#i was really surprised cus after i shower i get really cold
a-sleepy-ginger · 7 months
Saw the moon
Got some work on my sociology assessment done
Read a cute manhwa
Wasn't cold all day after shower
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writersblockended · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara - HC
Warnings: no translated Spanish, other than that none??? Just fluff
Miguel O’Hara x reader
First of all that man is extremely romantic
He comes off as a serious man but did you see how he’s able to get bat shit crazy like he did for miles?
So he’s 100% capable of feeling intense emotions and SHOWS it. He’s got no problem with it
So he will shower you with gifts, sugar daddy style
One day you’ll see something in your closet or outside your door and think…I’ve never bought this before did i?
Honestly it didn’t take much to put two and two together, so you would just ask him about it
“Miguel, what did I tell you about buying me things, I’m not gonna have enough space for everything at some point you know?”
“I don’t dont know what you’re talking about.”
You’ll just roll your eyes, he’s never going to learn is he?
He is also jealous, but not controlling
He respects you and trusts you, but he doesn’t trust others
So if you’re in HQ to visit him and you find yourself talking to the different spidermen…
Hobie would be talking to you about politics and the importance of unions for workers, you would animatedly reply
And then walks Miguel…he saw you both and he knew you were going to surprise him
But he couldn’t help but feel jealous
Why couldn’t you go straight to him?
I think those feelings of jealousy come from his fear of losing people
You turn around and see Miguel, you smile
“Hey babe, cómo estás mi amorcito? Te quise sorprender pero ya veo que ya me viste”
“Hola, i see you two are talking, but that can wait. Ven contigo amor.”
You follow him to his lair (or rlly was is it …an office?)
And you go “okay what is it, did you need anything?”
“No, I just wanted you for myself.”
This makes you laugh, honestly Hobie is harmless and Miguel knows this. But he can’t help but feel threatened
He just wants you for himself really.
He’s also a huge cuddle bug, but he doesn’t show his affection in public. He doesn’t have an image to maintain doesn’t he?
At HQ he won’t kiss you unless everyone’s distracted, or he’ll have you sit on his lap while no one’s around.
Honestly it’s so easy to take naps while he’s working on things, those arms are quite literally pillows.
But at home? Oh my god, he’s like him stuck to your hair on a hot day
He will drop that persona and just simply attach himself to you and the nearest piece of furniture.
He will kiss you up and want to lay in bed so he’s fully on you
Sometimes he will fall asleep on you entirely, and he will wake up in the middle of the night panicking thinking he’s hurt you with his huge body
“No te hecho nada no mi amor? Fuck you should’ve told me I fell asleep on you babe”
“Oh my god Miguel you act as if you’ weight a ton, besides it’s no big deal”
He’s honestly such a worrier with you, he just wants you to be happy with him, so sometimes he will overanalyze every aspect of his relationship and you can see the gears turning everytime
Thats when you’ll reassure him and let him know he’s doing great, that he’s an amazing man who should not feel as if you are going to leave him. That simply won’t happen.
He also loved it when you take care of him, mostly bc he’s neglecting himself and it feels good to have someone do that for you u know?
If you give him a massage after a particular long day or tend to his wounds if he’s injured
He will just look at you with these loving glazed eyes and he will just melt under your touch
He acts tough but inside he’s like melted butter, softest guy you will ever meet.
He’s actually so emotional, he’s just good at hiding it
So if you guys argue, he’s upset and will look cranky at work
Once he gets home he sees you and your cold gaze and he will absolutely beg on his knees for your forgiveness, it makes you feel bad instantly, so you forgive him
All in all, your relationship with him is super stable and loving.
So yea this is me attempting to write after two years 😭🫣
Let me know if you guys like it cus idk I’m thinking of going back to writing fanfics and drabbles and all that good stuff ;)
Requests are open!!
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marleyybluu · 1 year
The Nanny
Part 4
Rio x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst (I think lol), our favourite couple part their ways for now, Nick being a nosey weirdo, sad Rio, sad reader. Idk I think that’s it.
A/N: I know this is a bit short and (surprise) no smut lol but we will get there dw. this is (kind of) a filler. Also if you’re new, check out my master list for parts 1-3 ❤️cus I’m too lazy to link them here lmao oops
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It'd been two weeks since Y/n's encounter with the blonde lady. Elizabeth. Her name was Elizabeth. She noticed it at the top of the ultrasound. That ultrasound felt like it was forever engraved in her mind. She hadn't talked to Rio about it yet, she didn't know if she wanted to. Y/n wasn't really an angry or confrontational person, but when it came to it, she could explode and if it was going to be like that she didn't want Marcus to hear anything.
So, until then, she played her part as usual. Well, the affection she delivered had shortened, and that was very noticeable for Rio. They were practically living in each other's skin half the time and now he suddenly felt cold and that's what she wanted.
"Y/n." She felt something poking her hip, she blinked a few times zoning back in and looking down to see poor Marcus attempting to receive her attention. "Sorry, honey, what's going on?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to put my plate in the sink." She shifted over allowing him access to the sink, she continued to wash the dishes and hummed a tune that was repetitive in her head. "Do you know when Daddy will be home?"
She shook her head. "No idea bud." Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Y/n turned off the water and dried her hands lightly jogging through the short hallway to get to the door. She held her breath as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. "Oh, hi." It was Rio's brother... cousin... whichever. "Hey... you." She awkwardly greeted him, she forgot his name. He chuckled reaching out his hand, "Nick."
"Right, Nick, sorry." She shook his hand, a little longer than she wanted to, his grip was a little tight on her. "What can I help you with?"
"Is my brother here?"
Y/n smirked. "Thought he was your cousin." He was amused.  "Anyway, he's not here yet but he should be home soon if you want to wait for him." She stepped aside inviting him inside the house, she closed the door behind him. He took off his shoes and wandered off at the sound of Marcus' voice. "Uncle Nick!"
"Hey buddy, what's going on? What are you watching?"
Y/n chimes in. "As always. And remember our deal, after this episode, you hit the shower and hit your bed okay?"
Marcus pouted and delivered those sweet brown puppy eyes. "What about Dad?" She groaned internally, he had school tomorrow and she did not need him to be up all night and end up sleeping in the next day. "I'll send him upstairs as soon as he's through that door okay?"
"Okay." He agreed and sat back down on the couch. She turned over to Nick and smiled. "Would you like anything?" He put his hand up and shook his head. "I couldn't intrude like that."
She reassured him that it was fine, suggesting there was water, juice and wine to choose from. He chose wine. He followed her trail back to the kitchen, he sat on one of the stools and waited patiently, watching her squat down behind the island to reach into a cabinet where she kept her special drinks. She then walked over to the upper cabinets and reached for a glass, her shirt slipping up exposing a bit of her skin, a small silly tattoo of Snoopy sitting on her hip as her sweatpants were almost dangerously low. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip.
She turned back placing the glass on the counter and poured out some liquor. "Not too much gotta drive back."
She hummed and nodded.
"You're okay?" Nick asked. She'd never talked to Nick, had no intention of speaking to him ever again since the dinner at their grandmother's house and judging how stiff Rio acted towards him she didn't really want to expose the problem at hand. So she bit her tongue and nodded.
Well, maybe she didn't bite hard enough.
"Actually, can I ask something?"
Her nostrils widened as she angrily exhaled through her nose. "Has Rio ever..." Sigh. "When he was with Maria, and she was pregnant... was he sleeping with other people? Or bringing other women around?"
He thought about and she couldn't tell if he was going to save his ass or throw him under the bus. "I mean, they weren't really together when Maria was pregnant, so he still had other women around yeah."
"Okay." She simply replied looking at her wine glass, twirling it around at the stem, the red liquid swishing and swooshing with every movement it almost became hypnotizing. Her ears rang as scenarios filled her head. Was she the other woman that was around? How come no one in his family said anything? Do they not know?
Nick noticed how quiet she was and the coping mechanism she developed sitting there, he gently placed his hand over hers and she stopped playing with the glass. "Are you..."
"No," She quickly answered. "No, I mean I wouldn't be drinking."
Duh. He thought to himself but he had to ask anyway. He leaned forward attempting to pry more out of her without giving himself away. "Do you think-"
She cut him off. "Maria said that when you think you're the only one you're not and-"
Not too much.
"Fuck, I don't know it just got me thinking. And now I'm overthinking."
Before he could reply to her statement Marcus repeatedly squealed.  "Daddy's home! Daddy's home! Y/n! Daddy's home!"
She smiled at his cheery tone. "So I've heard."
Rio's figure came to join the duo in the kitchen, an overgrown Marcus sitting on his hip, just a small reminder that he'd forever be his baby. A very apparent frown played on his face while his eyes darted between her and Nick. "Hey, pretty mama." Immediately asserting his dominance.
"Hi." She nodded before taking another sip of her wine. "Nick... why are you in my kitchen?" He asked with hostility lacing his voice. Nick smirked, always smug at how immediately defensive Rio seemed to get whenever he came around. "Just came to see you, little brother."
Y/n cleared her throat standing up from her seat, she reached out for Marcus who easily transferred over to her, he was reluctant to leave his dad at first, not seeing him all day and only getting a minute with him made him a bit sad, but after a promise from Rio that he'd be up to at least read a story he cooperated and clung to Y/n as she took him upstairs.
While they were getting ready, Y/n's mind couldn't help but wonder about how she'd bring up the situation at hand, the envelope had been tucked under her side of the mattress for a while, maybe that's why she had trouble sleeping too it was taunting her underneath where she lay. She felt a bit of guilt, it was wrong for her to keep this a secret from him, he had the right to know he was having another kid.
Another kid.
And it's not with her.
She sighed shaking off the thought, putting it on the back burner for a bit to focus on whatever Roblox game Marcus was trying to teach her to play on his iPad. She couldn't understand why these kids were so into this thing, he was obsessed. He rested his head on her shoulder while she tapped away on the screen. Her character disappeared and respawned in a moment. "What did I do?"
"Someone killed you." He giggled, and she gasped playfully poking his side. "That's not funny, I don't know what I'm doing." She laughed. He took his iPad back showing her once more what to do, a slight knock against the door frame interrupted their time together. Marcus sighed knowing he had to put his device away so he handed it back to her to take downstairs and in the morning he could have it back during breakfast.
Rio smiled. "Picked a book yet?"
Marcus nodded reaching under his pillow and showing him. "Say goodnight to Y/n."
"Night Y/n."
She kissed his head. "Night sweetness. I'll see you when I see you." Strange, Rio thought to himself, she always said she'll see him in the morning.
She walked past Rio, avoiding even an inch of contact with him. He swore he felt a cold air as she passed by, her loving and warmth had suddenly been replaced. Rio poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and nodded. "Cool, let's uh, start reading."
By the time y/n got downstairs Nick had long disappeared, she sighed placing the yellow envelope on the counter after retrieving it from their room. She needed another glass of wine if she was ever going to get through this. She sat on the stool around the Island and twirled her wine glass once again, staring blankly at it until the sound of descending footsteps brought her back to Earth. "How was your day?" He asked opening the fridge and looking for something to drink or at least snack on.
"How was yours?" Her tone was cold and uninterested so he responded with the same simple answer she gave him. "Good."
The silence returned aside from the obnoxious tapping of her fingers against her phone screen. He knew her well enough, when she was making extra noise on purpose she was pissed. Rio shook his head. "What was Nick doing here?"
The tapping stopped. "Came to say hi." She answered placing her phone down on the counter and picking up her wine glass. "Why are you talking to me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you want to pick a fight."
She chuckled pettily. "Hm."
"Who's Elizabeth?" She asked finally lifting her head up to look at him, he froze and audibly swallowed. "She's a business partner."
"Is she?" Y/n questioned with a trembling voice. She slid the envelope over to him as he took a seat next to her. "Open it,"
He was lowkey starting to sweat. He fumbled with the envelope until it opened, he reached inside and pulled out the evidence. His eyes fell out of his head and rolled onto the shiny clean floor. "Y/n..."
"Congratulations, I guess." She shrugged. He looked up at the name double checking if it was really Beth's. There's no way this was fucking happening. He'd admit they had their fair share of encounters, maybe one before he met Y/n but there was no way that it resulted in this. She would've told him, or at least he'd hoped she would.
This looked bad, there was no way to weasel out of this when the evidence was right there. What made everything more uneasy is how calm Y/n was being, any other woman would have thrown their wine at him or knocked him with the bottle but she downed the last of the liquid and poured whatever was left of the bottle.
"You think it's a boy or a girl?" She laughed tipsily. "This isn't funny."
"You're right," She sipped. "It's not, but you know... when you've been crying about it for two weeks, you just run out of tears and all you can do is laugh."
She continued. "You laugh and you wonder how you fell so fucking foolishly in love with someone, in such a short time... how in that short time he made you feel so special like you were his world. You fall in love with his son, the sweetest boy you've ever met who tugs at your heart everyday and you think to yourself maybe one day you can give this kid his own little best friend."
Rio dropped his head. "And you come to find out, that- that someone else beat you to it. Is that how you did Maria? I mean she- she told me I'm not the only one, Christopher can never have one girl and I fucking defended you. I was so fucking sure-"
Y/n's voice cracked, and her chin trembled as she fought back a flood of tears but they were no longer tears of sadness, they were angry. Pissed. "I was so fucking sure you wouldn't do that to me."
He didn't know what to say, his mouth ran dry. "I'm... baby, I'm sorry. Look at me, look at me," He put the picture down and grabbed her face forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were so sad, so tired, so broken. He'd never seen her like this, he couldn't believe he was the cause.
"I love you... Y/n. I swear to god, I fucking love you ma. I'm sorry, okay? But you're going to have to believe me when I say this ain't my kid. There's no way. I-it's just been you and me this whole time, baby, I fucking swear."
She sniffled. She could see it, or maybe she just wanted to see it. That he did love her and some part of him was telling her the truth, but bless her heart she didn't know what to believe. It was too much, maybe she moved too fast and this was her consequence, didn't ask enough questions when they started dating and now this was the result. She loved him. God she loved him. Her whole body gravitated towards him and it was so hard to pull away when she found out.
It was hard to pull away now, how close they were in proximity, noses almost touching, foreheads pressed together. He didn't want to let go, this was something he was willing to go to war for. Against her better judgement, she leaned forward connecting their lips.
The love, the regret, the sorrow was all wrapped up in it. Ugh, he tasted like alcohol, probably took a shot before he came home. He smelt so good even after a long day. His lips were so soft, so sweet to her and extra gentle. Their kiss started slow and soon picked up feverishly, she pulled at his shirt, the sudden need for him took over. The two sides of her brain knocked at each other, sleep with him tonight and leave in the morning or leave now and never see him again— let this kiss be the last.
Beep! Beep!
Someone else was there to answer for her. She pulled back but he brought her in, one last kiss. Just one. Y/n pulled back, tugging his hands away from her and she immediately missed them. She stood up and grabbed her keys off the counter. "I made Marcus' lunch... oh, you know the routine."
"Y/n... ma, please..."
She kissed his cheek. "Tell him I'll see him soon, okay?"
"No." He protested. "He can see you tomorrow, in the morning."
She wasn't about to argue with him, her sister blowing up her phone letting her know she was outside and to hurry the fuck up. She backed away as slowly as she could, his jaw flexed and his eyes became glossy. He was going to cry. She couldn't watch it otherwise she'd stay and she just needed the space right now. She quickly made her way down the hall with him hot on her trail, she opened the door and wiped a tear that ran down her cheek.
Her sister caught sight of Rio and shook her head. Y/n went on the passenger side.
Just one last glance.
She ducked down and sat, closing the car door. She turned away from her sibling not wanting to be bothered by anyone right now. Understandable.
Rio watched as the car disappeared, the gravel under the tires crunching as she vanished before him. He stood there, dumbfounded. He's fucked up a lot but never like this.
He needed a way to resolve this and he needed it now.
If you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated.
See you in the next one. Peace and love✌🏾
🏷️ : @darqchilddaydreamz @rio-reid-whoreee @bigenergy777 @christinabae @corpsebridenightamare @prettylilsapphic @realhotgurlshit @being-worthy @skyesthebomb
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dollivication · 28 days
yan Dante with a user who's Vergil's s/o.. he's super insane fucking jealous of his brother but he never shows it to you, he's always so sweet. And one day he just can't take it anymore, and then a thought pops into his head... He's Vergil's identical twin rubs hands together (okay but realizing Dante and vergil are the same model in 3 was a little insane to me) so why doesn't he just be him for the night.
Waiting till your sleepy and sneaking into your room in his clothes, fresh out of the shower so there's a reason his hair is down, sadly shaved smooth cus I doubt vergil is really hairy. And he takes his fill, eating you out and fucking you like it's the end of the world
(and to be honest it'll be probably one of the last times he does it so it really is the end of the world)
And then he walks down stairs after tucking you in for the night and what's the first thing he sees?
IM GAGGED IN THE BESTVWAY… dante would be trying so hard NOT to break character,, he’s usually so vocal so having to keep up a cold facade is a challenge,… he doesn’t want to give his position away >.<! you’d freak dafuck owt,, and then he wouldn’t be able to fuck you!!!
THIS IS LAIK.. MORE fucked if you and vergil had never had sex b4.. you’d be soso surprised but not at all displeased,, completely offering urself to dante thinking it’s actually his brother laik oouuuhg… hes a lil bummed out that ur calling out vergils name though (◞‸◟) like OBVIOUSLY you greedy bitch???? user isn’t aware??? gosh…!!!
