#i wish he listened when i told him to let the guy book him another room
dweebalina · 2 months
i was telling my sister that i just don’t get why all of this is happening and she said “maybe this was a lesson for him to learn and we’re just npc’s”. i was like hmm maybe so. maybe he needs to learn to think before he acts. maybe he needs to learn that exercising caution doesn’t mean you’re afraid. he has this thing where he says he is not afraid of ANYTHING, so i think that he thinks that being cautious means you’re scared. but sometimes it’s just having sense. on his last day here with us, it was about 7 pm and the sun was setting and he had suggested that we go to the river by my house. me and my brother were both like nahh there are no lights over there and it will be getting dark soon, and he was like y’all scared? no stupid why would we go walking by a river when it’s getting dark and there are no lights? and we’ve driven over the bridge over the river at night and you can’t see ANYTHING. you would have no clue that there’s even a river under you. but to him, being cautious means being afraid, so he isn’t cautious. not that this situation was caused by him not careful, but just that he needs to take a step back and look at his self and how he thinks and how this impacts his life and other people
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thesparklingwriter · 5 months
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unspoken thoughts
tags: modern au, wrothesley x fem! reader, roomates to lovers, reader goes on a blind date with a karen (tm), biker! wrio!!!!
word count: 1.7k
masterlist | taglist
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“Hey, Bun. How was work?”
You meet Wriothesley with a level glare, as you fumble with locking the door. Maybe rooming with him had saved you money on rent, but what you’d saved had definitely been replaced with extra stress.
“I told you to stop calling me bunny.”
“Perhaps if you didn’t blush like that when I do, I would stop.” He replies, nursing a cup of tea and a book as he relaxes on the sofa. You glare at him again but lower yourself onto the sofa beside him.
“New delivery?” You ask, referring to the tea.
“The one that was delayed,” he says. “It was worth the wait.” He raises the cup to you and you take a sip, taking stock of all the flavours you can before Wriothesley begins to talk about it. One day, you’re sure he’ll find out that you actually have no interest in his teas, and that despite the fact he drives you mad, he’s actually just nice to listen to.
“Seems it was worth the money too,” You say once he’s finished talking. “Definitely belongs in the top ten.”
“Maybe even top five,” he replies, mostly to himself as you stand up. “More work?” he asks lightly, expecting you to grumble about how you're tired of always working, and you wish your manager would stop expecting you to work overtime for free, but this time you smile coyly.
“I have a blind date,” you say quietly, trying to ignore the way he’s looking up at you. “My friend set me up. He’s apparently a very refined, classy guy from a good family, and my friend says he thinks we’d get along well.”
“I wonder what your friend defines as a good family,” Wriothesley says, sipping his tea. “Money? Influence?” He’d never truly considered what you’d look for in a partner before, in fact, he liked to try and avoid the thought if possible. He prefers to only think about the things which affect him directly. But now the topic has been brought up, he suddenly feels strange. If coming from a good family is important to you… That would immediately take him out of the running, wouldn’t it?
“I dunno.” you shrug. “Sometimes my friend just says things. Anyway, thanks for sharing your tea. I’m gonna go get ready.”
Wriothesley watches as you walk away, sighing lightly as he takes another sip of his tea. He’s lived with you for so long that he never truly thought about how his life at home would change if you got a boyfriend. Would it mean he could no longer share his teas with you? Would he have to stop letting you sleep on him when you watch movies together?
He sits with his thoughts until he hears your keys as you leave your room.
“I’m off. Don’t stay up for me.” You smile, and Wriothesley can't help but hate himself for hating how happy you seem to be leaving. He sips his now-cold tea and nods.
“Have fun.”
“You’re grumbling. What’s the matter?” you say, pulling your jacket on.
“I am not grumbling.” he shoots back, standing up to go to the kitchen. “My tea got cold. That’s all.”
“You are so grumbling right now.” you grin. Wriothelsey doesn't know if you are purposefully ignoring his bad mood or if you're so excited about your date that you simply don’t notice, but he doesn’t really like either of those answers. “See you later!”
And then Wriothesley finds himself alone again. Maybe he’d taken it for granted that you’d always be around. Maybe he isn't as okay with the silence as he’d made himself believe he was. 
Even though you told him not to wait up, he finds himself unable to sleep. He tells himself it's not because he’s worried, it's just because he had a rare lie in this morning. It's natural for his body to be slightly out of sync, right? You’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, and today is just like every other day and–
His phone is ringing. It’s odd for him to get called by his manager so late in the day, but it's also not rare. 
It's even rarer for it to be you calling.
“Hey, Bun. What’s going on?” He can’t help but smile a little. There you are on a date, but you’re calling him.
“Are you busy right now?” 
It's only then that he notices the wavering in your voice.
“I’m not. What’s the matter?”
“Can you come and get me? I… I’m sorry, I just don’t know who else to call.” 
You sound cold, he notices. Your teeth chatter together in between your words, and the wavering in your voice seems to be getting worse.
“Where are you? Why aren’t you inside?” He grabs his keys and he’s out of the door before you even have the chance to respond. His legs are moving faster than his mind can, and he’s already halfway down the stairs before he knows it.
You tell him where you are, but pointedly avoid his second question, and he supposes that’s fair. Maybe you just don’t want to share.
“I’m coming. Don’t move.”
Even despite the fact he’s glad you called him, Wriothesley wonders why you didn’t call an Uber. You’ve always been very vocal about how much you hate his motorcycle, and how you wish he’d just get a car. is the situation so dire that you don't care anymore?
When he gets to you, you’re sat outside of an upscale restaurant. He’s sure you left with a jacket, but you don’t have it on now.
“Hey,” he says, sitting next to you. “What’s the matter?”
You burst into tears when he asks you that question, and for a second, Wriothesley has no clue what to do. It’s you who buries your face into his chest, sobbing desperately.
“It was going okay at first, but the waitress got the guy’s order wrong and he went crazy. So they asked him to pay and leave, and then he said he didn’t want to because his order was wrong. He demanded that a manager come and then he said that I should pay. And I said I’d pay for my half, but as I was saying that I wasn’t going to pay for him, the manager came and picked up the wrong end of the stick, and she wouldn’t listen to the waitress who was defending me. So she asked us both to leave, and he’s screaming his head off, and they barely even gave me time to grab my phone before they marched us out. They would have left me with him while he was blowing his top if it wasn’t for the waitress who came with me until he left.” you cling onto his jacket. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He says lowly. “It’s not your fault. It was never your fault.” He shrugs his jacket off and puts it over your shoulders. “Show me your table. I’ll get your stuff.”
“Wriothesley, please.” You can feel the anger radiating off him, and you worry about what will happen if he ends up on the wrong side of that manager.
“You shouldn’t suffer because of a guy with no manners. Let me get your things.”
You nod but insist on staying outside. The waitress that you said helped you earlier is the one that greets Wriothesley at the door, and you watch on as she brings him your things, and he settles the bill.
“You didn’t have to do that,” You tell Wriothesley as he returns.
“I did. Shall we go?” He asks, handing you a helmet. He’d bought that helmet for you when you first moved in together, just in case you ever needed to use his motorbike, but you always refused. He’s glad that it’s finally getting used at least once.
The ride home is silent, and you don’t say anything until you get back into your apartment. The feeling of the wind against your skin and your arms around Wriothesley calms you, and even though you feel humiliated by the actions of your stupid blind date, you feel that maybe things aren’t all that bad.
“You finally stopped calling me bunny,” you say, as you flop onto the sofa. Wriothesley hums in response as he fills up the kettle. In his haste, he’d left all of the lights in the apartment on.
“Does it bother you?”
“A little.”
“You’re so contrary.” He says finally. “You say you hate me calling you bunny, but here you are. You say you hate my motorbike, but you’re okay with me using it to pick you up.”
“I don’t hate your motorcycle.” You say, sitting up to look at him properly. “I think it’s cool.”
“Right, that’s why you refused to ever be near it.”
“I just hated the thought of you getting hurt on it.” You say finally. “It scared me.” He hands you a cup of tea and sits next to you. He hadn’t expected that to be your reasoning. “A part of me hoped that you wouldn’t let me go on that date, you know.”
“Why? It’s not my place to tell you what not to do. If you want to go on a blind date, I can’t stop you.” Those are the words he’d told himself as he watched you leave—you were your own person and it wasn’t his place to try and police what you do.
“You don’t understand.”
“Maybe I don’t,” he replies. “Help me understand.”
You take a deep breath. “If I kissed you, would that help you get it?”
“I don’t know. I suppose you’ll have to try.” He smiles. He barely even gets to finish his sentence when you pull him down to you and kiss him. In all the time he imagined he’d get to kiss you, he didn't think you’d be the one to initiate–-but even still, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.
“Do you get it now?” you ask giddily.
“Not quite.”
So you kiss him again and again until he gets the message.
“You’re not the sharpest pencil in the box, really, are you?”
“Luckily for me, you’d make a great sharpener.”
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: um ig its time to add wrio to my taglist form lol.. i really cannot get a good grip on his character so if you read this without thinking "he would not do that" then I am relieved but if you did i am also not surprised lol
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
The dark lord’s favourite always gets what she wants
You use your influence with the dark lord to get a certain someone to behave.
Theo Nott and Mattheo Riddle imagine
Warning: toxic reader, crucio, bit angsty? and suggestiveness
Quick post forecast: today, we’ve got toxic Thursday with Theo and Matt, tomorrow it’s flirty Friday with Enzo and if all goes well we’ll have a smutty Saturday.
Tumblr wouldn’t let me insert the pictures in text, which makes me so sad. 🥺 Sorry, you’ll have to scroll down, I hope I can fix it later… Fixed it!!!! anyways happy readings!
Requested part 2
Theodore Nott
The dark lord smiled with genuine admiration for your work as you handed him Merlin’s spell book. “I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me, you never do. Like your parents you know what loyalty means.” You nod and he continues. “If there’s anything I can do to show my gratitude, please let me know.” You shake no, pretending like you didn’t already have something in mind when you entered his office.
After a few seconds you speak up. “Actually, there might be something, a little annoying matter that I can’t seem to manage myself.” His silence is his way of telling you to state your wish. “There’s a guy in my year, he never shows me any respect. Belittles me all the time. Yesterday, he even stole from me. I can’t do anything about it, Dumbledore doesn’t allow students to curse one another.”
The dark lord circles around you, listening attentively. He already has his suspicions, but nevertheless asks: “His name?” You meet Tom Riddle's eyes. “Theodore Nott.”
Without warning he points his wand to the door and it slams open. “Theodore, join us.” Every hair on Theo’s body raises as soon as he hears his name, but calmly follows orders. Theo’s eyes immediately land on you and a scowl forms on his face, this can’t be good. “I’ve been told your behavior isn’t what it should be.” Theodore’s eyes darken. “Whatever she said is a lie.” The dark lord snaps his head at Theo, not pleased with how he talks about his favorite. “Crucio!” Your eyes widen as Theodore falls to his knees, reaching for a nearby table to keep himself from fully collapsing. “I think his behavior will now drastically improve.” You nod and the dark lord turns towards Theodore. “Return what you stole and don’t leave this room until you’re forgiven.”
As soon as you and Theo are alone he looks up at you with hatred. “You are vile.” You simply grin. “If I were you I would change your tone and maybe throw in a few compliments.” Theodore pulls his eyes away from you. You were probably right. His orders were clear, you had to leave this room happy or whatever was waiting for him would be worse than the curse he had already suffered.
Now that he’s standing again you slowly walk towards him and he quietly stares at you bottling up his anger. “I want my essay back.” You demand. He huffs, but you quirk an eyebrow reminding him to behave. Theo takes a deep breath as he surrenders and reaches for the inside pocket of his jacket. “Here’s the essay you wrote based on my idea.” He offers you the paper and a content smirk tugs on your lips. Theo turns around, pleased to be done with you, but you grab his arm pulling him back.
“You aren’t forgiven yet.” You remind him. “How about you start with a little ‘I’m sorry’.” You suggest, making him close the distance between you two and tower over you. You try to hide the fact that you’re a little intimidated and bravely look him in the eyes. “I won’t apologize.” You lick your lips patiently. “I’m not responsible for what happens to you if you leave this room unforgiven. The dark lord might see you as an unloyal freeloader who only follows orders when it fits him.” Theodore balls his fists as his frustration with you peaks. You want to say something more, but Theo won’t let you. He forcefully grabs your chin and pushes you against the desk behind you. “I won’t apologize to you.” The boiling hate in his voice is undeniable and honestly you don’t blame him. He started playing games with you without knowing how dirty you play and now his ego’s was taking some serious damage. You speak through gritted teeth as Theo’s hold on your chin stays. “If you aren’t going to use that mouth of yours for apologizing, you better put it to good use elsewhere.”
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Theodore jaw clenches and he stares at you debating his options, but you know him better than he knows himselfs. Your core is aching for what is to come. “Fine.” Theo spits as he surrenders to your will, but not without being an arrogant ass about it. With one harsh move he spreads your legs and you grip the desk behind you for support. Your smug grin is irresistible to Theodore, but he’ll never let you know how turned on he gets so he keeps his eyes dark as he slides down on you.
Mattheo Riddle
You are part of the Slytherin friend group but you know that Mattheo isn’t too fond of you. He’s always ridiculing you for something stupid. It was like his hobby was getting on your nerves. However, you’ve had enough of it and tonight his attitude was going to change. You had managed to get your hands on Merlin’s spell book before Mattheo and were currently handing it over to a very pleased Tom Riddle.
“Your extraordinary effort for our cause is admirable and doesn’t go unnoticed by me.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, but kept quiet as he sat at a table with the Malfoys. The dark lord wrapped his arm around you pulling you into a cold but appreciative hug, while whispering. “Anything you wish, my dear?” You look over at Mattheo, but as soon as your eyes meet he looks away and you can’t help but smirk. Softly you whisper something to Tom, making Mattheo look back up with anxious eyes. “Unappreciative, you say?” You nod. “And disrespectful.” You add and the dark lord seems to get more agitated. With a dramatic calmness he points his wand at the table, making everyone’s face flash with terror.
Suddenly, the quiet room is interrupted by a loud smack as Mattheo’s face is forced against the table by a spell. The emotional pain is just as visible as the blood dripping from his nose. With fuming rage and yet a stern calmness his father makes his way to the table, while every other person looks down in an attempt to hide their fear. The dark lord grabs Mattheo’s face forcing him to make eye contact. “You do not mistreat my dear (y/n). She’s loyal. A woman like her should be appreciated and pampered. From now on you’ll be good to her. Understood?”
The grip on his face is too strong for Mattheo to properly nod, but his eyes tell his father everything he needs to know. Mattheo will comply with everything the dark lord demands. When Tom releases Mattheo he looks up at you and you sincerely bow to show your gratitude and respect, thereby affirming your spot as favorite.
After the world’s most uncomfortable meeting you’re pleased to wander the hallways in solitude. You spot Mattheo cleaning his face through the half opened bathroom door and you stop to watch him. When your eyes lock in the reflection of the mirror his whole body tenses, but this doesn’t stop him from giving you a scowl. This makes your pity for him ebb away. You take a few confident strides and join him, taking the cloth from him to clean his face. “He could’ve done worse.” Your words just make him scoff. “Is my pain and humiliation not enough amusement for you?” He grabs your hand telling you to stop, you try but fail to get out of his grip and his attitude starts to frustrate you. “Stop whining, Riddle, and let go of me or I’ll go crying to your dad again.” Mattheo’s jaw clenches, but he reluctantly releases your hand allowing you to clean and heal him.
