#i was clearly taking them as sort of a set? but they did. not. match.
robo-dino-puppy · 9 months
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lightning strikes
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strawberrysturniolo · 5 months
I genuinely want a Matt or Chris with someone older fic. Like a well done, met at work/on set… they need to impress her because she’s older and she’s just trying not to flirt back but totally is flirting … but needs to be secretive because it could cost her a job.
But he’s just so obsessed with her in the best way and his brothers can tell even though he won’t admit it
someone older
summary: chris reaches out to a new photographer in hopes of taking Fresh Love to the next level, but they find their attraction to each other too difficult to hide
part two
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I’ve been in LA pursuing photography for a few years now. Coming out of college with my dream in the back of my head only made me hungry for that spot in this career field. It’s hard to be taken seriously sometimes, but I’m grateful for the opportunities LA has brought me, along with the clients who are just as invested in their careers, and are in a position to want to have me there to take them to the next level.
That’s exactly how I was approached by Chris Sturniolo, YouTuber and entrepreneur. I scrolled through my Instagram DM’s one day, checking the requests to go through any work opportunities I needed to work out. That’s when I stumbled upon a request from Chris, explaining his desperation as he tries to expand his clothing brand, Fresh Love. His message expanded on the fact that he wants to take things to the next level, reaching higher heights and satisfying his goals the way he hasn’t been able to in the past. 
“I need a better photographer,” he said. “And you have exactly what I need.” 
Count me in.
The money he was offering was another good reason for me to say yes, but I was more drawn into the fact that he models most of his own clothing. It’s easier for me to do a shoot with him considering it’s his brand and he knows what he wants. We won’t have to worry about his visions not coming to life as clearly through models who are just there to get their money from Chris, rather than someone who actually cares about the brand's success. 
We had been messaging back and forth over Instagram, working out times that would be best along with a location. I invited Chris over to my apartment, where a room was set with studio lights and backdrops to satisfy the shoot he was looking to complete.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled as he carried a box of Fresh Love gear into the room. 
“Cool right,” I smiled, positioning my camera in the center of the room.
He gazed at the backdrops – one plain white, one with oranges covering it, and one with scattered hearts, all of which matched some scheme of his brand. 
“This is amazing,” he added. “Even better than what you sketched out.”
“It was a pretty simple idea, just had to be executed right,” I shrug, not wanting to take too much credit for a simple job.
I let himself get situated in the room, grabbing a few different items from the upcoming drop and letting him get comfortable. 
Upon receiving his message request and working out a time for us to have this photoshoot, I did find myself watching a few of his YouTube videos to get a scope of his personality. I had never heard of this kid before. I wanted to make sure some creep wasn’t going to come to my apartment. Unfortunately, that has happened in this industry. 
I noticed how talkative and chirpy he was in these videos, but now that he was in my home, it was like something changed. He was suddenly quiet and closed off, almost like he was feeling shy. The last thing we needed for this shoot was him feeling uncomfortable. There was no way any of these photos would come out alright if that were the case. 
“Can I get you something to drink?” I offer. “I have some water, soda, iced tea…”
He nods, his focus on sorting through his things. “A soda would be good, thanks.”
I left the room and let him get situated while I got him something to drink. I had to admit, this kid was cute. I was only a few years older than him, but there was something about the fact that he was so driven in his career to pursue this project that I found myself attracted to. At 25, it’s safe to say most guys don’t think like that, but somehow at 20 he has things figured out for himself. 
I came back with a drink for him, noticing that he had changed his shirt into one of the upcoming drops. “Oh, I like that a lot!”
He looks down at his shirt, smiling back up at me. “Thanks! I suck at drawing, so I have to be really detailed when I try to pitch ideas to my creative team. Luckily we’ve got a good crew there so it isn’t too hard.”
I nod as I listen to him, finding myself fascinated. “Whenever you’re ready, I’m gonna have you stand in the middle of the backdrop, right where that X is. I’m gonna take a few test shots, so don’t worry about posing or anything. I’m just checking the lighting and the angle.”
He listens closely to my instruction, following just as I said. He pulls at his clothing a few times, trying to let himself be comfortable. Then, he looks down at the X, then back up at me. It’s like his entire demeanor changed. There was an entire switch in him. He looks up at me with these… dead eyes. Staring into the lense of the camera in a way that has me sucking in a breath. 
Jesus Christ. 
I clear my throat. “Yeah… just… keep moving around a little. I’m still doing some test shots but don’t stand too still. I need to see if we need more lighting in certain angles.”
“I got you,” he nods, now swaying his body around a little bit as he tries different angles for me. He takes instruction well, making this a much easier process than most. Not to mention he’s nice to look at. 
“Alright,” I stand straight again. “We got our lighting and everything settled. Is there anything you want me to take control of or do you want to be in charge here? It won’t offend me if you want to have more creative control since this is your brand after all.”
“I have a few ideas,” he says. “But once I get those shots I want, you’re free to do whatever you think looks good from your side of things. I really appreciate this by the way.”
“Of course,” I smile at how sweet he’s being, truly grateful for me taking time out of my day for him even though this is my job. He’s paying well too, so I can’t complain too much. 
Chris relays some of his ideas to me, taking a few shots then checking behind the camera to look at the photos so far. He smiles as his vision comes to life, thanking me over and over again for today.
He stands shoulder to shoulder to me, and I have to keep myself focused. “I like this one here,” I point out a shot of him with a pair of sunglasses on, a playful smirk on his lips. 
“Yeah, that one’s sick,” he agrees before heading back to help me switch out the backdrops. 
Somehow along the way we find ourselves talking about my career, mostly with Chris wondering how I got to LA and what drew me to photography. The conversation continues through the next set of photos until we can’t stop talking and it starts interrupting our shoot. 
“You want to take a little break?” I suggest. “We can order some food and talk while we look over the pictures so far? See what you like and what you don’t so we can make the final shots right.”
He almost looks shocked that I would ask him that. “Yeah, that sounds really good actually.”
I laugh at his reaction. “What’s that face for?”
“I usually don’t get asked if I want a break. It’s just… go go go until the day is over. This is nice.”
“Well, if you want to do more shoots with me… you know my rates,” I tease. 
He follows me to my living room where we order some food and set up my laptop, exporting the photos. I delete some of the blurry ones, and others where the lighting is too crazy for the clothing to be seen. After the poor photos are disposed, we start taking a closer look at the ones that might make the cut.
“I like this one a lot,” I point out, zooming in on certain elements of the picture. “The pose is really good, but the look on your face sells it. You’re a natural at this, you know?”
His cheeks turn a pink color. “Thank you.”
“I’m serious!” I continue. “Something special about this is also how you model your own clothes, and if anyone else does, it’s friends and family. People like that. You have a unique creative mind. This thing is gonna go places, Chris.” 
He smiles at me, a cheesy, dorky smile that I can’t help but smile back at. 
“You make it easy,” he praises me instead. “You’re great at this but I’ve never felt so comfortable with a photographer. Plus, you’re nice to look at… so I guess that keeps me wanting to stare at the camera… or what’s behind it, I guess.” 
There it is.
I knew I wasn’t going crazy. I saw the way he was looking at me, and this just confirms it. 
“You’re sweet, Chris.”
He gives me a soft, tight lipped smile before turning back to the computer to take a closer look at the photos. “You know, I was wondering if you wanted to try a few pieces on and take a few pictures in them? I also have a polaroid camera we can do a few with. Or maybe some together would be good?” 
I smile at his suggestion, playing into it. “You’re suggesting this after I just praised you for doing this on your own?” 
He shrugs, a bit of confidence washing over him. “Some of these pieces would really suit you, and you’re too pretty to be hidden behind the camera.”
“Okay,” I nod. “I’m in.” 
An hour passes, which soon turns into two. We spent the time talking about ourselves while we ate, learning more about each other and our careers. Despite Chris being this funny, loud character in his YouTube videos, it’s obvious that he’s extremely smart as a businessman. He knows what he wants, and he’s going to make sure he gets it. 
We head back into my studio room, setting things up again. 
“Try this shirt on,” he says, holding a shirt out to me.
“Are you sure?” I ask, not wanting to interfere with his creative ideas. 
I take the shirt into my hands, pulling off the one I’m wearing without a care considering I have a tank top on underneath. Chris watches every movement, waiting for me to put his shirt on instead. 
“It looks good,” he nods, licking his lips before standing behind the camera. “Go ahead and stand on the X like I did. Give me some… over the shoulder looks.”
I smile at his attempts at conducting this photoshoot. He sounds adorable, but it’s also hot knowing he has his business brain going. I do as he says, looking over my shoulder with a certain look on my face that is working wonder’s for him.
“That’s it,” he mumbles, taking a few shots before peeking at me over the camera. “Give me some more.”
I do a few different poses as he praises me for my work. 
“You look better in these than I do,” he breathes out.
“That can’t be true,” I deny, walking behind the camera to take a look at what he’s gotten so far. 
I have to say, the gray Fresh Love sweatpants he’s wearing aren’t doing the best job of hiding what’s going on in that head of his. 
I look through some of the pictures, hearing his breaths gain strength next to me. “Why don’t we take some together like you suggested? I can set a timer and it’ll do a flash of a hundred at a time.”
He nods. I take his hand in mine and lead him back in front of the camera. “Is this how all your shoots go with clients?” he asks quietly.
“Only the cutest ones,” I tease. 
I move him around until I find a pose that works for us, settling on me sitting on the floor in front of him with him behind me. His hands rest on me, a simple feeling that I had been aching for all day. 
We spent about 10 minutes posing together, alternating between us standing in front or behind each other until we decide to take a few looking at each other. 
“This could be a good way to tease the new drop,” I say. “Just a few shots of the sides while we’re looking at each other.”
He nods, willing to do anything I offer at this point. 
We stand with our chests almost touching, our faces close enough to feel each other's breathing pattern. I hear a flush of photos being taken, a small smile growing on my face while I look at him. As the photos continue to take, he makes his move. 
Suddenly, his hands are on my face, holding me closely as he kisses me hard. I wasn’t expecting this in the slightest no matter how much I was hoping for it. The photos continue to capture the moment as it grows more heated, his tongue finding a way into my mouth until I’m falling backwards and he’s catching me at my lower back. 
He pins me against the backdrop, funnily enough, the one covered in red hearts. 
He pulls back with a sharp inhale, catching his breath. “I’d been thinking of doing that since I walked in.”
“Took you long enough,” I tease. 
“Shut up,” he mutters, placing his lips back on mine. “You’re distracting me from my work.”
“I think you were doing just fine,” I assure him. “Great, even.”
“Mmm,” he hums, a mix of pleasure and satisfaction from my compliments. I smile at the sound of the camera going off, which makes Chris pull back from me. “What?”
I point behind him, watching as he focuses on the camera, and it continues to flash, capturing his smirk while my lipstick is all over his face. 
I can’t wait to look at these later. 
tag list: @freshloveforthefit @lacysturniolo @mattitties @floofparker @javalakers @creamoncreamoncream2 @heebiejeebiezz @sturnswrites @runupthathillgirl @gdsvhtwa @666hellokitty420 @runupthathillgirl @oliviasturniolo21 @keira324 @sstvrnioloo @sturnitup @sturnsvoid @theyluv-meee @therewilljustbereputationts13 @ilovedasturniolos @dancemomsfanee @rootbeerworshiper @sturn3ol0 @swaggygirlboss123 @lustfulslxt
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kitasgloves · 5 months
I'm in love with you
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next track
— ♬ how haikyuu characters would tell you they're in love with you
— ♬ SFW, fluff, gn reader, no beta
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— ♬ Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama was not familiar with romance, it was entirely foreign to him. He doesn't understand how people gain feelings for each other. He can't comprehend the enjoyment of having someone in your life. He thinks romance is trivial and doesn't bother associating with it. But as the typical turning point of every romance novel, someone was there to prove him otherwise.
You were in contrast to the setter. You met each other on your first day as the official manager of the SCHWEIDEN Adlers. Kageyama was curious about you. The sense of responsibility, resilience, and great humor oozed out of you that he can't help but be drawn. You were similar to a familiar orange-haired friend of his, but also different in many ways.
When he exhibited grey, you were bursting with colors. When he shines, you explode with light. When he took your kindness to heart, you brought out the best of him. After a long time of being exposed to you, Kageyama's heart can't help but beat so strongly when he's around you. It beats so strong that he fears he's going to need a second heart.
Kageyama has often thought about the beaming smile on your face, your melodious laughter, your hilarious comments, the scent of your clothes, the warmth of your skin, and the glimmer in your eyes. Kageyama concluded that he was probably going down with something, but what? The symptoms of his rapidly beating heart, his flushed face, and his antsy fingers are only present when he's around you. What the hell could this be?
"You're in love with [Name], aren't you?"
Hoshiumi teased him during their stretching after a practice match. Kageyama would've been quick to dismiss it with a logical response, but he falls silent and still. Ushijima takes notice.
"Hm, I notice the way you look at them, Kageyama"
"Yeah, you look all dazed and head over heels whenever [Name]'s around"
Their libero, Heiwajima added. Kageyama bites down an annoyed response and just shakes his head.
"I'm not in love with [Name]"
"Yes, you are"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
Kageyama was about to smack Hoshiumi on the head when their captain Hirugami stepped in between them with a disappointed stare. Kageyama goes home that day, thinking about his feelings for you. He's come to accept that he has formed some sort of crush on you, but he tells himself that he doesn't want more from you. But as time progressed, these complicated feelings grew, clearly affecting Kageyama even when he was on the court. The coach had to bench him out one time because his performance wasn't up to expectations.
He had to do something about these stupid feelings because he couldn't afford to be constantly benched. Kageyama has thought about what the characters in romance novels do to confront such feelings. They express them through giving gifts and hanging out with their love interest. So, Kageyama copies them.
The setter tries to woo you by giving you small gifts during breaks, making sure he's as subtle as possible. He gains the courage to ask if you want to watch a movie with him. Kageyama thinks he's doing everything correctly when he compares your happy responses to the romance novels he read. As Kageyama grew closer and closer to you, these feelings grew as it began to stress him out.
What in the world is going on with him?
It's like he loses his athletic talents and logical thinking when you come around. It's like you've made him weak when all you did was behave the way you usually do. Kageyama frowns at the thought. What should he do next? In the romance novels, the character confesses their feelings.
Confess your feelings?
Kageyama swallowed as a bead of sweat trailed down his forehead. He thinks he should do it then maybe these feelings would go away. However, as he tries to set this plan into motion, he becomes speechless. The way you gaze at him warmly and tilt your head when he calls your name has his stomach in knots.
He would say every time. Kageyama desperately wants to tell you how he feels about you but he can't fucking do it. And the frustration shows especially on the court.
"Ow! What the hell Kageyama!"
Hoshiumi complains as he fails to receive Kageyama's monstrous serve. His teammates have been murmuring how aggressive the setter was lately. They wondered what could have made Kageyama so angry. The coach blows the whistle and instructs them to take five. Kageyama sits down and aggressively wipes the sweat off his face. His eyes land on you handing the team water bottles, his leg bounces as he waits for you to come to him.
"Here you go, Tobio-hmmph!"
Everyone gawked in shock, their jaws dropping on the floor, and some dropping their water bottles. Kageyama has read somewhere in romance novels that characters sometimes confess their feelings with a kiss. So, he decides that if he can't say it, he'll show you instead.
When the setter pulls his lips away, he takes in the bewilderment in your eyes and the pink hue on your cheeks. He inhales and looks at you in the eye.
"I'm in love with you, [Name]"
All of a sudden, he can finally say it to you. Everyone cheers and hollers at the confession. The pink hue on your cheeks turned into crimson. You gently peeled yourself away from the setter, trying to come up with a response.
"I-uh, what?"
"I'm in love with you, [Name]"
Kageyama repeats. He sees you shield your face as you cutely shied away from him.
"You're joking"
"I am not"
"Oh my gosh"
Kageyama wasn't sure if he was getting rejected or friend-zoned. But as you regained your composure, you surprised him by pulling him by the collar of his shirt and kissing him. At this point, everyone loses it. When you both pulled away, Kageyama turned breathless as he blinked rapidly at you.
"I'm in love with you too, Tobio"
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— ♬ Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo thinks his job at the JVA in the sports promotion division couldn't get more interesting until you rolled by. Initially, he viewed you as an adorable younger co-worker that he enjoys riling up. He couldn't help it when you gave him the most entertaining reactions. Immediately, the two of you created a bond of making the work atmosphere like a comedy show. Kuroo would purposely say something stupid to annoy you and you'll reply by scolding him or just whacking him on the head.
