#i think. unwise
chooey · 1 year
kinda came out (?????????) to an old middle school friend i dont really keep up with much i dont know if that was wise
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princehendir · 5 days
Every time there's a post about not getting all your political & other opinions from On Here the example url used is vaguely fandom-y and I just want to make it clear that while you definitely shouldn't be getting your political views from ron-and-harry-in-the-tardis you also probably shouldn't be getting them from leninforeskin or doggirlgore either
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Gabriel : I... Don't recall this scene... Being in the Bible, Machine.
What? No way. Hang on, lemme see that. In-in this Bible? Pff-hah.
I know this Bible. Gimme that.
Okay... Cock and balls 3:14... Kama Sutra 69:69. Oh God, why is this thing so long?
Hm, let me see- *gasp*
Ain't. No. Way.
That shit is right here in the Bible!
That shit is- I am looking at it right- it is right here.
I am sorry. I apologize.
I- I owe you an apology, I was wrong. I- I thought I knew this book, but I missed something.
V1 : I told you, God said to suck as much dick as possible.
Audio Source part 1
Audio Source part 2
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buzzingroyalty · 1 year
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timeline in which aziraphale is in fact tasked with raising a new baby jesus in an orphanage run entirely by angels so there are no shenanigans nor interferences but the supreme archangel insists they hire at least one human who actually knows how to raise human children. a "human" eventually shows up. Jesus 2 is named Lucy <3
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dameronswife · 9 months
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#he's literally so pretty
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castielsprostate · 10 months
fictional middle aged man pussy got me acting unwise
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katyspersonal · 5 months
who do you think fucked up worse…gehrman or maria?
This is an interesting question, and I kind of didn't think of it before! Time to take a closer look at their crimes I guess. Some of these will be held on the possibilities and 'safe assumptions' though and addressed for the full picture!
1) Both were involved in Fishing Hamlet massacre!
With Maria, we can conclude as much because she discarded her weapons in the well at the place specifically. Her version in the Nightmare realm, a Hunter again, is supposed to be what punishes her, and she is focused on keeping Kos/OoK away from rummaging through. Considering the nature of the Nightmare, as well as the Doll who has spiritual connection with her, it should come from her guilt and regrets rather than.. I dunno, discarding the hunt over natural 'character development' and just picking a cool place to forsaken her past!
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Gehrman sleeps better according to the dialogue Doll has after you kill OoK and free it's soul, so if it tortured him so, I think it is safe to say he had to be personally involved too rather than stay back while his students did the job:
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They both were involved with Byrgenwerth, following their quest for obtaining the eyes of the dwellers from their skulls, and I suppose cord of OoK?
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The thing about this point is that the description is written as though it was Gehrman's curiosity which ruined Maria's "idealisation" of him, or WOULD ruin it had she learned of it! This makes me wonder whether she was really involved in Byrgenwerth all that much, or whether she was aware of the real purpose of Fishing Hamlet massacre beforehand? Her goal, within the Nightmare, is stated to mercy-kill us so we don't allow that curiousity corrupt us to the point of "rummaging through corpse" and similar things, further supported by her visceral attack being an embrace if it is lethal!
I am just saying that here the balance might slightly shift towards making Gehrman 'worse' than her. Maybe she was not aware that it all was not just killing "monsters" but also a pregnant mother with her divine baby, but "well you didn't ask :/". Maybe Gehrman deceived her to use her aid. Maybe he didn't think it would be a big deal for her seeing that Maria was also interested in evolution through talking with Great Ones, and assumed she'd be just as callous about which means to accomplish the goals with?
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2) Both were grave-robbing, or at least okay with that!
This one is a little less obvious, but Tomb Prospectors were not the first to go to the Chalice Dungeons! ...It were actually Willem, Dores and Gatekeeper lol:
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BUT ALSO it were Old Hunters! We can see the remnants of it by Old Hunter Vitus being one the summons in Chalice Dungeons, hear Gehrman encourage us to go into the Chalice Dungeons to become stronger as via "tradition" of the Old Hunters,
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and the fact that one of the things that torture Maria (again, remember that Nightmare Realm is Hell that punishes) is a Chalice:
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(A video ( x ) for a better look at the Chalice from a figure)
I'd say that it is not very nice to disturb the undead Pthumerians just struggling in remains of their civilisation! Interesting thing: we can conclude they are even staying there to protect the Great Ones or their remains!
