#i wanna get everyone else but they were the top priority
localgardenweed · 1 year
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Finally got my Prussia Nendoroid in the mail today! Im so happy he’s finally home, I ordered him back in the fall and it took almost a year but im still happy. He actually came early since he was expected to come in August so he came home a month early. He now sits with his boyfriend on my shelf till all time. I need to take stuff off from there, his box had no space and I had to sacrifice some stuff to put it there
He though did not come with his feather pen, I looked and looked and it was no where to be found so I might write a email and hope I can get some compensation and if not oh well not that bad I can survive. But no watch it actually came in the mail and I was just blind
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sttoru · 10 months
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“this is one small ass elevator.”
“i personally think it’s pretty big.”
you slap the back of satoru’s head as he makes that comment. you could sense the perversion behind it; that little grin the sorcerer had as if he made the joke of the century only tended to confirm your suspicions.
you repeatedly press the button which closes the elevator doors. you don’t need anyone else with you in this cramped space—it’d only feel more suffocating.
“just a minute, miss!” . . . there goes your peace. a guy places his foot between the closing doors and they open up for him, giving him the chance to ride down with both of you.
it didn’t stop there— more and more people rushed towards the elevator as if it was the only one available. satoru moves over to you the moment he notices how all people started to press together like a pack of sardines. everyone was trying their best to fit in before the doors close and it was getting hard to breathe properly with so many bodies bumping into you.
“baby, c’mere.” satoru smoothly excuses his way through the crowd and stands before you, pulling you to the nearest corner in hopes of giving you some space to breathe.
your back was against the elevator wall and you were facing your lover who towered over you, his feet spread apart a bit to keep himself steady whilst people pushed and pulled in this tight space.
one of satoru’s hands was placed against the wall near your head, the other on your waist to stabilise your body, “you okay?”
“yeah, thanks.” you mumble quietly, yet loud enough to be heard over the chatter in the elevator. you felt much more at ease now that satoru was the only one being so close to you, instead of having strangers press up against you from all sides.
the elevator doors finally close and it rumbles a bit before descending. satoru’s tall figure loomed over you from up close and somehow made him look even taller than he already was. you tilt your head up and were met by two bright blue eyes staring right back at you from behind his sunglasses:
“hey there, pretty.” he giggles, giving you a small wink whilst enduring the unintentional pushes of others against his back. he’ll do anything to make sure you’re comfortable—you’re his priority in any given situation.
you can’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s remark. your chest was pressed underneath his, his warm breath fanning the little hairs on top of your head, hand clutching gently onto your jacket near your waist—all of it was soothing. even when the rest of the elevator was suffocating.
“wanna kiss you.”
your head instantly snaps towards satoru and your face turns hot at this sudden confession. there were so many people in this small place and therefore could easily spot anything you do. it’d be extremely embarrassing if they see you making out with your lover.
you’re fine with PDA, but not to this extent—
“just a quick kiss. pleaaaase?” satoru pouts, being so desperate that he pushes his glasses down to reveal his glimmering blue eyes, giving you a pleading look and a big pout, “ya know i can’t go a second without feeling your touch. hell, not feeling your lips against mine every second of the day is a crime itself and—“
“shush,” you clamp your hand around satoru’s mouth, only for him to give it a playful lick. you push your palm harder against his lips, but your lover takes this chance to lick and even bite the flesh—borderline making out with your hand.
“ew, that’s disgusting.” you jokingly gag and shake your head. you remove your hand and wipe the saliva off on the sorcerer’s black shirt. once freed from your grip, satoru leans in closer to your lips, his thumb and index holding your chin up. his voice sounded like he was utterly smitten with you in the moment;
“hm? disgusting? that wouldn’t be your reaction if i had done that against your pretty little mouth.” satoru grins and steals a kiss before you could process what had happened, “you’d have begged me for mo—“
“all right. that’s enough.” you press your hand against satoru’s lips once more. a dumb mistake, since the childish man in front of you likes to repeat his actions. his tongue wets your palm over and over until you move your hand to the side again, allowing him to steal another kiss and whisper more naughty stuff in your ear.
“you’re impossible.” you mutter in a half-joking tone, hand landing on his mouth for the third time.
“and you love it.” satoru mumbles against your skin, voice muffled yet heard clearly.
neither of you were giving up on this endless cycle, the playful back and forth continuing until one of the two waves their white flag by the end of this elevator ride.
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h8ani · 10 months
Prompt #21 with Sasuke from Naruto please! 🥰 Surprise me!
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Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: you hate him and he hates you, but when he shows up out of nowhere demanding to speak to you all of those years of pent up hatred come out
Warnings: this is the first smut I wrote in years so that’s a warning in itself, rough doggy, all characters are of age/aged up, dirty talk, angry sasuke, oral (female receiving), missionary for 2.5 seconds, angry reader at sasuke
Prompt: “This doesn’t change anything between us.”
A/N - look I actually tried really hard on this and I lowkey wanna make a pt2 to this so please tell me if y’all would want it! Feel free to request a prompt!
"Isn't he so cute!"
"I'm going to marry him someday."
"Sasuke is so cool!"
Hearing his name you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You couldn't stand his attitude even at your young age. It was always someone trying to one up the other, whether it be you excelling in your chakra control or him beating someone else in seconds in a sparring match. You hated him, you hated his attitude and you hated how every girl would throw herself in front of a kunai for him. You hated Sasuke Uchiha and he hated you.
Your feelings towards him weren't one sided either, he could've left you alone but no, he had to bother you any chance he got. Clearly he developed damage to his brain where he can't learn to develop the skills of empathy and self control.
The teasing wasn't that bad, it was the shitty tricks he'd pull and act like it wasn't him. If you wanna pull a prank on someone at least take ownership instead of being a pussy. Did you just call a 12 year old a pussy? Yes. Yes you did. Sasuke Uchiha at 12 years old was a pussy and you've told him that to his face too.
"You're leaving." You say as more of a statement than a question. You look at the brooding kid in front of you, his hand on his backpack strap tightening as he stares angrily at you.
"What does it matter to you?"
"It doesn't but-"
"Then shut up and mind your business." He interjects quickly causing you to stare daggers at him.
"You're a pussy." You push off from the wall you were leaning on and brush past him. "You were weak during exams and you're weak now." You begin to walk away past him when his grips the collar of your shirt and slams you back into the wall you were on. "Hey asshole!-"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He cuts you off, his face only mere inches from you.
"You wanna kiss pretty boy?" You shove him away as hard as you can creating some distance between the two of you. "Just get the fuck out of the village already."
And so he did.
You couldn't feel any happier once Sasuke was out of the village. The pain in your ass wasn't there anymore and you felt like you didn't need to prove yourself as the top of your class anymore even though you have been graduated from the academy for over two years. You were perfectly fine without him, everyone else he supposedly made 'friends' with, if he was even able to make actual friends that is; they were worried, suddenly wanting to go out and retrieve him like he was taken. Once again Sasuke was the top priority to everyone minds.
You couldn't care less about Sasuke Uchiha.
He hasn't crossed your mind on your own accord in years. You hadn't seen him in years, you know he's still a topic around the village but you tend to zone everyone out when he gets brought up and at this point in time it's been working. Out of sight, out of mind, he could have gotten himself killed in a random battle and you don't think you'd shed a single tear for him.
You hear a bang at your front door which catches your attention immediately, you go to ignore it thinking it's the neighbor's kid across from your apartment kicking the ball they had against your door until the banging becomes repetitive, the more bangs coming from the other side of the door the louder they became. You swing the door open looking to see who or what was the cause of the annoying noise only to be shoved to the side into the door frame. "What the hell!" You raise your voice grabbing the wrist of who barged in, you get overpowered and pulled back into your apartment and the door gets slammed. You look up at the intruder who shoved his way into your home and see him. "Sasuke?"
Sasuke looks frustrated to say the least. He has the same signature scowl he's always had on his face and the same posture with his arms crossed over his chest while looking around your apartment. There doesn't seem to be a difference in the way he looks at you either, the same hatred behind his eyes as always, even with him being the one rudely shoving his way inside.
"(Y/N)." He said simply with nothing coming after. You waited a few moments if he was just trying to be dramatic with his entrance. He never said anything after that.
"Why are you back in the village?"
"I'm not." You roll your eyes and huff a sigh.
"Why are you here in my apartment then?" You mimic his body and cross your arms over your chest, his head turns to face you and his eyes stare at you intensely. You'd say you were used to this but after so many years you've grown unaccustomed to the look he used to give you because it was nothing like this.
"I'm here to talk, I need to-"
"Why am I supposed to care what you need?" You  insert before he's done speaking. He huffs a breath and soon enough his eyes shoot the daggers you remember.
"I don't expect you to I just need-"
"How about you tell me why you left the village in the first place?" You cut him off mid sentence once again. You don't care about his needs, you don't care about him at all, but you'd like some answers. "Was it like everyone was saying? That you just wanted to grow stronger? So did you find it? Did you get stronger like you wanted?"
"That doesn't matter I don't need to answer that right now, you clearly already know the answer to that." He rolls his eyes and let his arms fall from his chest.
Sasuke was never a man of many words, he was never a man at all he was just a little boy, but with his responses you can't help but bug him about it. Call it being nosy or call it you always zoning everyone out the second you hear his name so you never actually found out the reasoning for him abandoning the village.
"So you're still weak? You're still that little kid who does nothing but bitch and complain about wanting revenge. You may have grown up in these last few years but you're still that sad, pathetic, weakling-" Your shoulders are shoved and pinned to the wall behind you in a moment, you gasp out at the sudden jolt in your back and look up at the angry ravenette.
"Shut up." He growls lowly and if looks could kill, not that he could but you'd probably drop dead if he wished it.
"Make me you prick." You look at him, your stare unwavering as the pressure on your shoulders feels tighter.
There is no sound in your home but everything seems to be buzzing in your ears. Sasuke's face only inches from yours, seemingly just like when he left the village. You feel a sudden wave of nostalgia if you can even call it that as it wasn't a fond memory to think back on. You wait for his response, you look into his eyes and can't decipher what's going on in his head. His grip on your shoulders loosen before he crashes his lips onto yours, his hand now finding a place onto the back of your neck to pull you even closer to him.
Your eyes widen in shock as you don't kiss him back. The kiss surprising you but what is even more of a shock is who is kissing you. You feel him pull away and the look he gives you is mixed with annoyance and frustration. "Just kiss me back." He pauses and smirks, "Or are you too much of a pussy." Your eyes darken with anger as he used your insult to him against yourself. He doesn't wait for your answer before he pulls you back to his lips, you instantly kissing back.
The kiss was hard and the only emotion behind it was the hatred you feel towards him. Your lips molded together as you two kissed, his hand found it's way from the back of your neck to tangling itself in your hair while you felt his grip tighten sending a tingling sensation to your scalp. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in heating the kiss up in an instant.
You could feel him press against you, his leg sliding between yours and pressing against your clothed core, a small sound comes out but is quickly swallowed down by him. His lips leave yours to slowly kiss down your jaw, it was excruciatingly slow the way he kissed you, from your jaw to your neck to the sweet spot he found almost instantly. You bit back a moan but he made sure to take his time marking up your neck.
The feeling of his thigh was hard to push to the back of your mind, all you could feel was Sasuke and what he was doing to you. You hate him, you hate how he's making you react right now and you hate at how good he is and neither of you have even taken a single piece of clothing off of each other yet. You hate even more the needy words that come out of your mouth next.
"Bedroom." You say almost breathlessly, you could feel the smirk he gives against your neck before quickly going back to your lips. His hands slide to your waist and pull you to him and walk you back not daring to break from the kiss. He pushes open one door and you feel your ass bump into something hard and cold, you pull away from him to see you backed up against your washing machine. "You idiot, this is the wrong room." You roll your eyes and walk past him going into your bedroom.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know that it's not like I've been in your apartment." He scoffs following you and kicking the door shut.
"Oh I bet you must've dreamed-" your words were short lived as he spun you around and kissed you quieting you down.
Kissing Sasuke wasn't like all the books you've read, it wasn't sweet, it wasn't like being with your ex's when you were in love. His kiss was full of passion, it's a kiss of desire and a feeling of pent up frustrations he nor you have been able to let out. Frustrations at each other, at the world, at everything. Sasuke was a damn good kisser too which annoyed you even further.
His lips left yours to tug off your top, the fabric quickly being discarded to a random corner in your room. His eyes ate your figure up, seeing how your breasts layed there perfectly in your bra you were wearing. A low groan left his lips as he went to kiss up your chest, his fingers hooking onto the waistband of your skirt and started to tug it down past your thighs pooling around your ankles. You quickly kicked them away and pulled at his shirt. "Off." You demand and he takes no time in removing his shirt before pushing you back to the edge of the bed and dropping to his knees."
"Spread." He now is the one demanding. You go to spread your legs before pausing and closing them causing a confused look to cross his face.
"This doesn't change anything between us. I still hate you." His confusion quickly deadpans before shaking his head.
"God shut up." He spreads your legs and pushes your panties to the side before slowly swiping his thumb along your slit and pressing it to your clit causing you to gasp. "You're soaked." It was more of a statement than anything but feeling his thumb start to roll little circles on your clit sent a shockwave up your body. You watched him as he stared at your pussy.
"Are you going to sit and stare or are you going to actually do something pretty boy?" Your words rang in his ears and he slowly looked up at you, the same irritation growing in him like it did all those years ago when you'd call him that name. His thumb left your clit and his index and middle finger slowly pushed it and curled causing you to let out a small moan. He could feel you already clenching around them as he started to pump them in and out of you. "Stop calling me that." His head dipped down between your thighs and licked a long swipe before settling on your clit making you let out another moan.