But under the comedic scene of your work relationship, Kuroo has taken a certain liking to you beyond the teasing remarks. He has grown to show ways in which he cares for you. When he's not being a teasing piece of shit, Kuroo checks on you like asking about your day or if you've eaten lunch. Sometimes he'd drag you to eat lunch with him, he'd even pay for the food. If the two of you were working overtime, he insisted on taking a heavy portion of the work so he could send you home early. When you'd protest, he'd make a clever deal to have you agree. Even the little things like lending you his jacket when you're cold, sharing his umbrella on rainy days when you don't have yours, and walking you home when it's late.
He wonders if you've noticed any of these things, he thinks he shouldn't care but he can't help but seek your reaction. Kuroo was in glee when he found you warming up to him and returning his gestures. You'd bring coffee for him in the morning, you'd share your lunch with him, and even invite him to one of your friends' birthdays. As time escalated, the somewhat relationship once filled with teasing was now replaced with unspoken tenderness.
Kuroo can act dumb and pretend. He can pretend he's not actively seeking you when in a crowded room, he can pretend that your smiles don't make his heart race, he can pretend that he doesn't care about your interests, and he can pretend that he's not falling for you. He would hide everything with his signature smirk and teasing comments, but secretly, he's dying to know if you would reciprocate his feelings.
So, he tries to quietly profess his love through his actions. Kuroo hints at his romantic feelings for you through the mundane things he would do at the office.
"I bought you coffee"
I'm in love with you
"Have you eaten lunch yet?"
I'm in love with you
"Here, you can borrow my jacket"
I'm in love with you
"I'll walk you home tonight"
I'm in love with you
There are times you're only treating every clue as his kindness and it's making his chest tight. Kuroo continues to do everything through his teasing.
"Your shirt looks like a clown vomited on it"
I'm in love with you
"Nice pants, [Name]. Did you steal them from your grandma?"
I'm in love with you
"You have the music taste of an edgy teenager"
I'm in love with you
"I hope no one has a crush on you yet because they're going to be disappointed"
I'm in love with you
You would always respond to his teasings with irritated sounds or physically hitting him. Kuroo was going mad at how every hint was flying over your head. He felt like he wanted to fistfight god. He was hoping, praying that you would take a hint and return his feelings because truthfully he was too scared to tell you.
"Just fucking tell them like the man you claim you are, Kuroo"
Kenma, his best friend, rolled his eyes at him when he told him everything about it. He hates how he was right. He needed to man up and tell you how he's absolutely lovestruck by you. By man up, he means getting drunk during a karaoke with all of his co-workers while singing karaoke. To be fair, the majority of the people were even more wasted than him. You were making fun of his drunken antics, filming them on your phone as blackmail later.
"You're wasted, Tetsu. Let's get you home"
"M'not drunk! Get your ass back here [Name] and dance with me!"
Kuroo pulls you against him and dances along to the sound of your co-worker's singing. You'd snort and laugh at him. He doesn't let you go even at the end of the song, he keeps dancing with you.
"Okay big guy, that's enough"
"You have nice eyes, [Name]"
He slurred and you raised a brow. You chuckled and shook your head, thinking it was just Kuroo being drunk.
"You have the prettiest smile too and the cutest laugh. I just wanna pinch your cheeks and kiss you right on the mouth"
This time you freeze and gaze at him wide-eyed. It may seem that Kuroo was beyond wasted with his drunken smiles and giggles. But you know what they say, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
"Uh-huh. You put on the ugliest outfits but still look sexy anyway. You drive me crazy, [Name]"
Your heart skips a beat as heat blooms on your cheeks. While your co-workers were still partying, you took the responsibility to bring Kuroo home since he was too intoxicated. Kuroo wakes up on your couch, shirtless with a horrible hungover.
"Here drink some water and take these"
You were suddenly there to hand him some water and pills. Kuroo takes them graciously. You called him over for breakfast as he tried to recollect everything from last night. When he fails to remember what happened after drinking god knows how much alcohol, you'd laugh at him.
"I did something stupid, didn't I?"
"I got a video of it, don't worry"
"Anything else? I didn't throw up on you or something?"
"Not really but you said some interesting things"
And when you told him about everything he told you last night, Kuroo was mortified. His blood was cold but his face was hotter than summer. He watched in pure embarrassment as you sent him a teasing smirk.
"I didn't know you thought of me that way, Tetsu"
"I-I didn't me-mean it, I swear!"
"Aw, that makes me sad"
"God, [Name]"
Kuroo ran a hand up his face to his hair and tugged the roots. He swallows and sighs.
"Fine, I did mean what I said to you last night"
Suddenly, you're speechless. He leans forward, finding the courage to elaborate his feelings to you.
"You always run through my mind, I love the smell of your hair, the sound of your laughter, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, and I just..."
Kuroo pauses to catch his breath. You look like you were holding yours as you were waiting for him to finish. He offers you a sheepish smile.
"In summary, I'm in love with you"
It happened in a blink of an eye, you threw yourself unto him and crashed your lips against his. Kuroo can feel his heart go to a screeching halt. But as his eyes fluttered close and his hands found their place around your waist, he returned the kiss like it was the most natural thing in the world. The moment one of you pulled away, it seemed like the world had stopped.
"God, Tetsu. Here I thought I was an idiot for having a crush on you"
"Well, you still are"
You rolled your eyes and smacked him on the arm as he laughed. Kuroo kissed your cheek and smiled.
"But you're my idiot"
"Shut up and kiss me more"
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— ♬ Bokuro Kotaro
Bokuto was naturally a free-spirited man who easily drew people into him and is easily drawn to people. It's mainly the reason why he has gained many friends and acquaintances. Bokuto was also easily intrigued by anything, especially if it was shrouded by mystery that aroused his curiosity. So, it was no surprise when he developed a fascination with you.
In summary, you were working as the MSBY Black Jackal's PR. You were reserved, professional, and oozing with confidence. You quickly gained the respect of both the athletes and your co-workers. Your first encounter with Bokuto wasn't anything spectacular, in fact, the spiker wished he had forgotten about it because it was embarrassing.
He has done something stupid that caused chaos on the internet and local sports outlets. It affected his image and reputation as a promising professional volleyball player, including his team. And as PR, you were tasked to handle it. It was decided that he should make an official statement to clear his and the team's name, so you created a list of do's and don'ts for the athlete's guidelines in formulating his statement and giving him the freedom to construct it.
You discussed with him the guidelines and Bokuto, eager to impress you, nods his head like an excited toddler. He knows he should've listened because all of the guidelines you told him were important yet it flew over his head. Bokuto was distracted by you the entire time you were explaining everything. He watched you like a fascinated owl, taking in your features. From the scent of your hair to your minuscule habits. He imprints your face in his head instead of the guidelines.
Fueled by the rapid beating of his passionate heart, Bokuto goes to make his statement. And it was a nightmare for you working as PR, the only thing that salvaged everything was how charmingly hilarious Bokuto was. It was a headache watching him say inappropriate and unnecessary sentences while live on television. You even considered resigning. However, after the ordeal, Bokuto comes up to you like an energized kid with shining eyes.
"How was it?"
Now, you were blunt. You made no room for sugarcoating your opinions. Yet the way Bokuto waited for your response made you bite your tongue. You sighed and merely gave him a thumbs up. He cheers.
Thinking back at it, Bokuto realizes how dumb he was. But hey, at least he still has his career and survived being canceled on the internet. Everyone was aware of how Bokuto was trying to befriend you, they didn't think much of it because the spiker always wanted to become everyone's friend. Somehow, he couldn't get close to you, or rather, you refused to let him near. It was odd considering that even Bokuto managed to be friends with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
"[Name] probably thinks you're annoying"
Sakusa said one time and it made his hair deflate. He didn't mean to come off as annoying so he tried a much tone-down approach. Bokuto would briefly form conversations with you during breaks, it was mostly about ordinary things like the weather or what you had for lunch. He thinks you're slowly warming up to him by being the first to initiate the conversations. Bokuto's heart flutters at you sharing your interests with him.
He knows things are taking a drastic turn when he finds himself sleepless at night. It was important for an athlete like him to have a good amount of sleep yet he failed to shut his eyes and fall into slumber. Bokuto's head was filled with impossible scenarios, romantic scenarios involving you and him. Bokuto would reach to brush your hair behind your ear, you'll wipe the rice off his cheek, you'll hold his hand, and he'll spin you around. Bokuto's eyes shoot open at the sound of his alarm, he checks the time and realizes he's thirty minutes late.
"Shit! I'm gonna be late for the practice match!"
He thankfully arrives just in time to stretch and play the match. While everyone was making fun of him for forgetting to put his hair up in his usual hairdo, you were giving him concerned glances. This was the fifth time he was late, and his performance on the court was less energetic, and he seemed sluggish too after practice.
You called out during the water break. Bokuto flinches but faces you with a bright smile.
"Hey hey hey [Name]! What's up?"
"...Are you okay?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem...tired. Have you gotten enough sleep?"
You watched as he let out a nervous chuckle and it was enough to answer your question. You sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"You should prioritize your sleeping schedule because it's affecting your plays. I know I am not your manager in the team but it could seriously affect your image during official matches"
"Right, yeah. Sorry, I'll work on it! I don't wanna put any burden on you as our PR"
This time you look him right in the eye and Bokuto's heart skips several beats.
"I don't care about you putting a burden on me, I have handled much worse than you"
You tilt your head towards Atsumu and Sakusa, Bokuto has to hold back a laugh at that. You suppress a smile.
"I care about your well-being and health because you're my..."
You paused, casting your gaze away. If Bokuto's hair was styled up it would start to deflate right now.
"Because you're my friend"
You finished with a hint of pink on your cheeks. Bokuto holds back the urge to clutch his chest at the rare display of cuteness from your usual stoic face. What you said both gave Bokuto a sense of hope and despair. It meant that there was a possibility you could view him as more than a friend or a friend only.
He's been overthinking about it since then, resulting in losing more sleep. Bokuto didn't want to disappoint you but damn it these feelings are getting really complicated! He figured he had to let it off his chest someday or he was just going to continue suffering by carrying these unspoken feelings.
Bokuto tries to ask you if you want to go out and see a movie. The first time, you decline. But he doesn't lose hope. He asks again if you want to go party with him at a club with the team, and you are quick to say no. Well, third time's a charm.
"[Name], would you like to grab dinner with me tomorrow?"
"No, I'm sorry but I have something planned for tomorrow evening already"
Bokuto brings a fist to his chest and falls down to his knees in a dramatic display, having to be rejected for the third time. You might as well have stabbed him right in the chest. All of a sudden, you extended him a small envelope. He gives you a puzzled look. He takes it and it was an invitation to your friend's birthday party, his eyes went wide at the bold and italic instruction that one must bring a date.
"See, I can't grab dinner with you tomorrow, I need a date for my friend's birthday party. I'm wondering if you're willing to be my date"
The spiker grins at you and raises his fists up in victory in a ridiculous manner. You chuckled and shook your head. Bokuto literally pleaded with his friends (a.k.a. the entire team) to help him get ready for your date with him tomorrow. Bless them because they had his back from his outfit to styling his hair.
Bokuto arrived at your place to pick you up and my god did he almost fainted at how gorgeous you looked that evening. When you linked your arm with his on the way to the venue, he felt like tearing up. But he keeps it together. Everyone at the party complimented his looks, the way his hair was swept back to show his handsome face, and his tasteful choice of clothing. He thinks the night was going well. After your friend blows their candles, the party resumes.
There was lively music, and people scattered around either dancing or talking. But you and Bokuto were stuck in your own world, sipping champagne and exchanging hushed jokes. When a soft melody begins, Bokuto holds his breath and says a silent prayer.
"Would you like to dance with me, [Name]?"
He asks while extending his hand out. You take it with a nod and he feels like his body is floating. Everyone was waltzing with their partner and when Bokuto placed his hands around your waist he froze. Panic is visible on his face.
"What's wrong, Bokuto?"
"I don't know how to waltz"
"Oh, then let me teach you"
Bokuto's heart melted. There was trial and error. Bokuto keeps stepping on your foot while making an absolute fool of himself and earning a few amused giggles from other people. You only smiled patiently at him as he found the perfect rhythm.
"Holy shit, I did it!"
"Congrats, you're a quick learner"
The spiker smiled proudly at himself and you couldn't help but laugh. As the gentle music continued while you two waltzed on the dancefloor, Bokuto gulped. This was his chance! His chance to tell you how he feels. However, you opened your mouth first.
"Bokuto, do you have feelings for me?"
You winced as your face displayed pain when Bokuto stepped on your foot, rather painfully. You both pulled away. He becomes frantic as he apologizes profusely, ruining the moment between you two. Great, he fucked it up. He couldn't meet you in the eye.
He looks down at his feet, his face featuring an embarrassed flush. You sighed.
"Bokuto, look at me"
He continues to behave like an embarrassed child. You grabbed his broad shoulders and forced him to look at you.
Your eyes met his and his chest tightened at the way you finally said his first name. You were giving him a soft look, silently assuring him that everything was fine. Bokuto draws in a sharp inhale.
"I'm in love with you, [Name]"
A lot of people turned their heads at the loud proclamation. Your eyes went wide and your face heats up at the sincerity of his tone.
"I've been in love with you since the day I met you. You're just so interesting and I've been thinking about you so much that I couldn't sleep properly"
Bokuto confessed. A few people gasped, it seemed like the music was fading away too. The blush on your face intensified as you watched him rigidly.
"I want to touch you, hold you, and kiss you. I want to be the one that makes you smile and laugh. I want to spend the rest of my days with you if you'll allow me"
There was a collective sound of 'aww's from the moved audience watching the spectacle. You open your mouth to say something but Bokuto keeps going.
"I want to buy a house with you, pay taxes with you, and grow old with you. I...I want to marry you!"
In a flash, Bokuto gets on one knee making everyone gasp as if he's going to pull out a tiny box with a shiny ring. You frantically wave your hands around.
"Wait, stop! This is going too fast! I'm pretty sure you don't have a ring right now, Kotaro"
"Oh, shit, you're right"
Bokuto stands back up on his feet. You quietly went over to him and grabbed his large hands. The weight of the people's anticipating eyes goes unbothered to you.
"I suppose you have beat me, I meant to confess to you first. I'm in love with you too, Kotaro"
And the crowd goes wild. Bokuto lets out a scream and picks you up in his arms spinning you around like he'd imagine. The cheering goes deaf in his ears as he focuses on the sound of your laughter. It fills him with absolute happiness as nothing could compare to the joy of knowing you're in love with him too.
Although it seemed like a win for him, it ended up being a workload for you as PR because someone filmed the entire scene and posted it on social media as it went trending. Now everyone was dying to know who was the person that Bokuto Kotaro ended up offering his heart to.
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— ♬ Oikawa Tooru
Contrary to popular belief, Oikawa had no luck when it came to romance. Sure, he had gorgeous looks, a hot bod, a charming personality, and a heart of gold. But he had no one to willingly lend his heart to. He had relationships in the past, all resulting in failure. But then he didn't mind, he didn't mind if he had no one to hold or share his secrets with. The Oikawa then wouldn't have cared if he didn't have someone to kiss. However now, he's growing conscious.
Oikawa was no stranger to being a heartthrob. He was used to being surrounded by people thirsting for his attention. Sometimes he reveled in it. But he thought how nice it was to have someone in the crowd to lock eyes with and smile because they saw him as who he really was. Perhaps, he's been consuming too much romantic media lately.
The setter is a hopeless romantic who believes in true love even though he hasn't technically encountered it yet. But he wishes to. Oikawa was growing tired of the media portraying him as a cool and super-talented athlete. He's just a stupid guy who's a volleyball nerd and obsessed with astrology. He's not out at night hooking up with someone, he watches Ghibli movies and listens to popular love songs. Oikawa was just an ordinary guy who wanted to be loved for who he truly was.
When he arrived back in Japan to have a vacation and reunited with his best friend, Oikawa wasn't expecting anything to happen. He thinks this is just another long vacation and after that, he'll return to Argentina and be back to the pathetically single moron that he is. And then he met you. Iwaizumi's roommate. Previously when he returned to Japan, Iwaizumi lived alone in his apartment, so he was surprised to see you answer the door instead of his childhood best friend.
