#i think the tag doesnt matter because of the links so i will use it for organization >:)
bestworstcase · 5 months
@sailorb00 tags here
#i was also on the fence about the EA siblings and Theodore being related by looks alone (#... and the alice + dorothy comparison#mostly chalked it up to coincidence but now that they're conf. to be from Vacuo it's looking less like coincidence fsdf#then is the girl on the desk photograph Alyx before she and Lewis found the EA?#And Theodore juat inherited it? He grew up on his great-great grandfather/uncle/who know's stories about the EA being real?#Maybe in hopes that one day his sister would return and be welcomed by family? even if they're generations apart#if Lewis's pseudonym is Theodore Im gonna lose it#I mean we dont know his or the EA siblings' surnames.#IS THAT WHY THEODORE DOESNT GO BY HIS SURNAME#BC OF THE FAMILY LEGACY???#ok imma go sit down now before i hurt myself w/ speculation fsdf
YEAH SAME on the being like Doubt.jpg about a relation between theodore and lewis on the basis of… skin color, basically, but the minute i heard “i couldn’t believe they were from vacuo,” that’s a deliberate choice to link these kids to the setting for the next major story arc, and that’s happening in conjunction with several developments in the 9.11 animatic that suggest history is about to become very important (soaring popular support for the crown—probable mountain glenn history-repeating-itself theme with salem razing vale—oscar mentioning vacuo’s history of colonization—plus the great war having ended with ozma’s use of the sword in vacuo).
it’s very. raises eyebrow. alrighty then!
so whatever lewis did after coming home, other than writing tgwfttw, probably has some narrative relevance—might be as small as something jaune needs to find closure, or it might be bigger than that, who knows, but if it was a hundred and fifty years ago and it matters enough to be in the story, then the story needs a vehicle to deliver this information in a manner that feels naturalistic and non-arbitrary. (jaune-stumbles-across-loved-one’s-memorial-statue-by-chance once is a believable happenstance; twice, a cheap contrivance.)
the simplest way to do that is to introduce a vacuan character with some connection to lewis, and the obvious choice there is a descendent, because lewis lived a long enough time ago that family lineage is kind of the only plausible reason for a living character in the present to have a meaningful personal connection to lewis.
(and it can’t be oz, because oz had no idea the ever after existed.)
this descendent-character also ideally should be prominent enough in the story to matter for reasons unrelated to their relation to lewis, to avoid feeling shoehorned in. and they are probably human, given the apparent rarity of interracial human/faunus couples.
that pretty much narrows it down to theodore, or the asturias twins. NOW hysterical as it would be for jax and gillian to be descended from lewis, finn asturias is obsessed with “the old stories about [his] family” and yet doesn’t drop even a single hint about the ever after, so i think we can rule that out.
which leaves theodore. hmm.
that picture in his office:
She still remembered that her attention had been drawn to one photo in particular: a black-and-white picture of a young girl in pigtails and a checkered dress with a small black dog. She hadn’t mustered the courage to ask who she was to Theodore. A daughter? A sister? Whoever she was, Velvet could see the resemblance.
plainly evokes dorothy, and even bearing in mind that there may be discrepancies (theodore is described as blue-eyed in the book but has brown eyes in beyond, for example)… there’s nothing in this photo to suggest a resemblance to alyx beyond ‘young girl.’ alyx doesn’t wear her hair in pigtails, nor does she have checkered patterns anywhere in her design, nor does she have a little black dog. so i doubt it’s her.
but black-and-white does suggest it’s old. ‘sister’ seems a lot more plausible than ‘daughter’ for that reason, and ‘mother or aunt’ even more likely than either of those.
(the other thing about a young girl with a small black dog in This story, is.
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it’s a symbol for the deaths of the ozlem girls and the inescapable grief that underlies the whole conflict between ozma and salem—there’s a reason she sends a giant monstrous hound to capture oz and then huddles in the shadows miserably looking at conjured images of her daughters until oscar wakes up; the black dog reappears as this terrifying monster in conjunction with the surfacing of all this pain.
so the question is to what extent this small black dog in the photograph is Just Toto, and whether the specific narrative symbolism is or isn’t in play here; Did This Girl Die? that would preclude her being theodore’s mother but she could well be an aunt or great-aunt.)
of course the point of drawing attention to this photograph might be as simple as hinting at theodore’s quote-unquote real ozian allusion; not dorothy but the silver shoes lost in the desert. which is an interesting angle to consider with regard to this possibility of lewis being his ancestor, because on the one hand there’s the silver shoes carrying dorothy home yet becoming irretrievably lost themselves in doing so, and on the other there’s alyx, the white rabbit, guiding people home yet never able to return home herself. see the rhyme?
in a sense jaune and team rwby bring alyx home with them, in that they know what happened to her and if there are descendants of lewis still living in vacuo then the question of why she never came home can finally be answered. and if the descendent is theodore, then the intertextual confluence between him and alyx is more resonant than the surface dorothy-and-alice comparison; the silver shoes are the home the white rabbit returns to, as a memory, a hundred and fifty-odd years late. and it matters.
but also i have a little hamster wheel churning at all times in the back of my mind and right now it’s churning around: sixty, seventy years before the great war began, vacuo was a colonial territory of mistral—before the great war, it had no formal government, it wasn’t a state, and oscar references the history of colonization in the 9.11 animatic. so that history and the history of the great war—which was for vacuo a war for independence—is narratively salient. lewis was a child who grew up in vacuo during the fractious decades preceding the great war; he gives a face to this period in history.
and jaune told lewis and alyx not only that he was from remnant but that he was from more than a century in their future; he and lewis “compared notes on remnant.” jaune couldn’t believe they were from vacuo, “back before the war, before huntsmen.”
they compared notes.
jaune’s grandfather fought in the great war.
so lewis went back home to colonial vacuo fifty, sixty, seventy years before the great war knowing that the great war was going to happen. knowing that within his lifetime vacuo would fight for its independence and win. knowing that there would be peace in the end. according to what blake says in 9.2, in the book, alyx “didn’t know [afteran] customs and started a war between the townsfolk” and that takes on a really different subtext now that we know the story’s author was a man who grew up in colonial vacuo knowing that the great war was coming.
either lewis and alyx were vacuan, or they were mistrali but born in vacuo; either way the tenor of the girl who fell through the world suggests that lewis’ sympathies lay with vacuo. both options stand to be compelling if he acted upon this knowledge more directly than writing anti-colonial themes into his children’s book. or books. there is also the boy who fell from the sky, mentioned in after the fall, and alice’s adventures in wonderland does have a somewhat lesser-known sequel.
i doubt lewis fought in the great war himself—he was probably in his seventies or older by then—but if he had children they would have been of an age to fight for vacuo, and if lewis had passed down to them the stories he knew of what remnant would be like after…
y’see how lewis could have ended up playing a really important role in vacuo’s side of the great war, if he’d decided not to leave matters in the hands of fate? jaune told him about what the world would be like after the great war, but lewis also figured out that jaune knew more than he let on, figured out that jaune remembered a story lewis hadn’t written down yet. he knew that knowledge of the future could shape the future, because if it hadn’t been for jaune and jaune’s foreknowledge of his book, he might not have written it the way he did, as a guide for how to get out of the ever after.
so he goes home, knowing the great war will happen and what the outcome will be—or else knowing that it might happen that way. who did he become with that knowledge? what did he choose to do with what he knew? the one thing we know is he became a storyteller, and “storytellers have great power” is a prominent narrative theme.
salem inspired the world to rebel against the brothers by telling the story of what they had done to her, and speaking of her vision of a time when humanity could be free.
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aspd-culture · 13 hours
hey, so i recently did some research and took the mmpi and a few other tests that i knew were well regarded as diagnostic tools by professionals, as well as self reflection and matching myself with criteria. (all tests found free probably illegally online via links on reddit cause i dont got that kind of money) and it appears that i have aspd.
I consider myself a good person, i try to always be good to everyone which is a lot of effort because it’s something i dont do naturally, and imo that makes me better than a “normal person” but i digress
finding this out, while relieving in the way that it explained a lot of stuff, has also made me feel more alienated. i cant tell anyone im close to because theyll just hear “sociopath” and think i dont care about them or ive been manipulating them this whole and leave, and i wont be able to find new people because im bad at connecting with others so ill be alone. and no one online with aspd seems to have my experiences (also a lot of the online spaces are filled with pwBPD and pwNPD using our tag lmao and i dont relate to them either obviously) so i feel alien here too.
I dunno, finding this out was helpful in some ways but in others i just feel worse.
I guess it’s a net good now that i know that my way of thinking and going through life doesnt make me a bad or manipulative person its just how i naturally think bc of my disorder, and as long as im choosing to be good to people it shouldn’t matter. i just wish it wasnt so stigmatized to have, and i wish people would realize that i am capable of being a good person just as much as they are, i just have my own way of doing it.
I actually dont get why having it Come Naturally is such a good thing anyway, isnt it more meaningful if someone isnt “good by nature” but actively chooses to be anyway? I think it means less and is less reliable if someone is good by nature because then it means that they don’t actually know how or why theyre doing it, and if they have a moment of fluctuations in their empathy then they could be worse than any of us disordered folk who had to learn they why and how of this stuff.
lmfao ok uh sorry for having a character arc in your ask box you can delete if you want idc
No, no worries! I'm sorry it took me this long to get to honestly because yeah I agree with this - it is in my opinion objectively better to do good things by choice, even when it's hard for us. And, in fact, the NTs feel that way too but they don't like that it applies to us.
It's a whole cliche people like to throw around, that it isn't easy to be a good person and that the only truly good people are the ones that doing it when it's hard too - that the easiest thing isn't always the right thing, all of that. They just don't like that those things apply to us too and therefore we are very much their definition of good people.
The world has so much stigma against us, and I'm sorry you're struggling with it, that any and all of you are. We shouldn't be treated this way as a result of us being mistreated as kids. It's not our fault, but we're labeled and demonized anyway. And it sucks, and even though it says everything about them and nothing about us, people believe them bc they're so used to thinking we're the scary ones so we must be wrong.
That seems to be slowly changing, and I hope I (and you) are around to see when it does.
Plain text below the cut:
No, no worries! I'm sorry it took me this long to get to honestly because yeah I agree with this - it is in my opinion objectively better to do good things by choice, even when it's hard for us. And, in fact, the NTs feel that way too but they don't like that it applies to us.
It's a whole cliche people like to throw around, that it isn't easy to be a good person and that the only truly good people are the ones that doing it when it's hard too - that the easiest thing isn't always the right thing, all of that. They just don't like that those things apply to us too and therefore we are very much their definition of good people.
The world has so much stigma against us, and I'm sorry you're struggling with it, that any and all of you are. We shouldn't be treated this way as a result of us being mistreated as kids. It's not our fault, but we're labeled and demonized anyway. And it sucks, and even though it says everything about them and nothing about us, people believe them bc they're so used to thinking we're the scary ones so we must be wrong.
That seems to be slowly changing, and I hope I (and you) are around to see when it does.
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frostedpuffs · 6 months
considering posting my mlb art publicly for the first time but i am not sure what a good platform for it is. it seems difficult to get engagement on twitter, i don't know how to use instagram for art, and i don't know anything about posting art on tumblr, but i'm wondering what do you think the best platform for it is? or do you recommend just trying them all? i am also afraid of people stealing my work, but that's a completely different problem. 😓
i am going to be honest, tumblr, discord, and ao3 are the only social media I am active on. i tried twitter and Instagram multiple times and always gave up because the algorithms on those sites are downright awful, and the ml fandom on both those sites is, in my experience, quite hostile. I'm not trying to scare you away from posting art there, definitely go for it if you want to (and you may even have better luck than I did) but personally i did not vibe with those sites and find that it's better to share my art with a smaller, more encouraging community
discord and tumblr are my favorite place to post art because of the direct engagement. if you use tumblr, so long as you're tagging your art appropriately, people should see it!
as for fear of reposts...the unfortunate truth about the ml fandom (and most big fandoms in general) is that if you post art and people like it...it is most likely going to be reposted to other sites (and sometimes even the same site) without credit. it doesnt feel great, but if your art does get reposted, you have three options: file DMCA claims/report each piece of stolen art, ask the reposter to take it down, or just kind of ignore it. i used to be the first option, and the second, but eventually became the third because in my experience, no matter how many times you say "do not repost," even if you plaster it all over your artwork...people do not listen. so the most I do these days is ask for credit/request people do not monetize my art when they repost it.
i'd say you can try as many sites as you want until you find one or two that sticks/works best for you. i definitely recommend you join some miraculous ladybug focused discord servers and share your art there, as well as share it here on tumblr. if you are in my discord server, it is a very encouraging community which i am sure would love to see your artwork! if not and you want to join, here is the link. no pressure to join if you are not comfortable though!
and hey!! everyone has to start somewhere! i totally understand feeling nervous about posting art (I still am, and there are still some art pieces I've made that I've not posted bc of it) but I am sure people in the fandom would love to see your artwork!!
