#i want to hold my puppy and go to sleep together with him cradled in my arms
luvsuperboard · 1 year
shy boy? secret kisses?
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you’re used to see him being confident when it comes to “romantic” encounters, but all of sudden when you find out about his cute habit, he becomes shy! (fluff warning!)
was your roof leaking? what were those little taps you felt going from your temple to your cheek?
“minnie what are you-“ he froze. his big brown puppy-like eyes widened when he heard you, soon stopping what he was doing while your eyes were closed. he quickly turned around, as if you didn’t clearly see he was awake.
“kim seungmin, i know you’re awake,” you said half-yawning and sitting up. one of your hands traveled to his back slowly caressing it as he was still facing the other way, refusing to see you as if he had been doing some witchcraft on you while you were sleeping and he was embarrassed now that you caught him—but of course it wasn’t anything like that.
he groaned, hiding under the blanket currently covering both of you, giving you a dry ‘what’, acting like he had been sleeping too.
you got closer, slowly pulling the blanket off him, his eyes were shut, cheeks red. “wanna explain what were you doing?” you said with a smirk, gently brushing some of the hair that was sticking to his forehead away. he just scoffed.
“pft, i was just.. i’m- you know what, you never saw that, nothing happened. go back to sleep, baby. yay! so happy, now go to sleep” he said muttering the last word and patting your head, but instead of going back to sleep you took his chin in between your thumb and index finger, looking at him directly.
you gasped. “was.. kim seungmin.. kissing y/n’s face???? on their sleep??” he was red red, like a fucking tomato, you bursted out of laughter. “oh my! kim seungmin? no this is not him, who are you? give me my cute boyfriend, who doesn’t want to admit he’s whipped for me, back!”
“you are so annoying”
you cradled his face with both of your hands “yes, very annoying. but you still love me. and love me that much you take the time to kiss my face while i’m sleeping! aw look at you, i didn’t know you were such a softie..” you traced random patterns on his skin as he rolled his eyes and just blushed as much as he could.
“SEUNGMIN LOVES ME! SEUNGMIN LOVES MEE~!” you cheered while singing.
“i guess…”
“so what?”
“AREN’T YOU GONNA ADMIT YOU KISS ME EVERY NIGHT WHEN I CANT SEE YOU AND THAT’S WHY YOU LIKE ME TO FALL ASLEEP FIRST?” his jaw dropped, his hands traveled to his face and covered it in embarrassment
“well um, i suspected it-“
“LISTEN! i suspected it. but i finally decided to stay awake and you definitely confirmed my assumptions” you said smiling. your boyfriend in the other hand was dying in the inside. how he could’ve been so dumb?
“this is so humiliating!” he whined before ruffling his hair. you rested your chin on his shoulder while he was still holding his face in between his hands and sighed, waiting for his obvious confession.
“i just- i do it because i don’t know. you look so… peaceful, when you sleep and i can’t help it but to start to kiss every single part of your face and it makes me wanna take care of you even more and keep you forev- y/n i swear if you’re laughing right now…”
“IM NOT!” you pressed your lips together, as an attempt of not letting out the loud ass laugh that was coming but it was too late. he lifted his head.
“IM SORRY OKAY? YOU’RE JUST SO CUTE! BOY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE ABOUT TO EXPLODE!” the room quickly filled with your giggles and a bunch of ‘sorrys’ towards seungmin.
he shook his head, giving up “yea, well that’s how crazy you drive me, y/n” he whispered, looking at you with so much adoration. awww. no. because now you were the one about to scream and go crazy over the man in front of you.
“yes, yes, okay baby now can we go back to ‘sleep’? wait no i actually wanna sleep now” he laughed and nodded, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek. once you rested your head on his chest his fingers softly ran through your hair before mumbling a low ‘love you’.
“kim seungmin is a softie~”
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Heyyy!! Could I request the companions taking care of a new baby + a toddler while their partner recovers?
Taking care of the kids while you recover
[Fluff, marriage, raising kids, nb!reader]
[Astarion, Wyll, Gale]
I'm not feeling the best rn so I did just three, i hope you enjoy anon.
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Seeing that this is your second baby together, he feels less out of his element now. He is more confident in his ability to care for this little bundle of joy with pointy ears cradled in his arms.
He almost doesn't recognise his own self these days. When did his sharp edges grow so soft? When did he become so tender, and when did his eyes become so round and happy?
When you proposed to him that day in the underdark, when you presented him with a modest ring that made him go speechless. He has seen many more glamorous ones, much more expensive ones, but somehow, this simple band with the most precious gem completely took his breath away.
That's how he ended here on this cozy couch with a silver haired toddler running around enthusiastically. Astarion calls them over to gently wipe some crumbs from their face, looking at their innocent adoring eyes.
They had your eyes, he couldn't help but squeeze their adorable cheeks and give them a kiss on the forehead like any dotting father would.
Him, a doting parent? That idea would've made him choke with laughter some years ago.
The ring glimers on his finger as he holds the newborn baby closer to his chest, humming a soothing melody in elvish for his second child. The first stared at him from the side with a pout.
His child was so obvious with their emotions that Astarion couldn't help but chuckle, "Jealously isn't a good look darling, come here." With that, he had another kid cuddling up to him and demanding a lullaby too.
Astarion obliged, relieved that his presence seemed enough for his children at the moment while you were recovering. Part of him was anxious about what if they only wanted you? What if they weren't as attached to him as he thought?
He was never happier to be proven wrong in his life.
The sun shines brightly through the thin white curtains in the kitchen. Wyll is mixing together a baby formula on the counter, measuring the right amount on the spoon as he scoops away the extra powder from the top.
Adding the powder into the baby bottle, he gently shakes the warm bottle. The sound of light footsteps approach him in a failed attempt of stealth as a toy wooden sword is pressed against the back of his legs.
"Surrender!" A high voice calls from behind him, his very own kid with determination in their eyes as they press the dull edge of the sword more against Wyll's pants.
"Oh noble hero, may I know what crime am i being accused of before I surrender?" Wyll plays along, a smile painting his lips.
"The crime of!!" His child starts with confidence, "of...." trailing into uncertainty as their grip on the sword falters.
Wyll is patient as he lets them have the time to gather their thought. cleaning and wiping the counter down.
"Of not giving me food!"
"Didn't you just eat your breakfast after stealing my breakfast?" Wyll scooped up his child up in his arm, holding him with one hand while carrying the bottle with the other. His kid kicked their feet in the air as they dropped the wooden sword.
"But dad!! That was hours ago, I'm hungry."
"I clearly recall it being minutes ago."
Moving to the living room where his youngest laid peacefully sleeping in their small rocking bed, Wyll let go of his hold just as he sat on the couch.
Climbing into his lap, the most adorable brown puppy eyes looked up at him. "I want pancakes please" stretching on the end of the word, his kid whined.
With a defeated smile, Wyll agreed to it. Knowing you'd scold him for spoiling the kids too much if you were here right now, still he was weak against them. Somehow, his own kids were more persuasive than any devil this warlock has ever encountered before.
"There you go, all dry and clean" he said as he started to put on the baby bear onesie back on the giggling infant in front of him, their small hands gripping on Gale's beard with surprising strength as he zipped them up.
Yet the discomfort barely mattered to the wizard, he happily let them play with his face as he admired how adorable they looked in the fluffy animal custom. Smiling and giving their belly a soft kiss to make them laugh even louder.
The loud crash from outside the room barely phased him either as he kept coddling the infant, calling them endearing names and cradling them in his arms. "Papa's here, no need to fret."
"MR.DEKARIOS!" Tara's screech followed shortly after, "your presence is required immediately!"
Still too busy entranced by how adorable his child was, Gale took slow steps out of the room, contouring harmless light tricks to impress his youngest.
The sight that met him was one that would've probably given his younger self a heart attack no doubt, the countless torn pages of books thrown around the floor, the spilled ink and the crumbled magical scrolls.
But as the years went by, he found himself mellowing out much more. Very few things phased him by now, especially with how ironic life tended to be. The fates must be snickering right now. to give him a kid with wild magic in their veins, brimming with sorcery from such a young age.
You usually kept them in line, Gale was too guilty of being an enbaler as you've put it. It's not his fault he thought his kid was the coolest person in all the realms.
"Books are for losers!" Ah, there they stood, his own flesh and blood. Amidst the chaos of papers and magic, a potted plant.
A talking potted plant.
"Did your magic surge again?" Gale could only feel amusement as he leaned down to pick up his child, making sure to hold it far away from his other child so they don't nibble on the leaves of their sibling.
It seemed like both his cat and his child prefered to continue their argument. "Why, I have never heard such nonsense before! Mr.Dekarios, would you please get your spawn in line." Tara, his beloved elegant tressym, was flying around him in an attempt to smack the plant with her soft paws.
With a giggling wobbling infant on his right arm and a potted plant polymorphed kid on his left, Gale effortlessly casted the necessary incantations to reverse the polymorph while avoiding Tara's claws.
A poof of sparkling light filled the room as a full toddler replaced the potted plant, Tara blinded by the light, crashed into them and they all stumbled down onto stacks of torn papers.
The three of them buried under the pile, only the fluffy bear onsie wearing emerged unharmed on top.
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
No pressure blurb request for Eddie: "Please don’t touch me. I can’t fall any deeper."
(Actual line not required but I like the feeling)
absolutely bestie! thank you <3
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he's been having dreams about her for months now. they started out as nothing serious, little appearances and funny moments that made no sense mostly... and then his brain decided to conjure up a whole life with her inside his dreams. a life where she held him in her arms and kisses his forehead, she made him laugh and smile and she married him. she wore a ring with his initials engraved in the band, she wore a beautiful white dress and her hair looked perfect and she kissed him at the end of the aisle...
that dream took a while to recover from. then he had a dream that she had his kids. he had dreams about holding their babies, ones who looked so much like her and had his attitude. he snuggled them close, and they cuddled all together in a big comfy bed with the sun shining through the windows and the birds chirping and it was perfect. then he woke up. it always broke his heart to wake up... to reach out for her and only find his pillow because she wasn't really his.
she's just a friend.
he has to get that through his thick skull before he accidentally wraps himself around her and kisses her on the cheek, or the back of her neck or her shoulder... it would be so easy, too. she's always so close, it just feels right to want to reach out and give her some love but he can't... until she makes it almost impossible.
a group camping trip was supposed to be a fun way to have a vacation together. they'd all take a vehicle, they'd bring tents and supplies and smores and they'd spend a weekend at a lake 3 hours away from Hawkins where they could just be normal. it was a great idea until they had to separate for the night. Steve and Robin take a tent, Nancy and Jonathan head into the back of her station wagon, the kids are in a huge 10-person tent that ted wheeler bought, overjoyed to know they'd be leaving his house for a weekend.... leaving Y/N with Eddie.
the back of his van is stuffed full of blankets and pillows, he wanted to be comfortable in the night and he didn't even account for someone sleeping with him... it was BYOT. bring your own tent, he brought a van, and he expected Y/N to partner with someone like Robin or Max and El. Not him. but he can't say no to her when she asks ever so sweetly, "can i sleep in the van with you?"
so now he's here, laying completely flat on his back, blanket tucked under his chin as he stares at the ceiling. there's enough room between them for a third person, he's so close to the wall of the van it's like he's afraid she's going to bite him or give him cooties or something. he's so scared of her. and she can feel it too.
"Eddie?" she moves closer and he tenses.
"it's cold, don't you want to cuddle?" she pouts, bringing out the puppy dog eyes.
he shakes his head and keeps looking at the ceiling, he can't give in. not when it means something completely different to him. "please don't touch me... I can't fall any deeper."
it takes her a moment to realize she did hear that right. "Eddie... baby?"
"Don't," he pleads, begging with his eyes. "you can't lead me on, I'm so gone for you already I won't recover from a night of cuddling with you."
"so don't," she shrugs. "fall completely sickly in love with me and let me take care of it. let me shower you in care and kisses and comfort and praise. let me love you."
the anxiety of loving her in secret for so long all comes out in one simple, wobbly-lipped, "please?"
she pulls him into a hug and cradles his head and kisses his cheek gently, "I thought you'd never ask... I've wanted to tell you for so long, Eddie."
he laughs then, pulling back so he can look at her, "since when? if I knew you liked me back I would've done something about my crush ages ago?"
"I thought being subtle would help... little touches and sweet compliments and making you things I know you'd like, those were all my attempts at showing you I care," she explains. "but if you want me to come on stronger I can tell you I've been dreaming about loving you for ages."
"I've been dreaming about your love just as long," he admits.
"you don't have to dream anymore," she looks at his lips and then his eyes and back down to his lips again.
he can read her a lot better now that he knows it's mutual, so he lays her back against the makeshift mattress and hovers over her. she reaches up to brush his hair back behind his ear, leaving her hand on his cheek, "are you gonna kiss me?"
"can I?"
she nods, "please?"
he leans in slowly, watching her the whole way until their lips meet and both of their eyes close. she hums with contentment, relaxing under him as he breathes her in, pushing into her slightly before he pulls back, barely. their noses touch, he smiles at her and she steals another kiss, and then a third before she starts to giggle.
she brings up her other hand to hold both his cheeks, "i love you..."
"I love you," he says, shocked and in complete disbelief that this is real and happening and not another dream he'd regret in the morning. "I love you so much."
she pulls him in for another kiss and another one after that. he had a feeling she was going to kiss him until the sun came up and he was okay with that. more than okay with it. he wanted to live here forever, right in this feeling of newness and tenderness and excitement. it's everything. she's everything he dreamed of.
maybe he can actually see the future... he was always meant to be here.
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sinamonrol · 1 month
Sometimes, I like to imagine what Kim and Harry would do together after all of DE like in their line of work
For example: Kim and Harry go to find a lost kitty
Kim: "Detective, how does a lost cat connect to our current case? Let's just report this back to the precinct and let the lost-and-found department handle this case." he looks down at his notebook uninterested in finding the cat
Logic: There is no lost-and-found department.
Composure [Easy:Failure]: The poor kitten is lost and afraid. Curl up in a ball and cry at how devastating that image is.
Rhetoric [Medium:Success]: Show Kim how much this lost cat means to you. That'll convince Kim to listen.
Harry: "But Kim, the kitty... he's lost and needs to find a way home..." you look up at Kim with tears blurring your vision
Perception [Trivial:Sucess]: There in the tree you walk past, you hear a familiar cry of a lost soul
Harry: "Kim, did you hear that?"
Kim: "Detective, we need to-"
Harry: "There! Up in the tree!" You point to the branch in which the stands afraid
Kim: "I don't see it, Detective." He squints his eyes, trying to locate the branch where he hears the voice from
Visual Calculus [Easy:Failure]: You could easily climb up there in the tree, grab the cat, and come down heroically, proving to Kim that you were in fact right in helping this cat.
Harry: You clumsily climb the tree, almost falling on your way up, and when you get to the branch where the cat is, you reach for the branch using it as support.
Harry: The branch can't support your weight and breaks as both you and the cat fall off the tree
Lost Cat: As he is falling, he notices Kim and prepares to land square on his face
Pain Threshold [Trivial:Sucess]: You've experienced worst pain than this before, walk it off.
Kim:"Detective, are you okay?" The cat is still hugging Kim's face as he gently pulls the cat off and cradles it like a baby.
Harry: Picking yourself up, you notice the cat has cuddled up to Kim and wished you were the cat right now
Harry:"Let's go back to the precinct and return the cat to its owner" there's a hint of jelousy in your voice as the cat looks at you without a care in the world
*Back at the precinct*
Jean Vicquemare: "Did you make any progress in the case?" he looks over at Kim and notices the cat in his hand. "...not again..."
Empathy [Easy:Failure]: He looks tired, I think he's taken on too many cases and needs a good night sleep.
Harry: "Did you want me to grab a cup of coffee for you?"
Jean Vicquemare: "Shitkid, how many times have I told you to focus on your case. We've got enough case load as is, and you helping a lost cat doesn't help anybody here." he tries his best not to raise his voice but is clearly upset and exasperated.
Kim: "I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I tried to convince him out of it, but you know how he gets." Kim tries to calm Jean but clearly Jean is upset at you and not Kim.
Jean Vicquemare: "Listen, Lieutenant Kitsuragi, while I appreciate your attempts at trying to convince him, shitkid over here needs to get his shit together to complete the case soon or else..." he's looking at you with a glare
Rhetoric: Feel around your pocket. Remember the clues you picked up on your way back to the precinct. Maybe that'll convince Jean to get off your case.
Composure [hard:failure]: Shit shit shit. Jean is right. You picked up nothing. Nada. Your pocket only holds trinkets of your trip. Oh god, what are we going to do.
Drama [easy:failure]: Lie about your trip. Maybe if you convince Jean that the trinkets you picked up along that way was a gift for him he'd let you go
Harry: Pulls out a pinecone from your pocket. "Jean, this is for you, my dearest partner. I found it while we were out, and it reminded me of you. " You look at him with puppy dog eyes.
Jean Vicquemare: "..." he sighs tired and ready to give up on you entirely
*end scene*
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daisyblog · 1 year
Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry surprises YN with a new little addition to their family. Warning: swearing
Harry was hoping he could have surprised YN for Christmas, but with everything going on and travelling between London, Cheshire and Doncaster, it just wasn't possible. So on a cold wintery morning in late January, Harry travels across London with Jeff to pick up the new little addition. After chatting with the seller, who Harry had met before with his mother, and her explaining a few things to them about the pup that had grown since the last time Harry had seen him, they were on their way back to Harry and YN's home in London to surprise her.