"Woah, you're not Hajime"
You said and gave him a glance from head to toe. Oikawa stood stiffly with an awkward smile, hugging all his luggage. You raised a brow.
"You friends with Hajime?"
"Yes, I'm his childhood best friend"
Judging from the way you called his best friend by his first name, he thought you two were close. You furrowed your eyebrows and suddenly snapped your fingers.
"Oh, you! Heard a lot about you from my roommate, you're Oikawa right?"
"Cool, come in! Hajime was out doing some errands"
You smiled and opened the door wider to let him in. The apartment was livelier compared to the last time he visited. There were plants and aesthetic decorations that filled the spaces. Oikawa settled his things down by the living room and took a seat. You were only wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt as you walked to the kitchen.
"You hungry, bud?"
"Oh, no thank you"
"Good, I don't know what to feed you. Hajime does the cooking around here"
You laughed and the setter found himself chuckling. Your demeanor was welcoming and interesting. Oikawa watched you walk around the place tidying up, seemingly to make everything more presentable. Oikawa decides he wants to get to know you more.
"The last time I visited, Iwa-chan didn't have a roommate"
"Really? Well, I kind of begged him to let me stay here since my last place was shitty"
"So, how long have you known him?"
"Long enough to know he's obsessed with Godzilla"
You and Oikawa shared a laugh. You settled in the living room, plopping on the beanbag across from the setter, and chatted. Somewhat having a playful interview and getting to know each other. The way you matched Oikawa's personality impressed him greatly. Why the hell has Iwaizumi not introduced you to him yet?
You were a breath of fresh air. You talked to him without regard for his popularity, hell, he thinks you don't have a clue he's a famous athlete. Maybe you didn't give a shit, either way, he was glad. Both of you found a lot of common interests like volleyball and astrology. Oikawa for the first time felt like someone had finally glanced at his true self.
By the time Iwaizumi arrived at the apartment, you and Oikawa were blasting Taylor Swift in the speakers and talking about zodiac signs while sprawled out on the floor. There was a mixture of shock and disgust on Iwaizumi's face.
"Hi, Hajime!"
"Hi, Iwa-chan!"
You both greet him enthusiastically. Iwaizumi closed the door and crossed his arms, giving you two an odd look. He pointed at his best friend.
"How long have you been here?"
"Long enough for me to know all of your embarrassing high school moments"
You replied with a mischievous giggle. Oikawa copied you. Iwaizumi mumbled to himself as he entered the kitchen while rubbing his temples. Oikawa was going to stay for a week, occupying the couch to sleep on. But the two of you grew close so quickly and suddenly, that you two would lay your mattress in the living room and have some sort of slumber party every night.
Oikawa expected to catch up with Iwaizumi but instead ended up bonding with his roommate instead. How could he not when you literally matched his energy so well? It was like you were the missing piece of his soul that made him whole. Like the Yin to his Yang, the sun to his moon, or the water to his fire. It seemed like the planets aligned when he met you.
His stay in Japan was unexpectedly filled with new memories with you. The two of you were always out and about either partying or exploring. Iwaizumi witnessed how his best friend slowly carved a special place for you in his life. The man witnessed everything. When you two would get home at five in the morning wasted, later Oikawa would assist you when you're throwing up in the toilet. When you two would get into stupid arguments, mostly Oikawa would get upset and you would be the first to apologize as you two made up. When you and he would blast loud music in the speakers and have a mini concert, Iwaizumi got a complaint from the neighbors.
And most importantly, Iwaizumi witnessed how his best friend was falling in love with you. From the tender stares to the caring gestures, it was no mistaking that Oikawa had feelings for you. Iwaizumi knew the setter well, how he was a romantic but could be devasted and hurt because of it. How he desperately worked himself to the bone to become better. And how he longed to have someone who saw him past the charms.
Oikawa pouted when Iwaizumi forced him to hang out with him and Matsukawa and Hanamaki. The four of them went out for drinks and did some catching up. However, Oikawa was occupied texting on his phone, most likely chatting with you.
"Hey! Iwa-chan give that back!"
The setter whined when Iwaizumi snatched his phone and pocketed it. Matsukawa and Hanamaki laughed at him.
"Are you seriously talking to [Name] right now?"
"Huh? How did you know?"
"Iwaizumi filled us up with your unfolding romance with them"
Hanamaki replied. Oikawa glared at him and blushed, Iwaizumi and Matsukawa shared amused laughs.
"Just admit it Shittykawa, you're in love with [Name]"
"I am not!"
The way the setter immediately denied provided a great amount of proof. Oikawa loved to deny the truth, especially how painful it was. He denied how he wasn't naturally born with talent, he denied the fact he hasn't gone once to Nationals, and he denied how he was harboring strong feelings for you.
Because the truth was he was petrified. Now, that he found someone who can make his heart beat so fast, he doesn't want to fuck it up. Oikawa doesn't want to fuck up the friendship he had with you. Oikawa was sure you only saw him as a friend and only held platonic feelings for him. He thinks confessing to you would just fuck up everything, so it was better to stay as friends than ruin what he had with you.
"Just confess, you idiot"
"I can't, Mattsun!"
"Why? Are you scared?"
Oikawa exhales. His friends shared a look. He was about to leave Japan tomorrow. He won't be seeing you again for god knows how long. His heart aches at the thought of being so far away from what he deemed as his soulmate. He felt so stupid for falling so easily. Curse his stupid heart and stupid feelings.
"Oi, you're not stupid for falling in love, okay?"
Iwaizumi reassured him. Oikawa gives him a grateful smile and gulps down his beer.
"I know. It's just never met someone who made me feel so complete and I would hate to ruin everything because I admitted what I feel"
"That's love, dude. You get happy and hurt at the same time"
Hanamaki said. Matsukawa gives him a pat on the back as he tries not to get teary-eyed.
"I shouldn't have returned here"
"Hey, cut that out. How else you would've met [Name]?"
"Yeah. Just tell [Name] how you feel and if all goes to shit, you'll still have us"
"No homo tho"
Everyone shared a lighthearted laugh. Oikawa has really been counting his blessings but meeting you was the greatest blessing of all. As he finishes another glass of beer, Oikawa takes a confident stand.
"Okay! I'll tell them how I feel!"
All of his friends cheered and patted him on the back. Oikawa thinks it will be fine, even if he'll inevitably end up sobbing like an ugly baby on his flight tomorrow back to Argentina. As he returns back at the apartment, he sees you scrolling on your phone. When you see him enter, a warm smile spreads on your lips and it makes his knees weak.
"Hey, Tooru"
"[Name], can I tell you something?"
"Sure! I got something to tell you too"
"Oh, you go first!"
Oikawa insisted. He was nervous as fuck, he needed spare time to prepare how to spill his feelings for you. But you shook your head and laughed.
"Nah, you can go first"
"No, I insist"
"Come on, Tooru. I don't mind"
"No, you go first"
"Ugh! Fine!"
You raise a brow as he runs his hands down his face with a frustrated groan. Oikawa looks you in the eye, his eyes growing wet the longer he stares.
"I've been thinking this through and...fuck! I can't do it!"
The setter turns away and collapses on the couch. You give him a concerned look and join him on the couch.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything?"
"I'm leaving tomorrow, [Name]"
"I know, it's making me sad as fuck, Tooru"
"I...I don't want to leave"
"But you can't"
"I don't want to leave you"
Oikawa sniffs. You frowned and grabbed his hands, he looked at you. Your gaze meant something deeper, like you were gazing directly at his soul, witnessing his flaws but seeing past them by holding his hands. Oikawa was convinced you have always seen the real him no matter how much he pretended. And he stares back at you like you're the best thing that has ever happened to him in his life. Oikawa inhales.
One, two, three...
"I'm in love with you, Tooru"
You blurted out. Oikawa's eyes bulge out of its sockets. His mouth goes agape as his face displays sheer bewilderment. You nervously smiled.
"Sorry, I can't stand seeing you leave without telling you how I feel"
"[Name], what the fuck?"
"I understand if you don't feel the same-"
"I'm fucking in love with you too, [Name]"
Oikawa finally confesses. You gasp in response before letting out a breathless laugh. He doesn't miss the way your eyes became glassy.
"Oh my god, tell me you're kidding!"
"No! Never! [Name], I'm in love with you. I was about to tell you but I got nervous"
"We're fucking idiots"
You said as you both burst out laughing. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes both from relief and joy. As the laughter subsided, you both gazed softly at each other. This time Oikawa grabs your hands.
"[Name], you have completed me. You see me as who I am and I just want to be on your side all the time"
He goes to kiss your knuckles turning your face red. Oikawa sighs as he traces your knuckles with his thumbs.
"But I have to leave you behind, here in Japan. I wouldn't mind if you want to start a long-distance relationship"
"Oh, about that"
"Remember when I said I was going to say something to you?"
"Oh, wasn't that the confession?"
You grinned and went over to your bag and pulled out your passport and a flight ticket. You showed it to Oikawa.
"I'm coming with ya to Argentina!"
"Oh my god!"
Oikawa couldn't control himself as he picked you up in his arms and spun you around the living room. You laughed as he excitedly babbled how he was excited to return back to Argentina with you. Oikawa felt like the luckiest man alive, striking the ultimate jackpot to romance. Because he gets to be with you, who made his heart whole.
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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rebouks · 6 months
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Wyatt’s stomach was still churning too uncomfortably for him to think about dinner, nor did Brynn seem too bothered either; she was far more interested in taking herself to bed. He’d been too distracted to notice earlier, but he suddenly realised she hadn’t even brought a bag along with her.
Wyatt: You didn’t bring anything with you? Brynn: I not really have anything… Wyatt: If I knew you were going to set out with nothing, I might not have been so keen to let you leave. Brynn: It was important to me. Wyatt: I know. Brynn: You came to find me, didn’t you? Wyatt: Perhaps-.. but I changed my mind in the end. Brynn: Before or after you fail? Wyatt: [snorts] In between. Brynn: I not mean to ghost you-.. I hoped to get a new phone, but something more important popped up. Wyatt: It’s okay.. I have your phone, by the way. Brynn: Oh-.. is Gael still breathing? Wyatt: Unfortunately. Brynn: Maybe you knock some sense into him. Wyatt: I doubt it. Brynn: Hm, me too-.. I would have liked to see his face. [Wyatt snickered lowly; he should’ve taken a picture]
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Wyatt: Would you still have come back? You know, if it weren’t for-… Brynn: I always plan on coming home. Wyatt: I take it you were busy saving your money? Brynn: Yes! Though your friend Darien helped me in the end. Wyatt: I’ll have to pay him back then. Brynn: Pfft, I pay myself! That’s why I take so long. Wyatt: I could’ve helped you, if you’d asked. Brynn: I not think it fair. Wyatt: What do you mean? Brynn: Is so expensive. Wyatt: And? Brynn: I not want to bankrupt you. [Wyatt squinted, realising he’d never mentioned the fact that his lifestyle didn’t quite match his bank account] Wyatt: Brynn, I could buy us a private jet if I wanted-.. several, in fact. Brynn: Really..? Wyatt: Mhm. Brynn: You live so modestly; I never would know. Wyatt: Well, at least you’re not after my money.
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Brynn chuckled sleepily; she hadn’t returned with the intent to sit idly on her hands, but it was nice to know there was no rush to find employment, or to make money. She was beyond exhausted after the past few months
Brynn: Does that mean I not have to get a job? Wyatt: Not unless you want one. Brynn: Will you keep yours? Wyatt: Probably not. I just wanted to know what it felt like-.. mundanity. Brynn: Is kind of rewarding, no? Wyatt: Oddly so. Brynn: I think we have something more rewarding to spend our time on soon. Wyatt: How long do we have to, uh.. prepare? Brynn: I not know exactly. Wyatt: You haven’t been to the doctors? Brynn: I not able to just walk in without being registered! I feel fine, anyway. Wyatt: We’ll sort it out tomorrow-.. get you some clothes n’ stuff afterward. Brynn: You are soft. Wyatt: Only for you.
With no worries left unsaid and no more secrets between them, Brynn draped herself over Wyatt and crashed-.. hard. Some people clearly didn’t understand her choices, but she’d never felt so loved, seen, or safe with anyone else before. She was finally home, and for the first time in her life, she was truly content…
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Shades of You (Jade Leech x Reader)
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a/n: They/Them pronouns used, Yu is a crafty bitch in more ways than one, references/spoilers (kind of) for Jade's birthday boy card. Events are implied to take place over winter break, but the events of ch. 4 aren't mentioned
warnings: typical Jade behavior, established flirtationship, mutual pining, mutual mild thirst
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Jade was rather fond of simple looking things.  The more understated an object the more challenging it is to create, and the more curious its purpose.  The journal was just one of many such objects Jade owned, its sleek gray cover certainly fit with the overall aesthetic of the other things he owned.  A neatly woven cord made of purple and periwinkle thread wrapped around the book keeping it closed, and if you looked especially closely at the lower right hand corner you would see a set of initials, J.L., nestled neatly next to a date.  It was clearly meant to match the aesthetics of his dormitory, not that you actually needed to examine or speculate to know any of this.  You had been the one who made it.  
“I’m surprised you’re actually using this.”  you say, trying your best to hide the embarrassment as you innocently pick up the journal from its place on Jade’s desk.  
“Oh?  Who said I was?” Jade playfully teases as he gently, but firmly grasps your wrist to prevent you from actually opening the book.  Not that you intended to, you weren’t stupid, but seeing him be so defensive over it did make you a bit curious.
“You.”  his smile gets wider and his grip on your wrist firmer.  He forcefully pulls your hand and the journal into his chest, moving his larger one to cover yours as he purposefully deepens his voice.  
“Careful prefect, you never know what sort of things lurk in the depths of Octavinelle.”  You laugh to cover how flustered he’s making you and quickly pull yourself (and your hand) back to your homework.  
“Dude your birthday was a week ago, just how much dirt have you crammed into that thing already?”  Jade just gives you a toothy smile as he tucks his gift just out of your reach on his side of the desk and you huff.  And if you spend the rest of the night sneaking glances at him under the guise of making a swipe at the journal, well you keep that to yourself.
There hadn’t actually been anything in the journal when Jade decided to play keep away with you.  He hadn’t decided on what he wanted to use it for yet, an unfamiliar sensation but not unwelcome.  Jade had never really understood what his human classmates had meant about not wanting to “ruin” a particularly nice or unique looking set of stationary, but he certainly did now.  As much as he liked it when things did not go to plan, Jade had very little patience for his own imperfections.  He knew it was foolish to expect himself to make flawless field sketches when he had only just started, but he couldn’t bring himself to deface the little journal with his practice, even if that’s exactly why you had made the journal for him.  Which was precisely the problem; you had made him a gift, and while he wasn’t naive enough to think you meant anything… specific by it, he still felt deeply flattered.  Handmade gifts are especially treasured by merfolk, meant to serve as a way to display one's talents and finer points when pursuing a mate.  Not that he thinks he’s being courted, Vil had also given him a handmade gift and you had given some socks you’d made to Floyd, something that made him a lot more jealous than he wanted to admit.  Still, you had seemed very… flattered by the thought of him actually using the journal.  Maybe just as flattered as he was to receive it, and just like that he finally lands on something he does find acceptable to practice drawing in the journal.   
“‘M sorry in advance for not talking much.”  you focus extra hard on not dropping the ghost camera while double checking your photography equipment.  “I’m excited about the hike, promise, Grim just was talking in his sleep last night and it kept me up.” 
“I’m simply pleased you could join me on such short notice, prefect.”  You shrug your pack up onto your back and nod, but Jade does not move to set out immediately, he just stares down at you.  Odd, you know he’s not exactly a morning person but he can at least function properly if he needs to.  Before you can ask what’s wrong he reaches for one of your straps, pausing just before he actually touches it.
“May I?”  You nod, wide awake now but not trusting your voice.  Part of you wonders vaguely if he knows the effect he has on you, if he’s doing this on purpose, or if this all just a coincidence and there really is a problem with how you set up your pack.  You know what he’d say if you asked him, his eyes are practically sparkling with mischief silently daring you to ask.  Well too bad, you are not going to take the bait.  Yet.  The day’s still early and you agreed to spend practically all of it with him so you’re sure he’ll make another pass at… whatever this is again at some point.  He pats your shoulder before he withdraws, beckoning you to follow him into the mountains.  If he notices any sign of fluster as you chase after his touch it doesn’t show on his face.
