#i want someone to buy me pretty little things and never ever lie to me and watch me get dressed and compliment my taste..
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I’ve always been a pretty good liar. As an adult I’ve come to a moral place in which I don’t use that skill set unless it will explicitly benefit someone. But when I was a kid all bets were off.
I think tiny child me was doing their little autistic best but recognized that some situations would be best navigated by lying as telling the truth never netted positive results. Whether it was because my needs often went unmet or ignored, or because I didn’t see any reason not to lie if it would be more favorable, I’m not sure.
This is the story of my proudest lie. The best lie I ever did. A lie that looking back I still go, damn, I was eight.
Our story begins in second grade. I was eight. My school was having a book fair and I spent my small stipend on Gulliver’s Travels. No idea why. Lacking further funds I wandered the fair and came upon the greatest sight known to man. Frog erasers. They were so cute and I was extremely into animals of all kinds.
The whimsy. Who could have known they made erasers in such wonderful shapes? I mourned that I’d spent my money already, and played quietly with the little frogs in their bin. That’s when I was approached by a few other kids from my class.
I didn’t know most of them very well, but enough that it was civil when they asked me, “Are you going to buy those frogs?”
“I’d like to,” I admitted, “but I spent all my money.”
“Why don’t you steal them?”
“I thought about that, but I don’t have pockets.” Indeed, stealing had crossed my mind but it had been a brief temptation. I wasn’t even scandalized that the other girls suggested it.
“Caitlin has pockets,” the leader of the pack said. And indeed, Caitlin in her purple overalls did have pocket space for two frogs. So Caitlin and I became partners. My role in the escapade was just... wanting frogs and walking out with her. We stole two frogs, a yellow and a purple, and united by the misdeed we played together with them at recess despite not really being friendly prior.
After lunch I was called from class to the library. The principal herself was there waiting for me. She had a somber air, almost mournful that she needed to punish me. It was self evident to me that I was here for frog crimes. Caitlin had cracked and taken the fastest route to forgiveness- snitching on an accomplice. Despite the fact that my role was just: wanted frogs, I knew I was going to be in trouble.
Now, I could have told the truth. Pulled a Caitlin and ratted on the girl who told us to steal them. But clearly I’d still be in trouble for having gone along with the morally bereft plan. I was mad at Caitlin for telling but not enough to foist the onus back into her.
“Do you know why you’re here?” The principal asked kindly.
“Is it about the frogs?”
“Yes, Caitlin told us you stole the frogs.”
I quivered my lip and drew myself up indignantly. “I didn’t steal them!”
She blinked at my vehemence but since I looked near tears she carefully asked, “What happened?”
“I really wanted the frogs, but I didn’t have any money. So I asked the librarian if I could take them and bring the money tomorrow! But she was really busy and lots of people were talking to her, and she said yes! But maybe she was saying yes to someone else? And I thought it was to me but Caitlin didn’t, but I was going to bring money tomorrow!”
The principal. Was flummoxed. This was a situation in which I clearly thought I’d done no wrong, in which she couldn’t prove I had done anything wrong, and which the librarian would almost certainly not be able to weigh in. She regarded me not with suspicion but rather vaguely confused as to how to handle me.
I got off with a slight warning that I should pay for things before taking them, despite not having been the one to take things in the first place, and the frogs were confiscated.
I was vaguely worried they’d call my parents but years later when I admitted the story to my mom as an adult she laughed herself sick and said she’d never gotten a call.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
kiss me before i lose my mind
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pairing: luka couffaine x gn!reader
summary: luka knows he really shouldn't kiss you in public, to keep your relationship a secret. but he just can't keep his hands off you...
tags: secret relationship, mari crushing on luka & adrien crushing on reader, almost caught kissing, use of y/n, kissing, luka is a bad liar, luka is so in love with reader, dancing (reader & adrien)
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seeing you smile at him like this but being unable to hold you close and kiss you was absolutely killing luka. 
but you and luka had decided to keep your relationship a secret from your friends, ever since the two of you got together a few weeks ago. after all, making your relationship public would only end up hurting someone. everyone knew that marinette had a thing for luka, as well as that adrien had a little crush on you as well. those two were your friends and you really didn't want to hurt them by making out in front of them, but it was getting harder and harder as time went by to keep your relationship a secret. 
the two of you were currently at a party that rose was hosting, having arrived there separately, only to find your way towards each other once everyone had arrived. despite trying to keep it hidden, you still couldn't stay away from each other. and keeping your hands to yourself was just as hard, if not harder… 
"please, stop smiling at me like that. i'm not sure what will happen if you keep doing that…"
luka's eyes went back and forth between you and the dancefloor, where all of his friends were dancing together. despite having found a more secluded spot, he was sure someone would notice if he'd kiss you right now. though he really couldn't keep away from you for long… 
"luka… i always smile like that"
you replied amused, gently resting a hand on your boyfriend's cheek, only for him to remove it and take your hand into his own. 
"then i guess i never realized how pretty you look…" luka leaned in a bit. "i really, really want to kiss you right now…" 
you could feel his breath against your lips and the loud music in the background. yet somehow, luka's breathing sounded so much louder than the music, as he tried to control himself and stop himself from pulling you into a kiss. 
"and the others? if they see us, they–"
"would it be selfish if i said i don't care anymore…? i know they're our friends, but… as our friends, they should be happy for us! and nothing would make me happier than kissing you already…"
luka was barely holding himself back anymore. his lips shaking with anticipation, just waiting to finally meet yours. 
"just one kiss, alright?"
you both know that it wouldn't stay at just one. but luka mumbled a quick "sure" out, before pressing his lips onto yours, his hands finding their way onto your hips and pulling you closer. you closed your eyes, immersing yourself into the moment. after a few seconds, luka pulled away for a quick second to gasp for air, only to press his lips onto yours for a second and then third kiss. 
you only pulled away from each other when you heard someone approach, a familiar voice calling out to the two of you. 
"is everything okay…?"
you quickly pulled away from each other. luka towered over you, covering adrien's view of you, which led to the model only getting a good view of luka's back. 
you stared into luka's eyes for a moment, a panicked look on both of your faces, before you put on a smile and turned around to face your friend. 
"yeah, all good here!" luka smiled, trying to look as calm as he always did. "i just… got my necklace entangled in their clothes… you know how it is!"
you bit down on your bottom lip, trying not to grin after that awful lie luka told. and yet, adrien seemed to buy it. 
"oh, i see! then, if you don't mind, would you like to dance with me, y/n..?"
you turned to luka for a moment, almost as if asking for his permission. though in the end, you knew you had no reason to refuse adrien's request. 
"sure, i'd love to!" you replied and the blonde boy's face lit up. "we'll talk again later then, luka~!"
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lovedrruunk · 6 months
‘General Venture dating headcanons!
Authors note; literally wrote all of this during my genocide and holocaust studies class.… I’m going to hell…Also guys idk whether to use “y/n” or not like I can’t help but cringe… is it corny or no gah idk ALSO AUGHHH IM SUCH A LIAR im literally so behind on all my assignments!!!! And I still have requests to do whatever whatever enjoy!!!
They’re very secure as a person (and they trust you lots!) so I don’t think they’d get easily jealous but when they are they're sneaky with it, they’d be the type to like sabotage lolol
“Do you think I have a chance?”
“Oh with (____) ? Yea sure but just so y’know they were only recently discharged from the psyche ward…”
“Yea… doctors said they’d never be the same ..… poor thing…..
( ^◡^)”
They’re actually just the sweetest most understanding s/o ever like genuinely let them know all your of worries, share all your burdens, they happily will!!
Will DIE if they ever made you upset. Like would start genuinely tweaking and going crazy. Will buy every gift and write so many letters apologizing for whatever they’d done until you’re happy again
Even worse if they make you mad like omg ESPECIALLY IF UR GIVING THEM THE SILENT TREATMENT
do be expecting them outside your window with a boombox on their head playing some old romantic Spanish saop opera song
They seem like the type who can’t cook for shit (I’m projecting here) BUT they will try just for you! They’ll attempt to cook your favorite foods… please lie to them!!
Absolutely loves to spoil / do things for you but if you do the same they freak out, lots of ‘You shouldn’t have!’s and ‘Shuckssss teehehehe’
Of COURSEEE gifts you lots of pretty rocks!!! Constantly. Your house might have a random rock in every corner but hey what can you do? what’s that? Refuse to take it? Yea if you want them to die!!!! You might as well have just ripped their heart out! just say you hate them and never wanna see them ever again!!!
Speaking of… lots of dramatics. However they’re smart enough to know when to stop so it’s not to the point of being annoying or anything! They can’t help but be playful, it’s in their blood
Not only are they a terrible cook but they're a terrible driver as well, there's definitely a hidden drawer filled with all their tickets... somebody get them off the damn road!
Treats the drill like a pet lol, y'know those jokes about pitbulls named princess? That's for sure what's going on here. Yea it's a dangerously massive drill meant to effortlessly barrow through solid ground but it's also their little meowmeow so?? Their admiral turbo meowington? If you suggest they wash it from all the dirt and grime they'll pout and say something stupid like; "but but flufflestiltskin hates the bath"
That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there's more cooking in the back of my head!! Hope you like it, this was rlly fun lolol (IM SO IN LOVE WITH THEM SOMEONE SEDATE ME.)
