#i think hes kind of unlabelled for the time being which i really love
potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year
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macdenlover · 3 months
i’ve been thinking a lot about dee’s sexuality compared to dennis’s and I wanted to reblog this post with my thoughts but it would end up a being like a mile long so I’m dumping it here!
lesbian dee is probably one of the more “far fetched” headcanons i have (in the sense that dee hasn’t canonically shown interest in women at all) but i think it’s still a fun idea to explore because it doesn’t really take away from or water down anything previously established about her in canon and narratively it still draws from the intention of her character.
the crux of dennis’s and dee’s characters boil down to chasing a sense of power to repair the damage left from the emotional neglect in their childhoods— dennis obsessively trying to reach a distorted internal image of perfection, and dee constantly seeking out some sort of external approval. her relationships with men have always been shallow and fruitless, mostly just a series of one night stands to stroke her ego, kind of like dennis. the difference is dennis’s string of one night stands are way more about the journey than the destination than they are for dee. he gets off on the foreplay and the success of his own slimy methodology— it’s a different itch to scratch than the validation that dee craves, this lifelong desire to be wanted by someone even if she doesn’t want them back.
it’s also impossible to ignore the gender roles of it all. dennis and dee parallel each other a whole lot but it can never really be a 1 for 1 comparison. there is no direct parallel you can make for a character like dee, in her circumstance as a woman constantly surrounded by men who’ve been belittling her her entire life, who then desperately winds up craving approval from men in the form of sex. I think viewing it through the lens of comphet adds suchhh an interesting layer to it. would i love to see her canonically hook up with a womanthe waitress? of course. is it ever gonna happen on the show? probably not god please please please please i’m going to beg 8000 times.
now as for dennis. i firmly hc that he’s bi/unlabeled (in the sense that he’s bisexual but he thinks he’s too special to call himself bisexual).
he’s always had a more complicated relationship with queerness as an identity than he has with homosexuality itself, considering how weird he was about mac coming out, and the big speech he gave above mac’s obsession with labels. but he seems to be perfectly fine openly admitting he has a system to attract men and how much he loves putting his balls in dudes’ mouths. he’s not in denial about his attraction to men the way mac was, and i don’t think he’s had any reason to pretend to be sexually attracted to women if he wasn’t. he doesn’t value the respect of women enough for that, he’s really just in it for the puss.
speaking of which, something i think a lot of people forget about/ignore when analyzing these characters is the fact that they’re meant to be puppets for the show’s satire. the choices they make with these characters is meant to say something about the world, so i think viewing a character who’s primary traits surround his predatory behavior toward women as secretly gay just ends up saying the wrong thing?
ultimately it boils down to how much of the show’s intentions you factor into the way you see these characters but my general rule of thumb has been having as much fun as i can without disrupting the canon :)
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fatuismooches · 7 months
Hi, uhm, i'm someone who has been lurking around for a while.. Mostly because i'm far too awkward to ever interact directly, but i've decided to gather the courage to ask.. Or, rather share my thoughts
I just had ACL reconstruction surgery with my meniscus as well, and i am in absolute horrible discomfort/pain, i've been entertaining myself with what my favorite characters would do to support their s/o after a similar situation, yk.. For comfort,
Dottore finding different medicine to block the pain, or recording the progress made every day.. Actually he probably did the surgery himself..
Pantalone using his wealth to buy products that would ease the pain, medicine.. Moving his desk into his s/o's room just to monitor them himself.. Or something like it
Capitano helping his s/o with mobilisation, getting around or just being a pillar his s/o could depend on, all fluff.. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read that, i'd like your thoughts on it..
-unlabeled anon (for now)
Dottore would never trust anyone else to handle something so important, as both your doctor and your lover he is more than capable of taking care of you. You're thankful for this, knowing you're in skilled hands, but of course, you still can't help but be scared of undergoing surgery. Dottore, not being the best with these matters, would just hold you and reassure you that it would be over before you know it. Unfortunately, for all of his skill, he still can't exactly stop the pain afterward, but he still tries to find a solution. He is not a scholar for no reason. He would experiment with different mixtures and formulas, not resting until he managed to make something that's better than the last. Which you know of but can't exactly stop him from overworking, but with enough begging you can convince him to take a break and cuddle with you. During these breaks, he would always question you regarding your current state, which you love him for, but you would still like to have a normal conversation with him! The segments as well, they always pop in regularly to check in on you. They make sure you're comfortable and have your needs met in as many ways as they can. Zandy too, he would be more than willing to be your little helper and at your beck and call. Not wanting you to strain yourself.
Pantalone would spare no expense if it meant you could feel even the slightest bit more comfortable. Of course, he consults with only the best of the best to get the best possible recommendations. He certainly doesn't see a problem with spending his money this way, even if you feel a bit guilty he's spent this much on you again (not just the medical stuff, but also numerous gifts and services he has provided for you) but Pantalone would always shush you by kissing you. You're his lover, it's only natural that he makes sure only the best. And he will see to that. Pantalone usually likes keeping his work life away from his personal one, so as to focus all of his attention on you, but this is different. Good thing the bedroom is big enough to fit his office stuff. He also doesn't let Fatui agents come in so as to not bother or disturb you (though they are panicking over how to relay messages to the Harbinger, he gets a lot of papers slipped under the door for a while.) He keeps an eye on you more than you think, you don't really know how he multitasks like that but you're thankful regardless.
Capitano would initially be scared to hold you - you're weak right now and he's scared of accidentally hurting you. But even he can see how much you need him right now so he manages to get over his fear. He's super gentle with you, it seems uncharacteristic of a man like him but he can't help it. He wants to help you as much as someone like him can, even though he's wholly inexperienced and awkward with such things. Capitano would kind of be a large guard dog with the touch of a little puppy, he's a silent man in general so many times you find him staring at you silently as if to ask what he can do to ease your pain. Another one who's at your beck and call except he's not the best but he's learning. He's the one who has made a whole checklist and reads it off in the same voice every day, it honestly gets comedic eventually and then he's confused why you're giggling. All in all, he's not used to being so gentle, but he's always willing to do so for you.
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didyoupainthis · 1 year
I’m gonna say this might be controversial only because I’m blatantly comparing Mileven and Byler but I’m gonna say it now, this isn’t me comparing them in a Mileven vs. Byler way. It’s just what I’ve always inferred about the differences between them based on what’s shown. I’m also someone who only watched ST for the first time last year so I never had any kind of attachment to Mileven which I think makes it easier to notice things imo
I feel like the biggest difference between Mileven and Byler is that Mileven gives teenagers that like each other and Byler gives teenagers in love. I do personally think Mike is probably gay (I say probably because realistically I think he’d just be unlabeled) but he clearly wants to like El because apart from him believing it’s what she also wants, it’s also just what he thinks is ‘normal’
I don’t think Mike and El being actually in love was ever something that we were meant to believe in the first place because the writers have never done anything to show that they are. They’re a typical teenage couple, they’re typically shallow and they’re forcing themselves to bring up ‘love’ because it’s apart of dating. The two have never actually had any heart to heart moments ever since they got together. Every moment they’ve had alone together since S2 haven’t really been meaningful or romantic at all when you break them down; The scenes of them making out, El saying she makes her own rules after Mike said he doesn’t like her spying, Mileven reading the M&M ingredients for reconciliation, El deciding they’re together again, Mileven fighting about love and then the SBP conversation that actually didn’t have a clear topic and was eventually interrupted by Argyle
In comparison, Byler has the love already without even being together. They’ve already passed all the stages at this point, developing their feelings slowly over time but they just never went through this together. They both have had the time to work out their feelings and what they want on their own
I still remember when Caleb said Lucas and Max’s love is real unlike Mike and El’s, that was honestly iconic but also very true. Mike and El clearly love each other but I just don’t think their whole romantic relationship deal was ever supposed to be perceived as ‘deep’ I would say. They’re not each other’s person and they know that. I don’t think El is gonna be finding her person anytime soon for the sole reason that romantic love isn’t even what she wants, nor is it something she was ever ready for. She wants to be loved and she is. She wants to be her own person and she is
And Mike wants to be needed by someone and loved for who he is, despite his insecurities. He wants to feel equal to this person and this person is Will
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mangosaurus · 3 months
Hi! Love your jwcc fanarts! (Hope u don't think my question is to annoying lmao 😭❤️)
I wanna ask u what do u think about that theory abt Ben gf being a catfish? Maybe one of that people that have been hunting them idk. Some posts claim it's actually Brooklyn trying to keep herself updated about the whole situation?? TO MUCH THEORIES
Also if the gf is actually real I'm curious about your opinion. Like I saw a post saying that Ben could be Bi, Pan, etc, but really, I am bisexual myself and there is no bi subtext on that boy... and it's not like they suddenly are gonna officialize he is bi/pan, or give him this type of subtext at this point of the franchise. Is not cool when people call "bi/pan" a media trying to avoid dealing with a character queerness. It's just painful that people think this is a real way of portrait of a bi/pan experience. It's not!!