Jade had invited you to check out the Mountain Lover’s Club on multiple occasions.  He invited pretty much everyone who showed mild interest in it, something that just made people even more suspicious of him than they already were.  Sure, Jade was widely considered to be the less scary twin, but he was still a Leech, and, perhaps more importantly, still the Vice-Warden of Octavinelle.  Taking him at face value was, to be blunt, stupid.  Something you liked to think you werent, but you know this habit of joining Jade on his hikes doesn’t help your case.  There were a hundred little places you spotted on your way up to this new location alone that he could ditch your body in the woods and make a very convincing case for why it was definitely an accident.  But you couldn’t see a reason for him to do that, and if there was one thing you were very confident that you knew for a fact about Jade, it was that he never did anything that wouldn’t benefit him or his dorm in some way.  
That and you really did like hiking.  The woods aren’t going to ask you why you’re here, they just exist secure in their own beauty.  If you have to pal around with one of the sketchiest guys on campus to find some peace and serenity then no one should be allowed to judge you for it.  
“Ah here we are.”  the two of you stop in front of a truly massive rock formation, you’re pretty sure it would even tower over Malleus, that forms a sort of natural shelter at the center of a steep valley.  It’s breathtaking, your hands immediately move to the ghost camera for an overlooking shot; Jade watches, patiently waiting for you to finish before helping you down.  
“Do you mind if I sketch a bit before foraging?’’  You barely register his question, already fishing around for the best lighting.
“Hm?  Oh no, take your time.”  Jade heaves himself up onto the top of the rocks and you definitely do not pause to admire the way his jacket rides up just enough to show you his toned stomach.  No no, the only thing you’re pausing to peep at is a familiar little gray book.  “Oh so you are using your gift to doodle,” you laugh “here I thought you were collecting blackmail.”
“Only on you.” Jade responds with a conspiratorial grin that would send anyone else running for the hills.  It really is such a shame you’re already there.
“Really rude of you to not invite me out here sooner.”  you make a point to exaggerate your pout and get the amused reaction you were looking for.  “It’s going to start snowing soon, and where will I be then?  Trapped inside Ramshackle devoid of weird plants to photograph.”
“You are more than welcome to come visit Monstro Lounge if you feel so deprived.”
“No thanks, I have enough pictures of Floyd to fill two albums.”  you snort and Jade pauses his sketching for a brief moment.  
“All the more reason to visit.”  Any amusement from earlier is gone and you try to avoid breaking into a cold sweat; his voice is pure ice. “I’m sure you’ll find something to expand your portfolio.”  
“W-what about you then?”  you nervously laugh.  “I mean it’s got to suck to start making sketches and not being able to go out in the field anymore.”
“It does,” he’s back to being pointlessly dramatic for his own amusement thank god, “I was hoping to get in some more practice and produce something passable.”
“I’m sure they look fine.” and while you do genuinely mean that you can’t help but roll your eyes.  “If you’re really that concerned you can always download some pictures from my magicam to use as references.” 
“Oh?  Are you sure that’s an offer you want to make, prefect?”  
“Not when you word it like that, but I won’t take it back.”  Jade laughs, out loud this time, and you again remind yourself that despite what other people might say you are a perfectly reasonable and intelligent person even though you aren’t currently sprinting for safety.
Despite your teasing complaints, Jade did manage to find a way to get you both back into the woods a few more times before the snows properly set in.  And against your better judgment you do find yourself hanging around the Lounge more, you tell Ace and Deuce it’s just to take pictures of the aquariums but you know Ace at least doesn’t believe you.  Deuce just likes seeing the pictures of the fish.
“You’re right those two really do look like they’re up to something.”  he mutters and you nod vigorously.
“Sketchy bastards, look how fat they are. I bet they’re hoarding food.”  
  The gray journal keeps making appearances too, and you know you should just be grateful that he’s this fond of your gift but it’s starting to get weird.  Almost like he is trying to bait you into asking what he’s drawing in there.  Like now while you’re showing Deuce the fat bass in the Octavinelle tank, you feel his gaze on you but it’s gone by the time you get around to looking up at him he’s back to focusing on the notebook in front of him and you sigh.  “I really never should have made him that book.” 
“Nah giving it to him was fine.”  snorts Ace.  “Hanging around him was the mistake.  Seriously, what do you think he’s looking at?”
“Deuce and I?”  really what else could he be looking at, if looks could kill you would be six feet under Ace’s disappointment right now.
“Well you’re half right I guess.”  he says, shaking his head.  “Just- try not to be too stupid while we’re gone right?”  
“Yeah that’s not gonna happen.”  Grim snorts.  “My henchman’s taste in men is as bad as Deuce’s grades.”  You and Ace both start sputtering for different reasons, while at a table across the cafeteria Azul looks at Jade with an equal level of disappointment.
“Just what are you smiling about?”  
“Oh nothing in particular.”  
Azul doesn’t exactly keep the lounge open over winter, but the dormitory’s student lounge is still in working order and much comfier than Ramshackle's dusty couches. You had intended to spend the first few days of winter break being boring and forcing Grim to do his homework, but the little rat was having absolutely none of that and had, surprisingly, formed an uneasy alliance with Floyd.  The second you looked away from your little buddy he’d dashed to seven knew where.  You weren’t actually as familiar with the depths of Octavinelle as certain friends of yours assumed you were.  Jade had offered you assistance in locating your charge, but he wasn’t exactly being helpful.   On purpose you assumed.
“If you are that determined to do away with your schoolwork you can always stay here with me.”  His smiles are always sardonic, but this one has a special sort of edge to it that screams he has something planned.  “No need to go chasing rats.”  For you or his twin, you wonder with a nervous laugh as you fiddle with your backpack.
“It’s not really me I’m worried about.  Grim always puts things off till the last minute and as his dorm prefect I really should be trying to teach him some responsibility-”
“I’m sure he’s learning a lot about making responsible choices from Floyd.”  The look you give Jade is less than enthused, and the sniffle he responds with is less than real but it distracts you just enough that you don’t realize he’s been steering you towards his and Floyd’s shared bedroom.  “Please prefect, it hurts to see you so distressed, I feel like a failure of a host.  Why not take a brief break, I’ll make us some tea.”  
“How very generous of Mr. Leech.”  you say in complete monotone.  “I’m so grateful.”  
“I prefer benevolent.”  he says miraculously cured of all distress as he opens the door to his room and waves you inside.  He saunters off and you carefully make your way over to Jade’s side of the room, dodging Floyd’s dirty laundry and trash not wanting to be accused of “stealing” a three month old chip wrapper and charged “compensation.”  The pale blue light of the magical ocean casts a dreamy glow over the room, but you wouldn’t call it cozy, especially since this is the first time you’ve been allowed anywhere in Octavinelle alone.  That answers your question from earlier you guess, Jade was messing with you today.  And then that’s when you see it, sitting on the exact same side of the desk it had been around a month ago just after you gave it to him  Back when you accused him of collecting blackmail. 
It’s bait.  It has to be bait, there’s no way Jade would ever leave the journal out for you to look at unless he was wanting you to see it.  Probably so he can snatch it out of your hands just as you get a glance of something scandalous so he can gaslight you into thinking you were the worse person.  Why exactly did you like this guy again?  Maybe Grim was right and you really were hopeless.  You stare at it.  Glare at it.  
And snatch it up without another second 's hesitation.  You made the damn thing, if it were a child you would be entitled to partial custody right?  And just as you are cursing at yourself for that atrocious analogy your thought process stops dead in your tracks when you see what’s inside.
The pages were covered in sketches of you.  Taking photos of the rocks, waiting tables at the lounge, numerous studies of your face at all angles with all manner of expressions.  You recognize some of the poses he’s placed you in as pictures you’d posted to magicam, there’s even one where you know you’d been cuddling Grim but Jade’s neglected to keep him in the picture.  There are scribbled notes next to sketches, silly things really just serve to bury you deeper into your embarrassment.  A note on your favorite color, a movie you posted about hating, lists of teas and comments you made about their taste, the good ones highlighted and the bad crossed out, hikes he wanted to take you on and on the most recent page-
“Oh?  Now what have we here?”  Jade’s arm loops around your waist, hand gently tipping up your head to look at him.  “We’ve been over this little prefect, you need to be careful.  Dangerous things lurk in the depths of Octavinelle.”
“Yeah I’m looking at him.” you huff, there really is no hiding your embarrassment so you resign to relaxing into his arms, and you can see him puffing up with pride at your attention.  His hand moves to gently cup your cheek and you press a small kiss to his palm.  “You really suck you know that right?  I could charge you for stuff like this.”
“And what is your asking rate, little shrimp?”  he whispers into your ear.  “I do seem to recall you giving me verbal permission, but I seem to have neglected to get that in writing.  How careless of me.”
“You could start by actually kissing me.”  And he laughs, actually fully laughs, breathless and filled with a genuine delight that warms your whole body to the tip of your toes.
“Well now, if you insist.”  he presses his first kiss to your head before he gently, slowly, turns you to face him.  “I do hope you’re prepared to collect my debt in full.”
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dira333 · 1 month
kita + you only go shopping at this store because they work there and it's getting expensive BC DUH WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO SEE KITA AND HIS HANDSOME KIND CHIVALROUS SELF EVERYDAY
also in my mind i was picturing some sort of fancy retail store that he works at lolz
The way I had to google retail store, lol
"Welcome to Happy Housewife, how can I help you?"
The words are out of Kita's mouth before you're fully through the door. It doesn't surprise you that his smile doesn't slip even when he's presented with you, school uniform a little askew and clearly not a part of the target audience of this store.
"How nice to see you again," he adds, "Did your mother like the napkin rings you bought her?"
"She did," you nod, even though you haven't given them to her yet. Maybe, just maybe, you pretended they were different rings - albeit much too big - and put them on your fingers instead. "But, you know, we have more than two guests at the house. Not right now, but regularly, and we need more than two rings for the napkins, so..."
"Of course, of course," he leads you down the store, past expensive pots and even more expensive knives, past the napkins you've already bought - one each week as an excuse to come back - and past the sweets you bought once only to find out expensive sweets don't taste all that good. "Same design or something else?"
"What do you think?" You ask, wringing your hands behind your back. You want him to keep talking, like to hear his voice every time of the day, but most of all after school.
"Strawberries, was it?" He asks, turning slightly to smile at you. His hair moves with him like clouds of cotton candy and his eyes twinkle a little in the expensive overhead lighting.
"The last design. Those were strawberries, right?"
You blink, a little flustered that he remembers. You try not to come in too often - especially after you realized he only works on Fridays anyway - but that he remembers your purchase from last week... that's special, right?
"They matched your earrings that day," he points out, turning back again as if he didn't just shoot an arrow straight through your heart.
It takes you half an hour to decide between two equally expensive sets of napkin rings. Napkin rings you can't technically afford.
"What do you think of this one," Kita asks when you feel finally ready to pick the sunflower set over the ones with the little cherries on it.
He hands you a little velvet box, the color dark blue instead of the usual dark green the shop uses.
Curious, you open it, only to realize... it's a ring.
And not a napkin ring, but a ring ring, one you put on your finger, with a tiny little strawberry on it. It looks expensive and not like anything you should have in your hands.
"What's-What-What does that mean?"
"I wanted to confess with something proper," Kita explains softly, "Not just chocolate and I heard you mention to your girlfriends that you saw this one at the store but that it was too expensive to get."
"You got me-" You choke on the words, your hands shaking so much you almost drop the box. Kita catches it - his lightning-fast reflexes are no joke - and offers it back to you.
"Why do you think I started working at this store?"
You're speechless.
Kita lifts the box to you and something boyish and insecure moves over his face, making him look younger and softer than he usually appears. "Should I go down on one knee, or?"
"No, no, you don't need to- your pants would get all dirty- I mean, I'd, if you want, I will..."
You gasp, swallow a mouth full of air and Kita laughs, carefree and open, and takes your hand.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend? I really really like you."
"Yes. I really really like you too."
"I had a hunch, you know," he whispers as he slips the ring onto your finger, "After all, no one needs that many napkins."
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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slvthrs · 1 year
WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME DADDY | vinnie hacker
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you don’t think vinnie loves you so you flirt with his friends, he proves that your his
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, friend’s with benefits typa relationship, degradation kink, spanking, pet names, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), brat taming, oral (m reciving), fingering, slight dumbification, harsh sex to really fluffy sex 
word count: 2.8k
author’s note: this is inspired by the song why don’t you by father
“Vinnieee” I slurred out, I was slightly tipsy from my friends being here earlier and us drinking and shit talking about boys and relationships. I was currently snuggled up in me bed in my bra and underwear re-watching ‘skins’ while smoking some weed to combat with my stupid fucking ex breaking up with me over me living with a guy- I hate that asshole so much. 
“What the fuck do you want” He said groaning and walking into my room
“Vincent can you please can you go downstairs and get me some Aspirin and Tums” I say with a pout, I know my hangovers and if I don’t have medicine I’m gonna be a bitch.
He flops onto my bed and looks at me while I lay down next to him, “Was this guy really worth all this shit” He asks looking at me, “Why did he even break up with you, what did you do?”
I may or may have not told Vinnie yet that the fact I broke up with my boyfriend was because of him, “It wasn’t that big of a deal anyways, don’t worry” I fail to look reassuring, 
“C’mon dude were close, I LIVE WITH YOU, I won’t judge you” He says with a pout and who am I to deny such an adorable sight
I sigh, “He was just generally overprotective and possessive or whatever but um the main reason he broke up with my was erm cause I lived with you” I close my eyes shut afraid of what Vinnies’s reaction might be but he sits up and just looks baffled
“Wait wait you’re telling me he broke up with you cause you lived with me?” He says it like it’s unbelievable
I just chuckled, “Yeah I guess he thought that we were a thing behind his back or something”
“Damn that sucks man I’m really sorry, why didn’t you just move out with him?” He asks with a lot more sincerity than I have right now- I’m just focused on how close vinnie’s lips are to mine,
“It’s fine I like living with you and some insecure guy isn’t gonna change that” I say staring at his lips
“Yeah, but I dunno it makes me feel bad that you feel like this because of me” he says brushing a few strands of my hair of my face and rubbing the tears of my face as I lean into the touch
“It’s fine Vincent I promise you, living with you is worth being single” I say trying to reassure him with my face still in his hands
All he does is chuckle and then our lips are connected.
That's how it started. Now everytime me or Vinnie are mad and we need to take out our anger, or we need a date for an event, or even if we want to get off we always have each other. That’s the rule- no matter what we have time for each other.
But it’s been a week and Vinnie has barely talked to me and I shouldn’t be mad cause this is a casual thing- no strings or whatever, but what pisses me off so much is that he’s talking to another girl- specifically my best friend Zoe, who assures me it’s platonic but god I’m so mad at both of them.
He’s to fucking busy to notice that it’s been around 3 months since we started this- whatever this is, woo it’s our ‘anniversary’ and he doesn’t fucking care does he?
I had just gotten out of the shower after a busy day at work and I just needed some sort of release so my only option was obviously my roommate. I quickly put on a matching set and some black sweat pants and a white lace tank top and walked out of my room to find Vinnie.
When I found him he was shirtless sitting in front of his gaming setup on his phone- oh fuck he looks so good.
He was clearly just finished working out- He was shirtless with just sweats on his hair fucked up and one hand scrolling on his phone with his other hand was resting behind his head while he was leaning on his gaming chair.
I went up to him and leaned on his desk waiting for him to acknowledge me to no avail
“Hey Vinnie are you busy right now” I ask with my tone bleeding with annoyance
“Oh uh I’m kinda messaging-” I cut him off “Zoe, right, whatever”
I walk back into my room seething I fucking hate him so much he’s a bitch fuck this.
I grab my phone and scroll down to find Theo’s contact, he was one of his irls that his fans didn’t know much about- Vinnie gave it to me a while ago when Theo came over to take pet-sit hera when both of us were out of the country but now it was the perfect revenge.
