#i was truly a chaotic romantic force in the world
bucketofchum · 3 months
Im still a big romantic but definitely less romantic than I used to be
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
Sans marries Toriel and is technically Flowey's dad is one thing, I'm more fascinated in the potential of a neutral ending where Sans marries Toriel and is technically king
nonono you jest, but in a scenario where sans would be interested in a romantic relationship with toriel, i actually think toriel returning to her role as queen would make him take a step back.
i always got this sense of... distance? when hearing him talk about her in the phonecalls for that ending (at least, compared to the way he talks about her post pacifist, in the Q&A and alarm clock dialogue).
and while I'm sure they remain friends and that the political structure in ut is nowhere as big of a deal as the one we have in real life, well... she's still the queen, y'know? like you said, getting romantically involved gets you Involved involved. and sans is the kinda guy who likes to stay low.
on the other hand, i don't think toriel wants to rule the underground again. she feels a duty towards it, and she definitely handles it better than asgore (administratively, but also emotionally, considering she successfully overturns the "all humans must be killed" rule, so it wouldn't be as much of a burden on her shoulders), but i still think her actual desire to rule died, just as asgore's did, along with their children.
and the reason i have a visceral HATE when people treat toriel like sans' mother figure is because sans is the first genuine connection she makes with another person in hundreds, maybe thousands of years, where she is at eye level with them. she's spent god knows how long in self imposed isolation, and the RUINs monsters are still too intimidated by her to be her friends. sans' friendship with her as equals was so crucial in her first true steps to recovery.
so to finally end her exile, return to the outside world, pick up her crown again (which she doesn't truly want, but she will bear it for the greater good) but hey, amidst all this chaotic change at least she can finally meet her mysterious friend face to face...
only for him to put that distance between them himself. step back, tilt the scales, force her up that higher spot she thought she'd stepped down from the first time he said "knock knock"...
well. i just think it would be a phenomenal source of conflict for an angst fic set in this ending :]
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linawritestwst · 1 year
Hi for requests, can I ask for a reader (gender doesnt matter) who used to be an assassin back in their home world and their interactions with the vice dorm leaders? They haven’t told anyone yet, but who would catch on?
vice dorm leaders x reader who used to be an assassin in their world (gn!reader)
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THIS IS SUCH A COOL REQUEST i'm gonna be honest, i've been wanting to write something about an assassin!reader for a long time 🤭
these headcanons can be interpreted as both romantic or platonic (though some of them are a bit more romantic than others). also jamil headcanons turned out to be much longer than i intended. oh well jamil simps here's your food
warnings: mentions of murders, death, weapons and some minor physical violence (such as attacking and threatening other characters)
trey clover.
♡ he actually did have a feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye. don't take him wrong, he's sure that you're a kind and gentle person, but you just have this.. vibe, as cater would say. he felt like you're hiding something and not just from him, but from everyone here. of course, he wanted to know the truth, but he wouldn't force you to tell him anything. he respects your privacy and he's sure that you will tell him everything yourself if you feel comfortable with it.
♡ he has to admit, you can be.. kinda scary sometimes, haha. you sure know a lot about poisons, you'd be a perfect pomefiore student, honestly. and you're not scared of sharp things like knives, syringes, scissors, etc, at all, in fact, you look so.. confident when you use them? but like, confident in a scary way, you look so intense when you hold those things, it's like you could kill anyone with that thing right now, haha. y-you wouldn't actually kill anyone, right?..
♡ he would find out the truth about you by accident, he would just make a joke about you secretly being an assassin because of your knowledge and your skills. and that's when you would grab him by the throat, not worried about anyone finding you since it's just you two alone right now. wow, trey knew that you're good at p.e, but your physical strength is.. truly something. you could easily choke him anytime now, you're just holding back because you want to know how he found out. and when it turns out that it really was just an innocent joke, even though trey did have some suspicions about you.. you sigh heavily and let him go. this guy has to be more careful with his sense of humor.
♡ starting from that day, you know that there's no reason for you to try and hide anything from trey. no matter how hard you try to deny it, this guy knows for sure that you're an assassin now. you have no choice but to ask him not to tell anyone and if he does tell- wait, he's actually okay with it? he simply laughs and says that he knows what you're gonna do if he tells others the truth about you, so you don't have to worry about him exposing you or anything. as long as you don't actually hurt anyone, he doesn't mind your company, he likes you a lot, actually. you're so confused, why is this guy not scared of you at all?? you almost ended up choking him to death, why does he still want to be friends with you (or possibly, even something more)? ah, it's because he's so used to dealing with those chaotic heartslabyul students that he's not really scared of anything, even assassins..
ruggie bucchi.
♡ another guy who had a feeling that you're not so innocent.. however, he's totally okay with it. he won't try to learn more about your past or anything like that. it's not like he even cares that much about it. everyone has their own secrets, after all. well, unless someone orders him to find more information about you and promises to pay him well, that's when he will actually try to find out who you really are. come on, what else did you expect from him?
♡ he can't figure you out at all, but he does have a feeling that you killed someone in the past. at first it's just something that he jokes about and doesn't take too seriously, but.. something about you just makes him feel a bit uneasy. and that's already a lot, it can be quite hard to scare someone like ruggie. you know what, he's not even gonna try to find out more about you anymore. his life is more important than that and he's pretty sure that you could easily take his life if you wanted. so nope, better safe than sorry.
♡ he would find out your secret on accident and similar to trey, he would casually go "wow, y/n, i wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be a serial killer or something". and of course, he's wrong, you're not exactly a serial killer.. but you're still a killer. SO NEVERMIND HE IS SURPRISED. you make him fall on the ground and grab his head, forcing him to tell you where he got that info from. you promise not to hurt him if he tells you, though you're not sure if you can keep that promise. ruggie tries to assure you that it was just a joke and he didn't actually think that you killed someone- that's a lie. that's a lie, he was sure that you killed at least one person in the past.
♡ you know that other students may find you if this guy makes too much noise, so you let him go. honestly, that was kind of stupid, now that you think about it. you were an assassin in your home world, but this is a completely different world, so.. you don't have to be an assassin anymore. you apologize to ruggie and tell him that it was just an old habit. he jokes about you having very interesting habits, but right after that he quietly asks if you actually are a serial killer. you know, it's not like he's scared of you, haha.. "yes", you say, deadpan. OH. OKAY. COOL. great, he really has to be more careful with you now- you laugh because of how funny his face expression looks and tell him that it was just a joke. he almost calms down, but then you go "i'm an assassin actually". t-that's not any better, you know that?? you don't have to worry about ruggie telling anyone anything though.. well, if someone asks and promises to pay- fine, fine, he really won't tell anyone.
jade leech.
♡ ANOTHER ONE. he probably figured out your true identity right when he met you. he didn't say anything though, so you can thank him for that. he would do it only if he got something in return, similar to ruggie, but it's still not that easy to make him talk. he's the curious type, so he would try to find out more, even though he can confidently say that you have killed someone before. he wants to know the details: how have you killed that person, who was that person, are you an insane serial killer or do you have a more sympathetic motivation? hm.. maybe it was actually your job?
♡ just so you know, he doesn't judge you or anything like that. no matter what reason you had for killing that person or those people, it's your life, it's your choice, so yeah, keep slaying, king/queen/monarch <3 and as you spend more time with him, he will give you hints about knowing more about your past than you think. of course, these hints make you very nervous, but don't worry, HE DOES IT INTENTIONALLY. hehe, it's so fun to see you react like that, considering that you're very calm most of the time and don't get scared often. but hey, if you react like this, it means he's on the right track, right?
♡ when the time comes, he would ask you about it himself. and he also would do it in a crowded place, so that killing him to keep your secret won't be that easy. don't worry, it's not like he would ask this question right in front of everyone, he would do it quietly, it's basically a whisper compared to voices of other people and noises that they make. and it's enough to make you panic, because you can't really make him shut up right now. so you just ask him as quietly as he did, "what do you want?". huh? what does he mean by "nothing"? he just thought that you should know that he's aware of your "dark side". ah, and again, he just wanted to see your reaction too. this guy is more dangerous than you even though you're literally an assassin..
♡ after that, jade would raise the topic of you being an assassin only in private, unless he thinks that you're brave and reckless enough to try to kill him. you still can't believe that he doesn't want anything from you, you can't remember the leech twins being so kind. it's probably because he's not afraid of you at all, even though you've killed people before. this guy also can use magic, so.. he's probably stronger than you, even though you don't want to admit it. before you leave, he suddenly tells you that he can still tell everyone who you really are, if he wants, so.. you better behave and not try anything funny, okay? yeah, this guy is terrifying.
jamil viper.
♡ he does get this weird feeling whenever he sees you, so he tries to be as careful as he can. he also doesn't let you spend too much time with kalim, because if you do something to him.. honestly, he wouldn't even blame you, it's easy to fool someone like kalim, but if anything happens to him, jamil will be in huge trouble. he would try to find more information about you though. he probably shouldn't be afraid of someone who has no magical abilities at all, but still, who knows what you're actually capable of. and why does his heart beat faster when you're around.. no, he's pretty sure it's not because he has a crush on you.
♡ .. hey, what if he actually tries to get to know you better? you know, totally not because he wants to understand if you're dangerous or not, haha. it feels believable too, because it's not like jamil became more friendly all of a sudden. he's still his usual self, it's just that he talks to you a bit more often now. you're surprised to realize that you actually enjoy his company, but you still can't help but feel like you should pay closer attention to him. after all, you also think that jamil is hiding something. wait, maybe you should try and find out his secret before he finds out yours? that way you can blackmail him if he even tries to reveal your identity! haha, that's it, you two are besties now, he doesn't have a choice <3
♡ your interactions are actually very entertaining to watch. you two are lying to each other and pretending to be friends even though you both know that you're doing this just so that you can go "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE" when the other person lets their guard down. kalim is just happy to see you becoming friends and doesn't find it suspicious at all :D and eventually, you two start getting closer to the truth. you start to notice that jamil's smile whenever he's talking to kalim looks a bit forced and jamil notices that you become.. very enthusiastic whenever someone mentions a murder, a weapon or anything related to that. someone jokingly asks "hey what's the best way to kill someone" and you give such a detailed answer, everyone else goes shocked. and you have stars in your eyes the whole time. yeah, you're definitely insane.
♡ so, how would jamil try to find out your secret? oh, HE WOULD JUST TRY TO PROVOKE YOU. if you're angry enough, it's possible that you will end up accidentally revealing something about yourself. he wouldn't do it in a crowded place though, unlike jade, because even though this guy is obviously pretending to be your friend and he totally didn't become attached in the process he still respects you and he will keep your secret unless.. you know, you're actually dangerous. so while you two are cooking together, jamil suddenly ruins the warm and friendly atmosphere and asks, is there anything that you're hiding from him? oh, don't be shy, he's sure your secret isn't that bad, you're friends, right? it's not like you killed someone or anything- hey. hey, y/n, you're supposed to use this knife for cooking, WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
♡ you point your knife at him and ask what does he mean by that. how much does he know? did he know about it this whole time? does this mean that.. he won? he found out your secret and you still don't know much about him, you just think that he actually hates kalim and.. that's it. it's nothing compared to your secret. but it means nothing to you, so when you mention that you think jamil is just pretending to be this nice and polite person.. he does get a bit nervous. but hey, it's not like you have any proof. and jamil can't really prove that you're an assassin because no one would believe him if he says that you tried to kill him with a knife, you're pretty popular here.. fine. you were an assassin, right? you're not actually planning to kill anyone, right? so.. how about you two make a deal? jamil doesn't tell anyone anything about you and you don't tell anyone anything about jamil. you do want to tell everyone that this guy is more dangerous than he looks, but if he promises to keep your secret.. well, it looks like you'll have to pretend to be friends for a bit longer than you expected.
rook hunt.
♡ HE IS SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA. oh, this guy knows. he knows that you're not so sweet and innocent. oh, you have nothing to be afraid of, he's not planning to reveal your secrets or anything like that. something is telling him that you're not planning to go back to that job of yours and you want to start a new life in this world, so why should he ruin it? and also he doesn't think it's that bad, you probably did it just because it was your job.. ah, and he doesn't have any problem with you enjoying it! you had fun, so again, why should he ruin it?
♡ he still wants to learn more though. not because he wants to tell others about your past, but simply because he finds you interesting. he really does want to get to know you better. did you enjoy killing people? did you hate your job? why did you become an assassin? could it be that your reason was actually very tragic and you had no other choice? or you actually hate people and you were more than glad to get a job like that? he won't judge, you will still be beautiful in his eyes. why? hm.. let's say that you're beautiful in this "special" way. you're so mysterious, of course a guy like him would want to know more!
