#i think it takes time for a spirit to ‘pass’ fully. some might do it at the same time their physical body died but i think others
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I can’t explain it but I do feel like there’s ghosts and supernatural stuff going on. Obviously I have no proof but I 100% believe it
#i have never myself seen a ghost but my friend saw the ghost of my dad and described him to me 100% (she’d never met him when he was alive)#and told me he said my name and then this other name that at the time meant nothing to me. but two years later i befriended someone with#that name and she’s now my best friend#i also once went to lay flowers at the tree where i scattered my dad’s ashes and when i turned around the field was absolutely COVERED#in white feathers. i swear to you they were Not there when i was walking up. my mom (biggest skeptic in the world) was there too and she#also has no explanation for this. nothing happened that could’ve caused thousands of white feathers to suddenly appear across a quarter mile#radius. also. i used to smell my dad’s cigar smoke for about 3-4 years after he died. it wasn’t constant. just every so often#i used to hear his footsteps on the stairs every so often for about 5 years after he died and once while i was crying i swear i felt him sit#on my bed. and sometimes i’d be home alone and hear him typing in the office and then remember no one was there and the typing would stop#it all stopped when i was probably 16-17 so i think that’s when he decided i was fine and passed over#i think it takes time for a spirit to ‘pass’ fully. some might do it at the same time their physical body died but i think others#hang around. i think my dad wanted to see me grow up so badly that he did stick around but wasn’t able to interact properly#because i couldn’t see him or even hear him unless he interacted with the environment#i wonder sometimes if he left so that kim wouldn’t be alone on the other side#i also know that my friend’s house is haunted. i’ve heard banging in the walls and she’s sent me a video of a deflated balloon moving around#by itself in a way that’s really unnatural. like how does a balloon with no helium in it turn multiple corners and go upstairs#that video might honestly be the most compelling piece of evidence for paranormal activity in the world lmao#plus the whole place just has the worst possible vibe. an actual murderer lived there about a decade before my friend’s family moved in#which honestly brings me onto my next point which is that some places are absolutely haunted and some will never be#i lived in this house a couple years ago that was a 1930s terrace and honestly looked so stereotypically haunted#but it was actually completely sterile. not one single ghost. one of my flatmates was worried about staying there alone and i was like#‘literally don’t even. you could draw a pentagram on this floor and sleep in the centre of it and nothing would happen’#some people are more likely to be haunted as well. i think i’m on a wavelength that i can’t actually see apparitions but i can know they’re#there; based on if they interact with the environment. some people will actually see apparitions#and some people will not see smell or hear a damn thing#it’s like a radio frequency except you can’t choose to tune in or out of it#thank you for coming to my ted talk#personal
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cosmicconversations · 26 days
Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides 🕊️
Hey, welcome or welcome back to Pick-A-Card Friday on my blog! So, today, I wanted to switch things up from the love readings. I definitely plan on giving you guys a variety of subjects through Tarot and to cover things regarding healing, the spiritual journey, and self-awareness and development, instead of just focusing on romance. (We will only cover that a couple of Fridays a month)
In this reading, we will be getting messages from your spirit guides! Now, spirit guides can have different influences on our lives. We have main guides who are either around for our entire lives or the majority of our life and we have more temporary guides that specifically come in to teach us a specific lesson and then, after we have learned it, leave us. So, any of those guides could come through today.
We are going to be a little in-depth as we look at who this guide is and then how they show up in your life. (For clarity’s sake, I won’t be taking reversals in this part) Then, in the extended on Patreon, we will see what they are helping you with at this current time.
Even if we can’t see our guides or don’t consciously know we are interacting with them, they are still there. Intuitively, you will know if the pile you have picked makes sense and recognize how this guide has been with you all along. Some of you will already know who this guide is and have a clear relationship with them and this reading will only provide confirmation and further clarity.
Also, more than any other reading, it is okay to be drawn to more than one pile here. You might have multiple guides trying to reach you through this reading!
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Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
Pile 1
Who Are They?
Three of Pentacles
Okay, the “they” is feeling literal here, Pile 1. I am actually taking this Three of Pentacles to indicate multiple guides who decided to come through for you. For a lot of you, I am getting it is three of them and you may know who I am talking about. I feel like these are guides that you are probably very actively working with and communicating with. If not, you are going to be establishing that relationship with them soon. They are very close to you and very much a part of your soul family. For some of you, these might actually be family members who have passed on. Maybe it’s a parent and a grandparent (who you may or may not have known in this life) and another late relative. Take it however it resonates. But, these guides are a formidable unit and definitely comprise the bulk (though not the entirety) of your Spirit Team.
These guides are very invested in your success on the material plane. They are doing all they can on their side to set you up for a secure and stable and successful life. You won’t always know or understand the moves they’re making but they don’t need the credit for that. It is important that you allow them to step in and help you, though. I am getting a very stubborn energy from those of you who chose this pile. Your guides love that about you and, if they were here on Earth, they may have been very similar. But, they also need you to see when it would be most productive to step aside and let them take over a bit. Their big message here is that you don’t have to make things so hard and also that you can trust them.
I feel like many of you may be enduring some financial struggles or career setbacks that are causing a lot of frustration. Even if you are actively working with these guides, you are finding it hard to fully trust in the process of everything. They don’t hold that against you but they want you to know that everything is going to be alright. These difficulties will come to an end soon! You just need to see yourself as in an ongoing collaboration with them (as I do think they will be with you for life). Make it easier on yourself by leaving some things up to them. I also get the sense that these guides (most likely, these three guides) all have very distinct energies. It could be any mix of masculine or feminine energies. Together, they are a very powerful unit and the more you connect with them, the more you will see their huge impact in your life.
How Do They Show Up?
Judgment /// Ten of Cups /// Two of Swords
There is a bit of tough love energy here, coming from a masculine guide in this group, in particular. But, all of these guides on your Team are not going to hesitate to put you through your paces. This is not a bad thing, even though the experience of it is going to suck, at times. Ultimately, your guides know what you are made of and they are working with you to build your character. This will happen through some harsh circumstances, especially when you are younger. When you have your back against the wall, these guides will come through loud and clear, especially the masculine one I identified earlier. In these situations, you will have major epiphanies and hard wake-up calls. You are not allowed to go through this world metaphorically blindfolded, thanks to them.
It is actually through your ability to face hard truths about yourself and your life that these guides speak through you. When guides are especially close to us on a soul level, we can sometimes confuse their guidance with our inner monologue. Some of you in this pile are clairaudient and will definitely hear their voices in a clear and distinct way. You are not going crazy. Yes, it’s real and while mental illness can play with certain people’s heads in that regard, I think you know the difference. It won’t sound like your voice but it will give you words of wisdom or soothe and comfort you when needed. In any case, you are not allowed to ignore the truth because of these guides. I feel like, if they can’t get you to see reason, they will bombard you with signs until you do.
A strong message that I am getting is that many of you are clairvoyant but suppressing or resisting it. This gift of yours is very strong, though, and these guides will send you messages in that way. So, be more open to receiving them. A lot of you are also going through a major spiritual awakening that could be unlocking gifts you possess like the aforementioned ones or even mediumship. They will help you embrace and strengthen these abilities and shed your fear of them. This awakening is also what is getting you to see these guides’ presence in your life to begin with. It may have been two years since this started or it will unfold over the next two years. These guides will play a major role in helping you navigate your true spiritual path.
There is also something here about one or more of them communicating to you even more when you are around your family. That supports my feel that this Team may include passed on relatives. There is something about a grandparent’s home or your childhood home. They could engage with you even more when you’re there. Regardless of your connection to these guides, they are truly your family. When you feel like you have no one to understand or help, they are right there. You share a very loving and special warmth with them. The more you draw on it and lean on it, the happier you will be in life.
Extended Reading for Pile 1 (what are your guides currently helping you with?)
Pile 2
Who Are They?
Queen of Wands
Pile 2, this guide is a very powerful being who is not to be messed with. They definitely embody this Queen of Wands energy. It is a very feminine guide, for sure. It could be a female spirit or someone who has passed on who either was a woman or was a man with strong feminine energy. Take it how it fits. For some of you, this guide feels especially queenly, like she occupies a high position somehow. I am getting goddess vibes so you might work with a particular goddess. Deities can definitely serve as guides in our life, especially if this is a patron deity of yours. And I am feeling like this goddess is a goddess of beauty or love of some kind. I am heavily getting Freya’s energy (I always see her as the Queen of Wands) but also possibly Aphrodite or Oshun or Ishtar. Or maybe some other super-gorgeous goddess. There is a strong emphasis on her allure and her highly magnetic energy.
Even if this was a person in your life, she (or he) embodied a very beautiful, very magnetic feminine energy while also being fiery and spirited. They could have had Aries, Leo or Sagittarius placements. They definitely knew how to attract attention in a way that is pretty spicy but still elegant or self-possessed. Whoever this guide is, her impact on your life is to urge you to step into your confidence, to know how amazing and beautiful you are. If this was any feminine older figure in your life you looked up to who passed on, this guide wants you to know that the beauty you saw in them is in you, too! It’s really sweet, actually, and may really hit home if you were related to them.
Deities feel the same way about us. With Aphrodite, for instance, the reason you shouldn’t compare yourself to her beauty or try to “take it” for yourself is that she wants you to see the beauty you have within, not try to copy hers. Whenever you are working with any goddess of beauty and love, it can only be truly effective if you are tapping into your own inner beauty and self-love. This guide is urging you to see that you are a goddess, too (and that can be said gender-neutrally, you can be a man and have an inner goddess). Also, while inner beauty is crucial, this guide also is meant to teach you that there is nothing wrong with cultivating outer beauty. She wants you to feel yourself to the degree you need to and to honor your feminine nature. Yet, she is also fierce! And she urges you to take no disrespect and to be in charge of your own life. This is a formidable Divine Feminine being who wants you to tap into your inner power and take up space.
How Do They Show Up?
Ten of Pentacles /// Knight of Swords /// The Hanged Man
So, a metaphor for how this guide operates popped into my head. Have you ever wished you could literally stop your bestie from dating that no good man? Just yank him out of the picture? Have you ever wanted to vet your friend’s dates for them and turn them away? That’s basically what this guide does! She does not mess around when it comes to you and it is coming up as in a romantic sense. I’m getting that this is a very attractive group that chose this pile. You get your fair share of love interests or suitors. But, this guide is fiercely protective and they need her seal of approval before they get near you.
Think of her as the best friend who keeps no-good lovers at a distance. It is quite motherly, too, in its energy. Of course, this could have been a maternal figure in your life and, if so, she had opinions on who was good enough for you and did not want you settling for less. I feel like if you date men or masculine people, this dynamic is even stronger and more pronounced. It might constantly feel like romantic situations “stall” in your life. Maybe you get ghosted or the person you’re dating refuses to commit or is frustratingly unavailable. These things happen in order for you to see the truth. This guide opens your eyes on a regular basis when it comes to romance. You might be looking at a love interest one way and then, all of a sudden, you see them from a totally different point of view that changes your desire to be with them.
This guide does feel like a very long-term guide. She has, at least, been around throughout your adult life as you have navigated romance on a serious level. For some of you, especially if this is a non-patron goddess, she might have been called in on a temporary basis to help you elevate to the next level of commitment with someone. But, even so, she is not going to leave until she sees you settle into a happy, healthy, stable relationship. Think of her as your metaphysical matchmaker! Because of this, she is going to be straight-up with you and force you to grow into the secure and mature adult you need to be to have a successful relationship. If you have any patterns in love that need to be addressed, she will lovingly insist that you do so. This goddess-type figure understands how to attract in a powerful way and she knows that you need to match the vibration of a solid romantic connection if you want to attract that.
While single, any urges you have to focus on yourself and practice self-love or build your self-confidence will be applauded by her. She wants you to be secure enough in yourself to be able to clearly identify what you do and don’t want in a long-term connection. That way, she won’t have to keep interfering for you. Her goal is to get you to the place where you are getting rid of unsuitable partners yourself. The more you do this, the more she will be guiding you toward the right person. I have to tell you that it will be quite a wait! And if that frustrates you or saddens you, you can turn to her for comfort. But, she also doesn’t want you to feel like you’re “waiting” for the right person. Her influence in your life is felt when you stop focusing on the wait for the one and learn how to show up for yourself in the way you want a partner to. When you get comfortable with this, she will help you manifest your true person in a way that is so sudden and unexpected but also feels so right.
Extended Reading for Pile 2 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)
Pile 3
Who Are They?
Six of Cups
Pile 3, I felt a swell of emotion while I was meditating on your picture. This feels like a sentimental sort of energy that might make you tear up a bit. I get the sense that this guide had some sort of significant impact in your childhood. That can mean quite a few things. For some of you, this is a beloved pet that was with you throughout your childhood and then passed. Pets very often act as guides in our lives for a period of time. I think some people in this pile had a tumultuous childhood or adolescence that a pet helped them through with their unconditional love and comfort. They may have felt like your only support, sometimes. So, if that fits for you, this pet is still with you and is saying hello and that they still love you!
