#i try not to post work rants here but eh
madisonrooney · 2 years
been getting more and more emotionally and socially drained by work. ik people on here joke a lot about like “i hate being perceived and seen and known” and all that but i honestly have felt that way a lot of my life, and when you work in retail, youre constantly in view and being watched yknow? 
sure i went to school for a big chunk of my life but at least in college when the mental illness really started fleshing out, i could just hide in the back of the class on my computer and an entire semester would go by without my classmates learning pretty much anything about me. now its not only customers but coworkers, youll say some embarrassing shit, which isnt uncommon when youre there as many hours as you are since you start to get rambly, and you cant just shrug it off bc guess what youll see them again tomorrow and the next day and the next day...
ive already had to leave early bc of panic attacks on two different occasions. ive already cried while out on the floor. ive already cried in front of multiple leads and managers. and again, you have to face them again and god its humiliating. 
i just constantly find myself needing time in complete isolation and silence to recuperate, but not having much of it. typically, i only have 2-3 hours after i get home to do anything before i go to bed, and it usually takes me that much time just to catch up on my social media. even if i forgo that for a night, with my attention span, i still cant get much of anything done.
plus im typically busy on any and all of my days off
i just. would really love to have like a week where i just do not have to be seen by a single other person, or at least my public outings can be anonymous like shopping or something. i feel my best on days like that. during quarantine, i honestly had no problem not seeing anyone else besides my parents for more than a year. if anything, i got sick of my parents lol. id spend months on end on my own and dont remember having much of a problem at all with it. sure, id want to remotely hang out with friends, but that would feel more comfortable bc i didnt necesarilly have to be on camera and i could end it whenever i wanted to. i remember going 13 days without setting foot out of my front door and i honestly loved it.
anyway im getting off topic. going back to the matter at hand, i guess my brain is just trained to think that im gonna get a “summer break” at some point but i wont. i feel like i need something like that but idk if i can get it. even if i had my own events going on, it would be nice to have a few days in between where i just had nothing going on, which is what my summers used to be like.
bottom line is this doesnt have to do with my job specifically, its just jobs like this in general. i think in serious enough cases, im good at not just taking what i get but getting what i want out of a situation and i would say thats the case here. im not complaining bc i should have a different job and just dont feel like getting one, im complaining bc capitalism is just inherently like this. my job checks all the main boxes for me: i get pretty much all the days off that i want, the hours are late so it works with my whack sleep schedule, and its not a creative job where theres work to take home, it ends at a certain hour and then you dont have to think about it until you come back, which is p much necessary for my ocd. anything beyond those three factors matters much less. so yah, its the best i can get all things considered, but it still has its issues.
the one potential thing that could get me less social interaction would be training to work in the back, but i mean id still have to socialize with coworkers, plus ive heard you kinda make your own schedule back there so haha thats a no go for my ocd. it also seems too physical for me.
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billythesimp · 2 months
Okay here me out, Lycaon with a rabbit or cat (you decide) thiren that tried to argue with him at any chance they get. But that's because they don't know how else to act around him because of their HUGE crush on him. Basically you're typical tsundere.
Well, Well, Well~ [insert evil laughter here]
If it isn't my fellow proxy, AJ. Thank you for leaving me a request, I do appreciate the support so I put my whole Badussy into this request.
Smooches, see you soon!
Cat And Dog Fights
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
Before I started detailing this request, I did a funny 10 pull on the standard banner. I now have C1 Von, so I dedicate this post for the good luck of those who want Von Lycaon to come home. Bless Bless, Wolf ass.
Lycaon x Cat-Thiren-gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: Little OOc, mention of Rina's cooking /j
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✦ Lycaon likes to think himself a patient man- or werewolf. He can handle Corwin’s self deprecation. He can handle Ellen’s overwhelming bored and teen rebellious phase. Rina’s cooking and antics, I’m pretty sure he puts up with, though barely. However, with this new addition to their team, he acknowledges the huge- HUGE elephant in the room. This cat thirens disobedience and clear dislike towards him, their boss. And while it’s fine when it’s outside the job, they work efficiently and swiftly when on their jobs, though they always seek to peeve him off at times, a cunning glare in their eyes when they look back at him, how they run forwards to finish his own enemies as to show off. It’s their defiance that creates problems as he can’t help but think they are trying to prove that their are better. 
✦ And usually he won’t complain, after all he hired them for their potential and knows what he’s getting into, but lately they’ve been chipping away at his patients, their coy antics getting under his fur, having to restrain a low growl when they purposely interrupt him or act out of line in front of guest or their masters. The reason Rina can only giggle behind her palm while staring at the two of them stare each other down, another one of their pity arguments being the center of attention. Creative backhanded compliments shared between the two as Corwin tries to calm the two, Ellen holding the girl back in amusement.
✦ Honestly, Lycaon can’t help but be slightly disappointed, he sees his employees as family, so to see one with a clear disdain for him makes him pout in private, seeming gloomy as his tail thumps and ears pinned back. Rina has to comfort him, all the while encouraging him to cheer up. Offering him a meal which he refuses, stating he wasn’t hungry. Though Rina can only ask that he give it his best try to be the bigger person and treat them kindly, for they don’t know what they could be going through.
✦ That being said, Rina is hiding more then she’s leading on, one second in Lycaon’s office to comfort him and then another in a private sitting quarters with said Cat thiren, brushing their hair and scratching behind their ears while listening to their childish rant- more like them denying their feelings. 
While sitting before Rina’s small puppets, they paw and rack the little phantoms on their heads, watching them evade their attacks before being pulled back towards Rina’s lap. Having to sit still was difficult enough, but Rina promised to comb their hair and get it nice and pleasant for their next trip. “Ah, you need to take better care of yours. Lycaon will scold you if your headpiece isn’t perfectly centered- or in one piece in general.” She giggled before properly setting the cutest fabric on their head and giving their ears a little scratch.
“Eh, who cares what he thinks. He can just fix it himself if it bothers him so much.” With a hiss, their tail thumps besides them before they use it as a distraction from their overwhelming thoughts on said werewolf. “Oh, I think you do actually care about his thoughts on you.”
“Ehehe- Yeah you do!”
“Sir Lycaon, did you see that! Hehehe”
“Oh Sir Lycaon, see how great I am!”
“Great! Great!”
“H-HEY SHUT IT!” The cat hisses at the teasing from the little boos, Drusilla and Anastella spinning around before returning to Rina’s figure, avoiding the nasty glare said cat was giving them. “Now, now kitty. No more fighting- you already do enough of that with Von,” Smiling before moving them to sit upright, the figure before her slumping again and leaving her to adjusting them again til they stay, “Though, you know if it’s attention and praise you want, maybe fighting less with the boss would actually get you the results you want.”
“Pffm, as if.” They only pout to themselves, muttering quietly as Rina takes out a needle and starts stichting up their uniform where little tears and rips had formed. Whether from their battles or their tendies to claw at the fabric when they don’t know what to do with their hands. “Even if I wanted it, I don’t even know what I would say…”
“Oh, and what makes you think that kitty? Von would be more than delighted to compliment your achievements, after all he looks highly of you. You’re an amazing servant here, he couldn’t be more proud of your growth. He told me himself.” While she gushed her Boss’s supposed claims, the thiren’s tail swayed quicker then before, the adorable pout on their face turned into that of an embarrassed frown, afraid to speak out of fear of word vomiting. “Oh Kitty, promise you’ll try to be nicer to Lycaon. As much as I adore your little cat-dog fights, I would like it if you both got along much more.” 
They yelp as Rina ‘accidently’ poked them with the needle, ears flatten as they only mumble out a silent promise. Blushing as they think of how they could try to be nicer, distracted at how Lycaon would react to their change in demeanor, tail returning to playfully bat Rina’s hand while lost in deep thought.
✦ After this conversation, Lycaon finally notices the little changes in their Cat’s behavior. Offering a hand in his tasks, though they still have their little backhanded comments, they are obedient nonetheless. He could tell that they seem to be warming up to him again, not running away from him as much and willing to calm down and listen instead of enlightening another fight between wolf and cat. Really, He’s glad they have improved since then, also making an effort to respect his fellow thiren and help them however he can. 
✦ He sees how much they enjoy the headpats and scratches the girls give them, how they have a subtle purr from the affection and praise they give them. So after a mission complete, satisfied with their work today, he gives them a little head pat and congratulates them on the great. While at first they don’t respond at first, tired from the day's events, they suddenly perk up and jolt away, rambling an indescribable comment and turning tail to run off into their safe house. He can only tilt his head, tail wagging as he couldn’t help but enjoy just how soft their hair is.
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sgiandubh · 9 months
This what I mean 👇🏻
Dear (returning) Bitchy Anon,
I wrote this answer yesterday, but I am posting it today, because I did not want to give you any satisfaction. Your coming back in here proves there is not an ounce of humanity left in you: just a #silly obsession for an actress who does not even know or care you exist. I promise you she doesn't. Confidently so.
But then, onwards to your 'evidence'.
You thought you would give me the creeps on Christmas Day with a controversial picture allegedly taken at the Weinstein (yes, that Weinstein!) and Netflix Golden Globes afterparty, on January 8, 2017?
No, seriously now: you actually did?
Crikey. As we say in Romanian (and yes, it is very rude, but also dementedly funny): mi se umple fundul de lacrimi/my arse is in tears. Perhaps the equivalent of I don't give a flying fuck, btw.
If you did read me before posting your laughable shite, and I think you did, you should know by now how I usually work, at least for those things I choose to make public (the rest is none of your business, I am afraid). You found this pic on Pinterest, originating from a Tumblr blog: @clairebeauchampfan. Since this person started blogging one year later than the moment this picture was taken, she probably found it chez Contemplating Outlander. You know, that pseudo-social scientist-cum-shrink, who thinks people are machines and adds a shitload of footnotes to her rantings, because she truly believes it makes her biased crap more credible (it doesn't, and this comes from an academic researcher: it is legit pathetic). So Claire Beauchamp Fan shared it and forgive me, but I did not bother finding her post, I just looked for her source (*urv's fetish):
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This took me to CO's really nasty blog and you could have spared me that ordeal, Anon: it's literally akin to severe constipation. And then, onwards to Instagram:
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A further search revealed she was wearing a Romanian designer (Maria Lucia Hohan) dress and Amrapali earrings. And then, I read the comments on that Insta post. Maybe you'd read them too, they are enlightening - for someone who's 'been around since 2015', people are rather confused about his real status in her life, don't you think?
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But Internet is really forever, no matter how you try to hide your trash, Anon. Here is a copy of O'Callaghan's post which was, indeed, deleted: maybe *urv was too insistent? It wouldn't surprise me:
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She should have won the Golden Globe in 2017, that's true. And it was S, not McIdiot, the one who told the Internet she should have won all those prizes, if memory serves. How odd McIdiot is never mentioned in that particular post (y'all would have paraded it for YEARS, if it were so) - but household staff, no matter how promoted, never really is. And before you screech, tell all the damn truth Anon, and put this pic in its right context:
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How odd the 'successful music producer and entrepreneur' (he is not successful, nor a music producer and much less an entrepreneur) was not tagged, by someone who is active in the industry, who clearly knows C and who attended that Golden Globes gala!
Just a last word on that pic. C was obviously smiling and talking animatedly with O'Callaghan and then McIdiot (who looks malnourished - but hey, humble beginnings, eh?) got dragged in the middle, for the convenient pic. I sometimes wonder what kind of social life you people have and sadly, I have to say - next to 0, for some of you. I never fuck the dozens of men with whom I do have similar 'just because' pics, interrupting my conversation in the middle of an event.
Also, check this very warm & fuzzy pic with one prominent member of her own, personal and very, very gay Circle of Trust. Because I am sorry, but what straight man wears lipstick, as McIdiot clearly does (and no, it's not because they were smooching in the lavatories, what are you, 14?):
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She looks happy, doesn't she?
I mean: really, honey. Get a Real Life and stop trying to persuade me with ye olde Pinterest pics you clearly are completely clueless about, ok?
And before you open your mouth to vomit CO's trash again, please carefully do your homework about McIdiot. But as carefully as I did. Then you can talk, share your interesting findings. Merry Christmas and....
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 1 year
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I be back.
Images by themselves below the cut because I spent way too much time on them + text because I’ve been gone for a while—‘course I got a lotta say.
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It’s certainly been a while, eh? I did this last cour, too, and I swear to God if I do this for the next cour… Worst part is, I haven’t even watched it yet this time, rip :,) Will definitely do sometime later today, for sure, for sure.
