#i totally forgot today's the 4th
nighttimenarcotics · 1 year
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on-the-clear-blue · 11 days
Dead Man's Diner pt 7
Hearing the chime of rhe bell above the door, Danny mentally prepared himself before poking his head around the corner "Heya! I will be with you in one hot sec!"
Rushing around the kitchen, Danny set the chili to simmer and quickly cleaned himself up before coming back to greet his newest customer.
Stepping upt to the bar, Danny put his best customer service smile on and opened his mouth to speak, but the words that came out were not in English.
"Hey there! Welcome to Big C's diner what can i..." Blinking a bit before frowning, Danny looked closer at his customer, his eyes flickering a bright green as he squinted at the man.
Because either this man was the very strong revenant that had claimed Crime alley as his huant, or there some how was a 4th Halfa in the world.
Jason found the little diner comfortable, more up to date than the typical dive that was in the Alley, there wasn't even any blood splatter in the back booths!
He kinda didn't like how there was only a single person working there at night, being so close to the Alley and all, but that was easily fixed if he just happened to come around in his Red Hood outfit.
Sending a smirk like smile to the teen that came out from the kitchen, who had the fakest smile that Jason had ever seen outside of a gala.
But his smirk slowly slipped as the kid spoke, his words both sounding clear and distorted at the same time, he could make out words but it was very clearly not words at the same time.
Then, the kid's eyes flashed, and Jason had seen those eyes before, he had seen them in the mirror more times than he was willing to admit.
(Holy shit this kid is about to have a Pit episode in front of me...how the fuck did this kid get in the pits?) Jason thought as he leaned back into his seat, his hand instantly going to where his guns usually were, but only grasped at air.
(Right...forgot those at home...) He thought, settling instead to set his hands on the counter, Jason narrowed his eyes at the teen
But just like that, the green was gone, and the teen cleared his throat, "Sorry about that, um, welcome to Big C's, what can I get ya?"
Danny gave a weak smile, he didn't exactly want to throw down with this potential halfa, sure he liked a good ghostly welcome every now and again, but he just cleaned up and he would like his diner to stay that way thank you!
The man across from him glared for amoment longer before shaking his head, "Shit, ugh...gimme a coffee and...what's your special today?"
Reaching for the coffee pot, Danny felt a rumble in the diner cart, and there was suddenly a chalk board on the wall behind him.
Pouring his customer a mug, his brain paused for a moment, translating the ghost script before he spoke "Cadavers chili hotdogs, made with 100% not person meat...I promise neither are made out of people, definitely didnt seen any bodies when I made it my guy."
Staring at the blackboard that Jason was very much sure wasn't there a moment ago, he felt his chest tighten and ache as he read the...sigils? Words? They were definitely something and he totally shouldn't know what they mean.
Biting back a snort at the dry comment, Jason focused on him "I will take two...Danny? That your name or just the name on the aprin you got?"
Jason was totally not digging for information, because he totally wasn't a Bat or a Bird, and he totally didn't have an urge to know everything about the person across from him.
Getting a dry chuckle from the guy on the other side of the counter, who could only shake his head, "Sadly, that's my name, I will be back in a sec with your food, no running off tho' ya hear? Already dealt with dine and dashers once this week."
Letting out a chuff, Jason kept his eyes around the room, he knew logically he should be more freaked out by this whole experience, but he couldn't help but feel his body relax and his mind comfortable slow.
Holding the cup of coffee in both hands, he took a long sip and memories hit him harder than a crowbar.
It was his mother's coffee, not the bitch that sold him out but his mama, Catherine, the woman that struggled to keep him happy and fed.
It was the watered down brew, stretched to make it last longer.
It was milky and sweet with sugar packets pilfered form diners such as this and powdered milk he used to steal from the grocery store just for her.
His mama gave up so much for him, why couldn't he just do one little petty theft for her?
His heart aches again, and the intense feel of the pits roar in his ears, but they weren't calling for blood, the pits crooned in nostalgic heart break.
Usually remembering before his death was a trigger, was something that made him rage, but right now? He could only mourn for the mother and son that used to cuddle up together under a ratty blanket, of the mother that whispered stories to him during long quiet nights, of the woman that he had found dead on one such quiet night.
Tossing on the last bit of fresh diced onions, Danny had a cheesy grin on his face as he brought the plate to the front, mouth opening to speak before noticing his customers disposition.
He was hunched over on himself, looking small (which was impressive for a man thst looked twice his size and 4 times more muscular)
Tears were streaming down his face as he stared at the now half full mug, for some reason it felt heart breaking to see.
Setting the plate down carefully in front of the man, Danny placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay man...your okay bud." Awkwardly Patting his customers shoulder, Danny felt a bit of panic, he wasn't Jazz he didn't know how to like, console people!
It took a few minutes for the man to calm, and Danny handed him a few paper towels to clean himself up, patting him on the back one last time, Danny let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "Well...um, hope that the coffee is so bad that it made you cry, I-uhh, could comp it if you want?"
The man just shook his head, "Fuckin' hell, ain't bad, just...God damn it..."
Rubbing at his eyes Jason huffed, "Sorry for, um....blubbering on ya like that..
don't usually get teary at coffee, that's more of Timmer's shtick, just tastes...tastes like my mom's coffee when I was a kid..." shaking his head, Jason looked at the chili dogs, they still steamed, the cheese now melted on nicely.
Danny just nodded, "Yeah, some reason i have gotten a few comments on that" shrugging his shoulders, he started to figgle with a cloth, wipping down the counter as he spoke "Meh, Gotham is fucked up and I don't want to even begin to try and figure out."
Croaking out a laugh Jason dragged the plate of food closer, "Fucking right about that...though if you keep making it like that you got yourself a regular customer."
Reaching a hand across the counter, Jason gave Danny a weak smile, "Names Jason, nice to meet ya."
Taking the hand, Danny gave a smirk back, "Got it, one sad cup of coffee for you then-" Snapping his head over as he heard a beeping sound, Danny got a panicked look on his face "Oh shit! My cookies!"
Storming to the back, Danny ran to the oven, throwing it open, scrambling for the oven mits, he phased a hand through them instead of tugging them on, and quickly pulls the smoaking batch of sweets from the rack.
Plopping them on the counter, he hears the oven snap shut as he sighs, turning to thank the diner, he pauses to see the sight of a man he was hoping that he would never have to see again.
"Oh little Bager, King of the Realms making food for the common folk? How the great have fallen.." Vald said with a viscous grin, his hand reaching up to flip off the oven, "Did you think I wouldn't find you? Thought you could rum off and not tell dear old Uncle? Don't worry Bager, while old Vlad might not come around to vist much..."
There was a flash of black light and where a man once stood was a ghost, his grin pulled back devilishly "I am sure Plasmius will make up for it very...very well."
Laughing a bit as he watched Danny scramble inot the back, Jason stared at the food, he was still hungry but...he held an apprehension of sorts, was this going to bring back memories? Would they be good like the coffee or...
His thoughts were cut off as a body was through through the deviding wall from the front of the house to the kitchen.
Bolting up out of his seat, he watched as Danny stepped out of the hole in the wall, shaking out his fist as he did, "I really don't have the fucking time for you Plasmius, don't you see I have a customer?"
Jason stared as the body that was punched through the wall, that looked mangled, twisted and broken start to twitch and crack back into place, limbs bending back from positions they should never be, and then the man sat up, a feral grin on his lips.
(Really fucking bad day for not having my God damn guns.)
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lalovi · 3 months
hi, if requests are open can I please get shadow milk cookie x reader who chooses not to celebrate the 4th because they’re just Done with the usa and also dislike fireworks? like reader is in their room just silently annoyed and then shadow cookie surprises them with food and alternatives to fireworks like glowsticks or something? you can totally ignore this if you want of course, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night/evening/etc.
AN: Forgot it was the 4th today, and no this post isn't late 🤣😄🤭💣💥 😮‍💨
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Shadow Milk x GN! Reader
``Why are you moping so much?``
Warnings: Reader has a cat. Idk man. Guess it can be considered platonic? He calls them doll though so idk
It was just firework after firework after firework. They're so loud, and for what? The cat was running all over the house and knocking things over as well. Truly a hectic night.
Then one moment there's a knock on your bedroom door and the next Shadow Milk enters without permission, bag in hand.
"Doll, I brought snacks! Look! Look!" He shakes the packaging right in front of your face before sitting down on the bed next to you.
Half of it is already eaten.
But it's the thought that counts, right?
"Say, why are you moping so much?" He asks in his usual sing-song voice.
"Just bored. I don't really like the fourth of July."
He nods his head understandingly. "I see, I see.."
He rumages through the plastic bag once more before pulling out some glowsticks.
"Look what I got though!" He's smiling childishly as if he just found the coolest thing in the world. "Only $5 for a pack!!! Here, take one," he places the stick in your hand.
"Yay... glowsticks..." you try your best to sound enthusiastic.
"We can make our own light show! Isn't that the coolest?"
You sigh, though simply can't help the small smile that appears on your face.
He cracks his glowstick immediately before looking through the bag again.
"Oh, and I got these popping candy things as well. They're like mini fireworks, but you can eat them!"
He opens the small bag. "You mortals come up with some wild stuff."
He downs the entire thing instantly.
