#i wanted to include this abomination in last post but no i decided to do it in a separate one
sentientstump · 5 months
anonymous asked: the visiterrr
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s10127470 · 4 months
A response to myst1calx
So a few weeks ago, a made a post titled The MCU Synergy Problem.
In that post, I discussed how a lot of Marvel's projects during the 2010s and 2020s have been somewhat dragged down by being constantly forced to be adjacent to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
If you want to check it out for yourself, here's the link to it below.
As of right now, the post has gotten six likes and a reblog.
However, the reblog I got was essentially a written response.
And somewhat hostile one.
And weirdly enough, it was from one of the six people who liked the post.
So I'm not sure on whether or not they actually liked it or they hated it.
From the way the reblog was written, it seemed like they didn't really like it.
And in addition to that, they're also a sense of confusion as well.
So today, I decided to make a response to the person that did the reblog: myst1calx.
I'm going to respond to all the points they brought up in their reblog while trying to be as civil as possible.
Though there may be a point in this where I do seem pretty angry.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get started.
"ok but the shows in the 2010s didnt suffer from mcu synergy because they activley fought against it"
This one is a both right and wrong.
Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man (2017) are really the only shows that didn't suffer from MCU synergy.
Spidey hadn't been introduced into the MCU yet when Ultimate came out and when he was, it was during Ultimate's final season.
When Spidey wouldn't even get his own movie in the MCU until after Ultimate ended.
And Spider-Man '17 surprisingly didn't really have a whole lot of MCU influence despite lasting for most of Spidey's MCU trilogy.
It took more influence from Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man and Dan Slott's run on Amazing Spider-Man.
Avengers Assemble, despite being created just to ride off the success of the first Avengers film, didn't really have a whole lot of MCU synergy at.....for the first two seasons.
But I'll touch on that a little later.
Guardians of the Galaxy.
Dude, out of all the Marvel shows of the 2010s, this one was undoubtedly the most blatant with the MCU synergy.
I mean, just look this promotional poster.
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Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. also has blatant case of MCU synergy, but in a more subtle and honestly, sinister way.
The show was about the titular Agents of S.M.A.S.H. learning how to be a family and fighting off bad guys with a variety of high-tech gadgets.
Not exactly something you would think of from a show about the Hulk of all characters.
But let's turn our attention to the villains of this show.
Out of all the villains, this show only really features 7 of the Hulk's foes.
The Leader, The Abomination, The Absorbing Man, Titania, Wendigo, Xemnu and Maestro.
Yeah! No Wrecking Crew, U-Foes, Zzzax, Madman, Bi-Beast, Gargoyle, Flux, Grey Gargoyle, Umar, Nightmare, Man-Beast, Ravage, or John Ryker.
Now compare this to the other villains included in the show.
Besides the Hulk associated villains, the other villains in show include the likes of Annihilus, Blastaar, Ego the Living Planet, Laufey, The Mole Man, Doctor Doom, Galactus and his heralds, Impossible Man, Loki, Malekith the Accursed, Dormammu, Sauron, Ronan the Accuser, The High Evolutionary, The Red Ghost and his Super-Apes, Pluto, and The Supreme Intelligence.
Upon reading this, you probably that most the villains listed here are predominately connected to the Fantastic Four, not really Hulk himself.
This, along with the aforementioned focus on family and use of technology, has led many people to theorize that Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. was originally meant to be a new Fantastic Four cartoon, but was changed to be a Hulk cartoon at some point development.
The potential reason for this was that this show did come out right at the beginning of Marvel's "The Fantastic Four and X-Men don't matter anymore" phase because of the whole movie rights bullshit.
And while there hasn't been any official confirmation about this theory from any who has worked on the show, the connections are still quite apparent.
As for why they decided to make Hulk the star of the show instead if they couldn't use the Fantastic Four, I guess besides the fact he's among the most prominent allies of the Four, it was because he was the only other option that people could see working with this premise.
The other ones that could possibly fit this would be The Avengers and maybe Spider-Man, but they already had their own shows going on around that time.
So all in all, the MCU synergy did affect most of the 2010s shows.
Some were definitely more apparent than others, but still.
"if you wanna make the claim that its all mcu synergy, you can see it starting in 2017, not 13"
Now this one is weird because a good chunk of the MCU synergized elements that occured in the comics happened before 2017.
-The current, obviously MCU-inspired Loki was introduced in 2011
-Hawkeye with the tired dad energy was introduced in 2012
-The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver happened in 2015
-Literally everything with the Guardians of the Galaxy in 2015
I think maybe they were trying to say that the MCU synergy became more apparent starting in 2017, which.....yeah, they are kinda right about that.
But I reason I say this is a weird statement is because what myst1calx says later in their reblog.
Which I'll get to.
"also advertising doesnt always mean mcu syndication slop dude"
Dude, I never said anything about the advertisement for the MCU being the same as MCU synergy slock.
Advertising for the MCU is perfectly fine. I mean, Marvel would want their project to do well, right?
But the problem is using a piece of Marvel media that isn't connected to the MCU and having it resemble the MCU.
It just doesn't allow it the product to stand on it's own.
"like dont bring avengers assemble and aos and usm into this"
Why shouldn't?
Avengers Assemble does play a part in the MCU synergy problem.
I didn't even mention Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all in my post.
And for Ultimate Spider-Man.....
I only brought up the comic for a point I was making about a weird similarity I noticed between most modern non-MCU projects and most recent Spider-Man media.
And if we're talking about the cartoon, I literally just said it didn't suffer from any MCU synergy at all.
"this is entierly a thing that started with the 2017 uni and it comics. just correcting because i'm tire dof the whole “ mcu syndication rhetoric” when talking about aa it's so fucking annoying"
The MCU synergy has been around before 2017, they think were just saying that it became before prominent and explicit than before.
But the whole "MCU syndication rhetoric" when about AA.....
While yes, Avengers Assemble may not have the most blatant case of MCU synergy out of the non-MCU TV shows of the 2010s (Guardians of the Galaxy say "hi" again.), it's hard not to mention it as it does play a big part in that show.
From the content within the show, to literally why the show was made in the first place.
"look at the comics or anything from like. idk 2017 onwards."
This one I do agree (sort of).
I don't what the comics have to do with AA (they're completely different continuities), but I do know that the MCU synergy has gotten worse with the comics since 2017.
I mean for God's sake, the latest case of this was just last year with Ms. Marvel being retconned into a mutant.
"like you COULD make a claim abt this but honestly i see it more as you guys just not liking new shit"
But I like some of the new Marvel shit.....
the Insomniac Spider-Man games, the Spider-Verse films, Midnight Suns, those Marvel animes, and that upcoming Marvel Rivals game.
Hell, I actually like Avengers Assemble as well.
I know I didn't mention it in my post, I actually do like this show a lot.
I know it's not as good as the show that came before it, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but I still acknowledge it merits and enjoy it as its own thing.
But most of the other non-MCU projects I'm just not that wild about.
Since let's be real, they're kinda just.....
"like being fr, have you ever watched or played any of these games or do you see that at face value"
Yes, I have watched and played both Avengers and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
And both of these are just not that good.
While they're definitely not the worst games ever, they're just nothing really home to write home about.
For Avengers, this game was pure wasted potential.
I mean, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics had access to an IP that at the time of acquiring it, had over 50 years worth of history!
That IP had hundreds of comics with numerous storylines worth adapting, an enormous roster of characters, a multitude of other iterations to easily take some influence from, and most of all, a movie franchise that helped make it into the powerhouse it is today.
But with all that, they found some way to screw it up!
The plot is nothing home to rave about. It's just you're standard "getting the band back together" plot.
The graphics are....passable. Just your standard very realistic-looking game.
The gameplay is repetitive as all hell and fails at making any of the characters feel distinct from one another.
The bonus content is a total joke. I mean putting aside the obvious micro-transactions, most of the purchasable costumes absolutely suck. They're either just half-assed attempts at recreating outfits from whatever source material they came from, or just recolors of each other.
And most of all, the game has some of the most pitiful representation of the Marvel Universe ever put to screen.
I mean, can you name any notable locations from the comics that was featured in the game?
The only one was Wakanda, but even that could've been done a little better.
There was no Asgard or any of the other Nine Realms, no Latveria, no Kamar-Taj, no Dark Dimension, no Atlantis, no Savage Land.
Hell, we don't even get to go to New York! Despite the fact that like 90% of the Marvel characters are based there.
All we got were primarily generic-looking bases, deserts and forests (occasionally with some snow).
And in my post, I mentioned that there was a list of playable characters planned to be in the game.
In addition to Spider-Man and Hawkeye, this list included the likes of Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Captain Mar-Vell, Daisy Johnson, Doctor Strange, The Falcon, Kate Bishop, Mockingbird, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, The Vision, The Wasp, War Machine, and the Winter Soldier.
But only five characters from that list made it into that game, plus the Jane Foster Thor, which let's be real, that was only done just to coincidence with the release of Thor: Love and Thunder.
You can't tell me that the roster we got by the time the game finished updating was better than the one that was initially planned.
And I reason I say this game was pure wasted potential was because.....look at who the Avengers have had as members over the decades!
People don't seem to know this a lot or ever really acknowledge it, but the Avengers are like a melting pot, as they've had members from basically every corner of the Marvel Universe!
Heroes from the mystical side like the aforementioned Doctor Strange, Hercules, Black Knight and White Tiger.
Heroes from the cosmic side like the aforementioned Captain Marvels, Monica Rambeau, Moondragon and Nova.
Several street-level heroes like the aforementioned Spider-Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Shang-Chi.
A couple of mutants have been members like Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch and even members of the X-Men, namely Wolverine, Beast and Storm.
Hell. Literally every member of the Fantastic Four has been a member of the Avengers at one point!
Like, does anyone else see the potential I'm bringing up?!
There could've easily been several DLCs that got to explore much greater Marvel Universe.
But alas, we never got that....
As for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite....
Apart from the admittedly decent gameplay, there's just nothing else good about this game.
The graphics totally suck. They threw away the gorgeous cel-shaded, comic book-inspired look from 3: Fate of Two Worlds for this bland, kinda ugly pseudo-realistic look for the sake of just like damn-near everything else in that game: MCU synergy.
Not to mention they look pretty cheap, especially in the cutscenes.
The reason being that this game had a pretty low budget.....and it really shows.
The music was mid, since, once again, they changed many of the characters themes in order to make it more MCU-inspired.
And while I do respect that this game is the first one in the series to have a story-mode, it's unfortunate that the story-mode sucks.
The plot was just so lame and was obviously riding the hype for the then-upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.
And I already brought up the absolute disgrace of a roster and the behind-the-scenes drama of this game in my poster.
All in all, these games may not be the worst games of all time, but they're just not worth anyone's time or money.
If you like these games, more power to ya.
"because i see more misconceptions about characters in deisgn and charaterizations in the 2010s morethan anything"
I'm not sure about this one.
Most of the stuff I said about the designs and characterizations in the comics is largely truly.
But maybe one of them was possibly exaggerated and not nearly as prevalent as most people make it out to be.
"and the thing is is that marvel will just keep doing this bullshit because you guys keep buying into it"
I just pointed it out that most of the stuff on the designs and characterizations is largely true.
It almost feels like they're trying to downplay just how prevalent the MCU synergy is in the comics.
Which is weird since they just admitted early with how prevalent the MCU synergy is in the comics!
And also.....
Fuck off with that bullshit.
Don't blame this on the fans.
They're (mostly) not the ones clamoring for this MCU synergy!
Marvel is doing this on their own term and are obviously doing this to appeal to more contemporary fans who got introduced to Marvel through the MCU.
And as I mentioned in my post, I'm convinced that the people at Marvel believe these guys have never heard of the word: adaptation.
Not only that, but they also seem to believe that these fans will get confused that the comics don't line-up with the movies 1-to-1.
And trust me, this isn't the first time something like this has happened with Marvel.
"this doesnt work for most of the shows pre 2016 in the 2010s marvel area because they didnt suffer from it until marvel started forcing it on them for maximum profits #which then ended up biting them in the ass when avengers assemble fans dropped the show after relazing that s5 became shitty mcu syndication"
Now this part is true.
The MCU synergy started to become much more prominent roughly around 2016/2017.
I already went into how this negatively affected stuff like Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, but let's head back to the main focus of this part, Avengers Assemble.
Although AA was created to obviously ride the wave of success caused by the first Avengers film, it surprisingly had very little MCU synergy....for, as I mentioned earlier, the first two seasons.
The only examples I can think of from the first two seasons was when they recreated the Chitauri in the Impossible Man, and a few references that got turned on their head like when Hulk tries to punch Thor, but he blocks it with Mjolnir.
But when season 3 came around....that's when everything changed.
During that season, it was pretty apparent they were really striving to be more like the MCU than in prior seasons.
The season featured Ultron as the main antagonist be he was in the latest Avengers movie at time, Age of Ultron.
Despite the fact that when the season premiered, Age of Ultron for almost a year at that point....
The Avengers got new outfits, pulled directly from the movies.
Hulk and Black Widow had something going on between them....like in the movies.
Klaw, who first appeared in Ultimate Spider-Man (which is connected to AA), receives a major redesign, looking like how he did in the movies, whereas before, he looked like how did in the comics.
The last four episodes were based off Civil War (I wonder why?).
They move their headquarters to a compound....once again, like in the movies.
And they predominately featured the Inhumans as recurring characters, since this was back when Marvel were trying to push them as the next big characters in order to replace the X-Men and promote their then-upcoming movie.
Which ended up getting cancelled and got replaced by a shitty TV show....which was cancelled after just one season.
In Season 4, this synergy was thankfully less present.
There was aforementioned Falcon redesign.
And Doctor Strange got one as well, to look more like how he did in the movies.
But then came along Season 5....
Dear God....
Not only was the MCU synergy just as prevalent as it was in Season 3 (maybe even more so, especially with the fact that it was heavily focused on Black Panther), but it even took place in a completely different continuity.
Yep! Season 5 was completely removed from the previous 4 seasons!
And to make matters worse, it was set in the same universe as Spider-Man 2017.....and Guardians of the Galaxy!
Which itself was connected to the first 4 seasons of AA.
"this didnt START from the 2010s. it started midway throu"
Once again, the MCU synergy has been around since the early 2010s.
It was only at the midway point of that decade where started to become more prevalent than before.
And outside of the comics, the earliest case I think of for this was with EMH, which had Iron Man acting exactly like how he did in the movies.
Hell, even Hulk looked pretty similar to how he did in his solo film everybody forgot about.
"and creeped its way in because you guys LET IT HAPPEN"
Once again, fuck off with that bullshit.
"half of the things mentioned arent even mcu syndicationy they just suffer from current realisitc game trends that we are the norm"
I can definitely tell they're talking about Square Enix's Avengers.
But in all honesty, but game didn't really have a whole lot of MCU synergy.
It was still there, specifically with how the characters look.
I mean, everyone has said it before, but the Avengers looked like the stunt doubles for the MCU actors.
But it wasn't as prevalent as some of the other Marvel media to feature it.
Doesn't really make it much better though.
The game is honestly sort of a Schrodinger's video game, where doesn't take much from the comics or any other iterations of the Avengers, but doesn't take much from the MCU either.
"like what is your point here? “oh not every marvel property is the same is the comics” dude nobody buys comic shit because they arent as easy to get into the manga you guys perpetuate this shit and then wonder why cb fandoms are always filled with normies"
And here we are....
Now this is the last part of the reblog, and the one that really annoys me the most.
My point of that post was to show how not only was the constant MCU synergy incredibly tiring, but also been doing a lot of harm to their recent projects that aren't connected to the MCU.
Like, Avengers Assemble could've gone down as one of the greatest Marvel cartoons ever made!
But it got bogged down by the MCU synergy of the later seasons.
So much so that the final season wasn't even connected to the previous ones!
And now, it's usually just seen as the "we have the MCU at home" show.
And I do I even need to bring up Infinite into this?
And not only that, but it's also been bringing out the worst in Marvel.
I mean, just look at my post and read up on how much they made Capcom suffer during the production of Infinite.
But the synergy has not only harmed potentially good projects and lead to promising upcoming projects to be thrown to the Shadow Realm, but even good projects in unintentional ways.
The Guardians of the Galaxy video game was really good and the people who played it all agreed that this was what Avengers should've been!
But despite the positive reception, the game ended up flopping hard.
And while this was largely thanks to the failure of Avengers (since Guardians was also produced by Square Enix), I feel like the growing annoying towards MCU synergy may've played a part in this as well.
Since remember: out of all the characters of Marvel, the Guardians have been the ones undoubtedly changed by the MCU the most.
It's like....not even a contest.
And not only is this synergy doing harm to their non-MCU projects, but also gonna start (and it's possibly already has been) doing harm to the Marvel brand itself.
This is largely because of how homogenized they've made everything, which is not gonna be helping them because of rapidly declining interest in the MCU (aka Marvel Fatigue).
I mean, last year was just not a good year for them.
Besides Guardians of the Galaxy 3, two other films that released that year (Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania and The Marvels).
Both those films were met critically with what could be described as a resounding "meh".
But the real damage came in their box office.
Quantumania was a box-office disappointment, grossing $476.1 million worldwide against a gross production budget of $326.6 million, being one of the few MCU films not to break even in its theatrical run.
And The Marvels.....
Oh man, The Marvels....
That film was a box-office bomb! Grossing $206 million worldwide against a gross production budget of $274.8 million. And it now holds the record for being the lowest-grossing film in the franchise's history!
That had to be hurting Marve!
And it seems so as just recently, Marvel Studios announced they would be limiting the amount of MCU projects they release a year.
And while Marvel largely targeted towards the MCU itself, I feel like could also potentially start harming non-MCU projects.
Since let's be real, one of the many issues people have had with the recent MCU is how formulaic and generic it's become.
From the trademark forced and frankly mediocre humor, to having damn-near every threat be potentially world-ending.
I'm pretty sure the same could be applied to what people usually expect from a modern non-MCU project.
It's gonna have a semi-realistic art-style.
It's gonna feature the big characters (Avengers, Guardians and Spider-Man) featured in the MCU and barely anyone else (Fantastic Four, X-Men, street-level heroes).
They're all gonna be wearing their MCU outfits.
Every character is gonna be a quippy asshole (expect the ones who are suppose to be quippy assholes like Hawkeye and Spider-Man).
And it's gonna have a world-ending threat, with either Loki or Thanos as the main villain.
(Maybe Ultron if you're lucky)
And if this keep going, I'm sure Kang the Conquerer will essentially become the next villain to always be the main villain.
Well, if he's still going to be used in the MCU....
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On to the next point.
“oh not every marvel property is the same is the comics”
This has been a topic of debate when it comes to comic book adaptations for years.
Whether or not all comic book adaptations should strive to be like, 100% faithful to the source material.
To me, I think the answer to this is, in the words of the Pirate Captain,....
If this is for a series like Watchmen, 300 and Invincible, I feel like you should definitely make the adaptation as faithful as possible.
But even then, there would be definitely be some changes to the source material, since they would have story elements that were either weak or just plain bad.
Basically, maybe people's ideas on adaptations is to utilize what works, and either strengthen or get rid of what doesn't.
