#i told you it got long im so sorry T_T
cwarscars-a · 1 year
@ubcs asked ; [ continuation of this ask ]
DEAR READER. what is a piece of advice your character would give to a loved one. is this advice they follow themselves?
be proud, be strong, be brave.
heidegger would advocate for someone to be proud of who they are and fierce with it. this is a man who admires strength and enjoys a challenge. he likes the bold & the brave. whether they're an enemy or not - he enjoys people who are willing to stand up for themselves.
it's one of the reasons why he's such a prick to his soldiers - they're all weak. none of them challenge him, none dare get fierce or firm or brave and to heidegger - that sickens him. take his interaction with barret as an example - barret snaps back, takes the piss and heidegger smiles. he loves it. he's obviously entertained by somebody willing to fight back & appreciates power. so, i think if he were to give advice - it would be advice that tells people to be strong. no matter their adversaries.
HITS DIFFERENT. what is something that deeply resonates with your character? it could be a song, a quote, a piece of art, or any other form of inspiration.
oh no, not this question. *whips out my war movies* slngslkdngsd. honestly, the quotes i use in my pinned / blog / promo are big inspirations for me. respectively, from platoon & apocalypse now.
the platoon quote is by sgt barnes - a guy who is /just/ like heidegger. fierce, in charge. kind of an underhanded prick who aims to get the job done and is straight-up brutal. he says -
Now, I got no fight with any man who does what he’s told, but when he don’t, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain’t gonna allow that in any of you. Not one.
this quote - to me - sums up what heidegger is all about. it's that genuine idea of doing right by oneself and morals / company. like, it's that idea that suggests anyone not 'for' the actions in question - are 'against' them. it's the suggestion that heidegger isn't a man who sees himself as a villain. he sees himself as genuinely in the right.
the other quote is from apocalypse now & is from col kurtz, who really, is quite an opposite character to someone like heid -
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare: crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.
horrifying imagery aside - i love this quote. i love everything about it. to me - it symbolises the mundanity / willingness of going towards ones death. blindly moving through inevitability - the snail is moving along the thing that's killing it; no emotion, no reaction. it just keeps going. it's his dream, because the snail doesn't give a single solitary fuck. it's his nightmare because it's horrifying. it's upsetting. the thought of willingly dying for nothing - of accepting ones death so easily? is that brave or stupid? sadness or truly being content? to have no fear of death - is that admirable? to be so brave as to blindly march toward it? is that stupid?
i relate it to heidegger because although i see him as this pigheaded, arrogant man. i also see him as somebody who has been through hell. he has seen more bloodshed than a normal human could process - he's made both a friend and enemy of death. i feel so passionatly about his inner thoughts and feelings regarding death. he is, as the meme says, both sickened and curious by death.
YOU’RE LOSING ME. has your character ever felt disconnected from their emotions or struggled to maintain relationships? how do they handle these challenges?
yes. 1000%. aside from the previously mentioned things regarding his trauma as a young man / losing his wife & kids ( when they decided to leave him ). i essentially write his before crisis self as a man in just one big alienating spiral.
in truth - i never played before crisis. i read all about it and i watched heidegger's segments but they're very brief. he is terrible and screws around with the turks & almost gets president shinra killed. so, i started headcanoning that - with this being so soon since he came back from the front line of wutai - that he'd become an alcoholic and that drinking on the job, wasn't uncommon.
the way i write him during this time is someone who is just entirely out of touch. he's drunk 90% of the time and has alienated a lot of people who may have once even liked him. his relationship with everybody sours during this time & once again, shinra has to save him from himself. ( shinra constantly saves him because heidegger is useful to him ). i think the disconnect during this time was huge because -
he'd lost everything.
he could no longer fight. a bloodknight - deprived of battle! he no longer had his daughters to dote on, or his wife to cheat on ( ouch ). he was just rendered another public figure. a man with medals and pride, sure but - what else? he'd go home to a lonely house. he'd drink to stave off nightmares.
during this time, he was at his possibly most disconnected as an older man. and, in truth, he only got lonelier.
but heidegger being heidegger, he turned that loneliness into pure hatred & anger.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 4 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞
Pairing: Chan x Lee Know little sister!fem!reader (non-idol au) Genre: Fluff + Smut angst kinda >.>(im bad at writing it forgive me...) Word Count: 8.6k (HOLY SHIT THATS THE LONGEST ONE YET) Warnings: mutual pining, mentions of cheating, protective Minho, underage drinking if you pay close attention, fighting >.> <.< DONT DO IT, unprotected sex pullout method >.>, cringe ending as usual. i think thats everything?
A/N: I genuinely started tweaking writing this uh requests are open until like august. this request is old... so... im sorry i only just got to it ;-; I'm also so sorry if the story is >.>... cringe T_T my brain has been like fried eggs lately.
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The first time Chan agreed to go to Minho's house, he was in his sophomore year of high school, when Minho had mentioned he had a sister, Chan hadn't thought much of it.
Until Chan saw you; the pretty, sweet (to him at least), smart 8th grader that was Minho's little sister.
You had poked your head into Minho's room, "Bro have you seen my hair rollers?"
Chan looked up at you from his book.
Minho looked at you and made a face. "I don't know where you put that stuff."
"Minho!" You threw the door open and frowned at him. "You borrowed them!"
"I DON'T FUCK-" You paused, eyes flicking to Chan.
Minho smiled evilly. "I'm telling mom!"
"MIN!" You shouted, "OH!" You stomped your foot for a moment before huffing. You took long strides to Minho's bedside table and grabbed his wallet.
"Where are you going!?" He shouted as you went back to the door.
"Buy more hair rollers." You said, slamming the door behind you.
Chan looked at his book and cleared his throat trying to disguise his laugh. You were cute, just a little bit.
Minho looked at his friend before his eyes narrowed. "Hey."
Chan looked at him, "Huh?"
"Chan... You're my guy. My best friend." Minho got up from his bed and smiled genuinely at him, "For the sake of our friendship, don't..."
Chan raised a brow. "Don't what?"
Minho made a face. "Chan."
Chan laughed. "Minho. I couldn't. Be for real. She's your sister. I'll be with her and be constantly reminded of you." He shuddered.
"Haha." Minho punched him. "Promise?"
"How old are we?" Chan raised a brow.
Minho looked serious.
Chan sighed. "I promise."
Yet... he couldn't keep that promise. Not while you were so busy being you.
You pulled into your parents' driveway. You had just finished your sophmore year of college, you checked your phone and messaged Minho saying you were home and to open the door.
You waited for a few minutes, scrolling on instagram before checking to see if Minho had read your message. It was still on delivered..
You sighed and called his phone. It rang and rang, but he didn't answer. "MINHO!" You made a face and finally decided to check your brother's location.
He was an hour away. At the mall.
You were about to call him again when he called you first.
"Oh, you're home already?" he asked, munching on something.
"Yes." You exhaled. "Why aren't you here to let me in?!"
"HEY HEY HEY!" He said, "Someone is there."
"Who?" You fianlly got out of your car and grabbed your bag from the trunk, dragging it to the front door.
You made a face and rang the doorbell. "Yada yada."
"Hey, respect me. I'm older than you!" Minho huffed.
"Ah hush." You rang the bell again. "Is that weirdo friend of yours even here-"
The door opened and you looked at the man standing there, his hair was unruly and he looked like he just woke up. You looked him up and down for a moment- he looked different, older, more muscular, the tank top wasn't helping much, you could see the outline of his pecs. "Chan?"
"AH I told you he'd open the door-" Minho started but you hung up the phone.
The muscular man crossed his arms. "Do I know you?"
"Uh- I live here?" Your brows furrowed.
"The only women I know live here is Minho's mother and a silly 11th grader I haven't seen in years." Chan sighed, "Minho doesn't take squatters. He already has 3."
"Bang Christopher Chan." Your eyes narrowed. "Did you just call my babies SQUATTERS????"
Chan's mouth fell open. "Y/n-"
"I'm telling Minho!" You pushed into the house and Chan trailed behind you.
"Let me carry that bag for you-"
"No, no, no!" You swatted his hand away. "You think my babies are squatters." You huffed and ran to your elder brother's cat, Soonie, that happened to be looking around the corner.
Chan rolled his eyes and you picked it up and started baby talking to it. "It's a cat-"
"You speak fluent baby to Berry. Don't judge me." You walked with the cat up the stairs to your room.
Chan sighed deeply.
"Chan, bring my bag upstairs thanks." You smiled sweetly and skipped back up the stairs with the cat.
Chan tongued the inside of his mouth a bit annoyed, you hadn't changed one bit. You just looked more mature. More like a woman, the curve of your waist more defined to your hips, you seemed prettier, your- … What are you thinking...
Chan pursed his lips and grabbed your bag, taking it up stairs.
He watched as you entered your room.
"Did Minho touch any of my stuff?" You asked looking around.
"Not that I know of." Chan hummed setting the bag on the bed.
You turned and gasped. "MY GUDETAMA PLUSH IS GONE!"
Chan tilted his head. "Your what?"
You fumed. "MY EGG PLUSHIE!"
Chan's face fell. "The one that was over there-" He pointed to your desk.
Your eyes narrowed. "Bang Christopher Chan. Where is my egg-"
"HERE!" Minho shouted, sliding into your room, holding up a Gudetama plushie.
You looked at your older brother. "Minho. It's not even the same plushie."
Minho opened his mouth then closed it.
"It was Changbin's idea!"
"OHH!! LEE MINHO! GET OUT!" You fumed.
Chan and Minho scurried away before Minho burst out laughing as he got to the bottom of the steps. Chan rolled his eyes and laughed.
"I'll give her the money to replace it later." Minho sighed, "Tryna get some drinks? Jisung is paying."
Chan nodded, grabbing his phone from the table and staring at your cat Dori. The brown, grey striped cat tilted its head at Chan and the man pet it gently. "Tell Y/N I'm sorry yeah?"
The cat purred and Chan smiled before following Minho out.
Chan finished off his alcohol and turned to Hyunjin, "Hyunjinnie."
The long, dark haired man looked at him, "Huh?"
"That egg thing Jisung covered in paint."
"What about it?" Hyunjin asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"What was it called?"
Jisung looked up from his food. "Gudetama?"
"Yeah that." Chan hummed. "Where do I get one that looks like it? Exact replica.."
Hyunjin shrugged. "Google it."
Chan huffed, and started searching.
Minho looked at him, "Why are you wondering?"
Chan pursed his lips. "We did mess it up."
Minho grabbed Chan's phone. "Chan." His face was expression was blank.
"Minho, I'm just trying to replace it." Chan grabbed his phone back and sighed.
Hyunjin gave Minho a look and kept eating.
Minho didn't say anything to Chan until everyone was going home only saying "see ya."
It was over a week later you came home with your friend Sua to hang out and when you opened your bedroom door you smiled at the sight of the a new Gudetama plushie. The CORRECT one.
"Where did that come from?" Sua asked as she sat on your bed, grabbing your Cinnamoroll and hugging it.
"Minho probably got it." You grabbed the egg and admired it except as you brought it to your face and inhaled, past the scent of the store... you smelled the cologne it smelled like... You pulled Gudetama away from your face and stared at it for a long moment.
"What?" Sua asked.
"Nothing..." You murmured.
Sua took the Gudetama from you and inspected it. "It's definitely new.. it smells like the store but..." She smelled it again. "Who's cologne is that?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed it back, hugging it. "Doesn't matter.." But as you thought about the way he'd looked at you when he opened the door, the way his muscles seemed to strain against his shirt as he crossed his arms... You shook your head. So what if he had grown up a little bit. So had Minho's other friends, it didn't matter.
Yet recognizing the faint scent that lingered on the plushie, the faint scent you'd picked up from him as you pushed past him, you hugged the plushie just a little bit tighter.
Chan spun in the spinning chair in the library. He looked up at the ceiling, brain racing with so many thoughts. Had you seen it? Had you liked it?
"Chan." Hyunjin flicked his forehead. "Did I write my part good?"
"Uh huh." Chan said dismissively.
"You seem lost in thought..." Jeongin said, rolling over in his chair. "Something on your mind?"
Someone.. "No, nothing." Chan shrugged.
Jeongin's eyes narrowed, "I think..."
Chan looked at him. "Wha-"
Jeongin grabbed Chan's laptop and ran off with it, "THE SECRETS ARE HERE!" He shouted, "PROTECT ME HYUNG!"
Hyunjin tried his best to hold Chan in his chair but the latter easily sprang away and sprinted after Jeongin.
"INNIE RUN AWAY!" Hyunjin squealed.
As Chan was about to pounce on the younger man, the library assistant, a young woman with dark hair and brown eyes with a small mole on her cheek, cleared her throat. As Chan got a better look he realized the woman was your friend, Sua.
"Please be quiet." She rolled her eyes before walking into the small room and pushing the chairs back into place, she sniffed slightly, as if sick and Hyunjin offered her a tissue which she gratefully accepted before leaving the room.
Chan grabbed his computer from Jeongin and sat back in his spinning chair. "There is no secret."
The younger men looked at each other, "Sure," Hyunjin said, "Totally," Jeongin huffed.
As Sua walked away she smiled to herself and looked back. So that's who got Gudetama...
You were out with Sua at the mall, "Y/N." She smiled, "This would look so good on you." She pushed a very short skirt into your hands.
"Are we going to a strip club??" You stared at your friend in shock. "Min will kill me if I wear this."
She nudged you, "You can't stay so single and innocent forever." Sua's eyebrows bounced comically. "But then again.." She pulled the skirt to herself. "Do you think Seungmin would like me in this?"
You rolled your eyes. "If Seungmin noticed you."
She shoved you. "MEANIE!"
You giggled and kept looking for clothes.
"Ok..." She sighed.
You turned to the jewelry area and left Sua looking at bottoms alone. As you looked at the earrings and necklaces and bracelets, a pair of earrings caught your attention, it was simple, small silver half hoop earrings. You moved down the glass to get a better look and as you rested your hand on the glass display, a hand brushed yours. You looked at the hand for a brief moment before seeing the veiny arm, your stomach flipped.
You looked at the man, he looked at you, brow raised.
"Sorry." You pulled away.
"It was my fault." The man laughed. "I was just looking at those earrings." he pointed to the earrings you had your eyes on.
"Oh-" You smiled slightly, "I was looking at those too."
His eyes widened slightly, "You probably saw them first-"
"No it's fine." You were about to move away.
"It's fine really." the man waved over the store clerk. "How much for these?"
Your brows furrowed. "I-"
"550,000 sir." The clerk said.
The man slid his card across the table and smiled at you. "It's the least I can do, I think I made you uncomfortable."
You opened your mouth then closed it. What was this guy doing..
"I'm Minseok." He put his hand out to shake yours.
You smiled sheepishly. "Y/N, and really you don't have to get me these-"
The store clerk came back with a key and opened the glass display, closing the earrings box and putting it in a bag. The clerk handed the bag to Minseok with his receipt and card.
"I insist."Minseok handed you the bag.
"Y/N, did you find someth-" Sua came over, carrying a lot of bags and looked at you then Minseok and back at you, a devious grin spread across her lips and you wanted to hide.
Minseok wrote something on the back of his receipt before handing it to you. "Call me?" He smiled and walked out of the store.
"WHO WAS THAT FINE GLASS OF WINE????" Sua grabbed you, "What did he give you?" She grabbed the bag and smiled at the earrings, "Oh my, a man of taste! What's his name-"
"SUA!" you grabbed your friend's face. "Stop rambling. He bumped into me."
"And bought you earrings for 550,000 won as an apology?"
You sucked in a breath.
"He was definitely into you." She smiled dreamily. "If only I could find Seungmin in such a way."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's go."
But you had ended up shooting Minseok a text... why not?
Chan came over with the guys to celebrate Minho getting a promotion. "Ah, look at the best dance instructor this city has ever seen." Chan hugged him tightly as he entered the house.
Minho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
"Congrats man." Jisung patted Minho on the back, "Now with the money you're making you can finally pay when we go out to eat."
Minho made a face.
"Stop annoying him," Jeongin smiled. "But really congrats."
Minho smiled, "Come on in guys," He led the men in and to the dining room, "Tada!"
The men smiled at the sight of the barbecue and they all began eating. Chan teased Minho most of the evening until, he heard steps on the stairs. He turned to look at the stairs and his heart skipped a beat.
You were coming down the steps with Sua, dressed up to go out, skirt that showed your perfect legs and a shirt that drew attention to your curves and cleavage.
You came to your older brother and gave him a quick hug, "Congrats Minho."
As you started to pull away he grabbed your hand. "Jacket?" He asked.
You held up your jacket.
You held up your phone the yellow Gudetama case that Sua had bought you drew Chan's attention momentarily.
"Pepper spray?" Minho tilted his head.
You shook your purse a bit.
He smiled, "Have fun. Don't let a creep touch you."
"Yeah yeah." You followed Sua out.
"Where's she going?" Changbin asked, munching on his beef.
"Party." Minho shrugged.
"Bound to get attention dressed like that," Hyunjin sipped his soda, "Who's party?"
"Some guy from college apparently." Minho shrugged. "Sua's with her so she should be fine."
Chan's eyes narrowed, "Minho, you're letting her go to 'some guy's' party?"
Minho looked at him. "She'll call if something happens, besides she knows not to drink."
Chan sighed, "Alright."
The other men looked at them, but no one said anything.
After the little celebration Chan was driving home, it was almost 1 in the morning, he came to a red light in front of a bar and tapped his thumb on the wheel to the rhythm of the music. He glanced out at the bar and his brows furrowed. There was a girl who looked suspiciously like you, stumbling out.
Chan was about to ignore it when a man came out of the bar after the girl. He sighed, the cars at the cross section slowing down and just as he was about to drive he watched as the girl reached into her bag for something and pulled out a yellow case with lazy egg.
Chan pulled off to the side and got out of his car as the man grabbed your shoulder. You shoved him off in your drunk daze but he was persisting.
And right as he grabbed your wrist Chan grabbed his forearm. "Can't you see she doesn't like you?" Chan's eyes narrowed, "Get out of here before I beat the shit out of you."
The man stared at Chan for a moment. Chan gripped the man's arm tighter.
"Bitch." The man released you roughly and stormed off down the street.
"Chan-" You looked at him, about to speak.
"Get in the car." He said lowly.
You opened your mouth, then closed it as he tilted his had at you daring you to say something back. You walked to the car and he opened the door to let you, closing it a you entered before going to the driver's side and entering.
"Please don't tell Min." You said as he settled.
"Where's Sua?" Chan turned to you.
"She ran off with some guy.." You said quietly.
"Why didn't you leave then?"
"Who are you my dad?"
You looked at your hands. "I didn't want to."
Chan hook hi head and tarted the car again, before pulling back onto the road, he was about to go back to your house as he scolded you when you suddenly covered your mouth.
Chan sucked in a breath. "Y/N no- Not in my car-" Chan pulled over by a tree and you jumped out of the car and ran to the tree.
He cringed as you vomited and stepped out of the car, carefully taking your hair into his hand and holding it out of the way until you were jut dry heaving.
"You good now?" He asked.
You nodded.
Chan got you back in the car and gave you water.
"Chan..." You said after taking a drink. "Don't tell Minho. Please."
"Ok, ok, I won't." He sighed.
"Don't wanna go home."
"You have to."
"CHANNIE!" You whined.
Chan turned so fast, his head could've spun off his shoulders. He blinked before turning back to the road. Chris. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
"If I go home, Minho will know I'm drunk and he'll tell our parents and I won't be allowed out again." You grabbed his arm. "Chan.."
Chan sucked in a breath. "Just this once."
You smiled and hugged his arm. Chan felt his face getting hot but kept driving back to his place.
Chan had really trusted you when you said you were fine, you vomited again, outside his apartment complex and this time it had gotten on your shirt. So when you had gotten into his apartment he forced you to the bathroom and gave you some of his clothes to wear.
You were lying on Chan's couch, half asleep while he got you food because you wouldn't stop asking.
Your phone rang.
Chan was about to grab it but he froze. What would Minho think...
You grabbed your phone and answered. "Hello... No... I'm at Sua's... Chan? No I haven't heard from him... No I didn't drink... No I didn't bring a guy with me to Sua's... Okay... Tell my babies I love them... Good night Min." You hung up the phone and looked at Chan. "All handled."
Chan turned to face you and his stomach did somersaults. You standing there in his shirt, his sweatpants, looking so...
You tilted your head. "Are you drunk too, Channie?" You hummed.
Chan shook his head. "Haha. Here eat."
You smiled and took the food, going back to the couch, munching. Chan closed himself in the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He rubbed his hands over his face for a moment before tuning on the tap and splashing his face. "Christopher... It's Y/N." he told himself. "It's just Y/N.."
A knock on the bathroom door made Chan look up. He patted his face dry with the towel on the bar and opened the door.
You stood there, looking at him. "Are you okay?" You asked.
He nodded, "I'm just really tired."
"I'm sorry for bothering you." You muttered, "Thank you.."
Chan felt his heart flutter and he smiled gently. "It's okay. Sleep in my room 'kay? I'll take the couch."
"I can't.." You mumble.
Chan made a face, "Why?"
"I don't have Gudetama.."
Chan opened his mouth then closed it.
"It keeps me safe at night." You looked down and gripped the hem of your his shirt tightly in your hands.
What was Chan supposed to say... What could he say without sounding weird or mean..
"Stay with me?"
Chan broke out of his trance as he heard that. "What?"
"Stay with me.. Because I'm scared.. I won't tell Minho."
What could he have said....
You woke up, head pounding, in the softest bed you've ever been in, as you opened your eyes you winced as the sun entering through soft grey curtains assaulted your already pained brain. You felt a breath against your hair and were about to jump away when the scent hit you... You looked around momentarily, it must be really early.
It wouldn't hurt.. You relaxed against his chest and hugged the arm he had around your waist. He was warm. Infectiously so. You felt warm in more ways than one. You smiled contentedly and closed your eyes again. Minho didn't have to know.
When you woke up again you heard voices, you sat up and slowly got out of Chan's bed. Your head throbbed slightly but you ignored it out of curiosity, you poked your head out the door and listened.