AW thank you so much! i know i haven't posted much art lately but it still makes me really happy to hear that people enjoy it. and your question isn't annoying at all, don't worry about it :) i love receiving and answering asks, it doesn't matter what they're about
the more time that passes the more plausible the catfish GF theory sounds to me. if i had to guess, ben probably met his girlfriend online, possibly through dark jurassic (which a lot of the fandom seems to be in consensus about). as for it being brooklynn ... not too sure about that one! i've mostly treated it as a crack theory up until now, if just because of how absurd it sounds on paper, but i wouldn't put it past brooklynn to pull something like that. keeping in touch with ben is probably one of her only links back to her friends, besides her contact with ronnie (who is only partially connected to darius at this point, since he quit the DPW). i'd recommend giving these two posts by kitabearuwu a read if you're interested in exploring that theory further.
now if the girlfriend is real: i obviously can't speak for you or other bi/pan/otherwise mspec people, but i've come to not care all that much, if i'm being honest. it was definitely a shock to hear, as was the intended effect, since darius, sammy, and yasmina all initially reacted with surprise. but my question is what harm does ben having a girlfriend in chaos theory pose? like, does it play into any negative stereotypes? does it communicate a dangerous message about queer people? i've seen some people argue that it perpetuates the notion that mlm relationships are "icky" and shouldn't be portrayed in media, but i have to disagree, respectfully.
i think it's also really important to remember that subtext is ... ultimately kind of subjective, and is totally independent of the creator's intentions. that's the whole point of subtext—it exists below (hence the prefix sub-) the underbelly of the text. you have to be looking for it to see it, basically. and for a long time, the fandom (or at least the queer part of the fandom) subtextually read ben as gay! a lot of that had to do with his rather intimate interactions with the other boys, juxtaposed against the way he rejected yasmina when he thought she had a crush on him ("i like you, but i don't like like you ... i'm just now starting to find myself"). but ... i don't know, if we want to start citing text, you could also argue that ben's whole thing about not putting him in a box circa jwcc s5 could be a point towards him being generally unlabeled, which leaves room for him being mspec.
if i had to make some definitive statement on the matter, i guess it'd be that this fandom gets really bogged down by the specific labels of these characters, when it's really not all that necessary. this is still a gay show made by gay people featuring unapologetically gay characters in explicitly gay relationships, of which has been some of the best gay rep i've ever seen in media. and having that kind of representation on TV matters more to me than knowing what ben specifically identifies as, even if it doesn't align with my headcanon. it doesn't have to! but i also don't know for sure if it doesn't align with my headcanon, because we haven't gotten the full story yet. ben's girlfriend is most likely gonna be of some importance, given that he mentioned her twice without going into much detail about her. that leaves a lot of room in future seasons to expand upon who she is and her role in both the greater narrative and ben's life specifically, including his identity. i just think it's best we reserve judgement at this point, basically
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
Sorry if this has been asked before but thoughts on ace and/or aro spec Eddie? Because it is near and dear to my heart. Especially with everything we’ve gotten both on screen and in interviews from Ryan.
I have not gotten this question before!
I would like to preface this by saying that I am not aro/ace so I am speaking in what my understanding of the asexuality spectrum is from my ace friends, so i apologize if I misspeak or say something that is not entirely accurate to the experience of ace/aro people.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own interpretations of fictional characters, and I am never going to tell someone they are right or wrong for their interpretation of a character’s actions. However, I personally don’t view Eddie as aromantic, and if I were to place him on the asexuality scale, I would place him more towards demi-sexual than completely asexual. We know Eddie enjoys sex, but he still has a very complicated relationship with it when it comes to the women he has been with, and that could be for a myriad of reasons.
Of course one of these reasons could be that Eddie simply thinks he enjoys sex bc he grew up in a repressive religious environment where he was probably to scared to feel any other way, meaning he could very well be asexual and his seeming enjoyment of sex could be an act he puts on to ignore the part of him that he is repressing.
As a gay eddie truther, I believe this idea partly bc I believe he is trying to convince himself he is into women because that’s what he grew up to be taught that men should be attracted to women. However, I could see this being a pathway for Eddie to be introduced as somewhere on the asexuality spectrum, my personal belief being that he would lie more towards the demi end.
As far as him being aromantic, i personally don’t see this. I think we have seen plenty of times from Eddie that he craves that connection with someone but he actively sacrifices his own desires because he thinks he has some obligation to finding a mother for chris. I feel like what Kim said to Eddie in 7x9 about Eddie having too much love to give is true because he so badly wants to be in love with someone for himself, but he has convinced himself he can’t gave that because he views Christopher needing a mother figure as the more important quality in his romantic partners.
All of this to say, these are just my own thoughts and observations. I am obviously biased as a gay person who relates deeply to eddie for many reasons, and so my interpretation of his actions/words are through that lense. It’s hard for me to really see him as anything else, but just because that is my interpretation does not mean it is the only interpretation or even the right or wrong one. Until we get some form of confirmation from canon that Eddie is queer (which i think is very very very likely to happen this season) all we can do is speculate and theorize based on our own personal interpretations of him as a character— and i think that goes along with Ryan’s quote about how much he loves that such a wide range of people can see themselves in Eddie; and i think that no matter what, he is such a powerful and complex character that no matter what sexuality he ends up being confirmed as in canon so many fans of different sexualities and gender identities will still be able to find that deep connection with him and that is so beautiful to me.
I hope this answered your question! I love getting to have these kind of deep talks that dive into the complexities of human sexuality and all the nuances that come along with it (which is why i almost love the idea of them making Eddie unlabeled even though I personally perceive him as gay!)
I hope you have a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are! and thank you again for the ask 💕💕
(again, apologies if anything i said misrepresents/misunderstands the aro/ace spectrum, it is not my intention to say anything that is incorrect, but I am not well-versed in the aro/ace spectrum aside from my ace friends)
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comradeboyhalo · 10 months
I know I've said this so many times before, but it is just so comforting to see your posts about love and other people agreeing. Because I thought I was weird for almost immediately wanting to put a fic down when the romance was there, with labels of "boyfriend, girlfriend, husband." It’s like I don’t understand how the other qsmp ships work 😭 But the fact that skephalo just seems to always be there... It was just natural that they could go against the world together without anyone pushing a label on it. All that mattered was their unfailing love for the other and their natural friendship that went above that. In the qsmp they already have a history together! They've been with each other for centuries and know they have been together in past lives. Bad adores Skeppy.