♡ but you're smart, it's easy for you to notice that rook's been spending quite a lot of time with you lately and he asked you so many questions that it starts to feel like he's not just being friendly with you, this guy has either figured out who you are OR HE'S PLANNING TO KILL YOU. both options are terrifying. but no matter what he's planning, you won't give up without a fight. it doesn't help that this guy's been stalking you for a while now, that's even more suspicious. it's okay though, in case something happens, you will be able to fight back. wait, actually, maybe you should be the one to make a first move?
♡ YOU WERE WRONG. YOU WERE SO WRONG. you two are equally strong, but rook still manages to win. so here you are, lying on the ground and struggling to breathe properly. huh.. this is so weird. you're supposed to feel awful, you're supposed to hate this guy or even be afraid of him, but.. you're actually impressed? you even had fun fighting him like this?? and maybe it was kinda hot of him haha- he tells you that he tried to be nice, but oh well, it looks like you had other plans and you decided to use that kindness of his to deceive him. but he still won't tell anyone who you really are, so you don't have to worry about anything. why? ah.. it's because he had fun fighting you too. things like this don't happen often, so it felt like something new and exciting to him. also, he's sure that if he does tell everyone about your past, you still won't let him live a long life and he doesn't want that. not because he's scared of you, but because he's sure you two can be great friends.
lilia vanrouge.
♡ just like most of these guys, he does have a feeling that you're actually more dangerous than you look. oh, it's not just a feeling, he's absolutely sure of it. hey, he does have a reason to believe that, this guy was literally a general, he knows a person who killed someone in the past when he sees one. he's one of those guys who would try to find out more about you just because he finds you interesting. no, he's not scared at all, he may be old, but he's sure that if you two had to fight, he would win. and you would regret trying to kill him anyway however, he makes sure you don't try to hurt other students. he wants to trust you and he knows that most of these students are strong enough, but still.. there's a chance of you becoming another person who's precious to him, so don't try to kill other people who are just as precious to him, okay?
♡ honestly, you want to kill this guy just because of how annoying he is. he is so nice to you, but he also teases you and pranks you so often that it's hard to fight the urge to just stab him right there. you force yourself to calm down and take a deep breath. you don't have to go back to your ways, you can just live a nice and normal as normal as it can be in this world life, you don't need any enemies here. also you know better than try to fight lilia vanrouge himself, you know that you're stronger than some students despite being magicless, but you still doubt that it would be a good decision considering the things this guy says sometimes.
♡ if you can't fight him, then you will try your best to ignore him. or, you know, just act normal around him. don't act suspicious, don't act like you used to be this extremely dangerous assassin in your home world who was proud of their job and was not just good, but great at it. but lilia can see right through your act and he even finds it entertaining. it's so funny to watch you try and convince everyone that you actually have a huge fear of knives right after you showed that you seem to have a talent for knife throwing. it's so funny that it's kind of cute even. keep acting like that and lilia might just fall in love with you, haha. come on, it was just a joke, don't take it so seriously!
♡ he would mention the topic of you being an assassin right after inviting you to go on a walk with him, you know, old men like him need to go outside more often, haha- anyway, you've killed people in the past, right? you want to attack this guy so bad, but you know that you can't. it would be too stupid and you know that you shouldn't underestimate lilia. so you just sigh and tell him the truth. for some reason, you feel like lilia isn't the type to expose you anyway. he's a surprisingly good listener and he doesn't interrupt you, you even find yourself wanting to tell him more about your past. you know you shouldn't trust him so easily though. when it's time for you two to go back to nrc, lilia thanks you for being honest with him and promises that he won't tell anyone about it. he actually had a lot of fun talking to you and.. he understands your feelings quite well. hey, maybe you two should be friends? oh, but can you promise him not to hurt anyone unless it's absolutely necessary? and if you try to hurt the people who are dear to him- nah, you wouldn't do that, you're too smart for making lilia angry on purpose.
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Dw idm u answering publicly, I want everyone to be cursed w the thought that Rubius is a babygirl and a very bad one at that <3
Honestly I've only read a few explanations of their lore and bits about their relationship but they seem sooooo,,, /pos. Like they have such a fun and silly dynamic that has this air of toxicity and their loves feels quite self destructive bc rubius is kind of a destructive force of nature of a person who has a tendency to hurt those around him, perhaps as a defense mechanism or perhaps out of simply not understanding there are consequences to the things he does while vegetta is someone far too forgiving, he continues to love rubius despite how much he hurts himself, others, and vegetta himself. I'm not saying cubito rubius is an awful person but from what I've seen he is,,, complex. Difficult despite seeming silly. I could be just completely wrong tho LOL I am doin my best I prommy
ANYWAYS IM CHEERING U ON IN WRITING!!! I'd love to talk to u abt them more and learn more abt rubegetta bc like. Look. Theres no way q!vegetta isnt hung up on that demon idc,,,
I'm likewise waiting for the Eggstatistics (which will probably get posted while I'm in the middle of writing this) (EDIT: IT DID) and you gave me the opportunity to infodump so prepare for an essay LMAO
There are SO many layers to Rubius and Vegetta’s relationship (both romantic and friendship-wise), and that complexity makes them fascinating characters to study. I’ve been discussing this a lot in private lately, but I feel like there’s quite a bit of misinformation / misinterpretations of Rubius and Vegetta’s relationship amongst some of the newer fans who might not know some key components of their personality and their relationship dynamic as a whole (which is understandable since the majority of their lore came from Karmaland, and a lot of newer fans only speak English / only watch QSMP), so ALLOW ME TO ELABORATE:
I think of the two, Rubius definitely gets mischaracterized the most (which, again, maybe isn't too surprising since not everyone watched Karmaland and he hasn't been on the QSMP server too much lately). I could go off on a tangent here and list my frustrations about the people who harassed him for his role / his actions during the Egg event / whining about ships to the point where he decided not to log into the server again ‘til the Egg event is over, but that's ultimately irrelevant to this discussion.
“Their love feels quite self-destructive” is a really good way to sum things up, because Rubius is a pretty self-destructive man. Rubius is, fundamentally, a man who is full of love for the people he cares about, but those feelings are in direct conflict with his reluctance to let people get close to him (and his commitment issues). He can freely give hugs and kisses (and more) to Vegetta, but when it comes to expressing his true thoughts and feelings, he’s pretty emotionally constipated. We’ve already seen this a few times on the QSMP server – when Rubius visits on Vegetta’s birthday, he sings him the most beautiful heartfelt love song ever, but as soon as it’s over and Vegetta tries to talk to him, Rubius runs away. Even in Karmaland V, when hooked up to a lie detector and asked about his feelings for Vegetta, Rubius tried to wiggle his way out of answering. Only when the world was literally ending and they all thought they were gonna die did Rubius finally admit his feelings, shouting his confession and his love for Vegetta at the top of his lungs.
(The real tragedy here is that it was so chaotic with everyone shouting, Vegetta never heard his words…)
Although it’s easy to slap the label “toxic” on Rubius, I think that’s unfair to him and his character, as well as his intentions. He truly does love Vegetta with all his heart, in every universe, and he doesn’t want to hurt him, but Rubius doesn’t want to get hurt either. The Meteor shower conversation gives us a clear understanding of that:
Rubius: I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to get my hopes up, and then get hurt. It's happened to me many times before. Especially here in Karmaland. Vegetta: Have you had lovesickness? Rubius: Yes. In Karmaland, everywhere, in real life... I'm already used to getting beaten. Vegetta: That's a pity... Rubius: I just want someone to take care of me, and that's it. I don't ask for much. Vegetta: I'm very protective.
The way I see it, Rubius is afraid of his feelings for Vegetta, because the larger his love grows, the larger that potential for hurt and disappointment gets. Does this excuse all his actions? No, of course not, however there’s a big difference between doing something out of self-preservation (possibly as a trauma-response, depending on how you interpret his character) and doing something with the intent to hurt someone.
IMO, Rubius isn’t a toxic guy, he just needs therapy.
Vegetta doesn’t get mischaracterized quite as often, though I do feel like people have a tendency to put him on a pedestal and minimize the flaws he has. I’m a massive Vegetta fan, but this guy’s far from perfect. He’s self-centered, borderline narcissistic sometimes, and he’s a very prideful man. He’s never left Rubius at the altar, but he’s still had his fair share of “oopsies” and "yikes" in their relationship. One (which I’m surprised people don’t talk about more) is an incident from Karmaland IV where Vegetta, very unhinged and mentally unstable at the time, kidnapped Rubius’ wife Nieves and threatened her with a sword, saying, “If Rubius can’t be mine, he can’t be anyone’s.”
For the longest time I genuinely thought that line came from a fanfic or something, then I stumbled upon the clip one day and I was just like:
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In Karmaland V, Rubius became very close with a little alien child named Titi. He took care of Titi like he was his own son, and despite his attempts at emotionally distancing himself early on so he wouldn’t get attached, Rubius wound up caring a lot for him.
Then Titi died.
It was basically Rubius’ worst nightmare come to life – he’d let himself get close to Titi, he’d loved him unconditionally and let Titi into his heart, and Titi’s death utterly destroyed him. Everyone in Karmaland was affected by the death, but Rubius took it especially hard because of how close they were. Rubius was hurting badly and resorting to terrible coping strategies to deal with the pain, and Vegetta…
Well. Vegetta wasn’t very nice about it.
There are a lot of ways we could interpret Vegetta’s actions and words during this time – maybe he’s not super sensitive when talking about death since he’s probably some kind of demigod, maybe he speedran the grieving process, maybe he thought brutal honesty and direct action would help Rubius “snap out of it” sooner. However you see it, ultimately it did a lot more harm than good for Rubius’ overall mental health.
I bring these examples up not to paint their relationship as toxic or negative, but rather to express just how complex it is. Because, despite all their mistakes and drama and heartbreak, at the end of the day, Rubius and Vegetta still love each other more than anything else. Even towards the end of Karmaland V when they were quite literally on opposite sides of the battlefield (one supporting Quackity, the other supporting Luzu), their true loyalties lay with one another. When Rubius was hit by an enemy, Vegetta defended him with his life, and when Vegetta was hurt, Rubius did the same.
Yes, Rubius doesn't really know how to handle healthy relationships, and yes, Vegetta tends to forgive him too easily, but that doesn't erase the love they have. The key we need to remember here is that Rubegetta is a telenovela that sits squarely in the romcom category. They may wander into other genres and tropes from time to time, but they will always gravitate back to one another. Whether you define that as fate or soulmates or just sheer dumb luck, the facts remain and the love is there.
PHEW anyways that felt good to get out, I have so many thoughts on Rubegetta so I appreciate the excuse to rant. I'm always happy to chat about these two! :D And you're so right - Vegetta is so smitten for that demon, I hope he gets to meet the angel too. I hope Rubius comes back soon so Vegetta can see his Osito Fiu Fiu, but in the meantime, we'll have to keep wishing and praying just like Vegetta...
(ALSO THANK YOU the current chapter of that dang Rubegetta fic is kicking my butt rn because it's the only chapter I didn't outline and life events keep interrupting me when I try and work on it, but it IS getting chipped away at bit by bit! I hope folks enjoy the outcome when it's released :D)
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pallastrology · 1 year
libra: venus vs. mars
they are more romantic. naturally loving, giving and flirtatious, venus is domicile in libra, and you can really feel it. they truly love love, and are keen to share the feeling with their dear ones. venus in libra has romance down to a fine art form, and they give their all to their partners, sometimes to their detriment. love is their driving force
venus in libra is more interested in the beautiful. life has many beautiful moments, people, things, and venus in libra appreciates them in all their glory. they are often creative people, with some talent or skill, but even when they are just admirers, there’s generally an intriguing air to the native, as if they were a work of art in and of themselves
they are more social. even moreso than a libra sun, in fact, since venus is at home in libra. this is where it really shines, and we see this in the kind, reflective, adaptable libra venusian. they don’t always need a spotlight to shine under, and in fact, they often host and manage events beautifully, because they have this innate sense for other people and what they need
they have more struggles with conflict. mars in libra is not well-suited to conflict; though you’d expect them to be diplomatic and smooth-talking, and they often are, they are also anxious, people-pleasing, sympathetic and sometimes passive-aggressive. their drive is for connection and partnership, and it can feel very counterintuitive for them to create waves, or have to choose an argument to stick by
they are more flirtatious. although mars is very out of its depth with libra, it still has to channel its energy, and often with this placement we see it channeled into flirting. libra martians have a strong drive to connect with another person, to feel part of a partnership, and to develop strong, enjoyable relationships - and they effortlessly charm most people they do build relations with
venus in libra is more lonely. it might sound odd to describe such a social placement as lonely, but they often are. they are more intellectually interested in people and relationships, and can sometimes live with an acute sense of watching people from outside a window. they can find it surprisingly difficult and unintuitive to connect with other people
the balance between themselves and others is a major theme for all librans. they can be afraid of commitment while longing for connection and partnership, and can easily feel lonely or smothered in relationships when that balance isn’t quite right. representing equality, libra doesn’t always do well being an authority, but at the same time, the NPC life isn’t for them. they need someone who sees them as a true equal
they are both reflective placements. they can lose themselves easily, both in the internal and external world, and aren’t the easiest placements to centre in reality. self-aware to a fault, others see themselves reflected in the native, and the native’s vision of who they are can become murky. ultimately, time alone to grow stronger and clearer about who they want to be, is what will help with these issues
both are chronic overthinkers. intellectual, intelligent, and acutely aware of everything around them, libra, for all the poise and easy charm they present, can suffer from a cloudy, chaotic internal experience. i think that especially with venus in libra, it can look - and feel - easy, and so this almost painful consciousness can be forgotten, but it’s ever-present in both placements
both placements find arguments and conflict difficult. they are sensitive and intelligent, which can be a painful combination sometimes. a common issue with libra is passivity, and venus and mars are no exception. especially in mars, but with venus too, passive aggressive behaviours can appear when they aren’t able to manage a conflict. it takes courage to speak up and be vulnerable, after all
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
You're both either Ponies or Humans for obvious reasons. Was originally deleted for personal reasons.