"I'm screwed, Hyunjin..." Chan said softly.
"If you tell Minho I'm sure he won't be that mad." Hyunjin replied.
Mad why? Because Chan helped me?
"Hyunjin." Chan said, more firmly. "I promised."
"Chan, it's completely human to feel like tha-"
"Hyunjin-ah!" Chan said a bit loudly before quieting himself. "It's not that I feel like that, even when I'm not feeling like THAT, I feel like..." Chan sighed deeply.
You backed up into the room. Feel like what... You wondered before grabbing your phone and texting Sua to come pick you up with a change of clothes.
When you got in Sua's car you looked at her.
"Do I have a lot to tell you?" She said giddily.
"I don't want to hear about what you did last night-" You started.
"Not me you dummy! The guy you met at the mall."
You turned to face her completely. "What about him?"
"He followed me on instagram this morning, I think he was seriously into you. He wants you to call him so he can take you out." She raised her brows stupidly.
"I-" you closed your mouth and thought about it for a moment, what harm could there be in going on one date? "I'll give him a call later."
"Atta girl!" Sua squealed before turning on her car and pulling out of Chan's apartment complex, "But guess what?"
"What?" You raised a brow.
"I SAID GUESS!" She wined.
"Ok, ok..." You racked your brain for a moment. "You bought new shoes?"
As Sua came to an intersection she slowed to halt at the red light and smacked your arm. "No."
"OW!" You huffed. "Tell me."
"I got Seungmin's number!"
You blinked. "How?"
She smiled, "Well, as I was going home with that guy yesterday Seungmin happened to be around and saved me-"
"Didn't you ask that guy to go home with you thou-"
"HUSH I'm not done!" She huffed, turning back to the road as the light turned green. "And Seungmin saved me and told me not to go home with strangers and if I get drunk again with no ride, I should call him." She sighed dreamily before her expression snapped to one of confusion. "How did you end up in Chan's apartment?" Her eyes widened, "DID YOU GUYS-"
"NO!" You shrieked. "No, he kept his distance."
"And you slept alone? YOU?!"
You pursed your lips. "When I woke up he was in bed too bu-"
"SUA! NO! WE WERE CLOTHED!" You felt your face getting hot.
"You were drunk, in a man's house and you didn't do anything?? Not even kiss?"
"No." You slapped your cheeks. "We didn't do anything."
"But.. did you want to?" She glanced at you before looking back at the road.
"No." You rolled your eyes. Then you remembered. How he'd looked at you in his apartment, like he wanted to pounce on you. "Bu-"
"Did he want to do something?" Sua drove into a café's parking lot.
"I..." Your face felt hotter as you remembered how Chan held you. "I don't know..."
That was all Sua needed to ramble about how Chan must be pining over you. And it was for that reason you didn't mention what you'd heard Chan telling Hyunjin that morning.
You'd called Minseok that evening, he insisted that you stay home and get past your hangover and that he could meet you another day. Though it wasn't intentional, you and Minseok spoke almost on the daily, before he asked you if you wanted to go out for lunch. You were about ready to go out when someone knocked on your bedroom door. You opened it and blinked at the sight of Chan.
He was looking at his phone for something. "Minho wanted to know when you'd be back so we could get dri-" He froze as he looked up at you.
"Chan?" You tilted your head slightly.
"Uh.. You look really pretty." He said.
You looked down and smiled slightly.
"Who are you even going to meet up with?"
You opened your mouth then closed it, no one knew about Minseok except Sua and Minho. "A guy."
Chan visibly stiffened. "Who?"
"I'll tell you about him later-" You tried to move past him but he blocked the doorway with his body.
"Where did you get those?" He pointed at your earrings.
My date.. "Sua." You lied.
He nodded. "Okay.."
You moved past him and managed to dodge your brother's inventory check as you skipped to the door. Right as the bell rang.
You opened it and smiled at Minseok. He smiled gently before his gaze flicked behind you.
You looked back at Chan and smiled.
Chan wanted to kill that guy. He didn't like him one bit, not the way he smiled or the way he took your hand to lead you out. Nothing. But more than that, Minseok always always looked at Chan as if he'd won something, as if Chan had lost the battle and the war he didn't even know had started. Two into your relationship and Minseok still had that look for Chan. Two months.
Minho had invited Minseok along with the guys for drinks. The entire night Minseok was giving Chan sideways looks. Until Minho asked, "How did you meet Y/N?"
"Oh," Minseok smiled fondly at his drink. "I bumped into her at the mall and I made her a bit uncomfortable with how awkward of an apology I gave so.. I bought her a pair of earrings and gave her my number. I didn't expect her to call back really... But fate is nice.."
Chan's brows furrowed. "What kind of earrings?"
"Silver ones-" Minseok started.
"Half hoops?" Chan pressed, gripping his bottle.
"Yeah." Minseok said, "Small, silver, half hoops."
Chan leaned back in his chair. You'd lied... You'd lied to him. For Minseok..
"Channie-hyung-" Jeongin reached for him.
Chan pushed back his chair and smiled at Minho, "I'm going to head back early," He waved at the other men and rested his gaze on Minseok for a brief moment.
"You're drunk, let me at least call you a cab-" Minho started.
"I want to walk."
"It's dar-"
"Goodnight guys." Chan turned and left them all at the table in confusion.
Hyunjin shot Seungmin a knowing look and kept drinking.
Chan wandered aimlessly for a while, lost in thought. He eventually found himself at a playground and sat down on a swing. As he swung back and forth, he thought about you and Minseok. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all..
He felt his eyes welling with tears. "What are you even crying about Chris?!" He groaned in frustration and wiped the tears from his eyes.
He cared too much, about you and Minho. He cared too much to see you with someone else. He cared so much that it hurt to care. Even as he took deep breaths to compose himself he couldn't stop the hot salty tears streaming down his cheeks.. But-
He looked up at the sound of your voice. You stood there, in a sweater that definitely wasn't yours... It was probably Minseok's... and a pair of sweatpants.
"Why are you crying?" You sat in the swing next to him and stared at him.
If only you knew...
"I've just been thinking recently." He muttered.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Chan stared at you for a long moment and then simply leaned over and rested his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You stared blankly for a moment before relaxing and stroking his dark hair gently.
"Can I ask you something.." He muttered against your skin and you felt a chill go down your spine.
"Anything..." You breathed.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "Will you stop me?"
"From doing what?" You stared at him in confusion for a moment before he leaned into you, breath mingling with yours.
"This.." He muttered, plump lips grazing yours before they finally met your own in a gentle kiss. He pulled away for a moment, giving you the opportunity to shout at him, to slap him and ask if he was okay mentally.
But you didn't..
And he kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue prodding at your lips for entry. You clutched Chan's shirt as his tongue slid into your mouth, the taste of alcohol still on his lips, but you didn't pull away. Not when he kissed you like that, kissed you like he'd been meaning to for months... years even. You didn't pull away even as you felt the burn of your lungs begging for air. But he pulled awa, his eyes dark, pupils blown, clouding over with something you hadn't seen before.
You sat up in bed and slapped your flushed cheeks. What on earth were you thinking...
Chan noticed you were steering clear of him like the plague. You were going back to school soon so maybe that's why. He saw you when he and Jeongin came over to see Minho but even then you only waved at him at the door and kept about your business. Maybe he had done wrong kissing you like that.
You were leaving again. Bags all packed and ready to go back to your dorm.
"AH!" Changbin hugged ypu tightly. "You're leaving us again! Who will come to Changbin Salon if you go!"
You giggled. "I'll be back in a few months for Christmas guys. Don't worry about me-"
"Y/nnie." Minho sighed, smoothing out her clothes, "Just take care of yourself. Don't get drunk. Don't stay up late. Don't talk to weirdos-"
You hugged your brother and rolled your eyes. "Whatever."
Your parents started bickering with you about taking care of yourself.
You gave Minseok a kiss and he hugged you tightly, whispering something in your ear that made you giggle.
You finally looked at Chan and smiled.
Chan smiled too, eyes widening in shock slightly as you hugged him tightly. He relaxed and hugged you back. "Take care."
You nodded, "Bye!" You got into your car right as Changbin and Minho finished throwing your stuff into the trunk.
They all waved as you pulled out of the driveway, and you were gone again...
Chan stuck around for a bit longer chatting with Minho and your parents before deciding to go home. As Chan made his way to his car he stopped as he heard someone.
Chan turned and stared at Minseok. "Huh?"
"Do yourself a favor," Minseok pulled out his own car keys and unlocked his vehicle. "And stay away from Y/N. 'Kay?"
Chan raised a brow. "Is there a problem with me being around her?"
"A little bird told me, you just want to get your dick wet. So I suggest you find someone else." Minseok shrugged.
He stared at the other man for a long moment. "What if... I just want to take her from you?"
Minseok's eyes went wide.
Chan unlocked his car and got in before Minseok could say anything.
You'd been in school for a couple of months, sure, you called Minseok everyday, it didn't kill the feeling of him being so far away though.
You had gotten back from class and were doing your homework when you got a text from Minseok. You smiled slightly and picked up your phone to look at it. As you read his message you rolled your eyes and called him
He answered almost immediately. "AH! Baby. It feels like I haven't talked to you in forever."
You rolled your eyes and giggled. "We talked this morning."
"Exactly, forever." He joked.
You put the phone on speaker and set it down as you started getting your materials for studying. "When did you get so needy?"
"When did you get so distant?" he countered.
You laughed. "I'll be around soon."
"Take your time with your studies.. I don't want to mess up your brain right now."
You smiled. "It's fine really."
"I'm gonna be really busy soon."
"Oh?" You flipped through your textbook, taking notes. "With what?"
"Work stuff." he said dismissively.
"Don't overwork yourself."
"Says you."
You pursed your lips and sighed. "Minseok."
"AAH! Okay.. I have to go now, sleep early. Make sure you eat. AND DRINK WATER." He said.
"Okay. Good night baby."
"Good night y/nnie."
You hung up and leaned back in your chair thoughtfully. You should visit home soon..
The next following day you called Minseok after class he didn't answer. You shrugged it off and assumed he was busy with work as he said he would be.
You called Jisung and he ranted to you about how Minho was being annoying and how Seungmin was bouncing off the walls about Sua.
You smiled as you thought about how vividly she used to squeal about Seungmin. As you were about to go to sleep, your phone rang and you looked at the contact, smiling at your boyfriends ID before answering.
"Hey love, sorry I didn't answer. I got held up at work." he said.
"It's fine," You rolled onto your back and put the phone on speaker, yawning as you asked, "Anything happen at home?"
"You sound tired." he aid, "And no."
You hummed. "I am tired."
"Sleep. You have classes tomorrow."
"Fuck class. I'd rather stay up listening to you."
"When did you get so needy?" He teased.
You giggled.
As you listened to Minseok rant about work and other things you relaxed and fell asleep even though you said you wouldn't..
You didn't notice it at first, but almost a month later, you realized that Minseok never answered your calls; he always called you back, and always very late. You could try to blame it on his work, but something just didn't sit right with you. But you ignored the feeling. Planning to visit during your break in the fall and catch up with everyone.
What reason did you not have to trust Minseok?
When you called him the day before your trip he didn't answer. Which didn't surprise you at all. But you still felt a small pang as you looked at the box you'd purchased just a week earlier. What was surprising was that he didn't call you back.
Still you got in your car the next morning, and drove all the way back home.
Minho and your parents greeted you with bear hugs and kisses.
You went out with Minho later that day to go eat and after an intense game of rock paper scissors, you had to go to the front and order. As you made your order and Minho's you noticed Chan sitting at a table with a very pretty woman. You finished your orders and approached waving slightly at Chan.
He looked at you and smiled. "You're back in town already? How's school?"
You laughed. "I'm on break. School's fine." You noticed the way the girl stirred her drink with her straw. "Who's this?" You asked.
Chan looked at her then back at you. "Yeojin. She's a friend."
The girl gave you a small smile but you felt a bit tense. As if you were challenging her... "It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand out out you."
"Likewise." You smiled and took her hand gently shaking it before turning back to Chan, "I've gotta go, maybe we'll see each other around?"
He nodded. "It was nice seeing you." As you walked away you noticed how he spoke to Yeojin so passionately, taking her hands in his. Your heart panged. You should be happy... You should be happy he finally got over what he told Hyunjin that day... Yet it annoyed you. It made you so mad you wanted to scream. But you didn't. You ignored the feeling. You had Minseok. What more could you need?
"Have you heard from Minseok?" You asked your brother as he spun in the spinning chair by your desk.
"Not recently why?" He looked at you.
You shrugged, looking at your phone. You checked Minho's location and saw he was still at work. You'd wait for him to get to his apartment then you'd surprise him with your gift and everything would be good. "He's been stressing about work recently... I just wanted to make sure he's alright."
"Go see him then." Minho said, rolling his eyes.
"When he gets back from work." You smiled, looking at the box in your bag.
So almost two hours later, when you checked your phone and saw he was finally home. You took a cab to his apartment and eagerly, pushed the button at the elevator. You jumped a bit before calming yourself. It was just Minseok... your sweet, caring, affectionate, handsome man.
Yet as you got to his floor, as you approached his door something in you twisted. You felt wary for a reason you couldn't explain. Even as you typed the passcode for his lock and it beeped in affirmation, as you opened the door to his dark apartment, something in you still lurched in suspense. Like your body knew what was coming and your heart and mind couldn't accept it. Even as you rounded the corner of the hall and saw an extra pair of shoes by the entrance.
You still walked through the living room and kitchen area. Right down to the other hall and to Minseok's bedroom door. Even as you heard them through the crack in the door you opened it.. and the tears that had been welling in your eyes since you walked into the dark apartment finally fell at the sight of Minseok, his dick buried in some other girl.
"Cho Minseok."
He sprang up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights as he finally took in your prescene.
You threw the box on the floor and whispered. "You asshole."
"Y/n!" You ran to the elevator and got in just in time to turn and see him running as the elevator closed, bedsheet wrapped around his waist as he called after you.
As the elevator went down your mind and heart finally caught up with the rest of your body and you fell to the cold floor and cried.
The last place Chan expected to see you, was bumbling down the street at night. Drunk.
Yet when he finally convinced you to get in his car he groaned and looked at you. "What on earth are you doing?"
You didn't answer, staring blankly out of the car window.
"I'll call Minseok to come get you-"
"Don't." You said quietly.
"Y/n." He sighed. "Minseok won't judge you for getting drunk, he probably won't tell Minho eithe-"
"Minseok is busy right now!" You snapped.
Chan stared at you. "Busy with what?"
"How is it your business?" You snapped. "You hate Minseok, I get it. but our relationship isn't your business."
"When are you going to stop him from running all over you, Y/N!?" Chan shouted.
You froze."Why do you care... go back to Yeojin."
Chan stared at you. "i have nothing with her..."
You took a few shaky breaths before you buried your face in your hands.
Chan took your hand and squeezed it gently whispering. "What happened?"
You looked at him, his coffee colored eyes so sincere. No judgement or ulterior motives, nothing but patience and empathy.
You leaned against him over the console. "He's with someone else."
"Since when?" He asked, his arm wrapping around your shoulders.
"I don't fucking know and I don't give a damn."
He hummed. "You wanna go home?"
"I don't want an earful from Minho." You said, closing your eyes.
Chan pulled away and started the car. The alcohol finally claimed your consciousness. You woke up a while later on Chan's bed, you sat up, still a bit tipsy. You stood from the bed and stumbled slightly as you walked. You saw Chan on the couch, staring at the ceiling.
"You left me alone again..." you said softly.
Chan looked at you. "I thought you'd be alright."
You stared at him.
"Come here.." he muttered.
You moved to him and sat beside him on the couch, leaning into hiss body heat.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, then your mouth ran faster than your brain could help and you asked. "Do you like me..."
Chan's body stiffened.
"Be honest.."
"Tell me."
"Minho would be angry at me-"
"CHAN!" You snapped, pulling away from him. "No... I understand. No one really likes me because I'm jus-"
He cut you off, kissing you. Your eyes widened momentarily before you relaxed and kissed him back. Your already cloudy mind felt like it was covered by a drape of emotion you couldn't understand, taking all your air away, wrapping itself around you like an anaconda. It squeezed the very passion from your veins and pushed it all into that kiss.
Chan pulled away for air first and your eyes met as he finally whispered. "I don't like you. I love you."
You kissed him again as he leaned into you, pinning you to the couch. His lips moved from yours to your jaw and neck before he froze. Minho... He started to pull away. "Y/n we can't-"
You grabbed his face in your hands and whispered, tears brimming in your eyes, "Please..."
Chan couldn't tell in the rush of getting you from the couch into his room how he ended up beneath you. Staring up into your pretty eyes before you leaned down to kiss him, his tongue fought with yours as your hands lifted his shirt and ran over his chiseled abdomen. When you moaned softly into his mouth something in his snapped and he grabbed you. Flipping you both and pinning you to the bed, staring down at you.
You smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes before kissing you agan, his lips moving to attack your neck and collar bones before he pulled off your shirt. You whined and tugged at his before he pulled it over his head and tossed his somewhere. You reached up and caressed his stomach before he took your hand in his and your fingers intertwined as he pinned it to the bed.
"We shouldn't..." He mumbled against your lips.
"Want you to.." You whispered.
"Fuck.." he moaned softly against your lips and rubbed his crotch against your clothed heat.
You pulled your hands free and wrapped them around him, pulling him down to you. Your world seemed to blur and darken, your only focus the man above you. How he worshipped you, lips moving from your jaw to your throat, decorating your skin with love bites. Moving lower and pulling your pants down slowly.
It wasn't painful or rushed. He kissed you slowly, filling you to the brim and more, each thrust met with soft cry from you. His hands at your hip pulling you into each push of his pelvis against yours. He leaned down and kissed you, his body caging you in, you held onto him tightly, nails digging into his broad shoulders as he bucked into you again and again. Knocking the air from your lungs every time he fucked into you, pushing deep, deep.
Mesmerized by the sight of of your pussy engulfing his cock as you whimpered and mewled beneath him.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He mumbled in your ear. "Gonna milk me dry, sweet girl?"
Your back arched off the bed at that, Chan groaned and reached between you rubbing your sensitive clit.
"Cum for me princess." He breathed into your neck, pulling out slowly before stuffing his cock into you roughly again.
"Channie!" Your pussy clenched tightly around hiss manhood and he pulled out. Pumping his cock until his release shot onto your breasts and stomach.
He held himself over you. "Fuck..." He dragged himself up to get something to clean you but when he came his eyes went wide at the sight of your hands on your face the soft sound of your sobs reaching his earss. "Y/N- I shouldn't have. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry-"
"Not you." You said, taking a deep shaky breath.
You took your hands away from your face and smiled. "I love you Chan.."
He smiled gently and kissed your forehead before cleaning you and getting back into bed.
"Can I ask you a question?" You said in the quiet darkness.
"Huh?" He turned to you.
"Did you replace Gudetama?"
Chan smiled. "Was it so obvious?"
"It smelled like your cologne.."
"You paid attention to how I smelled?" he gasped in shock.
"Shut up." You smacked his chest and rolled your eyes despite your face going hot.
He smirked and kissed the top of your head. "I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes but moved closer, relaxing into his warm embrace before falling asleep.
Chan hugged you to his chest, staring up at the ceiling as he caressed your hair. He heard something buzz and looked at your phone on his bedside table. He took in your peacefully sleeping face and smiled about to ignore it. Then it rang.
He moved away from you slowly and reached over you grabbing the jingling device. Minseok's face flashed across your screen. Chan made a face and answered, pulling the covers over your bare body before bringing the phone to his ear.
"Y/N! I'm so glad you finally answered! Baby it's not what you thought! I don't even know her real-"
"Y/n is busy," Chan said, looking at you sleeping.
"Chan?" Minseok asked, confused. "Pass her the phone."
"She's exhausted," Chan said, "and it's because of you. I doubt she'll call you back, so please don't call my girl's number again."
"YOUR GIRL??" He shouted on the other end of the line. "BANG CHAN! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"
Chan smiled to himself as he said. "Going to sleep with my girlfriend." He got back into bed and smiled at your sleeping face. "Good bye Minseok."
"Oh, Chan I swear-"
Chan hung up and pulled you close to him again.
"What was that about?" You asked half asleep.
"Nothing." Chan kissed your forehead. "Go to sleep."
Chan drove you home the next morning. You were still a bit sad, but as you unlocked the front door your eyes widened at the sight of a disheveled looking Minseok sitting in your kitchen with your elder brother. Chan followed close behind you, his eyes narrowing when he saw the men.
"Y/N!" Minseok jumped from his seat and ran to you.
"Don't touch me!" You shouted as he tried to hug you.
Minho turned to you and Chan. "Minseok told me everything."
"Then why would you let him in-" You started.
"Bang Chan." Minho said quietly. "Get out."
"Minho-" Chan started.
"Get out!" your brother shouted.
"Y/n baby what happened?" Minseok touched your face and you slapped him away.
"What did you tell him?!" You pointed a finger at Minseok.
"What there was to be said." He grabbed your hands and you pulled away.
"Minho. I know what you're thinking-" Chan tried to calm your brother who was standing up now.
"Oh you do?!" Minho said, clearly getting aggravated by Chan's prescence.
"Listen to me-" Chan said, putting his hands up as MInho approached.
But he was cut off by punch to the face that made your eyes widen.
"Bro-" You tried to grab Minho but Minseok grabbed your hand.
"Let's talk about this-" He said before you slapped him hard.
"I told you to stay away from my sister." Minho said, walking up to Chan as he took several steps back.
"Minho let me explain!" Chan said, trying to stay out of his friend's range.
"There's nothing to explain!" Your brother shouted.
"Bro please!" Chan tried.
"Minho!" You grabbed your brother's arm.
He whipped around to face you. "You can't seriously defend him! Y/N!"
"Maybe I am!" You shouted, you walked between Chan and Minho. "No.. I am defending him. He didn't do anything wrong."
Your brother stared at you before looking at Chan and muttering. "Leave."
"Minho." You said softly.
Chan bit his lip before grabbing Minseok and dragging him out with him.
"Why would you do that?!" You shouted as Chan slammed the door behind him.