The little black pup, who was sleeping soundly, was laying in Harry's arms as Jeff drove. Harry tickled the pup's little head as he smiled down at him.
"She's going to freak out isn't she?" Jeff asked, as he glanced over at his friend.
Harry let out a chuckle "Yeh..she's been talking about getting a dog for ages but it just never seemed like the right time..but I think she could do with a little friend"
"You really are a soppy fucker aren't you?" Jeff teased.
"You call it soppy I call it romantic Jeffrey" Harry argued with a proud grin on his lips.
"So I'm guessing this little guy is gonna join us for the tour then" Jeff assumed, as he pulled into the driveway.
"Opening act I heard" Harry joked.
As Harry and Jeff had planned, Harry walked through the door first and his manager followed him with the pup in his arms. YN was sat on the stool at their kitchen counter, working on some the designs for the new business project, and another way of keeping her mind busy.
"Babe?" Harry shouted into the house as he entered, to hear YN shout back 'kitchen'. Walking towards the kitchen, Harry couldn't keep the little smirk off his face.
"Hey..how was the meeting?" YN asked, after Harry greeted her with a peck to the lips. "Hi Jeff" she greeted, before continuing to work the pencil against the paper, until she took another glance at him "Is that a fookin' puppy?" her grin shining through.
Jeff looked down at the pug "Uh no...I think it's a giraffe" he sarcastically replied, making Harry chuckle "Of course it's a puppy you fucking melon". YN and Jeff had a very unique friendship, it was very rare you would see them both having a serious conversation, it was constant witty remarks, jokes and sarcastic comments. And of course, YN was known for her bold personality and not shying away from saying exactly what she thought.
"Oi..who you calling a melon..cheeky fucker" YN playfully scolded whilst giving the pup a stroke on his head "I can get you fired yah know" Harry watched the scnce in front of him, almost like a game of tennis, just waiting to see which one would back down first.
"I'm sure you can darling..but who's going to look after your dog on tour?" YN's eyes widened, mouth opening and closing.
"Fook off!" YN eye's darted to Harry "You're lying"
"All ours baby" Harry smiled, watching Jeff pass the little pug over so YN could hold him. The whole thing made his heart melt, the way YN cradled him in her arms and tickled his little nose.
"I can't believe it" YN smiled and walked over to where Harry stood, placing her hand behind his neck to pull him to her lips. As their lips moved together, she muttered a thank you baby.
Jeff interrupted the couple, continuing to tease the Yorkshire girl "On that note..I'm gonna go before I see any tongue movement" to which YN stuck up her finger to him. Like brother, like sister - Harry thought as he pulled YN into his arms to hold her from behind.
"Bye Jeff" Harry shook his head at his girl and friend.
"Bye lovebirds"
Once Jeff had left, Harry turned so he could see the puppy still in YN's arms. "So you're happy then?"
"More than 'appy" YN smiled up at him "You're the best..you know that?"
"Oh stop..you're feeding my ego" he joked.
"What shall we name him?"
"Uh..that's up to you..name him whatever you want love"
YN looked down at the sleeping pup, names running through her mind, until she spoke "Teddy"
"Teddy..I love it" Harry complimented "Welcome home little Ted"
YN couldn't wait to FaceTime both their families to show them little Teddy. So after popping out to the shops to pick up everything the little pup needed, bed, blankets, food and of course, YN couldn't resist the sage green colour and lead.
The couple were sat on the sofa, Teddy cuddled on YN's lap, and YN's phone leaning against the ornament on the coffee table in front of them as they waited for Louis to answer. After a few rings..
"'ello Tiny..you alright?" Louis greeted "Whot the fook is that on your lap?"
"Meet Teddy" YN smiled as she lifted him so Louis could see him better.
"He's yours?"
"Yeh..Harry went to pick him today and surprised me with him"
"Fookin' 'ell Styles...you really do set the bar high don't you for every other boyfriend in the world" Louis teased.
Harry grinned as he shrugged his shoulders "Anything to see her smile"
"Well I'll pop over tomorrow to see him"
Next, they called Gemma, who picked up immediately when she saw her future sister-in-law's name.
"Hi loves" Gemma's grin was seen on the screen.
"We want you to meet someone" Harry spoke.
YN lifted Teddy up, and a big 'awwww' was heard through the speaker.
"Meet Teddy" YN told Gemma.
"I want him" Gemma confessed and she brought herself closer to the screen "I guess this is as close as I'm going to be to being an Auntie for a while?"
"Yeh..sorry Gem..I've got a clothing line to sort" YN laughed.
"When can I see my little nephew then?"
"Gem you literally live twenty minutes away" Harry stated with a chuckle and running his fingers through his hair.
"True...you need to show Mum"
"Mum already knew..she helped me buy him" Harry admitted "You know how much she loves animals..I thought at first she wasn't going to let me keep him when we went to see them"
YN's heart melted at the thought of Harry and Anne going to choose their puppy. They really had the best relationship, one that reminded her of Louis and their Mum, one she hoped for if she were to have children one day.
And last they called the Tomlinson sisters, a very chaotic call compared to the others. The four girls argued about who was going to hold the phone and then they bickered about who was going to hold Teddy first. It was safe to say Teddy was very much loved!
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liked by lottietomlinson, harrystyles, and 875,467,931 others
yntomlinson Welcome to the family Teddy💙 View all 19,316 comments
1dfan9 OMG TEDDY! 😍
YNfan He's so cute! Love his name xx
harryfan3 YN we need photos of Harry and Teddy plssssss
annetwist Precious little baby 😍💙
gemmastyles I'm officially a dog-Auntie 😎
jefezoff Should have named him Melon! ⌙ yntomlinson Leave my baby alone Jeffrey 
mitchrowland Bring the little dude to the studio ⌙ yntomlinson Only if you let me play One Direction songs ⌙ mitchrowland You do anyway? ⌙ harryfan5 YN is the biggest 1D fan, she's one of us 💞
lottietomlinson Cutest baby boy 😍 I'm in love
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl hittiesontour
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sunvmars · 1 year
stars around my scars | b.b.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
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word count: 1.7k
warnings: none other than mentions of non-self-inflicted scars, some cussing, tons of fluff, and maybe a mention or two of smut
summary: during a day off, you and bucky reminisce about how you met and your past experiences.
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James Buchanan Barnes is the heart of everything you do, as you were for him; you were his heart.
Often Bucky stirred in his sleep, tossing and turning. That was before you. After you came around, he swears he can't remember that there even was a before you. You made him forget most of the bad he had experienced in his many years of life. At first, he was cold and closed off, but it didn't take long for him to warm up to your welcoming demeanor.
You were kind to everyone, sure, but Bucky always hit your soft spot. His blue puppy dog eyes he only ever gave to you made your heart flutter with affection. His flowy brown waves of hair always had you mesmerized, whether it was thinking about brushing it out for him on his harder days or dreaming about how your hands would feel tangled in it. His signature vibranium arm pulled at your heartstrings every time you thought of how he earned it.
Currently, the sun was peaking through the curtains of your shared apartment allowing the soft and warm rays to hit Bucky's face. You rolled over and laid your head on his chest. Bucky's arm came down from behind his head to rest on your lower back underneath the blanket.
"Good morning, doll," he muttered.
His voice was still sleep ridden and hoarse. Unbeknownst to him, his sleepy voice did things to you he would never know.
You smiled, "Morning, Buck. How did you sleep?"
He took a moment to respond before sighing, causing you to look up at him. Your eyes met his icy blues.
"...Peacefully. I always sleep best next to you.
"I'm glad."
His hand that was once delicately placed on your back now made its way to brush a strand of hair from your face. He leaned down and nuzzled his nose against yours before placing a kiss on your forehead.
"So, what's the plan today, sweetheart?"
"Feels like a stay in bed all day today," you sighed in contentment, "does that sound okay?"
"I would and could never say no to a night in with my baby, you know that."
His lips pursed together in a hearty smile, causing all your thoughts and feelings about him to rush to your stomach. You returned the smile with a giggle.
"I love you, Bucky."
"And I love you, baby."
He flipped you over quickly, now hovering above you with a hand by your head and one arm holding himself up.
"You know I adore you, hm?" He smiled again, that same smile that made you fall in love with him in the first place. "From the moment I met eyes with you and saw those beautiful eyes of yours I knew I'd want you forever. But I never could've guessed I'd get you," his free hand now traced up and down your body, "But good God am I so glad I did. You're all mine and I'm never letting you go, you're the best thing I could ask for."
Your heart swelled as he spoke. His words made it even more true that he was made for you. The Bucky Barnes was perfectly crafted for you. It was as if the universe made you and Bucky in the same body and split you in two to give you something to look forward to in life- like you were each other's other half to find to fulfill your missing pieces.
"All yours, Sargeant, I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"How could anyone before me give up something so precious," he looked you up and down, "so...enchanting, not to mention overwhelmingly titillating."
He then sat up and scooped you up into his arms, cradling you. Bucky's rough and calloused hand caressed your legs, tracing the scars you'd gotten from every clumsy childhood accident to every SHIELD mission you've ever been on. To you, you couldn't see why SHIELD wanted you in the first place. You were a mere human with no special abilities who paled compared to Bucky, Steve, and Tony.
But Bucky saw everything you were as a reason why you were better than all of them combined, all of the other agents combined, even. You had a unique skill set. Unique abilities that, even if other people had them, would be nothing compared to you.
"Where did this one come from?" Bucky questioned as he traced circles around a small, almond-shaped scar on your thigh.
"Just a burn from when I was a teenager," you smiled softly, "I used to burn candles in my room while I read. One night I wasn't paying attention, I had just lit a candle and was enamored with my book I accidentally sat the top metal part of the lighter on my leg."
"You're still just as clumsy, my love," he hummed, "and I love that about you."
A tender expression fell upon his face before he continued.
"Every single scar is a piece of you, they all have a story to tell about what made you..well..you."
"Never really saw it that way, Buck. All I ever saw was imperfection."
"Imperfect? You? Those don't even begin to overlap."
Bucky never failed to flatter you and make you feel like the only woman in the world.
He paused for a moment to admire you, "and this one?" His finger pointed to a slash mark on your upper arm.
"A mission from a while ago, before you came along. Thought we'd cleared the place out but a guy came out of quite literally nowhere and slashed my arm. Didn't hurt too bad. Nothing compared to being shot," your voice was soft as you lifted Bucky's shirt you always slept in and pointed to the circular scar wound on your abdomen. The one from the gunshot the top-notch doctors told you had been more than lucky to survive.
Seeing Bucky frown made your stomach turn in the worst way. He rubbed the scar gently as if trying to heal you even though the scar was inflicted years ago.
"I'm okay, Buck. It was a long time ago." Your eyes trailed along his body, eyes jumping from his legs to his torso to his eyes until they finally landed back on his perfectly toned stomach. You spotted a scar that looked almost like your bullet wound, "where's this from?"
His frown stayed apparent, "I have so many that I couldn't even tell you. But this one, I believe, is from when I was in the war years ago."
"I'm still amazed at how strong you are. And how you made it through everything you have."
"Well, I would be nothing without you," he finally offered another grin, "you keep me going. Give me the strength of a thousand men to be who I am. You, doll, have made me the best me. You have given me nothing but happiness. Do you remember when I first met you?"
And you did.
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You had just returned from a mission with Natasha. Nothing too difficult, simple file transferring, nothing Cap would need to be there for. You walked into the kitchen almost immediately, stomach growling and threatening to make you pass out from the intense pain. The price you pay for not eating breakfast, you assumed. That's when Steve walked in with the most handsome man you swore you had ever laid eyes on. They were chatting about something you were too distracted to pay attention to.
Your eyes danced around his body, taking him in. His eyes were a piercing blue, lips a pale but rosy pink, hair was as dark as the night yet still had a brown hue, and God almighty did he have the body of an ancient God. His leather jacket hugged his muscles and torso perfectly paired with jeans that made his legs caused you to think sinful thoughts. Your heart pounded in your chest as they got closer.
"Oh! You're back? There's somebody I want you to meet," Steve beamed, he motioned to Bucky, "this is Bucky. My lifelong best friend."
Bucky glanced over at you as if he were trying to take all of you in at once, just as you did with him moments before. Then, he reached his hand out to you, "you must be that agent Steve is constantly bragging on. He's been bugging me about meeting you. I'm Bucky."
"Y/n," you chuckled and took his hand, giving it a gentle shake, "Steve talks about me, huh? I'm honored."
Steve's cheeks warmed slightly at the attention, "of course. You're one of the best agents we've got. Thought you two might get along."
"Well, I'm glad you've introduced me to someone so beautiful I might not have had the pleasure of meeting on my own," Bucky flashed a toothy smile at his friend.
Bucky himself was a bit taken aback at his forwardness. After Hydra, Bucky hadn't even thought about another woman. But you? He could already tell you could be what he wanted, all he needed. There was something about you. He was almost appalled at his cliche thoughts. He couldn't be entranced by someone he met thirty seconds ago. But he couldn't have been more wrong.
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"You were practically eye fucking me," Bucky laughed.
"I was not!"
"Were too. I know because you gave me the same look I was giving you," he grinned, "and my thoughts about you were far less than Holy, baby."
You smacked his arm playfully, a giggle escaping your lips.
"Can you blame me?"
You curled up into his arms, holding his arm tight in your grip, inhaling his scent.
"Do you wanna order some takeout and watch a movie?"
"What better way is there to spend the day?"
"I'll call it in, you pick the movie," Bucky spoke and he began brushing your hair back. A smile crept up onto Bucky's face as he held you close.
He stood up slowly, careful not to drop you, though you weighed almost nothing to him. He placed you down on the bed gently and peppered kisses all over your face. If it weren't for you rushing him to order the food, he could've sat there all day doing anything to hear your sweet laugh.
He could spend an eternity with you and still never tire or find something he dislikes about you. There weren't enough words in any language to express his affection for you. But that was all okay with him because he would have an entire lifetime and, if he were lucky, even longer to show you how much he loved you. For you were his heart, and he was yours.
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zestychili · 1 year
One whiff away
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Summary: bean and Eddie spend an afternoon together and Eddie practices what he’s learned in school ☺️🥺💕 in this AU eddie goes to culinary school.
Authors note: this was written by me but certain parts were aided by an Al tool to improve story flow and dialogue flow. this is a tiny blurb that l've created, I have many more ideas if you guys want more please request or comment💕🥺.
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Eddie had been practicing this dinner for weeks at school and it was time to make it at home. He had gone to the butcher early in the morning to pick out the perfect steaks for him and his beanie baby. He had spent hours researching the best way to season and cook them to perfection while he had free time. He loved putting the knowledge he learned in school to good use.
Eddie loved nothing more than coming home after a long day and seeing his little puppy, Bean, eagerly waiting for him at the door. He would pick her up and give her kisses, marveling at how tiny and adorable she was in his arms. These were the happiest and most tender moments of his day always.
Eddie was laying on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV, resting his feet for a bit when Bean climbed onto his chest and snuggled into his neck. He smiled and petted her little head, enjoying the warmth and comfort of her furry body.
Bean nuzzled into his curly hair, and Eddie could feel her tiny breaths tickling his skin. He laughed softly and turned his head, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
"Bean, you really love my hair, don't cha?" Eddie said, amused.
Bean looked up at him with her big brown eyes and wagged her tail, letting out a little yap.
Eddie chuckled and petted her again, feeling her soft fur under his fingers. "Well, I guess it's a good thing I like having you around to snuggle into it," he said.
Eddie drifted off to sleep , Bean still snuggled up against him.
He woke up suddenly to the loud tv commercials and started to realize that Bean was still curled up against him, sleeping peacefully.
He smiled down at her and gently picked her up, cradling her in his arms. "You know Bean ,I think we make a pretty good team," he said softly.
Bean yawned and stretched, still sleepy from her nap. Eddie kissed her head and settled back onto the couch, feeling grateful for the love and companionship of his little puppy.
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When Eddie looked at the clock it was 8:00 pm. He still had time to make some dinner now, he picked up his hair and stood in the kitchen with his apron on while the steaks were sizzling on the grill. He felt confident that they were going to turn out amazing.
Bean was curled up on the couch still, taking a nap after a long day of waiting for Eddie. But as the smell of the cooking steaks wafted through the air, her nose twitched and she lifted her head, sniffing the air. Her eyes slowly opened, and she sat up, stretching her little legs.
Eddie looked over at Bean and chuckled. "Looks like someone's hungry," he said, smiling. He walked over to the couch and scooped her up, holding her close to his chest. "You want to help me cook dinner, little one?"
Bean wagged her tail, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She loved spending time with Eddie, especially when he was in the kitchen. She knew that he always made something delicious, and she couldn't wait to see what he was cooking up this time.
Eddie carried Bean over to the kitchen counter and set her down on the floor. She immediately ran over to the grill, standing on her hind legs to peek over the edge. Eddie chuckled again and shook his head.
"Alright, alright, let's get to work," he said, grabbing a few spices from the cupboard. "First things first, we need to season these bad boys."
He sprinkled a generous amount of salt and pepper on the steaks, rubbing the spices into the meat with his hands. Bean watched intently, her little head cocked to the side.
"Next, we add some garlic powder and a little bit of cumin," Eddie said, grabbing the spices and adding them to the mix. "And just a touch of paprika for some extra flavor."
He flipped the steaks over on the grill, and the sizzling intensified. Bean's nose twitched again, and she licked her lips. Eddie chuckled.
"I know, I know, it smells amazing," he said, ruffling her fur. "But you'll have to wait a little longer, okay?"