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After you’ve fixed him up you both make your way back to the other guests. When you enter the room Mattheo is quick to leave you a few steps behind, searching for his friends, but one disappointed and contemptible look from his father makes Mattheo instantly turn back towards you. To your surprise he’s quick to snake an arm around you. You glare at Mattheo for being so obvious about only being nice to you to save himself. “I’m not feeling really appreciated.” Mattheo rolls his eyes at your words, while leaning in to whisper through gritted teeth. “You expect a lot of love and appreciation from a man who never gets any himself.” You look at his dark eyes, while they dart around you. “Just tell me what you want and you’ll have it.” You lay your hand on his cheek forcing him to make eye contact. “Take me to your room and fuck me.” You demand, surprising Mattheo. His harsh and frustrated eyes turn softer as he realises you might not be as unreasonable as he thought.
A/N: Typo’s, grammatical errors, forgotten warnings, worries, disturbances, disastrous thoughts? Let me know, feedback is always welcome!
Picture source: https://pin.it/33fAo21Oe
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hystericstar · 11 months
maybe a headcanon or two for each link + sidon and how they do aftercare? I know it's not explicit but is still nsfw related, right? ;w;
Yeah, in my book it is! Just very soft :)
! MDNI !
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𐂅 Twilight princess link 𐂅
9/10 times you’re gonna end up really sore, so he remedies that for you by giving the best massages you’ve ever had
Rough, calloused hands rubbing your back was something you never knew you needed till now
has a whole conversation with you
asking about your day, if you felt okay, etc.
goes into golden retriever mode as if you don’t limp when you walk
“ I couldn’t be happier your day went well darlin’. As for me, just your smile makes me forget anything else even exists.”
༆ Skyward sword link ༆
bath time!!!
Carries you to the bathroom and has you sit in the warm water while he changes the soiled bedsheets
he joins you when he’s done and y’all bathe together
his favorite thing is to brush your hair while humming
your’e always out like a light within minutes
idk why I just feel like he has the voice of an angel
“ Are you comfy enough? Let me know if I pull too hard on your hair, okay? Is there anything in particular you want me to sing for you dove?”
ᘏ Botw/Totk link ᘎ
Cleans you up, leaves, and then comes back with a tray full of munchies
you guys spend like half an hour praising each other
and then another half is just you happily listening to him tell stories of his chaotic adventures
a tickle fight may or may not be involved
“no matter how hard the battle was, it’d do it all again if it meant I’d get to have you look in my direction.”
𝄞 Ocarina of time link 𝄞
Gently holds you and takes a moment to just press his forehead against yours, admiring every aspect of you
starts gently making out with you cause he just loves you so much he physically can’t contain it
he’ll hold you for as long as you let him, face buried in your neck the whole time
holds your hand too cause he’s soft and if you disagree then you’re wrong
“you are my sun, sky, and earth. I am nothing without you.”
➳ Hyrule warriors link ➳
“I want you to breathe in and out for me, kay?”
bro performs a whole wellness check
“ I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
”thank you for allowing me the honor to pleasure you m’lady.”
don’t ask me why but I feel like he calls you that
actually it’s cannon Zelda just told me herself
gentlemanly but can’t help tease you for that blissed out look in your eye
teaches you stretches to ease any kind of pain and exercises to help you catch your breath
ᖫ The fierce deity ᖭ
Asks you if you enjoyed it
wants to know if you did or didn’t like anything he did in particular
after all, he vowed he would serve you the moment he laid eyes on you
what kind of deity would he be if he couldn’t make his darling little human feel good?
“ I will do everything in my power to grant your every wish. I’d forge you jewelry made of the stars should you say the word.”
🜲 Sidon 🜲
Yk how I said twi would have golden retriever energy after?
yeah, scratch that
he is nothing compared to fish man
immediately sprints outside to get you some fresh zora spring water
don’t worry, he purified it like 5 times so that water is clean
you swear you can almost see the fin on his head wagging-
“are you hungry? Comfortable? Cold?”
eventually, he asks if you want to go for a swim
takes you to a private pond and lets ride on his back, or, if you’d prefer, you lay on his chest while he just floats along.
done 😩
it was so fun adding in little text lines for them. Writing lines for characters is so fun istg
thank you for requesting!
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obeymematches · 2 months
Hi there ,I really like your writing! So I wanted to ask you how the demon brothers would react to a MC turning into a little toddler ? (Because of some spell/forbidden book curse etc,you choose) MC being super adorable and sweet like the "perfect" toddler somewhat? Being a little funny too and giggling/smiling a lot ,also loving the brothers and being very comforting with them!
ahhh i wish my own toddler was so nice and sweet lmao
he is though but only if i let him get what he wanted
Toddler MC
• Sigh
• The only other person not out of their mind in this house turned into a toddler somehow
• Pretty sure it was a curse against him
• Listen dear I doubt he gets along with a toddler for an entire day
• Though you being nice to him, showing him daffodils, rocks with your sticky little hands, hugging his leg until he picks you up helps a lot.
• He is in his prime during bedtime; reading you stories is his favourite part of the day. You are a good, curious kid & never throw a tantrum when he is with you. It is so peaceful he doesn’t actually want it to end. He tells you another story even if he has already told you 4.
• Oh jesus thank God you were turned into a toddler and not him!
• At first he isn’t too sure about what to do with you but quickly gets the hang of playing a bit roughly
• You know the kind of playtime moms don’t wanna see
• He spins you around, hangs you upside down, throws you into a pile of pillows, lets you sit on his neck, throws you in the air, stuff like this.
• It does good for your confidence levels regarding child development plus! you get tired super fast after spending time with him.
• You, him and Levi have a freeze dance competition every afternoon! Sometimes they won’t let you win though.
• Doesn’t really know what to do with you either. In fact he is scared of you a little.
• You clinging to him, throwing kisses etc. melts him eventually, you are just so adorable he was an idiot to be scared of you.
• Definitely loves to roleplay with you. Comes up with the cutest storylines, though sometimes it gets so complicated you miss it here and there.
• He can easily keep you busy for 3 hours a day and never ever complains
• Highkey concerned about the situation
• Never ever seen a toddler before
• His concerns leave him once he sees that you are actually a good little one.
• So now it is his duty to teach you mischief!
• He spends lots of time teaching you to speak as you haven’t said a comprehensible word yet.
• His strategy is referring to himself as „Tantan” but he calls everybody else „The Avatar of” or „The sixth born”, you know, so there is absolutely 0% chance your first word isn’t Tantan. Or maybe kitty/cat, that’s also a phrase you hear quite frequently.
• I think he is the only one who gushes over you right away.
• Doesn’t want you to turn back, look at how adorable your cheeks are!!!
• Spends most of his money on new clothes for you, you have to be the all time most fashionable toddler in the city.
• Loves to have tea parties but tbh that’s pretty much it, not sure what/how else to play but he does everything else!! Very enthusiastic and overprotective!!
• He also gets you this helmet so everytime you might fall you’re not going to hit your head. You are so spoiled my dear
• Also thinks you are super adorable. Might eat you if you are with him too much.
• Takes you out to the city with him, you must learn how to get food!
• Introduces you to ketchup
• He takes you to the playground the most.
• He is def not the most violent of the guys but trust me you are very well protected and safe!
• Doesn’t really like what’s going on right now to be fair
• But at least you are nice so that makes it easier
• His preference is cuddling and having a snack with you as you watch TV
• One time he got you chicken to eat.
-Mr.Belphie I don’t like chicken...
-Ah. But it’s not chicken, actually it’s dolphin!
-Oh! Y/N loves dolphin!
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I love this part in season 8 ep 19. Naomi acting like she’s a good angel and had nothing to do with the way Cas was acting and Dean not believing her at all. Dean saying you don’t think I know you’re the reason Cas was acting weird since he got out of purgatory and that you are the one that told Cas to kill me. Then telling her I don’t trust angels which means I don’t trust you. I’m going to guess that angels can sense love because Naomi said yet you didn’t ward the place against us. You’re hoping Cas will come back to you. If she was talking about Cas just coming back but not specifically to Dean she wouldn’t have added the to you part and Deans face here shows he thought he wasn’t being obvious. Naomi hasn’t met Dean before now so how else would she know Deans feelings for Cas.
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This is just a cute moment. I believe it’s in ep 20. Charlie calling Cas dreamy. It’s times like this I wish they would show more scenes of characters just sitting down talking. Charlie hasn’t met Cas yet so how does she know he’s dreamy. I know she reads the Supernatural books but when she said it Dean didn’t look surprised. He hasn’t read the books and don’t know how Cas is written. Sounds like Dean might’ve told her about Cas. I would like to know how Dean would describe Cas looks.
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This scene in ep 22 is freaking amazing. The eye f*cking is beyond amazing but I find it funny that Sam is sitting right next to them obviously feeling like he shouldn’t be there witnessing this moment and had to cough to get them to stop. Even in the next scene Sam tells Dean to give Cas a break because he’s one of the good guys (seems like Sam was looking for an excuse to get Dean alone to calm him down). Dean asks why he (himself) is treating Cas differently than he would other people. He said if it was anyone else (I believe he said literally anyone else) he would stab them in the neck so why should he let Cas off. Sam is just like it’s Cas. Seems like Dean don’t quite understand his feelings. He knows he has feelings for Cas but he probably never realized before that he treats Cas differently than he treats other people. I really like the whole Sam knows about Cas and Dean but instead of saying something he’s just letting them figure out their feelings. You can always see the awkwardness on Sams face that he knows he shouldn’t be there or shouldn’t be listening or watching but he has no choice. I find it really funny.
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I find it cute that Cas wanted to make it up to Dean so not only did he go shopping but he made sure to get porn and beer for Dean and by the looks of it might’ve tried to hurt that guy to get Dean pie if the Metatron didn’t stop him.
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In ep 23 there is another gay moment happening to Dean but what’s interesting is Dean looks surprised and Cas doesn’t. Dean doesn’t look surprised that the guys are gay but more that they are open about it. It looks like Dean is thinking you guys don’t care that people are seeing you flirting? Yet Cas doesn’t change his expression at all. He did say in an earlier ep when he thought he was god that he’s indifferent to sexuality. Maybe he (or all angels) don’t think about sexuality. You love who you love and that’s it.
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I have to include this moment because it broke my heart. The poor boy was trying to fix everything and the Metatron f*cked him over. He took advantage of Cas and it ended with the angels falling. Cas looks like he wants to cry.
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In season 9 ep 1 Ezekiel say some angels still believe in the mission which means we believe in Cas and you. I love the angels putting Cas and Dean together.
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Dean aloud himself to get beat up just so the angels wouldn’t go looking for Cas even though he had no idea where Cas was.
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Now i’m just going to fangirl. Holy hell. This scene is hotter then all the sex scenes combined on this show and yet this isn’t even a sexy scene. I need more shirtless Cas scenes.
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son-of-a-top-gun · 5 months
Sky's The Limit Part 3
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we're back baby and things are getting spicy (ish)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mention of strippers/lapdancing, two horny people who desperately need to get off, shameless flirting, Bradley being a babe as usual, continuation of the bob fucks agenda
Sky's The Limit Part 3
Bradley could tell you were starting to get a little down. As one of the only people who actually knew about the book, he was also one of the only people you can tell about how it was really going. You had been giving hints that it was not going well, but after he catches you lying face down in one of the Hard Deck boothes, he decides that’s enough. It was time for you to have a bit of fun, even just for one night.
“Bradley, it wasn’t what it looked like.”
“I know.” He keeps staring ahead, hands still on the wheel. He had offered to give you a lift to his house, where you were supposed to be having a few ‘casual drinks’. You took one look of the bag of balloons and had known exactly what that meant.
“You don’t have to throw me a stupid party.”
“But this isn’t just any party, baby girl. This is a Bradshaw party, which only get offered to the creme de la creme. Besides, you haven’t even been given a proper welcome to San Diego. There’s no way you can stay here one more day without an official welcome.”
You smile at him. Bradley truly was one of the best friends a girl could wish for. Losing his parents only meant he loved people harder and you loved that about him. You couldn’t have imagined anyone more perfect for your sister, you just wanted them to hurry up and realise they were in love with each other so he could legally become part of the family.
“Ugh fine, But you best make -
“Those biscuits you like. Honestly what do you take me for Ladybug? I’ve already got the ingredients in the back.”
You turn around. Of course he did.
Of course the party is perfect. Bradley had cued all your favourite songs, supplied all your favourite snacks (as well as some supposed San Diego delicacies) and invited all your new pilot friends, who you had really become quite fond of. They’d all been extra nice to you lately, which made you wonder what sort of desperate vibes you were giving off. Even Jake had been less annoying the last week, perhaps sensing your stress, making less sassy comments, leaving you well alone when you were trying to write and even occasionally letting you rant about the inaccessibility of online archives. The most surprising thing was that your favourite coffee had been turning up at the Hard Deck every morning before you arrived with a little ladybug drawn on it, along with anonymous notes that had literary motivational quotes on it. You had initially attributed it to Bradley, but he denied it and no one else at the party would fess up either.
The party is in full swing, and you are a couple of drinks in, starting to feel relaxed for the first time in weeks.  You were listening to Phoenix tell everyone about her new girlfriend, which was nauseatingly adorable. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt like that about someone. The last guy you went on a date with tried to give you his manuscript to read over the minute you said you were a writer, and after that you swore off casual dating. Which was lucky, because it seemed all the men here were Navy men, which you had sworn off a long time ago.
Without thinking, you find yourself scanning the room. 
Everyone is here, except one particular blonde pilot. You don’t know why you are looking for him. It was just wherever the pilots were, so was he. You had to admit, It was sort of odd for him not to be there. You find yourself wondering if he finally got that hot date he seemed to be begging for. From what the other pilots told you, Jake had always been a massive flirt and had been known to get around most of the women of San Diego. You hated that you were thinking about this so much and took another hefty swig of your drink.
“Hope you didn’t miss me, darlin’.” A familiar voice leans into your ear.
You almost leap out of your skin. “Jesus Christ, Bagman you can’t sneak up on people like that! You nearly scared the pants off me.” He looks down on you with that annoying smile of his and you suddenly feel very cold in your little strappy vest top.
He leans down. “Trust me,  don’t need to scare you to get you out of your pants sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes at him and are about to come back with a witty retort when you see out of the corner of your eye Bradley brandishing an empty bottle. He claps his hands and everyone turns around.
“I think it’s time for a game guys.”
“Really Bradley?” You raise an eyebrow. “Spin the bottle?”
“What, are you scared?” Jake immediately chimes in. You shoot him daggers.
“Only of having to touch you.” You smile sweetly at him as he mimes an arrow going through his chest.
“Can it lovebirds!” Bradley announces, rubbing his hands with glee, “We’re not so basic to play Spin the bottle.” Bradley looks at you and grins. You know this means trouble. “It’s time to play Truth or Dare!”
There is a chorus of cheers across the room.
“Bradley, you are in your thirties.” You tut under your breath, but he ignores it.
He spins the bottle first. It lands on Fanboy first, who chooses truth. 
“Which superhero would you bang?” Bradley asks
“It’s got to be Catwoman right?” Jake is indignant.
Fanboy takes a moment to really think it through, “I dunno, I like to think about what Wonder Woman could do. The lasso could come in handy. What about you guys?”
“I like Batgirl.” Bob offers.
Coyote suggests “Mystique, you know, for roleplaying. It’s basically like having infinite wishes. Also love me a bad girl.” Payback sagely nods.
“How much have you guys all been thinking about this?” You turn to Natasha, who shrugs.
“Jean Grey does it for me.” This made sense, having seen the pictures of her new ginger girlfriend.
They spin the bottle again, this time landing on Bob. He says Truth and you can see Jake already brewing the question, so you jump in.
“How many hookups have you had in the last year?”
“That’s not fair, I was going to ask!”
“Quit your whining.” You turn to Bob, whose cheeks have tinged pink. “Go on.”
