#let them date no one at all and still be IDENTIFIABLY BI
bardandbear · 1 year
At risk of being cancelled on my fresh new blog, i wanted to get out some complex feelings I have about bi characters in video games, as a bi person.
I'm seeing the playersexual discourse raise its ugly head again and make no mistake, I am very staunchly on the bi/pan character identity defence train here. It makes me really angry when people try to erase those identities for selfish reasons, or because deep down they see bisexuality as this hybrid identity instead of its own thing. I want more bi characters in video games.
But what also annoys me is the fact that a lot of the time, bisexuality is treated like a mechanic, it's there to facilitate player enjoyment. Players will use it to pretend that Character is in fact a big fat lesbian or ignore the queer aspects of their identity so they're like Straight +. The actual bi content is seen as optional, player initiated, and often completely unexplored. Convenient, keeping the queer out of the way, neat and tidy. This is what I mean by characters appearing to be playersexual - there is more development given to the player's experience, rather than to the character's identity and how it impacts their interaction with the world.
Of course it's easier to just make everyone bi. It means everyone has equal access to content. It makes sense in a lot of more colourful settings for the definition of sexuality to be more diverse as well, so I don't even have complaints about there being 'too many' bi people for 'realism' (and hell, we often congregate irl anyway). But you can't just slap on an 'anything goes' label for the romance and call it a day. Likewise, modding characters to be 'bi' I find really squicky because there's more to bi identity than just being conveniently available all the time. Bisexuality in video games is so often more about the players and their desires than the characters themselves. That's upsetting.
This is why I will generally advocate for diverse identities, even if it means I don't get to romance my favourite character. Because then people can see their all their identities reflected, because then it makes all identities more real - part of who they are and not a mechanical convenience.
To be clear, I also don't think this phenomenon is black and white, and there are games that have really great representation and really terrible rep at the same time. I just think we can do better and we can criticise how bi people are written in games without invalidating it as an identity.
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orcelito · 2 years
I love openly identifying as gay/vaguely bi & still openly talking about potentially being attracted to men. Like I Do lean towards women, but I also can be attracted to men, & I'm not gonna deny acknowledging that to myself
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moeitsu · 4 months
Since it's pride month I wanna talk about something I've noticed in the Red Dead Redemption fandom:
The Bisexual erasure of Sadie Adler and Arthur Morgan.
I apologize if this comes across as harsh, but it's something that's been on my mind since I started interacting w/ this media. And as a bisexual, I wanted to discuss it further.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with shipping these characters with the same sex. Personally, I am a Charthur shipper till the day I die. I don't ship Sadie with anyone but her husband, but I still enjoy seeing the fanart and headcanons of the women she's shipped with.
That being said, these characters are not lesbian or gay. That's literally a fact, and if you think otherwise it is bisexual erasure.
Let's start with Sadie Adler. Her entire character arc is getting revenge on the O'Driscolls for killing her husband. Whom she mourns for years, and talks about frequently with Arthur/other camp members. Now, if you want to ship her w/ Abigail or Molly or whomever, go for it!! But she has loved and still loves her husband. She is not a lesbian, and she didn't just magically turn into a lesbian after Jake's death. If she had any love interests other than Jake, this would make her bisexual. (even Sapphic is still a more appropriate term than lesbian)
The same goes for women in real life who have dated men first, then dated a woman. Just because their current partner is the same sex doesn't mean we can assume they are suddenly lesbian. Calling characters lesbians even if they have been in a relationship with men before is bisexual erasure.
This same concept is applied to Arthur Morgan. He had previous relationships with women. (one of whom he still has strong feelings for) and he is attracted to women. We see this with his greeting dialogue and when he compliments people. I believe Arthur's character is more likely to be bisexual than Sadie's, given his interactions w/ some of the men in the game. But that doesn't erase the fact that he's still attracted to the opposite sex. Arthur is not a gay man. Disregarding his past relationships w/ women is a form of bisexual erasure.
There is a huge double standard here because if these character's were actually lesbian/gay and the fandom decided to ship them with people of the opposite sex (i.e headcanon they are bi), there would be a major discourse.
Whenever bisexual women and men are presented in the media I always notice a few things:
Bi women are "secretly straight"
Bi women "don't know their lesbian yet"
Bi men are "secretly gay"
As well as this funny little graphic below ↓
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Like I said before, I am bisexual. And if I'm being honest this years pride month has been exhausting and mildly infuriating with how the community seems to disregard bisexuals in a hetero relationship.
I stopped talking about my bisexuality with people because once they know I have been in a committed relationship with a man for seven years, I am suddenly excluded from the conversation.
I've had ex-friends tell me that I only identify as bisexual to "fit in" with the queer community. I've had people in college assume I was lesbian bc of the way I dressed, and then try to tell me that I must be secretly lesbian when I tell them I'm Bi. (Ppl also assumed I was non-binary bc of the way I presented but that's another story)
This stuff doesn't just happen to fictional characters, it happens to real people every single day. I'm honestly tired of ppl saying "well my headcanon doesn't hurt anybody, they're not real." Yes it does!! You are supporting Bi erasure!!
That's all I'm gonna say on this topic for now. I'd love to leave it open for discussion, but please be nice. This isn't a call-out or me trying to antagonize the queer rdr community. I just wanted to get it off my mind.
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Finally Free
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Summary: Harry is well aware that his shows are a place for people to be themselves, and he's often asked to help them "come out". But tonight he's helping someone special, to both him and YN, which for him makes it that much more amazing!
Warnings: Absolutely none, and please treat people with kindess
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"Are you sure Daisy wants to do this? Here? Tonight?"
"That's what she said." YN shrugs. "You do it all the time for people… what are you worried about?"
Harry shrugs, looking over the homemade sign in his hands.
"Dunno. This one's just diff'rent." He states, turning his head to look at his love. "She's your sister, and your parents are about to hear her big news. It's 'lot of pressure!"
"Harry…" YN places her hand gently on his shoulder, rubbing her thumb along his collarbone, something they both know helps to calm his nerves. "She trusts you! That's why she asked to do it this way."
He nods in agreement. He and YN's sister Daisy became friends as soon as he started dating YN, despite being 5 years younger. He has known what Daisy identifies as for a while now, as she felt safe enough to tell the pair first. He's honored that she wants to include them, or at least him, in this important moment. Coming out to their parents is a big step. It's not as if they wouldn't be accepting, but it is still a huge moment and Harry just wants to make sure it goes right. That it's everything Daisy wants it to be.
"Alright." He states, letting out a large exhale in hopes to breathe out his own anxiety over the situation. "I won't let her down."
"I know you won't." YN replies, leaning up and placing a kiss on his cheek. "She knows you won't."
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After raising the pink, purple, and blue flag for a fan in the audience, he turns to them once again to offer some encouragement.
"Go out and conquer and enjoy your bi life as hard as you possibly can! Make some noise for Alfie ev'rybody!"
The entire crowd cheers in celebration, which builds up the excitement, but also the nerves, for what he is about to do next.
"Now, I apologize. I know I said that was the last sign, but I do have one more person that has asked me to help them come out, and now is as good a time as any."