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ah0yh0y · 9 months
character picrew game!!
was tagged by @quotidian-oblivion like 6 months ago thx for the TAG
Rules: Make a couple characters (or just one! as many as you want/have time for) from your WIP. Use whatever Picrew suits the vibe best—just make sure to link it. Tag a couple people to do the same.
I used the same template Quo did. This one
im doing this for my murder most unladylike wip which is untitled at the moment , ACTUALLY DONE!!! (also like 4 months ago i forgot i did this) it is called spreading our ashes in the sun and you can check it out of ao3 by clicking on the title just here!
It features my favourite people - the cambridge crew! (specifically Harold and Bertie) [includes exam mental breakdown and tea]
now this fic takes place right after an exam and like in the 1930s (technically, I did my best) so theres not much room for fun costumes and such so ill be making two versions . 1 - as in how they appear in fic and 2- another version which is just how the characters mentally would dress (excluding stephen and alfred which only have the latter) (i have included analysis to go along with the picrews as well)
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this is going to be long bc i like extracting meaning from the smallest things and like referencing my fic obvi so its under the cut!! also spoilers for the fic as well
fic picrew
Harold has not thought of changing his clothing since coming out of that exam, he is only clenching his teeth so hard it might explode which is why he is wearing a plain jumper over a shirt. the circular glasses are the most south asian thing ever (for me at least) , so thats a reference to that. he is very much trying very hard not to express his emotions, because he knows in the grand scheme of things it is only a "small issue" it doesnt really matter , the past is in the past and he should be done with it. but really he cannot stop thinking about it (shown through how there are stars in the background like explosions you can say but are faint). the white i think was also a reference to the "hot white breathe" of panic. green in regards to this references bile. he is somewhat disgusted with himself i think, and also haven't not eaten his stomach is not feeling great. the scars i think were references to his "night climbing" pasttime , but also in my notes i mention a doorway - who knows what that was about but.
feeling picrew
HE IS EXHAUSTED that is the crux. he is mentally lying on his bed , drifting and then crying into his pillow and curling into his blanket. i always imagine harold with frog-esque things becuase he is very cottage core to me (and also like part of the me thinks he really loves the creatures living in the bottom of the garden), (also gardening is a theme within the family ala my bad gardener george headcanon ,as those on the discord know) . but on another level it is also Harold trying to cling onto comfort, which he cannot get in the actual fic , because he is denying himself it. the scars on his face match up with the actual fic version , his hair is messier from mushing his face into a pillow and he is wearing a cardigan because i think of him as a knitter or that sort of craft aligned and when he is stressed he creates clothing (but thats technically not in this). there was additional purpose behind the sepia filter as well, that i cannot remember at the moment. but right now it reminds me of how harold feels somewhat like a faded photograph destined to a dusty cupboard past his prime (as i say in the additional tags it is much like the outro of olivia rodrigo's teenage dream - "they all say that it gets better/ it gets better the more you grow/ they all say it gets better/ it gets better but what if i dont?")
fic picrew
Bertie here is trying to give a comforting smile at Harold, however his smile is wobbly, becuase he has also have other things on his mind (reeling from a letter from stephen, terrifed of hurting harold and on another level making him more upset (its bc of stephen) but also just being "urgently concerned" , bertie is full of multitudes). this is also referenced by the background in which according to my old notes before finishing this fic is a reference to now Bertie is also exploding with emotion , except with worry instead of panic.
with new eyes however , i think it also reflects how Bertie is also hiding his emotions as well (colour choice to me blends into the background more) because he is so focused on the task at hand, it is natural to him that his other emotions are set to the side in the background so to speak.
onto more miscellaneous details
-he has a scrape across the mouth from a childhood accident and has a cut across his cheek from his shared night climbing pastime. ---he also has sticky outy ears because i say so -he has the twinkle in his eyes because it is goddam Bertie Wells and he is full of charm and charisma, it is the same twinkle somewhat of the one that Felix, his uncle is reported to have. (he has been trying for years to have it , he has not noticed he kind of already does. nobody has told him)
another note: the green is bertie colour (because his "green trousers" and the blue harold but they have each others because they care for oneanother alot and are focusing on the others concern . harold feels like a very blue person to me (also besties)
feeling picrew
literally not much here other than a more visual manifestation of what he is actually feeling. background is darker bc he has also the holdover from being whipped up wiht emotion since reading the letter form stephen. brighter stars is a "fizzing like a rocket" reference
the moustache change is an oversight, but now i like to think that its a manifestation of how much he feels like hes aged since the events of arsenic for tea and his relationship with stephen (this is like literally pulling stuff out of nothing but like still). the heart breaking , kinda goes two ways: breaking for harold as shown in the fic and also somewhat breaking from stephens letter (also referenced through the picrew through the shooting stars on his shirt like their relationship which was actively not really healthy, and very quickly crashing and burnt through)
although that isnt explicitly shown throughout the fic i did want Bertie's inner turmoil to be an undercurrent throughout.
the pjama shirt according to my old notes has soemthing to do with how raw Bertie is feeling throughout the fic besides him just being worn
Stephen is interesting, as although he's very much explicitly not in the fic he is very much guides Bertie's actions throughout. i honestly dont know why i decided to create him as a picrew as he isnt in the fic but i guess i wanted 4 picrews.
background is a grid bc mans in JAIL LIKE HE DESERVES.
hair is two coloured because i always thought stephen with black hair but the in the books hes got brown? so now hes got two coloured hair bc i wanted to pay homage to that.
stephen was always the type of person to be somewhat perpetually upset with Bertie or actually something or rather , and in Bertie's mind that is the image that is left of him, which is why he looks like hes sulking.
he's sweating because he actually does feel quite guilty and Bertie cannot find in himself a way to fully hold a grudge against him at least thats what it says in my old notes
now, i actually have no idea why he would be sweating maybe prison is hot
clothing - couldnt find prision clothes and wanted some sort of variation so orange on orange is what you get
i have no notes post this point so we are in the vast deadlands now.
jacket literally just feels like a jacket alfred would wear in a modern au, same with the shirt also the eyebrow he would have a slit eyebrow
the heart i think is something to do with the fact that alfred actually really cares for harold (whether harold knows it or not)
only thing i truely remember is for the spotlight background its yellow because he's the one who goes "why the hell are you in the dark" and makes them turn on the light
and thats done i guess hoped you enjoyed this
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keybord-caps · 1 month
Pinned Post
Hi, Welcome to our system, disorders, and extra stuff blog. our fun awesome blog where we have pawblems and issues and hold more personal things tied to our identity as parts and a whole. We like to keep this blog super nice and tidy and organized, so if the amount of tags we have and use is a bit overwhelming, I do apologize! It's so nice and tidy...
We do experience Delusional Attachments/Overlaps, also ig known as being an IRL and it effects the system in various ways.
Try to harrass us for literally anything and you get blocked. Try to be weird about us being a system, having overlaps, having disorders, etc and you get blocked. We don't have time nor energy to waste on stupid shit anymore. We WILL Thrive.
Stay Hydrated, Fed, Vitamined, make sure you Rest, take your Meds, and keep yourself and those around you that you care for safe. High, Low, No or Fluxating Empathy, your feelings still matter.
Freq Fronter Intros, Links, Tags we use, DNI, and Creds Under the Cut for Convenience ♡
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Freq Fronters
⇦ Maxwell
⇧ 21
⇨ Something[s]!
⇩ It/She/He/Co/Code/
⇦ Xenoflux
⇧ Idemromantic Aspec Omni
⇨ Made of a LOT of things, we don't even know !!!
⇩ Regresses! She has a blog for this
⇦ Doug Eiffel
⇧ 34
⇨ Human
⇩ He/Him
⇦ Cis Man
⇧ Bi?
⇨ Prefers people he isnt close to to call him Eiffel
⇩ We call him a horse because of a joke made about his source
⇦ Mikhail
⇧ 26 [?]
⇨ Mostly Human-Looking Demon
⇩ He/It/Cri/Crime/Pun/Punishment/Bun/Bunself/Nib/Nibble/Bi/Bite
⇦ Genderunholy, Bungender, Rabbitgender
⇧ Arospec+Aspec Gay
⇨ His area is right outside of front, easy to get into front. He has a guy who stays with him
⇩ Has prosthetics that line up with some parts of the body the brain has weird feelings about [Wants To Remove Them]
⇦ Chicago
⇧ None
⇨ Mechanical+Computer Dragon
⇩ It/He/She [doesnt care]
⇦ ???
⇧ ???
⇨ Technically always in front
⇩ Is Up !
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Blog Links + Credits
Main Blog
Maxwell's Regression Blog
Divider Masks made by azure-recesses
NPD Flag made by npdflag
BPD Flag made by dragoneating
Icon Mask made by azure-recesses
BPD System Flag in icon made by sadowife
NPD System Flag in icon made by outergodly
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System Tags
-blurry : Signed off as blurry. for when we are ! Blurry
-[name] : used for headmates without a specific tag
LOLCAT Pawgrammer : Maxwell posts
Comms Horse : Eiffel Post
Daemonic Rabbit : Mikhail Posts
Mechanical Dragon : Chicago Posts
Caps Folder : General System's Favs
Maxwell Folder : Maxwell's favs
Eiffel Folder : Eiffel's favs
Mikhail Folder : Mikhail's favs
Chicago folder : Chicago's favs
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General Organization Tags
booting up : our posts
rebooting : reblogs
.txt : posts with text
.png : posts with image[s]
.gif : posts with gif[s]
.mp4 : posts with video[s]
.mp3 : posts with audio[s]
.jar : posts with poll[s]
.bat : posts with link[s], only for saving 'important' ones
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Specific Kinds of Posts Tags
Userboxes : Posts with Userboxes we align with
Disorder Flags : Flags based on Disorders
System Flags : Flags based on Systems
Role Flags : Flags based on Roles
Headmate Flags : Flags based on types of Headmates
Gender Flags : Flags based on Genders
Orientation Flags : Flags Based on Orientation
Attraction Flags : Flags based on Attraction
Other Flags : Flags based on Other Things :D A Catch-All
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DNI List
Zoos/Pedos/MAPs/NoMAPS + Pro contact harmful paraphilias
Zionists, Racists, Israel Supporters
Believe in Personality Disorder Abuse [Narc Abuse, Borderline Abuse, Histrionic Abuse, ETC]
Transphobes, Transmeds, Terfs, Radfems
Homohobes, Queerphobes
Anti-Mogai, Anti-Xenogenders, Anti-Neopronouns
anti-mspec gays+lesbians, anti contradictory labels
TransID, Radqueer
Nontraumagenics [Mixed Origins Included], Endos, Tulpamancers, Endo Positives/Supporters [We dont think anyones really faking, just dont wanna interact]
Pro Harrassment or Doxxing of Anyone
We also block based on vibes and sometimes just not liking something👍
I can and will add to this list. I also have the forget disorder so things may be missing
Our earlier message about selfcare applies for people on the dni as well. You can grow no matter what. Wether you want to or not. Its pawsible. Shit gets better. ♡
0 notes
duodusk · 2 years
A-Z DSMP (related) Animatic Recs !!
needed an excuse to go back through my animatics playlist, sooo here's a list of some of my favorites limited by alphabetical order so i don't go on forever lol
make sure to check individual warnings on these!
A - All The Lonely People by ch00ks
B - BRUTAL by Dessa
C - Congratulations, You Beat The Maze! by jo_bilee
D - DICTATOR by GomiiDd
E - Epic III by tamato jam
F - The Fox by artlandom
G - GOOD IN ME by masyanajoy
H - Hayloft II Sam Animatic by LocalWheel
I - Innocence by Late-August
J - Just like you! by MelodyAnimation
K - Kwakiteeeee by Dice Shimi
L - Legacy by Ash
M - Memento by ToKtopus
N - new person, same old mistakes by qtiq
O - One Day [Lovejoy] by Poolbranch
P - Problems by SpiritBottle
Q - Quackity's spider ring by Cyburger
R - rat by Iridescent_Petrichor
T - Tubbo snaps at Quackity by ReddsMess
U - Under the Surface by Casserole :D
V - Villains by cobblecatt
W - what's a soulmate? by Kazuallyy
X - 6 x 3 by Kazuallyy [that's almost like starting with an X, right? bare with me]
Y - Your (Obedient) Servant by Linktoo
Z - Zephyrus by Jackie_Mae
(& honorable mention to L'manberg / Pogtopia | The Valley by Riley Ellis which has been unlisted so i will not be linking to it here)
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team-council-two · 2 years
So how is Spy a special case?
