#i was chaotic 4.0
fireforember · 9 months
you know what sounds super fucking cool?
if i don't fail my three separate finals tomorrow, i get to keep my sanity.
that sounds really awesome.
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edupunkn00b · 3 months
Guardian ad Liber, Chapter 1: Patton
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Photo by Matt Tulos, CC 4.0. Edited by author. n.b. Liber can mean book or child.
Patton - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Rated: G (might change, might not) - WC: 975 - CW: Family Court, lawyers, social workers are key to the themes of this entire story
This story is a continuation of last year's @loceitweek story, Overruled, a Happily Ever After Buttlerfly story in which Logan, Janus, and Remus fall in love while Logan and Janus are in law school. I'm reusing the prompts from last year's event.
In the old courthouse down on Third Avenue, Family Court worked a little differently than the rest of the courtrooms. Officially called ‘hearing rooms,’ Family Court judges—well, in reality, their clerks—worked hard to make children and parents feel, if not at home, then at less intimidated than in the imposing oak and copper-trimmed courtrooms of their District and Superior Court colleagues.
The hearing rooms were smaller, and lacked the rows of observation seats or even jury corrals of the larger courts. They did, however, feature not two, but three lawyer’s tables. It was rare for a case involving children to not have a specially designated lawyer, a Guardian ad Litem, devoted to serving only the child’s needs. 
While Family Court hearing rooms could never be described as cozy, the attorneys and their clients sat less than a yard from the judge’s bench. Many witnesses—usually the younger ones—would testify from their lawyers’ tables.
All that closeness made it all the more uncomfortable when a party to the case was running late.
Such as today.
“Counsel, if your social worker does not arrive within the next”—Judge Bloom glowered at the clock above the near-empty Guardian ad Litem table—”Eight minutes, I will have no choice but to issue a continuance—”
“Your Honor,” Janus began. The defense attorney made a sound at the back of her throat, a not-quite scoff at his impertinence to interrupt the judge. She watched, eyes wide, waiting for the explosion she was sure to come.
Pencil hovering over a mostly-filled yellow legal pad, Logan sat quietly beside him, waiting for Janus to work his charm. He let his sleeve ride up enough to flash the tri-colored braided bracelet they each wore. Janus saw it and stood a little taller. 
“Counsel,” Judge Bloom repeated, matching his tone.
One hand pressed to his sternum, Janus bowed his head in the judge’s direction. He did not cast a quick smirk at his overpaid and under-scrupled opposing counsel. “Your Honor, if I may. The Court’s docket is filled for at least another three months. A continuance would mean several more months for the youth in question to struggle in questionable circumstances.”
“We’ve barely begun the proceeding, Mr. Pater-Prince,” the judge said, not unconvinced… just not yet convinced. “Are you truly that confident in the legal strength of your motion to compel?”
“Your Honor!” The group home’s attorney jumped to her feet. “You can’t possibly be entertaining this overreach of—”
“I can entertain any legal finding I determine is relevant,” Judge Bloom interrupting with a tap her her gavel. “And to make a finding in my courtroom, I need both a convincing legal argument and evidence,” she said, looking pointedly at Janus and Logan. “What I need from you, Mr. Pater-Prince is said evidence. I ask again, where is your social worker?”
“Your Honor,” Logan rose and waited for the judge’s nod to proceed. “Grace Peña is the social assigned to this case. She is in the Courthouse today and should be here momentarily.”
“Make momentarily now, Mr. Sanders,” she ordered.
“Yes, Your honor.” With a quick nod to Janus, Logan hurried down the short aisle to the courtroom door and pushed it open. The typical chaotic din of the 8th floor came pouring in: adults arguing, three ringing phones, children laughing, shouting, crying.
He rushed to close the heavy door behind him and scanned the hall. With any luck, Grace wasn’t far.
It didn’t take him long to spot her where she stood holding a screaming toddler in one arm and attempting to complete a phone call with her other. The child couldn’t’ve been much older than two, maybe younger. He was small but strong, and the 4’10” social worker struggled to keep hold of him. 
His blond curls were dirty and matted on one side of his head, clad only in too-small jeans and tattered sweater on the chilliest day they’d seen that January. His stocking feet were dirty on the bottoms, so he could walk, or, given the way he struggled, would likely run if she put him down.
“Grace!” Logan called and moved to her side. “Judge Bloom needs you now,” he said loud enough to be heard of the toddler’s tantrum. “She’s threatening a continuance. Bobbi can’t take another night in that group home, let alone—”
“I know, I know, I know. I…” Shaking her head, she shoved her phone into her pocket and shifted the wiggling toddler to her other hip. “He’s an emergency placement—a re-placement I’ve been dealing with.”
She was frazzled, and the little boy in her arms flailed wildly. Three tiny scratches popped out in sharp relief on her cheek but still she held the boy gently if firmly. “Grace, Bobbi needs your testimony. The judge is on board but she needs you.”
Nodding, Grace looked toward the courtroom. “Judge Bloom won’t let the boy in, I’ve already asked the clerk.” Eyes wide, she looked Logan up and down, a sharp desperation tightening the rest of her features. “Here,” she said suddenly, shoving the boy at him as she ran to the courtroom door. Forced to choose between holding the toddler or letting him fall to the floor, Logan tightened his grip, one hand under each of the child’s armpits.
The child fought like a feral cat, blows landing on his arms and chest until he held him out at arm’s length.
“What? What are you—”
“Just watch him,” she called over her shoulder. “I’ll be out as soon as the hearing’s over. I’ll explain everything to Janus. It’s his motion, it’ll be—”
“But Grace, I don’t know how—” She ignored him and continued inside, letting the door slowly close behind her. “I don’t even know his name!” he cried.
Grace stuck her head through the door just before it closed.
“His name’s Patton.”
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crumblestew · 2 years
I wanna hear about your PDh rewrite
whats like, the plot your going for
I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a super busy student in my A-Level year so I’m not actually making it. But I can make comics and explain the plot theoretically on tumblr :D
First of all it’s Katemau centric because I’m a useless bisexual.
