#i think it also begs the question of how involved logan was when they were children
pynkhues · 2 years
Hi! I love your Succession meta, especially when you drew parallels between Kendall and Rose, I wouldn't have thought of it myself, but that makes perfect sense! I'm curious what is you take on how Logan treated Kendall's ambiguous disorder when it first started manifesting (probably in his teens?). It must haves been such a mess, considering the fact that Kendall is in a complete denial he might have serious mental health issues, and his family only brings them up as a weapon to use against him. Would anything have changed if he'd actually got the help he needed at the beginning?
Hi! Thank you so much!
And ooo, that's such an interesting question, especially given the show has shown that the Roy siblings have spoken to therapists / psychologists before. Roman and Shiv both bring it up a few times throughout the series, and Kendall mentions it most notably in 3.02, and I think you could argue that his breathing exercises in 3.01 are an indication he's spoken to someone about anxiety before (although I do suspect Kendall's therapy has mostly been tied to rehab / recovery in the past as opposed to him trying to actually address any of his other issues).
It sort of makes me think that Logan himself isn't actually adverse to the concept, because if he was, I don't think any of the kids would do it at all, but I do think he has this sort of - - mmmm - - failure to acknowledge what that means, if that makes sense?
So much of what we see of Logan's understanding of vices, mental health or neurodivergence seems to come down to one of two things – either it's something to be fixed, or it's something to be controlled. Both are really clearly demonstrated I think with Iverson, where the Thanksgiving episode positioned his difficulties with transitioning houses as something Kendall should be controlling, and then later in 3.08 with the loaded line 'is he getting better?' as an indication of him viewing Iverson's autism as an ailment to be fixed and not a part of who he is.
We see it in other ways throughout the series too – telling Roman he needs to get 'straightened out', or confronting Kendall on his crying as if he wants to wring the weakness of it out of him. Interestingly too, he tends to treat Kendall's addiction not as something to be fixed, but something to be controlled, most notably in 2.01 when he tells him thinking (and using) is best done 'in limits'. Even still though, his advice is never to seek help, but always to self manage, and the idea I think of really unpacking an issue is something like acknowledging a weakness. Gosh, he even calls rehab 'the nuthouse' in 1.01.
The thing about Logan I think is that he cares more about projecting strength than possessing the actuality of it (although he does care about that too, haha), and that seems to go double for his sons. They represent a legacy of power, control and force, and while they might be varying degrees of fail children, it's only when their weaknesses or 'embarrassing' behaviour i.e. Connor's presidential run or Roman's issues with sex, become more public, that it becomes a problem for Logan.
In that sense, I don't think there's any way Logan's ever really known how to deal with Kendall's mental health. I think you're right that he was probably displaying symptoms from his teenage years, if not from childhood (I tend to read him as bipolar and as being on the autism spectrum, but it is still fairly ambiguous), and I think Logan probably more often than not either looked the other way or reacted as an authoritarian / disciplinarian, not unlike how he did with Iverson in 1.05.
I think for Logan a diagnosis wouldn't necessarily have changed that. It would've been something that needed to be hidden and controlled, and for Kendall, I think it would've been something he felt immense amounts of shame around, even if he had a treatment / management plan, and that his father's need for it to not exist would likely have him self-medicating through drugs and alcohol in the way he already does. Kendall's not someone who easily accepts help after all, even when he really, really wants it, and I don't really think a diagnosis early or otherwise would really have changed all that much for him.
I'm not sure though! What do you guys think?
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serpentinesomebody · 3 years
Why Janus Planned The Entirety Of His Own Acceptance Arc From The Very Beginning
I think that Janus planned everything. From his reveal all the way to POF, he mapped it all out like a game of chess. And I think I finally know why, too.
So let’s start at his goals. He represents deceit, and has the goal of self-preservation. Additionally, however, he wants the one thing all sides want: for Thomas to listen to them.
Janus’ introduction is very different from Virgil’s. Thomas didn’t even know about him. And when things settle down, we get an idea as to what his first impression of Janus is: he’s scared of him, and skeptical, too. He doesn’t trust him. But this is exactly what Janus wanted. But why? Why present himself as a frightening and untrustworthy side? How could that possibly benefit him or Thomas?
Well, let’s look at what would have happened if just appeared and introduced himself as, well, himself. No disguises, no theatre scenario, none of that.
Well for one, Thomas probably wouldn’t be as afraid of him. What scared Thomas so much, I think, was that Janus was able to disguise himself for almost half an hour and he didn’t even know. And until Patton appeared at the end, he truly believed that he had no morality, that it was Janus the entire time. He gets the impression that this new side can manipulate him, and quite easily, too. So not only does he not trust this new side, but he’s scared of him, too.
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But if Janus introduced himself upfront? Thomas still wouldn’t trust him, but there wouldn’t be much fear either. Thomas would likely just see him as a simple nuisance. He just doesn’t naturally invoke the same fear that Virgil does. Without the fear factor, he only has distrust.
But why would Thomas not trust him if he introduced himself upfront?
Well, he has multiple things going against him. His primary function is deceit. Not exactly helping his case. But let’s say they look past that. Well, he also has a ‘snake face,’ which really doesn’t make him come across as an honest, well-meaning person. Lastly, pretty much all the sides do not like him. Virgil makes his full-on hatred pretty obvious, and Logan certainty doesn’t seem to like him much either. Patton sees him as an antagonist, his opposite. Roman appreciates his charm, but still sees him as a creepy villain nonetheless. All the sides are against him, so how could he convince Thomas to trust him?
But if trying to intimidate Thomas into listening to him won’t work, and being honest won’t work, what will?
Deceiving him.
He knows that even if he’s honest, Thomas still will not trust him. So if Thomas isn’t going to trust him either way, he needs to find a way to manipulate the situation so that even if Thomas won’t listen to him at the moment, he still has control over the situation.
The first episode with Janus goes perfectly according to plan.
One thing that always struck me as odd was that this was the situation that Janus decided he needed to be involved in? Some texting drama?
But that’s exactly what Janus needed. He needed something small, something he could ensure he could manage. If he had made his first appearance in SVS, that would be way too much for Thomas to take in at once, and Thomas wouldn’t have any clue as to what Janus was like. Janus introduced himself over something minor, something insignificant that he wasn’t truly needed for, for the sole purpose of leaving an impression. He meant to reveal himself at the end.
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Now let’s move on to SVS. This time, Janus drops the disguise much earlier. And it’s so, so obvious that this was intentional. Janus says things he knows Logan would never say. Hell, Janus doesn’t often use metaphors himself. He proposes hypothetical situations and uses similes, but when does he ever say anything like ‘straight from the horse’s mouth’?
So if he dropped the disguise so early, why even bother doing it in the first place? Simple: he just needed to buy himself a bit more time before Logan came. He needed to ensure that the courtroom scenario was already set up. Janus knew that Logan would be upset that he wasn’t included in a courtroom scenario and would possibly try to insert himself into one of the roles that Janus didn’t want him in.
This begs the question, though, why have Logan on the sidelines?
Because Janus knows that Logan is an intelligent and professional person, and would likely point out that the trial wasn’t exactly following legal code. So, Janus benches him.
As for Patton, well, it just makes the most sense that he would be in the position he was. Patton is the one that Janus is trying to oppose.
But what about Virgil? Why have Virgil as the jury? Why decide that the one person who hates him the most, who is the most biased against him, gets to decide who wins the case? Simple: Janus knows that Virgil will still let him win the case. But how does he have so much faith in that? Because he knows Virgil. They have history, and by now, Virgil’s actions are predictable to him. Virgil is a pessimist by nature, and blunt. He won’t lie to Thomas and say that he thinks he’s a good person just to spare Thomas’ feelings. Janus knows that despite what Virgil thinks of him, he will judge Thomas as guilty.
As for Roman? Janus may not know Roman as well as Virgil, but Roman is predictable. When it comes to morals, he will follow Patton, no matter what. He has to in order to keep up his image as the hero. So, Janus knows that Virgil will judge Thomas as guilty, and he knows that Roman will sentence Thomas to go to the wedding because he knows that Roman knows that that’s what Patton wants.
That was his entire goal for that episode: ensure that Thomas goes to the wedding.
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And the reason he needs Thomas to go to the wedding is because it sets the stage for POF.
Janus knows that Thomas will be upset after the wedding, and he knows that Thomas’ mood will have an effect on Patton. His first goal in the episode, aside from bringing up a few facts, is to get Patton to snap. He needs Thomas to see that sometimes Patton doesn’t always know everything, that things are more complicated then that. And, more importantly, he needs to present himself as the hero this time.
As I said, Janus knows that Roman will side with Patton no matter what. So if Roman is by Patton’s side, then who’s there for Thomas?
He is.
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Janus presents himself as the hero. This scene is such a crucial moment. He’s clearly trying to portray the image that he is on Thomas’ side.
But if that’s the case, then why does he dodge Patton’s attack and let Thomas get hit instead?
He feels like he has no other choice. Patton is still insisting that it’s dangerous for Thomas to take self-care too far. The only way Janus can get Patton to see that he’s hurting Thomas is...to let Patton literally, physically hurt Thomas. This, I think, is probably the most difficult thing Janus has ever had to do thus far. Thomas’ safety and happiness is his one goal, there is no one who he puts before Thomas, not even himself.
It’s the hardest thing Janus has had to do, but it works. Patton finally realizes, finally admits that he doesn’t know everything.
Janus is so close to getting accepted.
But there’s one problem left: Roman.
Roman doesn’t trust Janus. And here’s the thing: Janus needed Patton to accept him, yes, but Roman was also a crucial component. I don’t think Janus’ intention was to antagonize Roman, rather, I think he wanted Roman’s approval. Pushing Thomas’ hero down doesn’t help anyone, especially Thomas. He has Patton’s approval, now he needs Roman’s. He needs Roman, Thomas’ hero, to see him as one too. And that, that is where he made a horrible mistake.
He tried to get Roman to take a liking to him in the courtroom, not by much, of course, since he still wanted Roman to sentence Thomas to the wedding after all, but enough for Roman to not be completely against him.
But he screwed up. Roman realized that Janus’ praise in the courtroom wasn’t 100% honest, and now he full-on hates Janus.
The way Janus tries to fix this, I think, is by giving his name. Granted, I’m sure that he would have done it sometime during POF anyway, but he thinks that it’s enough to change Roman’s mind and it isn’t.
This, I think, is the real reason why Janus is so harsh when Roman makes fun of his name.
What he expects is going to happen, is that Roman is going to warm up to him a bit. Or at the least, that he’ll stop spiraling/panicking and take a minute to truly listen to Janus, perhaps allow him to explain himself.
But that’s not what happens. And Janus just snaps.
Because he was so close, so close to wrapping up his acceptance in a perfect, neat little bow and it is ruined.
Sure, he still had his relationship with Virgil and Logan to work on, but if Patton and Roman were on his side, Thomas would be too. And it would be three against two, meaning he’d likely get a permanent seat at the table. He could fix his relationship with Virgil and Logan later, but he needed a seat at the table. Yes, his plan is kinda rushed, but he wants to get to Thomas as fast as possible so he can help him with things like this in the future-things where there could be even more important things at stake. I’m sure he didn’t want to hurt anyone, but he felt like he had to go with this plan in order to help in the long-term.
But Roman laughs at his name and he is so frustrated, so tired, and he doesn’t know how else he can try to get Roman on his side and he snaps.
Afterwards, you can tell he regrets it. He knows he messed up.
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And when Thomas says that Roman is still his hero, Roman turns to Janus in a silent question of ‘is he lying?’ But Janus interprets it as, ‘is he telling the truth?’ and so he nods. And when he sees that Roman is upset, he realizes that there was a miscommunication between them, but before he can do anything about it, Roman is already gone.
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TLDR: All of Janus’ actions are planned to get him a seat at the table, except for when he snaps and calls Roman ‘the evil twin,’ and fucks up majorly.
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averykedavra · 3 years
joan - what do you wish the series would cover next, or what kind of turn would you want to see it take?
!! okay this is a really fun question. ‘cause i’ve thought about this a lot. timeline-wise, I only got really involved with the fandom around the release of ATHD, and ever since then i’ve really enjoyed imagining the “next” events of the series. sometimes theories, sometimes just AUs, but it’s always fun!
and see, there are tons of things i’d love to explore in the context of canon. like sides switching from light to dark, or a side shutting themselves off, or serious backstory elements like the formation of roman and remus. tons of stuff that’d be super cool to think about.
but they’re not stuff i’d actually want in canon necessarily, you know? and they’re mostly not stuff i’d ever expect canon to actually do. so here’s a little incomplete list of things i’d love to actually see in the series, and which I think are (semi)-plausible:
1. Roman’s arc. had to add this one. I’m pretty sure it’s coming up after PoF (and it better) and I am so, so excited. roman’s been a slow-boiling pot of emotional turmoil for a while now and I just wanna see it spill over!
and look. don’t get me wrong, i love the pintroverts so much, but—yeah, i really wanna see thomas and nico go through a rough patch. thomas, and by extension roman, are pinning so many expectations on nico. they’re emotionally unready and using nico like a way to redeem themselves and feel better, instead of confronting their own issues. not to say the relationship can’t work out, but i can figure there’ll be some bumps on the road.
and possible failure with nico would be a great catalyst for roman’s full breakdown. he’s got everything riding on this guy! he calls nico “a chance at happiness”! and he’s the romantic side, he wants this to work out, so thomas will trust him again. and if it fails, it’ll break roman into tiny, tiny pieces.
plus, i know the season finale is probably going to be a two-parter, like with virgil’s episode? and i don’t know if i actually want roman to duck out, but i am really excited for some parallels to virgil’s arc. acceptance instead of redemption, being more than your function, every side being valued, and virgil and roman continuing to become closer together. if i do not get a remix of “you make us better” but virgil to roman, i will riot /j
2. Logan’s arc. then following roman, our braincell boy! logan is another steaming pile of issues who’s been repressing for far too long. i want to see him admit he has feelings. i want to see him cry. maybe this is the angst demon in me, but come on, he deserves it.
an aspect of logan that’s really fascinating to me is his relation to thomas’ own self-image and needs. logan defines himself by his use to thomas—he has the least belief in himself as a separate entity. and he’s felt sidelined for a long time, possibly ever since thomas became a youtube.
i think it’d be super interesting to see more of how their dynamic was before thomas made the career switch, how logan feels about it, and how his “lack of feelings” is an extension of his refusal to acknowledge his own personhood. he doesn’t let himself want or feel—and he’s actually kinda similar to roman in that regard. roman and logan are narrative foils in a lot of ways. which would make it kinda cool if their arcs were somewhat consecutive—logan helps roman value himself, and roman returns the favor.
oh, and i’d love it if virgil and logan could come full circle, too? virgil comforts logan during the whole thing, maybe even talking to him about cognitive distortions or using techniques logan taught him to destress. they’re really good friends and i wanna see more of that.
3. Janus becoming part of the group. i have so many feelings about janus. he’s poised to join the gang and start helping thomas from the inside, but his acceptance is still conditional, fragile, and fragmented. roman loathes him, logan resents him, and virgil has a history with him. and janus is gonna have to try and get through all that.
i already love his dynamic with patton, i really want them to be friends. i think a logan and janus debate would be fucking fantastic. i am begging for roman and janus to talk things out. and i really, really want to see virgil and janus become friends again.
but maybe what i’m most interested in is janus himself, and his relationship to thomas. i still love interpreting the “is that fair to him” line as referencing janus’ complex and difficult role as the keeper of all lies. he’s still hiding an orange side from us, probably, and he’s trying to keep everything stable.
what happens if he slips up? what happens if he gets close to patton and starts having new priorities? how did that affect his relationship with virgil? i want to really explore janus’ character and motivations.
and also janus and remus content. give it. this is an order.
4. Remus. Literally anything remus. Please I’m starving, I just want to see my trash boy, when will he return from the war?
Seriously, though, I’d love more remus. his thoughts on nico. his motivation, his daily life, his relationship with janus and the other sides. i think he could really be great friends with all of them if he was given time to settle, and my intruality heart says he deserves to be chaotic besties with patton.
and! and his relationship with roman!! i really wanna see them grow closer and be bros, while working through the deep complexities of their issues with one another. because right now roman has so many projections of remus as his worst enemy and the epitome of everything he doesn’t wanna be, and remus just…doesn’t care about all that. that’s so interesting!!
remus is just such a refreshing character in so many ways. he’s so blunt and open and honest, he doesn’t hide or repress anything, and that’d be so much fun to explore! plop him in the middle of the other sides and see how long it takes for stuff to explode. i wanna see him break the status quo just because he can.
5. Patton’s arc. oh, you thought his character development was done? not even close. he learned a lot from moving on, but pof proved he still has a long way to go. and tbh I think he’s in a really precarious position right now.
yeah, he’s finally opening up to janus and the others. but he’s also very vulnerable, very unsure, and very ready to throw himself out of the picture if thomas needs him to. he asked if janus thought patton was just bad for thomas, and he seemed ready to take that advice and leave thomas be.
which is. concerning. and I think as patton learns to pull back and let thomas--and everyone--stand on their own without him smothering them, as he learns to have faith in others and not feel pressured to fix everything himself, he needs to work on his own self-worth, too.
patton, like a lot of the sides, is separating himself from his function. and that’s gonna be painful and messy and probably include a lot of backsliding. i wanna see him talk to the others, really talk to them, and get the support from his friends he needs! and that includes:
6. virgil continuing to support his friends. virgil has been doing great character-development-wise, but again, he has far to go! and what I want to see more of is stuff like FWSA. him beginning to truly support his friends in the way they’ve supported him.
his friendships with roman and logan are so sweet and I wanna see more of that. please. and I wanna see him bond with remus and janus again, and most of all, I want patton and virgil to really sit down and talk about stuff. they’ve been going through it for a while and I want them to talk.
the sad part, of course, is that post-pof they’re probably in an even worse place. there’s a reason patton didn’t show up in FWSA even when matters of the heart were involved. they’re on thin ice around each other, and throwing janus and roman into it will just make everything more complicated.
but I believe in them! they’re good friends, and I think if they try, they can work through it and learn more about each other.
7. bonding between the dark and light sides. basically already covered this one but guys. i want everyone to bond. i want logan and remus sharing cool facts. i want janus and virgil being snarky best friends. i want patton and remus teaming up to make stuff happen, and janus calling logan out on his repression, and virgil and remus listening to mcr and just. them, okay? them. glad we had this talk.
8. a breaking down of the dark sides and light sides altogether. i don’t necessarily mean anyone becomes a dark side (although it’s such a fun idea.) I mean really digging into the morality and formation of the “sides”, and eventually dismantling them.
the dark and light sides aren’t good and evil. they’re sides that thomas wants around, that are useful, and sides he doesn’t. and as janus becomes wanted at the table, and as patton and roman pull away and become less useful, it’ll be interesting to see how those dynamics shift.
the issue of identity is really at the heart of sanders sides. how much of you is you, and how much of it is what others want? are you beholden to others’ expectations, and how do you find personal worth? what defines you--by what measure is a man? how does a person change and grow? can they? or are they always, at the core, what they began as?
these questions obviously don’t have simple answers, but they’re stuff I wanna see talked about. i want to see the difficulty of even finding the line between selfishness and selflessness when you exist to serve another self. actions can be selfish and selfless all at once, a mass of contradictions that’s anything but black and white. and I wanna see more of that.
an idea I toy with sometimes is having a brief, or not so brief, reversal of dark sides and light sides. remus and janus, and maybe virgil, become more listened to. and roman, patton, and logan become the sides in the background. i dunno if it would actually happen, but I think it’d be interesting to consider--because once again, it’s about use versus value and wants versus needs.
if thomas wants a side, will they stick around? what about if he only wants to want them? what if he wants them as a friend but doesn’t need their function? what if they don’t think he wants them? what if any number of things?
i want to see discussion and deconstruction of the sides as a whole. i want to see them really dig deep into their purpose and formation. i want everything laid bare. and then finally, I want:
9. thomas ends the series by letting go of the sides. i am such a fucking sucker for bittersweet open endings like that. it wouldn’t be a full erasure of the sides, they’d still exist in the mind palace, probably hanging out and having movie nights and being a family. but they wouldn’t talk to thomas anymore.
i think it could be a really profound note about not only letting go of parts of your life and moving forward, but how c!thomas should work to stand on his own. yes, the sides are parts of him, but he’s more than the combination of their input. he’s his own person. he’s real. and I think he needs to work on being more self-reliant, in the moment, and start to discover his identity not in pieces, but as a whole.
the sides weren't bad for him. not in the slightest. they’ve helped him understand and come to terms with any number of things. but sometimes people grow and move forward, and they have to say goodbye to some parts of their life. that’s a fact. and with the ongoing theme of moving on and chasing the future, i think thomas would reasonably do that--end the series with a goodbye.
10. and...orange side. i’ve talked a lot about my ideas for the orange side, but suffice it to say, i’m looking forward to them. whoever they end up being.
so yeah, that’s a very long post about my ideas that isn’t half as long as it could be dhfgsjhs i’ve considered writing something like a canon divergence AU, or just rambling on tumblr, but for now that’s what I got. and this is all to say, hire me, sanders sides writing team /j
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
If It Were In My Hands: (2/2)
Warnings: Janus gets angry during this chapter, mentions of possible violence, mentions of nightmare, past use of the dark used as punishment, mentions of verbal threats, angst, and hurt/comfort.
Summary: Virgil has a nightmare about what he said to Logan in a fit of fear and anger when Remus was making himself known, but was a nightmare all that it was?
Word Count: 2404
“What were you thinking?!”
It wasn’t often that Janus found himself both losing his temper as well as shouting, but when it came to instances like this… the only thing he felt that he could do in order to get his point across was shout until his voice went hoarse. At least he’d be listened to that way, and it seemed Remus very much needing someone to shout at him right now.
Especially after the stunt he had just pulled.
“What were you thinking?! Sending Virgil that kind of nightmare, and making him go through that kind of panic attack!” His coffee cup slammed against the counter so hard tat he was sure that it was going to shatter. Janus turned his blazing eyes towards Remus as he gave the creative side his full, but very pissed off, attention. “Are you fucking crazy?! We’re trying to get Thomas to LISTEN to us! Not to be scared off because you sent Virgil a nightmare about him fucking strangling Logan to death! If he finds out you made that nightmare and sent it to him it's over for all of us!” Janus raked his gloved fingers through his hair tugging angrily at the ends, forcing himself to take several breaths so that he wouldn’t explode again.
Remus clenched the fabric of his sash tightly, his knuckles turning white as he forced himself to keep his eyes down and not looking at Janus’ freak out.
There wasn’t much he could say to make the situation better, he’d known the moment that he’d done it that Janus would be pissed beyond belief. But he had to do it, he just had to. Even if Janus didn’t understand his reasoning.
The sigh that came from Janus made Remus flinch, he already knew how hard Janus was working and all of this was just one more thing that the dishonest side would have to work around in order to get anywhere close to being accepted by Thomas and the others. It made his guts churn with guilt, to know that he had inconvenienced the other side in the way that he had, but… he’d had to.. he just had to.
“Tell me Remus,” The side in question couldn’t help but to flinch yet again and tense up at the cool collected tone of the other side, even if Janus had never hurt him in any kind of way… everyone had a breaking point. Virgil’s threat towards Logan was proof enough of that, and Logan was supposed to be his friend. “What exactly was your thought process when you decided to do what you did?”
Janus sounded calm now, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
It was like the calm before the storm.
But in the very least, Janus was giving him the chance to explain himself, that was more than anyone else had ever done. It ignited a little spark of hope inside of him, hope that perhaps Janus would understand where he was coming from and not immediately disregard his thought process as crazy or just plain wild. He had a method and he had a reason, it just… wasn’t a reason that many other people would understand without the proper context.
Janus’ raised eyebrow urged him to begin, for fear of losing patience.
“I didn’t make the nightmare,” Remus blurted out, desperate to make the other side understand all at once. Janus’ quick blink of surprise urged him onwards. “It was already a nightmare that existed in a mind space from one of the others, I had nothing to do with its creation. I swear! If I had made it I wouldn’t have sent it to Virgil anyways, I would have just kept it on my side of the imagination, or sent it to Thomas like last time. I promise.” Once the words began he couldn’t stop them, he felt as if he were begging Janus to believe him, as the words all came out in one heavy flow of ramblings. Screw whatever he had practiced saying…
It was true, and the chances of Thomas even remembering a dream like that was slim to none.
Janus slowly raised his hand, a motion for Remus to stop for just a second and to slow down, and without even thinking Remus slammed his mouth shut almost immediately.
“Then..” The dishonest side slowly began, his temper sinking into oblivion the more that Remus had been explaining himself. The knowledge that the other side hadn’t made the dream helped a little, but the fact that it existed at all made him more curious than anything. A dream like that… It needed trauma, and more than anything.. broken trust. “Who did the dream belong to, if you did not make it?”
That was the real kicker, and Remus hesitated to answer as his gaze once again shot down to his shoes. He chewed the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood, anything instead of immediately having to fess up to the truth. He knew that Janus wouldn’t like it, even if it was one of the light sides that the dishonest side had clashed with being the epitome of self preservation meant that Janus was always worried about their health.
Mental or otherwise.
Janus wouldn’t like what he had to say about who the nightmare belonged to, much less the circumstances of how such a thing could ever come to be. Remus usually didn’t involve himself in homemade nightmares, unless it was truly horrifying ones that he knew they couldn’t handle. The nightmare he’d seen was way more than that, just the fact that it had messed Virgil up as badly as it did meant that whoever else it was meant for… it would have made them end up so much worse. He knew this, and Janus knew this as well. Which was why...
Even he would have preferred the lie to what he knew for a fact.
Janus’ pristine shoes made an audible clicking on the tiled kitchen floor as he closed the distance between himself and the other side, his approach was carefully slow but also very determined. “Remus.” He gently asked worry coursing through his veins like a gushing river, as he placed his hand on the creative side’s shoulder. “Who did the dream belong to?”
Remus’ nails bit into the palms of his hands as his eyesight became blurry for a moment and his breathing hitched, for a moment he contemplated shaking his head at the question in order to deny it. It was unlike him to get upset about a nightmare, let alone one that he had no business in. But this one… this one had made him upset. Upset enough to the point where he’d acted without even considering the consequences that Janus had reminded him of. It wasn’t like he could hide his true emotions from Janus, he’d always told Janus everything that had gone through his head without so much as a mental filter to be found, and this.. this was no exception. Janus deserved to know, especially if he was going to be going back and trying to get Thomas to listen to them. He needed to know what he was going to be up against, especially when it came to Virgil.