"Umm… can I have that, please?" He bends down at the very front of the walkway, reaching his hand out to the crew member he entrusted with this specific piece of bright paper.
He holds his other hand over his eyes, shielding them from the light with his microphone, and walks about until he reaches the very spot where he sees those familiar faces.
"There you are!" He exclaims, a wide grin on his face now, every ounce of anxiety melting away. He holds up the sign, checking that the big screen is capturing the bright colored letters, outline in glitter pen, and shows of the words that read 'HELP ME COME OUT HARRY'.
"This person is a close, personal friend of mine. We've known each other for a good while now, and she asked me to help her t'night. I feel very honored, thank you."
He notices YN wrap her arms around her sister, their parents on the other side of Daisy with seemingly no clue what is about to happen.
"Could I get some… hmm… upbeat sparkly music now?" He asks of the band, knowing his friend will appreciate making this moment just a bit more unique for her. Like he's been telling himself, he wants this to be everything that she wants it to be.
"Ooh, I like that." He approves, slightly swaying his hips from side to side. "Very good."
The crowd laughs, and claps. He assumes it's mostly for his antics, but hopes it raises the anticipation for YN's sister in a positive manner.
"Daisy!" He shouts, watching the other family members immediately shoot their gazes over to her. "We are doing this, are you ready?"
Daisy nods, quickly turning her head to her parents as she waits for Harry to make her declaration.
"Daisy, t'night, wants her wonderful family to know that she is… oh, wait, I need a flag!" He stops, not intending to stall, but finding relief in the comedy it has appeared to create. He places the sign down, and leans over the side, grabbing a rainbow flag being handed to him by a fan. "Thank you very much."
"Alright. Now we're both ready." He chuckles, sending a grin and wink to the girl as she waits. "Now once I raise this flag, Daisy, you are officially out. So, to Daisy's family, and to all the amazing people here in London t'night…"
Harry begins to jog around the stage, flowing to flag up and down, keeping it low and edging the moment for just a few seconds longer.
"Daisy is…" He raises the flag one more time, keeping it at his shoulder. "Coming out as…" He continues, lowering it down to his thigh.
He looks over to the band, signaling for the music to get bigger and louder. Harry suddenly shoots the flag up higher than his head, as far as his arm can reach upward.
The entire venue cheers. Fans, staff, and crew alike. But most importantly, as Harry runs to the place he can get the best view of his friend, he sees YN and her parents embracing Daisy in a big, tight, loving, and accepting hug.
Tears start to form in his eyes as he continues to wave the flag above his head.
"Daisy! You did it! You're officially out and I am so proud of you!" He shouts, hoping the shakiness in his voice didn't prevent the words to fully be heard and understood. "I hope I did this moment justice for you! Ev'rybody, give it up one more time for Alfie, and Daisy, and for anyone else who has been brave enough to share who they truly are with those they love. You are free!"
Harry focuses his gaze on YN, Daisy, and their family, watching all the love being shared between them.
"You are finally free!"
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This blog is a safe space. I celebrate all of you who have been able to come out and share who you truly are with the world. I stand by with all of you whom have yet to do so, no matter the reason. I am proud of every single one of you! Happy Pride Month to all!
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Overall Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @harrystylesrecs @vickiii17 @itsbebeyyy @divalovesyou @bxbyysstuff @jessitpwk @sunshinemoonsposts @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @boybands-baseball @austynparksandpizza @missmielyhoran @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @matildasatellite @cherryshouse @yatebe-kohayu @perfectzinenerdperson @babyiamperfectforyou @daphnesutton @around1302 @daydreamingofmatilda @swiftmendeshoran @one-sweet-gubler @jerseygirlinca @carey86 @lomlhstyles @vrittivsanghavi @fdl305 @sunflowersloverr
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I am bored and want to do more of my ideas/scenarios I've thought of for the demon brothers🤓
Context: I myself am a bisexual woman so I was wondering just how much the brothers know of sexuality and how they would react to a MC that is bisexual.
!This MC is female in this scenario!
He isn't too thrilled only because he will have even more competition when it comes to getting your attention or even your heart. He doesn't care for sexuality and stuff along those lines he is one for being yourself and sticking to what you want and think is best for you. That said when you do break the news to him his only reaction is to sigh if you were scared to tell him such information "do you really think something that small would bother me?" Is all he says completely unfazed.
He's been to many parties and has seen women on women or men on men and those aren't him so why should he care? When you break it to him you are bi he stalls for a bit. Number one huh? The human likes even more people other than myself? He thinks. Number two he asks odd questions such as "does that mean ya can date both at the same time er somethin?" After explaining a lot he understands and never really was bothered from it in the beginning but as he sees your eyes linger on women he feels more jealousy rise up because he knows women are prettier than he is. (Not true I still love ya mams)
He is another one who doesn't care when it comes to that stuff he's seen many people in his anime fandoms fight over that type of thing and he ignores it because he has no interest in arguing over petty stuff. When he hears your confession he just smiles nervously and asks "well... please don't leave me for a pretty woman then..." And you have to comfort him saying you still only want him. His envy isn't too fond of this information but he still supports and loves you for you.
He has read many books on the subject of sexuality and gender and other terms. He himself tried to identify what he is but that only caused a headache cause he wasn't romantically interested in someone until you came along. Once you said what sexuality you were he just smiled and said he supports you. He already knew of what bi-sexual meant and he suddenly buys you many things and books with bi-sexual characters or the image of the flag on them. (Supportive king!)
He is the most knowledgeable about all of that so don't even fret he knew what you were long before you told him. Even when you did he just shushed you and said "honey trust me I already know" and he goes about his day. He is open about his sexuality and often times begs Lucifer to let them go into the human world for pride parades so both you and him can show off your true beautiful sexuality proudly.
He of course has some knowledge from being around asmos so much so he knew a little. He doesn't care for others love lives so he was never judgemental and still isn't. When you told him he was just happy you trusted him enough to tell him. He fully supported you even though he was confused on some things but you and asmos help him out. He definitely protects you from homophobic demons or others.
This man is constantly asleep so why would he have any knowledge of that sort of thing? Once you tell him it's a long drawn out process of him asking dumb questions. He eventually gets there and he even before couldn't care what you are other than his. He supports you and defends you but in general treats you the same you are still just his human bi-sexual or not. He still doesn't like when others learn this and more come onto you but it's to be expected you are a pretty human.
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buddie911abc · 3 months
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For the sake of discussion, let's say that Eddie comes out or has some sort of revelation about himself early in season 8. What do you guys want next? Personally, I want to continue with the slow-burn romance for a while longer, but I am ready for it to pick up speed. Seven years to get out of the closet was longer than ideal, but it gave us a lot of good material. As long as Buddie is happening, I'm going to trust the writers because I've enjoyed the Buddie moments so far. That said, I do have a wishlist of what I hope will happen.
If he has his moment of revelation (about his sexuality) in season 8 and we are guaranteed a season 9, then by the end of season 8, I would like him to realize he has feelings for Buck.
Also, by the end of 8, I would like him to come out to at least one person and confide in them about his feelings for Buck.