Bean whined, but she knew better than to try and beg for food while Eddie was cooking. She watched as he checked the temperature of the steaks, making sure they were cooked to perfection.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Bean, Eddie announced that dinner was ready. He carefully plated the steaks and added a few sides of roasted vegetables and mashed potatoes.
Bean's mouth watered as she watched Eddie sit down at the table to eat. She sat at his feet, her eyes fixed on the steaks. Eddie smiled down at her.
"Sorry, little one," he said, holding out a small piece of steak. "This one's just for me. But I promise I'll make you something special tomorrow, okay?"
Bean licked his hand and wagged her tail, knowing that Eddie always kept his promises. She settled down on the floor next to him, content to just be close to her best friend as he enjoyed his dinner. Eddie couldn't help but smile at Bean's loyalty and love, and he made a mental note to spoil her with something special tomorrow.
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buttercupsandboys · 2 years
The Pickpocket - Alfie x Reader ❄️
Hello and Merry Christmas! 🎄 This is my super last minute contribution to @raincoffeeandfandoms Christmas Fic Event!
I haven’t written in a while (it’s been so long that I can’t even get onto Tumblr from my laptop 🙈) so I’m posting this from my phone. So please excuse if:
My writing is a bit rusty
The formatting is horrible (will try and fix later!)
Request: Alfie x Reader, hurt/comfort
Warnings: mild smut and angst (I hope!)
Summary: Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned, but with big risks come big rewards.
Word count: 2150
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Camden Town, 1907
She wasn’t Jewish, and his mother would never approve, but fuck, she was beautiful.
Y/N had large eyes, like a puppy, framed by long thick lashes. Eyes you could lose yourself in.
And Alfie did.
She was a thief. A pickpocket and a good one too. But seeing as what Alfie did for a living wasn’t exactly legal, he didn’t hold it against her.
It didn’t hurt that she stuck to her own people.
In fact, Y/N seemed to find a certain joy in stealing from the Sunday crowds as they emptied from the churches like rain from the heavens.
Alms for the poor, she liked to say.
At nineteen, Alfie wasn’t a virgin, which meant he knew enough to worry for his young friend.
Although, in truth, he wasn’t sure about her age. Life on the streets made people cold, hard and brittle beyond their years.
But then Y/N’s eyes…
Those big, beautiful eyes would be a blessing had she been born to a wealthy family. He imagined her sheltered and protected while batting those long lashes at a line of potential suitors.
But there was no wealthy family.
There wasn’t any family.
Which left no one but Alfie to worry when those innocent eyes would get her into trouble.
Someone would take her.
Or maybe one day, too many pockets would turn up empty, and she would make a choice he didn’t like to think about.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Alfie grumbled as he watched Y/N slip through the crowds like sand through an hourglass. She flashed a wide grin as she approached, slyly presenting him with a silver pocket watch. He wasn’t impressed. “I saw him, Y/N. He was a big fucker. You’re taking too many risks, pet.”
“The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward,” Y/N teased, slipping a hand along the inside of his arm. It wasn’t proper, but it always made him stand a bit taller. “Don’t go soft on me, Alfie.”
He scoffed. “Someone needs to go hard on you. That’s the problem.”
Y/N stopped and spun around, looking him straight in the eye despite their considerable height difference.
“And that’s gonna be you one day, Alfie?”
He shifted uncomfortably, straining against his trousers, and wondered if Y/N knew what she did to him.
“Damn fucking straight.”
He saw her the next morning, dancing in the snow.
“It’s fucking cold, Y/N.”
“It’s fucking beautiful, Alfie.”
The holidays were approaching, and while neither cared much for tradition, there was no denying something in the air.
A festive spirit, you might call it.
As Alfie watched her catch snowflakes with her tongue, cheeks pink from the cold, he wondered if he could scrape together enough for a gift.
But Y/N would sell whatever he brought her.
Bread then.
“Alfie! Alfie, open up.”
Alfie groaned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His small flat was bitterly cold despite his mum’s attempt to warm it before leaving for the day.
He rolled over and decided to ignore the knocking.
“C’mon Alfie, it’s me. Hurry up.”
“Yeah, alright. Just a fucking minute.” He lumbered across the room and yanked the door open. “The fuck you want, Ollie—“
The words died on his lips when he saw her.
Y/N was half-conscious in Ollie’s scrawny arms, her eyes glassy and skin flushed. Alfie rushed forward to take her from him, cradling her small body against his broad chest and wrapping her in his warmth.
“I had a delivery this morning and saw her down by Bonny Street. I didn’t know where else to take her.”
Alfie cursed under his breath. “She told me she had a place to stay for a while with some girls by the docks.”
“Maybe she found trouble?” Ollie offered.
“You think?” Alfie snapped.
He tried to keep his temper under control, but he could feel it bubbling under his skin. He was angry at Ollie, angry at himself, angry at the fucking world. She was alone and sick, and what the fuck could he do for her?
“She needs a doctor.”
“You’re just full of helpful advice this morning, ain’t ya?”
They both knew there was no money for doctors.
Alfie pulled back his blanket and gently laid her on his bed, brushing a dark curl from her forehead. Y/N slowly opened her eyes.
He tried not to lose himself.
“There you are, sweetheart. How ya feeling?”
Y/N smiled softly but didn’t respond. Her eyes closed again, and his heart dropped. She was fucking freezing.
Ollie left for work as Alfie gathered blankets, his coat, anything and everything he could find to warm her, which wasn’t much. He stoked the fire and held her hand, silently urging her to wake up.
But then the shaking started.
“Y/N,” Alfie murmured, running his strong hands over the threadbare blanket, cringing at her tremors. She was so thin and so, so cold.
He knew what he had to do.
Hoping his mum wouldn’t surprise them by stopping home between jobs, Alfie stripped off his shirt and climbed into bed. Y/N curled into him, burying her face in his chest, her breath coming in shallow pants against his bare skin.
Alfie froze, panicking because she felt so right, but everything about this was so wrong, and he wanted so badly for her to wake the fuck up.
Because what would he do if she didn’t?
He closed his eyes and gave in, threading his fingers through her hair, pressing her closer, breathing her in.
They laid that way for hours, his heart swelling as she alternated between cold sweats and feverish chills.
And he prayed.
Her fever broke just before midnight. A Christmas miracle, she would call it. Somehow Alfie managed to scrape together enough for a room where Y/N could stay while she recovered.
The next day, a job went south.
Alfie was given a choice: serve his sentence or serve the Crown.
He enlisted shortly after.
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France, 1917
The line wrapped around the block, and it should have disgusted him. It would have once; men lined up like cattle to rut with a few tired whores.
But after three years on the front, what was a cheap fuck next to the blood and the mud?
Nothing shocked him anymore.
Still, Alfie thought about leaving. He only had three days leave for the holidays, and he was bone fucking tired. The thought of a warm, clean bed was almost as tempting as getting his cock sucked.
With a sigh, he dragged his muddy boots down the lane until a buxom Frenchwoman, looking equally weary beneath her thick makeup, accepted his money and directed him down the hall.
“Twenty minutes, monsieur!” she called out after him.
Alfie nodded but didn’t look back, keeping his eyes down as he opened the creaky door, grimacing at the smell of sex and stale cigarettes. He prayed she was quiet; he was in no mood for mindless conversation.
His head snapped up, and he froze.
She was older, but her eyes were exactly the same.
He tried not to lose himself.
“Y/N?” he whispered as his mind rushed to catch up. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away.
Alfie stepped forward, and his fingers reached for her, but it was like a dream, like reaching for the stars. His hand fell to his side when she didn’t answer.
“Y/N?” he repeated, his tone harsher than intended.
“What do you think?” she finally snapped, stepping forward and looking him straight in the eye despite their considerable height difference. “Why do you think I’m here?” she asked, softer this time.
Alfie had the decency to blush, feeling like a fool as he put together the obvious. One of his greatest fears had come to life. He wanted to apologise but thought better of it.
“Take a seat, pet. Let’s talk. It’s been a long time.”
“Talk?” Y/N laughed, and his heart ached because she looked so much like the girl he once knew. “You only get twenty minutes, Alfie. The madame is a strict one. Best make the most of it.”
“Fuck off, Y/N—“
She cut him off by stepping forward, gently tracing the scar on his cheek, still fresh, the skin raw and angry.
“You’re exactly the same, Alfie,” Y/N whispered, pushing the straps of her flimsy gown down her shoulders, wiggling as it slid over her hips, leaving her bare.
Alfie swallowed thickly, unable to look away.
“Always trying to take care of me,” she continued, pressing a soft kiss against his jaw, her breath warm, familiar. “How about this time, you let me take care of you.”
He groaned as their lips met, still fighting with himself. After all these years, he still dreamt of her, still thought of her small body pressed tightly against his.
Not like this, though.
But nothing shocked him anymore.
Y/N pulled his shirt over his head, and when he felt her bare skin against his, he stopped thinking. Nothing mattered, nothing but this.
After ten years, they had twenty minutes.
His calloused hands—the dirt embedded in his knuckles, under his nails, no matter how hard he scrubbed—traced down her spine to cup her bottom, pulling her tighter as his lips traced hers. Y/N whined against him, a sound full of so much longing his heart nearly broke, but then she found him, sliding her hand down the front of his trousers, and he caught himself matching her, note for note.
It had been so long since he touched anyone without intending to take their life. Now he was here with Y/N, and she was stroking him, sliding his trousers down his narrow hips as she led him to the bed. Alfie fell on top of her as she wrapped her legs around him, open and inviting, giving all of herself and asking nothing in return.
He cried out when he entered her, burying his face in her shoulder, his eyes stinging because it had been so fucking long. Now he finally felt at home—and how the fuck was he supposed to go out and fight a war after this?
But Y/N seemed to understand.
She wrapped him in her arms, arched her hips, and whispered the words he needed to hear. And when it was all too much, when the pleasure overwhelmed him, and he couldn’t hold back his release any longer, she fucked him through it, cradling his body, accepting him, scars and all.
Afterwards, they lay in silence, the clock ticking.
“Y/N,” Alfie said when his heart finally slowed enough for him to speak. “After the war—“
“Alfie, no.”
He raised his head, feeling confused, and ignored her.
“Y/N, when we get—“
“Alfie, stop!”
She pressed a thin finger against his full lips.
“Don’t make me any promises,” she whispered. “Hope only makes it worse.”
Alfie opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Their twenty minutes was up.
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Camden Town, 1921
Fuck, he hated the cold. It irritated his sciatica, and he had no choice but to lean heavily on his cane.
“Ollie!” He barked, feeling old beyond his years. “Make it fucking quick.”
Alfie checked his watch and grumbled under his breath about the time before slipping it back in his pocket. He was eager to return to the bakery—a shipment was going out—but Ollie insisted they drop off their annual donation in person.
On account of Hanukkah and all...
But Alfie wasn’t in the festive spirit.
What the fuck was this idiot doing?
It was late. The shipment was delayed, and Alfie was in a foul fucking mood. He wanted nothing more than to hurry home to his big empty bed and sleep off the day.
But someone was dancing in the streets, holding up traffic.
He pressed loudly on the horn and cursed.
“Ollie!” Alfie roared.
His assistant popped his head around the corner, somewhat hesitantly, knowing his friend-turned-boss and recognising his bad temper.
“Yes, Alfie?”
“Have you seen my fucking watch?”
Ollie raised a brow in confusion. “Your watch?”
Alfie exploded. “Yes, Ollie. My fucking watch. It tells the time.” He patted his pockets helplessly. “It’s always fucking here, and now it’s not.”
Ollie opened his mouth, but before he could respond, a melodic voice floated in from the hall.
“It was a bit risky. You are a big fucker.”
Alfie’s jaw dropped as she walked through the door, Ollie taking one look between them and making a quick exit.
“But you know what they say,” Y/N continued, slowly walking around the desk and smiling. “The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.”
She had large eyes, like a puppy, framed by long thick lashes. Eyes you could lose yourself in.
And Alfie did.
The end ❄️
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Hi there guys got a surprise for you UwU
Who here wants to see big bara boys cute stuff I have drawn something yesterday that looks cute.
I'm working on it today 😊☺️❤️
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(plus I'm gonna be drawing more fanart for @scatteredthoughtsandcoffee . I kinda drew Russell and Tessa cause I think they're so cute together.)
V: hello again everyone so get ready for more big bara boys with their lovers. Now honeydew come here...
D: no Vincent I said no
V: hmmf
-does the puppy dog eyes on me while whimpering slowly wraps his arms around me while nuzzling my head-
D: - blushes and rests head on his chest as it make a sorta purring noise-
Ok dear go for it
(After sometime I fall asleep listening to his soul beat. As he cradles me and carrys me to the couch while with his free arm and pulls a blanket over both himself and me who's snuggling into his chest snoring quietly. He then falls asleep while holding onto me so I don't fall as we both sleep.)
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This would be him sucking up to me....
Lol 🤣😂😅
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graspingatstars · 1 year
3/10/22 - hello
3/10/23 - u remember. I knew there was no way you’d remember something so trivial. And yet you surprise me.
3/24/23 - oh no
I had to dogsit at someone else’s house for a whole week. Two little daschunds and a black kitten. In the back of my mind I was hoping he’d check my locations and text me. We hadn’t texted consistently in over a month. Not that I was keeping track.
Ok my very first night I lose the cat. She slips out and hides under the backyard patio. I am freaking out. It’s been about an hour and I text him in desperation thinking he had any knowledge of how to lure a cat out. In the end the cat required no luring as she slipped back into the house as easy as she came.
He hints that he is willing to lend a hand to dog and cat sit with me. I accept, I really didn’t want to be alone while the house made noises. And it would be the perfect time to hang out and catch up.
I am in the backyard letting the two puppies chase each other around. Phone had music playing. I am trying to act casual and as if I didn’t know he had arrived. He slips in behind me aloofly with wet curl hair. Beige shirt on and light wash jeans. I am awkward as hell and hyper. We walk back inside and he fills me in on life: 2 new classes, unemployed, signed up for radiology school which would start next January. Teasingly mentioning that I disappeared for a month after he had to give up his dog. I did disappear. It was pretty busy the months prior. We grab Wendy’s and tequila and he shows me songs I would like.
We watch In the Tall Grass and take two shots of tequila each. My body was not prepared.
We retire to the bedroom and he complains about his jeans. I can hear him slide out of them. We make it to bed and lay in silence for a while. On opposite sides.
I scoot in closer so that our bodies touch lightly. He closes in on the tiny distance between us so that I’m fully wrapped by him, in him. It’s warm and safe. We always fit together perfectly. His rough hands glide up my legs, up my back, and down again, and up again. I nuzzle my face into his chest and let him feel roughly all over. I make zero moves and just enjoy it all. I move around in my sleep, uncomfortable at the situation. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to hold him closer. I moved away instead. Hours could have passed. He finally cradles me. His fingers find their way to my thighs again. He slowly inches towards my clit. So lightly, and so painfully slow. I’m throbbing at the idea. He glides over me so softly, I’m begging internally that he be more rough. This was the reaction he wanted. He tries to go deeper into me with his rough fingers, I stop him. “Why do you have to make things so complicated?” My voice cracks. I hear him breathe deeply and he just holds me. We fall asleep this way.
3/25/23 - a first kiss
He texts me late into the night. I almost don’t want to answer. I fall asleep waiting for him. He calls me and I give in. I answer the door and let him in. We watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was awesome. I didn’t tell him I’ve already watched it before. His hands glide over my skin. We took two shots of tequila to kill the nerves.
By the end of it all he played me his music on my guitar. I felt it deeply. It was time for bed. We knockout for a couple hours because of the alcohol. I woke up to his hands steady on me. I wanted them closer. He felt around as he did the night before. He found his way into me and I couldn’t resist any longer. I was dripping. And right when he inches inside with his warm fingers, our mouths clashed and his lips were so soft like warm marshmallows. I couldn’t allow it to go past that. I stopped him. And we fell asleep this way.
0 notes
lovelytsunoda · 2 years
apple cider and the tap tapping of little paws // lance stroll
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summary: after celebrating their first fall together as a couple, lance decides that it’s time for the couple to take the next step: adopting a puppy
pairing: lance stroll x female!reader
warnings: cuteness overload and tooth rotting fluff. maybe if you don’t like dogs don’t read this one?
authors note: welcome to le cozy collection 2022 !! these are gonna be all cozy and fluffy and sweet little fall and halloween fics and mini fics and I can’t wait to share all my idea with you! they will all be tagged under their driver on the main masterlist, but lmk if you want a separate one as well!
dedicated to one of the founding members of the lance whores club: @libraryofloveletters
the sun shone down on the apple trees as the couple stepped off of the wagon that had taken the groups of eager apple pickers through the farm.
it was their first fall living together, and in addition to decorating the hell out of their cozy quebec city apartment with pumpkins, red hallmark trucks filled with acorns and pine cones and little throw pillows with cheesy sayings on them, y/n y/l/n was going to have the couples fall of her dreams, making the most out of every moment she got to spend with the love of her life until the racing schedule stole him away from her yet again.
lance stroll didn’t want to go to brazil, nor abu dhabi. he wanted to be wherever y/n was, holding her close under a mexican blanket, baking cookies at three in the morning because he was still on a different time zone after coming back from a race weekend.
her hand was clasped tightly in his, and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he looked at her, the sleeves of her fleece lined denim jacket rolled to the elbows, long hair tumbling out of a forest green aston martin beanie with lance’s numver on the side. in her heeled boots, she was almost as tall as lance was.
as far as the driver was concerned, it was love at first sight as soon as he met y/n at the planetarium, her eyes shining like the stars she adored while she walked through the room dedicated to constellations.