Now more importantly, there’s two main schools in this, Phoenix Drop High and O’Kasis Academy. It’s also sort of following MCD in a more direct way? I’ll run down all the main cast
Aphmau Floraz - Age 16. She has been homeschooled her whole life and is super stoked to be attending high school. Attends PDH and gets up to general protag shenanigans.
Aaron Lycan - Age 18. Aaron is not a love interest! He’s still FC but they meet online while she’s at PDH and not before. They’re nerdy gamer friends and I <3 them. Platonic nerd aarmau for the soul
Katelyn Adhikari - Age 16. APH’S LOVE INTEREST!!! Katelyn used to attend O’Kasis Academy where she was captain of the girl’s football (soccer) team and also on the student council, run by Zane. Some shit goes down and it all ends with Zane getting Jeffery expelled and triggering a series of events that makes Katelyn want to leave. She now attends PDH and is on the football team there. She’s also Ivy’s ex :0
Nana Ishida - Age 15. Nana is a member of the baking club!! She wants to go to a technical college to become a patisserie chef and she often struggles with not being as academic as some of her friends. Lucinda is always around to give her a pep talk if she’s really struggling :,). She’s also dating Danté. She likes anime but she goes by her own name not Kawaii-Chan. Liking anime is what she bonds with Aphmau over
Danté Captain - Age 15. Danté is not gross in my rewrite, and is much more like his MCD counterpart!! After a messy breakup with Nicole, he was a bit sceptical about dating someone. However, he bonded with Nana over failing a maths test and they really hit it off. He’s really good at boxing but so far he’s never beaten Gene
Lucinda Claire - Age 16. Lucinda is an icon. She’s still a witch and she’s part of like. The main girl four (Aphmau, Katelyn, Nana and Lucinda). She’s been friends with Nana for years and the two are a very chaotic team. Teachers are warned to sit them across the room from each other when they first start, and they turn everything into a competition. Lucinda also knows how to comfort someone after a breakup or smthn, but does not do well with her own.
Laurance Zvahl - Age 17. Laurance captains the guys football (again, soccer) team and he is super messy lol. Ask him about his middle school emo phase and you are DEAD (not really, he’ll just laugh it off, then ask that you don’t mention it). Not much has changed here, but again he’s not a love interest for Aphmau really? I don’t like love triangle stuff too much so I wanna make it more slow burn adjacent. He was adopted by Hayden when he was super young and if you hurt Cadenza he will hate you forever. He did also used to roll with Gene and co
Gene Captain (18), Sasha Smyth (17), and Zenix Martinez-Jones (15) are the shadow knights still!!! They’re sort of Gene’s weird loner group, not much has changed here. Gene wants to be a boxer, Sasha gets away with everything because of her 4.0 and Zenix wears trousers 5 sizes too big for him. They’re silly.
Ivy Vernon (16) and Janus Argan (17) are kinda background antagonists for a bit??? Ivy is Katelyn’s ex and the head of the OKA girls hockey team. She’s an absolute menace . Janus is Zane’s close friend and always wants the best for him. He ends up with Zane. Janus is on the American football team.
Travis Valkrum - Age 16. I almost forgot about Travis because I do not like him at all. No Travlyn here whatsoever lmao. I will lean into the sweetheart thing he had going on in pdh!! Basically a ray of sunshine, and things pickup lines are so suave and cool. He’s really interested in classical music.
THE ROMEAVE BROTHERS: here is where we get really messy and find some main conflict
Garroth Ro’Meave - Age 18. Also no longer a love interest. Garroth Ro’Meave has a heart of gold and is always trying his best. He absolutely loves sports and board games. He could not stand his father and ran away from home in the summer between Junior and Senior year. He enrolled himself at PDH and cannot legally be made to return home, and this sets up a lot of the conflict. Garté is a very famous businessman and politician and the tabloids are finding it hard to avoid discussing the family drama, especially with Vylad being public news. Garrance is also endgame
Zane Ro’Meave - Age 16. Debate team. Anyone who knows me knows I love Zane, and I am so normal about him in this. He’s the student council head (the SC is the Jury, idk if I made that clear) at O’Kasis academy until Garté gets really antsy to get Garroth back. Garté basically forcefully transfers Zane to PDH and says he can’t go back to O’Kasis Academy until Garroth comes home. Character development and chaos ensues, while he’s finally forced to face everyone he’s hurt and his feelings about his dad. Much less importantly, Zane gets a boyfriend by the end. It’s Janus (as in the silver death), who’s been his friend the whole time.
Vylad Ro’Meave Fletcher - Age 15. Sick of her husband, Zianna had an affair with another guy. Garté didn’t like how dissimilar Vylad looked to him and forced her to get a DNA test. He basically forced Zianna to give Vylad up, and he’s currently staying in a foster home. It’s public knowledge that he is a Ro’Meave, but it’s just not really talked about in a serious context (kinda Boris Johnson’s kids). Suddenly he’s at the same school as his two older brothers and getting to reconnect with them, and it’s all a lot at once. He’s also the person who convinced Sylvanna that Aphmau should come to PDH on an open day.
It’d be kinda Sex Education vibes??? More than one main character and it focuses on all their conflicts, but the overarching story is Katemau and the conflict between Zane and Garroth, both of which would come to a peak on the night of the winter dance :)
IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!! If you have any questions or characters you’re curious about hmu
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cyn-write · 1 year
MEET: Grace Wilde (Yuusona)
Thank you, @bunnwich, for the beautiful art!!! I love how she and Kerby look!!
Note: My TWST AU had NRC as a college instead of a high school, so all the characters are aged up 4 years! But in regular Au's Grace is 18.... maybe
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Background: Prior to NRC, Grace was a college student at a small university in the middle of nowhere. She is the oldest sibling of 5 kids and came from a big, close nit family. She was really close with her mom and grandma as all three loved to read. She was always an over-achieving student, and her 4.0 helped her get a ton of scholarships from her university. Grace is an English-History Double major and wants to become a professor one day. All of this changed when she was hit by a car heading back to her dorm one day in an attempt to save some freshman girls from getting hit. Much like Yuuta and Yuukun in the manga, Grace died, and the black carriage took her to NRC.
