#i still has my bf back home who was being a pain
fruitbythehand · 10 months
Dear dairy: recap/update
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
i think sometimes people have a hard time seeing jackie as an individual person and this leads to them sort of seeing her as a villian in rose's story.
in my opinion it's pretty important that as much as jackie is sometimes wrong about things, she is also right about a lot of things as well.
i do feel like jackie was unintentionally holding rose back out of fear of losing her, hence her "airs and graces" comment etc- but rarely do people think of why jackie feels like this.
think of jackie tyler. in doomsday she is forty. this means when we meet her and rose she is 39, meaning she had rose at age 20, meaning she was pregnant at age 19- the same age rose is when we meet her.
19 is young.
think of jackie tyler, age 21, widowed with an infant daughter, on an estate and looked down upon. in army of ghosts we see that jackie's father passed away years ago, and we never see her mother either.
this is partly why the fandoms universal eyeroll at love and monsters frustrates me. that episode fleshes jackie out and shows us how deeply alone she is, but how loyal she is to rose despite the fact that the only family she has sees her as second best. the tentoo and jackie big finish audios also bring attention to this. jackie is not afraid of rose advancing in life, she is afraid of being left behind. because she has no one.
it pains me that the bf audios with her and tentoo aren't more widely known because they explore jackie and her relationship with both the doctor and rose a lot. we see how much jackie loves, and has always loved, the doctor. how she too missed him after doomsday. how she wants to be close to him again but she's afraid of what him being back in rose's life means as well, because now that the doctor is in their world, what is stopping them from leaving again? and i think it's important that jackie feels that way because it shows that her love for rose isn't just because she was lonely, despite it having had played a large part.
she genuinely loves them both and does not want to be without them, so much so that she says if/when the tardis grows the doctor has to take them all- because he has a family now. this mirrors the doctor telling donna that rose had a family and that they had become his family as well in the runaway bride.
in this sense, we should know that the doctor and jackie are on the same page. we know how much he missed rose and how that extends to the sense of family he found in the christmas invasion. however, jackie's own poor self image leads to her projecting her own fear of being left behind onto tentoo and to his relationship with rose and it causes friction in their relationship until they can both be honest with each other in the climax of the audios when they're about to die together and realize they want to live, which is why rose trapped them into talking in the first place.
jackie struggles because rose was so young when she met the doctor, and she was RIGHTFULLY wary of their relationship considering the last time rose trusted a man he left her behind and took all her money. in the audios we hear jackie say that she was the one who payed off all of rose's debts which is a stark contrast to the idea some people seem to have that jackie didn't have a job and mooches off of rose entirely- which makes no sense anyway because how does she keep the lights on at home when rose is missing for an entire year? it's much more plausible that she and rose both have jobs, and that she was going to look for a second job.
jackie gets everything she wanted in a sense. her husband back, a son, rose is still with her, but her own low sense of self is something that is hard for her to shake off because she has been looked down upon for so long because of who she is and how she was raised, so much so that the thought that rose looks down on her terrifies her. in the end of time flashback we sees jackie say that at that point in her life she isn't gonna do much better; but rose tells her she doesn't know that which speaks volumes. rose is afraid of falling victim to the helplessness jackie has in the last twenty years, but we also see that deep down jackie also wants more to her life as well, she just thinks it's too late.
jackie is proud of rose, she grows to love the doctor, but her fear of rose losing herself entirely is a valid one. just like rose wanting more out of life is valid as well. they're both right and they're both wrong which is why they bicker but also very very clearly absolutely love each other more than anything.
this is why the ending rose gets is perfect for everyone. rose gets to keep defending the earth at unit with the doctor, a life that she always wanted. the doctor gets to, in one life, have a family and be human and jackie gets to find her sense of self again and find "more" in her life, and doesn't lose what makes her who she is at all because people like jackie - working class people - are the ones who make it possible for "bigger" things to happen which is what the purpose of the back and forth between rose and jackie is. rose wanting more from her life is valid, but it's also important to rememeber not to look down on people who you subconsciously see as "less" because "less" is just as valuable.
of course rose leaving helped jackie grow, but sometimes the way people talk about jackie is unintentionally classist while also defending rose from classism.
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heehoonieluvs · 6 months
In conclusion… ✨hawt✨
My dear anon, I could not agree more 😩 I completely got carried away so this is gonna be a long one my lovelies 😅
I’m gonna look at this like this is during/after a pool party and who would be better to fuck than our puppy Jakey 🤭
It has been said multiple times on my blog as well as others that Jake would no doubt be all over his s/o whenever he has the chance to. So when he sees you strip your clothes off and show your new bikini before getting into the pool, he would most definitely be ogling at your mouth watering figure. In one way, he was glad that he could admire you looking hot as fuck with water dripping all over your body. But at the same time, he knew that there were other people who were enjoying the view as well
In his mind, he’d be begging his erection to go down in his trunks so his friends couldn’t catch him supporting a boner from just looking at you. But he knew that the only way to get it down was to fuck you the way that you deserved. You had him in a chokehold without trying and you were completely oblivious about it, but that’s what made him even more obsessed with you
As you climbed up a pool ladder and strutted over to him with water trailing over your curves, Jake felt like it was all in slow motion and he was pretty sure he came in his trunks when you made eye contact with him. He was completely speechless by your effortless beauty and wondered how he got so lucky that he had such a goddess to himself
He knew in that moment that it would be the perfect time to drag you away from the party and take you to someone’s room. He didn’t care whose room it was. He’d clean every surface of the room that he planned on fucking you on by hand if it meant that he could get you alone now
You giggled when he begged you to keep your bikini on as your plan had worked (not that you could doubt your bf). He’d get up close between your tits before smothering his face with them. His hands would grip onto them and squeeze them together so he could motorboat you
He’d kiss down from between your chest and all the way down to your crotch. As much as he loved to taste you and fuck your holes with his tongue, his hard cock was painful and needed to be buried in you. Of course he’d still prep you by pulling your thong to the side and giving your pussy a few licks and sucks. But he’d be quick to get up and flip you onto your front
His thrusts would be uncontrollable as he desperately pounds into your wet cunt. You could hear him whimpering and panting on top of you as he relieves himself. The puppy is so pussy drunk that it wouldn’t take him long to get to his climax. He would be slightly frustrated with himself for being too quick so he’d throw his head back and try his best to delay his orgasm. But he’d tip over the edge when he looks down at your beautiful body quivering underneath him and bouncing back onto his dick
As his orgasm washed over him, he’d collapse on top of you and you could feel his body twitching from the overstimulation. You’d reach up behind to run your fingers through his head whilst softly shushing to comfort him. One of his favourite things about you was when you loved on him so he nuzzled his face into your neck as a signal for you to carry on
It seemed that the party was nowhere near close to finishing any time soon so you guys stayed in that position as he covered your neck in kisses. He’d whine when you’d suggest to clean up so you would have to bribe him with lots of kisses and a promise that he’d be rewarded at home
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NSFW Masterlist
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kthecutest · 9 months
yūka could i request smth? 😅 sooo it goes smth like this... u are dating k's friend (k is the one who introduced u to each other) but this friend doesn't make u satisfied in the bedroom so u always end up finishing by urself. one day u are alone in u and ur bf's apartment and while touching urself k catches u (he likes hanging out in ur guys' apartment so he knows the pw and thought his friend was home) and u kinda tell him abt ur problem and helps u with it 👀
Pls whoever you are, you've got my heart cuz your idea is actually so good and creative ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა but cuz of the immense load of work I have here, I might have slowed down the motivation and creativity half-way so I'm genuinely sorry if the bottom half part wasn't all that hype.
☄. *. ⋆Forget Him⋆·˚ ༘ *
Pairing : bestfriend!K x taken!f!reader Genre : NSFW (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ 🥕 A/N ೃ⁀➷ MINORS DNI
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Another sigh left your lips as you sat on the bed, your desperate pussy still wet yet far from release; almost screeching out to you in pain and agony – your hair a mess from not the sex but your own doing of pulling on your hair from utter frustration. You looked to your side at your exhausted boyfriend now sound asleep. You gritted your teeth as you clenched onto the sheets, your other free hand going over to stimulate your tired pussy once more. This has been going on for almost 6 months now, and it was seriously getting to your head – but the worst thing is – you can’t even bring up this topic since your lover was too sweet, guilt would often hit you like a truck in your head.
Another evening, you’re slumped back on your back, fingers pumping in and out of your pussy in a furious speed as tears prickled on the corner of your eyes. “Fuck, fuck.. fuckkk! Please!”, you begged loudly at yourself hoping to get some release but you only ended up throwing your head back, tears spilling out at your nth failed attempt. But while you were begging and whining and crying about it all, you weren’t actually the only witness of the sight. Kei, your best friend of two years, had been standing right in front of your bedroom the entire time, glancing at your desperate figure on the bed from the slight opening of the door.
