#i wanna be excited but its like trapped and empty and weird
thinkingnot · 1 year
graduation ceremony tmr D:
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How was the bruins game last night?
-Anne (@coffee-at-annies)
or unlocked my tale at the bruins game:
Bruins game notes: I went to an NHL game. 
OK, so this was very last minute of my job. I had to be in a dress uniform. DESPITE THAT! I had SO MUCH FUN. 
It was military appreciation night. I got thanked a lot. to those who wonder: it is fucking weird, and that never changes. 
We got there before the warm-ups. We were in the balcony opposite the benches. It was amazing. Surprisingly the view was pretty decent. I've spent a lot of time at MLB baseball games, which is like NO GOOD VIEW. This was better. 
Also, weirdly: the whole thing was quieter than the Pride/Riveritors game. I didn't have to put on my hearing protection until the second Period for this game, but I had to from the start for the Pride game. 
Weird. ANYWAY. 
Goalies. That's it. That's the tweet. (can we still make that joke?) 
No, but really, I LOVE watching goalies come down the tunnels first. Waddle, waddle, waddle. I was really hoping for a bruin win for the goalie hugs at the end of the game. 
Onto the warm-ups!
I saw a warm-up handshake that involved push-ups???? 88/48??? Matt Grzelcyk/David Pastrňák??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Also the fuck the flyers. I forgot they had tda on their roster until I got the line-up paper on my way to my seat. 
also. fuck John Tortorella.
These military jerseys are Better than the pens jerseys, and I'm mad about it. 
One "oh shit" from an army guy on the big screen during warm-ups. Lol
actually, the whole unexpected delight of the people who aren't expecting to be on the big screen. I had the best time watching people be put on the big screen. It was so much fun!! (fun is my word of the month. deal with it.) (I'm not a writer. no siree) 
A net change?! After the warm-ups?? Like the ice crew straight changed the nets on both sides. MUCH CONFUSION. I have never got an answer about that.
Then the first Period happened. I didn't take notes during that period, so here's a summary: 
How?? Was?? That?? a? Period??? Either The Flyers chose today to be good, or the Bruins are having an off day. 
Like the bruins were waaaaaaayyyyy asleep in the first period. 
Also, anytime tda got the puck, he got boos from the crowd. It's amazing. 
Apparently, I have Opinions on Reffing, and I was agitated that the refs didn't call several blatant trips. So mad. 
Either way. The first period could have been better, and I had a lot of time watching carter hart not do anything on his side because the flyers were all up in the bruins' zone. 
The intermission: 
The mini-players in intermission were adorable. 
Also, one soldier had his infant with him (the baby had headphones) (he raised them in the air like lion king), and that crowd LOVED THAT CHILD. 
This heaped TWICE. Different children !! 
Also, both teams in the second were mad. The score was 0-0
And y'all. (please forget I'm from socal. I've lived in the south for years and its impacted my vocab)
The sound, the yell, the cheer, whatever happened when the bruins scored was terrific. It's effortless to get swept up in the excitement, and I did. I was yelling along with them. Oh, it was wild. It was electric. It happened three more times. It didn't get old. I WANNA SEE A HOME PENS GAME SO BAD. 
I see why players were so weirded out during covid, by the way. Having that and then losing it? It had to be weird.
Also, it's adorable when Goalies bug up to the posts. Love. 
To start, the third and the bruins goalie commits ice crimes (interference), and Hall serves it. And that is always amusing. 
Goalie taps at the end of the penalty are also still excellent. 
I was somewhat glad there was no empty net. It's a crime against nature that, for some reason, is very common. 
In the end, there was a WWII vet at the game! Which was fantastic too. 
The crowd also loves goalie hugs, and it was so cool to see so many people yell happily during it. 
Realizations while at the game: 
I will provide commentary to myself as I watch. "oooooh, whiffed on that. Yes! that was a good snipe. Dances around there. Nice tape to tape! They are now stalling for time on a line change." I think I did this at the last game too, but I didn't realize it. 
I preferred the hockey in the pride game, but the crowd at the bruins game made it so electric. The hockey was OK. But the pride game was better for me. (probs because I could really get into the hockey being so close.) 
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
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request: Hey cutie! I love your writing and i was wondering if you could write a Pete imagine where he and the reader are in a movie together where they play a couple and he falls in love with her. Pretty please! ♡♡
wc: 2.6k
a/n: i made her the love interest for the king of staten island cuz i just watched the movie and its so good!! but dw no spoilers
You walked onto set with your iced coffee in hand and your earbuds blasting music in your ears. The set for this movie was probably the most fun and relaxing set you’ve ever been on. Except when Marisa Tomei or Steve Buscemi was there. It was only intimidating to you because of how new you were to the acting scene and how iconic they were.
But you had almost no scenes with them, all of your scenes were with Pete for the most part. Technically, you didn’t even need to come on set today. You just couldn’t stop yourself.
“Hey!” Maude called out to you when she saw you, motioning for you to come over. “Didn’t think you were needed on set today.”
“Oh, I’m not.” You replied and shrugged. “But I’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Really?” Maude raised her eyebrows at you. “You’re staying in New York City and you took the free ferry ride to Staten Island? Because you had nothing to do. In New York fucking City?!”
You furrowed your eyes and looked up in thought. “Well, when you phrase it like that…”
“y/n, it’s gonna sound weird no matter how I phrase it.” Maude chuckled.
You shoved her shoulder lightly and laughed with her as you explained. “I have no friends here, I have no one to hangout with.”
“Mhm, okay.” Maude teased you. “So we’re gonna pretend this isn’t about you-”
“Shut the fuck up Maude.” You hissed. “Shut up or I’ll tell your dad.”
“Tell her dad what?” Judd asked from behind you. You jumped slightly as you turned to face him as Maude snickered next to you. “Why’re you on set, y/n? We don’t need you today.”
“Because y/n has a crush on Pete.” Maude sang like she was teasing you on the school playground. 
“Maude!” You snapped at her. “He could hear!”
Judd laughed and shook his head. “Don’t worry, he’s filming.”
“In the firehouse?” You asked and your eyes lit up when Judd nodded. “Thanks Judd!” You yelled as you ran off to the front doors of the firehouse. 
“They really think they’re hiding it?” He asked his daughter.
“I think so.” She nodded, joining her dad in watching you run up the stairs. “If they’re not together by the time we wrap, I might strangle one of them.”
“Not if I do it first.”
You smiled and waved at the firefighters in the station today. Because the firehouse that was being used was still a functional one, the actors and the firefighters all became pretty well acquainted. You skipped over to the back room where you could hear them filming.
Bill and Pete were sitting at the table in front of the camera. You stood over by the sound guys and just watched them play out the scene. 
“What take is this?” You whispered to the closest person to you.
“Fourth.” They replied. “I think we got it, though. Fingers crossed we take fifteen after this.”
You nodded and leaned back to enjoy the show. Your favorite scenes to watch were when Pete and Bill were bickering. It was so clear that they both enjoyed it because they could improvise some jabs at each other. You noticed that Pete absolutely adored including the handlebar moustache during these scenes.
“Cut!” Someone called out. “Everyone take lunch!”
Pete looked around and made eye contact with you when the camera cut, smiling when he saw you. He turned to Bill and said a few parting words before coming up to you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” He asked, leaning his shoulder against the wall to face you. “You don’t have any scenes today.”
“I don’t.” You nodded. “Came to see you.”
“You just can’t get enough of me, can you?” Pete smirked.
You rolled your eyes and turned slightly. “I’ll fucking leave, Pete.”
“Hey, no no no!” Pete stumbled over his words as he grabbed your arm. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Thank you for coming all the way out here for me. I am very very grateful.”
His hold on your arm slowly slid until he was holding onto your fingers, you curled your fingers into his and held his hand loosely. “You better be.” You scoffed. “Come on, let’s go grab lunch.” You gently pulled on your intertwined hands and led him out of the back room towards the front.
“Where do you wanna go?” Pete asked as his steps fell in tandem with yours. 
“You’re the local, you decide.” You looked up at him and swung your conjoined hands lightly in between you. “Surprise me.”
“Oh, so we’re doing romantic type shit now?” Pete laughed, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“Romantic type shit is my favorite, you know this.” You giggled, smiling and playing along. This little act you had going on was strange but somehow comforting. You would go on these ‘dates’ that were never called dates. And neither of you would discuss the logistics. But you both knew. And that’s what was comforting. There was no lying or hiding, just collective evading.
“I’ll take you to this place Casey and I would go to when we were kids.” He paused when he opened the door and motioned for you to go first. You walked down the stairs together and started walking along the sidewalk. “The owner knew my dad, so he used to give us free ice cream sometimes.”
“You think we can get some free ice cream today?” You asked, somewhat joking but also. Free ice cream.
“Not sure, but if he sees you we might.” Pete laughed and shook his head. “Last time I took a date there was during junior year. You should’ve seen his face, he was so fucking happy for me.”
“Junior year Pete was getting laid, huh?” You asked teasingly.
“Pfft, he fucking wishes.” He snorted. “Junior year Pete would pass out if he was here in my shoes right now.”
“I bet he would.” You hummed. “This movie is insane.”
“Not what I was talking about.” Pete said with a tight lipped smile on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, looking at him for an answer. He simply looked down at your interlaced hands.
“Oh.” You smiled shyly, warmth blooming in your chest. “I thought the sappy stuff was my department?”
“I can contribute.” He shrugged as he came to a stop at a crosswalk. “It’s that one over there.” He pointed to the classic pizzeria looking joint right across from you.
“Thank god, I’m starving.” You sighed, stomach rumbling at the thought of food of any kind. 
You walked in and followed Pete as he led you to the booth in the back corner. You peaked behind you to look through the windows at the front and saw what Pete no doubt took notice of before you. A guy with a camera up to his face was on the sidewalk adjacent to the one you and Pete were walking on. Lovely.
The paps were a problem you weren’t expecting to face in Staten Island, but Pete warned you otherwise. They were a hindrance on set, but they were even worse off set. A few times you were followed when you would go to get food on your own or you were heading home for the night. Pete promised you to always accompany you whenever he could after that, not wanting you to deal with the paps alone.
Cozying up in the corner booth, you were almost sure they couldn’t see you from outside. You let out a sigh of relief and leaned back, letting your shoes bump into Pete’s. “So, what’s good here?”
“They’ve got this eggplant tower thing that barely tastes like eggplants. It’s crazy good.” Pete told you, hands going up to show you how big it would be. “Should be good for both of us.”
“Great, we’ll take that then.” You smiled and nodded, glad to not have the anxiety of looking over a menu for the first time and take forever to read through it only to end up with a cheese pizza or something basic like that. 
After flagging down a waiter in the semi busy restaurant and ordering the food, Pete dropped his arms onto the table and looked over at you. “Maude give you shit today?”
“I think she writes it down in her schedule.” You replied and laughed. “I think she means well, though.”
“She’s like my real little sister now.” Pete nodded as he spread open his palm next to your hand on the table. “Her and Casey have joined forces.”
Lifting your hand gently, you traced the lines on his palms with your fingers. “How is Casey? She excited to shoot next week?”
“Yeah, yeah. She’s a little nervous.” Pete replied as he held your hand in his, trapping your tracing fingers in between his. “She’s going back and forth on whether she wants to come or not.”
“No, she should come!” You said, whining at the thought of losing that scene in the movie. “She’s gonna be great. Did you tell her that she’s my favorite character in the movie?”
Sighing, Pete rolled his eyes and nodded. “I did and she won’t shut up about it.”
Lunch included lots of jokes and laughter, with your hand in his the whole time. Neither of you said anything about the hands, or the fact that you trapped one of his legs in between yours under the table. No lying or hiding, just collective evading. 
Both of you only managed to eat half of the truly gigantic eggplant tower, so you decided to have it packed up for later. You called over a waiter, a different one this time who seemed to be a teenager by the looks of it, who clearly recognized you or at least Pete. They quickly nodded and smiled, taking the plate of food from your table and the empty glasses. You saw them skitter off and whisper to one of their colleagues along the way, no doubt telling them that you were here.
“I think we’ve been caught.” You whispered to Pete. He looked over to where you were facing and sighed.
“I think we have.” Pete chuckled. “Watch, Andy’s gonna come out any minute now.”
Exactly as Pete predicted, a tall man with a huge grin on his face came out from the back. He marched over to your table with open arms. “Peter! It’s been so long, young man!”
Pete stood up and gave the man a hug. “Hey Andy, how are you?”
Andy pulled away and gave Pete a heavy pat on the shoulder. “I ain’t any younger pal, I can tell you that.” He said with the heaviest New York accent you’ve ever heard. He sneaked a few glances at you as he spoke, clearly curious. “Who’s your friend, Peter?”
Pete’s cheeks grew a little red as he cleared his throat. “Andy, this is y/n. She’s my co-star in this movie we’re shooting.”
“Co-star? Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?” Andy mumbled as he turned to look at you as you stood up to face him. “Is he treating you good?”
You laughed and nodded. “Of course he is, Pete’s a great guy. You should know, Pete says you’ve known each other since he was a kid.”
“I have, I have. Used to give him free ice cream. I bet he didn’t tell you that.” Andy pointed at Pete accusingly. 
“He did, actually.” You hummed. 
“Good, ‘cause you’re getting some today too.” Andy nodded before turning to face the kitchen. “Sammy! Get me two ice cream cones, mixed!”
“No, that’s alright-” You started before Andy interrupted you. 
“It’s my treat, kid.” Andy said with a kind smile. “For Pete and his co-star.”
With your ice cream cones and bag of leftover food in hand, you and Pete said your goodbyes to Andy as you left the restaurant. You kept close to Pete as you walked down the sidewalk, the same pap from earlier could be seen in the corner of your eye. But he didn’t seem to be following you, so you calmed down slightly. 
“Holy shit!” You gasped when it hit you, eyes wide. “We’re late! I didn’t even feel the time.”
Pete glanced at his watch and saw that it had been way more than fifteen minutes. You had been off set for almost forty minutes at this point. He looked at you and you both paused for a second before bursting into laughter. He shrugged with a frown. “Oh well.”
You continued your stroll in a comfortable silence as you both finished your ice cream. You spotted a little playground hidden behind a few trees as you popped the last bit of the crunchy cone in your mouth. “Look Pete, swings.” You pointed.
“You wanna go on the swings?” He asked and you nodded. “You’re not worried about Judd on set?”
“What set?” You asked with faux confusion. “I wasn’t called on set today.” Pete laughed as he let you pull him towards the swings.
Neither of you were swinging really, your younger self would have been disappointed at your lack of enthusiasm. You were both just swaying next to each other, holding the two chains in between you to keep yourself from swaying too far away. 
“Isn’t it weird how normal people don’t have to make things official?” Pete asked all of a sudden. “With relationships, I mean. If they figure that shit out with each other, that’s it. They don’t need to post something stupid on Instagram or whatever.”
“I guess, yeah.” You nodded. “But who do you consider to be not normal?”
“Us.” He said, eyes downcast at the bag of food he put on the ground between the swings.
You paused to articulate your thoughts. “We don’t have to do anything if we don’t want to. Fuck Instagram. We are normal people.”
Pete laughed at your tone, defensive but not against him. “We are.”
This time you looked down at the ground and avoided Pete’s gaze. “Is this… Is this about us? You and me?”
Pete didn’t answer. His silence on this topic has never scared you until now. Was he thinking of being serious with you? Or the opposite? Was this his messed up way of letting you down slowly? The collective evading was no longer comforting but frightening. Was he just playing around with your feelings while you thought it was a slow start to something you didn’t know you wanted?
“I think I’m in love with you.” 
With wide eyes you looked back up at Pete, seeing the anxiousness in his eyes. “What?” You asked softly.
“I-I wasn’t sure, but then I was talking to-” You cut him off with a kiss, pulling his swing closer to yours and placing a hand on his cheek. He moaned lightly into the kiss and placed his hand on your waist, turning your swing to face him properly.
You pulled away slowly and sighed. “I think I’m in love with you, too.”
That was your first kiss with Pete. The thought made you laugh. “What’s funny?” He asked.
“That was our first kiss.” You said and he nodded. “So you’re saying that you fell in love with me before we even kissed?”
“Yes?” Pete furrowed his eyebrows. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Not necessarily, no.” You shook your head. “But what if I was a bad kisser?”
Pete clicked his tongue and pulled away with a laugh. “You’re not a bad kisser.”
“But what if I was?” You retorted, giggling. “Would you still love me if I was a bad kisser?”
“First of all, yes.” Pete pointed out. “Second, you wouldn’t be a bad kisser.”
“But what if I was?” You repeated.
“We would have lots and lots of practice.”
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Uncle Jimmy
Jimmy Conway x Reader
TW: smut!, light alcohol drinking, Daddy kink, age gap
Word count: 3.2k
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"Fuck!" you shout as Tommy sends drink glasses flying, all for the punchline of another one is his jokes. You're at the bar in the restaurant you hung out in every week with all your favorite wise guys; you and your crime family practically own the joint at this point.
As you're using a napkin to dry up some of the champagne that had gotten on your cute black bodycon dress, when you suddenly feel a tall presence behind you, "Watch your mouth, young lady. Good girls don't curse."
You look at him nonchalantly over your shoulder, "You know I'm 21 now, just like Tommy and Henry, you don't have to take care of me any more..." In fact, Jimmy is well aware that you're 21 now, and it isn't lost on you how all over you he's been.
His hands slide over your sides, pulling you close to him, as he whispers in your ear, "I know you're a grown woman now, but Uncle Jimmy still wants to care of his girl..." He'd never done anything like this before, and it sent shivers down your spine right to your center. Your eyes widen in shock, both at his comment and how your body responded to it.
You quickly push his hands off of you, turning around to face him, "Order me a drink then, if you wanna take care of me so bad." It came out of your mouth before you could even think, and you weren't completely sure what you meant by it, but Jimmy hails the bartender and places an order for something he knows you'd like: the first drink you ever had, a Cherrys Sour.
Back when you were still in high school, Jimmy made it for you one night when you were staying with him, saying how he wanted to "be there for your first drink, your first REAL drink, because I'm the uncle that'll let you get away with it."
When the bartender drops your drink off, Jimmy picks it up and holds it a few inches from your face. He plucks the cherry off the rim, and although he's tempted to steal it, he places it gently against your lips, appreciating the way the bright red fruit looks against your pouty bottom lip and the way your tongue flicks out to pull it into your mouth and popping it off its stem.
After that, he couldn't help himself. He places a hand on your cheek and the glass to your lips, making you take a sip of your drink. You close your eyes, nose wrinkling a bit as the liquid coats your taste buds.
"Just like the first time..." Jimmy reminisces, "How's that for being taken care of, darlin'?" You slip the drink out of Jimmy's hand and simply give him a look, trying to be pouty, but the man could tell you liked it.
Jimmy ordered himself the same drink; he just loves cherries, and he leaves you for a little while to go greet a few people, including your dad...
But he isn't gone for long, before he saunters up behind you again, setting his empty glass and placing his hands on the bar on either side of you, trapping you in.
"Jimmy..." you whine, looking down at the bar, but he can't see the smile on your face.
"(Y/N)..." he mimics you. He gently and slowly touches his chest to your back, and combs your hair away from your neck, placing a few soft kisses there.
"Jimmy," you breath heavily, "my dad is here..."
"Well then we better get out of here before he sees us," he leaves a little kiss on the shell of your ear, as he presses the beginnings of his arousal against your backside.
"Ooo-ooooh!!! Looks like Uncle Jimmy noticed our little (Y/N) is all grown up!" Henry hollers down the bar.
"Maybe he wants to be her Daddy Jimmy now! God knows he's old enough to be!" Tommy cuts in.
The place is filled with laughter, and simultaneously, you and Jimmy cut looks that could kill at Tommy and Henry. Jimmy makes a move to storm over to them but you grab his hand, holding him back. "You're just jealous Uncle Jimmy never loved you as much as he loves me," you throw over your shoulder as you drag Jimmy out of the restaurant, laughing as soon as the cool night air hits your faces.
Through his laughter, Jimmy unlocks the passenger door of his car, pushing you in and sliding in after you. With you at the wheel, he cranks up the car and says, "Why don't you take us somewhere, baby girl?"
Things go quiet for a moment, then a big smile spreads across your face. You don't get to drive much, and he knows how much you love to.
"You aren't drunk or anything, are you?" he whispers, always checking on you.
"No, I just had the one drink you got me," you answer.
"Good good, you know I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you," he kisses your cheek and pats your thigh, indicating that you should drive now.
You weren't sure where to go, so you just drove to this little park that took up just a block. There are some swings and a jungle gym, but also some trees and grass and benches. You didn't know what Jimmy would think but you thought it might be romantic.
He chuckles as you stop the car, "You want Uncle Jimmy to take you to the park?"
"Hmmm, I think you meant 'Daddy'" you say, mocking Tommy.
He lets out a little grunt and places a hand on your cheek, wiping his thumb across your bottom lip, "Watch your mouth, I'm warning you..."
"But... That's not even a curse word," you say, but then it clicks in your head. You decide to store that information away for later, and you both get out the car.
You quickly discover the fence to the park is locked, but that kind of thing never stopped you and Jimmy before. You slip off your heels, handing them to the man next to you, and start climbing the fence.
"Hey! Be careful!!" He shouts, but you were already over the other side before he could stop you... and he wasn't really sure how you climbed the fence in a dress that tight.
He takes your shoes over to the car, tossing them in the back seat and pulling out a blanket, probably there so he could wrap a body if he needed to, but he figured you could use it to sit on the grass.
He throws it over the fence to you before fumbling over the thing himself; he was much more graceful about it when he had a cop after him.
Inside the park, you stroll around for a while, getting used to Jimmy being all sweet on you like this. You liked it, but he had always been your Uncle Jimmy, so it's a little weird at first.
You walk over to the swings, plopping down in one. Jimmy stands behind you, gently pushing and pulling the chains back and forth. You look back at him and you both share a giggle as he starts pushing you harder, really getting the swing to go. Your giggles grow into hysterical laughter as you fly through the air.
Jimmy leaves you to your own devices to swing as long as you'd like, while he sits on the swing next to yours and pulls out a cigarette, smiling from ear to ear as he watches you.
As your swing slows down, you pluck the cigarette from his fingers, taking a drag on it. He quickly gets it back, saying, "Hey! That's not good for you, baby," in a serious tone.
"It's not good for you either..." you say as your swing comes to a halt.
"Yeah, well. Do as I say, not as I do." Jimmy says, pulling your swing over to his. There's a pause for a moment before he changes the subject, "I'm gonna kiss you now. Are you gonna let me?"
"Why don't you try it and see?" you tease him.
With that, he pulls you off of your swing and onto his lap, holding your waist as his lips meet yours in an open mouthed kiss that can only be described as electric. Jimmy didn't do anything half-assed, especially kissing you. One of his hands tangles in your hair, and you hold his cheeks in your hands as you make out.
He sucks his bottom lip into your mouth, giving it a delightful little nibble that makes you squirm. Your hands move to squeeze at his sides while you desperately kiss one another, both realizing you'd wanted each other much longer than you thought. His hands grab your hips and lift you up so he can stand and wrap your legs around his waist; his lips never leaving yours. He walks a few steps over to the grass and sinks to his knees, laying you down in the damp but soft grass. He grips at your thigh, hard; it'll probably leave little bruises where his fingertips are.
You let out a little whine and he realizes he's hurting you, "I'm sorry, honey."
"It's okay..." you breathe out, "Daddy..."
You watch as he gets a lust blown look in his eyes from your use of that word, and his lips slam back into yours. He starts grinding his hardness against you, "Say it again," he mumbles through attacking your lips.
"Mmm!" you push him of you a little, making him stop and look in your eyes, "Daddy."
His eyes are practically begging you, for what you aren't sure, but he lowers his head and softly kisses at your decolletage. Your fingers grace over his head, threatening to mess up his gelled hair. As his lips give attention to the top of your breasts, Jimmy's voice pipes up, "(Y/N)," his eyes look up at you, "Let me make love to you."
His hand creeps up, intertwining your fingers with his and pinning your hand to the ground. His face meets yours with another fiery kiss.
"Jimmy," you moan against his lips, "What if we get caught?"
"Well, it could be kind of exciting if we get caught," he presses a kiss to your earlobe.
"I mean, by the cops... What if we get in trouble?"
"Listen to yourself, princess, when did you ever care about getting in trouble? Besides, fuck the cops," Jimmy argues still kissing at your neck, and he does have a point.
You push Jimmy up and he sits back on his knees. You get up and sit in front of Jimmy, except you turn your back to him, then you brush your hair to one side to the front side of your shoulder.
"Okay," you say.
"Hm?" Jimmy asks.
"James Conway, unzip my dress right now, or I swear to God, you won't get another chance to for the rest of your life!"
Zip! You feel your dress loosen immediately. His hands roam your back as he scoots closer to you. His fingertips glide over your silky smooth skin while sliding the little dress straps off your shoulders.
"When a pretty lady like you talks, I listen," his voice is lower than it was before.
You chuckle and lean back into him as the top part of your dress falls around your waist and Jimmy's hands explore your bra. You hear his breathing get a little heavier just from looking at you without a top on.
You turn around and start to lay back down on the grass. "Wait-" Jimmy starts, "Let me go grab that blanket."
"You afraid of getting a little dirty, Daddy?" you say in your sexiest voice. It's funny how you can visually see Jimmy short circuit a for minute every time you call him that. He snaps back to reality and jumps up, "I'll be right back!"
He quickly returns to lay the blanket on the ground for you, before grabbing you and gently laying you down with it. You slide your dress off your legs, and Jimmy can hardly think straight seeing you in your lacy black underwear.
"Are you just gonna stand there, big man? A little girl like me got your wires all crossed?" you joke at him.
Jimmy simply responds by taking off his jacket and tie, and getting on his knees between your legs again. You sit up and unbutton his shirt, quickly discarding it and finally feeling the warm skin of his torso. You look up and give him a teasing look before unlatching his belt, sloooowly. He's completely breathless at the way you've taken charge of the situation; you'd always been a little girl in his eyes.
Almost as if you'd been reading his mind, you say, "If I'm gonna call you Daddy, you better start acting like one, hm?" You raise your eyebrows at the last part as if you were expecting something of him.
He exhales and crawls on top of you, "You're so right... God damn it, you just look so good!" He roughly kisses you and pins your wrists down to the ground above your head, "But now I'm gonna make you mine."
You're left gasping as Jimmy moved to your neck, leaving his mark on you. Everyone would know he had had you when they see those hickies on your neck, and that thought- that thought drove Jimmy wild.
He releases your hands as he works his way down your body with his kisses and sucks on every inch of your skin. He pops back up on his knees and works his pants off, and he looks around to make sure no one is walking by around the park. "Want me to lose these, baby doll?" he asks, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his boxer briefs.
"You know I do," you giggle at him.
He groans happily, "You sure you're ready to see your Uncle Jimmy naked?"
You sit up and stroke his hard length as it strains against the fabric, "I thought you were my Daddy now... You must not want me to call you that if you keep forgetting..." You pretend to pout at him.
He takes you by surprise, grabbing your throat and shaking you a bit, "Daddy didn't forget."
You give him an excited smile, and he removes his underwear, stroking himself for you. He grabs your legs and shoves them straight up in the air, giving your ass a solid smack before pulling your panties down.
"Oh, baby," he lays himself on top of you, rubbing his hardness against your clit, "You look beautiful, and you're already so wet without me even touching you... You think you're ready to take me?"