Time at NRC: Once the whole opening debacle and the Grim situation are figured out, Grace is hit with the reality that she died, was sent to another world, and has no way home. Initially, it was rough, but thankfully, all the strange events kept her from mulling over all those traumatic events. Other than overblots, troublesome classmates, her dilapidated dorm, and a very hungry talking cat, she's fine. She actually really enjoys school and the challenges of being in a magic school with no magic. A few of the things that have kept her going are Ace, Deuce, Riddle, Azul, her friends, and Kerby (her Service Familiar).
The school nurse, Nurse Pinklee, with the help of Professor Trein and Crewel, convinced (blackmailed) Crowley into getting Grace a service familiar after Trein found her having a panic attack in the broom closet. Due to everything that has happened to her, dealing with so many overblots, and her being one of the only girls in the school and a magicless one at that, they made a very convincing argument. Crewel had a friend who trained service familiars and had the perfect pup. Trein and Crewel gave Grace the pup as a midterm gift (after Azul's Overblot). It was very similar to the scene in "Lady in the Tramp," Trein called Grace into his office, and a big box was waiting: A big Grytrash pup was waiting inside with a purple and green bow. Kerby, short for Cerberus, is a special type of service familiar. He helps her with bother her panic attacks and protects her from harm. On command, he can turn into a huge Cerberus with a Bark that can push people back. When Kerby is "resting" or there is no space for the big boy, he becomes a tattoo on Grace's arm. Kerby has helped Grace a lot and gives her a sense of comfort during extremely stressful or dangerous times. (Further explanation in a later post)
After Azul's overblot, Grace and Azul started to connect as she told him: "I know what it's like to be bullied over your looks, so if you want to talk about it, just let me know. We can talk, or I can listen. Kids can be awful, but I am here for you if you need... by the way, I think you were a pretty cute kid." Ever since then, Azul's heart grew three sizes for the magicless girl. Over the break, the two grew closer and by the end of the "Scarbia incident" Grace agreed to work at the Lounge (partly because she needed money and partly to be closer to Azul) and Azul worked up the courage (through relentless tweel bullying) to ask Grace out. She helps him deal with his insecurities, and he helps her deal with the fact that she can never go home. What started as a friendship for mutual gain became a loving relationship.
Before Pomefiore moved in for VDC, Thatch School for Delinquent Mages joined Ramshackle, Crowley tasks Cyn and Grace to not only continue doing Crowley-chores but watch over the delinquent students and help them fit in. Now, with a houseful of problems and more overblots occurring, things in Grace's life are chaotic and busy than ever, but fun, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
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Much like Wendy is the "Mother" to the Lost Boys in "Peter Pan," Grace is often referred to as the "Mom" or "Mother" of the first year gang.
She is a year older than most of the first years and being an older sister in her old life, her mama instincts often take over when dealing with the first years + her friends (I see NRC as a COLLEGE, so I have aged up the characters for my au).
The "Mother" friend, she, Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and Lilia, have a "parent-friend support chat" where they complain and can ask for help if someone's in trouble.
After the Thatch students join Ramshackle, Grace's mom-stincs skyrocket as she tries to make sure they stay out of trouble (as Cyn seems to encourage the mayhem) and help them adapt to regular college life again.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim are VERY overprotective of Grace. They see her as their sister, and no one is good enough for her. That being said, when Azul and Grace started dating, the trio tried (and failed) to stalk them on their dates, but each time, the Leeches showed up and booted them out per Azul's orders.
Grace and Cynthia are very close. Between splitting the Crowley Chores and Grim-sitting, they have a very special bond. Grace mainly deals with the overblots, but she asks Cyn for help with Leona, Azul, and Idia before Cyn herself overblots.
The reason Grace joined the Equestrian Club was because of Riddle. He agreed to join her book club as a way of taking a break if Grace agreed to join the Equestrian Club.
Riddle regards Grace as an Honerary member of Heartsyble after his overblot. The relationship the two have is odd as they are as close as family. Riddle tutors Grace to aid her in the knowledge that she was missing from not growing up in Twisted Wonderland while in return, Grace helps Riddle in "temper relocation" through writing, painting, crafting, or reading poetry, books, or plays aloud that Grace picked out.
Riddle, Grace, Deuce, and Carter are the first members of the NRC Book Club. Grace is a book nerd, and reading is her comfort in the craziness of NRC. Riddle joined because of the deal with Grace. Deuce thinks reading more will help him with his grades, and Cater joined to keep up with book trends on social media (for the aesthetic). After some time, Azul, Jade, Silver, Rook, and Malleus also join. They read a variety of books from Rom-coms (Carter's suggestion) to Classics (Malleus' Suggestion), and Grace loves the exposure to literature.
Grace and Trein have a special bond. After the first few classes, Grace goes up to Trein to talk about history because she thinks it's fascinating. Having a student who engages in class, does the reading, and wants to learn more is rare in his classes, so Trein appreciates it when she comes up to talk. Grace also reminds Trein of his stepson, Ellain, who attends RSA (despite his protest of wanting to be with his dad).
Trein steps in as Grace's Father Figure when parents are needed or it's a family-centric event. During the family days, when all her friends are off with their families, Trein offers to walk around with her and have tea while they discuss a range of things from history to her past.
Grace talks in her sleep, and when Cyn, Grace, and Grim stay with Leona in book 3, Grace woke up all three of them as she called out, "WATCH OUT!" In her sleep.
Grace always has a sewing kit, medicine, and a first aid kit in her book bag, which has been nicknamed - the black hole.
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guzsdaily · 4 months
I need to go back to development
Day 193 - May 16th, 12.024
It is almost day 200 and not a really a lot changed, it is kinda hard to anything have changed in my work and creative journey since these last 3 months were so chaotic. And being honest, it is hard to get back on track when I'm actively now programming. I was making the design for the new portfolio, but I need to just stop and actually develop the website, because not having at least a coding task is really difficult nowadays.
