#i want bi characters in stable relationships
bardandbear · 1 year
At risk of being cancelled on my fresh new blog, i wanted to get out some complex feelings I have about bi characters in video games, as a bi person.
I'm seeing the playersexual discourse raise its ugly head again and make no mistake, I am very staunchly on the bi/pan character identity defence train here. It makes me really angry when people try to erase those identities for selfish reasons, or because deep down they see bisexuality as this hybrid identity instead of its own thing. I want more bi characters in video games.
But what also annoys me is the fact that a lot of the time, bisexuality is treated like a mechanic, it's there to facilitate player enjoyment. Players will use it to pretend that Character is in fact a big fat lesbian or ignore the queer aspects of their identity so they're like Straight +. The actual bi content is seen as optional, player initiated, and often completely unexplored. Convenient, keeping the queer out of the way, neat and tidy. This is what I mean by characters appearing to be playersexual - there is more development given to the player's experience, rather than to the character's identity and how it impacts their interaction with the world.
Of course it's easier to just make everyone bi. It means everyone has equal access to content. It makes sense in a lot of more colourful settings for the definition of sexuality to be more diverse as well, so I don't even have complaints about there being 'too many' bi people for 'realism' (and hell, we often congregate irl anyway). But you can't just slap on an 'anything goes' label for the romance and call it a day. Likewise, modding characters to be 'bi' I find really squicky because there's more to bi identity than just being conveniently available all the time. Bisexuality in video games is so often more about the players and their desires than the characters themselves. That's upsetting.
This is why I will generally advocate for diverse identities, even if it means I don't get to romance my favourite character. Because then people can see their all their identities reflected, because then it makes all identities more real - part of who they are and not a mechanical convenience.
To be clear, I also don't think this phenomenon is black and white, and there are games that have really great representation and really terrible rep at the same time. I just think we can do better and we can criticise how bi people are written in games without invalidating it as an identity.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
i really want a fic of eddie realising him and buck have been falling in love the entire time.
I keep seeing posts (and even had someone tell me) that it’d be unrealistic for Eddie to be in love with Buck and not realise. Like not even think of him as an option. 
But that’s such a real queer person thing- i’ve lived that experience. I’m a women and despite all the times I admired other women it took forever for it to click for me.
I mean I grew up with accepting parents and kind friends and even queer people on tv. I remember looking at girls as much as I looked at boys. And yet I still had the reoccurring thought “I could be gay, I mean i’m not- but I could be. But most people aren’t gay and i’m most people”. (gay being used here in my head to mean “not straight”) AND YET despite it all I didn’t realise i was Bi until I was much older.
And even then, I’d had at least two long term crushes without realising they were crushes before it clicked. 
(I kid you not- it took a drag queen talking to me like i was a toddler for it to click, but that’s a whole other story SO-) 
Whether or not Eddie already knows he’s gay (or demi or whatever) doesn’t really make a difference, cause it’s that same sort of heteronormative internalising that causes these feeling to not be understood. 
Especially for Eddies character who’s had this messy norm with Shannon for so long, a stable thing to grasp (even when their relationship was a mess) and then her death and him chasing to find that weak grasp to SOMETHING again- something that can be another excuse to not go looking for himself. 
Like he’s internalised this behaviour of, “if i’m in a relationship, I don’t have to look deep and figure out why it’s not working” and never quite realising that maybe the reason it’s not working is cause he’s trying to replace something that was never really real.
(Speaking of, Eddie and Shannon are the epitome of loml by taylor swift. I mean- “we were just kids babe” “from one kiss to getting married” “something counterfeits dead” “what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye” “i’m combing through the band of lies- “i’ll never leave” never mind”) 
babe you are speaking to the POSTER CHILD of raised in a religious household and convinced themselves they weren’t queer until it was staring them in the face
the biggest issue is that most (again i said most before yall try to jump down my throat) of the people who are against buddie are either straight people who don’t understand the nuances of queerness, or queer people who didn’t grow up in environments of oppression and have never felt the need to hide themselves
i used to tell my parents i had crushes on girls only to later realize that it was because i just had a genuine platonic connection with them (two of whom are my best friends and are also queer women) and i used to get confused about what the difference between attraction and admiration was— something a LOT of queer people go through without realizing.
comphet is literally such a widespread phenomenon that people truly don’t realize just how common it is— like even queer people don’t realize they probably know several “straight” people who are still lying to themselves bc sexuality isn’t black and white— it exists on a spectrum. I’m not saying that to invalidate anyone’s straightness, im just saying i know multiple men who are my dads age (60s +) who only recently came to the realization that they were gay.
it’s genuinely so disappointing to see some of the people in this fandom pushing homophobic talking points from history just to disprove a character’s implied queerness bc they view that character’s queerness as a threat to their ship.
anyway, i agree eddie and shannon’s relationship is soooooo unconscious lavender marriage coded to me and there are SO MANY beautiful TS lyrics that apply to that… another song that i really feel like captures Eddie’s pov of the relationship is Home by One Direction… especially these lyrics:
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what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
Wow, y'all are really going for the ship asks! Since I'm home sick from work today - again ugh - I guess I'll keep cranking out answers!
This one is so funny to me, because I honestly have a very hard time judging which ships are loved and which ones aren't, with the exception of a few that I love and happen to know are super popular - Percabeth in PJO, Merthur in Merlin, and Din/Luke in SW, for example. I really do tend to enjoy, or at least understand, most ships! Romantic and platonic! It's fun to think of the different ways that different ships bring out different aspects of different characters, and I enjoy playing around with those dynamics. Y'all might be surprised to know it, but I enjoy friendships/family/platonic relationships as much as I enjoy romantic ones! But here are a couple of specifically unusual loves, I guess?
So let's see... I don't know how people feel about Sally/Paul in PJO, but that is a ship that I absolutely adore? I love the idea of Sally having a stable, supportive, rolls-with-the-punches guy in her life, because I think she deserves that kind of peaceful normalcy. 😌
OH, this might be a good one. I don't have any idea how many people know the old Star Wars Expanded Universe these days (its called Legends now), but when I was a teenager I was a hard-core Luke/Mara shipper! I very much doubt that is a popular ship these days, because I've recently seen that a lot of folks headcanon Luke to be gay. I can totally get on board with him - and honestly everyone in the SW universes - being queer, but I see him as more bi/pan/whatever label makes him/you happy. And his dynamic with Mara is just the most perfect enemies to lovers story to ever exist, so I still love it very deeply, even now, and could still talk about it for hours! (I don't actually want to think about how much that ship has shaped my psyche, lol.)
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ranbling · 4 months
This was my issue with basically the entire season. Every story lead to ultimately nothing.
Bathena still hasn’t gotten their honeymoon. They now have no house. The cartel storyline besides how over used and harmful stereotypical it was, was pointless, Amir as much as I loved his character, after 4 episodes that arc also lead to ultimately nothing.
Madney didn’t really have much going on except for their wedding and instead of the dream wedding they both deserved, it ended in a 2 minute hospital room scene, with Phillip walking her, and Buck not even standing in the room ? He was literally standing outside in the door.
Henren they didn’t get to adopt their baby girl. They were then given a foster daughter only to then jk have her taken away as well. And ultimately after more pointless drama for drama sake, have her given to Madney so now Henren can visit her instead. Like where was the fight for custody they said we’d see? And not to mention the message it sends of yet again we don’t let the lesbian couple adopt or foster with out problems galore but the straight couple has no issue doing it at all and can step in to save the day.
Buck he came out as Bi which yessss. So much yes. Only to then what. Nothing. It’s gone no where. They didn’t explore it more. They didn’t develop it more. There was no journey of him with this new piece of himself. He got slapped into yet another rushed relationship with someone who yet again barely seems to even like him, and some shitty jokes ( looking at you closest space and daddy kink) and then ultimately shoved completely aside like a background character the entire season.
