#i want to put them both in my pockets and carry them around
rafeyssangel · 2 days
the hockey game / r. cameron
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warnings: mentions violence, profanity
pairings: hockey!kook!rafe x college!pouge!reader
a/n: all characters mentioned in the story ARE of age.
wc: 2.1k
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you’d been best friends with his sister back in obx, sarah. but when the both you became a pouge you stopped talking to rafe and your relationship fell apart, strained. it fell apart officially when you had to hit him upside the head when he tried to drown sarah—the fucking bastard had stolen wheezie’s phone, then it spiraled from there. you couldn’t stand rafe and he couldn’t stand you.
your plan was to go to the same college as pope, but when they rejected him he had said ‘don’t worry, i’ll find a different college.’ your college friend—cali, had dragged you to the schools hockey game, and there rafe was in his snapback, maybe a bit hotter now, maybe—hopefully more matured.
you rolled your eyes, of course. you escaped the shithole town you were in, only for rafe to follow you. he had to have been in his second year because he disappeared one year, but you didn’t really care that he left. you were matching pajama pants with your friend because why not. your eyes hooked on rafe again, this time, your eyes hooked rafe’s attention. he gave you a mock wave, knowing just how to rile you the fuck up.
your friend on the other hand, had no clue you knew rafe and when he waved she was in utter shouting fits “that’s rafe fucking cameron, how do you know him? he’s like the best hockey player on the team!” your friend shook you ridiculously hard “he’s got the face of a model, y/n, tell me how you know him. spill the beans.”
you rolled your eyes, you could tell the truth about how he was a dick and tried to drown his sister, but you left that out. “he’s my best friends brother back in outer banks.” you rolled your eyes at rafe “and he’s insufferable.” “insufferably hot.” “cali, no.” you rolled your eyes again, “don’t ever say that again, insufferable s’all he is.”
cali rolled her eyes “he’s hot, you just won’t admit it because he’s your best friends brother,” she shook her head “and if he’s that insufferable, you two would make a perfect couple.” cali finally started to watch the hockey game in front of her face, you were utterly lost, you had no clue what the hell was going on—which might’ve been the reason you kept stealing a glance or two at rafe to figure out what the fuck was going on.
it must’ve been some sorta half time because both teams went to the lockers or took a seat. you slipped off to go to concessions while cali was on her phone doing god knows what, probably texting her boyfriend or some shit, you could care less. you look at the snacks in the stand before asking “can i get like, two sodas and a bag of skittles?”
the guy just nodded “that’ll be fourteen and ninety-seven cents.” just like you know it, someone slaps down money, “bit overpriced dontcha think, mr..” rafe looked at the cheap ass name tag on his shirt “-mr. valdez.” rafe straightened his yellow-ish shirt, “y/n, it’s been to long.”
rafe’s hand rests on the small of your back as you pick up your snacks. “yeah.” you murmured in annoyance, “i have to get back to my friend.” you slipped away from rafe’s hand “great reunion.”
“hey, going so soon?” rafe slipped his hand around your forearm “can’t your friend wait? please?” rafe feigned puppy dog eyes. “the game ended, and all my frat boys are going out. i took a raincheck.” he lets go of you “just for a second.”
you rolled your eyes softly, knowing you shouldn’t. you promised sarah you wouldn’t. “fine. just a second.” you put the skittles in your hoodie pocket, carrying the drinks “hurry up. what do you want?”
“a’ight, my friend barry- you know that fuckin’ drug dealer back in outer banks.” you nodded softly, so he continued “your little friends have been fucking with him, stealin’ his money. tell them to stop, i’m not going to ask again.”
“what? they did steal from him.” you rolled your eyes in sheer annoyance as he pressed it on you. “they may live in poverty but they don’t steal.” you start to turn around, but rafe’s hand catches your shoulder. “let go of me.” you hiss out, your voice dripping with venom.
“tell your friends not to fucking steal, got me?” rafe growls when you shake your head no—in an obvious denial the pouges would steal from a drug dealer—“we’re talking after the game. don’t try to leave with your friend, you fucking hear me?”
“y-yes sir.” you watch as he walks away, you grab your shit and headed back to your friend, who had seemingly still been on her phone by the time you got back. “i got your drink” you said, handing her the sprite.
cali looked at you, “you alright? you seem kinda.. i dunno- on edge? did someone bother you?” she opened her sprite, sipping on it. “you can tell me if someone bothered you, we can start throwing hands.” cali pulled her hands up, pretending to box with her face guarded.
“it’s fine, just rafe- he wanted to talk to me after the game.” you picked at your fingers nervously “i just, don’t really trust him, you know.” you turned your attention to the game in front of you, watching rafe do whatever the hell he was doing.
“shut the fuck up.” cali said excitedly “rafe cameron, the oldest cameron wants to talk to you, and your worried? he never bats an eye for a girl, not even for his flings, girl there’s something you ain’t fucking telling me.” cali pushed her loose curls out of her face, looking at you expecting a story.
you take a breath, maybe making a tiny squeak “there’s no story to be told.”
cali sighed dramatically, “fine, keep your secrets.” she turned her attention back to the game, but you could tell she was still curious. you felt a shiver run down your spine; you hadn’t been this close to rafe in years, and it brought back all those memories you’d tried so hard to bury. you were lost in thought when a loud cheer erupted from the crowd. rafe had scored.
“see, told you he’s amazing!” cali nudged you, eyes sparkling with excitement. you just nodded, unable to muster any enthusiasm. the game continued, but your mind was elsewhere. what could rafe possibly want from you now, after all this time?
when the final buzzer sounded, the teams began to file out of the rink. you and cali stood to leave, but you felt a hand on your shoulder. you turned to see rafe, still in his gear, looking at you intently. “cali, go on ahead. i’ll catch up,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“you sure?” she asked, giving rafe a skeptical look.
“yeah, it’s fine. i’ll be right behind you.”
cali reluctantly left, glancing back at you a couple of times. once she was out of earshot, rafe spoke. “we need to talk, y/n.”
“about barry? i already told you, my friends didn’t steal from him.”
“not just about that.” rafe sighed, running a hand through his hair. “look, i know we’ve had our differences, but things have changed. i’ve changed. i’m trying to fix things.”
you crossed your arms, skeptical. “fix things? by threatening me and my friends?”
“i’m not threatening you. i’m warning you. barry’s dangerous, and if your friends are messing with him, they’re in serious trouble.”
“and what about you, rafe? are you still dangerous?” you asked, voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.
“i’m trying not to be,” he said softly, looking down. “i made a lot of mistakes, y/n. i’m trying to make up for them.”
you stared at him, searching his eyes for any sign of the old rafe. the rafe who’d tried to drown his own sister. but all you saw was a tired, haunted look. maybe he was telling the truth. maybe he had changed. “fine,” you said finally. “i’ll talk to my friends. but if i find out you’re lying, or if anything happens to them, i swear to god—”
“i get it,” rafe interrupted. “thanks, y/n. really.”
you turned to leave, but rafe grabbed your arm again. “one more thing.” his tight grip making it seemingly impossible to pull away from.
“what now?”
“stay away from barry. he’s bad news.”
“i can take care of myself,” you snapped, pulling your arm free.
“i know you can. but just… be careful, okay?”
you didn’t respond, just walked away, heart pounding. you found cali waiting for you outside, a worried look on her face.
“everything okay?” she asked.
“yeah,” you lied. “just a lot of old drama.”
“well, if you need to talk, i’m here,” cali said, giving you a reassuring smile.
“thanks, cali.” you forced a smile, but your mind was still reeling. what was rafe really up to? and how were you going to keep your friends safe?
the walk back to your dorm was quiet, cali occasionally glancing at you with concern. when you finally got back to your room, you dropped onto your bed with a sigh. cali sat down at her desk, watching you carefully.
“you sure you’re okay?” she asked again.
“yeah, just tired,” you said, rubbing your temples.
“that didn’t look like just tired to me. you looked freaked out.”
“it’s just… complicated, cali. rafe brings back a lot of bad memories.”
“like what?”
you hesitated, debating how much to tell her. cali had become one of your closest friends, but the past was something you rarely talked about.
“rafe and i used to be close. but then things got… messed up. really messed up.”
“how messed up?”
“he tried to drown his own sister, cali. and i had to stop him.”
cali’s eyes widened in shock. “holy shit. seriously?”
“yeah. seriously. and now he’s here, acting like he’s all changed, but i don’t trust him.”
“sounds like a total psycho.”
“he was. maybe he still is.”
“so what are you gonna do?”
“i don’t know,” you admitted. “but i’m not letting him or anyone else hurt my friends.”
“damn right,” cali said, standing up and giving you a determined look. “we’ll figure it out together. no way you’re dealing with this alone.”
you smiled, feeling a little bit of the weight lift off your shoulders. “thanks, cali.”
“anytime, y/n.”
the next day, you met up with pope and jj at the coffee shop near campus. you told them about your encounter with rafe, leaving out some of the more personal details but making it clear that barry was a threat.
“barry’s bad news,” pope agreed, frowning. “but we didn’t steal from him. why would he think we did?”
“who knows? maybe rafe’s just trying to scare us,” jj said, looking irritated. “he’s always been a prick.”
“well, we need to be careful. if barry thinks we’re messing with him, he won’t hesitate to come after us.”
“we can handle barry,” jj said confidently. “we’ve dealt with worse.”
“still, let’s not take any unnecessary risks,” you said. “we stick together and watch each other’s backs.”
“agreed,” pope said. “we’ll be careful.”
as you walked back to campus, you couldn’t shake the feeling that things were going to get a lot more complicated. rafe’s sudden reappearance, his warnings about barry—it all felt like the calm before the storm.
later that night, as you lay in bed, your mind kept replaying rafe’s words. he claimed to have changed, but could you really believe him? and what did he really want from you?
your phone buzzed, snapping you out of your thoughts. it was a message from sarah. “heard rafe’s at your school. be careful. he’s been acting weird.” great, you thought. just what you needed to hear. you typed a quick response, telling her you’d be careful, then put your phone down and tried to get some sleep.
but sleep wouldn’t come easily. not with the shadow of rafe cameron looming over you, bringing with him all the chaos and danger you thought you’d left behind. with the inability to shake the thoughts through your head, you decide to go on a walk. to clear your mind. to relax. fresh air.
you were just going on a peaceful walk—no one should bother you, right? wrong. there rafe was sitting on the bench, hands shoved into his pocket, almost if he was waiting for you. but that's probably just paranoia, right?
“y/n.” rafe muttered, gesturing for the seat beside him. “we still need to talk.”
the end <3
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thedevilrisen · 2 days
"You do this once a month?!"
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"Novs, I don't want too but I can't let you stay at home today." Sid had whispered to his daughter who was bundled into a mountain of blankets, on the couch. "You're going to have to come to the rink with me beautiful."
"Dad, I really fucking hurt." Nova had shot back in response, her voice wavering.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I have to bring you though." Sid had sighed, rubbing a hand down gently down Nova's side, through the blanket. "What can we do to optimise the situation? What do you need to bring with you, what do you need Uncle Kris or Geno to get for you?"
"Some dark chocolate, strawberry creams and chai." Nova mumbled, "on almond."
"I get one of them to drop by the shops on the way through, yeah?" Sid continued his soothing rub, up and down her side. "You want to bring your blankets? Will you need any products with you?"
"Yeah, I've got some stuff upsta-" Nova started speaking but she was cut off.
"I'm making Kris get that stuff there, so we have some stuff at the rink in case you need it at the future." Sid had spoken, fishing his phone out of his pocket to send Kris a message.
"Thank's dad." Nova had mumbled, bringing her hand out to wrap around his. Something she does to express her gratitude, and had always done.
"You want me to carry you to the car?" Sid had offered.
"Could you?" Nova had asked, she started trying to wiggle out of her blanket.
"No, No. Stay there." Sid had stopped her, he bent down and grabbed Nova, blankets and all and walked out to the car. He opened the car door, placing the girl down, adjusting her blankets and and dragging her seat belt over and fastening it. "You comfy?"
"Yeah," Nova had mumbled "Can we get chai on the way?"
"How much chai do you need!" Sidney had exclaimed, laughing. "Yes, we can."
"Thanks Dad." Nova had smiled at him.
After Sidney had stopped by the local cafe, got some chai and his prefered coffee he drove them to the arena. Sidney looked over the center console,
"You want me to carry you in?"
"Yes please dad." Nova replied in between sips of her chai. Sid, exited the driver's side of the car. He unbuckled Nova and slid her into his arms, "Let's go! Kris told me he put the stuff in the common room. You happy to chill on the couch in there?"
"Yeah, I should be fine." Nova answered, "Can I put my show on the tv?"
"If you would like!" Sid had smiled down at her.
"Thank's Dad." Nova had mumbled into Sid's chest, as he walked along the halls to the common room. "I don't know if I would be so lucky with someone else."
"I'm lucky to have you, kid." Sid said.
Sidney carried his daughter the rest of the way down the halls into the teams common room, where most of them were lounging. Sid walked toward the couch.
"Can you boy's move please?" Sid had asked, Drew O'Connor and Jansen Harkins. They both complied and Sid dropped her down on the couch. Handing her the chocolate and lollies, leaning down and kissing her head. "You stay there, call me if you need anything alright. I will come and check on you regularly."
"Wait, why are you here Nova?" one of the boys asked.
"Pain." the girl grumbled in response. "You can't expect me to function."
"It can't be that bad!" Someone else exclaimed.
"You try some of this pain then tell me that." Nova shot back.
"Fine, we'll get one of those simulator thingys!" Erik Karlsson stated.
This is the prerequisite part to the pain simulator! I hope you like it!
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ymorii · 2 years
currently thinking about the little pokémon train men, my favorite guys, i love them
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yawnderu · 5 months
Lorelei — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader | Part V
1 2 3 4 5 6
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
This chapter can be read as a one-shot without having to read the whole story! :)
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"Are you staying for Christmas?" You ask casually, decorating the cookies you baked with Simon's help. Your daughter is sleeping peacefully in her crib, a small Santa Claus onesie on her, preparing her for the celebration even when there's still a few hours left.
"You want me to?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, brown eyes fully focused on decorating the head of one of the cookie figures, steady hand drawing a skull pattern with ease.
"It's her first Christmas, I think she'd like having her father around." I want you around as well. He's lucky you're focused on decorating your cookies, missing the way his face lights up with a proud smile. It's a lot of progress.
''Right. I got you both some presents in the car.'' He washes his hands on the sink, giving his daughter one last look before leaving the house, trying to gather as many of the gifts he bought as possible. ''Some presents'' was clearly an understatement— he has been building a pile of gifts for months, his car full of boxes and bags for both you and your little girl.
''Jesus Christ.'' You wash your hands and go help him as you see him struggling to carry the pile, taking some from him and putting them under the Christmas tree.
''There's more in the car.'' He seems almost sheepish as he confesses, giving him a small pat on the arm as you go outside to help him. You almost laugh as you look inside, the entire backseat full of presents. It's almost ridiculous, yet so charming how much he wants to make both of you happy, knowing how much it the holidays mean to you, especially now that you have a daughter.
''Isn't this... a bit overkill?'' You joke, earning you a playful pat on the ass now that your arms are busy. You miss the kick thrown his way, jogging after him with a smile when he playfully gets on the other side of the couch to avoid you getting revenge.
''I still got one more present coming, but that's for later.'' He walks back to the kitchen once he made sure you weren't going to kill him for patting your ass.
''I swear to God, Simon, if it's another d—'' He interrupts you by smearing frosting on your cheek, shooting you a cheeky smile that gets erased the moment you do it back— smearing way more than you should have all over his cheek.