Yandere! Discord Concept
(AU where Discord wins)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Manipulation, Deception, Forced relationship, Hypnotism, Brainwashing, Obsessive behavior, Slight possessive behavior, Isolation, Forced stockholm syndrome.
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- Who would’ve thought the Mane Six would give into Discord’s chaos?
- Then again, it’s hard not too.
- You’re forced to watch your home crumble into chaos.
- Completely at the mercy of the new ruler in Ponyville, Discord.
- How could things get worse?
- Well, turns out Discord has found you amongst the chaos he created.
- You look like a fun pony to torment, still having color to you unlike the dull ponies around you.
- Looks like things can get a lot worse.
- “Oh goodie! Someone still has some life to them, I see~? Why don’t we play a few games. I want to see just how long you last.”
- Discord normally is rather mischievous, impatient, playful, and dramatic.
- He sees all of Ponyville as his chaotic playground.
- Discord would be Manipulative, Deceptive, Obsessive, and Forceful towards you.
- Possessive could be included, too.
- Being a statue for years can make you feel lonely.
- Discord says himself he’s never truly had a friend.
- Seeing you not easily giving into his chaos makes Discord think you’ll be a good candidate.
- After all, the other ponies must be so boring now that they’ve been afflicted by chaos, right?
- “There’s no need to fear me, my dear pony~! I just want to keep you entertained. The chaos can be fun once you put your mind to it!”
- Discord tries to act like your ‘friend’.
- He bends the chaos to his will to make you trust him.
- Even manifesting a sweet treat for you at one point.
- Even trying to take you skating amongst the slippery floors.
- Of course, you refuse to trust him.
- It’s upsetting to you that Discord keeps trying to push you into liking him.
- Bribing and manipulating you just to get something out of you.
- Selfishly, you wish he was some other pony’s problem.
- But, in reality, it wouldn’t make much of a difference would it?
- Your home would still be a wreck….
- “Why so down? You have such a narrow mindset, my dear! What have you got to lose? Will trusting me be so bad~?”
- Discord is rather impatient and can be persistent when it comes to his Yandere tendencies.
- If you refuse to give into his bribery or be his friend, then he’ll make you.
- He’s given you enough chances.
- You’re already lost in the chaotic form of Ponyville he’s created.
- Who have you got to turn to!?
- No one.
- No one except him.
- Soon, you’ll learn that.
- Through magic delusions or torment, he doesn’t care.
- In this world, he rules, he will drill that into you if he has to.
- “You’re getting on my nerves. I try to show you a little fun and you cast it back to me! Face it, in this world you only have me now. Good luck finding an exit, dear. I won’t let you leave….”
- One way or another Discord will make you stick by him.
- Most likely having to resort to hypnotism to calm your fear of him.
- Once he has you under control he can start pushing the little connection he has with you forward.
- Discord’s new to the whole 'friend’ thing, barely even grasping the concept of 'lover’, either.
- Even if his understanding is minimal on it, he still adores the fuzzy feeling he gets when around you.
- Ponyville may be chaotic around the two of you but Discord feels he finally has someone he can dub a 'friend’.
- Even if it has to be forcefully….
- Perhaps later on he can even move that forward with you!
- “Oh! I haven’t had this much fun in years…. You make this chaos even better, (Y/N)! What shall we do next? Your word, my friend!”
- While Celestia is desperately trying to contact Twilight to stop this mess, you are forced with Discord.
- Twilight regaining her magic is the only hope you have of leaving Discord.
- That and reclaiming your home...
- Yet who knows if any of that will happen…
- Discord’s magic blocks such thoughts from entering your mind.
- Only wanting you to focus on him in this world.
- Who cares about the Mane Six, right?
- You have Discord!
- The only friend you’ll ever need….
- He’s not only your friend, he’s your everything!
- You’ll never think of leaving!
- “Isn’t that right, (Y/N)? You’ll never want to leave me!”
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Would like to request . Of female reader/morpheous desire tried to sabotage her and dream making her feel inferior to all his ex partners. Even throwing her dream of having a family with morpheous is the future telling her and rubbing in her face that she’s human and he’ll eventually get tired of her .
She’s isolates herself after this and end things with morpheous even though they had started dating recently her hopes are crushed she falls into depression eventually Morpheous finds out desire was involved. They fight and it get heated. Desire never seeing morpheous like this tells him everything he said . Morpheous is still livid threatening desire that to not get involved ever again. He won’t stop the next time.(kill)
Morpheous tells her how much he loves her and that her dreams of being together and starting a family are not delusional or stupid.🥺 end with romantic night .
Eventually get married and have that family
Desire is such a chaotic shit, I both love them and hate them 😂 Thank you for the request!
"You're just another human pet," Desire's words still echoed in you mind. "My big brother has had so many just like you over the eons. He'll get bored eventually, like he always does and then you'll be all alone."
Alone. That had been the word to break you and had ultimately been what led you here. Though you were in your home nothing felt right, and you supposed nothing would now that you'd ended things with the only man... being in this cold and harsh world that you ever truly loved. Dream had been confused... he'd asked what he did wrong, as if such a thing were possible, and you'd had to tell him the ugly truth. "You don't end up with someone like me, Dream. You are stars and midnight and Endless. I'm nothing more than a human, a pet. It was never going to work."
YOU had ended it, had abandoned the ship before it could even fully set sail... had abandoned it before it could sink. But then why? Why did it still hurt so badly? You didn't feel like doing anything but lay in bed and wait for the horrible pain to subside, that was if it ever did.
Dream had not fared much better. The Dreaming was drenched in rain, the downpour refusing the cease as the king worked himself to the bone. He focused on every tiny problem in his realm and sought to fix it, but everyone could tell he was only doing so to keep from feeling the full brunt of pain your absence caused him. But there was something plaguing his thoughts, something you'd said that night. Pet.
It was a simple word, one that wasn't out of place in the conversation you'd had, but it sounded far too forced coming from you. Pet. Then it hit him, his siblings voice echoing in his mind all the times they'd called you such in conversations. Desire was behind this. Rage and centuries of old pain resurfaced as he marched to his gallery and picked up the blackened heart. "Desire. Speak with me."
Their laughter echoed all around him. "Brother dearest, it's so good to hear your voice."
"I'm coming to you," was all he said, giving them little time to prepare for his long and furious strides as he crossed the room and lifted them up by the neck. "What did you say to her?"
Desire forced their smile to stay in place, but Dream could see the fear building in their eyes. "I've no idea wha-"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!" He demanded, voice curling like shadows around them and sending a shiver up Desire's spine.
"Only the truth." He squeezed their throat. "I told her of your past loves... told her that your pairing was never meant to last and that you would eventually find another. She is only human after all."
Dream pulled them in close, forcing their golden eyes to meet his. "You'd best remember this moment, sibling, the next time you entertain the thought of speaking to her again. Because next time I hear your vile lies in her mouth, I will not hesitate to kill you, consequences be damned."
"This one is different, isn't she?" Desire asked with a weak grin. "I've never seen you so tense before."
He threw them to the ground and turned away, leaving them and their realm behind him to seek you out. You weren't expecting him, you'd even gone so far as staying up to avoid him, so when he appeared in your room and called out your name you screamed, jumping out of your bed and holding your hand over your chest. "Dream! God damn it! What... Why are you here?"
You tried to quickly hide the used tissues and the mess you'd let your room fall into whilst you pitied yourself. Dream ignored it all, his beautiful eyes trained on you. "I know what happened... what made you feel the need to end things between us."
"My sibling had no right to come to you, and certainly had no right to fill your mind with lies."
"Were they lies though?"
He sighed. "Most of it was truth. My past relationships have not been... ideal. But what they said about you being my pet, about how I could never give you the things you wished for... could never love you as deeply or wholly as you love me. Those were lies."
You shook your head. "It won't work. I'm-"
"You are everything I could ever want," he said moving closer, so close he could reach out and touch you if he wished. "Every moment I spend with you is the greatest of my life. Endless or not, you remain at the forefront of my mind. I have seen your dreams, the ones of us living a happy life with a family of our own and I know you thought they were out of reach, delusional even, but they are not. I want the same, have thought of such a future with you from the moment you became mine."
The minute the words left his beautiful mouth you slumped into his arms. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have let them get in my head."
He pulled you tightly to him and chuckled. "All that maters is you're with me once again. That you believe I speak the truth."
"I know, I'm just..." you sighed. "I don't want you to get bored of me."
Dream pulled away and looked down at you, his light smile telling you exactly how ridiculous the idea was to him. "Bored of you? My love, I could never be bored of you. Not when you are everything my heart has longed for and more. But, if words will not be enough to convince you then I shall have to use action."
Action was a kind and mild word for how the two of you spent the following hours. Your love for one another only grew stronger over the coming years, and even more so when Death offered you her gift. Eternity beside Dream was all you could have hoped for, though being his wife and the mother of his children was just as fulfilling. Neither of you had ever been happier, though that could always change, eternity would be a very long time.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
We are so proud of you babes! For deciding to confront your pain, for being open to expressing your feelings, for saying ‘fuck it’ and choosing to find your happy. It’s hard sometimes to empathise with characters like Max because of how much he has purposefully hurt others. I know in fandoms we can romanticise characters and ignore their flaws, ignore how destructive their behaviours are because we have this ideal of who they truly are. Fics like this show us that there is so muc more to people than what we perceive, there are layers of sadness and hurt that some people struggle to navigate. This ending was like a closure for the impact of divorce on Max. It was him realising over the course of this fic how he has used other people as ‘punching bags’ for his inner conflict. How he has sabotaged his happiness, his chance at love, his healing journey because it felt safer when he was the one being burnt (by himself or others).
I think a lot of his self sabotaging tendencies come from him idealising love in all its forms. He saw the way love both uplifted and tore his parents apart. He thought maternal love was holding onto your child no matter what (part of why he tormented Magnus so much after the divorce). Sometimes we create this perfect idea of what love should be and we hold onto it so tight because we think that if we don’t all we will be destined for is pain. I think Max is a lot like Magnus in that he was forced to confront the reality of the fact that, there is so much you can’t control. People can leave if they want to, you may be broken and bruised and have to learn to deal with that empty space that person used to fill. I think Max spent so much effort trying to get people to prove their love to him so that he could feel like it was something he deserved. At the same time, he carried this anger towards the people who chose themselves because he was the one who pushed them to that place.
It was interesting when Max saw David singing and then Alec crying in the corridor. It was almost like this two conflicting worlds that the was struggling to accept. He had a hard time realising that you can’t have one without the other, if you open yourself up to something there is equally the chance of losing that too. It was so beautiful to see him come to this realisation, that he deserves to be happy, that having love is so much better than the possibility of never having it at all. That he has to put in effort too, he can’t just treat people however they want and expect them to stay.
I love seeing the similiarities between Magnus and Max in this fic. How Max was thrust into Magnus’ life, at a time when he was so unsure and still figuring things out with Alec. That Max was the one who taught Magnus the true meaning of love, that beyond passion and need there is a strength that anchors us through even the hardest of times. Max forced Magnus to confront his fears of never being enough in love, of losing himself to its essence and being the one to be burnt without remorse. I think David did this for Max too, he became such a constant in Max’s life, always loving and supporting him that Max was always waiting for that moment for everything to fall apart (so he made it that way because sabotage -protection -control). David leaving was the spark that really pushed Max into action, helped him to realise he always has support (therapy + his families/David’s love), that he doesn’t need to hide the depth of his vulnerability anymore, he can lean into his pain and allow it to help him evolve.
