#i think i get carried away when i talk about food symbolism
foodandfolklore · 10 months
Easy Ways to Kitchen Witch
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If you're new to the craft, or if your path is recently at a cross roads where you're feeling more drawn to kitchen witchcraft, you might be looking for some easy ways to start. So often when you picture Kitchen Witchcraft, you think of elaborate meals of baked goods beautifully decorated. And sure, that can be part of it; but if you try to make Instagram worthy food for every meal, you'll burn out real quick. So how can you Be a Kitchen Witch without braking bank or burning out?
Stirring your intentions
This is going to be brought up any time talking about Witchcraft and Food, so I figured I'd get it out of the way first. The idea being if you want to add energy or personal intention to food, so that when it's consumed the magic activates. A lot of witches swear by: Stir Clock Wise to Add, Stir Counter Clockwise to banish (Get rid of bad stuff in food). I've mentioned this before, I personally don't feel like this makes a difference. Instead, what makes a difference is stirring towards you to add Energy and intentions. Stir away from you to Banish or remove. Which direction is Towards/Away? Whatever way feels right to you.
The neat thing about stirring is you can do it with any food or drink. You don't need to be actively cooking to do some stirring. You can use a straw, a fork, a spatula; whatever. And if you have something that can't be stirred, like a slice of pizza, try turning the plate.
Candle to Raise Power
Any time you're cooking in the kitchen, or doing anything in the kitchen, consider lighting a candle. I have a round candle holder with a lid that I wash and reuse. Just plop a tea light or votive candle in there. Candles are great at heightening the energy in a room, and as someone who's struggled with depression and motivation, I've found this little ritual/routine helps gets me going.
A few tips, first you wanna make sure the candle is in a place where you can see it but not in a place where it may get in the way. I keep mine on the back of my prep counter. Next, avoid strong scented candles. Scented candles can be great for a lot of occasions, but the smell of the candle can muddle or mute the smell of the food. Finally, as with any time you use candles, please practice good fire safety.
Spell Ingredient Correlations can Carry Over to Food
Have you done extensive research on Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme? Well I got good news! All of that research was not for nothing! Herbs and Spices used in Witchcraft and Spells are commonly used in food. If you use cinnamon in a lot of your spell work for prosperity and success, try throwing some in your food with similar intentions and see how it goes.
Granted, this is not going to apply to every spell ingredient as many plants used in witchcraft are toxic. Or at the very lest can be problematic when consumed in large amounts or if pregnant. So please use some caution and common sense. A little research can take you a long way.
Simmer Pots
These are great ways to elevate your home's energy. Also a good way to use up some dried ingredients that's been laying around. A simmer pot is not anything special. You can take any small pot you got, fill it about halfway with water, add dried or fresh herbs, and leave it on the lowest heat setting on your stove, uncovered. Everything will simmer and release amazing aromas and energy. The properties of the ingredients in your pot can release into the air of your home. This can be good to do in colder months when cleaning. Just warms up everything.
Saucy Symbols and Sigils
If your oils and sauces are in easy pour bottles, consider getting a little creative when you use it. Gunna put some Ketchup or Siracha on that? Why not draw a pentacle. Oiling a pan? Maybe cook your food in a symbol of infinity or life. Or create your own symbols and meanings. Add them to your food to help elevate their magic. You may feel limited by the pour spout, but remember it comes down to intention. But if it makes you feel better, you can always transfer your sauces to bottles with more precise pour.
Make a Magic Potion
If you are not a huge fan of Cooking or Baking, remember there's still options for Kitchen Witchcraft. Magic Drinks. You can infuse your magic into syrups, juices, teas, cocktails, mocktails, smoothies, and more. There are options for people who can't consume alcohol, caffeine, dairy, sugar, any dietary restriction. I think I a lot of people write this option off because they think it focuses too much on alcohol or they don't like tea/coffee. But there's a lot of options when it comes of conjuring drinks.
Cook with Sun and Moon Water
If you're not familiar with Moon water, it's fairly easy to make. You fill a glass jar and leave it out in moonlight to charge with moon energy. Same idea for Sun Water. I find Sun Water is better for general Cooking and Moon Water is better for Teas as the energy from moon water is more mellow.
Adding some Solar Energy with Sun water to soups or to cook your rice and pasta in can help infuse your food with some Solar energy. It ups the overall energy and power of the magic in the food, as well as adds success and thus increases the chance of things working. There's also many other benefits, but listing them all might be worth their own post.
Kitchen Witchcraft is more than Cooking
I think the most important thing to remember is that Kitchen Witchcraft is not just food. Kitchens are often the heart of a home, and many things will go on and get done in a kitchen. Family meetings or get togethers may happen in the kitchen, people may do their reading or web surfing there. Or maybe it's where they do their homework or paperwork. They may do their hobbies at the table or counter. There's more than just food going on in the Kitchen.
So, feel free to expand out. Do some crafts with kitchen supplies or for your kitchen. Protective charms and garlands made out of cinnamon sticks and other items. Or just try other kinds of Magic. Maybe you like the idea of knot magic and want to try knitting a protective scarf. Or you like plants and want to get into garden magic. You don't need to stay in some box; try some stuff out!
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Prompt: Just some things about the Ramshackle Prefect and Scarabia's vice-housewarden <3
Pairing: Jamil Viper × Yuu / Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff mostly, a little bit of angst
TW: NA (for now, please let me know if I should add trigger warnings and for what ^^)
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Jamil is no stranger to looks of awe and envy. A large part of it is owed to his status as a servant of the Asim family, as well as being Kalim's closest friend and retainer. But when the Prefect looks at him, they look at him in awe of his skills. Of how he expertly manages to tackle every obstacle Kalim unwittingly puts in his way. Of how his hands work quickly and efficiently in the kitchen as he stirs and mixes and makes food for the entirety of Scarabia. Of how he manages to give his best (despite the limitations set upon him by his status) in everything he does. For them, his status as a servant matters little; his hardwork is seen for what it is, and appreciated genuinely.
Jamil takes good care of his looks. As Kalim's retainer, he is required to look after his appearance, lest even the slightest of mistakes bring scrutiny upon the Asim family. The gold trinkets braided into his hair are a symbol of his status and servitude, of pride and resentment, yet he finds that resentment slowly die down as the Prefect plays with the accessories, batting at them with all the curiosity and wonder of a little kitten. His voicing of the fact only gets him a playful pout from them, which leaves him a little weak in the knees and a little short of breath. He thanks his lucky stars that they are both sitting on his bed, for surely his traitorous legs would have given away underneath him had he been standing.
Jamil stays up at night, quite a lot. His responsibilities do not end when the Asim heir finally falls asleep; for some reason, they seem to increase. Between his own studying, making rounds of the dorm so that no unruly dorm members (or housewardens) sneak off in the middle of the night, and countless other tasks, it is a miracle that he even gets time to rest his ever watchful eyes. Yet he smiles each time the Prefect stumbles over to him, half-asleep as they tug at his arms and mumble that he needs to sleep and that they are not taking no for an answer (not that he would say no to such an adorable request) and goes along with what they say.
Jamil is not one to bare his heart to just anybody. It takes time and dedication to peel back all his layers, his self doubt, to truly get him to speak about everything and anything that is bothering him. Yet sometimes, sometimes things are too difficult to talk about, and Jamil is too tired to think about them. So when the Prefect opens their arms, inviting him in their soft and safe embrace, he obliges with a soft murmur that is his thanks to them. They rub his back, and Jamil cannot stop himself from melting under their wordless yet tender care, holding onto his beloved Prefect with all the strength he can muster in that moment.
Jamil is very perceptive; very little misses his keen gaze. He sees how each incident the Prefect invariably gets roped into takes away a little part of them. The light in their eyes is a little dimmer each time they meet his, and their smiles a little more forced as they gently turn down his enquiries about their health. Each matter resolved, each overblot fought saps their energy and shakes their will, and Jamil knows it is only a matter of time before they fall down like a house of cards. He can see them working themself to the bone, running on fumes and sheer determination to save all those who had endeared themselves to the Prefect. So he insists, borderline begging even, to take care of them. Even for just one day, one hour. He just wants to be there for them, the way they always are for him.
Jamil shows his care in subtle ways in public. Carrying an extra lunch for the Prefect, sitting next to them in class, helping them with their studies, all these are ways he shows his favor to them. In private, he whispers declarations of love and devotion to them, reveling in how flustered they get even as his own heart thumps loudly inside his chest. He stumbles over his words when they carefully hold one of his braids up to their lips, leaving a kiss on the dark strands while maintaining eye contact with him; a silent declaration more powerful and potent than any of his teasing words.
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nicole-alt-delete · 2 years
Part 2 of Black Bandana!
Just as Robin is about to open the door  and return to the hovel she and Steve consider a job, the door bursts open in front of her and  Eddie Munson blazes past. She barely has time to process his greeting, let alone how red he looks.
"What was that about?" She questions, just briefly looking back at him as she makes her way to the counter, only to find Steve standing there looking shell shocked.
And quite possibly redder than Eddie was.
Robin might not be able to figure out what's going on in the Munson brain, but one look at Steve has her dropping their lunch on the counter in a hurry as her eyebrows shoot up and she leans in to whisper dramatically.
"Did something happen? You didn't tell him-?"
Despite still looking beyond flustered, Steve manages to snap out of it just so he can push her shoulder. "What? God, no- Rob, are you kidding- no, no.... He just uh. I.... I'm not sure what just happened, actually."
He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through that signature hair of his, and as Robin rolls her eyes and rounds the counter he's already got his hands on his hips as he enters his 'thinking mode'.
She takes a seat on another of the counters and reaches for her food, eager to find out just want transpired while she was out.
"Okay then dingus, you know the drill- from the top,"
Steve does a little head shake and starts pacing, taking a moment to go through it in his head, trying to figure out where exactly the top of the situation was. After a few moments of scrunched eyebrows and more head shaking, he finally looks around the store, making sure it's empty again.
"Okay, well... I guess... I mean I guess Eddie came out to me?"
Robin throws her hands up, the fries she was about to shove into her mouth forgotten in her excitement.
"What?! Well that's- that's perfect then right? I mean I told you so, first of all, but then. What's with all the...?" as she gestures to him, pointing out how tense and confused he looks.
Steve rolls his eyes, "No Robs, it's not perfect- it was a shitshow! It was totally an accident, it was like I forced him to say it- and he looked so terrified, I really didn't know those eyes of his could get any bigger. Someone came into the store and he ran away before I could even respond, I don't think he thinks..."
Another sigh as his voice drops a little to mumble,  "He probably thinks I'm gonna punch him or some stupid shit,"
Robin frowns. "An accident... he came out to you on accident." Nodding a little like she gets it. She immediately shakes her head and squints, definitely not getting it at all.
"How did that happen, exactly?"
Steve leans against the opposite counter, the red returning to his face as he crosses his arms. "I guess... you know that bandana he always carries?"
She nods, "The one you stole to get a reaction from him, yeah. I assume he came to get it back like you wanted- so what went wrong?"
"Well- that's just it- you know how I had it in my pocket this morning? Just like he always does? I guess when he came in he saw, and he absolutely freaked the hell out. Jumped over the counter and nearly gave me a heart attack over it,"
Robin laughs, “Over the bandana?”
“Because it was in my pocket,”
She stares at him blankly.
"Because.... it was in your pocket."
He nods.
They blink at each other in silence for a moment, before finally Robin pulls her head back and makes this confused little sneer, setting aside her lunch altogether.
"What the fuck?"
Steve throws his arms up in exasperation, "I know! He freaked out and started talking about how it was some 'symbol' or something and then when I asked what it symbolized he said- he said it means he's gay. Which, okay, cool! We knew that Robs- but now what?!"
He sighs again and slinks down the side of the counter until he hits the floor. Robin doesn't even wait until his butt lands before she's on the ground with him, cross legged and resting her head in her hands.
"Okay, well... first off, forget the bandana thing. Your local lesbian's never heard of it so it can't really be that big of a deal, right? And what, so you wore it like that too. Not technically wrong..."
He rolls his eyes, "Eddie doesn't know-"
"So tell him, dingus! Like I've been telling you to! But no, Harrington has to 'put the moves on him' instead of just using his big boy words,"
She huffs softly and punches him in the shoulder lovingly, which Steve whines about.
"Ow, Robs- okay, I get it, I get it- he's not going to want to talk to me though,"
"Doesn't matter, if you don't do it then I'm making you do the closing clean for the next week, you hear me?"
Steve groans even louder this time, putting his head in his hands before running them through his hair, the classic Steve Reset Button(tm).
He nods, "Alright I'll go. You're worse than Dustin sometimes, you know that?"
She smirks and stands up, offering him a hand and yanking him back up too. "If Dustin was the one helping you with this you would have killed him by now, so we both know that's not true,"
Eddie jumped back in his van and sped back home just as fast as he legally could. Actually- that was a lie, he was definitely speeding. By a lot.
He had to get as far as he possibly could from Steve Harrington, and he had to do it yesterday.
After screeching into the trailer park and turning the ignition off as fast as humanly possible, he bolted inside and ran to his room, debating just how many things he really *needed* if he were to run away on the spot.
He’s seen what happens to gay kids in Hawkins, knows it’ll only be worse for him. The last thing he needed was to be both the falsely accused murderer AND the faggot. Not to mention the heartbreak of having Steve be the start of it…
Part of Eddie knows Steve wouldn’t. He really does try to believe it. But his instincts take over.
He grabs an old duffel bag and starts scrambling to put clothes in it, not bothering to check whether they're clean or dirty, just moving on anxious, paranoid instinct.
Thoughts race through his head about what Wayne will say, and how far away he should be before he calls. His heart aches at the idea of leaving behind Hellfire and his band, but he doesn't think he could stand to let either of them see him after Steve finds him and throws the first punch, or whether the kids would even care once he inevitably told them too.
He starts a pile at the foot of his bed, debating how much he can fit in the van, planning to leave during the night, figuring he has at least enough for gas to the next major city. He gets so caught up in his silly little escape plan that he doesn't realize how long it's actually taking him to "pack".
There's a knock on the door and Eddie nearly has a heart attack,  jumping from the sound and immediately kicking his dresser,  all thoughts completely gone from his head as he curses at the pain.
"Son of a FUCKING bitch, shitting stick- mother fucker- I'll be there in a damn second!" he huffs as there's a second, more timid knock.
Without thinking about any of the things he had just a moment ago been panicking over, he limps to the door and swings it open, ready to berate whoever bothered him, only to stop dead when he sees...
Steve. Of course it's Steve. He's not even taken off his stupid work vest yet and the little bottlecap button Eddie had made him last week was staring right at him from his chest.
Steve waves shyly at Eddie and starts to say something, but Eddie can't hear it, already backing away and starting to blabber, "Listen man- I was- I was joking earlier! I wouldn't- there's nothing to- you really don't have to hurt me or anything, I swear-"
Steve stays on the porch, looking a little stunned. No, not stunned... hurt. Or- maybe worried? He looks kind of like if you kicked a puppy and then threw it in the pool, except sadder.
Not actually, probably, but as far as Eddie's concerned, the look on Steve's face hurts him about a hundred times worse than a sad puppy could.
Steve puts a hand on the back of his neck, the other held up to show he means no harm, sighing, "I'm not gonna hurt you Eds, I'd never... I just wanted to talk, I um. I thought..."
He stammers for a second, unsure what else to say, caught in between thoughts and clearly unprepared for how Eddie had reacted.
Eddie can't help but relax a little. No matter how worried he was, being around Steve always made him relax, but seeing him like this? How was he supposed to be scared anymore?
Eddie groans a little, "Just- get in here Harrington, you're killing me- if there's some mob on their way you better get your shit together before they get here,"
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Eek, here it is, part 2! Sorry for making y'all wait, I am famously bad at working on things so thank you all for your patience 🙏 There WILL absolutely be a part 3, (maybe a part 4 if I want to get spicy), so I'll try to tag as many people for that one as well. And thank you all so so much for your sweet comments! I've been in such an art block lately, so writing something for a change and getting all this positive feedback is so encouraging 💜
Tag list! I tried to get everyone, but tumblr was weird with some of them, so I hope you're seeing this if you asked <3
@goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @plutoshelm @jestyzesty @bisexualdisastersworld @sofadofax @bornonthesavage @awkwardgravity1 @trikigirl271 @thegayestpersonever @precursprandthedragon@mightbeasleep
@cherixxx69 @baron-zemo-trash @ilikechocolatemilkh @justforthedead89 @alienace @4nemo1egend @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @breealtair @shinekocreator @sleepdeprivedflower @justanothergirlwithobsessions
@bxlthazar @thegingervulcan @questionablequeeries @my2amgaythoughts @doilooklikebees @gobbledy-gluk-gluk @luthienstormblessed @joruni @drinkingforthesociallyanxious @largechaos @dangdirtydemons @faery-god
@satan-is-obsessed @vi-an-te @beckkthewreck @kori-dearest @the-s-is-silent @hellomynameismoo @commonxsenss @blues-tunes @lizard-dyk3 @the-long-gone-souls @paddington22017 @imeverycliche @tungledotfuck @inmoonywetrust @dreammetheworld08 @dazedandinked @escapingthereality
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wandabear · 1 year
ㅤㅤ Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
chapter warnings: smut, angst, mentions of drug abuse and death.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER FIVE
Two weeks passed since the accident and since they found the cabin with the dead man inside, and nothing changed. No plane or rescue team had arrived for them, which meant that hope was dying and supplies were scarce.
“So, do you think the guy shot himself?” One of the girls whispered. “He left some kind of note?”
“Just that weird symbol.” Carol frowned at her somewhat disturbed. Ever since they found this man, they all had questions to ask that no one answered.
“Maybe he couldn't stand loneliness and shot himself.” Pietro shrugged and looked at the rifle that was standing against the wall of the cabin. “We should take the rifle and try to get something to eat.”
“Maybe it didn't want him to leave.” Jules murmured thoughtfully, looking at a fixed point among the trees. Since they arrived, she Jules had not stopped feeling a little uncomfortable there.
“Shut the fuck up you and your ominous crap. You're going to scare everyone just because you're a little hysterical.” Grant groaned, completely sick of listing to that girl muttering weird stuff.
The man was barely holding on to a wooden crutch made from branches, but it wasn't enough to stay upright for long.
Far from answering that with any sarcastic comment, Jules just looked away and crossed her arms a bit embarrassed.
“Hey, don't talk to her like that again.” Natasha defended her, getting ahead of Y/N.
“Hey, HEY! I think we should talk about the huge problem instead.” Wanda cleared her throat, trying to change the subject. “We're out of food. We're all feeling it.”
Everyone was silent, the hunger they felt was beginning to make everything worse. Any small fight ended in shouting or bad mood.
“Now, the good news is my father used to take me deer hunting every year as a kid.” Grant grunted and slowly, awkwardly reached for the rifle and held it up. “The bad news... yeah, I am down to one fucking leg.”
The man clenched his jaw, trying to stay strong and keep feel that superiority, but it was more difficult when they looked at him with pity. “Which means that if we want to eat, one of you is gonna have to learn how to use this thing.”
