#i swear if he starts being like 'he provoked me so this is his fault and i'm innocent' again i will do something drastic
oblako · 1 year
the new i love yoo chapter........
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#i love yoo spoilers#(this is about ep 212)#like we're supposed to read that and then just go on with our day????#there is so much to unpack here .#first of all the art and storytelling. wow. WOW. miss quimchee you've outdone yourself#second of all... can nol catch a break. can nol PLEASE catch a break <//3#to think that after all this he's still gonna have to go to jail once he recovers... if he recovers...#third of all kousuke. now look i feel for kousuke to some extent bc i understand why he is the way he is#but that's an explanation of his behavior and not an excuse#when. WHEN. is he finally gonna start taking responsibility for his actions?#'it was an accident!'#dude you punched your brother so hard he fell from the second floor onto a glass table#then pushed him down the stairs then shoved him into the ground possibly causing him a head injury#and making the glass shards from the table he fell on cut into his neck#what about it is an accident :|#YOU🫵 did that. there's blood on your hands.#i swear if he starts being like 'he provoked me so this is his fault and i'm innocent' again i will do something drastic#and the last panel resembling the painting of ivan the terrible holding his son... quimcheeeeeeeeeee#i wonder if this will be the turning point for the father if it's not too late...#bc intentional or not he is in a lot of ways the main reason for this tragedy#so maybe this will be something like a wakeup call for him#but who knows we don't even know that much about him (yet)#and the memory flashback/the entire dialogue... well. it's good to hear kousuke finally say it#tho the reasoning 'i hate you for existing and for resembling father more than i do so i do everything to distinguish your light' is. um. 😶#i don't even have the words for it#it definitely doesn't justify the years of abuse of a little kid who's never done anything to harm you that's for sure#and nol is valid for calling him out on it and not forgiving him#anyways there's a lot to say about kousuke he might be an unpleasant character but he's probably also the most complex and interesting one#i'm gonna go think about this chapter for the rest of the day i guess
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barsformars · 3 months
g - angst
p - wooyoung x f!reader
w.c - 1.1k
t.w - mentions of insecurities regarding looks and body
c - wooyoung is mad at you for starting rumours and you’re pissed at his insensitivity
a.n - have not written an angst piece in a very long time, idk if anyone is interested to read this tbh but it comforted me a little to write this because something similar happened to me quite a while back so 🥴 also disclaimer, this is completely fictional im not saying wooyoung is an asshole irl
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“i don’t ever want to see you again” doesn’t really work when you’re working together and have to see each other literally the next day. not only is it painfully obvious and awkward to your coworkers. it’s also incredibly exhausting switching from being mad at him to seriously missing the good times with him every half an hour or so.
it took one more glare sent towards wooyoung’s direction for san to finally decide to come talk to you. “you wanna talk to me about it?” he asked softly as he sat himself beside you.
you furrowed your eyebrows at san, wondering if he was serious about it, especially considering the cause of the whole fight. “what, and have you report everything back to your best friend? no thanks.”
“my lips are sealed,” san tried to reassure, slightly taken aback by your attitude. he has never once betrayed anyone’s trust, unless they were doing something illegal but that’s a story for another day.
that phrase meant nothing to you but empty promises to you now. your only fault was telling your fellow backup dancers that you felt uncomfortable with how close wooyoung was being with a certain girl group member, and now he was blaming you for calling him a womaniser and a cheater because rumours had spread. and instead of apologising for causing your trust in him to waver, wooyoung was more concerned about his reputation.
“i’ll respect your wishes if you don’t want to talk about it, but i strongly encourage for the both of you to talk it out,” san advised, “the atmosphere is kind of heavy because of the two of you.”
san got up and walked away, revealing wooyoung who was staring at you from the mirror as the stylist fixed his hair.
“have you been crying?” was the first thing that came out from his mouth after the both of you excused yourselves to a more private space. you swear you could have punched him right there and then.
surely it was obvious that you had been bawling all night with how swollen your eyes were, and the sunken eye bags that formed overnight – an observation wooyoung had made when you had cried to sleep in his arms a long time ago.
“which answer will hurt you more?” you spat, provoking your boyfriend.
“drop your glare, you’re being rude.”
“rude? you know what’s rude? not respecting my boundaries, then proceeding to invalidate my feelings,” you replied as you balled your hands into tight fists.
the following were wooyoung’s claims: he did not pat her head or rest his hand on her lower back and that you were delusional and lying because you’re insecure that you’re not as attractive, face or body wise, as compared to girl idols.
“and you did not respect my career, your words have spread and if the media catches wind of this i could be ruined!” wooyoung rebutted, his voice louder than before.
“again, like i said, all i wanted was to tell somebody that i was uncomfortable with it! i never meant to say that you were a cheater, nor did i want to spread it to the whole world.”
“what you intended to do doesn’t matter, that’s how the media industry is! and you could have told me directly how you felt-“
“so you can tell me i was overthinking and extra sensitive?” you were now face to face with the man, extremely agitated.
wooyoung backed away from you with a few steps and audibly sighed. he turned his head to the side in an attempt to calm down, biting down on his lower lip.
“look, i don’t know how else to explain myself other than saying that i did not do whatever you said i did. regardless, i’m sorry you felt that way and i apologise.” wooyoung decided to be the one to back down first, his arms opening up as an invitation for the both of you to hug it out.
you don’t accept it, also taking steps away from him while shaking your head in dismay. you were not going to let him get away so easily with this, not after he utterly shattered your heart. what wooyoung did, misunderstanding or not, was not what hurt you the most, but how he reacted when he heard about it.
wooyoung had always reassured you that you were the most beautiful in his eyes, that no one else could compare to you. you were not stupid enough to think it was an objective statement, you have seen enough idols to know that even the ones that aren’t photogenic are on another level. but he has now turned this insecurity of yours into a weapon to make you think you’re an insane jealous girlfriend.
“what do you want me to do to show that i still love you?” wooyoung questioned. again, his choice of words irked you.
you felt tears welling up in your eyes, the disappointment you were feeling made your heart ache so much. you love your boyfriend, but not this version of him. and you don’t know the answer to his question because the damage feels irreversible.
“please just come here,” wooyoung carefully takes a step closer to you, his arms opening once again for you, his voice still firm but slightly more gentle now. he wished you would understand the reason he, in your words, ‘overreacted’ is because ateez is at the height of their career and he can’t risk having anything knock it down right now. he knows, he knows it seems never ending for you, being patient until he reaches his next goal. there’s always a next goal, and it’s always harder to reach than the last, and each time there’s more at stakes. he knows he’s being selfish, one can’t have it all but here he is, greedy for both success and love.
“i’m sorry,” he apologised again, his two hands cupping your face as the tears begun to roll down your cheeks, “i shouldn’t have been so harsh on you.”
“i think we should break up.” you felt like choking on your own words. yet for some reason, your body still gravitated towards him, and the next moment your lips are already on his.
wooyoung did not have time to react to what you had just said, but he doesn’t care. all he wants to do right now is melt into your kiss so he reaches for the back of your head.
the both of you are grown enough to know this was not the healthiest way to resolve conflicts, but everything just felt right. “we are so not breaking up,” he breathed heavily as he pulled away for a second.
“you are mine.”
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iamawolfstarsimp · 6 months
please pleASE can I request a fic between James and the others where James somehow provoked them all and ends up getting wrecked? Please I’m starving for marauders content I’ve literally read every fic to ever exist😭
Feel free to change the plot idea because it’s only a rough choice I will literally take anything at this stage 💀
oml I'm in the same boat with you, i have literally searched the whole internet (feels like I have) looking for fics
But I got you, have a mini fic for your troubles
"I swear to god, if you throw one more fucking paper ball at me, I'm gonna throw you off the astronomy tower." Sirius growled, hunched over his homework.
Finals season before Christmas was really taking a toll on all of the marauders.
Except for James, of course.
James was the kind of person who was annoyingly positive when everyone else was negative, mostly because he knew it got on people's nerves.
For whatever reason he was especially good at annoying Sirius (probably because he knew him so well, I mean, they were practically brothers).
Sirius whipped his head around when James threw yet another crumpled up piece of parchment at him. James sniggered and roll over onto his back, laughing up to the ceiling of his bunk.
"James, will you stop irritating Padfoot so he'll shut the fuck up so I can finish this essay?" Remus glared at the pair of them.
"It's not my fault that he won't leave me alone!" Sirius said, glaring right back at Remus.
"Will you two just be quiet?!" Peter shouted.
"Well, excuse me!" Sirius yelled right back. "All of a sudden it's my fault that James is the one being annoying!"
"I don't know what you three are talking about," James grinned from his bed. "I have been nothing but peaceful this entire work session."
The other three marauders shared a irritated look between each other.
The all opted to ignore James and he would get bored eventually and leave.
Unfortunately, Sirius wasn't very good at that and instantly turned around when James threw yet another paper ball.
"If you chuck one more paper ball at me, you're gonna regret it." Sirius hissed.
"Yeah, alright Pads." James chuckled and nodded.
When Sirius turned back around there was a good thirty seconds of silence before there was the soft sound of paper hitting the back of someone's head.
Remus, who was the victim of James' torment instead of Sirius, immediately stood up and walked over to James's bed. He grabbed him by the ankles and promptly tugged him off onto the floor.
James yelped as Remus wrestled him to the floor, pinning him down by sitting on him while grappling with James' arms. James was all the while laughing, finally getting the attention he wanted.
"I don't understand," James said calmly as Sirius and Peter hopped up to help, Sirius pulling up James' arms above his head and sitting on them, Peter holding down his legs. "I didn't throw anything at Sirius." He grinned.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" Remus scowled. James grinned again and nodded.
"It's why you all love me." There was a collective eye-roll between the other three. "I mean what's not to love? I'm good looking, strong, smart, fu-hahaha-!"
While James had been rambling Sirius had taken the opportunity to start poking at his ribs.
"D-dude, stohop!" James giggled, unashamed.
"This is what you get for distracting us for an entire hour." Sirius smirked.
Peter sat lower on James' shins, making quick work of pinning his feet and had started scratching up and down his soles, Remus wiggling fingers across his taut stomach.
"You guhuhys su-hahaha-suck!" James squirmed wildly from side to side, throwing his head back when it got bad.
Jame arched his back and squealed when Remus found a good spot on his hips and proceeded to dig his thumbs into said spot.
"No no no no, nohohOHO!! H-hehehelp!!" James laughed, tugging at his arms but to no avail.
James bucked hard when Peter started scribbling on the tops of his feet and that soft spot under his toes, almost sending Remus off of him.
Remus glared and vibrated one hand into his belly the other digging into his hip. Sirius was non-stop scribbling and digging into his ribs and underarms, sending James into hysterics.
The room was filled with James' bright, loud laughter. His laugh became high pitched whenever he got really giggly, and it became especially loud when he got excited or happy.
"No more, no mohohore!!" James had closed his eyes, excepting his fate. "Plehehease!!"
They all slowed down, gradually bringing himself down from that high of laughter. Sirius wiped away the tears that had rolled down his cheek, Remus gave his belly a firm pat before climbing off, Peter doing the same.
They left him on the floor to calm down while they got back to their work. Once he noticed Remus had finished (who was the first to get done) and sat down on his own bed, he flopped across his legs.
"I have no pity for you," he smirked. "You got what you deserved." James groaned at his response.
"You're gonna continue to annoy people while they're working, aren't you?" Remus said after a pause.
"You bet." James grinned when Remus shook his head and eye rolled.
Hope you liked!!
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afairywithacrown · 2 years
If it's okay can I request idol AU! Amajiki x jealous! reader where he and Amajiki are in the same group and he is ~slightly~ jealous of Mirio (who isn't in the group but is Tamaki's childhood friend) It'd mean the world to me if you wrote this <33 but it's totally fine if you don't want to <333 Thank you so much and hope you have a great day/night!
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Word count: around 1.1k i think
Pairing: Male reader x Tamaki
Cw: Just cursing, jealousy / Angst to fluff
a/n: IM SO SORRY I- LOOK i had like 3 different drafts and none convence me and that’s why took all this time writing this :c i hope you are still here and like what i got for you <3 Also, i don’t know much of this AU so i apologize for any mistake i could have made
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“But why do you think that?” he asked, trying to catch your eyes but you kept looking away, afraid you might break into tears. 
“I don’t know. I can’t really explain it, I just feel it.” And it was true, this feeling started out of nowhere and it was beginning to annoy you. When he ever got to hang out with his best friend or even being closer to him in certain occasions a peak of jealousy came out of your chest. You weren’t the one to feel jealous or anything but when the rumors started and fan websites filled with pictures and theories about this relationship Tamaki and Mirio might have you couldn’t help but wonder why they picked him instead of you to start those rumors. It was humiliating to say at least considering you were actually Tamaki’s partner and to your knowledge you been more obvious than ever even your manager asked you to keep it lowkey to avoid speculations and drama around this but now that edits and comments in pictures with the whole group asking Tamaki if he was in a relationship and they didn’t exactly meant with you was fair to say you were upset. 
It was funny at first but even you could understand why people would think that, that’s when the feeling surged. That’s when you felt upset every time Mirio was close to Tamki but afraid you might look insane you just kept quiet. 
This particular moment when you all got to hang out together, the whole group and Mirio you forgot this feeling, That until a bunch of paparazzis appeared at the restaurant and began to ruin the night. You were about to leave when this particular person asked without shame. “Is it true you two have a sexual relationship?”. That was the breaking point and without thinking you grabbed Tamaki by the arm and walked away from everyone. 
“I thought you didn’t have a problem with me being friends with Mirio.” Tamaki kept asking and insisting because you could tell he was trying to work things up and you could feel the guilt in his voice provoking your own knowing this wasn’t his fault. 
“I… don’t I swear. I like Mirio. I think he is one of the coolest people I've met. I just can’t take the fact that everyone thinks you and him make a better couple than you and me!. I mean, can’t they tell how crazy am I about you? Isn’t it obvious? I just- ugh!” 
You were crying and he was crying, even when the fights weren’t a thing in your relationship you knew when it happened you both would end up crying out of guilt for not knowing how to handle the situation. 
“I can stop talking to him if-” 
“No. Tamaki, don't you ever dare to do that. Let me just think.” 
Drops began to hit the car window and you just kept looking outside looking for an answer. After you not so gently got Tamaki away from the stressful situation you were in, you drove away leaving as far as you could everything that seemed a problem to you. Only if you could do that with your mind too. 
You notice your phone ringing and Tamaki’s as well, your friends must be worried by the way you left but it seemed exhausting to only answer a phone call. You just hoped a simple text would calm the waters for a while. 
“Maybe we could take a break.” You said playing with the hem of your shirt as tears fell down your face. “It seems like the best option, if we… if I can’t think of a solution to a problem i’ve created then maybe we-” air was missing from your lungs. “Maybe a break is the best solution.” 
He wasn’t answering and it was concerning, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him but you had to, you had to face your problems and it’s consequences. 
The look on Tamaki's face was nothing like you were expecting. At all. His cheeks had dried tears and his eyes were red but his expression was in between confused and amused. 
“You wanna take a break because of… rumors?” A little smile creeped out of his face. “Baby… if we always take rumors seriously we wouldn't even be a group. It would’ve split up many years ago.” For some reason the air had come up again to your lungs and the pressure was slightly gone. 
“I'm scared too and I think I'm even more upset because of them than you. I mean how come they would say stuff like that when Mirio is like my brother. Do you imagine dating your brother? Ewk.” He was trying to make you laugh and it worked. “We can talk to our manager, he won't be happy about it.” tamaki lets out an audible breath. “It’s time we make our relationship public.” 
It was amazing to think that finally you could hold your boyfriend’s hand in public and just not hide the love you feel for him, but it was dangerous, what if this affects the image the public had about the group? 
Like if he could read your mind, Tamaki took your hands and you noticed he was shaking slightly. “Everything is going to be ok, you know our friends would be glad we finally tell the world how much we love each other. Fuck everyone who thinks we are wrong.” 
Then you realized there was no point to not say you two loved each other. 
For the next couple of days you wrote and re wrote a speech for the press conference that same week. Tamaki was nervous. He at least throw up two times before facing the cameras but you assure him you could still wait for the right time.
“This is the right time”
To say it went well it was a lie, but you would’ve expect worse. Your friends were more supportive than ever and even they make a post basically saying “If you don’t like it you can go fuck yourself.” Mirio suggested to post it and since everyone agreed now your manager was angry and even scolded him for his behavior.
It was ridiculous to think that before you could be jealous of something that wasn’t there.
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All rights reserved © 2022 afairywithacrown. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a piece of cake
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© @jamesbrnes
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Something happens at Shuri's birthday party that leads to a heated fight.
word count: 3k words. (fuck, it worth every damn word)
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! angry jealous sex, let's start there. unprotected sex, oral sex (face fucking and ridding), fingering, brief daddy!kink, brief praise!kink, language, cursing, handcuffing, mention of bodily fluids, and probably i'm forgetting something else, i just lost my mind. bucky being the cutest and loving man on earth at the end.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
join the tag list here.
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You had never been so quiet, but you knew that opening your mouth only could cause a storm inside the car, on your way back home. Believing you could have a pinch of luck, Bucky wouldn't notice that something was raving you mad since the moment you watched him letting another woman give him a spoon of cake. Straight to his mouth. You almost choked on your drink, talking to Shuri about how excited she was to celebrate her birthday in New York, when you witnessed the scene hearing their laughs and watching how they dared to touch his metal arm constantly. Your boyfriend was talking with some of his old friends from Wakanda, not even knowing he made friends there. He never said a word about it. Even so, they didn't have the right to flirt with him. Unless he didn't say anything about you.