"Y- you're supposed to wait for them to pop before swallowing-"
At this point, it's just natural selection, right?
You just sigh before deciding to let it go since you don't really want to get into the fundamentals on how there are right and wrong ways of consuming some dollar tree candy.
"Well anyway- I think my bag of goods has served its purpose. You look much less like your childhood pet just died!"
"Haha, very funny."
"Well, I do pride myself in my humor. I am quite the jester if I do say so myself."
"Oh yeah? Then tell me a joke."
"Doll, do you really need another joke? Your entire existence is a joke!"
"Aha, I was just kidding... I think you're brilliant! For a mortal at least."
"You're horrible."
It's safe to say you won't be very bored the rest of this night.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/31/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Watch Parties; OurFlagMeansDeadloch; LubeAsACrew; Stats; UK News; Upcoming Events; Other News; Favor To Ask; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast and Crew Sightings ==
Probably the cutest sighting would be Con O'Neill's dog Cooper
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== How To Help ==
How to help docs have been updated with queerties and other stats!
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
== Watch Parties ==
Today was Day 2, episodes 3 and 4 of Deadloch!
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I realised I totally forgot to crew reactions up for Deadloch yesterday! Sorry all! Here's some from todays watch!
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On to episodes 5/6 tomorrow! Same time same place!
== LubeAsACrew ==
The second Lube as a crew was widely successful! Trending at #7! Thanks for catching it @_irene_adler!
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Everybody had a lot of fun with it, here's some highlights!
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Our lovely friend over at @Astroglide left some fantastic tweets for us, I'm including a few that stood out.
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== Stats ==
Some interesting stats today! Thank you @meowzawowza_ on twitter for these details!
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More stats by @lucyrosebutler regarding How well OFMD is doing in the US!
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== UK News ==
Reminder! 5 days until S2 airs in the UK!
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Thanks as always to our lovely @lamentus1 for the update in the UK!
"I tweeted at 13 lucky TV Guide journalists in the UK all about Our Flag Means Death and the efforts of the fandom and also why the show is so great. I have a document with their twitters and email addresses. Email will be my next line of attack! If anyone wants access to the UK TV Guide press list let me know! We were thinking that we should introduce a spoiler free way for people who are starting to watch season 2 on the BBC to interact with the campaign on Twitter. I think it might be to encourage them to follow #OurFlagBBC while encouraging anyone posting spoilers under that hashtag to add #ofmd2spoilers so that people can avoid seeing spoilers. One other thing that’s coming up later in February is that Chxrlotte on our UK crew will be releasing an Our Flag Means Death inspired track on her label on 24 February! She has a ton of gorgeous tracks that are often inspired by shows like OFMD and Good Omens, and the new one is about Ed and Stede. I’ve had a preview of the new track and it’ll make you cry! @shutupchxrlotte's Twitter Her other stuff is on Apple Music and Spotify here"
Please have a listen!
== Upcoming Events ==
Reminder! Feb 4th is National Homemade Soup Day! More deets! Be sure to share your soup/stew pics with these hashtags:
Not a soup bitch but still want to help?
You can politely menace: @CambellSoupCo and @CampbellsChunky with our petition hashtags!
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==New Watch Party!==
Muppet Treasure Island - Feb 7th 2024
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Other News ==
Warner bros stock is still dropping! Sure looks like cancelling OFMD wasn't a very lucrative plan. Thanks @iamadequate_ for this!
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Max still has billboards up for OFMD in Hollywood! Thanks @LeanneBrodie13 for catching this!
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Also, @_irene_adler caught some audacity from Max in trying to monetize OFMD merch for Valentine's Day.
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== Favor to Ask ==
I've been working on a bit of a side project of putting together an OFMD Renewal Repository for resources that doesn't require anyone to log into ... twitter, IG, tumblr, facebook, etc. It's still WIP but I'd love some constructive feedback if anyone would be willing to take a look and let me know what they think. I won't be replacing the tumblr recaps with it, but will be posting them there minus the gifs at the end so they can be shared to other platforms if needed.
My specific questions are:
Are there more categories / different information you'd like to have added?
Is it generally easy to find information?
Is this a bad idea? (too many places with this stuff already?)
Other feedback welcome!
I am totally cool with constructive feedback, feel free to dm me :)
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Do you ever worry you're too much? Like you talk too much, or feel too much, or come off too strong? I know I do some days.
Just remember, on days you're feeling too much, you're probably shining your brightest. What other people think is too much is just you, and you're allowed to shine! Don't ever let their inability to see your worth stop you. Saw this on IG today and thought of you call. Gnight crew, all the love <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
These gifs go together, I don't make the rules.
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I totally did not miss a day of disability awareness month because I accidentally skipped a day when scheduling my posts. And if you think I did... that's ableist...
Today's Disability Awareness Month post
Time blindness
What is it?
It's a complete inability to accurately measure time. That internal clock that says it's been 5 minutes? Yeah, that no works.
Cool. How can I know I have it? Because I don't really think anyone can accurately tell when 5 minutes have gone by
So a few years ago. I fell hard. Dislocated my shoulder. After a few days, I'm like "Yo. My shoulder been hurting too long after this bad fall. I should see my doctor about that". The doctor asked how long it had been. I told him 5 days... in my defense I really thought it had been 5 days... I texted my friend to confirm.... it had been 5 weeks...
Wow. That sucks. So like how do you manage that?
So like. I try to frame of reference based on what was going on around that time. Like "When did that truck randomly park in front of the house?" Well I remember being really worried about fireworks hitting it during 4th of July. So it's at least been that lot. And I know it wasn't there the week before because my friend would've definitely bitched about it being in the way. So that gives me a frame of reference of about 5 days.
So like you're talking about remembering time on past events. But you also mentioned being unable to tell when 5 minutes have gone by
Absolutely. Time blindness both impacts "I don't remember how long ago this event happened" as well as "I can't tell when 2 hours have gone by and I need my lunch break".
Another way I experience time blindness is meetings. I have a reminder at work that'll be like "meeting in 15 minutes". And I'll be actively trying to keep that in the front of my brain while I'm trying to get some last minute things done. Like "meeting in 15 minutes. Meeting in 15 minutes." Then next thing I know 2 hours have gone by 😅 and I'm like "when did that happen?"
Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to be lazy and inconsiderate of others time
No. There's actually ways you can manage your time blindness. I have an alarm for literally every. Single. Thing. In my life. I have an alarm when I should be taking lunch. When I need to go to bed. If I have a doctor appointment I'll have an alarm for when I need to make sure I have my paperwork (I aim for 2 days before). An alarm to make sure I have my insurance card (the day before). An alarm to start getting ready to leave. And an alarm to be heading out the door. Lots of alarms. Lots of reminders.
Sounds like you need a planner
See... time blindness is associated with ADHD... so that planner... do you want to see the pile of unused planners that I bought then completely forgot I had? If that planner isn't right in front of my nose as all times or screaming at me. I'll forget it exists. That's why I like alarms. They scream at me.
Cool. But I also have this thing where I can't tell how long a task will take
Fun fact. That is also time blindness. I'll be like "Cool. I'm just gonna wash the dishes real quick before I go. Should take 30 seconds..." *15 minutes later*
Time blindness makes it really hard to plan your day because you don't know how much time it'll take to do shit. One time I was like "I'll put this shelf together real quick after work". Real quick took 2 hours. How the fuck am I supposed to plan out my day if I can't figure out how long it'll take to wash dishes or put a shelf together?
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Memento Mori
Clark Kent x Male Reader | Hinted former Ex!Husband!Bruce Wayne x Male Reader
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Long afloat on the shipless oceans
I did all my best to smile
The 4th of July wasn't a day to celebrate—hadn't and shouldn't been one anyway—it was a reminder of death and who you have lost.
Rain was something calming, the pitter patter of it—how it taps with a force against the windows and the roof, leaving tactful rhythm behind—and yet at the same time, the rain itself was a cry from the sky above. Crying out and mourning their loss.
Jon jerked awake from his nap, a nap which shouldn't he have done, when the first chorus of thunder strikes through the sky. Rubbing his eyes he took a glance at the greenish numbers of the DVD-Player; 01:30 AM, past midnight already.
Getting up from the couch, Jon strutted into the kitchen, thanking his dads for always leaving small lights on everywhere in the house—darkness wasn't his favourite, even with his superpowers he hated the dark and what was lurking inside the shadows. There was a time, when he was still in Kindergarten, were he has giving his parents—his papa especially—a hard time during both day and night.
A cup of either Chocolate milk or Tea sounded nice, maybe a few cookies with it. Filling the cup with milk, Jon was about to put 3 spoons of the choco-powder in it, but stopped and dropped the spoon—spilling the powder everywhere.
Jon had gotten spooked by his own papa, who sat there outside on the grass in the rain. Jon had to take a double look on the digital watch above the kitchen table, before running towards his dad office. It wasn't the time, it was the current date.
Jon wrung his hands into his pyjama shirt, getting nervous within the passing seconds and the downpour of the rain, which echoed through the walls off the house, wasn't helping with it.
Jon felt always incredible nerve wracking nervous, whenever he stood in front of his dad office or even had to go inside. It wasn't because of his dad, never. It just was the office itself and Jon never liked it to bother his dad when he was working. Though now he had to and so, without knocking—dad wouldn't hear it anyways, not when he is listening to music—and taking a deep breath, he open the door and stepped inside.