HES LOONY,!! EVEN GOING SO FAR AS TO CUMMING INSIDE OF YU.. he gets off at the thought of vergil possibly seeing his cum dripping down your legs IMFLOORED…. and once dante sees vergil downstairs, he’s GRINNING all giddily…
vergil instantly knows somethings up when dante is SHAVED + just came down from ur room.. and he’s not fucking DUMB, he’s seen how dante’s been eyeing yu for quite some time nao!! it doesn’t take long for vergil to piece 2 and 2 together..,,
it’d be funy if vergil was yan 2.. i reckon he’d actually lose his mind if dante impersonated him and successfully managed to fuck the most important individual in his laif.. methinks… ;; achoo…
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kindacruelandmean · 2 years
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki × Reader Summary: Shouto just love s you when your sweaty, every bit of you.
Tags: Body Worshiping, Musk/Sweat, Dubcon, Nasty stuff yall
Minors DNI
We all know that Shouto has a musk and sweat fetish. Enji made sure that his boy would appreciate hardwork, sweat, and effort. But jokes on Daddy Enji tho, cus his son's a fucking freak, dude.
And he'll start off so innocent with it too, then gradually get more deviant and perverted.
One day he's sniffing at your neck and peppering you with kisses when your changing out of your work clothes. The next day he's licking the sweat from your asscrack and toes.
**** -Your workout was intense today. You came home drenched in sweat and exhausted. Nothing sounded sweeter than a long, hot shower. Shouto greeted you as usual but seemed oddly chipper and really flushed. His dual colored eyes traveled up and down your form.
He always got like that after your long days. You just figured that he really missed you. And like usual he gave you a big hug, though instead of nosing at the crook of your neck, he lowered and dove straight into your sweaty cleavage. His shaky exhale cause a ripple throughout your mounds. It gave an odd itch. "S-Shouto! I-I’m so sweaty. Not now, okay. It'll get on you!" "Nhm um fnnn" He mumbled into your chest. You guessed that he was trying to say, "No, I'm fine." "Sweetie, you'll get dirRRTY!!" You wailed in surprise. His gave you little kitten licks that soon progressed into long laps. An arm of his left your waist and the one that remained grew tighter "F-fuck, you t-taste so good." He mumbled, more to himself it seemed. You gazed down towards his other arm. It was furiously pawing at his crotch. "SHOUTO?!" "I'm s-sorry.. You're just so hot.. I need more!" With that said, your boyfriend lifted you up and headed to your shared bed room.
You were quickly dropped on the bed and straddled by Shouto. He look at you with a hunger that terrified.
"Clothes, off." He ordered and began to disrobe you like his life depended on it. Once you were completely bare, Shouto lifted your arm and dove in. The feeling was so nauseously ticklish. His tongue swirled around the wispy hair of your armpit, all the while groaning in ecstacy. His free arm once again returned to furiously stroke his cock.
Shouto continued with his tongue bath, licking up every ounce of sweat he could get at. When he reached your lower half he paused as if to give some consideration. You were quickly flipped over. Yelping you tried to right yourself and claw away from your boyfriend, but he held you fast and pressed you flat against the bed.
"Not so fast..  You're not getting away from me, Sweetie. I need this, so so bad."
His heavy hands, uncomfortably hot and cold, gripped your ass and spread the cheeks as far as they would go. "Oh fuuuuuck..." He moan like the needy whore he was. The hair of your ass crack was saturated with sweat. Your boyfriend came a hairs length away and took a deep inhale. You could feel air travel through the canal of your cheeks then rushing back out with his exhale. "S-Shouto... Don't it's dirty. Please doNT!" You could not stop the attack of his tongue. Like the rest of your body he savored the skin. His journey began with his flattened tongue traveling from your taint to your tailbone and ended with him moving back down to give your puckered rim a swirl and suckle.
"Just can't h-help it! It's so h-hot. I'm- I'm gonna fucking cum. Gonna cum so fucking hard from you hot ass. Can't h-hold back!" He plunged his face into your ass and gave a loud wail. You clenched, trying to reject him, but he would not budge. Looking back you could see the rough stutter of his hips as he came. He rested for a few moments still planted in your ass before he removed himself.
Your boyfriend looked both dizzy and satisfied. He huffed lightly before looking up, addressing you, "O-Okay, ...I'm good. Let's go take a shower, Sweaty~"
Your stunned expression did not seem to faze him. With a satisfied smile, he scooped you up and headed towards the shower. A moist, pungent kiss was lovingly placed on your forehead.
*Next chapter: Shouto get jock itch because he can't stop rubbing his dick on your sweaty toes. Only real partners share candida 🙃
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rowanthestrange · 3 years
Words: ~1200
Muslim!Yaz, Dan, five days into three years.
In which not remembering is worse than remembering.
She wakes up on a day that should be Friday, but probably is not, with a ringing thought in her head that leaves her paralysed under the mountain of blankets.
Today should be a day she is guaranteed to shower. There will be no shower.
Today should be a day she is guaranteed to talk to her parents. Her parents have not been born.
Today should be a day she is guaranteed to pray at least once.
There is no prayer mat, there is no compass, there is no mosque.
There is no Qur’an except what’s in her head.
If by a miracle she finds one, it will be in Arabic, and she will be able to read about three-quarters of the words in it, but that isn’t enough, and if she stays here, if she fails, then it’s lost, and she’ll never- she won’t-
The door creaks. The floor creaks. The walls creak, and there will never be any secrets in this house.
A hand squeezes her shoulder.
Dan will think she’s crying because she’s remembering everything she cannot have. She doesn’t want to explain that she’s crying for everything she cannot remember.
Ducked under the blankets, she attempts to mop herself up on the sleeve of her blouse that she’s refused to change out of because it feels like doing do will cement her place here, but now is really going to have to. Her eyes are sore and she can’t see out her little air-gap that well, but she knows it’s Dan. And not just because there’s only one other person it could conceivably be.
The smell of smoke. Woodsmoke from where he’s woken up early and made the fire in the main room, maybe the stove; he’s good at turning the painfully biting cold of this place into an uncomfortable nibble. And fresh air - he’s already gone out, and scavenged or walked with Peggy and Professor Jericho.
There’s a clatter on the bedside table, and she pokes her head out enough to see the cup of tea. She forces herself to sit up, feeling embarrassed - fully dressed and puffy-eyed - but letting a cup of tea grow cold is now a considerably bigger sin than it ever was before.
Get the wood. Set the stove. Wait for it to heat. Get the water. Check there’s nothing in it. Wait quarter of an hour for it to boil properly. Use their limited supply of tea leaves. Fish them back out at the end if they haven’t already been boiled twice before.
Yaz sighs into the steam. Fresh leaves this time, fragrant and full of taste, instead of the weakly brown hot water of yesterday. But all tea is good, even yesterday’s, just from the warmth and the effort that goes into it.
“Sorry,” she says, trying to meet Dan’s eyes, and hitting his lapel instead before forcing them the rest of the way. She pulls her feet up so he’s got room to sit.
“Nah, surprised I didn’t wake you up this morning when I realised I’d have to make a sausage and egg McMuffin myself if I wanted one.”
Maybe it’s a good thing she’s not talking to her parents today, ‘I know you were worried before, but now I’m sleeping with a middle-aged Liverpudlian, cus I cannot stress to you enough how fucking cold it is here’. She’s got so much to not-tell them.
“I had one of those once when I was on earlies,” she says.
“Thought you didn’t eat pork?”
“Making it look like a burger’s entrapment. I only looked it up after, don’t ask me why.”
He laughs, and she drinks the rest of her tea. She could’ve easily been on her own here, if Dan had gone with the Doctor instead, or if he hadn’t decided to stick around at all. She’d have definitely gone mad if it was only her who remembered those details of her life. At least they’ve got each other.
“Want to talk about it? Might help,” Dan ventures.
Her hands tighten on her cup. She hurriedly puts it down, because everything feels so limited now, so hard to replace what breaks.
She wants to just shake her head, say no, he wouldn’t force her. But she can feel it all churning again inside her with even just that little prod. She tries to imagine who she _would_ want to talk about it to, and she mentally crosses out person after person, and finds herself back to Dan anyway. If they’re going to do this, all of this - whatever this is - together, then she can’t close off everything, even the painful stuff. Especially the painful stuff.
She may not remember the verses in their entirety, but written in her is the knowledge that she will face all her hypocrisies in the end, one way or another.
“I’m worried I...won’t remember something. Some words. That I’m gonna forget or mix up even the bits I think I know now. And it really matters to me.”
The lid to that bit of her was on tighter than she thought, but it’s a start.
“Hm. Maybe you can you write it down?”
“What with?” Yaz can hear her voice getting higher, the ability to keep herself together in front of Dan weakened from even opening up that much, “There’s nothing here, no pens, no paper.” She doesn’t even know if it’s because there’s none in the house, or if they don’t really exist like that in 1901, she doesn’t have anything and she doesn’t know anything-
“Wait, no, hang on, hang on,” Dan says, patting himself down, “I couldn’t get the string off that jar remember and you gave it to me to stab that waxy fabric stuff- Aha!” Dan rummages in his pocket and presses a biro into her hand.
It feels like a relic from another life, and it’s not even been a week - there’s still a trace of ink in the lines of her palm. The plastic around the metal tip is cracked, where they should have used a knife, but it was almost dawn and they hadn’t eaten, and rationality took second place to the promise of jam.
She looks around vaguely, as if some paper might have also miraculously materialised around her, but Dan pulls her to her feet and propels her forward.
“Just write it on the wall. Dunno if it still works, but the white stuff looks soft enough you’ll probably be able to see the scratches anyway.”
She remembers a hotel room long ago, watching the Doctor standing on a bed above her, and memorising the curves of her letters as if they were a part of her. The Doctor would like Dan, if she’d spent more than half an hour in his company.
Her hand hovers, and her mind concentrates. They need to be absolutely correct, from start to finish - whole and complete, in perfect clarity. All three ways; English, Arabic, and the sound of the words in case there ever comes a day when they become nothing but ancient squiggles to her, beautiful and familiar, but devoid of sense.
One hundred and fourteen surahs. Yaz is confident of seven.
She knows the very beginning. She knows the very end. It’s the long sections in the middle that do not live fully-formed in her memory, but as ghosts and snippets and flashes. She may never know them entirely again.
But it will have to be enough.
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idnek83 · 4 years
Hey it’s angst o’clock: before Kaz and Gundham get together, when they still kinda hate each other, 2 of the Devas have babies and everyone takes turns babysitting the litter while Gundham works. Kaz’s turn comes and he finds one of the babies has died and fREAKS THE FUCK OUT. Like sobbing cuz he’s never had a pet before let alone seen one die and so he takes the baby and flees and everyone thinks he just straight up stole a baby but really he’s fucking horrified and terrified to tell Gundham cuz he fucked it up and the baby is dead cuz of him somehow. And someone, maybe Sonia, finds him and talks him down and they go to Gundham who is more upset that Kaz “stole” a baby but once he realizes what happens he understands. Being a Breeder he probably sees animal death a lot unfortunately. But he helps comfort Kaz and forgives him and lets him help with the living babies and maybe that’s how they start becoming actual friends and sometime down the line they realize oh fuck I’m actually in love with this dude when did that happen IDK SHOWER THOUGHTS WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE I HAD TO TELL SOMEONE SORRY
You think you can come onto my blog and just rip my fucking heart out, huh? Right in front of my mutuals? You think you can just rip my heart out and force me to write something sad so everyone else has to feel sad too?
Good. Cus you 100% can lol.
TW: animal death - It’s mentioned repeatedly and is the central theme of this, so please just skip this one if you think you might be uncomfortable reading it. 
Gundham comes into the class one day and he’s super proud and showing off the baby hamsters to everyone. He’s a little embarrassed to ask for help, but he’s working on a very important conservation project or something, so he asks if anyone would be willing to keep an eye on them for an hour or two at a time over the next few days, insisting that it wouldn’t be hard, all they really had to do was make sure they didn’t escape and call Gundham if something went wrong. At least like half the class offers cus the babies are just so damn cute, Soda only offers cus Sonia did and he’s trying to impress her.
Gundham sets up an enclosure for the hamsters in the classroom, and everyone picks a time to come by to watch them.
When Soda’s turn rolls around a few days later, he’s secretly a little excited. He’s been complaining about it the past few days to keep up appearances, can’t have anyone suspecting that even tough he can’t stand Gundham, he also kind of has a soft spot for him (What? Dudes handsome), but he’s actually pretty psyched to get to spend some time just chilling with the baby hamsters. He’s never had his own pet, but he’s always wanted one.
Anyways, when he gets to the class he checks on all the babies and as far as he can tell they’re all good. He gives pets them for a bit, but then they seem like they’re trying to go to sleep so he leaves them and sits at a desk to play around on his phone for a while. Like 40 minutes later he gets up to check on them again.
They’re pretty much all huddled up, and Soda thinks it’s super cute, but he notices one lying down a bit away from the rest. He assumes it must have rolled away in it’s sleep, or that it got kicked out since its the smallest one, so he goes to move it back over to the hamster pile.
It’s cold when he touches it.
He knows pretty much right away what that means, but he doesn’t want to believe it. He pokes it a bit and tries to scratch it’s whiskers to get it to react, but it doesn’t move. He’s already crying, but then he starts thinkin about how it was probably something on his hands that killed it. He didn’t was his hands after finishing up in his garage, and he must have had oil or something on his hand when he was petting the hamster and now it was dead.
He’s hyperventilating.
He’s worried he killed them all, but looking at the hamster pile, the rest of them all appear to be breathing still. He’s too scared to touch them to make sure.
He’s sure its his fault. His fault for touching the hamster with dirty hands and his fault for not paying more attention. The hamster was probably acting weird before it died, if he had just been paying attention he could have called Gundham and it would still be alive.
He’s a murderer.
Sonia was supposed to be the next person watching the hamsters. He couldn’t let her see the dead baby hamster, couldn’t let her know he killed it. He looks around the room and finds a little box to put it in. He’s chocking on his sobs as he picks up the hamster, and he nearly drops it because his hands are shaking so bad. Once it’s in the box he has to take a moment cus he thinks he might vomit from how guilty he feels. 
There’s like 10 minutes before Sonia is supposed to get there, so he takes one last look at the other hamsters, picks up the little box that has no right feeling as heavy as it does, and leaves.
He doesn’t really know where to go so he just heads up to the roof to get some fresh air and think, sobbing the whole way. He’s pretty sure he saw Sonia down one of the hells on his way up, but he just prays she didn’t see him and that she doesn’t remember how many hamsters there were.
He sits with the box in his lap, shaking. 
He thinks he feels it shift.
His chest seizes up. Was it alive? Had he really not killed it? He can feel the hope swelling up inside him as he slowly opens the box-
It’s dead.
It’s definitely dead and now its lying on its side and its little eyes are staring right at Soda and it takes him a minute to realize his sobs have turned into screams of agony. The hope made it so much worse.
He closes the box again and sets it down so gently beside him, before curling in on himself and just sobbing and screaming into his hands so hard his whole body is shaking from it.
He’s a murderer. He killed a defenseless animal. A baby. It was only a few days old and he killed it.
Suddenly there’s a warm hand on his back, rubbing just a little and bringing him back down to earth. His sobs slowly get weaker and he manages to look up, though his vision is still blurred with tears. He can make out dark clothes, pale skin, and a bright purple scarf. He assumes Gundham is there to punish him.
Gundham just asks him what’s going on, says Sonia called him because one of the hamsters was missing and she thought she had seen Soda running away from the classroom earlier. They assumed he had taken one of the hamsters for himself, but that didn’t explain why he was crying on the roof.
Soda realizes that the only reason Gundham isn’t beating him senseless is because he doesn’t know the hamster is dead.
“I killed it.” He starts sobbing harder the second the word leave his mouth. He feels Gundham’s hand tense on his back
“What.” Gundham definitely sounds pissed now. He’s not yelling, but his voice sounds deadly. Soda accepts that he’s about to get the shit kicked out of him, accepts it even. He deserves it.
“I-it must have been the oil on my h-hands or something, I don’t know. I s-should have been paying more attention, but when I looked at them gain it was-” his voice is cut off by another sob, and he’s just waiting for Gundham to hit him. To his surprise, some of the tension in Gundham’s body dissipates.  
“Where is the poor creature?” Gundham doesn’t sound angry anymore and Soda doesn’t understand. He just gestures towards the box, he’s too much of a coward to even look at it again.
Gundham gets up and opens the box. Soda hear him exhale sadly after a moment, before returning to Soda.
“It would seem we have both been mislead.” Gundham sits beside Soda and starts rubbing his back again. He explains that Soda did not kill the hamster, it seemed like something must not have developed right internally, and it simply died of natural causes. There was nothing either of them could have done to save it. Soda is just amazed how calm Gundham is being.
He asks him why he isn’t more upset, and Gundham sighs and tells him that it’s unfortunately something he sees a lot, so over time he’s just gotten used to it.
Soda’s just like “That fucking sucks.” and Gundham kind of laughs sadly and say “It fucking sucks indeed.” Soda’s kind of startled by Gundham swearing and it forces an awkward little laugh out of him. 
They’re both quite for a while, then Gundham tells him he’s touched by how upset Soda was over the hamsters death, and that he’s sure the hamsters soul appreciated him mourning it, but it is simply part of the circle of life and death, so he shouldn’t get too fixated on it. Soda’s still crying a little but he nods and says he’ll try, Gundham keeps rubbing his back.