"I can't help it." You say running your fingers through his hair. "You're a pretty- ahh fuck..." Sasuke sucks on your clit harshly, his fingers curling and uncurling from your gspot making your mind go fuzzy with the pleasure he's giving you. Your fingers tighten in his hair tugging slightly, "Fuck Sasuke." You throw your head back taking in the feeling of his tongue and fingers working on you. You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten up and you screw your eyes shut feeling the pleasure hit you. You feel dizzy and can't focus on anything but Sasuke. He tugs your panties down past your hips and tosses them to the side before finally undoing his pants. You fall back against your bed, chest heavy as that was one orgasm that knocked the wind out of you.
You feel the bed dip down before you're turned over to your stomach, a harsh smack heard before you felt his hand come across your ass. "Ass up." He says, his voice low as he picks up your hips positioning them to his liking. You feel him bring the tip of his cock up and down your slit causing you to shiver. You can just feel the smirk on his face before he pushes in giving you no moment to get adjusted. You let out a mix of a moan and groan feeling him stretch you out, you not having any sort of sex in a while is the excuse you'd like to give but you also didn't expect Sasuke to be big in the slightest.
His hands gripped your hips and brought you back with each thrust, you arched your back and dropped your head letting out small moans as he hit a spot in you that you haven't felt before. "You ever felt this good before with anybody else?" You could hear the smugness in his voice. "You're so fucking tight, don't tell me, you weren't saving yourself for anyone were you?" He chuckles as he thinks what he's saying is funny, you throw your hand back ready to smack him but he quickly catches it and pins your arm behind your back pushing you further into the mattress as he slams into you at a slower pace. "Of course you weren't, you take my cock too well."
You could feel every inch of him with every hard thrust he gives you, feeling him deep in your stomach as you grip the bedsheets tighter and tighter.  "Please go faster." You whine out without meaning to. Sasuke pulls out and flips you to your back before slowly pushing back in making you moan. He leaned forward his thrusts picking up pace and making you look at him.
The close proximity of him making you nervous all of a sudden, missionary was for eye contact, kissing, all of that intimate shit. Doggy style is much more your style with Sasuke. You don't have to look at him. The smirk on his face makes you question him before he speaks. "Who knew you were such a needy sub." Your eyebrows furrow as you go to speak but the words died on your tongue when Sasuke brings his fingers to your clit again bringing you close to your second orgasm. "You're just taking my dick like a good girl, aren't you?" You shake your head refusing to listen to him. His fingers move faster on your clit giving you the perfect amount of pressure to send you back over the edge. Your eyes squeezed shut and head pressed back in your mattress as you orgasmed for the second time in the night. You can feel Sasuke's hips stutter as he fucks you through your orgasm, his pace quickening even more before you felt him stop and let out a low groan as he came inside you.
Your eyes shoot open as you smack his arm, "You did not! Not inside you idiot!" You shove him off of you as you quickly go to your bathroom that's connected to your room.
Sasuke chuckles to himself before letting out a small "oops." He sits himself up on your bed and gets himself dressed. He can hear you grumbling in the bathroom and the shower starting to run as he gets finished. He stands up and makes his way around your room walking to the door before his eyes laid upon picture frames on your dresser. He can faintly see pictures of your closest friends, some recent and some old but what catches his eyes the most was a picture taken when you were in the academy. It was when the top of the class got a picture taken and both you and Sasuke tied for number one. Both of you were upset that you had to take a picture together and it was evident on your faces. Your arms were crossed while glaring at the camera man and whoever had to have forced the picture and Sasuke was looking over to the side, his hand on his hip and looking as annoyed as ever.
Out of all the photos you put in a frame you put that one even as you hated him.
Hate. It's a funny emotion. Isn't it?
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cxptain-capsicle · 4 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | III
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn flashbacks, established relationship present day, Gods being terrible parents
Series Masterlist Taglist
“Luke.” You whispered, trying not to wake any of the other campers. “You awake?”
“Yeah,” He whispered back. “You okay?”
You had been at Camp for a few months now and Luke was already accustomed to being woken up from you jolting out of bed after a nightmare. He joked that some mornings he would nearly be thrown out of the top bunk.
“I didn;t have a nightmare, I just can’t sleep.” Your voice trailed off at the end. Within a second Luke was out of the top bunk, his feet hitting the hard wood made a loud sound that made you jump.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. You sat up in the bed and he came to sit next to you.
“I just-” You started but struggled to find the words. “I don’t think I’ll be claimed.” After your few weeks at camp the topic of being claimed felt taboo, like everyone was thinking the same thing and nobody wanted to say it. 
“You don’t know that.” He shook his head. “I knew a girl who got claimed after being here for almost a year. It can take time.”
“I’m tired of waiting.” You were too afraid to say anything negative about the gods while in one of their cabins. Especially the messenger god. “I just feel really alone.”
Luke didn’t say anything, he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and the other at the side of your head and pulled you into a hug.
When you woke up Percy was still asleep, you normally didn’t take too much to the new kids but you liked this one. You would be the first one to admit that you were jealous of the new arrivals seeing as most of them would be claimed within weeks. There was no point in becoming buddy-buddy with someone who would go off and get so wrapped up in their new siblings and godly parent that they forget all about you. Three years of radio silence from the gods had made you a little bitter. Luke would argue that maybe it was more than a little.
“I’m gonna take Percy around camp today,” Luke was slouched against the pillow in your bed. He grabbed one of his shoes and forcefully put it on. “Wanna come?”
“Get your shoes off of my bed.” You shoved his leg off the side of the bed, forcing him to sit up next to you. “And I’ll pass, Annabeth and I are gonna talk capture the flag.” 
“Oh come on I thought you liked him?” Luke always tried to get you to join him but talking about nothing but getting claimed for 3 hours wasn’t your idea of fun. 
“Not that much.” Before Luke could respond Percy sat up from his spot on the floor with a jolt. You had been asking Charlie Beckendorf, a Hephaestus camper, to make more bed frames for the cabin for months but it kept falling to the bottom of his priority list. Over the past few years the amount of kids in the Hermes cabin has grown faster than you could accommodate.
“You okay?” Luke asked as he rose to his feet.
“Super.” Percy groaned as he pulled himself off of the ground.
“We all have them, you know.” Luke was always the first to comfort new campers. “Intense, recurring nightmares. That's normal here. And the daydreams, and the ADHD, and dyslexia. Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you're just like everyone else.”
“So are you also…” Percy said slowly. “Do you not know who your-”
“Am I unclaimed?” Luke finished for him. He glanced over at you instinctually. “No, Hermes is my father.” Like always mentioning Hermes made Luke stand up straighter. “That doesn't matter, we're all on the same team here.”
“I’m unclaimed.” You told Percy. “I’ve been here for 3 years.”
“Why is that okay?” He was talking directly to you now. “Why do they get to bring us here to just ignore some of us?”
“I’ve been asking myself that since the day I got here.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, he sounded exactly like you. “I get how you’re feeling but no matter what happens you’re gonna be fine.”
“Spend too much time trying to figure out why the gods do whatever it is they do, you'll drive yourself crazy.” Luke warned. “Sooner you stop worrying about that, the sooner you can enjoy what this place actually does offer.”
“And what's that?” Percy asked.
“Glory.” Luke smirked. “Demigods have always fought for glory. They used to call it kleos. It's like this stuff that attaches itself to your name. Makes it bigger, scarier, more important. People listen closer when you talk, they work harder to be your friend and they think twice about messing with you.” Before Luke could finish Clarisse passed by bumping Percy in the shoulder. 
“Hey!” Percy exclaimed, causing Clarisse to quickly turn around and push him down to the ground. 
“Woah!” Luke stepped up to Clarisse. “Hey. Knock it off, Clarisse. It's like his first day, come on.” You grabbed Percy’s arm and helped him up off the ground.
“Wait, so this is the kid who killed the Minotaur.” She had a devilish smile on her face. “Is that right?”
“Yeah?” Percy said cautiously. 
“I'll bet. Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes.” Clarisse made a fake lunge for him, causing Percy to jump.
“Clarisse, let it go.” You chimed in. She glanced at you for a moment before turning away with her friends. You and Clarisse weren’t friends exactly, she wasn’t friends with anyone outside of her cabin, especially not an unclaimed kid, but you weren’t enemies. You got along well enough, you would spar together, you mutually respected each other. Every once in a while you might even have a few laughs at the campfire.
“Well, she seems nice.” Percy said flatly. 
“Ares kids.” Luke sighed. “They come by it honestly.”
“Maybe she’ll grow on you.” You shrugged. “I kinda like her, then again she doesn’t bother me.”
“Why don't they mess with you?” Percy asked Luke.
“They know better.” Luke said proudly. 
“Luke's the strongest swordsman at camp.” Chris explained.
“I’m second.” You chimed in. “For the record.”  
“So, they leave you alone because ‘glory’?” Percy asked and Luke nodded. “So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn't mess with me either?”
“And people think I'm a big deal?”
“Well, sorta, but-” Luke started.
“I don’t know about all that.” You said
“And my dad's got no choice but to claim me.” Percy finished. You and Luke sighed and looked at eachother. You understood his eagerness to be seen. 
“You can't force the gods to do anything.” Luke told Percy gently.
“Believe me, I’d know. I tried.” You added.
“Well, yeah, but... it would make it harder for him to pretend I don't exist, right?” 
“It’s worth a shot.” You shrugged.
“It is?” Luke swiveled to look at you.
“I mean it couldn’t hurt.” You just wanted to give the poor kid some hope.
“Great.” Percy perked up. “Where do we start?”
When you had nightmares you knew you were in a dream but that didn’t make it any less scary. You were on a beach, it was dark, the sky shades of purple and blue. There were storms; the waves were five times higher than your head. You were alone, the beach extended as far as your eyes could see. With nothing else to do you began walking down the beach. With every step your feet became heavier- wait, no- you were sinking. The sand was vibrating causing you to sink further and further into it. You were struggling to try to pull your feet out of the sand until you heard voices that made you freeze. Luke. Then Annabeth. Grover. Clarisse. And a young boy's voice that you didn’t recognize. You could make out each of their voices but not what they were saying. Their voices were frantic, they were calling for help, they were in danger. You fought harder but it only made you sink faster.
“Luke!” You screamed out just as your head went beneath the sand.
You woke up with a jolt gasping for air, panting, and drenched in sweat. You peered to the bunk above you to see if you had woken Luke but there was no movement. You pulled yourself out of bed as quietly as possible to not wake anyone. You debated waking Luke but decided against it. You slipped your shoes on and grabbed a jacket that you kept by your bed. As quietly as you could you tiptoed across the cabin and out the front door. You went out the door past the Hephaestus cabin, then Apollo, Ares, then Poseidon. Just as you were about to pass the mess hall a voice erupted from the silence of the night. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” It was Luke. 
“Oh my gods, Luke.” You nearly doubled over with shock. “You didn’t have to sneak up on me.”
“Why are you out here?” He came close to you, placing his hands on the sides of your arms. “It’s the middle of the night. It’s freezing.”
“I- I had another nightmare.” 
“The same one?” He asked and you nodded. You had been at camp for almost a year now and had been having the same dream for almost six months. “Why are you out here?”
“I just needed fresh air, I guess.” You crossed your arms over your chest, honestly you didn’t know why you were out here.
Luke gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“Okay let’s walk then.”
You and Luke walked together quietly for a while. You walked through the woods until you reached the Long Island sound. It was the same beach as the one in your dream but even in the dead of night it wasn’t as cold, as scary as it was in your dreams. Sometimes after a particularly bad night you would come here to remind yourself that it was just a dream. This was the first time Luke had come with you to the beach and it gave you much more comfort. 
“This isn’t your first time out here is it?” Luke glanced at you with a smile, he knew the answer.
“No,” You chuckled. “I guess I find it relaxing.”
The two of you found a place to sit on the sand just above the tide. Luke sat to your left, your shoulders touching trying to conserve the little warmth between you. There was a silence between you that felt safe and comfortable. You rested your head on Luke’s shoulder and he rested his head against yours. You felt something cold touch the side of your hand and looked down to see Luke's hand inching closer to yours. It felt like you were moving in slow motion but eventually Luke had your hand clasped in his. You and Luke had always had a special relationship. From the second he found you in the cave and pulled you into his lap you were bonded. He gave you his bunk when you came to camp. Showed you around and always stayed at your side. Listened to you grovel about not being claimed day in and day out. You had hugged before but never held hands and it never felt like this before.
“You’re not alone.” Luke whispered to you. The sound of the waves and Luke’s voice were music to your ears. You were entranced, Luke was so close you could feel his breath on your cheek. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon providing just enough light to bounce off of the water and reflect onto Lukes face. The light made his brown eyes glitter. You had never looked at Luke this way before. You were so close and millimeter by millimeter you were getting closer and closer-
“Oh!” You both exclaimed as the freezing cold water of the tide splashed up on you both, soaking you in sea water. Each of you rose to your feet eagerly running from the water before doubling over in laughter.
“Oh, that’s freezing!” You cried out through your laughs. When you finally caught your breath Luke was in front of you staring down at you seriously. “What is it?”
“I mean it,” He was breathing heavily. “You’re not alone here.” 
“I know Luke,” You nodded. “But-,” Luke cocked his head, unsure of what else you had to say.
