#i try to stay happy because i dont want anyone to worry but it isnt workin
alixlives · 2 years
i am just like
not ok
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iheartmapi · 21 days
can you write alexia x reader angst if youre ok with it?
like them having a pretty harsh argument (because of what ever reason, you decide) and saying the meanest things to eachothet. Even though the argument startet soft, it ended with alexia saying stuff like: „the team is even successful without you we dont actually need you!“whilst r is trying to recover from an bad injury or „sometimes you truly are pathetic you know“ or maybe „can you shut tf up!? Is it possible seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!“ or „no wonder you failed/lost/couldnt achieve/dont/ cant do this or that etc.. (the phrases are related to reader’s insecurities) alexia ends up going for a walk but when she returns r already put alexias bed stuff on the Couch and wont let her in the bedroom. After 1-2 days of not talking and ale trying to apologize, r comes up to her ( now even more insecure) happy but fearful ending pls make it as angsty as you possibly can. i hope it’s understood cause english isnt my first language:)
(I’ll try my best!!! Also don’t worry cause you wrote it perfectly and English isn’t my first language either so I get it)
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Teddy bear
(Yes I listened to Melanie Martinez’s teddy bear when writing this)
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Alexia doesn’t always watch her words, and she sure as hell doesn’t during the most intense argument the two of you had ever.
Angst with a happy-ish ending.
TW: slightly toxic, degrading thoughts about one self, crude language,
Word count: 1,925
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The hour Alexia returned home after being away with the team for matches, she ran a hand through her blonde hair..Alexia loved her profession but it was still a very tiring one, all she was dreaming of in the moment was a nice warm bath to soothe her sore muscles and a good night’s sleep..
She dragged her feet through the front door and dropped her bags in the foyer and went ahead to the living room.
Upon entering Alexia’s eyes landed on you, you were relaxing on the couch with a random book by some bestseller author which really could be anyone, but you didn’t really care…you didn’t have much to do due to being prescribed to stay home to heal from a recent injury on the pitch. Lately you’ve been apprehensive and often worried all because of your injury and inability to play.
You looked up from your cheap book.
The exchange of words between the two of you was short and awkward, this weird tension appeared in the house and between you two before Alexia’s trip, its genesis wasn’t really clear to her..but she figured it was all a part of your hyper-sensitivity from the injury and would pass quickly anyways.
Alexia passed you and went to the kitchen to fetch herself a drink, she gulped some down, taking in the taste of being back home before returning to the living room, the silence went on, but you weren’t focused on your book anymore, though you pretended to be, secretly you were eyeing her every move, from when she walked into the living room to now as she was standing by the window looking outside.
You gulped, “Alexia?”
“Listen I-“ you rethought that “We…have something to talk about” the knots in your stomach were multiplying from stress each minute, Alexia was looking at you, the intensity of her gaze wasn’t helping you out.
“It’s about this specific..behaviour of yours” You started “I think you’re- um..I…” What were you supposed to say? You rehearsed this so many times before she came back yet now you felt as if you were on fire and your memory was gone. “I think sometimes you’re too touchy with others” you finally choked it out.
Alexia looked at you with an almost judging look “As in?” She stated sharply, “I mean like..we’re girlfriends you know? And I don’t want to forbid you from hugging others and stuff but sometimes you act so..intensely affectionate, like with Ona-“ Alexia immediately butted in “Are you being serious right now?” She belted at you “For fucks sake Y/n…you think I’m cheating on you with the whole team just because I hug them or something?” You feared this exact reaction from her “I didn’t say that…” You murmured “You kind of did though, I just got back and this is the greeting I get? Can’t you ever knock it down a notch?” She started ranting “You’re so melodramatic, as always” she scoffed.
“I’m not being melodramatic” you said, you felt weak against Alexia but you couldn’t just let her walk over you like this in this argument. “So it’s wrong of me to be afraid of my own damn girlfriend being so touchy with everyone?” You protested “It’s always like this, I’m the bad guy and you’re the victim”
Alexia took a deep breath, you swear you could detect the anger forming inside her pupils, then she opened her mouth, and yelled at you.
“Can you shut the fuck up?! Is it possible, seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!” She scowled, you opened your mouth wanting to protect yourself, or calm her down, just say anything, but hell…it’s like every word ran away from you.
“See? You can’t even form a sentence, cause you know that you’re spitting straight bullshit” Alexia rolled her eyes “Sometimes you truly are pathetic you know”
Wow. Your eyes widened and you closed your mouth, not believing the clear poison coming out of your girlfriend’s lips. “I wanted you to get over this whole injury thing, wanted to try and make you happy, but you can’t do anything besides being stingy all the time. But you know what?” She waited a minute before adding “You’re stingy even without the goddamn injury, the team is successful, even without you! I hope you know we don’t actually need you?!” tears prickled at your eyes, begging to be let out, you couldn’t handle it, and they started running down your cheeks.
“Here you go now! Crying like a fucking baby, I’m not putting up with you right now” she barked before turning from you and heading out of the living room.
You sat still in your place like you were frozen, and truly you were, by the coldness Alexia just showed you, you heard her yelling “I’m going for a walk!” Before the front door swung shut. And then it came, you started crying, the tears marching down your cheeks and reaching your neck like a furious army, maybe she was right? She always was wasn’t she? Now you regretted ever mentioning that, but you acted stupid and brought up something that didn’t matter at all, now here you were, crying all alone like a big baby.
You stood up, your legs were shaking, in fact every inch of your body was, you stumbled towards the bedroom, feeling stupid but also cheated, the closet doors opened hastily and your shaky hands reached for every piece that belonged to Alexia, you took her bags from the foyer and threw everything inside…were you in an irrational state of mind? Yeah, probably…
Now everything of hers was in the bag, you glanced at the nightstand, seeing the framed picture of you two, kissing, but you couldn’t stand to see that happy memory right now. The frame was put down so that the photo couldn’t be seen by you and then you took the bags and simply threw them onto the couch, leaving them there for Alexia to see when she gets back. Now you didn’t really know what to do with yourself, finally you slumped on the bed like a picture of misery, left alone with your thoughts only.
Alexia knew she couldn’t stay outside all day even though you irritated her to the core, she just couldn’t understand why you were being so irrational…always acting so difficult, she thought to herself, she stomped down the street, already seeing the peak of the neighbourhood the two of you lived in, dreading seeing you again.
It was kinda weird, she started thinking about it deeply, she loved you, but at the same time you were such a big pain in the ass literally everyday..if only you wanted to cooperate and listen to her more most of your arguments wouldn’t even happen in the first place, you should know that she wasn’t your property, instead of being so damn jealous and giving her your attitude.
The house keys clicked in place and turned the locks to your home, though the home was literally a quiet battlefield lately. She sighed as her feet made contact with the familiar flooring. It was quiet, you were probably sulking in some corner and just didn’t want to greet her or make up for your stupid behaviour, always acting like a child afterwards such moments in your relationship.