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Your baby was up by the time it was midnight, excited to see her mum and dad opening up presents and even joining in, tiny hands clearly struggling with the wrapping paper, yet somehow managing without help.
''Strong girl, like her mum.'' You smile softly at his words, looking at the way your daughter stares curiously at one of her last presents; a cactus activated by sound.
''Say 'hello'.'' Simon says, getting closer to the toy until it activates, dancing around and lighting up. Astrid looks confused as she looks at it, brown eyes looking up at you before looking back at the toy.
''Hello.'' He repeats, a warm smile on his lips when the toy starts dancing again, much to your daughter's confusion. She babbles at it, tiny hands reaching out to touch it once it starts moving and playing back her sounds, giggles escaping her lips as the toy imitates her laugh.
Simon's phone vibrates in his pocket, getting up from the couch before looking down at his phone with twinkling eyes.
''My mate's here, I'll be right back.'' He doesn't wait for you to reply, already out of the house before you can even say anything. Your focus is back to your daughter, happy that she enjoys playing with the toy rather than being scared of it like you've seen in videos online. Brave girl she is, not a single lick of fear in her.
Simon comes back a minute later, holding a big German Shepherd that can definitely walk on its own. You give him a questioning look as he sets it on the floor, holding his collar just in case.
''Absolutely not.'' You try to protest, yet your gaze softens when you see Astrid crawl to the dog.
''Wa-wa!'' She points out, tiny hands reaching up to pet the dog the same way you've taught her, gentle. The dog doesn't react much besides laying down on the floor for your daughter to pet it, making it much easier for her.
''His name's Riley, he's a retired K-9. Look, I'll pay for his food and even for someone to come take care of him when I'm not here, I just... want you to be safe.'' There's hints of pleading on his tone, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he looks at you.
''... I'll take care of him.'' You say with a small sigh, knowing Simon wants nothing else than for both of his girls to be safe, especially when he's deployed.
''We gave him extra training to deal with kids and emergencies. Big geezer's patient and good.'' He keeps trying to sell it as if you didn't say yes already, a small giggle escaping your lips before giving him a reassuring smile.
''We'll keep him, don't worry.'' You crouch down to pet the dog, who is clearly enjoying the attention from your daughter, allowing her to rest on his side while petting his head.
There's a smile on his face as he looks down at his family, hands fumbling with the small box in his pocket.
taglist: @skulfan1 @survivalshxt @ghostslittlegf @yaebaal @thecubanator2 @juliediets @shescabob @kenz-ee @lothiriel9 @dragonstoneshortcake @lunamoonbby @alfie2401 @perfectus-in-morte @mxtokko @cloufie @killergoddess97 @imaracoon @thepurpleaccount @silas-222 @actuallyhiswife @havoc973 @catkatchuck @preeyansha
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
Gojo eavesdroping on his wife when she's talking about him
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Pairing: husband!Gojo x reader
Word Count: 1,4k
Synopsis: While you kept your relationship with Satoru private, you always admire him when you meet at work. However, when your students ask you about your type in men, you can't help but describe the love of your life who hears every single word
Notes: This is sooo much fluff because I needed it today, thank you love @hitori979 for your great request 🤍 as always, I'm doing a happy dance when you leave a comment and show some love so please do 🤍 Tags: @lees-chaotic-brain @bakugosgf2005 @ourplehazeworld @niikkoollmm
It’s hard to keep your hungry gaze off him while being at work. He just looks so effortlessly breathtaking with his hands shoved in his pockets and that small smile on his delicate lips while talking to Megumi. The only thing that stops you from losing your cool completely is the pair of sunglasses that covers his mesmerizing orbs.
Your heart jumps up and down in joy. God, how much you love that man. You’ve been married for three years now without anyone knowing. And while you do enjoy your privacy, it hurts from time to time that you’re only able to admire him from afar at Jujutsu High. How nice it would be to run your fingers through his hair, to get lost in his arms, to flirt with him recklessly…
“(y/)-san, are you okay?”
Yuji’s concerned voice rips you out of your train off thoughts immediately, making you shake your head in disbelief. Damn, you really need to stop daydreaming.
“Yeah, sorry. I’ve got a little carried away…”, you mumble.
“Daydreaming again, (y/n)?”
Oh, just a look at him is enough to realize that Satoru knows exactly what he’s doing. You turn around to face him, a playful grin flatters your lips.
“Not about you, Romeo”, you remark sweetly.
He shakes his head while smiling into himself. Even though both of you agreed on keeping your relationship and marriage out of work and Jujutsu High, he can’t help but tease you from time to time. After all, you’re still his wife, right? Even if no one except Megumi knows.
“Now excuse me, I’m on my way to teach my students for real instead of just standing there and looking pretty for my money”, you tease him, fully aware of the fact that he’ll make you pay for every word this evening.
“Do you really think I’m pretty, (y/n)?”
Yes, the prettiest of them all. The words lie on the tip of your tongue, just about to leave your mouth when you stop yourself in time. No, this is not the place to flirt. You have a job to do. With one last glance at him, you turn on your heel and walk into the classroom.
The way he looks at you leaves you speechless every time. How is it even possible that a man like him is in love with a woman like you? While you are quite gorgeous, smart and strong yourself, there’s just nothing that compares to him. It’s like he put a spell on you, you are so utterly in love with Satoru Gojo that your heart hammers out of your chest just by this sweet little flirt. Even after all these years, even after knowing each other better than everyone else he still sends shivers down your spine.
“Right, (y/n)-san?”, Nobara suddenly questions.
Fuck, you were lost in thoughts again. What are you supposed to do?
“Sure”, you mutter.
“Sure” seems like an appropriate answer for many things, especially when it comes to Nobara. It seems like all she wants to know about is how you do your hair and makeup and why you look so snatched in your uniform.
“See, I just knew (y/n)-san is on my side with this one!”, Nobara cries out.
“Shut up”, Megumi hisses.
“Huh, what’s going on?”, you question.
“Fushiguro flirted with a girl yesterday!”, Nobara announces outraged.
You tilt your head to the side, amused by the discussion that lays itself out in front of you. Megumi is like your son, an important part of your life since you’ve met Satoru 8 years ago. Apart from Gojo and yourself, he is the only one who knows about your secret relationship. And while he doesn’t seem to mind it most of the time, he sometimes glances at you with disgust in his eyes when he caught you staring again.
“Nothing to be ashamed about, Megumi-chan. Just make sure to use protection”, you comment with a sly grin.
“Huh, you mean like an umbrella? But it isn’t even raining…”
“Are you really that dumb, Yuji?”
“Shut up you two, I only explained her the way to the cinema!”
“What about you, (y/n)-san?”
Nobara’s sudden question catches you off guard. What should be with you?
“What do you mean?”
She smiles at you unpromisingly, her eyes dark and mysterious.
“What’s your type?”
“You mean like her blood type?”, Yuji mutters behind his hand.
“No! I mean her type in man! How is this so difficult to understand? Did you take a too hot bath!?”
You swallow. Should you really talk about something like this with your students? You are their teacher after all. Yes, actually you are here today to explain how sealing works. Your mind drifts to Satoru again. Well, a little chit chat won’t hurt, right?
“He has to be tall.”
“Oh, I love tall man too”, Nobara groans.
Little does she know who you’re talking about.
“Gimme more”, she insists.
Satoru didn’t mean to spy on you on his way to Utahime. But the second his ears caught the question that left Nobara’s mouth and your precious answer, he just had to position himself next to the door discretly.
“Tall, huh?”, he chuckles to himself as warmth spreads through his chest.
“Probably handsome as hell. But not like some random Calvin Klein model. No, he has to be special in a unique way. A man of his words, a man with an aim. Probably a man that is serious when needed while being humorous at the same time.”
“Hmm, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say your describing Gojo-sensei”, Yuji speaks out loud, making your face redden in an instant.
“Ew”, Nobara cries out.
“(y/n)-san is talking about someone like Chris Pratt you idiot!”
“Who is Chris Pratt?”
So this is how you see him? His heartbeat picks up in an instant just thinking about the way your cheeks probably turned red at Yuji’s comment. Even though you have absolutely no idea that he hears every word you say, you still describe nothing but him alone.
“Bust most importantly, I want a man who stands by my side, who protects me from everything and loves me more than anything else.”
Oh, he does. Not only that, he is absolutely mesmerized and captivated by you. Your smile lights up the room, your sweet voice makes every bad word sound like a prayer, your stunning face is like a drug.
And he’s definitely addicted.
“The only man who’s able to protect you here is Gojo-sensei”, Nobara remarks.
You let out a hearty laughter. Little does she know how right that is.
“Hey darling, how was your day?”, your tender voice echoes through the living room while you make your way to your husband.
He waits patiently for you to kiss his forehead before giving you a dirty grin and pulling you onto his lap so suddenly that you scream out.
“What are you doing!?”, you shriek, voice shaking in laughter.
Was has gotten into him this evening? Why is he in such a good mood?
“Oh y’know, I’m a man of my words”, he replies, hands teasing you in the most delicate way.
You narrow your eyes while your cheeks start to burn. This sounds like your description of him in the morning. But how…? No, impossible. Not even Megumi would have told him. This must be a coincidence.
“Oh yeah?”, you challenge him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“And I’m tall.”
Your heart skips a beat when realization hits you.
“You spied on me!”, you cry out in revolt.
His hands begin a merciless tickle attack that leaves you gasping for air between shaky laughter, teary eyes and aching ribs.
“And I’m handsome as hell!”, he announces proudly.
“Stop the crap”, you giggle, body fighting against his cruel hands.
“You haven’t used such flattering words on me for a long time. I liked that”, he purrs against your ear.
His hands stop their attack and begin to caress your sensitive skin instead. You can’t catch your breath, eyes darted towards the man you adore so much, the man you married three years ago.
“You have to earn that first”, you breathe out.
“Oh, nothing better than that. After all, I can be serious when needed.”
Your face turns another shade of red in an instant while you playfully smack his shoulder and hide your face in embarrassment.
“Would you please stop saying that?”
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gglitch1dd · 2 months
I’ve been wondering… when Toshinori goes to UA and his parents help him unpack in his dorm, does any of this friends or classmates think his mom’s a MILF and comment on how fine she is?
Oh definitely!!! It would drive him mad! Can't invite his friends over or anything because he knows they'll be thirsty for his mom.
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"Okay sweetie do you have your toothbrush?"
"Yes mom, it's in the bathroom box."
"Did you also pack all your shoes? I thought you said you were missing a pair of slippers?"
"I found them and I put them in the shoe box."
"What about deodorant? Your bed sheets? I think I only folded like three sets and-"
"Mom!" Toshinori laughed as he took your hands as you and him stood in his dorm room in UA.
You, Izuku and him had been carrying boxes up to his room on the second floor into the room he'd be living in the entire year, outside of holidays. It was no surpise to anyone that the son of the number one hero managed to get into Class A. No surprise at all. You and Izuku were so exceptionally proud of Toshinori.
You eased as you looked at your oldest sprout. You felt tears come to your eyes as you cupped his face looking at him. For a second you saw the little baby you first held in your arms. The little guy who would cling to you and rely on you constantly.
Where did that little sprout go?
You sniffed as you covered your eyes.
"Mom..." Toshinori's shoulder's dropped as he looked at you with a sad smile. "Mom don't cry." He urged.
Izuku walked in with the last two boxes, the heaviest ones so far. "Alright. That's everything out of the car-" He paused as he saw you in tears. He slowly put down the boxes and looked at his son. He motioned to you with one finger. Toshinori nodded. Izuku put on a gentle smile as he chuckled and walked over to you, pulling you into his arms. "He's going to be fine, my love. I had to go to the dorms by myself and so will he. He'll be fine. Shinso said he'd keep an eye on him since he's homeroom teacher for class A."
"I know but Izu..." You dropped your hands and motioned to Toshinori. "My baby... He's gone out of the nest."
Izuku pat your back. "My love, he's just at UA. He isn't that far. We'll see him on holidays." He reminded you. Izuku let go of you as he moved to Toshinori.
He put his hands on the teenagers shoulders. Toshinori was dressed in his UA uniform already, a small red tie around his neck, tied Midoriya style, he stood in gleaming red Jordans, matching to his dad. Izuku looked at his son in front of him and he saw himself, only this time his son had a father to wish him off well.
Izuku opened his mouth to speak but he lost the words. He lifted up a finger and turned away as he tried to fight off the Midoriya sized tears. You weren't the least bit surprised that Izuku was crying.
Toshinori threw his hands up. "Great, now dad is crying too." He moved over to the both of you, pulling the two of you into a hug. Izuku wrapped his arms around the three of you, keeping you all close. "I'm going to be fine." He told you both softly, ignoring the burning in his own eyes.
"We know..." You said softly. "Just... remember to call, okay?"
"I will."
"And don't forget to wash your socks."
"I won't."
"And if you want to sneak alcohol into the dorms, make sure to bribe Hounddog with a Medium Rare steak."
"IZUKU!" You glared at your husband and his so called advice which Toshinori laughed at. Your husband put his hands up in surrender, but personally he believed he was saying the important things to remember.
With all the tears mopped off the floor, Toshinori accompanied you both down the elevators where some of the others were, a lot of them being kids you already knew since they were in your friend group.
"Hey Toshi!" Another first year boy jogged over to Toshinori as you and Izuku headed off towards the doors. He kept his hands in his pockets but nodded towards you. "Who's that lady?"
Toshinori paused for a second. "Oh that's my mom."
"Dude! How could you not know that's his mom?" Kaminari Haiden, Denki's and Jirou's son, commented as he motioned to you. "She's literally always on the news with ProHero Deku."
The guy scratched the back of his head. "I just didn't expect her to be such a MILF."
"EXCUSE ME?!" Toshinori let out loudly with an appalled look on his face.
Haiden sighed as he nodded his head, folding his arms over his chest. His purple hair was styled in the same way as his dad but with a white lightning bolt. "I know right?"
"Are we talking about Aunty Y/N?" Kane asked as he walked over with his hands in his pockets. The other boys hummed in agreement. "I've been telling Toshinori that his mom is hot and he's never believed me."
"That's my MOM!" He reminded his friends motioning to your form. "She isn't hot! She's my mom!"
"Are we talking about Toshi's mom?" Todoroki Keiji asked. He was one of the Todoroki twins, his hair being ice white as he turned to look to where you were. "Yah she's fine."
"Toshinori!" You called at the door. You waved a hand. "Bye, baby. Stay safe!"
Toshinori fought off an embarrassed blush but nodded. "Bye mom."
You smiled. Recognising the boys he was standing with, you waved your hand at them in goodbye. "Goodbye boys."
"Bye Mrs Midoriya." They sang with dopey smiles.
Haiden sighed. "Man, you're dad is one lucky man."
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
pink unicorn
inspired by this adorable video of drew
words: 600
warnings: dad!rafe, mom!reader, very soft and fluffy
“rafe.” you sigh, rubbing your forehead with your fingertips, eyes flicking between his hunched over frame and your daughter. “she doesn't even want it anymore! she's moved on.”
you watch as rosie occupies herself with your phone, giggling every time she presses the button to turn the screen on and off, looking at the picture of herself and rafe on your lock screen.
“she said she wanted it, im going to get it.” rafe grunts, putting more coins into the claw machine. he tries for a fifth time to get the pink unicorn stuffie that your three year old became obsessed with having for an entire minute before moving on to the next sparkly thing. 
“baby, come on.” you groan. you knew when you married him that rafe was stubborn, thankfully it didn't rub off on your daughter, who is the happiest and most agreeable little girl you've ever seen.