“I’ve been alone my whole life Luke. No parents, no family. Camp was where I was supposed to find that. But my parent couldn’t care less that I even exist.” You rambled.
“I know that you’re upset-” Luke tried but you cut him off.
“I’m not upset Luke. I’m angry!” You shouted. You felt your face turn hot with anger, your heart beat fast. “I’m furious that they would abandon me-”
“Y/n-” Luke tried but you kept going.”
“They would humiliate me, over and over. My entire life!” You were fuming, your blood boiling.
“Y/n!” He shouted.
“What!” You yelled back. Just now you realized that Luke wasn’t looking at you. He was looking behind you. You turned around to see a massive wave, 30 feet high, suspended behind you. Your anger turned to confusion and just as it did the wave came crashing down at your feet, returning to the sea like it was never there.
Feel free to leave feedback, suggestions, and headcannons in the inbox. I love incorporating your guy's ideas!
@fudosl @lenasvoid @light-23 @petrichorvzlia-blog @heartzflwers @vampsaddicted @bbgkaykay @shiara04 @teigo-the-explorer @number-onekidqueen
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cassiesdevblog · 10 months
~Shmovement~ in Grey Area
Hello goober goblins! Grey Area comes out ~September 15th~ and I wanna make some posts going over my involvement with the project 👁️👁��
I joined the project back in March because, while playing early builds, there were a million things, big and small, that I wanted to be able to polish up to really make the game shine, and my top priority was Hailey's movement
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Grey Area is a game where beginners will mostly play inside a small range of velocities, but, thanks to @bisthefairy, there are ways to build and maintain greater speeds, so Hailey's movement has to be tuned for both small-scale, precision platforming and large-scale, broader movements. Plus, as most of the level design was already finished when I joined, all my changes had to work with, rather than against, the established design
General momentum adjustments
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When I first joined, there were a few ways that slow and fast play would clash with one another. For instance, Hailey had low air friction. This was nice at higher speeds, because you should be able to briefly release the d-pad to shave off a little speed without getting rid of all of it, but it didn't mesh with tighter sections where you'd be asked to land precisely on small platforms
Luckily, since the smaller range of speeds Hailey usually stays within is well defined, I was able to just dramatically increase her air friction while not pressing a direction, only while inside that range.
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Unfortunately, this led to a small problem: There are lots of spots in the game where you're meant to bonk off a wall and land on a platform. Where you could previously do this without having to hold a direction, you now had to hold back a little or Hailey wouldn't make it. To fix this, I just made her use the old friction during a bonk. That may seem unintuitive, but the bonk is all about Hailey bouncing back off a wall, so it feels natural for her to travel further. In practice, the discrepancy doesn't feel like a discrepancy.
Dive momentum changes
Hailey's main mechanic is her dive: a burst movement option that lets you speed straight forward. You can cancel out of the move at any point, cutting off all your momentum. However, when I first joined, Hailey would keep a small amount of the dive's momentum after a cancel. The intent was to let you keep the flow going even after a cancel, but it led to lots of overshooting in a game with low margins for error. I preserved the original way if the player is holding in the direction of the dive, so you can still keep your flow going, but if you're not pressing a direction, Hailey will instead cancel all the momentum and drop straight down
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Release cancel (aka, half the reason I joined the project)
These subtle changes have made Hailey much more reliable to control. It feels much easier to translate your intent onto the screen regardless of how fast you're going (September 15th btw)
Speaking of intent, I've had a big impact on this game's controls! The first time I ever played, the dive could only be canceled by releasing B and then pressing it again. I felt this was really cumbersome and I barely felt in control, so I wanted to cancel by just releasing B
This was controversial though, as everyone else preferred the original way, so I instead suggested being able to cancel by pressing back on the d-pad, as it felt instinctual to hold against the direction of momentum to cancel it. I also suggested being able to press down to cancel, since a player might think of it as dropping Hailey down. Fortunately, both were implemented and the game became a bit more comfortable for me, but I couldn't get the idea of releasing B to cancel out of my head
Later, when I finally got my hands on the project, release cancel was the first thing I added, and it felt just as right and perfect and natural as I imagined it would. I figured, if I just made the other devs play with it, they might see the merits of it and change their minds. Tragically it didn't change any minds, but I was ultimately able to persuade Alayna to make it an option in the options menu. When you play the game, especially if you don't like how cancelling is controlled, please please please try changing "Press to dive" to "Hold to dive" in the options menu and join the church of release cancel. We have plenty of room :')
Other controls
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I've made a bunch of other small changes to the controls too! Generally, I like every button on the controller to do something, so I mirrored a lot of functions to previously unused buttons. Hopefully this makes the game feel more responsive and playful, as well as a little more accessible! I also made it so Hailey sits down when you press down :) It's one of only a few graphics I drew for the game! (did I mention September 15th btw)
The Bounce 👁️👁️
I've saved my biggest (and most iterated upon) change for last >:3
When Hailey dives at smaller enemies, she'll bounce off as if she goomba stomped them, which cancels her dive and allows her to dive again. I added this because I thought the sick tricks and possibility for advanced play were too sweet to pass up. Not to mention it just seemed like fun. Plus, it would add exciting counterplay to some previously unexciting enemies. It's a simple mechanic, but it underwent a lot of changes!
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Firstly, it used to work on almost every enemy, but it didn't feel right against bigger monsters. We ended up deciding that Hailey should only be able to do this against enemies around her size, so in practice, this mainly comes up with the Golch enemy. When I first played, I found the Golch really annoying, as the best and safest strategy to deal with it was to just stand and wait for it to fly toward you so you could jump on it. Now, you can dive right at it and pull off sweet tricks instead! This has ended up making room for tons of cool skips and it feels great >:3
I even redesigned the Golch's flight path so that it will usually be flying at your exact elevation (it moves faster vertically than it does horizontally to accomplish this) so you can more consistently dive straight into it
I also made it so that bouncing off an enemy clamps your speed within a relatively small range, as otherwise you would carry the momentum of the dive and easily fly off into a pit
Now, in my mind, this all worked perfectly, but then disaster struck
@zombielesbean, who uses press cancel, would try to press B to cancel right before running into an enemy in order to avoid it, but would press a few frames too late and instead the input would happen after Hailey had bounced off the enemy, so she'd dive again and accidentally fly off into a pit. We tried a million different avenues to resolve this, but all of them were significant downgrades to the mechanic
Fortunately, Alayna found that the issue was only happening because of the enemy placements in one or two spots, and after adjusting them, it was no longer an issue, so fortunately the best version of the mechanic got in >:3
So yeah!!
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Those are a few of the ways I've cleaned up and improved Hailey's movement since I joined! I've gotten my grubby paws all over every bit of this game in a similar way. Cleaning things up, tuning numbers, adding effects, making things more clear, overhauling things, enhancing the flavor
A huge takeaway from this project for me has been that polish is a full time job!! Every little bit of polish seems small on its own, but when you add them all up they can make the difference between a decent game and a total banger. It just takes a huge amount of time to accrue all those tiny things. I think that's why they say you should triple all your time estimates on gamedev...!!
Fortunately, I have a good eye and a strong passion for all those little things, so I feel like an extremely valuable asset on this project, even though my hand is largely invisible and it takes long-winded posts like this to even explain what I've done
As Bis puts it, "Cass did for Grey Area before release what Sonic modders do for Sonic games after release"
~September 15th you vibrant fools~
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ykiwrite · 1 year
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description: you end up tangled in the accident. how will jenna take this?
words: 1.2k
*requested by anon
Two things kept manifesting in Jenna's mind throughout this shooting.
Some more sleep. Here you are once again.
She never lied about her love for acting but it was just one of those days. Lines were particularly hard to remember, retakes were in dozens and the crew kept picking on her mistakes.
On top of that, there were few hours left of work that dragged on tortuously slow. But she wanted this role and she got it. Another horror plot but without any mentions of Wednesday thankfully. Fresh start was needed.
"Good job guys. Let's take a break. One more and we're closing it off," let the director be known with a clap of his hands.
Jenna let out a weary sigh. Her face relaxed and the scripted character left her mind in an instant.
Slap on her shoulder broke her out of the trance that kept her unconsciously stuck on the spot. Turning her head hastily and realizing who it was, she silently wished someone else was casted instead.
"You good? Wanna maybe take a break with me and the guys over there?" asked the guy she didn't really try to catch the name of these past days.
"Yeah, uh, i'll just go outside for a breather alone if you don't mind." Sprinkled with the best false smile she could've mustered up right there.
"That's fine but let's say coffee's on me?" said the guy with a spark of hope that was quickly smothered by her phone ringing.
Not really leaving any room for his answer her hands were quicker and steps advancing with a mind of their own. She didn't really care who was calling as long as it bailed her out of this situation. Without sparing a glance she swiped to answer.
"Jenna?" echoed on the other side.
The feeling of hearing your voice combined with the fresh outside air gave her five more years of life down the line.
"Thank god it's you. Called just in time," she told you with relief. Knowing the problems will melt away by themselves because you said so.
"Really? No problem but uhh- I'm kinda..." you stopped your sentence with a shaky exhale. And the fact only traffic noise could be heard further annoyed her wait.
"You're kinda what?"
Another exhale, "I just might be in a hospital bed right now. It's nothing serious though. That's why i called."
For some unknown reason, your wording made it sound like it's an everyday thing she should not worry about. If it were not the panic would most likely be over the roof. Now, it's a bit below that stage.
"You're where? What, why? Are you okay?" she uttered quickly.
With a poor attempt to calm her down, you said "No don't worry, i'm great. If i were not, i would not call you, right?"
There was a scared smile behind your phone and the absence of words on the other side made it worse. No one can blame you for not wanting to burden her.
"Are you kidding me? You're even making jokes right now? Where are you?"
And just like that she didn't let another second slip by before she was staring at the room's hospital number.
Ironic, she thought.
She genuinely tried to be nice to everyone that spotted her on the way to you but she simply could not waste any more time. She pushed the door open not knowing what to expect upon seeing you. How bad is it? Did you barely get out alive? Can you walk? Breathe? Stress was taking her apart piece by piece.
What made the weight fall off her heart for the slightest bit was seeing you act like it was Sunday evening and you just occupied your shared living room with no care in the world. Seeing the TV mounted high up in the corner with some movie playing.
Only your hand in a cast and hospital's repellent uniform with happy motives all over it brought her back to earth and the worry struck again.
She didn't leave you a chance to take her in before she basically teleported to your side, continuously repeating the question of what went down.
"Car accident. Not my fault though, i have license for a reason," you tried to blend in a joke but Jenna was not having it. At all. Instead, she pulled the offered chair closer and sat next to you. Your free hand never unlinking with hers. This was the last straw of her day. You generally don't have the need to be thankful someone survived an accident if you're lucky.
But Jenna did. For the first time and her mind is currently not present.
"Jenna?" you shook her gently but strong enough to break out of the stare she holds somewhere in the distance.
She moved her soulless gaze to look at you which made you discover her eyes were red from the tears. The ones she never acted out by the script. Especially in an empty room with you next to her.
You understand. You do. Her reaction does not differ far away from what yours would be if the position switch. Reasonably she was worried. Terrified and head filled with various outcomes of this.
Still, you pushed the rosy persona to speak instead of your true one, "No, no, no. Jenna, love, don't do this. I'm fine i promise you."
Well, that persona did not hold up for much longer before it shattered and you were back to true self. One that matched hers. With your shaky speech of an attempted comfort that reached the point where you had no idea what you were even saying. Tears escaped as you realized "Yeah, this could have been a very bad ending. But it's not. Maybe it is? Maybe this is heaven and Jenna is here for a last visit."
With such wariness that was needless because it was Jenna, you slowly extended your hand that reached her tear stained cheek. You wiped them away leaving a trail of actors' makeup behind. There was no tension or excessive silence. Only monitors beeping that neither of you acknowledged at this moment. Room was dimly lit which only added to both of your appearances. Causing you to capture each other in the sheerest emotions that are not easily shared.
The other hand removed yours just to create a clear pathway for falling into your chest. Jenna was longing for this but not here. On an outdated chair but oddly comfortable bed with an awkward position.
"Come up here," you said as you freed the space for her to join you. "Let's watch TV or something."
"No, we don't have to. I mean unless you want to." Her intentions were bright as a day through the way she burrowed impossibly closer to you. Locking you in her grasp.
You stared at the clock on the wall in silence. Not sure if Jenna's up for talking it out or not yet. "Also, i'm sorry for crashing our car and taking you off the set. I know how much you wanted that movie-"
The words made her look up in disbelief, "Can you not apologize for that? It's not even your fault to begin with. Did they drug you with something that heavy?"
You weakly laughed at her, "Yeah, your love they said. A lifetime dose."
Jenna let out the biggest sigh of embarrassment upon hearing it. But not without a smile following right after. "You're sooo...whatever."
It just further approved to her you're back to being you.
notes: society if i could write one single story that doesn't have unnecessary "i love you so much" moment like this one at the ending
hope u enjoyed and thanks for the request🖤 and i am SO SORRY for being so slow with this i was just ultra busy behind the screen
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
Aunt Flo
|| someone requested this. also had NO idea what the fuck to title this. PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS I CANT KEEP IT LIKE THIS 😭😭
characters: recom!quaritch x human!reader
ratings: soft, KINDA lewd?, reader is implied to be female, fluffy, quaritch still a dick
You were doubled over, being dragged along by your mate. He seemed to have no regard for you how slow you were or your continuous groans of pain. “Quaritch can we…I just need a second.” You said, forcing your wrist out of his grasp.