For Buck, by the end of season 8, I want him and Tommy to have parted ways as friends. I don't want Buck to get into another serious relationship, but I would like to see him go on a series of dates both male and female. I want the audience to be clear on the meaning of bi-sexuality.
By season 9, I'd like to see Eddie continue coming out to people around him, but not Buck. (obviously, not because Buck wouldn't take it well. Eddie has perfect trust in showing Buck every part of himself. He can't tell Buck because he knows that once he starts with the truth all of it would follow.
For Buck, I'd like to see him questioning why he can't hold onto any relationship and maybe through a conversation with Maddie, she could ask what he wants in a life partner. He might list a few characteristics that match Tommy (overlooking that the same match with Eddie.) Maddie does ask him if maybe there was someone else who shared those characteristics, and he has no answer. On Maddie's part, she is getting tired of biting her tongue and waiting for Buck and Eddie to figure it out. Chim thinks Buck needs to figure it out on his own. Maddie points out that if Buck had done that the two of them may still be pretending to be just friends.
I'd like to see more private conversations about Buck and Eddie because I do feel that at this point everyone who is closest to them knows they have feelings for each other. [This is not to be mistaken with knowing how they identify themselves sexually, though Buck coming out and perhaps Eddie's private conversations only solidify their certainty that the two are in love. So, in essence, Bobby and Athena are talking about it in private and with no one else. Maddie and Chim are talking about it privately and with no one else. Hen and Karen are talking about it privately and with no one else. The only clueless person is Ravi.
By the end of season 9, with a guarantee that there will be a season 10. I would like an EPIC emergency. I can't imagine what. During it, Buck and Eddie get separated and think the other is dead. (Not necessarily this specifically but something that causes Buck to realize it was Eddie all along and causes Eddie to realize that he couldn't live knowing he never spoke his truth to Buck. Bonus points to the writers if they have Eddie skip over "coming out" to Buck and go straight to a Kiss or Love confession.) In fact, a kiss at the emergency scene when they discover each other alive would be a great time for everyone to see them do it. Bobby, Hen, and Chim all pull out their phones to Facetime and record with their wives/partners. Ravi is standing there with his jaw on the floor and asking what is happening. (His shock is not about their sexuality so much as the fact that it is Buck & Eddie)
Early season 10 will see Buck and Eddie navigating their new relationship. I don't know how far ABC will go with allowing love scenes between two men, but if it is allowed, I'd rather it not be something that just happens off-screen. If it does happen off-screen, I hope that there is a lead-up to consummating the relationship that we can see on screen. I just feel like we've all waited so long, it should be special for the audience as well and not something that happens off-screen and never talked about. Depending on whether or not the show keeps going. Ten seasons would be pretty epic on its own, but if there is at least one more season (11), then the remainder of 10 should be a series of adjustments and learning that their friendship has not stopped, it has expanded. Depending on the status of the show, possibly a wedding at the end of season 10 or engagement if it goes into season 11.
Yep. I've thought that far ahead, but I've tried not to be too specific on how they get there to allow for changes. If the show is not renewed beyond season 8, I'd want the show to rush it. I would hate to have them rush it, but I would like to know that a happy ending is set up, and Buddie officially ends as canon.
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arklayraven · 8 months
I can't sleep rn while this annoyed/pissed off. So time to remind people OM is canonly a queer game as hell and to tell the queerphobes and transphobes to FUCK OFF. (Seriously, why are you following me if you hate queer and trans people/characters? Get out of here.)
This is a official post by OM devs over the creation of OM and their MC. Read the left section well.
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"OM isn't a queer game" many like to say.
The game, writers and characters beg to differ.
From someone kind who felt they knew all about the game and characters well, even tho they played it themselves.
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Let's go back to that official post by Solmare about OM and this section specifically.
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Hope you read that well, and the person(and many who think/believe this) learns how damn wrong they are.
Also...God don't bring up my Asmo and act like you know all about him. Another thing from that kind person.
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Firstly, canonly none of the characters have set labels. But they are all in fact canonly queer. Whether you like to believe/accept this or not. It's fact, was fact from day one.
Asmodeus is the most openly proud queer boy in the series, and gender nonconforming too at that, even if he uses only he/him pronouns(but he's been shown to be fine being called princess, queen, etc. So he's clearly open to all gendered/less pronouns/labels I feel).
He drips of gender fluidity, and going against gender presentation norms(Babe has presented so fem and nonconforming for awhile now. Learn to look at him and appreciate him better). So take note of all of that, and never say again he's not queer, because that's a damn fucking lie.
Also I hate how bi is used as default for queerness as a whole for characters who are interested in more than one gender, and wish for the day people stop using it as so. (Use MSPEC or just queer if you wish to sound more inclusive of all possible labels/identities for a canon queer character with no canon label set.)
Second, back to what I said before, ALL THE CHARACTERS IN OM ARE QUEER. If you ship your MC or yourself with them, know that's a canon queer character you're pairing them/yourself up with. And you can't erase their queerness and identity. Especially if it makes you personally feel bothered or crap.
And before you say anything, dating them, as a straight woman, doesn't automatically make them straight now too. They are still queer, but are dating you, who happen to be a straight woman. (stop being damn queerphobic challenge.)
I'm already tired of this crap, so gonna end this now and fast.
OM is a canon queer game, and was made with a MC who is genderless to be inclusive of ALL PLAYERS. This opened the door quickly for men, nonbinary, etc players to enjoy the game too, and be part of the fandom as well. There's as much men and nonbinary players in the series like women are, but only difference is in the fandom mainly. Many people choose to see which fans or MCs are more accepted in the community, and which ones to show more love/attention too.
If you tried to expand your horizons more, you will surely quickly find people who identify as men, nonbinary, etc in the fandom as well. And learn how we're here, always been here, just greatly drowned out or ignored by a vast majority of people just because of who we are. (Lots of people with dislike for MCs who are men, or just plain damn queerphobia and transphobia in the works.)
The more people try to ignore the clear fact men and nonbinary people play OM too. The more easier it is for them say OM and its characters aren't canonly queer, and they can feel special/happy about playing the game. That they want to believe was just made to cater to women only. But in reality it was made to be catered to all players, no matter their gender identity or lack of, and same for romantic/sexual attraction.
Also another thing I forgot to add to put more facts that OM is a queer game to be inclusive of ALL PLAYERS.
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Already, the undateables from day one are canonly queer too. If you need to be reminded and stated that as well.
That's pretty much it on this annoying tiring topic.
Enjoy playing OM, the canonly queer game made for ALL PLAYERS. <3
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inuette · 9 months
Radinclus does NOT mean Radqueer
[PT: Radinclus does not mean Radqueer. END PT.]
 🦴🎀 — proof read by the boyfie & ⛪️ — unedited
essay under the cut due to length
Well, to start with, what do either of these terms even mean? We have an explanation of radqueers (and why the community is flawed) here! If the post is too long for you to read, a basis is: They steal terms from others, support transitioning for terms that never supported it in the first place or that are impossible to transition to (i.e. transracial and/or transage) and their community is full of entirely pro-contact beings (people who support paraphiles, all of them, acting on their paraphilias) and groomers whether a "good radqueer" or not.