So, I meant to get this done for IchiHime week (and look at how that turned out, haha), but not only was July a month full of pleasure, but it was also full of pain work. I was bordering a D for Orgo, so I spent a good portion prioritizing that—and it wasn’t for naught! Not only did I pass, but I went from a C- to a B! A freaking B, not even a B-!!! I’m still so shocked… I also ended up with over a 100 for lab, but I honestly kinda expected that. I’m just so glad I graduated without failing Orgo 2. Was infinitely better than Orgo 1, but goodbye, will never see you again. If I ever do, it’ll be too soon… Had hella good professors, though. That, I will say.
I go from ranting about Orgo to raving, even though it’s almost been a month… Oops ^^” The grade just still makes me so giddy, haha. Anyway, been mainly prioritizing drawing this (plus a part two to this, which I do have done as well, but I will be posting that sometime later today), though I did spend a good portion of the first half of this month rebooting my personal writing club. Enough about where I’ve been—let’s talk about the piece, shall we?
So, this was originally just an art idea I knew I wanted to do later, and when I saw what the first prompt was, it automatically came to the forefront of my mind. That, plus with the idea I eventually got for the second prompt, I really just had to. I actually probably could’ve gotten this done in a more reasonable time, but, see, when things are just an idea, I don’t put too, too much thought into them—only enough to consider them neat or substantial or something.
When it actually came to it, I found myself at a dilemma of just how faithful I wanted to stick with Orihime’s confession. Originally, I thought about incorporating the five specific things she mentioned into different past lives, but then I realized the timelines wouldn’t really make sense with what I was going for, especially considering Soul Society and stuff, which I had not thought about. So I kinda had to choose between previous lives or parallel lives. I initially went with the latter, but… idk, last minute, like the week of, I decided after checking the prompt list one more time that, nah, I definitely wanted previous lives. So, uh… yeah… I might still end up making a parallel lives version of this in the future, ‘cause I did like those ideas, too. We’ll see.
Anyway, I did try to make them at least somewhat reminiscent of the five things: Orihime and Hikoboshi are related to the astronaut thing ‘cause of space and stars and stuff. Heian Period IchiHime, well, it’s a bit of stretch, but I couldn’t really fit donuts in here since the timeline between them and the introduction of ice cream and the current timeline would’ve made one/two of these lives tragically short without even factoring in Soul Society—nothing wrong with tragedy, but not for this post, haha. So I went with small Chinese cakes ‘cause they’re a sweet? And they’d definitely be a very rare and special treat, so… idk.
Shinigami IchiHime’s also a bit of a stretch? You’d think I’d have the easiest time with being a teacher sometime in history, but I ended up sticking it here, and I was adamant I wanted to draw them in their academy days. So, you’ve got Orihime teaching Ichigo some kido techniques or something, idk. Maybe there’s also a kido equivalent to the dummy Hollow thing? And Orihime has a similar/equivalent position to Shuuhei for that? Idk, am just spitballing here to justify myself even though I know I don’t have to.
Then finally, we got Edo Period IchiHime, with Ichigo introducing ice cream to Orihime for the first time ever. And then of course, I shouldn’t have to explain the last one, haha.
Oh, God, I have so much to catch up on… which I will do later. And hey, since my scheduled posts are all up, I guess I’ll just use my queue to reblog posts I’ve missed since Ik I definitely will be reblogging a lot—don’t wanna bombard you with a ton of posts, aha. I will be making them daily instead of weekly, though, so that I’m not stashing them for too long. Starting tomorrow.
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riveriafalll · 3 months
Writeblr introduction I guess?
Guess what bitches (affectionate) I’ve been here for like six months and I’m finally making a writeblr introduction. I have just vibed within the community for all this time, and I reckon it’s time to actually confirm my existence as an actual writer.
A bit about me: you can call me River, I mainly write fanfiction for quite a few fandoms, I’m a full time student, I use all pronouns (agender bitches for the win) and autistic currently seeking diagnosis.(in this economy? I know, right?)
I’m open for all tag games and asks (please include me, I promise I won’t procrastinate on the tag game until it’s three weeks later and it’s too awkward to post it then)
Here is my master list of wips, categorised by fandom. The majority of these are not being regularly written in, but they all will one day find a home on the archive I promise.
I will link them up to their respective WIP introduction pages as they happen, if you want to hear about one sooner, let me know <3
Harry Potter
No Time to Die: Drarry au where I kill off Draco in the first scene, have many clever plot-fixes and throw in as much LGBTQ rep as I can
Aelia Lovegood - Luna Lovegood has a pyromaniacal twin who is trying to fix racism by punching Nazi children in the face. It’s mostly working
Oh dear it’s a time loop fic - Draco and Hermione are trapped in a time loop, what will they do? (Troll everyone for basically eternity, and try not to go mad)
The fic where Harry is a sociopath, and goes full homicidal mode on Voldemort along with a scary Hermione and a power-hungry Ron - eh the title explains it well enough
when stars collide (a black hole forms) - a person from our world falls into the HP universe, and immediately tries to mother hen her family out of being evil. Callidora is the twin sister of Bellatrix, and spends the next thirty or so years attempting to fix everyone through the power of love. It works most of the time.
Harry Potter and the job he should have gotten - thirteen years after the end of the War, Minerva McGonagall has a staffing crisis and breaks into people’s homes until they agree to teach. Harry/Theo Knott, Hermione/Pansy and Draco girlbossing it by himself while figuring out how to be a single father.
Of Godparents and Aunt-sassins - Jokingly, a couple name the godparent of their new child as Loki. No one expects him to except. Ava is a menace, Loki is a gender fluid icon, a wonderful brother and a terrible influence, Natasha is the vodka aunt, Clint is the fun uncle, Cooper Barton is the responsible one, Peter is a tiny adorable baby who gets adopted, and the Avengers live the 2012 Tower life
SHIELD: An Unofficial Guide - based off the SHIELD survival tips blog here on tumblr, written up in a guide-book form, complete with neatly organised chapters and unique anecdotes
A Glitch in the System - Glitch, a winter-widow and the last remanent of HYDRA, is sent to assassinate the Avengers. When she fails, she runs away and meets a certain spider-child on a rooftop. Featuring a teenage Loki, an amnesiac Pietro and a certain blonde widow, who’ve all moved into May Parker’s apartment, and a lot of miscommunication between just about everyone
Loki doki timey wimey - set during Thor:Ragnorok, Tony and co notice that Loki has reappeared on Midgard, and promptly break into Doctor Stranges house to question him. Dr S promptly gets very annoyed by Tony and Lokis inability to get on, and sends them away to the magical equivalent of a get along shirt, which goes wrong and leaves Tony and Loki stranded in a time loop. They’re under the impression that the loop will break when they learn to get along, Dr Strange is doing nothing to disillusion them of that.
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(This is the image that my beta once_and_future_fandoms made when I ranted about it to them)
Another life - something I started before the Loki show came out (take that Marvel), starts at the beginning of Infinity War, when a female Loki dies at the hands of Thanos, meets the personification of the universe, merges with the Tesseract, leaving her with a shapeshifting familiar and teleporting powers. She then travels briefly through the multiverse and lands in the OG Marvel universe, with a Tom Hiddleston themed Loki and attempts to fix stuff through the power of having a giant snake and knives.
Bucky and the time he lived in the woods with his murder daughters - Bucky escapes from HYDRA in the 90s with Natasha and Yelena. They live in the mountains of Romania together, learning how to be actual real life people and incidentally becoming cryptida along the way. Natasha and Yelena join SHIELD in their early twenties, and continue happily along their way in the canon plot, until their father James comes to visit the Avengers Tower after the Battle of New York, and bumps into a familiar blonde…
Woahhhh it’s Emmy - Emmy, (long for MJ, short for Mary Junior), is the standard extra Winchester OC, twin sister of Sam, who is almost as bad at talking through her problems as Dean is. While Sam went to Smamford, and Dean ran around with John, Emmy started a weapons dealing company for hunters, travelling around under the guise of an occult shop. She reluctantly joins back up with her brothers in season 1, just to make sure her dumbasses don’t get themselves killed. She solves half of the shows problems with a glock.
Doctor Who
Who the fuck is Sally Sparrow? - Kat Sparrow has grown up knowing that things live in the darkness. The Sparrows are known by all the intelligence agency’s of the world, for their abilities to find and trap those things. Their specialty? Angels. When River Song appears on her doorstep one night, telling her that she has an angel to catch, Kat does the only thing she can, and joins the Doctor, River and Amy in the TARDIS to catch it. Kat thinks it’s fantastic, Amy enjoys having a friend whos roughly her age, and River is cryptic as ever. The Doctor, however, would really like to know how the hell a human girl is capable of subduing the most deadly creature in the universe.
Redo of Sally Sparrow except there’s no Sally Sparrow and a completely different plot line - When River tumbles into the TARDIS at the start of the infamous Maze of the Angels episode, she brings someone else with her - her adopted daughter, Astra. Unknown to 11, Astra is his child from the future, the result of a coupling between 12 and Missy, who was partially raised by both of them and the other half by River. Featuring: Astra is briefly evil and genocidial, Astra gets therapy with 14 and Donna, Astra flirts constantly with half of his companions, River, Missy and 13 all walk into a bar, and the combination of lesbianism causes a rift in time and space, and someone really needs to stop 12 from naming people after his past companions.
The Vampire Diaries
TVDeeznuts - Cassie Gilbert, twin sister of Jeremy, heads off to an out of state boarding school after being compelled by Damon in an attempt to protect the first person to have trusted him unconditionally in the last hundred and fifty years. Yes, he might have been a crow for half of it, but the thought is what counts, right? Unfortunately, being the danger magnet she is, Cassie immediately manages to befriend a local artist by the name of Nik Mikaelson. Three kidnappings later, Cassie is the first honorary Mikaelson since Marcel. Let’s just hope it doesn’t go quite as bad as his did.
Shadow hunters
Making my OCs be adopted by a bunch of vampires has nothing to do with my parental issues I promise - Autumn, a rather shy twelve year old, is Turned into a vampire rather unexpectedly by a less than stable Maureen who wants to be best friends forever. She immediately attaches herself to Raphael, who is horrified, but ultimately decides that he can use the situation to gaslight Magnus into believing that she’s always been around. Autumn has no objections, Lily thinks it hilarious, and Elliot is just happy to have a little sister.
Shadow hunting my multiple mental illnesses - Astoria Fray is perfectly normal. She does her homework, eats far too many chips, and goes out to parties with her best friends Lily, Elliot and Raphael. And then her mom gets kidnapped, her sister goes missing, her uncle won’t talk to her, and a very sparkly man tells her that he’s a friend of her mothers and that she can stay at his place. And as if that wasn’t enough, turns out that she’s not human, her dad is shadow hunter Hitler, and vampires, werewolf’s and warlocks are real.
At least Lily and Raphael are still normal. Right?
we'll never get free (lamb to the slaughter) - Magnus Bane is forced to baby-sit a precocious, morally-grey Warlock child. It goes about as well as you'd imagine.
Fourth Wing
Fourth wing more like fortieth wip - Elyrion Melgren (currently going under the name Elyrion Foxe) lived in Tyrrendor for the first fourteen years of her life, while her father led the armies of Navarre, spending her days exploring the city with her best friend Xaden. Six years later, she hasn’t seen Xaden since the apostasy, and has been forbidden by her father to go into the Riders, as he doesn’t want her to interact with the Marked Ones. Elyrion promptly ignores his orders, crosses Parapet, and joins the revolution.
Throne of Glass
Cadre Coparenting - what could go wrong? -Two years after Aelin Galathynius was born, her sister, Aurelia arrived. Born with powers of darkness and death, Evalin and Rhoe have no choice but to send her to the only person with experience in controlling powers like hers - her Aunt, Maeve. Maeve promptly passes the child off to her loyal bloodsworn until she’s old enough to be useful to her. Between the six of them, the Cadre just about manage to raise a singular child, despite Aurelia's best attempts to be difficult. It’s entirely her fault that half of Doranelle now believes that Lorcan and Rowan are divorced, and co-parenting their daughter together with Gavriel and Vaughan, their new partners, and Fenrys and Connall, her brothers.
Twi-mental breakdown-light - Twilight if Bella had a precocious ten year old sister, and Edward and Bella raise her in aroace solidarity. Esme is delighted that she finally gets a grandchild, and Emmett is not responsible enough to baby sit.
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measurelessdreamer · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh, hi! Thanks for the message! I honestly didn't know that asks are no longer as common as they used to be. I've never been a good candidate to receive them since I don't have so many followers (I always thought you needed at least 500 to get asks lol) and I'm not much of a creator. I usually just reblog stuff that makes me happy and occasionally (like once in three years) I share a fic I wrote here so I never had high hopes which is why I was very surprised when I received this ask and it made me so happy! Seriously, you're so cool for doing this, especially when people don't expect it at all. Even though it's through social media, it requires a bit of coming out of your personal bubble and putting yourself out there and I rarely do that in my life no matter how safe the space is. So it's really cool and thank you. I received probably like 2 asks aside from this one in my whole life, but yeah, I enjoy it a lot. ^^
As for what kind of asks...