But Bucky wasn't stupid. Or at least, not like you thought. Gazing you by the corners of his blue eyes, he was conscious that something was going wrong. He licked his upper lip briefly, slowly. He tasted the waters putting a hand on your thigh, which was your favorite gesture while he was driving, deriving with your fingers laced and him placing kisses on the back of your hand. But you didn't move an inch, still staring through the copilot's window with your elbow nailed there and your chin resting on your knuckles.
“What's wrong?”
Your passive tone and the lie as a response caused him to frown, pulling over the car to focus on you. He turned on his seat and placed a hand behind the headrest of yours.
“Spit it”.
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow ironically, looking at him for a second. If he had to ask it was because he wasn't really seeing the dilemma there.
“I'm just tired and I wanna go home, James. That's all”.
James. James. You did it unconsciously, but he didn't take it as an innocent manner of calling him. Unexpressive, the soldier joined the highway driving faster than he used to. You had pissed him off, but it wasn't your problem. He had hurt your feelings with something he didn't give any importance to. The only thing you wanted was to take a shower, put on your comfier pajamas and go to sleep, probably you'd see tomorrow that situation differently than today and you could move on from your insecurities and the jealousy running through your veins.
You arrived at your apartment in record time, keeping the car inside the parking under the building. You removed the seat belt to wear your leather jacket and grab your purse on your feet, stepping out when you were ready. But Bucky stayed inside, just turning off the engine. He didn't have any intention of leaving it, maintaining his hands tightly gripped around the wheel. You ignored him as soon as you couldn't pretend you were just tired anymore. It was the first time something like that happened and you were having a strong desire to throw your guts up.
Three minutes later you were under the warm water with your forehead resting against the cold wall and your eyes closed. Maybe you were overreacting and the rational, mature behavior would be to go to talk with him, tell your boyfriend what made you feel upset. Sighing as you nodded two times, determined to put the cards on the table, you shut off the faucet and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
“Oh, fucking hell!” You growled because of the scare of your life when you found Bucky already in your shared room.
He had his back supported on the wall, a leg flexed, and his hands behind himself. No expression on his face, but expecting an explanation from you. You were hoping for something from him too, maybe I don't know what I've done to make you feel like that, can you give me a clue? He just stared at you in silence, drying the pearls of water decorating your body before wearing a pair of black panties and your forgotten pajamas instead of one of his t-shirts impregnated on his scent.
“Com'ere”. Bucky whispered, stretching his flesh hand on air when you were about to go to sleep.
Well, that wasn't the proper way to talk like grown adults. You crossed both arms on your chest, standing next to your side of the bed.
“What'd you say?” He squinted incredulous, slowly standing from the wall, pretending you hadn't uttered that word.
“I said no, you fucking punk”.
“The hell d'you think you're talking to, darling?”
“To the cretin who let other women flirt and touch him”. You replied with evident annoyance. “Why don't you go to show them your daddy's skills, uh? Sure I can find someone who respects me in the meantime”.
Suddenly, a grimace you hadn't seen before on him appeared like a thunderbolt. You weren't sure if you just made him feel more furious or if you just broke his heart. But before you could figure it out, Bucky shorted the distance between both in two fast strides and his hands gripped your throat and the back of your neck respectively, pinning you to the closest wall and tossing the lamp on your nightstand to the floor. You complained slightly —with his tongue wildly invading your mouth— because of the strength he used to put you against the wall.
You tried to push him away, to not fall into his charmings, but he made your mind blank when his fingers were firmly nailed in your ass and his body was accommodated between your legs. Your fiery provoked a bulge under his pants so painful that in every rock against your core he wasn't sure if it hurt or if it was some kind of pleasure he couldn't handle. Out of breath, Bucky attacked your neck, digging his teeth in your neck with so much passion that you screamed delighted his full name while pulling his hair. That gesture drove him insane, losing the less sanity he had at that point. With just a push, your boyfriend ripped off your shirt to strip you, in anticipation of your panties suffering the same fate.
Bucky threw you to the mattress on your abdomen, perfectly positioned to what was about to happen. He was so eager, so desperate for showing you what he was feeling that he didn't lose time taking off his clothes, just undoing his belt and unzipping his jeans to pull them down to his ankles along his boxers. You heard him spitting in his hand to use it as lube, although you were sufficiently soaked and ready for your Buck that neither of you needed his saliva. He rammed his dolorous erection into your cunt, crashing his pelvis and pressing it against your ass with all his strength, causing you to drown a loud cry in the sheets.
Tangling his fingers with yours and lacing your arms around your neck, putting all his weight onto your back, Bucky pounded you with an insanely quick rhythm, not giving you any chance to mold your throbbing walls around his length. Your pleased vocals echoed inside your room in total sync with the hits to your g-spot. Your body received with every one of them soft cramps mixed with pain and pleasure, making you roll your eyes and tear your throat.
“'S that wh— what you wanted, uh?” Bucky snarled against the back of your neck, totally gone, not giving you a break or showing any mercy.
“Fuck, no…” You replied, challenging him.
He swallowed a rough moan, wrapping his cold fingers around your throat while using the other to pull back your hair and arch your body. “Don' fucking… lie to me, doll… You wan— wanted your daddy to make you… feel desired over tho— those women”.
And yes, he was right. More or less. But you didn't expect him to react like that. Bucky was rabidly fucking you, moving the bed from its position with every angry thrust into your pussy. You knew you weren't going to last for too long if he continued impaling you against the mattress, just like that. But you both had to recognize that it was the best session of sex of your life.
“You were… fucking mad watch— watching 'em touch my arm… your arm, right?”
You whined at the brutality he used to push his hard cock beyond your limits, holding it there as he tilted your head to crash his lips on yours. Bucky devoured them until they were shiny, swollen, slightly ached because of the bit he left on your bottom one.
“If you don't tell me… the truth… I swear I'm not gonna let you come”. The whisper fell into your ear with such a raspy tone of voice, conscious of him being very capable.
“It was… your fucking fault, James. Not… Not mine”. You grunted, feeling him going a little deeper. “I di— didn't let anybody flirt with me… as if you didn't exist”.
That was the truth, but the wrong answer for him. Suddenly, Bucky pulled out his dick covered in your arousal, freeing you from any grip. A pause that only lasted the time he took to grab the handcuffs from your nightstand to place them in your wrists and secure them around the headboard. Now you were under his total control, defying him by strongly closing your legs and frowning at him, panting and sweating.
“Lemme tell you something”. Your boyfriend said, dangerously crawling over the bed till reaching your knees and forcing them to be separated, wide spread for him. “If you think I was flirting, but you didn't see… how uncomfortable I was… This situation is not my fault”.
The tables were turned as he finished his sentence, settling himself between your legs yet kneeling to raise your ass above his lap. “Not so mouthy now, are you, doll?”
You wanted to speak back, to say something after having a second to reconsider the reason why you were so angrier at him when Bucky pushed you down and rammed his dick back to the place it belonged. You forced unconsciously your hands gripped, wanting to put them on him —wherever—. As soon as he handcuffed you, your desire for touching him used to be suffocating. But you were the one who played from the start, instead of telling him how you were feeling about that situation at Shuri's party.
Bucky didn't even let you kiss him, stabilizing you on top with an arm around your waist and his cold hand holding the back of your head. His hips rocked straight to your g-spot once and once, making you lose any kind of control over your body as your boyfriend didn't have any compassion, needing to find relief to his sorrowful erection by cumming inside your clenching walls. You were driving him crazy, maintaining your eye contact at all moments and almost drinking your delighted, obscene crying, aware that only him could cause you to be so dirty.
“Feels good, uh…? You like it?” Your boyfriend brushed your lips with his, depriving you of his kisses or any other touch. “Bec— 'cause you take your daddy... so damn good, baby girl… So tight… so tight you could kill me”.
“Yes, da— daddy”. You whimpered nodding your head. “Only you… can fuck me li— like that… Only you”.
“That's it… that's it, oh, fuck… fuck, doll”.
You saw him roll that pair of beautiful blue eyes to the back of his head, feeling Bucky's thighs tensing under your legs. You didn't want anything else than making him cum, after overthinking about how he felt, and not about what you witnessed. He was right, more or less. He was still being so innocent in those kinds of situations that he used to feel like a scared kid.
You suddenly fell back to reality when the emptiness sensation invaded you. Bucky pulled out his length from you again, causing you to beg in silence for not denying you the orgasm you were about to reach. But he warned you. Bucky asked you to tell him the truth and you chose to challenge him. Letting you sit on the mattress, he flexed a leg to guide his twitching cock to your mouth, not needing to tell you what he wanted you to do. You just parted your lips, receiving him without protesting, curling your fingers when he forced your limits, and positioned both hands on your head. Twirling your tongue around his base as you could, with your cavity completely invaded, Bucky provoked you a strong gag. A gesture that led to his warm seed being spilled down your throat.
“Fuck my life, baby girl!” He couldn't help but howl driven by the pleasure as you coughed and made vibrate his sensitive skin.
Just holding his dick trapped by your lips for a second, he freed your mouth, taking his time to admire you swallowing his cum and showing afterward your tongue. God, you looked so beautiful disheveled, with teary eyes and swollen lips because of the effort.
“Want me to tell you something else?” Bucky asked while cleaning the sweat in his forehead with the back of his arm, taking the small key to liberating you with his free hand.
You didn't reply, not needing to, as he rubbed your wrists to comfort your skin before lying by your side.
“Com'ere”. He whispered, yet trying to recover your breathings. Bucky wrapped you with his flesh arm, rubbing his iron fingers up and down your tense belly, creating a contrast that caused you goosebumps. “'M so sorry for making you feel like that”.
He kissed you. Slowly, passionate, tasting his own juices mixed with your saliva. Caressing your tongue with the tip of his, and no rush. You felt his digits touring down your skin, till finding your throbbing and needed clit. You weren't able to hold back a sweet moan when he circled his fingertip over your sensible pearl, gladly drinking your vocals.
“When I wanted to react… she was putting that damn spoon into my mouth. It felt horrible, doll, I promise”. He murmured, venturing his long cold finger to part your folds and sink it inside you —moaning at the fulfill sensation—. “You always save me from those awkward situations… but you were having fun with Shuri and I didn't want to interrupt you”.
You were feeling like shit, looking at him through your eyelids as he curved a second finger into your cunt and increased the pace of the pounds with his hand made of vibranium. Bucky spread some gentle kisses all around your face, ending with a tender bite to your lips.
“When you told me you wanted to go home, I felt a huge relief… 'Cause that was everything I wanted. Go home with you. Maybe watch a movie… cuddle… fall asleep on the sofa”.
“Oh, God, Bucky”. You wept onto his mouth, as soon as a third finger filled you, nailing his hand in the perfect position to be moved up and down. “I'm so— sorry, Buck… I'm sorry”.
“Fuck, no”. He let out, thrusting you harder, faster, creating a melody of filthy sloppy sounds while your moans were louder and louder. “I should stop 'em, I didn't… I didn't. But I respect you more than anything, doll… I love you with all my heart. I care 'bout you, 'bout your feelings… Can you forgive me? Can you… Can you cum for me?”
You nodded your head running out of words, seeing your boyfriend snaking his body down the bed to between your shaky legs, yet having his fingers knuckles deep inside you. “Keep 'em open for your man”.
The blow to your abused cunt provoked you a lash up to your backbone, landing your hands on his head as Bucky sank his face straight to your center. His digits fucked you savagely, while his tongue took control of your swollen pearl —sucking, licking, kissing, pulling it back—. He wasn't going to deny that pleasure to you, quite the opposite. You pressed unconsciously his face a little closer to your pussy, swinging your hips and riding his mouth when his caresses and his pushes became too much for you.
Bucky made you cum harder than ever, crying his name till you didn't have any strength and you were just a sack of bones under his expert mouth, devouring you and drinking your juices as if it was the elixir of life. And when he was satiated, you glanced at him using the tip of his tongue to trail a path up crossing your abdomen, the gap between your breasts, your throat, until kissing you again getting comfortable on top of you. It was a kiss full of love, and guiltiness, and necessity, and pure devotion for you.
“Did I hurt you with what I said?” You murmured, still enraptured by the fireworks fluttering within your belly.
“This isn't 'bout me”. Bucky clicked his tongue, hiding his face into your sweaty neck. “This is 'bout what I let happen”.
“That doesn't answer my question, Buck… I'm sorry about what I said. I was just… I feel insecure". You confessed stroking his scalp and back with your hands, lacing your legs together. “I didn't mean it. I would never try to… find someone who respects me more than you do. That's impossible. And not talking about how much you love me”.
“I love you with every inch of myself”. He swore, he promised, raising his face to look straight at your eyes. “I can't imagine a life without you”.
“Me either… Your love makes me feel alive”.
Bucky left one last tender kiss on your lips before suddenly standing up and holding you onto his arms to carry you to the bathroom and take a shower together —wash your hair, worship your body again as if it was the last thing he was going to do—.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Desire — Kaz Brekker
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(Photo not mine)
Requests: “Hello there! I've been around this blog for a bit now and you are an amazing writer! I was wondering if you would be ok with doing something with 21 28 & 29 from the smut prompts and kaz brekker? If you are uncomfortable please just ignore this!”
“Kaz brekker Smut prompts 28 66?? Love you💖!!”
“I can request Kaz smut prompts 29?❤️”
Smut prompts:
21. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
66. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of shot, mention of desire, desire, mention of smut, explicit smut, NSFW.
Word count: 3k
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
I hope you like💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
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There was something about you. Something impossible to decipher, with a glow hovering around you like a electrical energy. Wrapping your whole body in a cloak of magnetism. There was something about the way you spoke, walked, laugh. Something about what it was like to be you, in your beauty and mysteries like a sphinx.
Something that made Kaz Brekker completely furious.
You couldn't be more distorted from the image, in Kaz's mind, than what was to be a peaceful woman. Calm, controled, with steel emotions and wit in eyes. Someone who, like him, knew how to dance the waltz of negotiation, manipulation, who could blend in with the shadows and know the best time to listen more than speak.
You were not like Inej, you were not like Jesper. Hell, you were like nobody Kaz has known in all of his 28 years.
Nothing reminiscent of calm and control would be used to describe what it meant to be you.
Your soul are stormy, loud, obstinate, too stubborn and too talkative. You needed to speak loudly, laugh, move, expose your opinions to the seven winds and to whoever listened the most. You needed to question, inquire, doubt and test the limits of any situation. A direct order for you would be an affront to your free and independent spirit. A command that would curtail your freedom or tame your strong genius was almost like an invitation for you to do exactly the opposite of what they had ordered you to do.
So, for a man of trained reasoning, subtly balanced world, and who was used to his every command being followed vehemently and promptly in blind obedience, such a personality like you was like introducing a disturbing factor capable of shaking all his judgments. Sand in a watch, or stone in a shoe, would be no more a nuisance than a strong nature like your.
The extraordinary stubbornness and mania to counter his orders - when, in your words, they were unreasonable - had made you different from all the women Brekker had ever met. Kaz liked challenges and responsibilities, a good puzzle, but you were on a level far beyond that.
You were a danger to his peace of mind. And you knew that. All his aversion to your indomitable spirit only served as fuel for your own mission in to piss him off. Few men were like Kaz Brekker, you knew that, with a strength of character too powerful to be ignored. He was not just comfortable in his position of authority as he was obviously unable to act in any other way than as a leader. His stoic figure and always so contained in a wall of indifference made you want to ruffle his hair to see if you could remove any emotion. And being a girl who hasn't always liked leaders, Kaz Brekker was a huge temptation. Few moments had been better than those that you managed to piss him off beyond what he could handle.
However, all the reasons why the two of you were so exasperating for each other, did not explain why the air crackled in ambiguity when your eyes met. The hemisphere was adorned in a thought-provoking, poignant veil, like a warm honey flowing down its throat, and there was something else in the way blood flowed like flames of fire through veins of you two.
Jesper said that the sexual tension between you was so tangible that it could be cut by one of Inej's knives, but you refused to think of Kaz that way. At least until that moment.
Not pure images of what the infamous Brekker could do to you between four walls swept you like the strong Arabian wind. Making you be surprisingly breathless. Kaz was not a man whose private life was exposed, nor was he involved with many women, but you have heard two or three of them when they were drunk saying that Kaz Brekker in the room could be incendiary.
Everyone knew that his touch reserve didn't limit him to anything, but that his job was at the top of the priority list and that sexual encounters were almost never on that list.
"It was not my fault!” Jesper defended himself one night, slightly drunk, sitting at the club's round table next to the other crows “I didn't know he was married to another man! That damn pretty face seduced me!”
"Did he seduce you?" You asked, skeptical and playful.
"I swear to God! And it had been a long time since I had sex with anyone, and I went… ”
“But you did sex last week." Inej laughed, chocked.
"Exactly!" Jesper said, as if he were obvious.
You laughed with your beer glass in your hand, taking another sip.
“Is a week a long time to not sleep with anyone?" Matthias retorted, trying not to laugh.
“Are you going to tell me that is not?” Jesper and Nina spoke at the same time.
“If a man has time for sex more than once a week, he clearly doesn't have much to do. And I'm sure I gave Jesper a lot of tasks that would keep him busy.” Kaz narrowed his eyes at his friend, and Jesper hid his guilt behind the rim of his beer glass, looking to the side.
"So you are saying that you are a very busy man?" You teased, trying not to laugh at the scathing look Kaz sent you.
"I disagree. The values ​​of hard work and discipline cannot match the hot body of a woman in bed.” Matthias said, exchanging a brief conspiratorial look with Nina, who winked at him.
