#i wanna deactivate this id so bad
starberry-skies · 1 year
ik i need to pick and chose my battles but like. what the fuck
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its-your-mind · 8 months
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ORV as shitposts 42/???
[Photo ID - 10 cropped screenshots from the ORV manhwa with text post pasted upon them.
The first image shows Kim Dokja wearing his white coat. The text post is by Tumblr user squeakitties. It reads, "*explodes into a shower of gore and when the red mist clears i'm completely fine but wearing a different outfit*"
The second image shows Jung Heewon with a large smile on her face while she points to herself in joy. A translucent Kim Dokja looks at her in shock from the viewer's left. The text post is by deactivated Tumblr user oamisoa. It reads, "I love it when people tell me about me because I have no idea who I am."
The third image is a close-up of Kim Dokja glancing at an indirect message from a constellation. The thought bubble above his head reads, "Looks like someone misread my intentions." Smaller text is on the side of the thought bubble that reads, "Uriel..." The indirect message reads, "[The constellation, Demonic Judge of Fire, is impressed that you are trying to put your fallen friend back on the righteous path.]" The text post is by Tumblr user neroinblack. It reads, "I like to hear their interpretations of the persona that I've shown them."
The fourth image shows Kim Dokja sticking out his tongue while Lee Sungkook and Jung Minseob are staring at a phone in Lee Sungkook's hands in shock. An indirect message is at the top of the image. It reads, "[The constellation, Secretive Plotter, is impressed by your shameless lies.]" The text post is by Tumblr user teaboot. It reads, "construction of the self through the eye of the other."
The fifth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja staring off toward the viewer. Yoo Joonghyuk is at the bottom left of the image while Kim Dokja is slightly behind him at the top right of the image. Two text post are pasted. The first one is by Tumblr user toastpotent and is above Yoo Joonghyuk and to the left (relative to the viewer) of Kim Dokja. It reads, "hey sweet heart!! hey dear!! *fucking decks you in the face* angel :)" The second text post is by Tumblr user ndiecity. It is to the right of Yoo Joonghyuk and below Kim Dokja's face. It reads, "Psst. Hey. Fucker. *Kisses you* idiot."
The sixth image shows Yoo Sangah holding Kim Dokja's arm in a semi-crowded subway car. Kim Dokja is looking at her in surprise with a speech bubble that reads, "Sorry?" The text post is by Tumblr user heavensickness. It reads, "Do you ever wanna bond with someone so bad you're like 'damn i wish we were knights on a dangerous quest.'"
The seventh image is a close-up of Kim Dokja smiling with his eyes closed. A message from "Junghyeok Yu" via Midday Rendezvous is above his head. It reads, "I'll get you back for hitting me." The text post is by Tumblr user antigonekin. It reads, "my beloathed. my insignificant other. my worstie. my stupid rabbit. my fucked up abhorrent little meow meow."
The eight image shows Kim Dokja wearing a dirty and torn shirt. His hand is outstretched as he smiles. His speech bubble at the bottom of the image is cut off, but what's visible reads, "Give me 5,000." The text post is the fortieth question from a quiz with two answers. The question reads, "I use the force of my personality..." The first answer is selected. It reads, "...to get what I want." The second answer reads, "...to guide others in making the right decisions."
The ninth image shows Kim Dokja staring upwards at a golden ball of light. The text post is by Tumblr user canimuff. It reads, "no offense but i'm literally starving for affection but when people give it to me i can't accept it as valid because i'm worried i've manipulated their perception of me by only portraying myself a certain way and feeling like this portrayal of myself is an imposter and makes me disingenuous and not deserving of the affection they give me."
The final image shows Kim Dokja drawn in a simplified way in the background running off with a sword in hand and a smile on his face. The background of Yoo Joonghyuk's head is in the foreground of the image with an anger symbol drawn on it. A spiky speech bubble under and to the right of him reads, "Why you...!" The text post is two tweets by Twitter user rem ?! @/exercexe. The first tweet reads, "you're in his dms i'm on his nerves." The second tweet is a reply to the first one that reads, "im pissing him off im ruining his day." /End ID]
ID by the incredible @incorrect-web-novels !!!
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NICO NICO OH MY GOF HI HI I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH im so sorry i just went and disappeared on you like that. went through a really bad time and got sick of my blog (which i honestly have been for a good while) and just decided to wipe everything and be alone for a little. it's so good you should try suddenly disappearing into a fog sometimes I'll just want for you to come back when you've cleared your mind. sorry i miss you a lot and it's so nice to get to talk to you again :). oh here's some poetry from a book i've acquired through ah id say dubious means and ive bookmarked some that reminded me of you and your sea thing. im gonna go through and find some more for you. anyway PLEASE catch me up on things how's everything have you been writing show me show me how are your little silly creatures any new stuff youre insane about any cool things you wanna show me tell me everything man IVE MISSED YOU MWUAHMWUAHMUWHA
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enyway these are the poems 👍. ly man
okay first before anything please please PLEASE don't be sorry for disappearing and retreating into the shadows for a bit. i mean it. you're braver than all of us for knowing when to take a break and even having the guts to deactivate for the betterment of your mental health especially with your posts blowing up and people being annoying and going through shit with your mental health and everything, i'm proud of you for taking that step & happy you did it!!! of course i was worried but i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you were able to do that to help scrape the grime and dirt off <3 seriously. :)
umm how things are going!!! idk nothing much has changed since you've been gone tbh? i just found out my coworkers at the library and i are getting a pay increase because the county loves us soooooooooo much and bc we've been working so hard, so that's cool!! i also finished writing a good omens fic that turned out to be 15 pages long (rip) and it was the first piece of non-poetry writing that i've attempted AND FINISHED in over a year. ACK!!!! im v proud of it :]
ALSO a little bit of tragic news our favorite girl (guitar) vendetta, my beautiful lovely woman, is like. on the fritz for some reason? her channel switch is fizzling out and she's have connection issues with the amp and it's really sad. but!! since my birthday is next month (the 17th), i talked to my parents and they agreed that for my bday present they would help me pay for a NEW GUITAR????. THIS IS THE ONE I HAD MY EYE ON
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last thing, i watched juno 2007 (Finally!) during your absence AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO WATCH IT. elliot page and his little egg self :') idk it made me tear up a little i loved it so much. <3
my cats are as beastly as ever of course. here are some pictures:
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we all missed you so much man it hasn't been the same without you here. i love you so much zed so so so much <3333
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ur-fav-is-schizo · 1 year
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Hey folks!! I'm Sol (he/it), and imma be the one running this blog!! I noticed that the previous "your fav is psychotic" blogs seemed to be either inactive or deactivated, so I thought why not add another sideblog to the collection, you know?
The ask box is open, so feel free to request any characters! Format it something along the lines of...
"[Insert Character] from [Insert Media] is psychotic!!"
Or maybe, "psychotic and autistic," "a psychotic pwAVPD," "schizospec," or even "a schizo" if you really want. Feel free to go into details too like, "[Insert Character] from [Insert Media] is psychotic, and has [Insert Symptoms]!!" ..or you can just chat to me and share posts, that's chill!!
I'm not going to say a hard no to any particular media right now. If I'm uncomfortable or unsure of a request then I'll just politely decline it k?
This place is safe for neurodivergents of all kinds, including disabled pplz btw!!
I'll say outright that pwPDs are welcome here, so if you think "narcissistic abuse" is a valid descriptor of any abuse then go away!! It's also not my place to question other people's experiences, so if you're the kind of person who goes around fake claiming others.. You're not welcome!! I don't care how "cringey" or "obviously fake" someone is, because in my experience that's usually just repackaged sanism!! Any plural/system/what have you is welcome, I'm not interested in syscourse so try not to bring it up. But anywayz, if you get on my nervez I'll justz block u k?
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Here is my own version of the psychosis/schizospec flag, with the symbol, primary colours and moon motif pulled from actuallyschizophrenic, while otherwise being unabashedly inspired by charb's flag. The explanation/description is pretty long so I'll tuck it underneath the read more (along with other ids). Feel free to use thesez!! Just tag me if u do anythingz cool w/ them cause I wanna see!!
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The flag centers the symbol of the schizospec/psychotic community: an arrow pointing either way, left and right, (symbolizing the vastness, scope, and diversity of the community) with a wave in the middle (symbolising positive and negative symptoms). It's coloured purple, one of our representing colours, featuring a pink outline to help with the cohesion of the flag.