That airport scene was straight out of a romantic comedy!!! (I fucking sobbed) Max in his true fashion throwing caution to the wind and going to get his man. I love that he didn’t expect David to stay for him, he realised he needs to allow people the chance to be happy even if it is uncomfortable for him. It was such a moment when he told David they should have spoken before they started sleeping together, that it was both their responsibilities to communicate and validate their feelings. I think that public kiss was another moment we watched him put his love for David first too, just drowning out all the noise of the outside world, all the pain and sorrow, all the fear and regret and focusing on David, on pouring love into him with every caress and gentle touch. Of not hiding him anymore and taking as much from David as he is willing to give, of remembering he can have a beautiful, messy, imperfect but enduring love like his parents too.
Song for our healing Max: Wonderwall - Ryan Adams (never stop trying babe, love will always win)
Song for our gentle David - ‘Use Somebody’ - Kings of Leon (because love will always come back to you, love)
1 down, 3 to go. Come on boys, stay strong, we’re almost there 🥰
Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!
I’m so touched by your analysis of Max. You see, in LBAF, Max was the hardest character to write. He wasn’t anyone’s favorite (well except for someone of us who enjoy anarchy and chaos). I wanted to stay true to his character, his version I created in my head. So translating him from lbaf to tlnd was a huge challenge. I had to capture his trauma and pain and guilt without making him someone who is unlikeable or too much. and this analysis makes me realize I did my job well. Thank you for that. Also your music and recs are so soulful 🥺🥺
A max tiktok for you
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Could I ever love an extension of me? Something of my own flesh and blood? If I was handed a child of my own womb, would I feel love at first sight?
I'd feel sorry for it. I'd want to protect it. I'd feel a duty to it, a duty so big it scares me. But would I feel love? I'm not sure. Caring for something is a form of love, I suppose. Raising and investing years of your own life into another is the ultimate test- we were literally bred for it, through evolution and natural selection. Unbroken lines of my mothers and fathers connect me to our ape-like ancestors and now the torch has been passed on to me. And so a decision lies before me.
I've been putting it off, though. For such a long time. For obvious reasons, at first; I was young and had no time for such dreams, I had an entire world to explore with no interest in playing house. Then, out of denial; no romantic interests due to insecurity and deep depression, I isolated myself and instilled the belief nobody would want that with me anyway. Now, because of fear; my relationship with my own parents deteriorated faster than I could cope and it's left me with a list of unresolved issues about family.
I suppose, however, it's something I'll be forced to face if I ever find someone. Many other people want kids so there's a good chance my partner would too. How would I face that? I'd fear I'd lose them. For some, it's an expected milestone they've been waiting their whole life to do with the right person. I'd fear I'd shatter their dreams, all because of my own problems. But if I loved them, and they truly loved me back, would I ask for help? For time? I've done so much of my own healing, could I ever swallow enough of my ego to allow that? Because I don't think there's any other possible way I could do it. Not now, not when I've never been loved enough to change my core beliefs. A chaotic life has left me with deep emotional scars, insecurities that I've only just started to challenge alongside fumbling my way through early adulthood. It's been overwhelming. Unbearable at times. Unimaginably incredible, too. But it all took time.
Maybe I just need time.
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petalsmooth · 6 months
The nutcases on line who claim to represent Bridgerton fandom btw think this man....
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Is not only the least attractive brother but not attractive at all.
You see why I don't like some of the fandom? They are delusional. Much from a fandom starting with K.
I don't even overly care about their appearances because I gravitate more to acting talent, story, character progression when I develop favorites but objectively speaking out of all the brothers? He is the most classically handsome by traditional standards. It's just ridiculous. And I won't even dignify some of what they have said about Nicola other than in their worldview if not a certain size aren't worthy of being a lead or desired.
Oh, and apparently childhood friends falling in love is boring, nevermind will include the chaotic revelation of Whistledown, but spending 6 episodes on chemistry free Anthony/Edwina is not. And somehow seeing another rendition of Cinderalla only in this telling with the "Prince" trying to make her his mistress is somehow more anticipated.
BTW...no one tell them because I don't think they could handle it but I think part of the reason Benedict's story wasn't next is because his story is problematic. Light romantic rom com with Polin is much easier to address than how to modernize Benedict and Sophie's story. Because it's not just boy and girl from different worlds meet and he searches for her to make her his bride. It's Benedict having to deal with his own ingrained privilege and expectations as a member of the elite and make a personal sacrifice if he truly wishes to love and be loved. It's all well and fine to be pretentious and declare casually his appreciation for the working class or lecture Eloise about how a modiste is treated or rebel against Anthony with hedonistic pursuits with his art community because at the end of the day Benedict is a man. He is a Bridgerton. He is the second born son, not the first so less responsibility. Society will allow his current musing and antics to a degree with no harm to his standing. Benedict has never truly had to sacrifice anything personally and to maintain the integrity of the book arc he WILL in order to have Sophie. But prior to that he's unlikeable.
Either the show just completely whitewashes the book and makes it another telling of Cinderella which is NOT original at all (speaking of boring?) so they can maintain the illusion he's the charming affable brother. Or, he's going to have to be unlikeable and get his hands dirty in ways they won't like. Even if they don't have show Benedict try to force her into being his mistress, will still have to have him unwilling to make her his wife. IF you want continuity from the book. Because you can't DO Benedict's arc properly without him making a sacrifice about his personal comfort and status, and it's not a sacrifice if he gives that up without resistance at first. Speaking pretty verses to Anthony about sacrifice for love might make a viewer swoon, but putting into practice is an entirely different thing he will struggle with if maintain continuity. The show has already foreshadowed this when they had him observe a male couple together in secret and his response to it.
Phillip and Eloise's book is easier to adapt. The scene with Marina basically just lying there unresponsive in bed so he can "do his duty". is not essential to the plot. So long as the abuse from his father and the loveless marriage is retained you can adapt their story fairly easily for a modern retelling without changing the narrative. It will still be dark since involves depression and long lasting affects of childhood abuse but you can easily wipe out that one scene.
But Benedict's story is the thorniest adaptation since season 1 with Daphne forcibly trying to be impregnated by Simon. That was then followed by Anthony playing two sisters off each other in season 2. I know that fanbase wishes to present Edwina as the villain but Anthony was not very likeable. the only reason either of those storylines were muddled through is because the actors were likeable. If going off the actual story and words....Anthony was extremely unlikeable. He wasn't altogether different from Berbrooke really in how he thought of women, only that he drew the line at violence towards them. So I completely get why the show would be happy to take a break and do something lighter for a season.
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Hi! I'm the anon who was 5'0 and didn't say much about herself 🙈
Gender: female
How I am: I'd say I appear to be super shy till you get to know me, then I'll be cracking jokes all day, dancing and showing you music and movies I like.
I definitely have an issue with boundaries and it's something I'm currently working on so I can have healthier connections to people, I struggle a lot with putting myself first.
I don't like arguing, or loud screaming. I like to take life slow, see the sunrise and the sunset everyday. I fear describing myself a little because I don't want to seem like I'm throwing roses at myself for some reason
I get hurt easily but I hide it and only those who know me well, know when something has hurt me. I tend to deal with pain alone and with time I've become central to help my family deal with the hard stuff.
I'm stubborn especially when I'm behind a goal I want to accomplish, I always have to keep in mind I can be more flexible.
Hobbies: I'm not sure if going to the beach everyday is a hobbie, but it brings me tons of peace so I'll say that and watching movies is one of my hobbies. I'm also into astrology so I spend a good amount of time doing charts and reading about zodiac and mystical stuff
Personality: well..I'm a leo sun, Libra moon and Capricorn rising. I like things to be done well when it comes to work but outside of that I'm happy just sitting down and winding down tbh. I am a hopeless romantic who hides behind and says romance isn't such a big thing, but my heart will melt if someone gives me roses.
I don't know if this will help but I have a super hard time talking about myself 😭♥️
hey fam!! thanks for your patience! it took me a while to ship you tbh bc i see you as compatible with so many of them!
I ship you with:
George Luz from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies
ok hear me out
y'all are seriously so cute together!!
this boy is the crazy chaotic yin to your yang
nobody can draw people out of their shells like George can!
he literally saw you one day when he was with Perco and Lieb
and he made that "AAA-OOO-GAH!!!" sound
and Perco and Lieb were like "omg please don't do that again or we can't be seen in public together"
and George initially shrugged it off as a joke
but secretly
he was completely sold on you!
the initial meeting was maybe a lil awkward
but George is a sweet guy
your shyness never phases him
he actually decided it would be his challenge >:)
he eventually does woo you over
and nothing warms his heart like seeing your crazy kooky side
he wishes that more people got to see it
but George really compliments your personality imho
he's gregarious while you're more reserved
George loves seeing you passionate about something
whether that's movies or music
he can't help but laugh when you literally drag him over to the couch and "force" him to watch your new favorite movie
he will voraciously consume any type of media with you
nerds <3
George honestly just really likes sitting on the couch, watching you intently staring at the movie screen
he also loves your hair and how dimensional it is in the lighting with it's red and brown streaks
I'd wager that George can help you break down some of those boundaries
but encourage you to take more time for yourself
you can't be everything to everyone!
he just wants the whole world to know how truly amazing you are!
but George gets it
he struggles a lot with feeling like an object in peoples' lives
like he's only worth having around for a laugh
but with you, he realizes that he's worth a lot more than that
you help him to analyze the things that bother him
and offer advice when needed
George can't wait to bring you home to Rhode Island!
he wants his whole family to see what a gorgeous girl you are!
also Rhode Island has some of the most perfect shorelines
sooo if you can get George up before 10am
i bet that he would love to go watch the sunrise with you
George is pretty perceptive as to when you've been hurt
but he definitely knows how to cheer you up!
100 goofy impressions and you'll be rolling on the floor laughing
but also George hugs are underrated tbh
something tells me that this boy gives really good hugs
he's super proud of how dedicated you can be to accomplishing your goals
he wishes that he had half of your ambition!
fyi: he will want his whole astrological chart done ;)
idk bro shy girls and george are just canon for me <3
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dendrite-blues · 3 years
What really broke Lamentis?
Ok so I just had a breakthrough while rewatching Episode 4 for fic
The part where Mobius returns to get Loki out of the time cell. Remember that? And they have a weird talk about whether Loki thinks he deserves to be alone.
Did that feel out of place to anyone else? It did to me.
Now you know I was eating it up with my shipping goggles on so I didn’t really think about it at the time but
here’s how that dialogue goes:
M: Do you really think you deserve to be alone? Loki doesn’t answer, which I think we can safely interpret as Loki being confused and maybe uncomfortable with his internal answer of “Yeah, probably.” M: Loki! L: You told me to shut up. M: Do you think you deserve to be alone? L: I don’t know. M: Then you better figure it out quick, because the nexus event the two of you caused--I think whatever that connection is could bring this whole place down. So we better understand- L: We? M: Do you swear she didn’t implant those memories in Hunter C-20? L: Mobius, no. I believe her.
So, what is Mobius on about here? What hunch is he trying to prove?
Well, if you trace his questions, he’s just discovered that the TVA is a corrupt, false god. He’s trying to work out who to trust, and who’s really working for good here. He’s questioning if Loki thinks Sylvie is trustworthy, or if she’s playing a big mind game on him.
But mostly he’s asking Loki what he really believes about himself, deep down.
Not because he particularly cares about Loki’s self image, but because it’s relevant to the plot. Because whatever Loki and Sylvie did on Lamentis “could bring this whole place down.”
And what did they do on Lamentis?
They felt empathy for each other. Loki learned Sylvie had grown up utterly alone. He did this unconsciously believing that he did too, and that he deserved it because he’s a “conniving, craven pathetic worm” as Sif puts it.
And perhaps when he took her hand he thought that she didn’t deserve to grow up that way, and neither did he.
It doesn’t matter whether you interpret them holding hands as romantic or platonic or fraternal or what, what matters to the story is the thought:
I don’t deserve to be alone. And right now, sitting with you, I’m not. We’re here facing this together.
Something about Loki thinking this, about him truly believing he deserved better, THAT was a force powerful enough to shake up a timeline and allow Mobius to find them.
And maybe if he does that on a larger scale, if he finds compassion and comradery with all of his other selves, maybe that will be enough chaotic energy to destroy the entire Sacred Timeline?
Maybe all this yelling about selfcest is us massively missing the point, because the nexus event wasn’t about fucking your double it was about LOVING YOURSELF. Period. All media types.
Loki is gonna save/destroy the world with the power of love and I’m here for it.
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angellesword · 3 years
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⇒ a glimpse of life with Jeon Jeongguk now that you can see colors.
Pairing: Dad!Jungkook x Mom!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre/Warnings: established relationship au, fluff, soulmate au.
Note: This is a special chapter for YOUR EYES TELL so it contains spoiler from said fic.
drabble: your eyes tell - special chapter part 2
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The total solar eclipse, a black pearl necklace being auctioned for nine hundred two thousand dollars, and you glaring at Jeon Jeongguk.