You and Kei had been best friends for years now, and he was the one who acted as a matchmaker between you and your current boyfriend. Despite him practically being a third-wheel, you three have been close ever since and you guys trusted each other to the fullest to the point you and your boyfriend even considered on giving Kei the apartment’s entrance passcode – which led to the current scenario. No matter how loyal you were, it’s not possible to deny how hot and sweet your best friend was and now with the build-up of your unfulfilled sexual needs – considering Kei’s massive body, you couldn’t help but imagine what would lie below all the built up biceps – a thick girthy cock that could probably tear you in half.
Seeing your pitiful state, Kei felt sorry seeing his best friend being so stressed and desperate over an issue, more specifically a sexual one – which also in-turn, had him hard to the fullest. It was somehow as hot as it was sorrowful to see your failed attempts on trying to catch your desire – to the point that the tent in his jeans was now so obvious, it was bursting at the seams. Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door as you quickly threw yourself under the sheets. “o-oh Kei! I-is your work over?”, almost sounding as if you were greeting a husband.
The room filled with eerie silence as Kei approached you not saying a word, when he was at the perfect closure with you, he instantly pulled the sheets right off of your naked bottom. “Ah-!? Kei? W-what are you doing..?”, you flinched, letting out a confused and flustered reaction. “Baby.. you need help, don’t you..~?” – “w-wha?” – did he just called you baby? You were confused. You didn’t have any intention of being a cheater, but maybe it was the need, the heat, or probably HIM, but you wanted to give in for once.
You didn’t had to pull out a whole explanation – it was easy to say Kei had already understood the assignment when you felt his palm rub against your clit roughly. You let your head fall into the crook of his neck, muffling out your intense moans. He hasn’t even inserted any of his digits yet you could already feel your orgasm building up. “Want more lovely~?” – you could only react with a nod and incoherent whines, your brain clouded in lust. In a blink of an eye, you could already feel the tip of his dick prodding at your entrance. As he slowly entered you, you could hear his low breathy tone right in your ear –
“I’ll make you forget all about him.”
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pearldog30 · 1 year
How the guys would react to you waking up starting your period.
soap, ghost, Alejandro, Rudy, Alex. Alex doesn't get enough attention
All right y'all y'all know what time it is. HC TIME FOR ALL THE BOYS! okay I know I said I was going to do soap next but... (I may have or may have not woke up and had a heart attack cuz I thought I started my period and this idea came to my head so here you go) Also I don't know/forgot if someone has already done this but if you have please send me the headcanon so I can look at it 👀
Other works 👉Master list
this one's going to be 18+
Warnings| period cramps, blood, mood swings, mentions sex period/Sex
Let's be honest here, real quick they all know what a period is. they've worked with women/probably have women in their family. (although some of them don't know the ins and outs of it I will give them that)
Ghost 👻
Now as we know this man has never been in a relationship before, that is until you came along. now Simon understood the gist of a period because he works with some other females, and they would sometimes complain to him. (he would get very much annoyed about it btw) this poor man did not understand the true side effects, and how bad it really gets until he got with you. he never got annoyed at his female work associates again
The first time it happened of course! It had to be in the very beginning of y'all's relationship, and on one of the very rare nights Simon would let you sleep over at his place. you get abruptly woken up from who none other than your big boy Simon and before you know it Simon's budging you to get off the bed. so he can clean the sheets, and make sure it doesn't stain his bed. (did I forget to mention you have no idea what's going on, he just kind of dragged you out of bed. and you didn't realize until after you felt blood running down your leg.) and that's when Simon just so happened to notice as well. and get a shower ready for you since you're still very much dazed with sleep, you just kind of follow him into the bathroom no words have been exchanged but you did feel absolutely terrible, and you figured he was pissed off, and annoyed, at you with how he woke you up. but little did you know while you were in the shower, he was actually making you a nice hot cup of tea and getting his bed all comfy for you again.
As you got back in bed, you felt one of your terrible period cramps hit you, you couldn't help but just grunt in pain at the unexpected cramp you were just hit with. and Simon being Simon that has to follow you everywhere noticed it, and got real concerned. (and this day was the day, he realized how bad cramps can get and how fuckin Moody you can be!) he reached his hand out to make sure you are okay, but you just slapped it away. and him being the smart ass he is (which I 1,000% see him saying this) "would you like me to stop by the store get you some chocolate, i don't know what y'all women need." (you know that meme were Simon is just looking at soap while they were in the car in Las almas yeah that's the looked he got when he said that)
let's just say he never gave you a smart-ass comment again, while you're on your period.(but fr though he is a good BF/husband/fiance during that time of the month it just takes him some time to realize what you need/how yours can be)
Soap 🧼
Soapy boy you're next not going to lie this mf has no clue at all at what you need/what you want he's so lost (unlike Simon that knew a tiny bit. soap only knew the blood part, he didn't even know cramps or any of that stuff came with it.)
This was one of the times soap was actually fully home, to be with you for a little while. (because he fucked up his leg, while deployed trying to prove he could win a bet against Alejandro.) since today was the weekend you were off work, so you decided to sleep in with your lover, and enjoy the time you had. As you were sleeping surprisingly soap had woken up before you with a little bit of a problem "cough" "cough" "horny boy" "cough" so of course he decided to gently wake you up with nothing, but SOME GOOD OLD MORNING FASHION SEX. as he scooted closer to you he couldn't help but feel a wet spot on the back of your butt, and on the bed, he looked down to see what it was and. (Low key freaked out not expecting it at all) as he very much rudely and frantically woke you up "what Johnny" you say very pissed off with how you were woken up. "hen there's blood on the bed" he says getting up completely forgetting he fucked up his leg and fell to the floor.
You couldn't help but just stand there and laugh your ass off at him, low-key karma for rudely waking you up once you got your breath back, you realized how bad it really was. so you ran to the shower. (we've all done that at least once) leaving Johnny there to clean up the mess, with his messed up leg of course. as he very much struggled getting up, and getting the sheets off the bed, he still was sadly very horny.
as you step out of the bathroom, into y'all shared room so you can grab some clothes. you see him, eagerly waiting on the edge of the bed for you. WHEN I TELL YOU THE WAY THIS BOY'S EYES LIT UP WHEN HE SAW YOU IN THAT TOWEL. "Hen come here darling" he says in aroused tone, grabbing at you to come closer to him. so you decide to let him pull you closer to himself, and before he could put his lips on you. "no" you say booping at his nose then walking away.
our poor soap was very sad, and horny, for the rest of the day. (he definitely is not the best at dealing with this kind of stuff. but he won't let it get in the way of smexy time that's for damn sure.)
Alejandro 🔥
This poor bastard that's all I got to say. low key has PTSD from when he was with Valeria and she had hers. (And nobody knows why and he won't talk about it either)
A lot like soap He surprisingly was up before you, so he was just laying there with you enjoying the moment. as he scooted closer to you though he couldn't help but feel a wet spot on the bed sheets, so he looked hoping one of his worst nightmare wasn't true but sadly it was as he sat there, contemplating how he was going to wake you up. and then you opened your lids looking at him smiling, happy, your lover was there with you. not realizing the blood on the bed. as he looked into your eyes nervously "what's wrong sweetheart" you say in a sleepish, yet concerned tone. "mi amor you started your time of the month" he says nervously.
"oh" is all you say, before you quickly get up to run to the bathroom. so you don't make an even bigger mess. but (in old period fashion) you were hit with probably one of the worst cramps in your life. kneeling to the floor aside your nightstand, arms clutched around your stomach, tears dripping down, from your watery eyes. as you're sitting on the floor in pain you suddenly feel a warmth sitting next to you, it's none other than your lover Alejandro. he has his hands hovering over you scared to touch you. as if he touched you you could break into a million pieces "mi amor tell me what you need I'm right here" he says panic, and nervousness, fills his voice. he's never seen you this bad before, realizing he's there you put your hand on his shoulder, to steady yourself. and you just sit there in silence, for while trying to calm yourself, so it doesn't get worse. "Alejandro could you help me to the shower" you say once the cramp has calmed down a little bit.
And before you could even move he picked you up in the most gentlest, yet Swift and loving, way he could. as he turns on the shower nice, and hot for you, he also helps you undress, as he undresses himself as well. you give him a confused look, and he notices. "mi amor do you really think after that I'm going to let you be in here by yourself and not keep my eye on you" he says in a Stern yet gentle voice. and you weren't going to fight him on it, you did not feel well enough. As you got in the shower he did not let you lift one finger, he did everything. (low-key you guys both enjoyed that)
He's even more attentive, and notices everything, and also extremely nervous, during that time of the month. (just give this poor man tons of love and reassurance so he knows he's doing good)
Rudy my sweet boy, that I love and cherish. now as I said before he's been in a few relationships, so he knows his way around period. (I see him and Alex being the best knowledgeable on periods and knows how to treat you)
Now this was one of the times you were home alone, and he was on a rough mission. You both didn't know that he was actually being sent home a lot earlier then expected. so when he got home orange, and purple, filled the morning sky. as he walked in through the door shuffling his boots off by the door. walking quietly, through the home not wanting to wake you. he entered y'all's master bedroom, as he quietly opened the door. he saw you peacefully resting which just made him relax his entire body, at the site. it was one of those moments where he was just grateful to see you so relaxed.
as he slowly approached you, not wanting to wake you. he slowly lifted the sheets on your side of the bed, so he could just lay on top of you, and be grateful he was in your arms again. when he noticed the blood stain bed sheets, he can't help but sign at himself, at the inconvenience. yes he knew you couldn't help it, but he was tired all he wanted to do was sleep. so he's softly nudged you awake, not wanting to alarm you. "mi amor wake up" he said that a few more times, before you fully opened your eyes and realized it was him, and not a dream. you quickly wrap your arms around his neck, happy that he was home. and that it was not a dream. but the happy moment was soon gone, when he pointed down to the bed sheets. "God damn it" was all you could say upset, that you couldn't just soak it in the moment, and lay in bed with your love. "mi amor it's okay love come on" he gently lifted you out of bed, not wanting you to get cramps. and into the bathroom y'all went. as he started the shower, he told you he'd be right back. all you could hear was him wrestling around the sheets, pulling them off into the wash, and then putting on new ones.