Today's artists & creative things Music: ABRASIVE - by ratatat
© 2024 Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
I am genuinely sorry to all the people I haven't replied from my ask box I swear I see you and you guys give me feels and I will answer asap but my life has been chaotic as of lately with work, getting ready for vacations/traveling (Imma go out of the country eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!) working on the video from my last post and now 4.0 just dropped and I'm down HORRENDOUS for Neuvillette fr fr <3
I will reply as soon as I can I promise, and I'm also working on a lot of wips I am simply dyingggggg to post including more dragoness reader, more zl smut and even neuv eheheheehe pls a small lil milestone project I think???
anyway accept my sincere apologies and have this lil sneak peek ehe (the sisterwives already saw this one rip)
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fcsavgasbcakjncla I love you all so much fr fr see youuu hopefully sooooon HAHA omg
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
🔁 ronance please and thank you 😌
anything for you my louseph friend <3
FINALLY a song that is not sad!!!
relistening to this one and am reminded how fun and chaotic it is and was, once again, metaphorically hit over the head with an idea:
Ronance workplace rivals to friends to lovers AU! if i'm remembering correctly i used this song on a playlist many moons ago for a rivals to friends to lovers au i wrote (and have since orphaned oops)
Set in the political sphere, both working as staffers for the same US Congresswoman, a prolific, controversial member of the House of Representatives. An office known for being nearly impossible to infiltrate.
Nancy, cut-throat workaholic. Constantly burning the candle at both ends, her desk should be considered her first home rather than her actual home. She worked her ass off.
Starting in high school, piloting the high school Democratic club for her high school and then rocketing it up to the most productive high school chapter in the region, regardless of none of the members could vote. Taking undergrad by the balls and squeezing as hard as she possibly could. Scoring internships the summer after her Freshman year and bypassing incoming Seniors that by the time SHE was a Senior she had a better resume than most seasoned political staffers. Three internships on The Hill, two years of being president of her colleges Dem club chapter, staffed over a dozen political campaigns for various Dems across the political spectrum. All while maintaining a 4.0 GPA and writing guest articles for the University's school paper. Nancy Wheeler made name for herself, stepping into her glory as one of the youngest staffers in DC at just 22 years old. Younger than some interns. But carrying herself with the confidence of someone with decades of experience under the belt.
Robin, on the other hand, kinda fell into politics. It was the summer right before her Senior year of high school. An election year. She never paid much attention to politics before this, her parents were hippies, they were obviously liberal. Naturally smart, never having to try that hard to keep her GPA high, but also knowing that they didn't have enough money to send her to college, but made too much money to qualify for a lot of assistance, and she never excelled so well that she earned a full-ride anywhere, community college was the only reasonable option for her. One day, she's packing up her trumpet at the end of band practice, one of the few stragglers in the gym, when people in suits start setting up the gym. In walks the Democratic candidate for her district. Curious, especially when she noticed the line forming outside to hear her speak, she decided to hang around and see what the big deal was.
She was captivated. Big promises fighting for people like her, really like her. Multiple references to her partner, another woman, Robin felt this itch in the back of her skull, spread to the rest of her body. Something more than curiosity, something that motivates her to wait even longer and approach this candidate, arguing with staffers and whoever she needs to, just to get a word in with the candidate.
She ends up fighting with half of her staff, making some sort of impression on the future Congresswoman, who makes time to talk to her. Robin leaves that night with a new passion, and a new (unpaid) position working on the campaign.
Once the election was won, Robin spent most of her time in community college working for the Congresswoman in her district office. Taking night classes and getting involved in the community college's Dem club, but her first priority was to this office.
Politics was a natural arena for Robin. A schmooze by nature, witty and personable, she made the job look easy. No one would know that she spends most of her time in her car, working two jobs to save money and trying to maintain a good GPA to get into the local State College. The Congresswoman made her promise to finish her degree, not get wrapped up in the career path that politics has to offer. And in exchange, she had a position waiting for her in the DC office as soon as she graduated.
Nancy and Robin start in the Congresswoman's office on the same day. Nancy see's Robin as competition. Robin see's Nancy as a stuck-up rich kid with no loyalty. They're at each other's throats. Nancy constantly trying to one up Robin, Robin easily charming the pants off of anyone in her path.
Robin taking work home with her, but Nancy thinking that she's a slacker. Nancy living at her desk, making Robin view her as a show-off.
It all comes to a head during the first campaign event of the election cycle. And it starts and ends at the open bar.
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and i’ll shuffle my playlist and make an au based on the first song that comes up
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Somehow, I thought about the batch + Rex and cars.
What car would they drive?
How they behave when you drive?
And how they drive? I can imagine that tech is a pretty good and careful driver but when you are in an hurry, oh boy. And Echo has a problem with road rage and comment every other driver (there are rules!), but tries hard to keep calm....
PS: Deine Geschichten sind immer gut zum runter kommen. Grüße aus Deutschland;)
Okay this is a newer request and I'm picking it out to do before the others because I already actually thought about this and made some notes on it, weeks ago. Now I can finally use those notes :D The first time I ever made notes for something I write ^^'
Wo kommen denn nun all die Deutschen her? XD Grüße zurück! Freut mich sehr das zu lesen :D
The Bad Batch Headcanons - Cars And Driving
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Affordable Car: A muscle car. It's a guilty pleasure, but he loves the soul and beauty of old American muscle. He knows they drink fuel like hell, but as mentioned before. It's a guilty pleasure. He'd probably be going with an old Dodge Charger, 1970 440 ci or R/T. It's raw, it's powerful, it's loud and yet elegant.
Car if he had the money: Same car. His guilty pleasure is more or less affordable, so why pick any other car?
How he drives: Hunter is a cruiser. His car is loud and big, it's raw in itself. He doesn't need to race around to be seen. Besides, he's not the kind of guy who feels the need to be seen. It's more about the feeling of driving that car. Feeling the vibration of the V8 engine, the growling sound. Imagine him behind the wheel of such a car, hot damn.
I owned that car once by the way ^^'
When you drive: He's relaxed. Unless you are a hasty or nervous driver. He's not the kind to tell you how to drive or anything like that. He's actually a decent co-driver.
Affordable Car: Probably an older and used Volvo V70. He's all about safety, especially when he's driving with you. Volvo ha a great reputation of building safe cars. The V70 has a lot of space, for guests, kids or pets. Just in case, you know.
Car if he had the money: The newest Volvo V60, with all extras possible. You know, he's actually a Volvo Fan.