Eddie- where to even start. What was the point of Marisol ? Like truly. Tim said he brought her back because he didn’t want two off screen break ups. Ok fine. No development. No growth. No real storylines beyond a joke to bring up repressed religious guilt that went no where. And ended with an off screen break up anyway. Like what was the point of making fans suffer through Marisol’s actress presence after all her phobic ranting when it ended with exactly what Tim said he didn’t want. Then the Kim of it all. I had hopes that would lead somewhere. Eddie finally getting closure snd moving on from Shannon. Eddie starting to get a clue in relation to Buck. Healing with Shannon’s ghost with Eddie and Chris. Something. And instead we got, Eddie running around on 2 women, Chris leaving the state for a indefinite period of time, Helena looking all to happy to take him, Ramon using his own guilt to make Eddie go along with it ruining any progress they made on their relationship, Ryan saying he feels like the Kim as Shannon at the end did nothing but make it worse ultimately so not even any growth or healing. Like none of this lead anywhere except for lazy rushed drama and ooc moments for all.
I’ll say that they did manage to land the buddie moments in every episode that Tim wanted so there’s that I guess. And they were good scenes and cute moments. But again ultimately…. where’s it going because there was no real movement forward. If anything there are even more massive roadblocks for them. Especially with the Eddie and Chris of it all. Ryan specifically saying for Eddie it’s now every time he tries to do something for himself, it takes from Chris. Buck is Chris second most stable and important person after Eddie. Eddie is never ever going to risk that now in the thought of dating Buck because he is not going to want to risk taking him from Chris.
Yes!! I agree with everything you just said
(also thank you for reminding me that Henren was supposed to adopt a babygirl, too many things happened and I totally forgot about that)
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Soo... About that time Kuai liang told scorpion/Hanzo the truth, and Hanzo proceeded to give Kuai the look... Got any thoughts on that scene?
I have SO MANY thoughts
I did make a post about it a while ago, but my thoughts have developed a bit since then, so Thank You for the ask.
Specifically, it's this look:
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That is of interest to me bc in this moment, Hanzo does not know what the truth is, he still thinks that Bi-Han was responsible for his family's death. All he knows right know is that Kuai Liang (who he's looking at) has invited him here to discuss something.
We also don't know what Kuai Liang's invitation said, but it must have been something bc otherwise Hanzo wouldn't be here. If he was invited with the promise of information about what happened to his family, he would be demanding that the second he saw Kuai Liang, if it was with the promise of an alliance, Hanzo would have refused to meet.
So what was it?
And in that picture above, Hanzo is looking at him so softly. There's not really any fondness or yearning but there's also a complete lack of hate and anger. It's like he's seeing Kuai Liang for the first time.
And then he catches himself:
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And there's suspicion and anger again, like he's reminding himself why he doesn't like or trust Kuai Liang
But the whole time Kuai Liang is talking, Hanzo is listening, he Wants to understand, he Wants to know why he was invited here.
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There's suspicion, sure, but no open hostility which one would expect given what happened the last time they saw each other (Blood Ties Comics, Hanzo left Kuai Liang to die a slow and painful death)
The only reason they fight is because Frost intervenes and even then, the moment Hanzo realizes that Kuai Liang didn't order that, he stops and starts listening again
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He has no desire to keep fighting, as much as he argues against the alliance before learning the truth. And I don't know whether that is guilt over how many times they've hurt each other or because Kuai Liang might actually be the most stable relationship (hostile tho it was) that Hanzo has had since his wife died
They have been a part of each other's lives for years, both as enemies and as forced allies (due to Quan Chi) and nothing has ever actually been able to part them. Kuai Liang might very well be the one constant Hanzo has.
Which, I think, Is why he didn't kill him in the blood ties comics. I know that it's Takeda who intervenes:
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But it's also made clear on the next couple of pages that killing Kuai Liang wasn't really something Hanzo wanted to do
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Sure, it's less about Kuai Liang than it is about his own soul remaining intact but from a storytelling point of view rather than a character one, Kuai Liang's life has been tied to the struggle hanzo is having over being Scorpion again or not
Hanzo tries to kill Kuai Liang (being scorpion) but stops at the behest of his adopted son (being himself). Kuai Liang is then left on the brink of death as Hanzo admits that he is on the brink of losing himself.
Kuai Liang's life is thus symbolic of Hanzo's soul and dedication to making amends for what he did as Scorpion. (I know that wasn't the writer's intention but that is what they have achieved, or at least, one interpretation of it.)
So when Hanzo meets with Kuai Liang at the Lin Kuei temple, his struggle over, it makes a lot of sense that he would be calmer and more understanding.
Because for all that Hanzo has a reputation for being hotheaded and unreasonable, he approaches that meeting with the intention to try and understand, to listen and not start another fight. And like I said, part of that could be guilt, and part of that is probably the fact that, hate each other or not, they are inextricably bound up in the most important parts of each other's lives.
But either way I would kill to know what the invitation Kuai Liang sent Hanzo said.
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hisui555 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils
More of a ramble than anything speculative like the previous posts, just gonna blabber muppet-style about something I like from this show : the Foils between the Good/Ambiguously Good Guys (I mean, Alastor's there, right ?) and the Bad/Opposite Side Guys.
If you have time to kill, fancy yourself the read (<- not even sure that's proper English, and it's my third language anyway. Let's hack it up some more, shall we).
(Foils 2 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
I mean the main thing that made my brain go "ding !" like a microwave and scratched it just right like my cat kneading my back when I'm too lazy to stand up and give her food right away, is the parallel between main couple Charlie & Vaggie (they're so sweet together) and villain couple Valentino & Vox (they're horrible people that are hilarious together).
Both have one of them at the head of their 'organisation' (Charlie is the founder of the Hazbin Hotel, Vox is the CEO of Voxtech and the TV tycoon in Pride), composed of one bi character (Charlie and Vox) and one Hispanic character (Vaggie and Valentino - and respectively they're lesbian and pan if you wanna know), yet Charlie & Vaggie are in a mutually supportive, kind, very encouraging, healthy, stable, devoted and genuinely loving relationship, and if they have fallouts (see Episode 7), deal with it in a mature and upstanding way. Vox & Val on the other side are mutually manipulative (see Episode 2), on-and-off together-but-not-dating (nothing wrong with that in itself, it's just how it's the opposite of Charlie & Vaggie), freewheeling, chaotic and co-dependent relationship (as Vees : Vox provides the medium of TV, Val provides the content), even if, for now, it appears to be somewhat functional, if unhealthy - they are less about fallouts and more dealing with the other's tantrums (Vox keeps Val in line, then does a 180 about Alastor as Val riles him up).
They're both same-sex couples but the first are a healthy couple because they mutually love each other and encourage the best qualities they have, always being there for the other, while the second are an unhealthy couple because they based it on power, and being together because they're mutually attracted to their worst qualities : they're a couple AS the worst people, while Charlie & Vaggie are two of the nicest people in Hell. Funnily enough, Val seems pretty open about Vox' past crush/unfading obsession on Alastor and Vox doesn't seem to mind Val's (horrible) obsession with Angel that much, while Vaggie easily gets jealous when another girl is (what she thinks) too affectionate with Charlie : see her reaction to Emily holding Charlie's hand in Ep 6.
Also, both Vox and Vaggie have to deal with an easily overwhelmed-by-their-feelings partner with a penchant for childishness and drama while being the (usually) more cool-headed and rational one (I mean, Charlie does her plans in crayons for hell's sake), but while Valentino is a psychopathic manchild with very little impulse control when angry, that needs to get his head screwed on straight and hurting people to come down from his tantrum, with Vox' babysitting (before he blows his top in the same way), Charlie has that side to her because she actively doesn't want to harm people, as well as being empathetic and a bit naive, along with her usual musical theatrics - it puts her at odds with the rest of Hell, who for the most part are raging jackasses indulging in their worst behaviors. But just like Valentino, if she focuses on what's urgent or important (and is willing to go that far), she can be quite dangerous and capable (Ep 8) - ironically, in a physical fight, while Val shows perfectly capable of using his mental capacities to manipulate and pressure both Angel and Charlie into making her leave (alongside the heavy beating on Angel, but he actually avoids the confrontation with the Princess of Hell - way more powerful than he is - that way).
Vox and Vaggie also have quite the temper underneath the rationality : Vaggie when loosing her nerve with the Hotel residents' idiocy, Vox when hearing the first wink about Alastor. Vaggie and Val may be the more readily violent (in completely different ways, because, I mean, Valentino) while Charlie and Vox the ones to plan things out (Hotel group activities and redemption VS getting Pentious to spy for the Vees), with material and budget back-up for each (Princess of Hell VS CEO), so there's kind of a square crossing between the two teams : they each share personality traits (in WIDELY different ways though) with the two others on the opposite side.