“We don’t got all day, sweetheart. What the matter with ya?” He said, his eyes watching your frame intently. His frame towered over you and those piercing eyes bore into you.
You were embarrassed to admit, especially in front of the other recoms who had their attention on you. Your eyes fluttered downwards, side eyeing the surrounding Avatars. Quaritch took notice and straightened. “You all keep it moving. Get what you need and get ready to roll.” He said with dominance ringing in each word.
You rubbed at your stomach, brows still furrowing. “My period, it came today..I don’t think I can go..” You said timidly, worried he’d scold you like he occasionally would. Quaritch’s ears slicked back, and he squatted down to your height. “You girls and your problems..” He said annoyingly, but you knew he just wanted to be difficult. “You wanna call it quits and have me take you back to base?” You just nodded, irritated with yourself for having to make your mate bring you all the way back. In your defense he did drag you out when you were trying to tel him not to. He was too busy ordering everyone around.
“Cmon girl, let’s get you back home.” Quaritch said, scooping up your small frame in his arms. Your hand stayed on your stomach, smushing your face into his chest out of frustration with your own body. “Hurt that bad?” He said, putting pep in his step to make it back quickly. He had another scouting mission and didn’t want to hold everyone up, but you were also one of his top priorities. “Mm, it feels like someone’s ripping my intestines out.” Your entire body tensed as you felt more waves of pain flow through your abdomen, and he set you back down into the tent on your shared hammock. Without his avatar occupying it, it was rather large for just you. He pushed away other scientists and recoms impatiently, ordering them not to interrupt you or go inside your tent until he came back.
He placed you down, looking at you from above in a slight concern. “You think you’ll do without some meds? We have some painkillers. Might be a lot for that little body but we can always half it.” Quaritch said, it wasn’t common that he showed such genuine worry or concern, but it was the first time he’d seen you in such detailed pain. You nodded anxiously, holding a hand out for him to plop the small pill into. He got the memo, rustling through a compartment before taking out a pill bottle. He read the directions carefully first, tail swaying back and forth. It was like he forgot all about his scouting mission, his full focus was on you. You loved it.
He snapped a pill in half, ignoring your hand and heading towards you already. The tall male leaned down, propping your head up with his left hand and forcing your jaw open to place the pill into your mouth. The most you could do was have your eyes follow his movements as he reached for his water bottle, pressing it to your lips and nudging his head forwards to tell you to drink. Taking a few sips you moved your hand to push the water away, dapping at your lips to remove the lingering liquid. “You babying me now?” You said sarcastically.
“If you don’t want me to care, I don’t have to princess.” He said sternly, his eyes never leaving yours. His rage hand patted your head, rubbing your scalp softly. “We all good now, baby? I gotta go but you better keep that ass here. Or else we’ll have bigger problems tonight.” He said with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on him before he gave you a kiss. You couldn’t tell if he was being serious or just joking.
“We can’t do tha- and he’s gone.” You said in a defeated tone, annoyed with how he tended to always leave right as you’d talk back. You didn’t blame him, he had a job as a recom and it wasn’t your place to stop him. Not that you could anyways.
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pjisskullourful · 6 months
ℕ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥
𝕘𝕒𝕪 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 [dec,2023] [the complete series]
🎄Damiano × Ethan × reader
NSFW🔥 festive filthiness
° Damiano David/Ethan Torchio/female reader insert ✨ cameos by: Thomas Raggi & Victoria De Angelis
° all you want for christmas is some alone time with your boyfriends
wordcount::: 4,876
° merry christmas ya filthy animals. this is lore's fault (@lifeofa-fangirl ) 💋 thanks for encouraging me past my bedtime [requests are open! but commissions are priority! there are 2 fics currently in cue, secure your own spot here!]
° i own none of the lyrics included!
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“Aw, I wanna sit on Santa's lap.” You said with an exaggerated pout.
You were watching one of your boyfriends getting ready to film a TikTok, they were making some silly content for social media. Selling the new album, that was the goal. And given the time of year, a Christmas theme seemed like the smartest thing to do. You weren’t sure who had come up with this concept, but it had been agreed for Ethan to play the role of Santa - more specifically, taking on the job of a mall Santa. The other three band members would take turns sitting on his lap, asking for a gift. At the end, it would reveal to be the new album and they would act ecstatically happy.
An assistant had rushed out, buying the best hat and fake beard options available. There was a bit of time before they had to be dressed and fully ready for the stage here in Tokyo, so the makeshift set had been prepared. Paz (the lead social media coordinator) was calling the shots, mobile phone in hand, like always.
You weren’t sure how fond you were of this fake, white beard, mostly due to how much of Ethan’s gorgeous face it hid. But you couldn’t help putting your own dirty spin on this scenario. You pictured sitting on his lap and telling him all the things you wanted him to do to you, once everybody but Damiano was gone.
You wondered what you could say that would make Ethan squirm in his seat. Could you turn his cheeks as red as that polyester hat if you reminded him (in great detail) of the Christmas-themed debauchery the three of you had gotten up to in the past? You could talk about that time in December when you had gifted him new bundles of shibari rope in the festive colours of red and green. He had taught you a few different ties, using Damiano to practise, until he was immobilised, then you had worked together to completely overstimulate him. Or maybe Ethan would like to reminisce on the glass, candy cane-shaped dildo your boyfriends had gifted you one Christmas, which you had later used on yourself while video calling them.
These were all wonderful, festive memories for you. But they needed to be kept to yourself for the moment.
“Do you want us to say anything specific?” Damiano asked Paz.
“Nope. We're going to put music over the top of it, some Christmas song.” She said. “You can say whatever you want, you can literally talk to him in Simlish if you want.”
Ethan's eyes lit up at that, and you didn't need to see his mouth to know that he was smiling. “Wetzbow.”
And Damiano instantly replied with a word from the video game's fake language. “Hooba noobie.”
“Are you gonna be holding your cup of tea in the video?” Thomas asked.
“If he wants to.” She said, overruling everyone else immediately. “You can do what you like, anything but shoving your tongue in his ear.”
Damiano groaned dramatically. “Now that's all I wanna do.”
“On your own time, Dam.” Thomas said.
You stood off to the sidelines, out of the camera's view, not wanting to get in the way of their filming. It was very cute to watch, all four of them overacting and Ethan attempting to not fuss with his beard while Paz was filming.
You couldn't hold back your giggles when he was directed to give the camera a cheesy wink to close the video out. It didn’t look like it was coming naturally to him, instead it looked as if he was putting a lot of effort into completing the simple gesture. Was he overdoing it because he feared that otherwise the camera wouldn’t pick it up?
“What are you laughing about?” Damiano asked, the three of them were perched on the chair around Ethan, holding the record sleeves up for the camera to see.
“Yeah, who fucked up?” Victoria asked.
“No, no, there was no fuck up. I’m just- it’s nothing, ignore me.” You said, trying to stifle any further giggles. “Great winking, bubba. You’re really doing a great job.”
“Thank you?” Ethan said it as a question, his brow furrowed and you covered your lips with your hand.
“Alright, let’s give the ending another take and I’m gonna try to get a smooth zoom in on that wink.” Paz said, refocusing everyone. “Are we ready? Let’s go, lots of energy ‘cause you just got the best Christmas gift known to man.”
You bowed your head and turned around as subtly as possible, so as to not disrupt this take. You kept your amusement over him winking like an alien just introduced to the concept to yourself. You could laugh about it with him later.
*** *** ***
You had long since ceased thinking about Santa, in any shape or form. Now that you were back at the hotel after Måneskin's show, your mind was only on relaxing and getting yourself ready for however much sleep you could secure for yourself. You were cuddling up with Ethan in bed.
Damiano was having his last cigarette of the night, out on the room's balcony with a cup of tea (it wouldn't be his last of the night). Ethan was winding down in his own way, scrolling through Reddit on his mobile phone. If he found anything of interest on ‘Out of the Loop', he read them aloud to you.
He got up to use the bathroom, out of the room when Damiano returned inside. You sat up, taking a longer look at your boyfriend.
“Why do you look like you're scheming something?” You asked.
“Me? I look like I’m scheming something?”
“Yes, you do.” You said as he didn’t make any attempt to conceal the cheeky grin on his face.
“I don’t know what I could possibly be scheming.” He said, going over to the table where your backpacks had been dumped upon first arriving back. “Ethan?”
He didn’t try to hide what he was doing and you watched him opening his own bag, pulling a bright red hat out. You identified it as a Santa hat before he was swiftly folding it up and depositing it into the pocket of the baggy pants he wore. You narrowed your eyes, unable to figure out what his goal was.
“Are you sure-?”
The bathroom door made a little click as it opened and he moved over, going to Ethan’s bag instead. You dropped the rest of your question, wanting to see how this played out.
“Do you have any gum, babe?” He asked Ethan.
He walked over, helping Damiano go through his bag. “Gum? Weren't you just having peppermint tea?” Damiano took his hands out of Ethan's bag, seemingly satisfied that Ethan was distracted enough. While Ethan was looking through the contents, Damiano's hand went into his pocket. “Did you not get enough peppermint, or-?”
Ethan was startled into silence when Damiano brought the Santa hat down onto his head. Damiano pulled it down, the white trim resting above Ethan's eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes, looking at Damiano, clueless. You began to giggle even though you still didn't know what he was planning.
“Was this ever about gum?” Ethan asked.
Damiano put an arm around his shoulders and gave him a tap on the nose. “No, it's about you being the cutest Santa in the world. Look. And we should get to enjoy it for longer, more than a stupid TikTok.”
“Okay.” Ethan relented, knowing better than to resist when Damiano was in a playful mood. “Enjoy it, then. What do you want me to do? Is there a certain pose that you are really needing to see me do?”
“You just do whatever pose feels natural for you, bubba.” You said. “Make the character your own.”
“Actually. Come with me.” Damiano said, taking Ethan's hand and leading him over to one of the armchairs. “Sit down, because this is more about me doing a pose for you.”
“Oh?” Ethan sounded intrigued.
You moved towards the end of the bed, also thoroughly intrigued and not wanting to miss anything. Ethan sat down in the seat and fussed a little with the hat, getting the pom-pom to the right spot.
Damiano plucked his phone out of his pocket and threw it towards you. “Help me out, sweet thing.”
You unlocked the screen - you knew the passcodes to all of their devices. His phone opened immediately to a website that showed you lyrics. Now you knew what he was up to.
Damiano stood in front of Ethan's knees and Ethan smiled up at him. He started to reach one hand up above his head and sang the beginning of the song.
“Santa baby…” He sang sweetly and bent his knees, lowering himself. “Slip a little sable under the tree…”
Ethan chuckled, his smile growing. “I'm getting a song? Wow, a private performance just ‘cause I put a cheap hat on.”
“Been an awful good girl…” Damiano sang, getting down to the floor as he kept his eyes on Ethan. “Santa baby…” Damiano put his hands to Ethan's knees and pushed them apart. “And hurry down the chimney tonight…” He rolled his body forward, filling this new space and getting closer to Ethan.
He reached out, his fingers brushing across Damiano's cheeks. He was leaning in and it was clear to you that he wanted to kiss, still smiling, entirely invested in Damiano's shenanigans.
But Damiano denied Ethan the kiss. Instead of kissing him, Damiano stood up and began to walk a slow circle around the seat. He continued singing, not needing any musical accompaniment to keep his focus.
He stood behind Ethan and popped his head over one of Ethan's shoulders. “Next year I could be just as good…” He moved over to the opposite shoulder. “If you check off my Christmas list…
“Santa baby…” You saw his hesitant pause and then his eyes darted over to you as he mumbled over the next words. “Ah, huh- wan'...”
“Yacht.” You read, prompting him from the lyrics in front of you.
He nodded and went back to singing loudly, fully confident again. “...a yacht, and really that's not a lot…”
The slip up hadn't taken away from how captivated Ethan appeared, he kept his eyes on Damiano, turning his head so as to not miss anything. Damiano got in front of Ethan again, turning his back. He leaned forward, hands on his knees as he presented his ass to Ethan. As he continued singing, he slowly rocked from one side to the other, wiggling his butt sensually in Ethan's face. Ethan was still smiling, raising his hands, clearly wanting to grab.
“So hurry down the chimney tonight…”
Damiano faced him, putting his hands to the buttons that ran down the front of his shirt, making a show of undoing them. “Santa honey…” He got the shirt off, but looked to you for more guidance.
“One little thing.” You said, letting him get his groove back.
He found his place in the song and kept singing. He held his shirt in both hands and passed it around the back of Ethan's neck. He used this to bring Ethan forward, his head going to Damiano's bare chest, which Ethan didn't resist.
Damiano began to shimmy his shoulders, making Ethan laugh. He put his hands to the other man's back, his words a little muffled. “Oh, it's been so long since I've had a good motorboating.”
“Fill my stocking with a duplex…”***
Damiano put himself in Ethan's lap, facing him as he reached the end of the song, still so full of energy. “Hurry down the chimney tonight…” He put his hands on Ethan's shoulders, leaning in. “Hurry, tonight.”
Before Ethan could compliment this performance, Damiano was kissing him. Damiano put his hand to the back of Ethan's head, making it clear that he wanted more than a peck. You were glad to not need to help with the lyrics anymore, now you could stop looking at the phone and instead concentrate on them. You watched the way Ethan kept his hands on Damiano's back, the two of them sinking into this embrace and it was just as enjoyable to watch as his singing.