How he drives: Echo is calm and collected. Mostly. As long as no other idiot breaks any rules. He's fiery commenting on idiots breaking rules, but he's not cursing. At least, he tries not to. Driving by the book is his motto.
When you drive: Remember, he loves you, and you love him. He's nervous when he's not driving himself. Telling you when you are 2 miles too fast, reminds you of every sign. Tell's you when to hit the brakes and so much more. Very annoying, wouldn't recommend.
Affordable Car: An old, used Ford pickup truck. It's simple, it's big. Kinda like him. He can transport stuff with it and that's pretty much all he needs.
Car if he had the money: Inkas Sentry. A Canadian beauty build for SWAT Teams and Military. Armored and Off-road fit. Under the hood sits a massive 6.7-liter turbo diesel with eight cylinders and 367 hp. 4WD is standard, and there is room for eight people in the cabin. He doesn't need that beautiful beast, but he wants it.
How he drives: He's chaotic but relaxed too. In traffic, he keeps his calm, he's not that easy to rattle. But if he gets the chance to drive Off-road, he goes nuts. You don't want to be his co-driver when he leaves the road. Break-neck maneuvers and speed, he loves to make the car jump.
When you drive: Layed back and relaxed. No matter how you drive. He is used to Tech's driving and flying. He regularly falls asleep when you drive longer than an hour.
Affordable Car: He likes German cars. No, not BMW and not Mercedes either. Audi. Aside from the fact that BMW and Mercedes are generally expensive, he does prefer the Audi Design. An old, used Audi A3 is his got to car.
Car if he had the money: 2020 Audi RS7 Sportback (C8) - 600hp/800nm - V8 4.0 TwinTurbo Mild Hybrid. 0-100kmh(62mph): 3.38sec(tested), 3.6sec (official), Top Speed: 305km/h (191mph) Strong, fast, pretty, all extras. He loves that car, almost treats it like a lady. Almost.
How he drives: He knows the rules, but he likes to break them. He drives pretty fast. He's got everything under control, but he likes it speedy and a bit risky. Don't eat before you drive with him, might be better for everyone involved, including the car.
When you drive: He gets travel sickness when he doesn't drive himself, he can't look at his holopad without throwing up, you both learned that the hard way. So he is focused on you. He talks a lot, telling you something about everything he sees while you drive. He can't help it, his brain needs food, and right now he can't do anything but talk to you.
Affordable Car: None. If he can't get his dream car, he doesn't want one.
Car if he had the money: A 2018 Aston Martin Vanquish S. V12.
5.9-liter V12 pumping out 580 hp and 465 lb-ft (630 Nm). Drive is sent through the rear wheels courtesy of an eight-speed automatic transmission. An elegant beast.
How he drives: Despite owning a race machine, he's not a speeder at all. He's surprisingly average at driving, unless he wants to show off in front of you. The car is pretty and fun, but to let the beast out from under the hood, he likes to go on racetracks, and rent some time to drive a few rounds, but you'll never see him speed in normal traffic. He doesn't really want or need that.
When you drive: Very quiet. The only thing you might hear from time to time is a passive-aggressive sigh or grunt when you drive in a way he doesn't like.
Affordable Car: Any older used car. He really doesn't care much, he takes what he can get and afford. Most likely an old Ford or Kia. The car is not that important for him, and it's certainly not a status symbol, like it is for so many others.
Car if he has the money: Well, if he had the money and could actually really choose, he'd pick a classic car. He likes the vintage charm. Some 1956 Cadillac Fleetwood will do. He's a huge Elvis fan by the way.
How he drives: Calm, collected, sticking to the rules. He's a cruiser like Hunter. He's quick to judge and lecture others about their driving, though.
When you drive: Rex is pretty much the same as Hunter, he is pretty quiet and relaxed as long as you are too.
Personally I love the cars Hunter and Tech picked, but I'd rather drive with Hunter.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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OMG that last scene of Buck smiling, being somewhat teary-eyed, watching his parents, all I could think was "we won" because my chaotic firefighter son made it through this life-threatening situation, he's now Buck 4.0, and he's happy knowing that he is loved and he's enough. I am so beyond proud of him and how far his story has come. Don't mind me, I'm going to go sob in the corner.
Btw Oliver CRUSHED IT this episode.
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dreamiedelight · 3 months
Drabble 4.0
PJO au
Aphrodite couldn’t be happier, a child of hers went on a quest and returned victorious! Many believed that she was only the goddess of love, but they forget how she's also the goddess of war. She absolutely had to congratulate her child in person for reminding everyone just how capable her children are.
And also make sure that he didn’t get any scar.
“That would be unbefitting of any child of mine. If he masters the sword he has to know how to avoid that!”
She looks around camp half blood transformed as a pretty bird, when she doesn’t find him she decides to head towards the cabin made for her children.
That’s when she sees her child with another kid. She stops at a branch and just hears them talk.
“I- They don’t see me that way! We are just friends I swear.” Oh? Her interest is piqued.
“Dream, I cannot stress enough just how many times I almost beheaded Sapnap while we were dueling just because you entered the training grounds!” The kid replies, a sinister aura surrounds him, a sure indicator that he’s an offspring of Hades.
Well, of course her child would attract anyone’s attention. His mother is Aphrodite!
“Okay… But George? You can’t seriously expect me to believe that he likes me, Bad”
“He’s head over heels with you!” ‘Bad’ replies, sounding a little tired of what must have been a long back and forth conversation with how much Dream was denying the truth.
“Oh~ The suitors have started their pursuit?” Finally, something interesting happened! One of her children would experience romantic love!
Young love can be so chaotic and intriguing, filled with such a different palette of emotions. Sadness and anger for an unrequited love, the confusion and anxiousness that someone must feel to explore the meaning behind the gestures of their intended.
And then the happiness of a couple being together.
Aphrodite can’t wait to witness her child’s love story.
She is brought out of her bubble when Dream’s friend speaks again.
“You know, it’s kind of funny how this is like a parallel between you guys and your parents.”
“What?” Dream looks a little worse for fear after the possibility of someone being interested in him sank in.
“How strange.” Maybe his suitors aren’t to his taste?