I flop onto my bed grabbing one of my pillows and I call the number a few times before he picks up
“Hey y/nnn” He calls out
“Hey Theo” I yawn, “How are you?” I ask with as much sincerity I can muster
“M’ good, I’m just playing valorant, what about you” He says
“I’m good Vinnies just being annoying right now so I wanna talk to you” I laugh
He laughs with me, “Yeah, that’s Vinnie for you, anyways wanna talk about it cause u called me like super late”
“Oh erm nah its fineee” I draw out, “Just wanted to talk to you y’know” I try to deflect
“At 12 am?” He says with a chuckle
“Uh yeah I guess sorry” I try to make it seem sincere 
“Hmm yeah sure, is there anything else you want?” He asks, if I wanted to I could have sex with him but that just seems really fucking wrong
But I don’t need to fuck him to get Vinnie jealous, he’s the most fucking possesive person I’ve met me talking to Theo is gonna fucking rile him up to no end
“Um sorry this is a weird request but can I play valo with you, I need to get my mind off shit?” I say ask rubbing the back of my neck and cringing, that was a shit lie 
“Oh…kay, sure why not anything for a pretty lady” He says with a certain confidence in his voice. “Hope on valo, let’s play a couple competitive matches”
I agree and end the call to hop onto my desktop and pick up the call on discord.
We start off as attackers and our team wins 7 out of the twelve rounds before we switch to defense, multiple close calls, including my team being wiped out with me being the only person left to defend for us, and when we win that round I scream so loud to ensure Vinnie hears me. 
We end up winning the match and I jump off the chair and do a spin out of happiness, but out of the corner of my eye I see the familiar blond leaning on my door frame yet I don’t acknowledge him.
“Hey Theo” I ask breathlessly, “You're really good at valo thank-” But before I can finish thanking him that familiar scent of sandalwood mixed with lavender and smoke creeps up behind me caging me into my desk and ending my call with Theo.
A hand on my jaw pulls my gaze away from my screen into addictive brown eyes, neither of us make a sound, we just stare at each other too afraid to mess up the atmosphere.
I break the silence first, “What the fuck was that for asshole” I say only slightly louder than a whisper, still to afraid to ruin the moment.
“You know what that was for pretty, what are you doing calling some rando at fucking 12 at night bitch?” He asks but I don’t need to reply, we both know the answer to that.
He continues, “Dumb little girl is so needy she’ll whore herself out to anyone who’ll pick up the phone? You know I’m always there but you can’t handle not being the center attention for like 5 minutes”
And that’s what pisses me off, I stand up looking at him level in the eye, “You don’t get to fucking say that Vin! You haven’t talked to me in a week cause your to busy slutting yourself out to MY best friend and-” 
He cuts me off, “Can I kiss you?”
“Oh my fucking god Vin your so annoying, you never listen to me it’s like talking to a wall!”
“That doesn’t answer my question, can I kiss you?”
I hate the things he does to me, I hate how he makes my entire body heat up when I’m mad at him, I hate how he tries to get me going at the worst time, I hate how he tries to fix our arguments and our mistakes by getting me horny, and I really fucking hate how it works.
I nod and he places his hand on my hips and guides me into a kiss whilst I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into the kiss, his hands roam around my body slipping under my shirt to pull it off. We let go of the kiss to take our shirts and pants off and we both ended up back on my bed with him against the headboard and me straddling him, grinding on his clothed cock.
“Shit, I fucking hate you so much,” I plead whilst my hands curl into his hair and his lips trail blazing kisses along my neck down to my tits whilst he unclasps my bra and keeps the kisses going.
“Yeah, yeah, say whatever you want baby, you know your mine” He says in between kisses 
And the fucked up part is that he’s right.
I could flirt with as men as I want and he could talk to as many girls as he likes to try to forget me, but fuck we both end up in one of our bed’s at the end of the night, worshiping each others bodies or ruining each other till theres nothing left in either of us- I’m his, and he’s mine… even if were to pussy to say it.
But right now I’d rather die than admit to him that he’s right.
“Really” I question breathlessly, “I thought zoe was yours?”
“Oh fuck off, if you wanna be a brat, I’ll fucking treat you like a brat.” He says as he manhandles me so my face is pushed into my pillows and my ass up in the air and smack my right cheek
The burn makes me hiss into the pillow whilst his hands snake down my back to pull my hair which in turn pulls my hair up so he can see my face.
“Your mine” He instructs, “Say it, say your mine.”
He knows im his, we both know that I’m his but fuck the man and his stupid insecurity crisis, I’m not saying shit.
“Fuck fine, we’ll just do this the regular way” He says and accentuates with a slap on my left ass which makes me hiss and arch my back into him.
I don’t know how long the spanking goes on for but I know it burns but I feel so fucking good right now, I can see stars and Vinnie and that’s all I need right now.
He’s finally done and flips me over, “Cmon baby, just say it, I wanna fuck my girl and I know you wanna feel good pretty, it’s just 2 words.”
I know my face looks exhausted because Vinnie starts kissing every single soft spot on my neck, collarbones and jaw so I can relax and take a moment to relax. “Daddy-” I slur out, “Can I suck you off?” I say with such an innocent tone and doe eyes that I think it takes him a second to register.
He doesn’t say anything but helps me situate myself on my knees in front of his still clothed dick. 
He moves the hair of my face and helps me take his boxers off, his cock looks angry and red with precum already leaking off of it. I start kitten licking the tip of his dick, swirling all the salty precum over his angry tip. I can tell he's starting to get frustrated by the way he’s fidgeting above me.
“Your such a fucking tease baby,” He says petting through my hair, “Such a dumb little brat”
And my stupid ass giggles instead of saying anything, but it gets him going enough for him to tangle his hands into my hair and start using my mouth to get him off, my moans and hisses just add to his pleasure. 
I hollow my cheeks out and swirl my tongue around his dick to give him some form of stimulation, and use my hands to jerk off the rest of his cock that I can’t fit in my mouth. 
It’s so fucking dirty, the sounds of me gagging on my roommates dick with spit rolling out of the corners of my mouth, and the whole scene is finished of with Vinnies moans echoing around our house. 
He’s so fucking close to cumming and I can tell by the way his grip on my hair tightens and his moans turn whispier. But for some fucking reason he pulls me off and picks me up so I’m straddling is lap again and were making out again.
He flips both of us over so I’m laid out on my back and he’s hovering over me like I’m the finest piece of art he's ever seen, “Hey baby, you still with me?”
“Yeah, yeah,” I pant, trying to catch my breath.
He takes his fingers and finally take my panties off and dips them into my folds, his thumb reaches my clit and he makes figure 8’s on them, the sudden simulations causes me to gasp and arch my back which leads to Vinnie’s hands finding refugee on my hips and pushing me down into the comforter as he continues to stimulate me.
His hand drags in and out of me as our lips interlock, we move in a steady rhythm and everything feels so right, for a second I forget about everything that we were fighting about and melt into his touch, I may be a petty bitch but god has this man done something to me.
The knot in my stomach builds and I know Vinnie can tell by the way my legs shake and how my lips quiver around his whilst my hands drag my nails through his back, causing him to hiss in pain and pleasure.
“Vinnie” I moan out, “Please can I cum”
I’m begging at this point, I’m so close to release and I wanna cum so bad that all my self respect leaves my body.
“I don’t know baby, you’ve been so rude”
“Please, Vinnie please” I plead, “I need you so bad, please I’m yours”
I give him what he wants in hope he gives me what I want and it works like a charm
“Oh how am I gonna deny such a pretty girl?” He states but he removes his hands causing me to whine but instead takes his dick and lines up to my folds and slowly goes in, reveling in the way my eyes roll to the back of my head.
He’s excruciatingly  slow and then painfully fast slamming into my hips with the sound of our skin slapping adding to the ambiance. Our moans bounce off the walls, my breathless wines along with his low grunts create a melody of intimacy, it’s so different to how we started. 
We’re so fucking close to cumming that Vinnie tells me to, “cum with him”, and that’s exactly what we do. We both finally get our release after so long that we don’t even move for a second, my forehead and his touches for what seems like an eternity until he finally pulls out and places a kiss on my cheek and heads to get water and towel to wipe me off.
After he does that, I get up and pick up my panties and put them on and then put on Vinnies shirt whilst he puts on his sweat and we both use the bathroom.
As I get into bed with him after changing he cups my face and places a kiss on my lips, “Plus I’m sorry for everything, I’m such a dick sometimes”
It’s sweet, after all we're not even exclusive and he's this sweet, I kinda forget everything he’s done… until I don’t.
“It’s fine baby, you can make up with me in between my thighs”, I say the last part so quietly that he doesn’t register it for a second until he places one more kiss on my lips and slips under the covers.
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hellsslibrary · 10 months
✧・゚:*NSFW Alphabet with Trey Clover*:・゚✧
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DNI : minors.
!!Warnings : switch(mostly sub)!bottom!Trey, food play, praise kink, riding, teasing, rough sex and soft, thighs, handjob, male reader.
Cater <————«« Trey »»————> Riddle
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Heartslabyul. Trey Clover.
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
Probably the most caring boy in all of Twisted, yes. Even if he is tired to the point of impossibility, he will still make sure that you are in order and that you are completely satisfied. And then both of you will do what you need. Shower, water, hugs, whatever. He will fulfill your every wish.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
It's definitely thighs in you. It just seems that way to me. He loves to sit on your lap at all times, and he loves to play with them during sex. Squeeze, caress, kiss, suck, bite, whatever. Especially if you have sensitive thighs.
In himself, his favorite part is obviously his hands. They are very skillful, since he is a confectioner, after all. So he can do a lot with these hands for you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Well... He cums above average, that's for sure. His semen is sweeter than normal and thicker, since sweets are a major part of his life.
As for your cum... He loves creampie, so get the my idea, imps.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Any fanfiction with foodplay and Trey is my weakness, so listen up. He dreams of having sex with you in the kitchen of Heartslabyul and using all sorts of ingredients like various syrups, whipped cream, some berries and everything else on your body or on his body in absolutely any way you like.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
He's probably not a virgin. Although he did not have affairs where he would be the bottom, so in that place you are his first. Definitely knows what he's doing though. He is clearly not an innocent person.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Lotus flower (click there to see). I just want him to sit on my lap with those thick thighs of his and... Ahem. He's just a sensual and romantic boy so he loves this position, where he or you (depending on who's dominant) can set any possible rhythm that's comfortable for both of you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I guess he's serious enough if you're dominant and he's just overly focused on pleasure at times like this, just enjoying your praise, words of love, touches and thrusts. But if he dominates... Then he will definitely say a few joking phrases, just to tease you.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He keeps everything clean there, so you won't find hair in there, as he gets rid of it quickly. The color is exactly the same as on the drapes, only the hair on the carpet is a little lighter.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He is very romantic! If you ever mention any thing that seems romantic to you, then expect him to bring it to life soon. Whatever you think is romantic will be yours in a short amount of time. Also during sex, he will be the most tender and loving boy, sensually stroking you, praising you, taking care of you and everything you can imagine.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Nope, not a fan. He probably just doesn't have time for that, though. But he still hardly ever finds his own hand or anything else too satisfying, so he prefers to wait until his arousal wears off or have sex.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He loves to ride you. He loves to look down at you while you moan and your face is absolutely blissful while he squeezes your chest/thighs/sides/whatever. He also loves handjob, he prefers hands to mouth, if only in case of his own satisfaction. He just loves the way your hand slides over his cock, the way you rub his head and balls as he lies helplessly underneath you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Well... I guess he likes sex on the table. Just because he loves it. But given his favorite position, it's probably a bed, a chair, an armchair, a couch, or whatever you can sit comfortably on.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Trey is not very easily aroused. Although he can be easily seduced by the look at your thighs if you're wearing some kind of tight pants or shorts... Or if you deliberately eat something too sexy (you know what I'm talking about).
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
He doesn't want to cause you or him much pain, obviously. He is generally not a particular fan of some too rough and sadistically masochistic sex. Also, he would probably prefer to have sex in places where he is convinced that no one will be, just ... Just in case. Ahem, so that no red-haired tyrants will notice you, ahem.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to give more, of course. Trey loves to see the look on your face when he pleases you, and especially he has access to your thighs, so it couldn't be better.
For his part, he still prefers a handjob, as I said, but he still enjoys any kind of blowjob/eating out/jerk off/etc from you.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely a slow, sensual tempo. Although it can get faster and rougher if you want it or prefer it. But he likes more leisurely, romantic sex, so :b.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Since he's quite busy, like Vice Housewarden, you have this happen quite often, simply because he doesn't have time. Although his preference always goes to your rarer but more valuable leisurely intercourse.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not particularly risky. He will not do anything that will cause one of you to get hurt, or get caught, or leave one of you unsatisfied (he will always make you satisfied, no matter what). But he is quite ready for experiments.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He is quite durable. 5-10 rounds I guess. You can fuck him all you want because it takes a lot of effort to get him to his point of overdrive. Although not as much as with Cater, for example.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He has a couple. Handcuffs or ropes, just because he likes to tease you or for you to tease him. He also has a couple of other toys for you to use on him. And he has at least one butt plug and wears it quite often, you know... Just in case.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
He loves to tease you! Although he knows your boundaries and your clear "no" and he will never break them. But he still loves it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's... 2-3/10, really. I don't think he's too loud. He may sigh, moan softly in pleasure, but he will never be too loud.
W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
He has thick, bulging thighs. You know, those thighs you look at and think "Fuck, this is the juiciest thing in the world" and all this heresy. Basically... He loves to squeeze you in his thighs as you suck him off/eat him out/fuck him. It's just... Well, fuck, who doesn't want to be crushed by those thighs?
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
He is very muscular! He has a good, muscular body, relief and it is quite wide. His cock... 6-7 inches/15-17 cm. Slightly larger than average, yes. And it is medium in girth, although slightly plumper at the base.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Average. He doesn't need a lot of sex and will probably adjust to your sex drive. Is yours bigger? Okay, he'll try to make time for that. Do you have a lesser? It's amazing, he does too.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fell asleep afterwards)
He will probably fall asleep quickly enough after you bathe, change the sheets and do other things. Although if it was done in the middle of the day or something like that, then he will be a little sleepy after that.
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Bounded by shadow and blood (5)
Azriel x magic!fem!reader
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The mission had been going fine. What Azriel needed firstly was a run down on all the information you had on the thief. A fae, of course, tall with brown hair and green eyes. He wears anything to blend in so a clothing description is meaningless. And he seems to have the ability to winnow. It’s the only reason he got so close to the palace in the first place.
Azriel had brought in new information, you can admit. He was from the night court, part of a splintered faction of a group known for stealing in other courts. This male seemed to be taking it a step further and is going after sacred items. 
What the both of you can’t seem to figure out is why.
That is why you are sat in the local tavern in town. There is no way the male would be caught again near the palace. But he wouldn’t be shameful enough to not try again. And in order to do that he would need more information. What better source that drunken fae that won’t remember what they told you come the new dawn.
You can’t stand how close Azriel is to you though. He took it upon himself to sit right next to you after the third random male in the tavern had decided to come up and flirt with you. 
“It’s like you think I can’t multi-task.” You say.
“What?” Azriel asks.
“You think that I can’t handle a drunken idiot and be a look out.” You clarify for him.
“I never said that.” He answers.
You turn your body towards him more and lean in close. From this close you can feel his breath and smell him more clearly. Dam he smells good too. You weren’t going to admit it though.
“You didn’t have to, I can tell.” You whisper.
“Yeah? Is it in my blood?” He asks.
You lean away from him.
Then there was that. He hadn’t stopped asking questions since you had won your sparing match with him. He came here with the intention of figuring out what you were, and that fight had only spurred him on.
“Who asked you about me?” You ask.
Azriel looks at you dead on, “That’s private.”
“It was Nesta wasn’t it?” 
He says nothing. And that basically confirms that it was her. What you count understand is why. Why did she want to know about you?
He goes back to drinking his ale. And you turn back to the tavern maid. You’re about to ask her for a refill when someone beats you to it. 
A man, tall with brown hair and green eyes. There he is. He asks for two ales and looks at you with a smile. 
“I hope one of those is for me.” you say.
“Depends, does your partner mind?” He asks.
You spare a glance at Azriel who is not even entertaining this conversation. You know he knows who this is. But you don’t know why he’s acting nonchalant for. 
You turn back to them male, “He’s not my partner.”
“Ah, that is the best news I’ve heard all night.” he says.
You hold out your hand and introduce yourself. He takes it and gives you his name. Lars. You have no doubt that it’s not his real name. But at least you have an alias now. 
Two ales are set down and Lars passes you one. You thank him and take a sip. Lars positions himself right next to you. You can feel the blood pumping though his veins from this close. 
“What’s a beauty like you doing in this place?” He asks.
You chuckle at his bland flirting.
“I guess waiting for someone like you.” You say with a small smile. 
He smiles too.