For others, this could have been someone you grew up with or went to school with who passed unexpectedly. I am getting a very youthful energy with this pile. So, they may have been sick or gotten into a fatal accident when you guys were still really young. Possibly, it was a troubled friend who went down the wrong path. Regardless of the circumstances, something you should know is that they are fine and their spirit is operating in the exact way that you remember them. I think that is the emotional part of a reading like this as we can grow a bit older and move through life but we still have this presence with us that takes us back to that time when we were kids or teens. It can evoke nostalgia out of nowhere but we know we can’t get that time back with them.
It is also likely that this is a cousin or something who you were very close to as a kid and grew up with. I specifically feel like it is someone from your past in this life. Possibly someone from college but it reads younger for most of you. It doesn’t feel like some spiritual being that you have no conscious memory of. I think that, if this was a person from your upbringing, they come through in ways that trigger your nostalgia; any songs or shows or places that would remind you of them. Also, you may just be overwhelmed with the memory of them and feel really emotional. If this was a pet, they definitely send you signs through the animal that they were. You might start seeing a lot of dogs or cats or whatever species they were, often even their actual breed. And you could even hear the noises of their species, like barks or meows. This guide has a lot of love for you and they will always, in a way, see you and connect with you as that “baby” version of yourself. Yet, it’s because of this that they are also so proud to see who you have become.
How Do They Show Up?
Nine of Cups /// The Wheel of Fortune /// The Moon
You tend to be very unaware of this guide’s presence. I feel like there is something specific about them that makes you feel like they wouldn’t be guiding you or watching over you. First off, if this was a pet, it could have felt outside the realm of consideration to you that their spirit would still be with you and protecting you. It is commonplace to say that when people die but we don’t ever really talk about animals that way. But, the bond you had with them persists. Okay, this message is beautiful. You know how someone can lose their spouse or partner and that person’s spirit can guide them to a new relationship. I think that happened with you and your pet. They either brought a new pet into your life right after they passed or they eventually guided you to a special connection with one.
If this is someone who left this plane at a very early age, it might be hard to conceive of them as this guide and protector, especially as you are getting older. Now, you might look back and see them as the kid they were. But, they are very much looking out for you. There is something about fun and good times being had. You enjoyed a very fun (possibly wildly so) relationship with this person. And they are always on the lookout for ways to bring more fun and celebration into your life. They love it when you go out and socialize. Maybe this person was very extroverted or very popular when they were here. They possibly could have helped you with your confidence or people skills, in that regard, or they just made you feel really loved. If they were popular themselves, their admiration of you meant a lot to you.
Regardless of what kind of being they are, they impact your life as a guide by showing you how great you are and how much love there is for you. It’s often when you’re feeling down or unsure of yourself or like you’re not really appreciated. I feel like they will be around for the duration of your life but they don’t stay around for long periods. They come in and out on a recurring basis to give you a pick-me-up when you need it. This could also be through words of admiration or compliments you receive from other people, in a seemingly random fashion, often from strangers in public. Also, little strokes of luck can be their doing, even if it means just getting the parking space you want or being able to beat traffic to make it somewhere on time. If it feels like someone set that up for you somehow, it was them.
The signs you receive from them will be very undeniable and strong, to the point where logic cannot get in the way or make you dismiss it. But, you could confuse it as just being a sign about them or a memory of them instead of communication from them. There’s a difference. You will know because it will seemingly come out of nowhere and hit you hard. Again, there is something significant about parties or social events coming through. I think that this guide will often be by your side when you’re at a party or socializing. They may be, in a way, having fun with you but there is also a protective energy. Less disasters or mishaps occur because they are around. Also, they play a role in safeguarding your reputation. This guide sees the absolute best in you and has a way of influencing things to help others see the good in you, too, even when it would be easy to judge. Many of you are in the public eye on some level or will be one day and this guide will help keep you in good social standing, even if you’re involved in a controversy or messy details of your private life emerge. They will make sure you don’t feel too “exposed” and that certain negative opinions don’t hinder you.
Extended Reading for Pile 3 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)
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starrdevereauxx · 5 months
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The Session ( Part 2)
He walks over to her, reaching for her. She reaches out her hand, he moves it and grabs her by the neck. She instantly climaxes in his hands. He’s holding Dev his hands as she drops all over the tall grass.. he moves in close to kiss her cum covered lips.
And then…
His phone rings. Both bolted out of the trance they were just in by the sound of his iPhone going off. He still had her suspended in mid air, leaking her sweet nectar all over earth’s floor. He grabs a few drops from her drenched pussy, and moisturizes his lips and quenches his thirst, before calmly answering the phone.
Giving Dev full eye contact, he answers the phone,
“Hello honey, is everything alright?” Zeke says dauntingly.
Dev immediately tenses up.
“Honey? Wtf!?” She thinks to herself while her pussy is pulsating and dripping in his hands.
A sweet voice answers on the other end, “I’m sorry to interrupt babe, but could you pick up some food on the way home. I’m so hungry and I forget to get groceries”
“Sure baby, what would you like? I’ll get whatever you want.” Zeke smiles to adhere to her requests.
Dev begins to shrink. Zeke realizes this and pauses his call.
“My apologies, I can hang up with my wife right now. I’m so sorry. I don’t want you to feel a way.” He says OPENLY on the phone.
“You’re married!!? Omg put me the fuck down Zeke! I’m leaving right the fuck now and NEVER call me again. This is done. I can’t believe the things we were about to keep doing” Dev says, eye welling up.
It goes silent between Dev and Zeke. He gets ready to reply before he’s cut off by a small voice.
“Please, don’t stop. I’d like to see” says the sweet phone on the phone. “FaceTime me”
Zeke FaceTimes his wife without a second thought. Dev looks confused, intrigued but confused.
“Put me on a tripod, I want a full view” says his spirited partner
Zeke hands Dev the phone. Dev looks into the phone nervously.
“You’re gorgeous. Look at your freckles. If you don’t mind, I’d love to watch you finish whatever it is you were doing. I haven’t came today, and this just might do it for me.” His wife says as she removes her silk panties and pulls out a purple rose fully charged.
Dev still looking confused hands the phone to Zeke to place on the tripod. She falls to her knees in front of the phone, places her hands behind her back and bends over revealing her anal canal to Zeke.
Looking dead into the phone, Dev looks into his wife’s eyes and says “Talk me through it, please?”
At this moment you can see every single vein in Zeke’s erection. Zeke’s eyes become overcome with a joy you can tell he hasn’t felt in a long time. If I wasn’t to sure, I would say that he teared up.
Dev waits with anticipation of the sweet pain of having his dick fully engorged in her tight asshole. He kneels to meet her huge, thick, creamy, freckled ass. She fully arch’s her back, while keeping her eyes fully on his wife.
“Call me ma’am” Zeke’s wife says, as she shows Dev her wet lips as she uses her fingers to prepare for the inevitable encounter that’s unfolding.
“Yes ma’am” Dev moans loudly. Zeke pushes his continuous inches pass the threshold of her anus. He pushes so hard that Dev almost loses control of her left leg, he most definitely hit a nerve. He makes sure to fit his entire dick inside her hole before he pulls out to re-enter again.
“Don’t pull out yet Zeke, let her grip around your dick. Don’t take your eyes off me sweetheart. Both of you look at me, don’t take your eyes off me” his wife says as she’s literally leaking water from just this moment alone.
Zeke moans, tilting his head back in rapture. Dev’s asshole won’t let him go. Gripping him and literally milking him as he sits perfectly still in her cavity.
“Fuck her hard Zeke, take her ass from her. You like how he feels in you mamas?”
“Yes ma’am” Dev replies to his wife. Screaming hard as he’s ripping her in half.
Zeke starts to gain strength and motion as he strikes the captain Morgan pose on top of Dev. One foot in the middle of her back, the other on the ground as he pounds the fuck out of her.
In and out, in and out.. harder and harder, Zeke relentlessly takes her hole from her. Dev begins to smile and cry simultaneously. The pleasure and the pain have over taken her, the whole while Dev’s maintaining a full facetime conversation with Zeke’s lifetime companion.
“Clap…Clap…Clap…Clap” the sound of Dev’s pillowy asscheeks reverberating the loudest backshots you could ever hear in the middle of nowhere. Zeke’s large hands handling the tasks with all his might.
Zeke’s wife has placed a chocolate covered dildo inside her vagina, matching the rhythm of the shots he’s giving Dev. She placed the rose on her clitoris, moving in synced gyrations.
“Harder, please. Please. Oh my God please. Punish my ass, please” Dev screams out in excitement from the inside of her heart. She feels his dick throughout her body. Each pump of his dick, growing closer to ejaculation is filling her up spiritually.
“Fuck, I’m about to cum” Zeke exclaims.
“Me too” his wife moans.
“So am I! Where do you want him to cum ma’am?” Dev grunts.
“Turn her into a Twinkie baby, pour into that hole baby. Make it come out her throat” his wife says with a devilish look in her eyes, “Look at me as my husband fills your slutty ass up. Cum with us”
Everyone is moving hard and fast. Zeke is stepping into her back so hard that he’s turning Dev into a fucking landmark.
“Oooooohhhhh my gooooooddddddd” Dev cums hard as fuck into the grass. Zeke begins to yell as well as he overloads her ass with so much semen that she literally begins to cough. Zeke’s wife has wet up the camera and her bedsheets most definitely needs to be changed.
A lengthy sigh enters the atmosphere. All three of them are dripping from their brows and private areas that are now public domain.
Dev’s ass and asshole are creamed to perfection. She can’t even fathom what just took place.
“Take some cum out of your ass and put it in your mouth. Digest him” his wife says.
Dev does as she commands. Zeke almost instantly cums again just watching them interact.
“Kiss her Zeke, put your tongue down her throat, then kiss her on her pussy”
Zeke does well as he’s told and proceeds to give Dev the wettest kiss below.
“Now you don’t have to stop for dinner. It’s already sitting in your mouth. See you soon” his wife says right before she ends the FaceTime.
Zeke and Dev look at each other with almost an urge to keep going, but the end things there.
“May I tip you extra?” Zeke says with a smile.
“I’m not going to say no” Dev laughs uncomfortably.
DING! Her cashapp goes off, reading $2,000.
“Zeke, you don’t have to do this. You really don’t”
Zeke pulls her by her face saying “We locked in now, this is just the beginning”
He kisses her slowly, gripping her all over her cum drenched body, then walks away.
Being a photographer in Los Angeles, everyone is a “somebody”.
Today, it was Dev’s turn to be a star.
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aesethewitch · 10 months
Personal Protection: Surviving the Holidays
I'm of the opinion that far too many people around this time of year are fucking around, and it's high time they get to the finding out part. With major holidays right around the corner, many of us will be facing relatives we'd rather not see, parties we'd rather not go to, and conversations we'd rather avoid or exit as soon as possible. Political spats, unwanted opinions, snide remarks -- I believe that what you give out, you ought to receive back.
So, obviously, let's do some magic about it.
There are three main components to my method:
The Bubble;
The Quills; and
The Shake
The Bubble
Exactly what it sounds like, "the bubble" is the outermost layer of protection around you. It's the barrier between you and the unpleasantness you're trying to keep out.
The bubble can be one item carried or worn (such as a hat, crystal, or charm), or it can be multiple. I usually spring for two items, one to absorb/recycle and one to bounce/return to sender.
I've got a relative who is, at their essence, a fucking downer. That would be fine if not for the fact that if they're having a bad time or are mildly uncomfortable, it's about to be everyone's problem. This kind of negativity is something to absorb, not bounce. Sending it back would only double their misery, and that's no good for anyone.
So, instead, I have a special charm that I make for occasions when I know they're going to be around. It consists of a little piece of sponge that's sat in salt for a while atop a transformative sigil. The sponge, once fully charged and ready, will absorb the negative energy and recycle it into more positive feelings.
This means that their negativity won't impact me at all, and I actively improve the atmosphere. Their bad attitude can't do anything if everyone around us is only getting good vibes. The charm is powered by the exchange of negative to positive energy, so it requires no charging. However, it's smart to discard the sponge once it's done its job.
But sometimes, somebody's got to face real consequences. There are some things I don't want to deal with at all. Like gross political opinions from my conservative, religious family members. Or questions about having children.
The idea of the bounce is to reflect things before they reach me. It's a sort of glamor spell that projects an aura of "don't bother." It essentially lets me be passed over for conversations I want to leave or avoid entirely by bouncing attention away from me.
Negative energy, bad vibes, whatever you want to call it -- the goal is to return it to where it's coming from. Someone who's being an asshole will feel like an asshole. If it works right, they'll stop talking altogether because they're so irritated with what they're saying. I've had aggressive, vocal relatives go completely silent because they were receiving their own rancid energy back to themselves instead of the attention they were hoping for.
For me, this spell takes the form of a charm on my keys. It's a form of an evil eye charm -- not the blue-eyed stare you most likely think of, but another symbol meant to distract attention from me to it. It's a little pewter casting of the fig sign, an old and obscene gesture. It works on malevolent spirits best, but it does a great job of repelling unfortunate people, too. It bounces their nonsense back to themselves, often causing confusion, which forces them to reconsider what they're saying.