His mouth tasted like iron, and the words laid heavily on his tongue.
But regardless… he spoke them.  
“It was Logan’s…”
The admission rang hollowly in the air, and on his shoulder he could feel Janus’ hand stiffen.
“What?” Janus rasped the single word out, a flurry of emotions passing over his face in an instance before finally settling on abject shock and horror. His eyes reflected more though, as his grip balled the fabric of Remus’ shirt. “Why?” He asked confusion flitting through him, “What on earth could have caused Logan to have a nightmare about Virgil taking his very life?!” He ranted to himself, shaking his head repeatedly until he was feeling dizzy. “What?!” Janus repeated again his confusion not alleviated in the slightest. His lips had curled back into a snarl revealing one fanged tooth that stood out among the rest, this time there was a layer of rage coating his voice that Remus had only heard in very rare occurrences.
This kind of rage didn’t even come close to the anger he’d felt when Roman had chosen for Thomas to go to the wedding.
But this time it wasn’t rage directed towards Remus.
It wasn’t directed towards anybody.
Remus caught Janus’ elbow as the dishonest side attempted to pull away, instead of keeping him standing though he directed him towards the living room where they could both sit down. Janus seemed to fold in on himself the moment that he’d seated himself, his fingers rubbing at his brows as he focused his gaze on the floor, keeping it there. Remus could tell that there was a cocktail of emotions stirring inside of Janus, after all, he’d felt very much the same way the moment that he had caught the nightmare before it had ever gotten close to Logan. At first he hadn’t been sure as to why he had stopped it, he’d caught it as if it were pure instinct. It had only take him a moment to realize…
It was thanks to Logan that Thomas had started to understand Remus, it was thanks to Logan that he was scary to Thomas anymore. Thomas could understand him, and understand what he did more thanks to the knowledge that the logical side had.
Without him… Thomas would still be pushing him away instead of letting him stay close.
Logan had made his step closer to acceptance that much easier, and he had even done the same for Janus. All by explaining their core, and how they worked to benefit Thomas, instead of hurting him like he’d been led to believe.
Logan had helped them.
Even if said side didn’t realize it yet.
So it had been almost instinct to protect the logical side in the very same way that he constantly protected Janus from his own nightmares. But to see just what the nightmare was about… it had made his blood boil with the kind of rage and righteous anger that he hadn’t felt in several years. So…
He’d done something about it.
Remus thumped his hand on Janus’ back, awkwardly trying to soothe the other side out of whatever turmoil he was going through. “I…” Remus felt like his tongue was trying to stick to the roof of his mouth. “Before I revealed myself to Thomas, Logan was trying to explain what I was to Thomas. And Virgil… he was… angry.” Remus wanted to groan and thump his head against the coffee table, but kind and gentle in both words and touch was most certainly not his thing. “None of the other sides really wanted to intervene, because well… it was Virgil. And Virgil was still freaking out from the thoughts I’d thought up for Thomas, and he… threatened Logan.”
Janus’ head snapped up, his eyes locking onto Remus’ with a blazing fury that made Remus’ skin itch and crawl, as if he’d released a herd of bugs into it. That look made him want to inch away and put something between them, so that whatever Janus did… the damage would be minimal.
“What did he say?”
Remus blinked in surprise at the sheer calmness of Janus’ voice, “Huh?” He dumbly asked.
“What…” He whispered in a soft growl, “Did. He. Say?”
Janus had straightened up, readjusting his gloves and caplet as he did. He looked like the moment he found out his answer he was going to go right out there and give Virgil a good walloping. Regardless of how slow he wanted to take things or how he wanted to win the others over, he knew that Janus would make good on that. Threats weren’t exactly something that Janus took very lightly, especially being a side of lies and protection for others. Those threats always struck very differently with him when he could tell the truth behind the words that always came spewing out, and one way or another…
There was always a little bit of truth behind the falsest threat.
Remus honestly wasn’t sure that he wanted to tell him if that’s what was going to happen, and especially if that was going to be the case with Janus’ clenched fists that promised some kind of violence. He didn’t want to be the one who would have to hold Janus back from giving Virgil a different kind of dark circles, and he honestly didn’t trust himself enough to not just let it happen and for it to ruin all of Janus’ future plans that he’d been working so hard on. If he did tell Janus... and if he let him walk out that door without looking back… there was no telling what would happen. His shifting Logan’s dream to be Virgil’s had been dicey and troublesome enough as it was, but for Janus to go out there and give Virgil a punch or two… it would just serve to bring back the dark days for them.
Everything would be ruined, and they’d be stuck in the dark forever this time.
There would be no chance at light.
Remus shuddered at the mere thought of being trapped in that kind of darkness again, he didn’t want that. The screaming, the broken voices, and blindly feeling around trying to find the others so that he could know that he wasn’t alone. Janus shivering alone in the darkness, with Remus and Virgil trying as desperately as he could to warm him up so that he wouldn’t go under like all of the other darks that they had lost along the way.
It wouldn’t matter to Janus if Virgil had apologized, the fact that he’d made that kind of threat to begin with was enough.
For both of them.
“You can’t.” He finally said, trying desperately to keep the soft and squishy emotion out of his voice. “Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give two shits, and I’d tell you anything you wanted to hear, especially if it pertained to Virgil getting his shit rocked. But… No matter how angry you are, you can’t do anything. We have to keep going according to plan.”
Janus’ gloves gave a faint squeak the more the clenched his fists, it was hard for Janus, once he got riled up it was so hard to get him settled back down until something had been done about it. But regardless, the dishonest side forced himself to take in several deep breaths, his jaw was so tense that Remus could see the muscles bulging out with the concentration that it took to not do anything rash. His leg bounced in place, desperate to burn off whatever energy that was trapped inside of him.
Remus’ hand remained on his back, “We have to keep according to plan,” He softly spoke again, giving the other side something to focus on at least. He hated this, he hated being the voice of reason. But someone had to do it, especially if Janus was the one flying off in a rage towards someone they had promised not to touch. “You’ll take Virgil’s place after the wedding, when Thomas is all in a tizzy and-”
“No.” Janus spoke for the first time in several long and agonizing minutes, his voice was cold and dangerous. It sent shivers up and down Remus’ spine, as Janus’ seething eyes locked onto his. “I won’t be doing that.”
In a grand flourish Janus stood, and for a tense moment Remus was sure that he was going to have to body slam Janus to the floor so that he didn’t go after Virgil right then and there. Instead however, Janus spun around his caplet flowing behind him as he booked it for his bedroom, the door remaining open behind him as the other side disappeared into the darkness of his own room. He was gone for several long minutes, where Remus could hear him rifling through something, oftentimes accompanied by a few soft curses that even he was initially surprised by. It was at the ten minute mark that Janus finally left his room, sprinting out with a handful of papers and his pocket stuffed with several red pens.
The rage that had once radiated off of Janus seemed to be dying down, as if having those precious moments to think in his room had cooled him off a little.
Remus was dearly thankful for it.  
“I won’t be taking Virgil’s place this time,” Janus hurriedly blurted out scattering the papers all over the coffee table so that Remus could lean over and see what changes he was making to his plan. “I’ll take Logan’s place, it’ll save him from being ignored from the others and myself like last time. And given the fact that I’ve been watching him long enough to properly know his mannerisms, and with Roman’s most helpful notes I’m sure that I can successfully take his place, At least without the others catching on for too long, or until it’s time for the final reveal.” Janus’ hand moved in a blur as he crossed out several things, and scribbled a few more on the many papers he had.
There was a look of zeal in his eyes, a look that Remus much rather preferred compared to the look of pure rage he’d once had.
“What about Virgil?” Remus almost hesitated to ask, for fear of making that anger resurface once again. But Virgil would be the most suspicious out of all of them, all things considered, especially given how clingy he had been to Logan that night after the nightmare he’d suffered. He’d notice almost immediately that something was up with the logical side, especially if Janus had taken his place and acted even the slightest bit off from how Logan normally was. “He’s gonna know, he’s got like… a nose for you and everything.”
That much was almost certainly true.
Janus went silently for a moment, as he chewed the end of his pen. His eyes scoured the papers he’d laid down for some kind of hint as to what he should do about the biggest problem to his answers.
And then his eyes shifted over to Remus, and lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.
“You!” Janus shifted his entire body to face Remus. “You distract him, keep him with Logan and distract the both of them for however long that you can. Tease him about his eye shadow, or just about anything. So long as he and Logan don’t distract Thomas for a good couple of hours, then we’ll be in the clear.” A brilliantly devilish look lit up Janus’ face as he squeezed his pen so hard that Remus was sure that it’d crack any second now. “I’m going to make sure that something like what happened to Logan never happens again… The more that we’re in the picture the more that we can shut that kind of thing down for good.”
That and finally being listened to by Thomas always had its perks as well.
But having Logan as an ally… that would be invaluable to what they needed to do for Thomas to start on a more mentally healthy lifestyle. They would need Logan and his research, and… they’d listen to Logan at least too.
No threats.  
Remus could sense the truth in Janus’ voice, the pure and utter conviction that he had to make sure that Logan wouldn’t be hurt by Virgil…… let alone any of the other sides.
“Yeah.” Remus nodded, placing his hand on Janus’ shoulder to give it a firm squeeze. “It’s not going to happen again…”
With that being said, their plan was in motion and their hope for the future as well.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Upside Down and Tickle-side Up
Logan and Patton are playing a game of hide and seek tag. Logan experiences his ultimate doom when Virgil suddenly gets involved and starts helping Patton tickle him for being found. In order to come up with ways to fluster him, the boys take inspiration from the game Among us and make lots of references.
May the blue astronaut rest in peace.
This prompt was written by a certain, special cutie: Pumpkinpaw! I hope you like my fanfic! And I especially hope you like my references to Among us!
“Where aaaare you, my giggly nerd?” Patton teased, sprinting after him with his wiggling fingers up in the air.
Logan was pretty much running for his life from an evil, playful Patton stuck in a Ler mood. Logan was already aware he was gonna get caught eventually. But he wanted to increase his time between the words ‘Are you ticklish’ and the actual tickling. Now, they’ll have to work harder to catch him faster in order to tickle him quicker.
Logan ran up the stairs to the hallway that held the side’s bedrooms. Not knowing what room to go in, and with Patton on his tail, Logan ran into Virgil’s bedroom first. Logan bursted into his room and hid in the closet.
Virgil took off his headphones and walked to the closet. “Uuuuuuh…” Virgil opened the closet. “You...okay?”
Logan grabbed the doorknob and closed the closet again. Virgil sighed and opened the closet door again. “What?”
“Shhh…” Logan slowly closed the door again. Virgil grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open. “I’m hiding.” Logan told him.
“Hiding? In here?” Virgil asked.
“It was the closest room I could find.” Logan told him.
“Hm...Okay. Who are you hiding from?” Virgil asked. Virgil’s answer was almost immediately answered when someone knocked on the door. Virgil let go of the closet doorknob and walked to the door.
Virgil opened it to see Patton. “HI VIRGIL!” Patton greeted excitedly.
“Hi Patton.” Virgil greeted, leaning against his doorframe. “You wanna hang out?” Virgil asked.
Patton giggled. “I’d love to, but I’m looking for Logan. We were playing hide and seek tag, and I think he’s hiding from me now. Do you know where he might’ve gone?” Patton asked.
Virgil shrugged his shoulders. “Couldn’t tell ya.” Virgil replied.
“Alright. Well, please let me know if you find him. I’ve got a tickle attack to unleash!” Patton told him.
Virgil blinked in surprise. So THIS was what they were doing… “Tickle attack?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah! I really want to find out where he’s ticklish, but he won’t sit still.” Patton complained.
Virgil giggled. “I can’t understand why that would be happening…” Virgil joked.
“Right?” Patton reacted with a laugh. “Perhaps if you do find out where he is, I could let you do the tickling.” Patton offered.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. Giving away Logan’s hiding spot = being the tickler for him? Now THAT was an intriguing trade. Meanwhile, Logan went wide-eyed at the idea. How about NO?! How about Virgil tells him no, and covers up his hiding spot for him?! Is that too much to ask from him?!
“Sure, why not.” Virgil decided. “He’s in my closet.” Virgil told him. Logan gasped and covered his own mouth. NO! NO NO NO NO NOOOO! VIRGIL YOU SON OF A-
Patton opened the closet door. “Peek a boo!”
“aaAAAAHH! VIRGILYOUFREAKING-” Logan was pulled out of the closet by Patton and was hung upside down with his back facing Patton.
“Heeeey! Look who found you...It was Patton.” Virgil reacted, unenthusiastically with a smirk.
Logan glared at him. “That was very foolish of you.” Logan told him sternly.
“I prefer to call it ‘helpful’.” Virgil responded with a smirk.
“I will get you back for betraying me like that!” Logan swore.
“Oh? You will now?” Virgil reacted, amused. “That’s funny. Uh- small question, oh logical one:” Virgil walked closer to Logan and knelt down to meet his face. “Who’s the one being held upside down with their feet exposed?” Virgil asked him with an evil grin before standing back up.
Logan’s glare softened into slowly growing fear. Virgil had a point, and now...he was stuck with not one, but TWO lers! This is why tag games are so unfair! You don’t get the time to properly strategize and you have to rely on risks and chance! And this time, it did more harm than good.
Logan was snapped out of his thoughts by his own yelp, as a pair of fingers skittered themselves on his feet. Logan tried to curl his feet and cover up what he could. But Virgil, being the evil ler he is, pushed his upper foot back and started skittering his fingers on his vulnerable, inner arch.
“NO! NOhohoho! Thahahahat’s MEHEHEHEAN!” Logan yelled.
“Not as mean as this:” Virgil pulled back BOTH of Logan’s upper feet, and started tickling BOTH HEELS with his fingernails! How DARE he?!
“WAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAhahahaha! EHEHEHEVIHIHIHIL! Logan shouted at him.
Virgil gasped, immediately stopped tickling him and placed a hand on his own chest. “ExCUSE ME?!” Virgil reacted dramatically.
Logan took the little time he had to catch a break. He tried to breathe in as much as he could, but he only got a few seconds to, before he was hit with more tickles! But this time, on his hips! “NAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHAIT DOHOHOHON’T! IHIHIHI’M SAHAHAHARRYHYHYHYHY!” Logan screamed.
Virgil was digging right into the hollows of his hips. “Oh! You’re sorry, you say? Are you sure you’re not just saying it to get out of your ticklish demise?” Virgil teased.
Logan shook his head. “IHIHIHi’M NAHAHAT! IHIHIHI SWEHEHEHEHEAR!” Logan begged as much as he could.
“Oh? You’re swearing now? Hey Patton? What do we say about swearing here?” Virgil asked him, as he kept sneaking little squeezes onto Logan’s hips.
Patton smiled. “You are not allowed to swear in this household unless you are Thomas or Remus because...those are different stories.” Patton replied proudly.
“Buhuhuhut wehe AHAHAHARE Thohohohomas!” Logan protested.
Now it was Patton’s turn to gasp! “Are you questioning our household rules?!” Patton asked in an offended tone.
Logan quickly tried to shake his head. “Nohohoho! Ihihihi’m nahahat!” Logan quickly replied.
Virgil lifted an eyebrow. “I think he was! Logan over here, is acting a little sus for my liking. What should we do, Patton?” Virgil teased.
“Why! tickle the imposter, of course!” Patton declared.
Virgil moved his fingers to the back of Logan’s kneecaps and started scratching one finger on each kneepit. Logan squeaked like a scared mouse and started giggling and cackling in a more higher pitched voice. “WHAHAHAT IHIHIS THIHIHIS?! AHAHAMOHOUNG UHUHUS?!” Logan asked.
“Well it could be, if you want it too! Hey Patton! Blue is sus!” Virgil declared.
“Then what are you waiting for? Call an emergency meeting!” Patton ordered.
Virgil knelt down to Logan’s face and booped his nose. “Done!”
“Good! Let’s keep the imposter distracted while we discuss.” Patton suggested.
“Okay.” Virgil started going for Logan’s sides next, putting Logan in a giggly kinda mood this time.
“So, let’s discuss! How do we know blue is the imposter?” Patton asked.
“Well, it’s easy really. He’s ridiculously ticklish.” Virgil replied before tickling the back of his calves. “See?”
Logan bursted into a fit of high cackles mixed with snorts.
“Oh! He also snorts, which is also a red flag.” Virgil added.
Logan shook his head. “THIHIHIS MEHEHEETIHIHING *snort* IHIHIS RIHIHIHIGGED!” Logan yelled at them.
“Rigged?! How can this meeting be rigged if we’re showing the team all the evidence?” Patton asked.
“I don’t know.” Virgil replied, pausing his tickling and kneeling down to look at Logan in the eyes with a smirk. “You tell me, imposter.” Virgil teased.
Logan finally swung himself backwards, and grabbed Patton’s ankles. Climbing up a little, Logan turned himself around to face the front of Patton’s left pant leg. With his right hand reached over and gripping Pat’s ankle, Logan used his left hands’ fingers to tickle the back of his calf.
“aAAAEEEHEHEHE!” Patton squealed, doing all he can to not drop him. Virgil quickly grabbed Logan’s ankles and allowed Patton to let go of him.
“Aww, Virgil! Can you please let go of me?” Logan asked.
“I’ll let go of you when your hands are on the ground. I don’t want you falling onto your head.” Virgil told him.
Logan nodded and planted his hands onto the ground. With his arms secure, Virgil let go of Logan and let Logan bring his feet to the ground. Then, Logan jumped his nimble body up to his feet. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” Virgil replied. “Now it’s Patton’s turn!” Virgil pushed Logan into Patton’s arms and watched as Patton started tickling his ribs and belly.
“NOHOHO WAHAHAHAHAIT! VIHIHIR- GAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan shrieked and threw his head back laughing when Patton simply poked his belly button.
“Oooh! I should’ve chosen THIS emergency button when I had the chance!” Patton reacted. “This button makes all kinds of alarm noises!”
Logan was wiggling absolutely everywhere and cackling like a mad man. He had forgotten just how ticklish his belly button was, and was not being re-reminded every millisecond of how much the ticklish spot affected him.
“Awww, the poor imposter is too ticklish for his own good.” Virgil teased.
Patton lifted an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?” Patton asked.
“Hmmm…” Patton rubbed his chin.
“Let’s eject him just to make sure. We don’t need any murders showing up here.” Virgil decided.
“Okay.” Patton booped his belly button. “Boop!” Logan squealed super high-pitched and loud. “Bye bye, Logan!” Patton waved, standing up.
Virgil pulled out his phone and pulled up a gif. It was a video of a dark blue astronaut floating in space to the right, with the words [Logan was not the imposter] slowing up on the screen.
“Awwww...We killed an innocent passenger.” Patton whined.
Logan stood back up and dusted himself off. “I’ll happily inform you that I am indeed, alive and breathing.” Logan told them.
“LOGAN!” Patton jumped into his arms and tackled him right back onto the ground again. Logan sighed and decided to make the ground his permanent residence as Virgil laughed his head off at the two of them.
“Sohoho much for getting up!” Virgil laughed.
“Mm hmm…” Logan commented.
Patton giggled and got back up. “Looks like I finally caught you! Now you’re it!” Patton declared.
Logan smirked and immediately started rubbing his hands together. “Heheheheh...Good.”
Patton immediately took off running, with Logan following right behind him. Virgil just laughed and watched them run away from his room. When the boys were nowhere to be seen, Virgil closed his door and sat back onto his bed. He put his headphones onto his head and reconnected them to his phone. Ready to listen to more music, Virgil scrolled through his songs with his thumb.
But as Virgil was scrolling, he started to lose interest in his music. What he actually wanted to do, was tickle the boys again. That was the kind of music he REALLY wanted to hear. So, Virgil took off his headphones, turned them off, and snapped his fingers.
In no time at all, the sounds of stomping and yelling, turned into overlapping fits of laughter!
“WHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHE- IHIHIHI THOHOHOHOUGHT WEHEHEHE WEHEHEHERE DOHOHOHONE?!” Logan shouted, kicking and failing to wave the dozens of purple flying feathers away from him.
“HEHEHEHEHEY! NOTTHETOES- NAHAHAT THEHEHE TOHOHOHOHOHOES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Patton squealed and laughed wholeheartedly. There were dozens of purple feathers tickling him too, but a few of them were focusing on, you guessed it: his toes.
VIrgil just laughed at their reactions and walked out to the stairs to listen to their laughter more clearly.
Soon, Virgil bursted out laughing more when a third voice had spoken up. It didn’t take long for the third voice to burst out into cackles of his own. He knew exactly who it was: it was Janus. And boy, was it fun to hear his laugh!
Isn’t being the ler fun?
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captainkingsley · 3 years
The scent is becoming familiar — warm, earthy tea with a hint of spice. It's imported from Aurora now that the waters are regularly traversed, ships bringing the tea with so many other new things for the people of Albion. Logan finds that it's a large improvement for everyone involved and can't help the swell of pride that his younger brother has done so much in his time as king. He's helped only now that his temperament has settled, and each week after spending countless hours helping in the halls of the castle and beyond, he and Cedric sit for tea and talk. 
They don't have the time to update each other on what's going on beyond their work, so Cedric shuffled their schedules until he was able to secure an hour at the end of the week for just the two of them. It's more than Logan was able to do when he was king — he'd become so distant then, that he and Cedric had become unfamiliar to each other. Now they were determined to be brothers again, even if only for a short time each week. 
Logan stares at Cedric as he stirs a small amount of sugar into his tea, and then raises a brow as he scoops another three into the steaming cup. 
Some things never change. 
"So," Logan begins, breaking the quiet, steepling his fingers as his elbows rest on the table, "You and Benjamin Finn."
Cedric, with the cup against his lips, makes a sputtering sound as hot tea splashes his face with the force of his sudden exhalation.
"I'm sorry?" Cedric says, a strain in his voice. Logan adjusts his posture and dips his spoon into the sugar bowl, looking at Cedric with nothing but seriousness in his eyes.
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying," he chides, "I've seen the way you look at him."
"Look at him," Cedric questions, incredulous. "I don't—"
"Please. You stare at him like Griffin at dinner." Logan says, and at his name, Griffin's ears perk up. The dog looks hopefully at the food on the table, proving Logan's point perfectly. 
"I look at him as a friend," Cedric says, setting his cup down with a gentle tap, lifting his chin to look away from Logan's accusing stare. 
"Cedric. I've known you since we were children. I can read you — and you're lying right now." Logan says, a hint of a laugh in his voice. Despite the teasing — and the truth behind it — Cedric finds some comfort in Logan's laughter. It shows he's improving, that he's getting used to expressing emotion outwardly once more, and Cedric can't help but crack a small smile. Logan catches the shift in his expression and immediately points it out, linking it instead to Cedric undoubtedly thinking of Benjamin. 
"Actually," Cedric corrects, "I was thinking about how glad I am that you're well enough to tease me about these things now."
Logan blinks, shocked at the change in conversation, and fiddles with the handle of his teacup. He is feeling more like himself lately, no doubt thanks to how much he's been pushing himself to work and help repair the damage he'd done to Albion. It helps also, he thinks, that people are beginning to get to know him beyond just being the former king. They see something in him, now, that hasn't been seen since he was the young prince standing at his father's side. The world has gone from being the endless expanse of suffering and gloom that he had seen in his time under the Crawler's influence to something bright and full of hope. Thanks to Cedric for the work he's put in and the slaying of the darkness in the past year, Logan has felt as though a veil has been lifted from his eyes and he sees the world for what it truly is.
But more to the point — Logan has started something here that he intends to finish. He clears his throat and covers his mouth with one closed hand as he does so.
"Still. I'm not letting you change the subject." Logan says, and Cedric rolls his eyes as he leans back in his seat. Griffin, beside him, steps up to rest his snout on Cedric's knee. Absently, Cedric ruffles the dog's ear. 
"Well, you're not getting me to admit to anything." Cedric says, stubborn. 
"But you admit there's something there by saying that." Logan points out, and Cedric narrows his eyes.
"That's — what are you playing at, Logan?"
"Just looking out for my little brother. I don't want to hear that you've gotten your heart broken by a straight man or anything—" Logan says, waving his hand. "You have a bad habit of that."
“So I’ve had bad luck in the past with this sort of thing. The reason I have feelings for Ben is because he’s straight, isn’t that what you’re getting at?” Cedric crosses his arms. On his knee, Griffin looks up with his big brown eyes as though begging for scraps. He likely is. 
“You don’t know what he is or isn’t,” Logan says, finally taking a short sip of tea. The warmth of it makes his nose heat up, leaves a gentle bit of heat lingering on his cheeks and in his throat. “But you just admitted it.”
"You sneaky piece of shit," Cedric laughs, the words an affectionate jab in the way brothers are wont to do. “Fine, okay, yes. I’ve got a bit of a thing for Ben. Nothing’s going to come of it.”
“You don’t know that.” Logan says. “Despite the fact that I know he dislikes me and I find him a little too loud for my tastes, I want you to know that should you pursue Benjamin, you have my support.”
It’s strangely comforting, in a way. With both of their parents gone and Walter as well, the only family Cedric has left is Logan ( and Jasper, but Jasper has found a home for himself in the Sanctuary ) to approve or disapprove of his choice in partner. Not that he’d listen to Logan unless he was extremely adverse to a choice — because if Logan denied someone for him so adamantly, he’d have to listen as to why. Cedric stares down at the cup of tea he’s left sitting on the table, the deep brown-red color soothing in its stillness. 
“Thank you.” Is all Cedric can say for a long few moments. He’s not sure if Logan knows just how important his opinion is to him. 
Silence draws between them. It’s peaceful. Logan stirs his tea, the gentle clink of metal against ceramic like the rhythmic ticking of a clock. Griffin huffs out a long sigh and Cedric pets him once more, ruffling the fur on the top of his head. His collar jingles as the dog pulls away and goes to sit in his bed once again, resting his head on the cushioned edge of the bed. 
When the comforting silence has drawn on for longer than Cedric expected, he breaks it with a lopsided smile as he says,
“So, you and Thomas?” 
Then it’s Logan’s turn to sputter as he sets down his teacup, eyebrows drawing together as he glares at Cedric.
“No.” He says, short and simple. Cedric grins, much like a cat who’d gotten into what it’s not supposed to.
“Oh, come on. You spend all your free time in the library—” He says, and Logan tilts his chin up.
“I’ve been helping ship the duplicates of books to Aurora.” Logan states. 
“Mm-hm.” Cedric leans onto the table, putting his chin in his hand. “And that requires you being in the library late at night?”
“I—” Logan starts, his cheeks coloring.