For me, I don't really know how I feel about 4halo? I liked it a lot in the beginning because Forever was one of the few people that had the same views on the eggs that Bad did. But it just doesn't feel like it’s going to work? Bad and Forever have such different goals, and especially with Bad... I don’t think either will change. I like starhalo because they're just fighters, both to attack and protect. It just seems a lot softer than 4halo, I guess, but that's only because that ship got sucked into political drama. 4halo has the AMAZING jealously that I love, but it’s just missing something; like both characters know it will end up being a fling. But Etoiles has been so kind to Bad throughout his memory loss, teaching him to fight again, being patient... Idk, it’s strange. I almost miss it when there was no other Bad ship but Skeppy, I didn’t realize how narrow of a box Bad sat in o_o
(also sorry for the long ask. Just adding that I feel like if Bad killed Forever, that might be a schism in their relationship, while Etoiles would just admire it. But I don’t know, I haven't followed 4halo very well)
thank you for the long ask :D also disclaimer: everything i talk about here is more about viability in canon rather than enjoyment of ships. two different things! obviously i enjoy all q!bad ships through both a shipper lens and an analyst lens.
unlabeled relationships resonates so strongly with q!bad, especially given both his species and his aromanticism, which makes everyone pushing him towards a "typical" romance feel off (i wrote an analysis a bit ago on how qbad's aromanticism is treated on the server opposed to cbad, even if its a bit dated).
4halo's dynamic changes a lot, and it's hard to predict where they'll end up, and that makes them fun (happy pills 4halo is my favorite). there definitely is a certain type of inevitable "doom" with them, though. they'll never end up wholeheartedly trusting each other, but they'll love each other regardless. this ask was sent before yesterday's stream, where forever took care of bad, which goes to show how unpredictable they can be. they really do have a soft side, its just that they always seem to fail to fundamentally understand each other. and when all of q!bad's relationships are "tiered" in some way, this makes a committed relationship, whether platonic or romantic, difficult. forever has such a big heart and bad is so guarded. their relationship does come off of uneven in these unbalanced values, while a relationship like aypierre/bbh does not because pierre simply doesn't mind how paranoid and distrustful bad is. (but, again: that's what makes 4halo more compelling. q!bad is sick in the head obsessed yet is still so restrained around him.)
i really enjoy starhalo, but i cant really see bad striking up a committed, trusted relationship with etoiles. they're both warriors, but they're values are different. etoiles is honorable: he defends the weak, he likes fair fight. bad is a bit more desperate, a bit more brutal. he fights to survive and he takes delight in killing. he likes to win. he needs to win. etoiles obviously enjoys seeing this side of bad come out (in a way many islanders do not, like you said) but i cant help but wonder what would happen when these interests come into conflict. etoiles is to bend his morals to save friendships, but bad won't do the same in return.
and there's the issue with q!bad ships: bad is willing to cut everyone off if it means saving those he holds closest to his heart. and so every ship with him will inevitably crumble because he will choose if they're not up there. he would choose dapper over skeppy, even. and if skeppy comes second to the eggs, then how does it feel to be third on his list? fourth? fifth? how many people can stomach being in a relationship with someone who already knows how expendable you are to them?
again i love shipping im a huge shipper, i love romantic q!bad ships a lot. but there's a reason he fits into an us-against-the-world, unshakeable, all-consuming, unlabeled love, as opposed to the more typical romance progressions you see from fitpac/bagina/spiderbit. there's a reason all q!bad ships have some level of toxicity, while many ships without him do not. he's an all or nothing person, and finding someone who will wholly give him his heart, and wholly receive his heart back, will take a lot. so far, the closest is still presumably q!skeppy (which could still change if he were ever on the island), and that is due to thousands of years and lifetimes together. to have someone else take that place...well, we would have certainly known by now.
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lilacs-stash · 3 months
hey I wanted to ask. how do you think balloon being aroflux (in your headcanons, at least) impacts their relationship w the rest of the grand slams? I know you ship them and I just. I wanted to see the aromanticism elaborated on beyond it just being there for brownie points. (Not to accuse you of anything! I’ve just seen a lot of people slap QPR on them and call it a day, no further thought. I know you’re THE grand slams person, so I know you have thoughts on this, and I’m inviting you to share them!! I’m interested!!)
:D <- just got an excuse to ramble about their HCs
Okay before I get into this I want to mention I myself am not arospec, I do have quite a bit of input from Max who IS aro on this cuz we discuss the grand slams's relationships a lot. But they are also not aroflux. Point is this might not be the most accurate aroflux rep but I am trying 👍
Oh and also please do not they/them my Balloon. She uses she/he.
Since you said grand slams and not "Nickel & Suitcase" I'm going to start with the most simple one. Baseball. They aren't partners 👍. Post show they're good friends and metamours. (Now I do have more to say about their relationship just nothing else in relation to how Balloon's romantic identity effects it)
Now Suitcase. They're queer platonic in the sense of "very much platonic and very much partners", as that's the way they come off to me when watching them. I think they probably dated for two weeks or so at the start before realizing that they aren't romantically attracted to each other, which was a part of Balloon realizing he was aroflux. Also I think the two kissed exactly once back when they were dating and then decided it's gross 👍
Nickel. Oh boy this is a long one. I have a older post talking about this but might as well say it again. Okay so Nickel is romantically attracted to Balloon and she's alterousally attracted to him, well mostly the aro does in fact flux sometimes and it ends up /r or /p. (I previously described this as "Balloon's attraction to Nickel is pretty much "Man. I kinda want to hold him."" I now have an actual word for it yay!)
They both more so care about being partners in general, rather then what kind of partners they are. And tbh they probably couldn't describe it if they tried. They're very unlabeled to me. They're not /p or /r or /qp they're just…Nickloon. Yeah 💕
At the start before they considered each other partners Nickel wanted to be in a standard romantic relationship with Balloon (she wasn't out to him at the time) but now the idea of that feels…off to him. He's incredibly happy with how things are and he knows Balloon doesn't want that.
Now some smaller stuff, they tend to call each other more /p stuff. Dude bro, "bud" is the big one (yeah that's just canon). Sometimes you'll get something like babe though. Balloon's not really comfortable with other people referring to their relationship with romantic terms (accept like, Suitcase). So if Nickel calls him his girlfriend that's great if someone ELSE does the same yeah no that's uncomfortable. He usually just calls Nickel his partner or guy and then boyfriend is mostly for being affection directly (ie she'll call Nickel her BF when talking to him as a form of affection but not causally to other people)
Another thing is both kisses and "I love you"s are very intimate for them. I admittedly am not very good at portraying the kiss HC (I just like drawing kisses 👍), but I do genuinely think they only really kiss in private and/or emotional moments. Now of course they say and show each other they love them a lot and in many ways, but directly saying I love you tends to be mostly for when the other needs to hear it. Reassurance type thing. "I love you, you're loved, it's gonna be okay."