But when doing an adaptation for the big dogs like DC and Marvel.....this is where things get really tricky.
Because DC and Marvel have ongoing continuities with no end in sight, doing a largely faithful adaptation of any of their characters' stories would be an absolute nightmare since that characters will often have literal DECADES of history, plus hundreds to thousands of comics to read in order to understand said history.
If you've noticed, a lot of adaptations of DC and Marvel aren't exactly 1-to-1 adaptations of the stories from the comics.
But the reason why they're held in such high regard is because in spite of that, they manage to stay faithful to the spirit, tone and characterizations of the comics.
And even then, they will still adapt storylines and elements from the comics, but just little more streamlined.
Essentially, the best way I can describe how adaptations of DC and Marvel work is that they use the comics as a basis (along with other iterations) and essentially strive for something that's familiar while still being different.
For example, let's look at some of the Batman cartoons.
Although having some similarities, the three shows I'm about to bring up are still largely different from each other.
Batman: The Animated Series focused on the adventures of an already experienced Batman (having been at this gig for years and already knowing his villains) and his relationships with those around him.
The Batman, while somewhat similar to its predecessor, is focused on a younger and slightly-less experienced Batman learning to become a better hero.
And Batman: The Brave and Bold, is completely different from the prior two shows as it's focused on Batman's adventures interacting with the much greater DC Universe, specifically the lesser-known side.
But despite that, from watching these shows, you can still tell that they all used the comics (along with other iterations) as a basis and just built upon that in unique ways.
Contrast that with many of the non-MCU projects/products of the 2010s, which were obviously using the movies as a basis....and nothing really else.
And not only is this limiting to what these projects could do, but it's also kind of disingenuous.
Remember, the Marvel characters existed DECADES before the MCU even came around.
But to see Marvel not really even bothering to utilize said source material (in addition to constantly trying to alter it for the sake of brand synergy) is kind of a dick move.
And as I stated before, they're obviously doing to this to appeal to a certain demographic.
All companies have done this before.
And that certain demographic are the people who got into Marvel via the MCU.
And that leads us to the tail end of this part.
I get it.
It's REALLY hard to get into comics, specifically of the big two: DC and Marvel, especially the latter.
This is largely because of how long their characters have been around.
And if that wasn't intimidating enough, these characters will often have multiple runs (sometimes running at once) and that can last to hundreds, even thousands of issues!
Though not all comics books are like that.
Namely the limited series ones.
Hell, even franchises that have had multiple comic runs like Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Sonic the Hedgehog surprisingly don't have this issue.
In spite of having multiple comics runs, the reason they don't suffer is because each one (no matter how long they've ran for) usually takes place in a completely different continuity from the other.
And also, using the term "normies" is so lame and kind of insulting.
I mean, I thought that term died back in like 2016.
A better term for these people would be "contemporary fans".
But anyway, contemporary fans shouldn't be blamed for people not buying comics much anymore.
If anything, the blame should be more placed towards the companies themselves for not really having anything that could help ease them into the world of these characters and, as I mentioned before, constantly changing the continuity of the comics in order to make it easier for those fans to get into (which ironically I think actually makes it harder).
Like, remember back in the 2000s and the early 2010s, when Marvel used to have to storybooks, novels and encyclopedias that went into detail on the backgrounds of the Marvel characters.
I'm pretty sure that helped a lot of contemporary fans of that era get a good understanding of the Marvel characters.
And I'm sure it can work for the contemporary fans of today as well.
Well that's all I have to say.
This isn't meant be a call-out post, I just wanted to response to the points myst1calx brought up in their reblog.
And while writing for this, I kinda feel like I should've gone more in-depth on some of my points in the original post.
And even then, I do feel like they are confused on some points I made in the post.
But anyway, myst1calx, if you are reading this, I do hope we can reach a better understanding on this whole topic.
And if I sounded somewhat angry at some points, I do apologize for that.
But other than that, I'm gonna go eat something to eat.
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crush3dmary · 1 year
Pissgate? Oh?
Okay so I got 3 asks about this so it's time to spill some tea. This is some of the most insane drama I've dealt with in the Tales fandom to date and that's saying something. No holds barred here, I'm sharing this all because I don't have a ton of tales people following me here anymore lmao.
So this story goes back to 2020 when I was writing my fic absurdities and echoes, which includes a torture scene. To put it one way, it kept going in uh, directions I didn't want it to go (read: Zelos kept ending up with a finger in his ass) so I decided to do a spin off fic to get All That out of my system. The fic was initially supposed to be a one off horny thing but it eventually evolved into a whole Bad End AU where the crestoria party are sacrificed to Kasque and Aegis is kept as the personal pet of the twins. It's called Abominations against God if you want to look it up but to be honest you probably shouldn't, and don't read it unless you read the tags. Anyways, in abominations, I was trying to think of ways to humiliate Aegis so I ended up making him piss himself which was an accident, no pun intended.
So anyways, I wrote that, and a now ex friend who isn't relevant to the story was like "that was hot can you write one with Vicious" and the perks of being my friend is that since I have no limits I'll write you whatever freaky shit you want. So I wrote a Vicious piss fic, dropped the google doc in the group chat, and jokingly said "PayPal me 30 dollars and I'll post it". Someone actually did, and I'm a they of my word, so I was like fuck it we ball and posted it on anon.
Now enter the bane of my fucking existence and two of the biggest pains in my fucking neck for the last 3 years, two big name fans who we will call S and K because I don't do subtlety and I don't care if they see this. If you are active in the English twitter crestoria sphere you will almost certainly have encountered them. Anyways, these two are the definition of hypocrite purity wankers. They go on and on about freaks in the fandom and how disgusting all the r18 content is, but then they post monsterfucking smut on an alt ao3 account. I wish I could make this up. So anyways, I posted my anon fic, and then someone else posted an anon piss fic right after in solidarity which was cool. But then S and K take to twitter and complain about all the "unsanitary" content, as they put it, in the ao3 tag. I can't speak for the other one but mine at least was tagged thoroughly and you knew what you were getting into when you clicked it. Basically it was a stupid thing to complain about because if you don't like the content you can just not engage with it. They had their little hissy fit, I ended up blocking them later for being a pain in my ass, and the story ends there right? Wrong!
I have another, also unrelated friend who's into piss and I wrote something for them for their birthday and I was like "I'm not posting this because of what happened last time". They said they had a piss fic they wanted to post, and that they'd post theirs if I posted mine. So I was like, cool, let's do this. Solidarity! And OF COURSE, guess who has a problem with it?
S and K go on a tirade about all the disgusting fics in the tag again and how the crestoria fandom is full of sex crazed freaks or whatever (which is again really rich coming from people who pearl clutch and then post smut on an alt account in the same breath). In comes anon #2 again, who dive bombed in with their own piss fic the first time, posting another like the absolute legend they are. However, in the author's note they put something like "proud to be one of the 3 people keeping the crestoria tag horny" in reference to S and K's little temper tantrum... And this made them FLIP THEIR SHIT.
Literally, they freaked out soooo bad. They were talking about how because of this author's note people were stalking them and trying to trigger them on purpose and the most ridiculous shit. All the while... If you don't like the content and you KNOW that you don't like the content... What are you doing in the author's note? And people ROASTED them for that. Because none of this would have been a problem if they had just ignored it and moved on. But no, they had to open the fics up, look at the author's notes, and make a big stink about the whole thing just because they didn't like the content.
Eventually they locked their accounts for a bit when they started getting backlash but this is always going to be a big reason I will ALWAYS be on the "don't like don't read" train. Because you might not be into it, it might not be your ship, your kink, whatever, but it tickles someone's fancy, and you freaking out about how disgusting and degenerate it is will make the people who enjoy it think YOU think they're disgusting and degenerate. Do I have a piss kink? Honestly that's irrelevant at this point, but ultimately I support everyone's right to make whatever content they want and to have the people who don't want to see it utilize the block and mute functions. They're there for a reason.
Anyways, peace and love ✌️
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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HEY THERE PEOPLE OF TODAY AND ROBOTS OF TOMORROW! IT'S ME, CLARK! There is a madness deep in the dark catacombs of Castle Clarkenstein. For years these claustrophobic corridors have been the home of the ghoulish giraffe himself, watching as the world passes by. He prefers it this way. It gives him more time alone with the voices. The voices tell him many strange things. Yet they always come back to one: make more monsters! Everyday they tell him this. Everyday he is unable to comply. Hey, being a mad scientist on a budget means he can’t afford the fancy scientific equipment needed to breathe life into newborn abominations. Guy’s gotta afford pizza somehow. Luckily, he has discovered a way of sorts to please the voices. During all those years of watching, Dr. Clarkenstein noticed a particular pattern. Every night during October saw artists posting new pictures based on peculiar prompts. Many of them based on children of the night. While the spotted specter might not be able to craft new zombies, he can sure as heck sketch’m! As such, I provide this friendly warning to you all now: Be afraid. Few people can survive the horrors that are DUDELZ of the Damned!
By that I mean I decided to do my own take on Sketchtober this year just minus the prompts. Anybody gotta problem with that? Tough, cuz I already drew this crap so you might as well check it out.
MEANWHILE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE: Alecia wanted to try something new this Halloween season. By that I mean she wanted to get out of the house and not binge all thirteen Camp Carnage films. Again. Most of them were garbage anyway. No, there was something far more fun waiting for her! She just had to find it first. It didn’t take her long. Her friend Clark contacted Alecia informing her of an upcoming costume contest with a hundred dollar prize! A prize the masked maniac was determined to win! How fortunate that her spotted friend recently introduced her to a great show featuring a feisty femme fatale perfect for cosplaying! Skin tight military suits for the win!
Honestly, the backstory I make up for this DUDEL doesn’t matter in the slightest. This is simply long overdue vengeance. For the last two years my masked buddy Alec (@burningthrucelluloid) did his own Inktober challenge in the form of Dresstober. Instead of a list of prompts to base your art on, the artists in question are given a multitude of preselected outfits to dress their characters in. Or in the case of my cinephile companion, his characters, a few of mine, and me. You see, for whatever reason my friends get a big kick out of gender-swapping me. All because I dressed up as Sailor Moon the one time. OraTheRebelKitsune, I hope you’re happy cuz you technically started all this! Does it bug me? Yeah, kinduv’. Much as I love it when my friends make any pictures of or for me, it gets pretty annoying when none of them draw me as who I am. Alec is by far the worst offender, spending an astonishing amount of money for people to draw me sporting cleavage with their own gravitational pull. Earlier this year he paid one artist named fallen20xx to draw me as Ms. Marvel from Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. I had gotten Alec hooked to the show while also gushing over Carol’s exceptionally sexy legs. Should’ve known that’d come back to bite me. Just like my friend should’ve known his constant drooling over Maria Hill and Abigail Brand would be his undoing. The latter had a more interesting outfit, hence why my best buddy is wearing it here. Also included is an actual quote he said while watching the show! By the way, I did all this before he paid for fallen’s commission, so really I was totally in the right to sketch this. In any case, I hope you all enjoy this sweet slice of revenge as much as Alec does! XP
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colemacgrathtkz · 2 years
Dangers elsewhen
-Three weeks later-
With Lilith's aid, the owl squad made excellent progress. The original portal door was in pieces following the last big battle. Alador Blight was granted what remained as research materials. Odalia immediately made a move for the ownership of Blight Industries. Alador began a start up company as a means of stable income. Thus allowing him more time for his kids and a better business model. "Abomination Technological Solutions" became the beginning of a better future for the Blight family. King was also a part of the portal making process. The knowledge of King's titan origin was maintained to a few. The owl house gang( including Luz's Hexside squad) were the only ones who knew. After discussing it, Alador was permitted to be amongst those who knew. At King's suggestion, the portal doors still needed to be perfected. The young titan's blood was a potential ingredient. With King's help, Alador created temporary doorways. However, they were one time transports. A round trip would require two keys. Alador theorized that, since King hadn't reached full maturity, his blood didn't produce the same exponential power as his fallen father.
They shouldn't expect the same results. Needless to say, Alador constructing an abomination prosthetic arm was a step in the right direction.
Luz decided to take the trip alone. The time she wanted to travel to wouldn't have been too far back. The chance of accidentally running into a past self was higher with more people.
After three weeks, they managed to find one closest to what Luz wanted. At the bottom of what  remained of Belos's castle, Luz and her team readied themselves.
Lilith: "Are you positive the portal you want is down here?"
Eda: "I still say one of us should go with you."When the Collector terraformed the Boiling Isles, the old castle was left in ruin. Now, it had an entire team from the (former) construction coven always on standby. Luz tied a fortified rope around her. Remembering what happened last time, the "Bad girl coven" came to make sure Luz came back ok.
Luz: "If anything goes wrong, you've still got one time travel expert with you."
Eda: "Calling her an 'expert' is pushing it. But we gotcha. Anyhow, take these."
The owl lady pulled a large sack, filled with spherical glass bottles.
Eda: " I grabbed every healing potion out there. Every possible elixir for any possible trouble. From scrapes to having one foot through death's door, there's something for everything."
Luz embraced her witch mother/teacher. She then began stocking her backpack with as many as she could. Lilith handed her two makeshift keys. Edric laid out wooden stakes surrounding the pool and secured Luz's rope with others attached to each post.
Luz: "Come on, time pool, mama wants a win here."
Luz dove headfirst into the unknown. She popped right out of the ground, on the other side. Undoing her tether, she quickly pressed her back against the wall and pulled a bandana. With her make do mask, she traveled the castle's lower levels. Hunter had drawn her a map and tried to recall any minor detail about the building's routine. The first hiccup became apparent. Belos could be heard speaking in the distance. Her eyes darted until she saw a light coming from an unlocked wooden door. She dashed for it and found herself in the same room from Belos's memories. The old portal door. To the left, blueprints for door keys and a book on grimwalkers.
Luz: "Aaand snoop."
Now that she had a new working phone, snatching quick shots of castle secrets was a cinch. She pocketed the goods and made her way to the exit. Until a new idea caused her to halt in her tracks. Belos probably had the original key on him. But he must be using titan's blood or something close to a synthetic version.  She popped open a valve and dipped an empty bottle in the fuel source. After filling it to the brim, she stored it in her left pocket.
Belos: "Helping yourself to some royal secrets, thief?"
Luz was thrown against the wall with her bag on the floor.
Belos: "Is that a human good? Are you one of the owl lady's agents?"
Luz kept glyphs up her sleeve for such occasions. She faked a finger twirl as she fired off a fire glyph. Belos deflected the shot with an unamused demeanor.
Belos: "Rather sloppy tactic. Did you really expect to defeat me in one on one combat?"
Smirking under her bandana, she gestured to the contents left on his table. One of the blueprints caught fire. For a moment, Belos shifted his focus completely away from Luz. In that moment, she used a fire and ice glyph to create a mist that filled the room. Not missing a beat, she activated an invisibility glyph. Belos wasn't yet aware of the glyph combo. He'd been scanning the room for any signs of a glowing halo. So busy looking for one specific sign of magic, he didn't notice the bag suddenly disappear from view. After retrieving her things, she bolted for the door. Belos might not have been able to see her, but he did hear the door creak as it opened. Luz escaped the room, but let out a gasp when a pipe just missed her head. Belos launched the metal pipes through the wall from the inside. Unfortunately, they just happened to block the way back to the pool. She remembered Hunter talking about the castle air ducts. If she could find one, she might be able to find another way to the other side. Sprinting under the cover of another invisibility glyph, she ran towards the upper levels. As luck would have it, she would need to breathe; right as the head of the illusion coven came around the corner.
Graye: "I don't remember requesting an understudy. Especially one with your fashion sense."
Belos: " Graye!"
No time to play it safe. She pulled one of Alador's keys, but it disappeared in her hand. Graye disappeared and reappeared next to Belos, with her key in his hand. 
Graye: "Here you are, sir. What do you make of this?"
Belos: "Another crude attempt to impede the day of unity. Compliments of the owl lady, no doubt. Graye, find out what this one knows."
As dangerous as it was to leave a key here, she used her spare to open a portal next to the pool. As it formed, Graye used his mirror glass earring on Luz. She stumbled as his magic probed her memories. The pain didn't let her see straight.Graye: "The day of unity is right around the corner. So, what is she plotting?"
Graye saw memories of the C.A.T.S briefing their plan to Eda and the others, but only glimpses.
Graye: "Raine Whispers a sleeper agent? Now there's a twist."
The warped door opened in front of them, just as Luz wanted. One glitch that came with these incomplete doors. When they first open up, they flash a blinding light. Graye clamped his eyes shut from the pain. As it turned out, the Belos own eyes nearly burst out of their sockets when the crude doorway began to take form. Thus, he witnessed the blinding effect.. She stumbled towards the door and walked through. Sure enough, there was the rope leading right into the floor.
Luz: " Ok, now I just got to..."
Graye: " You're not going anywher..."
Out of sheer reflex, Luz sucker punched Graye as he peeked his head through. He didn't make it through, but Luz's key did. The doorway seemed to be closing, but then something stranger happened. Normally, the temporary doorways disappear into thin air. But instead, a whirlwind seemed to come from the pool. The room became enveloped in the portal's lights. Luz began to be carried by the up draft. Her spare key flew out of grasp, alongside the bottle of portal fuel she snatched. It was like a violent tornado was squating in there, with her. Her first step was to reunite her tether to herself. The fortified rope began to pull her back as it felt the "signal". She tried to snatch the last two pieces of her present. The bottle smashed against the wall, permitting its contents to swirl around the room. Her key became smeared with Belos' fuel. Just as she was close to being dragged down, she managed to clench the key in her fist. She could hear the voices approaching from the hallway. She might have bitten off more than she could chew. She thought of her family and friends.
Luz: "This is crazy. If I die here, my mom's gonna kill me."
Her nerves caused her to unintentionally press the key's button...on the way down.
Author’s note:
I forgot to mention last time, Eda has an abomination prosthetic arm from Alador. The reason Luz went looking for a vent instead of using the makeshift key is stealth. The flash would likely have caught the attention of anyone nearby. Her first fight with Belos taught her she couldn’t beat him head-on. He had been able to maneuver around her and had an array of tricks. If she wasn’t sure he could blind him and close her escape in pinch, she wouldn’t risk him discovering a new door model. This way, Belos would just believe it was an illusion meant only to blind him long enough for her to escape. His own ego wouldn’t permit him to admit that someone had built another door model. Much less a faceless intruder.
I also wanted something to explain how they figured out the C.A.T.S. plan for the day of unity. I didn’t like the idea that one of them had been a traitor.
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dashawfrostart · 6 months
These Two Weeks In "Time & Again" #14: My Feelings For Facebook Are Still Surprisingly Mutual... And I'm Getting There!