The shock she felt when she entered the living room and was met with the sight of her bags atop the couch was immense. For a moment Alexia just started at them in disbelief before rage filled her again, she sauntered over to the bags observing them resentfully, where the hell were you? Cause she wasn’t going to let this go.
Kitchen, bathroom, small storage, balcony, backyard, nowhere. You were nowhere, but there was one place she hadn’t checked, the bedroom. There was no fucking way you just packed her bags and left the house, so you had to be there…
Firmly, her hand grasped the handle of the door, expecting to see you inside, acting like a saint..but the moment she turned it, it didn’t open, it was locked. So you were inside! Alexia angrily turned the handle a couple times more before knocking on the door. “Y/n?” She stated loudly, her tone was very passive aggressive, no answer. Then she just went ballistic and pounded on the door “Y/n! Let me in, god damn it!” Alexia didn’t stop until she heard your much quieter and shaky voice calling to her beyond the door. “I-I’m not letting you in Alexia!” You stated, “What?!” Her brows furrowed before she groaned in fury “This relationship is a fucking joke!” And then she stormed off.
You curled on the bed, thinking about what you’ve done, was this the correct way of handling things? Hell, you wished you knew, but nothing made sense to you now.
Two days, that’s how much time has passed since that ugly argument of yours, you eventually unlocked the bedroom and went out to see Alexia’s face filled with annoyance but she tried to talk to you once she saw you, weirdly calm for the emotions that were pulsating inside her, and in fact, she was the one trying to calm things down between you two, but you felt dumb and were too much of a coward to just accept it, the tension in the ENTIRE house was poisoning…and when you didn’t budge with Alexia’s apologies you two just stopped talking to each other
The insecure thoughts took root in your brain, eventually branching into a full tree with anxious and insecure fruits hanging from its twigs. After all, Alexia was always right about you.
The whole week couldn’t just go on like this. You took the tiny pieces of courage left in you and took them to use them to apologise to her, you kinda treated her like shit..and all for nothing, you did hug your teammates too after all…teammates, friends, family, people just have different ways of showing it.
On the morning of what was supposed to be the third day you finally spoke to Alexia
“Ale…I- I’m just so fucking sorry, okay? That was so stupid of me, I dunno..I guess it was in the heat of the moment- the thing is I love you, I don’t want to lose you. I was an idiot, if you don’t want to then fine, don’t accept this shitty apology but I’m begging you..” by the end of your apology tears were streaming down your cheeks again, as lately you have been crying often when Alexia had no way of seeing you.
You could see the gears turning in her head, trying to decide whether she was going to accept or refuse, she narrowed her eyes at you “Yeah, you were an idiot” then she added “But I guess I’m glad you can see that now, listen I just…” the blonde sighed “Please stop pulling shit like that, sometimes you really are too sensitive” she reprimanded you softly, it felt weird listening to this harsh “truth” about yourself, even weirder knowing that those air quotes weren’t needed because it was the most pristine truth. Then Alexia looked at you with an unsure manner, “I love you too, ok?” She then said, and you nodded, after that she turned to steal a glance at the morning sky.
You sighed to yourself, appreciating the so long awaited moment of calmness.
You should remember to listen to her at all times, even if it hurt slightly.
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ashton-sano · 1 month
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Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy
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Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser. 
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
    -Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that
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Meguru Bachira 
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
     --> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee
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Seishiro Nagi 
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is 
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you 
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.." 
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
     ->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place
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Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants 
    -"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?
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Chigiri Hyoma
 The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him 
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around 
    -A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑 
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco ii
Mateo Con Una T (Mateo with one t)
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: bad writing, charles is a bit of an asshole at first, google translate because i dont speak french, teen pregnancy, english isnt my first language so there might be some grammatical error.
a/n: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE SHOWN IN THE FIRST EPISODE! It makes me so happy to know that you guys really liked it. I really have sooooo many ideas and twist for this book, like you guys have no idea, so always expect the unexpected hehehe
Just to clarify y/l/n is your last name. This is your story so I didn't want to give reader a last name.
second A/N: for some reason i can't write chapters on my phone because the letters are black. I have it in dark mode but i didnt have that problem before. does anyone else have that problem?
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gif is not mine!
May 2018 
Charles Leclerc was a gentleman. That's how I remember him. The way he took care of me after the several rounds of sex we had. He is definitely the kind of man I don't ever want to forget. He was very sweet and caring. 
But he was only a one-night stand. I don't really know him, as him. The fact that I have to tell him I'm pregnant with his child absolutely terrifies me. I wish my parents were here. If they were, I don't think I would be in this situation. 
Charles sent me the address where he was staying at. As I got closer to the place, I realized it was the same place where I woke up. Is this his apartment? 
Steph left me at the doorstep. I needed her as moral support, just in case things didn't go as planned. 
"Go," Steph said as she hugged me. "I'll be waiting in the car, don't worry. If he does anything, we'll sue him. You have the money for it" 
Money wasn't a problem for me. I just wanted him to be there, I'm scared and I don't want to do this alone. I know Steph is here for me, but it is not her responsibility at all, it is mine and his. 
I took a long breath and rang the bell. Steph went back to the car and after a few minutes, Charles opened the door. 
He had such a bright smile on his face. "Oh, cara mia," he pulled me into his apartment and then close the door. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and try to kiss me but I pushed him slightly by his chess. His thick brows frowned a bit and then he asked, "What's wrong?"
I looked at him in the eyes and said. "We need to talk" 
February 2023 
I walked to my bookstore with Mateo in hand. Steph was the first one to greet us. 
"Auntie!" Mateo let go of my hand and ran to my best friend. 
"Maty!" Steph got down to the level of my kid and hugged him. "Uff, why are you getting so big, huh? How is my favorite godson doing?" 
Mateo laughed. "I'm your only godson, tia" (aunt) 
"How would you know, Alexander Jules?"
"Mommy told me, and Mommy would never lie," he pointed at me. "Verdad, mami?" (right, Mommy?) he looked back at me. 
"Si, mi amor (yes, my love)" I nodded at him. "Stay with your tia (aunt) while I check stuff in the store, okay? And don't forget to pick up a book" I told him, to which he nodded. 
Mateo Alexander Jules Y/l/n is four and one quarter. He likes to remind people of that. He is the most educated boy I know, and I'm not saying that just because I'm his mother, but because it's the truth. I have seen other kids and they are horrible, ungrateful brats. I hate kids. Except for my son. I want to think I did a good job raising him. He looks a lot like Charles. From the eyes' color and shape to the dimples to the hair, to the lips. 
I walked around the store, checking books that needed to be restocked and putting some books back in place. I went to the cafe and got my regular iced coffee. 
I walked around again until I got to my favorite section. Murder & Mysteries. In there, I saw a lady. Probably in her mid-50s. Blonde hair, she was dressed casually. She was looking around at the books. Picking one up, reading the back, and then putting the book back on the shelf. 