But then, what's a radinclus? It's a term that's commonly associated with and mixed up with the term radqueer. Radinclus is short for "radically inclusive," the term generally means one is in support of identities like gaybians, lesboys & veldigirls/turigirls and mspec monos (pan lesbians, bi gays, etc.) All of these terms are known as "contradictory" and/or good faith terms.
So, what's the difference? Radqueers have outright stolen terms and are misusing them, whether using the terms in good faith or because they think it's "cute" or "fun" in some way, they're still being misused and causing harm. These terms belonged to different groups that weren't necessarily queer, but are being taken to mean something they never meant in the first place. Terms that those who are radinclus support have history in queer culture and have existed long before radqueers ever decided to appropriate other groups' terms.
The terms lesboy and veldigirl/turigirl are typically used by systems, those who are multigender or those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards women or men. These terms were never meant to be used by solely cisgender heterosexual men or solely cisgender heterosexual women. To say that multigender people who may identify as a man and a woman don't belong in either gay nor lesbian communities IS discrimination. You can be a minority and a marginalized group and discriminate against other marginalized groups, excluding multigender people from these spaces is discrimination. By letting them into your spaces, no, we aren't forcing you to date them. But acknowledge that they exist — acknowledge that gender is different for everyone and because of that, so is sexuality.
For those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards the opposite gender, that is entirely valid! The NWLNW (Non-Women Loving Non-Women) and NMLNM (Non-Men Loving Non-Men) terms were historically used by TERFs to discriminate against trans men and women and imply that they were not 'actual men' or 'actual women'. Alternative terms to NWLNW and NMLNM are QLM & QLW (Queer Loving Men and Queer Loving Women). A cisgender heterosexual man would never understand the queer attraction that a trans man might feel towards women, nor would a cisgender heterosexual woman be able to understand the queer attraction towards men that a trans woman may hold. And no, a trans man using the term lesbian or a trans woman using the term gay isn't misgendering themselves — if one label fits them more than another & they're using it in good faith, let them!
Now, what's a 'gaybian'? Or a 'lesgay'? Or a 'straightbian'!? Someone who identifies as both gay & a lesbian (or straight and a lesbian, but we'll be focusing on what a gaybian because the same explanation can be used for other variations). You might be thinking now, well if the definition for lesbian and gay are queer loving men and queer loving women, how can you experience queer attraction to both if you're not both genders? Well, for one, most people who are gaybian are multigender — the way they view their attraction to both genders may be different because of that. They may view themself as both a gay man and a lesbian woman, and that's perfectly valid! If you believe that one or both of their identities as such are invalid or that they need to make their own community, that just means you have internalized biases against multigendered people. Others who may use this term are systems due to the varying genders and orientations between the alters.
Finally, mspec monos, also known as mspec gays or lesbians. Firstly, what does 'mspec' mean? Mspec is short for multispec, which is the umbrella term for identities in which one is attracted to multiple genders — i.e. pansexual, bisexual, omnisexual, etc. How can one be both multispec and lesbian? The most common explanation are those who use SAM, the split-attraction model. Many use the argument that SAM was made for aspecs by aspecs, and therefore mspecs cannot use it, but the first example of the SAM was in 1879 by Karl Heinrich Ulrich who used the example of heteroromantic homosexual in his writings. While romantic and sexual attraction may not be as separate and more intertwined for others, that isn't the case for everyone. Not everyone has to use the split attraction model, but it does work for those who's sexuality and romantic orientations are aimed towards separate genders.
Some people just ARE multispec and gay/lesbian — not understanding an identity isn't an excuse to shit on or discriminate against it. That's not to say blindly accept it, but there is proof and recorded history of these identities existing in the queer community for years. You cannot brush them off as "just a new fad" or "trend" when they've existed since before you did. Most radqueers support harmful beliefs and encourage them, radinclus is the inclusion of identities that have always been apart of our community — but have been thrown to the side for more 'easy to understand' ones. Whether you think they're 'the reason people aren't willing to understand' or not, don't fight against people who're in the same community fighting the same fight as you. There will be people who will hate you whether you're the most 'normal', 'straight-person-looking' lesbian ever or the people that you hate in your own community — the only difference is that when they're driving YOU out, there'll be no one left to help you.
Other Good Faith Identity Resources : Lesboys Carrd , Good Faith Resources Hub , Bi Gay / Lesbian Masterdoc
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toddycats · 5 months
Actually can I talk about how being a furry let me come out of the closet to myself about being trans? Because I don’t think I talk about it enough.
I think most of my followers on here didn’t follow my original toddy-cats blog (I lost access to it, it still exists out in the world) but I made that when I randomly decided, mid pandemic, that I wanted to Become Part of the Furry Fandom. At the time, I had a really transphobic partner, barely ate food due to stress, and had crippling dysphoria with no name to put to it. I desperately wanted to be ABLE to be trans, but I thought I wasn’t suffering enough to be trans. I thought I wasn’t allowed because i was having this crisis at 20 instead of at 5. I thought I wasn’t allowed to just decide to transition. But I DID know I could just decide to be a furry, and it sounded like a good time.
So I reached out to some cool people I followed on tumblr at the time and asked them questions about being a furry (to which they responded “you can just be one. Do whatever you want forever.”) and I watched every episode of The Bottle on YouTube, and I drafted a design for a civet fursona — Salem, (she/her). I said “I love her! She’s amazing!” And then I said “hm.”
I thought to myself “well the thing about making a fursona for yourself is that you can just make them look like whatever you want, and act like however you want, and BE someone that you aren’t in real life.”
And so I did some googling along the lines of “is it problematic to have your fursona be a gender that you aren’t.” And people said “you can do whatever you want forever.” And so, Salem (she/her) became Salem (she/they) — nonbinary and bi-ace. In contrast, at the time, I publicly identified as an allo bi woman with a preference for dating men. But the furries online said I could do what I wanted with my fursona, and it felt right.
Over time, I made friends with the people who helped me get into the fandom. I made friends with their friends, and we made a discord server, and I used my fursona as my online persona. I asked people to call me Salem, and I asked people to use she/they pronouns, because that’s what Salem used.
And then I noticed something. I noticed that I LIKED using they/them pronouns. A LOT! More than she/her! And I LIKED drawing Salem as dressing and looking more masc! I realized I wanted to look cool like them! And then I realized I could change my fursona’s pronouns (and by extension my own, among my online friends) so that people used they/them for me ALL THE TIME. I could game the system! Then I realized that I could LITERALLY JUST PRESENT MASC IRL AND LOOK COOL AND BE HAPPY AND COMFY LIKE SALEM IS.
And now it’s been like nearly three years since all this started and I’m out to my family and my irl friends and at work. Salem has wings now. I’ve been debating changing my irl name to Salem, among other options. I’m going on HRT. I have a top surgery consult scheduled. I feel like a person with a future. I weigh a normal amount and am not skin and bones. I can go out in public without hyperventilating at the Trader Joe’s. I have a job in the field I trained for (biotech). I have a partner who is also trans and also a furry. We’re going to move in together and live in a little house with ivy growing up the walls. We have a cat. Life is the most worth living that it’s ever been for me.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 5 months
I am alternating between CTFU at and glaring at women, and some men, who stopped finding the character of Buck attractive because he is now canonically bi. I know there are women who identify as straight and men who identify as gay who have issues with men who identify as bi.