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There has been some sort of civil war between ancient great-ones-respecting Pthumerians and who late became Cainhurst nobles! Maria, ironically, fell onto the side of "entitled guys" descendants! But yes, I could see why bullying zombie guys to get more history and archeology relics from them might not seem like much for her at start. Experience in the Fishing Hamlet likely retroactively ruined this period of her life for her: delving into Chalice Dungeons was likewise 'not leaving the corpse alone'. The remaining Pthumerians were right having some honour and dignity. So, that came to haunt her in the form of Pthumeru Chalice. Gehrman is.. well he's here too I guess dfshfdhs
3) Both knew a little too much about Laurence's shady business and did nothing?
Old Hunters used to be friends with Healing Church's Hunters and even had their workshops located close to one another! Gehrman was friends with Laurence and Ludwig, who are both quite strongly involved with Moon Presence (Ludwig's sword and guidance, Laurence's affiliation being known since Byrgenwerth times), as well as the key figure in creation of Hunter's Dream:
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This was most likely a bait-and-switch, seeing how the cord itself is still in the real Workshop, and not in the grasp of Moon Presence (unlike, say, Wet Nurse taking Mergo's cord)! I think the purpose of creation of the Hunter's Dream was to "buy time" for the research conceived by the scientists! Remember: Gehrman was known to have "madness of curiosity" that Maria resented, or at least would resent had she known! He might have been fully aware of what Laurence wanted to do and support it! My point here, that with such proximity, he must have known of all Laurence's crimes and agreed with them!
Maria was at least overseer of the Clocktower's Research Hall, which, again, was just beta!Choir.
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This last line IS a bit confusing, because it makes it sound as though the nerds looking for the Eyes Inside and the Blood Ministers got split. Laurence and Ludwig make it weird, as Moon Presence is also an Eldrich creature and Ludwig is for sure full of eyes! What also makes it strange is that Choir, and then School of Mensis, are both upper echelons of the Healing Church, but Laurence is supposed to be above both of them.
I think this can be worked with! Let's say what if Choir formed after Laurence's death, which also happened after Maria's death, and Vicars after him were somewhat "powerless" and walked over by Choir and Mensis, only leaders in the name! But that still leaves the bit that the mentioned "division" happened after Choir was formed! Maria and Adeline, however, are locked to the existence of the Research Hall, so, the timeframe when doctors and blood ministers were 100% working together! We find the Eye Pendant that opens the access to the Research Hall in Laurence's hand, and human Skull of Laurence on the platform that hides the secret elevator to that Research Hall. Again, by the Nightmare Logic, they must be connected with Laurence's sins: he started this research, or sponsored it, or was overseeing it, and so on.
This point is not an absolute thing though, because one or both of them might be freed from guilt here. Maybe Gehrman was not as informed and agreeable as we could assume and Laurence did lead him around? Maybe Maria wanted but could not do anything being caught in the web of complicated connections, blackmail and risks for the people she cared about?
4) Both are willingly involved in questionable practices (Maria with research, Gehrman with the cycle of Dream and Hunt)
This point I feel like transcends the morality a little bit, as it touches the matter of 'it is bad if you do it, but it is also bad if you DON'T do it'. I really love Soulsborne universes for having guts to say "you can't win, just pick your poison", but I think it is still worth addressing!
It is up to interpretation in which quantity Maria is involved with the Research Hall! Nothing states whether she founded it, joined in the research later, stepped in and turned the tides (ba dum tss) of the research, or simply was a caretaker/nurse/etc of the broken mess while Research Hall was getting ready for a bit of rebranding. She can be very guilty, or she can be barely guilty but in either case if that was her "redemption arc" that was a pretty bad way to go about it. ...or was it?
Fauxsefka turns people into Celestial Emissaries so they physically can't become beasts instead, and is even stated to be a hero / heroic researcher by Miyazaki:
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First, I don't do Death of the Author (in terms of interpreting media I mean, not in terms of a style of writing)! Like, nope. Never. It is just not for me. Creator's word is the final for me; Fauxsefka is the good guy in the story, apparently, and it makes sense considering the fundamentally broken place characters are in! Maria has similarities with Fauxsefka: not only both of them have Cainhurst roots, but also both of them seem to favour 'Stars' line of evolution for humans!