And before you know it. he was joining you in the shower, helping you wash off, and enjoying the little time he gets to have with you. even if a little blood got in the way. it may or may have not ended in gentle but yet spicy shower sex that's one for you to decide either way he was just happy to be home, with you and gets to see you naked in the shower.
(he honestly is the best man, to have. anything you want let alone on your period, he's there, and is surprisingly not scared of your mood swings.)
Alex 🦿
Alex our sweet laid back, country boy (as I said him and Rudy are like the best you could have he also gives me major he grew up with sister vibes so)
One of the very rare times this happens, just so happened to be when you and Alex got the very rare privilege, to go on vacation together. since he was always gone working, he wanted to surprise, and spoil you, for being such an amazing partner to him. and being so patient, and always being there when he comes back from deployments. and so he decided to surprise you with a beautiful little home, on a private beach for the weekend that his aunt owned.
As you were asleep in the surprisingly comfy bed, of the vacation house you were staying in. Alex decided to get up early to surprise you with breakfast in bed. As Alex was finishing up breakfast he's decided to wake you, so you could probably enjoy your breakfast, and this vacation. walking into y'all's shared lightly decor bedroom, gently shaking your uncovered shoulder. you lightly open your eyes to be greeted with Alex's light blue ones. "hi baby" he starts off with but, before he could finish you interrupt him. "is that biscuits and gravy cooking" you saying in a sleepish tone, chuckling to himself. " yes ma'am it is I figured I'd make you some. now get your pretty little ass up and come enjoy this with me." you do as you're told moving the blankets, to reveal your half naked body evidence from. (the very spicy time y'all had the night before) as you stand up, you couldn't help but feel wetness down your legs. and what do you know it your period decided to say hello.
Moving quickly to the bathroom to clean up. Alex walks in wondering what's taking forever "where are you foods done" he says while turning the corner, into the bathroom, his eyes meet with you're naked body. "started my goddamn period I'll be there in a minute" you say quickly before jumping in the shower. As you turn around looking through the glass shower wall, seeing your beloved Alex sitting on the floor, with a plate of his own food watching you patiently waiting. "what the hell are you doing Alex" you say slightly concerned "I just figured you could use some company I know how clingy you get during this time of this month" he says while stuffing his face full of food.
Alex would be so nonchalant about it it's not even funny. (sorry this one was kind of short)
Anyways I hope you all enjoy this, as usual. Reading back on this I'm realizing how much it sucks but I hope one of y'all enjoys it. I thought it was funny in the moment I was writing it. Anyways Wherever you are in the world I hope you're having a good day/night 🖤 reblogs and comments are always appreciated.
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angriel · 1 year
Can you do Broken reader x Neteyam where the readers bf was cheating on her with some bitchy Na'vi and then your Rival Neteyam comforts you then the both of you fell in love and the rest is up to you!
Damn! You want some Angsty Drama huh? Your wish is my command hun!
Disillusionment [ I ]
part two
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Warning!: Aged up! Neteyam x Reader, Mentions of cheating!, Toxic Relationship, Some super duper Angst everywhere, Absolutely Ass writing, Mentions of Ab^se, Mentions of Blood, Curse Words, Mentions of 💀 thyselves
Also pretend that they're still staying on the forest and not yet migrated to the High Camp. This is also a 2 shot fic okay???
Good for nothing
Those are the words that best describes you, You're considered as the Black Sheep of your family. They've never recognized any of your personal achievements, even when you became one of the people they were never there to support you THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU.
You were not entirely useless, you were Neteyam's RIVAL You hate him to the core. Mainly because you always get compared with him in terms of Fighting and Hunting. He was neither kind nor mean to you he was a balance, he always look at you with a straight face and talking to you in a nonchalant manner further destroying your self esteem.
When you found your Mate Wo'kan he was the best thing that happened to you, he was the only one who cared about you and treats you gentle and kind. He was the exact opposite of your parents his touch was full of love and is being considerate of your feelings. Unlike your so called family who do nothing but beat you and is always scolding and insulting you.
This was the time that Neteyam begins to act like a dick around you always playing pranks, Becoming overly competitive, Insulting you and casually shot glares in your way a couple of times. He made your life a living hell, it was a bittersweet moment in your life as you have mated with Wo'kan infront of Eywa and you two have lived together.
You were finally able to freely breathe without being cautious in your surroundings, you experienced being loved and you'll be lying if you said that it didn't changed you. It made you become brighter and optimistic about life, you and Wo'kan was inseparable and is leading a happy life for what it seems for forever.
Because that's how it's suppose to be right? Being Mates means loving each other eternally, that was what you thought. One night Wo'kan went home late at night you had asked him where he was and what happened to him to go home so late at night but he ignored you, it hurts you when he's not paying attention to you when you're talking to him as it brings many bad memories from your past.
You decided to let it go and ask him tomorrow morning what happened, that specific night made you feel cold on your joint bed. When you woke up in the morning your mate was no where to be seen and it made you feel down, but you sucked it up and thought that he will be back to normal later on in the day.
How you were so wrong about that he went home late AGAIN but he was drunk this time. "Paskalin, What happened to you?" You worriedly asked him but he just grabbed a fistful of your hair and you let out a loud yelp of pain while grabbing his hand that is on your hair.
"Shut the fuck up Snumina muntxate" He said with venom lacing his voice, you widened your eyes you couldn't believe that your beloved husband was saying those things to you. Was it the influence of alcohol? You thought, as you were about to speak he suddenly gave you a harsh slap across your right cheek.
"Words don't shut you up huh? Perhaps my fist will" He spat those words to you before beating you up, he punched you everywhere and left you curling into a ball and then proceeds to kick you. He ab^sed you until the sun has risen up, you feel your body aching and asked Eywa why did she make your life so miserable.
You hoped to Eywa that this will be the first and the last time that this will happen, little did you know that this was one of the many beatings you will take from him. You don't know what to do honestly going back to your parents house was never the option as they will criticize you about how you're still a failure beig a wife.
Every beatings took a toll in your body forming bruises everywhere making hunting hard for you, Neteyam noticed your bruises and proceeds to question you about it. You made up a lame excuse about you being clumsy and falling down a tree when climbing it up for picking a medical herb for your ointments.
Neteyam was suspicious at your lame excuses knowing you almost rival him in terms of combat and flexibilty but he didn't pushed it any further and proceeds to continue the hunt, and as usual the two of you competes but because of your bruised body from your husband's beating you were 2 kills behind Neteyam and he gave you a teasing smirk causing yiu to get angry.
He was getting worried about you seeing you with new bruises every time you hunt with them, and you were getting weaker and thinner. one time before the hunting session he pulled you to a secluded area and begin to question if your excuses were true and since you don't want to ruin your relationship with Wo'kan you said that you're fine and all of your excuses were true.
Neteyam loves you, not as a rival or a friend but as a lover but yiu were too stupid to know that. You were head over heels for Wo'kan, it was one of the reasons why he doesn't have a mate yet he knew that the right time will come but he doesn't know when it will happen.
There was a celebration of the clan as 2 more young boys have become an adult, your husband Wo'kan warned you beforehand to not do anything stupid or he'll kill you for real. And by warn I mean beat you.
You got a wound on your lips from his punch and you covered it with ointment before going out to follow him. You saw him with a beautiful Na'vi Ayn'at, she was everything a man would look for and sadly despite being your mate Wo'kan is a man too. A mated one. You saw how they interact with each other you're stupid in love but you're not stupid enough to understand what was going on between them.
All your worries turned true and all the questions lingering in your mind were answered, Wo'kan was having an affair with Ayn'at. You feel a stab on your heart as you felt the feeling of pain eating you away as you stare at the two, tears began to well on your eye but you blinked it away and then ran to the Tree of Souls.
You connected with Eywa with your tsaheylu and you began to speak out all of the pain you feel in your heart.
