#i was like oh ill just read from where the anime left off
bellarkeselection · 10 months
for cole walter, could you do one where reader replaces jackie (so her fam died and she moved in with the walter’s) and cole doesn’t really like her. one day she gets a cold, and cole takes care of her (begrudgingly) and realizes she isn’t so bad 🫶🏼🥹
Cole Walter Does Care
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Tag list- send me an ask to be added @cognacdelights @connieisthesun
I rolled over in my bed and felt a headache coming on the second I woke up which really sucked. Slowly sitting up I thought I would feel better that only seemed to make it worse. My nose was beginning to get stuffy and my throat felt dry. Footsteps came from the hallway and I heard whoever it was pause outside my door. “Hey Y/n, my mom is making breakfast. Woah you don’t look too good.”
“Thanks Alex - uh I didn’t know that.” I started coughing and then reached over needing to blow my nose into some tissues.
He entered my room with a sad expression. “I can get my mom to check you out if you want.”
“Please do.” I whimpered, sounding so helpless tugging the covers back over my chest.
He nodded, rushing out of the room and going downstairs to go get her. “On it, Y/n.” Once he was gone I yanked the coves over my head screaming and coughing into my blankets.
“Sounds like there’s a dying angry animal in here. Oh no sorry it’s just you Y/n.” I noticed the voice of Cole who when I peaked my head above the blanket saw that he was leaning in my doorway.
Grumbling under my breath I really wasn’t in the mood for his teasing. “Go away Cole. I’m not feeling good and you’ll just make it worse.”
“Ah now I’m offended since most people find my company to be quite enjoyable.” He walked into my bedroom sitting down on the side of my bed moving the cover down from my eyes so he could see some of my face.
“Well I d-don’t-“ I attempted to say but another coughing fit had to hit me right before his mother and Alex came back into my bedroom.
Catherine sat down and pushed Cole off the bed, putting a hand to my forehead. “Oh you're burning up. You'll just have to stay in bed today and miss the fair.”
“Okay Skylar and Tara won't be happy.” I responded in a tired breath.
She shakes her head eyeing her older son. “I'm sure they'll understand honey. Cole, I need you to stay and take care of her.”
“What the hell!” He raised his voice, accidentally cursing at his mother.
I sat upright on the pillows but had a coughing fit as a result. “No! He doesn't need to be here…”
“This is not up for discussion. Y/n you are really sick and Cole you will be staying home to take care of her. Because you're grounded after we found out you were sneaking girls out of the house. Come on, Alex.” She got to her feet and she left with Alex following her downstairs leaving us alone in my bedroom together.
Laying my head back down on the pillows I yanked the covers over my head screaming into it until Cole made a comment. “Don't think I'm happy about this either.”
“Oh sure. I'm sorry my illness prevented you from hooking up with Erin or Olivia or Paige!” I snapped at him.
His green eyes glared at me. “You don't have the right to judge my life.”
“Neither do you about me then!” I growled turning my back towards him.
Cole watched me for a little while hearing me doze off for a few hours of sleep. He sure found you annoying at times but there was something about you that he liked. It was the fact that you fought with him over the most ridiculous stuff. Most girls just fell at his beck and call except you. He walked around the room noticing a notebook laying on the desk. “Y/n's diary…hmm. I can't deny that I may have feelings for Cole even though he drives me nuts.” He debated reading it but when he flipped to one of the middle he heard you groan waking up.
“Cole, I'm gonna puke.” I moaned, struggling to get out from under the blankets.
He dropped the book rushing over to me, he put one arm underneath my shoulder and the other under the back of my knees carrying me through the door and across to the bathroom on this floor. “I've got ya…I've got ya.” He reassured me when I collapsed onto my knees puking in the toilet.
I felt one of his hands holding my hair back and the other was rubbing my back till I was finished. “Thanks Cole…”
“You’re welcome. See I'm not a total asshole.” He responded sitting across from me on the floor. His honey blonde hair was tossed and in his eyes like always.
Hugging my knees to my chest, my hair was a wreck and my nose was red. I looked like a complete mess and I didn't care for it one bit. His green eyes remained on me before I asked him not to handle the silence well. “If you wanna say something to me just go on and get it out, Walter.”
“I read part of your diary after you fell asleep. I know how you feel about me and honestly I'm shocked given how I've treated you.” He shrugged his shoulders like it was just a casual thing to say to someone.
I raised my voice in frustration grabbing a tissue when I had to sneeze two or three times. “You read my diary! Cole, you have no right to that. How much did you read - god I want to crawl in a hole now I'm so embarrassed.” Covering my face that was red as a tomato avoiding his gaze.
“Aren't you going to ask me how I felt about it?” Cole questioned with a curious look on his face.
Knitting my brows at the former star football player. “You’re telling me you have a crush on me. Yeah right. I'll believe it in another universe.”
“Do you believe me when I do this?” He shifted onto his knees coming closer to me.
Lifting my head up he cut my question off. “What are you doing-” His lips landed right on mine. Cole scooted closer and placed his hands on either side of my face. I wanted to push him away because I was sick and two because he shouldn't even couldn’t really be kissing me now.
Trailing my hands up his chest my arms wrapped around his neck and he moaned into the kiss after we had gotten closer. Cole tugged me up to sit down on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close to his chest as possible. “Cole, stop - Cole stop. We can’t be doing this.” Pushing my hands on his chest he drew back confused.
“Because you're sick. I don't care about that. I just needed you to know that I actually care about you, Y/n.” He declared still cupping my face on his hands green eyes so focused on me.
Moving one hand through his honey hair, my other drops to his shoulder blade. “I can't believe it, Cole Walter has a crush on me. Here I was thinking you hated me.” I chuckled with a half grin.
“Why did you think I only picked on you when you first got here. I figured you had a thing for bad guys in you somewhere. Just had to bring it out of ya, darling.” Cole tucked hair behind my ear before he could hear a lot of footsteps heading up the wooden stairs outside the shut bathroom door.
“What do we - uh do!” I sneezed where Cole gave me a tissue and I wiped my nose watching him get to his feet.
He scooped me up bridal style once more where I wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying the feeling of being in his arms like this. “Don't worry, we'll go to my room. They all know better than to go in there…now where we're we?” He carried me quickly out and into his room, closing and locking the door.
“Cole, I'm nowhere near ready for that kind of thing. Sorry if that disappoints you.” I apologize for crawling under the covers on his bed, blushing a deep shade of red.
He kicked off his shoes and got in beside me, gently pushing my head down in the crock of his neck so I would fall asleep. “I don't care about sleeping with you yet. I just wanted to see you blush.”
“Cole!” I punched his chest hearing him laugh and it was music to me considering he rarely ever laughs.
He kissed the crown of my head and watched my eyes begin to close shut. “I'm just playing with ya, Y/n. Now get some rest.” I closed my eyes and looped my hand with his freehand that wasn't playing with hair to make me dose off in his arms.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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asagaciousmind · 4 months
Saw the Les Miserables Tour at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto on May 21 2024; here are my thoughts (Long read, sorry I have a lot of feelings)
Prologue/Look Down/Valjean's Soliloquy
We got like, holographic waves crashing and the men are rowing a boat LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE it's awesome
Oh my god the pipes on the background actors were so good. THE SUN IS STRONG ITS HOT AS HEEELLL BELOW
I miss Javert's stupid guard hat. Was bareheaded as he gave Valjean his yellow ticket
PETIT GERVAIS?????????? Valjean steals a little boy's coin when he's roaming the countryside 😭
Randy Jeter as the Bishop blew me away. Not just his voice but his acting was FANTASTIC every single movement was like. I am an old bishop. This is how an old bishop moves. Idk idk it was really good
Nick Cartell did a great job w Valjean overall, but I totally loved him as pre-MsurM Valjean the most. He acts like a feral animal, grabbing the wine out of the nun's hands and the bread from the priest all hunched over and practically snarling - very very cool and awesome
At the End of the Day
Not a negative but when we went to At the End of the Day there was very minimal lighting and my first thought was Oh no the lighting broke hope they fix it and we don't have to have a brief intermission but then when they went 'At the end of the day there's another day dawning' the lights went up and I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHH so that's just me not understanding lighting direction
Foreman killed it, so did all of the factory workers I love all the interactions and ad-libbing in the background it makes me so happy to see
Every time I saw a tall graceful ensemble member I was like '"That's Kyle Adams" and 8/10 times I was right. Otherwise it was Daniel Gerard Bittner
I Dreamed A Dream
OKKKK VOCALS???? Haley Dortch has such a beautiful, clear, emotional sound and she left not a dry eye in the house. Literally the second intermission hit my parents and myself were like. Holy shit dude what about that Fantine
I got her autograph after the show and she was so so sweet 🥺 She accidentally messed up her signature and had to redo it and was apologising to me and I was like GIRL you brought the house down you could stab me right now and I'd be like 'Thanks have a good one'
Lovely Ladies / Fantine's Arrest
Bamatabois (David Andino) was a standout performance, really chewed the scenery and I adored every second he was on stage (Plus his costume was fantastic)
The other girls defending Fantine 🥺
I like that after the police show up and they basically arrest all of the ladies and pimps, regular well-off citizens come out to witness Valjean defending Fantine from Javert. Thought it was a nice touch
Fantine's Death
My first and only cry of the evening, Haley Dortch no one does it like you
The Confrontation
If you've heard me talk about the confrontation you'll know that I absolutely hate the new chain choreography, HOWEVER. I really really liked it this time. Preston in particular gave it a lot of physicality that I enjoyed
Nick Cartell is a little guy and I don't really believe that his Valjean managed to knock out Preston's Javert
For some reason the percussion was really loud and I could barely hear the vocals so I don't have many thoughts on them
Master of the House / Waltz of Treachery
Both Thenardiers were fantastic, not a crazy amount of ad-libbing but when they did they made it count ("BYE, BAGUETTE")
Madame in particular was hilarious
Master of the House is very busy in a good way, everywhere you look interesting things are happening. Another number where the ensemble shines and you can tell everyone is having a blast
The Bargain was funny as hell, Thenardier tells Cosette to die in his arms and she goes limp when he's saying she's 'often been ill'
Valjean gives Cosette Catherine!
Look Down / The Robbery
Gavroche was super charismatic and confident, really great child actor (Milo Maharlika)
Eponine tosses Marius' book across the stage and he goes "I like the way you always ... tease 😐" They're such cute friends together
After Enjolras and the boys are done their preaching Enjolras gets stopped by a policeman and is told off 😭
During the robbery Montparnasse keeps Marius away by brandishing his little knife at him which I thought was cute
Also! Montparnasse is the only member of Thenardier's gang to escape during the Robbery!!! Which is a nice Brick reference
After Thenardier's 'In the absense of a victim' spiel he does this exact pose
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Gavroche's little 'Clear the streets' 🫡moment is so cute
God I love Preston Truman Boyd
His Javert is so stalwart and reserved and dedicated, he's kind of robocop and it really really works, and you get to see just a smidge of vulnerability peek out in this song
ABC Cafe / Red and Black
I DON'T REMEMBER A LOT bare with me
Grantaire was absolutely the standout. Slapped Marius' butt with his coat. Stuck his wine bottle dick in Enjolras' face. Offered Combeferre a sip of his wine (who reluctantly accepted). Blew a kiss at Enjolras
Kyle Adams physicality is probably my favourite aspect of his Grantaire - he moves very assuredly, like a cat, in a way that is like okay he's drunk but he's so used to being drunk that his stumbling is more like dancing. I remember reading a fic that described Grantaire's movements in a similar way and I wonder if that was one of the fics Kyle took inspiration from?
OOH they did the wine bottle keep-away thing with Grantaire and Marius which I didn't know they still did so that was exciting
J.T Wood is such a cute Joly I love his voice
In Do You Hear the People Sing Grantaire grabs a gun and holds it at arms-length like it has cooties before handing it off to another student
Combeferre waves the flag both times (Here and in One Day More) and I'm not sure if it's always Combeferre who does that or if it's because Andrew Marks Maughan is clearly the most physically strong of the Barricade Boys
In My Life / A Heart Full of Love
Delaney Guyer is a really good Cosette in that she has a gorgeous voice and also has a lot of personality and actually reacts to things going on around her
Marius (who was played by Christopher James Tamayo for this performance) is such a cute little nerd. You can see him try to figure out what he's going to do, then he throws a rock at Cosette's window and kind of cringes at the noise - he's so unsure of himself and awkward
Cosette is very excited that he's here and closes the window right away, which prompts Marius' 'I'm doing everything all wrong!' until she reappears downstairs and they get to be cute dorks in love
Attack on Rue Plumet
I don't remember a lot but I DO remember that Eponine was really good here
When Valjean is like 'Tomorrow we'll away' Cosette goes 'WHAT? NO!'
David Andino is so good as Babet he is a chronic scene stealer at this point
One Day More
If you know Another thing about me you know I hate the One Day More box-step but it actually did not bug me this time. They put Grantaire next to Enjolras for the marching portion which is cute
On My Own
Holy shit Mya Rena Hunter delivered the most heartbreaking and powerful rendition of this I've ever heard
The Barricade
Loved Feuilly in his little part
Javert is a good spy. If I didn't know the plot of Les Mis I would've been like Holy shit that's Javert? Crazy. I love him drawing the 'plans' he'd overheard into the ground with a stick
Gavroche flipping Javert off >>>>>
Buff Combeferre is one of the two to drag Javert away to be tied up lol
A Little Fall of Rain
The only version of ALFoR that actually made me feel something
Marius and Eponine get a lot of time to be cute together before the barricade actually notices that she's dying - and Gavroche is the first to notice and gets a front row seat to her death which is heartbreaking
The First Attack
Grantaire's "AND SO THE WAR WAS WON!" was sooo scathingly sarcastic
Javert waited, like, 30 seconds to leave after Valjean freed him, with his back almost against the barrel of Valjean's gun as if he were hoping to be shot
When the gun went off the entire barricade abruptly snapped their heads to look at Valjean and the audience laughed 😭
Telling Valjean 'Well done' for shooting a tied up hostage is a strange choice
Drink With Me
I still hate 'For certain as the eagle flies' I think it's the dumbest line in the entire musical
Grantaire's part was very grand - His voice has like noticeably changed at this point in the musical to give it a sort of hoarse hopeless quality to it which absolutely hits you in the feels
Enjolras comforted him and I swear Grantaire let his hand linger on his cheek for a few seconds longer than normal before pushing him away
Gavroche hugged Grantaire from behind and Grantaire couldn't even turn around at first because he was so distraught and kind of blindly reached for him 😭
Chris Tamayo's Marius is such a poor little meow meow
Bring Him Home
Absolutely jaw-dropping performance from Nick Cartell
He sings Bring Him Home like it's a lullaby - which it's supposed to be
I don't exaggerate when I say that the applause went on for about a minute straight, and was the loudest of the night by far
Death of Gavroche / The Final Battle
Oh poor thang
Grantaire near the end of Gavroche's singing was turned away facing the audience like he knew Gav was going to die and couldn't bear to watch 🥺
Later on in the final battle Grantaire spends most of the time next to Gavroche's body in like a catatonic state
The SPOTLIGHTS representing BULLETS as Les Amis died almost made me lose it
Grantaire dies last, I'm sure he said something before he started climbing the barricade but I couldn't hear it 😭He and Enjolras still have their moment over Marius' body
The Sewer
Javert comes across Enjolras' cart-carried body (Still hate the cart but I can learn to appreciate it) and looks a bit uncomfortable
Then he stumbles upon Gavroche's corpse, kneels, and does the sign of the cross over him
Almost made me cry ngl
Javert looked like he wanted to shoot Valjean as he walked away with Marius
Javert's Suicide
It was so good
Preston Truman Boyd you will always be famous I fully believe that Javert had completely lost his mind at this point in the play
I don't have many thoughts on the rest but I loved Marius and Cosette reading Valjean's confession as he walked away with Fantine - and the Bishop hugging him as he arrives in heaven
Also Kyle Adams as Major Domo mincing about the stage in The Wedding was an absolute delight
Am very sleepy now but overall 10/10 I love this cast so much
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. I also gave him some anxiety and stuff because while he’s in love he doesn’t believe someone could love him back. He just has a lot of uncertainty with romance. Mawwiage happens. Alcohol is mentioned. Everyone’s having a good time. A/N: The epilogue! Enjoy. I am not done with these two in the sense I'll do more one-shots and the likes for them as well as AUs with Buggy's older sister and The Wives. Thank you to everyone who's been reading this! Enjoy!
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
The marriage was far from perfect.