They all nodded, Natasha raised her hand saying that her father taught her to shoot and she was willing to teach Y/N or Pietro to do it. Maybe it took a while, but they managed to group up to go out and hunt. ㅤㅤ
That morning, Y/N, Pietro and Natasha left the cabin ready to find something to hunt. Even though neither of them seemed happy with hurting an animal, eating nothing but mushroom soup for days was starting to weigh on them.
Many hours later, the sun was going down and Wanda began to feel anxious. She tried to convince herself that it was just because of Pietro, but deep down she knew that she also cared about Y/N. She came back with some 'clean' blankets in her arms, they had left several clothes drying outside.
The cabin was a bit more cleaner, enough for them to stop breathing dust. As long as they all helped keep it that way. Some cheering made Wanda come out of the cabin, she finally smiled widely.
“They did it!” Kate exclaimed happily seeing how Pietro, Y/N and Nat were carrying a deer. It didn't seem very big but enough to have food for a few days.
Everyone came closer to see it, they seemed a little tired but definitely happy for what they had achieved.
“Nice work, you guys.” Wanda put her hands on her hips, looking at the deer. She felt a bit sorry but she also understood that they were about to starve.
“Yeah.” Pietro smiled broadly and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.  “It was all Y/N.”
“She did great.” Nat smiled too, they all started screaming excited to understand that it was the first sign that they could survive in that place, without knowing what awaited them next.
Night came and they were grateful that the beginning of autumn treated them well for now. They were all surrounding the campfire, Kate and Jennifer were in charge of roast it and distributing the pieces of meat to the girls who looked starving.
“Are you okay?”
Pietro's voice took Wanda from her thoughts, while she slowly ate.
“Yeah, better now.”
“I was so hungry.” Pietro sighed then finished his first piece of meat, reaching out for another.
“Yeah, me too.”  Wanda said as she wiped her lips. She noticed how the boy devoured the meat, so hungry, Wanda felt so guilty.
“I'm sorry I brought you here.” She lowered her gaze.  “I know you came just for me.”
Quickly, Pietro looked up and frowned, genuinely concerned. “No, sestra. Don’t be sorry.” He put his hand on Wanda's shoulder, who kept looking at the ground. “I would never leave you alone, you know that. This is not your fault, this was an accident.”
“Okay?” Pietro held his gaze until Wanda nodded.
“This is good, not as good as mom’s Chicken Paprikash but good.” He pointed at the food, making her sister smile. It was all he wanted, to take a great weight off the girl's heart.
Wanda looked up and noticed that Y/N was chatting and smiling with Jennifer. She wondered what she was talking about, what was it that made her so excited?
“You’re close to Y/N lately.” Pietro teased, trying not to smile.
“Yeah, is it bad?” Wanda turned to see him, she sounded a bit worried.
“No, not at all.” The boy took a bite. “She’s nice, all these crazy women, Y/n is who I like best.”
Wanda said nothing, just smiled tenderly and then fell silent.
The connection between the two had always been so strong, both twins were so close and although sometimes it was the object of mocks, they considered that connection something incredible.
“Do you think they will rescue us?” Wanda asked a little more seriously this time, she needed her brother's sincerity now.
“I don't know, Wanda. What Y/N is right about is… if they wanted to, they would already be here.” Pietro sighed, didn't want to talk about what he felt cause he didn't want to make her feel worse, but that was the truth, more than a week and they hadn’t received any kind of signal that people were looking for them.
Not planes. No rescue helicopters. Nothing.
“Did you apologize to Jules?” Wanda raised an eyebrow.
“I did it.” Pietro smiled and nodded. “I think I saved her from stepping in a bear trap two days ago, and apparently, we're even.”
“That’s good.” She smiled at the boy and squeezed his cheek, noticing how grown his beard was.  “Look at you, your beard has already grown.”
“Oh, fuck off!” He pushed her hand away and they both laughed.
“I love you, Piet.”
“I love you, sestra.”
Nodding, Pietro got up so he could go check that everything was alright with the Coach Ward, who seemed to be a bit distant from the girls. Recently, Pietro was the only one Ward let near or talk to.
Seeing that now Wanda was alone, Y/N approached, sitting next to her on that log.
“Hi.” Wanda smiled trying to hide that strange 'joy' inside. Why was her heart beating so fast?
“How are you doing?” Y/N asked looking at her, noticing how beautiful she looked when the fire lit those green eyes. Maybe it was because almost two weeks ago they were in that place and everything seemed to get more intense but, wow, Wanda was so beautiful.
“I’m good, how about you? I didn't see you today.”
“Yeah. Killed a deer today so…” Y/N sighed and lowered her gaze somewhat embarrassed. More sad than embarrassed though.  
Wanda hesitated for a moment but ended up gently squeezing the girl's hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least we have to eat. We needed this.”
ㅤㅤ The relationship with Wanda improved so much after the accident. After the fight at the party, both of them made up and improved their friendship. And Y/N was very grateful for this, although her best friends were there, the connection with Wanda was completely different.
“Hey, you two.” Carol walked ahead of them making smooch noises, winking at Y/N.
Y/N shook her head and noticed how Wanda quickly removed her hand, not out of embarrassment but out of fear that Y/N would be mocked because of her.
“Hey. Do you want to go walk near the lake?” Y/N got up and stretched out her hand towards her, waiting for her to take it. “I can take the rifle if it makes you feel safer.”
“Won't we get lost?” Wanda asked a bit worried but also an excited shine could be seen in her eyes. As if it was something forbidden and interesting, what more could they lose?
“I know the way, Natasha owes me one so maybe she'll let us go. I found a nice place that nobody else knows about.” She turned to see how some girls kept laughing and chatting about boys now. “If you want to get away from all this mess, sure.”
Biting her bottom lip, Wanda didn't have to think too hard. She took her hand and ended getting up.  “Yeah, I would like to.”
They managed to escape from the place without anyone seeing them, but not before telling Natasha because otherwise she would start lecturing them and that was not the idea.
ㅤㅤ Y/N took the rifle and one of the gas lamps, both walked through the trees, following a path that only Y/N seemed to know.
“Are you sure about this” Wanda asked worriedly as they walked down the path towards the lake.
“Every day I walk through the same place. Nat asked me to start drawing some things to make a map.” Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it over.
Wanda opened it but couldn't see much, just some lines and the cabin drawn in the middle. Y/N moved the lamp closer so she could see better.
“I found this place when I was drawing the path to the lake and the place where the edible mushrooms grew.” Y/N kept walking and took a path to the left, behind some huge boulders. She helped Wanda so that she could climb them carefully, and after a few minutes, they both found themselves with a beautiful view of the lake and the huge starry sky above them. The moonlight made the lake look beautiful.
The trees and the boulders covered them, making it a perfect private place.
“Y/N, this is good.” Wanda smiled widely, looking around.
Y/N just smiled happy, both lay back on the grass watching the sky, enjoying the sound of the forest. After so many days, far from seeming creepy, they began to find some comfort in those sounds that they now recognized.
The hooting, the sound of crickets, the fluttering of birds.
“Look at all those stars.” Wanda whispered completely gawking. “I never thought there were so many above us.”
“Without light pollution it looks so beautiful.” Y/N sighed heavily, arms crossed behind her head. She didn't know how long it had been since they left the cabin, maybe a few minutes or an hour, she didn't know. Didn't care either.
“Pretty.” The sokovian whispered.
Pretty. 'That's what you are' Y/N thought when she turned to see the girl beside her.
Wanda was so damn beautiful. Just look at those eyes, so pretty and big, curious to know everything life had to offer her. That adorable nose, she loved when Wanda scrunched it. Those lips, surely they were soft and sweet.
“Wanda, I'd like to talk to you.” Y/N finally took courage, betting her whole heart on a single play.
“You know you can tell me anything. What's going on?” Wanda turned to see her, worried. Y/N seemed a bit nervous, without a doubt it must be quite important.
“I like you.” The girl released without waiting another second, leaving her heart open. But far from seeming like a confession of love, it seemed more like a release. Y/N sighed and sat up. “I'm sorry. I know you have a boyfriend, but even though it's obvious... and everyone knows it.”
Wanda said nothing. She was surprised and not at the same time, she always knew it and she knew it right now. Every kind smile when others teased her, every laugh they shared, every word of support.
She knew that Y/N had a crush on her, why fake it? What she didn't understand is why.
“I thought it would be nice to tell you myself.” Y/N smiled shily, playing with her fingers. “We're lost in the woods waiting to be rescued, and I don't have the time or the strength to hide my feelings. It's so fucking tiring… so that’s it. If that makes you uncomfortable, we'll have to deal with it."
“I'm in love with you.” Y/N breathed out deeply and closed her eyes, the secret finally out and it felt so much better.
Silence reigned for a moment until Wanda reached out her hand, taking hers.
“Y/N? Please, open your pretty eyes.” Wanda asked with a soft voice and a loving look. And when she finally did, the brunette asked: “Y/N, what’s my favorite song?”
Y/N frowned, not understanding what she meant by knowing that, but the sokovian insisted.
ㅤㅤ “Umh... I've noticed that you like 'Fade Into You', I've seen you rewind your cassette twice until you get to that song.” Y/N said sincerely but then she realized that maybe it sounded like she was keeping an eye on her or something, maybe Wanda would think it's weird. She quickly added, “It's not like I see you too much.”
But Wanda nodded slowly. “What are my favorite candies?”
“Twizzlers. You always eat them when you get all anxious in our matches.” Y/N answered again, feeling how her heart kept beating fast but the tension faded slowly.
Wanda finally smiled, her eyes showing the tenderness and excitement she felt.  
The times she had asked Vision that, well, the boy didn't know what to say. First he answered any popular song, and then he said 'had no idea what kind of sweets you ate because who looks at those things? I can buy you anything you want, just tell me.'
“You really know me.” Wanda felt her eyes fill with tears, but she didn't shed any.
“Well, yeah, that's why I like you. I do and… I wanna know more, if you let me.”
“I like you too.” The sokovian blurted out, not caring about anything other than that moment. What else did it matter? They were in the middle of the forest, lost, trying to survive.
And her heart just asked to be close to her, it always did, from the moment Y/N defended her from Sharon Carter.
Well, that was something Y/N didn't expect at all. With a dumbfounded face, unable to believe it, all she could say was:  “R-Really?”
“I do.” Wanda bit her lower lip, as a signal which Y/N caught perfectly. She kissed Wanda's lips in a soft first kiss, enjoying that exquisite sensation. Hearts intertwining, two teenagers completely in love.
“Is it wrong?” The sokovian whispered against her lips, barely breaking away. She felt completely enraptured in that feeling, so different from her when she kissed Vision.
The truth is that Vision and Wanda had never gone far, just a few little kisses and caresses. The boy tried a few times to go further but Wanda always said that she wanted to wait. Now, she felt that self-control with y/n didn't exist.
Y/N quickly shook her head, touching softly the brunette's cheek. “I don't think liking or loving someone is wrong.” She sighed, still sharing that closeness. “So, can I keep kissing you?”
Wanda smirked, shortening the distance to kiss again. “Good, because your kisses are so damn good.”
Both giggled before kissing again, only the stars being the witnesses of that youthful love that was born.
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The days passed and there was no news of the blackmailer. Maybe because money cooled things down, but not the concern of all of them knowing that they were outsmarted.
Y/N was at the hotel, visited Jules some times, especially when Natasha was working. The doctor told them that the baby was in no danger yet, that no bleeding was positive, even when Jules told that she suffered a pretty bad blow.
Doctor Cho said that they should be more careful and that so far everything seemed fine, but later they would know better with the ultrasound at the next week.
And the secrets cooled the relationship with Nat so much that, the redhead began to suspect that perhaps her beloved wasn’t happy. The silence at night became unbearable, and sadness weighed on their hearts.
“Jules…” Nat said as she saw the brown-eyed woman come out of the bathroom with her huge T-shirt. She no longer slept in her panties, trying to provoke her. Sex had always been a big deal to them, the passion was increased by the unconditional love they felt.  “Are you going to talk to me?”
Jules just curled up on the bed, trying to hide her face.  “Everything is fine, I'm a little tired.”
“Okay, just tell me, what the hell is going on?” Nat sat up in bed, so done with this game. She was sick of all this strange tension that had been around them for a while. “I know you're hiding something, I know you since we were eleven. You've been so stealthy with Y/N, as if you were hiding a secret... and I am not worthy of  your trust.”
“We have never been like this, Julia.” Those green eyes express the sadness and restlessness she felt.  “Don't you love me anymore?”
Jules kept her back to her, trying not to cry when she heard the pain in Natasha's raspy voice.
“Because if that's it, we can… we can try to go to those… You know? Couples therapy or whatever to get your love back. Or- or we can... I don't know, I don't want to let you go but, if you're not happy with me...” Natasha swallowed, the angst in her throat not letting her continue.
That was all Jules could bear. She turned quickly so she could see her, and that image completely destroyed her.
“No, no, no.” Jules took her hand and hastened to erase any kind of doubt, she couldn't allow Natasha to doubt herself when she had always been wonderful. “Nat, that's not it, honey.”
“So what is it?” they entwined their fingers.
Jules hesitated for a moment, didn't know how to start. Just felt her eyes fill with tears.
“I don't want you to hate me.” The dark-haired girl sniffled. That worried Natasha even more, what was it that bothered her so much? So sad, that she couldn't even tell her.
“Moya lyubov, I would never hate you.” The redhead cooed softly, genuinely concerned about her, the love of her life.
“I’m pregnant.” Finally she let go, exhaling slowly.
Couldn't take it anymore, soon her belly would start to show, what was the point of lying or keeping it as a secret? Lying to the person she loved the most in the world.
Natasha wasn't the type of woman to leave her just because she was pregnant, was she? No, she had always been an incredible, faithful, kind, loving, passionate woman. Maybe she was a little afraid of commitment at first but, once Natasha got over that fear, she was always there for Jules.
ㅤ “You… what?” The redhead blinked fast, it took her a few seconds to understand. Oh.
“I’m pregnant, the IUI worked but we didn't notice.” Jules swallowed hard and wiped away the tears falling down her cheeks.  Was so pale that those lovely cheeks turned red, as did her nose and lips from crying. “I found out  about a week ago... or more.”
A huge smile, a hug, endless kisses. That was all Jules hoped for, but what she got was Natasha getting out of bed, completely shocked and a bit pissed off.
“What the fuck, Julia?!” The russian exclaimed in disbelief. Quickly, Jules covered her face out of embarrassment.  “Really?”
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn't want you to be mad at me and hate me!” She whimpered, completely devastated.
“Of course I’m mad at you!” Natasha exclaimed. How could her wife hide something like that from her? “You went to the meeting with the blackmailer and you are pregnant!”
But far from seeming bothered by the idea that they were having a baby, or terrified by it, Natasha was completely mad because her wife put her and their child's lives at risk by going with them.
“You were punched in the stomach, for God's sake!” Nat hurried over to put a hand on Jules belly, extremely concerned. “Don’t fucking do that again!”
Surprised by that, noticing the concern on her lover's face, Jules just sighed. Her eyes swollen from crying. “I’m fine. We’re fine.”
“How are you so sure?” Natasha insisted, looking at her and then at her belly. She caressed it gently, those green eyes brimming with tears of emotion.
Of course, she would never be upset by the idea of bringing a child into the world, perhaps a little scared because all this would bring consequences and she was afraid that exactly what happened, would happen. That they were in danger.
“Dr. Cho said she didn't think there was any danger because there was no bleeding, but we would find out better on the ultrasound next week.”
Natasha sighed with relief upon hearing those words, all she wanted is for the baby and her wife to be okay. Jules nodded slowly, carefully watching all the gestures and looks of Nat. She felt so dumb, so stupid, how could she have thought that Natasha would be mad at her? Although her words had made it seem like she was glad the IUI wasn't working, Nat would never turn her back on her kid.
“You’re pregnant.” Nat whispered, then allowed herself to smile. She was finally beginning to realize what that meant.  “Oh my god, we're having a baby!”
“We are!” Jules smiled wiping away her tears.
“We’re going to be moms!” Natasha exclaimed excitedly, taking her wife's hands and then hugging her tightly. “We must take good care of the baby, okay? We have to. Promise me.”
“I promise… Are you really happy about this?” Jules giggled through her tears, completely happy to see her redhead so excited about the pregnancy.
“You’re kidding? I’m ecstatic!” Nat leaned down to kiss her lips over and over again until she crouched down, facing Jules belly. “Hello there, Зайчик… I’m your mama Natasha. Your other mom in fact, because you have two, and that means you're going to be very, very loved!” Nat kissed her belly and leaned her forehead against it, smiling widely. Oh, it felt so good. “We love you.”
The redhead spent a while 'chatting' with her baby and Jules watched everything with a look of pure love, until they both decided to jump on the bed with happiness, celebrating that beautiful news.
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Since the meeting with the blackmailer that night, Wanda was more nervous than ever. She was grateful that her little ones were visiting their grandparents that weekend, allowing her to have a bit of peace for at least two days.
The brunette walked around the house, taking some things that the twins left lying around and putting them in its place. She didn't mind having to do it anyway, it was just throwing the clothes in the washing machine and at least it kept her busy with something.
“Fuck.” The brunette muttered under her breath when she saw a sock under the furniture, those kids left their stuff all over the place. Wanda end up sighing and bent down to take it but something shiny caught her eye. As if from the dark depths of that piece of furniture, something shamelessly winked at her.
A black t-shirt, but the most important thing was that when she took it, her hands were stained with glitter.
Hands that began to tremble just by seeing the shirt; the blackmailer's son of a bitch was none other than her husband.
"VISION!” She exclaimed aloud, rushing out of the room to head to the garage, where he had his office. She entered without further ado, breaking in that 'sanctuary'.
"Wanda, what's going on?" the blond growled, clearly annoyed by the sudden invasion.
“What is this?" She held up that black shirt, completely covered in glitter. It didn't take an answer, Vision's surprised and terrified look said it all.
“Wanda, I-” He exhales. “Okay. I can explain this.”
Of course he doesn't know how to do it, especially when Wanda's eyes widened. Oh, she was mad. “Oh, my God, Vision. What did you do?”
“Okay, just-just…” He got up from his seat and tried to get closer but the brunette moved away, looking at him with a truly terrifying fury and disappointment.
“What did you do?” Wanda hissed.
“Just listen to me.” Vision closed the door. “You were never supposed to get involved in this.”
Wanda remained still, waiting for a convincing answer.
“It just... It got out of control.” The english man sighed and placed a hand across his face. “Listen, that damn store...”
“Our store?” Wanda frowned and crossed her arms. Everything seemed to get worse and worse.
“Yeah, but this new one... Bloody ElectronicsFam.com” He growled angrily. “They are running me out of business. They got virtually no overhead. They mass-produce all their own inventory. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
The expression on the man's face only made Wanda want to slap him more and more. They had bought that store with the money the insurance gave her for the plane accident. She understood that Vision felt guilty but this was too much. “So you… you blackmailed us?”
“Not you. I thought I had to...” Vision sighs, so defeated. “I thought... Jennifer, she's a lawyer and you know… maybe Y/N had the cash.”