“I’m sorry,” Cedric says, shaking his head. He looks down at his cup once again, the sugar in the bottom not fully dissolved. His hair falls in front of his face. “I won’t bother you about it. But I do want you to know I’m happy you’ve made friends, and that you’ve found someone like Thomas.” 
Logan stays silent, watching Cedric as he tilts his head to smile at his brother.
“Even if it’s frustrating as hell that you found him after I’d sent numerous suitors your way and you never told me—”
“That was you?!” Logan says, his voice raising. Cedric laughs, throwing his head back as he does. Logan stands from his seat, mouth dropping open and closing again, three times before he swallows harshly. “One of them didn’t leave me alone for two days!”
“I’m sorry!” Cedric says, his voice still caught between bouts of laughter, “I just wanted to make you happy, I thought I knew what I was doing!”
Logan can’t find it in him to be mad after that. He lays his hand flat against the table, leaning against it as he stares down at Cedric, who’s wiping his face after his fit of laughter. Without thinking, he reaches over with his other hand and ruffles through his hair, grown out longer in his time as king. The motion is familiar, bringing back memories of their childhood and days spent without a care or thought of what was awaiting them. His heart feels warm, fuller than it has in quite some time.
“Hey, Logan?” Cedric says as Logan’s hand withdraws. 
Logan hums a questioning sound.
“If you marry Thomas, you’d better let me help plan it.” 
“And let you ruin my color scheme? I don’t think so.” He says, tilting his chin upward in a show of fake pompousness. But Cedric can hear the affection in his voice, the subtle playful tone. 
“I’ll find a way to meddle in your wedding.” Cedric says. And it doesn't even matter to Logan that he's barely past getting to know the man who would be joining him in this hypothetical wedding — the idea of anything past asking him to dinner hasn't crossed his mind in the slightest. What matters in the moment is only that Cedric is back to poking fun at him, just as when they were young. 
Logan snaps back with a remark about the possibility of Ben Finn joining Cedric at a wedding and the tables are turned, with Cedric protesting any possibility of such a thing happening. 
They jab at each other back and forth until someone comes to steal Cedric away to talk in front of some representatives from a village across Albion. They part ways and Logan puts it into his mind to keep an eye on Ben's actions around Cedric the next time he's around, just in case. 
"Logan!" Cedric calls over his shoulder as he's headed down the hall. Logan looks up.
Cedric waves a hand at him. 
"I love you!"
He turns the corner. Logan shuts his eyes and smiles, feeling — finally — like proper family once more. 
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acefeather2002 · 3 years
The Tickle Monster Tussle (Moceit)
*This was my first requested shot on Wattpad. If you have a request, feel free to leave it in the comments, or you can "Ask" me. Keep in mind that those shots will take a while to get done though, frankly. I hope you like it. Also, the next stories that I post that include Deceit will have him named as "Dolion" (Greek origin; means "deceit" or "liar") because this was before the snek's name was revealed (and I'm too lazy to go back and change it).*
     In the Mind Palace, life is usually pretty peaceful. Sure, there's the usual banter between Virgil and Roman, but it's not like it gets terribly heated. In fact, arguments between aspects don't happen too often unless the issue is a life lesson or a reoccurring problem. Bottom line: arguments are actually seldom heard.
     It's especially a TRUE rarity when one of the people involved in a somewhat heated argument is actually Morality. What's more is that he was having an argument with his boyfriend, Deceit, so a disagreement between them is really few and far between. Thankfully the topic of said argument wasn't anything to stress about. When you think about it...actually there's nothing to think about. It was one of those cute arguments over a little thing that's shared between lovers.
       Dolion sat in Patton's room as they talked about random things. Somehow, the topic fell to who had the cutest laughter in the Mind Palace between all of them. Of course, Patton vouched for Logan saying how he hardly ever smiles or laughs. Plus, when he finally found a way to get him to laugh, it was as if the sun finally came from behind the clouds at the sound of his precious giggle. Dolion rooted for Virgil, however, and argued that his chuckles were like a rainbow coming out after a storm.
     "Oh yeah?" Patton questioned his lover on his argument, "then what's your technique to hear it?" Dolion just chuckled cockily and answered, "Simple, I tickle him silly." Patton looked at him somewhat shocked and only replied with a "Wow!" Dolion looked at him like he was crazy and questioned, "What? It's the easiest way to get it out of that worry wart." Patton shook his head and stated, "No no no, it's not that. It's just that I do the same thing with Logan, and he's VERY ticklish."
     Dolion chuckled at a recent memory as Patton explained himself. "Funny, I do remember an unfamiliar laugh coming from his room." Patton gave a small giggle at that and replied, "Yeah. That was him in a sensitive situation." With curiosity filling his mind, Dolion leaned back in his chair and asked, "So, tell me, Patton. How do you go about these tickle attacks on your victims?" Patton blushed a bit at the question but still answered, "I usually grab them and hug them so tight that they can't escape. Then with all the strength in one arm to hold them, I use the other to tickle away as their laughter waterfalls from their mouth. What do you do, Dolion?"
     The side in question smirked and responded, "I'm glad you asked. I just outstretch my four other arms and hold my victim in the air. Then I just hold them in my reach and use my remaining two arms and hands to tease and torture the little cuties." While describing his technique, Dolion displayed said four other arms, picked Patton up into the air, and kept his limbs bound to show what he'd do. "Whoa!" Patton yelped in surprise, "that's really neat kiddo, but would you mind putting me down? This is kinda high for me." Of course, with Dolion being the loving boyfriend that he was, he lowered the height but to the point where Patton was a little closer than arms reach. However Patton noticed the mischievous smirk on his lover's face, and asked, "Dolion, what are you thinking?"
     Dolion's mischievous smirk turned to a playfully evil grin as his last two hands rose to Patton's view with his fingers ready to strike. Patton finally realized what his intentions were and went into a panic but managed to utter a warning, "D-Dolion, if you do this,"he gulped, "then you are declaring a tickling war between us. Do you really wish to do this?" Dolion seemed to show a little bit of guilt as he lowered his hands...until he shot them back up and scribbled them all over Patton's ribs and in his underarms. All the while, Patton did nothing but squeal and giggle at the sensations.
     "Aaahahahaha! Doliahahahahan! Stahahahap!" Patton squeaked out as he squirmed in his boyfriend's grasp. Dolion couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight in front of him. Unfortunately, he felt a strangely strong tug from the arm that held Patton's left arm up, so he scratched at that armpit to weaken the pull and earn an adorable snorted giggle.  The same thing happened with the other arm, and the same reply was given. This continued three more times on each side until Patton snatched both arms free and spun out of Dolion's grip and landed on his feet like he was in a ninja movie.
     Patton stood up straight and looked up with a gleefully sinister glimmer in his eyes. "Dolion," he started. "You have just declared WAR!" Patton shouted at his lover as he lunged and tackled him to the ground. Take a mental note reader: "Never underestimate Patton's strength. It's the reason why he always gives the best hugs." Speaking of hugs, Patton had Dolion on the beige carpeted floor in a hug stronger than any kind of bear hug in existence that held all but one of his arms hostage. All the while, Dolion squirmed in the grasp of his lover to try to get away, but he found his attempts to be fruitless. In a somewhat frightened panic, Dolion tried his begs for mercy, "No! NONONONONO! Patton, please. Don't do this. Please, I'm sorry. We can talk about this. Can't we talk about this?"
     Obviously, the answer was no. Once you started a tickle war with Patton, there's no going back until both sides got even, and that was the one thing that Patton had in mind. While holding Dolion with one arm, he used to other to scratch and pinch at his ribs while kissing and blowing on his neck. Of course, Dolion was giggling up a storm from the sensations on his torso. He writhed in his boyfriend's grasp to try to escape, but he had to admit that the technique was quite effective.
     He continued to squirm in Patton's hold in attempts to end the torture. His desperation increased ten-fold when Patton started his teasing and causing him to blush profusely. "So," Patton started, "tried to out tickle tickle tickle me, huh? Trying to see who-oochie coochie who was better, eh?" (I'm like blushing as I'm writing these teases...I'm horrible to myself...😅) "NOHOHOHOHO! PLEAHEAHEASE STAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHI'M SAHAHARRYHYHY" Dolion screamed out as he wasn't sure how much more he could handle until he realized the one arm that was still free. With that, he reached behind him and squeezed at Patton's side, which he called his "Squeak Spots" with his stomach.
     Patton turned his body away from the touch while giving a respective squeak. Dolion felt the hold weakening and continued to squeeze and pinch the Squeak Spot until he was released fully. When he was finally freed, Dolion turned to straddle Patton and attacked his sides and belly as he squirmed and squealed from sensations. He then took one of his other four arms, held one of Patton's over his head, and scratched at his armpit while proceeding with his Squeak Spot onslaught. Patton was screaming and flailing at the tickling feelings while half-heartedly pushing at the torturing hands to end the attack, but he was reaching his limit and fell into silent laughter.
     Dolion saw his boyfriend's flushed state and finally stopped his torture and got off of him. Patton curled in on himself, panting while trying to chase away the remaining giggles from his body. Dolion awed at his boyfriend's adorable state, picked him up, and carried him to the bed to cuddle with him. Once he finally calmed down, Patton spoke up, "I guess you did out tickle me, huh?" Dolion chuckled and responded, "I can't help it. Once I want to hear my precious bean's giggles, I won't hold back until I hear them." He finished his statement with cute little scratches under Patton's chin and around his neck to earn him some more of the aforementioned giggles that he adored. He stopped his scratches with a kiss to Patton's forehead while quietly saying, "I love you, Baby Bear." Patton gave an adorable baby yawn and replied, "I love you, too, Serpent King," and nodded off to sleep with Dolion following soon after.
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98prilla · 4 years
To The Dead
“No, Joan… Listen, I’ll call you back, no, it’s fine, I’ve just started unpacking, you can come by later…” Logan watched warily as the new human shuffled boxes around, speaking ceaselessly to someone on his phone, occasionally laughing, reassuring the person that he was fine, the drive had gone well, making idle chatter.
 It hadn’t been all that long. Merely three months, but he wasn’t all that surprised the house went so fast, to a first-time owner, as well, judging by the looks of the young man. No doubt at an insanely low price, thanks to the laws dictating they disclose any deaths on the property, Virgil’s having been so recent, as well. He was sure Virgil was lurking somewhere, watching all of this, or perhaps he was hiding somewhere.
 They’d caught glimpses of him, here and there. Nothing much, just a flicker of shadows, a tinge of darkness, always out of the corner of the eye, always gone before they could say a single word, and it was driving all of them a bit mad.
 Patton and Janus had tried everything, to get him to come out, to get him to come back, but to no avail. They still often spoke out loud, when doing things, now, holding conversations with the air, just in case Virgil was nearby, listening, reassuring him that they were there, if he needed anything, wanted anything, they were there for him. To his frustration, Logan had also started doing it, not noticing until someone called him out on it.
 And Roman. Roman was worse off than the rest of them. He was miserable, he was apologizing endlessly, trying at every turn to seek him out, but if anything, that seemed to drive Virgil farther away, the sense of his presence dwindling, the paint on his door fading and chipping off, a sign that he hadn’t been in it at all, maybe since the last time they’d all seen him, which meant he wasn’t getting the rest he needed, either.
 With a sigh, Logan shook himself out of his thoughts, swapping back over to the spirit plane.
 “Well?” Roman asked, laying upside down on the couch.
 “Young adult, thirty, brown hair, brown eyes, named Thomas. Seems nice enough.” He reported. “Didn’t seem to notice me at all, no mentions of cold spots, hearing my voice when I spoke, seems just as oblivious as the rest of them.” He commented, noticing the tenseness fading out of Patton and Janus’s shoulders, Remus’s grin growing feral.
 “Good. I like a challenge.” He sighed, ignoring Remus’s commentary.
 “And… any sign?” Patton asked hesitantly. He shook his head, eyes clouding with worry for a moment.
 “No. I would have expected… something, but there was no hint of his presence. I don’t know… I hate not knowing things.” He muttered, falling onto the far end of the couch.
 “I know, Lo, but we’ll figure this out.” Patton answered, though his own voice was tinged with disappointment.
 There were some cases, rare cases, where humans could see ghosts, speak to them, as if they were just normal, still alive people. None of them had ever met someone like that, the most they got were amateur ghost hunters, in years the house sat empty, when it had still been an old plantation house, and even they weren’t very perceptive. Some humans were more sensitive, catching glimpses of things, picking up on words here or there, cold spots, hot spots, that was more common. They’d have to wait and see, if this one could pick up on any of that.
In hindsight, they maybe should have been more worried, when the human, Thomas’s, friend showed up, with a bottle of wine, a cactus as a housewarming gift, and a Ouija board.
 But most of that stuff was just hocus pocus, as Logan said, which set Roman off, quoting what was apparently a Disney movie.
 “Roman, I am begging you to shut up.” Janus moaned. “I am trying to watch these idiots.” Roman scowled, but ceased, watching the two humans laugh as they lit candles around the board, turning off the lights, to add to the atmosphere.
 “What do they think candles are gonna do?” Remus asked, continuously blowing out the small flame as they tried to light the final one.
 “Probably supposed to symbolize a portal to the afterlife, or something similarly ridiculous.” Logan scoffed, still watching their actions with interest.
 “Ok, who should we try and talk to?” Thomas asked.
 “Uhhh, Abraham Lincoln!” Joan responded, earning a startled laugh from Thomas.
 “What? Why was that your go to?”
 “I don’t know, it was the first famous dead person that came to mind! What was your plan, then?” Joan asked indignantly, though they were smirking too. Thomas shrugged.
 “Um. Hey. Anyone here who’s friendly and not, like, gonna go all Amityville horror on us, feel free to communicate with us, using this board.”
 “Dude, they’re ghosts. How are they gonna know what Amityville horror is? Since when do ghosts watch movies?”
 “I don’t know! You were trying to talk to good ‘ol Abe, I feel like you don’t have room to lecture here.” They both froze as the planchet moved. Not much, not far, but it had definitely moved.
 “Did that just…”
 “Hoooolly shiiit.” Joan whispered, wide eyes meeting Thomas’s. Neither of them had even had their hands near the board, much less touching the planchet.
 In the ghostly realm, everyone’s eyes locked on Roman, who stood frozen, mouth agape, staring at the planchet he’d bumped against while leaning in to examine the board, as easily moved as anything he summoned himself.
 “Oops?” He said, shushing Logan as the two humans started speaking again.
 “Ok, um, ok, that’s normal! We probably just bumped the table! Um, is… is anyone here, with us?” Thomas asked. Immediately the planchet started moving again, landing on ‘yes’.
 “ROMAN! What do you think you’re doing?!” Janus hissed, and he wrung his hands.
 “I-I don’t know! They asked! It seemed rude not to answer? I haven’t exactly been in this situation before, Jan!” He fired back, their own panicking mirroring the panic going on between Thomas and Joan.
 “What do we have to lose?” Patton asked softly, getting everyone’s attention.
 “I am unclear what you mean, Patton.” Logan said, gaze turning to him, where he sat, biting his lip, fiddling with his cardigan.
 “I mean… by answering them. What do we have to lose? We’re all stuck here, anyway. It’s not like they can hurt us. And… we live here too! Shouldn’t we get to know our new roommates?” He asked, voice getting higher in pitch with each word, until he squeaked out his question.
 “Who are you?” Came the question from the humans, from the board, and Roman hesitated, looking back at everybody, asking what he should do, the question evident in his eyes.
 “Fine. Go ahead. Patton’s right, I suppose, there’s not much they can do, besides leave. But I will not be involved in this.” Janus sighed from the couch, retreating to his room, to avoid whatever action was coming next. Logan nodded.
 “I second Janus’s sentiments. Pardon me.” With that, it was Roman, Patton and Remus, who tried to swipe the planchet, but failed, swiping right through it, letting out an annoyed squawk.
 “What?! Why!?” He screeched, Roman grinning like an idiot.
 “Their opening. They said…” He broke off laughing, “They said anyone who wasn’t gonna Amityville them, Ree you’re literally a poltergeist, that stupid line is keeping you from doing shit!” He laughed harder at Remus’s indignant expression, eyes flashing with ire.
 “OH, they’re gonna regret that bullshit. Imma haunt them so hard it’s gonna feel like a-“
 “Thank you, Remus, that’s enough!” Patton interrupted, not wanting to know the end of that sentence, and Remus vanished with a scowl and puff of black smoke. Roman rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the board, spelling out his name.
 “R-o-m-a-n. Roman. Like, a Roman soldier? What would they be doing here?” Thomas asked.
 “What would they be doing speaking English?” Joan piped in.
 “Good lord, these two are slow.” Roman muttered, moving the planchet once more, Patton giggling at his remark.
 “My name is Roman, you idiots.” He spelled out, “And I am not a roman.” The two humans stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into only slightly hysterical laughter.
 “We just got called idiots… by a ghost! What even… how is this happening?” Thomas wheezed, trying to pull himself together, devolving into giggles every time he and Joan looked at each other.
 “I mean, they’re not wrong!” Joan shot back, once they got their breathing back under control.
 “How did you die?” Blurted Thomas, and Roman rolled his eyes.
 “Oh my god, you can’t just ask people how they died!” Roman replied, enjoying the befuddlement on the two human’s faces.
 “I’m… I might be wrong, but did it just make a mean girls reference?” Joan asked.
 “Yes. And I use He/Him, thank you. If you must know, I was a civil war soldier. Fighting for the North, y’know, the right team? But my family were assholes and lived here so… here I am!” He answered.
 “Oh, good. He’s anti-slavery and not a homophobe. Cool, cool, cool.”
 “Is there anyone else, with you?” Joan asked, and Roman bit his lip, turning to Patton, who eagerly grabbed the planchet.
 “Hey kiddos! I’m Patton!” His answer was met with instant bursts of laughter.
 “Wow. Straight from civil war action to dad mode. Um. Hello, Patton. It’s… nice to meet the both of you? We’ve never really spoken to ghosts before. Uh, you guys…live here?” Thomas asked a bit nervously.
 “Yuppers! But we’re all pretty friendly. Mostly. None of us are violent, or anything, though some can be a bit… startling at times.”
 “That’s only a bit worrying. Oh god, now I’m gonna hear every noise and think it’s a ghost. Because it could be a literal ghost.” Thomas mumbles, shoving back his hair, Joan chuckling nervously.
 “Yeah, good luck with that one, Thomas.” Joan answers, getting to their feet. “It’s late. I should probably be going.”
 “What? No, uh uh, after this, you do not get to ditch me on my first night in a new house in a new town that you made me learn is actually haunted, though the ghosts do seem polite, no offense, guys, just a liiittle freaky.” Thomas said, gaze shifting to the board for a moment, and Patton laughed.
 “He’s worried about us! That’s sweet!”
 “He’s worried we’ll haunt his nightmares.” Roman muttered back, watching the humans argue back and forth, before finally agreeing.
 “Alright. Uh, we’re gonna go to bed and try and sleep. So… talk to you later, I guess?”
 “Yes please! This is fun!” Thomas chuckled a bit at that.
 “I’m guessing that was Patton. Good night, Pat. Good night, Roman, who is not an actual Roman. Uhhh, you’re dismissed?”
 “Are you a school teacher? ‘you’re dismissed. Get some style. Farewell, my fellow brother in arms, may your gay heart guide you true!” Roman replied, making them both break down into a giggling fit yet again, as they blew out the candles, setting aside the board as they got up to get ready to sleep, Patton and Roman returning to their own living room in the spirit world.
 “Well, that was… interesting.” Roman said slowly.
 “It was… a bit nice. Talking. To other live people.” Patton said softly, and Roman stopped, pulling Patton into a hug, which he easily melted into.
 “yeah. It was. But it did still take quite a bit of energy. We should get some rest, as well.”
 “I’m gonna stay out here for a little bit. Just… just in case.” Roman sighed softly, but nodded, stepping away.
 “Alright. Rest well, Pat.”
He had been asleep for a few hours, when he blinked open his eyes at a small movement. All he caught was a deep shadow, tucking a blanket tight around him.
 “Virg?” He asked softly, the shadow freezing, the room dropping in temperature with his fear, and he moved to hide away. “s okay, bud. I love you kiddo, okay? Jus want you to know.” He mumbled, smiling as his eyes drifted closed, pulling the blanket tighter with a soft sigh. “you can come talk to me, anytime. I won tell. Promise.” He felt a soft pat against his hand, then the shadow slipped away, though Patton was sure he felt a little better than before.
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Sanders Sides Magical Boys Time!!
Summary: I mean, this is a plan for a story based on Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna. At 4000 words, the actual story would have ended up...long. And I have enough WIPs to finish...plus I have a one shot I intend to do at some point...curse my neurodivergence. XD
Essentially, Logan becomes a magical girl!
Warnings: Character death (holy shit, rereading this I killed three characters??), mention of an abusive parent, natural disasters, suicidal implications, past character death...sad ending that really isn’t a good one at all.
Important Note: Virgil is meant to be...mute, I think(?), Remy is like...full on quadriplegic, ill, complete physical mess. I think Deceit was meant to be on crutches or something. Past me forgot to specify, but Patton mentions “their conditions”. Woops.
Pairings: Remile, Moceit, Implied Analogical. All healthy!
More Notes: Holy shit I’m upsetting myself reading this - what did I do??
Logan arrives at the town with his parents, a rural area that appears mostly empty and void of opportunity. They pass a run down sign proclaiming Welcome To Sandersville, and he comments that he thinks their previous setting was better. His parents are silent, and he sees a shrine of sorts, which he swears smiles at him.
The next day, Logan heads to his school, not wanting to be around his parents and having nothing to do. He meets Deceit in class, and considers him a delinquent type. The class seems cheerful, but Logan feels something isn’t quite right. He notices that there’s a prayer board at the front. Some exposition is given about this by Deceit, who Logan asks. (It’s there as a reminder of the old ways that most modern cities have forgotten,)
Logan is defensive about the idea that his home city “forgot” about the spirits, and Deceit shrugs off his concerns. Throughout the day Logan notices that people take the spirits and gods much more seriously than they did at his city, and considers them to be crazy or cult like.
After a few days he comments to his parents that he’s bored, and that he doesn’t like that they haven’t been home much. His mother is silent but his father tells him that he should join one of the school’s clubs – mentions how Logan was on the chess team. Logan (correctly) points out that a small rural town won’t have a chess team, but reluctantly agrees to look.
The next day after classes finish, he takes a look at the noticeboard, and sees that there’s a maths club, beneath an advert listing a club dedicated to the local spirits, Seeing that there’s a meeting on today, he goes there to ask to join, and is shocked to see Deceit open the door.
They converse, in which Deceit reluctantly lets him in. Logan meets Roman, Remus and Virgil, and Deceit explains that Patton isn’t here yet due to volunteer activities. Roman tries to dissuade him from joining, but Logan insists. The rest of the meeting is gloomy, with everyone more or less ignoring each other. Logan is frustrated.
Upon leaving, Logan hears Remus say he hopes Logan doesn't return. Out of spite, Logan swears to himself to come back every day.
During the night he hears a loud crash, and looks outside to see a nearby building has been damaged. Shocked, he leaves his house to investigate, but runs into Roman, who tells him everything is fine and to go back inside. Logan thinks he sees Virgil in some sort of military esque outfit, but considers it a trick of the light.
The next day Logan meets Patton on the way to school – Patton introduces himself, and comments that Deceit said Logan might be joining the club. He tries to politely get Logan to say no, but Logan insists. Patton looks dismayed over this, which irritates Logan. He snaps at Patton and ignores the club members until the end of the day.
He asks about the crash to Roman, who shrugs it off as just something that happens. Remus says that a lot of odd things happen in their town, and Patton points out that it’s not just their town. There’s a discussion about how natural disasters have become more frequent, and Deceit snidely blames the lack of religion. Logan thinks he’s being ridiculous, of course, but admits that his family left their city because their home was destroyed in a hurricane. Virgil tells him there’s never been a natural disaster in their town, so he’ll be okay.
Remus says that the gods can’t protect towns without the spirits, and Dee is like, “like I said, lack of religion”, and Logan just, “what sort of god can’t protect a town.”
On the way home that day, Logan hears another crash, and decides fuck it and goes to investigate. He arrives at the scene of a monster attacking the local playground, shocking him. He believes himself to be hallucinating, even more so when he sees the maths club turn up and fight it off. He makes eye contact with Virgil, who is shocked, and then he runs off.
The next day, Logan is approached by Virgil, and denies seeing anything. Virgil begs him not to tell anyone about what he saw, and Logan asks if anyone would even believe him. Virgil explains about how the town believe the spirits are all the defenders a god needs, and don’t know that actual people are defenders too when spirits start being killed by monsters. Logan is confused, and insists that this is all nonsense.
Logan goes to the club meeting later, and Patton and Deceit talk about the “accident” at the local playground. Logan asks what happened, and Remus is (mostly) honest, citing monsters that were trying to eat the local spirits. Logan tells them to stop acting like he’s stupid, whilst Patton gently tells him that he’s going to have to accept it as fact eventually.
That night, Logan dreams of the shrine he saw, and of a god talking to him about how without the protective spirits on earth, the world would eventually be destroyed. He is asked to help, but wakes up, and dismisses it as nonsense.
A few days go past, and he is asked by Patton and Deceit if he wants to go to visit a friend in the hospital. Logan asks about the others, and Patton explains that they have other commitments. Deceit makes it clear he’d be happy if it were just him and Patton. Logan agrees reluctantly, stating he doesn’t want to see his parents.
On the way, Patton asks about Logan’s parents, and Logan admits that things have been strained since their home was destroyed. He explains how his parents have gotten back into the “old ways”, and that he doesn’t believe in them, hence conflict. Deceit softly explains that he understands, and Patton squeezes Deceit’s hand or something.
At the hospital, they visit Remy, who is there with Emile. Logan is shocked by Remy’s state, and asks what happened. Patton chides him for his bluntness, whilst Remy tells Logan “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you”. Emile is obviously somewhat ill, which Deceit asks about, but Emile brushes it off, saying it’s just a cold.
They spend time together, and Emile pushes Remy in his chair so that they can go out into the hospital gardens. Things are going well, and then a monster attacks. Emile gets Remy out of the way despite Remy’s protests, and Deceit admits Logan was going to see sooner or later.
Deceit and Patton transform and fight off the monster, to Logan’s shock. Logan sees the spirit hiding, and goes to comfort it. However, upon touching it his hands begin to glow, and Deceit yells at him not to touch it. In doing so, Deceit is almost hit by the monster, but Patton saves him.