You nod your head, "Mhmm."
"Say it," he demands.
"Say what?"
"You know what I want, princess. Now, say it."
You look up at him with doe eyes, appreciating his muscles as he towers over you, "I want you, Daddy... Take me please, Daddy, I'm ready!"
"Mmmm, God, baby girl, you beg so good," he praises as he presses the head of his cock into you.
You let out a soft, breathy groan as you feel him fill you up. The noises Jimmy makes as he starts to move in you--it's as if he feels relief mixed with absolute pleasure. He moves slowly at first, rocking his whole body gently back and forth, as he kisses the side of your face.
Your little breaths mixed with moans and gasps only turns Jimmy on further; he wants to make you make more of those noises. He shifts his weight onto one elbow, and with his free hand, grabs your hand to bring it to his face. He stares deeply into your eyes as he kisses your knuckles.
Jimmy enjoys your fingers playing with his hair, and he really enjoys it when you give it a harsh tug as he hits a sweet spot inside you. You inhale sharply, "Daddy!!!"
"Yeah, baby? Is that the spot?"
"Uh-huhhh," you whine loudly. You reach down to play with yourself, but your hand is met with a sudden slap.
"No. That's Daddy's job." Jimmy quickly replaces your hand with his, rubbing circles on your clit. His hip movements speed up, and he only takes his hand off of you to pull your bra down off your shoulders before forcefully ripping it and throwing it aside. As his hand returns to your clit, his mouth explores your breasts, sucking on your nipples and leaving more love bites.
How he could do three things at once is beyond you, but it is leading you to your orgasm. When you reach your end, Jimmy shoves two fingers deep in your mouth, muffling the loud noises you would've made. He wouldn't want anyone to hear after all...
Wasting no time, he sits up and pulls your legs up again, hooking them on his shoulders as he fucks into your as fast as he can. You still hadn't fully come down from your orgasm, so your legs shake violently as he slams your g-spot.
"(Y/N)..." Jimmy says weakly, eyes closed tightly in pleasure. He's close.
"Cum for me, Daddy."
"Fuck!" he groans as his hips grow erratic.
"Daddyyy... Cum for me," you beg.
You can hardly finish your sentence before he pulls out, stroking himself as his seed spurts in ribbons across your belly, yet again marking you as belonging to him. His breathing comes out in the form of needy moans as he finishes.
He takes a moment to collect himself as he shakes his member, making sure he got every drop onto you. "You look good with Daddy's cum on you," he pants, grabbing the blanket to wipe it off before it gets sticky in the cool night breeze, "You're 𝘮𝘺 girl now. All mine." He lays next to you, pulling you into him for cuddles.
"Yes sir, Daddy," you look up, rubbing your hands on his chest.
"Good girl; you're such a good girl," he whispers the next part, "and you mean so much to me." He gives a series of soft, sweet kisses.
"Hey! What do you two think you're doing?!" You hear someone shout from outside the park fence. A cop.
Jimmy pops his head up and scopes the guy out, "Fred?" One of the cops Jimmy pays off.
"Jimmy? Is that you?"
"Yeah, what are you doing working nights?"
"Oh, uh, my wife and I have a baby on the way and the force doesn't pay that well. I picked up more hours. But you two go on with whatever you're doing, I didn't see a thing, Mr. Conway," the cop saunters off, leaving your alone.
"That's the other reason I wasn't worried about the cops," Jimmy chuckles to you.
After that, you found yourself in Jimmy's bed as often as possible, and that cop found himself at home with his wife more often, having a much needed pay raise.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Forever and Never
A/N: One more chapter! You guys are a dream, thank you so much for reading ❤️
Warnings: mentions of marijuana, derogatory terms for homosexuality, blood/gore and death/dying
Word Count: 5690
Eight: All Die Young
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“Um… I think besides everything with Ricky… the night of homecoming was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.”
“With Bradley Lewis’s death.”
“Yeah. I-I mean, it started off as a normal day, a-a great day, actually.”
Awaking to a text from Stanley Barber, informing me that he was driving us to school, was a heavenly sight. Almost as heavenly as waking up beside the boy, himself in the near future. Grabbing my phone off its charger, I rolled onto my stomach and texted him back, my feet giddily kicking in the air. It amazed me how he could change my entire demeanor within seconds. I could go from a sniveling baby to a hopping and skipping lovesick fool when it comes to Stan. And I don’t even think he meant to have this much of an effect on me. I wondered if I had the same effect on him? I never really paid much attention to it, just accepted the fact that he would never reciprocate my feelings. Even during that time, I had no idea if we were a couple or just adoring each other. It didn’t matter, though. Stan was finally looking at me the way I wanted him to.
Jacob stared at me with unease as I skipped down the stairs, prancing my way into the kitchen for breakfast. “Mom, (Y/N)’s being weird.” He called out as he opened the front door to leave. Pam hushed him before handing me a plate of food.
“Hush, now, Jacob. Let her be in a good mood for once.”
“For once?” I frowned and sat myself down. Pam smiled over at me and gingerly kissed my forehead as I began eating.
“Yes. For once.”
When I finished eating and readying myself for the day, I received a text message from Stan.
Stan: I’m outside
Me: omw
Pocketing my cell, I called out to my family before stepping outside to see Stan in his car with a grin on his face. “Good morning, lovely!” He called out above his music as I strode up to the vehicle, climbing inside. I gave him my usual greeting before leaning over and kissing his cheek. He chuckled and waited for me to strap myself in before riding down our street. It was clear he was in a good mood, because he let me pick the music for the ride. As Waterloo by ABBA flowed out of the drawn-down car windows, I felt the comforting warmth of his hand latch onto mine. Our combined hands shook to the beat of the music as we happily sang the words to the song. Remember when I said I had only been this happy one other time? This was even better. There were never any consequences to being with Stan, never a dull moment, never a hint of doubt between our bond. I’d never been as close to anyone as I was to him. And now at last, we were even closer in more ways than one.
Stepping onto the school campus, we were no longer strangers. I still walked within my bubble, and I probably always will throughout my life, but from now on there was no need to allow Stan inside. He was planning to be beside me through it all. He wasn’t afraid to be alienated with me any longer, we were to embrace it together. We were going to allow the stares, the whispers, the rumors. Allow them to act as water on a duck’s back. I was proud of him, I was proud of us. Even as I felt the dark brown glare of Ricky Berry trail after the two of us, watching our bashful and lovestruck glances throughout classes, the way we held hands in the halls. I was certain he got the message that I was no longer his, despite the forceful way he claimed me the previous week.
At lunch, I was just about to declare my spot in line when I felt a gentle hold on my arm. Stan, with a warm grin, pulled me away and walked us to an empty table. “Um, Stan, I’d kinda like to eat lunch today.”
“I know, Nugget,” He held up two brown sacks. “I made lunch for the both of us.” The way his grin grew prideful made my heart swell in affection. We sat across from each other as he slid the bag over to me.
“Awe, Stanley, you didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to, though,” He shrugged and watched as I took each item out of the bag and carefully organized them. “So, about homecoming. I was thinking we could make a big deal out of it. If you want to.”
“I totally want to,” I nodded, eyes trained on my task. “What were you planning, beautiful?”
I didn’t miss the bashful blush tinting his cheeks when I snuck a glance up at him. “Uh… Well, I was thinking when I pick you up, we can take, like, a shitload of pictures. Like, just let Aunt Pam go at it. She’ll love it.”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.”
“And then after the dance, I wanna take you out to eat.”
“Really? Where to?”
“Nothing too fancy. You don’t like all that. I was driving around yesterday and saw this restaurant that specializes in their pasta,” I suddenly felt the tip of my nose being gently pinched. Looking up, Stan was playfully wiggling my nose with a goofy grin on his face. “I know how much you love pasta.”
“I do,” I laughed and swatted his hand away. “And after that? Are we robbing a bank and driving off into the night?”
“If only,” He wistfully sighed. “But alas, I’m afraid we’ll have to remain trapped within Brownsville until we’re old enough to run away.”
I gave a mischievous smirk. “The entire act of running away is rebellious. Why wait until we’re allowed?”
“Because, frankly, I don’t feel like running away,” We shared a laugh. “But in all seriousness, we go to my house and just chill. We can have a dance contest. Our last was a tie, remember?”
The antsy excitement rushed through my veins the closer the night approached. I was never one for making a scene about school dances, but this time was different. It was my senior year, I had Stan, Ricky was out of the picture. Or at least, he was for the next hour. After lunch, Stan walked me to photography class, the two of us hand-in-hand as we had been for the entire day. Approaching the door, he wished me a good class before leaning in and pecking my lips. Our fingertips lingered as he pulled away and continued to his own class. Feeling my burning cheeks, I turned to go into the room, but an arm blocked my path. “Hey, Zip.”
Inwardly groaning, I looked up at Ricky. His bruises were beginning to fade, the dark ring around his right eye taking its time to heal. I silently hissed at the sight of him. “What.”
“Listen, I just wanted to apologize. Brad talked to me the other day and… made me realize that what I did was really fucked up. Really, babe, I didn’t mean to hurt you-”
“You’re so fucking lucky I haven’t called the police on you, Ricky-”
“Yes, I know,” He sighed, discreetly rolling his eyes. “And I really appreciate it. Gives me a chance to better myself, you know? Help you better yourself. And what better way to make up for what I did than to make homecoming the most magical night for you? Yeah? We still on for tonight?”
My eyes dangerously widened at his hopeful smile, his expression melting under my fiery stare. “Are you kidding me?! Hell no! You think I wanna be anywhere near you?!”
“Besides, I already have another date.” I shrugged and moved to duck under his arm, but he leaned against the doorframe to decline me access inside. I quickly backed away from him, my fear kicking in at his brash behavior.
“What, Stan The Faggot? You’re really going with that fucking twink when you could be going with me?” He laughed right in my face. I lifted my chin and stepped forward.
“Don’t ever speak about Stanley that way. He’s the most kind-hearted person I’ve ever met and is an even better boyfriend than you’ll ever be to anyone-”
“Boyfriend?!” He cackled. “I knew it. How could I not? It was so obvious! You’re fucking crazy.”
“Excuse me?!”
“You don’t see the way he dresses? He’s fucking weird, (Y/N). He’s a goddamn drug dealer. What is he gonna offer you? Huh? Free weed? Babe… Come on, you are so better off with me.”
He lightly shook his head with a smile of disbelief as I took out my phone. “I just remembered. You’re not supposed to be near me, talking to me, or even looking at me. I think Jacob would love to hear about this-”
“Fuck you.” Ricky hissed before stomping away, leaving me in an empty hallway that was filled with the ringing of the tardy bell not too long afterwards. At that point, I was just about sick of guys. I was irritable during gym class, running off my anger and letting it steam off my shoulders. When the coach told us we could stop, I took greedy gulps of air and trudged to a nearby bench to rest. As I plopped down, I noticed Syd and Dina walking together to the opposite side of the field. It was good to know they were to finally talk everything out. Now for her and Stan to make up…
I was thankful for a split second for the shadow that casted over the burning sun raining down on me, but huffed upon seeing who it was. Some guy from my math class stood before me. He was shirtless, displaying his six-pack and chest glistening with sweat. He beamed down at me with a suave smirk. “Hey, Zip.”
“So… I know you and Ricky are… you know. So, since the dance is tonight-”
“Sorry, I already have a date.”
“Right,” He nodded slowly, beginning to back away. “I should’ve known. No worries.”
“And he just walked away?!” Stan laughed on our drive home from school. My hold on his hand tightened as I tried to hold in my own laugh.
“No, he ran away!” I snorted, triggering the increase of his laughter.
“What is that, the fourth guy today?”
“Don’t remind me.” I rolled my eyes as he pulled up to my house. Unbuckling myself, I froze at Stan’s intentuous stare. He reached over and grabbed my hand again, raising it to his lips.
“I expect you to dazzle everyone like you usually do.” He kissed my knuckles.
My breath hitched. “Of course. And I expect you to do better than me, like you usually do. What time should I be ready?”
“I’m picking you up at eight. On the dot.”
“On the dot, got it.” I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. He returned it and tilted his head to try and deepen it, but I pulled away with a giggle. Stan watched in awe as I got out of the car, snatching up my backpack as I did. Waving him off, I turned and headed inside my house.
I had to look perfect. Not just for Stan, but for me. This was a new era of myself, I had shedded my skin and materialized as something beautiful. I had to showcase just how beautiful I’ve become. So, after my shower, I struck up a playlist and dolled myself up. Starting off with my hair, I simply pinned it up with white butterfly hair clips. My makeup was nothing special, other than the baby pink eyeshadow and the small application of glitter over it. To seal up the look, I added cherry lip gloss to give my lips a bit of a pop. I hoped Stan would appreciate it. My face burned at the thought of him tasting the cherry on my mouth. Backing away from my mirror before I exploded, I entered my closet. My dress was something I never thought I would ever wear. It matched my makeup in baby pink. An off-the-shoulder look that hugged my torso and flared out to the floor. I managed to zip it up myself before slipping on a pair of white heels. Turning to my reflection, I let out a breath.
I had never looked any more beautiful, I think. I remember gazing at my parents’ wedding photo as a child and wishing to look as beautiful as my mother one day. I wondered if she was looking down at me, proud of who I had become at that point. Gazing fondly down at the ring on my pinky, I blinked back the stinging of my tears.
Yeah, she’s proud.
An eager three knocks sounded at my door and I hurried to open it. Pam immediately teared up the moment her eyes settled on me, camera ready in her hand. “Oh, my baby… You look so gorgeous! Just like your mom!” She gushed. I could only chuckle as she took multiple pictures of me. Hearing a taunting laugh, I looked down the hall to see Jacob leaning against the wall, silently mocking his mother’s excitement. I kindly showed my middle finger to him, much to Pam’s disappointment. “Oh, come on. Now it’s in the picture! Jake, leave your sister alone!”
“Sorry, ma’am.” He feigned innocence and batted his eyelashes at me. I playfully sneered at him before David’s voice sounded from downstairs.
“(Y/N), Stan is here!”
Grabbing my phone, I checked the time. Eight o’clock. On the dot. That punctual bastard. Clutching my phone in my hand, I nervously made my way to the top of the stairs. Everyone was waiting for me at the bottom, including Stan. God, he looked so cute. He was wearing his baby blue suit, some sort of black and tan shirt beneath that oddly went well with the suit. Leave it to Stan to defy the laws of fashion. I could tell he paid extra care to his hair, the way it was styled perfectly for his curls to sit off to the left side of his forehead. I was sure I was grinning like a maniac as I descended the stairs, but Stan’s expression was the reason I was grinning. He looked absolutely astonished and at a loss for words. His jaw was dropped and eyes were bulging as he watched me walk closer to him. When I quietly greeted him, he couldn’t even respond. Great job, (Y/N), you broke him.
“How’d I do?” I whispered and hooked arms with him. At my touch, he snapped out of his haze and beamed at me.
“You certainly did not disappoint, lovely.”
“Awe, and you aren’t looking too bad yourself, beautiful.”
Pam squealed from the sidelines before rushing over to us. “Stanley, doesn’t she look stunning?”
“Absolutely, Aunt Pam.” He grinned at the older woman as she began taking photo after photo of us. We decided to indulge her and pose for each one. All the while, I felt a red hot glare from the side. Glancing its way, I noticed Jacob fuming at the sight of Stan and I hugged up on each other. His Big Brother Mode was going to activate the second Pam was done with us. To my horror, she finished sooner than I thought. As she excitedly showed our photos to David, I watched as Jacob slowly approached us. Just as he opened his mouth to spit some sort of threat towards the poor, unsuspecting Stan, I turned to the front door and flung it open.
“Well, we really have to go! We’re already late, you know.” I chuckled and gently shoved Stan out of the house.
“Oh! Yeah, of course!” Pam called out after us. “You two be careful out there! And have fun!”
“And (Y/N)-” Jacob began to add in a warning, but I waved him off, mouthing an ‘I know’ as Stan scrambled to hold the car door open for me. I quietly thanked him and climbed inside. The car ride to the dance was very pleasant. The hum of soft rock music fit the mood of our night as we quietly sang along. Stan found a parking spot rather quickly and leaned back in his seat after turning the car off. Bringing the visor down, I checked myself in the mirror, gently running my fingers over my white gold hoop earrings gifted to me by my dad for my previous birthday. They were pretty expensive and I hardly wore them, so why not? Hearing a click, I turned to see Stan lighting up a joint. After he took a hit, he looked my way and smiled, offering it to me. Without any hesitation, I joined him in a quick session. As I took my third hit, I felt his eyes on me.
“What?” I raised a brow and exhaled the smoke. His eyes shown in adoration.
“What a sight you are…”
“A sight? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, you’re sitting in my old-school car, looking like a goddess and smoking a joint. You’re so beautiful… Just perfection.”
“Jeez, maybe I should get dolled up to smoke more often.” I joked and handed it back to him. We shared a chuckle before Stan put the smoke out. He gave me a wink before getting out of the car and rounding it to let me out.
Our highs kicked in the moment we stepped into the gymnasium. Our clammy hands found each other as we walked further in. I let him lead me through the sea of dancing bodies and bouncing balloons, the two of us hitting them out of our way as we ended up near the bleachers. When we stopped, we overlooked the scene before us as I leaned my head on his shoulder. “Best theater in town, Stan.”
“Best theater in town, (Y/N),” He looked down at me with furrowed brows. “So, why aren’t you on stage?”
“I don’t perform without my co-star.”
“Well, in that case.” He took hold of both my hands and swung us around. At that, we let loose, broadcasting our best secret dance contest moves to anyone willing to watch. I thought it was perfect. The two outcasts, both outcasts for difference reasons, wildly dancing together away from everyone else. And yet, they were the life of the party. It was meant to be. My feet stung from the stomping and jumping I was doing in my heels, but I couldn’t care less.
“I fucking hate this song!” I joyfully shouted, eliciting a laugh from my date.
“Me, too!” From the sound of our laughter, it was clear the two of us were high. Three songs later, in the middle of my rounds of spinning, I felt Stan’s hands on my waist, attempting to stop me. When I did, my surroundings rotated around me and I leaned into him for support. Looking up, I saw Sydney awkwardly smiling at the both of us.
“Oh! Hey, Syd! I love your dress.” I smiled and gestured to her attire. Her smile widened.
“Thanks, (Y/N), y-you look great.”
“Awe, thanks.” I gushed and bashfully waved her off. My attention turned to Stan, who had a look of indifference on his face, but a hint of pain in his eyes. Sydney noticed it, too, and looked back at me.
“Uh… Can I borrow Stan for a second?”
“Go ahead.” I motioned. Stan stared at me for a second before following Syd onto the bleachers. I suddenly felt very out of place, so I decided to keep my hands busy and get myself some punch. Thankfully, I found Dina there, pouring herself a cup. When she noticed me, she quickly set it back down on the table and reached her arms out for a hug. “Dina, you look so good!”
“Are you kidding me?!” We engulfed each other in a tight hug before pulling away. “You look fucking amazing! You always have to show out, huh?”
“I try…” I lowered my voice. As the two of us talked, lonely guys would come up to us and ask to dance, but we would hold hands and politely decline. After the third walked away, Dina turned to me.
“Hey, so… In detention… The thing that Jenny said about Ricky. Was that true…?” The hesitancy in her voice made me deeply inhale as I nodded in confirmation. Instantly, her eyes welled up with tears as her hands covered her mouth. “(Y/N)... I’m so sorry. If I had known, I would’ve been there for you.”
“No, no, Dina!” I quickly took her hands into mine, my heart wrenching. “It’s okay! I’m okay…”
“You’re okay? H-How are you okay?” She frowned and blinked back her tears. A warm smile twitched its way onto my face.
“Stan… he’s been making everything better…” I admitted. Dina’s face lit up before she hugged me all over again.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! I’m so happy for you! God, you fucking deserve it, girl!” She exclaimed as I hugged back, quietly laughing at her excitement. Our hug was cut short, when Dina caught sight of our dates heading toward us. I turned to them and happily watched as they approached us, their hands lazily clasped together. Sydney held out Stan’s hand over to mine and I gladly took over. “Stan!” Dina grinned at him as he allowed me to lean against his side.
“Dina, you look, um… you look like a Christmas tree.” He awkwardly complimented as I rolled my eyes. Dina looked down at herself.
“Thanks, dude.”
“Uh-huh.” He nodded before his eye caught something. “Oh, god. Whitaker’s still watching us.” He sighed. We directed our gaze to our principal, who indeed was standing across the gym, arms folded and a piercing gaze on the four of us.
“It’s probably the most exciting thing that’s ever happened in his entire life.” Sydney crossed her arms, as well, as we all grinned. Stan leaned forward and placed his other hand over ours as he hummed.
“I don’t know, guys. I mean, we’re wanted criminals. Why are we out here in the open? Exposed. First rule of the heist is split the loot and split the fuck up, right?”
“We don’t have any loot, Stan.” I raised a brow in false confusion as Dina smirked at me.
“Yeah, all we did was disrespect this fine institution.”
“And disrespect ourselves.” Sydney finished, Stan humming again before we all shared a soft laugh. Stan’s smile disappeared as a slow song came on. I barely recognized it, but he sure seemed to know it. His free hand reached up to cover his eyes.
“Oh, no. On principle, I just- I can’t,” He groaned and began to free himself from my grasp. “Sorry, this playlist is all over the map. I’ll- I’ll be back.” He squeezed between Syd and I to leave, but I followed right behind. He was nearly at the DJ table, when I managed to stop his striding.
“Stan! Stan, wait!” I laughed and turned him to me. “Come on, I wanna dance to this.”
“(Y/N), I have to enlighten that poor DJ over there.”
“After this song?” I pouted and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t care about the music. I’ll dance to anything with you.”
“That is a lie, but fine,” He sighed before his hands rested on my waist. Our dance started off with timid shuffling, Stan clearly not used to slow dancing. I chuckled and directed his eyes away from his shoes.
“Stan, it’s just swaying, I promise.” I whispered. He gave me an incredulous look before moving with me to the music. Of course, since it’s Stan, he had to add in a few spins that had us stumbling. We laughed aloud when we almost toppled over, and we earned a few weird stares, but we didn’t give a shit. Just as it seemed we were getting the hang of it, a voice that rang throughout the gym interrupted the song and dance.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen,” Mr File announced from the stage. “If I may have your attention. Stop talking. Look up here please.”
“Thank god, they stopped the song.” Stan whispered in my ear as we turned to the stage. I playfully and gently hit his chest as our teacher continued.
“It is my privilege to introduce your homecoming king and queen, Jeff Butters and Julie Frasheski!”
As the homecoming royalty hopped on stage, we all clapped and cheered for them, Stan and I exchanging looks that said ‘I have no idea who these people are’. “What up, Westinghouse!” Jeff exclaimed into the microphone, his queen by his side, the both of them wearing sashes and crowns. “Yeah! Where my boys at? Whoo! Where do I begin? I wanna thank my mom for meeting my dad-”
His amusing speech was cut off by Bradley Lewis running onstage and clamping his hand over the mic. “Listen up!” He yelled as the feedback screeched. Our smiles dropped as he swayed, clearly drunk. As Mr File tried to take the mic from him, he thrashed about and moved away. “Give me a second! I would like to take this moment to talk about something very important that affects everyone here.”
“What the fuck…?” I muttered and watched as he turned to the middle of the crowd.
“Sydney Novak!” His exclamation sent a flinch through Stan and I, and I felt him tense under my hold on his arm. “Hey, Sydney! Raise your hand! Raise your hand! Give a wave so everybody can see you!” When she didn’t comply, he moved on, proceeding to pull out Sydney’s supposed diary and flipping through it, exposing all of her secrets to the whole school. He told about how at Ricky’s party, she had kissed Dina upstairs. As he spoke, he hopped off the stage and pushed past people to stalk closer to his victim, the path to her and Dina made clear. I could see the panic in Sydney’s eyes. My blood boiled at the derogatory term he used for her sexuality, but Stan was just about ready to pop. His jaw was severely clenched and his face was flushed red in anger. I felt him move forward, but kept an arm in front of him. But there was no holding him back after the next thing Brad exposed. “And my god, don’t even get me started on the daddy issues on this one. I mean, it’s fucking worse than Zip’s! And we all know about that!” That comment punched me straight in the gut and Stan ripped his arm from my hold, pushing his way through the crowd. “Everyone in Sydney’s life thinks that she’s a piece of shit. And I mean everyone!” His cackling was interrupted when Stan broke through everyone.
“Hey, man! Leave her alone!” He went to stand in front of his friend, but Brad immediately swung, his fist connecting with Stan’s face and sending him to the ground, unconscious. My breathing stuttered before I wordlessly shoved everyone out of the way, trying to get to his limp form. There were a few people separating us that wouldn’t budge. I growled as Brad continued, shaking his fist from the blow.
“But that is not even the weirdest thing about Sydney… Novak,” He took a few steps forward, and I watched as Sydney wiped a tear from her eye. This whole situation was fucked. “Get this. Sydney claims that she has-”
To this day, I have no fucking clue how it happened, but Brad’s words were cut short when his blood and brains exploded onto everyone near him. Including me. I heard nothing but white noise the second the blood platter smacked into my hair, onto my face, my dress, my shoes. Brad’s headless body fell limp to the ground, the remaining of his brains spilling out from where his head should have been. His head should’ve been there… His head should be there! I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak. My eyes were glued to the bloodied corpse on the ground. I was sure everyone was screaming and running around, but I couldn’t do the same. I saw shaking Dina’s form, trembling as she moved, but my focus snapped right back to the fucking corpse. I should’ve moved. I should’ve screamed. I should’ve ran. I should have been crying and gagging and panicking, but I just… I couldn’t. I don’t know what the fuck.
��(Y/N)!” I felt a hand pulling me by the arm, but I was in such a state of shock that I blindly let whoever drag me out of the school- no, the crime scene. I felt the cool air nip at my exposed skin, but I still couldn’t have been bothered to react to anything. It wasn’t until I felt a piece of bloody meat slip down my face and disappear into my dress that I could breathe again. I let out a blood-curdling scream as I felt it run down my skin.
“It’s in my dress! It’s touching me!” I cried. The mess of curls in front of me whipped around to face me. Through my teary-eyed vision, I could make out that it was Stan. He was awake, he was fine. But I wasn’t.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?!”
“It’s in my fucking dress!” I gagged as I felt it run down my stomach. “Stan, a piece of his fucking brain-”
He firmly grabbed me by the shoulders and rushed me to his car. I hyperventilated as he placed me in the passenger seat. Before closing the door, he reached into my dress from the bottom and slid his hand from my knees, past my thighs and planted his palm on my stomach. He gagged when his hand touched the meat, grabbing hold of it and ripping his hand from my dress, throwing the flesh to the ground. Stumbling a bit, he shut my door and rounded the car to drive. I had to ride with my window down, letting the wind blow against my face to prevent the contents in my stomach from resurfacing into Stan’s car. He drove all around town, calling out for Sydney. He would glance over at me every once and awhile when I would gag or groan, but that was it.
What a sight I was.
Do I look beautiful now, Stan?
When Stan decided to give up on the search for Sydney, he sped us to his house. The sirens of police cars and ambulances echoed within my empty mind. But the moment I left the car, I hurled my guts up into Stan’s yard. He caught me before I could fall and rubbed my back until I emptied my stomach. Then when I was done, I did the same for him.