Let me let you in on a little secret. Ladies, if you are over a certain age, identify as hetero, and had the average number of partners or more, the odds that you have been with a man who is bi is quite high. Many men, especially those who have a professional background deeply entrenched in jobs considered manly and macho, or were military prior to DADT being repealed, were very much bi and closeted. They forced themselves to be with only women due to the stigma and bigotry that was much more normalized and accepted back then.
Gay men who dislike men who are bi, you need to know that if you have been with the average number of partners or more, the odds are you have been with someone who is, in fact, bi. I know there are bi men who hid their attraction to women when they were seriously interested in men who disliked bi men. Being repressed or forced into the closet doesn't change your sexuality; it changes how you deal with it.
Here is a PSA to the bigots: Bi men are still men. Their sexuality does not make them dirtier, more promiscuous, more likely to be unfaithful, or more untrustworthy. Their manhood is not diminished because they are attracted to both males and females. They are not confused. They are not hiding from being straight or being gay. They are not mentally ill. They are not unable to commit or be in love.
It is 2024. The negative stereotypes and beliefs toward bi men are archaic. They are men and do not all fit into one category. You'll find some who are great guys and other who are terrible candidates for dating, you know, just like dating straight guys or gay guys.
As someone who has long been an ally, and has dated, with no hesitation, men who identify as bi, if you are "turned off" by a great man only because he is bi, then he isn't the one with the problem.
This storyline touches on some topics that are very dear to me. I have seen people joyous for representation and the respectful way Buck's bi awakening is being portrayed by Oliver Stark and written by the writers. Having been a friend, and sometimes girlfriend, to men who would have done anything to be open but could not, seeing this storyline means a lot to me.
I have also seen some ugliness in people that had never been revealed before. (Posts across social media from some people saying they wouldn't watch the show anymore because Buck is gay now or how they made Buck <insert negative and insulting adjective here>. They watched it when Hen, Karen, Michael, David, and Josh were portrayed as gay, but Buck being bi is a problem? Please, make this make sense.)
I will part with this. Some of the most amazing men I have ever known are neither straight nor gay, they are in the middle. Some of the best relationships I've ever had were with men whom I could go guy-watching with.
But, I've never been into disliking people for ridiculous reasons or being hateful. When you get to know people on an individual basis and without prejudice or being a narrow-minded bigot, you find many gems around you.
Kudos to ABC for taking it there and major respect for Oliver Stark for taking on an assignment in this country at this time , when ultra-conservatism, aka accepted, and even legislated, prejudice, bigotry, and religion-based government, is trying to rear its head again.
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fourthemarauders · 4 months
A couple of marauders era pride headcanons: (gonna post on my ig a better,funnier version so you should follow)
The gay/pan/bi awakening of (almost) every male in this particular era was either remus lupin, Frank Longbottom, or both.
In this order, these are my favourite trans hc's
#1 dorcas meadowes is a trans girlie once and for all.
#2 regulus black being trans is not a headcanon anymore. Its reality.
#3 once me and my friend (my wife) had a discussion about trans mary, and I'm kinda loving it. It would explain why there are only 4 boys in griffindor in their year. I think that mary came to Hogwarts still identifying as a male, and at the start of the second year, she came out, so they transported her to the female dorm.
Idk (&idc) if it's anyone's favourite, but I think Peter is a demi romantic+ demi sexual and he is attracted to girls only.
Sirius black is the most gender fluid person on earth. idk what is going through some of ya'lls minds (probably common sense, I usually don't have one). Okay? He is actually extremely non binary androgynous male sluty pup and I'm happy that he's having fun.
If we're taking a stroll through the animals Isle, let's talk about the handsomest of them all - Mr remus lupin. THE MAN IS BISEXUAL. and he's a playeahhhhh. I'm not sexualizing him. I'm just talking reality. He is a traumatised little sluty cassanova that does not believe in relationships since everybody left him (Orphanage-his-father-killed-himself-his mother-hates-him-headcanon) and he dates (wink wink) everything he can at the same time. I'm not saying he's a sex addict but he is.
Regulus and James - yes. Regulus and barty- no ew, it's like sleeping with your brother. Regulus and remus- remus was Regulus's first. This was not weird it's like when best friends are kissing in order to be better at making out.
Marlene - very much a lesbian, very much does not have a crush on Mary. She is her sister. Literally. Mary's parents adopted Marlene after she was kicked out for being a lesbian witch.
Lily-mary-pandora love triangle. I love it. I don't know enough about it. Tell me more.
Last but not least- barty and even. Even is in love with barty. Barty is playing with him. Same ol' story.
That's it for today.
P.s.the lesbians testing on remus and realising man are not their thing is obvious.
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hypervoxel · 7 months
Enough discourse, I wanna post about headcanons
The Vees are a polycule to me, but in a way that I can't even explain without an entire slowburn fanfic (stay tuned. I'm a slow writer). But I will try.
I do adhere to the lesbian Velvette headcanon. She's dating Vox and still occasionally joins Valentino for a threesome with him. When she first joined the Vees, Velvette used to identify as bisexual (and still loves the bi flag colors the most) and all three of them used to date, before Velvette realized that she's a lesbian.
She and Vox are still dating, and they have an open relationship.
Vox's response to Velvette coming out was, "So you're breaking up with Val?" Yes, his pronouns are he/him. No, he's not a man. He'd long shed the fleshy confines of humanity and gender along with it.
Vox is aspec, agender, autistic. To me. He's sex favorable of the 'I want to do it for my partner's enjoyment' flavor. Watching from cameras brings him just as much enjoyment, and he watches everything and everyone, living vicariously, a voyer through the screen. As a result of that, he's so so touched starved, but his sense of feeling is muted (the consequences of betraying flesh in favor of the machine). Soft touches to his synthetic skin don't really register, his sense of feeling restricted to mostly pressure and pain, so he's become a bit of a masochist in response because that's something physical.
He just likes sex. He chases pleasure in any form he can find, dopamine rushes from numerous drugs, orgasmic release, the rush of power from crushing someone underfoot. Anything and everything, he'll try it all. And none of it is really enough, so he'll never stop chasing more.
Valentino doesn't consider his relationship with Vox romantic, even if Vox totally does. They're friends, sure, business partners, absolutely, and fuckbuddies wherever Val is in the mood for it. But romance isn't Val's thing. That's hard work, and Val saves romancing for potential new hires he wants to sign a contract with. What Vox and he have is also written down on a contract, joining their businesses together too closely to be parted without blood, but it's not the same. Not to Val. So, he wouldn't call Vox his boyfriend, but he also wouldn't correct anyone who said they were. Vox is someone he can let his guard down with, one of the few people who would never want to get out of the contract their names are signed on. They work well together. That's better than any romance you can get in Hell, Val thinks.
Val and Velvette are catty besties. Pan/Lesbian solidarity and hostility all in one.