"There are more important things." Said Kaz.
"Like what?" You rested your chin on the back of the hand whose elbow was on the table, the playful look of a rebellious student.
"Progress." Kaz held your gaze.
He wasn't going to take your bait. But you didn't give up easy.
"Tell me, if God gave you a deal: all the hunger in the world would be extinguished in exchange for you never being able to have sex again, what would you choose?" your eyes had a teasing feline glow.
At that moment, Kaz felt a shiver up the back of his neck, like a warm breath of autumn. Something crawled, like a snake, across his rib cage and down to his groin, pumping blood like fire through his veins.
He held your gaze, but the feline glow in your eyes promised to contain the most ardent sins. Suddenly, Kaz's mind was flooded by the wave of obscene images of you, on his bed; moaning, squirming, shouting his name and being very obedient with every order he gave you.
He would make you such a good girl...
"I don't believe in God." He replied succinctly, the predator's eyes still in your eyes audacious feline's.
A big, satisfied smile spread across your face, and you said: "As I thought. Bad luck for hungry people.”
Realizing that he had fallen right into your cunning trap, Kaz got rid of your diabolical magnetism and cursed.
“I didn't say…” he stopped, impatient “It doesn't matter. I have more important things to do than waste time here.”
But the smile you hid behind the glass was noticeable to Kaz.
After that night, the crackling, gasping flame that circled the two of you intensified to alarming levels. Kaz could feel you holding your breath when he was too close, and you could see him squeezing his cane harder when you sweetened your voice for him.
However, regardless of Kaz's wanted to fold you at a table and put an end to your brat girl pose, enjoying the groans he was sure you would let out, the two of you still fought like dog and cat.
Just as it was now.
“What do you mean, I'm not going?!” You looked at Kaz, amazed, when he told you that you would not participate in the robbery that week “I know that security system like the back of my hand!”
It was true, what you had of stubbornness, you had of technological intelligence. There was no computer that you would not hack, a program that you would not hack, and a system that you would not unlock. Your genius with technology made up for all your lack of obedience.
But Kaz ignored. “I've already told you. It's a more dangerous mission than you're used to and we don't have time for the plans you come up with right away.” He needled you.
“Are you referring to Switzerland?” You were never anything short of direct and inquiring. It was logical that you would question every orden. “But I already told you that when the alarm went off your plan didn't work anymore! I was more useful inside to deactivate the alarm than waiting outside.”
And stubborn. Holy God, how stubborn you were!
"And it cost you to get shot."
"But it was just a shot!"
Kaz looked at you, puzzled. “Just?! And wasn't it enough ?! You put the whole team at risk!”
“But if I hadn't deactivated the alarm, we would all be arrested! And only I knew how to do that!”
"My fucking God, isn't there a speck of common sense in you?!"
But you answered boldly: "Not when you impose clueless plans on me."
Mortified would be an understatement to describe how he was now. What an unbearable creature! Kaz felt the anger spread from his neck to his face, igniting his breath and squinting his eyes in annoyance.
Why was it so difficult for you to follow a simple goddamn rule?!
“Besides, your initial plan was flawed and there was no reason for me to be out when it was necessary inside and...” And you kept talking!
If you had noticed Kaz's completely enraged state in front of you, you would have been scared, shut up and ran. But, truth be told, Kaz suspected that even if you knew how to read the murderous humor in his eyes, you wouldn't have left that office. Much less be afraid. You could argue with the demon. And you would probably beat him out of tiredness.
However, regardless of the desire to shake you up, to see if that put any good sense in you, in that second, watching you gesture with your hands, defending your point of view as if it were the england queen's crown, something swept Kaz's body from the top of his head with dark hair to the tips of his illustrated boots.
The sound of the world was drowned out by the flow of blood itself in his veins. His heart hammered hard in his chest and, in that instant, a sharp sting in his groin and the pit of his stomach set him on fire.
His gaze went down to your mouth, which kept moving. And when it came up to your eyes, your stubborn and defiant gaze sent Kaz's rationality into space. He dropped the cane abruptly, which toppled to the floor with a hollow crack, and advanced towards you in firm and determined steps.
Gluing his gloved hands to your face, Kaz silenced all your protests with a strong kiss. Hot, fiery, domineering. The kind of kiss that held years of camouflaged desire, years of irritability, years of an unnerving desire to make you shut up with all the perverse forms that existed.
You weren't afraid of him. But you should. You should if you knew everything he wanted to do with you.
However, as if you have been burning in the same desire for years, you responded to that kiss with the same urgency. The same hunger. Kaz slipped his hands into your hair, closing his fingers there and deepening the kiss with ferocity. He felt beside himself, like a hungry wild animal that had been denied food for years and that only now had its teeth set on its prey. You moaned against his lips, bringing your hands to his lean, strong biceps, squeezing your fingers there.
You both needed air, but neither seemed to give a damn about that. Misted of desire that burned like a fire in their bodies, Kaz pushed the two of you backwards, slamming your back against the wall and swinging a frame beside. You gasped, and the gesture made it possible for Kaz to invade your mouth with his tongue, hunting every piece of hot meat. You two fought the same battle in that kiss: invade, dominate, conquer.
They both wanted to take the waltz, but Kaz would never let you conduct the show.
He pulled your wrists up, pinning them with one hand against the wall, leaving you immobile while sinking his mouth further into yours. Kaz felt you try to get rid of his tight grip, but he was stronger than you. And much more when he have a objective.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He murmured against your mouth, the tip of his tongue playing with your bottom lip. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Was impossible for you to control the loud moan that escaped. Your body trembling with desire, your legs wobbly, your wet core vibrating with his words. Kaz Brekker was a fallen angel. With a beauty and charm you've never been immune to.
How can you think you'd win the dominance game with him?
And, like the fallen angel he was, his smug and arrogant smile painted the corner of his lips when he saw what his lines did to you.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Kaz mocked “If I knew it was only necessary to do this for you to shut up...” he brought his lips closer, his voice hitting yours “I would have fucked you like the naughty brat you have been a long time.”
If his caustic and maddening kisses hadn't been enough to break you in half, that statement would have done all the work.
In that second, you hoisted your white flag, biting your lip in a needy moan and closing your eyes for a second by the overwhelming vibration of your core. God, you needed more. Whatever he gave you. Anything he wanted to give you. You just needed more.
"Are you going to be good?" He played with the dough you were in his hands, his devilish mouth going down your neck, leaving a trail of fire and debris wherever he went.
You agreed, desperately. “Yes, Sir."
That title seemed to do things with Kaz. Because in the next second, his mouth was back on your. More urgent, more needy, more dominating. You shifted your hips for more friction with his, and Kaz rewarded your obedience by pulling one of your thighs forward, making your skirt go up, aligning your thigh on his hips and giving access for his member to fit perfectly against your pulsating core.
You moaned louder this time. Fingers clenching, heart pumping frantically. Kaz pulled his lips away from you for a second, taking his hand off your thigh and bringing it to your mouth.
“Pull.” He ordered, referring to the glove.
You murmured a low, excited moan, bringing your mouth to the glove and clenching your teeth on the cloth at the top of his middle finger. Satisfied, Kaz pulled his hand back, watching the alabaster skin peel away from the leather fabric. As soon as he was free, he removed the glove from your mouth, replacing it with his own and stealing all your breath in that fiery kiss.
His free hand wandered over your thigh, touching you for the first time with a touch that promised to show you all the most delicious and secret sins in the world. His tongue wrapped around your again, and the moan you let out was even greater when his long fingers brushed against your wet, throbbing core.
"S-sir!" You sobbed, your hips rocking against his hand, desperate for more.
"Look at you." His fire voice beat against your lips, the tightness against your wrists getting stronger, more possessive "I’ ve only started using my fingers and you ’re already shaking"
Your body cried out in unbridled desire, sobs mingling with loud moans and heavy sighs as Kaz tormented you with his fingers. He touched you, slid, opened and sank, increasing the volume of your pleas.
“P-please" You begged, the body in need, the urge too urgent.
Kaz looked you in the eye, a dark, malicious gleam burning in his Egyptian blue irises. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" He teased you.
But you no longer cared about his teasing. With your lips swollen and red, your heart racing and the core pulsing in despair on his experienced fingers, you were already surrendered.
"Please. I n-need." You mumbled submissively, rummaging your hips in his hand.
"I bet if I wanted to fuck you against my desk, here and now, you would be very happy to do it, wouldn't you?"
He was foisting all of his dominance on you, bending you to your knees for him. And you knew that. You knew he was taking years of anger out on you. But you couldn't care less. You wanted him. Ardently. Desperately. And if it was a good girl Kaz wanted, damn it, you would be a good girl for him.
You readily agreed, your eyes shining in supplication.
“Good.” Kaz pulled you brutally off the wall, turning you over to the table and pushing your chest against the icy wood, pulling your hips at him. “Because that's exactly what is going to happen.”
Suddenly, desire and hunger roared like a wild beast. Kaz watched you, bent over his desk, obedient, surrendered, offering every inch of your body to him.
His breath was burning in his throat and it was no longer possible to order his thoughts, contain his euphoria. He would fuck you so hard that it would make that memory the only thought when you remembered him. When you dare to rebut his orders.
Kaz pulled you skirt up and your panties down, letting out a groan that sounded more like a growl as he saw your wet core. Pulsing and desperate for him. For anything he wanted to give you. It sparked a fervent desire that Brekker had never felt in his life, devastating any possibility of thinking about anything other than fucking you.
Playing with your fingers in your slick, wet folds, you whimpered again, the core pulsing whenever he teased you inside, pressing his fingertips there but never entering.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" His voice came over the top of your shoulder, hoarse, animalistic, full of profane desires.
"Please." You were quick to beg “I do what you want! But just...please, please… ”
You already felt your eyes watering from over-stimulation, your heart burning so hard it was beating, your core aching from emptiness.
You sealed the end of the game between you. Kaz had won. In a triumphant checkmate.
And you didn't have to beg again. Barely seeing when he unbuttoned his pants, you just reasoned his hard, hot, pulsating member by opening your from the inside. Claiming everything that was yours as his in a strong, desperate, hungry lunge.
"S-sir!" You screamed, your nails scraping the wood from the table, the core pulsing overwhelmingly around his rigid member.
In a more badly lunge, Kaz sank completely into you, moaning loudly as he hit rock bottom. The gloved hand slid over your shoulder, propelled you to him while the bare hand tightened on your waist, hitting you at a steady, raw, animalistic rhythm.
The sounds were pornographic, dirty and loud, echoing off the walls. The air was hot like molten lava, pungent and muffled, driving you two lost breath. Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end tomorrow, in aggressive, rough thrusts. These were thrusts that made half of his things on the table fall to the floor, mixing in a mess that would serve as a reminder later about the sinful activities you two did.
You screamed when Kaz took on more force, his fingers squeezing you so hard that they would leave you with marks on your shoulder and waist the next day.
"Fucking hell!" Kaz snarled between his teeth, feeling your flesh throb around him, squeezing he with such desperation that he knew you were close.
You sobbed, tears streaming down the corners of your eyes as you pushed your ass towards him, trying to bring him as deep as possible, as deep inside you as possible. But every time his pelvis smashed into your ass, a loud moan and the feeling of being completely full drowned you.
You begged, pleaded, for something you didn't know. But Kaz seemed to know. Taking both hands to your hips, your pace became even more unperturbed, pushing you to the limit until you cum in a scream in his name, your lungs on fire. Kaz came close behind, sinking as deep as possible and pouring all the hot liquid into you. Almost like a brand.
The air was filled with sex, lust and desire, filled only by the sound of their ragged breaths that struggled to stabilize.
You were still panting when Kaz's voice came after you: "Whatever I want, don't I?"
A deal with the devil.
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domestic life w/ bakugou thoughts pt 2910488:
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- biggest scary dog privilege imaginable. just- nobody is even going to look at you when you’re walking with bakugou. (bc even creeps wont try to provoke an animal that clearly has rabies)
- tries to eat as many meals as he can w/ you. regardless of what he says, he truly doesn’t like eating alone and will wait if he has to
- if u ever manage to drag him into a self-care day, he’s falling asleep .3 seconds in. somethin about the nice smelling products, your gentle hands against his skin, your soft voice explaining how long to leave his face mask on???? pls he’s out
- gets genuinely upset over any of his houseplants dying. like, full-day grieving event bc he feels frustrated over being a “failure” (he’s so dramatic i swear)
- rlly good at mumbling “5 more minutes- ‘s cold, don’t fuckin’ get up.” into your shoulder blades on the rare chance you try to leave the before he’s ready to
- he will fully argue w/ any pets you have. just, red in the face and debating w/ your cat who just swiped a glass off the table
- probably begs you to work out with him. n it’s so hard to say no bc he literally never asks for anything he truly wants. you’ll be wishing u did say no tho bc working out w/ him somehow feels way more like self-harm than self-improvement
- snores like a kitten. no u can’t convince me otherwise and no i will never under any circumstances be taking criticism about this
- bakugou normally gets up way earlier than u, but if u rlly wanna treat him, set his alarm back like 5-10 mins. while he “sleeps in” make him breakfast n eat w/ him before he goes off to work,,, 10/10 times he’ll almost be late out the door bc he can’t figure out how to stop pulling you into his arms (he can’t help it okay, it’s not his fault when you’re being so sweet)
- gossiping w/ him is genuinely entertaining. not bc he has anything of interest to share, but entirely bc of the comments he makes. like sometimes you’ll look over at him, and he’s just completely heated, spitting as he goes on a tirade about how your shared friend is such a “fuckin’ idiot, empty-headed, loser”
- runs into shit constantly. u cannot tell me this man isn’t clipping doorways w/ his shoulder, isnt accidentally cutting a corner and hitting his hip. he is. he just is.
- he probably does little stuff for u. like always making sure your pantry is stocked up w/ stuff you like to eat, or always replacing toilet rolls so you never have to run out. just tiny, minuscule every day stuff. like, if you’re not looking closely you’ll never notice, but once you do it’s like the list of all he does is endless
- calls his mother a lot actually. legitimately sounds like he wants to kill himself the entire time he’s on the phone, but always hangs up with a “Yeah, yeah, call you next week, hag. Same fuckin’ time. Don’t be late.” ,,, n then he keeps his word. he’s on the phone the same time next week w/out fail
- mans always has a hand on you. like if ur sitting next to him than his hand is on ur thigh, or wrapped around ur ankle, or idly running up the inside of ur arm,,, not even bc he’s trying to start something or anything,, he rlly just doesn’t realize he’s even doing it
- bakugou says that stupid as hell “I’m just resting my eyes” dad thing when he’s falling asleep and doesn’t want to admit it
- has a set of knives for cooking that only he is allowed to use. sometimes u swear he loves them more than he loves u
- u’ve never seen this man put something down gently. he has slammed down every item he has ever held in his hands
- probably sleeps all curled up into a ball. u cannot tell me that bakugou’s raging insecurities don’t have him absolutely locked up into fetal position every night
- lmao if u live with him long enough bakugou will straight up develop separation anxiety. like, he’ll just be pissy and disoriented and unsettled if he’s separated from the routine of being with u for too long
- has a frightening obsession with keeping your home bug-free. takes a slightly worrying amount of joy from squashing insects beneath his fingers
- sniffs food out, like a literal dog, before he eats it
- bakugou is such a primadonna about home decor. no rlly. if u ever try to pick out any major furniture without him, mans is throwing a fit
- taking him shopping is so funny lmao. if u faked that you were “worried about all the bags being heavy” and tried to “carry some of the burden” ,,,, pls u could have that fool looking like a pack animal by the end of the day. easy work bc his ego will never let u carry anything
- will melt immediately if you offer to give him a massage after he’s done w/ hero work for the day. just completely boneless beneath your fingers as he shuts his eyes
- bakugou probably does weird little exercises when he’s got too much energy. like he’s being annoying, complaining that he’s bored one moment and then next he’s got a yoga mat out and he’s rolling himself into a pretzel the next
- eats the nastiest looking health food you’ve ever seen. like it honestly looks disgusting but he swears its good for him
- will absolutely create new words just so he can call people incredibly targeted and personal slurs. gets the happiest u’ve ever seen him on the rare chance u repeat an insult he came up with
- bakugou will talk shit about ur neighbors even if he’s never met them. even if he’s never seen them. just cannot keep his mouth shut about anything ever and unfortunately ur unsuspecting neighbors make the easiest targets
- has a tendency to praise himself when bakugou feels that something he did goes unnoticed. like, if he did cleaned the kitchen and u don’t immediately comment on it then its “Wow, Katsuki, thank you so much for bustin’ your fuckin’ ass for this family! The kitchen looks great!” mumbled indignantly under his breath
- chugs any/all drinks he has ever had. breathes heavy afterwards like a toddler. its embarrassing for everyone involved
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Milano understood the assignment
I’m home. I mean I was home home with Louis there too, now I’m in my bed more like.
Sunburnt, throat ache, feet hurting, heart so full.
I want to write this because I want to share with you how insane live music is. I missed ever little thing of live shows. All those people sharing the same vibes, singing together. It’s such a good experience.
We went there till 11 in the morning. Look, I don’t want to be the one complaining because it was so good to be back and see a show in a venue so big. Really really great. But I am Italian and if I must say this was just pizza, pasta e confusion lmao. We knew for several weeks or moths idk that we would have had troubles with the reassignments of the tickets. We went there to queue to the ticket office and got parterre. I wasn’t sure of this for two reasons 1. Covid lol 2. People were camping for days/hours already. So we couldn’t get a nice spot. But alas, we were in the middle of it and yeah, it wasn’t that bad! I’m just very short, not my fault nor theirs I guess hahah
Anyway, so much colours and rainbows. Soooo many larries. I love that the husbands are so intertwined when you talk about Louis, you end up talking about harry and viceversa. I felt brave a couple of times and made joke like “omg there’s a bee… I’m buzzing, not in this way”. So many young people honestly! I was the oldest among them. They were like in high school and we were there being very closer to 30! I felt like a big sis and kept them close to me. For a few of them this was a first time. Also, thank god I brought sugar with me, bc we saw a couple of girls very close to pass out. But let me act like your friendly spiderman doctor of neighbourhood a bit.