Self, Job/Work: I'm good with sharing some stuff as long as it's not something that hits too close to home, but I would probably say that's the case. Asking about how I'm doing in general and what I do and what I enjoy about it is probably fine.
Fandoms: Asks about fandoms would most definitely be my favourite. I always enjoy ranting about stuff I love with other like-minded people. I love Bagginshield, The Hobbit, LOTR (Faramir especially), Ted Lasso (and particularly royjamie), Star Wars (obikin is very close to my heart), The Walking Dead (rickyl is the goat ship of that fandom for me), and probably my favourite otps are superbat (superman/batman) and spirk (kirk/spock) so I enjoy these fandoms too. Fandoms where I have no ships but I enjoy them all the same are Mass Effect (only the original trilogy) and The Witcher (the games, I only read two books so far sadly, I ship geraskier from the show but I don't like the show otherwise). All these things are something I enjoy talking about. ^^ I also like Johnlock/Sherlock and I played the Dragon Age trilogy (but I enjoyed Origins the most and aside from the Cullen romance and meeting Alistair and Morrigan in Inquisition, I didn't enjoy that game very much).
I write fanfics sometimes. I haven't written many and it usually takes me a lot of time to finish anything, but I enjoy it. I'm happy to talk about my writing any day even if it frustrates me to no end.
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Not sure about this. I think receiving them is nice, but I wouldn't be able to do anything about them aside from talking and speculating about them. I'm not very good at writing something from a prompt, so probably no story would come of it, but if it's only discussion people seek, then I'm happy to provide! And if it turns out to be very interesting, then I'm all for taking it further!
Pets: I have lots. I'm happy to talk about them any time.
Garden and Hobbies: Not much of a garden person, I'm afraid, but I enjoy nature more than anything. I live in a very Shire-like country, which is the best thing when I want to let my imagination roam. I enjoy running (but I started only recently so I'm rubbish), reading (fantasy and romance especially), learning French, playing video games, hiking, watching movies and tv shows, and I recently started to learn how to play the Irish tin whistle.
I like being tagged in things, sure! Something funny or heartwarming is usually the best, but I love posts with random facts which are super elaborate and interesting. It can't have anything to do with politics, though, tumblr is my escapist haven. :D
I think I answered everything to the best of my ability. Sorry that it's so long! Thank you again for sending the ask! I hope you have an amazing day!
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lilithaban · 2 years
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pairings: jungwoo x female reader
— filo setting (written in taglish)
🖋: bf au, smut, slight fluff
warning: mature content, profanities, unprotected sex, language, fingering, nipple sucking—minors🔞
posted: october 02, 2022
It was October 1st when you forgot you had a date with your boyfriend, Jungwoo, at his favorite restaurant. You can't help but groan because you're trying to make time for him despite your hectic schedule in the fashion industry.
Tangina, baka naghihintay na sakin si woo.
Kaya naman after shoot sa vouge ay agad kang nagpunta sa parking lot at pinaharurot na ang sasakyan. Hindi na siya nakapagpaalam sakanyang mga kasamahan at manager kaya’t naisip niyang itext na lang ito. And you didn’t bother to change your silk satin dress with a long slit at the side of your left leg.
After an hour of driving, you arrive at the restaurant, and your gaze is drawn to your lovely boyfriend. You approached the man who was admiring the mountain view in front of your table. He didn't even notice you standing next to him until you kissed his cheeks.
“Baby I’m sorry the shoot was delayed kaya i’m late. I’m so sorry.” you apologized
When he sees you, the man's eyes light up. He quickly grabs your waist and made you sit on his lap, causing you to blush.
Agad ka namang tumingin sa paligid mo at tanging mga staff na busy at mga iilang mga customer lamang ang naroon. “Oh my god woo can you please let me go? we’re at a restaurant for petes sake” you whispered
But he didn’t listen to you instead he give you a peck on your lips. “I love you so much.” he smiled
“I love you too” you smiled back
While the two of you are eating napansin mong medyo pinagpapawisan si Jungwoo at mukhang hindi mapakali sa kinauupuan niya.
“What’s wrong baby?” you asked
When he gives you a serious look, you raise your brow. "If you're finished, let's go. You owe me something today, you little kitten," he said as he dragged you out from the restaurant.
When you're both inside the car, he grabs your cheeks and squeezes them. You simply smiled at him as he looked at you sweetly.
“I’m sorry kung hindi kita nasundo from work,” he eyes looks so sincere. “I should have picked you up from your shoot.”
Your heart shrunk as he apologized to you after making you drive yourself here. Hinalikan mo siya sa labi atsaka ngumiti. “No, don’t blame yourself baby it’s my choice naman na wag magpasundo sayo dahil galing ka pa from grandma’s house so I should be the one to apologize since late akong nakarating.”
Agad ka niyang hinila at niyakap. “I love you so much ok?”
Ilang minuto rin kayong magkayakap hanggang sa naramdaman mo ang maliliit niyang halik sa leeg mo. You tilted your head to give him more access.
“Hmmm you smell so good.” he said between in kisses
Marahan kang napaungol nang kagatin niya ang leeg mo. Naramdaman mong bumababa ang kanyang kamay pababa sa bewang mo atsaka maingat ka niyang inangat at pinuwesto sakanyang hita. You place your left arm on his shoulder, then your right arm on his abdomen, feeling every corner of his abs.
Something is growing beneath your cunt. Napangisi ka dahil alam mong iisa lang ang mangyayari nito kaya mabagal mong sinayaw ang katawan mo sa ibabaw niya.
“You pretty little naughty kitten, you really know my weakness don’t you?” he said then he kissed your nape. Nagsitaasan ang balahibo mo dahil sa nararamdaman mong init habang hinahalikan ka niya.
While you're enjoying his kisses on your nape, he abruptly stops making you feel deprived. "Why did you come to stop, baby?" I can already feel the heat eh!” you rant
Even his laugh aggravates your throbbing heat. "Don't worry, baby, I'm not going to hold back. I just wanted to let you know that you owe me something for coming here in that slutties dress you have. And as punishment, I'll drive you to heaven."
“So, punish me, baby.” you smiled
“Fuck it I love you so much.” Then he crashes his lips to yours. Jungwoo began to invade every corner of your lips. You moaned in between kisses when he pushed his tongue on your mouth.
Nagespadahan ang mga dila niyong uhaw sa isa’t isa dahilan kung bakit mas namasa pa ang kaibuturan mo. Para kang lalabasan nang kagatin niya ang ibabang labi mo at napalakas ang iyong ungol.
“hmmm” he mumbled
His kisses left marks from your neck to your bare shoulders. You quickly unbutton his polo shirt while he's kissing you there. He stopped kissing you and helped you in undress himself. After you finish your agenda you slowly pull down your dress to tease him.
You saw how his eyes worship your naked body.
His hands travel down to your breast touching every corner of it. “You are so beautiful baby but at the same you’re a very bad girl today. So I’ll punish my baby ỉn every possible way”
You smiled at him sweetly and placed his wrist to your lips. His eyes widened when you sucked his finger. Sucking it up like a lollipop and his cunt.
“What a sight,” you heard him chuckle. He added another one to your mouth and you gladly welcome it
“Yn I’m so sorry pero tangina ang init ng bibig mo,”
Matapos mong magsawa sa kanyang bibig agad mong sinunggaban ng halik ang kanyang mga mamula-mulang labi. Bakas sa bawat ritmo ng paghagod ng labi niyo ang pagkamiss sa isa’t isa. Dahil na rin sa busy ka ngayong buwan sa pagiging modell ganun din ang kay Jungwoo. Sobrang hectic ng schedule niya dahil sa suno-sunod na project niya bilang Mechanical Engineer.
Habang naghahalikan kayo naramdaman mo ang kamay ng nobyo mo sa puke mong naglalawa na. Kahit na may suot ka pang underwear ramdam mo pa rin ang magagaan na paghimas ng daliri ni jungwoo roon. Napapagiling ka na lang dahil sa hatid na kiliti ng mga daliri ni Jungwoo.
Hindi ka na nagulat nang sirain ni Jungwoo ang underwear mo. “You are wearing this kind of underwear again hmm… are you expecting me to make love with you today baby?” he smiled
He then placed you on the back seat and sat on the ground, facing your wetness. You watched him lick his bottom lip before turning his eyes to you and smiled innocently.
“No—-“ hindi mo na naituloy ang sasabihin mo nang ilapat niya ang kanyang labi sa puke mo. Habang nilalantakan ng nobyo mo ang ibaba mo at napahiyaw ka nang biglang magpasok ng isang daliri sa loob mo si Jungwoo habang kinakain ka niya.
“Oh shit yes right there! oh my god!”
“Hmmm baby more,” hirap na hirap mong sinabi habang malugod kang kinakain nito
He licks and eats your pussy with such intensity. It's like he's driving you to paradise, and as a good partner, he's now doing the gods' work for you. And slowly you feel something building up.
"Shit I'm coming baby"
And then you feel something sticky on your pussy after a few seconds. You're still delirious after your boyfriend's intensive pussy eating session.
"You taste so sweet, my lady." Jungwoo smile then he clean your wetness by licking every corner of it. Your whole body still shaking from it and you're not still
“And now I’m gonna take what is mine”
You only smiled lazily because you’re still shaking and catching your breath with the intensive pussy eating session. While he’s fixing himself on your entrance something comes on your dirty mind. You began to touch yourself and you shamelessly moaned to tease him.
While you’re doing the work Jungwoo’s glaring at you because he doesn’t really like it when you touch yourself because he said that it was his job to pleasure you.
“Fucking hell baby, stop doing that,” he angrily said then quickly insert his big dick on your wet cunt that made you scream.
“Oh my fucking god! Baby!”
He only smiled then he slowly pushing his dick in and out. Sa bagal ng galaw ng nobyo ay siyang unti-unting paggalaw ng bewang mo at sinasalubong ang bawat ulos nito. Agad ka naman hinawakan nito at hinalikan sa labi.
“Hmmp please faster Woo” you pleaded
You saw how his eyes turn dark when you said those words. And without a seconds his thrust become more heavy and faster like what you requested. Sunod-sunod na ang pinakakawalan mong ungol kaya’t hinalikan ka ni Jungwoo para mapigilan ka sa pag-ungol.
“Stop screaming baby, everyone’s gonna hear you”
You only nodded then you tilt your head as jungwoo’s kisses go down to your neck leaving hickeys on it.
You are about to tell him not to give you hickeys when he cut you. “Nah ah, i’m giving you marks so those asses will avoid you. Because at the first place you’re mine alone. I’m the one who’s going to eat and pleasure you.” he manage to say while his thrust went more faster.
Mas lalo mong pinigilan ang ungol mo nang sipsipin ni Jungwoo ang utong mong tayong-tayo at ang kamay nito na marahan na hinihimas ang puke mong naglalawa na.
“Oh fuck baby right there”
“Baby I’m coming”
Hindi mo na maipalagay ang ulo mo sa sobrang sarap ng pagkantot sayo ni Jungwoo. Kaya’t hinawakan mo ang pisngi niya atsaka hinalikan ng mariin dahil baka kapag hindi mo ito ginawa masasaksihan ng mga tao sa restaurant na may ginagawa kayong milagro sa parking lot.
“I love you baby I’m coming. I’m gonna fill you up ok?” he gently said. His thrust turn sloppy and you feel the liquid on your wethole. Agad na lumayo si Jungwoo sayo atsaka nilinisan ang kalat na ginawa niyo.
“Thank you for this baby. I love you so much.” He gently said while he hugged you.
"I love you so much, Woo," you sweetly said before kissing his lips. You both turn quite as you catch your breath after that heavenly session. And then you suddenly remembered something you wanted to tell him.
“I think I want to get married and have kids with you.” you suddenly blurted out and stared at him. He look so shocked because he really can’t believe what he heard from you.
"Are you sure about that? I'm going to lock you up on my arms once you say yes. "I'm going to be more possessive and clingy to you," he said solemnly, looking at you in the eyes.
You slowly nodded “of course, I really want it and besides we’re not young anymore. So I wanna see you hold my child. I love you so much Woo,” mahina mong sinabi
Naramdaman mo ang mainit na yakap ni Jungwoo sayo. “Ok then we’ll get married and have babies.”
“But first I’m gonna fuck you and will bring heaven to you.”