Idk how to end this but wow I wonder what Lilac's favorite grand slams ship is
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catboyidia · 3 months
its june so i wanna share my lgbtq+ headcanons for ffvii characters just for fun, starting with the main playable cast:
(except they’re hcs by an obnoxiously trans gay person that projects onto their faves at all times, spoiler alert: they’re all trans and gay)
- cloud: he/him gay trans man - starting off strong with a gay trans guy (i warned that i would be projecting a lot with my hcs in this post) … but i’ve noticed a lot of other people hc/portray him as a trans man too so i know i’m not alone on this one! i cant explain exactly why i hc like this but i just do, probably cause i like him
- tifa: she/they transfem lesbian - i cannot be convinced that she doesn’t like women considering how she is with aerith and jessie tbh, and i like her so i’ve lovingly hit her with the transgender-inator beam out of love
- aerith: realistically- they/them nonbinary lesbian - i have no basis for this tbh except it just seems right to me! as for my actual hc for her (which is a pure projection, pls bear with me) - he/they gay transman - this is purely my own projection because aerith is really like stereotypically feminine(?) in ways that i am also feminine, so it comforts me to think of her like me if that makes sense
- barret: he/him but willing to test out she/her, unlabeled gender that is not quite cis but he’s only now exploring it and hasn’t quite figured it out yet, bi-curious and experimenting - thats so long but i’m not sure how else to describe it, i feel like he grew up all “traditional” and stuff, and then being a single adoptive dad and being a huge part of avalanche, he probably hasn’t had the time to really think about any of it too much or explore his gender/sexuality, but now he can with being surrounded with others that can help him explore, realize it’s alright to be uncishet, and help him learn about these things
- cid: okay i’m not gonna lie, canon wise he gives me major homophobe vibes (maybe its the raging misogyny that makes me think he’s bigoted in every other way…) but ignoring that he/she nonbinary bi - definitely exploring a lot and isn’t quite set in stone about what he is yet but he just knows he’s not cis or het and with those being more broad and spectrum like labels, he feels most comfortable with those over anything else, and he feels like they’re just right for him
- vincent: he/they transmasc gay - i’ll be honest this is also projection on my part because i love vincent a lot and want him to be like me! also he gives me major gender envy…
- reeve (in place of cait sith): he/him transman and gay - again, i just love him a lot tbh, and i feel like he is the kind of guy that knew who he was from a young age and tried to help out other people that are trying to navigate their queer journeys and find out who they are, i feel like reeve would be a major inspiration and advocate for the queer youth
- yuffie: they/them demigirl lesbian and arospec - she’s definitely still figuring herself out but she has very little interest in pursuing romance, but any relationship she can imagine wanting in her future is with another girl
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i had too many just to put in the comments. i dont know how much you wanted so... thats on you.
jason loves heavy metal and plays the drums. he's also gay and in a qpr with leo and piper. hes got a wolf cut and still has some of his wolf-like tendencies, having adopted them from living with lupa at a young age. when he went to camp jupiter, those tendencies dissapeared over time, people telling him that it wasnt normal to eat raw meat or chew on things. but he never quite learned to smile with teeth when he was happy, and growls when hes mad. also i think he has a peircing somewhere. and i think he used to be super jacked, like shredded unhealthy jacked, but when he went to college he had less time to work out and he got some fat around his muscles and he loves it so much, and he looks a lot cuter this way.
leo is aroace possibly gay as well, and loves 80s music, like huey lewis and the news, some billy joel, and some dire straits. he also is obsessed with back to the future (his fave is the cowboy one, bc of his texan roots). on him being from texas, i think he has a little bit of a texas accent, just bc he was mostly raised by foster families in the south. he used to have a spanish accent, but it faded after having spent so little time speaking spanish and being around spanish speaking people. i think he totally wouldve been a band kid except he never had the time and the time passed a long time ago.
piper has lots of peircings, her newest one is snake bites and she always has smudged eyeliner. she likes the cure and is kind of goth. shes a lesbian, but, again, in a qpr with jason and leo and says theyre the only guys she thinks are hot. she loved heathers and totally had a crush on winona ryder. she had an ed bc of how exposed she was to hollywood culture, but shes working on it. she has a tooth gap and an indigenous nose. she has this really loud pretty laugh and she loves to dance.
annabeth listens to arctic monkeys 24/7. shes unlabeled and strictly wears jeans. no jewelry besides her necklace, not even her ears are peirced. she forgets to eat, but only because she gets so engrossed in her work, and percy has to bring her food. at that point its pretty easy, if percy just puts the plate next to her she'll absentmindedly eat it, same with a cup of water. she's got lots of band tshirts too, a lot of them stolen from percy.
percy is a skater boy. he wears baggy band tshirts and sweats or jeans and a couple necklaces and peircings. i think he has an eyebrow peircing and was really tempted to get cheek peircings before realizing that then he would have holes in his cheeks and that fucked with his brain too much to get them. he also wears eyeliner but likes doing annabeths makeup more than his, which he gets to do often, since she could never refuse his puppy eyes. hes got lots of sea animal stuffed animals on his bed instead of pillows. he wore a skirt once and wasnt opposed to them, but eventually decided it wasnt worth flashing people. in the summer he is a strictly no shoes no socks man, can only find him barefoot or with sandals.
hazel is short. thats canon ik but its important. she likes softer music like sleeping at last and music like tori amos. she also likes astronomy and stargazing, and youd think she believes in astrology but she thinks its all bullshit. she likes drawing objects like theyre sentient, not humanoid, but she makes them feel alive, like creatures. she loves stuffed animals too, and is in the process of learning the viola. she still uses old fashipned words (canon) but curses like a sailor and has very modern views for someone born in the 30s.
frank never loses his fat. hes still fat, i hate that they made him all buff like it was a part of his character arc to lose weight. frank is a theater kid. thank you for coming to my ted talk. he likes graphic novels like amulet and nimona, etc. he has a really infectious smile, wide, dimpled and too cute. again, theater kid, though i dont think he can sing very well, but he has fun trying.
i think thats most of it. honestly i got really caught up in it and made up some stuff along the way. if you dont like any of it thats fine:)
Honestly your headcanons are really interesting I never thought about 3/4 of them and I actually like them😄
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havenwithleeknow · 2 years
An art gallery could never be as unique as you
Pairing: hwang hyunjin x y/n
Warnings: none
Tags: slight angst, fluff ending
Song: An art gallery could never be as unique as you by MRLD
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"Noona hide, I saw him!" your best friend jeongin told you and you quickly hide through the clothes in the department store you're in because you both saw the person you've been avoiding for a week now, HWANG HYUNJIN.
You and Hyunjn is stuck in this situationship where you don't know if you guys are friends, more than friends or you're just being delusional and assuming things.
You're peeking at hyunjin if he left so you could go back checking all the clothes with jeongin.
"why are you avoiding him anyways?" he asked while taking the bags in my hands. "I want to end things with him because he just keeps confusing me" I answered. "What happened? It seems like he genuinely like you though" he gave me a confused look "I asked him the last time we went out what are we, he said HE DOESN'T KNOW. I asked him if he likes me but he stayed silent, so I said we need to end whatever we have because I can't settle with that kind of set up" my heart hurts just by recalling about what happened that day.
"That sucks noona, but what if he really likes you? He's just shy to admit it? Or maybe he's waiting for the right time?" There he goes again with his what ifs. "I don't know, Jeongin. If he likes me or not, then he better tell me so I'm not confused. I keep thinking about it every night, are we friends? But he kissed me! Friends don't kiss!" I sighed and he shook his head
"Noona, I got tickets for us for the art gallery next week!" He showed me two tickets but I feel lazy to go so I refused "Noona please go with me! I'll cry if you won't go" he made that sad face which he knows has effects on me. "Fine!" He went giddy until we reached my apartment and bid me goodbye.
I checked my phone and saw that Hyunjin left messages
'Let's talk pls'
'You need to hear this'
'I miss you'
'Answer my calls please'
'I wanna see you'
I ignored his texts and went to bed. I'm sorry Hyunjin, I like you so much but I don't think I can settle in an unlabeled situationship with you anymore.
I am already preparing for Jeongin and I's agenda for today ㅡ the art gallery.
"Noona, you look dull. Go change and put on more make up!" He pushed me back to my apartment to change.
I wanna smack the shit out of this kid, I swear to God.
After I did everything Jeongin said, I came out of my apartment and he's looking at me while smiling ear to ear.
We're here already and it's a little crowded but not so much, just enough for you to wander.
At the end of the hall, there are paintings that caught my attention. The girl on the paintings seems familiar.
Is that me?!
Jeongin saw me and he pushed me towards it, "Go, noona! That's you! Go and see it for yourself, this is why I forced you to come here. You need to see this!" he said while jumping a little out of excitement.
I walked towards it and there's a note at the side
Dear: Y/N
If you ever attend today, I just want to let you know that these pieces are solely dedicated for you. I treasured everything that we had. I hope you don't misunderstand, I like you a lot. I just can't confess because i'm waiting for this right time where I can show you my artworks. Can I be your boyfriend?
Love, Hwang Hyunjin.