Behind it are two overlapping circles: one a light grey like silver (our other representing colour), and one a dark purple. White and black can often be seen as ethereal colours (embodying light or the abyss), so I knew I wanted to include them for their otherworldly properties, and so the overlapping is like the inbetweens or overlapping of what we perceive and experience if that makes sense. The overlapping circles also create a crescent moon, another symbol claimed by the community because psychotics are a bunch of "lunatics". It's outlined in grey to help with the cohesion of the flag.
The impression of a pink arrow's point continues to either edge of the flag (also outlined in grey), emphasising the centered symbol while also seperating the top and bottom's colours. Shapes come off the top and bottom of the pink, imitating a wave. The waves on the top half are a lighter purple with a purple background, the bottom a lighter red with a red background (outlined in pink). These are akin to lines on a typical flag.
To pull from charb's description of the colours:
Purple; the good side of schizospec disorders/being proud of being schizospec despite everything. Red; the reclaimation and/or the hatred of harmful tropes of us in media. Grey & Black; the unfortunate bad side of schizospec disorders and the strength it takes to deal with it. Pink; acceptance and the hope for better treatment from others.
And next to that is its geometric counterpart, which should be a BIT easier to reproduce.. But I think it's pretty obvious I made the flag to be more artistic than practical.
The symbol is the same, but the circles have been changed to verticle lines. About a quarter of the flag the silver line, a quarter the dark purple line, the overlapping colour a small slither. This block of lines is outlined by grey. To the left and right are horizontal lines, alternating between large and small lines. Top to bottom, starting with a large line: purple, (pink), light purple, (grey), pink, (grey), light red, (pink), red.
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Blog header is my version of the psychosis/schizospec flag. Pfp is Ame-Chan (Needy Streamer Overload), with the purple, light purple, pink, light red, and red stripes as a background.
First image of pinned is the purple, light purple, pink, light red, and red stripes.
Next image is purple, light purple stripes. Followed by the psychosis/schizospec flag, and its geometric counterpart. Next image is light red, red stripes.
Under the cut is the purple stripes again, followed by the red stripes. This text is followed by the first pinned image, repeated.
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Black Cat AU stuff part 3
1. Black Cat, Alley Cat, and Nightwing get into pun battles a lot. They don't even fight they just throw puns and jokes at eachother. Tim thinks that would be great if this didn't happen all the time. He and Damian were currently chained to the wall with thier mouths taped shut, sure the bomb was deactivated and they were saved but he really doesn't wanna listen to another 20 minutes of bad jokes.
This also works with Chat Noir if you wanna add him.
2. There's so many ways to add Chat to the story. You could have him run away from Paris after finding out why Hawkmoth wants the Miraculous. (let's see Hawky come to Gotham. See if he dares)
Or Black Cat might see his home situation and be like, "Um, no. >:/ I'm kidnapping you now, you deserve better."
3. A situation where the mission goes wrong and Robin is knocked out. He awakes later with his head laying against Black Cats chest with the latter holding him tight and keeping gaurd in whatever hidey-hole he had stashed them away in. He started focusing on his surroundings to help fight off his blush, and while the sounds of gunfire outside wasn't exactly comforting the distinct lack of shouts and fighting was apparent. His family wasn't being harmed. Kitty still didn't let him leave without a damage assessment. Robins arm was broken but that seemed to be the worst of the injuries. Kitty somehow managed to mother hen him the rest of the mission without being annoying or getting in his way.
His feelings for kitty only seemed to grow after this
4. Robin keeps thinking about how Kitty always smells like flowers and that means he must like them, so he heads over to this new flower shop only to recognize the voice at the register as kitty. (Its not because he's memorized his voice via crush! Shut up inner Dick!) Of course he tells no one of this revalation, but if he continues to visit this shop on the regular...well he can just tell Father that he picked up a new hobby
5. Tim has a similar situation a few months later. He saw a guy feeding pigeon at the park and greeted him with a friendly, "Hey."
Danny recognized Red Robins voice and- on reflex- greeted him back with a, "Hello, pretty bird." Then he realized Tim wasn't in costume, which was followed up by realizing he wasn't in costume. Then finally- "Oh Ancients, you're Tim Drake!"
They stared at eachother for a seconds before Danny took a risk, "This never happened."
"And why shouldn't I tell the others about this?"
Danny stared him in the eye, "Because you'll never live it down?"
"Fair enough."
So now two bats know kitty's civilian id and aren't telling anyone else in the family. It'd be hilarious if this became a trend.
6. Damian (15) has a crush on Danny.
Danny (17) has a crush on Tim
Tim (19) loves coffee
No love triangle. More like a love conga line where Tim doesn't know why Dami is so territorial over thier friend. There's now two people with the nickname "Clueless"
7. If Danny or Dani decide to keep the white glove(s) and/or boots in thier costumes you can bet Selena will call them affectionate cat based nicknames such as Mittens, Boots, Paws, Frosting, ect.
8. Bruce is close to having a stroke. Not only can he not find out anything about the potential baby bats Selena has he has a problem but Damian is lovestruck, Tim is lovedumb and he's expecting broken bones and broken hearts on the horizon.
And to top it off he still hasn't been able to get any DNA to test if they're his or not. It would be really uncomfortable if they were.
9. Skulker appears and the cats have no idea how he got here. They beat him up in fifteen seconds flat and shove him in one of the thermos that Danny always keeps on him.
10. Tim accidentally used one of Dannys thermos' for actual soup. Tim might be showing light signs of ecto-contamination later.
That or he purposely uses it as a soup cannon against bad guys.
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xianoii · 2 years
i’m back ! ♡ xianoii comeback era in order; so i thought i’d clear some things up!
okay, for starters i just wanna say hi! i haven’t been on tumblr for a number of reasons so i’m gonna explain.
1) id been going through a rough patch when i initially went on hiatus. i had gotten comfortable off the app and when i got bored and thought it’d be a good time to go back— it wasn’t good. it was shortly afterward that i went back and forth between deactivating and quitting completely and started over: i went with the second option. and it was there on my new account that i was ready to start over. i made some new mutuals and posted a smut but it just wasn’t the same. on that acc i found out a mutual of mine was on some other shit i wasn’t fuckin with and that was my final straw. it’s been about a month since i completely wiped off tumblr and 2 since leaving xianoii. about a week ago (?) i got nostalgic and began missing xianoii. i planned this whole big comeback n everything lol.
2) school was whooping my shit like my grandma on a bad day. i needed to get my shit together or else i’d fail out completely and i am absolutely NAWT doing that to myself bc i’d actually kms. this was also why i went on hiatus from xianoii in the first place. now that i’m finally free from this hellfest of a semester and on break, some time has opened up, which was another factor that made me decide to come back.
3) i just missed y’all fr ☹️ i miss waking up to my nonnies and hella notifs. i miss waking up to read reblogs and scrolling down the dash to see my moots post some of the most filthy shitposts & fics. i generally just missed being solar and being here, despite all the drama and nonsense.
to keep this short; i finally got some of my shit together and now that time has opened up, i thought it’d be good to comeback. i hope y’all missed me just as i did yall, n that you’ll welcome me back wiff open arms hehe. now, enuff with the sappy stuff . . go read venom & pls rb! love uuuu - sol ^_^
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ex-terf-anti-terf · 3 years
hi! i’m also an ex-terf… before i became a terf, i id’d as a non-binary lesbian for a year, and then i became a terf and dropped that id. i was very hateful and i had a terf twitter acc with 500 followers. however, i did openly use he/she prns bcuz i was still extremely dysphoric. some terfs hated me for it, but other dysphoric terfs were fine with it. i used to cry on my priv acc (with 70 followers) about how dysphoric i was and how i wanted to id as genderfluid but that contradicts terf ideology so i can’t do that. however, along with my dysphoria getting worse after becoming a terf, online terf spaces are extremely racist and islamophobic and that was my last straw. i’m african and muslim and i was constantly dealing with racism and islamophobia from white, european, christian terfs. they would constantly use my struggles to “own the TRAs” but it was clear they didn’t actually care about us biwoc. they dominated terf spaces. they’d claim terf is a slur that is bad as the n word or that trans women do “womanface” which is as bad as blackface. i deactivated my terf acc and i felt so free. it’s a very hard feeling to explain. i could finally id as my correct gender while also being able to agree with some radfem points. so now i’m openly an agender(flux) lesbian. i just wanna say that i really appreciate ur blog.