"Chan wouldn't care about you! IF you knew LIKE I DO you'd understand!" Minho yelled back.
"I don't know him like you do! BUt you should've let him explain!"
"What was there to explain?! He dragged you to bed when you were drunk-"
"DO YOU KNOW WHY?!" You cut him off. "MINSEOK IS AN ASSHOLE! Minseok cheated on me! Chan didn't want to go that far. I asked him to! I like Chan A LOT! Whatever rule or whatever shit you have that keeps me from being with him needs to stop..." You trailed off. "Because you might lose me too."
Your brother stood there in shock as you ran up the stairs.
It was a week later when Chan was out with Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin.
"Just tell Minho you're sorry." Changbin said sipping his cola as the three waited for their food.
"He wouldn't even let me talk." Chan groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Tragic really." Jisung sighed.
Chan and Changbin looked at their friend with blank expressions as if to say be fricking for real.
Jisung sipped his drink. "I think you should just wait a bit. You know? I doubt Minho will stay mad forever, he's your good friend..."
Chan nodded. "I should just apologize whenever he calms down."
"If he doesn't just walk away from the toxic controlling friend." Hyunjin shook his head.
"Apologize now then."
Hyunjin jumped in fear at Minho's voice. "HYUNG!"
Minho looked at Hyunjin. "You'll eat tissues later."
Chan stared at Minho. "How did you even know I was here?"
Jisung looked completely invested in the bubbles floating in his soda suddenly.
Minho laughed and Chan sighed before standing. "Minho I-"
"I'm sorry for punching you." Minho said, "I'm sorry for accusing you of... things... and I'm sorry for making you stay away from Y/N..."
Chan smiled at his friend. "It's alright, I mean I didn't say I liked her before you threw that ban on me suddenly.. I'm sorry too."
The men smiled at each other.
"Hug it out! Hug it out Hug it out! Hug it-" Hyunjin started only to shrink away in fear as Minho grabbed a bunch of napkins from the dispenser on the table.
You laughed and Chan turned to you. "You're here.."
"Someone had to stop Min if he ended up attacking someone." You smiled.
"THEN HELP ME!" Hyunjin started only to get a mouthful of tissues.
You giggled and smiled at Chan as MInho gave him a look.
"May I kiss you princes?" Chan smirked, leaning into you.
MInho acted like he was going to vomit. And Jisung dramatically passed out.
"You may."
Chan pressed his lip against yours.
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" MInho said rolling his eyes. "You should compensate me for the mental and emotional distress I went through, I say buy me pizza!"
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
@asahisimpnation, @juskz
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ywuji · 6 months
Omg so like I want to hear your thoughts on perv!Megumi like finally after so long of Gojo teasing him for being in college for two years at this point and being single, he’s finally procured a pretty girlfriend who’s unfortunately (for her) so naive and sweet??🩷💕 Idk I got shy but I know you’ll do something good with this lol
ik i told u id post this after my wips but i started on it n i couldnt stop i liked the idea too much LOL im sorry for being so confusing D; tysm for the ask though!!! :o i rlly enjoyed writing this!!! (n don’t be shy ahjwhs you’re so lovely T_T♡)
perv!megumi !!! please i feel like he’s the type to be a pervert that’s kinda embarrassed n self aware about himself—especially bc gojo kept teasing him all those years n he was kinda just jacking off to whatever x-rated video that came up first (i feel like perv!megumi is highkey into hentai too but he’s taking that to the grave!!)
n when gets a pretty little girlfriend who acts so cute and who he loves so much, when he gets hard he can’t help but let some of that side of him slip out from time to time...
i think he’s also the type to take lots of pictures,, like pictures while you sleep, peeking through your door while you shower, in clothing store changing rooms while you change, upskirt pictures… he’ll make you his little model!! some of them you know about but some of them you don’t, he’s so lewd.
it’s not just pics of you he takes, it's some of himself too. i feel like one of the things he’d love to do to you is when you tell him to come with you to some random uni event, n he’ll randomly disappear in the middle of it, only to go to the bathroom to take pictures of his hard leaky cock to send you with some casual caption like he didn’t just do that ?!?! he’s crazy (more under the cut)
it’s not megumi’s fault he’s so in his head about you, he still just doesn’t really know how he managed to get someone as pretty and doting as you are as his. 
he sometimes feels guilty for being so obsessed with you—your body clad in pretty little outfits that you show off to him with a twirl, the way you’ll always show him your shiny new sparkly nails when you get them done, how he’s always the first one you’ll pick to talk to about something new you’ve found to love—it’s all that seems to be on his mind recently.
maybe it was gojo’s accidental doing, those feelings of guilt. unintentionally planting a little growing seed of shame in him the first few times he started teasing him for not having a partner yet at his ‘big age’, borderline lecturing him with the ‘when i was your age’ stuff—maybe that was the logical reason why he felt so attached to you, the reason he couldn’t help getting fully erect even when he only saw as much as a pair of your flung-away panties lying at the edge of your bed when coming to your room one day.
but when he recalls back to those nights where you’re innocently cuddled against him, watching whatever movie, a quiet ‘megumi?’ leaving your lips as a sign to tell him you’re falling asleep, and he finds himself shifting in his seat, carefully adjusting your head to let you rest comfortably on him, pressing a soft kiss to your hair as he strokes it and tells you a ‘sleep now, angel’, he knows that’s not the reason.
nevertheless, he’s always been worried about it, thoughts of ‘am i doing too much?’ or a ‘would she not like this?’ clouding his mind. but for every single thought like this he has, he’ll always have two more memories where he’s coming up to you, his sweet-faced little girlfriend, waiting for him with open arms and open heart. and to him, it means more than the world.
and as his cheerful sweetheart girlfriend, you’ve never really minded of course.
you know he’s at least a little perverted, asking to take those pictures of you trying on your new swimsuits, or bras, or skirts, or those times when he pulls out after spilling his load into you, and the first thing he does after making sure you’re okay is to go face-to-face with the trail of cum seeping out of you to snap a few photos.
honestly, you’ve gotten used to it at this point. you just take these moments, seeing what you do to him, as a way of reassuring yourself that he really does just love you that much. and he really does. really!! :(
no matter how innocent or dirty the context, he’ll let you know whenever he gets that warm little feeling in his chest.
“i-i love you,” he pants, head coming up from sucking marks on your neck, languid thrusts coming to a gentle stop as he peers up at you with flushed cheeks. it feels like he’s admitting it for the first time again.
when you stare at him with his same love-drunk look, brows furrowed and eyes pleading, whispering out an “i love you too, gumi”, he’ll pause a moment to study your expression before gently raising you further up the bed, hooking his hand under your leg and repositioning it around his waist.
he’ll drop down to press a kiss to your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder and picking up the pace again, now only determined to make you cum.
when he thinks of times like these, despite what you’re doing together, it’s innocent in his head.
a time where that’s not so much the case though is when you persuade him to come with you to some uni exhibition event, looking up at him with hopeful, doe-like eyes and as many ‘pleeeaaase, gumi’s and ‘please, guuuum’s as you could muster—cause it’s not like he could say no to that, right?
at first he put up an act of feign stubbornness. but eventually he agreed—only when he knew you’d excitedly hug him and press your soft chest to his as a thank you for it though.
he’d tour the hall with you, watching you gaze in awe at everything with your cute, simple curiosity, occasionally pointing out little things in the pieces he liked. before the artist began their talk though, he got up from his seat, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before muttering a “‘m g’na go to the bathroom.”
in an empty stall, he’ll sit atop the lid and pull down his jeans, freeing his stiffening cock from his underwear. he quietly groans as he pumps himself a few times, a slow trickle of translucent white leaking down from his tip.
he silently curses, throwing his head back, thinking about how you let him flip up your pretty skirt before you left, letting him take a peek at your cute ass in the frilly panties he bought for you.
he reaches for his phone, fumbling to send a picture of the sight to you, adding a casual caption of something like ‘hi pretty girl’ or ‘u look so pretty today, angel’.
he pauses, realising that maybe you won’t see it for a little while. he’s imagining you so obediently listening to the artist speaker to notice the ping of his notification—he enjoys that thought too, but he can’t say why.
he’s careful not to thrust up into his fist, not wanting to make too much noise, but it’s futile—he’s too hard staring at the lewd shots of you saved in his secret hidden album—the way you act so innocently, the way you have no clue what the true extent is of what you do to him. he can’t help but let a few breathy whines slip.
he won’t let himself cum though, thinking he’s too good to be letting himself release over some scrunched up, bathroom tissue when he’s got his own pretty little girlfriend waiting for him a few halls down.
he sighs. cleaning up and tucking himself back into the band of his briefs, leaving the stall and washing his hands, walking back out like nothing happened.
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
What Do You Want?
Summary: You try to approach Azul with an offer. His response is- odd, to say the least.
Notes: My heart wants fluff to make up for the angst yesterday... im sorry T_T
The moment you'd first seen Azul, you thought he was pretty. Then, you started noticing other little cool things about him. And before you knew it, you had a crush.
"You're- so stupid!" Ace said with a laugh. "You actually think Azul Ashengrotto would ever like anyone? Best outcome is, he tries to scam you but you barely manage to win."
"I've got a point-card!" You said cheerily. "And I've made a rough outline of what I want my contract to look like."
The 'outline' was only one sentence, but Ace didn't need to know that.
At that moment, though, Ace's eyes widened.
"You're actually gonna do it?" He said, the grin fading from his face.
"Yeah," you said. You were going to try and make a contract with him, see what happened. Maybe it wouldn't work out. But hey, you'd never know if you didn't try!
Besides, you had a plan. And that plan was what brought you to the VIP room, a golden point card in hand.
"Ah, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you here!" Azul said with a salesman's grin that somehow still looked cute. "I was under the impression you couldn't afford point-cards."
You laughed.
"It's lovely what happens when you make people compensate you for your labor," you said. And it was true. Telling people you'd do something for a free meal at the Lounge got you point cards and food witthout any complaints. For some reason, people were more willing to do that than give you the money straight-up, even if the expensive meals usually meant they'd have to pay more. Whatever.
"Oh," Azul said, before quickly changing the topic. "So what exactly is your desire?"
You smirked.
"Azul," you said. "Considering the ranking of the Golden card, that means you have to accept any contract I propose, so long as it doesn't pose direct harm to your mental or physical wellbeing in some way, shape, or form, correct?"
Azul's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Correct, however, you're forgetting-"
"The impact limit, yes," you said. "If the wish in question requires maiming, killing, or mentally scarring any individual, whether or not you agree to grant it becomes a decision entirely at your discretion."
At this point, Azul was looking at you like you'd grown two heads.
"Your point is...?" He asked.
"I won't have to make any other payment for my wish then, correct?" You said. You knew how these exchanges worked, and you did not want to get scammed.
Azul bit his lip.
"Fine, fine, you 'win', I suppose. Just- tell me what exactly it is you desire," he said.
You smiled, handing him a piece of paper with the draft of your contract on it. Azul's eyes widened in shock at its contents.
'Be my friend!' it said.
"Sooooo, what do you think?" You asked.
Azul shot you a glare. Harsh.
"What do you want?"
"I already told you- well, wrote to you, I guess, but-"
"No," Azul said, voice dangerously level. "What do you truly want?"
"Be my friend!" You said, flashing him a thumbs up. But Azul was still angry. Did he just hate you or something?
"I don't appreciate such juvenile attempts at mockery," he said. "If you have no true wish to make, then I shall have you escorted out."
You sighed. Seriously, this was getting annoying. Did he want to avoid you that badly?
"Look," you said. "I already laid it all out - you should try being my friend! And if you don't like it, then you stop! Simple as that, right?"
Azul scoffed.
"That's preposterous," he said. "No one would ever want such a thing-"
"Well, I want it," you said, before sighing. "Look, is it really that big of a deal?"
At that, Azul seemed to malfunction, like he couldn't possibly comprehend what you were saying. That was weird. Why wasn't he happy? Wasn't he going to try and scam you or something?
At long last, Azul shook away the red dusting his cheeks, handing you a pamphlet.
"Take this for now," he said. It was a study guide for Alchemy. "And keep the point card. I'll continue my inquiry tomorrow during lunch, so prepare yourself. Now then, leave."
"Great! See you tomorrow lunch then, Azul."
You took the study guide and headed for the exit. The study guide was pretty good, actually. And there was that little chibi doodle with hearts around it - you didn't know where it came from, but it kind of reminded you of yourself!
So, hey, it seemed like things were going pretty well.
Meanwhile, Azul was in a panic.
"The Prefect's caught on, I'm certain of it!" He said to Floyd and Jade, furiously flipping through his book of contingency plans for any type of social situation gone wrong. "Why else would such an odd request be made of me?"
Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Cause Shrimpy wanted to be your friend?" He said.
"No one would ever desire such a thing!" Azul said. "The Prefect's found out about that foolish little crush of mine, and decided to make a fool out of me. There's no other explanation!"
It was a sensible explanation, wasn't it? Common, too. It had happened to Azul all the time back then. He simply had to make sure he didn't slip, that he established consequences for all those who attempted to mess with him now.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of Jade's laughter.
"What seems to be the matter, Jade? Do enlighten me," Azul asked dryly.
"You made an error in your panicked frenzy with the Prefect, that's all," Jade said. "The study guide you gave was the one with the doodles."
Azul felt his mouth go dry.
"The one filled with countless doodles of your little crush, surrounded by hearts."
O-Of all the study guides, why that one?
Seven, how he wished to crawl into an octopus pot right now. But for now, all he could settle for was burying his face in his hands, left alone with his thoughts as he tuned Jade and Floyd out entirely.
He hadn't believed it, but- what if you were being sincere? What if you truly did want to grow closer to him? Yes, it was true that such a thing had never occurred in the past, meaning an analysis of past trends would seem such a thing impossible, and this sort of trick had been played on him countless times before but-
You seemed oddly sincere about it. And, frankly, he wanted you to be.
Azul couldn't help but sigh. Though it would likely cause him problems later, for now, he couldn't help but let himself hope.
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euphorajeon · 2 years
color you in | jjk
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— pairing: boxer!jk x f. reader
— genre: fluff, slight smut | college au, boxer!jk
— word count: 3.1k
— warnings: long-haired, glasses-wearing jk, annoying and bratty oc, (shes just horny im sorry guys), neck kisses, tattoo tour by jk, a bit of past childhood story, all while jk does his coding assignment (again).
— summary: jeongguk just wants to do his coding assignment in peace. you won't let him.
— author's note: i wanted to write about jk's tattoo meaning since he shared such a personal thing with us.. but of course with boxer!gguk's oc.. that would be hard without some spice hahaha T_T tweaked some a bit to fit the non-idol nature of this jk. hope it doesnt take away the real meaning behind his tattoos :) enjoy!
masterlist | boxer!gguk masterlist
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It’s ten minutes to six in the evening when you barge into Jeongguk’s bedroom to find him on his desk yet again, typing away at his laptop with glasses perched on his nose. The very same prescription glasses that made heat lick at your insides the last time you were here, a tool for his never-ending tricks of getting you to do what he wants. You’ve meditated after the events of that night to force your brain into thinking that Jeongguk in glasses does not look that hot for you to be drooling every single time, confident that you’ll get over them soon the way you got over his sleeve tattoos. One look at him now proves your efforts pointless, though, as he looks—for lack of a better word—even hotter in his glasses, black t-shirt (it’s not oversized this time!), and even longer hair than the last time you saw him.
How is it possible that you just saw him barely two weeks ago and his hair already reached his chin? (Which, combined with his glasses, makes him look so good you just want to jump him right here, right now—you already said that but whatever. Your boyfriend is hot. Period.)
Instead of saying hi like a normal girlfriend would, you climb into his lap sideways to tear his attention away from the codes on his laptop screen. Jeongguk blinks as he accepts the way your weight settles on his thighs, left arm wrapping around your body to prevent you from tilting backwards. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook of it, denying him of the eye-contact he tries to make.
“Hi…?” Jeongguk tries, the breath from his chuckle tickling the baby hairs on your forehead. “What are you doing here, babe?”
“Your mom let me in,” you mumble, not exactly answering his question.
“Yeah, she must have, I can see,” he muses, hands slowly going back to his keyboard to continue his assignment. “I suppose she didn’t tell you I’m doing my codes which is due tonight?”
“She did,” you hum. “She also told me to remind you to take a break and that dinner’s at seven. Told me I’m welcome to stay as well.”
“Sure you are, she loves having you around.”
“So you don’t?”
“I do,” Jeongguk chuckles. “But maybe not exactly right now. You’re warm, it’s distracting me from my codes.”
“That’s the point,” you say in a duh tone, turning your head to glance at his face. The light from his laptop screen reflects on the lens of his glasses, dancing across his brown irises in time with the speed of his fingers on the keyboard. You watch the codes go on and on for about five seconds before giving up, the array of symbols and numbers making your head spin. It’s amazing how his eyes stay unwavering behind the glasses, not at all bothered by the sheer amount of seemingly-random text on the screen.
“Why are you in glasses again? I thought you knew it does things to me.”
The way Jeongguk’s fingers halt their movement at once is almost comical.
“I’m … doing my assignment??”
You know your question sounds ridiculous and rethorical and your boyfriend’s reaction is a hundred per cent justified, but you don’t care. It’s his own fault for looking that hot in a simple getup of black t-shirt and prescription glasses, his own fault for letting his hair get so long it’s almost to his shoulder. It’s really his own fault that you’re repeating this monologue in your head, not being able to think straight anymore when your mind is echoing Jeongguk, Jeongguk, Jeongguk non-stop.
The jumbled thoughts in your mind manifests itself into you puckering up your lips to softly land them on Jeongguk’s skin, your first target being the mole on his neck. It’s one of your favorite features of his to kiss, to nip, to caress with your tongue until he’s a shuddering mess beneath your touch. You slowly trail your lips upwards to his jaw, to his cheek, to his sensitive ear where you give a small, almost playful bite with a faint scrape of your teeth. Jeongguk barely reacts, though, not even a hitch in his intakes of breath.
Instead of feeling upset, you feel more amazed at his self-restraint right now, being able to ignore his girlfriend literally sitting on his lap and peppering slow, sensual kisses on his skin. You decide to step up your game, brushing your fingertips against his skin to tuck his hair behind his ear so you can whisper into it and have your words be heard clearly.
“Wouldn’t you rather do me right now, Jeon?”
The way you let your lips faintly graze the shell of his ear is totally intentional, so is the huge sigh you let wash over the surface of his skin. Your lips go back on their journey down the side of Jeongguk’s throat, this time introducing your tongue to the equation that elicits a tiny shiver he tries to supress. His ever-so-solid resolve is starting to break and you’re happily opening your arms for when it crumbles down to the ground.
You’ve arrived back at the mole on his neck, wrapping your mouth around it before sinking down your teeth firmly on the flesh that (finally!) makes Jeongguk’s breath hitch. You continue your ministrations by licking over the bite marks, making sure to drag your tongue slowly over his reddened skin. When you start sucking on the spot to paint pretty bruises on his throat, a grip on your chin forces you to angle your head away only to receive a pair of lips over your own.
A contented sigh erupts from your chest, a sound you’re sure goes straight to Jeongguk’s nether region because he adjusts his position slightly, his left hand gripping your waist until your t-shirt is bunched up in his fist. In turn, you tighten your hold around his neck, preparing yourself for the onslaught of kisses you’re sure to receive from his warm mouth. Kisses that will lead to exciting events that involve you moaning out his name in pleasure.
Moan his name you do—in frustration in lieu of pleasure—when he pulls away from the kiss just as you were about to deepen it.
“Sorry, babe,” he says apologetically, a bit breathless from the onslaught of kisses you gave him. “But later, alright? I really need to get this done by tonight.”
Your response of quiet echoes in the room, your eyes glassy from both being clouded by lust and wanting to cry because that lust is not acted upon by your very hot boyfriend. The grip he has on your chin softens before he moves to craddle your cheek in his palm, stroking your cheekbone gently with his thumb.
“Hey,” he whispers. “I promise I will tend to your needs once I finish this assignment, okay?” When you’re still wordless, his hold on your cheek becomes firm, and you try to focus on his eyes while he talks. “Need you to promise not to distract me again, though. No orgasms if you do.”
“Nooo,” you whine, kicking your feet like a petulant child being denied a candy bar. You notice Jeongguk moving his leg yet again to adjust himself, a miniscule movement you’re sure he thinks will slip from your aroused mind. Little does he know your senses are heightened when you’re as strung up as you are right now, so you blurt out a fact that you both already know: “You’re semi-hard already!”
Jeongguk scoffs. “Yeah, your kisses are killer, baby.”
You continue to jut your bottom lip out, hoping it will be enough to change his mind. Jeongguk sighs, lips pulled into a straight line which makes the mole under his lip peek out, tempting you to lean forward to land a smooch on it. Before you have a chance to act out your thoughts, you’re halted by a firm grip on your shoulder courtesy of Jeongguk’s right hand. The hand that extends to a muscular, bulky, tattooed arm.
His tattoos. How could you forget about their existence only because of the twin lenses perched on his nose? How could you forget that before those goddamn glasses, it was those ink on his arm that made you weak in the knees? How could you?
Whatever words Jeongguk is saying right now sound like white noise to you, your eyes focused on the taut muscle of his bicep and the colored masks peeking from under his short sleeve. They seem to be dancing in your eyes, the blacks mingling with the colors contrasting the milky white of his skin tone, painting a beautiful picture with a story only he can tell.
When you speak next, you sound like you’re in a trance.
“Your tattoos … God, why are you so hot?”
Your boyfriend halts himself mid-sentence, round eyes blinking owlishly at your dazed expression before he follows your line of sight, chuckling when he realizes how focused you are on the tattoos on his arm. “Still loving the inks?”
You let out an affirmative hum, fingers slowly tracing the red tiger lily flower on his forearm. “You know … you never told me what your tattoos mean.”
“Really?” He lets go of your shoulder to fix his glasses before going back to his keyboard, fingers hovering over the keys and ready to type again. “I just assumed you already know some of them.”