“babe, stop here. pass me the ladder, we have to go for the ones at the top!”
lance chuckled, his heart warmed by his girlfriends laughter as she took the step ladder from him, setting it up just underneath one of the ripest trees. y/n stepped on to the top layer, wobbling slightly on the heel of her boot, lances hands springing out to grab her waist and steady her.
“careful! your father is going to murder me if you fall off this thing.” lance chuckled
“he’s not gonna hurt you, lance. he knows I can handle myself, and he’s starting to like you.” she threw her head back in laughter, extracting a canvas tote bag from her deep jacket pocket.
“your father can’t stand me.”
“you know that’s not true.” y/n laughed, tossing an apple at lance for him to snack on before grabbing one for herself and taking a bite.
“he hired a private detective to follow me around the entire weekend of the italian grand prix!”
“because he wanted to make sure that you were a good guy!”
ah, race weekend. for the first time in his life, lance was dreading it. his entire life had revolves around racing and karting for almost as long as he could remember. so it really surprised him when, after he and y/n moved in with each other, the prospect of travelling the world without his lover was no longer appealing.
he dreaded leaving her at home, all on her lonesome. lance missed holding her in his arms at night, giggling with her while they made dinner. cozy snugglefucks in the middle of the night when neither of them can sleep, cradling her against the mattress to make her his, pressing gentle kisses to her neck as they softly swayed together by the candelight.
there was one heartbreaking weekend when he got a phone call from y/n. she had broken down in tears on the phone when she had called him in monza , explaining how she had just gone through one of the worst working days of her life, and how she missed having lance around and hated going back to an empty apartment.
lance never wanted another phone call like that again. he never wanted y/n to feel alone because of him. but with a schedule like his, that wasn’t always easy, because he had to be away so often and she couldn’t always come with him.
that had been the weekend he first set his plan in motion. at the time, esteban had told him it was stupid plan, but eventually his french compatriot had come around and helped lance put the whole thing together.
hours passed, and legs were exhausted from walking through the fields all day. lance insisted on carrying all three bags of apples himself, as well as the small step ladder, no matter how vehemently y/n protested.
“babe, I’ve got it. I don’t just work out for when we make love, you know.”
y/n snorted “yeah right.” she chuckled to herself, kissing him gently on the cheek. “if you’re so sure of yourself, I’m gonna go buy us some warm apple cider.”
y/n didn’t want lance to leave either. since she was a teenager she hated being alone, for that was when her anxiety was at its worst. but part of what she loves about lance was his job and how dedicated he was to the sport even when he wasn’t getting the results that he wanted. and she didn’t want to be the reason that he gave it all up, at least not until he was ready to settle down and start a family.
something they were both too young for.
she grabbed the apple cider, in two paper travel cups like the ones at tim hortons and walked backs cross the gravel parking lot to where lance was struggling to pack everything into the sad excuse for a trunk on the back of his aston martin.
“I told you we should have brought my car.” she laughed, kissing him gently before passing lance one of the apple ciders. “ready to head home?”
“not quite. there’s one more place I want to stop, but it’s a surprise. I need you to trust me.”
“ooh, mysterious.” y/n laughed, getting into the passenger side of the car.
it was a plan that lance had been thinking through for at least a month, attempting to find a companion for his girlfriend while he was away. she didn’t like big dogs, anxiety stemming from a rottweiler attack when she was thirteen, and she needed something that was calm if they were going to get a pet at all.
when they pulled up outside the animal shelter, y/n raised an eyebrow. “lance, sweetie, what are we doing?”
“just come inside.” lance smiled softly, getting out of the sports car to cross to the other side and get y/ns door for her.
they held hands as they walked inside the shelter, y/ns face lighting up involuntarily when she looked over at the enclosure where the puppies were playing.
“mr. stroll, what can we do for you today?” one of the ladies working behind the desk asked. “this must be y/n, hes told us so much about you.”
“you’ve been here before?”
“y/n, baby, there’s somebody I’d like you to meet.” lance took her hand, leading her towards the enclosure.
a lone golden retriever puppy broke away from the pack, bounding over to the fence and jumping up to try and lick lances fingers through the bars.
with a laughs, y/n reached over and pet the small dog, feeling the soft fur underneath her fingers.
“y/n, this is whistler. he’s barely a year old, he’s very relaxed and I’ve heard that golden retrievers are the best companion dogs.” lance sniffles a little bit, wiping at his eye before taking y/ns hands in his. “baby, I can’t promise that I’ll be around all the time, and I really hate that, but I do t ever want you to be alone for another full weekend, with nobody to talk to. I’ve been thinking about this for months, ever since you called me in italy. I don’t ever want you to feel like that again.”
“oh, baby..”
“so, with your permission, I want to adopt whistler. he can stay with you while I’m gone for race weekends, make sure you’re okay when I can’t do that myself.”
“yes, lance.” she said softly, cutting him off with a kiss. “how could I possibly say no? look at his little face, and his wide little eyes.”
as if on cue, whistler barked.
“what do you say, buddy?” y/n asked, letting whistler lock at her fingers. “do you wanna come home with us?”
the answer was yes, of the barking and the wagging of whistlers tail were anything to go by.
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p0und-cake · 2 years
The Dead Kid’s Brother and the Freak (Part Three)
Part One ! Part Two !
eddie munson x male!hargrove!reader
summary: three parter! first part is about how reader and eddie met, second is them getting together, and this one is reader being infected by vecna’s curse ! (Yay this part is finally done!!)
warnings - mention of death, mention of attempted unaliving, arguing/fighting, cursing, mentions of abuse
“When the hell are those idiots getting back here?” You hissed angrily, trying to wipe off some blood that had randomly started flowing from your nose. “Shit, and now my nose is bleeding.”
You were at your wits’ end at this point. You were so fucking tired of everything. You wanted to go home and sleep in your own damn bed. You wanted to eat as much garbage as you wanted. You didn’t want to live as a murder suspect for the rest of your damn life. You needed to go back and support Max and Susan. You were still young!
“They better be back soon. I’m getting freaked the hell out!” Eddie exclaimed, pacing around back and forth on the ground. “Oh god oh god…we’re so screwed! We’re so damn screwed!!”
Your face was twisted into a snarl as you watched him walk around, head absolutely pounding. You pulled off your jacket and threw it down at Eddie from the top of the rock. “Would you stop that?!”
Eddie stopped in his tracks, the jacket you threw at him falling to the dirty forest floor. His eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head at you like a confused puppy. He then seemed to finally register that your nose was bleeding. “Oh- shit, doll, here-!” He was about to come up and help you with your bloody nose, but he hadn’t expected you to smack his hand away once he got up there. “Baby..?”
“You pacing down there and muttering all that pessimistic shit isn’t helping the situation, Ed!” You snapped. “My head is fucking killing me and I didn’t get an ounce of sleep because of that damn nightmare I keep having! So please, cut it out!”
Eddie stopped, not knowing how to react exactly. You hadn’t ever used that tone of voice with him before. It would probably be expected. He felt terrible you were in this kind of situation. You didn’t deserve any of it, especially being treated like a suspect because of you having a dead brother. Apparently the story had gone something like ‘he went crazy after the death of his younger sibling’, which Eddie personally thought was bullshit.
He sat with you every night when you had nightmares about that fateful night. He remembered bolting out of his trailer in the trailer park when he heard your scream faintly from the trailer across from his. You would tend to leave your window unlocked after the first few nights this happened, so Eddie could hurriedly climb inside and practically leap onto your bed so he could hold you. He would cradle you in his arms and stroke your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
The last thing you were was crazy. All you were was traumatized. You were guilt-ridden. You would never hurt anybody, much less hurt someone like the way Chrissy was killed.
“Look, baby, I’m sorry…” Eddie sat next to you on the rock. “If you want to try and get some more sleep, I’ll hold you. All that stress might be getting to your head or something, so some rest could help you feel a little better.”
“Oh, we are way past that.” You muttered, crossing your arms and not acknowledging Eddie’s frown at you.
“Okayyy…I dunno what your problem is, but can you maybe not talk to me like that? I know this is a shitty situation but I’m trying to help you, babe.” He said, tensing up. Was this about to be an argument? A fight? He never thought he’d have one of those with you.
Yeah, a couple that doesn’t fight is a bit unrealistic, but the only fights you two ever had were small disagreements that the both of you knew were never serious. You’d yell at each other over Dungeons and Dragons sometimes but you both would smile by the end of it.
“My problem?” You looked at him in disbelief. “Well, Munson-”
“Oh, so we’re not even on first name basis anymore-?”
“-my problem is that I’m hiding out in the fucking woods from the cops because I’m a murder suspect! That’s my damn problem! Not to mention I’m a murder suspect because my brother is dead, which a handful of people think I did, by the way!” You stood up on the rock, the bottled up rage you had finally spilling over. “I’m scared, I’m hungry, I’m tired, and I keep having these stupid headaches and nightmares! Every night I’m reliving the worst moments of my life! And who the hell knows what’s happening to my sister right now? What if something happened to her while I’m here like a fucking sitting duck?!”
“Well, you don’t think I’m scared, hungry, and tired too?!” Before he knew it, Eddie was shouting back at you, standing up to meet your level. “Goddamn it, babe, there’s nothing we can do about this, so I would really appreciate it if you quit acting like I can just make everything better! If you wanna leave, then be my guest, darling!” His face moved close to yours, his voice painfully condescending.
“Maybe I will!” You snapped. “I’ll go get fucking arrested, how about that?!”
“What do you want me to say?!” Eddie shot back. “Jesus christ, I don’t know what you want from me!”
That’s when you realized, you didn’t know what you wanted from him either. Why were you yelling at him? What did he do wrong? Eddie was only trying to help. Apparently you’d been quiet for too long, as Eddie kept talking.
“See? You don’t even know! So why the hell are you yelling at me?! Try watching Chrissy Cunningham’s bones snap in all different directions, then see what it’s like!”
“Oh yeah?!” Your fire only got refueled. “Try watching your little brother get fucking murdered by a fucking Mind Flayer! Yeah, you really think he died in a damn fire?! I sat with my sister and held him while he died!” Tears filled your eyes and fell at the memory.
“A what?” Eddie spluttered, but then shook his head. “That’s not what this is about! It’s not my fault he died, so why are you taking this out on me? If you wanna leave, go right on ahead! If you wanna get caught by the damn cops or whatever killed Chrissy and Patrick then be my guest!”
Then, within a couple seconds, he was on the ground. You had shoved him. “Goddamn it, Ed!” You hopped off the rock. “Fuck you!”
Eddie watched from the ground as you stomped off into the woods alone. When you were out of view he sighed to himself.
After around a minute or so of walking, you leaned up against a tree and started to cry. Why the hell did you do that? Eddie was only trying to help you, and you flew off the handle at him. Maybe he wouldn’t have said what he said if you hadn’t started screaming at him. Nonetheless, it still hurt. You didn’t really know how long you sat and sobbed for, but you were interrupted by a loud sound.
It…sounded like a clock.
You stood up, intrigued by the sound. You nervously walked in the direction of it.
“Ed..?” You called out, but there was no response. “Eddie..?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw an antique grandfather clock just…stuck inside of a tree.
“The hell?” You mumbled, and then a voice spoke behind you that sent a horrifying chill down your spine.
“You think that pothead’s gonna come and save you after what he said to you, big brother?”
You weren’t sure if you wanted to turn around or not. Your curiosity got the better of you and you slowly turned around, the air being drawn out of your throat in a gasp at the figure standing there.
“Buh-Buh-Buh-!” Billy mocked, his eyes holding fake sympathy and innocence. He was in the same outfit as you last saw him in. White tank top and jeans, but the only difference was the appalling, disgusting, grotesque hole in his abdomen. You hadn’t seen his face in such a long time, except for in your nightmares. So…what was this? Another nightmare?
“Billy…” You managed out, trying not to let your voice get caught in your throat. “I-I-It’s been so long…I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry for everything!” You blurted, your apologies you wanted to tell Billy since his death spilling out like a pot of water boiling over.
You apologized for what happened to Mom. You apologized for not being able to prevent Neil from hurting him. You apologized for neglecting him when you moved to Hawkins. You apologized for not saving him.
All he did was stare at you. His thick eyebrows were pulled downward and his mouth didn’t move. His fists stayed clenched by his sides. You weren’t even sure if he was blinking.
“Billy? Please, say something!” You begged, and you were about to walk over to him, but his words stopped you.
“You aren’t really sorry, are you?”
“You’re just like Max. Part of you wanted me to die that day, hm?”
“What?! Billy, no, that’s not true!” You stammered. “Billy, I love you more than anything, I never wanted you to die!”
“Then why did you leave me alone?” Billy scowled. “You’d go and fuck around with those assholes who never even gave a shit about you. You’d fuck around and hardly even think about me. Then you tried to kill yourself like that would solve anything. I saved your goddamn life and you were about to throw it away.”
“B-Billy- I-I’m sorry…”
“It’s time for your suffering to come to an end, big brother.”
“Shit…” Eddie mumbled, his body trembling as he sat at the base of Skull Rock. “Baby just come back…I’m so sorry…Jesus fucking Christ I screwed up so so bad…” he stared in the direction you’d stormed off in. He obviously knew you couldn’t hear him, but just maybe if he begged quietly enough you’d come back. He couldn’t leave. What if the others showed up and no one was there?
Eventually, he spotted Steve and Dustin push through the leaves. Before he could even say anything, Max shoved through everybody there. Her blue eyes stared into Eddie after they darted around the area.
“Where’s my brother?” She asked, stepping closer to Eddie. Her gaze intensified when Eddie averted his eyes and gave no answer. “Eddie Munson tell me where my brother is!!” She exclaimed, but Steve came forward and gently touched her shoulder as a way to tell her to back off.
Robin squeezed between the two and looked at Eddie.
“Look Munson, you gotta tell us what happened to Hargrove.” She said seriously.
“…I screwed the hell up.” Eddie mumbled quietly.
Robin’s eyebrows furrowed. “Did something happen?”
“We were…both stressin’ the hell out, y’know? So I think I pissed him off a little and he started yelling at me, and we were fighting…” Eddie explained, Robin taking a seat next to him. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. “Then I…I told him to leave. And he did. I-I dunno where he went but-”
“You told him to leave and didn’t look for him?!” Max exclaimed.
“I was waiting for you guys!” Eddie stammered back.
Max was fuming, Kate Bush still blaring through her ears. “You idiot! Which way did he go?!”
Eddie immediately pointed in the direction of where you left, and Max stormed off in that direction, calling out your name.
“Shit, are you serious?” Steve mumbled, running a hand through his gorgeous hair. “Let’s all go look for him. In groups.” He said.
“Nance?” Robin looked over to her, who averted her eyes.
“Sure.” She said curtly, going with Robin into the woods.
“I’ll find Max.” Lucas quickly said and ran to where Max had gone.
“Come on, Henderson. You too, Eddie.” Steve demanded.
“Just volunteer me like that, okay.” Dustin mumbled, going up to Steve and following him into the woods, Eddie not too far behind.
It didn’t take too long for someone to find you. Eddie, Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Nancy were alerted by the sound of Max’s panicked yelling.
“Well, looks like they found him!” Steve exclaimed, but Eddie was already running to where they heard Max’s voice. Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever run so fast, but he about froze in his tracks when he found Max and Lucas.
There stood you, his boyfriend, in the middle of the woods. Your eyes were puffy and face tear-streaked, but that’s not what he was worried about. Your eyes were rolled into the back of your head. You looked exactly like Chrissy had that night.
Max was in tears, frantically shaking you despite the fact she knew it wouldn’t do anything. “Come on, you gotta wake up!” She choked out.
“Shit!” Dustin exclaimed when he and Steve arrived. He hurried over and grabbed multiple tapes from Max’s Walkman. “His favorite song! What is it?!”
“I-I dunno-!” Max replied, still trying to shake your still body awake.
“Why do we need to know his favorite song?!” Eddie exclaimed, finally finding his voice and going up next to Max. Although he knew he needed to do something. How would he be able to live with himself if you died the same way Chrissy did after what he said to you? He finally realized how badly he was shaking when he reached out to touch you, Max’s screams beside him deafening.
“Just- what is it?!” Steve exclaimed, and Eddie realized all eyes were on him. They figured he would know it.
“Wh- she doesn’t know it?!” He gestured to Max, silently cursing himself for his voice cracking.
“No! You talk to him more than me!” Max shouted, Robin and Nancy finally showing up to the scene. “Hurry up and think!!”
Eddie’s breathing increased, searching for any memory of a conversation of which you mentioned a particular song you liked. It was hard to think with the redhead screaming next to him and everybody freaking out. You tended to listen to stuff like AC/DC or The Scorpions, or sometimes Def Leppard. Although Eddie could never recall you saying that a song by say, Guns N’ Roses was your favorite. What about special moments between the two of you? What songs tended to pop up?
‘Time After Time’ by Cyndi Lauper played when the two of you had your first kiss up on that rock.
You both had your first time later that night to the tune of ‘Africa’ by Toto.
He went through some more songs and then he remembered.
Dungeons and Dragons that day hadn’t gone too well for Eddie, plus school hadn’t been great for him either. It was pretty obvious people thought of him as a freak. This man was like 20 and still in school. Usually people’s words didn’t bother him, but something about today was a little different. He had also had a nightmare the previous night too, which had freaked him out pretty bad. He just had a bad day, which you picked up quickly whenever he called you from across the street. Usually he just came over.