Afterwards, the spirit bounds off, and Deceit explains whilst healing Patton that if you touch a spirit you’ll either fade away into a ghost or you’ll be obliged to make a pact, depending on if the local god has chosen you or not.
Logan is shocked, and initially refuses to believe it, but Patton explains that each member of the maths club was chosen by the local god to defend the spirits, and that this is what keeps their town safe. They explain that they each have a pact with a specific spirit, which can be called upon for extra power...at a cost. They are unwilling to explain further to Logan.
Logan takes two days off school out of shock that the thing about religion and spirits is apparently true. After the two days he has another dream in which he’s asked again to help defend, and is told “come and find me”. The next day he lies to his parents about going to school, and instead takes a trip to the shrine, where he finds a small temple nearby it.
Inside he meets Emile, who is praying to the god, and asks him about what he’s doing. Emile dismisses it, explaining he’s just praying to the god cause religion, but appears to be more ill than before. Logan questions him, but Emile dismisses it again and asks what Logan’s doing. Logan explains the dream and Emile becomes distressed. He tells Logan to never say yes to the god, and that it’s something he’ll regret doing if he does. He then has to leave due to illness.
Logan spends time alone talking to the god, expressing confusion, and states he doesn’t really want to get involved. He sees the spirit he touched nearby, and remembers what Deceit said. He tells the spirit to go away and leaves.
The next day at school, he runs into Virgil, who is concerned that Logan touched a spirit. Logan insists that he’s fine, but this seems to worry Virgil more. He also meets with Roman and Remus, who talk about why and when they made their pacts, and the abilities it gave them. Roman says he wouldn’t take it back, whilst Remus admits it’s scary. When they find out Logan touched a spirit, they both express concern, although Roman waves it off in the end as “probably fine”.
Logan is curious however, and when Patton is out volunteering again he goes to find him, and instead finds him at a gravestone – the gravestone of Thomas, who Patton explains was the magical boy who introduced him to all of this. Logan says that Patton was lying about volunteering, and Patton corrects him that he usually is telling the truth, and that Deceit lies because he knows Patton finds it hard.
Patton explains that Thomas was killed in battle, and as Patton was there and chosen, he felt obligated to make a pact. He also explains that Deceit and Virgil’s conditions (and Remy’s) are because if you call the spirit to help you, you sacrifice part of yourself to them to keep them at full power. He expresses regret at not being able to take that sacrifice for them, and begs Logan not to become one of them.
Logan tells him that he doesn’t want to, and still finds the whole thing ridiculous on some level, even if he’s come to believe it.
Over the next week, Logan witnesses the club go to more attacks, sees that Patton and Deceit are really close, and is told by Virgil why they made the maths club, much to Logan’s annoyance. He also interacts with his parents, growing frustrated that they seem to ignore him and his concerns. It comes to a head with a major attack causing Roman to call a spirit, and ending up going blind. He takes time off school, and the maths club becomes much more sombre.
Virgil talks to Logan about how he’s afraid about not being able to communicate via sign language anymore with Roman, and Logan offers to think of alternatives. Virgil talks about Remy, and about how Remy has given up enough of himself that he’s effectively “retired”, and therefore is no longer obligated to fight, although he could. Virgil also talks about how the more parts of you that you give up the stronger you become, because you’ve basically replaced bits of yourself with parts of a spirit.
On the way home Logan sees the spirit again, and hears the call of the god outside of his dreams for the first time. He asks aloud why the god is calling him, and why now, but gets no response. The spirit keeps staring at him, and then he gets a call from Patton asking to meet.
He meets with Patton, and Patton talks about how Logan is hearing the call of the god. Logan agrees, and asks why now, and Patton admits Logan probably wouldn’t have heard it in the city because if you reject the gods and the old ways you tune out the call. And without people to defend it, the gods will eventually die out etc. Logan remarks it’s a stupid god then, and Patton laughs.
Patton comments that at least you get a wish of some sort – he describes it as a hope to cling onto, and that you are granted abilities to make that wish easier to achieve. He says how the gods aren’t as powerful as they once were, and that the spirits are the ones doing the protection, which is why sometimes humans are needed to assist against the monsters.
Logan cautiously asks Patton what he wished for. Patton hums, and looks at his phone, which has a photo of Deceit as his lock screen. “Happiness.”
Logan tries to continue as usual within the club, but keeps seeing the spirit and hearing the call. He and Virgil connect especially well, and Roman eventually returns to school, although obviously distant. Things are tense, and Remus gloomily says he predicts a bad event coming up. Logan tells him he’s ridiculous, but can admit that things seem to be getting darker – there are more monsters appearing, created by negativity amongst humans at large.
The spirit comes to see Logan one morning, and the two watch each other whilst Logan insists he’s not accepting the call – that he doesn’t want to be like the others. The spirit rests against Logan to share a vision of the hospital, and he gets the idea to go and see Remy – although he tells the spirit firmly he still wants nothing to do with him.
At the hospital, Logan explains to Remy what’s been going on, and about how the god has been calling to him. He says he enjoys his time with the maths club, but doesn’t want to be a magical boy. Remy talks about how he became one because after hearing the call his parents pressured him into it, and that he himself regrets fighting so long. There’s no reason to someone being called, the god just finds something inside them makes them worth it.
Remy also asks Logan to check on Emile, stating that the boy has been around the shrine more often recently. Expresses worry, and that he isn’t sure it’s healthy to ignore magical boy duties like Emile has been doing. Logan is concerned, and agrees to go and check.
A monster attacks on his way there, and Remus and Roman come to protect him. The two fuse in order to protect him, and Logan is obviously shocked. They afterwards sheepishly explain that they have the abilitiy because Roman became a magical boy to keep his brother safe. Remus admits he became one because he wanted to be like Virgil and Deceit, but doesn’t elaborate on his abilities.
The three go to the shrine together, and Emile is not there, but Roman admits he didn’t think you could go back on your duties. Remus says he’ll fight as long as his brother and friends fight, and Roman is quiet. They go home, and Logan tells them to stay safe.
The next day Logan waits at the shrine in the rain, accomponied by his spirit, until Emile arrives. The man is obviously extremely sick, and Logan demands answers. Emile becomes upset, telling him to stay out of things he doesn’t understand, and that Logan should focus on making sure the spirit doesn’t become irate at him not making a pact.
Logan talks to the spirit about what might make him make a pact, but ultimately does not, although the spirit goes home with him.
In the morning he asks the others about their spirits, and they explain that when they made the pact the spirits were more or less absorbed into their souls, which is what allows for the transfer of soul and energy. Logan asks about their animals and powers etc, and Virgil and Remus are the most willing to talk about theirs. Patton is irate and says it’s personal.
Deceit tells Logan after Patton leaves that Patton often feels guilty for getting the others involved and not being able to stop them from their injuries. He admits he himself would happily put himself in danger for Patton, and that his wish had been to survive after a horrific injury given by his abusive father, but that if he were to make one now he’d wish for Patton’s safety, for everyone’s safety.
Patton is away “volunteering” again that day, and Logan asks Virgil and Deceit what happens if you stop your duties – they are confused, stating you shouldn’t be physically able, because the spirit can force you to if needed. This concerns Logan more, and he finds Emile at the shrine, demanding answers.
Emile weakly admits that in protest to what’s happening to Remy he’s been fighting the spirit to stop fighting for the god. But as a result, he’s been getting progressively iller, but does not want Remy to know. He admits he started fighting because he wanted to help people, but feels used and helpless. Logan asks what’s ultimately wrong with Remy losing parts – can’t he still do things?
Emile explains that you only get to count as being retired once you’ve lost enough to be considered unable to continue your life. Remy, being often on life support, and being entirely paralysed, could technically interact with the world like severely disabled people, but if he succeeded would be forced back out of retirement and made to keep fighting until he himself was gone, a shell of who he was.
Logan is horrorfied, and Emile simply states that it’s the fate of magical boys – help keep the earth safe by defending spirits and gods, and eventually either die or lose so much of your soul and body you become a mere shell. He asks Logan in a snappy manner whether Logan would still consider becoming a magical boy, and Logan runs off in fear.
Logan takes a day off school, and in the evening he tries talking to his parents about it all. His mother says that if the gods die out then everyone is doomed, so those who receive the call should go along with it. His father agrees, saying that the reason their old home is ruined is because people forgot the old ways and therefore didn’t hear or accept the call of the gods.
Logan is distraught, and leaves home to go on a walk. He is attacked whilst out, and Roman appears, commenting that Remus is fetching the others because it’s a strong monster. He states that the increase means something bad is going to happen, and fights off as long as he can.
The others arrive in time to see Roman killed. Remus goes into shock and grief, whilst Deceit, Virgil and Patton destroy the monster. They are all distraught, and the next day Remus skips school, where Roman’s death is announced.
Emile and Remy turn up at the school to check on everyone, and Logan quietly admits to Emile that he feels guilty for not helping. Emile doesn’t have much to say, and the atmosphere is understandably gloomy for a while as everyone grieves.
Over the next week or two, more and more monsters appear. Remus loses the use of his legs, and Virgil loses hearing in one ear. Emile visits Remy less and less, concerning everyone. Roman is buried, and they all attend the funeral.
Logan visits Emile at his home eventually, where he sees Emile pretty much at deaths bed. Emile tearfully admits regret, wishing he was strong enough to fight so that he could stay alive. He wishes he could be with Remy, that neither of them were magical boys, and that he had had the courage to tell Remy he loved him. Logan urges him to transform and go after a monster, and Emile talks about being in so much pain, and that he has no energy to do so.
Emile begs Logan to never accept this fate, to stay close to the others, and to pass on his hairclip to Remy as an apology. Emile passes away, and Logan is tearful. As promised, he takes the clip to Remy, who becomes distraught, sobbing and grieving and becoming angry that Emile put himself through that. He demands Logan leave.
After a few days, Logan is awoken by a call from Patton, who frantically tells him to stay home for a few days because there’s reports of a nearby town being destroyed by a “natural disaster”, and they think the monster responsible is coming to theirs.
Logan goes straight to Virgil, and begs him to be careful, telling him about Emile and Remy, and confesses that he’s scared. Virgil hugs him tightly, reassures him, and tells him to stay home, that everything will be okay. He tells Logan that more than anything, he wants his loved ones to stay safe, including Logan.
Logan anxiously waits indoors for the next few days, the spirit ever urging him to make a pact, which Logan ignores due to what he’s seen so far. Then in the morning of one day, an emergency alarm sounds, and Logan looks out his window to see a huge powerful monster at the outskirts of his town. He initially goes to take cover with everyone else, but hears the call of the god once more. He remembers Emile, and Roman. How Remy has ended up. He remembers how Remus said he’d fight as long as his friends and family were there. How Virgil wants him safe, and how Patton just wanted happiness, and how Deceit would wish for Patton and the others to be safe.
He says screw it and runs off, determined to go help the others, because he wants everyone to be okay, and tells the spirit he’s ready to accept the call of the gods. He wishes for the ability to protect his friends, transforms and saves Virgil from a major injury.
The others are angry that he’d do this, but don’t have time or the ability to do anything about it. Logan’s incredible defensive abilities come in useful, but the battle is hard, as the monster keeps going. Virgil is knocked out, bleeding heavily, and Deceit desperately tries to heal him, whilst Logan tries to defend for them all.
Patton yells at Remus to go and get Remy, because they need all the power they can get. Remus leaves reluctantly, and Deceit yells at Patton that he and Logan need to retreat for now. They do so, coming down to check on Virgil, who is slowly healing thanks to Deceit’s treatment. Deceit admits he doesn’t know when Virgil will be ready for battle, and that he thinks they need to lie low until Remy and Remus return.
Patton tells him softly that if they do that the monster will destroy most of the city. He confesses to Deceit that he loves him, and that he wished for his happiness, and then summons his spirit, seeing Deceit for the last time as his eyes cloud. He then goes off to attack, whilst Deceit is in tears begging him not to.
Logan goes after Patton, trying to defend him, but the attacks are so much that Patton summons his spirit five more times before Remy and Remus arrive. Remy uses magical ribbons in place of limbs to attach the hair clip onto his hair, and states that he plans to join Emile in this battle, and that he doesn’t believe the world is worth it.
Deceit and Virgil join them too, and it’s an intense fight where they all summon their spirits at least once. Remy ends up blowing himself and the monster up, dying in the process. In his last moments he tells them that it’s okay, that he got to help people, and now he can join Emile where he won’t have to fight these monsters anymore.
The rest of them are injured and distraught, and stand in the remains of everything.
Over the next few months the town rebuilds, and although monsters still come, there’s no major ones, although more towns around the country have been destroyed. Deceit and Patton get together, and they all learn to live with their new limitations.
Although they still fight together, they also seem to go their seperate ways. Patton and Deceit double down on schoolwork and volunteering their time to causes, Remus joins more creative clubs and aims to honour his brother via creative work. Logan tries and fails to rekindle his relationship with his parents, and instead studies about the gods and spirits in an effort to understand, whilst Virgil starts tutoring people in sign language.
They meet in their club room a year after the incident, and go together to Emile, Remy, Roman and Thomas’ graves, where they quietly grieve before going off together. They sit altogether, and lament how they’re tied into the fates of the previous magical boys. Virgil comments that at least they have each other, to which they all quietly agree.
A monster is seen in the distance, and Deceit and Patton say they can handle it, leaving, with Remus following shortly afterwards.
Virgil asks Logan if it was worth it in the end. Logan says he’s yet to find out, and the story ends there. (“I guess I’ll find out.”)
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luxurylives · 4 years
Missing Pieces Part 7
Pairing: Logan x Ellie Wheeler 
Book(s): Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance        
Word Count: 5,798
Rating: T (Mild language)
Summary: Teppei and Colts’ wrongdoings come back to the Mercy Park Crew. 
Author’s Note: The final part of this series that I started last summer! First, this is very long since it goes back and forth between California and Massachusetts. Second, Pixelberry Studios owns the characters. Third, the De la Cruz family is from High School Story (also by Pixelberry Studios). Thank you so much to those who read!
Tagging: @mfackenthal @rodappreciationweek @liam-rhys @desireepow-1986 @choicesarehard @leelee10898 @shadowycreatorpaperopera @brightpinkpeppercorn @client-327
Disclaimer: There is quite a bit of violence here, strong themes and situations. 
Logan slipped on a clean white shirt and a denim top; did he want to go to the barbeque? No, but it was a free meal and as soon as the time was right, he and Vanessa would be gone. 
“There’s something about them that doesn’t sit right with me”.
Logan turned to see Vanessa saunter out of the bedroom wearing a blue chiffon halter top and skinny jeans. 
“I just think it will be easier to sneak out while they’re distracted,” Logan said. 
“I hope you’re right” Vanessa quavered as she picked at her nails.
“Well, we better join the party” Logan headed towards the door but stopped when he realized Vanessa was not following him. “Are you ready?”
Vanessa hesitated and shook her head. “Look, let me call my father and tell him what is going on, he knows a good lawyer and I’m sure Zoe and Rita— “.
Logan tightened his grip on the doorknob and took a deep breath, he knew Vanessa was right, but it wasn’t that simple. 
“Logan, running and looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life makes no sense”. 
“Vanessa, I have to do this…now please can we just get this over with?” Logan opened up the door and gestured to the hallway. 
Vanessa took a deep breath and shook her head. “Fine, forget I said anything”.
 Once Ellie reached the exit, she burst through the door and frantically began searching for Toby. “Toby!?” 
A few people looked at her with confused looks on their faces as they passed her by. 
“Toby!?” Ellie called again. She began walking towards the street but ended up bumping into someone standing near a motorcycle. “Oh sorry”.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Ellie slowly turned around to see Colt staring at her with an unreadable expression on his face. 
“You shouldn’t be here— “.
Ellie and Colt turned to see Ximena running towards them. 
“What happened in there? Some guy threw Toby out and this other guy started chasing him— “.
“Ximena, where is Toby?” Ellie asked urgently. 
“He headed back to the garage but that guy who was chasing him ran back inside and shortly after I saw some other people come out with guns…”.
Colt silently cursed under his breath and shook his head; Ximena averted her eyes to look at him. 
“Colt! What the hell is going on?! Where have you been? What have you been doing since we split up!?”
Colt angrily shook his head a bit his lip. “All of you are going to screw everything up— “.
“’ Screw everything up?!’ Colt you need to explain what the hell is going on! Logan is in danger!” Ellie yelled. 
Colt ran a hand over his face and groaned. “I know that…it’s all a part of my plan”.
“What plan?!” Ximena exclaimed.
Ellie stared at Colt with a bewildered look on her face. “I honestly have no idea what to say to you— “. 
“There they are!”
All three of them turned to see two men rushing towards them. 
“Shit!” Colt shouted and quickly jumped on his motorcycle. 
While Ximena sprinted towards her car, Ellie froze up, unsure whether to get in the car with Ximena or hop on the back of Colt’s motorcycle. 
“Wheeler!” Colt shouted. 
A gunshot rang from out of nowhere causing hundreds of people to scatter and scream. Ellie quickly hopped on the back of Colt’s motorcycle and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
As soon as the motorcycle revved to life, Colt joined the passing cars on the street. 
“Explain to me what the hell is going on right now!”
Colt looked in his mirror to see Ximena close behind. However, in a distance, he could saw three sports cars racing towards them. 
“Dammit Colt! Answer me!”
“Alright! After we split up that night, I stuck around and laid low for a while. A few months passed, I decided to try and start my crew. Well, the two people I found screwed me over. I found some of my Pop’s stuff when I went to visit my Mom— “.
“So it’s true? Teppei pissed off two gangs?”
As Colt weaved in and out of traffic, car horns blared around him. “How do you know about that?”
“I was outside the door hiding while you met with Vicente and Bart. Now answer my question! Did Teppei sell them out?!” Ellie shouted.
Before Colt could answer, a 54 Aeon SX appeared out of nowhere heading straight towards them at full speed. 
“Look out!” Ellie screamed. 
Colt made a sharp turn, narrowly missing the oncoming car, however, the screeching metal behind him meant whoever it was clipped Ximena.
“We need to get back to the garage and meet up with Toby!”
Colt checked his mirror to see the cars giving chase gaining on them while Ximena did her best to keep them at bay. With his heart racing and millions of thoughts swirling through his mind, he wondered what lay ahead for the rest of the night. 
 “You made it!”
Logan and Vanessa put on their best smile as Althea hurried towards them with Cesar close behind. 
“Can I get you any drinks?” Cesar asked warmly. 
While Vanessa considered the options, Logan took a quick moment to survey the party, there was a small crowd, but something about the attendees seemed off. There was also an ominous chill in the air.  
Logan snapped out of his thoughts to see everyone staring at him. “I’m sorry what?”
“What would you like to drink?” Althea asked. 
“Um...nothing right now”.
“Alright, I’ll be right back with your water Vanessa,” Cesar said and walked over to the cooler.
“It’s so nice of you to join us, it’s too bad my son couldn’t be here…he had some…business to take care of” Althea said.
“You have a son?” Vanessa asked.
“Yes, he’s an alum of Terman University and an entrepreneur of sorts,” Althea beamed. 
Logan turned his head to see Cesar standing near the cooler and speaking to a man in hushed tones. Shortly, another man with a beard joined them and greeted Cesar with a unique handshake. 
“So Logan are you in college?”
Logan turned to Althea who smiled warmly at him. “Uh…not at the moment”.
“Well you should enroll, it’s like I told my sister, Tala, education is very important…”. 
Logan swallowed; the mentioning of that name triggered his memory. When he joined the Mercy Park Crew, he snooped through Teppei’s office late at night. One night he was caught and expected Teppei to be angry but surprisingly he wasn’t and opened up to him. Logan learned Teppei had become involved with Tala Ramos. Little did he know, Tala was a member of the Crimson Santos. One night, she betrayed him and organized an attack. The Crimson Santos trashed the garage and damaged all of the cars in Teppei's possession. To get back at them, Teppei stole two valuable cars from them—a 67 Komoda and a 54 Aeon SX.
To further his revenge, Teppei made a deal with a cop and managed to get someone to spy on their activities. With the Crimson Santos out of his way and a broken heart, Teppei traveled to Tokyo to see his estranged wife, hoping for reconciliation. Instead, he found her in the arms of Felix Curbelo. In a jealous rage, Teppei sabotaged his car during a drifting competition, stole money from the Mente Kings, and talked to the same cop about finding someone to infiltrate the Mente Kings. However, everything backfired when the remains of both moles and that police officer were found in a sewer. Weeks later, the Mercy Park Crew had a target on their back and a war between them and the Brotherhood began.  
“...our mother was so proud when Tala finally graduated, that same day we moved our mom out of Manila— “.
“Excuse me” Logan quickly turned on his heel and ran inside. 
“Logan?” Vanessa turned towards him, but he was already several feet away. 
 Once Logan was inside, he ran into the kitchen and dialed Ellie’s number. “Come on, come on”.
“Hello, you have reached 213-555-0183. Unfortunately, they cannot take your call right now, please leave me a message after the beep”.
“Ellie, when you get this call me! All of us are in danger…Teppei did some stuff years ago that is going to get each of us killed. 
 “What’s wrong with him?” Cesar asked he returned to the group carrying two drinks. 
“I’m not sure…” Althea said worriedly. 
“Here’s your water Vanessa” Cesar handed a cup to her. 
“Thanks” Vanessa took the cup from him and took a sip. 
“Oh I forgot we have a special guest joining us tonight” Cesar turned and gestured for a young man to come over. 
When Vanessa looked up from her drink, the color drained from her face. 
“Hey Vanessa, long time no see”. 
Vanessa swallowed, uncertain whether to speak or run for her life. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
Cesar and Althea laughed heartily. 
Vanessa took a deep breath as she met the young man’s eyes. “No Javier...just surprised to see you”.
 Logan worriedly paced the kitchen and dialed Ellie’s number. “Come on, come on…pick up…”.
“Hello, you have reached 213-555-0183. Unfortunately, they cannot take your call right now, please leave me a message after the beep”.
Logan tossed his phone on the counter and began pacing the kitchen, he had to leave now…but how?
Suddenly, the door opened and closed, Logan, shuddered as someone entered the kitchen.
“Don’t make this hard on yourself”.
Logan bit his lip as his heart pounded against his chest, he recognized that voice anywhere.
“Turn around slowly”.
Logan turned to see Mona with a taser pointed at him and a malicious look on her face. 
“Down on your knees”.
“Mona…please…” Logan begged.
“Get down”.
As soon as Logan got down on the floor, another figure appeared and covered his face. Before he could scream, Mona lurched forward and fired the taser. Logan tried to call for help but was silenced by the sharp, prick of a needle being injected into his arm. 
 “…so you two met at the Lilac Palm, Javier, is Vicente still in charge Javier?”
“Yep, I like working with him…Logan too” Javier answered cheerfully. “I’m sure Vanessa here got to know him pretty well though”.
“Excuse me” Vanessa tried to set her cup down on the nearest table, but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground.
“Oh dear let me help you,” Althea said.
A chill ran down Vanessa’s spine once Althea placed a hand on her back. “It’s…it’s fine…” she stammered and tried to take a step forward but tripped and fell against a nearby table. 
“Are you alright Vanessa?” Cesar asked coolly. 
Vanessa tried to stand but couldn’t, everything around her started to blend and mesh together. She turned towards the cup a few feet away and suddenly it hit her—she had been drugged. 
Althea knelt beside her with a devilish smirk on her face. “I’m sorry it came to this dear, but we see you as a liability”.
“And we can’t have that” Javier cooed into her ear. 
Vanessa tried to speak but it was no use, her time was up. 
The car chase went from the side streets to the highway. Normally Colt was confident and egoistic, but tonight was different, for the first time in a long time, he felt incautious and terrified, everything had gone up in smoke in a matter of minutes. 
“There has to be another way to the garage!” Ellie shouted. 
Colt looked in his mirror to see Ximena holding off the other drivers the best that she could but as soon as they were in the clear, another driver would appear. 
Ellie quickly glanced over her shoulder to see one of the cars ram the side of Ximena’s car who returned the hit. 
Colt weaved in and out of traffic, desperately trying to evade the people chasing them. Just when it seemed hopeless, he saw an exit up ahead.
“There! That should take us to the garage!” Ellie yelled as she tightened her grip to Colt. 
Just as Colt began to merge into another lane, a 54 Aeon SX appeared dangerously close his side, time seemed to stand still as it inched closer, ready to send him and Ellie off of his motorcycle. 
Suddenly, Ximena pulled up at full speed and rear-ended the driver, sending the 54 Aeon SX forward. However, the driver quickly regained control and swerved to the far side of the highway. 
“Colt! Lookout!” 
Colt looked up and quickly maneuvered his motorcycle away from the section of the highway that had been cut off and glided onto the nearest exit. Suddenly, everything appeared to move in slow motion. 
As Colt pulled over, he and Ellie watched as Ximena tried to swerve out of the way only to cause her car to flip onto its roof. The drivers who had been chasing them disappeared into the night. Colt and Ellie gaped as Ximena’s car slid into the path of an oncoming tractor-trailer. 
“Ximena!” Ellie screamed. 
A deafening explosion roared across the highway followed by the sounds of screeching tires and cars crashing into one another.
Mona paced the small kitchenette below deck. Why did she agree to go along with Colt’s dangerous plan? For months she had kept to herself, hiding out in Las Vegas and working in a casino. One night, Colt showed up and told her he wanted to rebuild the crew and had an elaborate scheme in place to do so. Against her better judgement...she went along with it. 
“Ah, there you are Gwen”.
Mona rolled her eyes and turned around to see Pedro saunter into the kitchenette. “Yeah, just tired. I was hoping there was something to drink down here”.
“Good luck with that. Cesar and Althea only use this boat for special occasions”. 
Mona shook her head and pulled out her phone to send a quick message to Colt: 
You never said exactly when. So I am doing this now.
“Any idea where we are?”
“I think we’re near Provincetown. You seem a little anxious tonight”.
“Lack of sleep” Mona grumbled. 
Pedro slowly crossed the room and rubbed his chin. “Or it’s something else”.
Mona narrowed her eyes at him. “Come again?”
“When you first joined the Mente Kings I was a little…suspicious”. 
While he wasn’t looking, Mona slowly opened up a drawer and pulled out a knife. “I’ve got nothing to hide”. 
Pedro paused and turned to face her. “I heard you tried to steal property”. 
Mona schooled her features and kept a neutral expression on her face. “I don’t follow”
Pedro took a step forward. “Stolen property, motor vehicle theft, and a few aliases. I had someone do some digging on you”.
“So you went to David? You know he isn’t a real private investigator, right? Sometimes he goes by an alias like Diego”.