Jon pulled at his dad headphones, giving Clark a scare in the process.
«Papa is sitting outside in the rain and we already have the 5th of July today and you totally missed dinner last night and you didn't do the laundry and also, I think we forgot to bake cake and visit grave yesterday and flowers we didn't buy either and papa is sad, like really sad and and—»
Flabbergasted, Clark needs a moment to process his sons rambling. A bad habit Jon has gotten from him. Though he only needed to hear 5th of July to know whats going on.
Ruffling his sons hair, bringing a stop to the rambling, Clark smiled down at Jon.
«How about you sleep with us tonight? And I'll go and get Papa» said Clark, taking Jons hand and guiding him out of the office and towards their bedroom, before making his way towards the garden.
Clark ventured through the house and outside into the garden. Ignoring the howling wind and face slapping rain, which soaks him instantly. Only focusing on his husband, only having his focus on you.
Wordless he picks you up, for him—with his super strength—you were are lightweight. Carrying you back inside, debating for a second if Clark should put you onto the couch, but deciding against it and walking up the stairs into the bathroom. Sitting you down onto bench.
The wave of silence, a tense one, still lingers in the room as Clark drys you off—taking off all your clothes, getting a new set of comfortable nightwear from the bedroom—and redressing you and himself.
«You shouldn't sit in the rain so late, love,» said Clark, airy chuckling leaving his lips. Wanting to try and lift the mood just a bit. So Clark, just like his Son before, starts to ramble about his newest report he is writing.
«You forgot.»
Clarks stopped with his talking, upon hearing your voice—which sounded drily hoarse—and how you said it, with such harshly monotony and in a matter of fact tone. He didn't replied right away.
«You forgot.» you repeated, face turning into a frown. Anger showing through your narrowing glare.
«I didn't.» Clark licked over his lips, feeling a dryness over them as he answers you firmly without hesitation in his words.
But that was a lie and the both of you knew this. Clark did forget, he did. Too immersed with his work to take notice of everything else around him.
«Yes, yes you fucking did. Yesterday, 4th of July, was our son death-day and you forgot about! We didn't even visit the graves, because you forgot about it!» your voice rose an octave higher within the last sentences. Anger now clearly prominent in your feature.
You didn't want to have an argument, even when they are sometimes unavoidable, to erupt into a shouting with Clark—had enough of those with Bruce back then, when the both of you were once married. Hateful and nasty they were—but Clark knew how important this was.
Guilt gnawed at Clarks soft felt heart, weighting it down with heaviness. He knew how important the 4th of July was for you, what that day means to you, knew the past and present connected to it.
Not only have you lost Conner—his death still recent, even when one year has passed already—on this day, but Jason as well—who you had lost years ago, when you were still married with Bruce—and who was also your son, part of a family, your family.
A once fondest happiness in your life and now a memory you held dear.
You still grieved hard over Jason death and with Conners death now, you had pressure on you which would lead to collapse soon.
Clark sighed, taking your hands and pulls you up. Engulfing you into his strong arms, which emits a instant suction of protectiveness, into a loving hug.
«I know that I forgot about it and I'm sorry love.» he mumbles into your ear, leaving gentle kisses all over your face. Picking you up, he carries you into the bedroom.
When Clark enters the bedroom with you in his arms, he saw that Jon was still wide awake, giving them a worried glance.
Clark gave his youngest a tiny weariness smile. Laying you down into the middle of the bed, Jon goes straight into your arms as Clarks lays himself down behind you. Hugging both, you and Jon to him.
«Do you want to visit the graveyard tomorrow, I mean today?» asked Clark and when you weakly nodded, he kissed the top of your head. Humming some song, while Jon sleepily rambles about some cartoons till he falls into dreamland
Say, if I only could, I'd make a deal with God.
And I'd get him to swap our places
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noctusfury · 5 months
The Mystery Behind Astrid's Wolf-Pelt Cloak (HTTYD 3)
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Hello, my fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! This is one of my older ideas, but again, I just plumb forgot and it was just left sitting there collecting dust. 😅
Today, I want to talk to you about a realization and possible revelation that just has me in fits of excitement! When I watched the end of HTTYD 3 with Hiccstrid's wedding and their cloaks, I never thought much about it. However, when I watched the RTTE Season 2's 4th episode "Bad Moon Rising," I suddenly connected the two dots.
Take a look!
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I paused and thought about it for a bit, and then I realized that... wait, wolf. Wolf pelt. A pelt that comes from a wolf. Wait... did the wolf pelt come from THIS wolf?! 😲🤯
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I mean, it could be possible, right?
I could totally see Snotlout killing the wolf and gaining a nice pelt from it for his troubles, and then 3 or so years later, when Hiccstrid have their wedding, he gifts it to Astrid as a wedding gift. Or maybe he gifts it to her as a reconciliation gift after having stepped on her wrath one too many times. 😅 Such a time could've been after Season 5's episode "Snotlout's Angels."
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Of course, this could just all be an uncanny coincidence, and this is a completely different pelt that had absolutely nothing to do with Snotlout's wolf, and that he either still has it, or Tuffnut has it as an apology gift for the... prank and making him think that he was turning into a Lycanwing.
But hey, I personally support this headcanon. What about you guys?
Let me know what you guys think! I'm always open to other interpretations. It's why theories and headcanons exist.
Thank you for reading this article! See you next time!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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thesilliestofgals · 9 months
Hello everyone, I'm making this huge post because I'm hyperfixated on what's going down in the Ever After High fandom right now, and I need to type all my thoughts out. So, get your tinfoil hats ready folks, because it's speculation and theorizing time.
DISCLAIMER: this is all just speculation and/or incoherent rambling. I'm putting it under the cut because... it's a little long lol (if you see any grammatical and/or spelling errors ...no you don't)
Earlier today, January 5th (or January 4th, depending on your timezone) Mattel released a "new" song for Ever After High, "Can't Get Me Down" (you'll see why I put new in quotation marks in a bit). Reaction to the song itself was... mixed, with some really liking it, some not liking it, and some being more neutral. The reason why this sent the fandom into a frenzy is because, obviously, this is our first real content from the actual source since the series ended in 2018.
Tin foil hat time, I don't think this song is "new" at all. I'm speculating that this song was in the Mattel's equivalent of The Vault for a long time, which could explain a lot about why it sounds janky and almost ai. Also, I saw some people saying it reminded them of Taylor Swift, and we know, canonically, Taylor Swift exists the EAH universe as Tailor Quick, and Raven is a fan of her. Adding on the fact that Raven is used as the cover for this song, I suspect she would've sung this either in a webisode, or more likely a special, but it got cut for whatever reason.
Here we get to my biggest point: why now? Why would Mattel, with no promotion beforehand, just drop this out of the blue? I saw someone suggest it was a mistake, and I saw someone else suggest that this was leaked by some employee, but I don't think either of those are the case- if they were, it likely would've been taken down already.
I shared this theory through an ask, but I'll reiterate it here: My theory is Mattel is using this as a tactic see how people would respond to the idea of EAH making a comeback.
I think EAH making a comeback now kind of makes sense- look at what happened during it's downfall; iirc doll sales were low, but also, Disney had created Descendants. This is a bit more into conspiracy theory territory, but from what I've heard discussed, many think Disney's creation of Descendants was the nail in the coffin for EAH. It's also common knowledge that Disney is extremely territorial about fairytales, and especially when it comes to princesses, so them making Descendants to assure EAH's decline... checks out. With Disney not doing well now, Mattel could be trying to take advantage of that. But that's just my theory, I could be totally wrong and Mattel could be doing this for some other completely random reason.
There was also some other stuff about trademarks, but I'm not good with that kind of stuff, so you can read more about that here.
TL;DR: this situation is very *exaggerated and vague hand waving in air* as you can tell by this post, so while we can continue speculating and/or doing our own digging, I think it'd be best to keep an eye out to see if Mattel releases any more songs, or even any announcements/statements.
If I forgot anything or explained this poorly, I apologize!! Please let me know if I did either and I will try and correct that!!
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stqrriichiigo · 4 months
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pairings ! ━━ cang du x blk!f. reader ( she/her prns. )
synopsis ! ━━ you stayed late to finish up a project you & your team were assigned too, but then your boss ended up carrying food for you as well as dropping you home but you had extra plans.
cw ! ━━ work!au. ceo/employee ( project manager ). kissing. a bit of swearing?. cliche asf. sleepy reader. ooc - ish cang du. reader is rich - ish.
wc ! ━━ 1k+ !
notes ! ━━ bro oh my goodness this is actually really shitty.... this took me months and I mean MONTHS to finish cause I like I totally forgot about it and I was just scrolling through my drafts and remembered about it so yeahhh🙁🙁
tags ! : none! : taglist.
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' fuck. it's so late. ' you thought to your self seated at your desk with your laptop on the before you while sipping on some black coffee as the clock read 1:57.
you sighed as you placed down the cup of coffee and started typing away on your laptop once again. you were mentally a mess at this point.
you groaned " one more slide Y/N. one more, you can do this " you mumbled staring at the laptop screen, but you were interrupted by a knock on your door you could've sworn one of your veins popped. " Come in " you said as you quickly buttoned up your shirt.
the person on the other side swung the door open and walked in with two box of food in his hand stacked on top of each other. it was your boss Cang Du.