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strom-in-the-sky · 8 months
hii i just saw your dazai smut and it means so much to me 🥺
is it possible to do a dazai x afab reader comfort + smut who has small chest is often feels insecure of the way she looks, thinking shes not as pretty as the other girls and had a breakdown in front of him about how she is not good enough and doesnt understand why someone as handsome and desirable as dazai would ever love her?
tysm bby <3
Ahhhhh! Thank you >< I'm glad to hear!!! Thanks for the request! ♡
Female user, no y/n mentioned. user is a bit inoccent in a sense. Dazai nickname for women ((Bella, belladonna)), body shaming on user part. User not mentioned as skiny, or plump. (You all pretty never underestimated yourself ♡) breakdown/ poor mental health. Mention slightly of dazai past. Dazai being probably occ. Insecurities. Written by someone who's a virgin and no experience in sex is not actually to the real thing. NSFW under the cut.
Sort ngl.
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You were pretty in dazai's eye. Very pretty. For a man sin and dirt on his hand, he found peace in someone, and that lovely person is you. He doesn't even care what type of body you have. Sure, he been around once and awhile paying with other girl's feelings. But yours oh his sweet little inoccent bella. He loves you so much and pretty much shows you it every single day. Many kisses in the morning, secretly making sure you were much better than him. Seriously, this man is broke, but he spends every cent on you to see you smile happy. It felt much, much better than anything else he ever indulged in. Now dazai isn't stupid. He is a very smart man. Many more sometimes than you expect. So when he felt something was off with his sweet bella, he opted for the best option, finding it out himself. Since you probably wouldn't tell him straight up or lie. He could see it, so he opted to get the answers he wanted himself.
"Bella~, I'm heading out to buy us something to eat, alright? I be back in a bit, " he lied but for a good reason "accidently" leaving his wallet on the counter as he made his way out of the bedroom. You were showing, but you till heard what he said. Once you came out, the shower, drying off your skin. You got on your bra and panties before letting a small sigh out. Looking down at your chest. Dazai always said your body was built so wonderful for him. The perfect nature of a woman in his eyes. The doubts started to flood your head. Wonderfully. Just wonderfully. "I wonder what he sees in a woman like me... he is so handsome and wonderful. I'm just a skiny bones.... I don't even have a chest... maybe a more woman with a chest...or ass..mabye, even a skinner waist...." Words leak out your mouth almost like how water did. Oh, but that lovely boyfriend heard it all. His stomach dropped. How could his wonderful Bella think of that! It broke his heart to hear you sniffls but also he loved hearing them when if was onlt for him...oh his sweet bella dod things to his heart.... "He probably doesn't deserve me-" With that, the door was pushed open as dazai pulled you into his arms. He was taller, lanky frame curled over yours as he pulled you back into his chest. "Bella. Never ever think of that again, you hear me. I love you. Do you know what you do to me? You make me... feel whole... don't you ever say if you deserve me. I'm the one who is lucky here." he mumbled into your ears as you cried. God, he hated how much it made him twitch in his pants. As he just wished to bend you over and take you then. But he knew he had to care softly for his precious Bella first.
"Just let me show you how much I love this body of yours~" he didn't even let you get a next word as he sat down on the bed pulling you to his back again making you face a mirror in the shared bedroom. The small, fully body mirror, as he loop his legs to yours to pull them apart. He whispered nothing but sweet words in his ears as his lanky hands ran down your neck to your chest. "You know I like any women, bella~, and well, I don't care if you don't have a chest or a models body. You know how adorable you are when your girls get perked~ like~ ah! There it's~ It looks like someone existed to see me!" His big palms didn't waste time getting the bra off as he tossed it away as he squished your small chest. His figures worked on pinching and twisting your nipples. Chuckling at your face as he watched threw the mirror. As small mewls came from your lips, one hand moved to travel to your neck and hold your head to look at yourself in the mirror when you tired to look away as the other slid down your body over your stomach. "Your belly is so good too~ I just move to rest my head on it, so squishy and nice~ so much hickey i can leave on it~ my sweet bella..." he purred as he titled his head to suck and lick your neck. His hand squished your stomach as his palm almost cover your whole stomach, completely tracing heart shapes to it. His eyes looked at your face as he smirked. "Good girl~ and then his litte pretty cunt. I can't get enough of it." That when it came painfully noticeable. He was rock hard in his pants. He knew what he was doing as he shifted his hips a bit. "Feel it bella? Feel what your body does to me? I can't control it when it comes to you~" he chuckled as his hand traced your pantie line.
"Suck a shame. I got to mess up my pretty girl pussy up~"
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I hope this was good >< slightly rushed and I might add more or change more later....
Proof read- nu uh.
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st-eve-barnes · 7 months
Pretty little liars (chapter 2)
(Felix Catton x fem Reader)
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Summary: Felix Catton was the embodiment of everything you hated, yet you loved him like you never imagined one human being could love another. But as with all good things, you didn't know what you had until it was stolen from you.
This Chapter: You give into your feelings for Felix and Saltburn takes over your life.
Word count: +2400
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Enemies to lovers vibes. Oral (fem & male receiving), p in v sex, fingering, ... Jealousy, voyeurism, secrets, toxic relationships, mentions of death. Oliver being his creepy little self.
ANGST/smut/fluff (do I ever write anything else? lol)
Masterlist for this fic
All these and older fics are also on AO3 If you want to support my writing you can Buy me a KoFi or feed me with a lovely comment ;)
Just a few weeks ago you had zero interest in Felix Catton.
Right now you wished you had a time machine so you could travel back to that last moment where he meant absolutely nothing to you.
How quickly your irritation had evolved into infatuation, to the point where he now walked around in your head as if he owned the place.
And it wasn’t just Felix who had taken over. Saltburn was in your head now too.
There was no turning back.
You walked through the grass of the estate barefoot that afternoon. You had skipped a few parties, forcing yourself to put some distance between yourself and this place, but it kept calling you back. 
There was a quietness behind these walls you couldn’t find anywhere else. When you were here it was almost as if the rest of the world seized to exist and in this new world everything was perfect and shiny and beautiful all the time. 
Saltburn offered you an escape, it allowed you to disappear and be someone else. Someone better than who you actually were.
And it allowed you to be where Felix was.
You found him by the water, sitting by himself, playing with the grass and smoking his cigarette.
It was useless to keep lying to yourself, there was not a single soul in here you wanted to be near. Except for him. You were under his spell, blinded by his light and drawn to it at the same time. Like a moth to a flame. You made your way over and without saying a single word sat down next to him on the grass.
He was barefoot, like you, only wearing shorts and a colorful shirt, one that matched your orange summer dress. He didn’t say anything but the corners of his mouth curled up into a barely noticeable smirk at seeing you here.
He took one long drag from his cigarette and then handed it to you.
Without even thinking you put your lips to it and breathed, ignoring the fact that you were a non smoker. You burst out in a coughing fit as soon as the smoke hit your lungs.
Felix laughed and gently slapped you on the back.“Don’t choke on it, new girl,” he teased.
You gave him back the cigarette. You weren’t even sure why you accepted it in the first place.
That was a lie. You knew exactly why. Because it was his, because it was a way to feel closer to him, because you would take whatever scraps he was willing to give you.
It was pathetic and you would never admit it to anyone, least of all to yourself.
“Stop calling me new girl,” you then teased him,”I’ve been coming here for over a month now, find something more original.”
“Okay, don’t choke on it, annoying girl,” he rolled his eyes at you.
You hadn’t meant to laugh but you couldn’t help yourself and when Felix joined you the tension broke almost instantly. You dared to turn your head to look at him. As soon as your eyes met the tension was back, but it was a different kind now.
“You came back,” Felix stated softly and you nodded.
“Felt like I didn’t have a choice.”
“Why is that?”
“This place seems to have some magnetic pull on me, I can’t seem to shake it no matter how hard I try.”
Felix stared into your eyes, lips curling up into a small grin again,”Just this place?”
You stared right back at him, allowing yourself to drown into those deep brown eyes while you shook your head.”No, not just the place,” you confessed,”You.”
Felix’s hand moved to the small of your back, eyes never leaving yours as he guided you forward and into his lap. It was so easy to just follow his lead, let his big hands mold you and place you exactly where he wanted you. Legs straddled on either side of him, his forehead resting gently against yours, a gesture too delicate for two people who didn’t like each other all that much.
Or was that just another lie you told yourself?
“Come here,” he whispered, cupping your cheek to pull you in and kiss you. Soft, slow, greedy. His thumb tracing your jaw and your neck in the process until you finally melted into him and kissed him back.
“Who are you, annoying girl?” he breathed into the kiss.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” you teased him.
Felix shut you up with another kiss.
It would be a lie to say you didn’t want to fuck him after that. Of course you did. You were no longer immune to his charm or his affections towards you. But more than anything you just wanted to be his friend, be around him, share in his light and his warmth.
And Felix was generous with both, especially towards you. 
You didn’t sleep with him at first, not even after he’d started taking you up to his room to escape the others and spend more time alone with you.
You’d watch movies, read books and laugh. And kiss. You could kiss him for hours and not do anything else, or need anything else.
The end credits of The talented Mr Ripley were playing on the tv screen in front of you. You and Felix were both leaning against the headboard of his king sized bed, the windows open to let in the soft summer breeze. Felix’s hand was resting casually on your knee while he was chatting about the movie.
“All I’m saying is sometimes people don’t have layers, sometimes…we are exactly what everyone thinks we are,” Felix stated.
“Do you really believe that? I think everyone has layers, even the people you wouldn’t expect it from. Especially the people you wouldn’t expect it from.”
He smiled down at you but shook his head.”People are simple.”
“People are complicated,” you disagreed,”You can’t just take one look at someone and read their entire personality.”
“But sometimes you can though.”
“But that’s just prejudice based on cliches.”
“And cliches exist because they are based on truth.”
You gave him a look but he didn’t budge.
“Alright, take me for example," he continued,"It didn’t take you that long to figure me out, did it?”
You shook your head with a smile,”Felix Catton, I still haven’t figured you out.”