Wanda closed her eyes, trying not to explode. She obviously murmured some sokovian insults that the man couldn't even understand. He wasn't a bad man, but he was a complete jerk sometimes.
“I mean, I was going to lose the store, Wanda. First, I took out a loan. I just... I-I got a loan from these people, all right?” As Vision spoke and explained the whole situation, Wanda began to think that the decision that was on her mind lokg time ago was the right one. “And it turns out that they were... they were bad.”
Wanda inhales deeply. “Like... like loan sharks?”
Vision just shook his head.
“Like fucking mobsters, Vision?” The sokovian yelled furiously but Vision shooed her away. “Are they gonna kill us? Our kids? you didn't think of them! My god, Vision!”
Of course she was terrified for her children.
"Be quiet, Wanda!"
"Don't tell me to shup up!" She snapped wildly, pointing at him. "Are they gonna do something to us?"
“No, no! No! I paid 'em back. It's all good. No one is gonna die.”
"My God, Vision." Wanda shook her head. “You have to pay Y/N.”
"Wanda, you can't tell them it was me-" Horror flashed across the man's face. What if he went to jail?
"You have to take responsibility for your actions, Vision. For fuck's sake, you just- they almost shoot you!"
“What if they send me to jail? Natasha could do it.”
“No one will do that. Just… get the damn money and you're going to pay it back, you hear me?” the brunette told him seriously, there was no way he could refuse that face of hers. She was adorable but a lot of times, she could scare you. "You're going to pay to Y/N, I'll apologize to them."
Vision nodded quickly. "I'll do it, I swear for our children."
Wanda sighed and walked towards the door, but not before giving a final stab. "And Vision? I want the divorce."
"What?" He frowned, surprised and maybe a bit hurt.
"Oh, come on Vis. Don't you think that's enough?" Wanda sighed deeply tired. "You don't love me, I don't love you. We are here for our kids and they know very well what is happening between us.”
"I know you have a lover." She smiled sadly, because even though he was doing it behind her back, she was glad to know that he found someone. Besides, didn't feel so guilty that she didn't love him.
"I'm sorry, Wanda." the blonde whispered, he took off his glasses so that he could clean them and avoid showing how ashamed he felt.
"We've been friends for all these years, but we can't pretend we love each other. Let's just not make it difficult for the kids. They will understand."
"They are lucky that we made that decision now."
They both smiled kindly, like two old friends saying goodbye, a necessary goodbye in order to move on.
“I will spend the weekend in a hotel, I'll go pack my things.”
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About five minutes, that's how long it took Y/N to get to that woman's house, after Wanda sent her that message.
‘Come to my house, we need to talk.’
Y/N sighed deeply and took courage, if Wanda needed to talk, perhaps it would be to yell at her some more things that she kept for a long time.
“Hi.” Wanda waved when she opened the door, letting her into the house.
“Hey.” Y/N came into the place, looking around with curiosity. She had never been there, but it looked like a rather… ordinary home? Normal? Pretty good, very cozy.
Noticed some family photos, mostly of two adorable little ones. Billy and Tommy.
She followed Wanda to the kitchen without saying anything, expecting to know what she had to say, but the brunette just kept silent.
“Will the girls be coming soon?” Y/N asked in a low voice, as if she was about to break the moment and detonate the bomb. Kept her hands in the  pockets, watching Wanda's every move.
“It’s just us.” Wanda whispered as she took out some bread, jelly, and peanut butter.
Just them? That made Y/N frown.
“So... why did you call me?” Y/N leaned on the doorway, watching as Wanda cut small sandwiches. “You're supposed to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.” Wanda grunted under her breath. “I'm just mad at you.”
“I know its because of what I did-” Y/N tried, a tired sigh, but Wanda turned to finally attack.
So done.
“You broke my heart, TWICE.”  She snapped. Wanda spat out those words like poison that she had kept for a long, long time . “Not only when we came back from the forest and you abandoned me, but then you came back years later. You filled me with false hope and illusions saying that you loved me, that I should leave Vision and we should go together.”
Y/N swallowed; it was time to take care of all the things she did.
“I did it! For you, because I loved you so much, I was madly in love with you! And when I came back to the hotel where we made love all night and you were waiting for me to do this together, YOU WERE HAVING SEIZURES.” She said with a shaky voice, those green eyes showing not only anger but also fear and sadness at that horrible memory. The scariest moment of her life.
I’m sorry-”
“When I got back to the hotel, smiling, ready to face the world with you… you were choking on your own blood because you overdosed. AGAIN.” The brunette wiped away a tear that fell down her cheek.  “You died, I saw you die that day.”
Y/N was silent, couldn't say anything because she knew perfectly well that Wanda was right. How much she had hurt that woman was unforgivable, but love was always there.
Maybe love wasn't enough.
“And the paramedics brought you back to life.” Wanda turned her gaze to the sandwiches, taking a deep breath to calm down and put the tiny sandwiches in the fridge.  “You stole those drugs from the hospital, and you could have gotten Jules fired or jailed.”
“I know.” Y/N swallowed, looking down. “I did terrible things.”
“Yes, you did and everyone thinks I'm the bad guy, and i’m cruel or- or impatient, but I'm not! Don't tell me I hate you, because I don't.” The sokovian whispered so hurt. “I'm not the bad guy here. You broke me first, twice.”
But even though Y/N could have turned and left and not take all those words anymore, she came closer and put a hand on Wanda’s shoulder. And despite the fact that the sokovian refused at first,  slowly she allowed herself to be hugged tightly for a while.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Y/N sighed, knowing something else was wrong. “I know you're mad at me, but I also know there's more.”
Wanda looked up, Y/N knew her too well. The brunette moved away from the embrace, leaning against the kitchen counter next to Y/N. Like two old friends.
“Vision is cheating on me.” Wanda started. “I've known for a while now.”
Y/N just nodded and then exhaled furiously, like a rampaging, raging bull. How could he do that to Wanda? Just like that?  To that woman? “’Kay… I’m gonna kick his ass. He is in the store right now?”
“No, that’s not-” Wanda interceded, getting in the way.
“I'm not going to let him treat you like this.” Y/N growled.
“Stop.” She put her hands on Y/N and slowly pushed her back onto the counter, returning to where they were.  “That's not what got me like this!”
“So what is it?”
“Vision is cheating on me, yeah… but I don’t even care.” The brunette shrugged lightly.  “It is as if we both know that we don’t love each other, but… the kids. You know? Anyway, that's not the worst or the most important thing.”
Y/N kept silent, hoping that Wanda would dare to say it, especially when the sokovian seemed to start walking in circles, trying to get up the courage to tell her the truth.
“Vision is the one who's been blackmailing us.” Finally, Wanda released it as if it were nothing.
And Y/N's reaction was exactly what she expected. The dark-haired woman just opened her eyes wide, her jaw tensed, making her look perhaps quite attractive, or at least that's what Wanda thought for a moment.
“What?” Y/N exploded angrily.  “The fuck?! I’m gonna kill him.”
“No, you won’t.” Wanda pointed at her, trying to calm her down but Y/N frowned even more annoyed. Was she going to defend him now?
“H-he needed the money, apparently the store was not paying off.” Wanda pinched the bridge of her nose, even more frustrated than before.  “Because of this… online store or something.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N noticed that she didn't seem too happy with that news either. Surely Wanda was also upset when she found out.
“The business began to fall apart, he was asking for loans but it was dirty money.” Wanda sighed. 
Y/N nodded slowly, at least this meant something good and that was that no one else knew what they did in the forest. That was good.
“So you both owe me 50 grand.” Y/N teased, trying to make her feel better or smile.
“HE does.” Wanda clarified, finally smiling. A genuine smile. Y/N won and her heart knew it.
“I'm going to break his fucking legs, man.” Y/N exhaled deeply and shook her head. “At least we don't have to worry about our past getting out of here. Right?”
Wanda just nodded.
“Does he know EVERYTHING that happened there? Did he read all your diaries?” she narrowed her eyes.
“No, he just saw the drawing and thought it was important. He doesn't know what truly happened.” Wanda began to play with her rings, so embarrassed, everything that happened was her fault. “I promise I'll pay you back.”
“No, he will.” Y/N smirked. “We'd better tell the others. They'll be glad to know there's no danger.”
“I don't know, I don't want them to be mad at me.”
Y/N kept watching her, she was seventeen years later and she still looked so beautiful. Now she looked more mature, those green eyes showed how much she had matured but that made her more beautiful and sensual. And that body? Wow, she really was a mommy.
“You have to tell them the truth, that's what it's all about.”  Noticing how worried Wanda looked, Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder. “They love you, believe me they won't care as long as you're fine. Besides that you had nothing to do with this.”
“Do you think they won't hate me?”  Wanda's voice melted Y/N's heart, who only quickly denied.
“They have hearts too big, look why I'm here.” The taller one shrugged. “Plus, I think they have bigger fish to fry between them.”
“What do you mean?” The brunette asked worriedly.
“Jules is pregnant.” Y/N smiled happily, but after a few seconds she realized the huge mistake she made.  “I mean, fuck, I wasn't supposed to say anything! You can't say anything! I promised not to say it!”
Y/N panicked, opening her eyes wide, but Wanda only opened her big eyes in surprise and couldn't help but smile widely. That was much more important than all this, her best friends were going to be moms. That joy cast out any fear she might have.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” Wanda squealed.  “That’s good news, right? We must celebrate!”
“So good, right?! But remember, don't say anything.”
They both looked like two excited kids, laughing over that beautiful news as if it were themselves.
“But wait, Nat doesn’t now that and Jules doesn't know how she's going to take it.” y/n pursed her lips watching as Wanda took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet and two glasses.
“Damn.” Wanda said worriedly. “Oh, god, she was hit the other day! Is she okay?”
“She is. I went with her to the doc, she's fine for now.” she nodded and took the glass, somewhat doubtful.
“Oh, thank god. Thank you for telling me this.” She was going to take the bottle to open it but Y/N touched her arm gently, getting her attention. “I was so worried that-”
“Wait, Wanda?”
“Yeah?” she frowned.
“I don't drink anymore. I'm still recovering.” Y/N wrinkled her nose. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you but…" She swallowed and shrugged a bit shy.
“…OH! I’m so sorry!” The sokovian exclaimed in embarrassment, quickly setting the bottle aside. She didn't know what to say, feeling so ashamed that she was so inconsiderate. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, I’m trying my best. It's not like I'm desperate to drink anyway.” Y/N smiled kindly.
And for a moment, Wanda felt that she was seeing that eighteen-year-old girl again, so kind, attentive and considerate. That Y/N that completely stolen her heart years ago.
“Please, don’t look at me like that.” Wanda shook her head and turned to leave the kitchen and arrange some things in the living room, some thrown cushions and joysticks.  
“Like that?”
“Like a fucking sad but loving puppy.”
“Because I can't deal with your ‘unrequited love victim’ look right now.” Wanda shook her head. Y/N followed Wanda around the place, helping her to pick up some cushions. “Stop that.”
"But I love you.” Y/N smirked, wasn't going to stop, not anymore.
“Please, stop.” Wanda pointed her finger at her and ended up taking the cushion out of her hands.
“I can’t.” She was willing to do everything to make it better, to have Wanda by her side, in any way. “It kills me not being able to have you, not being able to be with you. I love to see you happy, I love to see you smile, but don't think that it doesn't hurt me not to have you.
“Well, you seemed fine when-”
“I know!” Y/N stepped forward. She perfectly knew everything she did, and despite the fact that she has changed, Y/N knew that she would have to endure those comments forever. “I know, and it wasn't right or fair. I was sick and I was sunk deep into the abyss and I started to sink you too.”
She sighed heavily, taking over all her actions. As many times as necessary.
“And I’m sorry, but i'm done apologizing.” At Wanda's surprised look, Y/N stepped forward to take her hand. “I can't keep sinking anymore, that's why I'm here. Because I love you, because I love my friends, and because I want to love myself a little more. No one deserves what I did to you all, and I want to make it right. I have to do it, okay?”
Y/N sighed deeply. Would fight whatever it took to keep the people she loved close. Time to mourn was over, now she just had to build and take care of the future.
“I am taking responsibility for it. We all screwed up in one way or another.  I’m sober, I’m better and I’m trying my fucking best.”
Wanda just nodded, completely fascinated by that image. With a different Y/N, mature and much more responsible. She looked so attractive… It was too much, so tired of fighting the tension between the two; Wanda ended the distance and kissed her lips with a passion that surprised them both.
Y/N was quick to kiss her back, pushing the brunette against the wall. The warmth of her body and her lips wrapped around her in such an exquisite way, she felt like coming home.
Her heart beat again after so long, the reason why she was still alive was right there.
It wasn't a cute and tender kiss, it was a kiss full of passion and need. From two people who missed each other too much and had been away for a long, long time.
“Wanda, we're at your house.” Y/N cursed herself for being the voice of reason, but even so, she didn't stop and kept devouring the sokovian's neck.  “Vision or the kids could come.”
When was the last time Wanda felt wanted? Needed and desired. A long time ago, she hadn't had sex with Vision in a long time and right now, her legs were shaking like she was that same needy young self again.
“He’s not coming... the kids won't be around for the whole weekend.” Wanda could barely whisper, feeling how her legs were so weak. “Oh god.”
Between kisses and caresses, both ended up in Wanda's room, tangled between the sheets. Their naked bodies complemented each other once more; Wanda's hands ran over Y/N's bare back over and over again.
“Fuck me.” She whispered against Y/N’s lips between kisses and bites. “Now. Please.”
Feeling that paradise existed in the hands of Y/N, she got carried away. Legs that trembled, lips that ran over the skin over and over again. Wanda bit her skin as if she wanted to mark that woman as hers once more.
Because she was always hers.
The moans, the screams of pleasure, the biting.
The way in which Wanda sought to take Y/N's hands for her to cling to before reaching orgasm, or how her tongue ran through that wet sex with a unique devotion.
The way their breasts swayed with each movement, how their muscles contracted and then released at the peak of pleasure. How Y/N's hands gently squeezed the brunette's neck, how she licked her thumb, teasing her. Needing more.
It was an incredible night for both of them, who ended up sweaty, sore and happy hugging in that bed.
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So... 👀🐝 Now do you understand Wanda's anger better? And you haven't read it yet.
Hope you enjoyed, this is turning interesting and good. I'm already working on the finale and... it might make you smile, cry, or both. Some intense stuff is coming so, I just want to let you know that. Clearly many didn't survive the forest.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17 @cristin-rjd @kenlymar @chtte @marvelogic @druggedduck @aliherreraaa @widowwaddles @gingiesworld
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171 notes · View notes
Can you write platonic gladers x child reader (8 - 10), like when their in the scorch trials
AHHH I've been thinking about writing a platonic fic for so long but I wasn’t sure if anyone would read!!!! This request is so good thank you so much
The Heart
Gladers x child! gender neutral! reader (platonic)
Set during scorch trials (movieverse)
Notes: I decided to format this as headcanons to make it easier. Where Teresa is 'The Traitor', Newt is 'The Glue', etc, reader is tattooed with 'The Heart'. This isn't really in the story, just a note for the title and a general headcanon
Warnings: everything that happened in the movie, i.e. violence, Cranks, Winston shooting himself, and one instance of bad language cause apparently I don't have other vocab
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You meet Aris when you've all escaped from WCKD
He's a nice guy
When you're gathering supplies in that abandoned building he picks out a bunch of little sweaters for you
Idk I get a sweater vibe from him
You wear the sweaters when it's night time in the Scorch, and freezing cold
In the days when it's too hot to wear them Aris carries them in his backpack for you
But that's really the extent of your interactions
You've just had more time to build up trust with the people of your own Glade, so it's easier with them, but you're still chill with Aris
You didn't really know Winston back in the Glade
But it still hurts when the Cranks get him
He shields you away, not letting you see his wound when he shows the others
The Gladers help him do the same, hiding you from him when he starts looking worse
It's like there's some silent pact between everyone to protect you from seeing as many bad things
Your age seems to make them want to preserve your innocence, or something
Anyway, he always looks after you, until the end
RIP Winston :(
He always had a soft spot for you back in the Glade
(everyone did)
That kindness doesn't stop when you're out in the Scorch
He always makes sure you've eaten, and he even offers you some of his food, even though he probably needs more than you
Frypan does his best to keep the mood light for you, cracking little jokes and pulling faces to make you smile
For Teresa, you're actually a reminder of what the world was like
Look, we all know Teresa betrayed the group, and that was really shitty
But we can get her motivations sometimes
She looks at you and sees the people she should be saving, the people she wants to protect
You're actually a symbol of hope in her mind
She wants to make a cure so that people like you can live in a world without the Flare
Of course, you would rather she just not betray all your friends, but that's just how her mind works
For you, she's kinda like an older sister... or a mother (lol)
You always sleep beside her at night, and she'll hold your hand while sleeping so you don't have nightmares
Thomas is actually kind of a role model to you
You admire his relentless no-one-left-behind mindset, and his bravery
He doesn't really have time to look after you like the others, but you always fuel his spirit with your unfailing optimism
He makes the most time with you at the end of the day, when you're resting
He comforts you when you're scared at night, staying awake to talk to you about simple things, or to tell you a story to take your mind off your fears
You cuddle up to sleep between him and Teresa, giving both of them some calm and peace, since you can tell his mind is always moving a million miles a minute
He's kinda like Teresa with you, actually
They both look at you as a hopeful future, something they have to work towards to protect you
But the difference is that Thomas works to get you and the rest of the group to a safe place, while Teresa... you know, gives you all up
You trigger some strange memories in Newt
He doesn't really remember, but he had a sister before
You remind him of what it's like to be an older brother
He protects you like his own sibling, making sure you get your sweaters from Aris' bag when it gets cold
He also defends you first when you end up at Jorge's warehouse
When the guard people are closing in on you, he shoves you behind him and threatens to kill anyone who touches you
Obviously they have guns and are stronger than the lot of you, so all you end up getting strung up by your feet
But hey, he tried his best, and it was all fine in the end
Minho is your favourite
(you're his favourite too)
He's snarky and to-the-point with everyone else, but he's always soft with you
Back in the Glade he'd always let you sit in the Runners' hut and chill out, just drawing pictures or messing around with sticks from the Map
Some days when it gets late, you get tired from walking and Minho will give you a piggyback ride
Usually you'll fall asleep on Minho's back like that, and he'll have to gently put you down, trying not to wake you
Minho's actually always carrying you
Like, in the hard situations - it becomes a regular thing
Some bad shit going down? Get on my back
He's carrying you when you're running in to the warehouse, and you almost get struck by lightning with him
Back when you were escaping the Maze, he was carrying you there too
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Hope you enjoyed these :)))
Thank you for reading, and requests are open as always ❤
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k0k0naty · 2 days
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📌attention 📌
the characters in this story have the opposite sex from the original game, and are not 100% identical to the original work, I hope you understand and enjoy.
Charles: Charlotte
Arthur: Agatha
John: Jane
Dutch: Dina
Sadier: Sandro
Micah: Misa
Abigail: Benjamin
Lenny: Linda
Tilly: Tito
Jack: Joyce
Javier: Frida (whoever understood, understood) 
Hosea: Rose
Bill: Bela. 