"Ma Eywa why are you doing this to me? Do you not love me? Do you not favor me as the others? Ever since I was little all I ever felt was pain. Is this my Fate? Am I destined to live my life this way?" You silently cried to Eywa as your voice cracked at the end. You cried your heart out but you heard a twig snapped, you opened your eyes and hid between some trees.
What you saw made your eyes widened and made your heart feel way worse than it was already feeling, you saw your BELOVED HUSBAND and AYN'AT holding hands together and smiling. They looked so happy together like the two of you in the past. They began to kiss each other and feel each other, you know what they were about to do.
They were about to mate before Eywa, Your eyes widened and as finally tears fell down from your cheeks and the constant stabbing of pain in your chest increases. When a mated Na'vi has mated someone else before Eywa, their partner feels the opposite of what they're feeling. If they feel pleasure of someone else their mate feels pain.
Your heart ached more and more as you began to hear their cries of pleasure from feeling each other. You couldn't take it anymore the pain was becoming unbearable each second you hear their voices, you silently made your way back to your favorite spot where you and Neteyam held your first Competition. The Hallelujah Mountains.
As you landed you've thought about jumping and ending your life but you remained strong. you curled yourself to a soft moss on the rock and cried your heart out, you wondered why Eywa is doing this to you. She really doesn't love you huh?
All the talk of the Natives about finding your mate and finding love seems fake, it all gives you the feeling of...
@fluloa @cleverzonkwombatsludge @thatsenoughformelol @erenjaegerwifee @soxfix @dorck26 @vampsclassiffied @1950schick @lovekeeho @fanboyluvr @buttercake2234 @slutforsmut4ever @witchywannabe3263 @sharni07 @avatarfreaky @immortalbloodhuntress @jakesullylvr
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jakeyzzz · 10 months
Hello Stranger...
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requested by : @heetoldme
masterlist ...
(fluff/angst) heeseung x f!reader oneshot
!! warnings - ( swearing, cheating, crying, reader punching her bf, kissing, making out? , hint of crack ! , not proofread ) !!
let me know if i missed anything !!
!!! english is NOT my first language so please be nice
🤍 2k words 🤍 ...
,,You never even cared about me did you ?'' You whispered in Pain, staring at your Boyfriend who currently had a guilty expression on his Face. ,,I used to care about you a lot, Y/N. I promise. I guess I just fell out of love. I needed something new. '' You looked at him in disbelief. ,,You could've just talked to me instead of cheating on me ! Who do you think you are ?'' You raised your Voice at him, before punching his Chest softly. Even though he broke your Heart, you could never hurt him. You still loved him too much . You let out loud sobs as you rested your Head against his Chest. The Male didn't move. He didn't even try to save your Relationship. Him being completely quiet broke you even more. The Person you once loved so much suddenly acted like a stranger towards you. God, he was so cold hearted. ,,I'm sorry'' Was the only Thing he said to you, making you scoff loudly.
You weakly lifted your Head up to look at him as a few more Tears ran down your Cheeks. Your Sorrow slowly started turning into Anger. ,,We're over, Isaac. I don't wanna see you again. Fuck you ! '' You felt a burning feeling in your Chest. You quickly turned around, and eventually left his House. You wanted him to Follow you. You even waited in your Car for a few Minutes. You wanted to give him another Chance to apologize properly. But he never came to look for you. You were so hurt. You rested your Forehead against the steering wheel of your car, as you sobbed uncontrollably . You knew you couldn't stay there. And even though you felt incredibly weak , you decided to quickly drive away from his House. You tried to calm yourself down a bit as you listened to music while driving through the heavy rain. But no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't get your now Ex Boyfriend's Words out of your Head. You knew you had to get over him somehow. You needed Time to think. And eventually, you decided to go to your secret Spot ... which was basically a River near your House.
And as soon as you got there, you immediately sat down and took a deep Breath. You let your Tears stream down your Face, and just cried as much as you needed to. You even let out a few screams here and there, which felt kind of relieving. And as you were crying your Eyes out, you suddenly felt someone tapping your Shoulder, making you flinch slightly. And when you finally looked up, you saw two brown Eyes staring at you. He had beautiful Bambi Eyes, his Hair was kind of messy and he was wearing a blue oversized Hoodie, which was drenched in Water due the heavy Rain. He was beautiful .. but he looked incredibly worried.
,,I'm sorry .. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay ?'' He asked as he sat down next to you, waiting for you to answer. You shrugged your Shoulders. ,,I don't think so...'' You whispered, trying to hold back your Tears this Time. ,,Do you wanna talk about what happened ?'' The Boy mumbled, as he looked at your Puffy Eyes. ,,I just got cheated on..'' You confessed. His Lips parted in Shock. ,,Shit .. I'm so sorry. '' The Rain has finally stopped ... and you could tell he was freezing. He could've just gone home ... but he didn't. He stayed with you, and tried to comfort you as much as he could. ,,He wasn't only my Boyfriend. He was my best friend... and best friends don't do that.'' You stated through your Tears. The Boy next to you hesitantly caressed your Back, before gently pulling you into a Hug. You just kept sobbing ... but for some Reason, you didn't even care. ,,I'm so sorry !! this is so weird. I literally have no Idea who you are and I'm sobbing into your Chest...'' You mumbled, as you wiped a few Tears off your Cheek. You heard soft giggles coming from the Boy's Mouth. ,,I promise I don't mind. It's okay to cry ... and I'm so glad you feel comfortable enough to cry when I'm around. Thank you for trusting me. My Name is Heeseung . Do you mind telling me your Name as well ?'' His Words made you smile softly. ,,It's Y/N...'' Heeseung smiled. ,,Hi Y/N ... It's nice to meet you, and it's even better seeing you smile.'' You shyly hid your Face, making Heeseung chuckle softly.
,,Well ... what brought you here, Heeseung ?'' You asked him, trying to change the Topic quickly. ,,I was just taking a Walk ... and then it started raining. And right before I was about to run back Home, I saw you sitting here. And I just wanted to make sure you're okay.'' He explained, as he watched a soft smile appear on your Face. ,,You're a pretty caring Person, am I right ?'' Heeseung nodded his Head. ,,Yup ... I've always been a caring Person. I don't think that will ever change.''
Even though you literally just met Heeseung, you could tell how beautiful his Heart is. You've never met anyone like him. You spent Hours talking to each other ..and it almost felt like you've known each other for ages. At about 3AM you both decided to go Home, since it got really cold and you didn't want Heeseung to get sick. He made sure to walk you home, before shyly asking for your Number. And of course, you gave him what he asked for. He eventually hugged you goodbye with a bright smile on his Face, and started walking home right after.
You went to Bed with a soft smile on your Lips. Heeseung almost made you forget why you were crying earlier. And when you saw your Phone Screen light up after a few Minutes, you couldn't help but softly squeal in excitement. ,,Good Night, Y/N. Sleep Well :) ''  Your smile got even bigger. You waited a few Minutes before answering, since you didn't want to seem like a weirdo who's constantly waiting for him to text you. ,,Good Night !! Thank you for everything you did today.'' You quickly threw your Phone on your Bed after sending the Text, and eventually tried to fall asleep.
When Heeseung woke up the next morning, he couldn't help but miss you. He stared at his Bedroom Wall, wondering what you could be doing right now. And without further thinking , he decided to Video Call you. Heeseung didn't know you were still sleeping tho.
The buzzing of your Phone woke you up almost immediately. When you noticed that Heeseung was trying to Video Call you, you slightly panicked. And even though you looked pretty horrible, you didn't waste a second before accepting the Call. You quickly covered the Camera with your Thumb, before Heeseung could see you. And only a Second later, Heeseung's Face appeared on your Screen. ,,I literally just woke up...Did something happen ?'' Heeseung giggled hearing your tired Voice. ,,Nope ... I just missed you. Why is your Screen black ?'' He asked, as he got closer to the Screen. ,,First of all, you're a softie and second of all, I look like a living Jumpscare right now.'' Heeseung chuckled. ,,I bet you look pretty. Let me see ? '' You sighed deeply as you looked at yourself one more Time. ,,Alright ... I warned you..'' You said, before slowly taking your Thumb off your Camera. As soon as Heeseung could see your Face, he let out a Scream, making you glare at him through the Camera.
,,I'm just kidding... You're never not beautiful.'' He stated, making you playfully roll your Eyes at him. Whenever Heeseung called you pretty, you actually believed him. He made every Compliment sound so genuine... and he made you feel better about yourself without even trying.
The ''Morning'' Video Calls started becoming a regular Thing. He called you whenever he started missing you ... and you did the exact same Thing. You started hanging out more often, and the normal ''Hangouts'' started turning into Dates. You weren't dating yet ... even though Heeseung started developing Feelings for you.
,,It's pretty hot today ... Do you wanna go swim in the River ?'' Heeseung requested. Your Eyes lit up at his Idea. ,,I'd love to !'' You beamed. Heeseung packed some Towels, some extra Shorts and obviously some Snacks , as you were busy putting on your Bikini/Bathing Suit . You wore your normal Clothes over it until you went to the River, and patiently waited for Heeseung to get ready. As soon as he was ready packing everything, you finally walked down to the River.