“Well, just ones you got super early,” you say, grabbing his right arm to turn it around, searching for the tattoo you’re talking about. “Like this flower, and the Chinese saying on your elbow. And here … didn’t you use to have three stripes over here?”
“I did,” Jeongguk confirms, softly pulling his arm from your grasp to take your hand in his to offer a bargain and plead if he has to. “I’ll explain one by one, but you have to promise to let me do my assignment. It really is due tonight at eleven fifty nine, and I’m only about three-quarters done. Please, babe?”
You pout. “It’s not like I’m not letting you work on purpose …” The look Jeongguk gives you is enough to make you relent. “Okay, fine, I’ll just sit here and trace your tattoos while you explain and work on your codes.”
“Good girl.”
You refuse to admit those two words have such an effect on you that you have to hold down a shiver like Jeongguk did earlier. Instead, you move your fingers to trace your boyfriend’s skin once again, finally settling on the cover-up of the three stripes tattoo he used to have near his wrist.
“Okay, this one. Why a snake?”
Jeongguk stops typing for a second to glance at the tattoo even though he only has one involving a snake. “Oh, we start heavy,” he chuckles. “Uh … how do I say this? You know that snakes shed skin, right? They do that to give way for a new one, for me that symbolizes growth. So this snake is to say that I want to keep growing … to be a better person every day.”
“That’s very … deep of you,” you say, entranced. “What about this treble clef? Always wondered about this one, honestly, does it have to do with the fact that you used to sing in junior high?”
Your fingers brush against the musical note next to the snake, one that you remember being there since the start and didn’t undergo a cover-up.
The smile Jeongguk slips out is wistful, the way his thumb joins yours in caressing the tattoo tells you that this ink is one of the important ones for him.
“Do you see it connected to a chain?” His finger trails said chain, until it reaches a mic and further back to a clock he has near his elbow. “And it connects to a mic, then a clock with the time of my birth. It was three twenty-three, or three twenty-six? Yeah, around that time …” He continues stroking the numbers on the clock. “And you’re right. I’ve always wanted to be a singer ever since I was little, a fact I’m sure you know from all those years listening to me sing growing up.”
You do remember the times when he would sing all day, on the way to school, in between classes, on school functions, on the way home. There was never silence in your friendship, either filled by his wonderful voice or by the sound of you two bickering. You thought it was just a phase, because as soon as you stepped into high school, he closed the mic and started his rainbow-colored-tshirt phase. It never occured to you that it was a buried dream he kept alive by blowing on the dying embers.
“Why didn’t you pursue it?” Your whisper rings loud in the quiet room.
“Singing?” He shakes his head. “Too many obstacles, not enough resources. Wasn’t worth my whole life to pursue something too unclear.” His fingers brush the clock tattoo all the way to the treble clef. “This is just a tribute to my childhood, a reminder that once upon a time, there was Little Jeongguk who dreamed to sing. A reminder to keep that dream alive, even by mere inks on my arm. Who knows, maybe one day you could see me on TV, singing those crappy pop song with my melodious voice, charming everyone in town.”
Jeongguk grins, and that’s enough to tell you that he has made his peace with the situation. He taps the tattoo twice, motioning for you to continue tracing over them for new meanings and new stories.
Your finger points to the tiger lily next to the treble clef, one of your favorite tattoos of his. It’s drawn in a way that it covers three words behind it: Please love me, in bold capital letters. You wonder if the two has any connection or if it was just placed like that for creative purposes.
“It’s my birth flower,” Jeongguk starts. “Tiger lily as a birth flower symbolizes confidence, pride. I want to always be confident even in places I wouldn’t normally be, so this tattoo is just to remind me of that.” His thumb rubs over the red-orange flower fondly. “Plus, it’s pretty, don’t you think?”
“It is,” you agree, liking the ink even more after knowing the meaning behind the beautiful shape and color. You realize he missed the explanation for the three words behind the tiger lily, so you inquire with a swipe of your thumb over the black letters. “Does this have to do with the flower in any way?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve read some people said that tiger lily also means ‘I dare you to love me’ or ‘Please love me’, so I put the two together like that,” he explains, a playful lilt suddenly present in the tone of his next words. “Kind of a nudge at you too, though, when we were going away for college and you still saw me as the scrawny kid who you’ve gone through childhood with.”
You groan. “Will you stop?? I didn’t know!”
“Well, to be fair, neither did I until too late into the college years where I couldn’t see you whenever I wanted like I had used to, so. There’s that.”
“So you just realized that you liked me after being away from me for, what, two years?”
“Very late realization, indeed,” you muse. “So, tattoo tour, over?”
“You haven’t even gotten to my upper arm yet.” Jeongguk rubs over his bulging bicep all the way to his shoulder, sliding the short sleeve of his t-shirt upwards for you to get a clear view of his shoulder tattoo. “Oh, and my shoulder too.”
“Well, I’d love to, but you’ve gotten preoccupied with explaining your tattoos to me that you haven’t touched your codes for the past fifteen minutes.” You grimace while looking at the blinking cursor on his screen. “But okay, I’ll bite. What is that on your shoulder? I can’t ever seem to figure it out.”
“Supposed to be a moon,” he says nonchalantly, sliding the sleeve back down to block your view of the fading tattoo. It looks rather gray against his skin compared to the other black or colorful ones, the odd one out among the others. “But it’s kinda ruined now and I need to get it recolored or covered up, which I’m too lazy to do so it just sits there like that for now.”
“Recolored?” An idea pops into your head. “How about I recolor it for you?”
Without waiting for his answer, you proceed to lean over his torso to slide his sleeve back up before promptly sinking your teeth down on the flesh, eliciting a surprised yelp out of him. Soothing the skin with your tongue, you make sure to trace the drawing with that wet muscle of yours slowly, sensually, so he’s reminded of the reason you’re here in the first place.
When you start sucking on the reddened flesh, he lets out a shuddering breath while holding your waist in a vice grip. He doesn’t pull you away, though, so you see it as a green light to continue. Might as well take your chance while you still can.
After several more bites, licks, and sucks, you deem his skin colorful enough to pull away. You brush your thumb over the pretty artwork you’ve just done on your boyfriend, feeling proud of your “recoloring” work. “There, all recolored.”
Jeongguk lets out a huge sigh, resigned to his fate. “You’re really horny, aren’t you?”
“Still wet from earlier?” He lifts one eyebrow, challenging.
“Always wet for you, baby.”
“Fuck.” Jeongguk takes a glance at the clock before pulling his glasses off his nose. “We got ten minutes.” He leans forward to connect his lips to yours, this time not hesitating to use his tongue and teeth. His right hand slips underneath the band of your sweatpants, past your underwear to swipe at your clit before teasing a dip at your entrance, making you moan.
“Huh, was about to ask if ten minutes is enough,” he says before biting your bottom lip. “If you’re this wet we’re gonna finish in five.”
“Fuck, I don’t care how long, just stop teasing and make me cum already.”
“So demanding. Watch that mouth when I give you two back to back.”
“Was hoping you’d give me more—oh.”
It’s gonna be a really packed ten minutes.
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a/n: jk's tattoo tour felt like a fever dream—but maybe that's just because i dreamed of him doing the exact same thing around 3 years ago.. anyway. really thankful that he decided to share such a personal part of his life to us :') any feedbacks (and maybe ideas for the next shenanigans this couple could pull off) are welcome in my askbox or here! thank you for reading :D
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merakiui · 10 months
I ended up listening to it and "Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life" IS so Floyd... I see the Floyd cat vision!! Yknow I was also considering how it may be to have both cat eels btw. Imagining them fighting for their owner's attention is so fun. This was sort of brought up with the puppyboy Floyd thing from one of your other asks but I could absolutely see the two of them arguing about something (though imagining them arguing about You makes this sillier to me personally) and it getting to where Jade is totally faking being upset/scared or maybe even being injured if it got to that point so that you give him even more attention when he comes running over to you after while Floyd is probably getting told off for being just so mean to his brother. Jade getting scratched behind the ears and held (maybe even making faces at Floyd when you aren't looking at him because he so just lost) while Floyd is sitting there being forced to apologize to him. So so silly.
Also can catboys purr? I'm going to be honest I have absolutely no idea. But also sorta relating to Floyd being glued to you after taking him in,, Floyd who keeps laying down on top of you at night (or weaseling his way into your bed so he's holding you,, so you're trapped in his arms) so you're stuck under with him when you're supposed to be getting up in the morning (or really.. floyd who keeps turning off your morning alarms. which he could so also do but him crushing you is sillier)... and really you can't just Move him... pushing him off just doesn't really go your way! But also he'd look so happy with himself. Purring if he could do that (which is why I bought it up. totally related! :3). Would really want to ruin that?? 🤨 Totally not. You're stuck here with him now! That's just how it is.
But I totally get you about the vision btw!! The grip a good plot can have on a person </3 goodness gracious. Also I'm going to be honest when I first started reading your work it made me want to start writing again. While I haven't,, I so totally get wanting to write Jade, etc unrestrained. It seems SO fun !! Perhaps one day I'll get to it. and if I do I probably will show up again to tell you about it lol
I am gonna try and catch up on a much of the previews as I can before TMDG comes out 🫡 if I remember to. Also Im sorry my asks have been so long like every time I come through I have such an issue with rambling 😭 I'm sure it's fine but goodness I'm making you put in work to get through my asks /j
- :3 anon
Aaaaa I'm so happy you can see the catboy Floyd vision!!!! >0< "ah, it's a wonderful cat life" is so very Floyd. <3 and I love the idea of the twins arguing over you; they're too silly!! Jade taking every opportunity to act hurt or upset after an argument with Floyd, and it works on you every time. T_T so now Floyd has to grumble out an apology just so he won't make you sad, and Jade is basking in the attention he gets from you while Floyd's silently scowling. Whether a puppyboy or a catboy, he will always have issues with Jade when it comes to you and your love. orz
:O maybe they can purr!!! In my mind, yes to that question a million times!!!! I would do anything to hear little purrs and mrrps from catboy Floyd!!!!!!!! Omg the image of this big catboy eel lying on top of you in bed and being so content and eepy....... 🥺 it's both silly and cute. You can't move him because he's so heavy, and even if you do manage to push him off he's just going to come back and cling to you even harder. >:) he will have his cuddle time with his shrimpy!! You're never getting rid of him; he's here to stay forever. :D
The Vision is always recurring... orz there are so many things I always want to write, so it's gripping me in a chokehold. ;;; but I'm so happy to hear my works can inspire you to start writing again! I hope if you ever do get back into it you will have lots of motivation forever!!! Please tell me all about it if and when you do. <3 also also!!! Writing Jade is so much fun. I recommend it hehe!! :3c
There are many tmdg previews scattered within my blog, so I hope you can enjoy them!!!! Jade is silly in most, if not all, of them. And please don't worry for long asks!!! I love reading asks of all kinds, especially the ones with passionate ramblings. Please feel free to write as much as you would like in your messages!! <3
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fight off the light tonight and just stay with me (honey, don't you leave) || ot7
Warnings: a teeny tiny bit of blood, mentions of hospitals and surgery, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: OT7/(F) Reader, Jackson Wang/(F) Reader
Plot: Will it be too late for them to try and make things right?
Genre: not really unrequited love (but they're all idiots), mutual pining, angst, denial of feelings, poly ot7
Did you ever love her? Do you know?
Or did you never want to be alone?
And she was singing "Baby, come home."
"Baby, come home."
I've got those jet pack blues
Fight off the light tonight and just stay with me;
Honey, don't you leave.
mixtape: all i have left to give - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ending 1
thank you so much because this fic was my first one to reach more than 10 kudos in ao3 and some peeps liked the first part enough to reblog to want to read the next part you don't know how much it means to me :o oh my fucking god how did that happen??? thank you so friggin much!!!
sorry if my summaries are all song lyrics owo i just love taking inspiration from them when i write because i can't find the old me who can write and word vomit in a drop of a hat huahuahauhauhauahuahauaau am sorry my bad
bit of warning for some teeny tiny blood and hospitals but no one will die, i promise! i mean not yet, so far i haven't thought that far yet.
also!!!! i'm not a medical expert so please let me know if there are inaccuracies because there are bound to be, no matter how much research i do or how much i ask from doctor frens hueheuheuuefhiuf
title from Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy because fuck yeah i wouldn't get them as a first tattoo if i didn't love them so much
hope i don't disappoint! if i do, i'm so sorry hahahuhu my mom always told me i'm a disappointment so there's kinda nothing new
hope i can write the next parts soon T_T
You can feel the string in your chest slowly fraying.
You never thought that is possible. After all, the strings are connected to the soul and can never be seen. However, when you started the therapy, you started feeling it fray. Slowly and painfully. You don't know how and why, you just do.
Your symptoms are worsening, too. Doctor Im advised you against overworking and stressing yourself but how can you not? It feels like no matter what you do or where you turn, the boys are there. Your only escape is your work and in your line of work, stress is inevitable, so you have no choice but to endure it. At least at work, you are in control. At least at work, you don't have to think about being unwanted—your clients are the ones who request your services, after all.
You don't know what to feel, really. It feels like fate is pushing you to your limits and wants to see you suffer.
Look, even you can admit to yourself that there's no need to undergo the therapy. Your soulmates can go get fucked and feel your pain through the bond.
But you can't have that, can you?
You're not one to lie to yourself, you know why you feel this way. Aside from the fact that fate (unfortunately) assigned you seven soulmates who can give less of a fuck about you, you know deep down that you want to be with them and not just because your souls were linked to each other.
You're in with love them, period.
You've seen them through their bests and their worsts, and you're still hopelessly in love with them. You've seen their sides that they never dare show you, the beauty they unfairly grant other people but not you. You've also seen their worst, the ugliness seemingly reserved for you alone, but the longing is still there.
You can't help it, and you're sadly fucked no matter how you look at it. 
As you massage your perpetually aching chest, you also think how your dignity and pride are the only ones you have left. While it might be a rush of satisfaction to see them squirm, it is at the cost of your pride. You learned early on in life that you can never show your emotions—most especially your weakness—with how many times people fucked you over by using them against you.
In this case, you have to endure every pain to save face. So if it helps everyone sleep at night, then you'll give them what they want. If they don't want you, then you'll just have to remove yourself from the equation altogether. Simple math.
You snort. You're being too dramatic. You're used to this, you tell yourself. From your mother to the few lovers you had; there was always something wrong with you, something lacking. You're never needed in your whole life, so it was easy for them to leave you. It was always the easiest choice to not choose you. Why are you crying about it now?
You shake your head with a resigned sigh. There's no use regretting this. You swore to yourself you would stop regretting things you do and now is the time to stand by it. For yourself, and for the inner child in you who did nothing but run after people who turned their backs on her.
You try to stave off the pounding behind your temples by rubbing your eyes with your palms. While you are thankful that the meds seem to be working and the boys can't feel any input of emotions from you through your bond, the medicines and treatments are such pains in the ass. Fucking side effects.
Speaking of side effects, Doctor Im told you that one side effect would be them not feeling any of the emotions you feel, but you would still feel theirs, the latter possibly more potently than normal. You tried to test the emotion theory before, afraid that it will fail and the meds won't work. This is your only chance at walking away with your precious pride intact, so this should work. This has to work.
"It might take a while, but your emotions shouldn't reach through their strings anymore once you continuously undergo the whole therapy process," Doctor Im had said.
"You would still feel theirs, unfortunately." He looks at you tenderly, albeit with not an ounce of pity. That's okay, you don't want anyone's pity. "You'll be more attuned to them than a normal person is to their soulmate because your soul will be tender from all the treatments."
Doctor Im Jiho is kind, a little young for his profession if you say so yourself, but he is brilliant. It's what made you trust him. Even if the therapy is still not ratified and recognized legally, and still in its human trial stages, something about how passionately Doctor Im explained the whole therapy process and what it entails just screamed 'I know what the fuck I am doing'.
Or he should. Please let it be true, or you'll just rip your lungs out of your ribs and unalive yourself. So far though, Doctor Im and his team delivered.
Back to the emotion theory you have.
You wanted to see if the therapy works. Since soulmates can feel each others' extreme emotions, going through soul-scraping therapy shouldn't send any of yours to their end of the bond. To be sure, you waited a month into the treatments to start with the observation.
Since you've been keeping your distance and you cannot see it for yourself, you asked for help from Ae-cha and their other managers, most especially Kyunghee. They understood and agreed with no questions asked, and for that, you are eternally grateful.
You asked them for even the slightest changes in the boys' behavior during times when you know your emotions were at high. So far, there were none. It's either the meds are really working or they are just good at masking it. The second would be implausible, knowing how anything related to you would be a nuisance for them. They would make their displeasure known about it, you're sure.
Sejin, however, you're not sure you can face his pitying eyes again, so you never asked him. You don't want to hear the pitying tone in his voice one more time either. Once is more than enough to last for your lifetime.
You are just about to reach for the medicine bottle when you feel your eyeballs twitch rapidly from behind your eyelids and the pounding in your temples grow louder.
God, not now. You still have that meeting set with your lawyers. Not now.
You dial your assistant's number shakily.
"Joy, can you please phone Attorney Shin for me?" You say to the phone through your coughs, the air in your chest feels like slowly being squeezed out of you.
"Are you okay, [Name]?" Comes your assistant's concerned voice through the phone speaker. "Do you want me to call Doctor Im?"
You take the glass of water on your table with shaking hands. "I'm okay. I'm okay." You take big gulps of water, but the feeling doesn't pass. "There's no need."
Joy ignores the last part. "I'm going there, wait for me."
You go to tell her not to bother, but she hangs up before you can. A few minutes later, Joy comes through the door slightly panting.
"[Name]!" Joy takes hurried steps toward you, but you weakly wave her off. "You look like death. Jeez, I'm calling Doctor Im!"
"No, no! I'm—" You burst into another fit of whooping coughs and faintly hear Joy's worried voice.
Your hand comes away with splotches of blood, some staining the sleeve of your pullover shirt.
"Oh, shit. Shit, [Name]!" Joy screeches, now terrified. She runs to the doorway and shouts. "Jenny! Jenny! Come quick!"
Footsteps sound shortly later and you hear Jenny's panicked shrieks.
"[Name]? Are you okay?!" You feel Jenny's hand touch your shoulder. "Oh, my god. Dongwoon! Dongwoon!" More footsteps but you don't register them, black spots dancing in your vision.
So maybe you're not okay right now.
Oops, your bad.
You stand up slowly to tell them you're fine. However, before you can even open your mouth, you cough and retch.
More blood.
The last thing that registers in your brain are strong arms catching you when you black out, their panicked voices warped in your ears.
(oh, darling. what are we going to do with you?)
"I got it! I got it now, hyung," Taehyung says with a grin to Hoseok as Jimin comes back through the door of their practice room.
"Yeah? Let's run that through again?" Hoseok asks with a satisfied smile.
"Okay!" Taehyung nods. The boys are all feeling happy because the choreography turned out really good and is something they are proud of. The good feeling doesn't last long, however, when Jungkook bursts into the room.
"Hyung! Hyung!"
They all turn to look at him, eyebrows raised. Namjoon tsks at him.
"Kook, don't run. How many times do I—"
They all freeze.
''She... she..." Jungkook then bursts into breathless tears, which propels Yoongi and Namjoon out of their seats. Jin turns off the music. When Jungkook doesn't continue, Namjoon shakes his shoulders.
"Jungkook, what is it?'" Panic rising in his voice.
"They rushed her to the hospital," Jungkook chokes through his sobs. "Y-Yonsei. They rushed her to Yonsei, hyung."
Their stomach drops at that.
Ever since they discovered by accident that you had been undergoing soul-scraping therapy, they have been keeping an eye on you. It took a while for some of them to accept or maybe even acknowledge you as their other soulmate, some longer than others, but they're getting there.
However, the pit in their stomach and the guilt in their chests never really went away, so they had to do it slowly and inconspicuously. They watched from afar and through their staff, and it pissed them off to no end that they have to do so, but they have to. They want to take it slowly and surely so as not to confuse and overwhelm you, still also confused about what they're feeling themselves.
"Yonsei? Hospital? Are you sure?" Jimin asks. "Why—"
"I don't know, hyung. I just heard Manager Sejin talking to Kyunghee-nim." Jungkook looks lost, tears flowing down his cheeks. "[Name]-noona..."
Jin doesn't even wait for their response, sprinting out of the room to find where Sejin is.
He ignores them, spotting Sejin standing with his phone clutched in his hand, and talking to one of their other managers, Kyunghee. The pained expression on their faces and their hushed conversation say everything Jin needs to know.
At the sound of his voice, Sejin and Kyunghee both turn to look at him.
Jin halts to a stop in front of the two. "What happened to her?"
"How did you—?"
"Please, Sejin-nim," Jin begs as the others come into view, slightly panting. "I need to know, please."
Sejin looks at Kyunghee, the latter with a grim expression on her face.
"Is it because of the therapy?" When Sejin didn't answer, Jin turns to Kyunghee. "Kyunghee-nim, please."
Kyunghee nods with a solemn expression. "Yes." The others gasp behind him but nothing registers. "Joy told me she'd been getting sicker as of late. She collapsed this morning."
Jungkook's sobs get louder, but Jin paid them all no mind. The only thing on his mind is—
"[Name]." He looks at Sejin with desperation in his eyes. "Take me to her. I want to see her."
Sejin purses his lips, sharing a look with Kyunghee. "I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Why?!" Jin's eyes are shining from unshed tears, frustration bubbling in his chest. "I want to see her. Take me to her, Sejin-nim. Please."
"We have explicit instructions not to let any of you see her," Kyunghee says steadily. "We can't take you there, Jin. I'm sorry."
"If you're not taking me to her, I'll go there by myself," Jin says stubbornly. "I don't care about whose instructions they are; she's my soulmate and I'm seeing her."
"A soulmate you all rejected!" Sejin bursts out sharply. "You all asked her to stay away from you, asked me to talk to her before. Or don't you remember?"
Jin falls silent at that. The others are no better, hanging their heads in shame.
"You didn't see her eyes that day, Jin. I was the one to look the poor girl in the eyes." Sejin's tone softens. "Don't do this to her. Do you want to see her in more pain?"