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kittythelitter · 2 years
Thinking about a hypothetical episode of Community with the original 7 where Shirley brings one of her friends from church to Greendale, let's call her Mariah
This friend is a trans woman who is a devout Christian and because she's Christian Shirley listened to her about trans issues and stuff and decided if this nice Christian person wants to be addressed as a woman the Christian thing to do is to treat her like a woman and be respectful of how she wants to be addressed. Whether Shirley personally views Mariah as a woman is ambiguous.
Pierce doesn't clock her or even understand what's going on when the group discusses that she's trans, he just sees a hot new lady and is constantly sexually harassing her and she calls him a chaser which he decides is a new word for like a pick up artist and starts self identifying with it and ends up having his own mostly off screen adventure about it.
Britta immediately outs herself as a terf but gets all her terf talking points slightly wrong. Her whole arc is just her talking herself in circles until she sees Mariah experience transmisogyny and is like. Actually what defines a woman is suffering in society as a result of your gender which means trans women are women. But at the end of the episode she meets Mariah's boyfriend who is also trans and sees someone be transphobic to him and is like. But if you're suffering aren't you also a woman? And that's the very end of the episode so instead of a resolution about it we just leave Britta to whatever she's debating with herself and move on.
Jeff doesn't have an opinion of trans people going in but defends trans people just to disagree with Britta, but as he argues in defense of trans people he manages to get really into what he's saying and ends up doing some public speaking for a trans rights group on campus. (The Dean is there just because Jeffrey is there being all eloquent and manly, half learns terminology and starts referring to himself as "Dean-der Fluid" and "non-dean-ery".) A trans guy talks to Jeff about his hair and his workout routine and Jeff realizes he and the trans guys at the event have a lot in common in terms of how they perform masculinity in order to get others to see them the way they see themselves/want to be seen.
Abed similarly spends time talking with the trans group about performing gender among other things and knowing yourself even when others don't understand you or want to change you. They complain about transphobia in tv and he admits that community has had some transphobic bits and talks with them about better representation and problematic stereotypes and tries to get one of them to stay on as a series regular in order to make community a better more representative show.
Troy and Annie both try to figure out if being attracted to Mariah makes them gay. They both come to the conclusion that Mariah is a woman so Annie is probably some kind of queer and Troy is still not gay for being attracted to her. They both go to the event with Jeff and Abed.
Troy meets a really hot trans guy and is like. Okay i am attracted to men. And then we see flashbacks of him clearly flirting with and/or going on dates with guys since he got to Greendale and just not realizing it. He, rather than having a bi crisis has a "I had a chance with all those hotties and i blew it" crisis before hitting on the trans guy who he thought was flirting with him but who was actually under the impression that troy and abed were a couple and was trying to figure out if they'd be down for a 3-way.
Meanwhile Annie starts doing research with the pamphlets laid out at the events to figure out what kind of queer she is and every time it cuts back to her theres more and more queers around her flirting with her. Including some butch lesbians, some nonbinary people, and some trans guys who are all enamoured with her sweet femme charm. (We get snippets of conversations that have things like compulsory heterosexuality, different flavors of bi, asexuality etc) she turns up at the end with a lesbian pride pin on her backpack and her hair and lip gloss very mussed.
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sugaroto · 2 years
I've seen a lot of posts saying that "It's okay if being lgbt was a phase for you", and I know that you're gonna say it's not a phase
And it's not. For most of us
But there are people who may have identified as bi for a while and later found out they were gay, lesbian maybe even straight
Maybe people thought they were lesbians but were actually pan
Someone could identify as asexual but later figure they're demisexual
Maybe they identified as something, but later figured out they were straight
All this journey... is personal and maybe you're not sure for your identity yet, maybe you want to keep it personal, maybe you're coming to terms with it
When someone is figuring their sexuality, or maybe they already have, they don't owe it to anyone else
When they feel like it, maybe they tell people who they care about
Maybe they shout it from rooftops, maybe they whisper it to the mirror
So many posts telling people "you don't have to come out. Do it when you're ready. When you're safe"
And yet... an 18 year old boy was forced to come out
Why? Because he's famous? There could be a million reasons he didn't want to come out yet (or never)
Kit is just a year older than me.
Why did he have to come out?
I don't think I would come out to the whole world in a year either, the only reason *I* am out on the internet is because I'm no one, I'm anonymous here, you know me as Sugar, you don't know where I live, who I am and what I do
What If I was in the cast too? No one in my family knows I'm lgbt, let's say I had the chance to play a character, cool, then what, would the internet force me to come out to the whole world? To my mom? My aunts and uncles? My Grandparents?
I did came out when I was younger, to my friends, and I have regretted telling 2 people, because we weren't close then or because we lost touch later
I also came out earlier than I should have, I was still figuring it out at the time
But I did, and it was my choice
I came out as bi,
But now I'm questioning I might be on the ace spectrum too, would I need to come out twice?
If I was famous too, would people say I queerbaited them for figuring stuff out? About my personal life?
What if I never wanted to came out? I'm also a demigirl, but I don't want to come out, that's my thing, it's personal and it doesn't change the way I dress or act, or even my pronouns cause 'they' can't be used in my 1st language
I want to keep this thing for me
If I was famous and had the chance to wear a binder, would people say I queerbaited them? Would they force me to tell the world I'm not cis?
I'm not famous, but Kit is just a year older than me. We could have been in the same school (in a different world)
You don't know his personal life, he could be dating someone he knew for years, he could be single, maybe his parents know he's bi, maybe he doesn't want to tell them, maybe he was figuring stuff out, maybe being bi was his thing, his thing that he wanted to keep to himself
And people took that away from him
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Maknae Line + ARMY = Power Dynamics (Pt 2)
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We love them and they love us right back. It's what makes the ARMY/BTS relationship what it is, and it is genuine.
It is also a power imbalance.
Less of one, these days, but it is still there. And WE HOLD THE POWER. We LOVE THEM. We are the driving force behind BTS' success. We hold their actual paychecks in our hands.
That's... a lot. A lot of love. A lot of paychecks. And a lot of power.
And it lends itself, unfortunately for both us and them, to a lot of abnormal behavior. OH WAIT LET'S READ THAT DISCLAIMER AGAIN
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In my last post I said that BTS is a safe place for ARMY to explore sexuality.
Never has been, never will be, because ARMY was never designed for that. We are not their safe space. Not if they're straight, even more not if they're gay or bi or pan or heaven forbid gender non-conforming.
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They accept us as we are because they love us, but we are under NO OBLIGATION TO DO THE SAME FOR THEM. And... as a general rule, ARMY - OT7 ARMY, anyway - doesn't. But also we do. And don't. Very confusing, ARMY reactions.
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Hell, when have they ever had TIME to grow into healthy, normal adult sexual relationships? They lived together until some of them were nearly 25, FFS. Well beyond college age for Seokjin and Yoongi and well into it for the rest of them. That they seem to be reasonably well-adjusted is a credit to them and their partners, should they have any. Again, the hyungs have excelled, here. Mainly because they've never really HAD "dating scandals", which: ARE THE STUPIDEST IDEA OF A SCANDAL.