A big announcement! The artist contracted a wee bit cold 🤧 This is sad, for it broke my impressive "I never get sick!" streak that lasted for, like, 7 years or so. I guess I'm not gonna get that notorious achievement anymore. And fine, see if I care! I don't like achievements anyway (which is, perhaps, pretty clearly stated in Chapter 3 😁) But don't get me wrong: under any circumstances pathetic excuses such as "having a cold or something alike" most certainly do not set me free from working on "Time & Again" 😤 They might hinder my progress, which is truly unfortunate, since the work is almost done - but that will not stop me, by any means. *for some reason, I really wanna put that weird "shake fish" smiley from DeviantArt in here*
Trying to prettify and overhaul, completely or partially, the social pages for the upcoming release of Chapter 5 is not easy at all... A long time ago - and that means well over a month ago - I submitted a name change request for my art page on Facebook, to better reflect the current obsession priority and certain ethics of the author in this great adventure. I was told that it might take up to 3 days for the changes to take effect, if approved. But it's been already that long, and there's still no change, nor can I submit a new name change request. I mean, I absolutely don't mind "Art by Dasha W. Frost" as a page title, but, honestly, "Official Time & Again Graphic Narrative Page" would simply be better right now, while I'm still working on this "genre abomination experiment of a graphic novel". That's a little bit sad to me. So this is where that post title comes from. Facebook seems to really dislike me - but you know what?! My feeling towards it is truly mutual 🤣
Somehow, I believe, constant dissatisfaction with the social netwroks has always been one of the most prominent topics I wrote on back in the day, when I used to have a secret blog on Wordpress. However, it's getting a tad too old for me (not the blog, but the topic; the blog is long gone), so I don't want to keep up with the "tradition" and I'll just move on without it. ... also, how I accidentally misspelled "networks" in the second last sentence really makes me think of yet another one Ultravox song. So, once I realized I typo'd, I just decided to leave it as is, for the sake of fun association. (I sure somehow became a big fan of this band over the course of, like, 5 months 😅)
But on a more positive note!!! I finished up all the teasers for Chapter 5 that I had in mind (and one of them you've already seen in the previous post 😁), and that's one of the biggest and the most important things I've done for "Time & Again" within the last two weeks. W00t and doot!!! You know what else happened?.. I finished up all the new inner covers (also known as Vorsatz und Nachsatz in book printing ☝) and the main cover for Chapter 5! And I really like the results 😁 (some snippets of the progress go below)
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I guess you will see the finished product soon enough 😁 And yet again, I want to praise Krita's Assistant Tool: I used Vanishing Point assistant to draw a better urban perspective for the cover art. I think it turned out pretty good and significantly less crooked. Haha)))
I also finished up the author's letter that will be included into the chapter as a bonus material. I started writing it long ago, gradually adding more and more to it as the time went by. This is not what I usually do, for, at times, writing in segments might quickly become a disaster for me. Even writing future snippets/drafts of the blog posts in here often represents a sort of challenge to me - although I clearly seem to magically succeed somehow. (yay? 🥳 I guess?..) But nevertheless, this is what happened to the author's letter/afterword for Chapter 5. And it turned out good... but big 😅 However, after an attempt to figure out how to make it shorter... I simply decided to keep it as is. Because WHATEVER! You can read the whole thing if you want. It's moderately entertaining after all 😁 Or you can skips some parts in it. Or you can skip the whole thing (because you probably came here for the artworks anyway, right?..). I don't care. I just did what I thought would be good and what makes sense to me, as an author. That's all, deal with it! 😎 The readers are not obligated to like everything 😁 Also, the author's letter/afterword turned out very sincere. ... Heh, as if I can ever be insincere? That's ridiculous.
"Then, what's left now?", you ask me. Good question. Indubitably. The right answer is: not much. Not much at all. Just one more session of proofreading (damn, I hate hate hate discovering typos already after I posted stuff! 😫), and tiny touch-ups here and there, and assembling the last bonus pages from the materials I have on hand. And I also need to write a short dialogue for a certain background. An ugly dialogue, I must admit. But I'll rickroll my sleeves up (for realsies), and I'll do it. Preferably in one sitting. Perhaps even today. 💪 And shortly after that I'll finally initiate the last stage of work: I'll recut it into a webcomic. And I'll finish up drawing all the extra designs that I need for the itch.io release.
I ask myself this question more and more frequently lately: how did Lothar even end up as a protagonist after all?.. That's quite a turn of events. Originally created in late 2014 - mid-2015 as a side character/antagonist for a story about catpeople that I never happened to finish writing (and not only that, but apparently, I never even posted any substantial artwork of the catpeople Freia and Fjolvarr together, so I cannot show almost any proof... sadness), Lothar has sure come a long way. He's been through a lot - thanks to me. I never really asked his permission; I mostly just did whatever pleased me as a writer/artist. And now... we can see him as a main character in an effing blooooody graphic novel - a format that I haven't even been familiar with up until a few years ago! That is quite a change!!! And what the peck even happened to me as a content creator? I think I possibly lost my mind. But again... Lothar has sure been through a lot in the last few earthly years. And my first comedic one-shot is probably gonna be about that.
But I think that's enough talking for today. The important piece of a dialogue won't be finished today if I keep talking. See you next time!
0 notes
monsterpie · 3 years
Monster High MASSIVE media masterlist
I made a (semi) chronological list of a lot of the various Monster High media, with links to as much as I could find on Youtube!
In this list: webisodes (original and reboot), anime, certain movies, music, video game playthroughs, the books, magazines, comics, live action videos, stop motion, and bonus videos. NOT EVERYTHING HAS LINKS!!!
Some time ago, I saw somebody say that they wanted to watch/rewatch the Monster High webisodes, but couldn’t because the Monster High Youtube page is so hopelessly disorganized. That basically inspired me to make a chronological list of them all, with links, and from there I also decided to include more Monster High media. I had thought about leaving a lot of this off, but I realized that a lot of the wiki is out of date and, although I don’t have the time to fix an entire wiki page/article/etc, I do have the time to stick a link on a tumblr post.
I wanted to make a playlist so you could just click that and it would play them all for you, but apparently you can’t save kids content to playlists (or that’s what my Youtube said, at least), so I guess this is all I can do for you.
All links in this post are SAFE, all of them lead to Youtube videos.
If you see anything in this list that’s wrong/out of place/misspelled/etc, or anything that’s missing, please tell me and I’ll correct it!
Volume 1
O1.1 - Jaundice Brothers 
O1.2 - Talon Show 
O1.3 - Fear Squad
O1.4 - Substitute Creature 
O1.5 - Party Planners 
O1.6 - Blue Lagoona 
O1.7 - Copy Canine
O1.8 - The Hot Boy 
O1.9 - Bad Scare Day 
O1.10 - Photo Finish 
O1.11 - Cyrano de Ghoulia 
O1.12 - Bad Zituation 
O1.13 - Clawditions 
O1.14 - Freedom Fight 
O1.15 - Totally Busted 
O1.16 - Freakout Friday 
O1.17 - Mad Science Fair 
O1.18 - Shock and Awesome 
O1.19 - The Good, the Bat, and the Fabulous 
O1.20 - Rumor Run Wild 
O1.21 - Fur Will Fly 
O1.22 - Horrorscope
O1.23 - Idol Threat 
O1.24 - Hatch Me If You Can 
O1.25 - Date of the Dead 
O1.26 - A Scare of a Dare 
O1.27 - Parent-Creature Conference 
(Fashion Emergency)
Volume 2
O2.1 - Scream Building 
O2.2 - Why We Fright 
O2.3 - Fear-A-Mid Power
O2.4 - Beast Friends 
O2.5 - Varsity Boos
O2.6 - Gloomsday
O2.7 - Falling Spirits 
O2.8 - Fatal Error 
O2.9 - Screech to the Beach
O2.10 - Witch Trials
O2.11 - Don’t Cheer the Reaper
O2.12 - Road to Monster Mashionals
(Zom-Beach Party)
O2.13 - Queen of the Scammed 
O2.14 - Frightday the 13th
O2.15 - HooDoo You Like?
O2.16 - Fear Pressure 
O2.17 - Fear the Book 
O2.18 - Desperate Hours 
O2.19 - Miss Infearmation 
O2.20 - Hyde and Shriek 
O2.21 - Daydream of the Dead 
O2.22 - Nefera Again 
O2.23 - Back-to-Ghoul 
O2.24 - Abominable Impression 
O2.25 - Frost Friends
O2.26 - Hyde Your Heart 
O2.27 - Ghostly Gossip 
O2.28 - Hiss-teria 
(Monster High & Kind Campaign: The Shockumentary)
O2.29 - Phantom of the Opry 
O2.30 - The Bermuda Love Triangle 
O2.31 - Here Comes Treble 
O2.32 - Dueling Personality 
O2.33 - Neferamore 
O2.34 - Rising From the Dead 
O2.35 - Monster Mashionals Part 1 
O2.36 - Monster Mashionals Part 2 
(Super Fan)
Volume 3
O3.1 - Dodgeskull
O3.2 - Game of DeNile 
O3.3 - Uncommon Cold 
O3.4 - Ghosts With Dirty Faces 
O3.5 - Hickmayleeun 
O3.6 - No Place Like Nome 
O3.7 - Sibling Rivalry 
O3.8 - The Nine Lives of Toralei 
O3.9 - Unlife to Live 
O3.10 - Abyss Adventure 
O3.11 - Unearthed Day 
O3.12 - Creepfast Club
O3.13 - Home Ick
O3.14 - Hoodoo That Voodoo That You Do 
O3.15 - I Know What You Did Last Fright 
O3.16 - Honey, I Shrunk the Ghouls 
O3.17 - HooDude Voodoo 
O3.18 - Undo the Voodoo 
(We Stop Hate)
O3.19 - Night of a Thousand Dots 
O3.20 - Best Ghoulfriend 
O3.21 - Aba-Kiss Me Deadly 
O3.22 - Bean Scare, Done That 
O3.23 - A Perfect Match 
O3.24 - Hiss-toria 
O3.25 - The Need For Speed 
O3.26 - The Halls Have Eyes 
O3.27 - Mauled 
O3.28 - Scare-born Infection 
O3.29 - Boo Year’s Eve 
O3.30 - Franken-Styled 
O3.31 - Defending Your Lagoona 
O3.32 - Freaky Fridate 
O3.33 - The Ghoulest Season 
O3.34 - Fright Dance 
O3.35 - Scare-itage
O3.36 - Tough As Scales 
O3.37 - Tree of Unlife 
O3.38 - No Ghouls Allowed 
O3.39 - I Scream, You Scream 
O3.40 Frankie’s Joltin’ Juice 
O3.41 - Tortoise and the Scare 
O3.42 - Fierce Crush 
O3.43 - Invasion of the Ghoul Snatchers 
O3.44 - Flowers for Slow Moe 
O3.45 - Ready, Wheeling, and Able 
O3.46 - Creature of the Year 
O3.47 - Party Undead 
O3.48 - Student Disembodied President 
O3.49 - Clawbacks 
O3.50 - Field of Screams 
O3.51 - Angry Ghouls 
O3.52 - The Stich-uation 
O3.53 - Scarah Voyant 
O3.54 - Inscare-itance 
O3.55 - Playing the Boos 
Volume 4
O4.1  - Eye of the Boo-holder 
O4.2 - Who’s the Boo Girl?
O4.3 - Boo Ghoul at School 
O4.4 - Creature Creepers Adventures Part 1: Bat Dialing Disaster 
O4.5 - Scream Spirit
O4.6 - Scareful What You Wish For 
O4.7 - Boogey Mansion 
O4.8 - Monsters of Music 
O4.9 - Tales From the Script 
O4.10 - Boolittle Too Late 
O4.11 - Jungle Boo-gie 
O4.12 - Just Ghost to Show Ya 
O4.13 - Master of Hiss-guise 
O4.14 - Zombie Shake 
O4.15 - Just One of the Ghouls 
O4.16 - Join the Scream 
O4.17 - In Plain Fright 
O4.18 - Creature Creepers Adventures Part 2: The Coin Calamity 
O4.19 - We Are Monster High 
O4.20 - Creepateria 
04.21 - I Only Have Eye for You 
O4.22 - So You Think You Can Date 
O4.23 - Inner Monster 1.0 
O4.24 - Inner Monster 2.0 
O4.25 - Graveball Grates 
O4.26 - Happy Howlidays 
O4.27 - Boys Fright Out 
O4.28 - Creature Cribs 
O4.29 - Draculocker 
O4.30 - Stage Frightened 
Volume 5 
O5.1 - Casta Vote 
O5.2 - I Casta Spell On You 
O5.3 - Sayonara Draculara 
O5.4 - Lochness Lorna 
O5.5 - Meet You in Monster Picchu 
O5.6 - Looks Gill-ty 
O5.7 - The Agony of D’Feet 
O5.8 - Gloom and Bloom, Part 1 
O5.9 - Gloom and Bloom, Part 2 
O5.10 - Bad Tomb-mates 
Volume 6 
O6.1 - Freak du Chic Act 1
O6.2 - Freak du Chic Act 2
O6.3 - Freak du Chic Act 3 
O6.4 - From Fear to There Part 1 
O6.5 - From Fear to There Part 2 
O6.6 - Decomposition Class 
Extra Webisodes
Fashion Emergency
this webisode aired after Here Come Treble, but timeline-wise, it could take place anywhere in Volumes 1 or 3
made to advertise the Walmart exclusive  Dawn of the Dance 3-pack
was never uploaded to the official Monster High channel, so instead link goes to a different channel’s upload.
Super Fan
this webisode aired after Neferamore, but timeline-wise it could take place at any time
made to advertise the Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive Go Monster High Team!!! 3-pack
was never uploaded to the official Monster High channel, so instead link goes to a different channel’s upload.
Zom-Beach Party
this webisode aired after Monster Mashionals 1 and 2, but timeline-wise, it took place after Road to Monster Mashionals (O2.12)
made to advertise the Target exclusive Gloom Beach 5-pack
was never uploaded to the official Monster High channel, so instead link goes to a different channel’s upload.
Kind: The Shockumentary 
this webisode aired after Hiss-teria, but timeline-wise all we know is that it happened after Fright On! 
We Stop Hate 
this webisode aired after Undo the Voodoo, but timeline-wise it could take place at any time
R1.1 - Draculaura - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.2 - Frankie - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.3 - Cleo - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.4 - Clawdeen - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.5 - Lagoona - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.6 - Creepateria Chaos - Meet the Ghouls 
R1.7 - Ari - Meet the Ghouls 
Adventures of the Ghoul Squad 
R2.0 -  Monster High: Adventures of the Ghoul Squad Official Trailer
R2.1 - Calling All Ghouls 
R2.2 - Island Ghouls 
R2.3 - A Tale of Two Mountains 
R2.4 - Gobsmacked 
R2.5 - Boo-tiful Music 
R2.6 - Gargoyle and Water 
R2.7 - Too Much Scream Time 
R2.8 - Monster High’s Got Talent... Shows 
R2.9 - The Sands of Toralei 
R2.10 - Garden Ghouls 
Howliday Special 
R3.1 - The First Howliday 
R3.2 - Sister Shock 
R3.3 - All Howl-ow’s Eve
R3.4 - Home for the Howlidays
All uploaded to Youtube, all are English subbed.
A.1 - Monster High Life Is Amazing!
A.2 - Hello! Monster Halloween!
A.3 - The Golden Cleo de Nile
A.4 - Clawdeen’s Love!?
A.5 - Abbey Is a Cool Beauty
A.6 - Horror! Acting Cool on the Black Carpet
A.7 - Lagoona, to the Ocean...
A.8 - Party Party Party!
Not every movie has a Youtube link, and not all of the links are high quality
M.1 - New Ghoul @ School 
M.2 - Fright On! 
upload is a very poor quality, only 144p
M.3 - Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love? 
M.3.5 -  Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love Trailer 
M.4 - Escape From Skull Shores
upload was altered but is still watchable
M.4.5 -  Skull Shores Trailer
M.5 - Friday Night Frights 
M.6 - Ghouls Rule 
M.6.1 -  Ghouls Rule Trailer
M.6.2 -  Ghouls Rule! Extended Trailer
M.7 - Scaris: City of Frights 
M.7.5 - From Fear to Eternity (SCF short) 
M.8 - 13 Wishes 
13W.1 -  13 Wishes Official Trailer
13W.2 -  13 Wishes Freak Peek #1
13W.3 -  13 Wishes Freak Peek #2
13W.4 -  13 Wishes Freak Peek #3
M.9 - Frights, Camera, Action! 
M.9.1 - Welcome to Hauntlywood (FCA short) 
M.9.2 -  Unearthed: Official Frights, Camera, Action! Trailer
M.9.3 -  Which new Frights, Camera, Action ghoul is your favorite?
M.10 - Freaky Fusion
M.10.1 -  Freaky Fusion™ | Teaser Trailer
M.10.2 -  Catacombs Clip from Freaky Fusion
M.10.3 -  Fusions Clip from Freaky Fusion
M.10.4 -  Hybrids Clip from Freaky Fusion
M.10.5 -  Freaky Fusion™ Official Trailer
M.11 - Haunted
M.12 - Boo York, Boo York 
M.12.1 -  Boo York, Boo York: A Monsterrific Musical Official Trailer
M.13 - Great Scarrier Reef
M.13.1 -  Great Scarrier Reef Trailer
M.13.2 -  Monster High™: Great Scarrier Reef Exclusive 10 Minute Premiere
M.14 - The Lost Movie (storyboards) 
link leads to the official Monster High Youtube The Lost Movie storyboard playlist (bullet points below list the videos out individually)
M.14.1 -  The Lost Movie Trailer
M.14.2 -  Hauntlywood Calling! | The Lost Movie
M.14.3 -  A Magic Mirror | The Lost Movie
M.14.4 -  Speak the Charm Ghoulfriend | The Lost Movie
M.14.5 -  The Spell Worked! | The Lost Movie
M.14.6 -  Inside the Labyrinth | The Lost Movie
M.14.7 -  There’s a Spooky Person Spying on You | The Lost Movie
M.14.8 -  Clawd’s Evil Twin | The Lost Movie
M.14.9 -  Reunion | The Lost Movie
M.14.10 -  Did I Just Lose My Werewolf Abilities?
M.14.11 -  Did I Just Lose My Vampire Abilities?
M.14.12 -  The Biggest, Meanest Dragon I’ve Ever Seen | The Lost Movie
M.14.13 -  The Finale! | The Lost Movie
RM.1 - Welcome to Monster High 
RM.2 - Electrified
RM.2.1 -  Monster High "Electrified" Official Movie Trailer
RM.2.2 -  Welcoming Committee | Electrified
RM.2.3 -  Humans Fear the Dark | Electrified
RM.2.4 -  Truth or Scare? | Electrified
RM.2.5 -  Electric Fashion | Electrified
RM.2.6 -  Meet Znap | Electrified
RM.2.7 -  Monster Makeovers | Electrified
RM.2.8 -  Extended Family | Electrified
RM.2.9 -  Deleted Scenes: There's a Storm Coming | Electrified
RM.2.10 -  Deleted Scenes: Clawdeen Energized | Electrified
RM.2.11 -  Deleted Scenes: Storm Aftermath | Electrified
RM.3 - Adventures of the Ghoul Squad: Howliday Edition
some songs have more than one version, like a music video and/or just audio, so I included multiple versions when applicable. 