“my princess deserves whatever she wants, including this stupid-” rafe jerks the claw machine “fucking- stuffie.”
he groans when the claw machine grips the unicorn, only for it to fall before he can navigate it back to the shoot.
“rafey, please. you've been at this for like five minutes. we can just buy her a unicorn stuffie.” you don't point out that she already owns probably twenty similar ones.
“one more try.” rafe glances at your daughter, frowning when she really is completely disinterested in the toy.
“okay. then can we keep going?” you question. you were supposed to be walking around the mall to look for a present for a birthday party rosie got invited to, of course also getting distracted by everything along the way, rafe bending to whatever store rosie wanted to go into, whether it was candy or video games, anything bright that looked exciting.
“mama.” rosie whines, your phone now sitting on the floor. 
“come here, baby.” you pick rosie up, grabbing your phone at the same time and slotting it into your pocket. some people try to tell you not to baby your toddler so much, but you love being able to carry her around and keep her close, dreading the day that she's too big for you to lift easily.
“daddy, wheres my unicorn?” she pouts as the claw drops the stuffed animal again. rafe just gives you a look as he loads more coins in.
“for real, babe, last try or we are going to the toy store and leaving you here.” you know rosie is just going to find a million things she wants inside of the toy store anyways, probably another five pink unicorns.
rafe nods, concentration overtaking his features. rosie cheers him on from your arms as he hooks the unicorn around the center, claw raising up and bringing it over to the shoot. it falls perfectly down, both rosie and rafe shouting in excitement.
rafe gets the pink unicorn out, holding it out for your daughter to hug into her little arms. “thank you daddy!”
“anything for you my little princess, come here.” rafe opens his arms as rosie practically launches herself from you to snuggle into his chest.
“i wanna introduce pinky to my other unicorns.” she babbes about having a big tea party as rafe glows just looking at her.
“of course.” rafe nods. “let's go home right now so me you and pinky can play together.” you don't point out how all of rosies pink toys share the same name.
“babe!” you call out, following rafe out of the mall towards the exit. “we still haven't gotten our gift!”
“ill order it on amazon!” he calls out as you catch up to him and his long strides. 
“come on, mommy, i wanna play.” rosie pouts, face mimicking her expression with big pleading eyes.
“fine.” you sigh, unable to say no to either of them. “but you have to clean up your tea party when it's over!”
“yesss!” rafe pumps his fist in the air, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips.
“and no real food! you’ll spoil your supper!”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs
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The Hashira’s Favourite Hugs
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Happy Valentines day everyone! Enjoy some lovin from your favourite Hashira ^^
Requests and asks are still open :)
Word count: 4k~
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Prepare to be swept off your feet (literally)
Approaching our very own love Hashira and requesting a hug will be met with the same excitement no matter what
“Huh? Do you want a hug? Of course! Come here sweetie, let me hold you for a bit!”
She will be SO HAPPY if you asked ^^
Mitsuri may squeeze you a little, but never too much
Her goal is to get you as close to her as possible, no gap spared between you two
She’s honestly one of the best huggers here
Depending on your height, she’ll either prop her chin on either your head or shoulder
She’s a little warm from her flustering, but still enthusiastic nonetheless
If your head is tucked away, she’ll focus on swaying you both side to side in a rocking motion
Almost as if you two were dancing
But if you face is out in the open, Mitsuri will not waste a second before peppering your entire face in kisses
She tries her best to make you feel loved
Mitsuri absolutely adores hugs so she’ll never turn you down
She likes cooing about how much she loves you while the two of you hold each other
“Oh you make my heart skip a beat! I love you so much!!!”
Compliments will not be held back here, Mitsuri will go above and beyond
But even the love Hashira has a favourite hug
Mitsuri was once gone for more than a week on some business that she had to attend to
You missed her terribly, and you grew more worried as time passed by
While lounging in your shared bedroom, you heard the door open and close as your love cheered “Honey, I’m home!”
You sprinted across the house, found Mitsuri and leapt into her arms, yours pulling her in by her neck
Seizing momentum while she had it, Mitsuri spun the two of you around while you were still in the air
But when the two of you had spun enough and she tried to put you down, she realized that your legs were around her waist
You were almost clinging onto her like a koala, and something inside of her melted
She was internally squealing at how affectionate you were :)
Mitsuri’s favourite hugs are ones where she can use her strength, often by lifting you up into her arms
“Sweetie it’s late, let me carry you to bed, okay?”
It just makes her feel strong and cherished
Would absolutely carry you around like this all the time if you let her
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Obanai Iguro
He acts like he hates them
Do not underestimate him and the complete unadulterated adoration he has for you and the few people he lets near his heart
Obanai is just not used to that kind of thing, and it really stresses him out
If you asked him for a hug he would just shoot you a critical stare before groaning out an "Ughhh, fine. Come here"
You would be doing all the work here
Even if you have both your arms wrapped around him, your head resting on his shoulder, he still won't move
Obanai is really stiff about it
If you're lucky, he'll MAYBE pat your back unenthusiastically
Truth be told, Obanai doesn't let people touch him often so he wouldn't have much experience in it by far
Now if you ASKED him what is favourite hug is, he would say the side squeeze he gives you in public
Obanai can get overprotective easily, but he doesn't like showing it
He rarely misunderstands when someone is just being nice or affectionate in a platonic manner and when someone is actually hitting on you
If he sees someone making moves on you or just making you uncomfortable in general, he will glide over there and put his hand in your back pocket
Effectively pulling you into a very tense side hug
Obanai wouldn't say anything, but his main line of protection is his very judgmental look at his target
He wants you to believe that he's tough and all, that guarding you from danger is his greatest joy
But Obanai is really soft
His actual favourite hugs are what he refers to as "Sweater Time"
If you have larger sweaters than he does, he will pull the bottom hem of it up for a minute and pull it over his head
If he's taller than you then he just tucks you underneath the hem of his
Basically the two of you are wearing the same, spacious sweater
He's close enough that just fitting into it doesn't make you feel like you need to wrap your arms around him
But Obanai might pull you in if he just really needs your touch
He absolutely loves holding your face and resting his forehead on yours, absentmindedly tracing your jaw
Takes the opportunity to look into your eyes but Obanai doesn’t hold eye contact for long
So very warm :)
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Tengen Uzui
You’re in for a ride, that’s for sure
If you ask Tengen for a hug, he’s gonna be so snarky about it
He’ll make you confirm it like 5 times
“Hmm? You want a hug from the God of Festivals? Ahhh, of course, anyone would want to be in my arms! Come closer and claim you prize from yours truly~”
Tengen will motion you towards him, hinting to put your arms around him
Most of the time he’ll tease you about it, but sometimes Tengen will just flash a smile and pull you in
He’s pretty strong so his hugs are pretty tight by default
You can smell a hint of the cologne he uses, which is never too strong in the first place
Loves pressing you in by the small of your back, he can’t explain why though
Tengen’s hands just gravitate there, no lower or higher
Even when you two are already hugging, Tengen will not be able to resist teasing you
He is RELENTLESS about it too
Even if Tengen gets annoying with how affectionate you can be, he doesn't really mean it
Because every now and then, he just needs you there with him for a bit
It doesn't happen often but Tengen does have nights where he just can't sleep
You wouldn't know if its stress, repetitive thoughts or nightmares simply because he refuses to tell you
When he just lies there in the early hours of the morning, he'll carefully drag whoever is nearest towards him
This particular instance, you barely stirred awake as Tengen lifted your body to lie atop of his
Sensing your arousal from slumber, Tengen already hushes you back to sleep
"It's okay baby," he coos. "Just needed you a little closer. Get some rest"
If you happen to stay awake, he'll continue his attempts to get you to fall asleep again as he would honestly prefer for you to stay asleep when he's like this
Because when Tengen feels the worst of himself haunt his thoughts with all the memories and pain that he carries everywhere, nothing soothes him more than you pulling him closer whilst dreaming
This unconscious "I love you" of yours never fails to bring a sad smile and a few tears of love rolling down his cheeks
Pulls you even closer as he feels joy spread throughout his chest like fireworks
Yes, this is his favourite, and he will reward your efforts with forehead kisses and gently stroking your spine
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Either he has rabies or he just snarled at you
“Why the fuck are your arms like that? Are you looking for a fight?”
If you ask Sanemi for a hug, expect some backlash
See, all you wanted was some affection and somehow he's looking at you like you have two heads or something
"No you jerk, I just want a hug..."
Sanemi is pretty circumstantial with hugs, but he's not like Obanai where he's hiding how soft he really is
In reality, he would prefer that you got a hug from someone else
"Isn't it Mitsuri's day off? She should be in the garden at Shinobu's place"
Due to his workaholic nature, Sanemi doesn't think that he would be the best person for when you want affection
And its not because he hates affection nor does he find you annoying
Sanemi just think that because he's sweaty, covered in a bit of blood and is exhausted beyond belief, that maybe someone else's hug may bring more comfort than he could
But if there's no one else around...
"Mitsuri took a trip to a resort in the mountains, and you're already here"
With a roll of his eyes, Sanemi will acquiesce
"Get over here, you dork"
I will advise you however, that hug will not last more than three seconds
He will be firm in the hug, and maybe he'll give you a few pats on the back, but that's all you're getting
"There, now no more distractions. I've got some unfinished buisness..."
He will immediately turn away and go back to whatever he was doing
Honestly, he's trying to hide how (minorly) flustered he is by your sudden request for affection, but it's not surprising enough for him to let up a little on his unspoken self-consciousness
No, that would take at least a decade of attempts to make any progress
Just take his huffiness with a bit of grace; Sanemi just isn't the best person to go to when you want a hug
But if you come to him with tears dribbling down your cheeks, and a pained expression on your face
If you come to him with opened arms and a few sobs choked in your throat
If you push aside your dignity to allow Sanemi to see you at your worst, and a look in your eyes that shows that he's the only one who can alleviate the pain
"I've got you, I'm not going anywhere. I've got you"
He won't hesitate to immediately pull you in
There's something in the way you hold onto him that makes him believe that maybe, just maybe, he's not as bad as he thought
Hugs like these are his favourite, when he can push out his insecurities and hug you just for the sake of hugging you
Yeah, he's no good for hugging you when you want it
But he's perfect at it when you need it
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Shinobu Kocho
She’s kinda iffy with them, but she does have her own preferences
If you approach Shinobu and you ask for a hug, she’ll open her arms to you and motion you toward her
“Oh my, my dear do you need a hug? No need to worry Angel, I’m right here”
She’s definitely shorter than you so she’ll normally press her face into your chest while the two of you embrace
Shinobu likes listening to your heartbeat, and sometimes seizes the opportunity to check your health
Usually she does it because she finds it soothing
Other times, Shinobu just worries even if she knows she has no reason to
Believe it or not but she doesn’t like being held
Shinobu will never breathe a word of it, especially if you’re really affectionate
Would never ask you to stop, she just wouldn’t go out of her way to ask you to hold her
You would think after learning this that Shinobu just doesn’t like physical affection
While cooking some dinner for the two of you, your mind will start to wander about Shinobu
She spends so much time studying medicine that you hardly saw her all day today
You missed her dearly
But then you feel two arms snake around your waist, and someone pressing into your back
The smell of wisteria and rubbing alcohol wafting around you
Yes, it’s true that Shinobu doesn’t like being held
But she LOVES holding you close
In bed she’s the big spoon, she hangs onto you when you share showers, her arms will wrap around your neck when she checks up on you working at your desk
But right now?
You cooking and talking about your day, while she hums along?
Feeling you relax into her touch as she hops up on her toes to press her forehead into your neck?
Yes, this is Shinobu’s favourite
There is no place she would rather be
Shinobu is the type of person where she just loves existing in the same space as you, but with her chest pressed against your back
Overall, back hugs enthusiast
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Look me in my eyes and tell me that he isn’t the best hugger here
If you ask Kyojuro for a hug, he would be so honoured to give you one
“But of course my love! Please allow me to give you a proper embrace!”
He’s so soft and warm you could melt away
Depending on how you are when you asked, he will either ask you about your day or stay very quiet for you
Our sunshine boy can brighten even the stormiest days
Kyojuro’s very versatile with affection, so if he knows you have a preference he will heed to it at once
Head scratches, back rubs, shoulder pats, you name it
He’ll do it all for you
If it’s possible in the moment, he will give you a loving kiss on the forehead
With how affectionate Kyojuro is, you would think maybe he doesn’t have a favourite hug but that’s not true
“My love! I have finished my project, sit down with me so I may share it with you!”
You had just came back from the kitchen with two cups of tea, setting them on the coffee table
Kyojuro sat on the floor with his legs crossed, arms open and motioning you towards him
Initially you were confused with how close you stood near him, but Kyojuro still hurriedly motioned you towards him
He softly held onto your hips, turning you away from him, and pulled you down so you sat on the floor with him
You were basically sitting in Kyojuro’s lap
He had one arm around your waist, using the other hand to pull the box he was working on for the past couple weeks across the table towards the both of you
It was a time capsule of various items and mementos of time spent with you and his friends
Although the two of you were reminiscing on the memories made , Kyojuro’s focus lied in how comfortable you were to hold in his lap
He fantasizes of turning you around to face him so he could be all romantic and look into your eyes
But yes, Kyojuro’s favourite hugs are the ones where you are seated in his lap
If you want to hug him as well, Kyojuro will spin you around so you can cuddle all you’d like :)
Big or small, he can handle you no problem
Don’t ever worry about being too heavy ^^
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Giyu Tomioka
Also iffy but for different reasons
To be completely honest Giyu has no idea what he’s doing
And he doesn’t know if he should tell you
The last thing he would want is to come off as unapproachable (even if he’s aware that most of his peers don’t like him)
If you ask Giyu for a hug, he’ll just nod and open his arms slightly
When you close in on the hug though, his arms aren’t even touching you
They just stay there… hovering…
Good grief help this man
“Giyu, what are you doing…” “Hugging you?” He mumbled
There’s no way around it, you have to show him how it’s done
“Let me show you Giyu, put your arms like this-“
He’s still learning so please be patient with him
Even after you two practice a couple times, he’s still awkward about it
Very light grip on his end, he feels like if he were to actually put pressure in his hugging it might disturb you somehow
Like what if he's hugging too tight? What if you want to escape his hold earlier than you thought??? What if he's doing this wrong?????
After you two have hugged in a couple other ways, he starts developing preferences
For an example, he likes draping his arms on your shoulders in a way that they fall down your back
Giyu feels like he’s not bothering you too much this way, and it’s natural enough for him to not overthink it
His first natural instinct isn’t usually physical affection, and Giyu wouldn’t even be able to firmly place what his favourite hug would be due to his lack of experience
But one time you greeted him after he came back from a particularly rough mission
Idk he was just standing in the middle of his yard looking lost and worn out
You tried to talk to him but he was unresponsive, so you just pulled him in
His arms still rested at his sides but from the way that his chin rested on your shoulder, you couldn't have seen it but there was a twinkle in his eye
When you pulled away with a smile and bade him goodbye, you genuinely restored something in him
This is Giyu's favourite hug; ones where you just hold him close without an expectation that he has to reciprocate something
Next time you saw him seated at his desk and writing in his journal you noticed it
You almost missed it but it was most definitely there
A tiny smile was on his face as he printed his thoughts onto the paper
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Gyomei Himejima
You wouldn’t notice right away, but he’s actually awkward with hugs
This gentle giant is so huge and you’re so small in comparison he doesn’t know what to do
So if you ask Gyomei for a hug, you're gonna have to be more specific
"You want a hug? Of course. May you please elaborate on your preferences?"