Again, this lives on my keys, which live in a key bowl when they're not clipped to my pocket or belt loop. The key bowl has a multi-purpose charging setup for the keys, my wallet, and other assorted charms I might wear when I go out.
The Quills
Sometimes, things get past our main line of defenses. That's fine, it happens. But under these circumstances, it happens because someone has deliberately crossed a line. So now, they get the quills.
When I say "the quills," you should be picturing something like a porcupine. Adorable, yes, but fuck with it at your own risk. Those quills aren't just for show, and neither should yours be. This is your second line of defense, and it's where we turn to offense.
Accordingly, the quills aren't passive spells like the bubble. These require conscious activation and direction to give you maximum control over their output. You can make your quills passive, but I often find that baneful workings work best when you're specifically choosing to use them.
Yes, baneful, and let me be perfectly clear: The goal is to harm whoever's crossed the line. You're not just returning to sender. You're catching what they've thrown at you, lighting it on fire, and pitching it back at full force.
To that end, there are two approaches I typically take (and are you sensing a pattern? I like to do things in twos). One spell to sharpen the tongue and give as good as I've gotten, and one to induce the smallest of lingering curses on the target.
The whole point of the quills is to make yourself an inconvenient, difficult target. Part of being difficult to swallow is not going down easily. Often, the answer is to avoid the conversation or problem altogether, but it isn't always possible. Or satisfying.
Sometimes, you gotta take a bitch down.
For me, this charm needs to do two things. It should boost my confidence in standing my ground and add some oomph to my argument. I have a pin with a particular design on it charmed for this purpose. The needle operates as the quill for stabbing (the oomph), and the design provides the confidence. Anointed with my Fuck Off Oil and laid in a dish of salt, garlic, and red chili flakes, the pin becomes extra spicy and effective.
This one has to be recharged each time it's used. It always lives on the same jacket, but I'll anoint it regularly to keep it fresh. If I use the charm on someone, I'll take the pin off at the end of the night and set it in the spicy salt mixture.
By far one of the most effective methods for reducing nonsense from unpleasant people I interact with regularly is lingering consequences. When someone associates bad luck with interacting with you, even on a subconscious level, they tend to avoid you.
Consider this the "slow poison" on the quills. The goal isn't to ruin their life by any means (although, I suppose you could...). It's just to make yourself unpalatable on an instinctive level. Think of how poisonous frogs are brightly colored to display that they're, you know, deadly. That's what we're doing here.
I prefer to use something kind of dangerous. Something you can hold onto and point with is best, in my experience. I've used a broken piece of glass, a rusty nail or screw, and various thorns. Right now, I'm using one half of a rusty pair of old cooking shears. The handle broke, but the blades are still sharp as hell. Waste not, and all that.
Anoint whatever the sharp, dangerous thing is in an oil infused with herbs and spices of your choice (again, the Fuck Off Oil is a good example). Or, if you prefer, coat it in something like hot sauce, urine, rust, or other corrosive and unpleasant things. Once prepared, stow it in your bag. Or your glove box, if you drive, since this makes a nice on-the-go curse to cast at shitty drivers.
You don't need to pull it out for it to work, but if you can get to a safe, secluded space (like a bathroom), it can help you focus. When you're creating it, you should set up an activation word, phrase, or motion. I prefer a motion -- something like tapping wherever the object is, a swirling movement with my hand, and then pointing at the target.
The curse you place is up to you. I tend to go for something like feeling nauseous or getting a headache. The spell should draw a connection between them being nasty to you and the unpleasant feeling, whether overt or subconscious. They'll be more cautious and reluctant to be a dick to you afterwards.
The Shake
Like a dog. Get that shit off of yourself.
No matter how thorough you are, there are always gaps and particularly stubborn people getting into them. Something they say just sticks to you like a burr, sharp and irritating. Or depressing, maybe.
The idea behind the shake is literal. You're forcibly removing the heavy weight or annoying itch someone else has placed on you. The shake isn't necessarily an item like with the bubble and quills. It can be, but it doesn't have to be.
Essentially, the steps to the shake are:
Identify what feels bad
Shake that shit
Resume normal activities
Maybe it's the neurodivergent in me, but physical movement is incredibly soothing. Self-regulation tactics are essential for survival. Transforming that into a little spell ritual at the same time is just two birds with one stone.
When things get overwhelming or I can feel my bubble failing to keep everything out at once (such as if a fight breaks out or someone decides to go in depth about one of my triggers), I remove myself from the situation. That's the first step. Retreat to a safe place, whether that's outside, in my car, in the bathroom, or elsewhere that's quiet. The second step is to figure out where in my body the anxiety or bad feeling is sitting. Often, it's in my shoulders and hands, but sometimes it's elsewhere.
Step three is to fucking shake. Shake those hands, roll my shoulders, jump up and down. Whatever it takes. As I do, I'm forcibly dislodging everything unpleasant out of myself and into the open air. And because I've got the negativity-absorbing bubble, it'll take the bad feeling and repurpose it into something more positive. Then, once I'm better, I can go back.
Again, you don't need an object for this, but you can certainly create one. Options would be comforting items, fidget toys, or even something like a joint. Sometimes, you just gotta blow smoke about it. You know?
Fun fact, though: You could also carry a vessel to contain the Bad Feelings for later use instead of letting your bubble absorb them. This comes in handy for people who are particularly abusive... as an example of what you want them to experience under the force of a more involved cursing.
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miharuki · 9 months
First chapter of my series, I think, from Linked universe x reader
But first of all, I'll list a few things here
All Linked Universe characters are romantic partners
But one thing before reading the story!
Here you will be a girl, want to make this gender change fit into the story, as well as:
You are a heroine of your hyrule (I'll leave the stories to you) but you don't have the spirit of courage!
Your link is a prince! So he has two sides, being the son of Zelda, the triforce of courage and wisdom .
You will be a closed person at the beginning, because you are not intimate with the current, then only later will you show yourself
That's why, and my English isn't perfect! So, good luck
<prototype -ep list - Next>
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖔(𝖎𝖓𝖊) 𝔈𝔭.01
"I see it now... looking like death itself, that's what I see... it's not a gaze I saw in ancient heroes, no!... This is a look of pure rage, no, it's not that!... it's as if she simply has not a shred of mercy or kindness in her face, this gaze isn't of a brave hero as it has been in many years and reincarnations, no!... This gaze is that of a killer..."
The kingdom of Hyrule was thriving, having recovered from all the chaos it endured. Villages and markets were bustling once again, and all the realms lived happily, reminiscent of their best times. Queen Zelda was currently preparing to pass her throne to her heir, her son. It would take a while since she planned to hand over the crown , when he is ready—And when that day comes, you really don't want to miss it, not after everything you've seen, and what you've been through.
Unfortunately, you don't know how you can return. As you look around, you see those who call themselves heroes engrossed in their tasks. You move about, not quite remembering how you ended up there, surrounded by a bunch of blonde boys from different timelines. Despite being accustomed to being in a place full of men and even training with them, it feels like you don't belong to that group.
Everyone there is a hero, with stories, swords, and the soul of a hero—brave, something you're not. Sure, you saved your Hyrule, but that was because you were the last one standing in that shattered land. You had to do something; the land was in peril, your friend was in danger, and you couldn't let him go with it, not after you promised. You're just a mere key, lacking the soul of heroism, without a side of the Triforce like everyone else, not even a tattoo on the back of your hand.
"Hey! (Name), right?" Turning your head, leaning against a tree, you look to the side and see a boy of shorter stature compared to you, dressed in blue and carrying a compass or something similar.
"...yes?" Your voice sounds somewhat flat and even a bit cold, but you can't help it, not when you've been with them for less than a day.
"Well, Wild wants me to grab some things. Would you like to help?" He seems nervous, you can tell by his way of speaking and posture. Stepping away from the trunk, you simply nod your head, following the boy as he enters the forest.
Wind occasionally glanced at you, walking a bit slower as he began to walk beside you. He couldn't help but notice the two covered sword sheaths on your back, but he refrained from asking, aware it might be intrusive.
"Ah... what was your Hyrule like?" The boy attempted to start a conversation, nervous and unable to discern whether you were angry or something else. With a closed appearance, your expression remained unreadable, and he couldn't quite gauge your feelings, likely because you hadn't fully acclimated to them.
"Normal..." You speak in a voice that's somewhat normal, though low, not quite a whisper. Wind frowned, and you maintain your gaze forward. Clearly, you were a Hyrulian, given your pointed ears, but Wind couldn't quite determine if you hailed from a different Hyrule. Simultaneously, your clothing was and wasn't that of a hero; he couldn't quite figure out what you were.
"Ah... I see." Wind then averted his gaze, noticing a bush of fruits. He motioned for you to follow as he approached the bush.
"These fruits look edible, don't they?" He asked while picking one up and examining it. Unbeknownst to him, you also grabbed one, sniffing it. Detecting no strange odor, just a sweet scent like edible fruits, you opened your mouth and took a bite.
"Maybe someone knows what fruit this is. I think we should check other things before—" Wind glanced to the side, watching you grab a cloth bag and fill it with fruits. "Carry...? Don't you think it might be poisonous?" He said while observing you take one and eat it. You shook your head in denial, handing one to the boy, who looked somewhat scared and suspicious.
"They're not poisonous. The leaves are like any other, they smell sweet, and despite their appearance, they're sweet." You spoke while looking at the fruits and collecting them. Glancing back at Wind, who had a bead of sweat on his face, even though his expression was somewhat stoic, you saw that you were looking at him, expecting something. Not knowing what to do, Wind sighed before cautiously biting into the fruit and realizing they were indeed sweet.
Rising, you took the two cloth bags filled with fruit and placed them in the side bag you carried. Wind observed as you looked up.
"Did Wild ask for something specific?" You looked at Wind, awaiting a response."Ah... no! He just asked me to see if I could find something, maybe mushrooms!" He nervously explained, eliciting a noise of understanding from you. You walked ahead, and the boy hurried to catch up. He watched as you, a bit further ahead, handed a fruit to a white rabbit. Upon spotting Wind, the rabbit darted away with the fruit. He observed as you stood up from your crouched position and continued walking.
"B-well! How are you feeling?" Trying to initiate another conversation, he was met with a buzz.
"Normal..." He only realized he had returned to the camp when he heard the others talking. He paused, still confused about the entire situation, and walked over to Wild along with you. You handed over the bag filled with fruits, mushrooms, and plants, along with a large water container.
"When did she get this that I didn't see?" Wild didn't even have time to react and say thank you before you left and returned to your place leaning against a tree, gazing into the forest, never at the others. Wild looked at Wind, who just shrugged and sat down with him.
"Anything?" Wild asked as he opened the bag, examining its contents and grabbing a fruit. "Nothing, b-but she said these fruits are good!"
"Of course they're good!" Wild said as if it were obvious, starting to cut the mushrooms he had. From a distance, Time observed as the girl gazed into the forest, appearing thoughtful. Sky looked at Time, beside him, and also observed the girl.
"What do you think they have?" Sky asked, looking at Time, who had a stern look, sighing as he cleaned his sword.
"I think they're just not at ease. They've just left their home; let her get used to it gradually." With that, they both put the matter aside. Fiddling with your belt, where the two covered sword sheaths were, you felt a twinkle and sensed the small gift you carried.
"It's okay..."
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writing-for-life · 2 months
Dream’s Therapist
I am in the last throes of preparing with previous session notes (Intake, Insomnia, Nightmares, Emotions, Parents) when my receptionist informs me that the client has arrived. Slightly early again, but we are getting used to it at this point, to the degree that it would seem patently strange if he were on time or late. She informs me he has, as usual, brought a book to pass the time.
When the client walks into my office, I note said book is “Molloy” by Samuel Beckett, which he holds in his right hand. A moment later, it has disappeared, and I catch myself wondering where to. In any case, his body language tells me he is not in good spirits today: The coat stays on, he does not talk at all (usually, he at least greets politely, if slightly formally), and he just takes his seat without waiting for me to bid him to sit (which he usually does). As he sits down, he huffs (I can’t call it anything else).
I decide to bring up the client’s homework at the beginning of the session to get it over and done with. The question was whether it were truly paradoxical to allow himself to dream while thinking he is responsible for other people’s dreams.
DT: How did the homework go?
Dream (I notice he purses his lips): I do not wish to talk about it.
DT: You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you could…
Dream (He actually interrupts me): Then what is the point (I notice he does that overly plosive T again) of coming here?
DT (It’s one of those days again): Well, it is you who said you don’t wish to talk about your homework? (He glares at me, pouts but stays stumm.) Look, it isn’t really for me to tell you what the point of coming here is, to quote you. Even if I have thoughts about it. Can you remember why you want to come here?
Dream (The silence lasts four minutes): I have walked an eternity’s worth of dreams. Yet, I mostly remain the observer and never seem to touch anyone’s… soul.
DT (The homework hit a nerve. He definitely engaged with the question): So you long for connection?
Dream: When the last dreamer forgets my name, I will cease to exist (The delusion is in full force, but I am starting to understand why). There is no true connection for me.