Your first actual fight showed Buggy you were capable of not speaking to him for an entire week. It was regarding one of Mohji’s animals, a bear that fell ill and passed away. You had been upset for both the loss of the animal and Mohji; the boy loved that bear so much. All Buggy suggested was that you not… cry so much over it. That was it, suck it up and move on. It was just a bear.
He was on his knees begging for your forgiveness by the end of the week.
Then there was the time you accidentally cut up his favorite shirt. He had left it for days on the scrap fabric pile you collected in the bedroom and asked him many times if he was sure that shirt needed to be there. He had insisted it was, but a week after you cut it up into scraps to patch some of the crew’s clothes, Buggy asked about it. You both needed to work on more than verbal communication.
And a few years into the marriage, Buggy was feeling less like you were going to leave him for every person who talked to you that he was pretty relaxed - a little too relaxed because for your birthday he took you to a pub, got a little drunk, and made a comment about how hot the barmaid was. You weren’t mad, more amused by it, but when you reminded him the next day when he sobered up what he said, he was mortified.
You were leaving him for sure for that, he was certain of it.
On his birthday you disappeared for a day on an island you begged to be dropped off at. Buggy caved, wanting to do anything for you in hopes you would forget how he acted like an ass on your birthday again. Maybe you just needed a break from him, even if it was on his birthday. 
You came back after meeting up with Kuro and oh, oh the divorce was inevitable now. You had told him a few days after your birthday when he had a meltdown over how he acted and he begged for you to tell him if there was any man or pirate alive that you would have been with other than him and… that fucking cat pirate was the one you chose. Oh, he was handsome and he dressed so sharply, and you felt you had bragging rights over how well he dressed because he was your first true customer that you had repeated business with.
It was a dagger to Buggy’s heart, over and over and over again. 
“What’s got you so upset?” You asked when he stopped responding, slumped on the floor with an almost empty bottle of rum beside him. You moved the bottle and knelt beside him, touching his shoulder. “You feel okay, honey?”
“Are you leaving me for Kuro?” He whimpered, refusing to look at you because he just knew the answer. You’d be happier with a better dressed pirate than with Buggy. It was startling when you chuckled and kissed him on the cheek.
“No, no. I’m not leaving you for cat-boy.” You told him as you tried to coax him to look at you. “I was getting your birthday present, Buggy, to show you how much I love you.”
He sniffled, lifting his head to see you taking your shirt off. A look of confusion crossed his face as you turned yourself to show him your arm, revealing a tattoo of his jolly roger. 
“This isn’t your only present, y’know, I’m gonna make you a feast.” You said as he sat up quickly, trying to get a closer look, but the alcohol was hitting him and he slumped against you, looking up with large, watery eyes as you stroked his cheek gently. “I love you, Buggy, and I’m never leaving you.”
That… that helped. He felt better after that, though still had doubts.
The conversation about kids was… not what he anticipated. He thought you’d want kids right away, he saw how you were around children, how your eyes lit up at the family gatherings each year when you got to see all the kids(he loved the look of horror each year on your aunt’s face when the two of you showed up, she didn’t expect the marriage to last). He watched you pick up your cousin’s baby - he was two years younger than you and his wife just had their first kid. Your eyes lit up and Buggy watched your face soften with a smile he hadn’t seen before. 
He waited until you two were alone to ask. To his surprise you snorted at his question and gave him a kiss. “Not just no, but hell no.” 
“Wait, what?”
“Buggy, I like what we have now. Maybe someday we can have cute little kids but not right now.” You told him as you patted his cheeks gently. “And I don’t think we’re ready at all. Kids can be a discussion in a few years, okay?”
“Oh thank God.” Buggy sighed as he slumped against you, wrapping his arms around you and tightening them around you. “I can’t deal with that right now.”
You laughed softly and kissed him again, wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned against him. “Neither can I, honey.” You smiled and looked up at him, pulling him down and bumping your forehead against his gently before kissing the tip of his nose. “I love you, Buggy. Thank you for talking to me about this.”
He blushed but didn’t look away as he hugged you. “Love you too, babe.”
It was a yearly thing for him to drink and reminisce about the good ol’ days as an apprentice on Roger’s crew. It was always the anniversary of his former captain’s execution. The first time you witnessed it he didn’t explain it to you, just grabbed bottles and bottles of alcohol to drink with the crew while you waited for an explanation on why this was happening. It wasn’t until you wrangled him to bed after he was strutting around the ship, saying he was still a great swimmer even though he was a Devil Fruit power. Before he could jump over the ship to demonstrate this, you grabbed him by the back of the pants and dragged him to the bedroom for him to sober up and explain. 
Buggy slumped on the bed, not bothering to take his shoes off so you helped him. He giggled, face lighting up as you helped get him comfortable for the night.
“I got the best wifey.” 
“And I have the best hubby.” You chuckled as you glanced up at him. “Can you tell me now what the drinking is for?”
“I drink to my captain!” Buggy told you excitedly, pumping his fist up to the air. “H-He was executed on this day eight years ago! I drink in his honor and to hi-his memory!”
You didn’t question him further, just made sure he was comfortable that night. The years going forward, you made sure he was safe, had a reasonable amount of alcohol, and put him to bed. He never talked about it the next day, either because he didn’t want to or didn’t remember, you weren’t sure but you figured if he wanted to talk he would. 
You were eleven years into this marriage. It… it was fine. It wasn’t too exciting, nor was it incredibly boring. It was just fine for you. Buggy let you take on certain roles on the ship, mostly just making sure everyone looked their best in their clothes so long as he was the best dressed. He trusted you weren’t leaving him any longer, which made it easier for you to slip out of bed in the morning to start breakfast for the two of you.
It was just right.
This morning was no different. He had his fill of alcohol the night before at the local pub with some of the crew, leaving you on the ship for a peaceful night. Buggy managed to stumble his drunken self back to the ship without falling into the water. He was sleeping off the alcohol, head under the covers as he laid curled up next to you. You woke up with him in your arms, but you managed to slip away from him. You were going to wait to start breakfast, wanting to run out to the shops first to pick up some goods before the crowds started.
Buggy stirred, peeking out from under the blankets with a grumpy expression as you got dressed. He lifted his head up just a bit before letting it fall back on the pillows. “What’re you doing?”
“Getting dressed.” You told him, keeping your voice soft as you pulled your shirt on. “I’m going to get some things. Any special requests?”
Buggy nodded, mumbling something under the blankets. You walked over and pulled them back just enough for him to mutter it to you, asking for some apples and peanut butter. He finished the last jar a week ago and had been wanting it. You rolled your eyes and kissed him on the forehead. You needed to buy two and hide them from him, apparently the last jar wasn’t hidden well enough.
“I’ll grab that for you. Anything else?”
“D’you hafta go?” He whined softly. “I want cuddles.”
“I’ll be back, honey.” You assured him as you made sure the blankets were keeping him covered. “I’ll have breakfast ready for you when you wake up, okay?”
“Promise I’ll have breakfast-”
“Promise you’ll be back?” He lifted his head again, pouting up at you. 
“Oh, of course I’ll be back.” You chuckled softly as you kissed his forehead. “I’ll be gone for a few hours, honey, but I’ll be back.” 
He frowned sleepily but nodded, settling back down under the blankets. You gave his shoulder a squeeze and tucked the blankets around him once more before you grabbed your wallet and headed out. It shouldn’t take too long to collect what you needed, but you were excited to be at this village. You hadn’t been there in over twenty years and you wondered if there had been any changes to it.
And you enjoyed walking around as you collected your goods, putting them in your bags and basket as you chatted with the vendors about what they were selling, how the weather had been lately, just little things that weren’t related to piracy. You loved your life but having a conversation that wasn’t about what Richie had eaten the night before to upset his stomach was nice. 
Your last stop was for peanut butter which you found in a little shop near the docks. It was a cute little place, selling all kinds of tasty ingredients and foods, but you only bought the peanut butter, knowing you could easily go broke buying all the fancy ingredients in the shop. Maybe if Buggy ever became incredibly rich and had lots of treasure you could think of something like that.
You bid farewell to the shopkeep as you stepped out of the shop, not watching where you were going. Something bumped into you, startling you, and when you turned to apologize, your voice caught in your throat. As far as you were aware, you were very sober so what was this you were seeing in front of you?
“Hey, watch it!” The kid in front of you snapped, glaring daggers up at you. His blue hair and bright red nose was very familiar to you.
Oh, oh no, what was going on?
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foolondahill17 · 2 years
My top 10 fic picks from 2022
(all updated or completed in 2022, in no particular order)
This was the year of devouring content from new favorite authors. Special shoutout to @outdean and @urne-buriall . Right Where you Left Me and spirit of the west are on track to becoming new fandom classics, methinks. 
1. Right Where You Left Me by outdean (@outdean), 93,581 words, E, destiel, canonverse
 Cas comes back from the empty 10 years after his death, only to find Dean married (to a man! gasp!). Heartache ensues, but not without a heartwarming end. Warning for (spoilers!) infidelity and emotional abuse from a spouse. Last year's serial fic of Tumblr was Cheapest Room in the House, and this year's was no less beautiful and engaging. What I especially loved about this fic was the sense of community and excitement it spurred in the fandom. It was so fun logging into tumblr after every update for collective squee and memes. What's also particularly praiseworthy about this story is outdean's sense of character. Not only are Dean and Cas authentic and oh-so tangible, but so are the other cast of characters: Jack is especially endearing, but also convincingly adult and complicated. And Dean's husband, although delicious to hate, is also a little difficult to hate, too. At its heart, RWYLM is an unerringly human tale, zits and all. 
2. spirit of the west by teen_dean (@urne-buriall), 140,680 words, M, destiel, AU 
Beautifully atmospheric, at times brutal, at times gentle - this 1990's horsegirl!Dean fic is one for the ages. Dean is 18 and lonely on his father's horse farm - that is until his childhood friend, Cas, returns to town, and they quickly fall into the kind of intimacy that's titillating, tantalizing, and terrifying all at once. TW for strong themes of domestic abuse and PTSD, also homophobia and animal death. The prose is charming and lyrical. The characters are lively and full. It's the kind of writing that's so detailed and visual, you feel like a participant in the story, not just a spectator. Despite the darkness and fear in Dean's life, with Cas by his side (and a host of other lovable characters), he grows to accept love from others and for himself. This is more than a coming-of-age novel. It's also a story about hope: in the face of cruelty, there will also be unfailing kindness. 
3. so much smoke in the hall of mirrors by AreYouReady (@autisticandroids), 6,232 words, E, pre-destiel/one-sided destiel, canonverse
 Dark. Dark. Dark. But also disturbing and alluring in the best possible ways. It's season 6, and Cas is lured steadily further from the light by Crowley and the pressures of the Angelic civil war. To blow off some steam, he creates a Dean sex-doll out of living flesh. Warnings are well-listed in the tags, but include non-con voyeurism, dehumanization, and torture. Although the premise is bleak, this fic is a fascinating and believable dive into Cas's characterization pre-godhood powertrip. Well worth the read if you don't mind a little moral ambiguity with your morning wheaties. 
4. Dateverse by aeli_kindara (@gravelghosts​), 47,057 words, 3 works, E, destiel, canonverse
After the Mrs. Butters business, Dean asks Cas on a date. Warnings for typical Dean bad headspace, but there's plenty of fluff to soothe our (and Dean's) ills. aeli_kindara is an author whose careful writing perfectly suits Dean's caution as he pursues Cas and navigates a relationship within their emotional pitfalls and chaotic surroundings. What I especially admire about her writing is her use of motifs: photographs in the first story, memories in the second, and sunsets in the last. The third installment is waylaid by the events of the final few episodes of the series, but the fic seamlessly blends canon and fresh events into a believable and satisfying happy ending. Also, Dean goes to therapy! What's not to love? 
5. where black stars rise by teen_dean, (@urne-buriall), 27,770 words, T, destiel, canonverse
This case fic carves through the grand, sweeping mysteries of the universe like the Sidewinder Canyon through the desert. No specific warnings other than that very distinct, unnerving state of mind you enter while driving alone at night, darkness and pin-prick stars above you, and it feels like you're nothing but an infinitesimal speck of dust on the cusp of eternity.... Anyway, this fic follows Dean and Cas on the trail of several missing persons on a canyon trail in Arizona, unobtrusive until time and space, itself, unravels at the seams. Teen_dean plays with words and the cosmos like Play-Doh, molding an ethereal, enthralling story that rocketed up to one of my favorite fics of all time. 
6. iconography by foccacciabread (couldn’t find a tumblr), 3,578 words, G, Mary and Dean centric, canonverse
A simple enough premise: Mary finds old photographs of herself on Facebook. Cue family heartache, the punishment of lost time, and navigating old wounds. How to be a son when your mother isn't who you thought she was? How to be a mother when your child is dead but somehow still alive, but so, so changed? No warnings, but heavy angst. 
7. Dont Stop, Make It Pop by dumbassnatural (@dumbassnatural), 34,661 words, WIP, T, destiel, canonverse
Cas accidentally becomes a tik tok sensation, and Jack uses his technological and business savvy to make his dad a star. Both parts sweet and earnest, this story starts with a silly premise and takes it to surprisingly heartwarming places. No warnings other than the fact this is a WIP that hasn’t been updated since January, but it does leave off in a place that isn’t hard to extrapolate what might comes next. 
8. in present tenses by focacciabread, 31,463 words, E, destiel, canonverse
After getting Cas back from the Empty, Dean decides the smartest move to guarantee Cas doesn’t ever leave him again is to just start sleeping with him. It’s what Cas wants, right? And it won’t do any further psychic damage to Dean, right? Right? Surely it will not have any negative effects whatsoever on their relationship. Warnings for bad Dean headspace throughout. There are a couple fics with this premise floating about, but I was especially drawn to focacciabread’s evocative writing and convincing Dean internal monologue. We love a messy boy. 
9. AITA for disapproving of my brother's high sex drive? by birdsofthesoul (couldn’t find a tumblr) and PlaidIsTheBestPattern (@cacophony-of-notions), 3,907 words, T, implied destiel, canonverse
This one also made its rounds on Tumblr, so you’ve probably already read it, but it’s an absolutely delightful, only partially serious take in Dean and Sam’s Reddit Rivalry and that particular brand of moralizing found in online spaces. It does what all the best “crack taken seriously” fics do, which is gives us an amusing premise but never deviates from the voices of these characters we know so well. Very mild warning for homophobia. Also be sure to read the rest of the AITA series.
10. peace came upon me (and it leave me weak) by outdean (@outdean), 73,773 words, E, destiel, canonverse
After Cas gets taken to the empty, Dean gets sober. Cas comes back a year later. Problems ensue. This one deals seriously and carefully with addiction and alcoholism, especially heavy mistakes done under the influence. Dean has a lot of growing to do and a lot to atone for, and he isn’t let off the hook easy. Cas has his own journey as he learns to forgive Dean for passed mistakes and navigate a future life with the man he’s in love with. It’s not an easy path, and it’s not an easy story to read, but it’s well worth it. Outdean navigates serious issues with finesse and delicacy that’s wonderful to observe. 
Honorable mention: 
Pater by TaraxcumWine, (couldn’t find a tumblr),  184,366 words, E, destiel, AU
I recced this as a WIP last year, but it finished posting early in 2022. I didn’t want it to take up a spot again, but I can't help but mention it. It’s a thoughtful, intricate, and beautiful look in Dean and Cas’s relationship from their first meeting to present day. It deals with heavy themes of child abuse, past non-con, mental health issues, homophobia, etc. so tread carefully. This is especially recommended for those who liked spirit of the west or my own silver linings series, as it deals with similar themes. It’s very well worth the read despite the hefty length. 
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sorry i have to brainfart this somewhere but mersault chuuya wearing almost damn near similar clothing to his youth got me thinking about dazai and chuuya's fashion choices.
dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit. it fitting, given his character and such.....so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's. i think it's cool, to show the stark contrast between his pm days and how he's faring now, aswell to show how much effect oda had on him.
chuuya.....is the complete opposite. boy changes his clothes all the time. but it's so interesting.
his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here. almost similar to ada dazai's outfit. and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outift- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in".
then theres sb outfit- hes wearing the standard mafia outfit like higuchi, but with his own touches- rolled up sleeves, glasses tucked in his breastpocket, choker, gloves. its not much, but even higuchi doesnt do anything to hers. we kinda see him "getting into" the mafia work, and theres no pop of color here. the dragon head conflict outift is different though- hes wearing clothes that are "his style" again. simple shirt, jacket, choker, gloves. he also has his red petticoat (i think thats what it is? whatever that long cloth underneath his jacket) that, once again, gives him some color. i dunno what spured the outfit change, but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color"
and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat. he wears his coat on his shoulders, similar to pm dazai. (also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)
where was i going with this?? oh yeah. why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes? like was it his off day or something. bc if you look at chuuyas various outfit as his progression towards the mafia then him wearing his old non mafia clothes either means two things : 1. this is to signify chuuya, under vampire influnce, is well. obviously not loyal to the mafia atm. or 2. something might happen in the future that makes him swear allegiance to someone else which i dont find possible but??? who knows. im overthinking this
Oh my god I opened my asks to find this monster in here and scrolled through it like ?????????