" oh- sir? " you stammered, taken a back by the sudden guest. " what brings you here at this hour? "
" oh? am I not allowed to check in on my workers anymore " he replied as he placed down one of the boxes on your desk and then walking over to the couch in the corner of the office.
" oh well.. of course.. I just thought you would be home by now " she mumbled softly. " is this mine? " you asked.
" oh yes.. I asked the security if you had left as yet and he said no so I took it upon myself to get you a meal, I hope your okay with that. " he replied as his eyes wandered at your figure. " how long have you been here? " he asked.
" I came in late today so about 9 hours. "
" oh.. well I realized your car isn't parked outside so I was wondering if you want me to drop you home "
" well yes please I just need to finish this up first and thank you for the food " she answered placing down the box of food on her table.
" your welcome " he smiled taking a spoon of his food.
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" thanks again for dropping me home Sir " you thanked him
" no problem Y/N and please.. call me Cang du "
" wait um before you go.. since you live so far, would you like to rest here for a bit? I have a few available guest rooms " you suggested
" oh? are you sure? I wouldn't want to interrupt your priv— "
" oh no! it would be my pleasure, I mean you could just say its my way of officially thanking you for dropping me home and buying me food. " you cut him off.
" oh well sure Ms L/N thank you very much. "
" no problem! and please call me Y/N " you grinned opening the door wider to give him the space.
he stepped inside, slipped off his shoes and walked towards the living room.
" please make yourself feel at home and if you want to take a nap right now, you can head to the guest room upstairs 4th door on the left. "
he smiled at you once again " thank you very much Y/N, am I allowed to use your kitchen to make some tea perhaps "
" oh of course. the kettle is already on the stove just fill it up and light the stove to prepare the water, you can look up in the cupboards for the tea cups and the tea mix. I will be upstairs having a shower so if you need anything else just look around I have nothing to hide after all. " you informed him before heading upstairs and to the bathroom.
As you climbed the stairs, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. The unexpected turn of events had left you feeling both nervous and exhilarated. You turned on the shower, letting the warm water run as you collected your thoughts.
Meanwhile, Cang Du moved around the kitchen with ease, filling the kettle and searching through the cupboards. He found the tea mix and cups, his movements deliberate and graceful. He set the kettle on the stove and waited for the water to boil, glancing around the cozy kitchen and appreciating the warm, welcoming atmosphere of your home.
After a refreshing shower, you dried off and changed into comfortable clothes. As you descended the stairs, the soothing aroma of brewing tea wafted through the air, bringing a smile to your face. You entered the kitchen to find Cang Du pouring the hot tea into two cups, a calm and content expression on his face.
“ That smells wonderful ” you said, approaching him. He looked up and smiled warmly.
“ Perfect timing, Y/N. The tea is ready ” he replied, handing you a cup. You took a sip, savoring the rich flavor.
“ Thank you, Cang Du. It's perfect ” you said, your eyes meeting his. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence, the kind that spoke volumes without words. You both moved to the living room, tea in hand, and sat down on the couch.
As you chatted, you found yourselves growing more comfortable with each other. You laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company. The conversation flowed naturally, and time seemed to slip away.
At one point, there was a lull in the conversation, a peaceful silence that felt intimate rather than awkward. You glanced at Cang Du, noticing the way his eyes softened as he looked at you. Your heart skipped a beat, and before you knew it, you were leaning in closer.
“ Cang Du.. ” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“ Yes, Y/N? ” he replied, his gaze locked on yours.
Without another word, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was soft and sweet, a perfect blend of tenderness and passion. His hand reached up to cup your face, deepening the kiss as you both gave in to the moment.
When you finally pulled away, you were both breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. A shy smile spread across your face as you looked into his eyes.
“ I've been wanting to do that for a while now ” you admitted, your cheeks flushing.
He chuckled softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “ I'm glad you did, Y/N. The feeling is mutual ”
You both sat there, wrapped in each other's warmth, the connection between you stronger than ever. The kiss had been just the beginning, a promise of more to come, and as you sat there together, you knew this was a moment you would cherish forever.
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VOTD ! ━━ John 1 - 4. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
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© stqrriichiigo 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. don't repost, modify, translate nor plagiarize my work on other platforms such as, wattpad or a03.
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statementlou · 5 months
hi it's just me being nosy and asking a follow up to your vinyl anon--what are some of your non-1DCU favorites? collection tour please 😇
hiiii gosh and look you even put the link on for me to make it easy! The question itself is NOT EASY though I was like BUT WHAT IF I FORGET ONE?? Like what CATEGORY of favorite?! But the timing couldn't be better, I am currently as previously mentioned in the process of moving all of my stuff around, a huge project that 1) is perfect for listening to records while I do things like move books from one shelf to another and 2) means I just today moved my record player to a far better place where I am actually using it again for the first time in ages (for one thing onto an actual properly non wobbly surface) so I listened to records today and picked a few that will do sorry to all the others I forgot and love even more I'm sure
I picked first up Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth not just because it's so good (IT IS THOUGH) but also because it's an album that having it on vinyl feels SO right and it makes me happy just to handle; the pretty Gerhard Richter painting cover, a little crackle and pop with the music, the aesthetic of it all! I mean Sonic Youth probably literally birthed the indie hipster luddite aesthetic, it seems Right™ Second is The Bonny by Gerry Cinnamon, because being able to listen to the songs The Bonny and Ghost specifically on vinyl feeds my soul in deep and important ways. Also the 4th side is blank and etched with lyrics, like the JHO single, very cool. And last the record/album I've almost certainly played the most times in my life, even though the copy I have has skips now (to be loved is to changed and all that yk) and I haven't to date been able to bring myself to buy a reissue or pay $$$ for another original: 24 Hour Revenge Therapy by Jawbreaker. It's just important in like 15 different ways okay? Tip, if anyone is like huh! I will go listen to this album I've never heard it (DO!! also then tweet it at Louis a lot, he would REALLY LIKE IT) I think the best way to do this is to skip the first song the first time, it's a whole different vibe than the rest. Also right now my fave is LTLIVE on vinyl 😭 playing records makes me want to put it on SO BAD :((( also bonus content, one of my favorite things about records for some reason is seeing who goes next to who idk I just find it fun and if I were naming a band it would totally be a big consideration... so for extra tour of the shelf, Gerry Cinnamon is between the Germs and The Gits (listen the Cs are crowded, it's my shelf I can do what I want), Sonic Youth was between The Snuts and Social Distortion- which the astute may notice is not correct, she will be going back other side of Social D- and Jawbreaker nestle cozily between Japandroids and Jerk With A Bomb. Louis, for the record, lives between very twee girl band Tiger Trap and very fast hardcore band Tragatello, lol. A weird bill, that, but they do have one thing in common- all feature queer musicians
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66sharkteeth · 10 months
I was soooo excited for City of Blank return that I went on the app today bc it's the 22 where I live
But when I didn't see City of Blank on the update I panicked I thought something was wrong
Turns out the 22th here is the 21th in America and I totally forgot that City of Blank updates on the Thursday ...............
Thank you! Please make sure you check it out tonight 6 pm pst. It’s really essential you do!
You see, series always lose a lot of audience when they go on break. I was really unsure I wanted to take one and risk losing my audience, but I was assured it’d be okay because CoB would be included in return week, which has always included a coin event and a high slot banner that gets returning comics like mine lots of new readers to make up for the ones we lost.
…..so naturally, webtoon decided to stop doing that this month! 😀 there is no coin event to bring in new readers and I’m seeing other returning series in as low as 6th slot. I don’t know just how low CoB will be yet, but im putting my money on 4th. What about you guys? 😀
So basically I shot my comic in the knee during this break with the promise they’d help me mend it, but instead I’m being left to bleed in the mud. 💜 so it’d be super great if my audience could make up for even a little of the lack of promotion cob’s not gonna get for this return.
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memberment · 3 days
good morning everyone!
I have ruined my sleep schedule. Someone save me LMAO
(10:00) as I reach the end of what I've written for morning glory, I grow tired. I need to take a nap. Will I finally finish this Fourth of July chapter today?? Perhaps.
But no one and I mean NO ONE is allowed to let me forget I need to incorporate the mostly bit at some point. Like there are so many canon refs in here it's SCARY. I NEED THE MOSTLY BIT IT IS MY FAVORITE CARTMAN BIT. NO ONE LET ME FORGET!
(6:11) this is my third good morning of the day, second on record good morning, first on record crying over my writing.
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(I'm literally not okay I need to stop writing tragic creek)
(7:04) Guys I'm almost done with my morning glory reread and when I tell y'all I just nearly died from shock bc Craig casually mentioned he 'Doesn't believe in coincidences.' Like, it's such a benign statement but after WRITING his storyline in Genesis and randomly seeing something like that in the wild that I totally forgot about almost just took me out.
(10:20) Guys after I reread this Genesis chapter and code it I AM OFFICIALLY WORKING ON MORNING GLORY AGAIN LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO (This Fourth of July chapter will get finished tn I SWEAR TO HECK!!!!)
