#i tried to radiate the chaotic energy this group has
rustycopper4use · 7 months
Denny verse Headcannons!
First off I’ll want to talk about their rooms
This is mostly rough vibes I might make drawings later but
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id think Clemie would have this type of room, a lil chaotic and a bit all over the place but in all radiates a comforting feeling.
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I think Denise would have a more darker feeling, probably either a lot of crystals or movie posters
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Sarah would opt for a loft bed probably, it would have a lot of clutter of random trinkets, (and street signs gotten “legally”)
the oddest part is despite the cluster of things it’s all organized by colour, not by thing or what makes sense just colour.
The house
The kitchen would have an retro 60ish vibe (it came with the house) they only changed out the cabinets, with took way to long for what it was.
sarah has that thing where there anger skyrockets when someone is making something in the kitchen the same time as them. Don’t know why their just like that
The pantry would have weird amounts of drink supplies
Hot chocolate and energy drinks for Sarah
Tea for Clemie
And coffee for Denise
Sarah is a picky eater, mostly sensory issues.
They have a few pets
I think they would have 2 cats or like a big dog
and Then Sarah would have some birds
Movie nights are fun
Sarah only watches rom-coms or what I like to call Adam Sandler movies
and hunger games ofc
Sarah loves watching analog horror with the group.
they all have monthly hair dye sessions
Sarah somehow owns all the sims 4 packs (they swear they haven’t spent a dime)
Sarah gifts everyone dumb dad shirts and Pokémon stuff
Saraj physically cant sleep in
clemiw has tried to help fix Sarah’s sleeping problems (ignoring her own) by giving them child melatonin gummy’s. It does not work.
densie helps steals street signs while clemie steals bigger things
one time clemie stole a whole water fountain
to this day they still don’t know where she got it from.
sarah can play the drums, and technically the violin but refuses to and won’t explain why.
@piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
thinking about that one 'Vet is basically the humans dad' ask...
even tho the human loves Their Main Gang (the three protectors and their mimic counterparts) it HAS to be exhausting juggling all of them for extended periods of time. a full week of Buddy and Fiend fighting over them, Pal hauling them around at the most Inconvenient of moments, Vee (playfully) terrorizing them, DJ wanting to mainly do activities that require SO much energy, Camron wanting to be around them as much as possible, AND the human tryna help out with the war when/wherever they can... yeahhh its a lot (they do love it tho!! this is THEIR little found family :])
tldr what im saying is. it'd be nice if after a particularly stressful week, the human knows they could go to Vet's room and destress for a while, vibin and eventually falling asleep with him nearby for the next couple of hours. they go into his room and hes sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper like a True Dad and theres already some snacks and a blanket set up for the human bc Vet saw this coming a mile away. and if anyone tried asking for either of them at this time Vet would hit them with the most disappointed expression a camerman could muster, say 'No", and shut his door in their face. (with the exception of genuine emergencies, of course)
I am behind this 100%. A lot of people enjoy the veteran, including me! He radiates a lot of "dad energy" and will probably do those things for the human. Especially since he watches their antics on the daily and the human gets bounced around and between the group members. Each one vying for the human's attention while they try so hard to both keep peace and entertain their friends, as well as help with the war effort. The moment they look like they're about to collapse from exhaustion, the vet drags them off to his private office and signs for them to lay the fuck down and take a nap. He'll read some material and do some quiet paperwork while the human snores away on the cot nearby while the other members of their friend circle look around and try to find them. So Vet's office becomes a hidaway for the human to get a nessassary break from the chaos that has become their organic life while Vet just shakes his head. "You did this to yourself." He would say through body language. "I know you try to make everyone happy...but don't kill yourself over it. Set some boundaries and take some breaks dammit, before I make you." He would write down on a piece of paper. When things get chaotic, at least you have Vet to rely on when things become too much. <: ) In short...this meme.
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griffin-wood · 2 years
[send me a '!!' and I'll introduce an oc!]
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— tamara webb (novaturient by @kalorphic)
I'll start with one of my sunshiney gals, and here is Tamara! I think I've introduce her back then, but a lot of detail (I think) has been added and modified somehow? So, here it goes!
She's known as a sunshiney oc because she's literally the definition of sunshine. She radiates positive and well, chaotic energy. But, she tends to repressed her sadness a lot, in order to always stay as a sunshine. Well, this brings back to her childhood. She has a good childhood, however; her childhood is filled in the role of people pleasing especially her parents. She tend to be good in school, and all; however, her efforts never seem to be noticed. And there's where the feeling stems for, she always tries to please everyone but, when she fail to do so, the sunshine in her sorta disappear, but no one will ever witness her. And if she's in a room fill with people, she'll repressed it even more and just, blame herself in the end. She got the best confidence in front of others, but terrible towards herself. It's a whole issue she's working on here. But, enough the sob story; that's kinda her flaws, somehow. She's trying to grew out of it as we speak, but let's see! (SHE'S AN ACADEMIC VALIDATION CHILD GROWING UP)
Aside from that, she is a huge sweet tooth. She longed for desserts, she love a good tart, or a good cupcake especially during work. She tend to have some sweets laying around for the sake of it, and everyone who knows her tends to know; she always bring a couple of sweets to pass it to her lil cousins especially, and that's why she is the best cousin according to them.
Her personality, as it's mentioned; she's definitely the sunshine between the group. And in her family, also, she's just brightening up the room everytime she's there. But, in her line of work; well don't underestimate her skills. She may be petite but she is a badass. VERY.
In the game, she's romancing K! Let's just say it begins with a friendship, and stem into something more hehe. But, I think headcanon I have for them, she loves to leaves sticky notes of ily everywhere. Well, not literally, but just besides saying it, she loves to write it down, and also, they enjoy bicycle rides for dessert hunting together. And her bestie, I believe in the game would definitely be Reese. They are both chaotic together, but they bring the house down together 😌
I think that's all I have for now! Also, a song for her; daylight by Harry styles! I think it fits her a loooot! Also, for Tamara and kalan; well I have a whole playlist jsksks for them. But labyrinth by tswift and look after you by the fray sorta fits! Thank youuu for sending in and I'm sorry for the late replies ahh. 🥹❤️
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starstrider · 1 year
The "42 character development questions" for both Gan and Alma: 9, 15 and 21.
Heyo, thank you for the ask!
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
When Gan is excited and energetic their aloofness takes a back stage and a mischievous gremlin that wants to fling fireballs at everything takes hold. Big toothy smile, flailing tail, all the good stuff. Warmth radiating into every direction, loud laughter and happiness that is rather contagious.
When Gan is exhausted, their stoic veneer breaks. Their posture shrinks and you can see a miserable and weakened person instead of a steady warrior. Slouching walk, hair falling on their face obscuring the pained expression. You can tell this exhaustion was welling up for a very long time, but Gan hid it to either not bother everyone around her, or not being questioned about it herself.
Tension doesn't really affect their expression - they may furrow their brows, but that's it, but their whole body does tense up. Unless it's extreme tension, let's say a breakdown - then they'd curl up and grab their head. A defensive position.
The illustration below shows some other emotions and how they physically manifest.
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I haven't drawn anything expression-related for Alma, so the response is going to be text-only.
Alma is very energetic by nature, but if something particular is a source of her excitement, she immediately gets on her competitive streak. She gets a grin that's both determined and somewhat hungry, the same way a monster grins at their toy. Not a predatory smile, but a playful one.
Exhausted / depressed Alma is mostly motionless. Her face shows no anger or sadness - only whisks of regret and boundless numbness, gaze that leads nowhere, hand weakly lying on her chest. Looking at her you see - this is it, this might just be the finish line. But it isn't. She'll get up again, like time and time again before. Hopefully.
Tense Alma is angry Alma pretty much. Whatever or whoever is posing a challenge - she'll take it head-on and she's fully focused on it, groaning shortly when the plans don't work out and immediately taking onto the next one. Plan B. Plan C. Plan C2...
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
Gan's inner life is more intuitive and imaginative, I think. They're often lost in thought or preoccupied with feelings and tasks they have at the moment rather than making long-term plans. Magical theories, experiments, whatever they're currently observing and so on and so forth. The lack of foresight is apparent though, or rather - the confidence to deal with what comes when they're pulled out of their inner world.
That inner world is also occupied by loneliness, sadly, and Gan tries their best to distract themselves from it by either silently sticking around with the others and doing something or receiving tasks to do.
Alma's inner world is rather restless - it's like a long to-do list that will span for decades: Alma always has ideas of what to do next and what steps to take to achieve either her short-term or long-term goals. A headspace that's both chaotic and busy, yet among countless tasks and possibilities fester bad outcomes that might occur. So yeah, doubt and fears are present, but instead of trying to ignore them like Gan does, Alma kind of boils in that evil soup while going about her day.
The fact that Alma chooses not to talk about the inner turmoil with others does not mean it isn't constantly present in her own mind.
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Gan desperately needs people who would take care of her, entertain her with something new to accomplish and show warmth that would melt her initially cold exterior.
She intentionally seeks out groups of people rather than individuals to be her employers or coworkers, because that's what they're most used to: a group large enough so that their existence in it won't be questioned and scrutinized.
But in reality, if you wait for some time and let her warm up to you - you'll pretty much have a devoted open book of a person as a friend.
Alma prefers partners and no more than 3 people to hang out with. She seeks someone mutually devoted who's willing to accompany her on her crazy ventures. While she's fine with large groups of people, what she really wants is emotional intimacy and feeling of unity, trust and honesty. Though it might become codependent at some points.
Usually, introverted loners seeking friendship and bookworms flock to her because she's fairly straight-forward and offers comfort in her presence, be it conversation or fresh food.