He laughed,”But you have. You pegged me as a spoilt, ignorant, rich kid who gets everything handed to him on a silver platter, who goes through life like it’s a fucking breeze. And…I can’t even argue with it because I am exactly that.”
“But you are more than that, Felix.”
“Just because you want me to be doesn’t make it so. What if this is it? What if there are no layers?”
You covered his large hand with your small one and squeezed softly while shaking your head.
“So you’re a walking cliche, got it,” you teased and much to your relief it made him smile.
“What about me?” you then asked,”What cliche am I?”
He immediately shook his head,“Oh no, I'm not getting in trouble by answering that question."
“Come on, I won’t be offended,” you looked into his eyes,”Tell me who I am.”
“Okay,” he nodded and took a moment before he answered,”You’re the girl who tries very hard to be different from other girls while deep down you’re dying to be just like them.”
Your smile faded at his words and Felix shook his head,”See? I’m in trouble.”
“No, you're not,” you reassured him,”Tell me more.”
“You’re constantly torn between wanting to stand out or wanting to fit in, wanting to be seen and noticed or wanting to be invisible and not be perceived by anyone. Sometimes…it’s like you’re performing, because you think it’s what people want from you.”
He stayed quiet for a moment, taking his time to take you all in.”It's not what I want from you."
You stared at him.
"What do you want from me?" you asked, carefully.
"For you to not be afraid to show me...what's underneath."
"What if you don't like what's underneath?"
Felix gave you a soft smile,"I can’t see anything I won’t like about you, Y/N.”
You returned his smile but shook your head.
Oh, but you will.
You didn’t speak those words out loud but your heart was pounding so heavily you were sure he had to hear it as well.
But he just continued,“The truth is I can’t figure you out for the life of me. And it drives me fucking insane because I really, really want to.”
He moved over you on the bed, placing himself in between your legs, his face level with yours as he looked deep into your eyes. The mood in the entire room changed.
“There’s a darkness in you,” he spoke softly,”You hide it well but it’s there…I can feel it. And I...I can’t look away from it."
His thumb brushed your bottom lip, opening you up to him."I want to drown in it," he whispered,"And in you.”
His mouth devoured yours in a deep, hungry kiss.
This one was different from all the kisses you’d shared with him before, there was a possessiveness to it that shook you to the core.
You’d kissed him back with that same fire, pushing at his shirt to take it off, your hands caressing his back, his shoulders, his ass, any piece of him you could grab hold of.
Felix moaned into your mouth when you wrapped your legs around him, dragging him closer. His large hands moved over your stomach to push up your summer dress and help you lift it up over your head, leaving you almost completely bare for him.
Then he was kissing your neck, your nipples, your stomach and your thighs. Your underwear was pulled from you, replaced by his mouth and his tongue circling your clit and invading your walls until you soaked his bed, his name a desperate plea on your lips, begging for more.
And once again he was generous, giving you what you’d been craving for a while now, both of you desperately pulling at his shorts to free his cock.
And then he was fucking you, slowly and thoroughly, soothing away your last doubts and fears one thrust at a time.
Your life without Felix Catton was a thing of the past now.
You’d started spending the night more often after that. You didn’t always fuck, sometimes you still just watched movies together or read, you at one side of the bed and Felix on the other.
You had barely seen Bella lately, she was always occupied with Oliver. It seemed unhealthy but then weren’t you doing the exact same thing with Felix? You realized you were in no position to judge her so you didn’t and the contact between you two faded.
The summer seemed to drag on forever, so did the heat. Your life outside of Saltburn became smaller and smaller, sometimes you weren’t even sure if you still existed outside of these walls.
You were there almost every day now. There was an extra plate at the breakfast table for you, even though you had never asked for it.
Life was good. Surreal. You couldn’t see the cracks yet, even though they were right there in front of you, if only you had paid attention.
You sank down deeper into the bathtub, Felix’s bathtub, closing your eyes and letting the water overtake you for just a moment. It was past midnight, the only lights in the room the candles Felix had lit for you a little earlier.
He would be passed out on the bed by now. He had insisted you take all the alone time you needed to relax and then join him for the night.
It was quiet in Saltburn, and even though the bath was cooling you down sweat was already forming on your forehead again. You were starting to feel a little claustrophobic so you carefully stepped out of the bath to open a window.
It was only then that you noticed the door was ajar. Not the door to Felix’s room but the door that lead to one of the connecting guest rooms. It was probably just the wind you had created yourself by opening the window but it made you feel unnerved anyway. You grabbed a towel to cover yourself up and slowly stepped closer to the door. You could have sworn you’d seen something move and while you couldn’t be sure the cold chill running down your spine was telling you someone had been watching you this entire time.
“You done here?”
You jumped and let out a scream when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Whoa, hey, it’s just me,” Felix reassured you, lifting up both hands in defense,”Don’t scream like that, love, you’ll wake everyone up.”
“God, fuck, sorry, you startled me.”
”That’s some guilty conscience to make you jump like that,” he teased but you ignored his comment.
You reached out to grab his shirt and Felix didn’t hesitate to pull you into a warm, solid hug.”Hey, you’re okay, babe, everything’s alright,” he soothed you in a sweet voice, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“What’s back there?” you asked softly,”Behind that door.”
“That door?” Felix asked surprised,”That’s just Ollie’s room.”
“Oliver? He shares a bathroom with you?”
“Yeah, he probably just forgot to lock it before he went to sleep,” Felix let go of you to close the door.”See, no harm done, it happens,” he shrugged.
You couldn’t shake the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach but you didn’t feel it was your place to comment on it beyond that. After all you hadn’t actually seen anything and it was probably just your imagination or the wind. 
Oliver was a good guy, he wouldn't do something like that, you still believed that at the time. There was nothing to worry about.
“Hey,” Felix cupped your cheek and locked eyes with you,”You’re too tense, babe. Come on, I can take care of that.”
He leaned in to place a few playful kisses in your neck while his hands moved down your sides, pulling your towel with him until it ended up on the floor and you were naked in his arms.
"Oops," he smirked.
“Felix,” you giggled.
“Get on my bed, princess, now,” he teased and then slapped your ass before following you back to his bedroom.
Felix made sure you didn't think about Oliver again that night, or the days after that and you happily let yourself forget all about the wandering eyes behind that bathroom door.
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allwormdiet · 13 days
Shell 4.3
In which we finally discuss the locker
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Little surprised that Alec is taking the lead on this one, but pleasantly so
And yeah, here we finally get an explanation for powers and triggers and all that, or at least the foundations of it
...Also there's no way that Glory Girl triggered just because of a basketball game, that has to be a crock of shit. What's up with New Wave claiming to be the most open hero team and then coming off the shadiest? How am I trusting these people less than I trust the government capes?
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I like that they make a point of reassuring her after her blunder. She couldn't have known, and they know that, and they don't hold it against her. I love these kids.
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Brian seems more comfortable smacking Alec around than he does Rachel. I don't think that's a thing of not wanting to hit women, last arc he decked Vista like she owed him money. Maybe it's that Rachel intentionally provokes that reaction and Alec is just kind of a little shit? Idk
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Again, I remain utterly fixated on how this is Taylor's one line, the thing she refuses to compromise on ever. I'll buy that she doesn't want outside interference from the Undersiders or other capes when it comes to the bully situation, but it's harder to do that when she never makes a move herself.
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This is so. Evil. Like, the false friendship, the rotting tampons, the imprisonment. The fact that nobody who sees this play out even bothers to help her. The fact that she's trapped for hours. If that didn't give someone a trigger event, I'm not sure anything would.
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Alec is actually so real for this. Like for all that he was disgusted with the story (which, fair) his disgust isn't with Taylor, it's with the fuckers who did that to her. And Brian agrees with him! Lisa is making a point of not disagreeing, even.
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Oh hey, Taylor actually acknowledges her thing with anger and violent retribution. Glad she's cognizant of that, it'd be a whole situation if she wasn't tbh
Actually thank god for Alec keeping up this line of thinking, this might be the most passionate we've seen him get about anything. The runner up is like, him being annoyed he can't keep Kid Win's skateboard, and that's peanuts compared to this. Maybe he's wrong about the revenge thing but I don't know that he is, and he's definitely not wrong about the indignity that Taylor is allowing herself to suffer
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I don't think this is half the lie that Taylor thinks it is. For all that she has noble intentions, and I don't doubt she'll do her best with those... I don't think Taylor's drive to be a superhero was entirely selfless. This isn't all truth and justice going on here, this is feeling strong and being appreciated by others and not being looked at like a bottom-feeder.
Wonder when she'll figure that out for herself
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Get cared about idiot! Get absolutely blanketed with affection and approval from the people who would absolutely rip your bullies apart if you asked them to!
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You know. I think Brian's trigger event is one of the ones I know the least about? I know the broad strokes of almost every other Undersider, but I don't think I know anything about his.
Current Thoughts
Even knowing what's coming, reading through Taylor's ordeal with the locker is so fucking heartbreaking. She could've died in there and the consolation prize she got was not worth the cost of admission, that's for damn sure. Emma Barnes is a fucking maniac for this one.
The stuff about powers and trigger events is a pretty neat concept, and I like how it kind of contextualizes most capes as being fucked up. Like, I'm thirteen years late to the party on this one, but what a fascinating fucking idea to build your superhero setting on.
Alec really shone through for me in this chapter. Maybe I relate as someone who finds it easier to get angry on others' behalf than to be angry for myself, or maybe it's just nice to see him get fired up about something. I like this kid.
...Got work and a family thing today, but I'll see if I can't slip some more updates in. I'll probably read some at least and double back with my thoughts if nothing else
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Clown reader ! What about yandere manager ?