These things were rare occurrences, but it looked like the last event you had mentioned would happen more frequently.
"I said no, Jeongguk."
Jeongguk. After being together for half a decade now, your husband still shuddered with fear every time you called him using his given name.
Why couldn't you just call him Gukkie? Did he fuck up so bad that you refused to coo his favorite nickname anymore?
Your husband tried to reason out; however, when he saw how your glare became angrier, he stopped for a few moments.
Your cheeks were flushing. This didn't look good. You were making Jeongguk nervous.
"I really wanna move back to Seoul," he tried pouting his lips since he knew you could never resist his cute face.
He knew his plan was working when you suddenly clamped your eyes shut, refusing to look at him.
"I-It's not easy to just go back to the capital, Gukkie. Our life is literally here."
Here as in Busan. You and Jeongguk decided to settle down in his hometown the second you found out that you were pregnant.
You two figured that it would be best to raise your kid in a place where she could interact with nature. Busan was known for its beaches and mountains, unlike in Seoul where you would only be surrounded by tall buildings and hustlers.
Your kid shouldn't be in a stressful city at a very young age. Jeongguk knew this too, this was why you couldn't understand why he wanted to buy a house in Seoul.
"No, it's not." Jeongguk was still pouting while shaking his head. "You're a corporate lawyer and most businesses operate in Seoul. You barely have clients here."
He was right.
"Besides, Red wants to form a partnership with you. You know it's a good offer..."
You stayed quiet for a while, only biting your lower lip because you were aware that he made a point—a good point. But then again, you also knew that he wasn't saying these things for the advancement of your career.
He only wanted to go back to Seoul because "you want Chae-won to be close to Beomgyu, right?"
Chae-won. This was the name of your four year-old daughter. Chae meant color while won meant beginning.
You and Jeongguk thought that the name suited your daughter since Chae-won was made out of love, and love in your world signified the time you began to see the pretty hues.
"W-Well yeah..." Jeongguk was stuttering, trying so hard to find an excuse. "B-But it's also because I miss city life! I miss our friends! Don't you miss Jimin-hyung? Seokjin-hyung? Red?"
Jeongguk mentioned the Kim couple as if he was implying something. Admittedly, he had been trying to include them in literally every conversation you two were having, and the reason behind this was because of Beomgyu, the first born of Seokjin and Red.
Beomgyu and Chae-won were born in the same year. The former being three months older than your daughter. The two of them only met once since the Kims lived in Seoul—which was also the sole reason why Jeongguk wanted to move back to the capital in the first place.
Chae-won and Beomgyu met two weeks ago, meaning it had also been fourteen days since your daughter started seeing colors.
You could never forget that day.
Chae-won came crying to her father, hugging his left leg as if her life depended on it.
"B-Baby...what's wrong?" Jeongguk's face was pale. He could feel the tears pricking at his eyes.
He had always been like this. Jeongguk would cry when he saw his loved ones crying too.
"Appa! My eyes!" Chae-won used her free hand to rub her eye. She was doing it vigorously, as if she wanted to get rid of it.
"What happened to your eyes, my love?" You kneeled beside your daughter, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
It was obvious that your husband was losing his shit. At least one of you should try to stay calm, right?
"I-It's too bright, Mam..." Beomgyu was the one who answered on behalf of Chae-won.
You switched your gaze at Beomgyu, amazed because of how respectful he was. He was the only kid who called you Mam.
"Oh, my God..." Red suddenly gasped, covering her mouth when she realized something.
"D-Do you think they're..." Seokjin's wife stared at you, eyes widening as she trailed off.
"They're what?" Mr. Kim raised a brow, looking at his son and Chae-won.
"Soulmates?" Jeongguk supplied, unsure.
The four of you remained quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were Chae-won's sobs and Beomgyu's ragged breathing.
The four year-old boy didn't understand why his heart hurt so much just because Chae-won was crying. He wanted to wipe her tears away.
"Jeongguk..." You were the one who broke the silence. You glared at your husband because you felt like he just uttered the most absurd thing ever.
Sure, Jeongguk became a romantic when he finally accepted the idea of soulmates, but...wasn't he being a little too much?
Chae-won and Beomgyu were still young.
"I mean...it's a possibility, right? Chae-won started to cry when I told her to go play with Beomgyu." Jeongguk said, squatting to carry his baby girl.
You stood up, feeling a little uncomfortable with your position.
The six of you were inside the Kims' mansion. Red and Seokjin invited your family for dinner when they learned that you were in Seoul to attend Ji-eun's birthday party.
Actually, you would be staying here in Seoul for three days because Namjoon said he couldn't plan his daughter's birthday on his own. Even after four years, Namjoon was still chaotic as ever.
He refused to date, already happy with his life with Ji-eun.
"So are you saying that the world is so small that the daughter of my ex and my husband's former lawyer is the soulmate of my son?" Red chuckled, amused.
She wasn't sure whether to side with Jeongguk or not. But then again, they just couldn't ignore the mentioned possibility.
Fate always had its way of confusing the shit out of people.
"We can bring them to a doctor, if you want..." Seokjin blurted out, pulling Red closer to him as he patted his son's head.
Beomgyu was still staring at Chae-won, contemplating whether he should embrace her or wipe her tears away.
In the end, the little boy chose the former option, causing Jeonguk's heart to swell with so much happiness.
His happiness turned into joy when later that day, they found out that the kids were really soulmates.
"Of course I miss our friends," you finally answered Jeongguk's question after remembering what happened at the Kims' mansion two weeks ago.
"But I'm happy here, babe. Chae-won's friends are here. Her life is here. You know how much she likes visiting her grandparents whenever she pleases. She's born here, Gukkie."
Jeongguk bit his lower lip. He was the one who couldn't answer now. You made a point too.
"I say we let her decide where she wants to live. Chae-won is smart. She will know what her heart truly desires. Besides..." You went near Jeongguk, wrapping your hands around his neck.
He instantly encircled his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Our daughter is still young. Let her be a kid, babe. We can't force her to seek romantic love just because she found her soulmate,"
Jeongguk looked sad, his lips trembling.
"I-I know that..." He heaved a deep sigh. "I guess I'm just scared. I don't want Chae-won to go through the pain you had experienced because of me. I met you a little late, love. I don't think I can handle seeing our daughter cry because her soulmate is in love with someone else..."
"Oh, Gukkie..." You nuzzled his nose, kissing his cheek.
Jeongguk was left craving for more, and so he placed a kiss on your sweet lips.
"Chae-won and Beomgyu are meant to be together. I'm sure fate will find a way to bring them together..."
"Just like what happened between you and me?" Your husband's eyes were wide and sparkling, like he was seeking your approval.
"Yeah, maybe even better. Maybe Beomgyu will love our precious baby more than we love her..."
"But I am the one who loves Chae-won the most!"
You chuckled because Jeongguk looked so adorable, like he was competing with a four year-old kid.
Typical Jeongguk.
"I know. I love you..."
"I love you too." Jeongguk smiled, kissing you once more. "And I'm so glad you're my soulmate..."
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galaxytastes · 3 years
Jumin’s Birthday
Hi! This is my first post and, rightfully so, it will be a “little” 10 page long “drabble”. It’s pretty self indulgent and non-romantic. I’m a sucker for angst and platonic affection, so buckle up, simps. Thank you so much for reading!
Words: 3033
TW: Alcohol, mention of death. 
CW: Spoilers for the secret endings/Saeyoung’s after end 
Jumin Han has always been a curious person when it came to commoner practices. Whether it be family traditions, silly superstitions, or childlike games; all of it intrigues the man like nothing else. Even as a child, despite his privileged and sheltered upbringing, Jumin still felt the temptation to explore the world of the common folk. And who better to experience the unknown than with his best friend? The two would often find themselves lost in their own world. A world without responsibility. A world without heirs, businessmen or conglomerates. A world where two boys could be just that; boys. 
But, life is not so simple. Summers and winters pass. With time came more responsibilities and adulthood pressures. Long felt the days of childhood; that which there was not much to begin with. Despite the challenges and tribulations life threw at the pair, one tradition remains unshaken by time. Birthdays.
Slender fingers wrap impatiently around his Rolex as Jumin checks the clock. He sighs in annoyance, noticing how quickly the day flew by. On most work days, the director can barely wait to get out the door. While he certainly didn’t dislike his office, he much preferred most anywhere else once the clock ticked past 6 pm. But today was different. Today was October 5th. 
The dark haired man pinches the skin between his eyes and only looks up from his desk upon hearing the familiar clicking of heels up his office hallway. Jaehee knocks gently at the door and peers in from around the corner. The woman has a concerned look in her warm eyes, but Jumin can’t begin to worry about what was the matter. 
“Yes, Assistant Kang. Have you come to bother me more about Saeyoung’s complaints over my lack of celebrations this evening?” Jumin speaks to his assistant, his voice icey cold. “I understand, Mr. Han. I… did come in here to talk about that, but not because of Saeyoung. It’s just… it’s 7 pm and you’re still here. It’s your birthday, and you say you have plans. I was wondering w-” “I’m well aware of what today is.” The director hisses as his hands clench together on the wood desk. He sucks in a quick breath and immediately backpedals, offering Jaehee an apologetic look. “Forgive me. I’ve been getting bothered about this day for… weeks now.” The director sighs and stands from the desk, making no move to hurry himself on gathering his things. 
“No need for apologies, sir. I completely understand. I’m sure you’ve heard enough pushing from the others.” Jaehee dismisses his coldness and grabs his jacket from the stand near the door. She meets him halfway across the room and gives his arm a comforting squeeze as she hands him the coat. 
“I think everyone just wants to share today with you since we truly care. So, if you change your mind, do let us know, please?” The brunette woman smiles sadly at her boss, earning her a weak smile from him in return. His heart warms a bit at her genuine words and he almost wishes to take her up on her offer. But, he made a promise to a friend for this evening. As always, Jumin Han is a man of his word. 
“I will. Thank you, Assistant Kang.”
The ride to the venue is quiet, and most of the time Jumin prefers it this way. His days are loud and chaotic, full of phone calls and stuffy conversations. His backseat oasis behind his trusty Driver Kim is normally a breath of fresh air. But, tonight, it feels suffocating. Both hands rake through his thick hair and he quietly wades in the painful silence. As if on cue, a voice perks up from the driver’s seat. “Mr. Han. I’ve prepared the supplies for your evening. I assume it will be to your liking?” Driver Kim meets Jumin’s unusually scrambled gaze, and the tightness in the director’s chest loosens just enough to allow him another deep breath. 
“I appreciate you, Driver Kim. I’m sure it looks beautiful.” Jumin nods gratefully to the older man. “Did you happen to retrieve the bottle I’d set aside for this evening?” 
“Of course. It’s wrapped in the basket along with some other things I thought would pair well with the wine. You have exquisite taste as always, Mr. Han.” The man’s eyes crinkle behind his glasses as he clicks his turn signal to pull to a stop. 
“Thank you again… Ah. We’re here already?” Jumin looks out the window, admiring the landscape lit beautifully by the setting sun. “Right on schedule. The sun will set the mood for a lovely birthday evening.” Driver Kim hums as he fishes something from his coat pocket. He turns in his chair and reaches to the backseat, holding a small box with a ribbon atop of it. “This one isn’t for you, young director. So, don’t go peeking until he gets to see it first.” Jumin chuckles and nods, gently taking the small box from the other man. The driver moves to let out his employer, but Jumin waves him dismissively. “We will not be too long. I’m not one to fuss over birthday celebrations.” The director smooths out his suit jacket and pant legs before opening up the car door. “I know, Mr. Han. Take all the time you need. Tell him I say hello, and happy belated birthday.” Driver Kim keeps his gaze on the horizon ahead of him, wetness stinging the old man’s eyes. Jumin actively ignores the sudden show of emotion and uses his free hand to shut the door. 
Tiny lights sparkle along the trail up through the finely landscaped hill, leading Jumin directly to his destination. Clammy hands hold onto the tiny gift tightly as he continues along the rocky trail. Once he reaches the top, he strays from the path to greet his friend. His chest storms with emotion and dark eyes widen as he counts each step. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. His breath sounds too loud in his ears, and he’s sure his heart is beating much too fast. Suddenly, he wishes to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but anywhere. But, Jumin Han is a man of his word. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Oxfords continue to pad across the grass and eventually come to a slow stop. “Ten.” Jumin breathes aloud. “Hello, old friend.”
Jumin’s mouth remains open as he goes to continue greeting the other before he takes a moment to take in his surroundings. A checkered blanket, red and white, is delicately laid out in the plush, green grass. A picnic basket brimming with all sorts of delicacies is centered on the blanket, along with another smaller basket, cushioning two crystal glasses. Candles flicker over petals of flowers, casting a glow to compete with the setting sun. “It’s like something from a film. This is…” Jumin lets out a breathless laugh as he eases himself onto the blanket. “This is beautiful.”