MS.1  -  "Fright Song" Official Music Video
MS.2 -  Friday I'll Be Over U -  Allison Iraheta
MS.3 - Scars - Allison Iraheta 
MS.4 - "We Are Monster High"™ - Madison Beer Music Video
MS.5 - Magic Carpet Ride - Catty Noir 
MS.6 - So Much Confusion 
MS.7 - The Witching Hour - Casta Fierce 
MS.8 - Hauntlywood (Here We Come)
there was no high quality upload of this song, so instead here’s the two that were uploaded in lower quality 
MS.8.1 -  Monster High: Hauntlywood Here We Come
MS.8.2 -  Frights, Camera, Action!® - Hauntlywood (Where Ghouls at)
MS.9 -  Party Like a Monster
MS.10 -  "Love Is Like A Storm Tonight" Official Music Video
MS.10.1 -  Love Is Like a Storm Tonight
MS.11 -  "Search Inside" Official Music Video
MS.10.1 -  "Search Inside" Lyric Music Video
MS.10.2 -  Search Inside
MS.12 -  "Fright Lights, Big City" Official Music Video
MS.12.1 -  "Fright Lights, Big City" Lyric Music Video
MS.12.2 -  Fright Lights, Big City
MS.13 -  "Empire" Official Music Video
MS.13.1 -  Empire
MS.14 -  "It Can't Be Over" Official Music Video
MS.14.1 -  It Can't Be Over
MS.15 -  "Boo York, Boo York" Official Music Video
MS.15.1 -  "Boo York, Boo York" Lyric Music Video
MS.16 -  "Steal The Show" Official Music Video
MS.16.1 -  Steal the Show
MS.17 -  "Shooting Stars" Official Music Video
MS.17.1 -  "Shooting Stars" Lyric Music Video
MS.17.2 -  Shooting Stars
MS.17.3 -  "Shooting Stars" Official Lyric Video | Adventures of the Ghoul Squad
MS.18 -  “Get Into the Swim” Official Music Video
MS.19 -  "Dive In" Music Video
MS.19.1 -  Dive In
MS.20 -  "Face the Tide" Official Music Video
MS.20.1 -  Face the Tide
MS.21 -  Monster High Fright Song Japan Version Music Video
MS.22 -  Monster High-Greek Version Lyrics
MS.1 -  "Better Together" Lyric Video
MS.1.1 -  Better Together
MS.1.2 -  Monster High "Better Together" Music Video
MS.2 -  “We’re the Monstars” Lyric Video
MS.2.1 -  We're the Monstars (Dance the Fright Away)
MS.3 -  "Feeling So Amazing" Lyric Video
MS.3.1 -  Feeling so Amazing
MS.4 -  "Me and My Amigos" Lyric Music Video
MS.4.1 -  Me and My Amigos
MS.5 -  "Electric Fashion" Official Lyric Music Video
MS.5.1 - Electric Fashion
MS. 6 -  "Electrified" Official Lyric Music Video
MS.7 -  Adventures of the Ghoul Squad Official Theme Song
MS.7.1 -  Adventures of the Ghoul Squad Music Video
Main links lead to playthrough playlists. I haven’t watched the playthroughs but I have watched playthroughs from the uploader before and I trust that they did a thorough play on the game. 
VG.1 - Monster High: Ghoul Spirit
Available on Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi
VG.1.1 -  Video Game - Teaser Trailer
VG.1.2 -  Video Game - Launch Trailer
VG.1.3 -  Video Game -- Official TV Spot
VG.1.4 -  Furry Fashionista (Video Game)
VG.1.5 -  Costume Ball Calamity (Video Game)
VG.1.6 -  Vampire Vixen (Video Game)
VG.1.7 -  Lightening Strikes Twice (Video Game)
VG.1.8 -  Ghoulmunication Breakdown (Video Game)
VG.1.9 -  Swim Meet Splashdown (Video Game)
VG.1.10 -  Scream Queen (Video Game)
VG.1.11 -  Permission to Jam (Video Game)
VG.2 - Skultimate Roller Maze 
Available on Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS
VG.2.1 -  Skultimate Roller Maze the Video Game Trailer
VG.2.2 -  Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze Video Game :15 Trailer
VG.2.3 -  Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze Video Game :30 Trailer
VG.2.4 -  Skultimate Roller Maze
VG.3 - 13 Wishes 
Available on Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS 
VG.3.5 - 13 Wishes Official Video Game
VG.4 - New Ghoul in School 
Available on Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
VG.4.5 -  Monster High™: Monster High |Now Available for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, WiiU, and 3DS! (trailer)
VG.5 - High School Story Crossover 
this isn’t an actual video game, but rather a crossover Monster High had with an app called High School Story. the link is to the trailer MH had for it. I’m only including it here because I believe I actually played it when it happened. 
VG.6 -  Monster High™ Minis Mania!
this was an app, technically for the reboot
VG.7 -  Monster High Has Arrived in UNO & Friends!
this was a crossover Monster High had with the UNO & Friends app 
VG.8 -  Monster High™ Beauty Shop Game Trailer
this was an app.
Monster High (Lisi Harrison)
LH.1 - Monster High 
missing 13th chapter: Slow and Tell 
LH.2 - The Ghoul Next Door 
missing 13th chapter: Snatch Me If You Can 
LH.3 - Where There’s A Wolf, There’s A Way 
missing 13th chapter: Occupy Mall Street 
LH.4 - Back and Deader Than Ever 
LH.5 - Drop Dead Diary 
Drop Dead Diary is an activity book, not a chapter book. It was technically released between the second book, The Ghoul Next Store, and the third book, Where There’s A Wolf, There’s A Way. 
Ghoulfriends Series (Gitty Daneshvari) 
GD.0 -  Ghoulfriends Forever Sneak Peek
GD.1 - Ghoulfriends Forever 
GD.2 - Ghoulfriends Just Want to Have Fun 
GD.3 - Who’s That Ghoulfriend?
GD.4 - Ghoulfriends ‘til The End 
GD.5 - The Ghoul-It-Yourself Book 
The Ghoul-It-Yourself Book is an activity book, not a chapter book, however it does contain a short story. 
Monster High Diaries (Nessi Monstrata)
NM.1 - Draculaura and the New Stepmomster 
NM.2 - Frankie Stein and the New Ghoul at School 
NM.3 - Lagoona Blue and the Big Sea Scarecation 
NM.4 - Clawdeen Wolf and the Freaky Fabulous Fashion Show 
NM.5 - Cleo de Nile and the Creeperific Mummy Makeover
Monster High: The Creepy-Cool Collection of Junior Novels (Perdita Finn)
these were junior novels, novelizations of the movies, and as far as I can tell they didn’t have any new lore added. 
PF.1 - Frights, Camera, Action! 
PF.2 - Freaky Fusion
PF.3 - Haunted 
PF.4 - Boo York, Boo York 
PF.5 - Great Scarrier Reef
PF.6  - Welcome to Monster High 
Monster High/Ever After High: The Legend of Shadow High (Shannon Hale) 
SH.1 - The Legend of Shadow High 
there were two versions of the Monster High magazine: the first, from the UK, and the second, from the US. The UK edition came first and has more issues. If I’m not mistaken, the magazines didn’t have any new lore added, just activities and giveaways. Certain issues of the UK magazine came with free gifts. 
there was a separate, digital version of the magazine on the Monster High website, called Teen Scream. 
Teen Scream 
link goes to the Monster High wiki page, which has some (all?) of the pages uploaded
TS.M.1 -  Fall/Winter 2011
TS.M.2 -  Spring 2012
UK magazines
UK.M.0 -  Premiere Issue (7 DEC 2011 - 10 JAN 2012)
there isn’t a lot of information on this one beyond the small amount on the Monster High wiki. Apparently it predated the UK magazine release but no magazines were released following it. It came with some makeup and posters, and was mostly just activities. 
UK.M.1 - Issue 1 (April 04, 2012)
Free gift: Dead-stylish zipper bracelet.
UK.M.2 - Issue 2 (May 09, 2012)
Freaky-fab fashion glove - available in either black or pink.
UK.M.3 - Issue 3 (June 13, 2012)
Free gift: Creeptastic notebook and pen.
UK.M.4 - Issue 4 (July 11, 2012)
Free gift: Clawesome Make-up case.
UK.M.5 - Issue 5 (August 15, 2012)
Free gift: Ghoulish phone sock + charm.
UK.M.6-12 - Issues 6 through 12 (all separate issues, but I’m only individually listing the ones that came with gifts and grouping together the ones that didn’t) (from September 12, 2012 through March 13, 2013)
UK.M.13 - Issue 13 (April 10, 2013)
Free gift: Freaky-fab skullette scarf - available in either black or pink.
UK.M.14-38 - Issues 14-38 (from May 08, 2013 through March 15, 2015)
I don’t know if the UK releases stopped after 38 or if there were more and they just weren’t listed on the wiki.
US Magazines
US.M.1-29 - Issues 1 through 29 (from December 04, 2012 through January 2018)
technically, I don’t know how many editions there were, because the wiki officially only goes up to 9, however a COMMENT on the wiki said it went up to 29 and ended in January 2018. I’m inclined to believe this comment, because I got a Monster High magazine when Toys ‘R’ Us went bankrupt, and it had the reboot artwork, which would not have been around until some years after Issue 9 was released. 
@monsterhigh4ever uploaded the covers of the magazines! I believe they’re the US version but I could be mistaken. 
Written by Heather Nuhfer, illustrated by Josh Howard and Keellee Riley
C.1 - Hopes and Screams 
illustrated by Josh Howard 
C.2 - I Only Have Eye For You 
illustrated by Keellee Riley
C.3 - Who Are The Frightmares?
this was a webcomic hosted on the original Monster High website, but the page(s) it was on is broken. Link leads to the wiki page instead, which uploaded the comic. 
LA.0 - Higher Deaducation
LA.1 -  "Fright Song" Official Music Video
LA.1.5 -  Fright Song - Behind The Scenes
LA.2 -  Monster High® Song - India
LA.2.1 -  Monster High® Song Ad - India
LA.2.2 -  Making Of Monster High® Song - India
LA.3 -  Ghouls visit Kuala Lumpur on their way to Scaris
LA.4 -  Flash Mob in Malaysia
LA.5 -  "We Are Monster High"™ - Madison Beer Music Video
LA.5.5 -  We Are Monster High® Music Video Behind-the-Screams with Madison Beer
LA.6 -  Музыкальное видео "Монстер-Хай"
LA.8 -  Digital Monsters, We Are Proud!
LA.9 -  Meet Megan Nicole as Cleo de Nile
LA.10 -  Charisma Star as Draculaura
LA.11 -  Miranda Ibanez as Frankie Stein
LA.12 -  Andrea Russett as Clawdeen Wolf
LA.13 -  Meet Ricky Dillon as Heath Burns
LA.14 -  "Fright Lights, Big City" featuring Taylor Hatala and the #CityGhouls
LA.15 -  Monster High Live - Das spuktakuläre Musical
SM.1 - Monster High Takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
SM.2 - MEGA Bloks Monster High Crest
SM.3 - Draculaura’s Vamptastic Room
SM.4 - Ghoulia's Creeperific Lab
SM.5 - Cleo's Gore-geous Vanity
SM.7 - Frankie's Electrifying Room
SM.8 - Clawdeen's Monster Moviemobile
SM. 9 - Graveyard Garden Party
SM.10 - MhMotionBros Stop Motion | Shooting Stars
SM.11 - MhMotionBros Stop Motion | Steal the Show
SM.12 - MhMotionBros Stop Motion | It Can’t Be Over
SM.13 - MhMotionBros Stop Motion | Empire
SM.14 - Creepateria | Mega Bloks Monster High
SM.15 - Biteology Class | Mega Bloks Monster High
SM.16 - Get into the Swim with Monster High Stop Motion
SM.17 - Ghostly Gossip Column | Mega Bloks Monster High
SM.18 - Gossip Ghouls | Mega Bloks Monster High
SM.19 - Monster High’s Great Scarrier Reef Comes to Life in Set Form
SM.20 - Fear Squad | Mega Bloks
SM.21 - Cat-tastrophe at the Monster High Fierce Rockers Concert?
SM.22 - Summer Series with the Monster High Ghouls Teaser
SM.23 - Draculaura Picks her Summer Wardrobe | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.24 - Camp Fire Stories with ClawdeenWolf | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.25 - Summer Science Camp with Frankie Stein | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.26 - Lagoona Blue Makes a Splash at the Beach | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.27 - Traveling the World with Cleo de Nile | Ghoul For the Summer
SM.28 - Lagoona Blue Doll Cleans Up the Beach | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.29 - Designing Drinks with Clawdeen Wolf at Fright Roast Café | Ghoul for the Summer
SM.30 - Last Day of Summer for the Monster High Ghouls | Ghoul For The Summer
SM.31 -  Monster High Limb-itless Talent | Mega Bloks
SM.32 -  Ghostbusters Frankie Stein And Slimer
SM.33 -  Monster High in the Fall | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.34 -  Happy Halloween, Lagoona Blue! | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.35 -  "Gaga for Ghouls" Official Music Video
SM.36 -  Monster High Costume Party | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.37 -  Fangtastic DIY School Supplies with Lagoona Blue
SM.38 -  Monster High Hits 1 Million Subscribers!
SM.39 -  Frankie Stein Sparks Up a Club at Monster High! | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.40 -  Locker Looter at Monster High! | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.41 -  Frankie Stein Learns How to Ride a Bike | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.42 -  Big Fun with Mini Cleo de Nile | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.43 -  Clawdeen Wolf Opens Up with Her Clawesome Pet Salon! | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.44 -  Pose, Smile and Dance the Fright Away™! | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.45 -  Frankie Stein Hosts Movie Night | Fangtastic Fall Series
SM.46 -  Monster High Ghouls Earn a Spring Vacay | Spring Into Action
SM.47 -  Monster High Ghouls Spring into Vacay Mode | Spring Into Action
SM.48 -  Monster-Sitting with Lagoona Blue | Spring Into Action
SM.49 - Looking for Treasure with the Monster High Ghouls | Spring Into Action
SM.50 -  Raising Dough with a Monster High Bake Sale | Spring Into Action
SM.51 -  Slumber Party Fun Gets "Out of Hand" | Spring Into Action
SM.52 -  The Monster High Ghouls Grow a Garden Party | Spring Into Action
SM.53 -  Monster High Spring Into Action: Stop Motion Series Compilation
SM.54 -  Howl and Seek
SM.55 -  Face the Tide, Ebbie!
SM.56 -  Draculaura's Fangtastic Bake Sale
SM.57 -  Adventures of the Ghoul Squad Music Video
SM.58 -  Carpool Karaoke with the Monster High™ Ghouls
SM.0 - MH Motion Bros
this is the channel of the people who did some of the stop motion videos for Monster High. it has more videos than just what was posted to the MH page, as well as videos for other dolls. 
bonus links are various videos that, for some reason or another, do not fit into the other categories. some are behind the scenes looks, some are toy tutorials, some are quizzes, some are makeup tutorials, and there are some that are none of those things. If I’m not mistaken, none of them really add any new lore, they’re mostly just for entertainment or education.
B.1 - Monster High Commercials (From 2010 to 2016) 
B.2 -  Comic-Con 2012
B.3 -  Create a Monster Design Lab Tutorial
B.4 -  Celeb Halloween Celebration 2012
B.5 -  San Diego Comic-Con 2013: Behind-the-Screams
B.6 -  Color Me Creepy Design Chamber™ Instructional Video
B.7 -  Create-A-Monster COLOR ME CREEPY™ Design Chamber
B.8 -  Secret Creepers™ Pets Instructional Video
B.9 -  Ghouls and Jewels Mobile Game -- Launch Trailer
B.10 -  Ghouls and Jewels Google Play Launch Trailer
B.11 -  How to Save Frankie
B.12 -  How to Assemble the Catacombs Playset
B.13 -  Monster Maker | How to Play
B.14 -  Monster High Vinyl Figures
B.15 -  Monster High Design Lab "How To:" Color-Me-Creepy
B.16 -  Monster High Design Lab "How To:" Create-A-Monster
B.17 -  Scary-Cool Doll Designs
B.18 -  How To Assemble the High School Playset
B.19 -  Monster High at Comic-Con International 2015
B.20 -  How Do You Boo? | Jordin Sparks
B.21 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Clawdeen Wolf
B.22 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Draculaura
B.23 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Frankie Stein
B.24 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Toralei
B.25 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Lagoona Blue
B.26 -  Behind the Scenes on a Monster High Doll Shoot
B.27 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Peri & Pearl Serpentine
B.28 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Kala Mer’ri
B.29 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Posea Reef
B.30 -  Behind the Scenes of the Monster High Fierce Rocker Photo Shoot
B.31 -  Frankie Stein Doll Demos the Monster High Designer Boo-tique
B.32 -  Top 10 Things for Back-to-School
B.33 -  Monster High® Ghoul-to-bat Transformation Draculaura® Doll
B.34 - Frankie Stein Fashion Show of the Beast Back-to-School Looks
there’s flashing lights in this video, especially at the beginning. the video is just of a reboot Frankie doll showcasing various outfits. 
B.35 -  Fangtastic DIY School Supplies with Draculaura™
B.36 -  Stunning DIY School Supplies with Frankie Stein™
B.37 -  Welcome to a Monster High Photo Shoot!
B.39 -  Be Part of Monster High
B.40 -  Easy DIY Halloween Party Decorations! Mummies! Pumpkins! Glowing Balloons!
B.41 -  Test Your Knowledge of Monster High’s Moanica D’Kay with Ghoul Trivia
B.42 -  Kind Monsters
B.43 -  Paint Your Face Like Monster High™ Skelita Calaveras
B.44 -  Clawesome DIY School Supplies with Clawdeen Wolf | DIY Ideas with the Ghouls
B.45 -  Monster High Universal Dance Routine
B.46 -  Fangtastic DIY School Supplies with Cleo de Nile
B.47 -  Treasure Hunting with the Crew: Shriek Wrecked Part 1
B.48 -  The Monster High Scary Cool Holiday Gift Guide!
B.49 -  Finding an Outfit that Makes a Splash: Shriek Wrecked Part 2
B.50 -  A Spooktacular Surprise: Shriek Wrecked Part 3
B.51 -  Monster High® Electrified High Voltage Frankie Stein Commercial
B.52 -  Monster High™ Party Hair Draculaura TV Commercial
B.53 -  An Exclusive Behind the Scenes Look at the Party Hair Draculaura Commercial
B.54 -  An Electrifying Behind the Scenes Look at a Monster High Photo Shoot | Electrified
B.55 -  Venus McFlytrap Makeup Tutorial
B.56 -  Twyla Makeup Tutorial
B.57 -  Learn the Vampire Handshake! | Adventures of the Ghoul Squad
B.58 -  Make Your Own Monster Mapalogue! | Adventures of the Ghoul Squad
B.59 -  Play the Monster High Crossword Puzzle Challenge! | Adventures of the Ghoul Squad
please note that, if I’m not mistaken, the crossword puzzle is laid out incorrectly, and one of the answers doesn’t actually fit in the space it’s supposed to.
B.60 -  New Monster High™ Stickers for iMessage
B.61 -  The Monster High Ghouls Throw a Halloween Party
B.62 -  Behind the Scenes: Treesa Doll Commercial Shoot
B.63 -  Behind the Scenes: Monster High Bus TVC
B.64 -  Baking Cookies in the Draculaura™ Kitchen for a Monster High™ Party
B.65 -  Awkward Family Photos Send Howliday Cheer from the Monster High™ Family
727 notes · View notes
midnightwinterhawk · 3 years
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I put together a little collection of Sterek and Steter fics for funsies. “Just a few fics”, I thought, “nothing too crazy.” Thirty fics later I had to cut myself off and finalize the list. You can thank @the-cookie-of-doom​ for the inspiration. 