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thewingedmuse · 2 years
Hi! I’d love to participate in your game 💕
My initials are FSCV, and I choose Kim Hongjoong, leader of Kpop group Ateez…
To be honest I don’t know much about Godzilla, so I looked it up on Wikipedia, and one thing that stood out to me was that he was described as being beyond the human standards of good and evil. So, since I think tarot is also not good or bad by default, but just a tool, I think (given he was a sentient, rational being), Godzilla would be quite interested in your work. He’d be curious about how you’d put your human moral compass and biases aside to give out an impartial and accurate reading, and intrigued by the negative effect your readings could have on the person who receives them, even though you don’t seek to hurt anyone, just to give out information. Since there seems to be a theme of “destruction and rebirth” associated to Godzilla, he could be interested in how, as a tarot reader, you can guide people through their own spiritual deaths and rebirths.
I don’t know if that’s what you’re expecting, but still thanks in advance 💕
Hello, thank you for joining if only I've known you. I forgot to write no anon in the game rules (I updated it yesterday) so I'm gonna do yours, plus your exchange was amazing!!! I really like how it was in this psychological perspective. I do agree that Godzilla is beyond the black and white standards of good and evil. He has an undeniable grey character. I do believe he is neutral and represents the aftermath of the awful things humans have done to nature. So he's here to restore balance in his own chaotic way. Readings are yes, made with the intention of sending a message forward. How the receiver reacts or responds and what they do with that message (as well as the emotions it invokes) is then their responsibility. So to each their own, we all live a little or die a little with each revelation of truth. I like how this grey, neutral but chaotic element of readings ties in with Godzilla's. That part about spiritual deaths and rebirths was really interesting.
I'm sorry about this little rant lol. This is so far my favourite exchange! Thank you so much for your time and energy. Now, onto your reading! 🌊
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Card: The High Priestess
There is an element of mystery in what he feels about you. You have a softness in your personality that would make him view you as a special person. Because of this softness you feel vulnerable to him, not like the negative kind of weakness but more of like you have a rich emotional world that he doesn't want to hurt or destroy. He wants you to preserve this softness in you because he feels it radiating from your being like a breeze of self love. It's contagious and he would smile whenever he talks to you because this feeling would be so wholesome for him.
I feel that he is a visionary, he focuses on his goals, very goal-based person so he has practical plans about what he sees himself doing 5 years, 10 years after. He is a planner and a doer. He could be quite serious when it comes to his dreams and goals so he would put on a big boss stature whenever someone questions him or tries to discourage him from pursuing his goals. I think that's why when it comes to you, the things he'd most want to know (and care about) would be your life vision, your ambitions and how you're gonna plan out your future. He'd take on a brotherly role to care for you and offer his assistance in the form of advice, suggestions and sharing his personal experiences because personal experiences are what he feels most suitable to base on for realistic situations. There are times he might frown at you because you could be behaving in a very all-over-the-place manner, or doubt yourself when you should trust yourself, or just generally being messy. This man likes things to be tidy and he doesn't appreciate seeing laziness on display.
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I don't listen to a lot of K-pop music so I didn't know about Kim HongJoong but oh my he does have amazing energy haha. Please feel free to let me know what you think ^^
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red-riot420 · 4 years
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pt. 4.1 got them “day of” anxieties
everything about this post screams bad idea. it’s 2 am, i have to open at work in the morning, and i deadass forgot about this au for like a month or so. whoops.
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zeephyre · 3 years
playing fast and loose with canon bc i am a god.
Satoru makes sure to buy matching pyjama sets for himself, and the first and second years so they can lounge around on Christmas day.
It started as a tradition with Megumi and Tsumiki, and Megumi always pretended to hate it, but he genuinely liked the clothes Gojo picked out. (He'd never tell him that tho)
Yuuji's never celebrated Christmas with a big group of people before, and he and his grandfather didn't have enough money to go all out with gifts and decorations.
He gets reeeeeaaallly excited abt Christmas -the days before the big day he's just all chaotic energy, bouncing off the walls as he flits around the common room. he goes overboard with the decorations but nobody has the heart to take any of them down.
he, megumi and nobara decorate the tree (a ridiculously huge tree found by satoru). nobara sits on yuuji's shoulder to put the star on the top of the tree.
Yuuji and Nobara drag Megumi along for Christmas shopping, and they all end up going home with five bags each. (Most of them are Nobara's).
On Christmas Eve, Yuuji bakes. He makes cookies and gingerbread and cakes.
The smell of freshly baked goods brings everybody to the kitchen and they all sit around eating pasteries with warm egg nog that satoru makes, swearing up and down his way is the only right way to do it.
The night before Christmas, they put on their PJs, bring out blankets and pillows to the common room and watch Christmas movies until the early hours of morning.
(Just as the clock strikes twelve, Nobara rests her head on Maki's shoulder, falling dead asleep. Maki doesn't disturb her.)
They wake up on Christmas day around 12 pm and that's when Yuuji drags Inumaki and Nobara into the kitchen with him to help prepare breakfast and dinner.
Everybody else gets banned because it "ruins his focus".
Gojo takes that time to get everyone to bring out their wrapped gifts and put them under the tree. The pile of gifts is so big that it's almost as high as the tree itself. (Most of the gifts are from Gojo)
Yuuji blares cheesy Christmas songs throughout the dorms the entire day, and Megumi sits at the counter away from where Yuuji and the others are cooking to watch him dance and sing along to whatever is playing.
There are a few close calls with mistletoe.
(Yuuji went wayyyy overboard with the little plant and almost every crevice and corner and doorway has mistletoe hanging from it)
When Maki walks into the kitchen as Nobara is leaving, the pause under the little plant before blushing and rushing off before anyone can see them.
When Yuuji skips over to Megumi to have him taste the sauce he's working on, Megumi tries not to bring attention to the mistletoe right above them.
Satoru brings a little piece of mistletoe with him wherever he goes and brings over the head of his next victim. he gives them a kiss on the cheek every time.
(Megumi punches him in the gut the second he moves away).
As the evening comes, Nanami arrives and Yuuji forces him into the kitchen as well. Not for cooking, but just to have the older man around.
Satoru tries and fails to get his mistletoe above Nanami's head.
He also tries to give Nanami pjs that match his own and also fails.
(Gojo ends up recruiting Yuuji into his plans and eventually Nanami is decked out in comfort wear)
Christmas dinner isn't around a table. It's scattered around the common room. On the couches or the floor, a little table with the food in the centre of the room where anyone can go for seconds.
Yuuji sits with Megumi and Nobara, their shoulders pressed together as they sit together in the tiny sofa that can just barely fit them.
They watch more Christmas movies, and talk amongst themselves. It's comfortable and warm, love and joy radiating in the room.
When dinner is done, Satoru declares that it's time to open presents.
They don't go in any particular order, the person closest to the tree (Inumaki) passes around gifts one by one and its passed along to whoever's name is on the tag.
Yuuji recieves the most presents.
Satoru gifts the most presents.
Nobara watches the persons opening the gifts she bought with intense eyes, and only relaxes once she sees them smile.
(She buys Maki a silver bracelet with an emerald gem, inside there's an inscription that says 'love, Nobara.' The two girls avoid each other's eyes, even as Maki holds the gift close to her heart)
Yuuji gifts Megumi animal plushies. Megumi clutches them with embarassed fondness. Nobody dares teasing him about it, all too aware of the way Yuuji is beaming.
Satoru gives Nobara clothes - incredibly expensive brand names she always eyes but could never afford. He buys Megumi jewellery - diamond earrings for him and Tsumiki ("For when she wakes up," he explains.) He buys Yuuji a large colourful blanket, each colour representing each one of the first years. Salmon pink for Yuuji, Midnight Blue for Megumi and bright red for Nobara.
Yuuji buys Nanami a recipe book, one focused mostly on breads and the bread dishes. He hands it to the older man and shyly suggest that they try to make some of these dishes together someday.
By the time all the gifts are open, the floors are covered in wrapping paper. Nanami forces everybody to clean up, but rewards them by handing them his own presents. Satoru opens his and closes it immediately, a distant look in his eyes. He thanks Nanami but gets quieter for the rest of the night. Nobody brings it up.
(It was a locket. It was bejewelled with sapphire gems that glittered like the six eyes but inside was just a single picture. A picture he'd never thought even existed. It was taken from a distance, two figures sitting on a hill facing the sunset and the only thing you could truly see was their hands intertwined between them).
Yuuji finally manages to pull Satoru out of his somber mood by proposing a dance off. The two battle it out in front of the TV as the others watch on, either mocking or cheering. It's a tie.
They watch Christmas movies again, this time animated classics. Yuuji slips away to make popcorn with caramel and they pass around huge bowls of popcorn between each other.
They fall asleep in the common room again, cuddled together.
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backtoyuta · 3 years
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NCT 127: at a frat party
❁ [Taeil] Introverted confidant; Taeil is the guy you go to to seek solace in when you're not really feeling the vibe. Maybe the music sucked, the drinks weren't having an effect on you or it was too rowdy, whatever the problem was you could always sneak away or locate him somewhere a little quieter and just observe the mess from a distance. He'll laugh appreciatively if you took the initiative to sneak some snacks or drinks laid out and ruffle you hair playfully to thank you, making astute remarks about how drunk his friends are and groan about how he'll probably have to carry one of them home later. It's likely that you'll both be stuck with the task of making sure everyone gets home safe, shove bread in someone's mouth in hopes of it helping somehow even if you're not totally sober yourself. Maybe he gets really into the party once in a while, and when he does he benignly encourages you to let loose yourself and join in the fun, however it's almost always a guarantee that you'll end up taking a breather from the noise together in the garden, the part of the living room that isn't occupied, in desperate situations a random storage cupboard (Everybody got the wrong idea with that one) (No, you never quite lived it down). It's a nice feeling to see his expression perk when he finally sees you, the quick hug you always exchange, the knowing glances when your social batteries are already dying and its time to dip.