Jumin wastes no time in exploring the basket prepared for the two. The smile never leaves his lips as he pushes past fine cheeses, chocolates and a beautifully decorated cake. He lets out a little “ah-ha” upon finding the thing both men would enjoy more than anything. “Now, this is more like it, hm?” Jumin wriggles out the vintage bottle, holding it up for the both of them to admire. “Henschke, Hill of Grace, Shiraz. 1994, if I recall correctly? Australians know their reds.” With a skillful hand, Jumin uncorks the bottle and pours the red liquid into the fine crystal glasses. The aroma of the wine fills the evening air between them, and for a moment, Jumin feels lighter. The weight of the day melts away in the twilight’s embrace. Perhaps birthdays can just be birthdays. Jumin muses to himself as he wraps his fingers around the stem of the glass. He scoots slowly across the blanket to hand the drink to the other man. Perhaps it is alright for him to enjoy himself this way. The crystal is set down with great care onto the stone and Jumin uses the wrist of his jacket to smudge away any thumb prints he may have left. His vision blurs as he clinks the glasses together. The sound is familiar, but in a very different way now. Lonely.
The other glass is still. No hand reaches to join him in the toast. No voice returns his greeting. No smile returns his grin. Jumin’s black eyes blink and he swallows back the pain that threatens to lurch from his stomach. He raises his drink between himself and the headstone and tosses back the entire glassful. The wine burns his throat and he is grateful for the pain. 
“Happy belated birthday, V. And, as you would surely remind me. ‘Oh, it’s your birthday. Quit pretending it's not, Jumin.’” The man’s voice cracks a bit and he clears his throat. Please, keep it together. He wills himself to hold on as he continues. “I don’t care much for my birthday. But, I promised you I would make time for my birthday if it meant I could celebrate yours.” 
For the next few minutes, Jumin forces small talk with the stone. He talks of work. He talks of Elizabeth. He reaches desperately into the backs of his mind to talk about every nonsensical thing he could imagine, avoiding the things he wishes to scream out. 
“Ah. I should update you on how the RFA is doing.” Jumin leans back on his elbows, horizontal with his friend’s grave. He looks up at the stars, allowing himself to instead imagine V there next to him; laying on his side as he listens to Jumin in attentive silence. The thought warms his cheeks and his heart. “Assistant Kang has been especially… gentle since the incident. Even Zen has begun showing me a side to him I never expected. He’s… kind. Yoosung, on the other hand… He has matured in a way I was not expecting. He misses you…” Jumin clears his throat once more before he continues. “Saeyoung and Saeran are doing very well. Both of them speak of you often. The twins and MC live together, all under one roof, as you always wished for. You’d be so proud, V.” Jumin shakily inhales as his lips tremble around his fourth glass. The tears that well in his eyes finally spill over onto his pale cheeks as he finishes off another drink.
So many things are left unsaid. So many angry, sad and desperate questions of why and how. Jumin sets the glass down and sits up, pushing his hand against his mouth to muffle the sob that escapes him. He should be here, pulling the glass from me, telling me I’ve had enough. He should be here to slug my arm around his shoulder. He should be here. No one but him should be here. Why, V? Why did you leave? The silence is louder than ever as Jumin attempts to calm himself down with a deep breath, using the back of his sleeve to wipe his cheeks. While the pain still clings to every inch of the man’s body like a bed of nails, Jumin swallows it back to properly finish his evening. “I almost forgot. Driver Kim wishes for me to give you this belated birthday gift. On my birthday, of all days.” Jumin sniffles with a smile as he fishes out the small box to set down on the memorial stone. He carefully unwraps the brightly colored ribbon and wriggles open the box. “Here, I will open it for you. Driver Kim has excellent taste in gifts. Perhaps it is a matching cufflink to my own. They’re designer, you know. And-” Jumin’s voice catches in his throat as the top of the box pops open. Cushioned inside a bed of white tissue paper is a small photo frame; no bigger than the palm of his hand. In the frame stares back two boys wearing birthday hats in front of a cake. Happy birthday, J & J is written across the cake in cursive writing. Jumin bites the inside of his cheek as a final tear escapes from him. The boys look like complete strangers. Both so innocent; so unaware of what the future will hold for them. Young Jihyun’s eyes are crinkled in a smile and his toothy grin takes up nearly half his face. Young Jumin smiles just as wide, but his eyes are wide open and looking directly at his friend. Cheeks flushed red, black and teal hair a complete tangled mess. They were happy. “We’ve changed, but not much. I loved you then, and I love you now.” Jumin whispers to V as he carefully sets down the frame along with all the other flowers and trinkets left scattered around the grave. His hand traces across the name etched into the stone slab and he uses the other hand to finish the wine directly from the bottle. “‘Happy birthday, Jumin.’” The director whispers into the lips of the bottle as he drains the last drops. 
The car ride home is quiet. Driver Kim helps a drunken Jumin into the car, taking no time at all to clean up the picnic and wine glasses. The shared silence between the two men is comfortable and calm. No words are shared with the driver and the director. Driver Kim simply hands the man a handkerchief and drives him back to his penthouse. 
Jumin’s eyes sting from the tears and his legs stumble as he steps from the car. He quietly thanks his driver who helps him up to the penthouse and fumbles with the keypad to unlock the door. Jumin exhales into the quiet room, letting the darkness consume him. His hand comes to rest on the center of his chest, and he takes a moment to appreciate the lighter feeling in his torso. The pain is less like broken glass now, more like the remnants of a broken mirror. The sharp and painful pieces have been removed, leaving the frame of what once was. It’s obvious something shattered the mirror, and a few bits of glass are left behind. But, the danger of the pain has been cleared away. 
“Shhh. Don’t yell, you’ll scare him. He looks sleepy.” A voice whispers from the kitchen. “How about you shut up and say surprise like we practiced? We’ve been here for an hour now, my legs hurt from squatting.” Another deeper voice grumbles in reply. 
“Hm?” Jumin drunkenly stumbles further into his seemingly empty penthouse as his tired eyes scan the dark room. 
“Can everyone at least attempt to remain quiet?” Another softer voice sighs.
“Saeyoung, this was a stupid idea. Put his cat down.” A voice exclaims, accompanied by a smack and a familiar yelp. 
“Hey! That’s my job!” A woman giggles and another smack echoes through the penthouse.
“Well, now I feel left out.” A man’s voice speaks, adding on another, more intense smack sound. “GAH! Okay, okay. Princess, we’ll catch up later. Go see your daddy. He needs a birthday hug.” This voice, he recognizes immediately, and his eyes fly wide open as he reaches for the light switch. “Saeyoung?! What?!” Jumin shouts as he squints into the bright light. 
“Wah! SURPRISE!” “Hehe! Surprise, Jumin!” Saeyoung and MC screech, dressed to impress, both sporting white cat ears and paws. “Surprise, Jumin!!  Woo-hoo!” Yoosung pops up from behind the counter, tossing an armful of balloons into the air. 
“Jesus. Well, surprise, trust-fund-kid.” Zen leans from around the sofa, smiling sheepishly at the other man. “Sorry about all this.” The albino laughs and rubs the back of his neck. 
“I was dragged here without my consent. Do not blame me for the home invasion.” Vanderwood growls from next to MC, winning another giggle from the girl and her fiancé.
“Surprise, Jumin Han. I apologize for my brother breaking into your home.” Saeran smiles, shoving his twin away from the white cat as she scuttles to her owner’s side. “Though, I may have helped a little.” Jumin leans down to wrap Elizabeth in his arms as his mouth hangs open in shock. Each face looks back, expectantly and worried. 
“Is he okay?” Yoosung whines, slowly inching closer to Jumin as his eyes dart from person to person. “Is he having a heart attack?!” “Yes.” Saeyoung says confidently, his cat paws resting on his hips. MC nods with him, looking to Yoosung with mock concern. 
“No.” Saeran, Vanderwood and Jaehee reply in a harmony, sharing looks of annoyance. “I know you wanted to be alone after your evening with him but…” Jaehee stood from behind a chair, offering an apologetic smile. “No.” Jumin interrupts her, shaking his head in disbelief. 
Each member of the RFA continues to stare at the man as he wobbles and before anyone can say a word, the director sets his princess down and lurches forward.
With arms wide open, he embraces his friends. With no reservations, no walls of emotions, no tightly wound strings. He holds his friends and finally inhales a full breath of air as each friend wraps their arms back around him. 
Sure, he’s drunk. Very drunk. Sure, he will regret and deny everything tomorrow morning. But tonight, Jumin will laugh with his friends. He will laugh till he cries, indulge in birthday cake, glare as the redheaded twins crown him with matching cat ears. He will open silly and thoughtful gifts and read cheesy and stupid birthday cards. He will refuse to sing karaoke, but instead watch and clap along as Zen and Saeran have a battle of the bands moment. Jumin smiles and laughs to himself, feeling an unseen hand wrap around his shoulders. He closes his eyes and pictures V there, smiling along with him. “Thank you for allowing yourself to enjoy today,” he would probably whisper to his friend. “You deserve this.” Jumin allows himself to believe his friend’s memory. This is what he would have wanted. “Happy birthday, Jumin!!” The RFA cheers together as the song comes to an end, the room lit by smiles and camera flashes. 
And a happy birthday it was, indeed. 
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hamliet · 2 years
From Wood to Gold: Alchemy in CFC 178
As requested by @/fallingasaleaf on twitter. :D
So, in CFC 178, there’s an example of literal alchemy. As I’ve said before, alchemy is about, on a physical level, creating the philosopher’s stone (often represented as a red or purple stone). The philosopher’s stone has two main functions: creating the elixir of life (eternal life), and turning base metals into gold. In CFC 178, we see an example of that literally occur... with some extra interesting symbolism that drips thematic implication for the story.
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On a basic level, we can see the symbolism--the wooden cross literally transforms to gold with rubies (philosopher’s stone). But what transforms it? 
Well, on a physical level, the girl’s blood and tears. This is a sobering story, because it asks whether the price is worth the gift--is the blessing of wealth really worth the blood and tears of an innocent? 
The innocence here is also a symbol. The girl is an outcast from society (like He Yu) because of being a different race and religion, and is horribly treated: because she is sassy, a creditor forces her to eat hot coals, which kills her and also renders her barely able to speak, presumably. In alchemy, coal is a traditional symbol of the first (black) stage, tears for the second (white) stage, and blood for the final (red) stage. 
Back to the girl. What seems odd about this cross and stone is that if this were truly intended to be a philosopher’s stone, it’s quite odd that it has “RIP” on it. Doesn’t really square with the concept of an elixir of life very well, does it?
As is to clue us in that something isn’t right, Xie Xue offers her own thoughts here, which we see is somewhat backed up by evidence in the family tree:
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Whether true or not, the point is rather the same: instead of being interested in an elixir of life, which brings about healing and rejuvenates the entire world with it (one of the key parts of alchemy is that it’s supposed to multiply, aka spread around the entire world) because that would require more effort, the family seems more interested in the physical: wealth, elixir insofar as physical life is concerned. Hence, we have a recipe for a nihilixir, and it seems almost certain that the Weis are somehow involved with the organization and thus our resident nihilixir, RN-13. 
Adding to this notion is what we know about crosses thus far in CFC. The last cross we saw was the one the Org literally tied Chen Man to, as if instead of focusing on the Christian resurrection symbolism, they are only focusing on the torture/death element.  
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It’s half the story, half the point, and half the philosopher’s stone--and without that resurrection and hope that spreads around the world (literally why Christianity works as a symbol here), it’s a hopeless, chaotic, miserable story with miserable implications for the future (like a nihilixir would do in inducing chaos) if it end with a simple “RIP” on a cross. This passage also emphasizes Chen Man’s youth, his innocence, and literally replaces the “rubies” in the story with the blood of an innocent. 
In alchemy, the cross, as Lyndy Abraham sums it up, “contains within it not only the symbol of the dismemberment or sacrifice of the old body and outmoded state, but also the image of the creation of a new state of unity.” I think that in the Org’s quest to control this new state and ensure it is most beneficial to them, they forgot the second part--because they force others to make the sacrifices rather than making it themselves, and because they don’t want to benefit others. They miss the true elixir in Meatbun’s novels--relationships and love, be it platonic, familial, or romantic. 
Wei Rong’s aversion to the color red also seems to hint that she’s repulsed by the “red” of her family’s actions--wherein instead of cultivating elixirs to give life to the world, they try to keep it to themselves and sacrifice/abuse others to do so. Plus red is a color repeatedly associated with the organization’s women in particular, as @dangermousie​ noted earlier. 