These primarily fall under the Hurt Stiles Stilinski category because I apparently like to see my comfort characters suffer. Most of these have hopeful/happy endings but mind the tags. For reals.
Placed under a cut since I have no self control and this turned into a long post.
adore to see your eyes fly by @1001cranes
(11,309 l E)
stiles is a pyromaniac, derek is a sociopath. a match made in some kind of heaven. teen wolf kink meme fill.
take my heart from me by @areiton
(23,188 l NR)
He didn't really mean to adopt Derek's pack of puppies. He didn't mean to make himself important to them.
To Derek.
He just wanted to keep them all safe.
That's all Stiles ever wanted.
"Why Can't You?" by @asterekmess
(3,602 l T)
Now. This was happening now, and he couldn’t be less prepared.
After a long night, things between Stiles and his father come to a head.
And You Say You're Alone by bi_leigh_bi
(30,314 l E)
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
A Victory March by @churkey
(2,688 l T)
When Stiles is eight he learns that nothing will be the same. His dad comes home one day after work and sits Stiles down for a talk. He explains that werewolves and all the monsters are real.
They're real and not hiding under anyone's bed.
Bury the Moon by darthjamtart
(16,592 l M)
First things get bad. Then they get worse. Stiles doesn’t know what he’s sacrificed until it’s too late.
Dying is the easy part.
Love's Violent Delights by @dexterous-sinistrous
(10,685 l E)
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Empty by @discontentedwinter
(48,034 l M)
Jordan Parrish is the new sheriff of Beacon Hills, a town haunted by its past.
Your Vision Borrows Mine by hazyascent
(188,781 l E)
Stiles has encountered a fair share of monsters before, way out of his league - the kinds that children are afraid are hiding in their closets and under the bed.
He’d even become one himself when he was void. The nogitsune was in his house, his body, and his mind.
But the worst monster he’s ever faced took even more from him and got away with it.
It’s why Stiles has never really been as terrified of werewolves and kanimas and darachs as he should have been. They’re really not that scary, relatively speaking, and he has a whole team on his side. They always found a way to win - until they lost someone they really loved.
Stiles doesn’t know how to be normal, not after everything he’s done and everyone he’s hurt. The nogitsune is gone, but another monster is on its heels.
His uncle is back. And Stiles has never felt more alone.
It Was a Wednesday by @isthatbloodonhisshirt
(80,129 l M)
“What happened? Where are you? What’s that sound?”
Derek jumped, having momentarily forgotten Scott was on the phone with him because Stiles had started moving. He’d stalked over to the other side of the cave, still eying Derek warily and growling, then settled protectively over a mass of clothes, leaves and animal innards. It was probably where he was sleeping.
Lovely. No wonder he smelled like death.
“Stiles,” Derek said, answering Scott’s question. Or, one of them, at least.
“Stiles? What do you—Stiles is making that noise?”
“How fast do you think you can make it to the south lot of the Preserve?”
Tiny Houses by @ohmyjetsabel-blog
(77,183 l E)
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
I'm There in the Water by @spaceprincessem
(15,878 l T)
“But it’s—” Derek paused, his words unsure, “it’s not like us,” he swallows hard, chin dipping to his chest in frustration, “it’s like a…”
“An abomination,” Stiles finished, nodding his head as he finally lets his gaze really look at Derek since Scott had pulled them from the water.
He suddenly wished he hadn’t because the way Derek looks at him makes Stiles feel like he is ten years old again. Like Derek is seeing him for the first time since they accidentally fell into each other’s orbit all those years ago. Like Stiles isn’t a burden or invisible.
Like he is enough.
Or five times Stiles felt like he was drowning and the one time he finally caught his breath
Gunplay is Not Really Our Kink by theroguesgambit
(2,577 l M)
“The rules to the game are simple. One bullet, six chances. You pick it up and take turns pulling the trigger on the other man, or we gun you both down right now. You play along, only one of you has to die. Fun game, huh?”
Derek and Stiles are captured by a group of hunters and forced to play a twisted game that only one of them might walk away from.
The Price by theroguesgambit
(18,452 l M)
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Nieważny by Zethsaire
(2,037 l E)
The pack is gone, everything they've ever cared for destroyed. Now Stiles and Derek hunt the hunters, taking revenge in the only way they know how; blood.
Make Me Bleed by @asarcasticwitch
(2,304 l E)
Peter’s expression contorts, impressed or surprised, Stiles can't decipher, but the grin on his face proves he’s not exactly disappointed with the unexpected turn of events.
“Which bite exactly were you hoping for, hm?” The older man curls one hand around the back of Stiles’s neck, trailing his thumb along his pale, fragile throat.
Stiles tilts his head back in unyielding submission, giving the wolf no room to debate his sincerity. “I’m sure you can figure it out, Alpha.
Two Roads Converge in a Graveyard Town by @cywscross
(15,645 l T)
The Deadpool brings one more assassin to Beacon Hills. A man's gotta eat after all.
when you're going through hell (keep going for me) by cywscross
(57,022 l T)
Peter is abandoned in the aftermath of the fire, and Eichen House takes ruthless advantage. Six years later, when he's finally able to move again, he finds himself in a cell with a boy in a straitjacket.
(Kate’s biggest mistake was letting Peter live. Eichen House’s biggest mistake was letting Peter meet Stiles.)
Don't Fail Me Now by @discontentedwinter​
(36,315 l E)
Stiles goes to Derek looking for help.
He finds Peter instead.
Peter takes what he's wanted for a very long time.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
(56,525 l M)
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Bite Down by EclipseWing (@shadow-of-the-eclipse)
(27,586 l M)
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
Into Eden by @graciebirdie
(12,232 l M)
Stiles deciding to bring home the stray alpha he'd hit with his jeep probably made him certifiable, if it hadn't turned out Peter was as crazy as he was.
Before you let go (and the light takes you in) by Issay
(4,032 l E)
Stiles makes one last errand - goes to leave flowers on all the other graves. Fuck, so many graves. The grief is as endless and as inescapable as the sky.
He goes home and there is a thing wearing his father's face, waiting for him in the kitchen.
Call My Name by KouriArashi ( @gingersnapwolves )
(81,370 l M)
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Hide my tears in the rain. by MrsRidcully
(6,865 l M)
After  years spent successfully dodging werewolves, evil spirits and wendigos,  it was a drunk driver who stole his Dad, a drunk driver with a  suspended license and a record sheet as long as Stiles’s arm. Stiles  would have laughed at the irony if he hadn’t been so busy screaming.
In My Veins Like Disease by romanoffbarton
(1,140 l T)
He tries to leave once.
Foreshock by @twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(22,816 l E)
The day Stiles’ mom died, he almost leveled his house.
Not on purpose. Not even by mistake, really. More by instinct.
Since then he's dug his fingers into everything his has left, holding on with desperation.
Desperation never stopped an earthquake.
Your Touch is My Choice by twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(2,171 l T)
The first time John does it, Stiles is two years old and about to run into the road.
“Mieczysław!” Heart pounding, John grabbed him by the back of his neck and got a hand around his tummy, snatching him back. “No, you have to stay away from the road,” he said firmly.
Shameful Company by Whispering_Sumire (@whispering-sumire755)
(38,779 l E)
"Did I turn into a unicorn?" Peter asks dryly, and Stiles glares at him for a moment before the laughter bubbles up, unbidden, nearly unwilling, and he looks so surprised at the sound, his shock dimming it for a moment before it bursts through with even more trembling ferocity. A long, thin, willowy hand curls into a soft fist over his mouth, and he's shaking, frail, more tears falling, but the copper of his eyes are glowing, crinkling around the edges and scrunched with mirth.
"No," Stiles chokes, chuckling wetly. "No, fuck you, a unicorn? What, like, Rainbowcreep? Zombiesparkle?"
[About a year before the fated Hale fire, Peter starts having nightmares that involve a woman with red hair. The nightmares lead to a spell that brings a man back through time, and, eventually, though the time-traveler is traumatized in the most horrific ways, and Peter's never been good with or for people, in general, they develop a bond that neither of them expects.]
Would You Forgive Me If I Called You Hope, Peter Hale? (Hope, By Any Other Name) by Whispering_Sumire
(10,099 l T)
Stiles has scars. He owns that, he accepts it, he's cataloged and memorized every single one, he's hyper fucking aware of them all.
"What do you want, Peter?" Having the more untrustworthy of the Pack getting protective weirds him the fuck out, leaves an odd fluttering in his chest, like moths, waiting perilously and suicidally to be burned.
He doesn't like it.
"You're injured," the man says, "and whatever it is, it's put you in enough pain that I nearly fainted when I-"
"- Used your werewolf mojo on me without my permission?" Stiles smirks, and Peter gives him a black look, crossing a leg over his knee and smoothing out some invisible wrinkle on his pants.
"Tell me the truth Stiles, how bad is it?"
[Or: The one where Stiles has scars, is more than a little fucked up, and Peter notices. He helps.]
211 notes · View notes
deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Okay I see there are those who are confused as to why most of us are pissed about 15x19 I will gladly explain in depth:
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Let’s start off with our boys Adam Milligan & Michael. These characters have not been seen for 10 fucking years. During that time there were Adam stans like myself campaigning like mad to have him and the infamous archangel return for some much needed closure. We had to content ourselves with headcanons, fanfictions and metas based on what we briefly knew of Adam and Michael as people while they unfairly sat in Hell. You might have seen the “Adam’s Still in Hell” memes that circulated. WE WAITED OVER A DECADE FOR THIS. And finally SPN answers our prayers and returns these boys back into the story for the final season. None of us anticipated what their arc and dynamic would look like. Before we could only imagine who these two characters were/are after having been trapped in a cage so long; what their personalities would be like and if they’d be antagonistic to TFW. 15x08 was a surprise because not only were Adam and Michael likable right out of the gate but the writing for them and their dynamic was damn near flawless! And Jake fucking stole the show he killed it as these two. It’s a crime they were not featured in more episodes because the chemistry between these characters is amazing and they’re played by the same dude.
We were given so much background into both Adam and Michael’s psyches in just a short period of time. Their motivations, interests and how they viewed those that wronged them (like the Winchesters); how Hell affected/changed them both and how they viewed their families. We got to see them banter, cooperate with one another and most importantly their different personalities. With Jake Abel appearing in only a handful of SPN episodes, he still fleshed out Michael and Adam beautifully; giving them layers and complexities that most side-characters (who’ve appeared more times than they have) didn’t. The way Jake played Adam’s anger and resentment towards his brothers was brilliant because it’s more under the surface compared to his angsty teenage self in 5x18. He’d become somewhat restrained, laid-back, gentler and wiser which works because Adam displays traits similar to Sam and Dean. He’s kinder and has a sense of humor but none of that distracts from rational thought as he’s quick to analyze and dissect situations. Man, he would’ve made a great hunter/Men of Letters recruit. We know right off the bat Adam’s pissed at his brothers for abandoning him in a thousand-year-prison-sentence and didn’t lift a finger BUT that ironically doesn’t compromise his willingness to help them unlike his past self in 5x18. Jake gets the point across with this character without saying much and that’s what made him so compelling to watch in this episode.
Now Michael was even more of a mystery onion since he wasn’t onscreen as much as Adam had been in past episodes so Jake got to really build on top of this character. Going from the uptight, cold-blooded merciless celestial warrior/dutiful son of God we saw in 5x22 to someone whom despite his arrogance and regal princely demeanor was very human, intelligent, fair, mindful and compassionate. He trusted Adam and respected his opinions even if he didn’t agree 100%. Whereas most angels take over the vessel completely from their original occupant; Michael chooses to share his vessel with Adam as a mutual agreement which says a lot about who he is. He’s fascinated with humanity and wanted to explore it instead of returning to his throne in the clouds. We know that Michael was created specifically to be Humanity’s protector and guardian of Heaven and Earth so these quirks he’d demonstrated in 15x08 aren’t too far off. He holds a lot of pain inside from his abandonment issues with his father whom he loves to a fault and grief over the death of his brothers. On the surface there’s very much an abused child syndrome thing going on with him though he masks it with a domineering presence. And above all this we saw that he was capable of forgiveness. Whether or not Michael always had these traits inside to begin with, its very evident that his friendship with Adam influenced the person he became post-Hell. And that was someone who, like Castiel, chose to rebel for the sake of free will by aligning himself with the Winchesters after witnessing the evil his father had committed. He actually cared about saving the world. This is what we call character development.
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What does 15x19 do? It shits all over that. We don’t get to see Adam and Michael’s dynamic at all; and this was perhaps one of (if not the first) most healthy portrayal of a relationship between an angel and its original vessel occupant in the history of Supernatural. Adam is just killed off-screen Thanos style without so much as one last word and Michael barely reacts like he gives a crap. It was just established to us in 15x08 that he’d developed an emotional bond with Adam through years of inhabiting the same body. He protected Adam while they were trapped together in Hell. They were each other’s only friend and source of comfort. They’d developed a certain co-dependency on each other while respecting one another’s space. They’d both made peace with their joint situation. All they had was each other and the writing in 15x19 basically tells us their relationship meant absolutely NOTHING to Michael based on his OOC actions in this episode. He shows up much darker and shadier now that Adam is gone and its like all those years of friendship, things like that independence, newfound strength and humility he’d gained from living with a human for so long are erased. Michael just reverts back to Chuck’s 5x22 bitchboy persona in the most ridiculous 180 shift I’ve ever seen in my whole damn life. And all because his little brother called him mean names. Pitiful. Just when he lectures Lucifer about standing up for what’s right; he betrays his own words, his allies and the rest of humanity in T-minus 2 minutes. That is total character assassination. Nothing about this motivation makes any sense.
There’s no build up to it, no foreshadowing in 15x08 or throughout 15x19 until they get to the lake. He’s completely deconstructed as a character in this episode and rendered weak. It’s like 15x08 never happened. Stripped of all his development for lousy shock value. Instead utilizing all of what he’d learned through Adam and sticking it to Lucifer by proving he could be more than what Chuck tried to mold him into; Michael becomes just another NPC in the story forfeiting the hero he was. And his reasons for siding with Chuck are never specified. Was it about about saving Adam? Was it about proving something to Lucifer (whom he’d already killed in anti-climatic fashion)? Was it all an act that he was in on with the Winchesters; cause there’s absolutely NO FUCKING WAY they could’ve predicted he’d flip on them like that for their magical plan to work. Not after everything Chuck’s done, killing Adam and Jack and leaving Michael to rot in Hell for eternity. And why would he suddenly go along with destroying the Earth when defeating Chuck would probably get Adam back (if that was his goal) which IT DID not to mention its his sworn duty to freaking protect humanity, hello? So his betrayal meant jack shit in the end as it got him killed by his fucking dad!! He’s brought back into the show only to be ruined forever and killed off in the stupidest fashion.
Moving on.
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Jack Kline & Castiel. This iron-clad relationship has been in development for 4 in 1/2 years since before Jack was even born. And next to Adam & Michael its the other most healthy relationship on the show. Castiel, a million year old celestial being, spent the first 9 years of his arc on Supernatural following around the Winchesters, being torn between his loyalty to them and to Heaven. He rebelled when he was supposed to be a straight-by-the-book warrior of God. And he defied every rule in the process even when the odds were stacked against him. There was an endless rinse and repeat cycle of love, loss, betrayal and redemption when it came to his relationship with Sam and Dean. It made his character complex, interesting and layered but it still didn’t give him an arc that was his own. Castiel started out moreso being written as just the Winchester’s angel BFF/side-kick. Until Lucifer got Kelly Kline pregnant in 12x08 then things really took off. Before this, Castiel was a lost soul. His faith was broken, he was depressed, lonely, battered and rundown from years of being conflicted over the other angels and Sam & Dean. He felt he’d lost a sense of self and meaning in his life. And didn’t have a mission. Once he turned on Heaven’s orders, Castiel was a rebel angel without a cause so to speak. But like I said this changes the moment he meets Kelly.
Originally Castiel was suppose to kill Kelly in 12x19 because she was carrying the child of the devil and Nephilim are considered forbidden abominations. Told that if Lucifer’s kid was born he could unleash even more evil into the world. But instead of doing what he thought he should, Castiel decides to runaway with her. Choosing to protect her from all threats (Lucifer, demons, other angels, princes of Hell); this especially included the Winchesters. During this short time-frame the angel develops a strong, emotional bond with Kelly and her unborn son that stretches all the way to the S12 finale; to the point where it actually gave him a power-boost. From the womb, Jack appoints Castiel to be his father and protector and he’s given a glimpse into the child’s destiny that he’ll bring paradise to the world. A prophecy that the writers establish head on. This is an unusual circumstance because right here is where Castiel’s solo arc apart from the Sam & Dean takes shape. The journey of becoming a first time parent and guardian. Its a new kind of independence that for the first time has nothing to do with his friends or his family members/colleagues in the sky. Its his own personal mission that he willingly accepts, the second he connects with Jack from inside Kelly. Castiel immediately falls in love with him, before they even see each other; and adopts the boy devoting himself to keeping him safe. Making a promise to Kelly that would later become a vital plot-point in the seasons to come.  
Castiel literally risks everything (Heaven and Earth) to ensure Jack’s birth and ends up dead by 12x23′s startling conclusion. Leaving the newborn infant Nephilim alone in the care of the Winchesters going into season 13; scared, confused and aged into a seemingly 18 year old boy for his own protection. And Alexander Calvert who is a fantastic addition to the cast really brings something wonderful to this role; he’s like a breath of fresh air and a bright light in the middle of a dark room. Jack’s naïve, innocent and curious about his surroundings but also as Castiel once put it “remarkably intuitive”. Right when he’s introduced his arc is intentionally paralleled with Castiel’s. Their alien-fish-out-of-water beginning is practically identical as is their adorable stoic facial expressions. Like father like son. And this helps because while the angel is currently dead in the beginning of season 13, there’s an empty void he’s left behind. So Jack is kind of his temporary stand-in. Odd enough this type of switcharoo would’ve been considered very controversial but it’s handled quite well. Alex is so likable and charming I almost wish Supernatural had introduced him sooner. I mean I really thought I was looking at Castiel’s actual mini-me and not the son of Satan. But I digress Jack’s story in the first half of this season is pretty much about discovery and reuniting with Castiel. He’s a baby so everything is new to him but he’s also one of the most powerful beings in the universe destined for greatness which makes the Winchesters very nervous.