Clown reader ! My second favourite from Jester reader ( i'm sorry )
( basically a yandere manager ;-;;)
They have their number one fan, whom will always be there at their shows and buying each and every merchandise that got released.
But what about the fan that's been with them for the longest of time ?
Their manager has always been there - since the first day of their debut. And going all the way with them until now !
So why not go grab a meal with their dear manager after the show ? After all, it's just for asking how both have been and some talking.
Nothing could go wrong..
..right ?-
( this is my first time sending an ask so :')) My apologies if it was too long! And i also apologize if I got anything wrong about the character cuz i don't have very good memory ;-;;
I hope this ask get through)
You furiously scrub as your face with a wet paper towel as you exit the bathroom. If you had known they were taking you to such a fancy place after today's recording, you would've brought a change of clothes. Walking back to the table, wandering eyes follow the colorful corners peaking from your coat. You do your best to hide them. A fellow customer from a neighboring table lifts their phone to take a picture of you as you sit; camera lens blocked by a menu.
"Sweetheart, there you are! Kept me waiting, but you're lookin stunning as always. I can't tell if I like you more with or without the makeup. Get comfortable, order whatever you want.
You can't help but grin at the nickname. They've been using little pet names since the beginning of your partnership, but they feel more sincere now than the faux kindness that they showered everyone in. It makes you happy to know they see you as someone good to spend time with other than for the paycheck. Your manager hands you the menu; drilling in the notion you could have whatever your little heart decided. With a quick look at the menu, you notice there's no prices next to the entrees.
"Are you sure you don't mind paying? This place seems really high class. We can split it if you like."
Your manager raises their hand to stop you. "Y/n, please. I gotta treat my star player well, plus you deserve the finer things in life. It's my pleasure."
"If you say so... Just kinda feels like someplace you'd take someone on a date."
The thought slips out before you can realize what you've said, but it's no harm on their conscious. Quite the opposite in fact. They fold their hands together.
"Well, like I said, I wanna treat you right. Probably the only person in town who can. Not to mention, ratings for this quarter came in the other night and viewer scores are through the roof. You can think of this as a celebration."
"Would I ever lie to you? Got the papers right here." Your manager places a folder on the table. You don't have to look at it to believe them.
"That's great." You look at your reflection in an empty wine glass, paint smeared into the corner of your lips. "Makes saying goodbye just a little harder."
Your manager chokes on a mouthful of water. "Bye? You're not thinking about leaving us, are you?"
You raise your hands in surrender. "Course not!... Not yet anyway."
You tug on your frilly sleeves. You're happy where you are. That's something you know for sure, but you're not positive it's the life you want anymore. The word is your stage; audience far bigger than you ever could've dreamed, but it's suffocating. Your fans love you. Not just your character, but the face benath. Sometimes it feels like that love goes beyond the screen and fan letters. Sometimes - you feel like you're being followed.
"I... wanted to keep this private until I was sure, but I think I've been followed home before. Obviously I don't want to ruin everything for one person's actions, but I know it's more. On top of that I'm pretty well off financially. This was never for the money, but I just kinda miss things before I got big, you know?"
Of course they know. Your manager knows your story better than any of your little fans could ever imagine, even if they squeeze every detail of your life from everyone in it. They had been with you through it all. Your small failures, and your biggest leaps. It was an insult to think otherwise, and that they'd give up everything you built together.
"Y/n." Your manager reaches across the table to grab your trembling hands. "Everything's going to be fine. We'll get through this - together, and nobody's going to touch a hair on your head. To start off, we're moving you out of that shoebox you call an apartment and getting you a real place to live. You can stay with me until we find something."
You close your eyes, nodding along to their proposal. "Okay... that sounds like a good place to start."
Your manager draws closer, touch working up your arm. Someone taps on your shoulder before they can reach.
"Hi- I really hope I'm not interrupting, but can i take a picture with you? The kids I babysit love the show your costume is of."
You glance at your manager. They're already looking down at their phone. "Sure."
Taking photos with the stranger, your manager is left at the table alone; reliving memories of the past immortalized by old photos. Why did they ever agree to this? If you hadn't got so popular, they wouldn't have to share you with the world, but now they used the grounds of that success to remain stable in their own right. Maybe with you in their home they'd find a new start in your relationship.
Lord knows they'll never let you leave once you're inside.
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rebelwrites · 10 months
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Six: What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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An awkward silence fell over the two of us, any confidence I found had now dissolved leaving me feeling like a nervous wreck. This was only meant to be some harmless flirting, not the guy I had been crushing on for years basically asking me out on a date.
“Well, what about now?” Charles said, finally breaking the silence. Letting out a shaky breath I looked up at him to realize he wasn’t joking.
Come on Nova think!
“What about your friend?” I asked, trying to buy myself a little bit more time, “you just gonna leave him?”
“He will be fine,” Charles laughed, fiddling with the label on the beer bottle, “he’s more than likely going to have an early night, he is still pretty tired from traveling.”
I needed to come up with an excuse but my brain was drawing blank. I had been put on the spot, which was something I hated, it always made my stomach churn. “Squirt,” Jax’s voice called out from the other end of the bar, “thought I’d told you to go home and get some sleep?” he scolded, folding his arms across his chest with a cocked brow.
“Yes dad!” I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. Turning my attention to Charles I weakly smiled at him. I felt my already tired body slightly sagging in relief, “sorry, I’ve gotta go, Doctor Teller’s orders and all that shit.”
“See you around, Sunshine,” Charles smiled softly, lifting his beer bottle up at me.
Flashing him a smile in return, I swiftly slid off the bar stool, weaving my way through the bar. The moment I was through the staff only door I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
“Come here,” Jax hummed, pulling me into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “did I hear Leclerc just asked you out on a date?”
“Yeah, you did,” I sighed, looking up at my older brother, “I kinda freaked out, told him I wouldn’t have time.”
“I hear what you are saying, Nova, but you need to put your happiness first for once,” Jax whispered, refusing to pull away from the hug, “you haven’t been truly happy for a while now have you?”
“Of course I’ve been happy,” I lied. The truth was I hated being alone, I wanted someone who loved me for who I was, someone I could go on cute dates with but also someone who loved my family as much as I did. Everyone I had ever dated turned out to be complete assholes, so for the past 3 years I refused to get involved with anyone. My heart was calling out but I just didn’t know if I could deal with more heartbreak so I shut myself off from the world keeping my focus on my family.
“Nova, you know you can’t lie to me. You have lost that sparkle in your eyes but I saw it when you were flirting with Charles,” he smiled, finally stepping back releasing me from the hug. “If he makes you happy then what's the worst that could happen?”
“Are you really asking me that?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him, “he’s only in town for the next four weeks, ain’t like he’s looking for something serious. He’s probably just wanting a townie to get some action. So what’s the use, he’s gonna leave and I’m gonna be heartbroken,” pausing when I realized that he was being a hypocrite right now, “hold up a minute. When was the last time you dated someone?”
“Just have a summer fling with the boy, it is blatantly obvious that he feels something for you, sis. You’re young, go have some fun, get laid, just live your life,” Jax smiled softly, placing a hand on my arm, “you might never get this opportunity again.”
“Still didn’t answer my question,” I hummed, nudging him with my elbow.
“I have a child who is my number one priority so things are a bit different for me,” he shrugged, I knew he was right, he didn’t just have to think about himself now. Elenor was always going to be his number one, nothing would ever change that. “Come on, I will drive you home.”
“I’m perfectly fine to drive,” I protested, but at that moment my body decided to betray me as a large yawn escaped my body.
“Course you are,” Jax laughed, swatting my arm away from my jacket pocket, swiping the keys for himself, “I won’t be able to focus if I don’t drive you home myself.”
“And what about the bar?” I asked, raising my brow, “you know damn well you can’t just abandon ship.”
“Chucky said he will cover me,” Jax smirked, wiggling the keys in front of me, “plus I will only be gone for like fifteen minutes, so get your ass moving.”
“Fine, you can drive,” I huffed, knowing that this wasn’t going to be a fight I was going to win.
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The obnoxious blaring sound of the alarm echoed around the room causing me to groan into my cloud-like pillow. I didn’t want to leave my bed, I wanted to stay in this safe comfortable cocoon that I had created. When I arrived home last night I dragged myself straight to bed, face planting the mattress not bothering to even change as I passed out. Jax was right, I needed a good night's sleep and for the first time in the last six months that's what I got but I still hadn’t woken up feeling refreshed, in fact I felt worse.
One good night's sleep wasn’t going to fix everything, it wasn’t a magic cure.
Running my hands over my face I took a deep breath before finally kicking the duvet back, moving my body so I was now sitting on the edge of the bed. Reaching for my phone I pulled the charger out letting it drop to the floor as I silenced the alarm.
Another day, another 5am wake up.
At least Nero would be joining me at the cafe to go through everything, learning how I liked things done. My mind was constantly replaying the events of last night, it was like I enjoyed tormenting myself. I just hoped I would at least have a couple of days before I bumped into Charles again but my gut feeling was telling me that wouldn’t be the case.
Finally, I pushed myself off the bed, quickly shooting Nero a text letting him know I was awake. The time I spent at home went by in a blur, like it did every morning and once again I was fumbling with the stupid lock on the cafe door. It was something I kept meaning to get fixed but it kept slipping down the list of things I needed to get done.
Once I had finally entered the building I winced at the sound of the alarm screeching through the room. I hated this thing, I knew we needed the security but I felt like you needed a degree to shut the bloody thing off.
“Jax really went all out on the security, eh?” Nero chuckled, appearing behind me.
“Something like that,” I scoffed, sighing in relief once I had managed to deactivate it. “I think it’s overkill but you know Jax, there's no changing his mind once he has decided something.”