“I didn’t go to David for this information Gwen” Pedro replied as he took another step towards her. 
Mona stood still and tightened her grip on the knife. Small beads of sweat formed on her forehead.
“Or should I say, Mona”. 
In one swift motion, Mona drove the knife into his side. Pedro immediately fell to the ground clutching where he was stabbed. Before he could scream, Mona grabbed a rag laying on the counter and shoved it into his mouth. 
Mona swallowed nervously as her heart pounded against her chest, David was calling for her. 
 Logan awoke to the sounds of water lapping against the side of a boat. Vanessa was next to him, her hands and feet tied together and gazing at the stars. 
“Vanessa” Logan whispered. 
Vanessa turned her head and moved away from him. 
“Vanessa, there’s still time, maybe we—”. 
“Don’t you get it?” she hissed. “It’s over”.
“It’s not over”.
“Logan look around! Look where the life of crime, lies, and deceit has gotten you and your friends! You had the opportunity to start over in Ashburn Bay and you threw it away for what? I even offered to call my father and I am sure he would have willing to help your friends too”. 
“Vanessa— “.
“No, I don’t want to hear it…I think it is pretty clear what is about to happen tonight”.
Logan started to protest but turned his head, there was no use. 
 Kaneko's autobody was in ruins. The fire set by the Brotherhood months ago destroyed everything inside and out, shockingly the garage was still standing. 
As soon as Colt parked the motorcycle, Ellie jumped off and fell to the ground sobbing. Toby emerged from a nearby alley and hurried over. 
“Ellie, what’s wrong?! Where’s Ximena?!” Toby knelt beside her and rubbed her shoulders.
Colt rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath. 
“Colt! What the hell have you done!?” Toby shouted. 
“Ximena...was…was…killed by a truck” Ellie stammered. 
Toby stared at her with a blank expression on his face as a tear slid down his cheek. 
“Look, we have to get out of here…now” Colt said quietly. “I screwed up”.
Toby slowly rose to his feet, bringing Ellie with him. “Start talking Kaneko”.
Colt quickly ran through the plan he came up with and how he recruited Mona to help. “I just wanted us, the entire Mercy Park Crew to be on top…only this time better”.
Toby shook his head and took a deep breath. “Yeah and look where that’s gotten us…Ximena is dead because of you”.
All three of them dropped to the ground and covered their heads. 
“Where the hell did that come from?!” Toby yelled. 
As they craned their necks to see where the bullet came from, Ellie gaped at the group of cars racing towards the garage. “Oh my god…”. 
“We have to get inside!” Toby yelled. 
As soon as all three of them turned to run inside the garage, a storm of bullets rained down on them.
“Hkk” Colt stumbled and clutched his side. He slowly lifted his hand to see it coated in bright crimson. 
“Colt!” Ellie ran towards him followed by Toby. 
Colt swallowed; his breath quickened. “Ellie…I...”.
Ellie placed a hand over his wound, the blood seeping over her fingers. “Stay with us Colt…please”.
All three of them huddled against a wall as the bullets pounded against what was left Kaneko’s autobody. 
 Mona managed to stuff Pedro into a closet and jam the door. Once she wiped up the blood, she grabbed a pocketknife and walked up the stairs to the top deck. 
“What were you doing down there?” David asked. 
Mona casually approached him and shrugged. “I had to get a drink, turns out there isn’t anything down there”.
David narrowed his eyes at her as he shoved his hands into his pockets. 
Shortly, Javier strolled over to the group with a stern look on his face. 
“Any word from Vicente?” Mona asked coolly. 
“Not yet” Javier pulled out his phone to check his messages.
“Gwen, where is Pedro?” David asked. 
Mona who gestured to the stairwell. “Below deck, he had to use the bathroom”.
“I’m going to check on him,” David said and started down the stairs. 
Bzzzz bzzzzzzz
David paused at the top of the stairs and turned towards Javier. “Is that your phone?”
“Yeah” Javier showed the screen to both of them. “It’s Vicente”. 
As soon as Javier took his leave to answer the call, Mona briskly walked over to where Logan and Vanessa. Simultaneously she pulled out her phone and typed out a message to Colt.
Okay, I am going rogue. Something told me your plan was B.S. When you feel like answering, me, Logan, and the other chick will be long gone. Peace. 
She quickly slid the phone into her pocket once she reached them.
“Mona, what the hell is going on? Why are you doing this?” Logan asked worriedly. 
“Look there’s no time to explain. Colt has…well, had a plan but it doesn’t matter” Mona pulled out a pocketknife and began to release them. 
Logan shook his head and rubbed his wrists. “How the hell are we going to get off this boat?”
Mona sighed as she moved onto releasing Vanessa. “Well, we have to take care of Javier and David first”.
“David? Who? Wait, but…”.
“So that private investigator you told me about is a fraud and is working with the guys who are trying to kill us,” Vanessa said with a sigh of irritation.
Logan blankly stared at both of them as he thought back to the night Javier referred his “connect” to find his foster parents. “That bastard…so he—".
“I know it’s a lot to process but we have to move, now”.
As soon as all three of them rose to their feet, Javier and David rushed into view with their guns drawn.
“Not so fast!” Javier said.
“No!” Logan screamed.
The bullet whizzed through the air and pierced Mona’s skull. Logan and Vanessa watched in horror as she fell, and blood pooled around her head like a macabre halo.
Suddenly, before either of them could move, another gunshot rang out. 
 “You need to get him upstairs,” Toby said. 
Ellie turned to Colt, his face pale and breath ragged. “Toby…”.
“There isn’t any time…I’ll try to hold them off”.
Ellie slowly rose to her feet and managed to pull Colt along with her. Slowly and carefully, she made her way towards the stairwell. 
The bullets from the other side continued to rain down on what was left of Kaneko's autobody. Toby knew he was outnumbered but he had to try. After taking a deep breath and a quick prayer, he threw himself into the fray and fired back. 
Ellie huffed as she climbed the stairwell, not only was it was falling apart, but she had to support Colt as well. Just as she took another step, debris from the ceiling came crashing down.
“AAAHHHH!” Ellie screamed and pulled Colt towards her. 
Ellie tightened her hold onto him and resumed the climb. “We’re almost to the top, stay with me okay?”
“No! You can, we’re going to get through this!” Ellie glanced over at Toby who was too occupied to notice her struggle.
After a few more steps, she finally reached the top. Ellie trudged towards an area that was still intact and gently set Colt down. 
“Ellie…” Colt pleaded as he reached for her.
“I’m right here” Ellie sat in front of him and applied some pressure to his wound. “I’m not going anywhere”.
Toby shuddered at the sound and set his gun to the side; he was out of bullets and knew he had to surrender. Slowly, he emerged from his hiding place, raised his hands, and walked outside the garage. 
The gunfire came to a halt and multiple men stepped out of the cars with guns drawn. Toby gulped when Vicente casually stepped out of an SUV, rolled his shoulders, and walked towards him. 
“I see you came to your senses…finally”.
Toby could hardly contain his nerves, his heart raced and sweat slid down his face. 
“Where are they?”
Toby remained silent, he didn’t know what to do and there was nowhere to run.
Vicente signaled to his men to start closing in and turned his attention back to Toby. “I will ask you again, where are Colt Kaneko and Ellie Wheeler hiding?”
Toby squared his shoulders and glared back at him. 
Vicente shook his head, a devilish smirk on his face. 
“Amigos, ¿tartamudeé?
The members of the Mente Kings who were present shook their heads and formed a circle around Vicente and Toby.  
“Then you leave me no choice” Vicente patted Toby on the shoulder and walked towards the garage. 
“What do you want us to do?”
Vicente turned towards whoever asked the question and then glanced back at Toby. “Make him bleed”.
A fist came out of nowhere and collided with the side of Toby’s face while another fist took the other side. Toby stumbled and tried to regain his footing until another figure shoved him to the ground. 
Vicente casually looked on, not once did he interfere or tell his men to stop. After what felt like an hour of beating, he stepped forward and signaled for his men to give him some room.
“I am going to ask again,” he said coolly. 
Toby squinted his eyes as he looked up at Vicente. 
“Don’t make this any harder than what it needs to be”.
Suddenly a few more cars arrived on the scene, once they parked the drivers joined the group in front of the garage. 
“Bart, I wasn’t expecting you to join us,” Vicente said.
“Crimson Santos have a stake in this too” Bartholomew greeted Vicente a warm handshake. “Besides I couldn’t let you girls have all the fun”.
Toby coughed up blood and turned towards the man standing above him. 
“Is this him?”
Vicente shook his head and gestured in Toby’s direction. “One of them”.
Bartholomew stroked his chin and turned towards Toby, who lied on the ground bruised, bloody, and beaten. 
Toby coughed once more, his breaths heavy and ragged. “What?”
Bartholomew squatted down to be at his level. “Listen, all we want to know is, where did Colt and the girl go?”
Toby coughed again; tears began to stream down his face. “I…I…will…not...turn my back on my friends…go…to…hell”.
Bartholomew sighed and rose to his feet. “Me? Go to hell?”
Toby looked up at him and spat in his direction. “That’s what I said”.
Bartholomew shook his head as a nefarious smirk appeared on his face. After he paced around for a moment, he reached into his jacket, pulled out a shiny pistol, and aimed it at Toby’s head.
“You should know that I vacation there”.
 Ellie whirled around at the sound of the gunshot. 
“Ellie…” Colt pleaded. 
“Colt just try to relax okay?” Ellie stood up and tip-toed across the floor towards what remained of a window. 
The garage was surrounded, and a few men had begun to stuff Toby’s body into a trunk. Once Vicente and Bartholomew addressed their men, half got into their cars and sped off, the other half turned to follow them inside the garage. Ellie swallowed nervously as she backed away from the window.
“Where…where…is Toby?”
Once she was in front of him, Ellie knelt and caressed Colt’s pale cheek.
“He’s gone” Ellie lamented as she lifted his shirt to check his wound. The bleeding had slowed down, but she could tell he was barely holding on. 
Colt tossed his head back and began to close his eyes. “I…I need…to…tell you…something”.
Tears began to stream down Ellie’s face as she looked into Colt’s eyes. Below them, loud footsteps and voices flooded into the garage. 
With the strength he had left, Colt gripped Ellie’s hand and pulled her towards him. 
“What is it?” Ellie asked as she wiped a tear away with her free hand. 
The voices below grew louder and more anxious, the thundering footsteps drew closer. 
As Ellie leaned in and pulled him close, multiple figures emerged at the top of the stairs with their guns drawn. 
“Well, well…look who we have here”.
Ellie turned around to see Vicente, Bartholomew, and a few of their henchmen.
“Step away from him,” Bartholomew said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“Please...we’ll do what you want…please” Ellie begged.
Vicente signaled to one of his men, who lurched forward and dragged her away from Colt. 
“No! Stop! He’s hurt!” Ellie cried.
“Let her go!” Colt yelled.
“Would you like to do the honors?” Bartholomew said as he turned to Vicente and offered him his pistol. 
Vicente grinned as he took it from him. “You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment”.
“No! Please just let us go!” Ellie pleaded.
“Not a chance,” Vicente said. 
Tears streamed down Ellie’s cheeks as she watched Vicente level the pistol and aim at Colt’s head. 
“Kaneko,” Vicente said.
Colt turned towards Vicente and glared at him.
“Say hello to your father for me”.
A strangled noise ripped itself out of Ellie’s throat as soon as Vicente pulled the trigger, the sight of Colt falling backward and a pool of blood forming around him caused tears to well in her eyes.
 Logan fell to the deck and clutched his mid-thigh. “AAARGH!”
“Logan!” Vanessa shouted as she knelt beside him.
David immediately stormed over, grabbed Vanessa by her ponytail, and dragged her away. 
“Let me go! Stop!” she screamed as she clawed at his hand.
Javier casually walked over to Logan and fired another shot into his other thigh. 
“ARGHH!” Logan cried out; he felt his heart race as the pain coursed through his body.
Javier slowly knelt and grabbed him by his shirt. “Vicente just informed me of the situation in California...and I know everything”.
Logan swallowed, beads of sweat perspired on his forehead. 
“Gwen goes by Mona and was working with Colt” Javier motioned towards Mona’s body, lying a few feet away. 
Logan looked past Javier to see Vanessa kicking and screaming while David struggled to get her under control. 
“I hope you weren’t counting on Colt and Mona saving you. Did you think we were going to let the Mercy Park Crew get away with what Teppei did?”
Logan turned away from Javier, breathing heavily, blood seeping through his pants.
“Please don’t hurt him!” Vanessa screamed as she kicked and desperately tried to free herself from David.
“Stop moving dammit!” David shouted.
“Leave her alone!” Logan yelled.
Just as Vanessa managed to break free, David threw her against the railing and slapped her. Logan helplessly watched as Vanessa fall to the deck with a heavy thud.
Javier stood up and walked over to them. “And you...”.
“What should we do with her?” David asked as he picked her up and tightened his grip.
“I have a few ideas…most of which involve little to no clothing”.
Vanessa shuddered as Javier caressed her cheek with his gun.
“You know Vicente has a friend in Tijuana who handles girls like her”.
Javier grinned and shook his head. “Ah, I know who you are talking about…los rompe bien”.
Vanessa’s eyes widened in fear as she realized what they were going to do to and what potentially lied ahead. “Nooooo! Please! Let me go!”
Javier coldly turned on his heel and walked back over to Logan as David dragged Vanessa towards the stairwell.
“Make sure she is gagged and tied up” Javier called over his shoulder. 
David shook his head as he disappeared below the deck and Vanessa’s fearful screams faded away.
“Vicente wants you to see something” Javier mused.
Logan watched as he pulled out his phone and dialed Vicente’s number. Within minutes Vicente answered via video chat. “Javier, estaba a punto de llamarte”.
“No need just about finished here” Javier stood up and made a show of the scene around him. Mona’s body surrounded in a pool of blood and Logan bleeding in front of him. 
“Good, how is Pedro?”
“David and I patched him the best we could, he’s down below”.
“I’ll see if Ace can get his parents to meet you out there once you dump the bodies, what about the girl?”
“David and I were thinking your friend could put her to good use…if you know what I mean”.
“I had the same idea when Cesar showed me a picture. Tijuana is a good place for her to start, but we’ll finalize the details later. Let me speak to Logan”.
“Claro que jefe” Javier walked over to Logan forced him to face the screen. 
“Logan, good to see you”.
“Where is Ellie!?”
“Right here” Vicente answered calmly. 
Logan felt his heart race as he watched Vicente turn the screen. Ellie sat in front of a wall, her arms and legs tied together. Behind her was a man holding a gun.
“Please…just let her go…she has nothing to deal with this” he pleaded. 
“She was associated with the whole damn crew; I would say she has plenty to do with this”.
Suddenly, another man moved into the frame and stood next to Vicente.
“Logan, meet Bartholomew De la Cruz, Cesar, and Altheas’ son,” Vicente said as he handed off the phone. 
“So anything you’d like to say?” Bartholomew asked.
Logan started to speak but froze as he watched David reemerge from below deck and drag Mona’s body away. 
“No? Well— “.
“Ellie…let me talk to her,” he said quietly.
Bartholomew turned the phone towards Ellie who slowly looked up to face Logan. 
A tear slid down her cheek. “Mister Reckless”.
Logan swallowed; his breath ragged. “Ellie…I’m sorry…”.
Ellie shook her head, the tears flowed steadily. “No, I am…I should have been there for you…are you hurt?”.
Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and kept a brave face. “Just a scratch”.
Both of them stared at each other in complete silence, their thoughts drifted back to the simpler times of the Mercy Park Crew. The first job they did together, the rave, the driving lessons, and prom night. 
“Ellie…I won’t have another chance to say this…I— “.
Before Ellie could speak, Vicente spoke up. “Alright, time to say goodbye”.
“No! I’m not finished! Put her back on the phone!” Logan shouted.
“Logan! Logan, I love—” Ellie cried.
The man behind her lifted his gun and pulled the trigger. 
“Nooooo!” Logan closed his eyes and jerked away from the phone. 
Droplets of blood splattered the screen as Ellie’s body lurched forward and disappeared from view. 
Logan helplessly stared at the phone as tears trickled down his face. 
“You and David finish up; you know what to do”.
“Will do,” Javier affirmed and hung up the phone. 
“I took care of Vanessa and Pedro is doing okay,” David said as he sauntered over. 
“Good,” Javier said. “That brat is in for surprise once we get her to Tijuana”.
“What about him?”
Javier turned his attention back to Logan and loaded his gun. “I’ll handle this one”.
“I’ll get the other girl ready so we can toss her overboard,” David said and took his leave. 
Javier nodded his head and pointed the gun at Logan. “Lookup”. 
Logan sluggishly gazed at the deck as the sounds of the ocean echoed around him. 
“¡Dije mírame!”
With the little strength he had left, Logan slowly lifted his head to face Javier. 
“I have been wanting to do this for a long time”.
Logan slumped forward, blood pooling around his thighs. 
“Adios amigo” Javier quipped and pulled the trigger.
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Remus’s Guide To Mending Friendships (For Fun And Profit) [6]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Deceit & Virgil, Deceit & Virgil & Remus, Remus & Roman Warnings: Disturbing imagery (it’s Remus’s POV), imagined character death Summary: When he realises that Deceit misses Virgil, Remus decides that the best way to cheer him up is to persuade Virgil to come back to the dark side. Too bad Virgil hasn’t wanted anything to do with them since he left.
Part One   Part Two   Part Three  Part Four  Part Five   AO3
Step Six: Talk To Them
Thomas’s only response to Remus appearing in his living room was to glance up, nod, and then return to his laptop. Remus sighed theatrically and threw himself down on the sofa next to him.
“Thomas,” Remus whined. “I’m boooored.”
Thomas shook his head. “I’m busy.”
Remus tried to peer round so that he could see the screen. “Can I help?”
“Absolutely not.”
Remus groaned and stared up at ceiling. He’d spent the past few days trying to avoid Deceit. With how easy it was, Deceit must also have been avoiding him. So far, Remus had created an itemised list of every way Thomas could kill someone with just household items. He’d also offered plenty of suggestions for videos Thomas could make.
More than anything, though, Remus wanted to talk to someone about what he was doing.
He was about to give Thomas suggestions on what he should wear in his next video (nothing!), when Virgil appeared on the stairs.
Remus sat up quickly. Thomas looked up and frowned.
“Are you alright, Verge?”
It was a fair question. The cuffs of Virgil’s sleeves were covering his hands, and he was picking at his hood. But Virgil didn’t even seem to notice Thomas, he was looking at Remus.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
Remus’s heart thudded so hard he thought it might explode from his chest and make a mess on Thomas’s sofa. He nodded.
Thomas looked between them. “Er, is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on?”
Virgil shook his head. “It’s a side thing. Don’t worry about it.”
Thomas didn’t look convinced. “You never tell me not to worry about something.”
“Ah, Thomas,” Remus said. “I promise to bring Virgey back in one piece.” He paused, then added, “Three, tops.”
It was the exact kind of thing he shouldn’t be saying to Virgil anymore, and he regretted it as soon as he said it. But Virgil just rolled his eyes.
“Alright,” Thomas said, and then added to Virgil, “Try to keep him away long enough for me to get this done.”
Virgil smirked. “Not a miracle worker.”
Remus sprang up from the sofa. “Where to? The Evil Swamp? The Terrible Wastes? The Cave of Monsters?”
“Cave of Monsters?” Virgil asked, before shaking his head. “Forget I said anything. Just take us somewhere we can talk? In private.”
“Terrible Wastes it is!”
Remus snapped his fingers, and the two of them reappeared in a vast, desolate landscape. There were no trees, as far as the eye could see, and an ice cold wind blew. Anyone who got lost would quickly die of exposure, or thirst. The chances of them living long enough to starve were slim.
Virgil glanced around and hugged his hoodie tighter to his body. “There aren’t any monsters around here, are there?” he asked.
Remus’s first instinct was to tell him that there were whole colonies of monsters underground, and any minute now one could come up and eat them alive. But, no, he was trying to be better. Trying to not make Virgil terrified every time he was around.
“They won’t come if I don’t want them to,” he said.
Virgil nodded, and relaxed a fraction, though he still looked stiff and awkward. “Right.”
Remus watched Virgil. Virgil looked at the ground.
The problem with agreeing to talk with someone was that it involved actually talking.
“Roman said you were going to wait for me to come to you,” Virgil began. “I didn’t believe it. Kept expecting you to pop up.”
Remus had wanted to, lots of times over the past couple of days. Even he was surprised that he hadn’t; ignoring his impulses wasn’t his strong suit.
“I’m a man of my word,” Remus replied.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
He watched Remus as if he expected Remus to attack at any time. His hands tugged at the drawstrings of his hoodie. Remus didn’t blame him for being nervous.
But Virgil was waiting for Remus to do something, and Remus’s mind was blank. What did he say? What could possibly be good enough?
“I’m sorry,” Remus tried, and the words felt solid in his throat as he said them.
Virgil stopped fiddling. “Sorry,” he echoed. “What for?”
“Everything?” No, that wasn’t good enough. “For the way I treated you. For making your life hell.”
Virgil stared at the ground, his jaw tight. Then he nodded, just once. Remus relaxed.
“I didn’t mean to,” Remus added.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t mean to put those bug… things in my bed? What even were they?”
“A cross between a millipede and a spider, duh. And, yeah, I meant to put them there, that was hilarious.” Pump the breaks, Remus. “But I didn’t mean to…. Terrorise you with them.”
Virgil frowned, but said nothing.
“I thought it was a joke. I thought we were friends.”
“Oh,” Virgil said, quietly.
Was this touchy-feely bullshit what the Light Sides did every day? How did they cope? How did one of them not get fed up and murder the others?
Remus’s money was on Logan to be the first to snap. It was always the quiet ones.
“Well, thanks,” Virgil said. “For the apology.”
Remus nodded. He was so far out of his depth with this, it was like he was on the bottom of the ocean, the pressure crushing his lungs.
“Did it help?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe. It doesn’t hurt.”
The two of them fell silent. The chill of the wind cut through Remus’s outfit. Maybe he should have found a different place for them to talk.
Virgil laughed.
“We’re probably the worst sides to be having this conversation.”
Remus smiled. “I don’t know about that,” he said lightly. “Have you ever tried getting Dee to talk about his feelings?”
Virgil’s face darkened. “Let’s not talk about him.”
“He misses you.”
“Yeah? He has a great way of showing it.”
Deceit’s way of showing it was to not show it. To hide it behind careful layers of misdirection, like a magician performing a trick. Listen to me. Look here, so you don’t notice what my hands are doing.
Virgil sighed, and rubbed a hand across his face. “Look,” he said. “You don’t know what he was like near the end. He made me think that I had nowhere to go. That I could never be any more that what I already was.”
“Could you?” Remus asked.
Virgil’s face softened. “I don’t know. Some days I think so, other days I don’t.” He smiled ruefully. “I keep trying, though. That’s gotta count for something, right?”
Remus nodded.
He’d always thought Virgil was deluding himself, the way Thomas tried to convince himself Remus didn’t exist. Now, though, he wanted it to be true.
“You seem different,” Remus offered.
Virgil ducked his head to hide his now genuine smile. “The others helped.”
“Deceit wanted me to leave you alone,” Remus said. “I was the one trying to get you back, not Deceit.”
“Huh,” Virgil said, his expression unreadable.
And in ignoring Deceit, Remus had almost ruined everything. Maybe he had ruined everything. Maybe he was trying to glue the pieces back together, while everyone else knew that it was no good.
The ground beneath their feet shuddered. Virgil stumbled, and stared at Remus with wide eyes.
“What was that?” he asked.
Remus grimaced. “That might have been a Waste Worm.”
“A what? Remus!”
“Sorry! I wasn’t concentrating!”
The ground shook again, even worse now. Remus snapped his fingers, sending them away before the worm could erupt from beneath their feet. They rose up in the dark side common room. Remus winced, and glanced at Virgil, wondering if he would take offense. Remus had acted automatically, his instincts forgetting that Virgil no longer lived with them.
Virgil glared at Remus. “We are not doing that again.”
“I said I was sorry!” Remus protested.
“Sorry! You said they wouldn’t attack!”
“They normally don’t! I have a lot on my mind, okay.”
Virgil opened his mouth to retort, but then his eyes fixed on something over Remus’s shoulder and he froze. Remus turned to see what Virgil was looking at.
Deceit stood in the doorway, looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights and about to be hit by a car.
Virgil looked away first.
“I should go,” he said to Remus.
Remus nodded. “Right.”
Virgil glanced at Deceit. “I could come back,” he said.
As if those were the magic words, Deceit turned on his heel and strode out of the room. Remus shot Virgil an apologetic glance before following.
“Deceit, wait!” Remus called.
Deceit stopped. “Have you made a plan for how to charm Logan, yet?”
Remus frowned at the non-sequitur. “What?”
Deceit turned around. “Well, you already managed Roman and Patton. And now that you and Virgil are friends again Logan is the only one left.”
Remus scowled. “Don’t be an asshole. You’re the one who ran off.”
“My presence would have been so welcome.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to stand in your way.”
“My way for what?” Remus asked.
It was like he’d been transported to a parallel universe. Like he was only hearing one half of a conversation.
Deceit sighed. “You don’t need to hide it from me. I’m not going to stop you leaving.”
“Leave?” Remus echoed. His stomach dropped. “Do you… want me to leave?”
Had Remus really upset Deceit so much that he couldn’t stand to be around him? Was he so bad, even the other bad side didn’t want him?
Panic rose inside him. Where would he go? Would he have to hide away in the imagination, or beg Roman for help?
Would he ever see Deceit again?
“I’m sorry for what I did, okay,” Remus said desperately. “I can be better. Please, don’t make me leave.”
Deceit sagged. “I’m not making you leave,” he said. “I just want you to be able to take the opportunities given to you.”
Cautious hope rose up in Remus along with confusion. “You mean the light sides?”
Deceit nodded.
How did Deceit end up thinking Remus wanted to join them? Even if they weren’t as bad as Remus had thought, the idea of being so… domestic made Remus want to tear his hair out.
But if the alternative was staying where he wasn’t wanted…
“Do you want me to leave?” Remus asked again.
Deceit said nothing.
“Because, if you want me to go, I will,” Remus continued. “But I don’t want to go.”
Deceit stared at a spot on the floor. Finally, “I don’t want you to go,” he admitted.
“Then I’m not going.”
Deceit looked up. “But-.”
“What, I spend a few days with the Lights and you think I’m just gonna leave? Sorry, Deedee, but you’re stuck with me.”