"Do you need any help?" I asked her. 
She turned around and looked at me up and down. "Oh, dear. I thought I was alone. You work here?" 
"Something like that," This answer seemed to confuse her. "Is there anything I could help you with?" 
She turned her sight to the books again. "Well, I'm trying to find a good mystery book but none of them catches my eye. I'm looking for something similar to Alexander Y/l/n or Perla Campos. They are my favorite authors" 
I stared at her for a second. What are the odds? I looked back at the bookshelf until I found the book I was looking for. "This one should do."
She looked at the cover and asked "The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle?" 
"It's not as near as good as what Alexander Y/l/n and Perla Campos used to write, but if you like their books, I'm sure you'll like this one," I explained as I see her read the back of the book. "Another option would be 'The Secret Inheritance' by Cassandra Matthew." (lmao idk if that book is real) 
I handed her the book and she took it gladly. She read the back and then looked at me. "These are very good suggestions! Thank you, dear. What's your name?" 
"Y/n," I told her. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Pascale" 
August 2018 
Pregnancy wasn't easy. I never thought I would cry so much in the span of 5 minutes just because I ran out of my favorite gelato. 
Today was my fifth visit to the doctor, and I was nervous as hell. I am more bigger than a regular pregnant woman, it has me fearing for my baby's life or even mine. 
"Okay, Y/n. You know the drill. Lay down, and lift your shirt up. As always the gel is cold" Dr. Williams said. She is always so gentle with me. Maybe she pities me. 
"I have concerns," I told her. She looked at me as she was putting on the gel. "My belly looks bigger than normal, is that okay?"
"It depends, in most cases, yes. It means the baby is healthy. But let's take a look" She moved her sight to the machine. The image of my baby appears immediately in the sonogram. She moved the transducer to another spot on my belly and I could see her eyes widen a bit. She was going on up and down in the same area. "I think I have a better answer to your question." She looked at me and said, "You're having twins" 
February 2023 
"Mami, can I read Nancy Drew?" Mateo came running to me as he showed me the first book in the series. 
I looked at the book and say "I don't think so, love. It might be too much for you. This is for bigger kids" 
"But I am a big kid!" The old lady, Pascale, laughed. 
"This is your son?" she asked.
I nodded with a smile. Mateo looked at Pascale and stayed quiet. He knew it was rude to interrupt conversations. He got behind me, hiding.
Pascale tilted her head for a moment, narrowed her eyes a bit, and murmured "He kind of looks like... never mind. What's your name, little boy?" 
He looked at me for a second. "Answer her, baby. It's rude to not answer to elders" I told him.
"I'm Mateo with one T" he lifted one finger.
This made Pascale laugh again. "Nice to meet you, Mateo with one T" 
"Why don't you take the book to Tia and tell her I say to check it out" Mateo nodded and ran towards the register, he stopped for a second and came back walking. 
"Goodbye," He said to Pascale while giving her a little waving and then walking back to the register. 
"He looks like a bundle of joy," Pascale said as she sees Mateo walk away. 
"He is," I agreed. "Is there anything else I can help with?" 
"No, that's all. Thank you for the help. I'm ready to check out." 
We walked to the register and started the process to check her out. I did the usual routine. I asked if she had an account with us, which she didn't, but she decided to get one. 
"Okay, Pascale. What's your last name?"
"You can just put an L," I did as she told me. As I was checking out her books, she said "This is such a pretty bookstore. I have never been here before." 
"Thank you," I said. 
"She's the owner," Steph spoke as she was playing hands with my son, who shushed her for butting in the conversation. 
Pascale looked at me with wide eyes. I laughed at her reaction. She inserted her card and paid. I put her books in a bag and grabbed one of the coupons. "Here is a ten-percent coupon to use on your next visit!" 
"I will definitely come back. I need to tell you if I like the books or not." 
"Oh boy," I laughed.
"I might even bring one of my sons with me" Oh boy... This isn't the first time a mother has try to set me up with their kids. 
"Please do!" Steph yelled. Mateo put his small hands in her mouth and murmured a small 'no tia, don't talk'. 
"See you next time, Pascale" 
"Bye Y/n," She walked to the entrance as she passed my boy, she turned and say "Goodbye, Mateo with one T" 
After she left the store, Steph turned to me. "She didn't say goodbye to me. How rude?" 
"Jesus Christ, Steph. Why would you tell her that?" I elongated the a in 'that'. 
I know I left you guys with open scenes between the first and third scenes but everything is for a reason!!! I might do Charles POV on the next one!!! Trust the process guys, things are going to get sooo good.
If you guys don't know (just in case) Pascale is Charles' mother.
Please let me know what you think of it. I would really appreciate any type of comment, whether is your opinion or just anything! It would def motivate me to keep going. I would really appreciate if you guys like and repost as well! So other people can be aware of this story.
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @heavengirls111 @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith  
For some reason, it's not letting me tag some of you so people make sure your tag is correct. I want everyone to get the notification and this is beyond me.
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mwalani · 6 months
hiiii!!!! hellooooooo!!!:3
i'd like to request all the omori characters with a genderneutral s/o who is super gentle and kind; like always having a soft smile on, always asking for consent, never looking phased whenever they do something weird, etcetc. also, could you perhaps make the reader / s/o elegant as well :3c.
feel free to adjust this request as much as you want! this is honestly my second time requesting to anyone, so i'm really sorry if this isnt to your liking/standards of interaction :[!!
take your time on this request, dont forget to eat drink and rest in a healthy extent :3!
thank youuuu!!!~
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Omori characters X Kind!Reader
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⌗notes - Hiii!! Thank you for being the first omori "requester" on my blog LMAO anyways I hope you like it! Btw, sorry it's too short, especially on some characters😭I love aubrey
⌗content - Omori headcanons of the cast with a kind and elegant!reader
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You always reminded Sunny of his sister, since both of you were really kind to everyone and also elegant.
Sunny is a person who doesn't talk a lot, like, literally, and having you to do the social interaction for him when he really isn't feeling like it makes him really grateful.
It was a bit... Refreshing having you around.
He was always with some intrusive thoughts on his head, and your presence alone made him chill more.
Sunny appreciates the fact you never forced him to talk, only stopping for a moment to see if he wants to, if he doesn't, you keep talking.
Another thing is that he loves how you never touch him without asking, it makes him more comfortable with you.
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Basil liked to hang out with you the most! Ever since what had happened, you were the only person who actually went to check on him.
You always listened whenever Basil talked about his plants to you, and even offered on helping him sometimes. When you wanted to hug him, you always asked first. Which was really nice of your part. Basil really liked how elegant you were, it was so amazing! No matter how bad his day was, you were always there to comfort him without even asking for him to do the same. Though he'd feel guilty if he didn't do the same, so you two are kinda of just being sweethearts to each other!