"I just want to see her," Jin says brokenly. "I won't show myself to her. I'll be gone when she wakes up." Jin pleads. "Please, Sejin-nim. It's all I ask of you, please."
"She explicitly asked me before not to let anyone of you near her, so I can't. We have to respect that."
Jin huffs angrily, turning back to Jungkook. "Yonsei, you said?" He doesn't wait for the response and stalks off, patting for his keys in his pockets.
Shit. He left them in his room.
"Seokjin!" Sejin runs after him, but he ignores him.
"Hyung!" Someone pulls his arm back, and it's Namjoon.
"No!" Jin yanks his arm back. "This stops now, Namjoon."
"That's our soulmate. Our soulmate!" Jin shakes his head. "Fuck getting burned and left behind—we left her behind. All seven of us. If us getting used and left behind by people who are not our soulmates hurt, how do you think that would feel for her, rejecting and leaving her? Her own soulmates!"
"You know why we had to do it!" Namjoon bellows.
"And it's bullshit! She is our actual soulmate, you saw her marks!" Jin yells back. "You know how I felt about this. I told you all how I felt about this, but you didn't listen. Nobody listened to me."
"Hyung, that's enough!" Yoongi growls. "It's unfair for you to put this on us; you agreed to it, too."
"Because I'll lose you all if I don't! You gave me no choice!"
"We never said that!" Hoseok holds Yoongi back from stepping further toward Jin, the latter seething in anger. "We never asked you to do that."
"You get drunk and cry to me, telling me to always choose you and the others. That's not asking me?" Jin sneers. "You always saying how we should always choose each other and no one else, that's not asking me? You asked me to stay away from her even when it hurts choosing between you and her. Do you take me for a fool, Yoongi?"
Jin looks at all of them and they would shrink at the anger that is not normally present on his beautiful face, but they're all too furious to back down.
"I tried to talk to all of you, but no one listened."
He looks at Jimin and Hoseok, and they both look away in guilt. "This is not something you two should be neutral about. She had been nothing but kind to you."
Jin turns and jabs his finger toward Namjoon. "I thought you of all people can be reasoned with, but you let your pride cloud your judgment. I thought you had the brains to see through your fucking ego, but I was clearly wrong."
He then looks at Taehyung, rage marring his face. "And you. Do you think I wouldn't know how you rubbed the rejection in her face like an asshole, Taehyung? Huh? How dare you?"
Jungkook gasps and whips his head toward Taehyung with a hurt expression.
"Hyung?" Jungkook puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, who doesn't look back at any of them. "What is he talking about?" Jungkook turns back to Jin, confusion on his teary face. "What are you talking about, Jin-hyung?"
Jin scoffs. "He asked her how it feels to be rejected, and how it feels to run around with people who aren't her soulmates a few months ago at that bar. Didn't you, Taehyung?" The others gasp, their eyes widening as they all turn towards Taehyung, who now looks guiltily away from them.
"And I had to know from Jackson, of all people. Jackson! The asshole didn't hold back in letting me know how it's a good thing [Name] will never be ours. How do you think it feels to stand there and listen to him tell me how stupid I am for dropping my soulmate when I never wanted to in the first place, Taehyung?"
"Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok cried. "Why would you do that to her?"
Taehyung yanks his arm off Hoseok's grasp. "I don't know, okay?! I don't know!" he snarls. "She looked so happy with him and I can't think straight! I wasn't thinking straight." He chokes on his sobs.
"You shouldn't have done that, Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok admonishes. "She didn't do anything wrong to us."
"I know, okay?!" he snaps. "I know we asked her to stay away but I can't help feeling angry that she's so happy without us when all I can think is we asked for this, we wanted this."
Taehyung breaks down and weeps. Hoseok puts his arms around him in a tight hug.
"I didn't know what I was thinking," he cries repeatedly. "I didn't know what I was thinking."
There were a few heavy minutes of silence, save for Taehyung's sobs and Jungkook's sniffles.
"If anything happens to her, I'll never be able to forgive myself." Jin eventually says. "I'm no saint, but I never ever would intentionally hurt [Name] more than we are already doing.
"Even if we try to make things right, it might be too late. But, I still want to try because it's what she deserves. So, I won't let anyone stop me. No one can stop me," Jin looks at them one by one, lingering a little longer on Namjoon's and Yoongi's faces. He takes a deep steadying breath.
"Not any of you can stop me. Not even any of you." He shakes his head. "Not anymore."
He abruptly turns on his heels, and Jungkook runs after him.
Jin needs to see you, and he'll find a way to, even if has to go against anyone's wishes.
He'll find his way to get back to you.
(took him too long, darling. will he make it in time?)
In the end, Sejin did take him to the hospital. Jungkook, unsurprisingly, came with him. The younger clung onto him all the way to Yonsei, tears staining his dark shirt.
"I don't want to lose any of you, hyung." Jungkook cries, face buried in Jin's chest. "But I don't want to lose her, too."
"I know," Jin says, voice hoarse. "You won't lose me. I don't want to lose her, too." He buries his in Jungkook's soft locks, trying to keep the tears that had been threatening to spill since he sat in the back of the car.
"We'll make it right this time, Gguk-ah."
Jin doesn't know what to expect when the car stops in front of Yonsei Medical Center. He had a plan up until they stopped, the car running idly in the background. Now, he doesn't think he's ready to see you, too afraid of what he'll come across.
He knows he's getting ahead of himself, but he can't help but think that he might be too late, that he had already lost your heart.
He takes a deep breath and steels himself.
He can do this. He can do this for you.
"You ready?" he asks Jungkook. Jin wipes at the stray remaining tears on Jungkook's face and runs his hands through the now-long hair just so he can keep his hands busy and stop them from shaking.
"I don't know, hyung." Jungkook's wide eyes are still glassy. "I'm scared."
Jin smiles gently. "Don't be. Hyung's here." He takes Jungkook's hand on his own. "We have to be strong for her if we want to do it right. Okay?"
"Okay, hyung." Jungkook nods with a small hopeful smile. "Okay."
For all the bravado that he conjured up while in the car, in the elevator, and in the hallways to the sterile room of the ICU, Jin still isn't prepared for what greets him when they take you inside your room.
They had to wait for you to be taken to your room from the operating room. The whole time they were waiting, Jin can't stop his leg from jiggling and Jungkook was no better, pacing around the room while lost in his thoughts.
Then the door opened.
He stands and gasps in sync with Jungkook's own, and he has to stop himself from falling to the floor.
When they said that you collapsed, he was thinking that maybe you were just overworked. That, and that the therapy's side effects just added to it. You'll be fine, you'll be okay.
This... this is far from what he expected. This is definitely not fine, and this is way worse.
You are hooked on different machines and it scares him to death. Your skin is pale and frail with bluish spots and rashes all over your face and skin, and your lips are almost blue. Your hands and fingers have spots of violet, green and grayish tints.
You look like death.
Jungkook breaks into sobs, calling your name as Jin stands there frozen. He only snaps out of it when one of the nurses stops Jungkook from running to your side and grasping your hand.
"We have specific instructions from her doctor not to allow skin contact with the patient, not until we know who her soulmate is," the nurse says as she wheels your bed to place, putting a hand to stop Jungkook from getting closer to the bed.
"That's us," Jungkook says as Jin steps behind him. "We're her soulmates."
If Jungkook thinks that this will make the nurse relent, he's sorely mistaken.
The nurse shakes her head resolutely. "All the more reason you are both not allowed to have skin-to-skin contact with the patient."
"What?" Jin blurts out.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss information about Miss [Last Name]'s condition," the nurse points out. "We advise waiting for Doctor Choi. He'll be here in a few minutes."
Jin is itching to just fuck it and take your hand, but he knows it would not be wise until they speak to the doctor.
Doctor Choi can't arrive fast enough.
Jin pulls Jungkook down to sit beside him as they see the nurses fuss over you. He has no choice but to resist the urge to touch and hover over you as his chest pulls him to do. He doesn't want to risk hurting or harming you further, so he sits on the couch and puts his hand on Jungkook's knee instead.
"What's taking them so long, hyung?" Jungkook's knee is jiggling, and Jin pats him gently. Jin looks calm outwardly, but his shaking hands betray him. "Why is her doctor not here yet?"
"I don't know, Gguk-ah, but we have to be patient."
Jungkook looks at him with furrowed brows. "How can you be so calm about this?" His eyes sparkle with unshed tears.
Jin laces his hand with Jungkook's, still shaking. It then dawns on Jungkook that Jin is anything but calm.
"I'm not." Jin takes a deep breath, otherwise, the tears he tries so hard to suppress will start pouring. "I'm not, but I have to."
He looks at where you're lying on the bed.
"We have to, Gguk. She needs us right now. We need to set things right, and we can't do that if we fall apart right now. Okay?"
It's then that the door to your suite opens. Jin and Jungkook both stand at the sound and in strides whom Jin recognizes as Doctor Im from his visits to you, and another doctor whom he presumes as Doctor Choi.
"Oh. Mr. Kim. Mr. Jeon," Jin and Jungkook bow slightly at the acknowledgment, "I didn't expect to see you two here."
That sends a pang to Jin's chest, but he ignores it. He knows they deserve the unintended jab.
"Should I expect the others to arrive soon?" the doctor asks.
Should they?
"We're honestly not sure, Doc." Manager Sejin, as usual, saves the day. "Kim Sejin." Sejin holds his hand out to shake the doctors' hands.
"Im Jiho, Animaelogy specialist." Doctor Im shakes his hand and points to the doctor beside him. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei Medical." The other doctor shakes Sejin's hand.
"Due to the nature of Miss [Last Name]'s case, we would have to request the rest of the security detail present to leave the room for a while. You three can stay, but that's as far as we can allow for this discussion."
Sejin nods. "That will be no problem." He nods at the two men standing by the door, who immediately bow and take their leave. The nurses slowly file out of the room as well.
The two doctors walk toward your prone figure, and Jin and Jungkook follow suit. Doctor Im makes a short check of your vitals, while Doctor Choi checks you with gentle hands and looks at your charts. Once done, the two doctors turn toward the three remaining men in the room.
"Is there someone we can talk to from Miss [Name]'s team about her overall condition and routines these past few weeks or months?" Doctor Im asks.
"We can ask Joy Song from her team, as well as Jenny Ri. They're her closest assistants, so they can provide information. I last saw them trying to contact [Name]'s lawyers." Sejin supplies.
Doctor Im nods. "I see." He takes a quick look towards you before turning back to them. "I'm afraid [Name] isn't doing too good right now.
Jungkook finds Jin's still shaking hands, lower lip trapped between his bunny teeth.
"It's a good thing that her team was able to rush her in right away. If not, the situation would have been graver than it is now."
Jin's heart stops.
"G-grave?" he asks, voice trembling. "What do you mean 'grave'?"
It's Doctor Choi who speaks this time.
"When Miss [Last Name] was brought in for the emergency surgery, we had to do an emergency septal myectomy." Doctor Choi holds up a film of a scan, presumably [Name]'s.
"This is Miss [Last Name]'s echocardiogram." He points at a white portion in the middle of the scan, and Jin's head swims. "Miss [Last Name]'s septum is drastically thicker than that of a person with a healthy heart, so it prevented healthy blood flow to the chambers of her heart. Added to the treatments she was undergoing, it caused abnormal and uneven blood flow to her heart and the rest of her body, and caused complications that were...life-threatening."
Doctor Im looks at the other doctor. "It appears that [Name] has been hiding her symptoms since our last meeting, possibly way longer, so it was left untreated."
"What happened, Doc?" Sejin asks as he looks between the two doctors. "Is she going to be okay?"
The doctors share a grim look, one that Jin notices.
"What is it?" he asks, eyes darting between the two.
"Her heart nearly gave out from the heavy stress her body was in, Mr. Kim. Her blood wasn't being properly pumped and filtered, and her immune system was heavily compromised, so she suffered from bilateral pneumonia, which also affected her bloodstream.
Doctor Im takes off his glasses and sighs heavily. "She had septic shock caused by sepsis."
"She almost didn't make it." Doctor Choi says. Jin gasps in sync with Jungkook, the latter almost collapsing to the floor. "She went into cardiac arrest on the table, but we were able to bring her back."
(jin thinks his heart can't get any more bruised than it already is. your poor heart is battered literally and metaphorically. how can he possibly fix it for you?)
(he should've never listened when they asked him to stay away from you. he should've fought for you and with you, that way you're not alone.)
"But she's going to be okay, isn't she?" Sejin asks what the other two can't, what they're too afraid to ask.
Doctor Choi pauses before he shakes his head with pursed lips. "I'm afraid we can't really tell right now. We put her in an induced coma while we try to let her body recover, and we administered treatments, which will continue within the next few days. We can only hope for the best."
"Hope for the best?!" Jungkook cries his first words since the two doctors entered the suite, and looks up at them with tears now steadily running down his cheeks. "So we do nothing?!"
"Unfortunately, so." Jungkook finally loses it and collapses onto the floor on his knees, staring into nothing. "We have done everything we could for now, and we'd have to run some more tests in a few days. But right now, we can only monitor her. An induced coma is the best bet we have to let her body rest and the for treatments to take effect."
Induced coma.
Induced coma.
Jin's head is swimming with those two words as he walks closer to your prone figure and reaches out to mindlessly grasp your hand, but a hand stops his wrist.
"I'm afraid we have to advise you not to touch or make any skin-to-skin contact with Miss [Last Name] right now, most especially since you're her soulmate."
"What?" Jin asks dumbly.
"One of the side effects of the therapy is skin burns when the person comes in contact skin-to-skin with their soulmate, so skin-to-skin contact is highly discouraged."
Jin feels like his whole being wants to shatter. He can't love you, and he can't touch you? Was this how you felt all this time?
Before he can even make any further moves, the door to your suite opens, and in bursts Jackson, panting heavily.
Jin can't even find it in himself to be mad. After all, Jackson was there when you needed someone the most. No matter how it hurts him that there's another person who holds your hand, he can't do anything about it. They weren't there for you, he wasn't there for you. The least they can do is let you find someone else to hold when you need to.
Jackson crosses the room at record speed straight to you, grasping your hand delicately with a pained gasp. His manager is tailing behind and closes the door gently.
Jackson lets go of your hand gently and turns to the doctors. "Is she gonna be okay?"
"Im Jiho, Miss [Last Name]'s animaelogy physician." Jackson grasps the doctor's hand, as well as Doctor Choi's hand in a firm handshake. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei."
"Jackson Wang." He smiles politely. "Is she gonna be okay?" He repeats.
"I assume Miss [Last Name] has made you aware of her treatments since she informed me she made you her next of kin?" Doctor Im asks.
Jackson's face darkens. "Yes, she did."
Doctor Im nods his head. "I'm afraid Miss [Last Name] is not doing so well right now. We would need to keep her in a coma for a while as we observe her and let the treatments take effect."
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. "Isn't that dangerous? How long would that take?"
"We'd need to assess first within the next few days. Right now, we cannot provide or guarantee until when she will need to be, but we'll do our best, Mr. Wang. I can assure you that."
Jackson nods but turns to Jin, his gaze hardening. "This is your fault." He looks at Jungkook, then back to Jin. "Why are you two here? Who gave you the right to be here?"
"We're her soulmates," Jungkook says coldly, to which Jackson snorts. Jungkook gets up from the floor swiftly. "We have every right to be here."
"Do you, Jungkook? After you all left her, do you really think you still have the right to be here? And for what? To make sure she's dead?"
Jungkook takes an angry step closer to Jackson, his face painted with rage. "What did you fucking say, you asshole?!" Sejin, the doctors, and Jackson's manager step between them. "Say that again, you motherfucker. I fucking dare you."
"Isn't that what you came here for, to make sure she stays away for good? Isn't that what you wanted?" Jackson is red in the face as the security detail rushes to the room.
"I'm still her soulmate, know your fucking place!" Jungkook shouts back, Jin holding him back by his chest. "In the eyes of the law, we have every right to be here."
"You gave up those rights when you rejected her, so you can shove that law up your ass and fuck off." Jackson's manager holds him back by wrapping his arms around Jackson's shoulders.
Jungkook can vaguely hear the doctors speaking to Sejin, but he pays them no mind. "I'm not leaving her here alone, so you can go get fucked."
"Jungkook." Sejin holds him by his shoulders. "I think it's best if we come back another day."
"I'm not leaving her again!" Jungkook cries.
"We're all emotional, and it will not help [Name] if one of you ends up in the ER." Jungkook looks at your peaceful figure, unaware of the disorder around you, and it hurts him. He feels his hands yearn to touch you but he can't, he doesn't want to hurt you. "Come on, I'll take you and Seokjin home."
Jungkook's expression crumples as he looks at Sejin. "But—"
"We'll come back, I promise." Jungkook's breathing is heavy, but Sejin's expression is steadfast. "I promise."
Jungkook has no choice but to concede. He turns back to Jackson. "You can't keep me away from her forever. I'll come back for her."
Jackson opens his mouth to retort that you don't need them, but his manager stops him.
"I'll come back for her, and no one can stop me. Unless it comes from her mouth that she doesn't want me here, I will be here." Jungkook chances one more look at you before he shrugs off the arms around him and stalks out of the room. Jin, who had been quiet all throughout the ordeal takes one good look at you before following suit, not even sparing Jackson a glance.
No one can keep them away from you. They'll stop at nothing just to do what they should've done before—give you all the love you deserve. Until you tell them that you don't want them in your life, they'll spend forever to try and make it up to you.
And make it up to you, they will.
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charliesinfern0 · 11 months
PLEASE PLEASE DO AN ANALYSIS OF UR MUSIC CHOICES IM VERY CURIOUS!!!!!!!! i like the juxtaposition of stuff like toms diner with more poppy utaite work i think theres a definite through line w tone that conveys the overall intended consistent ship feel but its still very neatly diverse ^^ INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
HI OMG IM SO HAPPY YOURE INTERESTED!!!!! :D hehehe ok um im super excited to do this, im sorry if it takes a while to answer i just have a LOT of thoughts about Aichi ^^
ok lets get into it (under the cut bc its long :3)
So Drop Pop Candy is THE quintessential Aichi song, like she's represented by the girl singing, and she's optimistic about moving forward and spending the days with Ichi, while Ichi is represented by the guy singing (and also the cat), where he's nervous about the future, but Ai encourages him to move forward with her. Also the translation im using mentions the moon and stars, and how the girl wants to reach them, and i think that fits really well with Ai and her connection to the moon! i could just copy paste the entire song here and be like "just read this its literally Aichi" lololol (also i really want to draw Ai in the outfit that the girl in the music video wears >u<)
When We First Met also just fits so well with the idea that i had that Ichimatsu loves Ai's hair, and how when Ai was younger/in highschool her hair was short, but now its really long.
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I think that Ichimatsu is very perceptive of the changes in people that he's close to, so it also represents how he sees that Ai has changed since he last saw her, and his love for her has grown since then (also! in the art i made of high school Ai she has a little bunny hair clip, and Ichi is the one that gave it to her :) he won it from a crane game and immediately thought "i have to give this to Ai, she would love it." and she did ^^)
Always Like This and Who Said Anything (About Falling In Love) are low points for Ichimatsu before the start of their relationship. He is so scared of his feelings for her, because he doesnt want to mess up their friendship, he doesnt want to push it and risk it. He also feels like he's holding her back from experiencing life and following her passions, since she told him that she moved back to Akatsuka from college because she missed him and all of her friends there. He thinks that she would be better off if she moved back to her college, and that its selfish that deep down he really wants her to stay with him. BUT AI CAME BACK BECAUSE SHE REALLY DID MISS HIM AND ALL HER FRIENDS AND SHE FELT AWFUL FOR LEAVING AND SHE REALLY DOES CARE ABOUT HIM!!!! T_T
Sunburn is such a cute song that i think represents the sort of beginning of their relationship, and like Ai loves the beach so they would definitely go there for a date.
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Its like the giddiness and nervousness Ichi feels, and just how intensely he loves Ai.
Love At First Sight makes me think of before their relationship, but a good amount of time has passed since Ai moved back, and theyve gotten back to being close friends again.
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Theres a scenario in my head where Ichi is out at night bc he just needed to get out of his house for a while, and he ends up at Ai's place and they hang out and she's like "if you want to spend the night you can, i cant imagine living with five other people like your brothers haha" and while she's talking hes zoning out and in his brain hes screaming but then hes just like "ok. that, sounds good. thank you" and then hard cut to him laying on her couch wide awake thinking 'im in love with her im in love with her oh my god im in love with her. i need to kill somebody' lololol ^^ the song just really reminds me of him, especially these lyrics:
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Beings is on the playlist mainly because of the nostalgia it gives me of when i first got into Osomatsu-san because thats when i first heard it ^^
Mermaid mainly represents how Ai feels when she realizes her feelings for Ichimatsu. There's a lyric that says "This tiny world, when you totter with the screw, it will begin to loosen up!", and it reminds me a lot of Ai in the fact that shes a robot and has screws, but also that her world is held together by screws, and they get rusty and weak when theyre in the water. She feels like her world changes when her feelings for Ichimatsu flood her heart ("The tiny world is flying out, as her heart floats on cloud nine. The boy must be aiming at the sea. Unable to shake off this wobbly feeling, she already knows, it is nothing but fascination!") The lyric "Her real face is shown" makes me think of how Ai sometimes thinks that she is nothing but a machine, her "true face" only being the screws and wires that she is made up of. Then, the lyrics "Knowing that nothing else will happen, he goes on chasing something as if motivated for some reason. It is nothing but fascination!" are more from Ichimatsu's point of view, about how he wants to understand Ai and her feelings when he sees a shift in how she acts (because of her feelings for him), but he knows that nothing will really happen because hes scared of finding out how she truly feels about him, because he doesnt want her to hate him, but hes also scared at the fact that she likes him.
Sweet Little Kiss is a bit of a pick-me-up from the previous song, just a sweet little love song that makes me think of a cute date where Ai and Ichi walk in the winter snow, feeling warm from the sweets they eat and their love for each other, and they share a sweet kiss in the snow :)
ツキ (Tsuki) is the namesake of the playlist! :D Tsuki means moon, which ties into how Ai is connected to the moon.