“George is Hephaestus' son, Sapnap is Ares’ and you are Aphrodite’s! Isn’t it such a funny coincidence?” He asks, clearly enjoying the situation, unbeknownst to him, a goddess is currently shocked.
“Oh…Well, it’s getting dark, we should head inside before the birds eat us.” Dream, clearly done with the conversion, just pushes his friend towards the path to Hades’ cabin.
Aphrodite doesn’t like Hephaestus, doesn’t like that she was forced to marry him.
“You can’t force love.” They ignored her and then proceeded to be outraged when they found her with Ares.
She wonders who Dream will choose, how will the other parents react.
Her child’s future has just gotten more interesting.
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crazycanadian · 7 months
The start of my career in aviation was a whirlwind for me! It was hectic and chaotic but I loved every minute of it 🤣🤣🤣
My first summer I was all over Manitoba and some of Ontario with the helicopter (Bell 206) on fire fighting contracts, spending most of my time crawling all over the machine and in the manuals trying to get myself up to speed with understanding the maintenance schedule as well as learning about all the support equipment and the Bambi bucket set up and installation.
I worked with so many different people that summer as we were on the go from fire to fire , where ever our helicopter was needed. I found I was a natural at working with Forestry and they liked that so we would always be last to be let go once the fire was under control. Another area I would help out with was helping give helicopter safety briefings to the fire fighting crews.
The company I worked with had helicopters flying around the different fires in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, and were all Bell 205-212 medium helicopters. That first summer I had a lot of opportunities to help the other AME's on these machines and start learning about them. When the season finished I was assigned to work on the mediums in the hanger over the winter for heavy maintenance!
My dreams had come true, I was now working on the mediums!
This work © 2024 by Dale Hambrook is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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sunkeeperxiv · 1 year
FFXIV Write '23 Day 2: Bark
A heated but brief encounter with a Lupin after battle.
Stormblood (4.0) spoilers/timeframe; ~950 words.
Daca’li threaded through the crowds behind Lyse as they made their way through Ala Mhigo to the plaza where the Doman contingent had made their camp. Around them the Resistance were celebrating the city’s liberation, shoulder to shoulder with the Domans and the Eorzean Alliance, with carousing, drinking and dancing lasting long into the night.
Daca’li found himself less than eager, after all the events of the day, to join in the most raucous of the celebrations. Even as joyous as they were, every shout and cheer, every congratulatory clap on the back or enthusiastic expression of gratitude, had jangled against his nerves until he’d elected to find a quiet, secluded balcony to observe the celebrations from. Lyse, however, had tracked him down and requested he come with her to properly thank Hien for his timely arrival. That would likely be a less chaotic meeting, he reasoned, and so he accompanied her there.
As it happened, the Doman contingent, or what part of it hadn’t already filtered out to join the wider celebrations, were no less enthusiastic in their celebrations than any of the other soldiers. Conversation and alcohol flowed freely in equal measure, and more than a few of the soldiers were in the later stages of drunkenness.
They were halfway across the plaza when one such soldier staggered past Daca’li, weaving unsteadily around and behind him— or, attempting to, at least. The knock to his shoulder Daca’li could have forgiven, under the circumstances. The sharp pain that began at the tip of his tail and shot straight up his spine, he was less tolerant of.
He whirled around, teeth bared, to find one of the former Ferae Domitae swaying from side to side behind him. The soldier had already divested himself of all his Garlean armor except the dark, sashed trousers, and he was expending a great deal of effort on holding a tankard steady in one hand, without much success. He looked down at Daca’li as if only now realizing he was there.
“Out of the way,” he slurred, waving the tankard at Daca’li wildly enough to make it clear it was mostly, if not entirely, empty already. “Make way for a mighty warrior of Doma.”
Daca’li flared his ears and clenched a fist, flicking his tail behind him in an effort to soothe the throbbing tip. Behind him he could hear Lyse telling him to let it go, but he was in no mood. “Y’need to watch where you’re going. My tail ain’t a cobblestone.” All the tension of the past few hours had vanished, coalesced down into one point firmly centered on this one clumsy, unlucky soldier.
The lupin bared his own teeth in response to Daca’li’s silent challenge, puffing out his chest. “I slew many Garleans today, small one. I suggest you show me the respect I am due. I could give you a demonstration of my might, if you need convincing.” His words trailed off into a deep, unsteady growl. Daca’li could feel the vibrations of an answering growl rising in his own throat, could taste the familiar sting of blackened fire at the back of his tongue. Still, he was the Warrior of Light. Hero of the people. He couldn’t quite allow himself to vent his frustration at the fool in front of him, no matter how tempting it was or how satisfying it would be to throw him directly on his own stub of a tail.
Not without proper provocation, at least.
A circle had formed around them, some soldiers murmuring to each other with worry and others cheering and hollering. With his fellows urging him on, the lupin only grew bolder, letting his jaw hang open in a snarl. When that didn’t serve to scare Daca’li off, he threw his tankard to the ground and stepped forward, voice sharp and harsh, almost a savage bark. “Well!?” Daca’li’s response was to drop his own jaw in a loud hiss, fully ready to send the fool flying.
“Makutsu!” The name cut through the din and chaos of the crowd with ease, the voice itself not as familiar as the tone of command it carried. Hakuro cut through the crowd with ease, followed by Hien, and fixed his disapproving gaze on his subordinate. The difference this made in Makutsu’s posture was immediate; he leaned back, clearly taken by surprise.
“Lord Hakuro! I was defending my honor, sir—“ Hakuro waved his hand dismissively.
“You are picking a fight with Eorzea’s Warrior of Light, Makutsu. Liberator of Doma and Khagan of the Azim Steppe. The only thing you have less of than honor is brains. Go find your tent and sleep off your drink.”
Daca’li relaxed somewhat, feeling his bristling fur stand down as Lyse put a calming hand on his shoulder. “I could have… handled that more graciously, I suppose,” he said, softly. Hien laughed heartily behind Hakuro.
“There is a great energy in the air tonight, my friend! I doubt any of us are in possession of our best judgment just now.” With that he turned around, motioning for Lyse and Daca’li to follow them somewhere quieter. The crowd dispersed slowly, many of them bowing or saluting before Daca’li as they passed, despite having called for his trouncing only moments before.