They stay up on the roof for a while longer. Soda has mostly stopped crying, but Gundham’s hand is still on his back and he tries not to think too much about it. When they stand, Gundham picks up the box before Soda can even think about it and motions for him to follow him.
They bury it in some nearby woods, Soda insists on leaving some flowers. He asks Gundham not to tell their classmate about how much he cried. Gundham just says ‘of course’, as if they didn’t spend most their free time looking for new ways to get under each other’s skin.
Later, Gundham insists that Soda comes to see the healthy babies, telling him it will help him feel better. Soda is scared to be left alone with them, so Gundham just stays by his side the whole time. Even after Gundham finishes his project and brings them back to his place, he invites Soda over to see them. He starts teaching Soda about proper hamster care and they slowly grow closer and closer.
Sometimes Soda gets a little teary eyed while looking at the other hamsters, and he’s worried Gundham will make fun of him. He never does, he always just silently rubs Soda’s back, until one day he pulls him into a hug as well.
Months later, their relationship has completely turned around. They’re both constantly talking to each other and hanging out, they even occasionally refer to the hamster babies as their children haha. The rest of the class starts making bets on when they’ll realize they’re into each other, but for the time being they’re both happy they were able to finally become friends.
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Has virgil ever had a break down infront of anyone in the nursing home au. Like freaked out becuse of police sirens outside of the building or on tv or a documetery of prision is played on the luchroom tv when he went to make" fucking mac and cheese™️" also im sad now cus all i think of is logan dying and then a when romans about to die he tells virgil "i know what my next adventure is. Im going to find Logan. Dont worry ill be fine" and thencloses his eyes to sleep but dosent wake up;-;.
First of all, hello sadness! Loganis the first to go yes, and you can bet your bottom dollar Roman would saysomething along those lines. (Or alternatively, the both of them discover thefountain of youth and never have to die. :D)
As for Virgil, he tries his very hardestnot to show his weaknesses, but sometimes…they just happen. The first time it happens in front of other people at the nursing home is written below the cut.
WARNINGS: in-depth descriptions of a panic attack, ptsd
Nursing Home AU Masterlist
It happens when Virgil is inRemus’s room cleaning up one of his messes.
Remus adamantly disagrees on theterminology of his ‘messes’.
“It’s art! You prudes wouldn’t haveany artistic sense if it bit you in the butthole!”
Virgil snorts, “You could have justleft it with ‘butt’.”
The old man grins, showing off asmile that’s missing half of its teeth. “But butthole sounds so much juicier.”
“I will pay you to never say thatagain.”
“This is payback for destroying mylife’s work.”
Virgil looks at him with a raisedbrow.
Then he looks pointedly back at thewall that features a giant penis drawn with smeared ketchup.
Virgil has no idea where Remussmuggled this much ketchup into his room.
Patton comes into the room. Heglances at the ‘artwork’ on the wall and doesn’t look the slightest bitsurprised. Someone must have spread the word to him.
Remus doesn’t look at all ashameddespite Patton’s disapproving expression.
“We’ve talk about this,” Pattonadmonishes.
“You talked, I ignored.”
“Remus. No…phallic imagerydisplayed in the building.”
“THIS IS HOMOPHOBIC!” Remusscreeches.
Virgil just shakes his head andcontinues wiping down the wall.
For the next couple of minutes helistens to the two of them talk behind him. Patton continues to try to reasonwith Remus, and Remus continues to be unreasonable. Same song and dance asevery day.
But then Remus yells something thatsticks with Virgil.
“This place is a prison!” hebemoans. “Give me back my freedom, George Washington!”
And it’s kinda funny and Remus’sstyle of random and dramatic, but …
This place is aprison.
Maybe. In some ways.
Like the small cell-like rooms.
Or not being allowed to leave for manyof those who lived here.
Seeing the same faces day in andday out.
Always having eyes on you, watchingeverything you do.
But for the most part?
You didn’t have to worry if yourcellmate would strangle you in your sleep.
Or keeping your head down in thecafeteria, because last time you made eye contact with someone they took it asa challenge.
Or choosing to forsake personalhygiene just so you wouldn’t leave yourself open to being cornered in theshowers.
The way they’d size you up quick aspredator or prey, and God help you if they thought of you as the latter.
As scared shitless as Virgil hadbeen, crying into his pillow almost every night because it was always so coldand the thin standard blanket did nothing to fight the chill…
Virgil had never in his life had toact so tough and mean. He learned to spit his words harshly enough to makeothers second guess their assumptions of an easy target. He hissed and bit anyhand that tried to touch him.
Virgil doesn’t realize at first,but he has stopped cleaning up Remus’s mess.
His hand lingers, rag pressedagainst the wall until it drags down and lays limply. 
He stares, and while the beigepaint brings warmth to the room, it somehow fades to the steel gray he had tosee day after day.
Distantly he hears voices behindhim, but they become a muted hum, like the echoes from down the row of cells.He can hear footsteps, the guards pacing up the corridor.
A hand on his shoulder.
It burns like acid.
Virgil’s entire body tenses up, alive wire ready to strike but his vision’s gone all tunnel-y and he can’t seewhere the enemy is.
“Virgil. Virgil, what’s wrong?”
“Don’t. Touch. Me,” Virgil pushesthe words out with all the effort it takes to move a car out of a muddy bank.
He’s just now catching on thatmaybe he’s having a panic attack, but that doesn’t stop it from happening. Ifanything, it just makes it worse and he struggles to decipher past frompresent. It all muddles together, and he can’t move, can’t turn his head, can’tstop staring at the gray—brown—gray wall.
“Don’t touch me,” Virgil saysagain, breath kicking into a concerning pace. “Don’t touch me, don’t touch me,don’t ever fucking touch me.”
All at once the hand is gone.
The burn of acid remains.
Patton is at a complete loss.
Virgil was fine just a minute ago.
But then he’d gotten quiet— which wasn’tunlike him, ya know? But he hadn’t responded to either of them when spoken todirectly, and that definitely was unlike him.
So Patton tried to get hisattention, thinking maybe he’d been lost in thought.
He’d never seen Virgil’s eyes sowide and terrified.
And his shoulders, they startedmoving up and down as his breathing shallowed out.
And his words—so aggressive thatPatton genuinely believed for a second that Virgil was one second away fromlashing out at him.
Patton keeps his hands to himselfafter that, but he lingers beside Virgil, reluctant to leave him likethis—whatever this is.
Is he angry at Patton? Upset withwhat they were talking about? Patton begs Virgil to tell him what’s going on,but it’s like Virgil can’t even hear him.
“Just keep talking to him,” Remussuggests.
“It’s not working though,” Pattonsays, voice dripping with worry. Virgil’s really starting to edge towardshyperventilating. An allergic reaction? But Virgil has never mentioned—and hehasn’t eaten anything recently—
“What’s going on here?” Dee asks,poking his head in.
Virgil can hear him at the doorway,kind of like in an out of body sort of way.
He’s never had a freak out this badaround them—had been so proud of himself for making it this long.
Now their eyes are on him, andVirgil feels their pinprick gazes stabbing into the back of his neck. The panicramps up another couple of notches.
Patton looks pleadingly at Dee.“He’s—he’s having some kind of attack. I don’t know what happened.”
“Oh shit,” Dee says eloquently.
For all that Dee oozes confidenceand spins pretty words, comforting an emotionally distressed rival is kinda outof his range of specialties. He stands there, slack-jawed and hesitating.
That won’t do at all.
“Just fucking talk to him,” Remussays bitingly and gets up from his bed.
He ambles over to Virgil and pullsa chair up close enough to him but far away enough to not startle him.
Virgil startles anyway.
“Whatever you’re seeing, kid, it’snot real,” Remus tells him. His eyes are bright and mad and clever. “They wantyou to think it’s real, and yeah okay, it was real at some point, wasn’t it? Butit’s not anymore. You’re not there. It’s over. You can come out now.”
It takes a minute, and Virgilshudders, and tears are streaming down his face.
But he’s listening.
Remus leans forward, elbows proppedon his knees. “You’re safe now. They already did the hurting. So tell them togo fuck themselves. They don’t get to touch you anymore.”
Virgil slows to a calm.
He feels numb.
But the walls have stopped crushinghim and he can breathe again.
“Better?” Patton asks from theother side of him. He never left his side for a moment.
Virgil nods jerkily, unable to talkat the moment.
“Need anything? Water? Anything?”
Virgil takes too long to think,thoughts sluggish.
“Let’s go talk to Logan!” Remusblurts out.
He hops out of his chair andmotions for Virgil to stand. Noticeably, he doesn’t try touching Virgil. Heholds out his hand in offer if Virgil needs help standing up.
“His nerdy talk can bore you rightto sleep. Let’s go, Emo. Upsy-daisy.”
Virgil takes his hand and stands.
He hesitates, gesturing at the wallas if to say, “But I still need to clean it up.”
Remus waves his concern off. “Don’tworry about that. Dee will clean it up. Dee loves cleaning up mymesses.”
Dee gives him a dark look butdoesn’t say anything. He stands aside and lets the two of them leave the room,Remus guiding a quiet Virgil by the hand.
Patton remains, though he staresafter them. “I’m still not sure what happened. He was fine and then … Iguess something must have triggered it.”
Dee shrugs, rubbing his glovedhands together self-consciously. “Everyone has their own demons.”
And when Remus had seen Virgildescend into the madness of memory, like had recognized like.
General Tag List: @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @levy-the-b00kw0rm @tacochippy @accio-hufflepuff-power1 @just-another-rainbowblog @georganabanana @grey-says-heck @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @thesynysterunknown @idont-know-what-im-doing @idioticsky @fadingglowcloud @whizzie72 @theinvisiblespoon @greyyy523 @opaque-puppet @just-fic-me-up @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sos-fandoms @loganeatsbooks @trust-is-overrated @theitalianalchemist @im-crunchie @mourning–star @4amanxiety @hogwarts-my-love @enby-phoenix @justanotherpurplebutterfly @internet-or-sleep @absolutesandersidestrash @seaspider10 @nonasficcollection @satanblessi @an-absolute-failure @analogical-mess @noisyeggpizzapatrol @hamilsandersfam @cefinitely-rolo @thgjclw @knight-shives @no-no-no-no-6 @savingshae @rabbitsartcorner @buddypallady @midnight-tragedyy @007ardra @fandomloverangel @dorkoverse @moodytrash06 @mirrorz-n-starz @idunnosong @lcrnbw @ollyollyoxinfree @cuter-on-the-inside @its-high-time-that-i-dropped-in @crazy-rat-man @i-need-a-life-8903 @modsnow
Nursing Home List: @thirteenashmctrash @figurative-falsehood @oddball-wqri@comicsimpson @hit-or-mish @delphionix @rabbitsartcorner @nugs-and-hugs-not-drugs @toostressedforthisbs @fluctuating-fangirl @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @bestbluebouquet @the-aroace-queen-in-the-quiver @logans-doodles @herestheanxietea @theblankest123 @lia-quanz
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cynicalrainbows · 4 years
The Next Best Thing Chapter 14
Cathy gets some over-the-phone grief counselling from her godmother.
The relief of hearing Catalina- very obviously alive and well and not at all dead- is so much that upon hearing it, she bursts into tears and can’t do anything more than sob into the phone. 
She can hear Catalina saying ‘Hello? Hello?’ in a voice that is sounding more and more worried and it makes her feel guilty, but she’s also crying too hard to speak properly.
‘Hello? Cathy? Mija, is that you?’
Her voice comes out all wobbly.
‘What’s the matter, querida? Are you alright? Are you hurt?’ Catalina is sounding seriously panicked now but she can’t answer, not yet.
‘Are you on your own? Is there someone with you?’
She nods and then realises that of course Catalina can’t hear her.
‘Can you let me talk to them for a minute, mija? I’ll be very very quick, alright?’
She doesn’t really want to give Anna the phone at all- Catalina is her godmother, not Anna’s, and she doesn’t feel like sharing- but she isn’t sure what else to do so she pushes the receiver at Anna who looks a bit confused but takes it anyway.
There’s buzzing on the other end of the phone but she can’t hear anything.
‘I’m Anna. I’m Cathy’s friend. Are you Catalina?’
There’s a pause.
‘I think she’s ok.’
Anna turns to her. ‘You’re not sick or hurt, are you Cathy?’
She shakes her head. She really wants Anna to give her the phone back.
‘She isn’t. She said she wants to come home…….No, everyone else is asleep.’
There’s another pause. Anna says ‘yes’ a couple more times and ‘thank you’ and then ‘yes’ again.
Cathy’s still juddering with sobs and she’s shivering a bit in the drafty hall and she’s regretting letting Anna talk her into this because she isn’t feeling any better at all AND now she’s cold on top of everything...but then Anna passes the phone back to her and sits down cross legged on the carpet.
‘She asked if I would stay with you if I’m not too tired, or wake up Anne’s Mum if I am’ She says, to Cathy’s confused look, and then shrugs. ‘I’m not too tired so I’ll stay.’
Cathy is very, very glad Anna hasn’t opted to wake Anne’s Mum, but there isn’t time to say anything because Catalina’s voice is in her ear again and now she doesn’t sound worried or panicky at all.
‘Hello again mija.’
 It’s the voice that wakes her from nightmares. The tight bands around her chest start to loosen the tiniest bit.
Her own voice is very small and teary.
‘What’s the matter, querida? Anna said you were feeling a little bit homesick?’
Homesick is a small, silly insubstantial word for the crushing despair that’s settled heavily upon her, and it doesn’t even touch the anguish of wondering whether or not Catalina is alright, nor the terrible guilt over her parents….but she half nods into the phone anyway.
‘I want to be at home. I want to be at home now.’
She sounds like a baby but she can’t help it. She doesn’t even really care that Anna is listening.
‘Oh querida’ Catalina’s voice is velvety soft and very, very gentle. ‘It’s hard being away from home sometimes, isn’t it?’
‘Yes, it’s horrible.’ She’s quite relieved Catalina isn’t telling her not to be so silly or asking how she can be homesick when she hasn’t even been gone a full day yet. ‘Everything feels wrong.’
‘I know. It’s awful when it all hits at once.’
She sounds like she really does know, which is a bit of a surprise.
‘I used to get it very, very badly.’
‘I think the worst was when I first came to England.’ Cathy knows about that- about how Catalina came to England when she was very young to get married but how the man she was meant to marry died before it could happen. ‘But when I went to university- that was all a very hard time, at first.’
‘But that was when you were grown up.’
‘You can get homesick at any age, mija.’
She isn’t sure if she likes the idea that she might feel like this again- but she does like the way that Catalina sounds so matter of fact about everything, like she isn’t making a silly fuss over nothing.
‘Did you cry?’
She contemplates this unexpected revelation. ‘I want to come home,’ she says, and just saying it makes her throat all tight and her voice wobbly again because she does want to go home, she wants to be at home so very much-
 Catalina sighs.
‘I can come and get you querida-’
‘Yes please-’
‘But that means I’ll have to hang up the phone to drive, so how about-’ There’s a rustling as if Catalina is moving around ‘How about we talk for a while, just until you’re a little bit calmer, alright mija? And then I’ll come?’
She opens her mouth to say no, that she needs Catalina to come now- but she also doesn't want to hang up the phone, and perhaps Catalina can read her mind.
‘I’d rather not hang up until I’m sure you’re alright mija, I would feel very uncomfortable about leaving you alone in such a state. Is that alright with you?’
She doesn't really want Catalina to go so she gulps out a yes.
‘Then that’s what we’ll do. Now…. What’s got you feeling homesick mija? Did something happen?’
‘Not really…’ She isn’t sure, so she settles for ‘Anne doesn’t shut her curtains.’
Catalian clicks her tongue. ‘Ah! Yes, I should have thought of that- I could have mentioned it to Anne’s Mum. Sorry mija.’
Cathy wonders what good that would have done, since Anne’s Mum didn’t even come into the room when she said goodnight, just pushed the door open a bit and called to them from the hall….but she doesn't say that.
‘Could you close them yourself perhaps, if Anne is already asleep? No one would mind.’
She fidgets a bit, she isn't sure she wants Anne to know about her window thing and Catalina must hear her hesitation so she adds ‘Or perhaps you could try and face away from the window? Maybe put Tarkar on your pillow so if you turn over, you’ll just be looking at him instead?’
She usually hates it when grownups talk about her toys as if they’re real- she knows they’re not and it makes her feel like she’s Kitty’s age- but she can’t even focus on that now, because it just reminds her that she doesn’t even have Tarkar with her and that makes her feel even worse.
‘Cathy? Mija?’
‘But he’s at home-’ she whimpers, and she’s a bit surprised Catalina has forgotten considering the long debate they had over it, Catalina saying it wouldn’t hurt to just put Tarkar in the very bottom of her rucksack in case she changed her mind about not needing him in the night, and Cathy arguing that she wasn’t a baby and that nobody ever takes otters to sleepovers anyway and that Catalina could watch the Lizzie Maquire sleepover episode for herself if she didn't believe her.
(Catalina had shuddered quite hard at the suggestion and said I’ll take your word for it mija quite firmly. Cathy isn't sure why.)
‘Didn’t you find him?’ Catalina sounds genuinely surprised. ‘I put him just at the bottom of your bag, under your towel.’
It’s a big surprise, although she had been wondering why Catalina had packed a towel for her considering she was only going for the night and had already had a shower that morning because she didn’t like the idea of using Anne’s big power shower with the hundred and one knobs and dials and buttons.