“That was really great, Daddy. I loved it.” Ethan said as Damiano continued to hold the shirt taut around the back of his neck. “You definitely got me feeling the Christmas spirit.”
“Christmas spirit?” Damiano repeated. “That's what you're feeling?”
“Yeah.” Ethan said before kissing him again.
He began looking in your direction a little. “Do you know who else could do with a little Christmas spirit?”
Ethan looked at you too. “Hi.”
You got up from the mattress, starting to walk towards them without any real plan of what to do. “Hi.”
“I heard what you said before.” Damiano told you. “You said you wanted to sit in Santa's lap too.”
Ethan smiled at you. “Did you say that?”
“Well, yeah. Everyone else got a turn sitting in your lap. But I would do it differently to them, a little less camera-friendly.” You said.
Damiano got up and moved out of the way. “It's your turn now.”
You went over, your hand resting on Ethan's shoulder as you got closer. “I'm not going to sing to you.”
“That is so fine, you don't need to.” He said, his hands going to your body as soon as you sat down. You faced him, brushing his hair back off of his shoulders. “Not to sound too transactional, but the only thing you need to do is tell me what you want for Christmas.”
You put your hand under his chin, propping his face up as you leaned in. “I want to be on the naughty list.”
“What are you going to do to get there?” He asked quietly, his eyes going down to your mouth.
You put your lips to his, moving your hand up to caress his cheek. You were soon tasting hints of the flavour left behind by Damiano - his cigarette and mint-infused saliva still vaguely present on Ethan’s lip as you rubbed your tongue against it. It was a testament to how deeply your boyfriends had been kissing and you intended to go just as deep.
Upon returning back to the suite, Ethan had stripped down to everything but his underwear. So when you pressed your body against his, you were feeling the heat from his skin through the T-shirt you were wearing. You wrapped an arm around his neck, intending to savour all of the benefits that this closeness brought.
“I hate to interrupt.” Damiano said. “But I just felt the need to share how glad I am that you haven’t decided to start talking in a Santa voice.”
Even as he began to turn away, Ethan kissed you a few more times. “Well the voice wouldn’t make much sense without the beard.” This set you off giggling. “But I might start speaking like him, in that I’ll steal his catchphrase to call you a hoe hoe hoe.”
“Ooh, would you? You know how much I love it when you address me correctly.” Damiano said.
With no further interruptions, you got back to kissing Ethan. As you did this, you began to move your hips, gently rocking. It was a prelude to what you planned to do, a subtle way to check his receptiveness.
He moved his hands beneath the material of your shirt, at the same time as when his tongue slid between your lips. You felt the anticipation swelling up within you as you looked forward to creating a new festive (yet filthy) memory with them.
“This guy hears everything, huh?” You said.
“Santa? I think the lyric is about how he sees everything you do, right?” He asked, a cute crease in his brow.
“No, this guy.” You said and you jabbed your thumb in Damiano’s direction to help add clarity.
“Well I listen when you talk, baby. Because most of the time you’re saying something dirty.” He said and as you looked up at him, Ethan started to kiss across your neck. “I was standing right next to you, you can’t be that surprised over me hearing it.”
“So you heard it, and then you just thought about it all night?” You asked.
“Pretty much. A man in a makeup chair has a lot of time to think.” Damiano said. “You weren’t thinking about it after you said it, making little plans of what you would do if you got the chance?”
“Answer the question, baby.” Ethan said.
“I was definitely thinking about it when I said it. It wasn't just a passing comment, I had some- you know, images in mind at the time. But I let it go once the hat came off because I figured it wouldn't happen.” You said. “And now I'm making it up as I go along, I didn't plan like you. I'm just letting the Christmas spirit take me wherever.”
“Ah yes, the Christmas spirit.” Damiano said, wiggling his fingers in the air.
Ethan got your attention back by kissing you on the cheek. “Well you're in my lap now, you better make the most of it.”
“Watch me make the most of it.” You said, giving him a kiss.
Then you quickly removed your shirt, his eyes keenly taking in this sight. You put your hands down to your panties, happy to get out of them for him. You stood up, removing the lingerie altogether and turning your back to him.
You made sure to arch your back, sticking your butt out as you lowered yourself down to his lap, facing away from him this time. He wrapped his arms around your middle and gave you some kisses across your shoulder, meanwhile you were reaching your arms out to Damiano.
“You must have gotten yourself worked up while you were making your little plans there, Daddy.” You said.
“Yeah, there were definitely images in my mind, as well- interesting, pleasing, exciting, memorable images.” He said, smiling as he moved in closer.
With him standing in front of you, you unzipped his jeans, reaching in for his briefs. Over the fabric, you began to run your hand up-and-down the length of his dick. He cupped your cheek in his hand, gazing down at you. Ethan continued kissing your skin as Damiano caressed your bottom lip with his thumb. As you were grinding yourself on Ethan, you opened your mouth and took Damiano's thumb between your lips, sucking on it a little.
Behind you, Ethan was making some adjustments. Before too long you were feeling his hot and uncovered dick. You grinded your butt against it, feeling how stiff it already was. He tightened his arm around your middle, more of his body tensing as he let you settle into a rhythm.
You were feeling Damiano getting firmer, so you proceeded to pull his dick free of his underwear. Immediately you wrapped your fingers around his length, working your hand at almost the same rhythm you were rocking on Ethan. You didn’t have to match it perfectly, the look on Damiano’s face told you that he was appreciative of what you were doing.
Wanting more than just sucking his thumb, you emptied your mouth and turned away. You looked at Ethan, bumping your nose against his cheek for his attention. He took his lips off of your shoulder, quickly making himself available for more kisses. You leaned in so close as you claimed his mouth again.
He was moving his body with yours, attaching himself to your energy. As the two of you were tapping into this synergy, you acknowledged that this encounter was no longer about playing roles. The focus wasn’t on the time of year, now it was about enjoying the experience of each other’s bodies. He wasn’t acting as Santa, now he was acting according to his desires.
He got himself lined up, sinking the tip of his cock into your slicked entrance. Now excitement rushed into your body and you broke the kiss before your breath could be wholly taken away.
As Ethan tenderly pushed more of his shaft inside, you changed the way you were handling Damiano’s cock. You looked up at him, beginning to direct him towards your mouth. He sweetly stroked your cheek some more, his eyes were locked on you, not wanting to miss any of what you were doing. The way that he was so captivated by your movements, it was the same way that huge crowd had watched him for the duration of the concert. He was so invested and you planned to show him exactly why you had earned this.
You pressed a kiss to the head, enjoying the beginnings of his taste. You saw his breath coming in quicker as he anticipated what you would do next. You moved your tongue in rings on his tip, letting the sensitivities build. All the while, Ethan was pushing deeper into you. You continued stroking your hand on Damiano’s length, your eyes fluttering shut as you surrendered yourself to this rising passion.
Ethan’s movements were all the more enticing now, steadily massaging you into a heightened state. His hand gripped your side, holding you so securely while his other went to your breast, playing with your firm nipple. As you kept in time with him, he applied kisses to your neck, taking the chance to appreciate every part of you within reach.
You pushed your tongue out over your lower lip before you slid your mouth further down Damiano’s length. His hand went to the top of your head as you took the majority of it between your lips. So as to avoid overwhelming you too soon, he held himself still, the thrusting would come later. You let his head rest against the roof of your mouth as you used your tongue on the underside of his cock. You explored this area, gliding your tongue up-and-down.
When you sucked your cheeks in around his dick, his fingers curled, wrapping around sections of your hair. The swinging of Ethan’s hips got faster, indicating a neediness that hadn’t been present earlier. It saw you moaning on Damiano’s dick as you felt the friction between yours and Ethan’s bodies growing. It introduced tremors into your system and you noticed how his kisses had started to linger, the occasional lick and brief suck added to how he treated your neck.
You changed the angle on Damiano’s dick so that you could take him deeper, directing him to the back of your mouth. He whimpered, his stance altering - you knew him well enough that you could tell he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back much longer.
And you welcomed it. You sought to draw more out of him, taking the head of his cock to the opening of your throat. He gripped your hair tighter.
Then his lust took over and he allowed his hips to twitch forward, plunging him into the tightness of your throat. You felt him throbbing in there.
He sighed out your name. “You’re so ready to use that sweet mouth for naughtiness. I didn’t even have to ask you to put it in your throat.”
He rocked himself back, leaving your throat for the moment. You reset your lips around his dick as he thrust his hips into your face. It wasn’t very quick, and compared to what Ethan was doing, it felt extraordinarily gentle.
He had stopped kissing the side of your neck, now resting his head against yours for support as all of his efforts went into the incessant snapping of his hips. You did your best to keep up with them, meeting the majority of his thrusts. But the power of his movements easily dwarfed yours and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to quit, not while he was so clearly on the path to his climax.
It was enough to just keep moving, to keep your body invested in his momentum as he followed one reckless collision with another. You listened to his numerous failed attempts to catch his breath. Goosebumps sprang up all over your body as the tension swelled up to fever pitch.
You felt how easy it would be to become overwhelmed by the electricity rushing through you. But he beat you to it, capturing his release with one final pound into you.
For the moment it seemed that you could feel every nerve in your system and how fraught they all were. He leaned back, giving you back some of your personal space, his arm loosening around you. He stilled himself after taking his hand off of your breast.
But Damiano was not still, keeping at working his cock between your lips. Ethan stroked your back as you moved your focus, sucking your cheeks in a little harder.
“Well, this sight is better than anything I could have thought up.” Damiano said.
You felt pride blossoming up. There was something in knowing how much you turned him on that added to your own arousal.
It wasn’t as simple or superficial as a compliment. And you were eager to put this energy to use, to ride these dazzling emotions to the next height - where things were going to be even more exciting.
You weren’t sure if Ethan was done recovering yet or not, but you simply couldn’t hold yourself still any longer. You started to build your own pacing, thrusting in his lap again. He didn’t discourage you in any way and you worked yourself on his cock, while still sucking Damiano’s.
He was getting more into his bucking, both of his hands holding your head now. “What do you say, baby?” His tip glided into your throat again. “Do you want a new necklace for Christmas?”
You forced yourself back, taking him out of your mouth. “Uh-uh, I'm gonna swallow it.”
He beamed. “Oh, yes you are.” He pushed his tip between your parted lips and you opened your mouth further for him. “You're so ready to swallow it all.”
You shut your eyes and moved yourself further down his length. His fingers flexed and relaxed, then gripped again on either side of your head. You rutted yourself back into Ethan, striking him consistently.
You could feel the excitement getting out of hand and you were soon chasing for that release. Your walls gripped tight to Ethan's cock and the sensitivities swam through your body, ready to overwhelm you with each hungry thrust.
On his next rock forward, Damiano delivered his dick back into your throat. You couldn't control the spasming this prompted, but you also weren't bothered by it as your focus secured on your own experience. You were diving over the edge and capturing your orgasm, trembling wildly between your boyfriends.
With drool spilling down your chin, you began to come back to reality. You looked up at Damiano, he writhed against you, chest rapidly rising-and-falling as he kept himself in your throat. You were still shaking, you put your hand to his wrist, willing yourself to stay with him.
It was a victory when you felt him unloading straight down your throat - you were rewarded with the thick and hot liquid. With a series of incoherent, strangled sounds he rocked back slightly, leaving your throat, but staying in the warmth of your mouth. You could have taken in a deep breath, instead you breathed through your nose so that you could secure your lips around his cock, giving him a strong finish. He ran his shaft against your messy lips, the cum filling into your mouth with his every lazy thrust.
He finished out the momentum, his fingers relaxing on your head as he pulled out of your mouth. You leaned back into Ethan, who kept his arms securely around you. He reached up, wiping away some of the mess that covered your chin as you took a few thorough swallows. You shut your eyes and just concentrated on catching your breath.
“Definitely on the naughty list now.” Damiano said, his hand soothingly rubbing across your forehead.
“Oh, she's topping that list, for sure.” Ethan said. “I'll put in a word with the right people, because I got connections.”
“When you're making your cup of tea, can I get one as well, please?” You asked, not bothering to open your eyes as you slumped further into him.
“Of course you can get tea, sweet thing.” Damiano said.
As you gradually came down, you and Ethan relocated to the bed. You stole the hat off of his head. Damiano moved around the kitchen while Ethan disappeared into the bathroom.
When he came back into the main room, he had a thoughtful look on his face. “So should I grow a beard? Is that what I should take from this?”
“Nope.” You answered quickly.
“Only if it's white and curly.” Damiano contributed as he came over with the tea.
You started giggling as both of your boyfriends joined you on the mattress. “So he'll have to keep it consistently bleached and sleep with fuckin' rollers in it?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
🍑taglist: @bethanysnow - @gr8rainbowpunk - @idyllicbutterfly - @maneskindiva - @maneslut - @saschenkaaa - @slavicgoddess13 - @elvirabelle - @maneskintifoso - @thegeminisgirl - @ha-la-ansia - @butkutee - @ursulalurks - @itsmaneskinbitch - @icarodamiano - @floral-recs - @crwnnjules - @paralianeyes - @fand0mskullfa1ry - @chocolatepizzatyrant - @lizzylynch1 - @kammerstx - @myleftsock - @tellmesomething01 - @adoredamianos - @vittoriaisfuckingpathetic - @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis - @shinshans - @lonnybunnys - @lyricalliz - @lifeofa-fangirl [join here!]
joke i thought about much after the fact
*** "Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing- a ring: one that goes on my cock!"
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ariicandy · 11 months
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╭・Being Miles’ Younger Sibling !!