Boundaries are very important to Gyomei
He would prefer if you could have a discussion before you need a hug where you list the things you are and are not okay with when it comes to touch
But if neither of you have had that discussion, just describe what you need from this specific case and that'll suffice for Gyomei
Once that's done, Gyomei will only then allow you to wrap your arms around him
The most common tendencies he tends to gravitate to is petting your head and rubbing your back gently
I will warn you that unless you specify that you don't like getting picked up, Gyomei may unintentionally lift you off the ground by a couple inches
Honestly, he forgot how huge he is and he thought you were taller
If you want to return some level of affection to Gyomei, I would suggest singing some praises for him or making generally happy noises :)
He particularly likes it if you coo a small "Dawwwwwww" or let out a pleased hum, it just pulls a wide grin out of him
When you two eventually pull away, he will without a doubt rustle your hair or pat your head
"Are you feeling better? I'm always here for you, remember that"
His biggest priority whilst showing you affection is ensuring that he leaves you in a better state than he found you
Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, Gyomei will always be ready to take care of you
Even if he's oddly stiff about it
You see, Gyomei is hyperaware of his size and it sometimes conflicts with his confidence in coming off as passive and kind
It's really hard to be perceived as non-threatening when you're 7'2 and one of the strongest Hashira
So he tries to establish boundaries with you not just to respect you and ensure he's not crossing any lines, but also to make him feel safe and comfortable in being affectionate with you
I will add however, Gyomei doesn't have any physical boundaries with you (except killing another living thing without full disclosure)
So imagine his surprise when you ask if you can try lifting him
"You can certainly try- ouf!"
He was interrupted with your efforts to pick him up
Regardless if you manage to get him an inch off the ground, your determination still has him flustered
Gyomei finds your strength and playfulness endearing, letting a soft chuckle at your smaller stature trying to lift his gigantic self
But he'll heartily tell you to put him down before you start to over exert yourself
Gyomei will hold onto you for a little longer in thanks though :)
Because Gyomei's favourite hugs are the ones that make him feel small and cared for, rather than large and nurturing
He appreciates how you remind him of that side of him
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Muichiro Tokito (Platonic)
Muichiro needs a good measure of caution if you're going to be affectionate with him
Initially most people would think that it's because you would have to try a couple times to get his attention with the amount of times that he spaces out
But honestly, if you hug him without warning he gets scared
If you ever did pull him into your arms whilst his mind was elsewhere, you can see Muichiro start to panic
He won't say anything about it, just standing very very still
But Muichiro is visibly uncomfortable
I mean think about it, imagine how startling it could be if you were just minding your own business and out of nowhere, someone's in your personal bubble
It makes Muichiro feel like he missed out on something important :/
His shoulders will be shaking as he looks around the person who's hugging him, trying to gauge what kind of situation he's in and what would be the appropriate reaction
Muichiro doesn't really like hugs in general so I wouldn't recommend hugging him in the first place
If anything, Muichiro feels bad because everyone just assumes that because he's a kid that he likes hugs and being coddled
So if you ask him for a hug, he'll politely turn you down
"A hug? Sorry, I'm not a hugger..."
He really doesn't mean it maliciously so please don't hold any hard feelings about it
It's only a personal boundary, he just hopes that you'll respect it
If you want to be affectionate with him, then I would suggest handshakes :)
But I will also raise that there may be a time where Muichiro may want to give you a hug
It's usually when someone accomplishes some kind of feat, and Muichiro just feels really proud of them
So his favourite hugs are the ones that he initiates (usually out of pride)
Muichiro will always do it with his arms wrapped around your waist and pressing his face into your middle
Hugging him back isn't his favourite, but now would be a great opportunity for head pats ^^
Muichiro loves those
Overall you just need to be patient and understanding with Muichiro, and just trust that he will come to you
And you know what, if you really need that hug then Muichiro will at least go out of his way to cheer you up
It just might not be the way that you would expect
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
Let me know if I should do this prompt for the Demons too!
Reminder to read the rules before submitting any asks or requests ^^
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welcometomyoasis · 5 months
How seventeen would hold your hand
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Synopsis: how seventeen would hold your hand, and what do the different styles mean?  svt x gn! Reader | fluff, comfort | approx. 1890 words | no warnings A/n: all photos are from google and gifs are from tenor. Styles and meanings described from here. Uhm, as for seungcheol’s picture. I actually could not find anything else except that so enjoy the jeongcheol!
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🍒 Seungcheol - over the shoulder walk
He swings his arm around your shoulder, and sometimes you might hold onto that hand. It’s considered the sweetest form of handholding. Physically, it’s extremely intimate. Seungcheol loves to do this (and it’s instinctive at this point) because he can draw you closer to him. He loves to be near you. He loves that in this hand holding position, he can whisper in your ear and feel you giggle when his breath tickles your ears and neck. Plus, it makes him feel like he’s being your protector especially when you are on dates in a crowded area. He can see what’s in front of you, and he will take the brunt of the force if someone pushes you both from behind. Basically, Seungcheol is both an alpha guard dog and just a big ol’ softie for you (or Jeonghan??).
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😇 Jeonghan - linked arms with his hand in his pocket 
This form of hand holding is shy, playful, and romantic all at once. All of which describes your relationship with him. We all know Jeonghan is a big tease. But he has such a huge soft spot for you, ie, your partner privilege, that he ends up being a giggling mess whenever he’s with you. He can’t help it, you’re the cutest, prettiest, most lovable creature on this earth, after him of course. He loves recreating these romantic scenes that usually can only be seen in dramas with you. If your hands are cold, he will playfully hold them and then blow on them to tease you. When you’re reduced to a blushing mess, he will then laugh and put your intertwined hands in his pocket. He pulls you flush against his arm and body. You both can then carry on walking while basking in each other’s warmth.
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🦌 Joshua - downward facing palm with your other hand holding his wrist 
So, downward facing palm is supposed to show who is more dominant. But I think it also shows how you would rely on Joshua for warmth, comfort, and support. He’s your lifeline and he grounds you. When you’re feeling unsettled, just holding his hand with both of yours makes you feel so much better because you can focus on the feeling of his skin against yours. Using two hands adds another level of physical intimacy for both of you. Joshua would gently give your hands a squeeze, and sometimes, he even uses his other hand to hold your hand that is resting on his wrist. Yes, it is hard to walk like that. No, both of you do not care. It’s sweet and intimate. Whoever thinks otherwise is just a hater. 
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🐱 Junhui - my lady
The my lady style of hand holding is when his hand is outstretched towards you with his palm facing up. It’s like a prince reaching for his princess. This style shows that you both have a bond that is full of love and respect for each other. It’s become part of your routine when you are going out. He stretches out his hand for you to take. Only then are you ready to leave. Not to mention, this style is incredibly romantic. That said, Junhui can be hyper and a little crazy sometimes. You obviously can match his energy. But this routine is so romantic and funny because he often asks “are you ready my lady?” in a funny accent that you just have to do it. 
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🐯 Soonyoung - fingers intertwined. He swings your hands back and forth
That obnoxious couple. The one that everyone hates but wants to be. Your fingers are completely intertwined tightly and you swing your hands around as you skip along the road. This style is obviously for people who want to flaunt their relationship. It might seem childish to others but when you are holding Soonyoung’s hand, there is an indescribable magical feeling. It’s like you’re being transported into a fairytale with your prince charming. You romanticise this simple act of holding hands just because you can. You aren’t defined by the need for a more tame version of hand holding, it’s your relationship. You can do what you want. And if that means that you both end up accidentally whacking a few people in their stomachs or face as you swing your hands around. Then so be it. 
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🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo - the finger grab
A little different from Dokyeom’s. With Wonwoo, there is the constant action of letting go and then reattaching yourselves to each other again. This style reflects that you are a more independent couple. You don’t mind if you aren’t connected all the time. You give each other space though you both would prefer to be physically connected in some way. Your relationship is like that. You respect each other’s space, and then reconnect when you feel like it. Especially when you are out, whether it is that you’re at a bookstore or getting groceries, you end up walking around by yourselves before latching onto each other again. For both of you, the emotional and mental connection would probably feel more intimate rather than the physical connection.
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🍚 Woozi - stroking hand while holding it
This style shows that there is a very deep emotional connection between the two of you. Woozi definitely is the type who would not be too keen on public displays of affection. Also, honestly I just don’t see Woozi going out alot… anyway…. Stroking each other’s hand can be done out of comfort. With Woozi though, I would see it as an unconscious, mindless act in which he expresses his love for you. The action is soothing. Not only is it comforting for you, but the feeling of his thumb brushing your skin helps him to relax as well. The constant physical touch feels so intimate without being too over the top. Woozi’s form of love towards you is more subdued. But it does not mean that he loves you any less. In fact, it’s through these little acts of intimacy which shows you just how much he loves you. 
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⚔️ Dokyeom - pinky link or one finger hand hold
While this style is not as physically intimate as the others, it is very romantic. It gives off a very playful and flirty vibe. One that characterises your relationship with Dokyeom very well. You’re both each other’s sunshines. You match each other’s energy and playfulness. Usually you do hold onto each other’s hands pretty tightly when the space you are in is crowded. Other than that, you both prefer to use this style. You tease each other by rejecting to hold each other’s hands, only to link pinkies or one finger because you just can’t keep away from one another. You end up in a fit of giggles and smiles afterwards. It makes you feel like little kids again on the playground, doing something fun just for laughs. 
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🐸 Minghao - casual brushing of hands
Minghao does like to hold your hand. But. Before he holds your hand, he likes to tease you a little first. And admittedly, you do the same to him. You both would usually brush the back of your hands against each other’s first. It’s like a little game. Who can fluster the other more. These brushes are soft, like a feather. It keeps the relationship exciting, and it reminds you of your love. There are usually butterflies in your stomachs. It never fails to amaze the two of you that even after so many years of dating, you both still blush like crazy at the slightest touch. Eventually, one of you will cave in and grab the other’s hand. Still, in the meantime, you just bask in the moment and enjoy this little game of yours.
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🐶 Mingyu - downward facing palm
So, downward facing palm tells a lot about who is more dominant in the relationship. Whoever’s hand is on top is the dominant one. That is going to be Mingyu most of the time. It’s not really that he’s domineering or aggressive. Rather, he’s just so excited to hold your hand and to be close to you. This easily excitable puppy will happily grab onto your hand first, and whisper a contented mine as he wraps his hands around yours. He loves to give your hand little squeezes and he does giggle A LOT when you squeeze back. It is also Mingyu, which means he is very easily distracted. He often drags you somewhere. Maybe it’s to see a pretty flower, or a shop display. Whatever it is, you always just sigh and laugh at the excitement on his face as you run to keep up with his wide strides. 
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🍊 Seungkwan - the relaxed lace
It’s kind of similar to Chan’s but with the relaxed lace, it isn’t as casual? This form of hand holding is supposed to represent trust and care for each other. It’s relaxed because you are still connected, but when one of you walks in front of the other and there is some distance created, you don’t mind. You’re both very happy with the other taking charge and leading the way. You will just stare lovingly at him if he’s pulling you forward, and vice versa. Actually, whoever is leading the way sometimes looks backwards so you are both maintaining eye contact. There’s so much love in your gazes towards each other that it’s like you are both in your own little bubble. People do have to make way for the two of you, but hey, who is going to stand in the way of an adorable couple? 
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🐻‍❄️ Vernon - passive hand hold
It’s more of an unconscious thing when you are both together. You’re comfortable with public displays of affection, but it isn’t something that you would consciously engage in all the time. In fact, you usually don’t start off holding hands with each other when you are out. You both are empathetic of each other and respect each other’s boundaries. Especially since you and Vernon end up wandering away from each other, you don’t feel the need to be constantly holding hands. But, you are drawn to each other and somehow, you end up holding hands at some point. You don’t even realise it until much later. This symbolises that you and Vernon have a tender relationship with a deep connection. There’s a part of both of you that yearns to be physically near to each other. 
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🦦 Chan - lose grip
This style is usually used by couples early on in their relationship. But I would think that Chan would continue to use this style with you. Both your grips won’t be too tight. The style is subtle, casual, relaxed, and definitely not as bold or in your face as some of the other styles are. Yet, it shows that there is a desire for physical connection, a need for physical intimacy. Your relationship would be like that. You’re both very comfortable with each other. There is no need for flaunting your relationship. Under the surface and when you are in private though, you have a very deep, emotional, mental, even spiritual connection with each other. In other words, your love with Chan runs deep. 
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar
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hazbinwhoree · 3 months
Adam x f!reader
after a one night stand with Adam, around a month or two later she reveals she’s pregnant with his kid..
his reaction and maybe his life when the baby arrives him failing at changing a diaper
him falling asleep on the couch watching tv with his baby on his chest with a tiny spot of drool on his shirt 🥹
Lute holding the child and then the baby pukes on her
Father Adam
Adam and (Name) had been friends for a long time. Just friends. Until one drunken night, they can’t pretend anymore, and they hookup. The one night stand shakes their friendship, and they don’t talk nearly as much over the next two months.
That’s why Adam is so surprised when he opens his door to find (Name) in tears.
“(Name), what’s wrong?” “Can I come in? You should maybe sit down for this.”
Adam has absolutely no idea what (Name) is about to throw at him, letting her in and sitting next to her on his couch. (Name) pulls something out of her pocket and hands it to Adam. Adam felt the world stop. It was a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.
He’s silent for a long minute before shakily asking, “You’re sure it’s mine?”
(Name) hits his arm. “Yes, I’m sure, you’re the only guy I’ve fucked in like a year.”
Adam is silent again, before snapping out of his daze and taking (Name)’s hands into his. “I… I love you.” The tension that had been between them since the one night stand was finally put into words.
Tears poured down her face as she threw her arms around Adam’s neck. Adam pulled her into his lap and (Name) buries her face in his neck. “I love you too.”
The nine months flew by, Adam and (Name) learning to live as a couple before they had to learn how to live as parents.
Luckily, years of friendship made it easy, and their relationship had very few bumps.
Adam was fast asleep when he was abruptly awoken by (Name) shaking him, telling him when he woke in a small, scared voice, “My water broke and I’m having contractions.”
19 hours later, their son was born. Adam, the egotistical bitch he is, insisted on naming their son Adam as well. (Name) allowed it, and they celebrated the arrival of Adam Jr.
They took him home a day later, and Adam basically went through the five stages of grief. He loves his kid and he’s proud to be a father of a child he actually wanted, but he realizes he has no idea how to be a dad, and is now worried he’s going to fuck up his son.
(Name) assures him he won’t fuck up their child and Adam finds himself believing her.
The first night, Adam sleeps straight through the baby crying. The second night, the same thing happened. The third night, (Name) shook him awake and grumbled “Your turn.”
Adam drowsily made his way to the nursery, and crying baby at three in the morning was now his least favorite thing. He sighed, picking his son up out of his crib and carrying him with him to the kitchen.
He bounced and shushed baby Adam while he prepared a bottle of milk. Thank god it was simple enough, all he had to do was heat it up. When he was done and bringing the bottle to his son’s lips, he immediately stopped crying and Adam sighed in relief.
Adam never woke up from the baby crying, he slept like a rock, but (Name) would wake him up and they took turns with the night feedings.
Once Adam half woke up to see (Name) breastfeeding their son in bed next to him. “Me next,” he murmured, before promptly passing back out.
The one thing Adam couldn’t seem to get a handle on was changing diapers. His son had peed on him twice. And something about baby poop smelled especially bad, and he gagged everytime he had to change a poop diaper.
He was such a baby about it that (Name) did most of the diaper changes.
Three months in, and (Name) had two favorite memories.
The first one was when she’d come home from the store to find Adam asleep on the couch, baby Adam asleep on his chest. Despite being knocked out, Adam still had a secure grip on the baby. They were both drooling. Like father like son.