Heeseung dropped his Bag on the Grass, pulled his Shirt over his Head and jumped into the Water. You laughed loudly before removing your Clothes as well, revealing your Bikini/Bathing Suit to Heeseung for the first Time. He couldn't help but stare at you. To him you were the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. You slowly got into the Water, as you let out a tiny scream since the Water was colder than expected. Heeseung giggled at your Reaction. But as soon as you got used to the Temperature, you let yourself Fall into the Water.
Heeseung quickly swam towards you, before wrapping his Arms around your Waist to lift you up. You looked so beautiful. He really had to hold himself back from kissing you. ,,Y/N?'' He mumbled quietly. ,,Yes ?'' Heeseung quickly looked at your Lips before looking right back at your Eyes. ,,You look so pretty right now...'' He admitted, making you smile softly. ,,Thank you, Hee. You look beautiful as well .'' You answered, looking down at him with a smile on your Lips as a few Drops of Water ran down your Face.
He gently let go of your Waist, before pulling you into a tight Hug. ,,Can I confess something to you ?'' Heeseung whispered softly. ,,Sure.'' You answered, smiling softly.
,,I think i might've fallen in love with you...'' 
You gently rested your Head against Heeseung's Chest, still smiling like crazy. You could hear his Heartbeat. ,,I definitely fell for you as well, Hee ...'' You confessed. Heeseung quickly cupped your Cheeks and looked directly into your Eyes. ,,Wait ... are you serious ?'' He asked as you noticed his Pupils dilating. You shyly nodded your Head. ,,Yes ... I mean how can I not fall for you ? You make me feel so incredibly loved... and we're not even dating. You're beautiful, you're the nicest Person i've ever met and your Hugs are the best. You're literally perfect to me.''
Heeseung smiled with all Teeth. And before you could say anything else, you felt his Lips brush against yours. Then, he softly kissed you. He caressed your Hips with his big Hands, and took his sweet Time kissing you. You felt a wave of heat flushing through your Body, when Heeseung gently slid his Tongue over your Bottom Lip. The Kiss turned a bit more passionate when your Hands got tangled in his wet Hair. You softly caressed his Jawline with your Thumb, as you deepened the Kiss, making him smile against your Lips. ,,Yup ... very much in love with you.'' He mumbled between the Kiss, making you giggle softly. Heeseung placed another long, deep Kiss on your Lips as he tucked a strand of Hair behind your Ear. And right after that, he looked at you with literal Heart Eyes. That Man was Head over Heels... that was for sure. He gently kissed your Forehead, before pulling you into another Hug. You wrapped your Arms around his Neck, before you softly started caressing the Back of his Head. Heeseung smiled at your Touch. ,,Be my Girlfriend.''
tagging list : { @aleiouvre ...}
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mildiva · 3 months
So I’ve Decided To Start A Blog About Music And Parties
the idea came to me on a break at work after leaving my phone at home, my mind never clearer… i should be blogging about music. pitchfork is dead, first of all, and third of all it’s something i cannot live without, so why not?
I’m not sure of the “” format “” this will take but right now i’ll just write things as they come?? and part of my love for music is of course parties. they’re still so life giving to me and i still think nothing is better than dancing with gay ppl some of whom are my friends and hearing them dj. some of them are even good! it’s just spaces of eternal and endless flowing love. anyways.
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arianka is back!! when i first heard yes, and?, i thought “alright miss grande this is cute!” and it’s grown on me ever since. I’ve been anticipating this album, seeing what direction she would go. i’ve been listening to sweetener every day for the last few weeks mostly because the eating 4 free series on ariana recontextualized her… everything, i guess?? i’d always seen her as just like a Nickelodeon product industry plant which as a certified quirky-not-like-other-girl syndrome haver did not interest me. i was still listening ofc but i wasn’t invested like i was in say lady gaga (and oh how the tables have turned on stefani the pharmacy tech but i digress!) anyways the five part e4f series on her, how she got started with looping covers of imogen heap on youtube, her serious involvement in the production of all her albums, really digging into the pain and scrutiny she’s been through from her time with The TV Producer Who Shall Not Be Named to the donut incident (which i always thought was a slay) to the literal Manchester bombing, her relationships especially with mac miller… not gonna call myself an arianator or w/e but i am a fan now, especially after relistening.
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before i get into the album i just want to say this: the music video for we can’t be friends was adorable! it’s very sad that we don’t get music videos anymore because they’re not profitable or useful for marketing. still haven’t seen the yes and video but i’ll get to it. my main point is that give evan peters a stingy little mustache, grow his hair out a little longer, and he could pass for spongebob slater! so many people on twitter are mocking him for his looks/ariana for being with him but gassing up evan. look, ethan is… not a guy i would approach in a bar let’s say, but i’d let him buy me a drink, you know? and if we’re to believe ariana on supernatural and ordinary things, they have something special! tweets will go viral about “every hot girl needs a medium ugly bf” but she’s not allowed to do it? anyways.
if you detect a pivot in tone here, it’s because i’m no longer blogging with a sour cream donut and 3/4 of a dunkin latte with oatmilk and nothing else fueling my body, sun glowing through the clouds and full of optimism.. there’s a harried blogging now while i try and finish this before i hop in the shower to get ready for a hookup tonight. also, i’ve been thinking and listening to eternal sunshine again, reading and digesting lyrics and of course many many stan tweets about it.
first, i’d like to amend something i stated earlier that i refuse to edit: evan peters represents dalton her ex(?) husband, not ethan. (side note: i wonder if she’s thought back to the line in thank u, next where she says she hopes she’ll only get married once. either way the song is still a smash!) i of course forgive my confusion because, for reasons unknown even to myself, i assumed the majority of this album was about the forbidden romance that soon overflowed into her public relationship with spongebob, but it’s not! this is very much a breakup album and nobody is bored in it.
i’m really fascinated by this because ariana took such a turn in disappearing from the public eye after getting together with dalton (which was certainly aided by the pandemic). as a non-stan, i couldn’t tell you what little she HAS been putting out, but if the inimitable joan summers couldn’t find pictures of her for a two year period, it’s safe to say she was lying low. and yes there have been jokes and supposition about “ariana wasn’t allowed to talk about the divorce as per their agreement but she sang about it~~” BUT! if we take that into consideration (and also rely on the journalistic analysis of e4f), most of the negative press and comments came from dalton and his camp. divorce agreements and technicalities of speech aside, i think she chose a much kinder way to speak about their relationship. even she says she wishes she hated him (knowing very little about their relationship, I’m happy to hate him off of the line about him turning the tv up on her crying) but she doesn’t! even with songs like the boy is mine, supernatural, and ordinary things, she really details a story of a relationship disintegrating with both her and dalton finding other people. it’s certainly not the cheating homewrecker story everybody was running with months ago. even if the arianators turn on dalton, he’s still spared any real damage to his reputation because she doesn’t paint him as a monster, scoundrel, narcissist, etc. not to get too “a man can laugh but a woman can only chortle” about it, but i hope people who wrote ariana off listen and reconsider that despite the tabloids and the lyrics, none of us know what went down in that marriage.
okay but what about the music? this will maybe be the shortest part of this blog (oops!), but I’m really fascinated with the narrative around and in the album. the music, I’ll probably need to listen for another week before i have anything worthwhile to say (i need to go full geek on it). keeping it brief, it felt very airy. sonically it sounds like the imaginary room the cover was shot in: spacious and full of sunbeams. something about some of the songs (wait for your love and yes, and?) felt very 80s to me, but i’d need a psychoanalyst to explain that to me. you still hear an rnb influence throughout, but why wouldn’t you? obviously the boy is mine, but true story as well with the bass straight out of “pony” by ginuwine and a drum pattern (pattern, not sample, don’t get it twisted) similarly to “don’t hurt yourself” by beyoncé. my personal favorite of the album was imperfect for you, but i’m a sucker for a pedal tone that creates dissonance, what can i say?
if you’ve actually read this far thank you? im amazed that you read a 20 mile long blog that frankly, is not even well written yet. xoxo 🐇
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
🎉 Anon:
ok here’s my rachel healing journey reading
so what i got just reading it is just this feeling of exhaustion and fatigue
like she isn’t doing any work rn but still tired
she’s at home all day and even if she sees friends and her bf/family she still doesn’t feel as fulfilled going home
like a hamster on a wheel who still feels she’s still going
i can feel she probably isn’t sleeping well or eating enough or the right nutrients
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a burning bowl/basically just a symbolic ending to her past full of hate, like she can chapter off this new era and acknowledge but let go of all the hate she got
deep breaths whenever she gets anxious or her panic attacks/going manic on soc med, a good massage for self care and meditating
she seems like a manifesting girlie so she probably knows this but the energy i get is she keeps delaying/procrastinating
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acceptance and patience is important for her rn to make any progress in healing
acceptance - learning things she cannot change but also taking accountability on what she can change
to stop crying over spilt milk but deal with what she can change NOW
patience- in divine order, for her career, for everything she shouldn’t rush and be impatient because it’ll just make her more frustrated and possibly push good things that could be good for her (like how she nearly gave up thg a role that imo saved her career and public opinion)
expanding inner power- most powerful when creativity is given a voice, when she does something for her enjoyment not just work. like her writing songs is a good start, being creative
expressing free will- my choices determine how brightly i will shine; communication, blue is the colour for throat chakra too so using her voice not just singing but speaking and talking to a circle of friends she can trust is nice
unhooking the past- there’s nothing to regret when i learn from my past; i know her past has been painful with the hate, but it’s a good time to maximize and try not to give haters something they can use. don’t give them any ring they can use against her, to stay offline i think is a good lesson for her and her well being and also her public image
“your body is pissed at you -get the f outside. move your ass” probably hasn’t been as active with exercise as she usually is (i know she usually wears her gym fits when she works out but i haven’t seen any posts of it recently so i think that might help the funky energy from the emotional mess
“Thoughts can be sneaky, lying bastards - don’t believe every shitty thought you have” she’s an overthinker we know, but she doesn’t have to entertain every doubt she has.