Deceit failed to hide his smile. “How terrible,” he said.
Remus nodded. “You’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.”
“I certainly will.” He looked away. “The things I said-,”
Remus waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’d annoy me too.”
“I was lying,” Deceit said. “You’re not the reason Virgil left.”
Deceit said it casually, like there was nothing wrong. It was certainly a bold move, seeing as Remus had seen his face when he saw Virgil.
“You could talk to him,” Remus offered.
Deceit shook his head. “He wants nothing to do with me.”
“Has he said that?”
Deceit didn’t reply.
“You fucked up,” Remus said. “So did I. Doesn’t make it hopeless. He was willing to talk to me.”
“Congratulations,” Deceit said dryly. “It’s not the same.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s different.”
Deceit shook his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Remus sighed. “Just think about it, okay?”
“It’s a bad idea.”
“Those are the best kind!”
Deceit gritted his teeth. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll consider it.”
“Great.” Remus clapped his hands together. “Now, how’d you like to see me swallow a live fish?”
Deceit turned and walked away.
“Deedee!” Remus called. “Come on, I thought we were bonding.”
“The bonding’s over.”
“It doesn’t have to be a fish!”
“Good bye Remus.”
His face was turned away, but Remus could tell that Deceit was smiling.
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Objection!: Chapter 19
Chapter title: Speedrun, Oh They Call It
A/n:  aaaaaAAAAA hemlo!! I'm sorry, this chapter is shorter but I do hope you enjoy it!! And also ahaaha did you really think I was gonna leT YALL HAVE THAT... NO. Also congrats to people who figured out the letters!! Love yall!! Leave me some comments!!
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words: 3190
summary: Patton and Virgil fear their relationships paces
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse
Ao3 Link  
“What?!” Patton cries, Roman stands shushing him. “You did this!” Patton turns pointing his finger at Logan, complete disappointment. “Seriously? Not enough evidence Logan?” He snatches his hands away as Virgil approaches, leaving after a quick look at the group. The door slamming behind him.
“That was a shitty thing to do Logan” Virgil condescends. Logan bites his tongue, fully aware his complaint might have been tasteless. “I mean really? You couldn't let it play out in court?” Virgil ticks, bouncing hyper in his stance.
“I mean…” He looks to Roman and sighs “Yes… I rescind my motion” Roman groans already ripping apart his submission. “Apologies, but now I must check on Patton” He bows out of the room, making his way through the bustling halls. People fill it, the noise echoing through as it bounces across the walls. He knocks softly hoping the door is still open for him.
“Can I come in?” Logan requests, his knuckle still rapping on the door. Something shuffles behind the wooden barrier before it opens, Pattons pout becomes present
“I don't know can you?” He jokes lazily. Logan follows him in, standing across from him but somehow this time he feels uninvited. A stranger in his home. “I'm really not in the mood to talk Lo” though it's still there, it feels forced. Had he really done something so truly wrong?
“I rescinded my motion” He informs, Patton remains continuing as he organizes himself. “Patton?”
“Pretty dramatic those two” Roman notes as Logan ushers himself away. Virgil taps the desk lightly nodding. “Virge? Everything ok?”
“I actually wanted to talk to you,” Virgil says in a quiet whisper, his voice failing him. Roman swallows but allows him to continue.
“I want to talk” Patton decides, Logan's heart drops below his knees, his posture shakes. He clears his throat but allows Patton to continue, not that the lawyer looks as though he wants to. “I just think...that I have had some time-
“-To think about everything. And Roman I...I really like you” Virgil shines through, a weak smile as the judge only sweats.
“I...like you too. But I'm not sure I like where this is going” Roman chuckles, his laugh hoarse as he swallows any hope.
“Just listen ok?” Patton begs, Logan shakes his head. He's tired of listening, he wants to speak, he wants his voice to die out from his words running too much.
“No, let me speak. Let me tell you something! Please, Patton” Logan only begs back, should he descend to his knees and place his hands together? Is that what it would take, Patton looks up blinking rapidly. “You're...you're crying,” He says biting his tongue, Patton meets his eyes and sure enough he was, how dare Logan make him. And how dare Patton do this to him.
“I think we are moving too fast” Patton and Virgils voices join across the halls in broken unison. Logan and Roman stop as their own minds connect the same saddened thoughts.
“Is this about my motion? I rescinded it!” Logan argues, he doesn't mean to raise his voice but it happens. He's upset, he's not sure how to deal with this overwhelming feeling. He's fought in a hundred court battles, lost a million times, but nothing had hurt more than this.
“It's not just...no Logan-” He stops taking a beat, allowing the world around him to just pause for one moment. “There's just a lot ok? This isn't just about me, I have two kids to think about. What happens to them if I let you in my life and then-”
“What?” Logan moves towards Patton, he takes his hands desperate for the connection. “I'm not Liam” Patton laughs softly, shaking his head.
“No, you're not” You're so much worse. He says shutting his eyes, Logan uses his finger to wipe away an escaped tear. He pulls away feeling Logan tug, he flinches not meaning to, Logan releases him quickly, a soft gasp.
“Patton I'm so sorry” He rushes, Patton waves him off. He's not Liam, he's not Liam, he's not Liam. The words repeat in his head, so why was he so incessant on pushing away. Is it because he has the choice? The option? No...there's something more.
I'm scared
“It's fine, an overreaction on my part,” He says, his voice falling flat. Logan sighs defeated wanting to take him knowing well enough, he's lost that right. “I...have to go,” Patton decides.  Logan allows him to, wishing he had just stopped him.
And Patton wishes, he could say what he had really wanted to say.
But to risk being seen as what he's always been seen? Was it worth it?
Don't get emotional Patton
“What?” Roman laughs nervously, his palms growing sweaty as he stares at Virgil's remaining face. “Aha...very funny” He cautions slowly, Virgil looks away not wishing to meet his saddened eyes to Romans ever hopeful ones.
“It's...it's not a joke Ro” Virgil's voice is so soft, Roman almost wishes he couldn't hear him. “I'm sorry…” And he is, but now as he watches Roman and thinks back on everything, Damian. Damian always comes first, and he can't, he won't let his own needs hurt who he loves most.
“I just...don't understand. So what now?” Roman questions, Virgil shrugs, hoping the weight will go with it. “Virge, I need you to work with me here” Roman gives a weary smile, Virgil refuses to look up. He refuses to fall into the enchantment that is the amber flame of Romans eyes.
“I...I don't know...I'm so sorry Ro-” He pauses, missing when the nickname was used for happy things. Happy feelings. “-Man, Roman...I'm sorry” He hopes the tears aren't visible, but Romans focused more on the tug beneath his chest.
“No, I am...for overstepping or whatever” Roman mumbles, too tired to fight. He glances once more at Virgil before leaving his own chambers. And leaving crumbs of his heart behind. Virgil wants to cry out, he wants to call for him. Come back, but the words sit lump in his throat, knowing he doesn't have that option or argument in him anymore.
“Moving too fast my ass” Logan grumbles into his desk, setting his things down he allows the musty room to consume him. “Dammit” he snaps, his body falls to the chair allowing his heart to sink away. “You always do this” He tells himself, flipping through the pages.
It hurt so much more this time, the raw feeling as Patton walked away was something Logan had not experienced. He had been involved before sure, but something never felt right. He had not cared so much, to the breaking point where his head hurt being away from them. His hands shook without their touch, his breath seized every time Patton smiled. He missed the kiss, it was stupid but he had never felt so safe and desperate for more. It was silly, Logan knew this.
It hurt so much more...and he had let it slip away. To run its rapid course through his heart, leaving a frozen mark, to thaw as all he had left were memories.
“L? Are you ok?” Virgil's voice makes its way through, pushing down the barrier he had created. The lawyer looks up, adjusting his glasses. “Hey…” He sets himself down on the other side of the desk, examining Logans fragile demeanor.
“No I'm fine, god this isn't me” Logan argues, he straightens himself, finishing with the tie. “The case, have you discussed with Haley yet?” He inquires, taking his notes. Virgil eyes him but decides against anything.
“No...she's been in meetings all week but...soon” He begins slowly. “Dude are you sure you're good?” Virgil checks again, Logan has regained his usual posture. He's seemingly, to anyone else, himself.
“I'd rather not discuss it” Not with you. The only person he wants to talk to is Patton, but alas. It's almost funny, he typically would go to Patton for these things, and there the lawyer would be. Smiling as he ushered Logan into a seat, checking in on him constantly. His body ached, he missed him so much.
What is wrong with me?
“Then talk to Patton” Virgil suggests, leaning back comfortably. Logan scoffs rubbing under his glasses, his eyes increasingly red. “Oh no...what happened?”
“I could say the same to you” logan sits up, fully aware of the less than cheery mood Roman had been as of late. “Trouble in paradise?” Logan mocks, Virgil rolls his eyes but nods.
“That's exactly it. Its paradise, it's perfect” Virgil marvels, not being able to help the image of Roman snuggling close to him as they fall heavily asleep. “When is it going to crumble? When is all just going to fall apart. And what about Dee? I can't do that to him, he loves Roman”
The kids love you
“Oh my god, is it really just about the kids? I mean I'm genuinely asking” Logan interjects, Virgil's eyes grow wide.
“Logan, you're smart” Virgil begins
“True” Logan confirms, Virgil stares
“And humble” He mumbles but continues “But yeah, it really is just about the kids. Or kid” Virgil corrects “Damian is my entire world, there is nothing I wouldn't do for him, for his smile” Virgil smiles himself, imagining his small son waddling towards him, arms out ready for a hug. “I'm sure Patton feels the same. But when love and romance gets involved…” He shoots a coy glance at his friend “I mean they come first. Always, the kids adore you. We can all see that, Patton sees that. But what happens when they stop? Or when you decide to hurt Patton? Or hurt them?” Logan shoots up
“I would never” His voice is as firm as the ground they stand upon.
“Easy, it's a hypothetical. What happens if you break up? It's not just hurting Patton, he has to explain to his children why you aren't coming around anymore. Why you don't ‘love’ them anymore” Virgil tries his best at a supportive smile “I mean hell, they're so little. And it's even worse for Patton and I. They don't have another parent, we are all they have. We are what they are used to, what happens when you come in and establish a whole new way they live and then leave? Do you know how detrimental that'll be? And what-”
“This is all based on the idea that I would ever leave Patton” Logan interrupts once more, his thoughts pouncing. “And what about Patton? Doesn't he get a say?” He asks knowing how ridiculous it sounds.
“Of course he does, but Logan we won't get to be sad, we won't get our mourning period. Someone breaks up with you and that's...unfortunately a you problem. But we have more than just ourselves, and can you say for certain that you wouldn't leave Patton? And what happens if he decides to end it? Logan, I'm so sorry, I am but...there are just some things you don't understand right now” Right now, as if one day he would be blessed with the gift of children? But he doesn't want new children, it's stupid! He knows, he knows how stupid it is, but he wants Remus and Valerie. He wants them, he loves them, he wants to watch them go to their first day of school, watch them graduate. And he wants to do it all with Patton, a prideful Patton by his side.
What the hell...is wrong with me?
“I need to talk to him” Logan knows this because he needs to say his piece. “No, I wish things would go back to normal. I hate this, I hate all of this” He complains, Virgil takes his hand squeezing it gently.
“Breathe ok?” He requests, Logan does just that. “Let's go through this, slowly” Logan nods and so he recalls everything. From the moment Patton's lips met his, to the moment he felt the spark fizzle out as Patton walked away. “Now, not to get all Emile on you, but how does that make you feel?”
“Like...like I finally understand when people talk about love.” Logan realizes, his eyes flutter as a familiar sensation returns. All sparks can be reignited.
“Focus on the case Patton,” The lawyer tells himself as he twists the knob on the door, the cold catching him stepping into the courtroom. He knows Logan is there, sitting idle with Reeve on his side but he chooses not to look up. Not to feel the utter pain he has felt all morning, and be hit with yet another wave of regret for his words.
“Patton” He shuts his eyes but turns, Logan comes towards him, something different. A quick blush and Pattons returns to who he was before everything. How could someone make him feel so…
“Are you ok?” Patton checks, Logan looks taken aback, re-doing his step.
“You're asking me that?” Logan stabilizes himself, coming face to face with Patton.
“Of course...Logan I still..” He trails off, shaking his thoughts away. “Nevermind” He fidgets with his empty finger, where typically a ring would lay. “Good luck...uh today” He murmurs, what has he done? Ten years, ten years of friendship, ten years thrown away out of fear. How pathetic he was.
“Right, thank you” Logan nods, defeated he returns to his desk. Reeve continues his conversation and Logan tries his hardest to listen, but his eyes wander. Why is the room so quiet? Where was everyone? Were they there...early?
“Patton!” The lawyers turn as the doors swing open, in true dramatic fashion they stand in unison. Emile stumbles in, a worried look spreads across his face. Logan and Patton approach together, Patton places a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright Em?” Patton wonders, checking his friend.
“Its... it's your client...its George” He shakes his head as Patton's hand falls. “He...I'm so sorry” Emile takes a breath as the doors open once more. Virgil, Remy, and Haley appear, George in tow handcuffed tightly. Patton lightly pushes past Emile, Logan watches him.
“Virge...whats going on?” His voice catches, Virgil bites his lower lip refusing to meet Patton's eyes. “Rem? Captain Bloomington?” Patton's franticness becoming more apparent.
“I'm so sorry Patton” Virgil sets it up, Haley steps forward.
“George Hoff was found at a murder scene, the case is over mister Hart. Mister Hoff will be going to jail for a long time” Surely the world hadn't actually collapsed had it? Patton stutters, feeling himself lose control, Logan and Virgil race forward taking either side of him. Haley nods allowing Remy to take George away, following them after.
“No” Patton whispers, he clutches to Logan first, his eyes threaten him.
“Patton...I'm so sorry” Logan stabilizes the lawyer, stroking his face carefully. He allows everything to wash away, nothing matters but this moment right now, right here.
“No he can't be...he can't be guilty” Patton whispers, he had worked so hard….for a month this couldn't...this couldn't…
“Patton?” Logan looks to his face, his eyes glazed over. Nothing lives behind them, just Patton's round glasses hiding the facade. His lower lip quivers, Patton watches the world around him. Virgil meets Logan's eyes and nods, he leaves the room, giving them this solitary moment. Reeve slips out with Virgil.
“I'm so sorry” Patton mumbles pulling away from the most gentle grasp, he gives Logan another look before going to his desk.
“Sorry? Why?” Logan questions, he goes to Patton's side. He gestures wildly to everything, grabbing the desk.
“All of this! Everything I put you through. The case, what I said, what I...did” The kiss, our kiss, Patton winces remembering it. “Logan I'm so sorry” Patton looks away, he isn't there anymore “I was wrong...George…”
“Patton you cou-”
“But I could have! And I should have! There was so much evidence, I'm so sorry. I defended...a murderer” He spits at himself, Logan hated it. He hates watching someone hate themselves so much, to the point where a fire burns their eyes with pure hatred...for themselves. “I'm so sorry” He shakes his head, he extends his hand to Logan. “Congratulations,” He barely breathes “You won” Patton lingers longer than he should before ushering himself away. Logan's eyes track his every step, a sharp breath. Virgil returns slipping in quietly, Logan nods.
“I won”
“Yeah., congrats dude” Virgil's praise is genuine but his voice falls flat.
“Then why doesn't it feel like it?” Logan asks, Virgil shrugs leaning on the desk. Logan groans. “Damnit, he's not guilty” Logan sighs, Virgil props himself up eyeing the lawyer.
“Ok, what?”
“No I'm with protractor” Remy enters, Virgil throws his hands into the air. “Virge, dude, just listen. You don't find it even a little odd? I mean George shouldn't have been able to escape. And the only two people with access to his cell were me, you and-”
“Haley” Virgil whispers, Remy snaps nodding. He moves towards the jury box, spreading out some files he had brought. Virgil and Logan approach, examining them. “These are the murder files, and...the letters!” Virgil remembers, ordering them from the first one to the latest.
“So what? We unscramble the letters? Then what?” Logan questions rather forcefully, the doubt in his voice obvious. Virgil nods joined by Remy.
“It's all we've got” Remy notes already using the whiteboard to tape the letters up. Logan sighs and helps him, while Virgil goes through old files.
“Ok read out the letters to me” Virgil requests, Remy nods.
“E, L, I, T, A, L, W, S, L, I, A, A” He recites as he had done so many times before. Logan begins working almost instantly, rapid-fire Virgil almost can't keep up. He rearranges the letters a million times, some words form, here and there but nothing concrete.
“It's like a weird game of hangman” Logan mutters, Virgil couldn't agree more. “I can get some words, but nothing makes...sense” He bites through his teeth. “You have the obvious words…’ it’”
“Great, clowns” Remy jokes, Virgil rolls his eyes.
“Or ‘all’” Logan shows, leaving the others outside of the phrase.
“It all?” Virgil reads “All it?” He tries, Logan groans shaking his head. “Hey, take it easy” Logan scratches his head furiously, worried creases appear upon Virgil. “Wait...what about ‘was’?” Virgil goes, sorting it. It still works, leaving four letters. Logan follows his movements, slowly his determined eyes reignite as he jumps upon the words.
“It was all,” He says, Virgil and Remy lean forward. “Four letters remain. A, E, L and I”
“El? No...um...Ale?” Remy suggests, almost as if something inside had been turned on, his eyes grew wide as well. “Lie” He barely whispers, Logan turns to him snapping.
“It was all...a lie” He pieces together, the three fall silent as the phrase comes together in front of them.
“Nice going Sherlock” Virgil pats him on the back, knowing they just pushed themselves further from a closed case. “Now what?”
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averykedavra · 4 years
Leap in the Dark
(This is another crosspost from my Ao3 account! You can find it here! It’s partly based on personal experience, because concerts are stupid and dysphoria is even stupider and I want to project onto my babies for some second-hand comfort and satisfaction. Like a normal well-adjusted human would.I don't think I'll return to this exact AU, but if you'd like to explore this storyline or some of these ideas, be my guest! Title comes from In the Dark by Anna Blue and Damien Dawn.)
Summary: Virgil isn't the mood to make friends. He's trying not to panic and/or cry over the band concert.
Then a classmate asks him to introduce the band. Which involves speaking. Onstage. In front of literally everyone. Yeah, nobody's getting him in front of that microphone.
But if he doesn’t, Logan has to. And Logan’s also not eager to be seen.
Pairings: platonic Analogical, could be interpreted as romantic. Implied past Anxeit (in like one line, though.)
Warnings: dysphoria, anxiety, self-deprecation, a borderline panic attack, very minor self-harm, and one mention of making out.
Word count: 2678
Virgil Acevedo regretted every single decision he had ever made. He’d tried to do his best at life, and since he was still alive after fourteen-plus years of existence, he had thought he’d done okay. Now he realized every choice that brought him here was a wrong one. He had created his own personal hell through a combination of hubris, naivete, and choosing Band back in sixth grade.
Now he sat in the front of the audience, surrounded by the entire flute section, who were extremely chatty girls. He felt a phone flash behind him and winced. Even though he knew it was another selfie, Virgil hated photos.
He hated a lot of things. Anything that put the spotlight on him. Virgil Acevedo liked to lurk in the background. Performing was not his idea of fun.
Yet here he was.
Clenching a silvery flute, his knees knocking together and his fingers shaking, watching the terrible orchestra play their terrible pieces and dreading the moment those flooding stage lights would illuminate him.
Yeah, logically, he knew nobody would look at him. He wasn’t exactly the most popular kid in the school. And his mom had a late shift and couldn’t make it, thank god. But what if? What if someone just happened to glance in his direction? And they would see a skinny, sweaty boy with floppy black hair he’d tried to comb—still slightly purple from that dye the bottle said would have washed out by now. Playing a flute in a section full of girls, two seats from last chair, barely fumbling through the pieces. Wearing a too-small shirt and a pair of old black sneakers.
Virgil shuddered at the thought.
The orchestra finally screeched their way to a halt. Now someone was introducing the chorus. Roman Prince from Spanish class. He had way too much enthusiasm for the time at hand. He even cracked a terrible pun, which Virgil knew wasn’t in the script, because Roman looked away from the small paper in his hand before telling it. Only one person in the choir laughed. Patton from Biology. Everyone else glared at Patton, who looked unperturbed.
Virgil shifted slightly as the choir broke into song. They sounded truly hideous. Not that his flute-playing was anything stellar, either. But at least he could hide behind the rest of the band. Nobody heard the flutes.
Only a few more songs and Virgil would be up there. Did he remember the fingering for the first piece? What about the second? Did he still have his music? What if it all fell out of his folder? What if he bumped into the girl next to him and she hated him forever and—
Virgil closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He was spiraling again. It would be fine. It would be fine! Just three songs, barely ten minutes long, and it would be over. He’d never have to do this again.
Virgil looked down and realized his hand was clenched into a fist, nails digging into his palm. He slowly uncurled it. Four red crescents marked where the nails had struck the skin. Virgil winced at the sting and rubbed at the marks, feeling his palms get sweatier as the chorus neared their close. Great—sweaty hands. Exactly what he needed to play the flute.
Someone tapped Virgil on the shoulder, and he almost screamed. Thankfully, he muffled his shout before it left his mouth. Turning around, he squinted towards the back of the auditorium to see who had tapped him.
It was a boy Virgil recognized from History class. He had dark hair and a sharp face, accentuated even more by his black-framed glasses and the honest-to-goodness tie he was wearing around his neck. Clearly a nerd of the highest proportions. What was his name again? Logan—Logan.
And now Logan was looking at him expectantly, oh god had Virgil forgotten something was he supposed to say something Logan probably thought he was so weird—he needed to be nice and smart and say something that would make Logan forgive him.
“What?” Virgil hissed.
Well. So much for that.
Logan blinked at the harshness in Virgil’s tone, but he didn’t immediately turn away. “Sorry to bother you, but do you have any interest in introducing the band?”
It was Virgil’s turn to blink. “What?” he repeated.
“Well, I was chosen, but would you like to say this speech instead of me?” Logan held out a small white paper. “It is quite short. You just stand up before our song and greet the audience.”
Virgil looked from the paper to Logan’s face. Logan looked serious and sincere, which ruled out the possibility of a prank.
“You…want me to…talk to them?”
Logan pressed his lips together. “Of course, if the idea is uncomfortable to you, you are under no obligation to fulfill my request. It is simply a suggestion.”
The boy talked like a dictionary! Virgil’s mouth twitched in both humor and gratitude. Logan may have been overly formal, but he was also being pretty nice.
Which meant he wanted something. Of course he did. He wouldn’t just ask Virgil about this unprompted. Virgil didn’t exactly have a reputation for being approachable, with his perpetual scowl, large headphones, and baggy purple sweatshirt.
“Why me?” Virgil blurted out before he could stop himself.
“I beg your pardon?”
It was too late to back out now. “Why are you asking me?” Virgil said. “I mean, people don’t usually talk to me, and you seem smart so you should know not to talk to me, and I’m still confused why you want me to do the script especially since I’m…not good at that,” he finished lamely.
Logan tilted his head. “I asked you because you are nearby, and because I know you to some extent. We are in History together. You ask good questions in History.”
Virgil smirked. “You know all the answers, though.”
“Hardly.” The barest flash of a smile lit up Logan’s face. “I just have a tendency to share them more than other people might deem wise.”
Virgil snorted, twisting around in his chair so he could talk more. He certainly needed a distraction at the moment, and Logan’s blunt way of speech was refreshing. No double meanings or tricks, no hidden feelings or blatant falsehoods like with…like with other people. Other non-specific people who definitely weren’t Virgil’s ex, definitely not, no.
“So…I just go up there and read off the script?” Virgil asked. Just the thought made his stomach twist in knots. “Sounds boring.”
“Please?” Logan fidgeted with his glasses. “I can repay you later.”
“How so?” Virgil raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Better choose wisely, Logan.”
“Hmm.” Logan stared into the distance, tapping his chin. “There are several options here. I could give you money, food, or some other tangible object that might please you. I could give you an intangible, such as friendship, though I have no idea whether you lack in those areas. I could also promise you a favor. Perhaps tutoring, or giving you answers for tests? I am quite capable of such things. I have done them in the past for friends and people who have blackmailed me.”
Virgil widened his eyes. “Blackmailed? What?”
“Or,” Logan narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “I could repay you in…other ways.”
Virgil stared for a second before bursting out laughing. “Oh my god, are you implying—like, we’ll make out if I give that speech? Dude!”
Logan chuckled too, his face flushing. “I have heard it is a useful bargaining chip when dealing with teenage males.”
“Dealing with teenage males,” Virgil repeated, still chuckling. “You sound like Jane Goodall. Maybe I’m not gay, did you think of that?”
Logan shrugged. “Are you gay?”
Oh no oh no what do I tell him what do I say he started this conversation so he’ll probably be okay with it but what if—no, Virgil, just play it cool.
“So what if I am?”
No, that was not cool. That was borderline aggressive. Way to go, Virgil, you came off as super defensive.
“There would be no problem if so,” Logan clarified. “I am also homosexual.”
“Intellectual and homosexual?”
Virgil smiled and let out a breath. “Yeah. I mean—me too. I’m…gay. Maybe not the intellectual part.”
“You do well in History,” Logan said with a smile. “I’m sure your intellectual capacities are above average.”
“Is that your way of saying I have big brain?”
“Actually, the size of one’s brain does not correlate to intellectual faculties—”
“I know, I know.” Virgil waved a hand, still smiling. “Back to the topic at hand. Would you actually tutor me?”
Logan nodded. “Of course. I enjoy helping others. What subjects do you have trouble with, may I ask?”
Virgil stared at his hands. “Math.”
“A common answer. You’re not alone.” Logan paused. “So if I give you my tutoring skills, in return you will give this speech?”
Virgil bit his lip. “I dunno, Logan…tutoring would be nice and all, but I’m not exactly a big fan of public speaking.”
“Well, no worries, I can ask another student.” Logan looked around. “Does anyone wish to say my speech instead of me?”
Nobody looked in his direction.
“Disappointing.” Logan adjusted his tie. “I guess I’ll just have to say it myself, then.”
The dejection and anxiety in his voice caught Virgil off guard.
“Are you…” Virgil began. “I mean…do you…why don’t you want to say it?”
“I don’t want to,” Logan said briskly. “I’m not a fan of public speaking.”
“What part?” Virgil asked too loudly. He began to fidget with his sleeves, avoiding Logan’s gaze as he tried to explain. “Like, for me, I’m scared of everyone watching me and that I’ll mess up or start crying or something. If it’s something specific, maybe I can…help? I have some…experience with getting nervous about things.”