“Oh, er, I don’t know, maybe” He starts counting in his head. “Twenty, twenty-five” He looks up. “Are we counting repeat incidents?”
“As in you had sex with them more than once?”
“Uh, yes, I guess.”
“Because that would bring it up to sixty, seventy- “ You watch as everyone’s jaws go slack. 
“Are you joking?” Jake is stunned. Bradley turns his head. “How?”
“I don’t know, I just like helping people, and I tend to run into women who need help with their coffee, or taking things to their car, or need something tall fixing around the house…” As Bob rambles, it’s cute to see how unaware he is. You lock eyes with Jake, raising your eyebrows to say I told you. Bob fucks.
Third time around, the bottle lands on you. 
“Oh come on, not everyone can say truth or we are all going to die of boredom.” Jake folds his arms.
“Firstly, I don’t think Bob’s truth was boring at all. In fact I found it very interesting.” You say, throwing a wink to Bob. “But fine, have it your way. Dare.”
This time, Reuben, who has been very quiet, pops up. 
“You have to give Jake a lapdance.”
“What the hell Javy? I thought we were friends.” He shrugs. 
“Just for one minute.
“No way.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Jake sits back.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean Bagman?” There is a chorus of oos from around the room.
“Nothing, it means nothing!” 
“I get it that I’m not your usual type Seresin, but you think you wouldn’t enjoy it?”
“No, just… I mean you seem like the sort who would hate strip clubs.”
You go to speak but bite your tongue.
What Jake didn’t know was that for your last book you had a whole plot involving strippers which meant you spent several days with dancers researching their life. One of them, Brandy, became one of your best friends in New York and had given you many a lesson in lapdancing (to make your writing accurate, of course). But you figured this was a fact best left unsaid. Besides, this was a rare chance to get Jake to eat some humble pie.
“Yeah…But a dare is a dare. Javy…put on Pony.”
You were grateful that the hot weather had meant you had put on a vest and a fairly cute pair of daisy dukes. If you had been wearing a dress there was no way this would be happening. You make a show of stretching while they set the room up, Jake sat on a chair on the middle. You wink at him as you bend over and you see him flush just a little. 
Javy gives the signal for the music. You are kneeling on the floor in front of Jake,.
“Hope you’re ready to have your world rocked Bagman. Bradley, look away.”
“Yes ma’am.” Bradley, seeing you as his honorary younger sister, did what he was told. “You took a deep breath and then a large swig of whisky.
You sat on your knees and let your hair down, slowing rolling your neck as the music starts to play. You try to ignore the hand shaking and slowly look up towards Jake. You expected him to be smug but he’s looking at you with such a look of confusion and pity that you suddenly realise. He genuinely doesn’t think you can do it.  You are suddenly filled with a devilish combination of spite and rage and power. You close your eyes, slowly rolling your body and feeling all the way up yourself, grinding up on some imaginary guy until you flash your eyes open and send him one cautionary wink before slowly licking your fingers. 
You crawl towards Jake and push his knees apart, slowly rising up between them. It’s a good thing he’s wearing shorts right now, his thighs exposed, so you can feel how his skin burns under yours. The look of pity has turned into something else, both fear and astonishment and something darker, but you have no time for this. Your nails dig slightly into his flesh as you rise up slowly between his legs until you are eye to eye. You slowly wrap your legs to the outside of his thighs and slowly start grinding down on his crotch until. 
At least Jake’s arrogance was starting to make sense if all of what you were feeling was true. With this realisation you look up and lock eyes. Jake’s look burns through you like he could devour you whole and you feel him grip onto your thigh, just a little squeeze, and then you suddenly have a terrible physical urge between your legs, when the music suddenly stops.
“That’s one minute!” Reuben calls out. For a moment, neither of the two of you move.
“Guys? You can get off each other you know?” Phoenix interjects. You both leap away from each other. “Although I should say that was phenomenal.” You croak out a thanks before heading to the kitchen.
What the hell was that? You wonder as you pour yourself a glass of water. I guess it really had been a while. Your heart is racing and you steady yourself against the counter, closing your eyes.
“What the hell are they teaching you on that pHD of yours?” Your eyes open to see Jake standing in the door with his arm leaning against the frame. He must know how his arm looks when he does that. You hate how much you like it.
You take a moment and reassume your confidence, laughing a little. “Oh that? Just a little something I picked up back in New York.”
He walks towards you until he’s right next to you on the counter before leaning in. You can feel his hot breath in your ear. “I knew there was something fishy about this pHD stuff. And now I know.” Your breath hitches. Surely there was no way he could have figured it out, could he? Your lapdance scene wasn’t that similar in the book. He looks away from you. “I thought you reminded me of someone and now I know it’s JLo in Hustlers.” He looks over you with a slightly more sincere look. “So are you..you know?” He waves his hand. You can’t believe that out of all the things, the subject of strippers would make Jake Seresin awkward.
“And what if I was?”
But much to your surprise, Jake shrugs. “Everyone has to pay their bills somehow.” He turns back towards you.  “It’s just if you’re not, I think you should seriously consider it. I think you would earn a lot of money.”
“Would you come to my club then?” The alcohol is making you overconfident, so you gently stroke your index finger down his chest.
“Baby.” He now leans his arm on the kitchen cabinet behind you. His face is so close, just above you. You could smell his cologne again and you find yourself wishing you could lick it off his neck.  “I would be there every damn day.” You felt a flutter in your stomach. This was dangerous territory, but it was too late. What would it be like to kiss Jake Seresin, you wondered, leaning forward just a little -
“There you are Ladybug!” Bradley’s voice booms and the two of you pull apart once again. “Hangman, I hope you’re not trying to get seconds.”
The two of you return to the party. You don’t see Hangman for the rest of the party except once where you catch eyes across you the room. You smile at him and he smiles back, before you are pulled back into conversation. When you go to find him again, he is gone.  Weird that he left without saying goodbye. 
When you finally get home and get to bed, you find yourself instinctively reaching your hand between your legs when it happens. Who flashes into your head but a certain blond, handsome and potentially well-hung pilot.
You were fucked.
hope you all enjoyed! Let me know if you want to be tagged in part four!
@dizzybee03 @mrsroosterbradshaw @tgmreader @dgs8891 @alldaysdreamer @eloquentdreamer @ravenwtfbro @dempy @milkbummm @memoriesat30 @yourfavouritecitizen @burningwitchprincess @il0vebeingdelulu
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lixern · 10 months
; it's just a friendly interaction!
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• Multiple HSR men x GN!Reader
-- Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade, Gepard.
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• You've been ranting to your friend about your problems with romance for quite some time now, but you didn't know how touchy the both of you were starting to become...
song; laufey, falling behind + from the start
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Dan Heng and you were struggling, well.. you atleast. Dan Heng was such a kind friend, letting you rant and be all over him. Ugh, he was just so perfect! You hated your own guts for being such a pain, hopeless romantic.. yet you back away like a coward whenever someone gets too close- besides, you cant even tell if you love someone anymore!
But whenever you ranted, he'd always let you be a bit touchy with him. Most of the times it's him reading a book in the archives and you in his lap going on and on about how you aren't loveable and how you wish you were.
Dan Heng looked like he wasn't listening, but the way one hand was on his book and one hand was on your head told you that he was. None of the crew members would question your closeness- even though they probably knew already.
What was funny- atleast, was everyone was wrong. You guys were just bestfriends! Who were too oblivious to see your feelings...
"I hate how people on this app just post their videos of them with their partner! Like this one video where this guy was holding this girls waist.."
You continued blabbering about whatever you wanted to, and Dan Heng would nod and hum at what you said.
"And God... this girl is so annoying. She's such a pick me, how does she have a boyfriend and I dont huh?!"
Was the next thing you said, which Dan Heng let out another hum too.
Hmm... normally he'd provide you with a logical reply on how your wrong, so why was he agreeing with you now?
No matter, you brushed it off. Maybe he just got too used to it! Yeah, that was the case.
Except when you got up to finally do your duties that pom pom kept reminding you about, Dan Heng followed you..
Your hands on the doorknob, but you felt a pair of hands grip your waist. Dan Heng is that you?
"Where are you going?"
He said, unphased even! But to how you were so used to Dan Heng being touchy you didn't even see that he liked you... You still got flustered though, but you were just so oblivious!
"Doing my duties!"
You didn't move a muscle, smiling at Dan Heng once you meet eyes. You slowly opened the door to get out, telling Dan Heng a sweet "goodbye" before you walked out.
You thought it was just a friendly move and he just wanted to chat longer!
Well he did want to chat longer.. but the move wasn't really that platonic either.
He just wished you'd have it figured out by now.
Jing Yuan was so helpful to you, that sleeping general making time for you just you to spend it all on ranting about men. He'd let you lay beside him as you ranted, on his shoulder, his lap, anywhere and anytime!
Whenever you knew he'd have free time and you saw him outdoors, you'd sneak up to him just to backhug him. And he expected you all the time, though, he'd pretend to act surprise just for you! You were so easy to read, especially because hes been training for a long time and he learnt how to know when someone was sneaking up on him..
Everyone was so surprised when you just suddenly hugged the general like that, like- you could do that!?
How you two would hug and hold hands... just what two close friends would do!
"It's all so frustrating you know Yuaaannn?! No one loves me... no matter how hard I try to look good and be good no one ever loves me! It's like I had a glowdown or something.. ugh."
You started ranting while Jing Yuan was at your back, hugging you and resting his head ontop of yours. He was really comfy not gonna lie, what a good friend!
"Mm... they just don't know any better. I think you're quite lovely yourself, no?"
Jing Yuan commented, smiling at how you were ranting so suddenly. It wasn't even a surprise anymore for you to burst out screaming about being single and lonely.
"Well I know that I'm a lovely person! But what if I'm just like- missing something y'know?!"
You continued, countering his compliment. You tilt your head up to see Jing Yuan smiling at you, and you smile back, tilting your head back down so he can rest on it.
How touchy you guys have been, even the others have noticed! Only you two haven't, or atleast... only you haven't.
And it's so painful to see how you haven't even discovered your own feelings for Jing Yuan. The way your heart beats faster when you see him.. you're just happy to see him right?
Well, your heart says otherwise than the brain.
Blade isn't really a loverboy, but he's not so amused to accomodate your little outbursts of hopeless. He still does anyway, if that'll get you off his back.
You'd find him leaning against a wall while you tell him about your problems, and it annoyed you even in the slightest bit. Wasn't he listening?! You poked him and messed up his hair, even caging him inbetween your arms but he was still unfazed!
Mess up his hair? He'd fix it like nothing ever happened. Poke him too much? Nah, no reaction. He's pinned to the wall? With how small you were in his eyes he'd laugh at the attempt.
Still, no matter how annoying he was you'd still rant to him, after all Silver Wolf and Kafka weren't really people you wanted to rant to for some reason..
"Bladee... are you even listening to me?! Seriously, do I have to repeat everything I just said? You ignore me just like how everyone did in the past..."
He laughed a bit on how desperate you were, before looking at you and replying.
"It's cute how you think I'd listen to all of that."
How insufferable he was! You just wanted someone to listen to what you wanted... was it that hard to fullfill that wish?
You'd pout at Blade for how mean he was being, you didn't like it at all. It made you believe Blade didn't want to hear you ranting at all, which made you a bit upset..
So why did you still repeat the actions you've done before with a burn in your beating heart? That's normal right?
In some instances... you found yourself being held by Blade a bit too much. Him gripping your wrist or waist to make sure you don't walk out- but what you meant by often, was only 1-2 times a month. Which was way more than before!
You could consider Blade your most annoying friend with how you were the closest to him. Every stellaron hunter didn't even get that close before!
But what you didn't know... was that the only reason he acted like he didn't listen was so you could come back to him single every time.
Gepard was such a sweetie, he let you do anything you wanted. When he was outside of work- atleast. But, well you didn't care. You were all over him and crying how you didn't have a lover.
You always surprised him by calling his name and running up to him, you'd trip but then as a good friend he'd catch you in his arms!
You were never scared to fall again after that, after all he'd always catch you! And infact, he'd always listen to your sweet voice rambling on how no one would ever love you...
You ran, tripping up again. Gepard was just intime to catch you though! He looked a bit mad, sorry Geppie! But he wasn't really mad at you.. just annoyed on how you could've gotten hurt!
He put his hand on his head, sighing once he put you back to your feet. Scolding you for your actions.
"You would've gotten hurt.. stop running like that!"
He had a faint blush on his cheeks, but you couldn't have seen it from how you were so lively. Such a shy boy when it comes to you...
"Nope! You'd catch me always anyway, also- ughh! There was this couple that I saw, and they were doing PDA! I can't stand PDA, it just breaks my heart to know someone has found love and I haven't!"
You pouted, rolling your eyes at the image of the couple in your head. How cute... Gepard thought.
He fixed his uniform while listening to you rant and rant, how sad he couldn't hold you in his arms right now... wait, what?
"And, and- they kissed! So passionately too.. like ew get a room!"
You screamed out loud, Gepard then told you off for that again...
"Hey, Hey, we're in a public area.. you might cause a noise disturbance and I don't want people to go all over you screaming about how loud you are."
He had a stern face but anyone but you wouldn't buy his facade, you can see the slightest twinkle in his eyes and dust of pink on his cheeks...
He suddenly held your hand, dragging you to a much more secluded place. You asked him where you guys were going but he just shut up, how your cheeks turned red... luckily he didn't notice and neither did you!
But sometimes, his older sister would just hope you two oblivious things would see how much your eyes would light up at the sight of eachother..
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light-yaers · 1 year
Take Care: Chapter Three
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Fic Masterpost | AO3 | Chapter List
Warnings: swearing, eventual smut, emotional themes.
A/N: Have another one because I can’t stand not posting chapters when I have them written. Thanks for all the love, seriously! Absolutely insane that this has blown up so fast. I’ve written 30k in a week. God damn. 
Word Count: 7.7k+
Chapter Three
“Fast and painless, right?” you said, looking at Roy. The two of you stood at the end of the red carpet, before the entrance to the charity ball. Paparazzi yelled at players on the carpet, snapping pictures incessantly.
“That’s the plan. I’ve been doing this for too fucking long. Trust me,” he replied, and just for that brief moment, you found that you trusted Roy Kent wholeheartedly. He stuck his arm out for you. “Come on.”
You laid your hand on his forearm, slinking it together with his own, until you were secure. Roy peered down at you subtly, just for a second, before he started walking. You had no choice but to follow him and match his pace. The two of you booked it down the red carpet, ignoring the sudden flashes of cameras, and the way they were practically begging Roy for a photo.
“No, no, no, no,” he whittled off, and when that didn’t work, he transitioned to, “Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!”
Inside, it was much more subdued. You were thankful for Roy’s support beforehand, even if you felt so fucking silly now that you’d made it. People mingled happily, shaking each other’s hands in introduction. It was easier than you expected. You sat at a table with the guys, alongside Ted and Keeley. Roy placed two beers in front of you, before he dropped down into the seat next to yours with a sigh.
“Made it in one piece,” he said, picking up a beer and bringing it to his lips.
“I’ll definitely be using that method in future,” you replied.
“What, when you become a professional footballer?”
You scoffed. “Exactly.”
You all quietened when Rebecca took the stage. She looked positively frazzled, but you couldn’t deny that she still held such a presence over a room. You admired her, truthfully. Taking over the football club, ignoring whatever shit the tabloids wrote about her, still taking charge where she could.
As she welcomed everyone to the charity ball, a sinking feeling hit your gut in the form of a man in a white fucking suit. He waltzed into the room like he owned it, whispered hello’s to people who recognised him. Suddenly, it was as if no one was listening to Rebecca, instead replacing their gazes onto the man in white, who chose to stand directly in the centre of the room.