‘I’m sorry querida, I know how firm you were about not wanting to take him but I just couldn’t help myself. I hope you’re not too cross with me.’
It’s so odd to hear that because it’s normally the other way around, with Cathy hoping she isn’t the one in trouble- although she has to admit, Catalina hardly ever gets cross, even when she probably could.
‘No. I’m not too cross.’
‘Well, I’m glad. Do you know, when I went to university, when I was much much older than you-’ Catalina’s slips into her storytelling voice. ‘I was 18 and I spent so long packing and choosing what I would bring! Dios mio, I drove my poor mother quite demented- changing my mind and packing and repacking, tearing my room to pieces. I just wanted to seem grown up so very badly-’
It’s funny to hear Catalina talk about wanting to look grown up at university because surely by the time you’re at university, you already are a grown up, a proper one?
‘I decided only to take things that a grown up would take, so I chose all the longest books I had with the most impressive titles- some I’d never even opened….I decided to take only clothes that would be smart for lectures….or that I could wear for a night out. Nothing old! Nothing sloppy! My goodness, how I regretted it!’
‘What happened?’
Her voice is still a bit wavery but it’s a lot more like her normal voice than before and she finds that she is actually a bit interested to hear the story.
 It’s so funny to think of Catalina being young and scared and making silly mistakes- because even she knows that it makes no sense to take books you don't actually like away with you and she’s not even eight yet, whereas Catalina was more than ten years older.
‘Oh querida, it was horrible! I caught a cold on my first night out with my new friends and I had such a terrible hangover-’
‘Whats a hangover?’
‘It means….well, sometimes when you’re young and having fun….that is, in moderation, sometimes things are ok but when you have too much…’ Catalina trails off then picks up the story again hurriedly. ‘Do you know what mija, I’ll explain to you tomorrow ok?’ 
Cathy wonders what could possibly be too complicated that Catalina can't just explain it now and makes a mental note to remember to ask about hangovers the next morning because surely Anne won’t know what they are either and maybe this is something that they should know, like multiplication and suffixes. 
‘Anyway, I felt so ill and I had nothing I wanted to wear, nothing comfortable. And nothing interesting to read while I was stuck in bed either!’
Cathy gives a little gasp of sympathy. How horrible!
 She almost wishes she could go back in time, to bring poor University Catalina the big warm snuggly cardigan that she likes to wear after work and on weekends and one of the glossy magazines she likes so much (and hides under the sofa cushions when people come to visit) so that she can be happy rather than sad and uncomfortable and hungover (whatever that means).
‘And worst of all mija, I’d left Benito behind-’
‘Who was Benito?’
‘Benito was my monkey- not a real one sadly. But I’d had him since I was younger than you and he’d been with me through everything and I was so sure that it wasn’t the sort of thing you’d take to University if you were a proper grown up….oh I very suddenly found I was not at all too old to miss him, no matter what I’d thought! Especially when everything was so new and stressful. So the very first reading week we had, I went home- I said it was just to see my old friends but really mija, I wouldn’t have cared if I hadn’t seen a single one of them as long as I got to bring my books and my comfortable clothes and Benito back with me.’
‘Do you still have him?’ She wonders if Benito might be interested in making friends with an otter.
Catalina sighs. ‘No. He got lost along the way and I’ve always been a little bit sad about it. I like to think he is making some other little girl in Spain very happy- or perhaps someone who is not so little at all!’ 
‘Will I have to leave Tarkar behind when I go to University?’ (She doesn’t know quite what she wants to be yet but she knows she wants to go to University because Catalina’s stories make it sound so interesting.)
‘Not unless you want to. But whatever you decide to do, I’m sure you’ll take much better care of Tarkar than I took of Benito.’
‘I will.’ She says it seriously but Catalina laughs. It’s a nice laugh though.
‘Good. Now was there anything else querida? You sounded so upset when you called.’
It’s funny- she realises suddenly that over the course of the story, she’s not only stopped crying but she’s started feeling a lot more normal. Maybe it’s knowing that Tarkar is in her bag after all or maybe it’s how very well and alive Catalina sounds but whatever it is, she feels much more like herself.
She’s feeling so much better that she almost doesn't want to tell Catalina what was really wrong before….but then she doesnt want her godmother- or Anna for that matter- to think she’s a silly baby for crying over a cuddly toy so she takes a deep breath.
‘I thought you might be hurt. Or sick. Or something.’
Catalina sounds astonished. ‘Why mija? I’m perfectly well.’
‘I thought…’ She fiddles with the cord of the phone. She doesn’t really like saying it but Catalina obviously doesn’t understand. ‘I thought maybe you might be hurt. Like….like Mum and Dad.’
There's a little pause. ‘Oh. Oh Cathy. Oh mija.’
Catalina sounds so very sad that she wonders for a moment if she’s said the wrong thing, and then there’s a long silence and her eyes start to burn again as if the tears are threatening to return. 
Then she sniffles and Catalina’s back on the phone, all hurried.
‘I’m so sorry you had to think about that querida. That must have been very, very scary for you. Especially being away from home.’
Catalina doesn’t sound cross but she still sounds sad.
‘.....I’m sorry.’
‘Oh mija, you have nothing to be sorry for!’ Catalina sounds most emphatic. ‘Nothing at all. I’m not in the least bit upset with you. I’m just so sorry we’re having this conversation over the phone and I can’t give you a hug. And I’m sorry you were having to think such things while I was off thinking about what a lovely time you must be having.’
‘I was having a lovely time.’ She doesn’t want Catalina to think she’s been pathetic all night. ‘Just...when we went to bed. And- I couldn’t sleep and then I started thinking about Mum and Dad….’
Catalina hums sympathetically.
‘And…and it made me think about how I didnt even know that they weren’t ok until they weren’t there any more and maybe I wouldn’t know if you weren’t ok and maybe you might have gotten hurt while I was away and I wouldn’t know-’
‘Ok. Ok mija. Let's take some nice deep breaths, ok? Can you try for me? In and out.’
After a minute of doing deep calming breaths in time with Catalina on the phone, Catalina says ‘This is what I used to do with Maria when she was expecting you.’ 
It’s very unexpected- it’s always a bit odd to hear her mother referred to by her nickname and it’s also funny to think about her Mum and Catalina knowing each other before she was born. 
‘Oh yes. Sometimes she would get so worried- she loved you so much, you see, and she wanted so badly to do everything right for you. She worried she might make a mistake.’
‘But you said I wasn’t born. How can you love someone who doesn’t exist yet?
‘Oh she loved you long, long before you were born mija. We both did- and Thomas too.’ Thomas she knows is her Dad. ‘I was in Spain and she was in England but she’d call me and we’d talk all about how excited she was to meet you and all the things you would do when you were grown up and how proud we’d all be- but sometimes she’d worry that she was going to make mistakes and then I’d tell her to take some deep breaths and remind her that everything was going to be ok.’
‘Like you’re doing for me.’
‘Like I’m doing for you.’
‘It wasn’t all ok though. She died. She and Dad can’t be proud of me because they’re dead. So it didn’t happen how you said it would at all.’ The tears are back properly now and she thinks that maybe just maybe Catalina’s voice sounds a bit watery too. 
‘I know mija. And it’s very very sad. But we have to try and think about the good things too, as well as the sad things.’
‘What good things?’ She isn’t sure there can be any good things- not when Mum and Dad are dead. How can she enjoy Catalina’s stories knowing how it’s all going to end? She’s sure that her Mum and Dad wouldn’t have been so happy thinking about all things she’d grow up to do if they’d known they wouldn’t be there to see any of them.
‘Well, there’s how much she loved you. That’s still a good thing. She loved you enough for a hundred years, enough for a thousand. How she thought about you every day, before she’d even met you, and how your Daddy did too. That’s a good thing. They were both so excited- you know, your Daddy called everybody he knew when you were born, everybody in his contacts list, people he hadn't spoken to for years and years, just to tell them he had a little girl.’
‘Tell me some more good things. Please.’
She likes that Catalina doesn’t even have to stop and think. ‘There are all the lovely memories you have with them- that’s a very, very good thing. No matter what happens mija, no one can take away your memories. There are all the things they taught you.’
‘Like how to ride a bike. And to swim.’
‘Yes-. And other things too- like how much you like reading. That’s something good that they left you with. That’s something you’ll always take with you. You know, your Daddy got you a library card when you were only just born.’ 
It’s funny to hear Catalina say that. She’d always sort of imagined liking reading of something that was just luck- but now it seems different. More special, like a present but not one you can see or touch.
‘Even just the way you look mija- your beautiful hair, for example. That’s something they’ve given you.’
‘Are there more good things?’
‘So many many more mija. I could talk all night and I’d still not have finished. It’s hard, it’s very hard sometimes to see the good things but that doesn’t mean they’re not there.’
The thought makes her cry a bit more- like the tears are feelings that she just doesn’t have room for any more. They’re not bad feelings- just feelings. She can’t contain them and they overflow as tears.
‘Were you happy too? When I was born?’
‘So very happy mija, you cannot imagine. I had planned to come to see you and your Mummy and Daddy in England anyway but I was so impatient, I called them- I called to ask if I could possibly come early because I couldn’t wait. And you know, when I spoke to them on the phone, Maria said she had been asking Thomas if he thought I would mind coming earlier…because she so wanted to introduce me to you.’
Her voice softens. ‘I have never been sadder than when we lost Maria and Thomas but- since we cannot change that mija, as much as I wish we could, I’m so very happy that I can take care of you for them. And I like to think they would be happy too. I think they are happy too. As much as they'd prefer to be with you themselves...I think they’re happy that you’re with me because they know that I love you like they did. And I know they’re so very, very proud of you. Of what a very brave, clever, good girl their daughter has become.’ 
They’re both definitely crying now but it doesn't hurt like her tears before had hurt, and when she can talk again, she feels better. Lighter. Her eyes are very very sore and her mouth feels dry, but somehow, she doesn't feel so scared anymore.
Thinking about her parents- in a good way- hurts but in a way that feels right. Healthy, almost. Something that hurts but that is good for you too, like hard exercise and injections. She wonders if sometimes the things that are good for you- the things that you need- do just hurt a little bit, if that's just how some things in life are.
There’s a little pause as they both sniffle into the phone...and then Catalina gives a little laugh and says ‘Oh mija I shan't be able to scold you for wiping your nose on your sleeve any more, I ran out of tissues-’ and she starts laughing a bit even as she's still crying. 
It feels good to be able to smile.
‘You can remind me of this when I tell you off for it.’
‘I will.’
‘Are you feeling a little bit better now mija?’
‘Yes.’ She actually means it.
‘Good. I think perhaps we should maybe have another talk about this soon, yes? Properly, when we’re both a bit less tired and when we can see each other and I can give you a proper cuddle.’
That sounds quite nice.
‘Ok. ‘ There’s a pause. ‘Shall I come and get you now mija? I’m not as worried about leaving you anymore.’
‘Will you really come?’
It’s been a tiny niggling worry at the back of her mind the whole time- that maybe Catalina is just trying to distract her, to make her forget about having to drive over to get her in the middle of the night, that maybe she’s just planning on telling her that now she doesn't really need to come home at all...but Catalina sounds shocked she’s ever asking.
‘Of course! Of course I will. I could be with you in...hmm, about half an hour? Forty minutes at the most.’
She sounds very serious. ‘Mija if I can, I will always come and get you if you need me.’
‘What about when I’m grown up?’
‘Always. If you need me, I will come, even when you're grown up.’
‘What if I'm somewhere really far away?’
‘Then it might take longer but I’ll still come.’
‘What if you're really tired?’
‘Even then. I’ll drink lots of coffee and sleep when you’re safe back home.’
‘What if I make you really really angry? What if-’ She tries to think of the worst thing she can imagine. ‘What if I break all your nice things and shout at you and say I hate you and...and steal money from you and...and and set the sofa on fire and…’
‘Then I will be angry and sad and you will owe me a new sofa….but I will still come.’
There's a pause as she takes it in.
‘Will you be alright now if I hang up now mija? I’ll be as quick as I can.’
She thinks about it. 
She thinks about Catalina having to get up and get dressed and drive in the dark and about having to have her knock on the door and wake everyone up and explain why she's going home. 
She thinks about Anne waking up without her on the morning after her birthday and about how it would mean that Anna will have had a proper sleepover with Anne and she won’t. 
She thinks about Tarkar waiting for her in her bag, about how cosy her bed in Anne’s room suddenly seems and about how sleepy she’s starting to feel. 
She thinks about how Anne has said that Mary has promised to make them pancakes for the post-sleepover birthday breakfast and about whipped cream. And strawberries. And Nutella.
She takes a deep breath.
‘It’s ok. You don't have to come. I’m- I’m alright now.’
‘Are you sure mija? I promise it’s no trouble. I wouldn't be in the least bit upset with you and neither would anyone else.’
She thinks, wavers….and then makes up her mind. ‘No, it's ok. I'm sleepy now anyway. And Mary said she’d make pancakes and Anne said she brought whipped cream specially. The kind in a squirty can.’
Catalina chuckles. ‘Alright mija. That does sound worth staying for. Snuggle down with Tarkar and dream about something nice for me, alright?’
‘Ok.’ She pauses. ‘I'm sorry I woke you up.’
‘Oh mija you have nothing at all to be sorry for! ! I’m so glad you called- I’d hate to think of you miserable and not calling me.’
‘I nearly didn’t.’
‘What made you change your mind?’
‘Anna said I should. She said it would make me feel better.’
‘Well she sounds like a very sensible and nice girl.’
She normally bristles when her godmother so much as suggests that Anna might have any redeeming qualities...but somehow she just doesn't feel that hot surge of irritation any more. 
After all, Anna did help. If it wasn't for Anna, she realises, she’d just be lying in bed and feeling sadder and sadder by the minute and who knows how sad she’d have been by morning? Probably too sad to want even a small pancake and what a waste of a treat that would be.
‘Yes, she is. She’s very nice. And she’s keeping BT in business.’
Catalina chuckles again. ‘Well that’s good to know. Will you do something for me mija? Is Anna still with you?’ 
‘Could you pass the phone to her for just a minute?’
Anna is half asleep on the floor when Cathy nudges her with the receiver. ‘She wants to talk to you again.’
Anna takes it. Again there is buzzing and another couple of yeses and thank yous- and then Catalina is back.
‘Thank you mija. I just wanted to say thank you to her myself for giving you such good advice.’
She thinks for a minute. ‘I’ll say thank you too. And do something nice back for her- when I’ve thought of something.’
She can almost hear Catalina smiling down the phone. ‘Well that’s a lovely idea querida.’ She lets herself feel a little glow of pride and then Catalina stifles a yawn. ‘Now, you and Anna should probably go and get some sleep before it’s time for pancakes…’
‘Just one more thing before you go to bed, I want you to imagine something for me. Can you do that?’
‘I want you to imagine I’m giving you a big big hug, ok? A very big hug- to last you until morning. Don’t use it all up at once, mind.’
The idea of trying to save a hug- like its a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps- is novel enough to make her smile- and then she yawns.
‘Ok. I won’t.’
‘Good. Sweet dreams mija. Sleep well and I’ll see you very soon.’
‘Good night Catalina.’
‘God bless querida. I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
She puts the phone down.
There's a second when the shakiness feels like it might come back- just a second, and then Anna is standing up, stumbling a bit because her foot has gone to sleep, and Cathy has to catch her arm to steady her.
‘It’s ok. Are you alright?’
‘Yes. Just my foot, it’s all tingly and funny-’ Anna puts weight on it experimentally. ‘Are you better now?’
She nods. ‘Yes.’
‘I was really worried. You looked so, so sad.’
‘I was. But I’m ok now.’ She pauses. ‘Thank you for staying with me. And for making me use the phone. It was a good idea.’
‘It’s ok. Your godmother is nice.’
‘She is nice.’
‘She said thank you for getting you to call and that I sounded like a very sensible clever girl and a very good friend for you to have and that she was pleased to meet me even if it was over the phone and that she’d heard a lot about me.’ Anna pauses. ‘Did you really tell her about me?’
‘Yes…’ She hopes Anna won’t ask if they were always nice things.
Anna looks surprised. ‘I didn't think you liked me. Much.’ She looks a bit awkward as she says it and Cathy suddenly feels hot guilt in her tummy. Somehow it didn't seem so bad to not like Anna when she thought Anna hadn’t noticed but now….
She shakes her head quickly. ‘I do. At least I do now. And not just now. I liked you. A bit. Before. Even when I didn't want to.’
She wonders if Anna will be really, really cross with her, or worse if she’ll cry, and the guilt burns worse than ever….but when she looks up, Anna is squirming a bit too, as if she is the mean one.
‘I liked you too. Even when I didn't want to. I-’ She pauses. ‘I wasn't so happy when you came back’ She says in a rush ‘I mean I was sort of happy because you seemed nice- you let me play even when you looked like you didn't want to and I felt a bit bad...but...when I started, I didn’t know anyone and I was so happy that Anne wanted to be friends and then she said it was just until you came back to school and...I hoped and hoped that you wouldn't come back at all and that you'd end up going to a new school so that I could keep on being friends with Anne….and then I felt bad because you let Anne stay friends with me even when you did come back….’
She breaks off and they look at one another. 
Cathy waits to see if she’ll feel angry over what Anna has said, as Anna is obviously expecting her to be….but to her surprise, she finds that she isn't. 