*is excited*
(for context, in a previous post, i added the tags " i could write an entire book on how unfamiliar french people in medias seem to actual french people, spy is an odd case; ask me about him")
aiight, you know what you signed up for, get ready for one hell of a presentation, ft terminal verbosis frenchosis ! this will be in three parts, of course, because three is a good number and the mere concept of having 3 parts should give you all a headache (look ray i didnt add a n this time)
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wait shit im not even sure mistral is a spy, hold on,
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aw fck thats for real ones
anyways femme fatale trope, next question
HA gotcha, you didnt think id let yall go with just one sentence huh ? so. our fella is french. our fella is a spy. our fella is a huge piece of shit. extremely common, alright ? outright overused archetype. eeeexcept that the combo's execution here REALLY stands out. how so ?
well, let me ask you a quick question. do you think the fact that he is french, and the fact that he is an evil bastard, and the fact that he is a spy are linked ?
well ill answer that for you. nope. valve treated these three traits remarkably separately. the way he speaks french in game is relatively polite, and the insults he throws around are, i checked, exclusively in english. he is surprisingly free of the usual way medias make "being evil" and "being french" be a hand in hand thing, and similarly free of the one that seems to indicate that Because you are french Of Course you are a spy. in other words, rather than being a walking glamour stereotype of sorts or an obnoxious asshole the likes of which we have seen hundreds of, this is a godawful guy that also happens to be a french snob, and that also happens to be a spy.
compare with, say, our lady mistral above who has a shitton of taunts in french, who embraces that whole sexy lady deal, deliberately plays on it and so on. difference is miles.
and now if you followed you did catch i said french snob rather than just french, there is a reason behind this, so allow me to get on part 2, which i promise will be WAY more verbose-
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im not sure why but american medias love to have peppy rich french fashionistas in their shit. theyre cute, hyper, sheltered as fuck, and the entire deal is weird bc these people seem like aliens to actual french people who tend to care about fashion in pretty normal amounts and definitely do not have that many grands to bust into it. *yes* we pride ourselves in having a pretty neat fashion industry, but in a similar way as the american and the german boast about their cars. we are NOT obsessed with it okay. anyways, sometimes writers have the decency of making these characters cunts, but not always. but what doesnt vary is the trope seems to play out like ah yes, your average french- which is fucking baffling. and is the part taking us aback.
see, we HAVE the evil breed of those characters too in our shit. comedic shit, to be precise. a rundown of our humor is it often is situational humor - stupid outlandish situations with equally stupid archetypal characters, their personality equally pushed into the absurd, all of that more often than not thinly veiling some pretty heavy social commentary. in other words, you often laugh at the evil cop/rich factory/big restaurant owner/politician/etc getting karma'd in mind boggingly bizzare and hilarious ways, while clearly showing them as evil for mistreating subordinates (and often getting shit for it sooner or later) and as simpering cowards towards literally anyone who has any kind of superior position to them whatsoever.
in other words, context matters. where in american shit they are often allies or friends or comedic relief of sorts through being french/annoying or just villains, in french shit they more often than not are *targets* of some kind of events and shown to be ridiculous through other means than their obsession for fashion or whatever.
am i saying that valve did this ?
...yeah. thats a very bold statement, but yes. i mean, cmon,
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see, i am overall basing this on the fact that ingame spy is so fucking similar to many, many, many of Louis de Funès' roles, and even his face, it outright had me searching around the wiki for some kind, any kind of claim of inspiration from valve-
he reads exactly as one of them ! rich cunt obsessed with money, constantly mocking people, constantly complaining about everything ever, fakely polite, not opposed to doing vile acts to have his way, extremely menacing face, *the same fucking laugh*, and the fact that characters played by this guy have remarkably often have what we call a couillon de fils, a dumbfuck of a loser ass son, if you will.
the only differences really are from comic spy, who reads far less like this. he's still well executed mind you, but he (especially @miss pauling) reads as far kinder than this dude's characters usually are, and he is a bit more... stretched, both physically and in behaviour, than the actor's goblin build and attitude, as game spy seems to be unable to stand straight whereas the comic one seems to have no difficulty with this, and the similar range of expressiveness that also ports 1:1 is game exclusive as well. and finally, comic spy also was not given the occasion to cuss people out, so.
anyways my point mostly amounts to, if you manage to make french people think of an emblematic actor beloved by many, rather than just make us go through the usual whiplash of "how is that a normal french person to american people ???", you are probably doing something right.
in addition to this wall of text, i am begging you all to watch this, it should help understand what i meant by our breed of humor, and what i mean by "spy could have been played by this dude no problem"
now, onto part 3,
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well once you said he is a pathetic wet cat man you summed it up really.
for all the class he has, for all the money he has, for all the. everything ? he still is pathetic. he still is simply seen as a mean as fuck loser either trying to drown his failures as a father with expensive tastes, or simply amoral and unsympathetic because of his concerns being about money rather than about humans. he still is headcanoned as stinking by most of the fandom. nobody respects the fucken spy. he comes across as haughty and it only makes people want to shit on him some more.
really, it is pretty much everything I explained in the two points above. the patheticness helps with making it so he is not a stereotype, and it helps making it clear he is supposed to be representative of rich pretentious cunts rather than of french people.
so, he is a huge bitch, and ironically, this makes him a blorbo to us, bc who doesnt love a good ole flawed character ?
his whole french deal is not shown as eccentric or what makes him a loser but just a coincidence, in a sense. and you'd be surprised by how much of a breath of fresh air this is to french people. shitty in a realistic way rather than a made up clown, and in a way we can recognize in our own medias. it also is neat from the, err, fandom pov ? because you get to develop his frenchness and assholeness and spyness separately, since they are elements implemented for the sake of themselves rather than as a stereotypical whole. you get to have *fun* with him.
SO i think i ran out of things to blabber about. hope it makes sense tho. but i guess it really is about. not *quite* representation because we do not see ourselves in spy, of course, but way more about our culture not being bastardized and being turned into a joke about eccentrics at best, or hatred about seductive women and effeminate/homosexual men at worst, + having a fresh execution on tropes that else usually would get our eyes rolling.
alpha, over and out
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basilly · 4 years
tumblr tips & things!
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after growing rlly fast, i just wanted to provide some maybe helpful tips + things you could do if you’re a smaller blog! i am in no means an expert, I am still learning but this is what i’ve learned, specifically abt the mcyt tumblr community
disclaimer you DO NOT have to follow these, these are what ive learned and my opinion, but i think most writers can agree on this
its a lot of info im sorry ajdba but feel free to reblog and add ur own info!
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1. tags!
theyre superrr important if you want exposure for your works + writing pieces, just make sure to tag accordingly
meaning: do not cross tag, or main tag, (ex do not tag just dream alone) keep ‘x reader’ content under the ‘x reader tags’
^people get uncomfortable with x readers and sometimes they slip through the filtered tags
my go-tos for tags are mcyt or cc name then the following prefixes- x reader, x y/n, x you, fanfic, fanfiction
if you have a fic for dream, DO NOT TAG george, it makes it confusing
also tags for ur random posts r super helpful because if someone doesnt want to see it, they can filter it out (my talking tag is basilly blabs)
adding a tag for the ppl you interact for! i like doing this cuz i can easily search a tag on my blog to see my prev interactions w/ them (ex. if i interact w/ userA then i tag userA’s username)
2. create some sort of brand
of course u can switch it up, but using ur own theme makes ur work recognizable to others
like mine is my banner- i use it on every of my works + important posts, so ppl can recognize me
banners can be found on the internet or twitter (but pls credit the artist w/ permission) i found mine on google
for super thin page dividers, i use ibis paint (mobile app) and made a super thin canvas (3405x57) and filled it w/ my theme color
3. plspls dont beat yourself up for rejecting requests or feeling uncomfortable
you are not forced to write requests, if they make you feel uncomfortable you can decline
also if you’re not happy with the work, you can spend the time to revise + edit, we will wait for work you are happy with!
+ if you are stuck with some details on writing smth, ask a mutual or others! more brains and more ideas!
4. same goes for writers block & health issues
we all get it sometimes, no one is pressuring you and if they are, its your blog, you decide. and your health matters more
5. the mcyt tumblr community is SUPER NICE
if u wanna be moots aka mutuals (follow each other) literally shoot them any message and they’ll respond so kindly
ive talked to so many incredible moots who I absolutely adore theyre so kind
also interacting w/ moots: they can reblog your work, creating exposure but do not expect reblogs, and same to you we are not expected to reblog
6. please check a cc’s boundaries before writing
@/smp-boundaries has a majority listed, and if not, ask!
7. if u have any questions, just ask!
lots of ppl will not even mind that much, like i said theyre super kind
8. navigation + masterlists!!
super important for everyone to see your rules, works, all put into one spot, it makes it 10x easier
9. backup ur works + asks
tumblr can be glitchy so its always helpful to back up works on google docs or smth similar
having ur whole fic deleted is not fun and demotivating
asks can be backed up by sending them to ur linked email- this has helped loads for me
10. dont worry too much abt likes + follows
all blogs start out small and as you go and keep persisting, ppl will start noticing + following, its all abt perseverance + trust the process
even when fics r rllllyy good, tumblr has its own bad days and u get low notes- dont let this discourage you
11. anonymous asks!
some ppl get nervous and request on anon! personally think theres more requests that way
12. small text or read mores!
internet is a great help w/ this and itll give you guides and step by step instructions
mobile also is a lot harder to make an aesthetic blog, so a laptop or pc or chromebook is super helpful
13. for max notes, post at ‘prime times’
i think the queue tells u when the prime time is to post for ur time zone, but also a google search is super helpful
or, guess and check! trial and error- i did this and found the best time to post for me
once you find it, you can schedule or queue your work so it posts for you!
14. if there’s sensitive topics pls add TW and CW
as writers yes we try to cover some topics that ppl request but we dont want to trigger others, so at the top include TW// (trigger warning) or CW// (content warning) and add a cut or read more
do not put CW or TW on content creators- no matter how bad they are, its rude and dehumanizing
15. Formatting is SUPER important!
if you do not separate your lines of dialogue or paragraphs, chances are people WILL skip over it. it makes it hard to read and sometimes it is’t worth people’s time
rule of thumb is make a new paragraph every time someone speaks and indicate who is talking or make is distinguishable!
if your fic is over 500 words, id add a cut as well! if you dont know how:
on mobile: type :readmore: in a new paragraph and hit enter w/out a space after the readmore
pc/laptop: new paragraph, three dots far right
Smut also def has its own set of rules but i am not a nsfw blog- main things i can say is please add cuts and check for cc’s boundaries
thats all i have for now,,, i might add in the future!
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not everyone’s experiences are the same but this is whats worked and happened for me and what i found to be useful, i hope this helps you as well, if it doesnt, thats fine too!
263 notes · View notes
An Essay On Alloaro's
Before I begin this stupidly long post, I want to add a disclaimer. This post is going to talk specifically about alloaro issues in the community, and only those issues. Everyone one in the aspec community faces issues that deserve to be talked about. That being said, there is a trend in the community to focus on issues skewing more towards asexuals and aroaces. So this post is for those who are rarely talked about. Alloaro's.
With that out of the way, lets begin. The aspec community encompasses two seperate communities of identity. The Acespec Community, asexuals and their spectrum. The Arospec Community, aromantics and their spectrum. However their is this common practice of using aspec in reference to only the Acespec community which is problematic in a few ways. This discourse has been coming up again recently with people claiming that aromantics are included under asexual using aspec to refer to asexuals. This is aromantic erasure, but it also has a heavy impact on a smaller community within the Arospec Community. One thats often forgotten about and the topic of this post.
The discourse around aromantics being under the asexual identity is extremely alloarophobic. It erases us as an identity as it implies that to be aromantic you have to be asexual or be irreversibly linked to asexuality. Its gotten to the point where "Not all aro's are ace" isn't enough to drown out the arguments, which in all honesty it never was enough. Discourse has turned into antagonism against a small community that barely ever gets its voice heard.
If you've made it this far, wonderful. Now, I'm going to break down issues we face inside and outside the aspec community and hopefully how to fix them.
Lack Of Informative Alloaro Centered Content
Its seen all the time. Aspec and LGBT positivity and informational posts simply forgetting the existence of aromantic identities or even worse, when alloaro representation ends at "Not all aro's are ace". To be clear, we have terminology that can be used beyond a single sentence of representation. Terminology that can helo those who may be questioning their orientation and are unable to even find posts about being allosexual and aromantic. How can we fix this? Simple. Acknowledge our terminology. Instead of saying a single line about us, mention us as who we are. Allosexual Aromantics.