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Its sung from Ichimatsu's perspective, about how he doesn't really think he's the right person for Ai, but as long as she's here with him, he'll do his best to comfort her.
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These lyrics are just so him ;_;
Hibikase is leaning a bit into AU territory, mainly it makes me think about the merch line where the brothers are hackers. Like Ai is a vocaloid/robotic idol in their world and they fall in love despite her being a computer. it just fits to me, also its just one of my fave songs ever ^^
6つ子の魂ナユタまで (Mutsuko no Tamashi Nayuta Made) is the op that i connect to Ai and Ichimatsu the most (though it can also extend to the other brothers considering what the song is about).
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Ai sees the many different sides of Ichimatsu, and even though she knows how shitty he and his brothers can be, she cant help her feelings.
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Its a more lighthearted version of Ai figuring out her feelings for Ichi, but she still does feel like it would be too good to be true if Ichi did like her back.
Love At First Sight (2011 Fancy Studio Version) ITS THE REPRISE!!!! Its a contrast to the much quieter original version, where Ichi was trying to push his feelings down and not let them take over, but in this version its a lot more upbeat and theres more going on, showing that Ichi is fully realizing his feelings and they blow up inside him, filling his heart with love for Ai.
Tom's Diner is specifically for the Phantom Thief AU, taking place in this pretty city that Ai lives in. She's at a coffee shop during a rainy day, with a bunch of small things around her that remind her of Ichi (a black cat walking by outside, cat paintings inside the shop), because she had previously encountered him during one of his heists since her father Dekapan is the owner of the biggest museum in their city. All that he left behind was a purple handkerchief with a black cat paw on it, which she kept and is now studying as she sips her coffee. She feels someone is looking at her, but when she turns, there's nobody except a cute black cat meowing at her from outside.
Celeste makes me think of the Denki Mystery AU, and its from the perspective of Hajime (Ichi).
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Instead of new years, Hajime reminisces on the summer festival he, Akimi (Ai) and his brothers went to when they all first came to the village, and he remembers how she looked in her yukata covered in red flowers.
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Hajime feels as though he's seen Akimi before, and he wants to find out the secret she seems to be wrapped up in. He's not sure what his feelings are for her, he always feels like hes chasing after her, trying to understand her. But, he also feels like he shouldnt be getting so close to her, despite his beating heart signaling otherwise.
サリシノハラ (Sarishinohara) and Sexy Sunshine being right next to each other is a bit of whiplash considering the tones of each song, but i put them together because theyre songs that i connect to the Fujio Rock AU. Sarishinohara i think is a song that Ai would sing during the festival, since in the AU she's an underground idol who is also a fan girl of the Matsuno brothers' band. She catches the eye of the brothers, and after that she becomes a regular feature for their songs and when they perform live (in actuality they all knew each other when they were younger, and dont recognize each other now, but when Ichi saw her first perform on stage, he thought her voice sounded familiar). Sexy Sunshine reminds me of the Feat. Matsuzou set from the AU, since it takes place at a music festival on the beach, and i think its a song that Ai and Ichi would perform together with the rest of the band.
and yeah! aichi is very real to me ^^
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narumika · 2 years
HI BFF CONGRATS ON 5 MIL!! amia famous era real ?! anyways, i’d like to req the scenario of “boyfriend hoodie”/sharing clothes with me and anzu! im 180cm and she’s tiny asf and i think that’s cute 🫶
personality: i like to think im a pretty outgoing person? i’ve been told i make friends easily and am always the loudest person in the room. but i do like my peace and quiet, so i guess you could say im an ambivert? im enthusiastic about my interests and tend to ramble for long periods of time. i also have a quick temper… i’ve been told i come off as “flirty” too hehe.
style: usually i just wear whatever is comfortable, like baggy hoodies and shorts. im preferential to pants/shorts but i do wear the occasional skirt/dress when the occasion calls for it.
taste in music/media: pretty much exciting stuff with not too much content? something with a more linear direction that is easy to follow… basically i think media where it isn’t a necessity to be caught up on content so you can do so in your own time :3 for music, i pretty much listen to whatever catches my fancy at the time lol but rn it’s a lot of jpop (vocaloid, enstars, etc) and kpop (ateez, le sserafim, etc)
pronouns: they/them
scenario: i don’t have much of a concrete idea but like. maybe something where anzu steals my hoodies and wears them in public except they have my last name on the back? idk but something along those lines…
anyways! enjoy your day bff ily 🫶
500 event!
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contains: bad layout, cuddling ew, they r canon your honor, silliness involving anzu and ritsu run in, slight ritsumao sorry they are too silly
AMIA: TYSM BFFIE!!! you too ilysm T_T i had a little fun with this i thinksies… i just am a sucker for cuddling scenarios
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legs linked together and bodies close, they both slept quietly. anzu woke up first, moving to sit up before reze pulled her back under the covers. “we’re off today.. let’s just sleep in..” they mumbled and anzu smiled, playing with their hair as they fell back asleep.
after an hour or so, reze woke back up and sat up. as they yawned, anzu sat up as well and kissed them on the cheek. “good morning, did you sleep well?” she asked, and they nodded. “do you wanna go get breakfast? i don’t feel like cooking..” they asked before yawning and she replied “sure, let me get a jacket though since it’s kinda cold.”
they got dressed into a random shirt pants combo, before throwing on jackets and hoodies. anzu wore rezes hoodie unknowing of their name on the back of it, and while leaving the house reze pointed it out. “are you wearing my hoodie?” they asked, and anzu shrugged. “probably. but it doesn’t matter does it?” she said and reze kissed her cheek before they walked to a store nearby. ritsu waved at them as he was leaving, before pointing out anzus hoodie. “you guys are so cute. i wish i brought maos hoodie..” he said before joining mao on the bench, opening the bag he had and handing him a drink.
you two entered the store and got what you wanted, before walking out and back home. “it seems like everyone noticed it today.” anzu said while plopping on the couch, almost spilling her coffee in the process. “it’s okay though, it’s cute!” reze said and pat her head.
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sttoru · 1 year
💭&😠 with gojo :)
ANONNN ^_^!! thank u for asking angel mwahmwah gnna be rambling for a bit bye i answered these like i was on facetime w u telling me all abt my selfship lore w gojo. if u dont wanna read my stupid ramblings, scroll 🙏🏽🙏🏽
💭: where did you two meet?
OKUAOKAY its a loooong story which includes trauma and stuff on my part but i wont tell u , im gonna TRY and keep it short ! basically, satoru met me when he was on a solo mission >_< the school sent him out to an abandoned place where i was left @, fighting curses . now how did i end up there ? no cursed energy & nothin’ & still fightin’ these imaginary things (why dis lowkey reminding me of toji’s backstory) ? basically due to family . LAWLLL wont go into details since its a lot of explaining and lore but i got dumped there w the only weapon being a stick bcs those mfs loathed my ass bye ANYWAYS satoru found me , all messed up , and got me outta there & took me straight to shoko to get fixed up bcs i looked v BAD (as in wounds & stuff) && HE WAS SOWW WORRIED THE WHOLE TIMEEEE, muttering stuff like ‘please be all right,’ WHILE PACING AROUND THE ROOM BACK N FORTH 😋😋 anyways thas how we met and also how i got taken in by the school since i had no one lookin after me blahblahblah (insert more selfship lore) and satoru was kinda like my guardian during that time !! :3 he helped me find my way through the school, took me out to the city to explore, stuck up 4 me when i needed it, dragged me everywhere w him, let me train w him—yk just being super caring & also trying to light up my mood every time . especially when he sensed i wasnt feeling well. thas how he got me to warm up to him (rare occurrence) lol but the last thing is completely me irl … my rbf is so bad smh , ppl r always tellin me that i look mad or think m giving them looks 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️ also ion like talking to ppl much & prefer to stay in my own bubble but if i had someone like satoru (literally the complete opposite of me) id def wouldn’t mind becoming a extrovert heheeee anyhow yes eventually ended up friends to lovers :D !! sorry this turned so long bye mind u this is the shortest i could keep my rambling at oooops
😠: what's the worst fight you've had? (if applicable)
UHHHMM well . LMAO i feel like im the one that starts almost all arguments w him t_t but most arguments get solved p easily since we r both adults and act like adults & talk things out like adults ! satoru’s always patient & never yells & asks me for my part of the story before he continues so we both understand each others feelings . but theres this one time i was fed up and stressed out, to the point i wasn’t trying to listen to anything he had to say. i was staying over at his apartment, he was being clingy whilst i told him that i wasn’t in the mood at the moment (was working on a project i desperately needed to get done for the night) . satoru gives me my space, but then comes back around every half an hour or 15 minutes, asking me to take a break since i was like overworking myself and taking no tjme to rest. but yk when you’re determined to do smth, theres no stopping u (like when u r in that hyper focused state). so at one point i literally snapped and raised my voice, asking him to f off and leave me be, called him annoying (😞😞) and outed all my frustrations in a fit of rage . i felt so BADDDDD right afterwards but couldn’t bring myself to apologise since i also partially felt like i needed to be left alone at the moment.
satoru was stunned and just.. nodded and said smth among the lines of ‘okay, all right. i understand. i’m sorry for bothering you, baby. however, please take a break.’ like that man didn’t even argue back, just stayed calm & collected before leaving me be without refuting anything bad i said abt him. okay so i finished my project peacefully that night (abt 5 am when i finished) . i went to his bedroom, ready to sleep, only to not find him there. THIS MAN WAS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH . IN HIS OWN HOUSE HELLO i didnt even tell him to, but okay, 😖 i went back to the living room to apologise and tell him to sleep on the comfy bed instead of on the couch with a measly blanket he found somewhere (which didnt even cover his entire 6’4 body)., he didn’t answer me so i turned him over to look at me and ……. this man. had cried himself to SLEEEEEP 🚶🏽‍♀️ he was already sleepin & the skin surrounding his eyes was red , cheeks stained w tears i was so mad @ myself actually. DAAASHDJSN he didnt show his hurt to me bcs he knew it would only distract me more from the work i had to, therefore he let me be & dealt with his own feelings alone. YALLLL this makes me sob every time
anyways i woke him up eventually and this man wasn’t even fully awake before he pulled me down on the couch with him and hugged me tightly to his chest like he was afraid i was boutta disappear 🙍🏽‍♀️🙍🏽‍♀️ he was talkin’ abt sum ‘sorry, ‘m sorry for disrupting you earlier. are you mad at me?’ BRAHHHHH. felt so bad i didn’t sleep the entire day, apologised to him & comforted him & just held him in my arms while he slept . NEVA AGAINNNN NEVAAAAAA
selfship ask game
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m-jelly · 2 years
HELLOO JELLYYY HEHE im your biggest fan, COULDD I REQUEST YK THAT LEVI SHIRTLESS SCENE? AND HANGE'S TAKING CARE OF LEVI WELL WHAT ABOUT READER IS IN HANGE'S POSITION INSTEAD?? so reader finds levi in that river and ran away with him and took care of his wounds in the woods, and after reader is done they stare at levi sleeping peacefully while holding his hand firmly!! and then reader asks levi what if they ran away together like what hange said. but then it grew silent and reader eventually fell asleep next to levi, levi wakes up to see reader snuggling close to him unconsciously and he stares at them in awe and slept together through the night!! ITS SO WHOLESOME T_T DONT FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO JELLY!! WE ALL LOVE U A LOT 0_<
You got it! I'll try my best not to make it similar to the other thunder spear ones <3 And my biggest fan!? What!? Oh my! You're making me blush anon <3 Thank you for being here and supporting me, it means the world to me.
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What if we ran away together?
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: canon world, thunder spear scene, the reader looks after Levi, Reader in Hange's place, romance, love, cute, fluff.
Concept: You saved Levi by swimming in the rive and now you're tending to him. As you take care of the man you secretly love, you can't help but let your feelings out. You hold onto his hand tightly, then lie next to him. Levi wakes up to see the scout he's always had a crush on is holding his hand tightly and sleeping soundly. When you wake up next to Levi as he gazes at you. You talk everything over and he mentions he dreamed you saying for you and him to run away together.
You cleaned the last bit of blood from Levi's face before you started stitching up his wounds. You were as delicate as possible so you didn't wake him up. You'd specialised in medical treatment in the scouts, but you never thought you'd ever have to use your skills on Levi of all people.
You gently shifted the hair from his face and admired his sleeping face. For so long you'd loved this man from a distance and cared for him. You did everything for him and you dedicated your heart to the scouts because of him. You never thought you were strong, but knowing you could support Levi and help him through this all made you strong.
You cleaned up his face and put on the bandages on his face. You next checked his right hand and saw the two fingers missing. You checked the ends to make sure nothing was there that could make it sceptic. You cleaned the wounds and bound them up tightly.
You set a fire going and made some food for yourself and ate in silence with the weight of the scouts losing their best soldier bearing down on you. You fought back tears and ate your food and drank your water. You started shaking as the emotions got too much and for the first time in a long time, you started crying.
You sobbed hard at the pain of what was going on around you, at the loss of so many good scouts, at the suffering everyone had gone through and mostly at Levi lying behind you in a deep sleep. You cried until there was nothing left inside you and you felt such relief at letting it all out.
You moved over to Levi and sat next to him. You held his right hand and checked on it. "I'm sorry about what you went through. You don't deserve all this pain."
You leaned over and kissed under Levi's left eye waking up a little, but he was so exhausted that he didn't have the strength to get up. So, he just listened to you.
"You're an amazing man, you really are and for so long I've loved you."
Levi felt his heart racing. He'd always loved you as well. He was terrible with his words, so he never got the chance to express to you how he felt.
You ran your thumb over the back of his hand. "You deserve that cute teashop you told me about. I can just imagine you running it with a smile on your face and a spring in your step."
He wanted that, he wanted that so much. He wanted to run the shop and have you by his side. He wanted to kiss you, hold you and love you in his shop and in the shared house. His heart cracked at your soft crying.
"This world is so unfair to you. I'll do everything I can to make sure your dream comes true. I'll protect you until the end, Levi. I swear."
He wanted to do that for you. He'd protected you so far and he'll keep protecting you. He didn't want you to die for him, he wanted you to live for him because he lived for you.
You lay on your side next to him. "What if we just ran away together? We could start a new life in the woods."
Yes, yes he wanted to do that so badly it hurt.
You smiled sadly. "That was selfish of me."
He didn't think it was. He thought it was romantic and cute. You'd always done things for others, so him hearing you say something you wanted for once was music to his ears.
You closed your eyes and snuggled up to him. "You'll probably hate me for this when you wake up, but I just need to know you're here with me and alive."
He wasn't going to get mad. He wished he had the strength to roll over and hold you in his arms. He felt so at peace with you holding him and talking. He felt himself slowly slipping into a deep sleep again, but this time his dreams were full of being with you in a cute teashop with a few kids running around.
He woke up after a while and wasn't sure what time it was or for how long he'd been asleep. He turned his head and saw you were sleeping so soundly next to him. He leaned up and looked down at you. He knew in that moment that he wanted to wake up next to you for the rest of his life. You were so beautiful and sweet. He saw you slowly waking up and couldn't wait to hear your voice.
You opened your eyes and saw skin. You frowned a little and sat up to see Levi bare-chested sitting up on the bed you made him. You flushed bright red at being caught and seeing his perfect body again. "C-Captain."
He cupped the side of your face with his right hand and leaned close. He pressed his lips against yours. He frowned a little and moved back. "Why can't I feel your lips?"
You burned bright red. "You're bandaged up."
"Can you remove it? I want to kiss you."
"You shouldn't kiss me."
He frowned. "Why not?"
You smiled a little. "Because you have wounds on your lips. They could get infected."
"Worth the risk."
You giggled as he leaned closer to you, but you leaned away. "Nooo."
He pulled you close. "I am very hurt and they do say you should kiss things better."
He hugged you. "It's Levi. I want you to call me Levi."
You hugged him back. "Levi." You nibbled your lip. "I'll take off the bandage because you need to eat and drink. If you're good, then you can have a kiss."
"Tch, fine."
You went over to the campfire and heated up some soup for Levi. You moved back over to him with his food and water. "You need to get better, so you better do as I say."
"I will."
You took his bandage off and hummed. "It's healing well."
Levi crashed his lips against yours and winced a little at the pain, but the feeling of your hot lips against his was so magical. He felt like he was melting. All his pain and aches went away just by kissing you. He smiled when you kissed him back with just as much love as he had for you.
He pulled back a little and sighed. "Please don't be mad at me."
You blushed. "You're so...you used to be so reserved and shy."
"I almost died, but you stopped that from happening. Almost dying changed the way I thought and felt about a lot of my choices."
You hummed and helped him eat. "Well, I guess it does."
He nodded. "You openly said you wanted to run away with me."
You gasped. "You heard that?"
"I heard everything you said when you joined me for a nap."
You blushed a little. "I guess I got selfish with my words. I just want what's best for you." You locked eyes with Levi. "We're not going to be able to run away together, are we?"
Levi welled up a little, then shook his head. "No. I promised I'd kill Zeke, so I will. However, after I have we will run off together."
You smiled. "I'd like that." You held his hand. "I really would."
He leaned close and kissed you. "We'll get that teashop."
You turned your head when he tried to kiss you again. You giggled at his groan. "Sorry Levi, but you're hurt and you need to rest." You cleaned his face up, then put a new bandage on his face. "Now lie down."
"Only if you join me."
You pushed him down. "I will when I've cleaned up."
You cleaned everything away under Levi's watchful eye. You finally joined him and held him as he slept. "Sweet dreams, Levi."
He closed his eye and hummed. "You too, my sweet brat."
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atsuwiee · 3 years
Ive seen you've made twisted wonderland content!
I dont know how much character i can request but im gonna request my 2 fav character
Could you make malleus and lilia with fem! Reader (separately) that got covid in her world but doesn't told the 2 of them so the reader has been back to her world but manage to find out how to keep in contact, and a few months after that its supposed to be the time where the reader is going to be back to twisted wonderland, all of the people are waiting in the hall of mirror for their long close friends but what did they dont know that what came isn't the reader they wanted,the thing that go through the mirror is a video (the reader alr slipped the camera to the mirror so when the mirror is open the camera can be thrown to the mirror itself) contains the reader explaining that she can't go in there or met all of them especially lilia and malleus, she told the truth that she got a virus called covid that is deadly and has been in her world for quiet sometimes, and she said this video has been made after she got covid, just in case that she will lost her life. The others felt sad and scared at the same time to lose their beloved friends but how about malleus and lilia? What would their reaction be when they already prepared a bouquet of favorite flowers with ring to proposed to her?
Hehe angst is everything✨
Btw its nice meeting another twst writer!!
malleus and lilia when their s/o doesn’t come back due to covid
pairings: malleus x fem! reader, lilia x fem! reader genre: angst
warnings: mentions of covid, grammatical errors, not proofread xian’s note: IM SORRY IF THIS TOOK LONG SCHOOL IS PRETTY HECTIC JKJHKJDH anyways enjoy!!! (im sorry for the lack of dialogue in this T_T)
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malleus and the others wait patiently for your return, but he couldn’t help feeling nervous, fidgeting with the box he was holding. malleus was beyond excited because he knows he’s finally going to see you the second time, but as minutes passed the people in the mirror chamber grew concern and worried to why you weren’t stepping out of the mirror yet. as the mirror glowed malleus expected to see you, but no, the mirror showed something else. it showed a video of you explaining the situation you are in. “i am afraid i may not be back there soon, but i promise you all that once i get better i will be able to” you say and the video ends. malleus felt his heart ache for you, maybe not from disappointment but from worry. he wanted to run through that mirror just to make sure you’re doing alright right now. “maybe next time, hm?” lilia tells him as he looked at the gift malleus had for you. “of course” malleus mutters as he opened the box to show a ring for you.
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lilia anticipated your arrival along with your friends, with his hand holding the flowers you love. though when the mirror glowed it didn’t show you, but it was just a video. it was a video of you apologizing that you couldn’t go there due to the current situation. lilia felt concern and worry all over him. “will she be okay?” lilia asked and malleus heard it. “y/n is strong, i know she can” malleus says as lilia nods. he sighs, “well i guess i have to take care of these flowers again” he says with a small smile and returns to his dorm. though he didn’t see you now, he know you’ll come back.
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opalesense · 3 years
um um hiii! im like literally in l o v e with ur writing, especially the diluc and kaeya stories (im such a simp omg) and was wondering if you could do some more diluc x reader x kaeya nsfw—
ofc you can ignore this but ty if you consider it!! stay hydrated and safe ily <3
over the counter
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diluc x f!reader x kaeya (NSFW)
6.5k words • ~40 min. read
summary: after a tense night at the tavern, kaeya accidentally forgets his belongings and comes back to see you and diluc having an intimate moment – or maybe it wasn’t an accident...
warnings: slight degradation, a lot of jealousy!!  drama!!
notes: reader is in a relationship with diluc beforehand just to switch things up a little from my last fic! also this fic favors diluc a lot more so diluc simps come get your juice ;D thanks for waiting anon ily too <3 i’m so sorry this took so long T_T
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SPENDING WEEKEND NIGHTS AT THE TAVERN was not uncommon for you. In fact, whether you were in the mood to drink or not, one of the main reasons you frequently visited the bar was to keep Diluc company, who greatly appreciated the effort you put into making sure he didn’t feel alone while he worked. Evenings with the two of you were often spent idly chatting while he served drinks, which surely kept his spirits up throughout the longer and busier nights. Customers usually commented about how Diluc always seemed to have a grin on his face when you were around, unlike some other nights where his deadpan expression often intimidated the people of Mondstadt and subsequently intimidated the customers themselves.
 That didn’t stop business from booming, of course. As long as the alcohol was good and quickly served, customers couldn’t care less about how intimidating Diluc could be. Neither would they care about how he would sneak some free drinks to your seat across the bar if you asked for it, or how he would shyly rest his hand on top of yours if the night was slow and no one was paying attention.
 In the end, on weekend nights when you were sitting in your favorite seat at the bar that was conveniently never taken no matter how busy the night was (or maybe not so convenient, since Diluc always made sure to secretly reserve it when the weekend rolled around), people knew never to bother the two of you. After all, on nights when Diluc was happy, he gave spectacular service to bargoers, who decidedly took advantage of this hospitality and thus visited Angels Share more often knowing the atmosphere was better if you were there.