❁ [Johnny] Life of the party; Being the extroverted king he is, Johnny is the guy you might end up holding onto his sleeve for most of the night, figuratively. The guy that knows everyone, he'll happily adopt you if you look like you feel out of your depth and kindly make you a drink and usher you towards a group to try and let loose. Being with Johnny means a lot of attention, being introduced to people here and there and him playfully picking on you during drinking games, volunteering to make a fool of himself when someone dares you to do something a little too outrageous. Johnny is the comfort you need whilst simultaneously the reason for your death because drunk Johnny means a lot of shameless flirting and eye contact from across the kitchen counter, as well as keeping you close to his side and out of reach when someone else tries the same thing on you. At some heinous hour in the morning the rooms are considerably emptier, discarded cups everywhere and chiller music is humming from the bluetooth speakers, you could kid yourself that it was just you two even though you're sitting in a pool of people. His arm swung casually around your shoulders, "Did you have a good time?" Falling from his mouth slightly slurred and giving you an affectionate squeeze and a lazy kiss to the top of your head when you nod your head yes.
❁ [Taeyong] Hangover mum no. 1; We all know Taeyong has his maternal vibe going on, but lest we forget he too is a guy in his mid twenties looking for a good time. That being said, he wasn't surprised when Johnny dropped you off to his charge, the smell of alcohol radiating off of you, your appearance looking a lot more fragile from what he remembered when you first arrived that evening. He was incredibly patient, letting you rest in his bedroom while you sipped your water, salty pretzels at the ready for when you got the munchies and if disaster struck, he didn't judge when he pushed your hair back for a tactical chunder. He would assure you that you weren't keeping him from his friends when it had been a little while, and would keep a close eye on you when you rejoin the group, just a cup of lemonade in your grasp as a means of preventing a relapse. He's the guy that doesn't pressure you to join during drinking games, is perfectly content to give you his hoodie and let you sidle up to him as means of comfort and just observe everyone else admitting to disgusting truths during Never Have I Ever. At the end of the night he walks to your pace, will listen and hum attentively at any drunken musings that fall out of your mouth he knows you'll regret telling him tomorrow.
❁ [Yuta] King of the drinking games; Yuta isn't the type to shy away from a good time, and he's always front and centre when it comes to lowkey humiliating himself in Ring of Fire, truth or dare, or any of the classics. His confidence outweighs the most disgusting things he's admitted to doing, the embarrassment of what someone dared him to do and you've never seen someone chug a drink with so much gusto. Always manages to come up with the most evil questions, hitting right where it hurts and you dread when his turn rolls around again and his gaze lands on you. He's impressed when you take up his dares with dignity, or admit shamelessly to any hidden tattoos or piercings. If you caught his interest, will switch on the scorpio and keep his gaze trained on you for the rest of the night, will try and pry any information out of you by keeping you included in conversations and will 100% invite you to his room when the party is over. His demeanour reads as chaotic, he thrives being around his friends, but you somehow manage to unlock that calmer more intuitive part of him when he catches you outside the bathroom to check that he didn't go too far during one of the infamous games being played in the living room.
❁ [Doyoung] Hangover mum no.2; We've all seen the sweet and caring side of Doyoung jump out before, so if you're on your merry way towards being wasted he can't help but intervene to make sure you're ok. Don't be fooled though, he doesn't really have the patience of Taeyong, so expect a whole lotta tough love. He won't hesitate to flick you on the forehead when you get a little too in his face, though he deliberately doesn't do it too hard. Inadvertently gives off the impression that you're a nuisance as he scoffs and sighs at you weeping over a packet of crisps, has to later make a point of assuring you that "you're fine, you should just know better". There's an air of fondness that lingers when you settle down a bit and start to enjoy yourself at a more acceptable level of tipsiness and he insists that he walks you home. "Begrudgingly" hands over his jacket when you complain about being cold even though that was his plan all along, and takes mental notes of all the ridiculous drunken comments you make so he can torment you with them later.
❁ [Jaehyun] The guy who may or may not be responsible for your death; One thing about Jaehyun, he's the guy who's terrible at mixing drinks. Don't look at Johnny, he won't help you, when you asked for sex on the beach expect anal on the rocks because Jaehyun knows jack shit about ratio of alcohol to mixer. Don't worry too much, as much as it's his fault for accidentally getting you trashed, he takes as much responsibility for looking after you and making sure you have a good time. Lowkey turns into a frat boy cliche, the hat is on backwards and he's already tugging your arm to coerce you into being his partner for beer pong. He drinks most of the cups whenever you lose to make up for the terrifying concoctions he had you drink earlier and celebrates over excessively when you win by wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and lifting you in to the air slightly. His harmless nice chad vibes make for good company and there's the tingly feeling of chemistry when he laughs loudly at your jokes, eyes turning into little crescents and dimples popping, he watches proudly and thinks "that's my girl" when you make all his friends laugh with you.
❁ [Jungwoo] Level 300 clinger; whether you're moving between groups, leaving to get more food, or shifting to get a better view of the beer pong table, Jungwoo will find a way to squeeze in next to you some way some how. You can always feel an arm ghosting around your waist or around your shoulders, or hear his giggle right there beside your ear. After spending so much time on your feet, you both eventually flop on the sofa, a tangled mess of limbs whilst you try and catch your breath. People keep asking if you're together because of the excessive physical contact, and you hate how he thrives at you scrambling awkwardly for an answer to convey that wasn't the case while he just smiles innocently, making no effort to debunk the comments. There's a high chance that if either of you end up staying over in the other's house, he'll make sure he'll consensually sleep right there next to you, talking randomly about any topic that crosses his mind until you fall asleep. The mornings involve laughing at each other's bed head until you tune into your hangover's, sharing the one bottle of water while scrambling for painkillers and nagging at each other for not cutting either of you off when you went too far.
❁ [Mark] Lightweight; to keep it short and simple, Mark Lee proved himself to be a bit of a lightweight from the get-go, and now here you were, the room dim and bass thumping while Mark laughs loudly at whatever Johnny was saying and you haven't even been there for an hour yet. Mark is the guy that is kinda hard to keep track of, you thought you saw him in the kitchen but now he's messing around with Haechan in the garden and each time you regroup with him he's even more drunk than before. He always finds you eventually, maybe you were taking a load off at the snack table, munching crisps and replying to texts when a lanky arm swings over your shoulders and Mark's smily face is way too close to your line of sight asking if you're OK. If he feels he's neglected you for too long he overcompensates by ushering you to his current group and making a point of pulling a fold out chair right next to his, his laugh dominating the conversation even if the joke wasn't that funny. When the night draws to a close, he settles down, the lack of people taking a toll on his energy and that's where he engages in conversations way too deep for a frat party and way too personal for just friends, though you never worried, there was no way he would remember any of this tomorrow.
❁ [Haechan] Partner in crime; That one friend who you end up hanging with the whole night, even if that wasn't the intention. Haechan doesn't fear drunkenness, it doesn't seem like he fears anything, and he'll always without fail drag you down with him. He's the guy that cheers obnoxiously when you down your shot, always picks on you in the drinking games because he loves to see you embarrassed and the one you sneak away with to try cigarettes even if it turns out you don't really like them. His famous last words are always "I'll do it if you do it" and that's the story of how you both ended up jumping into a neighbour's pool completely wasted, and now hoarding the bottle of tequila. Haechan is the guy that kind of makes you make a complete fool out of yourself, but always assures you that nobody will remember by the morning and to just live in the moment. Your favourite part of these frat parties is always looking through your photos the next day and laughing at all the horrendous selfies and videos he took before you noticed he had your phone for the last 15 minutes.
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mxttellion · 3 years
kicks you in the shins we need hcs for all the boys
or else you're getting shipped with matt realsworld /j
WOW OKAY ANON OKAY I'M SORRY I don't have much written down for the others but it's more about a general idea let's say djshs anyway. read under this for the hcs if there's something i dont mention it's because it's like canon, and it feels redundant.
- Edd
-oldest of the bunch, being 27
-bi? gay? I don't know, he doesn't care. He's trans, and made sure to get the biggest dick in su- also, he's the tallest of the group, 190 cm tall. He is a literal bear in more ways than one. He's also autistic because fuck you
-Of course he's the leader and of course he draws do I have to repost the theme song??? He's the artist, and as an artist he has artist issues (tm) (aka art blocks and stuff. He usually tries to do other stuff like playing with Ringo or going for a walk when that happens.) He has a freelance job.
-He is A MESS- His room is a mess and so is his work place. Probably owns 10 distinct sketchbooks and all of them have broken pages and stuff all over the place.
-Treasures his screen tablet. It's something he managed to buy with his commissions money
-Regrets opening commissions. The first one he has ever gotten was from Tord and it was about drawing his big tiddy anime oc. And probably got a bunch of fetish ones as well
PURE BASTARD BREED (TM) "oh no, Tom is fighting someone......... Anyway"...Yes he's the leader, yes he doesn't care about his friends wellbeing anymore at this point. Okay he cares, but at some point, he goes "then die lol"
-After the literal first attempt at stopping his friends he joins them. Well if he only wasn't the one starting the dumb stuff 80% of the time. He's the one who suggests his friends to do stuff. Guys, he isn't the rational one: he fully supports bullshit and is so extra at times (throws a sofa at people) That being said, He's incredibly strong even due to the radiations. He can use his twink friends and baseball bats(edited) and gives the best hugs!!