Her main feeling is relief- the guilt in her tummy is nearly gone, now that she knows she wasn't the only one having not-so-nice thoughts secretly.
‘It’s ok. We’re even now.’
She smiles at Anna and crooks her little finger, and Anna smiles back and hooks it with her own and they shake on it. Then Anna shivers and Cathy realises how cold her hand is.
‘You're freezing! Let's go back to bed quick so you can warm up.’
‘Its ok, I don't really mind. I was getting a bit hot anyway- the duvet is really big!’ 
They start up the stairs.
When they get into Anne’s room, she expects Anna to go straight back to bed but she hangs back. 
‘Cathy...can I see your otter? Just quickly before we go to sleep? Only I heard you say that you DID bring him and I've never seen a toy otter before…’
She can't imagine not knowing you could have toy otters and feels a little bit sorry for Anna.
When she fishes Tarkar out of the bottom of her bag, there’s a yellow post-it stuck to his back with Catalina’s handwriting: ‘Just in case’ and then three kisses.
She tucks the note and the kisses safely into the pocket of her pyjamas and hands Tarkar over and Anna strokes him admiringly. ‘He’s lovely. I'm going to ask mutti for an otter for my birthday- we saw otters at the zoo once, they were so cute and funny.’
‘I like the otters at the zoo best too. Catalina’s going to take me and Anne to the zoo when it's the holidays and she can get some time off work. She promised.’ She pauses, stroking Tarkar’s foot. ‘Maybe...maybe you could come too. If you’d like.’
Anna’s eyes are all big and shiny. ‘Yes! Yes please!’ She gives a happy little bounce and then yawns in the middle of it and they both giggle.
Anna hands Tarkar back and goes back to Kitty’s bed and Cathy gets into the camp bed. 
She’s shivery enough that the big duvet actually feels quite nice now- cozy rather than stifling, and she’s so tired that even the pillow doesn't bother her so much any more. The washing powder smell is still strange- but Tarkar smells reassuringly familiar. 
She buries her face in his fur and dreams of home. 
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bnhavibes · 5 years
Can I have some touch starved boys? Shinso, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Aizawa with a girlfriend who is also very touch starved?
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Shinsou, Hitoshi
god bless this baby bOI
he wouldn’t be so obvious about his needs around you
especially in public
but the second you rub against his body??? whew!🤧
you could literally be sitting on his lap as you watch your friends act stupid at a bonfire, and rub against his lap as you wiggle back into his chest for warmth.
the unintentional grinding surprises him, so he sinks his teeth into the crook of your neck to avoid moaning. (noting the heat of your skin on his tongue)
holding onto you by your waist tightly
he wants to hold you close, but not in front of your friends
god, he’d probably make some excuse to leave
“yeah i forgot to feed my cat”
????? he doesnt even have a cat
the car ride is intense silence, and the walk up his stairs makes you tremble in excitement
once in his room, you’re immediately showered with kisses
so much touching, grabbing and nipping
he’s like a puppy
“I’ve missed you so much.” skskskksiwiwywy
he probably doesn’t even need to have intercourse with you
just the taste of your skin, and the feel of your teeth around his flesh, that would suffice
but you cant help yourself as you jump into his arms
wrapping your legs around his hips tightly and pulling him in as close as possible
his panting makes it hard to focus on the task at hand, but GOD does he sound so cute when he’s breathless
He’d use his quirk a bit to speed things up
Ripping his own clothes off as you do yours at his command
Loves it when you run your fingers through his hair.
Especially when you’re making out with him
You’ll literally feel his nails dig into your hips when you do it, his hands pressing your down onto his lap with desperation
Will aggressively finger you while attacking your clit with his tongue as you bounce on his face until your tears brim your eyelids and your cheeks are bright red with overstimulation
And when hes done with that??????
Immediately flips you onto the bed, pinning your arms above your head as he enters you.
He’s shaky as he adjusts to you, his arousal starting to ease into primal instinct
He wants to feel every inch of your body
Scrapes against your walls so strategically you’d think he’s made a mold out of your sex, and knows every single crevice like the back of his hand.
Likes to grip you every chance that he gets.
Nuzzles his face into your skin any and every opportunity he can.
Doesn’t notice how much you’re doing the same.
“Did you want me to look like I lost a fight with my vaccuum, kitten?” he says when he notices the marks you left on his neck and shoulders.
“It’s better than losing a fight to my fist.”
“Hmmph. I wouldn’t suggest looking in the mirror then.”
You gasp as your eyes snap to the nearest mirror.
Your whole lower half was riddled in bite marks and red bruises(especially the bottom of your ass cheeks where his knuckles were pounding into your core).
“Don’t look at me like that. You asked for it.”
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Todoroki, Shouto
ummmm, hello he’s a fucking TEASE
once he k n o w s that you’re feeling horny??? game over.
“Let’s stay in and watch our own movie, Shouto, we don’t have to go with the rest of the class!”
“But we already told them we would be going, don’t you wanna be class president this year?”
“Yes, but, I— uhhhm.. I really wanna stay in tonight!”
He’d give you a side glace before putting his jacket on with a sly smile.
“You’re gonna make us late.” He’d say as he crawls over your soft body before planting soft kisses around your jawline
“I, I don’t care— I need you.” You blush as he rubs circles on your hip with his thumbs.
“I know.” He whispers on your skin, giving it a soft kiss before doing the same to your lips.
So, so, so much passion in his touch.
He can’t get enough of his name escaping your lips as he rolls his hips into yours.
Expect many soft grunts, sighs of relief, hums of approval and sweet nothings in your ear
“You’re so beautiful.”
Caresses your body as he defiles you, appreciating every curve and dip in the sculpture that is your temple
Eye contact— HEAVY eye contact. He will uncome above you as you stare into his mismatched eyes.
He’s holding himself up on his elbows around your head, your small frame complimenting his broad body.
“I love you, Shouto.” sends him over the edge, his final thursts digging into you as deep as he can.
“I love you more, baby.” He whispers after he catches his breath.
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Kirishima, Ejirou
?????!!!!!!!!?????? manly boi gets so FLUSTERED when he see’s you after a class workout
Gets defensive if Monoma calls him out
“IM NOT STARING!!! I’m just— making sure my — baby wasn’t pushed too far!”
Blushes R E A L hard when he catches himself calling you his baby.
Wolf whistles and cooes from both of your classes ensue as you drag him off to the dorms, an awkward blush prominent on your face.
“B-Baby! I shouldn’t have said that— I, uh, geez this isn’t gonna be so manly but uh, I guess you could say I was staring at you. I... Yeah! I was staring at your awesome bod, and I—“
Your lips crash onto his before you push him into the elevator.
???? Poor baby shark is shook.
But he can’t just keep his hands to himself while you kiss him.
He feels his heart pound against his chest as you slide your tongue into his mouth.
When you reach his floor, you part from his lips, a string of saliva the only thing keeping you connected.
“I was thinking about you all day, too.” You confess in a sultry voice.
Can people heart eyes in real life??? cause that’s exactly how he’d look at you as you led him to his own room.
he lost count of the amount of times where you just stopped in your tracks to pull him into a deep kiss in the hallway.
it was enough times for him to snap, picking you up by your ass and charging into the boys locker room, not even caring to close the door as you ground your heat onto his crotch.
he’d lay you on the nearest surface, even if it’s barely enough for you to sit on.
skips the foreplay for once, pulling your clothes off frantically before you leap back into his arms
he steps into the nearest shower (being sweaty is so not manly) turning it on to the hottest you can take
he’s so fucking ready for you, you can feel his heartbeat against your own as he presses your back onto the cold tile
“Baby, I— I want you so bad. I know it seems lewd of me, but... Heh, well you know more about being lewd than me, huh? Just the look on your face right now...”
Your lips would crash again, teeth clashing as you both went in for a passionate and totally fucking kinky makeout session
He’d shove himself into your without warning, maneuvering your legs until your hips were spread in the perfect position between his own, thursting into you fully as your head tossed back against the wall
“You feel.... soo amazing, my goddess— you, ohhh. You’re all mine, right? This is all m-my love you’ve got.”
You’re in heaven as he grinds your bodies together, your nails catching the skin in his shoulders.
His grunts make you want to scream his name to show how hard he’s working (,:
Hes such a good boy🥺🥺 so you gotta tell him!!!
“Ohhhh!~ Yyyeees! It’s all yours, Ki—Kiri!~” You moan for him, resulting in deeper thrusts and ohhhh the most invigorating sounds from his throat
“Tell me.. who’s.. your M A N?”
“Fuck, it’s YOU, Red Daddy Riot! Oh, you’re so manly, plowing into me so good!! You’re always gonna be my man, ohhh! The!! Only... MAN— OH EJIROU, im gonna cU-UHHHNNNBHH”
He’s hardened inside you, your insides bruising at his rough edges but quaking as your orgasm hits you.
He can feel your insides fluctuating spasms around him, and he releases into you briefly before pulling out and resting his head on your shoulder.
smol pecks grace your collarbone as he watches his seed drip out of you and spill onto the floor
hehehehehehhehehe i hope you liked this!
you literally chose some of the bEST bois🥺🥺😭😭🥺😭😭
i couldnt do aizawa yet cuz.... ive got something like this planned for him 🤧🤧🤧🥴🥴🥴 just like a bit different because reader is actually a college student of his
ANYWAYSSSSS um ya ily bye
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theproblemsofdonhi · 5 years
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Catra took a moment to focus to rethink what she was about to say.
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Catra - I guess adora is here.
S.W. - Yes, she is. and I already had a long conversation with her.
catra - well ... and now what?
S.W. - I will speak. You will say yes or no.  differ from what adora told me, and well, I will have to do something about it .-
Shadow Weaver started asking-  You found adora fighting with a princess in the whispering woods.
catra - Yes.
S.W. - a beast attacked them.
catra - yes.
S.W. - you... didn’t interfere.
catra - I was looking for a way to get adora out of there ... but yes, I didn't.
S.W. - you two escaped when the beast that got distracted by the princess?
catra - no - she said confidently, remembering what adora told her.
S.W. - oh well ... you're wrong.
catra - wha...!? - Shadows quickly appeared around Catra - what are you doing!? That wasn’t how it happened!
S.W. - Oh no? Then next will you tell me that you didn't spend the night in the woods either?
catra - no, that happened!
S.W. - Then, you did left before adora woke up. You abandoned her for putting you in that situation.
S.W. - Darling, you know I talked to her already. why keep lying? I don't know who you're trying to convince. because Sure is not me.
catra - Nonono. NO. WHAT YOU SAY IS WRONG…. And I! ... I can prove it.
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S.W. - uh?
catra - do you know why adora was in the woods? how do we escape from that big bug? ... the reason we separate!? It was the sword.
S.W. - what... what are you talking about now? - The shadows began to disappear.
catra - oh, so she really didn't tell you, uh. and I believed you were just looking for a reason to hit me. adora was looking for a sword, she said she could feel it. that it was talking to her.
Shadow weaver began to walk around the room covering the bottom of her mask with her hand. whisper - my girl, you ...? - she took a moment before changing Her attention back to Catra - but then, why? -
catra - uh?
S.W. - Why adora will omit something like that?
catra - being honest,  I don't know why your little golden girl would lied - shadows surrounded catra again - WHAT... I do know, is that I can prove my story -.
S.W. - And how would that be?
catra - tool compartment, transport 3Bx, hangar 5. there is your sword. I found it and brought it to you.
S.W. - If you're lying to me again...
catra - does it sound like I’m doing it? You know I don't get anything from lying right now. Hell! I stay here until you find it. waitting for you.
Shadow weaver got out slowly, without saying a word and with her hands on his back. just looking sideways  to catra when she was leaving.
and so, the doors closed again.
When she was finally alone, Catra could let go of her body. her arms and legs stopped tensing and she could breathe normally.
Catra wondered - and you? ... why didn't you tell her, adora? - ”
  Bow - at least you no longer had a voice on the walls repeating the same thing over and over again ... right?
Catra - the voices were gone, yes.
"After an hour of waiting, out of nowhere the dim green light that kept the room lit went off. Catra wasn’t surprised in the least. She just stay sat on the bed. - Did you find it? - she asked herself.
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Catra closed her eyes and took a breath - everything will be fine, you have it under control. You got it. under. Control-.
  The tiredness was already too much. That was a long day for catra.
Hours passed and Shadow weaver did not appear.
 Catra could still hear whispers, but now she didn't know if they came from the walls or from her own head. little by little the tiredness was gaining her (she had been awake for more than 12 hours). In the end her eyelids began to close. until she focused on  an instant. she had fallen, when she recovered and began to think, she told herself - did something pull me off the bed? -. she didn't know what time it was or where in the room she was. Everything was still dark. she got up from the floor and started touching the walls until she found the bed. she continued and formed a clear idea of ​​the whole room. she found the toilet, the sink and lying on the floor, she felt the radio touching her feet. When she went to pick it up, it was transmitting static but, when she put it in front of her face, it stopped - i’m done with your games, catra -.
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 Out of nowhere, Catra felt as if a hand grab her by the arm. She tried to resist but it was useless. The shadow threw her straight to the ground.
It dragged her all over the place, crashing her into the bed.
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Abruptly, the door opened and Shadow Weaver! she entered - youuu ~ -.
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catra - oh no ...-
S.W. did not blink before using her shadows to take catra by the arms - I am tired of your deceptions, your lies... that transport, those pilots. there was nothing. there is no sword, there never was, isn’t?.
catra - what ... what? no. I know where I left it. yo... you must have searched the wrong transport. Go and check again.
S.W. - That is no longer an excuse. It is already done. all transports in sector 5 were revised.
catra - well, so...
S.W. - and sector 2, 6 and 9. every place with a transport in it, was looked over. - Shadow weaver's hands twisted, as if they were about to do something but, they restrained themselves - I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but ... There are no more excuses. No more delays, NO MORE LIES. only reality.
Catra - no, Shadow Weaver, there must be a problem.
S.W. - Of course there is, catra. It's you. It has always been you. Since you were little, you have been nothing but an arrogant and insolent .... - 
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 - problem. But, abandon adora. and lie to cover up your actions. I guess I should have seen it coming -.
Catra - no. nonono, le... let me go. Let me find the sword. I will do it.
S.W. - I told you there is no sword. - she said, more calm- I don't know from where you know the stories you are talking about. but you won't do that to me again. although... I admit it, you know them so well that you made me believe you for a moment.
the shadows let loose, she fell on the bed. she touch her neck and breathe deeply. catra was paralyzed . All her ideas collapsed. she was never in control of the situation. there was never an advantage. now she could only faced what she had ahead. - in what cage are you going to put me? - she asked with a low head and no other option.
shadow weaver - there is no cage for you -
Catra looked up - uh? - 
shadow weaver - you will stay here in this room. you will pay me little by little-.
catra - h-how? - 
shadow weaver - how about you... don't make this boring by being quiet-. ”
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 Bow - what... did she do to you?
Catra said nothing, just looked bow in his eyes while raising her arms, showing the condition she was in.
Bow - oh... oh - boy looked down.
Glimmer - for how long?
Catra - like a week. She went there, played for a while ... and left. And I stayed there waiting for her to come back. Sometimes she left food bars and some bandages behind. That part was fine - she said looking down with a twisted smile in her face.
Glimmer - look ... we told you that “only what refers to the sword”, so you don't have to tell us what happened inside.
Catra - fine.
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"Catra was being hold the wrists to the ceiling of the room. she was sweating. Her breathing was heavy and rough. Her clothes were torn and her body was full of bruises, scrapes and cuts. she looked up to see SW
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 - oh come on ... Shadow Weaver .. we have being doing this ... for ... how long? ... and yet ... you still don't get bored? - shadow weaver, was sitting cross-legged on the bed, turned to look at catra. She saw her eyes, eyes that still have fire on them. she said, - What do you want me to say, my child? My work is tedious and repetitive. I see our meetings as an opportunity to let my creativity flow. this is Relaxing, to be honest." the witch got up - but yes, I think we're done for today - she said while shaking her dress 
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- but keep in mind, today I couldn't do with you everything I wanted. I think I have so many ideas that are accumulating - she said to catra, while passing by. - well here ... I’ll wait for you. Same... same time tomorrow? - said Catra, smiling at seeing Shadow Weaver leave.
 When the doors finally closed, the room was again in complete darkness. The shadows that held her disappeared. Catra fell sharply to the ground. Using only her arms, she began to crawl slowly towards the bed. When she finally got on. Her face reflected nothing. The false smile that she had, was now gone. there was only tiredness.
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Catra spent the next fifteen minutes looking straight ahead, in bed. she didn't feel like moving. she knew it would hurt to do it, so - why doing it then -
In the end she got up. cus she had to do it.
she slowly went to the sink to wash her face. Although she didn't had a mirror. Catra shook her head and touched her hair as if she was looking at one.
and from there, came the longest walk. A straight line directly to the shower. At this point it didn't matter how dark the room was, Catra seemed used to this routine. The girl undressed, leaving her clothes on the floor. now one could notice one as much her right leg, just as her abdomen was bandaged. Catra let the water run for a minute, only with her right hand under it, hoping that today it was perhaps more than completely cold, but nothing. In the end, she ended up entering the water. she spent all that time with her body against the wall, with a look that was still lost. for the only thing that she moved, was to see how badly her arms were today.
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After bathing, Catra took off her now, wet bandages. on her leg, were the marks of her own nails. They were still closing. in her stomach, there was a cut on the left side of it. with new bandages, she covered both wounds again, then took her clothes from the floor and dressed. Finally, she had ended her routine.