Valentino & Vox is also a foil for Angel & Husk (whether these latter two stay friends or become more remains to be seen, but as things are for now, I'm telling it how it currently is and will call them friends) : both Val and Husk are pansexual, but one follows the stereotype and jumps on anyone (Val), while the other doesn't wear his sexuality on his sleeve, is respectful with others' boundaries and has a clear, justified limit on his (see Ep 4). Valentino's horrible abuse of Angel becomes even more gut-wrenching when it shows (for now, and if the Instagrams are loosely canon by now) that he's perfectly capable of having a functional (if mutually manipulative and unhealthy) relationship with Vox - meaning he's chosing to hurt Angel and be a sadistic bastard.
Angel does a (very toned-down) certain version of sexual harrasment (constantly hitting on Husk, invading his personal space, H24 innuendos towards him, etc) just like Valentino, to try to get what he wants - but Husk sees it as the unhealthy mechanism it is to mask his pain, coping with the abuse, and calls him out on it. While Angel is naturally promiscuitous, he stops his tryharding, coke-myself-out-of-consciousness ways, and stands up to his rapist - all of that supported by Husk, while Vox doesn't lift a finger to stop Val until it Harms The Image, and even offers his lowest-earners so that his squeaky moth asshat of a boyfriend can shoot someone. Angel detaches himself from the Valentino-shaped shadow that looms over him, and Husk, an ex-Overlord dealing in souls and gambling, having them under his control, is the better version of Vox, who watches and controls everything he can.
Last but not least, Sera is a foil to Carmilla (and obviously, Lucifer, but I might do that one in another post). They're both mom-like figures (if not outright moms, like Carmilla is to her daughters) that are greatly motivated by protecting those under their charge (Winner souls and Emily VS Sinner souls and Odette, Clara, and even Zestial if that line in Whatever It Takes is to be taken at face value - though Carmilla means it at the very least as a close friend). Sera is willing to lie to her daughter (sister ?) figure Emily to keep her happy and out of the loop, regretting allowing the Exterminations to happen, and refusing to question the system for fear of retribution (like what happened to Lucifer), on her or her wards. When called out on her behavior and for help, she refuses to lend a hand and upholds the status quo, even if she's trying to be compassionate and doesn't agree with the sheer pettiness that motivates Adam and Lute.
Carmilla on her side outright broke the rules (on accident - she wasn't expecting for it to work), killing the unkillable in self-defense for her daughters. When asked about in Ep 3, she tries to deny it, both out of fear of a suicidal uprising, and just like Sera, retribution for her own family (plus the Sinner souls), yet after a little push from Zestial, she semi-confides in him (VS Sera who didn't brought Emily into the loop), and when Vaggie confronts her about it in Ep 7, she stealthily gives her what is needed to break the status quo : tactics on how to fight, and weapons. In fact, Carmilla's help from the shadows, while she didn't participate in the fight herself, proved to be instrumental in flipping the scales towards victory. She, a demon, was reluctant too, but she did help despite not knowing all the stakes, unlike Sera, an angel.
And this is what I love about that part of the show : it shows us a spectrum. People being people. To each more stereotyped character, there's a non-assuming counterpart. To each character with a specific trait on the bad side, there's one with the same trait on the good side. And that trait isn't their whole personality either.
Just that : people being people.
(Welp, that's the second post in a day, got enough socializing for the rest of the week. I'm gonna crawl back into my cave.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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octahyde · 4 months
twst trans headcanons for pride or something hi
It’s pride month so I figure I might as well post my transcanons!! If I did my sexuality headcanons we’d be here all day so I’m just doing the stuff I relate to The Most know what I’m sayin…
Please note that unless otherwise pointed out, I am totally cool with different headcanons!! These are just where I think the specific characters land, and just because most characters aren’t listed here doesn’t mean I think they’re cis per say, just that I don’t have any particular hcs about them gender wise
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Riddle Rosehearts- Trans Man, Gay, He/Him*
This is one of my biggest ones… I think having femininity shoved down his throat and existence made him unable to explore his real gender. Even when he got accepted into NRC, there was a shock because his mother had been prepping him for an elite girls’ school. She went through with him going so she could brag to others behind his back. (“Did you know? My daughter is going to NRC. She’s the only girl who has ever been accepted!”)
Part of why he’s so militant on rules is because it’s the only way he can function mentally- he is desperately afraid of what will happen when his mom realizes he’s trans, so he enforces them strictly to feel like he’s doing something right.
He was so malnourished his breasts never developed and his periods are spotty at best. This doesn’t ease his dysphoria but rather makes him feel more dysphoric; he feels his body is broken and can’t even do what it’s “supposed” to do right.
He doesn’t have a need to get top, but he does get phallo when his hormones are fixed. “Average size, nothing too grotesque, please.” Throughout all of this Trey is by his side, unwavering in support. Trey is the one person who has known him in every stage of his transition and the only one Riddle intimately confides to.
Eventually Riddle does pursue law; after several months-long IOP sessions for years he IS stable enough to be a lawyer righteously and justly. Meanwhile, Trey runs his family bakery in stead of his parents before him. The two adopt two sons, and eventually after years of being in therapy and having Riddle’s gynophobia eased, a baby daughter as well.
Through all this shit of being married with children to another man who is openly gay and having full testosterone and a literal phalloplasty, Riddle only sees himself as “A devoted ally of the LGBTQ community.” Nobody tell him.
*This is a hc I am VERY staunch on, and I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with anything fem!Riddle related, be it genderbends or headcanons. That being said! Everyone has their own relationship with gender and I have nothing wrong with people having these hcs, and I even see where transfem Riddle is coming from. I just personally prefer to have it kept away from me.
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Cater Diamond- Trans Man, Bi, He/Him
I’m not sure if this is a popular hc or not?? I thought it was but I’m just realizing it’s because every Cater is Transmasc Cater in my eyes so I could just be projecting onto cis stuff without realizing it DIS IF NSFJFN
Anyways Caycay is a trans guy and it’s a lot of why he has disdain for how his sisters treat him, even if they don’t realize it. Similar to Riddle having femininity forced on him, but in a different way and significantly less extreme.
In general, Caycay has a streak of hiding most if not all of his real self under his peppy attitude and social media addiction (his lab vignette, Wish Upon A Star), if not outright resentment (his Halloween vignette) for people who are legitimately as shallow he acts when they don’t have a care in the world (Borderline Personality Disorder).
I think that follows through in his dysphoria; he shows himself as a happy, carefree guy who is just happy to be a guy, but underneath that he does have resentment for his cisgender peers for having what he wants- especially without family knowing he’s a guy but treating them as their little tomboy sister with different pronouns anyways.
His chest dysphoria is particularly bad; he has D cups and every time he puts his binder on he wants to die. Not above self harming, either, but I don’t have any hcs firm on that kind of thing for him. Has likely skipped class on days where it’s particularly bad. Trey Clover, #1 Cis Ally, is also the only person he confides into as well, when his guard is down he’s vulnerable enough (which is to say, not often).
He gets top surgery basically the second his fourth year starts, he’s too much of a suicide risk without it. He can take or leave phallo, but is mostly just fine with what T does to his penis and doesn’t see a need to pursue it. He ends up marrying a bad bitch influencer on Magicam and is basically just a trophy husband when she starts getting actual gigs in advertising. They have a very happy r/childfree life also.
He moves to the Queendom of Roses to be closer to Trey as well. After NRC, he gets a lot more vulnerable and transparent about how badly he really is doing. Trey is the one who drives him to and helps his intake for when he needs inpatient (which is a lot), as well as his ride to and from IOP every day.
Trey Clover’s schedule is basically wake up, get started on the baking for the day, have breakfast with his family, pick up and drop off Caycay at IOP, open + morning shift, lunch break (picking Caycay up and getting McDonalds because that’s all this dumb bitch ever wants, then dropping him off at home), afternoon shift +closing, making dinner, and being intimate with Riddle during their allotted Love Making Time if he so chooses. This is his life and, somehow, it’s his dream life and the happiest he can even be. God bless Trey Clover.