You’d walked over to where he resided, waving to Mr. Munson who was on his way out to go work. He almost instantly met you in the living room, hardly giving you any chance to speak before he hugged you tightly. He ignored all your questioning, just focusing on your embrace. He let out a soft, content sigh as he felt you run your fingers through his frizzy hair.
“Bad day, Ed?” You had crooned.
“Mmhm…” he softly mumbled in agreement, letting his face find a nice hiding spot in the crook of your neck. “Today sucked ass.”
You let a soft chuckle escape your lips at his phrasing and kissed the top of Eddie’s head. “Let’s go lay down and we can talk about it.” You gently removed his face from its little hiding spot and kissed his cheek before you led him back to his room.
After he explained everything to you, you kissed his cheek before hopping up and telling you that you would be right back. He waited about a minute or two and you came back with a walkman and a certain tape.
“We’ve known each other for a while,” you’d started, a faint pink hue in your cheeks. Were you embarrassed? “And when this song came out, I started to listen to it whenever I was sad. I would kinda dance around to it in my room like a total idiot. Billy caught me once and never let me hear the end of it.” You chuckled sadly at the memory. “I’ll let you listen to it since it might help you too, but you have to promise not to make fun of me.”
“Aww, is my wittle baby embawwassed?” Eddie teased, standing up and pulling you in close to him, kissing all over your face.
You huffed and gently punched his chest. “I’m trying to open up to you right now Eddie and make you feel better. Do you wanna hear the song or not?” You puffed out your cheeks in irritation.
“Okay, just stop making that face.” He joked, poking your cheek. “You look like a pufferfish.”
“You love me, doll. I promise not to make fun of you either.” He hummed, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. “Alright babe, hit me.”
You sighed a little at his antics, but there was a smile on your face. You gently placed the headphones over his ears, pressing play.
He waited a little and let the song start playing before he giggled just a little.
“I told you not to make fun of me-!” You whined.
“I’m not!” Eddie quickly defended, still letting soft giggles out. “It’s cute!” You didn’t seem to believe him, so he stood and slipped the Walkman into his pocket. You were confused but then he placed his hand on your waist and held your hand on the other. You understood what he was getting at and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Do you even know how to dance?” You asked, squinting at him. “Besides, I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
“This is comforting.” Eddie shrugged. “And I can figure it out. Probably.”
“I know!” Eddie shouted out. “I know it! Lemme see the goddamn tapes!” He took them from Steve and looked through them. “It’s not here!”
This only aroused more panic, especially from Max. Then Eddie got an idea.
“Can any of you sing?!”
“…” All eyes immediately went to a certain member of the group.
“Shit.” Dustin muttered, raising his hand.
You had been running, and long story short, you were in some kind of…blood dimension. It was something you might see out of a movie. You just had to get away from this thing. Was it the thing that killed Chrissy? As you ran, you eventually made it to some sort of…was it a house? But then you saw it.
Your breathing only increased if that was even possible. You turned to run away, screaming Eddie’s name. As if he would or could come and save you. Something wrapped around your leg and dragged you back screaming. In a heartbeat you were trapped up against a weird, fleshy pillar. It was really gross.
“Let go! Get off!” You cried out at the disgusting creature in front of you. You squirmed and kicked but nothing happened as a weird…thing slithered up and grasped your throat. Vecna said something to you, but you couldn’t exactly tell what it was. This was it. You were gonna die. There was so much you had wanted to do in life, but you weren’t gonna be able to. Billy’s words repeated in your head. Was he gonna say the same thing when you saw him in the afterlife? What was Eddie going to think when he saw your limbs twisted like a snapped twig.
Then, you heard it.
“Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong
You're enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes, there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh, so sad, so quiet”
Chiquitita. The song you always listened to when you were sad. The song you made Eddie listen to and danced with him in his bedroom to. But it wasn’t ABBA singing it. Was that…Eddie Munson and Dustin Henderson? A small hole/portal opened up in the far back of the scary dimension. You were floating in the air where you first heard the clock. Dustin, Lucas, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Max, and Eddie were panicking below. Dustin and Eddie’s mouths were both moving slower than the others, and then you realized they were singing to you to help you.
But Vecna looked pissed.
His grasp on your throat tightened, and you could feel your eyes roll back into your head before you snapped out of it. You couldn’t die here. Not while Max and Eddie were there. Billy gave his life for yours and others, so you couldn’t let what he did go to waste.
“Get…off…you…FUCK FACE!” You wheezed, lifting your leg and kicking Vecna where the sun doesn’t shine. Well, where it would be. He instantly let go, and you had never run so damn fast in your entire life.
“Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on
You were always sure of yourself
Now, I see you've broken a feather
(How it hurts to see you cry)
(And how it hurts to see you sad)
I hope we can patch it up together”
Vecna started to throw…well, something at you. You weren’t about to look back and risk being slaughtered. One of the objects fell directly behind you and caused you to fly forward face first in the…blood? Yucky. Choking on the crimson substance, you scrambled up and started running once more.
“Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
And the scars they're leaving
You'll be dancing once again
And the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky
And shining above you
(Even though you cry)
(The sun is shining in the sky)
Let me hear you sing once more
(So let me hear you sing some more)
Like you did before
(The way you used to do before)
Sing a new song, Chiquitita
Try once more, like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita”
You were almost there. You could see the group better. It broke your heart to see Max and Eddie both crying. Eddie’s voice shook while he sung. Max was trembling in Lucas’ arms, which only kicked up your adrenaline and you ran even faster, yelling your sister’s name.
“MAX!” You screamed out in desperation. “I’M COMING, MAX!”
Then your world turned stark white.
Your eyes opened, and you were suddenly falling, screaming out as you did.
Your ears were ringing and your vision was blurry, but you felt a pair of arms around you and frizzy hair was seen from the corner of your eyes. Eddie? Your breathing was quick, grasping onto Eddie tightly and inhaling in the small scent of his house that was left after hiding out in multiple places. Eddie was saying something to you, and you felt his lips touch the top of your head, but you weren’t focused on him.
“Max…” you whispered, trying to get your vision to work properly again. “Max…you okay..?”
You recognized the red hair approaching and your vision and hearing came back to you. Max knelt in front of you, tears flowing down her cheeks.
“You idiot, you almost got killed and you’re asking if I’m okay?” She mumbled, wiping her eyes furiously. “I’m fine.”
“Don’t…bullshit me.” You said softly, and pushed away from Eddie, ignoring your body trembling. “C’mere…sis.” As soon as you held out your arms, Max was in them, hugging you tightly.
“I…I’m glad I didn’t lose you, too.” She muttered quiet enough for only you to hear.
“I know…I’m sorry I got you worried. But I’m not letting some nasty-ass monster get me.” You chuckled, grinning when she laughed a little as well. She pulled away with a soft sniffle.
“Yeah, of course.” She said, already seeming to be doing better. She looked to Eddie beside you, who unbeknownst to you, was still in tears. He felt so guilty about what he said. She pondered for a moment before standing up. “I think Eddie wants to say something. In private.” She pointedly looked at the others.
“Yeah, come on.” Robin nodded, leading the others away a little to give you both privacy.
You turned a little to look at Eddie, who definitely looked like he was aching to say something. You opened your mouth to say something, but he beat you to it.
“Baby I am so so sorry.” He blurted, tears in his eyes. “You don’t have to forgive me, I’m not expecting you to. I-I fucked up so so so bad. There was no reason for me to have said what I said. There’s no justification or any of that shit. I-I never m-meant for this to happen, I swear to whatever God is out there. God, Zeus, who the hell ever! Just please know I never want to see you hurt, and if I could take back what I said, I’d do whatever it took.” His voice shook like you’d never heard before, and it broke so many times. Tears spilled from his gorgeous eyes, but he never looked away from you.
“Eddie-” a sob escaped your throat and you threw your arms around him. “I’m the one who should be sorry…I started saying that awful shit when you were trying to help. I’m so fucking sorry. I thought you wouldn’t want anything to do with me…just please don’t leave me…” you whimpered pathetically into the crook of his neck. “I thought I would never see you or Max ever again. I don’t care about some argument anymore. I just want you.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” Eddie sighed out shakily in relief, holding you close and cradling you like he had countless times when you were sad.
The both of you sat together and cried. You both cried until Steve came back and made you come to Skull Rock. But even then…you never stopped making contact. You held each other’s hands the whole time.
“Eddie..?” You whispered softly after he picked you up in his arms.
“Yes, doll..?” His voice was delicate glass.
“You really sang Chiquitita for me with Dustin Henderson?” You giggled, and he just smiled and kissed your temple.
“For you, a thousand times over.”
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philscoupons · 2 years
day off - (ryan dunn x f!reader)
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word count: 1.3k tags: smut and fluff. f!reader. kitchen sex. nsfw. summary: ryan has a day off from shooting, so him and the reader make the most of their time together. a/n: i’m so sorry i’m literally so behind on requests. anyways. enjoy.
This was the first day Ryan had off from shooting in a while. When they worked, they worked hard, and it’d been a week or two since he had a genuine day off. Ryan took full advantage of this, and slept in well past his usual alarm. When I woke up, he was still peacefully passed out next to me, arms loosely wrapped around me, legs tangled in the sheets. His chest rose and fell slowly as soft sunlight began to leak through the curtains. I couldn’t say how long I laid there watching him; long enough for the sun to rise completely, illuminating his sleeping form. Pressing a kiss lightly to his forehead, I slowly untangled myself from his arms, doing my best not to wake him, and slipped out of bed. I quickly took a picture of him before throwing on one of his t-shirts and heading to the kitchen. 
As quietly as I could, I made breakfast for the two of us. I decided against bringing Ryan his, letting him sleep in more instead, and stuck his in the fridge.The dishes were almost finished being washed when Ryan shuffled sleepily into the kitchen. His hair was a mess and a tired smile graced his lips.“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” I teased.
“G’morning, princess,” he replied, walking over to wrap his arms around me from behind and press a quick kiss to my lips.“How’d you sleep?”“Good, why’d you get up?” I chuckled, “So I could make breakfast before 11. There’s some for you in the fridge.” “Thank you, I’ll have it in a sec.” I turned around so I could face him and wrapped my arms around his waist, “You look like you’re thinking about something.” “Darling, to be honest with you, I haven’t had a pure thought since I walked out here to see you in my shirt.” I smirked, "I do look good in it, don't I?" "Absolutely," he smiled and grabbed me by my hips, lifting me to sit on the counter.
I giggled back at him before he pulled me in and connected his lips to mine. He wasted no time deepening the kiss, and I pulled away as it got heated.
"Ry- I just cleaned the counters yesterday-"
"I'll clean them this time, I promise. Please?"
He gave me his best puppy dog eyes, and who was I to say no to that.
"Fine, but I'm holding you to it."
He quickly pulled me back into the kiss, biting my lip so I squirmed in his grasp. I moved my hands to his waist and ran them up his chest until I grabbed a hold of his shoulders. I could feel the familiar heat of beardburn begin as we made out, but I couldn’t care less. As Ryan pushed his tongue into my mouth, he hiked up my (his) shirt enough to slip his hand into my underwear.
"Oh honey, you're already so wet for me."
"All for you," I groaned out.
My breath caught in my throat as he finally brought his fingers to my pussy. He traced my entrance before pushing a finger in slowly. I couldn’t help but whine as he began to circle my clit with his thumb.
"Does that feel good?"
"Yes, please, keep going."
"Of course, darling."
He continued to pump his finger in and out of me, adding another finger when I started to grind onto his hand.I buried my head in his neck to muffle the noises I was making. He brought his free hand up to cradle the back of my head, hushing me quietly, “Shhh, I’ve got you, princess.”
I could feel the familiar coil of warmth tightening low in my gut as he began to curl his fingers into me.
“M’so close, Ry-”
“I know, sweetheart, I can feel it.”
And as soon as I got to the edge he took away his hand completely.
I let out a whine I was less than proud of and leaned my head back to look at him with distress.
“I want you to cum on my dick.”
I looked at him for a second, eyes wide,
“Yea- yeah I want to too.”
He smiled and slid his boxers down and I shimmied out of my panties. I scooted closer to the edge of the counter, spreading my legs to accommodate Ryan’s wide torso. 
“You ready?” He asked as he lined himself up with my entrance. 
I nodded hurriedly, “Please just-“ I was cut off by a gasp as he pushed into me, letting me feel the whole of his length at a painstakingly slow pace. 
One of my hands gripped the edge of the counter top, the other threaded into the hair at the nape of his neck. He groaned as I pulled him as close to me as possible and he bottomed out. We stayed there for a moment, still- save for our labored breathing. With another moan, Ryan began moving, building up speed and intensity with each thrust.
“F-fuck, baby-“ I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut.
“Look at me, sweetheart, I wanna see you,” Ryan almost growled. I opened my eyes and looked him in his. His pupils were blown with lust, his hair a mess- as per usual- his grin wild and his look desperate.
“You’re so pretty-“ I said, my brain to mouth filter quickly dissipating as waves of pleasure rocked my body.
“So are you, darling- so- fucking beautiful-“ he forced out between breathy moans. I brought my lips to his for a sloppy, open mouthed kiss, which ended in us panting into each other’s mouths.His head came to rest on my shoulder as his pace became erratic. I vaguely registered the slight pain of his hands tightening their grip on my waist, sure to leave an array of bruises come time. 
Ryan began to ramble into my skin, bits of “so hot in my shirt- i’m so lucky- fuck-“ floating up into my ear. “I’m so close,” he said, loud enough for me to hear clearly.
“Then let go,” I replied, grabbing his chin to pull him into a kiss as his orgasm came to a peak. His last deep thrust into me tipped me over and off my own edge, and I moaned into his mouth as I came.
The aftershocks of my orgasm shivered through me as Ryan began to slide his dick out, and I inadvertently let out a quiet whimper.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Just sensitive,” I laughed weakly, letting go of the grip I had on him and letting him back out from between my legs. He stepped a few feet away and grabbed a kitchen towel to clean us both up.
“Ry, that’s a kitchen towel-“
He looked at me in disbelief, “They all go in the same wash!”
I laughed at his dramatics as he wiped the both of us down, and slid off the counter on wobbly legs once he finished. I was about to start cleaning at least some of the mess we made when Ryan swooped in from behind scooped me up bridal style. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck, “What are you-“
“We’re going back to bed!” he announced, carrying me back to the bedroom. 
“It’s almost 11-“
“I don’t care. It’s my day off and I want to cuddle with my girlfriend.”
I couldn’t help but smile at him, “You’re sweet, you know that?”
He smiled back at me as he set me in our bed and climbed in next to me, “I think you’ve told me a time or two.”
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I tangled our legs together and pressed my forehead to his, “I love you, Ryan.”
“I love you too. More than anything.”
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quindolyn · 3 years
Could you do a marauders x reader fluff?? Like a poly relationship and it’s like Valentine’s Day or sumthing love ur writing <3
Armfuls of Sunshine || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 2365
A/N: It’s not really valentines day in the fic or any holiday like that, it’s just that swim weather is setting in for me and I want a lazy day at the lake with the boys so this is completely self indulgent. I know I haven’t been writing a lot I’ve just been a bit overwhelmed and I wish I could say that this is a sign that my life is mellowing out but I’m afraid that it is actually to the contrary. In summary, don’t get your hopes up
Warnings: hastily written, tired while written, fem reader, kisses, lake day so reader is wearing a swimsuit, mentions of Remus’ body image issues and allusions to Sirius’ past abuse from his parents
You closed your eyes, leaning your head back to rest against Sirius’ shoulder who sat behind you with you between his legs. Sitting by the Black Lake he was shirtless, you adorned only in a modest two piece swimsuit leaving the skin of your belly exposed so that Sirius could trace shapes along the soft skin. With your back pressed to his chest and the sun’s rays hitting your front you were surrounded by warmth, like a nice little cocoon you were tucked into. 
With your head against his shoulder you left the side of your neck open, vulnerable, allowing him to drip down wordlessly and brush his lips over the delicate skin before finding your sweet spot on the back of your neck and nipping lightly, his hands moving to grip your hips so you couldn’t squirm out of the hold he had on you.
“Siri!” You giggled, feeling Sirius grin into the side of your neck, getting just the reaction out of you that he had wanted.
“Shhh Puppy,” He whispered condescendingly in your ear, “Gotta be quiet, can’t wake up Jamie,” He nodded his head over to your right where just mere inches from you laid the slumbering boy, all messy black curls, hazel eyes, and with a physique that had you weak in the knees every time you saw him.
Currently his back was on display for you as he laid on his stomach, his hands resting beneath his forehead acting as a pillow, you admired the way the sunlight illuminated his skin and you could see the muscles subtly shift under that skin as he breathed deeply in his sleep.
Watching him, you became aware of just how hot the sun had gotten in the hour or so the three of you had been lounging out there, waiting for Remus to finish up his prefect duties so that the four of you could go cool off in the water together. 
“We should wake him up, Siri,” You voiced, lifting yourself slightly from his lap in attempts to wake up James but quickly strong hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you back down to the spot between his muscled thighs.
“Oh come on baby, you don’t wanna do that, you know how grumpy the baby gets when you wake him up from a nap,” He murmured this mockingly into your neck, hoping that the boy he spoke of wouldn’t be able to hear him but as James let out a disgruntled groan and began to fidget you knew he was waking up.
Ignoring Sirius’ snarky remark, you leaned forward once more, this time Sirius’ hands just keeping a steady hold on your hips while making no effort to pull you back.
“Hey baby,” You crooned, supporting your weight on one hand pressed firmly to the ground while the other moved to bury itself deep in James’ locks, scratching with your nails the way you know he liked on his scalp, smiling at the content grunt the boy let out at your ministrations.