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Jack remembers choosing Castiel as his dad which is why he already feels strongly connected to him. Its a bond so powerful that it actually resurrects Castiel out of the Empty the first time. Something Chuck himself was unable to do (that was until the mess that is 15x19). When they’re finally reunited the payoff comes so naturally. Misha and Alex have such a phenomenal onscreen chemistry starting with that first hug; they really play off one another so well that it doesn’t feel like two angels interacting but a genuine father and son duo. So much of what makes Jack and Castiel’s relationship so relatable, deep and endearing is because of what the actors bring to it. But they’re not just a fascinating relationship, they’re compelling on their own too. Both trying to find their way in the world and within the Winchesters’ lives. Death is no stranger to either of them (tragic being that Jack is only a toddler). They’ve each experienced their own personal pain, traumas, life lessons, mistakes and decisions. The biggest for Castiel would be his deal with the Empty to save Jack in 14x08. While for Jack it was the consequences of said deal that would lose his soul causing him to accidently kill Sam and Dean’s mom in 14x18 as a result (something that Jack struggles with immensely to the brink of depression from so much guilt and regret that he’d rather die). Repercussions that would follow into the shows final season. What’s interesting about this deal though is that Castiel made it on parental instinct alone not as a promise to Kelly. He chose to sacrifice himself for the sake of his son as a selfless act of love and kept it a secret from Sam & Dean until his death in 15x18. That’s the extent how much this child meant to him. The other great thing about their family dynamic is that it parallels nicely with the Winchesters. Castiel and Jack share this unconditional love that can never be broken. its even greater than their ties to the Winchesters themselves just as Sam & Dean’s love for each other is greater than any of their other relationships. They would do anything for each other. Castiel would go to the ends of the earth for the little nougat baby because that’s his son.  
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Each time these characters were faced with danger or died, Castiel and Jack were overcome with extreme devastation and distress. That said its not just pain that binds these two its happiness. Jack is the best thing that ever happened to Castiel. Literally becoming a father to that child saved him. It brought him back to life, restored his faith and gave him a sense of self-worth and hope he’d long since abandoned. And for Jack, Castiel is the best dad he’ll ever have! He gave this baby comfort, wisdom, nurturing, strength. Was always there when he needed him whether it was to talk or to have his back. No other person in Jack’s life has ever made such an important impact nor made him feel more safe and loved than Castiel. Even when Jack had done such a horrible thing to Mary alienating himself from his family; it was Castiel’s unyielding devotion to Jack that ended up being his salvation. This was huge because once again he’d chosen over the Winchesters proving that no matter what (whether it be the world ending) his son comes first. So when Castiel’s pact with the Empty finally comes due in 15x18 you’d think it’d have an earth-shattering affect on Jack in 15x19. I mean for the first bit it does...until he becomes God. Then its like to hell with that relationship. Castiel is a complete afterthought to Jack and the rest of TFW in this episode. JACK DOESN’T EVEN GET TO GRIEVE HIM PROPERLY. And he just lost his dad because of a deal he’d made a year ago for him. A DEAL JACK HAS BEEN FUCKING DREADING WHILE HE WAS SOULLESS MIND YOU. And when he finally has the power to bring him back, he doesn’t? Jack just walks around with a conceited smirk on his face, bids Sam and Dean adieu and fucks off. I mean who gives a shit right, its only your dad that you love more than anything. This was extremely OOC given that time in 14x14 Jack nearly lost his shit when Castiel got infected with gorgon poison; the anti-venom wasn’t working so Jack resorts to using his powers putting his soul at risk.
I mean if he was so limited to helping Castiel in the Empty AT LEAST FREAKING CLARIFIY THIS TO THE AUDIENCE. This is not about shipping a certain pairing btw. Jack becoming God is not the issue its his characterization after the fact. His first instinct would’ve been to save his dad above getting in touch with the Earth. Yes we knew this transformation was coming it was foreshowed way back in Season 12. Does that justify bad writing or character assassination?? HELL NO.
This is what I’m talking about, episode 15x19 deliberately butchers these characters and their relationships. It shat all over them. No one is behaving like themselves. The pacing is wonky and inconstant. The script feels like it underwent several rewrites and I swear there were scenes cut out. The acting is off too and maybe the pandemic could be blamed for these things but it ultimately falls on the writer. Buckleming screwed up by showing us they don’t know who the hell these characters are, their motivations nor do they give a rat’s ass. And its noticeable on screen. I’ve known better fanfiction writers for SPN than these guys. It’s like they all came back to work but just didn’t care to put the effort into it. That’s why people like me are upset and we have every freaking right to be. Some of us have been with this series for the entire 15 year run. I at least expect these characters to be handled better and for things to make sense. 15x19 doesn’t and its not satisfying its just a cruel joke. The writers and Dabb should be embarrassed to have put this out there thinking we’d just swallow it and shut up. But far as I’m concerned the only thing this episode serves is to disrespect and ruin everybody while angering long-time fans.
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706 notes · View notes
dwimpala-67 · 3 years
Nothing Without You
(copy pasted from my Ao3 as part of anniversary of 15x18)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Featuring the Dead Angel Castiel.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform,
Sibling Incest, Sibling Love, Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Season/Series 15, Season/Series 15 Spoilers, Season 15 Episode 18, Post 15x18, POV Dean Winchester, Castiel is dead, Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort, otp: wincest - Freeform, Established Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Anti Destiel, The Author Regrets Nothing.
Nothing Without You
Dean and Castiel decide to hunt down and kill Death. When Death comes after them, Dean is hit wit many revelations and doesn't know how to respond. But once Castiel is gone, it hits Dean hard, just how much he's let down everyone, including his brother. Especially his brother. Sammy's back to save his brother from cracking. Like he always does.
warning: Read the tags/notes before you read the fic.
After watching the episode 18, I just had to write this. The episode was so badly written so I had to get into Dean's head and write how he would feel.
Warning: This is anti destiel. If you like the Dead Angel please don't read. Hate won't be tolerated. This is a wincest fic. The comments are now moderated because hellers have started circulating this in GCs and leaving hate comments behind.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to the showrunners. This is written purely for entertainment purposes.
This is not a beta version. English is not my language so pardon please. All mistakes are mine.
Happy Reading.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
“Dean, where are you? Answer me, damn it.” Sammy’s voice echoed around the bunker. 
It feels good to hear his voice and know that he’s alright. But how do I reply? What do I tell him? How can I face him when all I did was let him down, again. Here sitting on the floor, holding my head held in my hands, I can’t stop my tears from flowing down my eyes. 
Everything seems to be falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it. The devastating thing to know is that the one I thought was my best friend just betrayed me. I understand now, why the angel did everything in the past. From calling Sam an abomination to breaking the wall that Death put in his head and making him suffer to telling me at the last moment that he had made a deal with The Empty, it was all because he loved me. 
It’s stupid thing for anyone to say that they did horrible things to the one person I love, to the one person I care about in the entire world, just because they loved me. If this is the love that I get in return of trusting him, then I don’t want it. That kind of love can rot in hell for all I care. But to think that my Sammy suffered all these years just because the angel loved me is something I can’t process. All because of me. Had I never trusted the angel, he would never have entered our lives and never did these things to my little brother. Yet, I managed to screw up just like I seem to be doing all my life. I think I’ve perfected myself at screwing up better than I thought. 
“Dean, where the hell are you?” Sammy hollers again. 
There’s panic in his voice. I suppose working together for so long now we’re too used to being with each other. So if one of us goes off the kilter, the other one is bound to panic. It’s the pleading in his voice, though, that makes me crack.
 “In here, Sammy.” I reply.
I can never deny anything to my Sammy. It’s probably one of the reasons why when we were kids, I used to let him have my share of food. A wet chuckle escapes my throat when I remember how sweet and innocent my Sammy was. No, is . And I get angry again at the fate that had befallen him just because the damn angel decided he loved me! My sweet little Sammy had to suffer so much. The anger gets better of me and I throw my phone towards the floor and watch as it cracks into pieces, just like my soul right now. I’m afraid...afraid to face my brother. How am I suppose to stand in front of him and tell him that everything he had to go through was because of me! He’ll hate me then. That is something I cannot live with. 
I love my little brother. Of course I do. But I maybe a bit more than I should. I know it’s not allowed but I don’t care. We’re well past that boundary, that invisible line which stopped at brothers and I’d been thrilled the day that we crossed the line that now makes us more than just brothers. He’s my lover. My partner. My everything. If Sammy’s not with me, I don’t know what else to do with my life. I need him.
I hear the footsteps and I know Sammy’s here with Jack tailing behind him. I don’t look up. I can’t . I can feel Sammy’s concern flowing through from where he’s standing at the door of the room. I can’t muster up the courage to look into the soulful eyes of my brother and tell him what just happened. But I know he won’t let it go. He’ll ask me till the time we have a little “heart to heart” which will piss me off. In the end though, I’m sure I’ll be spilling everything to him. After all, he’s the only one who ever understood me. 
“Dean, hey. What happened?” Sammy is now crouching down in front of me, holding my knees. The mere touch sends thrill down my spine. How am I supposed to tell you the horrible truth, Sammy? 
“Dean are you crying? Hey, no…” Sam tried to hold my chin up and make e look at him but I duck my head down and let tears flow silently. “Dean, look at me.” 
There goes again, the pleading in his voice. I just can’t deny that and the little shit knows it very well. Sometimes even uses for his advantage. I can’t fault him though. We’re all at our wits end. He just lost his friend too. Eileen. Then there’s the case of Jack. He’s bound to be anxious. So I look up only to get lost into the color changing hazel eyes. They are just mesmerizing. Now more so because they are full of emotions. He gently wipes away my tears with his thumbs and cups my face with both his hands. 
“What’s wrong, Dean? Where’s Cass?” 
The mere mention of the angel makes me angry. It must have reflected in my eyes, because the next thing I know, Sammy’s face goes tense. There’s worry in there and I need to calm him before we both become a crumbling mess. 
“Billie came after us. And, Cass... Cass is gone.” I manage to tell him. He goes rigid. However stupid the angel might have been, I know for Sam he was still a friend. He cared about him. That’s exactly how Sammy is, loving and caring. There’s one thing that I hide from him. It’s because I feel ashamed that I didn’t pay any heed to my brother’s warnings. Sammy had warned me time and again that there was something weird about how the angel looked at me or even behaved with me. I always passed it up as my brother’s jealousy or over observation skills. But this time, he was dead on right. The angel had been weird with me because he was in love with me, and the fucker told me just before he died.  I want to see if Sammy can call me out on my lie though. Usually he knows if I’m telling the truth or not. This time, I wait for him to ask and sure enough, his question is ready. 
“What are you not telling me, Dean?”
“He made a deal with Empty back when Jack died.” I look at the kid standing right behind Sammy. He looks surprised, eyes wide, the look on his face disbelieving. I feel sorry for the kid. The angel had been a kind of relative of his, helped him show ropes when it came to doing angelic stuff. Jack was bound to be upset. I look back at Sam and continue, “He made a deal that when he is at the happiest moment in his life, that’s when the Empty will kill him. Billie was after us and would have killed us if not for Cass….” I trail off. Because I can’t say he angel sacrificed himself. No...he was selfish once again and did what he thought was best. Never considering how it would make me feel. I know I’m stalling as don’t want to tell this to Sammy but I know I will have to. I have to create a diversion. My brother doesn’t let me though. 
“And if he’s gone then he was at the happiest moment in his life. What was it, Dean?” 
There’s an edge to his voice. I have a feeling that he knows it already. “H-he s-said…”
“Yes.” Sammy coaxes me.
“He said he loved me. That telling me this was the best thing of his life… the happiest moment of his life.” I tell him in a rush. I feel so awkward and ashamed. My brother has gone still. He’s looking at me with big eyes, jaw clenched, and blazing fury in his eyes. He pulls his hands back and I’m feel cold, so cold as if my breath is taken away. I never want to be away from my brother, even an inch of distance between us feels like a thousand miles. I need to feel him, is touch, feel the assurance that he’s still with me. I apologize immediately thinking I’ve enraged him, “I’m so sorry, Sammy.”
He goes soft in an instant. “No, Dean. You have nothing to apologize for. The angel though...it’s good he’s dead or I might just have stabbed him with angel blade or dipped him in holy oil.” 
I’m taken aback by those venomous words. Even for Sammy, this is an extreme expression. He cools down though and looks at me with fond expression in his eyes. “Are you ok? I know he was a best a best friend to you. I’ so sorry, Dean. I wish…”
I know that train of thought. Sammy would have done everything in his power to save the said angel, because he meant something to me. For once, I’m glad that wasn’t the case. “No, Sammy. If ...I’m glad you weren’t here. He’s…” I look at Jack and we share a look. Jack understands and slowly exits the room. “When he said he loved me, it meant he did everything for me. Everything he didn't was because he loved me. Sammy, can’t you understand what he did? He made you suffer, because of me. How can you even say that you could have found a way for him to survive?”
“Nothing was because of you, Dean. You didn’t do anything. Trust me when I say, it’s not on you. Castiel is to blame. Not you. As far as saving him is concerned, it’s simple, Dean. He was your friend.”
“And what about your friends, Sammy? I killed Amy back in the day, just to keep you safe. Hell, I killed your friend because I felt insecure. How can you be so selfless, Sammy?”
“Because I love you, De.”
There’s a vulnerability there. I can see right through him. I can’t stand the distance between us. I slowly get up and pull Sammy with me. As soon as we’re vertical, I embrace him in a tight hug. Countless times, Sammy had told me that the angel loved me. He had been insecure about our friendship from the start. It pains me to think that I failed to assure my little brother just how much valuable he is to me. I whisper in his ear, “There’s only ever been you, Sammy. No one else. Even if the angel had told me his feelings when alive, I couldn’t have reciprocated his feeling back. You know why?”
I know he knows the answer. I can feel my brother smile and I know he’s crying too as his tears soak my shoulder. I also know, he needs to hear it out loud, “Why?” He pulls back and looks at me.
“Because I love you, Sammy. Only you.” I crush my mouth against his. The soft lips, the sweet taste of his on my tongue makes me want to bury myself so deep within him that no one can tell where one begins and the other ends. It’s passionate, hard and soothing, all at once. Like always, I get lost in the kiss and every inch of my soul dances to the tunes of Sammy’s kiss. When we come up for air, he’s smiling so bright that his dimples pop out, I can’t help but kiss him again, all strokes of tongue and indulge a bit more, ending the kiss with small little pecks on his lips. 
My brother crushes me hard against is chest and it’s the best feeling in entire world. I want to take my brother back in my bedroom and make sweet love to him, take him apart slowly and put him back together and cherish his existence. I can’t do that, not now. I know we don’t have much time left to save whatever is left of this world but once it’s done and even if we don’t make it, at least in heaven, I’ll make sure Sammy knows just how much I love him. He’s my entire world, the purpose of my existence, the reason of my living and I am ready to let this world burn if it meant I have to save Sammy. 
There ain’t no me, if there ain’t no you, little brother.
The End. 
Thank you so much for reading. Let me know what you think.
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unkownknowledge · 3 years
Genshin characters and their spider s/o
A little crossover HC post between terraformars and genshin.
Basically the reader is the result of a messed up experiment and now they look like a monstrous humanoid spider, like this guy:
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Except you have no human skin or hair, just pure chitin, extra legs out the back, and mandibles(like a turian)
Also: request are still open, feel free to request!
Including: Jean, Xinqiu, and Razor
Jean: hollow knight
Jean had been receiving reports of frightened merchants and townsfolk, all of whom had been found on the road ranting about a giant spider.
Jean was sure it was nothing more than hilichurls or hoarders or abyss mages and the people were merely suffering panic induced hallucinations, this was supported by the clear signs of such dangers at the scene of the crime.
But still, neither any of the knights nor adventurers in the guild reported saving these people, nor did Diluc claim that he did when she asked him.
So Jean decided to investigate, after all not only is there a chance of finding camps of the three above dangers, but also the chance of finding a new ally.
When she saw you in a clearing you looked like a normal human, until you turned your head in an inhuman manner and looked at her with eight red glowing eyes.
You screamed at her and used your geo vision to grow eight giant legs out your back, which you used to run away.
Jean, being the persistent woman she is, wasn't about let you go until she confirmed if you were a friend or foe.
She chased you through the forest for a while, and unfortunately didn't notice a group of hilichurls hiding behind some trees.
One swung out and struck her from behind, knocking her to the ground.
At the sound of this you turned around and saw Jean on the ground.
While she easily could have beaten the hilichurls, she didn't have to. This is because you were immediately next to her, sword drawn and slicing through the monsters like a hot knife through butter. Your geo legs acted like extra blades that parried any attack directed towards the knight.
Because you're other legs were busy, however, you were unable to block the attack from a crossbow that shot right through your knee.
You fell down and were beaten senseless by the hilichurls, the last thing you remember was the sounds of a blade and the monsters turning to dust before you blacked out.
You woke up on a soft bed inside an unfamiliar building. You tried to get up but your knee had a large hole in it, luckily for you your ability to feel pain was long lost.
Jean entered a minute later with some food, "good, your awake."
"Where am I?" You asked.
"In my home, the guest room to be exact."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because you were in danger."
"Yes but why? Aren't you afraid of me?"
"Considering how you saved me as well? No, not at all."
Jean poured some tea for both of you, "now onto-"
You felt your eyes water, something you didn't realize you could still do.
"What's wrong?" Jean asked.
"It's just, it's been so long since anyone was...nice to me. My appearance isn't exactly very welcoming."
"And yet you still help people, the same people who call you a monster?"
"Of course! I might be an abomination, but I'm not a monster. In fact, before I became...this I had always dreamed of joining the knights."
"Well, that makes things easy."
"What do you mean?"
"While I cannot officially make you a knight, I can make you an honorary member of the knights of favonius."
"REALLY!?" You said, a child like excitment on your face.
So you joined the knights, of course not everyone was happy about this.
But noone doubted the acting grand master's decision, after all she never once failed the city.
After a while the city warmed up to you, even hailing you as a hero thanks to all you've done!
But the city's attitude towards you wasn't the only thing getting warmer.
Infact, a certain person's cheeks seemed to grow red as Amber's ribbon at the mere mention of your name.
Lisa and Kaeya were the first to notice Jean's infatuation with you, and they were quite intent on helping her.
It would be easy for them to set it up: you were cold blooded, so you had a heater in your room during the winter, and thanks to a 'freak lightning strike', your house was under renovations for the whole season, this caused Jean to let you stay in her home until yours was repaired.
Now all they had to do was sneak in an 'cool it' down.
You awoke in the middle of the night due to the temperature suddenly dropping. You tried turning on your heater but that didn't work. You went downstairs to make some hot tea, unaware that Kaeya swapped the labels on Jean's coffee and your tea. After making the beverage you sat down in the warmest corner, covered in blankets, and with a warm drink in hand.
Fun fact! Spiders get hella drunk off caffeine.
You are a spider.
One sip of the coffee and you felt funny, you couldn't think straight and felt wobbly.
Kaeya and Lisa giggled watching you.
"So, how DID you get them drunk? You couldn't exactly have spiked their tea could you?" Lisa asked.
"I swapped the labels on their tea and Jeans coffee. Spiders get hella drunk on-" Kaeya noticed Lisa worried face, "fuck, what did I do this time?"
"Kaeya, spiders don't get drunk on caffeine like humans do with alcohol."
Lisa pointed Kaeya towards the window
Caffeine doesn't make spiders drunk the same way alchohol does a person, which is what Kaeya expected.
Caffeine makes spiders hyper, very hyper.
When Jean heard skittering and clanging she thought someone was robbing the house, so she was reasonably surprised to see you lying in the center of the kitchen, crying, and with webs all over.