While reading the letter, I did not realize that I am tearing up already. "It looks like you liked it, don't you?" a familiar voice behind me said and I turn around and it's Hyunjin. He's holding another painting and gave it to me. "Giving you actual flowers would be cliché so I painted you one" he said. "H-hyun... this is... pretty" I said still sniffing and tearing up. I was so overwhelmed. "I like you, y/n. I hope you give me a chance to prove it to you" he said not minding the crowd around us who have their own worlds. "Yes, yes Hyunjin" I cried more and hugged him. "I'm sorry for not talking to you, I was just really confused." I apologized and I can feel him smiled "It's alright, I understand" we broke the hug and he caressed my cheeks while looking at my eyes. His lips met mine, our lips collided and moved in sync. I put my hands over his shoulders and his hands on my waist, we ignored the world and the people around us.
After we broke the kiss, our foreheads sticks to each other while smiling and said this
"An art gallery could never be unique as you, my pretty"
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metkayina kids modern!au headcanons
he/him pronouns
gay(?), potentially unlabeled
definitely captain of the swim team
he swims for a club team outside of school and does school swim team during the winter season
he’s super fast
he makes states every year for high school
he also made nationals in the 200 IM and the 100 butterfly
I see him being better at short axis strokes but specifically butterfly
very good at surfing
like Lo’ak he does well enough in school to make sure he can still do sports
mostly b’s
Ronal would also probably kick his ass if he was failing any classes
probably good at social studies/social science
like current events, government, and psychology
extremely protective of Tsireya
he doesn’t like when people mess with his sister
hates that Lo’ak and Tsireya are dating but puts up with it bc his priority is ‘reya’s happiness
starts out high school with piece of shit friends
they’re all assholes
eventually realizes that they’re all assholes and starts hanging out with Rotxo and the Sully’s
was a bully in middle school
he got his shit together in high school
loves to spend time in the ocean
always going to the beach to surf or just open water swim
being in water lets him clear his head
constantly smells like salt or chlorine
(coming from someone who swam for 13 years, you cannot escape the smell of chlorine. it follows you and you just have to accept it.)
is always eating in class bc he often has morning practice
closest with his father
got Tā Moko (the tattoos) in his senior year
chose to get his first tattoo across his shoulder and the left side of his chest
(technically because the tattoo is on his body instead of his face, it is defined as Kiri Tuhi instead of Tā Moko which is traditionally reserved for the face only.)
in public, he has the same music taste as Lo’ak (rap), but secretly loves the same kind of music as Neteyam
started dating Neteyam junior year
worships the ground Neteyam walks on
she/her pronouns
although i could see her using she/they pronouns so whatever floats your boat
honestly, i'm kind of in my pansexual Tsireya era bc i feel like that fits her vibe
she for sure does cheer
i'm thinking she probably did swimming when she was younger but quit in middle school
does competitive cheer
goes to that comp that's at disney every year
probably a flyer
bodies backflips
also surfs bc her whole family does but isn't as into it as Ao'nung
she's super good at school and gets all a's
Ronal is so proud of her
prefers her elective classes and her best subjects are creative writing and sociology
she loves her older brother so much but definitely thinks he can be an idiot sometimes
(especially when he had feelings for Neteyam. oh lord she was so annoyed with him for not confessing.)
has really amazing friends
super nice to everyone
i swear, everyone she meets loves her immediately bc she's such a sweetheart
started dating Lo'ak freshman year
at first, everyone didn't really understand why she was dating the 'outcast' boy, but once they saw how well he treats her, they immediately understood
puts on lipgloss constantly
loves kpop and will force everyone around her to listen to it
thinks Tûk is the cutest kid ever
is absolutely getting into crystals and astrology bc of Kiri
Lo'ak keeps finding rose quartz in all of his hoodie pockets
(he also found three in his backpack. he knows why they're there and every time he finds one, he gives Tsireya a kiss to remind her that she doesn't need crystals for him to love her.)
very close with Ronal
only lets her family and close friends call her 'reya
(Ao'nung is the only one allowed to call her 'ray of sunshine' which was his childhood nickname for her.)
she has so much love to give
(i just love Tsireya so much.)
gets her Tā Moko before she goes to college
he/they(?) pronouns
possibly he/him pronouns
definitely not straight but idk what his sexuality is
(i feel like he doesn't either which is a mood.)
has major bi wife energy
does basketball with Lo'ak
definitely did swimming as well but quit in fifth grade bc he saw the basketball team practicing at the YMCA and thought it was so cool
also surfs
lives with his grandmother for sure
i also see him as having older sisters who are 10 or more years older than him
like at least two bc he gives off the 'i'm a man who's been raised by only women' vibes
also v good at school
i'm thinking mostly a's but a few b's in his weaker subjects
people may find this surprising, but i see him being good at art
he's the best when it comes to sculpture and pottery as well as other 3D art
loves making bowls
also good at making jewelry
sweet as hell and everyone was always wondering how he was friends with Ao'nung in middle school
definitely a gentle person
good with kids
he falls in love very easily and when he does, he becomes very lovesick for that person
it was so obvious that he had a thing for Kiri to the point that even she knew
he didn't have the guts to confess until their junior year tho
close with Ao'nung and Tsireya's family bc there are no kids his age in his family
has nieces and nephews that he sees very regularly
got his Tā Moko with Ao'nung
(they're in the same grade and Kiri and Lo'ak are the grade below. just to be clear for this headcanon series.)
decided to get his tattoo over his shoulder and chest as well
(to reiterate, this would technically be considered Kiri Tuhi in the Māori tradition as Tā Moko is traditionally reserved for the face.)
Rotxo is a wonderful guy
he's just so pure
i want to give him a hug
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negrowhat · 2 years
FWB vs. Fuck Buddies vs. Unlabeled Boyfriends
Let's get into the FWB trope in BLs and how the "Benefit" part is always just falling in love. And it's never even both of them falling in love, it's always one that's basically already in love from the beginning and just afraid to admit it because they don't want to be rejected.
Let's get into the fact that most of these cases are actually just the main characters being Fuck Buddies and not FWB until proven otherwise and by otherwise I mean boyfriends without a the label. I lean more towards Fuck Buddies because Friends With Benefits means they have to start off being friends first and most of these situations start between people who are not friends prior.
I say Boyfriends without the label because these "Fuck Buddies" are usually monogamous with each other and spend all their time together and comfort each other and express feelings of fondness for each other and protect each other and....that is very much the opposite of a Fuck Buddy.
Anyways here have some examples:
Win and Team from Between Us. I mean they never established themselves as anything but still carried on a sexual relationship throughout the series as things got complicated between them. Highkey they are the most true to the intended purpose of Fuck Buddies. They actually were part of all 3 categories, but like in succession. They started off as Fuck Buddies but became friends so then Friends with Benefits and then found themselves in that limbo of wanting to be boyfriends but too scared to admit it.
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Kaeng and Puth from Y-Destiny. I mean technically they started off as Fuck Buddies who were actually both playboys. They didn't really have a real friendship outside of the sex; they ran in different circles until those circles collided when their friends paired off. Kaeng has always wanted something more but Puth always denied it. We saw Puth in contact with some of his conquests and even tried to get a boyfriend. But on the backend he was secretly catfishing Kaeng through texts to flirt with Kaeng and profess his feelings of love.
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King and Uea from Bed Friends. Our most recent example of how this trope is just in name only. Although they are trying the hardest to make it true to the term until you factor in King's behavior towards Uea outside of the bedroom and the fact that Uea wants them to be monogamous sex friends. King clearly just suggested a sexual friendship because he wants to get closer to Uea and at this point for Uea it's more about adding some comfort and control into his otherwise depressing reality.
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Tharn and Type from TharnType the Series. All the toxicity, messiness and homophobia highkey made me forget they started a sexual relationship first and then became FWB and then Type had his whole crisis before they became boyfriends. Despite all flip-flopping around they do in fact fall in this trope.