“Come on then, mamacita, let's get this show on the road,” Nero grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he guided me to the back room. It was such a good feeling to have him here, he was a life saver right now, he was taking a massive weight off my shoulders, relieving some of the pressure life was throwing at me.
The sound of someone knocking on the main door caused me to look up at Nero from across the room, “What time is it?” I asked, turning back to putting up the flyers for the fundraiser on the notice board.
“Twenty five past six,” he hummed, “want me to let them in?”
“Why not, it’s only five minutes before we open,” I shrugged.
I kept my back towards the door, I needed to get everything up on the notice board ready for the new week. The moment I heard his voice I panicked dropping the pot of push pins all over the floor, the sound of them scattering across the laminate caused Nero to rush over.
“You okay, mama?” he asked, placing his hands over my shaking ones, “Is that him?” My eyes were like saucers at Nero’s words, how the hell did he know? “Jax rang me last night and brought me up to speed,” he smirked, spinning me around pushing me towards the counter to where Charles was, “stop overthinking things, listen to your heart, chicka, you never know he might be the one.” he whispered in my ear.
“You live in cuckoo land,” I scoffed.
“Nova, you know me,” he smirked, taking a step back holding his hands in the air “I’m a Companionator,” he mouthed pointing at himself whilst walking away backwards.
Shaking my head at him, I took a deep breath before giving Charles my attention, “You stalking me now?” I laughed, leaning against the counter behind me, folding my arms across my chest.
“Sunshine, I didn’t know you worked here,” he mumbled, gripping the edge of the counter as he spoke. The sight of his ring clad hands caused my heart rate to triple, why did he make me so nervous?
“Yuup,” I nodded, popping the ‘p’. “Spend the mornings here and the nights at the bar.”
“Vous ne mentiez pas sur le fait que vous dirigiez deux entreprises. You weren't lying about running two companies,” he said softly, running his hand across his face.
“Pourquoi mentirais-je ? Why would I lie?” I said but the words came out a little harsher than I anticipated, the look on Charles face caused me to wince.
He dropped his eye contact as he rubbed the back of his neck, the tell tale sign of embarrassment, “Urm, I guess I don’t know,” he mumbled.
The sight of him fumbling over his words, warmed my heart. I’d never expect someone like him to be anything other than cocky and full of confidence yet here he was acting like a deer that had been caught in headlights. It was actually really endearing. The media always portrayed him as someone who had everything, even though he probably did, it was nice to see that deep down he was acting just as nervous as I felt.
“What can I get you?” I quickly asked, hoping that changing the subject could help clear the awkwardness that had fallen over the two of us.
“Urm, two coffees and a couple of blueberry muffins please,” he asked, his voice still quiet as he spoke. He had now moved from rubbing the back of his neck to fiddling with one of the many bracelets wrapped around his wrist.
“Coming right up,” I smiled, getting started on his order. My heart rate was slowly coming back down but the moment I passed him the first coffee, his fingers brushed against mine sending shockwaves through my body and in turn caused my heart to skip a beat. I had never felt this kind of connection with anyone before, although with Charles it was breathtaking. Soon enough the awkward tension around us had dissipated and the guy standing in front of me was the person who was confidently flirting with me in the bar last night.
“So Sunshine, what’s this fundraiser you were on about last night?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee whilst leaning against the counter.
“It’s something we do every year, each time we raise money for a different charity. Funds from this event will be going to a dementia charity,” I smiled, feeling tears prick my eyes as I said the one word I always tried to avoid, “it’s something extremely close to mine and Jax’s heart.”
“Your Pops?”
“Yeah,” I sighed, finding myself fiddling with my necklace, “he was diagnosed about a year ago and since then things have started to spiral.”
“What does the fundraiser entail?” Charles asked, it was like he could sense a change of subject was needed.
Reaching behind me I grabbed one of the many flyers to pass to him, “it’s in two man teams and is basically a big scavenger hunt across town. Starts at 10 and you have until 5pm to complete as many tasks as you can, capturing photo or video evidence. Each task has points attached to it and the team with the most points wins,” I smiled, watching as he intently read the flier. Whilst he took in the information I moved over to the pastry counter, finishing off his order.
I couldn’t help sneak glances as I carefully wrapped the muffins, placing them in the brown paper bag. A wave of confidence washed over me, I had no idea where it came from but I found myself swiping the marker pen off the counter, scribbling my phone number on a napkin.
For a moment I stared at the white square, deciding if I was going to do this. My head and heart were screaming different things at me but Jax’s words from yesterday rang in my head, he was right, I was still young and this might be my only chance. Carefully I folded the napkin in half before slipping it into the bag.
“I don’t know if you and your friend will still be in town by then,” I said softly, mentally praising myself for continuing the act of not knowing who he was. Although I wasn’t sure on how long I would be able to keep the charade going, “but if you are, it would be great to see you there, Jax has the sign up sheet at the bar,” I smiled, handing over the brown paper bag.
“See you around, Sunshine,” he said, throwing me a wink, spinning on his heels, coffee and baked goods in hand as he left the cafe.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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fudanshidoublevision · 6 months
Double Vision as a father.
Ray better kill him before Double puts his bloody claws on MC and even thinks of forming a family with them. /j
Dude, no, imagine being his CHILD, i feel sorry for anyone who has Double as some type of...paternal figure, LMFAO.
Experiencing parenthood isn't on my “to-do list”. Plus having a child, on this ECONOMY? I'm good.
Parenting is a humbling experience, my parents had taught me AND told me that. Well, that is certainly my fault because I was the devil reincarnated when I was a kid— but they still call me their little devil so not much has changed I guess. ( ͡°з ͡°)
But in this scenario...even if the circumstances aren't ideal, I believe that anyone can do their best if they really want to, it's not easy. It isn't the children's fault that their parents are so troubled. (meaning, if their progenitor is Double Vision in this case, lol)
I've discussed this with my best friend once, a long time ago and they said something about how Double will view his child as a possesion and extension of himself (and yours too, because he would only care about that kid just enough 'cause you are attached to them), i kind of agree with him. But, I mean? If Double Vision has kids with MC, wouldn't that mean he is fond with the idea of having kids? I haven't mentioned nothing about him being capable of “baby trapping” you because everyone else is disposable to him but you aren't. For all he cares, he only needs to held you tight by your throat to remember that he only needs you, he doesn't want or need someone else. In this scenario, your child was planned and wanted.
Even if you loved your child, he will be uncapable of loving them back the same way you love them but he wouldn't be uncaring, dude is deranged and a major bad influence. Mostly because of the way he is and taking in consideration the fact that his parents were emotionally and psychically absent when he needed them around, it's not an excuse considering how in this similar scenario Ray didn't had NO good-present parental figures on his whole life but wants to try his best, it just kind of explains why he acts and why would he act like that. I'm not saying that Ray would be perfect at parenting a child just a bit better than Double for sure, not gonna lie Double gives me “crazy-unstable uncle” vibes.
He is not right in the head, neither i am but hey, this is not a competition for who's more deranged, so...someone has to be the relatively-stable and emotionally available parental figure. (Meaning, YOU.)
Just sane enough to not make a mini Double 2.0. Who can be worse.
He would care...and “love” (the way he “loves you” is pretty different) his own child his very particular way. Yeah, he would be cruel and a piece of shit to you but just a tiny mean and highly authoritarian towards his child.
me if our kid ever asks me why their father fucking SUCKS at giving advice and why is it always has to end up with someone getting hurt:
"Mini-me, if you ever need adivice, you can open up to me and say whatever is bothering that little head of yours. Keeping some ugly thoughts to yourself isn't good, whatever it is, I'll never judge you and you'll never scare me off....What about your dad...? Eh, he...just isn't the best giving out advice. Some people aren't good with their words...and tend to say things that are bad, sometimes it's better to do...whatever you think is right instead of following what others may "advice” you but you can always double-check with me to know if you are doing the right thing.
Why, you ask? WELL... what about if we just...OH, what if we go out for a bit? Would you like that? I'll buy you whatever you want. ANYTHING! Just...dont tell your dad, okay..."
It's sad but it's not easy to explain to children why their mom/dad/parent acts or behaves “weird” or is incapable of doing things their other parent can do.
Oh well, i believe Double's kid wouldn't question what their dad tells them to do or say because...that's their father, they don't know any better than what their parents tell them.
Double's parental skills aren't the best; he is driven by his own emotions and he is the definition of what impulsivity means. He doesn't care much about consequences and who he might hurt to achieve what he wants and what he NEEDS. (You, again, for example. He obliterated the previous Night Crew members because of your “disappearance”. He may or may not broken someone's bones and mayyybe, just maybe! I think... he threatened some people here and there to get your location.)
I thought that maybe he would use your own child as a weapon to tame you so you'll do whatever he says. Emotional manipulation and conditioning...not even that poor kid is safe from that, Double is VERY MUCH controlling and overprotective. No matter how you behave, he stills wants you but of course, he loves a defiant behavior but he can't deny that he enjoys it when you "make things easier".
After all, parents will do anything for their children, right? Oh well, I'll be guessing that you'll do that for the sake of your child. Sorry if I'm wrong.
It doesn't really matter how that child appeared or how they were conceived and brought to you two to form a family. Those little details don't matter, you'll try your best, right? No matter what. You don't have much of an option if you are with Double, I guess. ಠಿ_ಠ
But I have the feeling that this freak will be overjoyed if the kid, shares your and his blood and genes. Just another thing to reaffirm his ownership over you. I don't think he will be capable of harming his own child, psychically, I mean. Maybe he WILL threaten you and say he'll hurt your kid when you “act feisty” so you'll give up.