When she asked what happened you just rolled over and mumbled out gibberish about how you can't catch any flies.
Jean picked you up to take you to bed, but you wrapped your arms and legs around her and caused her to fall.
"(Y/n), please let me go." Jean pleaded.
You shushed her, "nap time" and fell asleep.
Your grip was to strong for her to get out, and with your weight she couldn't get up in this position, so she just had to wait for you to get up.
The next day Jean got up the same time as you, she would have said something if you didn't kiss her and pet her head.
"I love this dream." You said, nuzzling into the crook of her neck.
Jean was shocked, what dream? You were clearly awake.
"I wonder if Jean is this warm in real life....I wish I could find out..."
"(Y-y/n)" she stuttered out, "you're not dreaming."
You shot up with all your eyes wide as saucers.
You immediately thought of running. But where would you go? The forest? Yeah, that works, just go there a-
You felt a warm sensation on your cheek.
"So (y/n), how does this dream usually go?" Jean said with a suggestive wink.
404 error, reader.exe has crashed
After that rather unconventional confession session, you both started dating.
Jean was concerned about not having enough time for you, but that proved to be very unfounded. Thanks to your many years alone you didn't know what dating was, so to you simply working together was fine.
On every mission out of the city you would bring gifts or a picnic for when the sun was setting.
On days where you both had paper work you would make tea and buy little cakes or biscuits and sit on her lap as you rested on eachother's shoulders and fed each other snacks, under the excuse that "sharing a chair saves space".
On the rare occasion Jean gets to have a day off, she showers you in affection.
She'll make you breakfast in bed(it's not good 80% of the time, but you don't tell her), she'll cuddle with you all day, she'll even read to you if you want. She wants to give back to you for all the time she couldn't give you her full attention.
Xingqiu: it's like one of my Inazuman graphic novels
Your meeting with the guhua geek was far more coincidental.
You were just minding your business, catching some animals to eat, when some weird guy just walks by you, not noticing you at all, as he reads his book.
You were rather suprised and, by extension, curious about this boy.
Was he blind in peripheral? Was he that brave? Was he an idiot?
A bit of colum B, mostly colum C.
Xingqiu sat down on a rock and continued reading, given how he was reading aloud you figured you might as well take advantage of his lack of notice and learn to read.
But he did notice.
"Ah shoot, spaces out again." Xingqiu cried, "now I have to start all over."
Xingqiu started reading the book all over again, much to your joy.
You could easily match his words to the page thanks to your speed of comprehension.
When the boy noticed it was getting late he decided to head home, while you were upset you didn't try and stop him. In fact you immediately darted away before he saw you.
The next day he came back, and read from the same spot.
And again
And again
This went on for quite some time.
Xingqiu knew someone was watching him, but he never was able to catch a glimpse. He just figured it was someone who wanted to read legends of the shattered halberd but couldn't find any copies, and so the chivalrous thing to do would be to read it for them.
One day he finished the fifth book and proclaimed it was the last one, which made you rather sad.
Until he spoke to you.
"Well my secretive friend," he turned around, "shall w-"
You screamed
He screamed
For about five minutes.
After which you both just stared at eachother.
He pointed a shakey finger at you, "you're-"
You turned away, 'a freak I know' you thought.
Xingqiu immediately ran at you and started inspecting you.
The whole time he had such an amazed look on his face.
"Woah!" He said as he grabbed your mandibles, "are these real?!"
"Ye ey are, a ah ee e ah a" you said hoping he would understand that you need them to talk.
"Oh. Hehe. Sorry." He said releasing them.
"Aren't you...scared of me?" You asked.
"Why would I be? If you wanted to kill me you would have. It's not like I was particularly on guard when I was reading for you."
'Y-you knew I was there?"
"I knew someone was there, and I knew they were watching me read. Since you showed such interest in my book I thought the only chivalrous thing to do was to keep reading."
You were shocked, most people just ran and screamed upon seeing you.
"Now, shall we go look for the sixth book?"
After that you and Xingqiu became fast friends.
He used some of the money he made from the scam he pulled on that scammer to buy out the forest you lived in, making it officially private property so that people won't go after you.
He kept coming back with books for you both to read, you absolutely loved it!
And while you never realized it, you also loved him.
He however, did know he loved you.
Being the menace to society he is, Xingqiu decided the best way to confess was to just kiss you.
You're sitting on a stump with your head on Xingqiu's shoulder.
"This book isn't as good as the others." You say.
"Ah don't be like that, fairy tales are the foundation of all those 'knight in shining armor books' you love."
"Yeah but this is boring."
"True, true. But I think it has a great ending." Xingqiu turned to the final page, "and then the knight told the (royal title) how much he loved them, and to seal his love he placed a kiss on their cheek."
"That wasn't good."
"Why? It was very realistic."
"In what reality does someone confess by kiss-"
It took you a solid five seconds to process what happened.
Xingqiu smirked at you like the bastard man he is, "this one I believe."
Your mandibles hung slack as your face got a dark shade of blue.
"Uh, (y/n)?"
"Clothes off, now."
Xingqiu stumbled out the forest four hours later. Chongyun, who was protecting his privacy, asked him what's wrong.
"Absolutely nothing." He responded with the largest grin a human could muster, before his legs gave out, "can you carry me home?"
Your relationship was more steady than just that bit though.
Xingqiu spent as much time with you as he could, he even learned how to hunt so he could be with you while you hunted for food.
You never left your forest though, you were far to afraid of people and especially the vigilant yaksha(which Xingqiu tried to convince you was friendly).
Of course, not everything goes so simply.
Xingqiu was skipping through the forest, far to enamoured at the idea of you to notice someone following him.
You sat calmly on your rock and awaited your boyfriend of two years, today was his birthday so you made him a beautiful silk picture of his favorite scene from 'the legend of the broken halberd'
You felt the boy drop into your lap, "hello my love!"
You wrapped your arms and extra legs around him, "hello my little knight, I have a wonderful gift for-"
You both turned around to see a man who looked oddly like Xingqiu.
"H-hey big bro..." Xingqiu said, clearly nervous.
"You're his brother?" You asked, "nice to meet you! I'm your future sibling in law!"
His brother looked surprised, then angry, "Xingqiu, a word."
"No," he responded, "anything you can say to me you can say to my (s/o)."
"Xingqiu, this is not a game."
"ANYTHING," Xingqiu said, far more aggressive, "you can say to me, you can say to them."
His brother sighed, "you can't date them."
"I believe I can."
Xingqiu shot up into a fighting stance, "care to repeat that?"
Xingqiu stared down his brother with murderous intent.
"So you wont back down?"
"Never, I love (y/n) to much!"
"If you don't leave them, you'll be disowned by father, all your wealth, power, and influence will be forfeited. All for an inhuman freak!"
"Xinqiu please," you tried telling your beloved, "I won't let you sacrifice-"
"Sorry darling, but I don't give a damn." He interrupted you before turning to his brother, "I will NOT abandon my beloved (y/n)! They are the most precious thing in the world to me! So go ahead! Strip me if my title, my riches, of my very skin! My heart will yearn for nothing else but the cold hard touch of love that is my (s/o)!"
Xinqiu's brother smirked
"So, you promise to always be with (y/n)?"
"Through both sickness and health?"
As smart as he was, Xinqiu couldn't see what was happening, "with all my heart and soul!"
"And you would take (Y/N) as your contractually bound spouse?"
"I would sooner bite my arm off than live another day without them as such! In fact!" Xinqiu turned to you, "(Y/N)! WE'RE GOING TO GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW! COME ON!"
"Hold it!" His brother demanded, "(Y/N)! Would you stay with my brother, Xinqiu, through sickness and health, through rags and riches?"
You nodded, "forever and always!"
"And would you take him to be your contractually bound husband?"
"E-even if I had to fight Rex Lapis himself!"
Two burly hands grabbed the couple and pushed them together, "You may now kiss the bride!"
Without thought, you two kissed each other, not thinking to question the cheering, clapping, and crying-
You both pulled apart, "what the abyss is happening here?!"
The burly arms, now wrapping you both, was an older crying man who also looked like Xinqiu.
Xinqiu's Brother was crying and clapping.
Chongyun was blasting off party cones(🎉🎉these things)
And several other of Xinqiu's friends were there celebrating.
"W-wait..." Xinqiu started to remember that his brother, as a high ranking member of a commerce guild, can officiate marriages.
The older man, Xinqiu's father, cried and said, "finally! Grandchildren!"
(If you can't have babies, adoption exists and is perfectly normal)
Needless to say
404 error, Xinqiu.exe and Reader.exe have stopped working
Razor: the big bad spider and the itsy bitsy spider
(Please understand that my knowledge of Razor is based on his quest, I know of his special vision but it won't be brought up for this. I will be sure to read the wiki page for him if I write him again)
Razor knew something was wrong.
His wolf side told him something was wrong with the forest, and his human side told him it should be either avoided at all cost or destroyed.
Because it had stayed away he had largely tried to just avoid it and keep his lupical away from whatever IT is.
Until a foolish pup decided to try and defeat whatever big bad monster had their protector so scared.
Razor ran faster than any lightning bolt upon hearing the news.
Razor didn't know what he was seeing: giant webs strewn out covering entire trees, boars and Hilichurls wrapped in webs and frozen in a sickly green.
And at the center of it all was a giant, monstrous creature with eight leg like roots coming from it's back, feeding off the life of all the creatures stuck here.
This is what he was afraid of, the beast that every inch of his primal self screamed to get away from.
But he couldn't, not until he found the pup!-
"Hello." You said calmly to the strange man coming into your home, "is this your's?"
You outstretched your hand and a sleeping pup drifted towards razor on a flower.
"He caused lots of problems, so I made him sleep. Don't worry, it's nothing permanent, give him an hour or two and he'll be right up."
After Razor left, you assumed that would be the last disturbance for a while.
But it wasn't.
Razor's wolf half still feared you, was still mortified when he pictured your spider like face, your towering body, everything.
But his human half...teembled.
Not in fear, but in a different way.
He couldn't stop thinking of you, and his primal upbringing did little to quell the less romantic thoughts about your gem like eyes, the way your mandibles clicked and moved when you talked, the overwhelming nature energy that you radiated.
But he still knew good enough to get to know you better.
Just not HOW to do it.
"Why are you spider?"
Is not a good first thing to ask.
But you explained regardless: you were taken as a kid and experimented on by some rogue students from Sumeru academy.
Then some purple lady rescued you, and while you were grateful you much preferred living out in the wild.
"Yes...wild is good! Wolvendom, especially good!"
Someone please help him.
"Purple lady....ah! Shockey wizard lady from knights?"
You nodded
"Razor good friends with her and honorary knight! Do you know red flamy girl?"
"Klee? Oh yes! I love her! She's such a nice kid!"
"Yes, Klee is like lupical! Even if she...burns down forest from time to time."
Lucky for him, your shared familial love for the pyromaniacal minor helped bridge the gap between you two.
Eventually he even got you to leave your grotto(?) And meet his lupical!
He introduced you to the wonders of actually eating rather than just sucking the life force out of animals.
You both love and protect the forest of wolvendom, and if any large threat arises to it then you both will fight fang and claw to protect your home!
Neither of you know what love is in the human sense, but you both feel it to each other and act upon it: giving each other a portion of your food, taking blows in battle for each other, and cuddling more intimately than just friends would.
You are his lupical, and so much more.
I started this near last year's end, it took me till now to realize I should only do 3 characters.
(Paging: @golden-wingseos, @storytravelled)
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Open Heart 3 Ch. 8 SPOILERS for Bryce/Raf/Jackie Stans
I know I'm one day late. Blame PB for releasing the scripts so late. Why they even did that? Idk. It's not like this chapter is good.
Oh, here we are again. Honestly guys? I'm pissed off lmao. And you will be too when you're done reading this. But enough talking, let's begin. Beware, spoilers below the cut
Let's start with Bryce
•He DOES make an appearance this chapter AND has a diamond scene. Should we celebrate? Nah. It seems the only options with characters who-are-not-Ethan in this book are not having appearances at all or having mediocre little plots when they do appear. He makes his cameo at the begging. He's in the lobby with a friend of his, who's sick and wants Bryce to operate on him but Bryce seems reluctant to do so because it's a dangerous surgery. Does it have anything to do with his failed surgery? We won't find out, because instead of his premium scene being about... idk, having a coffee while he tells us about the consequences of his mistakes (not only at work, but also mentally), it is about... visiting a Escape Room with him and his friend? Um, ok. Should I mention that Bryce's pal call MC his 'friend' twice? Yep, PB still refuses to acknowledge MC's relationship with Bryce, even though they've been together for two years and shared a tender moment when MC was about to die. When I was reading the scene, I was like "uuugh, let me guess? we get this corny funny scene and near the ending Bryce and MC find a hideout to make out". Turns out I was wrong lmao. I expect nothing and I'm still let down. They just share a little kiss I front of Bryce's friend when they are leaving the Escape Room. It is mentioned they all are gonna have dinner after this, but we don't get to see that because that would mean PB has to actually write interesting dialogue and develop Bryce and that's sacrilege.
Ok, Jackie's turn.
•She doesn't show up in this chapter. She's not even mentioned. Silly us, Jackie already had her crumbs of development last chapter, there's no need to give her more screentime this chapter lmao. Not when that screentime can be used developing Ethan.
And lastly, Raf.
•He turns up too, but it's a situation similar to Bryce's. He's rehabilitating a little boy who's sad because he will miss his birthday, so enter the bonus scene where MC has the idea of recruiting Sienna too and organizing a surprise party for the kid in the Pediatric Ward. It's actually a cute scene, and spending time with Sienna is always good, but that's the problem. The scene is about the little boy, zero Raf development or plot, and I even feel he wasn't even needed here. We know Sienna visits the PW every once in a while so they could've made her be the one who came to us with the little kid situation and everything would have turned out to be the same, except for some dialogues. Then, near the end, Raf and MC share some flirting words and a little kiss, but everything is in front of the kids, so it's over pretty quick.
And... that's it for our LIs. It sucks, but it's not the worst thing abour this chapter. I'm gonna leave some spoilers of the general plot here below so you can be as angry as me.
•MC confronts Ethan about the trial thing. You can choose to go soft on him or be outraged and point out he's a piece of shit. I recommend the second option. Anyway, if you end up agreeing with him about his decision, he says something like: "I knew you'd understand me, you care about these patients as much as I do" which, for me, given the fact he's older than MC and their boss (and being a victim of grooming myself by someone older than me and that was kinda in a position of power above me too) IS FUCKING GROOMING. If you had any doubts the lead of this book is a creep.
•Yadda yadda, we get Bryce and Raf's mediocre scenes, and back to the main plot, MC and Tobias have to diagnose a patient together. The patient is the most annoying character on this series, only below Ethan. Seriously, she's worse than that Nigel guy from Book 1 who called Bryce "Ken doll". Tobias is kinda shady with her (but... light and funny shady. He's never mean or anything) and we're supposed to be like "ugh, Tobias is the worst" but the patient is annoying so yeah, I loved Tobias' actitude.
•There were lots of Tobias moments this chapter, and he's honestly really nice. I hope we can keep him in Edenbrook. We could even kick Ethan's ass out in order to raise his salary❤.
•Ok, and now the cherry on top of a shitty chapter. Do y'all remember how we were afraid PB was gonna make Harper MC's rival? It seemed like they had dropped that plot and we were safe... but it turns out they haven't. Harper finds out our patient has cheated their way into the trial and while Tobias and MC are bonding in the DT' office, she comes in furious as hell, and starts blaming the MC and insulting them, assuming they're the one who did the trial thing. Harper' screams are so loud that Ramsey, who was in the hall, listens and comes in running. Harper explains what "MC" did and we have three options: blame Ethan, insist we're not guilty but not blame Ethan, and ignore the accusations. Either way, Harper keeps on with the accusations (she's even more enraged if you blame Ethan)
•Ethan lets her mop the floor with MC a bit more before stopping her and admitting he's the one who cheated. Harper is shocked and Ramsey HAS THE AUDACITY of angrily leave the office. He really thinks he's the one who should be outraged in this situation. He's the most childish character PB has ever created. (Props to Tobias for being the only decent character in this situation, asking Harper to calm down because she couldn't know for sure it MC was to blame in this situation).
•MC runs after him. And sure, irl I'd run after him too, but to confront him and complain about all the mess his shitty behavior has caused (or, how we say in my country, putearlo. I wanna clarify to my fellow Latinoamericans, "putear" has a different meaning in Ecuador than in the rest of Latam lmao for us is similar to "mandar a la verga" JAJSJAJAJSK). But no, MC fucking goes to see if he's alright. And cue to the most ridiculous scene in this series:
•Okay, I know we all made fun of the BDSM outfits when the assets came out, and yeah, they're cringey af, but I was curious to see how the story would develop towards these outfits. Everyone guessed they meant kinky time with out LIs. Wrong again. Ethan is so mad about... well, idk why he's so mad, he's just facing the consequences of his actions, but anyway, he needs to release that frustration and that's when we're offered the kinky outfit. Yep, the kinky scene is Ethan-exclusive. It was so fucking easy to include the other LIs in this. Bryce could be frustrated because he's not the same after his failed surgery, Jackie because she has to lead the interns and Jade keeps screwing up, and Raf... well, he should be mad because PB tried to kill him and then decided not to but kept sidelining him and can't even give him a decent storyline could be frustrated because it's exhausting to try to help the patients when they make little progress and become disappointed. PB just was lazy and didn't care.
•Don't ask me about the BDSM scene, nothing in this world will make me read a sex scene with Ethan. I kept scrolling until I was sure that abomination was over. Although I caught the word "safe word" somewhere there so... yeah.
•The next day after that heated discussion, MC enters the DT' office. Harper doesn't even offer an apology for treating MC like shit, she acts like nothing happened. MC notices there's this peace in the air and there's no whining, so they ask where's Ethan
•Turns out, Harper reported MC to their superiors when she thought it was them who messed up the trial and now Ethan had to turn himself in and is meeting with the board. Then, she blatantly admits that if she knew Ethan was the one who did it, she would have talked to him first. She says she regrets telling the board, although, as she doesn't offer MC an apology, it seems she only regrets getting Ethan in trouble, not her awful attitude. Tobias is named the new leader of the DT, and that's the only highlight in this mess of a chapter.
I have more thoughts about everything, but I'll post them tomorrow, when they can reach more people. And I'll catch up with this shitt book just so I can join the mob law tomorrow lmao. See you then.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
So it is possible to join Yuta's fan club even if you aren't in Japan?
Dear Anon,
Yes, it is possible to become Furukawa’s FC member without living in Japan.
You do need a Japanese address, but you don’t need to ever set foot in Japan. All you need to do is apply for an address at Blackship (it’s for free.) Once you have your Japanese address, you can sign up for Furukawa’s FC.
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Some people not living in Japan have shown interest in joining the FC, and I promised I’d be happy to help any Furukawa fan to become a member! Before you do decide to become a member though, there are a few things you need to know.
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The yearly FC membership fee is 5100JPY at this moment
There is a one time 1050JPY entrance fee (it’s only for the very first time you join. If you renew membership this fee won’t be charged)
and a one time 720JPY payment fee. You pay this payment fee every time you renew membership.