“Rebecca, darling!” he announced suddenly, and that’s when your face soured.
Rebecca stopped, frozen. “Rupert,” she said, gobsmacked.
As they kept up their back and forth, you leaned closer to Roy. He shot you a side-eyed glance, taking in the utter confusion on your face. “Who the fuck is that?” you asked him in a whisper.
“Fucking hell,” Roy whispered in reply. “You don’t even know who that is?”
You shrugged, catching his eye. “I told you, I know fuck all.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Roy let out. “That’s Rupert bloody Mannion. Ex-owner of Richmond, and–”
“Rebecca’s ex-husband,” you finished his sentence, before grimacing to oblivion. You’d never seen his face until now, and you silently thanked some god out there that you hadn’t. “I think he’s the biggest sleaze I’ve ever fucking seen.”
Roy choked on his drink loudly, alerting the room to his presence suddenly. Rupert stopped gabbing over Rebecca’s speech to look at his old team Captain, and let out a sickening chuckle. You elbowed Roy in his ribs abruptly, and he looked up instantly.
“Is that Roy Kent?” Rupert asked, projecting his voice around the room. He spread his arms out in welcome. “Oh, how good it is to see your face! And the rest of you boys, too.” He addressed the rest of the table, strolling closer to all of you.
The guys stayed where they were, silent and glued to their seats. You, however, wished you could leave immediately.
“I swear, Roy,” you whispered frantically, as Rupert continued to approach. “If this man so much as looks at me I’m going to whack him in the–”
“And do my eyes deceive me, Roy, or is that a lovely lady that you’ve brought with you?” Rupert continued. You wanted to vomit.
Quickly, you looked to Rebecca on stage. She was utterly frozen, dealing with both the shock and anger of having Rupert arrive out of the blue, only to upstage her in the middle of her welcome speech. You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that Rupert was a narcissistic piece of shit, just from one bloody look. You’d been around men enough to spot a red flag in a sea of blue and red Richmond shirts.
Roy straightened himself out, as Rupert placed his hand on the top of his chair. He peered down at the pair of you, smiling in a way that could only be described as utterly disgusting.
“Rupert,” Roy said plainly, ignoring his prior question. You kept your eyes forward, ignoring the sickening look that Rupert was flicking between yourself and Roy.
“Nice to see you again, Captain.” He slammed his hand down on Roy’s shoulder once, before he went back to addressing the entire room.
You let out a pent up breath that you didn’t realise you’d been holding. Beside you, Roy relaxed back into his seat the further Rupert walked from your table. At the same time, the both of you reached for your beers. You both downed the remainder of your bottles, dropping them, utterly empty, back onto the tabletop afterwards.
“Another beer?” Roy asked, and you got his message immediately. He was saying let’s get the fuck out of here.
“Please.” You stood immediately, not giving a shit when you sauntered past Rupert, with Roy on your tail.
The two of you stayed at the bar until things had died down, which by all accounts, was a long fucking time. The room had gone back to its normal level of stardom, and Rebecca had managed to finish the rest of her welcome address. A few empty bottles covered the bar where you and Roy stood, gabbing away as if you were at the fucking pub, instead of at a prestigious charity event.
You clutched your fingers over your mouth, trying to hold in a colossal laugh. In front of you, Roy kept digging deeper into the story he was telling you, and it was only making it worse. You were laughing so hard that you were sure you’d burst, and when you got a few seconds of peace to glimpse at him, you were happy to see the smallest curl of a smile on his lips, too. You’d been talking about boy bands for an hour and found yourself thinking– if it stayed like this for the rest of the night, then you’d be happy.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you burst finally, letting the last of your agonising chuckles trickle from your mouth. You clutched your middle, feeling the welcomed pain of too much laughter. “I used to be a massive fan of them growing up, you know?”
“One Direction?” Roy questioned, almost like he was offended, until he skidded his eyes down you quickly. “Oh, well, that makes sense. You were a teenage girl at one point, surely?”
You scoffed, actually offended. “What do you mean surely?” you let out. “Incase you forgot already, Roy, I do happen to be a woman.”
“No fucking waaaay,” he breathed out, faking amazement. “That’s insane.”
A few trickles of laughter erupted between the two of you, but were abruptly cut off by a flustered Rebecca. She bombarded towards the bar, as if on a warpath. “The auction is in a minute, Roy. Back to your seats,” she directed, leaving both of you with a scolded look upon your faces.
“The auction?” you asked. “I had no idea you were such an… art curator.”
Roy picked up two new beer bottles, as the two of you started heading back to your table. “It’s not a bloody art auction.”
“What kind of auction is it, then?”
As if on cue, Rupert emerged onto the stage to a round of applause from the audience. You couldn’t help your scowl, but you perked up when you saw Jamie follow him onto the stage. “Now, now, it’s time for the best event of the night– the auction! And first up, we have none other than Richmond striker, number nine, Jamie Tartt!” Rupert announced, and your quizzical look turned into full on disgust.
As you and Roy sat back down, you erupted. “Are you fucking kidding me? They’re auctioning off you guys?”
“It’s a tradition,” Keeley said, though she didn’t look any more impressed as you.
“Oh, sorry. It’s just when someone says charity that doesn’t usually bring trafficking to mind.” You leaned back in your chair and crossed your legs. Roy handed you a beer, but you were so annoyed that you didn’t even think to thank him.
“Shall we start the bidding off at one thousand pounds?” Rupert continued, and an all-out bidding war began– just not with Keeley.
For a moment, it was only an older woman who was interested, but when a different woman- younger, blonder, fitter– got involved, Keeley could barely contain her anger. She cleared her throat, looking at you sternly. “Not fucking today,” she said, before she raised her own paddle. “Five thousand pounds!” she bid.
“Eight thousand!” the blonde behind her said, and all it did was piss Keeley off further.
“Ten!” Keeley said.
“Eleven,” the other woman said.
It was constant, and as stressful as it was sat next to Keeley herself, Jamie was lapping up the fight for himself on stage. He stuck his tongue out arrogantly, taking in the bidding war with nothing less than the smile that he wore on the pitch, right after scoring a goal.
“This is vile,” you commented, and Roy perked his brow at you.
“Even worse when you think about her,” Roy added, pointing to the older woman who had been adamant to snag Jamie for herself. “She wins me every year, and each date has been worse than the fucking last. I had to leave her on the street in Hammersmith last time, ‘cause she’d booked us a cab to go back to hers for dessert.”
You grimaced. “You’re footballers, not fucking escorts.” For a second, Roy casually contemplated a career as an escort. He shrugged, almost like he didn’t mind. You scowled immediately. “I hate this.”
When Jamie’s bidding war finally ended, going to Keeley for a steep fifteen thousand, Roy readied himself to go on stage. He did up the middle button of his jacket and cleared his throat, before he stood. You had the strangest urge to protest, to stand up and say that this was all fucking weird, but you kept your mouth shut.
When Jamie returned to the table, Keeley was sharp with him. The blonde sat behind you had obviously got to her, and for good reason. You didn’t know the extent of Keeley and Jamie’s relationship, but you knew them individually, and that was enough to know that Keeley definitely deserved more. You could appreciate his talent, his skill, his work ethic, but the way Jamie Tartt treated people didn’t match up.
You peered back at the older woman; she licked her lips as Roy made his way onstage. It made you feel somewhere between sick and angry. “Next up is Richmond’s Captain, number six, you all know and love him– Roy Kent!” Rupert announced, and Roy reluctantly took the stage.
“God, don’t let her bloody win,” you muttered, and Keeley let out a small laugh beside you.
“She’s always on a rampage,” she said, smiling, but you saw a glint in her eyes– she was hurt, and Jamie had done fuck all to make her feel any better.
“Shall we start the bidding off at–?”
“Five thousand pounds!” the older woman interrupted Rupert, booming her shrill voice over the room.
Onstage, Roy mouthed fucks sake. On Keeley’s other side, Jamie started laughing. You wanted to whack him because of his overly obnoxious behaviour, but instead settled on rolling your eyes. Keeley froze next to you, and you felt like something was brewing within her.
“Five thousand going once,” Rupert said. “Going twice!”
“Six thousand!” Keeley erupted suddenly, and you snapped your gaze onto her.
You weren’t naive. As Keeley and the older woman got into another bidding war, you knew exactly why she was getting involved with Roy’s auction. It was to piss off Jamie. She wanted to spite him by bidding on Roy– his obvious fucking enemy. You let out a silent groan, sending up a prayer to whoever was listening for this shit to end. It was like you’d been sat at a table for secondary school kids instead of professional athletes.
“Eight thousand!” the older woman said.
“Ten thousand pounds!” Keeley yelled louder, and that was your last straw.
Quickly, you grabbed her by her bicep. “Keeley,” you whispered harshly. “Stop it. This is childish. And this isn’t fucking fair on Roy.”
Keeley turned to you, looking thoroughly chastised. It took her a moment, but when she breathed out, you saw her true nature return. “Yeah,” she said sullenly. “You’re right.” She sighed, and put her paddle down. Sending an angry look at Jamie, she got up and left the table.
“Eleven thousand!” the older woman countered.
Rupert perked his brow. “Oh? Is that it, then? Eleven thousand going once…”
You peered over at Jamie, who didn’t look happy at all. The atmosphere on the table had dropped significantly, but you were just glad that it was almost over.
“Eleven thousand going twice!” Rupert continued, and you looked towards Roy onstage.
He caught your eye as you looked towards him, and there was something that switched within you. Almost instantly, you held the determination of your whole table– all of whom were tired of being paraded around and bought, even if it was for fucking charity. You weren’t going to let the old bat win another year in a row.
You stood up quickly, grabbing your paddle and raising it to the sky. “Twelve thousand pounds!”
Rupert’s grin was practically off the charts. “Oh, we have a new bidder! Twelve thousand for the Richmond Captain!”
“Thirteen thousand!” the oldie hit back.
“Fourteen!” You peered back at her, shooting her a death stare.
She stood up, her knees creaking as she did so. “Eighteen thousand!”
“Eighteen thousand for Richmond’s Captain!” Rupert exclaimed over the mic.
You hesitated just for a moment, before taking another look at Roy. He must know you didn’t actually have eighteen fucking grand to give away. He must know that you were only doing this to save him from another god awful date with that geriatric nymphomaniac.
You smacked your hand on the tabletop suddenly, scaring Jamie out of his skin. “Twenty-five thousand!” you practically screamed it, and in response garnered a huge round of applause and cheers from the other guests.
“Twenty-five going once!” Rupert said, and the oldie behind you finally started to falter. “Going twice!” he added, as tension stuck itself to every corner of the fucking room. “Gone!”
The crowds erupted even further, with a few actually coming up to shake you by the hand afterwards. Rupert’s laughter reverberated around the entire hall, and when you looked at Roy, you were happy to see relief all over his face.
Rupert whacked a hand down on Roy’s shoulder. “Well, well, well, Mr. Kent,” he began. “It seems to me that you’ve found yourself a real keeper.”
As the hall died down to a better level, Roy returned to the table. Ted and Rebecca had disappeared off somewhere, and you were biting back the adrenaline that coursed throughout your whole body. You could see now why people got hooked on gambling.
Roy sank into the seat next to yours, picked up his beer and downed the contents. When he put the empty bottle back on the table, he leaned closer to you. “I’m assuming that I’m forking up twenty-five grand, right?”
“Yep,” you said immediately. You gulped back your own beer, copying him by placing your empty bottle next to his.
“Another beer?” he asked, and you sent him a surprised look. You’d just forced him into giving up twenty-five grand, all to avoid a bad date, and he didn’t seem angry in any way.
“Why aren’t you pissed at me?” you asked.
Roy draped his arm over the back of your chair and crossed his legs comfortably. He leaned towards you, looking so relaxed now that you wouldn’t have been able to recognise the man he was on stage. “Do you want me to be pissed?”
“No,” you said, crossing your arms. “I was just wondering why not.”
“Because you just saved my fucking skin, that’s why,” Roy said.
“Yeah, and lost you twenty-five fucking grand, Roy,” you whispered harshly.
Roy scoffed. “I’m a fucking footballer.”
You shrugged. “Fair enough.” The two of you rose together, headed for the bar again, leaving Jamie and Keeley to their awkward silence.
The rest of the evening seemed to run smoothly, until the abrupt announcement that Robbie Williams was sadly not performing. You frowned from the bar, while Roy silently rejoiced by downing another beer. The atmosphere had mellowed to something you were better suited for, but that all went to shit when Jamie approached the bar. Keeley was nowhere to be found, but the immediate daggers that shot between Jamie and Roy were more than noticeable.
You tapped your nails against your beer bottle, waiting for either of them to speak first. It seemed to be a running theme, you noticed, that Jamie and Roy fucking hated one another. You could understand why– Jamie was overly arrogant, on and off the pitch. Roy had dealt with all kinds of people throughout his career, and simply didn’t have the tether to put up with them anymore.
“So,” Jamie broke the silence. “Twenty-five grand.”
Roy growled in reply. You took that as the perfect time to leave them to it. You headed to the bathroom, just from the sheer lack of where else to fucking go. You weren’t in the mood to mingle in the main hall, too afraid that Rupert would do the rounds once more. Opening the door to the bathrooms, you immediately found Rebecca and Keeley by the sinks.
“Oh!” you exclaimed. “Sorry. I was wondering where you’d both gone off to.”
Keeley turned to you first, and you instantly knew something was wrong. One glance at Rebecca confirmed the fact– something had definitely happened. “What’s wrong?” You placed a gentle hand on Keeley’s shoulder. “Jamie?” Keeley nodded sullenly. “You deserve more, Keeley. So much more.”
She smiled at you sadly, but there was a finality within her glistening eyes. She looked almost relieved, even though she hadn’t pulled the bandaid off yet. Secretly, you knew this would be a reality call for Jamie, too. Just because he was young and successful didn’t give him the right to treat others like dirt. Outside at the bar, you hoped Roy was saying the same, just not in a way that would start a fucking fight between them.
You headed to a stall, but stopped before you could shut the door. “For the record,” you said, turning back to the ladies. “Rebecca, you deserve more, too.” Rebecca’s face softened into something warm. “Even looking at Rupert made me feel like I needed to take a fucking shower.” Rebecca scoffed abruptly. She raised her martini to you, and you finally shut the stall door.
You had always been good at Irish goodbyes. It was one of your top skills, and had a close to one hundred percent success rate. At an event like this, you didn’t doubt it would also work wonders. After the bathroom, you glanced at the bar to find it empty of any footballers. That was a good enough cue to finally call it a night.
You left the venue, only to be hit by a crisp Richmond breeze. Immediately, you regretted not bringing a jacket. You knew it was a matter of time before it came to bite you in the arse, but you hadn’t been thinking before you’d jumped into Roy’s Jeep earlier. Another breeze rushed past you, making goosebumps prickle against your skin. “Fuuucking hell,” you muttered, descending the steps outside and trying to remember the way home.
You stood on the pavement, looking left and right, trying to gauge where in Richmond you actually were. Your bare arms shook as another breeze hit you, but they were relieved when something warm draped over them without warning.
Peering behind you, you caught the sight of Roy’s strong jawline. He finished draping his jacket over you, before he stuck his hands in his pockets and stood next to you.
“You just ruined it,” you let out, sighing. “I was trying to sneak out without anyone noticing.”
Roy perked his brow at you. “You fucking failed, then. And, by the looks of it, would have frozen to death on the fucking spot if it weren’t for me.”
“And I saved you from a borderline unethical date with a geriatric millionaire, who only wanted to jump your fucking bones,” you hit back with.
“Yeah, you did,” Roy acknowledged. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
You shrugged. “I figured it was better me, over her or Keeley.”
“You can fucking say that again.” Roy scuffed his feet on the pavement.