It also seems clear that Wei Rong is somehow related to RN-13 and thereby Xie Qingcheng’s parents’ deaths and He Yu’s birth. The most obvious answer is that she’s He Yu’s biological mother, but I hope not am not sure why He Yu’s dad would pretend to be his father, since unlike the mom he seems to not be involved with the Org; he just seems to be super self-involved; unless. he is Meng Sheng and Wei Rong was his initial wife, but they switched identities and Lu Zhishu switched with her after she died, but again, this seems far-fetched and needlessly complicated. We’ll see. (Can’t deny it looks fairly likely after this chapter.)
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All this focus on red makes it clear we're starting to move into the final red/rubedo (yes the word is related to “ruby”) stage of the story, so. RIP to us I guess! Pain on its way. 
Plus the kid in the red high heels will likely return as the master boss. I seriously wonder if the whole “eternal youth” factor got emphasized in some of the Org’s experiments and the kid paid the price (aka, he’s not a kid at all, but got trapped in “eternal youth”).
Well... see... tears are supposed to be related to white in alchemy, and water. And... pregnant women (water is associated with pregnancy, obviously) whose tears are said to be a part of growing the stone. 
The Mother unto her Chast Chamber goes... Her weary'd selfe, 'twixt Sheets as white as Snow And there makes Signes of her approaching woe. ...Thus great with Child, 9 months she languished And Bath'd her with the Teares which she had shed For his sweete sake
*sweats and inserts self in front of Xie Xue to protect her* (I don’t think Meatbun is specifically referencing this poem by Ripley, but the imagery of the stone's creation as a pregnancy watered by the tears of a mother draped in white is A Thing in alchemy.)
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No, but in reality there are a lot of reasons Xie Xue is important and ways in which she is connected to the original story, and to its alchemical symbolism. Xie Xue’s name literally means snow, and the girl in the story is described as having snow-white wings using the same character as in Xie Xue’s name. The girl is also described as an angel thanks to these wings, but angels aren’t entirely positive in alchemy: wings symbolize volatility. 
Anyways, again, pregnancy is a metaphor in alchemy for the gestation/progress of creating the philosopher’s stone. Hence, philosophical child as the concept of a walking philosopher’s stone. Considering some other elements in this story that seem to be callbacks to what happened around the inciting incident of He Yu’s birth and Xie Qingcheng’s parents’ deaths--namely, that the Wei ancestor who started this hell (intentionally or unintentionally) rescued the girl has almost the exact same backstory as Qin Ciyan (whose name literally means stone) and that Xie Qingcheng has always desperately wanted to become Qin Ciyan... I very much think it’s possible Xie Xue will end up in the same situation as He Yu’s mother and need RN-13 to save her life/her child. However, I have hope Xie Qingcheng and He Yu will save her (and/or Wei Dongheng will; I don’t believe he’s himself involved, or at least doesn’t know the extent of what’s going on). It should be an inverse of the story, not a repeat, and there’s lot of potential ways for this to challenge Xie Qingcheng through his desire to be like Qin Ciyan. 
Anyways, to end on a funny note, that means Xie Qingcheng has a limited number of chapters left to embody this. 
side note mpreg is alchemical, oh god meatbun
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(but in all seriousness this pregnant dude is supposed to be Boreas, the Greek god of the North wind and of winter, which not only relates to Snow but is also actually what the “dong�� 冬 character in Wei Dongheng’s name means. fun fun fun; anyways I very much think this means the baby will be important and nothing will happen to them but I sweat for the parents). 
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retvenkos · 3 years
romantic at heart | m.
Legend of Korra - Mako x Reader, fluff
tw: none
word count: 4.6k
A/N: canon? who needs her? certainly not this fic. korrasami deserved to be canon earlier so i vaguely mentioned it, and mako and bolin’s apartment is the perfect setting don’t @ me.
Summary: Mako has always had bad luck when it comes to love, but with (Y/n), things feel easy. So why, then, is it so hard to admit it?
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the three times he didn’t say it, and the one time he did.
“I’m telling you guys, this is going to be great! Part Four is my favorite in The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of the South!” 
Mako shared an amused look with (Y/n) as Bolin led the way into the darkened theater, holding open the door for the group to enter. Asami and Korra passed hand in hand, and when (Y/n) walked past Bolin, they tossed a piece of popcorn at him and Bolin caught it in his mouth.
Mako brought up the rear of the group, and as they walked up to find their seats, he whispered, “How many parts are there, Bo?”
“Seven! And the Finale’s great, don’t get me wrong, but it just doesn’t have the heart that part four does.”
“That’s just because he kisses Ginger,” (Y/n) leaned in and whispered to Mako, earning an incredulous “hey!” from Bolin.
“How’d that work out, by the way?” Asami turned to the earthbender with what sounded like genuine curiosity and Bolin chuckled nervously.
“Ah, well, you know, the hearts of mover stars are fickle, so we didn’t last long… there was something about it being a publicity stunt, but that didn’t make much sense, so…”
“Well it’s her loss,” Korra elbowed Bolin in the side with a smile and he forced a chuckle.
“She doesn’t deserve you, Bo.”
“Yeah, you’re a great mover star.”
A few people in the theater shushed them, and the group settled down into their chairs, just moments before the lights dimmed further and the mover started. The disembodied voice of Varrick boomed through the speakers with a recap of the previous 3 parts of the daring adventure, and everyone fell silent, slowly getting sucked into the mover before them.
Ever since their debut, the Nuktuk movies were a success - a staple of Republic City culture - getting replayed in theatres again and again. After learning that Mako hadn’t seen Nuktuk in its entirety, Bolin called for a state of emergency and got the whole group together so they could schedule a time for a complete rewatch of the seven-part masterpiece.
Mako had been planning to make some excuse - a series of cases that Beifong put him up to, or a slew of paperwork that some higher-paid coworkers pawned off onto him. It wouldn’t be the first time he had to miss something for work, and it wouldn’t be the first attempt at lying to get out of a viewing party. Just three months ago he narrowly avoided a showing of Love amongst the Dragons by faking sickness and saying that Beifong told him to sleep all day so he could be back at work the next. Everyone but Bolin believed him, and Bolin (who didn’t want to see it either but promised Asami he would go) let it slide.
After that, Bolin was better at guessing when Mako was lying, and whenever he needed Mako’s compliance, he set (Y/n) up to the task of cajoling Mako to come along.
So far, their track record had been impeccable.
(Y/n) chuckled at something they saw on screen, and Mako turned to them. “How many cases of Vari-dye do you think Varrick sold after that product placement?” They gestured to the screen where the once blonde Ginger flagrantly mentioned her hair dye product before becoming a, well… ginger. The script was somehow able to loosely tie the product placement into the plot, but the moment earned a couple of well-earned laughs throughout the theater.
“Millions, most likely. Aren’t these movers big in Ba Sing Se?”
“As comedies,” (Y/n) muttered, leaning in, clearly trying to keep their voice down so Bolin didn’t hear. The theater around them was dark and silent, but the light reflected in (Y/n)’s eyes was full of life and mirth. Mako found himself unable to look away.
He cleared his throat, “You do have to give it to Nuktuk and his comedic timing.”
“And Juji’s heart-wrenching death and subsequent resurrection.”
Mako found himself chuckling at their lame joke, and for once, he didn’t mind. (Y/n) smiled triumphantly, as though they had accomplished something truly grand, and angled their bag of popcorn towards Mako. He took some and popped a piece in his mouth, his laughter still dying on his lips. 
“Varrick must be quite the director, to get you to laugh in a totally serious, not-a-comedy mover.”
“Varrick?” and there was just enough suggestion in Mako’s words to say all that he couldn’t, though why he couldn’t seem to get anything else out, he didn’t know.
Things were always easy with (Y/n); their smiles were soft and infectious, their tactics in getting him to open up were effortless and effective, and falling in love with them had been the most simple and uncomplicated thing in this world. It should have been with such ease that Mako told them that it was them that got him into the theater and their corny comments that made him burn inside, like a thousand dying comets that took the form of shooting stars.
But for some reason, he was stuck.
Unsurprising, really, Mako had never really had luck when it came to love and even friendship. There was always something complicating things; there were always two sides of him, fighting the other for reasons even he couldn’t fathom. Eventually, one of them would lose. Eventually, something would give. 
But until that eventuality…
“I suppose I am quite the comedian. Should I write a screenplay?” (Y/n) was speaking, but something in their demeanor was different - a little stunned - like they hadn’t considered something before and it was only now dawning on them, slowly, but comfortably. Easy. “It would have to be a sequel to Nuktuk, of course. Maybe I can introduce the grumpy, mysterious fire-bender who he’s now forced to share a quest with?”
(Y/n) nudged him in the shoulder, already rolling their eyes at their own idea. Mako looked down, suddenly interested in picking the perfect piece of popcorn. “Yeah. If you’re making it, why not?”
(Y/n) snorted and turned back to the film.
Taking the steps to his apartment two at a time, Mako fished for his keys in the pocket of his pants. Walking the beat had the potential to be more trouble than it was worth, and often Mako found himself at the gym at the end of the day, taking out his frustration the way he used to - pro-bending. Well, not so much pro-bending, anymore, seeing as they disbanded the Fire Ferrets, and dissolved the team, but it was the same training, nonetheless, and Mako had been a pro-bender so long that oftentimes, nothing felt more comfortable than the gym.
As he walked down the hall to his door - second on the right, Bolin had insisted - Mako could hear the sounds of laughter and the beeping of the oven. Despite himself, he smiled, breathing in deeply as he fiddled with the lock and opened the door.
Inside the tiny apartment, (Y/n) and Bolin were working side by side, leaning over the oven as they looked at the baked goods that lay within. The counters were a mess of cluttered ingredients and mismatched bake wear, Pabu had tracked flour across the carpet, and by every measure it was chaotic, but Mako simply leaned against the doorframe, speaking just loud enough to be heard. “Stress baking, again? Y’know, I’m really starting to regret giving you a key.”
"This was all Bolin, actually.” (Y/n) pulled the baking sheet out of the oven and set it down before turning to Mako with their usual countenance. “He told me to come over - he bought a set of mixing bowls and everything.”
“He didn’t buy more counter space?”
“Hey!” Bolin called incredulously through a mouth full of baked goods. Pabu scuttled beneath him, eating the crumbs that fell to the floor. “Counters wouldn’t fit.”
“It’s alright Bo,” (Y/n) nudged his arm with their shoulder, turning back to the task at hand. They used an old spatula to take their masterpiece off of the pan, and Bolin took two from them. 
“You have to try this batch, Mako, (Y/n)’s gotten really good at their green tea cookies.”
Mako shut the door behind him and walked over to the couch. (Y/n) met him halfway with their signature, light green cookie, Mako took it with an appreciative smile. “The secret is in the matcha. I wasn’t putting in enough before, so they didn’t taste right.”
Mako broke off a bit of the cookie, making sure to get a bit that had a white chocolate chip in it, and savored the taste. (Y/n) was watching him with one of their expectant smiles, and he nodded his head, the bittersweet flavor still lingering in his mouth. “These are your best yet.”
“High praise, coming from you.” And there was an edge of sarcasm to their voice, but their eyes were bright. Mako just looked at them for a moment, really looked at them in all of their casual beauty. (Y/n) had moved into his life so early on and so slowly that Mako didn’t know what life would be like without their casual teasing and easy grins.
And, of course, their random (but not unwelcome) bouts of stress baking.
Mako must have been staring a bit too long, because (Y/n) raised a playful eyebrow, and not too long after, Bolin broke the silence. “Uh, Pabu and I have to go, and uh... y’know, do adult stuff, with uh....”
“With Korra?” (Y/n) supplied amusedly, turning to Bolin, who was stuffing a napkin with cookies hurriedly. 
“Yeah! Y’know, Avatar stuff...” Bolin shrugged, slipping out the door, only to open it up again and grab his shoes before shoving off again.
(Y/n) scoffed and Mako sighed, calling after him. “Real smooth, Bo!” 
A muffled response called out to them, and (Y/n) laughed, walking back over to the kitchen area, where they started to put together another batch of cookies, measuring the sugar with their hands and putting it into a bowl with butter. “I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked out from noise complaints.”
Yeah, well Bolin charmed our neighbors into liking us too much to see us go.”
“His charm does go far, doesn’t it?” Mako watched and (Y/n) moved through his apartment with ease, pulling spoons out of the drawers and cleaning the dishes as they went. Their practiced movements had the surety and preciseness of someone who lived there, and the thought was enough to make Mako’s throat dry.
“So,” Mako cleared his throat and walked over to (Y/n) passing them the egg they were reaching for. “you measure everything with your hands, and yet you’re constantly insisting that baking is a science. How does that work?”
“It’s all in the weight and look of it - a full cup is a far cry from a fourth.” (Y/n) mixed the ingredients together, their brow set in concentration, “Or, at least, that’s what my mom used to say. What I will tell you—” they looked up at Mako rather suddenly, that intensity still alight within them “—is that it’s in how it feels.”