I had no concept of time, I can’t remember how long we were throwing up in his front lawn, but when we were done, he guided me inside the house and down to his room. The second he let go of me to retrieve new clothes, my entire body trembled and shook uncontrollably. “S-Stan… S-S-Stan.” I whimpered out. He returned to me with clothes tucked under one of his arms. He held me by the elbow and guided me to his bathroom, sitting me down on the toilet lid before starting up the shower for me.
“Nugget? Hey, do you want me to-”
“N-No.” I don’t know why I said that. I needed him in that room with me. He was patient enough to look away as I undressed, nearly falling a few times, and stepped into the shower. He left the door slightly ajar, so I was sure he could hear my sobbing as I sat down, letting the water rinse me of Bradley Lewis’s blood and guts.
I returned to Stan in one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his sweatpants. He stood from his bed and carefully watched the way I moved. The way I slowly blinked and walked two steps at a time toward him. Silently, he lifted his covers for me to lay down. I stared at him emptily for a few beats before complying, my back facing him. I felt his lips on my neck and gladly welcomed the kiss before he whispered into my ear, “I’m gonna shower now, okay? I won’t be long.”
“Go ahead.” I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. As Stan showered, my shaking hands reached up and freed my locks from my hair clips. I tried to keep my crying near-silent as I did so, but I wasn’t too sure how loud I was being. Within time, he had returned and laid down beside me in bed. And from the warmth I felt when his back touched mine, I could tell he was shirtless. It was painfully silent as we both unevenly breathed. I bit my fingers to keep myself from crying again. Everything about me felt unbalanced. I wanted to be beaten even. It’s what I deserved for not taking care of myself.
“Hey.” Stan’s whisper broke my train of thought.
“You asleep?”
“No… You?”
“No.” He muttered as I felt the bed dip when he turned around to spoon me. His leg draped over mine as his arms pulled me closer. He pressed his lips to the side of my neck as he deeply inhaled. I closed my eyes and willed myself to ask the question brewing in my mind,
“Do you have any idea what the fuck happened? B-Brad just… h-he fucking…”
“I know,” He murmured against my skin, his hold tightening as well as his throat. I could tell by the way he choked on his breath. “I… I’ll explain it another day. N-Not tonight.”
As we fell asleep an hour later, I knew he’d never explain it.
Taglist: @nate-isnt-great @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @magicalgothpandamaker
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (10)
In Which Marinette Says the Thing
I was the most excited about this chapter and had most of it written already. :)
Also, I bumped up the rating a bit because there’s extremely mild nudity in this chapter. 
(Ao3 | FF.net)
She looked fierce. Nails done, a cute, white skirt (that she hadn’t spilled her breakfast on!) and a red and white polka dot blouse. She was cute, she was hot, and she was ready to nab her man! 
Said man walked into class wearing...
Oh boy. 
A leather jacket, with no shirt underneath, a kilt, and knee high combat boots. There was not a single person that didn’t stare at him. 
“Sup nerds?” 
Nino entered with him, slightly chuckling, like he had heard a very funny inside joke. 
Marinette gawked at him. “Adrien...” 
“Aww! Pooh Bear! Look at how cute you are!” 
Marinette’s initial horror in his appearance turned into excitement. He called her cute! 
“Adrien, do we have to have this dress code talk again?” Miss Bustier sighed. 
It turned out he did have a shirt on under the jacket. A black button-up. He untucked the flaps, and buttoned them, unevenly, to cover his sweet sweet bod. “Better?” 
Miss Bustier shook her head, but urged him to sit down. 
“Soooo,” Alya asked, with a wiggling eyebrow. “Are you wearing that kilt...properly?” 
He grabbed the hem, squeezing his knees together to shuffle shyly. “You wanna see?” 
Marinette burst into color. “Adrien!” 
He laughed, “oh, I’m just kidding. I’m wearing boxers under this.” 
“Alright everyone, get in your seats, it’s time to start!” 
Marinette tried to do her very best to stay calm. But the very idea that a confession to Adrien would be happening today kept her distracted. 
She stared at him, watching as he scrawled notes...in Chinese? He really was an overachiever! 
The day passed in a crawl, Marinette fretting every minute. 
Then the lunch bell rang, and students began to pack up for break. 
“Adrien?” She blurted, her hands shaking. 
He turned and looked at her, grinning, and lowering his sunglasses to flash her half-lidded eyes. “You rang?” 
“Um...can we talk together? Er, go somewhere together to talk? I have something I want to tell you.” 
His grin turned into a full tooth smile. “Of course! Where to?” 
“Um...mom’s got stuff for sandwiches, if you want to come over.” 
“Sounds wonderful!” He packed up his bag, and then held out his hand for her. 
He wanted to hold her hand! Ah! 
Nervously smiling, she put her hand in his, and let him lead her from the room. 
At the risk of having a horribly awkward lunch, she took the lead, and led him upstairs to the slowly emptying third floor. 
“What’s up here?” 
“I...can’t wait anymore. If this makes things weird, you could probably catch up with Nino or the guys...” 
He very gently touched her cheek. “I told you I wanted to have lunch with you, and I will. So say whatever you have to say.” He took his sunglasses off and put them on his head. 
Marinette took a huge breath. “Now, I just need to know...who is the real you? Are you...is this who you are, and you were suppressing the rebellious, chaotic side? Or are you putting on a show?” 
He blinked at her, eyes wide. “Whatever do you mean?” 
“I mean...I support whoever you are. I want you to feel free to be you, and celebrate what makes you special, but...” she tucked some hair behind her ear, a nervous motion. “I just miss the boy I fell in love with.” 
“I love you no matter what, though! I promise! I just...your kindness, your shy sweetness and honesty really captivated me. That day when you gave me your umbrella, and you went out of your way to apologize for the misunderstanding. You didn’t have to. I was the one that jumped to conclusions, but you wanted to make friends and get on the right foot with me. Your laughter, your smile...I was a goner.” She hugged the strap of her purse. “So this new version of you has been jarring, but...if I’ve been reading your signs right...?” 
He pulled her into a hug. “Oh Marinette. Sweet, kind, thoughtful Marinette. You’ve figured me out. This is all an act. Except my attitude towards you. I feel the same.” 
“You...love me?” 
“Yes. More than I can express.” 
She raised her head, tilting her chin and slowly closing her eyes. 
The gag kiss during truth or dare was one thing, but Adrien would kill Plagg if he kissed Marinette in earnest like this. 
Instead, he pressed a finger to her lips and smiled at her confused look. “Not yet. The timing isn’t right. If I could give you the world, I would. In fact, anything else, I’ll give it to you. You have my heart, and that will be yours as long as you want it. But I don’t think you want a relationship right now.” 
“I’m confused...” Marinette said, her lips trembling. 
“I want to protect you from my father and Lila. If I make you my girlfriend, they will try to hurt you to get to me. I’d hate to ask you to wait for me, since you’ve finally gotten the courage up to confess...but would you wait?” 
Marinette reached up to hold his face, letting her thumb pass reverently over his cheek. How had she gotten so lucky to fall for a man so thoughtful? So loving? 
“Adrien, I’d wait a hundred years to be with you. It’ll be our secret for now.” 
He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted more from the conversation-“ 
“Just knowing my feelings are returned are enough. Thank you.” 
He took her hand again. “You still want to feed me sandwiches? Do I still deserve it?” 
“Of course you do...My Prince.” 
Plagg almost retched, but he schooled his face into an adoring grin before he faced her again. “That’s adorable!” 
“You like it?” 
“I love it!” It was just cheesy enough for Adrien. 
“Then that’ll be your nickname...in secret. No one else will know.” 
“I think you’ll come to find that our little secret will be so much more fun between us.” 
After lunch, Plagg and Marinette returned to school. They stopped holding hands as they approached the building, but they stood close and bumped each other coyly. 
The behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Alya or Lila. But Alya was the only one to confront them. 
“You two seem close,” she asked, twinkle in her eye. 
“Oh, we just had a very funny lunch together.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yep. Some great inside jokes. You had to be there.” Plagg sent a wink at Marinette and she seemed to swoon on the spot. 
Plagg let her go back to her seat, ignoring the whispering from the girls behind him. 
They thought he couldn’t hear them. He could. 
Nino bumped his elbow. “Everything cool dude?” 
“Absolutely. I’ll tell you later.” 
Later came after school, of course. The second Plagg and Nino were away from school property, Plagg blurted out, “I’m a genius. I got Marinette to confess her undying love for Adrien. Boo-yah!” 
“What?!” Nino shrieked. “Dude! She’s been trying to get that out for months! How on earth—no, wait. I know the answer.” 
“And obvious flirting.” Nino scoffed. “Adrien always threw out the line, ‘you’re such a good friend’ in front of her. It was like wearing a big sign that said, ‘I will reject you!’” 
“I’m right here, you know,” Adrien said, poking his head out of Plagg’s jacket. “And to my defense, I was trying to be faithful to—“
Plagg covered his mouth before he could accidentally reveal Marinette as Ladybug. “No excuses, lover boy!” 
Thankfully, Adrien seemed to realize the mistake he almost made and nodded. “Fine, fine. I appreciate that you didn’t kiss her...again. So now what? Have we fulfilled that part of the contract yet?” 
“Not quite.” He held up the ring. A paw print with three pads faintly shone on the surface. “Once a condition is met, you’ll hear the ring give its telltale beep and a pad will disappear. Once the paw print completely vanishes...well, you’ll be back in your own body anyway.” 
“So...what do I need to do? She already confessed to me.” 
This was a conversation better had without Nino involved. Of course he was a bro, and would be helpful for things. But Ladybug’s identity should still remain a secret. 
“Nino...” Plagg began, with a drawl. “How much do you know about the birds and the bees?” 
Nino sputtered. “HA! BYE!” And he made an about face and hurried towards home. 
“Wait Nino!” Called Adrien. 
“We’ll meet up with you later!” Plagg sang after. 
Adrien looked to his body. “Please tell me you don’t have to...get up to some nasty stuff with my lady. Sure, it’s my body, but you’re like a bazillion years old and I was rather hoping to wait until marriage—“ 
“Calm down, Romeo. No, there’s not any hanky panky involved. I just needed to get Nino to leave without saying, ‘hey leave’. If he’s going to be suspicious, I need him on a whole other wavelength.” 
“Okay, so if there’s no horizontal tango happening, then what are we doing?” 
Plagg slipped the ring off his finger. “You need to spend time with her. Tell her or don’t. Just spend time with her outside of school and akumas and get to know her better. For an alibi, tell her that you haven’t been feeling well and you need to be in proximity of the Miracle Box. Then have her send her earrings to me so things stay even.” 
“Will she go for that?” 
“Probably. You know her better than I do.” 
“What about the ring? Don’t you need to wear it because we’re switched?”
“Nah. It should be alright for a little while. It should stay with my body though.” 
“Okay...I guess...I’ll go see Marinette.” 
“Have fun!” Plagg wiggled his fingers in a farewell and started walking to where Nino had disappeared. 
Nervous as all get out, Adrien fled to the bakery, trying to figure out what he was going to tell Marinette. 
When was it appropriate to come clean? How long should he wait? Should he blab at all? 
Soon, he was hovering above her trap door, and peering inside. Marinette sat at her desk, music playing as she worked on homework. Her head bobbed to some tunes. 
“Okay, she thinks you’re Plagg. So she’ll welcome you in and listen to what you tell her. And if she finds out you’re Adrien, then she loves Adrien and everything will be fine. Right? Right!” He psyched himself up. 
Using his poorly practiced phasing powers, he entered her room and came to float by her desk. “Hiya pigtails!” He chirped, in the typical Plagg style. 
She jerked, before turning to him. Her eyes landed on the ring and widened with surprise. “Why do you have that?! Is Chat okay?! What’s wrong?!” She stood, and nearly knocked over her chair. 
Even Tikki looked surprised. 
“Everything is fine!” He rushed to rectify. Then he remembered Plagg’s crafted lie. “Mostly. I haven’t been feeling very good, so I think I need to be closer to the Miracle Box for a little bit. I brought the ring for you, if you would send Tikki to Chat for a little while. That way he’s covered in case there’s an Akuma attack.” 
Luckily, she bought his dirty fib and started to remove her earrings. “Oh, well if you aren’t feeling well, that means Chat won’t be in top form. We can’t have that! Of course we can trade!” She took the earrings off and handed them to Tikki, before putting on the ring. 
Adrien felt a tingle down his spine as the black metal turned rose gold on her dainty finger. 
“Is he at home?” Asked Tikki. 
“No, come with me, I’ll tell you.” And he escorted her up to the balcony. 
“Did Plagg put you up to this?” She asked, once outside. “This seems like one of his hair brained schemes.” 
“I mean...he came up with the excuse...but I thought Marinette’s confession today would fulfill one of the conditions of the contract, but it didn’t. Plagg said I should just spend time with her.” 
Thankfully, Tikki was the nice one. She patted his paws. “I’m sure you miss her too. I won’t say anything. But I will be having a word with Plagg about this whole thing. He should know that body swaps don’t always work!” 
“Don’t tell me that! I’m struggling as it is!” 
“Sorry!” She giggled. “Why don’t you go on in. Be prepared though. She’s been all sighs since ‘Adrien’ returned her feelings today.” 
If he could blush, he would have. “Oh boy...” 
“Where am I going?”
“Oh, Plagg is staying with Nino now. He left home. And uhhh...Nino knows. About me, not Marinette.” 
She scoffed. “That rascal.” 
“Thanks for understanding, Tikki.” 
“I’m understanding with you, because you’re the victim of a manipulative, chaotic creature of destruction and havoc.” 
“He can be a bit of a turd.” 
“What am I doing? You could be spending time with the love of your life! Now, go on!” Tikki pushed him towards the door before flitting off to Nino’s. 
Suddenly faced with seeing Marinette again, and continuing to lie to her face, he sheepishly returned to her room. 
She had ducked out for the moment, and he found himself alone. 
Alone, but surrounded by dozens of pictures of himself. 
Knowing about her crush put these photos in a different context, for sure. 
“Just a fan” she said. She was a big fat liar too! 
“Adorable, isn’t he?” Her voice grabbed him while he was off guard. 
“Uhhh...I guess? For a human?” 
She giggled, and set down the plate of cheese danishes onto her desk. “That’s Adrien. He’s kind of my boyfriend. It’s not official yet, but he loves me.” She smiled widely. “He told me just today.” 
“‘Kind of’ your boyfriend? You’re okay with that?” 
“He can’t date right now because of his father. But he asked me to wait for him. I’d wait a thousand years for him.” 
His heart hammered in his chest. “What about three years? What if he can’t date until he’s 18?” 
“That’s fine.” She said nonchalantly. “We can still hang out. We can focus on school and drama doesn’t have to come between us...” 
“And if someone else available comes along?”
Marinette couldn’t know the real reason he was asking that question. She just fondly patted his head. “Sorry Plagg. I know you care a lot about Chat, but Adrien...Adrien means the world to me. I love Chat too, but in a different way. And he’s not available, not to me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Chat will always just be my partner. Can only be my partner. We couldn’t date if I wanted too. It would be too difficult.” She sat back at her desk and sighed. “It would hurt too much.” 
Adrien was struck speechless. How was he even supposed to respond to that? Was that an admission that she actually did have some feelings for Chat Noir? 
It didn’t matter. Not now. “I didn’t mean to put you on the offensive. I was just...curious, is all. I’m happy you’ve found someone who loves you.” 
She smiled at him then, scooping him out of the air and scratching his cheek with her finger. “Thanks Plagg. I hope I didn’t come off as snooty. I know you care about Chat. But he can fight his own battles.” 
Her words made him feel like garbage. She had no idea, of course. Because up until the body swap, Adrien’s battles were not being fought. They were purposefully not being fought, because he was too chicken shit to upset anyone. 
“Yeah...he’s brave alright...” he muttered. 
Marinette settled down at her desk and continued on her homework. 
What was a boy to do? He sat on the desk, and helped himself to the cheese danishes. 
They were almost worth the trip over here by themselves. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Marinette asked, eyebrow quirked. 
At that, Adrien realized with thinly veiled horror that he had been moaning. 
“These are the most delicious things I’ve ever had!” Or maybe it was because Plagg had only fed him Camembert until now. Sure, Plagg’s taste buds were attuned to the foul stuff, but after a while, the same foods over and over get old. 
Marinette just smiled at him fondly and continued with her work. 
Would it be odd to look at her? Would she notice? He certainly found it hard to look away. He couldn’t stare at her during school. Not as Plagg, and not as Adrien from now on. 
She tapped her pencil against her perfectly kissable lips, scrunching her nose and narrowing her eyes as she studied the page. It was adorable, but more so, it was the same face she made as Ladybug, when she was trying to solve her Lucky Charm. 
Was it hindsight? Or if he saw Marinette making that face, would he have realized it? 
Would he have cared enough to look at her?
Of course he would! He argued with himself. Marinette was always special, and her being Ladybug only elevated her in his mind. It was a match that made sense. Of course she was Ladybug. No one else could be so…wonderful. 
But faced with her, and not knowing what to say or how to begin to explain the truth, he had to ask himself the tell tale question:
Did he like Marinette now because she was Ladybug? Or did he always like her, and was only in denial?
He begged it was the second. It had to be. 
Her qualities were the same. There was nothing about Marinette that made him recoil or actively deny her identity. 
Scratch that, Marinette was ridiculously clumsy. 
But besides that, they were the same. 
“Thinking about something tough over there?” Marinette asked. 
“Huh? Oh. Uh...yeah. You know how it is.” Like that made any sense. 
“Right. Like I could understand the problems of a Kwami.” She teased. “If you need to talk, I’m all ears.” 
Soon. Soon he’d explain everything. But right now, he was just too nervous and scared of her wrath. “Thanks Marinette. I appreciate it. But I don’t want to distract you from your homework.” 
She shrugged a little, not wanting to pry, before going back to work. 
Adrien and Marinette shared the cheese danishes, and occasionally talked as she worked. When she got severely stuck, he would throw her a few hints. 
Then she stretched, finished. “Oh thank goodness! I’m so tired, and I could use a lazy evening.” 
“Marinette! Dinner time!” 
“Well, after dinner, I’d like a lazy evening.” She scratched Adrien’s head. “Let’s just hope there’s no Akuma attack.” 
“Fingers crossed!” 
“You’ll be fine up here alone?” 
“Of course. Have fun with your parents.” 
“Oh,” she wilted. “Should I tell them about Adrien?” 
“Why not?” 
“I’m just scared that my nosy parents will ask a hundred questions. And we’re not even official.” 
“Maybe by mentioning it now, when it becomes official, it won’t be much of a shock.”
“And maybe we can avoid another disaster like when my dad got akumatized. You’re right.” She couldn’t help but sigh. “Well, I’ll tell you how it goes!” And she went downstairs. 
Adrien sat on her desk, scanning the walls and taking in all of his pictures. She really loved him, didn’t she? 
And how long had that gone on, and he never noticed? 
Was it okay to snoop? Of course morally and ethically, no, it wasn’t. But he was technically her sort of boyfriend. It couldn’t hurt. 
So he snooped. Just a precursory glance through her belongings. It was all very innocent. 
Until he found the pink half-circle book. Her diary. 
Maybe it was the influence of Plagg’s magic in him. Or this whole experience was turning him into a rascal. 
But he opened the book and started to read. 
The entries were pretty innocent too. Day to day things, balancing life as a superhero and a student. She mentioned him a few times. Using phrases like, ‘golden hair’, ‘handsome face’, ‘emerald eyes’, and ‘abundant kindness’. She wrote about the times they interacted. From him catching her when she tripped, to the glances they shared. Just the smallest interactions between them, she cherished. 
It almost made his heart hurt with how moved he was. 
And then there was an entry whose content made him feel a different sort of pain. She recounted a day he had not experienced. Her encounter with his akuma, Chat Blanc. 
He read the pages, soaking up every heart breaking moment. All the cruel things he had said to her that he would have never known. Why hadn’t she said anything? Was it too painful? Or did…
Did she think he didn’t need to know?
The diary slammed shut as he was finishing the entry, and a very angry and embarrassed Marinette stood over him, glaring. “Little snoop.” 
“Yeah yeah, cats and curiosity and all that. So sue me.” 
She took the book away and put it in a box with a lid. “Remind me never to leave you alone in my room ever again.” 
“Aw, you’re no fun.” 
She walked away, heading to her dresser. “Are you like this with Chat, too?”
“Oh, I’m much worse. You have no idea.” 
She laughed at him, and took her pajamas out of her drawers. 
Then without warning, she took off her pants. 
And Adrien’s mouth went dry. He watched as she slipped on her pajama pants, and then took off her shirt, and even her bra, before putting on a loose t-shirt. 
He was not going to get that image out of his head for a long, long time. 
She turned to him and started talking like nothing had happened. “So what do you want to do? I’m all done with homework, and so as long as there’s no Akuma attack, I can do whatever I want. What do you and Chat usually do?” 
Adrien didn’t know how to tell her he didn’t really have free time. Plagg just looked up cheese blogs on his phone, or watched a movie while Adrien worked on homework. 
“You pick. I’ll just watch if you want to play video games or design.” 
“I’m actually kind of tired. I might just watch videos in bed.” 
“Sounds fun! Can I join?”
“Sure! Whatever you want, Plagg.” Marinette climbed her ladder up to her loft and settled against her pillows. She pulled a fuzzy blanket around her legs and sighed in content. “Just what the doctor ordered!”
Adrien hesitated a moment, trying to decide where to sit. Her shoulder? Her stomach?
But Marinette took the choice away and patted her chest, just above her heart.
Eagerly, he settled, curling his tail around his body, and absorbing her body heat. She scratched between his ears and made him purr almost instantly. 
This was heaven. When he got his body back, he’d lay his head here. Hopefully, she’d scratch his scalp just the same. 
The videos played on her phone, just memes. Every time she chuckled, her chest would rumble with the noise, and fill him with joy. 
He could hear her heart beating. The heart she had opened for him just today. A heart that he lived in. 
And then her phone started flashing with a red light. And akuma alert!
“Uh oh!” Marinette clicked on the alert, checking out the details. “It’s a sentimonster! Come on Plagg, we can’t leave Misterbug out to dry!”
As she scaled the ladder to her balcony, he panicked. How was this going to work? Was she going to notice once they transformed? Would he be able to hear her thoughts like he could when Plagg transformed?
Would he look through her eyes?
She raised the hand with the ring on it. “Alright! Plagg, Claws out!” 
Nothing happened. 
“Um...Plagg, Claws out?” 
“Oh.” Adrien gasped, “oh no.” 
“Oh no what? Are you broken? Do I need to fix you?” 
“No! I mean—sort of, but you already did your part! I’m just...” 
“Plagg, what’s going on?” 
He sighed, screwing up his lips and unintentionally showing his fangs. “Um...I’m not...I’m not actually Plagg.” 
She stared at him, brows furrowing and eyes narrowing. “Then...who are you?” 
“Promise you won’t be mad?” 
“No guarantees!” 
“Well, okay.” He gulped. “I’m...Adrien?” 
She blinked. “Adrien? Like...no. No no no not like Adrien Agreste, my new supposed boyfriend?!” 
“That’s me! Hi P-Pooh Bear?” 
“What?!” She shrieked. “How?! When?! What—“ she snatched him out of the air with firm hands. “HAVE YOU BEEN ADRIEN THIS WHOLE TIME?” 
“I mean, I’ve been Adrien my whole life,” he awkwardly chuckled. 
“No, no don’t joke with me right now.” She sniffed. “How long have you been like this?” 
“Um...about two weeks now. Since that day he came to school in a crop top.” 
Marinette shut her eyes tight, a few tears slipping past her cheeks. “That long...” 
“So it was all a lie? Plagg’s just—messing with us? With me? You don’t really—“ she squeezed her eyes shut and started crying in earnest. 
“No! No Marinette! Of course I love you! I’ve always loved you, you know that! The second I learned you were Ladybug, everything made sense! I was so happy and I told Plagg he had to win you over. Please Marinette, this was never supposed to be malicious.” He nuzzled against her fingers, offering up a purr. “I promise.” 
With her free hand, she wiped her face. “Alright, well suppose I believe you. What happened? Why are you like this?” 
“I made a deal with the devil. Plagg, specifically. He said he was tired of me complaining all the time. So he said he could solve all my problems if I just agreed to it. Then I woke up in his body.” 
“What problems?” 
“Well...my unrequited love for you, for one.” 
She blushed. 
“My relationship with my father for two, and the third is Lila’s harassment.” 
“Oh, I get it now.” Marinette sighed. “That’s why he was doing all those things...” 
“You mean dressing like a moron and messing with Lila?”
“Yes. And flirting with me.” 
“To be honest,” he scratched the back of his head. “I would have flirted with you earlier if I had known you were Ladybug. I liked you before, I was just trying to pretend I didn’t, because I wanted to be loyal to...well, you.” 
She held him softly in her hands. “We’ve made a mess of things, haven’t we?” 
“It was for our own good. Secret identities and all that.” 
“You almost sound like you just repeat that to yourself, but you don’t believe it.” 
“I had to repeat it to myself,” he urged. “Every day. Because I so desperately wanted to be with you, to spend time with you out of the suit. I was so lonely and I thought, if there was one person I could trust with my identity, it had to be you. But I wanted to honor your wishes. I just hoped to wear you down, eventually.”
She passed her thumb over his cheek and whiskers. “I had been thinking about it, ever since I became the guardian. I wanted to keep you safe, but if something happened to Plagg and you couldn’t transform, no one would know. I’m not upset with you, Kitty. Though I wish this reveal had happened a little more...mutually.” Suddenly, her eyes widened. “What are we doing?! We have a sentimonster!” 
“Aw let him fight on his own! He deserves some sort of punishment for this and I have yet to come up with a good one.” 
She chuckled. “Alright, fine. We’ll give him a few minutes and see how things are going.” 
“You’re taking this better than I expected.” 
“I’m in shock.” She chuckled, a little hysterical. “It took me so much courage to confess…and it wasn’t even to your face. That would happen to me.”
He floated out of her hand and nuzzled her face. “All that matters is that I know. We can’t be together quite yet, but the second I get my body back, I plan to make you mine.” 
“Absolutely, Bugbear.” 
She kissed between his ears. “Okay, My Prince. I look forward to it.” 
The ring on her finger beeped, and a paw pad faded out. 
“What was that?”
Adrien sighed with relief. “The condition has been met.”
Just then, a swath of Ladybugs rushed over the city, righting whatever the Sentimonster had ruined. 
“Well, looks like he didn’t need our help after all.”
Marinette laughed slightly. “They have been doing this a long time. It probably only took them this long to get it because of travel time.” 
Adrien nodded. “So, just to clarify, you aren’t mad at me?”
“Of course not! It sounds like Plagg tricked you. Though I am mad at you for reading my diary…and watching me change!” 
“In my defense, I was not warned you were going to change.” 
“Still you could have turned around!” She blushed. 
“Sorry, Bugaboo, I guess I was just a little star struck.” 
She bopped him on the nose. “Now don’t try to flatter me to get out of being caught.” 
A yoyo wrapped around the chimney above their heads, and Misterbug made his appearance. His very jarring, ancient appearance. He wore black leggings with a red loincloth around his waist. His shirt was cropped and had billowing sleeves. The mask was just a cloth that tied around his lower face. 
“Well well well, I figured if you weren’t on the battle field, you were busy having a lover’s quarrel.” He smirked, the smile only creasing his eyes. 
Marinette looked to Plagg. “Dearest Sunshine, do you mind terribly if I abuse your body?”
“Be my guest.”
Marinette wound up a punch and socked Plagg right in the shoulder. 