Our Representation Being Flooded Over
I want you to imagine for a second you are in the shoes of a questioning alloaro. You've struggled with your aromanticism and don't know if thats even who are, or if you're just a "late bloomer". So, you turn to the aromantic community to try and learn about others experiences. Thats when a knot forms in your throat. As far as you can tell, almost all of the most shared, acknowledged, and featured content around the community is either blatantly asexual or aroace. You know for a fact you aren't asexual, and now you've found yourself reinforcing the idea that you can't be aromantic because of that. Just imagine that for a second. This is something tons of alloaro's have gone through before discovering that such a line of thinking is false.
How many times have you seen posts talking about how the aromantic tags get flooded with purely asexual content? Or that other aromantic identities are forgotten over the vast majority of the community favoring aroaces? This is a massive issue, and it just reinforces the idea that aromanticism and asexuality are connected or are requirements for eachother. Alloaro content and posts get burried under a slew of aroace and asexual content. Content that sometimes doesn't even get tagged as aroace, but just aromantic, making it nearly impossible to filter out for alloaros who want the allosexual part of their identity acknowledged. A passage from @aroworlds "Allosexual Aromantic Erasure: A Guide" says it best.
"Aro-aces deserve the right to see aro-ace content in aromantic spaces, but we need to address this imbalance in terms of what content dominates and how it impacts allo-aro participation in our shared community. Only then can we renegotiate a relationship that doesn’t tend to allo-aro erasure."
How can we fix it? Simple.
If your content doesnt substantially mention aromantics (more then just a sentence tacked on at the end), do not tag it aromantic. And for gods sake, NEVER tag purely asexual content as alloaro.
If your content is aroace, tag it aroace or include asexual in your tags. This allows alloaro's who want to see more representation of their allosexual identity to blacklist the term asexual in their feed. It also helps differentiate the content from being seen as aromantic and nothing else.
A Refusal To Acknowledge Or Talk About Alloaro Experiences
I've said it before and I will say it again. The alloaro experience is fundamentally different then that of aroaces, asexuals, and other identities in the Aspec community. ALL EXPERIENCES IN THE ASPEC COMMUNITY are different and simply assuming that since you've mentioned aroaces or aromantics means that you covered everything is erasure. The way we experience our aromanticism is changed due to our allosexual identities. In the aspec community, it's almost more accepted to be aroace then it is to be alloaro. In spaces for aspec discussion alloaro's often have to filter out their allosexual experiences in fear of offending or making someone who isn't allosexual uncomfortable. Rarely do you ever see a space for alloaro discussion and as a result our struggles often go unheard or even ignored by the community.
Lets take a moment to mention what we face, so that we can at least get the acknowledgement we deserve.
The coding of sexual attraction and sexual acts being inherently romantic
The vilification of sexual acts without reciprocal romantic attraction
The assumption that FWB is societal representation of alloaro's
The unspoken community caution around talking about sexual attraction or sexual experiences in the aspec community, even when tagged as aromantic or given proper warning to asexual members
Being labeled as predatory by society and even within LGBT spaces and communities
A lack of even the slightest education on how to go about sexual encounters without romantic intent in a healthy manner
The flooding of sex negative content in the aromantic tag (along with simply asexual content as a whole)
And much more I could mention but the list would drag on forever. How can we fix this? Simple.
Create more spaces for alloaro discussions and boost content that shares our struggles. Never assume you've covered our experiences because you've mentioned aroaces. Never assume you've covered our experiences because you've mentioned aromantics without specifically talking about alloaro's. Help change the atmosphere of the aspec community to make it more acceptable to talk about sexual experiences in aromantic spaces because they are not the same as asexual spaces.
Closing Statement
There is alot more I could talk about in this essay but its gotten to a length in which I doubt anyone would actually read further so I'm going to wrap things up. All aspec issues and experiences deserve to be discussed, bo matter what identity it centers around. However, that means they deserve to be discussed equally. Whether intentioned or not, refusing to acknowledge the differences in alloaro experiences is erasure, and it harms us as community. We need to elevate the voices of those who go talked over or unheard in our community. We need to stop the harmful ideas that come about when a community for all aspec identities is dominated by the views, opinions, and experiences of one side. The Aspec community is for Asexuals and Aromantics. Two separate identities with their own struggles, experiences, needs, and lives. If we can acknowledge that, and stop lumping ourselves together as if the other side doesn't exist, we can come together as a community.
Everyone deserves a voice, so lets give them one. One we're willing to hear out.
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shoezuki · 4 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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latetaektalk · 3 years
hi there ^^' i'm... kinda new to this whole tumblr thing and have been wanting to write on here for a while but this huge place is kinda scary sometimes haha ;; do you have any writing tips or tricks that would be good to know for newcomers? (also your music taste is immaculate, i love it)
hey love 💕 first of all, welcome to tumblr!! its a fun place,, youre gonna love it, and learn to hate it lol second of all, thank you for complimenting my music taste 😳
now im not quite sure if you want only writing tips or writing blog tips, so ive included tips and tricks for both!
have a masterlist. this might seem stupid and obvious, but ive seen people with no masterlist. people are lazy, so if they cant access your writing easily, they will just click away.
have a clean theme. aesthetics are important. they are. people love clean and easy to navigate themes. again, people are lazy, so if you make it easy to click through your blog and get to your writing, youll increase the chance of people reading your stuff!
how to get your work show up in general. putting links in your fanfic might lead to your story not showing up in the search. ive also heard that a banner thats too big can cause that. even using too many tags can lead to your work not showing up. its complicated.
the first five tags. im sure youve heard abt this already but the first five tags are the tags that will actually show up! so if someone follows #bts fluff and you tag your fic with that, your fic can show up on people's dashes as a recommended post!
tag accordingly. speaking of tags, please tag accordingly! theres nothing more annoying than finding a jimin fanfic in the taehyung fanfic tag. i really discourage you from mistagging your stories. if im scrolling through the taehyung fanfic tag and find a jimin fanfic, it makes me want to not read it. just tag your fics accordingly.
reblog your fics. i mean it. seriously, reblog them as much as you want! people live in different time zones or sometimes forget abt wanting to read your stuff, so reblogging it consistently for a week or so to get it on people's dashes helps!
teasers and taglists. i recommend doing both! teasers help to get people excited for your story and taglists ensure that people will read it, or at least remember to!
dont stress abt notes. now, this is less of a tip but rather something i just really really really want to tell you! i know youve heard this before, but please do not stress about notes. tumblr fame does not exists! it doesnt matter if your writing gets 2 notes or 300 or 5k notes! i do understand how getting a lot of notes can be motivating (every fics deserve all the love in the world by the way!!) but in the end, it should not be your motiviation to write. focusing on notes will ruin writing for you. it will. the amount of notes your fic will reach has nothing to do with how good your writing is. dont let something as superficial as notes ruin the fun of writing for you. its seriously not worth it! write for you and no one else!
write self indulgent fics. i seriously think all fics should be self indulgent. writing fics should be fun, so please write whatever you want! also, theres no such thing as an overdone trope. if you want to write a fake dating enemies to lovers fic, please write it! you might think there are already a bunch out there and its not worth writing another one, but youre wrong! there isnt one out there thats been written by you yet. go write it!
make playlists. now this is a bit specific to me because im absolutely obsessed with music, but making playlists that fit the mood of the fic has always helped me while writing and gotten me out of writers block before!
take your time. writing is freaking hard and when writers block hits, theres rarely ever something that you can do. try not to stress too much abt it! it happens to the best of us!
balance dialogue and detail. its important to find a middle. if im reading a fic and theres paragraph after paragraph after paragraph of detail, the chance of me just skipping that part is really high. because even though i love detail, it does get boring. so use dialogue to spice it up!
reading. okay, this sounds weird because youre asking for writing tips, but reading seriously help your writing so much! if you wanna improve your writing skills, reading a lot is going to be key. now, im not saying reading is necessary, but i do think that it can help you to better! whats even more important though is that you try to analyse people’s writing while reading. when i say you should analyse people’s writing, i do not mean you should write an entire analysis of a book, but to take a second and think to yourself how the authors just did that. how did they convey oc’s sadness? why did they just describe the weather? whats the purpose of this scene?
switch up sentence/paragraph length. shorter sentences/paragraphs = emphasise something and pick up the pace. longer sentences/paragraphs = slow down the story and allow for more detail. its important that you do a mix of both. utilise the length to your advantage. a well placed short sentence/paragraph can pack a lot of punch and turn your sad story in a heartbreaking one.
outline your fics. look this is very personal again because some people dont like to outline their fics, but i recommend outlining your fics. and when i say outline your fics, you can do it as little or as much as you want! it can be a few notes, or a long list of every detail you want to include. i just want you to know where this story is headed. its so easy to write yourself in a corner and trust me, you dont wanna end up there.
allow yourself to be free. this connects to the previous point i just made. even though i do recommend outlining your fics, i am also a firm believer of taking the story somewhere else if you feel like it. ive scrapped complete outlines before. half of the scenes i write also arent in my outline at all. you dont have to stick to the outline. if you think that a specific scene would add something to your story, then please go ahead and write that scene. just always remember where youre headed and dont loose focus.
have fun. i just really wanna reiterate this point again. its just so important to me that you have fun while writing! seriously. its just fanfiction. it should be fun. go crazy. i support you!
okay bub i hope this was helpful 💕 if you have any other questions/want more tips/want me to elaborate on something, please just hit me up! my ask box is always open!
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Their best sexual characteristic | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
Part 5/?
Characters: female!reader, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, headcanons, imagines
Attention: All characters in this series are aged up to be at least 18+
A/N: These headcanons really are getting longer each time 😫 But I had a surprising amount of fun writing these ones. Hope you can tell that by reading them! Previous parts are linked at the bottom of the post. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
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Miya Atsumu
» His dirty talk
First off: that voice. I think y'all know what I'm talking about literally orgasmic
It's so deep, and smooth, and relaxing in a way that just gets you going. There's just something about it that makes you rub your thighs together if ya get me
And when he presses his lips close to your ear, his voice feels like he's caressing you all over yes all over
You basically get high off his voice. Cloud nine ☁️😍
He absolutely loves to talk dirty to you, telling you exactly what he's going to do to you, how pretty you look with your mouth around his cock, or how you're taking him inside you so well hnng
He's got a knack for choosing exactly the right words, and it gets your pussy dripping and aching for him
He always says about how your pussy feels like it was made for his cock
It fits so snug. Loose enough that he can fuck you whenever, but tight enough that he has to work for it
Astumu really loves teasing you – taking his time and priming you with his dirty talk, experimenting with just how close to the edge he can get you when he's hardly even touching you confident little shit, I love him
And it's pretty close
He's exactly the kind of guy to take over an hour making you desperate and horny for him, enjoying the view of your sensitive body squirming beneath him, craving some kind of release
Seeing you like that for him, all just with his words and the occasional well placed hands, boosts his ego to no end as well as making him literally rock hard, aye papi
And the sounds you make when you're a hot, horny mess~
Lord, he wants to record them on his phone and play them back full volume when he jacks off
Honestly, he just wants to record you in general. Take a video of you mewling for him. Maybe snap a pic from above of you with your top pulled up over your tits, nipples hard, thighs pressing together, and with the most desperate look on your face so he has it...you know...for later...
But he'd never actually do any of that without your consent, just to be clear
He'll do this until all you want – all your can think about – is having his cock inside you
And he can be ever so slightly mean and make you beg for it, with that cocky, lidded gaze and a faint smirk again – the little shit. But I love him
"What is it that you want, babygirl? I need to hear you say it. Don't be shy. Use those big words of yours."
But he'd never be so mean as to deny giving it to you. He always planned on fucking you until you can't walk please, oml
Besides, while he's been getting you all riled up, he's been getting just as flustered and desperate. He can just hide it pretty well because he relishes the process
And it's not all just talk, either. Astumu really delivers prime dick 🙌 let me tell you
But the dirty talk doesn't stop there
He uses that voice of his and those delicious words to drive you closer to your climax, his words getting cruder as his hips get sloppier, praising you to no end
He's not shy about what he thinks. He's incredibly straightforward about it
You're making him fucking horny? He'll tell you. Your pussy is the best he's ever fucked? He'll tell you flat out while he's pounding into you. He thinks you look beautiful stuffed with his cock? He won't even hesitate
Communication is key, ya know?