Simon: Sarah
Uncle: Auntie.
Agatha: Should we interrogate him?
Agatha said as she tied Kieren up. Dina looked at him with disgust.
Dina: No, we're not that desperate. Let's leave him hungry, okay?
Agatha: I think it's fair.
Kieran looked at them scared and with a look of desperation, his eyes almost shouted to be released.
Dina: You know, I have a saying that I really like to use. Shoot who needs lead, save who needs help, and feed who needs food, and you? Let's find out what you need.
Kieran: I-I hate Colm too!
Dina: Say what you want, dear.
Frida enters the barn and comes across the scene of Kieran crying and Agatha and Dina applauding his sadness.
Frida: Who is this?
Dina: One of the O'Driscolls. Frida: So did you find Colm?
Agatha: Unfortunately not, but we have plenty of time for that.
Dina: Let's not think about it too much, let's focus on a strategy to rob that train.
Frida lit her cigarette as she listened to Dina talk.
Kieran: Can you give me a cigarette?
Frida: Oh?
Kieran: Just to keep me warm.
Frida looks at Dina, waiting for her to give the orders.
Dina: Okay, just 1.
Frida approaches and sticks a cigarette in Kieran's mouth, she catches the fire from her own cigarette and lights it, then she lightly slaps Kieran on the head and walks away.
Kieran: Thank you.
Dina: Sure honey, we're not monsters.
After a short conversation with O'Driscoll, Frida and Dina leave, leaving Agatha with the horses for a bit before going in too. When she comes in, Agatha sits down on the chair and tries to relax while smoking. Charlotte approaches.
Charlotte: Are you okay?
Charlotte: Nothing, I just wanted to know.
Agatha: Hm… I'm a little tired.
Charlotte: Today wasn't easy, was it?
Agatha: Of course, we did a lot today.
Charlotte: Did you find an O'Driscoll?
Agatha: We did, he wouldn't stop crying.
Charlotte: hehehe really? 
Agatha: Yes, he was whining all the time. 
Charlotte: poor man. 
Agatha: Poor me. 
Charlotte: hehehe. 
Agatha and Charlotte enter in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Agatha smoked while watching the snow fall on the window, and Charlotte braided her hair to pass the time. The next day, Agatha was watching the world go by, when her silence was interrupted by Belle. 
Belle: good morning. 
Agatha: Good morning, it's colder today. 
Belle: and it's going to get even colder, just wait. 
Agatha gives a light laugh, before looking back at the world around her. Charlotte and Frida return from another victorious hunt with 2 moose. Agatha is a little surprised and approaches. 
Agatha: hey, you did very well. 
Frida: Thank you, but Charlotte was the one who had to work the hardest. 
Charlotte: Of course not, you helped a lot. 
Frida: Of course, and I'm rich.
Charlotte laughs before guiding the horses to the front of the house. Benjamin gets out and helps carry them inside. The food today will be delicious.
Agatha: You worked hard, you should rest. 
Charlotte: No need. 
Agatha: Of course you do. You hunted, you chopped the wood when it was running out, you stayed on watch for 2 days, you helped Miss Pearson skin the animals several times. 
Charlotte: I don't think this is hard work.
Agatha: Come on Charlotte, go rest. 
Benjamin interrupts the conversation. 
Benjamin: Exactly, you should rest, Miss Smith. 
Charlotte is a little reluctant, but ends up giving in. 
Charlotte: Okay, but only today, Mr. Roberts. 
Benjamin: Of course, I give you my word.
Benjamin grabbed the second servant and crossed his fingers behind his back, symbolizing that he was lying. Agatha notices and laughs a little. Auntie arrives, slapping Agatha on the shoulder and laughing.
Auntie: Hehe, did I scare you?
Agatha: I thought you were too old for fun.
Auntie: No, not yet.
Agatha: Unfortunately not. What's the camp rat doing out here in this cold?
Auntie: Is that any way to greet a friend?
Agatha: We're not friends.
Auntie: How long has it been since we last spoke? 3 or 4 weeks?
Agatha: I do everything I can to avoid you. If it were up to me, I wouldn't talk to you for 2 whole months.
Belle walks past them to go into the house, because she couldn't stand the cold.
Auntie: Belle! Agatha loves me, don't you agree?
Belle: Oh... there's no way to disagree. I bet all those insults she throws at you are just sad ways of showing affection. Aunt laughs lightly and Agatha pushes her away.
Agatha: Get lost, you stink.
Aunt: Hm, I'll see you later then
Aunt leaves a little irritated with Agatha, but Agatha doesn't care much, she's too tired to listen to the nonsense Aunt has to say, Agatha finally enters the house and sees Sarah and Belle drinking.
Agatha: What are you sharing? I want some too.
Sarah: Oh, be careful not to go crazy, this drink is strong.
Agatha grabs the bottle and takes a sip, she feels her throat burning and her tongue wriggling inside her mouth, this drink was so good. 
Agatha: OOH! Jesus! What is this? 
Sarah: Navy rum, the only drink we have for today. 
Agatha: This takes me to the heights.
Sarah gives a light laugh and grabs the bottle from Agatha to take a sip, they hear small footsteps coming towards them, it was Joyce, Jane's daughter.
Joyce: What are you drinking? 
Sarah doesn't know what to say, so Agatha answers instead. 
Agatha: Hey whale juice, honey. 
Joyce: Can I have some? 
Sarah: Oh my young lady, this drink is for grown-ups. 
Benjamin arrives to pick up his daughter who disappeared from his sight for a few seconds. 
Benjamin: Sweetie!
Joyce: They're drinking whale juice. 
Benjamin: Hey.. Honey, how about you read your book by the fireplace? It's really cold. 
Benjamin picks up his daughter and chooses a book for her to read and distract herself. Joyce stays close to Charlotte, who was warming up. Benjamin goes to Agatha, a little stressed. 
Agatha: Don't fight with us. 
Benjamin: I want some. 
Sarah: What? 
Benjamin: Did you hear me? I want some. 
Sarah looks surprised and hands him the bottle. Benjamin takes a sip and coughs a little. 
Agatha: I thought you were a family man, hehe. 
Benjamin: shut up... this whale juice is really good. 
Sarah: Of course. 
Benjamin hands her the bottle and leaves, thanking her for the drink. Being a “single” father can't be easy. 
Agatha: Well, I'll let you work, try to make a good stew, the others need it.
Sarah: I always make a good stew.
Agatha: Of course.
A few days have passed, and it seems that Jane is recovering well from her injuries, but she is still unable to do much physical effort. Agatha tries to keep her company with her pencil and her diary.
Jane: Are you drawing?
Agatha: Yes.
Jane: I bet you are drawing me, because I am a muse.
Agatha: I won't ruin my diary by putting your face all torn up in it, spare me.
Jane laughs, until Dina enters calling Agatha.
Dina: My daughter, it's time to steal the train.
Jane: Do you want me to go?
Dina: My dear, I don't think you can even handle getting on the horse.
Jane: They are just scratches.
Benjamin enters with his daughter Joyce, because he really wanted to see how your mother was doing.
Jane: Oh! Dear.
Benjamin: She wanted to see you.
Joyce: Are you okay, mom? 
Jane: Yes, I am, my angel. Your mother is strong. 
Benjamin: But she is very stubborn and stupid. 
Agatha quickly takes her attention away from the couple and looks at Dina. 
Agatha: So-
Dina; the railroad is waiting for us, let's go, dear. 
Agatha goes with Dina, leaving Joyce and Benjamin alone with Jane, only focused on how the train robbery will happen. Dina called the following people for the robbery: Agatha, Misa, Charlotte and Frida. This is going to be a disaster.
Rose: Are you sure this robbery is worth it?
Dina: Of course I am. 
Rose: But Dina, things are getting hot, we can just leave. 
Dina: Why are you so worried, Rose? 
Rose: I don't want more people to die, Dina! 
Dina: We're not going to die! 
Rose: How can you guarantee that?
Dina: Look at me, I'm alive! Look around you! Everyone is alive. 
Rose: I-
Dina: Do you want to go back to Blackwater? 
Rose: No, I don't-
Dina: Then stop acting like you're a grandma taking care of her grandchildren! 
Rose shuts up and leaves, visibly irritated. Arguing with Dina was difficult.
Arthur: You didn't have to be so rude. 
Dina: I know, I'll apologize to her later, but now, let's focus on the train. 
Dina said as she climbed onto her horse and drew everyone's attention to the long journey they were about to face. Agatha took one last look at Rose, who was on the balcony watching everyone leave. Agatha waved goodbye and Rose waved back. Will everyone make it back alive?
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 322: A Date with Her Chest, p2
“Thank youuuu..!!” she called after the delivery guy, waving as he turned once more to catch one last glimpse of the holy shit galactic-level babe that had answered the door and taken the food from his awestruck hands. She watched him stumble over the stone steps that led out to the circular drive, and found herself giggling. Men were funny. But: she needed to get back to Jay! So, in a twirl, Melissa was back inside the house, kicking the heavy front door closed and sealing the two of them back off again from the rest of the world.
“Be there in a sec!” she called out to where he waited on the couch in the great room. She’d come in to set the bag on the counter, right aside the haha miserable failure of lasagna that still sat, now growing cold in all its charred glory on the countertop. Boy had she burnt that thing to a crisp! She’d started it late and learned that doubling the temperature doesn’t necessarily just halve the cooking time.  But, she knew enough to order take-out so she could get him fed. 
Opening the delivery bag, she pulled out the contents: a tin tray with a dozen dumplings and three lidded, plastic containers full of what she hoped he’d find delicious. She pulled a fancy bamboo tray from below the counter, set everything up along with the now-chilled bottle of wine, two goblets and - after a moment of thought - a single spoon alongside the chopsticks. She tossed a pile of napkins from the delivery bag onto the tray, too, in case things got messy. 
“Here we are..!” she sang, coming back into the great room from the kitchen, “I hope you’re hungry!” Though she put a nice swing in her hips, carrying the tray towards him, she felt like he’d been a little too focused on her butt this evening. She’d felt his eyes on her anytime she’d turned away, like watching her as she’d left the room to answer the doorbell, just as she’d gotten him settled on the couch a couple minutes ago. What could she expect, wearing these little booty-shorts. Not that she minded the attention! But, the evening was supposed to be about her boobs; she’d talked about this with Abby. Yes, she’d spent countless hours at the gym making her legs and butt look bigger, stronger, shapelier, more powerful. She wanted him to notice and to think she had the best legs in the world.  But, her breasts were the more purely natural demonstration of her womanliness, were an organic symbol of how good a source of comfort and pleasure she could be for him, and were supposed to be the focus for tonight. So when she finally came to stand in front of him at the couch, across the low coffee table, she made sure to lean over slow enough, just right to give him a nice view of her cleavage.
“Nice and warm still, I’m so happy,” she clucked, as she popped the tops off the three quart-sized containers and the tray of dumplings. She fought back a smile as she felt him alternately watching her set up their dinner and occasionally lose his fight with the urge to just gape at her chest. She opened up a single set up chopsticks and scooted around the table to sit aside him on the white leather couch. 
Melissa sank to the couch slowly but making certain her weight hit with enough force to be heard and felt while curling her legs underneath herself so that her thigh muscles were on clear display. Pivoting at waist, she posed her enormous chest and trim shoulders. Watching the movement of his gaze was a true delight as the man aside her struggled to find somewhere to let it land. Her smile had shifted so that her face didn’t seem entirely appropriate to focus on, and his eyes dropped to her legs. Despite the fact that it was her legs again, she soaked in the attention he was lauding onto her body; forget the Chinese take-out, this was nourishment enough for her. Feed me, she thought. 
But enough was enough, as much as she loved it. She briskly slapped her thighs <slap slap> to grab his attention, break his engrossed leg-trance. “Ugh, my thighs feel so thhhick,” she said with a faux lisp, “might have to call in thick tomorrow.”
That shook him from his oblivious dwam. “t-tomorrow’s Saturday…” he responded. Was that his lame attempt at a joke haha?
“Oh yeah!” she laughed blithely, eyes sparkling in mischief, ”Now, let’s get you fed.” Pivoting again, she reached back to the table with her chopsticks and picked up her first morsel from the tin tray. “How about a dumpling…Dumpling?” she giggled, bringing the warm little steamed pocket of pork, ginger and shredded cabbage towards his mouth. She knew he’d balk, at first, but all it took was a couple clucks and a reminder of just how much he liked it when she fed him and he was taking his first bite. “Yummy?” she asked, watching him chew. It warmed her heart. 
He nodded, swallowing, and she watched him. She knew how little he’d been eating these days, how skinny he’d been getting. He opened for another bite, taking the rest of the dumpling, and finally asked about the other three containers when he’d swallowed again. Egg-drop, Tom-Yum, and something with some noodles. 
“That’s…a lot of soup,” he commented, noticing that the dumplings were really the only solid food she’d ordered for them.
“Yeah,” Melissa agreed, tossing her hair and reaching again for another dumpling. This one she took for herself: all in one bite. “Itssf…” she began, but then stopped, giggling, her mouth still full. She chewed for a moment with a hand shyly to her mouth and rolling her eyes, swallowed, and began again. “It’s for your tummy,” she said, “I know how you’ve been having trouble these days. I figured soup would be easier for you. But these ginger dumplings are supposed to be good for the stomach, too.” 
With a furrowed brow he nodded, grateful for her concern but sheepishly shrinking in his seat as one of his many recent fragilities were pointed out. He watched her choose another dumpling for him. Yes, something was up with his stomach and his constitution in general. He knew he should get it all checked out, when things calmed down a little. It was emasculating, how weak he’d been these days, but none of it seemed to bother Melissa. In fact, she seemed to embrace it, love it, and really leaned in to helping him be comfortable in his meagerness. So, he allowed himself to be pampered, a bit. “Thank you,” he simply acknowledged, and opened wide for another bite.
Melissa’s heart was fluttering, she was almost shivering in seeing - even after a tough week in which she hadn’t been able to pay him much attention - how easily he was falling into this docile, submissive role tonight. She was feeding him like a mama bird and he wasn’t complaining at all! She’d spoken to Abby about how important it was to show him how gentle she could be, how loving and nurturing. She thought she’d have a little fight but this is fucking easy, she thought to herself, and the warmth she felt for him in her chest grew. Eventually, after feeding him three of the dumplings, she could sense how he maybe needed a break, to let that tummy settle. Chopsticks were back on the table, and she reached for the now-opened bottle of wine, poured him a glass. She handed it to him and then sat back, moving to tuck her knees under herself on the couch. That raised her up a bit, brought her chest right up to about his eye level. She smiled down at him, and watched him take his first sip of fancy French white wine. 
“So, I wanted to apologize for something,” she began, knowing she had to be careful with how much she told him, “I’m sorry for not asking you to help me move. Lakshmi said you felt a little bad about it.”
“I, uh,” he started, struggling with how he was going to express himself here without just making himself sound petulant. He began by explaining how he thought boyfriends were supposed to help girlfriends move their stuff, right? Heavy boxes and all? Just because he was, like, half a wimp didn’t mean he couldn’t have helped in some way, right? He tried to sound casual, in good humor as much as he could about it, but she saw through it and it brought a chorus of apologies from her. In the end, he went on to tell her, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just one of the many little emasculations he was now weathering on a daily basis. That brought another wave of apologies and coos from her, and she scooted closer to him. She just wanted to hug him so bad!
“I know, I know, I know!” she whined, laughing a little to herself, “You were just, y’know, you're so busy, and not feeling great…” She was gushing with half-truths, here, fully aware that she couldn’t tell him the real reason she couldn’t have had him help her move, see her old place. That would have been too much to try to explain haha. And getting him clearance would have been impossible. 
“I wasn’t that busy,” he said, “for you, I would have made time.”
In a sudden burst of affection, she reached out to grab his head again and began to cover his face with apology kisses: <Muah Muah Muah!> they came, rapid, all over his forehead and cheeks, nose and eyelids. After more than a dozen she sat back and the lipstick marks she’d left made her giggle. “Omigod you are so sweet,” she cooed, licking her finger to clean him up. He had awkwardly started moving his hands onto her; she felt them on her hips. 
She had given him some space, after the elections, after being a little physically aggressive with him, and she began to tell him as much. But she now knew that he’d taken it as being too unfeeling and distant. Yes, maybe he had been a little emotionally needy, but she loved it! She, though, should have responded with reassurance and affection, and she knows now she was too casual about it. She had to remember to be better about his feelings in the future. It wasn’t just his weak little male bones that were fragile…his heart was, too.
He tried to protest, defending himself, but really just sounded sort of silly. He knew it, too. 
In the meantime, Melissa realized that with her emotions her pheromones had begun pouring off her body and had begun to really affect him, as they sat here. His hands were on her hips, and his gaze had once more lowered to study the hourglass of her body. His eyes had dropped to her lap, again, to her big bulging thighs, smoothly bare and throbbing with muscle as her feet stayed tucked beneath her. They were huge and perfect and haha someday soon might each weigh nearly as much as he did, but she had to remind herself again why she’d brought him here tonight. 
Sitting up, above him on the couch, Melissa casually lowered her stretchy top a bit more off her shoulders. A big breath pulled the neckline down a bit, exposing more of the upper swells of her firm, giant breasts and a bit more cleavage. Aha, she thought, that worked. Now she had him looking where she wanted...
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“Jay, I never, never, ever want to make you feel bad, or ignored, or that you’re on your own,” she began again, “I want to make life easy on you. I want to protect you.”
“P-protect me?” he queried, and she could see the protest again beginning to build behind his brow. 
“The world’s been changing, and it’s about to change even faster,” she continued, making sure her voice was strong but gentle and soothing, “I know what happened in clinic, with that girl. There’s going to be more of that, everywhere. Women are becoming different. So me and the girls think you need protecting - not just with the clinic patients. But, like, all the time.”
Now she saw him start to really bristle, but then she began to list the recent news stories they’d all heard, the female-on-male violence, the gangs, what had happened at some of the rallies. Unconsciously, her body had begun to flex her musculature while she was talking. Was it already rising to defend him, swelling, or was the idea of women breaking men into little pieces secretly exciting her? 
He seemed to be in denial, like so many men were. He didn’t see the reality that things might actually get dangerous on so many levels for him in the coming months. He assured her that the world would settle down, like they always did. She tried to be patient, knowing this was hard for him, but knew she needed her point taken. 
“Here, let me show you this thing I recorded,” she said, reaching back to the table to grab the remote. With a single button, a big-screen TV rose out of the floor, bringing a nod of admiration from him. 
“That’s cool…” he commented. 
Nonplussed by the technology - much of what she’d been surrounded with since her childhood would put this fancy television setup to shame - Melissa pressed another button or two and brought up the news clip she’d wanted to show him. Abby had suggested it and she’d had it all queued up, prepared. 