“get after that shit. the world has your back - that project that person that idea is waiting” can be on a project or person she wants to work with or has thought of being with. she has some dreams and she may be doubting herself but she should take a chance and do it
“you are being shady - watch out shit could get ugly” i laughed reading this but part of her being shady and childish like this is making it worse for her and hinders her from really healing and being emotionally free. she needs to stop this behaviour and step back and realize how ridiculous she looks
amaryllis- determination and creative achievement (do something creative, for her own achievement and not always for a job or an award)
red rose- hidden secrets, keeping secrets from people around her and lying to herself and others will just bite her back
My reply:
I think everything tracks to what we’re seeing. Exhaustion and not being able to move on from the past. She entertains every negative doubt and we’re seeing the fallout from it. She’s stuck in her house with her phone and nothing to do. She needs a hobby and to be blunt, a life!
Honestly as I was reading, I know a lot of this is not going to happen any time soon.
Thank you for sharing! :)
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Drugfriend's unknown past
Sick BF: Wow! I never knew ice heaven would be so cool.
Drugfriend: Heh Heh, yeah I guess.
Sick BF: Hmm? Are you sure you're okay Drugfriend? You've been quiet a lot since we got here?
Drugfriend: O-Oh yeah I'm fine, just a little cold.
Sick BF: Oh Okay, I'm gonna go get us some Ice haven ice cream! I'll be right back.
Drugfriend: Okay
After Sick Boyfriend left, Drugfriend was lying on the bed still thinking about coming back to Ice heaven knowing about the unknown memories he had.
Drugfriend: *mind* Huh, I never knew I would come back here, Even though I've been having these unknown memories of me being an ice prince *sighs* I just wait until Sick Boyfriend gets ba-
(knock knock)
Drugfriend: *mind* Hmm? Back already? Uh Doors open!
Cynthia: *barges right in* Hey! Nice place you got here!
Evan joined with Cynthia.
Drugfriend: Oh god.....*sighs* What are you two doing here?
Cynthia: Yewoh! No need to be sour, We're just here to talk.
Drugfriend: Well you're gonna have to wait, Sick Boyfriend just stepped out of the room to Ice haven so you're gonna have wai-
Cynthia: Actually we're here to Talk to you~
Drugfriend: Uh me? Why?
Cynthia: Oh you know, maybe because you left your original home, you tried to be independent for once or it's more of a.....Banishment~
Drugfriend: *scoffs* (fold his arms) I have no idea what you are talking about😤
Cynthia: Oh really now? Do you think I wouldn't recoginze one of ice heaven's former princes just because You're not wearing your crown?
Drugfriend: *gasps* Oh no....
Cynthia: *evil smirks* Oh yes, I remember what you used to be~
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Cynthia: (narrators) You were one of the ice heaven's most powerful rulers in heaven, even I couldn't forget someone like you, You even named as future king of ice heaven, The most powerful one of them all~
Drugfriend: Yeah, i know. I used to be a prince which is true but I wanted to help people not hurt innocent people.
Cynthia: Uh-Huh, yeah sure. Oh boy, you sure had some competition, did you?
It was night and the ice prince as usual was heading to the balcony to look at the night sky.
Ice Prince Drugfriend: Huh, sure is beautiful tonight.
Suddenly, Someone was sneaking behind him with a sharp knife.
Ice Prince Drugfriend: Hmm? Who's there?
The unknown person was coming closer to him
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Ice Prince Drugfriend: Uh h-hey what are you doing? Why are you coming closer?
???: You took everything from me....*pulls out a knife*
Ice Prince Drugfriend: S-Stay back! I mean it! Stay back! Stay ba-ACK!
??? grabbed the ice prince by the neck and held the knife to his face.
???: I was gonna be the next king of Ice heaven but you stole my spot! And now....I'm gonna have to take it!
Ice Prince Drugfriend: E-Evan?! W-What are you doing?! This is crazy! P-Please...L-let's just talk about this-
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(The knife slid the ice prince's throat and the ice prince screamed)
Ice Prince Drugfriend: AHHHHHHH! *coughs blood* W-Why would you.....
Past Evan: I'm gonna make sure nobody will miss you~
Ice Prince Drugfriend:*mind* I have to hurry and get the guard- *feels a sharp pain on his back* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Past Evan: Ha! Now you're gonna have to deal with no energy to escape.
Ice Prince Drugfriend: (weakly voice) P-Please don't do this, Evan.....
Past Evan: Sorry *pushes the ice prince off the balcony* Not sorry
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The ice prince fall off the balcony and falling through down to earth.
The ice prince ended up falling to earth and ended up crashing through the bushes.
Ice Prince Drugfriend: *groans* (coughs) W-Well.....this is it......I'm done for........I'll just lying down here and die.....*sniffs* I deserve this....
The ice prince closed his eyes thinking that his life is finished but then a certain long dark blue-haired boy had found him.
Past Sick BF: Hey, Are you okay?
Ice Prince Drugfriend: *weakly* Huh?
Past Sick BF: Oh my god, you look hurt! Here, let me help you! *pulls out a role of bandages and wraps it around Drugfriend's neck* There we go.
Past Drugfriend: (blushed a bit) O-Oh....Uh.....thank you.
Past Sick BF: Your welcome.
(End of flashback)
Drugfriend: Oh god, it's all coming back to me......You two wanted to get rid of me!
Cynthia: Yeah, well mostly Evan wants the crown.
Evan: Yeah, because you stole everything from me! I wanted to be the future king of ice heaven, not you! So I thought getting rid of you would make my chances better! But unfortunately, you're still alive.
Drugfriend: And what makes you think I won't tell the ice king and queen about you guys's plan?
Cynthia: Well if you tell them, We'll tell your husband about your little identity~
Drugfriend: *gasps* You wouldn't.....
Cynthia: i wonder how he will react when he found out his human husband used to be a ice angel, more likely a prince?
Evan: He will be very heartbroken that you lied to him about being human.....
Drugfriend: (feels bad)
Cynthia: So you keep our secret.....we'll keep yours~ Welp, we gotta go, let's go Evan.
Evan: Kay'
Cynthia and Evan left the room, leaving Drugfriend quiet.
Drugfriend: *mind* Great......now what should i do? Do I tell Sick Boyfriend because if I don't tell him soon, those two will spit out my secret. *sighs*
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haysprite · 1 year
can we hear some of your headcanons about frank :)
OMG YES !!! I feel like my interpretation of him is like really different than other people's, but its finnnneee :o) Also there's a lot so brace yourself 👍 I also wanted to focus more on just him this time around since I've already done a HC dump about him and Julie !
• AuDHD also go brrr (I’ll be real I’ve hit all four of em with this lmfao)
• Has a really high pain tolerance! He could break a bone or somethin and literally try to walk it off despite the other’s protests. 
• ON THE OTHER HAND THO, he is PATHETIC when it comes to getting sick (which isn’t often, but that means it hits him HARD when he does). Talk about man colds fr 🙏 The other three tend to make fun of him for this, but Julie still takes care of him cause she finds it a bit funny and wants to help her silly bf out.
• Absolutely loves being the center of attention, so he defo tries to impress anyone around him
• He really did enjoy playing basketball and being on Fairview’s team! He didn’t really get along with most of his team, but he was pretty good at the sport and being on the court was sometimes freeing for him. Was also a p good excuse to stay away from home.
• Dropped out of school early into his senior year, punching that referee was simply his final straw
• During the car ride to Ormond, he defo tried to run away while Clive was stopped to get some gas, but got caught pretty quickly. Frank may be strong, but Clive was stronger, and managed to force him back into the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent after this
• Absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and is rarely seen without one (whether he’s wearing it or just has it on hand). They’re just comfy, what can I say
• Loves the thrill of fights, which he gets into a bit more often than he probably should. Also tends to be the one to throw the first punch.
• He is NOT a morning person whatsoever. It takes him forever to finally drag his ass out of bed. He’s more of a night person, both for the peacefulness and because there’s more potential to cause some mayhem without getting caught.