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Jamil Viper- Nonbinary (Genderfluid), He/She (alternating)
I don’t have much to elaborate on here, basically since I got into TWST I’ve just naturally alternated on he and she for her depending on how I feel that day LMAO. Her nonbinanry swag…
Nondysphoric and never medically transitions. She probably has more feminine clothing but for the most part doesn’t really feel a need to do anything to herself. She Likes Women In A Gay Way which is the best way I know how to describe it, even knowing other terminology (and also being uncomfortable with them from trauma). Marries a normal person after NRC and is also r/childfree, but is the worst influence on Najima’s children.
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Epel Felmier
do i even need to fucking elaborate on this.
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Vil Schoenheit- Transhet Woman, She/Her**
Content warning for mentions of an eating disorder, specifically anorexia.
Listen trust me I know a Beautiful Trans Woman when I see one.
She’s out when she’s at NRC and on light E, but that’s it at that point because of her career. She has Turbo Dysphoria, which is exacerbated by her relationships with Neige and Epel- the fact that Neige is so effortlessly soft and beautiful despite being a cis man, and Epel being afab and having such a frail and feminine form but wanting to be masc caused deep resentment for both. The trans envy and projection is a major force in how she treats Epel and why she is so hard on him and trying to mold him.
Eventually, her anorexia causes her to black out and collapse during a shoot. She’s rushed to inpatient for a few months so she can recover. There, she comes to terms with the fact that Neige isn’t her enemy and never was- especially when he regularly visits to make sure she’s ok. He’s genuinely worried about her after all the shows they’ve done together.
She also makes the decision to cut Rook from her life, as he was majorly encouraging a lot of unhealthy behavior- including the eating disorder that landed her there in the first place.
Along with this, she’s finally put on a higher dose of E in the hospital, because it’s a very big contributor to why she got as bad as she did. When she’s stable for a few months after being discharged, she gets breast augmentation for D cups and a vaginoplasty as soon as she can.
Also she actively pursues getting closer to Neige out of thanks for him and they get married and have children and the euphoria Vil feels getting pregnant is crazy. The end
**I am VERY aware this is a controversial headcanon, and one many feel goes against Vil’s entire character. I am not denying Vil is canonically a gnc man, nor am I going after people for not viewing her this way. This headcanon is very personal to me as a gnc trans man and other trans people I know. All I ask for is respect and that you block me if this headcanon bothers you instead of trying to argue with me.
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Idia Shroud- Transhet Woman, She/Her
Content warning for actual discussions of self harm (specifically cutting), along with amputation.
My most surprising and shocking transcanon out of all of these
Idia is literally like… what if you took a bunch of white trans women in STEM and put them all in a room together and tasked them with making the most stereotypical boymoder they possibly could. Coding? Check. Loves SHMUPs? Check. Posts about hyperspecific weird obscure interests on the internet? Check. Dresses really nice in MMORPGs despite not putting effort in irl? Check check check. It’s legitimately stunning to me that this isn’t a more popular headcanon. She probably has thigh highs on under her pants at all times.
I unsurprisingly have a LOT of thoughts about this; I’m hardcore yume so I will likely leave that out because it’s personal but tbqh I have enough thoughts to write a book without that.
During the incident that killed Ortho, Idia was out for 3ish days afterward. When she woke up, not only was Ortho gone, but her legs were, too- the phantom took them in the attack, and she had to have them amputated. She ended up as a double below the knee amputee. This incident all gave her EXTREME CTPSD. (Which like, it’s canon it gave her CPTSD and informs every single action she makes and the entire fandom is ableist as hell for infantilizing her autism uwu and ignoring the CPTSD completely, but that’s another post for another time.) It also lead to severe schizophrenia and BPD. She eventually developed prosthetics in the style of Ortho’s legs she wears in her personal life, but at NRC she wears near indistinguishable realistic ones out of fear of sticking out even more. The trauma from everything and lack of proper help eventually lead to cutting herself regularly; specifically at her shoulders.
She realized she was attracted to men around 14-15 through BL. (I will never stop saying DMMD Changed Her Life and she is still in love with Clear to this day. People don’t compare her to Yaoi Jesus for nothing.) It was around her second year when her egg cracked (this time it was Touhou) and she realized she wasn’t a little gayboy.
By her third year she was boymoding; to feel more comfortable she started wearing sports bras and panties underneath her uniform to feel at least a little more like a girl. She was much more openly A Girl online in MMOs and Discord servers based around breaking Mario 64 down to its metaphorical molecular level.
In her fourth year she Finally gets on meds, and the side effect of Risperdal for her Turbo Psychosis gives her gynecomastia. After she’s graduated she goes on E, which, uh. Combined with the Risperdal ends up being very kind to her.
She only ever goes on E, she’s got breast development covered and her genitals don’t particularly bother her. Over time she gets mild shrinkage and gets less erect, which is all she really needs to feel herself. In general, she’s more focused on if she feels like a girl in her body as opposed to if she passes.
I know I said it but she is SUCH a Thigh Highs tgirl. She has ones that accommodate her legs and she basically can’t live without a pair on, they’re SUPER comfy for her. She also dresses like a Hot Topic egirl LMAO… short black skirts, big comfy t shirts and sweaters, some comfy dresses along with really nice ones when she does go out. I have like an entire image board I made of her the other night.
Also I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: regardless of what gender you view Idia as, she wears cat eye glasses. Nobody has good vision looking close to the screen in the dark as she does, and the second she heard “cat” she didn’t bother looking at any other options.
I don’t want to talk about yume stuff because it’s REALLY embarrassing but smfns my sona is a girlmoding (outside of NRC) trans man and as they get closer and start dating over the years they transition together… it’s a very close and intimate thing for both of them. They also have 3 cats (a white one named Clear, a gray one named Ryoji, and my queen and god.) And Ortho and CR-BS01 and 02 live with them also… a happy family.
I think they eventually have kids after Idia’s nerves are calmed about the curse (she gets pregnant because I’m sure as HELL not making a self insert not have phallo let alone have a uterus. This is a universe where a guy can turn people into sand I’m sure fertility treatments for people without vaginas exist), and none of the kids end up inheriting it because her and her parents have successfully handled the phantoms :)
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Epel Felmier For Real This Time- Trans Man, Gay, He/Him***
My masc king… I feel like I don’t really have to discuss his transness; he’s overwhelmingly the most popular transcanon for a reason LMAO But just for the sake of it: his docile feminine frame and being compared to femininity bothers him significantly, and he much more desires to be seen as masculine and tough. It really isn’t that hard to see him as a trans guy (speaking as a trans guy who relates to him myself).
His chest is a modest B-C cup, but that still gives him dysphoria and stresses him out when he wears binders. He has much, MUCH more severe bottom dysphoria, though. (matchies with his housewarden OMG) Unlike Riddle, though, Epel goes All In when he gets his phallo size.
He also visits Queendom of Roses with Deuce more often and regularly after Rabbitfes so Dylla can sneak him some T. MILF of the world. Please god just one cha
(His family supports him. It’s just he’s so out in the middle of nowhere T is hard to get. That’s what his MILF in law is for.)
Him and Deuce settle on his farm with Deuce as a mechanic, both for vehicles in Harveston and also the surrounding area past it. (He may or may not get well known and a lot of clients from blastcycle customs too)
They adopt a boy and it’s literally just their Gay Masc Life on the Family Farm. No girls allowed.
***Unsurprisingly, I also do not like any works featuring fem!Epel; my stances on it are the same as my ones on Riddle.
NOT FEATURED IN THIS POST: Ruggie is simultaneously a gay twink and a butch lesbian at the same time. His gender is an enigma even to me.
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undead-knick-knack · 3 months
I know they were doing this before but people have labeled Imogen as a lesbian because Laura liked two pieces of fan art with the lesbian pride flag on twitter, and people have took it as a soft confirmation of Imogen’s sexuality in cannon. And if you dare disagree with them or head canon her as bi they’ll make a tweet saying something along the lines of “omg how can you deny Imogen is a lesbian… or you don’t know the character better than the actor that plays her… sam the stable guy doesn’t count… oh you’re just lesphobic… Omg even Laura is telling y’all to shut up, Imogen’s a lesbian.” Anyway sometimes Imogen stans are fucking annoying and insufferable. Also this isn’t related really, but I really hate that Imogen and Laudna shippers continue to ignore beauyasha being a lesbian ship and saying how “Imogen/Laudna are the best lesbians and best ship…” just because it’s laura and Marisha and they have wanted a relationship between there characters since c1 because you “can’t deny Laura and Marisha’s chemistry”. They ignore beauyasha and the beautiful story Ashley and Marisha told and I despise that. Anyway sorry you can delete this if you want.