He is GENERALLY a nice guy, he's the shoulder of support for his friends, but like, that's human decency. He's definitely an hothead at times. Really really impulsive. It's not that he's angry or anything, he doesn't get upset easily, it takes a LOT to get him pissed. He's just a bastard. Basically, impulsive and sometimes angy
-Likes to friendly tease his friends, but this is pretty much everyone in the group. The thing gets very awkward when they step a bit too far. Kind of a trickster, but like his teasing, he means well. Most of the times. He especially love teasing Matt as he's the one who's gonna start complaining a lot about it
-Has borrowed and does borrow some of his friends stuff without asking. See Tom's bass Susan and how he broke it lol
-Honestly out of the four he's the more optimistic. Also over enthusiastic, and ready to just do fun stuff despite being extremely lazy. His energy management is so weird
-He's the one physically stopping his friends most of the time. Especially Matt.
- Tom
- 25, youngest and the shortest of the group, being 175 cm tall.
- agender and bi. Doesn't really care about pronouns
-yknow what? Fuck you divergents your neuro, tom
-Is he an alien? A cryptid? Who knows, he most definitely isn't human at all lmao -He purrs. Uhhh yeah. He also has purple blood. His monster form has both fur and scales he's so weird
-Eyes? Well they're,,,, uh,,,,,,,,, honestly I like the idea of them just being black aight
-He isn't depressed, he's just as chaotic and over enthusiastic as the others. He's just a bit of an edgelord, that's it. He's a punk ass bitch (literally) -Oh he also has no nose. And well, his ears are detachable. He can still smell and hear like anybody else -He bites with those chompers
-Awful anger management issues. Don't get him angry, he'll stay bitter for the entire day. Extremely XD LOL Random: Most definitely had a scene phase and probably still has, doesn't want to admit it. He listens to a Lot of ska punk. and punk itself. He doesn't really fit one subculture just takes some from everything
-Enjoys alcohol (particularly smirnoff / vodka) but doesn't ALWAYS drink it. He had an hard time controlling his alcohol moments when he was younger. Despite loving alcohol, he has little to no resistance. He gets drunk VERY easily
-He somehow holds less grudges than anyone in the house. Probably because he literally fights people to the point he doesn't have to hold grudges
-His hair barely goes down and people genuinely wonder if he was just born like that (yes). Hair so spiky he literally attaches to walls- His eyes are either empty hollows or just black. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. just cryptid things. He ACTUALLY is the voice of reason. Kinda. Kinda. -Edd probably found him in his backyard one day and decided to keep him as his frien :) Tord
-third youngest but same age as Matt, 26. He's 180 cm tall, if not a little bit shorter, but taller than Tom anyway. Enough to punt him out of pure fun
-cishet /j
-Yknow the gist by now, none of them are neurotypical
-is kinda awkward,,,, he just stares at the void with a O_O face. He isn't very silent, he likes to talk, sometimes he talks way too much than he's supposed to. He has no filters and that's NOT a good thing. He probably spilled a few secrets he has with his friends unwillingly, and then paid the price. But at the same time he can be a smug ass bitch. a gremlin. a bastard. Even though he SEEMS like the chillest one of t- He probably hisses at people.
-The Redditor of the house. Bringer of bad takes. However he thinks he's actually right somehow. (he's not)
-Special interest? Mechanics and Technology, of course! He Won't shut up about robots and cyborgs. He loves them way too much. He has built some and he's trying to build some aswell. For now he has only managed to successfully build one, who he treasures almost like a pet. Ringo definitely tried to eat it once. And the garage is a goddamn mess because of him
Tumblr media
-He probably owns a few gundams lying there and there, all built by himself and probably some he made himself. Still as much of an anime fan ofc
-Emo. Do I need to add anything else? His wardrobe is mostly red/black clothes. Don't ask him to change colors he WON'T.
-Despite being "stuck in 2007" he is aware of all the latest trends and memes. Watch him yelling amogus.
-He only shows his robot figurines but secretly has a lot of vocaloid and general anime ones. Catch him singing World is Mine at 3 am in the morning
-Gets along with Matt pretty well as they almost have the same music tastes. They're also prank buddies! ...especially on Tom -He's somehow the one who's extremely aware of his surroundings and "imbalanaces" for a lack of a better word. He feels when something around him is wrong or when there's a lot of tension in the house. Even though he doesn't really know how to act. Let's say that Tord CAN read you like a book when it comes to feelings. You can't hide it from him -He has considered leaving the house, but never did. He's way too attached. Even thought there are friends who are willing to give him an home (Pau and Pat lol) And that's all I have (FOR NOW) for the others shsdgsdjks
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
A Genshin Impact Hermitcraft AU Idea, God Help Me
Last year, on September 28, a particular gacha rpg game was released and I, occasionally regrettably, fell straight into playing it. In honour of the fact that this will mean I have lasted nearly a whole year (I got the game a week after bc uni) determinedly not spending any money on Genshin whilst also trying to roll good characters…here’s a bunch of Hermitcraft Genshin AU ideas that I initially came up with at roughly 2.40 am.
The general idea of this AU is that the Hermits end up in a new world that has Genshin-esque mechanics, on top of the usual Minecraft shenanigans. So, Visions and stuff. Also, we’re gonna just…briefly ignore the actual Genshin lore in regards to how Visions and Gnosises (Gnoses?) come about, for this one.
Post-S8, the Hermits are travelling to a new world, ready for another season.
The moment they arrive, it is clear to them all that…something is different. Something is vastly different with this world, for all that it appears much like the previous servers that they have lived in and travelled to. There is something of a…presence to it, in a sense.
When the Something Different doesn’t appear immediately, being the demigods/almost-deities that they are, they go about their days, setting up starter bases, gathering the basic resources and tools, the usual beginnings.
Things change when Doc wakes up one morning after a hard day at work building a new redstone machine, to find a small glowing chess piece lying next to his head, crackling with an ethereal purple light
Upon picking it up, he feels a burst of energy, almost like that one time in the previous world where he and Ren built a lightning-summoning tower
However, the changes it has wrought become apparent later that day when Scar comes out of nowhere with the recording of a creeper’s tell-tale hiss and explosion, and Doc sends him flying backwards with a startled blast of lightning
At first, they chalk it up to ‘Something Funky With Doc’s Current Project’, but after some tests, some experimentation to confirm if it was a one-off reaction…they end up confirming that they may have found out what the Weird Thing about this season’s world is
The duo go to Xisuma with their findings, and, to their collective surprise, X can’t find anything blatantly broken in the server’s code, but he does find a few interesting lines within.
By all appearances, this is not a glitch, but simply an intended feature of the server
Seven lucky hermits, designated as Archons in the server code, will receive a Gnosis, an artefact of elemental power that the server can assign, given to the ‘player who best suits the element’
The server notes speak of how the power granted (and represented through the chess-piece-shaped item) will grant the receiver the capability to shape the land around them
By random chance, other players on the server will also be gifted a Vision, a somewhat lesser artefact that will still grant them a form of elemental power
Given that the Hermits are practically gods in their own right, considering they are already capable of shaping the worlds they arrive in as they see fit…are more curious than worried, at this point
They agree to keep an eye out, to see how chaotic the sudden acquisition of elemental powers will turn out
The next person to receive a Gnosis is Grian, who delights in the bursts of wind he can use to buffer his flight, gliding across the server with naught but the turquoise magic the server has seen fit to grant him
After that, most of the Hermits soon receives some sort of Elemental power from the server
A Summary of Who Gets What (That I can think of so far):
Doc: [Electro Archon]
Can summon lightning, without need for a trident, a thunderstorm, or a machine that can generate an ongoing thunderstorm for as long as its activated
Can also generate an Electro shield, though it does require his active concentration to maintain for longer than a few seconds. This shield appears like a charged creeper’s aura, except purple
Capable of generating a thunderstorm at will, but rarely does it on account of mob spawning dangers
Has found that by channelling a low level of Electro energy, he can in fact power redstone machines just by tapping them/being in close proximity to them
This has proven to both be a blessing and a curse, considering that on occasion, when startled, he has short-circuited some of his machines
Grian: [Anemo Archon]
Generally, uses his powers as a free rocket boost for flying around the server
Upon finding out that he can use the Anemo energy to create pockets of energy that can boost flight, he takes to leaving them all over the server, in convenient locations to make flight that much more efficient
Yes, he absolutely sets up a fancy elytra course that makes use of his flight-boosters to send players rocketing around a course at breakneck paces (poor Scar experiences many instances of kinetic energy)
Bdubs: [Geo Archon]
Suddenly, making mountains and other works of major terraforming is a lot easier
Certainly, he still prefers to sculpt them and detail them by hand, but bringing the basic shape of the mountain forth by brandishing the power of Geo is something that he can do with ease, in this world
A new shop pops up in the shopping district rather quickly after this realisation: Bdub’s Landshaping Service, Now offering quick terraforming at a budget price! (it is, in fact, a service that makes him quite the amount of money)
And when he wants to sleep, without the other hermits breaking his bed? A glowing shield of steadfast golden magic takes care of that.
Gem: [Dendro Archon]
The patch of the server that Gem has claimed for herself quickly springs to life as plants of all varieties grow to surprising proportions, energised by the power that she now can radiate
The effect is most notable in and around her home, of course, but wherever she travels, the plants grow more vibrantly for days afterwards
Adding a forest of birch around her house takes little more than a thought, a fact she uses to prank some of her friends, those who in the last world were rather vocal about their dislike of non-stripped birch
Another power Gem finds herself with is the ability to summon vines even without a surface for them to initially grow upon, and thus it is not uncommon to see Gem building or resting in a hammock of woven vines
Cub: [Cryo] (cannot make up my mind if I think he’d be Archon material or not)
Gathering powdered snow has never been easier, as instead of waiting for a storm to form and last longer than it takes a Hermit to get into the nearest bed, he can simply clap his hands together and a lump of snow shoots out from just above his shoulder.
It does hurt, getting hit by the sudden snow barrage that Cub is now capable of, but except for the occasional snowball fight, his newfound snow-creation ability is used for making increasingly more insane mob farms and snowy building decoration
False: [Pyro]
The magic her Pyro Vision grants her doesn’t become apparent, not for a while, until she visits the Nether for the first time in this world
A mis-swing in a bastion, and suddenly a horde of piglins and hoglins are chasing after her, and there isn’t enough time to pillar away.