Please feel free to do this anytime this was an absolute joy to read hahaha
"dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit." His outfit stays pretty similar, you're right, though he does actually change it once during his mafia days. The left image is the outfit he wears in Fifteen and Stormbringer, while the right is what he wears in DHC and Dark Era.
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The difference is the blazer jacket he adds under his coat. It's a minimal change but I think it's significant. I mentioned in this post how I believe the change might be related to his change in pronoun from boku to watashi, but really it's more the added layer of distance that makes this significant. Dazai just looks a little... odd, in the first outfit. The coat hangs off him loosely, his shirt is a little baggy. He looks very boyish, and that makes his deceptive tendencies and deeply concerning outlook all the more disturbing to others.
The second outfit makes one change but his clothes now look like they fit him (still with the exception of the coat, which never fit and never will... in this universe anyways. You mentioned Beast so... you know already hehe). In the case of the second outfit, he looks more mature and formal, which lends itself to a person who withdrew further and further away from people (with the exception of the other two at Bar Lupin); who became a terrifying executive in other's eyes, moving away from the "creepy intelligent child" image he had earlier - even though he is still very much a kid. No one knows Dazai - I think the added image of formality and authority here is just one of the many barriers he constructed to keep people from getting too close.
"so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's."
hjdfvbdjf rainbow - entering his no longer closeted gay era (sorry lol i couldn't resist)
No but you're right about the coat looking a bit like Oda's. He cared for and respected that man like no other and I think when Dazai thinks of "a good person" Oda is the first person who comes to mind. His shirt in the manga is also stripy like Oda's, a little detail that got lost in the anime. :')
"his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here."
Yeah. He looks every bit the street kid and blends with the Sheep near perfectly - more than fitting in though, I think it's more than implied that he wants to fit in and changes his look to do so. Chuuya goes to great lengths to give the appearance of fitting in - because he never felt like he truly did (and certainly the Sheep did not treat him like an equal or a friend).
"and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outfit- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in"."
YES you get it!! And adding onto that, Chuuya doesn't really have a lot of reason to want to fit in yet. He hasn't found his personal groove yet, because he has little personal attachment to the mafia at this point in time.
Yeah in Stormbringer he's got a few personal touches but is still pretty non-descript (though you're right, it's much more than Higuchi... something to think about for her character too, and how it seems the mafia may be more of a job than an investment to her). By Dead Apple though, Chuuya's outfit is... well, back to his punk vibes, just a little more mafia-classy, I guess. (I don't know fashion I'm sorry, please don't kill me)
"but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color""
Red makes a lot of sense as a colour for Chuuya. It's energetic, emotional, fierce and aggressive. It's also considered protective, so yeah it suits him for sure. Red clothes, red ability... red camellias...
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"and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat." Ooo ok. So in the anime, this is true but in the manga, I believe his vest is actually a pale red.
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Well. Brown with red undertones. Your point still stands though because the colour is very muted. It's not like Fifteen or DHC Chuuya for sure.
"(also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)"
Oh. Thinking on this. Um. Embarrassed to say - I don't think I noticed that actually. Like obviously he loses the coat a lot and that was already something to think on but... only around Dazai, is that right? Hold on, I'm gonna check.
Ok so my check wasn't super thorough (read: I am too tired and drained to go through each and every panel he appears in) but...
By god, I think you're right.
That's. Hm. I'm going to join you on thinking about that for awhile.
I see the coat as a representation of his role and responsibility he takes on, really, so it's interesting that the formality and symbolism of his service to the mafia gets quite literally discarded in the scenes with his foil and equal. Fascinating.
He's also not wearing it in any of these now infamous panels from Chapter 101:
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Huh. Well. Thank you anon. You've just given me a whole new thing to whir about.
"why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes?"
Honestly, I'm still waiting to figure this out too.
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Because of the purplish hue over this piece of new art, I find it hard to tell what the actual colours of his outfit are but it does look awfully similar to his Fifteen outfit. It could just be his "day-off" outfit but I think there's got to be more to it than that. It could have to do with allegiance, like you suggested. May I also suggest the return to a sense of inhumanity?
These are also the clothes he wore when his journey to find answers on himself began. Might he be entering a new arc where he has to "find" himself again?
I still feel we don't have enough information to make a solid judgement. As the meursault pov continues, I think we'll have a better reason as to why he's dressed like this.
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matrixxsystem · 2 months
I can't not tell you guys the story now-
buckle up sluts this so much more comfort and fluff than I've ever written before-
This is how Leo found Marmalade This is a western AU where after the invasion the surface of New York was too triggering so they ran off to the middle of nowhere to try and heal. CW: This AU is a little dark, it wont be explored in full but there might be mentions of dealing with mental illness and having PTSD so just be a lil warned, but this is supposed to be just a lil one off about how he found his lil lady :3
Boots With The Spurrs
The sun had just reached the apex of the sky, heat beating down with such a vengeance you'd think someone owed it money or something.. Though lets be real, it wasn't like it was any cooler yesterday or the day before. The slider never minded though, he loved the sun and all that came with it. And that cool summer breeze that nearly blew his hat off, even as he held on while the wind shoved him back towards the house, or tired to at least- He loved that too. It was so clear each night and so quiet every morning.. The air was so clean, and the grass was so soft.. The first time he stepped foot on the property of their new home he spent a good hour just laying outside and taking it all in. He couldn't remember why exactly him and his family came out here, but it'd been maybe five or six years since they moved now, and it was a hell of an adjustment sure, any city boy would be turned on his head being stuck out in the middle of god knows where. But even when he missed some of the busy aspects, the bright lights and colors, the smells and constant chatter of people, he could only remind himself that there was a reason they left the city. Something about everyone's mental health, about needing space and time or whatever vague excuse Donnie told him each time he asked.
There was a small town not far from where they lived, maybe a twenty minute walk or so, and five minutes if they rode horseback. Oh yeah, didn't I mention? They bought a farm. Yeah, They bought a plot of land that was just outside a small town, fixed the place up, and since Donnie loves plants and Mikey loves animals it seemed fitting to start trying to grow things and really leaning into the towns rustic aesthetic. Who knew they had green thumbs.. Well… Fuck okay who knew they had metaphorical green thumbs- And would be oddly good farmers?? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, after the first two years things really took off for the brothers. And cause I can read your mind, don't worry, Aprils there too, she got a job working at the local news station, her and Mayhem easily became a hit. And Casey Jr came along, and Cass, hell even Barry decided he might as well tag along and make sure the brothers don't get into anymore weird time altering shenanigan's. And after Splinter.. Passed, it helped having everyone be there with them. Leo looked back up at the sky, trying to read the clouds to see if there was any sign of rain, maybe if he could convince the others.. They'd let him go into town for a bit, they needed food soon anyway right?
Oh yeah, second thing about this story. This is one where Leo lost his arm, yeah no, when Mikey pulled him from the prison dimension Kraang was just a little faster and dug his claws into Leo's arm, tearing it from his body as Mikey rushed to close the portal and save what was left of his brother. So yeah, most of the time he spent healing from that is just a blurred mess to him now, then he woke up in the turtle tank out in the country one day. He remembers people by his bedside in the medbay talking about it, asking Leo or trying to ask how he felt, if he wanted to go anywhere, if there was anything he wanted to do outside the city. Anytime it's brought up he's always teased about how he only said things like "I wanna be a cowboy baaabyyyy" or "I just wanna live on a ranch, and sit on a porch swing, with my boyfriend.." (He did not have a boyfriend, or know anyone who could even come close at the time) So they continued to poke fun at his responses, which he blames the pain medicine he was on at the time for.
Leo sighed a little as he sat on the old wooden stairs, rolling his eyes at the audible creek that came from the shift in weight. He took the very cowboy-esk hat from his head waving it in front of his face, trying to get a little more of a breeze to cool him off. He'd just been out moving the pipes Donnie ordered to make he's own watering system for the plants, he wanted to start a new patch on the other side of the house and Leo just knew he'd be bribed into doing all the dirty work somehow.. Though he'd do it if asked, he knew that something bad happened to all his brothers before they moved that left them all a little less able then they used to be. For Donnie his back got hurt badly, most days he was fine but some days he'd get these real bad flare ups and he couldn't put any weight on his back or be on his feet for more then maybe fifteen minutes at a time. Leo liked to call it his "No Bones" days, since he'd usually end up just rag doll-ing in his bed all day. It was actually pretty scary the first few times it happened, Leo wasn't sure why everyone else was so calm that his brother couldn't move. But after a while and a couple explanations he didn't fully understand he came to accept that for Dee it's just something that happens when he overworks himself.. For Raph he lost sight in one of his eyes and hates being snuck up on, there were scars over the eye but they didn't look like any animal Leo had ever seen, he didn't ask though. He knew he didn't like talking about it, none of his brothers did really. Even Mikey, who was an open book all other times.. He had some faint scars from his hands up his forearms, and if he used his hands too much they'd start shaking or locking up, he always blames him drawing too much when he was younger but Leo knew deep down there was something else he just wasn't saying. But like any other time Leo was able to quickly shake those thoughts from his mind, it wasn't important and if they didn't want to talk, then he didn't want to know. He knew enough, and knew prying would only hurt them in the end.
He turned his head to look at the front door hearing the screen door swing open, "Hey Leo, you finally had enough of tha' heat?" Leo put his hat back on and smiled up at his oldest brother, "You could say that- Think if I asked Mike would be willin' to make us some lemonade?" Raph's eyes lit up as he weighed the options for a moment, food always got his big brother motivated and Mikey always made the best lemonade..
Leo let out a little laugh at his brothers reaction, "Though if we're gonna have a drink I s'pose we'd need to head into town to get the lemons don't we..?" Raph tensed up a bit hearing the mention of town. Compared to New York this town was more like a small village- It was like something straight out of a western movie it seemed. Raph let out a little grumble, muttering something about town and Leo just laughed again, giving Raph a reassuring pat on the lower half of his shell. "Oh c'mon big guy, it'll take all of forty minutes to get in, out, and back home." Raph carefully passed Leo on the stairs, once again weighing his options. "Raph..?" Leo asked, a little softer, "I know I shouldn't keep askin, but why don't you guys like goin' into town? Seems like y'all lock up whenever it's mentioned but I can't recall the reason."
"Its.." There was a pause, maybe he was trying to think about his words so he didn't sound like he was yelling at Leo. "It's nothin' really, if you wanna go, we'll go. Saddle up an I'll give Don the heads up that we're goin for a ride." Leo practically jumped up to get ready, "Are you sure we wanna tell Don? If he knows you're goin he'll send you off with a whole grocery list to bring back-" Raph shrugged, "If we're goin' we might as well make sure we get all we need, 'sides, Don ain't feelin well again so it might be good to bring him back some more medicine." Leo glanced back at the house, up to the second story where Dee's room was, "He havin' one of his 'no bones' days?" Raph rolled his eyes at the name but nodded, "Yeah, just one of those days. Now go on and get saddled up while I run in and get some money and everyone's orders." Leo gave a playful salute and a 'yes sir!' before heading around to the barn where the horses we're kept. He gave each one a little attention as he passed, Donnie's being an all black horse of course, Mikey's being some kind of calico with all matter of spots and specks decorating its coat, and Raph's was a big ass Belgian draft horse with a dark grey coat that faded to black at the feet. And Leo's, it was this blonde almost iridescent light color. "Well hey there sunshine" He cooed as he opened her gate, stepping and and getting ready to head out, "Looks like we're goin' for a ride today, a real one, not just round the house. You excited?" The horse turned her head nudging Leo and almost knocking him over, he laughed as he gently pushed her back, "I know I know, I told Raphie we need to take y'all out more but he don't want me goin into town alone, don't think he wants me goin anywhere alone actually-" After he was all set he took her lead and walked out of the barn, nearly bumping into Raph on their way out.
Once they were both set they headed out, Leo riding up and around roads, goin as fast as his Sunshine would let him, she liked going fast too, part of why he was able to get her at all. Her last owner couldn't get her to calm down or stop running off or throwing anyone who tried to ride her. Leo pretty quickly figured she just lived a bit faster then others, just like him. So he'd made a bet that if he could ride her without being thrown he'd get a big discount. Instead of trying to get her on his level he got onto hers, encouraging her to run and jump to her hearts content, and they've gotten along pretty damn well since then. Once they got into town went and hopped off his horse, not bothering to tie her up unlike Raph and his gentle giant, who he carefully tied up at a post outside the local grocery store, pulling a few treats from his bag and setting them down. "Good girl Boots" He muttered with a little pat before heading into the store, Leo trailing behind. They browsed for a few minutes, well, Leo did, Raph just picked what they needed and only that. Going right to the sections that had what he needed, he really didn't want to be there longer then they needed to be it seemed.. Leo rolled his eyes and tosses a lemon his way, "Heads up Raphie-!"
The lemon bonked the side of Raph's head and fell into his basket, he turned to Leo with an unamused expression, Leo braced to be yelled at, to be scolded like they would when they were younger, maybe even a playful slap on the back of his head for being impolite at the store. But Raph just took a breath and sighed, picking a couple apples up and setting them in the basket next to the lemon. Leo pouted a little but let it go, it wasn't like he wanted to be yelled at, but it didn't feel right for them to not even fight playfully? He huffed and set another dozen or so into the basket and gave Raph a little shoulder pat, "I'm gonna go wait outside okay? Make sure Sunny ain't found any trouble." Raph just nodded, seemly he was almost done, the basket was already full but he was still looking for a few more things.
Leo stepped outside, a few people had paused to eye his horse, ones that pretty were usually pretty expensive so it made sense people would look at her. He whistled and she perked up, heading over and lowering one front leg to look like she was bowing, he was pretty proud of teaching her that trick.. Het gave her a few pats and praises and grabbed his bag off her side, reaching and getting out a sugar cube, "There we are, I knew I had one left in here. Whos a good girl? Hm?" "She sure is-" Leo turned around to see another yokai approach him, he hadn't seen this guy around but he sure looked familiar..? "Never seen one that well behaved before.. Your horse must've cost a pretty penny but you don't look the fancy type?" Was.. Was this guy saying he looked poor..? "Sunny here ain't no ones horse-" He joked, giving her a few more pats, "Ain't that right Sunshine? You don't belong to no man huh?" She flapped her lips blowing out a huff as she shook her head, turning to nudge Leo. He just laughed a little louder, "Yes mam, you're as free as the breeze ain't cha? You just follow me home for the treats huh?" The stranger smiled a little, he took half a step closer then stopped, "Is it alright if I pet her? Think she'll let me keep my hands?" Leo just shrugged like he wasn't sure but quickly nodded, "I'm just messin- Yeah you can pet her, she loves the attention don't worry." He nodded and stepped closer again, getting into her line of sight and carefully approaching. Leo took a step back and watched in the interaction, whoever this guy was he seemed to know a lot about horses with a temper, and she seemed to like him well enough.. He took his hat off setting is on his saddle to feel the coming breeze. Sunshine turned to look at him before turning back to the stranger and biting the brim of his hat, lifting it off his head and turning to put it on Leo. The yokai was a bit shorter than Leo, and without the hat long white ears fell on either side of his head, it was a rabbit yokai- Kinda cute actually... Not many of those in such hot and dry places like this town. Their eyes met for a moment before Leo realized he was staring at the stranger, "Ah- Sorry 'bout that, she got that lil trick from my little brother-" He took the hat back off and gently set it back on the guys head, "Think that mean's she likes ya heheh- Uh- Say stranger.. You got a name to go with that face?"
"Y-Yeah, sorry, where are my manners.. I'm Yuichi. Yuichi Usagi." Leo stuck his good arm out to shake his hand, "Leo. Leonardo Hamato. Pleased to meet cha."