Anon you are spitting facts and have clearly been thru the trenches, which for that I commend you o7
ll I'm gonna say is that Imogen is bisexual, Laura and Marisha will never be endgame, and Beauyasha is amazing ✌️
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galahadenough · 2 years
I admittedly went into the series not expecting much. It’s a superhero show. It’ll be fun! But somehow fucking DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is hitting almost every itch I have for queer representation that I don’t see enough, or any, of elsewhere.
First off, it’s a fun show. It’s hilarious. It doesn’t take itself too seriously in a way that lets it be fun, but clearly the writers take the the show seriously because of the inside jokes that don’t break the mood if you don’t get it and because of how well they treat their characters.
But I’m here to talk about the queer rep. BTW, spoilers ahead (I say while having one more season to go…)
I suppose that I’ve been taught to not expect much, especially from action or superhero genres where every hint of a gay character is treated like an amazing first that people are suppose to be grateful for. But I really wasn’t expecting this.
First remarkable thing is the sheer quantity. You want a queer character? How about 7? How about they be main characters? How about they be emphatically queer while being queer has nothing to do with that character’s plot??
But the best thing for me is how they show queerness.
I have always felt that, as much progress as we have made, the goal for media should be that Indiana Jones (or Bond, or anyone) can be queer in an unquestionable way. It shouldn’t need a big explanation or be a shock. My personal goal would be that any generic action hero can unexpectedly turn out to be queer because it could easily go any direction. And Indiana Jones casually gets the guy. Or whatever. And that’s what Sara Lance does.
Sara Lance is ~arguably~ the main character. Hard to have a main character with that big of a cast, but she counts enough to make my point. The main character is bi. Visibly and emphatically and gleefully bi. And the show makes damn sure this fact never gets forgotten, but it is not a part of her backstory. It just is, without reasons or explanations.
She spends a lot of the show Casanova-ing her way across history, seducing women right and left in such a traditional male-adventure-hero type role that had me so happy. She took on such a traditional role that women have never had and did it is such a matter of fact way. Her confidence was never questioned. Her competence was never questioned. Her sexuality was never questioned. She didn’t even need to “come out”, she just existed like it was normal.
And this same character is the one who has had the longest, healthiest, most stable relationship in the show. I don’t know what happens in the last season, but it honestly wouldn’t even feel like “burying the gays” if Ava died at this point. It wouldn’t feel like a punishment for being queer because it was so openly celebrated for so much of the show.
Now that I’ve got Sara out of the way (because I love her too much to write this without her), it’s time to get to Mick Rory. Because Mick is fucking fantastic.
Mick is even more shocking than Sara when it comes to queer rep because he represents so much of the less visible representation. He is so visibly male and tough and abrasive. He comes across as questionably literate and is known for being the brawn and pyromaniac of the group.
This isn’t the sort of character that is known for getting any queer representation, then he stops drinking just long enough to pop off one of the best, most impassioned speeches about being “othered” that I’ve ever heard, and probably the only time I’ve every heard the phrase used outside of niche online communities.
He turns out to be a writer… of space opera sci-fi romance novels. A prolific, published author who adores his army of female fans, which is more respect towards a female audience than most shows seem to have. An author who, when he finally revealed who he was, preferred that his fans continue to call him Rebecca when talking to him. This isn’t quite trans representation, but it is incredibly satisfying and normalizing. Someone who looks and acts like him being comfortable being called Rebecca combined with the fact that he didn’t even get a strange look over the choice.
He has been referred to as a “skirt chaser” but rarely shows interest in anyone. Honestly feels like decent rep for aromantic and/or monsterfucker (which is one of those categories that I feel belongs under the queer umbrella).
And I just love how queerness permeates the show. There is never a shocked “wait.. you’re gay!!”. There are no token gays that are quickly forgotten and there are also no queer characters whose plot point is being gay. It just exists naturally and normally and it feels fucking fantastic.
I could probably polish this up a bit, but it’s really gotten away from me. I really love this show, and I just needed to get this out!
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chipped-chimera · 11 months
So, I'm a Lesbian I guess.
So uh, life update. I came out to my Mum, so I figured I'd do so here too.
I've done a bunch of self reflection, healing. I reached out to my ex and we had a good conversation and I think that just made everything even clearer for me.
So yeah, this is me saying I'm not bisexual. I'm lesbian. And I probably always was.
More context below the cut if you want it (it's long). But anyway, here's to finally feeling like I'm finding the real 'me' in all this rubble.
I thought I was bisexual for ages. The fact I even got to think that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for my ex, who identified that way and I felt in a safe enough environment to express it. In the past two months I went through some self reflection, and talked to my ex for the first time in 2 years. It was good, and it's too complicated to explain easily but at least on my end I was getting a double dosage of the comphet juice between just regular expectations and the undiagnosed autism (also jesus christ, being a teenager in 2005-2010 that environment was just fucked up for anyone who might be trying to come to terms with not being straight). Kids in my school were more accepting, but also in the same breath using 'Gay' as an insult).
We were both undiagnosed neurodiverse people and maybe it was just the first time we'd encountered someone who just actually understood for once. Who saw who we were and were okay with that. The 10 year relationship, put in that context makes a lot of sense. So I don't blame him for how it ended. If anything I thanked him for breaking it off, because I was in such a goddamn state after being used by the Australian government (see Robodebt) there was no way in hell I had the mental tools or even brain space to realise anything about myself because I was too busy just trying to fucking survive. I would have lived and died in that relationship simply because at least it was safe, and stable. But it wasn't genuine.
Past two years since that relationship ended were fucking rough. For most of this year I kind of just turned into myself I guess, but I was letting it happen because after finding out about the high comorbidity of chronic health conditions with Autism and how it's likely related to long-term compound stress from masking for so long, I really asked myself when was the last time I just let myself 'rest'? Didn't do anything I didn't want to do or feel compelled to do because of some social contract or guilt?
I couldn't come up with an answer.
So I rested. And I think that's basically given me the strength now to finally 'wake up'. I dunno. That's how it feels. I only recently noticed my thoughts about women were structurally very different than the ones about men (and yeah it's goddamn fuckin' embarassing to say but uh thanks Larian specifically for giving me a female love interest tailored to my exact preference which FINALLY connected some dusty neuron in the back of my head or something. It was Karlach. MY GODDAMN GAY AWAKENING WAS KARLACH, ffs) and the more I examined it, the more everything became clear. I was hesitant to remove the bi label from myself, wondering if this was just a really extreme 'bi-cycle' swing but the more and more I thought about it, went through memories in my life, how I could never see myself with someone else it was always characters together and really it was the relationship and intimacy between them, regardless of gender that I was appreciating.
I thought I was grey ace but after going 'huh these thoughts are kind of different' and realising that yeah, I could imagine myself with a woman - it wasn't some weird other shit I'd told myself like it was just visceral self hatred or something, placing myself with a guy it was literally I did not want to be with a guy - it became obvious. So fucking, embarrassingly obvious.
I'm not sure where things will go from here. I am incredibly socially isolated in real life. My best friend is my Mum. I don't have a social circle at all outside of online spaces. I'm 30 and that's a fucking weird age to be thrown out into the world essentially experiencing goddamn delayed idk mental puberty because you suppressed it that hard. I haven't used a dating app in my LIFE. I'm still kind of scared of being hurt by others and I'm aware it's not entirely logical, but I just feel fragile. I'm also still picking up the pieces of my life.
I've confirmed a C-PTSD diagnosis with my psychologist, which explains why all the CBT tools I'd learned over the years just stopped working (CBT doesn't always gel well with PTSD or Autism) so that's probably going to inform treatment going forward. My intense fatigue issues are probably caused by having to carry all this fucking trauma and suppression of myself. As I said to my Mum, it's like I'm just 'Tired from being alive' at this point. I'm really, really fucking hoping it's not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME. The new medication I'm on seems to be keeping me going past the 4hr mark though, so we might be onto the right medication mix (I do not appreciate the 7:30pm crash, like clockwork, where instead of feeling unfocused and tired like before I now feel jacked up as hell like I'm waiting for someone to punch me however :V)
I don't know where this is going. Or where I'm going. All I know is 'I'm going'. When the breakup first happened, when I hauled myself out of the Mental Health ward and back to my parents home where I had to figure out what the fuck to do after any kind of certainty of my future had been completely obliterated - I saw a lot of snakes. I'm kind of vaugely pagan, if I'm honest. I don't know how to put it. I am very scientific but I also don't think we know all the answers.