Gazing down at him you let your eyes scan his back once more, frowning as you noticed the slight pink tinge beginning to taint his skin, a precursor to what could be a wicked sunburn if not properly prevented. Letting your hand slip from his scalp you ran it down his neck and down his back, he was warmer than he should’ve been, it wasn’t just ‘laying in the sun’ kinda warm it was ‘beginning to fry’ kinda hot.
“Jamie,” You muttered again, louder this time so that you might be able to get more of his attention, “Jamie, wake up.”
“Hmmm?” He hummed, turning onto his side so that he was facing you, eyes slowly blinking open, squinting as they were flooded with the harsh light of the warm sun. He scooched himself so that he was still lying on his side but so that his head was resting against the hard planes of Sirius’ thigh, nuzzling into the soft skin half covered by his swim shorts which stopped at his mid thigh.
“You’re starting to get sunburned Jamie, can’t have our pretty boy getting hurt,” You explained to him the reason for your disturbance, returning your hand to his hair as he inched up the material of Sirius’ shorts to press kisses to his leg.
You felt Sirius shiver from behind you at the contact of James’ pretty lips on some of his most sensitive skin and you found his hand, interlacing your fingers to give him a squeeze.
“But the sun feels good,” James countered between kisses pressed to Sirius’ leg, not going higher or lower, just dancing around the circumference, tracing where the bottom of the shorts would usually sit.
“I know it does,” You agreed, gazing down at one of your three beautiful boys, “But how about you lay on your back for a little bit, let your tummy get some sun and then we’ll put on more sunscreen and hopefully by that time we’re done Rem will be done and we can go in the water.”
“Hmph,” James looked up at you, he was positioned in such a way that sunlight danced through his hazel irises, making him appear even more ethereal than usual, his tan skin glowing in the mid afternoon sun. He was the picture of effortless beauty.
It was unfair how easily the boy tanned, it was something Sirius in particular was envious of but as he positioned himself so that his lips were pressed to the shell of your ear, “He’s gorgeous isn’t he?” 
“Breathtaking,” You nodded, only breaking your eyes away from James’ face when his eyes flitted back down to the thigh he used as a pillow, resuming his dusting of feather light kisses. “Just as breathtaking as you are,” Twisting your neck you were nose to nose with Sirius, pale skin stretched across his angular features shimmered beautifully in the sun, like someone had dusted glitter along his skin in his sleep making him look almost god like.
Your eyes flickered from his unnaturally ruby red lips to his grey eyes where you noticed a smear of black makeup beginning at the corner of his eye. You lifted your hand to your mouth, licking the pad of your thumb, before extending out from the corner of the boy’s eye where his eyeliner from earlier was smudged against his porcelain skin. 
Allowing his eyes to flutter closed Sirius leaned into your touch and you felt your heart swell, there had been a point during your relationship with the three men where you reaching for his face would’ve caused him to flinch and back away, and even if your hand had somehow managed to make it to his face he would’ve sat there awkwardly and rigid until you pulled away. 
But this comfort was a demonstration of the trust that had formed, not just between the two of you but all four of you, even if one member was absent at the moment.
“There we go,” You murmured, pulling your hand back to your lap, though Sirius followed it, not wanting to break contact with you until the las possible second.
“Better now?”
Casting your gaze back down at the near comatose form of one of your other boyfriends you frowned as James had still yet to shift so that his back wasn’t exposed to the sun.
Though Sirius pretended not to care as much as you he too noticed the pinkish tint James’ skin was starting to take on. Resting one of his hands, stronger than yours, on James' face he began rubbing small circles on his cheek, occasionally running his fingers through the other boy’s hair to keep it out of his way.
“She’s right Jamesie,” His low baritone sounded, “Don’t need you with a sunburn so roll over for us, can put your head right back in my lap, just want you to be okay.”
“But m’comfy,” The other boy protested into Sirius’ thigh, saliva spilling out onto the hard canvas of muscle.
Knowing that if James wasn’t going to listen to you or Sirius there was one person whose opinion would matter you spoke, “Can’t have Remmy worrying about you Jamie,” You implored gently, “We’re out here to help him relax,” 
You were right, with the full moon in a matter of days Remus had been high strung, constantly fidgeting, lost in his head, spacing out during class while also hyper fixating on the most minute of details. The boy was a tightly wound mess and desperately just needed a relaxing afternoon with his three favorite people. 
If he even had an inkling that one of you was anything other than completely fine he would focus all of his energy in on that, forgetting the real reason you were supposed to be out there together.
It was those words that seemed to reach James and had him turning over onto his back so that the back of his head was now cradled in his hands which were interlocked and resting upon Sirius’ thigh, his strong, muscled legs kicked out underneath him, his ankles crossed.
You allowed your eyes to run up and down James’ impressive form, thighs just as beautiful, but more defined that Sirius’ but hidden behind a pair of coral swim trunks. His abs were without a doubt the most defined out of all four of you, like his thighs this part of his physique could be attributed to countless hours on the Quidditch pitch, training him and his team ruthlessly, pushing every physical boundary. It had obviously paid off as the strong muscles of his biceps and triceps flexed as he had his arms positioned to prop his head up.
Flicking your glance behind you you noticed that Sirius was appreciating the view just as much as you were, and who could really blame you? James was gorgeous, and he was all yours just as the stunnig boy behind you was.
Once again pushing yourself out of Sirius’ lap you used your hands to stabilize your body on the ground, your palms pressed flat against the soft material of the towel that was laid out underneath you so that your face was mere inches above James. You didn’t even bother waiting for him to close his eyes before you were melding your lips with his, closing your eyes in contentment as you felt his lips fall open for yours, his tongue peeking out to trace your soft cushions.
Reaching a hand up to cup your jaw James used it to pull your face down closer towards his. You released a muffled “umph” as you were forced to drop from your hands to your forearms to support yourself comfortably and James gently took your bottom lip between his teeth, nipping gently as he deepened the kiss.
Before you could reciprocate, matching his passion, there were another pair of strong hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you away from James’ lips and out of Sirius’ lap. 
You let out a high pitched shriek at the sudden, unexpected motion and with what appeared to be minimal effort the hold on you shifted from your waist to supporting you under the bend of your knees and the small of your back.
Not being alarmed as the deep laughter that erupted from the figure was not only familiar but reassuring, you rested your head against Remus’ chest, having recognized him instantly. Inhaling deeply the scent of the thin t-shirt he’d thrown on before making his way down to the lake after finishing his prefect duties you knew that it was no doubt either Sirius’ or James’ as the three boys rarely ever wore their own shirts, always preferring each other’s.
“Hi Rem,” You smiled, gazing up at his visage from your place in his arms, you squinted because his head was positioned directly in front of the sun, making it look like there was a brilliant halo glowing around him.
“Hi baby, I missed you,” He cooed down at you, pressing a sweet and simple peck to your puckered lips before rising back up to his full height, still cradling you in his arms.
“You can put me down now Remmy,” You giggled, not satisfied with the brief kiss he’d given you, you clasped his jaw similarly to the way James had yours to bring his lips back down to yours. 
But once again, much to your chagrin, he kept the kiss short, no matter the firm hand you kept on his jaw, perhaps even shorter than the last once before pulling away and setting you down softly on the ground, taking great care to ensure you were balanced before letting go of his hold on you.
“Neither of those were real kisses,” You complained, resting your hand against his chest, your head at a near ninety degree angle to look up at the male who towered over you.
“No?” He asked teasingly.
Rising to the bait you answered, “No.”
“Don’t whine baby,” Sirius chimed in from where he laid, still lounging upon the ground, “Remmy’s had a very exhausting day (Y/N), can’t blame him if his kissing isn’t what it usually is.” 
Pushing himself up off the ground Sirius sauntered over to where you and Rem stood, making a show as he carelessly flinging his arms around Remus’ neck.
“Now come on Remus,” He ordered with a false arrogance, “Carry me to the water!” Letting his head fall back dramatically he stood there expectantly but was met only with Remus’ light laughter as he ducked out from under the smaller boy’s arms. 
“I don’t think so Pads,” Remus said as pulled off his shirt, you grinned at the seemingly unimportant action but just as Sirius trusting you to touch him made your heart soar so did this. Remus proudly and carelessly displaying all of the beautiful scars that decorated his chest made you so proud of the progress the four of you had all made together.
“Get Jamie to carry you,” Once again lifting you into his arms Remus pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose, “Already got my arms full.” 
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @gxtitobxby @pinkandblueblurbs @st0nesnglitter @miraclesoflove @priii @wholebigboxofyikes @advictedtohim @gubleryum @temporaryissue @emmaev @zzzfour @itsmentalillness
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Keep holding my hand.
Harry was in an emotionally abusive relationship before y/n, something happens that makes his insecurities float back.
Impetuous reel of dithery thoughts rapidly bustles on the wall, Harry stares at it blankly – he stares and stares and stares ..... yet it does nothing for what he wishes.
His stomach fills with acid and his mouth burns with foulness with each painful beat his heart gives realizing maybe this's the end ---- he doesn’t spare a glance to the dinner wafting off he cooked with much happiness looking forward to tonight.
Where did I went wrong?
Did I hurt her in any way? What if she didn’t like me popping up at her studio that day to remind her of tonight
Well Keat didn’t like it ..... She used to hate it Infact,
No! She’s not like keat —--
But, then why isn’t she picking your phone? She knew, promised and she still didn’t came tonight?
What if she’s sick? Fuck, then I should go to her.
He shuts his screaming conscience down, shoving the heels of his palm against his pop-sockets wearily to make him feel something --- to escape the hurt that’s looming around him, crushing and squeezing him to death.
He blows off the candles, melted to their base from being sorrowfully lit from three hours atleast --- mocking him and his sincerity.
You deserve this.
Why did y’think ye' deserved anybody’s love?
She doesn’t love you anymore --- just like keat....
The corners of his glossy eyes prickles with pearly tears and it drops down his clavicles, with blurry vision he dials her one last time and it goes straight to her voicemail alike past three hours.
Hiya, Y/N here! Leave a message ‘cos I mighty be busy or maybe lazyin' round the farthest corner of my home .......
He tosses and turns, does it manifold times --- his sleep betrays him too and he’s angry soaring with venom, if he could scream from a cliff and throw stones down the pound furiously he'd instead his eyes runs droopy.
His shuddering breath sulks to tranquillity, all he could hear’s a screech of wind that’s hitting the window and his guts.
His body jerks at the chirp of voice he’s oh so familiar with —- other days he'd be submerging in the honeyness of it but at the moment he bites down his wrist to keep him wrenching his empty stomach out.
“Happy anniversary, bub!” His brows clinches down into a grumblish frown and he presses his hand between his thighs turning his back upon hearing the careful steps treading in.
The creaking stalls and she stands at his doorway with heavy heart, her throat —-- uff her throat feels like as if someone punched it several times.
Not letting her tongue to utter any word —- anything that’d assure him and her, everything’s alright --- it’s not a big deal.
Ofcourse, it is!
Little things matters most to him – told you —- he .. — he told you himself and you hurt him, you hurt him just because you couldn’t stand to your boss.
She wanted it to be perfect for him, for them — winded up the work her boss hoarded on her mercilessly last minute demanding her to wrap it up in an hour --- felt giddy and motivated to do it speedily looking forward to their celebration. Bought his favourite chocolate moose cake standing in the line of his favourite bakery, since he doesn’t like any other flavour.
She stands at the side bed looking down at him, heartbreaking in million pieces seeing him torn, all teary cheeks and this stoic for the first time they’ve been dating.
“’M sorry -- I –- my boss trapped me and – ‘n I really wanted to call you —-- then it took me forever at your favourite bakery, I’m so sorry baby.” She rambles nebbish-ly and catches onto his shoulder when he tries to face away from her.
He mutters, “Forget bout it. Go back home ‘s getting late.” Though, his heart lurches forward to embrace her and shower her in kisses telling her “it’s totally fine.” And that “how bout we celebrate now,” but being an emotionally sensitive person has it's very cons and one of it is requiring space and time to recover for better thinking.
His eyes slips into abyss and he holds back a sniffle when he feels the mattress dip behind him, she sighs, coos in the softest voice she only keeps it for her lover, “Oh baby .... you’re my home.” She's well aware of the anxiety he goes through. He feels like everything crumbling but she's there to catch him and she rubs his back.
The many many reassurances he needs from his lovie to keep going for them, the praises for him for treating her like the most precious daffodil —- because he never got praised before; even though how much of the world’s luxuries he'd lay at his ex's feet was never assured that how much she loves him (because she never did).
Y/N would never want his insecurities to float back and sting his scars, she'd never want him to ever go through from what he did in past —-- to be used like a toy and manipulated, might sound weird and whumpy of her but she’d kill many dragons to keep him protected at any cost.
He sleeps with her body cocooning him from behind and his erratic breath syncs to her calm ones.
His dreams full of suffering, void and darkness violently clashing and swirling against eachother as the ugly creature takes Y/N away from him, leaving him in prison of his own pathetic head.
Fear of loss —- he fears loosing her and does it make him toxic? He was snubbed so many times – being told his behaviour was toxic that he’d hesitate before doing anything precisely very fondly caring —- but then Y/N came in his life and she'd tell him how much she appreciates him, how he’s like the best sundae in hot summer and he felt like she’s the sunshine he was waiting for in the never-ending rainy days.
Y/N stirs from her light sleep on hearing the broken whimpers, the valley of her chest moist as he cries into her and she cups his cheeks gazing down at him concerned, “What happened sunny .... baby talk to me ...” Her voice groggy and on verge of tearing.
She sits back a little with him still between her legs and wipes his tears away gently, “I’m so sorry ...” He mumbles –-- eyes bloodshot and she shakes her head pulling him closer, if she’d be able to cradle him in his lap she'd but apparently he’s too big.
Queasy hiccups, “f – fo'--... d —- dou...” sad sniffles and hiccups that tightens his chest.
She tenders his wobbly lip kissing his temple, “shhh. shhh, puppy I should be the one apologising yeah?”
“no .. I didn’t gave another thought before doubting --- that –-- that you’re about to leave, no person in right mind does this – I —-,” His body trembles with blue sobs.
“Harry ...” she tries to gain his attention and when he still doesn’t listen, “I know I don’t deserve y'n – ‘n maybe you don’t want me anymore —--” she raises it a bit, “Harry!” he falls quiet --- nibbling the corner of his cheek to hold back hiccups.
“Look at me puppy, yeah? Shh hold my hand and take a breather.” She smiles. Takes his sweaty hand and aligns his palm to her mouth for a deep kiss – then squeezes it.
“Keep holding it baby, keep holding my hand, you’re going to be fine --- we – see us here,” she points between them with gleamy eyes and he nods timidly wiping his nose with his sweater paw, “we are fine baby –- we are okay..”
How could someone be this dreamy? This gentle and sweet? What did I do to deserve my lovie?
“Better?” She inquires. Little worried that he'll fall back into rabbit hole and tucks his head under her chin, keeping him warm against her chest and he clutches the hem of her shirt nuzzling into her.
“Did you really think, I’d leave you and that on our first year anniversary? Sorry to tell you .... ‘m stitched to your hip for life time, there’s no exchange policy puppy how much you grump.”
She grins. Happy to earn a feeble chuckle from him and scratches his head, looping his curls around her fingers.
“I love you.” She startles when he speaks hoarsely after the longest time and it’s not like he's saying it for the first –-- but it still doesn’t fail to engulf her in warmth, so much of it.
“I love you too, you’re my only puppy and very loved one.” His eyes crinkles prettily at that and she kisses the tip of his nose.
“You want to rest? We could eat the dinner you dearly made for me and oh we got moose cake in fridge too, what a coincidence!” She giggles. The room fills with wet treacly noises of smoochy kisses she’s patching on his cheeks and his jaw.
Without a word he holds her finger and leads her to kitchen, she creates proud noises of “ooh!” and “ahh!” trying to sneak a glimpse from over his shoulder but he'd shoo her away as he heats the food; she gets out gorgeous smiles from him she cherishes so much.
“You did all of this for me?” She gasps sweetly, hand over heart to accentuate the love she's feeling and walks towards him when he nods timidly rubbing his socks feetsies one over the other.
His cheeks blazes peach and she giggles pinching them, “You’re so cute aren’t you?”
“Okay then. Let’s eat!” she claps her hands together and pecks his lips before pulling her chair beside him rather than opposite to him and his heart flutters at that --- each pore oozing with deep love for her and every insecurity and anxious ideas completely drains out of him when she pats his seat and wiggles in her own --- anticipated to taste what he made.
“Hmm. This tastes so good, H! Your hands are really magical, huh?” She passes him a smirk pecking each of his knuckle to make him feel better about himself and his lips quirks up softly, “Thank you – d’ya w'na umm eat the moose here o'in bed?” Her face beams at that, him speaking more than two words and looking forward to spend the night with her.
“On bed, please –-- would you like tea? Think ‘m running out of if —- proper jello ....” She cleans the table and raises her brows when he gazes her adorningly as she’s the nymphs of stary oceans.
He shakes his head, nose twitchy as she nudges him teasingly and he takes her off-guard --- hugging her by waist and kisses her soft tummy.
“Nothing just love you bleedin’ much.”
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honeymoonjin · 3 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 7.1k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: both non-sexual and sexual pet play, dom!jimin, sub!jk, sub!tae, handjob, yoongi and yn pretending like they don't wanna suck the souls out of each other, exhibitionism, voyeurism, mutual masturbation
A/N: welcome back to my best boys ;;;;-; this chapter is being cross-posted from ao3. in the future i'll try and upload in both places at the same time!