"Hamato..? Like.. The Hamato brothers?" Leo perked up a little, "Oh? We got a name 'round here or somethin'..?" Yuichi shook his head, "No no, just.. You guys were a big thing back home, everyone in my village knew about you guys savin' people. Didn't expect to find you all the way out here is all." Leo looked a little confused, it'd been a handful of years before he'd done anything heroic.. But people still talked about them? That was kind of cool… Raph came out of the store and started putting his stuff away in the pouches strapped to his saddle. "Well Yuichi, it was a pleasure meeting' you. Not sure how long you plan to be here but if you need anythin' we live just down the road here up on brasshill." He picked his bag back up fastening it and hopping up. Yuichi looked surprised, "Wait- Brasshill? I'm stayin' with my auntie who lives on that road. She's also a rabbit. Leo gasped, "You're related to Nonanoka??? Dude! She's the best! Oh y'all gotta come over sometime then, we'll have a nice get together, tell her Leon's got somethin for her when you see her alright? Shes got our line if you ever need us." Yuichi nodded a little and gave them a little wave as they headed off towards the end of town, fixing the hat on his head and stuffing his ears back into it to get them out of the way.
Once they were back home Raph carried everything inside while Leo took the horses back to their stables, then headed inside once they were back safe. He opened the door being met with Mikey coming down the stairs, he must've heard Raph come in and wanted to see what all they got. "Heya mike" He said giving his hat a little wave before he hung it up, "Leoooo! You're back already??"
"Yeah, Raphie was in a bit of a rush I guess, he never likes to take long you know that" Mikey nodded a little and gave Leo a quick hug, "Well when you get everythin' put away I wanna go for a ride too!" Leo gave Mikey's shell a little pat, "As long as the suns out and Raphie don't mind stayin' with Don. I think he can be bribed though" He gave Mikey a little wink and moved his head to gesture to the kitchen where Raph was emptying the two big bags of food. Mikey peeked past Leo to see the fruit basket on the table now full of lemons and oranges. His eyes lit up as he got an idea, by now Leo was pretty good at getting Mikey to have ideas he thinks are original despite Leo being the one to plant the idea in his head. Mikey slowly walked into the kitchen with his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something, "Heya Raphie, how was the store? Y'all have a good time?" Raph glanced over to him and shrugged, "As good as going into town gets I guess, Leo made a friend I think, the nephew of nona-"
"Nonanoka has relatives in the sates? I thought she said all her family was back in Japan??"
"Must be vistin' or somethin, seemed nice enough tho.." Mikey scooted over climbing onto Raph's back to peer over his shoulder, "Ooooo, we outta bake nona somethin' maybe a pie? We do have a buncha apples now…"
"That's a good idea Mike" Leo said as he sat at the table, he reached for his satchel but then it moved- Everyone's eyes turned to look at the bag, "That- Wasn't just me right?" Leo asked hesitantly, both Raph and Mikey shook their heads as they watched the bag. Leo felt an odd sense, it wasn't dread, he didn't get a bad feeling, but something was making his anxiety go off the charts- He took a deep breath and slowly opened the bag,
Leos eyes widened as a small kitten, maybe the size of Leos hand, wobbled out of his bag. It was orange with lighter colored stripes. It looked up at Leo and mewed again, tilting its head a little and glancing around to the others. Raphs eyes grew at least ten times seeing that little cat look his way, "Leo- How in the- Where do you even get a cat??"
"I didn't?? I don't- I didn't go anywhere-!" He slowly reached his hand out and pet the cat, it leaned into his hand starting to purr, "I mean I set my bag down to say hi to the new guy- Maybe this lil guy smelled somethin sweet and snuck in..? There are a few strays in that town…"
"Well- Put it back-!"
"Raph!! I'm surprised at you! Look at this sweet lil thing-" Mikey carefully picked the cat up to inspect it after getting off Raph's back, "Hey there lil one, you hitched a ride with the right guy, we'll take good care a' you.." Raph sighed a little, he was too tired for this and knew it was a loosing argument trying to talk them out of keeping the cat. "If we keep her we'll need to go stock up on food, and a bed, and a litter box n litter and a collar- It's a lot of work and on top of runnin' the farm and all out other animals-"
"Her?" Leo asked, Raph nodded, "Yeah can't ya tell she's a girl? She's a month old, maybe a month n a half- What? Why are y'all lookin' at me like that-? I like animals alright? Just- Make sure she don't get outside before we get a collar on her… I'm gonna go bring Dee some food before I start cleanin' up for the night." Leo nodded and looked back at the kitten, "She's so cute- How'd a miss somethin' that sweet sneakin' into my bag hahah.. She's gonna need a name too... Hmm" Mikey set her back on the table, "Let's see... Pumpkin? Cause she's orange? Or... Cinnamon?" "That might be a good name for a horse but she's a much lighter orange.. This lil lady needs a real good name.." "Maybe a snack will help us come up with somethin good! I've been cravin a toasted PB&J, you want one?" Leo chuckled as he was playing with the kitten, "Yeah, make it two if ya would" "Yessir! You want strawberry, marmalade or elderberry jam?" Leo perked up a little, "Wait, say that again.." "Uh.. You want strawberry, marmalade or elderberry jam?" "Marmalade..?" He looked over at the open cabinet, the jar Mikey pulled was filled with a light orange color, he looked back down the to cat, "Marmalade?" She tilted her head a little, it got her attention it seems. "So that's the one you want? ...Leo..? Leeoooo?" He snapped back to reality (ope there goes gravity) and nodded. "Yeah.. I think that's perfect."
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yallemagne · 2 years
So, on a plane yesterday, I skimmed through the rest of P.N. Elrod's book, Quincey Morris, Vampire.
It's not very good. It's poor fanfiction. I do not support attacking fanfic writers or the stereotype of fanfiction being the epitome of bad writing (most of my writing is fanfiction and I'm rather proud of some of it [some bc a good deal of my older work is amateur]), but it's a rather amateur plot where Elrod spends the entire book rewriting the book she's supposed to be building off of, not desecrating.
Now, Elrod has quite a few vampire books, so I think this story is just a self-indulgent take on a neat lil idea she had, but she felt the need to discard all of Bram's vampire lore and all of Bram's plot and squish her own in. I respect Elrod as a fellow fanfic writer, but I don't respect her character assassinations of Jonathan and Renfield and the attempts to justify the assault of Lucy and Mina. Though I guess that Dracula was an unreliable source? Hopefully, the intention was not for the reader to take Dracula's claims seriously.
Since I skimmed, I cannot say that I am the best source. I did read the beginning part up until Dracula starts claiming Jonathan is an insane adulterer. Then I just couldn't take any of it seriously. I mean, I couldn't really take it seriously when Dracula and Quincey were just... having a calm conversation but whatever.
Spoilers of course.
So, in the story, Quincey's body is dragged from the sleeping team's side by wolves and they cannot find him once they wake. Why did the wolves drag him? Because Dracula is apparently alive and has figured out that Quincey is a vampire. Dracula blackmails Quincey into coming with him back to his castle. If he had refused, Dracula would have murdered Quincey's whole team.
And yet after that, the book tries to claim that Dracula was secretly in the right the entire time.
Dracula has green eyes. It has no plot relevance, I don't believe Quincey remarks on the change from red to green, it's just a dumb detail that keeps being shoved down our throats.
Through Dracula's guided questions, Quincey realizes that a woman he had sex with years ago that drank his blood and forced him to drink hers was a vampire (apparently she's also a character from one of Elrod's other books). Why didn't he change into a vampire sooner? Dracula claims there are two different types of vampires, and he's the cooler one while Quincey is the lamesauce one. So Quincey only has to drink animal blood. Quincey worries that his tainted blood may have killed Lucy but Dracula's like "... nah".
Quincey confronts him on everything, but Dracula has a bullshit answer for anything. I feel the only bearable way of reading this is the interpretation that Dracula is gaslighting Quincey. Quincey says "you killed Lucy, you fed on her repeatedly and she died of blood loss". Dracula says "no that was your fault. she would have gotten better if you just left her drained of blood". Dracula claims that Mina's still gonna become a vampire, but bc she wished hard enough I guess she got to not be hated by God anymore. And he claims he broke off his connection with her amicably, and they're totally cool now.
He claims that he was in the right to kill Renfield because Renfield was a madman and would have hurt the team... when he only attacked Dracula in defence of Mina. This is so damn ableist. Dracula, you can't claim self-defence when you are a fucking vampire with the power to hypnotize people. That was a gratuitous use of force against a mentally ill man that was of no great threat to you.
Worst of all, when told of Jonathan's account of the Weird Sisters assaulting him, he's like "oh, I didn't interfere. I watched. they had their way with him several times. and he liked it. I mean, he had an ensuing mental breakdown, but he was totally down with being raped in his sleep every night." He claims that Jonathan was just oversensitive to the paranormal and that everything he wrote in his journal was delusions. He gaslights Jonathan. Apparently, there were servants in the castle. Dracula, you fucking twit, that would be the strangest thing to fucking lie about, and you know it. When questioned why he locked Jonathan in his castle and left him for dead instead of taking him to Whitby with him, Dracula waves his hand like "eh. couldn't. don't ask me to elaborate. I'm still an amazing host."
Quincey later denies Dracula's claims about Lucy's death being all their fault, but he never contradicts the claims about Mina and Jonathan. In fact, he constantly repeats the part about Jonathan being oversensitive. So? He agrees with Dracula that Jonathan and Mina being assaulted was okay? He agrees with the ableist notion that Renfield needed to be "put down". Maybe I just skimmed over a part.
Dracula forces Quincey to drink animal blood and stuff. Shows him the ropes. Quincey goes out and actually finds Arthur and Jack still grieving him. He does not reveal himself. I was glad that Arthur and Jack don't have their characters assassinated. They end up shooting a wolf and Dracula gets mad and Quincey is like "you literally had my body dragged away by wolves, they were acting in retribution, you don't get to kill them for it".
Blah blah I dunno, Quincey moves back to London. He tries out his cool vampire powers to harass some lower-class people. He bites a sex worker (super uncomfortable with this part, he says himself that he felt betrayed by the fact his vampiric paramour forced vampirism onto him without his consent while he was in the throws of passion, and he does it to someone else?) He meets Elrod's OC.
Bertrice Holmwood is a Mary Sue. Okay? She's a manic pixie dream girl, she's a strong independent woman that needs no man (except that she sorta blackmails Quincey into sleeping with her), and she doesn't feel like a real human being.
She's yet another hastily shoved-in plot device. She's Arthur's older sister by exactly one year and her whole deal is that she's the black sheep of the family because she's a girlboss. Ugh. She's less of a character and more of Elrod's vague idea of a cool woman.
"Black sheep", Arthur loves her! They're on good terms and they're very protective of one another. She's not ostracized at all. But here's the thing, if she always existed and she and Arthur had such a close relationship, why was she never mentioned in the original book? Now, I'm not gonna get mad that Bramothy didn't make Elrod's OC canon. I'm gonna get frustrated that Elrod so poorly shoved her in. If Arthur is not an only child, why did all the managing of his father's funeral fall to him? Why was she never present or mentioned in scenes pertaining to Arthur's grief? Because she's not... real. And it doesn't fit the original story for her to be real.
I would have vouched for her role in the story if she had been Jack's secret sister instead. Jack having a sibling that he doesn't really interact with during the course of Dracula is realistic because he has a job and he's not a noble. You could even make her Quincey's sister visiting from Texas upon receiving news of Quincey's death. But. Well. They're not Alabamian so the sex would be out of left field then /j.
She is told the events of the book and is like "I'm gonna kill VH for hurting my baby bro" and like. Fair. Honestly, I appreciate that the book calls out VH's manipulation methods instead of trying to twist it like VH was the secret evil all along and Dracula was the good guy. It seemed like that was how it was gonna play out in the beginning, but Quincey empathizes with VH while still criticizing his methods. It's a human take on VH. Sucks what Elrod did to Renfield, Mina, and Jonathan, though.
Bertrice hangs out with Quincey a lot, but my eyes glazed over for those parts bc of all the written-out lower-class accents. Despite her being rich, she hangs out in exclusively the slums of London apparently. It makes her less likeable honestly. Stop gentrifying the neighbourhood, Bertrice. But one scene I did read was when she took him to a fortune teller that used tarot cards to explain his whole situation. One of them was "you've been lied to" and from Quincey's later insistence that Lucy's death was none of their faults, I think he rightfully took it to mean that Dracula was lying? But he doesn't apply that logic to his interpretation of Mina and Jonathan's story, nor Renfield's death...
Quincey reaches out to Arthur and Arthur is a bit spooked.
Arthur: You're dead! You're a vampire! Begone! Quincey: I'm actually a good vampire. 'Just drink animal blood. Arthur: You're lying! Quincey: I'm not. Arthur: Oh, okay. It's good to have you back.
Quincey tries to talk to Van Helsing, but Van Helsing refuses to believe him. Jack on the other hand...
Jack, on the other side of a door: Quincey, is that you? Quincey: Yeah. Jack: If it is you, open this door. Quincey: Okay, but don't freak out. VH: DON'T LISTEN TO HIM HE'S A MONSTER. Quincey: *opens door* Hey. Jack: Ah, hey bud, good to see you again.
It's funny how easily Jack accepts that Quincey is alive and totally chill, especially with VH screaming at him that it's all lies. You would think that he'd at least be equally as unsure as Arthur. VH storms out I think, and Quincey explains to Jack everything-- that VH is probably just defensive bc if Quincey is a vampire and totally chill, that opens the door to the possibility VH was wrong about Lucy. But he restates numerous times that Lucy was dead, she died of blood loss, the Bloofer Lady was not Lucy because that vampire fed off of children, and there was no part of Lucy left to reason with.
VH apparently kidnapped Arthur and Bertrice. Why? I dunno, because he was paranoid about Quincey. But he cages them and that's just super weird. Quincey tries to remedy this by having Jack reason with VH. When that doesn't work, Quincey tries to reason with him with a *bit* of hypnotism. It doesn't work. VH shoots him several times in the chest and, assuming Quincey is dead, crosses himself and leaves.
Quincey isn't dead, he's fine.
Uh? The End? The Harkers never show up, so they're unable to defend themselves against Dracula's claims against them. It really frustrated me. And of course, Renfield couldn't defend himself, and Quincey only barely argues on his behalf before blindly believing Dracula. VH serving as an antagonist felt okay seeing as he's not vilified, he's just painted as a grieving, irrational old man. That's realistic. Except for his kidnapping of Arthur and Bertrice... which was just... so melodramatic.
Also just... so I mentioned that Bertrice and Quincey have sex and it was kind of coerced. I don't recall when this happened, it's really that pointless to the plot. So Bertrice springs it on Quincey that she knows he's a vampire, and in the high stress of that confrontation, she asks him to have sex with her and bite her. He does. Eh.
All in all, the book kind of reads like a very self-indulgent work of fanfiction. Whatever Elrod wished to put into the story, she put in with disregard to the actual events of the book she was basing her work off of. It honestly wasn't the worst Dracula fanfiction I'd ever read, though the victim-blaming was atrocious. I appreciate that Bertrice was a bit more than just a fuck-buddy for Quincey. Her protectiveness over Arthur is a bit of a character trait. I also like that the Suitors are still bros. The conversations between Jack and Arthur that Quincey listened in on felt like I was reading a better story for a bit, their friendship felt real.
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makigorogoro · 1 year
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year
hi! i'm ash
they/them/xe/xem • panromantic • asexual • non binary • autistic (with suspicions of having adhd) • english • atheist quaker • a tad bit silly
been on the tumbler since 2021 so i know my way around here but i dont get every little reference (i get most and for the ones i dont i just nod and smile along). i am still a teenager so some Classic Posts are older than me and most are from when i was in primary school.
i dont really have a sophisticated tagging system, but if it helps, spouting to the void is my text post tag. i dont even strictly use it for text posts tbf
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blogs i run:
this one (obviously)
@blues-amazing-blog - oc blog (currently on hiatus)
@wswe-autism-fic - fanfic blog (for waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular). i also treat this as an alt account for fandom stuff sometimes
@knuckles-with-a-keyboard - silly little blog where i pretend to be boom!knuckles (i really really love this blog its so fun)
@jupitercl0uds-art - my art blog (shock horror)
@nonbinary-sticks-the-badger - my sonic blog
external links (whoops forgot to add this)
maybe one day ill set up a linktree idk
twitter (i only use this for posting from my switch now)
spotify profile
dm me on discord: jupitercl0uds
i think thats it
click this link for more external links including some of the above ones but specifically how to contact me if i cant use tumblr
omg i love so many things its not even funny. a few important ones are waluigi (special interest), sonic the hedgehog (special interest AND hyperfixation (omg please kill me)), art (like, as a general thing, but particularly visual) and you WILL find me randomly posting oh-so-passionately about something ive never even mentioned before.
i do animation and illustration but that's over on my art blog. also all my animations are WIPs. you probably won't find anything other than a few weird lip syncs from when i was like 11 (i got into animation because of gacha life and animation memes). most of my art is sonic atm lol.
i also read and write fanfic! my wattpad and ao3 is jupitercl0uds :D
wattpad is mostly old stuff, crack and occasional reposts of my ao3 stuff. ao3 is mostly whatever is on my mind at the moment and WSWE.
occasionally i get all heated up about actually important stuff. that's usually sandwiched inbetween my regular goofy goober behaviour. for the basic gist of it: very left wing, the tories are cunts, vote green, free palestine. you also need to understand the weight of that sentence because i hate swearing.
i have other socials too but i dont really use them that much. got bored of twitter and i forget about all my other accounts. only ones i use now are whatsapp (lmao), tumblr and i guess ao3 and wattpad. theres no real point in linking something i havent used in months
anyway, have a nice day and please go to bed on time!
faves (non-exhaustive)
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AUTISM BOY!!!! ANXIETY GUY!!!! MILES 'TAILS' PROWER!!!! he's been my favourite sonic character since i was little!!!! except for that brief period where it was amy because i found out tails was a boy and i, as a 7-year-old girl who had just learned about misoginy, decided amy was better because she was a girl. and that briefer period where it was cream because she had confetti in sonic dash.
my favourite iterations of him are scu tails, classic tails and sonic boom tails!!! i h/c him as autistic, having anxiety, low self-esteem but also being really cheerful and nonchalant about a lot of stuff. i enjoy trans tails of all kinds, but i believe in cis gnc tails.