Double Vision wouldn't be jealous at all of his child if they take all the attention from his most beloved possession off him because they aren't simply a bit of a threat to him and that kid is just trying to bond with you, i don't think Double would even bother to get in between of the parent of his kid and his child. Unless it is to annoy you or just be insufferable, as usual.
I like the idea that he underestimates what his child is capable of doing, lol.
For my own mental peace, i didn't added details like “what if your child had abilities?”. Because I have the feeling Double will be up to NO good with that little piece of information.
But let's just sit and think about it, either way, if your child is an ability holder or not, doesn't really matter if Daddy Double is around. Anything is possible and who is he to deny his child's wish to follow his daddy's step? Villainy, I mean, lol.
He would be overjoyed and proud his child wants to be a villain, like his parents. Well, he still is a villain and MC is not longer in the business because of Double, LMAO.
If you'd like to enter a more dangerous territory well, what if his kid wanted to become a hero? Not even an option, haha.
It's not like they have one, being a villain or just a regular citizen, no child of Double is going to become a hero on his guard. He will be very open about his distaste on the wish of his child wanting to be a hero, he might be ticked off by that.
Maybe he is usually cold-headed when he interacts with his own child, I think it's enough with him having you in edge constantly, at least he wouldn't behave or treat them the same way he treats you. Even though, there are times that his patience runs thin (when annoyed or angry, not entirely directed towards his child) and could say some concerning things that his child may take to heart.
Parents knows best, I've heard from a certain someone say before.
Now, what if that child grows? Woah, they are going through the terrifying, horrifying, traumatizing, horrible phase of adolescence! Amazing, worst years of my life! ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
They are slowing growing into becoming an adult, they might realize how different everything looks when you are a bit...mature, you become more aware of what's going on around you. They will notice about how some behaviors from their parents aren't normal and not what they seemed, I'm specifically talking about Double Vision but you get it.
Maybe they will develop a rocky relationship with you but I believe that no matter what they will still love you and care for you, maybe you'll become their favorite and appreciate more the way you cared for them, who knows. Maybe they will hate you because you didn't tried enough and had to choose Double Vision as their shitty dad (I think it's for the best if they didn't know the reality of your situation 😁), they will grew and distant but who knows...?
About Double, I have the feeling that for their own sake they'll ignore his dad's existence as much as they can, Double is aware of that and doesn't care that much but I won't deny that he might be annoyed by that and oh NO! They ended up being just like you and Double is going to pick on you for that and even say that is your fault why they hate him so much.
Maybe it's for the better if your kid ended up being more like you rather than Double.
Double is an only child so i believe that he'll only want one single kid but I don't think he would be opposed of having another one but MAYBE, just maybe, no!
But there's something I believe that everyone can agree on and that's on the fact that Double looks so fucking HOT with grey hair.
And oh my FUCKING God, his gloves? You can see his tattooed sleeves and his neck? I feel like a Victorian man seeing a woman's ankles for the first time. I want to break his senile back.
Conclusion, could you have kids with Double? Absolutely, will he be a good dad? Questionable but most likely, not. I think he might be like his parents, he exists but he isn't a reliable person for his kids, it's kind of difficult to come a conclusion because he is so complex to me, my opinion on him is always ever-changing.
OH YEAH, you and your child might be the only ones besides some of your family members who probably meet him wayyyyyy before, a long time ago, that know his real name. It isn't that relevant but one of the most important things a kid has to know it's their parents name and last name, right? Not that Double's real name is going to be used as much as you might think.
I wrote this solely because I had a dream where Double Vision was my uncle and he lived on my grandparents backyard??? Sick and I just wanted to post this because I spent three days of my life writing this and then chickened out.
This post in particular wasn't proofreaded (at all) by my friends that usually encourage to post my dusty drafts.
I hope you liked it, I might add some things to this post in the future...
Anyways, Haley bae is next. Maybe even Binary Star because I think having kids with him sounds scary, if you are aware of WHY ARE YOU having kids with him on the first place (canonically speaking).
How would Double actually act if he ever had a kid: /j
I had this video on repeat playing in my head while writing this.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
The Randomiser Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
Bourbon soaked messages
Everything was based on a lie
I know that you hate her but it was never her fault, not really.
No more talk, you’re mine
I had no idea you had feelings for me
No matter how far apart we are, I’ll always find you
You’re the reason I’m here
You can do better than him
Dancing by lamplight
I should have taken you with me
Drunk voice mail revealing feelings
Don’t pretend like you care
Drunk fighting.
If you’re having problems I’m here to listen.
Turning up bloody on the door step
Meeting you was the best moment of my life.
I didn’t know what you were going through.
Nobody gets to hurt you and walk away.
Accidental dial so a conversation is overheard
You are not a liability.
Love is the one thing that money can’t buy.
I’m going to spend my last days loving you.
I’ve lost her, she isn’t coming back
You told me you’ve been fighting all your life, well fight for us.
It’s time to say the things he truly feels.
Under the neon lights
Honey, won’t you let me put that ring on your finger
You don’t have to hide your sadness
He’s the bad boy of law enforcement
Darling you deserve more than just these roses
Raining on Sunday
Blood stains and shattered glass
Have you told anyone else?
Oh honey, you’ve done some bad shit haven’t you?
My life was fine before you turned up
He broke into my home
You destroyed my world.
Noone has ever given me something so important
Such a tough façade, you’re just a fragile little girl underneath
You’re out of your fucking mind
Fuck, you’re on something aren’t you?
Baby we need to get you to a hospital.
Attending an event with someone who is not the object of affection
Just not right now ok?
Escape attempt
I’ve tried being subtle but it doesn’t work.
He took us to the woods…Well you know what happened next.
I’m stranded in the middle of nowhere.
You have to move on.
That’s just a rumour
I never thought I’d see you in handcuffs
Attending a wedding
It’s what you do when you love someone right?
Look, I owe you an apology
I can’t fucking breathe
I thought I’d lost you…
You’re gonna get us arrested.
Blood stained teeth
You were wearing that dress, you know the one
You’re an angry little thing aren’t you
A relationship that exists only in the dark.
I don’t want to talk, for now just kiss me, take me to bed
Spitting blood.
Rough voice, pretty words
It was supposed to be yours but then…you needed some time
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Ikemen Villains Love Letter Replies: Part 1
— Ellis, Harrison, Liam
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Ellis Twilight
Q. What kind of flower do you like?
Any flower that makes you smile.
... That's not what the question meant? I like... bluebells.
They grew is clusters around the house back where I was born, they were pretty.
Do you have any flowers that brings back memories?
If you do, tell me.
Because... I want to get you some as a gift.
... Can I?
Q. I'm curious to know why you're so physically fit! Did you exercise when you were younger?
Erm... yeah.
Ever since I was born, I loved moving around. I ran around, climbed onto roofs, and raced through town.
There were kids who were better than me, so I was initially desperate to catch up with them.
I got injured a lot doing that...
But thanks to that, I can protect you without getting a single scratch, even if we're ambushed. So perhaps it wasn't a bad thing.
Q. Did anything surprising happen lately?
Yeah, El was drenched in the garden, Victor's magic trick was a success, and William came back soaked in blood which is very rare... that's all, I think?
And, of course, I was surprised and glad to read all the letters you've sent me about how happy you are when you're with me. Let's write to each other a lot from now on!
Harrison Gray
Q. What's the best beverage to have with the dessert you think is the best you've ever had so far?
I can't decide which one is best... all desserts are good, you know?
But the fruitcake I had with Liam at a Tea House recently was superb. I want to eat that again.
I always go for a sweet drink when I'm having dessert. Strawberry milk, or tea with lots of sugar. Just remember that I don't drink coffee.
Q. If Arthur Conan Doyle held a fan signing event, would you attend it?
You mean, meeting the writer of the Sherlock book in person?
How could I miss out on such an opportunity?
He's a new writer now, but I think his works will make history. You'd want to meet someone like that too, right?
Hey, you should come with me.
I rarely get nervous, but I will be when I meet him.
Q. What is a lie you've seen through that left a big impression on you?
When Victor was skipping down the hallway, he got too carried away and hit his pinky finger against a pillar. He laughed it off, saying "it doesn't hurt!". I could tell that he lied, because tears were welling up in his eyes...
Why do I remember such a small matter? Because it mitigates the memories of unpleasant lies I've seen through, so it helps me in some way.
Liam Evans
Q. If you could go on a vacation, where would you want to go?
Come to think of it, I've never been on a vacation. I don't remember doing that as a child either...
Therefore, I don't really care about the destination. Instead... I'd rather spend the time hanging out with you. It's good to have lots of fun so that you won't get lonely, right?
Alright then, from now on, I'll study about travelling.
Q. Do you have any habits or things you pay attention to when it comes to beauty?
This is a little embarrassing, but it's OK since it's you who asked!
I drink plenty of water every day. And I perspire a lot during rehearsals, so that keeps me in good shape.
It's to be expected of me because I'm a stage actor. I do my best to make myself as likeable as possible. And if it's possible... I want you to like me even more.
Q. Do you have a bedtime routine, or something you do to help yourself sleep better?
Oh, I want to know this too! This isn't really answering your question, huh.
I don't sleep very well, so I've been trying different methods to help myself fall asleep.
Something I often do before sleeping is stretching. My body gets stiff because of rehearsals, so I just relax and unwind. It's quite effective, I guess?
I'll try lots of other ways, and I hope I can help you someday.
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inkybloom-luv · 1 year
Words Unsaid 2; late night and rainy day
Jamil Viper. I wish I had the courage to speak to you. Even now my words falter and I stutter when you're the topic of discussion. I haven't very many friends but Ace and Deuce unfortunately do tease me about just how obvious I seem to be when it's about you. I can't help it. You take my breath away in the best way possible, make me feel happy.