Yeah, I haven’t had much opportunity to talk about the racism piece on here, but goddamn is it real. I’m a white-passing indigenous woman, and some of the things TERFs told me about indigenous people — thinking I was white — was really horrible. And the way they blatantly disrespect 2S folk and their significant cultural + gender identities makes me fucking sick.
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seagullsausage · 3 years
its time for an update ig
so i don’t think im gonna deactivate. im thinking about changing my username, but theres a lot of stuff on this blog, and a lot of memories that i dont wanna just throw away. what will i use this blog for? idk. to interact with friends, take asks, rb random stuff, post random life updates. the usual stuff. 
but i think a big thing im going to do is stop with ego-related content. it used to be fun chatting about the boys and such, but ive realized that it actually causes me a lot of anxiety among other reasons i dont wanna share. i will not be writing any more fanfic, and will probably either leave my writing blog as is, or repurpose it. ill be getting rid of some of my sideblogs as well.
i feel bad, since im one of the last people in my mutual circle who still liked these boys, but i simply can’t do it anymore. its less that ive lost interest, and again, for more mental health and personal reasons. its ok to be upset or sad at this, and im totally fine if u guys want to unfollow. i wont be completely severing myself from the community-if yall wanna send asks or messages about them, i will still answer them. ill still be interacting with the lovely content my mutuals make, and i will probably keep drawing the lads. i just wont be writing fics or making lore posts anymore. 
but with that out of the way, i would like to move on and work on other things, including my youtube channel, my art blog over at @sausageseagull, and maybe even my ego fusion side blog, @seagsfusionshowcase, so make sure you keep an eye on those. writing was fun, but id like to work more on my art, and work on some of my ocs/fusions/creative ideas that took a backburner to the egos. 
im feeling a little better today, my anxieties been waning and i feel like ive experienced a mini ego death regarding my internet persona. but, i think not focusing on ego content anymore is a good change for me, and im planning for fun and cool projects in the future. 
so if u didnt feel like reading this nonsensical post: 
im stayin around babeyyy
no more writing ego content; will still interact and maybe draw
cleaning out side blogs 
follow my art and fusion blogs for more content coming soon 👀 
also my yt channel that i keep wanting to do more with
im doing fine now ig
thats it that was the big update post
ok yall can move on with ur day
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seijch · 4 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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rouge-the-bat · 3 years
hey not to alarm you but the twitter @ attached to the oops-i-spaced's paypal belongs to someone who is 20 years old. i cant verify the dates now that the op has deactivated (a day after you and several others got an ask to reblog it), but it's possible that it was a scam given the 'teen' part of their donation post.. for now please take care!
ah dang :Oo that is suspicious.. personally i know some ppl irl that take advantage of others by acting like theyre homeless n such to get money, when theyre actually well off... so i have a hard time trusting any one particular ask for donations- its not like i suspect every person i see needing donations as lying, i just kinda stay away from those posts in general unless someone directly comes to me asking to reblog one (bc id feel bad to turn them down ^^; ) and that is exactly why i hate when ppl do that bc it ruins others trust n theyre less likely to reach out to help ppl... but i love helping ppl !!! even tho i dont actually have money to give, i wanna try to help ppl in other ways :(
its possible the post was just 2 years old and they just are still in a bad situation and needing donations, but ud think theyd probably have an updated post at some point in that time? but even besides that, the fact of sending out the asks and deactivating right after makes it feel real iffy ..
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arigatouiris · 5 years
out of my league // t. h — 02
Pairing: Tom Holland x Critic! Reader [I use female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; eventual fluff; angst; hurt/comfort; a little bit of cliche because come on.
A/N: If Tom seems a bit out of character here, I apologize. This is after all, my first time writing for him, and it’s all based other fanfiction I’ve read about him or how I see him on screen. Do let me know what you think, it’d be great if some of you had pointers! 
Also, the story does start out a bit slow in the beginning, but trust me, there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to happen that can potentially make things very, very interesting. So hoping to see your reactions~
Thanks for all the love and support, darlings~ 
Word count: 2845 
Series Masterlist
 01 | 02 | 03 |
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Ch. 02
At times when (y/n) was not critiquing, she found herself buried in books. She would never call herself an avid reader because she was working most of the time, and for her, reading to write a review didn’t come under reading for fun. 
     It had been close to a year since she had read anything that she didn’t have to critique, and for the first time, she felt a tad bit cheerful for it. It was a book called The Girl Who Fell From The Sky, and narratives such as these always caught her eye. However, this wasn’t how it used to be. Things before never phased her when she was buried into a book; she could man any distraction and not let it come between her mystic connection with the book she held in her hands. However, now, being an adult changed everything.
    (y/n) found it hard to maintain concentration—this didn’t mean that the book wasn’t interesting; she found it interesting enough, though, whenever her phone went off for a notification, her eyes would instantly lift off the page and land on her phone. 
The hate mail fell in number, but they came nonetheless. While some were personal, others were not too fond of her physique and mannerisms on social media. (y/n) had to shut down and deactivate Facebook, Instagram, and didn’t bother to even check Twitter after the fiasco. It had been three days since her break and last conversation with Mr. Holland, after which he hadn’t tried contacting her or approaching her for another apology.
But, these days, journalists made sure that the shelf life for any news story lasts longer than it intentionally was supposed to last. It wasn’t as if they had something against (y/n), it was simply them doing their jobs, and making sure they get enough viewership and interaction with the audience as possible. And here, in London, people loved the best Spiderman, and people loved the man who played the tragic character, Lionel—Tom Holland. 
And even if (y/n) never personally attacked Tom, and attacked instead a writer who was always constantly attacked by even the most amateur of critics, news channels made sure to squeeze as much juice out of this story—(y/n)—as possible.
    And this meant going through her critiquing history.
That Wednesday night, (y/n) remembered watching Love, Actually for the thousandth time, alone in her little cozy home, ignoring the rain outside during the monsoons that pervaded London. After the movie ended, teary eyed for being the secret romantic that she was, (y/n) swiped across random channels until her eyes fell on a picture of herself on television. Immediately, she checked the time. It was over 9 o’ clock. It was prime time. She was doomed.
How am I not off the news yet? Really? They’re going to punish me for doing my job? The tears, they fell now because of the news and not Hugh Grant’s handsomeness. Covering her mouth with both hands, she watched in shock as Jenny began to narrate another story of hers. A story she hadn’t thought was serious.
    “Turns out that our favourite critic,” Jenny gestured sarcastically, “had also gotten into a small duel with another actor before Tom.”
    “That did not happen.” (y/n) whispered, grimacing at the screen.
    “Apparently, after having viewed the hit movie, Do You Remember Us? starring Chris Evans, (y/n) had written a nasty review about the direction of the movie!”
(y/n) groaned. Chris was such a sweetheart, she remembered fondly. He even made a statement on the internet saying how much he liked the review and how he understands the displeasure several fans felt with the way the film was directed. 
     Slow and neat in the first half and rushed toward the end—forcing an exit for the character in the movie, which wasn’t called for in the slightest. But, journalists never pay heed to comments that could lighten the bruise on the person in question. It was almost as if news channels were bullying her for being a critic, and perhaps, it was because she had made so many others in the past very unhappy for the reviews she had written.
    She knew when she got into this job that it wasn’t appreciated by several artists. Years and years put into bettering her best, (y/n)’s words were considered truth almost, for how raw and real her critiquing style was. She made it a point to talk about good things and bad things in every movie or TV show or book she criticized, and criticizing never meant just saying bad things. 
Movie directors would often appreciate her good reviews and saw that more people turned up to their films after the review was published. And even if she had written a disappointing review, (y/n) always made it a point to never badmouth any artist—it was their hard work at the end of the day. A vision that they saw, which perhaps didn’t deliver in the best way for the audience. And this is no one’s fault. Rushed or otherwise, (y/n) ensured that her reviews, bad or good, would talk about the importance of art as a whole.