• Though he’s the leader of the Legion, most of the plans and ideas come from Julie and Joey, since they actually like to think plans through unlike Frank, who will jump straight into something without giving it a second thought. He’s got zero impulse control lets be fr
• Hates the quiet, he either has to have music playing or be talking to somebody or else he just feels uncomfortable
• Has quite a few tattoos, though the only one ever really visible is the one on his neck. Got his first tattoo at 15 and loved the rush he got from getting one. I feel like he got his neck tattoo right before being dragged to Ormond at (roughly) 17. He had to be sneaky about getting them, ofc, but he’s always been pretty good at faking IDs and lying about his age (hence why he’s able to get his hands on alcohol n shit p easily).
• He’s a bit of a flirt, having a pretty charming nature to him, which he defo uses to his advantage when he needs to get out of sticky situations
• Not trusted behind the steering wheel, so Julie or Joey are always the ones to drive everyone places, which he’s a bit annoyed by, but he got over it eventually
• Has a lil collection of random trinkets he’s saved throughout his life, like things he’s stolen from every foster home he’s been through, random shit he’s found on the ground, gifts given to him by his friends, etc
• Whenever he was relocated, he would ALWAYS research as much as he possibly could about where he was being sentenced to. He found the history behind certain places really interesting, especially if there were any murders or creepy shit involved, and it also helped him plan out ways to get out of there as quickly as possible.
• Absolutely hates Clive with the PASSION. He did nothing but ignore Frank, no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. Frank picked a lot of verbal fights with him, some of them almost escalating into something physical, but Clive wasn’t afraid to fight back and stopped each fight pretty quickly.
• Got kicked out about half a year after turning 18, but he didn’t really care since he basically lived at the lodge anyway. Just meant he was finally free from living with Clive permanently
• He has a funny older brother / younger sister relationship with Susie. They’ll do shit like yelling at each other from across the lodge about what kind of pizza they should get, or walking into the room the other is in only to stand there silently before turning off the lights and BOOKING it. They annoy each other a lot, but they do it out of love (platonic obv) lmfao
• He and Joey do stupid shit like wrestling, arm wrestling, or straight up fights to see who’s stronger. Despite Frank being the one to initiate most of these, Joey wins a good 90% of the time unless he’s really caught off guard.
• Would do literally anything for Julie <3 He is so pathetically in love with her. I feel like Susie bugged him a lot about this before he and Julie started dating, calling him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie for too long or just teasing him about it
• Is REALLY bad at comforting his friends when they’re feelin down, but he tries his best 👍 It’s either him threatening to kick the ass of whoever made them upset, or just being silent and letting them vent cause he doesn’t really know how to respond
• Got super excited when he found out Julie also loved slasher films and learning about serial killers, and was really happy about finally having someone to talk about this shit with. They have movie nights a lot where they watch stupid slasher films for sure !
• It takes a lot to calm him down when he’s angry. Though his friends are sometimes able to help, most of the time they have to leave him be and let him punch or break some shit to release his anger.
• He always feels really bad whenever he blows up at one of his friends, he just struggles with actually apologizing about it. Julie is helping him a lot with this, and even though progress is slow, he’s slowly learning and getting better at it
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barnabyseyelashes · 6 months
2024.. we finished moving into our own home yesterday. we bought a place in a mobile home park i’m a trailer park gay now. leaving the dogshitpisshell we left in 2023. and we have the duckies!!
i’m still so. tired. but i’m happy. i didn’t realize i was so miserable for so many months. like summer and on.. it just sucked. we felt obtrusive, like burdens, and couldn’t cook anymore.. like living with a woman i have known since middle school? fine. living with her, her mid 40s bf, and his three fucking kids? in a 3bd, 1 of which we rent? hell no lol. they never even introduced me, it’s been months but i don’t know those kids names. living with drunks esp drunks with children and dogs.. no. no. friday there were 6 separate dog shits in the bathroom that used to be ours and it’s like 6 sims tiles, including the tub.. it’s mad disgusting. so happy to be done. sad my “friend” is such no longer, hasn’t been. she has seemed unhappy this last year and well like hm maybe you shouldn’t let a man 10+ years older than you just raise his 3 kids like 1 week into dating. just a thought. but whatever, she has a broke dumb shit man to drink with and 3 kids who ain’t hers to mind. (they don’t mind them—the abject neglect was so painful to watch. imagine being under 10 years old and your family gives so few fucks about you, you can stay up watching yt until 4 am. on a school night. this was a regular occurrence. there was one day she wasn’t home and her bf didn’t even change his kids into pjs. they laughed. we were horrified.) quite sad, she could have been a much better, different person. she was my first romance when we were 14; it didn’t last long, we were too different. so i shouldn’t be surprised we are still too different to be friends. (still thinking about how she said it would be so embarrassing to be on tumblr these days). there’s still old pics of me and a bday card i made her in the old place from high school. they were there before us, and only they shall remain.
our new place is great, one town up from mine, and smaller. more average people here. no blue lives matter flags. it’s gonna be $$$ to keep it, lot fees alone are rent for apartments in other parts of the country, but she’s ours.. 1600 square feet, 2bd, 2ba. backyard big enough to keep the duckies as emotional support animals. it’s 70s but reno’d, roof is new, porch turned into an extension. vaulted ceilings, carpet only in the bedrooms, full size kitchen !! huge closets. we will set up the extension with art and craft tables, wife will have room in the main living space for an office. it’s gonna be really nice to unpack for the first time in 2 years. come visit !!!
most importantly is we don’t have to mask at home anymore, and the bathroom is accesible so i’ll be able to get my hysto done. i need it too, jesus i was so skinny post covid and now i’ve chunked back up and then some. like i just want my fucking clothes to fit and stop cramping and breaking out and having mood swings. so that will be good..
sláinte agus áthas to you all in the new year 🙏✨💕
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songmingisthighs · 7 months
smt stop doing this to ussssss😵‍💫
one: you got my brain acting up💀 i’m over here kicking the blankets again bc of the new chapter
two: gns!hongjoong has no right to be saying all that shit, he left her, that’s his loss. he needs to stay tf away😀🤚🏻
three: however, as hj biased, the delulu in me is happy he’s over here “i want you back babygurl😼” (ew, i just curled my toes😭 you need to stopppppppppp) but anyway, i just played out a whole scenario in which yn and gns!hj never broke up and that really is his child😂
four: i love how gns!mingi is so devoted to his child already. i really hope he has a daughter bc dads with daughters are the best to see (imo) he would be so soft around her and protective at the same time🥹 i really want to see this happen. omg, he would so definitely call her princess😭 she would definitely be spoiled, like i see, down the line when she’s a teenager, she finna be so fashionable, i can even see her being a designer like her dad🥹 sorry for ranting😵‍💫
five: sorry for the lack of a meme image, instead, have these hj and mingi as “pov: they’re your bfs and this is what you would come back home to” plus san for meimei😂 (i apologize in advance if she doesn’t want us calling her by her name)
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but i love irl hj a little too much though not as much as mingi bc LOOK AT MY HUSBAND AWOOGA
@phamaple g0rl someone's dedicating 2 sani pics for u i- i'm a damn messenger now
ps : meimei is not her name, meimei means pain in the ass in chinese which is what she is <3
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romanticnoir · 7 months
Call it Love - Kdrama Discourse
No one asked but here is everything I have to say~ spoilers ahead **
I’ll start with I loved this drama. This drama is in the romance genre they should say instead drama because it’s really more that. But we get the main leads two ppl who are hurt for different reasons. And find love and comfort in each other.
Male lead had a neglectful mother who for some reason kept switching partners as easy as changing your clothes . As much as I wanted to hate her if I’m honest I just really couldn’t I’m sorry I enjoyed her character and her bf like she was so overly dramatic and legit thought she was the shit like it was both hilarious and infuriating to watch,,, this lady was an awful mother and human being. If anything if I had been the directors I would’ve given her way less screen time those last two episodes I don’t want to feel bad for her. She deserved so much Dongjin telling her that he was thankful he didn’t take after her and how unhappy she made his entire being. She deserves everything that’s coming. if there is a pet peeve of mines is the light punishment for ppl who commit actual crimes in drama’s because why do they always get away with it she committed FRAUD AND hid the will like common now… she should be in jail.
Our male lead not only has a shitty mother but his long time girlfriend CHEATS ON HIM not only did girly cheat on him but brakes up with him in his favorite spot in the world his camping place like he knew she cheated on him but he still decided to ignore it I just ugh I cried tbh I also repeated that scenes so many times when he told her not to brake up with him there because then he will never be able to come back and enjoy prob his only fucking hobby and she went and ruined it like a heartless pos it hurt so good I’m sorry dongjin but this type of angst just does things with my heart I love it.