My ancestors were likely heavily Celtic, likely some Viking and Pictish influence as both family lines go back to Scotland and Ireland. I know through my reading that natural signs were important to them, so I start noticing when I see multiple occurrences, especially in odd places (I'll be real, I just remembered earlier in this relationship when I was more into pagan shit I saw a lot of Moths. Yeah. Yeah I feel like smashing my face into my desk about that. No I never figured it out then EITHER). I know quite a few things about snakes. Snakes are an animal that is both used as a symbol for medicine, but also classed as 'evil', especially in the modern christian context.
They are considered symbols of rejuvenation, of immortality, much like the Phoenix, they are constantly reborn through the shedding of their skin. Shedding is critical to a snake, because if it does not shed it's skin, it will die. This is a legitimate concern for zookeepers with snakes that have scars - they often struggle to shed completely, and they have to soak the snake's skin in water so they can cast off the skin.
So it's shed or die.
I have struggled to let go of things. Of everything that was done to me, but I knew it had to be let go. And today I have shed a lot of that shit. I am crying on and off but this is probably the first time it's easy. It's not physically painful, like knives in my throat, or something I have to shove down and keep contained for fear of being rejected. It's happy crying.
Because that skin being shed - it wasn't mine either. I needed rest, I needed to soak in that goddamn water dish so I could get through all the scar tissue. So it's probably the strongest image I have in my mind of everything. Of who I am. My entire life.
If you're going through difficult shit in life, all I can say is - you're strong. You're strong as fuck. Strength isn't being able to get into a physical fight, or being super confident around people - it's enduring life and the chaos thrown at you. It's being able to be broken down and rebuild, just like the snake casts off skin for their new selves. You will endure things and be stronger for it, than those who have lived all their lives without any pain whatsoever.
But it could be better, I know. It doesn't justify the pain. But please listen to yourself. Listen to your body. If you need to be selfish? Be fucking selfish! Don't want to do that thing? Don't do it! If you know it is costing you, if it is adding to that scar tissue - stop. Take the time you need to reset, to regain your breath. Ask yourself who you are doing this for. Ask what skin you are wearing and whether that is something you want to keep. Shed it. Let go.
It will hurt, but this is just the beginning. Change feels like a broken bone. But it will heal.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
karen jackson and debbie gallagher.
something i’ve briefly mentioned before is how similar the characters karen jackson and debbie gallagher are, and i’m going to try to articulate my views the best i can, but it’s kind of hard to explain because there is so much to say.
big tw for rape
so, i’m not going to start off with the heavy stuff, just the basic similarities. for the record, i like debbie a lot more than karen because despite them doing similar things, karen’s intentions were always much more malicious.
a basic similarity between them are their parents. sheila and monica and frank and eddie aren’t very similar, but they are in the basic ways. karen and debbie were both raised by mentally ill mothers who were never able to do enough or be there for their daughters. their daughters ended up parenting them more than they parented their daughters. as for their fathers, they were physically present, but never emotionally present. eddie was more financially stable, and i don’t remember if he was an alcoholic, i don’t think he was, but regardless, they were both that type of father. and, they were always fighting with their wife, giving their daughter an unhealthy relationship with the men in her life.
karen lost her virginity at 11, debbie at 14. karen sexualized herself a lot, and so did debbie. both of them most likely attached their worth to their bodies, we know that debbie did. this doesn’t really count, but both girls are queer (karen is bi and debbie is a lesbian).
then, the rape. or the, as matty calls it, “statutory raping yourself”. for karen, she had the intention of raping frank. she saw him stumble into the basement, drowsy due to the pain medication (that he actually needed for his injury), started recording, and had sex with him, despite him begging her to stop. she recorded it to not only piss off her own father, but so that when someone with authority would stumble across the recording, frank would be arrested for statutory rape, because despite what happened, legally, karen was raped. for debbie, she doesn’t mean to. she’s told by people like mandy, (kind of lip), holly, and ellie that consent is something it isn’t, and she assumes that consent is basically just him being erect. she doesn’t even know what statutory rape is, or that when you’re drunk you can’t consent (i mean for fuck’s sake, look at frank and monica, who was going to tell her that?). but, karen and debbie basically did the same thing. guy much older than them is intoxicated, and then they have sex with them. the intentions were different, debbie wanted to lose her virginity and pursue a relationship with matty, and karen wanted revenge + frank to be arrested.
then, the baby-trapping. i have mixed emotions about them both in this case. for karen, she gets pregnant with a child that isn’t lip’s, and technically she doesn’t say it is lip’s, but she doesn’t deny that it is, either. i honestly wouldn’t consider it baby-trapping had she not said in 3x09 that all she needs to do to get lip back is “poke a hole in a condom” because it worked last time. debbie did mean to baby-trap derek, but her intentions were different. debbie heard from derek’s sister-in-law (or whatever the fuck she was lol) that if she had a baby with derek, she would get to be apart of a new, loving family. something that at the time, she didn’t really have (of course the gallagher’s love eachother, but season 5 was not a good time for them). so, she lies about being on birth control to derek (just like karen did to lip/timmy wong because according to lip, she was on the pill), has sex with him, and gets pregnant with franny. she’s so excited, and tells derek, and tries to start planning a family with derek, but derek runs away, and ditches her. the big difference is that karen didn’t want hymie, and debbie really wanted franny. plus, derek didn’t want franny (until later on but like fuck you derek), and lip really wanted hymie, (until he found out that hymie wasn’t his).
and we know that karen used to be a sweet little girl with a good relationship with her father, who fell victim to the world around her and was ruined. does that sound familiar? does the scene where karen destroys the basement in her dress, screaming about how she hates her father while her mother comforts her remind you of debbie hitting frank while her family watches in shock? it should.
they both get shitty endings, too. they started off as great characters, and then just were ruined. i love debbie’s character arc, especially in season 11, and i don’t necessarily think her story was ruined, but as a person she was. for karen, she was literally just ruined. like, they sent her off of the show by giving her brain damage and having her move to arizona to get some weird fake healing thing. debbie was just given a shitty, dangerous girlfriend who could probably hurt her or franny and also intends on leaving her and going to texas.
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thegaycat · 2 years
young royals season 3 wishlist <3
bc i am too excited for s3 and need to collect my thoughts 🥞 ok some of the thoughts are not mine but i agreed and put them on my list anyway :)
and also i 100% wander off topic but its okay ive decided. okay lets go
wille peeling an orange for simon while studying (@littlebabywille said it first)
wille listening to simon singing and playing to the piano (like marcus did in s2ep1 except with consent bc sneaking up on people in their own room is not cool esp if you dont even know them <3<3) (@irenes-diary said that first)
simon singing and wille playing the piano 👀 (@rndm-fandoms)
a third ELIAS song, maybe about true love or something
on the topic of true love, wilmon endgame please??? that will happen right?? she wont keep them apart? if wilmon is not endgame it better still be a happy ending
seeing studenten, august and nils and vincent and the third years graduating epic hillerska style
the queen getting a better understanding of simon and wilhelms relationship
scenes with her and simon, maybe awkward but with possibility of a better relationship in the future??
kristina trying to be a better mom
simon allowing himself to be vunerable and sadfeely, and letting wille comfort him
more rosh and ayub bc i love them <3<3
some erik processing maybe .....