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alun1r · 7 months
Rare Alu Rant About Fandoms bc I never say shit:
Sue me, but getting into a fandom just for the intention of becoming popular is so weird to me.
Like sure you want a lot of people to see what you make. Because making something for the fandom should be seen! That’s dope as hell.
But you’re gonna lose inspiration real fast when you find out content creation takes a lotta work but more often than not comes with little reward.
I hold firmly the belief that Fandom is for making content for the pure reason of just because you can.
✨the joy of free will to bring your delusions to life so others can indulge in their delusions as well✨ Kinda vibes? Yanno?
I never started making HL content with the idea in mind that I’d reach 9k followers on tiktok. And I ain’t gonna lie it’s daunting for me. Specially as someone whose always just made shit for whatever reason without even posting it. But The videos that got me views and followers on tiktok, were made because I was high and wanted to laugh. And I’d figured “what the hell, this made me laugh….Maybe it will make someone else laugh.” And I’m glad it did.
And now I float around just making stuff. I still make whatever I want tbh. I do my best to give credit where credit is due in what I make. And yeah I’ve done some fan service videos and writing here and there because hey it’s fun for me.
I see so many posts or peoples bios saying that they’re working towards being popular in fandom and then their posts are what other people said or made on Twitter or tiktok or Vice versa and there’s often times there’s no real credit to original creators.
Don’t get me wrong, if it’s properly credited, AWESOME. Usually it’s not though, and that’s just wild to me. Because how are you expecting to get popular under your own name when you’re just reposting stuff.
That doesn’t make you a content creator.
A historical collector guess?? Because you’re like idk collecting all the stuff people made and what not onto a new page.
Idk dude. I just miss authenticity I guess. People making stuff and just being excited to show it.
Don’t get me wrong though it’s not all terrible on here and everywhere on the internet for fandoms. I’ve made close friends with other creators who feel and see fandom much the same. Just here to vibe and escape.
I’m not saying I don’t think views and followers and likes and notes or what have you, matter. I know they do. I get a lil confidence boost when something I make pops off. I feel proud.
But man it’s the intention of “ Im trying to be a popular creator” that rubs me the wrong way. Make stuff because you like it. Not because other people will. Doing whatever to get you likes wont bring the same satisfaction. And in more cases than not I see it backfiring and causing drama because, like I said it’s usually shit that’s copied or reposted.
Who knows maybe I’m just old and don’t understand bc I also see fandom and the work I’ve contributed as something I wouldn’t like boast about in real life. Because the reaction wouldn’t be positive. Like just for enjoying Hogwarts legacy I get teased in my daily life from acquaintances. It’s not totally negative. Buts it’s enough for me to know that YEAH 9k followers on tiktok don’t mean anything in the real world LMAO because at the end of the day, offline, I am still just a nerd whose daydreaming in her bedroom to escape reality.
I’m 24 dude. And I work in news. Shit is exhausting. Read a headline and you’ll see what I mean. And I just wanted to rant about it because it’s been bugging me since I joined fandom again last year.
But due to, idk my follower count and whatnot I always felt like I can’t or rather I shouldn’t speak my mind so much for fear of SOMEONE coming for me for something. And man I hate that feeling bc this bitch has opinions and I dislike the idea of feeling like others have control over it. But tbh eh. I wanted to rant. Just speaking into the void of the internet.
If you decide to send anon hate for my opinionated rant be ready for a meme bc I don’t have the mental capacity to take anything other than my IRL life responsibilities seriously lmao.
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Episode 47 S5: Mana Runs too Slow and it Kills 2 People
Tumblr decided to change the way it does image posts so this is going to be my hell. I can only have max 30 "blocks" of images (yikes) and uploading all your images at once and then just adding text in between is actually not possible! (least it's a nightmare on browser. I have not figured out how to drag my text in between images, so I'm just uploading every image one by one and hoping I don't forget one)
thanks, I hate it!
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Peeking up at us over the horizon, our end of the world apocalypse has reached the next step of his rampage: which is to shoot glowing missiles out of it's Dragon crotch until Egypt is destroyed.
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Seto is doing his best to look productive, but unfortunately this is Sad Seto, who is still buffering.
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Just uh...give him a minute. He has to remember how to be Seto.
(read more under the cut)
I'm pretty sure Kissara told him straight up to call her whenever, and considering how few words they've ever said to each other, you'd think he'd remember the words she said like half an hour ago. Then again, he was kind of...sleeping when that happened. Or hallucinating, or dreaming, or all three.
Bakura and Yami are watching this pan out from the Shadow Game Zone, Bakura kind of nodding slowly while Yami becomes overwhelmed with embarrassment over how much everyone around him is screwing it. This is not meant to be funny, but it was very funny to me.
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I have brought this up before, but Bakura does bring up a good point, that this entire arc was kind of against the grain of who Yami became over the course of the last 4 seasons.
Don't get me wrong, Yami LOVES to make bad choices that end the world. But why would he continue to go back here and destroy the world of the future he knows and loves so much? Especially since it already went SO south with Dartz the last time he opened pandora's box?
He has a new identity now, he has so many friends, last arc was just so many women throwing themselves at Yugi. His life is really good! I think they could have developed more of a line of logic between last arc and this arc, but like with a lot of things in this arc, it was rushed.
So him giving up his newfound modern identity that he made all himself through hard work and friendship first off feels kinda bad. Like I'm OK with him being a new guy, he worked hard for that! Lets not go backward now.
And then him coming here to regain his old identity is sort of like the show knew what it must do, but the characters were like "nah." and then went and did it anyway seemingly at gunpoint.
And I kind of wish there was any contrast between who Yami's new identity is in the future and who Yami was in the past. It would be fascinating to dive into the fact he's now two people yet again, even though Yugi is no longer in that bean. but eh save it for the fanfiction, because they needed to end Yugioh in a certain number of episodes.
And that happens sometimes. Stories are character driven, and when you try and drive the characters, they become less like people and more like iconic symbols. Here's our hero. He must do this because he's the hero. That's it, that's the reason. Welcome to Shonen Jump.
Problem is, Yami isn't that meta. He's dumb though, so in a way it does make a little sense why he had to open the box. He dummy thin.
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Dummy thin and still can't read.
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And like in case you've jumped in here after my accidental hiatus (hello!) and not realized this, I had to binge watch the rest of the season before we cancelled our Hulu subscription. There was the option of watching it for free on the Yugioh website, but I didn't want to change my Photoshop actions.
So get ready for me to talk about how the ending of this show bothered me, for like 8 episodes. I'll try to keep it in, so we can get there when we get there.
But you can't say lines like "We were meant to be together." in the context of this arc, you can't DO that, show.
Apparently the creator of Yugioh got hospitalized while he wrote this arc, hence the dick king demon. But also it got....messy. We have like 3 seasons of development in like 8 episodes, buckle up. They did the best that they could do with the resource's given, and we'll even get to meet my favorite character a few times before it's over (the Storyboarding God that occasionally guest stars on Yugioh, love that guy)
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Back on the playing field, Yami is running out of options, when Isis informs us we can just go to McDonald's and get more McGuffins.
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Out of basically no where, Mana zips onto the screen because she's ready to have at least one girl's night before the end of the world. The contrasting energy from both Mana and Isis is peak goth babysitter vs the parrot that hides behind the couch and bites your feet.
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Back near Pharaoh's tomb, Yugi is still dueling over a deathpit with the child who these kids think is Ryou bakura.
This is not however, Ryou Bakura. It's sideways adjacent evil Bakura.
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And it didn't really matter that this plot point ever happened because it's not like Yugi, Joey, or Tea ever catch on that this isn't Ryou anyway. But at least I, the audience can feel a little bit better about the weird twist by the dub there.
Ryou is still passed out on some stone steps. He's fine.
You might be wondering "Oh so what asinine thing is Isis going to have to do to get the items back?" and uh, you're wrong actually.
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Turns out we could have just picked up the items in the desert at any time but I guess we forgot. I'll blame it on Shadi.
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Joey Wheeler, who can punch out probably anything but a ghost, chooses to hide behind Tea because he knows she can punch a ghost and I believe it, too.
Back on the surface, is a scene that would have been emotional if it hadn't been 3 minutes. it was NOT enough time to give a proper send off to our girl Isis here, and they tried, but if you imagine the Yakety Sax song playing under this death here, that's about the speed at which this girl biffed it.
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speaking of Yakety Sax theme, this is what was happening while Mana was crying her eyes out.,
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And you may ask, was it really that goofy? and yes, yes it was.
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and like I get it, animation and pacing are really, really hard. Parts of me wonder if maybe on paper this seemed OK. If maybe even as a storyboard this seemed OK. But something you learn quickly when doing any sort of narrative art, is that you need like 2x as much space as you think you do. Pause is an underrated godlike skill that takes a lifetime to master.
However, it still had good stills going on, it still had some lovely direction just...I mean they dropped Isis from top to bottom of that frame so freakin fast it was like she was a dropped banana hahaha.
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They still have to carry these items physically to the Pharaoh, and so becuase Mana is a slow runner, 2 people freakin died this episode distracting Zorc. Which is also the title of this episode because I want to send home howfreakin funny that is to me.
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Ah, back to Episode 1.
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So how breathtaking and epic is the Kaiju fight you ask? Well good thing for you, I capped it.
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The look on Seto and Yami's faces about sum it up.
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And as quickly as he showed up to do a few silly punches, the great Exodia was cut exactly in half. Don't ask me how the card logic works for that, I have forgotten how this game works already.
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Mana finally makes it to Yami, cursed puzzle in hand, and that ends this episode.
Can you imagine adding 7 characters to a story knowing you have to kill all of them individually before the anime arc is over? Breakneck deaths going on here.
Sorry for all you people that were so deeply attached to Shimon, the guy who isn't even Grandpa, by the way. A moment of silence for all 4 of you.
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And we get back this thing. This horrible thing made out of thousands of dead people's souls. The thing that trapped him for 5000 years and launched him into the future. The only thing that can save mankind.
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(If I have used this Mokuba joke like this before forgive me it was like a different lifetime before I caught covid, and I will not be able to regain those memories because I cannot curse myself with a rude ass puzzle.)
The abusive relationship with the Millennium Puzzle is a whole anime college essay I would write if I had half a brain, but alas I have the immune system and fatigue of a sickly gerbil or a goldfish that feels a little bit chilly. So I will not be writing that in depth episode but like...
Think about how far we've come with this jackass puzzle. And yet, I'm supposed to forgive it? Nah I don't think I have yet. Go to hell, puzzle.
This puzzle can go straight to hell.
Anyway, if you just got here you can read these recaps in chrono order at the link here:
PS I had to do so much assholery to get that to go to my chrono link and not my main link. They would just. Change my link. They would just change my link every time I pasted it. Tumblr you have GOT to give me my old post editor back omg.
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spaceheadcadet · 2 months
I've been hyperfixated with a RnM for about two months now. Fairly new into the fandom, I know. Feeling kinda late, but oh well. And I like Doofus Rick. Especially after seeing a blog that drew him so well, I just can't stop. It made me really sad that I'm two–three, eh, heck many years late into this small wonderful side of the fandom. Anyway enough about the rant. I'll just post the thing I typed.
P.s. I haven't thought of a title yet.
It's a reader insert and I don't know how slow I can get the burn going. But here's part 1. Not proof read so I hope it's coherent.
It was raining when you saw him for the first time. Right in front of his yard, just standing alone and drenched in cold…from the heavenly tears falling down the sky. How melodramatic. Not that you judge the guy. You were just concern. 
Surely he’d be sick by tomorrow. Because your weak ass immune system definitely would. 
You were on your way to the old house that night,  the house you inherited from the man who made you never acknowledge the word father in your entire dysfunctional life. Just another ordinary night under the wailing sky, on your way to that cold shelter after a tiring day at work. You were fairly new into the neigborhood so you ignored him at first. Days turned to weeks and the rumours soon reached your notice, giving you more reasons to ignore the man with a blue bowl-cut hair. 
They said he was weird and something else you decide to dismissed until proven. 
Still it made you no better than the rest of the people that always belittles the man, turning your head the other way, passively you were still considered as an accomplice. But what good will it even do if you’re a nobody trying to survive just for another day. 
So, you carried on, passing by him multiple times whenever it rains or whenever you saw him into a nicer weather, you ignored him. Nothing but a coward hiding behind the mask of indifference and excuses. 
On some occasions you would see a glimpse of an entirely different persona on the man, whenever he was interacting with the next door neighbors. He was all smiles, naivety emitted from his demeanor, like a child wearing oversize clothes to pass off as an adult. Entirely different from the times you saw him standing under the rain. He was also a soft spoken fellow with an occasional stutter either caused by anxiety or a condition. 