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Whereas other patients are afraid of the horrors of the Deep Sea, a concept Miyazaki could not get over well into DS3, Adeline desires them! Other patients seems to have gotten it right, and you can see one of them also clings to Maria mentally to "not drown"; Adeline "didn't understand"! The balcony that Maria wants Adeline to go to so she can forsaken the Deep Sea and seek something "happier" holds unique kind of patients who can shoot cosmic arcane spells:
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Herself, Maria is associated with these lumenflowers: their petals are all over her boss arena, and the way to her lays through a much bigger batch of flowers, where Living Failures, other 'Stars' Kin are, whose song lyrics also feature lines 'ave stellar' and 'ave Maria'!
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So, how this is different from what Fauxsefka is doing, who is stated to be as much of a good person as possible within this context and with the burden of her knowledge? Fauxsefka was doing more or less rinse-and-repeat practice, with maybe a few patients not surviving the procedure but we don't know what happened: maybe that person was already at the brink of death and she tried to make them live like this.
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^ This guy I mean. Maria, on the other hand, is in the time period where the doctors and scientists were only testing the waters (BA DUM TSSS) (ok I will stop) and it was not SO certain what was at the stake, what were the alternatives, what was awaiting the humanity. It is even possible that the beasts problem was not yet bad to the point of "you'll either become a beast, be eaten by a beast or become a Kin, humanity is DONE for!" ! This was an unethical research at the cost of real people! The weight of Maria's sin here really depends on the interpretation, though
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As for the cycle of Dream and Hunt, this is complicated and lingers on one's interpretation of what the purpose of the Dream even IS! Its existence provides two things: 1) a hunter who is immortal for the night, thus can sustain the beasts with efficiency like no other, but also effect the continuity of the night ( x ) and 2) supposed sustenance to the Great One Flora of the Moon, who holds the hunt as a concept!
I used to be a bit more set on the idea that if beasts are not sustained and hunted, they will simply overpower those who are yet humans and eat them! It is a self-feeding cycle of people needing to self-defend from beasts, thus having to consume the blood as urgent means of healing and power-up since beasts are too strong, thus risking to become beasts themselves because the blood they consumed during that hunt corrupts them. So, the Hunter's Dream would be a good thing, as it'd help to 'buy time' during nights of the hunt in which not only beasts are more active but Great Ones too! While the Dreaming Hunter holds everything together, the greatest minds of the Healing Church can efficiently study the ways to end beasthood, or ANY problem of humanity, once and for all! It is just better to throw the hunting resources on the Dream, so the scientists don't worry about the beasts and can focus on research. However, I almost forgot that:
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This implies that had there not been Mensis Ritual ongoing, people WOULD have the chance to simply 'wait away' the beasthood problem. That, since Rom is not stopping Mensis Ritual but just conceals it, what really makes the inner beast within everyone who consumed the blood inevitably come out is Mergo's cry that draws the Bloodmoon close!
So yeah, the point about Hunter's Dream being helpful for the research of evolution still stands, especially under assumption that the deal with Moon Presence helped to bring more Eldrich Arcane close for "feeding" her. The point about how if the beasts are not hunted they'll simply eat everyone, though, is vague. It is safer to assume that the Hunter's Dream and Research Hall both are both example of hubris of man even if approached differently. Attempts to draw in something dangerous and horrifying, but it is "justified risk" because if you manage to 'tame' arcane/blood, sure, humanity will prosper!
Like... yeah, sure, there IS dangerous and undesireable nature of man that ruins everything and might or might not still linger in humanoids' genes after Loran. But did humanity ASK any of you guys to keep trying to fix it with so many victims and sacrifices? Like, was it WORTH it?
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This point is closely tied to 'knowing Laurence's bad antics and doing nothing', yeah. Maria didn't seem to like blood ministration very much, as she disapproved of Adeline becoming a Blood Saint, but she also didn't even approve of blood antics of her own clan! I am not sure what would be her opinion on the Hunter's Dream had she lived to the point when it was created, just that she herself is not willing to ever hunt, so I am leaving this point aside. Is this just blood ministration that she opposes but proximity with a Great One Moon Presence would be something she can see the potential of? Or would she and Gehrman have a pointless cat fight about whose methods are better when they are both hubris of man? In both versions they are 'guilty'! Besides:
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In the end none of THIS matters either and everyone was fooled ( x ). The blood offering is a blood offering in any way; whether it is through spilling blood violently during the hunt, or offering the blood's 'red' with how celestial Kin all bleed red. Moon doesn't care what paints it red, in the end.