Astumu is a great sexter, too. He has you rushing home on a regular basis to get dicked down omw, lol
And he can't resist whispering dirty nothings in your ear in public, watching you twitch as you get flustered and needy he thinks it's really fucking adorable
The hottest shit since fire was discovered
But underneath that confident, teasing exterior, he's actually super soft for you
You mean the world to him, and his dirty talk is just a declaration of it. His little way of saying 'I love you'
And he's just as whipped for you and your pussy as you are for him and his cock
Awwww. Guys, true love is real 🥺
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Miya Osamu
» He loves mutual masturbation
Is it a kink? A fetish? Yeah, pretty much
There's just something really fucking hot to Osamu about getting each other off/getting off in front of each each other
Like, stroke his cock while he's fingering you, and he's cumming in 2 minutes tops
Does it fully replace regular sex?
Nah. Osamu is still down to jump your bones, like, 80-90% of the time lmfao
But he's a pretty practical guy, you know?
He knows that people don't always have the time or the energy, or sometimes even the enthusiasm, to go ~all the way~ every single time
Even for a quickie which he is a fan of, tbh
So he sees mutual masturbation as a great alternative
You both get what you want, you get to do it together, and it really, really turns him on win-win, tbh
Plus, this way, he generally gets a better look at you while you two are going at it he loves a good view
He's a ~connoisseur~ if you will
Osamu is also really into thigh riding and dry humping not just for practicality, either
It's not uncommon for you to crawl onto his lap or thigh when he's busy at home and you're feeling needy, and slowly start grinding on him to get his attention
He might try and ignore you at first, play a little game of will-he-won't-he before he stops doing to whatever it was he was doing before and gives in to you
He'll never turn you away if you're desperate enough to start riding him like that. He's like, 'Damn, she really wants me, huh? 🥵'
Even if he wasn't horny before, he sure as hell is once you start rubbing yourself against him like that
He doesn't even really understand his fascination with all this stuff himself. Like, is it the fact that you're still wearing clothes? The extra friction? The intimacy? The neediness of it? Who knows 🤷‍♀️
All Osamu knows is that it makes his dick stand up faster and straighter than a patriot hearing the national anthem, lmfao, sooo....
He tries to let you do your thing when you're grinding against him like that, but his hands normally find their way to your hips and start firmly working you down into his crotch or thigh, harder and faster
He just can't help himself. The more he gets turned on, the more is hands wander they're kind of cold and it sometimes makes you jump or shiver
If he was being entirely honest, he'd admit how much he loves the feeling of your wet pussy sliding against him, or the feeling of your juices seeping through his trouser leg, making a beautiful, glistening mess but he's rarely that honest, unlike his brother, lol
Definitely the kind of guy to casually lick his fingers after making you cum around them 👅 he may or may not kiss you directly after
His face can be a little hard to read sometimes, but he gets this particularly hungry look in his eyes whenever he's turned on that sends a tingle up your inner thighs *eyebrow wiggle*
The proximity when you're getting each other off is a big win for him – the heat, the panting, the intensity, the little or not so little sounds that escape your lips~
It's all so steamy. It really gets his blood pumping to his diCK
When he's turned on, he gets a little blush across his cheeks that spreads to the tops of his ears you love seeing it from your vantage point when you're straddling him
One thing is certain, though, and that's that he wouldn't do this kind of thing with just anyone
There's something about mutual masturbation, thigh riding, etc. that's very intimate and personal to him, and he'd only do it with someone that he really loves and, perhaps even more importantly, trusts
It's an honour, my gal 😌 He doesnt open up to just anybody 🥺
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
» His cum kink
So, a 'cum kink' is pretty vague, as it can mean literally almost anything to do with cum make sure you do you research, my peeps
But Sakusa has a pretty specific cum kink, and that's that his goes inside you
Doesn't really matter if it's your mouth or your pussy I'm not going to say ass, because I feel like that's a big no-no for him
He just likes it going inside you. Swallow it, hold it in by laying on your back with your legs up – whatever. All good to him
It's not a breeding kink thing. It's actually surprise, surprise because it's cleaner. Less mess
Now, Sakusa holds great pride in being able to make you cum, and duh he likes the feeling of himself cumming. He just doesn't want it getting everywhere
Cum is a nightmare to clean out of stuff!! And he wears a lot of black, so it's not a good mix!!
Legit, don't get cum stains on black clothes, guys. 100% not a good time 😭😭
The reason for it isn't the hottest or most romantic thing in the world, but like I said before:
He loves cumming inside you
Just, for the love of God, don't let it all flow back out again please. If not for his sanity, then for your own, because he will fucking go off 😭😂
Condoms are normally a must again, for hygiene reasons
Wrap that shit up, my dudes
But if you get to the stage of your relationship where you're wanting to try going raw and maybe have a baby then~
Damn, this man is going to absolutely destroy your pussy 😩
And if you happen to have a little breeding kink yourself, then you're in for a treat, my gal~
He'll definitely play it up just for you, and will not shut up about how he's going to fill you up until you're fucked out and your pussy is stuffed to the brim with his cum
When you're done, he'll literally take a firm hold your legs and keep them up in the air to stop his cum escaping *sweats in breeding kink*
Rest in pieces if you have a bad gag reflex, because Sakusa enjoys deep-throating, and literally cumming straight into your stomach lmao, and he's a big boy, so prepare yourself
Again, no clean-up = ideal
He can normally be a little rough, but he is the GOD of hate/angry/frustration sex. Like, taking out his stress and frustration in bed just makes it even better
He can be a little iffy about giving you oral or fingering you, though. 'Tis a bit messy for his tastes
He doesn't like to make you do all the work, though. It makes him feel lousy
So one time he offered to finger you while wearing a pair of those latex gloves that doctors wear lmfao, gold star for Kiyoomi. He tried 😭
And I'm not even remotely exaggerating when I say he will outright refuse to have sex with you if you have a cold
Exchange of bodily fluids when you're ill is a big NOPE did you honestly expect anything else? 😭
This isn't even about his kink anymore. Whoops 🙃
Part 1: Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo
Part 2: Ushijima, Suga, Bokuto
Part 3: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Asahi
Part 4: Kageyama, Noya, Tendou
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
The Supergirl Team calls you in despair. You’ve 2/3 episodes to save this season and leave a cliffhanger to the next season. You can do any ship, cut any actor, unlimited budget. What do you do?
My first call is to Brenda Strong, clearly. Lillian caustically provides Lena a reality check by not so subtly reminding her how Lex is an asshole and can't be trusted. She reveals she retained her pre-crisis memories, and remembers more than Lex deigned to tell her.
Lena is unimpressed, and dryly remarks, "And now you finally get to see everything Lex should have been. You must be thrilled."
"Yes, I do," Lillian affirms. "But a victory without sacrifice isn't victory. It's a handout."
Luthors don't accept handouts.
Lena stares at her mother, confused and wary. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying Lex didn't earn it."
None of this was earned through toil. Lex chanced onto an opportunity and manipulated it to his utmost ability. Once upon a time, she might have been proud of his aptitude for machinations, Lillian admits, but she finds herself disillusioned with him.
"Not only does intended matricide sour the relationship somewhat," Lillian elaborates, "but more and more lately I've come to realize that while Lex indeed had incredible potential, I allowed that potential to blind me to yours."
Lex didn't earn his success, but Lena did. In just a few short years, Lena embodied the Luthor spirit unlike any Luthor had since the first generation-- since the generation that worked for their first million, their first merger, the first everything. She battled prejudice and attacks and failures, and though there may have been times she may have wavered, she always persisted.
"So why," her mother asks, "are you giving up now?"
Finally, Lena gives voice to her helplessness. How her friends have forsaken her and how in this world, she feels nineteen again, like she can do nothing without Lex.
"How can I," Lena asks, "when he crafted this very reality?"
"He has always crafted your reality, Lena. Your entire life has revolved around him, been shaped and warped by him. But what I've come to realize is that this world isn't his. It never was. All along, it was yours."
And so begins the tentative yet deepening relationship between Lena and her mother, as they conspire against Lex. They know he's up to something, but don't know what. In the end, they decide it doesn't matter what it was-- they would simply need to neutralize him.
On the other side of things, the superfriends start to realize that their goal of taking down Lex from the outside isn't working. They learn Brainy is compromised, and find themselves without a significant resource they had counted on. So they focus on mitigating the fallout of his use of the DEO.
Alex and Jonn find their way to helping aliens recover after DEO raids. Sometimes its just property damage, sometimes its arrests. They commiserate with the victims, promising that Lex won't be in power for much longer.
"It doesn't matter who is in power," the victims reply. It will only be someone just as cruel, or even indifferent. The DEO has always been this way, and it will always be this way.
When one alien mentions a specific raid, Alex realizes it was one that occurred under her tenure as Director. That as an agent and director she contributed to the abuse of aliens rights, liberties, and persons.
Later, she confesses to Kara that she always thought she was doing good at the DEO. But all along she'd really only been doing good for Kara.
"I will always be there for you, you know that right?" she asks, and Kara nods. "But I think, for the next little while, I need to focus on doing good for everyone else."
Meanwhile, at CatCo, Nia finds herself in a quandary. One day, Will asks her to grab him a coffee. Taken aback, Nia doesnt have time to respond before Will is off on his way. Unsure of what else to do, she uncomfortably obliges, choosing to believe it was a one off.
It isn't.
Again and again with increasing frequency, Will asks her to do things like grab coffee, make copies, etc. Soon she finds herself stuck in a cycle of doing what she's told and is too nervous to call him out after so long.
It takes Kara noticing and offering to speak to William about it before Nia bucks up the courage to do it herself.
"No," she says, the next time Will opens his mouth in her direction. "I will not get your coffee, or make your copies, or pull your copy edits. I am a reporter, just like you. Maybe a little less experienced, sure, but the only way I'm going to get experienced is by doing my own work and not the work of your assistant."
Will stares at her, and then flushes. "Nia, I am so sorry, I thought you were the office assistant. I had no idea."
This time it's Nia's turn to stare. "What? But-- I have over a dozen by-lines."
"I've been at every pitch meeting!"
Grimacing, Will meets her gaze. "I thought you were there to take notes. Honestly, I thought you and Kara were tight because she came from the assistant pool."
Nia scowls. "You also could have just asked me."
"And I should have. I truly am sorry, I've just been so wrapped up in--" He catches himself abruptly, then swiftly changes the subject. "Let me make it up to you. I have an interview with Lenny Maddow in twenty minutes. Would you like to sit in?"
Sit in with a Nobel-winner who isn't Lex Luthor?
"Uh, YEAH."
Nia recoups more of her pride when she asks some insightful questions that gets their guest to open up to an insane degree, and Will recognizes her talent as a reporter. He even tells her as much.
"I don't know how I ever mistook you for anything else."
He starts lending her more advice and opportunity-- before long he's the kind of mentor Kara used to be, but lost the time for. And after Will decides he can trust her he brings her in on his secret project investigating the Luthors.
Namely, Lena.
"She's the weak link. If she goes down, the rest will follow like dominos."
"I know we're kind of not on Team Lena right now," Nia remarks to the others at the tower later, "but the kind of things he thinks she's responsible for doesn't sound like Lena. In any reality."
J'onn and Alex both look at Kara. "It might be time to set aside our wounds for a moment," J'onn observes. "I don't need to be a fifth dimensional imp to deduce that a downfall for Lena would not be a good thing."
"Lex would be left unchecked," Alex chimes in.
Kara doesn't need convincing. She goes to Lena immediately, and squares off against Lena's chill reception with concern.
"I came to warn you."
"Let me guess... Lex can't be trusted."
With a grimace, Kara equivocates. "Yes, but I'm not the only one who thinks so. William Dey is digging into the Luthors, and for whatever reason, he's decided your the fulcrum to the entire operation."
"The reporter, William Dey?"
Kara shares what she knows of William's vendetta-- the best friend who died, the suspicions that Lex was involved. To her surprise, Lena huffs a mirthless laugh.
"He said he was going to be better."
"You... say that like you don't believe him."
"Of course I don't believe him. But I wanted to."
Lena knows better than to leave LuthorCorp. But she does pledge her help.
"This doesn't make us friends," Lena clarifies. "But whatever Lex is planning, he'll burn the world to the ground to get it."
Kara nods solemnly. "I understand."
The Superfriends now have their in. It's Lena who finally pieces together that Lex is after Leviathan. It's Lillian who pales at the mention, and after much toothpulling reveals that what no one ever told Lena is that her mother didn't just die-- she was murdered.
"Your home was broken into shortly after you were removed. The investigators only found one item of interest, hidden behind a piece of loosened baseboard. A cipher, on a folded piece of paper. Even Lionel only managed to translate two words. One was Leviathan."