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inspired by tiktoks on my fyp ++ been on my mind
Grammar mistakes, I’ll edit when I wake up
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✦﹒Miles is 1000% very and sometimes overprotective of you before being bit by the spider and after. New York is a city of cause and he just wants to keep you safe as your brother and as well as spiderman.
✦﹒He always helps you with subjects you struggle with that he is good at, he’s also very patient so don’t worry stressing over the work while he’s there!! He’s been there and doesnt want you to get overwhelmed by it like how he did.
✦﹒Either, you found out he was spiderman when he was eating at that burger place with Peter B. walking by and/or getting a drink. Or he either told you because of the calls and messages you sent to him when your parents were trying to contact him. (This happened in itsv incase u forgot)
✦﹒you probably have heard him talking about Gwen to you a few times or by his sketch book when u are in his room telling him something cause Mama morales told you to tell miles. But when YOU have a crush he becomes all detective on who this person is and if they’re good for you.
✦﹒You probably will have to cover for him a lot due to him being spiderman and randomly disappearing, this will come in handy when you’re the little angel so they will believe you either way. He buys you stuff or takes you somewhere wherever you wanna go to make up for all the coverings you are doing for him just to not get him in trouble.
✦﹒along side with covering up for him, he will also tell you stuff not to do that will make you get in trouble cause he doesn’t want to influence you from all the things he has to do as spiderman. A little conversation goes like this, “don’t break into builds that’s breaking the law.” “But you always break into buildings as spid-“ “HEY we dont talk about that. >:((”
✦﹒if Miguel talks about u being a possible canon for him like how his dad is. He WILL get defensive AND RIOT. He will not take it very well you having to die just for him to have similar spiderman stories like everyone else’s.
Miguel - “Your sibling is possible a canon event”
Miles - “WHAT NUH UH [your name] is not!!”
✦﹒when he is getting chase by the whole spider society, all he could think about is your tragic death if he doesn’t stop the spot from destroying everything. He was relieved and happy when he made it back home only to find out he was in the wrong universe and has to deal with his other self that was supposed to be bitten by the spider instead of him..
Now if you were also a spider-person along side him…
✦﹒miles would be over protective on strategies of how to defeat a villain even if their a villain of the week. He doesn’t want you hurt like you guys were with fighting king pin :(( so you sometimes have to rebel and fight them so miles can see you can okay do it just fine! He does get mad but as long as you’re okay he’s okay too
✦﹒u both have to work together on covering each other whenever one of you disappear or have to fight together. He is grateful that you both aren’t in trouble, he’ll take the blame if you get caught so you don’t have to blame yourself for patrolling extra instead of arriving sooner than usual.
✦﹒you both sometimes just go out for a swing or go sit somewhere in ny and sit in comforting silence since nobody can understand this spiderman thing, you have each other against the world. That’s a whole lot to take in but miles is glad he atleast had someone to rely on whenever he’s in trouble or just something been bothering him, he also sends his shoulder to you whenever you need something off your chest or just talk abt being a spider person.
✦﹒when you and Miles were being chased he was always looking to his lefts and rights to see you were okay. He would send a web to you to go up ahead of him just so you can make it, it’s also the reason why he got body slammed by Miguel. He was quick to grab you and pushed you away so you didn’t get hurt. His top priority is not getting you hurt even if it means if he gets hurt :((
✦﹒Miles is like that big older sibling that pulls you aside when someone is being rude and/or threatening. He was like that when inside the go home machine. Holding your hand not letting you go infront of Miguel while he was trying to open?? The cage of your designated dimension. Miles didn’t let go when you guys arrived after being sent by the machine, he took of his mask to breathe and check if you were also okay from that whole thing.
✦﹒During that scene where he was telling his mom about the spot his arch nemesis, he quickly told you to hide by going invisible and to be behind the door so it shows it was only him. You both were really confused when your mom/Mama Morales said “who’s spiderman??”. Following him slowly out if his room still being invisible till it hit you both. Glitching.. miles looked at you leading to connect the dots when uncle Aaron arrived.
✦﹒at the rooftop with uncle Aaron looking everywhere to see New York in a whole another state than yours. Your spider sense go off dodge a attack that was gonna hit both of you, you were then injected with something that made you fall asleep, hitting the floor.
✦﹒ Waking up you were tight to a punching bag with miles, you start to look for your surroundings when miles also started to wake up. You were being lifted up a bit til uncle Aaron moved you guys around to start playing music. Miles tried talking Aaron but he got near being punched in the face by it.
✦﹒”I’m not.” Uncle Aaron walks away from both you and miles only to see someone watching you from above. They drop down from the rails on the ceiling to walk towards you both only to find out he’s Miles Mórales, The prowler.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Long time no talk hello cc i had a shower thought.
If for some dumb reason if cerberus were to bite mc i made a list of most violent reactions to least violent i wanna know if you agree
Do you agree??? If no whats your list???
Ohhh hello 🪱 anon!
What an interesting scenario. I can't imagine Cerberus actually ever biting MC... just because I'm more inclined to imagine Cerberus loving MC as much everyone else does lol.
My list kinda depends on the definition of violent. Would they have a big reaction or would they straight up go Cruella De Vil and turn Cerbie into a coat?
I'm kinda back and forth about Lucifer. I'm pretty sure Lucifer loves Cerberus, but he also loves MC. And I don't think Lucifer would react very well to his dog doing something like that. You know, like he probably trained Cerberus himself. So I do think he'd be pissed at any rate.
I see Diavolo just getting MC out of there and keeping them at the castle for a while. I think he'd be like hey Lucifer take care of your dog and leave things to Lucifer for that part of it. He's gonna keep MC with him until they're fully healed.
Barbatos would be able to subdue Cerberus with a look, I'm fairly certain. He'd be angry, but I don't think he'd lose his cool enough to do anything other than nurse MC back to health. I see him also sorta leaving the Cerberus side of things to Luci.
I'm not so sure about Satan. He's a little more uhhhh well violent in general lol. Because I could totally see him getting pissed about this, too, but like he's more prone to losing his shit. Even still I think his priority would be MC.
I think Levi would be farther down on the list 'cause he does not strike me as the kinda demon to stand up to big scary three headed dogs. He'd be upset about the situation, no doubt, but I think he'd be too busy flailing over MC to do much. He might do that thing where he snaps and summons Lotan, though. In which case everybody's just gonna hafta go for a swim.
Beel is tricky because I don't see him as violent. To me he's such a big sweetheart, I see him doing something more like getting in the way and ending up getting bitten himself in an attempt to protect MC. Carries MC to safety as fast as he can.
Belphie... well... man I dunno. He can't exactly choke out a dog, can he? He's violent but in a quieter way than I think would be needed for something Cerbie's size lol. I think he'd be more likely to distract Cerberus with something so he can get MC outta there.
Mammon is known for being a bit of a scaredy cat, but I think it's more about horror than big dogs. That being said, he's also known for running fast, so I think he's in a good spot on the list. He'd just pick up MC and book it out of there. Yell at Lucifer about his dog later.
Solomon is interesting because I really think the "violence" definition comes into play here. Violent as in "dramatic reaction?" Put my man at the top of the list. Violent as in "physically attack?" No, he's about right where he is. Solomon would be extremely upset about this situation, but he'd take care of it with magic.
I think Asmo would use his charm on Cerbie. It obviously works on animals, so that'd be easy enough. Charms the heck out of Luci's dog so he can remove MC from the situation. And I see him being calm about it, too, just taking care of things because MC's safety is on the line and he's not messing around with that.
For some reason, I have this vision of Simeon calming the raging beast with a gentle touch lol. Is it because he's an angel or is it just because he's beautiful? Perhaps both. Either way, he's probably in the right spot.
Luke, my darling precious son, I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure he'd get eaten. I think he'd try to protect MC and stand between them and Cerberus. But he's probably just the right size to be gulped down in a single bite.
Oops this got a little lengthy lol. Anyway, those are just my general thoughts on it! But man, I kinda feel bad for Cerberus in this scenario because you know nobody is gonna be okay with him biting MC.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Roger, Roger
When one of the females gets too clingy and can't take a hint, Coco calls in backup.
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Words: 3.2K Author's Note: Surprise! No one really wanted to read this one, so I figured I’d just get it out of the way.
I'm not sure where Coco grew up, so I'm just gonna say he grew up in Las Vegas. Trigger warning for violence? I don't know. I can't write fight scenes, but I tried.
Coco sits at a table, picking at the label on his beer bottle as Mya drones on and on next to him. She'd been new to the clubhouse, bright-eyed and eager to please any man in a kutte, and he'd made the unfortunate mistake of sleeping with her a little over a week ago. Most women knew the drill, never seeking out a second encounter unless the Mayan sought her out, but not Mya.
Apparently, she couldn't take a hint like everyone else.
"So, I was thinking that if the boys don't need you tomorrow night, you can take me on a date," Mya says. Her hand lands on his thigh under the table, sliding upward. "You know how much I wanna climb onto the back of your bike."
Coco reaches under the table, grasping her hand. "No," he says as he shoves her hand away.
"Coco!" Mya stands, stomping her foot in a huff. "We've been dating-"
"We're not fuckin' dating!"
She gasps at his explosive response, completely oblivious to those in the clubhouse who've stopped what they were doing in order to pay attention to them. Her expression morphs from one of shock to utter rage within seconds and she grabs up her glass of beer, tossing the liquid into his face. "You need to get your priorities straight, Coco! I'll see you tomorrow and your attitude better be well adjusted or this-" she practically screams at him, gesturing wildly between the two of them, "is over!"
As she stomps off, Coco angrily swipes the beer off his face and slicks back his hair. Laughter erupts behind him as hands clamp down on his shoulders and he rolls his eyes as Angel steps aside to pull out the chair next to him. "Fuck off, Angel."
"Bro, what the fuck?" He continues to laugh as Bishop takes a seat across the table from them, shaking his head in amusement. "I thought you had that shit handled?"
"Pendeja doesn't know how to take a hint." Coco takes a sip of his beer, letting his anger fester. "I was moments away from clockin' her."
"We don't hit women," Bishop reminds him.
"I think we can make an exception just this once."
Angel laughs at how worked up his brother is.
"No." Bishop's answer is final. "If you want her truly gone, get one of the other females to take care of it."
"And risk them getting infatuated with our little Coco," Angel muses. "He'll be starting from square one all over again, Bish."
Coco remains silent, pondering his next course of action. "What if I get an outsider to do it?"
"Female?" Bishop wonders.
"Yeah." Coco sips his beer. "Got a friend in Vegas. She's kind of protective, but won't start shit unless she knows I can't handle it myself."
"You tapped that?" Angel asks, but his brother merely scoffs, shaking his head. He grins as he tries to ruffle Coco's hair. "I didn't know Coco Puff needed a bodyguard."
"Fuck off, man. She grew up in the system. Had a tough childhood, so we bonded over dumb shit before I split for the Marines. She's basically my sister."
"A sister we never met?" Bishop arches an eyebrow at him.
"She's got her own shit going on." Coco shrugs. "She knows about the club, but never really had time to make the drive down here."
"Call her. I need to meet this girl," Angel says. "Party's tomorrow so we know Mya's gonna be in top form."
Coco looks at Bishop and his president shrugs. "Handle your shit without laying hands on a woman. Call your girl in if you have to."
Finishing off his beer, Coco sets the empty bottle aside before bringing out his phone. He taps away at his screen before finding what he wants, and then puts his phone on speaker before setting it down on the table. It rings and rings, and then.."
He grins at her excited greeting. "Hey, 'mana, you busy?"
"For you? Never. What's up?"
"There's a female here at the club who can't comprehend I ain't interested. I wanna lay hands on her, but-"
"Let me guess, el presidente said no?"
"Bish said no," he chuckles.
"So what do you need from me? Want me to dig up some dirt? Slash some tires? Pour sugar into her gas tank?"
"Jesus Christ," Angel murmurs, stifling his laughter.
"I need you to be at the party and throw hands if it comes down to it."
"Oohh. Tempting."
"Free drinks all night."
"Even more tempting."
Coco sighs. "I'll throw in a slice of cheesecake."
"Make it a whole strawberry cheesecake and I'll pack a bag and start driving right now."
"Fine, fatass. Just get here in time for the party."
"Don't fat shame me, 'mano, or I'll tell your stage five clinger that you're just playing hard to get and leave you to defend yourself."
"You know it. Love 'ya, Cruz. I'll be there tomorrow to collect that cheesecake."
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When you pull up to the Romero Brothers Scrap and Salvage yard, a man stops you at the gate and then directs you where to park when you mention you're looking for Johnny Cruz- or Coco as they know him.
The clubhouse where the Mayans congregate looks exactly like Johnny explained to you once upon a time. There is a row of motorcycles parked nearby, but you make sure to park away from them to lessen the chance of accidentally knocking one over. It's happened before, thankfully not to an MC member, and the rider was pretty pissed. You can only imagine how an actual MC member would react to their precious bike taking a tumble.
As you exit your vehicle and stretch your limbs, the clubhouse door opens and out step several men and what appears to be a teenager. Coco appears at the back of the crowd and hops down the steps, intent on meeting you halfway. He smirks as he nears and you can't help but laugh as you throw your arms wide and embrace your childhood friend.
"Holy shit, Cruz! It's been a minute." As you pull back from the hug, your hands reach up to grasp at his hair as you look him up and down. "See, I told you you'd look hot with long hair."
He laughs as he steps back. "Still blunt as ever, I see."