 But of course, as soon as a certain blue haired customer walked into the establishment to take his long awaited night off of the week, Diluc couldn’t help but shake his head at you and sarcastically remark, “Well, here comes trouble...”
 “What, are you not happy to see me, brother?” After placing his belongings down, Kaeya took his seat next to you and shot you a friendly grin to briefly acknowledge your presence. “I’ve been coming here after work almost every night for so long – have you finally gotten tired of me already?”
 Diluc rolled his eyes and began making a Death After Noon for his brother, already knowing the specific bittersweet flavor he likes without Kaeya needing to ask. “Come to think of it, it’s about time I take off that family discount of yours, I’ve been too nice to you these past months.”
 Kaeya crossed his arms as he leaned forward on the counter with a scoff. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
 “It means I need financial compensation for the headache that you induce whenever you’re in the same vicinity as me,” Diluc joked as he finished making the drink then set it in front of Kaeya, who took the glass with a pout and turned to face you.
 “You hear this guy? Financial compensation... as if he needs it, being the richest jerk in all of Mondstadt to date.”
 “Watch your tone, idiot,” Diluc snapped back as he turned to serve another awaiting customer.
 There was no doubt that the two seemed to get along quite well as of late.  At first it was almost as if they were both trying to impress you by showing you that they could be nice to each other as per your request, but as time passed, competition turned into a slow realization of having genuine concern for each other, and the brothers have been on the road to reconciliation ever since.  Even when Diluc ended up being the one to completely sweep you off your feet and steal your heart, Kaeya never showed any opposition and even encouraged your relationship.  “Despite everything, you truly deserve her, ‘Luc,” you overheard him reassure Diluc months ago after admitting defeat in their competition.
 There was no doubt that you loved Diluc more than anything.  He provided you with everything you could ever ask for, from emotional support and material things to overwhelming satisfaction in the bedroom.  But at the back of your mind, especially on slightly tipsy nights such as this one, lies a certain lingering thought about that certain blue haired brother.  Was it so bad to fantasize about being pressed between the two?  Was it so bad to imagine the feeling of being fondled and manhandled by both of them at the same time?  Was it so bad to be at least curious about being shared between the two?
 You took a sip of your free drink as you stared blankly at the dents on the wooden counter.
 Maybe it is bad, you thought.
 After all, if Diluc mentioned that he wanted a threesome with someone else, you wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic about it.
 That’s why you would never mention these fantasies to either of them, despite trusting them both with all of your secrets after being close with them for so long.  You were scared of how Diluc would react to your curiosity.  You were scared he would get the wrong impression and that your relationship would come tumbling down as a consequence of your little fantasy.
 Maybe it is bad.
 Your thoughts were interrupted by Kaeya snapping his fingers in front of your face.  His head was tilted to the side as if he were trying to meet your downturned gaze.  “Hey.  Did I lose you?  What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
 “I was just lost in thought,” you ignored the subtle compliment and averted your eyes from the counter to look at Kaeya’s face, the shadows of the dimly lit tavern casting on him at the perfect angle to show off his features.  You had to admit he was handsome - hell, all of Mondstadt surely thought so too.  You glanced around nervously looking for Diluc to see a glimpse of his fiery hair heading up the stairs to the second floor, presumably to serve a table.  He was understaffed today, you remember him saying.
 “What were we talking about again?” you asked Kaeya, a little dazed and confused, overwhelmed by the reality of the moment.  The clinking of glasses throughout the tavern, the bard playing the lyre in the corner, and the large group of rowdy men at a nearby table flooded your senses, leaving you a bit dizzy with no help at all from the alcohol.  He simply laughed, gazing down as he swirled his own drink in his glass then met your eyes once more.
 “I was asking how you and Diluc have been,” his sharp stare contrasted with his soft grin as the currently sober man turned his stool to completely face you.  There was intention in his eyes, but you couldn’t exactly pinpoint what those intentions were.  “I know he doesn’t like to catch up with small talk so I don’t like to bother asking him about what’s new.”
 With the heel of your boot you decided to turn your stool to face him as well.  Your knees were less than an inch away from touching his, which made you internally flustered given the fantasy you were just thinking about.  You tried your best to keep your eyes on his face, ignoring his exposed skin just under his neck.  He tilted his head back and took a sip of his drink then continued.  “Besides, I enjoy talking to you more than him anyway.”
 You could see right through him in this moment.  Or at least, you thought you could.  Maybe you were overthinking it, but you swore you could see his sapphire eyes slowly trail from your eyes down your body all the way to your grazing knees then dart back up again.
 Maybe it was bad.  Maybe it was the lighting.
 “We’ve been doing good,” you nodded, studying his face more.  “He’s been a lot happier recently since the two of you have been getting along more.  Don’t tell him I told you that, though,” you leaned in slightly with a wink.
 Kaeya let out a low chuckle at that and looked down at his glass again, taking a moment to form his next words.  With a nod, he let out a sigh of relief.  “That’s great.  You’ve been looking a lot happier too, I can tell.”
 “Oh?  How exactly can you tell?  We haven’t seen each other in a while,” you crossed your legs, feeling defensive, which accidentally brushed his in the process.  You quietly apologized and he slightly lifted his hand up to excuse you.
 “Oh, it’s nothing too crazy.  It’s just the glow in your face and the pep in your step when I see you on the streets while I’m out patrolling.  Seems like Diluc’s got one happy girl,” he tilted his head back for another sip, and for a moment, you saw his genial smile drop as he set his glass back down on the counter.  But as quickly as he let go of his façade , he quickly masked his intentions again with a chuckle.
 He seemed a little jealous, you thought.  But before you could fully form a thought around that idea, Diluc came back with a tray in hand, empty glasses and mugs balancing on top of his palm.  He carefully placed each of them into the sink and got to work on washing then drying them.
 “How have you been, Kaeya?” he said with his back turned towards you both, “You weren’t flirting with my [Y/N] while I was gone, were you?”
 “How could I do such a thing?” Kaeya huffed, seemingly offended.  “Put some more faith in me, brother.”
 Diluc turned around with a glass in hand, drying it with a rag and initially focusing his attention on Kaeya.  You watched as the two stared at each other across the bar for a few moments, the air suddenly getting thicker as they both emanated a strange seriousness, almost as if they were arguing telepathically.  Diluc’s intense stare burned into Kaeya’s cold expression, his arms tensing up so much that you thought he was going to break the glass in his hands.  It was a little scary to witness how quickly the mood could change in only a few minutes, and feeling a little uncomfortable, you decided to stand up and make your way to the second floor balcony for some fresh air, away from the loud atmosphere of the main room and even further away from whatever random feud the brothers sparked up tonight.
 The crisp air was meditative.  It was soothing to stand on the balcony, leaning over the rail and staring into the night sky, letting your mind wander.  Your days were often bustling with work and interacting with people so it was very rare to have a moment like this to yourself.  At first, you figured it would be best to go back downstairs – after all, it had been a week since you’ve talked to Kaeya and it would be nice to catch up with your friend.  But you weren’t sure why the mood was suddenly so tense, especially since nothing had really happened and as much as you knew how Diluc was protective over you, you felt like he was overreacting.
 As you took slow sips of your drink, savoring the taste and gazing upon the night life of Mondstadt below, seconds turned into minutes, then minutes turned into an hours, and soon the moon had settled into the midnight sky and the tavern was nearing its closing time.  You hadn’t realized that so much time had passed until Kaeya, who was usually the last customer to leave the tavern, whistled towards you from below as he was walking home, waving to get your attention then finally turning away and bidding farewell.
 “Darling,” you heard a familiar voice behind you as you were waving back to Kaeya, “Did I do something to upset you?”
 You turned to see a clearly apologetic Diluc standing in the balcony doorway, his arms crossed and hair messily thrown up into a ponytail.  “Why didn’t you come back inside?  We were waiting for you,” he quietly asked as he slowly approached you.
 He placed his hands on your waist and pressed his forehead against yours while rubbing small circles into your sides with his thumbs.  You pressed a soft kiss to his lips which he gladly returned with several more gentle kisses across your face, humming slowly and patiently waiting for your response.
 “You didn’t do anything wrong, Diluc.  I really just needed some fresh air.  I’ve felt a little overwhelmed all night and didn’t notice how much time passed,” you muttered.
 You were telling half the truth.
 You didn’t want to admit that you thought Diluc was being a little overdramatic, and you certainly didn’t want to tell him that you were overwhelmed with the thought of being touched by him and his brother at the same time.  Some things are better left unsaid.
 Maybe that was bad.  Maybe white lies were okay, only for now.
 He pressed one last kiss to your forehead before nodding as he processed your words.  “Let’s get you warmed up back inside, you must have been freezing out here.”
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 “I didn’t think this is what you meant by getting warmed up,” you softly giggled in between passionate kisses as his bare, warm hands traveled up your top to eventually pull the entire damned thing off.  He tossed it off to the side mindlessly before unbuttoning his own uniform top and letting it drape next to yours over the bar stool it landed on.
 “I’ve had a long night,” he trailed the kisses down to your neck, gently biting enough to only leave subtle marks and murmuring against your skin.  He lifted you up onto the counter to get better leverage over you, slowly spreading your legs apart then continuing the kisses down your collarbone.  “And you look so beautiful tonight, I can’t help myself.”
 “Just make it quick, okay?” you nervously looked at the window behind him which allowed the moonlight to illuminate the already darkened bar but also allowed anyone who felt like peering in to clearly see the two of you getting touchy in the tavern.  You let him press up against you regardless, feeling his bulge grind against your clothed hips desperately.  “What if someone sees?” you whispered, teasing him with the idea of getting interrupted and caught, which you knew annoyed him to the core.
 “Good,” he paused for a moment to look up at you, his hungry eyes burning into your memory.  “Let them see that you’re clearly mine.”
 Your heart throbbed at this sudden possessiveness and with a naughty smirk, you decided to give up the innocent act.  With a few swift movements, the rest of your clothes were ripped off until you were half naked, the only remaining bit of modesty you had being the underwear that clinged to your skin until Diluc eventually pulled that off too, exposing you fully to him.
 “So beautiful,” he sighed as he kneeled down in front of you, pulling your hips towards him then pinning your knees to the counter as he lowered his head to your aroused cunt.  “And all mine.”
 You couldn’t help but let out quiet, staggered breaths as he immediately wrapped his lips around your clit, gently sucking and nibbling on the sensitive nub as his eyes remained glued to yours.  “All y-yours,” you reaffirmed, which made him hum in appreciation.
 He had never considered fucking you in the tavern before, especially since he rarely had the establishment all to himself for a shift, but just this once, he was happy he was understaffed tonight.  All the frustrations he had endured this evening, from the annoying table on the main floor to bickering with Kaeya about things that didn’t seem to matter anymore led to this very moment where he hungrily licked your wet folds, burying himself into the sound of your hesitant moans and feeling himself harden by the second.
 “P-Please fuck me already,” you breathlessly begged, “Please, Diluc, hurry…”
 “Cum for me first,” his low voice muttered into your aching cunt, making your legs quiver, “Show me how much you really want it.”
 The whine that escaped your throat was suddenly replaced with a gasp as Diluc pushed two fingers into you, immediately setting a quick pace and pressing into your sweet spot.  “Cum for me, darling,” he let go of the grip on your leg to stand up and hover over your torso, leaning closer to your face and snaking his free hand up your back.  “Be a good girl and cum on my fingers.”
 “D-Diluc…!” you whimpered with a pout, which earned a hum of disapproval from him.
 “Master Diluc,” he sternly reminded you, shifting his fingers into you quicker, causing your brain to malfunction as you began to tighten around him.
 “M-Master…!  I’m…!”
 “Go on,” he ran his fingers through your scalp and grabbed a handful of hair, leaning down to kiss you and muffle your moans of pleasure as you finally reached your climax, gushing around his fingers and trembling at his touch.  You whimpered in his mouth, muscles slightly spasming still as you started to calm down from your high and feel his fingers slowly pull out of you.  While keeping his grip on your hair, he let go of the kiss and stuck out his tongue against his fingers, licking your fluids in front of you and smiling in satisfaction.
 “Good girl,” he said as he revelled in his favorite taste.  You watched as he lapped up all the fluids, the mixture of cum and saliva glimmering on his fingers under the light of the moon through the window.
 Speaking of which, you weren’t sure if it was the way you were slightly tipsy or perhaps the heat of the moment deceiving you, but through Diluc’s messy locks and shiny fiingers, you swore you saw a glimpse of a familiar shade of blue through the window.  It was unmoving, sure, but it was there nonetheless, and it wasn’t there the last time you looked through the glass.
 Maybe it was bad.
 Maybe it was Kaeya.
 Horror sunk into your chest for a fleeting moment, but you blamed it on the alcohol, and the way you were thinking about Kaeya and Diluc so much within the past few hours.  Besides, all the thoughts you were having about the strange color in the window were replaced by the way Diluc unbuttoned his pants with one hand, the other still intertwined in your hair, then freed his cock and let it rest on your stomach as he slowly laid you down across the counter.  He pulled you towards him once more so your head could rest on the wood, his hair-tangled hand acting as a cushion while his elbow took its place beside you so he completely caged you in.  “Be quiet for me, okay?  We don’t want to wake all of Mondstadt this late at night…”
 “I’ll be good,” you promised him, letting your hands travel down to feel his length resting on your skin.  It had some weight to it as you lifted it, and as if you two were mentally in perfect sync, he pulled his hips back to let you position the tip at your entrance.
 Excitement boiled in your stomach as he slowly inched his hips forward, pushing his cock into you little by little, stretching your walls apart by the seams.  Your mouth went agape with the sheer stretch alone and fighting the urge to moan had never been more difficult.  Instead, the only sounds that filled the silent room was Diluc’s heavy breath as he closed his eyes from the way you wrapped around him so well, the gentle gasps and whimpers from you as he bottomed out and nearly hit your cervix, then the sudden rhythmic slapping of skin as he began to pound into you with no warning.
 Your eyes rolled back into your head at the rush of pleasure that came with the rolling of his hips into yours.  It was so difficult to keep quiet, so hard not to at least whimper and give tiny moans here and there as he fucked you silly on that bar counter, but he couldn’t care less since he told you to be quiet and expected you to follow suit.  You knew that.  He instead opted to gently wrap his hand on your throat without applying pressure – simply as a warning.
 You couldn’t control your orgasm even if you wanted to.  The way he stared into your eyes so desperately while his cock kissed your cervix repeatedly made you lose control so easily, and he took advantage of the way you tightened around him by fucking into you harder.  Faster.  Deeper.
 “You’re so fucking good, darling,” his hazy eyes glanced down to your lips with the intent to lean down for a kiss.  “You’re–“
 A loud knock on the door startled the two of you enough for Diluc to stop his thrusts and look up towards the source of the noise, a few red strands of hair draping over your face and tickling your cheek.  He stared intensely at the door, pushing into you again at snail speed as he waited for an indicator of who was the culprit of the noise.
 Another knock sent a jolt up your spine – or maybe it was the way Diluc snapped his hips into you once then slowly pulled back to drag out the pleasure.  With a frustrated huff, he decided to tighten the pressure around your neck and pound into you at the relentless speed he set before, quietly shushing you when you initially gasped in surprise.
 After one more knock, Diluc lost his patience.  It was his greatest pet peeve of interruption becoming a reality.  “We’re closed!” his voice boomed loudly so the person on the other side of the door would surely hear him, startling you at the sudden break of silence.  Clearly frustrated, he pounded into you faster, chasing his pleasure, knowing that he would need to deal with whoever was bothering the two of you this late at night and wanting to quickly reach his release before then.
 “It’s me,” both of your eyes widened at the familiar voice, “I forgot my stuff at my seat, could you let me in real quick?”
 Diluc turned his gaze down past your head to see that, as a matter of fact, Kaeya’s belongings were still at his seat from earlier.  His eyebrow twitched as he quickly pulled himself off of you, leaving you quietly gasping for air and clenching around nothing.
 “Get under the counter,” he whispered so quietly that you just barely heard him, “Don’t move a muscle.”
 Following his command, you made you way under the counter, nestling your naked body next to a cabinet of liquor as you watched Diluc button his pants and loosely put his shirt back on, buttoning it while he walked around the bar towards the door.  At that point, all you could do was listen to a set of keys jingle as he unlocked the tavern door and a gust of cold air rushed through the entrance, strong enough that you shivered behind the counter and hugged your knees to retain warmth.
 “Get your things then get out,” Diluc bluntly greeted Kaeya, who chuckled in response.
 “Aw, why the sudden hostility again?” you heard slow footsteps approach the bar, sending your heart racing with anxiety, “And why the disheveled appearance?  Oh, let me guess–“
 “Get your things.  Then get out,” Diluc said more sternly.  You could recognize that tone from anywhere.  He was furious.
 “But let me guess first!  Judging by the way the tavern is still a mess, I know you weren’t cleaning up the place just now.  And by the way your clothes are so messily put together even though they were so neat and tidy earlier, as well as the sweat on your forehead…  Oh, don’t tell me I interrupted something intimate, dear brother!”
 You didn’t need to see him to know that Diluc’s jaw was tensed, unable to form a response out of pure annoyance and frustration.  And still, Kaeya pressed his buttons.
 “You were fucking her real good,” he teased after waiting for a response and getting nothing from Diluc, ”I could hear it from outside the door.”
 “I fucking hate you,” was all Diluc could say in response.  He didn’t actually mean it, you knew this, but he was beyond irritated.
 Kaeya shuffled to grab his belongings by his seat and turned to face the door.  But as if he weren’t being petty enough, he reached into his bag for something and suddenly tossed it behind him – his house keys, which landed behind the bar right next to your feet.  Your eyes widened at this. You swore you stopped breathing even if you didn’t mean to.
 “I think I might have left something behind the counter too, mind if I check?”
 The silence that followed was unbearable, even if it only lasted a few seconds.  All of the sudden, your heart began to pound out of your chest, not only because of sheer fear and anxiety, but also because of the possibility that Kaeya would see you so vulnerable behind that counter, naked and hugging your knees, waiting for someone to hold you and ‘warm you up.’  Maybe he already did see you through that window.  Maybe it wasn’t just your mind playing tricks on you.
 “Okay, I’m sorry, Diluc, maybe I’ve gone too far–“
 “No,” Diluc interrupted him, “Go ahead.  Go get your keys.”
 “Seriously?” Kaeya scoffed in disbelief.
 What are you doing, Diluc?
 “Go on.”
 What’s happening?
 “‘Luc, I know she’s there, I’m just messing with you–“
 “No, Kaeya,” Diluc turned to close the tavern door and lock it, “I know you’ve been eyeing her since the very beginning, even before I came along.  I’m not even mad, I just feel sorry for you.  I feel sorry that I took away someone you wanted so badly and that you haven’t been able to move on since.”
 Diluc took a few steps towards the speechless brother and lowered his voice, still maintaining the same intensity and dragging out his words.  “So why don’t you go behind the counter and get your fucking keys?  While you’re there, you might as well fuck my girlfriend with me too, since you want her attention so badly.”
 The room froze in time, only for a moment.  Thoughts began to flood your mind – why would Diluc say that, especially since he was usually very protective over you?  Should you refuse to let Kaeya see you, or let it happen?  After all, it’s not like you weren’t at least a little bit curious how this situation would unfold...
 While you sat in the corner naked and trembling, you held back your breath and listened to Kaeya’s footsteps slowly drag across the wooden floor, the creaking getting closer and closer until he was in your peripheral vision.  “Diluc,” he immediately turned away once he saw you sitting there, exposed and cold, then let out a disgruntled sigh.
 “Come now, Kaeya,” Diluc stepped in front of him to enter the bar and suddenly grab your arm, lifting you up with no hesitation and making you gasp in embarassment.  He pinned your arms behind your back and turned to make you face Kaeya, whose eyes were glued to the opposite wall out of a little bit of respect.  “How about we make this a competition, since you seem to love competing so much?”
 “Diluc,” you whimpered as you tried to struggle out of his grasp with no success, which you didn’t complain about because a part of you wanted to unravel this situation even further.  “Please…”
 “Please what, darling?” he muttered into your ear from behind, “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve been pining for him too.”
 “N-No, of course not,” you whined, “I just…”
 Maybe it was bad.
 Maybe it was bad, but you were going to do it anyway.
 You pressed yourself against his hips, gently grinding on his erection and letting out small whimpers.  Just like Diluc, you hated being interrupted and couldn’t exactly think straight. All of this petty arguing didn’t matter to you, especially since you wanted them both from the beginning either way.  In an attempt to admit your secret without explicitly saying it, you mustered up the courage to mutter, “Please, both of you, stop fighting and just…  fuck me…”
 Diluc tightened his grip around you with a grin, letting out a low scoff.  “Slut.  I knew you were a slut,” your eyes widened and stomach burned in excitement at the sudden degrading nickname he called you, “I bet you’ve been thinking about something like this for a while, haven’t you?”
 You sheepishly nodded as he slowly pushed you back onto the counter, this time laying you on your stomach and bending you over.  “I won’t deny that I’ve been thinking about the same thing lately,” he started to unbutton his top again as you raised an eyebrow at this new information.  He huffed with annoyance as he unbuttoned his pants and turned his head to the dumbfounded brother across the bar.  “Kaeya, either grab your keys and go or stay here and keep her mouth occupied.  I’ll let you decide – just make it quick and quit standing there.”
 With your head dangling off the counter, you watched as Kaeya slowly turned around to face the two of you, studying the scene for a moment before letting out a deep sigh.  As if he finally made a decision, he put down his belongings again, took off his vest, and made his way across the counter, his hips only a foot away from your face.  Meanwhile, Diluc had already freed his cock once more, keeping one hand on your restricted arms and using the other to prod your entrance with his tip.  The excitement was overwhelming, coursing through your veins as you watched Kaeya slowly unbutton his pants as well with a bit of reluctance.