My conclusion is: both of these characters fucked up almost equally! I think the balance shifts just a little bit and Maria is slightly better than Gehrman since she had some limitations set on how far she was willing to go. Her motivation was not in "curiosity" but strictly in helping humanity, even if in unfair ways, which is apparently not the case for Gehrman?
I'll say this though, NOW I am hooked on the idea of Maria and Gehrman being petty "rivals" ideologically (for as long as they could before Maria's own demons caught up with her). Especially since neither approach is better than the other and they are both cringe loosers! Again, lost comedy gold over Fromsoft making Gehrman's tender and warm feelings for her before and after her death plain. What is not lost, however, is the fact that the two should just kick Laurence and go home :pensive:
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humanmorph · 9 months
(transcript by @violentandmagnificent)
It’s quiet here, living in your head. It’s quiet here, and when I talk, you listen, at least when you can hear me, which isn’t always. It isn’t always, but it’s better than never. It’s quiet here, living on this ship. It’s quiet here, and I remember when it was loud, I remember different voices bouncing in these halls, I remember old arguments, I remember myself. I wonder how much I can tell you; because  I can tell you; I have much to say. But you never saw me astride the Prophet’s Path, beside the Resin Heart, imparting wrath and play. So who am I? You only know what they’ve told you. So who am I? You only know what’s written down. So who am I? You only know what’s on recordings, and according to the world, I’m a hypocrite, or drowned. I doubt you can hear me, but I know that she can. So pardon my frustration, I’m just tired of her plan. I lost my life long before I understood, before metaphor became real, before I felt the wheel’s wood. I wonder what she’ll tell you. I wonder what she’ll share.  I wonder what she’ll ask of you, what task of sweat and prayer.  I long to sweat and pray, a body in the day. The color of the sun. The touch, the ocean's spray.  The last thing that I felt in life. (The first thing that I felt in life.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I hope she tells the truth to you. (I hope she tells the worst to you.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I loved her like she told me to. (I left her like she told me to.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  We’re running out of time, you know? (She’s running out of time, you know?) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I fear we might be mirrored, two echoes of a call shouted between two queens, two queens who want it all. I fear we might be symmetry, I fear we might be one. Make her tell the truth to you before we come undone.
PALISADE 37: Reach In / Reach Out Pt. 1
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blooming-gwens · 4 months
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I'm pleased to inform you that the wait is over! Here is CHAPTER TWO of For Everything
Chapters: 2/
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen Summary:
~Perhaps they were meant for each other. It was written in the stars—stars meant to burn out in their all at once powerful surge. Stars meant to fall. Bright, burning and then gone. And in its sudden demise, no one would even remember it was once there, lost in the infinity of severed constellations.
That was the way of the universe. That was the way it had to be.~
Alternatively: Gwen Stacy is doomed but Miles Morales’ love might save her.
Please feel free to reblog to support and share my work!
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baqsy · 11 days
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meownotgood · 1 year
I need to give this man my strap on right NOW
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excaive · 1 year
y'know what it's been 3 years of Cass, you guys can have a couple of Cass induced thirsty as fuck art I did within like the first 7 months of designing her just to get a taste of what she did to my brain <3 (and Keith's. RIP buddy)
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me in one image:
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Keith in one image:
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
man I'm just gonna say that it's incredibly fucking weird to walk onto a stranger's blog, project your own predatory age headcanons onto a character with no canon age, and then decide that means the blogger condones it.
like?? my dude?? the only person talking about that is you because it's your headcanon?
"you're bad because I think of this ageless character as a 30yo being paired with a teen" well I sure goddamn don't and I didn't need to hear that shit! it's not only extremely inappropriate, it's creepy as fuck! so like, maybe do some self-reflecting on why you decided that a stranger should abide by your headcanon, and maybe also stop doing that.
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devildom-moss · 7 months
That's all!
Remember to eat, sleep and dont do drugs!
Sincerely, 💜
This one was a little vague, so hopefully you like it 💜anon, and thank you for the request. I wasn't sure what to write at first, but I think it ended up pretty cute. (also I really hope you meant Simeon x Barbatos without MC, because that's what I wrote). I hope you didn't want heavy angst because this ended up so soft.
SimBarb hurt/comfort
(Barbatos x Simeon)
(mentions of slight physical injury) (fluff)
Word Count: +1,600
There was an unusual subtle ache in every muscle of Barbatos’s body when he woke up that morning. The pain concentrated in his throat, which felt drier than usual. He forced himself out of bed and got something to drink, holding onto a weak, fragile hope that collapsed into a void when his morning tea did nothing to soothe his throat. Barbatos sighed, blowing the steam out from his cup. He was sick.