DT: What makes you think that people who care will forget about you?
Dream (I notice a sound not unlike that of a strangled cat): Because no one remembers me as soon as they wake.
DT: Well, I’m wide awake, and…
Dream: (I notice he mumbles something that sounds like, “Unfortunately.”)
DT: Pardon?
Dream: No matter.
DT: As I was saying: I am wide awake, and I remember you; otherwise this would be very hard to do.
Dream (He frowns so hard that I can almost feel it physically, but he remains silent. Today will be like pulling teeth I guess.)
DT: If you long for connection, did you ever try to initiate it?
Dream (He snorts, only to then look out the window. The silence only lasts around a minute this time): Yes. (I am waiting because I initially think he might expand. He does not).
DT: What about your siblings? You told me previously that the relationship with some of them is fractured. What about the others? Anyone you’re close to? Or at least get along with?
Dream: My elder sister… perhaps.
DT: Okay, that’s a start. Can you tell me a bit about her and your relationship?
Dream: She is everywhere, at all times, to collect souls and guide them to the afterlife (I am briefly contemplating whether she is really in the funeral business or if this is one of his strange allegories again, but I let the thought slide). I envy her certain sense of… detachment.
DT: And why is that?
Dream: She quite possibly carries the heaviest burden of all of us. And still, she remains… optimistic, kind, compassionate. She perplexes me.
DT: Would you say she is the sibling you're closest to?
Dream: (I notice a certain sense of hesitation): Perhaps she understands the nature of our existence most. But even she cannot fully grasp my realm. Or understand me, for that matter.
DT: Did you ever try to explain?
Dream (He looks at me as if I am someone very young and very stupid. I am neither. Well, at least I am fairly certain about my age): What I am cannot be explained or understood. By no one.
DT: Try me.
Dream (He leans forward in his chair, cocks his head to one side and looks at me intently): Will you answer a question first?
DT: That would depend on the question—I can’t promise anything.
Dream: You mortals hardly ever do.
DT: Just ask and see what happens.
Dream (I notice he is staring at my paperweight again. Hasn’t happened for a while): What do you know of eternity?
DT (I have no idea where this is going, but I decide to play): It is not a concept that means a lot to me. Nothing is eternal.
Dream: That might be true. And yet, what if there were such a thing, or at least something that gets very close?
DT: Then I would probably still endeavour to focus on the here and now, because that’s all I can do.
Dream: Do you never yearn for things beyond your reach?
DT: That’s inconsequential to our conversation.
Dream: Is it, though?
DT (I sense he is trying to corner me somehow, so I decide to redirect while pretending I don’t): Let’s assume for a minute it isn’t then. So what if I did yearn for things beyond my reach?
Dream: I would consider it… (He hesitates, briefly looks down at his hands and then looks at me again) relatable.
DT (I am glad he relates, but I also think I need to redirect even more): Of course you would. Isn’t that what every type of connection is about? Even professional ones?
Dream (I notice he straightens in his chair and lifts his chin. The silence lasts a full nine minutes before I decide to end it).
DT: Can you tell me what else you find relatable?
Dream: No.
DT: Why not?
Dream: Because that is the entire problem. I cannot relate to anyone, and no one can relate to me. However, I envy you… Your fleeting life (The way he says it almost sounds like an insult) and your fragile heart and your ability to love, lose and taste mortality with every passing moment until you take your last breath.
DT (I usually don’t flinch, but I think I might have on this occasion and need a second to gather myself. I am fully aware he is aware that I am slightly rattled because the way he looks at me is both sad but also disturbingly… triumphant, as if he were not so secretly chuffed that he dealt me a blow): And what makes you think you cannot do, or have, any of these things?
Dream: Because Destiny's Book weighs upon me. He is my brother by the way, I am not certain if I told you.
DT: Didn’t you previously tell me you never forget a thing? (Drat! I shouldn’t have said that.)
Dream (I notice he blinks slowly and actually smiles. For the first time today): Touché.
DT (I notice my sense of relief, and I’m not sure I like it): I think I might have asked you something like this before, at least in a roundabout way, but what if you could tear a page from that book? Just like that. Or at least rewrite it?
Dream (I notice he looks out the window again): That has the potential to unravel existence itself (He seems to think. After 8 minutes of silence, he finally looks at me again). Destiny is the oldest, forever chained to his book. Imagine having a sibling who knows every possible outcome, every twist of fate (So we are back to his siblings. Strange change of topic). It is rather infuriating. He once predicted I would spill coffee on a dream record, and I did.
DT (I’m not sure if I am inwardly laughing or crying at this point): So we are back to hot beverages and cup revolutions?
He just stares at me. I notice I involuntarily, or maybe voluntarily, quirk my eyebrow, to which he responds with cocking his head and resting both index fingers on his lips. He is ACTUALLY trying to hide a smile): Well, I am glad you are amused. Should we use that energy to keep on talking about your siblings?
Dream (He sighs and rolls his eyes at me, but he is still half-smiling, so he doesn’t seem to be to opposed): My relationship to each of my siblings is complicated.
DT: And why is that?
Dream: Because each one of us embodies a concept. We are bound by duty but simultaneously divided by it.
DT: Can you elaborate on that?
Dream (I notice a slightly uncomfortable shifting in his seat): Well, there is Desire… Desire is… manipulative. Always scheming, always meddling in my affairs. Our relationship is strained, to say the least. Despair is at least somewhat predictable. And then there's Delirium. She used to be Delight, but… (He suddenly stops himself and shakes his head.). It is unseemly to discuss my siblings, they are none of your concern.
DT: Correct. But you are.
(I notice his eyes turn wet, and he swallows a bit too hard. I catch myself thinking that I feel sorry for him. And I really shouldn’t.) Professionally.
Dream (I notice he stares at my paperweight again): I did not imply otherwise. (He briefly looks at me before turning his attention to the paperweight again.)
There is another brother. He abandoned his function and somewhat chose to… create. Badly. When he used to destroy whole galaxies… (His voice trails off)
DT: I guess he just came to the conclusion he prefers creating nebulae shaped like a middle finger over destroying galaxies? (Why on all fucking earth did I say that?)
Dream (I notice the eye roll): Very mature… (I also notice he loses the battle against trying to suppress a smile again) Yet possibly true.
DT (I am relieved, but I also feel I should apologise)
Dream: No need.
DT (I am confused): No need for what?
Dream: For an apology.
DT (He’s trying to read my mind now, great.)
Dream: I am sorry, I shall abstain.
DT: From what?
Dream: From intruding.
DT: Intruding on what? (I notice I sound a bit prickly.)
Dream (He stares me blank in the face): Your thoughts.
DT (This is fine. Totally fine. He isn’t really reading my thoughts, what are the chances to get it right randomly? Probably fairly high.)
Dream: Even higher if you understand common patterns.
DT (Okay, we’re playing again): And naturally, you do.
Dream: Perhaps.
DT: Then tell me about patterns between you and your siblings.
Dream (He doesn’t get angry or tetchy as expected, and instead just stares at his hands): The patterns are… endlessly complicated. I am not sure you would understand the dynamics of our relationships.
DT: Have you, or your siblings, ever tried to change these dynamics?
Dream (He does look slightly annoyed now): We are… constants! Change is a foreign concept to beings such as us.
DT: Is it truly? You’re changing, aren’t you? You’re even smiling. Here and there. That’s definitely a change.
Dream (I notice a face like thunder): I think not.
DT: Not what I’m seeing.
Dream (He leans forward in his chair): I. Do. Not. Change.
DT: Okay, what about your sister then?
Dream: Which one?
DT: The one who changed? The one you said, “used to be” Delight?
Dream (I notice he opens his mouth briefly to then close it again. He thinks for a hot second): I suppose, within our limited capacity, there have been…efforts to change. But…
DT: So it is possible then?
Dream (I notice the wet-cat-head-shaking): You don’t seem to comprehend that there is no balance in change. Not in any of my siblings. And I wish for balance. For a semblance of… harmony.
DT: Why do you believe there is no harmony in change?
Dream (I notice an exasperated sounding puff of air exiting his nose): I trust our time is up?
DT: No.
Dream: Very well, I shall leave then. (He gets up.)
DT: You’re right, some things truly don’t change.
Dream: I told you so. (He starts to walk out.)
DT: Are you still committed?
Dream (He stops and turns to look at me): Did you not tell me, just a second ago, that some things do not change? And did I not previously encourage you to use ink for however long you deem necessary? I do not have the tendency to go back on my word.
DT: And I don’t have the tendency to assume people aren’t free to change their mind.
Dream (He just stands there and glares at me): You have an obsession with change.
DT: Comes with the territory. Still ink, or would you rather default to pencil?
Dream (I notice the slightly exasperated bridge-of-nose-pinch): Ink. It is marginally more unchangeable…
< Previous Session
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"i’ve been very bad. i think i need to be punished. "
need mpind matty to take the piss and start talking to girlie like he's in a bad porno
mpind matty would sooo fucking do that and be a total shit about it lmao. onwards, it'd look a little something like:
The two of you sitting on the sofa, sides touching as you watch something random on the telly. Matty being the chronic ADHDer he is can't focus on the film for the life of him, getting oh-so easily distracted by the pressure of your thigh against his, skin bare as you wear nothing except cotton panties under your his shirt.
Oh course it riles him up, seeing you half naked just sitting there, watching a film like you don't have, in his words, "the most gorgeous, ready-for-you man" sitting right next to you. You scoff at his words, rolling your eyes and turning your attention away from him something he definitely doesn't like.
It starts with a hand on your knee, tracing pattern into your skin absentmindedly before slowly trailing north, inching the hem of your shirt upwards. he knows hes not sneaky in the slightest, and you do genuinely want to watch the film, so you push his hand away, shifting to be a bit more out of his reach.
Matty doesn't stop pestering you, even going so far as pulling you in for a messy kiss, shamelessly feeling you up over your shirt. You don't want to give him what he wants, knowing it'd spur him on in the future.
The last straw is him fully jumping on top of you, straddling your lap with his also bare legs, having gotten rid of his jeans when he noticed your lack of bottoms. His shirt falls over his body like a sheet, his shoulder visible where he had cut the neckline open. The effort it took to fling himself into your lap has him panting as he stares into your eyes, challenging you to say something.
"That desperate for my attention, are you?" you're visibly annoyed, getting the remote to pause the telly before turning your eyes back to the boy perched on top of you.
Something lights up in Matty when he sees your disgruntled reaction to his little spiel, licking his lips as words form in his mouth. "I've been bad." he breathes, smirking at you. "I think i need to be punished."
You screw your eyes shut at his cringey choice of words, pressing your hands to his chest to push him off you. He fights back, using your shoulders for leverage and pushing you down.
"I've been a naughty, naughty girl." Matty pitches his voice high, giggling maniacally as you groan, scrambling to get him off you. A moment of silence passes between the two of you and you think he's finally done. Oh, how wrong you are.
"I haven't any money to pay you for these drinks." he gestures at the worn down mugs filled with rosé and you cock your head, confused. What the fuck is he on about? He literally bought the wine, you were there.
"I could pay you some other way baby, make you feel real good." his hands cup your tits through your shirt, grinding his hips down on to you so obscenely you question your entire relationship with him.
Matty throws his head back, moaning almost incoherent words that sound like something straight out of a shit porno, making you cringe inwardly and outwardly, your hands splayed over his front, trying to shove him off you.
"Fucks sake Matty what is your damage?" you half groan half laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
"Nothing, actually, i'm just a free spirit." he might actually kill you, you think.
"Anyway, speaking of fucking." Matty's inflection makes shiver run up your spine as he peers down at you from above, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'd quite like you to fuck me now, seeing as we are in the required position, hm?"
You roll your eyes a second time, shaking your head dismissively. "Fuck no mate, you've ruined the mood now." Matty's expression deflates at your words, a performative pout adorning his lips.
He's unusually quiet for the next few moments, his eyes raking over your face and body, landing on your hard nipples visible from under your shirt. His tongue runs over his bottom lip, wetting it as his hands trails down your sides, caressing the skin.
Matty lets his right hand sink further, bunching up your shirt over your hips. He thumbs at the waistband of your underwear, making you gasp. Matty smiles giddily at your reaction, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of your neck, his fingers dancing along the skin of your inner thighs.
You let him touch you, feeling his digits slip under the cotton of your panties, the newfound pressure on your clit making a small moan spill from your lips.
"Sure i've ruined the mood? Your body tells me otherwise, darling." Matty coos into your ear, grinning wildly as your hands find his back, bringing him impossibly closer
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somewhereinneptune · 5 days
How to enjoy life more (PAC)
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All pics are fully credited to the owner<3
Hello there! It's been a long while since I've done a pac. I almost gave up on the idea of pacs due to my low and imbalanced energy, but I decided to pick it back up when I'm able to post, so here we are <3 this PAC is short as I wanna test how it goes first and since it's been a long while since the last pac. Hope it helps whoever comes across 💙
How it works: there are four piles here. The first image on your left is pile one, the one next to it is two, under pile 1 is three, and the last is pile 4
Take your time before choosing a pile, and if you're attracted to none, then there's no message here for you which is okay 💙
Pile 1
You seem to be someone who's done enough healing and work. You're viewed as someone who's very self- aware, very wise, and some one whom people can seek help from. But you also seem to be spending too much time in your head, or just thinking too much that you're isolated from the world.