ONLY THE POETS WERE SO FUCKING GOOD LIVE. The singer got the move. He did the hair flip a couple of time and he was so good on stage. His voice sounds so great. I never listened to them before, my bad, but they were so good really. The crowd was on fire too. We supported them and it was fun! Also the blonde was wearing Louis merch and he was so cute haha they just seem to love Louis so much and be very thankful.
I started realising all this was real when the smiley sipario was there. I cried I little when it dropped. I don’t know, I felt like overwhelmed.
I swear, if I had placed a bet on what shirt he was going to wear I would have won. I knew he was going for England. I knew it! It was also a topic of conversation when queuing for literal hours. Obviously, we took the piss of him for the Euro and he went on stage with THAT England shirt. We all laughed, it was such a good moment when we saw him. We provoked him and he teased us as usual. I love him so much for this.
I don’t know what to write because at this point we all know how good he is and how well he sounds on stage. The crowd was very loud. At one point I believed he would have left us sing a song only us haha the princess park line was obviously a trascendentale experience.
Copy of a copy was unmatched. I held my pride flag up for all the song. It was my favourite moment of the show.
OTB was perfect. The rainbow was perfect.
Too young was loud af. Defenceless, Always You too!
Fearless… my god, the band solo live is impressive. They are such good musicians!
His voice in Beautiful war is so angelic. At some point I wanted him to never stop singing. He also was so fucking hot, I can’t. Louis, you have me in a chokehold.
Through the dark was probably the most fun to listen to live. I love the song and it was such a serotonine boost! In fact I was there kinda hyperventilating before KMM. I felt like I was going to fall on the floor energy-less with no voice haha
I loved the band played Po-Po-Po after kill my mind haha they left us in a very good mood. We sang it a couple of times, as well as Sei bellissimo. It felt like they were taking our side in this little football fight with louis! It’s not about winners or losers… clearly. Clearly. He is so petty, I love him.
I wish I could share good videos and pics, but I’m… old fashioned and my phone kinda sucks lmao
I cant wait to see him again. Already counting down the days. I love you, Louis <3
Now, I know this definitely didn’t happen but I don’t care I’m sorry I am gonna pretend this was my y/n moment: he was right in the middle of the stage, in front of me. I was not very close, but I held my sign every time he was in that proximity and at some point he said “that’s funny” or something lmao and Imma pretend this is for my sign. Nothing harmful, just me and my imagination.
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Hi! I love your stories! I can't believe how quickly you've become one of my favorite writers!
You don't have to do this request. But either HCs or drabbles with a gn mc. While MC has helped the brothers mend their relationships and they seem like an epitome of healing and forgiveness.. Maybe MC themselves has an estranged sibling, close in age but cannot even be in the same room for very long without fighting.
I think it would be funny to see any of the brothers try to help mc in return like they've helped them with their sibling (Particularly Mammon, who I'd bet would be more willing to try this, or Beel- who would try to convince others to help him).
but.. it.. does not go as planned lol. Some relationships, even familial are still better off with burnt bridges.
Or also just in general, how you think they'd react to mc having such a bad relationship with a sibling (cause like, hypocrite much?)
Hello Anon! Thanks so much for the request. I am so sorry it took me so damn long to get to this but I hope I did ya justice!
Trying to help Mc with their own family problems!
Written for a GN!Mc
Characters featured: Mammon, Beelzebub, Lucifer, and Satan
Genre: slight crack? Some angst? Not really sure how to classify it lol
Cw: strained family relationships, verbal altercation that may border on emotional/verbal abuse??, swearing, established relationship between mc & your chosen brother
Scenario: you have invited the brother in question to a special family dinner because you knew it would be a complete disaster and you wanted some form of relief from the chaos of your family. However, you and your older sibling started going at it after your mother made a comment about how "they should get their life together like you have." The few petty insults have now turned into a full-blown screaming match between you two, and the brother in question decides its time to return the favor of helping mend your family bonds! ...only for it to backfire horribly.
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Would immediately stand up and get in the middle of you, pulling you both into a very uncomfortable side hug.
Would probably take your side initially since your sibling seemed to start it, not realizing that it was actually your moms comment that made ignited the fire.
"Aw c'mon now. There's no need ta fight. If yer anything like Mc, I'm sure you'll find yerself a handsome man like me in no time!"
Oh boy. Shouldn't have said that.
Your sibling is now screaming in his face too about how they don't want to be anything like you and how they'd wish people would stop comparing the both of you. They also make a comment suggesting that he is only with you because "you're easy"
That makes you retort with a comment about them being worthless and it all spirals further from there
Now both parents are involved, yelling amongst all of you- arguing with eachother, arguing with you, arguing with your sibling
Your dad even scolding Mammon for trying to help at one point, stating he "isn't part of the family," which provokes things further because now you're slinging insults AND trying to defend him AND reiterating to your family how much trouble they are.
Oh, what a mess.
Man Mc, how did you manage to be such a peace keeper with his family when yours was worse?!
Also, how is your family WORSE
Like seriously he thought Lucifer and Satan's arguments were bad.
He will def talk to you about it in private when you grab him and storm out of the house.
He would apologize, but you wouldn't be having any of it. Its not his fault this is how family gatherings tend to go.
He is not looking forward to any future family events now.
He has intervened in enough fights with Lucifer and Satan to know how to approach this.
He gently picks you up and moves you to the living room, asking you to separate for awhile.
He will then go back to your sibling to try to smooth things over.
Though he finds himself feeling sad when all they seem to do in response to his attempts to calm them is insult you behind your back.
So now he's trying to defend you, maybe leaning a bit to much on the compliments.
"You know, Mc works really hard, and they've been able to help my family come together. If you gave them a chance, I bet you'd see that side of them too."
Welp now your sibling has completely lost their mind because they called Beel an idiot right to his precious little face and now they're going in on him about how he "doesn't know the real you."
You hear the insult and dash into the room in full force, screaming back at them and standing right in front of Beel to shield him from their anger.
Oh shit oh shit
How did he manage to make it WORSE?!
This is how you helped smooth things over with him and Mammon when they fought over the last pudding cup a few months ago. Why didn't it work?
Beel witnesses a side of you hes never seen before, and frankly he never wants to see it again...but he knows there will eventually be a family event he will have to attend with you in the future.
He will try talking about it with you later at home, but you'll likely brush it off by saying "it's complicated."
He will leave it alone for now...but God damn Mc...he never would have guessed this is how your family acts.
Lucifer is absolutely shocked at how your family was behaving.
More over, he was shocked at how YOU were behaving
Who would have guessed your family was just as- if not more so- dysfunctional than his...and who would have thought you were able to string together such colorful insults.
He would hesitate to intervene, thinking its probably not his place to do so since you never asked for his help...but then he remembered how you helped without asking
Well- he will get up, slam his hands down on the table, and get everyone's attention with his booming voice.
"Enough of this. Why are you two fighting about the fact that you are two different people with different life trajectories? So what if MC has done more with their life for their age? Not everyone can hold themselves to that standard."
In a different context, his words would have maybe been comforting...
But now your siblings face is beat red, and they are now SCREAMING in anger because they interpreted Lucifer's statement as calling them an idiot.
He ans you both are now on the receiving end of your siblings anger, and you immediately rise to defend him so he wouldn't have a chance to make things worse.
Your parents also are now harping on you for bringing this "disrespectful man" to dinner, and scolding him for scuffing their good table.
Well, at least he tried.
Lucifer ends up just pulling you out of their house amidst the chaos, ignoring your sibling who had followed you both out, continuing to yell at you both until you rounded the block corner.
He would definitely apologize. He certainly isn't as smooth as you when it comes to getting his meaning across...
He would definitely ask you to distance yourself from your family because of what it brings out in you.
He would def be a bit aloof while you spent the next day or two decompressing from that disaster of an event.
He would also be shocked at how quick-witted you seem to be with your family.
Tbh kind of into how much of a spitfire you are in this moment.
He would def see remnants of how he and Lucifer would fight in your interactions with your sibling, and would try your flavor of approach.
"I think you both need to take a deep breath and calm down."
Both you and your sibling would tell him to shut the fuck up, which would be strike one.
Okay well that didn't work. Why not try separating you?
He would attempt to pull you away, which would result in you shaking him off and continue your argument. When he tries to remove your sibling, they slap him. Hard.
Okay...strike two.
His last attempt is suggesting you both leave, which results in your parents throwing a fit about how you're never home and how they can't just enjoy a meal with you both, as well as criticizing Satan's techniques at trying to help.
Strike three.
Demon form is OUT and wrath is RADIATING from him.
Everyone would be stunned into silence but nothing would be said before he drags you out of the house and back toward the portal to Devildom.
He tried. But there is apparently more to this than it seemed. You had made it look so easy.
Would try to talk to you about it later and suggest distancing yourself from them- at least for awhile.
Would also demand an apology for you telling him to shut up lol
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Hi! Love your writings! Reaction from both brothers and side characters of Female Gangster MC. Like they just found out
ANS: So, this My first request I ever made. I hope I did you justice with this Anon and also Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like my writing <3
If want to send request feel free to send them :3
Warning: Mention of Guns, Blood, Killing, Violence, Taking the fall for someone, and PTSD.
The Brothers and Dateables + (Luke platonic) finding out that F!MC use to be a Gangster
“MC, what’s this” Lucifer points at a scar on her chest, what looks like a stab wound.
“It nothing Lucifer, its just…. It just a remainder not to disobey orders….” She trails off, starting to tear up “it my fault, I got to reckless and almost someone I care about killed” she places a hand on the scar try to keep it together and not show weakness Infront of the Avatar of Pride.
Lucifer slowly took off one of his gloves, and walk closer to MC, and place his hand over hers
“Scars are nothing to be ashamed off, you did it to protect someone you care and….” He places his hand on her chin and lean her head back to met his black and red glance. “Your safe here, you don’t have to worry to go back to that life anymore”
You just the tears fall as your face soft and embrace him, feeling safe knowing that you don’t have hide you past to him.
“This all your Mammon!” she angerly whisper in his ear, and groan at her pestering.
“ShHH! Quiet, they’ll hear us human-” then you smack him slightly on the back of his head.
“Whoops, you called me human again”
“Hey! Do you really need to- WAIT there’s a car over there” him point out, and quickly book it to the park vehicle and see that it isn’t lock, however?
“Crap! The key isn’t here” he tries to look around, but quickly push to the passenger, and MC sat the driver sit and open up under the steering wheel.
“Why do I have to do everything around here!” she grabs and cut two wires and start hot wire. In second the car starts up and she buckle her seat belt. “Mams, you guys can survive a car to the face?”
“Yeah…. Why- wait!?! What are you-”
“Buckle yourself in!” She quickly steps on the gas, the demons been chasing them heard the engine, but quickly get hit by the car. As the human and avatar of greed make their escape.
“WHAOOO! I have fun thrill in months” as MC enjoy the adrenaline, Mammon looks over to the human that he was suppose to protect, in amaze and fear. He makes a mental note that Lucifer isn’t the only he shouldn’t just provoke.
“This is impossible!” Levi is struggling with a level from a game from the human world that he just bought, while MC behind him, trying to hold her laughter.
Is a mock version of gang game and Levi, is at the level of the game where to rival gangs are fighting each other for territory?
“You’re focusing on the grunts and not the ones who are hiding from afar- look” she grabs the control from Levi and start playing the level like it was nothing, as she explained how and why he keep dying, all the while Levi is both shock with how MC can play and concern about the implication of how she gotten the knowledge.
“There, now you just have to escape, I never good with car chase, only driving really fast- Huh…. Levi was wrong?”
Levi snap from his train of thought and grab the controller from her, and finishing the level.
“MC, were you-”
“Yeah, but left that behind me.”
MC and Satan are watch Mammon and Levi being strung up by Lucifer from afar.
“I’m surprise, that you’re not phase about this” Satan asks looking over to her, watching why she not reacting on the display of punishment Infront of her.
“EH… I’ve seen worst”
“Really? What worst then this”
“Being killed-”
“What!?! That’s not punishment!”
“You didn’t let me finish, watching someone being killed Infront of you is worst. It’s a way to learn to obey your boss and survive in world”
She looks on to the demons being strung, while Satan is still letting the information sink in, who know that the human was brought to hell, has already lived in one.
“I’ve been meaning to asks darling, where did you get your scars?” Asmo asks MC as he and her are taking a bath together.
“Which one?”
“Well…. All of them”
“Ah…. All of them are from fights that I got to”
“Why would you go and get in to fights, you’re to precious” Asmo cooed them move closer and grab her hand, and start scrubbing her arm. She laughs as she is tickled by his action.
“You know, for a bunch of demons. your all nicer than other humans back home” pauses for a moment, by continue with a giggle.
“Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. As long I’m here no one will ever lay a finger on you again” and that’s a promise he made to you and himself.
“I’m glad you like it Beel” MC made Beel a homemade dish from the human world to calm the hungry demon.
“Its so good, I like your cooking”
“Nah…. You would like Sal’s cooking, he’s the one who taught me how to cook this”
“Maybe, if we go to the human world, you might think he’ll cook for me and my brothers”
“Yeah totally! He loves my friends…...but he can’t”
“Why? Did he leave or something?”
“His at prison, he took the blame for me. And said you should get out of this life….. I guess cooking isn’t the only thing I learn from him” she laughs to hide the fact she misses her mentor.
Beel quickly engulfs her in bear hug, and rub her back.
“Is okay, maybe we can visit him someday”
She sighs and let the tears fall as she return the hug.
“I-I’ll like that, thank Beel”
“You’re still up” MC asks Belphie who is standing at the doorway at her room.
“Sorry, I was waiting for you”
“Really why?”
“You been having nightmare with some men with guns, I figure to help you” she let out sharp gasp and turn away from Belphie.
“I’m sorry to keep you up-”
“No! I already cause so much pain; I want to help you to keep those nightmares away. Like I promise.”
She looks back with her eyes widen and clenching his pact mark on her wrist. She hastily grabs his hand with her head hang low.
“P-please…. Make the nightmares go away….”
“Anything for you, I’ll keep the nightmares and the bad men away”
“You like what you see” Diavolo spoke behind MC startling her, Diavolo was shock to her reaction almost bumping into crown in display.
“Oh, I-I wasn’t planning to steal this I swear-”
“Calm down, I trust you. Sorry for startling you.”
“You trust me, even with my background” she mutters, and look directly at Diavolo’s eyes to see if his lying or not.
“I didn’t look in to your past, only your connection with Lilith. I believe in Demons, Angel, and Humans can have second chances. If you’re a good person now, as long you learn from your past. I don’t see to bring up old scars”
“Thank you, My lord”
“Please, Call me Diavolo”
“I don’t think Lucifer will like that”
MC is inside Barbatos room, helping him clean, to the surprise of the demon butler seeing that he didn’t help in clean. But he can’t refuse the human.
But then she stops and look at the door she uses in going back in time in the time of the “Incident”
“Barbatos, can you see any path where I stayed in the human world and never came here in the first places”
“I’m afraid, I am forbidden to use my powers like that, why may I ask what makes you think of that?”
“I think, I got the luckiest path. And I’m thankfully for this. I think I’ll be in the side of the road-”
Suddenly Barbatos places a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at the demon.
“Its better not to think of what could’ve happen and focus on your presents self”
“Simeon, am I bad person?” She asks while Simeon is writing a draft of his story.
“No, why do you ask?”
“You’re the closes person to being pure and good, is it good for me to threaten people even though I was just following orders”
Simeon stop writing and put the quill down, and look over to MC.
“Did they threat you?”
“Did you, like doing things like that to other?”
“No!” she quickly sat up to that question.
“Are you willing to do that again?”
“Then you’re a good person.”
Solomon and MC are at purgatory hall practicing spells for class, when MC spill the potion on to herself, then she starts taking off her shirt, leaving Solomon blushing and turning his back to give her some privacy.
“MC!?! Warner me next time, before you start striping.”
“Sorry, force of habit”
“What you always spill potion on yourself all the time, back home” she looks with bows rise up.
“Oh… No, every time I get back home from a job, I’m usually covered in blood and I don’t want to leave any evidence behind”
“W-what exactly, are those “Jobs” of yours?”
“I you know shady things, if you can keep secrets about yourself. Then I have secrets of my own” she smiled teasing him.
But to him, its no tease.
“Luke, little advise from me. Don’t be like Mammon or Me” MC and Luke watches Mammon, Levi and Solomon playing poker in class waiting the bell to ring.
“I know Mammon shouldn’t be followed, but you’re a good person I don’t see why you rope yourself with him.”
“Oh sweetie, I’m just nice to people I care about. I don’t care for others outside my gan- never mind”
“Wha-” then the bell rings, and Mammon rushes and grab MC by arm and dragging her out the classroom.
Leaving Luke confuse and worried.
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halsteadlover · 3 years
Safe With Me
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested by anon: Can you write one where jays partner is in an abusive relationship but she keeps it hidden until jay sees her bruises in the locker room one day, but she brushes off his concerns. And then one night he gets a call from Will saying she’s been brought to the ED after you neighbours overheard you being attacked and called the cops. And jay comes and you tell him everything and he offers to go to your apartment and get all your things and promises to be there for you for whatever you need.