She readies her sword and shield, ready to fight, and suddenly her blade crackles to life with bright flames, unlike the fire aspect enchantment in that it actually is on fire.
Every attack she lands, whilst her sword is alight, seems to invigorate her, return strength and stamina that was lost when she had first tried to flee the enraged inhabitants of the bastion
The admin is one of the few to not receive a Vision or a Gnosis
Quietly, he does admit to being relieved, considering his powers as an admin are already much greater than that of the other Hermits, for all that they are still his equals
And then, one day, whilst X is placing his diamonds to sign up to one of Grian’s newest competitions, he feels a rush of foreign magic, so unlike the familiar ordered pulses of server code
The blast of wind that comes with a swing of his sword, much later whilst he is mob-farming, is greatly surprising, if not unexpected.
The funny thing about all these new powers, granted by the server itself in the form of artefacts that can easily sit in one’s palm, is that for all they are miraculous on their own, the natural capabilities of the Hermits are already enough to rival them
In the hands of an ordinary person, an ordinary player, the powers from this world would bring them close to the near-omnipotence of Creative, could even be the driving force of server-wide conflict.
Powers such as these, while they can build great things, can so easily be used to destroy, to cause war and destruction, and in other realities, they have.
Perhaps whatever trick of fate that caused the server to be capable of granting these powers hoped to create that conflict, to see what would happen when only a few of their number were gifted such strengths.
Later, when the initial surprise and rush to test out the limits of the server’s granted magics dies down, Zedaph approaches Xisuma, one of the few to not possess an artefact of elemental magic, with an observation
Zedaph notes that, from his studies of the Hermits’ new powers, almost all of them are oriented vastly towards combat, whether they be summonable blades of frost, elemental shields, or even the ability to soothe aches and hurts
And even though the Hermits have all found ways to make those powers work in the ways that they wish them to, it does not take away from the fact that the likeliest original purpose of this server’s magic was for fighting
Any other server, any other group, Zedaph quietly says, and there would more than likely have been bloodshed, given the inequality in the range of power granted
At the end of the day however, unexpected gifts of power or not, the Hermits, at their core, are a group that creates and innovates, a band of friends that shape entire worlds with naught but their own ideas and willpower, and regardless of what powers they now possess in this particular realm, that will not change.
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
Micheal Reeves!Izuku returns with a chaotic vengence
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- Izuku just straight up adopts a raccoon
       - Name is still up for debate so I'm taking suggestions
       - I just had the image of just a pair of eyes peeking out of the darkness before a raccoon launches out or a raccoon either in his hair or hanging off his arm knawing on a piece of metal, so that exists now
- Izuku breaks into police stations just to pretend that he was caught for something only to talk to police or to be a minor inconvenience for the sake of removing his other actual crimes
      - He also knows how to break out of handcuffs but prefers to knaw through the metal as it's far more entertaining to see people slowly lose their collective shit as it works
- Both Mei and Izuku both radiate chaotic energy but Izuku is tolerated by Power loader, the key reason for this being is that Izuku works mainly with non-explosive possibly flammable tech for the purpose of ai and tasers while mei works for the sake of insane ideas and explosions
- Note for Mei sourced from the lovely debesys, mei already has enough parents, she has like. 5. they are polyam, that is how many are needed to regulate the sheer chaos her being emits
      - (This resulted in the following idea for Izuku's family dynamic)
- Inko is polyam and has three partners, Power Loader nor anyone else in cannon is a part of this relationship but are still Izuku's parents as I shall explain
      - Aizawa questioning who Izuku's parents are:
         Inko, sipping tea gently not mentioning the adopted parents or her relationship: wouldn't you like to know weather boy
      - Inko, causally in the living room: Where are you going?
         Izuku: I'm going to see my dad?
         Inko: which one?
         Izuku, frantically flipping through various family photos: Tech dad?
         Inko: ah power loader got it
     - someone: hey midoriya, how many parents do you have?
        Izuku, getting another person to adopt him: not enough :)
     - Izuku just has the energy of like that one dad with the wallet of family photos that just unfurl to the floor
     - Aizawa, after finding Izuku doing tazer bullshit while he was out on patrol: Who are your parents
        Izuku, sliding over adoption papers: better question is who isn't
     - 'oops, i dropped my family on the floor' whole deck of cards amount of photos go everywhere
    - Izuku showing the friends his room before passing by his family photos: :D
       someone, realising of them are heros or out of costume vigilantes/villains: Wow you have a lot of fan photos!
       Izuku, dying on the floor laughing: f a n
- he now has three points for why he goes to U.A.
      - Mandated by law
      - Parent Time tm
      - Harass Aizawa until he becomes a parent
- Izuku "The only reason I don't have a quirk is because God fears me." Midoriya and Izuku "One day i'll have a million parents." Midoriya
- "Well you see to make up for the fact that I don't have a quirk I create inventions that can kill god." - Izuku Midoriya after creating his Roomba throne
     - Stabby is his pet, stabby is also the only active Roomba that shifts around the throne
- Friend group time!! His group consists of Tokoyami, Shinsou, Kaminari, Kirishima, Ururaka, Pony, Aoyama, Monoma (kind of) and Bakugou distantly
     - Tokoyami and Izuku have weird kid energy and vibe over that, Izuku enjoys working with senteint quirks for testing purposes
     - Kaminari could present the craziest ideas which would result in the worst robot ideas and Izuku would be able to help Kaminari learn to regulate the output he has on electricity
     - Kirishima is a happy test subject for shit like human catapults, well happy may not be the right word but he'll do it
                    - Kirishima, giving a concerned look as Izuku sets up one of his many devices: So uh why are we doing this?
                       Izuku, pulling down goggles: Quirk training
                    - Izuku tries his best to convince Iida to kick a non-gravitied Kirishima at full force---
     - Uraraka,,,,, gramvity
     - Aoyama is a personal soldering Iron
                   - 'quirk training :) do you want me to have to use a normal, non sparkly laser :(?'
     - Izuku and Pony is just him showing her how to create chaos and he's proud to say he's the one who taught her how to swear in Japanese
     - Monoma at first is a guinea pig then becomes part of the chaos
     - Shinsou and Izuku bond over their shared discrimination by attacking the laws themselves
                   - Izuku's currently working on trying to make a megaphone for his quirk to work through
                   - Izuku frantically gesturing at tech he's built: but static buzz buzz
                      Shinsou: but quirk no work
                      Izuku: can I at least add a taser
     - Izuku adopts Shouto eventually but that happens late
- Momo and Kendo fear Izuku and anything he creates for good reason
      - Momo actively tries to hide what her quirk is from Izuku when she realises he's who all the rumours are about (Izuku already knows, he's just biding his time until she feels a false sense of security)
- Tsuyu is safe only for the fact that he can't find anything interesting that he can work with
- Recovery girl has a separate section of the medbay just for those affected by a Midoriya related incident
And so my Micheal Reeves!Izuku au returns for family, friend groups and fucking chaos. The decision to have Izuku just amass a family along with Poly!Inko was a choice between my poly friend and I we just wanted Inko to enjoy herself with a happy funky relationship
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eabhaalynn · 4 years
13 Irish Artists to Stan Instead of You Know Who
Kneecap are a three-piece hip-hop group hailing from Belfast, Co. Antrim. Their music is brash, infectious and politically charged, often combining both Irish and English lyrics in single verses. Their lyrics are controversial, cynical and at times even satirical, and with beats remixing the BBC News theme, KNEECAPs appeal is easily transferable from that other controversial Irish rap group
2.    ROE
Roe is a twenty-year old multi-instrumentalist from Co. Derry, and an absolute powerhouse of talent packed into a tiny frame. Her lyrics are consistently poignant, and her synth-led indie music manages to be effortlessly catchy, without ever losing the meaning behind it, or verging into the cliché. Her songs can transport you into that scene from that coming-of-age film, right from the comfort of your own back garden. A homegrown talent with the perfect sound for the long summer ahead.
3.    HOZIER
If you haven’t been listening to Andrew Hozier-Byrne for the last seven years, then what exactly have you been doing? Hailing from Bray, Co. Wicklow, the gentle giant has become synonymous with the Irish music scene from his very first EP. His songs are blues-inspired, guitar-led and lyrically often politically charged – tackling everything from racism in the police to homophobia in the church. A colossal musical talent, with unmatched lyrics and features across his two albums – undoubtedly worth the stan.
You simply cannot separate Dublin alt-pop sensation Orla Gartland’s distinctive and unique personality from her distinctive and unique brand of music. An undeniable talent paired with infectious guitar riffs and lyrics that are relatable and accessible to the youth of Ireland and farther afield in the modern era, Orla’s music is breath-taking and brutally honest – well worth the listen and well-deserving of the stan
5.    TOUTS
This section got me into twitter cringe with Luke Mac from Touts so yous all best listen to them now. Touts are a three-piece band hailing from the greatest city on the island, Derry, TOUTS have managed to make punk music for the modern era that Eabha Lynn can listen to, unironically. Their lyrics detail the frustrations of what it’s like to be young in the North of Ireland, with song titles like ‘political people,’ and ‘bombscare,’ highlighting that in as blatant a way as possible. They’re really good, their songs are often short bursts of pure energy, that you simply cannot help but to keep listening to.
Brand New Friend are a local band to me, their North (Antrim?) Coast heritage evident in the distinctive lyrical themes splattered across their discography. Initially with four members, though more recently with five, Brand New Friend are the epitome of indie-pop perfection in Ireland at the moment. Their music is danceable, their lyrics are relatable, and their growth as a band evident throughout their work’s history. The dynamic between the band – made up of three siblings, a best friend and a boyfriend – is electric, you can’t stop listening, and truly have no choice but to stan.
