. that his father, and his father's father, have failed to do it, and now it falls upon his shoulders. (this also resonates very well with the whole 'our parents unleashed the doodler and both our grandparents and parents failed to fix it so now that's our burden to bear') i wonder if we'll ever get to know if the teens from this series go on to have families. if Lincoln ever introduces his children to grandpa Grant, or if Normal ever feels, well. normal enough to even consider the possibility of raising kids. if Scary ever takes her children to visit Terry Jr's grave, or tells them about his exploits, or recounts to them the things he did for her before she grew to appreciate him. i wonder if Taylor will ever even consider the concept of having a family, upon looking back like this at his own, upon knowing first-hand the stakes if he gets it wrong. would he think that he can break the cycle? that he could be better? or is it, truly, as good as it's going to get?
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hp-soulmates · 1 year
💞 HP Soulmates: Fated 2 Be - Week 4 Roundup 💞
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Our penultimate week is now over — how time flies! Are you looking for a nice fic (or podfic!) to curl up with today? Here are all the soulmates works posted this past week for the fest:
💞 [FIC] Small Silver Linings 💞 (T, Severus/Hermione, 33k)
Three touches – that's what it takes to activate an ancient Merfolk binding magic, long forgotten in the wizarding world, and only applied to humans under rare circumstances. When Hermione Granger gets marked by the queen of the Merpeople during the Triwizard Tournament, she doesn't know that she is bestowed with the ability to recognize her soulmate. Quite unfortunate so, Severus Snape would rather pretend to be dead than face is insufferable soulmate. However, he had made the calculations without Hermione, who is not so easily discouraged.
💞 [FIC] unless you're choosing me 💞 (M, Draco/Ron, 31k)
A soulmate was a choice. It was two people deciding to spend the rest of their lives together, weathering any storm. That was a fact that Ron would hold as truth for the rest of his life. Even when the Unspeakables found a spell in some ancient text that tied soulmates together with a red cord and showed them a moment of their "true love". It was a hoax, he was sure of it. But no one else agreed, willing to upend their lives just because a stupid spell said so. Ron wouldn't have minded so much if it hadn't wrecked his.
💞 [PODFIC] Finders Keepers 💞 (T, Harry/Severus, 50 min)
Based on the fic by Lilian Severus Snape doesn't find a single thing until he's twenty. By that time, he has given up and ignores a young boy, when he arrives at Hogwarts.
💞 [FIC] Invisible String 💞 (G, Harry/Severus, 3.7k)
The first time Harry saw Snape's black eyes — him truly acknowledging Snape's existence beyond him being his mean professor — it was the night after Harry killed Professor Quirrell. He was dreaming and in his dreams he was screaming. Harry dreams of Severus over the years.
💞 [FIC] He’s already in me 💞 (T, Severus/Remus, 2.9k)
On the night of Dumbledore’s death, Lupin’s mark appeared.
💞 [FIC] Stories that end and begin 💞 (M, Tom/Harry, 4k)
Tom had been right. Now that he was in his fifth year at Hogwarts, he could state that Soulmates were a nuisance. With the exception of a few souls who could consider themselves lucky, most of them were forced to put up with people they despised and who would do no good for their future.
💞 [FIC] Sparks 💞 (E, Draco/Harry, 20k)
“I’m sorry,” Draco turned to him, “are we boring you?” Greg looked up. “No, I’m just hungry, and you’re taking far too long to just tell them that you and Potter are soulmates. Do you have to be this dramatic?” There was a moment of silence, before all hell broke loose. Harry didn't know soulmates existed until he was fourteen. He wasn't sure what he imagined it would be like, but he knew it wasn't this. But that's not to say he didn't like it.
💞 [FIC] i will love you even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them 💞 (E, Narcissa/Lily, 60k)
Anything your soulmate draws on their skin appears on your skin. And the universe has a really fucked up definition of "drawing." The story follows Lily from childhood to early adulthood.
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pollyna · 2 years
nsfw and not nsfw carole x goose x slider 'cuz porn makes me sleepy:
• they start their whole thing with drunk sex, outside O-Club, messy kisses and hand jobs given while Ron fingers find their way under Carole's skirt and Goose had to bite his tounge very hard to not come here and there;
• when it evolves to less drunk sex is at Slider&Ice's apartment and they have to take the materass down because the bed is shaking so bad it could wake even Ice who's not home;
• not drunk sex opens the Pandora box: Slider like dirty talking, him and Goose get off when Carole praise them and Carole is all for the whole worshipping thing. And that's just the beginning;
• Slider likes to wear Goose's shirt when they spend times apart and Carole goes around with Slider's hoodie. Bar nights are the worst because Goose doesn't know who to watch first while they're both eating him with their eyes;
● Goose calls Carole darlin' and Slider love. Slider goes of a delicious red around his neck the first time he hears that;
• they found that sometimes Ron needs to be put in the middle and just get as much as he can. Goose fucking him from behind and Carole getting fucked on his dick. Both of them talking dirty in his ears and Goose's hands playing around his chest in the same way he touches Carole's;
• Carole likes to watch them sometimes, over the breakfast table because someone said something and hands are everywhere;
• For the day of Carole and Goose anniversary, the first they are all together, Ron doesn't know what to do and flies at Tom's the moment the alarm goes off. They spent the day lazing around and cuddling. I should have fallen in love with you, it would have been so much simpler Ron says at some point, face smashed against Tom's shoulder. Yeah, me and you against the world 24/7 and nothing to stop us if not the sky. But we got lucky, in the end. Me and Carole and Goose, you and Maverick. It's- we got lucky Ronnie. Yeah, yeah we did Tom. And this is how they find them, hours later, Carole on the verge of screaming because we didn't know where you were and Maverick sitting on Tom's lap because hi baby, go away Kerner;
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