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It’s two blocks of pure ice that wake Taehyung up that Tuesday morning. Before he’s even really coherent, he’s hissing and tucking into a ball away from the cold.
“Puppy, shh, it’s just me.”
Even as those chilled items that Tae can tentatively identify as feet tuck between his bare legs, he goes lax and accepts the body that wraps around his curled back. “Minnie,” he mumbles, and it’s so quiet that the older boy probably doesn’t hear, but his grip tightens anyway. “‘What time ‘s it?”
“Early, I’m sorry.” Jimin’s voice, unlike his thawing toes, blows warm across the back of Taehyung’s neck. “Missed you.”
A sleepy smile of bliss crosses Taehyung’s face for exactly three seconds, at which point he recalls the fact that he didn’t go to sleep alone tonight. Shooting up so quickly that his shoulder catches Jimin’s chin, Taehyung peels his eyes open to see Jungkook, awkwardly hugging a pillow to his chest with his legs crossed.
He bites his lip, avoiding their gazes. “Sorry, I, uh, don’t mean to disturb.”
“Shoot.” Jimin rubs his face blearily. “I didn’t see you there, Jungkookie. I should go-”
“No, no, stay,” Taehyung begs hurriedly, launching himself back onto the mattress and wiggling himself back into the curve of Jimin’s front. “Jungkook, um, you can come cuddle too if you want. I like being middle spoon.”
The youngest gazes back and forth at them, never resting long enough for eye contact. His indecision is palpable, but there’s a pleased glimmer too. “Is that...okay with Jimin-hyung? I don’t wanna intrude.”
Jimin’s voice is soft, his eyes slipping closed as he eases his face into the crook of Taehyung’s neck, arms snaking around his torso. “You can be a part of us too, Jungkookie.”
The words are perhaps more intimate than Jimin even realises, and in the vulnerable setting of a bed in the early morning hours, Jungkook’s hard swallow is audible, before he slowly puts the pillow aside and tucks his feet under the covers, slipping down. It’s not until Taehyung’s arm is his headrest and the other one provides a comforting weight low on his hips that he speaks up again. “Do you… do you mean that just for now, or… Or for good?”
“What do you think, Minnie?” Taehyung’s fingertips trace lazily over the bare skin that’s exposed by Jungkook’s shirt riding up. “Can we keep him?”
Jimin hums in affirmation. He’s just about asleep again, but Taehyung can feel his pleased smile against his shoulder. “Of course we can, puppy.”
The repeated nickname causes Taehyung’s heart to twitch just as his dick does. It’s no less endearing and special, but Jungkook is still perfectly awake and right there, and it feels a little confronting.
But Jungkook just chuckles, twisting around in Taehyung’s slack embrace to face him, eyes bright. “If you’re a puppy, what am I?”
Taehyung’s careful not to jostle Jimin. He’s begun snoring, nothing more audible than regular snuffling, but still Tae doesn’t want to disturb that rest. “What do you mean, Jungkookie?”
He scrunches his nose, thinking away. “Well, there’s Minnie and there’s puppy. I want a cute nickname too if I’m gonna be - you know - with you guys.”
“Jungkook,” Taehyung begins haltingly, “Jimin calls me puppy because… God, it feels silly saying it out loud. He calls me puppy because sometimes when we’re together I go into puppyspace. You know; like petplay.”
“That’s not silly,” Jungkook says reflexively, even as his eyes widen and lips part. “What’s it like?”
“Puppyspace?” Taehyung asks. Jungkook nods eagerly, and the motion is transferred through Tae where they connect, making Jimin grunt and bury his nose deeper into the crook of his neck. “It’s so peaceful, Jungkookie. He takes care of me so I don’t have to think. I can nap and cuddle and play, without all of the stresses of life. It feels all warm and cosy, you know? I love it.”
Jungkook’s eyes sparkle in wonder, his fingers finding their way to Taehyung’s worn black sleepshirt, fiddling with the hem. “Can I try? How do you… how do you know if you can do it?”
Behind Taehyung, Jimin lets out a half-asleep groan, his nose pressing against the taller one’s back. “Of course you can try. Let’s just sleep for now, though? I’m sure Minnie can play with both of us later.”
It’s that promise that allows Jungkook to settle, nodding with a tentative hum and shifting down so that his head can rest in the crook of Taehyung’s neck. Taehyung falls back under like this, with a heartbeat thrumming against his back and soft, even breaths tickling his bared shoulder.
Hoseok pauses, frothed toothbrush clamped between his teeth. “Mmng?”
“I don’t-” you cut yourself off, clearing your throat to dislodge the thickness that distorts your voice. “Can we not tell them?”
He bends over to quickly spit out the majority of toothpaste, but when he stands upright to face you again there’s a smear on his chin. “Tell them what?”
You blink. “Last night. I just… I don’t want them to- to pity me or treat me like I’m glass or anything. I know it won’t happen again, it was just…” Shrugging hopelessly, you give up on trying to put words to it. “I don’t know.”
The dom remains silent for a few moments, lips pursed in thought. “The chicken must have been bad,” he concludes.
Bewildered, you cock your head to the side. “Huh? What chicken?”
“You and I went out for dinner at this fried chicken place, but when you got home last night it made you sick. That’s why you aren’t quite yourself today. I’ll get Yoongi-hyung to make some hangover soup.” His eyes are warm, pulling you into a comforting one-armed hug. “Just the chicken, that’s all. Yeah?”
You swallow down the swell of gratitude and instead bury yourself into his safe embrace. “Yeah. That’s all.”
To his credit, Yoongi doesn’t ask questions, pushing all his concern into his cooking. The doctor all but feeds you himself, hovering with a furrowed brow and a napkin. Strangely enough, his fussing goes a long way in cheering you up, and you let the events of yesterday wash away with the salty broth.
Hoseok hangs around for a while before going down to do some laundry, Namjoon briefly jumps in to steal a spoonful directly from the pan, eyes never leaving the novel he’s holding open with a single hand. Even Jungkook stumbles in blearily at one point, nose first, requesting an extra two bowls for Jimin and Taehyung as well.
You’re onto your second serving by the time it’s just Yoongi and you. He’s pulled up a chair beside you, cradling a coffee. “I got a text this morning, you know,” he begins gently. “I can ignore it if you’re not up to it.”
It takes you a moment to process his words, recalling Sejin’s instructions the day prior. “It’s your day, then?” He nods silently, scanning you for any reaction. You hum, spoon swirling lazily in the dregs of your breakfast. “I’m up to it,” you answer finally, “if you are.”
“Always,” Yoongi replies immediately, voice bared and soft. His hand passes over yours, squeezing briefly, before he stands up and clears the bowls from the table. “Aspirin is in the pantry if you need it, blue container.”
You give him your thanks, left alone as he disappears upstairs.
Grabbing a glass and pouring yourself some water, you track down the aspirin and take out two tablets, grimacing as the bitterness sticks to your tongue. While you may not actually be sick, a headache was beginning to bloom between your brows.
So much had happened in the past few days, you almost felt like you’d gotten whiplash. The early days of lounging around the house and chasing pleasure seemed so distant. Feelings tangled things up more each day, unraveling quicker than you can get a hold on them.
It wasn’t just you, either. You saw the way the guys looked at each other, how gentle they were, how thoughtful. It was in the little things. Jungkook’s laundry pile started featuring clothes from the other maknaes; Namjoon and Hoseok always sat so close together, even when there was room on the couch; Yoongi had started giving the others bigger portions when he cooked, even as his stayed the same. And Jin…
You startle when a door opens, glass almost slipping from your hands. It’s the unfilmed room across the stairs. You frown as a tall figure slips out, swamped in a massive pink hoodie that you’d never seen in the house before. A sleeve-covered hand reaches up to rub under the hood, dark hair poking out. Your breath catches. Jin…
He moves across the hall gingerly like his body aches, hand never leaving his face as he grumbles sleepily. For a split second, your mind entertains the thought of sprinting past before he sees you, avoiding the conflict that is no doubt upon you.
But only for a split second. Because the only thing worse than being confronted by him is not seeing him at all. You wait, instead, until he rolls his shoulders back, tipping his face to the ceiling to stretch out his spine. The hood falls back, exposing a serious case of bedhead, tired eyes, and sallow skin. But it’s Jin nonetheless, beautiful despite his apparent exhaustion, and your heart breaks again for being the one to cause this.
He notices you when his head comes back down from the stretch, and were you not in such despair you may have cracked a smile at the way he jumps. “Y/n…” he mumbles, voice barely audible.
Your mouth goes dry. Even if it wasn’t you don’t know what to say, simply bracing yourself for anger.
He doesn’t stiffen his features, however, simply watching you with melancholy eyes. “You look sad,” he says weakly.
Your heart is racing a hundred beats a second at just hearing him speak to you, and it takes you that much time just to process his words, eyes pricking sharply. “I am sad,” you reply honestly, blinking the wetness away. “You look tired,” you whisper in return.
His bottom lip trembles, before flattening tightly. Instead of responding verbally, he just nods.
The two of you sit in that silence for a while. Jin’s breathing is ragged, his eyes unfocused as they slip past you. You think you might be sick with the way your stomach flips.
Finally, you can’t stand the silence. “Are you still mad at-” you begin, but your words die in your throat as you’re enveloped tightly by him, clutching you so close that your chest constricts. The tensed breath you didn’t know you were holding rushes out of you with a sob, and your arms fly up to hug him back, just as tightly.
There’s nothing more than just a simple hug, but your heart is still full, almost overwhelmed by the cathartic relief of having him close to you again, his chin resting on the crown of your head, his hands rubbing circles on your back, the gentle sway as he rocks you in the hold.
It lasts for an eternity too short, and when he pulls away you feel untethered, already pining for that contact again.
His eyes are swimming, though you see the way he tightens his jaw to hold it back. “I’m devastated,” he admits, “but I miss you too much to ice you out like this. I need time but god, I don’t want space. Can you give me time?”
You’re nodding hastily, sniffing as your nose threatens to run. “Of course, Jin. I’ll be here. I… I think I-”
“Don’t-” he interrupts sharply, sucking in a shaky breath. “Don’t let now be the first time we say it. Later,” he promises.
We. Your skin breaks out in goosebumps, electricity thrumming along your nerves. You let that word settle you, repeating it in your head as Jin sends you a sad smile - but a smile nonetheless - and takes his leave, disappearing upstairs.
You decide to take a bath, in the end, letting yourself soak in the thought of “we” a little longer.
“So, what, we start barking? Chew on some sticks?”
Taehyung colours violently and Jimin sends Jungkook a sharp glare in rebuke. “Say less,” he scolds the youngest, before reaching up to run his fingers through Taehyung’s hair, breaking up the curls. “We just ease into it. Taehyung doesn’t use it for humiliation or anything like that, he just likes being taken care of. Isn’t that right, pup?”
Taehyung hums, eyes already fluttering as he leans his head into Jimin’s palm. The three of them had migrated onto Taehyung’s now-made bed after their breakfast after Jungkook once again mentioned wanting to try petplay.
Significantly larger than Jimin, Taehyung has to awkwardly shuffle down the mattress further to rest his head in Jimin’s lap, but Jungkook can immediately see the lines of stress that melt away once he does so. Jimin smooths his hand down to cup the younger’s chin, delicately stroking the soft flesh as if he were patting a sleepy dog.
“You’ll just watch for now,” Jimin instructs Jungkook without removing his gaze from Taehyung, “and if it feels right, you can join in. There are no expectations and no rules, only to respect the process and don’t disrupt Tae’s petspace. Got it?”
Jungkook swallows as Jimin chooses that point to lift his steeled gaze, brows high as he waits for Jungkook to agree. “Got it,” the youngest confirms. He gets comfy, tucking his feet under him and leaning up against the pillows.
“Such a lucky boy,” the dom begins with his voice like melted sugar. “Dogs aren’t meant to be up on the furniture. But you’ve been good lately, so I thought I’d treat you.”
Taehyung’s eyes flutter closed. He shuffles slightly, stretching one leg out until his ankle dangles off the edge of the mattress, but doesn’t audibly respond.
Jimin chuckles fondly through his nose, hand running down to rub up and down Taehyung’s clothed tummy, which is now facing upwards. “Oh, pup,” he coos, “you must be tired after the big walk. How about we rest for a bit, and we can play later?” Instead of waiting for a response, the dom just gasps like he’s forgotten something important. “Oh! Your collar! I must’ve taken it off when I took off the leash. Never mind; Jungkook, dear, could you get me the brush and collar out of the bedside table? Bottom drawer.”
It feels like the very particles in the air shift when Jungkook is ripped away from the observer role and into an active participant. He swallows away the dryness in his throat to little avail and nods, fumbling with the drawer handle and pulling out a barely-used hairbrush and velvet dog collar. “These?” he asks redundantly, nerves settling when Jimin gives him a pleased smile and holds out his hand.
“Alright, little puppy,” Jimin announces, his voice lilting easily back into the candyfloss tone that all owners used with their pets. “Let’s give you a brush before we put your collar back on. I don’t want your coat getting matted.”
Taehyung gives a small, throaty hum and lifts himself laboriously up onto his elbows, tipping his head up to his master. Jimin pats his cheek warmly and calls him a good boy, and Jungkook gets a front row seat to the beautiful sight of a sleepy, lusty Kim Taehyung going pink in the face, a shy smile twitching his lip.
‘Brushing his coat’ is just brushing his hair, but even Jungkook can see that the technique is slightly different. Jimin does it slowly, methodically, line by line from the front to the back, then reaching around to the nape of his neck to give it a good brushing there - Taehyung all but shivers at each swoop of the brush - even folding down each ear when he goes past. Watching it is nothing short of mesmerising, and Jungkook feels his spine tingle, wanting to feel it too.
Was it too soon to join? He could always ask for the brush later, he decided. Though even as he reached that conclusion, the thought was slipping out of his mind sand through fingers, hazier and hazier the more he listened to Jimin’s lull tone and watched his patient movements.
“There we go,” the dom whispers, passing the brush over one last time to settle all the curls in their rightful place, “much better now. Chin up, pup; time for your collar.”
Taehyung’s chin lifts the minutest of degrees. Jimin waits for a moment, but the brown-haired boy looks almost like he’s falling asleep on the spot, swaying slightly as his elbows prop him up.
“Silly me,” Jimin tuts with a smile, reaching out to manually adjust Taehyung how he wants him. “Doggies can’t understand human words, can they?” Like a proud parent, he turns to Jungkook, grin widening as he sees the state the boy is in. “I am trying to teach Tae-tae some commands. Sit, lie down, wait. Suck. He’s getting better.”
With that, the dom grabs the collar off the duvet and fiddles with the buckle, undoing it so that he can wrap it carefully around Taehyung’s neck. The process reminds Jungkook much of what happened when his parents put a collar on his childhood dog: slipping a finger under the material to test how snug it was, shifting it around until the small dangling pendant was to the front, giving it a little tug to ensure the buckle was on right.
At the gentle tug, Taehyung practically topples, going lax with his face down on Jimin’s thigh and snuggling down, breaths even. Jimin doesn’t comment on it, simply humming in acknowledgement and returning to softly stroking his back and shoulders. But he does glance over to Jungkook again, eyes glinting. “Do you wanna come a little closer, hm?”
At the invitation, Jungkook almost trips himself scooting over, wrapping his arms around one of Jimin’s and holding it to his chest. Seeing the tender moment shared between Taehyung and Jimin had made him feel positively touch-starved, desperate to feel some of that sweet attention.
Jimin’s eyes widen in bemusement before twisting his hand in Jungkook’s grip and giving his stomach a little scratch. “Goodness me, little energizer bunny, huh?”
Jungkook whines, recognising that higher-pitched voice. He was being talked to like a pet, and the thought made his insides hot. He presses his face against Jimin’s shoulder, feeling the heat on his skin there too.
“No need to get all shy on me now, bun,” Jimin teases. “I’ve already seen that little friend in your pants. Well, I suppose he’s not that little.”
Jungkook tightens his arms around Jimin’s one, wanting to rock his hips up to feel some friction. He just squirms instead, hoping his need is answered. “Jimin-hyung.”
Jimin sucks in a breath. “Can this bunny speak, hm?”
Jungkook blinks, the furnace inside him cooling for a moment. “Am I not… supposed to?”
“I’m not telling you off, I’m asking,” Jimin explains softly, cocking his head down at the potentially-sleeping Taehyung in his lap. “Tae-tae likes to be non-verbal. It’s just preference. Would you rather keep speaking?”
After a moment of thought, Jungkook nods, then props his chin up, sending Jimin his best puppy eyes. “Minnie, I need you,” he pleads in a small voice, writhing against him again.
Jungkook’s fingers curl when Jimin’s hand dips lower suddenly, grasping his length from over the fabric of his sleep shorts. The pleasure is like a bolt that shocks his whole body, and when Jimin strokes him once, the texture of the fabric increasing the friction, the guttural sound that falls from his lips is more animal than human.
Jimin just smiles placidly, patting the throbbing heat once. “Does it hurt, bun? Want me to make it go away?”
“Y-yeah.” Jungkook’s breath is shallow with excitement. This feels like new territory, relying fully on Jimin to relieve the ache, too helpless, too stupid to do anything about it himself, just a dumb bunny with a generous owner.
“You’re drooling, bun,” Jimin points out, voice raspy with arousal. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
Jungkook feels fingers at the elastic band of his shorts before Jimin withdraws. He whines, a pout threatening to form, but the dom just runs his fingers and palm over Jungkook’s mouth and chin. Then, when his hand delves in and grips Jungkook, he’s slick with Jungkook’s own drool, the slide wet and hot and electric.