I often say music would be better if every band was from Bellaghy, and General Fiasco generally -is- my reasoning with that one. The breakthrough band of the early 2010s brought rural south Co. Derry to the international stage, with their infectious indie melodies and accessible lyrics, as relevant to teenage life a decade ago as it is now. A three-piece, fronted by siblings Owen and Enda Strathearn, who had been performing right up until the beginning of this lockdown, despite their last album release occurring almost eight years previously, the band are well worth a listen, and undeniably indie icons of the island.
I feel more strongly about Eli Hewson’s lil hoop earring than I do about most people but ANYWAY, Inhaler are a band of south-Dublin posh boys fronted by Bono’s son (Spawno?) Elijah. They are the sound of Ireland in 2020, and despite having a name inspired by their frontman’s respiratory condition, they are characterised by his soaring vocals layered over a devastatingly unique synth-pop meets guitar-rock melody. I hate to love them, but I simply cannot help but to. They are objectively very good at what they do, they are forward looking and exciting to listen to, definitely worth the stan.
Okay and they are four very beautiful rich boys with guitars that doesn’t hurt either.
9.    TEBI REX
Admittedly I only recently started listening to these guys, but the Maynooth-based rap duo have a sound unlike anything else I have heard from this Island in living-memory. Their sound is exciting, their lyrics are original and accessible. The two men making up Tebi Rex, Matt O’Baoill and Max Zanga, are both exceptionally good at what they do, and their respective styles compliment each other perfectly. Men Are Trash honestly speaks to me, they are truly stan worthy, ones to watch and ones that are so forward looking and genuinely so exciting to listen to.
10.  SOAK
If you can’t tell by now that I really love Derry, here is another prodigal talent from Ireland’s should-have-been capital city. Her music is intense, you can tell from first listen how much of herself she puts into her songs. Her sound is messy, chaotic, and yet beautiful and well crafted. She has an unmistakable voice, layered over a beautiful and raw melodic soundscape, utilising everything from synth to orchestral strings throughout her projects. Her songs are sad without being cringey, she simply is emotive and honest – beyond her years even, and this is well evidenced throughout her music.
I have no choice but to stan.
In Ireland, you get a generation defining indie-pop/indie-rock band to the calibre of the academic about once in a decade, if you’re lucky. For the last five years, this four-piece from Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, have been supplying us with tune after tune, LP after EP, each managing to perfectly capture that coming-of-age long summer road-trip sound every band tries at some stage to achieve. They’re able to tell stories, to convey feelings of love and apathy, and even of our more recent isolation, in a way that is so rarely found in their genre. Above all, they are exceptionally talented musicians who are genuinely enjoyable to listen to, and they deserve the stan.
Post-punk five-piece Fontaines D.C formed when at College in Dublin in 2017, though hail from all across the Island, with the frontman Grian Chatten even being born in Barrow in the North West of England. Despite their debut only being released a year ago, they have already become synonymous with the Dublin music scene, and the post-punk scene across Ireland at large. The lead single of their sophomore album was released in Early May, to broad and wide-ranging acclaim. Their sound is infectious, addictive, yet distinctive. Despite their limited discography, you can’t help but get yourself excited for more. Chatten’s voice is incredible and distinctive, their sound is remarkable, their appeal is broad and diverse. They’re ones to watch, and well worth a stan.
13.  CHERYM,
My personal favourite band from my favourite city, Cherym really are a band by the girls and the gays for the girls and the gays. They are three ‘sassy’ Derry girls with so much craic it radiates through their songwriting, resulting in their characteristic fusion of pop-punk and garage-rock, perfectly contrasted with catchy, danceable lyrics covering everything from shitty exes to good friends. Individually, the girls are three remarkable talents, and these blend so well together to produce the top quality punk music the people of Ireland so desperately need and deserve. You should definitely stan, they’re pretty class
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
I kinda am getting this idea of SR reader’s dad being like super overprotective of her and meeting the gang and being like “so it’s all boys...?” 👁👁
honestly i think SR reader would keep them far apart, but would give update on who she calls her “friends” so her parents don’t worry that she’s lonely! the only person she’d ever trust around her parents is definitely bruno. he just radiates this professional aura to strangers. on the flip side of that, she is SO PROUD of showing off trish. sending clips of trish’s live performances and being like THAT’S MY GIRL RIGHT THERE!!! LOOK AT HER HITTING THAT HIGH NOTE!!! LOVE THAT FOR HER!!
anon 2 said: I'm squealing at the thought of reader and bruno's little boy! I imagine his parents are very affectionate in front of him and it brings their son an unbelievable amount of embarrassment. And his uncles being top brass in the mafia would mean there would be no end to the gifts and doting he would get!
bruno and reader’s kid being shy feels so precious to me. two very doting parents and then the lil guy is just like, “dad stop embarrassing me--” although i do imagine bruno would be somewhat of a stern parent. just the right amount. establishing boundaries early on and being more chill when his kid understands that. needless to say though, their son is getting lots of love and gifts... 
anon 3 said: Abbacchio x SR Reader gives me "Someone's going to die" "Of fun!!" vibes, I dunno why. I can also imagine when Scarlet Ribbon puts a bow in his hair, he'd be super gruff about it but if Mista tries to take it out, Abbacchio's like, "Back off! It's my ribbon!"
i LIVE for the energy those two have. abbacchio would constantly be muttering about how troublesome reader is, but if anyone dared to say something similar they’d be hunted down. he’d probably be okay with having his hair styled in private?? would be very particular on it though. has an aesthetic to stick to. anything that fits that would fly with him, he’s willing to experiment around a bit. critiques scarlet ribbons for her ribbon placement lmao.
anon 4 said: The giorno healing mista scene but it's sr reader healing him instead of gio, since she is also one of the healers of the group. Honestly, i just want to see chaos.
that’d for sure be really chaotic lmao. mista would be getting jump when he entered the turtle again... 💀💀
anon 5 said: I just realized that your SR designs reminds me of sailor moon mid transformation! Now I can't stop thinking about sr reader pulling the 'in the name of the moon I shall punish you!' phrase and pose!
actually!! scarlet ribbons does have one hand doing the sailor moon thingy. 
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although now that you’ve mentioned it,, i really want to draw her doing the entire pose. that’d be so cute... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i should doodle one of reader and SR doing it!!!! 
anon 6 said: I can see sr reader standing on tables and other furniture to avoid being on the same floor as a bug. Just any one of the bucci gang walking in on that scene would be hilarious to me!
she’d be doing that, and connecting the various furniture with little ribbon bridges to avoid touching the ground LMAO. it’d make for quite the sight. if it were narancia who were to walk in on that, he’d be like “Wait are you playing the floor is lava?? Awesome, let me join in!” i love him sm... precious boy...
anon 7 said: i read your post on how the boys would help their s/o kill a bug and i saw the Giorno one and i just thought about him just handing his s/o a bug and they burst into tears-
let’s hope giorno never gives reader a bug... it’d be such a pitiful scene. he’d feel so guilty too for upsetting her :((( 
anon 8 asked: SR Ask! What if SR reader wanted to join Trish in their music career?! Like, you said they could sing, so what if they wanted to be an international idol or something, being multilingual and all?
i’m still indecisive on what i’d want reader’s role to be with trish in their route, i had considered something like that though! i think it’s going to depend on when i Finally decide on reader’s full backstory. i have so many ideas that i like that it feels difficult narrowing it down. some of the backstories i had considered were reader attending an art program before Debt time, but i can’t decide what field i want her to specialize in.
i liked the idea of reader being involved in choir, or a dance program (maybe ballet or hip hop?). italy is where ballet was born after all, i think it’d be a fitting reason for reader to become a student there. i’m still leaning towards reader being in a dance program the most. scarlet ribbons is wearing ballet shoes after all... the thought of mista walking in on reader doing an arabesque and going yo wtf ??? is really funny to me. 
all that to say, if i decide to finalize reader’s background as a choir member, i think it’d be super cute if she became a singer in trish’s route... :’)) or maybe a producer for a few of her songs? 
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dwtsfun · 4 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 29: Pandemic Premiere
We are back! Things are looking real different. New host. New judge. New ballroom. Two new pros. It’s was an interesting night with so many couples. So let’s get into it.
AJ and Cheryl- Jive (Score=18)- This was such a great opener for the season. I didn’t even realize that there was no big audience there (there was some crowd up in the rafters). AJ and Cheryl’s energy was so explosive and what was needed to make up for the lack of an audience. AJ was on time. And he kept up super well with a difficult routine. A couple of things. First off, Derek was a perfect judge and was able to pick out one specific thing from each couple that they needed to work on. And I agreed with all of it. AJ’s feet need to be pointed and he needed more bounce for the jive. 
Chrishell and Gleb- Tango (Score=13)- While I don’t think this dance was necessarily terrible, it was definitely one of the weaker dances of the night. Chrishell’s posture was not strong at all. And in a dance like the tango, that is so important. She also seems to be a bit stiff. It wasn’t as much of a problem tonight, but it will be if Gleb doesn’t work on that with her. She is having a good though and I like that positive light that she radiates. Chrishell has tons of potential and I just hope Gleb actually tries this season and doesn’t check out like he typically does when he has to really work.
Vernon and Peta- Foxtrot (Score=17)- First of all, Vernon has such a pretty smile. As for the dance, it was really good. Like Derek said, he needs to pay more attention to his arms. They kinda were just there. I also feel like he can let go some more and just really go for it. I’m not gonna harp too much on that because it was the first week and everybody is nervous. But it is something I noticed and it might be his biggest obstacle moving forward.