• Warnings: mention of an abusive relationship, violence, swearing, mention of injuries.
• Word count: 4051.
• A/N: this is a very important topic and I don't even think I wrote this right so pls let me know if something's wrong or if I should delete it. I know it's very hard to bear it and I know I have no right to talk about this since I've never been in this situation but if you find yourself in this kind of relationship please don't be ashamed to ask for help, remember you're worthy and you deserve the best... If they hit you they don't love you!! Stay safe, love you all 💞
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“No one will ever love you.”
“Oh, look at you failing like the loser you are.”
“You’re so ugly and disgusting nobody likes you, you’re lucky you’re with me.”
When you were a child you had always dreamed of a love story like the ones you saw in fairy tales, those that made you shiver and butterflies in your stomach, those that made you touch the sky with a finger, see the world more beautiful and more colored.
For a while you even thought you had found it with Damon and at first you were very happy, you thought you had really found the perfect person. He made you feel good, treated you like no one had ever done before.
You didn’t know very well what had happened, what had gone wrong in your relationship but suddenly things started to change. It was a gradual change, almost imperceptible but it was there.
Damon slowly began to distance himself from you, to behave coldly until you even began to doubt if it was something you had done. The jealousy that at first was even pleasant began to become unbearable, he started to control every move of yours, who you were with or who you were talking to, your cell phone, he began to be obsessive and go crazy for every little thing. The light that used to characterize you so much began to fade slowly, Damon took away a little of it every day that passed.
You were exhausted. You were exhausted by the constant fights, by the way he continually degraded you, offended you and made you feel worthless, how he constantly provoked you, how he controlled you. You tried to leave him but he made you regret this decision when he beat the shit out of you. After that you realized that the situation could only get worse and that if you didn’t do something very soon you could even lose your life. You knew very well how these things went, you were a cop, you saw them almost every day with victims of domestic violence and no matter how many times you tried to tell them that it would be okay and that they had to do something, you never fully understood what it meant living in such a situation, what it meant to live with constant paralyzing fear until you found yourself living it.
You felt stupid because you were aware of what was happening, you were aware that you were trapped in a toxic and abusive relationship but you just couldn’t escape that grip, Damon had manipulated and scared you to the point that it became impossible for you to escape from him.
As time went by it became harder and harder to hide what was happening from your co-workers, especially from your partner Jay.
He had noticed how gradually you began to distance yourself from everyone, even from him, to no longer going out with them anymore, you were no longer the radiant and happy person you once were and he knew it was Damon’s fault, despite you telling him constantly that things were going well and that there was nothing to worry about.
A morning you were at work, in the locker room, in front of your locker as you were arranging your badge. A noise startled you but you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Jay standing in front of you.
“God Jay you scared me!” you exclaimed, giving him a dirty look.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to,” he said raising his hands in surrender, approaching you “How are you?”.
“I’m fine thanks and you?”
“I’m fine,” Jay replied “You didn’t say hello this morning,” he continued, leaning on the locker and crossing his arms over his chest “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine,” you said putting on a fake smile “I was just late, nothing happened.”
Jay didn’t answer right away but he kept looking at you, so intensely almost like he was trying to read inside of you. You couldn’t keep that eye contact anymore, because you felt that if you kept looking at him, Jay would really be able to understand everything.
As you closed your locker door, your shirt sleeve went up, revealing a bruise on your wrist. Jay frowned immediately and it didn’t take him long to realize that the bruise was nothing more than a finger mark.
“Y/N what is that?” he asked and you almost had a heart attack when you noticed the direction of his gaze.
“Oh nothing, a too tight bracelet left this mark on me” you stammered but before being able to pull down your sleeve Jay stopped you, taking your hand with his. You tried to pull your away but his grip was definitely stronger than yours.
“Who did this to you?” he asked, looking up from your wrist to your face but it was enough for him that you didn’t look him in the eye to understand the answer. You didn’t even need to talk, he already knew it was that bastard’s fault. “Was it Damon?”
“No, of course not, he would never do that” you lied. It would have been easier if you had talked about it but for some absurd reason you couldn’t do it, maybe because you knew what would happen to you if Damon found out if you talked to someone about what he was doing. “I told you, it was just the bracelet.”
Jay obviously didn’t believe a single word you said, he knew very well who was responsible.
“That son of a bitch, I’ll kill him” he spat with obvious anger and at that point the panic was about to take over you.
“No, no, no Jay… It wasn’t his fault I promise.”
“Y/N,” Jay sighed, his heart aching to see you like this “All you have to do is talk to me, I would protect you, that bastard would never touch you again” he said, in such a sweet tone it almost made you cry. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat and managed to make a little smile, as if to calm him down.
“Everything’s fine Jay I swear, there’s nothing wrong. You’re my partner, I’d talk to you about it.”
“Just…” Jay again sighed deeply, knowing damn well you were lying “I’m here if you need okay? You can always rely on me, you’re not alone.”
A case had kept you at work longer than expected, and when you picked up the phone and noticed Damon’s nearly 20 missed calls, a huge wave of anxiety hit you right on the spot. God, you knew it wasn’t going to end well at all.
When shortly after returning home, someone started knocking violently on the door, your heart immediately started beating wildly. You opened the door and you were faced with a furious Damon and before you could even try to close it, he pushed you backwards.
“Damon I’m sorry!” you immediately exclaimed, throwing your hands forward trying to protect yourself but it was useless since he punched you in the face so hard that you fell to the ground.
“Where the fuck were you?!” he screamed at you full face as he leant over you. He grabbed your hair in a fist, forcing you to get up “When I call you have to answer, you understand bitch?!”
“I’m… I’m sorry… I was working I swear you have to believe me!” you exclaimed, your eyes full of tears as you tried to escape from his grasp.
“Shut up you useless whore!” he screamed again, punching you again, and again. By now he was beside himself with anger he wasn’t even listening to you, you had never seen him so angry and in that moment you were nothing more than an object on which he was pouring all his frustration.
The subsequent events all happened so fast that you hardly realized it. For a moment you really thought you were about to die and you found yourself praying that God would take you so that you no longer had to go through that pain and suffering.
You kept alternating between a state of consciousness and unconsciousness and you didn’t even realize your neighbors called the police, the arrival of paramedics and cops.
“Y/N! Y/N! You hear me?”
“Y/N talk to me!”
Your head was spinning terribly and the voices kept coming softly to your ears. Lights blinded you making it nearly impossible for you to keep your eyes open. You didn’t know how, but only then you realized you were on a hospital bed.
“Hey Will what’s up?” Jay answered his phone as soon as he saw his brother’s call.
“Jay you have to come here as soon as possible, it’s about Y/N…” he said and Jay felt his heart skip a beat.
He immediately got to his feet and in no time he was heading out of his apartment after taking the car keys. “Is she… Is she okay?”
Will sighed on the other end of the phone. “No Jay, hurry up.”
“I’m on my way.”
Will immediately went to meet Jay as soon as he saw him rushing towards him after entering the hospital. “Where’s she? What happened?” he asked immediately, his face twisted with worry.
“Neighbors heard noises in her apartment and called the police who called paramedics and brought her here” Will explained quickly “She has two broken ribs, broken nose not to mention all the old cuts and bruises... I did an MRI scan to make sure there was no internal bleeding but results haven’t come out yet. Jay these are all signs of domestic violence…”
Jay ran his hands over his face, anger growing inside him. He knew who did this to you. “Can I see her?”
Will nodded, pointing to your room. “She is waiting for you.”
Jay didn’t expect to feel the way he felt when he saw you in that condition.
He literally stopped breathing for a second when he saw the bruises on your face, the split lip, the swollen black eye. You had a bandage around your chest from being kicked and every breath was like a knife stabbed you.
“Y/N oh my god” Jay gasped rushing towards you. You tried to get up but he immediately stopped you “No, no, don’t move…”
You looked away from Jay’s because an immense desire to cry overwhelmed you. You closed your eyes for a second when a tear ran down your cheek, streaking your face.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Jay whispered quickly hugging you and being careful not to touch your wounds. His hand gently stroked your hair while the other encircled your shoulders and gently touched your arm.
That hug made you feel so safe, at home, that you couldn’t longer hold you back, letting yourself go to a liberating cry, releasing all the tension, fear, anger, frustration you felt. You returned his hug by wrapping your arms around his chest.
“Cry as long as you want, let it all out, you’re not alone… I’m here with you okay? I’m not leaving you,” he kept whispering as he stroked your hair and hugged you like no one had ever done before.
“It’s okay… We’ll take that son of a bitch and I’ll make him regret every single thing he did to you, I promise,” Jay said and something in his voice suggested that he would really keep his promise “You’re safe now, you’re always safe with let me out all you want.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll look so stupid right now” you tried to say, between sobs. Jay pulled away from you and looked into your eyes, placing both hands gently on your face. You looked down, not even able to look him in the eye. You felt so horrible, so vulnerable and God only knew how much you hated that feeling.
“Hey look at me, don’t take your eyes off me,” he said in a low voice and with such a sweet and comfortable tone. “You’re not stupid and you don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault what happened, you didn’t deserve it. It’s his fault, do you understand me? Only. His. Fault.”
“I thought I was going to die,” you whispered, your voice broken from crying and you weren’t even sure Jay heard you. But he heard you and, God, how much he hated seeing you like this and not being able to do anything to make you feel better, how he hated knowing that son of a bitch got his hands on you and he wasn’t there to help you.
“You’re here now, you are safe,” he whispered trying not to let anger take over, since you definitely didn’t need this “Nothing is gonna happen to you anymore, I’ll always be with you.”
Jay stayed next to you the whole time, until you finished all the tears in your body, holding you and whispering words of comfort and God only knew how much you needed them that moment.
Jay slightly broke away from the hug and gently wiped away your tears with his thumb. His touch was so gentle and delicate it hurt and if you were still able to, you would certainly cry again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked you, continuing to caress your beautiful battered face. You nodded slightly, now truly understanding that this situation had to end, that you had to react and aware that to do this you had to ask for help. You knew you couldn’t deal with it alone and you wouldn’t have wanted anyone else with you but Jay.
You told him everything, everything Damon put you through, the insults, the first slaps, the jealousy. Everything.
Needless to say, Jay was on the verge of breaking something by the end of your story. He always had a strong sense of protection towards you and knowing that someone managed to hurt you for all this time and, above al, that he hadn't been able to prevent it, made him furious.
“He won’t hurt you anymore I promise” he said and he had 100% intention to keep that promise, no matter what happened.
At that moment Will walked into your room, your medical records in his hands. “Y/N how do you feel now?”
“I wish I could say I’m better” you replied and winched in pain when you sighed.
“I can give you something for the pain,” he said, feeling sorry to see you like this. He glanced at his brother and noticed how he kept looking at you, a mix of emotions running through his face. You nodded, thanking him.
“Is everything okay?” Jay immediately asked.
“The MRI results have arrived and there is no damage or internal bleeding,” Will explained and Jay sighed with relief. Damn, he seemed even more relieved than you.
“When will I be able to leave?” you asked, not wanting to stay in that hospital one minute longer.
“Since luckily you haven’t taken any major damage, even now. But you have to take at least two weeks off, you absolutely must not go to work or make any effort. You have to rest,” Will recommended and you nodded, happy to leave “I’ll bring you a painkiller and I’ll prepare the discharge documents in the meantime, let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks Will.” “Thank you man.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” Jay asked you suddenly, after Will had left your room, when he saw you lost in your thoughts.
“I can’t wait to get out of here but… Well... I just don’t want to be home alone.”
“You’re very wrong if you think I’ll leave you alone Y/N,” Jay replied, making you smile slightly as he squeezed your hand with his “You can stay at my place if you want, I have an extra room.”
You looked at him for a moment, not knowing how to answer. “I… I don’t want to bother you Jay.”
“Y/N don’t ever say this again, you absolutely don’t bother me. I haven’t been able to help you until now but I want to be there from now on, for whatever you need,” he said “You don’t have to go through this alone, I’ll always be there for you okay?”
You nodded, feeling the tears forming in the corners of your eyes again. You forgot how it felt having someone around who really cared about you.
“So will you stay at my place?” Jay asked hopefully and smiled when you nodded again. “Great. Do you feel like staying here for a while? I’m going to get your things from your apartment and come back to pick you up. I’ll ask Will to stay here with you of course, you won’t be alone.”
“Jay you really don’t have to do this…”
“Y/N is a pleasure for me, you don’t have to worry. You have to realize I really care for you, I’d do anything if that means making you feel better. Going to get your stuff or letting you stay with me is nothing.”
“Thank you Jay, so much” you said and he smiled before hugging you again.
“Will can you stay with Y/N while I’m not here?” Jay asked his brother as soon as he walked out of your room.
“Yeah sure, where are you going?”
“I’m going to get her stuff, she’ll stay at my place.”
He was about to walk away when his brother’s voice made him stop.
“Are you sure it’s just that?” Will asked. Jay clenched his hands in two fists, his jaw set and a furious look in his eyes. Will knew his brother, he knew that look and he knew what he was thinking at that moment.
“Will he has to pay her for what he did to her.”
Any rational thought disappeared from Jay’s mind as he parked outside of what must have been Damon Stevens’ house. He wasn’t there as a cop, he was there because the only thing he wanted was to make that bastard pay for the harm he had done to you.
When Damon opened the door, Jay felt an insurmountable anger seeing his face and before he even realized it, his fist already collided with his face.
Damon, taken by surprise, fell backwards.
“What the fuck!” he exclaimed, putting his hand to his nose and noticing the dripping blood. He looked up and his eyes widened when he recognized Jay, knowing he was your partner at work. “What do you want?!”
“So you hit women now huh?” Jay asked rhetorically, in a low, cold tone. Without even giving him a chance to get up, Jay kicked Damon in the stomach. He started coughing, gasping as he tried to catch his breath. With another kick Jay closed the door behind him, never taking his eyes off the worm holding its stomach with his hands, a look of pain on his face.
Jay leaned over him and grabbed him violently by the collar of his shirt and only then did he realize the stench of alcohol he gave off. In that instant he wondered what the hell you had found in that subspecies of man.
You filthy bastard.
He punched him again in the face, completely ignoring his pain groans. He didn’t care, he just wanted him to suffer.
“You messed with the wrong person,” Jay said through gritted teeth “You’re gonna wish you never met her once I’m done with you.”
Damon turned pale and tried to escape Jay’s grasp but he hit him again and again.
“Son of a bitch you don’t react now? You don’t feel tough knowing you’re not hitting a woman?!” Jay screamed at his face and every word he said he returned a punch.
“Stop!” Damon literally prayed.
“That’s what she used to say when she begged you to stop kick her,” Jay angrily said, standing up and throwing another hard kick in his stomach, in the same place where Damon hit you. “How does it feel? How does it feel to be helpless?”
Damon couldn’t answer, too drunk and in pain to do so. He laid on the ground mumbling something Jay couldn’t even understand at first.
“This…” he tried to speak but stopped when he started coughing and spitting blood “Is police brutality.”
“You see a fucking badge on me?!” Jay spat before grabbing him again by the collar forcing him to raise himself slightly “If I see you even half a time next to her or any other woman or if you try to even say her name you are fucking dead, you understand me?!”
He didn’t answer right away but actually started laughing, making Jay’s blood boil even more.
“She… She’s just a useless whore…”
Those words made Jay lose the last ounce of control he had left. God, he was so out of his mind with rage that he hardly realized the countless times he kept punching him Damon. He already didn’t want to be held accountable for his actions and what he could do but Damon’s words only made his situation worse. Damn, that man seemed to have a death wish. It was as if his mind was totally clouded, as if at that moment he was seeing those events from outside.
Jay only seemed to come to his senses when he didn’t hear any other noise only realizing that Damon was now unconscious.
“Will he went to Damon didn’t he?”.
You were worried when Jay took longer than you thought to come back, your mind already thinking the worse even if deep down you knew what was happening.
Will, who stayed with you all time Jay was gone, sighed, knowing that there was no need to respond that question, that you knew the answer.
“I don’t know honestly.”
You leaned your head against the wall, your gaze fixed on the ceiling as a feeling of anxiety devoured your stomach. You didn’t want Jay to suffer the consequences of a problem that you should have solved long time ago, you didn’t want something to happen to him because of you.
“Y/N can I be honest with you?” Will suddenly asked and you looked down at him before nodding.
“He deserves whatever happens to him.”
You sighed trying to ignore the stabbing pain that rushed through your chest and. But that physical pain was nothing compared to how you really felt inside. A mix of emotions overwhelmed you and you really tried to give them a name but the truth was you had no idea how to deal with all of this, you had such confusion in your head and inside of you but one thing you were certain of, you were determined to get over and forget Damon Stevens, that you needed your life back, that you deserved more.
“I know.”
You felt your heart sink when Jay got back to the hospital, your gaze instantly landing on his injured and lacerated knuckles.
“Jay what the hell did you do” Will gasped as soon as he saw his brother even though he already knew it.
“I’m fine” he said, his eyes on you as he analyzed your expression, totally shocked.
“You’re not fine,” Will stated “Come with me, I’ll medicate your wounds and don’t you even dare say no.”
Jay hesitated before leaving but sighed and followed Will when you broke eye contact by looking down. When he came back to your room he was alone, Will figuring it was better for you two to talk alone.
“Jay what…” you muttered but he stopped you, preventing you from asking any kind of questions. He sat on the edge of the bed in front of you, a cryptic expression on his face.
“Y/N I just went to your apartment,” Jay spoke up.