It was a piece from one of the late-night shows, from one of the news channels, an interview by a blonde anchor. She was speaking via satellite feed to a woman who he immediately pegged as a leader of one of these “fringe” groups, one of the extreme female-empowerment outfits that were being given more and more of a voice in the media: “It used to be that we sat back and watched as men in society were slowly becoming infantalized, doing it to themselves. The video games, the laziness, the dwindling education,” the woman - a pretty, but somewhat severe looking redhead in glasses -  was saying, “It upset us, a little. As wives, mothers, partners. Now, though, we have it figured out - hey, let’s encourage it. Let’s encourage these people to sit back, to give up their responsibilities so we can take them ourselves.” The woman was obviously excited, energized, and something about her tone certainly did have the effect Melissa wanted: it was making him nervous, as he sat there on the couch. She also noted - with a quick, furtive glance down - it was also making him hard. “Now...now we have the opportunity to FORCE it,” she continued, “Forced infantalization, forced physical infantalization. Make them smaller, make them weaker. Make them dependent on us for our minds, for our physical strength. We have the ability to make them physically dependent on our bodies for the very nutrition their bodies need.”
“W-wait,” he said, as he still watched, obviously confused, “what is this woman talking about?” They’d maybe missed the first part of the interview but his tone was plain: this chick is crazy. There were, he knew, all sorts of kookie conspiracy theorists out there and he was half in disbelief that this one had been allowed on CNN. The other half of him, though, began to get even more nervous. 
To his question Melissa said nothing, but had turned to watch him and how he was reacting, handling what this lady was saying.  
She was still talking. “We can start the process. We can start to physically turn them into the infants they’ve been for nearly a generation now,” she ranted. The anchor lady had to stop her, at some point, but instead of cutting away like they normally would when a guest went wacky, she presented some follow up questions. 
“Sure, there will be a place for men,” the bespectacled redhead answered, “physical labor, landscaping, package delivery. It just may take two of them to do one job, and we’ll have to be patient. But with our surplus of undereducated men we do have to find a use for th-.”
Melissa clicked off the TV. Smoothly, it sank back into the floor, and she turned back to him. 
The big house was suddenly, eerily silent. “Th-this is scary,” he admitted in disbelief, obviously struck but what he’d just heard. I mean…it was ridiculous, wasn’t it? That lady’s a crazy lady, right?
“Is it?” she asked, controlling as best she could the excitement in her voice, “Is it scary to you?”
“Y-yeah,” he answered, “a little.”
“When you say that,” Melissa spoke, inching herself on her knees a little closer to him, “It makes me feel extra protective of you. It so does…” He’d slumped back, now, against the back of the couch, while she still sat up straight aside him, facing him. She smiled warmly as he looked up at her; he looked so deliciously little. “Like, I feel like your big cuddly wolf mommy, and you’re my pup,” she continued with a little giggle, reaching out to stroke his hair, “My pup. My little pup, my puppy <giggle!>. I want to protect you from the big, mean world.”
He looked up at her, and was unquestionably aware of her greater size, her greater strength, her greater mass. Her immense beauty, her warmth. It was also not lost on him that he was here, in this magnificent mansion that was basically hers, while he was near homeless, dependent on the mercy of his bitterly angry ex-wife for the hovel where he lived. He was dependent on women, he knew he had been for years, and now his reckoning had come. They were not going to tolerate his kind any longer; they were sick of all the shit. Maybe he needed her, Melissa, now. She was offering to be his protector, and maybe he needed to latch on to a strong woman for the sake of his own safety. But, perhaps somewhat abstractedly, he knew inwardly what he’d be giving up if he put himself in her care. 
He watched as she pivoted towards him, and smoothly raised her left leg to straddle him. She now faced him, sitting heavily on his lap, towering over him like a giant. He looked up at her, and tried to keep his jaw from falling open, or quivering. He could just barely see her face beyond the imposing swell of her enormous bosom. 
“I can be your superhero…” she said with a glorious smile, sitting up straight and raising her arms into an impressive, double-biceps pose. She flexed, causing her muscles to explode in a display of her surprising, secret brawn. “…don’t you think I’m built like one?”
At that, Melissa giggled, and then threw her head back in a laugh. She couldn’t help it! It just felt so good, showing him how strong she was. She raised her arms up into the air, above herself, in a stretch that reached towards the heavens. She felt his eyes on her, gaping, in awe of what she was and what she was becoming. She was just so big! And below her, he felt very, very small. 
“oh my god Melissa…” was all he could manage, in a weak little voice. 
She looked down at him again. Good, she saw, allowing herself a crooked little smile, he’s staring at my tits. With her hands she gently cupped his face, held it in place, allowing him to look, forcing him to look. Slowly, then, she ran them down, down his neck in a caress, down to his chest, over to his shoulders. She palpated him, felt his smallness, how frail he felt under her big hands. He could feel it himself: she was examining him, sizing him up. 
Finally, she couldn’t help but ask. “Hey…are you smaller?” she posited, cocking her head. 
“Wh-what? I don’t…I don’t know.” He looked away, embarrassed, caught. 
“Hmm…” she continued, running her hands down his thin upper arms, now, feeling them for their meager strength. He’d worn a white collared polo shirt for their date, with his khakis, and she pushed his short sleeves up a bit, revealing how weak he looked. “I think you are. You look thinner, smaller, shorter.”
Though his heart was racing, and his cock was throbbing under her, he said nothing. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her what he already knew. 
“Haha, how shy, I like it,” she said, with a little laugh. She did love how flustered he got when they talked about the difference in their sizes. Knowing that he knew, and could feel, how much bigger she was than him was just so thrilling. She knew tonight was about making him feel safe and protected, but she really couldn’t help herself. Plus, it might make him understand how much he needed her protection if she did this…
“Let’s measure you,” she said dreamily, her strong hands having moved from his arms back to his shoulders, now grasping him behind his neck, kneading him in a gentle massage. The suggestion, the thought of him and her and a measuring tape, was turning her on. 
“N-no, it’s okay…” he answered, remembering his morning, the moments of self-pity, “I did it myself, at home, this morning.”
Melissa’s eyes widened, and she tried to hide her excitement. Oooo….  “How tall are you now?” she asked, with prurient interest. 
“I’m…just about five-one,” he said, face flushing in shame. How had it let it go this far?? Where was his self-respect?? Why wasn’t he doing anything about this, his health??
“‘Just about five-one’?” she asked, “you mean you're not actually even five-one?”
He saw how exited this was making her. “Well, I’m like…” he began, in answer, “just over five-feet even.”
“Like, five-foot, and a half inch?”
“More like…” he started, pulse throbbing in his face, cock ready to break through his khakis and press into her mighty thigh, “…five-foot and a quarter.”
“Oh god you are shorter,” she exhaled, overcome, with an enthusiasm that betrayed her excitement but just made him feel even weaker and more afraid. Like telling her this, speaking it aloud, had made it more real: he was shrinking, faster. 
He was looking up at her, while she smiled down at him, and his lip was quivering, his eyes glassy and full. Her expression changed from one of animated exhilaration, though, to one of immediate concern when tears began coming out of his eyes. Then, he covered his crying face.
“Are you…crying?” she gasped, quickly putting her hands into action. “Aww, don´t cry, come here,” she cooed as she both leaned forward into him and pulled him up away from the couch into her. She felt it immediately: this did not have to be an act, or contrived in any way. Melissa’s maternal instincts were kicking in, plain as day, and she couldn't bear to see him crying. Thirty-five or forty or however many years-old he was, it didn’t matter; she wouldn’t have him crying without comforting him.
She had his face right on her boobs. Her bosom was huge, and his head sank into it like a child’s. She was about to comment on it but just as she was about to speak up, he started outright sobbing.
“Shh, shh, it´s okay, don´t cry, honey, don´t cry,” she cooed, wiggling herself closer to him to more adequatelyhold him, “Why are you crying? Hmmm? Did I say something wrong? What´s the matter?” He was obviously incapable of speaking, so distraught, so she just hugged him tighter to her chest. “It’s okay. Let it out, just let it all out for me,” came her voice, surrounding him and filling his ears, “Melissa’s here…”.
He went on like this for a couple minutes, and she just let him cry. She coooed and clllllucked and purrrrred to him, reassuring him, coddling him, feeling his hot, wet face against the soft skin of her big breasts. She was telling him it was alright, that everything would be okay as long as he had her. She wouldn’t let anything happen to him, no sir! Her voice, her tenderness seemed to calm him, but still he sobbed, more gently now. And, after a while, he stopped.
“Are you feeling better, dear?” came her sweet voice again, as she rubbed his back with one hand, the other gently releasing him from her chest so he could sit back a bit. 
“I… I am…” he replied, and opened his tear-blurred eyes to look up at her. He saw how she was looking at him in a strange way. He felt suddenly ashamed, so he turned away.
“Aww, don´t be shy,” she cooed, immediately taking his chin and redirecting his face to look back up at her, “it´s natural for a man to cry. You shouldn´t hide your feelings, not from me. If you have a need to cry sometimes, it´s okay. I’m here.”
Melissa knew he had become overly aware, overly sensitive of his height, and hers. She knew how it made him feel, knowing she was growing larger and stronger while he for some reason kept dwindling away. His eyes, so many times over these past weeks, had been caught running up and down her body, checking her size, her height, how tall she was compared to him. And that didn´t changed with other people. She could also see it, out of the corner of her eye, when he was trying to talk with the other girls. She knew his shrinking had make him insecure, and now imposing herself and her growing size over him should be a last resort. A “power” she shouldn’t abuse.
But her boobs were a different story. 
Seeing that he had stopped crying, for sure, she allowed her smile to change from one of pure matronly concern to one flavored with a bit more mischief. 
“Did my chest make you feel better?” she asked, with as much girlish innocence as she could muster. The hand which cupped his chin, her right, left his face and came to rest lightly on her more-than-maidenly bosom. Her fingers began to play with the neckline of her top, and slowly started peeling it down, fraction by fraction, as her left hand slid up his back, behind his head. His gaze was redirected by her to her tits, and he was getting harder and harder. More and more of the huge upper swells of her breasts were being exposed, and his eyes became fixed and dilated. 
She tried to keep from giggling. “I don’t know if you’ve been properly introduced, Jay,” she began, her voice gentle but full of good junior, “These are my breasts. Say hello…”
With that, Melissa drew in a great, filling breath and watched his eyes widen as her chest expanded, her already enormous tits seeming to double in size as her mighty lungs filled. The elastic fabric of her top stretched to its limit and god knows how she didn’t just pop right out of it. She felt her nipples harden and announce themselves through the spandex. He had begun to shake, and she felt his thin hips try to press up into her, as he struggled to keep himself from rutting. 
“They’re excited to see you,” she began again, twisting at the waist just enough to pivot one hardened nipple right in front of his face, aggressively showing him its size, plain to see even through the aquamarine lycra of her too. She twisted again, to now show him the other one, equally swollen. “My breasts are just so ready to comfort you and make you feel good tonight, Jay,” she continued, as she slowly inched her massive breast closer to his face, his eyes staring and unblinking at its nipple, “They just want you to get to know them better.”
She knew, she knew for sure, just how breast-obsessed Jay was. All men, really, these days, had been becoming tit-men, had grown to be attracted to and fascinated by the big female breast. It gave women, especially women built like Melissa, a new power. It was a growing weakness in all men, something guys everywhere were developing. But Jay, she knew, and his weaknesses for tits, were really on another level. 
She shimmied her shoulders, just the slightest bit, just enough to bring some movement to the massive monument of mammary she had right in front of his face. Below her top her whole breast shifted, and he let out a groan as he gaped at the jiggles and waves of movement that flowed through the flesh just under the skin of her upper tit. 
“What’s your favorite word for them?” she asked, as she gathered her shoulders together a bit, squeezing her KK-cups together in a wedding-cake display of cleavage that nearly made him explode. He did, in fact, groan again, heedless of just how enthralled he was by her chest. 
But, she’d asked him a question. “Boobs? Breasts? Tits?” she began again, “What’s your fave? Knockers? Mommy Milkers?” He had begun to pant, and she felt his hips press up into her again. He seemed to like that last one haha, she thought and in response she redoubled her display, squeezing her shoulders together some more, now pressing in on her mountainous boobs with her upper arms. It surprised even she herself how big she could look when she did this. “BIG Mommy Milkers?” she pressed on, “BIG, HUGE, MASSIVE Mommy Milkers <giggle!>? What do you want to call them?”
It was hard not to stare at the deep line of cleavage between her tits. Seeing him stare, she jiggled her monstrously burgeoned cleavage a little, right in front of his face. He, of course, had - aside from now the occasional whine - gone totally quiet. He was speechless. She knew she’d rob him of his voice by overwhelming him with her chest like this, but it was still fun to tease. “Can’t decide, huh?” she finally concluded for him, allowing him to stay quiet, “Well…why don’t you just call them ‘home’ for now…” 
At that, Melissa used the hand still behind him to hug his face once more to her chest. If she thought she could fit his head inside them, probably make it disappear between them, she was right. With just a little wiggle, some readjustment of her torso and shoulders, she sunk his face and head fully between her breasts. She now then hugged herself around him, surrounding him completely. The feeling was divine, enveloping his whole head like this, and she could only imagine what his world felt like right now. Darkness, her warmth, her body’s sweet perfume: it would be all around him, enwombing him. 
“I…” she heard his muffled little voice begin, “I d-d-don’t know if I can handle this…” Indeed, his body was tensing, trying to keep itself from just spasming into her.
She felt a new wave of maternal love flow over her. ““Get used to it, baby. You’re going to be spending a lot of time like this,” she purred, knowing her voice would carry through her chest to him, “if you want to relax, let the pleasure take you and just let go, you’re welcome to. Go ahead, I don’t mind.” She felt big, magnanimous. “Take as much pleasure as my breasts can give you. Use them how you want.”
He was still  trying to keep himself, she could feel, from outright rutting up into her like a dog. He didn’t want to come this way, so soon, in his pants again. He wanted to save himself. She held him to her, and she understood. She just wanted him to be happy, but she knew he couldn’t last much longer. It was okay. 
After allowing him another moment, but not wanting him to struggle too much more, Melissa slowly released his head. “I love getting closer with you, more intimate,” she said, gently, as his head and face slid out from between her breasts and she cupped his chin again to bring his gaze up to her. She wanted him to look her in the eyes. She was happy with how rapt he was, how mindlessly he paid attention to her. “And,” she continued, “I have some ideas on how we can…bond, together.”
With that she tilted his face down again, so he could watch as her hand had come once again to her chest, right above the nipple of her huge left breast. Her fingers took delicate hold of her neckline, the stretchy fabric that just barely now covered her grandly erect nipple. “Skin-to-skin contact helps, make two people closer connected,” she said, and began to peel down her top. 
He noticed the faint hint of a tanline, still, separating the most intimate, creamiest skin of her breast from the rest of her chest. She pulled down her top, oh-so-slowly some more and he watched, with wide, unblinking eyes, as the darker skin of her areola now appeared. Already there were smaller bumps, engorged Montgomery glands, grown and ready to moisturize her nipple. Her flesh was otherwise smooth, perfect, and he could just barely see the fine hairs like down on her skin. He had begun to pant, and whine, and oh no just as she pulled down, a bit further, just as the big nub of her nipple played at the hem of her top, ready to pop above it and finally be revealed to his ravenous stare, he felt himself jolt. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no…
“Ohhh…” she cooed, her fingers freezing in place, keeping her nipple just covered by the spandex of her top, “oh no…”
He groaned, in defeat, and felt his hips buck up again into her. A familiar shock ran through his hips, into his belly, tightened his torso and made his eyes clamp shut. The first burst of wetness he felt on his thigh. 
“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay,” she cooed, feeling her lover be taken by premature climax under her, “let it out…”
He groaned, he whined again. Nooo…! But he couldn’t help himself. Still staring at her tit, at the promise of her big nipple under her top, he came in his pants. He rutted, weakly and with as much restraint as he could, up into her. This was…this was…
“Shhhhh, honey, shhhhh…” she purred to him, allowing him his moment and secretly satisfied she had him on his way to where she wanted to get him, “we have all night, baby. Mama’s just getting started…”
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shallowseeker · 8 months
Hey Shal, I have a question about your family diner meta. Mad respect, but in the Leviathan arc Biggerson's is made out to be a bad thing. I was wondering if you have any thoughts on that, since in the Cas tablet meta where Naomi attacks Cas, you talk about Biggerson's being bigger sons -> better than their fathers because of their bigger hearts is a good thing? Anyway, I'm hoping this comes across as a friendly question!
I tend to shy away from writing about some stuff from that season, because a lot of it seems very era-attenuated. Example: how an average librarian is referred to as "Chubby" and her beau as "Chub-chaser" in Repo Man. In general some of the mean despair over "fat people" in this season comes off Hollywood-seedy and thoughtless, but it's soooo of the times.
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For a little while in this era, the documentary SuperSize Me reigned supreme in every bit of small-talk and in every classroom. Jessica Simpson was a frequent target of weight-shaming, including this hugely publicized fiasco from 2009, when she looked like a walking dream BTW.
In this way, SPN is like a time capsule. (Like how, if you were alive at the time during post-"war on terror," Torture was the big topic in every current events class, verging on a buzz word. This obsession with torture looms larger in early-mid SPN because ot it.)
Yes, Biggerson's is a BIG motif in season 7, and with negative connotations. It's a nod to SuperSize Me. It's especially damning for the punching-down attitudes in Hollywood.
I want to point out that although the name is cheeky, Biggerson's wasn't even inherently bad in-world.
The Leviathan was a rotten supplier to this family chain industry, dosing its food with additives, which mirrors a lot of the real-world chatter about trans-fats, partially hydrogenated oil, etc. People were working really hard to get them banned!
When you get down to it, the people inside Biggerson's were being actively preyed upon under the guise of family together-time.
What I think... I want to carefully pivot to, maybe...
is the dark side of humanity and family, that of consumerism and exploitation.
I think overall that the family diner itself is still a positive motif, but as with every motif, there's a shadow side--the uncharitable side, a side that can be carried to extremes.
And the "shadow self" of the family diner motif is excess and greed exploiting the family by ravaging its most basic requirement to survive: shelter and nourishment.
They are making humans into livestock.
This was also a rampant idea in the 2000s: about selectively breeding farm animals so that they get dumber and dumber, until they're easy to subjugate for meat, assembly-line style.
I think they briefly touch on this again in season 12...with the Moloch monster and family business of meat packaging.
Anyway, SPN was trying to loop this idea in, too.
So, yes. BIG erson's. Bigger Sons. Etc. Etc.
You want your kids to be better than you, with "bigger hearts" and more kindness. But bigger and stronger can have a heck of a downside, too.
But at its heart, the family diner also represents communion and community. It is, after all, the weak, vulnerable human family that Cas wants to protect in season 8.
It's both things at once.
And Cas becomes the ideal/idea/motif of the always-working dad/husband who wants to provide for you but doesn't indulge in happiness or nourishment for himself. At least... not until the family is safe/cared for.)
Flagrant consumerism is a big part of Nephilim concept, too, and that's a very ancient story.
Theirs was an extensive appetite that so drained the world they had to be eradicated to save the world. In a very real symbolic sense, We are the Nephilim. (On the nose maybe, but we are empire: too tall, too strong, too wasteful, war-mongering, dominating etc. etc.)
And my point is, I think humans have always been aware of the tension and war that comes with the competition for finite resources. Resource-hogs. It's not just a modern, "American" concept.