Anne and Keo- Cha-cha (Score=18)- This was the first shock of the season for me. I was intrigued by Anne mostly because she seemed like such a wild card in the preseason. People were underestimating her but as time went on, I started to feel like she might actually be a decent dancer. And tonight, she was way better than I expected. She was on time and her technique was really crisp and precise. And she was just so much fun! I do believe that she needs to loosen up a little more and get those hips moving. But otherwise, this is definitely a couple to watch out for. They have the ability to go all the way for sure.
Jeannie and Brandon- Salsa (Score=18)- Brandon looked really good in that lime green. That color really complements his skin tone. Okay so Jeannie was better than I expected too. Y’all know I love when people are real grounded in Latin dances (not the jive). There’s a different kind of power that you have when you drive through the floor versus dancing on top of the floor (I’ll get to that a little later). And Jeannie was really driving through the floor. There were some chaotic moments where things almost went awry. But it’s easier to rein in excess energy than it is to try and pull more energy out of someone. I think this dance could have gotten at least one 7, but an 18 is still good.
Jesse and Sharna- Quickstep (Score=18)- This dance was slightly overscored. It was good, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it was in the same league as the other 18s. His shoulders were too high and his movements were a little stiff and jerky. However, I was impressed with his timing and his partnering skills. That will come in handy as the weeks go on.
Skai and Alan- Tango (Score=21)- Super Bass for a tango is awful. I was talking with @forevertrueblue and we talked about how this would be a great song for a freestyle. Not a tango. Now that that’s out the way, this was the second surprise for me. Now I know you may be asking why. Well, I’ll tell you. I typically don’t think of Disney kids to be as technically sound as Skai was. That was the technique that I expect from a gymnast. I saw shades of Simone Biles/Shawn Johnson/Nastia Liukin in that dance. That split and her lines, especially with her legs, were gorgeous. Now I agree with both Derek and CAI here. Skai’s legs weren’t as bent as they needed to be. However, considering the height difference (I knew it would be a problem), I understood that for this week, something had to give to make it work until they find a way to keep the technique and still have Skai reach Alan. 
Kaitlyn and Artem- Cha-cha (Score=20)- So remember how I was talking about the difference between dancing on top of the floor and dancing through the floor? Yeah, this was what I meant by dancing on top of it. What Kaitlyn did was good. But it left me wanting more. She dances very pretty just like Hannah and Melissa Rycroft (why is this a Bachelorette thing). But it’s just soft and not impactful.
Nev and Jenna- Foxtrot (Score=20)- Okay. So this dance was actually pretty good. Nev was awkward, but just the right amount of awkward that made it charming. He is definitely a competent dancer and might be the dark horse this season. As Derek said, he stuck his butt so far out that I’m surprised that he wasn’t lagging behind the music. That definitely needs to be tucked back under. With all of that said, I’m nervous for how his Latin dances are going to look. He strikes me as someone who is great at ballroom and very meh with Latin. He might surprise me again though, so who knows.
Johnny and Britt- Cha-cha (Score=18)- I am so glad that Britt is a pro this season and that she lucked out and got Johnny. I’m thinking this will be a great season for them. Now while I do think this dance was underscored by 2 points, I also saw some issues. Johnny did get in his head once the actual cha cha started. You could tell by the difference in how he attacked the moves at the beginning versus the middle and end. He was a little more hesitant. Also, there were a few times that Johnny’s legs got too far away from him. It didn’t really hinder him, but it was something I noticed. It might be a habit from figure skating.
Justina and Sasha- Cha-cha (Score=21)- You all were right to hype up Justina the way that you did. She was amazing. The energy was high, she had really great technique and she was just so much fun.
Charles and Emma- Salsa (Score=12)- Whew. Okay so first Charles had fun. At least we can say that and that he looks like he wants to be there. He also did a great job with the lifts. Now the dance was a struggle. He got behind the music and his technique was just not good. I hope he can come back next week with a much better dance. I hope he gets a ballroom dance like a foxtrot.
Monica and Val- Foxtrot (Score=19)- This was a very pretty dance. As the music swelled, she got better and more comfortable. Her turns need some more work and I would like for her hands to pay more attention to her hands and making sure the energy continues through them for the whole dance. With that said, I think Monica is in an interesting spot. I liked her dance and I think she’s a pretty good dancer. I think she’s going to start getting lost in the shuffle as the weeks go on if Val doesn’t take it up a notch. I think she’s safe for now. B weeks 3, 4 and 5 could spell trouble. I especially think this because we are for sure going to have at least 2 double eliminations and that’s what dancers like Monica tend to get swept up in.
Nelly and Daniella- Salsa (Score=16)- I really liked this dance. I actually thought Nelly was not going to embrace the experience as much as he should. And on top of that, I was thinking he was just going to be too scared to move and maybe look ridiculous. But he really embraced it. And I’m happy about that. The shoes definitely got in the way and made his footwork more clunky than they would have been. But I honestly feel like that was probably a creative choice and not Nelly pulling a Master P. He can dance and his technique was decent. My one critique, besides the shoes, is that he throws his arms away. But otherwise, it was a competent dance and I was shocked by that backflip. Also hate that they used this song for a salsa.
Carole and Pasha- Paso Doble (Score=11)- Ummm. Well this was hard to watch. Everything from the package, to the dance, to her non-interaction with Tyra was cringeworthy. But at least she had fun.
So that’s it. Derek was a great addition to the judges’ table. Tyra was nowhere near as bad as people were expecting her to be. This is a pretty good group of celebs. And with the year that 2020 has been, I think everyone just wants to have a good time. I don’t really see egos or anything this time around. As for next week’s elimination, I think Charles, Monica, Carole and Chrishell need to be worried. With that said, let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon!
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carnistcervine · 4 years
My Take on VaatuAvatar!Katara
Haha, totes borrowed this awesome as hell idea from @paragonrobits :'D
So here's my take on VaatuAvatar!Katara!
-Vaatu doesn't generally consider himself interested in mortal issues.
-Or generally interested in anything outside of the dark, twisting branches of his own realm.
-He's a recluse, only occasionally sought out by mortals looking commit some kind of atrocity.
-He's turned them all down, though. He doesn't care. He genuinely doesn't care enough about the mortal realm either way to indulge them.
-That's not to say that it doesn't frustrate him to no end that the others always assumed the worst about him.
-No, he doesn't want to rip the universe into pieces so you can reform it in your own image, fuck off.
-He's quite content nestled in his own little corner of the spirit world, watching the twisting, living, dying, undying, thorns and branches fractal and spiral into the endless dark.
-No, he's not depressed and complacent after being bullied by Raava for eons, fuck off.
-And no, he does not have ANGER ISSUES RAAVA, FU- stop it.
-All that being said, he can't help but be a little curious. He's been wondering what the human has done after fusing with Raava.
-Did she finally implement the perfect order she had always tried to achieve by bullying Vaatu?
-Well no, there are eras and peace and eras of chaos, but maybe she's learned that it's less to do with him personally and more to do with just the world working how it works. Or something. He doesn't care.
-Okay maybe he cares a little when she suddenly drops out of the world.
-Her energy seemingly having vanished without a trace.
-He gets a thought, why not try the whole Avatar thing for himself?
-Maybe show Raava a thing or two about how balance is kept. After all, she let the world crash and burn when she decided to go poof.
-He mulls it over for a while, the state of the world growing exponentially worse.
-It's only been a 100 years by the time he attaches himself to a human infant.
-100 years is barely anything and these morons have already wrought so much destruction on the world.
-Vaatu bonds to the spirit of the infant Katara when she is born into the world.
-Nothing spectacular happens, and no one suspects a thing.
-When infant Katara is alone, he appears to her. She's curious about the world she is newly experiencing. He is curious about the new life he has anchored himself to.
-He rants at her, not expecting sympathy or any kind of reply or acknowledgement. But just to complain and air out his own grievances.
-The tiny baby and soon toddler would just wordlessly grab his tendrils in her tiny and chubby hands and flail about, yanking as hard as she can.
-Normally, he'd be enraged by such disrespect, but he cannot find it in himself to feel any hatred towards his vessel.
-He assumes it's their shared connection.
-Yes, that must be it.
-When she starts to speak words, she calls him a shadow blanket. But mostly just blanket.
-Vaatu finds himself, endeared, by the nickname.
-Katara calls Vaatu "Blanket", Vaatu ends up calling Katara "Larva"
-After all, she's just as chubby and squishy.
-He grows fond of her, finding himself wanting to care for and protect her above all else.
-When she fears her dreams, he coils around her. Shielding her with his darkness.
-But still, for the other meat suits that parade around her, he cares not.
-They mean nothing to him.
-Not even the humans he learns to be of the same familial group as her.
-Vaatu finds that he doesn't quite understand families. Sure, he understands more-or-less the function of human and other animal groupings. It ensures survival.
-But why so close? What's the point to all this? What's the difference between these humans and some other humans?
-Vaatu comes to a conclusion that mortals are strange.
-Vaatu and Katara grow only closer as she grows up.
-When Katara first shows her bending ability he feels the same swell of pride that she does.
-And when there is no one to teach her, no one to share such a profound gift with, he feels something he does not recognize at the time but comes to understand later. He feels pain.
-So when she is forced to practice alone, he helps her. He tries, in his own way to help her understand the nature of water.
-How it flows and moves, and settles, and rises. The chaotic nature of the ocean, and the constant shifting balance of the tides.
-When Sokka messes with, teases, and is generally an older brother to Katara, Vaatu puffs up a bit. But Katara just rolls with it, she doesn't get mad, she plays along with him.
-Even when she does genuinely get angry with him, it's much too shallow and quickly forgiven for Vaatu to grasp onto. He doesn't understand. Why doesn't she throttle him?
-Her answer "Because he's my brother" doesn't get Vaatu any closer to a real understanding.
-Then, the black snow falls. Vaatu is prepared for the human woman, Kya to simply give up his Avatar to protect her own life.
-He did not see her sacrifice coming.