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NON-BINARY ICON!!!! TOP SURGERY GUY!!!! WALUIGI!!!! call me thomas jefferson cause i have an entire binder on this guy. waluigi is THE blorbo from my spin-off-party-shows. i got into him because 'hahahaha! it is the funny garlic man's funny rose partner!' and that became 'they could marry me and i'd say yes on the basis that we'd get to see each other everyday, even if i only love him as a friend.
im very passionately hateful about 'hot' waluigi. shut up. waluigi is perfect. i hope he can be canon one day <3 i h/c him as autistic, transmasc non binary and really into gothic lolita. i interpret their relationship with wario as romantic partners and waluigi being super super poor. also, wlw mlm solidarity with rosalina!!!!!
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dr starline i love a bisexual icon as much as the next person but starline is not it. i want him to Suffer. which is why i then go on to make loads of fanart of him where he's crying over something. in the one shown above, i have just kicked him in the balls (full image). i also would love to be a VA for him because that'd really piss him off. good style tho. you go girl.
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manjimutt (sorry but i only have 1 image of him)
hello to the other living yokai watch fan out there. i hate manjimutt. when i was younger i felt sorry for him, cause i was like 'oh, poor guy, always going to jail!!!' no. die. i do not like him. i hate manjimutt. i do like saying his name tho. MAnji-mutt! i think i hate him more than starline, because at least starline has redeeming qualities. the only redeeming qualities manjimutt has is pity because hes not actually committing crimes. thats it. hes not a nice person. hes just a guy. hit him with a wooden plank (har har).
that poor poor poodle though
posts i like
idk posts on my own blog i like a lot. idk if thisll be A Thing because im literally only doing tthis because of the first post on the list
recognising a url and the chaos that followed
stuff about my lgbtq+ identity idk
can you call me that slur?
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grimecrow · 2 years
As Heart Breaking As It Is My Dog Had A Near Perfect Death
This is going to be me talking about the death of my dog, my service animal, my baby Chandler. TRIGGER WARNING I’m talking about the death of my dog and won’t be sparing the details so...
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On Saturday Nov 19th we came home from grocery shopping and minutes later my baby boy was dead. At the time I was pretty angry at God but as the week has gone on I have come to realize that if Chandler had to die this was almost the perfect way for him to go. 
Everything will be explained under the Keep Reading Link!
Before I explain how he died I need to give a little background. When he was a puppy there was an accident at the vets, they never told me exactly what happened but Chandler gained a life long fear of strangers. He became a reactionary dog. When people he didn’t know came over we would have to enact the ‘Chandler Protocols’. This would be, he’d be gated in the kitchen and our guest would sit at the dining room table with their hands on the table. During these protocols everyone was to ignore Chandler. Five minutes later Chandler would be let out of the kitchen and for a few minutes he would bark up a storm. If you didn’t stick your hand in his personal space bubble all he would do is bark. After a few minutes he’d go quiet and just watch the person, during all of this we would just talk, start playing a board game or whatever. About ten minutes later the stranger would be given Chandler’s ball by me specifically and then they would drop it. Repeat two or three times and that’s it Chandler has accepted you and would be the sweetest suck ever.  The reason I bring up all of this is because the vet’s required a sedative before hand though he would be wide awake still and my husband and I would have to both hold him. If we did that he wouldn’t like the vet and vet techs being near but he wouldn’t do anything.
When Covid came we weren’t allowed to go inside if our dog needed to see a vet, this included emergency vets. So basically Chandler was given a denial of service mark n his file.  That got me thinking, when Zayne my previous dog died it was because he was put down due to an illness that got too bad to fight. If Chandler ended up in the same fate what would I do? Where I live no vet will come into the home to put him to sleep here. We don’t have access to guns and even if I did I wouldn’t just shoot him! Now come to the present, his death.  We had come home, he came out got some attention from my spouse, got his typical hello and kiss on the top of the head from me. My spouse threw the ball for him a couple of times as I took off my coat and normally what would happen is I would sit at my computer, Chandler would come over and I would give him love. As he started to come over his back legs just gave out and stopped working, a moment later he was laying down on his side as my husband held him , pet him and tried to rub his legs to help circulation. We thought that he may be having a stroke.  I’m on the phone calling my vet which is a couple of minutes away, and though they are still open they will not give him emergency care. Things had been slow, the on duty vet was bored and had left for the day. The next closest emergency vet is 25 minutes away and you have to call them to get permission to bring your pet in. I’m telling Chandler I love him and that it’s okay, crying my eyes out as I find the number for this place and call it. Apparently losing the use of the legs and laying down isn’t enough of an emergency as they already have a bunch of pets in. I hang up and plan to just take him to the emergency vet that is thirty minutes away without calling and hope.  He starts to have trouble breathing, I’m coming towards the kitchen now and call back the closer place and they say, “Oh yeah you should be bringing him here already.” (MOTHER FUCKERS) This has now been a little over a minute to a minute and a half since the first symptom ad Chandler voids his bowels and bladder.  I run over and try to pet him, there is no going back from this. It looks like he is still breathing, I scritch the top of his head and tell him I love him and I’m so sorry. I don’t know if he heard or felt me by this point and that will haunt me forever. (I know this is when science twitter or random people will try to insert their opinion and I don’t want to hear it. Please and thank you, keep it to yourself.) He did one final full body stretch and shudder and...that was it. 
We still took him to the emerge, traffic was shit it took thirty minutes but for some reason we decided we had to try just in case there was even a 0.001% chance. We got there and he was confirmed to be dead. 
This sounds really fucking awful doesn’t it? Well it was for us but honestly it was perfect for him. Here’s his cause of death.  There is a type of genetic cancer his breed is susceptible to that affects the spleen though rarely it can go after the heart. From beginning to end is only a few weeks and the first symptom is death. You have to do a special test looking for this specific thing cause all other screens will miss it. A cyst forms on the outside of the heart the heart is surrounded by a sac to give it room to do it’s thing and all that. The cyst grows rapidly then ruptures filling the sac drowning the heart as the heart no longer has room to move. This type of death is believed to be pretty painless, you go into shock before things shut down so you aren’t even really aware of what’s happening.  How was this an almost perfect death then? He was eating, playing, drinking, sleeping, pooping, peeing, and getting love like normal right up till the fatal moment. It was so, so quick. He was at home with his husky brother next to him, being held and loved by my spouse and maybe he heard and felt me. It happened in a place of comfort, no suffering, no prolonged illness, no fear. He died just coming in from one of his favorite things in the world, playing with his ball, tail wagging on his way over to get his normal welcome home love.  For a dog that had the stranger fear issue, was terrified of the vet how could it really get any better? It wasn’t perfect because I wasn’t the one holding him, I was stupidly trying to find some way to possibly save him not understanding what exactly was happening till it was too late.  Sure he loved my spouse but I was the one he came to whenever he was not feeling well, or scared due to fireworks, or anything like that.  That’s gonna haunt me forever. But as weird and twisted as this will sound I thank God that if Chandler had to die he got to die in the way that was best suited to give him the most peaceful experience I love you Chandler! I miss you so much!
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tarnishedxknight · 6 months
Since Gylfie wouldn't fight Gabranth at the Pharos would he try to fight her? Would he be willing to listen to her?
{out of dalmasca} Oh gosh, this is such a good question, thanks for asking! And this touches upon some headcanons I have for Gabranth that I've mentioned in messages to some of my writing partners, but I'm not sure how much I've openly mentioned it on the blog in general. And I actually did read Gylfie's mun's response over on @disillusionedjudge, so I have that perspective as well. More below the cut!
So... this is a very tricky question because the answer would have been a lot different earlier in the game. Gabranth has been poisoned by nethicite, from way back when he was a teen in Landis and was exposed to the dense Mist cloud that resulted from nethicite being tested as a weapon there. Two of the symptoms of nethicite poisoning are increased aggression and mental instability. In short, it makes you serious impulsive and pissed off, and it can drive you insane. Keep this in mind as I detour a bit to how Gabranth behaved at the Pharos.
When he confronted Basch, Ashe, & Co. at the Pharos, Gabranth was notably... erratic. Unhinged. Yelling, ranting, emotional, aggressive. Maybe he had a point confronting his brother and all, given what Basch did to him all those years ago, and Gabranth clearly holds a grudge for decades. But... was he that way when Basch was imprisoned for two years in Nalbina? He had two years to rage against him, yell, scream, violently murder him if he wished... and he didn't do it. So why now? What has changes? Two things: 1) Gabranth is under a lot more stress, and 2) he feels like a failure.
Gabranth... has recently had to kill his best and closest ally, Drace, at this point in the game. If you think that didn't contribute to his mental instability at this point, you'd be wrong. The way nethicite poisoning works and the volatility of the Mist that has accumulated in Gabranth's body is such that it responds to volatile emotion. It stirs up the magic, makes it active, makes it... destructive. Gabranth's stress at having to execute Drace, his greiving her loss, grieving for Gramis and feeling like he failed him too with a lack of preventative intelligence, and then combined with a feeling of failure with Larsa... because at this point he has lost track of and control over the threats to Larsa... Whether or not you subscribe to my headcanon that Larsa is Gabranth's biological son or not, he still cared about the boy and recognized him as the future of the Archadian Empire. Yet he's lost control of the situation with Larsa, he's alone and without allies (Gramis and Drace were his biggest ones, and they're both dead).. and frankly... he's losing his shit. His declining mental health is feeding off the Mist and vice versa, and the mental deterioration phase of his nethicite poisoning has finally begun.
What this means is... he's going to be more emotionally volatile, he's gonna be more irrational, make a lot less sense, be more impulsive, and sometimes just seem batshit crazy. The Mist is literally addling his mind at his point. Think of... a rabid animal. Left alone and unprovoked, they're dazed, slow, sleepy, confused, and sluggish. But as soon as they see someone or something near them, they get irritated. They lash out, perceive it as an automatic and immediate threat, and irrationally attack past the point of self-preservation. That's... unfortunately and very sadly... where Gabranth is at this point. I'm not by any means like... being a Gabranth apologist here, haha, and saying oh it's not his fault he's just crazy, but I am trying to stress that mental illness due to nethicite poisoning does play a factor in his lack of rational thought at this time.
SO........ with all of that established.... back to the original question. Earlier in the game, before stress, grief, fear, and other emotions took root and exacerbated his nethicite poisoning, and before that exacerbation led to mental degradation and almost the beginnings of dementia in him, Gabranth absolutely would have been halted by Gylfie if she'd said as much. Like if she'd come out with, "Hey, hey, please, let's just... take a moment and think about this," he would have. He loves her and respects her both as family and someone he's come to think of as a daughter figure and someone he wants to mentor in life, as well as respecting her as a capable soldier in her own right. So yes, her words would carry a lot of weight with him and they would have given him pause.... before. Now? *sigh*
At the point of the confrontation at the Pharos, when he's giving Basch this impassioned speech of, "You confound me, brother! You failed Landis, you failed Dalmasca, all you were to protect. Yet you still hold onto your honor! How?!" Gabranth is... breaking down. He's losing his shit, as I said before. He's conflating things and catastrophizing them in his mind. He's angry, jealous, and confused as to how Basch keeps fucking up yet everyone still loves him, he's still this honorable figure, yet Gabranth has tried.... so freaking hard... to pull himself up, lift up out of the muck, out of the shadow of poverty, being less than Basch, being unwanted by his father... to become Larsa's protector which he is failing at in his opinion... and so... Why... is Basch so hailed while Gabranth is still "the villain"? It's the trifecta of things coming to a head in his mind with Basch, his mental health tanking, and certain stressors like worrying about Larsa and grieving Drace/Gramis... that are causing him to fly out of control.
If Gylfie... at that point... had stepped in to tell Gabranth to stop. Or asked him to wait. Listen. Hold off. That would've angered him further. Because he's like that rabid animal, where he has this irrational perception that the whole world is out to get him. Really, by this point, he is legit having a breakdown. So he's not thinking clearly at all. His usual reservation, tact, calculating cleverness, and intelligent restraint has been replaced with an antsy and aggressive feeling of the world crashing down around him. He doesn't realize at all what's happening to him, all he knows is that he's enraged beyond the point of being able to control himself, and people like Drace and Larsa who usually are the voices of reason for him are not there to help.
So would he be willing to listen to her? He can't. He doesn't have the ability to stop, calm down, and listen right now. He needs to be diffused, brought down, doused, lol, before he would be able to listen. Like I said, if she tried to reason with him at this point it would just enrage him further, and he might accuse her of taking Basch's side because when Gabranth is stripped down to his most emotional aspects, everything leads back to Basch, heh.
BUT... HOWEVER... Would he try to fight her? That's... a different question. He might lash out, yes. That is a definite possibility. A charge that doesn't quite reach her or fully connect. A swing of one of his swords that misses her by two feet. A warning. He'd absolutely do that, yes. As if to say, Back off, this does not concern you. But would he attack her in earnest with true intent to harm? No. Not at this point. He's not fully insane. He's losing it, to be sure, but he still recognizes her as family, as someone he loves, so he's not going to really try to hurt her. But he would bluff, push her away, and otherwise try to get her to stay out of things.
Sorry for the psychological detour in the middle of all of that, heh, but I needed to set everything up as far as headcanons and cirumstance first, but... yeah, that's where I view Gabranth's head being at during that scene and how he would have reacted to someone like Gylfie asking him to ramp it down.
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kokocharm · 1 year
This post is about my OC Honey. This post will go over her backstory, details, relationships and more. It is recommended you scroll.
Honey first appeared on my first channel on May 6, 2020 in my See You meme. Since then, Powered 6 has been redone, so what you see there is mostly incorrect.
Powered 6 only has nine prominent characters, six of which being the "Powered 6". The redone version has some aspects of Everything Lives, an Undertale AU of mine. You can make out some of her new story in my Høney animation meme, chosen because the title matched the main character's name.
There are ten written chapters of the original Powered 6, all of which are drafts and will not be posted. There are multiple characters there that have been lost, such as Zillion, White and a few others. They contributed little to the story and thus will not be discussed.
Honey was nothing but a girl in a small town that managed to hold its own just fine. Each villager did their own work to contribute to keeping the town stable, and when things got messy, everyone stepped up to help. She couldn't get a job of her own until she was 16, so until then, she had to assist her sick má. As for her pá? Well, he had died in an awful storm a while back saving the mayor's kin.
There were many tales about her Pá- Bumble miraculously returns with an astounding berry basket to hold the town out for the harsh cold! Bumble corrects a mishap by the river, where a little boy tumbled into the river! Heroism was rumored to course through the family's blood, and that was quite the expectation to live up to.
Afrer Pá's death, Má had gifted Honey a pink flower. Má promised that it would bring her good luck and health, saying that Pá had found it on one of his expeditions and had wanted Honey to have it on her 16th birthday. Honey was only twelve by this point.
Má knew that she didn't have much time left- she had had an illness all of her life that was slowly eating away at her. Pá had spent most of his adventurous days searching for a cure, and when he found none, he decided it would be better to settle down and let Má live out the rest of her days in peace. Honey was only partially aware of her mother's condition, and she was determined to finish Pá's work.
So one day, Honey had settled herself down in the library, reading book after book on diseases, illnesses, plantation.. she even found herself reading books about the olden times, when witches roamed the lands.
In these books, Honey found herself reading a passage on something interesting. The prophecy of a flower crown- five to be found, and one to be gifted to the prophesized who would release the five ancient Gods from their tombs. Each flower represented one of the Gods, and once the crown held six, then the coming future could be saved. Skeptical, she decided to let this conclude her searches for the night.