He didn’t want to keep you in the dark but, whatever the consequence would be, he didn’t want to involve you in any way, you were already going through a lot.
“Just tell me if you’re okay…” you said, almost in a whisper.
“I’m fine I promise” he smiled slightly but that smile faded when he noticed your gaze on his bandaged knuckles “Please don’t ask any question, everything’s fine.”
“Jay please tell me what did you do” you feebly said trying to fight back the tears.
He sighed deeply, wanting to change the subject as soon as possible. The more he talked and the more you’d get involved and he just didn’t want that. So he got up a completely changed expression on his face as he looked at you.
“Are you ready to go home?”
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Can I request Nagito, Kokichi, and Rantaro with an s/o that has a hard time understanding why someone feels a certain emotion in situations?
pairing(s); rantaro x gn!reader, nagito x gn!reader, kokichi x gn!reader
warnings; blood, violence, broken noses, strong language, kind of angsty — sorry that nagito's is super long- i started off with him and i haven't written in a long time so i just shit all over the place, fluff at kokichi, i have mood swings I'm so sorry about the whiplash you are about to witness
note; yesss i am back to finish these requests yurrrrrr sjansjdhfbasdkjfds I'm not gonna make a big announcement or anything(I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything in my life rn, so I'm sorry for people who are waiting on me—) , just gonna spit out as many finished requests as i can, sorry for the abrupt pause of everything by the wayz ill be (hopefully) regularly posting works from now on.
(also this request was kind of vague, so i used the example of someone getting upset/angry and reader not understanding why; i hope that's okay :'))
Nagito Komaeda
◊ I think Nagito would understand your struggles more than anyone else.
◊ And… honestly, it kind of reassures him that you share a struggle with him. It makes him feel less alone, less like the odd one out.
◊ Being similar to someone like you in any way, even if it was a genuinely difficult and real struggle; was a blessing in disguise for someone as lowly as him.
◊ Getting that out of the way, Nagito would never see your struggle as what it is. The way he views you, how highly he puts you up on a pedestal, as well as how much hope he believes you to hold; he, at first*, won't help you at all with your struggles.
◊ As a strong believer of hope overcoming despair, good defeating bad; Nagito is positive that the struggles you hold will always be defeated, bludgeoned into a despairing sludge by your all-mighty hope.
◊ And at first, he won't even think of this as a bad thing! You should be proud of it, of course, unless it stirs despair within you.
◊ * That being said, if he sees you struggling with your inability to understand human reactions to an awful point, he would put his obsession with hope aside, and focus on trying to help you as your boyfriend.
◊ Though I'm afraid, he wouldn't be much of a help, because he gets stuck on this one too.
◊ If you ever unintentionally angered someone, however, and/or provoked them to potentially hurt you; he'd immediately step in and lay the damp washcloth of apologies on the accidental fire you had set.
◊ Though there is a high chance, he'll make it worse by saying something he hadn't intended to sound condescending. It just came out that way.
◊ Nagito would never put your well-being before his insatiable need for you to accelerate and empower your hope.
◊ He's your boyfriend before he is your admirer of hope.
— "What...? How can you- how can you be so calm!?" Confusion, fear, and intimidation seemed to overwhelm you as you stepped back, eyebrows creased in utmost confusion as the person before you, seemed to have been angered by your wording.
Suddenly, you had started repeating and reversing over what you had previously said, scanning your wording for things that could have been perceived as offensive; only to grow even more confused as you had found none.
"I... What? Are you... are you mad at me or something?" Your genuine tone of voice, as well as the genuine look of confusion on your face, had been blurred and unnoticed as the ugly emotion of anger seemed to destroy their human senses— and the person had unfortunately taken your question as an insult.
Without another word, the sickening crunch of flesh and bone hitting flesh and bone echoed throughout the trial room. Flesh and bone that had thankfully, and unfortunately, hadn't belonged to you.
"Holy- Someone hold them back!"
"There's... no need for that...!"
Turns out Nagito took the hit for you.
He peeled the hand tending to his nose away from his face, revealing the nasty bruising and the blood dripping down his nostril—despite the gruesome sight of it all, he still seemed to be smiling. Smiling as if something amazing had just happened, and he was dying from the joy he had been feeling.
He wasted no time to spew out whatever he could think of, despite the shock and adrenaline from getting a broken nose, he still fought through the struggle to speak properly, as well as merely breathing without immense pain.
It was like second nature to him, to steer the blame and the aggression away from you—even if it almost killed him. Anything... to protect his hope.
"Haha, this is... Whatever you need to achieve your hope, whether it be a good old-fashioned beat-down or... murder;" a laugh crossing the line to psychotic erupted from Nagito's scratchy throat.
"I personally invite you all—especially (name)—to bruise me up and brutally murder me for your pleasure, and your hop!" —all at the expense of him making sure no one gets the chance to lay a single finger laid onto you.
◊ He loves you, and he swears this is out of (mostly) good intention <3?
◊ i- i think i lost it somewhere in the middle
Rantaro Amami
◊ Literally, the most understanding, supportive, and comforting man you will ever meet and have as an emotional support boyfriend when you struggle with humans and just... humans.
◊ For first impressions, Rantaro will remain as understanding as he already had been, and is. If he visibly sees you struggle with the reactions of others to specific situations, he'd never start up shit, as well as assume you mean something bad immediately. He will always give you the benefit of the doubt, and the fact that he loves you may have been a factor — but I swear, he does this with everyone else too.
◊ If you ever responded/reacted to something that normal human beings usually respond differently, Rantaro would definitely notice, but he wouldn't say anything until he had his suspicions confirmed — and until someone else decided to get pissy or upset about it.
◊ If you ever get into a conflict with someone about how you seem emotionless( even though you're really not ), Rantaro will always be there to defend you and back you up. The first thing he would do is try to understand your side, then their side, and then try to see how the two fit together, and how you both grew to have your reaction.
◊ Most conflicts and arguments end peacefully, at fault to Rantaro's experience of being exposed to many personality types(his sisters), and completely normal and human struggles(also his sisters).
◊ Though, notice how I said most.
◊ Some situations and arguments, really can't be resolved, nor looked past—especially when personal, and very strong feelings are involved. You really can't avoid it when people are still grieving.
◊ But even so, Rantaro will remain a mediator and a peace-keeper until the end; he doesn't and never has enjoyed violence or super over-the-line arguments.
— "N- no, I a- actually don't understand...! I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, shut up! No one's believing that crap!" The shock and the hurt from their words had visibly affected you — the disbelief and their rage hadn't done anything to calm your anxiety from not having understood what had been wrong.
Rantaro would intrude on the one-sided argument, a gentle yet nervous smile on his face as he tried to put some distance between you and the person who had gotten offended. "Hey now, I understand you're upset, but it'll be safer for all of us if you don't insult them. I'm sure this was just a big misunderstanding... let's sit down, yeah?"
◊ If you ever feel frustrated or upset about a past interaction with someone he had reacted in a way you hadn't expected, feel free to expect Rantaro to be there for you with his comfort. Whether it be assurances, hugs, or just a listening ear; he'll be there for you.
◊ He may not understand your struggles to an extreme extent, but he will try his best to empathize with you and to understand you; and if he doesn't? That's okay. Because he still has cuddles + listening to you rant as his plan B solution on getting your frustrations out.
Kokichi Ouma
◊ Kokichi... doesn't understand you at all.
◊ It's second nature to him to react abnormally or to over-exaggerate towards something that probably shouldn't have gained a reaction like that — but that doesn't necessarily mean that had been his true reaction from the start.
◊ They're lies, well, most of it.
◊ When Kokichi notices your confusion, or if you come to him about your frustrations; he won't believe you at first. It's a stupid thing to not trust someone about, yeah, but he lies all the time about this kind of thing — so not only would he feel terrible if you were telling the truth about your real struggle, he would-
◊ Oh, you're telling the truth?
◊ ... Oh.
◊ Well, of course, he feels horrible for his past faked reactions and lies. A part of him believes it to be his fault entirely, whilst the larger, louder part of him believes it to be someone else's fault.
◊ And he's a liar; so of course, he'll lie. To himself, at least.
◊ "Wha—!? Who's been confusing my beloved? Gimme names and I'll get 'em!"
◊ He's not much of a listener, nor a person who really just... talks about serious shit. So despite not wanting to talk directly about serious things, as well as not being the best at comforting you in a 'serious' manner, he has his own little way of dimming your frustrations with human beings.
◊ He won't show it, nor will he mention it, but he does try to be more transparent with you; as well as tries to be less confusing when talking and/or interacting with you.
◊ The reactions are dimmed down, and despite that, he still continues to be silly and still continues to joke around — just not in a way that'll frustrate or confuse you(ish). He's all about getting reactions out of you, especially frustration but, he wouldn't purposely augment your anxiety about this type of thing.
◊ ^^ If he was to do that, however, he would always tell you it was a lie afterwards. After all— despite enjoying the thought of you thinking of him all week—he doesn't want you stressing and/or overthinking about it for the rest of the week.
◊ Kokichi definitely feels guilty of your struggles, however, they may have not blossomed directly from him, he still feels horrible for triggering it? You? — look- what he's trying to say is, he feels awful, and he hadn't meant to make your struggle with understanding other human beings, worse.
◊ Though there are times he does find your confusion and gullibility to be sort of entertaining in a way, but he would constantly feel bad about finding pleasure in your frustration.
◊ Kind of bad.
— "Nishishi! I'm just saying, if someone took a fat shit on my lawn, I would thank them—"
"Wh- Seriously.. ? Why??"
◊ He finds it hilarious how you seem to take his words to heart, but of course, fun comes to an end as he says—
— "Nope! It's a lie!"
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Im sorry I know you are packed and busy but can I make a request based on that video?? BECAUSE HOT DAM JUST WILBUR ENTERING LIKE
I simply cannot tell you that because it would be untrue because I am SIMPING so hard…. Also this was way longer and had a lot more plot than I originally planned so…. There’s that lol. Hope you enjoy. (P.S. Because it’s so long, this is going to be the only post tonight, my brain is a bit fried rn lol. Have a great night everyone!)
Warnings: Mentions of very quickly losing a lot of weight, it’s brief but it’s there. As well as, manipulation from Dream. At one point the reader is like “wow it’s been three days since you hit me… Thanks Dream!” And a few swear words here and there. 
Before Wilbur died, you and Wilbur were married. It absolutely broke your heart to watch the love of your life lose his mind (and then his life) for the nation that you and he created to raise and protect your boys in. But you stood by his side until the very end. You held his hand as he died and clutched his body with Phil once it was over. Ghostbur gave you somewhat of a shock. Because you’re husband was back, and he remembered you. He was the man you had married. The person he was before the presidency, before the war, before L’Manberg… You’re Wilbur was back. But you were still sad. You couldn’t hug him or kiss him like you were able to and although he seemed to be right in front of you, it felt like he couldn’t be farther away. Ghostbur can see this and decides that if he can, he really wants to try to come back to life. He tells his father and older brother about this and so they begin planning and researching. In doing this, they kind of accidentally turn a blind eye to what is happening to you and Tommy. 
While those three are figuring out how to bring Wilbur back from the dead, you and Tommy are being harassed by Dream. Something else you lost when you lost Wilbur was protection from Dream. For some reason, Dream was always afraid of Wilbur. Perhaps it was his ability to always stand up for what he wanted and fight for the things he loves… Or perhaps it was because he was Techno’s brother. Doesn’t matter. Point is when you lost Wilbur you lost the protection from Dream. Dream threatens you and Tommy, trying to provoke Tommy and trick him into doing stuff so that Dream could get him in trouble and one day it finally works. Dream tells Tommy where George’s vacation house is because he knows that Tommy cannot resist checking a place out and looking through other people’s stuff. So Tommy drags Ranboo over there and while they’re there they accidentally knock over a lantern and burn some of the house and some of the chests. On the other side of the server, Dream is in your home, poking fun at you for losing your husband and telling you that it was partially your fault and just stuff like that. You didn’t react. You never could when talking to Dream. But his words stung and slashed deep, and he knew it. Finally after a while of this, Tommy comes bursting through your front door, out of breath and seemingly panicked. “What’s the matter?” You ask softly, leaving your kitchen and going to comfort your boy. Tommy is about to spill everything but when he looks up he sees Dream and immediately swallows his words. “We were playing tag… That’s all… Tag” he says. You absolutely do not believe him but you catch his gaze and know that whatever he’s done he cannot say it in front of Dream. So you decide you’ll just have to wait…. You don’t have to wait long. 
“You burnt down George’s vacation home?” Dream’s deadly tone sounds from the kitchen. Your eyes widen and scan Tommy’s face and the look that overtakes him, you know it’s true. “I did not burn it down… I knocked over a lantern and a small fire broke out… I tried to repair everything, it’s fine.” Tommy insists. But Dream seems too pissed to listen to reason. “Come with me” he hisses, marching forward and snatching Tommy’s wrist tightly and marching out of the house. A small whimper left Tommy’s lips as he was pulled causing you to fly into a rage. “Let go of him!” you demand, chasing after them. Dream doesn’t listen and so you reach out and shove his shoulder causing him to stumble, let go of Tommy’s wrist and whip around to face you too. A chilling smile rests on his face, “Oh you just messed up big time.” Before you can react, he reaches out, grabs your wrist, grabs Tommy’s again and continues on down the Prime Path. You’d try to fight it but the grip on your wrist was just too strong. Dream pulls you to Tubbo and immediately jumps on the boy. He explains what happened as well as says that you assaulted him and that he wants you two exiled from L’Manberg or there will be hell to pay. Dream tells Tubbo he will start a war and will kill everyone and everything if his orders are not followed. You can tell Tubbo really doesn’t want to, but it’s something he has to do. Tubbo lets out a small sigh and nod, “Okay Dream. You win.” He murmurs, not looking at Tommy’s betrayed face. “Excellent choice, Mr. President,” the man spits out. “Tubbo” Tommy utters broken heartedly, staring at his best friend, silently begging him to say sike… It never comes. “Dream please escort Tommy and Y/N out of my country.” “With pleasure” You wrist is seized again and you’re being dragged away from your home. 
After you three get out of the SMP, Dream lets go of your wrists and lets you walk for yourself. You approach Tommy and wrap a comforting arm around him. “It’s going to be okay Tommy. Everything is going to be okay.” You comfort the young boy who sighs and nods, “I just can’t believe that he would throw me under the bus like that,” Tommy murmurs. “I know kiddo. I know.” You follow Dream for a very long time until he is satisfied that you are far enough away from the rest of the SMP. “Okay, we stop here… Put your stuff in this hole,” Dream commands, digging a small hole for the two of you to throw your stuff in. You let out a scoff and roll your eyes, “No way. You’ve already forced us into exile. There’s no way we’re giving you our stuff.” Dream’s face flushed a bright red before he lurched forward and grabbed you. Putting in a headlock to where you’re back was pressed against his chest, his arm around your throat while he has a crossbow to your head. “I’ve had enough of you fucking attitude Y/N. You have no power here. I do. I’m in charge and when I say to do something, you do it. If I ask you to jump, the only thing you may ask after that is “How high?” Do you understand?” You don’t speak, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of obedience. But then the tip of the arrow digs into the side of your head causing you to let out a small pained whimper, “I said, do you understand?” he demands again. “Yes” you finally whimper out. He moves the crossbow away from your skull and lets you go and shoves you forward, stumbling into Tommy who catches you and stabilizes you. “Put your stuff in the hole… Now” he growls, not in the mood for any more ‘games’. You and Tommy share a look and then a sigh and slowly put your things in the hole like he demanded. And you could only watch as he placed TNT above it and blew up everything. All of your items that you had worked hard for… Gone in a moment. Dream leaves with a cackle. You and Tommy are just there. Shocked. Finally, after a few moments, you’re able to shake yourself out of it. “Okay… Let’s get started, there’s no time to waste.” Tommy just looks at you and then he sighs and nods. “Let’s do it then.” The two of you spend the rest of the day gathering materials and building yourself a little shelter. You were all alone… At least you were all alone with your brother.
As we all know, Dream comes back almost every day. He comes back, blows up your stuff and leaves. The first time he came back you tried to stop him… It didn’t go well. “Dream, please he just-“ He cut off your words with a harsh slap across the face. It sends you flying and leaves your head spinning. “Haven’t you learned yet? Stuff. Hole. Now.” And you have no choice but to obey. You watch with a broken heart as Tommy slowly begins to actually trust Dream and believe him when he says that no one misses him. You do your best to be there for him and convince him that it’s not true but as days go by and no one, not even your Ghostbur, you can’t help but slowly believe that they’ve forgotten about you two. As time goes on, it seems that you and Tommy fade. You lose a lot of weight. Your food source is scarce and you have to do a lot of work because you’re restarting every. single. day. You get hurt a lot easier and it takes a lot more time to recover. Every once in a while, Dream will physically hurt you. Whether it a slap or a small sword slash, he does it just to make sure you still remember who’s in charge. You just learn to take it and deal with it. It hurts, but at least it’s you and not Tommy. Ranboo visits you once and is horrified at what he sees. He’s worried about you, but knows he can do basically nothing to help you. He makes a mental note to tell someone about it back in the SMP…. And even though he has memory problems, this is one thing he cannot forget. 