“Ow! Hey, that actually hurt.” 
“I hope you, you monster! How could you hurt my poor, sweet, innocent Adrien!?” She cuddled him close to her cheek.
Plagg scoffed. “Puh-lease. There is nothing innocent about that boy. Spots off.” 
The pink light faded, and Adrien’s body remained. It was almost hard to look at him, even though she knew it wasn’t really Adrien. 
“Oh, now she gets all shy~!” Plagg taunted. “I should have retransformed when I landed. Maybe she wouldn’t have punched me!”
“You deserved it.” Tikki said, flatly. 
“Yeah, whatever. So? How’d it go?” 
Marinette held out the ring. “It beeped?”
“Excellent!” He took it off her finger. “Two to go!” He slipped the ring on and took off the earrings. “Now I just have to focus on Gabriel and Lila. I think Gabe’s getting ready to crack. Lila though, I might have to push a little harder.”
“Thank you for the warning,” Marinette added. “It makes me feel better that I might not have to put up with her for much longer. So I can take a little damage.” 
Adrien frowned. “Can’t I stay with Marinette a while longer?”
Plagg huffed. “I mean you could…but then you couldn’t see the absolute chaos that I planned.”
Adrien winced. “Ugh, fine. I’ll go with you.” He turned to Marinette, pressing a kiss on her cheek. “Bye Bugaboo. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay Kitty. I love you!” 
Adrien’s heart nearly burst with love. “I love you too!” 
“Gross.” Plagg gagged. “Alright, time to go! Adrien, Claws Out!” 
Chat Plagg Noir returned to the Lahiffe residence, and swung in through Nino’s window. 
Nino for his part, was nearly dancing in panic. 
“You good, my man?”
Nino shook his head frantically. “There’s a policeman here for you! I tried to stall as long as I could, and said you were asleep and a heavy sleeper! But I think he’s about to burst down my door!”
“A policeman? What for?”
“I don’t know! He just said he had to talk to you!” 
“Claws in.” Plagg walked over to the door, and exited, pensively watching the uniformed man in the living room. 
“Did you have a nice nap?” The man asked, arms crossed. 
“I did, until I was shaken awake. Is there a problem officer?”
“Adrien Agreste, you are under arrest.”
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animatorweirdo · 3 years
Frozen heart: Music in the dark
You fall into middle-earth with your best friend and start a new life. 
Warning: Swearing and scary themes.
This chapter is a bit long but it might be interesting to read. 
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"Run! Run! Run!" You yelled.
The ghouls screeched behind you and your friend. You two ran like crazy through the forest. The ghouls jumped from tree to tree as they pursued you two. You could hear their haunting screaming above the ground. You could also hear them from far away on the ground too. They were trying to surround you two.
You and your friend hopped over a fallen log. One of the ghouls managed to jump at you. You quickly pulled your friend over the log. The ghoul crashed into the log, breaking it in half. The ghoul would have gotten your friend if you didn't pull her away. You two didn't waste time and quickly ran away. Another ghoul appeared in front of you, blocking your way. You two screamed and ran in another direction. The ghouls were literally everywhere. You started to doubt that you two will escape alive.
"Jump!" Your friend pulled you with her and you two, then stumbled down a rocky hill. You grunted and gasped as your body rolled down the hill. Rocks and sticks under the snow hitting you and scraping your skin. You two finally managed to get to the down of the hill. The violent spinning stopped. You laid on the snowy ground, breathing heavily. Everything was stinging.
"Camilla!" You called for your friend. She appeared in front of your line of vision and quickly helped you up. You groaned when your ribs started to ache. There was a chance of broken ribs. You ignored your pain and checked if Camilla had injuries. "Come on; we need to keep moving," She said, pulling you gently. You heard hollow screaming in the distance. They were coming. You two quickly moved, and to your surprise, you two managed to find a cliff and a waterfall. There was a long drop over the cliff. The place was pretty sweet, but there was literally nowhere to go to. You two were trapped. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" Camilla yelled.
You two gasped when something dropped behind you. You two turned around and were faced with a giant ghoul. It was bigger than the other ones, and it had blood-red eyes than rotten yellow. You smelled a foul smell of death. The ghoul growled at you two, licking its sharp teeth. It was ready to devour you two. You looked around in panic. There were no more escape routes, except the waterfall if you jumped, and hope the fall won't kill you. There was a tiny chance that you two will survive, but it was better than getting eaten by a giant blood-thirsty monster.
"Hey, this might get us killed, but would you rather be food than jump off a cliff?" You asked. "Are you crazy?" Camilla asked. "Maybe, but there is a tiny chance of survival," You said. Camilla stared at you like you grew another head. She turned her attention back to the giant ghoul. It started approaching you two with hunger in its eyes. She glanced at the cliff, then at the ghoul. "Fuck it!" She yelled. She grabbed your arm and jumped over the cliff with you. You two screamed as you fell toward the bottom. You fell through a cold mist before being engulfed by cold water. You screamed from the shock the cold water gave you. Your screams were muffled by the water, and the air in your lungs turned into bubbles. It was so cold. It was like thousands of cold needles were stabbing you from every corner.
Someone suddenly grabbed your jacket and pulled you up. You gasped as you burst through the surface. The cold air struck you like a brick. Camilla pulled you out of the deep water. You stood up after your foot hit the bottom. You hugged Camilla's arm as your legs felt like jello. "Fuck, it's cold," Your teeth clattered. You turned toward Camilla. "Are you okay?" You asked. She was shaking as well. You both were dripping wet from the cold water. "Uhm... look over there," Camilla suddenly pointed out. You followed her gaze, confused, then froze when you saw people. They were wearing strange medieval clothes and were staring at you two with shocked and frightful expressions. Why were they wearing medieval clothes? You then noticed a slight change in the environment. The waterfall was gone, and it was morning. If you recalled correctly. It was still nighttime before you two jumped over the cliff. You also didn't hear the ghouls anymore. Where in the hell you two ended up to?
"Camilla... where the fuck are we?" You asked.
And that's how you two came to this world. Middle-earth, the land of humans, dwarves, elves, and orcs. There are even people called Valars and Maiars, who are like gods of this world. You and Camilla were completely dumbstruck when you heard that from the village people you met at the lake. However, you two needed to do a lot of convincing to make them believe that you were not the dark lord's servants. This dark lord guy, Morgoth was a big deal and something to be afraid of. You and Camilla, however, didn't think about it much and started traveling in this new world. It was fairly exciting, but sometimes you two got really homesick, which led you two to settle down in a nice village near the mountains of Himring and the place called Maglor's Gap. Weird names, but this was another world, so it made sense.
"Cami! I'm home!" You came through the door. The door slamming against the wall with a loud sound after you kicked it. "Can you like not break the damm door?!"Camilla yelled from the table. She had a bowl in her hands, and there was an open book on the table. You frowned in curiosity after you smelled a mild scent of coffee. "Are you still trying to make coffee out of those beans?" You asked, walking over to the table. "So what?" She asked back. "You don't know how to make coffee, and those beans aren't really coffee beans," You pointed at the bowl of green beans. "Well! It's better than nothing," Camilla continued what she was doing. You shook your head then approached the kitchen cabinets. Camilla and her caffeine addiction. It's been five months since you two came here, and she started to miss her morning coffees desperately. After you two moved into this village, she has been trying to come up with a recipe to make coffee out of the beans that closely resembled the brown coffee beans. She has tried at least five times, and every time it failed. You two ended up drinking something worse than expired milk.
You opened the cabinet, then saw something very bad. You two were out of food. Again. "Cami! There's nothing to eat!" You turned toward your best friend. "What?" She turned toward you then saw the inside of the cabinet. She groaned, knowing what an empty cabinet meant. "For fuck sake," She stated.
You two walked through the thick forest, holding baskets. It was spring, so finding food was easy since you two mostly fed of from berries and mushrooms. You two occasionally buy food from the village, but money was difficult to get in this world. Technically, you two were broke, really broke. You two sometimes do volunteer works to earn some money, but the money was not enough to feed both of you, so it was off into the forest every time the cabinet was empty. Berries and mushrooms were free.
You crouched down to pick up a batch of brown ceps. Too bad you disliked mushrooms, but it was literally one of the only things you can eat. You fell on your knees after they grew tired of crouching down too long. "You know something, a supermarket would be a really cool place right now," You said and stared at the sky. "I know, too bad credit cards are completely useless around here," Camilla answered. She sighed and stretched her legs. "We could have at least fall into a world where we can at least use our world's currency," She explained. "This world sucks. I wanna go home," You stated. Your thoughts ran back to the memory you saw the giant ghoul for the last time. You actually didn't mind getting eaten by a ghoul right now. Sounds a lot better than walking around in this world, eating berries and mushrooms. "Okay, come on, the cabinet is not gonna fill itself. We need to be back before the nightfall," Camilla stated. You mentally whined. You really didn't want to go through a forest. You wanted to go back to the house and take a nap.
After three hours of suffering and looking through a stupid forest. You two managed to fill your baskets with delicious berries and edible mushrooms. You two were currently in a large meadow. You took a big yawn and looked around the meadow. You stood under a large tree. It gave perfectly shaded from the sun. You set your basket down then sat down, leaning against the tree. "(Name)! I'm gonna go back to the village to buy some meat!" Camilla called. "Okay, I'm gonna stay here and relax a bit," You answered. "Okay, but come back before the sunset or I make dinner for myself!" She called. "Alright!" You answered. You then saw her pick up her basket and disappeared into the forest you two came from. You took a deep sigh and leaned against the tree. You then glanced at the scenery you saw in the distance. Mountains, wide-open land, and forest. It felt so same and unknown at the same time. You didn't really know what to think about it. You and Camilla encountered many types of people. You once met dwarves and that was an exciting experience. Dwarves were quite friendly folk, despite what things have been said about them. Elves and orcs were the only ones you two haven't seen. Elves could be nice to meet, but maybe not orcs. They are said to be the dark lord's servants and the most violent creatures on the earth. It's for the best that you two won't even think about them. You got more serious things to worry about, like getting some decent food on the table.
Your head laid against the bark of the tree. You yawned, and your eyes started drooping. It was peaceful. You don't even remember the last time you found peace. Your eyelids started to close slowly and it was hard to keep them open. Maybe a little nap won't hurt. You were about to close your eyes, but then you remembered something that motivated your eyes to stay open. You never slept well because of the nightmares. Every time you go to sleep, nightmares always bother you, making you wake up in the middle of the night. You were technically an insomniac. That's why you are always tired. You stared into nothingness as you tried to keep your eyes open, but they wanted to close so badly. You yawned. It's been ages since you had a good sleep. The whole thing almost sounds foreign to you,
Birds singing caught your ears. The song of the birds made the situation worse. Your eyes were harder to keep open. A yawn broke out of your mouth. Maybe a short nap won't bother. There was a tiny chance that you will catch a nightmare in such a short time.
You wake up to a sudden sound of a gust of cold wind. Your heart started beating up after you noticed there was snow everywhere. You stood up in a panic. What happened? Why it was winter out of a sudden? You looked up to the sky and saw that it was dark. You weren't sure if it was a night. The moon and the stars were missing. It was just pitch-black darkness. You gasped when you heard a deep rumbling sound from the forest. You stared at the forest where the sound came from. No, it coulnd't be. You backed away with a beating heart. You almost fell on the ground from the startle when you heard the same sound behind you. Your whole body started to shake from a familiar feeling of fear. You stared at the forest in front of you. There was nothing but darkness, but you knew. You knew what lurked in there. Stalking you. Ready to devour your whole existence.
You backed away, not breaking eye contact with the dark forest. Your back hit against the tree. Burning tears started to come out of your eyes. "Please... don't..." You fell against the tree. A familiar feeling touched your bare hands. You saw frost covering your hands under its white layer. Heavy breaths escaped your mouth. The warm air turning into a visible mist from every breath you took. You hugged yourself to protect the last bits of warmth you had. "Go away, Go away..." You begged. The tears running freely across your cheeks. You heard heavy steps coming toward you, but you didn't dare to look up to see what it was. You knew what it was, and you didn't want to look into its eyes. "Go away, please..." You were whimpering at this point.
The silence and the wind were replaced with gentle and beautiful music. You stopped shaking as the fear you felt disappeared. The beautiful music was accompanied by soft humming. Was somebody... singing? Everything suddenly became dark.
You opened your eyes and stared at the green grass in front of you. It was warm, and there was no snow. The sky was blue, and the birds flew across it with freedom. You looked at the forest. There was nothing. You dried up the tears that managed to dry up against your skin. It was just another nightmare. You almost laughed for even thinking a short nap would spare you from nightmares.
Your attention was caught by familiar music you heard in your nightmare.  You looked around the tree and saw a person playing harp. The person was obviously a male, telling from the deepness of his voice. He was quite tall and had long dark hair covering his back. What really caught your attention was his ears. They were pointy. Was he an elf?
You stood quiet and listened to his music. He was a pretty good musician. The dreadful feeling of fear you felt before was gone. You felt calm and relaxed like there was nothing to be afraid of. His humming was also very calming. You can only imagine what his voice sounded like. You were gonna take a bet that his voice was angel-like.
The music ended shortly, and the silence took over the meadow. The birds started singing, and the crickets went on with their business. You almost didn't notice how quiet it was when the elf stopped playing. It was like animals stood quiet for him to play his harp. You heard the elves had a special bond with nature, but this was the first time you got to witness that happen. The silence between you and him started to bug you. You were still literally staring at him while he didn't even know you were there. To avoid future awkwardness, it's better to say something now than nothing.
"Nice song," You said.
You almost crapped yourself when he suddenly snapped his attention toward you. His eyes were steel grey and almost sent shivers to your spine from their coldness. He was quite handsome, though, but you still better be careful with your words. He looked like he was having a bad day. "Who are you?" He demanded. Bingo, he had a great voice. You quickly regained yourself. "Sorry if I scared you, but in my defense, I was already here taking a nap before you started playing," You explained. He stared at you for a moment like he was trying to figure out if you were lying. You shifted uncomfortably, wanting to look away from his intense stare. Oh no, you managed to make this awkward, didn't you?
His expression became softer after he saw your basket and not any traces of suspicion. "I see. I apologize for my attitude. I'm having kind of a bad day," He explained. Hah, you knew it. "No worries, not every day is a good day," You said. He chuckled, which sounded like a scoff. "Unless every day is a bad day," He muttered under his breath. You frowned when you heard that. He was probably having more than just a bad day. You could offer some comfort, but you didn't know him at all, so it's better to stay out of his personal business. Silence took over the atmosphere for a while.
"So... do you live around here? I heard you don't meet elves around these parts often," You asked. He looked at you, then chuckled. "Bold words from someone who lives in elven lands," He said with an amused tone. Was he making fun out of you? "Hey! I recently moved to a village around here. I haven't gotten time to learn anything," You defended yourself. "Oh really?" He questioned with a challenging look. "Yes," You answered. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling with a tiny smile. You crossed your arms and smiled along. His mood seemed to turn positive, which was a good sign.
"What's your name?" You asked, wanting to know. "How about you tell me your name first since I was the first one to ask," He said back. You rolled your eyes. "Okay. My name is (Name). May I ask what's your name?" You answered. He chuckled. "I don't think you want to know," He said. "And why is that?" You asked. This intrigues your curiosity. "Because when I tell my name, people tend to avoid having anything to do with me," He explained. That sounded a bit dark. Telling from the tone of his voice.
"Try me," You said. He glanced at you curiously. You got guts. "My name is Maglor from the house of Feanor," He waited for your reaction. "Cool," You casually said. Okay, not what he was expecting. He stared at you curiously.
You glanced at the sky and saw the sun descending on the horizon. "I need to go," You got up then picked up your basket. "I need to be back at home before my friend starts making dinner without me," You explained. "See you around, Maglor from the house of Feanor," You waved your goodbye then walked into the forest. Maglor watched as your figure disappeared into the forest. You were... interesting for a human. He glanced at the sunset, then sighed. He got up, holding his harp against his chest. He better go back too. He glanced at the forest you disappeared into. There was a very tiny chance you two would meet again, but for some reason, he had a tingle of hope that you would meet again. He was not sure why. Maybe because he had a normal conversation with someone that didn't include the drama of his family and the damn oath. He started to walk back to his brother's fortress. The sun finally settled down, making room for the moon and allowing Varda's starts to give light to the middle-earth.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Rantarou Amami x Ultimate Writer - FLUFF
Request: Hi! Your writing is incredible ^^ I was wondering if you could write Rantaro with an Ultimate Essay Writer s/o, maybe comforting them when they're up late writing? I hope that's okay, and thank you :D
Hey! Sure I can do this! But, I wanna make it just the Ultimate Writer. I’m an english writing major myself IRL, and I have to write essays, non-fiction, emails, resumes, letters, instructional guides, graphic novels, fiction, poetry etc. so they will definitely have essay-writing skills anyway. Ultimate Writer just makes it easier. I hope you don’t mind :) - Admin Kokichi
     "Nnnn!" You gritted your teeth in frustration, "NNNGGHH!" Your arm was stretched to its extent, reaching up with all your might. The shelf above was just out of reach. Your fingertips scraped against the spine of the thick brown book above you, but strain as you might, it wasn’t budging, firm and snug against the others on the shelf. "Gah!" You puffed in anger, clenching your fists. Why did the books you wanted from the basement library always have to be so high up? You needed this particular text as a reference for your next piece. 
     It was going to be a throwaway letter, a confession written to express your feelings then set them free by burning it later. It didn’t matter, really, what you wrote at this point. Anything to get your mind off of all of… this. In this killing game, your writing was the only thing that brought you comfort. You stayed up every night scrawling until your wrist cramped up. Your Monopad had a notes section to type in, but you much rather stick to the traditional ways. The lack of sleep and endless output of creative thought was starting to weigh on you, and now it looked like you weren’t even getting this damn book today, “Man, this blows…” You sighed deeply. "AH!" You jumped, startled when a large, ring-clad hand suddenly appeared in front of your face, bracelets jangling in your ear. Soon, you felt someone's broad chest against your back. The hand grabbed the book you wanted and brought it down. You turned around with your hand on your chest, still a little jumpy. "Oh, phew… Rantarou, it's just you."
      "Yeah,” he chuckled gently, “here ya go Y/N." There stood your crush, the rich playboy with a heart of gold. You felt your cheeks go warm. He was often in the library, and you relished every moment you got to spend glancing over your shoulder at him while we has up to his usual antics of planning traps or researching new ways to interrogate your classmates until someone was spooked into admitting their position as the mastermind. Once in a while, he would read for pleasure, and at first you felt like an asshole for being surprised by that. You judged him too early on, seeing a flawless face and a suave personality and assuming he would be the popular kid archetype you’d seen in many an awful young adult novel. The more you got to know him, the more he revealed himself to be highly intelligent, well-rounded, considerate, empathetic, and extremely attractive.
     "Thanks, Rantarou," you looked down, placing the book under your arm.
     "No problem… it's not everyday I get to do something useful for someone else here," he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. You laughed too, looking him up and down. 
      “That’s not true!” you countered. “You’re always helping us all out. You give great advice, too!”
      “Well, I try to help, but I’m sure it hasn’t escaped everyone’s notice that none of my plans have really... taken off,” he gestured, moving his hand in a soaring-upward motion. “Also, with me not rememberin’ my talent and all… I kinda have become the expendable background character, yeah?” His eyes crinkled closed with a kind smile.
      He laughed again to fill the silence of the dark, empty library. You giggled. You always thought it was cute how could be so humble, looking the way he did, sounding the way he did. He had been that way ever since you’d met him, and are far as you were concerned, it seemed genuine. You couldn’t really trust anyone in this killing game, but you trusted Rantarou. Even in the library past midnight, where no one would know if you ended up dead, you trusted Rantarou.
      "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to scare you," he leaned against the bookcase, arms crossed.
      "Nah, it's fine. You helped me out, so I forgive you..." You joked, playfully punching his shoulder. He smiled a bit sheepishly, an expression you didn’t see often in the confident male.
      "Yeah I… haha," He fiddled with a book nearby," I didn't think anyone would be here. I always come at night. Surprisingly, it's pretty boomin’ here during the day, so I come later on to avoid the hassle of a crowded space." You understood completely. Rantarou was always secretive about his plans.
      “I know, I see you here sometimes,” you mused.
      “Oh, really? I usually sit behind the back shelves, so I guess i didn’t notice you. You’re pretty quiet, huh? Maybe I should be watchin’ my back for you, huh?” He snickered
      "I was having the same thought, isn't that weird?" He looked at you with alarm. “I’m kidding!” To that, he relaxed a bit. "So, watcha reading?"
      "Oh, um," He gestured behind him to the aforementioned back shelf "I’m set up back there reading. It's just some old, boring, textbook information on one of the small countries I’ve visited. I thought it'd be interesting, but..."
      "Yeah, sounds like it," You looked at him with genuine interest, and he smiled in appreciation.
      "Wait, really?!"
      "Yeah, why wouldn't it be? I think it’s super cool that you’re well-traveled. I guess that’s why you and Korekiyo get along so well, huh?" His feet shuffled in silent excitement at your shared enthusiasm. He bit his lip playfully, and your eyes grew shiny in admiration. He was so adorable.
      He noticed your change in expression and coughed, frowning a little in embarrassment. You tried to change the subject, to make him comfortable again.
      "H-hey, Rantarou?"
      "Hmm?" He looked up from the ground eagerly.
      "You're gonna be up reading all night, right? Well.. I will be, too, and... it’s harder for someone to kill us with four eyes on the lookout..."
      "So, you wanna maybe sit with me here at my table? The vents reach this side of the library better so it’s a bit warmer... haha, it's... it's kinda cold in here," You pulled your uniform’s turtleneck tighter around yourself, shaking a little. Rantarou immediately accepted. He wasn’t about to pass up an invitation from his crush.
     “Hell yeah, sounds great! I’ll go grab my stuff, but, hey, I’ve noticed I hardly ever see you in the dorms… you know you gotta sleep, right?” He had a concerned look on his face, and your heart of course fluttered at his attention to detail and knowledge of your habits, but you didn’t want him worrying about you when he had his own safety to look out for.
      “Well, I appreciate the concern, but I’d much rather spend time with you than be in my dorm alone worrying.” He seemed to blush at your words, and you thought you’d maybe gone too far, until he agreed, and rushed over to grab his reading material.
      You sighed deeply, a yawn slipping out once or twice. At least two hours had passed since you and Rantarou set up your little corner and there he still sat, in the wooden chair across from yours, never looking up at you from his book. A peaceful, relaxed look glazed his face. He had been that way almost the whole time, but you could sense him becoming a bit antsy. Maybe he was just tired?
      You were both fast readers, so by now you had already read the best sections of your own books and switched. He now sat reading the yellowed pages of the book you selected: an eclectic compilation of 16th century romance literature, and you were now five chapters into his text on the different ethnic groups of some far-off land.
      “Hmm… heh,” he shook his head amusedly.
      “What?” Your head shot up anxiously, fearing he was judging your choice of genre.
       “It’s just... some of this is extremely cheesy and cliche. You’d think the old masters would have done a little better.” He lifted the book in a referencing gesture.
      “Ah, yes, I noticed that as well. I was hoping for a little inspiration, but… it seems Monokuma isn’t the best curator of quality literature.” He nodded in agreement, seemingly stuck on a thought. You could see him stare into space for a second before continuing.
      “Inspiration for what… may I ask?” He pressed, waiting with bated breath for your reply. You felt your feathers start to ruffle, the borders of your comfort zone being invaded by the enemy. You didn’t know if you should answer honestly. The letter was a throwaway for a reason…
      “I was going to write a letter…” it slipped out, and you quickly regretted it. Apparently, your brain had decided to take the lead for you. You never recalled yourself being so forward or brave.
      “Why do you need sonnets and romance novels to write a letter? Planning to sweet talk Monokuma into freeing us?” He chuckled somewhat teasingly, but his haughty words slowly faded to silence upon noticing the wet shine in your nervous eyes, the way your fingers played with the corner of the book as a distraction for your discomfort.
      “No…” You coughed, clearing your throat. Rantarou looked away, running a hand through his green shaggy locks. He knew what the letter was for, of course, who it was for. He was a bit nervous, too, eager to play off the tension in the room with humor, but it wasn’t working. He was wondering why you were so apprehensive, so sullen at his inquiry. You two flirted almost every day… did you seriously need to worry about his reaction? Did you think he didn’t like you back? “I-It’s… well it was going to be a um… a confession of sorts… just to get my feelings down on paper and off my chest. Then I was gonna burn it afterward to set those feelings free!” You smiled weakly, betraying your lack of confidence.
      “Nah, you should give it to him- them!” He corrected himself, dropping the most obvious hint he could. You still didn’t look convinced, a bit oblivious.
      “Y-you think so?”
      “For sure, no doubt. Whoever that letter is meant for,” he leaned in to you, clasping his calloused hands around yours. You felt your heart skip a beat at the contact, and you were left speechless, fearing any words spoken now would come out as idiotic babbling, “they are gonna love it. Trust me.” His eyebrows rose with emphasis, and he shot you one of his iconic, heart-melting smiles.
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wwoww-au · 4 years
Family Business
read on AO3
  Henrik jumped instinctually when he heard a knock on the door of the clinic. He was still getting used to Yan’s frequent visits; the only person who normally stopped by outside of patients was Jackie, and even then those were scheduled. He opened the door and was greeted by the red-haired ball of joy themself.
    "Good afternoon, Henrik." Yan beamed and moved past him into the clinic, only speaking again once the door was closed. "I got those books you asked for." They put their messenger bag down onto the counter and began emptying its contents; two leather-bound books with yellowing pages and ancient symbols etched into the cover.
    "Thank you, Yan. You’ve been a great help," Henrik said. 
    "It’s no trouble." Yan handed the books to the doctor. They then rummaged through their bag again, pulling out a tupperware container. "I also brought cookies. B ate most of them while I was at the Library though..."
    "You didn’t have to..."     Henrik trailed off when he heard a shout from the basement. But this was different from when he normally heard Anti shouting from the basement, this time he sounded... happy? There was a loud rhythmic thumping of Anti running up the stairs before the trap door burst open and he stumbled out into the room. 
    "I’ve made a breakthrough!" Anti was beaming, holding out a piece of notebook paper covered in his messy handwriting. 
    "Anti, as exciting as that is, please check next time you come stomping up the stairs,” Henrik scolded, worry creasing his brow. “What if Jackie had been here? Or someone from the Crime Department? You really ought to be more careful." Still shaking his head, he took the paper from Anti and began reading. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Anti rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and listen. I was poring over that old book of remedies Yan brought over a couple of days ago and after brushing up on my ancient Greek, I was able to translate the recipe for a potion that stalls the symptoms of corruption. Not exactly a cure, but it’s a start."  He turned his attention to Yan, eyeing the container in their hands. "You brought food? You’re the best." He grabbed the container and immediately shoved a cookie into his mouth. 
    Henrik stared in awe of the notes, a small smile tugging across his face. "This… this could actually work! Anti, you’re brilliant."
    Anti swallowed and looked sheepishly at the floor. "It’s not a big deal. Just trying to keep myself from fully corrupting, is all."
    "Not a big deal?" Yan’s eyes lit up. "You’ve managed to find the first step to a corruption cure, that’s incredible!"