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Some honorable mentions to:
Fah and Sher from Fahlanruk which I started but didn't finish because Fah was really not a likeable character. But they both carried on hella sexual conquests aside from each other which was what they both loved to do but then Fah kind of forced Sher into a FWB thing because he wanted Sher to himself.
Friendzone s1 and s2. That series was a mixed bag of FWB, cheating boyfriends, fake friends, and all the other messy odds and ends young adults find themselves mixed up in.
Only Friends. It looks like it's going have multiple FWB storylines that all intertwine. It's going to be messy and I'm very excited for it.
ANYWAYS this post actually had no real point other than to say...I think I want a series where FWB or Fuck Buddies actually just stay that way until they both move on separately and we see the process of how they make a clean break from each other intimately and move on. Is there a something like that out already? Let me know.
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charcubed · 2 years
A lot of people refer to Cas as "gay," which I think is awesome and everything. But I personally always considered him more as "queer" for a number of reasons, such as:
angel genders and vessels are very fluid. Would he still be considered "gay" if he were in a female vessel, and in love with Dean? Also, there are several times in the series where Cas appears to be attracted to women (some ppl don't consider these moments valid for Reasons™ which is fine. But I do.) He also seems, in my opinion, to only be romantically interested in Dean, and I think this would be true if Dean were female. So that would make Cas closer to demi.
Point is, I recently saw a post on sm that was like "reminder: Cas is GAY. He's not bi, pan, or unlabeled, he's gay and that's not negotiable."
I consider myself queer and a huge Cas fan, so it was weird to see my interpretation of a character I know really well and relate to just be invalidated like that.
And I just kind of wanted you opinion, cuz I know like in Dean's case, seeing him as anything other than bi is pretty clearly against canon.
But is the same true for Cas? Is it wrong to see him as an umbrella "queer?" I know Misha calls him gay, which I love and respect, but I don't really let my interpretations be dictated by actor opinions. I feel like canon supports a much more fluid interpretation of Cas, but I'm just wondering if I'm wrong for that, in terms of what canon supports.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. Thanks for your thoughts in this fandom I love them
Hi!! Thank you for the nice words and for wanting to know my thoughts on this. I appreciate you :)
Sorry it took me over a week to finish this. I kind of started it, realized it was probably gonna be longer than I’d expected, and then added to it in pieces when off work so as not to half-ass it.
Also, I want you to know that I think you absolutely rock for this message. The fact that you have a strong personal interpretation or strong feelings about what your view of Cas' sexuality means to you, while being open to hearing arguments for what canon supports, is exactly the kind of nuance too many people in fandom lack. Huge fuckin shout out to you, anon, because this takes both guts and brain cells!
I have two primary threads of thought I'm going to address here, as well as how they criss-cross:
I agree that Cas' canon sexuality is a slightly different topic than Dean's canon sexuality. Dean's bisexuality is not unclear/unambiguous, and there's no wiggle room there; he's frequently attracted to women, he's frequently attracted to men, there's bi lighting, it's all not rocket science. Cas is a bit more ~ambiguously queer~, so advocating for fandom maintaining a unanimous hard stance on his canon sexuality is... a little trickier. In that vein, the "reminder" post you mentioned seeing feels too intense in my opinion for the nature of this particular conversation/topic.
That being said: from an analytical standpoint, I do think the strongest argument to be made based on canon is that Cas is gay and demi.
Since you seem open to it and asked for my thoughts overall, I'm gonna break down point 2 before circling back to point 1. Quick reminder/disclaimer that I'm not trying to invalidate you or your personal connection to Cas with anything I'm about to say, so please keep that in mind <3
You mentioned how some people don't consider Cas' moments of being attracted to women as ~being valid~ and said you disagree. That's fair! At the same time... in a nuanced fashion, that's where I land on it. I also think the show took care to ultimately build to and portray a full picture with all of that factored in, and to talk about that I kinda gotta go into detail here, because it's one part of a bigger piece. I’m not trying to turn this into a comprehensive meta deep dive, so I’m going to talk about this in a sort of summarized way but not go too far into breaking down any one point or analyzing any one scene. Hope that’s cool.
Let’s look at Cas’ biggest “moments,” as it were, with women. Or the ones I would guess people intend to reference.
First up: there’s Meg. We’ve got the “pizza man" season 6 kiss, the season 7 arc of Meg watching over Cas during his mental break, and season 8 when Meg sacrifices herself.
The season 6 "pizza man" kiss, to me, really plays into the overall mood of Cas' curiosity as he explores and tries to understand human behavior. He watched porn and was intrigued/confused/aroused, Meg kissed him partially to get at his angel blade (not a euphemism lmao), and then his curiosity kicked in so he kissed her more thoroughly because the opportunity was there. Those scenes are all connected, and he doesn’t have much of a reaction after the kiss. Then, season 7 is a whole suitcase to unpack, but… the bottom line there is that Meg treated Cas with decency when he was vulnerable in every sense of the word. And then in season 8, Cas undeniably had a fondness for Meg by the end, and they were friends... but I don't read it as him having an attraction to her or romantic feelings for her. I do not mean this as shade or hate to anyone who ships them, but my reading on that dynamic overall is that I do think Meg felt something for Cas in terms of both attraction and feelings; and while that makes it all a bittersweet tragedy, it also doesn't mean things were reciprocally non-platonic. She was into him, but he seemingly wasn’t into her in the same way. After Meg’s death, Cas also never asks about her or mentions her or has any reaction at all to her being gone–something that would have been very easy for them to incorporate with even one mention if they'd wanted to or considered it foundational. (For example, mentions of Dean's relationship with Benny are recurring throughout the show, lending its non-platonic nature and its significance for establishing bi Dean even more weight.) Season 8 Megstiel content is also placed narratively right up against the Destiel content, and the contrast of that is–of course–pretty stark. That was likely deliberate. Cas’ feelings for Dean are unavoidably, unmistakably at the forefront.
Then you've got season 9. A newly human Cas–who was given the heteronormative suggestion by Metatron to "Find a wife. Make babies."–gets seduced then killed by April, all of which is traumatizing dubious consent galore. Then you’ve got Cas thinking he's being asked out on a date by a woman in 9x06 as he’s trying to figure out his life as a human. He even says this explicitly to Dean: “Going on dates… that's something humans do, right?” He is doing what he thinks he’s meant to be doing as a human, but is that action based in genuine desire? That line implies the answer being no. Contextually this is, of course, set against the jilted lover vibes he has with Dean in that episode. And then in the season at large, Cas becomes focused on his overall mission–a search for purpose, which (as Metatron helpfully points out later) becomes oriented around saving Dean.
Season 10 is up next. Hannah is very clearly interested in Cas, but Cas is a giant question mark in the face of all of her interest pretty consistently. In all honesty, the way Hannah comes onto Cas—the construction of the scenes—feels like it was intended to show that Cas isn’t interested in women. Half the time he doesn’t clock her vibes, and the other half the time he awkwardly avoids acknowledging it. This culminates in her standing in front of him naked in the clearest signal she can give… and as he says, he’s ~not bothered~ by it. He’s just... well, he's gay. Lmfao. And speaking of the naked Hannah scene in 10x07, something I personally find highly amusing is that that naked scene is immediately followed by Dean enthusiastically making out with a woman. It’s a smash cut with a very pointed contrast, in my opinion! I was very struck by it.
So that's my mini tour (with imperfect recall) of Cas' Moments With Women in the story and how I feel they're positioned.