In early days, our conceptualization of gods and demi-gods mimics the food chain. Ergo: If gods are above us, they're like other stronger animals...they want to eat us. Thus, sacrificing to them is a way to appease them. (Psychologically.)
Humanity and religion are historically oriented towards pooling our resources to survive. Many religions, even the big ones imho, are a clever family-extension devices, that's why it they’re so littered with parental components.
(It's used to bind people “under one roof” and funnel the resources appropriately.)
Certainly, that how Cults and Causes start; in meaningful ways they're all baby/early religions. And when enough time goes by, and the leaders die, etc etc...they devolve to myth and respectable religions proper.
The ultimate difference is just... time.
If angels are royal families, ancient knights-and-tribalism, then Leviathan were supreme capitalism.
It worked well in theory, even when the execution was sometimes lacking to too campy to get the satire across. Especially coming from, you know, Hollywood. And Biggerson's is a warped shadow of that appetite symbol.
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ittybluebell · 9 months
Itty Bitty Brains - iZombie g/t fanfic (ao3) | Chapter 2
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The beans that worked here were fucking weird.
It'd been a day since Atom had moved in. He'd gotten good borrowings in the night - food, building supplies, etc - and alternated between working and sleeping during the day. He was constructing a lean-to out of cardboard and a Tupperware lid when the sounds of conversation had him pausing to listen in.
"... brain's made... into some kind of astrology nut... There's just... constantly in my head... understand the world better, but at the same time, it's the greatest mystery that I can't wait to solve."
"Right, well," said another voice, one Atom hadn't heard before, "why don't you focus on solving our mystery? You know, the murdered woman whose brain you turned into a hot pocket."
"It's called a calzone, Clive. And yeah, I got it - no pondering the meaning of life as we know it and how everything is somehow connected but not at the same time and- yes, I'm completely focused. I promise."
"Good," said 'Clive.' "Because we're going to interview the widow again. She gave us what she could, but her wife was just murdered - she was barely coherent. I'm hoping that today we can get some information about the break-in. Come on - let's go."
And they were gone, leaving Atom utterly flabbergasted with his jaw hanging and his eyes bulging. She ate... no. No way. Mm-mm. Atom was not living with cannibals. That human bean did not eat-
Oh, he was going to be sick. Just thinking about- nope. Nuh-uh. He was gonna puke. No more thinking about it. Just ignore it and move on. They were not talking about eating brains because that was- that was disgusting. Nobody did that. Nobody ate people and just casually brought it up like the weather. Atom remembered the sound of food being prepared and thrown in the toaster oven. He remembered the tantalizing smell when it came out, how it made his mouth water and his stomach growl something fierce. If that was brains-
Oh, good lord.
Atom made it a few paces away from his campsite before he emptied his guts onto the floor. He heaved and coughed, shuddering as saliva and the taste of bile filled his mouth. He spat and wiped his mouth, hoping that was the end of it, when his mind flashed back to the scent of bread and cheese and fle-
Oh, yeah. That was gonna fuck him up for a few days.
Night came. Atom found himself several unopened packages of needles in a drawer that was cracked open enough for him to slip inside. He broke one out of its packaging and hefted its weight. It was perfect. The bright green end fit into his palm like it belonged there. He slid the metal into a loop on his pants and the needle sat on his hip like a knight's sword. There was a hop to his stride for the rest of the night, his pride and excitement leading him to nearly skip across the linoleum. He collected other bits and baubles, but nothing compared to the needle. The weight on his hip solidified his place there, giving him some sense of belonging. The dry pasta and staples came close, but they didn't have the same oomph. He had a sword; a symbol of his independence and self-sufficiency. How could he know fear when he wielded such a weapon?
The lights flicked on.
Evidently, Atom still knew fear.
He threw himself under the desk. The pasta shell he'd been carrying clattered to the floor. He swore under his breath, trying to catch a glimpse of the intruding human bean. Pasta didn't belong in an office. If he could just scooch a liiiittle closer...
Footsteps. A sigh from a man. The examiner? 'Clive'? Someone else? Who came into a morgue this late? Wasn't there bad juju around morgues? Fear of bodies coming to life? Ghosts? Just leave! Only the dead and things that go bump in the night belong in a morgue at this hour.
Massive legs swept into Atom's vision. Oh, of course the bean was coming into the office. Of course. Why not? Go make yourself a cup of tea, while you're at it! The human stomped closer. Atom shrunk in on himself, swallowing harshly. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. The shoes stopped dead in front of him. Atom felt like breaking into tears.
Two giant fingers pinched the pasta shell and picked it up. There was another sigh from above. Atom held his breath. Something cold and paralyzing settled in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't move, could barely breathe.
"Liv," the bean said, annoyed. He rounded the desk and settled in the chair. The single piece of conchiglie made several bouncing clacks as it landed on the wood above. Atom slowly and shakily exhaled into his hand. He turned around, coming face-to-face with a pair of shoes crossed at the ankle and a chair wheel.
"Holy shit," Atom said, closer to a gust of air than words.
The bean muttered to himself as he typed on his keyboard and flipped through pages. The sounds of pen scratching paper and clothes rustling were too loud in Atom's ears, challenged only by the thud of his own heartbeat. Atom had to remind himself that no, the human bean could not possibly hear it.
Atom began to rise, only to freeze when the bean shifted. The shoes swapped places, crossing again at the ankle. Atom pushed himself the rest of the way up. He eyed the doorway. Should he risk it or stay here? The bean was doing paperwork. But he might notice something small moving in his peripherals. Beans were hunters, after all. Atom had a greater chance of going unseen if he stayed put, out of the way. Right under the giant man's nose.
"Cause of death," he heard the human bean mutter, "stab... wound... to left lung."
That gave Atom pause. Of course he was going over Jenny's medical report. There were no other recent bodies.
"Wife found her in the morning," the man said. "Window was jimmied open, money and phone were missing. Robbery gone murderous. Knife was a weapon of opportunity. Unfortunately, there were no cameras to capture the break-in. Which means it's going to be almost impossible to track the killer down without Liv's visions."
Visions? Did she have superpowers? From eat- nope, not going there.
But they were looking for the killer? Atom frowned. He remembered that evening very clearly. He could recall every detail as if watching it play out again. He'd peeked out from behind the painting, and then it happened. And he was horrified. He couldn't remain in that house, not after what he'd seen. He was near suffocating in its atmosphere. Leaving was the best option, which he still stood by. Kind of. Okay, so maybe not - the cannibalism and 'visions' bullshit was really making him regret that decision.
"But if the robber was wearing a mask, which they were unless they're an idiot..." The bean groaned and scrubbed his face. "We're back to square one."
Goddammit. Something inside of Atom ached. Something righteous that screamed 'You know! You can help!' and urged him to tell someone. He knew what happened. He saw the whole thing. But what could he do? He was a borrower. He couldn't reveal himself - purge the very idea! Could he leave a clue? But then they would wonder who and go looking for him. He couldn't help. He wouldn't risk his people, his family, his life for one measly bean and some 'righteous feeling.' He was frustrated, not suicidal.
"Get over yourself," Atom growled, combing through his hair and catching knots. He pulled at them, untangling untameable curls. He'd done it since he was a child and was unable to cull the habit. His mother discouraged it, so he learned not to do it in front of her. It was calming, in a way. It helped in the same way that playing with his sleeves or a tool cleared his head.
Atom sat. He would wait for the bean to finish up. There was no reason to put himself at unnecessary risk. He leaned against the metal leg and closed his eyes, listening to the mumbled ramblings of the human. He mostly spoke of the mystery around Jenny's death, but he did mention cures (for what?) and rats.
That gave Atom a start. There were rats here? Of course there were. Because there wasn't enough for Atom to worry about already - the universe just had to add rats.
Rats were borrowers' number one enemy. Rats killed indiscriminately, destroyed homes - families - and encouraged humans to hire exterminators. Then came the traps and poison and cages that forced borrowers to flee their homes or risk death, or worse, discovery. Atom had to move. Again. Any day now, the pest control van would roll in and they'd start spewing fumes and setting up their bone-breaking traps.
"Oh, shit, I forgot to feed you guys tonight," the bean said.
Atom watched the skyscraper of a man go off to the back room. And then he heard eager squeaking. Realization dawned on him. They're pet rats. Lab rats. Relief flooded his body. Well, that changed everything. He didn't have to move.
Atom's head shot up. I need to move. Now! While the bean was occupied. Atom scrambled to his feet and wasted no time sprinting out of the office. He craned his neck to see into the back room. The medical examiner wasn't visible, but the popping of a plastic lid was plenty enough to place him there.
Atom made it back to the safety of the walls without further issue. He melted into his sleeping bag, deflating with a massive sigh and an adrenaline-fueled laugh. That's enough excitement for tonight, he thought.
In the morning, Atom stood atop the very desk that saved his hide last night. Every instinct in his being told him this was a horrible idea and what was he thinking? But he couldn't take it. His own guilt, knowing he could help out but just stood by and did nothing, was overpowering. There was a thrill in being out in the open during the day. His nerves were shot and his hands trembled so badly that he missed his hook throw the first two times, but he couldn't deny the exhilaration that he felt. The forbidden nature gave him a rush like no other.
Atom struggled to hold the pen upright. He wrapped his arms around it in a tight embrace and used his whole body to guide the ink, dragging the pen across the page as he walked. Finished, he rolled the pen back to its original spot. He gave a satisfied nod and proceeded to climb down to the floor, but not before grabbing a paperclip and sticky note. With a sharp yank of his shoulder, the hook came loose and fell into his waiting hand. The sharp point was a hair shy of slicing open his arm. It was a serious risk, injuring yourself with your own hook - you had to know which angles were safe to catch it and which ones were best to just let it hit the floor, even at the risk of making noise. Atom didn't like to risk it, but today felt different. He felt different.
Atom wound up the rope as he jogged back to the kitchen. It was a quick in-and-out errand - go, leave the message, come back. He was riding a high, but he didn't expect it to last long. And his luck wasn't something to be tested. Not like this. He got away with too much lately - his luck was bound to come crashing down around him. And he didn't want to be out in the open when it did.
"Liv! I got the... coffees. Right, then. I'll just leave yours here! For when you get back."
Atom's heart dropped to his stomach. The doctor was here. Atom knew he shouldn't be out in the daytime and he went and did it anyway! What the hell did he do now? He was gonna be seen and captured and dissected and-
Hide! I need to hide. Atom whipped around, searching. Shit shit shit shit. He was stuck in the middle of the floor. But the fridge was right there. Would he make it?
He had to try.
Atom made a break for it. His breath came in great, terrified puffs. His heart pounded louder than the bean's footsteps, beating so much faster than own footfalls. His jaw clenched. Hard. Hard enough to make his teeth ache. His neck prickled furiously, instincts yelling at him to find cover. There were eyes looking for him. A human was too close. He wasn't safe.
Just a bit closer. He was almost there!
"What-" started the doctor's voice.
Atom dropped like a hot stone. He slid across the linoleum, leaving a trail in the dust under the fridge. His chest heaved, sweat damp on his face and back. He laid on his back for a few more moments, basking in the cool air that felt so good on his burning hot skin.
The bean didn't see him. He was alright. Everything was alright.
The bean was in his office. He got the note, if the phone call in the other room was any indication. Atom got away with it. But that was too close. He'd only been here for two days and already had two close encounters with the one human bean. He had to be far more careful from now on; a third save was asking too much. He needed tunnels and a proper home. With all the staples and thumbtacks and pins he'd collected, he felt confident in his ability to make a ladder to the ceiling.
After his heart stopped beating out of his chest, though. A couple more minutes here. 'Here' was nice and cool. Yeah. A nap couldn't hurt, either.
Hours later, Atom had himself a functional stairway up to the ceiling. It was precarious and he'd feel more comfortable with an elevator, but he didn't have those kinds of materials yet. There was an upstairs to this place that he wanted to explore. It was a police station, right? Who knew what sorts of goodies they kept up there. Rulers and snacks and tape and pencils... oh, it would be glorious, he could already tell. His only greater wish was for a craft store next door.
The beans knew about his note. The medical examiner told his friends about the tip that was mysteriously left in his office by someone "With just awful penmanship. I mean, it's like a six-year-old broke into my office and scribbled on my work."
Yeah, screw you, too, buddy. You try writing with a pen bigger than your body.
Liv and Clive were following up on Atom's tip. It probably wouldn't lead to anything without proof, but at least he tried. It satisfied his desire to share his knowledge and that's all that mattered. Not solving the actual murder. Why would he care about what happened to beans? He'd only lived in Jenny and Sara's home for... seven years.
Shit. Maybe he did care.
No. Humans were tyrants with no regard for others. They would kill or torture or sell borrowers if they got their giant hands on one. He couldn't be sympathetic. He couldn't afford sympathy for beans. Just like he couldn't afford sympathy for a rat or raccoon. No, he didn't care about Jenny or Sara. What a ridiculous notion. Atom shook his head as he pulled himself onto the final thumbtack, curly hair flopping around him. He climbed over a wood beam and examined the dark, dusty space that laid above the ceiling. There were cobwebs everywhere - all of them vacant and perfect for sewing and building. Atom rubbed his hands together. Yes, this would do nicely. He just needed that elevator and construction could begin.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
this one is from @talesofsorrowandofruin and is probably as old as me in an alternate dimension
bother (I'll tell you again to make you believe, 2020)
Sizhui has laid his hand on Jingyi’s arm. “You are not trouble,” he says very firmly. Jingyi has always had a hard time arguing with that tone. He still tries, every time. “Sizhui, you’re very generous, but look at me. I’m all wet from falling on my face on the way to a place that I’ve been dozens of times before. I could walk here in my sleep or blindfolded. But today I just ignored that I felt dizzy when I woke up this morning because I didn’t want to bother anyone or have them thinking I was making excuses-” he coughs harshly into his elbow. Maybe he should stop talking. It’s making his throat sore. The coughing, too, that hurts. More than it did early in the morning. He had probably drank the wrong tea. Of course he wouldn’t remember which tea soothed a cough. He is twenty and still useless. Jingyi realizes that Sizhui is looking very concerned and that the hand on his arm has tightened its grip. “A-Yuan?” He asks, grimacing at the coarse grind on his words at this point. It’s his own fault, it’s all his own fault. “Anybody can get sick, Jingyi. You’re not useless.”
bark (forest secrets, 2020)
They headed north, further into the glade and up several short hills, turning sharply when the trees seemed to crowd them together. Mike saw Jayden taking careful notice of their surroundings, and he realized that the forest was only getting denser as they went on. Above their heads, the trees bent over a little, forming a green tunnel beneath their branches. It became clear that they weren’t just in some random glade, but that the trees themselves seemed to be creating a path forward. Faint symbols faded in and out of sight, blending in with the bark so he could only see them out of the corner of his eye. Mike got the feeling that this forest had been protected for a very long time.
“There!” Emily exclaimed, starting to run. “Wait! We just want to talk!”
Mike couldn’t see who she could be yelling at, but he trusted Emily if she thought she’d seen someone. He and the others started to run to keep up with her.
bring (the name was: family, 2020)
Miller came running up and reported the deaths of the beast and the boy. Sage could feel his eyes roaming over her. She shifted in place and bit back a groan, her right hand grappling at Bellamy's jacket to keep herself standing.
"We need to bring back that animal; we can't waste food. Drag or carry it back on a tarp. I'll get Sage back to the camp."
Miller nodded and sprinted off to yell at whoever else had come out with them. Sage forcefully inhaled to stave off a wave of dizziness. The forest floor dipped and rose as Bellamy somehow managed to get them walking again.
"How the hell did you manage to kill it?" Bellamy's voice was quiet but it still sounded loud in her ears, chasing away the urge to just pass out.
"If that guy didn't have another knife, I'd be dead," she ground out with an effort.
bite (meta-portal, 2021)
So when everybody is sitting down and about to ask Changmin how he’s doing, there’s a commotion upstairs. Eric and Jisung scramble out of their chairs to go and check it out. Yeonjun swallows his bite of roast chicken and takes a deep breath, then lets Kevin drag him away by the wrist, because they are friends now by virtue of bonding over “what even is our life now” moments. And portal hopping.
Haknyeon looks over the table at Jacob. “Never a moment’s peace, huh?”
Jacob bursts into tears.
so this wound up being fanfic edition.
allow, beside, calm, dry. BONUS: alleviate, destroy. @memento-morri-writes @avrablake @sarahlizziewrites @etjwrites OR ANYBODY
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Fanfic writing asks! 💖
8, 43, 57, 72, 63 💕
Omg I wasn't actually expecting it but thank you so much 💓
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Warning this is long
Question list
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Yoongi peels oranges sitting on the soft rug placed on the carpeted floor. He feeds a bit to everyone. For you though he has reserved a plate of your favourite food so that you can eat it with Namjoon who loves feeding you since he can't cook for you. You always told him it was fine but he just wanted to do something anything for you. So you let him do it. Let yourself be loved.
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43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I dream a lot basically I have a string
•This Rapunzel AU where the reader has glasses
• Dragon Namjoon
•Yandere where he isn't originally obsessed with the reader but married to her
• Friend for rent
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57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Half conscious. Sometimes I do intend to portray things but a lot of times I leave that weird idea in a wip until it joins with something I later wrote. I very much write on whim for the life of me I cannot write otherwise.
I am very conscious about the moods and If there is a cliffhanger
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72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
It has to be by @mintsugarmy ; I have told her I'm going to print her comments and put it on my wall, other one on top of my head is @bri-mal because she said if I ever wrote a book she'd get it
(I'm doing this out of memory because I realise I have a bigger masterlist than I realised)
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63. What was the hardest part of writing [insert fic]?
Since you've not given any fic I'm going to talk in general. Firstly editing it, I used to write on my computer before but with tumblr it's written on my phone so autocorrect and everything and English not being my native or me not living in a west I feel like I don't know what universe it should be in.
Secondly like loosing motivation, for me story writing is like making a soup. So me writing it at first begins with full of energy then I need to let it simmer in my brain and some soups are easy others aren't and then when I serve the soup the response is so different that it's almost a gamble with myself. Often it feels like do they like my writing or was it fluke it turned out to thier taste.
Like any bts writer knows how maknae line fics easily steal the show and I began writingthinking I should try to make more hyung line to fill the gap but then I wanted to pay them all equal attention.
Also I see a lot of interaction with writers from thier followers that sometimes is disconcerting like what am I doing wrong. Ofcourse I take time to realise there is skill difference and some have been here far longer then I have and there is also the fact where I dont write NSFW but also I write yandere
As writer I can appreciate a growth in my work and I am grateful for the people and connections on this site and I do just like tumblr even without writing. Which is why I'm perpetually online lol.
Recently for my fic Belong I've recieved a lot of attention at first it made me happy. It is supposed to be a comforting fiction so that felt good but it was supposed to be short but a lot of people wanted to read more and I did enjoy writing something with minimal angst or drama. Just a feel good thing but after a while I feel overwhelmed by it and it sometimes feels unfair that the fic I've worked the most on recieves barely any attention as compared to belong. Writing for myself is fun and that is why I keep coming up with new things but it's plainly a lie to say if people's responses don't matter. I always appreciate people who question things about my writing because it means they're paying attention.