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Kel loves your energy!! He doesn't like negativity so having someone who can match his positivity is really refreshing! He seems like he would do a lot of those grimaces(that's the name? 😭). Seeing how you never really told him to stop, instead, laughing with him, made Kel really happy. Whenever he accidentally hurt himself or something, you would always help him to take care of it.
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Hero was really grateful for having you there, especially after the incident. You tried your best to keep everyone together, and even if it didn't work that well, you still talked to everyone. Including him. Hero liked hanging out with you, since you were always really gentle with whatever happened. Though he was worried you might have been just trying to hide your feelings 😭 (Hero is best boy frr)
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Aubrey was quite the opposite of you, and it was fun how you two managed to get so close. She would often talk to you about something bad that happened during her day because she knows you won't judge her or complain about her non stop talk. Aubrey has more of a soft spot for you, so you can expect her to actually listen when you give her advice or warn her about something. Whenever something happens to you, Aubrey will go feral to defend you, while you just stay there watching her like 🫠😍
She's more open to you than anyone else because Aubrey is sure you're not telling it to anyone.
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Mari loves you so much!! And you two are also really similar so!! She's always watching you from afar, in case something happens, like someone being rude to you because Mari knows you're not going to defend yourself 😭
Always asks for your opinion on anything. Literally anything. Just so she could have another point of view, you know?
And since you're the chillest of the group, Mari prefers to ask you. Likes to go out with you to whatever place you feel like going! She trusts you so she doesn't mind what you chose.
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Heyyy!Have you seen the spoilers for chapter 389? what is your opinion? :>
Hey, anon. I assume you mean chapter 388? Because chapter 389 isnt out yet. And for new chapter 388, there is not much say but here we go;
Bnha Chapter 388 Opinions;
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Rest in peace, Mr. Robot, you are true hero.
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Finally, Rei has the chance to show how much she loves her children, Touya. She goes towards fire to save his son. I love how first two thing she says 'Touya! I am sorry!' because thats exactly what Touya needs to hear. His mom is here to save him, trying to cool him down and tells him that she is sorry.
And i wish we get more clear reaction from Dabi because his face is...hard to read. He looks so shocked and sad but still, i wish we get some child Touya rec to his mom since we get with Endeavour scenes so we should've get with his mother and siblings too. I hope we get it at some point in story.
And this is personal opinion but i dont like Fuyumi and Natsuo's speech, compared to Rei's.
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Though it is understandable why they say this, i dont like it. Fuyumi says she doesnt want to lose 'anyone else'. This speech is like 'we already lost you so at least, i want my parents to stay alive'. Its like she is saying that there is no hope for Touya.
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And Natsuo's 'stupid big brother' thing reminds me of Shouto who said the same thing to him. He is thinking about his past and he says 'stop causing more trouble!'. As if this is all Touya's fault. As if Touya shut his mouth, none of these would've happenned. I think this is the last thing Touya needs to hear right now.
So i know most people might not agree with this but i dont like those speechs at all. I know its such an emotional moment and all, but i wish they told him that they want their brother to live too, that they love him, that they should come home already etc. It is realistic that they are talking this way, and at least they are trying to save their brother too, mostly their mother and father but i think they also want to save Touya too so i get it but once again, i hate their speechs. Its not helpfull.
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And Endeavour lol. I never have any expectations for him so i am not surprised that his decision is to kill Touya. Once again leave him behind, the black sheep of the family. Look, i do understand that Endeavour doesnt want other family members to die but he had so many chances to make it right, he constantly throw all of these away and since beginning until the end, he is just ugh.
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Meanwhile, Touya is already mentally out of it. I dont even think he understands what is happenning right now. He kinda lost the control of his power, his mind. I think he cant stop the fire even if he wants to. But i think at the end he seems kinda happy that his family is here with him so thats why he is imagining a world that he is accepted, happy with his family. Except Shouto, because because in his mind, he didnt accept him as family member yet.
This was painful to read. Touya deserves better. I am worried about him because he might get 'too exicted' to be with his family again and might be out of control more. I dont think he will die but still, its painful to read. I hope he and other gets saved in time.
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Before I start my bible about how much I liked "tart thief", I must clarify that English is not my first language, so I apologize if I am not understood 😔
I love how Riddle's personality is so canon! The more I read I thought of "THIS IS SOMETHING THE RIDDLE WOULD SAY", at the beginning of the story our red tyrant comes screaming and ruining the whole atmosphere of friendship between the students, I myself felt the fear of being caught! Even the dorm members felt afraid of Riddle even when they knew of his innocence and that was shown very well in the writing <3
I loved the obscenity and how he included Riddle's obsession with discipline in the Queen of Hearts rules (Excuses to fuck his lover <3)
Reading the previous anonymous I fully agree that the reader became pregnant. My mind is filled with thoughts of a pregnant darling and Riddle as a father, I feel like he would be such a sweet father afraid of making the same mistakes as his parents :(
In conclusion: I fell in love with his writing ❣️
• Anon 🦋
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Thank you so much sweetiesss T o T
What a cute little butterfly you are~ I wanna squish you >;33
Dont worry I get what your saying and honestly— Im afraid to say but english is also not my first language. Im chinese so Im still trying to get use to modern day fanfic writing in english and practicing descriptive writing is an experience. Especially for smut.
Usually in chinese its either very straightforward because personifications and figurative speech is mainly used in poems.
But yes! I did my best to impersonate Riddle and make sure he stays in character while also having that sweet sweet chills 7w7
I wanted a Riddle fic to have the vibe of what if darling gets caught by the tyrant boi and said tyrant will have to punish them. Huehuehue- im not sure if anyone has done it before but atleast I took inspiration from the Alice in Wonderland live action scene. That poor froggie :((
It wasnt suppose to be a smut actually. But then I wanted a scenario where darling gets caught for doing something rash and Riddle sees this as an oppurtunity and takes it. His mind is all hazy with all the rage of you daring to cross the rules while also being lowkey horny to get you stuff full with his babies♡
Though it will be a troublesome aftermath with what comes with keeping the child, the joy that this small baby will bring to Riddle will be all worth it.
Riddle will be looking at the newborn with such wide and fascinated eyes seeing it snuggled up in a blanket the doctors wrapped it up in laying comfortable in your arms and Riddle is just so eager to hold his creation. Looking at you like "may I? Please? Gimme gimme-"
Mmmmm Riddle being such a sweet father tho! But also a very nice husband > <
He promise to take care both you and the child and live happily ever after with the both of you~
He will probably live somewhere far away with you and be so happy to have a life of his own away from his mother and hopes to give his child the life he never had, giving them proper care and love but also still needing to step in when his child does something wrong. He will be fustrated with how mischevious and reckless they are but cant help but notice how similar they are to their mother.