But, all of that didn’t matter right then. She was hated because Tom Holland “hated” her review and didn’t agree with her. No other celebrity had ensued a statement for her review in such a way before, not directly at least. Displeased writers or directors would contact her personally and ask for an explanation, which she would handle very professionally.
     If only Tom had contacted her—not that he had any right to since there was nothing bad written about her in that review. If only he had read the entire review, he could have seen how (y/n) had mentioned some of the key writing skills that Jean did possess.
She stood up immediately, with a newfound confidence. Heading to the kitchen counter, this decision of hers that popped up out of nowhere, had in fact, come from one place—loneliness and sadness; the two often came together, and weren’t good influences. 
     Picking up the bottle of wine carefully, (y/n) didn’t bother about taking a glass out. The wine bottle had already been opened the night she had written the review, it needn’t be poured into the glass at the moment. I don’t care anymore, she thought before gulping down a mouthful of the red wine, which stung the back of her throat the second it was swallowed. She was never really too much of a drinker, but the night called for it. Turning off the television, (y/n) decided to drink with the quiet tune of her raging thoughts.
    It took five such gulps and fifteen more minutes for her to officially fall under the dangerous level of intoxication. She was giggling at nothing now, teary eyed for reasons that all fell under moronic during normal circumstances. Intoxication had its own way of letting you know how alone you are in the world; of how to doubt your choices, and how to not be proud of them. 
These thoughts came slowly and almost hesitantly, but when they came, it was as if they were welcome.
Her phone rang, but she didn’t pick the call. She thought of Jean, and she thought of how she wanted to call him up—she had his contact from a few earlier reviews, all of which were not so pleasant—and she thought of demanding an explanation. She thought of Susannah, of how she once thought of her manager as the nicest person on the planet, but was someone who only cared first for the firm and (y/n) came slowly following behind like a lost puppy. 
     She thought of all the years of hard work she had put to come to a position where writing those reviews made her money. She worked as a reporter, and on the desk, and almost everywhere and overtime to get to this spot—and it was snatched from her for simply doing her job.
    And she thought of Tom Holland. The attractive and kind actor, whose performance as Spiderman in the Avengers series tore a hole in her heart. She remembered how she sobbed uncontrollably when Peter Parker faded into dust in Tony’s arms. She remembered how she sobbed uncontrollably when he was brought back, again in Tony’s arms. She thought of all the nice things she had written about Tom, the bubbling little high school girl crush that was dormant inside of her led to further disappointment since it was the very same Tom that had taken her hard work away.
As if it were a reverie, drunk (y/n) noticed her phone ringing at last. Trudging toward her device, she saw that the caller ID wasn’t visible. And just as she was about to pick the call, the call ended. In her intoxicated state, she checked how many times this person had called her—there were four missed calls. Blinking a couple of times, and before she lay her phone back on the couch, it rang again. This time, she picked. And this time, she didn’t care if she sounded drunk.
    “Who is it~?” Her voice was sing song.
There was shuffling on the other side, and no answer.
    “Are you... another journalist? Calling to get a note from me for the review I wrote—”She was hiccuping now. “I’m sorry, so yeah. Where was I?” She giggled after this sentence.
It was as if the person on the other end was simply waiting. (y/n) took this as a positive for her questions.
    “I knew it! Okay, okay, okay. Whaddaya wanna know?” She dragged the ‘o’ at the end of her question.
    “I didn’t even write anything bad about Tom… Did you guys even—”Hiccup. “—read the review? Don’t my old reviews count anymore?” She dragged the ‘ore’ at the end of her question. “I wrote such nice things for Tom before! Even on here! I can’t believe he made that satement, oops. I meant, statement. Sorry.”
There was still no voice on the other end.
    “I just did my job, really.” Her voice was low now and perhaps, the intoxication had reached the level of sadness, which allowed her to cry. “I don’t want to be hated on like this.. I pretend as if those words don’t hurt me, but they do!” She dragged the ‘oo’ in the end of her sentence.
    “I’m sorry.” Came a voice that she couldn’t recognize.
    “You have nothing to be sorry for, journalist.” She said, smiling wide, tears falling down her cheeks.
When the call ended, (y/n) decided she had had enough. Going to bed seemed the only viable option, after having such an intense conversation with a stranger.
    “Is something the matter?” Harry asked, staring at his brother.
    “Yeah, your face is funny.” Sam said, grinning.
Tom looked up at his brother with a straight face.
    “I meant, you look very sad over somethin’. Is everything alright?”
Tom sighed. It was the kind of sigh you sigh when something is so wrong and you blame nothing but yourself for leading it there. Harry and Sam looked at each other before looking back at their brother. Tessa was asleep next to Tom, and if she could talk, maybe she’d know what was up in Tom’s mind.
    I feel so bad for her, Tom thought, recalling the conversation (or the lack thereof) he had with (y/n) over call a couple of hours ago. She was quite obviously drunk, another fact he felt terrible for. Tom was quite an observant person, and he could hear it in her tone how sad she actually was. 
As if a shock came over his body, Tom quickly opened his phone and browsed for her reviews—the ones she had written on Spiderman and Avengers; the ones she had mentioned were nice.
    Tom felt worse for not having read them before. She had written descriptively on how well thought out the movie was, and had even mentioned Tom’s improvisation at the end (the scene where he said he didn’t want to go, as Tony Stark held him in his hands). He sighed once more, the same distressed sigh, and rubbed his hand under his jaw. 
     He had called to apologize, having seen her in the news. It was the first time he had seen her face, (e/c) eyes and a nice smile, her hair neat and kempt. Another failed apology, he thought before laying back on the couch.
The next morning, Tom called her first thing, during his morning run. For a second he thought maybe it was too early and that she might still be asleep, but when she picked the call, he felt his heart skyrocket.
    “Hi, I called you last night—”
    “That was you?!” She didn’t sound pleased.
Tom chuckled nervously.
    “Oh my God, you heard me when I was drunk? Couldn’t you have stopped me! This is so embarrassing!”
    “No, no! I didn’t mind! I mean—” Shit, what am I saying? “I meant, I can understand. You don’t have to feel embarrassed—”
    “Mr. Holland, I did not want to cry out my sorrows to you when I was intoxicated. You could have at least let me know that it was you on the other end. What was that?!”
Tom was quiet. He knew he had stressed her out, but now he genuinely wanted to help. He stayed up almost half the night reading so many of her reviews, seeing how she had never insulted a single artist or writer for their art, but only criticized the story. Tom, who had no idea how critiques were written or what thought went into it (and had only believed it was saying bad things, honestly), had finally learned that there was more to criticising than met the eye. (y/n) was a hard working woman, and Tom had somehow made things quite difficult for her.
    “Listen, (y/n), can I call you that?”
There was no response. Perhaps, she had understood that he had something to say, and was allowing him the chance to speak.
    “(y/n), I really want to apologize for what happened. I made a mistake and reacted hastily. I’m going to make things right, but I want to run it by you once before I do it. Please let me apologize to you properly over coffee? I insist—”
    “I already told you, Tom,” his heart beat faster at the way she said his name. It made him feel terrible. Her talking reminded him of his guilt. “I don’t want to meet you for coffee, and if I can recall, I asked you to leave me be.”
    “Yes! Yes, you did. But, listen, I just feel so terrible—Oh my God.”
What Tom saw was a bunch of photographers heading his way. Recognizing him was fairly easy, and because he was on call, he had forgotten to take the path that could have avoided the early morning paparazzi that was waiting for him at the “posh” end of town. Tom groaned before turning around hastily and making a run for it, looking like a complete fool for doing so the way he did, but there was no other faster reaction his brain offered.
    “Hello?” (y/n) was growing impatient.
    “I really have to call you back, (y/n), I am so sorry—”
    “Don’t call me back. Good day, Mr. Holland.”
And there goes another wasted effort for an apology.
Tom didn’t call her back. Not like she expected him to, she had made things too hard for him to apologize. She half expected him to tell one of his friends about how he’s tried so hard to apologize and how she’s being so hard on him—and this invariably getting on the news as well, garnering more hate for her. 
     (y/n) licked her lips before putting on a white baggy sweater. She sat at the edge of her bed and brought her legs up and folded them under her, before grabbing the book she was reading earlier. Just as she read a sentence, her house bell rang.
    “Coming!” She called out, before stopping midway.