    As Henrik continued poring over the notes, his eyebrows furrowed. "As incredible as this is, it’s going to be extremely difficult for me to get these ingredients. The only place I could possibly get most of these things is Derekson's, but I'd have to get Jackie to escort me. Not to mention the Committee would find it suspicious…"
    Anti shrugged, taking a bite out of another cookie. "No problem, I’ll swing by later to grab everything you need to start making this thing."
"Are you sure? It might not be safe for you to be walking out and about."
"It'll be fine, I'll wear a scarf. You worry too much," Anti said, scratching at his neck wound. Henrik sighed and left the room, closing the door to the apartment behind him. "Yandere, you wanna come with?"
"Sure." Yan hesitated. "Where are we going exactly?"
"Derekson's," Anti said. Yan still looked confused, so he continued. "It's an apothecary across town. The guy who runs it is under Committee surveillance, too." He glanced over at the apartment door and lowered his voice. "Apparently, all of his children were born mundane, and he tried to turn them into wizards by himself. Ended up killing all but one. The only reason the Committee hasn't thrown him into a prison cell yet is that he's such a talented potion maker."
"That's horrible," Yan muttered.
"Yeah..." Anti trailed off. "But he’s the only one who has what we need to make our potion. So I hope you don’t have any plans this afternoon, because we’re leaving as soon as I finish these cookies." He turned and walked back down into the basement, taking the whole container with him.
The walk to the apothecary was surprisingly tense -- Anti had insisted they walk there, not wanting to spend even a few minutes on crowded public transport. He spent the whole time looking over his shoulder and tugging on his scarf like it was suffocating him. 
"Are you okay?" Yan asked, sensing how nervous he was. 
"I'm fine." He glanced at them over his sunglasses. "I just don't like walking around during the day. Too many people. I feel like they're all staring at me." Yan opened their mouth to say something comforting, only for Anti to cut them off. "We're here."
Yan looked up at the building they stopped in front of. It was a brownstone, the worn bricks painted green. A few strange-looking flowers and herbs grew in the windowsills. Above the door was a wooden sign that read "Derekson's Apothecary: family-owned and operated since 1812." Yan quickly followed Anti up the steps and into the shop.
The shop was empty when the two walked in. A wooden counter stretched around all sides of the room. Tall shelves filled with glass jars and bottles lined the walls behind the counter, each containing loose ingredients or brightly colored liquids. A rolling ladder was attached to the shelves, and in the center was a door marked "employees only".  It reminded Yan of a candy store, only instead of chocolate and jellybeans, the jars were filled with dried herbs and what looked like eyeballs.
The back door swung open and a man in a patterned shirt walked out, putting on a big smile when he saw the two standing in the shop. He was followed by a teenager with similar features, walking on a pair of crutches. The teen stood in the back, staring at the ground while the older man walked towards the counter.
"Welcome, welcome! What can I do for you today?" said the man, whose nametag identified him as Derek. He gestured to the shelves behind him. "We carry potions for any and all circumstances. One that turns any creature into a harmless goldfish, one that can make your flower garden into your own personal army of floral warriors, one that makes the drinker fall in love with the first person they see for 24 hours. I know that one is popular with you young folks." He winked at Yan, and they only scoffed in response. He hesitated before starting his sales pitch again. "You two don't work for the Committee, right?"
"Good! Because here I have a few things that blur the lines between potion and poison-"
"We don't need any of that!" Anti snapped, clearly running out of patience with the overzealous salesman. "We just need these ingredients." He pulled a list from inside his coat and handed it to Derek.
Derek gave a dejected sigh and took the list, turning and climbing the ladder to retrieve what they needed. He quickly maneuvered the shelves, seemingly knowing where everything was despite all the jars being unlabelled. He came back down only a few minutes later holding a few jars, piling them all on the counter. 
"Is that everything?" Anti asked.
"Not quite," Derek said. "Some of the things you're asking for are highly dangerous, so I don't keep them in the front of the shop. Eric." He turned to the young man behind him, who flinched in surprise upon hearing his name. "Can you get the rest of this fine customer's order from the back room?"
"Yes, Dad," Eric muttered.
"I can help you with that," Yan chimed in, hesitating when they saw how stunned Eric looked at the gesture. "If you're alright with that."
"Sure," Derek said, waving his hand. "Just don't touch anything you're not supposed to." Yan moved around the counter over to Eric, smiling and opening the door for him. He gave a reluctant smile and went inside, Yan following shortly after.
The backroom was essentially just a kitchen. A few small cauldrons were simmering on top of an electric stove, empty glass bottles crowding the counter next to it. The linoleum floor was covered in shimmering, multicolored stains. A few barrels were pushed up against the back wall next to a staircase leading up to the second floor of the house. The walls were lined with cabinets, many of which were padlocked.
Eric hobbled over to the cabinets, leaning his crutches up against the counter and leaning against it for balance. He pulled a ring of keys from his pocket, unlocking one of the cabinets. Before he opened it, he turned to Yan. "Oh, right," he mumbled, as if he had forgotten Yan was there. "You can, uh, grab the fireroot for me. It's in the fridge." 
"You got it." They smiled, walking over to the fridge and opening it. It was filled to the brim with potion bottles, as well as a few leftovers in tupperware containers. 
"So, what's all this for, anyway?" Eric asked, before immediately looking away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."
"It's alright." Yan walked over with the bundle of fireroot he asked for. "We're working on, uh… medicine. For someone who's sick. My friend's a doctor and he asked us to pick up some supplies for him."
"That’s weird. I’ve never heard of medicine with these kinds of ingr-" He cut himself off with a strangled cry. His legs suddenly buckled out from underneath him, and he gripped onto the counter for support. He shakily lowered himself to the floor, back against the counter. He scrunched his eyes shut and suppressed a pained whimper, pulling his leg to his chest.
Yan dropped to their knees in an instant. "What's wrong?" they asked quickly. "Do you need me to get your dad?"
"No!" Eric yelped, eyes wide. "It'll only make him upset… I'll be fine. I just need to sit for a minute."
"What's wrong?" Yan repeated, more gently this time. 
Eric bit his lip, looking at the door to the shop and back at Yan. "You know what my dad did, right?" They nodded, remembering the story Anti told them. "The ritual he used to try and make me a wizard, it didn't work, but-" He rolled up one of his pant legs, revealing unnatural scars twisting up his leg. They looked like burns, only iridescent and an unpleasant shade of green. Yan clapped a hand over their mouth. He covered the scars and curled in on himself. "Dad says it's a form of corruption. It flares up every now and then," he continued. He gave a feeble smile. "It's almost funny. I'm not even a wizard and I still managed to screw up and get corrupted."
Yan winced, sensing a wave of sadness and guilt coming from Eric. "Hey, that’s not your fault. None of that is,” they said, trying to console him. They were quiet for a moment, mulling over what they were about to say. They lowered their voice.  "I think I have a way to help you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, that includes your dad. " 
Eric looked back with confusion before simply nodding.
Yan glanced at the door before speaking,  "A friend of mine is working on a cure for corruption. I know it sounds impossible, but we’re making progress. It will take some time before we have an actual cure, but once we do, we’ll be able to help you. "
 "You- you’d really be willing to help me?" Eric said. He gave them a weak smile.
Yan smiled back, opening their mouth to reassure them before being cut off by yelling from the front of the shop.
"Eric! Hurry up!" Derek yelled. "We have a customer waiting!"
"Oh no..." Eric muttered before yelling back, "I’ll be right out!" He grabbed the edge of the counter, wincing as he scrambled to his feet. He grabbed his crutches, gesturing to Yan to pick up the miscellaneous items on the counter before going through the door. They placed them on the check-out counter before walking back over to Anti, who looked down at them over his sunglasses.
Derek looked over at Eric, drumming his fingers on the counter with impatience.  "What took you so long?" he said, barely containing his frustration. 
"I- uh," Eric stammered, trying to avoid eye contact with his father as he began to pack all the items into a box. "I couldn’t find the time cacti needles they needed, m-must’ve put it in the wrong cabinet when I was organizing."
"Yeah? Well, next time double-check to make sure everything’s in the right place." Derek turned to Anti, his glare turning into a smile as he rattled off the prices for everything, occasionally slipping in a sales pitch for other potions. Anti ignored his rambling, placing a stack of bills on the counter and taking the box of ingredients from Eric. He promptly dropped it into Yan’s arms and quickly made his way out of the shop. Yan gave Eric one last smile before following after.
"God, I hate that Derekson guy. Did you see the way he talked to his own son?" Anti scoffed. The two were walking back to Henrik’s clinic now, Anti a little more relaxed now that the streets weren’t as crowded. "What were you and that Eric kid doing back there, anyways?"
"Just talking," Yan said. They decided it was best if Anti didn’t know they’d told Eric about the corruption cure. 
"Of course you were." Anti smiled. "You have a real knack for befriending everyone you meet, huh?"
"I guess so." They smirked. "I managed to befriend you, didn’t I?" They nudged him with their shoulder. 
Anti chuckled. "Yeah, yeah you did." The two kept walking, keeping up some light conversation to pass the time. Yan was in the middle of recounting the time they and B had gotten lost in a cave somewhere in the geography section at the Library when a man jogging by them accidentally bumped into Anti. "Hey, watch it!" he yelled at the man before turning back to Yan. They were about to continue their story when they felt a sudden surge of mixed emotions from behind them. Disbelief, sadness, joy. 
Anti froze in place. He chanced a look back, his heart sinking when he locked eyes with the man behind him. He stared at Anti as if he had just seen a ghost, the faintest smile pulling at his lips. His eyes were sunken yet bright, brown hair poked out from under his beanie. He looked like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in months. He surged forward, wrapping his arms around Anti and pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh my god, Chase! It’s been so long, I thought I’d never see you again!" He laughed.
Anti finally moved, shoving the man off of him and taking a step back. "I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else."
"Are you kidding? I’d think I’d recognize my best friend."
"I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are," Anti growled.
"It’s me, Sean! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for years." The man, Sean, reached out to Anti. Tears started to fall when he flinched away. "You just disappeared, and I was beginning to think- everyone thinks you’re dead, Chase."
"Anti," Yan said softly, wincing from the waves of intense emotion coming from the two men. "Who is this?"
"Anti? Your name is Chase!" Sean yelled. He grabbed his head, struggling to make sense of what was happening. "You’re my best friend! Fuck, we have matching tattoos!" He quickly rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing a trident-shaped symbol. Yan recognized the symbol; they had seen it tattooed on Anti’s right arm before. Sean kept yelling, tears pouring down his face. "What happened to the friend who promised he’d always be there for me? What happened to the guy who would never abandon his family no matter how hard things got? What happened to you, Chase?"
"I'm not Chase," Anti snapped, low and dangerous. "Now, I need you to leave me alone before I do something I regret." 
Yan looked down to see his hand was glitching with red and green magic. "Anti." they grabbed his arm. "Please, don't."
Anti looked over at them, then back at Sean. "Yan, we're leaving." He turned to go.
"If you’re going to go, you should know Stacy remarried," Sean said. He averted his eyes from Anti, tears still falling down his face. "Nice guy, he’s a tennis instructor or something. The kids are doing well in school; Emma's been filling out college applications. They still ask about you sometimes. They do miss you, you know. Stacy too."
Anti stood for a moment. "Come on, Yan, let’s go home," he said, lifting an arm to wipe at his eyes with his sleeve. He walked away from Sean, not bothering to look back.
The walk back to Henrik's was tense. Neither said a word until they got back. Anti opened the door to the clinic, immediately locking eyes with Henrik, who was sitting at his desk going over the notes again. "How'd it go?" he asked, standing up. Anti stayed quiet, storming past him and wrenching open the trapdoor. He slammed it behind him, and moments later the two upstairs heard him start yelling. It was a heartbreaking sound, laced with anger and sorrow. The sound of anything he could get his hands on colliding with the floor soon followed.
"What happened to you out there?" Henrik said, wincing at the sound of something glass shattering below. 
Yan placed the box of ingredients on the desk, gently wiping fresh tears from their face. The emotion coming from Anti and Sean had been too much for their ever faltering emotion magic, and they had started crying from the sheer amount of sorrow coming from the two. "Everything at the store went fine. But on the walk back, we ran into a man named Sean," they spoke softly. They looked up at Henrik, seeing a flash of recognition on his face. "Henrik, who's Chase?"
Henrik sighed, gently removing his glasses and rubbing his face. "Chase is someone who Anti was a long, long time ago," he hesitated, looking down at Yan with regret. "It's not my place to tell you about his past. I'm sorry. You really deserve to know more, but-"
Yan held up their hand. "I understand." They pulled him into a hug.
Henrik froze at the sudden contact, then gently placed his arms around them. "It would probably be best if you went home. You don't want to see him like this."
Yan pulled back, giving a weak smile. "I'll see you next week. Call me when he's feeling better."
"Of course," Henrik said, watching as Yan walked out the door. As soon as they were gone, he sighed, leaning against his desk. He wanted nothing more than to get a drink, wait it out until Anti's rage faded, but he knew that wouldn't be good for either of them. He walked over to the center of the room, gently opening the trapdoor before heading down the stairs, bracing himself as the noises got louder. He gasped when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
The room was in complete disarray. All the books that had been precariously balanced on Anti’s desk were thrown to the ground, papers strewn everywhere. The desk chair was knocked over; all the dirty plates and glasses that he had hoarded in his room were in pieces on the floor. His knife was buried in its usual place in the wall next to the doorway. The only thing left untouched was the murky green jar on the desk, where Sam was repeatedly bumping his eye against the glass in an attempt to get Anti's attention.
Anti himself was hunched in the center of it all. His jacket and scarf were discarded on the floor. His sunglasses lay against the wall across the room, one of the lenses missing and the other shattered. His entire body was glitching. He was scratching at the wound on his neck. 
Henrik quickly moved next to Anti, careful not to kneel on any broken glass. "Are you alright?" He spoke softly. Anti breathed heavily, barely acknowledging the man beside him. Henrik reached out, gently placing a hand on his back and rubbing circles. Even through his gloves, it felt like touching a broken tv screen. Slowly, Anti's breathing evened out and he removed his hands from his neck.
It felt like an eternity before Anti spoke. "I miss them so much." 
"I know," Henrik said, barely above a whisper. 
Anti looked back at him, his mind racing with a million things to say. He decided to stay quiet, just this once. He leaned against Henrik, letting the silent sorrow wash over him.
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wayward-writers · 4 years
I do in fact have some Amara and Chuck headcanons, well really just one and it deals with the empty.
Before the siblings and many universes were created, it was only nothingness. It was empty. It was THE Empty. One day, a day that science refers to as the big bang, light and darkness were created, and in that, Amara and Chuck. They exist inside a portion of the empty they they claimed for their own. Chuck decided to use his sandbox to create universes, and used one to trap his own sister after she disliked his first autonomous creation, Angels. He created worlds weaker than him so that he'd always have the most power. It's also why he doesn't have any power over the empty. Its because his power is an illusion in comparison to the empty. When angels and demons are killed, their beings get pushed outside of God's sandbox because they are made of light and dark that is "multidimentional". This isn't quite the case as it is closer to existing between God's universes than in multiple at once. That gap between them is still the empty, so that's where they get pulled.
On the idea of universes, I'd like to think that all of chuck's creations have multiple phases more so than universes. Examples would be every world has it's own heaven, hell, purgatory, and ether (where Angels keep their wings). All these phases are part of what we perceive as a universe.
Hope this all makes sense and helps you with some metaphysics! In regards to that I am also working on a research paper-based thing that goes over headcanon lore on Angels. Don't know if that is something you could use for the project or not. Let me know if you want to see it when I've finished it.
[Its contents should include angel wing color meaning, biology of molt, moving wings between phases, physical wings, angel powers and grace, Angel ranks, training as fledglings or newly created Angels, general customs like native language, and some on how their minds work.]
(Wow that is a lot scarier that just writing little notes. There is so much I wanna cover and I want this to not end up as a WIP.)
{Hope this wasn't too long and that you are having a great day 💙💙💙}
Bro... Ace, (can I call you Ace?)... my good buddy... my best friend. THIS WAS SO HELPFUL THANK YOU. Like it actually makes a ton of sense and is a really good place for us to start working. The Empty is such a disaster. Like Chuck doesn’t have power in the Empty obviously, but he manages to resurrect Cas multiple times, and even Lucifer in 15x19? And Jack being able to break through because he has the power of both souls and grace makes a lot of sense, but... Chuck shouldn’t be able to???!?!?! And then don’t get me started on the mess that is Purgatory/Hell/Heaven endgame. Even the “fixed” version of Heaven from you-know-what episode, (*shudders), doesn’t make a lot of logical sense if you actually start thinking about it. But you’ve provided us with a really interesting Beginning™ ideas, which can lay the foundation for more exciting stuff to come! And yes! We would honestly really, really like to see it when you’re done! (If you’re comfortable with sharing it of course.)
And woo woo!! Sharing creative works and ideas can be very intimidating, and we’re proud that you did it! (I apologize if that sounds kinda weird lol.) These asks are never too long, don’t worry, and we hope you’re having an awesome day too! (Or night if it’s night for you!)
Thank youuuuuuuuuu for the ask, Slithery Snek Regular non-anon. (The names a WIP ok give us time.)
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darwindrawz · 3 years
GTFO Team 729 AU fic (no one should read this except Sky)
@skyllion-uwu here it is, sorry it took me so long to figure out how to get it here lmao
Some notes:
- if you are not Sky, please save me the embarrassment and don’t read this. If you do read this, don’t make fun of me for it.
-Tore is Italian-American and has extreme anger issues, Bright is a stuck up ex-spy German asshole, and they both hate each other (at least at first).
-The team is currently trying to find a way to a lab on the upper levels to retrieve a dna sample, but Tore insisted on navigating even though Bright is the scout and he got them lost. Bright then took the map files from him to prevent any further confusion, and they are still fighting about this.
Warnings: lots of swearing, some light angst, Flea being too pure for this world (or the gtfo world I guess)
The crackling of the team’s campfire nearly drowned out the screams of sleepers behind a nearby wall, but not enough to put Flea at ease.
He kept one hand on his gun, careful not to let the others see, lest they find out he wasn’t as tough as they all thought he was.
“I’m tellin you, we’ve been headin the wrong way for days now! We’ll never find our way outta this shithole if you don’t fuckin give me the map files!”
He rolled his eyes under his helmet. Tore and Bright were arguing again. Not that it was anything unusual; they were all under stress, and it didn’t help the two’s ongoing feud to be trapped in the same seemingly endless hallway for four days.
“Oh of course, because you know what you’re doing more than any of us do.” Bright snapped back. “Get a grip. You’re acting as immature as that mangy little kid.”
Flea perked up at that. Where was the kid, anyway? He had seen them while they were setting up camp, but now that they had a fire going it seemed that he had skulked off somewhere in the darkness surrounding them.
He stood up, eliciting a glance from Tore and Bright but no questions. “I’m gonna go find...” he trailed off as he realized neither of them were listening, his deep voice muffled by the sound of them chewing each other’s heads off.
“My fuckin rank is “tech”, dumbass! What do you think that means? THAT I’M IN CHARGE OF THE TECH.”
“Ach, verpiss dich!”
Flea sighed, picking up his gun and stepping into the shadows. Idiots. And he was supposed to be the big strong dumb one.
It wasn’t long before he heard Teeth’s raspy breathing coming from somewhere up ahead in the dingy hallway. Knowing better than to call out to him, he pulled out his flashlight and clicked it on and off several times, shining it at the opposite wall.
There was a pause, and then Flea heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming toward him. Just in case, he put a finger on the trigger of his combat rifle.
Flea felt his shoulders relax as the kid came into view, holding his helmet in one hand and a nutrient block in the other.
“Hey kid. What’re you doing out here? It’s not safe.” He asked, lowering his flashlight as he realized it was shining directly in Teeth’s eyes.
He barked a gravelly laugh, his sharp teeth exposed. “This whole PLACE isn’t safe. Here is just extra not safe.”
Flea chuckled, shaking his head. Weird kid.
“What are you doing out here?” Teeth asked, spreading his scrawny arms to gesture at the dark hallway.
Flea sighed. “Tore and Bright are-“
“Fighting again.” Teeth groaned dramatically. “Yeah, yeah. What else is new.”
Flea smiled. “Yeah.”
“Hey!” Teeth exclaimed suddenly, making Flea jump. “You wanna see something cool?”
“Uh... sure? Whoah!” He yelled as Teeth grabbed his arm, dragging him into the dark shadow he had come out of at as fast of a pace as he was able.
Well, technically Teeth wasn’t dragging him. Flea was letting himself be dragged by someone half his height, mostly out of confusion and amusement.
Flea couldn’t tell where they were going, but before long he knew they had walked further than he and the others had scouted. The hall looked unfamiliar here, and the screams of sleepers gradually became distant and hushed.
Suddenly, after what Flea judged to be around 20 minutes of stumbling through the dark, Teeth stopped, bouncing on his toes as he grinned up at Flea. “TADA!”
Flea frowned confusedly, looking around. As far as he could see, there was nothing but a dark, empty, grey room with a large pile of old rubble in the center where the ceiling had caved in.
Even if there was nothing, at least there weren’t any sleepers.
He grunted as he felt Teeth’s sharp elbow dig into his side. “No, you big dummy! Up there!”
Flea followed his friend’s gaze, squinting against the light.
Wait, light?
“How...” he murmured in awe and confusion.
Teeth beamed. “Isn’t it great? And it’s MINE, cause I found it. If you climb on top, you can even see the sky-shiners!”
Flea looked down, confused. “Sky-shiners..?”
Teeth nodded vigorously. “Yeah! C’mere, lemme show you!” He said, grabbing Flea’s arm again and “dragging” him up the pile of concrete chunks and metal.
He let go of him once they had reached the summit of the tiny mountain, practically shaking with excitement as he pointed at the hole in the ceiling where the shaft of pale light streamed in. “There! Look!”
Flea took off his helmet, breathing in the fresh air that had somehow, miraculously, found its way to them. He looked up, his mouth falling open in awe as he looked from Teeth to the night sky above them. They must have gotten so lost they somehow ended up in one of the upper levels.
Which explained a lot. Tore had the sense of direction of a blind cow.
“That’s somethin else.” He smiled, feeling peace for the first time in days uncountable as he observed what Teeth had called the “sky-shiners”.
Stars. He means the stars. Poor kid probably either has never seen em, or doesn’t remember what they are.
He glanced at Teeth, who was squinting at the light with a look of pure, unfettered joy on his face. “How’d you find this place?”
Teeth’s face fell and he hesitated, shrugging. “I dunno.” He mumbled. “Just sorta bumped into it I guess.”
Flea raised an eyebrow. “You just happened to bump into a room half a mile away from camp?”
Teeth squirmed under his gaze, picking at the scar that ran across his face without giving an answer.
“Alright fine!” Teeth gave in, sighing as he plopped down on the rubble pile cross-legged. “I was tryin to run away, but I got distracted.”
Flea’s eyes widened in surprise. “Run away? To where???”
Teeth shot him a look. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead, ok?!”
Flea stared at him, half in shock and half in sadness that Teeth would just run off like that. They were friends, so he had thought.
He sat down next to him, thinking for a moment before speaking again.
“Why’d you wanna run away?”
Teeth glanced at him. “You wouldn’t get it.”
He scoffed, smiling gently. “Try me, kid.”
His friend sighed, planting his chin in his hands as he stared at the sliver of navy sky above them. “I... I guess I just got sick of it all. Y’know, Tore and Bright fighting, non being able to spit without hitting a sleeper, bein scared all the time... d’you not get tired of all that shit sometimes?”
Flea paused, thinking about his answer. “I do... but we have no other choice. We do what the Warden says, or we’re not around to receive it’s orders. And... even if Tore and Bright are a bit much sometimes, they’re all we’ve got, y’know? You’re all I’ve got. I can’t just give that up.” He finished, smiling passively at the sky.
Teeth was silent for a while, before he burst out laughing. “Wow.” He said in between cackles. “You’re a big cheesy idiot, y’know that?”
Flea laughed. “Maybe. That’s just my opinion though.”
They both went silent for a while, before finally Teeth spoke again in a quieter voice.
“D’you think I’m a mutt?”
Flea looked at him confusedly. “What?”
Teeth shrugged, chewing at one of his fingernails. “I dunno. Bright and Tore talk ugly. They say I’m some kinda animal.“
He raised his eyebrows, making a mental note to pound the others into a bloody paste later. “That’s just stupid.”
“Nah. Maybe they’re right. I only got one brain cell, according to Bright. Whatever that means.” He said, flopping down onto his back with a sigh.
“Kid, that’s not true. You might be a little... charismatic at times, but you’re not a mutt. Tore and Bright are the ones with only one brain cell. Whatever that means.” Flea added, smiling at him.
Teeth sniffed. “You’re pretty cool, Flea. Maybe I’ll stick around a while, since you’re not goin nowhere. Besides, how am I gonna prove I got uh... a lotta brain cells if I never see the others again?”
He laughed. “That’s a good point. Maybe you’ll even teach them a thing or two.”
“Yeah.” Teeth grinned.
“Do you want to go back to camp now?”
“Depends. D’you think they’ll be done fighting?” He shrugged.
Flea laughed. “Heh. Never. Maybe they’ll have their panties in less of a twist, though.”
Teeth stood up, dusting off his hands. “Well c’mon then. I got places to be, the team’s not gonna annoy itself.” He joked, looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist and cackling.
He smiled, standing and putting his helmet back on. “Lead the way.”
As his friend took off enthusiastically down the dark hallway, Flea turned and savored one last glimpse of the moon. He missed it; being on the surface. The fresh air, and trees, and no constant petrifying fear of whether or not you’d make it to the next day.
But as he followed Teeth down the twisting concrete passage, and heard the sound of Tore and Bright’s bickering accented voices begin to grow louder, he felt the longing and sadness drain from his weary body. They were his family now, and it was his job to keep them together. And if he was going to die in a dark, filthy, sleeper-ridden shithole, he was going to do it fighting for them.
“Where were you?” Bright asked impatiently, looking up as he and Teeth stepped back into the comforting circle of warmth around their fire.
Teeth snorted. “That’s real sweet, Bright. I didn’t expect you to notice we were gone.”
Flea shot him a silencing look. “We found a way forward.”
Teeth frowned. “We did?”
“Are you serious?” Bright asked, raising his eyebrows.
He nodded. “Teeth found a way to the upper levels. Just where we need to go to get to the labs.”
Bright turned to Teeth skeptically, looking him up and down. “This mutt found a way up that we couldn’t find in four days of scouting?”
“He’s not a mutt.” Flea growled, causing Bright to look back away with a frightened expression on his face. “And yes. Now are you two gonna sit here squawking like an old married couple, or are we going to get out of here?”
Bright glanced at Tores, who flipped him off briefly before nodding at Flea. “Sounds good to me. Let’s go.”
He looked down at his friend, who was shifting uncomfortably under the multitude of eyes locked on him. Flea patted him on the back, smiling even if Teeth couldn’t see it through his helmet. “You’re in charge, kid. Lead the way.”
Teeth grinned, puffing out his chest slightly as the power visibly went straight to his head. “Follow me, assholes!”
Bright and Tore reluctantly followed him as he took off sprinting down the hallway, nearly tripping several times in his excitement. Flea brought up the rear, stomping out their fire as he followed after them, smiling.
Back on the move again, and no sleepers chasing them this time. It looked like everything was going to be ok.
For now, at least.
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Affect - 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
words: 3.5k
Get up.
 My eyes are open wide, staring at a blank white ceiling streaked with golden rays from the angle of the rising sun as it peaks through the shutters.
 Get up.