Daca’li took a deep breath and followed. It was a decent enough reminder, he supposed, to keep his head about him, even here. The soldiers around them could relax and celebrate, their battle fought and won, but he could hardly stop being who — or what — he was. The Warrior of Light. Their hero.
His tail still hurt.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Hi there! So thank you for your feedback about Kokoro. Im glad you her since she is my sweet bby (^∀^) .Kokoro is one of my more recent OCs that i have, so im still making her, which is why i thought asking a feedback but after reading your feedback, yeah you’re right. She’s my OC, someone i love and makes me happy, i shall do whatever i want with her! Which is make her have a happy life ^_^ (and make her unintentionally torment Gorou, she lives with Yae Miko for god sake) I also decided to let Kokoro have a hydro vision, while there are many points that i like with Kokoro having a dendro vision. Something about her having a hydro one feels right idk why tho :p (but she would actually get along with Nahida really well, crap now im reconsidering, guess it’s back to the drawing board then (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠) ) why must i be so indecisive about an fictional character’s element (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Also PLEASE DO HONKAI STAR RAIL IF YOU EVER GET THE CHANCE TO DO SO, the found family in this one is STRONG. Like there’s the Astral Express which is just (≧∇≦). I wont spoil anything so you can enjoy it firsthand but the ideas and potential for platonic stuff is HIGH
Also im honestly excited and scared for Fontaine with how the trailer set the plot. Lynette’s death!?!? Lyney’s ARREST!? CHILDE’S ARRIVAL!?!?! What in archons name is going on!?!?? I honestly feel bad for Freminet since 1. His sister is “dead” 2. His brother is the suspect and possible murderer of said sister’s death. Really not a good time for him huh? Also can i talk about Navia for a second? I love her. She just gives off Chaotic good vibes which she probably has. I first thought she was gonna be like a phantom thief character but then the 4.0 trailer came out and there are security guys with her which now makes me think she is some sort of bodyguard for hire??? I just love her and i like to imagine her lovingly teasing my Fontaine OC for her famous pastries (i might talk about her here, so keep an eye out for that)
(Sorry for the many “also” btw ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
- 🐱 Anon
hi again dear!!!
yes!!!! do whatever makes you happy!!!! and indecisiveness is totally okay, too. you can switch backk and forth until you feel completely content! there's nothing wrong with changing up details and whatnot. you'll eventually settle on something that feels right <3 for me personally, i often go through many phases where i change important character details. it's usually while i'm writing their backstory or just their story in general that something seems to click in my brain, and all of a sudden, i have decided on the detail i wasn't sure about.
I GOT INTO HSR YESTERDAY ACTUALLY i am having so much fun with this game... it's so pretty??????? the characters are so dynamic????????? genshin feels so flat compared to hsr which is interesting to me, but hopefully hoyoverse takes steps to fix that lifeless feeling that genshin has sometimes in-game! or maybe i'm just burnt out? who knows! either way, i love hsr. it aligns with my interests so well.
CHILDE IS MR. WORLDWIDE HE IS EVERYWHERE AHSKSJSJGJFJ tbh i cannot WAIT for fontaine, i am so so so excited to see what this archon quest has in store.
i'm thinking about making a fontaine oc myself actually. lawful evil to lawful good kind of vibes, like.... they're evil-aligned at first but slowly change for the better once they realize how much they are hurting their beloved people. character development <3 but i would love to hear about yours, so i will definitely keep an eye out!
(and no need to apologize!!! i do that too sometimes <33)
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cyn-write · 1 year
Grace Wilde
Grace is my Yuusona! I drew her and did some editing to get her onto a template. I am still learning to draw so any pointers would be much appreciated. Now, without further ado: Grace Wilde!!
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Background: Prior to NRC, Grace was a college student at a small university in the middle of nowhere. She is the oldest sibling of 5 kids and came from a big, close nit family. She was really close with her mom and grandma as all three loved to read. She was always an over-achieving student and her 4.0 helped her get a ton of scholarships from her University. Grace is an English-History Double major and wants to become a professor one day. All of this changed when she was hit by a car heading back to her dorm one day in an attempt to save some freshman girls from getting hit. Much like Yuuta and Yuukun in the manga, Grace died and the black carriage took her to NRC.
Time at NRC: Once the whole opening debacle and the Grim situation are figured out, Grace is hit with the reality that she died, she was sent to another world, and she has no way home. Initially, it was rough, but thankfully, all the strange events have kept her from mulling over all those traumatic events. Other than overblots, troublesome classmates, her dilapidated dorm, and a very hungry talking cat, she's fine. She actually really enjoys school and the challenges of being in a magic school with no magic. A few of the things that have kept her going are Ace, Deuce, Riddle, her friends, and Azul.
After the Octanvale overblot, Grace and Azul started to connect as she told him: "I know what it's like to be bullied over your looks, so if you want to talk about it, just let me know. We can talk, or I can listen. Kids can be awful, but I am here for you... by the way, I think you were a pretty cute kid." Ever since then, Azul's heart grew three sizes for the magicless girl. Over the break, the two grew closer and by the end of the "Scarbia incident" Grace agreed to work at the Lounge (partly because she needed money and partly to be closer to Azul) and Azul worked up the courage (through relentless tweel bullying) to ask Grace out. She helps him deal with his insecurities and he helps her deal with the fact she can never go home. But both had know this is a temporary partnership that both need at the moment and treat their relationship more as a partnership than a relationship for now.
Once Thatch School for Delinquent Mages joins Ramshackle, Crowley tasks Cyn and Grace to not only run Crowley-chores but watch over the delinquent students and help them fit in. Now with a houseful of problems and more overblots occurring, things in Grace's life are chaotic, and busy, but fun and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Much like Wendy is the "Mother" to the Lost Boys in "Peter Pan," Grace is often referred to as the "Mom" or "Mother" of the first years in NRC. She is a year older than most of the first years and being an older sister in her old life, her mama instincts often take over when dealing with the first years + her friends (I see NRC as a COLLEGE, so I have aged up the characters for my au).