The following days, her mother got sicker and sicker while Honey only grew more worried. Anxious, she visited the oldest of the town elders, asking them about what she read. The elder's father had known the witch to wnnounce that prophecy and told her that she, indeed, possessed the flower to begin her journey. They also pointed out that if she were to free the Gods, perhaps they would heal her mother.
Desperate, Honey decided to accept this quest. She packed some essentials and the book to tell of this prophecy, and assured her má that she would return with, hopefully, a cure. Má wished her good luck, and when Honey asked why she was so accepting of Honey just up and leaving the town like this, she chuckled and told her, "oh, your father was the same way. Always searching for an adventure. If you are off to save someone, then I know there is no stopping you."
With her mother's good wishes in mind, Honey set off.
The journey was long. Honey visited many towns as she traveled, some pointing the way for her while others let her rest and restock if they were doing well with supplies.
A month into her journey, and she found the first temple. The temple itself was enormous, defying the natural laws of physics as the water parted ways to reveal a staircase to Honey as she approached. She traversed the empty halls, until she found what she needed: a pink flower awaiting her in a bubble. She prepared to take it and go, but then she hesitated.
These were Gods who had been sealed away and forgotten. If she wanted to meet them- to free them, then she must treat them with the respect that they deserve.
So Honey dipped her head, put her paws together, and murmured her thanks. Thank you for the water you give us to survive, for every drop of rainfall and for the gift of giving.
As she spoke, the room flashed, and suddenly Honey found herself standing before a God.
The God of the Sea introduced himself as Reef. He explained that he had been apart of the Powered 6 before the leader locked them all away to rule over the world himself. Honey had to find his friends; Dew, Snowstorm and Flare, and with their gifts of power she could defeat the leader of the Powered 6 and bring order upon the world of the Gods once again. Until she did so, Reef would give her the second flower, granting her access to all of his power.
The second was within a lush forest, almost too difficult to get through. This temple wasn't too big or anything grand, but she saw what she needed: a pink flower resting on a pedastal in a slim beam of sunlight. This was the temple of Dew, the Goddess of the Wilderness.
Dew showed herself to Honey as she said her thanks, granted her her power, and gave Honey a warning: Dew knew that Honey was going to see Flare, the God of Hellfire. She must be careful, since Flare was a very cautious and jumpy man and that his trust issues had increased tenfold thanks to the leader's betrayal.
With this warning, Honey parted ways and started towards the distant volcanos. Or, more specifically, one volcano: the Gateway to Hell. It was named this due to an eruption a millenia ago that wiped out large parts of the continent. They say that you can't even get close because of the heat.
As Honey was making her way up the volcano, a loud hiss sounded. She turned and there was a blurred silhouette of the God of Hellfire.
"What do you think you're doing?" Flare snarled dangerously.
"My humblest greetings, my God," Honey greeted him as respectfully as she could, bowing her head. "I come with the wishes of Reef and Dew. As foretold by the prophecy, I am meant to find the fourth flower, deep within this volcano."
"So you've come to steal my power!?" Flare demanded defensively. "I will not allow a mortal working for Eclipse to steal from me again!"
As he said this, he swiped a sharp rock from the ground and lunged, outspeeding Honey by mile and sinking the rock deep into her chest.
By some miracle, Honey managed to flee back down the mountain. Swaying on her paws as the edges of her vision darkened, she tried to check herself for damage. She could faintly hear the concerned shouts from Dew and Reef, who had been able to follow her thanks to the flowers. The two of them were panicking, as they didn't have much experience with mortal medical care.
When Honey came to consciousness again, she found that she had managed to bandage herself up and remove the rock. So she was alive.. somehow. She suspected that it might have something to do with the powers Reef and Dew were lending her, but she'd figure that out later.
Deciding to skip Flare for now, Honey continued, traveling to the coldest peaks of a nearby continent. At first, the Goddess of Winter, Snowstorm, was hesitant and a little prickly. But she quickly warmed up to Honey and allowed her to take the flower, also telling her that her power of the cold would keep Honey alive as she made her way through the Gateway to Hell.
With three out of four of the trapped Powered 6 on her side, Honey made her way back to the volcano, thankfully avoiding an encounter with Flare on her way up. Meeting him in front of the temple was where things got messy again, and this time, Honey had to fight.
Until now, she hadn't actually used the powers given to her, aside from her newfound ability to breathe underwater. Reef pointed out that Snowstorm's ice abilities would be best in this battle, since Flare could simply burn Dew's magic up and Reef's would be useless in a climate as hot as this. Snowstorm's magic was the coldest thing in the entire world, so it'd be able to hold out at least for a little bit of time until it gave out.
After a difficult fight that included a lot of hiding and striking, Honey defeated Flare. But instead of killing him as he had been expecting, she bowed to him abd apologized for having to battle him, saying her thanks for the heat he brought when the winter became too harsh. Flare could now see how she was genuine, and although he was still reluctant, he allowed her the flower.
With the fifth flower in her posession, it was time for Honey to seek out Eclipse, the leader of the Powered 6. Eclipse was the God of the Sky, and he was well practiced in battle.
As Honey approached her fourteenth birthday, she spent a lot of time practicing her combat skills. Lots of time. She learned tricks from towns she traveled to, and in her travels, she accidentally stumbled across the Dry Temple of the Sky, a place where rain never fell and wind never reached.
Determined, Honey placed down the flower crown and waited. Each flower represented one of the Gods: Reef, Dew, Snowstorm, Flare, and now.. Honey, the Sixth Powered. As Eclispe approached her, Honey spread her new wings and lashed her tail.
This was a battle between an undefeatable hero and an unkillable enemy.
And in the end, Honey won. With the Powered 6 liberated, Honey claimed her title as the Goddess of Health and hastily returned to her town and thus, her má.
But she was ultimately too late. Her má had apparently passed while she was gone. But before she died, she had written a small book to Honey, telling her that she knew she wasn't going to make it but she was so, so proud of her daughter for fulfilling the ancient prophecy and claiming her throne as the Goddess of Health. She told Honey that while she couldn't save her mother, she could now save others, just as her pá had done.
And so Honey was now the youngest member of the Powered 6, a group of five Gods who ruled over the natural elements.
Also, Chestnut is there. He thinks Honey is neat, but he's just some guy with a library membership.
REEF: Reef serves as a "cool distant uncle" figure, and he's one of the most approachable out of the 6. More often than not, Honey will go to him for advice on her healing powers and being a God.
DEW: These two are practically best friends. They have a lot in common and regularly hang out with one another. Their abilities are powerful together, as Honey's healing aura amplifies Dew's ability to grow out forestry.
FLARE: Since their encounter at the Gateway to Hell, Honey is a little wary around him. Flare does care about her to an extent, but he's also pretty cautious. They aren't the closest and rarely talk.
SNOWSTORM: Because of Snowstorm's motherly attitude that she tries to keep buried, Honey sometimes finds it hard to be around her. But Snowstorm is one of the oldest of the 6 and is generally the most knowledgable, so when Honey wants a history, well.. Snowstorm's her gal.
(art by me)
Honey is a gorgeous character and I adore her. It's also funny to think about that she literally became God for her mother, only for her mom to die halfway through her journey. She became the most powerful God in the world for no reason. THAT is peak comedy.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
MC is Sick?!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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A little late to notice that you’re sick. He’s been so busy lately that he can’t watch you as carefully as he’d like to, so he apologizes for not catching on sooner.
But now that it’s been brought to his attention, Lucifer is all over it. You’re excused from your classes and sent to your room for bedrest while he tends to everything else. He’s rarely the one to bring you your medicine or meals, to his dismay, but his busy schedule just won’t allow it. 
If he were able he’d let you stay in his room until you felt better. But for the time being, he’ll have to squeeze in little visits to your room, where he’ll pop in and sit on the edge of your bed, pressing his hand against your forehead and letting it linger on your cheek.
He’ll often come to your room with a record for you to listen to, and he loves talking about the history of the music and the life of the composure. His boring talks put you right to sleep.
“This piece is one of my favorites. The composer went into an illness induced madness when he created the sheet music, and wouldn't eat or sleep for two weeks until it’d been completed. Why, I often listen to it when- Ah, have you fallen asleep?"
The first to notice the change in your health. You don’t look so good.. Are you okay? MC?!
Good luck trying to get any rest, because your first man is gonna be popping in and out of your room every five minutes. He’s constantly checking in on you, making sure you’re not too hot or too cold, that you’ve got something to drink, that you ate the soup he left-
Actually, Mammon’s not that bad of a caretaker! He’s a little too attentive, but he clearly knows what he’s doing. Also insists on being the only one that takes care of you until you’re better.
Polices everything you do. You wanna get out of bed? Nope, wait for Mammon. You’re bored? He’ll bring you something to do. Know what, he’s just gonna move into your room for the time being-
“Who told ya to go and get sick? Makin' me worry like this... I'm gonna make sure ya get better in no time, so you'd better be grateful, ya hear? I don't do this for just anybody..."
No way... You’re sick?! But you guys had plans to watch Magical Ruri Hana together...
Yeah, he’s not the best at caretaking despite watching Cells at Work, but he does know the basics! It kills him to leave his room so frequently, so.. why don’t you just stay in his room? He’ll take care of you there, and the healing waves of Ruri-chan will wash over you and get rid of your illness!
He definitely can’t be your primary caregiver, unless you want to be sick forever. Anime doesn't really imitate real life. Who would've thought?
 But he’s as attentive as he can be, at least! He brings you new DVDs to watch, manga to read, and delicious stacks to try whenever he can! Even if this is all he can do, he wants to make sure you know he’s thinking about you. May or may not also be spam texting you and keeping you awake-
“I brought the audio drama for you to listen to! It's from the TSL live series, where they act out the scenes! You won't have to worry about reading or watching anything, so you can listen to it to sleep. Oh, but I want to hear your opinion on everything! And then you- huh? When will you be able to sleep? Uh..."
The most knowledgeable when it comes to taking care of human illnesses, but he still fumbles a little. Insists on making an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms, and that takes way longer than the actual treatement,
But once he’s deduced what’s going on, Satan goes all in. You might feel like a guinea pig because of all the weird methods he’s trying on you (may or may not have read a medieval medicine book first), so uhhhhh be patient with him. Now hold still while he puts this onion in your sock-
Not as attentive as the others, but very thorough when he tends to you. And despite all the unorthodox healing methods, you actually recover quickly, by some miracle.
In the quieter moments when all you need is rest, Satan will sit by and quietly read to you until you lull off to sleep, brushing the hair from your face before he leaves.
“Hm... I was sure St. John's Wart would do the trick, but your fever hasn't broken at all? Maybe I ought to try minced garlic and honey next? Or maybe..- Eh? Just normal medicine is fine?"
SICK?! No no, this won’t do at all! Asmo doesn’t want to see his darling MC looking so pale and unsightly! It’s off to bed with you now. No, not his bed he loves you but you’ve gotta understand-
Gentle affection is one of Asmo’s selling points, but that doesn’t mean the king of aftercare knows how to treat illnesses. He does however make you extremely comfortable. I’m talking extra fluffy pillows, cold and hot packs where you need them most, careful sponge baths (if you’ll let him), and everything else he can offer to make sure you’re okay.
May or may not show up in a hazmat suit, but don’t worry. The mask is clear so you get a view of his beautiful face! And when he isn’t around to take care of you, he sends pictures of himself to speed up the healing process.
Most likely to ask for help in your care. He tends to forget that you need more than affection and selfies to help you recover-
“Make sure you get better quickly, okay? I'll keep gracing your with my gorgeous face, and that ought to heal you in no time! Oh, maybe an herbal bath will help, too? I'll join you~!"
Extremely worried the moment you sneeze twice in a row. And when that escalates into a full blown cold, he immediately takes you to your room and cocoons you in every spare blanket he can find.
His care is sloppy, but full of affection. Your bed is a fluffy mess of soft blankets and pillows, and he lingers in your room nearly all day. And naturally, Beel knows you need to eat in order to heal.
You’re never without any food. This man will bring you an entire rotisserie chicken and a quart of orange juice for breakfast do not underestimate him. And if you can’t stomach anything, he’s try for things that’re easier to eat. like soups and broths. Also insists on feeding you himself.
Might also need some help in caring for you. He has good intentions and he’s being as careful with you as can be, but it can’t help to have another set of hands on the job. He wants to make sure you get the best care he can offer.
“Mm... you're not eating a lot today. Hm? You're full? But you only had a shadow hog roast, three sandwiches, and a gallon of juice. Are you sure that's enough? ...Well, maybe you're right. I'll eat what you can't finish, then. Hm? You're worried I'll get sick? It's fine. A human cold wont affect me."
He knew something was up when you didn’t get out of bed that morning. Sleeping until 2pm is HIS thing, got it? Just kidding-
Tries not to show it, but this man is so worried that he can’t even sleep. BELPHEGOR, the Avatar of Sloth, is suffering from insomnia. 
He isn’t really the best at taking care of other people, but he knows that plenty of rest can only do you good. Belphie climbs into your bed and resigns himself to staying there until you heal. Somehow, having him around makes your sleep even deeper, so you always wake up feeling a little more rested than before.
Not so great at remembering when to bring you medicine and stuff, so the help of the others is a given. But despite that, you find yourself comfortable in every position you shift into. Belphie knows a thing or two about resting peacefully, so he’s got an eye for helping you with that.
“Are you feeling a little better today? ...Good. You were tossing and turning in your sleep, so I got you that ice pack. It look like your fever finally broke, so that means I can rest easy now.. goodnight......"
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pixyys · 3 years
basicalllly~ my idea was that, when Lumine(or well, the traveler, ill just go with Lumine), Paimon and Guoba!reader are traveling, there was already previous instances where reader just.. wandered off, so Lumine basically has reader on a leash at this point. When the trio are heading towards Liyue, stopping to camp by a in ruins village to rest up before making the rest of the trip. Reader ends up wandering away, in the morning, reader is gone, the two worry, looking everywhere for reader, "maybe they went to Zhongli!?" Paimon squeals after nearly an hour of not being able to find the living doll, so they quickly pack up but not without leaving a note, just incase reader comes back. They head to Liyue, now on a mission to find their friend, but reader /isnt/ with Zhongli!! or Xingiu either, Zhongli offers to help find reader, and when they (lumine, paimon and zhongli) head back to the campsite, they decide to search the ruined village, it was raided of nearly everything, Paimon swears up and down that all there was was junk in the houses! but theres a few bangs and crashes, after pushes the old rickety door open, they find reader in a pile of wood, flipping their arms n legs, in a tantrum like manner. I'm assuming gouba!reader can't talk and t&p have their own language with reader. Lumine tries to pick reader up but reader struggles out of her grasp and runs away towards another room, the trio chase them, and find a bedroom.. or what seemed to be left of it, there was books everywhere, half opened, some ripped to shreds, the bed broken and obviously was once nested in by an animal long ago but against a wall was a painting, of a young regal human, reader is sitting in front of it, shaking, as if crying even though the doll couldn't, paimon floats to the ground, sitting besides reader, "is everything okay, [name]?" all reader does is point towards the portrait, theres a long pause, "is that.. you?" Lumine asks, and reader only nods solemnly, before flopping to the ground, seemingly giving up on their elongated life in this toy, anNNNNNNNNNNNND thats all i really have,,, for N O W 😏 but basically in my brain, cause im a slut for happy endings, reader does turn back somehow, and has to learn how to use their human body again, and maybe zhongli and reader fall in love, THE END. <3
OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING YOU'RE SUCH A GENIUS????? i'm soo sorry my reply took so long. i'm basically having a field day with this😩 hope you don't mind me continuing and altering some things ehe
+ school is burying me alive atm rip🤡
tho if you DO end up writing this up/ have more brainrots, i hope you won't mind tagging me👀
of mortals and deities.
context. zhongli x guoba!reader.
whereas you're in the brink of your existence, and zhongli has to take drastic measures.
warnings. grammatical errors, messy writing, kind of angst, longpost, lowercase.
disclaimer. original prompt belongs to @/tamayakii
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when you (reader) wander off one day, you don't have any destination in mind. but it just so happens that you come across a ruined village, which is somehow tugging at your conscience that you end up wandering in.
the moment lumine, paimon and zhongli managed to find you, it was too late. the ruined village is indeed your old home and is the place where you got cursed. it evokes memories. at first, the memories feel invigorating; like when you are listening to zhongli's stories or reading xingqiu's books. but then, the influx of memories is getting too overwhelming, too familiar, too nostalgic. from a sense of familiarity, comes a feeling of melancholy, then regret. regret upon witnessing what you used to have; what you used to be; human. you broke down in anguish and anger. anger for the god that has cursed you, for your helplessness, for your fate.
the faces of your companions, who you held close to heart are starting to blur into those of unrecognizable individuals.
you feel like you're losing yourself.