 Catra took the only sheet from the bed and got under it. With her  head resting on the mattress. she took a moment to appreciate the peace she had. Because she knew, it wasn't going to last. Here, Catra went back to sleep, ready for the next day.
first - previous - next
- Catra, are you here? Catra, I can't scream or they'll discover me. Catra -
Catra woke when she heard a voice outside the room.
- A ... Adora? -
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waywardscorpio · 5 years
Chapter One: You're Our Omega And We're Your Alpha's
Tag List: @phoenixoffiretwo @scuzmunkie
Redue it because I forgot the tags and photo. I deleted the other so, I could redue it.
Nine months later
Third person POV*
It had been nine months since Y/N, got injured. She was ready to get back into the ring and fight again. She just gotten the news earlier today that she has been cleared to enter the ring again and her shoulder is completely healed and doing good.
I was sitting on my couch watching The Shield VS, The Hardy Boyz and Randy Orton. My phone goes off with a text message
Text message:
From Becky Lynch
To: Y/N
How are you doing sis?
Y/N, texts her sister back smiling as she was listening to the match.
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
I'm doing fine. I've been cleared to wrestle. I just got the news from the doctors earlier today. Steph and Triple H, know and I'll be back on Raw, next Monday night. I'm so, happy I get to come back. I've missed fighting.
From Becky Lynch
To Y/N
Wait really you're cleared? Omg yes, my sister is gonna be back. I have a match against Sasha Banks and Brie Bella and I need a tag team partner. Would you be my surprise tag team partner? Wait does the guys know and Lana and Rusev know?
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
No, they don't. I want it to be a surprise. Stephanie said her and Triple H, are gonna keep it a secret. Yes, I would damn well love to be your partner sis. I'm gonna get my payback on Sasha Banks.
From Becky Lynch
To Y/N
Yes. Okay I won't tell anyone. Got to go sis. I have a singles match against Nikki Bella, and I need to get ready. Love ya sister.
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
Okay sis. Love ya too. Good luck and kick ass.
I set my phone down and looked at the screen and smiled as Reigns, superman punched Randy in the jaw. He pinned him as I screamed at the TV "1...2...3. Yes, that's my boys" I said. I've always called them my boys and I'm their girl. Though we aren't together. I love all three of them boys equally and more than just friends.
"And your Winners are, The Shield." The ring announcer said into the mic. "We have a message for our favorite girl, Y/N. Y/N, you're our best friend and we love you. You'll be back in the ring soon enough, Baby girl" Seth said. I tear up a little smiling happily as I spoke softly "I love you too, boys." I went to bed that night with a smile from hell on my face.
*Time skip to next Monday night*
I snuck into the arena and to mine and Becky's shared locker room and got ready for our match. I went to the gorilla pin and waited. Becky went out first with a mic and stood half way down the ramp. Nikki and Sasha were already at the ring waiting. Becky held the mic up with a devious smile on her face. "Y'all are probably wondering were or who my tag team partner is right?" The crowd started to cheer. "Well it is none other than my best friend and baby sister. Guess who's back ladies and gentlemen?" She said as my music came on and a went running down the ramp and stood next to her. I had my eyes dead locked with Sasha and a devilish smile on my lips. Becky hands me the mic "I'm back." Is all I said.
Becky and myself, got into the ring and waited for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang I grabbed Sasha by the hair and slammed her to the ground. The match went on for about twenty minutes. As the match was going on Dean, Seth, and Roman were all watching me smiling as I beat the hell out of Sasha like I promised I would. The Shield was happy I was back, because they had there girl with them once again. I hit Nikki, with a spear and pinned her. The referee counts "1...2....3!!!!" I stand up and hug my sister. I turn and see Sasha, arguing with the referee. I walked over and grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. Which in turn caused her to hit the mat hard. I got on top of her and started hitting her repeatedly. Cesaro and Shameus, came running out to help Sasha.
I was grabbed and thrown into the turn buckle by Shameus. Before Shameus could get a hand on me again I heard my favorite song come on signaling the Shield boys, are coming. Dean, Seth, and Roman slid into the ring. Seth grabbed Shameus and pulled him off me while Becky safely got me out of the ring. The boys triple power bombed The bar. Dean grabs a mic and speaks first "this is a warning for anyone male in the locker room." Seth takes the mic "if you so, much as touch our girl, we will and can break you." Roman spoke last "Y/N, come here" I quickly obliged and got in the ring. "We have something to ask you." Roman says. "What is it?" I asked trying to fight off a blush and the heat pooling between my legs. I looked at them and smile the best I could so, they wouldn't notice. "Will you join the Shield?"
"Yes, I would love that" I said with a smile on my face. They gave me, a big group hug with my sister hugging me too. I had to stifle a whimper because of my now soaked panties. After the hug we all walked in the back. I made a b-line for mine and my sisters shared dressing room. They were all confused. That was until they're almost knocked over by the sweet smell of me and the slick slipping down my legs. Seth, Dean and Roman, all let a deep growl out of arousal as there eyes went dark with lust and love, and their nostrils flared. Which ment that the only one that could cause and Alpha to almost hit his or their knees from the smell of slick and arousal, was their omega and mate. Becky looks confused until she sees that same look on their faces, that her alpha and now mate gave her two years ago.
"Shit no, this isn't happening." I said to myself. Becky came in quickly locking the door, right as I fell to the ground whimpering in pain and need. I heard foot steps closing in and their smells through the door and down the hall way. I started to become in a daze. But not only was The Shield near, they're are two other alphas near as well. I let out an unintentional whine of need. My sister walks over and hugs me rubbing my back. "I know sis. We have to get out of here and to the hotel okay?" She said as she hoisted me up. I learned on her. The Shields smells were so, intoxicating that it left me whimpering for more and they haven't even touched. Becky put me in a cold shower and it stopped. That's when I realized right then and their that Seth, Dean and Roman, were what I've been looking for.
Becky got me to the car after she was able to get the three males away and make sure the other two males were contained.  "Becky it hurts" I whimper in the front seat. "Need my Alpha's" I pant. "Sis, I don't know if it is a good idea." She said to me. "Why not? I need something." I whimpered again. She got me up to my hotel room and helped me lay down, after locking the door. "Becky, their smells are getting closer. Please, need them" I said. "Are you sure this is you talking and not the sexual need?" She asks. Becky has always been very protective of me. I nodded my head looking her dead in the eyes after the pain had passed long enough for me to think straight. "Yes, I'm sure. This is what I want." I could hear them outside the door and deep growls which caused me to whine out "Alpha's. I want you." I said. "Let us in Baby Girl, an we will take good care of you." I heard Dean growl softly through the door which made me moan softly.
Becky nods and stood up walking to the door. She opens it to see three males. "You three better not hurt her in any way shape, or form or all three of you are dead." She warns. "We wouldn't ever harm her." They said to Becky. She nods and leaves. I squirm on bed pulling my clothes off. I put a pillow between my legs and grind my hips. I mewl at the friction its causing. The pillow was yanked from between my slicked coated thighs and pussy. I whine looking at them. "Daddies..... please need you" I pant.
They stripped down completely and they got on the bed. Seth got between my legs, Dean on my right and Roman on my left. Their smells all overwhelming me making me shudder. I open my legs and rubbed my clit moaning. Seth removed my hand. He loved seeing that but he wanted to taste me. "Now tsk tsk Baby Girl. You didn't ask us to touch yourself" Roman whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck. As his breath is hitting my neck I moan in pleasure without even a touch of his lips. I arch off the bed when Dean, wraps his lips around my parked up nipples, my right hand went up and gripped Dean's hair "Daddy Dean" I breathlessly moan out.
Seth, laid between my legs as he left small kisses up my legs until he got to my slick covered core , and without a warning his lips latch onto my clit causing me to arch my back off the bed yet again at the pleasure. "Master Seth" I pant out which only cause a groan to emit from his attached lips on my core making my head roll back. Dean worked on my neck, Seth works vigorously on my pussy, and Roman is kissing me and playing with one of my nipples. I was getting close to letting go. All it took was Seth to enter a three fingers and curl them just right to make me start shaking. I pulled away from Roman's lips as I moan out each word "I'm. Going. T-t-to. Cu-cum. Oh fuck please, let me cum" I begged. All three males smirked. "How bad do you want to cum, Princess?" Roman asked. "Really bad, Sir Roman" I could tell he liked to be called Sir, by the way he groaned. His lips attached to my left nipple, Dean on my right one and Seth latched on to my clit and moved his fingers faster. "Cum Baby Girl." Seth said before sucking my clit harder and fingers curl a little more, while the other two worked on my nipples. I scream as I came, my hands clenching Roman, and Dean's hair.
I was a hot mumbling and mewling mess as I came down from my first high. Seth hums at the taste "you two should had a taste." He said to the other males. Which now were spreading my legs more and lapping at my core. All three looked down at me. "You think you can take all of us, Baby Girl?" Roman asks me as I settled my breathing. I look down at their cocks and bit my lip. They weren't small by no, means. But I felt I could take all three. Hell I practically got turned on picturing all three of them in me at once. I nodded my head I subconsciously rolled over and got on my hands and knees. They groaned as they looked at one another deciding who went first. After a moment Roman entered first as I gasped and loved the feeling. Roman pulled me flush against his chest and grabbed under my thighs pulling them apart more for Dean to get between them and enter me, Seth got on the side and spread my right ass cheek so, he could enter. "This may hurt a little bit, Baby Girl. I promise it will feel good after adjusting too. Okay?" He said. I nod my head as he pushed his cock in along side the other twos cocks. I let out a small whimper. Dean kissed me to help distract me from the pain.
After a few I nodded my head for them to move. All three set the same pace. My head lollies back against Roman's shoulder, as Dean, put his hand around my throat lightly and I mewled at the feeling. "Does our Little Princess, like Daddy'shand around her throat?" I moaned "Yes Daddy" I moaned more. "F-faster please?" I pant out stuttering in pleasure. They happily obliged. I scream in pleasure when they found the right spot. "Right there. Fuck. Please, don't stop" I said panting.
"We found it!" Roman hums happily. They kept hitting it as I moaned. I could feel their knots getting bigger. "We're gonna knot you so, good. Would you like that Princess? Huh? Want us to knot you so, good?" Seth groaned in my ear and that's all it took for me to cum again "y-yes. Please, knot me." I pant. Seth kisses me as Dean and Roman, suck on my neck.
After their paces got sloppy and a few more thrusts their knots all pop, the tips of the cocks latched onto my womb, and lock me to them as hot cum spewed into my womb. Dean, Seth, and Roman all bit my neck or shoulder marking me as their mate. Dean rubbed my clit as I whine. "N-no, Daddy. Can't I'm to sensitive." I said. "Yes, you can. Come on Baby Girl. Just one more time and that's all. I promise." He praised and encouraged me. I nod as his pace picked up the pace. I pant getting closer to the edge again. My head laid back against Roman, as they reached licked their individual mating marks they left on my neck or shoulder. Seth nipped my nipple cause me to mewl in pleasure while Dean coaxed me to my last orgasm.  "Like when I nip your sensitive hard nipple?" He said in my ear. "Yes, feels good Master" I mewl. Roman grabbed me by the hair and turns my head to kiss him. I came for the last time when my hair was pulled cause that's all it took besides Dean quickly rubbing my clit, an Seth nipping and sucking my nipple.
After that they carefully and gently laid us down. How we did I do not know.
*Third Person P.O.V*
-Little time skip. A few hours-
After The Shield and Y/N, had mated, and their knots went down, they all took a shower after helping Y/N, take a bath. They were now cuddled on Y/N's bed sleeping. They all slept till morning.
Y/N woke up and yawned as she stretched. She looked around and on both sides of her were the three men she loved the most sleeping soundly. She quietly got out of bed but was careful cause her legs were shakey from last night. She made it to the bathroom and brushed her hair, did a light make up look after brushing her teeth. She put on some clothes and shoes, and quietly walked out of the room after grabbing her keys, wallet and sunglasses. She was sure to make her mating marks visible for all alphas to see. She passed Becky in the hall. Her sister sees the marks. She smiles at her little sister. "Going to get food?" Becky asks Y/N. "Yes, would you like to ride with?" She asks. "Yeah" Becky replied following her.
Y/N, walks to her car and drives to get some breakfast with Becky, to get food for her and the boys. While she was gone unknowingly she forgot her phone and the boys had tried to call her when they woke and didn't find their mate still in bed. Becky's phone went off. "Hey Seth. Why didn't you call Y/N's phone?" She asks Seth. Y/N, felt for her phone and face palms herself mentally. Becky hands her the phone so she can talk. "I forgot it. I thought I grabbed it. Seth I...." Seth cut her off his voice was deep with anger and fear. "You left without telling us? Y/N, answer me?!?!" His voice boomed through the phone. Y/N whimpered when her alpha yells at her. "I just-just wanted to surprise you, Dean and Roman, with-with breakfast in b-be-bed" she squeaks out. Roman was pacing worried and mad. Y/N could hear Dean in the back ground. "Seth calm down you're scaring her. The last thing you want is her to be afraid of you." Seth sighs "we will talk about this when you get back" he said and hangs up. Becky knew she could intervene even if Y/N's her sister. For the fact the alphas had a reason to be upset. She knew her sister was knew to the whole omega rule handbook. But that didn't mean she would warn them to not hurt her sister or scream at her.
After they got food they went back to the hotel and went upstairs. Becky gave her warning and then left but made sure Y/N, didn't need her to stay. After the door shut Seth looked up from the bed. Y/N, set the food down and stood there at the foot of the bed. "Look at us, Princess" Roman said calmly. "No, let names she did wrong" Seth said glaring at the other male angry. Y/N looks at them clearly shaking a little. "Seth enough you're scaring her. It was an accident she left her phone" Dean said. He stood up and stood infront of Y/N. "Baby Girl it's okay. He's just upset you didn't say anything or leave a note." He rubbed her cheek. "I-I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to su-supr-suprise you" She said whimpering a little because she didn't like the boys being angry with her. She had tears in her eyes. "You still should of left a note. But Princess, it's okay. You're new to all this." Roman said. Seth sighed and stood up walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Seth didn't get why the other two didn't see the point. Y/N could of been hurt, or kidnapped or worse. Y/N made a yelpin' noise and began to cry. "He hates me" she whispered. She ran out the room scared. Dean went after her while Roman got off the bed and banged on the bathroom door. "Seth get out here now." Roman said. After ten minutes Seth walks out the bathroom.
"What is wrong with you? She didn't mean to forget her phone. We three understand that something could of happened. But thank goodness it didn't and on top of it all you scared her by yelling at her, slamming the door and she thinks you hate her." Seth's heart broke. He didn't hate her he was just upset cause he overreacts sometimes and this is one of those times. "Fuck!! Why did I have to overreact today of all days. I need to fix this" he said. "You need to calm down first of all." Roman said sternly. Seth sighed sitting on the bed leaning against the wall and closing his eyes.
After an hour Dean was able to get Y/N to calm down and come back to the room. Seth got up and walks over to Y/N. He felt a pang in his heart and frowns as soon as he sees Y/N, cower away from him. "No Baby Doll, please don't. Don't be afraid of me. I'm sorry I yelled at you and overreacted. I don't hate you Baby. Please, come here?" He said. She slowly stepped toward him. "Y-you don't hate m-me?" She asks still a little scared he would yell. "No, Baby Doll. I just panicked when I seen you didn't take your phone after I called it and heard it was ringing on the night stand." He replied his alpha side whimpers seeing its omega scared of him. He reached for her softly pulling her to him. He nuzzled her neck with his face. "I'm sorry i caused you to panic, Alpha" she said. She wasn't scared when she realised he wasn't gonna hurt or yell at her. Y/N, felt him calm down and his alpha to relax in since of his mate being not afraid. Roman and Dean walk over to the two others and hugged them into a group hug.
After the group hug and everyone ate Dean and Roman went to the gym, an Seth and Y/N stayed in the hotel room. Y/N, was curled up against Seth with his arms wrapped tightly around her. "Baby Doll?" He says softly to her. "Yes, Master?" She replies softly. "Please, don't every be afraid of me, okay? It pains my heart seeing you afraid of me. I really am sorry that I overreacted." He said softly as his eyes soften looking into her eyes. "I can't promise anything. I will try though." She said back. "That's better than nothing, Baby" he said to her.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Why Not?  - Bang Chan x Reader
Summary: You and bang chan weren’t that close, but you were still friends. Through a series of events, you and him ended up being the only ones in his house without any way of you getting out. It was late so bang chan being bang chan insists it’s fine for you to stay which is all well and good except that you get pretty bad nightmares and can’t sleep unless cuddling something or someone and you had unfortunately left your human-sized stuffed bear at your place.
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Highschool AU
Genre: fluff all the way
You were sitting in class, staring to the side absent-mindedly, snapping back to reality once you had heard everyone in the class groan collectively followed by your teacher trying to hush them. you immediately turned to your friend to ask what’s going on.
“We have a partner project-”
“Oh, that’s great! Wanna be partners?” you interrupted before she could finish
“Let me finish! We have assigned partners” 
As soon as she had said that you understood why everyone had groaned so loudly, not being afraid to openly express their disappointment. You looked away from your friend to the rest of the class. You pretty much knew no one. You were cool with maybe one or two people in the class other than your friend who you were sitting next to.
Once the teacher had gotten everyone to quiet down, she got out a sheet of paper and started calling out partners. Your friend came before you and much to your dismay, you two weren’t partners.