The second was when Lute was holding baby Adam and finally getting comfortable holding a baby when he suddenly threw up on her shirt.
Adam thought it was hilarious. Lute did not.
Adam isn’t the world’s greatest dad by any means, but he’s trying his best.
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hitomisuzuya · 4 months
Would you be able to write about sugar daddy Scaramouche that just buying us anything we want, no smut just fluff. Thanks :)
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluffy fluff fluff❤️
I really enjoyed writing this. *I once bought a cute, stuffed purple Hippo from the Hallmark store.
The way Scaramouche saw it, he could spend his money on whatever he wanted. And what he wanted to spend it on was you. He enjoyed spending it on you.
You clung to him in a way that validated him. You were patient, kind, and loving. All things he not only wasn't used to, but didn't know they existed all that much until he met you.
There was something entirely adorable about the way you waffled about wanting to ask him for something. You would fidget with your fingers, look at him and look away shyly back at whatever it was you wanted.
In this case, it was a cute stuffed animal you saw in a shop that primarily made greeting cards*.
"What? What does my sweet girl want?" Scaramouche couldn't help but ask, stroking a hand down your hair. The shy blush that dusted your cheeks made you look twice as cute. He raised an eyebrow as you looked up at him.
"Well I.." You begin, looking at the stuffed animal the window again for a moment.
Scaramouche sighed, but not in an annoyed way. It felt like you were afraid he was gonna say no if you asked him for it. Didn't you know by now that whatever you wanted, you got? No matter what it is was.
You already had about four other bags with various things in them (which he insisted on carrying even though you told him you could carry them).
"Hm? What is it?" He ran his fingers through your hair. Scaramouche already knew what it was, he just wanted to say it.
"That stuffed dinosaur is just so cute. Especially the purple one," You smiled at the stuffed dinosaur with the long neck. It had quite possibly the derpest, googly-eyed expression he'd ever seen on a stuffed animal.
But it made you smile and you wanted it. So it was yours.
"They have them in two different colors. Do you want both?" Scaramouche asked, putting an arm around your waist as you walked with him in the store.
You shook your head, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. "No, just the purple one. But the blue is also really cute," You reached out a tapped your finger on the nose of the winged, blue stuffed dinosaur.
Needless to say, you walked out of the store with both of them.
"We have one more stop to make before we head home," Scaramouche said, watching you hug the blue stuffed dinosaur to your chest as he reached for your hand. He didn't want to make you let go of the dinosaur, so he opted for his arm around you, his hand tucked into your back pocket of your pants while you walked.
"I had a ring custom made for you. That ring you said you like the last time were there but you thought the diamonds were too big," He said to which you nodded and waited for him to continue, "I had them take the design of the ring and make one with smaller diamonds in it."
"Scara, oh my god, wasn't that expensive?" It was adorable the way you were fretting about the cost. The eyes of the jeweler had nearly popped out of his head when Scaramouche had paid in full instead of installments like most people would.
For you, it was always, without fail worth it.
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lucabyte · 22 days
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Finally: The NoHats AU doodles. Plus some sprite edits.
Usually I'd let things speak for themselves and keep my chattering in the tags, but I'll ramble about my context thoughts...
So. First of all here's a link (x) to the Nohats Origin Post for those coming in and going ????.
Anyway. These doodles are not in any obvious chronological order, though Loop going from pilfered bandolier (my headcanon for how Siffrin has all those pockets) -> custom outfit made by Isabeau, is supposed to generally denote 'just after the ending' -> 'a few months down the line'.
And speaking of, Design & Characterisation notes:
Overall: NoHats is suppooooosed to have the range to not just be ULTIMATE MISERY ALL THE TIME (but if you're a major whump/angst fan. go fucking nuts.) so these are supposed to be. The steps toward overcoming and living with grief but. The Misery Is Kind Of The Punchiest Part.... Oops....
Mirabelle: Taking the lead, continuing to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. In the game proper she's already shown to, while yes, be emotionally fragile at times, be prone to trying to hold the team together. I feel she'd do the same here. It also would help that she'd presumably be medicated again? But I can't imagine her chosen-one anxieities would be super ailed by the death of her friend. I wanted to try and give her more differences? She follows the change belief after all and is thus liable to switch up her style in general... But I didn't have a strong vision for this, so. The ball is in anyone's court. Her design changes here are keeping one of Sif's safety pins a la qpr bonding earring, and has the bell pendant at Loop's (oddly pushy) suggestion.
Isabeau: Taking it. Badly. Depression mullet and beard in tow. However, you best believe he is trying real badly to hide it. Loop very much does not reveal their identity to him because What The Fuck Would That Even Do. That's Scary. but they do try to comfort him while mentally regarding him "off limits". Backs themselves into some very unfortunate corners by alluding to their unfulfilled relationship with their Fighter as a point of common ground. I don't imagine this would go super great when recontextualised later after Loop is inevitably found out. Just in general oh good god what the fuck. this is like a radioactive pit of survivor's guilt.
Bonnie: Taking it probably The Worst. This is a child. Who was already feeling guilt. This is who everyone else is trying to keep it together for. Mirabelle and Isabeau would likely be putting up far less of a front without Bonnie around. They take the hat and take on Pocket Duty. They also have slightly more sif-y hairstyle but... Don't worry about it. They'd have Nille to fall back on once she's picked back up, and Loop almost certainly attempts to redouble efforts on making them feel better but seeing as how closed-off Bonnie can already be, it'd likely be difficult. However they would probably take Loop's identity reveal best...?
Odile: Odile's design.... ! Does not seem to have changed? How odd! Well. I'm sure she's dealing with things in a regular and non-cloistered manner. I already think that a regular Postcanon Activity for Odile could be her finding out about the potential for sif/loop to translate books and thus Knowledge in their native tongue assuming that ability sticks around postgame. Something something culture can never truly be wiped out etc etc. But putting it in this context. Makes it more desperate, more of a deflection for something else.
Loop: Helpful Loop. Well. They win! I feel like the entirety of ISAT being about Siffrin's mental state means I don't need to spill much ink here? You get it I think. I can't outdo the source material man. Anyway I imagine Loop is given clothes by Isabeau before they know who they are, but after they've become genuine friends. The outfit is in genuineness, on both sides from Loop and Isa, in having the cloak be a nod in respect to Siffrin, since Loop's "shared culture" would have to come up vis a vis cultural funerary traditions. Hard to avoid divulging that one...
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dmwrites · 5 months
One day, Joe Hills set out with a shovel in his hands. He slung it over one shoulder, whistling as he walked.
“Hey Joe, whatcha got there?” TangoTek asked, carrying blocks of ice.
“Oh, just a shovel.” Joe replied. “But it’s ice to see you, TangoTek.”
TangoTek laughed. Joe laughed. They both walked down the path in opposite directions.
It was a good day for a walk. The birds were singing and the sun was shining. But birds were not the only things singing! Joe walked over a hill to find BdoubleO singing loud and clear as he cut down a tree.
“Sir Joe! How wonderful to see you!” BdoubleO said, wiping away sweat on his face.
“Howdy, BdoubleO, why are you chopping down a tree?” Joe asked. He moved his shovel to his other shoulder so it would not hurt him.
“Why, I am using the wood to build a beautiful house!” BdoubleO said. He had big, twinkling eyes and an even bigger smile. “Why do you have a shovel, Joe?”
“I have a hole I need to dig.” Joe said. “And I must not be late for it. Goodbye!”
“Goodbye Joe!” BdoubleO said, waving.
The day was getting warm, and Joe Hills stopped by a river to get a drink of water. He saw his friend Cubfan at the river too!
“Howdy, Cubfan!” Joe called, waving.
“Hey Joe, whats up?” Cubfan asked. He was holding a raw cod fish and a fist full of glittery red redstone dust.
“I was just taking a break, I’ve been walking for a while today. What are you doing here, Cubfan?” Joe asked.
Cubfan looked all around at the grass and the trees, like he was looking for something in particular. Then he took out five diamonds and gave them to Joe!
“Nothing at all. Got it? If anyone asks, I was drinking from the river, same as you. Alright, man?”
Joe thought the diamonds were a very nice gift, and put them in his pocket. “Thanks, Cubfan! Indeed, I saw nothing!”
Cubfan smiled at Joe- he was always so fun to hang out with. Joe wondered why Cubfan looked like he was sweating.
“So what’s with the shovel, Joe?”
“I have an appointment. Very important stuff.” Joe said. “And I should probably get going before the sun sets! Goodbye, Cubfan! Enjoy your nothing!”
The day was beginning to turn into night. The sky was oranges and reds and pinks. Joe walked a little faster- he didn’t want to be late!
Then he came to a fork in the road, and Joe realized he didn’t know which way to go! He felt sad- was he not going to be able to get where he needed to be on time?
“Hi Joe!” Geminitay said, waving to him. She was walking down one of the paths towards him, carrying a basket full of bright flowers.
“Say, which way is the graveyard?” Joe asked. “I appear to be lost.”
“It’s that way, of course, right through the spooky forest!” Geminitay said, pointing down a dirt path. “But why do you want to go to the graveyard, Joe? It’s so scary there!”
“I have something urgent I must do.” Joe said, shifting the shovel over his shoulder.
Geminitay looked at the shovel, then and Joe, but didn’t ask any questions.
“Well, good luck. Watch out for big scary wolves!”
Joe hurried along the path in the spooky forest. The sun was about to fully set, and he was worried he wouldn’t be able to get to the graveyard in time.
All of a sudden, a huge creature ran into his path. Joe was not scared, though, because it was his friend Rendog!
“Joeth of the Hills, my dude, how the heck are you?” Rendog said.
“I am good, Rendog, but I am afraid I can not stop to chat! I have urgent business to attend to.” Joe said.
“Me as well, good sir, as I saw a rabbit just beyond those bushes and must give chase. Goodbye!” Rendog said, and dove back into the forest.
The moon was beginning to rise as Joe Hills stepped into the cemetery. He creeped along the gravestones, careful not to make a peep. He could hear skeletons rattling in the distance, but he was brave. He stopped at a gravestone with a torch above it, and began to dig. He dug straight down, until his shovel scraped against a coffin. He pried it open, using all his strength.
“Hi Joe!”
“Howdy, Cleo. Did you have a nice nap?”
It was Joe’s best friend, ZombieCleo! She had been sleeping in the grave! Cleo yawned and stretched, bones moving strangely under dead and rotting skin.
“It was wonderful, exactly what I needed! Thanks for digging me up! Let’s get out of here and go get some pumpkin spice lattes!”
“How spooky!” Joe said, and he and Cleo held hands as they went to get a yummy treat together.
This is my attempt at a “children’s story”-esque fic, and was supposed to be completed for Halloween. Better late then never lolll
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strniohoeee · 4 months
chris giving reader the princess treatment
My Baby
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is Chris’ baby, and he would do anything for her. Even if it means walking in the rain because he loves her🌱
Warnings⚠️: None but like this shit gave me butterflies and this isn’t even my man LORDDD😭😭 also it’s kinda short
Song for the imagine: So Into You- Tamia
I really like what you’ve done to me
I can’t really explain
I am so into you
I slid my socks on and grabbed my purse and phone, quickly spritzing myself with perfume as I shut the light and walked out my room.
Placing my phone and purse down my apartment door rattled with the knock of a fist. I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Smiling as I saw Chris
“Hi baby” he said leaning down and pecking my lips
“Come in” I said moving out the way for him to walk in
I walked ahead of him and let him shut my door, turning around to be surprised with a bouquet of flowers.
“Chrissss” I said with an open mouth and bright eyes
“For my princess” he said winking at me
“Thank you my love” I said taking the flowers to the kitchen and placing them in a vase with water
“You’re welcome baby” he said leaning on the island as he watched me place them on the counter
“I just have to put my shoes on and then we can go” I said
I grabbed my purse and phone and walked over to the shoe rack, Chris tracking behind
I couldn’t slip my foot into my platform uggs, so I placed my hand out to balance myself when suddenly Chris grabbed my hand and helped me balance myself
“Thank you” I said looking up at him as I placed my other boot on and he nodded while smiling
He opened the door for me and let me walk out, shutting the door behind me and allowing me to lock it.
“Before we go to the mall, do you want to hit up Starbucks?” He asked me as we walked down the stairs
“Yes my love” I said looking back at him
When we got to his car (ik he can’t drive but shhhh) he opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in before shutting the door
Hopping in he backed out and we made our way to my local Starbucks. Waiting in the drive thru line as we talked about what was new which wasn’t much because I saw him about everyday.
We ordered our drinks and he paid.
“Thank you but it should’ve been my treat” I said taking a sip of my coffee
“You pay? Don’t ever say no outlandish shit like that again” he said raising a brow at me
“Chris please” I said playfully smacking him
We opted for an outdoor outlet mall because it would be less crowded. Chris parked and came to my side opening the door and grabbing my hand to help me out
I was wearing leggings with no pockets and brought a small purse so I was struggling carrying my phone, coffee and bag.
Before crossing over to the street Chris’s grabbed my purse and held it for me
“I can hold it” I said laughing
“I got it, you’re struggling to hold everything” he said looking both ways so we could cross
“It was fine babe” I said walking across the street
Chris slowly came around me walking on the outside and keeping me close to the parked cars.
“And beat me looking this stylish holding your bag? I mean look at me I’m a babe” he said posing with the purse
“That is true, you do look cute” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Case settled” he said winking at me as we walked towards some stores
Chris and I were shopping for a bit, and anything I grabbed he took and got me. I appreciated it, but this boy was treating me too well.
“Christopherrrrr” I whined as he got on the line to check out
“Y/NNNNNN” he whined back looking at me
“Why are you buying me everything” I said huffing at him
“Because you’re my girl? And I want to spoil you” he said shrugging his shoulders
“But you always spoil me and plus I have those boots in black” I said pointing to the platform uggs I was currently wearing
“Okay and now you have them in blue duhh” he said smirking at me
It was a pointless argument because he would never tell me no. So I sucked it up and let him buy me my shoes.
We went to a few stores he liked and I was able to return the favor and get him some shoes and shirts that he liked.
The mall had a restaurant, so we decided to eat dinner and relax our feet.
“Thank you Chris for everything you do, I really appreciate it” I said taking a sip of my soda
“Of course baby I got you” he said nodding his head
“Want to spend the night?” I asked him
“Yes” he said almost instantly
“Good and then we can take a bubble bath and I’ll give you a back rub” I said smiling at him
“Ouuu you’re too good to me” he said caressing his heart
“And maybe even- but I was cut off my him
“Maybe even a dick rub?” He said laughing
“Christopher” I said bluntly giving him a glare
“I’m kiddingggg I’m just joking” he said laughing
“Yeah you better be or you can sleep on the couch” I said pointing my finger at him
Chris and I had finished our dinner and he decided to get a dessert. Our personal favorite. a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream.
“This is why I love you because you let me get dessert Nick and Matt never let me get one” he said frowning
“Aww my poor baby” I said pouting and rubbing his chin
The waiter came back with our dessert, but they only gave us one spoon. There was something so intimate about sharing a spoon. It seems corny, but the idea always gave me butterflies. To be so close and in love that sharing a spoon didn’t seem gross or weird.
Chris took the spoon and cut the brownie getting some ice cream with it and brought the spoon towards me. I opened my mouth and he put it in my mouth.
Being fed dessert by the love of my life was not on my bingo cards, but I’m glad it was happening.
We sat sharing the dessert, my eyes darting to him as he looked out the window licking the brownie off the spoon like it was nothing. It made my heart explode and my stomach flutter. I mean sharing a utensil is nothing compared to the things we’ve done, but it made me flustered….