Logan’s expression was unreadable. Finally, he spoke.
“Thank you, Virgil.” His voice was soft and quiet, different than the confident tone of a few minutes ago. “I appreciate that.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Virgil asked.
Logan blew out a huff of air. “It’s not the public speaking that scares me,” he confessed. “I’m usually okay with attention, although I don’t seek it out like some of my more…exuberant friends. But today, I guess, well—” Logan ran his fingers through his hair and looked away. “Never mind. It’s illogical.”
Virgil reached forward tentatively and placed his hand on Logan’s shoulder. “I bet it’s not. However you’re feeling, whatever’s bothering you, I know it’s valid. You don’t…have to tell me, ‘cause I’m just a weirdo who sits near you, but—”
“I’m not wearing a binder!”
Logan’s face was screwed tightly and his eyes were shut, as if bracing for a storm.
“I’m not wearing a binder,” Logan repeated, more quietly. “So I can have more breath to play clarinet. I volunteered before I remembered. I don’t want to—I don’t want to go out there looking like—”
Oh. Oh.
Logan’s eyes were still closed. He rubbed his face.
“Never mind. I’m sorry to bother you, I will just figuratively ‘man up’ and perform the speech myself—”
Logan looked dejected. He looked ashamed and desolate and waiting for Virgil to turn around and run away or call him names or just treat him differently. Like he was used to it.
He reminded Virgil of himself.
Before he could stop himself, Virgil reached forward and snatched the paper.
“You don’t have to. I’ll do it.”
“Really?” Logan’s eyes opened, and for a second, Virgil saw the pure relief on his face. Then his eyes darkened with worry. “Are you sure? I don’t want to put you in a tough position.”
“You’re not,” Virgil assured him. “I promise. Just—you’d better be a good tutor, Lo.”
“I’m the best.” Logan crossed his chest. “Nerd’s honor.”
“Then we’re all cool here.” Virgil glanced down at the script. “The song’s almost over, what do I do?”
“Just stand onstage, take the microphone off the stand.” Logan spoke slowly and clearly, as if he could see Virgil’s increasing heart rate. “Click the button on the bottom, hold it and say your part. Turn the microphone off, put it back, and go to your seat. If you need help, ask the conductor.”
“Okay. Okay. Okay.” Virgil nodded to himself. “I can do that. I can.”
“Are you sure? Are you good to do this?”
“I think so.” Virgil closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s a short speech. I think I’ll be okay.”
Logan leaned forward intently. “Please, Virgil. If this is upsetting you, please tell me. I do not want to force you into this because I can’t face my own fears—"
“No!” Virgil interrupted. “It’s completely cool to not do things you’re uncomfortable with. You’re not a coward. You’re being reasonable. And, I mean, it’s not exactly what I’d have chosen, you know? But it’s for a friend. I know we just met!” he added hastily. “I hope it’s not weird, and I mean, I don’t really know you, but you’re the nicest anyone’s ever been in a while, so…it makes me happy to help you. That’s what…friends do. If we’re friends. Because…I’d like to be friends. With you.”
Logan’s mouth opened slightly. He looked speechless.
“I’d love to be your friend, Virgil,” Logan finally said. “Thank you.”
Virgil found himself smiling, and Logan smiled back. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a pen, taking Virgil’s music folder and scribbled down a sequence of numbers.
“My number,” Logan explained. “For the tutoring, and for…anything else.”
Virgil nodded. “I’ll text you when this is over. Promise.”
The choir hit a truly terrible pitch and finally silenced, enjoying the dull applause from the parents around them. The band around Virgil stood up, and he walked onstage with the rest. His hands were sweating again, and shaking, and he felt his fingers slip from his folder and flute. He tightened his grip and walked faster, placing his things on his chair before making his way to the front of the stage.
The auditorium was almost full. Virgil scanned the crowd briefly. Faces stared back at him. In the front few rows were the orchestra and choir students, sitting down to watch the band. Roman whispered something to Patton and both of them giggled.
Behind Virgil, he heard the rustling and clinking of the band getting ready. Soon the sounds faded away. The conductor caught Virgil’s eye and nodded, gesturing for him to start speaking.
It took a second for Virgil to turn on the microphone. He clasped it in one hand. How close should he put it to his mouth? He didn’t want a feedback squeal or to be too loud. But if no one heard him, that would be a problem, too. He was running out of time! Everyone was staring, behind and in front of him—he felt trapped on this stage with the too-hot lights and a small crinkly script he’d barely glanced at. He glanced at it now, feeling his heart pound. His mouth was dry. Maybe he’d try to speak and nothing would come out, or he’d just lean forward and puke. He’d never live this down.
There was a loud thud behind him. Virgil turned automatically and saw Logan had hit his stand with his clarinet. Virgil stared at him in confusion. Logan smiled back.
“You can do this,” he mouthed.
Virgil felt a bit of his nervousness ebb away. Logan had put the spotlight on himself just to encourage Virgil. He could see Virgil was panicking and he helped.
Virgil turned around, holding out the script, reading the words over and over. It was only five sentences. Five sentences.
Five chances to mess up.
Five sentences. For a friend.
You can do this.
Virgil closed his eyes. Took a deep breath.
And spoke.
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omgjasminesimone · 4 years
Love The One You’re With
Colt x MC x Teppei
Author’s Note: Not gonna lie, I’m kind of nervous about this one. This might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s ultimately Colt x MC, but there’s also some Teppei x MC. And in real life I’d be against a relationship with that big of an age gap/power dynamic (looking at you Sam Taylor-Johnson), but this is pixel fanfiction and I’m not romanticizing it or anything so I’m going to go with it. 
Word Count: 6,250
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When Ellie Wheeler first met Teppei Kaneko, she was desperate.
Her father, renown Detective Christian Wheeler, had died in the line of duty. It had been a domestic abuse incident. He had rushed in without backup. The wife and young daughter were saved, at the expense of his own life.
He was a hero, but the LAPD didn’t see it that way. They said he was reckless, he should have followed orders and waited for back up. They refused to pay out his life insurance policy, and Ellie was left orphaned and destitute.
She should have started her senior year at Langston that Fall, but she couldn’t afford it on her own. She was forced to withdraw.
She couldn’t make the monthly mortgage payments on the house. She was going to lose the house. She was going to lose everything.
Ellie was desperate. Desperate enough to call Logan, who she hadn’t spoken to in years. It took her several weeks to find his new number through his good friend Vaughn.  Her old flame was involved in some shady underground dealings back in the day, and Ellie assumed he would still be running in the same circles now.
When she found out about Logan’s criminal background when they were hooking up her senior year of high school, she had cut ties with him. At the time, she had a great deal of respect for law and order. But after how the LAPD handled her father’s death, that lawful admiration had waned considerably. Now, Ellie would do what she had to do in order to survive.
Logan had been reluctant at first, telling her she didn’t know what she was getting herself into, that she wasn’t meant for the criminal lifestyle. But she begged and pleaded. Eventually, Logan agreed to put her in touch with his boss.
She met Teppei Kaneko at a drag show. He’d taken one look at her, and then looked at Logan like he was crazy.
“I promise you she can drive. I taught her everything she knows personally.” Logan vouches for her.
Ellie sticks her hand out to Logan’s boss for a handshake. “Ellie Wheeler. Nice to meet you.” She greets.
Teppei doesn’t take the offered hand, continuing to look at her skeptically. “This isn’t some undercover sting operation, is it? I’m familiar with your late father.”
Ellie’s fist clenches as she allows her hand to fall to her side. “Then you should also be familiar with my hatred of the LAPD. I’m no snitch. I just need a well-paying job that doesn’t require a college degree.”
There’s several moments of silence as Teppei seemingly mulls it over. “If anything, you’ll be unassuming. That could be an asset.” Teppei finally offers his hand. “Welcome to the Mercy Park Crew Ellie.”
After a big score, the crew celebrates with a party. There’s beer, and music, and what looks like the entirety of LA’s criminal underbelly gathered in the Kaneko Autobody Shop.
Ellie maneuvers past drunk Mona playing pool with a tall beautiful roller derby type, past Ximena and Toby trying to outdo each other with the most ridiculous dance move, and past Logan making out with some girl that Ellie has seen at the drag show a couple of times when the crew is there on business.
She raises the two glasses of beer over her head as she tries to make her way through the makeshift dance floor to where Kaneko leans against the door frame of his office, looking aloft.
“Thirsty?” Ellie asks, offering him one of the beers.
Teppei smiles softly and takes the offered cup, thanking her with a nod.
“Why do you throw these victory parties when you clearly hate them?” Ellie questions, leaning against the wall beside him and joining him in wall flowering.
“I don’t hate them, I’m indifferent.” Teppei insists.
“Fine, why bother if you’re indifferent?” Ellie rephrases.
“It’s about appearances. Letting other crews know how well things are going, how happy my crew seems to be under me. Networking. It’s ultimately business.” Teppei answers.
“I can respect a hardworking business man. It’s a turn on.” Ellie’s usually not this forward, but she’s a little bit drunk. And there’s so much adrenaline from the successful job she needs to get out, preferably through a sexual outlet. She glances over at Kaneko, definitely an attractive older man.
“Are you flirting with me? I’m old enough to be your father.” Kaneko chides.
Ellie downs the rest of her beer before looping her arms around Kaneko’s neck. “I no longer have a father.” She responds before capturing his lips.
When the party has died down hours later, Ellie lies in Kaneko’s bed wondering what she’s done.
He snores softly, back to her. There was no snuggling or kissing afterwards. It was clearly just sex, for both of them. A way to relieve the tension between them had been building up in the months since Ellie rented out her father’s house to cover the mortgage and moved into a spare bedroom in the garage.
Ellie isn’t the kind of girl who just sleeps around, or she wasn’t. She’s only been with one man besides Kaneko, her college boyfriend who she was with for three years. When her father died, he couldn’t handle her grief and had broken up with her. Ellie squeezes her eyes shut to keep herself from crying. Who is she now? She can barely recognize herself.
She slips out of Kaneko’s bed to return to her own. She lies awake wondering what the crew is going to think of the new development between her and their boss, if it even means anything. Maybe no one noticed them slipping away. Maybe no one will even care.
The crew finds out there’s something going on between Ellie and Kaneko gradually. A lingering look there, Ellie not being in her room when someone goes to look for her late at night, a hand that rests on the small of her back for just a moment too long to be friendly.
They never announce it exactly, but at some point, it just becomes clear that everyone knows. Logan is the only one who ever directly says anything about it to her. Months after she and Kaneko start hooking up, Logan pulls Ellie aside on a lazy day in the garage, asks her if she’s okay, if she’s happy. Ellie assures him she’s fine, but she doesn’t say anything about whether or not she’s happy.
She and Teppei fall into a routine. She sleeps in his room most nights, he’ll kiss her in front of the crew, and his associates. Gradually, everyone just comes to accept that they’re together, that she’s his. Once, at a drag show, Salazar threatens her, but his goonies quickly try to silence him, with a whispered warning of “She’s Kaneko’s man, he’ll have you murdered.” He apologizes and slinks away.
Ellie feels that things are going fine, although she still feels lonely, adrift. She doesn’t think Kaneko loves her, she thinks he’s just lonely too. But maybe that’s enough? Two lonely people rolling around in bed together, so they don’t feel so alone for a few fleeting moments. But everything changes, when Ellie meets Colt and realizes maybe she can feel more than not lonely, maybe she can feel whole.
Before Ellie knows it, it’s been almost a year with the crew. She sees photos of her classmates graduating on pictagram, she stalks their LinkedIn pages to see what incredible jobs they’re getting. It feels very unfair.
Teppei doesn’t say anything about his son returning after finishing up his bachelor’s degree after five years at UC Davis. But then again, Teppei and Ellie don’t really talk much in general. It’s not the type of subject that would have come up as they lie in bed together afterwards, making awkward small talk since they don’t really know how to talk to each other. So, when she and Ximena return one day from a job, and she sees Teppei and a younger version of Teppei standing in the garage, she’s surprised.
Teppei waves Ellie over, and Ximena makes her way to her room after tossing a cheery wave to Kaneko’s offspring. “You’re back. How did it go? Did the cobras give you guys any trouble?” Kaneko asks, business coming first.
“It was fine. They didn’t want to pay the agreed price at first, but after Ximena took a crowbar to the car’s hood, they reconsidered and came around. Who’s this?” Ellie replies.
“This is my son Colt. Colt, this is my girlfriend.” Teppei introduces. Ellie’s heart fills a little at being referred to as his girlfriend, he’s never called her that before.
Ellie extends her hand to Kaneko’s scowling son. “Hey, I’m Ellie.”
Colt doesn’t take her extended hand. “Jesus Christ Dad, how old is she?!” He complains, glaring at his subtly smirking father.
Ellie’s eyes narrow, crossing her arms over her chest. “She isn’t deaf or mute.” She spits out.
 Colt’s eyes narrow as well. “Too bad, I think I would have liked you more if you didn’t talk.” He retorts.
The two early 20-somethings glare at each other.
‘What’s this gold digger up to?’ Colt thinks, looking Ellie up and down.
‘Who does this asshole think he is?’ Ellie wonders, taking in Colt’s sullen displeased expression.
“Well, I see you two are getting along famously. Oh, by the way Ellie, you’ve been staying in Colt’s room, but now that he’s back, why don’t you officially move in with me?” Teppei proposes.
Ellie’s eyes widen. First the girlfriend comment, and now officially sharing a room? Is there actually potential here for a real relationship? For an actual future? She doesn’t bother to question if that’s something she actually wants.
Ellie smiles. “That works for me. I’ll bring my stuff up.”
“Do it quick. I want to get settled.” Colt adds harshly, hoisting a duffle bag onto his shoulder and heading off to his room.
Ellie rolls her eyes as she follows behind him. If she and Teppei end up becoming a real thing, is she going to be expected to act like this brat’s stepmother? She doesn’t think she can do it, and she doesn’t think Colt would let her for one second.
Ellie watches with angry crossed arms as Teppei and the rest of the crew leave for a job. A job Teppei said she wasn’t ready for, that she couldn’t handle it. She hates when he underestimates her. He has no idea what she’s capable of. She wonders if the crew is doing something really bad, really evil, and that’s why he doesn’t want her to know.
Ellie expels an irritated huff, stomping over to the kitchen to make herself some lunch.
“Stop throwing a temper tantrum, if you think you’re old enough to date a grown man you should stop acting like a toddler.” Colt taunts from the front desk.
Ellie doesn’t bother responding with words, flipping Colt her middle finger. He’s been here a month now, and their relationship has not improved at all from the bad impression they both got of each other at their initial meeting. Teppei doesn’t seem to care that they don’t get along, never attempting to get in the middle or forge some kind of bonding between them.
Colt abandons the front desk, coming into the kitchen to make his own snack. He doesn’t return to his post even as the phone starts ringing, continuing to make his sandwich.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” Ellie asks, irritated when the phone starts to ring again after Colt lets the first call go to voicemail.
“Why don’t you get it?” Colt counters.
“It’s not my job.”
“What is your job? It sure as hell doesn’t seem to be being an actual member of the crew.”
“I’m more in the crew than you are. You just get to answer phones. Is that what you studied for in college? Or did you get such bad grades that now Daddy is the only one who would give you a job?” Ellie retorts angrily.
“At least I finished college.” Colt hisses back, knowing it will hurt her. He knows the circumstances of why she had to drop out, what drew her to the crew instead of the professional career she had been working towards.
“Fuck you Colt.” She angrily finishes adding toppings to her salad, storming out of the kitchen and to her and Teppei’s room with her meal.
The crew starts going on more and more jobs without Ellie. Eventually, Teppei reveals it’s because he doesn’t fully trust her yet. He says she’ll need to prove her loyalty with time before he can bring her in on everything.
This lack of trust enrages Ellie. She’s been nothing but loyal to the crew, to Teppei, and he has the gall to tell her to her face that he just doesn’t trust her? She storms away before the tears welling up in her eyes begin to fall. She won’t give that man the satisfaction of her tears.
She goes up to the roof to cry, thinking she’ll be alone there, but Colt comes up a few minutes later, smoking a joint. He seems alarmed at her tears; no doubt consoling crying women is not part of his repertoire of skills. So, he silently hands over the joint, which she takes gratefully. And they don’t talk as they pass it back and forth, but they both feel a subtle shift in their dynamic.  
A gulf starts to grow between Teppei and Ellie. They lay in the same bed every night, but when Teppei reaches for her Ellie complains that she has a headache, or that she’s just not in the mood.
“Ellie, we’re leaving.” Teppei informs her weeks later as the crew heads out to another job she’s not involved in. She’s not involved in very much now-a-days, besides with the mess with the Brotherhood. Teppei needed all hands on deck for that one so he was forced to bring both her and Colt in.
“Teppei, when are you going to trust me? What do I have to do to show you that I’m 100% in?” Ellie asks as he turns around.
He turns back to face her, running a hand through his long dark hair. “There’s nothing you can do. It just takes time. The rest of the crew have been with me for years, they’ve shown their dedication.”
“And I haven’t? The fact that I’m here and not enrolled trying to finish my degree now that I’ve saved up some money doesn’t show you that I’m in?” Ellie counters.
Teppei lets out an impatient sigh. “I have to go. We can talk about this when I get back.” Teppei pulls her into a brief kiss before turning away and following the rest of the crew out of the garage.
Ellie sighs, she’s so sick of this. Maybe she should just leave if she’s not even a full-fledged member of the crew. But can she go back to college, and studying, and exams, when now she knows the thrill of running from the police? Pulling off a great heist? Coming up with a fool proof plan to get away with it time and time again?
She leans against a car propped up on a jack.
“Whoa! Hey!” A voice calls out from under the car.
“Huh?” Ellie looks down as Colt rolls himself out from under the car.
“You trying to drop this hunk of junk on me? I know you don’t like me, but are you seriously trying to kill me?” He complains, glaring at her. His eyes soften somewhat at the sad look in her eyes.  
“Can I lend a hand?” Ellie asks. It’ll be good to keep busy, make herself at least feel useful around the garage. She can tell Colt is thinking it over, so she adds, “I just…really need to keep my mind occupied right now.”
“Fine, lie down on that creeper.” Colt instructs, and Ellie follows his instructions, joining him under the car.
Colt meddles with the undercarriage. “We’re trying to get this driveshaft out. So, what’s got you all mopey?”
Ellie reaches into the undercarriage, loosening the wires around the driveshaft. “Why? So you can make fun of me?”
“I don’t make fun of you that much now-a-days.” Colt reminds her. They have been getting along better lately, mostly bonding over how they’re both irritated with how Teppei won’t let them really be in the crew.
“I really wanted to go on this job. I feel like I’ve proven myself time and time again and it’s never enough.” Ellie reveals.
“He’s never going to trust you. I think you remind him of my mom, who he thought was all in, but then she took me and left when he wouldn’t give up crime. For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re like my mom. I trust you.” Colt refuses to make eye contact, fighting the blush rising to his cheeks when he can feel her turn to look at him as he finally gets the driveshaft out.
They both wheel themselves out from under the car, wiping the grease on their hands off on towels.
“Really? You trust me?”
“Sure, you really bailed us out with the Grapevine job.” Colt tries to play it off. “You’re smart, and I could really use your help if you have any ideas for how to deal with the Brotherhood. I feel like this is my big chance, my Dad finally bringing me into the fold, and I can’t fuck this up. Want to go for a ride? Out to the shore. It always…clears my mind.”
He steps to his motorcycle and tentatively holds out a helmet for her.
Ellie takes the offered helmet, buckling it on as Colt sits on his motorcycle. She gets on behind him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and trying to ignore the well-defined abs she can feel as he revs the engine.
“I can’t believe your dad made you jump from here as a small child.” Ellie mutters with disbelief after Colt tells her the story.
Colt chuckles, watching the sun set the sky on fire over the cliff’s edge. “What? That doesn’t jive with the warm cuddly image you have of your crime lord boyfriend?”
“My dad would have tried to stop me from jumping, worried about me getting hurt. Teppei doesn’t seem to have a paternal bone in his body.”
“Don’t let him get you pregnant.” Colt taunts, but there’s an underlying edge to his tone.
“You have to have sex to get pregnant.” Ellie mutters, looking away when he turns to look at her curiously.
“You’ve never-“
She interrupts. “We have. But not lately. We’re basically just roommates at this point.”
Colt seems to absorb that silently. Ellie is a little embarrassed that she’s revealed so much to Colt, so she changes the subject. “So, are we gonna jump?” Ellie asks.
“Seriously? You want to jump?”
Ellie is already stripping down into her underwear. “Seriously!”
Colt quickly strips down to just his boxers. Ellie can’t help but admire his fit physique. He’s hot, and young, and she’s definitely thinking things she should not be about her boyfriend’s son. But there’s definitely a hunger in his eyes as he takes her in practically naked that shows there are feelings on both sides. Feelings they should ignore.
Ellie shakes her head to try to clear it of any impure thoughts. “On the count of three.”
“One, two, three!” Colt calls out, and the pair run towards the edge together. Ellie can’t help but grip Colt’s hand just before they jump, and suddenly she’s not afraid.
They hit the water several moments later, and Ellie swims up to the surface. She spits out water and looks for Colt, who surfaces a few seconds later to her right. She swims over to him, drawn to him like a magnet.
He pushes his wet hair out of his face, grinning at her. “I almost forgot what that felt like.”
“See? Are you done downplaying everything?”
Colt looks at her with an intensity she’s not used to, and it stirs the fire that she’s felt building between them for months now. “Maybe I am.” He says, just before reaching out to cup her neck and bring her lips to his.
They fall into each other, like they’ve been waiting forever to do this. Colt’s fingers thread through her hair as he pulls her closer, treading water with just his legs as his free hand grips her hip. He bites her bottom lip gently, and then slips his tongue in her mouth when she lets out a little gasp of surprise.
Ellie’s arms grip his shoulders, trying to bring him even closer. She can’t get enough of him as her mouth moves hungrily over his. The electricity she feels as their tongues tangle is much more intense than any tingles she’s ever felt with Teppei, or any other man for that matter.
“Colt.” She murmurs as she rolls her hips against the bulge she can feel growing in his wet boxers.
Suddenly, he pulls away. “You’re with my dad. I can’t do this to him, or the crew.” He laments. Before Ellie can respond, he’s pulled her back in and is kissing her furiously once again, and she forgets what she even wanted to say.
He pulls away again, this time putting some distance between them. “Damn it, what’s wrong with me?!” Colt shouts, slamming his fist into the water.
“Colt, look, things are complicated with me and Teppei. I don’t think we were ever really together, and I feel like we’re certainly not together now.”
“Does he know that?” Colt challenges.
Ellie raises a brow. “Do you want to be the one to tell him?”
“That’s not my place. You have to be the one to do it.”
“And I will. When the timing is right, and it doesn’t leave me homeless and unemployed.” Ellie retorts.
Colt looks like he wants to say something else, but Ellie cuts him off with a gentle kiss that he eagerly deepens. “I want to be with you, but we have to be smart about this.” Ellie says softly.
Because they both know Teppei isn’t going to just give them his blessing and be happy for them.
Minutes later, the pair has climbed back up the cliff and put their clothes back on.
Ellie re-braids her hair, turning to look at Colt as they walk toward his motorcycle. “So, I was thinking about our problem with the Brotherhood…”
“You mean, how do we free ourselves from a violent gang without a full-on-turf war we’d definitely lose?”
“We need to offer them more than cars and money, we need to offer them the thing they want more than anything.” Ellie explains.
“Like what? They control the city, they have everything they could possibly want.”
“Then we make them think they don’t.” Ellie presses.
Colt pauses as he puts on his helmet, mulling it over. “…. huh.”
The only sound in the dark room is their labored breathing as they catch their breath. Ellie starts to climb off Colt’s lap, but he tightens his grip on her bare hips, keeping her in place.
“Again.” He murmurs, running a hand through her sweat dampened hair as he starts rocking up into her once again.
Ellie lets out a moan, digging her nails into his shoulders as she fights her urge to move with him. “I can’t. If I’m gone too long, he’ll be suspicious.”
“He’ll be in his office all night going over blueprints for tomorrow.” Colt insists. One hand leaves her hip to cup her cheek, bringing her lips to his for a tender kiss. “Stay with me tonight.”
Teppei trusts her now, after the success of her and Colt’s plan to take down the Brotherhood. They’re finally both all the way in with the crew. The fact that Teppei finally trusts her makes her feel worse about these trysts with Colt, but not bad enough to stop.
Ever since the night they went cliff diving, she sneaks out of Teppei’s bed in the middle of the night, tiptoeing down the stairs to his son’s room where they fall into his bed, mouths fused and hands eagerly shedding clothing. She continues to reject Teppei’s advances, saying she’s just not in the mood. She can tell he’s getting frustrated with her, but not frustrated enough to break up with her.
She wishes he would. Ellie doesn’t know how to end it, how to tell Teppei that she’s leaving him for his son. She knows it wouldn’t go over well. She’s not sure what Teppei is capable of in the face of such a betrayal.
Despite her fear of Teppei, her love of Colt makes her continue to risk getting caught in order to be with him. Colt loves her too, he’s told her so. Something his father has never said even though they’ve been together for over a year.
Colt has stopped urging her to tell Teppei. Now with time to think about it, he says they need a plan first. Their own money, their own criminal operation. Their own base. Colt has promised that he’s working on it, but these things take time. He can’t use any of his father’s contacts, he has to act secretly, and know who to trust, which is notoriously difficult in their circles.
But they’re in love, and some how they’re going to make it work.
“Shhh…. don’t cry baby. I promise you it’s going to be ok.” Colt soothes, kissing her forehead as he hugs her to him.
Despite his comforting words, Ellie doesn’t feel any better. There’s no way this is going to be ok. They should have been more careful. Ellie continues to cry into his shirt, clinging to his leather jacket desperately to keep him close.
“What are we going to do? I can’t get an abortion Colt, I went to Catholic school.”
Colt gently runs a hand through her hair before cupping her cheek. “No one is asking you to do that Ellie. This baby was conceived in love, of course we’re keeping it.”
“Then what are we going to do?!” Ellie asks again, looking up at him.
“Look, I hate to even suggest this, but if you sleep with my dad again could you convince him it’s his? Just to buy us a few months while I get the money we’ll need to start over.” Colt says weakly, hating the words as they come out of his mouth, but not seeing what else to do in this situation.
Ellie shakes her head. “I can’t. I’m already three months along. I’m going to start showing soon and the dates wouldn’t add up. He’s not stupid. Oh my god, what are we going to do?!”