“So the weight of it.”
“Yes... but it’s more than that.” (Y/n) looked at him with their sharp eyes, as though trying to judge something. “Go wash your hands,” and they jerked their head to the side, “I’ll show you.”
Mako didn’t even hesitate to do as they said, and even though Bolin had left, he could hear his voice - a surprised “what...?” - nagging the back of his mind. It was easy to shrug off. It was (Y/n). Everything was easy when it came to them.
“Alright,” (Y/n) said, with a hint of childish excitement, as Mako slung the towel he had used to dry his hands over his shoulder. “Give me your hands.”
Their touch tickled and their fingers - dry and powdery from the flour - grazed over his, opening his palms with a gentle sort of care.
“Here is one cup or so.” (Y/n) grabbed a handful of flour, transferred it to their other hand, and skimmed some off the top before placing it in his. “Yeah, you can feel the weight, and you can see how much there is, but you have to kind of trust that what you're feeling is right, because it’s not always going to feel the same, right? When you’re tired or you’ve been baking all day, things feel different, even though they’re the same.”
“All this for flour?”
“For each cup of flour. We need two and a half.”
“I can see why Bolin asks you to do the baking.” (Y/n) chuckled and guided his hands to the mixing bowl, where Mako let the flour slip out of his fingertips like really fine sand. “But I can tell that you feel it...” the last bit of flour fell out of his hands, but Mako let his hands hover near (Y/n)’s for just a moment longer, “and that’s good enough.”
They smiled, and it has all the serenity and beauty of dawn. “I’ll make a baker of you, yet.” They added more flour to the bowl and started mixing, their gaze flicking up to Mako. “One of these days you’re going to understand the feeling of it.”
“I...” and part of Mako wanted to say that he already did, that his feelings were about the only thing he understood when it came to moments like these, but the words got caught in his throat, and he found himself unable to get them out. “I think we’ll have to do a lot more baking, then.”
Mako ran, the ground beneath his feet steady and his breathing exact. The beauty of Republic City Park surrounded him and in the early morning, when the air was just nippy enough to need a jacket, there were few people to be found. The usual groups of people practicing tai chi or playing Pai Sho weren’t out yet, and the sun was just peaking over the horizon. 
Morning runs often gave Mako a sense of clarity - there was very little he could focus on when in fast, forward motion, and everything complicated fell away. It was just him, the ground, and the fire in his veins. 
Mako slowed to a jog, and when he found an empty park bench, he sat down, wiping the sweat off of his brow. The shadows were just starting to creep away, losing to the brilliance of the sun and hiding in each recess and tiny alcove. The duck pond in front of him was warming to a crystal-like blue. Mako breathed out and tipped his head back, letting the stillness wash over him, his thoughts slowly catching up with him.
And at first, he thought it was just his feelings for (Y/n) meeting up with him once more, but then he heard the steady pounding of the pavement and there they were jogging toward him, ushering in the morning with a comfortable pace.
“Heading into work later than usual?” They stopped by the bench and Mako slid over so they’d have room to sit.
“No, Beifong told me to take a day off. I usually do paperwork today, but she handed it off to someone else.”
(Y/n) hummed in acknowledgement. “So you’re joining Asami and me for our run, then?”
“Asami and I usually go on a run, at this time. We meet here.”
“Asami told me that I should take a run since I wasn’t going into work today.”
Both of them scoffed, relaxing deeper into the metal bench. For a moment they just sat there, taking in the moment, and letting the world dawn on them, a beautiful mixture of colors - a painting slowly completing itself. Eventually, (Y/n) turned to Mako, an eyebrow raised in jest. “Do you reckon they think they’re being slick?”
“Probably - and it’ll only get worse once they get Korra on board.”
“Who’s to say they haven’t already?” The two chuckled, shaking their heads at the efforts of their friends, and (Y/n) knocked their knees together, leaning in a little closer. “It’s alright, I like spending time with you.”
“You’re gonna hate me once we finish this run, though.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to buy me some tea, afterwards.” (Y/n) stood up, stretching their arms and letting out a yawn. “To make it up to me, of course.”
Mako stifled a smile and stood, making a show of his weary sigh. “Alright” —(Y/n) rolled their eyes at him— “You drive a hard bargain.”
They started off at a slow jog, and every minute or so Mako upped the intensity until they were sprinting across Republic City Park, occasionally dodging the wayward soul taking a morning stroll. The world blurred around them, the lush foliage turning into swaths of green with the occasional pinprick of color - purple or yellow, green or blue. As they slowed down, the world became more defined, and when they came to a walk, (Y/n) pulled ahead and turned around so they could walk backwards, facing Mako with a breathless grin.
“You owe me at least a muffin to go along with that tea, after what you just pulled. I almost ran into a woman walking her toddler! Could you imagine what would have happened, had I hit her?”
Mako laughed, still coming down from his high, and (Y/n) grinned at the sound - dazzling and so bright, it put the sun to shame. “Let’s get you out of the park, then, before you start running down Pai Sho players.” 
The two fell into step beside each other, taking the path out of the park and into the busy streets. Already, Republic City was booming with life, and the two were rather quick to slip into the quiet tea shop that was just around the corner. Inside, the cafe was fairly empty, with slow music playing from the speakers. (Y/n) closed their eyes and breathed in the smell of freshly-baked muffins, and Mako was quick to look away when they caught him staring.
(Y/n) walked towards the case that held all of the baked goods, trying to read the different types they had displayed. “This is way better than trying to throw something together at my apartment.”
Mako pulled his attention away from the menu board, where he had been searching for the right type of tea. “Your apartment? You mean you actually have a place to go, other than mine?” 
“You gave me the key.”
“For emergencies.”
(Y/n) scoffed. “Well, ‘emergencies’ is in clear need of a mutual definition.”
The two ordered, and Mako paid, despite (Y/n) saying they had the money, and when their order was ready, they took a seat in the corner, next to a window that overlooked a busy intersection. (Y/n) insisted they split the muffin and gave half to Mako, and after settling into their more calm atmosphere, (Y/n) turned to Mako.
“So, what are you going to do for the rest of your day off?” (Y/n) took a sip of their tea and fixed Mako with one of those stares - the kind that saw through everything else, and somehow got down to his core. “I can’t imagine this is what you had planned.”
“Uh… I don’t know. I figured I’d go home and work on finding a lead to a case or something.”
“Even though Beifong told you to take the day off?”
“Well, I’m not at the station…” Mako trailed off, suddenly finding great interest in the rim of his cup.
“And you’re not going to work from home, either.” (Y/n) scoffed exaggeratedly, and though Mako was the most incorrigible person they’d ever met. Although, in their defense, he probably was. “Not on my watch.”
“So what, you’re going to find something for me to do all day?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
Mako watched as (Y/n) sat back in the booth, a triumphant yet challenging smile on their face, and he felt the disbelief in his chest melt into something softer. It was there, again, that urge to say something both incredibly brave and terribly stupid; that desire to put all of his feelings into words and express them more truly than anything else.
“Alright,” Mako swallowed and allowed himself a small smile. “If that’s what it takes.
✧ *:・゚
Just when Mako had admitted to (Y/n) that he was an avid reader, he couldn’t remember, but at some point, they had found out, and ever since, the two spent their lazy weekends sprawled out on his sky blue sofa, books in hand. This time, (Y/n) had come earlier than usual, and by midday, they had already finished their novel - a fast-paced murder mystery with just a bit of a redemption arc for one of the main leads. They had talked about (Y/n)’s book while walking down to the market to get the necessary fixings for dinner, and when they came back to Mako’s tiny apartment, he passed them one of his favorites to read - a historical fiction that combined elements of notable legends and recorded history to make an interesting thriller with plenty of easy-to-digest drama. 
When (Y/n) took it from him, they took one look at the summary and raised an eyebrow.  “This is one of your favorites?” Mako had tried to push down his embarrassment, stuttering out some kind of response, but had just smiled. “It’s not a bad thing, just surprising. I’m sure I’ll love it.”
And they did. For the next hour and a half, the two sat in Mako’s apartment in relative silence, reading separate novels and making the occasional exclamation of shock, betrayal, joy, and surprise. Mako had looked over at (Y/n) occasionally, trying to judge where they were in the book, and whether they were enjoying it just as much as he had, the first time.
At some point in the day, the sun filtering through the window matured into a deeper, golden shade, turning the afternoon into early evening. Mako, who had been thoroughly engrossed in his novel for the better part of the day, stood up from his couch and stretched when he noticed the change in light. Letting out a sigh, he made his way over to the kitchen area. As he started to make dinner for the both of them, Mako missed the way that (Y/n) turned to look at him from their place on the couch, a lopsided grin on their face. They still lay on the turquoise material, sitting upside down with their feet in the air, book in hand and the red couch cushion resting on their stomach, watching as Mako turned on the stove with a click of propane and a bit of fire bending. 
It wasn't long before the apartment was full of the comforting smell of Mako's cooking, and soon (Y/n) found it impossible to focus on the page before them. They opted to right themself instead and watch Mako as he finished up, adding the finishing touches to the meal before splitting what lay in the pan into two different bowls. 
He handed a bowl to (Y/n) as he settled onto the couch, both of them moving to sit cross-legged, their knees touching. (Y/n) savored the flavor of Mako's signature dish, and he gestured to the book beside them. 
"How're you liking it so far?"
"The book? It's great. Perfectly paced, in my opinion, although I wouldn't mind for a little bit more world-building. The time period is so interesting and they could lean into it a little more."
Mako nodded, satisfied with the smile on their face and the eagerness in their tone. "I figured you'd like it. There's a lot happening, but the characters are good enough to carry the story."
"That's a raving review, coming from you." (Y/n) laughed, the sound falling from their lips effortlessly. "And I can see why it's your favorite. You like a good redemption arc, don't you?"
"It's an interesting enough idea."
"A rather sweet one, too. Are you sure you're not a romantic at heart?"
Mako scoffed in response, but even so, he could feel his cheeks burning up, the nagging voice in his head (the one that told him to just confess already, or do something equally as rash) getting louder from conviction. "I think that's you."
"Oh definitely, but there's always room for one more," (Y/n) mumbled through a mouth full of noodles. "And judging by your taste in books, I'd say you already are."
"There's not even a romantic subplot!"
"The main character literally took lightning to the face for his best friend, and then proceeded to say that he’d do it all again, if it meant they could stay together. Are you telling me there isn't something there?"
“You said yourself that they’re friends!”
“C’mon, Mako,” (Y/n) deadpanned, setting aside their dinner so that they could use their hands to punctuate their speech. There was a fire in their eyes, and something restless in the way they moved - like there was something important they were trying to say. “Friendship is clearly just an excuse for them.”
“An excuse?” Mako felt his throat dry. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of their proximity, and the little space that still existed between them - like they were almost touching, and yet oceans apart. 
(Y/n)’s hands fidgeted in their lap. “Yeah, like… An easy out when you’re too afraid to go for it...or when you think you’re not enough.” Part of Mako wanted to look away, but (Y/n)’s eyes had caught his gaze too fully and the other part of him battled to stay. For the longest moment, he couldn’t move. “But they love each other - you can see it.”
There was a battle waging war inside Mako; each side fighting the other for dominance, and only one coming out on top. When he spoke, his voice was low, almost like a deep sigh. “Yeah, they love each other.”
(Y/n) smiled, their mouth moving with just the slightest tremble, and part of Mako wondered what had disrupted the ease with which they did everything, but another part of him already knew. Mako reached out and cupped their cheek, the feeling of their skin against his flooding him with courage he didn’t know he had.
“And I love you, (Y/n).” 
“About time you confessed to me.” (Y/n)’s eyes sparkled in jest before they surged forward, kissing Mako and igniting the fire in his chest. All he could think about was them and the way they blissfully invaded all of his senses, how soft their lips were, and how strong their hands were, as they wrapped around him, pulling him nearer. When they broke apart, (Y/n) rested their forehead on his. 
Then they said it, their voice a whisper that sent him tumbling over the edge, their breath fanning against his cheek.
“I love you, too.”
Mako kissed them again, craving the feeling of their lips against his, chasing after the way they made him feel - like every moment had led to this, like every battle had been worth the struggle. Time seemed to stop, and for a moment, it was as though there was no gravity, and the only thing anchoring Mako to this world was (Y/n), and their touch.
“Like I said,” (Y/n) was smiling when he pulled away, and their gaze made it easy to come back down to earth. “You’re a romantic at heart.”
Mako chuckled and (Y/n) laughed with him, the sound filling the tiny apartment with something undefined but utterly perfect. 
“Alright, so maybe I am.” Mako relented, tipping his head back. “But an epic romance doesn’t happen within that book, if that’s what you're after.”
“Well, maybe we’ll have to write a sequel of our own."
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