You're now asked to let loose, relax more, and be out there. I saw arcades in my head, where people go and have fun especially with friends.so you may be advised to go there and pass some time.
Go out, do things just for the hell of it,Walk aimlessly around the neighborhood ( please expose yourself to more sun-light if you can) , try to be more outdoorsy
Don't think much about things, if you feel it, do it! Surround yourself with more yellow if you can! 💛
Last message is nothing that makes you happy is a waste or unnecessary, as long as it brings you joy, then it's worth it!
Song : MY BAG by (G)I-DLE
Note : it's 3:33 pm as I'm wrapping up your pile, might be significant
Pile 2
Hi pile 2!
I immediately got travel for you, go on vacation especially to a place that's surrounded by water, lakes and springs in specific. The more I look at the card, the more I think of really serene vibes and places where you're soaked in the water by yourself just enjoying the atmosphere and the beauty around
Definitely go for any place where you can chill by yourself, cause I believe you need more silence and less noise and bustle. If you're in a relationship, or have someone very close to you, you can go together! But definitely aim for anything where you can just relax and think calmly.
Take walks early in the morning, sit by small ponds or lakes where you can just think to yourself. Unlike pile 1 where they needed to get out of their head, for you I keep hearing noises of others in my head to the point where I can't hear my own voice and thoughts, so you're asked to spend some time with yourself to find your voice and to just really relax away from everyone
If you take on traveling, you might meet some nice strangers though who'll make your vacation even better. If you've been around toxic co-workers and toxic people in general, you might meet people on your vacation that'll shift your perspective. If you're single, or say don't have friends to go to and trust, you might meet them there 🩷
Song : Fireflies by Owl City
Pile 3
This pile feels so young omg, like the majority and the energy is so heavy. Like 12-13 year olds, sixth to seventh grade. The energy is going through development, still growing, very tiny :(
Most of you guys seem to say yes to everything. I'm picking up this phase of life where you just have a friend group and you do everything together, you go to different places, do so many things. The phase where there's so much spark and fire, where you just wanna mix with people, where there's so much to life, and the energy is so nice and exciting!! (Adult me wishes I could be that again man)
Now issue is most of you are extroverts, or that you still don't know your own preferences so you go with everything and everyone, regardless of if you know them or not, and spirit is highlighting that this could be a bit dangerous if you go with the wrong people, or if you say yes to everything even if you don't want to.
This pile is split into two groups : ones who regret saying yes and feel bad afterwards, but feel so scared to voicing out their thoughts because they don't wanna lose their friends or cause a conflict. Second group is the group that doesn't yet realize what they want or don't want, and who are so fiery and wanna experience everything there is to experience without a care in the world. Now this group is asked to do some journaling or keep a diary to get to know basic things about themselves, to get to know themselves
This pile is also asked to be more introverted or at least spend some time with themselves because they might realize that when they do something only when they want or when they go to the places they want, not what their friends want, they feel more relaxed and have even more fun! Like try to decide what is it YOU Wanna do and do it by yourself, see how you feel, it'll help you get to know your preferences, but also feel more relaxed cause you're the one who's calling the shots 💙
Song: chk chk boom by stray kids
Pile 4
(TW : 18+ messages)
Interesting, pile 4
So for you guys, you're actually asked to connect with your sensuality more, especially if you're in a relationship or if you're interested in getting into one
The first message I got is "take risks" so you're asked to be more experimental with your sensual side. Don't be afraid to take initiative or take charge, or if you simply just want to try a few stuff either with your partner, or with yourself.
Don't be scared,or if you are, remember that there's nothing shameful about that, and that connecting to your sensual energy actually connects you to yourself and to your creative energy, and it's just a very instinctual and natural thing to do/ practice. Of course take caution when you do it and always stay protected/ do it with someone you trust or feel good about, but definitely don't shy away from whatever it is you wanna try/ are curious about
If you are in a relationship, this will definitely strengthen the bond between you and your partner. If you're single and Want to explore yourself, this will definitely connect you deeper to yourself and body, and it is a form of self- care as well . if you're struggling with shame, it'll also help you release the Shame around it ♥️
Random note : the neighborhood kept coming to my head as soon as I began your pile, so there may be a few songs there for you!
Song : killer queen covered by 5 seconds of summer
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tamaruaart · 8 months
An introduction to my LMK characters :D
So I want to give you all an actual introduction to my LMK/JTTW babies-
So this will be that :) (Note: These are their lmk designs, I might post their jttw book designs some other time)
Zhaoyan "Zhao" Whang'e🍑
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Zhaoyan is a Peach Maiden with the gift of healing that was passed down to the girls in her family. Zhao is very calm and motherly, she mostly just takes care of the plants and fruits from the Celestial Realm. However when she's not in the Celestial Realm, she's in Megapolis keeping MK company, MK and Zhao have a very Aunty-Nephew relationship.
Though she might seem social considering she's very good with kids and doesn't seem to have trouble with appealing to people, Zhao is very quiet and actively tries not to make many friends. This is mostly because of her past problems with her relationship towards her family and friends. With her leaving her family because of their mistreatment towards her, and the death of some people that were very close to her, who's death she still hasn't fully recovered from. But don't you worry, MK and Mei are working on helping her past these issues with the help of the gang™ >:)
Quanshuǐ Wǔ🌺
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Quanshuǐ is a very warm and sweet person! She's talkative and loves animals. Though she is very sweet she's incredibly clumsy, often messing things up. In her past this lead her to be very critiqued by her fellow Flora Maidens, they would nag her day and night about how she just messes everything up. Because of this Quanshuǐ developed HUGE self worth issues and anxiety.... Or at least until she met Zhao
Zhaoyan was the sister Quanshuǐ never had, instead of tending to flowers who won't judge her all day, she was hanging around the many Gardens of peaches in the celestial realm. Eventually Quanshuǐ took a crack at people again by trying to befriend the other Peach Maidens as well, which she succeeded in doing!
The Peach Maiden's are sorta like her aunties now. She still has a bit of anxiety but for once instead of being around people who make her feel worthless over every single mistake, she's around people who love and appreciate her for who she really is :'))
(The sparrow named Huā is Quanshuǐ's best buddie. Quanshuǐ found Huā injured in the forest one day while she was tending to a rose bush. She took Huā to Zhao so she could heal her, and Zhao told Quanshuǐ she could take care of the sparrow because Zhao isn't the best with any other animals that aren't cats lol)
Yueliang "Yue"🌙
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(off topic but why my man be standin' there like: 🧍‍♂️)
Yueliang or Yue as they call him, is an immortal Moon Spirit. He was born from a magical orchid that only grows on the Moon and after Chang'e- the goddess of the Moon found him she decided to take Yue in. Even these days he visits Chang'e very very often. Because that is his mama :>
Yue is a very silly and a "talk before you think" kinda' guy. He's very, very, very charismatic, respectless and chaotic. Nowadays he acts as a Jade Messenger because of his incredible speed. He delivers messages from the Jade Emperor to the other deities, sometimes he even delivers fake rude messages just to cause drama. He gets punished every time but he's just like "Yk what? T'was worth it. >:)".
Not to mention that Zhao and Quanshuǐ are his number 1 prank victims. He once turned all the Immortality Peaches invisible and the Peach Maidens & Quanshuǐ were just freaking the heck out, and he was just spying on them being like: Hehe look at them go :D
And ye, that's everyone for now! If I do make more LMK OCs I will edit this post. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you'll enjoy these little fella's as much as I do! :)
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larkspyrr · 10 months
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chapter viii — deeper than the truth (wc. 4.1k)
prev — masterlist / ao3 — next
reblogs are appreciated!
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NOTE: i made some changes to the last chapter bc im fickle and didn't like it lmfao. you can either reread for the new context or check the tldr i posted on ao3
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You had been right about one thing — Wriothesley was not a stupid man.
He was not unaware of himself. It was this self-awareness that had been key to Wriothesley's ascent from the very bottom to the slightly-less-so — to making the most of his station, regardless of whatever Celestia-forsaken obstacles had been thrown into his path. That, and his dogged determination to get there, at any cost, even if he had to fight tooth and nail.
And, by the Archons, he was going to fight now.
He understood precisely what it was that propelled him forward as he rose to the overworld the morning after you left, fast enough that one might think the Abyss itself nipped at his ankles like an angry hound, snarling, snapping. He’d known for a while the name of the beast that curled around his ribs and squeezed , even if he hadn’t been brave enough to yet speak it aloud. He was afraid that to utter it would be to invite it in closer, ever closer, leaving no room in his chest even for breath, for the frantic thundering of his heart. No room for the inevitable break once your arrangement came to its conclusion and you went on toward your future and Wriothesley stayed exactly where he had been all along, fractured but trying to mend.
Maybe he should have named it. Maybe then you wouldn’t have walked away.
He’d known there was nothing more for him to do when you left; that to follow you out would only push you away further. So he had stayed, and plotted out the next course of action he would take, so long as he was able to bide his time until the morning—if what he'd gathered from vague correspondences in Paquette's office was correct.
Paquette was clever, that much could be said. He'd covered his tracks with an almost masterful finesse and it had been a challenge to glean so much as a date from what seemed like mostly mundane communications with Thibeault.
He was good, sure. But Wriothesley was better.
After you’d left, Wriothesley had waited, sleepless, and then allowed himself no more than the time required to dress and make the Fortress’ arrangements for the day before he fled his quarters, not even sparing the bronze doors to his office a passing thought as he blew by.
Wriothesley had never been one to stand down from a challenge, not even those who crash-landed into his life bedecked in pearls and lace and more spirit than he knew what to do with; witty, and kind, and dutiful to a fault; a fallen meteorite from somewhere else, somewhere more.
And Wriothesley would sooner dive into the Primordial Sea and become no more than a ripple in cold waters than let you march to your death. Before he allowed you to throw away your life for the sake of the people you cared about.
Before he let you go.
So he ran, and the hounds howled in his wake.
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When he arrived at the stables, half-wild, muscles screaming, his heart nearly stopped its thrumming at the same moment his purposeful strides came to a halt. The sun hadn't even fully risen.
Lucy’s stall was already empty, neither the mare nor her rider anywhere to be seen.
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“So she’s accepted the job?” asked Thibeault, bony fingers curling delicately around the handle of the fine china teacup he held — an imported piece from Liyue, hand-painted, and worth more than most of the working class in the Court of Fontaine would see in a year. Thibeault’s mouth was as straight a line as it ever was, but his eyes glittered with something that looked dangerously akin to delight.
As close to delight as a miserable bastard like Thibeault could achieve, as it were.
Paquette, by contrast, smiled; a luxury he didn’t often allow himself, as frugal and dignified a man as he was, but he postulated he could spare himself a moment of frivolity on the eve of his triumph without too great an impact on the perception of his unblemished decorum. A smile would not be remiss, not amidst the host of more secular pleasures he wreathed his lifestyle in; though if you asked Paquette, and you should, they were simply par for the course for a man of his rank, so long as his taste remained staunchly on the side of ‘classy’ and gave a wide berth to the realm of ‘gaudy’, a feat he was loathe to say still escaped some of the peerage—present company very much withstanding, he noted, observing the garish hue of magenta in the tie his companion donned, not an ounce of shame in sight.
Paquette tutted quietly, sipping his own tea. A custom blend, catered to his very specific needs and preferences. He swallowed thickly. He’d send this one back, as he had the others.
They still hadn’t gotten it right. Clearly, they hadn’t heeded his generous advice that the best mint was grown on Kannazuka Island.
“But of course she did,” Paquette said, placing his cup down on the tea table between the gentlemen. “As I told you she would, my friend.”
Paquette fought back a sneer at the word on his mouth; a cheap lie, but one he had to maintain if he wanted to remain on good terms with the sniveling man across him. They didn’t need to like each other, per se, in order to work together toward a common goal, but he supposed their machinations were easier to architect if there was some degree of civility between them. It would make it much easier to coexist while they awaited their vision coming to fruition.
A vision so very in reach now. Paquette looked quite forward to the privilege of dispensing with the pleasantries and he imagined Thibeault felt much the same.
While Paquette had certainly become adept at maneuvering around the other members of the court over the decades, he certainly hadn’t grown to like it any more than he had at the start. Especially that old bat Vellerot, a man (loosely called) made of little more than wealth and rot.
All in good time.
Thibeault leaned back in his chair, folding two withered hands in front of his stomach, a self-satisfied gesture that might have been reminiscent of a well-fed house cat if he weren’t so serpentine. His lips curled, teeth bared, and Paquette started; it was a gesture far too vicious to ever be considered a proper smile, though it was an effort nonetheless, even if it was as tasteless as the rest of him. “Once she’s little more than a smear in the woods, the rest will become much simpler,” he mused, drumming his fingers against his abdomen, a rhythmic tap-tap-tap that made Paquette wonder if it was an unconscious gesture. An appalling lack of composure. “The old man hasn’t paid attention to the world beyond his cups in nigh on a decade, and the two younger ones haven’t got the intelligence nor the fortitude to accomplish anything at all. She would be the problem. One terrible accident and she’s gone. Then the old man drowns in his cups from ‘grief', at least as far as anyone is concerned.”