So the FIRST time you join, it’s 6870JPY per year. If you renew your membership, it’ll be 5820JPY per year. This price is considerably lower than FC membership from other stars! (Please don’t ask me how much that is in your currency... I’ve received asks about that before =v= please Google it yourself.)
A Credit Card is REQUIRED. No Paypal etc.
If you do join, you’ll firstly receive your own Membership card PLUS a pocket mirror (which I sadly can’t find...so I can’t show you either TT^TT)
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Though it is cheap, it is still money. So before you join, there are things that should be included in your consideration. Below is a chart I made to show what services the FC gives, and whether or not you can enjoy them.
✔: You can enjoy it fully
✘: You cannot enjoy it at all
△: Technically you have access... but you will need google translate.
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1. Speaks for itself: you can join the pre-sales of tickets and get the best seats.
2. You will be able to attend Furukawa’s live events with fellow FC members.
3. Since corona time Furukawa has started live-streams. He really likes streams because it gives access to people who might have limitations otherwise, so this will likely stay in future too post-corona time. Some events are for free (such as his birthday event) while others are paid events. The last event (11th of January) for example was a paid event of 3500JPY per ticket. These tickets are usually sold through TicketPia or ePlus+, and they only accept JP credit cards. BUT, I know off somebody who can help you with that. (More about this later)
4. Every 6 months (ish) the FC will publish an exclusive magazine. This initiative was started in 2019, so in total there are 4 right now. This magazine is filled with pictures, behind-the-scenes pictures, exclusive interviews (like the one that contained this information), Q&A session with Furukawa (which are in Japanese though...). BUT! These magazines are 70% pictures, so you’ll at least enjoy 70% of it without knowing any Japanese.
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5. Every late December the FC will send all members a New Year Greeting card. It’s just one card with a message by Furukawa wishing you a happy new year. (I blurred the face because it’s FC exclusive material. You’ll obviously receive a non-pixelated photo of him)
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6. The Staff Blog is updated semi-regularly, but they always have the best pictures that are FC exclusive. The text in these blog-updates are nice, but they’re not essential to your life. The language is usually fairly simple, so it should be google-translatable.
7. Yutter is Furukawa’s “Twitter” (Yuta + Twitter) wherein he personally “tweets”. These posts never have pictures. The language is fairly simple, so it should be google-translatable too.
8. Semi-regularly Furukawa uploads video messages. His language is simple, but unless you can transcribe them, they’re of course very hard to google-translate. It’s always a feast to see him speak to you though. His messages are just cute, but usually don’t contain essential information.
9. Besides the KenON shop Furukawa also has his own FC exclusive shop. These products are all hand-designed by Furukawa himself.
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10. Sometimes there will be Q&As, and before the start message prompts will be sent: All FC members can send him questions, and through lottery Furukawa will then answer about up to 40-something of them. We’re currently with 9000+ ish members......so you do need to be very lucky though. I got mine answered once! Furukawa’s English is abominable... so you do need to send him the question in Japanese (through Google translate if you can’t write Japanese.)
I hope this helps! If you do want to join, sign up for Blackship and let me know. If you don’t know any Japanese, I’ll help you fill out the application form. (Please don’t Anon me then though, otherwise I can’t help you.)
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crumbsnailz · 4 years
Lost Witchling AU
(Even more info dumping)
|Prior post|
- Once Amity and Luz get to the demon realm, the two of them end up staying with Eda like how Luz does in cannon
- Eda enjoys the two teens company, but they both get into way too much trouble
- Eda's just trying her best; she tries to help Amity w/ her magic since the witchling is like 7 years behind in training
- The older witch also does her best to help Luz w/ her glyphs like in cannon
- Amity probably ends up fighting Hooty way too many times to count
- Amity usually doesn't like going out and about a whole lot, she's kinda scared to run into anyone she might have known, including her parents
- She and Luz end up running into Willow the same way Luz does in cannon
- It's kinda just Willow being like, 'holy cow I thought you were dead or smthing' aaaaaa and stuff w/ some crying n such from the both of them and Luz is slowly connecting the dots that they knew each other
- Willow still kinda sucks at abomination magic so Amity and Luz help her w/ that and pretend to be abominations for her like in cannon and stuff
- Yada Yada I've talked about this already, Amity slowly reconnects w/ Willow and stuff. Luz, Amity, Gus and Willow become friends n such
- Luz and Amity share a room together in the owl house and stuff, so they usually stay up really late reading Azura together or drawing n stuff and Eda is just vibing
- Amity and Luz do end up enrolling into hexside, but Amity ends up enrolling with the last name Clawthorne bcuz she doesn't want anyone being sus of her having Blight as a last name. She's scared what'll happen if her parents find her
- Even though she was only 7 when she left the demon realm, she still really disliked her parents
- Luz ends up studying every track like in cannon, and Amity is really interested in abomination magic and stuff.
- Amity will probably also end up enrolling in the healing track at some point bcuz Camila got her really interested in that kinda stuff since she's a nurse
- Amity and Luz just get into so many hijinks and Eda is just. She's just there supporting her trouble making children. Amity tries to be a voice of reason but her and Luz just end up getting into trouble anyways
- Amity ends up realizing she has a crush on Luz a little bit after becoming friends with Willow again. She realised that she felt a lot different about Luz than her other friends(Gus and Willow), and she was really confused about that for a while until she decided to ask Eda about it. Eda teased her about it lightheartedly, but Amity was definitely mortified that she didn't realize her crush sooner.
This lil' info dump was just,, A bunch of info that has been on my mind for a bit, and I thought y'all would like it. Mama Eda and her two chaos children live in my mind rent-free
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
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On March 6th of last year I posted a collection of discarded drawings called DUMPSTER DUDELZ on deviantART, my way of making sure abandoned art would be seen. It hadn't been the first time I had compiled all of my leftovers together, 2013's Sketchapalooza ULTIMAtE acting as the original Clarktoon sketch dump before I made Sketch BOOMs a thing. The only difference this time was that all the artwork was original, Sketchapalooza including fan art of Queen La, Mickey Mouse, and Blue's Clues. With all the projects I start then never finished, I figured a compilation like this would be a perfect way to show what all doesn't make the final cut. Now with it being the dawn of a New Year, I decided to bring the idea back with a vengeance! That is until I saw how many scrapped scribbles I actually had. Unlike the previous DUMPSTER DUDELZ, which had amassed years worth of rejected content, this one comes at the end of a single year where most of my ideas managed to make it online. Heck, one of the sketches seen here actually was posted to deviantART before now. You know what I say to all that though? Screw it, let's post it anyway! Hopefully my posting all of this will usher in the beginning of a full, productive year of artwork. If not, I at least got to humiliate my good friend Volts48...
1) SPOOKY SCARY SEXY MASKED MANIAC Halloween is always a rough time for me, artistically. With Christmas taking up all of my focus I'm left unavailable to post anything for the second best Holiday of the year. Not that I ever stop trying, mind you. My goal for 2022 was to post a specially themed Sketch BOOM themed around the month of monsters, even managing to get one of my ideas down on paper. Said idea being my buddy Alec genderbent and dressed in a Virgin-Killer sweater as revenge for all the times he paid other artists to draw me with massive boobs or in frilly outfits. To any artist that has done that, rest assured I don't actually take any offense to it, I appreciate any fan work based of my characters regardless of how ridiculous. Besides, you at least draw she-me with clothes on, so there's that. This was just a silly excuse to put my friend in the exact same situation he puts me through as well the culmination of an old inside joke that even he forgot about. Back when I first started my Discord server I was very strict about what could be posted, so Alec made a big stink when my college buddy Alice2Rose posted a picture of one of these sweaters, my ignorance showing when I didn't even know what it was. Leave it to an anime weeb to detect a virgin killer a mile away. In any case, here's hoping the aftermath of my friend's long forgotten stink brings you some Halloween fun on this New Year's Day.
2) POLKA PUP, DOO DOO DA DOO DA DOO Yet another joke that culminated on my server, this time from my friend Void-Android. All throughout the last year the mechanized man was obsessed with posting comics and GIFs of puppy sharks, their precious lil' faces flooding my server like the world's cutest Sharnado. Seeing as my friend Finjix and I semi-frequently collaborate ideas for our own shark character Polka Shark, I figured it'd be fun to draw the fantastic, frantic fish as one of those peculiar house pets. The end result is an adorable abomination that'll annoy the carp out of his friend Striped Starfish.
Striped Starfish: Just what I needed; Polka with legs. There goes my plans of washing ashore and dying of heat stroke.
For those wanting more of Polka Shark's absurd under-sea antics, go check out SIM-N's gallery on deviantART. For now though I hope you all enjoy Polka Pup more than the Starfish did.
3) The Mummy of 3K, Queen Emoteph Like I said at the beginning, I had completely forgotten about having already posted this sketch of ERN-E's girlfriend and Yas Queen of the year 3000 EMIL-E as a Mummy. The idea comes from my repeated attempts to bring back the Monster 3K Pin Ups that SIM-N and I used to do for Halloween, Emoteph being brought back from our initial run from 2015. Alas, all that came from this was this admittedly awesome sketch. Fingers crossed I get to take this idea to its fullest extent next year, ERN-E opening a tomb to find the hottest Mummy ever found by man or machine.
ERN-E: That is one fresh-looking corpse... EMIL-E: You're not too bad looking yourself, big guy.
4) ERN-E X EMIL-E Speaking of the Clarktooniverse's first couple, here we have ERN-E and EMIL-E in some slightly updated designs. After years of making his eyes one big screen, I finally decided to give ERN-E more human-like eyes for ease of expression. Em herself didn't get much of an upgrade, but a sketch of ERN-E alone felt naked without his best girl by his side. Here's hoping I get to draw more of these two together in the future.
5) LET'S DANCE AT WHIMSYLAND Okay, this one's definitely needs an explanation. 2022 saw me make my fourth pilgrimage to Disney World to meet up with my friend @the-pale-servant / @agathe-the-smol, despite my vow to not visit the park until Bob Chapek was fired. I have made it no secret how much I despised the bald-headed, brain-dead, creatively bankrupt loser in charge of the Disney during his tenure, his treatment of the Disney Parks being a key factor. Whereas most people saw the parks as a magical wonderland always ready to be expanded and improved, Bob saw it as a money-printing machine he could run raged without a break. It was disgusting. This was most evident when Jart and I got stuck on four different rides, often times more than once. Though to be fair, we still had an amazing time while there! Still, my continued cynicism against the state of my favorite place on Earth wasn't getting any healthier, so I decided to express my contempt creatively. Welcome to Whimsyland, a theme park opened in 1962 by Matt Whimsy as a celebration of the human spirit and endless imagination. Here you could meet Fred Fox, the company's cartoon mascot currently exiling himself to the Park in response to how the CEO's handling Matt's business. Fred is my Mickey stand-in, though unlike Mickey he makes it clear he hears fan complaints and hates being depicted as the villain. Dancing the charleston beside him is Fiona Fox, cartoon fashion icon that the current CEO keeps exploiting, though Fiona at least uses this to her advantage by continuing to inspire young girls. Along with the rest of my currently in development cast, Whimsyland might become the most perkiest place on the planet once more. Until then, we can at least enjoy these two characters dancing to this.
In case you're wondering why I never posted this, you can thank my questionable coloring choices for that. The orange coloring on Freddy feels fine, but the same can't be said for Fiona's fur color nor for their attire. Like I said, this idea's still a WIP.
6) SOMETHING IN THE WAY, OWL DUDE IN THE RAIN Poor Owl Dude, I don't draw him nearly as much as I should. Luckily, the new story ideas I have in mind with him should help fix that. And no, SIM-N, none of them involve a stove!
7) SAURA, EXPERIMENTAL SKETCH If any Clarktoons dominated a majority of my thoughts this year it would be Fred Fox and Saura, my teenage heroine with the power of transforming into a hyper-evolved dinosaur warrior. Helping matters was the fact that Alec got interested in the idea, collaborating with me on certain elements of her story while also commissioning our friend @zernna to draw her every chance he got. For the record Zerna, I plan on releasing a colored reference of Ms. Bosewick here sometime this year, so if we pay you to draw her again you'll know exactly what she looks like. But first I decided to experiment a little, adding details to Saura's design that ultimately won't be a part of her end design. A rule with character designs in cartoons is that the more lines and details you add, the older a character looks, which is what I felt was the major problem was here. With any luck, Saura's finalized design will look plenty bad@$$ without making her look like an actual fossil.
8) POST-BUMPER: ORIGINS Earlier this year I decided to make myself some mailing labels with Bumper on them, quickly drawing Crocie's adorable little ghost buddy as a mailman. The end result looked mighty cute, ignoring how the post officer used another mailing label to cover up mine. Turns out there's somebody in the world who doesn't find the floating marshmallow cute after all. Weird, right?
And for those of you wishing to see what the end product looked like:
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9) FRED FOX Surprising as it sounds, it took me a few tries before settling on Fred Fox as the Whimsyland mascot. My goal was to create a rubberhose character in the same vein as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Felix the Cat, Bendy, and the Cupheads, while also making it unmistakably my own. So at first I tried a turtle, only to quickly realize that wouldn't be as cute or charming as intended. Next I tried an elephant, which admittedly looked better, but for whatever reason that didn't work with me either. Finally I settled on a fox with a Boston accent named after a running joke from the Angry Video Game Nerd and the rest was history. 
10) CHIBIZOWA What you're currently looking at is not the Clarktooniverse's answer to King Ghidora. At least, not at the moment, anyway. All throughout 2022 I had intended on drawing birthday pictures for my friends online, including Zerna, someone who has very kindly drawn a lot of my characters over the last few years. What I had planned for her birthday was a sketch of her girlfriend murd3r3r being dragged to the mall by my mechanized mercenary Candy Banger to find the ultimate birthday present, Coco not being accustomed to the violence Candy brings to any situation. In the end, thanks to some advice I got from Alec, a worn-out Coco gets Zerna a three-headed dragon plushtoy named Chibizowa with Candy giving a thumbs up from the window so the two could have a cute moment together. Now for all of you wondering why I didn't end up making this adorable-sounding gift pic, there's a lot of factors that went into it. The first being time, something I am terrible at managing. The second was not knowing enough about Coco, having to go off what I saw in the pics posted in Zerna's gallery. I didn't want to assume what her personality was like, I'm terribly shy by nature, and matters weren't helped by her own lack of art depicting her aliensona. It's why I'm jumping on Zerna's band wagon by telling you gremlins to hound her for sona designs/more art!! >:'0 For now though, I hope you all enjoy this sketch. Who knows, maybe on day I'll end up making the planned present a reality.
11) ONE LAST FRED FOX And that's all she wrote.... OR IS IT!?
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Not included with the DUMPSTER DUDELZ were these two random sketches based on the musical Twisted, which my friend Alec finally convinced me to check out this year. I enjoyed it immensely, even buying the soundtrack and digital recording of the show before drawing their Jafar in the same style as the original Aladdin. Turns out you can make this character look sympathetic. No doubt he'll have a good 2023 as will all of you! That is if you keep dreaming a little harder...
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issabees · 3 years
Hello hello! So I did a thing...
In my continuous attempt to become more active here, I decided to start posting stuff. So, tada!
If you stumble upon this, feel free to give it a read! Hope you enjoy it!
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Title: 9:30 am
Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 2
Pairing: M!Sam Dalton x MC
Genre: Slight angst
Rating: G
Type: One-fic (as of rn)
Word Count: 760
Author's Note: This is my first time posting a fanfic here, so please bear with me! I'm not exactly sure if I would consider this as complete because I feel like adding to it or including it in a bigger story, but we'll see!
Context: This is set a month after Chapter 8 (The Hunt)!
Ten minutes left, Marina thinks as she looks up at the clock in Naya's office.
It is a round slab of greyish-green cement, wrapped in copper framing. There are matching strips of copper around the face of the timepiece, pointing towards the center, numbers chiseled at the tips. No markers in between each number, just an empty space between 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and so on. Just smooth, untampered space of greyish-green cement.
The more she stares at it, the more Marina thinks about that little expanse between each number. It had no certainty as to what minute it could be on, no indication of how fast or slow a minute has gone by (unless you really look into it and go hard on the geometry of a clock).
In this space, a minute can go on into an hour, maybe even into a year. The only respite she has found was in the minute hand pointing decidedly at the number 4, her only indication that the meeting she's currently in will end at 9:30 in the morning. Ten minutes left.
"Marina?" She draws her gaze away from the timepiece and to the woman who called her. Naya's eyes are on her, her eyebrows raised with concern. "Do you have any questions?"
She did a quick mental rundown of what had just been discussed. There was a progress report about how the tabloids have been talking about her and Sam. All good, she remembers Naya remarking, and right on schedule.
Whatever the schedule is at this point, she wonders.
But there was that, and how there were only a couple more casual "appearances" (specifically two or three run-ins) needed before they begin going out for lunch in public. Of course, even then, you'll have to say that you're just having lunch with a friend, she recalls Naya adding.
Marina shakes her head, "none."
"Are you sure? We still have plenty of time—"
"None!" she repeated, more insistent this time. It had shocked them both, along with Sam, whose attention was now fully on her. Realizing her misstep, she clears her throat.
"I'm sorry. But yeah, I'm all good," before quickly turning to the man beside her, "Sam?"
Sam looks at her knowingly, a subtle gesture of worry Marina knew quite well. They were definitely going to have a conversation about it soon.
But he smiles at Naya, repeating, "I'm all good."
Naya nods, the shock in her face subsiding as she looks back at Marina, noticing an uneasiness settling in her smile. As a gesture of comfort, she offers a kind smile and reaches across her desk to touch Marina's hand, "Marina—"
Only for the woman to recede it back to her lap, "hmm?"
Naya catches this, clearing her throat instead.
"You're doing great," she shifts her gaze between her and Sam, "you both are." As if.
Just a month ago, Marina found herself in hot water for bagging the lab tech job in Dalton Labs. Naya was disappointed because it was an abomination of a move in their pristine and flawless plan, while Sam was upset because she chose not to tell him. If she really wanted to look into it, Marina could still sense some tension in the room because she decided to keep the job, even if that was her last defiant move since.
From where she was standing, she wasn't doing great. Not by a long shot.
"Well, I guess I can let you go now," Naya announces. "You both have work to do, after all." Speak of the devil.
Marina hums in gratitude as they all stood up, their meeting finally over. Naya adds that they'll need to meet again—"does Thursday same time sound good to you both," she asks—to discuss the details for their next appearance. Marina responds with an absent-minded nod.
There wasn't much to remember from that, anyway. It had become a routine. Naya would remind them the night before, and again in the morning. The meeting will go as planned, as it had always gone, then once the clock hits 9:30, the meeting would be over. She and Sam will then head to Dalton-Russo Incorporated, separate as she takes a cab to the back entrance while Carter brings Sam to the main entrance. A routine.
Before leaving Naya's office, Marina looks once more at the greyish-green cement clock framed in copper. The minute hand was an inch off the number 6, hovering to the space on its left. What minute it was currently in, she couldn't know.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope to write more in the future because I find it to be a great stress-reliever (if I can find the time and beat writer's block).
Have a great day/night, and take care!
~ Issa
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