A few seconds passed and your ears perked once you heard your name, that being followed up by the name ‘Chris’. You sighed in relief. You and Chan weren’t the closest of friends but hey, at least you guys weren’t awkward with each other, besides, Chan was a pretty damn awesome guy. You may or may not have had a crush on him but really, who didn’t?
The end of school finally came around after what seemed like days, the sky was cloudy and the wind was getting super cold, it looked like it was gonna snow. You were walking through the school gates when Chan ran to catch up to you, calling your name to catch your attention. You spun around and smiled warmly at him who was smiling back.
“Do you wanna come over to my place to start on the project today?”
“Oh, yeah sure! Just let me text my parents”
Chan’s home was in walking distance but much to both of your guys’ dismay, it started snowing on the way back. At first, it was fine but as you guys continued, it started getting heavier. Chan looked over and saw you shivering, he frowned and began to take off his jacket to give to you but you declined, saying you’d be fine, his house was only about two minutes away anyways. He reluctantly put his jacket properly on again.
You two made it to his house eventually to find it empty. Chan called out for his parents but got no answer in return. He quirked a brow but figured they wouldn’t mind and vouched for sending them a quick text to let them know you were over.
You both sat down in the living room and immediately started up a discussion about the project. You were glad to be working with Chan, he got good grades and didn’t screw around or procrastinate (A/N: like mate, stop procrastinating) like a lot of the other kids.
Soon enough you two had everything organized and got to work on doing your set parts of the task, both researching different things to be more efficient, striking up small talk every now and then or sharing school stories and laughs.
About an hour passed before you and Chan decided you should take a break. You stood up and stretched your arms only for your shoulders to instantly go back down once you looked out the window. Snow was piled up over it.
“Mmm?” He said, only just now getting up to stretch
“We’re snowed in”
He looked out the window and immediately his jaw dropped open. Mouthing what looked to be ‘shit’.
“Is the service still up? You can still call your parents right?” He asked
You quickly checked, giving him a quick nod.
“Ok, good, I think it would be best for you to stay here tonight. Call your parents and tell them. I need to call my parents too real quick to see if they’re ok”
Your face instantly became devoid of all colour and your jaw dropped open. Chan tilted his head to the side at your surprised expression.
“I’m not gonna do anything to you Y/N, I’m not like that,” he said, assuming you’re scared to spend the night snowed in with a boy
“No, no, that’s not it, I know you wouldn’t do that Chan...It’s something else” you said back, waving him off
“What is it?”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Thanks for letting me stay the night, I’ll call my parents now” you said to him, bowing your head slightly
You turned around to call your parents. Parents being parents, they weren’t fully supportive of you staying over at a guys house but chan took over the phone once he heard you struggling and assured them everything was ok. He handed it back to you and immediately the first thing your mum said was ‘date that boy’.
“Oh my God! Mum!” 
“Did something happen?” Chan asked, not having been able to hear what your mum said
“no, everything’s fine” you said, once again waving him off
Another hour had passed and you and Chan were already half-way through the project. You had a week to do it so you both agreed that that was enough work for today.
Chan grabbed the remote and switched on the TV, asking you what movie you wanted. Immediately you answered [your favourite Disney movie]. Chan laughed a bit and put it on. You two may not have been that close but oh boy, did you guys sing your hearts out together during those Disney songs.
It was pretty late once the movie had ended and Chan brought you to the guest room for you to get settled in. Immediately you remembered why you were so worried about spending the night over at his place. You could not go to sleep without something or someone to cuddle with, your nightmares just didn’t allow it.
“You ok? You seem stressed” Chan asked for the tenth time
You nodded and assured him that everything was fine. After a bit of convincing, Chan let you be and went to go prepare himself for bed. You did a quick double take and realized you didn’t have any extra clothes. Luckily though, you did have a spare pair of undies, they were your backup in case your period started without warning but you guess you’d just have to use it for this. Now comes the problem of actual clothes.
You shyly wandered around the house and found Chan’s room, knocking and waiting until he said you could come in.
“Did you need something?” He asked
“Uhm...can I borrow a top and a pair of pants?”
“Oh! Of course!” he said, quickly going into his closet and pulling out a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, and a shirt. “they might be a bit big on you, the bathroom is right next to the guest room, you can take a shower there. Are you ok for underwear?” he asked, making it sound like the most casual thing in the world
“Ah, yeah I’m all set for that. Thanks Channie!” you said, turning around and walking the other wat before realizing what you had just called him, suddenly your face became red and little do you know, chan’s face also turned red the second you left.
You finished taking a shower and got dressed into Bang Chan’s oversized but ridiculously comfortable clothes. Immediately after you’d finished changing, there was a knock on your door.
“Yeah?” you said
You looked over to the door to see Chan with slightly wet and disheveled hair.
“Wanna watch another movie?”
“Uh...yeah...sure, why not?” you said, in awe at how handsome he was, trying not to let the obvious blush on your face show
You guys both went to the living room and put on a movie, Chan picked it this time. Your eyes were glued to the screen for the first half but you kept seeing Chan look over to you and back to the TV through your peripheral vision. Eventually, letting your curiosity get the better of you, you looked over to him at the same time he looked over to you, forcing you two to meet eyes. His cheeks instantly went red and he looked back to the screen.
“...sorry...” He said hesitantly “You just look really adorable in my clothes”
“Oh,” you said simply, leaving your mouth in an ‘o’ shape long after you finished saying the short word.
You both avoided making eye contact after that, too embarrassed to try and communicate.
The movie came to an end and you two both awkwardly said goodnight before heading to your rooms. You climbed into the bed, trying not to mess up the sheets too much and pulled the covers up past your head. The monsters can’t get you if you’re under the sheets. You knew it was childish but hey, you had nightmares, what are you gonna do?
Your eyes began to slowly shut and before you knew it you were asleep. Maybe a few minutes had passed before you were so rudely awoken by a nightmare of you almost getting eaten by what looked like some sort of zombified cross between an angler fish and shark. You awoke with a startled scream followed by loud and quick footsteps and your door swinging open to reveal a worried looking Chan.
“You screamed, are you ok?!” He said, switching on the light
“I’m fine...just a nightmare...no big deal”
You didn’t reply. your nightmares weren’t the scariest things in existence but they still woke you up, meaning that even if you weren’t scared, you wouldn’t get very much sleep.
“If there’s anything worrying you, really, just tell me”
“Could I sleep in your bed tonight?” you said hesitantly
Chan seemed startled at your directness for a second
“It’s just-” you continued “I can’t really sleep unless I’m...”
“Unless you’re...?” Chan asked, urging you to continue
“cuddling...someone?” you said, making it sound like a question
“Why not?” he asked nonchalantly, looking fine on the surface but inwardly freaking out
You gratefully got up and started following Chan, continuously asking him if it was really ok to which he assured you it was.
You got to his room and both of you climbed into his bed awkwardly, you lay there stiff for a while before Chan initiated the cuddling, slinging one of his arms over you and sliding the other one under you, you turned to the side away from Chan, hoping he wouldn’t see your face that was practically glowing red by now. That didn’t really make the situation any better because now you were spooning, and Chan’s face was also glowing red.
Eventually, after you had both gotten over the awkwardness, you realized how warm and comforting Chan actually was. You were out within seconds.
You were awoken the next morning to the sound of camera shutters. You groggily opened your eyes to see Chan’s parents’ snapping photos of you two cuddling. You yelped, also waking up Chan. Immediately, he sat up straight away.
“yah! Mum, dad, stop!”
His mum laughed “You two are just so cute! You need to introduce your girlfriend to us properly Chan”
You both blushed at the mention of ‘girlfriend’.
After a very long chat with his parents, you finally told them what had actually happened and that you two weren’t actually dating, they seemed disappointed but let it slide for now and told you that you should probably head home now. The path had been mostly cleared. You packed your things and thanked Chan and his parents for letting you stay.
“...do you think you’d...wanna go out with me?” Chan said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck while trying to suppress a blush
You immediately got the biggest smile on your face and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
“I would love to!”
He quickly hugged you back with the biggest smile, burying his face into the top of your head before turning around after hearing camera shutters. You both looked to see both of your guys’ parents.
“Mum! Dad!” You both shouted in unison, looking in opposite directions
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝meeting your son’s lover.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Bakugou and your son suddenly announces that he has a girlfriend all of a sudden, surprising you two. What surprised you more was the fact that he invited her over for dinner. And another surprise, she was deaf.」
“I.....I got a girlfriend.” your son ― Yozora, muttered all of a sudden while the three of you had dinner together. Katsuki blinked a few times and had stopped midway to process what his son had said. You stopped eating for a while to stare at your son.
“You’re not joking right?” you managed to say after a few moments of silence. Your son let out a gasp of surprise, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment at your assumption. He snapped his gaze at you, looking a little offended that you thought he was just making it up.
“Of course not! I have a girlfriend!”
“So, what led you to telling us this?” Katsuki questioned calmly.
“She wants to meet you guys.....or something like that. I couldn’t refuse because she was practically begging me to bring her over so I have no other choice but to take her.” your son muttered, his cheeks bright red as he continued to eat his meal that you had prepared.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t believe your son or anything. The two of you had gone through the nerve-wracking experience together before. You’re actually pretty curious to what kind of girl your son was dating. Is she the bubbly type that smiles a lot like Uraraka? Or is she the well-mannered girl like Yaoyorozu? The only thing you talked about was what kind of person your son’s girlfriend is. Katsuki was pretty curious as well, wondering what kind of girl his own son was dating. He only hoped that she treated him well.
Soon the dreaded day came and your son couldn’t help but pray to the Gods above him that you wouldn’t embarrass him in front of his girlfriend. Now that he was standing in front of his house door with his girlfriend by his side, he was debating on going in or not. The girl squeezed his hand gently, making him turn to her. He noticed the nervous smile on her face and she rose her other hand, signing a few things. 
"I'm nervous. I hope your parents like me." 
"Don't worry, my mom is super nice and my dad is pretty much cool with everything. Even if they don't approve you, I'll always be by your side, Iroha." he said, assuring the girl's anxiety. 
He had entered the house pulling the girl along with him as he decided to use all his courage to invite her in. Yozora announced that he was home and immediately heard your footsteps coming from the kitchen. You beamed at the girl who hurriedly bowed to you to show her respect. 
"Is this your girlfriend, Sora? Come in, come in! Your dad will be home soon, just sit amd some TV while you wait. I'm almost done with dinner." you told your son as he took off his shoes at the genkan. As soon as you said that, you rushed off to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.
Iroha glanced around the house, taking note of how large it was. Considering that both you and Katsuki were heroes, she thought that a house of this size and elegance was normal. She found herself awkwardly sitting on the couch while Yozora headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. She was nervous and couldn't help but to fidget every now and then. The sound of the door opening was enough to make her jump.
"I'm home." 
"Katsuki! Welcome home, you don't look as tired as I expected." you placed a hand on your hip as your husband took off his boots and handed you his case which held his hero costume. 
"Yeah, villains are staying low today. And it's a fucking great thing." Katsuki uttered before pressing his lips on your forehead. 
"So, is Sora back yet?" he asked. 
"Yeah! He brought his girlfriend over! She's real pretty you know! Let's have dinner together now." you pulled your husband to the dining table and called the two kids to wait at the table.
"Are you alright? Do you not like any of these food? Should I make something else?" you fretted, noticing that the girl was fiddling with her fingers as if she was trying to say something. Instantly, she looked up with a worried look. 
"Th-That's not it, mom! Iroha is just.....!" Yozora felt her tug at his sleeve and saw her sign something at him. 
"She's deaf?" Katsuki rose an eyebrow, looking a little surprised.
“Don't tell me that you asked for those sign language books to communicate with her? Ah, you even wanted to have classes too, didn't you!" you pointed out with a wide knowing grin, now realizing your son's feats from over a year ago.
"M-Mom!" he lightly scolded you, cheeks turning bright red ― almost rivaling a tomato.
"What's so embarrassing about that!? Your dad here crashed my weekly girls night during high school all because he wanted to spend time with me. And mentioned that he didn't care if he had join the girls night." you pointed at the man sitting beside you. Katsuki put down his bowl of miso soup and lightly glared at you. 
“But that's still fine―" 
“I made his nails super pretty too! We also had those temporary tattoos and we pasted it on his biceps. It looked so cu―" 
"Here!" Katsuki shoved a piece of sushi into your mouth to stop you from babbling more about his embarrassing moments.
‘You're supposed to embarrass him and not me!" your husband grumbled in a low tone. 
"No! You should know better! Remember when I first visited Mitsuki and Masaru and they embarrassed the hell out of you? You should know how that feels! And do you want Sora to go through the same?" you questioned your husband. 
"Don't you remind me of that. Can't we just eat? For fuck's sake. The food's gonna get cold." Katsuki muttered, taking a piece of the karaage and placing it on your plate. 
Iroha who was sitting across you found herself smiling, watching as you and Katsuki argue about something ― though it seemed one-sided because Katsuki was the one yelling at you. Yozora saw the small movements coming from the girl next to him and wondered what she was thinking. The girl faced him, giving him a small smile as she raised her hand. The male watched carefully as she signed something to him. At this, you stopped whatever you were doing and watched this little scene going on. 
"What did she say? What did she say!?" you asked excitedly. 
"She said.....that we're a very lively family and that you're both amazing parents." Yozora mumbled. 
"Thank you. Now, go ahead and eat before the food gets cold." you said. 
"H-Hah!? Wh-Why do I have to tell them that?"  your son was beet red and his girlfriend flashed him a pout, tugging at his sleeve as she made a few signs with a small frown on her face. 
"I-I don't care! You can tell them any other time! It's embarrassing for me to say that in front of them." Yozora immediately excused himself and ran up the stairs. His girlfriend was left alone with the two of you, looking a little sad. You know that Yozora was always nervous when it came to expressing his feelings, he was like Katsuki back in the days. 
"What's wrong? He just ran off like that, it's pretty fucking rude to his girlfriend." Katsuki grumbled, listening to the slam of a door that came from the second floor. 
"Sorry, Sora is usually a nice guy but I wonder what's got him so riled up....." you wondered, letting your gaze wander to the stairs. The girl immediately rummaged her bag for something and pulled out a notebook and her pencil case. She began to scribble something on the very last page before showing it to the two of you.
“It was my fault. He's always easily embarrassed when I say weird things." 
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about! He got it from his father!" you patted Katsuki's back who clicked hie tongue in response. 
"I wanted to tell you how much I love your son. He's an amazing person. Hardworking, bright and friendly. He's any girl's dream. Earlier, he was embarrassed to say these kind of things to you." 
"Really? I'm so glad that he has someone like you as his girlfriend. Please continue to look after Yozora, he…can be stubborn and hard to handle sometimes. So please be patient with him. You're already a part of our family. Come and visit it any time you want." you smiled at the girl who gave you a smile before scribbling down something on another page. 
"Thank you. I'll treasure him forever." 
You ushered Iroha upstairs, not before handing her a packet of Yozora's favorite snacks and telling her where his room was. She bowed to show appreciation before going up the stairs, bringing her bag along with her. You sighed happily, resting your elbow on the table with your hands holding your cheeks. Katsuki cleared up the table and  put the dirty dishes into the sink before walking out of the kitchen to stand next to you. He noted the dreamy smile on your face and rose an eyebrow.  
“That brat finally has a girlfriend huh?” Katsuki muttered as he helped you with washing the dishes. You stacked the clean plates on the dishwasher and smiled at your husband.
“Sora is growing up. He’s already in his second year in UA so it’s not a surprise that he’s interested in having a relationship.” you pointed out.
“She’s a really sweet person so I don’t see a problem with it.” you grinned from ear to ear.
"You seem awfully happy." he commented. 
"Of course, our son has a girlfriend and she's such a nice person. How could I not be happy?! Soon he's gonna become a man." you hummed to yourself.
".....doing this and that behind our backs. Just like how we did back in the days." you smirked, lightly poking your husband in the rib. 
"Oh shut up, you were making faces like you wanted it too." Bakugou grumbled with a small pout on his lips. You giggled softly and wrapped your hands around him, pressing yourself up on his back. 
"How about you go shower while I clean up the kitchen?" you suggested. Bakugou looked over his shoulder and turned around, wrapping his arms around your waist as he flashed you a smirk. 
"Only if you join me." 
"You horny bastard." you teased.
Total: 1761 words Published: 22.04.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) This was pretty cute owo Hope y’all liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Very interesting scenario to type. We hope that it came out just as you wanted it, anon. If ya’ll noticed, we used Yozora which is the same name mentioned in Lou’s work on quotev. ― author Natsuki
We posted a birthday special for Bakugou! If you’re interested, have a look here! 
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Self-Tober Prompt 5
Sorry for the late posting! This one took a while to think of the direction I wanted to take with it. I’m not really happy with how it turned out but it is what it is, I supposed. Anyways! Here we go!
You were elbow deep in dishwater, when the lights flickered rapidly and then cut out. The small amount of light still left in the day barely lit up the kitchen, and you sighed heavily. Sans had gone down to fiddle with the machine in the basement. He had said he was looking at disconnecting it for good...but he wasn’t ready to give up. You remember asking him what it was for and you remember that he told you...but you couldn’t remember what he had said? It was a blank hole in your memory almost, and the more you tried to think of it the harder it was to remember.
Sans probably blew a fuse or something.