 The sound of gentle snoring blends with the calm waves breaking outside. I know I shouldn’t, but my head turns without my telling it to, the sight of the sleeping body next to me causing a churn deep in my stomach. His lips, parted ever so slightly, let out soft rumbles as he exhales, clearly in a deep sleep. His body is turned in towards mine, one arm trapped under his pillow, supporting his head, while the other lays gently on the bed, his palm resting delicately on the mattress, a short distance from his body.
 Stop looking at him and get up.
 I know I need to leave him here. This is his bedroom, and if I stayed here beside him, I would not be able to stop looking at him. There is something fascinating about the man in front of me. He is undeniably beautiful. However, seeing him like this is different. It is as though his peaceful energy stretches outwards and wraps me up in his calmness. It is addictive, and that is the problem. I do not want to be addicted to him. That is not what our new arrangement is about. Last night was beautiful, and Harry made me feel so special and wanted. But that is just who he is. Harry makes people feel alive. He was just participating the way he knows how; Harry does not do anything in half measures. So what if it felt kind of right to be so close to him? That is what this arrangement is for, making ourselves feel good. That is all this arrangement is for. 
And so, I finally listen to myself. I slip out of his bed, pulling the covers back up in case he gets cold in the night.
 Almost ten hours of sleep later, I wake up in my own bed, mouth dry and gasping for a drink. Groggily, I pull myself from the crisp sheets and head to get a glass of water. I am rubbing sleep out of my eyes when I reach the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks.
 “Oh, hi,” I say softly when I see him, sat at the breakfast bar, head hanging over a bowl of cereal. His hair is damp from sweat and his whole body is flushed, presumably from whatever workout he just finished.
 “Hi,” Harry mumbles, smirking at my as he swallows a mouthful. His smile fades suddenly, replaced by furrowed brows as he looks back down to his bowl. “Where’d you run of to?” he asks lightly once I turn my back to him, getting a glass and running it under the tap.
 Grateful that he cannot see my face I reply, “Didn’t think you’d want anyone seeing me sneak out this morning,”. Not a total lie.
 Worry starts to crawl down my skin when he does not comment. However, when I feel his presence directly behind me and he reaches past me to put his empty dish in the sink, my skin quickly heats up, burning away any anxiety.
 “Shame… Kind of dig those pyjamas,” he teases, and my muscles relax reflexively when he presses his lips against my neck. Instinctually, my hand reaches up behind me and locks itself in his hair as his fingertips glide around my hips and hold me against him until my back is flush with his front. His hips grind ever so gently against the curve of my ass and I cannot help it as my jaw slackens and lips part. “Don’t think I was fully done with you last night either,” his voice is soft in my ear and he spins me around by my hips.
 “I don’t know you fell asleep pretty quickly,” I tease, tracing my finger along the length of his jaw, “Thought you might not be able to handle any more of me,”.
 He grins and opens his mouth in retort but quickly steps away from me when someone enters the room.
 “Morning,” Jeff says brightly as Harry clears his throat and stands up against the sink until any physical evidence of his and my interaction softens. I can’t help but smirk as I take a sip of water.
 “You two have fun last night?” Glenne asks, sitting up at the breakfast bar where Harry had been sat.
 I look to Harry, faltering for a moment but he is cool and collected when he casually replies, “Yeah, sorry we didn’t meet back up with you guys. Think all the travelling took it out of us…” he turns his head back to the dish he’s washing up and mumbles with a smug grin, “Couldn’t wait to get to bed,”.
  Coarse grains rub between my toes as they sink into the sand either side of the blue sun lounger. Salty droplets glide down my back as the sun dries the front of my body. A groan leaves my lips as I close my book, deciding that the rectangle of shade it provided to my face was less beneficial than the agitation of the novel.
 “What?” Harry chuckles from beside me, his head turning to the side and opening one eye beneath his sunglasses.
 “It was so good, like so good, and it was getting a little racy between the two main characters, right? And it’s like finally… you know? We’ve been waiting two-thirds of the book for this and then it says that his skin tastes like sugar, and you’re like, well that’s probably bullshit, but we can move past it and then it says that her pussy tastes like fucking strawberries,” Letting out a huff as I finish my rant, I slump back against the chair, digging my toes further into the sand in annoyance. “The book was so good, and then the author goes and cops out and says some dumb shit like that. The only way this girl’s pussy tastes like strawberries is if he could still smell her Summer’s Eve or something which I’m pretty sure they don’t have in the apocalypse,”
 That makes Harry laugh and he rolls until his back is exposed to the sun, resting on his elbows and pushing his sunglasses up on top of his head to meet my gaze.
 “You’re taste in books is interesting,” he comments with a smirk.
 “I just hate that misconception that women have to taste super sweet, like, it’s a vagina not a fruit basket,” I grumble. Harry just chuckles softly beside me as I brush sand from the lounger, “Just gives guys more reasons to be weird about it,”.
 “Are guys really that weird about it?” Harry asks curiously, fiddling with the chain around his neck, the golden cross slipping across the metal with ease.
 “Some are, yeah,” I say, avoiding eye contact with him, this conversation suddenly a lot more intimate than I had planned. “Dunno… some of them just aren’t into it, which is fine… but the ones who pretend that they are usually give up after five minutes,”.
 “What about the ones who are actually into it?” he asks. I look at him now, a little incredulously, his smile is faded but still present on his face.
 “I’m convinced that they don’t exist,” I say honestly, “If the only way they can stomach the idea is that it’ll taste like berries. Pussy tastes like pussy and it’s not like it’s a bad taste…” my voice trailing away as Harry’s ears seem to perk up.
 “You’ve…” he begins to question, wondering how to ask, his shyness bringing a smile to my face. I nod and he nods back, “Learning so much about you these days,” he jokes and instantly I feel a sense of relief that he’s not pushing the conversation to find out all the juicy details.
 There is a beat of silence before he sits up on the lounger, swinging his legs over to face me directly. “I think you’re experiences with men have coloured the way you look at it, and I would be happy to rectify the situation,” he smirks.
 I cannot help but to roll my eyes at him before allowing my head to roll back, neck extended, catching the sun fully.
 “Why not?” he asks with a chuckle.
 “Now it’s become a whole thing,” I explain, a little exasperated, “And, in my experience, whenever it’s made into a big thing I can’t relax and they give up after two minutes or I just fake it.”
 “How about I promise to try my best to make you feel good, and if it’s not working for you, you just say and we can stop or do something else?” he asks. My head quickly turns to look at him.
 “What? Right here?”
 “No, you idiot,” he laughs, before pausing and shrugging his shoulders after a moment’s thought, “Although add exhibitionism to my list of things I wanna try,”.
 Another sigh as I close my eyes and lay my head back down, enjoying a light breeze tickling my damp skin.
 “You never actually gave me a list,” I comment.
 He hums and comes to sit beside me, an arm around my shoulders as he pulls me to him, our bodies pressed together as my body curls into his despite the aching heat of the afternoon. Turning my head to look up at him, my hand finds its way into his damp curls, pushing his hair away from his face to appreciate the way the sunlight catches along his profile, illuminating every beautiful inch of his face.
 “I just want to make you feel good,” he utters lowly, his eyes boring into mine. I am temporarily frozen, the change in pitch stirring something in me unexpectedly. Also, there is something in his eyes that I am transfixed by, more than the passionate intensity I find myself becoming surprisingly familiar with. It is a new kind of need, not the kind I would expect to find in the eyes of a guy just needing to sink himself somewhere for the night. If I really thought about it, I could probably convince myself it was desperation. However, before I can do that, Harry shrugs, “Offer is there anyway.”
 I can feel him shift beside me but something deep in me does not want him to leave, an unprecedented anxiety appearing at the thought of him leaving me here. My breathing quickens at his movement. Placing a hand on his forearm he stops, looks back at me.
 “I’d like that,” a whisper is all I can manage. Harry gives me a gentle smile and my heart slows back down.
 Of course it does.
 “Lets hang out tonight,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead before reaching down and handing me the discarded book, adding. “Try not to get too wound up,”.
  “I think it’s missing something,” Glenne giggles as I take a sip of her drink, wincing at its strength.
 “Did you even put any mixer in?” I tease with a laugh, chasing her drink with one of my own. After we had all eaten dinner together, she begged me to teach her how to mix drinks, much to the excitement of the rest of the group as they got to drink the extras we made.
 “Yes!” she laughs, looking out at all of our supplies littering the counter before pausing. “Oh wait, hang on,” she says, causing the whole group to laugh as she riffles through various fruit juices.
 “We can try again tomorrow,” I promise as the group seems to wind down, everyone ready to disperse and call it a night.
 We all retreat to our own rooms, calling goodnight to each other as we go. I meet Harry’s eye as we reach our separate rooms and hold up both my hands, asking for ten minutes for everyone to settle before I meet him. He nods and opens his door with a smirk, the child in him enjoying our secret night-time operations.
 Once in my room panic sets in. I decide to take a quick shower, grooming myself to my own personal taste and trying to ignore the overwhelming thoughts swimming around my brain; questioning whether Harry actually wants to do this, whether he is just trying to be nice, whether he will give up too, whether its me that is the problem.
 Trying to ignore these paranoid thoughts, I pull my pyjamas on; a large, loose t-shirt and some cotton panties. Before I can question if I should dress a little sexier, I force myself out of the room and knock softly on the door across the hall.
 When the door is pulled open, I see him, standing in a white t-shirt and his boxers, the same makeshift pyjamas he would wear whenever we slept in the same bed. Harry smiles gently and closes the door after I step past him. I stop by the bed, hesitating as I remember the night before. Last night had been something out of a dream. Harry had been so gentle and loving, and my god had he made me feel good. What if I was just drunk and that’s why it felt so good?
 “Was starting to think you weren’t going to come,” Harry says, snapping me out of my spiralling thoughts. He steps behind me, arms sliding around me and across my torso, holding me against his warm body. His head rests in the crook of my neck, his breath exhaling lightly and tickling the skin there.
 “Might think that again later,” I mumble. I feel him exhale against me, tilting his head back and pressing a kiss to my shoulder blade. He turns me around and I can see a smirk etched on to his face as he pushes me back until I fall into the mattress. Climbing on top of me, he grabs my arms and pins them above my head by my wrist.
 “You, missy,” he says with an amused but determined grin, “Need to get out of your head, and that’s exactly what I’m here for. So, stop being so pessimistic and give me a chance,”.
 Before I can offer any witty retort, or even think of one, his lips touch mine. His kiss melts me. My body relaxes beneath him, sinking further into the mattress. Our lips move slowly together, separating and reconnecting in unison as his hands begin to travel my body. His touch follows the contours of my figure, delicately tracing the outline of my arms, up my sides, resting for a moment on either side of my neck, cradling it as he kisses me quicker, tension in the room thickening with each manoeuvre.
 Shuffling down my body, Harry presses kisses to any exposed flesh as he goes. His lips find my neck, my chest, the soft underside of my arm, spreading warmth on his path. As he pushes the large shirt up to my hips, nerves begin to resurface, mingling with the fizzy feeling his lips create, altogether making my heart beat hard against my ribcage. Noticing that my body trembles a little more than expected, Harry pauses, looking me in the eye cautiously, attempting to assess my level of comfort.
 “Want to keep this on?” he asks casually, pulling ever so gently at the fabric of my t-shirt he has bunched in his right hand, his left soothingly caressing the soft skin of thigh.
 I nod my head after a moment’s thought, “Maybe… yeah, if that’s okay,” I whisper, almost ashamed of how timid my voice sounds.
 “’Course,” he accepts, placing a kiss to my hip.
 It seems a little nonsensical to insist on remaining covered, considering what he is about to do, even more so considering what we did last night. This feels different though. Far more intimate, far more one-sided. I try to push the feelings of guilt to the back of my mind and focus on the way his lips feel as they inch up my inner thigh.
 “Your body is so beautiful, know that?” Harry mumbles, lips affected by their proximity to my skin. Hearing no reply from me he continues as his mouth presses open kisses below my stomach, using them to punctuate his words, “Have no… idea… what… seeing you… in that bikini… did to me.”
 “You don’t have to do this,” I mutter softly. He stops dead in his tracks, lifting his head to look at me. “I know it’s not fun for you so we can do other stuff,” I say, shrinking into myself as I grow uncomfortable with every word.
 “I want to,” Harry says, swallowing thickly, sounding vulnerable himself. I look at him, checking he is not lying to me and he nods his head reassuringly. I nod my head and Harry instructs me to prop myself up with a pillow so that my upper body is elevated. “Watch me,” he instructs lowly, returning his lips to my skin.
 Complying, I watch as his lips ghost over my skin, settling sporadically to pull the flesh between his lips and suck gently. A smirk graces his lips every time he causes a reaction from me, whether that be an arched spine, the roll of my hips, or, his personal favourite, the cross between a sigh and a moan that tumbles from my lips unexpectedly. When he hears the latter, he ensures he pay special attention to that area of my body, stimulating it however he can until my body begins to quiver with sensitivity.
 His mouth toys with me until I am silently begging for contact, my fingers interlocking in his hair, desperately trying to signal my need for more. Finally, sensing my urgency, he complies, kissing softly between my legs. His tongue licks gentle lines upwards, hands coming up to rest on my thighs, softly caressing the skin there with his thumbs.
 Moving softly, he licks around my clit. Using two fingers to spread my folds, his mouth glides across the width of my pussy before dipping down, collecting my arousal on his tongue.
 Harry looks up with a smirk, lips glistening with me. He pauses before humming, “Strawberries.”
 “You’re an idiot,” I laugh, grateful for his madness, finding it more calming than I could have expected.
 Returning to his motions, his tongue finds my clit, tracing circles around it sloppily. The hand on my leg travels up my stomach slowly, igniting the skin as it moves, reaching my breast and toying with the nipple under my shirt. His mouth works gradually faster, lips occasionally sucking lightly on my clit. My body begins to shake beneath him. Hands wrap themselves around my hips, his forearms applying enough pressure to bring my legs closer to his head.
 His pace quickens again as his tongue and lips work to bring me as much pleasure as possible. His face glides up and down the space between my legs with so much fervour that it would be impossible to deny that he is enjoy this. Any doubt in my mind is quickly eradicated when he groans against me after curling a finger inside me, my back arching off the bed and hips rolling towards him.
 My hands clutch desperately for stability, one goes to the sheets below me, the other falls in my hair until I am forced to use it to muffle the noises coming from my lips. A new moan emerging with each curl of his finger.
 “Harry,” I let slip, thankful it only comes out as a whisper, my throat dry.
 This spurs him on even more, licking feverishly at my pussy until I am a quivering mess beneath him, his mouth sending a tsunami of pleasure through my entire body. He is softer as he coaxes me through my orgasm, only stopping when I stop pulsating against him. Slipping his finger between his smirking lips, he maintains eye contact with me as he sucks the last of me off his digit. His hand comes up to wipe at his face, thumb and fingers sliding down his cheeks as he moves to lay beside me, my heart rate slowly returning to normal.
 “Now do you believe it’s fun for me?” he teases, but I can sense an element of care behind his words, wondering if my insecurities were still present.
 “Maybe,” I grin, “Might have to remind me from time to time.”
 “Gladly,” he mutters under his breath.
 Swinging an arm around me, Harry pulls me into his side and switches the TV on, flicking through to find something for us to watch as we unwind for the night. A few episodes of a sitcom later, I take myself off to bed, threatening that if I do not leave now, I will fall asleep on him. Harry just nods, kisses the back of my hand and watches as I walk out of the room with a wave.
Part 6
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
In the Arctic, Bulkhead and Bumblebee scaled up an icy cliff. "Are we there yet?" Bumblebee asked his Wrecker friend.
"No! We're not there yet! But it should be just past this ridge, Bumblebee!" Bulkhead answered Bumblebee's question.
Once they reached the ledge of the ridge, they slid down the ice. Once there, Bulkhead checked his scanners again.
"I don't get it. These readings are off the meters!" Bulkhead remarked. "What is that!?" Bumblebee asked, pointing to a gap.
Curious, Bulkhead and Bumblebee approached the gap in the ice. And when they looked into the gap, well...they were amazed.
"I told you, doc. We're fine!" Bulkhead objected as he removed the lines connected to his chasis and stood up...only to have Ratchet push him down onto the berth once again.
"The only way to be certain you're fine, Bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedure! You know prolongued exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damange!" Ratchet objected.
"Ratchet, have you learned anything more about the arctic find?" Optimus Prime asked his old friend as he and his girlfriend Arcee approached the two teammates.
"Not yet. The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid," Ratchet objected.
The pod is still sealed due to the thick walls of ice engulfing the golden pod in its icy embrace. The room the Autobots had used to conceal the pod is flooding from the gallons of water. The ice had melted enough to provide the occupants inside a means of escape. Little did the Autobots know...
That their house guests would be nothing but trouble.
"Arcee, Primrose and I will search for any clue that will explain the origin of our arctic find," Optimus proclaimed as him and Arcee stood before the activated GroundBridge.
"Only until your sensors sound. Remember. Once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failures aren't likely. They're imminent," Ratchet warned.
"We'll be fine Ratchet," Primrose said with a reassuring smile and she wrapped her arms around Optimus and Arcee, "we have each other to keep warm."
"Don't make it weird, you weirdo," Arcee said, playfully flicking Primrose's forehelm.
They turned to the entrance hall and saw Bumblebee and Bulkhead approaching. Stepping out of Bulkhead were Miko and Paige and stepping out of Bumblebee were Jack and Raf.
"Miss us, Doc Bot?" Miko asked Ratchet as Bulkhead and Bumblebee transformed into their bipedal modes behind them.
"Shouldn't they be in school?" Ratchet moaned.
"On Saturday?" Miko said in disbelief.
"We have the whole weekend off to spend with you!" Paige piped in. "Well I'm fine with spending time with Paige and Rafael. It's you and Jack, I can't really stand," Ratchet huffed.
"Hey!" Miko said, glaring at the medic. "I wasn't expecting carpool," Jack said as he walked up to Arcee, Primrose and Optimus, "what gives, Arcee?"
"Tag team Jack. It's mine and Prim's turn for exploration duty," Arcee said. "Oh. Too bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride," Jack pointed out casually, "would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors."
"Arctic exploration duty," Arcee said, placing her servo on her hip. "Indoors where it's warm," Jack said immediately.
"The Arctic? I've always wanted to see snow!" Raf said happily. "Me too!" Paige said happily.
"I would invite you to join, Paige, Rafael. But the conditions are much too extreme. Even for we Autobots," Optimus said.
"We understand," Raf sighed. Optimus, Arcee and Primrose turned to leave.
"But," Optimus said and he looked back at Raf and Paige, "I will bring you back a snowball." "That would be awesome!" Paige and Raf said happily.
Optimus gave a soft smile and nodded before he, Primrose and Arcee went through the ground bridge.
"Transportation complete," Ratchet said and nearly jumped back when the ground bridge controls suddenly exploded and sparked, "by the Allspark."
"So what do you think we should do today?" Miko asked. "How about video games?" Bumblebee suggested, much to Raf's excitement.
"Video game tournament! Last one standing wins!" Raf said. "Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Firestorm, here now!" Ratchet called out.
"Prepare to be destroyed," Miko smirked as she took the controller from Raf and waved it in front of Jack's face. "Yeah, not really my thing, Miko," Jack said.
"What? Scared of losing to a girl?" Miko teased. Jack stared at her for a moment before he took the controller from her, "bring it."
"No mercy," Miko said and she and Jack started to play. Paige looked at Raf, "wanna play our own arctic exploration?" "Yeah," Raf said with a smile as he got up and the two ran down the stairs and into the hallway. Firestorm, Bulkhead and Bumblebee walked over to Ratchet.
"You can't boss us around just because the boss is out," Bulkhead said. "I need some heavy lifting," Ratchet said, "the ground bridge is down."
"But Optimus, Arcee and Primrose made it through right?" Bumblebee asked in concern. "Optimus, Arcee and Primrose made it through just fine; it's getting them back that concerns me," Ratchet said, "now remove those panels. Chop chop."
Raf and Paige trudged through the hallways, pretending to be in a blizzard, albeit Paige was walking slower than Raf was as she imagined herself to be in an actual snowstorm.
"Temperatures sub-zero and dropping... gotta... get back... to base," Raf said. Paige giggled and she squeaked as she almost tripped herself and the two laughed only to stop when they heard a light, metallic clanging.
Raf turned to see a loose screw lying on the floor. He walked over to it and picked it up. "Where did that come from?" Paige asked.
"Don't know," Raf said. The two heard metal clanging again, this time above them. They looked up in surprise. There was nothing there. Paige felt a shiver run down her spine. 'This place can be scary sometimes,' she thought.
She jumped slightly when Raf yelled in surprise and he tripped over something. Paige looked at him in concern and she helped him up. A little metallic grey and black creature with deep violet-blue eyes stood in front of the two and Raf yelped in fear as he jumped back into Paige.
The creature tilted it's helm. "Where did you come from?" Raf asked. "The Autobots never said anything about pets," Paige said, "but it is pretty cute." The creature purred happily.
"You wanna play fetch?" Raf asked, showing the screw. In response, the creature jumped up and down and happily ran in a circle, making Paige laugh. Raf laughed and threw the screw, "good boy! Go get it!"
The creature ran after the screw and jumped up... only to start eating it. "Oh no! Don't eat it! You're gonna choke!" Paige said, startled. The creature only turned to them and walked over to them.
"Or... not?" Raf said, surprised. The creature nuzzled his leg, purring softly. "Now that is cute," Paige chuckled, "let's go show him to the others. I'm sure Ratchet won't mind." Raf smiled and nodded before he picked up the creature and he and Paige went back to the main hangar.
"C'mon, come on. You want some?" Jack asked with a grin as he and Miko continued to play. When Jack won, well, he was quite proud of himself. "In your face!" He said to Miko before he started to do a small victory dance. Until the lights went out and came back on.
"What the-? Great. Power outage," Jack said. "Aw, it wiped out our game," Miko said, gesturing to the static on the tv. She got up and walked down the stairs.
"But I was winning!" Jack exclaimed. "Bummer," Miko said tauntingly.
"What could've caused this?" Ratchet said as he examined a piece of chewed machinery. The lights flicker. "Or that," Bulkhead said.
"Hey, everybody! Look what we found!" Raf said. "We're busy- ahh!" Ratchet shouted in fear when he saw the creature sleeping in Raf's arms.
Bulkhead and Bumblebee quickly jumped to their pedes, blasters out and their optics wide with fear. Firestorm took out his blaster but he didn't aim it at Raf and Paige.
"Hey, hey!" Miko exclaimed as she and Jack got in front of Raf and Paige, "what's with you guys?"
"Scraplet! Scraplet!" Bulkhead exclaimed with fear. "What's a scraplet?" Paige asked.
"The most dangerous thing ever to crawl upon the face of Cybertron," Ratchet said. Miko, Jack and Paige looked at the so-called scraplet in Raf's arms with disbelief.
"This?" Jack chuckled, "are you kidding?" "You're giant robots," Miko said, "scrappy, here, is... teeny."
"You have no idea the damage that teeny thing can do!" Bulkhead said.
"Aw, he wouldn't hurt anything," Raf said reassuringly as the scraplet started to wake up. It looked at the bots, examined them for a moment before it opened it's mouth, revealing sharp jagged teeth and it leapt out of Raf's arms and ran towards the bots. It leapt for the nearest bot and that was Bumblebee. It started to eat his leg, much to the kids' shock.
Bumblebee grabbed at the scraplet but it was in vain as it started eating at his arm. The scout whacked the scraplet away. It tumbled across the floor before it got back up and went to attack again only for Raf to start hitting it repeatedly with a crowbar.
Raf continued to hit it until Jack stopped him. "Easy there, killer," he said.
Dropping the crowbar, Raf hurried over to Bumblebee. "I did not see that coming," Miko said.
"I don't think anyone did," Paige said. "I'm sorry, Bumblebee," Raf apologized worriedly.
"It's okay, Raf. You didn't know. I'm okay," Bumblebee said. "Is he going to be okay?" Paige asked.
"Only a mesh wound. He'll live," Ratchet said reassuringly.
"Now do you believe me?! All Scraplets do is dismantle machinery and eat anything metal! Especially living metal!" Bulkhead explained.
"Well, bug squashed. Game over, right?" Jack asked.
"No. When it comes to Scraplets, there's never just one. And I fear I know how they got in here," Ratchet answered gravely before taking them to the storage room and checking a giant metal ball surrounded by water, "It's a trap. A Scraplet trap."
"Uh...an empty Scraplet trap," Bulkhead corrected nervously.
"Most likely ejected into the space eons ago only to wind up in the Arctic where the temperature kept them in stasis," Ratchet guessed as he transformed his light back into his hand.
"Until we brought the thaw," Jack and Paige said in realization.
"Now they're wide awake and ready to brunch," Miko piped in.
"So...how many are we talking about?" Raf asked nervously.
"Thousands. The power malfunctions and GroundBridge damage are sure signs their infestation is well underway," Ratchet proclaimed.
"Arcee, Primrose, what are your statuses?" Optimus asked as he scaled down a cliff face and his sensors began to beep.
"My sensor's going off. Guess we should call for pickup before things get chilly," Arcee remarked.
"Mine's going off too," Primrose said.
"Optimus to base. Core temperature readings have reached the blue zone. Prepare to activate GroundBridge," Optimus requested...only to have static greet him in response. This surprised and worried him.
"Ratchet to Optimus. Do you read me? We have a situation!" Ratchet tried to report, "The Scraplets have gotten into the commlink system! If we don't eradicate these creatures immediately, they'll reduce the entire base into a scrapheap!"
"Well, I say we bug out of here and let them keep it!" Bulkhead suggested, earning bleeps of agreement from Bumblebee.
"Evacuation is not an option. If we don't get the GroundBridge back online stat, Optimus, Primrose and Arcee will perish!" Firestorm said sternly.
"They will?!" Jack asked nervously and Paige widened her eyes in fear.
"Bulkhead! You never run!" Miko said.
"Miko, you haven't seen a swarm of these things devour a bot! I have! They pick you apart from the inside out! Going for the small juicy bits first! Fuse by fuse! Circuit by circuit! 'Til there's nothing left! And I mean nothing! Not even your optics!" Bulkhead cringed. "Nyah!" Paige said with a shudder.
"You have to let us help," Jack said as he bravely stepped forward.
"We're not made of metal," Raf pointed out.
"Yeah! Scraplets can't hurt us!" Miko added.
"Typically, I find your fleshiness to be your least engaging quality," Ratchet began, "no offense."
"None taken?” Paige said, confused, furrowing her eyebrows.
"But it would appear to be an advantage under these extremes," Ratchet finished.
"OK. So we pair off. One bot, one human. I will watch you back while you repair the GroundBridge," Jack decided.
"And we all go on a bug hunt," Miko said, referring to her, Raf, Paige, Firestorm, Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Bumblebee and Bulkhead shuddered.
Optimus, Primrose and Arcee were struggling to walk through the Arctic. The crisp winds were attacking their joints and armor as they stumbled through the snow, trying to make contact with base.
"Optimus to base, do you read?" Optimus asked.
He heard a familiar grunt from behind him and he turned to see Arcee laying on the ground. Optimus helped her up to her pedes.
"You sure a nice long drive wouldn't help? I hear Miami's beautiful this time of year," Primrose said jokingly. Arcee chuckled.