(And then I get to read my fav once its like 5am bc I can only read my fav fic at like 5/6 when the sun is just coming up and my room is perfectly cold and I'm almost ready to go to bed but not quite the vibe is JUST RIGHT here's to praying to the gods we don't believe in I get blessed with an early chapter(bc I have literally been trying to space them out and save them and sometimes I do get lucky and get to read two at once and it's literally the best istg))
(11:17) I forgot to reread said chapter and quit at some point but tell me how Morning went from 84.6 (?? ish) to 86.1k?? LIKE HELL YA LETS GOOOOO WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS!!!!
(11:29) It's not, like, haha funny, but I find it so painfully hilarious that I keep going back and forth between writing like fun wholesome dirty mountain kids figuring out life creek and then like them literally DYING for each other with the most gut wrenching dialogue surrounding it all. My brain needs to be studied, I fear.
(3:28) I just spent like the last 30 minutes being a fucking lunatic BACK TO MORNING GLORY!!! We're at 87.1k ... Which like, honestly, for me on hiatus??? I'm kinda impressed. Kinda proud of myself. (Not to mention the other shit I wrote that is not Morning Glory today, because I did write some of the most gut wrenching shit for Revelations just because I felt like writing angst LMAO)
(5:14) I know I've said this before. And I'll probably say it a million times. Jack stands on business and it's so FUCKING FUNNY. Like 'killing him won't solve anything'
'yeah but it'll feel good!'
(6:27) and tonight I shut down with 89.7k
Which like, holy shit, yippie. 4th of July is done, they're doing powerpoint night, and I am just that much closer to being done with summer.
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im-1hater · 8 months
Total Drama headcannons cause I've kept these thoughts for too long (mostly Cody lol)
Cody, Noah, and Gwen had an emo phase, Cody wasn't allowed to dress emo so he only participated in the internet culture, Noah was unfortunately enough to have supportive parents so there are at least 100 pictures of Emo Noah in the photo albums (his sisters make fun of him for that) and Gwen insist she left that phase in middle school (she didn't. Once an emo, always an emo). They jump out of their skin when they hear MCR or BOTDF (earlier 2000s with unlimited internet access...)
Cody always wanted a pet dog when he was younger but his parents always said no because 1. They're too dirty, 2. They didn't think Cody could take care of one nor did they have the time themselves to take care of it. 3. They don't like animals and love seeing Cody suffer. 4. they probably think cats are better lol. Anyways because Cody would never shut up they caved and settled on getting him a hamster, a fat, chubby, hamster that looked like it was a month away from dying and Cody loved that thing to death. He would always get the hamster the best things it needs and take care of it properly. It lived for like 3 years much to the surprise of Cody's parents. Well, when it did die today Cody was devasted to an understatement. He had a funeral for the hamster in the bathroom and tried to flush him down the toilet like you would a fish. Only the hamster just clogged the toilet making water go everywhere and Cody crying more. His parents were def PISSED and after that, he wasn't allowed any more pets (all of this happened in the 4th grade til the 6th).
Cody is almost a carbon copy of his mother (Only because I am too)
Cody has one aunt on his mom's side and three cousins, two boys and one girl. The oldest (3 years older than Cody), Logan, typically likes to tease Cody (which he hates). The second oldest (older than Cody by 2 years), Jamie, is much nicer but that's not saying much really. Though Cody was stuck with getting Jamie's hand-me-downs because they were both the same size and Logan's stuff was too big for Cody. One of the reasons why Cody was bullied so much in school. The last and youngest (15 years younger than Cody), Cody. His aunt basically forgot her nephew existed and named her son Cody and she really liked the name so she didn't want to get the name change. So whenever they're in a room together they're referred to as Cody 1 and Cody 2 (Our Cody is Cody 2 even though it was his name first, lol).
Gwen often had to babysit her younger brother (forgot his name) a lot because her mom had to work two jobs since their father left them both at a super young age (Gwen 6 and her brother 2). She usually tries to help her mom out any way she can with chores, jobs, and looking after her brother. She says the reason why she joined Total Drama was cause her brother dared her to. While that is somewhat true the main reason was actually to give the money to their mom and hopefully make them financially stable. She was definitely disappointed to get second but her mom was proud anyway.
Harold is definitely NOT an anime kid. He actually HATES weeaboos and doxxes the really weird ones that are kinda racist and fetishize Asian people. He enjoys the anime content as he enjoys a lot of Japanese culture but he isn't going down the halls of Naurto running.
Heather's parents bought her an apartment when she turned 18 just so she's out of the house cause they deadass don't want her there they pay for her bills and groceries and all that stuff. It did hurt at first but hey, free water bill!
Trent awoken the bi mess Cody is.
Cody can actually cook somewhat. Only really simple foods that he learned in the cooking class. He only bothered to learn cooking because his parents are barely there and Cody was getting sick of pizza and takeout every other night.
Noah's parents wanted all girls and lots of them, that's why there are like 8 or 9 of them. When they were pregnant they just assumed Noah was going to be a girl and didn't bother with finding out the gender and such. They were very surprised to find out he was a boy. So all his baby pictures are of him in pink girl clothes and a pink nursery. But they still love him just as much as his sisters.
Geoff had a rat tail, luckily Bridgette was able to convince him to cut it off (the only other person who liked it was Brody).
Duncan watched My Little Pony when he was 6. He always said Rainbow Dash was his favorite but it was actually Fluttershy because Duncan has a soft spot for animals.
Courtney hates kids and having to look after them while Gwen loves kids and loves watching them.
Heather's only friends are Cody and Harold (and sometimes Gwen and Leshawna but it's off and on).
Animals are naturally drawn to Cody, even Noah's dog likes Cody more than him (much to his dismay). Cody has never met an animal that hated him (besides bears...)
Cody is terrified of bears.
For some odd reason, Alejandro doesn't like Cody that much but only plays nice for Heather (he wants that twink obliterated) Cody fully knows this and he says he'll "tattle" on him for something dumb he did and Alejandro almost shits his pants each time (Cody doesn't even end up telling).
That's all and these are all correct (I don't take criticism)
I'll probably draw some of these idk
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taikoturtle · 3 months
Totally forgot today was 4th of July. As the plane was making its descent, I was thinking “why are there so many fireworks everywhere” 😂
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svtjinny · 1 year
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[editors captions] | speaking warning: food mentions for context, during the filming of game caterers she was blonde. she dyed her hair again soon after.
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ep 2-1
jinny's first part is in like the first few seconds lmao
she was wandering around with hoshi & vernon
she was third in the shop line behind hoshi
for her task, jinny had to name a foreign candy brand
[ (Foodie gets a question right up her alley ) ]
she named the first american one she could think of and took the earth arcade plushie [we'll pretend dk took something else..]
[ (Can you spot the difference between her and Torong?) ]
you can see her sitting with woozi & watching jun eat the lemons !!
then after she goes around and lays in the grass with hoshi & shua with her prize
[ Jinny joins them with Torong ]
she doesn't go again after getting her prize but she does sit and watch
jinny didn't talk much soo there wasn't that much of her here
when myungho did the relay & went to the back, the camera zoomed into her telling him you're so cute, gēgē~
[ (Winner compliments another winner) ]
jinny : [when seungkwan said wwksb to dino] seungkwannie.. stop being open minded..
jinny can be seen sitting with the others a couple of times but for the most part she just sits there quietly talking to the members
there was a cut of her talking about torong to a staff member saying how cute it was and how happy she was to get it
the staff was looking at her so fondly..
everyone loves jinny :sob:
her last scenes were her walking into the break room, sitting with jeonghan, and laying her head on his shoulder
she also helped clean the spill !!
[ (Was laying down right next to the mess) ]
[ (Stood up second) ]
thats it for 2-1
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ep 2-2
PLEASE this was made for jinny omg.
she was on hoshi & seungkwans team because she grabbed hoshi by reflex LMAO
she sat in the middle
yes there could have been 7 teams of 2 but idc.
jinny : ["why are you disappointed?"] don't be disappointed, oppa~ we'll lead you to victory!
[ (Holding hands as they go) ]
[ Dramatic/Torong/Tiger ]
jinny : ["were you attracted to your partner by instinct?"] woah.. we totally were..
seungkwan : why does that sound so sarcastic..
jinny : don't worry about it. [eng]
she made everyone laughksejrjhuih
[ (These three are notorious for teaming up against one another) ]
[ (Today they're working together) ]
for the flaws hoshi & seungkwan agreed on the fact that jinny argues too much on shows LMAO [playfully..]
jinny : a flaw? hm. for seungkwan-oppa, he's too picky.. and for hoshi-oppa, he's, like, obsessed with tigers..
she can be seen a few times talking with seungkwan & hoshi and yells the slogan with them
jinny smiled so big when pd said it was a music quiz
[ K-pop professors at MIT ]
jun / woozi : that's what seungkwan and jinny are good at
[ (K-pop prof) (K-pop producer) (Performance Team leader) ]
[ The best players teamed up ]
hoshi : shinee
seungkwan : sher -
jinny : - lock!
my boosoonyeon crumbs i love them
jinny ate that dance up let me tell you.
[ (Living up to their team name) ]
jinny : i would've been disappointed if we didn't get that, the dance is engraved in my brain
[ (They did a cover of the song for MAMA 2018) ]
[ (And again at the HYBE Family Picnic) ]
yes im writing that cover in because we all know svt would absolutely end if they covered sherlock
she got up so fast for stayc !!! yoon's jinny biased btw.. (luckiest carat ever?)
they didn't get it but she still danced
jinny : ASAP!!