He makes sure he isnt too rough on them like how he is with you ;)
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isabelguerra · 2 years
sexuality hcs for the main cast? :D
NO idea what brought this on but yeah sure! unless stated otherwise my work usually writes everyone bi by default, even if they haven’t realized it yet, but it can be really fun to play with different interpretations too. honestly its not something i think about often or keep too rigid, sometimes it depends on what kind of story im writing and what messages i want to convey. but sometimes we stay silly
- isabel max johnny violet are bi
- isaac dimitri stephen are gay
- ollie tends to flip between ‘future bear’ and ‘token straight friend’ it usually depends which is funnier in context
- lisa and suzy being lesbians has always been a constant in my brain
- if im feeling REALLY indulgent ill spice max up with some lesbianism. hit him with the dyke beam
- ed usually isnt cis to me so whatever goes on there tends to switch up a lot. i dont try to name it i just focus on feeling it. when ed IS cis i think him being the token straight friend is pretty funny. like hes the really enthusiastic type but means well.
- RJ is similar to ed. sometimes i like them as a lesbian. sometimes i like them not interested in anyone. sometimes i like shipping them w ed. sometimes other ppl. theyre a really fun character to write actually
- jeff is gay but he doesn’t realize for a long long time. where everyone else is a bit more comfortable with themselves hes still got a lot of low self esteem and internalized stuff going on, not in a constantly sad way but like he’ll be the type to think ‘man i wish *I* could marry my best friend! too bad im straight haha’ or like when theyre teens he kisses cody and has a crisis over liking it before thinking ‘wait! what am i worrying about! codys gay, yeah, so maybe it meant something to him, but im not gay so that means i dont have anything to worry about. i should focus on supporting my good friend. its totally cool if he kisses me because im straight so its like a pass!’ he is wrong and he is gay
- whenever i write izjo its always bi. if anything their bisexuality makes a bigger spectacle out of how they like an opposing gender rather than liking their own which i always get a huge kick out of bc its as if i got so accustomed to being around gay people irl and online that sga became the norm and i had to remind myself that mf couples exist and its an option and its okay. there are a couple works ive never posted where this is actually like THE central theme
- i joke bc i like making fun of izjo but from testimonies/talks/essays ive heard/watched/read this is actually a very common experience among bi ppl
- like when ur young and just learning how to exist and be confident as an lgbt person and taking such wild pride and comfort in your sga that u forget your oga. maybe even feel a little weird about it. confusion and nervousness. dare i say shame.
- im flipping the script…… of COURSE youre gay what are you TALKING about… what youre going to feel confused repressed nervous and weirdly guilty over is liking a BOY. or like yes son we know you like boys we live in mayview. but youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you. and then sometimes it has absolutely no significance at all and it’s just normal. again it depends on the themes and what i want to get out of my brain. that post thats like ‘no gay pairing written by a straight person will ever be as unhinged as a straight pairing written by a gay person’ etc. is it bc i want to write a casual+ comfortable gay existence bc ive seen so many bad u happy ones? is it bc i enjoy exploring societal dynamics by reframing them in the perceived norm? is it yuri? is it yuri.
- i just reread the phrase ‘youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you’ and im thinking i made it yuri. is johnny my puppet. have i been using johnny as a puppet this whole time to work out my feelings towards liking women. izjo is bi because i write johnny like a gay girl who just happens to just be a boy.
- i got distracted anyway spender is meterosexual
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auspex · 2 years
drunk rambling about mark and sampson below
their dynamicmakes me insane i need content for them SO BAD. sampson said and i quote that he thinks there was something real at thebeginning of their relationship BUT NEITHER OF HTEM CAN TELL (BECAUSE SAMPSON CANT REMEMBER) WHEN HE GOT BLOOD BONDED TO THAT SUTPID FUCKING THINBLOOD ABUSER ASSHOLE FUCK and sampson started spying on mark and MARK FORGAVE HIM SO FAST FOR CHEATING ITS INSANE because he felt SO BAD about the whole thing and felt like it was his fault evne if rationally he KNEW it isnt his fault he got targeted but BECAUSE OF THE DAMN BLOOD BOND TO JULIUS (HIS SIRE) he cant blame HIM for it so who else is left ? that dam nthinblood? well he got killed so who is left? HIMSELF so Mark wants the world of sampson but is SO SCARED sampson is gonna resent him once HIS blood bond to mark wears off and is also SO SCARED that the blood bond wearing off is gonna fuck him over but ALSO caNNOT bring himself to force sampson to be blood bonded agian because of all of SAMPSONS TRAMUA but anyway is SO WORRIED about corssing boundaires cause hes so worried sampson nly stayed with him cause he was forced to to spy that he wont call sampson Sammy aymore which he used to. its a whole thing. god. god god god . i dont know if sampson loves him anymoire but if he does im going insane. he wont say it. prob due to being worried but like. holy shit. i need a happy ending for sampson so bad idc if he gets back w mark or not but he needs to be happy. mark is trying so hard to make sampson hapy but sammy has SOOOOOO MUCH TRAUMA and its HORRIBLE what happened to him and the camarilla is so fucked.
and mark is just some guy who didnt ask for ANY OF THIS and he JUST WANTED TENURE and to find LOVE in a HOMPPHOBIC SOCIETY but now the MAN WHO LOVES IS AT RISK FOR JUST BEING ASSOCIATED W HIM AND HES NOT EVEN SURE IF HE LOVES HIM ROMANTICALLY OR NOT ANYMORE BUT HE IS SURE HE LOVES HIM. and hes gonna do his damndest to make everything work out but he knows hes fucked. but fuck. he just wants sammy to be happy man but is too scared to share in that happieness. and he refuses to believe sampson still loves him until he says it. it hurts him so bad that probably the last 2 years of their relationship are a lie. he feels like a fool. so he jsut focuses on all the shit in his life right now cause theres a FUCKING LOT OF IT to resolve but once he resolves it. hes gonna have to confront that hes horribly lonely. so horribly lonely. who does he have left? he cant tell anyone everything
for julius who he loves because of the blood bond; julius chose him. hes spcial. julius is so amazing and powerful and handosme nad perfect. but hes evil. on some deep deep level mark knows this. but hes blood bound. hes trapped. he loves him. he can Tell Julius Anything. and He Should
in their first meeting he said "you can have many sammys" flippantly. he doesnt care about sampson at all. it is showing that julius does not Care about humans in the same way. the phrase HAUNTS mark. its SO FUCKED UP. how could he love someone who says this ? You cant just replace people like that.
so he doesnt fully open up to julius, due to his love for sampson, this stupid fucking bartender who flirted with him for tips.
this is massive cringe
wow. i love them.