a glimpse of how felice and her mother's relationship is going, how is she taking it that felice is rebelling against her
i wanna know what happened to russeau!! like does august sell it back somehow? does he keep it at Årnäs or maybe at the Hillerska stables? does Sara accept it? bc it is still her horse like emotionally? she must realise that even tho its a (kinda desperate) gift from august the horse will have the best life with her at Hillerska
okay another yr3 wish is for fredrika to realise that stella is in love with her and maybe also realise that it is mutual??? lesbians yes please :)
also more henry development and also him being funny. maybe some more walty crumbs too
summer fits :)
vincent being an asshole because it is so fucking funny like the way he says things <3 he's a bully but its funny it. hes so tired of the rowing team being incompetent. <3
Also someone mentioned his necklace and i dont realistically think we will get a background for that but the little sister hc is very cute and i like it
more of these new queer side characters being queer bc casual representation is always good and nice and makes little bi me very happy
also on the topic of bi, wilhelm remaining unlabelled because i think he is, and also it is so important to show that it is okay to be unlabelled <3 :)
also the choir singing in church again
and wille listening happily and also staring at simon as usual
ooh maybe the spotify extra verse of simons song is written in season 3 👀
i am worried about the police and drugs and sara and the video buttttt maybe all this could bring back micke and also we can see more of the erikson family
how the hell are simon and sara going to live in the same house
linda being a good mom and wille and simon hanging out with her maybe like in s1e6 playing games or just eating dinner or something
just .. wille in simons home
and simon in willes home <3<3
rowing on the actual lake and someone falling into the water bc that would be very funny and i need that actually
some sort of end to august like maybe therapy or jail
most of all i just want simon and wilhelm to actually be a couple and go trough all the shit coming their way together
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kai-selfships · 2 years
Part one: main characters
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)— basically, please understand that I’m not making Johnny black because he’s a gorilla, but because gorillas in real life can be found in equatorial Africa— however if you’re black and still find this offensive, please dm me and you can explain to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do anything I can to make it better :)
Buster Moon (he/him, gay and trans)
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36-37 years old
Autism, bipolar, and PTSD (after working with Jimmy Crystal)
Hair started going gray due to stress, so he dyed it all
Forgets to eat a lot
Works too much, gets bad burnout
Is best friends with Rosita; she reminds him to eat and sleep and stuff when they’re on the road
Has electrical burn scars on his hands from when he and Ash messed with the electric fence on Clay’s property
Was dating Eddie in the first movie, but they broke up which is why he’s not there in the second movie
Rosita (she/her, bi and ace)
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40-41 years old
Latina (I chose this for her because of her name)
ADHD, depression
In canonverse she had two litters of piglets, one with 15 and one with 10
In human au she only had five kids— Carrie, Hannah, Kelly, Leo, and of course Casper
Her husband, Norman, is very supportive of her identity— they were going through a rough patch in the first movie because he was taking on too much work (hes a Lawyer) and didn’t have time to spend with family, but they work on it together and have a much healthier relationship now
She got a degree in journalism and used to work for a newspaper
She has been closeted bi all her life, but only found out about the “asexual” label once she met the theater group (mostly Gunther) and learned more about the queer community
Speaking of Gunther…
Gunther (he/him, queer)
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39-40 years old
Immigrated from Germany when he was a teenager
Was not accepted by his family for being queer— he hasn’t had any contact with them for most of his adult life
He’s very well adjusted and stable now, though
A lot of his energy goes towards helping out his friends at the theater, who are still figuring out who they are— like Rosita!
He gets along surprisingly well with Ash, probably because Ash really needs a really positive friend to hype him up
Gunther has been doing dance since he was a kid, and is really good at it
Johnny (he/him, gay)
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19-20 years old
Very sweet and supportive with his friends
Kind of a puppy punk— he’s discovering a lot of new music and ideas through Ash haha
Always bruised and sore from dance practice
Loves skateboarding
Used to straighten his hair (like in the first movie) but now he takes better care of it
Helps Nooshy get tattoos and piercings because they’re afraid of needles
His late mother is the person who inspired his love for singing
Also loves to do other kinds of art
Dropped out of school at age 16 to help out at the garage so his dad could focus more on his other business
His best friends in the group are Ash and Meena
Ash (he/him, transmasc)
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19-20 years old
Actually went to middle school with Johnny, but neither of them remember the other
Gives himself stick and pokes
Came out and started his transition in between the first and second movies
Also has electrical burn scars on hands like Buster
Is kind of withdrawn from his family— they love him a lot and want to rebuild their relationship, but Ash feels guilty for having chosen his ex-boyfriend over them when he gave him an ultimatum
Still doubts himself about his gender identity a lot because he grew up thinking everyone felt that disconnected with femininity
Loves getting piercings
He still wears really artistic makeup for shows
Hasn’t even thought about dating anyone after his ex— not because he carries a torch for him, but because he feels like his mind and body has been “ruined” by having spent so much time in such a manipulative and toxic relationship (I’m toootally not projecting haha /sarcastic)
Meena (she/her, transhet)
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23-24 years old
She and her family are Indian (I chose this because in the second movie she’s a lot smaller than Alphonso, and to make it work with both of them being amab I decided she’s an Asian elephant and he’s an African elephant)
Anxiety, dyslexia, rejection sensitive dysphoria
Her parents have always been supportive of her transition, but it took her grandparents a few years to warm up to it
She has been out as a trans girl since she was a young teenager
She’s been taking singing lessons since she was a kid
Attends a community college in the area and is really self conscious about the fact that she’s not pursuing any other higher education because her cousins and parents are all very scholarly
Her parents are both professors
Gets really dysphoric about her height and size
But she feels really EUPHORIC about her beautiful long hair and the jewelry she likes to wear!
Looks up to Buster a lot even though sometimes he doesn’t make the best choices
Miss Crawly (she/her)
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82-83 years old
Half blind and hard of hearing
Was very good friends with Buster’s late parents
Is extremely good at cooking; always feeds the theater group when they work late rehearsing or putting on a show
Is actually married, but none of her friends at the theater know her husband very well
Has two adult children too; she loves them very much and talks on the phone with them a lot, but they both live out of state so she only sees them and her grandkids every few years
Doesn’t mind when Buster doesn’t have the money to pay her; she may technically be an employee, but she views her job at the theater as just helping out a family friend
Is definitely more competent that she appears to be
Porsha Crystal (she/her, lesbian)
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19 years old
Has lived in Redshore City all her life
Has a lot of followers on her official social media, but she also has a few secret accounts so she can goof off with her friends without her dad knowing
Really admires Ash, even if he took a while to warm up to her
Dyes her hair as a way to be in control of her appearance— Jimmy always chose her hairstyle and clothing so she looked “normal”, but didn’t mind if she dyed it because that’s kind of typical for modern teens
Loves to do colorful and fun makeup
Had a little bit of a crush on Suki when she first started working for Jimmy, but obviously that was one-sided because Porsha’s a lot younger than her
Nooshy (he/she/they depending on the day, genderfluid and bisexual)
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21 years old
Was homeless prior to meeting the gang, now lives with Johnny
Dyes his hair black
Is afraid of needles
Gets a lot of nightmares and doesn’t sleep well
Doesn’t spend a lot on clothes, upcycles their own stuff
Still just does street performance as her job
Clay Calloway (he/they, trans, genderqueer, bisexual)
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62 years old
He and Ruby are t4t
Stealth in public, and has no living family members— the only people who know he’s trans are his friends, who he came out to after a few months of getting to know better
Ash is like their grandson
Completely left behind their old life when they moved to Redshore
Ruby transitioned later in life— when they first started dating, they were technically a mlm couple
Literally hates Jimmy Crystal so so much and is very open about it
Porsha helped them start a social media account. He’s not very active on it besides replying to fan messages and posting things about the shows he does.
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sam-glade · 7 months
Happy WBW! 💚 In honor of Aro Week: how does your world view anti-amanormative ideas or practices? In other words, how does the world at large view people or ideas that don't prioritize romance or romantic relationships?
Hi Tori, thank you for the question💜
You know, this has been on my mind recently, so thanks for the excuse to ramble about it. Under the cut for mentions of sex and sex work.
Starting point: it's an extremely queernormative society. There are other problems with it, but that's the one positive thing I won't budge on. Everyone's assumed bi until clarified, the society is overall more promiscuous, with no 'chastity until marriage' expectations, or even expectations of marriage. Bear in mind that people live on average around 270 years, and in theory indefinitely, as long as they have the will and energy to live. Hence, there's much less pressure to procreate and increase the population.
As with other flavours of queerness which aren't as commonly accepted in real life, I try to have someone in a position of authority to represent them and show that it's accepted. So, we've got one of the older princes who's never married or even been known to court another person - and let's face it, a prince's private life isn't private at all. It's a similar situation with Master Claren, Ianim's tutor and world-renown composer and musician, who plays a larger role in the last book of Days of Dusk. Both the prince and Claren are aroace though, and by far too old and respected to be criticised for it.