“Shh.” He tries to soothe again. “Try to breathe sweetheart. Getting this riled up isn’t good for our baby.”
Ellie takes several deep breaths as Colt rubs circles into her back, trying to help her relax the tight muscles.
“We have to tell him the truth.” Colt finally acknowledges.
“He’ll kill us.” Ellie replies. “Like he killed the Brotherhood.”
“He won’t, he cares too much about appearances, legacy.” Colt rests his hand on Ellie’s stomach. “This right here? It’s the future of the Kaneko family, heir to the empire.”
Ellie squeezes her eyes shut, feeling like she’s going to be sick. She’s not as confident as Colt in the power of legacy and appearances.
“I need to tell you something.” Colt announces a week later, Ellie at his side as they stand in Teppei’s office.
Teppei looks over some documents. “Can it wait?” He asks, circling something in red.
“No, it’s important.” Colt responds.
“Then hurry up and tell me, I don’t have all day.” Teppei mutters, scratching something out and rewriting a number in black ink.
Colt looks to Ellie, slipping his hand into her’s. Teppei doesn’t even notice.  
Colt takes a deep breath before he speaks. “Ellie is pregnant with my baby. We’re in love and once I have enough money together, we’ll leave and set up out East, we’ll be out of your hair.” Colt says, voice strong and clear. But there’s an underlying nervousness that he can’t hide, a slight waver at the end when Teppei finally looks up, eyes narrowed.
The older Kaneko drops his pen, leaning back in his chair with eyes closed. He’s counting. Colt gulps. Teppei only counts when he’s so angry he’s afraid he’ll do something he regrets. “How long have you two been messing around behind my back?” He asks, thinly concealed rage evident in his tone.
“Six months.” Ellie admits softly.
Teppei glares at her. Ellie’s never felt Teppei’s rage directed at her, and if not for Colt’s grip on her hand she would have taken a step back. “Six months? For six months, you’ve been sleeping with my son? Lying to my face? After everything I’ve done for you? You ungrateful bitch.”
“You’re not going to talk to her like that.” Colt retorts, eyes narrowed.
Teppei’s enraged glare moves from Ellie to Colt. “And you. My own son? My only child? I offer you everything and this is what you do? Try to publicly humiliate me and drag the Kaneko name through the mud? Do you know how weak this would make me look? You’re trying to destroy everything my father, and his father, and his father before him worked for, you fucking traitor.”
“Fine, if you’re so worried about your precious reputation we can leave now. I’ll figure out the money.” Colt replies, starting to walk towards the door.
Kaneko moves quicker than either Ellie or Colt knew he could, gripping Colt’s arm roughly and turning him to face him. “You’re not going anywhere. There’s nowhere you can go where this won’t get out, where it won’t humiliate me.”
“Then we’ll leave the country.” Colt insists.
“I said no! You’ll stay in the country and do what you’re fucking told boy.” Teppei spits out. He rubs at his temples, formulating a plan. “I’ll tell everyone the baby is mine. It’s going to look like me after all.” Teppei decides.
“No.” Colt immediately responds.
“You’re in no position to try to tell me anything. I’ll blacklist your name all over the country, all over the world. You’ll never be able to get set up anywhere. I’ll ruin you Colt. Love won’t pay the bills. Love won’t feed your baby.”
Ellie’s eyes water as she takes in Teppei’s words. He’s trapping her in some type of loveless prison out of spite, and pride.
“Dad-“ Colt tries again to reason with his father, but Teppei puts up a hand to silence him.
“I’m not done. You’ll be going to Florida Colt. I’ve been in the process of setting up an operation there. You seem like the perfect man for the job.”
“I’m not leaving Ellie, or my baby.” Colt replies, hand squeezing her hand to the point where it almost hurts, but he seems so desperate to hang on to her that she says nothing.
“My girlfriend. And as far as anyone will know my baby.” Teppei replies darkly. “They’ll be fine, assuming you do as you’re told. Otherwise, I’m not so sure what will happen to them.”
“You sick motherfu-“ Colt starts, but Ellie interrupts him, pulling him down for a too brief kiss. He can taste her salty tears when she pulls away.
“Colt, I love you, but I can’t.” Ellie thinks back to the days after her father died, when she was desperate, and destitute, and scared. She can’t live like that, their baby shouldn’t have to live like that, struggling constantly and fearful of when Teppei will strike.
“Ellie, no. We’ll figure this out. I love you, and I’m not going to lose you.”
“You lose her either way. But I’m offering you a way where she and your baby are comfortable. What is it going to be?” Teppei asks.
3 years later
“Ellie, look up.” Teppei instructs as Ellie carries a tray of food over to the table. She’s trying to be a good hostess for this Christmas party, which would be easier if Teppei wasn’t constantly doing performative couple things like trapping her under the mistletoe for their audience of LA’s biggest criminals.
Ellie plasters on a fake smile, leaning up to give Teppei a chaste kiss.
Teppei returns a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, patting her bottom as she walks away.
“When are you going to marry that girl Kaneko? Hasn’t it been like 5 years? And you guys have a kid.” Salazar yells drunkenly, swaying unsteadily from too much eggnog.
Teppei shrugs. “I didn’t marry the mother of my other kid.”
Salazar laughs, clapping Kaneko heartily on the back. He’s clearly really drunk, thinking he can be so friendly with LA’s deadliest car criminal.
“Daddy!” A little girl clad in snowflake decorated pajama yells, running into Kaneko’s arms.
Teppei smiles, a real one this time. He loves his granddaughter dearly, despite the circumstances of her conception. He tickles her before throwing her onto his shoulders. “You’re supposed to be asleep Noelle.” He chides.
“How is anyone supposed to sleep through this?” Mona asks, chewing on a gingerbread cookie.
Noelle giggles as Logan makes silly faces at her. “I would also love to be asleep. Can we start clearing this party out soon?” Logan asks.
“All the guests haven’t arrived yet, so the party can’t end.” Kaneko insists.
“Who’s not here? They’re three hours late!” Toby complains.
“Yeah, yeah, you try getting in on time coming from the East Coast during winter.” Colt replies, dropping his duffle back to the floor.
“You live in Miami Colt, I assume you’re not getting delayed by too many winter storms.” Logan retorts, rolling his eyes.
“But my connection went through DC, asshole.” Colt fires back, glaring at his old nemesis.
“Colt.” Teppei greets warmly, for appearances of course. He can’t have people noticing splinters in the Kaneko family. That’s why he has to invite Colt to these gatherings, lest people get suspicious.
“Dad.” Colt returns, less warm, but nothing that would raise alarms to the deep-seated troubled relationship between father and son.
“Daddy, I want cake.” Noelle says when she spots her mother coming towards the group, a plate with a sliver of cake in her hands.
Colt winces when Noelle calls Teppei ‘Daddy’. That always hurts.
“Say hi to your brother first.” Teppei insists, taking Noelle off his shoulders and handing her to Colt.
“Hi Colt!” Noelle says happily, squeezing his neck in a hug.
“Hi Noelle. I can’t believe how big you are. I missed you!” Colt returns, hugging her tightly. He sets his daughter on the ground, turning to face Ellie. She looks beautiful in her red Christmas dress, and he physically aches from his desire to pull her into his arms and kiss her in greeting. But they don’t do stuff like that anymore, so instead he nods at her respectfully. “Ellie.”
“Colt. How was your flight?” Ellie returns.
“Delayed, but it was fine.” Colt answers, and that’s that. They have nothing else to say to each other.
“Mommy, I want cake.” Noelle says again.
“No Noelle, we already brushed your teeth.” Ellie replies.
“But I want cake!” The little girl complains, starting to throw a fit.
“Come on Ellie, it’s Christmas. I’ll re-brush her teeth.” Colt offers.
“Well aren’t you the sweetest big brother?” Ximena teases, squeezing Colt’s cheek.
Colt waves her off, taking the rest of the cake from Ellie and handing it to Noelle, who grins at him. “Thank you Colt! I love you!”
“I love you too peanut.” Colt replies.
After re-brushing her teeth, Colt tucks Noelle into bed. The music from downstairs is loud, so he sets his phone onto her nightstand and plays lullaby music as his daughter drifts off to sleep. He smiles when her sleepy brown eyes drift shut, placing a kiss to her forehead.
“She’s going to be so confused when we tell her the truth.” Ellie mutters from the doorway as she watches Colt put their daughter to sleep.
“Kids are resilient. She’ll adapt.” Colt insists.  
“How much longer?” Ellie whispers after she closes Noelle’s door, walking closer to Colt.
Colt draws Ellie into his arms, like he’s wanted to do all night, kissing her slowly and thoroughly. “Three more months.” He whispers against her lips, before he kisses her again.
“And you’re sure he’s not going to be able to find us?” Ellie asks, still dubious that their long nightmare could be ending.
“Not in Cuba. Thanks to the embargo he’s never had any business there, no contacts. And then we go from Cuba to London with new identities. It’s fool proof Ellie, I promise you. You just have to trust me.”
“I do trust you. I love you Colt.”
“And I love you Ellie.”
taglist:  @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicesarehard @lovehugsandcandy@desiree-0816 @regina-and-happiness @iplaydrake @choicesgremlin​ @maxwellsquidsuit​ @eileendannie @liamzigmichael4ever​ @ohsnapitzlovehacker​ @client-327​ @cora-nova​ @umiumichan​ @angrypainterfarmopera @badchoicesposts​ @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @sparklinglilac​ @pixel-thirsty @mrskaneko @lovemychoices​ @akrenich​ @crispycrunchyleaves​
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vvirgils · 4 years
Chronicles of Straith #2-The Witch’s Dragon:Chapter 6
Chronicles of Straith #1-Fate’s Door///Chapter 5/Chapter 7//Masterpost
“What do you mean Roman’s missing?” Virgil asked the king’s chief advisor, frustration bleeding into her voice. She was eye-to-eye with the short man, teenage defiance matching his bored, professional air. Laurus curled protectively around her shoulders, slitted pupils giving the advisor the stink eye.
The advisor appeared unfazed by Virgil, but kept looking at Laurus like the dragon didn’t belong in the castle. “King Roman is nowhere to be seen. We have sent out people to search for him, and with any hope he will be found soon. Of course, the king’s orders in case of absence must be obeyed, so there has been no searching of his private quarters, the Head Sorcerer’s rooms, or any of the servant’s areas. I would suggest that you, Apprentice Sorcerer, focus on your duties and not the king.” 
“Listen, I don’t care about the particulars of your search, sir. I need to know where my friend is, because there’s something of an emergency happening right now, which requires—three guesses—Roman. Also, they’re my friend and I’m a little worried. So, do you have any actual information regarding the royal’s whereabouts?” She could feel the anger pulsing inside her, begging to be released in a wave of magic, but she stamped her emotions down.
“That is information privy to the king’s cabinet. I’m sorry, miss, but I have other things to attend to.” He turned and strolled down the hall away from Virgil, leaving her fuming where she stood. Laurus slid off of her shoulders and flapped his wings twice to land next to her, trying to avoid the purple strands of energy flitting out from the very angry sorcerer.
A tap on her arm made Virgil flinch, but it was just Patton. “Hey, it’s going to be ok. Logan and I thought we’d ask the staff some questions, see where Roman was before they left. You saw them last, do you have any ideas who we could ask first?”
Virgil let her anger die within her, sighing as she faced Patton. They’d gotten to know each other a little in the months since the quest, although neither was really sure how to approach a conversation together. Regardless, Virgil trusted Patton, and his calm in the face of stress was a welcome relief from her own anxious mind. 
“We had lunch in the library, right before the explosion. Maybe have Logan ask the librarian, he’s been dying to know more about the castle library for ages anyways,” Virgil said, pulling her hood over her hair. “I think I’m going to ask Rafaela about it, because she’s been keeping awfully quiet.” Laurus perked up at Rafaela’s name, and immediately started running in tiny circles around her feet, claws clacking on the tile floor.
“Logan already went to the library. I’m not sure if he’s after the librarian or the books.” Patton sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know who some of Roman’s friends in the castle are, so I’ll ask around. Sorry the guards didn’t have any information.”
“It’s ok, we’ll find something soon enough,” Virgil said, trying to keep up hope. The explosions of the last few days were nerve-wracking, and she’d reverted back into some of her old habits of worrying. A little positivity was the most she could hope for when her stomach felt like a wrung washcloth.
“You’re going to talk to Rafaela, right? I know she’s been off lately, but maybe see if she has a spell that could find Roman?” Patton looked around at the now-empty corridor, as if uncertain that his suggestion would be taken seriously.
Laurus stopped running, deciding to sit on Virgil’s feet. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” Virgil said, knowing that she’d rather talk to her trusted mentor than a near-stranger. Unlike Patton, she had difficulty befriending the palace staff, as she could never find the right place to slide into their conversations. “Let’s meet at the gates before sundown, ok? So we can tell each other what we found.”
Patton smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Good luck.” He waved back at Virgil.
“Same to you.” Virgil let her feet carry her to Rafaela’s rooms, Laurus on her heels, knowing that when the Head Sorcerer was in such a state, she could usually be found in her private quarters. They were the same as the ones she’d inhabited over a century ago, when there were more members of the royal family who needed rooms. 
Virgil knocked on the door, and took Rafaela’s distant “come in” as her opportunity to enter. She opened the door to find Rafaela sitting at her desk, creating a sphere of water over her fingers only to let it evaporate, then forming it again.
Lost in thought, Rafaela didn’t look up as Virgil entered. Something about the way she sat almost perfectly gave Virgil a bad gut feeling. Laurus slunk behind her, as if afraid.
“Roman’s missing,” Virgil said, trying to say something that would clear the air, or at least get the Dragon Witch’s attention.
“That’s unfortunate.” The water in her hand turned to a snowflake, then an ice cube. Virgil watched, puzzled.
“Do you know a tracking spell? Something that could help us find him?” She didn’t understand why her mentor was acting like this. It was common for Rafaela to be stoic, or reserved, but not frozen like a statue.
“Only if they were a sorcerer. What a pity.” Her head tilted a fraction of an inch, and the snowflake reformed. “Snow is so pretty in the winter, isn’t it? I hadn’t seen it for decades.”
“Rafaela. What’s wrong? Why—why are you acting like this?” Virgil tried to keep her tone polite, formal, but her nerves were fraying after the day she’d had. Last night, she’d barely been able to sleep.
“I’ve made some bad decisions in my life, Virgil. Spur-of-the-moment things. I had too much power, and nothing good to do with it. I’m very sorry.” Nothing moved except for her mouth. The water turned to blue flames, casting a ghastly glow on the Dragon Witch’s face.
Virgil let herself marinate in the silence, hoping that Rafaela would continue, explain. But it was the door opening that punctuated their conversation.
“You guys need to come quick. There’s been another accident. This time, it’s worse.” Logan was out of breath and panting, and he leaned against the doorframe as he took in Virgil’s shocked expression and Rafaela’s passive one. “What’s with her?”
“I don’t know. What happened?” Virgil looked from her mentor to Logan, not sure what to do.
“I’m sick. Continue without me.” She allowed the flames to melt, dripping down her hand.
“Come on,” Logan said, waving Virgil through the door. She followed him, tightening her cloak around her shoulders, but not before shooting one last glance over her shoulder at Rafaela. Laurus jumped up onto her shoulders, making Virgil stumble for a second.
“So, Rafaela aside, what’s going on?” Virgil asked, hurrying after Logan. He must have really been in a state, because usually he never moved fast unless books were involved.
“There’s been a fire on the outskirts of town, near the forest. Right around where the source of our problem is.” He took a sharp left. “People are really freaking out, because nobody has any idea how to put it out.”
Virgil drummed her fingers along the wall to release her nerves as they walked. “Is the fire department there?”
“Yeah, and that’s part of the problem. They think it’s magical, and nothing scares the daylights out of a rule-abiding citizen of Straith like sorcery,” Logan said, sighing as he pushed open a door to the outside. A large crowd was gathered at the castle gates.
“Anything unusual about it beyond not being able to put it out? Does it spread abnormally fast, or is it a weird color, or does it burn things weird? Does it smell weird, or something?” Virgil made a quick mental list of all the spells she knew that could extinguish fire.
“No, it’s an ordinary fire in every aspect except that water is not putting it out,” Logan said, pacing impatiently towards the small gate in the wall that would let them through.
“That’s not good. I think I’ve read a spell like that somewhere.” She wracked her brain for the information on how to put it out, following Logan through the gate.
They were invisible in the thick crowd, the panicked voices unmistakable. Everyone wanted something done about the problem in the woods, whatever the hell it was, and the fear was palpable. Virgil sensed the undercurrents to the panic: after so quick of a power transfer, was their country ready to face this threat? Would the young king be able to handle it?
While Roman was nowhere in sight, Virgil supposed she could make do in his place. As Logan led her to the fire, she tried to take note of easy-to-fix problems on the streets of Archdale. When they got back, Roman would have a lot to deal with. She could only hope that they were doing something that could help the country, even if it wasn’t in the castle where the king belonged.
She smelled the fire before she saw it, and the familiarity of it almost knocked her over. It was one of Rafaela’s favorite spells, the one that was burning the torches of her bedroom right now. Next to her, Logan’s face was a mirror of her own confusion.
“I didn’t think Rafaela would be involved in this,” Logan said as the building came into sight. A simple farmhouse was on fire, the blue flames consuming everything. The handiwork was so familiar, Virgil knew exactly when it would flicker.
“At least I know how to stop it,” Virgil said, pointing her hand at the house. It was an odd gesture, but the people milling around the fire didn’t even notice her. The black and purple of her cloak allowed Virgil to fade to the background, and Laurus was invisible on her shoulders, scales transparent.
She ignored the twang in her heart as the fire splintered like glass, the light blue shards catching the winter sun until Virgil floated them out of the house and stacked them next to her in a neat pile. What had Rafaela done?
Heads turned, following the glossy blue shapes, a wall of astonishment facing Virgil. After an awkward pause of silence, Logan said, “She’s the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Kind of cool, right?”
Before any of the gawkers had a chance to respond, a woman broke away from the crowd to stand before Virgil. “Thank you so much,” she said. Logan and Virgil took in her haggard expression. Her eyes were red, but from smoke or crying it was impossible to tell.
“It’s—it’s what I do,” Virgil replied, dropping her gaze to the snowy ground.
“It’s miraculous. You just saved—that house has been in my family for generations. I’m not sure what happened to it, but there was a boom—like the explosions recently, then before I knew it, the house was in flames and we had to escape. I thought I’d watch the place where I grew up burn to the ground.” She sobbed, a fresh tear running down her right cheek. “I know it might be too much to ask, but do you know what happened to set it on fire? I can’t thank you enough.”
Virgil’s eyes went wide, tears of her own on the edge of spilling over. “I don’t know what happened, sorry. I’m happy I could help, I know how it feels to think you’ll lose the only place you’ve ever lived.” Uncertain of what to do next, she swallowed her sobs and embraced the woman, closing her eyes so that the tears wouldn’t help.
She felt Logan’s hand on her shoulder, a comfort. When she broke away from her hug with this total stranger—what was she doing?—the crowd was applauding her. A standing ovation. Virgil froze where she stood, panic rushing through her as she realized what had just happened.
“Thank you, I have to go tell my wife,” the woman said, leaving Virgil to disappear into the crowd, just as quickly as she’d come.
Logan led her away from the crowd, before the situation could freak her out any more. She wanted to thank him, but Virgil couldn’t seem to find the words for the life of her. They walked down the familiar streets of Virgil’s home until they were at the doorway of Food for the Mind. Virgil felt some of her anxiety fade away as she stepped into the bookstore.
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, inviting her to sit next to him on a beanbag in the kids section. “I thought you might just want to get away from the situation, if that’s fine.”
She sank into the small yellow beanbag. “I’m better, thanks. Thank you for taking me here, too. I’d rather be here than the palace, or that house, or anywhere, really,” Virgil said, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “Crowds. Crowds watching me do magic are…fun. So much fun. Full sarcasm. And strangers who approach me to thank me for solving a problem my mentor may have created in the first place.”
“Sorry about that, do you want anything?” Logan was still worried about her, but Virgil couldn’t focus on that for long.
“If you could tell me why I just saw Rafaela’s fire destroying someone’s house, that would be great. No one else makes fire like that, mine’s always pink or purple. And it doesn’t look like the lovechild of ice and fire.” She leaned forward to put her chin on her hand, already brainstorming.
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genius-with-a-j · 4 years
I have had a Sanders Sides college AU bouncing around in my head for a few weeks and the gremlins have been begging for me to let it out so here is some of it:
Undecided major (will eventually go with psychology major and creative writing minor)
Purple hair, very pale (actually has celiac and diabetes and struggles with eating enough)
Actually has a lot of health issues but was still determined to go to college
Skinny boi, into the emo scene still, has purple hair
Has severe anxiety (social and otherwise) and mild to moderate depression
Goes to on-campus counseling
Has an emotional support black cat named Gerard (yes after Gerard Way)
Has okay grades, like a B-/C+ student
Lives in a dorm that’s basically apartments, everything is very separate and it’s mostly grad students there
Not super into extracurriculars because anxiety but does volunteer at an animal shelter
Is reluctantly a barista in like a very indie coffee shop off-campus
Went to a really big high school where he felt very ignored and lost in the crowd
Mechanical and electrical engineering double major with an artificial intelligence emphasis and a computer science minor
Has also considered picking up a math minor or expanding to a double degree
Dark brown hair that’s always just a little messy, tan skin
Angular features, half-Korean and half-Hispanic
Speaks several languages, all weirdly perfectly
Korean, Spanish, English, some Mandarin and some Japanese
Has major depressive disorder and autism
4.0 with ease
Apartment coordinator who was an RA for two years and hall gov president before that
Involved in the robotics club, chess club, head of the engineering society
Went to a large high school, was a standout, won many awards and was valedictorian with like a 4.3 GPA
Patton’s boyfriend, they’ve been together for like 3 years at this point
Super senior, this is his 5th year
Changed major a lot, has finally decided on animal science, wants to be a vet tech
Curly, blonde hair and lots of freckles
Chubby, very soft and huggable
Genderfluid! Is fine with any pronouns and wears whatever he wants (normally big sweaters and ugg-style slippers)
Struggles with depression and a touch of OCD
Super empathetic and frequently gets compassion fatigue
Solid C student in most things, but is SUPER good at animal-related classes and pretty bad at math (so Logan helps him)
Lives with Logan even though technically they don’t want apartment coordinators to have roommates but Logan is really good at his job and was basically like “if he goes, I go” so they allowed him to live there for free too
A very good baker and involved with a baking club on campus
Works at an animal shelter (yes that’s how he met Virgil)
Went to a small high school (20 graduating class) really struggled with being bullied, is glad to be away from his small, oppressive hometown
Logan’s boyfriend
Theater and vocal double major with a creative writing minor
Obsessed with love stories, writes love-based plays and love songs, etc.
Plays piano, guitar, and trumpet because he was forced to learn a wind instrument
Black hair basically styled like a Disney prince
Mexican (is actually a DACA student)
Speaks fluent Spanish and English
Has complex PTSD from years of emotional abuse before ending up housed with Abuela
Depressed but going constantly, can’t stop because that’s how the feelings catch you
ADHD but doesn’t know it because he hasn’t been tested, his parents didn’t believe in it
Straight-A student in subjects he cares about but barely scrapes by in the required common core type classes because he doesn’t care and therefore is Unable To Learn
Lives with his brother in an off-campus apartment because Abuela asked that they live together so when she helps pay it’s just one rent payment for the two of them
It’s a bad apartment, it’s basically falling apart but it’s what they can afford
Delivers pizza so he can afford to live
Involved in the choir, jazz band, super active in the drama program, and has starred in multiple roles on the student-run TV network
Went to a small-ish high school (80 graduating class) and was a big fish in a small pond; he and his brother were very well-known
Remus’s identical twin
Creative writing and theater double major with a criminal justice minor
Writes horror, also likes to write poems that seem sweet but are very dark
Majors in theater for the writing aspect more than the acting aspect
Criminal justice minor is because he loves true crime and wants to write accurate criminals in some of his horror stories
Black hair is normally spiked, has a white streak in front
Has that gross rat stache most of the time but will shave it off for a play or the like
Mexican (is actually a DACA student)
Speaks fluent Spanish and English
Has complex PTSD from years of emotional abuse before ending up housed with Abuela
Also depressed, but instead of avoiding his problems embraces them in a way that’s pretty uncomfortable, can be a little too open sometimes
Has OCD that really messes with his head but tries to embrace the intrusive thoughts and blurt them out because he thinks that’s how he wins even though it doesn’t quite work that way
People thought he had Tourettes because of it, but he doesn’t, he has control over what he does (besides the OCD compulsion part of it but that’s different than a tic)
ADHD but doesn’t know it
An impressive writer and excels in his creative writing and theater-based classes but is just awful at other classes because he gets bored and ends up making games out of assignments like trying to freak out his professors or spelling out messages down the side of the page with the first letter of every line
Lives with his brother in an off-campus apartment because Abuela asked that they live together so when she helps pay it’s just one rent payment for the two of them
It’s a bad apartment, it’s basically falling apart but it’s what they can afford
Writes smut for money online
Super active in the drama program, often directs or writes the screenplays, has also written for the student-ran TV network, wrote a whole Twilight-zone-ish show that was pretty popular, enjoys poetry slams
Went to a small-ish high school (80 graduating class) and was a big fish in a small pond; he and his brother were very well-known
Is kind of dating Dee, they’ll both tell you it’s complicated and they like it that way
Roman’s identical twin
Political science major with a criminal justice minor
Wants to be a lawyer or politician to make changes for marginalized groups
Has vitiligo, it primarily affects the left side of his face (even his left eye is almost hazel instead of dark like his other eye) and also his limbs and his stomach
It started in high school and he was teased pretty bad for it, was afraid college would be the same way
He wears gloves to hide it because he’s kind of ashamed of it, he feels like people think he’s gross-looking
Has very thick, dark hair that’s always a little shaggy, wears a lot of hats
Very defensive and guarded, doesn’t want people to know who he truly is
Not a pathological liar, but he does lie to protect himself
Was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder because of his fear of losing people and his lack of emotional regulation
Was raised in a really turbulent household and has trust issues because of it
An honors kid
Nearly has a 4.0, is really good at writing and arguing and history, only struggles with science
Lives in the honors kid dorm, is involved in hall government
Works as an intern (paid) with a local firm
Involved with Model UN and debate team
Went to a medium-sized high school and was very good at blending in
Is involved with Remus
So yeah!!! That’s most of it, I plan on writing stuff about it, feel free to ask questions if you have any, I’d love to answer
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