Just as he’s about to say something there is commotion behind you. You turn to get a look. And you can send a shift somewhere, but you don’t know what it is. 
When you turn back, Lars is looking past you. At Azriel no doubt. He sticks out like a sore thumb. But something is going through your mind right now. If Lars was from the night court why did he refer to Azriel as your partner?
Surely he would know who he is, unless he’s playing the role. How could you get him to slip up?
“Sorry, it’s been a long day.” He says.
You nod your head, “What do you make?”
There it is. Everyone here makes their livelihood off of making something. Tinkers, gadgets and the sort. When you greeted new people in town the first question you asked was what they made. 
“Yes, silly, are you a clock maker? You kind of look like one.” You take another sip of your ale.
He smiles, but this time it doesn’t quite fit his face. Like he’s thinking of his next lie so he doesn’t have enough effort to put into his fake smile. Got him.
“You caught me,” he starts and you watch him very closely, “I’m not from dawn. I’m just passing through.”
You play off your body language as sad and deflated, “That’s sad to hear. Why don’t you stay a while?” 
He laughs at that, “I wish I could but time is money.”
“Are you here until sunrise at least?” You ask him.
The question is promiscuous on purpose. He’s a male. He came up to you in a tavern. There’s only a couple of things he could want with you. And he hasn’t asked you anything about the area or the dawn court. 
“Looking to give me a send off?” He jokes.
You smile and bat your eyes, “I mean maybe I can show you a good time before you go back to the night court.” 
He goes still like ice. Then without another thought he’s taking off. He’s running away from you and out the door of the tavern. You put your money down for the ale and run after him, not nothing to look back for Azriel. 
As you follow him out the door, you see him taking down the street. He turns back once to look at you but that was all Azriel needed. He appeared in front of him out of the shadows. You caged him in.
“Before we hand him over to you, the high lord has questions for him.” You say.
Azriel nods his head, “Very well, I’ll take him to the cells.”
Since picking up Lars in the tavern it has been hours of resistance. He was really good at not giving up information. You hadn’t resorted to using your powers yet but you were very close. 
“It’s no use, I won’t tell you anything.” He says. 
You lean against the wall and watch him closely. He was breathing raggedly, his eyes glassy. You had thought the court of nightmares produced stronger monsters than this. True you only just learned about the people in said court a few days ago, but still. 
“You know I’m the easy part right?” You ask.
He looks at you then. With a look you can’t quite place on his face. It wasn’t confusion, he knows exactly what you’re talking about. Azriel is waiting to take him back to the night court. Where he will no doubt be met with an even harder interrogation. 
“Do you really think that they will ask questions?” He asks you now.
“They want to know why you tried to steal from the dawn court.” You answer.
He shakes his head, “No they don’t want to know that, you do. They want me to be in a cell never to be seen again.”
“And you think that’s undeserving?” You ask.
“Its not but I would rather take death as my fate than stay prisoner under the likes of the high lord of the night court.” 
That piques your interest. You don’t know much about the high lord but you knew he was the overseer of the night court. Which doesn’t inspire images of rainbows and sunshine.
“He’s cruel.” You say.
“You speak as if you don’t know.” 
“I don’t.”
He looks you over once. It feels disgusting but you know that you’re in total control of this situation.  
“You’re human.” He says.
“No I’m not. Nice guess.” You counter.
“I could get out of these restraints and kill you without even breaking a sweat.” He threatens you.
You smile, “I don’t think so.”
“You want to take that chance pet?”
You keep eye contact with him and feel the blood running in his veins. You tilt your head to the side as you focus on dropping the temperature in his body. Slowly he starts flinching and shivering.
“Do you want to take that chance?” You ask him now.
“You’re a witch! You-you’re using spells!” He shouts.
You stop controlling his blood and you see him let out a sigh of relief. You peel yourself from the wall and walk over to the door.
“On second thought, I think I’ll just wait until your spill your guts for the shadow singer.” You taunt him.
You open the door to his cell and walk out of it.
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admiringtheskies · 11 months
okay, so The Hyperfixation Is Hyperfixating, clearly, and honestly im just gonna continue going with it bc THEM— *screams* ANYWAYS @frownyalfred uhhhhhh hope you enjoy this as well! without further ado, another idea inspired by the incomparable ✨borderline✨ that just would NOT leave me alone until i got it all down into actual real words:
at some point further in the timeline of borderline'verse, when they've finally got the whole situation mostly under control, the batfam (whenever they accompany bruce, or multiple kids go together by themselves so they're in batclan mode, to do jl/other crossover shit) sort of ends up just doing the whole Bat-Danger-Aura thing, like, Constantly; somewhat unintentionally, but also with not much effort really made to rein it in, bc they do think the reactions are hilarious lol. and like, the thing is, they were ALREADY doing it pre-bond, pretty much right from whenever dick, jason, or both made their first appearance w bruce outside of gotham and first established the existence of mini-bats for the outside world — i mean, that sense of leashed power, as well as the eerie synchronicity and ability to communicate in the tiniest of gestures, was really just a natural consequence of the crime-fighting codependency and the training bruce put them through, originally. (as you may be able to tell, i have an Extremely Normal Amount of Feelings about the concept of cryptid batfam <3). but WITH the bond?? i mean, the kids are all connected to each other, yes, but their primary connections are all to BRUCE, and once they've had time to adjust, and set + actually semi-consistently enforce some basic boundaries, they absolutely take pride in using that to it's fullest advantage (that they're capable of while not intentionally compromising anybody's autonomy, anyways).
and like… OP's already touched on this in earlier chapters briefly a few times, but i NEED a thorough exploration of the idea of bruce seeing this change in them, seeing them subconsciously incorporate even just these little subtle mannerisms, and feeling so fucking guilty about it and spiraling bc he's terrified that all of his self-destructive qualities [that he's painfully aware of in himself] will transfer over to the children, who somehow never seem to realize that how proud and grateful they make him when they demonstrate their DIFFERENCES from him in those regards. and he's just so scared that he'll somehow ruin the few parts of them he thinks he's miraculously managed to avoid 'tainting' with his mentorship/fatherhood until now… …and meanwhile the kids are about to start crying because dad no what the fuck,,, but also facepalming a little bit bc jesus CHRIST, B, did you never even stop to consider the fact that you're just… really fuckin smart and skilled and know how to do a frankly ungodly amount of Cool Shit that we all share an interest in, and we were excited to have the chance to copy more of that shit too?! just, even beyond the great mental image of the Danger Walk, what really got me about that scene was just... his two oldest boys, who are already so much like him, not hesitating for a SECOND to gleefully take the chance to match his behavior even MORE perfectly, and wanting to know where he learned something as (relatively, by their standards) simple as the Serious Business Walk, and wanting to share that memory because it's just fuckin cool, y'all! like, to be clear, i absolutely respect the fact that, at least by the time that they're entering adulthood/in the prime of their mental and physical youth, any of the batkids are pretty much on, or definitely rapidly approaching, the same level as bruce in general badassery — and they probably each have 1 or 2 specific skillsets in which they can and do surpass him. but at the same time, you CANNOT convince me that, at any given point in the established DC timeline, there exists a non-bruce batfam character who can really look at bruce (like his personality, his aforementioned ridiculous skillset, i mean everything about him) and not see at least ONE quality in him that they aspire to. maybe it's something they already have and just can't see in themselves, maybe it's more a projection of something one of their other siblings has and shares with bruce, maybe it's just some skill, some random combat move, that he doesn't need very often, and so when he does use it, it briefly reminds them that "holy shit, he's The Fucking Batman" — but there's always SOMETHING there, some reason that even when they're having trouble communicating or arguing or emotions are running high, they'll never truly lose that respect for him that compels these ridiculously independent, self-sufficient people to willingly follow him: to listen to him, to trust him, and to keep themselves ready to unite under his lead. because nobody can argue that they are a clan, whose purpose comes from being first united under the guidance and protection and love of the bat.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
Hiiiii can you please do a din djarin fic where he is helping the reader with her injuries and she is nervous and insecure
Hello there, dear anon. It would be my pleasure! I started off writing Din tending to your wounds and an actual plot sort of developed out of it. Might've gotten a little carried away, but I hope this is something like what you were looking for.
Hope that you enjoyed it and thank you for sending me a request! ♡
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Word Count: 2398 Rating: General Summary: You have spent the last few months caring for the son of a mysterious Mandalorian who moved to Nevarro. Along the way, you found yourself developing a crush on him. However, when you arrive for your latest shift, you are stunned to discover that rather than caring for Grogu, Din wants to spend the day with you. Although it doesn't go entirely as planned, you both end up with a little more than you bargained for. Content Warnings: Brief descriptions of bloody injuries to reader's hands and knees.
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The touch on your throbbing hand was so achingly gentle that it was difficult to believe the man currently tending to your injuries once had such a notorious reputation for violence and destruction throughout the galaxy, thanks to his time in the Guild. The Mandalorian that you so admired had assumed many roles throughout his life: first he was a son, then a Mandalorian foundling. During adulthood, he had been a mercenary and a Bounty Hunter long before he was a father. There was even a brief time where he was technically Mand’alor, before his current role working with the New Republic. But today, Din Djarin took on a new role: nurse.
The day had started off promisingly enough. You arrived at Din’s cabin on the outskirts of Nevarro for your usual shift, expecting to take care of Grogu while Din ran some errands in town. But instead of answering the door like he usually did, clad in a full suit of armour and holding Grogu in his arms, Din's appearance was noticeably different. While he wore his usual helmet and gloves, everything else was unrecognisable. Instead of his unpainted Beskar, Din wore a form-fitting brown shirt with matching brown shorts and what appeared to be hiking boots. You were instantly curious, fearing you had perhaps gotten the time for your shift confused.
But even more intriguing than Din’s appearance was that Grogu was nowhere to be seen. Before you could question Din on his son’s whereabouts, he explained that he had already left Grogu in the care of High Magistrate Karga. You turned to leave, realising that, clearly, your services would not be required today. But Din gently grabbed your wrist to prevent you from walking away so that he could explain his actions. It transpired that Din wanted to spend the day with you and that leaving Grogu had been the first step of his plan. Now, it was time for the two of you to spend the day exploring the volcanic planet you both inhabited.
As the two of you had set out on a hike across the lava flats of Nevarro, you found your head was spinning with questions. Why in Maker’s name did Din want to spend time with you? What had you done to be worthy of his time? After all, you were initially employed to look after Grogu because Din was often so busy during the brief time he spent between missions that he wanted to enjoy his time and run errands that could be difficult with a child tagging along. Why would he waste a day on you?
Despite the questions spinning around in your mind, you were too shy to vocalise a single one of them. It was to be expected, as you found that you were always nervous in Din’s presence. You found him equal parts intimidating and mesmerising with his hulking, looming presence as he shimmered in all of his unpainted Beskar glory. You loved his deep, raspy voice and the way he held himself so confidently.
After so many months of getting to know him and caring for Grogu, you found that you had developed somewhat of a crush on the mysterious Mandalorian who you had taken on childcare duties for. Although some of your nerves had dissipated the more time you had spent with Din, there was still a feeling whenever you were around him that you could not quite explain. You just knew that whenever you left him, you ached to be in his presence. Any amount of time with him would never be enough.
Was it a possibility, given his sudden desire to spend time with you, that Din reciprocated such feelings? It was a thought that had caused you to almost fall over your own feet several times, so giddy were you at such a prospect. You had mentally chastised yourself each time, reminding yourself that you needed to focus and keep your balance. There would be nothing more embarrassing than tripping over yourself because you were too busy daydreaming about what being on the receiving end of Din Djarin’s affections would feel like.
So, instead, as you followed Din across the planet’s surface, you tried to focus on the purposeful, even steps that he was taking by staring at his weathered brown boots. But even that proved difficult, given the fact that above his boots were his legs, which were, for once, bare. You found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from his muscular calves as he strode along Nevarro’s grey-black volcanic surface. The firmness of his skin and how tanned it appeared fascinated you. You wondered what such skin would feel like beneath your hands. Would it be soft and smooth or weathered like the leather of his boots? You wondered, too, whether the smattering of dark hair on his legs was any indication about the hair on top of his head. You knew that removing his helmet in your presence would violate his creed, but you wouldn't lie and say that you weren't curious about what he looked like. You often wondered whether Din's face matched his gorgeous voice.
You watched in awe as Din's muscular arms reached up to adjust the bag that was slung across his broad shoulders. You were just appreciating being in his presence as much as you were his physicality. Ever since you had first met Din, you had felt inexplicably drawn to him. You would follow him anywhere in the galaxy, should he only ask. 
As it happened, today he was asking you to join him on a hike up one of the volcanos that littered the Nevarrian surface. You had been a little daunted at the prospect of such an endeavour, but Din promised you that the views would be worth it. So despite your reservations, you began to follow him to the top of the volcano. 
Things had been progressing nicely for the most part. Although you had struggled to keep up with Din at first with the long strides he took, he had adjusted his pace and the two of you had fallen into step at each other’s side.
Your heart felt as though it was beating out of your chest. You weren’t sure if it was because of the exertion from hiking up a volcano or at the realisation of how close the man you harboured a crush for was to you. Although the temperature was beginning to rise as it approached the afternoon, you were actually starting to enjoy the hike. The frequent water breaks that you took were welcome, too. You and Din would sit for a few minutes and share sips from the canteen of water he had brought. Din used a long straw to take his sips, a sight that you found impossibly adorable. There he was, such a mountain of a man, using a small straw to take small sips of his drink.
As you set off from your most recent water break, it appeared that the path ahead of you narrowed. You and Din resumed walking in single file, treading a careful path across the surface. Din warned you to mind your step as there were rocks up ahead, but in the couple of seconds you took your gaze off the path to look at what lay ahead, your foot snagged something. 
Everything which followed seemed to happen in slow motion, you put your hands out to brace yourself, which proved to be a painful mistake.
“Din!” You screamed as you tumbled to the ground.
For a few moments, you thought that you had avoided any injury. Your pulse was racing, your heart pounding in your head as you lay there disorientated. The first thing you heard once your senses returned was the crunch of the gravel underneath Din’s boots as he raced to your aid. Then, the T-visor of his helmet came into view. Din placed his hands underneath your shoulders and gently helped you into a seated position. It was only then, with him in front of you, that you finally felt the extent of your injuries.
You howled in pain as Din held your left hand carefully in his. Finally, you felt the way it stung. Your palm throbbed, it felt as though you had just been cut by shards of glass. Although the cuts weren’t deep and, luckily, you had avoided any stones getting stuck in your skin, blood was seeping from the cuts on the palm of your hand.
“Oh dear. That looks painful,” Din offered sympathetically as he assessed the extent of your injuries. “Hold on, I have a medkit in this bag.”
As Din swung the bag over his shoulder, you looked down at the rest of your body to check for further injuries. You felt your stomach drop as you noticed more blood oozing from your leg.
“Din, it’s my knee, too,” You whined, as your left knee joined your hands throbbing with pain.
“It’s okay, I have some Bacta patches and spray. I’ll have you patched up in no time,” Din said softly.
You sat back and watched as this enormous, hulking man removed his gloves and began to tend ever-so gently to your wounds. Perhaps, if you weren’t in so much pain, you would have appreciated the fact that the two of you were touching skin-to-skin, with no barriers between you.
Din's broad shoulders hunched over as he carefully examined the damage and began to apply the Bacta spray to your hands. You had been privileged enough to witness the softer, caring side of Din Djarin on multiple occasions since you had met him during the time the two of you had spent together in his cabin. However, the caring side of him was usually reserved for his interactions with Grogu. But today, it was your turn to experience this tender side of the Mandalorian that you had once been so intimidated by.
Now the Bacta spray was beginning to take effect and lessen the thrumming pain in your hand, you found that nerves overtook you. Your heart raced with anxiety. You were so nervous that being in such close proximity would reveal the extent of your feelings for Din.
But you were distracted by such thoughts as Din applied the Bacta patches to your injured hands. You bit your lip to stop the tears that threatened to fall down your cheeks, moved by how much care he took with his ministrations. With your hands successfully cared for, Din moved to address your injured knee.
“You probably think I’m a clumsy fool,” You scoffed as Din tended to your knee, suddenly embarrassed at how careless you had been in his presence. The man just wanted to spend his day off hiking up a volcano, he had invited you to join him and you had ruined those plans by being such a bumbling idiot.
“Never,” Din shook his head with absolute conviction in his voice. Din raised his helmet to look at you and softly added: “I could never think such a thing about you, cyare.”