Still, the majority of people probably want to get married and have lasting, stable relationships, but the idea that marriage has to be 'consummated' isn't a thing - so alloace people are fine.
When it comes to aroallo folks, sure, you've got guild brothels and more acceptance for one night stands and in general casual relationships centred on sex, but this can get murky with some additional factors, and characters sometimes need to be careful about appearances.
The case we have on page is two fast friends who enjoy sex. A lot. And absolutely hate all the courting rituals, so you won't see them going for a stroll in a park or having a date in a tea house.
Normally, nobody would bat an eye at an open relationship, with them finding other partners when they're apart e.g. during travel. However, there's also a significant but legal difference in rank and age, which makes other people concerned. You can imagine that if the more senior character were to also e.g. frequent brothels or have other partners, it can look like he's taking advantage of the younger one. Even if there was a romantic aspect to it, people might be concerned that the more senior one is using gifts as payment for sex, when the more junior one isn't a member of the sex workers' guild.
And these are VERY valid concerns in the general case. I had a lot of fun with writing this side story, exploring the nuances of this relationship and having the characters navigate their feelings and public perception.
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corvus-rose · 1 year
Talking About My OCs
I am one of those obnoxious kaleidescopes who makes AUs of AUs in a fractal fashion of these two, but they're recognizably the same characters in all of them. anyway, here's the two I keep posting about on occasion on this particular blog, and the jot notes are things that are basically always true regardless of verse/canon.
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Trans dude going through the horrors, be they literal horrible flesh-eating monsters or making a phone call
Quiet and restrained. A few causes and a handful of people (one of them Eden) have his devotion above all else. Once given, that devotion does not waver. A bit of a caretaker, a bit dependent: has low self esteem, hates feeling like a burden, hence, service.
Determined to see things through to an end, trying as many times as it takes. Not even the threat of harm or death is a deterrent. He puts those he cares for above himself, very self sacrificing.
Ultimately wants a stable, comforting life. Clings to what scraps of that life he already has, being generally unwilling to change them or risk endangering them. Very protective, rather anxious.
An outdoorsy type. Often a hunter by profession, but almost always vegetarian (for personal reasons, rather than ideological or religious ones).
Bi-ace, complicated relationship to sexuality and romance. Gender is straightfoward, but he kinda chafes against others' concept of masculinity, and that intertwines with said complicated sexuality and romance.
Some hobbies he often has are reading (especially poetry), whittling and carving, video games in modern settings (with a fondness for boomer shooters)
Motifs: fire (from embers to funeral pyres), dogs
Some Things Yuya Has Been: a vessel for divinity on a quest to save his dying homeland and deity, an unfortunate who got kidnapped to Faerie and changed by it, a lonely hunter on-the-verge-of-becoming-a-werewolf
(they/she/fae, +others depending on context and canon, flowchart may be required)
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Nature deity(?) whose fuckups and bad days may be quite literally earth shaking, to their dismay
A bit mercurial and moody, their attitude to others is a reflection of the others' attitude towards them. They want to be a kind, altruistic person, but they find it difficult. Quick to act, quick to regret, quick to change and doesn't know who they are at their core.
Treads softly and at a distance, hyper-aware of their ruinous power - but also filled with whims, passions, desires to experience and learn everything and anything. Still, one has responsibilities.
At their core, wants a stable and comforting life, but hates feeling stifled, or at a dead end. They want a home waiting for them during their adventures, a baseline to return to from the highs and lows.
Often some manner of immortal, but can never remember their entire life. They get flashes of wisdom or memory, and can hold grudges for a long time, but it all fades eventually.
Complicated genders and relationship to romance and sexuality. Orientation is best described as some form of pansexual. Gender expression is unfortunately often flattened down to "woman" by others.
Some hobbies they often have are music (listening to and attempting to play), card and board games, gardening (perhaps "cheating" by using their power over nature)
Motifs: trees, cracked statues, flowers (lotus)
Some Things Eden Has Been: the guardian and personification of a dying land, vaguely eldritch fae royalty in exile traveling through dreams, a witch and child of the forest (literally their mom's a dryad)
Eden and Vayu are part of a romantic pairing (do not separate them). Often, they're married. Vayu feels understanding and protective of them, and Eden feels safe and at home with him.
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timetoddddavis · 7 months
jirou x otoya
chase x gou
ankh x eiji
for ship asks?
This took me a little longer to get to, sorry!!
-Jiro and Otoya
Does it made sense? Yeah, like, more than I expected, watching Kiva. As I said when I was watching it, Jiro wants to speedrun Fuck Marry Kill with Otoya. If Jiro could fuck Otoya to death, dismember and spatter him across the walls, and then Otoya'd just pop back like a toon for Jiro to curl up around and wuffle tenderly against his neck? And they could do it all again tomorrow? Like, that would be the perfect world for Jiro. And Otoya, for his part, is so… like ok he's written with all the fun 2008 homophobia that Mister Inoue could muster but I truly feel like Otoya would/has fucked men, and he'd just say it didn't count, or like, that he's not gay because he's… receiving, or because he's topping, or because any number of reasons that would all be really dumb and contradictory. Otoya makes an excellent dog toy, I don't know, and he's a brat, and like they would be so mad at each other the whole time but like… yeah?? Otoya would love to tease Jiro until he got punished?? And then get one over on him and then they can do it all again?? Does it compel me? Yeah. I've read an AWFUL LOT OF IT, but I cannot see myself writing it.
-Chase and Gou
So, like, within the framework we have: Gou is canon bi. Gou wants to take Chase on dates. Gou has incredibly deep, complicated feelings about Chase. Gou and Chase have been like… spiritually… merged? And that (among other things) made Gou want to live for the first time in a long time. I have complicated feelings about GouChase, in the same way I have complicated feelings about Drive in general. Gou is tortured, like truly tortured, and makes horrible decisions all the time because of it. In a sense, he and Krim are on the same mission, kill all of the monsters that they made as a way of atoning for creating them. Gou obviously didn't create them himself, but he's so obsessed with his absent, abusive father that he connects himself to that guilt. (His obsession also leads him to trusting Banno, he wants approval SO BAD, it doesn't matter if his dad is a monster, the boy wants to be loved by his dad.) And I find this incredibly compelling, as a story and a character. Gou is neglected! He's abused! He's passively suicidal! He's making bad choices because NO ONE IS HELPING HIM! And it's consistent! It's good characterization! The dude is fucked up and not coming down off his hill because if he admits he was wrong Enter Chase, the one guy who is helping him. The guy who stands there and listens and prevents Gou from burning it all down and takes all of the rage Gou throws at him because he wants to be here. He wants Gou to be stable. He wants Gou to be Ok. He loves and protects him as a human being, even if Gou doesn't care about himself. I see the romance, in that. I see the appeal of 'it's rotten work, but not to me', here. And I could see my way to the idea that Gou has Uncomfortable Sexual Tension with the guy he hates, leading to romantic feelings for Chase due to his intense guilt post series. I've read some GouChase, and I've enjoyed it, but like… once they get together all the interesting parts are kinda… over for me? Their relationship is too interesting as an angst-ridden emotional exploration of a deeply traumatized individual to flatten it out into 'they live happily ever after'. AND FURTHERMORE�� I just don't think Chase sees him that way. He wants to be with him? But I don't know that it's… really about that. Again, that feels like flattening out the nuances of their dynamic. And further furthermore, I actually think Chase is ace. I think all of the Roidmudes are on the ace spectrum, actually. So to sum up, I get the math it took to get here, but for me it Doesn't Make Sense, and it Does Not Compel Me. I… hope that makes sense. I apparently have a lot to say about them.
-Ankh and Eiji
I went into this in another ship meme once upon a time, so I'll be brief but basically… I get it, but it's not for me. I just don't see them as having the time or the emotional intelligence to actually be vulnerable enough to explore any kind of romantic/sexual attraction they may have had for each other. For me, that's compelling enough! Two people who care about each other in spite of their situation but never had the time to get into it? The intense tragedy of that? Of not having enough time, of always thinking you had tomorrow until all your tomorrows were gone?? That's delicious. I like that more than the idea that they were smoochin' between the scenes. So… Makes Sense, in that I see why it's so popular. Doesn't Compel Me, in that I genuinely just don't ship it.
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