“I told her to knock it off,” you said. “It’s not fun when you get unwillingly involved in someone else’s relationship problems.”
“You sound like you’re talking from experience, there.” Roy peered down at you questioningly.
You scoffed, looking back at him playfully. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Oh, really? Care to tell me on the walk home?” he asked, sneaking in a quick ask about walking home together in the process.
A wall of caution sprung up within you. It dawned on you then that you’d spent the entire evening with Roy, tied at the fucking hip. He’d bought all your drinks, comforted you before arriving, driven you here, and was the very reason you’d been invited in the first place. Sure, you were a bit drunk, but not too drunk to realise that this wasn’t exactly casual.
You felt like you knew Roy well enough to know he wasn’t anything but decent, but he was also a professional footballer. His face was present in tabloids twice a week, with stories ranging from women, to messy nights out that people had somehow photographed without him knowing. There was a fine line between colleagues and friends, and an even finer line between colleagues and whoops, we just fell into bed together, didn’t we? You didn’t want to cross that line to oblivion.
That’s what you kept in mind as the two of you stumbled home. Roy’s jacket did make a world of difference, and when you slotted your arms through the sleeves they went past your fingertips. The two of you navigated Richmond neighbourhoods, commenting on the big fucking houses down Roy’s road.
“That one is far too bougie,” you said, pointing at a mansion that was entirely glass-fronted. “It’s literally a stalker's dream. From a high up window you’d be able to see every fucking thing that went on inside.”
“Sounds like you’re talking from experience about that, too,” Roy said, smiling at his own dig subtly.
“Oh, you caught me,” you said, melodramatically clutching a hand to your chest. “I’m Richmond’s biggest mansion stalker. I see a house made completely from glass and orgasm on the spot.”
Roy huffed through his nose, amused. “Who are your targets? Billionaires? Lawyers? Footballers?”
“Depends,” you said. “Is your house made completely out of glass?”
“Fuck no,” Roy said. “I do have a skylight above my bed, though.”
“Damn,” you said. “I’ll have to expand my stalking to drone footage, too.”
“Sounds like a good investment,” Roy added, before he peered down at you. You took a moment to look up at him, too, and shared a smile with one another. Inside your head, you were screaming at yourself about the wall you’d erected earlier.
Roy stopped walking suddenly, and you let out a small squeak as you tried to stop at the same time as him. It was clear you’d both drunk a lot, but it was all in good fun. “This is me,” Roy said then, pointing to the house before you.
Your eyes widened immediately. Before you stood a huge house, decorated with bushes and a large blossom tree out front. You felt the absence of his Jeep in the driveway, but it allowed for you to see the massive front door– made from solid oak, with a shining knocker right in the centre. It was easily three storeys high, and through one of the large windows, you caught a glimpse of a framed football shirt. This was definitely Roy Kent’s house.
“Fuck me,” you said involuntarily. Roy actually scoffed, which was a different kind of shock entirely. “You weren’t kidding about it being one of the big, fuck off houses, then.”
“Why would I lie about having a great fucking house?”
“No, no. I’m not judging here,” you said, keeping your gaze on the building before you. “You’re right. That’s a great fucking house.”
There was a moment of silence that settled over the two of you, only made more intense by the light of the moon, and the utter lack of stars that graced the sky in London. You sucked in a deep breath as you looked back at Roy, only to find his gaze on you already. You smiled, he smiled back subtly, and your gut lurched within you.
Roy shuffled on his spot, before clearing his throat. “Wanna come in for a drink?”
There was a feeling that descended upon you, one that was not at all mature and one hundred percent giddy. You’d been in this position multiple times, but with Roy it felt different. He was your work colleague, for starters, and that wall that you’d forced yourself to build was still erected, as much as a part of you was trying to knock it down with a fucking sledgehammer.
You sucked in a sharp breath. “It’s waaay past ten-thirty,” you let out.
“Ah,” Roy said, catching on immediately. “I forgot you were a boring uni student.”
“Boring masters student. But, yes.” You took a small step back, fully cementing that you wouldn’t be joining him for another drink this evening. “Another time,” you added, simply because you wanted to grab a drink with Roy in future. You didn’t want to ward him off, or make him feel like you were rejecting him, as much as that would be okay, too.
Roy shot you an expression he’d never shown you before. It wasn’t blunt, so to say, but it wasn’t sweet, either. It was some form of middle ground. It told you that he understood, but also reassured you that this wasn’t a big deal. It was crazy how much of an expression interpreter you became when you weren’t bloody sober.
“Another time,” Roy repeated after a moment. Gently, you started taking off his jacket, but he waved at you in dismissal. “Keep it for the walk home,” he said.
You huffed at him, but did as you were told. “Thank you,” you let out.
Roy nodded, as you took another step back. “See you on Monday?” you asked rhetorically.
“See you on Monday,” he confirmed.
You took another step back, almost stumbling into the road. Roy lurched forward quickly, just in case he needed to grab you and stop you from falling flat on your face, but you stabilised yourself. Flustered, you let out a breathy chuckle. Laughter echoed down his fancy as fuck road, before disappearing into the crisp night.
You sent one final smile Roy’s way, before you finally swivelled on your heels, headed for your road a bit further down. Roy slowly stepped towards his front door, keeping a watchful eye on you as you tread further down the road.
“Goodnight,” he let out, raising his voice a bit to reach you down the street.
You turned back to him, walking backwards for a few paces. “Goodnight!” you replied, waving your arm wildly in the air at him.
When you faced forward again, you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. Nothing would come from this, you told yourself, but it didn’t stop it from feeling nice. Having a genuinely pleasant night with someone that you’d never– in a million fucking years– thought you’d gel with, was oddly fulfilling. When you thought back to the month before, it made you want to cackle maniacally to yourself. It was funny, wasn’t it? How things could change so fast, how they could evolve into you having a really great fucking evening with someone you previously couldn’t stand to be around, let alone talk to.
You pulled off your shoes when you arrived home, ready to utterly collapse into bed. Your phone dinged in your clutch before you could. You picked it up, utterly surprised to see a text from Roy waiting for you.
Get home safe.
You replied simply.
I did.
Roy replied instantly.
You thought that would be it, dropping your phone onto your bed as you went to strip off your clothes. Heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed, you shut the door behind you. Roy texted you again, one that you wouldn’t see until you woke up in the morning.
Sleep well.
A week later, as you sat in the owners box next to Keeley and Rebecca, your heart was in your throat. As Ted bombarded down the steps back to the field, you were in the same boat as everyone in wondering why– Ted had decided to bench Jamie Tartt for the rest of the game, despite him scoring a goal for Richmond not two minutes before.
Rebecca looked slightly shaken, but there was also an underlying happiness to her mood. You noticed that she acted odd, sometimes. Such as when Richmond were doing well, she would join in with fake enthusiasm. When they were doing terribly, it was customary to find her with a smile stamped all over her face. It was the same one she showed now, as Ted made a show of benching Jamie, and the home crowd at the Dogtrack exploded.
Jamie Tartt was pissed off. He was seething as he went to sit down, and went as far as kicking one of the chairs for the rest of the team reserves. You winced when you saw it, alongside hundreds of other fans, but that’s when you chose to look over to Roy.
He was on the pitch with his hands on his hips, and an oddly calm expression stamped on his face. Within you, you silently relaxed. You knew that if Roy wasn’t freaking out, then he understood Lasso’s reasons for what he’d done. You leaned back in your seat casually, causing a flustered Keeley to peer at you.
“What are you so bloody relaxed for? Jamie’s going to burn this place to the fucking ground.” She turned back to the pitch, watching the remaining two minutes of extra time before half time. Despite breaking up with the ace at the charity ball, Keeley still knew Jamie through and through.
You leaned forward and pointed to the pitch. “There,” you said, and Keeley followed your finger. “Look at Roy. He’s the calmest I’ve ever seen him on the pitch.”
“Yeah, because his arch nemesis has just been benched,” Keeley said.
“No, no. As much as Roy hates him, I know he’d be equally as fucked off and confused if Lasso had pulled Jamie for no reason. But, look, he’s absolutely fine.”
Keeley turned to you. “So, you think it was the right decision?”
You shrugged. “I don’t fucking know. All that I know is that, when I’m confused, I look at Roy’s reaction. I go with whatever emotion he’s sending into the void, and somehow it all just works out fine.”
Keeley leaned back slightly, looking at you in confusion. “It’s like you guys are telepathic, or something.” She snapped her head towards Roy again. “That’s fucking amazing.”
Over the next few weeks, things start feeling like home to you. Two months down the line and it was as if you’d known the guys for years. It was normal for you to join them for team nights out, and normal for them to poke their heads around your office door from time to time. Every time you passed the gym, or the locker room, or the pitch, there would always be at least one lad who spotted you. He’d wave, and that would alert everyone else to your presence, until all of them had waved at you in greeting.
Roy was the same, but in his own way. Since the charity ball, it was clear that there was something there, no matter how small. There was a shared understanding between the two of you that was larger than what you had with the rest of the team. You couldn’t explain it, not even when you dedicated time to try and work out what it was.
You still had his jacket at home, up on the peg by your door, just waiting to be returned. There was something that halted you from dropping it around to him, however, and Roy hadn’t brought it up since the month before, either. There was some unspoken thing about it, you felt, that travelled back to when you’d both said another time.
Maybe that was it, hm? When that inevitable another time happened, you’d return the jacket then. But for now, it offered you a gentle reminder of Roy fucking Kent everytime you entered or left your flat. It was odd to think about it, but you saw everyone at Richmond most days of the week. Weekends were reserved for friends and family, naturally, but on a dull Saturday night you often found yourself with the urge to call one of the guys and see what they were up to.
Was this what having attachment issues felt like? You fucking hoped not.
Jamie had been off with everyone since Ted benched him. He was ruder, and more disrespectful, often showing up late for practice or leaving early without warning. To the team, he was still arrogant and self-serving; even more so towards Roy. Ted’s attempts at laying a stable groundwork with Tartt hadn’t seemed to stick, and everyone had been feeling it.
That was made worse by the arrival of a new striker by the name of Dani Rojas. Jamie had already been pushed into the proverbial corner, and when Dani showed off his moves on the pitch for the first time, it was clear that they were on par with each other. You spent those first few days confined to your office, trying to avoid the lot of them and miss being within firing range of Tartt’s next tantrum.
Later on, after Jamie ditched another practice session, you checked your inbox to find an intriguing email. It was forwarded from the university, but originally from the Independent. You read it silently, and after you were done, you immediately went to find Keeley. Rebecca had recently set her up with a job doing PR for the club, which made your life exponentially easier. She was better at social media, at getting brand deals and the like. You were a writer, not a publicist. You entered the press room and found her sitting at her temporary desk.
She turned to you and smiled. “Hey, babe,” she said sweetly. “You okay?”
You sighed, taking a seat opposite her, on the front row. “The Independent is running a competition for all MA students in London. Writers, journalists, sports students, all of that,” you explained. “If we write an article about a sportsman or woman, it could get published in the paper, on the front page of the sports section.” You dragged your hands down your face when you’d finished, and Keeley let out a huff at her desk.
“Babes, that’s an amazing opportunity!” she exclaimed.
“I know,” you whined, and dropped your hands into your lap.
Keeley straightened in her chair, looking at you softly. “Is there any reason why you don’t seem particularly excited about it?”
You peered at her, and it clicked instantly. She returned your stare with a knowing look, one that was warm and gentle, one that understood. After that, she furrowed her brows and sent you a soft smile. It wasn’t often that people could read you so easily, and when Keeley did it, it only made you feel more connected to her.
She let out a sigh. “There’s no harm in asking him.” Roy. She meant Roy.
“No,” you said immediately. “I said I wouldn’t ask him about any of this shit anymore, even if it is a great opportunity for me. You know how much he hates it,” you said. “I suppose I could do it about Ted, but Trent Crimm wrote a great article for him last month. And the boys, I mean– Richmond are always in the paper and the tabloids. I feel like I wouldn’t be adding to their stories.”
“That’s why you want to write about Roy,” Keeley stated.
You leant forward, finally bursting. “Yes! I do! Roy’s career has been explosive and intriguing and heart-warming. His Chelsea days were legendary, and the way he’s captained Richmond has been second to none. Why would anyone not want to write about him?”
Keeley stood up slowly, rounding her desk to sit in the chair next to you. Gently, she placed her hands over your knuckles. “Just ask him.”
“I don’t know how to,” you let out.
“Tell him the truth,” she said. “Say this is a great opportunity for you, and you can make it as painless as humanly possible for him.”
“I mean, I wasn’t going to shadow him, or anything. I thought we’d go to the pub and talk for a few hours, really. It wasn’t going to be a proper interview.”
“That’s good,” Keeley said, squeezing your hands in approval. “Tell him that, too.”
“And if it all goes tits up?” you asked.
Keeley shrugged her shoulders, and let out a small laugh. “No one can know which way it’ll go with Roy. I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you’re thinking right now, though.”
It was then that the anxious pit in your stomach started to clear. You looked at Keeley with your eyes large and glassy. You wondered if she knew all the thoughts that were rushing through your brain about you and Roy– how the main reason for not wanting to ask him was about not wanting to fuck up the friendship you’d both stumbled into. Especially after how things had started, you didn’t want it all to revert to that hostile environment.
“Babes,” Keeley whispered, leaning closer to you. “I don’t think you realise how likeable you are. The guys love you, and the coaches. Roy fits into that box, too.” Her reassuring words sunk into your skin, until you finally felt at ease. “And me, obviously,” she added quickly.
You huffed. “Thanks, Keeley,” you whispered. She draped her arms around you then, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Sometimes, a hug was all you needed to feel grounded.
You went back to your office to find another book from Sam, on your desk. He wrote small post-its for you and stuck them on the covers of each one he gave, and you secretly kept them all in the bottom drawer of your desk. You sat down and huffed to yourself, picking up his newest pick. The post-it read– Truthfully, this one did make me cry. Tell me if you do, too.
You stuck the post-it onto the pile of others in your bottom drawer, before you placed the book on a small shelf to your right. Shuffling in your bag, you found your next book for him. It was like clockwork, and you loved that this was something you’d started up with him. You left your office and headed for the gym, knowing it was time for the guys to do their second work-out of the day.
When you arrived, you sent a quick wave to all the guys, before seeking out Sam. He was on the bike, pumping his legs hard as he kept up his heart rate. You approached him, and draped your arms over the top of the stationary handle-bars. He smiled at you hugely, and you hovered the book out before him. “Fantastic,” he said softly, taking it from your grasp. “I was waiting for the day you would share your favourite classics with me.” It was a copy of The Great Gatsby.
“Am I that predictable?” you asked.
“Very,” Sam let out.
You huffed, amused. “Well, enjoy it. I look forward to reading yours, too.”
Sam clutched the book to his heart in thanks, before you swivelled on your heels and headed back towards the door. On the way, you noticed Roy on the treadmill, doing his normal incline walk. Keeley’s words surged within you, and you told yourself not to chicken out. Now was as good a time as any to ask. It would save you the time it took to worry beforehand.
You let out a deep breath, before walking towards him. He peered down at you, as you turned yourself round to face him, and leaned against the windowsill before him. He perked one of his black, bushy brows at you. “Can I help you?” he asked. There was a running theme between you. Most of your conversations started with that same question.
“The Independent is running a competition for MA students in London. It’ll result in one of us having an article published, and run on the first page of the sports section.” You laid it all out for him, expecting him to shut you down immediately, but he stayed silent. “I know how you feel about this sort of thing, which is why I’d never force you into doing this for me, again. But…” You looked up at him strongly, almost pleadingly. “This is a great opportunity for me, Roy. I can’t just write about anyone, either.”
“Why not?” he asked. His voice croaked, like he was struggling to get them out.