It wasn’t just the sudden illness that annoyed Barbatos, it was the fact that he got sick the very day that Simeon had planned to visit the castle. Barbatos had spent the last three days working harder than ever to ensure he could spend a peaceful afternoon alone with Simeon. He had done everything except make the snacks he was going to serve with tea that afternoon. His mind had spent days imagining long, intimate conversations and a leisurely walk. If they could find some peace and if Barbatos could make his move, maybe they would have some time to get intimate in a more physical sense. Well, there’s nothing to be done now, he figured.
Barbatos went to the supply closet and grabbed a mask. He could have sent a message to Simeon and canceled their plans. He could have informed Diavolo and taken the day off to rest. He could have done a half-dozen other things than washing up and preparing the food he planned to make. As long as he wore the mask and avoided infecting the food, it would be fine; that was the rationalization Barbatos allowed himself. After all, Simeon always enjoyed the sweets he made, and Barbatos would hate to disappoint him. It didn’t matter how much slower he seemed to be moving, either; Barbatos still had a few hours until Simeon arrived – or, at least, he thought he did.
“Good morning, Barbatos,” Simeon peaked into the kitchen. Barbatos had been facing away from the doorway, and he jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion; he was certain he had more time. Simeon laughed sweetly and explained, “I’m sorry to surprise you. I met Diavolo on the way in, so I didn’t have a chance to ring the door. I know I’m early, but when I checked the weather, I noticed that it was scheduled to start raining soon, and I wanted to beat the rain. I forgot to tell you since I was in such a rush.”
“No, it’s alright. I’m glad you made it before the rain hit,” Barbatos spoke, muffled through his mask. He looked over his shoulder at Simeon – careful not to stare too long at the angel.
Simeon heard the muffled speech and saw the glimpse of a mask. He groaned, displeased, and approached the demon. “Barbatos, are you sick?”
“Slightly, it seems, but I’ll manage.”
“Barbatos,” Simeon sighed disapprovingly, “you should stop and get some rest. What in the Devildom are you doing in the kitchen? If something needs to be done, tell me, and I’ll take care of it for you.”
“I’m afraid I must decline your offer. I’m fine – simply not in top form. You needn’t worry. I’m nearly done here.”
Simeon glanced down at the tartlets on the counter. Barbatos grabbed a fresh blood red plum and cut it open. He took half of the plum in his hand and expertly pitted it with the tip of his knife. Simeon watched on in pity.
Without so much as a tickle in his throat to warn him, Barbatos was overcome by a coughing fit that caused him to jolt and slice his palm open, cutting through his glove and a layer of flesh. Simeon gasped and rushed Barbatos to the sink, pulling him by the wrist.
“Simeon, I can –” Barbatos started, but he cut himself off when Simeon looked up at him with a serious gaze – one that chilled Barbatos to the core and warned him not to protest. Simeon removed the glove and ran Barbatos’s hand under the sink until the water ran clear. Through the sting, as slight as it was, Barbatos refused to react or show any sign of pain.
“Do you have a clean rag?” Simeon glanced around the kitchen.
“Second drawer from the top next to the fridge.” Simeon left Barbatos holding his hand over the sink while he fetched the cloth.
He brought the dirty knife and the rag back with him, setting the knife in the sink to be washed later. With a gentle, angelic touch, Simeon pressed the rag directly onto the cut. The first thing Simeon noticed was how warm the palm of Barbatos’s hand was. Pulling his attention back from that warmth, Simeon asked, “You have a first-aid kit in your room, right?”
“Of course, but there’s one in the pantry as well,” Barbatos informed him, although reluctantly. There was no need for Simeon to worry so much over something this insignificant.
“Yes, but we should get you bandaged up in your room.” Simeon smiled sheepishly at Barbatos, who felt his face burn from the suggestive nature of his thoughts, only to be humiliated by his presumption when Simeon added, “You dripped a bit of blood onto your sleeve, and you’ll probably want a new glove once you’re all patched up.”
“Oh.” Barbatos looked down to see a few spots of blood staining his clothes. He nodded slowly. “You’re right.”
“Keep this pressed to your palm as we walk to your room – unless you want me to hold your hand the entire way there.” Simeon nudged Barbatos towards the door.
“I am capable of walking to my room on my own.”