The tears you had been holding back then flowed freely down your cheeks. You found yourself so moved by his reassuring words and the kindness and warmth in his voice. The word Din had used meant nothing to you but you supposed it was from his native tongue.
“Come here,” Din sighed as he inched his way to sit closer towards you. He moved his hands to cup your jaw gently, wiping the tears that began to feel with his thumbs. 
The comforting words and actions had the opposite effect, however, as more tears trailed hot paths down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry for ruining your day, Din,” You sniffled apologetically as you struggled to meet his helmeted gaze.
“Ruin it?!” Din exclaimed, incredulous at such a notion. “Never.” He asserted. “Any day I spend with you is a day to be treasured. I enjoy your company.”
“Really?” You asked, stunned at his admission, wiping your cheeks with the backs of your hands as the tears finally began to subside.
“Of course,” Din nodded. “I’m sorry today didn’t work out. I wanted to show you the most gorgeous view on Nevarro. As it turns out, it appears it was right here in front of me all along…”
Your mouth hung open and your eyebrows shot up your face as you stared at the Mandalorian by your side in stunned silence.
“Oh, Din…” You whispered, voice full of emotion. But you were still a little confused. You furrowed your brow and sought clarity: “Do you… I mean…” You stammered, unable to form coherent thoughts following the implication of his words.
“Let me be clear: I intended for us to hike to the top of the volcano so that we could finally have some time alone,” Din took a deep, steadying breath before he continued: “And once up there… I could tell you that ever since I met you, I haven’t been able to shake you from my mind. I think you’re an incredible person and, if you’d allow me to, I’d like to get to know you better.”
“I’d love that, Din,” You practically squealed. “Although, perhaps for our first proper date, we should do something indoors,” You joked, the pain from your fall already subsiding after the rush of excitement that coursed through your body after Din had confessed his feelings for you.
Din laughed at that and wrapped his arm around you. The two of you shifted to a more comfortable position on the ground, swinging your legs out over the side of the rocky path and facing out to the rest of Nevarro. Even though you hadn’t made it to the top due to your unfortunate accident, you reasoned that it couldn’t possibly be as incredible as this. You were sure the view was even better from down here, especially with Din’s strong arm slung around your shoulders. You smiled as his hand rubbed the top of your arm gently as you leaned against his firm, warm chest.
You sighed in contentment as you gazed across the volcanic planet before you. It may have taken you falling flat on your face to finally force the two of you to address your feelings for each other, but it was undoubtedly a price you were willing to pay.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
Ahhh congrats on 666!!!!
For the event! Levi with “you s-s-sound beautiful moaning my n-n-name”
MC Female reader; gaming and snacks laced with aphrodisiac (by Asmo) to give these 2 the motivation to finally fuck. No Dom/Sub just exploring each others bodies and cumming like crazy
A/n: Ahhhh thanks for being the first request!!💖 I loved this idea so much!! I hope you enjoy it!
Cw: pronouns you/your, reader has vagina/breasts, aphrodisiac, two dick levi, vaginal penetration, fingering.
Word count: 2.3k
Prompt 6
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It started like any other normal night with Levi, him quickly pulling out options to play, you choosing one, him kicking your ass for the next twenty minutes until you decide to switch games. While you were no match for his gaming skills you enjoyed spending alone time with him, although you wished you could experience his other skills.
There was clearly tension between the two of you anytime you were alone, be it late at night or in the library at RAD, and while the two of you had your fair share of kisses and late night dirty talking it never went any further. That all changed tonight thanks to Asmo.
You had excused yourself to the bathroom for a moment, trying to collect your nerves. You had expressed your frustration to Asmo hoping he would have a solution to your predicament, of course he had multiple.
You went with an easier option, a small bag of gummies laced with an aphrodisiac that would give you and your lover the nerve to finally go all the way. You had no issue eating a few yourself but were unsure of how Levi would respond to the idea, terrified he would be upset with you for offering but also worried that if you were the only one to take them he wouldn’t be in the mood and you’d be left high and dry.
You collected your thoughts and headed out to rejoin the third born, panic set in when you found him though. Eyes on the screen, mouth clearly chewing something and hand shoved in the bag grabbing more little gummies.
“What are you doing?” You tried not to sound panicked.
“Eating some of your gummies, I was hungry and saw this bag fall out of your jacket when you got up!”
“Levi….how many did you eat?” You tried to level your voice to not raise suspicion.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal? We share food all the time?” Levi slowed his chewing and looked rather startled. You had to choose your words carefully now.
“Listen to me, how many did you eat?” You sat down next him, your legs tucked under you. You took the bag from him noticing a good amount missing, you looked back to him still awaiting an answer.
“I….I just had like…seven—”
“SEVEN??” Your voice higher than normal.
“Wha— its not that many!! I’ll pay you back! I’m sorry! Did I screw up? Are you mad now??” Leviathan’s eyes searched you for some sort of reassurance.
“No I’m— Leviathan I….shit…” This was not how you wanted to tell him about your little secret. “I don’t care that you ate the gummies, I care because of how many you ate! They’re laced with an aphrodisiac…”
You watched the panic set in and then the blush consume Levi’s face. You explained where they came from and why you had them, this calmed Levi enough to not bolt out of the room but he was still incredibly embarrassed.
“S-so now what?” He eventually asked, avoiding eye contact. You knew what would happen, you knew it was only a matter of minutes before the aphrodisiac would take over and Leviathan would be filled with sexual desire, you knew what you had to do. You opened the bag and took five gummies out, you paused for only a second before popping them in your mouth and swallowing.
“Now we wait.” You picked your controller up and handed Levi his, he took the controller and tried to refocus on the game at hand. The two of you sat shoulder to shoulder in silence, the only sound coming from the tv before you.
Not even half an hour later you found yourself completely consumed by the thought of Leviathan touching all over your naked body. You did your best to remain in control, glancing over at Levi from the corner of your eye, the third born was in a much worse state. He sat with his thighs pressed together, gripping his controller as tight as he could, eyes glued to the screen but not paying a bit of attention as his character kept wandering off screen.
He was so cute…you just needed a small kiss, just a quick one and that was all. You leaned over just slightly, your lips brushed against his cheek and you could feel the heat radiating from them, you placed a soft kiss on his skin.
A strangled moan left Levi and you could see his thighs shake as he did, his controller dropping to his lap and both hands covering his face. He started muttering an apology as his face turned a deep red, you ran your hand across his chest and tugged on his shirt trying to get him to turn back to you.
After a few gentle pulls Levi slowly turned back to face you, he lowered his hands to speak but was consumed by your kiss instead. Your lips locked with his and you cupped his cheek with one hand, you gave a few kisses but quickly became needy. You wanted more, you needed more…you needed all of him.
You deepened your kiss, running one hand up his shirt while the other held his face still. His hands quickly found their way to your waist, pulling you into his lap so you straddled him, one lingering at your waistband and the other running up your back to pull you closer. Slowly you worked his mouth open enough to slip your tongue in, moaning softly into his mouth as your tongues danced around each other, you felt him tense at the noise.
The kisses became sloppier, the aphrodisiac kicking in fully, you started pulling at each other’s clothes desperately. You could feel the bulge in Levi’s pants getting bigger, the heat between your legs growing just as fast, you started grinding slowly against his erection. Levi’s hands stopped moving and a lewd moan ripped from his throat, the red on his face now spread down his neck, you pulled your lips from his and turned his head enough to get to his throat.
You made your way up and down both sides of his neck, licking and sucking in certain spots, leaving wet hickies in your wake. Leviathan whimpered with every kiss, his hands drifting down to your ass and squeezing at the plush skin, he switched to grab your hips and grind you further down on his now throbbing bulge. You couldn’t take it anymore, you raised your head up and pressed your forehead against his, you had to have him.
“Levi,” you whined softly, eyes flickering between his own lust filled eyes and his red swollen lips. “I want you….all of you…please!”
“A-are you sure,” his voice shaky. He gripped the bottom of your shirt and avoided your gaze the best he could. You gently removed his hands from your shirt so you could grab the bottom yourself, slowly pulling it over your head before tossing it off to the side leaving your chest on full display.
“Yes,” you took his hands and placed them on top of your bra, his thumbs making contact with the soft flesh of your breasts. “I’m sure.”
Leviathan wasted no time, quickly shedding his own shirt, tracing the edges of your bra to feel your skin lightly brush against his fingers, he reached around to undo the clasp. You had sent him plenty of nudes before but nothing compared to seeing you in person.
Levi quickly latched on to one of your nipples while his fingers teased the other, every moan you released only encouraged him to continue, your hands in his hair as he sucked and licked at your sensitive bud felt euphoric. He did his best to gently lay you in your back while still latched on to you, you felt his free hand slide down your side, quickly pulling off your bottoms.
Your legs squeezed shut involuntarily, desperately seeking some type of attention to your overly aroused cunt. The third born released your tit from his mouth and sat back to look at you, your face flushed and eyes filled with lust, arms stretched above your head, chest exposed and nothing but sheer panties separating him from your pussy.
Levi sat back on his heels, the wet spot on your underwear driving him wild, he palmed himself through his sweatpants that still concealed his now massive bulge.
“Fuck,” his hips bucked against his hand wanting more friction. You spread your legs a little wider to give him a full view, a wicked grin on your face, practically begging for him to fuck you already. You knew he was nervous, filled with doubt and not believing that you would actually enjoy this, so you gave a few soft moans to encourage him to remove those stupid pants.
Leviathan hooked a thumb under his waistband, pulling his pants down just enough to expose his happy trial, you gave another encouraging moan while rubbing your thighs together to push him further. The red that consumed his face and neck now spread down to his chest, he turned away just a little but watched you from his peripheral, Leviathan slowly pulled his pants down until both his cocks were free.
“Fuuuuck” you moaned on instinct. Levi had told you about his not so little secret a few months back, after much encouragement he had finally started sending dick pics, but very rarely of both in the same shot. Nothing prepared you for seeing them in person, both fully erect, red and throbbing, precum leaking quickly from both. You watched as precum from the first cock dripped down onto the second, you could feel yourself throbbing just from watching him.
The third born discarded his pants completely before pulling off your panties. You watched his cocks twitch as soon as your pussy was exposed, you were already so wet he could’ve slid in without any prep at all. Levi slowly stroked one of his cocks while taking in your naked body on full display for him finally, you wanted to tease him for living out one of his pervy little fantasies but your mind was so fogged over with lust all you could do was moan and wiggle your hips.
He gathered a good amount of precum on his hand before reaching down to tease your clit, the sudden friction making you gasp and your entire body twitch, he ran two fingers along your folds slowly before sliding them in to rub against your walls. The moans and whines escaping you mixed with Leviathan’s own, his other hand switching between his cocks and occasionally reaching down to his balls, you were quickly growing jealous. He should be fucking into you, not his own hand.
“Baby pleeeease,” you whined as his fingers pulled out of you finally. “want you to fuck me!”
“O-okay,” Levi positioned himself between your legs, taking one of his cocks in hand and lightly rubbing it against your folds. You could feel him throb against your clit, the sensation running straight to your core and causing you to mewl loudly for more. Leviathan slowly pushed his tip in, taking his time to sink all the way in until your hips connected. “FU~UCK!”
He gave you time to adjust to his size before starting to thrust in and out, with each drag of his cock your eyes rolled back. Levi stroked his other cock with one hand while using your hip to pull you further onto the one filling you. Leviathan watched you close your eyes in bliss and got an idea, he let go of his cock so it could rut against your clit as he continued to fuck into you.
The friction of his one cock rubbing continuously against your swollen clit along with the throbbing cock inside you hitting your sweet spot made your head spin, you started grabbing at the air trying to find his shoulders to pull him closer. He got the message and dropped lower, propped up on his elbows as he quickened his pace, your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Shit! LEVIATHAN FUCK! Yes baby! Right there Levi! Oh fuck baby yes!” Your praise filling his ears as he rammed into you even faster. Precum from his one cock coating your stomach and giving him the ability to thrust harder. You chanted his name as you came around his cock, every cry of it sounded angelic to him.
“Y-you sound s-so beautiful moaning m-my n-name,” Leviathan pressed his lips against yours. He hated to cut off your moans but he needed to taste you again, his mind growing fuzzy as his own orgasm quickly approached. “Shit, gonna…..haaaa…gonna cum.”
Seconds after his warning Levi pulled out quick and released a deep moan as you reached down to milk both his cocks through the climax. Your hands, stomach and thighs coated in his cum, you brought one hand up to your mouth and gave it a slow lick, Levi shuttered while watching you.
The aphrodisiac was still going strong even post orgasm, you were both breathless but still incredibly horny. Leviathan lowered himself to lay beside you, you turned over to hook one leg around his waist giving him better access to your pussy again. The two of you began to lazily make out, hands roaming each other’s bodies as gentle moans and whimpers filled the room. Levi began to tease your clit once more and slid his fingers deep inside your folds while you started stroking both his cocks. You began slowly grinding against each other waiting to catch your breath for round two.
After tonight you’d no longer need the gummies to get things started, but you’d be sure to thank Asmo for his help. That is, if he couldn’t already hear you.
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laniemae · 8 months
Why I believe John/Orekoto was lying about his motive in Neoplasm
Ok so double just came out and I have a lot of thoughts. When a new MV comes out I usually wait a while until I can make a proper analysis but this one is mostly going to focus on neoplasm. And in particular one thing me and my friend found particularly suspicious about John’s (Orekoto’s) testimony when it comes to the murder(s).
When Es questioned John about their murder, he responded very clearly with “Yeah it was me, I killed them off”. And after that Es questioned why he did it, only to say that he did it only because they were annoying him and it was whoever was walking by. Es goes quiet at this which might imply to me some sort of suspicion on his testimony. John goes on to say that he can’t remember how many he killed because he was just born back then and his memory is kinda fuzzy.
Instantly this set off a ton of red flags for me, it just doesn’t make any sense when you think about it. Earlier on when John fronted he started acting all violent and threatened to beat up Es, who just calmly laughed it off. Es seemed to be quickly notice something was off, as their calm demeanour enacted an also suspiciously calm demeanour from John. Es then said it was strange because they assumed him to be a monster. After hearing that John instantly went back into that violent persona that they were showing as soon as they fronted.
This scene is very telling to me. John is not violent, or evil, heartless or anything like that. He’s only acting that way to potentially come out less. And be even straight up says “if I had stayed a monster… maybe that would’ve been better.” Then instantly takes back what he said by just going “…what?”
From this it’s very clear, like I said, that John isn’t evil. But then that takes what he said about his murders into question. That he only did it because he just got annoyed and killed random passers. This clearly isn’t true when you take into account the whole interaction with Es, because otherwise he would’ve attempted to kill Es the whole time and not go docile when they weren’t acting scared.
I believe that John is trying to dip back into his monster persona he made for himself here. He probably figured out that acting evil all the time wouldn’t work, and when questioned on such a sensitive topic such as the murder he just went with the option that made him the least sympathetic, and Mikoto more sympathetic in order to lower his stress levels by not telling the full truth. 
As for who committed the murder/s, I’m still pretty unsure. In double it looks like both sides are perpetrators. But this also takes into account, what about those scenes of John killing the mannequins? It seems like it matches up enough to what he said in the voice drama but I don’t think that’s the smiling gun.
Milgram is an extremely complex series, and in no way should the easiest option be assumed as the right one. Unreliable narrators are a big thing in the series, and we should look at a character’s MV with how they view themselves in mind. For example, Kazui thinks himself as a monster and this is especially prevalent in Cat, where if you’d take it at first glance you might assume that he’s evil or whatever, just as he views himself.
The same should apply to John as well. He wants to believe he’s a monster in order to protect Mikoto from more mental stress about his murder, and might end up with him fronting less. This likely subconsciously played itself into double and even MeMe, where John portrays himself as evil as that’s what he wants people to view him as.
I feel like when discussing who’s the murder and if John is evil, we should definitely take this into account otherwise our future opinions will be biased.
Ok so someone just mentioned the fact that he had a baseball bat in the first place means it was likely a premeditated murder. So him killing people just because they annoyed him would be a really weird thing to say because that would’ve been an impulsive murder, and he had a weapon at the time.