“Because.” You shuffled on your spot, something that you did when you knew you were being openly vulnerable. “I want to write about you.”
Roy looked to his feet, rhythmically stomping upon the treadmill beneath him. You could hear the cogs in his brain turning and whining, and you instantly felt guilty. You didn’t want to put him on the spot, and you’d seen what he could be like when he was. You half expected him to tell you to fuck off, but he didn’t. He just kept looking at his feet, walking to nowhere.
You inhaled deeply, taking matters into your own hands. “Don’t worry about it,” you said, and Roy looked at you once more. “I just thought I’d ask. This isn’t compulsory, so don’t worry.” You smiled at him, but he didn’t smile back. Instead, his mouth dropped open like he wanted to say something, but simply couldn’t get the words out. “See you around, Roy.”
You made to leave quickly, not wanting to stick around. Innately, you cursed at yourself for even asking in the first place. Keeley was right about it not doing any harm, but all it had done was make you feel bad.
“Hold it!” Roy boomed suddenly, and you turned back to him abruptly. The guys in the gym stopped working out, and you felt your stomach drop once more. Roy switched off the treadmill and jumped to the floor. “Just the one article?” he asked.
You nodded, gaining back some of your composure. “Only one.”
“How many people compete in this thing?” he asked.
“Um.” You wracked your brain, trying to figure out the average. “A few hundred, at least.”
“So, there’s a high probability that you won’t win,” Roy said, and you widened your eyes. He didn’t mean it offensively, but it still stung a bit.
“Yes. Very high probability, actually,” you said smally, feeling a tad embarrassed now that he’d explained it that way.
Roy looked at the ground, before he caught your eye strongly. “Okay. I’ll do it.” You sucked in a sharp breath.
“Really?” you asked, taking a few steps towards him.
He nodded, letting out a small growl. You let out an excited squeal, before you rushed at him. You wrapped your arms around his neck in an impromptu hug, muttering thank you over and over again. To the rest of the guys, all they saw was the shocked expression on Roy’s face, and the way his arms were tense at his sides from surprise. He didn’t know what to do with himself, didn’t know whether to wrap his arms around you in response. You pulled away too fast for him to come to a conclusion, and he peered down at you as you started towards the door again.
In the door frame, you turned back to him one last time. “Seriously, Roy,” you let out. “Thank you.” You tried to fit as much genuine feeling within your words as you possibly could.
Roy’s face softened subtly. You sent a final smile at him, before you left and headed back to your office. The gym stayed awkwardly silent as the guys laid their eyes over a statuesque Roy. He balled his fists when it all got to be too much, and let out a guff “Fucking get back to work!” to break open the tension.
The lads restarted their work-outs immediately, acting as if nothing had happened whatsoever. Roy jumped back onto the treadmill and started his walk once more. Through the window in front of him, he saw the open door to your office. If he moved slightly to the left, he could catch a glimpse of you, sitting at your desk, writing frantically on your laptop– utterly beaming.  
Tag list: @atjamesbbarnes​ @20th-centu-fairy-girl​ @royalestrellas​ @weakmoony-stuff​ @ironmanmagnetfridge​ @lemonpiegurll​ @hellomagicalsouls​ @her-fandom-sanctum @gothicwidowsworld​ @old-enough-to-know-better73​ @djarindroid​ @afraidofshrimp​ @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @queen-of-dumbasses​ @sogoodtoheritsvicious​ @lznnph1l @crav1ngc4ke​ @onceuponaoneshot​ @jamieolivia27​
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holylulusworld · 5 months
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Summary: It's your birthday and you end up eating alone.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: angst, trust issues, abandonment, Ransom being a douche, unrequited feelings, being lonely during birthday/Christmas, having the blues,
A/N: This is the alternative version of Dinner for one. I decided to turn it into a story too but with a different ending.
Written for: Winter Break Advent: Day 22 – Quote: "We click. There aren't that many people that you just 'click' with; and when you find those people, you don't just let them go."
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“Anything else, sweetie,” the elderly waitress at your favorite café asks. Her name is Dolores, and she’s always kind. She knows it’s your birthday and brought you a cupcake with a burning candle for free. “Happy birthday.”
She watches you glance at the cupcake. You sniffle and try not to cry. This stranger showed more interest in you and your birthday than anyone else in your life.
“Thank you,” is all you get out. You blow the candle out, wishing for nothing but to not feel the aching in your chest any longer. “That’s so kind of you.”
“Don’t sweat it, sweetie. You’re my best and favorite customer,” she smiles and refills your cup. “Chamomile, your favorite.”
“Again, thank you,” you fake a smile. She’s so kind, and you don’t want to be ungrateful. “This made my day.”
“I’ll bring you your order later. Eat the cupcake and remember, not all days are bad. One day the sun will shine for all of us again.”
Damn her, she read you like a book. “I guess,” you drop your eyes and look at the cupcake again. “It just doesn’t feel like it right now.”
“It will,” she insists and walks off, whistling a tune.
“Maybe—” you swallow thickly when the man you had hoped to never see again waltzes into the café, smirking like nothing has changed. He holds the door open for two girls, and two of his buddies. “Why?”
This can’t be. Today out of all days he had to come here. Your favorite café. Ransom always hated it and now he’s here, on your birthday after he broke your heart.
He straightens his hair and puffs his chest. Showing off his expensive coat and the scarf you bought him for his birthday. He looks like a peacock wanting to impress the ladies. You giggle as he looks stupidly handsome and like an idiot at the same time.
His eyes dart from the table the waitress orders toward your table. For a moment, it looks like he stiffens when his eyes meet yours. He clears his throat, and turns away, acting like he didn’t see you sitting alone at the table.
“Hey, Ransom,” one of his buddies punches his upper arm, “isn’t that the mouse you dated some months ago?” The guy points at your table. You try to ignore him, and the girls looking in your direction.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Ransom snaps at his friend, adding another crack to your fragile heart. He can’t even admit that he used to date you. “I don’t date girls like her.”
“Dude, it’s her,” the other man insists. “I remember the pout and her mousish behavior. I bet she must be a bomb in the bedroom, if not you wouldn’t keep a girl like her around.”
“Listen, I don’t know that woman. Can we eat now, or do you want to ask me if I dated half of the people at the café,” Ransom gets louder, making you flinch.
He seems to be embarrassed by his friend’s question. Of course, he’s ashamed of dating you. You’re not one of his wealthy buddies or the spoiled girls hanging on his every word.
You exhale sharply as he continues to explain that he would never date someone like you. He even makes fun of the sweater you’re wearing. Even though he told you he found it cute not so long ago.
Self-cautiously you look down on your body, regretting that you decided to wear your favorite blue sweater with snowflakes today. You try to look away, or not listen to their words, but it’s impossible to not see Ransom staring your way.
“Sweetie, I got you birthday cake,” right when you want to flee out of the café, the waitress returns with three of her colleagues. They start singing Happy Birthday, and the lump in your throat grows.
The guests at the café get up to join the waitresses. They sing Happy Birthday and clap their hands, making things worse for you.
Ransom and his friends get up too, laughing and joking as they pretend to sing with the other people. You’re close to running out of the café and leaving town to forget about this awful birthday.
A few weeks ago, you were in love and believed you’d spend your birthday with Ransom.
 Now you are in the same room, but miles apart.
You’re living in different worlds, and this will never change. He’s got a huge trust fund, and you struggle to make ends meet sometimes. When you met Ransom he knew that you still got to pay back your study loan.
“That’s,” your voice cracks when they place a birthday cake in front of you. “Very nice. I-I’m overwhelmed.”
“I hope you enjoy your cake,” one of the waitresses sing-songs. She smiles, and hands you a fork. “It’s a red velvet cake. Your favorite.”
People sit back down and finally turn their attention toward their lives. You release a shuddery breath as the waitresses and some guests expectantly look at you. “That’s a beautiful cake,” you sniff. “But I already got the cupcake.”
“It’s a gift from one of the customers,” Dolores whispers. “We got instructions to serve you the cake when you come here today.”
“What? I don’t understand. Why would anyone buy a cake for me? I don’t know many people in town.”
“Well sweetie, he must be wealthy,” the waitress from earlier giggles. “This is the most expensive cake and he wanted extras. Just enjoy.”
“I rather not,” you doubt whoever bought the cake wanted to be nice. Gifts always come at a price. And you are not willing to be in anyone’s debt. “Can you take it back? Maybe tell the person who ordered the cake for me they can eat it.”
“Sorry, no returns,” she coos and points at the cake. “Dig in, miss. It’s free and very delicious. Look, the cook used leaf gold for the decoration. You don’t want us to throw it away, right?”
“No.” You hate this. All of it. Someone bought you a cake and expects you to eat it, just like the waitresses. “I’ll try it later.”
“She still got the cupcake. Maybe she can take the cake home,” Dolores jumps in. She offers to put the cake in a box for you to take the cake home. “Right, sweetie. You will take it home.”
Dolores tells the others to go back to work. She gives you a sympathetic look and walks away to get the box.
You shift in your seat and try to focus on the cupcake and your now cold tea. It’s not how you imagined spending your birthday but it’s better than to hide at your apartment and think about Ransom, and your breakup.
Ransom watches you eat the cupcake. He frowns as Dolores puts the cake in a box. You don’t look his way any longer. You finish your cupcake and drink your tea. When you get up to leave, you thank Dolores and reluctantly take the box with the cake.
It takes all of your strength, but you manage to pass Ransom’s table by and not look at him. You exhale sharply as one of his friends calls you mouse and cups his crotch.
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“Y/N, open the door!” Ransom is fuming outside of your apartment. “Why did you refuse to eat the cake I ordered for you? I wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Like bringing these people to our place? How could you, Ran? How?” You sniffle. “You walked around the café I showed to you like a peacock to impress these women. Why did you come to the café? And why did you buy the cake?”
“Babycakes,” he sighs deeply. “I’m…we…I let their words get to me. I was a fool to believe I could spend a day without you.”
“You laughed about me at the café!”
“Please let me in,” he pleads. “I came to the café to talk to you, knowing you’ll be there. Frankie and the others waited outside. I must’ve talked about this place, and they wanted to try it out. I’m sorry for their behavior.”
“Just go away, and take that cake with you,” you open the door to push the box with cake into his hands. “We are done, just like you said.”
“I said we should take a break to think about our relationship,” he looks at the box in his hands. “I got scared, Y/N. You know that I have commitment issues and trust issues. But…I wanna get better.”
“You want to hurt me even more to make fun of me with your friends,” you sniff. “I’m done with people walking all over me. I won’t have it.”
“Please don’t give up on me, Y/N. I’m not the best boyfriend and I got flaws but…” He shrugs. “We click. There aren't that many people that you just 'click' with; and when you find those people, you don't just let them go.”
“You let me go,” you tap your heart. “You broke my heart and now you stand on my doorstep asking me to take you back?”
“If you can forgive me, I promise to heal your heart…”
You take the cake out of his hands and jerk your head toward the door. “I’ll eat the cake, and maybe, I’ll call you. For now, I want you to leave me alone.”
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layce2015 · 10 months
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Wishful Thinking
"It just doesn't make any sense, Dean. I mean, why would Uriel tell us you remembered Hell if you didn't?" Sam asked Dean, who was downing shots like no one's business, as we were sitting at a table at a restaurant. "Maybe because he's a dick. Might have something to do with it." Dean replied, nonchalantly. "Maybe, but he's still an angel." I pointed out. "Yeah, an angel who was ready to level an entire town. Look, I don't know what --" Dean started to say when our waiter, who is way too cheerful for my taste, comes up to us.
"Radical. What else can I get you guys?" He asked and we turn to him. "Uh, I think we're good." Sam said. "Yeah?" The waiter asked. "Yeah." Sam said, trying to sound patient. "You want to try a couple of fryer bombs? Or a chipotle chili changa?" The waiter asked. "No, no, we're – we're still good." Dean tells him. "Okay, awesome." The waiter said and he walks away.
"Guys, honestly, I have no idea why Uriel told you two what he did, okay?" Dean said. "Right." Sam and I said, not really believing him. "What?" Dean asked us, annoyed. "Okay. Fine." Sam said, defensively, then I lean forward towards Dean. "Dean, look me in the eye and tell me you don't remember a thing from your time down under." I said to him, firmly. He leans forward and said. "I don't remember a thing from my time down under." But I'm not really convinced as I lean back a bit, skepticism played on my face.
"I don't remember, (y/n)!" he exclaims to me. "Look, Dean, we just want to help." said Sam. "You guys know everything I do. Okay? That's all there is." Dean said, getting angry, just as the waiter comes up to us. "Outstanding. Dessert time? Huh? Am I right?" he asked. "Dude." Dean sighs. "Listen, bros. You have got to try our ice cream extreme. It's extreme." the waiter said. "Uh, no extremities, please. Just the --" I started to say, nicely, then he talks over me. "Check? All right, awesome." 
"Thanks." I said and he walks away then Dean turns to us. "All right, so, where do we go from here?" He asked. "I'm not sure. Uh, looks like it's been pretty quiet lately. No signs of demon activity, no omens or portents I can see." Sam said as he looks through his laptop. "That's good news for once." I said as Dean drinks his beer.
"Yeah, just the typical smattering of crank UFO sightings and one possible vengeful spirit. Here, check this out. Uh...Up in Concrete, Washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that's been haunting the showers of a women's health facility." He said and Dean chokes with his beer. "The victim claims that the ghost threw her down a flight of stairs." Sam said and we noticed Dean scrambling out of his seat.
"I can see you're very interested." Sam said. "Women, showers. We got to save these people." Dean said and I give him a disapproving look. "Kidding!" He said to me before we start to head out.
"I'm not surprised the spirit world chose to make contact with me. I'm something of a...natural sensitive." Candace said to me. I was sitting at a restaurant called Lucky Chin's and was in the middle of meeting the woman who was "attacked" by a ghost in the showers. Sam and Dean were at the fitness center, checking the place out. "I can sense that about you, Candace, that whole...sensitive thing." I said, giving her a fake smile.
"So, what did you say you're calling your book?" She asked me, curiously. "Oh, well, um...Well, the working title is...Supernatural. Yeah, I've been crossing the country, gathering stories like yours. But, anyways, you were telling me about your encounter." I said. "Yes. Well..." Candace said before she let's out a sigh.
"Once I saw the apparition, that's when I started to run." she explained while I noticed a couple kissing at another table. It was a very nerdy-looking guy with, I gotta admit, a very beautiful woman. This just seemed out of place to me, that girl is way outta that guy's league, who the hell did he get her? "And you said the ghost chased you?" I asked her as I snap my attention back to Candace. "Not just that. It knew my name. It kept yelling, Mrs. Armstrong! Mrs. Armstrong! And that's when I hit the stairs and fell." She explained and I furrow my brow in confusion.
"You fell? The ghost didn't push you?" I asked her. "Oh, I don't – I don't know. I mean, I think it did. Maybe." She said, undecided. "Did you feel like it meant to hurt you, like it was violent, or..." I asked her, curiously. "It was a ghost. I'm lucky to be alive. Anyway, I was at the bottom of the stairs, and that's when it got weird." she said before she chuckles. "It helped me up." she said and I give her a confused but intrigued look
"Say again?" I asked her. "Yeah. It helped me up. And it kept saying over and over, Please, don't tell my mom." She said. "Yeah, that's weird." I said as I raise an eyebrow at this. Why would a ghost help this woman? I thought as I write down some notes.