[ (Jinny) (Wrote a song on this album) ]
[ (Punch) ] [ (Punch) ]
when drink less and talk more said the 4th (5th? i forgot pls) it was seventeen she was so confused LMAO
jinny : really? thats seventeen? baby you helped make this song.
[ (JINNY) (Composed most of SEVENTEEN's songs) ]
[ ('CLAP' composed by JINNY) ]
[ They didn't recognize their own child? ]
please jinny just banged her head on the table in disappointment
giving jinsoul hitting her head..
hoshi / seungkwan : ..??? are you okay ???
[ (Disappointed in herself) ]
jinny : ["jinny, what happened?"] i..have no words. you cheated me. [eng]
shua and vernon were giggling.
jinny : ["but someone still got it"] still!
5th song!! you already KNOW jinny jumped up from her seat
the three of them are still splitting the songs into three syllables sobbing
[ ('Hype Boy' produced by JINNY) ]
[ (I'll dance over here then) ]
she was still close to the table and they went to the far right side...
[ (Let's play together) ]
jinny : i love this song. newjeans, i love you. [eng]
[ (A message for the bunnies) ]
jinny : seungkwannie, you just embarrassed yourself in front of the camera..
jinny : don't cut that out please!
[ (Don't worry Jinny, we won't) ]
the amount of force jinny hit hoshi with at txt istg.
she was sitting not paying attention and then all she hears is "run for you"...
the second time around she was the one who said run away
cause she didn't trust hoshi LMAO
[ (Jinny, who's brother is a TXT member) ]
[ (Disappointed in her teammate, but still dances with charm) ]
that was her last scene bcz she took a bathroom break and then got carried away while getting a snack.. yes she confirmed it herself..
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argumentl · 11 months
The Freedom of Expression: Vol.23 - Watching Hanshin vs. Orix in the Japan series.
·Kaoru explaining Hanshin's progress so far, imagining himself doing the ceremonial first pitch, and learning English through the window of the Hanshin Tigers.
J: Ah this is an important moment...whats his name? Dongu?
T: Not Dongu, TONGU.
J: Oh, Tongu! This must be the most important moment of the game so far.
T: Ah, it's exciting!
J: This must be the most important moment so far....go on, go on!
K, J, T: Aghhhh!
J: Eh?! Was that a walk?
K: No, no.
J: Its three balls, one strike??
K: Yes
J: The batter chose not to swing there, right?
K: Yeah
J: Or he just couldn't manage it?
K: Well, it could be either.
J: Come on, come on, come on!
T: Oh, a strike!
J: A strike?! Ohh, interesting from Tongu.
K: Haha, you just wanna say that!
T: Hang on, hang on! The broadcast started!
J: No way! We are on air already?? Leader, do the greeting!
K: Im Tongu.
J: Tongu! And im Hikomaro!
K: No, not Hikomaro, he isn't even there!
J: No, but there is that one who looks like him though, right?
K: Ah, Mune! Are you trying to mock him??
J: No no, the Orix players are...
J, K, T: Ahhhhhhh!
J: Yeahhh, lets go!!
K: This is what I like.
J: Crisis averted, right?
K: Yeah.
J: Easy going from now.
K: Ahh, we're off! At last.
T: Yeah, haha, at last.
J: Yep, and we can finally get started with Niconama too.
T: Oh, we're on niconama today?
J: Yes, we are! Look at all the comments!
T: Thanks for all the comments!
K: But we are also on Youtube too.
J: Yep, so today we are watching the 4th game of the Nihon series on the channel...what is it? Hulu?
K: Yes, Hulu.
J: Yes, so we are watching it on Hulu. We can't show you our screen, so if you have a spare screen, get it on at home too.
*Kaoru reaches behind to update the score on the white board, and writes a big 0 for Orix*
T: Ah, yes. This is Kaoru's job today.
J: What a big zero!
K: Yeah, I wanna fill all the rest like this too! haha
J: Haha, yeah. By the way, today's broadcast is titled 'Go go Tigers! Aiming for Japan no.1 special!!'
J: So we are gonna have a drink while watching the game! We will do a toast soon, so everyone at home please have a drink ready too. Ok, Leader, its the 4th game, right? So, could you please explain what that means for people who know nothing about it (myself included), and tell us what has happened in the Nihon series so far.
K: Well, for the Nihon series, the first team to get 4 wins is Japan champion. Today is the 4th game, Hanshin won the first game, Orix won the 2nd game, and Orix won the 3rd game. We'll have to see what happens in the 4th game today.
J: So at this point, Hanshin have won 1 and lost 2?
K: Yeah
J: How did they score in that first game?
K: 8 - 0
J: Yeahhhh!
T: And Kaoru, did you say you were there for that game??
K: Yes, I went to Kyocera Dome to watch it.
J: Ohhhh! Where are our souvenirs??
K: I forgot, haha
J: You forgot to bring us souvenirs??! Thats the most important thing!
K: I left them at the studio, we've just been rehearsing for the tour. I did buy some Hanshin manju type things, but I left them all in the studio for everyone. I didn't bring any here.
J: Ahh, it would have been great to eat those now while supporting the team! Anyway, how was it at the game??
K: It was good, it was my first time to watch baseball at Kyocera dome, so it was quite refreshing.
J: Ahh, were there fewer Hanshin fans there?
K: Hmm, no, about half and half.
J: And it was a thrashing victory with 8-0.
K: Hm, is thrashing the right word? haha
J: Yes, of course it is! I bet you enjoyed it..How did you feel?
K: Oh, I felt great.
T: Haha, I've never seen Kaoru this happy.
J: You can see how happy he is with the way he just leaned back slightly then! haha. We don't see this very often. Look, that comment says 'I'm gad they won when you went'.
K: Yeah, absolutely. Because the next day, the score totally flipped, we lost 8-0.
J: Ahh, that badly? Leader, your presence is good luck for the team.
K: Yeah right?? I need to go to all the games.
J: Thats right! So what happened in the 3rd game?
K: That was yesterday at Koshien. We lost 5-4. We started to catch up towards the end, but couldn't make it in the end. Hanshin have a bit of a self destructive image when they lose. They tend to make a lot of errors and stuff. But they are not like that today...Anyway, in the 2nd and 3rd games, Orix gained the upper hand.
J: Hm, yeah. Hanshin couldn't take it back. And today is the 4th game...what innings are they in now?
K: The third innings.
J: And Hanshin are in attack.
K: Yes...Oyama, he just hasn't got the hang of it yet today.
J: Who is Oyama, what does he do?
K: He is a baseball player.
J: Yes, but what number/position etc?
K: He is number 3, and in first.
J: And despite this, he isn't hitting??
K: I'm not sure whether 'despite this' applies here, haha.
T: He just isn't hitting today.
J: Ah, he is not in good form today?
T: Yeah
J: But Hanshin are in the lead, right? How did they manage that?
T: Oh look, its Neuse!!
K: Ah, yes, good good.
J: Who was that?
K: Neuse.
T: Neuse is in good form.
K: Yeah, he is.
J: So now...
T: What?
J: Hm? Hang on?...Neuse leaves base, bottom of the third innings, Hanshin in attack, 2 out, Neuse hits, passes first base. Won't they score points from here on?
K: Yeah, I think so.
J: Ah, so its still ok.
K: Can't we have a drink yet?
J: Oh, ok.
K: Haha
J: Let me just explain the show quickly! Even if you don't like baseball, you can still enjoy this show. And we are always taking your messages, you all know this, right? Any, thoughts, comments, questions, please send them in. X (formerly Twitter) users can use the tag TFOE. The first part of the show is free for anyone to watch, but the second part is for channel members only, so you need to be a member if you want to watch to the end. If you join, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for 1 year, and there are also members only videos too, so please join using the link at the top of the screen. Also, in the second part of the show today we will be asking Kaoru all about the European tour scheduled for next year.
T: Loads of variety!
J: Thats right. You can't miss it!! Ok, Leader, its time for a toast! Everyone at home, join us too. Just a sec, Leader...ok ready now.
K: Joe, you can do it.
J: No no, you have to.
T: *raises hand* Ok, I'll do it.
K: *raises hand* No, I'll do it. (※This is a reference to a tv comedy skit by ダチョウ倶楽部/Ostrich Club, where the third guy is tricked into raising his hand to volunteer for something after seeing the other two raise theirs first)
J: Eh?! Who? Ok, Leader, you do it.
T: Agghh, haha
K: Agghh, of course, he doesn't watch tv so he doesn't get it!
J: Eh?! What?!
K: Nothing, nothing.
J: Ahh, Im sorry I ruined the joke!...Oh, it was that Ostrich method??
K: Of course, it was.
J: I just saw someone write it in the comments, haha.
K: Anyway, lets have a drink and enjoy watching the Nihon Series...Kanpai!
J, T: Kanpai!
J: So, Leader, they won when you went to the stadium, so we should support them as if we were there in the stadium today.
K: Of course!
J: That way it will help. If we half-heartedly support them, our support won't reach them.
K: Ahh, yes, thats right.
J: We've really got to be out of the ordinary.