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alexxs-stufff · 2 years
okaay, anyone dont know who is Sophie. she is right hereeee ⬇️
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yup. thats not what are u expected from "Spark's adopted child", isnt it? i will explain to u abt her.
first of all - who is she? is that cat or something else? she is a fox-wolf hybrid, if i can say so. because of that, she had very poor health as a child, wounds healed for a long time. due to being a half-breed, she has a rather small snout compared to her parents. and parents hates her. why? she was half-breed. in their tribes (foxes and wolves) half-breeds like her were treated rather badly, and it doesn't matter if they were in good health or not, in the wolf tribe they were either killed without mercy or eaten. as you already understood, Sophie's father suggested that her mother eat their daughter, to which she replied: "let her stay, you never know, suddenly she can resist someone." but her father if he not eat his child, then he will torture her. because of THIS Sophie's left arm, as u can understand, because of father.
and tbh, sorry, Chuwush, im not copy backstory of your one character, just to know, Sophie was created in 2015≈, and then her redesign was in 2020. so pls, sorry if it looks so familiar.
Sophie doesn't know much about the world around her. mother did not let her daughter out, feed her only bones from the meat, did not give her due attention, and beat (or hit) her for every sound she made. the one thing that her mother made for her daughter - she taught her daughter to write and read. but we have "BUT", her mother MADE her write with her right hand, as writing with her left hand was "against nature" as she says.
and here it is! Sophie is ambidexter cuz of her mother and she was just comfortable writing with her left hand!
unfortunately or not, but the "wolves" violated the treaty by killing one fox, which was strictly prohibited by the treaty. because of this, the war began. many who died. what am i talking about, everyone died. no one was left alive. children, women - all were killed. even Sophie's mother and father. do you think that Sophie was happy about the death of both parents? no. she sincerely mourned for them, blamed herself for that war. but there was no time to simply mourn them, the smell of corpses urged her to run away from here while she still could.
aaand, after all of that, Sophie started survived only and only by herself. and she even learned to hunt small birds, mice, etc.! she soon forgot her parents, not even remembering their appearance. a few months later, Sophie soon find out she had already gone far. she was able to get there. able to get to the Smog City! u think she already meet Spark? not this time. at first she did not appear in public, knowing that formie would hate her and want to kill her or something worse. so she tried to steal things from them without being noticed. food, cloth, shoes, etc.
abt 4 month later, formies noticed that massive robberies had begun, but she (Sophie) only robbed food stalls, shoe stores, and so on. news channels talked about it.
one day, Sophie again tried to steal food from a nearby store, trying to be extremely careful. "come out and we'll show you our friendliness!" she suddenly heard. the voice was hoarse and rather loud. it was Mark. "b-but dont worry! we wont hurt you!" she heard later. that was Austin (u dont know him). they are "hunted" for Sophie, like u remember, the news. Sophie was scared, very scared, she didnt know what to do. she started to run away from them, Mark noticed her and ran after her. maybe Mark noticed that this time or Sophie was agile, but she was able to somehow hide somewhere in the wilderness of the area, in the trash can. "where the HECK are that creature?!" exclaimed Mark, losing sight of the fox. "Mark? what are you doing there?" suddenly heard blue formie. he heard Spark of himself, stood next to Mark. "huh? i just umm.. ahem... did you saw small creature with ears and tail?" having calmed down, Mark asked Spark. maybe suddenly he saw where Sophie had fled. "mmm, not really. i just walked around the city at night, not seeing any creatures with ears and tails." Spark answered confidently. Mark thought about it and decided to look for Sophie elsewhere, leaving the jester alone. "okay sir, sorry for disturbing, good night." said Mark, and leave Spark alone. Spark looked around and walked over to the trash can. "c'mon lil' one, you can get out of that trash." after these words, Sophie still showed up in front of Spark, but was in no hurry to leave that trash can. "poor thing... hey, do you want to eat something? i can buy you... a burger! you want some?". Sophie nodded. later, Sophie sat on a bench and waited for Spark to come, he told her to wait here. "here it comes! here." when she heard the jester, Sophie saw him handing her a burger, she sees a burger for the first time, she eats it carefully. "th-thank you... mr..." Sophie hesitated, remembering the jester's name. "Spark. you can call me Spark." answered Spark. "thank you.. mr Spark.."
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threeleggedbike · 2 months
a post in the wee hours, not directed at anyone following me, or more accurately, shouldnt be snooping here anymore. an offchance find if you were still really looking for it. an entire year later.
dont try prying, its just a note tucked away in the corner of a dusty room. chance find
was it worth it? was it worth it to pretend nothing was bothering you? to talk down on me because your self-worth was so low, the one year you had the sliver of chance to stroke your ego over me, you jumped on it under the "safety" of me dealing with too much to retaliate? i didnt fucking pity you dude, i gave a shit. you pitied yourself. not that any of this matters, you just wanted to use me. i was "investable." i couldnt even talk about art around you without you getting stiff and stubborn around the subject. maybe you shouldve kissed my ass more? licked my boots? creeping on my device screens didnt do you any favors. hope you like this aggressive bastard now, because if trying to be kinder and patient led you to believe i was enough of a pushover for you to treat like crap, then this is far more comfortable. i know how spiteful you talk about other people, they didnt deserve half the shit youve flung at them
where are you now? are you happy? congrats on thinking in the short term! now where are you? what, you thought my concerns werent based in reality? that i was just being a little hater when i was concerned how enclosed you thought about things? i was WORRIED. because the way you think isnt HEALTHY. there were good times, but its a lie to pretend against how stiffling the air would get. avoidance avoidance avoidance from everyone. i love myself more than ever these days, despite my flaws, despite my doubts. theres many things i can be proud about myself, for myself, art just being on the sidelines. can you say the same?
stay closed up, keep blaming everyone but yourself. stay trapped by your own doing, keep faking that positivity and acceptance. keep spreading me around as secretly a terrible person and lying to yourself, needing terrible circumstances to happen to "better" people so you have better chances of going up. you should hear yourself. WAKE UP!! SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND WAKE UP!!
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sphericalbee · 5 months
bro if either of my irls see this i will look crazy pahtetic idk maybe ill delete iti should probably just leaves this ini the drafts
im pretty pathetic irl anyway i think lol wo who carse
im thinking ab my middle school best friend and i miss her so much it isnt even funny
idk if i was her best friend but i always loved her so much and i think about her almost every day even 2 years later
ik she wasnt doing well and she didnt come from a good home and was awful at managing her emotions and didnt talk to anyone and she would sh (i only know ab bc of some complicated secret poetry thing but she never knew i had seen that but i think she meant me to) and i think she cared about me? i kinda hope not bc i want her to be happy
but i would genuinely give anything to go back in time and talk to her again for just a few hours
i want to text her and tell her everything but idk its too weird after 2 years
i think she deserves to know how much i care about her,, right?