The other, Lena soon discovers, was Acrata.
Altogether, the superfriends and Will and Lena all manage to erode Lex's stranglehold on the new reality. Lex doesn't make it easy, but a combination of J'onn and Alex earning more of the public trust, Supergirl resisting Lex at every turn, Will and Nia tag-teaming Andrea's connection to Leviathan, Lena beats Lex to the Leviathan sanctum.
By a matter of minutes, sure, but the fact she finds her way there on her own when Lex has to be led by Gamemnae is a true victory, and a practical embodiment of Lillian's earlier words.
Lena's victory is compounded when Lex's eyes flash with irritation: he doesn't expect to see her there.
"Heya, sis. I didn't realize we had a meeting."
"We don't," Lena tells her brother, even her eyes lock on the woman beside him.
The woman steps towards Lena, her lips curling into a pleased smile.
"We do," the woman confirms. It's clear she doesn't include Lex.
Before he can do more than sputter, she continues. "I was wondering how long it would take you to find us."
Lena holds her gaze. "The medallion."
Gamemnae nods. "Ever since it was found, we knew it would only be a matter of time."
There's only one question Lena intends to ask.
"Who was my mother?"
And so she learns that her mother was part of Leviathan-- that she had grown lonely, and sought comfort in the arms of mortals. It had only meant to be temporary, but when the unthinkable happened, and she found herself pregnant, she chose to remain in the mortal world with her daughter.
What Gamemnae doesn't explain, but Lena senses instinctively, is that her mother had sought to protect Lena from Leviathan. To keep her human, keep her alive. That somehow, despite being an agent of destruction, Lena's birth had prompted her mother to leave Leviathan behind, and to be better than she was.
Gamemnae's pitch is enticing-- the ability to bring humanity together through disaster, to call upon their communal instincts by reducing their numbers, reset the world so that the planet and its population have a chance to survive for eons to come.
She offers power and influence, and a long life-- millenia to engage with and observe the discoveries still far in the future.
It's almost enough for Lena to say yes.
It is enough for Lena to accept the medallion, the only true memory Lena has of her mother. Gamemnae summons it from the ether, and Lena takes it in her fingers, cradling it like the precious artifact it is.
When she closes her hand around it, Lena blinks and finds herself in a place of utter darkness. But despite the emptiness, she isn't afraid.
The woman who appears before her is familiar in a way that touches deep in Lena's soul. Tears fill Lena's eyes as she drinks in the sight of her mother, committing her to memory.
"I forgot what you looked like," Lena confesses with a breathless laugh. "When I generated an avatar of you, I had to base it on my own image."
The embrace her mother wraps her in is unbidden and unexpected. It steals Lena's breath and floods her with warm. Her tears spill over as she clutches her mother tight.
"I've missed you."
"And I you, my darling," her mother murmurs. "You have grown to be everything I ever wanted for you."
A bolt of shame travels down Lena's spine, and she pulls away.
"You mean embroiled in the most hated family in history?"
"I mean that you are strong, and powerful, and brilliant. Your compassion and empathy are a force powerful than you know."
Lena looks away. How can she explain how close she had come to lose the soul her mother had loved so dearly. Non Nocere burns like a hot poker of shame, digging deep in her belly and twisting sharply.
But her mother cups her cheeks, tilting her gaze up to meet hers once more.
"We all make mistakes, my love. What matters most is what you do to correct them."
Before Lena can say anything more, her mother kisses her on the head, and offers a smile as warm as the sun.
"Everyone you have ever loved is carried inside you. They speak to you every day. When times are uncertain, listen to your heart. They will never lead you astray."
Lena blinks back to the Leviathan sanctum to find Lex pelting Gamemnae with outrage and accusations.
"We had an agreement! You and I had a partnership!"
"And now that it has brought me your sister, I am no longer in need of it."
"You forget that I watched Rama Khan in our previous reality-- I know Leviathan's style. My baby sister isn't the type you would want to recruit."
"You don't comprehend what Leviathan is," Gamemnae only smiles sweetly, unfazed by Lex's posturing. "We are born and chosen both. That is what Lena is. And you, Alexander Luthor, are neither."
With a wave of Gamemnae's hand, Lex disappears, transported.... somewhere. Lena can barely think to consider his welfare before Gamemnae turns her powerful gaze towards her once more.
"Welcome home, Lena."
In the end, Lena doesn't accept. The power offered her is tempting, but she's wise enough to know that a deal so sweet could never come without strings. Whether it be her humanity, her soul, or something else entirely, she would lose something dear. Something precious.
"Come now, Lena," Gamemnae cautions. "I know how ingelligent you are. You know that you won't be allowed to leave alive should you decline."
Her mother's voice echoes in Lena's ears: listen to your heart. She does, and she hears them all-- her people. Her loved. Her lost.
Her mother.
Even Kara.
It's Kara that makes her pause, nearly has her agreeing. She knows the prospect of Kara's future, a life of longevity that would see her watching all her family die, for generations to come. If Lena could share those centuries with her, surely they could eventually find forgiveness and trust once more.
But Kara wouldn't want her to. Not like this.
So instead of taking Gamemnae's hand, Lena snatches her by the wrist and closes her hand around the medallion. This time Gamemnae appears in the void with her, where Lena's mother waits again.
"I need your help," Lena says. "All of you."
One by one, they materialize. All of the voices who have guided her appear from the shadows, their features kind and ready. Lena pushes Gamemnae towards them.
"Make our guest comfortable. She'll be staying with you for the foreseeable future."
Jack is the one who steadies Gamemnae. When he blinks, his eyes open to pitch darkness. So do the eyes of those around him, wraiths all. Even Lena's mother.
Lena hesitates only long enough to give her mother one last look.
"I love you."
Her mother nods. "I never doubted for a second. Go," she urges, "and live."
Lena returns to the Leviathan sanctum alone. She shatters the medallion to ensure no one else would use it, and sweeps the pieces up to liquidate against any attempts to reconstruct it.
Leviathan is done, without a single drop of blood shed.
Back at LuthorCorp, Lex is nowhere to be found. After a perfunctory search, control falls to Lena. Though she'll have to wait a mandated period of time before she can rebrand back to L-Corp, things are already feeling normal.
At least, right up until the moment Lena finally visits the Tower for the first time.
"Lena!" Kara calls in delight. During their time working together, things between them have repaired enough for her to wrap Lena in a brief hug and usher her further into the space.
"Come to beg us to back to the DEO?" Alex taunts. "I gotta warn you, I've gotten used to being my own boss."
"Actually," Lena says, "I'm disbanding the DEO."
There's a beat of silence, and then the entire room erupts into chaos. Questions fly at her from every direction, and she endures them quietly until she finally lifts a hand for quiet.
"It's time. The DEO has never been entirely above board, and if we're going to make strides in accepting aliens into Earth society, we have to start with nixing the extrajudicial arrests and imprisonment."
Lena looks at Kara, who has been suspiciously silent. Kara meets her gaze in apprehension.
"What does that mean for Supergirl?'
Lena offers her a smile that refreshes her soul.
"Well, it would be foolish to claim she isn't still needed, and that heroes don't do a lot of good. So I've already talked with the mayor about implementing a municipal licensing program for vigilante heroes. If successful, you'd basically be doing the exact same thing, with just a little more oversight, and a little less smash and grab."
Nia beams. "That sounds so cool!"
"And," Lena adds, sliding her gaze towards Alex and J'onn, "the program is going to need leadership that's familiar with both heroes and bureaucracy."
J'onn nods his readiness and agreement, but to everyone's surprise, Alex hesitates.
"It sounds like a great idea, Lena, really," Alex obfuscates, "but I think I still have more work to do on this side of things. As you say, the DEO has a lot to make up for."
Kara hugs her sister tight. "I'm so proud of you," she whispers.
"Wait, wait, wait..." Nia says, pumping the brakes ever so slightly. "Does this mean we don't get to be the Superfriends anymore?"
But Lena has an answer for that too.
"As the pilot heroes of this new program, I'm sure all of you will continue to work closely together, and I'm sure the legislation will include provisions for teams as well as individual. Which means that as National City's first and premier superhero league, the only thing you're missing is a sponsor." Which is to say, Lena intends to sponsor them.
"From my personal accounts," Lena is sure to specify, "and with tech either commercially available or engineered in my personal lab. LuthorCorp will won't be anywhere near it, and I will be operating as anonymously as possible... though given our history, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard a guess for people to figure out."
When the team leaves for celebratory drinks, Kara and Lena linger. The air hangs thick and heavy between them, until Lena finally speaks.
"You once asked for bygones--"
"I did," Kara confirms. "And as much as I would love to return the favor--"
"We have a lot to talk about."
Kara nods, and Lena takes a deep breath. "All I ask," she continues, "is that you accept the good with the flaws. And that I only ever wanted to do good."
That much, Kara agrees without hesitation.
"I never thought anything else."
She loops her arm through Lena's, and together they walk towards the lift. As it rises to collect them, Kara rocks back on her heels.
"A lot of changes are coming our way," she remarks.
Lena hums an agreement, but misses the glance Kara gives her as they step into the lift before issuing one last pardon.
"There's no one else I'd rather face them with."
The elevator gate closes on the image of them gazing at each other, eyes locked and smiles brimming with the possibility of something new.
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meetthemoosemonster · 4 years
*Enderman noises*
Hey yall, I wrote a Ranboo fanfic and thought I’d post the link on here so its with all the other things that I write and show random people on the internet!
*Enderman noises* (1918 words) by nika_write_snow Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ranboo & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dadza, Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Panic Attacks Summary:
Ranboo finds out he has one of Tommys disks, Philza notices the ruined property value and parents the scared enderboy.
"here is the ao3 link, tell me if it doesnt work or something.
Ranboo finds out he has one of Tommys disks, Philza notices the ruined property value and parents the scared enderboy.
What I wished happened after Ranboo found the disk, with Dadza because I have Parent Issues (yup, its not just one of them, hahahahahahahahaha)
Content Warnings:
Panic attacks Mild injury That's all I think, but if I missed one please tell me so I can fix it!
Under the cut is the full work, remember, Reblogs fuel the writing braincell!
Purple particles buzzed around Ranboo, his body also vibrating as his breath sped up and his brain grew foggy. This happens sometimes, when things got really bad, and Ranboos memory really started to slip, or he was just straight up panicking. The half enderman boy was sat shaking in front of an open chest surrounded by dug up dirt and soft looking snowflakes that bit at Ranboos skin. He was staring blankly at the green disk in the chest, making vwoops and crackly noises each time the reality of his situation hit him. The enderman hybrid shook his head, making more aggressive enderman noises for a second, then tried to take a deep breath.
‘You're ok, You're ok. Dream isn't here right now. Dream can’t-’
‘I have cat. I have one of Tommys discs. I have one of THE DISCS. Dream gave ME one of THE DISCS? Why? Why would Dream do that? Why would he trust me with something that gave him so much control over Tommy? What did I do?’
‘You didn't do anything, you would have written it down in your memory book,  you would’ve, wouldn't you?’
‘Would I? I didn't write down that I blew up the community house, but I definitely did that, right? I mean, I had that tnt, it must have been me. I just didn't write it down cause I didn't want to remember. What else am I forgetting? What else did I do that was so bad that I didn't even write it down? What else did I want to forget about? What else-’
Philza was looking through chests looking for glass. The honey farm had broken again, and he needed bottles to fix it.
“This chest system is still scuffed from Tommy, that gremlin child really doesn't know organization does he.” Phil shook his wings in exasperation. He was still looking for the glass when he heard the sounds of an upset enderman. Confused why Edward was so riled up, Phil looked over at the enderman sat awkwardly in a boat, the mobs limbs too long to fit inside. Phil only got more concerned when he saw that Edward was only making small, concerned vwoops after the more aggressive noises, head was turned to look out the window towards Ranboos shack. 
Phil followed the endermans gaze to look at Ranboos shack through the window and sucked in a breath. What used to be a snowy lawn in front of Ranboos makeshift base was now a big hole of messily dug up dirt. Phil could see Ranboos figure, looking eerily small for his actual towering height, hunched over in front of a small chest, a shovel shimmering on the ground next to him. But what concerned Phil the most were the enderman noises coming from the area. Phil had heard Ranboo make some enderman noises before when he talked to Edward, and a couple in passing to himself, he'd never seen such loud scared crackles and vibrating noises from him before.  Another small worried vwoop from Edward grounded Phil enough to realize that this kid probably needed help. Phil grabbed his coat and wrapped it awkwardly around his wings before he rushed out the door and headed to where Ranboo was. 