Soon after we finished and when the check came he almost immediately snatched it from the table not letting me take a glance.
“I just wanted to look” I said
“Yeah right I know your trick your pretty eyes can’t fool me” he said looking at me over the checkbook
I playfully rolled my eyes and smirked.
After paying we grabbed our bags and walked outside and realized it was raining
“Oh shit” I said stepping back under the awning
“Give me the bags and I’ll go get the car” Chris said
“No it’s fine I’ll walk” I said looking at him
“Babe just give me the bags and I’ll be back” he said taking the bags from me
Chris quickly walked to the car across the street, smiling to myself at his actions.
About five minutes later he drove up to the restaurant putting his hazard lights on and getting out. Running over to me with a hoodie in his hand and placing it over my head as we ran to the car. He opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in without barely getting wet
However Chris was soaked when he got in the driver seat.
“Aww Chris you’re all wet I feel bad” I said as he put the heat on and drove off
“It’s okay baby I’ll change at your house” he said looking at me and smiling
When we got back to the house we placed our stuff down and headed to the bathroom. Taking a warm bubble bath together to warm ourselves up. Chris shampooed my hair for me and me rubbing his back as we indulged in the warm water.
I was soo in love with him and all he does for me<3
The End
I’m just rolling these bad boys outttt. I hope you enjoyed this one. The rest of my stories are all Matt LMAOAOA😭😭 love yall 🥹🖤🖤
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ihave-atummyache · 6 months
Stray Kids Imagine
summary: we all love a good set of thighs, let’s be honest here.
18+!! nsfw!! (smut/suggestive)
10k words (guess who got carried away again…. especially with felix’s)
Bang Chan:
"Hey, cutie. Can I buy you a drink?"
You can't stop the smile that forms on your face when you hear your boyfriend's voice. You turn and lock eyes with his pretty chocolate ones.
"Sorry, sir. I have a boyfriend," you smile before turning back to face the other way, letting your elbow rest in the bar.
"What a lucky guy. I would kill to be in his shoes," Chan walks around your body and places his hands on your knees, turning you so your back is to the bar.
"I think I'm the lucky one," your smile grows as you sit your drink down on the bar and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He leans down and presses a quick kiss to your nose before standing back up and looking over your shoulder. Chan orders himself a drink and another one of your drinks before making eye contact with you again.
"You look so pretty. I love this dress," He comments, his eyes darting down and stopping on your cleavage then continuing until he can focus on your exposed thighs. He lets out a low hum, barely audible over the music, and his hands begin to gently knead at your thighs, just above your knee.
"Mhm. You love the dress or do you love what the dress is showing?" You tease and a small smirk forms on his lips.
"Am I allowed to say both?" He asks but before you can respond, his hands creep up a little further and he takes a step forward. You instinctively let your legs open and he settles between them.
"Here you go sir. Open or closed tab?" you turn to face the bartender. Your boyfriend glances down at you quickly then looks back up at the bartender again.
"Close it. I don't think we'll be here long," Chan replies and you reach into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing it to him. A habit that you developed a while ago and still gives Chan butterflies to this day. Chan grabs his card from his wallet and hands it to the bartender before letting his hands find your thighs again, a little higher than they just were, now resting on the hem of your short dress.
"Mm. Don't go reaching into my pockets when I'm hard, princess," his words cause you to choke on your drink slightly, letting out a small cough and looking up at your boyfriend but he is completely focused on the bartender like he didn't just let such a vulgar sentence leave his lips.
You let your fingers find their way into his belt loops and pull him closer to you, making his hand creep under your dress and sit on your upper thighs. He was only a few inches away from where you needed him most and his eyes dart to yours again before he removes both hands from you and leans over to sign his tab and get his card.
He cages you against the bar while he signs, an arm on either side of you which exposes his bare neck and collarbones to you. You can't help yourself and lean forward, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin. You can't hear him chuckle but you can feel the low vibration in his chest. When he leans back, you can see the faint marks of your lipstick left on his smooth skin.
His hands return under your dress, even closer to your dripping core but still not quite touching you were you want.
"Finish you drink, my love. Looks like we need to leave since you don't know how to behave," he scolds you and you lean back, resting your elbows on the bar behind you. You drink in one hand and the other one playing with your straw.
"You started it, Chris," you tease. He lets out another chuckle and raises his eyebrows at you.
"Oh? And how did I do that? By touching your knees?" He prompts you and you open your mouth to say yes but realize how embarrassing it is when he put it like that. A blush quickly makes its way up your neck and your face. Had your boyfriend gripping your knees really got you this hot and bothered?
"Or was it when I was touching your pretty thighs?" You inquires and you chew on your lip. Honestly, it started with the knee touch and just got worse from there. It isn't your fault that your boyfriend is so irresistible!
"Well when you put it like that..." You trail off and let your eyes focus on the mark left on his collarbone. He leans towards you to force you to make eye contact with him. His hands creep even further and his thumb presses against your clothed clit. A sharp inhale on your lips at the contact.
"It's okay. I've been hard since I saw you in this dress before we left the house," he confesses and leans forward, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.
"So wet for me. All these people around us and your body is still begging me to fuck you," he speaks lowly into your ear, his deep voice sending chills all over your body. His thumb circles your clit slowly and he press a kiss to your jawline.
Your hips try to buck against him but the grip that his other hand has on your thigh prevents you from moving too much. He is making it so that others don't know what you're doing but he also wants to remain in control.
"Channie," you mewl out and he groans at the nickname. His hand that isn't playing with your pussy leaves your thigh and tilts your drink up to your lips.
"Drink up. I think I know a better way to spend the rest of our night," he smirks and butterflies of anticipation erupt in your stomach.
Lee Know:
His thighs are so pretty. When he sits in those shorts on the couch next you and the fabric creeps up his legs, you have to control your breathing. The whole look on its own was enough to get you going. The backwards hat, the glasses, the tank top, and those damn shorts.
"You're pretty," you mumble out, a little blush creeping up your neck. Minho turns to face you and flashes you a smirk before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours quickly.
"You're prettier," he replies and sits back against the couch again, his legs opening a bit more which makes the shorts inch up ever so slightly again and you have to tear your eyes away from the flesh before you lose your self control.
"Come here. Why are you so far away?" Your boyfriend puts his arm across the back of the couch, inviting you into his side. You immediately scoot over, resting your arm on his leg. The tips of your fingers just barely touching the exposed skin. You let out a sigh, pressing your legs together, and dropping your head to his shoulder.
"You can touch them," he breaks the silence and you turn your head to look at him, a bit confused.
"My thighs. I see you looking. You don't have to ask. This body belongs to you more than it belongs to me," he confesses and you bite down on your lip before letting your hand move to rest on his exposed inner thigh. He lets out a shaky sigh at the contact.
"You really are so pretty," you admit again letting your hand slide up and down his thigh. You can't ignore the tent growing in his pants and stand, dropping in between his thighs on the couch in front of him instead.
You sit back on your knees and let your hands slide up higher on his thighs, making their way inside of his shorts and you squeeze the muscles gently, making a deep noise leave Minho's throat.
"Stop with the teasing," his voice is dripping with authority but you can't help but notice the slight shake in it, making you smirk. He's pretending he's the one in charge, but you both know he's putty in your hands right now.
"I'm not teasing," you lean forward and press a kiss on his inner thigh, just above his knee, "I'm admiring," you make eye contact with him before letting your tongue lick a stripe up his inner thigh. His head falls back and you use the opportunity to finally gently palm him through his pants, making a sharp hiss leave his mouth while he subconsciously bucks up into your hand slightly.
You wrap your hand around the waist band of his shorts and he lifts his hips, allowing you to pull his shorts and underwear off in one smooth motion and exposing the entirety of his thighs to you, and his rock hard cock.
You pull back again to take in the sight in front of you. It was like something out of a fairytale. A flush Minho looking down at you while his hands grip tightly onto the cushion on either side of him. You rest your hands on his thighs again and rub them up the newly exposed skin.
Goosebumps spring up across his legs and and his thighs tense, making them look even better.
"Fuck. You're so pretty," you breathe out once more and Minho's patience is wearing quite thin at this point. His hand finds its way into your hair and he threads it into your locks, pulling you closer to his exposed cock.
"Can you blow me now, my sweet girl?" He asks and you let your tongue creep out, gently licking his throbbing head. His grip in your hair tightens, as does the grip on his thighs before you're swallowing him into your mouth.
"Fuck. That's right, baby. Just like that, y/n," the way your name rolls from his lips is like music to your ears and you swallow him into your throat more before pulling off of him with a pop and biting gently into his exposed thigh next to your hand.
He lets out what can only be described as a yelp and his eyes snap open to look down at you. You make eye contact, your eyes big and sweet and innocent like you didn't just surely leave a mark on him.
"That's it," his grip in your hair tightens and he stands, bringing you to your feet as well. He leans down into you and you think for a second he's going to kiss you but he instead kisses your jawline a few times before sitting back down, grabbing your shorts on the way down and exposing your bottom half.
He grabs the back of your thighs and pulls you forward, making you stumble until you're straddling one of his thighs.
"I hope you can make yourself cum," he grips your hips and pushes you down until your wet cunt is against his bare thigh. The friction alone is enough to make you let out a deep moan. He starts to guide your hips back and forth against his thigh, making pleasure shoot throughout your body before he moves his hands and folds them behind his head.
Your eyes snap open and you're met with the most smug look you have ever seen on his face.
"I said I hope you can make yourself cum. I know I can make you cum," he looks down at the trail of slick that you have left on his thigh then looks back up at you.
"Be a good girl and get yourself off on my leg," he commands.
You hear your boyfriend before you see him. The front door swings open and shut and then a long groan. Then silence. Which is quite unusual for your typically loud boyfriend. He usually announces his presence as soon as he crosses the threshold.
"Bin?" You call out, standing from the couch. You only receive another groan from him as you round the corner. He is leaning against the door, his shoes still on and all his bags in his hands. His eyes open when he notices your footsteps approaching him.
"I've never been this sore in my life. My legs feel like they might actually fall off," he gives you an explanation before you can even ask him what's wrong.
"Aww. Poor baby. I'll run you a bath. How does that sound?" You ask and walk over to him, letting your arms wrap around his neck.
"It sounds like it would make you my favorite person in the world," he replies, a small smile creeping onto his face.
"I thought I already was your favorite person in the world," you tease and lean forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. His hands wrap around your waist, not letting you walk away.
"Favorite person in the universe,"
"You have an alien that you like more than me? Is there something I should know about?" You joke again and a chuckle leaves his mouth. You tap his dimple gently with your index finger before pulling away and forcing his arms off of you.
"Okay. Take your clothes off and I'll go turn the bath on," You assure him and start to walk away.
"I love when you talk dirty to me," he jokes and you shake your head, letting a laugh leave your mouth as you reach the bathroom. You turn the water in the tub on and grab some epsom salt along with some lavender to add into the bath. You light a lavender candle to help him relax further and by the time it is all set up, your boyfriend has trudged his half naked body into the bathroom.
"I don't think you can bathe in those," you motion to his boxers hugging his thighs and he lets out a sigh, his lips falling into a pout.
"It hurts to bend over. Help me?" He asks, tone innocent and very sweet but you gulp nonetheless. Just seeing your boyfriend in a tank top sends your mind reeling. Seeing him naked and you’re the one getting him naked? Short circuiting.
"Of course, my love," your voice isn't much higher than a whisper and you take a step closer to him, hooking your fingers into the band of his boxers and guiding them down his legs. He steps out of them and you grip onto his thighs to pull yourself back up to standing.
You feel how tight his muscles are and he lets out a hiss at the pressure. His muscles are super tight and you can tell he isn't exaggerating about being sore. Between practice and him still making time for the gym, his body is wearing down.
"Binnie, you have got to let your body rest. You'll hurt yourself," you stand and make eye contact with him but he shyly looks away at your scolding. He can't even defend himself because he knows that you're right.
"Get in," You command and he quickly obeys. He steps into the bath and slowly sinks in. As soon as he settles into the tub, a long sigh leaves his lips.
"Temperature okay?" You question, leaning down and putting your hand in the water to test the temperature again.
"It's perfect. You're perfect. I love you," Changbin rambles out, obviously very appreciative of you. You smile and lean down, pressing a kiss into the top of his head.
"Mhm. I love you more. What do you want for dinner?" you start to inch towards the door and Changbin's eyes snap open.
"You aren't going to join me?" He asks and that pout is right back on his lips. He really knows how to get his way.
"I want you to be able to stretch out. I don't want to impede on your bath time," you smile and he immediately shakes his head at you.
"I think I would feel better much faster if you got in with me," he nods, as if he's agreeing with himself and you shake your head, letting out a chuckle.
"If you insist," you throw your arms up in defeat and walk towards the tub, pulling your top off.
"I do," he replies and watches as you undress. You step into the bath and settle between your boyfriend's legs with your back against his chest. It is a decent sized circle tub and you have enough room to sit comfortably.
Changbin's legs are bent on either side of you and you can't help resting your hands on his tense thighs. You start to gently rub up and down, just your fingertips running up and down the muscles. When you notice his muscles beginning to relax under your touch, you slowly apply more and more pressure until you are fully massaging his thighs.
You bite down on your lip at the sounds leaving your boyfriend's mouth. He is letting out deep groans at the magic of your fingers and you can feel his breath on the back of your neck which isn't helping with your oncoming arousal.
You realize it isn't just you feeling hot and bothered when he adjusts behind you and you very clearly feel his hard on pressing into your back.
"Are you hard?" you break the silence and he chuckles, letting his hand drop into the water and wrap around your stomach.
"Are you wet?" he rebuttals.
"We both are. We're in the bathtub," you knew what he meant and the answer is yes but you don't want to give him that satisfaction. He chuckles again, his breath moving the hair at the base of your neck.
"You know what I mean. And I can't help it. The way you're rubbing on me and having your bare skin pressed up against me..." he trails off, his hands rubbing across your stomach and ribs, gently grazing your chest.
"You're so obsessed with me," you tease and let one of your hands trail down his thigh. You move your body to lean to one side and grip onto his hard cock under the water. He lets out a breath of relief at the contact.
"I am. Who wouldn't be?" his voice is shaky and you start to stroke him slowly under the water. His hips try to buck up into your hand but the way you're leaning on him is almost pinning him down.
"Faster, baby," he commands and you shake your head, keeping the same steady pace.
"I'm just trying to help you relax, baby. Let me take my time," you insist. His hand finally leaves your stomach and he brings it to your chin, turning your head to face him and pushed his lips against yours.
The kiss is sloppy and needy. The angle is a bit awkward but it just adds to your arousal, knowing how bad he wants your lips. He groans into your mouth when you start to speed up, finally granting his wish. When his breathing starts to pick up and you feel him twitch in your hand, you stop.
"Why did you stop? I was so close," he complains, his lips brushing yours as he speaks.
"I don't want you making a mess in the bath water," you smirk and he groans, obviously annoyed with your antics. His hands grip on to your thighs and he hoists you up with ease, closing his legs and holding you only inches above his hard cock.
"Let me make a mess inside you instead," his voice rumbles into your ear and you let out a long moan as he slowly lowers you onto his cock.
“Hi, my pretty,” you look up from your phone as your boyfriend towel dries his hair in the doorway. His pajama pants are low on his hips and he still has drips on his chest from his shower. You notice as they trail down his neck to his chest then his toned stomach before they disappear at the band of his pants.
“Hi,” you speak out quietly and put your phone down. You reach your hands out towards him and he walks over to you, dropping the towel on the floor on his way. He kneels on the bed in front of you and you open your legs so he can wedge bis body between them.
You arch your back while he wraps his arms around you and settles into your neck. One of your hands wraps around his shoulder and the other threads through his damp hair.