You never understood how he could keep acting like he wasn’t ridiculed between hushed conversations and judging eyes. Always been optimistic or simply keeping himself into this safe bubble of blissful ignorance. Or how he was still treating everyone with kindness even though most of his efforts to reach out were usually reciprocated with a cold shoulder. 
And you were no different from them after he knocked on your door one morning, offering to help clean up the overgrown and neglected yard, another attempt to get to know you. Although his intention was pure coming from the polite offer, you halfheartedly decline. You didn’t want anything to do with him. 
Annoyingly on the next day it made you finally mow the lawn and clean up the overgrown in the backyard. It took a few months of ignoring the state of the house before you finally got the motivation needed to clean and fix the damn place, all thanks to the neighborhood's doofus(it’s mostly what you’d been hearing from the people around) knocking on your doorstep. You hoped that would be the last he would bother you. Since the first(giving you a box of cupcakes as a welcoming gift) interactions you got from him immediately garnered side glances in your direction. 
Sometimes you wished you were not so emotionally restrictive sometimes. To have even a miniscule amount of care to enact compassion instead of sticking by the comfort of apathy. 
Maybe time would come when you gathered enough courage to do something, even a small act of kindness. But for now you turned your head the other way, in the safety by him getting out of your field of vision. 
Neon signs and street lights blur behind the window, droplets of the rain started pelting on the glass. The sound of it stirred you out of your shallow-dazed sleep. It’s raining again. A tired resigned sigh fogged the cold material seeping through your forehead. 
Everything felt heavier, sluggish, and dizzying. You blinked off the dizziness fogged your vision.
Fucking great. 
Soon the bus slowed into the halt reaching the bus stop, it was your stop. Unsteady from intoxication you stumbled almost tripping forward, when the driver finally hit the break. You really hate your aunt sometimes, showing herself unannounced in your work, and dragging you to have a drink with her. 
A hasty apology blurted out of your mouth when you grabbed into one of the steel pole, startling the old man near it. You continued scrambling out of the bus until you get out with slurred thanks for the driver, and then run towards the waiting shed. Resting a bit on the bench you rummaged inside your bag for the folded umbrella. The rain went harder as if the sky was punishing you. You’re going home with a pair of wet socks and shoes again. Ugh, it didn’t help that you were barely walking straight. But the urge to eat and drink something just to remove the aversive sweetness at the back of your tongue, along with the burning emptiness in your stomach, maybe even brushing your teeth twice to be sure afterwards, was enough motivation for you to finally move your drunken ass. 
The umbrella opened with a pop and you walked towards the direction of the house with a slight sway in your gait. 
Your lips curved from a wince when the cold water started seeping through. Soggy fucking socks never felt good, one of the reasons why you always hated the rain. 
Hate. You always hated things. The prominent emotion you had growing up, so you grew to hate things that were constant in your life, just like the rain, just like the taste of the alcohol coated on your tongue. You hated that you had to walk wet all the way through the house. The damn house that was thrown into you because it was old, ugly, rotting, along with the people that had never been part of your life, either physically and emotionally. You hate–
Damn it! 
You stopped, eyes casted down on your shoes. You needed to stop or your thoughts will spiral back into that dark room. 
The hollowness in your chest itched the urge for a smoke. To fill your lungs, the sting, and burn down your throat just for the momentary feel of fullness expands in your chest. 
Desperate for a distraction to latch on to something, anything that will prevent you from further fanning the flame of self-hate just to keep the empty coldness in your chest consumed you.  
You couldn’t keep doing this to yourself. Sighing heavily you looked up again, walking with more urgency this time. After taking a right turn, although your vision blurred a bit from moving your head faster towards the certain direction, a routine your attention gravitated to without fail, again he was there. 
Another variable that becoming constant in your life. 
Fueled by spite and vodka you stop on the other side of the street right in front of his house. This guy, what was so bad in his life that he have to stand under the fucking rain every time. Why does he act like the most pathetic human being right now? Why couldn’t he stay smiling and be naive? Why did you have to see this every time? 
The march came to a halt when you reached his unmoving figure, head tilted up in the sky, eyes shut from the world around him. Up close he looked…mournful. Calmly making peace with the antagonizing torrent around him. Like crying through his eyes wasn’t enough anymore that he had to cry along the sky. 
Stretching your arms forward you extended the umbrella towards him. Coldness started cascading the side and back of your head down to your nape, easing a bit of the heat caused by the alcohol and temper.  
He must be so deep in his mind that he hadn’t noticed your presence, but soon enough the lack of the rain hitting his face tugged him back in the moment. At first he only looked at the dark underside of the umbrella, then his head dropped, aligning his vision in your direction. He stared at you for a while, eyes still in deep before the awareness slowly stirring. 
A shake in your arm from the ache urged you to grab his cold hand guiding it on the handle. Both of your hands pressed his to secure the hold on the handle before you let go. And without saying a word you left. 
You pretend you didn’t hear him but you overestimate your ability to stride when your legs were barely stable, you were on the verge of puking your guts out, and head throbbing from the heaviness of exhaustion. 
So, color you surprised when a hand landed on your shoulder and the force of his pull easily knocked your balance. You forgot to take into account that your clumsiness shines whenever the alcohol was absorbed into your system. 
Stepping behind to rebalance yourself only resulted in slipping onto the wet surface before gravity won, once again. 
“Aw, geez, you slipped. Are you alright?” 
In an instant he was helping you, pulling you back up. The umbrella crookedly wedged between his neck and shoulders in an attempt to keep the umbrella upright.
“You shouldn’t have followed me,” you grumbled while stabilizing your balance again. 
“Why shouldn’t I? You just left your umbrella, not that I don’t appreciate the gesture but now you are all wet. And I’m already drenched, so I don’t think I will need the–”
Damn you forgot that he rambles. “Keep it. You look like you need it more than I do.” You said ignoring most of his ramblings. 
He kept following you though and trying to cover you from the rain with the umbrella you’d just given him. Annoying long legged creature. 
“But I already own a few. I don’t need–”
“Then maybe use it next time. That’s its purpose after all.” You spat a little when a drop of rain hit your mouth.
“If you know its purpose then why are you giving it to me? You own this after all. You shouldn’t. You.. Why…why are you suddenly doing this?” 
You really wanted to reach your–the house faster and puked until your vision get hazy from tears, puked until you were sobbing and barely holding yourself up from the intensity of it, then maybe just maybe it would expel all the hate festering your insides, leaving holes. Then maybe you could stop latching into the battered mask from the accumulated resentment, finally let yourself grief, be free. 
“Because I need to feel the rain.” 
The crack in your hardened voice oozed the pain underneath the piled bricks of hate, built up like a pillar where you placed all other emotions you have. High, unreachable, detached from the world around you. And the crumbling pieces get into your eyes looking up in resignation, watching your stability crumble. 
You didn’t bother looking back, not even a glance to make sure he was still following you, not even when you no longer heard his footsteps. 
Trickles of hot and cold contradiction trailed on your cheeks. You just wanted to rest your tired eyes, lay down and just sink even for a moment, in the pool of your bottled up emotions. Then maybe this time you would be soaked enough of it to fill the pit inside. Hold all of it back inside and hope you are strong enough under pressure, the weight of it all the love that left nowhere to go.  
Fingers tapping hastily on the screen of the phone, you promised you’d never walk under the rain ever again. You didn’t regret it, but you were not doing it again. 
An itch in your throat spasmed a cough out of you. It came into strings, chains of events that after the bouts of scratching your throat in a form of dry coughing, now you feel it all raw. Sore throat was one of the signs your immune system had been compromised. 
You tapped the send. A simple notification for your supervisor that you couldn’t make it in the studio today. You even used your Aunt for a lame excuse, it’s her fault anyway. Forcing you to have a girls night which always entails consuming a large amount of alcohol. Always easier to blame others than hold yourself accountable, wow, you really do progress—ing further into being a POS. 
As you waited for the reply you grabbed the jar of honey in one of the cupboards for your tea. You clicked your mouth shut after the yawn, wincing from the pain when you swallowed again. 
In your temporary office, multiple boxes were still stacked in the corner of the room, a faded silhouette of squares and rectangles left on the obnoxious green wallpaper(not even the nice shade of green), some parts were even ripped from the posters you tore. You clean the questionable room and attempt to convert it into a small studio. But you still have a lot of work to do, for the room to be in your standard. Yet in the meantime it was better to have a clean workspace. 
When your dopamine was a poltergeist your motivation was equivalent to non existence at this point, except from the few hauntings every now and then.
So, yeah, for now you’d stick with a clean workspace. 
Knowing your supervisor the moment you open up your email you already got a job order. Man, even the concept of life and death didn’t jolt your supervisor even a bit, always the diligent asshole. 
An hour of editing later you needed another cup of tea for your throat and maybe food for your grumbling stomach. You almost grabbed a packet of cigarette and lighter, staring at the item contemplating if you would risk it. At the end the cigarette left untouched. 
Back in the kitchen you stood in front of the open refrigerator blankly staring inside the cold contraptions. You close it taking a deep breath before opening the ref again as if you were expecting the food in your mind wouldmanifest itself. 
There were times when you hated this tedious part of living. This was one of those days. 
Grumbling a curse in your native language you gathered the remaining vegetables and chicken breast. Chicken soup was better than nothing. 
You were in the middle of making another tea after dumping all the ingredients and seasoning in the slow pot cooker, when a knock on the door startled you.
Uhm, you were not expecting a visitor today or even ready to acknowledge the existence of your Aunt just yet. 
Yeah, you were not expecting him standing on your doorsteps again. You stepped back on the door after peeking through the peephole. This is for getting involved, you guess. 
The lock clicked and the door swung open. 
“Hi, neighbor. You must be c-confuse why I’m here again. I won’t take long of your time–”
As he explained his reason for his sudden visit you hear the annoying high pitch voice of the next door neighbor. You purposefully leaned out of the door frame and stared in their direction to announce your presence. Ticked off by the obnoxious one sided conversation the bitch is having with her mother, you started talking back. 
“I know hearing aids are a bit expensive but you better invest some of yourself a pair then maybe you’ll know the difference between inside voice to outside voice. Not that I care about your opinion though,” you clear your throat “I just don’t like hearing your whinny grating voice Susan.” 
Although Susan(not her real name) starts talking shit, her mom winces since she understood the sentiment, while you winced for a different reason. 
“That’s not nice,” he whispered. 
You looked up at your visitor, hand still covering your mouth as you cough. How long did you have to talk? It was irritating your throat. 
“I’m not nice,” you just set the stone further. 
He frowned, disappointed that didn’t shy away from his expression. 
“And not a liar,” you didn’t know why you added that. It kinda slipped out…for some reason. You sighed and held out your hand. 
Blue hair swayed to the side as he tilted his head displaying his confusion. God, your patience was already wearing thin when you could still hear the annoying neighbor’s voice now muffled by the confine of their house, the mom must have dragged her inside. 
“The *ehem umbrella. You said you’re here to return it.” Totally ignoring the other part of his speech. 
He looked even more disappointed when he unfolded both of his hands from his back, handing the umbrella to your waiting hand. 
A glimpse of the tupperware still in his other hand further confirmed the source of his disappointment. 
“How long will the muffins last?” 
And like a puppy finally getting his headpats he perked up. Still his enthusiasm had a pinch of confusion. 
“If you must know, these will last for five days if you keep it in this container,” then he showed you the tupperware. “Although the muffins taste the best when you eat it on the same day it’s baked. I was hoping you would like it freshly baked. W-why are you asking?” 
Unfolding your arms you point your throat. “Sore throat. Can’t eat sweets for a while.” 
“Oh, no. You got sick because you left your umbrella to me last night.” 
You waved off his concern. “It’s already sore from all the tequila shots from last night’s drinking. Along with my smoking habits,” you really wanted to end this conversation. 
The lanky blue haired neighbor on the other hand had something else on his mind as he pushed the tupperware in your arms. 
“I’ll be back,” he even gave you a reassuring smile
You watched him run towards his house, perplexed from what was that all about. What did you just get yourself into?
Not even a full hour until you heard knocking on the door again. Shoving your phone in the pocket of your sweater you slowly made your way towards the door. Before you open the door though you pull up the hood of your sweater enough to ease the chills on your nape. 
Your expression stays neutral as the guy greeted you with his signature buoyant smile, emphasising his buck teeth further. 
“Here, I made you a medicine for your throat,” he proceeded to show you a labelless bottle. “You just have to gargle fifteen millilitres of this for forty-five seconds. Make sure to time it right. Although this tastes more unpleasant than the regular oral antiseptic solution, it will soothe your sore throat in an instant.” 