And to touch upon the idea of contrast a bit further… With Dean, there are ample moments and instances where he canonically expresses (joyful or uncomplicated) sexual attraction to women, and/or romantic love for women throughout the show. This is why his canonical attraction to women should never be in question, as part of his bisexuality. But with Cas... I don’t personally feel we have a scene of his where we can unequivocally say the same. There are always story elements at play that indicate complex motivation, or when a woman (or woman-shaped being? lol) may be interested in him there doesn’t seem to be genuine reciprocal interest on his part. The absence of a clear scene establishing he’s unequivocally attracted to women doesn’t mean he couldn’t hypothetically be… but there are no significant moments that convince me that that’s the case in canon. Instead, I think the picture these layered moments paint of Cas and his sexuality is solidified as the story progress–as part of how his sense of self solidifies and emerges story-wide in kind. By that I mean: the shades of how he reacts to Hannah are there in his reactions to Meg’s interest years prior, but in season 10 they feel more clear because by that point he understands himself better (especially after his time as a human) and has formulated his identity as a person more than he had, for example, in season 6.
The secondary part of this though is the queercoding attached to Cas–which is, by and large, gay coding. (There is also more contrast here in comparison to Dean's bi coding in that regard.) By “gay” coding, I mean… Dean describes Cas as having "sensible shoes,” which is gay slang/code, though more commonly used in reference to lesbians. Cas uses female pop artists for his aliases, which is a wink/nod to stereotypes of gay men—a pattern that’s established in later seasons concurrently to the Destiel narrative taking even deeper root. The specific micro-agressions (and outright aggressions) Cas is subjected to by others—as he's clocked as being an outsider who doesn't fit and for being in love with Dean, in ways that are often tangled together—are traditionally gay story devices at play. And I'm also fond of the seeming significance of Cas' conversation with Pastor Joe in 15x15. Cas asks the Pastor what he means by people of "all backgrounds," being welcomed, and the Pastor says, "Connor didn't have to live in fear of who he was. A gay man who believed in a tolerant God." And Cas says, "Well, I imagine not everyone was happy with the change."
In terms of why I say he’s also demi… Cas is seemingly never ~interested~ in anyone but Dean. Now, part of that is of course a byproduct of the storytelling structures he's given. But nonetheless, his singleminded focus on / interest in / devotion to Dean feels unwavering in its totality. Even as Dean stops looking to date other people in later seasons because he knows he’s fallen in love with Cas, there’s still references to or nods to his attraction to men and women as a significant part of who he is. But unless I’m forgetting things, Cas just… doesn’t really seem to have that embedded into his character. He's got an emotional attachment to (and "profound bond" with) Dean, and his attraction to and love for Dean is part of its natural extension. That’s where the demi reading comes in for me, but it’s certainly a side note / asterisk to him being gay, which I think is the prime part of his identity the text deliberately points towards overall.
Regarding Cas' gender and how that may affect any part of this discussion... Is Cas non-binary? Well, in the show overall, angels are obviously considered ~celestial wavelengths of intent~. We see the fluidity of angels in different gendered vessels, and one could say the angels' primary gender is sort of "genderless" as default. Sure. But... at minimum, I feel it's implied that Cas comes to feel at home in a male vessel's body, and in what has legitimately become his body. As Dean says, "It's not an 'it,' Sam. It's Cas." And ultimately, I feel the gender question is not really a huge part of the point in regards to how canon presents this queer story to us.
To the question of if Cas would still be "gay" if he was in a female vessel and fell in love with Dean–or even to a question of "what if Dean was a woman" I've seen plenty of other people pose in various contexts–I think it's almost like... a moot point. The homoeroticism of Dean and Cas' dynamic is significant in a multilayered way, and that was true from day one. Their dynamic is very much affected by and built on them being 2 masculine men (or Cas being perceived as a "man" if you want to go that route), both in story and out of it, particularly in Dean's reactions to Cas. And the romance, tension, push-and-pull, miscommunication, coding, and censorship–the latter being a thing that shaped story choices over the years–all exist in a specific way because their relationship is undeniably, visibly queer. Destiel as we know it could not and would not be the same if one of them was in a perceived woman's body. Their interactions would have been vastly different, and thus in my head it's impossible to conceptualize.
Supernatural is also very much a story about the deconstruction of toxic masculinity while maintaining masculinity through a queer lens. This is its own separate topic that I actually have been wanting to make a post about for awhile now (in part because over-feminization of their characters in fandom, especially in ways that lead to apply ill-fitting repression narratives to Dean's canon, can miss several points about this). Those masculinity themes are so centralized because of Dean and Cas' romance and the fact that they are two men. There is significance there, both historically and culturally.
So while maybe Cas would or could identify as non-binary... It doesn't seem like a viewpoint he is particularly aligned with, and it also doesn't feel like a significant element at play in this queer love story. That makes me tip towards saying it's not a huge factor in discussions of exact readings or terminology for Cas' canonical sexuality/identity.
As a side note: to a certain extent, I also find it interesting to contemplate how some of their miscommunication in-narrative maybe extends into the idea that Dean is attracted to women and Cas seems not to be. More than once, Dean tries to bond with Cas through ~typical male~ interests, such as when he takes him to a strip club. Dean being bi doesn't mean he avoids having heteronormativity on the brain lol, and that sort of thing in his experience is usually quick-and-easy guy bonding time, especially in hunting culture. But while Cas learns how to be human in a metaphorical sense from the Winchesters' examples in several ways (both the good and the bad habits/lessons), something he can't/doesn't pick up is attraction to women or how to act on or express that sort of attraction, because it just doesn't seem innate to him. So while Dean and Cas are certainly both queer, to me they exhibit different forms of queer experiences (bi and gay) in characteristics and in story and in coding that add a layer to their dynamic. It's a little bit of a difference between them that they maybe don't know how to awkwardly address with each other, because they often don't fucking communicate, and I can see it contributing to Dean wondering if / how much Cas has capacity to "feel that way"... making him think Cas maybe doesn't reciprocate his desire. Because they're both stupid.
Anyway! Anyway.
Back to the main points:
Let me summarize.
I personally don't think Cas is attracted to women, and that the story points to him going through a journey of learning that about himself as he grows into himself over time. The queercoding in connection to him, such as it is, also rings of being gay coding. Considering we see him primarily or solely so strongly interested in Dean, an argument/hypothesis for him being demi doesn't feel off the mark. And I don't think the question of angelic gender is super relevant to what canon points to in this discussion for Cas specifically, because I do think the m/m nature of Destiel is relevant to their story and dynamic with each other, and by later seasons at minimum Cas is seemingly comfortably "a man" (perhaps even more so than an ambiguously gendered Being).
Is there a stronger or more persuasive argument to be made about the specifics of Cas' sexuality in canon? I'd be open to hearing it, of course, but I just kind of doubt any other argument would be convincing enough to change my mind when factoring in all of the story elements at play.
However. All of this being said:
I would certainly not call an umbrella use of the word "queer" wrong for Cas. I think it is, in fact, very applicable! For one thing, the word "queer" in this instance effectively encompasses a combined gay and demi reading, as an example. For another thing, it's an understandable hat tip that simplifies his various complexities as an angel. It works.
I'm also not die-on-this-hill militant about the use of the word "gay" for Cas because I'm cognizant of how things are not 100% clearcut with him. I do not say this to negate my own analysis, but rather because I can acknowledge the truth of this particular situation. While I do think the above full picture kind of adds up to him being specifically gay, this is an instance where there is room for nuance within it and giving grace to–dare I say it–"interpretations." I personally don't really agree with or particularly feel comfortable considering him bi or pan specifically, given all the factors at play; but it doesn't overtly upset me that others do. For example, he did indeed have sex with April as a human, and I find I can't get mad at people who choose to take his interest in that moment 100% at face value, especially considering the fact that what I view to be his overall "gay arc" certainly has subtlety and room for subjectivity in it.
In conclusion,
I don't know if this post answers all your questions, anon. I don't know if it will help you or make you feel bad for some reason, though I certainly hope it's the former rather than the later! And I apologize for the length, but you touched on a lot of different branches in your message, and I'm nothing if not someone who maps out a whole fucking tree when asked to lmfaaaoooo.