K: Haha, you are so excited.
T: Joe, you know the least about baseball of all of us, yet you are the most excited.
J: No, but we've really got to imagine ourselves at Koshien! Is that where this is?
K: Yes...We have to?
J: Absolutely.
T: There is a comment saying Kaoru's hat is cute! Its unusual, right?
J: Was this a specially made item?
K: No, these are regular merch. It comes in different colours, even blue etc. You wouldn't be able to tell it was Hanshin merch just at a glance.
J: No, you wouldn't.
T: Isn't this one an unusual colour though?
K: I bought this years ago.
J, T: Ehh?
J: Ahh, yes, there is all sorts of Hanshin merch. You know, I wanted to wear that Hanshin happi to support the team today, but the staff forgot to bring it.
T: Haha, you should prepare that yourself.
J: I was thinking about wearing that pink happi, so I wore like totally room wear to go under it.
K: Haha, room wear? That doesn't matter.
J: Haha, well, whatever I'm wearing I'm at Koshien in spirit.
K: Yeah. Ah, I'll just update the scoreboard.
J: Oh, yeah. So, last time we had Morikawa Toshiyuki on the show, right? That was fun. What did you think, Leader?
K: Oh, I'm so grateful to him...Coming on a show like this.
J: Yeah, and he supports the Baystars.
K: Yeah, I felt sorry.
J: Yeah, cause they didn't do well, right?
T: Haha, he even came in here singing Rokkou Oroshi.
K: I'm really grateful to him.
T: There are not many people who know as much about professional baseball as he does.
J: He is such a great guy, we had a lot of fun. Yeah, we laughed a lot. If you are a channel member you can rewatch it in the archives. There are comments coming in saying it was incredible, and that Morikawa san was perfect at singing Rokkou Oroshi!
T: It would be good if we could do that kind of thing again sometime.
J: Yeah, last time was perfect though, with those talk topics and Morikawa san's personality. Anyway, today we are watching the Hanshin vs. Orix game, and I'm sure things will get exciting whenever the game heats up, but in the meantime the staff have prepared various fun things for us to talk about. So lets sandwich some of these in while we watch the game. The first topic is 'Dream ceremonial pitch'!
J: Don't hold back, everyone! We gotta show our support! Ok, loads of different people have done the ceremonial pitch before, right? So I'm gonna ask both Kaoru and Tasai, if you were to do the ceremonial pitch, how would you do it? What music would you enter to, what would you wear, how would you throw etc, etc. Its a brilliant topic to talk about!
K: Who did the ceremonial pitch today? That rugby guy? The one who never smiles.
T: Was it Inagaki....?
J: Inagaki Goro? (*member of SMAP.....Kaoru is actually referring to rugby player Inagaki Keita*)
K: Not Inagaki Goro! haha
J: Haha, I don't know. Ah! Is it that half Japanese guy who looks like Inagaki Goro??
T: Haha, no no. Ah, *reading comments* it seems like his name is Inagaki though.
J: We just can't remember his given name.
K: Well, anyway, he did the ceremonial pitch today.
J: How do they actually choose who does it?
K: We should have asked Morikawa san this last time!
J: Right! He has done it before, hasn't he?!
T: I guess the team just choose someone.
J: Kaoru, have you ever been asked to do it?
K: Haha, no.
J: Oh, but to have a world famous musician like you sypporting them so much...!
K: No no.
T: What are they thinking by not asking you?!
J: Right?!
K: Guys, stop talking like this! They'll never ask me now, hahaha.
T: Hanshin players, please consider it!!
J: Look, there are comments saying they want you to do the ceremonial pitch! Anyway, Leader, if you did do it, how would you like it to be?
K: Hmm, well, I don't really like it when people try to make it all about them...
J: Ahh, some people are like that when they do this, right? I mean, I havnt really seen many people doing it though.
T: Yeah, it is often like that.
K: So, I would probably just go out, greet the crowd, and simply throw the ball.
T: Yeah, Joe, did you know, celebrities and such who do the ceremonial pitch often get booed if they try to appeal to the crowd to much. Its like, "Just get on with it!"
K: Yeah, cause no-one is there to see that.
J: Its unnecessary, right?
T: Yeah, sometimes that happens. But when Yanagisawa Shingo did it, they crowd was pretty happy....You know who that is, right?
J: Ah, yes, that comedian right?
T: Yeah
K: Well, if its someone very famous who everyone knows, it works.
J: Ah, its tough, it only works with big names. What does that comment say?
T: 'Degawa(Testurō) took his trousers off'...
K: Ah, someone like Degawa san is fun, you'd wanna see that, right?
J: Yeah! But Kaoru, you would just keep it very simple?
K: Yeah.
J: What about you, Tasai? How would you do it? Gyōza themed?
T: Im not all about gyōza, you know!
J: A gyōza shaped glove or something? Oh, what just happened in the game? He is out?
K: Yeh, at second base.
T: I mean, I'd probably want to do something UFO or kappa related. I'd do it with determination.
J: Well, Tokyo Sports are big enough misfits for that to work.
T: Haha, someone wrote 'throw a gyōza'
K: Throw a gyōza??
J: They wouldn't expect that!
T: They'd be asking me to leave! haha
J: Leader, someone just asked in the comments 'Would you do it if you were asked?'
K: Well, yeah, I wanna do it.
T: Hanshin, please consider it!
J: Ahh, so you wouldn't hesitate if you were asked. But, hey, its quite a long throw, right?
K: Yeah, I don't know if my throw would reach far enough. But remember, Morikawa san warned against practicing too much, or you'll be unable to throw on the day.
J: Yeah, but its a bit embarrassing if your throw doesn't reach.
K: Yeah, it might not.
J: What would you do then?
K: Well, yeah, cause most people have never thrown a ball from that kinda raised mound before, right? You have to throw it from above.
J: How high is that mound?
T: Quite high, but it depends on the stadium.
J: Really? So the pitchers have to maintain their accuracy even at different heights in each stadium?
T: Well, pitchers do have preferences about which mounds are easier or harder for them. And teams will even alter the mounds in their stadium to try to put the opposition to a disadvantage.
J: Ahh, to make it harder for them? This is such a grown ups' game!
T: Haha.
J: It all depends on so many factors, even with the top players.
K: Well, I guess because they are only active for a short time.
T: Kaoru, if you did the ceremonial first pitch, would you walk out to a DIR song? Like in that movie 'Major Leage'?
K: No no no, whatever the team preapres in advance is fine with me.
J: No, but I think the team would ask you about the music, since you are a musician.
K: No, I'd be fine with just a normal introduction, then just getting on with it. Playing a song of ours deliberatly, then walking in is really cringe!
J: Haha
K: I'd feel like apologizing!
T: Haha, I see.
J: Ah, whats going on with the game?? Do we need to check it?
T: *reading comments* 'Kaoru can throw towels to the 2nd floor'. Have you done that before??
K: Yeah, I think so.
T: Ehhh?! Do they reach that far?
K: If you drench them in water they do. And you have to throw underarm. Throwing overarm wouldn't work.
T: You are really good at underarm throwing. You throw all those picks too, right?
J: Yeah, and you squirt water out from your water bottle. I like that, its kinda kinky.
T: Haha, really??
K: Yeah, cause thats the only way Joe sees the world.
J: Its true!
K: Haha
J: I'm embarrassingly pervy about everything. Do you have a problem wth that? haha. Anyway, I'm going all out today, remember.
T: Ah yes, right. 'Joe always brings up dirty topics'.
J: Anyway, lets just check on the game.
T: Hirooka is doing well.
J: What doea Hirooka do?
T: He is a baseball player.
J: No, I mean his order and position etc.
T: He is number 8, but...hm, Im not sure.
*K eats cheese and ham snack*
J: This is no time to be eating ham.
K: But I'm hungry.
*J and T discuss the game for a few secs while K concentrates on eating snacks*
K: Mm, this tastes good.
J: Yeah, ham and cheese. I complained that the snacks were too cheap looking before, so now they are a bit more luxurious.
K: Ahh, ham, cheese, and crackers gives off more of a distinguished air, right?
J: Yeah. If people donate to us, we might get even better snacks.
K: Nah, I dont mind..You're the one who makes the most noise about this. Its you who got our bentos changed to curry.
J: Ah, yes! I really love that curry, but there is a yakiniku restaurant on the first floor of this building, right? And before now we've had yakiniku bentos, so today I avoided meat all day in anticipation, I was kinda disappointed we got curry again.
K: You're the one who made them give us curry!!
J: No, but this is the time and place for yakiniku! When are we gonna get yakiniku bentos again??
K: Haha
T: Joe, you are so noisy about food! You were eating more curry than us today!
J: Because I'd been saving myself all day! I was so hungry! You know that nice cafe nearby here? Its closed on wednesdays, so I couldn't go there. But I figured it would be ok if I was having yakiniku later. And then I almost got myself a steamed bun from the convenience store, but I decided not to in the end. And then I got here, and it was curry!! But actually, curry is more like Hanshin colours, so its for the best!
K: Hahaha, what a fuss.
T: You know, that curry comes with potatoes too? He was like, 'Ahh, maybe I shouldn't eat the potatoes..' But then he covered them in butter and ate them anyway.
J: Yes! And that led onto an interesting debate about whether this curry was made in Europe, remember?! Or was it a European style curry made in Japan??