As Phil approached, he could clearly see the cloud of purple particles around Ranboo, who appeared to be shaking, no, vibrating. His suit was wet from the melted snow, and plastered to his body, and Phil flinched remembering how much water could hurt enderman. His hair was also soaking, the white and black strands dripping. There was an indent where his crown would usually be, but Phil could see the red and green jewel encrusted golden band a couple blocks away, in one of the deeper areas of the damage. Phils footsteps slowed the closer he got to the dug up lawn, trying not to scare the kid with heavy footsteps on snow. 
Ranboo was trying to breath. ‘In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in- Does it even matter?’ He understood better now why he might have wanted to forget. It would be easier to not remember the chest or its contents, ‘Traitor’, Dreams voice in his head, his panic room. But the thought of forgetting and then finding out what he'd done when his friends, ‘Are they my friends?’, found out what he had done filled his body with terror and caused his eyes to well up with tears. It felt familiar. ‘Why does it feel familiar?’ The air around Ranboo felt like it was vibrating with the enderman hybrid and the particles that circled around him, and the glitchy noises started getting louder.
‘Stop thinking, stop, STOP, STOP THINKING.’ Ranboo let out the enderman equivalent of a scream, and then winced as he felt tears fall down the sides of his face, leaving burning trails of pain.
“Hey, Mate, you okay?” Ranboo jolted at Phils soft voice, a small surprised vwoop coming out. 
“Oh, Oh, um, yeah” Ranboo said quickly, hastily trying to close the chest in front of him, but accidentally slamming the lid on his thumb as his shaky hands fumbled with it. “Im fine, I was just uh…..” He trailed off, not having a good explanation for the mess that he made other than the truth. And he couldn't tell Phil that. ‘But you can! You should, so you stop betraying everyone.’
“Mhm…” Phil hummed skeptically as he looked at the chaos, but decided not to press. He looked back at Ranboo, who was shakily trying to stand up, but then had to sit back down, his body too exhausted and painful. Ranboo looked up for a second, locking eyes with the winged man standing cautiously in front of him. He realized his mistake too late, and was too exhausted to stop the instinctual reaction. He felt his jaw fall and the air begin to buzz intensely all over again. He felt defensive beyond reason, like he always did when he lost control while making eye contact. Luckily, Phil noticed Ranboo tense up and saw his jaw fall, showing off purple glowing teeth like spikes and looked down, breaking eye contact. His gaze found the black and white mask Ranboo usually had covering his mouth was on the ground next to them, soaked and abandoned.
“How about you come into Technos house with me so we can get you dried up, Ok?” Phil was still looking at the ground, and couldn't see if Ranboo was calmer now, but he felt the buzzing particles in the air fade significantly at his quiet words. Phil dared to glance back at the soaking white and black kid, and relaxed when he saw Ranboo was also looking down, more out of exhaustion than anything, but definitely more calm now. His jaw was back where it usually was, and he was no longer vibrating intensely. 
“Ok, here, let me pick up your crown and mask, and then we can head back to the house.” When he had put the 2 items away he held out his hand to Ranboo who took it carefully, almost as if he was afraid it would be snatched back. But it wasn't, and Phil helped Ranboo stand up, and started to lead the boy through the snow, leaving the chest behind them. Ranboo leaned against the significantly shorter man next to him, stumbling through the snow, his brain foggy from the pain and fear. Philza felt him shaking slightly, and nearly pulled away, worried that the enderman hybrid was panicking again. Almost immediately he realized that Ranboo was just shivering from the cold, being in a soaking wet suit surrounded by snow was going to make nearly anyone freezing cold, Enderman hybrids being no exception. Phil freed one of his wings from his coat and wrapped it around the kid to warm him up, not caring that he would have to deal with wet feathers later.
When they reached the house Phil got Ranboo a spare bed, which the boy flopped gratefully down on. Phil chuckled quietly for a second before grabbing a set of antarctic empire style clothes and placing them on the bed.
“Don’t go to sleep yet mate, you need to change out of those wet clothes so you don't hurt yourself anymore.” Ranboo slowly nodded as he sat back up and ran his shivering hands over the soft material of the clothes. Phil started towards the stairs, then looked back for a second.
“I'll be right back with something warm for you to drink so you can warm up quicker, and a health pot or 2 so we can take care of the water damage. Once you're done with that you can sleep, Ok?” Ranboo mumbled something that Phil took as an agreement, and headed the stairs.
Ranboo changed into the fuzzy clothes as quick as his shivering, tired body would let him, too tired to question why the clothes fit him perfectly despite the fact that he towered over Phil, Techno, and Tommy too. He sat back down before his legs could give out again and sighed, feeling himself getting warmer. 
His eyes were beginning to fall closed when he heard Phils foot footsteps and looked over to Philza, who was holding a steaming mug in one hand, and a health potion in the other. He also had a towel draped over his arm. Phil handed the enderman hybrid the health potion first, which he drank quickly, and then the towel. Ranboo just wrapped it around his head, too tired to put anymore effort into drying his hair. The bed shifted slightly as Phil sat down on the bed, maneuvering his wings around so he could give Ranboo space. Ranboo took the mug of what he could now tell was hot chocolate and began to take small, experimental sips. 
After a bit he pulled his knees up to his chest and leaned against Phils body, still taking small sips of his drink. Phil smiled at the boy and slowly wrapped his wings around them both, hoping it would help warm up Ranboo faster. When the enderman hybrid was done with his drink he closed his eyes and let his head rest on Phils shoulder, letting out a small sigh before he fell asleep. Phil didn't move for a bit, only moving his hand to carefully take the mug out of the others hand, and he settled down for a while, just thinking about the day's whole ordeal. Questions filled his brain. ‘Why did Ranboo dig up all that area so messily? What was even in that chest, and why was he so obviously scared of me seeing it? Why was he so scared?’ Phil tried his best to just brush them off, he would ask Ranboo another day, when he was more calm, and feeling better. 
Some time had passed by now, and Philzas wings were beginning to cramp, so he gently laid the boy down on the bed, and carefully threw a thick blanket over him. Ranboo looked very peaceful in this moment, small vwoops coming out occasionally, but he didn't sound distressed. Phil smiled for a second before he grabbed the pile of wet clothes and took them upstairs to get washed and dried with the mask. Ranboo felt safe and warm for the first time in a long time, and he was content, dreaming about defeating a dragon with a steak or something, snuggled under the warm blanket. Who knows, dreams are weird.
Thank you for reading! If you got to this point I wish you the most amazing day, thank you!
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babysizedfics · 4 years
I need to know about doctor mama lo taking care of a sick baby Virgil if you would like pretty please. I dont wanna ask on the in character blog cuz I feel like it would be weird to ask for details and lo seems kinda busy anyway lol.
hey tumblebee!! yeah yeah lets do this, Im gonna write it so that ppl who dont follow the other blog can understand too
also this is a VERY long headcanon!!
so last night vee got ill, he had been regressed in the afternoon with patton and he was acting much more fussy than usual - not being entertained by his cartoons, not having the energy to play with his rattle, pretty much constantly whining and pouting and he gets very wriggly when he's fussy
patton assumed it was because vee had been upset earlier that day. at one point vee started gripping his stomach, and patton assumed its because he was hungry and could smell the food roman was cooking
but when dinner came around no matter how hard patton tried he couldnt get vee to eat a morsel - he kept turning his head away from the food and whining. at one point patton and logan both managed to convince him to eat a spoonful but his face crumpled with a wince and it looked almost painful for him to swallow it. it was at this point logan noticed he had a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead
things fell into place quickly after that - logan checked his temperature and it was indeed slightly higher than was healthy, they noticed vee's hands were trembling and he was constantly on the verge of tears :(
while patton cleared away dinner and excused roman who wanted to go and craft in his room, logan took vee to his bedroom and tried to check for more symptoms, since vee was non verbal and unresponsive totheir questions. he tested his tummy by pushing it a little to see if the pain got worse when he released it (this is a test for appendicitis) but there was no reaction thankfully except vee being upset by logan not cuddling him. he checked his throat for any redness or infection, nothing.
vee's crying became more pronounced and eventually he was in constant tears, occassionally pleading 'mama mama' through sniffles and hiccups and whines of pain :(( Patton brought him a baby bottle of cooled tea made with fresh mint leaves since that is supposed to help stomach pains. though he left the room again since logan thought it was best not to crowd virgil. Vee's crying had dissipated but he was strangely silent and seemed almost loopy now. he only drank a little of the tea before he pushed it away with a gag.
logan immediately took him to the bathroom knowing what was coming, and sure enough vee threw up into the toilet, crying between gags. logan dutifully managed to keep vee in his lap the whole time and held his hair and rubbed his back, telling him he was such a good boy the whole time
Thankfully it didnt last long as there wasnt much in vees stomach to be emptied. he was shivering and sweating and flushed and had lost all energy. he wasnt even crying anymore, just whimpering under his breath. with a bit of a struggle logan managed to show him how to rinse his mouth out with mouthwash - though he had to hold vee over the sink and pat his back to make sure he didnt swallow it
during all of this patton wasnt able to help because of his heightened empathy, if he sees someone throwing up the likeihood is he will too and that wiuldnt be very helpful! so instead he drives to the store to pick up some medicine and ice pops - and comes back with half the store including some actual baby medicine smh - ((im actually begging u to read that linked post i think its so funny))
it was originallly meant to be logans night to put roman to bed but understandably patton took on that task instead. after roman was drifting off patton pokes his head into vee's room. he had hoped to find lo and vee asleep but they werent. they were lying in the dark with an in the night garden audio story playing on a portable speaker and with vees salt lamp and star night light lighting up the room in a soft glow.
logan offered a strained little smile and nod to patton as he stroked vee's hair and cuddled him close. vee was completely out of it honestly. his body was wholly lax against his mama, his lips were in a permanent pout and his eyes were puffy and wet. he barely even acknowledged his papa coming in, his teary eyes just settled on him for a moment then dropped back to the bedsheets without a reaction. he kept lifting his thumb up to suck on it but logan kept capturing it and apologising as he brought it away. Vee shouldnt suck on his thumb and logan doesnt want to give him a paci while he's ill. understandably, baby vee was completely miserable.
patton asks if logan thinks vee could handle a popsicle or plain crackers at the moment but logan disagrees. he doesnt expect either of them to get much sleep so he will make sure vee eats something in a few hours. with a gentle kiss on vee's forehead patton goes off to bed, confident that logan will be able to look after vee and will come get him if theres any issues
logan and vee really dont sleep much at all. Vee drifts off for a few minutes at a time then gasps awake from vivid fever dreams. logan keeps ice cubes in a bowl by the bed for vee to suck on if he needs to cool down and wraps a couple in a flannel to press to vee's head when his fever rises in the middle of the night.
around 3am logan jolts awake and realises he had drifted off. and vee isnt anywhere in the room. he panics momentarily, bolting up from the bed and dashing to the closet to see if virgil is in there - which he tends to do when he is overwhelmed - but then he hears sniffling from the bathroom.
he finds vee, no longer regressed, curled up against the side of the bathtub with his bangs clinging to his sweaty head. vee is the palest person logan knows but he looks positively grey at the moment
'can i help in any way?' he asks, aware that he doesnt need to baby talk at the moment but still eager to look after this bundle of miserableness
virgil just groans under his breath and clutches his knees to his chest. 'i.. i didnt know what to do with the..' he gestures vaguely to something on the floor
logan notices virgil, being not regressed anymore, had obviously wrestled off the diaper he had been changed into the night before and not known how to dispose of it
'its ok, ive got it' logan wraps it up in a bag and puts it in the trash can they have in the room for just this purpose
'sorry.. m stupid' virgil croaks
'You're not stupid.' logan says firmly as he washes his hands 'You're ill and probably delirious from the fever. it's alright virgil'
theres quiet for a bit longer, virge's head pressed against the porcelain edge of the bathtub likely in an attempt to cool his fever. logan stays there with him for a while just waiting. then suddenly virgil starts sobbing and buries his face in his hands.