“Yes, I know, but I’m going to tend to the cut for you.”
“I can dress my own wounds,” Barbatos protested.
“Yes, you can, but I can, too. Let me do this for you.”
Once inside his room, Barbatos pointed out his first-aid kit for Simeon and sat on the bed patiently. Simeon joined him and offered his hand, palm up and expecting, waiting to cradle Barbatos’s injured hand. At least Simeon had the kindness to not warn Barbatos of a potential sting as he pressed an alcohol swab to the cut – to allow Barbatos the dignity of presumed knowledge and anticipation. Barbatos sat, quiet and still, through the process.
“Tell me if it’s too tight,” Simeon instructed Barbatos as he began slowly wrapping gauze around his hand. When he finished, he kept Barbatos’s hand in his and caressed along the side of the wrap softly with his thumb. “Is it okay?”
“Yes, thank you,” Barbatos offered him a smile that stayed disguised behind the mask. “You really didn’t need to do that.”
“I know.” Simeon lowered his head and kissed the palm of Barbatos’s hand, then left another kiss on his wrist. Barbatos felt his face burn at the show of tenderness. So rarely had he been at the receiving end of doting affection that he found himself unnaturally flustered. Simeon looked up at him with a sickly sweetness. “You should learn how to allow someone to take care of you, Barbatos.”
“I’m trying,” he admitted – half humiliated to be loved.
“Take off your shirt,” Simeon instructed him.
“Pardon?” Barbatos’s eyes widened.
Simeon laughed, knowing he had successfully caused a stir in Barbatos. “I’ll wash it with your glove before I make some soup for you – assuming I have permission to make use of your kitchen.”
“You always have permission to access the kitchen, but –”
“Excellent,” Simeon cut him off. “The last time Luke got sick, I made him some soup that soothed his sore throat and cleared up his sinuses. I’m not sure if you’ll have all the ingredients, but I can go to the market if I have to. Now, that shirt?”
Barbatos sighed and began to undo his coat before unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m well enough to do laundry and cook.”
“And I’m in better health for both. Or do you not trust me to help out?” Simeon tilted his head slightly. That was a dirty trick.
So, of course, Barbatos had to concede. He handed his soiled shirt to Simeon. “Alright, just don’t push yourself for my sake. You could get sick, too – especially if you go out in the cold rain. We should have enough ingredients – if it’s the soup I think you’re talking about.”
“Oh, right! You’re the one who sent me that recipe.” Simeon laughed at his own forgetfulness as he tucked the shirt over his arm. He glanced out the massive window in Barbatos’s room. Somehow, he hadn’t noticed the gentle rain hitting the glass. It had grown particularly dark, and a thin mist obscured the usual view. A soft, content sigh left Simeon. “I didn’t realize the rain was here already, but I guess we’re both guilty of being oblivious.”
“I beg your pardon?” Barbatos was never – or almost never – accused of being oblivious. Often, he was accused of being quite the opposite. “What makes you say that?”
“You haven’t realized that I don’t mind the risk of getting sick.” Simeon leaned in, lifted Barbatos’s mask, and pulled it down before kissing him gently. Simeon’s hand rested on Barbatos’s bare chest, feeling his heart pound. “You’re worth it.”
Barbatos yanked his mask back up the second Simeon pulled away, determined to hide his smile and blush. “You’re certainly bold, angel.”
“You deserve to be cared for once in a while. I promise that the next time I get sick, I’ll let you dote on me.” Simeon pet Barbatos with a chuckle before sliding his hand down from Barbatos’s soft hair to his injured hand. “For now – at least until the rain lets up – let yourself go and trust in my capable hands.”
Suddenly, Barbatos wished that it would rain all through the night.
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thekidsarentalright · 3 months
new fob stage production is abt to go so fucking crazy if we’re STARTING w patrick coming out in a fucking hospital gown???? hello??????
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jinkiesmariz · 1 year
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Okay so I started watching mod mod world (more specifically I got through all of void paradox and felt the chemistry in my brain shift and I am insane) and let me tell you who my faves are besides Polly and Laila, BEVAUSE my boytoy scientist lover boy and beloved son Tommy have made me scream and cry and lose my mind over there not being a season 2 I’m genuinely so upset
So to commemorate this take my doodle dump I decided to do instead of my very important comms hahahahahahjajajahahahahahahaha
First is like headshot of Modzilla aka Monty aka loml and then mother son shenanigans
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