Literally how stupid is it to be upset that a famous person who is an adult human might also be (gasp, clutch pearls, die) having sex? Out in the world adulting like a whole adult WITH PEOPLE? And yet, ARMY gets like that sometimes.
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See also Koreaboo, Dispatch and other publications we don't like
And before you say "not ALL ARMY" let me just remind you that "not ALL men" is the exact. same. statement. "Not REAL ARMY is like "not REAL men."
Which: granted and I don't entirely disagree, but I'll just say that people who identify as ARMY behave this way and rest assured that both BTS and BigHit are aware -- and market for it.
You're mad, now, maybe and I get it, so let's move on and not beat ARMY to death, k? I do feel like that for the majority of us, all we feel for Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung is simply love and support. Misguided support, sometimes, but love and support nonetheless.
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So imagine you're a young man - still a boy in many ways - and you are living with and surrounded by beautiful, legitimately stunning, other young men. And maybe you've had time to examine your own sexuality and maybe not but Namjoon has WOW THIGHS and guys are naked and girls were kind of cute but also very weird anyway, bros just make so much more sense and then
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A wild Park Jimin appears. Geeky, until he dances and then it's a gaspy thing that happens. Also: THIGHS. And, um, an ass that won't quit also biceps and a sweet heart and a big brain and, well. Shit. Anyway he dances. And you wanna dance, too. Your assigned role is to be yourself, pretty much, as long as you're good at everything. Don't act too too happy to see him, all right?
OR... you're the wild Park Jimin and you stumble gaily forward into a whole new life and you see the biggest pair of doe eyes you have ever seen... and he's the got-damned maknae. Kid's a prodigy. From Busan. He's a complete turd 90% of the time, and your JOB is to play the gay buff boy who adores him and gets routinely rejected. OH SWEET JESUS WHY.
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LORDT. You see where this is going. The unattainable baby, far too young to do ANYTHING meaningful with, and in the meantime there are other guys just shirtless wandering around like a whole Min Yoongi exists please excuse me I devolved overnight I apologize anyway where was i?
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Taehyung. Oh thank the gods, he's safe anyway. Fun, a little wild, definitely attaches to people. Accidentally brilliant (he didn't even have to audition) and a little eccentric and interesting, and he's a 95 liner - CHINGU! - and they go to the same school and and and. He's savvy - he lost his Daegu satoori immediately to fit in. Asked his friends to take good care of his slightly older hyung. Partner in crime, pretty voice, pretty eyes, a slinky dork of a dude who... maybe doesn't have his sexuality 100% locked down but is well-versed in skinship. Lots of skinship. Lots and lots of skinship. Gonna be a star, that one.
Let the glowups commence right along with the narrative.
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They're a marketer's homoerotic slightly underage wet dream.
To be continued...
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Loki Season 2 Wishlist
I've been creating a wishlist for what I want to see in Loki season 2, which premieres October 6.... [pause for long-suffering sigh because I’m so tired] I’m very annoyed that it’s not coming out until October (if it’s genuinely because of the strike(s), I’m not annoyed with the writers/actors but with the studios for not meeting demands so we can move on with our lives, but I’m pretty damn sure the strike is a scapegoat). I’m not surprised they keep moving it back, because they also kept pushing back season one! (I wish this format was audio so you could hear my indignation, haha.) But I wish it was still coming out in the summer like it was supposed to. Anyway, let’s jump into it. (Fair warning, a little bit of ranting incoming.)
First things first, Lokius: This ship has grown on me. I was resisting for a very long time, and I think it took until about episode four or five before I was like, “Okay, fine, you can date Owen Wilson.” And then I was all on board, and at this point I’ve written I think three Lokius fics on AO3 (link in the blog description). So, yeah. @ MCU, if you need some ideas, agree to the writers’ and actors’ demands and then hire me. I’m a lot of things but I’m not a scab. Okay, anyway. 
Genderfluid Loki: I’m genderfluid myself, and the “representation” included in the show was nonexistent. First of all, fluid is not a sex. Sex is assigned to you at birth, on Earth, and it corresponds to your genitalia. You are usually assigned male or female. There may be some places now where you can get Intersex put onto your birth certificate, if that qualifies, but until very recently, most intersex babies ended up undergoing surgery to change their bodies to fit better with one sex assignment or the other. Therefore, fluid cannot be considered a sex, at least in terms of on Earth. Perhaps it could be on other planets, but the people watching this show (as Twitter has been so helpfully pointing out recently) are on Earth, so no, wrong, Loki’s genderfluidity is gender-based not sex-based. I don’t know why they didn’t just put gender on the file, they should have. And that was the only time they included it, and I think that they put it there (aside from being like “ooh look at us we’re so progressive!”) as foreshadowing that Sylvie was going to be a girl. Which is bullshit, because that’s not what genderfluid means, either! Genderfluid means that you, yourself, change genders. And we never, in the show or the MCU in general, see Loki explicitly present or identify himself as anything other than a man. And furthermore, Sylvie isn’t genderfluid either, because she never states that she’s anything other than a woman. Nor do either of them ever request people refer to them using any other pronouns. On top of that, Sylvie is a trans woman, you cannot convince me otherwise, and you will pry that conviction out of my cold, dead, genderfluid hands. (I’m very incensed about this entire thing, I apologize. This is why I inserted the read more and the warning above.) So I’d like to see more of genderfluid Loki (not Sylvie; she’s made it clear that she is a (trans) woman, and I’m respecting that she’s got one gender). I don’t necessarily need to see him shapeshift into a woman, like into a different actor or Tom Hiddleston in make-up or something, because as much as I would love to shapeshift, I can’t, and I don’t think he needs to shapeshift to be his most authentic, genderfluid self (because then what does that say about irl genderfluid people? rant for another time, though, sorry). So I just want a little more justice to be paid to that, and maybe let him change up his pronouns sometimes. All right, moving on, before I get really worked up. 
Verity: I love Loki: Agent of Asgard. Al Ewing is my favorite comic writer for this reason (and not because he’s also bi; I just found that out 24 hours ago). Agent of Asgard is, in my opinion, the best version of Loki ever to hit the comics. It is the best version of genderfluid Loki, the best version of redemption arc Loki, the best version of Loki as a character in general. And his best friend is Verity Willis, ace icon Verity Willis. (I don’t make the rules, she’s ace; have you seen her character design? Have you heard her say that she’s not interested in romance? She’s ace!) I want her, some how, some way, in Loki. This is a little bit more of a stretch, because I don’t know how she can be put in, so this is a little bit more of a pipe-dream of a wish. But I want. her. in. Loki. So bad. 
Theo Bell: I also really like Mackenzi Lee’s Loki: Where Mischief Lies. (It’s a great book; you should definitely read it if you haven’t.) In it, Theo is Loki’s love interest-slash-coworkerish-slash-partner in crime. This story is set in Victorian England. Theo Bell is gay and walks with a cane. It’s been awhile since I read it so I may be taking this theory from a fanfic I wrote, but I’m pretty sure it’s canon that he became disabled as a result of a homophobic attack. (So trigger warning for that, but if it’s canon it’s only mentioned) He’s a great character; he’s funny, he’s snarky, he doesn’t put up with any of Loki’s shit, and he can also (and this might also be me adding to the character but I’m pretty sure I’m right) see through Loki’s lies pretty quickly at some points. So I would really like to see Theo in the MCU. I also have some theories about Theo versus Mobius (shameless plug for one of my fics, Choose Me, which utilizes my theory about them), so I would like for Theo to show up in the way that proves my theory right.