'sweetheart, tell me whats wrong please' logan hurries to kneel beside him, lifting his hands away from his face. that wouldnt help the fever
'i dont feel well' virgil cries pathetically, tears rolling down his face.
logans heart breaks 'no, you dont. i'm sorry little one, i know its not nice'
at the nickname virgils thumb raises to his lips again, which logan hurriedly intercepts. 'i'll make you a deal, okay? you're allowed to use a pacifier, but you have to use the same one everyday until you are better. we will need to sterilise it every night too.'
vee sniffles and nods, then chokes 'm not a baby right now though'
'that doesnt matter. you dont need to be regressed to want one of your pacis, vee'
vee is unresponsive and starts scratching at his pyjama pants. logan gets a feeling he isnt saying something. then he notices virgil's pout is much more infantile than his adult ones. 'are you feeling little, baby?'
with a harsh shake of his head vee starts crying again. he whispers 'dont wanna be a b...' then cuts himself off and whimpers
logan cards his fingers through virgils damp bangs. he knows what virgils mind has jumped to. 'were you going to say you dont want to be a baby?' he lifts virgils chin up to look at him 'or that you dont want to be a burden?'
virgils pale lip wobbles 'same fing'
'no sweetheart, no no no,' logan sits on the tiles beside vee and pulls him into his lap. virgil goes willingly. logan rocks his baby as he says 'youre always always allowed to be a baby and its never ever going to upset your family. even if you're an adorable wonderful brave baby boy alllll of the time' he scribbles his finger on virgils rosy cheek and delights at the tiny smile it earns him. 'but especially when you're feeling yucky. you feel a bit yucky today dont you, little one?'
vee nods with a pout
'but yknow whats not yucky? softies and pacis and diapers and lots and lots of cuddles with mama' he holds virgil tighter to prove his point. vee sighs and drops his head to nuzzle against his mama's neck. logan feels he still has a slight fever. 'i know what might help you feel less yucky. does my sweet baby want a sweet ice pop?'
thankfully vee nods against his shoulder and grips tight onto his pyjama shirt, preparing for when logan lifts him up
he first makes sure to change vee into another diaper and even decides that he should wear one of mama's t-shirts as a light dress so he doesnt get as overheated by his pyjamas. at this point vee actually giggles for the first time pretty much all day as he feels the tshirt swish lazily around his legs. logan makes a mental note to observe whether little vee might want to try wearing dresses if the feeling sparks this much joy (at this point logan is unaware that vee has secretly been trying skirts and dresses in his room for months, and roman found out a few weeks ago, but vee isnt ready to tell the cgs yet)
by the time vee is in his diaper and mamas tshirt dress and has a paci and jiji clutched to his chest he is a lot calmer and happier. he's still very ill and exhausted and teary, but theres a tiny smile on his face instead of a pout. in the kitchen he picks a strawberry ice pop and it goes down well, logan convinces him to have a cracker too though vee is in such a young headspace by then that he is just sucking on it, which logan supposes is fine too
by the (real) morning vee is still regressed and has managed to have a couple hours undisturbed sleep. its not much but its better than nothing. logan didnt fare much better. by then vee misses his papa and asks for him and logan hands the responsibility over to papa patton, trustinf the other caregiver enough to catch up on a quick power nap himself
but yes, the main thing is vee thought being ill was a burden enough that he shouldnt be regressed too, but logan makes him see that its okay. vee is regressed pretty much the whole time he is ill over the next few days because its stressful and painful and its a lot easier to feel comforted when ur a baby
yeah! gosh that was long, theres probably a billion spelling mistakes! feel free to ask follow up Qs if i missed anything u wanted to know abt this event
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imaginewithmgk · 4 years
It’ll Be Alright
Tumblr media
prompt; be alright - dean lewis
link to music video
summary: y/n and colson have a fight that doesnt end well because of something y/n did and then they see each each other at a party two years later
word count: 2,246
warnings: cheating, swearing, drug & alcohol
I look up from the ground To see your sad and teary eyes You look away from me And I see there's something you're trying to hide
“Y/N?” I ask my girlfriend as I hear her walk into the bedroom we share. My eyes stay focused on the notepad sitting in front of me, reading over the lyrics I’ve been writing all day. She doesn’t respond so I look up to meet her eyes. They’re filled with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks any second now.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” I put my feet on the ground next to our bed and stand up, I cautiously walk over to her.
“No! Stay there please,” She croaks.
“Did I do something?” I ask her.
“No, i-it’s not you,”
“Don’t call me that,” She lets out a long sigh. “Please,”
“Okay, please tell me what’s wrong,”
“I-I I don’t know how to tell you,” I can tell there’s something she’s trying to hide. We’ve been together for so long that we practically share a brain, so many people tell us how alike we are and because of that, we are a perfect match.
And I reach for your hand but it's cold You pull away again And I wonder what's on your mind
I reach for her hand, to offer some comfort, but as soon as my fingers meet hers all I can feel is coldness. Not literally, figuratively. She seems to be emotionless, numb. I am usually met with nothing but warmth when I touch her but this time is different. She pulls away quickly and turns around, running a hand through her hair.
“What’s on your mind Y/N? Please tell me,”
“I-I can’t,”
“Yes, you can. We share everything,”
“I know we do Colson,” She huffs.
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's They were my mate's
“I made a dumb mistake,” Y/N admits.
“What do you mean, dumb mistake?”
“I-I just made a mistake, okay?” Her voice trembles.
“What mistake Y/N!?” I raise my voice, becoming impatient with how she’s acting.
“Don’t yell at me p-please,” Her voice breaks. “I was really drunk, it didn’t mean anything!”
“What didn’t mean anything!? What the fuck are you talking about?” I am yelling now.
“You know the cigarettes you found on the counter yesterday?” She turns around to face me with tears running down her face. The sight breaks my heart.
“They weren’t mine. They were someone else’s. Someone you and I know,”
“It doesn’t matter who. It just matters that they were there,”
“What the fuck are you talking about Y/N? I’m sick of you beating around the bush! What fucking mistake? Whose cigarettes? What did you do!?”
“I slept with someone,” She finally admits. I swear all feelings leave my body but as soon as they’re gone, they come flooding back and hit me like a ton of bricks.
“What?” My voice cracks. I meet her eyes, hers filled with tears and mine filled too.
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head And everything deleted like the past, it was gone
Baby <3: i love you so much!
Me: i love you too girl x
Why the fuck am I looking over our old messages? She’s the bitch who cheated on me. I know it’s not right but not being with her is really fucking with my head. She was my one and only for so long, she was a part of me. Without her, a part of me is missing. I switched over to my Photos app to see all of our photos gone, just like our past. I deleted them after I found out what she did. Even though what she did killed me, I can’t help but miss her, miss the times we shared together, miss our photos, miss our late-night conversations, our cute texts to each other throughout the day. I miss everything.
And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
“I can’t believe you,” I choke out. “How could you do that to me!?” By now I’m just letting the tears out, I don’t care what she thinks.
“I was drunk! I know that’s not an excuse but I wasn’t in my right mind,” I walk closer to her and place my hand on her cheek. I can tell she’s moving on, or am I just telling myself that? It’s not the fact that she slept with someone else, it’s the feeling of betrayal that I just can’t seem to shake.
And everything I know tells me that I should walk away But I just want to stay
“Everything is telling me to walk away,”
“I know,”
“But I just want to stay,”
“I know Colson,”
“Why did you have to fucking do this!?” I scream and throw my notepad on the ground. “We were perfect,”
“I’m sorry!” She cries.
“Sure you are,” I face her. “That’s why you went and fucked someone else!”
“I was drunk!”
“That’s not a fucking excuse,” I hiss. “Just fucking go! Leave!” I point to the door. She practically runs out of the room, leaving me to my own thoughts. I drop to the ground and take handfuls of the blanket that once lay on our bed. What just happened?
And my friend said "I know you love her, but it's over, mate It doesn't matter, put the phone away It's never easy to walk away, let her go It'll be okay”
I concentrate on my feet, one in front of the other, slow and steady. I am so fucking drunk right now I can’t focus on anything but the simple task of making it to my couch. I finally do and drop onto it.
“You good bro?” I hear Rook ask me. My body sways in every direction possible as I try to look up at him.
“Do I look good?” I chuckle.
“Not really,” He laughs with me as he sits down on the couch next to me. “Want a drag?” He offers me a blunt, to which I greedily snatch out of his hand and take a drag.
“Thanks,” I say in between blowing the residual smoke out. I hand him the blunt and do my best to grab my phone out of my pocket. I unlock it and go into my contacts to look for the only thing that’s been on my mind for the last few weeks, her.
“Don’t do this to her Kells. Don’t do this to yourself,”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I snap.
“Yes, I do. I know you love her, I know how much you love her but it’s over,”
“It’s not over! I want her back,” I plead as a tear runs down my cheek. I sniffle and aggressively wipe it away. I hate showing weakness, especially around my boys, but the alcohol has warped my emotions and brain so much that I have no control.
“It doesn’t matter, put the phone away Kells,” Rook tells me as he attempts to grab it out of my hand. Due to my current state, he successfully gets it and puts it down next to him. “It’s never easy to walk away Kells. But you have to let her go. She’s the one who fucked you over! Not the other way around,”
“I know,” I place my head on his shoulder and let it all out, all the emotions I’ve been bottling up for so long. He puts his arm around me and lets it happen. This is why I’m so thankful for my brothers.
“It’ll be okay,” Rook reassures me.
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time So bottoms up, let's forget tonight You'll find another and you'll be just fine Let her go
“It’s gonna hurt for a bit of time, probably a lot of time in your case Kells,” Rook says. “So have a blunt with me and let’s forget tonight bro. You’ll find another girl who will mean more to you than Y/N did I promise. You’ll be just fine. Remember that you’ve got me, Slim, Baze, Ashleigh, Dom, Mod, Pete and a truckload of other people who love you and will ride with you until the end. Look at all the shit you’ve been through and you’re still here man. You’re a fighter. You can let her go,”
“Love you man,” I hug him properly.
“Love you too,”
But nothing heals the past like time And they can't steal The love you're born to find It'll be alright
*two years later*
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Come on! This party will be so fun!” Y/B/F encourages you as you slouch on your bed.
“I can’t be bothered, I have to work,”
“Just take one night off Y/N! For meeee,” They whine.
“I guess,” You shrug and get up off the bed. “What should I wear?”
“That tight black dress, with the sheer white cardigan and your black heeled boots!”
“You already had this planned out didn’t you?”
“Of course darling,” You laugh together.
“It’s so packed,” You breathe out as you stare at the random people filling the house in front of you. You have no idea whose house it is or who’s at the party but you didn’t want to disappoint your best friend.
“Come on,” They grab your hand and drag you inside. You say a few hello’s to the people you recognise before inevitably making your way to the alcohol and making yourself a drink.
“Okay don’t freak out,” Your best friend says while walking up to you.
“You can’t say that and expect me not to freak out,” You laugh.
“Well,” They pause. “Colson is here,” Your body froze at their words. It’s been two years since you drunkenly cheated on Colson and you have regretted it all everyday since. You lost all communication with him that day so you don’t even know if he still hates you or not. You run your fingers through your hair and let out a sigh of frustration. You turn around, planning to leave the party, but are stopped by a body standing right in your path.
“Y/N?” Your eyes lock with Rook’s.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh my best friend forced me to go out,” You nervously scratch the back of your neck. You used to be really close with Rook, hence why he was the one that hated you almost as much as Colson did. After all Colson is his best friend, his brother. “What about you?”
“Colson got invited so me and a few others tagged along,”
“Oh okay,” You look down at your shoes.
“Rook! Bro, there you are!” You hear a familiar voice. “Who you talking to? Ooh, a gir-“ His voice stops as soon as he sees you.
“Y/N!?” He exclaims.
“Hi Colson,” You blush. You will forever be nervous around him, not because he scares you but because of how much you feel for him. You had thought for awhile that you had moved on, that you had buried the feelings you had for him but clearly that is not the case. As soon as you locked eyes with his vibrant blue ones, all the feelings came flooding back.
“W-what are you doing here?” He asks.
“I’m here with my best friend,” You point towards your best friend who is downing shots with randoms. Normally you would be filming it or teasing them at least but not in this case. Not when the ex-love of your life is standing right in front of you.
“Hey, can we talk outside or something?”
“Of course. Lead the way,” He grabs your hand and instructs you to follow him. The feeling of your hand in his is all too familiar, the tingling sensation in your fingertips and the feeling of comfort or home.
You make your way out the front of the house with him and sit on the curb. He sits next to you and leans his head on his knees.
“You okay?” You say softly.
“Yeah it’s just crazy seeing you I guess. It’s good though, don’t get me wrong. I missed you,”
“I missed you too,” You lean your head on his shoulder.He moves his head so he’s looking down at you. You notice his eyes begin to flicker down towards your lips and back up to your eyes, is this really going to happen? You think to yourself. He begins leaning his head towards yours. You can practically feel your heartbeat making your whole body shake in nervousness, it feels like your heart is in your throat. He brushed his nose past yours and let his face almost rest on yours. You missed this feeling, the feeling of his hot breath on your lips and the eagerness to make connection. You decide to take a chance and lean your head up. You finally press your lips onto his and the past two years feel like nothing. Nothing matters except the fact that you get to touch him again.
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