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zhongli is guilty. he feels as such, and he truly is. because it's partly his fault that a malevolent god was left to roam free; hurting one of his people. because he is the rex lapis. because he can't-should have not let any common folks suffer.
he had tried fixing everything, anything. yet, not even the mighty power a prime adeptus can defy erosion; the will of time; the will of celestia.
one could only hope the idle talk over evening tea and reminiscences of age-old tales would be enough to at least provide you more time, a little more time. a couple of stories every day, one tea session every evening. that much at least, zhongli can do.
he has seen how brilliant your mind is. how you drop unintentionally shrewd responses at his tales, your excited remarks, the twinkle in your eyes when he brought up stories of lands far away.
he loathed that. as if celestia is not satisfied enough, he is bestowed -cursed- by the ability to understand your speech when others can not.
"look now," he would imagine the skies say.
"that is the brilliant mind which will be reduced to nothing but a mindless creature; a bright-eyed, hopeful, and wanderlust young human into nothing but a non-sentient beast."
"all that, nothing but of your fault."
and suddenly the tea that evening felt too bitter, and your favorite storyteller won't meet you in the eye.
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on one leisure afternoon, during the idle time of wangsheng funeral parlor's working hours, zhongli's mind drifted. he really, truly cannot let the same mistake pass by; another deity wronging a mortal. the fate which the young girl of bubu pharmacy has to live in is unfortunate enough. it is nothing but a product of adepti carelessness.
"humans are such frail beings," he would thought.
perhaps.. he shall use a portion of his powers to grant you a few more years, a little bit more time, a little stability.
perhaps.. it will be enough to give you a little more time to accompany the traveler and see tevyat, to live on the dream you've always liked to tell him.
he was the rex lapis, but he is the prime adeptus. he can do anything.
not to halt the will of erosion, but at least to grant you some, if not a little more time.
zhongli shook his head. he is in no place to take favor on one mortal. deities should be impartial. they are no longer to meddle in mortal affairs, lest they take everything to the worse. this is the exact reason he abdicated from his throne as an archon.
he kept telling himself that, but doubt can evade any heart, ones of mortals and deities alike.
a sudden ruckus stomping its way to his office cut his daydream short.
if it wasn't from the floating fairy's agitated face; or the traveler's unpleasant countenance, he would have greeted them with a fond smile
"[name] is missing!"
so he didn't.
is this it?
he frowns.
is this the day?
erosion- time is a cruel thing. he didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.
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there they found you, hidden in an old rickety house of a ruined village; anxious and mad, desperate.
when you broke down in front of the portrait, zhongli's heart shattered.
as he had imagined, the portrait- your portrait- shows a bright-eyed, hopeful, and wanderlust, young human. eyes promising a great and bright future.
humans are so frail and short-lived, but that is what makes their life beautiful. something that you were robbed of.
zhongli's trance was short-lived as a sudden shift creeps in the air. you've gone silent, an eerie miasma surrounding your body.
when you turned, it was not your eyes that he saw. not the button-like eyes that seemed to twinkle every time he recites the story of his old days. it was dull, dark, nothing.
lumine let out a strangled, gasping voice, promptly summoning her sword. beside her, the floating fairy was as white as sheet, as if witnessing the death of a friend.
but zhongli knows better. you have yet to make any move. there is a conflict brewing in your mind, and zhongli leaves no room for hesitation.
"we have to kill them."
and so the vortex vanquisher glints against the glow of the moon.
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nooo, it's not the end haha, i have no intention to end up things like this.
here's what actually happened:
what zhongli had first thought was you finally getting eroded, is not actually you getting eroded!
erosion means having your soul worn down (i think?) and it can be understood as losing one's memories and losing oneself. on the other hand, you are remembering things instead of forgetting things when you go to the ruined village.
it's just that the influx of memories was too much, as it was also the place where you got cursed by the malevolent god.
taking advantage of you being consumed by anguish, the manifestation of the malevolent god's hatred possessed you. hence the weird miasmas circling you. therefore, it wasn't erosion (yet hehe). but rather, it was possession.
yes. our local malevolent god, even now long dead and is nothing but a manifestation, is still up to no good smh.
when zhongli said "we have to kill them," it's actually about the manifestation which possessed you, not you.
lol tbh that manifestation is not very smart. what're they gonna do with that doll as a vessel huh? punch people with those fluffy arms?
going back to the topic, yakshas are originally the ones tasked to eliminate manifestations of old gods' hatred. i think that zhongli, despite not being part of the yakshas, is still the prime adeptus and would know what to do.
it was kind of a tough fight. since if something went wrong, not only the manifestation is destroyed, but also your soul.
zhongli and traveler pulled it off in the end, but your soul is in such a weakened state that you might as well just fade out of existence even before getting eroded :((
so zhongli finally bites the bullet and shares a portion of his powers with you. (i believe he has done the same to azdaha in an attempt to halt his erosion. but it didn't work)
you now possess a fraction of adepti powers and live on. all this time, you had been alone. unlike qiqi who has baizhu or shenhe who has cloud retainer. so now that you acquire adepti powers, you will most likely be under zhongli under zhongli's tutelage, or another adepti's. (does that make sense? i hope so)
the vessel for your soul is still the doll since your mortal body is not even there anymore ever since you've been cursed. however, in time, you might be able to utilize your newly acquired adepti powers to change your form. (much like how zhongli does. at one point, he even took a form of a lady.)
utilizing adepti powers is one thing. but actually using the now newly acquired human body is another thing.
you haven't been human for a very long time, so you would have to learn how to use your human body.
and there you have it! you, with some pieces of training (maybe from xiao? ganyu? other adepti?), can now turn back to human :d come to think of it, some theories say that xiao is in his human form. his real form is something along the lines of a bird-beast? the one depicted by his tattoo. (he'll be a perfect teacher hehe)
edit: it's not theories, it is explained in the developer's notes that xiao merely takes a human form. special thanks to @/thetwinkims for the correction!
now now, we have our favorite xiansheng here to teach you (👀👀//j)
maybe, for the time being, you will stay at liyue until you're stable and proficient enough in actually maintaining your human form. before that, sometimes the human you just poofs out and there will only be the plain old mangled doll (still cute though). once that is settled, you can go for your adventure across tevyat!
though that means goodbye for the traveler and paimon when they finally move out to another region :" but don't worry! you will catch up.. somehow
in the meantime, when you're strong enough, maybe zhongli will recommend you to the teahouse you both frequent to work as a waiter/waitress so that you can get the hang of your human body, hear stories and such to keep you from being eroded and earn some money.
you will most likely stay with zhongli for the time being.. yeah
the rest is history, something might or might not happen between you and the consultant ;)
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end notes.
i think zhongli is very protective of his people, much more so of the people close to him. in canon, he personally went from house to house in liyue to get rid of some sea creature infestation -while getting seafood trauma along the way- and told traveler to bring remedies for xiao.
i said in the original post that guoba can understand you. in the moon chase event, zhongli and xiao are shown to be able to understand guoba. so in that case, i'll say that zhongli, xiao, and other adepti can understand you too.
you can't talk in human speech -at least until you turn back to human- and your sentience somewhat slips in and out with erosion coming closer and closer in the horizon. but when that's not happening, you can still think and process information like humans do, like what you once were. you technically still are, but still. that's why you can still process and respond to zhongli's stories.
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haepii · 3 years
Limerence | PJS (05)
(n.) the state of being infatuated or obsessed with someone
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Pairing: Park Jisung + Reader
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Supernatural!AU, series
Series: Neo Culture Pack Series Masterlist, previous part, next part
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Mentions/Use of Weapons (I.e., swords, daggers, knives), Mentions of Blood, Murder, Animal Death/Murder, Werewolves (if you don't like it, leave), Mentions of bones cracking/breaking, Mentions of witches/witchcraft, mentions of vampires/fae, mentions of werewolves (duh), Jealous/Controlling Behavious (I do not condone these behaviours in real life, but obviously this work is pure fiction and so are the characters in it even if they are based off real people), Mentions of terminal illness (a brief mention and flashbacks, it can be rather confronting and I have experienced the facing of this situation myself. I know how confronting and triggering it is, so please do not put your own mental health at sake for reading this fanfic).
Taglist: @peepsibo & @thesunsfullmoon
WC: 3.3k
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Sitting in the girls' bathroom, her face illuminated by her phone, Chaerin quickly hid with her feet up, so she would not be seen, in the stall farthest from the door. She would never admit it, but the confirmation, from your own words, had been enough for them to... further investigate the depth of the relationship between you and Jisung. Thus, she ended up here, hiding in the girls' bathroom.
Hearing Renjun's voice from the other side of the door, laced with concern, too much for someone of his kind for a mortal like you, was... intriguing. Leaning forwards, she saw you, your neck scratched raw and red, cool sweat covering you face. She immediately got out her camera app, taking a photo of you looking into the mirror.
Quickly covering her mouth, as she heard you sigh in relief, splashing the water on your arms and face, she sat dumbfounded as you quickly left the girls' bathroom, nearly as quick as you'd entered. Thinking only one thing to herself, as her thumb hovered over the call button; that was a close one. Hitting the call button she heard the ring.
"Yeah, babe?"
"They're mates, she's feeling the pull. Operation Dinner is a go, get word to Seulgi."
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You knew what Jisung meant by slow was objective. In the moments he wasn't with you, all you could think about was him, but with the effects of the pull dulled by his presence, you had begun to feel normal again. Perhaps, you were not as normal as you had been before discovering that werewolves do, in fact, exist, but you felt a sense of familiarity in where you had found yourself.
Now, as you sat at the vanity in Ryujin's room, as she straightened your hair, while you did your own makeup, you felt like a teenage girl. With dinner fast approaching, you could see the nerves building on her face, glancing up from your eyeshadow palette mirror, and to her face. You could feel it too, how she stopped moving the straightener, and how your hair was being fried off.
"Ryujin..." You caught her attention in the mirror, only for her eyes to comically widen as she saw the spoke rising from her hair. You did the best you could to hide the fear for your hair in your voice, but your eyes had told a different story.
"Hm? Oh shit!" Pulling the straightener away from your hair, she assessed the damage. Analysing ever minuscule detail of your hair to make sure it was okay before continuing. Her focus now on your hair. "(Y/N)... I'm so sorry."
"No... I get it."
Seeing the tears well up in her eyes at her mistake, seeing how worthless she feels made a pain so sharp grip you like a vice. It is a pain that one can only feel when someone they love is suffering in silence. Instead, Ryujin just looks at you with concern on her face. "Are you sure you're up for dinner? You were sick this morning."
You looked at her as if she was crazy for suggesting you'd bail on dinner, if anything, you'd turn up even if you couldn't walk. Better yet, you'd turn up if you were unconscious. But you knew she didn't see it that way, leaving you to reassure her. "I'm feeling much better, and if me being here stops from shaming and comparisons between you and Areum, I wouldn't miss this for the world."
"Sometimes I feel like you're just as nervous as me, you know?" For the first time in three years of being Ryujin's best friend had she told you what she was really thinking. Rather, she knew what you were thinking, but you had both the same nerves running through your head. "Like... you're worried that my mom loves you more than she does me, but you shouldn't be because I have you, who loves me and Areum too. I'm perfectly happy without her validation, because I have you, even if you are too good for me."
"Ryujin... where is this coming from?" You breathed out, tears of sympathy and sadness in your eyes as you turned to look at her, your hands on her arms. "What does your mother say when I'm not here?"
"She says I'm a 'no-hoper' because I want to go to fashion school in Seoul."
"Okay... for the record, I definitely don't think you're a 'no-hoper'. I've never seen anyone who can thrift-flip better than you." You smiled up at her, trying to make her see how truly talented she is.
"You're just saying that."
"No, I'm serious."
"I've also never seen anyone who matches their lip shade to their outfit better than you," You smiled, watching as a small smile made it's way onto her lips before you continued; "and I've never seen anyone who could pull off a wide range of statement earrings quite like you do."
"Thank you." Her voice breaks as she pulls you in for a tight hug. I, return, you wrap your arms around her, holding her in a strong embrace.
"If she says anything tonight I'm smacking a bitch into Christmas Eve."
"It's not even fall."
"Oh! For once let be incredibly funny like you are."
"If I let you do that, we'd be laughing at puns associated with different paint styles. Like the memes art history teachers put on their PowerPoints to appear relevant." She smirked, nudging you gently as you let out a laugh.
"Did you just attack me? In a very niche way?"
"Yes, and I don't regret it." She ruthlessly smiles as you chuckle any her antics, before your smile fades, and the look on your face has changed from a happy expression to a caring, loving expression.
"Sometimes, Ryujin... you have to let people love you for who you are, and not who they want you to be."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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Sitting next to Ryujin in the Ahn's family room, in front of a loaded charcuterie board, the two of you were dressed in nice cocktail dresses. Naturally, Ryujin was in a more revealing halter-neck red dress with her hair up in a claw clip. On the other hand, you were wearing a beige linen dress, that had puffed sleeves with a matching headband. Slicing yourself a piece of Brie, which you proceeded to lather onto a herb cracker, you ate slowly, savouring the creaminess of the cheese and potent crunch of the cracker.
Just when you thought you could get through the evening, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Ahn, walked from the kitchen, gesturing for the pair of you to stand on the stairs behind her, as she opened the door with a beaming smile. "Areum! Oh, and Taeyong! It's so nice to see you two again, especially with your brother..."
"Jisung." The boy with the pink hair spoke up, Mrs. Ahn smiling politely.
You weren't sure you'd noticed it before, but Mrs. Ahn had a way of presenting herself to be this loving mother, who loved her daughters unconditionally and took in the occasional friend of the family. She had this way of presenting herself that made her seem much better than she actually was... and making it look genuine. "Ah, yes! Welcome to the family Jisung. I'm sure you've met Ryujin and (Y/N) at school?"
"Yes, yes I have." He nodded shyly. Mrs. Ahn could tell from the moment she saw him, that he wasn't the most outgoing, and that he always seemed to look at you. As did her future son-in-law, his eyes flickering to you every now and again.
"Wonderful! Come in, come in! I've just put out some cheese and crackers, if these two haven't already inhaled it all by now." Mrs. Ahn let out a laugh, pinching Ryujin playfully, as she stepped aside, letting the three newcomers into the house, before waltzing back to the kitchen to check on her roast ham.
The second she had waltzed out of the room, Ryujin squealed, and ran up to her much taller sister, which seemed to be the only thing that could tear the soon-to-be newlyweds apart. "Areum!"
"Hi, little sis." Wrapping her arms around her younger sister, Areum tightly squeezed Ryujin with a smile, before pulling away.
"Taeyong." Ryujin nodded respectfully and held out her hand for shaking, as if their relationship was purely business and he was not about to be her brother by marriage. Oddly enough, it was rather formal, you took it that the two didn't like each other very much.
"Oh..." Areum smirked, surprise crossing her eyes as she walked up the first step to pull you into a warm, sisterly embrace. "If it isn't the one who never comes over."
"I do! You're just never here." You smiled defensively, exchanging the small talks of 'good to see you again' and the very much extended sisterly embrace that made you feel safe... in more ways than one.
It was familiar too, the safeness you felt in Areum's arms. Similar to the safeness you felt with the pink haired boy, who, from the moment he'd walked in the house, had not taken his eyes off of you. With her arm still wrapped around you, Areum waved off dismissively. "Yeah... yeah."
Suddenly, you perked up at the chance to ask. "How's law school?"
"Amazing! I'm very passionate, you know?"
"I know... I know." You smiled at her, happy that she was happy.
"I'm not sure you've met my Fiancé." She smiled, leading you into the living room, where Ryuijin, Taeyong and Jisung had all been making conversation with Mrs. Ahn from the kitchen. Leading you over, she pulled Taeyong aside with a small smile. "This is Taeyong."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." You would be lying if you said you were not intimidated in the slightest by this man. He was tall, and had that aura about him that commanded respect and authority as he stood in front of you. You almost felt compelled to bow down to him, but untested you smiled and put out your hand for shaking, similar to Ryujin.
"It's very wonderful to meet you." Taeyong smiled, shaking you hand. After this, you felt calm, like he wasn't some tough intimidating guy, like his aura put off. Instead, he smiled playfully at Areum before letting out a short laugh. "I've head a lot about you."
"All good things I hope?"
"Only good things, Areum over here won't shut up about you."