“Don’t fall asleep while your hair is still damp, love,” you speak quietly and he nods into your neck, pressing a kiss to your collarbone.
“How was practice?” You whisper out. You had gotten home before Hyunjin and taken a shower. You were on the couch when Hyunjin got home. He came and gave you a quick peck and a greeting before beelining to the shower. He often makes it a priority to shower after a hard practice before he greets you properly.
“Long. But good. How was work?” He mumbles into your neck, his breath making goosebumps rise on your skin. You shrug and he sits up, resting his elbows on either side of your stomach to look at you properly.
“Nothing new,” you add on and he nods before leaning down and resting his chin on your stomach. You reach down and brush a strand of hair away from his face. His eyes close and he leans into your touch.
“How do you look so good all the time?” you speak out and a shy smile covers his face as his eyes open again. He sits all the way up on his knees and looks down at you.
“That’s what I always ask myself about you,” he comments and you smile back at him, a blush making its way to your face. His hands rest on your knees and he slowly slides them down your shins and feet before sliding them back up to your knees then down your thighs.
He stops along the way, thumbing at the faint red, purple, and yellow marks on each thigh. You let out a noise of discomfort at the pressure on some of them. Some are a bit sore and others are completely unnoticeable.
“My artwork is fading,” he breaths out and leans down, pressing a kiss to your knee. You nod in agreement but dont let any words leave your mouth. Your boyfriend sits up and slides himself closer to you so your thighs are on either side of his hips and his growing hard on is pressed against your core, making you let out a moan at the pressure.
“So pretty under me like this, my angel. You know that don’t you?” he asks and you bite down on your lip. His hand makes its way to your jawline and his thumb gently removes your lip from between your teeth before he’s leaning down and putting his lips against your own.
You part your lips to accept his tongue into your mouth and he pushes it in immediately. Your arms make their way around his neck and you pull him closer, deepening the kiss. His body collapses on top of yours and he grinds his hips lazily into you.
You swallow each other’s moans and you bite down gently on his lip when he starts to pull away. He licks over his own lip once you let go and dips back down to your jaw, placing a wet kiss there.
His slowly trails his kisses over to your exposed shoulder. The oversized shirt you had on exposed one of your shoulders and he uses this to his advantage to tease you. He kisses down the top of your shoulder then kisses back up to your clavicle. His hands find the hem of your shirt and he pushed it up to your chin, exposing your chest to him.
He dips down quickly and take one of your nipples into his mouth. You arch into his lips and tangle your fingers into his hair, tugging gently. He groans against your chest which mixes nicely with your own moans that are echoing through the room.
He trails his kisses down your stomach,and stops at the band of your panties. He grabs the band with his teeth and releases, letting the elastic snap back into your skin and causing you to jump.
“Jinnie…” you warn and he lets out a deep chuckle, glancing up at you again.
“May I?” He asks, grabbing either side of the hips on your panties. You nod and he places a kiss on the inside of your right thigh and gently nips the inside of your left thigh, making a moan croak out of your throat.
He drags your panties down your thighs and notices how wet you are. He wiggles the panties down the rest of your thighs and when the crotch touches your skin, it leave a wet mark. He pushes them off of one leg and lets them settle around your ankle, allowing you to kick them off yourself.
Hyunjin can’t help himself and bends down, licking the wet patch and moaning at the taste of you. He licks your wetness off your thigh before sucking harshly in the same spot and pulling back. He only sucks for a few seconds but the deep purple mark started to come up immediately. He runs his thumb over his work, a smirk on his face.
“So pretty,” he mumbles, more to himself than you. He settles down onto his stomach and grabs the back of both of your thighs, pushing them to either side of your chest and immediately dips his tongue down, collecting your wetness from your hole. He lets another moan out and the vibration sends chills over your body.
He sits up slightly and bites down on the flesh where your thigh meets your ass, leaving teeth marks and then soothing the skin with his tongue.
Hyunjin loves to leave marks on you. Evidence that you are his, but he also doesn’t want to be obvious. He opts to mark you in places that nobody has access to except the two of you.
“I love seeing your marks on me,” you speak up, snapping him out of his thoughts and making him realize that he had mindlessly been leaving hickeys and bites all over the back of your thighs.
“Mhm. Me too. You’re mine.” he states and dips back down to suck on your clit. His grip on the back of your thighs tightens when you try to close your legs, keeping them pushed to your chest so he can have full access to you.
“Make me cum, baby. Please,” you find yourself begging him. You place your hands on top of his on your thighs and he obeys, licking you exactly how he knows will send you over the edge until you’re cumming so hard you see stars.
Hyunjin lowers your legs and sits your feet on the bed but they feel like jelly and your legs fall open, which just gives him better access to your inner thighs. He immediately starts sucking on the flesh as you continue to try to calm your breathing.
By the time you’re back on earth, he has sucked three or four hickeys into either one of your inner thighs. You know your legs are going to be covered in bruises in the morning but you really couldn’t care less.
“Are you going to fuck me or what?” you taunt, your voice hoarse from moaning and then going silent for the past few minutes. Hyunjin glances up at you, his tongue gliding over one of the bruises.
“Welcome back. Of course I’ll fuck you. Anything you want, princess,” he assures you, a smirk making its way to his face.
“I have had the most stressful day,” Jisung mumbles from the other side of the phone. You can’t help letting out a soft chuckle.
“Well, hello to you too,” you tease and he lets out a half hearted chuckle before you continue, “Want to come over?” you offer, hoping maybe you can bribe him into relaxation.
“I would love to but I need to finish this track first. I think the best remedy for this day would be having your thighs on either side of my head,” Jisung sighs and you nearly choke on air.
“Han Jisung!” you scold, your entire body heating up at his words. He does this often. Jisung has a way with words and uses it to his advantage to fluster you or just turn you on. It always works and he knows it always does.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m just being honest. But I’m about to step into the studio. I’ll probably leave here around 9 and I’ll come straight to your house afterwards, okay?” he asks and you hear a door open in the background. You glance over at the clock and note that it is only 5:58, meaning there was probably three and a half hours between now and you finally seeing your boyfriend. You let out a sigh.
“I guess so. I wish you could come sooner though,” you whine out and he laughs again. You hear him sit down and can hear the familiar squeak of his favorite chair in the producing studio. He tends to rock back and forth in the chair and the sound of the squeak in engraved in your brain.
“I know. Me too. I love you, baby,” you can hear his smile on the other side.
“I know,” you tease and he lets out a exaggerated gasp.
“Kidding! I love you most, Sungie,” you make a kissing sound over the phone and he does the same before he hangs up to dive into his work. You get on your phone and start scrolling through social media for a while.
You eventually get bored and put your phone down, standing to walk to the fridge. You pull out a water bottle and lean against the counter, chugging a good bit and staring off into space. You catch yourself tapping your fingers against the bottle then look over your shoulder at the oven clock.
You let out a groan and push yourself off the counter. You pace for a little bit before an idea pops into your mind. The likelihood of your boyfriend having had a good meal for dinner is slim to none. You grab your phone and open the internet app and looking up you two’s favorite restaurant. You click the number and place your and Jisung’s order before grabbing your wallet and keys and heading to the restaurant and then to the company.
“I’m here for Hannie,” you smile at the familiar receptionist and she greets you with a warm smile. She hands you your pass and buzzes you in.
“He’s in his office,” she jokes and you laugh. The studio really is his office with the way he spends time there.
“Thank you!” You smile again at her before stepping into the elevator and making your way to Jisung’s ‘office’. You tap gently on the door a few times before letting yourself in. Jisung doesn’t turn to face you, likely assuming its one of the boys. You place the food down on the table and walk over to him at the desk.
You throw your arm around his shoulder and lean down, pulling the headphone from his ear.
“Hi, baby,” you mumble and his head immediately turns to face you, very surprised to see you in the flesh when he was not expecting you.
“Y/n? What are you doing here,” he smiles and turns the chair so you’re standing between his legs. His hands grip the back of your thighs and rub up your ass, squeezing gently.
“I brought you dinner and I missed you,” you smile, pushing his hair back from his face. He smiles up at you and you lean down, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“You’re perfect,” he grins up at you before pressing a kiss to your lower stomach and then to either of your hips.
“Mm. I love these leggings on you,” his voice is deep and quiet while his hands run back down the back of your thighs. He slides his hands around your thighs and lets them run up the front of your thighs, stopping at your hips.
His thumbs rub over your groin gently and you feel your heart begin to race at the simple gesture.
“What did you bring to eat?” he questions and you swallow, trying to keep the dryness from your mouth.
“Same old,” you whisper out and he hums in response again, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your pubic bone.
“Can I have dessert first?” he asks and your eyebrows drop into a furrow at his question.
“I didn’t bring any dessert?” You question, confused. Jisung leans forward again and places a strategic kiss right on your clit, making your body jump at the contact.
“You always have dessert on you, baby,” he smirks up at you before hooking his thumbs into your leggings and pulling them down your thighs. He drops to his knees as he gets to your ankles and has you step out of your leggings. When he sits up on his knees again, he’s face to face with your bare cunt.
“Lemme get these pretty thighs around my head. That’s what I promised, isn’t it?” he questions and demands at the same time. He turns you and guides you to sit in the chair, a squeak echoing through the studio.
He pries your thighs apart and literally licks his lips at the sight in front of him. Your hand instinctively makes its way into his hair and he wastes no more time, licking a stripe up your wet pussy. Your legs clamp shut around his head and he groans against your core, pulling your legs to rest on either of his shoulders and wrapping his arms around your thighs, kneading the flesh softly before he dive back in.
“Fuck, Jisung,” you whimper out and he moans against you as you approach your high. He continues to suck at the same pace as you go tumbling over the edge, eyes rolling back into your head. He licks you through it until you’re twitching from the overstimulation. When he pulls back, his chin is glistening with spit and your own arousal.
“Mm. I think you ruined my favorite chair,” he complains as you try to catch your breath again.
“Not my fault,” you breathe out and finally look down at Jisung. He places a kiss to your thigh and they tighten around his head again, making him groan.
“I’m still stressed. I think I need to do that a few more times and I’ll be fine,” he nods at you and you blink at him a few times.
“The food will get cold…” you trail off but the promise of another orgasm has you biting down on your lip.
“I got all I could ever want to eat right here,” he mumbles and leans down to begin eating you out again.
"Are you sure its okay if I come?" You ask Felix on video call for the millionth time. You hear him let out a laugh from where he's set up on your desk while you dig through your drawer.
"Yes, y/n. Chris said, and I quote, 'see if y/n wants to come. I would love to see her in a bathing suit' end quote," he laughs again when you groan and throw your head into your hands.
You have to admit that Chris is quite attractive but he'll never do it for you like Felix does. But, Felix is your best friend. You can't have feelings for your best friend.
"They'll all be happy to see you. Especially in a bikini. It's just a pool. It'll be fun. I think Innie is bringing a few of his friends too," he explains and you nod, although he can barely see you.
"Ahh. Found you," you mumble to yourself and pull out your favorite red bikini. It's nothing special but it is one of those tops with the v-underwire so it makes the girls look good.
"Is this okay?" you hold the bathing suit up and you don't notice the way Felix gulps. Gulps because he's imaging how you look, gulps because he's wondering how he's going to be okay with knowing all the boys are looking at you, gulps because he's already getting hard and hasn't even seen you in it yet.
"Perfect. I love when you wear red," he compliments you and you smile, a small unnoticeable warmth to your cheeks.
"Thanks, Lixie. I'll be over in like 20 minutes. Okay?" you ask as you walk over to the phone and pick it up. He nods in response and you blow him a kiss, the same routine as always, before hanging up and getting changed.
Once you get to the house that they are staying in, there is a good amount of people already there. Seems like everyone brought a plus one or two so Felix really was right about you being okay to come.
"Lix!" You call out to him when you step out of the house and into the backyard. His head turn's immediately from where he is sitting on the edge of the pool and your breath catches in your throat at the sight in front of you. You have seen Felix shirtless a thousand times but this is the first time you've seen him shirtless since they got back from tour.
To say he looks good would be an understatement.
You tear your eyes away from his chest and torso once you notice how close he's coming to you and don't want to get caught.
"Finally! Come get in the water with me. Nobody else will!" he grabs your wrist and drags you over to the chair that his shirt is laying on.
"Okay, okay. Let me get myself together," you giggle out and he sits down in the chair waiting for you. You sit your bag down in his lap and take your T-shirt off followed my your jean shorts and place them into the bag in his lap then kick your shoes off.
Now it's Felix's turn to gawk. He has never seen you so... bare before. Never in a bathing suit and never in anything that accentuated you so perfectly.
"You'll catch a fly," you tease and push his jaw closed with one finger. You're teasing him but your heart is racing.
"Come on," he commands and stands, moving his t shirt from the chair into your bag and instead of pulling your wrist to guide you back to the pool, he places a hand on the small of your back. It's a simple gesture but it still send electricity all over your entire body.
The water seems quite cold with all the extra heat radiating through your body at Felix's presence. The two of you getting into the water seemed to encourage a good amount of other people to also get in. You quickly get dragged away by Jeongin and he introduces you to some of his friends.
“Who is this?” Felix’s voice reaches you and you turn away from the conversation with Jeongin’s friend as he approaches you two. You’re sat on the bench thats in the pool and the guy is standing in front of you. Honestly, he’s pretty cool and quite obviously flirting with you so you may have been giggling a bit harder than usual.
“Oh this is Innie’s friend!” You smile out to Felix and he slides onto the bench next to you, making you scoot over to make room for him. They introduce themselves and shake hands before Felix drops his hand under the water and places it just above your knee.
Felix has his hand on your thigh.
You feel your body stiffen up and it feels like there is cotton in your ears as your brain and heart both begin to race. You feel a light tap on your thigh under the water and snap out of your trance to turn and face Felix.
“You okay?” He has concern laced in his voice and you nod quickly, trying to catch your breath.
“Y-yeah. I think I want to go lay out for a little bit,” you reassure him and start to move towards the stairs.
“Mind if I join you?” Felix speaks up before I.N’s friend can and you turn with a smile on your face.
“Of course not. Come on,” you hold out your hand and Felix takes it quickly as you walk out of the water. He doesn’t let go of your hand until you reach the chair with your bag on it. He drags another chair over and sits it next to the chair you’re beginning to settle on.
“This weather is so nice,” you comment and let your eyes fall closed, pulling your knees up. You feel a hand settle on your knee and don’t have to open your eyes to recognize it to be your best friend.
Felix is always touchy. We all know this. For some reason, he seems to be being extra touchy, even for Felix. He probably doesn’t even realize how much of an effect it is having on your mind and body.
Felix shifts up in the chair and his hand slides down slightly, the only thing stopping him from making contact with your wet, from the pool and other things, bathing suit is where your thighs are touching.
“I’m glad you could come,” Felix’s voice is soft and you nod in agreement, muttering out a quiet ‘me too’ and letting your body relax. The relaxation results in your legs falling open a little further and Felix’s hand slides down even more making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Do you want to go get something to drink?” Felix suddenly asks and you nod again, unsure if he is even looking because your eyes are still screwed shut. You feel his hand lift from your thigh and you pry your eyes open to be met with his still damp face and damp hair. You could devour him whole right now.
You both stand and you start to lead the way when Felix throws an arm over your shoulder, preventing you from walking ahead of him. Once you reach the sliding door, he pulls it open and steps inside, waiting for you to step in behind him before he shuts it again.
You start to head towards the fridge but a tight grip on your wrist has you turning and pushed against a counter. Felix’s face is only inches from away, his breath mixing with yours.