On the other side of the SMP, Philza, Techno, and Ghostbur have done it. They’ve cracked it. They have figured out how to bring Ghostbur back to life and to bring back Wilbur. The three make the plan and tell no one, especially not you. (Yeah…. They don’t even realize that you and Tommy aren’t around rn lol) They want to make sure this works before they tell anyone. So they do all the prep and the work and then they perform the ritual. They perform it in a cave somewhere just a little bit away from Techno’s house so that absolutely no one would know where they are or what they were doing. They begin just as nightfalls. Carefully completely each step and making sure they’re doing everything just right, knowing if they fuck up one small thing it’s over and they won’t be able to get Wilbur back. The three complete the final step and wait…. Nothing happens. “Fuck!” Techno curses, his eyes falling to the book, “We did everything right! It should have worked!” “Techno calm down, we’re all upset but at least we-” Philza doesn’t get to finish. All of the sudden a bright light floods the room. The light? It’s coming from Ghostbur. “Uhh guys?” the ghost questions in fear as he is levitated off the ground. Philza and Techno cannot look at him for fear of going blind. Ghostbur is unsure of what is happening but then the shredding pain fills his body. A scream rips from his throat as his whole form begins to physicalize. The skin begins to become real as the bones, blood, organs, and all other internal body parts forms. All memories that Ghostbur had forgotten flood Wilbur’s mind as his whole life flashes before his eyes, reminding him of everything. It only lasts a few moments more before the light fades and Wilbur is dropped from the air. His body hits the ground with an extremely harsh thump. He feels the impact and lets out a groan. His whole body is sore… But he’s there. He’s real and most importantly he’s alive. “Wilbur?” Philza asks hesitantly. Wilbur lets out another groan. The two standing men share a look before rushing to his side. They kneel beside him and gently reach out. Don’t tell anyone but tears threaten to fall from both men’s eyes, Philza and Techno’s, as their hands actually are able to touch Wilbur and they don’t go through him as if he were a ghost. They gently help him from his side to laying on his back. At the movement, Wilbur opens his eyes and is met with the tear laced ones of two of his family members. “Hey guys” he manages to croak out, “how’s it going” “Wilbur” Philza breaks, a tear streaming down his cheek before he lurches forward and wraps the boy into a warm hug. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” the older man sobs to his son. “Shhhh,” Wilbur calms his father, “It’s okay Dadza. I wanted it. You did what you had to do. It’s okay.” To the two’s surprise’s Techno’s buff arms wrap around the two and join in the hug. “It’s uhhh… it’s good to see you Wilbur” Techno grumbles, not really liking the emotion that had built up in his chest. Wilbur let out a soft laugh, “Good to see you too Tech.” 
The sweet moment is broken by someone calling Techno’s name a little ways away from the cave. At first, they elect to ignore it, but then the voice calls again, this time for Philza and they can tell now that whoever it is, is panicking. So the two help Wilbur up and gently help him out of the cave. They look out over the snow and find Ranboo there, standing on Techno’s front porch. “Ranboo!” Techno calls out causing the tall boy to turn around and then run at them. “Techno! Phil!.... Is that Wilbur? Like actual real Wilbur? He’s alive?” Ranboo asks, his tone still slightly panicked. “Yes Ranboo… It’s a long story but to sum it up we managed to bring Wilbur back to life… Now why are you here and why are you panicked.” Ranboo’s eyes shift back to Wilbur and gulps, “I knew you weren’t going to like this… But now you’re really not going to like this… Dream is hurting Y/N and Tommy…” All three, especially Wilbur, snap to attention at that. “What?” Wilbur asks harshly. Ranboo gulps and nods before diving into his story. He tells them about your exile and how Dream has been treating you two, blowing up your stuff and even physically harming Y/N. He tells them that Dream has the two convinced that nobody cares about them anymore. The three go stiff at that. Have they all been so focused they really missed all of this? Well time to go right some wrongs. It is almost as if all ache and tiredness left Wilbur’s body at the thought of his spouse being hurt, especially at the hands of Dream. He straightens up and takes a few steps toward Ranboo, “Take them to us” he speaks, his tone pretty damn dark. Ranboo nods and quickly turns around and leads the three men back to the exile spot. 
Back in exile, you and Tommy built a house… Logsted! It wasn’t exactly your taste, but it made Tommy happy so you lived in it together. You had woken up, actually feeling kind of good. The bruises and nicks on your face had slowly begun to heal and Dream hadn’t hit you in the past three days. You had a nice dinner last night, you and Tommy had found some chickens and made a small chicken farm a little ways away from the house so that way Dream couldn’t easily find it, but point is you had chicken for dinner… that’s what I was getting at… I’ll move on. So long story short, you were feeling good. The sun had risen and so Tommy and you were just kind of waiting for Dream to show up so you could get the daily blowing up over with. And like clockwork, he shows up, but for some reason he’s angry. For the past couple days he’d actually be pleasant to be around, greeting you asking you how you’ve been. But today was different. He slammed the door open and begins digging a hole in the middle of Logstedshire… That’s really weird. He was going to blow up the stuff inside the house? No way. But he points to the hole and you know he wants you to dump your items in. You move to the hole but don’t throw your stuff in, “Inside the house? Can we please go outside, I don’t want to ruin our hard work” wrong thing to say. A growl escapes Dream’s lips as he reaches forward and slaps you hard across the face, harder than he’s ever slapped you. It is enough to make you dizzy, but you don’t even have time to recover because his hand is in your hair, yanking it back forcing you to look at him. “You stupid bitch. You would think that after all this time, you would have learned by now… I mean you were doing so so well. But it just seems that you never learn your lesson… Guess I’ll have to teach you yet again.” And he pulls out his sword and points it at your stomach, ready to slice you again. Just as he’s about to harm you, the door swings open again and someone stumbles in. They lean against the doorframe with their hand grabbing the top of the frame. You can hear Tommy let out a gasp and you watch Dream’s eyes widen in fear. “So Dream,” an all too familiar voice calls, “What’s this about hurting Y/N and Tommy now?” And then you’re let go by Dream. You crash to the ground, fall flat on your ass, but you manage to scramble to a stand as you stare at the door frame in complete... Shock? Amazement? Fear? You can’t tell. You’re husband, Wilbur, is standing there in the flesh. Literally in the flesh. He’s alive again and you cannot believe it. “Wilbur” Dream stutters out, “You’re alive? How-” “That doesn’t matter, Dream. What matters is the fact that you’ve been hurting Y/N and Tommy… We can’t have that. So now what is going to happen is I’m going to take my family back to L’Manberg and you are never going to hurt them again,” Wilbur announces, moving ever so slightly further into the room. Seeming to have recovered just a bit from shock, Dream actually retorts, “Or what?”. Two more people enter the house and it causes Dream to blanch even further. “I think you know what… now run along.” Not wanting to risk it, Dream takes off running. 
Once you’re sure he’s gone, you allow yourself to speak. “Wilbur?” You whisper out, still not sure if this is real or if you’re dreaming. Wilbur’s attention shifts to you and he completely soften. “Hello,” he greets with a soft smile on his face, taking a few steps toward you, “Have you missed me?” Deciding you don’t care if he’s real or not, you rush forward and throw yourself into his arms. You, like Philza and Techno, almost cry at the feeling of your body’s connecting. He’s here. He’s real. And he’s alive. His arms wrap around you and hold you to him so tightly, you almost can’t breathe. But you don’t care. You’re hugging your husband. You’re actually hugging your husband. “I missed you so much, Wilby. I mean we had Ghostbur but it wasn’t the same. I missed you,” you mumble into his shoulders, the tears slowly falling out of your eyes. His hand comes up and slowly pets your head, in silent comfort and reassurance. 
After a few minutes you pull away slightly, “How are you-” You’re cut off by his lips pressing against your and you cannot help but melt. It has been months since his passing and this was just the absolute best feeling in the world. You kiss back with so much passion it makes your head spin, this time in a good way. It’s also probably the only time ever his brother’s didn’t fake vomit at the sight of you kissing. You only pull back to catch a breath, but right as you breathe in, Wilbur’s lips are back on yours. The process repeats a few times, before you manage to breathe out a “Will,” causing him to pull back, but leaving his forehead resting on yours and his lips just hovering above yours. “Yes my love,” he mumbles to you. “Can we go home please” you ask, not wanting to be here at Logstedshire any longer. He gives you a warn grin, leaning the inch forward and kissing you once more before giving his answer. “Of course my love. Let’s get out of here.” 
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maibi · 3 years
Join The League
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Dabi x Reader
Summary: guilt you had been building up inside of you was all a waste of your time and Dabi tried to comfort you
A/N: I have no clue why, but I have a feeling this is a little bith different than what I usually do,, tho I hope you enjoy it!!!
“Join the league”, Dabi said as he held a dagger against your throat while laying on top of you.
“Never”, you spat with a smirk.
Dabi was always trying to convince you to join the league, but you always refused. He had acknowledged your power and found out that he wanted you and only you to join his team. He did his very best, going measures he didn’t even expect himself to go just so you could say yes to him. You always declined his offer, so naturally he didn’t ask it that much anymore. Though not in a nice way anymore. He’d challenge you and he said if he’d win you’d join, but you never agreed to those terms. He just started a fight and you always won, though a part of you was almost convinced he made you win on purpose.
Besides, you were already part of a group. It wasn’t a really known one, but it gave you the feeling of not being lonely and that was something you needed. Being completely alone was dreadful for you. 
“Then you are a sworn enemy and I'll have to slice your throat now”, he said playfully.
“I’d love to see you try”, you whispered as you inched your face closer to his, your throat brushing against the metal blade.
You shot your head back the second he tried to slice you with it, creating an opening to attack him back. You pushed his shoulder hard with your free hand, making him lose balance. You gave him another push in his chest and he fell on his back, allowing you to escape his embrace. 
With quick motions you took a blade, hidden around your hip, and pushed your way on top of him. When he tried to lift his equipped hand you pushed it back down with your foot, not caring about any imprints or bruises it would leave behind. with a swift movement you placed the blade against his throat. 
You inched your face closer to his, breathing heavily. “You’re putting up quite the show. Entertain me the same way next time, will you?”
You slashed the blade in the ground next to his face and stood up. But before you could escape his embrace he pulled you flush against him. “Why not entertain you now?”, he whispered, placing his hands gently around your neck to pull you closer.
You had grown quite accustomed to this kind of behavior that you didn’t even show any form of reaction to it anymore. It would be you glaring at him because he’d always, in some way, make everything sound so sexual.
“Come on, don’t ruin the mood”, he said as he smirked, halting his movements.
“I will cut that smirk off of your face”, you said while trying your best you wriggle yourself out of his arms. 
“Hmm, I’m quite interested in that”, he said while bringing his grip to your waist, making you jolt slightly. 
“Go get your dick wet somewhere else”, you said as you were finally able to release yourself from his grip. His flirty behavior has been something that didn’t go unnoticed. He’d be like this all the time, but even if you didn’t like to admit it, you secretly enjoyed his flirt and teasing habits. 
“You make me crazy”, he said behind you with a laugh.
“I know I do”, you confidently said, not turning back to look at him.
“Join the league”, he randomly added again.
“Perhaps in your dreams”, you said before really leaving him there and turning around the corner to have yet another exploring day in the city to clear your head. 
It was every time you saw Dabi that he was provoking you in some way. No matter the occasion he would be all up in your business when in reality you had nothing to do with him. He was part of the league and you were part of your own little group. But he was certain. He was certain that the two of you would be an unimaginable strong team. He strived for power, is what you thought. But you had all the power you needed, so he was just a luxury you didn’t want to afford. He would be the start of a mistake you didn’t want to make.
You actually wished you could join his team, but working in a duo wasn’t really something you looked up to anymore. You had made that mistake once, so it wouldn’t happen again. And declining his offer, in your opinion, was the safest option.
You would walk down the street as if it was yours. Walking as if you didn’t have a care in the world, when in reality everything and everyone reminded you of a certain someone. A certain someone you didn’t ever want to be reminded of. But everything reminded you of your mistake in the past. Everything made you remember every piece of guilt you have inside your body. Everything and everyone, except Dabi.
It wasn’t as if you cared less when you were with Dabi, no, he just made you forget all of the mistakes you made and all of the things that made you feel any sort of guilt. And maybe that was just the reason you enjoyed being around him. Because in the end you did it all to just make you forget everything.
You walked inside your hide out, hours after you walked around the city and hours after your encounter with Dabi. The last thing you were expecting was to actually see him, yet there he was right in front of you. He was bent over a still laying body, his left hand around this person’s throat and fire spreading all over his right arm, ready to plunge an attack on the immobile person. 
It wasn’t shocking to see Dabi doing this kind of stuff. It was the villain life, just like you had experienced till now. Stuff like this was bound to happen and wasn’t really ever stopped.
You tried to make out whoever it was trapped under Dabi, but the pillar standing right in front of their face was making that quite impossible. Out of caution that it wasn’t one of your team mates you called for Dabi. 
“Dabi?”, you said questionable as you walked closer. “What in the world are you doing?”
His head shot in your direction and you immediately regretted asking him. His eyes screamed murder and for the first time in your life, you were terrified of him. You knew what he was capable of and pissing him off was always last on your list. His eyes bore inside of you as if it was you that had done something wrong and unconsciously you took a light step back.
questions were flooding in your brain, but no answers were given to them. What exactly was the reason behind Dabi acting this way? What caused him to look as if he was about to ring hellfire upon whoever was laying under him. 
“I need you to leave right now”, Dabi said in a calm, yet serious and stern tone. 
“Now”, he repeated with with an even more serious look, making your insides turn. But you didn’t give in.
“I’m sorry but I cannot do that right now”, you said as you walked closer to Dabi and the anonymous person. “I need you to calm down for a second.”
The motionless stranger saw this as an opportunity and with all he got, he pushed Dabi off of him. You saw reds and yellows cover your vision  and you didn’t need to think twice, or double check to know exactly who that person was. Your stomach twisted, your heart dropped and you swear that if you weren’t able to hold yourself back you would be passed out. But the only thing that came out of you was a deep inhale, almost a gasp, as your hands flew over your mouth.
“K- Keigo?”
The person you had sworn was dead. The person who’s death was supposedly your fault. The death that had eaten you alive, drowning you in guilt. The person you had once loved had died, but was right in front of your eyes now. No injuries and very much alive.
Your legs gave up on you and your hand flew to wall, trying to maintain yourself upright. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest, you could feel the throbbing pain in your head. Your head felt fuzzy and with every blink you were trying to reduce the triggering feeling in your eyes. “This can’t be true”, you whispered over and over until your arm was thrown over ones shoulder.
When you looked up you saw Dabi helping you. “I told you to leave”, he said concerned. His voice was low and his murderous eyes disappeared, leaving him with only an anxious expression.
You looked up again only to be met with the one and only Keigo Takami, also known as dead pro-hero ‘Hawks’. His eyes screamed guilt, but not even that could make you think of a reason for him to do this. For him to play such a dirty joke.
You slowly pushed Dabi away from you and walked closer to Hawks. Dabi reached for your arm to stop you, not wanting you to take a step closer to him. But you brushed it off. You knew what you were doing, but at the same time you didn’t.
You halted your movements when you reached him and you searched his face. 
He didn’t hesitate when he came closer and he also didn’t hesitate when he pulled you in his embrace. You just stood there, hands to your side and face lifted upwards as you tried your best to not let out any tears. “You were supposed to be dead”, You said as your voice cracked. 
“But I’m not”, he said while he pulled you closer, closing off any space that was left between you. That until Dabi placed his hand between the two of you and pushed Hawks’s chest. “That’s enough buddy”, he said as he looked through hooded eyes. “Don’t cross the line.”
“Let’s go, this isn’t good for you”, Dabi said as he turned you around and made you walk to the door.
“I still love you.”
You halted again. A shiver went down your whole body and negativity triggered your brain. “You still love me.”
It came out more as a statement than a question, because if he truly really did love you, then why did he leave? You turned around, face and eyes red. “If that is to be true, then why did you leave?” You walked in his direction again. “Why did you make me go through all the hardship alone?” You whispered while tears were running down your face. “I had no one. I had no one but you. But you left and I blamed myself for that. I ate myself alive with guilt because I had thought it was all because of me. I thought you had died because of me. And you still have the audacity to come here and tell me you still love me after ditching me”, you said the last in a whisper as you were barely a few inches from his face.
You hit him weakly in the chest. “You left me all alone”, you said as you hit his chest once more. Your head dropped, tears were flooding down your face and you softly hit his chest repeatedly. When you hit him one last time, he rested his hand over yours. “I know I did, and I am so sorry. But I had no choice.”
Your head shot up. “No choice?” you said with a crack in your voice. 
“You were a villain and when we got exposed I had to fake my death for our own goods. Only the higher ups knew about me not being dead”, he said as he tried to hold your hand. His hands were shaking, but you were sure it was because he was scared. Scared of whatever reaction you were about to give.
You pulled your hand away from his grip. “So what? Were the authorities suddenly much more important? Much more important than the lives you have taken? I can’t forgive you, no, not when you are putting the blame on me. I lived my life like this and you accepted that. How can you expect me to accept the things I resent?”
“But if you had changed we could have figured this out toge-”
Blue flames covered your vision and a sudden heat made you lean back. Your back pushed against Dabi’s body and his free hand wiggled his way around your waist. His grip was firm so you allowed your weight to fall on his as your legs were giving up on you. 
The flames had died down and Hawks was nowhere to be seen. The building had enough broken windows to let any bird escape, even the bigger ones.
You tried to stand upright, but it was particularly hard to do so. But Dabi’s grip didn’t loosen on you, so you once again allowed yourself to rest against him. 
His other hand creeped around your waist and he held you like he never held you before. His hand touched your bare arm, and it was still warm from usage of his flames. It calmed you down. His head rested in the crook of your neck and he slowly pulled both of you to the ground, giving up all the support he gave while standing and letting you calm down on the ground.
He inhaled deeply and you could feel his breath on your neck and his heartbeat against your back. His touch felt intoxicating and you drowned yourself in his warmth.