Since she is the "Mother" friend, she, Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and Lilia, have a "parent-friend support chat" where they complain and can ask for help if someone's in trouble
Ace, Deuce, and Grim are VERY overprotective of Grace. They see her as their sister, and no one is good enough for her.
That being said when Azul and Grace started dating, the trio tried (and failed) to stalk them on their dates, but each time the Leeches show up and boot them out per Azul's orders.
Grace and Cynthia are very close. They bonded over their old lives and adapting to NRC. Between splitting the Crowley Chores and Grim-sitting, they have grown a very special bond.
Grace mainly deals with the overblots, but she asks Cyn for help with Leona, Azul, and Idia before Cyn herself overblots.
The reason Grace joined the Equestrian Club was beacuse of Riddle. He agreed to join her book club as a way of taking a break if Grace agreed to join the Equestrian Club.
Riddle regards Grace as an Honerary member of Heartsyble after the first overblot. The relationship the two have is odd as they are close as family. Riddle tutors Grace to aid her in the knowledge that she was missing from not growing up in Twisted Wonderland. In return, Grace helps Riddle in "temper relocation" as they would write, paint, or read poetry, books, or plays aloud that Grace picked out.
Riddle, Grace, Deuce, and Carter are the first members of the NRC Book Club. Grace is a Book Nerd and reading is her comfort in the craziness of NRC. Riddle joined because of the deal with Grace. Deuce thinks reading more will help him with his grades. And Cater joined to keep up with Book trends on Social Media (for the aesthetic). After some time, Azul, Jade, Silver, Rook, and Malleus also join. They read a variety of books from Rom-coms (Carter's suggestion) to Classics (Riddle's Suggestion) and Grace loves the exposure to literature.
After the Thatch students join Ramshackle, Grace's mom-stincs skyrocket as she tries to make sure they stay out of trouble (as Cyn seems to encourage the mayhem) and help them adapt to regular college life again.
Grace and Trein have a special bond. After the first few classes, Grace actually goes up to Trein to talk about History because she thinks it's fascinating. Actually having a student who engages in class, does the reading, and wants to learn more is rare in his classes so Trein appreciates it when she comes up to talk. Grace also reminds Trein of his stepson Ellain who attends RSA (despite his protest of wanting to be with his dad).
Trein steps in as Grace's Father Figure when parents are needed or present for events. During the family days when all her friends are off with their families, Trein offers to walk around with her and have tea while they discuss a range of things from history to her past.
Grace talks in her sleep and when Cyn, Grace, and Grim were stay with Leona in book 3, Cyn wakes up all three of them as she called out "WATCH OUT!" in her sleep.
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For more on Grace Wilde, follow and keep an eye out for short Fics and doodles! Cynthia Widow, who is mentioned throughout the bio, is the "second yuu" who is a twist of the Oogy Boogy Man. Please like, reblog, and ask questions!
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chansaw · 1 year
Thank you for humoring my fascination with the yj animoprhs au :) Could you talk more about Taissa and how she's affected by everything happening? How does she reconcile her need for control and solutions with such a complicated and chaotic (not to mention seemingly endless) war? Does her fugue self make an appearance? Thank you!
thank you for humoring ME by enabling this nonsense! <3
anyways, happy taissa tuesday to you and yours. dear, sweet, precious tai. constantly girlbossing too close to the sun.
the thing about tai is that she likes to stuff all her problems into a box and shove them into a dark corner and pretend they don't exist.
taissa likes to think she's got it all under control. her peers elected her student council secretary, and her soccer coach passed the captainship to her after jackie was declared presumed deceased. she's maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and howard university, her dream school, is offering her a handsome scholarship and a position on their first division ncaa soccer team. oh, and she's running military tactics for an underground guerilla war on top of all that. she's doing fine. no, not just fine, she's doing GREAT. you'd think a war would be a natural habitat for a control freak, and that's probably what tai would say if someone asked.
she reads sun tzu's the art of war from cover to cover, and then she reads it again. then, she moves on to the works of machiavelli. she studies military treatises from every era, and she jots down all her thoughts alongside her notes on defensive and offensive soccer formations. she tries to convince herself that leading a team of soccer players and leading a team of soldiers aren't entirely two different ballgames.
sometimes, after practice, she and van will rendezvous in a locker room shower stall. van will press her against the cold tile wall, and tai will card her fingers through van's matted hair, and neither of them will say anything after they're done making out.
the problems can't stay in the box forever. her grades start slipping. she fumbles what should've been an easy pass during a game. she can't avoid the nightmares that wait for her every time she closes her eyes. if they botch a mission and something goes wrong, they get even worse. she's slipping, and she's too proud to ask for help.
she thinks nobody notices, but van does. it's the littlest things that she notices, like when a little part of her blouse isn't perfectly tucked into her jeans. or during ben's health class, when she starts scribbling in the margins of her notebook instead of actually taking notes - that's when van knows something's absolutely not right, and the minute the bell rings she drags tai towards the locker room.
"van, what? we can't be here - do this - not right now -"
"that's not why we're here." van locks the door to the shower stall behind her and folds her arms across her chest. "you can't keep going like this, tai. we have to talk about it."
and finally, the walls start to crumble.
okay now that THAT'S out of my system, onto the other question: i am not sure if i will be incorporating Other/Fugue Tai into this story yet. if i do, want to make sure i handle it right. sorry i cant give you a better answer than that!
anyways. thanks for the ask!!! i could literally talk about this au all day
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guzsdaily · 2 months
I Forgor 💀
Day 251 - Jul 13th, 12.024
Yes, I forgot to post on the correct day.
Yesterday's night was somewhat chaotic. My friend invited me to his birthday party that will happen this Thursday, which I probably won't be able to go because of the technical test this week, so to compensate and also explain the news I got with a call with him for some hour and a half. My partner wasn't also in the best mental state because of the trip she's on, so I wanted to be with her also. And since my alarm to post also didn't play, I forgor 💀
Well, it has been a while at least since something like this happened. Hopefully they will be rarer and rarer as time passes.
Today's artists & creative things Music: Fuck the Moon Fly Me to the Moon Cover - by Coward
© 2024 Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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