Paquette hummed. “It also takes that delinquent whelp out of the equation, what with all the sniffing around he’s been doing. He will be utterly shattered at the loss of his love, I’m sure. Might do something reckless.”
“I still can’t believe our luck on that front,” said Thibeault. “Two birds, one stone, as the commoners are known to say.”
“Tale as old as time,” agreed Paquette.
Thibeault grimaced again in that way which was so unlike a smile. Paquette fought against his every instinct telling him to pull back from the frankly upsetting expression.
“The Viscountcy has been wasted on him for far too long,” said Thibeault, and he sipped his tea.
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Neuvillette stood at the edge of the bridge, his hands folded primly behind his back, chin tilted towards the rolling sea.
Wriothesley heaved a breath as he approached and the man turned his face towards him.
“Wriothesley,” said the other man, eyebrows rising ever-so-faintly in surprise and interest. “I wasn’t expecting you. You look flushed.”
“Went for a run,” Wriothesley panted. “Can I have a word?”
Something flickered in his eyes, but Neuvillette merely gestured his chin towards the Opera without a moment’s hesitation and made his way towards the structure. Wriothesley fell into step behind him easily, fighting every cell of his being that was telling him to rush the other man, to urge him to walk faster, Archons damn it all.
He bit his tongue, yet it seemed Neuvillette sensed Wriothesley’s urgency and picked up his pace nonetheless.
Finally, after an eternity and then some, they settled into Neuvillette’s office at the Epiclese; a smaller rendition of his office at the Palais, though no less elegant and organized. It was a bright space, walled in books and ornate masonry, bathed in the light that sparkled off the water just beyond the stained glass windows. It smelled like the sea and romaritimes; a light fragrance that Wriothesley had come to associate with the Iudex over many years of knowing him.
Neuvillette looked over at him from behind his desk, his face kind but eerily calm, a direct juxtaposition to Wriothesley’s own storming, blazing heart.
Wriothesley inhaled. Exhaled. “I’m sorry to impose but this is an emergency.”
“It’s no imposition,” Neuvillette said. “I am at your disposal.”
Wriothesley held the other man’s gaze. “Which Melusine Marechaussee Phantoms are off-duty today?”
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You clicked your tongue and pulled, bringing Lucy to a halt just before the clearing Paquette had described came into view. You dismounted her, quickly hitching her to a nearby tree, tucked safely behind a dense thicket. She looked at you, ears pitched forward, eyes restless. You moved to pat her gently on the nose, but she tossed her head away from your touch. You frowned, letting your hand drop back to your side.
The last time she had rebuffed you like that, there had been a hilichurl hiding in a nearby tree.
You would be on your guard. This time, you had the element of surprise on your side.
You tried again, satisfied when Lucy allowed your pat this time, and moved onward alone. The sun was high in the sky, casting the upcoming smattering of tents a warm golden hue as they slowly came into view, a collection of brightly-colored headstones in an otherwise silent graveyard.
Immediately, you missed the rhythmic beat of Lucy’s hooves on the dirt as you entered the soundless clearing. Even the wind, forever a comfort at your back, seemed to hold its breath.
It was empty.
You surveyed the camp with careful eyes. Five tents, hastily constructed, flaps lowered to conceal the interiors of all but one — large, royal purple, dead-center. A table sat in view from within. A fire pit, lush with kindling and several freshly cut logs, though it appeared to never have been lit. A hitching post, though there wasn't a horse in sight. A weapons rack, battered but vacant.
You continued to inspect the area with growing unease.
But then, you saw it. In the purple tent, on the wide table. A folder.
The documents.
Emboldened by the silence of the deserted camp, you moved in.
You did not make it far.
You heard a twig snap from somewhere to your right, and you whirled, your heart leaping into your throat. Leaves rustled from all around, every corner of the clearing, and you heard the sharp crack of a slap, followed by hooves — Lucy’s hooves — barreling away into the wilderness, away and away, until you couldn’t hear her at all anymore.
Slowly, one by one, as though they were visions from a nightmare, men emerged from within the dense brush, cloaked in shadow, smiles jagged and cutting on the faces whose mouths weren’t clothed.
Your thoughts came to you rapid-fire, like bullets firing from a pistol.
An ambush.
They had known you were coming.
This was a trap.
Wriothesley had been right.
Your limbs shook. Your mind went foggy. Your fear was streaked with shafts of other emotions—regret, shame, resentment. Longing.
You shook your head to clear the haze, clenching your jaw, flexing your fists.
You didn’t have time to regret; you didn’t have time to wish.
You would get out of here. You had no other choice.
You had to get back to him.
But you were alone. They had known you were coming. Lucy had been scared off. No one was coming.
You were alone.
They began advancing.
Blades with wicked edges glinted in the afternoon sun as they emerged from the shade of the trees. You clutched at the hilt of your sword, savoring the tiny fraction of power you reclaimed at the feeling of the warm leather against your shaking fingers. Fingers that you found were getting increasingly difficult to control.
You fought to master your breath.
One man stepped ahead of the others, brandishing a razor-sharp rapier in your direction, your eyes following the way it swayed in his loose, unworried grip, light and free as wild barley. His eyes gleamed with profane delight from over the cloth secured around the lower half of his face. You didn’t need to see his mouth to know he was smiling.
“Right on time, my lady,” he sneered, voice reedy and meandering. You had never hated the honorific more. Several of the others snickered. “We’ve been expecting you.”
You met his gaze, willing yourself to maintain your composure as you assessed the situation—two, three, four Treasure Hoarders stood in the clearing with you. They didn’t appear to have any horses themselves; at least, not any that were nearby, so hijacking one to make a swift escape was not an option. It seemed all four men carried various swords; not a bow nor arrow in sight, but that could only help you, as you wouldn’t need to concern yourself with avoiding or deflecting ranged attacks while focusing on the close-quarters combat. On defending yourself from their blows. Looking for an opening to make an exit.
You unsheathed your sword, the metal hissing against the scabbard. You widened your stance, rolling your shoulders, willing your breathing to a slow, controlled pace.
Dozens of lessons swam through your mind and you fought to sort through your learning.
So many lessons. So little to show for it.
Wriothesley’s voice floated to the forefront, a memory as sharp and piercing as ice.
Don’t overthink it, he’d told you, over and over, lesson after lesson.
Muscle memory and instinct are your greatest ally.
Trust yourself.
You tensed, ready to trust yourself, to trust him , even if it was too late, to at least try —
Something slammed into your arm and side and you gasped, your sword clattering away across the rocks and into the thicket. Gone.
“Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so,” sing-songed a new voice.
A low, feminine laugh warbled from over your shoulder and the four men echoed, reveled in the cruel mockery of it. You felt as though all the blood drained from your body. The edges of your vision darkened in panic, further blurring the tangle where your sword now lay, hidden. Out of reach.
Five. There had been five tents.
The woman slowly made her way around you, inching into your line of sight excruciatingly slowly, playfully, circling around you like a vulture circles its prey before it dives. Her eyes glittered, impish and hostile. She held an enormous claymore in her hands.
She opened her mouth to speak.
Don’t overthink. Trust yourself.
You lunged before she could utter a word.
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Wriothesley hurried, urging the mare forward, faster, faster.
The Melusine in front of him froze, going stock still in her place on the saddle. Her shaggy, dusty rose hair whipped in the wind and she placed a tiny hand on Wriothesley’s wrist, drawing his attention to her.
There was another horse barreling through the woods, not far ahead. Chestnut, with an auburn coat. A familiar leather saddle.
A saddle which was empty.
Wriothesley wasn’t sure he remembered how to breathe. He pressed into the stirrups, signaling his mare to stop.
Lucy, in the distance, slowed her gallop, noticing the new arrivals; darted directly to them.
Trow frowned as the chestnut mare came to a sliding stop a mere few feet away, tossing her head and stomping, hoof to hoof, more agitated than Wriothesley had ever seen her. He hopped off the mare and went to her, checking her over for injuries or any sign of her rider. She seemed fine, if stressed. Nothing on her to indicate what might have happened to cause her separation from you.
“Your Grace,” Trow said abruptly, blue nose wrinkling. Her eyes flicked away from Lucy and towards the denser forest ahead, narrowing in concentration. “I smell something… just over there. Sweet, but bad. Like gasoline.”
Wriothesley’s stomach flipped. He looked ahead at the thicket, but beyond it was utterly silent. Unmoving. He could vaguely make out the trampled shrubbery from where Lucy had emerged. His hand felt heavier than stone against the side of Lucy’s quivering neck.
He flexed his fingers against her, scratching lightly. For her, for him.
“Wanna help me save our friend, Luce?” he asked softly.
Lucy, of course, said not a word; but whether or not she understood what Wriothesley was asking, her gentle brown eyes seemed to agree with the sentiment.
Wriothesley turned his gaze back to Trow.
“Can you ride?” he asked.
She hesitated before nodding shallowly. “I can get by, sir.”
“Go back,” Wriothesley said. “Notify Neuvillette of what’s happened and where we are. I will take it from here.”
Trow's look was long and searching and for a moment Wriothesley wondered whether she would protest his order. But then her worried lilac eyes softened and she nodded once more. Her tail flicked behind her. “Be safe, Your Grace.”
Wriothesley took the reins in-hand and quickly mounted Lucy. He gave the Melusine a small smile. “Thank you. You too.”
He didn't even have to signal for Lucy to go before she was off, hurtling back towards the trees.
Back to you.
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Falling back on your months of training in the Pankration Ring was easier than breathing; particularly at the moment, when it seemed breathing had suddenly become very difficult.
You acted without thinking.
You shot forward, swiftly sweeping a leg out from beneath the prowling woman, sending her hurtling onto her ass before she could register you had even moved. She made an undignified squawk, throwing her arms out to try and save her fall, the claymore slamming into the ground, fanning dirt out around it.
The others burst into action, trying to ascertain the best way to subdue you, kill you, you didn’t know, it didn’t matter — you didn’t allow them even a second. You dove for the woman’s claymore, unclaimed at her side, your fingers closing soundly around the hilt before spinning to face your attackers, the new weight unfamiliar and unwieldy in your palm. You would adjust. You had no other choice.
The woman had clambered back to her feet, yanking a dagger from her boot with a vicious snarl that raised the hair on the back of your neck. A lock of dark hair had shaken loose from beneath her hood. Her eyes no longer held any trace of the violent glee they’d had a moment ago; searing rage was all that was reflected in them now.
The masked man dove, rapier swinging in a wide arc towards your side; you deflected it with ease, the clang of metal on metal ringing in your ears as the heft of the claymore easily intercepted the strike.
You adjusted your grip, the shift in weight causing your fingers to slide on the hilt.
Another lunged, sword pointed for your gut. You narrowly avoided impact, sidestepping on already unsteady feet and directly into the range of the woman, who was ready to pounce on your moment of imbalance.
Clearly, subduing you wasn’t part of their plans. And you were sorely outmatched.
You weren’t quick enough.
Swift as a viper, she lashed out, bronze dagger flashing in the sun the only warning you received before you felt its bite. She nicked your dominant wrist, loosening your grip on her claymore—your only weapon—
You dropped it, your hand disobeying your order to hold on as blood dripped down your trembling fingers from the wound on your wrist.
You wouldn’t walk away from this, you realized then, as the claymore fell. No level of skill would allow you to overcome this.
Fool. You were a fool. And you were about to die for it.
You scrambled for the claymore once more—
One of the men sent his boot hurtling into your side, throwing you off course and forcing all the air from your body.
You slammed down onto the rocks and curled in on yourself instinctively, defensively, tucking your legs into your chest before pushing yourself away, away from them; from the threat. You fought to catch your breath, but your lungs and throat burned like ice.
Your back hit the base of a wide tree and you could go no farther.
The woman gestured angrily at one of the men, who then yanked the claymore off the ground. She stalked over to your hunched form, eyebrows lowered.
She flipped the dagger in her hand and squatted before you.
“That’s enough,” she cooed, flicking the tip of the blade across the curve of your neck, softer than a kiss. You felt a sting followed by the feeling of—something warm collecting at the base of your throat. “This is pathetic. It's getting hard to watch.”
She swung her unarmed fist then, and the resulting impact on your head set your ears ringing and your vision blurry. You vaguely made out the sensation of...of being tied, restrained, bound at your wrists and ankles.
You thrashed, but you were too late. You could barely move. Your wrists burned as you pulled. Your head pounded. Your legs would not—could not—obey.
“Get the canister,” one of the men ordered, the words hitting your ears as though delayed—you felt like you couldn't keep up with the pounding in your skull. Another man disappeared into one of the tents, reemerging after a moment with an opaque container in hand.
Your nostrils flared at the familiar smell.