“Lix, what-”
“I’m done pretending. I’m going to kiss you now. Okay?” his words shock you and his eyes drag away from your lips to search your eyes. Your hand finds the back of his head and you pull his lips to your firmly.
The kiss is perfect. It might be a little uncoordinated but you have never felt something so perfect against your lips in your life. He steps towards you, pressing your further into the counter and his very obvious hard on presses into your hip. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
“I’ve waited so long for this,” he speaks up and you can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face. Your hand trails from the back of his head to his neck and down his chest. You slow down and drag your nails across his toned stomach, making him let out a groan.
“Why stop here?” you instigate and your hands trail further down stopping over his hard on and palming him, another low groan leaving his throat.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters, smashing his lips into yours again.
"Seungmin," You warn again for the thousandth time just tonight. You had come to one of your acquaintance's dinner parties, a friend of a friend. Seungmin had a particular dislike for said acquaintance. He claims he is always making "googly eyes" at you even when you obviously have a boyfriend.
Seungmin isn't a jealous person per say, he was more of a possessive person. He just doesn't like people blatantly disrespecting or disregarding things that he perceives as his, you included.
"I didn't even do anything," he tries to defend himself but you make eye contact with him, raising your eyebrows. He lets out a sigh and you roll your eyes.
"I just don't like him," he confesses and you gasp, a hand clutched to your chest.
"No! Really? I would have never noticed!" You reply sarcastically and now its his turn to roll his eyes. Before you can say anything else, the acquaintance approaches the two of you that are sat on the loveseat.
"Mind if I sit?" he asks and points to the barely there spot on the side of you.
"Yeah I do mind actu-"
"Of course not! Sit," you insist and scoot closer to your boyfriend to allow him to sit on the other side of you. He settles next to you and Seungmin immediately lays his hand across your lap, pulling your legs closer to him and away from the man sitting next to you. He lets his fingers start to fidget with the fray on the edge of the holes in your jeans. He is making it very clear he is here and doesn't want anyone to forget it.
His eyes dart down to Seungmin's hand and you don't have to turn around to know that he has the smuggest grin on his face. You feel his hand move and makes its way into the hole of your jeans, resting his hand against your bare thigh.
"Excuse him. He's in a... mood," you nudge your boyfriend gently and hear him scoff behind you.
"Happy birthday, though! How's another year older than me feel?" You tease. He is now three years older than you and you make jokes about being so much younger than him every time you see each other.
"Oh hush. But thank you! I'm so glad you could come!" you feel Seungmin's grip tighten a bit at his words but ignore it.
"Of course! I'm glad we could come," you try to reassure your boyfriend and place your hand on his thigh as well, letting it wrap around his inner thigh. You can feel him physically melt into your hold and you know that he is softening up a bit.
"Yeah. I didn't know he was coming though. What was it again? Simon?" as soon as the sentence leaves his mouth, you don't even have time to process what he said and his tone before Seungmin is opening his own mouth.
"We all know that you know my name," he deadpans, his eyes never leaving the room. He doesn't even bother looking the man in the eyes, genuinely unbothered by his attempt at a jab.
"Minnie..." your tone is low but before you can say anything else, the guy beside you speaks again.
"No need to apologize! I totally get it," he says and you look over at him, confused. You definitely were not going to tell Seungmin to apologize and you're not quite sure what there is to 'get'.
"I can guarantee nobody was going to apologize. If anyone is apologizing, it should be you for constantly flirting with my future wife. She isn't going anywhere so go ahead and give up while I'm still being nice," Seungmin's voice is low and cautious. Nobody around would even be able to pick up on the tension between the three of you on the love seat.
"I never flirted-"
"Cut the crap and get out of my sight before you piss me off even more," Seungmin interrupts him, his tone sharp and taunting. His grip on your thigh tightens and you can't help but chew on your lip. The mixture of his hand on your thigh and the way he is talking to this man, the clench in his jaw, the way his eyes are daring the man to try anything. It all had you thinking the nastiest thoughts.
"This is my house,"
"Then we'll leave," Seungmin stands abruptly and you barely have time to process he is standing before he is grabbing your hand and pulling you up, wrapping a possessive arm around your waist.
"Wait bub! I need to say bye to everyone," you try to stop him but he is already making a beeline for the door and dragging you away with him.
"You can text them," His voice is hoarse and has anger dripping from every word. It makes you snap your mouth shut, not wanting to piss him off any further.
It's only a five minute walk from the house back to your place and the entire walk is silent. You stayed a few steps behind your boyfriend, not on purpose, but every time you caught up to him, he would speed up enough to not be walking side by side.
"Did I do something?" you speak out lowly when you reach your place. Seungmin lets out a sigh and types your code into your door, pushing it open and you slide in. When you walk past him, his hand gently guides your lower back into the house. His own way of reassuring you.
"You're mine. You know that right?" his voice speaks up from behind you while you pull your jacket off and you hum in response. Once your jacket is pulled off, he pushes your hair over one of your shoulders and places a kiss to where your neck and shoulder meet. His lips trail up to your earlobe where he presses a gentle kiss there too.
"Say it. Tell me you're mine," he whispers, his breath sending chills down your spine. His hands wrap around your lower stomach, trailing down your hips, then settling on the top of your thighs.
He lets his hands sink into the flesh and leans down again, pressing another kiss to your neck. His hands make their way into the rips in the thighs of your jeans and he squeezes the flesh again.
"Y/n." His voice is stern, making your eyes snap open.
"Y-yes?" your voice is quite the opposite, small and shaky.
"Tell me. Say you're mine," he commands again, his hands still kneading your thighs, a little more roughly than before.
"I'm yours," you breathe out when he sucks gently into your neck, not enough to leave a mark but definitely enough to make you know he's there.
"Mm. Good girl. I saw you looking at me when I was mad. Rubbing your thighs together while I was doing everything in my power to not wring that guy's neck," he pauses and takes one hand out of the hole of your jeans before flicking the button of your jeans open.
"Remember you're mine. I want to hear it all night," He commands as his hand makes its way into your jeans and cups your heat.
"I'm yours, Seungmin. Always have been and always will be," yoi confess and he chuckles against your neck.
Before you even started dating, you were well aware of Jeongin’s sensitivity to your touch. You could feel his body physically heat up under your touch. You never saw just how sensitive he could get until you had already begun dating.
The two of you are laying on the couch, watching your favorite holiday movie for the millionth time. You’re laying on his chest, your legs intertwined together. Your hand resting on his chest eventually gets uncomfortable and you settle on his thigh on top of your own leg instead.
You gently graze your nails over the exposed flesh and you feel the trail of heat that your touch is leaving which directly contradicts the goosebumps rising on his skin. Jeongin clears his throat and adjusts under you slightly, squeezing your shoulders a little tighter before loosening again.
“Am I tickling you?” you inquire and you feel him shake his head before he speaks up.
“No. Feels good,” he mumbles out and you look up at your boyfriend. His focus is on the T.V. and he has the arm that isn’t wrapped around you propped underneath his head, the veins and the muscle in his bicep defined and you bite down on your lip. He finally looks down at you and you feel your self heat up slightly.
“What’s wrong?” he questions and you shake your head, letting it rest back on his chest again.
“Nothing, nothing. I was just…observing how perfect you are,” you giggle when you feel his chest heat up under your cheek, a blush surely rising to his face. Your nails begin to trail up and down his thigh again and you’ve absentmindedly written some words and drawn some shapes when Jeongin’s hand comes down, gripping your wrist tightly to stop your tracing.
You look up at him again but he is still focused on the T.V. He takes a deep breath before looking down at you again.
“Okay. That’s enough,” he nods raises his eyebrows at you and a small pout finds its way to your lips.
“But you said it didn’t tickle,” you whine and he shakes his head at you, a smirk making its way to his lips.
“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t make me feel other things,” he explains and confusion covers your face for a moment before you understand. He wasn’t getting tickled, he was getting turned on.
“I-I um. Sorry?” you question as you feel a blush cover your face and immediately hide it back down on Jeongin’s chest.
“It isn’t your fault. My body just has such an… intense reaction to you,” he explains and you hum in response, nodding on his chest.
“Me too,” you confess and you hear the chuckle deep in his chest in response.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Your um thigh keeps pressing up um against me and it’s yeah,” you explain mildly, trailing off at the sentence.
“Tell me, baby. Finish your thoughts,” he prompts you, his voice deep and demanding. It makes you not even want to dare disobey him.
“I’ve been wet for the past 30 minutes,” the words tumble out of your mouth so fast and you barely have time to be embarrassed when Jeongin sits up, making you sit up with him.
“Innie? What are you-” he cuts you off by leaning in and kissing you, his hands on either side of your face. You turn to sit on your knees but Jeongin pulls you to straddle his lap instead, deepening the kiss. You push your tongue into his mouth and grind down onto him at the same time.
His moan allows you access to his mouth, asserting dominance over him quickly. It doesn’t last long, however, and he bucks his hips up against you. You moan and he leans back to be able to take in your sounds more clearly. His hands settle onto your thighs, preventing you from moving away from him as he grinds against your crying core.
“Fuck, Innie. I need more,” you whine and grind down onto him harder. One of his hands wraps around your lower back and he readjusts the two of you so that he is above you on the couch now. His hand dips into your sweatpants and underwear. He is pleased to see that you weren’t lying about being wet.
He leans down and connects your lips again as he dips one finger into your soaking core, pumping slowly. You moan into his mouth and grind down into his hand, still wanting more.
“M-more,” you breathe out and he chuckles against your lips, pushing another finger into your core and making you arch into him.
“So greedy. What a greedy little pussy,” he murmurs against your lips and dips down to kiss along the side of your neck. His free hand wraps around your thigh and pushes it towards your chest to give him better access. Your other thigh drops open and he groans at the way you’re pulsing around his fingers.
He pulls his hand from your pants and pops the two fingers into his mouth, sucking you clean from them and letting out a guttural moan at the taste of you on his tongue.
“I would love to keep fingering you but I need to feel you on my cock or I might explode,” he grunts and you laugh but shimmy out of the lower half of your clothes while he does the same.
“Hold on, let me grab a condom,” he starts to back away from you but you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him towards you. His hands land on either side of your head and the tip of his cock is pushed against your clit.
“Forget it. Just fuck me, Innie,” you demand and he curses under his breath, immediately reaching down and aligning himself with your entrance.
“You can’t say things like this if you want me to last,” he scolds you but before you can say anything back, he slowly slides into you, a moan falling from both of your mouths. He grabs either of your thighs and closes them, placing your ankles on either of his shoulders.
Your hands drop and grip onto his thighs, nails gently digging into the flesh, ripping a moan from Jeongin’s throat.
“Fuck. Why do you want me to cum too early so bad? You keep doing these things that make me go insane,” he slowly begins thrusting into you and your breathing starts to pick up.
“Fuck me like you mean it,” the words leave your mouth before you can even process what you’re saying and your eyes fly open to look at Jeongin’s. He stops for no longer than a second before moving both of your legs over one of his shoulders and leaning forward, practically bending you in half.
He obeys you, however and begins drilling into you at an almost painful pace. Your nails dig into his thighs again, leaving indents and scratch marks over the smooth skin.
“I’m going to fill you up with my cum and then fuck it back inside of you, baby, fuck,” Jeongin grunts out as strangled and incomprehensible sounds and words leave your mouth.
Your relationship is fairly new and you have only had sex a handful of times but this is definitely the nastiest that he has gotten. The roughest he has ever gotten too. It has your brain melting and the movie long forgotten as you inch closer and closer to the edge.
“I-I’m going to cum,” you practically yell out, your voice thin and whiny. He smirks at your state as tears start to fall from your eyes.
“You can cum if you want to, princess. I’m not stopping if you do,” he grants you permission but the promise of him continuing to fuck you anyways has you scared and aroused, and inevitably pushing you over the edge as your orgasm comes crashing down all around you.
Your beautifully sadistic boyfriend keeps his promise and continues to fuck you, only slowing down slightly so he can properly observe your face and moans. He speeds back up when it seems like you’re coming back to earth and all you can see is white as the overstimulation take over.
Your body is shaking and writhing and you’re crying out until suddenly, it starts to feel good again and you feel another one quickly approaching.
“You’re leaving marks all over my legs, baby,” Jeongin’s voice snaps you back to reality and your eyes shoot open. You glance down at his legs and see deep scratch marks that are beginning to turn purple.
“Y-you l-like it,” you stutter out, your voice shaky. He chuckles and hums in agreement before leaning down and reconnecting your lips again.
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dontexpectmuch · 5 months
Hey, Love! If you are still taking requests, I have one! Something along the lines of building one of those Lego bouqets with Jude and maybe having customized Lego characters that both carry around of each other. Such a fan of your works BTW ❤️❤️
side note: i just recently got a lego bouquet gifted for my bday! they are so pretty 🥹
“do we need anything else?”
you shake your head as an answer, already eagerly opening the lego box placed in front of you.
jude settled down next to you, eating some of the popcorn from the bowl, while also feeding you a few pieces, his eyes never leaving your excited face. he couldn’t pinpoint what exactly made him feel so good right now as he was looking at you, but that expression on your face, the sparkle in your eyes and your smile that almost reaches your ears, are all reasons he is grateful for taking jobe with him to the mall a few hour ago.
“why don’t you get those lego flowers? everyone loves them.” jobes points to the lego section of the store with his chin, his hands inside his pockets.
“to do what? don’t you think it’s childish?” jude questions, eyebrows drawn together as his body fully turns into the direction of where the section is located.
“i guess it would be a nice gift for an artist, eh? since they already put so mich time into self-made stuff and shit.” jobe explains his thoughts, though he doesn’t really go into it any further, stepping closer to another section in the opposite direction.
without any further ado, jude moves closer to the lego flowers, your face being the only picture in his mind.
“okay, would you like to read the instructions? or should i do it?” your voice cuts him out of his thoughts, making him look back at your face that continues to have a smile on it.
jude takes the instruction papers out of your hand, leaning back on the other. his eyes skim through it as he hums knowingly.
“i guess i’ll read them, you put the pieces together.”
turning back to the different plastic bags in front of your, jude couldn’t help but move closer to you, pressing a kiss on your head. the papers are long forgotten as he sneaks his arm around your shoulder, pulling your body into his.
“should we play with each other first? get a better feeling?” he pushes the blanket off his lap, his lips trailing down your check to your neck.
you sigh, leaning into his touch and moving your head to the side, giving him more access to your neck, “mh, don’t know, jude. maybe finish this first?”
nodding, he pulls away, though the scent of his aftershave still surrounding you.
you put the blanket over your legs, starting to read the first instructions to build your flowers. silence takes a comfortable place in the living room, granting you two a moment to relax and enjoy the presence of one another. scented candles find their way to your nose, dimmed lights and the platter of the rain outside create a small safe haven, only for you to have.
even if you are really happy about the present your boyfriend has given you and you want to focus on it, you can’t help but feel your eyes wander to his direction.
the feeling of adoration settles in your chest, caused by the concentrated look on judes face. his tongue pokes out from his lips, his nostrils are flared, but he looked oh-so good under the dimmed lights, ethereal almost.
“do i have something on my face?” jude looks up from his hands that hold the first stem of the flowers, his eyes wide in question.
smiling, you shake your head, “no, just admired my pretty boyfriend.”
laughing, jude bumps his shoulder against yours, “nah, babe. it’s your prettiness reflecting on me.”
his words make you smile, bumping your shoulder against his this time, “stop being so romantic, it’s making me feel mushy inside, completely ruining my dark and mysterious vibe.”
“i can ruin even more if you’d let me, love.”
you throw your head back, laughing at his attempt, “flowers first, pretty boy.”
“as you wish, captain.”
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