This guy really talked a lot. You're just being polite listening to him till the end of his speech, but sometimes you wished he would make it short. And did you hear him right? He made it? Examining the labelless bottle, watching the orange liquid with concern. More concerned about the possible taste instead of the possibility of something horrible. 
“Thanks,” you cleared your throat again as you croaked. 
“You sound worse than before.” 
You just hummed this time. You’d been coughing a lot earlier, even nauseous since you are still recovering from getting stupidly drunk last night. 
“Have you eaten anything yet? Do you n-need help with anything else?” concern became dominant in his tone and he had this look like the two of you were already a long time friend. 
His sudden full blown concern didn’t settle well with you, even though you knew he was all good with his intentions you’re not used to genuinity. And you couldn’t berate him since you felt like sand had been poured in your throat. 
“Don’t bother. You’ve helped enough already,” you stepped back and held the door but you paused, having a second thought to just be a piece of shit as usual. “Thank you again, Rick,” you gently closed the door behind you but not without noticing the surprise, opening his eyes wider, looking comically wide awake than ever. 
The door clicked shut. 
Well, you survived. 
The medicine the neighbor gave you was indeed effective. The day after you were back to normal. Still the same indifferent bitch but cured of common sickness for a fragile peasant like you. 
As for the neighbor that helped you, only a few small things had changed. Like a simple nod from you when he waved in your direction. At first he looked utterly confused, eventually he seemed to accept that was the only form of greeting he would get from you.
You also received small packaged treats hanging on your door knob since you only get home twice a week because of a major project the studio got recently. 
Torn from this development you kept glancing on the cookies packed in a small plastic packaging secure with a baby blue ribbon. 
With a deep breath you let your back slumped on the backrest of the office chair. You raise your hand and reach for the anti-rad glasses your Aunt gifted you, and removed it. 
A groan prompted out of you when you stretched your back, arms extending, another tense muscles unravelled, before dropping your arms. 
Dull white ceiling encompassed your vision. You couldn’t wait for the project to reach its completion. Cramped up in the office for too long was making you sick.   
Curtains of brown hair and a pair of gentle brown eyes appeared on the edge of your vision, peering down at you. “Hey, wanna take a break?” 
“Not yet, T. Go take a break without me. I’m just stretching my back a bit.” 
His face moved out of your vision like he was pulled away. “Alright, but maybe you should stop teasing yourself with that cookie,” he left with a good natured chuckle on his trail. 
“Mind your damn business, T,” you grumbled feeling a bit annoyed. 
Silence ruled the small room, making your thoughts louder once you were alone again. 
Long deep breaths sucked the cold stale air through your nose, for a second you held your breath before slowly blowing it out through your mouth. You repeated the breathing exercise and stopped when lethargy was comfortably sitting on your shoulders. A push from your arms you pulled yourself upright and reached for the glasses beside the graphic tablet. As you pushed the glasses back your eyes it landed back on the cookies on the corner of your desk. 
The sound of the plastic crinkling disturbed the silence of the room. Up close you already had a feeling that the flavor of the cookies was another miss. 
It seemed like he made the whole thing a guessing game for the lack of feedback from your end. Might as well try it since everything he gave you so far was all good. 
Soft chime of laughter rippled into the stagnant quiet room. 
“Soooo, are you gonna tell me why you asked for a drive to the grocery store?” pair of brown eyes peering suspiciously at you from the rearview mirror. 
“Please stay being my good friend, T.”
“First of all, I’m your only friend which instantly gives me the vacant spot for the best friend position. Second, you never cease to be creative, especially when you are avoiding something. Third, I am your best friend, not your complacent pleb,” he checked on you again through the rearview mirror. 
“Now I feel attacked.” 
“One of the privileges.”
“I’ll take it back then. This is an exploit.”
“Sorry no take backs. Nuh, uh. The pack is permanent and you sign it, Helen even witnessed the exchange of agreement. You shall face my wife’s wrathful curses if you stop respecting the pack. And it will be a very ugly affair,” he said with the voice he usually used when he was doing the impersonation of his wizard oc.  
“Oh, my, god! Stop it you nerd,” although you were shaking your head you were having a hard time holding your laughter from the fond memories. “Ok, ok, you got me. I suddenly crave a home cooked meal. Getting fed up with consecutive days of take out.”
This time you saw him looking sad, possibly missing his son and wife. “Yeah, me too. I miss Helen’s cooking and my pyjamas.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I want to sleep on an actual bed. I need my heavy pillow.”
T, makes a gagging sound. “You need a boyfriend, asap.”
“Can you not! The pillow is like the equivalent of a weight blanket.” 
“The need to have something heavy beside you, is an equivalent of unmet need for physical touch, buddy.” The car finally stopped. “You can’t stay living like a single goblin for life.”
“Oh, I’m telling this to Helen,” then he started doing his evil laugh. 
Head shook from hilarity but the giddy babbling in your guts kept stretching your lips into a tender smile. “Damn it, Thomas! Don’t ruin my goblin life fantasy.”
Chuckling as he tucked the stray strands of his long hair behind his ears, he finally exited the car. “No can do. Now come on. The goblin lord needs to do their shopping.”
Familiar smell of the savory seafood dish in your home country continued teasing your appetite. Sure you missed the place from time to time, paid a visit multiple times a year as much as possible. But that was before. Now all you could do was just reminisce about the old times. 
The egg almost slipped out of your hand while peeling the shell, getting lost in your head again. Your shoulders sagged, the sound of your huff was thick of nostalgia, homesick to the place that was never yours. 
You shook your head and redirected your emotion at bashing one of the eggs on the countertop harder than necessary. This time you pick up the pace of peeling the eggs for the toppings. 
Maybe it was time for another cigarette break. 
You swore the next door neighbor will be the death of you. You stepped out of the damn house just to smoke in peace, and next thing you were helping old poor Victoria pulled the dumb raccoon out of the gap in the wooden fence. 
While Susan screamed in the background. 
“Vicky. Ma’am for the sake of my eardrum, calm your daughter down,” you said, almost pleading with the older woman. 
Dumb raccoon and its fatass. You tried prying the wood so it could wiggle out of the gap but you forgot this furball doesn’t have the ability of the cat. And the only way to remove the helpless animal was to pull it out. 
You made sure the sleeves of your hoodie were down just in case the furball decides to get too feisty. It screeched louder when you pulled it bit by bit. When you unstuck half of its upper body you grabbed it by the nape. 
The raccoon kept fighting in your hold as you carried it towards the elder woman. 
“Throw it! Throw that ugly thing away!” Susan kept chanting. 
And being the shit you were, you swung the animal towards her. The woman screamed bloody murder while she scrambled away. 
“You shouldn’t keep feeding this fatass, ma’am.”
“Oh.” Vicky’s face sagged upon frowning. “I always wanted a pet. But you know my daughter’s husband. He didn’t like animals,” she said as she played with the hem of her blouse. 
You looked up in the sky and hoped you had enough patience remaining not to get involved. It hurt you that the old lady couldn’t enjoy doing what she loves because of some asshole’s opinion. Vicky was old and she deserved to live and enjoy what she wanted. 
“I’m sorry, Vicky.” 
“No, it’s ok. Thank you for helping me. You are right though. It got bigger,” chuckling Vicky took a last look at the raccoon, there was a sadness in her eyes as she smiled in resignation. 
“It’s fat for getting spoiled by a sweet old lady,” you said smiling back at her as you readjusted your hold on the animal. 
Vicky chuckles but it didn’t sound cheery per usual, waving goodbye at you on your way out of their lawn. 
On your way out though you saw another neighbor standing on the doorstep of the house. The whole interaction with Vicky already drained your social battery, added that there was still this fatass in your clutch you needed to take care off. 
Back facing you, his shoulders look wider from the lack of his usual white coat. So, he owned other clothes besides his usual get up. Kind of remind you of Thomas from the initial stage of getting to know the guy. 
“What do you want?” you asked in a tone firmer than earlier. 
His shoulder hitched, obviously startled from hearing you out of the house. 
“I’m just checking if you are ba–why do you have a raccoon?” he asked, pointing at the wriggling furball in your hold. 
“Tried being a food burglar next door. Fatty got stuck on the wrong gap of the fence.” 
“You helped Katrina?” 
What a waste of a good name for an awful person. 
“If you mean the screeching pig next door Susan, no. I helped Victoria.” 
That woman didn’t deserve her mother’s love. It kinda pissed you off that was why you never acknowledged the woman by the name her mother bestowed.
“Screeching pig? That’s not a nice thing to say. And her name is not Susan,” he said, reprimanding you again. 
“I’m not nice. And she does sound like a pig. Anyway, what are you doing here?” 
He followed you all the way to the backyard. Searching for something to temporarily contain the raccoon before bringing it to the nearest animal shelter later. 
“Aren’t you releasing the raccoon?”
You breathe through your nose before expelling the air through your mouth, so closed on snapping at the man. 
“Can’t. Not here.” your jaw clenches as the trash panda continues thrashing. “I’ll bring this fatass to the animal shelter or Victoria’s son in law will hunt this one,” too. 
But you can’t find anything of use. You doubt the box will keep the feisty thing contained. 
“I-I have a carrier if you want you can borrow it.” 
You look at him like he just told you the project in your work is magically done. “Yes, please. Because my fingers are starting to feel numb and this fucker is really, really heavy.” 
“Oh, ok. W-wait here.” Then he was running, long legs stretching into a wide stride. 
The raccoon squirmed again when you switched the hold to your left. 
“Sorry buddy but you have to be away here or you’ll be eating rat poison next time,” Victoria will definitely be devastated again if another animal stinks up dead somewhere in their yard. 
Soon, the lanky neighbor returned with the white carrier, just in time before the ache in your fingers became unbearable. He even helped get the feisty creature in the container. 
“Are you going now?” 
Huh, you almost forgot he was still here. Crouched in front of the faucet washing your hand, you remained quiet. 
Did he think he could meddle with your business just because he lent you the carrier? 
Shaking the water off your hand and waiting for it to dry you took another look at the raccoon. 
“Yeah, why?”
When your hands were less wet you proceeded to rub it on your pants. From the wooden bench adjacent to the wall laid the cigarette and lighter, you grabbed it and about to light one, but paused when the man with buck teeth spoke of the information that entirely slipped out of your mind. 
“Do you k-know where the nearest animal shelter is?” 
Dumb moments, eh, it's natural you got some of those. Although you knew an animal shelter, it was a bus ride away. 
Blowing a long string of smoke to your side away from the standing man near you, you notice him fidgeting, fingers tapping at his side. 
“No. Do you?” you asked even though you have an inkling he’ll start running his mouth again. 
“Oh, yes, I know. In fact it’s the same place where I brought Ms. Carrot—before. I’m still sad about that last visit but I don’t mind taking you there,” and indeed he looks sad, heartbroken even. 
If he fucking cried you swear you’d gonna lose it. 
“Hey, you don’t have to come if it brings back sad memories. Just give me the address and I’ll take it from here.” 
Conflict was obvious by the furrow right in the middle of his unibrow. Hesitation took form by the multiple times his lips parted, words just kept hanging right on the edge, unsaid. 
“It’s fine. Just tell me the address,” you pull out your phone and tap the notes. “I’m still going to drop by for the carrier afterwards.” you held your phone towards him. 
He stares at it for a moment then stares back at you. 
“I’m sorry but I only o-owned a landline phone,” he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. 
What? Did he just thought that–
Your other hand holding a cigarette moves toward your face, the heel of your palm digs into your eye, rubbing it. You couldn’t level with this guy anymore. 
“Type the address on the phone,” your jaw clench shut in an attempt to grind the insult you choose to keep to yourself. 
Shame colored his face flush of red and he scrambled to grab the phone to save a bit of his dignity. 
“I-I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to exchange numbers with me. N-not because of s-something else. Definitely not s-something else,” awkward chuckle shakes his hunched shoulders. “I’m not trying anything, I swear. J-just wanted to be friends,” he looked all tense as if he was already anticipating some backlash, from the way he moved with caution. 
You took the phone back as he gingerly held it out to you. And a quick apology stuttered out of him again before rushing out of the property.  
Guess you broke the dork without even the intention of doing so. He’s lucky you have a high tolerance for a guy like him.  
A friend, huh?
The cigarette butt scrunched under the force from getting pressed into the ashtray. You just noticed the stickers on the carrier now that you were staring at it with your full attention. 
“A carrot cake? How can vegetables turn into a cake?”
You asked the old woman smoking beside you. 
“That’s the magic of baking and cooking my little sweet tooth. You can make anything taste good if you know what you are doing.” 