I'll be the first to admit though that I wish you would never see my more pathetic side. The one that cowers, that freezes in fear, flinches at every little thing. I wish that if you did see me, not that you ever would, I'm not sure I'm quite special enough to be noticed by someone like you, you saw me through rose tinted glasses. As someone who was smart, sweet and whatever else I'm sure you and your darling silver tongue could come up with.
I've hidden away my first.. well I don't want to call it a letter to you, but that's what it is, I suppose. I've seen you around more often recently. I've unfortunately been busy. Recently I've been having a few nightmares and have been hoping to sleep in the afternoons rather than doing as many things as I previously had been. I'm writing this sitting in Savanaclaw.
Somehow I feel like you may know what I've done. I.. was talked into giving up the dorm should I fail to fulfill a contract. But I didn't want to agree to it. I don't like it. It's loud in Savanaclaw. I'm glad Leona is willing to share his room. I'm currently set up on his floor with an extra mattress and Grim, little weasel he is, got a nice cat bed. But even now you keep me awake.
I wonder what it would be like if I could lay next to you instead, run my hand along your back, hold you close and listen to your heart. Those are delusions but they are what has been getting me through. I'm tired and I'm anxious all the time, I just can't seem to relax. That's all I have for now. I wish my dreams were real.
Jamil, recently I saw you when it was raining. I was stuck under a small roof, trying to escape the downpour. I saw you running towards Sam's shop with your hood up. Has anyone told you you look like a snake from the side with your hood up? Your hair makes your Sideprofile look like it has a little fang. It's cute. I don't believe I'll ever say it to you. I did call out to you, saying Sam was in the cafeteria. He was organizing an ingredient bulk buy for the cafeteria ghosts. You thanked me and came over for a moment, ducking under the little roof as well. We were so close. And most importantly, I spoke to you. I saw your pretty eyes again.
My heart was beating out of my chest the entire time, I'm sure you saw how flushed I was. All I can do is hope I did not embarrass myself by saying something weird. I was so happy you were there, hiding from the rain with me. You asked me why I never look people in the eye when they speak. I told you it scared me. And then I told you your eyes were pretty. That you didn't scare me. And I meant it. I can't lie to you. Not when you hold my heart in your skilled hands. I'm glad I found this paper again.
One last treat for y'all when I go to bed. Working on pt 3 as well. Ya, have fun with this and I hope you enjoy even if I think this one isn't as good as the other one!! <3333333
Can be read as an x reader since it's just my yuu-sona,, yas
602 words
Part 1
Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6
Part 7
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lovestrucksapphic · 2 months
For NSFW asks: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
10. have you ever been caught masturbating? i've been interrupted but never outright caught, like when my old roomie walked into the bathroom when i was in the shower 20. if you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be? a tall dominant trans girl who would throw me around and treat me like her personal chewtoy. if we're being completely honest here 30. something you have hidden in your room that you don't want anyone to find? my sex toys, my lewd drawings, my weed stuff, my diary. y'know the usual "things i don't want people to see" 40. what do you wear to bed? ummm usually a super duper oversized t shirt or nothing at all. bc my room gets incredibly hot and i hate it sm!!! 50. how would you feel about taking someone's virginity? oh! a little intimidated, i think. i would wanna make sure it was a positive experience for them, and everything would be on their terms, at their pace. god knows i wish my first time was better, and that the other person actually gave a fuck about me;; 60. if you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do? omg i'm not even gonna lie. i'd probably just spend the whole day masturbating ghfdjskdhf it's my personal nonbinary dream to be able to switch "parts" at my own free will. if onlyyy 70. have you ever bought a sex toy? if so, which one did you buy last? first sex toy? if not, which one do you plan on buying when you do? first sex toy: tiny lil knockoff magic wand ( 3/10. not powerful enough. eventually made me cum but took a rly long time, i was probably better off just using my hands ) last sex toy: romp switch ( 6/10. it's ok, still takes a while unless it's up all the way, and it can get pretty noisy even though it's supposed to be quiet !! ) 80. favorite sexual position? maybe i'm basic but i luuuuv missionary. staring into someone's eyes while they're using your body for their pleasure and slowly watching them unravel and lose themselves >>> 90. have you ever had a one night stand? do you still keep in contact with them? i've had three one night stands, and i don't talk to any of them. i'm only sad about not staying in contact with one of them though;;
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cupidscrule · 10 months
GEGGEGE NEW FANFIC!! Leon kidnapps you !!1!1
Tw noncon + drugs + past trauma
Poorly written short smut lol
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"Honestly Leon you really are impressive, lucky guy" Chris had always said, lucky? Really, is that the fucking word to describe someone with a crippling alcohol addiction and depression. Yeah, lucky. Leon Scott fucking Kennedy, the lucky guy. Got stuck in raccoon city, lost all his friends, chasing after a girl who won't EVER come back. Ain't he just the DEFINITION of lucky, hell he got forced to work for the government ain't that just lucky. No love life, never being able to sleep without thinking someones gonna kill him, yeah, lucky. It didn't matter anymore, he knew Chris wouldn't get it, hell no one understood. Claire, Jill, even little rebbeca they all just sucked it up, they saw horrible things, went through so much but they just pushed through. Not Leon though, not little old Leon, he couldn't suck it up, he couldn't just look the other way.
Lucky man Leon, Leon s fucking Kennedy luckiest man alive, had no one, other then the men twice his size at boot camp, and well just say that wasn't pleasant when you're soft and pretty. He was alone, until today. It was a late night, he was just walking through the dim lit streets looking up and down the alleys, he had nothing to do in Washington. What go to the white house and  suck up grahm? Fuck no, so he just walked, he walked everywhere, seemed to calm him in some weird way. He was lost in his throughts just feet moving without him asking them too, just dragging along side. Until he stopped, and noticed you , a nice looking girl, standing by a building talking to someone on the phone. "Dad- no I don't need anything else- hey com'on pa don't buy me anything else. I'm serious I'm fine- ah okay- Bye I love you too!" She was speaking, geez what woman would think it's smart to just stand out In the middle of fuck no where late at night. Leon was just gonna walk past you but something just snapped, you were beautiful - like he means BREATH TAKING, beautiful long hair, thin waist, pouty lips, hell you were wearing a cute ass fluffy white coat and white matching boots, who wouldn't fall for you? Leon just stopped walking, just started at you as he thought, thought what to do with you , 'Just walk away' 'no she's too pretty to let go' 'fuck' 'i need her.'
His mind landed on the last one, y'know no hard feelings but he couldn't just let his sleeping beauty slip past him like her , fuck no. But he didn't really know what to do "Hey I've been watching you wanna go back to my place and fuck?" Of course not, that's the creepiest thing to say- well not that Leon wasn't creepy but yknow he didn't want you to freak out and be all confused. Actually no that's a lie, he didn't fucking care how you feel, he just wanted to take your stupid little body back home, y'know for safe keeping. Fuck it, I'm just gonna grab you, only problem. I don't fucking have ANYTHING, what just knock her out? Don't wanna kill her, thad be no fun now would it. Fuck think fast Leon before she starts walking away, you seemed pretty small, and if he had gone up against tyrants you'd be no problem. THAT'S IT, just choke her out, good job Kennedy. Finally thinking of something, just walk up to her, put his hand over your mouth and choke you out, rough, but hey it's fine.  Not that really matters what happens to you not like he cares.
And thats how you ended up duck taped and tied together in a basement, a dim light just like on the street. Your clothes removed, pretty little mouth also taped shut. PANIC all you felt was panic. Frantically squirming around like a scared cat, a muffled scream for help, which wasn't a good idea. Because that's when he realized you were awake, huh didn't last very long. Honestly thought you'd be out faster, Leon had thought, already relaxed as if he didn't just kidnap a college girl, lucky girl you are. He unlocked the basement door, walking down. He was wearing a nice black shirt and baggy jeans, y'know at least you weren't kidnapped by an ugly guy, but that's besides the point. He came walking down the concrete steps, it was an unfinished basement so it was pretty ugly, no bugs thankfully just dark and dull. A small tv was in the corner, some boxes just collecting dust, a little bathroom, to be honest it was pretty good it could be like a little home. Or at least bedroom. Back to the point, you looked up with tears in your eyes, confused, scared, why you? Why did it have to be you? What did you do? Well nothing, in all reality you just got unlucky that's funny, you're whole life was luck, now your confined in rope and tape wearing nothing but panties in some guys basement. Leon rips the tape off your little mouth, tossing it to the side. Tears still staining your roesy cheeks you muffle out a pathetic sentence "w-what are you doing" stuttering and blabbering. Jeez nothings even happened yet, acted like a fucking moran, already crying? How are you a grown adult, can't even handle dick from someone?
It didn't matter, really nothing did in this moment, Leon didn't respond just stared at you, as if he was judging you for being a baby. Before knocking you out again, it was his first time kidnapping someone so he wasn't gonna just be good at it- but hey he tried. Grabbed some sleeping aids from the bathroom cabinet Doxepin or something weird, wasn't the type to look at the label just prayed it would fucken work and not kill you, the hell he's gonna do with a lifeless corpse, listen he's weird but not THAT weird. Eh enough with the small details, leon was getting inpatient. He untied your sleeping body, flipping you over onto your stomach, face down ass up. Leon's personal favorite position, simple, easy, effective. pushed your white panties to the side, he didn't bother with taking them off too fucking lazy, but back to the point, no need for him to just stare and think about how fucking lazy he is with this shit. He unzipps his pants, damn it's been a while since Leon's been in control, pulling someones hair, him being the dominant one. Choosing your fate, he slams into your dripping cunt, fuck you were nice, fat ass nice tits, grabbing your hips and thrusting in. Maybe life was worth livin now, he nipped at your neck, slamming in an out. He liked it rough, and it's not your unconscious body could care, fuck you didn't even know you were getting a sweet piece of that Kennedy dick, you were drugged out of your mind, limp body hitting into his, no reaction to him roughing you up. Kinda cute, helpless, well more unknowing but who cares about specifics?