"Always." Your eyes dart to the men and the girl now waiting at the bottom of the steps to the clubhouse. "Now introduce me to your brothers. If you had told me they were this hot, I'd have come a lot sooner."
"Please don't bang my brothers."
"I won't." You laugh. "But I will ogle because holy shit."
"Yeah, yeah. Come on." Coco leads you to his brothers and introduces the ones who'd come out- Bishop, Angel, Creeper, and EZ. Then he walks over to the teenager who doesn't know what to make of you and slings an arm around her shoulders, tucking her close to his side. "And this little ball of attitude of Letty. My daughter."
It takes a moment for his words to sink in and when they do, your eyes widen. "Daughter?" Your gaze darts between the two of them in surprise and you finally see her facade crack as she slowly grins. "Holy shit! You had a mini you?!" You reach forward then, grabbing the girl and tugging her closer to you before forcing her into a hug. As you hold her with one arm, you point threateningly at the men. "I only had mini-Cruz for a hot minute, but I will protect her with my life." The girl laughs against you and then you pull back a bit, looking her in the eye. "If anyone tries to fuck with you, they gotta go through your new tia YN."
"Sure thing, tia."
"Aw. You're definitely a Cruz. I'd know that attitude anywhere."
"Alright," Coco sighs. "Can we go inside now? You need to rest up before Mya gets here and tries your patience."
"Uh huh. And do you have the payment?"
"EZ's got the cheesecake in the cooler."
"Awesome. Let's get inside then. I need to collect myself before I gotta put the sucia in her place."
You release Letty to go back to your vehicle, grabbing your bag from the backseat before heading into the clubhouse alongside Coco. The inside is not as big as you were expecting, but it's the perfect place to hang out for select individuals. The ones you previously had been introduced to go their separate ways as Coco introduces you to a few new individuals. Then when they all know who you are and what you mean to Coco, you're led to a back room where you can rest before you have to freshen up for the party.
. .
. .
Later on, when the sun's gone down and the clubhouse becomes even more livelier, you jump in the shower. You dress in a rock band tee that's one size too small, its sleeves and about four inches of the bottom half of the shirt missing. You pull on a pair of jean shorts and a pair of very worn in Doc Martens, and then tie your hair up in a ponytail to keep your hair out of your eyes.
A knock on the door sounds just as you reach for the doorknob, and you open up with a smile. Letty's on the other side, grinning as she holds a plate of cheesecake. "Coco said to bring this in hopes of bribing you out of the room."
"I was already on my way, but thanks." You take the plate of cheesecake from her, grabbing the fork and taking a bite of the cream cheesy goodness. "Mmm. God, I love this stuff."
"I can see that." Letty gestures towards the hallway behind her. "Mya will be here soon. I never liked her. She didn't seem too impressed when she found out Coco had a daughter."
"Well now I dislike her even more," you muse. "Lead the way, favorite niece o'mine."
Letty smiles as she does as she's told. You follow her, finishing off your slice of cheesecake in record time and hand the plate off to some female behind the bar who seems to have just swapped duties with EZ for the rest of the night.
The table Letty leads you to is already occupied by Angel, Coco and Creeper. EZ brings a round of beers for everyone, except for Letty, and takes a seat with all of you.
"So how is it that a girl like you calls Coco her best friend?" Angel wonders.
"What do you mean by a girl like me?"
"Look at you, you're hot!" He exclaims. EZ snorts as Coco and Creeper shake their heads in amusement at their brother. "You could pass for a hookup, but a best friend? Nah, I don't see it."
"Well, see it." You chuckle. "Coco and I have been friends for as long as I can remember."
Creeper glances between you and Coco. "The two of you had to have hooked up in the past."
"Why are you guys so adamant that we hooked up?"
"You guys don't know YN like I do," Coco says as he takes a drink of his beer. "She was really crazy back then. I am man enough to admit that I wouldn't have been able to handle her as a hookup when we were younger."
"Aw. That was the sweetest thing you ever said about me," you coo, "but I was not crazy."
"Yeah, you were, mujer. Do you or do you not remember when I had to rush to the club and pick your ass up before the cops showed because you stabbed a guy?"
Your mouth instantly falls open to defend yourself, but you end up shrugging. "That guy should have walked away when he had the chance."
"You didn't have to stab him," Coco muses.
"You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said to me!"
"What- what did he say?" Angel asks, eyes sparkling in amusement already.
"What are you gonna do? Stab me?"
EZ is the first to laugh, the rest of the men following behind him. Letty is the only one who shrugs. "Yeah, that's fair."
"See!" You point at Letty. "She gets it."
"That's because she's exactly like you were when we were teens."
"And that's why you're now my favorite Cruz," you say, slinging an arm around her shoulders and holding her close.
Angel watches the two of you, eyes narrowing slightly. "You two aren't allowed to be alone together. Ever."
You and Letty simultaneously smirk as the men shiver, and then Coco decides to divulge more of your past. You throw in your own two cents here and there, so they don't think you were the only out of control teenager. Coco had his moments too, but most of the time it was him pulling you out of some dumb situation you put yourself in.
You're barely on your second beer, having relaxed and forgetting all about why you're really there, when EZ's lips quirk into a grin. "Trouble just walked through the door."
Coco tenses in his seat and you eagerly glance around to see who it is that's causing your friend so much trouble. The girl that's standing closest to the door and looking around for someone is obviously beautiful, and you can see why Coco went for her. But the sequined mini dress and the too tall stilettos have no place in a biker clubhouse, and the moment her eyes land on Coco, you know the night just took a turn for the interesting.
"Oohh. She's pretty," you muse. "You need to work on that radar though, Cruz, because I can smell the psycho all the way from over here. I don't know how you missed it."
"He was too worried about getting laid to see it," Angel mutters.
You can only smile, keeping an eye on the woman apparently named Mya as she makes a beeline for the table you're sitting at. Creeper and Letty are the only two capable of keeping their expressions schooled whereas Angel and EZ are already grinning. Coco heaves a long-suffering sigh and you can't help but snicker as he kicks you under the table.
"Hey, baby," Mya coos, her hand landing on his shoulder before sliding down and across his chest as if claiming him in front of everyone. "Are you in a better mood tonight?"
Coco shrugs her off, staring up and glowering at her. "What the hell are you doing?"
"W-What?" She tenses. Her eyes subtly widen before she pouts. "I just thought we could have some fun tonight since you boys don't seem too busy."
"Well you thought wrong, mujer. Now get the hell out of here."
You're watching the girl as her expression flickers from hurt to anger and you subtly scoot your chair back. You catch Letty and EZ's eye on either side of you, motioning for them to do the same because one wrong move on Mya's part and you were throwing yourself across the table.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Her voice rises and you clench your jaw when you notice those closest to your group start paying immediate attention. One hand goes to her hip, but the other she uses her pointer finger to press against Coco's temple and shove his head to the side. "You can't just fuck me and toss me out like last night's garbage."
The amusement instantly drains from your expression. "Watch it, niñita," you call out, relaxed in your seat but ready to fly off the handle if necessary. "Coco might not lay hands on you, but I sure as hell will."
Mya scoffs when she looks at you. "You're not gonna do shit, new girl. Coco's my man and I'll treat him how I want, when I want."
"The fuck you will!" Letty practically shouts, leaning forward in her seat. You catch her by the shoulder though, pulling her back into her seat. She glances at you; furious you would keep her from defending her father.
Mya's gaze darts between you and Letty, and smirks when you turn your attention back to her. "Yeah. That's what I thought."
She goes to shove Coco again and between one blink and the next, you're launching yourself across the table. Angel, Creeper and Coco shove their chairs back with a shout, and you manage to grasp the neckline of Mya's dress in hand before reeling back with your dominant hand and delivering punch after punch.
She shrieks, attempting to cover her face with one arm and swatting out with her other. Her nails manage to catch your shoulder and neck as she stumbles back and forth in her ridiculous heels, and you take the both of you down when someone shoves you hard in the back. You hear the men shout, but your attention is solely focused on Mya as she shouts and squirms beneath you.
You hit her twice more when someone grabs you by the ponytail, yanking you backwards. You yell out as you scramble backwards, only to have the body at your back suddenly yanked away. When you whirl around, your mouth drops open at the sight of the president of the Mayans standing over some guy on the ground and holding his jaw.
"Get your puta and get the fuck outta my club," Bishop says. "Number one rule is we do not lay hands on a woman."
"But this bitch-"
"Who are you calling a bitch, pinche pendejo?" You stalk up to him, kicking him across the face. You don't knock him out, which is a pity, but you do see his mouth fill with blood. You sneer down at him before marching your way back towards Mya, sneering at her as she scrambles back. "And you!" You grab her by the arm and drag her towards the clubhouse doors. "Consent works both ways. Now get the fuck outta here. I don't want to see your face around here again."
"But you're not even-"
"I said get out!" You shove her towards the door, taking too much delight in the way she trips over her own two feet.
As you watch her and the man who had dared grab you collect themselves and walk out, you keep an eye on them while redoing your own hair. Then when you turn around, you roll your eyes with a laugh as Coco, Angel, EZ, Creeper, Letty, Bishop and several other men applaud you. The other women are looking at you with respect in their gazes and you smile at them, showing them that you're not a total bitch.
"Yeah, yeah. Show's over."
"And that, hermanos, is the girl I grew up with. Only she was a lot more volatile back then," Coco says as you near.
"Whatever. She got off easy. Both of them you did," you grumble.
Angel laughs. "We thought Bishop was going to blow a gasket. The second that puto grabbed you, every man in here lurched forward. Bishop just beat us to the punch."
"Well, I feel honored," you muse. You head back over to the table, laughing as EZ picks up your turned over chair. "Now can someone grab me an ice pack? My hand's starting to hurt."
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halfmoondaze · 1 year
hiiiii i have quite a few suggestions for dad!jack and aitana hope you like them!
aitana has a nightmare and jack helps calm her down and fall back asleep. aitana meeting his family and/or his friends and being all shy and jack just helping her be comfortable enough to start talking to everyone. maybe aitana and reader touring with jack for a little and everyone is sleeping in their bunks on the tour bus and aitana wakes up crying and tries to look for reader and jacks bunk but instead finding urban or someone else bunk and them taking her and helping her sleep and when everyone wakes up jack and reader can’t find aitana but urban or whoever opens their bunk and they are in there sleeping and they just go back to sleep (saw something similar for a different artist and it was too cute). jack and reader get into an argument and wake up aitana and she gets all sad and thinks they are breaking up and jack is gonna leave so he calms her down and tells her he’ll never leave her or her mom. maybe aitana and reader watching jack from the side of the stage and reader gets distracted and runs onto the stage and helps jack with the next song (also saw something kinda similar for a different artist and loved it.
hope you like some of the suggestions! love your writing!! ❤️
Sad Dream
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It was around midnight when Jack was walking across the hallway on his way to your shared bedroom when he heard faint cries coming from Aitana’s bedroom.
Without a second thought, he stopped in his tracks and slowly entered Aitana’s bedroom so as not to startle her.
“Daddy?” she sobbed as she looked up as sat on his bed.
Jack walked over to her bed and turned on the light from her bedside table.
“Hey baby. What’s the matter?” he softly said as he sat on the edge of her bed.
“I had a bad dream” she mumbled.
He picked her up and pulled her onto his lap and hugged her.
“It’s ok, I’m here now”
At that moment you walked into the bedroom.
“What’s wrong?” you softly asked as you walked over to Aitana’s bed.
“Bad dream” Jack said.
“Oh sweetie” you said as you pulled her into a hug.
“I’m sorry I woke you up” she mumbled.
You kissed the top of her head.
“You have nothing to be sorry about. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Aitana looked down as she recalled her nightmare.
“Daddy left and didn’t come back for me” she said through tears.
Jack could feel his heart break at the sight of Aitana crying.
Aitana always took it the hardest when Jack had to leave for tour, and the first time he left it was far from easy. You couldn’t really blame her.
You and Jack managed to comfort her and calm her down, and eventually, she fell back to sleep. Once you were sure she was sound asleep, you exited her bedroom.
As Jack made his way back to your shared bedroom with you, he couldn’t help but feel a gut wrenching sense of guilt for being away so often. He did feel sad whenever he was away from Y/N and Aitana, but he didn’t know how bad that was affecting her until now.
“You, ok?” Y/N asked him as he was unusually quiet.
He turned to you.
“I think it's time to hit the pause button. I feel like I’m missing a lot for being away touring….and…..she doesn’t need someone else in her life walking away from her” he said.
“And you won’t,” you said cupping his face. “She loves you I’m sure of that”
“I know, but it's still not fair for her” he sighed. “I think I’m done touring for good. I would still record music and release stuff, but my family should be my number priority right now”
You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around him.
“You’re an amazing father, you know that right?”
He smiled to himself.
“Let’s go to bed, ok?” she said looking up at him.
He kissed the top of your head, and you went back to bed.
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uncle-fruity · 11 months
Here's something from my brain:
Telling transmascs they shouldn't go on T because they'll "become ugly" is still rooted in patriarchal ideals & expectations. It's why every TERF is hard to take seriously when they insist they're trying to fight sexism.
What's the ugly part? The body hair? The balding? The deepening voice? The potential for weight/muscle gain?
So, by that standard, cis women with body hair, cis women who are balding, cis women who gain weight and/or muscles, and cis women with deeper-than-average voices are, BY TERF'S OWN LOGIC, ugly.