Dongjin GREENEST OF THE GREENEST FLAG A MALE LEAD CAN BE! All ml should learn from him. His soft spoken and even after everything his gone through he is still the kindest person (and yes it may be his trauma response from his mother) but it doesn’t take away from him just being such a good person. The only time I saw him angry was that one time he told woojoo off. Even so he wasn’t a fucking ass like we see often with other mls. Even when finding out the truth and saying that he understands why she did why she did. And the fact that he does not hate her omg. that is ladies and gents PEAK MALE LEAD CHARACTER. He didn’t hate her because as he said “the love that she gave him was so much more than the pain she caused” I think he was definitely my fave character.
Woojoo : the actress just conveys the angst her character was feeling so well like you can see it every time although she wanted to spend time with him even though she was happy to be with him she always felt that guilt and that sadness of betraying her family and dongjin but also wanting him to be happy because she knows he isn’t a bad person.
And if there’s anything that I disliked from the drama is that they didn’t give us any moments of them actually being happy together after the reunion I think the writers could’ve done better for the last episode they gave us unnecessary details about side characters. Like yes I’m glad the sister had nice friends but do I really care she’s getting married absolutely not[the friend getting married info ]… we could have gotten the proposal with Jun saying everything he told her about loving seeing her in his home. Instead of that luncheon we could’ve gotten more jigu doing street concerts or him following his dreams I think I would’ve appreciated that more since I feel like his character was the only one that always kind off got swept off. They would give us a story line and then forget he exists and have him do random appearances. Besides all that… how could they leave the reunion for the last two minutes that’s actual criminal.
Everything besides the last two episodes (yes two because I feel like they gave us wayyy too much of the mother ep 15 much more than we should have cared about. And then the last cuz we didn’t even get to see anything beyond the reunion. I feel cheated out of an actual happy ending.
Fave scenes: I honestly wouldn’t even had minded if it had ended here in that walk they had.
“I was so scared that’d I’d be hated if I revealed who I was but I was grateful you didn’t hate me “
I couldn’t hate you because the love you gave me was so much bigger , than the pain you gave me “
“[support, consolation, love] you gave me everything”
Anyway~ needless to say I loved this drama it was great all the actors did a fantastic job I really want to watch more stuff with their faces
Is it obvious dongjin is my fave character ? Lol this isn’t all I have to say. But I will probably make another post about the side couple.
Bestie I just saw your message so here I am tagging you @soytujoy thank you so much for recommending me this drama you were so right about everything! It is great ♥️
UPDATE: no wait there was another time where dongjin was angry and it was when woojoo got hurt by that guy. YALL HE WAS ACTUALLY SO COOL THERE IM NOT SORRY.
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jktummies · 2 years
Belly cough
what if there's a flu going around but not only do you get sick but you gain weight. 
So lets say:
cocky fatphobic gym rat Jungkook never gets sick and he’s seen the biggest, buffest of his gym pals fall bed ridden, literally as not only are they sneezing and coughing but they’re double their former size. 
He can’t, He just can’t end up like them. So the only reasonable thing to do is lock himself away until it blows over and he can go out again. Even at all his Hyung's and boyfriend persistence that he’s being unreasonable and needs to leave his apartment. They tell or well text him that the weight goes away once the cold does too.
He does even let his boyfriend sleep in the same room since he has had contact with the outside world. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, “I'm not sick babe, you're being dramatic what's wrong with some pounds it all goes away anyways. Your gym bros are back to normal! I legit saw yugyeom today at the market and namjoon was with jin!” 
Jungkook just shakes his head from the closed door, “no it doesn't matter. I don't want to get fat tae!  And I don’t think we should be even living together rn since you’re out and going to take care of Jimin too!”
Poor Jimin fell victim to the belly cough (as scientist call it) two days ago. 
Jungkook may have winced at his words and especially after he hears sniffles from taehyung.
“ I can’t believe you. You rather stay inside than actually greet me just because you might get sick and gain some fucking weight! Sorry i care about my friends and freaking boyfriend that getting sick wont bother me! Never thought you were this shallow Jungkook!” He hears stomping and suddenly the door is being slammed closed.
He sighs, Taehyung wouldn't get it. He’ll call him in the morning and sort things out ...
it’s been four days since the fight and jk has tried calling but tae wont pick or respond to his messages. Jungkook slumps on his bed as he re reads the last message sent which was 
“i’m sorry come home”
At that moment his tummy grumbles and well... he has nothing to eat. He ate the last supply of ramen a week ago and with jk being so afraid, taehyung was the one who would go out and get the groceries. 
Now he has no one and nothing to eat. His stomach dreads at what he has to do. Still he can’t being himself to step outside. So he scrapes whatever he has and orders in. 
It comes about a half hour later and Jungkook can't wait to eat. That is until he opens the door to a sneezing delivery boy. He sneezes right on top of the box and wipes his nose on his hand then hands the paper for jk to sign.
He’s def sick but not fat? He’s super skinny maybe even on the side of mal nourished. 
Still it’s unsanitary, gross , he should report but...  he’s really hungry. 
It’s taehyung’s fifth day at yoongi’s, he would be at jimins but well his soulmate to cheer him up and yoongi offered his place as he stays with Hobi who still recovering. 
Maybe he overreacted at jk’s fear. He sighs knowing he should go back and makeup with his bf.
He opens the door to their supposed shared apartment, but he immedialty gasps as there are food and empty trays of it everywhere. 
He hears a groan and a pained “in here” coming from the room jk locked himself in.
Taehyung slowly approaches and the sight makes him gasp again as on the bed instead of his fit gym rat bf there’s an obese maybe 400 lb man with jks face.
Immediatly he rushes to him grabbing his face asking a frantic “ what happened?”
Jk burps right in his face as his fat sausages fingered hands go to rub his belly “I think I’m sick”
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almondes · 8 months
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Just some random things about my WoL that I need to get out of my brain:
They were originally going to be a BKM, but the thought of being able to poke at people with a plastic sword toothpick AND do magic really bought them into RDM
They don't like hugs, but they would accept them if given one. They give the squishiest of hugs- like they would make the squeaky toy noise if possible- which Flow exploits by grabbing them by the scruff of their clothes so that they can't run from his hugs lol
Complains about neck pain a bunch- especially during their time in Ishgard when everyone around them is a tall-af elezen and they are a short-af lalafell...
Speaking of Ishgard, Bell loves Ishgardian weather- the dreary clouds that cover the sky, the crunchy snow beneath their feet, the fog that rolls over every time it rains- anything other than the hot air in Ul'dah is better and Ishgard checks all of those boxes; it's just like the stories they've heard.
They're usually not very talkative, preferring to talk as little as possible- leaving it to Alphie to fill in the empty air.
They have also tried this on Estinien. It also did not go well.
Due to their unfortunate height, Bell has developed a habit of jumping onto a taller friend's back to get a better look at various things. They do this to both Thancred and Flow(bf's WoL) the most often as the both of them feel the most stable when jumping up on(they're both tanks).
They tried it on Alphinaud once as a test and the boy fell ass bsckwards... never again.
In adjacent to that, they also tend to hold on to a stray piece of flowing fabric/loose pants leg on others for comfort; it helps them stay grounded and not lash out during a stressful confrontation(without combat) that requires careful wording- diplomatic stuff really. They hate forced social interaction.
They are prone to snap at others- coming off as rude or insensitive- due to their upbringing and see the worst in people before they can see the good. It took a while for them to really be friendly to a lot of the Scions- especially to Minfillia. They just could not wrap around their head that she just wants to do good, without a bad ulterior motive. It does not help that they(Bell) have a resting bitch face.
However on the flip side, once they warm up to someone, they are more careful with their words- still very curt and blunt, but not as "murderous" as they are to strangers. The rude behavior is a defense mechanism so that they don't get hurt if they get too attached.. A real tsundere if you ask me-
Bell was born and raised in Ul'dah! They were supposed to take on the family business and namesake but instead they ran away from home- stealing a bit of gil from their vault- and hiding in odd places around the Black Shroud until the gil ran out and they needed a job. Sooooo they came BACK to Ul'dah to be a Thaumaturge, all the while they try to dodge any interation with their parents' employees. Fun times :)
Mahi is their longest and most sarcastic loyal retainer, a rather tall elezen man who has journeyed with Bell for a little bit during their stay in Gridania- opting to become their retainer when they decided to go back to Ul'dah. He's also the one who told stories about his time in Ishgard to them.
Unlike their DND counterpart, FFXIV!Bell is just nicer overall. They at least acknowledge their mannerisms are sometimes very prickly and aren't as pessimistic nor actively hostile towards others. They are trying!! To be!! Better!!
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Have they fallen in love before? Yes. It started off as a lil tingle in their chest, and grew to quite the size... But when they found out that the person they had feelings for had his heart somewhere else, they smothered it deep, deep down.
To change the topic now, Bell deals with pain in the worst way possible: holding onto it until it makes them collapse :)
Their mannerisms have instead taken hold of how they act around him- like taking glances at him when he's not looking. They don't notice any changes though and will probably not accept it unless locked in a room forced to confess or something.
They won't say a thing about their problems and needs unless they are dying and it worries Alphy so much- pretty sure they have given him too many things to worry about whoops-
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Good thing both of their hairs are white so it can hide all the stress
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