What if they’re journalists? It couldn’t have been hard for them to find out where I live, her heart was beating at 300 mph at the moment with the mere thought that it could be reporters at her doorstep. She didn’t have the heart nor the energy to deal with any other person at the moment. Her heart had already been damaged way too much.
    The bell rang once more, and her heart along with it.
(y/n) cursed loudly for not having a peephole through which she could have seen who was on the other side. She had to open the door before finding out who was on the other side. Shutting her eyes and quickly muttering a prayer to who knows what, (y/n) opened the door.
And the shocked face she made perhaps didn’t startle Tom as much as his awkwardly smiling face startled her.
series taglist: 
@strangemaximoff​​, @aestheticgaybish​, @noobmaster63​​, @why-are-all-the-teens-gay​​, @wonders-of-the-multiverse​​, @boushalaivre​​, @jackiehollanderr​​, @nerdypisces160​​, @yourwonderbelle​, @quackson606​, @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff
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CYBERVERSE WATCH!!!!!!! (Season 3 Episodes 1-4)
Episode 1
Ok here are the things I know / were spoiled to me going in:
Gal Skywarp (can I get a Hell Yeah)
WHIRL (MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!)
“Transformation. Everything in the universe transforms. Sometimes, it is for the better. Sometimes, it is not.” *HAS TO PAUSE VIDEO FOR A MINUTE TO SOAK IN OPTIMUS’ WORDS*
I frickin scream EVERY time I see a bot I recognize
“There seems to be no Decepticon presence on Cybertron” THATS NOT SHADY AT ALL....did the Quints get them or are they hiding (probably the latter)
AW BEE.....don’t be so down on things it’ll be ok bud
“Now you’ll be responsible for the deactivation of all the autobots” PERCY PLEASE SHE WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE
“Thanks a lot Perceptor” LMAO NICE
HIS GLASSES??????????????????????????????? THEY JUST CAME OFF
PERCY OH MY GOSH someone please get this boy to a medic
“I have other means of perception” DANG CYBERVERSE PERCY IS SO COOL
I like the way Percy talks, it’s somewhat...stilted? And automatic? I’ll find better words to describe that later but it suits him. Really dig the voice choices for Cyberverse
lmao I thought she was gonna say “Gotta lose these cops” me 2 Chromia
Gosh Hot Rod you’re such a frickin jock I love you
They’re gonna shoot that outta the sky aren’t they OH NO THAT”S SO MUCH WORSE
Drift: How do I invite Roddy to hang out and be my friend. Wait I know, I’ll say it in the most threatening way possible. Yes, he’ll absolutely want to be my friend now. :)
Episode 2
Megatron: Yes.... Me: *BEAST WARS FLASHBACK*
“SHOCKWAVE! You finally did something right!”  Shockwave: >:/
Aren’t they worried by blowing up the ship they blew up the AllSpark
Like on the one hand I wanna see my boy taking charge but on the other PLEASE DONT KILL OPTIMUS
The shoulder touch.... :’) Papa Optimus is the best
Every time Megatron calls Optimus “Old friend” I cry
HELL YEAH AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT--oh they didn’t transform lmao that’s still cool
I’m so glad ShadowStriker is the leader of some of the Decepticon forces that’s cool
GET THEM WINDBLADE aw man I feel bad every time a seeker explodes, rest in pieces
WHIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!>?!??!!?!?!?! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH WHIRL!?!?!?!?!?
omg Bee and Hot Rod fighting is so good
I love that Shockwave is watching this all go down like “Whatever
Episode 3
I totally thought Megatron was gonna say “I won’t, but THEY will!” but the episode intro cut him off so it just sounds like he confidently said “You’re right! I can’t beat you!” lmao
oh wow Optimus is traumatized by that (I MEAN, THAT MAKES SENSE BUT WE ACTUALLY GET TO SEE IT WHICH IS NEW) poor dude, someone give this guy a vacation
Chromia please don’t make Percy blow out his eyes again
oh my gosh please don’t tell me he’s gonna follow Hot R--YEAH HE’S FOLLOWING HIM LMAO
Drift: Oh!! There goes my best buddy! I should follow him! :) Hot Rod: GO FASTER GUYS GO FASTER
What’s stopping Shockwave from just overthrowing Megatron I MEAN REALLY
Lmao Hot Rod is so cute, he’s like “oh the floor’s sinking? Down we go I guess”
Man it’s so exciting to see the environment of Cybertron and how the planet looks, LIKE THIS IS THE STUFF I LIVE AND DIE FOR, THANK YOU CREW
“Why the surprise? No one ever leaves the Decepticons” I LITERALLY GASPED OUT LOUD IN HORROR
DRIFT YOU CANT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! BAD BOT!!!!!!
“Hail this” OH MY GOSH RODDY
THIS IS SO DARK OH MY GOSH nO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeez team frat boys is not doing so hot
Episode 4
lmao oh Bee
Man I love Wheeljack’s VA
“We got ‘em. Got ‘em good!” PLEASE STOP MEMEING (jk)
Wait if the Allspark fixes things then it might bring Roddy / Drift back to life
imagine ur soul is so corrupted you destroy heaven that’s essentially what’s happening here
CHEETOR NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Thank you for being my friend, Bumblebee” IM SOBBING INTO MY HANDS
“Wherever Bumblebee goes on Cybertron, Cheetor goes with him” SOBS!!!!!!!!!!!
Cybertron is gold! :O
“Don’t mind the shrieks in the background”
“It is our duty to make sure it Transforms for the better” wahh
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afangirlwashere · 6 years
Prove it (Irondad fanfiction)
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(gif is not mine)
Summary: Peter might be able to take a lot but too much is too much and one day on a trip he just snaps.
A/N: So this is a little Christmas surprise I guess. This fic is a part of the  Captain Handsome's Holiday Gift Exchange! I don’t think I got a lot to say I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a good time! This is the song you can play while reading this piece! There are no ships it’s just some dad!Tony.
Warnings: just swearing and Flash being an ass
„Dude I can’t believe you didn’t bring your ID card!“ Ned screeches at Peter when the security guard gives out temporary visitors ID cards. 
„You mean his fake-ass ID card?” Flash's comment makes a bunch of kids laugh. 
Peter just huffs in annoyance that Ned even said something. He’s been fearing today for the past month. There are so many ways his identity could be revealed today. Sleeping was impossible last night since about a thousand nerve-racking scenarios kept on repeating in his head. 
Of course he was getting shit from the other students - mostly Flash though.  He didn’t dare to say anything back because the only possible thing that could come out of his mouth was “I’m Spider-Man so shut the hell up.” 
“Welcome to The Stark Industries! We’re going to start the tour in the first factory where we make the suit improvements and please guys no taking pictures in there so all your phones and other electronics need to be left in the metal box that we put in front of the doors. Do you have any questions before we go there?” a well put together middle-aged lady jotted down something on a tablet and looked at the crowd of kids again.
A short girl - Peter barely knew her from Spanish class but she was one of the nice ones - raised her hand high.  The woman nodded her way encouraging her to speak.
“Are we going to meet Ms. Potts?” she squeals in excitement.
“Or any of the Avengers? Iron Man?!” someone from the back shouts.
“Unfortunately no. Ms. Potts is on a business trip at this moment and Mr. Stark is a very busy man. The other superheroes have a lot of their own missions and things to do.” the lady explains as politely as possible.
‘Yeah sure.’ Peter thinks to himself, ‘Because screaming at Mr. Wilson for 30 minutes about eating chips on the couch counts as being a very busy man.’
“I have a question!” Flash lazily raises his hand.
‘Oh god...’
“Does a guy named Peter Parker have an internship here at The Stark Industries? Or more specifically, an internship where he helps Mr. Stark personally?” 
The lady looks a little lost for a second before she answers “No, we do not take high school students for internships anymore and when it comes to Mr. Stark I don’t think he ever had anyone for an internship to help him. I’ve never heard that name and I’ve been here for a few years now.” 
Flash’s smug grows even wider as he turns his head to Peter “Knew it.” 
‘I’m Spider-Man so shut the hell up. I’m Spider-Man so shut the hell up. I’m Spider-Man so-’
“Alright then! If there are no other questions we can move on to the tour. Please follow me.” 
They start walking to the factory door. Peter has been in there about a million times trying out new suits, webs, and weapons so the visit wasn’t as exciting for him as for Ned and the others. 