The woman clicked her tongue, looking down on you. She wiped her dagger on a pant leg, smearing your blood onto the fabric. “Disposing of evidence. Those pesky Melusines. You understand.” Her voice was as casual as if she were discussing the weather or the latest play at the Epiclese. “You know, I had planned on killing you first ,” she explained evenly as the man sloshed the liquid from within the dark canister onto you. You gasped and recoiled, the liquid colder than you would have anticipated, overwhelming your senses as it sank into your clothing, onto your skin. The woman leaned forward, gently taking your chin in her hand, forcing you to meet her gaze. She stared at you hard for a few long seconds. “But then you went ahead and pissed me off ,” she hissed, pushing your face away roughly and stepping back, out of the spreading pool of accelerant.
You couldn't suppress the coughs that wracked your body as you continued to inhale the fumes, as you continued to fight. One of the men approached you slowly as all the others retreated, a torch lit and flickering in his hands. The sun was still high in the sky; this flame was not meant to offer warmth or illumination.
It was meant to ignite.
Something in you cracked and fell away as you realized... this was it.
There truly was no way out. There had never been a way out.
You couldn't do any more against them now than when you were a child, quivering and confused and helpless. The faces before you were different, yet you had not changed at all.
You had failed. You’d failed your family. You’d failed yourself. And there would be nothing left to show for all your efforts, for everything that you were or could have been but ash and regret.
You wished you had been able to protect them.
You wished you'd been braver when it truly mattered.
You wished you'd been a little more selfish.
You wished… You wished—
Everything went white and chills wracked your body at the sudden onslaught of freezing air against your wet clothes.
The world erupted into chaos—hail and snow and shards of savage, unforgiving ice. Shouting rose from somewhere in the camp, but you couldn't make out who they had belonged to or what was said.
The blizzard glittered beneath the morning sun. You fought not to squint, to try keep your eyes open in the face of the storm to see—to see—
There he was. Wreathed in the torrent of rime and burning frost.
And finally, you breathed.
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a/n: title from 'war of hearts' by ruelle
it goes without saying that the ‘updates on saturday’ plan is no longer going to happen lol. im a STEM girlie and my job is very mentally taxing so i don’t always have the energy leftover to write, no matter how much i want to. and tbh then i end up rushing to get something out on time that i’m just not happy with lol
on that note: like i mentioned above, i was still not satisfied with the last chapter so i made some changes and it shifts the context quite a bit
essentially i had 2 paths in my mind for how this could go angst-wise, chose one, heard a loud WRONG buzzer, and then changed it so it is instead the other lmao
aaanyways my b one of these days i will actually have a work finished before i start publishing it (no i will not)
hope you enjoyed xo
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tgrailwar-zero · 23 days
Oh uh yeah so we met someone who mentioned that they felt the influence of the Void Cell on Charlemagne, basically. He recognised the feel of it. Additional knowledge adding on to that, though, we’re almost 100% certain that he’s planning a crusade to take over the Solar Cell to rule it and prevent the Heavenly Divinity from emerging. Not sure if he knows that he’s being influenced though, or he fully has context for stuff.
From what we know, he’s now mass gathering support and might be planning on using the faith of the masses to gather it? Or other ways as well. Regardless, he’s building his forces and numbers and tried to recruit us to his cause. He’s also in possession of the Spirit Origins of some servants who used to work with us during the Origin War.
In the eyes of the Red Team, what they’re doing is backed by their Lord and is thus justified and just, and they’re very much men of faith so they see themselves as the good guys in this.
Also Sigurd, not to alarm you but I do think that Red Team has plans with the nameless city, one of his proxies briefly mentioned something about the place, but we’re unsure of what exactly is going on there. It might be worth looking into.
Also I’m not sure if this is related but there was an event that completely wiped out Blue Base, and it was done at least partially by some shadowy and ominous voice and seemed just insanely sketchy and I think it mentioned watching or something? I don’t know if this is related to the Void Cell or some other party but it might be and might also be backing Red Team or something but. Yeah. That too.
Uh if possible though try not to let Red Team know we told you all that though, we haven’t been attacked on sight by them yet, so we’re trying to avoid that for as long as we can now if possible
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SIGURD: "Brynhildr said that the Allfather did research on the White Titan after it first attacked, maybe that's why the City is a point of interest…? But..."
You watched him head towards the door, his eyes narrowed in thought, his fingers lightly adjusting his glasses.
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SIGURD: "I'm returning to the City. We can talk about research another time. I have work to do."
His voice was as low and even as it usually was, but there was an underlying snarl, like a dragon's claws raking against stone. Without a proper goodbye, you watched as he marched out the door, cape billowing behind him. The Keeper waited a moment longer, scratching his beard as his brow furrowed in thought before he stood up.
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PTOLEMAIOS: "…Maxwell, you can guide them out?"
MAXWELL: "I can, but--"
PTOLEMAIOS: "Then do so, please. Him gathering territory was problematic, but we had been so preoccupied that we hadn't prioritized it. If this is something to do with the Void Cell however, then we'll have to act swiftly. After you guide them out, inform Cleopatra immediately, and we'll have to pass this along to the others as swiftly as we can. Hopefully we can catch the Slayer before she leaves to the Moon. Even if this is a false alarm, I'd rather be cautious than a fool."
MAXWELL: "And where exactly are you going?"
As the Keeper turned around to acknowledge MAXWELL, you could feel the magical energy radiating off him, the room growing warmer.
With the Keeper closer to you, and off of his pedestal, you could tell was a truly massive man he was. The beast that Setanta had transformed into was huge- and the Keeper seemed much larger than even him, casting a long shadow. Age did not seem to come with weakness from what you saw, his broad shoulders tensed and sharp, eagle-like eyes that scorched with an imperial might.
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PTOLEMAIOS: "…I am going to go see this 'Charlemagne' for myself."
…And like that, he stormed off.
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MAXWELL: "...Well... I guess I'll take you back outside. Come on."
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Would love your headcannons/thoughts on how you'd do GMG differently if you have them! Sometimes with the later arcs they're so bad it's tricky to think how they could go better I feel because the fundamentals are flawed rather than just a few bits you can ignore. Does your version of Mavis still turn up and strategise? I kinda love that thought because I can see your version of Mavis running things like it's a battle even though its much less of a big deal 🤣
Ah this might be a long one. I do want to note, we're only on episode 171, but I do distinctly remember most of the arc since I liked it so much as a teenager (it does have some good moments in spite of my complaints.)
Gonna put it under the cut!
So first: I actually am torn about how I'd handle the existence of Mavis in the grand magic games. I kind of like the idea of her only appearing to Cana because (in my rewrite) she actually fully passes her magic to Cana on Tenrou leading to her spirit being tied to her directly. She can leave the island because she goes where her essence does.
That said I'm also really liking the idea of Hyper serious Mavis who is otherworldly and militaristic, being incredibly reactive and emotional due to her competitive spirit. Her swapping from being upright and poised to Sports coach in an instant as she wills the guild to win is so incredibly funny to me.
Next: in the lead into the grand magic games we do a training arc. Most focus would be on Lucy and team Natsu would seperate. I mentioned in an earlier post we should've had a mentor figure who is a celestial mage and this would be the arc where they get the most screentime. They'd have been introduced pretimeskip and them training lucy would've been set up as a "once you get back from tenrou we have things to discuss" bit. During this arc Lucy learns about the concept of star dresses (she isn't able to use them for a while), how different spirit combinations can produce new attacks, and also heavily focuses on strengthening how well she can maintain multiple summoned spirits. We could get glimpses of the other characters doing training of their own but part of this mini arc would be to set up anticipation for what everyone else learns in their time away.
Raven tail not being one of the competing guilds would open up the chance for us to have someone else take their place and remove the Lucy vs Flare fight, replacing it with a fair fight instead where we actually see how much Lucy has grown as a mage and build up a high of her winning before we have the Minerva fight where the cruelty of sabertooth is shown. Lucy gets at least 1 win. It would make the Minerva loss hit harder and honestly make Minerva work better as an antagonist in my opinion if we get relatively clean and fair matches up until she arrives. She never outright breaks rules so no one can penalize her, but she does make things hell for fairy tail.
I'd have the audience be less of a hive mind in reacting to what happens in the games. Add In a mix of jeers and cheers for various guilds. Have side characters from magnolia who still love the fairy tail guild be in the audience voicing their support. In general just add some variety to the reactions we get.
Overall I'd probably keep the general plot outline the same outside of this, however I'd make things less one note. None of this "all guilds only stand a chance because the tenrou crew wasn't there" nonsense. Each guild gets highlighted as a strong presence in its own right. Though I will admit, I'd swap out Jura for a different mage in Lamia Scale because them allowing a wizard saint to compete feels like a conflict of interest. He can still be there as a character to interact with, just not competing.
Similarly I'd remove Jellal as Mystogan because i was under the impression people knew mystogan was inactive and the choice to include him was only done to give Jellal more presence in the plot, when him running an almost espionage like mission during the games with Crime Sorciore works fine on its own. We don't need to tie his plot directly into the fairy tail guild, focus instead on how he plays off Ultear and Meledy and the mission they came for. This does mean Cana would be our team B main stay instead of swapping in.
I mentioned in my complaints that someone else should've gone through the time gate Lucy creates and and I stand by that. I think whoever makes it through stating that everyone is gone and Lucy gave her life for the chance of a redo would be way better than her dying randomly trying to protect Natsu. It would also just fit what I know of the lore far better.
I don't even know what to say about the fanservice fight because conceptually it could be a funny cut away moment, but also it's really grossly handled and purely done to cater to the viewers in a way that sours me on it. So I'm ignoring it.
I think my last major note (with my current memory) outside of "1v1 battles need to be better written" is I'd actually consistently show the streets of the city to be very celebratory and excited. I really did enjoy the drinking party where we saw Fairy tail meet Bacchus and just have fun. We need more of that as well as the general idea that during the games the city is constantly alive. It would make the eventual dragon appearances and shift from revelry to terror more poignant. It would also help lean into the idea that most viewers only see the games as a spectical with no real care for the wizards competing when we have guild members get hospitalized while parties still go on.
I do want to note: I may have more to say once we finish the arc. But for now this is it!
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2 Paper Marios Hypothesis
So Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam introduced a Paper Mario from another world that came from a book. This has lead many people to conclude that the Paper Games are not canon to the Canon of Mario Tales. However, I disagree with this and believe there is an alternative answer to this.
So I believe there are 2 Paper Marios, once from the Paper Jam Book, and the other is the Main Mario from all the games taking on a Paper form. So what do I mean by Paper form? Well on the back of the box of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door it says "Time passes, the pages turn...and a new chapter unfolds in an unfamiliar land! Get ready for a two-dimensional role-playing adventure for the ages as Mario returns to paper form to discover a mystery that sleeps behind an ancient, legendary portal called the Thousand-Year Door." This text alongside things like dev interviews has lead me and some others to believe the Main Mario is able to take on a Paper Form. This would be similar to the Pixel Form we know he can take on through various means.
So as for the Paper Jam Paper Mario. Something that goes overlooked or is seen as a continuity error in Paper Jam is the Sticker Crown Pokey showing up, when the Crown should only be around if some messed with the Sticker Comet. However, I think this is telling us that the events of Paper Mario: Sticker Star hasn't fully happened to this Paper Mario. This would also explain why there is no Paper Starlow running around. This Paper Mario has yet to go through the events of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.
Now someone might point to Mario folding himself into an airplane in PMTTYD, the sentient Scissors, or the Paint and other craft themes of the Paper games and say Mario can't do that. But first off as established before, Mario more than likely can take on a Paper Form, but let's say he can't. This is a high fantasy world with man eating plants, alongside sentient talking trees and sunflowers, hexapod dragons, still living non-avian dinosaurs, reanimated skeletons, turtles that can remove their shells, straight up magic, clouds you can physically ride on, the ability to enter dreams, zippers on terrain you can unzip, swim through the air like a cartoon, be roll yourself up into a wall and use your body as an attack, be flattened like a pancake, or have your body turned into a pinball etc. So Mario being able change his body into an airplane is not too farfetched. Also, sentient scissors is not too different from Exor and Kleever. That and if I am correct the scissors were brought too life by the Fold of Life technique aka magic. Meanwhile paint and vim are a thing in the Mario world.
Now while someone might agree with all this, they may still contend that Sticker Star and Beyond is canon, and may insist it's part of the Paper Jam Continuity. Now as established before the Paper Jam Paper Mario is yet to go through the events of PMSS, there is something else here. We all know the original 3 Paper games referenced the events of the previous games several times. Parakarry shows up in PMTTYD, Kolorado is referenced by the presence of his father's skeleton, and there is a picture of the Paper Mario 64 characters. Meanwhile in Super Paper Mario Francis' Room has references to the previous games. Well turns out PMSS and Paper Mario: The Origami King do the same thing.
In PMSS in the Shy Guy Jungle's Trash Are you can find letters from Parakarry and Goombella which says the following. "Thank you for your letter. Sorry I'm not here to receive it, but I will get back to you shortly. Thanks." Parakarry "Observations on the Ancient Civilization of the Chomp Ruins." University of Goom Goombella And in PMTOK we see photos of Peach from every single Paper Mario Games.