"The nearest temperate climate is too dangerous. Attempting to reach it would expend too much energy and hasten the freezing process. Until Ratchet sends for us, and he will, our best option would be to seek shelter and insulate ourselves," Optimus said. Primrose spread her metallic wings and she wrapped them around Optimus and Arcee in a desperate attempt to keep them warm and close.
She couldn't exactly activate her fire powers at the moment as she was shivering. And she was cold easily.
"I get to be your bodyguard for once. How cool is that?" Miko gushed excitedly as Bulkhead looked around nervously.
"Raf found the first one here...right?" Bulkhead asked before the lights suddenly went out and a loud high-pitched scream was heard.
The lights turned back on and Miko turned to Bulkhead. "Did you just scream like a little girl?" She asked.
"No. Maybe," Bulkhead said, "can we talk about this later?" His charge only shrugged and only walked ahead. They heard clanging which made Bulkhead even more paranoid.
"Take it easy, Bulk. Just take it easy. Everything is going to be-,"
Miko was cut off by Bulkhead shooting at the walls and ceiling as he heard even more metalic clanging. When he shot at the right spot on the ceiling, cables fell down on him.
Miko turned and her eyes widened in shock and confusion as her guardian waved his arms around at the cables frantically. "Okay," Miko said, "wish I hadn't seen that. Bulkhead! You're fine! It's just a bunch of cables!"
Upon hearing that, Bulkhead stopped his panic. "Oh. Right... cables," he said sheepishly as he tugged one down and a bunch of scraplets fell down on him.
In another part of the base, Raf and Bumblebee scanned the hallways, looking for any signs of scraplet infestation. Like Miko, Raf was armed with a crowbar. "M-maybe there aren't any around this section?" Bumblebee asked nervously.
"Don't these things ever stop eating?" Raf demanded in annoyance as they ran to a chewed up air vent. Bumblebee ripped open the remainder and Raf let out a yell as he posed to attack but there weren't any scraplets inside. But they did hear clanging and that made them nervous. Their fears were confirmed when dozens of scraplets jumped out of a floor drain, snapping their jaws and flashing their razor sharp teeth.
Bumblebee began to frantically shoot at them even though he knew it would hardly do damage.
Paige and Firestorm walked down another hallway. Firestorm looked around. "I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu right now," he sighed. Paige looked at him confused, "why?"
"My brother used to scare the scrap out of me with a fake scraplet," Firestorm sighed in annoyance, "as funny as it was, it still gave me a near spark attack." Paige stared at him before she started to giggle.
"Hush, you adorable kitty-faced child!" Firestorm exclaimed, his faceplates turning bright blue. Paige giggled more only to yelp when scraplets suddenly dropped down on Firestorm who screamed in fear and surprise.
Paige quickly transformed into a gryphon and she quickly leapt up onto Firestorm and whacked the scraplets away.
Transforming back, she grabbed the metal bar and destroyed the scraplets with it. Firestorm slumped back against the wall, panting heavily.
"You okay?" Paige asked worriedly. "I will be," Firestorm sighed.
"How's it going over there?" Jack asked casually.
"I've repaired the damage conductors and re-routed the central conduits. But the GroundBridge still won't receive power!" Ratchet reported in anger as he punched the floor nearby.
Jack looked around as he heard clanging. He turned and widened his eyes in alarm.
"Whoa!" Jack yelled as he saw the scraplets fly towards Ratchet ready to devour the medic, "They fly? YOU NEVER SAID THEY COULD FLY!"
Ratchet began backing away from the oncoming scraplets, hoping to protect himself from their endless anger. However, all of his attempts were made in vein. The scraplets still got him. Their combined force knocked him to the ground. Together, they began to bite the medic.
"RATCHET!" Jack cried as he rushed to help.
Jack began swinging his metal bar at the scraplets. "The fire extinguisher!" Ratchet exclaimed.
Nodding, Jack ditched his metal bar for the fire estinguisher. He ran over and attacked Ratchet with the carbon dioxide foam that was trapped inside the fire estinguisher. With the estinguisher, the scraplets stopped eating Ratchet alive. They all fell off of him dead.
"Ratchet, get the patch kit. We're leaking Energon like-WHOA!"
Bulkhead's request was cut off by the sight of even more scraplets attacking them.
Paige widened her eyes in shock. "EAT THIS!" Bulkhead yelled as he pounded some scraplets...only to scream when he found one eating his hand.
Raf and Miko immediately ran over and began trying to keep the scraplets off of Bulkhead, Firestorm, Ratchet and Bumblebee. Jack and Paige pitched in with their weapons as well. But it still wasn't enough. Scraplets continued to attack them.
In the Arctic, Optimus, Arcee and Primrose had taken shelter somewhere near a mound of snow.
"Arcee, wake up," Optimus said. "Just resting my eyes," Arcee murmured as she rubbed her blue and lavender optics.
"The longer we remain alert, the longer we remain alive," Primrose told her.
"What do you suggest? Wait. How about a game?" Arcee suggested, "Let's play Who Screwed Things Up Back at Base?"
"Our predicament could be the result of a simple malfunction," Optimus reminded her.
"Caused by Bulkhead. Let's see. No commlink. Maybe even no power. The big lug probably tripped over a cord. He's never been too graceful. I remember when we first arrived on Earth and Bulkhead walked into those power lines. Who knew he could dance like that?" Arcee laughed.
"Bulkhead may be...too large for this world. But his inner strength is without bounds. One should not be measured by size alone," Optimus sighed.
Primrose chuckled softly and she leaned against Optimus. "Th-there's this game... that Paige told me about," she said, "us being here reminds me of it."
"How so?" Optimus asked as he pulled Arcee close. "The Wayfarer... they walked through a snowstorm," Primrose said and she looked up at the snow-covered sky, "this is the same snowstorm we're in."
"We'll survive this Prim," Arcee said sincerely. Primrose leaned into her and Optimus and gave a small nod.
Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf had taken care of the swarm of Scraplets that were attacking Firestorm, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Ratchet in the command center.
"We get them all?" Jack asked, only to have the sounds of metal whirring greet their ears.
"Hardly. These were just scouts," Ratchet shook his helm.
"So the rest of them know we're in here?" Bulkhead whimpered nervously.
"And if we allow ourselves to become their next meal, Optimus, Arcee and Primrose will never make it home. We must get the GroundBridge operational," Ratchet declared.
"Then we can use it to send the Scraplets anywhere on Earth," Raf piped in.
"Why not back to the Arctic? We already know they don't do cold," Jack pointed out.
"Sweet! One-stop shopping!" Miko cheered.
"Given the body mass of the Scraplets, the sub-zero temperature should freeze them on contact. So think, Ratchet, think. If the GroundBridge is still down..," Ratchet trailed off.
"There could be a number of reasons the GroundBridge is still down, Doc Bot. Hell. For all we know, there could be a leak in the fuel line," Paige shrugged.
"That's it! A leak in the Energon fuel line! Paige Mariah, you are a genius!" Ratchet exclaimed before he did something that surprised everyone...and it was more than because of his current injured state.
Ratchet cradled the girl and gently kissed her cheek, making her squeak and blush furiously. When he let her go, Paige stumbled backwards in surprise and embarrassment. Miko smirked at the sight she just saw while Raf tried to calm Jack down.
"If we weren't breaching, one of us could go back over there and fix it," Bulkhead said, breaking the moment between Ratchet and Paige.
"Where do we find it?" Jack immediately asked.
"And how do we fix it?" Raf wanted to know.
After getting the instructions from Ratchet on how to find and fix the fuel line, the children set off with a tool box to fix the breach.
"Remember. We're okay. We're not metal," Jack reminded them.
"I cannot believe Ratchet kissed you on the cheek!" Miko exclaimed.
"I'm having a hard time believing it either," Paige confessed with a smile.
"Dude, you're like, in love with the Doc Bot! How come you're so surprised?" Miko asked.
"Because I never thought it would happen. I never thought he'd feel the same. The list goes on," Paige answered.
"Can you two talk about this later?" Raf asked, reminding them of the mission and the fact that Jack looked like he was ready to murder someone.
"There's the breach!" Jack cheered as they approached the breaching fuel line, "Come on! We've gotta work fast!"
It didn't take them long to fix the breach since they worked together. Jack and Paige operated the blowtorches to seal the piece of metal while Miko and Raf held it on place. As soon as they had finished, the Scraplets flew past them.
"They're getting ready to feed!" Raf cried.
Optimus, Arcee and Primrose laid on the snow, side-by-side. Primrose had passed out, doing her best to keep her family warm with her metallic wings even though she knew it wouldn't do much.
"You know the worst part? After battling 'Cons all these years, getting smacked down, shot at, blown up, this is how our sparks go out?" Arcee said in disbelief.
"Arcee, this may not be the finish we had planned. But if we are to become one with the AllSpark," Optimus was cut off by a gentle gesture.
In her weakening state, Arcee reached up and rested her servo on his. He turned his servo over and held hers tightly. "It's been an honor serving with you, Optimus Prime," Arcee murmured.
"RATCHET! ALL SYSTEMS GO!" Jack reported as they all sprinted into the room.
"FIRE IT UP!" Miko exclaimed.
"GroundBridge...activated," Ratchet panted as he activated the GroundBridge before falling to the ground.
Above them, the Scraplets swarmed. When Firestorm looked up at them and the activated GroundBridge, he remembered something Ratchet had said about them needing bait to attract them.
"Bait, huh?" Firestorm muttered with a smirk as he limped towards the GroundBridge and let out a loud whistle, gaining the attention of the Scraplets, "Ready for the main course? Come and get it!"
He ran through the GroundBridge with the Scraplets following, eager to eat him. When he ran through, he saw Optimus and Arcee trying to make their way there with Optimus carrying Primrose on his back. But their strength was waning. They could barely keep themselves upright.
"Down! Down!" Firestorm cried before falling into the snow face first.
As soon as they saw the Scraplets follow him through the portal, Optimus stood between the approaching Scraplets and Arcee. Luckily the scraplets were frozen before they could reach them. Harmlessly, they bounced off of Optimus' plating.
Optimus and Arcee looked to Firestorm who shook the frozen scraplets off of his plating. "I'd invite you in. But the place is a mess," the Autobot warrior remarked.
Moments later, they were all recovering from their respective traumas all around the Scraplet-littered command center. Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf stuck around to help them. Raf monitored Bumblebee's vitals, Miko monitored Bulkhead's vitals, Jack monitored Ratchet's vitals and Paige monitored Arcee's vitals since she was in a worse state than Optimus.
"Report bio-circuitry status," Ratchet requested.
"Levels are rising," Jack responded with a thumbs-up.
"Excellent. Rafael, keep a close watch on Bumblebee's electro pulse monitor. Miko, check Bulkhead's interface patch," Ratchet instructed.
"Levels are steady," Raf reported.
"Looking good!" Miko piped in.
"Paige, monitor Arcee's temperature and system operations," Ratchet said to Paige.
"Temperature's rising steadily and systems are operating normally," Paige informed with a relieved smile.
"Perhaps you should get some rest yourself, old friend. You saved quite a few lives today," Optimus pointed out.
"It wasn't all my doing," Ratchet confessed as he glanced at Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf with a proud smile, "We're just fortunate the infestation happened on a Saturday."
"Our human friends may be small. But they are strong," Optimus complimented, his optics looking directly at the kids.
Suddenly, they heard the sound of a high-pitched scream of terror. It was Miko. Immediately, Jack, Paige and Raf surrounded her with metal bars in their hands.
"Scraplet?" Jack guessed.
"SPIDER! Is it on me?!" Miko screamed as she ran out of the room with the rest of the Autobots looking on in confusion.
"Did she just scream like a little girl?" Bulkhead asked.
"She is a girl, Bulkhead. What's your excuse?" Paige smirked, earning a playful glare from the former Wrecker.
"Behave, kids," Arcee joked with a smirk as she sat up. Primrose chuckled wearily as she leaned against the wall. Taking in a sharp inhale, she let out an exhale, sending frost and mist up into the air.
Snowflakes began to fall and snow slowly started to build up. Raf laughed happily and Paige smiled.
"Snowball fight!" Raf exclaimed and he threw a snowball at Paige who quickly dodged it with a squeal. She glared at him and smirked before she threw her own snowball at the boy. Miko and Jack soon joined in.
Optimus smiled softly and shook his helm with amusement as Ratchet grumbled about the mess the kids were making.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 77 - SBT
Here it is!
"Be careful, move out, mes bébés…"
[My babies]
Lucien carried the last cardboard box from the van to the house. There weren't many things to move but clothes, cutlery, plates, anything that they owned there and could be of service. 
"He is parking the van. Come along, let us start unpacking what we can." The herd of fluff followed the Frenchman, who was tying his hair away from his face. 
He started with the kitchenware and organised it so that the kittens wouldn't be able to break anything. They meowed and slithered between his legs all the time, jumping on the kitchen countertop, climbing on the table. Lucien learnt to just ignore them and do his thing. 
Oh, but he couldn't ignore that one. 
"Oui, mon bébé?"
[Yes, my baby?]
Perle was on the countertop. She stared at him and slowly blinked. Lucien smiled and reciprocated the cat kiss. 
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux?"
[What do you want?]
She stood up on her back legs and hugged him, brushing her head on his mouth. He cuddled her in his arms, kissing her fur countless times. 
"Oui, ma chérie, oui, mon bébé, moi aussi je t'aime…"
[Yes, my darling, yes, my baby, I love you too…]
Perle climbed, ending up laying on his shoulders. 
"Tu es confortable ici?"
[Are you comfortable there?]
"Meow." She rubbed her head on his shoulder.
"Bien. Let us proceed with the next few boxes." 
And Lucien went on. There were his and Mundy's clothes in their bedroom, their toiletries in the bathroom, the cat bed in the guest room. 
"Ah… We do have a problem here." He said, staring at the cat bed. 
"Meow?" Perle asked, still lazily laid on his shoulders. 
"You and your husband have a bed, but your children have grown too much to fit with you there. Hm…" 
Lucien looked around him. Boxes, boxes, boxes… 
"Ah!" He raised his index finger. "I know…" 
He took a few of the boxes lying around and laid some clothes in them, to make them warmer. The kittens came and sniffed their new beds before jumping in. 
"Voilà. Now you have beds for everyone. Oh…?" 
They all piled up in the same box, in a mass of fluff and purrs. Lucien crouched down, smiling and he ran his fingers through their long fur. 
"Aw, reposez-vous bien." 
[Rest well.]
He stood back up and walked away to tidy up the remaining boxes. 
"Meow…" Perle extended her paw in front of his face. He held it as he continued his chores, petting her paw, feeling her claws sometimes peek out. She purred happily. She loved her Papa and she loved when he gave her his undivided attention. 
"Perle…? Peeerle?" 
She meowed and purred happily. It had been such a long time since her Papa took a bit of his time to fool around with her. He pulled her paw and kissed it. 
"Mon bébé? Ma petite Perle adorée?"
[My baby? My little beloved Perle?]
She brushed her head on his shoulder and stood up on her three paws there. 
"Viens ici…"
[Come here…]
Lucien carried her in his arms like the fluffy baby that he saw in her and drowned her in affection, hugs, and kisses. He sat on the sofa and took his time with her, spoiling her. 
"Tu m'as manqué, tu sais. Je regrette de ne pas avoir été là pour te voir grandir. Mais je suis si fier de toi…! Regarde-toi, tu es grande, tu es magnifique, et tu es une mère et une épouse formidable." 
[I missed you, you know. I wish I could have been here to see you grow up. But I am so proud of you…! Look at you, you are fully grown up, you are magnificent, and you are an outstanding mother and wife.]
Perle was lying in her Papa's arms, on her back, while he was brushing her fur between his fingers, scratching her gently and speaking in a soft voice. 
"Meow…" She turned and raised onto her back legs offering her head to Lucien. He cupped her face and kissed her as she rubbed herself on his mouth, headbutting him softly. 
"Hm. I wonder where your Dad is now. It doesn't take that long to park the van." 
There was a knock at the door. 
"Ah, this must be him." 
Lucien went to the door and opened it. 
"Mister L?" 
He looked down, a group of kids was standing at the door. 
"Richard sent us. He said his wife said yes to a cat, a female called Diamond."
"Ah, excellent news, thank you very much, boys."
"He says he has everything ready to welcome her."
"We shall send her shortly, just give us a bit of time to say goodbye to her." 
"Sure! We'll tell him! Thanks! Uh, we also have a message from Maurice, he wants to see you." 
"When and where?"
"He'll be staying at his place all day today and tomorrow so it's up to you." 
"You're welcome! He said to come alone." 
Lucien's eyebrow twitched. 
"I will." 
The kids nodded and turned their backs before running away. Lucien stayed at the door and peeked out. 
"Non, I am not seeing him." He answered before crouching down. "Listen, mon bébé, would you do me a favour and find your Dad for me? I am starting to worry for him. Just stay with him and make sure he is fine, I will go and see Maurice meanwhile." 
"Soot?" Lucien called as he put on his long, navy blue coat and a few seconds later, the black male appeared. "There is enough food and water for everyone in the kitchen. I will be as fast as possible." 
"Meow…" Perle trotted to the black cat and they rubbed against each other. They exchanged a few licks and Lucien opened the door wider. 
"See you later, Soot." 
Both the Frenchman and his fluffy, white cat exited the place. 
"Bien." He crouched down. "Tu trouves Dad et fais bien attention à lui, d'accord? S'il n'est pas rentré, ça veut dire que quelque chose le retient."
[Good. You find Dad and watch out for him, alright? If he hasn't come back, that means that something is holding him back.]
He patted her head and she slowly blinked before they parted ways. 
Perle looked left and right in the street. She decided to go in the alley first. It took her a dozen minutes of trotting, waiting at crossroads, jumping on walls, slithering through torn-out fences but eventually, she found herself in the alley that Dad had kept her. Hm. 
She sniffed the floor left and right. Non, the van hadn’t come here in a long time. The lady cat resumed her exploration. It took her a long time before she found a lead. Oddly enough - or not - she smelt her Dad’s perfume on a stray cat. She sniffed the cat countless times and again to memorise the scent and follow the lead. She kept her pink nose close to the ground and walked back on that cat’s paw prints. Curious… It smelt like him and that fellow cat looked nothing like her, Soot, or the kittens.
Perle hurried her trotting, the smell of the cat was faint and that of Dad, even more so. She raised her head and looked around.
She leapt in and crossed the empty parking lot to Dad’s van.
“Meow! Meow!”
Mundy was sitting on the step at the edge of the van’s back.
“Meow…” She leapt on the step and then on his lap.
“What are you doin’ here, baby?”
She curled into a ball of fluff on his lap and looked up at him.
“I need a bit of time.”
Perle wrapped her tail around herself.
"I… I don't know…" Mundy hid his face in his hands. "I told Mum and Dad about Lu' and it didn't go so well." 
Perle purred. Her long fur floated in the cold wind. 
"I know I shouldn't care. They're dead. But it felt so real… I could see Mum bein' trapped between Dad and me again, I could see Dad's disappointment. I could even hear them."
His hand went through Perle's fur and he leaned back. 
"I know I shouldn't think about it but…" 
"Meow." Perle raised her head to her Dad and she spelt with her beautiful eyes what her tongue couldn't say.
"Your Papa…? Nah, I can't tell him that. I mean, what would I say? Hey, I'm thinking about the conversation I had in my head with my dead parents when I told their graves about us…!" Mundy sighed. "Y'know, the first time I went and talked to them, I told Papa about it and he didn't seem to think I was mad."
"He didn't seem to think it weird that I talked to my parents' graves. And he was unphased when I told him that I could hear them answer." 
Perle purred under her Dad's fingers. 
"But still. I don't wanna bother him with that kind of nonsense. He's busy and happy, and excited about the house. I don't want to bring his mood down with that." 
They stayed on the step, at the back of the van. Mundy took a long time. He let his fears, his anxieties creep up on him, wrap their cold limbs around him, whisper in his ear.
"Hold on." Mundy frowned. "How did you get here?"
Perle was sniffing her Dad's fingers. 
"No, I meant how did you open the door and get out, not how you found me. Did he let you out?"
"What about the hubby and the kids?" 
"Meow." Her tone was enough for Mundy to understand.
"Ah, ok." Mundy answered. "So he sent you to come and get me? Guess he's worried. We should go back home." 
Perle rose to her paws and stood up. Mundy carried her without a second thought and slipped into the driver's seat. Perle jumped to her Papa's seat and curled down there. 
"Right, baby, let's go." 
He drove them back home and parked the van at its new designated parking slot. 
"We're home, baby." 
Perle jumped on her Dad's lap and took advantage of her being alone with him to ask for extra attention… and pets. Mundy undid his seatbelt and indulged her. Scratches, pats, slow blinks, headbutts and kisses! He only stopped when she started yawning. 
"Your Papa's not spoilin' you enough?" 
"Meow." She rubbed her head against his mouth, still standing up on her back legs.
"You just got used to bein' spoilt rotten, eh?"
She meowed in one long, happy pur and headbutted her Dad. 
"Alright, baby… Hey, remember, you can get as big and fluffy as you want, you'll still be my baby, eh?" 
"C'mere, big girl…" 
Mundy carried her in his arms and they exited the van. He slipped a hand in his pocket, finding the key and sliding it into the lock. Shivers ran down his spine. He had forgotten about that movement… 
"Hey, Lu', I'm home - oh?" 
The house smelled amazing. Whatever Lucien had cooked, the appetising smell washed Mundy's lungs. He dropped the cat to the ground and removed his boots. He could hear music playing, and went straight to the kitchen. The food was cooking but no sign of Lucien there. 
Mundy went to the living room and peeked his head in from the door. The sight that welcomed him was more than delicious. 
There was a record player in the corner of the room, on the floor itself. In the middle of the room however, under the yellow light of the lightbulb, Lucien was dancing to the music with his eyes closed. He was wearing a pair of his pyjamas, the navy blue ones, which contrasted beautifully with the red walls of the almost empty room. Mundy could see the smoke from the cigarette between his lips, whirling to the high ceiling, tracing in the air the loops of his improvised choreography. He was barefoot, his feet drawing portions of circles on the ground, his arms swirling and his silver hair flying after him, brushing the air poetically. 
He spun and whirled in the air, humming the melody that his body followed until he felt two hands on his hips from behind. He smirked with his eyes still closed. Mundy had come up behind him and gently laid his hands flat, barely touching Lucien's hips. They travelled up left and right and landed under Lucien's wide open arms. His nose was in the crook Lucien's neck, breathing in the scent of his perfume.
"Bonsoir, mon amour…"
[Good evening, my love…]
Lucien whispered. 
The Frenchman giggled. 
"Humour me."
"Anythin' you want." He growled in the Frenchman's ear and Lucien's eyes rolled up in bliss.
"Dance with me." Lucien spun and faced Mundy. 
The Aussie had no clue how to dance but for Lucien, he would. 
"Yeah, c'mere." Mundy took one of Lucien's hands and grabbed his hip with the other. 
"Oh, impatient?" Lucien looked up at his lover and raised a sly eyebrow. 
"Your fault." He whispered back with his deliciously hoarse voice.
They started moving and Lucien strategically let Mundy lead. It only took a few seconds before the truth burst out. 
"You have no idea how to dance, do you?" Lucien asked, smiling.
"Heh, well, n-not really… B-but I want to try… for you." 
The Frenchman's eyes lit up. 
"Very well, I will lead, you just follow my moves… Let your body feel where I am taking you… Relax, let the music and the movements possess you…"
Mundy didn't know where to look, he became nervous. 
"I'm sorry… I'm not good at this." He blushed.
"Mon amour." Lucien stopped and looked up at Mundy. "Close your eyes." 
"I-I might walk all over yer feet and stuff…"
"Ridiculous. You will not. Now, please, close your beautiful eyes." 
Mundy obeyed but frowned. 
"Mundy…" Lucien put his hand on his cheek and gently brushed it. "Please, trust me."
"Always." Mundy tilted his head against Lucien's warm palm. "I've always trusted you. I love you." 
"Bien. Keep your eyes closed and use your body to see."
Lucien guided Mundy's hand on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around his waist. They held hands. 
"Listen to the music…" Lucien started to move and pulled Mundy with him gently. "Keep your eyes closed… Non, don't frown, feel the air brush your skin, feel the tension in the proximity of our bodies, feel your blood pump everywhere, feel it rush to your face, feel the warm dizziness tickle you as we spin, round and round…!"
Mundy opened his eyes and his hand moved from Lucien's shoulder down to his hip. Like a reflex, Lucien's hand moved up to his lover's shoulder. Now Mundy was leading. He focused on the music and what it created in him, forgetting his usual shyness and letting himself go. He set his limbs free to spell the feelings that crossed his heart and his mind, without the words. 
Lucien was pleasantly surprised to see that the Aussie had quickly learnt from him. More than that, he seemed to liberate himself. He danced more openly, his moves were bolder than Lucien without falling out of the soft silk that music was to their ears. His feet were sliding, his hips gently swinging, inviting Lucien to follow him across the story that his limbs were telling. The story of a young boy who grew up and thought that his life had collapsed until… Until a god amongst men revived his heart, ignited the flame of passion across his body and planted a kiss like the soft petal, on his lips. That man, he was pulling him against himself gently, shielding him from the rest of the world, and keeping his heart as close as possible to his own. 
The music faded but they remained close to each other, their bare feet still exploring the carpet beneath them, their fingers entangled in each other's and their eyes… Half-lidded, dreamy. They blinked slowly. They saw more than they could have dreamt of in those eyes. In the ice was a passionate heart with a flame that yearned for some peace. In the lagoon was love spelt in every form. Love for friends, love for family, love for animals, more than what God had made possible to have. The only form of love that had been missing for the past three, almost four decades, was that which one finds so rarely that he gave up even the hope of finding it. 
And yet, after more than a decade of suffering, of penance, of looking for forgiveness for an act that none had to bear the responsibility of, they found peace. In spite of what they convinced themselves, they hadn't found peace in their revenge. Or rather, they hadn't found peace by killing Duchemin, it was along the way that they made a once in a lifetime encounter. 
Mundy's hands fell down and he instinctively wrapped his arms around Lucien's waist. The Frenchman leaned forward and let his lover carry the weight of his head against his chest. 
"Love you, Lu'..." Mundy bent his head down and kissed Lucien's before resting his cheek on top of it. 
"Je t'aime aussi, mon coeur."
[I love you too, my sweetheart.]
Mundy smiled, his eyes were closed. 
"May I ask, however, where were you?" 
Mundy stopped rocking his lover and he opened his eyes. 
"Uh… I got this…" Mundy went to his jacket and took something out of it. "Here." 
"Is that a camera?" 
"Yeah… I really want to have pictures of us if that's ok with you?" 
Lucien held the camera in his hands and stared at it. 
"I… I seldom had pictures of myself, Mundy. I was usually the one who took them. I had pictures of Marie and Jérémy in the house we lived in. I think I barely had more than three or four of myself, with or without them."
"Why? Was there a reason for that?" 
"I wanted to capture every day I spent with them and immortalise it, as if I could jump in the photograph later and live those moments again. I wanted to see the changes on Jérémy as he grew up, to remember all the little steps along the way of him becoming a man." He sighed and looked up at Mundy and gave him the camera back. "It turned out to be a curse."
Mundy's heart sank. He pulled Lucien to sit next to him on the sofa and hugged him. 
"Why…?" He asked. 
"Because when they passed, I found myself staring at those pictures and hating them."
"Hatin' them?"
"Oui. I did not hate what I saw, I hated the object itself. I felt like they owed me the happiness that I saw on them, I was staring again and again, harder and harder, hoping that the smiles that I could see would leak to me, hoping that they would open like windows and I could dive in those happier times. But of course, they didn't, and it only infuriated me more."