“Do you think they’re gonna have the batons that Black Widow uses? Oh! Or The Iron Man Gauntlet?!” Ned carelessly throws his phone in the metal box as an employee checks his ID card. 
“Not sure Ned...” Peter shrugs. 
“Do you think there will be any Spider-Man suits?” his friend elbows him while they pass through the door. 
“Dude! No! No Spider-Man talk here! One bad move and they figure it out and I’m-” 
“Figure out what? That you’re not actually friends with Spider-Man like you told us? Trust me... We figured that out a while ago.” seems like Flash isn’t going to let it go. 
He’s like a tick. Once he sucks onto you it’s hard to get him off. 
Peter turns to the annoying schoolmate but before he manages to get out a response he notices a familiar figure walking their way with a phone put to their ear. 
“Happy! Happy it’s me! Hey! It’s me Peter!” he waves his hand vigorously.
The moment the head of the security notices the loud young boy trying to get his attention he turns on his heel and walks away as fast as he can while shouting something into the phone.
“Hey! Okay! Fine! I’ll see you later! Bye!” Peter still shouts after him while standing on his tip-toes. 
Flash watches him with wide eyes “Wow you’re really going for it Parker. You wanna be a professional liar in the future?” 
‘I’m Spider-Man so shut the hell-’  
“I’m not lying! I swear!” 
“Then prove it.” 
It might have been because he didn’t sleep all night that Flash was getting on his nerves so much today but Peter probably got the worst best idea how to shut him up for good. 
“Fine! When we get out of this factory to go to the next one we all stay in the middle of the crowd and on my sign you need to swoop to the left corridor and hide around the corner.”  
“Why?” Ned asks bluntly while they leave Flash behind.
“You’ll see.” Peter takes out a phone and starts furiously typing something.
“We were supposed to leave our phones outside!” Ned covers Peter as much as he can so that he won’t get in trouble.
“Don’t worry. It doesn’t have a camera see?” he turns the phone around “It’s filled with a lot of cool Sp-extra...stuff.” Peter stops himself from mentioning anything Spidey related. 
After a few more minutes the lady announces they will be moving to another location.
“I swear if we get caught Penis Parker I’ll run you over with my car.” 
Don’t say it... Don’t say it... Say something else! Anything!
“Well, Flash I have health insurance!” he quickly catches up to Ned.
When the time comes all three of them try to unnoticeably stumble to the left and once they are out of the crowd they start running to hide around the corner just like Peter told them to. 
They wait a minute until all the chatter passes 
Peter takes a glimpse into the hallway. 
“What do we do now?” Flash sounds more nervous than ever.
“Follow me.” Peter rushes to the hallway and takes a few turns to other corridors.
The two boys barely know where they are at this point but after another minute they end up in front of a long staircase that seems to go on and on and on. 
“Stairs?” Flash asks. 
“This is the part you won’t like.” Peter takes the first staircase by two stairs at a time “We have to walk all the way up on our feet.” 
Ned and Flash exchange looks and just for this one moment they both silently agree that they hate Peter. 
Peter has to pretend to be struggling throughout the long walk but it’s actually not that hard. 
They made a bigger break when they hit the halfway. 
While Flash was too busy almost coughing out his lungs (since he tried to keep up with Peter who was going slow on them) Ned was lying on the ground and trying to calm down his beating heart. And then he noticed something on the ceilings. 
“Pe-Peter.” he whispered still breathing heavily “L-look.” 
Peter looked the way Ned’s finger pointed and he saw a camera that was installed in the corner. 
“We...We’re screwed...” 
“I got it covered.” Peter assures his friend. 
“How?!” Ned sits up and blinks a few times because of all the red spots that form in front of him. 
“You don’t have to worry I got it.” he shrugs “I have a cool app on my phone that I got from Miss Romanoff. To my surprise, it was able to get through Mr. Starks security which came handy. I knew there were cameras here Ned. I wouldn’t bring you here if I wasn’t 100% sure these were off when we walk all those stairs.” 
“How did it get through-you know what? I’m too dizzy for this.” Ned gives up and just sinks back to the ground for a few more minutes.
After some more stairs and a few more stops, they finally get to the floor where the Avengers spend their free time training, working and socializing. 
Peter wraps his hand around the knob of the glass door and it takes his fingertips recognizing it’s him. The doors open and the three boys slip inside very well knowing they have no right to be here right now.
“So now what?” Flash barks.
“We’ll have to be very quick. Follow me.” Peter starts sneaking around. 
He was able to deactivate the cameras on the staircase but definitely not here. 
Before they even start walking they hear a loud thud and out of nowhere a manly figure drops from the ventilation shaft. 
Peter recognizes Clint Barton in seconds and stands frozen in place.
Clint looks at the group of boys with a very confused expression. Of course he recognized Peter but he didn’t have a clue what the younging was doing here right now. 
“You guys seen Natasha?” he asks after the fearful silence.
Ned shakes his head and stares at the superhero in front of him. 
Clint looks behind them and nods “Alright. If you see her you don’t know where I am and if someone asks me I have no clue you’re here capish?” 
Ned and Flash nod their heads, terrified, that they got caught meanwhile Peter still stands paralyzed. 
“Good.” Clint looks around again then runs around the corner and finally disappears.
A few seconds pass.
“Dude! That was HAWKEYE!” Ned starts freaking out. 
Flash stands there with his mouth open in pure shock. 
Peter blinks a few times and takes a deep breath. He went through a lot of scary stuff but this might have been the scariest of it all. 
“Okay, we gotta move. Come on.” Peter’s legs feel like jelly for a bit but after he takes a few steps it gets better. 
They are very careful each step they take. 
But failure is inevitable. 
Just one more turn and they would have been right where Peter wanted them to be but they had to run into someone in the hallway.
And this time it wasn’t Clint.  It was way worse.
Ned’s trembly voice whispers “Do we run?” he asks.
“No.” Peter exhales “It would be pointless. He’d catch us in a minute.” 
“What are you boys doing here? I’m pretty sure civilians are not allowed here.” a clear solid voice speaks up.
“Mr. Rogers I-” Peter tries to explain the situation.
“You know what? Save it, son.” Steve raises his hand “I’m not the one you’ll have to explain this to.” he nods his head for them to start walking “And don’t try to run away he was right. It would be pointless.” he warns the kids.
Ned whispers toward Peter “Dude, Captain America just called you son!” 
“I know Ned I’m freaking out too.” Peter had to try and calm his heart rate a bit.
He might have hung out with Steve Rogers a few times but this was still very new to him. And he was a huge fanboy.
“I swear you’re fucking dead Parker.” Flash grunts when Steve knocks on huge doors from dark wood. 
The doors open after a few seconds and they all walk in.  It’s a big boardroom with the perfect view on New York. 
“You guys wait here I’ll be right back.” 
The door closes again practically sealing their fate and the boys exchange terrified looks. 
“It’s all your fucking fault Penis Parker!” Flash finally bursts out “I knew this was going to end badly and I swear if I get in trouble for it I’ll make the rest of your life a living hell!” 
Peter doesn’t listen to Flash because he’s already worried sick how he’s going to explain this. 
A few minutes of Flash aggressively shouting pass and the door finally opens to reveal Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
Both Ned and Flash swallow loudly and stand straight as rulers.  Peter just looks down in shame.
“You two,” Tony Stark points at Flash and Ned “out. Captain Rogers will escort you back to your class. And please tell the teacher that Peter Parker isn’t going to be joining you back any time soon. I have to chat with my... assistant here.” 
“Mr. Stark I-” Peter tries again.
“Ababa!” Tony raises his hand “Save it kid. You two,” he points at the two schoolmates again “Skidaddle.”.
Both of them head out of the room. 
“Oh!” Tony turns around and looks at the boys standing next to Cap “And next time before you start insulting and bullying someone I’d check if there aren’t any cameras around to catch you doing it Eugene Thompson.” his voice hardens.
Flash stares at Tony wide-eyed “I...I-” before he can finish his sentence the doors close.
Tony turns to Peter squinting his eyes at him “How did your brain actually manage to come up with something so unbelievably stupid?” 
“I am so sorry Mr. Stark it’s just... He wouldn’t stop messing with me about the internship. They all think it’s not real and I know I shouldn’t care and most of the time I just ignore them but I just couldn’t today... I was terrified of this trip and then when he was mocking me I-” Peter rants and Tony sees that he starts breathing very fast.