So there are 2 Paper Marios, and this also explains all the information in the main games and Paper games that point to them being canon. Star Spirits Whackas Mario Golf Advance Tour Koopatrol Mystery Egg Hammer Bros. Gear Dry Dry Ruins K64 Bowser's Castle King Goomboss Luigi's Diary Luigi's Kart In PMTOK Bowser referencing Mario Kart The Blocks Of Nostalgia
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Part 11: One Way to Shake Me Up
[Master Post | Next]
Jason would like to comment upon an incredible feature humans have which is adaptability. He’s managed to completely reroute his life and daily routine around a body on a dining table and the spectral dog attached to said body.
He has a smaller two person table which he eats at and otherwise ignores the bigger table with its carefully laid artifacts, runes, and body. It’s kind of in the way so it’s rather impressive the way it’s become just another part of the scenery for Jason. At least it’s like that until he noticed that Spooky goes back into their body every night after Jason himself had gone to bed.
The first time Spooky didn’t climb back out of their body when Jason got up in the afternoon, he nearly panicked trying to find the spirit. He’d like to say he’s gotten better since then…but that would be a lie. Jason can’t quite help that spike of fear every time it takes Spooky a while to be coaxed from their body. They’re struggling with something and can’t communicate what it is. It’s frustrating and worrisome and Zatanna says it’s fine but she doesn’t see the way they look at their body sometimes, like it might eat them.
Yet every night they go back…and every night Jason wishes he could communicate fully with his roommate. There’s a desperation in Spooky’s eyes, something in the way they watch Jason talk or cook or fiddle around with gear in his off time. But the quiver in their legs they can’t quite get to stop for several minutes some days cuts Jason deep. His chest aches for his friend.
He’s not quite sure when exactly he shoved out any lingering hesitation about Spooky. A lot earlier than he likely would have for anyone else though and if Spooky does turn out to be bad news, Jason is going to suffer a lot. He’s attached. Very attached. Spooky is fully a part of his life and he really kind of likes it.
It’s the little things, the way that Spooky nudges his hand when they want his attention (usually to show him a bug or random trinket) or tucks their tail over their eyes when they’re pouting or feigning indifference. They watch movies together and Spooky follows him like a little duckling whenever he’s within their prescribed radius.
It’s not until Jason is ranting to Damian, Alfred, and Cass at Thursday tea time that a solution is presented. It’s presented in the form of a delirious Tim stumbling into the room half asleep.
“You should just put the alphabet on your floor. Or just one of those phrase button things people get for their animals.” He then promptly passes out. It’s ridiculously obvious now that Jason thinks about it and he can’t believe it took a nearly comatose genius to point it out to him. Cass is snickering at something dumb that’s definitely not Jason’s face (hint: it is), so Jason jabs her in the side. At least he tries to.
The smug smirks all around the table are all the response he gets for his antics.
“You know what,” Jason scoots his chair out and makes to stand, “I don’t need to take this.”
“Come now Master Jason. I do believe your friend Spooky can wait until after tea,” Alfred points out, painfully hitting the nail on the head. It’s only because it’s Alfred that Jason sits back down and doesn’t even glare.
The rest of their teatime passes uneventfully and all too slowly in Jason’s opinion. It’s all he can do to sit there feigning serenity, holding his legs perfectly still so they don’t bounce in anticipation.
He’d like to say that he made a swift but not suspiciously swift exit, the smirks on his sibling’s faces said otherwise. Even Alfred had a knowing glint in his eye as he bid Jason a good evening.
Well fuck them!
No, not really…he loves them he’s just anxious and excited and his gut is churning. He might finally have a way to communicate better with Spooky.
He definitely did Not border on the edge of speeding to get back home just a little bit faster.
He’s still careful to make sure no one sees him use the secret entrance to Damian’s little base.
It’s Damian’s. Not his. Not home (but it feels like home).
It doesn’t even have half a kitchen, just a mini fridge and a microwave oven, both of which Jason brought in himself.
They’re gone…
There’s no sign of Spooky in the little one room base they both live in.
It takes Jason 9 minutes to find Spooky pacing the border of their tether to their body. In this case, a rooftop at the end of the block.
Every once in a while they try to go further only for their body to turn to smoke and reform inside the prescribed radius. They return to pacing, eyeing the edge of their limits with a sort of panicked desperation.
“Spooky,” he calls softly. They still startle and skitter farther away. “Hey, it’s just me. Can we go inside?”
They shake their head no, their gaze jumping back to the invisible line they cannot cross.
“I’ve got a way for us to communicate. You can tell me what’s wrong. I’ll do my best to help.”
They spin back to him and he’s seen them desperate but not quite with this same level of agitation, of worry. They’re gaze searching Jason for any hint of a lie or possibly just looking for an affirmation of his words.
“Let’s figure this out together.”
Wowza, here we are. I will fully admit that most of the reason this wasn’t done sooner is that my newest dpxdc fic is taking up my time (and I haven’t even posted any of it yet. Hooo boi…). We’re getting close to some more answers! Next chapter maybe 😉
I’m also back on my Tales of the Land nonsense (a fantasy novel wip) with all the lore building and song writing involved there. Gotta torture my fav half siren thief some more 😈
@rangerhorsetug @treepainting @thatonegirl10 @demiourgias @spooky-fm @antagonisticly @fluffy23sblog @manglethemingle @kyrianclawraith @layyeschips @shepardking @asphyxia778 @ballzfrog @fluffen-spooky @drowningroane @deathsdaisy @malaayna @mistyaltair @potatoeofwisdom @heartsong18 @nixthenerd @icedbluesoul @the-church-grimm @overtherose @sara0055
@dannyphantomphan @nonbinary-disaster @depressed-bitchy-demon @8-29pm @addie-lover-of-stories @lifefilledwithstories @apointlessbox @skulld3mort-1fan @katgirl05 @spookytragedyshark @mandyne-1001 @ascetic-orange @booklover9114 @qualifiedpasta @mouzerequis @fleeting-mists @gin2212 @rollthatcritical @kaitouhime @itsloveleo @litlecameron @phantom-dc @hippityhoppity-iownyourbones @pastalavistamf @kokoroluna @legowerewolf @riasthelustful @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff
@akintoabitch @snowblub @isaactheautobot @jaguarthecat @ventureingonwings
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How the Archon’s Love (As Told by Tarot) pt 1
tags: gn!reader, tarot, headcanons (bonus: platonic!nahida because she is my precious daughter)
a/n: it has been a long minute since i made one of these tarot style headcanons for genshin so i might as well do it for everyone’s favorite archons. as more archons get released, i’ll make more of these even if it’ll be slow going considering we get one nation released each year. this year it’s the focalors wanters time to be fed, any of y’all planning to pull for the hydro archon or are there other fontaine characters that you want? i’ll probably skip for venti and get her on a rerun tbh...
deck: true black tarot
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five of swords, death, five of pentacles, nine of pentacles
venti’s love is selfish. cheerful he may seem, the god of freedom has lost many friends as the years have gone by. he has put mondstadt first plenty of times and he always will when a moment calls that he knows is his people cannot handle on their own. but for now, venti is doing things differently. he’s being indulgent. he wants to savor what the two of you have and not take you for granted. mortal lifespans pass in the blink of an eye for gods and despite his cheerful demeanor, barbatos is very aware that your light is will shine only briefly compared to his own. as such he is going to fully enjoy your company as mondstadt’s most talented and spirit-loving bard as long as you’ll have him.
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seven of swords, the lovers, ten of wands, four of wands
as rex lapis, he has done many a service to benefit liyue. has struck down gods, cultivated mountains and provided the world its currency. but as zhongli the man he is no longer tightly tied to those obligations as he once was. now he is free to love you for as long as time allows. his true identity as the lord of geo is still a secret he keeps from you, he plans to tell you soon enough but as it stands zhongli wishes to enjoy your relationship as it is without that knowledge hovering over your head for a while longer. should you accept him and his love fully, knowledge of his identity included, your contract is as follows: you will remain by each other’s side as each other’s sole partner’s until death do you part. it’s life-binding and as good as marriage although zhongli isn’t opposed to a wedding. if you leave it to him, you’ll have the most extravagant wedding ever seen in the history of liyue- no in the whole of teyvat. just try not to let his fanciful tastes put you in bankruptcy.
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six of pentacles, five of swords, the moon, six of cups
in some ways ei is just as selfish as venti when it comes to you. ei knows loss, she knows it too well in fact. losing makoto was enough to nearly destroy her and cause her to hide away in a realm unseen by the mortal eye. she doesn’t want to entertain the thought of the pain losing you would cause her but it is never too far from her mind. still, ei loves you as much dedication as she places in leading inazuma, perhaps even more so. you have a prolonged honeymoon phase in this relationship. there’s something innocent about it, you’re likely her first love and she revels in the new memories she makes with you while opening up about the fond memories she shared with friends long since passed. it’s hard opening up to her people. she’s spent so long in the realm of euthymia and the reverance inazumans hold for her make it hard to connect, but you are one of the few people she can simply be “ei” with and that is good enough for her.
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the hierophant, destiny, king of cups, ace of cups
rukkhadevata’s love flows as easily as the soothing rain nurturing saplings to grow. you’d think it would be hard to forget that she is a god and yet somehow you do when you’re with her with how easy it was for you to connect with her. fate is a fickle thing but perhaps you were meant to love the dendro archon and she was meant to love you, your lives are intertwined as a tangle of vines. your relationship is one that wasn’t merely by chance, at least that is what the god of the wood believes. (and who are you to doubt the god of wisdom?)  rukkhadevata didn’t shy away from her feelings when she realized how deeply they ran for you and she doesn’t shy from them now even when she has an entire nation to lead. it’s easy to love rukkhadevata and for her, it is more than easy to love you.
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four of wands, king of swords, the hanged man, temperance
the smallest archon with the most amount of love to share with everyone. she’ll put aside her needs for sumeru even if it means putting her own life at risk. nahida knows she is a long way from the archon the people of sumeru need her to be, but these things take time. rushing the progress of trial and error benefits no one, least of all an entire nation depending on her, but nahida knows you are one of her closest friends she can rely on for help. nahida is wise but still naïve in the way of human interaction. she’s 500 years old but still a child by the standards of the divine. so nahida likes that she can still be that child with you and learn the ways of mortal interaction so she can be the best archon for her people. just don’t be surprised when she stumps you with her analogies or with questions to deep even for you to understand. it’s all fun and games in the eyes of the young dendro archon and she’s an adorable companion to have.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Hey would you be interested in the idea of Pucci and Weather being swapped? As in the mother took Enrico instead of Domenico.
that's honestly a really interesting idea because of how much and how little it might change things because like. This does bring into question how their interests and desires would change what they do and want, not to mention how there were some aspects of the situation that were specific to them
For example, would Pucci still want be a priest? And if he did, would he still end up hearing his "mother" confess her sins in the confessional booth? Would he even take interest in Perla???
And Domenico? What about him? Off the top of my head I can't think of any way to learn the truth of Pucci's relationship, so would he even learn at all? Not to mention, Domenico's style is more to confront things outright, so the racist detective agency likely wouldn't even get involved
Honestly, the only thing that stays somewhat intact is Pucci meeting with Dio and obtaining the Arrow, which leads me to how I think the AU will go
simply put, there is no tragedy. Pucci never crosses paths with Perla and Domenico never learns of Pucci's relation to him.......
or at least at first
let's say Pucci ends up accidentally cuts himself on the arrow one day. After all, he did keep it in his pocket unwrapped, it was only a matter of time for him to accidentally cut himself. He falls ill temporaily, but after a few hours ends up bouncing back and now with the addition of a weird spirit buddy who only he can see
however, unbeknownst to him across town Domenico collapsed at the exact same time, burning up from a fever, and was seemingly miraculously healed hours later also with a weird spirit buddy
and well....... Stand Users are attracted to each other after all
it starts as little things. Passing eachother in the street, going to the same diners at the same times, so on so forth, and it was honestly only a matter of time before it was revealed they both had Stands. Their "friendship" was definitly one that sparked out of nessecity rather then actually having anything in common, but with the both of them desperate for anyone who could prove they weren't crazy, they took it
and honestly, I can see their friendship being more "frenemies" in the begining. They don't hate eachother, but they didn't quite get along. Maybe for some fun :) something that really starts to bring them together is meeting another Stand User who has...... less that pure intentions and almost killed them, and they had to work together to fight them off? But yeah after that, their friendship becomes more..... solid, so to speak
the truth of their relationship is going to be a fun reveal, especially since I doubt Pucci's mother would forget the name of the family whom she stole a whole ass child from, so learning Pucci and the family's remaining son had become close friends? That's going to stress her out immensely, and it does raise the question of whether she tells Pucci vs Pucci finding out
I'll admit, I'm not fully sure how Dio falls into things here. Maybe if things go the route of Pucci Finding Out, it could lead to him running away from home and seeking out Dio? But that might be a bit too much of a reaction, so maybe some added layer of tragedy happens ontop of the reveal too
however, the why and how aside, Domenico is 100% chasing after him, he's not going to let his Bestie go off all by himself
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