Moving on he was still pounding into your dripping your hole, fuck you were hot, he was on the edge of cumming, damn you were tight. Such a nice fucken pussy, with one more thrust his seed leaked into your tight little hole, pulling out the sticky white substance leaking down your pretty little thighs, fucken miracle by god you didn't wake up. By all means that wouldn't have made Leon stop, hell he would've loved it even more. Jesus Christ though afraid he killed you, whatever just means he doesn't have to try and keep you hidden, not like anyone would suspect Mr Kennedy of anyone? Leon Kennedy the man who saved the presidents daugther? Kennedy the one who takes it up the ass like a good boy? Leon with the pretty little fuck face? Of course not, no, no Leon's the one who takes it like a goodboy he's not going around raping the girls in Washington.
But that's enough about Leon, to be honest he really didn't wanna kill you, but hey it doesn't matter. Well- it does but he doesn't care at the moment, just had a good fuck so he didn't have a care in the world, he put a shirt over you just incase you were y'know still alive and zipped up his pants getting the fuck out of there. A few hours went by, Leon didn't sleep, he can't sleep. He went down to check on you though, just to make sure you didn't actually croak, he was back in the right headspace, what the fuck was he gonna do with a dead body? Plus your pussy was too good to just die like that yeesh. He unlocked the basement door and walked down the steps again, however you weren't on the mattress on the floor?
No-no, you had woken up a few minutes before, hiding behind one of the concrete walls holding a piece of broken glass from the bathroom mirror, Jesus how the fuck did you pull that off so easily. Honestly you didn't have that much faith in yourself, your hands were a little bloody, y'know didn't really think it through- but hey all that matters is you have a shirt that barely covered your cunt, tear stained face and a dinky piece of glass that probobly couldn't do anything but hell you're trying.
"The fuck -?" Leon says looking around, before being cutoff by you running at him with your stupid little glass knife, much to your surprise that does shit all and suddenly you're pressed against the wall, hands above your head with a man's leg between your thighs. Jeez you didn't think it would work that bad, y'know your plan wasn't that shitty. Wait for him to get close enough and start swinging, a flawless plan I do say, if we ignore the unpredictable factors but hey who fucken cares about that?
Oh yeah but back to fact at hand you're pinned against a wall by a man twice your size practically nude crying with blood running down your hand, hell aren't you the lucky girl now? Lost your family, friends, probably gonna die in the cold, alone or be killed. Lucky lucky girl, got that Kennedy dick and Kennedy treatment, every girl's dream isn't it? "Woah short stuff the fuck were you trying to do?" He says releasing your hands and backing away from you, his arms crossed giving you a look of disapproval, catching your breath, you don't even say anything just pant and stare.
Well until a pathetic "why" leaves your smudged lips. Pulling the shirt down trying to cover your leaking pussy.
"I'm such a lucky fucking guy."
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multifanlol · 1 year
Hello! Love the recent Marcy xShy reader post you did think you do a part 2 of what happens when all 4 meet up again maybe have Sasha and the reader get into a argument and Marcy goes to comfort them afterwards
Sure! And thankkss I honestly hoped someone would request for a part two sooo-
Sasha may be seen OOC but i need to remind y’all this is her BEFORE her development Sasha b4 that was a bit much 😭 (still love her tho 🫶)
Marcy Wu x Fem! Shy! Reader (pt 2)
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Ever since that “incident” you honestly thought things were gonna be awkward
I mean okay, sure they were a little awkward but that was because it was an awkward nerd and another nerd who can’t keep a full conversation going
Other then that things were pretty chill although you couldn’t lie you still felt extremely guilty
I mean, sure you and Marcy didn’t kiss or anything like that but you still knew Sasha ever since you were kids even if she DID turn into maybe a psycho trying to kill one of Anne’s frog friends(?) (readers pov) you still cared about her in some way-
Recently you’ve gotten the other stones to open the calamity box and now you just had to do the last one
Which happened to be Sasha
And “Grime” or whatever according to Anne tried to kill “Hop Pop” (y/n doesn’t know the names okay 😭)
To say the least tension was in the air
With the planters and Grime and you Anne, Marcy and Sasha
It’s not like you hated her you were tense over having to end things with her, Marcy was tense due to guilt, Anne was tense due to well everything that happened
Now you took a breath in while walking out of the cave and walked over to Sasha
“That was surprisingly brave of you” you thought to yourself
“Hey Sasha…”
The blonde turned around to the h/c girl while she was talking to Grime
Grime seemed to get the message then clears his throat awkwardly
“I am not being involved in this, you can go and chat I’ll just be…..over there”
We watched him awkwardly walk away
“Sooo, Grime seems……interesting”
“Yea, Grimesy isn’t so bad once you get to know him…”
There was the awkwardnesss
You clear your throat again
“So, Sasha ever since we’ve been apart I’ve had time to…”
You notice Sasha yawning then she notices you staring
“Oh, I’m listening relax! It’s not like what your saying is gonna be a big deal anyway”
You take a short breath and stare at her
“it’s now or never” you thought
“Listen Sasha I’ve been thinking a lot and i believe that we should-“
“Hey, when you look at this cave when you look on the side, it kinda looks like a face”
“Sasha, i mean-“
“Our English class teacher back in 2nd grade!”
She laughs at it then notices you looking annoyed
“Why are you so upset-oh! don’t tell me Anne told you about it i mean, of course she did, listen n/n what happened was a misunderstanding and me and Anne made up so if your so mad about it-“
“It’s not about that Sasha-I’m sorry I-look, me and you are over-“
“I’m sorry, i hope you won’t hate me for it forever but i just can’t deal with this anymore-“
“Your…..your breaking up with me?! Why?!”
“It’s not you-i mean maybe it is you-or us both! I just-“
“After all the times i stuck up for you whenever they’d question why i went out with you, all those stuff I’d let you get, YOUR dumping me?!”
You honestly felt terrible but getting it over with now seems best….maybe
“Listen Sasha, you weren’t a horrible girlfriend i just don’t have strong feelings for you-“
“Don’t have strong feelings for me?! Why didn’t you tell me this before we landed in Amphibia?!”
“I wasn’t sure of it then! Maybe i didn’t tell you this often but i kinda thought you were a control freak!”
“I let you buy whatever you wanted!”
“YOU bought them for me, and when I’d try to ask something you’d completely dismiss my opinion!!”
You noticed Sasha seemed somewhat stunned by your courage but that quickly covered with rage
“Well what about the times we went to the movies i payed for everything!”
“YOU payed for the tickets i had to pay for the snacks and seats!!!”
The argument only just got longer you honestly didn’t wanna do this but honestly…..you had a lot of rage trapped inside you for years
“Okay maybe after all of that stuff, WHY did you actually dump me?”
“I’m not stupid y/n, there’s something your not telling me”
Ugh you knew Sasha could tell through lies as well as seeing through a telescope (bad comparison but honestly idc)
“Well, maybe it’s because i just don’t have feelings for you, ever thought of that?”
“I know that’s not it!”
“….Fine your not gonna tell me then, cool, maybe you were cheating on me and want an excuse while making it not be cheating? You were using me?! You-“
“I like someone else!”
“Well i…liked you at some point but i became more aware of these feelings later on…..and i wanna end things with you to attempt to not hurt you but, i guess i already did”
“I knew it….”
“I guess you wanna dump me for someone who might not even like you? Cool, maybe I’ll let you with open arms if you don’t come back too pathetic when they reject you”
And just like that she walked off
Ouch, it did sting though, it honestly hurt but you can’t expect much good from Sasha Waybright
It did hurt a lot though thinking about all of it, I’m not crying…..why are there tears rolling down my eyes
You noticed Sasha back talking to Grime and she looked at you for maybe a mil second then completely turned her head
It’s like she’s refused to even look at you
You were too caught up in your sadness to realise a certain bluettte noticed your sad frown
“Soo, do you wanna talk about it-“
You jump due to being caught up in your head you didn’t notice Marcy approaching you which resulted in her lightly giggling
“Oh! Sorry that was mean! Sorry for scaring you….heh”
“Soo….do you wanna…..or-it’s okay really!-“
You turn your head around to see if it’s close to anyone hearing
“I’ll….tell you back here…”
You walk a bit behind the others so it’s not close to anyone except you and Marcy hearing and tell her everything
“And so then…..”
“And then?”
“I revealed i liked someone and well, I’m a horrible person….i think i hurt her…..”
“Ouch that sounds awful! For you-or her! Or well both?”
You knew Marcy had trouble deciding which “side” she should “be on” you honestly felt bad and felt she didn’t need to choose
“Um well i don’t think Sasha thinks your a horrible person maybe she was just a little mad-“
“No, i know what i did to her was wrong, i hurt her and she has every right to be upset with me but, the other stuff i just don’t want to make things awkward for you, and Anne, and stuck in Amphibia for crying out loud!”
You stop when Marcy hugs you
“You looked like you needed it-“
“No! It’s fine….i like it…”
This time it was……peaceful silence
“Sooo, when we head back wanna go eat that cake i was telling you about?”
“For the last time, I’m not eating something that may or may not have flies in them”
“Oh come onnnn!”
It was peaceful
I’m bad with names 😭
Andddd now that’s done with i hope you liked it-i didn’t really have much ideas for it so day by day I’ve just been doing little bits it is low-key short tho-overall i hope you liked ittt! Have a good day/night bye y’all!
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