Oh? Do you think that all women are meant to be frail? Thin? Hairless bodies? Thick head of hair? Wispy "feminine" voices? What are you trying to say about how women's bodies are supposed to be? Do you think ALL women have the same body type? The same standards of beauty? Is beauty every woman's top priority? Should it be?
You know who else freaks out about "manish" women? Basically, all the people who think women are objects to be seen & not heard. All the people who think women are their sexual playthings and little more. It's a trope throughout literature & media to paint strong, outspoken women as manish & undesirable. A trope that TERFs seem happy to exploit for their own ideals. Because if they want to prescribe womanhood onto us, they must also accept that they are unhappy with the way we are living through our womanhood, and think it's reasonable to control and legislate our bodies based on their personal belief about how women should behave & think.
Being a woman is not about how pretty you are. It isn't about what you owe to the people who would rather you shut up and be demure. And for TERFs to use these insecurities that the patriarchy instills in young girls to dissuade them from making choices for themselves is honestly a disgusting tactic.
I don't even care if you (wrongly) connect biology to gender. If someone looks at me, a trans guy with ~2 years of hormone treatments under my belt, and decides that I'm an ugly woman based on the vagina they're assuming I have and probably the tits that I definitely still have, fine. Maybe it's the nonbinary in me, but if you wanna purposefully (incorrectly) call me a woman, then that shitty decision is yours to make. Now, ask yourself.... why are you mad that a woman (by your own standards) is choosing something for her own body?
These are the same people who get mad when trans guys claim historical figures like Dr. James Barry as one of our own. There's no way to tell how he'd identify if he was using modern language to describe himself without resurrecting him and asking directly. But, in the end, whether he was a woman seeking to break through barriers of sexism or whether he was a trans man in a time before we would have called him that, he chose to live a life that is similar to the one many transmascs choose for themselves. He expressed himself in a way that is familiar to transmascs. And I have no doubt that these fucko TERFs would try to belittle and tear him down just the same as they do any of us. In fact, it was a woman who undressed him against his will after he died and exposed him as a "woman" postmortem. We can't say for sure if she'd identify as a TERF if she were using modern language to describe herself without resurrecting her and asking directly, but we can safely say that she's not the kind of person I'd like to know either way. Her mother should have taught her about consent.
If I was a woman trying to escape the patriarchy by transitioning (a common, completely stupid ass take btw since everyone who isn't at the very top of the power chain is a victim of the patriarchy (among other things)), would you mock me? Admire me? Sympathize with me? Tell me I'm delusional? Call me ugly? Tell me I should think more about my ability to bear children with my womb? Would you join me in trying to escape oppression? Would you hate me for trying? Have you decided that men are the enemy, and therefore I've betrayed my sisters in a war I reject wholeheartedly? Would you hold me down? Get your friends to beat me up? Tell me I deserve the violence in my life? Undress my dead body? Tell me I'm crazy? Force me to put on a dress? Force me to shave? Tell me to brighten my voice? Tell me it's a shame I've destroyed my feminine smile? Would you dare try to drag me back to the patriarchal depths like crabs in a barrel?
At the end of the day, it's all about telling people how they should live their life. How they should look, which beauty standards they should care about, which roles they should identify with, who they should be beholden to... And if those people disagree, maybe they're just hysterical mentally ill or being manipulated. Lock 'em in a room with some yellow wallpaper to keep it cheery until they change their minds!
Do you see? The parallels? How, even if we accept that your fake science is actually real science, and claim womanhood based on our vaginas and tits and ability to sometimes bear children, you are still denying us agency by taking away the right to express our gender however we choose. If I'm a woman who looks like a man, or who acts like a man, why is that a problem for you? Why do these gender barriers matter to you? Don't you see that in taking control of gender, we defang a critical branch of the patriarchy?
Sexist ass cult mindset, -10/10.
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theworldofotps · 2 years
Soft For Only You (Monthly Flow)
Pairing: Damian Priest x Reader Word Count: 570 Description: Damian is a hard ass, cold and mean but when it comes to you, he’s soft as can be.
 Requested by @auburnwrites I hope you enjoy this sweetie! ___________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @damnnhausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @letsgivethisonemoreshot @mcreignsera @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @xbreezymeadowsx @cuzimacomedian If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ___________ Damian was known not to be the nicest man, his cold demeanor and slightly sadistic behavior was one of the reasons he was now leader of his father’s empire. To the outside world, he was a ruthless successful businessman, not admired persay by his employees. More so terrified that they would wind up dead if they crossed him.
To you, however, all of that cold hard attitude melted away to reveal a man who cherished you more than anything on this whole damn planet. Damian was soft, but only ever for you. Nobody could understand how he had managed to hook someone as kindhearted and lovely as his flower. But to you and Damian it didn’t matter what everyone else thought, you loved each other and that was all that mattered.
 One of the times Damian was most soft was the time during your period, he’d have it saved in his phone to help keep track of the days. When it got closer he’d send one of his men to get the list of products you'd need along with some of your favorite things. Every month whether you asked him to or not Damian would take the first day off to spend in bed with you.
“But D I promise I’ll be okay I don’t want to take you away from your work, I can manage.”
“Nonsense princesa, you need me and besides, I don’t mind taking time to spend with my favorite person in the world.”
Damian would start a nice hot shower to wash you both clean the previous night's activities scrubbed down the drain. Making sure the towels were nice and warm he’d wrap a large one around you helping to dry you off. Then leaving you to get ready he’d place a large blanket in the dryer to heat up. Grabbing some water from the mini fridge in your room, Damian would continue to go around doing the same thing he always did. Water, some snacks, and nice comfy clothes which consisted of a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts or hoodies. The tv turned to whichever streaming service you were currently watching a show on. 
When you finally emerge from the bathroom he’d already be settled in bed, the next episode paused and ready. 
“Come mi amor, lay with me and relax you deserve it.”
You couldn’t lie, no matter how many times he did this for you it always melted your heart. You were so thankful he was yours.
“Thank you for doing this for me babe, I appreciate it so much.”
Snuggling into his side your head on his chest as an arm wraps around holding you closer, the other rubbing circles into your tummy.
“Anything for you my sweet y/n I always want to make you happy if I can, no matter what your happiness is my top priority.”
Softly pressing a kiss to his lips you stroke his cheek smiling as his stubble tickles the palm of your hand.
“I love you with my everything.”
“As do I you sweetheart, I love you for the rest of this life and all of the next.”
He whispers pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he presses play on the tv letting the episode play. You felt like the luckiest person alive, Damian was so good to you. Better than any dream and he was all yours.
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natashasnoodle · 1 year
Would you consider doing a part two to this? My heart absolutely broke for y/n, poor baby. Just wanna give her a hug n tell her she’s pretty.
Making Up (Part 1.5) | Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Hi! I quite liked the way that I ended that oneshot, however, I also thought that it would be nice to give some closure so I settled for a kind of part 1.5 where instead of writing a full part 2 fic, I did more a drabble :)
Part 1
You hadn’t wanted to leave your room for the remainder of the day, and Natasha was very understanding. 
She wouldn’t force you to leave. 
Instead, she made up a tray containing all of your favourite snacks. Some you didn’t even know how she got hold of considering they’d usually be eaten by everyone else before you could get your hands on them. 
You stared at the caramel popcorn packet with absolute heart eyes.
Natasha cracked a joke saying she wished you looked at her like that, you couldn’t help but laugh, eyes crinkled with joy. 
“How about a movie day to match the popcorn?”.
Grinning at your girlfriend's idea you nodded quickly. 
You started with “Airplane!”, then “Pulp Fiction”, and then topped it off with “Smoky and the Bandit”, quenching your thirst of watching some iconic movies your Dad always had on tape. 
Very soon after a day full of movies and junk food, you fell into a blissful slumber. 
Your hands clutched at Nat’s shirt, not wanting to let your safety go.
She held you as though you would disappear. 
Though she had succeeded in making you happy throughout the day, guilt still coursed through her over how your day had started. 
She never wanted you to feel so worthless again.
Seeing you like that broke her.
The following morning you woke up, feeling familiar lips press against your temple.
“Good morning beautiful”. 
You groaned and hid your face in the crook of her neck.
Does anyone know how to take compliments?
“Uh uh, don’t hide from me I want to see you”. Natasha moved back and cupped your face, eyes sparkling as she looked at you.
You smiled, a giant toothy grin as she began peppering kisses all over your face, muttering compliments between each one.
Eventually, it became too much when her hair began to tickle you, she begrudgingly stopped knowing that stopping would put a halt to your laughter, but it also meant that you would be able to continue to breathe properly.
“I love you”. You mumbled against her lips before closing the gap, only stopping when Nat’s second alarm interrupted. 
At first, you gulped, your confidence still broken, but when Nat got out of bed and held out her hand, smiling so softly at you, you couldn’t help but smile back and take her hand.
After a quick shower and a change of attire, you were ready to go. 
There was no time for hesitation when Nat told a joke at Clint’s expense as you headed out the door and towards the gym.
With Nat’s hand in yours, you felt safe enough to do anything.
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist <3
Taglist:@fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys
Natasha Romanoff Taglist:@diaryoflife @unlady-like-12-25-36
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Hello! I've been binge reading your blog for a few days now djfkwodj I love your writing so much. Especially the self-aware au. I love reading about it, and the other anons are so creative??? Thank you all for providing food 🙏 I wanna share an idea I have of that au too.
It's established that all the idols + Anzu are obsessed with the player (and god, imagining 40+ characters following you around 24/7 is a nightmare. My introverted self would feel drained on the first day) but what if the player is the 'stick-to-one' type? Like they choose just one character to fawn over and the rest just get cast aside. While the player appreciates them, their oshi takes top priority.
(Using Rei as an example for this. I started playing enstars because of him lmao). Imagine Rei just gets all the privileges, attention and love. The player pulls for all of his cards, grinds events for his event cards, puts him in the home screen and sets him as a leader for every song. The favoritism is so obvious it just hurts, and probably pisses off most , if not all of the characters. Heck, they even hear the player gush about Rei in the real world.
Oh and something that really hurts, is that one of the other characters' 5* comes home: they're so happy to be with the player, but they only get to see their disappointed face because they're not the favorite.
I imagine that the other characters would do everything they can to ruin Rei's time with the player. Maybe they'll force themselves into the home screen in the hopes you'll give them attention. Or mysteriously appear in the office even though the player knows that they only put Rei in there.
While the chaos is happening inside the game, the player's just confused with all the glitches and hopes that it'll get fixed the next update.
Ahem. I'm done with my rant now. I'm sorry for rambling in your ask, but the self aware au just floods my brain with ideas. Hope you have a good day!
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Awww, thank you so much! Getting these kinds of sweet compliments always makes me really happy☺️ And oh yes, I absolutely agree with you there! The anons here are super creative, coming up with all of these cool ideas for the AU. I love reading them!
Yeaaahhh I gotta agree with you there, I´m also pretty introverted myself so I would have a pretty bad time with all of them chasing me around and wanting to spend time with me. It would be so overwhelming, like please, I need time alone!!😭
gn reader
tw yandere, possessiveness, obsession
When the player sticks to only one character and shows obvious favoritism when playing the game ( Rei)
Ooh, this would be a nightmare for all the other characters! I´ve discussed a similar scenario with Anzu before but let me talk a little more about it!
So let´s start this off by saying that there´s one person that would be *very* upset if you preferred Rei over everyone else. I don´t think I even need to say it but Ritsu would not like this at all. His brother completely abandoned him in his time of need and now he´s also taking away his beloved player? Hasn´t he tormented him enough, does he really need to steal away his last piece of happiness? Ritsu doesn´t understand what you see in his brother and he´s very mopey about this. He´s even lazier than usual at practice, it´s like the last bit of his motivation has fizzled out now. He will never forgive Rei for this but that doesn´t mean he´ll give up on you. He´ll find a way to make you see that he is the superior brother!
Rei himself is obviously really happy about being your favorite ( good choice btw, he was also the starter card I chose when I started on my jp account! I heard that he was a vampire and has a coffin with wheels underneath them and was sold ksjlfsd). It means that all of his efforts were worth it in the end, if you recognized him and deemed him worthy of your affections.
Oh, he can´t help but feel a little bit smug when everyone else starts to realize how you favor him. You´re always pulling for his cards in the gacha and passing on everyone else, you try your hardest to score as many points as possible in his events to maybe even get several copies of his card, you´ve unlocked all of his outfits and SPPs, his fans are maxed out and he´s the only idol that gets the privilege of staying in your office, even though more spaces would be available.
It´s so so frustrating and they feel almost helpless with it too, because what are they supposed to do when it seems like you´ve already made up your mind? You´re not pulling on their banners and only doing the bare minimum for their events, deciding to instead save up in case Rei gets another card.
At this point, some of them are desperate enough to ask Rei for help. Kaoru is on his knees, begging to let him be the 4-star on one of his banners to give him the chance to come home to you, even if it hurts when you show basically no reaction to getting him. The spots on banners Rei features in are very competitive because a lot of the idols see it as one of their only chances to get to you. Yes, they could try to break through and give you their off-banner 5-star but they seriously can´t handle the clear disappointment on your face when they show up instead of Rei.
Some others will indeed try to ruin the time Rei has with you, using the stories to smack-talk him in front of you with the goal of changing your mind once you see more of his bad qualities or invading your home screen and your office. You swear you didn´t put them there but maybe you accidentally tapped on them when you were changing Rei´s outfit? Who knows. Maybe it´s also just a bug that needs fixing.
One thing is sure though, Rei is very hated within the game now as everyone is jealous of him, wanting to be the one to get all of your attention instead.
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