"Well, you boys pick up anything?" I asked Dean and Sam as I meet them on the stairs of the Fitness Center, where Candace had the ordeal with the ghost. "No EMF in the shower or anywhere else. This house is clean." Dean said as he sets aside a newspaper, which I could see the headline saying Local Man Wins $168M Lottery.  "Yeah. I'm not surprised. I kind of got the feeling back there that crazy pushed Mrs. Armstrong down the stairs." I said
"I got to tell you, I'm pretty disappointed." Dean said, in a disappointed tone, and Sam exhales sharply. "You wanted to save naked women." Sam said. "Damn right I wanted to save some naked women." Dean said and I left my leg up and kick Dean in the ass. "Ow!" Dean said and Sam chuckles lightly at this as three boys chase after another boy.
"Come on, guys, get him!"
"I got him! I got him!"
"Run, Forrest, run!" I shouted at the boy before Sam turns to Dean. "Sorry, Dean, but I don't think anything's going on around here." Sam said. "Yeah, I have to agree with Sam." I said just as we hear a man arguing with a police officer.
"How the hell was I supposed to get a look at it? It grabbed me from behind and threw me into a tree!" The man shouts at the officer and Dean took notice of this. "Something's going on." He said and we stand and watch.
"Yeah, okay, Gus. I understand you got shook up. Anyone would be. But don't you think it – Don't you think it had to be a bear?" The officer asked, which angered Gus. "I know a damn bear track when I see one! This thing didn't leave bear tracks! Its feet were huge!" Gus shouts.
"Now, Gus..." the officer said, exasperated, but Gus shouts over him. "It was Bigfoot, Hal – The Bigfoot!" the boys and I exchange looks at this as Hall sighs. "Gus, you're not talking sense here." Hal said. "There's a Bigfoot out there, damn it, and he's a son of a bitch!" Gus shouts and we go over to them.
"Excuse us. FBI." Sam said as he flashes his fake badge to them. "What?" Hal said, confused. "Yes, sir. We're here about the...That." Sam said as he nods at Gus. "About Bigfoot?" Hal asked. "That's right." Sam said then he turns to Gus. "Sir, can you tell me exactly where this happened?" He asked. "Yes, I can." Gus said, proudly.
"What the hell's going on in this town? First there's a ghost that's not real, and now a Bigfoot sighting?" Dean asked as we search the forest area Gus told us about. "Well, every hunter worth his salt knows Bigfoot's a hoax." Sam said. "Well, maybe somebody's pumping LSD into the town water supply." Dean suggests but then I noticed huge tracks.
"Uh, boys..." I said as I run up towards the tracks and stop, the boys follow me and stop as well. "Okay. What do you suppose made that?" Dean asked. "That, uh...is a big foot." I said, lost for words at what I was seeing. I mean, demons, vampires and ghost I understand but Bigfoot? That seems a stretch. "Okay." Sam mutters and we follow the tracks to the back of a liquor store that has been broken into. 
"So, what – Bigfoot breaks into a liquor store, jonesing for some hooch?" Dean asked and I look through the shelves and found an empty shelf with the label of the drink on it. "Amaretto and Irish cream. He's a girl-drink drunk." I remarked as Dean helps himself to a bottle of a drink on the shelves, and puts it into his jacket pocket. 
"Hey. Check this out." Sam calls out and we go over to see him standing in front of the magazine rack to see a specific rack missing. "He took the whole porno rack?" Dean said, shocked. "Well, I'll say it again. What the hell is going on in this town?" He said.
Later, the three of us sit down on a bench outside the store as we try to figure out just what exactly is going on. "I got nothing." Dean said. "It's got to be a joke, right? Some big-ass mother in a gorilla suit?" Sam suggested. "Or it's a Bigfoot. You know, and he's some kind of a alcoholo-porno addict. Kind of like a deep-woods Duchovny." Dean said. "We sure it ain't you and you just don't remember?" I asked Dean, teasingly. "Hey!" Dean said, a bit offended, when a girl on a bike passes us and a Busty Asian Beauties magazine falls to the ground from the box on the bicycle.
"A little young for busty Asian beauties." Dean said and we go and see the girl dropping off a box full of alcohol and porn, along with a note, at the back door of the liquor store. She starts to take off and we follow her home.
"What's this, like a Harry and the Hendersons deal?" Dean asked as I knocked on the door of the house we saw the girl go into. The door opens and the girl answers it. "Hello?" She said. "Hello! Um, could we...You know what? Are your parents home?" I asked her, sweetly. "Nope." The girl replied. "No." I said, confused and taken aback.
"No." Sam and Dean said then Dean clears his throat. "Um...Have you seen a really, really furry..." he tries to explain then the girl gets a worried look on her face. "Is he in trouble?" She asked and the boys and I exchange a look before I speak again.
"No. No, no, no. Not at all." I chuckled. "We just – We wanted to make sure he was okay." I continued and the boys nod. "Exactly." Dean said. "He's my teddy bear. I think he's sick." The girl said. "Wow. Uh...Amazing. 'Cause you know what? We...are, uh...teddy bear doctors." Dean said and this seems brighten the girl's demeanor.
"Really? Can you please take a look at him?" she asked us. "Sure." I said. "Sure. Yeah." Sam and Dean said and the girl let's us in her house.
We follow her inside the house then up the stairs. "He's in my bedroom. He's pretty grumpy." She said then she goes to knock on the door. "Teddy? There's some nice doctors here to see you." She said and she opens the door to reveal a real, big and drunk teddy that is watching television. "Close the friggin' door!" The bear shouts, angrily, and the girl closes the door. "See what I mean?" She asked and the boys and I share a bewildered, shocked and confused look at each other.
"All I ever wanted was a teddy which was big, real, and talked. But now he's sad all the time – not ouch sad, but ouch-in-the-head sad – says weird stuff, and smells like the bus." The girl explains and she sounded really sad and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.
"Okay, um...I'm sorry, sweetie, what's your name?" I asked as I kneel down to her level. "Audrey!" She said. "Audrey. How exactly did your teddy become real?" I asked her. "I wished for it." She replied. "You wished for it?" Sam asked her. "At the wishing well." Audrey said and Dean opens the bedroom door.
Inside, Teddy was watching the news on the TV. "Look at this." Teddy said before he chuckles. "You believe this crap?" He asked as I stand up and Sam and I walk into the room. "Not really." Dean said, still in disbelief at a tall talking teddy bear. "It is a terrible world." Teddy said then he shouts. "Why am I here?!"
"For tea parties!" Audrey shouts at him. "Tea parties? Is that all there is?" Teddy asked, upset, as we hear guns firing on the TV. We step out of the room then turn to Audrey. "Audrey, give us a second, okay?" I said to her and she nods then the boys and I walk out into the hallway.
"Okay. Are we...Should we...Uh, are we gonna kill this teddy bear?" I asked them, in a quiet voice. "How? Do we shoot it, burn it?" Dean asked us, in the same tone. "I don't know. Both?" Sam said, shrugging. "How do we even know that's gonna work? I don't want some giant, flaming, pissed-off teddy on our hands." I whisper-yelled. "Yeah. Besides, I get the feeling that the bear isn't really the, you know, core problem here." Sam said then we go back over to Audrey.
"Audrey. Where are your parents?" I asked her. "My mom wished they were in Bali, so I think they're in Bali." she replied. "Okay, well...I'm really sorry to have to break this to you, but...your bear is sick. Yeah, he's – he's got..." I said trying to think of something but luckily Dean saves my ass.
"Lollipop disease." he said.
"Lollipop disease." I said, nodding. "It's not uncommon for a bear his size. But, see, it's – it’s really contagious." Dean said. "Yeah, so, is there – is there someone, maybe a grown-up, that you can stay with while we treat him?" Sam asked her. "Mrs. Hurley lives down the street." She said. "Perfect." Dean said. "Good, yeah, good. Uh, we'd like you to stay there for a few days, okay?" I said to her. "Okay." She said. "Oh, and, Audrey? Where is this wishing well?" Dean asked her.
Minutes later, we see a boy throws a coin into the fountain and leaves just as we come up on it. "Think it works?" Dean asked us. "Got a better explanation for teddy back there?" I asked him. "Well, there's one way to find out." Dean said as he pulls out a coin.
"What are you gonna wish for?" Sam asked him. "Shh!" Dean said and he throws a coin. "Not supposed to tell." he said and the coin lands in the fountain and not a second later, a guy comes up, holding a bag.
"Somebody order a footlong Italian with jalapeño?" he asked. "That'd be me." Dean said, smiling, as he raises his hand.
After that, we sit at a table, in the Chinese restaurant I was at with Candace, while Dean eats his sandwich. "I think it works, guys. That was pretty specific." He said. "The teddy bear, the sandwich..." Sam lists off. "Mm. I'm guessing this." Dean said as he shows the newspaper article about the lottery winner. "I'm guessing that." I said as I point out the couple at the next table, which was the same one from earlier.
Dean looks over and seems shocked. "Well, that definitely goes on the list." He said as he turns back to us. "What are we supposed to do, huh? Stop people's wishes from coming true? I mean, it sounds like kind of a douche-y thing to do." He said. "Yeah, maybe. But come on, man. When has something like this ever come without a price tag? And usually a deadly one." Sam said. "I don't know. It's a damn good sandwich." Dean said as he takes another bite of his sandwich then noticed mine and Sam's disapproving look.
"All right. Fine. We'll put a hold on the wishing till we figure out what's going on." Dean said just as a waiter comes up to us. "Uh, gentlemen, lady. I'm sorry. We don't allow people to eat outside food here." He said and Dean turns to him.
"Well, I am certainly not gonna eat the inside food here. Health department. You, my friend, have a rat infestation. We're gonna have to shut this place down under emergency hazard code 56C." Dean said as he stands up and holds up a badge. "Rats?!" The waiter exclaimed, confused.
Later, we were able to drain the fountain and I sweep up the coins. "Typical fountain, plaster Buddha. Nothing I can see." I said to the boys. "Yes, nothing. We keep a clean place here." The waiter said, annoyed, then Sam turns to him. "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave during the preliminary investigation, okay? Thank you." He said and the waiter leaves.
Then we all look at the fountain until Dean turns to me and Sam. "Oh, come on. Aren't you two a little bit tempted?" he asked and he flips Sam a coin then flips me a coin. "No." Sam said as he hands the coin back to Dean. "Same but thanks for the coin." I said as I pocket and Dean looks at me as if to say I can't believe you did that and I stick my tongue out at him. "Besides...it wouldn't be real. I wouldn't trust it." I said. "Agreed." Sam said. "I don't know. That bear seemed pretty real." Dean said and Sam and I chuckle.
"Come on, if you could wish yourself back, you know, before it all started...Think about it. You'd be some big yuppie lawyer with a nice car and a white picket fence." Dean said to Sam, who shakes his head. "Not what I'd wish for." He said. "Seriously?" Dean and I said, in unison. "It's too late to go back to our old lives, guys. I'm not that guy anymore." Sam said.
"All right, well, what, then? Hmm? What would Sammy wish for?" Dean asked and Sam glares at the fountain. "Lilith's head on a plate. Bloody." He growls. "Okay." Dean said and I turn my head away. Honestly, I don't blame Sam...I want Lilith dead too. What she did to Dean still haunts me even though now he's standing right here next to me.
Suddenly, I noticed something at the bottom of the fountain. "What is that?" I asked as I point at it. It was the size of a coin but it has some weird markings on it. The boys turn their heads and see where I was pointing.
"Some kind of old coin. I don't recognize the markings." Sam said as Dean tries to pick it up, but couldn't. "Damn." Dean said as he tries to pull again. "Lift with your legs." I said as Dean continues to pull on it. "Is that little mother welded on there? Huh." he asked.
Minutes later, we come back to the restaurant with a hammer and a crowbar. "Hey, hey, hey, what is this?! You are gonna break my fountain!" the waiter exclaims at us. "Sir, I don't want to slap you with a 44/16, but I will." Sam threatens then the waiter leaves us alone. "All right, thanks." He said and we head to the fountain.
"Let me see that. I got an idea." Dean said and I hand him the hammer. He then tries to budge the coin from the fountain, but breaks the hammer. "Damn!" Dean shouts. "Coin's magical." I remarked. "Boy, I'd say. I think it's hoodoo that's protecting the well. I don't think we can destroy this." Dean said then Sam kneels down with a pen and paper and traces the coin and gives the paper to me.
"All right, here. You and Dean got to look into this." he said and he turns away after I take the paper from him. "Where you going?" Dean asked him. "Something just occurred to me." Sam said and he walks away while Dean and I share a look.
Later, Dean and I get back to the hotel when a boy, the one we saw getting chased by the bullies earlier, was now chasing after the same kids. "You better run!" he shouts after the kids then he stops and turns around to us. "You two got a problem?" He asked Dean, confrontational. "What? No." Dean said and I look at the kid. "Easy there, Tiger." I tell the kid then Dean's body jerks a bit and he puts a hand to his stomach.
"Dean?" I said, worried, and I noticed he was trying to hold back something in his mouth. "Oh no." I muttered and I grab his arm and we run into the hotel room. 
*3rd Person POV*
After finding out that a teenage boy wished himself invisible so he could stare at naked women and threatened the boy, Sam comes into the hotel room and hears Dean throwing up in the bathroom. "Dean? You all right?" Sam asked and (y/n) walks out of the bathroom, a hand-towl in hand, and heads to the little kitchen area.
"The wishes turn bad, Sam. The wishes turn very bad." she informs as she wets the rag again. "The sandwich, huh?" he asked. "Yep." She said and she heads back to the bathroom and hands the towel to Dean. "Here, honey. Wipe your face." She said and she turns to Sam.
"The coin was Babylonian. It's cursed. We found some fragments of a legend." She said and, at that moment, Dean gags and pukes in the toilet again. Sam winces at this and (y/n) looks back over at Dean. "I'm good." He croaks as he stays leaned over the toilet and (y/n) kneels down and rubs his back then turns her head to Sam.
"The serpent is Tiamat, which is the Babylonian god of primordial chaos. Dean and I guess their priests were working some serious black magic." She said. "They made the coin?" Sam asked. "Yeah, to sow the seeds of chaos. Whoever tosses a coin in the wishing well, makes a wish, it turns on the well. Then it starts granting wishes to all comers." Dean said as he starts to stand up and wipe his face with the towel (y/n) brought. (Y/n) stands up as well.
"But the wishes get twisted. You ask for a talking teddy..." Sam said and (y/n) nods. "You get a bipolar nut job." she said as they go sit on one of the beds. "And you get E. coli." Sam said, nodding towards Dean who now is standing up. "Mm. This thing has turned more than one town upside down over the centuries. It's even wiped a few off the map. I mean, one person gets their wish, it's trouble, but everybody gets their wish..." Dean explains. "It's chaos." Sam finishes his sentence. "Mm-hmm." Dean and (y/n) said.
"Any way to stop it?" Sam asked them. "Yeah. One way. We got to find the first wisher. Whoever dropped the coin in and made the first wish, they're the only ones who can pull it back out and reverse the wishes." (Y/n) explained, still rubbing Dean's back as he still looked a little unwell. "So for now, we've got a couple of nutso dreams come true, but once the word gets out about the well, things are just gonna get crazier and crazier." Dean said and Sam looks between them.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Dean was asleep, tossing and turning as he usually does, while I was awake doing some research and Sam was getting us some food. "Dean, wake up!" I shout and he wakes up, sitting up very quickly. "What? I'm up. What?" Dean asked and I eyed him. "Sleep well?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said then he drinks from a whiskey bottle on the floor next to the bed. "Tan, rested, and ready." He said and I sighed and slam my hands down on the table.
"Dean, come on, honey. You think I can't see it?" I asked him, angrily. "See what?" He asked as he turns to me. "The nightmares, the drinking. I'm with you 24/7. I know something's going on. And Sam knows something's going on too!" I said. "(Y/n), please." Dean pleads.