“It’s alright Pete.” he puts his hand on his shoulder “Nothing bad happened nobody got hurt. You just probably had to walk a lot of stairs I can imagine.” Tony pulls a chair for Peter to sit on “How were you planning to prove that your internship was real?” he asks out of curiosity.
“I wanted to show them the lab.” Peter notices how red with anger Tony goes after he says that “But just for a minute! I know there is a lot of dangerous stuff there, I know! But I would just show them the suits behind the glass and that I know the code to the room and then we’d just leave I swear Mr.Stark!” 
A few dreadful seconds for Peter pass.
“Look. I understand. Steve told me what he heard the guy say to you and he tactically brought you in the boardroom instead of my office so that he could really see what was going on.” Tony explains “We both know you’re a good kid and that you wouldn’t do this to hurt anyone but we needed to find a reason why we shouldn’t take your ID and forbid you from ever going here again.” 
Peter ruffles his hair feeling the guilt wash over him again.
“The next time someone bullies you like that I want you to tell your aunt, the teacher or me. I’ll deal with it.” he pats his shoulder “I know it’s not that easy but it’s always a bit easier when you can face it with the help of others... But you’re still an idiot Peter. Don’t ever do this again. And as punishment, you have to go and tell Natasha where Clint is.” Tony gets up from his chair.
“What?” Peter asks confused.
“I’m not dumb I checked all the cameras. I saw Clint just letting you wander around here. Your punishment will be that you will betray your pact with Clint and Clint’s punishment will be the wrath of Natasha and trust me... There is nothing worse in the world.” Tony’s body shakes while he thinks of some kind of past experience with the assassin “You can be happy I’m not making a big deal out of this.” 
Peter was so scared that Tony might take his ID card or his suit again but seeing so much understanding from an adult like him was refreshing.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.” he quickly wraps his hands around him in a tight hug. 
Tony stands frozen for a bit, surprised at the sudden affection.
He slowly wraps his hands around Peter too “You’re welcome kid.” 
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dikespica · 3 years
AllAboutLevi #0057
🎵 These streets are filled with memories
Passing by along España until I get home, gave me a bittersweet feeling. Pakiramdam ko andoon pa rin tayo sa mga lugar na pinuntahan natin.
Every step we made, every conversations we had and every moment that I cherished with you. Lahat ‘yun, lahat ‘yun pakiramdam ko kahapon lang nangyari. The hangover is still eating up my system.
🎶 Both perfect and in pain
Remember those happy memories we shared?
From being gym buddies then kakain sa KFC after workout. Countless pagaabang ng jeep, kahit gaano katagal hindi mo ako iniiwan. How we shared into one umbrella, kasi it’s kinda late at night na tapos umuulan. When I see the bad side of yours smoking, pero hindi ka nagbago sa paningin ko.
The laughs and words we exchanged, the time that we spent together.
But I bet you don’t remember how I was in pain?
First, remember the time na you got worried kasi bigla akong hindi umiimik? And you keep asking me if I was okay, and then sabi ko sayo okay lang ako na masama lang pakiramdam ko and hindi naging maganda ‘yung araw ko and that maybe, mood swing lang kasi malapit na yung time of the month ko? I’m sorry, I lied. That’s not the real reason why am I acting strange.
The truth is, I am trying to hide what I am feeling. I’m jealous, and I am not in the position to feel that way. Pinilit kong itinago na kumikirot yung puso ko, kasi ayokong maging dahilan yun para lumayo ka.
Bakit ko nga ba tinatago kung anong nararamdaman ko?
I am too tired from our workout that I wasn’t able to get up agad agad to change clothes. So while I am resting, nauna ka na magpalit ng damit and then you left your phone with me. Dahil naka-connect sa phone mo yung speaker, kinuha ko yung phone mo para i-off na yung sounds. Then accidentally, hindi ko naman sinasadya since hindi na ako sanay sa touch ID when opening the phone, naslide ko pataas yung thumb ko and nakita ko yung notifs, and there was a message from a girl. I just know that it’s a girl dahil sa pangalan pero hindi ko naman binasa yung message.
I know how much you hated it, and I don’t want to invade your privacy, I shouldn’t have done that, but I didn’t expect it to happen either. Hindi ko naman intention na makita, gusto ko lang naman i-stop yung music. Guilty as charged, pinili kong manahimik kasabay ng pagkirot ng dibdib ko, hindi ko kasi alam paano magsalita ng walang kahit na anong sakit na lalabas sa bibig ko.
Second, reflecting on my post #19. Wanna know the reason why it triggered me? The first time it happened is when, the night you acted na parang I am not important to you anymore. You acted na parang tapos mo na akong pakinabangan, or maybe that is what I felt. That day, you told me na hindi ka makakapag-gym but I still waited for you sa labas ng gym, waiting for a reply and maybe a surprise na bigla kang sumulpot. 10 minutes after nang dumating si coach, nakita niya na naghihintay ako sayo outside. 5 more minutes na wala ka umakyat na ako kasi nahihiya ako kay coach na paghintayin siya, plus it’s our exact schedule time na rin.
After I changed my clothes, lumabas na ako and talked to coach then sabi niya sakin dadating ka daw hintayin ka na daw namin. I was confused, kasi you didn’t send me a message or anything and you’re not talking to coach either that time. Pinilit ko pang hindi ka talaga pupunta pero sabi ni coach ka-chat ka daw niya, nagtaka pa ako kasi deactivated account mo that time, then naniwala lang ako nung time na pinakita sakin ni coach na you have a spare FB account. Sobrang nanikip yung dibdib ko nun, hindi ko alam kung anong dapat kong maramdaman or anong dapat kong isipin. Pero pinilit ko ulit ipakita at iparamdam sayo na okay lang ako, kaya kita tinatarayan nun kasi hindi ko ulit alam paano makikipagusap ng walang pagtatanong at sakit na lalabas sa mga salitang bibitawan ko.
Kinimkim ko lahat ng tanong ko nun sa sarili ko. Pinakita kong okay lang ako, that I am still the usual me. Hanggang sa nagkausap tayo nung tinabihan mo ako sa couch after workout kasi hinihintay natin si coach bago umuwi, nung mga oras na yun umokay ako kasi you explained a bit to me, and somehow it made my heart at ease.
Third, akala ko okay na, akala ko wala na yung sakit at confused feeling na nararamdaman ko. Pero tinago ko lang pala sa dibdib ko, pero andun pa rin at hindi nawala. Then the same feelings came back and it triggered me again, nung time na hindi nakapunta si coach kasi malakas yung ulan and it’s just you and me working out.
You became silent nung pauwi na tayo, you didn’t talk much. Nagshare ka man about your day driving your lola and your mom on the way to hospital for check up pero that is also the same happening you mentioned na gagawin mo nung nakaraang araw na magkasama tayo. I even told you that and asked you if na-move ba or something, pero hindi mo sinagot na para bang hindi mo kailangan magexplain sa akin, kaya hindi ko na pinilit, kasi hindi mo nga naman talaga kailangang ipaliwanag.
Few minutes later at wala pa ring jeep, I am trying to talk to you asking how are you ‘really’ pero wala akong nakuhang sagot. Nagmumukha na akong tanga kakatanong pero parang wala kang naririnig. Naninikip man ang dibdib ko, pero sinubukan kong yakapin ka. Hindi ko alam kung para saan pero gusto kong iparamdam sayo na andito lang ako. Hihintayin ko kung kailan ready ka na na mag-open up or mag-share sa akin, or kahit hindi pero gusto kong malaman mo na hindi ka nag-iisa. Nasaktan ako when you didn’t even acknowledged my hug. Tinignan mo lang ako ng parang wala ako sa harapan mo. Nahiya ako para sa sarili ko, kaya tumahimik nalang ako at tumabi sa gilid hinihiling na sana may dumating na na jeep.
🎵 And all I wanna do is love you
I really do, pero hindi mo ako pinagbigyan. Alam ko namang nararamdaman mo na, pero hindi mo ako hinayaan. Ganun mo ba ako hindi kagusto? Ganun mo ba talaga ka-ayaw sa akin?
Am I not the ideal girl you thought I would be? Masyado ka bang nagkamali nung sinabi mo sa akin that I am your ideal girl, but I am not the one you can commit to?