Hopefully, it hadn’t fucked up the neighbourhood's electricity again. You had people giving you dirty looks for a week after that happened the last time, and Sans had promised to reroute it off the main energy grid.
You abandoned the dishes because you totally can’t do them in the dark. They could stand to soak anyways.
You hated it when it was dish duty night for you.
“Sans?” you called out drying your hands off on the towel over your shoulder, “What happened?”
There was a muffled oath before you heard him thudding up the stairs. You furrowed your brow slightly. That...was heavier than Sans normally was, and he rarely walked up the stairs. You were more startled by the sound of him walking up the steps rather than just teleporting up to the kitchen.
“uh...i was rerouting it like i told ya i was going to,” he said behind you.
“Should I light candles? Or can you fix the electricity tonight? If not we did buy the portable heater so I don’t get too cold tonight,” you said, shifting into a mumble at the end as you switched to talking to yourself. Without turning to look at him, you turned on the flashlight on your phone and headed towards the living room. Where did you put it in the spring? One of the closets...
“so...uh...we might have a bigger problem?” he said, voice sounding a bit strained.
Crap. Was this going to cost you two? You turned around, resigned to the fate of having to dip into your mutual savings account.
Instead of a skeleton standing behind you, as you were expecting, there was a fully fleshed human.
You instantly screamed and tripped over your own feet in your haste to dart backwards.
Where the hell was Sans and why was there a human in your house? Well...other than yourself!
“h-hey! babe, it’s okay it’s me,” Sans’ voice came out of the human as his hands reached towards you.
“What the hell?” you whispered, shuffling further away from the man’s hands.
“i don’t know?” the man admitted, dropping into a crouch in front of you, hands resting on his knees. He paused, staring down at his hands for a moment before he shivered and removed his hands. “that’s really weird.”
“What the hell?” you said a bit louder, and he glanced over and reached towards you again but you moved further away.
“babe. it is me. uh...you were embarrassed to wear anything besides pants in front of me because you have a skull tattoo on the side of your lower leg,” he tapped on your leg and then grinned at you, “the first time we boned you got all flustered cus I kept making skull puns when I was-“
You kicked at him lightly, “s-shut up.”
“there we go,” he chuckled, and then straightened and held out his hand towards you. “i...don’t know how this happened but i’ll figure it out.”
For a moment, you just stared at his hand but then you sighed. This was Sans...even if he was a human. You took his hand, and you both didn’t move for a moment. “That’s...weird,” you grumbled but allowed him to pull you to your feet. He didn’t let go of your hand but squeezed it lightly and his head tilted. “What?”
“you feel different s’all,” he explained, squeezing again and then smoothing his thumb over your head. You shivered.
“So do you, and it’s weird,” you insisted, “Get all used to your bones touching me and now it feels...weird.”
He chuckled, “really weird.”
Now that you weren’t in a panic, you actually assessed your boyfriend. He was still the same height but just fleshed out. His shirt looked like it was a bit too tight since it had been bought for nothing but bones. His hoodie still fight, and his baseball shorts as well since they were both loose on his frame anyways. You were suddenly glad that it was him who had turned human and not Papyrus, his clothes would’ve probably cut off circulation if he had switched species.
Wait...had it only affected Sans? Or could it have affected more?
“Uh...Sans?” you interrupted his focus on feeling up your hand and arm. His eyes flicked up to yours, a bright blue. “W-Would this affect others?”
A beat.
He stared at you for a second longer.
“What?” you asked, frowning.
A nervous look crossed over his face, “uh...can’t teleport.”
“Oh,” you hummed, “we could just...phone Paps?”
He nodded, but there was still a sense of nervousness washed over him as you bent down and picked up your phone. You could tell he was impatient as you quickly dialled Papyrus’ number, but then he placed a hand on your elbow.
“if he’s good, don’t tell him anything,” Sans whispered, “i don’t want to freak him out.”
You frowned slightly but nodded. There were times when Sans was just too much of a protective elder brother, and you thought that this was one of the times when it wasn’t necessary. What if Sans couldn’t go back to being a monster and was a human forever? Papyrus would eventually find out and be disappointed and hurt that Sans hadn’t told him immediately. However, you’d pester your boyfriend into telling his brother at a later date. Right now, you were just going to do as he requested.
Papyrus’ voice came over the phone boisterous and loud as always saying your name warmly. “HOW ARE YOU?”
“I’m good, Paps, how’re you?” you asked, trying to keep your tone as neutral as possible. Sans’ hand hadn’t left your elbow yet, fiddling with the fabric.
“Ah, yup! I can do that. He’s uh....working right now,” you said, shifting your phone to your other hand and lightly whacking Sans’ hand away from your elbow as it was getting ticklish.
“OH! THE MACHINE?” Papyrus said, and you blinked in surprise. Sans had told you that Papyrus wasn’t aware of the machine. Maybe that had changed? You glanced over at Sans but he didn’t seem to have heard what Papyrus had said, and was tugging at his shirt uncomfortably. Maybe you had an oversized sleep shirt that he could borrow? All of his shirts would be too small.
“Yeah?” you said, more of a question than a statement.
“Oh! Right...uh, I was actually just calling to...” you trailed off, mind going blank. Sans quickly pointed towards the kitchen. “Uh...invite you over for dinner tomorrow? But since uh...we’re going to Frisk’s tomorrow for the sleepover,” you gave Sans a pointed look, “I guess we’ll see you tomorrow anyway.”
Papyrus was quiet for a moment, “HM. ALRIGHT! I WILL TEXT YOU WITH THE TIME! I’LL SEE YOU TOMORROW!”
“Yeah, see you, Paps,” you said, albeit a little distractedly as Sans had decided to strip off his hoodie and shirt. You waited for Papyrus to say his goodbyes before hanging up. “Why are you stripping?”
“the shirt’s way too tight,” he complained, tossing it onto the couch. You looked at it pointedly. “i’ll pick it up later.”
“Yeah, you gotta go fix the machine or figure out a way to tell everyone why you’re a human,” you said and then poked him in the belly. He jerked away immediately and lightly smacked your hand away.
“this is too weird,” he mumbled, and then ran a hand through his hair and flinched at the feeling. “how do you have hair?”
You shrugged, and then turned your flashlight back on, on your phone. “Stop asking questions and go fix the machine. Or...get the power working. I want to take a shower and I’d rather not do that in the dark.”
He nodded, before getting distracted by something. Then he shivered and shook his head.
“What?” you asked, “another weird new sensation?”
A hesitant nod.
“What?” you prodded, poking his belly again and he flinched away. Giving you a deadpan look.
“nothin’, don’t worry about it,” he waved a hand before yanking on his hoodie and heading back into the basement. You picked up his shirt, because he wasn’t going to pick it up later, and headed up the stairs. There wasn’t much to do in the dark, and it was getting late...so if he didn’t get the power up and running you’d just have to wake up extra early in the morning to shower.
So, you tossed his shirt into the hamper and then dropped down on the bed.
After an hour of playing games on your phone, you were down to 5% battery, and so you lit some candles and then got changed for bed for the night, and then picked up the book you had been slowly reading through.
Another hour passed before the bedroom door opened, Sans walked in still very human. He flicked on the bedroom light and you squinted.
“Little warning next time,” you grunted before closing your book, “So? Is my bonefriend going to be just a boyfriend from now on?”
He sighed, “the machine has to do a reset. apparently whatever happened not only blew the house fuses but it also blew the backup generator that the machine had been plugged into. shut it down completely. it’ll be ready tomorrow.”
You nodded, “So, did you learn your lesson about fiddling with the machine too much?”
Sans gave you a blank look before unzipping his hood and hanging it on the doorknob. “Nah, just taught me what not to do.”
You snorted, “that’s relieving.”
Without replying he walked over to the dresser and pulled out his own pyjamas. He held up a shirt for a moment before shoving it back inside the drawer and decided to go just pants tonight. You blew out the candle on your bedside table and returned to watching him. When he pulled off his baseball shorts you immediately flushed and looked away sharply.
“oh. right. that’s a thing,” Sans said with a slight embarrassed chuckle. You didn’t look at him until he turned off the light and then crawled into bed beside you.
For a moment, neither of you moved, and then he shifted closer to you. When you felt skin brush against your arm you jumped in surprise and he froze. Neither of you said anything as he pulled his hand away.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, feeling the sadness ebbing off of your boyfriend. “It’s weird?”
“i know,” he mumbled into his pillow, “jus’ wanna cuddle.”
Your heart clenched immediately and you scooted over to him and wrapped your arm around him, ignoring the weird sensation of hugging a fleshy being instead of a bony one. You pressed a kiss into his hair, again ignoring the surprising sensation of hair. “I love you,” you muttered against the side of his head, “and because of that I’m finding this weird. It’s like...you’re still you but when you touch me my mind isn’t processing it as you?”
He nodded, and then slowly turned onto his side and cuddled against you. “love ya too.”
“If you’re stuck this way...I’ll get used to it. I got used to your bony form, didn’t I?” you said softly, “because I love you.”
He nodded against you, and you gently ran your fingers through his hair. The two of you didn’t say anything for a while, just held each other under the safety of the covers. Then, slowly, Sans lifted his head from where he had tucked it against your neck, and looked up at you.
“would it be weird...if i kissed you?” he asked, voice so soft if the room hadn’t been dead quiet already you probably wouldn’t hear it.
“Yeah,” you admitted, and before his face could fall with disappointment you pressed your lips to his. He melted against you, hand stroking your side as you slowly deepened the kiss. You weren’t about to let your boyfriend go to sleep upset with himself because of you. He cut the kiss off way sooner than normal, and you realized as he panted that he wasn’t used to needing to breathe. You grinned at that, and couldn’t help but tease him, “normally you’re the one leaving me breathless.”
He simply grinned, “air you sure? cus i’m normally always breathless.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He was making jokes again so he wasn’t as upset as before. You peppered his face with kisses making him snort out a laugh. “I love you,” you said once again, kissing his nose. “As weird as your fleshiness is.”
“says the normally fleshy one,” his fingers dug into your side slightly, not painfully but just enough to remind you that you were indeed also a fleshy individual.
“You like my fleshiness,” you teased and pressed against him a bit more firmly. He blushed at that, and you grinned triumphantly. His hand trailed down your side slightly and you caught his wrist before it could get too far. “Uh-uh, bud, none of that. You said cuddle so that’s what we’re doing.”
He pouted, actually pouted and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Not until we know how real this body is,” you said, kissing the corner of his mouth, “because human bodies aren’t like monsters after all.”
He sighed and cuddled back up against your neck, pressing a kiss to your collar bone. “fine,” he grumped, “just a bigger motivation to fix the machine.”
“I’ll love you no matter what, but making love? We’ll have to work up to that with this body,” you admitted and he huffed against your throat.
“love you,” he mumbled.
You smiled and pulled the covers further up his form.
You weren’t lying. This was Sans, and you’d love him regardless of how he looked. Your gross gremlin of a boyfriend...but you can’t say you wouldn’t miss his skeleton form. It had grown on you too much over the past three years. You kissed the top of his head.
You just hoped that he could switch back before tomorrow or anime night would turn into ‘LET’S DISCUSS KEEPING SECRETS FROM US, SANS’ night. Which happened a lot more than you would’ve thought since Sans had moved in with you.
But, that was a problem for future you. Right now? You were warm, cuddled, and falling asleep.
Future you could also deal with waking up in the fleshy arms of a man and not the bony arms you were used to.
Again, a future you problem.
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voidendron · 6 years
The Outside: Chapter 57
Series Ask Blog: @asktheoutside​
Chapter 57: Spring Chapter Warnings: Swearing, Brief Mention of (Medical) Drugging POV: Dr. Iplier
March 28, 2031, 6:20 PM Breckenridge, Colorado
Everything had become a muddy mess with the recent snow melt that would end up freezing if they got the final, late storm that was expected. Dr. Iplier grumbled and kicked a foot to send muck flying off the toe of his boot. He was wearing a sweater instead of the usual coat, beanie stuffed in the pocket. Another trainee had given him a ride from the resort and dropped him off on the main drag.
Now, he found himself leaning near the door to the toy shop as he waited for Wilford to get off work. He was grateful the roads had been cleaned off; at least that meant vehicles wouldn’t splash slush at him as he waited for the older Ego.
Shifting aching feet, he huffed. Ten minutes before Wilford was off. Edward wasn’t sure he could stand there that long. God, was training tiring. Especially with an impromptu rescue when some teenagers decided to try and hike the melting ski trails. Slushy, muddy, slippery. What did they expect? Not possible injury, apparently. The little quest had ended with one of them breaking their leg and another with a sprained wrist.
As well as some very irritated rescuers and parents. It had been like a goddamn mud-wrestling pit trying to get down to the teens and then get the one who broke her leg back up the slope. Edward was wearing borrowed clothes because of it; what he’d been wearing now soaked and caked in mud. At least the resort had showers…
The doctor groaned and dragged a hand over his face. He was just in training and he was fucking exhausted. Training would probably continue on until the snow returned in a few months and god how could anyone do this for life? His feet and back were aching, and he was going to bed the moment he was back at the hotel only to start again tomorrow. Or…no, he wasn’t. Dammit. He’d need to tend to the Host’s eyes first. He felt guilty for the pang of annoyance that brought him. It had never annoyed him before.
He was just tired. He knew that’s all it was. Tired and irritable and hungry and he just wanted sleep goddammit.
A harsh breath huffed through his nose and Edward leaned his head back against the building and closed his eyes.
Speaking of the Host, they needed to figure out what to do about him. His eye sockets wouldn’t return to their original state with the light bleeding that had never caused him trouble. It was almost as if his body was attacking itself.
The doctor’s brows furrowed as he went over the others in his head. The only others with permanent injuries were Anti with his throat, and Dark’s broken neck. The glitch’s throat had healed over, though, and Dark had outright said his neck was sore (from stress, no doubt), but no longer causing any sort of pain he’d gotten used to after so long. So why hadn’t Host’s eyes healed upon coming Outside? It had been months, and now a fever had finally hit him. They’d grown worse over that time, not better as the other two’s had.
A frown crossed his lips and he shook his head. Hopefully Host was laying down rather than straining himself with writing or narrating. Dark was surely keeping an eye on him, periodically making him drink water with a cellphone nearby to call Edward if anything changed.
The doctor dearly hoped it was just the cold and dry air that had caused the problem. They’d never gotten the sort of cold they had here in Incorporated’s territory of the Figmental Plane. Hopefully it was just that the Host’s body wasn’t used to it. Maybe now that it was warming up, he’d start improving.
At the sound of the bell hanging above the door, the doctor pushed himself away from the wall. “Wilf—” He cut himself off with a startled yelp, then a thin wheeze as his back hit the ground.
He blinked up at the man who’d run into him. Mr. Flynn. …Great.
The man was grumbling, feet slipping in the slush as he tried to stand back up, only to fall back down. His paint- and varnish-stained clothes were quickly soaked through.
“For fuck’s sake…” he growled.
A shake of the head and Edward sat up, grimacing as he felt moisture soaking into the back of his sweater. That’s just great… He huffed and carefully pulled himself to his feet before holding out a hand with the other braced against the side of the building. “Mr. Flynn?”
The man’s head snapped up at his name. He hesitated a moment before grasping Dr. Iplier’s arm and the two fought with the slush a to get the business owner up without sending them both back down into it. He was glaring. Of course he was. Was he always pissed off? And this was just even more reason for him to be if so.
“I’ve got a goddamned meeting with a client in ten minutes.” He shook his sleeves out; water and wet snow flying in all directions. “You’re here for Williamson?” He waited for the nod before waving a hand about. “Then go get ‘im, an’ get the hell outta here.”
The doctor bit his tongue when the man turned sharply on his heel to stalk down the sidewalk. Edward could say something, but he really didn’t want to cost Wilford his job. Flynn was…such an unpleasant man. He dreaded the day Wilford lost his patience. How he had any for the man in the first place was a miracle in and of itself. They were…very, very fortunate Wilford understood very well how much they needed his income.
Stifled laughter immediately after the bell at the door rang again cued the doctor of Wilford’s presence. He sighed and shook his head. Yes, he knew his sweater was soaked and that he look ridiculous.
“Come on,” he grumbled as he grabbed the older Ego by the arm and marched off through the slush. He may or may not have splashed a little more than strictly necessary just to mess up Wilford’s pants, but hey. He deserved it for laughing.
“Your boss is a wonderful man.” Edward’s voice dripped with sarcasm. There, he couldn’t help a grin when his companion snorted.
“He’s drivin’ me up a wall is what he’s doin’.”
“Just don’t kill him is all I ask.”
Wilford shrugged as if he really didn’t care. For a moment, Edward’s anxiety spiked with that simple motion. Then, “Eh. Not interestin’ enough for that.” He proceeded to grin and elbow the doctor in the side. “And we need the money!”
“Thank god… Just keep it that way.” He paused a moment; ran a hand through his hair. “Have you heard anything about Marvin?”
“Eh… Last I heard he was awake. Loopy though.”
A little nod. Poor guy was probably so drugged up he couldn’t think straight. The doctor had to wonder what exactly went wrong to cause Marvin such severe burns. At the same time, he was more worried about one of his own companions.
“I’d like to start speaking with Anti, if you can get his number from Bing or the Twins?” He waved off Wilford’s surprised look. “I need to figure out what to do about the Host. Anti may be a good place to start.”
No sleep, it would seem; at least not until late that night. Edward’s shoulders sagged slightly, but he knew he had a job to do first and foremost.
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