He moans, but saliva won’t stop gathering in the hollows of his mouth. It’s like it’s impossible to close it at all, every firm, purposeful stroke making it harder to do that basic function.
“Noisy boy,” Jimin scolds, though there’s no venom to his tone. “You might wake the puppy up, bun.”
With a strangled groan, Jungkook’s head flops down, his teeth banging against Jimin’s shoulder. A thought floats across his dazed mind, of pressing his teeth into skin, lovebites to colour the bronze.
But his teeth don’t sink into flesh. Fabric fills his mouth. Jimin’s shirt. His teeth don’t stop, though. On the contrary, he chews on the cotton, letting it muffle the sounds he can’t help but make.
“Oh, good boy,” Jimin praises warmly, his hand speeding up mercilessly to pitch Jungkook over the edge. There’s no foreplay, no kisses or teasing touches. His hard cock is a problem that his master is kind enough to solve, that Minnie-hyung is making go away, and he won’t stop until his bunny has finally-
When Jungkook comes, his whole body feels it like an earthquake. Every muscle jerks, pulses so that his toes curl and his core trembles, the drool soaking the fabric of Jimin’s shirt now until he feels it run down his own neck, blubbering through the waves of it.
Jimin slows down after the first burst of cum, but doesn’t stop, only tightening his grip like he’s milking every last drop out.
Once the tides of pleasure have dipped back down again, Jungkook goes boneless, whimpering until the hand finally leaves his softening, oversensitive cock.
He’s panting, all of his body weight on Jimin to stay upright, and it takes a few moments for his senses to properly return to him, his heart still beating erratically in his chest. “Oh, fuck.”
Jimin giggles elfishly, before reaching up to tap on Jungkook’s bottom lip with wet fingers. “You made such a mess, little bunny. Clean it up, now.”
Jungkook welcomes the digits, blinking blearily as the bitter tang of his own cum fills his mouth. He sucks Jimin’s fingers clean two at a time, swirling his tongue between them dutifully. It isn’t until he’s done and Jimin is praising him that he restores enough energy to sit up again.
Across from him, Jimin peels the soaking wet sleeve of his shirt off his shoulder, laughing softly in good humour even as his brows furrow at the weird feeling. Before Jungkook can offer up an apology, Jimin is stripping it off entirely, chucking it away and rubbing at his now-bared chest. “Much better,” he muses to himself. After a moment of letting Jungkook clear his head, Jimin turns to him, his dry hand returning to lazily card through Taehyung’s curls. “How was it, Jungkook?”
“Uh,” Jungkook replies eloquently, feeling the way his cock still throbs every few seconds in aftershocks. “Uh.”
“That’s what I thought,” Jimin states proudly, before sending Jungkook a serious gaze. “We’ll talk later, yeah? When your dick isn’t hanging out.”
Jungkook flushes, scrambles to tuck himself away, and the movement jostles the bed enough that Taehyung groans, craning his neck up with bleary eyes and rumpled hair.
The two sitting on the bed go silent. Jimin cocks his head to the side and cups Taehyung’s cheek. “Were you- Tae-tae, did you just have a nap in the middle of the scene?”
Taehyung beams sleepily, eyes still lidded. “Mm.”
“Tae! Are you out of petspace now?”
“Think so.” With a dramatically loud cry, Taehyung reaches an arm up into a deep, arching stretch, rubbing at his eyes once he’s done. “Mm, yeah, definitely. My foot has kinda gone dead too.”
As Taehyung sits up to rub at his foot, pressing his thumbs into the muscle, Jimin’s shoulders sink with a deep pout. “Tae-tae,” he whines again, “you know I like playing with puppy.”
“Sorry,” Taehyung replies easily, though it doesn’t sound like he is in the slightest, “I guess I just wanted to destress more than anything. I didn’t sleep so well last night.”
Jimin’s face softens, his complaints dissolved at Taehyung’s words. Without a verbal reply, he just reaches out, hooks his finger on the neckline of Taehyung’s shirt, and pulls him in for a kiss, humming into it slightly.
The movements, the touches are so natural and intimate that Jungkook feels like he’s intruding. It only lasts a moment before they break apart to go shower, but it’s enough time to sear the sight behind Jungkook’s eyelids. Maybe he’d been allowed to join them in their scenes, even cuddle with them, but he wasn’t a part of that bond that tied Jimin and Taehyung so strongly together. The thought sinks in his stomach, and he decides to skip the shower, getting dressed instead for a long workout downstairs.
When you knock on his door, Yoongi is at his desk, a pair of black-framed reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He glances up, an eyebrow lifting in mild surprise.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You muffle a smile at his domestic getup - a grey t-shirt hangs off, far too big for him but outlining his chest and strong shoulders nonetheless, and his long black sweatpants all but cover his bare feet, toes tapping the carpet unconsciously as he waits for your reply. “I’ve been informed that today is your day.”
“Ah, checking in to the Fuck Hotel, I see,” he quips casually, slipping his glasses of and shutting the lid of the laptop he was working on. “We do have one vacancy.”
“Is that so?” you say, unable to stop your grin as he stands up from his office chair and rolls his head back like an athlete warming up.
“Comes with a continental breakfast,” he assures, before ducking his head with a sheepish chuckle. “God, hyung is becoming a bad influence on my sense of humour.” With slightly pink cheeks, he stretches out a hand towards you, before jerking it back and freezing, fingers curled and tensed. “Wait. Shit.”
You frown, glancing down at yourself, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. “What is it?”
“Hm. I just remembered my prompt, is all.” He takes a step back with a thoughtful furrow of his brows, clenching his hands into fists and putting them behind himself. “Dammit, I was meant to think of a game plan but I got distracted sorting out- uh- client emails.”
“Was this a bad time?” you ask with a light laugh, even as you cast a guilty glance towards the laptop. A month in and he was still doing work?
“No! No, it’s fine, it’s just…” Wincing, Yoongi scratches at the back of his neck and takes another step back, gesturing down at himself, and at the messy work desk. “I’m not in sexy mode yet. I look like a stay-at-home dad trying to work out how to order groceries online while my toddler is finally having her 2pm nap.”
You pause before an incredulous laugh bubbles out of your throat. “Okay, first of all, I think stay-at-home dads are very sexy, and I happen to think that you are very sexy. Secondly, ‘her?’ Why was that whole analogy so specific?”
Yoongi huffs defensively, petulantly throwing himself down to sit on the bed with his legs splayed wide. “I used to have a life plan, okay? But that’s not relevant now. The point is, I haven’t worked out how to do a good scene. I don’t want to it to be disappointing. Or, god forbid, boring.”
Your frown just deepens. “It doesn’t need to be an elaborate setup, Yoongi. Just fuck me. Touch me, at least. I can’t believe we’re still both wearing all our clothes when I’ve been very explicit about my intentions.”
You don’t miss the wince that flutters across his face. “That’s kinda the issue. Touching you, I mean.”
“You don’t wanna touch me?”
“I-” Yoongi all but stomps his foot, teeth clenching in frustration. “Of course I fucking want to, but I have to stick to my prompt, Y/n.”
Your mouth drops open. “So your prompt is that we can’t even touch each other? Doesn’t exactly sound very appealing for a porn show.”
He clicks his tongue. “You can still touch me,” he corrects with a dry gaze.
Unconvinced, you narrow your eyes. “Isn’t that convenient?” you question rhetorically. “Gonna make me do all the work this week because you haven’t organised it in your planner yet, Doctor Min?”
He glares at your teasing tone. “Excuse me for trying to play the game properly.” You swallow as his eyes run down your body heavily, pink tongue darting out to wet his lips. “If I could touch you, trust me, I’d have you dripping by now.”
Your thighs tighten, but you force them not to move. The last thing you want him to know is that you’re just about dripping already. “Sounds to me like you’re just lazy.” He doesn’t react, watching you make up your mind. You suck in a breath to hype yourself. “If I walk away right now, you’ll get nothing. Not only will you lose your prompt, but you’ll be stuck with blue balls. But if you give in and fuck me already, then you’ll only lose the prompt.”
“Who says I’ll even have blue balls? I’m perfectly comfortable,” he fires back immediately, tipping his head to the side cockily.
“Oh, please,” you drawl, letting your eyes fall to the sizeable bulge beneath his sweatpants, “you aren’t that big soft. Don’t kid yourself. So do you wanna get off, or not?”
His gaze hardens to stone, jaw flexing. “I’m surprised you think I need you for that. Aside from the fact that there are six other people in this house, I brought a fleshlight from home for a reason.”
Now that is something you hadn’t expected him to say. You freeze from your spot in the doorway, feeling heat pulse between your legs. Your spark of resistance is quickly fading, overtaken by need, so you don’t hesitate in firing back while you can. “If you think your fleshlight is better than me, then that’s your loss. Enjoy the bunkbeds; I’m off to do what you’re too cowardly to.”
“Have fun, sweetheart,” he snips, one of his hands sneaking under his shirt to rub his lower abdomen, fingers slipping below the hem of his sweats. “Shut the door on your way out.”
Feeling like you’ve lost the argument (and a little too horny to care) you have your final say by slamming it, thumping your feet with every step down the hall to your room.
Once inside, it takes mere seconds to throw yourself onto your bed back-first and shove your hand down your pants. But then, before you even dip into your wetness, a thought strikes you.
Pulling your hand out and making your way to your desk, you use your other hand to clumsily type in your password, and open a browser. It doesn’t take long to navigate to the page with all the paid streams for your own show, and with a slight flush you select Yoongi’s bedroom, impatiently punching in your credit card details.
After an agonising wait, the payment is processed and you’re brought to a private livestreaming site, a single window open in front of you.
The angle itself is strange, making Yoongi’s room look larger than it was, but you’re surprised at just how high quality the video and sound is once you bring it to full screen and slip your headphones in your ears. Yoongi is hunched over his nightstand, and you can actually hear the wooden slide faintly in the background as he opens and closes a drawer, returning to his office chair with a seemingly-transparent fleshlight and a bottle of lube.
Something about watching him through a camera in the corner of his room feels so wrong, especially as he palms impatiently at the tent in his pants, uncapping the lube and pouring a generous amount into the opening of the toy. You’d never been much of a voyeur - or, at least, so you thought - but you couldn’t take your eyes off him, blinding slipping your hands down your pants but over your underwear, simply pressing down on your clit to ease some of the crying need.
Oddly, the lube pours down and begins to drip out the other side, creating a dark patch on his clothed thigh. The audio picks up Yoongi cursing, and there’s no further preamble before he’s using one hand to hook down his sweatpants and kick them off to pool on the floor. The motion causes his cock to jerk up onto his stomach, leaving a smear of precum on his grey shirt, visible only by a few pixels of darker grey.
He scoots a little down the seat of the chair and hitches a leg up over one of the arms, eyes slipping closed as the hand not holding the dripping fleshlight grips his own cock, thumb pressing at the head.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans lowly, the sound running through your headphones and straight down between your legs. His brows are furrowed like it’s almost paining him, but he hovers the opening of the fleshlight over his tip as if he’s trying to hold back.
Slowly, he lowers the toy down one inch at a time, until the lube is drooling over his cock. Finally, the transparent toy slips down over his cock and his hips jump off the chair, his knuckles white on the arm of the chair and the fleshlight as he growls and lifts it back off again.
The sight of him intentionally teasing himself is too erotic for you to stay unmoving, and you find yourself burning up, losing the headphones for a moment to shuffle out of your own clothes. You hurry as much as you can, grimacing at your sopping panties, but by the time you’re back in your chair with nothing but a bra and tuning back into the stream, Yoongi’s not even focused on his toy anymore.
It sits propped up on his thigh, with two of his fingers lazily, almost absentmindedly thrusting deeply inside of it to keep it steady as the rest of him swivels in his chair to open his laptop again.
You frown and squint at the tiny screen on the stream. Rows of fuzzy squares stack up, and while you can’t be certain the phallic shapes of some of the miniscule images inside them make you think he was on a sex toy website.
He quickly opens a new tab, however, and your heart begins to beat nervously as a familiar page comes up. One you’d been on just earlier.
With bated breath you wait, hands grasping at the meat of your thighs and clothed breast to hold off on touching between your legs just yet. Yoongi navigates the Bangasm page, going through the same payment process you did.
It isn’t until you’re met with a miniature version of your own room on his screen that you realise what’s happened. And it’s when Yoongi squints and leans in closer, before turning to face the camera directly with a bewildered look, that you know you’ve been caught.
Frozen, you watch the on-screen, Yoongi look back and forth twice, before slowly scooting his chair back on an angle to the table, so that the laptop is in eyeshot even as his body is facing the camera fully.
Your mouth is dry, but the fleshlight he picks up again is wet, so wet that his fingers glisten, almost slipping off the toy entirely. He holds it tightly, transferring it to his dominant hand and teasing the top over his tip, biting hard on his lip.
The squeeze you have on your thigh is almost painful as your core burns, but you’re too stunned still to move, watching him dance the opening of the fleshlight over his cock, never dipping it inside.
With a twitching grin and lusty eyes, he glances towards the laptop. Your whole body feels hot as you glance over your shoulder to the camera in your room, before looking back at the screen. He’s not moving, chest visibly heaving even as he stares patiently at the computer screen.
He’s… waiting for you.
With one strangled breath, you tilt your chair away from the desk, adjusting your own laptop in a similar setup to him. Eyes locked on the stream, terrified you’ll miss a single moment of him indulging himself, you let your fingers uncurl from your inner thigh and trail them down, wasting no time in automatically locating your clit, massaging around the small bud.
Pleasure flows through you like hot water, down to your toes. After holding out for so long, after being so aroused for so long, the simplest touch has your knees weak and your head lolled back against the headrest.
On screen, Yoongi’s grin widens, and he rewards you by lowering the fleshlight, the clear silicone making way for the tip of his cock. He doesn’t stop there like last time, though; instead, he slowly but surely plunges it all the way down until it’s flush with his pelvis. Your eyes fly open when the flushed head pops out the other side, and Yoongi clearly enjoys it too judging by the way he curses and grips it tight, practically panting.
Without really intending, your fingers dip down and slip inside, two already. You barely feel a stretch with how wet you are. Although the feeling of something inside you is nice, you know your fingers just aren’t enough, especially with the angle of you slumped back in your chair.
So, you chance one look back at the screen - Yoongi is using the tip of one finger to spread his precum around the glossed tip of his cock, but his eyes are firmly locked onto you - and walk on shaky legs to your closet, where an unassuming (and so far unused) black silk bag lies amongst your shoes.
The amount of time it takes for you to duck into the bathroom and quickly wash the silicone vibrator you have with soapy water feels like an eternity, and by the time you hurry back it isn’t the toy that’s vibrating.
Frowning, you hesitantly answer the call that’s coming through on your phone from a familiar contact.
Yoongi’s voice immediately fills the room as the pixelated version on the screen rests his phone on the side of his desk, not jerking but twisting the fleshlight in slow arcs around his cock. “Couldn’t get enough of me, hm?”
“Says the one calling me,” you offer back lightly, switching onto speaker mode so that you can settle back in your chair, “enjoying the view?”
“A little too uneventful for me yet, sweetheart,” he teases, and his breathy groan is timed with the Yoongi on the stream lifting the fleshlight up a little and plunging it down again. “How about you put that toy in your pretty little pussy for me. For us.”
You feel your core pulse at the reminder that it wasn’t just Yoongi on the stream. Any number of anonymous strangers could be tuned in right now, seeing you with your legs spread.
The only way to cope is to lean into it instead of shying away. You slide the black silicone toy through your folds to slick it up, sighing with every light pass over your clit. Once it’s as wet as you are, you press the slightly bulbous tip down until it slips inside you, immediately shivering at the feeling.
The toy is small enough that you don’t need any special prep, yet big enough that it was satisfying, and curved just right. It had been your old reliable long before coming on the show, and there’s something strangely familiar and comforting about feeling it fill you out as you push it in deeper.
“Fuck, there we go,” Yoongi praises, and you hear the wet smacking noise of him snapping his hips up into the toy. “I may not be able to touch you, but you’ll still call my name when you cum for me.”
Your toes curl, and you’re no longer able to focus on the stream, letting your eyes fall shut and your ears tune in to his voice alone as you work the toy in and out of you.
He doesn’t waste any time in joining you, and the resulting sounds that fill your room are obscene, him making no effort to muffle the gravelled curses and moans, nor the wet thwack of silicone that gives away his movements.
The noise is somehow even more thrilling than the sight, and the feeling of his eyes on you encourages you to speed your hand up, even reaching down to desperately rub at your clit with the flat of your fingers, shivering at the wave of pleasure that wracks through your body.
It’s not long before you hear Yoongi’s voice turn guttural and the pace of the flesh light pick up frantically.
You wrench your eyes open and gaze blearily at the computer screen just in time to watch the stream of white that spills up through the back end of the fleshlight and over Yoongi’s knuckles. As hot as the image is, you whine at being made to watch this through the pixels instead of in real life, and the thought of being right fucking across from him as he fell apart is enough to make you seize up in your chair, orgasm draining you thoroughly, with not enough force to squirt but dripping on the seat nonetheless.
You take the toy out once pleasure turns to the sharp tweak of oversensitivity and pant, fighting to catch your breath as your feet feel positively numb.
Coming down from your high, you almost forget the running phone call until you hear his voice come through the speaker again. “Have a shower and then come back down to my room. You’re sleeping with me tonight.”
The beeping tone leaves you alone in your room, and you loll your head back over the edge of the chair with an exhausted moan, not without a grin playing on your lips. You wouldn’t protest to that.
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