Agent of Asgard Loki: At the very least, I just really want that coat, that coat is so cool. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, google Loki: Agent of Asgard. The coat that he wears throughout the comic is kick-ass.) I want that coat somewhere in the show, I do not care who’s wearing it. That being said, I really want Agent of Asgard Loki to make an appearance in the MCU at some point. Somehow. I already have some theories about where I think we can go with AoA Loki in the MCU (which I’ll probably post about later). Like I said, I really love that version of Loki, I really love that comic arc, and I want him somehow paid tribute to somewhere in the show. Actually, though, I did just reread the entire comic run, and I noticed that towards the end in the final climax of his redemption arc, there’s a lot of similarities between that and the last couple episodes of season one. So they already seem to be drawing on AoA, so maybe they won’t be able to include the actual characterization of Loki from AoA. But it’s still on my list.
Let Loki do more magic, goddammit!: He does very little magic in season one. Although he’s not able to do magic in the TVA (which was very annoying for the fic I was trying to write the other day), but as far as I can tell, he only does magic like four or five times in the rest of the show. Classic Loki literally says (and I looked up the exact quote because I’m a NERD, can you tell?) “Blades are worthless in the face of a Loki’s sorcery.” And then Loki proceeds to do NO MAGIC for most of the show! So I want him to do more magic, especially shapeshifting. And at one point I think he mentions that he likes doing his duplicity thing, so I think he should do more of that, too. (Which I think based on the only trailer-like thing we’ve gotten so far, it seems like he’s going to do. And maybe I’m stealing this from that trailer, but I think it would be really funny if he did the duplicity thing and then Mobius automatically knows which one is the real Loki, which is hilarious, because Thor doesn’t usually know.)
Give my girl Sylvie a girlfriend: While I do like the idea of her with B-15, I feel like the reason why we’re shipping her with B-15 for the most part is because there are basically no other girls in this show. C-20 is dead, Renslayer is a dick, and we just really don’t want her to be with Loki (you saw my first entry on this list, you know where I stand). I’m counting Loki on this list since he’s genderfluid even though it’s not being portrayed very well. So her with B-15 is fine, I do kind of like it, but I don’t know enough about B-15, I don’t know enough about their relationship. I don’t think they even have enough of a relationship yet for me to really feel like I super ship it. But I just want somebody for her, preferably a girlfriend, because I think that’d be cute. I’m genderfluid, personally, but I’m available. ;-)
Thor: I! Want! Thor! I know we got Frog Thor, but I want actual Thor! I want Thor to give all of the Lokis a hug, in particular Kid Loki (and I have some theories about why he killed Thor, or why he said he killed Thor), Classic Loki, Sylvie, and also our regular Loki. Because I think they need a hug from their big brother (I know they were raised as twins, but I like saying he’s their big brother, I don’t care). 
Classic Loki in Valhalla: Pretty straight forward (and you can read After on AO3, because I wrote this). I need Classic Loki to see Thor and I need Classic Loki to be in Valhalla, because I think he deserves it. (If he’s actually dead.)
Mobius’s backstory: I want to know where Mobius came from; I want to know how he got to the TVA. I want to know if he had a jet ski or if my theory is correct (per Choose Me). 
Why Sylvie was taken by the TVA: There are some great theories about why Sylvie was taken by the TVA, one of which I subscribe to the most as of late (as included in Nothing Matters at the End of the World. I’m pretty sure this is my last plug on this post, I’m so sorry). But I am not convinced that she was taken in because she’s a girl. I think that’s transphobic and misogynistic and nonsense. And I say transphobic because Sylvie’s a transwoman, and I will not be taking criticism on this. I don’t care that that line “born the goddess of mischief” was probably meant to discourage trans headcanons, and I encourage the writers to respectfully get their heads out of their asses and consider that “born this way” is not just a Lady Gaga song (but the song is also relevant in this case). So I think it’s pretty damn transphobic to say that she isn’t allowed to exist because she’s a woman. And it’s misogynist and transmisogynist to claim that the rest of what the timeline demands of her cannot be accomplished if she isn’t a cis man or genderfluid or whatever a “right” Loki is. So I want to know why she was actually taken in. There are a lot of theories online about why she was arrested, and I like a lot of them. And on top of that, she doesn’t know! She told Loki that it’s because she’s a girl, but then when she gets in front of Renslayer, she’s like, “What was my nexus event?” Which implies that she does not actually know. And maybe it’s just bad writing or a plot hole, and that’s very possible. It’s the MCU, and writers make mistakes (I know I sure do, though I don’t have a team of people checking my work). But I’m choosing to go with she doesn’t actually know. She was like six years old, she was a kid, she assumed something. And why would you assume that, if you’re six? Unless you’ve been told something else your whole life. So there are two possibilities for why she assumed this. Either, yes, she’s a cis woman, and spent her entire life until that point being told-- presumably by Odin--that because she’s a girl she’s not gonna rule. Which would suck, but checks out for Odin, because he’s a dick. Or she spent most of her life being told she’s a boy and having to tell everybody that she’s a girl. And even if she isn’t faced with any transphobia on Asgard (as Where Mischief Lies would have us believe), that’s hard for a six year old, and when she’s told that she’s in trouble for doing nothing, she’s gonna make some assumptions, and maybe she landed on that. But I don’t think she actually knows why and I want to know why. And I think she deserves to know why.
Reunite Sylvie with Thor: I either want Sylvie to reunite with her Thor or be sibling-adopted by Loki’s Thor (bonus points if Loki gets jealous and Thor has to be like “Give me a break. I love you, too, idiot.”). I want Sylvie to somehow get her brother back, whether it’s the one she lost or the Thor we know. I think she needs somebody, and I think Thor is a great person for that. Because I think Thor will immediately be like “You’re great. I love you. You’re wonderful, just because you’re my sister, and you’re the best.” Even after just meeting her, because Thor is such a wonderful little golden retriever puppy, and also, he loves Loki so much. And he continues to, even after everything that happened in the MCU! And that’s lovely, and I think Sylvie deserves someone like that.
And finally, I need Loki, somehow, in some way, to be able to lift Mjolnir by the end of season 2: I think he’s moving, very swiftly, towards being worthy of lifting Mjolnir, and I want him to be able to do that. I think that will show him, personally, that he is better and has changed. And I think he needs that physical validation and confirmation that he’s changed. I think that people (Mobius) can tell him until they’re blue in the face that he’s a good person, that he can be good, and that he can do what’s right and be a hero, but until he can lift Mjolnir (the way his brother can, because he’s been told by everyone his whole life that his brother is the best), I don’t think that he’ll believe that he is worthy of anything. And I want Thor and Mobius to see it, and I want them to lose their goddamn minds. Because I certainly will. 
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