i had to pause twice writing this bc i was crying too hard i worry about her so much
its good im godo at crying silently lol no one can even tell so sneaky
i saw a girl with the same hair as her last week and i teared up in the middle of the hallway because it hit me how much i dont know what shes doing or if shes even alive bc i KNOW hse wasnt fucknig donig well
my cat was trying to comfort me but i think he got bored and left he's so cute lmfoa my brain made it into a very angsty analogy b4 i had the chance to stop it 💀
im this close to cracking and spam texting her
i googled her just now and found her linkedin profile of fucking course shes on linkedin thats so inc harecetr where she says she wants to go to medical school and she uses fucking stupid old words like candor and idk i hope she gets into her dream college
im sure she can she was always so smart i thknk shell do rly well and maybe one day shell perform open heart surgery on me lol that would be baller
"I believe in honesty because it creates an environment that permits integrity. Allowing for candor leads to an honorable work space. Integrity is an essential value to have as it holds all to a high ethical standard. Integrity adds trust, which is necessary for professionalism. I plan to enroll in a four-year college for a master's degree to study biochemistry. I then intend to go to medical school and earn a doctorate."
she fucking talked like that even at 13 yeah and she liked running and read all the time and she loved gamed of thrones and i still own one of her shitty books and we met when she was challenging classmates to race and she was so tall and had pretty hair
sophia im sorry for crying i think it would make her uncomfortable haha
i have fucking snot on my face now shed forsure be uncomfortable lmfaoo
ill go watch some tv show and try not to burst into tears again in 10 minutes ugh maybe it would be better if i had stayed depressed having this many feelings is driving me crazy why r u here bro : /
i should make a secret vent account LMFAO my followers r here for ohshc and mq not sob stories sorry sorry
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solitairesys · 11 months
here's some highlights from my thoughts journal from the years 1942, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
for context, i got this journal after my mother passed.
for more context, i am a nico di angelo fictive.
tw, possibly.
my parents have no clue who i even am. i hope you’re proud of me, dad. afraid to go out. afraid to talk to people. it's difficult to make friends. i'd rather be at home, alone. scared to be in a big crowd of people. panicking about going to this event. nervous about meeting someone new. scared to ask a question, staying quiet instead. feel like everyone is watching me. if i disappeared, would you even know? i wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you left. a piece of me died. i dont know where to go. i dont know what to feel. i dont know what to do. i dont know who i am. ”but it made you stronger” i didn’t need to be stronger, i needed to be safe. life isn’t about living, anymore. it’s about surviving. im afraid to die. im afraid to live. i need a hug, but all they gave me was a box of matches and a knife. i was the good kid and i got nothing. was i raised without love? or was i born unloveable? i have a father, but ive never had a dad. fuck you to every person who ever took advantage of my kindness. nobody is going to save you. get up. please don't leave. everybody leaves.
why is my family so fucked up? my feelings? oh, don't worry about those, no one does. can someone be proud of me? like im fucking trying. "why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked me. no one asked. maybe i wasn’t made for anyone. i don’t know why i’m still hoping. there’s a reason i keep everything inside. i want to be loved but i don’t deserve it. i want to feel loved without feeling like i was begging for it. if i told you my secrets, you wouldn't look at me the same. maybe i deserve all of this. sleep isnt sleep anymore, it's an escape. a listening ear is also a running mouth. i've become so damaged that when someone gives me what i deserve, i don't know how to respond. i need to cry. i need to talk. i need to vent everything. i try so hard to help other people because i have no idea how to help myself. you will never understand the hell i feel inside my brain. its hard to forget your past when it's written all over your body i stopped being me a long time ago. i don’t even remember who i was. i want my life back. i want myself back. i miss the old me. the happy me. that young energy, that smile, that glow. i'll never be that me again.
i’ll never be good enough for you. stupid me thinking i was good enough. i don’t care if you’re proud of me, dad. its pretty fucked up how okay you were after hurting me. you realize that one day im just gonna snap, right? i shouldn’t be this kind of tired at this age. if i can still breathe, im fine. im forever going to say “i got this” with tears in my eyes. i’ll survive. i somehow always do. i have more scars than friends. it’s hard when you feel so constantly unwanted. i want to live, not just survive. i cant remember the last time i wasn’t tired.
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lepidopterium · 2 years
#like i dont have the energy to try and get myself into a routine. work business as usual so future me doesnt have to#catch up with everything ive fallen behind and let fall apart#i dont have the energy to reassure anyone that im suicidal but i will be okay. i dont know that. i dont want to promise that#and i dont have the energy to talk to anyone. barely have the energy to leave the house but i cant stand being here so thats what helps#i already have a plan but im trying not to go through with it for the sake of my brothers. but im having trouble caring either.#i cant talk to anyone. i cant lie and tell them im managing bc im not. not even a little.#listening to music isnt working. getting high isnt working. sleeping and eating isnt working. going out for air isnt working#i dont know how to pull myself out of this. i dont know why this last fight with my mother was my breaking point but it was#and i regret reaching out for help because it only#it only showed me that no one will help me get out of this house. i have to do it myself. no one can save me from this.#and i feel all the less human for it#and im heartbroken because here are two adults. so called parents. put me through years of abuse and horror who i still manage to care for#and worry about. all while im not human to them. thats what breaks my heart. thats what hurts#i cant swallow it all up anymore. my body is just racked with terror all the time. i cant pretend to be happy and engaged when i feel so#incredibly fucking alone with this awful horror thats just always clinging to every part of my body.#i dont want to hurt anyone. i dont want to hurt anyone. i dont want to hurt anyone. i dont know what to do.#everyone loves me because ive given it my all to not base my actions on how much rage and hurt im carrying. or with family bc i stay in#the closet and turn the other cheek. because i take all my wants and i put them aside and i act based on not inconveniencing anyone#and thats such a stupid thing bc look where i am now.#no one sees me. no one knows how to help me. no one can help me. and i cant keep enduring this. i cant keep relinquishing choice.#i cant get myself to believe anything otherwise. and i want to be selfish. i want to do the most selfish thing i could ever do to others.
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lu-twilights-pup · 2 years
It has been brought to my attention that you do yandere too?? In that case, may I dare ask for the, imo, dangerous combination of feral AND yandere Twilight? 👀 👀
*screams* i struggled not to get carried away with this one
yandere, obsessive themes, unhealthy behaviors, unhealthy mind set, slight blood mention, slight violence
this is not in any way condoning this type of behavior!
Feral! Yandere! Twilight:
He knew he had to have you the moment you met
And he will do whatever he has to to have you, but hes smart
he will take his time, gain your trust, your love, youre sweet affections
He can be scary sometimes when he’s mad, but a harsh smile kind of scary
He would never yell at you, no no, he will only talk sweetly to you
He needs you to understand how much he loves you
Will be as gentle with you as he would be a glass figurine
to him you are a little glass lamb
Isnt violent towards you but is rather cruel to others
Will scare people off because you only need him
He can give you everything you need and want
He will make you believe that they arent worthy of you, that they dont need/want you
You have him, and he will adore you for the rest of forever
You will never ever leave him, he will make sure of it
If you try, you will have to worry about the blue eyes beasts that lurk in the night
The ones that wish to devour you, chasing you throughout the forest as you trip into mud and rocks
But he will stand with open arms for when you come running back
He will wipe your tears, hold you close and rock you once he wipes the dirt from his boots
Now now he will always protect you, honey
After all you are his little mouse, and god help anyone who disrespects you
Some of your friends may go missing, then turn back up in pieces
Attacked by wolves that grown closer to town
Thats why you should always stay by him
He wont ever let you ot of his sights its much to dangerous, sugar
You will always bee safe with him
You want friends? Youre lonely, you shouldnt be but ok, how about a dog?