I think I got carried away haha. If you reached here thanks for reading.
And to anyone else reading this if you haven't already go check out @aris-ink works.
And I'm socially inept only because I kept reading novels about friends rather than making them so do you want to be mutuals? 💜💜
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
9, 30, and 45 for Vanessa, 15, 40, and 39 for Tina!
@fishklok ❤️🤙🏼
9. Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
Nessa's not afraid of touch but she will seek it out and reciprocate when she's around loved ones.
It does surprise her at times how much she can feel better after a hug, a soothing hand on her back, or just holding a hand.
Even as a baby Nessa always responded better to being picked up and cuddled to calm down, it's something that carried over to her adulthood and it's one of her expressions to show those she loves.
30. What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
1. Jamaican Patois/Japanese: Not immediately obvious depending on who she's talking to.
2. Rap/Hip-hop music particularly the Wu-Tang Clan and Lil-Kim: Not obvious at all until someone asks her. She'll talk your ear off about her favorite songs.
3. Jamaican cooking: Semi-obvious, watch her critique of someone's Jamaican food and you'll know. Extra points since she worked at her paternal Grandparent's Jamaican restaurant, the Tug Boat.
4. Video Games: Not obvious at all! She surprises A LOT of people with her video game knowledge. Especially Street Fighter, she gets a perfect round more often than not.
5. Japanese Culture/Karate: A little easy to spot if you know how to look. She'll probably tell you sooner than later!
35. How easily does your oc get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
It takes her some time to get truly attached to someone, and once she gets that close, that's when Vanessa starts getting scared.
All of that stems from her mom voluntarily disappearing when she was just eleven and a month after Tina turned one.
Afterward, during her tween and teen years, she consistently kept people at an arm's length other than some family and some friends. It took her college years to chip away enough of that to maintain two separate romantic relationships she had and open herself up a little.
It was years worth of therapy to chip away more of that wall only for it to build back up after Magnus.
Now for sentimental things, not everything that will be important will automatically be sentimental. But she can't help but hold on to certain things that belonged to someone she cared for, even if it's only memories.
15. If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
That's a very good question! It took some thinking, and this applies to both of the sisters since they have this animal tattooed on them, but the Doctor Bird from Jamaica. Also known as a Red-billed streamertail.
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This bird represents the reincarnation of dead souls and it's for being quick, and difficult to kill. AKA the G-d Bird.
The folk song about them inspired me more for them:
“Doctor Bud a cunny bud, hard bud fe dead”. (It is a clever bird which cannot be easily killed).
I also use it for both of the sisters to represent good luck sometimes in unexpected ways. They won't win the lottery overnight but they won't meet others' misfortune.
39. How superstitious your oc? Do they end up following them ‘just in case’? Or are superstitions incredibly important to your oc? What are some that they believe? What about the ones they don’t?
To put it like this, Tina is on the end closer to the "Then how do you explain the dead unicorns?" debate of "There's no such thing as trolls".
She may not be particularly superstitious but Tina has enough Jamaican upbringing (general POC parenting) to not fool around with things she doesn't understand.
Tina will carry a good luck charm maybe but don't expect her to freak out if she doesn't follow a ritual.
40. Are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
Tina picked up her slight nail-biting from her dad and she knows it's from him after Nessa told her as a kid.
She will try to stop herself but bad habits take a while to die when stressed.
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loominggaia · 2 years
Is the trolls practicing fattening up their wives into immobility thing still canon? Cause it’s not on the article anymore? I’d still like to figure out more about this feedism practice though like where it originated and what it symbolizes in troll culture?
This is still canon, I just removed it from the main troll article because it's not really a species-specific thing, it's more of a cultural thing. Not all trolls practice this.
All of today's trolls descend from just two ancient groups: the Skadgrik (of Halostira) and the Hukus (of Wokina). This fattening practice originated with the Skadgrik.
As the Skadgrik travelled away from their native land, they brought their culture to new lands and introduced it to other trolls. The Skadgrik immigrants kept their ancient traditions alive over many generations, and so these traditions spread throughout different trollish societies on Looming Gaia. Their strange wife-fattening practice left a big impression on all who witnessed it, so it became a stereotype of all trolls, even though many troll societies have never done this.
So, why did the Skadgrik fatten their wives in the first place? To answer this, I have to talk about their native homeland first. The Skadgrik come from a frozen island off the coast of Halostira. There is very little food in this region except during migration season, when thousands of walruses use the island as a breeding ground. This season is a time of feasting and abundance for the Skadgrik, who hunt the walruses and preserve their leftover meat in the ice to carry them through the rest of the year.
Hunting and preparing these animals is hard, dangerous work, which is done exclusively by male Skadgrik. In this culture, males are valued by how hard they work and females are valued by how hard they don't work. The Skadgrik believe that for every meal a male eats, he should feed his wife at least double that amount. If he can do this, then he's considered a good provider by his tribe. If he can feed her more than this, then he is exceptional.
So, Skadgrik husbands scramble to feed their wives as much as possible, because the fatter she gets, the more respected he is. Fat, lazy wives are a status symbol in this culture. Many of these trollesses get so fat that they become immobile, and then it becomes her children's duty to care for her while her husband is out huntiung more food.
This tradition may seem strange and cruel to outsiders, but the Skadgrik trollesses are proud to be this big. It's a status symbol for them as much as it is for their husbands. If a trolless is too thin, it gives other Skadgrik a bad impression of her and her family. They think her husband must be a lazy bum, or she's a difficult woman and not worth the hard work, or that she has somehow alienated her children and they refuse to care for her.
Of course, being this big does lead to extra challenges in life. These trollesses don't live very long, usually dying from obesity-related causes like high blood pressure, heart attacks, and diabetes. It also makes them sitting ducks in emergency situations, as they're unable to escape disasters fast enough. They're also prone to devastating falls, bone breaks, and even suffocating under their own weight.
In "Flopper and the Whopper", a Halostiran troll named Xydoz explains what kind of tragedies can happen when their wives get too big. Check out this excerpt:
One of the yaks tried to stop and graze. With a whip of the reins, Xydoz urged it back on the trail. Once the laughter died down, Glenvar asked, “Come on, how did ya really get here?”
     “Real answer not interesting,” the troll admitted. “Trolls wait until winter when water freeze into bridge, then walk across.” He paused. “Only one time interesting. Heavy troll make ice break. Then swallowed by whopper, gone forever.”
     “Is that a joke?”
“Not joke.” Xydoz’ grin faded. “Was Xydoz’ wife, Iiab. Xydoz bad troll, not save Iiab fast enough.”
     Glenvar’s grin faded too, curving into a frown. “Oh. I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
The troll lowered his horned head with a small nod. “Iiab was fat, sweaty troll. Smell like a thousand dead fish. Collect most flies in Toraag.”
     A slight smile returned to his craggy lips, doleful eyes above. “Iiab so beautiful, Xydoz kill all Iiab’s brothers and father to have wedding.”
“You killed ‘em? Why?” Glenvar flipped over on his belly, resting his chin on his fists.
     Xydoz replied, “They not give permission to marry. Say Xydoz not have enough pigs!” His nostrils crinkled. “Xydoz come to Halostira for fortune. One day buy pigs, return to Toraag and marry again. But no troll replace Iiab, lumpiest, foulest, meanest of trolls.”
This snippet also gives some insight into trollish beauty standards. Trollish men like their women fat, lumpy-skinned, mean, and smelly! The Skadgrik and their descendants just happen to value weight above other things because food was such a scarce resource for their ancestors. Food didn't come around often, and when it did, they had to risk their lives battling a horde of rutting walruses on a godforsaken chunk of ice to get it.
Lore Masterpost
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
FEELING NICE - Chapter 7
Although the strange decline in rabbits this season was concerning, the coyotes didn't have to worry too much about it because Naylan kept his promise.
Over the next few weeks, the storage area that belonged to the wolves had become a makeshift meet up site for trading food.
We were able to get the meat we needed by increasing our gardening and fishing output.     
I felt a bit useless since hunting was my thing and things weren't going too well but I recognized that my ego wasn't more important than the well-being of my Mother, Grandfather and community at large.     
Because of the arrangement, I got to see Naylan a lot but he avoided me for the most part and seemed shocked whenever I would get the urge to call out to him.
He took my request about acknowledging but ignoring the bond seriously.
The thing was, I was having a hard time doing that myself. 
Seeing him around wolves that he was close to was enough to make me uneasy.
I knew it was irrational to think that he would start dating someone out of the blue and also if he did start dating someone it was none of my business but I couldn't ignore that it stung a bit when so saw someone linger too close or hold on to his shoulder or arm for longer than usual.   
Something else I had noticed about Naylan is that he maintained a more dominant demeanor around his pack mates that he immediately dropped when he was around me.
At first, it had annoyed me to think that he thought it was in my best interest to mitigate his Alpha status so that I could feel more comfortable.
I was older than him, taller and more experienced with weapons.
I was holding a gun to his face and he had gawked at me with a childish expression and a lowered head.   
I thought I was being made fun off but then as time went on I saw it was how everyone else looked at their mates... Elijah gave that look to his wife and I noticed my Grandfather's eyes did soften when he talked about my Grandmother even though she had passed away years ago.     
It was a look of affection... maybe even love.
The softness in the stance of canines was a symbol that they wanted you around and that you weren't in danger.
With time I saw less of Naylan since his pack mates had a good grasp of trading with the coyotes, so he didn't have to supervise them anymore and with his absence, I felt a space in my subconscious that felt hollow and needed to be filled.
My nose searched for his scent and my eyes would always scan the area for him.
I wanted to see him and I was getting frustrated with the fact that I couldn't.     
When my restlessness was at its worst, I would carry my hunting gear and take a walk in the woods.
There wasn't much to hunt or catch but I needed an excuse to spend time by myself and think through my conflicting thoughts without having to explain my dilemma to my Mother.   
"You seem lovesick. Is there something you're not telling us?" Elijah's wife had asked, whispering into my ear while placing a hand on my shoulder when I had visited their little bungalow for dinner.
I had been horrified that I was that easy to read, so on days like that... days like today... I excused myself with the guise of hunting to muse in peace.     
The walk was great for clearing my head.
My wolf settled down in my chest and the odd clash of emotions that made me everything from upset, to angry were subduing.   
"It's like puberty all over again," I chuckled to myself, smiling a little as I walked over the interlocking of moss, climbing weeds and raised tree roots that were commonplace. 
I cheered up enough to even start humming.
I wasn't a great singer but I could mumble along to the songs my mother loved to sing while she was gardening.
I decided to head towards the river when I realized that I had walked through most of the path I had made out for myself and as I approached it I stopped suddenly at the scent of something... no, someone... familiar. 
My head tilted back as I sniffed the air, closing my eyes.
'Naylan?' I wondered, opening my eyes again before looking around me.
After searching for a while, I noticed a figure in the distance heading towards the river too.
My stomach squeezed up in knots when I noticed his distinctive hair and stance.   
'What's he doing here?' I wondered, trying to figure out if I should approach him or not.
He was rarely alone the few times I had the chance to spot him and now that he was, I wondered why he was alone.
He looked skittish and the way he would pause and look around told me that he has something on his mind. 
'I'll just follow him.' I told myself, deciding to trail behind him.
It didn't matter if he sniffed me out.
I've been in these woods longer than Naylan has and so was quick on my feet when finding hiding places.
I wandered close enough to him to heat him muttering under his breath.
I couldn't pick up on everything but he mentioned 'Adyen' and something about needing to talk to whoever that was.   
I was so focused on listening to him mumble that I hadn't noticed when I had wandered too close until a sound or something snapping under my weight brought me out of my thoughts.
My eyes went wide when they saw the dried-out tree branch on the floor that I had stepped on.
I stopped, staring down at it before looking up to find that Naylan had his eyes on me.
I had been following him and now I was caught.     
"Hi," I mumbled, giving him an awkward smile as I raised my hand to wave at him.
"We haven't talked in a while."
My voice was drowned out by the sound of my heart beating in my own ears.
He was a few meters away and I could smell him... he had a faint beach smell to him, probably hinting to his pheromones adapting to his upbringing in Nova Scotia.     
"Yeah," Naylan blurted after a while of just staring at me.
It seemed like he had just realized that gawking at me as if he had seen a ghost wasn't going to cut it.     
"Well, it was nice seeing you I guess," he mumbled, looking over his shoulder.
"I'm just going to stand by the river. I wasn't planning on trespassing or anything."     
'Oh.' I thought, remembering that I had told him my territory started close to the river's end here.   
"It's not a problem. That's not why I approached you," I explained, tucking my gun in its sling bag.
"I just wanted to say hello."   
 "I see." Naylan's voice was unsure and how there was a small frown forming on his face.     
"I was heading to the river too," I added when Naylan didn't say anything else.
He didn't have much of a reaction to my declaration.
He just blinked at me. 
"You confuse the hell out of me, you know that?" he said.     
I licked my lips, running my fingers through my loose curls as I walked closer to him.
"How so?"
My heart was beating fast and my wolf was freaking out but I zoned them out to focus on Naylan.
I didn't want to make a fool of myself.
I had pushed him away and now I was regretting it, so I had to tread with caution if I planned to ease us into a more friendly relationship.
I still didn't want to make things serious with Naylan but my hormones were telling me that I at least wanted to see him and talk to him regularly.     
"First you tell me that we should keep our distance and now you're..." he paused when I walked up to him and stood right in front of him, blocking everything else from his eye view.     
"Now I'm what?" I asked in a low voice, urging him to continue.     
"Now you're wanting to say hi," Naylan finished closing his eyes before letting out a sigh.
"What's up with that."     
I shrugged.
"I don't know," I said, being honest.
It wasn't my fault that I wasn't drawn to him and wanted to see him even though I had told myself that I would try to avoid that.
Naylan should understand, right?
The mate bond thing messed with the both of us after all.
"I guess I want to be friends." 
"Friends," Naylan repeated, laughing a little.   
"Friends that maybe kiss sometimes..."
I hadn't thought my words through but seeing his eyes go wide and his lips part in shock was enough to make my chest contract in need.
He had great lips and I guess his boyish embarrassment wasn't a bad touch.   
'Goddess. I did want to kiss him. What the actual fuck?'     
"I don't think you should joke about things like that," he said, making me blink and come out of my thoughts.
I opened my mouth to say something to counter his words but he had already turned around and was now fast walking in the direction of the river.     
"Hey, slow down a little," I complained, adjusting the backpack containing my equipment as I adjusted the strap or the sling bag that held my gun.
Naylan didn't pay attention to me and only stopped when he was standing at the edge of the river.
The waves moved forward and touched his shoes, washing off the mud on their black soles.
When I caught up, I stood beside him...close but not close enough for our shoulders to touch.
I stared down at the water that was a light brown.
Some fish skittered over smooth stones on the shallow end and the sound of running water plugged the silence that would have been if Naylan and I were somewhere else.     
"Did you mean it?" Naylan asked, making me look at him from the side of my eyes.   
"Mean what?" I asked, watching him lick his lips before looking back at the water. 
"The friends that kiss part," he let out.
His voice shook a little and I could tell that he was nervous from the way he shifted the balance from one foot to the other as his hands squirmed in the pockets of his dark blue jeans.
"That was just a joke, right?"     
"I wasn't joking," I said, sucking on my inner cheeks.
"I meant it."     
He looked over at me, narrowing his brown eyes as he held my gaze.
"Why the change of opinion?"     
I could have told him that my wolf was being needy.
I could tell him that the more I looked at him, the less defensive I was about being by myself and without mate and I could tell him that him being around other people but not with me was starting to make me jealous but I didn't and instead just muttered...
"The hormones are getting to me."   
He stared at me for a bit, before he started cackling.
His smile was wide and his white teeth shone as he kept laughing. 
"Fuck," he said in-between wheezing.
"Well, that's honest."     
I smiled a little, watching him wipe his eyes as he calmed down.     
"Well, what do you think?" I asked, feeling my heart pound against my chest as I waited for his answer to my proposal.     
"Sure, whatever," he muttered, looking down at the waves again.
I smiled at that, noticing that he was radiating anxiousness even though he had tried to be nonchalant about it.   
I moved closer to him, letting our shoulders touch through our long-sleeved shirts.
He didn't look up but I could hear his heart beating fast and I assumed he could hear mine too.
'This feels nice,' I said to myself, closing my eyes as I felt the river breeze prickle my skin.
Hearing Naylan's breathing was calming and so was his smell.
I crushed the urge to reach out and hold his hand by burying mine in the pocket of cargo shorts.
Things were already weird as they were, there was no need for me to make things more confusing for him.   
'It's nice,' I repeated to myself, taking in a deep breath as I appreciated the company of my mate. 
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lunarcheeseybakery · 2 years
Opium Poppy cookie
Nicknames: Opium, Poppy, Shepard boy.
Maturity: Semi mature
Height: a bit taller than wind archer
Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its'
"make less noise, okay?"
"Can't be quiet?"
"Don't stress about it....it won't change anything...friend"
"How about a nap?"
"...I am not dead? Yes...I have been told.."
Sexuality: Bisexual
race: Cookie.
Where is he from: small unknown farm village.
His skin is generally dark brown.
Long flowy dark purple hair that turns lighter colors as it goes. It has strands sticking out and it comes sone his eyes
Yellow eyes, that glow in the dark softly. They have dark circles under them.
He has a beam-ish pole-like feel to his body build.
He wears a greek lavender short toga with yellow cloth wrapped around it. Maybe showing his chest.
He wears a blueish-purple clock with a fluffy rim on top. On it is special symbols with the moon and dreams.
headband made out of twigs with a couple of flowers.
he also wears classic greek strap shoes.
He has a tattoo on his right arm, it's dark blue stars
Generally is seen holding his dream catcher staff/crook and holding a lamb.
has a brown bag around his shoulder, where he stores food, water, stuff he finds in the woods, etc.
Mother-tension-He didn't get along with her much, but he still very much cared for her every moment they had ended up in the screaming match. He distanced himself from her once he was out of the house.
Father-tension-same as his father but slightly worse. He was always forced to overwork himself.
Friends/enemies :
???-friendly-they were one of only a few friends that got him and cared about him. throughout childhood into adulthood....until they eventually drifted apart. He sometimes wonders what life would have been like if he stayed in contact with them.
Moonlight-Adimiriation-he has nothing but respect for the moon goddess after all these years. He developed a slight crush on them but knows he can never admit it. He prefers it if they just stay friends anyway. He is a bit more cooperative with her than anyone else, in the time they have interacted.
Fire spirit-tension-He is a bit too noisy for his liking and annoyed. Luckily, their meeting is few. When they do meet, it becomes a small petty argument.
Wind archer-friendly-Bit too uptight windy but generally speaking okay guy. they sometimes talk when they are on break.
Sunlight-tension-he has met her a few times, she is pretty annoying. So he avoids her, he likes her pet cow tho.
Nightgazer-admiration-Since she was the one who brought him back to life, he has nothing but respect for her. Despite not showing it much, he will do her orders. They sometimes share tea and talk about how things shave been.