Stretch of genuine smile pulled on the darken wrinkled lips of the blurry face looking down at you. Reminiscent from juvenile years slowly faded by the passing of time, yet you still latched on to the pieces of those memories like a lifeline. 
“Time for a walk, fatso,” you said pertaining to the raccoon circling inside the container. Off of the bench you grabbed the carrier and left after checking the location through a gps app.
Not expecting the whole 360 of your entire afternoon, you were now standing in front of Rick’s doorsteps, waiting for the door to open and be done with all the socializing for the day. 
The door creaked open, it stayed ajar for a bit before it slowly swung open. Rick greeted you with an awkward smile force on his lips, and before he could speak again you handed him the carrier. 
“Thank you for letting me use this, Rick. And, yes, the visit went well. The volunteers will release the trash panda into the wild tomorrow where it belongs. That’s all.” 
Not waiting for any response you turned around and left. Hungry and mentally drained, you just want to get back in the house. 
Two steps more and you were out of the property but you were still compelled to stop, human curiosity you guess. You cocked your head urging him to speak. 
“I want to apologize for earlier, for assuming that–that you’re asking for my number. I got a bit carried away, got a bit confident–that we are some sort of friends now.” 
Huh, your brain was no longer braining because of the grumbling of your stomach. Besides the fact that you already got a lot going on in your brain and he just had to add himself in the chaos.
“Look, I’m not upset about it. But about the friend thing. I don’t know about that. Acquaintance, maybe?” you offered. 
“Oh. Yes, of course. Acquaintance. That made sense.” 
Disappointment was nothing new to you. But seeing it on someone with a genuine intention did sting. Especially when you knew he didn’t have a proper connection with people around him, you even heard from Vicky that the man has been alone ever since moving in the neighborhood, no family or relatives visiting, no significant other…nobody. 
“I better get going. Thank you again, Rick.” 
“Ok, goodbye–” The sound and the way he uttered your name was like the clutch from the sleeves, scared…desperate. 
Although you were used to jumping off the boat even before the boat barely sailed away from the shore, it didn’t mean it gets easier to swim. 
Each step still weighs heavily on your ankle. Another chain of shackles was added to the collection.  
Ugh, why do you keep getting involved with lonely people. 
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jackdawandicarus · 3 months
Okay I was totally going to post about this when it happened but I forgottttttttt
Um so on Friday I did what was *supposed* to be the final performance of the devised drama piece I’ve been doing since January. Our whole group were in and we all had complete costumes so that was good. And we all knew our lines. I got into a bit of a panic about it but eh I was fine. So the camera began recording.
When I tell you I put my WHOLE FUCKING HEART into that performance, I mean it. I’ve never given a better performance in my (admittedly, quite short) life. No hyperbole there, I swear I was blessed that Friday afternoon.
And everyone else was actually relieved because they’d made some noticeable mistakes (I also did but they were pretty minor, I don’t think anyone who hadn’t read the script would have noticed) and apparently our teacher couldn’t hear them for most of it, but I’m actually experiencing the seven stages of grief right now. Oh and also it’s like I know it’s kind of selfish when I write it down but honestly if you can’t project at this point then??? Like did you not learn this when you were like eight??? It’s not that hard??? And you ain’t getting a good mark here without it??? Yeah anyway you’ll have to forgive me for sounding insensitive this is a full on rant. These people cannot write naturalistic dialogue either :/. I wrote most of my lines but the two I didn’t I had to rework because they sounded like a robot. OFF TOPIC, anyway these people are so relieved and I’m fucking furious because I’ve been micromanaging every little movement I make to make the scenes where I don’t do shit seem like I’m actually doing something. For instance, I have a scene where I just stand there listening to the suffragettes give their speeches, so I was, like, straightening my posture and leaning in at the particularly ‘empowering’ parts of the speeches, pretending to repeat ‘deeds not words’ right after they all say it. Trying to make the bit where I stand up to my character’s shitty husband (I murder him at the end 👍) seem more realistic for my character to do. There *was* originally more material for me to work with, but it got cut. So I can’t help to feel kind of bitter about it. Some of their lines sound so stilted, which obviously isn’t helped with them not being well-written, but still. It’s still only happened recently and I can’t help but personally feel kind of angry at them I guess. They haven’t actually *done* anything. I mean one of them’s always criticising tiny aspects of my performance which actually don’t need changing at all (I dare her to try saying ‘a brief moment of catharsis’ five trillion times, one time where I trip over it isn’t that big of a deal, it’s not easy to say and it never usually trips me up). Okay I’m going to end this rant here 😭👍. Going to pray and give a couple offerings to Dionysus before take 2 on Tuesday.
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fuckmelifesucks · 2 years
Quick note: so i wrote this bit on June 9, 2022 and left it in the draft and forgot about it and then found it again and couldn't remember the exact end point of this. It's just a half assing of some theory, i think. I honestly don't remember. But hey it's basically a rant on my part and me over analysing things. Feel free to scroll past or if not, add to this if u like🤷‍♀️ well, that is if you do understand in it. I just posted it because I wanted to. So, eh.. why not.
Mating bonds
Let's talk about mating bonds in acotar. So far we know that it's some kind of a bridge of connection between souls and that a mating bond is the most sacred thing for fae and that they are super rare (yeah, not like everyone is getting a bond right and left 😐).
So, Rhys and feyre had the best mating bond by far. Theirs was one that was of pure love and connection. Feyre only accepted her bond with Rhys after she started falling for him. Similar with Nesta and cassian.
Now elucien mating bond. Their bond is similar yet so different from the feysand and nessian mating bonds. It is similar on the surface level. Like Lucien's need to taste, touch and smell her. But emotionally, it's so different. Because there seems to be no emotional connection at all.
Anyway, so we know the whole thing how people want elain and Lucien to end up together cuz of the bond between them, even though it's evident that the bond makes both the parties uncomfortable af and that both don't actually want it.
And i don't know about others but I'd rather not read about a couple who's been forced to be together without any actual sense of choice. But, what if their bond is not meant to actually be a start of their romance but rather something to help with furthering things. Like something with a different hidden meaning to it rather than a way for a happily ever after.
So here is how Rhys described the mating bond and its true nature.
And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So we know it's not some soulmate uniting bond but just something that may help in the long run of things sometimes.
Mating bonds that didn't go so well and are examples of this exact thing were tamlin's parents and rhysand's parents.
“You said your mother and father were wrong for each other; Tamlin said his own parents were wrong for each other.” I peeled off my dressing robe. “So it can’t be a perfect system of matching.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So again it's probably not for finding your soulmates. But it's also said that a mating bond can have a reason behind it. If not love then something else entirely.
Many mated pairs will try to make it work, believing the Cauldron selected them for a reason.
— chapter 24, ACOWAR
So there has to be some reason why two persons are picked to be together. And i believe that a mating bond is initially just something that brings two people together and that every mating bond has so sort of ulterior motive and not just love.
Let's talk about reasons why Rhysand's parents were mates. Why, out of all people, rhysand's mother was mated to the high lord of the night court. She was a local illyrian seamstress. From what we know there is nothing that special about her. Then why was she mated to rhysand's father? He could've been mated to any illyrian female if it had to be an illyrian, specifically. And he was 900 years old. So why, after 900 years did he get mated to rhysand's mother? He was one of the strongest high lords and his mate an illyrian female with no particularly exceptional powers. Because there were ulterior motives for the mating bond snapping between them.
Firstly, because of their union, Rhys came into existence, becoming the most powerful high lord to walk the lands of prythian.
That brings me to the question of how? Again rhysand's father was the powerful one. And his mother was in no way his father's 'equal'. Or maybe she did have some powers or so sort of lineage we do not know know of but still. Rhysand's father could've been mated to anyone else. Preferably someone who was considerably powerful too. Maybe that would've resulted in an even stronger offspring.
That indicates that their bond was more that just production of the strongest offspring. There were more ulterior motives to their bond than just the birth of rhys.
And now let's look at what's happened due to rhysand's parents' mating bond.
Rhys being the strongest High Lord with his night power, wings and possibly some of that illyrian killing power too.
Since Rhysand's mother was illyrian and it was custom for (half)illyrian youngling to train at the illyrian camps, Rhys was sent to the windhaven camp to train.
Rhys with his power combined with the illyrian training made him even stronger.
And windhaven is where he met cassian and azriel, his brothers.
Rhys, who would eventually grow up to be the strongest high lord, united with Azriel and cassian, two bastards who would eventually grow up to become two of the strongest illyrian warriors to ever exist with each possessing seven siphons for their massive killing power.
Then the bat boys together won the blood rite, becoming Carynthians. Hence, resulting in cassian and azriel being no longer looked down upon (kinda).
Rhys in that camp with Azriel and cassian resulted in mor meeting them, which resulted in mor giving her virginity to cassian to get out of an arranged marriage she didn't want. The consequences were brutal, yes but at the end of the day, she was freed from the clutches of the court of nightmares.
Then they met amren, the fallen angel, who helped Rhys control his own power so as to prevent it from consuming him.
And then the formation of the inner court.
These are the few things that took place because of the mating bond of rhysand's parents.
Now what would've happened if they weren't mates.
Rhysand probably not existing or if he was hypothetically, then he's not the strongest high lord.
Not meeting azriel and cassian which would've probably led to the two not achieving siphons or being able to take part in the blood rite.
Mor would've probably been the lady of autumn 2.0 cuz she would've had to marry Eris.
Mor wouldn't have been able to get away from the court of nightmares either.
They wouldn't have found amren so if there was Rhys, say, with incredible power, his power would've probably consumed him.
No inner court.
Rhys probably wouldn't have been who he is and maybe would've ended up actually being a cruel high lord.
You get the drill.
Anyway, so these were few reasons for the mating bond between rhysand's parents and it being them specifically.
Now why i went into this long ass rant...
Elucien bond is quite similar to the bond that rhysand's parents had. It's painfully obvious.
Both Lucien and elain do not like each other.
They are uncomfortable with the bond.
The only reason why they could be together would be the mating bond.
No choice for either of them.
Both had been thrown at each other.
They can't stand to be around each other for long, much like rhysand's parents.
Now it's already been discussed by many other that the mating bond between elain and Lucien could have other reasons behind it.
What are the possible ulterior motives for the cauldron to make them mates since now we know that many of the bonds are not based on love and equality between two people but with other intentions.
They could have really strong offsprings. Maybe even the next most powerful high lord, given, Lucien is the sole heir to the day court and elain is the made cauldron blessed seer.
Their bond could help in defeating koschi or at the least free vassa.
Lucien being son of helion the spell-cleaver, could also help in other things like helping elain somehow free the fae trapped in the stones of the prison.
Somehow, just maybe, the helion and lady of autumn drama would also unwrap more and possibly solve their problems too.
And many more.
What has happened till now because of the mating bond...
Lucien left the spring court and tamlin.
He traveled to the human lands to help find vassa, hence meeting with papa Archeron and the other humans, helping them come to the battlefield.
He met vassa.
His friendship with vassa and jurian.
Him finding a place for himself in the human lands and the band of exiles.
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disabled-dragoon · 4 months
해피니스 || Happiness- A Review
For those unfamiliar with my recent media obsessions, I've discovered that I actually quite like zombie stuff. I have watched more zombie shows and movies in the last six months than I think I ever have in my entire life and I need somewhere to rant about it. Tumblr seems like the logical solution.
This isn't usually the type of stuff I post so if you don't want to see it here are some tags to block:
curio reviews
not disability related
Today I shall be reviewing the 2021 Korean drama series: Happiness (해피니스).
This review will contain minor spoilers.
And so without further adieu....
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해피니스 || Happiness
Tumblr media
[ID: A poster for the Korean drama "Happiness". The title is written at the top in Korean characters. The poster shows a brightly lit stairwell through a set of large windows. On the bottom half of the stairwell, a man in a grey suit. On the top half of the stairwell, a woman in a white jacket and a man in a black jacket. The blurred figures of people run by all three of them. /end]
Released: 2021
Original Language: Korean
Length: 12 Episodes, Approx. 13 hours total
Content Warnings:
Violence; Death; Suicide; Gore; Blood; Murder; Attempted Murder; Cannibalism; Disease; Confinement; References to Covid-19; Gun Violence; Knife Violence; Kidnap; Classism; Resource Hoarding; Drug Use; Suicidal Ideation; Attempted Drink Spiking (unsuccessful); Infidelity; Child Endangerment
Summary: (taken from mydramalist.com)
Yoon Sae Bom is a special agent with quick wits and reflexes and another special quality. She earns the opportunity to move into a new apartment set aside for civil servants in a coveted apartment complex by pretending to marry high school friend Jung Yi Hyun. Yi Hyun is a detective investigating the spread of a mysterious disease. They are trapped in their apartment building when Han Tae Seok, head of the task force to control the spread of the disease, orders the complex to be sealed off from the rest of the city. Quarantine and disease reveal a social caste system, bringing out the best and worst of the apartment residents.