Every memory of Hawks ran through your mind and your hand slowly went to your collar. You felt the necklace. It had a dove pendant and Hawks had given it to you. And he had said “Hope the wings will remind you of me every time you see them”. And you hated how it really did remind you of him every time. You played with it for a while until Dabi spoke up. 
“Did he get you that?”, he asked as his hand made its way to the necklace holding both your hand and the pendant in his hand.
You slowly nodded your head.
You felt his grip loosen on you and he slowly made his way up to your neck. He fiddled with the chain and suddenly the necklace fell to the ground. You watched as the dirt and dust on the ground had already covered it lightly. 
“I’ll get you a prettier one”, he said.
You let out a breathy laugh. “Will you make sure it has a tiny flame on it?”, you said as you rested your head against his shoulder and moved your gaze upwards, meeting his eyes. 
“However you want it designed”, he said in a whisper. His hand creeped up to your cheek and he pulled you in.
His lips met yours and you automatically closed your eyes. His touch felt rough yet soft. As if he had been craving this for too long, but still didn’t want to ruin it. 
When he pulled away he searched your face. A smile made its way on your face and you let out a laugh. “Exactly how long have you been waiting to do that?”, you said weakly.
He didn’t answer and a smug smile creeped on his his. “No clue what you’re what you’re talking about.”
But he did, he knew exactly what you were talking about. But his words alone wouldn’t be able to express the way he felt for you so his actions were his only approach to successfully show his feelings. He wasn’t good with wording his emotions, but words weren’t really something you needed to understand each other. 
“Join the league”, he said silently asked. 
You inched closer to his face, stopping right before your lips could meet. “In your dreams”, you whispered at him. 
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raahosh · 3 years
Type: Cassian x reader.
Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Summary: Mornings with him, I think.
Warnings: Some smut and fluff.
Authors note: I’m working on something with more plot but it’s being slow because my creativity those days it’s punishing me for some reason. I hope you all enjoy.
News: I’m not sure about this one but it’s in my drafts for a long time, so I thought about finishing since I ran out of creativity.
His face was between your legs, he grabbed your thighs with his two hands, one in each thigh, to make yourself stop moving. Actually, he loved seeing you squiring but sometimes it wasn’t helpful and you would squeeze him with your thighs. Not that he didn’t like it though.
The way his tongue worked on you was a blessing, for sure you’re already dead and sent to heaven without noticing and, by the way he looked at you, he was enjoying it. A final moan came out of deep down your throat, short after your orgasm took the best of you and now your legs were shaking slightly. 
“It’s funny how I can’t get enough of you and in the morning... Darling, you’re a blessing in the morning. I love the sight of your tired face moaning for me.” he blinked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“I always knew you were a pervert, I can’t even find a good explanation for why I survived when the bond clicked.” You shrugged and then giggled.
Today would be a long day, both of you had so many things to do. Cassian would go back to the Iryllian camp and you had to talk to Tarquin about him sending forces to Tamlin’s territory, since the High Lord of Spring refused any help from the Night Court. 
Yes, it would be a long day.
Cassian’s body went up to meet yours again, his mouth involved yours with much ease and he tumbled his head to the side a little to fit the kiss better. Your hand met his hair and you kissed him back with the same attitude. It was lazy, following the rhythm of his fingers trailing your body until it got to your intimacy. 
The pace was slow, his two fingers got inside you in and out gently. He broke the kiss with a bite on your lips.
“So, tell me again, what are you going to do today?” His voice was low.
He actually knew where I was going, he wanted to provoke, like always, just because the Summer Court was your ex’s one.
“Don’t try me, you-” That’s when he fasten the pace and his fingers started to fuck you harder, still slow, just more deepen. “You know wh- Can you stop teasing... Fuck, Cassian.” You pressed your head against the pillow biting your lip hoping it would stop you from moaning. But now you were panting.
A smile spread across his face, he knew he won this one.
“I love it when you can’t finish a single phrase, you look so vulnerable. Isn’t like you can bring me down with a kick.” He giggled and then slowed. You felt a kind of relief but then missed his fingers going faster.
A couple seconds later you heard a knock on the door. “I swear to God, Cassian, I’m going to kill you” It was Mor’s voice.
Cassian didn’t stop though, if it wasn’t enough he fastened the pace again still looking deadly into your eyes as someone saying “shut up or I’ll make you do it”. You arched your back and tried to regulate your breath, thing that later you realized you couldn’t.
“May I know why?” He didn’t do much afford to respond.
“You better be downstairs in 10 minutes.” She said and then she left.
“Ok, so, it seems that our morning fun is about to end.” His face went back to between your thighs.
Yeah, I assume he meant what he said because he wasn't as lazy as the other one, delighting the sight of you squirming and all, he was being more intense and concentrate on what he was doing. He gave it his all in this one, and you were cumming all over his face again in seconds.
“Oh, I didn’t know you’d cum like this.” He cleaned his face with the palm of his hand.
“It’s not my fault, now let’s go, we have to take a shower.” You saw a smirk on his face. “No, no, no, we have to be quick. I don’t know you but I’m not the one wanting to irritate Mor.” He looked at you with puppy eyes. “You’re not worth anything, right? Ok, come on but I’ll say it’s your fault.”
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Just So I Could Call You Mine - Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader part 3
A/N: It's finally here!! I'm sorry the wait was so long but I'm hoping it'll be worth it. I'd just like to thank @ya-boi-is-dead for the inspiration for this fic. Please enjoy:)
Warnings: Swearing
*** = time skip
Word Count: 2744
Things with Aaron had been going great. After the incident at Rossi’s, we decided to take things slow but, us being who we were, fell right back into the pattern of things. Most weekends were spent with each other whether it was going for coffee, a stroll in the park, or (more often than not) we just stayed home enjoying each other’s company once again. We tried to hold off from telling the team to start with as we didn’t want the pressure of them knowing to somehow hinder things but trying to hide a relationship from a group of profilers is like trying to hide from an unsub behind a glass door. Impossible. When they all inevitably found out, Aaron got an earful from the lot of them considering how things went last time, but I can honestly say, he’s not going to hurt me. The one person we’ve decided it’s absolutely essential not to tell is the mega bitch herself – Haley. I can’t risk Aaron losing Jack for being in a relationship with me, I’d never forgive myself. So, while Haley knows me and Aaron are back on good terms, everything else is hidden from her.
I jolted upright as an alarm sounded right next to my head. I fumbled around beside me trying to find my phone to shut it off. As I pulled my phone towards me, JJ’s name flashed in my face.
“Oh my god finally, where the hell are you? Is Hotch with you?” She said sounding frustrated.
“What do you mean?” I replied, my voice heavy with sleep. As I was talking, I felt an arm snake around my waist pulling me backwards. Aaron buried his head in the crook of my neck, sighing happily. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to hang up the phone, cuddle up to him and just stay there forever. However, this being my life – that was not going to happen.
“You were meant to be here half an hour ago. Hotch has a meeting this morning that starts in 20 minutes and neither of you are anywhere to be seen.” JJ explained. That woke me up. I looked at the clock. 10:00. Shit.
“Aaron.” I jabbed him with my elbow causing him to groan while pulling me closer to him. “Aaron, seriously wake up. We’re so late. You have a meeting today.” I hissed. He shot up right.
“What?” He looked at the clock. “Fuck. What happened to the alarm?” He asked, rushing to get out of bed.
“I don’t know, we must have forgotten to set it.” I replied. “Okay Jayje we’re on our way, we’ll be there asap. See you soon.” I said hanging up the phone. Aaron tumbled into the bathroom, pulling his trousers on before grabbing his toothbrush. I pulled my shirt over my head whilst frantically trying to find my hairbrush.
“I can’t believe we let this happen.” I called out, trying not to laugh.
“I know, I could’ve sworn I set the alarm.” He replied.
“I mean we were a bit, well – preoccupied – last night.” I joked. He shot me a smirk before his face dropped.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I was meant to take jack to school today. He has a late start and Haley said she couldn’t make it. But I’ve got to the get to this meeting.” He dropped his head in his hands.
“Where is he now?” I questioned.
“He should still be at Jess’s, he stayed over last night.” He replied, doing his tie up.
“Well, I can grab him if you want. I can afford to be a few more minutes late to the office.” I offered. He shot me an uncertain look.
“Won’t that look a bit strange? If you turn up they might think somethings going on” he said. I stepped closer to him.
“I can just say I’m doing a favour for a friend. I’ll even throw in there that the rest of the team were busy, so I was a last resort if you want.” I suggested. He chuckled at my words but still looked hesitant.
“What’s on your mind Aaron?” I placed my arms round his neck as his gravitated towards my waist. He sighed.
“I just don’t want to risk things going wrong again. I don’t think I could handle losing you again.” He confessed. My heart melted. It gave me comfort to know he was serious about us this time.
“I get it. But I can promise you this. You are not going to lose me again, okay? I’m in this for the long haul. Not even the queen of manipulation herself can take me away from you.” I said, cupping his face in my hands. A smile graced his lips, one that I only ever saw at home. One that made me feel safe.
“But if you want me to call Emily and ask her to pick him up, I will.” I continued.
“No. I want you to go. Jack loves you anyway.” He replied before pulling me into a kiss. It was a whirlwind, one that I never wanted to break from. But considering neither of us had left the house yet – I was forced to.
“Okay, come on we need to leave.” I said grabbing my coat and heading outside. I gave him a quick kiss before jumping in my car and heading to Jess’ place.
The ride there was relatively quick considering I’d stayed at Aarons, and she only lived about 15 minuets away. I knew Jess quite well, and we got along. She’d never had an issue with me unlike her sister. But I couldn’t help from feeling slightly anxious as I knocked on the door. However, the last thing I expected was to see was the person I’d been trying my best to avoid.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Haley questioned, raising her brow at me. I swallowed nervously. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t intimidate me. I mean she’s the human equivalent to a chihuahua – mouthy as fuck but tiny. I just didn’t want to say anything that might jeopardise Aaron.
“Hey Haley, I’m here to take Jack to school. Hotch was running late for a meeting and didn’t think you were available. The rest of the team were busy, so he called me.” I said calmly. She looked me up and down, judging me heavily.
“A likely story. You’re not his mum you know, just because your suddenly all friendly with Aaron.” She said applying as much emphasis as she could onto his name. “It means nothing outside of work.” I could tell she was trying to provoke some type of reaction out of me, but me being the stubborn bitch I am, wasn’t about to give her what she wanted. Instead, I opted for a more entertaining route.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry.” I gushed. “If you ever thought I was overstepping I’m apologise, that was never my intent.” I said my voice oozing with as much fake soppiness I could handle. She rolled her eyes before walking away.
“I can’t believe he still tolerates you” She muttered. I’m assuming she was referring to Hotch. Before I could think on it any longer, Jack can bounding towards me.
“Y/N” He called happily.
“Hey little man” I replied bending down to wrap my arms around him. The happiness this kid brought me was insane.
“You ready for school?” I asked standing back up.
“Yep. We’re making decorations for the class today. We’re having a party on Friday” He replied, beaming up at me.
“That’s amazing buddy. Let’s get you there right away then shall we?” I replied.
“Okay. Bye mum.” He called before grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the car. I didn’t get a chance to see Haley’s face as we left but I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head. Well, that was fun.
The rest of the day went fine, despite the rushed start. Luckily Hotch had made it in time for his meeting. We didn’t have a case today, so it was a pretty lazy day. I spent most of it either pestering Emily or gossiping with Garcia. I guess, technically, there was some paperwork I could’ve been doing but my ideas were so much more fun.
“I’m telling you now Garcia, I swore we’d set an alarm.” I said between laughter.
“Well, it’s nice to know he’s satisfying you this time round.” She quipped.
“Hey, satisfaction was never an issue” I replied. Her eyes widened mischievously.
“So” She begun. “He’s good in bed then?” She asked, twirling her fluffy pen in between her fingers as she leant back in her chair.
“Pen, I love you, but I’m not discussing this with you right now. We’re in a professional workspace.” I said, a fake authoritative tone laced in my voice. She shot me a look of pretend annoyance but before she could say anything Emily burst through the door.
“You alright there Em?” I asked turning to face her.
“You guys might wanna come and see this” she said before turning and walking back out the way she came. I swapped a confused look with Garcia before getting up and following Emily. The team was stood in the bullpen, not-so-subtly starring into Hotch’s office.
“What’s going on?” I asked Spencer. He just gestured at the window. I looked up and saw a very pissed off looking Haley standing in front of an equally pissed off Aaron. They were having a rather heated debated (argument) by the looks of things.
“Why is she here?” Garcia piped up. “We don’t know. She just showed up and barged in.” Derek replied. I felt my face flush red as my heart sunk.
“Hey.” Spencer nudged me with his elbow. “What’s wrong?” He questioned.
“I think it’s my fault.” I muttered. This caught the team’s attention, but before anyone could ask me about it, Haley stormed out of his office.
“No, I’m not having this Aaron. This isn’t fair” She yelled.
“You’re being unreasonable. I was running late, and you said you were busy. What did you expect me to do?” He replied, aggravated. Fuck, this was about me.
“You could have called anyone else. Not the woman who’s been trying to squeeze her way into my son’s life. She’s trying to replace me god dam it.” I felt the team’s eyes on me, but I refused to look at them. Aaron glanced at me before replying to Haley.
“You need to quit the bullshit Haley. Y/N knows full well that you are Jack’s mother, and she would never do anything to undermine or replace you. Stop trying to pin this all on her when she’s been nothing but nice to you.” He’d finally had enough of her and I’m not ashamed to admit that I was glad. It made my heart swell with pride to hear how he was defending me. That feeling didn’t last long as Haley’s shrill voice pulled me from my thoughts.
“Nice to me?? Aaron have you lost your mind?” She stepped towards him, placing her hands on his chest. This pissed me off. I went to go forward but JJ grabbed my arm.
“Do you not remember what she did? The phone call? She told everyone about you Aaron. I wouldn’t do that to you.” She blinked up at him, clearly trying to win him over. That was enough.
“No, you’d just shag some other guys behind his back wouldn’t you Haley” I called, shaking JJ’s hand from me. I walked up the stairs and stood next to Aaron, who’d pushed her hands away at this point.
“I would never do that. Aaron, listen to her spinning these lies about me.” She protested.
“Seriously Haley? Come off it. You’re making yourself look like a right twat. We all know you cheated, and we all know your just trying to ruin everything good in Aaron’s life because your bitter that he has a life outside of you. So just accept that he’s moved on and leave.” I said, trying my hardest not to yell at her.
“Honestly.” She scoffed. “At least I didn’t expose his secrets to the whole team. You might want to work on keeping your mouth shut. As well as your legs, it’s not attractive to sleep around the office you know honey.” She shot. It took everything inside of me not to smack the bitch right there.
“First of all, stop with the fucking lies okay. I told Aaron what really happened with that phone call. The fact that you tried to turn my own boyfriend against me purely to satisfy your own crazy, possessive fantasies is the most delusional fucked up thing you could have possibly done. He doesn’t love you anymore. When will you get that into your thick skull” I yelled. Safe to say I’d lost it. Haley just starred back at me, unable to talk. “Nobody wants you here. Grab your shit and get out.” I spat. This seemed to snap her back into reality. She shifted her eyes from me to Aaron.
“You are never going to see Jack again.” She hissed. She turned to walk away but I stepped in front of her.
“What was that?”
“I said he’s never going see jack again. I’m taking him to court and making sure I get full custody. If he’s choosing to side with you, there’s no way in hell I’m letting my son be in his life.” She explained, her tone was viscous.
“On what grounds are you going to take him to court for?” I pressed. This caught her off guard. “No please do tell me. Because as far as I’m aware, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Aaron has done nothing to prove he’s a bad father or should be denied custody. He has a house, a clean background, a stable career – I mean hell, he probably earns more than you. So, think about it, do you really want to kick up a big fuss for something you probably wont even win?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to string a sentence together but her words fell short. “Exactly. Now, Aaron will be picking Jack up later and we will bring him home tomorrow. Now, leave.” I concluded, a satisfied smile on my face. Haley glanced from me to Aaron, dumbfounded, before grabbing her bag and storming out. As soon as she left, I heard clapping coming from down below. I looked down and saw Derek grinning proudly as he applauded me.
“WHOOOH!” He called.
“Look at you go girl” Penelope jeered joining in. Soon enough the whole team were clapping and cheering up at me. I laughed at them, suddenly becoming shy. All Of a Sudden, I felt an arm snake around my waist, turning me around. Before I could process anything, Aaron had cupped my face in his hands and crashed his lips to mine passionately. My head was spinning. As cliché as it sounds, the rest of the world melted away as I allowed myself to get lost in the heat of the kiss. It was laced with nothing but love. Eventually, we pulled away from each other, but he pressed his forehead to mine. He wore a boyish, heart-warming smile on his lips.
“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.” He whispered. The sincerity in his voice shocked me.
“I-I love you too. I’m sorry to have caused a scene I just couldn’t stand to see her all over you like that and she was-“ I rambled but he cut me off by placing a finger to my lips.
“Shh. You did nothing wrong. Thank you. For everything.” He replied. I pulled away slightly and grinned up at him.
“Anytime love, anytime.” We starred into each other’s eyes for a moment longer. His arms round my waist, mine around his neck – just basking in our love for each other for a brief moment.
“Um guys, this is cute and all, but could you just get a room or something?” Rossi called, causing us all to laugh.
“Come on.” Aaron said, lacing his fingers in mine. “Let’s go home.” I’d never felt happier than I did it that moment. The moment I knew I’d be with him forever.
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