🎶 But I'm the only one to blame
Tama, ako naman talaga yung nahulog. Ako yung umasa, ako yung humiling. Ako yung naghintay, kahit hindi mo alam at hindi mo naman ako inobliga. Desisyon ko pa rin naman ang lahat. Masyado lang talaga siguro akong umasa at naghintay, na pwede mo pa ulit akong makita.
Hindi ko pa rin kasi maintindihan, simula ng sinabi mo sa akin that we’re not working out together, pero after that nagsasama, nagkikita at naguusap pa rin tayo ng parang walang nagbago. Yung iba mong gestures kung saan dama ko yung pagaalala.
Tignan mo ngayon, kaibigan pa rin ang tingin mo sa akin ngayon, pero hindi mo ako ganto trinato nung mga panahon na ‘yon, kahit sinabi mong kaibigan mo lang rin ako.
Naguluhan ako, pero siguro nga ako lang din ang may gawa nito sa sarili ko. Hinayaan kong magisip ng sobra tungkol sa ating dalawa. Siguro nga, wala lang lahat ng pinakita mo. Siguro nga, pinahulog mo lang ako.
And that quote your mom sent you when we used to date came to life: “Kung merong pinagtagpo, pero hindi itinadhana. Meron ding nilambing, pero hindi jinowa.”
And I was on the latter.
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mudkippz · 7 years
Going on very long possibly permanent hiatus, please read!
Hey everyone, most of you have probably noticed i’ve slowly become less and less active, i’m not doing bad or anything i’m actually doing really great despite the fall out of my parents finding out about the nonbinary thing. But there’s a lot in my life i need to focus on right now and tumblr is way too negative and just way Too Much in like, every way. 
i spend so much time on here i regret and i’m surrounded by very negative and taxing things on a daily basis, no matter who i unfollow or blacklist. its gotten to the point i get irritated every time i see a post about any fandom of mine in a positive light or not, i don’t enjoy myself on here anymore or how everything is treated but i’m not gonna get into that. 
I’m cutting out negative sources and overly time consuming things i dont enjoy as much anymore out of my life and tumblr is so high up on the list, the problem is i’ve spent the last 4 years of my life on here and its one of the only places i feel free to be myself, but now i’ve reached a point where i dont need that anymore and ive grown comfortable with myself irl as well and although tumblr really did help my social and confidence skills for a long time, its stopped being something that helps me and ive realized that. I dont need it anymore and i enjoy myself much more in just the company of myself or my friends when it comes to content, and i dont have the energy to keep up this blog anymore.
That being said i wont be deactivating! im going to keep this blog up for whenever im on my laptop (i deleted all social media outside of instagram off my phone) ill check my messages for the few people i still talk to on here, and continue to talk! basically just check in to keep contact with my friends, and maybe an occasional thing about my art but im basically moving everything to instagram im much happier there and im very active, its mostly my art but kind of a day to day thing as well if you guys still wanna see me around! im reyven_claw if you guys would like to follow me and better communicate :) if you have an instagram please feel free to follow and tell me who you were on tumblr id love that! its a much better environment for my art and im a lot better at keeping up with people and having a good laugh there :p
This was a very hard decision for me to make since ive spent so much time on here and some of you ive followed for years, but its the best decision for me and im going to be much happier away from it all. Please feel free to unfollow you probably wont be seeing fandom content from me anymore, my mindset as of now is permanent but maybe someday ill decide to pop in again but thats unlikely. Thank you all so much for accepting me and sticking around through all my crazy multifandom mess! this place and the people i met here helped me more than i can ever say. :’) 
I just really need to focus on my life and what makes me happy and moving forward and this is just a step in doing that, i’m gonna learn how to drive soon im getting work experience volunteering at my library and teaching myself skills for the future and im reaching my inner happiness everyday, things have never been better for me and im going to keep making decisions to further that, good luck in life to everyone! i believe in you all :) i probs dont need to be so dramatic lol but ive known you guys so long figure this deserves proper explanation to my leaving. I’ll be self reblogging this continually for probably about a week or more!
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cayannamon · 7 years
Tagged by : @randomslasher and @finiteframe3 ♥♥♥
1. Nicknames: Luna, Cayann, Mom, Dad, Daddy, Chey-Chey, Lulu, Satan, etc. 2. Gender: Female 3. Star sign: Aquarius 4. Height: 5′5″ 5. Time: 3:03 pm 6. Birthday: Feb 8 7. Favourite bands: AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, Bon Jovi, Crystal Castles, Daft Punk, Eagles, Fall Out Boy, Icon for Hire, Imagine Dragons, Imogen Heap, Journey, Kesha, Lenka, Maroon 5, My Chemical Romance, Mystery Skulls, My Darkest Days, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, Pentatonix, The Pretty Reckless, Queen, Studio Killers, X Ambassadors ((not all bands per se, but, I think I should just stop now lolol )) 8. Favourite solo artists: Halsey or Marina and The Diamonds, probably. There’s a lot more but…too many… 9. Song stuck in my head: “Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco” right now 10. Last movie watched: Mulan 11. Last show watched: “Camp Camp” probably 12. When did I create my blog: Cayannmon was started….March 15th ((heh ides of march)) 6 years ago.  @cayannamon-arts  was started a year ago on August 3rd.
13. What do I post: Fandom stuff, my art, social issues, memes, tutorials, etc. etc. Honestly it’s just one big mess. 14. Last thing I googled: Soul Eater ((cuz of the au we were discussing in discord earlier)) 16. Do you get asks: Occasionally 17. Why did you choose your url: Well….**pulls out a tome and dusts it off** Back when neopets was like a huge thing, they would give you these generated usernames and stuff. If my parents had ever had another child, their name would be Cayenne and since my name is Cheyenne, we’d be the Pepper Siblings™. As such, 12 year old me was like “COOL, I’ll make my username have cayenne in it”. However, I still had to set up an email at the time and those also gave you random generated additions if your name was taken. Thus Cayenne went to Cayanna_y42 which gave me my original neopets handle ((which was rudely deactivated a few years back when they did that mass purge of unused accounts)) and various other media accounts. Unfortunately, when it finally came time to spread my wings and make a YouTube channel back in ohhh I dunno, 2007? Somewhere around there- the user “cayanna” and “cayanna_y42” were taken. And, being the dork I was and the fan of them classic animes and cartoons like Digimon from Disney XD, I was like “I like “Gatomon”…lets just…merge things. Thus “Cayannamon” became my handle for everything up until today. Tho, my original YT was deactivated from those old classic AMV’s and copyright claims. *weeps*
18. Following: 1,068 blogs currently *coughs* 19. Followers: 503 currently; while I try and block the spam/porn bots, there’s probably around 15? or so that are bots. 20. Favourite colours: My list of fave to least fave goes: Purple, Black/White, Green, Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Blue. ((sorry all you blue lovers, there’s just very rare times I actually enjoy that color)) 21. Average hours of sleep: 5-8, depends on if I’m in school or not. 22. Lucky number: 8 ((It’s my lucky number, birthday number, favorite number, it’s even, and it’s a lemniscate. I love it. )) 23. Instruments: Clarinet mainly. Though I have dabbled with pianos, ukuleles, guitars, saxophones, flutes, and drums. Still wanna get my hands on a harp and violin tho like gosh 24. What am I wearing: Purple short shorts and a black tank top, aka my usual. 25. How many blankets do I sleep with: Anywhere from one to three, depending on the weather. But I gotta at least have one on me.   26. Dream job: Oh gosh, uhm, probably something that no one else has done like….animal art traveling scientist teacher thing. I dunno. I’ve got a lot of dreams y’all. I’m getting two bachelors right now because I’m so bad at deciding. 27. Dream trip: Anywhere, honestly. I’ve never left America and I’ve only visited like 4 states. France, Japan, England, South America, Antarctica; just take me.   28. Favourite food: I love…a lot…of foods….but for this one… I’ll go with… pumpkin pie.   29: Nationality: American 30: Favourite song right now: Don’t really have one single song but… “Outbreak (feat. Mylk) by Feint” is pretty chill.
Tagging: @trucbiduleschouettes @grayscaleeternity @hauntedspacekiwi @sierra-mist-14 and anyone who wants to do it. ♥
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