 “Please hurry, Kaeya,” you softly begged, hoping to encourage him to quit holding back since it was obvious he was being overly shy, “Please, I want this so bad…”
 “I’m sure you do, darling,” he adopted the pet name from Diluc, “But I like seeing you so needy for me when I’m moving slow like this.”
 Letting out an impatient growl, Diluc grabbed onto your hips as he sheathed his cock with your cunt all at once, making you mewl and sigh at the feeling of being full again.  He began rolling his hips deeply just as he did before he was so rudely interrupted, never failing to maintain his quick rhythm and making your brain short circuit.
 With his slender fingers, Kaeya held your chin in his hand, lifting your face up to look at his and grinning once he saw how your mind was lost as you burned with pleasure.  He stared at your flushed cheeks and panting mouth, comparing it to the usual calm and composed demeanor you always seemed to have.  He smirked, rubbing a small circle into your chin with his thumb.  “So this pretty, helpless face is what Diluc gets to see every single day?  I’m very jealous, brother.”
 That comment only made Diluc pound into you harder, his weight shifting into his arm to pin you down further.  “Cry about it,” he mocked.
 Ignoring the comment, Kaeya only pressed his lips together in a pout to tease you, slowly taking out his cock which made your mind boggle at the sheer size of it.  He was just as deliciously large as Diluc was, and as he began to stroke it in front of your face, secretly admiring the sight of you being fucked senseless by his brother, you couldn’t help but feel like you were melting in the presence of such dominating forces hovering over you.  Without second thought, you left your mouth agape, letting your tongue stick out in a wordless way of telling him you wanted to take him, to satiate your hungry desires that you hid for quite some time now.
 “Eager, are we?” Kaeya didn’t seem to ever shut up his teasing, “I was just going to stand here and enjoy the show, but if you really want it that badly…”
 One hand on your chin turned into one thumb in your mouth, which you received gratefully nonetheless.  He let you suckle sweetly on his finger, cooing at how pathetic you looked drooling all over it when he hadn’t done anything yet.  All the while Diluc let go of your folded arms and instead used both hands to firmly grip your ass and pound into you deeper, the sound of slapping skin filling up the room along with his shaky breaths now and then.
 A whimper escaped your throat as you looked up at Kaeya’s face,  He didn’t need to hear you say the words to know that you were quietly begging for a taste of him by looking at him so innocently, and as such, your wish was his command.  He took a step forward to nestle the head of his cock into your mouth, his thumb still on your tongue to make you open up wider and let you salivate over the taste of his skin until he slowly began pushing himself deeper, watching your gag reflex just to find out you were taking him in quite nicely.  His heart was aching with jealousy that Diluc was so lucky to have you all to himself, but nonetheless, once he fully bottomed out inside of your throat that he had to remove his finger to fit properly, he saw this as an opportunity to enjoy himself and sighed in pleasurable relief.
 Kaeya’s hands found their place on both sides of your head as he slowly fucked your throat, wanting to relish in the feeling of you wrapped so tightly around him, holding back coughs and tears.  It was a painfully delightful contrast to the way Diluc was relentlessly abusing your aching hole from the other side of the counter, letting out his pent up frustrations of the night in the form of deep thrusts and shameless pants.  Kaeya couldn’t help but leave quiet moans here and there as well while he slowly pushed himself in and out of your mouth, filling your throat up with his entire length just to pull back with a sigh then do it again.
 Eventually, Kaeya became more comfortable with picking up the pace, watching as Diluc’s slammed his hips into yours and yearning for a similar feeling.  His hands traveled through your scalp, tangling through your hair messily as he leaned in to fuck into your mouth with more intent.  You hummed sweetly as Kaeya finally stopped holding back, giving into the pleasure and matching Diluc’s rough pace.  The feeling of the two of them ignoring their feud and instead taking out their frustrations on you made your insides twist and knot together knowing that after so long, your fantasies have come to light – or rather, they came to this dimly lit tavern in the middle of the night.
 Diluc was the first to release himself in you, filling your drenched cunt with his seed and controlling his staggering breaths as he fucked you slowly to calm down from his high.  It made you needy to hear his low groans in their fullest volume, but you knew that that had to be saved for different circumstances.  His fingers that dug into your skin so intensely gently lifted off of you has he wiped the slight sweat off his forehead and simultaneously looked up to watch Kaeya fucking your throat.  If he hadn’t been so exhausted from work tonight, he would’ve secretly loved to invite Kaeya for another round, knowing how tightly your cunt wrapped around him the second Kaeya started touching you.
 Shortly after, Kaeya finally reached his own release too, letting your nose nestle in his trimmed blue hair as he dumped his cum into your throat unceremoniously.  His chest slowly rose and fell with each deep breath he took, trying to control himself as he felt you attempt to swallow his seed while he was still inside you.  The feeling drove him crazy and craving for more, but as he averted his gaze from you to look at Diluc on the other side, a wave of regret and jealousy washed over him knowing that this was probably going to leave him off on bad terms with his brother – again.
 But much to his dismay, as he slowly pulled out of you, Diluc only laughed.  He laughed wholeheartedly as he gently caressed your waist, soothing you while you gasped for air.  Kaeya stood there confused on the sudden lightheartedness in the air, tucking himself back into his pants and getting ready to leave as soon as possible, slightly ashamed for indulging in such an impulsive moment of vulnerability for you and Diluc.
 “Not so fast,” Diluc spoke the first words after the long period of silence once Kaeya started to pick up his belongings, “You’re forgetting your keys.”
 With the help of Diluc, you slowly lifted yourself up to lay on your back, keeping your legs spread and incoherently mewling for more.  Diluc only grinned at this, shushing you with a gentle look and caressing your thigh as he briefly saw his cum pooling on the counter.  Kaeya nervously glanced at you before entering the bar and walking towards his keys next to Diluc’s foot, grabbing them, then standing back up with an averted gaze.  The poor boy was so nervous, but you had to admit he tasted so good.
 Diluc placed a reaffirming hand on Kaeya’s shoulder, making Kaeya lift his head and look into his eyes.  The two shared a moment of eye contact, communicating a shared sense of apology to each other.  Maybe it was bad at first, but regardless of how much they seemed to be at each others throats, they always seemed to make amends in the end.
 “Okay, get out,” Diluc bluntly said, which followed with hurried footsteps towards the door and a quick, “Alright, alright, I’m leaving!” from Kaeya.  The exchange made you laugh, but once Kaeya was finally gone and Diluc had locked the door behind him, you were beginning to get antsy.
 “So,” Diluc trailed his eyes up and down your trembling body still splayed out on the counter, “would you, by chance, ever be interested in doing that again?  Just the three of us?”
 “I want to so badly,” you breathlessly admitted, replaying the past half hour in your head and letting the memory brand into your mind.  “Please, Master?”
 He thought about it for a moment then grinned.
 “I’ll think about it.  As long as you know you belong to me in the end, maybe another round with him wouldn’t be so bad.”
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Trading Secrets
Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Summary: After ending your year long engagement with Jaebum, your older brother Jackson made it his mission to be your personal hype man. However, while playing matchmaker, he unintentionally overlooks your own feelings.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Jackson's Younger Sis AU, rich kid au, themes of classism, mentions of bad exes, fluff, some angst, typos, etc.
A/N: I have been in a rut, so I've decided to literally speed run the requests I can do rn. I HAVENT CHECKED FOR TYPOS ILL COME BACK SOON ENOUGH maybe. this request has been here forever im so sorry it took so long T_T Also obviously this is fiction ok miss me with that BS TY
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Meeting Yugyeom marked the end of an era, the end of my year long heartbreak, the closing chapter of the mopey life I lived up until that point.
He was the beginning of my sunshine, the reason I could walk with a skip in my step, it was the beginning of me feeling like myself again.
I met him at a gala, but not how you would expect. He wasn't one of our family friend's guest, in fact, he had nothing to do with Choi Youngjae's family at all, except maybe the fact he was their employee for that night. Yugyeom was a server for the party the day I met him.
I was in an emotional fit when he saw me at the gardens and he immediately felt awkward since he went outside to take a break from the stuffy atmosphere inside.
For a moment, he kept his silence, up until he decided it would be downright rude to just stand there within a few feet from me and not say anything.
"Did one of the snobby kids in the party fight you, or something?" Yugyeom tries with a lighthearted voice, hoping it would be better than asking if I was okay, when I clearly was not.
I jolted at the sudden sound of his voice, and managed a look at him. Since I was pathetic and prone to self-deprecation during this time, I simply agreed and casually stated, "yeah, my ex-fiancé was there with his next bride-to-be. It felt like I was the butt of everyone's joke, so yeah, I'd say it was a fight."
Yugyeom was not expecting that. But he did know about the dude who was flaunting his fiancé. How could he not when he was so bigheaded about her dress for tonight and the assests her father had. So, Yugyeom placed his pockets in his hands and asked, "was it that moron in the Im family? What's his face, Jaehyun? Jaeyoon, Jae-"
"Jaebum," I say, sniffling, "how'd you know?"
Yugyeom scoffs, "how could I not. He's a prick, even he knows it. Honestly, you're better off. The dude can't tip for his life. How is someone so rich yet so stingy."
I chuckle, shaking my head at the thought, "he wasn't always like that."
"Oh, baby," Yugyeom says out of instinct, it meant nothing to either person in the conversation, "don't defend him. He's not worth it."
It was at this moment, Yugyeom and I finally look at each other. Even with bloodshot eyes and a semi-runny nose, he decided in his head the view was beautiful. He suddenly felt even more annoyed by the idea of Im Jaebum.
"Thanks," I say, wiping my nose, "you gave me enough confidence to walk back in all the way to my car."
Yugyeom knits his brows, "what? Where you planning on camping here for the night?"
I chuckle, "I'm friends with the Choi's. It wouldn't be the first time I slept in their garden, although this time, intentional."
We both share a laugh. Yugyeom felt compelled to make the atmosphere ever more relaxed than it already was, and so he said, "I'll trade you a couple secrets, since you told me some."
Both a brow and a corner of my lips quirked up upon hearing this, "which part of the conversation did I tell you any secret?"
"The part where you talked about your ex and the fact you got shitfaced enough to sleep on grass."
"Hold on," I raise a finger, "I never said I was shitfaced, nor did I sleep on the g-"
"Whatever," Yugyeom laughs, "I got you rich kids all figured out."
Instantly, I feel standoffish and borderline provoked by this, but I keep it cool and only cross my arms as I throw him a face, "do you now."
"Yep," he pops the P, "you're the really rich type that doesn't even notice the fact that I accidentally stole caviar from the last party the Choi's had."
"Wait, wait," I feel my jaw drop, "how do you accidentally steal-"
"I was fixing my hair in the kitchen," Yugyeom immediately explains, "I had a jar of wax and I placed it on the counter top. I fix my hair, throw the jar back in my bag, except when I got to my gig, it was a fucking jar of caviar and not my hair wax."
I break into a laugh. Yugyeom watches my expression and matches my giggles. I shake my head and wave a hand, "wait, I have so many questions."
Yugyeom's watch beeps. He turns to his wrist and stops it, "well, they're gonna have to wait cause my break just ended."
"Oh, right... it was nice-"
"Do you want to get drinks with me after this?"
I am so stunned by his confidence that I nearly forget that he asked me a question. It takes him smiling at me, urging a response by saying, "any second now," as he did a small hop in his place. I break into another chuckle, feeling the need to wipe my nose, suddenly realizing I had just been crying before talking to him. Contrary to the voice I had in my head saying it was a bad idea, I quickly nodded my head and smiled back, "sure. I... I don't have anything better to do anyway."
That small voice in my head was wrong, getting drinks with Yugyeom after that party was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.
He and I would hang out every weekend, and he would take me to underground art shows, rap battles, and even dances showcases where he would perform.
I would learn when he wasn't hustling for extra money, he was dancing, either professionally as a backup dancer, a teacher, or in competitions.
Slowly he was seeping deeper and deeper into my world. The causal greetings I would give him if he wound up being a waiter at another party I was invited to would turn into shy smiles from across the room. The casual hangouts we had on weekends blossomed into much awaited dates that ended with kisses and promises of meeting next week.
Still, as much as my heart thumped at the sight of him, we were taking it slow and labels were sort of up in the air. I mean, goodness, he was close enough to me that he became friends with my brother. He was close enough with me that my brother trusted Yugyeom enough to drive me home when he was too drunk to do so.
So during one party on my older brother's yacht, said older brother Jackson put me in quite a tough spot, especially considering he personally invited Yugyeom after hanging out with him enough.
It seems in all of this time Jackson has seen me with Yugyeom, he didn't notice that I was practically making googly eyes at him, cause what did he do? He sets me up with Bambam.
Bam. Bam.
"Hi, Bambam," I chuckle, awkwardly reciprocating the hug initiated. Bambam was dressed to the nines, like he always was, glasses, leather shoes, gold watch, and all.
Jackson was watching from afar, arm around Yugyeom as he squealed and shook his friend, "I have a good feeling about this."
Yugyeom could only watch with disdain.
"That bastard Jaebum really did a number on her, but I think, since she's been talking about going out on dates lately, she might be ready to date again."
Yugyeom grinds his teeth, "she's been talking about going dates?"
Jackson turns to Yugyeom, the hand that was not around his friend was holding a drink, "yeah. She told me she was thinking about dating again, and I said I knew exactly the person she'd be into."
Yugyeom scoffs, "and Bambam is that?"
Jackson takes a swig of his drink, "duhhh! He's around her age, and he went to the same school she did. He's also in charge of the same department she handles in our company, so yeah. Match made in heaven, don't you think, Gyeom?"
Yugyeom, who was annoyed by the fact Jackson totally looked over him initially, suddenly felt like he was put in his place. He was none of those things. He didn't even finish going to university. He watched as Bambam nodded his head causally, making the neatly pressed clothes on his body move just a bit at the action. Then he looked at his ripped jeans and worn out combat boots, then suddenly he was acutely aware of how out of place he really was in all this.
The Wang siblings were gracious enough to make him delude himself into thinking he had a shot at getting the girl he liked.
He didn't know if it was the yacht ride or the realization that make him feel like barfing.
Yugyeom weighs the chances he has to get to shore if he just jumps off here and now.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he tells Jackson. Jackson nods and pulls away, moving on to mingle with the rest of his guests.
Yugyeom makes his way to the tiny bathroom and looks at his reflection for a solid minute. He splashes water on his face and wipes it off with bottom of his old band t-shirt.
He is surprised by whom he meets once he exits the room.
"Hey," I chirp. The smile on my face deflates when Yugyeom returns a gloomy gaze.
I find myself frowning, "are you okay? Are you seasick?"
"No..." he shakes his head. He can't help but feel tingly at the concern, and so he involuntarily chuckles in endearment, "I'm fine."
"Well, you don't look fine," I counter, offering a wide-eyed look. Suddenly, as he shifts in his place to lean against the wall, I realize something, "is this because of Bambam?"
Yugyeom, in all his casual confidence, tenses, nonverbally answering me.
"Hey," I sigh, catching his hand in mine. Yugyeom feels his entire being burn at the slightest of contact. I knit my brows, "Jackson's just trying to help me."
Yugyeom can't meet my gaze, "I know..." he offers a half-hearted smile, "he's right... you should end up with someone like Bambam."
Yugyeom straightens himself up and tightens his hold on my hand. He looks down on me and sighs, "You're out of my atmosphere. Come on, we met at a party where I was a waiter. We're worlds apart."
I look at him with an incredulous expression, "the air pressure up there must have finally gotten to your head, huh," I mock, ripping my hand away from him to cross my arms.
He is unamused.
I sigh, "Gyeomie, do you honestly think if I cared about that, I would have my heart race when I'm around you like I always do."
"Well-" he cuts himself off once he realizes exactly what I said, "your heart races when I'm around."
I shudder out, "unfortunately yes, and you don't seem to want to take responsibility."
Yugyeom is at a loss for words. He opens his mouth and raises his hand, "I do. I do. I so do."
"Alright then," I hold back a smile, "I've told you a secret, now you tell me one."
Yugyeom perks up at that and immediately leans down as he places his hands on my shoulders. He peppers the side of my face, down to my neck with kisses, causing me to curl up at the sensation and giggle at the ticklish feeling. He pushes hair behind my ear then whispers, "I really, really, really want you to be my girlfriend."
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lucszli · 2 years
Hi um- i saw your post about writing stuff and i wanted to request a ship if thats ok.
Can you please write about kubosai coffee shop au and you can think of the rest if thats ok with you thanks👉👈
[ hello!! it's okay, ofc, and im so sorry that this took so long for me to write, it's a bit short too so i hope you don't mind T_T ]
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– kubosai coffee shop au –
right now, kusuo saiki was standing infront of a certain ex - delinquent , trying not to stare for too long before forcing his attention to go to the menu, because honestly, who just stares at someone?
kusuo let his guard down when he heard about a certain new coffee shop opening near town, immediately going there, once he managed to get away from those idiots he still hasn't accepted into calling friends, but he didn't think one of them would be working here.
seriously, why does he get into the worst situations?
upon walking into the coffee shop, he quickly noticed aren; although, before he could walk away and leave it at that, unfortunately for him, he was noticed too.
"oh, saiki? didn't think I'd run into you here! what do you wanna order?"
and so, he forced himself to just go to the counter to order , because even he had some common decency; walking away in that situation would just be plain out rude.
ordering didn't take him long, he already knew what he wanted, considering the fact that he came here for the coffee jelly. he told aren what he wanted, and that was that.
aren made some small talk to him for a bit, saying something about how he accidentally wrecked his bike (again?) and needed some money to get it fixed. kusuo just nodded throughout this exchange.
once kusuo got the coffee jelly, he didn't waste any time to walk over to a seat to enjoy the dessert. the place was nice and peaceful, it could be quiet to other people but since kusuo didn't have his geranium ring with him today he wouldn't know.
it wasn't bad. the coffee jelly, it was good, actually. and as he was leaving after nodding goodbye to aren, he told himself he'll come back here for the coffee jelly. that's all, no other reason. it was merely a coincidence that someone he's grown more fond of than he'd like to admit is working there, or that's what he'd tell himself anyway.
as kusuo was walking away, he heard aren think about how he hoped kusuo would come back again, and okay, maybe the coffee jelly isn't the only reason.
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
Hello!! 👋🏽 If you’re still taking requests, could I request Jack with a shounen-like s/o? As in they’re very cheerful and fun loving but they’re also pretty reckless if that makes any sense
Also thank you and have a nice day! 🙏✨✨💖
Of course sweetie! I also have Match Ups open if you also want to try it out ^^
Thank you for being my second ask, i really loved this idea tho :) One overprotective wolf will be delivered! Sorry if its ooc, is a new character for me in terms of writing T_T
Jack Howl with an shounen-like s/o! Gender neutral reader
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His first impression of you was that you were quite fragile and naive. Someone he had to protect or he had to mantain an eye on them. You were totally diferent to him, such an "delinquent"...
This turned out on you and Jack making a great friendship, since staying with you was more fun that he thought! You were his cheerleader and always were there to listen to him. So he grew respect for you. And soon, love.
But oh boy he didnt know what will happen....
How the confessing go? Obviously it was him who declared his feelings for your charming personality, to who you responded with a hug. And the wolf's tail became euforic as your simple words of "I love you too"
And then, with confidence now on the table, Jack started to see another side of you... One more brave, reckless, and heroic.
When you, without hesitation, jumped to save that other student from being bullied by those beastmans, lets just say that his insticts kicked in. The moment those bullies left, it was more because of Jacks delinquent aura that yours. Well, both played the part, thats important.
He is more scared that you about this reckless persona of you.
At first he was a little hesitant. What if you got hurt? What if its too much for you? What if someone abuses of your personality?
Now you have a bodyguard wolf-boyfriend at your side, worried with his ears flattened, ready to stand up if he hears something.
You reassure him that though you are flattered, he shouldn't worry. You are not a kid.
“I wont put myself in any danger, i know what im doing, Jack. Hear me out-"
"But what about those beastman that give you bad looks for helping that boy there?" A worried wolf-boyfriend
It takes two long chats with him to make him trust that part of you. And a little one or two classes of personal defense
He still is at your side lol, thats your life now, a good big wolf at your side supporting you.
Really admires your heroic personality, and has fun with your cheerful personality. A two-on-one prize!
Though, knowing the tsundere he is, it takes a little longer to wrap this idea in his head. Really. Im telling you.
But, dont say that i told you this: That personality of yours that kicks in when injustice is in your sight has Jack waving his tail completely in love. He was wrong into thinking that you were just magicless human surviving this world. He just fell in love more and more with you.
Big simp of you, really. You can tell with just seeing his tail wiggling euforic when seeing you in your heroic form and hearing your advice on something.
Kinda "Excuse me my boyfriend asked for more meath" couple :)
You two became the dynamic duo of NRC; The cheerful and heroic human with his delinquent wolf boyfriend. Bullies, fear them!
Sometimes he makes you stop and think before acting, and other times, both of you act without thinking.
Very supportive couple i must say, everyone at savanaclaw envies Jack for such partner. Ruggie is proud and Leona just say that dont lose that connection.
Hm, what that means Leona?
Anyways, you are always invited to Savanaclaw, when you become the hero/heroine of the dorm. Everyone gushes over you. Its like a pack of wolf with a little baby. A dangerous baby.
Jealous boy will protect you with his arms and make sure to not let anyone make you comfortable. He is always this clingy, not so much in public, but in your alone-time of the two of you.
In that moment he is a cuddly wolf who enjoys being brushed and hear your stories
He gained some smooches for being such a good boy and protect you at Savanaclaw. And he melted in your arms with such affection. You always laugh for this, and your laugh makes him skip a beat
Dates are so much fun and personal. Really romantic how he treats you. Little cactus for gift, and long walks in the sabana for dates. Just a relaxing ambient for you two, where he listens to all your rambles with a smile in his face.
Interwined fingers, always holds your hand like this. And the gaze of love that he gives you when your eyes meet.
He really is a puppy in love, with so much luck about the person at his side.
“Thanks for being in my life, y/n”
Congratulations, you have the best boyfriend at your side. This hero/heroine got the best of both worlds.
Im not sure about this ask, i hope this is what you wanted anon!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
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