Thank you for your patience as this post took me WAY too long to complete smh. Like what the hell, truly. You're a star, I love ya, and for what little it's worth I do infer that lots of people in fandom (perhaps even Misha) use "gay" as an umbrella word in reference to Cas. (I am sympathetic to your plight if that makes you feel weird though; it's not the same situation by any means, but I will share that I'm suspicious of people who call Dean "gay" even flippantly at this point, because nowadays I don't trust that shit lmao)
Send me thoughts and prayers because the "e" key on my laptop's keyboard has started periodically sticking and it's been driving me insane while working on writing this.
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jgracie · 3 months
im back again and please to 🤍
iv. to all the boys i've loved before
i’m a 5’2 mixed teen! ( proud to be black and el salvadoran ), im unlabeled on my sexuality, i wear glasses plus a little nose stud with black curly hair that is dying sadly 😭.
im a hufflepuff, infp and a april aries.  at first glance, i have a nonchalant expression but once you get to know me, i’m really friendly and kind. been told that i have a big heart and always look for the good in people, im a good listener and often yap about my interests when i get the chance or often bring up memes/tiktoks randomly to my friends to make them laugh.
i’m really into animals, like a lot where I wanna become veterinarian, I’m a big bookworm where I read like 200+ books in my life, writing, daydreaming, and I love love love pastel colors but pastel blue is my all time favorite, i’m quite the hopeless romantic to say the least ! i’m really into music , even being apart of chorus and orchestra which I was pretty good in! i also love the beach, i just love the rolling waves and the salty sea breeze and i jokingly say when I go into the water ‘Poseidon, please don’t have me drown”. 
but I HATE BUGS especially roaches, can’t stand them.. I HATE THEM/ref.  ALSO I LOVE DOCUMENTARIES ABOUT ANIMALS AS WELL!! hope this is enough details for you!!  also idm which gender for the character !
💬 hi omg i loved doing this sm…. ur such a cutie I LOVE YOU 😭😭😭
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omg ok so i already knew jason would be perfect for u because you guys are SO alike imo based on your description of yourself... then i read that u wanna be a veterinarian and decided on workplace romance
you're a cutie vet working at a clinic near where jason lives! and jason has an almost as cute golden retriever who's his best friend. except the retriever got sick all of a sudden
so jason takes it to the clinic where you happen to be working and he's just panicking the whole time because?!?! he's not ready to let go of his bff yet :( but since you're an expert you calm him down and thats when he properly notices you and how pretty you are and he falls in love
he starts bringing in his dog for checkups ALL the time literally becomes a regular even tho the dog is fine now and at first you think he's just paranoid but then you figure out he's doing this as an excuse to see to you more 😭
so you tell him you have your own dog at home and ask if he'd wanna walk your dogs tgt then go to a cafe for breakfast the next morning... he agrees EXTREMELY quickly and adores your dog when he meets it 😣
you're both animal lover hopeless romantic bookworms so i feel like you'd have a lot of shared interests... he engages in your yapping SO well and by the end of this you're bffs 🫡 you end up dating a while later and he's the perfect bf right out of a 2000s romcom... he also kills all the bugs for you! (i hate bugs too UGH so gross)
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can I request a match up for Bungo stray dogs, Sk8 infinity and Haikyuu?
Partner preference: I'm on the Aspec but other than that unlabeled but have mainly had a strong male preference. it doesn't matter that much but long hair and a more sensitive person.
My Appearance: Im around 5'4 ish female with a thin build and an hourglass figure, but rather flat. I have medium curls, dark brown hair with bangs though I usually wear my hair in a bun because I hate it long. I have downturned bluish-gray eyes. I have a condition called Keratosis that heavily affects my arms and legs and a little bit on my outer cheeks. I have veiny hands that are kind of wide, but I have a good grip strength so I don't mind. I always keep my nails short. I wear glasses but cannot stand contacts.
Personality: ISFP-T! (People who prefer the Constant Improvement Strategy are quiet, individualistic, perfectionistic, and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort ensuring the result of their work is the best it can be.) I'm soft spoken and don't usually like confrontations and I will actively avoid situations where I have to do a lot of talking. I'm nervous around strangers and people I haven't known for a while. Even with people I'm comfortable around I tend to let them do all the talking. I'm very adventurous though and I get bored very easily so if I'm with someone and I keep suggesting activities and all they want to do is sit around I'll get bored or insecure about being around them. Simply sitting quietly with someone isn't enough. I have a very open mind though and as long as an activity isn't hurting anyone i'm down to try it! I love to explore different kinds of activities. My main love languages are physical contact and gift giving and a little bit acts of service. I crave to be held or cuddled and I like it when people trace patterns on me. I'm not rich by any means but I love giving things to people because making people happy is really one of the main reasons to make me happy. I hate being alone because my thoughts are so loud and they concern me because I can't help but think of bad things when i'm alone so I like either having someone or something to distract me. I'm not gonna lie- I can get very over emotional and more often than not my emotions tend to control me. I'm a crybaby kinda.
Hobbies: Baking, Reading, Biking and Walks. I love making breads and cookies in particular but there's just something so calming about baking. Reading allows me to get lost in a fantasy- Im am a HUGE Daydreamer. Biking and going on walks is fun. I dont like to be in forests too much because i'm terrified of insects but biking and walking down roads is an activity I do often.
Habits: I bite my lips a lot and grind my teeth. I'm usually not aware of it but it does get painful which is usually when I know I'm doing it. I like biting things. Not like full on biting but soft nibbles and when there's nothing soft to bite on I will bite on my own arm.
Fun fact: I make really good coffee and Tea and Angel Milk. I love hot drinks so I take time to make them and I largely enjoy others trying some drinks I make and I'd love nothing more than to share drinks with someone.
Sad fact: My relationship with my parents is complicated and I often feel scared to be around my family due to constant yelling, screaming, degrading, and emotional negligence so I tend to avoid people with anger problems.
Hi Squeezy! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Poe is a good matchup for you since you’re both quiet people but you can help bring him out of his shell and he will support you unconditionally.
Enjoys taking walks with you. He finds it relaxing, especially if you’re away from people. If you do want to walk through a crowded area though, he’ll accompany you. Just be prepared for him to hold your hand the entire time for comfort.
No need to worry about yelling when you’re around Poe. I don’t think this guy is capable of raising his voice around you, especially since he knows you don’t like yelling.
You’re both prone to daydreaming so it’s not uncommon for the two of you to be sitting next to each other, lost in your respective thoughts.
Always panics a bit when you cry. He never wants you to feel sad and the thought that you might not be doing well makes him almost tear up as well. He’s a very empathetic person.
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Joe and Langa but I think you’d get along a bit better with Joe. Your differences make your relationship stronger.
Loves baking with you! Cooking is both his passion and his career so he enjoys having you in the kitchen with him. Might put some things you’ve baked together on the menu at his restaurant if they turn out particularly well.
Speaking of the restaurant, there’s almost always yelling happening in there, whether it’s in the kitchen during rush hour or whenever Cherry visits. But it’s never directed at you, of that you can be sure.
I think Joe would enjoy going on bike rides with you. It helps train his legs for skating and he gets to spend some quality time with you.
Amazing with giving you physical affection. He has a knack for picking up on when you want to hold hands or get a hug and is more than happy to provide.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Asahi is a good balance of Joe’s more outgoing nature and Poe’s introvertedness. He can match your energy or whatever energy is required.
Will remind you not to bite your lips or grind your teeth whenever he notices you doing it. He can’t stand the thought of you hurting yourself, even if it’s something that simple.
Loves going on “hot drink dates” with you. He knows a lot of cosy cafes around town that make really great coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, so whatever you’re feeling like on the day, he’s got you covered.
Will get rid of insects for you. If they’re particularly large, he might have to psych himself up to it but he’ll deal with them regardless.
Really good at physical affection and words of affirmation. He knows what it’s like to be insecure and wants to support you in whatever ways he can.
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