"Look, Lu'... I understand what you say but that's not the way to look at things." Mundy let his fingers brush through his lover's long, cinder and silky locks. "Photos are a way to see the happiness from before but… It also gives you hope." 
"Mh?" Lucien asked, unconvinced. 
"Yeah, it's like they're here to show you that being happy is possible. It has happened so it can happen again, it's no miracle."
Lucien leaned his head on Mundy's chest and clung to his jumper. The Aussie tightened the hug.
"I'm happy with you, love. With everything that we've been through, with all the punches and kicks, with the harder part, I've never been as happy as I am with you now."
Lucien closed his eyes and heard Mundy's heart beat gently below his ear. 
"Even when I talked to my parents. It was awfully hard but… I got it out I guess, I managed! And even though it feels a bit weird still, I'm sure they'll see that you… You're all I need." 
Lucien screwed his eyes shut harder and buried his head deeper in his lover's chest.
"You alright, love?" 
"Oui, I think so. Mundy?"
"Please, take as many pictures of us as you wish. I think I need to see us happy too."
Mundy smiled. 
"You sure?"
"Oui. I want to see us smile, in our house, I want to see us with the cats, I want to see us all." 
"Our family, eh?" 
Lucien smiled and nodded against Mundy's chest. He laced his arms around the Aussie's neck and rested there, on the sofa with him. Soon, the meows and the fluff covered them too.
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bidean-byedean · 4 years
holy shit, I posted a fic?
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Merry Christmas fruits (affectionate), here is my Christmas present to me: actually writing something for a prompt and posting it!!
SPN Advent Calendar Day 24: I’ll be Home For Christmas
AO3 Link 
It’s silent in the Bunker. But not empty, not even close. It waited patiently. As it always does. For those who were meant to find it, did. They always do. And for the first time in many years, for the first of many years:
The Winchesters are home for Christmas.
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It’s silent in the Bunker. Empty. No one around for miles that even knows of its existence. Patiently it waits. It knows that eventually, someone will hear its calls and find their way. Those who are meant to be there always do. 
Sam Winchester is the first one home. Technically now, Sam Leahy. He pulls up in the sensible car he managed to snag from a grateful dealership owner who had a problem with a cursed family heirloom, and no matter how much Dean teases him, Sam appreciates the normality of it. Especially now. 
Coming around to the passenger side, he opens the door and holds out his hands for Eileen to grab, her centre of gravity no longer where it should be. She pretends to huff, but softens immediately as he pulls her to her feet, her enormous belly pushing them back apart. It’s easy to forget how lucky they are, with all that happened in the last year, and then he sees Eileen, sees her growing with his baby, and it hits him all over again. For all the bad they went through, where they’ve ended up is pretty incredible. 
Eileen tip-toes up to kiss him, their lips already cold despite only being out of the car for thirty seconds. Something wet lands on her face and they both look up to see the first flakes starting to fall. She smiles brightly. 
“I love snow,” she signs. 
“I know, but we should  go in before-“
“Wait, just one minute. Please.” 
She breathes in deeply, letting the cold air fill her lungs and tingle all the way down into her fingers. Where she grew up, there wasn’t snow on Christmas, always the possibility, but it usually amounted to cold rain and miserable clouds. Here, there’s proper good snow, the kind that falls in fat, fluffy chunks from the sky and settles quickly, building up to a thick blanket in the time it takes you to find your coat and hat and gloves and scarf. 
Letting her face fall back, the flakes tickle her skin, landing on her eyes and mouth, melting almost instantly into tiny cold droplets that run into her hair and down her neck. Sam watches her entranced. He’s never thought much of snow before, not more than it being a type of weather that usually denotes Christmas time and them getting stuck somewhere because the Impala is not an all weather vehicle. But Eileen, she makes it magical. The way it makes her smile, how she breathes it in like it’s her first breath of fresh air in years, and not to mention, she looks even cuter than usual with her cheeks and nose all pink from the cold, her eyes shining brightly in the darkness. 
“Why are you staring at me?”
“Cause you’re beautiful.”
“You say that to all the girls.”
He pulls her into another kiss, deeper than the first, trying to tell her that he and Dean may have saved the world but it’s her that made it worth saving in the first place, it’s her that makes it beautiful,. 
Inside the Bunker, it’s perfectly toasty, the rush of warm air that escapes when they unlock the door is like a hug, as if the Bunker itself has come to greet them. The place looks like Santa’s grotto on steroids. Their Mrs. Butters interlude may have ended tragically, however she did remind them that they shouldn’t be embarrassed about embracing the holidays - you never know when will be your last chance to celebrate with your loved ones. No one was meant to have another Christmas, and definitely not the Winchesters, so going all out was a unanimous decision.
The banisters are laced with tinsel and the insanely long strings of lights that the boys found tucked in the back of one of the storage rooms. It took hours to get them just so, but the effect is breathtaking. Sam flips off the main lights and lets the place be bathed in coloured lights: reds and blues and greens and golds and whites. Some of them blink in and out slowly, some change colour, the motion giving it all a dream-like quality. Although they finished putting everything up in the first week of December, Eileen still hasn’t gotten used it to. It’s just so much and she loves it. 
They unpack the last minute groceries and put the oven on for tonight’s dinner: party food. If it comes frozen and in miniature, they were eating it. Sam couldn’t wait to see Jack’s face when he saw tonight’s offering, which reminded him- when would Jack get here? He didn’t exactly have a cell that they could call, but he usually gave them the heads up before he was popping in. He kind of expected him to be here already, it was Christmas Eve and Jack had seemed so excited about the holidays…
The lights click off briefly, so briefly that Sam thinks he might’ve just blinked but when he looks up he sees Eileen by the light switch, an urgent look on her face. 
“Come, come, and shhh,” she signs before disappearing without waiting to check Sam follows. He always follows. 
She makes her way through the Bunker into the library, slowing down to sneak into the room like she was trying not to disturb someone, but as far as Sam knew, they were the only people in the Bunker. 
“What?” He signs frowning, but then he sees:
In the library is the tree; the biggest, most obnoxious tree that they could fit through the front door. Thankfully, they found a ladder so they could actually put the lights and tinsel on the monstrous thing, but apart from that the green bows are bare. It’s not the tree that the pair are concerned with though, it’s who is standing, staring up at it. 
Jack’s had Christmases before. The one with Mrs. Butters was his favourite, but not a perfect one because Castiel wasn’t there, and if Castiel wasn’t there then it couldn’t be perfect. This year would be perfect and his favourite because they would all be there. Him, and Castiel, and Sam, and Dean, and Eileen, and the baby. 
He likes the Christmas tree. He feels its life energy coursing through the evergreen leaves; thankful that Sam listened to him about making sure to cut it so that it could be sustained and replanted. It looks beautiful. He likes the lights, the way they blink slowly, changing colour as if they think you might not notice, bleeding from one hue to another almost perfectly. Jack likes perfect things. Which is good because he thinks everything is perfect. 
“Hey Jack,” Sam calls out. 
They think he didn’t know they’re there, and he let them. It’s nice. “Hello.”
“Do you like it?” He signs while he speaks. He’s getting much better at that, Jack smiles. “Biggest one we could get.”
He nods up Sam. “Very much.”
“We, uh,” he taps a box on the floor with his foot. “Left the decorations for you. Thought you might wanna put them up. There’s an angel for the top.”
“Can I wait for Castiel and Dean to get home?”
“Of course.”
“Want a hot chocolate, Jack?” Eileen asks. “I think baby does.”
His eyes drop to her belly. It’s much bigger than the last time he saw her, the baby is almost ready. His sibling, that’s what Sam and Eileen said. He would be big brother. “Can I have marshmallows?”
“Duh! And whipped cream?”
They disappear together, Sam staying behind to look at the tree for a moment. Flashes of childhood Christmases come rushing back, all jumbled into one. There’s one particular year they had a tree in their sad little motel room, probably stolen from a store or something, but it was still great. They even put their gifts under it and waited until after midnight to open them, almost like a real Christmas. How Christmas should be. 
It’s hard not to be angry or ungrateful or dwell on the horrible shit that happened to them over their lives, but it also isn’t healthy to pretend to not be all those things. He spent so much of his life feeling like he didn’t deserve good things, like he would never get to be happy because he was created for evil and doing bad. The fact that Sam Winchester, the boy with demon blood, Lucifer’s Vessel, was decorating for Christmas with actual God, who considered him a father figure, was almost the most insane thing that had happened to him. But it was good and real and he deserved it. He did. 
“We’re home!” 
Dean’s voice echoes through the Bunker making Sam roll his eyes; no matter how many times he tells Dean it’s a dumb habit, his brother just couldn’t drop it. Sam finds them all in the kitchen, Dean already trying to swap out Jack’s Christmas mug of hot chocolate with a beer.
“Hey! Full house, huh?” Dean beams. “I was just telling them, it’s a fuckin’ nightmare outside. Thought we were gonna get stranded.”
Cas sighs loudly. “You should really get a car that can cope with the weather. Or at least snow tyres.”
“Don’t insult Baby like that, Cas. She got us home, didn’t she?”
“Just,” he mutters into his own drink. “Can I ask the plan for this evening?”
“Food, food, and more food?” Eileen signs. “Did you want to finish the tree first? We can put the presents out now too?”
“Good idea,” Dean nods and they all slope back into the library. 
The box of decorations is extremely old and extremely heavy. Inside, it is packed away meticulously, one of the last remnants of Mrs. Butters’, which they had no hope of replicating when it came to taking it all down again. However, no one is thinking about tidying up right now. They rummage through the vintage decorations: delicate glass shapes, baubles filled like snow globes, and weird festive caricatures of monsters like Bigfoot with a Christmas hat on it’s head. There are spell bags for good fortune and keeping spirits high and hangovers at bay, which they check over thoroughly before deciding are not traps and can go on the tree. 
Soon enough there’s only one thing left. 
“Jack, will you do the honours?” Castiel asks, handing the porcelain-faced angel to him. 
He nods happily and steps into the air. It’s surreal to watch him walk as if on solid ground but get further and further away from the floor. He pauses by the top of the tree and smiles before securing the angel to the point. From the ground, it’s almost too far away to really appreciate the thing, but they all beam up at his handiwork anyway. Then they put out the presents. Somehow everyone managed to get on board and there are five distinct piles, everyone getting their own wrapping paper in order to minimise confusion. It’s really quite impressive that they’ve managed it all so smoothly. Mistakes will likely come to light quickly in the morning when they actually come to unwrap them. 
Silently, Castiel slips his fingers through Dean’s, and as always, the Hunter’s heart leaps in his chest. He never wants to get used to the way that it feels to touch Cas, whenever he wants, however he wants. He would never get used to the fact that Cas wants to touch him back. 
“We’ll go set up the Den,” he announces, pulling Cas along with him.
“Not on the blankets!” Sam calls after them. “And crack a window, we have to sit in there too!”
He flips his brother off over his shoulder. However, the big galump has a point. Not that he’s taking Cas to the Den do anything inappropriate, even if that is their usual MO. It’s not Dean’s fault that they have a built in netflix-and-chill room and that Sam decided to get his wife pregnant immediately instead of making the most of not being dead. Plus, he and Cas had years of lost sex to catch up, as was their God given right. (He doesn’t have the brain capacity to unpack the use of that phrase now that his kinda-sorta-maybe-son-in-law is God). 
The Den is also Christmas-fied, just not to the extent of the rest of the place. There are always fairy lights strung up (their Cas’ favourite lighting), but now, they’ve been swapped out for festive coloured ones. 
“Wait,” Cas says, stopping them as they go through the door. Dean frowns at him, but Cas just looks up until Dean follows his gaze. Ah. “Mistletoe. I believe that mistletoe over a doorway signifies something.”
“Does it now? Do you know what?”
They move in closer. 
“I’m not quite sure.”
“Oh? Must not be important then,” he starts to turn away.
Cas catches him and pulls him in. “It’s coming to me.”
“Mmm?” Dean licks his lips. 
Cas mirrors him, his eyes glittering with the reflections of white-blue lights. “On the tip of my tongue.”
Their faces move together slowly as he speaks. Dean’s hands are on Cas’ waist, while Cas’ travel up Dean’s arms, dragging his fingers over the soft fabric of his shirt, until they settle behind his head. Their lips meet in a gentle kiss; gentle but wonderful. 
When they first started kissing, it was urgent. Every kiss was full of importance, full of words they hadn’t said, full of moments they had missed out on; full of anger and sadness and lust and hatred and betrayal and forgiveness and begging and demanding and everything. They couldn’t touch each enough or at all, it was like sticking your hand in a bath that’s too hot, like gripping an ice cube until it eats into your flesh. It was all too much and they nearly collapsed under the weight of it all.
But they didn’t. 
Now they kiss in the moment. Lazily in bed when they wake up, and briefly when they leave the Bunker without each other, and playfully when they tease each other, and defiantly when people give them bitchy stares, and desperately when they’re drunkenly stripping each other, hungry for each other’s skin. They learnt to be Dean and Cas, this new Dean and Cas that, as it turns out, isn’t all that different from what they had all along. 
The kissing is definitely an improvement though.
They set up for the movie marathon silently, working around each other in perfect synchronicity, hands brushing, shoulders bumping, content with the smallest reassurances of each other’s continued existence. By the time that the others appear, laden with food, the pair are back to making out on the couch. 
“There are children present,” Eileen says loudly, making them jump apart. “Schooch!”  
It takes a second to notice what’s going on, but Sam’s stupid grin is what makes Dean pay attention. 
“No, no way, absolutely not!”
“C’mon! It’s fun!”
“You’re idiots,” he says and signs. “No.” 
“Cas, you know you wanna,” Sam wiggles his eyebrows. “You’d look great in them.”
Cas looks between Dean’s scowl and Jack’s smile for a second before giving in. “Hand them over.”
“Cas! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
He sighs. “You’ll understand when you’re a father, Dean.”
“Hey-“ Dean jumps up after him. “What do you mean, when I’m a father, you brought me two whole ass kids that I-“ They disappear down the hall to get changed and he gets cut off. 
When they come back, Cas is beaming and Dean is failing not to do the same. The onesies are teddy-bear fleece, red and white fair-isle style with a reindeers and Christmas trees and candy canes, and ridiculously cutesy. The fact they’re all wearing one makes Dean want to throw up until he actually sees them all together: this is his family, one that he was never supposed to have, and yet, here they are. His throat stings and he scrunches up his face to try and stop the tears before they’ve even formed, but he catches Cas watching him and knows that he’s been caught out. 
“Dean, come here,” Sam beckons. “Picture.”
“Dude, no way-“ But then Jack is pulling him over to the couch and he’s letting him. “I cannot believe-“
“Shut up and smile,” Eileen says, pushing his shoulder roughly. 
Someone has set up an instant camera, balancing it on books and DVDs until it’s the right height, and they all crowd into where they think the middle of the shot is. On the couch, Eileen sits at an angle against Sam so the camera can pick up her bump, his arm around her; Jack is on the floor by their feet grinning brightly; Dean drops next to him, between Cas’ legs; he rests a hand on Dean’s left shoulder and Dean puts his right hand on top of it. It’s the perfect picture of the frankenstein family and Jack insists on taking more; ones less serious, less perfect, but even better than the first.
Sam dates them all with a sharpie on the white boarder. One will go in the family photo album, the others to be tucked away into wallets and jacket pockets and personal picture frames. Cas snags the one where Dean is looking up at him instead of the camera, completely focussed on his boyfriend. He’s always liked Dean best in the moments that he is unaware of being watched, that’s when he’s the the most beautiful, the most Dean. 
He blushes hard at the picture, but allows Cas his indulgence. 
They get through a lot of food and about two and a half movies before people start to wind down for the night. Lying down for long periods of time is guaranteed to mean that the baby starts up a gymnastics routine, and Eileen lets Jack watch until going to the bathroom becomes imminently required. Her getting up makes everyone else realise that going to bed is a good idea, so they end up switching off the film halfway through and clearing up a little. At least taking the food back to the kitchen so it doesn’t go stale and inedible overnight, stinking up the Den for the foreseeable future (it happens far too often). 
Cas takes Jack to bed, even though he’s God and 1) doesn’t actually need to sleep and 2) probably doesn’t need his (kind of) father to tuck him in. However, his delight at discovering that theyve put sheets on his bed that match his pjs reminds Cas that Jack may be a cosmic being of unfathomable power, but he is still his son. 
“Thank you, Castiel. This is the best Christmas Eve ever, much better than last year because you’re here.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, Jack.”
“It’s difficult being human,” Jack says suddenly. “Even being partly human is tough, and I think you’re doing a great job.”
Cas cracks his knuckles, a new nervous habit that he’s picked up. “Thank you. It gets better everyday, easier; I miss my old self less.”
Jack pats his chest. “I’m taking good care of your Grace, don’t you worry.”
“I have no doubts about that,” Cas smiles, only slightly wistful. There have been many days that he’s wanted to ask Jack for it back, mostly days when Dean gets injured and he cannot do more than silly little human remedies. But it’s better this way. Living a human life with Dean, it’s right. It’s what they both deserve. He hugs Jack tightly before he leaves. “Goodnight, Jack. Merry Christmas.”
On the way back to his and Dean’s room, Cas meets Eileen, a spoon in her mouth. He raises his eyebrows and she puts a finger to her lips.
“Cranberry jam,” she admits. “At least my cravings are seasonally appropriate!”
“I’m not telling if you’re not.”
She winks. “Thanks for making Dean put the pjs on.”
“He loves it really.”
“Not as much as he loves you,” she says it so casually and Cas feels his face burn. “Still?”
“It takes some getting used to… after so long…”
She nods and pulls him into a hug, her bump pushing him away as much as her arms pull him in. The baby kicks against him, a clear foot making contact with his side, which is still surreal to feel to say the least. Before Eileen’s pregnancy, the only time he’d been allowed to touch a pregnant belly was when Kelly put his hand on Jack. It took some getting used to, processing the fact that there was a little person in there, growing and becoming, and in a matter of weeks, it would be out here with the rest of them. 
“Oh yeah,” she laughs. “Sleep is getting pretty impossible. But it’s good, strong is what we want.”
“Your child could be nothing less.”
It’s Eileen’s turn to blush. The impending motherhood nerves have been getting harder to handle lately; every time she gets a good kick to the ribs, she’s reminded that there is a real baby in there, and soon it will be in her arms and she’ll have to raise it and make sure that she doesn’t mess them up. She can do that, right? Even though she and Sam lost their parents to hunting, they can do better, right? They can find the balance. The idea of going out on a hunt while her baby sits at home waiting for her makes her heart ache, but she cant imagine never hunting again… Maybe she’ll fall in love with the Men of Letters like Sam and she’ll be happy with researching, perhaps be a consultant like Dean’s considering, but somehow, it doesn’t feel right yet. There’s still so much to prove: that you can be a badass Hunter as a woman, as a Deaf person, and soon, as a mother. But would she really risk losing her family just to prove a point? After everything Sam and Dean went through to make sure she got to live her life at all? There’s so much unknown, but as long as she has this family around her, she can face anything.
“We should get to bed. Merry Christmas,” she goes up on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek and then disappears into her and Sam’s bedroom. 
The quiet of the Bunker is soothing, even though Cas isn’t often up late enough to be the only one - he can never say no to falling asleep in Dean’s arms - he enjoys the solitude. It’s different from being actually alone. He knows that behind the doors, his family slumber peacefully, able to relax and dream of good, hopeful things. The existential horror of constantly fighting for your life abated, at least on a cosmic level; if the idiots around him still want to throw knives at monsters, that’s their prerogative. And he doesn’t even have to pretend to be happy with it. 
He turns off the main lights as he makes his way through the rooms, checking each one out of habit more than an actual need. Soon, he’s bathed in a gentle, colourful glow of the fairy lights, the only illumination left on. He stops by the tree, staring up at the adorned branches, his heart full of a contentment that he used to associate so solely with faith. So strangely similar: the peace he feels knowing that he is loved and that he is able to love back, and the one he felt when he followed God’s commands. But this little family, being part of it, is like a new kind of worship. Now his heart laid down before the altar of love instead of obedience - the difference is he gets something back. Now he knows that when he puts out his hand to hold his God, it will hold him back. 
What would Dean make of him thinking like this? Equating their love to something so intrinsically holy? And on Christmas, of all days. He would mock him, but only out of embarrassment, the continued belief that he is inadequate to be compared to the divine, even though Cas has never met anyone more deserving of the epithet than Dean. 
In their bedroom, Dean is already tucked in bed, reading a battered copy of We that Cas found buried in one of those chaotic secondhand book stalls. He should’ve saved it for Christmas, but Dean’s already halfway through and it gives him a little thrill to know that he did good in picking it, because he knows Dean. 
“Get lost?” He jokes without looking up from his book. “C’mere.”
Cas climbs in and under Dean’s outstretched arm, which he promptly tucks around Cas, pulling him tight into his side. He’s taken off the onsie and is in just his underwear, which is probably for the best considering how they both run hot during the night and always end up kicking the covers off even when they sleep naked. Cas presses small kisses to Dean’s side and chest, not entirely meaning to distract him from his book, but also not being unhappy with that side effect.
‘Something on your mind?” Dean asks playfully. “Could give you an early present, if you like.”
“Mmmm?” He moves up to Dean’s collarbone and throat, sucking a little at the soft flesh, but not quite hard enough to leave a mark. “What kind of present?”
“One you only get if you’ve been good this year.”
“And if I’m on the naughty list?”
Dean looks surprised at Cas’ reply, usually he takes a bit of warming up when it comes to their role-plays. “We- We could go through all the bad things you’ve done… See if can’t figure something out.”
“I think that’s for the best.”
It’s silent in the Bunker. But not empty, not even close. It waited patiently. As it always does. For those who were meant to find it, did. They always do. And for the first time in many years, for the first of many years:
The Winchesters are home for Christmas. 
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amazingmsme · 5 years
Comfort Clothes
AN: I know I’m late, but have Klaus’s fic, I hope you enjoy it!
Klaus was sprawled out on the couch, resting his head in Diego's lap as he tried to read a book. That's funny, Klaus thought. He didn't think he was the reading type. Regardless, he was bored. He idly fiddled with the hem of his crop top before flopping his arm down to his side. He looked around, throwing his head back. He let out a heavy sigh and tried to adjust his position.
Diego lowered his book and fixed him with a glare. "Y'know, I'm having a hard time focusing with your elbow in my guts."
Klaus smirked and adjusted himself, purposefully digging into his stomach a bit more. Diego shoved him off, "Sonofabitch leave me be!" Klaus landed oh so gracefully on the carpet with a thud. He rolled on his back, lost in laughter.
"Oh lighten up brother! I'm just bored, is it really so awful that I'm trying to spend some quality time with my younger bro?"
Diego furrowed his brows, "Since when the hell are you older?" 
Oh shit, Klaus forgot that the only one who knew about his little time travel rendezvous was Five. Time to do what he does best and cause a distraction. He popped up, sitting on his knees and waved a hand dismissively. "That's a story for a different day. Whoa feel how soft the carpet is!" He dropped on all fours and slowly slinked down to the floor, rolling around on the ground. Ben sat in the armchair and shook his head fondly.
"Smooth." Klaus just hissed at him.
Diego scoffed, a smile working its way onto his face. "You're so weird."
Klaus clicked his tongue and shot him finger guns. "Speaking of soft, look at my shirt! It's like wearing a cloud," he said, wrapping his arms around himself. He stretched his arms above his head and arched his back, letting out a high pitched strangled noise.
"Yeah well you might wanna use a bigger cloud cause I can practically see your nipples," Diego deadpanned.
"Oh please, it's called fashion. Don't act like you're not jealous."
"I'm not."
"You totally are!" Klaus cheered. Ben shook his head.
"He's really not." Klaus rolled his eyes, "I wasn't talking to you." He turned back to Diego. "But I'm still bored, so," he held his arms out to his sides as if making a grand announcement. "Entertain me."
He shrugged, "Fine, get your ass over here." Diego wasn't sure why, maybe it was because he had been annoying all morning, or maybe the way his shirt had ridden up, but he got the sudden urge to just wreck him. Perhaps it was the infamous "Cain instinct" Five always used to justify all the weird shit he'd do to them. Whatever it was, he chose to act on it.
"Wow I can't believe that actually worked!" Klaus mused. Ben narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"I don't know Klaus, he looks like he's up to something. He's got that look in his eye that says "I'm gonna be a lil shit." You know, like the one you usually have." By this time he was already on the couch again, sprawling out to get comfy. He practically gift wrapped himself. He waved him off.
"Psh, he's not up to something. Hey Diego, Ben thinks you're up to something."
Diego held back his smile so as to not give himself away. Yet. "Ben, as usual, is right." He now sported a feral grin and looked down at him. His eyes were wide and a sort of excited nervousness washed over him as he squirmed, watching Diego as his hand moved closer. He knew what was about to happen. How could he not? Yet still, he had to ask.
"Uh, w-what are you doing?"
Now Diego had two options. He could either dig in and go for the kill, sending him into manic hysterics, or he could start off slow and drag the torture out, making him go insane from the anticipation.
It was always fun watching Klaus go insane.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm entertaining you," he answered, laying an arm over his torso and trapping him. Though if he really wanted to, he could escape. Good thing Diego knew he didn't want to. He traced shapes over Klaus's exposed stomach, and he bucked up at the contact. He squeezed his eyes shut squirming from side to side before giggles started flowing from his mouth.
"Diegoooo nohohoho!" He flapped his arms around uselessly, not trying to stop it, but needing to do something because the sensation was almost too much. Almost.
"Oh c'mon, don't act like you don't remember this game! Used to be one of your favorites!" he teased. Klaus threw his hands over his face to hide his growing blush.
"Oh my gohod shut uhup!" he cried. Ben smiled and joined in the teasing.
"He's right you know, you used to ask us to do this all the time."
"Nohohot hehelping!"
"Isn't this what you wanted though? I mean, weren't you just telling me how much you missed being tickled?"
Knowing that Ben must've been somehow encouraging him gave Diego a sense of renewed vigor. His fingers fluttered faster, but his touch remained light. Klaus smacked his hands uselessly, his laughter kicking up a notch.
"What, does he remember too? 'Cause you weren't exactly subtle when you'd ask us to do this."
Klaus just kept wiggling around on the couch and giggling, choosing not to answer. Instead he just said, "Juhust get on wihihith ihit!"
"Eager are we?" Diego asked and pinched his sides. He jerked with a squeal.
"Noho, I juhust know you're dragging ihit out to behe mehean!"
"Alright then," he stopped what he was doing and cracked his knuckles. Klaus's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Shit!" and tried to dash for safety, only for Diego to hook around his waist and drag him back to the couch.
He was already laughing before he even touched him. Diego wiggles his fingers above him and slowly descended down before farting back up. Klaus jumped and let out a squeak at the fake out. Diego did this a few times, laughing at his reaction each time. Klaus whined through his giggles.
Diego looked up, "Oh hey Five, what's up?" Klaus jerked his head, ready to scramble away to salvage some of his dignity, only to see empty space. He instantly realized it was a trick and turned to Ben.
"You couldn't've warned mehehe?" While he was distracted, Diego dug his fingers into his sides. Klaus tossed his head back in laughter, thrashing around.
And through his laughter, underneath the wonderfully dreadful feeling Klaus thought to himself: this was what he wanted. At least he wasn't bored.
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