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Body Exchange Program Part 1:
It all started with an app service called the Body Exchange Program, or B.E.P. For short
The concept of the app was to make a way for people to experience different types of lives, and it did just that. By swapping 2 peoples body’s
Of course it charged a small fee tho, however nothing too extravagant, just 100 dollars, pretty cheep compared to flying or driving somewhere else in the world for a vacation…
I was your typical skater boi, skinny as fuck, 4pack abs, but faint, really only had them cause I’d be too high to remember to eat, oh did a mention a stoner haha? Vaped, even had a bunch of different colored wristbands I’d wear all the time.
Growing up was kinda boring in my small town, nothing really to do besides skate around town and get High with my friends, which I was perfectly fine with, until I discovered I could have more
When the internet first discovered this app, the world went crazy, and I could see why, a lot of out of pocket swaps that you really wouldn’t think were Consensual like 50 year old bears swapping with 20 year old twinks started happening, really strange when those same duos decided to change from the temporary option to permanent, which both accounts would have to go into there settings and select.
My story starts shortly after I made my account and Input all the typical information you would as if goin on a dating website, with a couple extreme questions for your account, like dick size, kinks, ideal body swap
Account summary:
Age: 18
height: 5’10
weight: 135
Location: Kansas
Penis size: 5.5 inches
Kinks: body swaps (duh?)
Ideal Bodyswap: city boy, college, fit
Interests: smoking pot and skateboarding with friends
End summary.
The next day, when I woke up a received a notification at like 2 AM from someone that was a 100% match… not hard when you have such a short requirement list, wanting to do a 72 hour switch for the weekend
It was from some guy named Kyle with a summary of his account
Age: 21
Height 6’2
Weight: 195
Location:Florida State
Penis size: 8 inches
Kinks: anal, Asian chicks, Bodyswaps
Ideal Bodyswap: country/small town, stoners , people with fun lives
Interests: working out, fucking, drinking
Not seeing a picture or anything I decided to just press accept… I mean after all Kyle fit all my Criteria, bear minimal I could hope for is he isn’t ugly or fat, but since he’s interested in working out, and fucking, he’s gotta be some sort of catch, and boy was I right
The moment I pressed accept a 15 second timer started warning me to prepare myself, so I sat down… but that still didn’t prepare me for what was waiting on the other side
I snapped back to consciousness to me suddenly flexing my muscles in front of a mirror
“Wow I’m a walking cliche” I said outloud, of course a gym rat would be wearing a wife beater and checking himself out in the mirror lol. but I can understand why, I look fucking great. I said to myself while continuing to flex, normally I wouldn’t cause a bag of bones like me had nothing to flex, but now that I do…. Well… you know what they say, when I’m Rome
At that point I started spouting off random shit just to hear myself talked, I found my new deeper voice amusing
After a short time of making poses and just making faces in the mirror taking in my new alpha jock boy look, I receive a messaged from my old account
Tanner(really Kyle): hey bro, thanks for swapping with me, you’re kinda a bit scrawnier than I expected but at 135, idk what I should have expected haha. Anyways like I said thanks, I kinda just want to take a break from the way I party all the time, kinda hard to get and smoke weed around there without getting busted by cops or ratted out on by some of the basic bitches there…
Kyle (really tanner) it’s all good man, ya I really just wanted to get that college experience for a bit, go to some parties myself haha, I’ll be sure to keep up that reputation you clearly have haha. And ya, I know I’m scrawny, hence why I wanted to swap with someone fit, anything I should know about?
Tanner: ya, when you go to a party and the bitches try to get with you, try not to get hard untill it’s time to lay it down, otherwise my dick kinda hurts from being restrained in my pants, and the bulge is very noticeable too when it happens… guess I’m also curious what having a average dick is like, weird that I can’t swing it anymore
Kyle: thanks for the tip
I immediately closed out the app and proceeded to tear my shorts down at the speed of which you’d think someone was about to get assaulted, and they/it was about to get assaulted by my hand
“Jesus Christ” I said shaking to the left and right, I can actively smack myself with my dick, that’s so cool bro…
I started going though his texts, with my hand slowly stroking my new huge rod, untill I found a recent text from some chick that invited me to a party, scrolling up though it I saw her nudes she had sent Kyle before
My semi grew into a full on hard on and at that point I had to use all 8 inches of my glory, right?
After I busted a nut I left the mess on me and sent her a picture of it saying “can’t wait to see you”
When I showed up to the party I was immediately greeted with a budlight platinum, and was surrounded by friends/other party goers who new me
After having 6 beers, shit talkin with the new homies and trying not to blow my cover, that I’m not really Kyle, I finally saw the chick I was texting earlier and once we made eye contact, she made a jerkin motion with her head to the stairs, which she then went up.
Feelin a hardon starting to come, I quickly let my friends know I had to go, and rushed up the stairs, once I broke out of the group I could hear one shout “ya right, your going to fuck Jessica aren’t you!?” I turn around walking backwards and yell “fuck ya bro” as I corrected myself and bolted up the stairs
Once I found what room she was in, she was already naked, bent over, hands tied to the bed post with a ball gag in her mouth, she clearly knew what this guy liked, and not wanting to cause suspicion, I went with it
Climbing onto the bed I dropped my pants and spit onto my dick, sliding it into her ass, i came here to fuck, and fucking the dog shit out of her is what I was gonna do.
After that night I knew I couldn’t give this life up. Drunkenly checking the settings of the app I saw it, the make permanent switch
I clicked it and it sent me a message sayin waiting for the other swapper to agree
No way in hell was he gonna agree to keep my twinky body and lose almost 3 inches… “FUCK how can I make this permanent” I thought to myself
Rereading our messages it hit me, I’m signed in as him, all I have to do is sign into my account and accept, I mean it’s like 3 A.M, no way is he up/received this yet
So that’s what I do, moment I agreed to make permanent, my dick got rock hard at the fact that this is how ima always be now, college city boy, big dick alpha jock, could I have even asked for a better combo!
Next morning I got a message from Kyle from his account, he must have signed into his account since I signed him out of mine
Kyle: aye bro you ready to swap back yet? I kinda got caught smoking pot at the park in your body and got arrested, your other stoner friends bailed me out bro…
Tanner: dam that sucks bro, too bad it’s not a me problem tho
Kyle, how is it not a you problem? I kinda fucked up and I’m sorry bro
Tanner:cause, it’s your body now, the swap is permanent, check the settings
Kyle: …..
Kyle: wtf bro this isn’t what I asked for, I just wanted to smoke some pot and maybe not have such painful erections when my jeans can barely hold my dick for a bit
Tanner: good then bro, glad your happy you got what you wanted, I’m happy too, this body is fucking rad my guy, I don’t know why you’d give it up, I typed gaslighting the fuck out of him
Kyle: idk how you did it, but I know I didn’t agree to a permanent swap, my default setting is temporary and I don’t accept random permanent requests… nor would I send one
Tanner: oh but you did ;)
Kyle: just wait till I contact support, I hope they put you in the body of a fat old man for punishment. Rot in hell asshole
Edit: sorry for another fucking mini Novel basically lol
I’d like to give @tfstation a special thank you for letting me use one of his old story concepts (the concept of BEP, not the actual story, I wrote that) anyways lemme know what y’all think!!!!
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alexthefly · 4 months
Take My Hand
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This was supposed to be a @flashfictionfridayofficial , but I was a bit late and got my timezones mixed up, and then the word count went over and... well here it is anyway.
Or read it on AO3 here.
Also tagging @tagloveandthunderbirds 'cos ❤️
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds are Go
Word count: 1048
Warnings: feet/shoes
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“You ready to do this, Sweetheart?”
Lucy took her time smoothing down the front of her dress, purposely not looking at the empty dance floor yawning in front of her.
“Are you? You know dancing isn't exactly my forte; a first dance in front of all these people just seems like asking for trouble." She shuffled in her chair. "Are trampled feet covered by the wedding insurance?”
Jeff snickered. “I checked the policy just before I came over here. We’re all set.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. But I’m wearing heels, don't forget; it's going to be like Bambi on Ice out there.”
He shrugged. 
“Well I did suggest the hiking boots instead, but you shot me down; something about ‘the aesthetic’. Which looks stunning on you, by the way.” 
He stood back to better take her in, grinning appreciatively.
“Last time I make that mistake,” she muttered, waving away the compliment. “Given ‘the aesthetic’ is currently cutting off the circulation to my pinkie toe, respectfully ‘the aesthetic’ can go jump in a lake.”
She mentally cursed the salesperson who’d talked her into putting fashion ahead of comfort.
Concern flashed across Jeff’s handsome face. “Are they really hurting you, honey? We can get you other shoes.”
She smiled up at him reassuringly. “No really, I’m exaggerating …sort of. They just kinda pinch, that's all.”
If she was totally honest with herself, it wasn't even the salesperson’s fault, really. She’d been the one chasing a dream of being perfect and ladylike, even if it was only this once. Dammit, why was dressing up fancy so hard?!
Of course it didn't help that her new husband managed it so effortlessly. He was currently working ‘the aesthetic’ to within an inch of its life, cutting a very dashing figure in his elegant new grey suit and tie, dress shirt and shoes all perfectly matched and filled out perfectly.
Seriously, where did he get off being so good-looking? 
She’d just wanted to appear worthy of him, that’s all. Jeff Tracy: ace pilot, hometown hero, handsomest guy in the county and a genuinely good man to boot. He was the prince, and just once she’d wanted to feel like she could be his match - a princess - instead of some awkward, clutzy science nerd who’d somehow managed to win the husband lottery.
She sighed. Clearly that wasn't to be.
There was a pause, then without another word her very handsome husband - God, he really did look good in that suit - knelt down in front of her and took one of her feet gently in his hands. He examined the delicate and uncharacteristically high-heeled white shoe with utmost seriousness, before removing it and flinging it across the room.
Lucy felt her face burst into flames as a roomful of eyes turned towards them.
“What? Doesn't that feel better?”
In all fairness it absolutely did. She wiggled her newly-released toes appreciatively even as she fought the urge to hide underneath the table.
“You can't just go throwing shoes around. You’re making a scene.”
He stopped and looked at her, ignoring the rest of the room, then slowly and deliberately reached out and took hold of her other foot.
“I want to enjoy a dance with my beautiful new wife, and if these admittedly pretty little shoes are getting in the way of that…” 
The second shoe flew over his shoulder, just missing a nearby waiter.
“...then they’ve gotta go.”
The room was hushed; everyone was looking at them. Part of her wanted to run and hide in the coatroom until they’d all gone, but he was holding her gaze, keeping her steady. 
“I don't want anything getting between me and the most amazing, beautiful, perfect person I ever saw, ever again.”
He rose gracefully to his feet and held out his hand to her.
“So how about it? May I have this dance?”
It was late spring and the cicadas were singing. Airbase staff were bustling all around, knocking into her, sending papers flying everywhere. She knelt down to pick them up, and suddenly there was a hand in front of her.
“Can I give you a hand, Miss?”
It was fall, and the trees around them were every shade of red. They’d talked about everything and nothing, walking side by side, until he stopped and reached out to her.
“Would it be alright if I held your hand?”
It was winter and the snow was falling softly. His ice skates made long swooshing noises on the ice around her, while hers clacked noisily as she tried and failed to keep her footing. Another swoosh and then he was there in front of her, hand extended.
“Okay, so not my best idea. How about we go get a hot chocolate instead? My treat?”
It was the last days of summer, and the clear water of the lake lapped at her toes. She’d never felt so happy in her life. A perfect day. Beside her she felt him shift nervously, and then he was holding his hand out, a little red box in it, one knee on the ground.
“I’ve got a question I wanna ask…”
Her head flooded with the memories of a hundred moments, small and huge, all of them important. A hundred images of him offering his hand, and at last she understood.
He'd reached out for her.
She was the one. And she was worthy, just as she was.
Smiling, she accepted the offered hand.
“Of course you may, Mr Tracy.”
He grinned and bowed. “Why thankyou, Mrs Tracy.”
She rose and he led her, barefoot and spotlit, to the dance floor without a care in the world. Keeping her hand in his, he wrapped his other arm around her waist, enveloping her like a delicate, precious treasure, safe and protected. Their eyes met and he beamed at her like his face was made of actual sunshine.
She grinned back at him.
“You’re sure about that wedding insurance now? Last chance.”
“Don’t you worry about my toes, darlin’. Just keep a hold of me and we’ll do fine.”
And with that the band struck up an old favourite, and hand-in-hand they danced the night away.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you.
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nat-20s · 5 months
For the ask meme: pov?
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
MARTHA TIME BABEY!! this is set in season 3!! also this got longer than i was anticipating so uh readmore time <3
Martha knew about the (in her opinion, a bit on the nose) rosebush that resided splayed across The Doctor’s ribs, and how it didn’t used to have thorns wrapped around it. She obviously knew of and thought fondly about the caduceus snuggled to his clavicle that matched her own. (and oh, how she remembered that day, him and his confusing heartbeat and his eccentricities, including pulling down the collar of his shirt with an enthusiastic “This one is you, isn’t it!”.) She was even aware of the swirling vortex wrapped around his wrist that faded in and out, belonging to one Captain Jack Harkness. That one was..interesting, to say the least.
But The Doctor tended to stay rather bundled up. Logically speaking, it was entirely possible that he had several more marks that she would never bare witness to. She just kind of assumed otherwise, though. The Doctor hardly seemed the type to accumulate soul marks willy nilly, and even when he did, they didn’t seem like they would be all that private. Definitely not a soul mark on the upper thigh type bloke, by any means.
Then he had to go and get himself shot. Sure, she wasn’t an expert in xenobiology (yet- she had some plans), but generally speaking, large wound treatment was the same regardless of species. Step 1: get them into a position where you can accurately assess the wound, for the love of god, Doctor, stop being a baby, take off your shirt, and stay STILL. Step 2: Stop the bleeding. Luckily the shot through the shoulder had been from laser fire rather than a bullet, cauterizing the wound. Clearly meant to injure rather than kill, thank god. Step 3: If bleeding is under control, clean the wound. She didn’t have all the resources she’d like, but the Tardis did provide a fairly extensive first aid kit, including sterilizing wipes that The Doctor, uh, probably wouldn’t have a bad reaction to. Hopefully. Step 4: Make the open wound no longer open: aka bandage it up and threaten to put a cone on him if he starts messing with it.
The final step, which was really only in this specific case, was stop focusing on the wound and see a large dark spot out of the corner of her eye. Curious, and just a tad worried that there was some Other thing going on, Martha actually studies the blotch between his shoulder blades. It’s not a blotch, or a wound, or a rash, but rather the spitting image of a beetle. Oh, interesting. Clearly a soulmark, though the color is slightly faded, and she couldn’t think of who it might go to. Swallowing down just the ever so slightest twinge of jealousy over The Doctor being connected to yet another someone, she couldn’t help but ask, “So who’s this one then?”
She even threw in a slightly cheeky grin, because she genuinely was more curious than anything. Instead of direct response, of course, The Doctor only replied with a “Huh?”
“The beetle? Smack dab in the middle of your back? You know the one!”
With a scoff, The Doctor hastily puts his (first) shirt back on, and sucks in a breath through his teeth as he pulls on the brand new bandaging. “I most certainly do not know the one. I don’t have a mark on my back!”
Martha rolls her eyes at him. “Do you really not know? It’s not exactly subtle.”
The Doctor turns to face her, stares for a moment, then...sonics his own back. Apparently that does something for him, because as he squints down to the readout? he lets out a classic, “What?”
“I mean, it’s not that odd of a mark, is it? Almost terrestrial, for you.”
“No, that’s not. It’s not the mark itself, it’s, well, I don’t know who it belongs to.”
“Wait, I thought you had this sort of thing all, I dunno, cataloged out? Filed and color coded and everything.”
“Yeah, I mean, it could be her-”
Martha’s eyebrows raise and she covers up another of the littlest, ittiest, bittiest pang with a teasing, “Oh her? You’ve got a mystery woman out there? Or should I say another one?”
“No, no, no, not like that, just someone I ran into-”
“Yeah, right, someone you ‘just ran into’ is someone you have a soulmark with.”
He grimaces ever so slightly, at it’s not from that stupid shoulder of his. “Yeah, you’re right. Can’t be...Well, should be interesting to find out, anyway. Now, where were we? Trensalor, right?”
He’s dashing off to the Tardis console before she can respond, and she lets out a sigh. She knows full well this conversation isn’t getting anywhere any time soon, so might as well go with it. Privately, she hopes that whomever this mystery person is that is now written on The Doctor’s skin is decent. Maybe even someone she could get on with, ideally.
She hasn’t yet discovered the beetle wing on her back.
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