"I so do! Either way, I can help it, I love my two younger sisters so much!" Pulling both you and Ryujin into her arms, she kissed each of your temples first with a small smile on her lips, as Jisung let out a small laugh.
"Uck!" Ryujin practically jumped out of Areum's arms, before scowling at her older sister, knowing her mother would never let her go and touch up her makeup.
"Stop it! You know you love me." Areum let out an offended gasp at Ryujin's actions, her arms still wrapped around your shoulders. Taeyong sharing a knowing look with Jisung, as you placed your head on Areum's shoulder, Ryujin quipped. "I do, but I don't need you ruining my makeup over it."
"Alright, you two, cut it out! Dinner's Ready!" Once again, Mrs. Ahn walked into the room, instructing Ryujin to set the table, only for you to help as you couldn't bare to watch her do it alone without feeling guilty.
As yo set the table, watching as Mrs. Ahn placed out all of the dishes onto the centre on the mahogany table. "About time! I felt like I was gonna fade away if I didn't get a decent meal within the next five minutes."
"You look it too, is your mother still not back from Sweeden?" Mrs. Ahn spoke in a concerned voice, as if you were one of her own children.
"No, but she's in Seoul this weekend, apparently."
"Too many weeks of cup noodles." She tuts, examining you, noticing that you'd not been eating properly. Something about this gesture made you feel cared for by the woman, but you also felt guilty, as she gave Ryujin a warning look, which you could only guess being about you assisting with setting the table. Then, just like that, the mother quipped at you. "Come here for dinner, I'll feed you well."
"I couldn't impose on you like that, Mrs. Ahn."
"Nonsense! You're family, now sit and eat." She demanded as she began to sit down, after Ryujin poured everyone a drink and sat next to you.
At the head of the table, sat Mrs. Ahn, then To her left was Areum, right was Ryujin, then you at next to Ryujin, opposite Taeyong. At the far end of the table, sat Jisung. It was a cozy dinner, but it left your cheeks feeling pink as the table was so cramped that when you sat next to Jisung, your knees would touch under the table. Forcing you to feel the 'lightening in a bottle' sparks.
During the dinner, the conversation travelled from school, work, friends, family and then to the wedding. Neither you or Jisung had paid attention though, just stealing glances at each other, until Taeyong choked on his drink, cause Areum to let out a soft laugh, as Mrs. Ahn smiled innocently.
"I only think it's reasonable, Dear. When am I getting grandkids? Hopefully ones that aren't no-hopers like Ryujin." Mrs. Ahn let out a short laugh, her voice sounding all high and mighty but her tone was snobbish, as she explained. "Didn't I tell you she wants to go to fashion school in Seoul?"
Tears had already begun streaming down Ryujin's face, as she stood from her seat. A look of betrayal crossed her face
"What! I'm only looking out for you, dear. You'd end up on the streets if you went to fashion school. You'd have no use for it." With a dismissive tone, Mrs. Ahn looked at her youngest daughter with an almost void expression. One so cold that if any outside saw it, you'd simply think the woman had one daughter, but you knew that wasn't the case as she turned to you with a much warmer gaze. "Don't tell me you're encouraging you foolishness, (Y/N). Surely you of all people want the best for her."
You knew the whole story of the Ahn's. How Mr. Ahn left when Ryujin was ten, because he had found some young and attractive, bouncier woman in Taiwan where his stocks firm was based six years before he'd eventually left. It was also no secret that Mr. Ahn never agreed to a divorce, as it would make the firm look bad, thus on paper, she was still Mr. Ahn's wife, but his mistress, who had two sons, one six, and the other twelve, was the real Mrs. Ahn in the eyes of his friends.
In many ways you pitied her, knowing she was the victim of a cruel man who refused to divorce her, back when she was young, twenty-eight at most, while Mr. Ahn was in his fifties. He'd always left her wondering, if Areum was good enough, had the perfect grades, perfect face, perfect personality, would he return? Maybe if Ryujin was too, if they'd both gone on to do amazing this, would he come back? So... she vicariously lived through her daughters, fighting for the affections of a man who, to put it simply, no longer loved her.
"I think you should let her live her life... instead of wishing your husband was home, because he's in another country with his other family and happy, doesn't mean you get to shame your daughters, Mrs. Ahn."
Ryujin had long since fled the room sobbing, leaving you following after her worriedly. You didn't glance back, but you saw Taeyong stop Areum from following, as you walked out to the back porch swing, which was around a dark corner from the light flooding out of the back door, facing out to the tree line on the side of the house. The swing was out of view from any windows, with only the light flooding from around the corner.
Frowning, you couldn't hear her sobbing anymore, as she sat lethargically on the porch swing. "I'm not in the mood for a lecture, but I am in the mood for some hot chocolate?"
"You'll talk to me then?"
"Yes, but hot chocolate first."
"I'll be back."
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Walking back around the corner with two steaming cups of hot chocolate in your hands, you frowned, the you saw the familiar feline-esque features of someone you believed you could trust.
"Hello, (Y/N), long time no see, how's Jisung been lately?" Seulgi's voice taunted you, as Ryujin was now nowhere to be seen. You'd realised, the taunting voice of the girl who alway was off-putting to you rang in your ears.
Seulgi, in a way, had always made you feel uncomfortable, and unsafe. Now, you knew why, as she spun her solid silver dagger over and over again in her hand.
"Where's Ryujin?"
Seulgi let out a laugh, mocking you as she smiled at you, realised how truly clueless you were made her feel, almost as if she was being cruel. Almost. You were, in her eyes, like a naive lamb, who had unknowingly stumbled into a wolves' den, literally. "Oh, you didn't hear her leave?"
"I was... making her hot chocolate."
"Oh, I thought you were just being nice to me." She let out a short scoff, after taking one of the mugs from your hands and taking a long sip with a content hum leaving her lips. Then she smiled. "Thats sweet of you, though."
"What are you talking about? Aren't you meant to be spending the weekend with Chaerin and Taegwang?"
"Come on, Chaerin... this is a family affair, isn't it?" Seulgi called out, and as if she was stepping from the shadows, Cheerin stood behind you, a sharp silver dagger aligned tightly to your throat, as she gripped your arm, holding you in place. "But... this really is a shame I have to do this, (Y/N). I thought you were above dating werewolves."
Sighing dramatically, now standing in front of you with a sweet smile, the hot chocolate you'd made, which she'd just chugged down still fresh on her breath. Twirling a lock of your hair between her fingers, she almost looked sad. Almost. "Now... we can't hurt Areum... or any other their other little friends, but you? Well... as much as we're against it, this is for the good of other's but remember, we all really care about you."
Without another word, Seulgi stopped twirling the silver dagger on her finger, now plunging it to the hilt into your stomach as Chaerin released her hold. You slumped down to the wall, curling around the dagger as if it was the only way you'd survive. Just as quickly as the two girls appeared, they left, leaving you scared and confused as you were slumped on the ground.
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"Taegwang... I just– I couldn't stay there, and I had no where else to go." With tears streaming down her face, Ryujin stood on Taegwang's doorstep, as he stood inside.
"Holy shit, you look like a hot mess." Stepping aside, without a second thought, he let the tearful girl pass through the doorway. "Come on, come inside."
"Thanks... where's Chaerin?"
"She went out to dinner... with Seulgi."
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"Where's (Y/N)?" Areum spoke up, all of a sudden confused, as the table had been in an awkward silence for the last half hour, as the four sat in shock at what had just happened, as Ryujin had slapped her mother before running out of the house.
"I think she was in the kitchen. I'll help find her."
Mrs. Ahn spoke up, heading for the kitchen and then to check the bathrooms, while Areum agreed to check the back porch, going all the way around the porch as it wrapped around the house. Finally, she'd reached the far side of the house, almost not seeing you until she heard your shaking breaths.
Turning on the torch of her phone, she dropped to your height, screaming out in shock.
"Oh my... Taeyong!"
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©️ @haepii 2022
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mylifeisweirdok · 2 years
Any Sam headcanons?
Yes. So many. (Please read the other two posts to understand this one, Ill tag them as #weirdshc)
While her grandmother is still alive, she makes sure to be home in time for holidays. The one time she misses is because the train she was on back to Amity stalled and she was late by 3 hours.
When her grandmother passes, she still is home for holidays but rarely stays after, its suffocating to stay in her old home cause of her parents who have grown resentful of their traveling kid; they still try to clean her up and take her to parties--they've never succeeded.
Speaking of holidays, specifically food, Sam eats Latkes with applesauce, the rest of her family eats it with sour cream. Fights have broken out over this.
One train swap when she's in her late 20s went bad and her foot got stuck in the undercarriage, she had to stop train hopping afterwards but she built a life in Amity with her 2 idiots and qpp
Since she lost everything from the knee down, Val and Danny use their ecto-engineering skills to fashion her a high tech leg that runs on ectoplasm. She wears it most days, but has a wooden one she whittled slowly through her recovery for days where she needs comfort rather than continuous movement. She also uses a cane left from her grandfather that her grandmother kept.
Her adult life includes creating community garden, a campaign for more eco friendly ways to power things, a small cafe that uses the things she grows in her personal garden to create the food, and a nice sized house where everyone has their own room.
That cafe she runs? On the rails its known as hopper's haven, any train hopper can come in and get a hot meal for Cheap and a shower in the back. If they need a place to stay she lets them camp overnight in exchange for menial chores that need done; cleaning the bathrooms, scrubbing the oven, cleaning out the coffee grinder. She has at least 3 hoppers come in a week so she always has someone to help when she cant do something.
Tucker creates the income for the house being a freelance tech security for hire (hacking on the back side), so Sam doesnt have to worry about paying for her cafe And a house.
Val is Red 70% of the time anymore, the ghosts are lenient but still need monitoring most days. When shes not patrolling shes at the cafe being a helping hand baking and cooking (she refuses to work cashier).
Danny has his Kingly duties on the weekends, and works in FentonWorks creating ghost-safe gear, for defence and protection Only. His parents have finally mellowed out a truce with ghosts and instead of dissecting them, talk with them
Oh shoot I haven't explained the quartet have I. So Danny is romantically dating Sam and Tucker, Tucker is romantically dating Danny and Val, Sam is romantically dating Tucker and Danny and platonically dating Valerie, and Val is romantically dating Tucker and platonically dating Sam. Like this:
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Date nights usually consist of d rate movies and slightly reanimated food if Danny cooks, regular good food if Sam or Val cook, and pizza if Tucker cooks
Sam does bring home Fy, a cat I mentioned in a previous ask. You might think she's the one who always brings home strays because of this; you think wrong. Danny does. He's a freaking animal whisperer sometimes. Val doesn't mind other animals but is still iffy on dogs. She will interact with them but if she had the choice she wouldn't have dogs. Tuck likes the animals Danny brings home most of the time but one time he brings home a bird and that bird hasn't left Tuck's side since it fully healed.
Fy lives a hell of a lot longer than she should. Sam says she's too stubborn to die, Danny thinks she's a bit ecto contaminated. Val swears she saw the cat get run over and just get back up. Tucker won't cross the cat on bath day, he learned his lesson and thinks death themself is too scared of her.
Fy stayed home most of Sam's hopping days, but she did take her with sometimes in the summer. Fy is very good at jumping off trains and never had an incident with the train itself, but a guard at one of the stops saw her and kicked her, causing her to have a permanent limp in her back leg. When Sam loses her foot she jokes that they match.
When her parents finally retire from whatever they do (I forget rn) they take up traveling on a much more expensive level, and lowkey understand why Sam didn't stop until she had to.
Before Sam left while they were all in high school still, she set up a food week. Instead of her recyclotarian thing she did freshman year, she set up a booth where each day of the week had a person from the community come in and cook ethnic food from their heritage. She started the week off on her own, cooking Shasuka and Latkes and Matza. Everyone who tried it enjoyed it, causing the person who came in on Tuesday to have a nice sized crowd as they talked about their food.
When they graduate, Sam convinces Val to spread the idea for everyone to decorate their cap for their senior prank cause the school didn't allow them too. Everyone did, even the A-Listers, so they had to continue on with their ceremony since the school didnt account for that many students doing it.
When the fall faire started come to town their junior year, they met a carny who let them keep continuously riding the twister thing that sets you up on the wall and g force keeps you there. They go back every year and eventually the carny and Sam cross paths while she's hopping. The carny invites Sam for a funnel cake and they catch up.
While hopping, Sam created a few accounts on social media to help pay for things. She uses this to make sure the people back home know shes okay, and to also spread the word about things going on in the nation. The first time she protests, the police fight back with unwarranted force. She's had worse dealing with ghosts, but tear gas at point blank? Fuck that shit. She scrubs her eyes in an alley where a hose for a restaurant was left plugged in, then jumps right back into the fray. She leads the protestors to safety while confusing the cops, and she goes viral from a protester recording her and tagging her (side note: do NOT record ANYTHING at protests, you could incriminate innocent people yall). The video has her using ghost evasion techniques and straight up picking up the rubber bullets and throwing them back; its not as effective as shooting them but getting hit with one being thrown like a football is bound to hurt. From there on she uses her lack of address to her advantage and straight up disappears for weeks before showing up at another city's protests.
When her accident happens, a gofundme is started for her and all the people shes protested with and for boost it, covering her hospital bills.
Speaking of hospital bills, back before she hops but after high school, a ghost comes through the portal. The ghost has a scepter that spews a mist from the top and the bottom catches the droplets as they fall. They announce themselves as a traveler of sorts, they visit lairs and contribute to the ectoplasm to help heal corrupted ectoplasm. Amity Park's ectoplasm isn't corrupted, but it is different than normal, so they ask to stay around for a while. The quartet doesn't mind as long as they leave the people alone, so they part ways. A while later, they each run into the ghost and have brief but confusing conversations about how it must have cost them greatly to open and hold the portal for so long etc etc. Eventually, all four of them catch the ghost in the park, and they ask the needed questions. They apparently find out when a portal opens, the portal then has bits n pieces of whoever was there when it opened; and the longer its open the more it takes from whoever was first there. This freaks them out rightfully so, they think they're dying or something of the other. While having this informative convo, another bbeg (big bad evil Ghost) that's not their usual rogues comes in and tries to take over Amity. There's a big fight, the quartet wins but the trio feels ick. They brush it off as after fight adrenaline crash and promise to finish the talk tomorrow. The next day, Val and the ghost meet up but the trio isnt there, they try to go find them and it turns out they've been hospitalized for an unknown reason. They're treating it as severe ectoplasm contamination (just think about Danny's levels holy shit) so this leaves Val and the ghost to try and come up with a way that they can leave the portal open but have it not affect their friends (cause they connect the two dots somehow idk). They figure it out, replenishing the ectoplasm in their bodies (the bbeg apparently corrupted their ectoplasm somehow) and the trio gets better. All in all not a fun time but an interesting study and memory. The ghost leaves a while later and says if they ever need them, just to call out [ŕ̸̫͊e̴͚͂̑̿ḓ̷̙̈͝ã̸̧͓̜̈́c̴̜̊̈t̵̙̮̃e̴̳͝d̸͙̖͊͆] and they'll come. Clockwork shows up then and asks if they liked his friend, and then they find out this ghost is like, uber powerful. All in a days work ya know.
Back to a lighter subject, Sam got exposed to all sorts of music on the rails, from reggae to bluegrass, but her favorites are the ones that make her feel nostalgic. She mostly listens to Thomas Sanders, Mumford&Sons, Avicii, the Crane Wives, and the Steam Powered Giraffes. Will listen to musicals in private, and her favorite musical is the Great Comet of 1812.
She has a 3 fold vegan leather dad wallet.
She likes grape gum for the aesthetic, pineapple gum for shits n giggles, and cotton candy gum in private.
Loves Asian food in general but koreans her favorite. (Will froth at the mouth over baked asian pears)
Gets cursed by some ghost who's power level is meh, was supposed to be a vampire curse but she only gained sharp teeth and a craving for coconut milk. This happens in the later years, after train hopping and establishing a home.
Dorathea visits occasionally and always brings gifts, usually ends up being some medieval plant or jewelry of some kind. When the quartet got together, Dorathea supplied the rings and bracelets; rings for Valerie and Danny, bracelets for Sam and Tuck. This is just the preference for them methinks.
Sam once took an extended vacation into the GZ to Dora's kingdom, came back to the rest of the quartet literally panicking cause they lost Fy. Turns out Fy was with Sam, she snuck into her luggage and had a very nice time being coddled by Dora's ladies in waiting.
On the weekends, Sam and Val go to the fancy upscale stores (think the ones that give champagne to customers) to gab about the boys.
Atm that's all I can think of, if you include the other posts. Also sorry about the late reply, i had a weird shift at work so I could only write so much before i passed out yesterday lol. Thanks for sending all these asks they're super fun
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