K: Where are you going with this?? haha
T: Deflection, deflection.
J: If Hanshin win today, Kaoru, you should buy us yakiniku.
K: Oh, okay. Who knows what will happen, but thats ok with me.
J: Good, I can't stop thinking about yakiniku today.
T: You never shut up about food, haha.
J: I'm going all out today, remember?
T: Joe, the staff are trying to tell you something.
J: Huh? Ah, ok. Move onto the next topic about the Hanshin dictionary....thats enough about curry, haha.
K: We'll be getting complaints.
J: *reading comments* 'If Hanshin win, please sing Rokkou Oroshi'. Ah, yeah. Ok, so the next topic is about the 'Genius Japanese-English Hanshin dictionary' where many of the example sentences are Hanshin themed. I didn't realise something like this existed!
K: Yeah, I was surprised.
J: There are over 60 Hanshin related sentences. I think a lot of the editors are from Kansai, so thats why they made this version.
K: Oh, I see.
J: Yeah, so lets have a look at some of the examples. Are we gonna show them? No? I just read them out? Ok. For example the word 'atsui'. In English you'd say 'excited' - to be excited about something', right? So, the example is 'kare ha Tigers no koto to naru to, sugu atsukunaru'. Tasai, could you read that out in English?
K: Haha
T: 'He gets excited at any mention of the Tigers'.
J: Thats it! 'Tigers' at the end there, its great! The next one is 'uchimakuru' (hit a volley). I feel like thats not the type of word you'd usually need to look up though.
K: Right.
J: The example is 'Sakuya Tigers ha Giants aite ni hitto wo uchimakutta'
K: You never need to say that though.
T: In English, 'The Tigers got a lot of hits against the Giants last night'
J: Yeah, but with 'uchimakuru' the potential is there to use it. And you can use 'atsui' for people like me getting excited about sports. But the problem comes next, with 'oeru'...'to end something'. There is no reason to use this word about Hanshin, right?
K: Yeah
T: Haha
K: Yeah, its not a good meaning.
J: Yeah, because with hits and things, they still have that potential.
K: 'to end' is difficult to use.
J: The editors have thought hard about this one! The example sentence is, 'Kare ha Hanshin Tigers no guraundo seibiin toshite sono shōgai wo oeta.
K: It can be done! hahaha. But this sentence would probably never be used outside Hanshin fans.
J: No
T: Everyone, please check out this dictionary.
J: Yeah. Tasai could you read out the translation of that last one?
T: 'He ended his days as a groundskeeper for the Hanshin Tigers.'
J: Isn't this show great?! You can study English while you watch!
K: This one is good too.
J: Which one? Leader, which one do you like??
K: 'Tigers no roku senshu ga ponpon to home run'
J: haha
T: 'Six different players cracked....' haha
K: What does that even mean? Do we ever say 'ponpon to home run'??
J: You wouldn't have much need to say that to a foreigner.
K: But!! Today we will need to use it! Hahaha
J: Yehhhy, hahaha. And when that happens, you can say it in English, Leader!!
K: This one too, 'machigainai' (no doubt)
J: What does it say?
K: 'Tigers ga shiai ni katsu koto ha machigainai' (There is no doubt that the Tigers will win the game)
J: Ohhh, yeah. That, and ponpon are good. Leader, you will have to shout 'Ponpon!!' in English later.
T: How do you say it in English?.....'cracked'. It says 'machigainai' is 'on ice'....'The Tigers have the game on ice'
K: Shouldn't it be 'nice'? Or is it supposed to be 'ice'?
J: It might be an English idiom. They use idioms, like for heavy rain, there is an idiom about 'cats and something'
T: Oh, really?
J: Yeh, there is. How about this one.... 'ryūnin'. 'Fan no ōku ga Okada kantoku no ryūnin wo nozondeiru' (Many fans want Manager Okada to stay in office)
K: Well, there's no reason to make him quit.
J: Yeah. Ah, someone commented, 'Kaoru, make an example sentence'.... in Japanese.
K: A Tigers sentence?
J: Yes, and then the staff will use Chat GP and put it into English.
T: Thats a good idea.
K: Hmm..
J: Something that you wouldn't usually expect to see in a JP-EN dictionary. Anything is ok.
K: Hmmm.....uhhhh......'Jama'! (obstruction)
J: Jama?? Hanshin related? Uhhh...ok.....jama.....uhh, ok.... go ahead...
J: Ah, ok, Leader then...
K: .Hm?...What are you asking for?
T: Right? haha
J: I've been talking too much, I'm too tired now, haha.
K: You want me to say the sentence, right?
J: Haha, yeh, I'm exhausted now, I'm just zoning out.
K: He's tired himself out after all that.
J: Haha, I'm 55, leave me alone! Haha, someone wrote 'Its mystery hour'. I don't know what I'm doing any more, haha.
T: Haha, you were so energetic at the start, and now you are totally burned out!
J: Yeah, ahhh, I'm tired. Ok, Leader, say your sentence.
K: Ok, so at their stadium, Koshien stadium....'kousokudōro ga jama de mienai'. (The highway obstructs the view of the stadium)
J, T: Ahhh
J: Really?
K: Yeah, its really close. From here to that wall is the same distance between the wall of the stadium and the highway.
T: Yeah
K: So you can't see the big 'Koshien Stadium' written on the stadium wall. (※TN: But you can if you drive on the highway past the stadium! 😁)
J: Ahhh, ok, well the staff will translate that for us. I think we should send this to the editors at Genius.
T: Someone wrote, 'Joe Yokomizo is the 'jama' haha.....ok, the English is 'Koshien stadium cannot be seen because the highway is in the way'. *laughs/snorts*
J: Ah, 'in the way'... you just snorted.
T: Haha, sorry. Put, 'Joe Yokomizo is noisy' into the translator!
J: Haha, the staff will put Kaoru's sentence and translation in the comments later. So thats how you can support Hanshin and study English.
T: Ah, Kaoru, you forgot to write the score. More 0s.
J: Oh, thats good.
K: Is it the 5th innings already?
J: Is the game running at a fast pace?
T: It is, yeah. Its still the first half of the game, right?
K: Yeah.
J: Mm, this ham is really good.
K: Haha, you've eaten loads.
J: Yeah, it tastes really good. So, for now they haven't changed the pitcher...
K: No, but we are in the lead.
J: There is a one point lead at the moment, but another two or three points wouldn't be bad.
K: Yeah yeah
J: Yeah, another point would be good. Which innings do you think they will really start moving in?
K: Oh, any time now. They are hitting a lot.
J: 86 throws so far, is that a lot for the 5th innings?
K: Hm, yeah well, the fifth innings might decide the game.
T: Just as long as they win.
J: Ah, yeah. Those Orix players are all really good-looking though, right? Like that Hikomaro guy before...
K: Remember who we talked about before though....Chikamoto.
J: Ah, Chikamoto, yes!
T: Hey, but its about time for the first part of the show to end, isn't it?
J: *talking with mouth ful of food' Yeah, so in the second part, we will go all out supporting, and we'll be talking about Dir en grey's...
K: He has no enthusiasm left!
J: *empties mouth* ...and be talking about Dir en grey's upcoming European tour, so please make sure you are a channel member. If you become a member, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for a year, and there will also be members only videos, where we try out lots of different things, so please check those out. Ok, here's how to join. There should be a blue link at the top of your screens now. Leader, please point to it. Please click this link to become a member. After you click it, you wil get a page asking you to choose your preferred payment type. Choose your method, click proceed, then enter your details. If you haven't joined yet, please do so to continue supporting Hanshin with us, and to hear Kaoru talking about the European tour. Ok, Leader, do you have any announcements?
K: The tour starts next week. I was just rehearsing today. It'll be fun!
T: I'm looking forward to it.
J: Kaoru, you said that with confidence.
K: Did I? Well, it will be. haha. Kawasaki is first, with the fanclub lives, I think Nagoya is after that.
T: Someone wrote they are going to Kawasaki, Haneda, Yokohama, and Omiya. Wow, thanks!
J: The merch info is out now too, yeah. Someone says they are going to all the dates!
K: Wow. You know, this really is the end of Phalaris. So please enjoy it.
J: People saying they are going to Wakayama, Niigata, some are joining in December. A question asks who designed the merch?
K: We all did.
J: They are looking forward to Wakayama.
T: Is it your first time playing in Wakayama?
K: Yeah.
J: Someone said its their birthday at Nagoya....Vol.3?
K: Yeah, Vol.3 is the final.
J: What merch do you recommend?
K: Recommend? Hm, the limited tshirt.
J: Is it limited to sale at the venues?
K: Yeah, but saying limited tshirt sounds a bit negative, so just look forward to it anyway.
J: Yeah, please look forward to the merch.
T:*looking at game* Oh no, Tongu.
J: Tongu...like thong sandals?
K: No, its 鈍宮, the kanji for don(鈍) and miya (宮).
J: It sounds like a summery name..
T: Anyway, should we finish here?
J: Yes, lets have a quick break here. The screen will change for a moment, but we will be back shortly with the second part, so please wait there.
T: People watching on youtube, please register on niconama too.
J: We'll be talking about the European tour too, it'll be fun! Ok, bye bye for now.
K: Yep, see you soon!
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