Wolfie will be there whenever and wherever you need him
and look isnt he cute, and he will keep you happy and safe
He will watch guard you when you sleep, and stalk accompany you when you travel
You will never have to be alone!
Even if you think you are alone, wandering the woods/hyrule
He will always be lurking in the shadows, protecting you from afar
Its not creepy, its a good thing, after all youve never see any of the monsters that people talk about wondering the woods and harassing travelers
Which is good, your beauty shouldnt be tainted by such sights
As much as he wished to show you the blood of his hands that had defended you so rightfully
to be praised for such heinous deeds done out of such sadistic obsession adoration
He knew better and made sure you never caught glimpse of such carnage
You were horrified when you saw wolfie covered in blood not his own
Never again would you be so worried
But the wolf in him wanted to lock you in the house forever, just for him and him alone
What reason did you need the outside world for when he provided any and everything for you?
You could play with him and wolfie, thats always fun!
Oh did wolfie nip you a bit too hard, sorry sorry sorry he will say
But oh how beautiful the mark looks on your arm/neck/leg
The mark that says mine
After all that's what you are little mouse, no?
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merakiui · 4 years
Hello! I come with an odd request, its smth i just thought of out of the blue, but can you write something for Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao's reaction to a GN!reader who has a soft spot for slimes? :")
Like they actually get followed by slimes but they dont hurt them or anything, theyre like their personal bodyguards of sorts ahhaha
I just find the slimes so cute, but if this isnt too interesting to write for its okay ;;3;; Thank you for your time!
Diluc, Kaeya, and Xiao with an S/O who Likes Slimes
note - awww this was a very cute ask, anon!! also, I hit the 900 followers milestone! omgomgomg thank you all so, so much!!!!! your support and nice messages are what keeps me going! :D <3 <3
🔥 Diluc 🔥
Diluc always thought slimes were annoying and troublesome. They’d get into his vineyards and bother his workers with their aggressive nature.
So he’s isn’t amused when he watches you walk up the winery steps, a group of slimes hopping behind you. He has to stop his work because he’s just so confused. Why aren’t you using your weapon to take them down? Why are they following you?
Maybe you’ve got some sort of attractant on you that’s enticing the slimes. Whatever it is, he doesn’t exactly care. He just wants those slimes off of his property.
Diluc stands out in the open, expecting an explanation as his workers look on in mild worry and bewilderment. It’s not exactly common to see so many slimes peacefully mingling with a person.
Even though he tries to dislike the fact that all of these slimes are bothersome, it’s hard to deny the fact that you’re so happy around them. You’ll tell him that one just started following you and suddenly it became an entire fan club of slimes, all of whom seemed to find comfort in your presence.
Diluc doesn’t really understand the logic or reason behind that, but as long as you’re safe and the slimes don’t wreak havoc he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to let them stay for a little bit.
Your cheery mood definitely influences this choice and he finds the sight to be endearing.
But that doesn’t mean the slimes get to stay forever. Diluc doesn’t want to risk losing business as a result of the slimes, so you’ll have to either spend time with them away from his property or on specific days.
Maybe the two of you have a small picnic in the forest and the slimes join you!
He doesn’t want to admit it, but whenever the slimes surround you like enthusiastic puppies he thinks it’s quite adorable.
🧊 Kaeya 🧊
He considers it to be charming in its own unique way. At first he assumes the slimes are up to no good, but when you hold him back from attacking he’s very confused.
And then the slimes hop over to you and they don’t even try to hurt you. He’s even more surprised when you go over and pat one of them, as if they’re your friends.
Once you explain that the slimes have taken a liking to you ever since you saved one of them, you’ve made it your goal to never harm them. So they’ve become your little guardians.
Kaeya thinks that’s absolutely adorable. His sweet, lovely partner surrounded by slimes… It’s a strangely cute sight!
Under the guise of a flirt, he’ll say how the slimes resemble overprotective children shielding their parent. And he slyly says something about how he could be the father. The lot of you can be one happy family!
But then the slimes turn on him, threatening him with their own elemental abilities. You can’t help but laugh as they surround you in their attempts to drive Kaeya away.
Whenever he tries to come within touching distance of you, your new friends are quick to lash out. Kaeya pouts about it, somewhat jealous that you’re giving the slimes all of your attention.
“I just want to hug you, my dear,” he says. “Perhaps even kiss you, but those slimes are quite tricky…”
Once you’ve had your fun, you’ll find a way to show the slimes that Kaeya means well. He is your lover, after all, and he’s not going to hurt the slimes. At least, you make him promise not to hurt them.
He doesn’t mind the slimes as long as they’re not going to cause any harm to Mondstadt and its people. And, of course, no harm to you!
The slimes have always looked cute, so he supposes he’d rather have small, cute things fawn over you rather than aggressive hilichurls.
☁️ Xiao ☁️
He probably noticed it when he was watching you from Wangshu Inn. You were coming back from a long day of commissions and a trail of slimes were following you.
He thinks it’s strange at first and then even stranger when they aren’t attacking. But there aren’t any signs of demonic influence and the slimes don’t appear agitated, so it’s really none of his business.
Maybe it’s safe? Xiao can’t be sure, so he meets you outside just in case. It’s a surprise to see him out in the open, but he just wants to know why you’re bringing dangerous monsters back to a public space.
You’ll have to assure him that they won’t cause anyone trouble. After all, the slimes are your friends! They helped you out when you were struggling during one of your commissions.
He’s a little relieved to know they don’t harbor any ill intent towards you, but he still has his doubts. Xiao doesn’t really think the slimes mean well; they’re always so quick to attack anyone within their proximity so it’s very weird to see so many gathered around you, peaceful and unbothered.
But you’re absolutely positive that they’re safe and won’t disturb anyone. They’ve started treating you like a friend and you think it’s only fair if you reciprocate those feelings.
Eventually, Xiao warms up to the slimes. It’s cute…in a weird way. He likes seeing you so happy whenever the slimes come hopping over to you.
As long as they don’t try to use their elemental powers against you, he’s fine with them crowding around you. Although he will get annoyed if they continuously prevent him from spending some alone time with you.
It’s a silly sight to watch him chase away the slimes as if they were stray cats.
At some point, though, he is going to want them to leave you alone. It can be tricky to have so many slimes near you when you’re trying to go on dates with him or relax after a long day of work.
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