-Frankly, he's baffled by it. Why would she give herself up to protect another's life?
-He finds that he wants to know, even if he's not sure how to go about figuring it out.
-Slowly the years go on, he learns to better appreciate the human that Katara insists is called Sokka.
-To Vaatu though, he will always be Idiot Larva.
-Sometimes Katara comes to Vaatu for wisdom, and he'll ramble about the universe. Very often going off on wild tangents that always somehow lead back to his main point.
-He can tell that she's pretty lost in what he's saying, but she keeps asking him, so she must be getting something out of it.
-Even though Vaatu would never admit it, he has come to see Katara and Sokka as his own.
-There is no mercy to save this world if ANYTHING were to happen to either of them.
-No one and nothing short of Raava herself would be able to stop his destructive rage.
-Of course, Vaatu can also sense such a rage simmering within Katara. But she holds back.
-Vaatu figures that she doesn't want to unleash it upon those who were also the victims of what fuels her rage. But when the time comes for it, for her to hurt the Fire Nation, he really doesn't understand why she refuses to let loose.
-Of course, Aang/Raava wakes up eventually and comes face to face with Katara.
-While Aang and Katara have a cute first meeting moment, Raava and Vaatu have a Spiderman meme moment.
-Aang and Katara are absolutely oblivious to the two cats staring each other down energy that Raava and Vaatu radiate at one another.
-When Sokka kicks Aang out of the village, Vaatu pushes Katara to leave her village. As he feels no attachment to anyone other than Sokka and sees her getting a grasp on waterbending as much more important.
-Vaatu does not understand though, why she and Aang especially come back when Zuko attacks them.
-He REALLY doesn't understand why Aang allows himself to be taken if the village is spared.
-Poor Vaatu, for quite a bit of book one, he's just floundered by humans acting selflessly.
-However, when Aang finds Monk Gyatso's remains, he finally starts to understand the importance and true meaning of family. He also understands and even empathizes with the rage that Aang feels. He empowers Katara to walk through the raging windstorm(planting the seeds of he developing airbending) so that she may connect with him and ease his pain.
-He can't deny though, that it's strange for him to be the one trying to soothe Raava.
-He never realized that she could feel that way about anything.
-I don't exactly have everything planned out in my head, but I do know that book 1 would be Katara learning air and Aang learning water.
-Why? Because reverse elemental order for the win, and because parallels.
-I also know that I want Katara to figure out somehow that's she's also an Avatar sometime between The Blue Spirit, and The Northern Air temple.
-And like, have her figure it out, because she straight up starts airbending.
-Like, I love you Katara but you can be 'blivious sometimes.
-And also the fun/drama of WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I WAS ALSO AN AVATAR?
-With Vaatu just bein like. Well, ya never asked.
-And then, there's also the fact that he has no idea what he's doing, but shhhhhh.
-Also Aang seeing Katara and her spirit talking to each other and getting sad and jealous and wheedling Raava into talking to him.
-Though for Raava, this is Serious(TM) and she doesn't want to play games, there's balance to re-establish.
-Even if Raava would prefer for Vaatu to go back to the little corner she bullied him into, as long as her ends are established, she's fine with leaving him to his own devices.
-Even though she starts out rather detached, she does warm up a lot towards the Gaang once Aang finally gets through to her.
-But literally everyone else still gets the 0* kelvin shoulder.
-The Waterbending Master is the first time that Katara goes into the Avatar state.
-And boy, is it a sight to see, her eyes glow an ominous red, she gains a black, shadowy aura, and Vaatu's voice overtakes her own.
-And well, Vaatu basically comes out to yell at Pakku and bully him into teaching Katara.
-And it works! Kinda.
-The Dark Avatar isn't given the same gravitas as the classic Avatar.
-And uh, well, they there are multiple attempts throughout the story to purge Vaatu from Katara's body. Seeing as her case is more widely seen as something akin to demonic possession(Even though it's literally the same deal as Aang, just with Vaatu instead of Raava and no past lives to back her up)
-For the siege, I'm thinking that Katara is the one to destroy and drive out Zhao's fleet with the power of the ocean spirit.
-And it takes Aang, coming and calming Katara down to bring her to her senses.
-They end up seeking out the Guru together, although their journeys in unlocking their chakras are separate.
-Over all through the story, Vaatu comes to understand love, empathy, and compassion through Katara. Through the Gaang, he learns to understand family and familial bonds.
-He learns that true families are not arbitrary groupings of humans, but groups that hold together through love and shared experiences.
-He's also secretly lonely and gets friends that he'll never admit he wanted.
-Also Raava learns to chill a bit, and be a bit nicer to him.
-That being said, both Raava and Vaatu are still spirits, so their understanding of humans and how the world works will always be flawed and tinted through the lens of them being eternal beings.
-They will never fully understand, but they understand enough.
Whelp that's all I got for now.
This is what happens when you let me over think your ideas. xDD
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michaelburnnham · 4 years
i know you wanna talk about the flying opera company give me your thoughts
as if you haven’t heard like half of what I’m gonna say already gndjabdjf
I will Try to make the order of this make sense but no promises
first thing’s first, lek’s death is fake canon. there, I said it
the flying opera company said found family RIGHTS and I love them for it
at the start with kyoshi and rangi join, they’re not super close with the company and stick with them out of necessity but then they Do become close
after the fight at the end of tsok, they’re all like “we need to see each other more” since the first time they were all together in two years was to fight yun
so they make an effort to spend more time together while balancing kyoshi dealing with Being The Avatar
publicly, they try to not to be considered kyoshi’s Team Avatar to try to give kyoshi some semblance of a decent reputation
the avatar shouldn’t be ~running around with daofei~ after all
though by the time tsok is over, it’s not like it actually matters given that kyoshi already has a negative reputation compared to other avatars (mostly yangchen here tbh)
it’s only really at rangi’s behest that they do this and give up on it
they don’t publicly broadcast it, but if someone was to mention that the avatar was involved with a group of daofei, well so what?
they’re not a 24/7 team but kyoshi will call them all to help on avatar business on occasion, where relevant
she may or may not stretch the definition of “relevant”
some official: do...these people....really need to be here?
kyoshi: yes [insert made up reason]
(the real reason is that she missed them since the last time they saw each other)
ok ok so the company, canonically, gives each other shit all the time
like in huijang where they’re telling kyoshi she needs to look tough/threatening “like rangi,” and rangi’s like “this is just my face??”
they’re the epitome of “I can give my family shit but if someone else tries to, I will kick their ass”
speaking of giving each other shit, well that “just two friends having a close, private moment of friendship” scene?
two takeaways:
the first is that kirima indeed finds ways to tease rangi and kyoshi about their relationship (within reason, because if she did it too much then she’d be an actual asshole about it)
her favorite, because it gets a rise out of rangi, is that rangi is shorter than kyoshi (as is the same for,,,most people), and she’ll make jokes about it
even though rangi is still taller than average, I imagine 5’10” or some shit,
(she still radiates “feisty/angry bc I’m close to hell aka short” energy so I’m gonna rationalize that as “it’s from kyoshi’s perspective so that’s how she’s short for this purpose)
[insert something about the height difference]
kirima, to rangi: “lol, shorty”
rangi: “kirima, I’m taller than you”
kirima: “and what about it?”
second takeaway: while kyoshi was worried about kirima and the rest of the company’s reaction to her and rangi being together, they were never gonna Care (and they didn’t)
awfully bold of kyoshi to assume that anyone in the flying opera company is a cishet
really, she just has horrible gaydar
absolutely terrible. she looked at kirima, who I think gives off the Most visual signals of queerness, and thought “Yep, that’s A Cishet”
hell, she didn’t even seem to pick up on rangi’s vibes despite being friends for so many years
rangi’s is a little better, which is why when kyoshi looks at her like “should I tell her we’re together now?” she nods because while she hasn’t figured out kirima’s exact vibes, she got Trustworthy And Maybe Queer Too vibes for sure
one time she recounts this to the rest of the company and they LOSE IT
wong, who’s usually a bit more stoic, absolutely busts out laughing
“you thought kirima was a straight woman?? you thought the rest of us were straight, too??”
they’re all surprised at the prospect, because they thought it was obvious enough that they’re all queer
kirima is actually kind of offended. they don’t put out Maximum queer vibes for this shit
this is the part where I insert specific headcanons
kyoshi: bi trans girl, she/her
rangi: gnc lesbian, she/her or he/him but mostly she/her
kirima: nb lesbian, she/her or they/them (the company defaults to they/them most of the time)
lek: trans boy, he/him
wong: cis gay, he/him
lao ge: too old for gender, any pronouns
I could honestly do a whole separate post on gnc rangi, but I’ll just throw in here that kirima helps her a bunch w/self-discovery I think
basically: rangi and kyoshi (esp kyoshi) are a couple of baby gays who joined a group of Elder Gays + lek (a baby trans kid) and didn’t even realize it for a hot second
i only have a bit on within-group dynamics but anyhow
kirima and wong are super close, I don’t have have any particular hcs for them except that they vibe well together
kyoshi and lek have a Peak obnoxious/lovingly antagonistic sibling relationship
in trok they don’t start off on good terms but they come to an understanding by the end of it
so instead of “I don’t like you go away” it’s more “I will act like I don’t like you but I actually really Care about you as my sibling”
you know that tweet that’s like “[at my sister’s wedding] wow, there really is someone for everyone”? lek at rangshi’s wedding
oh also, those two have big “this is my get along shirt” energy
wong and rangi are the most Responsible ones and the others are more chaotic (I was about to say kyoshi to a lesser degree than kirima, lek, and lao ge but then I remembered “kyoshi are you eating dirt” and nvm)
their brain cell total as a group is 5. wong has his own, rangi and kyoshi share one (rangi has the brain cell more often), kirima has one, and then they have a shared two
and that’s everything
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