One of the dream sheep-pet-Little lamb is always finding themselves in trouble. He has to keep eye on them, he usually carries the winged sheep around to make sure they run away.
Two head dog-pet-he found him once in forest cold & alone. He took pity on him, so he took him and raised him to be a shaped dog which he file much easier. He genuinely loved the little hyper ball and would do anything for him.
traveling through the dream world.
shapeshift into any dream to trick the cookie into usually delivering messages.
uses the staff to produce to make the victim drowsy or fall asleep. Same with his flower crown.
can use his staff to bring his sheep together and even use them to charge an enemy
sensory tracking
can trap nightmares using his staff, sometimes even leash them as an attack
Strength/mental skills & physical skills: Staying calm under a stressful situation, taking time to think things through, sarcasm, and good-ish memory, observant.
weakness/limits: Sluggish, cant lift everything, due to him not practicing his powers much they are limited, it takes time for him to use sensory tracking or it is useless if he is out of range, his victims won't stay knocked out for long, and can't do much without his staff.
Positions/society class: God of dreams, protector of dream sheep and bring of messages through dreams.
One object they can't live without, and why is that:
dream catcher staff/crook because he is useless without it.
Favorite hobbies, foods, etc: Collecting stuff, sleeping, poppies, soft fabric, sheep, raccoons, owls(sometimes), soft field, any type of fruity icecream, veggie sandwiches, and  reading up the city of wizards
Personality/main attributes: He is generally a pretty laid-back dude. He doesn't like doing much work instead would like to sleep all day. He doesn't like being woke up, and he is quite cold to outsiders. If you gonna wake him from his nap then you better have a good reason. He can be quite stubborn. He usually groans and goes back to sleep, ignoring you. And sometimes snaps back if pushed. His expression is almost unchanging, staying stoic. He can always be calm no matter what situation and doesn't rush into things instead take his time. He is usually quiet when he speaks it's slowly. He is a bit pacifist though knows peace can't love everything.
He was once a cookie named"Red poppy", He had short red hair and greens, even in his past he was still a pretty lazy cookie, always taking any moment to sleep, it was one of his few escapes. His parents were arguing all the time and school was no better either. The kids often picked on him and had few escapes to go to. He could dream everything was okay, which gave him a moment to stop stressing about stuff. It soon became a"hobby" of his, he would dream, wake up, and write what was a dream about before doing it again. he soon grew interested and start studying the dream, where he grew even more respect for moonlight and wanted to become a wizard.
However, life was not so kind to him, trying to study to become a wizard wasn't easy. He had failed many times and during adulthood, He took odd jobs to sustain himself and his studies You can imagine he was pretty stressed out most of the time but he kept going with the encouragement of his friends. However as time went on, he slowly lost contact with them. it saddens him but was too engrossed with his studies, he wanted to learn more dreams to see what was out there.
He tried many spells to help, but none were successful. He was close to giving up until he found one spell. That could help him explore the dream world by leaving his body temporarily, no what happened he was supposed to stay in his room until it was morning. He was able to see what was out there, which was his mindscape where all memories were locked away. When he"woke" up it was the middle of the night and in his body. He noticed it was still night and decided to wander around his house where he was attacked unknown entity and turned to shred. He died in his sleep that night meanwhile his spirit was torn into a nonsense nightmare, that floated aimlessly in the mindscape. He latched to whatever mindscape in his path and tied communication but it was nothing but a mess of words and images.
One day, he was found by a nightgazer who pitied the broken dream and offered it a deal, if he worked for her he would get his body back if not she would cast him away into nothingness. He thought about it for a bit before agreeing. She gave him a body and restore some of his memories. . he was assigned to look after and protect the dream sheep from harm while also being ready to call upon them to deliver a message to mortals. He was given the new name Opium poppy.
He was given a new outfit for the job and was sent to look after the sheep. This is where he is today, looking after and protecting the sheep.
Daily routine and cure for the crumbly day:
He wakes up in late the afternoon before getting ready for the day. He does the usual morning routine(Have a bath, get dressed, and have breakfast) before he starts herding the sheep using his staff guide from field to field, most of them being filled with poppies. Even if he has trouble falling staying away because of them, it doesn't matter since he usually falls asleep while the sheep graze. He has his dog to keep looking at them and he occasionally counts them whenever he wants to make none have left. He much prefers doing nothing however that doesn't mean he is neglectful. He will care for and provide for his sheep's needs. Like sheering them and making sure they are healthy. He will occasionally bump into other shepherds but he will ignore them.
Nothing eventful happens except for the occasion a sheep wonders off without the dog nor him knowing. He usually manages to find them before they are eaten by wolves and he uses the staff to them away then he takes the sheep back home.
Eventually coming night, he will return to his home, despite being asleep most of the time he usually has a strong sense of where they are. and he has a map However if too far, or if he doesn't feel like it (which is usually what he does)He will make a camp at the location, they are in and sleep in. He is usually called upon by Nightgaze to deliver a message to someone during this time. After getting a brief rundown of the person, He falls into a deep sleep where he transforms himself into a dream and visits that person to deliver the message
His life is pretty uneventful for him, on rare occasions when he loses a sheep to a wolf or other causes. He is seemly unaffected by it, he just moves on but he makes sure to make a burial for the sheep and pays them respect. Occasionally, crying a bit he will read a book to get his mind off it. He will drop it after a few days and presume his shepherd job as normal.
What is he attracted to?/What type of (X) do they like?: Strong partners  who are pretty chilled out and don't annoy him
Sexual experience: None, he fails to sleep before their partner can do anything with him. If he were to participate, he would be a sub.
Romantic experience: He had a couple of relationships but they eventually fail.
Fears: facing the hardships of reality/stressing
Goals/dreams/aspirations: He wants to keep an uneventful stable life, taking care of the sheep.
You can't do anything right, you will fail many times. So why bother trying?
Why bother stressing about it? it not gonna change anything.
Insecurities: Not being good enough.
What they most often look down on people for is: Being too high-strung or loud.
What makes her/him feel alive: finding random stuff and taking it back home
What do they feel loved, and who was the person to make them feel that way: Someone who is just there, that doesn't try to fix anything and just listens. It was his best friend.
Top 3 things they value: are sleep, books, and chilled nature
types of sheep
normal ones- Blue, Yellow, and Pink sheep are normal sheep except they are colored. It affected the planets they eat which are usually poppies, depending on how many they eat it can change their color completely.
Winged ones-the winged sheep have wings on their side and are light purple with a soft glow to them. They will be hardest to keep an eye on since they are surprisingly easy to keep eye on since the only time they fly is to eat some food up on the or escape from predators. However there is a couple of trouble maker usually the lambs, they have their wings tied up for a bit because of this until they are older. They grow up slightly bigger than the rest.
Big ones-They are near the size of a cow and are almost always bright yellow. They can ram you if you provoke them or if they are just playing, they are usually docile creatures unless there is a threat.
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Boruto: Owari by Hispanic3some
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure, Boruto U., Naruto U., OC, Sarada U., Words: 2k+, Favs: 3, Follows: 5, Published: Mar 1, 2016
Boruto: Owari
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters associated with the story, unless I created them, you'll know who they are, Enjoy.
Chapter 1
Scene 1
It was a beautiful day in the forest outside of Konoha, wildlife flourished and rays of the sun bounced off the trees of the surrounding area and insects buzzing around. Three ninja were walking through the path heading towards the village hidden in the leaves. The one in middle has blond hair and blue eyes with two whisker-looking like lines across his cheeks. Wearing a black and red jacket with the Uzumaki logo on the back, underneath the jacket is a mesh shirt. With his Jacket sleeves rolled up, black pants down to his ankles and with his kunai holster strapped to his right thigh, his name is Boruto Uzumaki. He is accompanied with his two friends/teammates; the one to his right is a female with straight black hair and black eyes, baring the Uchiha symbol on her back and a katana on her left hip. Wearing short shorts with her kunai holster on her right thigh and wearing a black sleeveless vest with the Uchiha crest imprinted on her left breast under a white blouse with red outlining print, and wore black fingerless gloves and red glasses, her name is Sarada Uchiha. To Boruto's left there is a very pale teen with white-blue hair and golden eyes wearing a bluish robe over a mesh shirt and his belt bearing the leaf symbol with a ninja pouch on the back of his belt, also wearing elbow length fingerless gloves, his name is Mitsuki.
After a long day of training, the three were walking back towards the village not knowing what is to come. "Man Konohamaru-sensei killed us today, let's go grab some Ichiraku ramen to get our energy back," Boruto said with excitement.
"Boruto is food all you ever think about!" Sarada scolded at Boruto, while Mitsuki was following in the back smiling at the conversation ahead of him.
"Ah come on Sarada are we gonna go through this every time? You should know me by now," Boruto flashes his mischievous grin at her. Sarada blushes,
"Huh Sarada why the red face, you wouldn't happen to be blushing would you?" Boruto asks chuckling while Sarada looks away saying,
"C-come on Boruto w-what are you talking about? My face is fine," as she got even redder than before.
"Come on Boruto knock it off before she passes out from having too much blood in her head," said Mitsuki in a teasing way. As Boruto and his team approach the village gates, they hear yelling coming from the village.
"Stop! Come back here!"
Boruto looks up and notices a woman wearing the traditional Chunin uniform, she has black short black hair, red eyes and is clinching chakra blades in each hand, and her name is Mirai Sarutobi the daughter of Kurenai Yūhi and the late Asuma Sarutobi. Mirai, running at top speed, is chasing after three ninjas, team seven begin following Mirai, as they catch up to her, Mitsuki looks ahead and notices one of the ninja is carrying something on their back, Mitsuki, trying to understand what happened, looks at Mirai and says,
"Mirai what's going on? What happened?"
"Some rogue ninjas were able to infiltrate the village and steal the forbidden scroll from the vault in the Hokage's mansion." Mirai responds,
Boruto and Sarada both had surprised looks on their faces and Sarada asks,
"How were they able to get the scroll?! Weren't there security measures from when the last time someone stole it?" asks Sarada while Boruto thinks to himself, "I remember something about that it happened long before we were born but I forget who stole it."
"That's unknown but the fact is they were able to retrieve it, and now we have to get it back before they discover all the secrets the scroll possesses," says Mirai.
Boruto with his infamous grin says,
"Mirai let us handle this, you need to report back to my old man, and let him know that team 7 is in pursuit." Mitsuki and Sarada reluctantly agree. Sarada looks at Boruto with an annoyed look on her face,
"Who voted you leader?"
"Now is not the time for this, for now we have an unofficial mission to handle," Mitsuki replies in a calmly matter.
"Sigh alright Mitsuki you're in charge for now," says Mirai while Boruto responds
"What makes him so special!" in an exasperated manner. Sarada rolling her eyes says,
"Just forget it Boruto, we have to hurry before we lose sight of them."
"Alright I'm counting on you guys, I'll report back to Hokage-sama," Mirai shunshins towards village
"Alright let's go!" Boruto yells at the top of his lungs.
"Baka, we are Chunin now there's no need for that." Says Sarada rolling her eyes, while on the inside, "sigh why can't he be more mature at times."
The team speeds toward where the rogue ninja are headed.
Scene 2
The rogue ninjas are trying to leave the Hidden leaf village by heading northeast towards a forest full of dead trees, this forest was once well known for its large white trees that eventually began to die out, and the name of the forest is known as The Forest of Dead Trees. The three rogue ninja enter the forest, one of the ninja wearing a black cloak with strange symbols and a mask that covers his face, turns around and stops on one of the various dead trees, the masked man says,
"Jizo, Kizo stop!"
"What is it Josho?" Kizo responds
"We've got company; Jizo and Kizo both of you split up and take cover within the trees, I'm going to engage our friends. Kizo take the scroll and don't let it out of your sight" replies Josho. Kizo grabs the scroll; both Jizo and Kizo smiled and vanish into the trees.
"Let's see how talented these leaf ninjas are." Josho shunshins to intercept the group heading towards them and awaits their arrival
Scene 3
Team 7 arrives at the Forest of Dead Trees. Mitsuki in the front, Boruto to the right and Sarada to his left.
"Looks like one of the ninja is waiting for us," says Mitsuki. Sarada activated her Sharingan to prepare for the fight while Boruto pounds his fist against his palm and says,
"Finally some action!"
"Remember we must retrieve the Forbidden scroll above all else" Replies Mitsuki. As they were approaching their target they notice there's only one person there. Boruto asks,
"Weren't their 3 of them, where are the others?"
"I don't know probably waiting to ambush us." Mitsuki replies.
Team 7 reach's Josho who is patiently waiting for them. Disguising his voice, he looks at them and says,
"About time you guys showed up."
"Heh, why don't you return the scroll to us and maybe we'll go easy on you." Boruto replies, Josho smirks,
"as appealing as that sounds I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline." He immediately charges towards Boruto and starts making hand signs, Horse, Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger, and he inhales with a deep breath and yells out "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu" a ball of fire blazes from his mouth and starts to grow exponentially in size. Before Sarada and Mitsuki could respond their teammate was engulfed in flames.
"Boruto!" screams Sarada.
The flames clear with a puff of white smoke, and a voice flying through the air screams,
"you think a jutsu like that is enough to stop me!" Boruto appears with a blue ball of chakra rotating furiously in his right hand he launches himself towards Josho and yells out "Rasengan". Jizo and Kizo appear and head towards Boruto; Sarada quickly reacts and starts throwing her shuriken at Jizo. Jizo dodges her shuriken and chuckles
"Stupid girl you think you can stop me with an attack like that." Sarada smirks pulls on the ninja strings attached to the shuriken, and with a swift motion he gets tied to a tree Sarada hold the strings with her teeth and begins to sign Serpent, Dragon, Hare, Tiger and she yells out "Fire style: Dragon Flame Jutsu" the fire, being guided by the ninja string, engulf Jizo in flames. Kizo quickly puts on his brass knuckles, blazing with chakra, and goes to punch Boruto. Boruto distracted by Kizos attack he does not notice Josho is no longer in front of him, with a surprised look on his face Boruto lands on the ground and turns to Kizo, with a big smirk on his face he crosses his fingers and says "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and as quickly as he said it two clones appeared next to him. One of Boruto's clones begins to throw punches at Kizo while Boruto begins to create his Rasengan, Boruto's clone grabs him by his left hand and starts to spin him, Boruto's Shadow clones disappear and as Boruto is flying through the air to attack Kizo Mitsuki yells
"Wait guys we should try and capture them for interrogation."
Boruto reduces the power of his Rasengan to a mini Rasengan and his attack knocks out Kizo. Sarada extinguishes her flames, and Jizo passes out from the pain. Boruto runs at Kizo and retrieves the scroll.
Mitsuki turns to face Josho and says
"Now that just leaves you, I am assuming that you are the leader?" asks Mitsuki.
Josho replies,
"well aren't you the intuitive one, let's see how skilled you are."
Josho immediately jumps towards Mitsuki as he begins forming the hand seals he yells out "Ninja Art: Hell Needle," his hair expands and thousands of needles fly towards Mitsuki. Mitsuki dodges the needles by flipping away, he holds out his right hand and yells out "Streaking Shadow Snake" and snakes start launching out Mitsuki's sleeve. Josho jumps on a tree and with Mitsuki's strength and speed his attack pierces through the tree Josho is standing on. The tree begins to collapse and Josho stumbles off the tree. Josho, looking for Mitsuki, says
"I see you are very strong, but let's how you handle this." only to find Mitsuki gone.
"W-what? Where did he go!"
"Never lose sight of your opponent" Says Mitsuki as he appears from above and stretches his elastic arms around Josho.
"You think you've beaten us but I still have a trick up my sleeve."
Josho releases two flash bombs, which blinds Mitsuki, Josho escapes from Mitsuki's grip and starts fleeing. Sarada, starting to chase him, says
"he's getting away!" Boruto speeds past Sarada and heads toward Josho, he starts powering up his Rasengan, and says
"you won't get away that easily" and throws his Rasengan at Josho "He's so cool" says Saradas inner self, as the Rasengan hits Josho Boruto says
"Bulls eye"
at that exact instance Josho is replaced with a wooden log.
"Substitution" says Sarada,
"you idiot, how could you fall for that."
"Where did he go?" asks Boruto.
"No matter, we have to get this scroll back to the Hokage, and get these two to the Interrogation Core." replies Mitsuki.
"Alright let's move out" yells Boruto.
Scene 4
After having lost the fight between Team 7 Josho is running through a forest,
"Those bastards got caught, they better not say anything about our objectives. I just hope he won't be too upset with us."
He stops in front of two large trees, with a seal floating in the center. Josho does the Hitsuji seal and yells out "release!" The seal rips off and a door appears. The door opens and he begins to walk in. Josho enters a hallway and in an instant he is surrounded by dozens of men, he walks down the hall and into a room, the room is being guarded by two guards wearing similar masks, one guard looks at him in an arrogant way and says
"How was your mission, and where are the twin idiots Jizo and Kizo? Don't tell me they were killed."
"Shut up," says Josho and walks into the room.
There is a man sitting on a throne wearing a black cloak, a red vest with similar symbols as Josho, black gloves, his face covered by his hood, wielding a large spear with a curved blade. Josho looks at the man in terror and kneels in front of his throne. Josho looks at the man and says,
"My lord I have returned from my mission." The man in a demonic voice says,
"Welcome back Josho, did you bring what I asked for?" In a terrified voice he says
"no my lord unfortunately I was not able to bring the scroll."
The man sat in his throne in complete silence for what seemed like an eternity. He gets up off his throne and finally says,
"You better have a good reason for why you were not able to accomplish such a simple task, and where are Jizo and Kizo?" Josho paused,
"forgive me my lord we were being followed by some leaf ninja, we underestimated them and they stole the scroll back and even captured Jizo and Kizo."
The man kneeled down in front of Josho with an uncomforting smile puts his right hand over Josho and grabs him by his hair and throws him across the room, where he nearly penetrates the wall. Josho tries to stand up but as he is on one knee the man grabs Josho by the throat and holds him up against the wall and states
"All I asked you to do was to retrieve a scroll, nothing more and you couldn't even accomplish that," Holding Josho closer to his face he says
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here right now."
Josho barely able to breath says
"Please my lord, give me one more chance I promise I won't fail you again."
The man grins and releases his grip dropping Josho. He turns around and says
"I won't kill you, not yet at least."
Josho on both knees gasping for air says,
"T-thank you my lo-"
"I have a better idea," interrupted the man.
He turns back to face Josho with his right hand behind his back creates a green fire in his palm. Josho looks at the man in confusion. The man grins at him and with a swift motion strikes Josho's mask with the green flame. Josho is thrown in the air and lands screaming in pain. The man looks at him and says
"You will not fail me again, you are to infiltrate the hidden leaf village and retrieve the scroll, and you will also eliminate your teammates that allowed themselves to get captured. Fail me again and I won't be so merciful."
Still screaming in pain, Josho's mask crack off and his face is revealed. He is a young man in his twenties, he has white hair and black eyes. The man calls for the two guards in the hall, the men walk in and drag Josho out of the room.
End Chapter 1
Shunshin- Body flicker technique
Sama- Lord/Lady
Baka- Fool/Idiot
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