The Good Stuff:
The music in the last couple of episodes was so good?? Genuinely amazing.
Bit of a silly one: there was a scene in an earlier episode where one of the leads is giving a powerpoint presentation to a bunch of businessmen while discussing the cure and it got me thinking about the people responsible for making the little blink and you'll miss it slides for these scenes. I wish them all a good day.
The lead actors work so well together.
Actually every actor played their characters extremely well, especially the ones playing the more antagonistic characters. Bae Hae Seon is a fantastic actress.
Some people have said they didn't like how many references this series made to Covid-19 and the lockdowns, but I quite like it. It's subtle, and the idea that the country is still dealing with the trauma of the pandemic really adds new weight to the story.
Bar one child, not a single character in this show is wholly "good" and it is great. I would have liked a bit more recognition of the fact that the leads aren't necessarily always as good as they're portrayed to be, but eh. There are a lot of characters who are just horrible for the sake of it, and a few that are just downright evil, but there are quite a few who are presented in the beginning as these really unlikable figures that genuinely turn out to be some of the best people in the whole apartment block.
The Not-So-Good Stuff:
There's a character that's introduced in I think episode 2 and slowly built up as this "mysterious" figure throughout the entire series. He is then really, really built up from about episode 8 (?) onwards (bearing in mind this is a 12 episode series), becoming a major player in the final episodes. And his ending is just... Honestly a bit disappointing. Like it wasn't bad, but Idk. There were too many fakeouts.
Speaking of fakeouts, the closing minutes of episode 12 are just downright cruel (/j). I hope the writers are happy with themselves!!
I saw a review that said they felt the overall ending was a bit vague, and I can't help but agree. Apart from two of the main leads, the fate of the rest of the cast is only really implied and I think I would have liked a bit more of a visual confirmation of what happens. Especially after spending 12 episodes learning to love or hate them.
Now maybe I'm clutching at straws here, but it's established early on that the main male lead cannot/struggles to run because of an old baseball injury that really fucked up his knee when he was in school. It's a major part of this character. So explain to me how this man manages to run perfectly fine in just about every episode. I understand that he's probably exaggerating a bit when he said he couldn't run, but apparently this has really irked me.
Parts of the final episodes felt a bit rushed. It makes sense, considering it's the climax of the story and so everything has ramped up several gears, but it just felt like in some parts they tried to cram too much in.
Would I Survive?
Hey I reckon I could be in with a shot for a while, you know. As long as I could hole myself up in a house for a bit I think I'd have a good chance.
Rewatch Ability: 6/10
I enjoyed it, but, personally, I don't think this is something that I'll rewatch for a while. I'm not opposed to the idea but I just don't think it would be worth it.
Overall Rating: 7/10
Final Thoughts:
Normally I only watch a new K-drama when it's suggested to me by my friend. I think this is the first time I've branched out and watched one without recommendation, and honestly? I think I made a good choice. It combines all the best parts of fiction that small me used to love: the marriage of convenience to slowburn romance pipeline, the zombies, the morally ambiguous cast etc.
(And as a note, while there is a romantic plot between the two leads, it does not detract from the actual "apocalypse survival" storyline. The two plots actually mesh quite well together, and there is a good platonic foundation to the characters' relationship.)
I also love the whole idea of zombies who aren't always zombies. They "turn" back into humans after a period of time and either immediately regret everything they did, or want to do it again. And the more it went on, the more "human" zombies they introduced and the more "inhumane" the human characters became. It was such a good contrast. I don't fully understand the mechanics of the virus or how it affected people, but I don't particularly care. I enjoyed it.
Fun side note: I don't actually think the word "zombie" is used at all in this series. Everyone affected by the disease is referred to as the "infected".
🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️ [22 Zombie Emojis]
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damn-daemon · 2 years
I’m guessing your last post was about Daemon in episode 10? but all of that was totally in character for a guy who killed his wife and groomed his niece
I thought about not playing into this, but eh, what do I care.
Tl;dr I don't care that they write him doing bad things, I just want the writing to be good.
Spoilers and "rant" below.
First and foremost, this post was not just about Daemon. It's about damn near everything in episode 10. I pretty much hated all of it except the acting.
Now, I'm not going to say that Daemon isn't a horrible person. He absolutely is. He has done horrible things and will continue to do horrible things. I am neither here to justify nor defend his actions. And frankly, I genuinely believe that he could at some point choke Rhaenyra. That said, they didn't write it well. At all.
I think the Dany comparisons are apt. Both he and Dany are capable of doing the things that people are upset about, and the groundwork has been laid for both, but rather than build up to it, for both characters, it's like a switch flipped. One second they are one thing, the next they are something else entirely.
And honestly? I probably could have even forgiven that they wrote this scene if they decided to focus on it more, to let it breathe, but they apparently had to cram like 3 episodes of content into 1 for no reason, so what we're left with is an event that happened out of nowhere, and is gone and ignored just as quickly. Also, the worst offense is how Daemon is acting while Rhaenyra is in labor. If it was his kind of coping mechanism, they edited it in a way that doesn't work for it. And the show's refusal to address their mourning for longer than 3 minutes helps nothing. They should have ended the season with her being crowned so we could have time to explore how the characters are reacting, just like they did in episode 9. Hell, they have even more to react to in this episode, so the refusal to focus on none of that is an even bigger insult.
I'm rambling. Anyway, let me briefly address your reasons.
Yes, Daemon killed his wife. Some people say it was just her falling off her horse because it got spooked and he didn't mean to but I'm pretty sure that was just his intention. That said, he never wanted to marry her in the first place. Am I saying he was right to kill her? No. What I am saying is treating Rhea Royce as an equal to Rhaenyra or even Laena, who he willingly married is not it. She meant no more to him than any other person. She wasn't someone he loved (or even liked) at one point and just decided to throw that away and murder her.
This one is trickier, cause I am not here to defend grooming (he did it - got me there, I guess?), but this is more to address the current hypocrisy in the fandom. Everyone keeps insisting that we can't judge HOTD through modern eyes because "that's just not how things are in their universe." Well, if we are going to be doing that, then simply put, grooming doesn't exist in HOTD. So, we can either call him and damn near everyone in Game of Thrones a groomer, or we can stop cherry-picking how we are criticizing characters. Pick a lane. It's a medieval fantasy. People die of old age at 40 and girls are married and having kids at 12. No one understands the idea of grooming.
Basically, I just want the show to be consistent about how they write his character, and not try to make him a one-dimensional bad guy because god forbid a man who does bad things also occasionally does good things and loves people.
Write him doing horrible things, but write him doing those things WELL.
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everyjirou · 2 years
Concerning Art & Writing Requests
Hi. Althea here. I'm gonna try, keyword try to draw art requests. I will do it on either physical paper or digitally. I will also do writing requests as long as they are not NSFW. I like writing, and I like drawing, so I wanted to open up my "comissions" for it. No payment needed, because I don't know how that works and I'm not gonna ask for money.
Concerning Screenshots
I have finished screen recording all of Heroes Rising, and will upload the screenshots of Jiro from there before I do anything regarding Season 6. I might even do World Heroes Mission beforehand, considering it'll be a while for Season 6 to air all of Jiro's scenes. It all just depends on what the anime shows of her. However, I am intending on doing the other movies AND the OVA's as well. I don't know if the OVA's were shown here, I'd have to check.
Concerning... well, me.
I am not doing so well. Physically was always no, because *enter some crappy scoliosis joke here*. I know it's probably a TMI, but I feel like it should be known. I have depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I am attempting to manage them all, but it's hard sometimes. My grandma has a heart condition, and my mom has a tumor. I apologize for being so absent, and I have explained this before, but much less detailed. I am attempting to manage my personal life and my online life, and it can prove to be a bit of a challenge at times. My mom recently got some results back after her surgery, and from the sounds of it, they're not so good. My grandma is constantly bruising and getting hurt from the medication she's on that keeps her heart from blocking up the veins, and it's rather worrisome(?). I apologize for dumping all this out there, as it may seem like I'm just venting, but I did want to let you all know of my situation since I do tend to just up and vanish quite often. This ordeal with my family isn't recent, as it happened in summer of 2021, but it's still happening and it's still affecting me. I hope you all can understand my lack of appearances from these events, and I hope you can understand my situation if not respect it. I am trying my hardest, and depending, I may need to take a break if needed. Again, I apologize for dumping this all out there, but I feel that it needed to be said and acknowledged since so many people follow this account.
Now, don't feel hesitant!
Just because I ranted there for a second doesn't mean you have to hesitate with talking to me or requesting anything. I do not mind doing requests and talking. It helps me wind down and distracts me from reality. It's a stress reliever! I like doing things I enjoy. I like making people happy. So please do not hesitate to talk with me or request anything. I don't bite. The most I do is send memes. I appreciate the amount of support this account has gotten, from before I joined and to now. I hope to continue to keep delivering Jiro content! Oh, that's another thing.
Regarding my spelling.
I spell the character names a bit different from others, I guess? Some examples would be,
Katsuki Bakugo
Kyoka Jiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Maybe it's because I'm American, who knows. Eh, I don't really think it matters all that much, but I thought it should also be known I spell it a lil differently than other peeps. Anyways, that's my rant/post. Thank you all for your time and I love every single one of you!
~ ♡ althea
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boyakishan · 2 years
Mather post or something. Read more is basically old rant.
Old new old post.
Sup. My name's Boyakishan, I'm a writer and I'd mind if you'd fuck right off if you're a nazi terf, radfem and uh. More words here.
If you think any person of any kind, without exception of anything and within reason, have the right to both exist and do things regardless of if they're actively or not actively causing harm to others or being a bother to others.
Or if you're gonna make a big fucking deal out of it and act like that's correct and not just your stance on reality. I'm not gonna argue with someone who's assured they're in a world populated with elephants or sm.
And that's the word count for the stupid cunts.
Alright, so. My name's Boyakishan, I'm a writer, weird self identifying system (I'm not making a big deal out of it or whatever, don't worry about it).
Head to @boyakishantrinity if you want more writing stuff.
@boyakishantriage for. Main stuff?
And uh, @boyakishantriobeta exists.
Dunno what I'm doing here, but be aware. I am big dumb, I explain badly and like. Probably smarter to block me because I'll probably end up pissing you off somehow or sm ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Hi. If you're here to insult me, go ahead.
If you're here to ask any questions about eh blogs @boyakishantriage or the bitchy @boyakishantrio-beta . Go right on ahead.
Rp is at the Triage account, y'know how to use your brain.
No I'm not sorry, yes I'm very blunt and please tell me if I'm rude or anything really.
Also, don't expect anything from me. Like every person on here, I can't read what your saying. So just say bluntly, what I did wrong and what you want.
I give advice and AO3 will be added because surprise surprise I'm a writer.
Oh and advice means anything. Just DM or communicate and I'll see what I can help with. Not a professional of course.
Dear god I'm not a professional.
Anywho. If you're still reading this. Hi :)
^tldr: if ya send anything be blunt and state what it is, what post and what U want me to do about it TO THIS ACCOUNT. Or you can try talking to Triage. Since, y'know. She isn't me. Good luck m8.
Old masterpost
I'm an Chinese, Malaysian Australian with about as much loyalty as a semi experienced hooker. I have some normal clients, no one knows about the other people and the people who do know each other don't know I'm talking to them.
I'M ON AO3, SAME NAME. @boyakishannarrative for some previews.
To be clear: I am kind of an asshole and I don't care in that. I treat everyone the same, unless otherwise needed, and it's because I care too much. I'm "more mature for my age". Or, I'm at that point when you're really old and you've lived life. It's done and you just. Don't care. You're gonna die. And you're content with it. It still terrifies you and if you don't have to, you're gonna take up. Etc.
I like to DM interesting people. It's confidential and I can give advice, no guarantees tho because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Contrary to the confidence or arrogance I permeate I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm writing a novel thing. Aura and ReAura. It's on AO3 by the same name as this.
I'm a blunt narcissistic delusion insane dumbass with the equivalent qualifications as most dogs. I'm more wise than intelligent.
Tldr: I might be the greatest asshole you'll ever meet. Or I'm about as delusional as you can get and I'm very deep into the dunning Kruger effect.
I dunno, but I like to help and take chances.
Oh and if ya wanna see cute stuff as I find it, request to join the "CuteList." And I'll update ya.
I follow under philosophies such as
Fuck it
Fuck you
Well this is happening I guess
Well that happened
Life's dumb.
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