"Uriel wasn't lying, but you are. You remember Hell, don't you?" I asked as I stand up and walk towards him. "What do you want from me, huh? What?" Dean asked me, angry, as he spreads his arms out to the sides. "The truth, Dean. I mean, I'm your girlfriend. I love you more than anything. I, I just wish you'd talk to me." I said, desperately. "Careful what you wish for." he said, with sarcasm, and I roll my eyes. "Cute." I sneered.
"Seriously, Dean, we used to talk all the time. But...ever since you came back..." I started to say but Dean talks over me. "Come on, can we stow the couples therapy, huh? We're on a job. I want to work. What do you got?" He said and I stare at him, then I cross my arms across my chest. "Dean..." I plead but he shakes his head. "Please?" He asked me and that's when Sam walks in with our food, then he looks between us. 
"I'm interrupting something, aren't I?" He asked and I sighed. "No, Sam. You're good." I said then I turn to Dean. "Consider the conversation tabled, but not over." I said to him and he sighs, annoyed, while Sam sets the food down and we begin to grab our respective orders.
"So...what were you able to gather, (y/n)?" Sam asked me while Dean turn to the paper after a few minutes of silence. "We got teddy bear, uh, lottery guy, invisible pervert guy. They all must have wished sometime in the last two weeks. But who wished first, and how are we supposed to know who else wished for what when?" I asked Sam then Dean holds up the paper he has.
"Well, it helps when they announce it in the paper. Goes back a month." He said and he sets the paper down and a picture of the couple I've been seeing around with an announcement under the picture. "Wesley Mondale and Ms. Hope Lynn Casey have announced their surprise engagement." Sam reads. "Ah, true love." Dean said, sarcastically, and I chuckle. "Best lead we got." I said.
"Wes! You didn't tell me that you called the florists for the wedding." Hope said as she leads us into hers and Wes' house. "Huh?" Wes said, confused, as he looks up at us. "You're the best! Mmm! Ah!" Hope said as she hugs him and kisses him. "I'm gonna go get my folders." She said as she walks away.
"Uh, o-- Okay." Wes said then he looks up at us. "Wesley, how's it going?" Dean asked him. "It's Wes...ss." he said as he starts to stand up but noticed our gun holsters then he sits back down. "Aren't you the guys from the health department?" He asked us. "Yeah. And florists on the side." Sam said. "Plus FBI." I added. "And on Thursdays, we're teddy bear doctors." Dean said.
"Huh?" Wes said. "Doesn't matter who we are. What matters is what we know." Dean said as I look around the room and noticed some coins on a table. "So, coin collector, huh, Wes?" I asked him. "Oh. Yeah. My...grandfather gave them to me." He said. "Did you happen to lose one of those coins lately? And by lose, I mean drop into a wishing well at Lucky Chin's and make a wish on it?" Dean asked him. "No, I – I don't know what you're, uh, talking about." Wes said, nervously, then Hope comes back with lots of papers and folders.
"Okay, now. I have a lot of ideas, but, you know, we don't have all the money in the world. Wes is between jobs right now. Means more time for me. You know, I'm thinking a Japanese-y ikebana kind of thing." She said, happily, as Wes gets up from his chair. "Yes. I can see it." Dean said. "Yeah. So, Hope, uh, tell us how you two lovebirds met." Sam said to her and she smiles, brightly.
"Oh, best day of my life." She said. "I bet." Dean said, with a hint of sarcasm. "Yeah! It's the funniest thing. We both grew up here, but I never really knew who he was. Not by name anyway. Until one day last month, it was like I just.." she stops then sighs as she smiles, lovingly, at Wes. "I just saw him for the first time. He was just...glowing. Oh, just glowing." She said. "Uh, babe, can you – can you get us some coffee?" Wes asked her. "Yes. Yeah." She said and she kisses Wes over and over. "Oh. Okay. Okay. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh. Mm-mmm, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay." He said in between the kisses. "Yeah." She said and she walks into the kitchen. 
"Wes, we know. So tell us the truth." I tell him and he looks between us then sighs. "My – my grandfather found the coin in north Africa, you know, World War II. And, uh, he brought it back. He, um, he said it was a real wish-granting coin, but that nobody should ever use it. Um...It was all I had, and when he died, I thought, Well, you know what? Why not give the coin a shot?" He explained as he paces across the room. "Yeah, well, now you're gonna wish it back." Sam tells him.
"Oh. Oh. Ha ha, no, I'm not." Wes chuckles. "If you don't stop it, something bad's gonna happen." Dean tells him. "Something bad. Like us." I tell him in a low tone and Wes looks at me, afraid. "We really wish you'd come with us." Dean said.
Minutes later, Dean was driving, beside him is Sam and Wes and I were in the back seat. "I don't get it. So, my wish came true. Why does that have to be a bad thing?" Wes asked us. "Because the wishes go south, Wes. Your town is going insane." Sam explained.  "Come on. You're gonna sit there and tell me that your relationship with Hope is functional, that it's what you wished for?" Dean asked him.
"I wished she would love me more than anything." Wes said. "Yeah, and, uh, how is that going? That seem healthy to you?" I asked him. "Well, it's a hell of a lot better than when she didn't know I was alive." Wes said, annoyed. "You're not supposed to get what you want, man, not like this. Nobody is. That's what the coin does. It takes your heart's desires and it twists it back on you. You hear of the whole, uh, be careful what you wish for?" Dean said.
At that moment, it felt like we hit and ran over something. "Did we just hit something?" I asked the boys. "I didn't see anything." Dean said. "Me either." Sam said. "Careful what you wish for." Wes said, mockingly, then he goes to speak in his normal voice. "You know who says that? Good-looking jerks like you guys, the ones who've got it so easy because you happen to be handsome." Wes said then he looks over at me. "Or pretty."
"Easy?" Sam, Dean and I said. "Yeah. Women – women look at you, right? They notice you. I mean, you got this pretty lady hanging around you." Wes said. "Believe us, we do not have it easy." Sam said. "We are miserable. We never get what we want. In fact, we have to fight tooth and nail just to keep whatever it is we got." Dean said. "But you know what? Maybe that's the whole point, Wes. People are people 'cause they're miserable bastards, 'cause they never get what they really want." I said to him.
"Right, yeah, you get what you want, you get crazy." Sam said. "Take a look at Michael Jackson, hmm? Or Hasselhoff." Dean said. "You know what? Hope loves me now – completely. And it's awesome. Besides, look around. Where's all this, uh, insanity you guys were talking about?" Wes asked, not taking us seriously.
Then we come up to a parking lot and see the bullied boy go up to a car, which had some of the bullies inside of it, and began to lift it. Dean stops the car as we watch this. "Well, that should cover it." Dean said as the boy tips the vehicle over. "Kneel before Todd! Kneel before Todd!" He shouts, maniacally.
*3rd Person POV*
Todd is rocking the vehicle with the boys still inside while Dean gets out of the Impala. "Fine! I'll handle Todd. You two get Wes to Lucky Chin's. Go!" Dean shouts. "Right." Sam said and he drives away as Dean confronts Todd. "Hey, kid! Can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked him. "Get out of my way!" Todd yells and Dean raises his hands up. "Okay. Hey, I can dig it, Todd. It – it's Todd, right? Look, I-I know the score. Okay? They're – they're bullying you." He said.
"Every day. Every day! You do not know what it's like!" Todd yells. "No, no, I don't. But, you know, you're you and I'm me, so—" Dean said before he chuckles a bit. "Couldn't stop them. I couldn't do anything. Then Audrey Elmer told me the wishing well worked." Todd said. "Okay, okay. Look – look, I get it. They're – they're mean little jerks, huh? But they're not superhuman like you. You see, with great power comes great respon..." Dean started to say but then Todd punches Dean and throws him into some garbage cans and trash bags.
Meanwhile, Sam parks in front of the Lucky Chin's and he, (y/n) and Wes get out. "That – that – that kid turned over that car like – like it was nothing." Wes said, shocked. "You should have seen the teddy bear." (Y/n) said to him. "Now, come on. Fun's over. Time to pull the coin." Sam said but Wes doesn't budge.
"Wes!" Sam and (y/n) said. "Well, why can't we just get what we want?!" Wes asked, angrily. "Because that's life, Wes." Sam said then, suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes Sam and (y/n) and they fall over dead.
Wes jumps at this then he heads into the restaurant, where he sees Hope standing in front of the well. "Hope?" He said, shocked, and she turns to him. "I had to do it, didn't I? They were gonna make you wish away our love." She said. 
Back at the parking lot, Dean gets up from the garbage. "Hey, kid! I didn't want to have to do this." he said and he punches Todd, who doesn’t move. "Ohh!" Dean said then Todd puts a hand around Dean’s throat and starts to choke him.
"You wished a man and a woman dead?" Wes asked, horrified. "I love you more than anything." Hope said. "Stop saying that. Stop it!" Wes shouts as he walks up to her and places his hands on her shoulders. "But I do. More than anything. More than me. More than life. Oh, Wes. Don't hate me." Hope said, her voice breaking. 
Wes looks her over for a few moments then goes to hug her, he realizes what he must do. "It'll be okay. I'll make it okay. It's gonna be okay." He mutters to her and he removes the coin from the fountain, reversing all the wishes. Todd isn't strong anymore and lets Dean go while Sam and (y/n) wake up. 
Todd looks upset now that his powers weren't working but Dean looks at him. "Okay. Follow my lead and you won't have a problem. Come on." he said then Dean throws himself up against another vehicle in front of for bullies. "Okay, man, no more! No more, okay?" Dean said, pretending to be scared of Todd. Then he turns to the kids. "I wouldn't mess with this kid any more if I were you." He said and he walks away. 
"Hope." Wes said as he pulls away from Hope, who looks at him as if she doesn't recognize Wes. "Do I know you?" She asked him. He stands there and shakes his head then she leaves. A moment later, a dejected Wes walks outside of the restaurant and gives the coin to Sam then leaves. "Poor guy...kinda feel bad for him." (Y/n) said, sympathetically, and Sam nods a bit.
*(y/n)'s POV*
I was reading the local newspaper which had the headline saying: Winning Lottery Ticket A Fake, when I see Audrey walking past, followed by her sunburned parents. She was now carrying a normal-sized teddy with a hole in his head and a sticking plaster on it. She smiles and waves at me and I wave back at her as Sam comes up to me and Dean.
"Well, uh, coin's melted down. It shouldn't cause any more problems." He said. "Audrey's parents are back from Bali." I said. "Looks like all the wishes are gone. And so are we." Dean said and we began to leave. "Hang on a second." Dean said and Sam and I stop and turn to Dean. "What?" We asked him.
"You guys were right." He said. "About what?" I asked him. "I shouldn't have lied to you two. I do remember everything that happened to me in the Pit. Everything." Dean said and my eyes widen at this. "So tell us about it." Sam said.
"No." Dean said, firmly, and Sam and I give him confused looks. "Uh..." Sam mutters. "What?" I asked. "I won't lie anymore. But I'm not gonna talk about it." Dean replied. "Dean, look, you can't just shoulder this thing alone. You got to let us help." I said as I gesture between me and Sam.
"How? Do you really think that a little heart-to-heart, some sharing and caring, is gonna change anything? Hmm? Somehow...heal me? I'm not talking about a bad day here." Dean said. "We know that." Sam said. "It could help with the nightmares you're having, Dean." I said and Dean shakes his head at me.
"The things that I saw...there aren't words. There is no forgetting. There's no making it better. Because it is right here..." he said and he taps his head. "...forever. You two wouldn't understand. And I could never make you two understand. So I am sorry."
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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yaeggravate · 6 months
Theory: Kaeya's Mom is a Scion of Nabu Malikata
you know it's funny how we've gotten zero information about the other half of kaeya's family… unless??
warning: slight crack
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Kaeya: According to the merchant I bought it from, mysterious spirits called Jinn often live in lamps like this, and this lamp in particular once housed a very powerful Jinni.
in kaeya's hangout, we are gifted a mysterious lamp. kaeya says the merchant who sold it to him claims it once housed a powerful jinni. this lamp is called Mysterious Lamp of Fate Ordained. (remember this.) kaeya then explains what the jinn are as if he just discovered brand new information which is odd because kaeya has told klee a story about a jinni trapped in a lamp before.
aforementioned story is a reference to the story of The Fisherman and the Jinni from One Thousand and One Nights and also to the in-game book The Shepard and the Magic Bottle, a four star quest item that permanently stays in your inventory.
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both stories concern a jinni being freed from a magic bottle upon which they grant three wishes. curiously, kaeya uses the last wish of the in-real-life story instead of the game's. in his version, the jinni gets trapped, in the book of the game, the jinni stays freed.
Kaeya: He said to the Jinni, "Wait, how could your massive body fit inside such a small bottle? I won't ever believe it unless I see with my own eyes!" The Jinni became angry, and said, "Mwahaha. Foolish boy, you dare question my powers!?" The Jinni then returned inside the bottle and the boy swiftly sealed it shut.
The Shepard and the Jinni The young man hesitated for a moment, and asked the last question. "What's it like to live in a bottle?" Seemingly having never heard of such a question before, the spirit was slightly surprised before she answered slowly.
strangely enough, it's not the first time kaeya has been connected to lamps. in the furniture description for Trusty Portable Lamp he went around telling children that the souls of fireflies are trapped inside lamps.
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No thanks to the Cavalry Captain's jests, a rather morbid children's tale exists in Mondstadt concerning these lamps. The nuns have had to explain to the kids that no, these lanterns do not contain the imprisoned souls of fireflies.
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furthermore, his ascension material is The Spirit Locket of Boreas. probably just another coincidence but nothing can ever be taken for granted when it involves this guy. perhaps all of these strange associations with imprisoned spirits is foreshadowing something bigger, who knows.
still, in the context of his hangout, kaeya's gift being a lamp is actually pretty random compared to gifts of other companions.
so i started thinking, the play and the intaglio showed us his ties to the alberich clan while the other routes showed his ties to mondstadt so it stands to reason that we should have hints towards the unknown maternal side of his family right? could this be the lamp?
before we dive into crack territory let me explain what the jinn are first. they're spirits born from night-blue water lilies that were nourished by nabu malikata's blood. jinn can take the appearance of blobs like dori's spirit or that of humans, and they can even reproduce with them as seen with everyone's most behated lamp, liloupar.
we have no idea how kaeya seemingly dodged the curse but what if he was blessed by a jinni? maybe someone made a contract with a jinni and this is how he's able to age normally. it could even be connected to his lucky coin that can land on any side he wishes. if guoba can be a stove god, it's not too far-fetched to think the coin could house some kind of spirit.
Kaeya: Of course, this whole arrangement hinges on a preexisting amount of trust between the two of us. I can't just get any strange coins to listen to me.
also, liloupar said something interesting about jinn being able to take someone's pain away from them:
Jeht: Can Jinn feel pain too? Liloupar: The Jinn have little need for a vessel, and even less need for senses. But should we begin to connect with others… Then we will take from them their pain… Even should we not comprehend the source of it.
who knows, perhaps this could even extend to a curse.
moving on to the good stuff:
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these tcg cards show an unknown woman wearing the Vourukasha's Glow artifact set that is associated with nabu malikata. her outfit resembles nilou's outfit, which is modeled after nabu malikata's, but is noticeably lacking the horns nabu malikata was said to have.
the description for this card is Scions of Khvarena, which means that this lady is most likely just a follower or heir of nabu malikata.
(however, columbina, who is very likely to be a seelie survivor like nabu malikata, has bits of dark pink hair and is also lacking the horns, meaning we can't exactly determine that this woman isn't nabu malikata.)
in any case, the loading screen for khvarena is also called Scions of the Khvarena and it tells us something interesting: that khvarena can dwell inside humans.
Scions of the Khvarena Thanks to the nourishment of the Amrita, the Khvarena split apart to manifest countless forms. Some can find themselves dwelling within individual humans, while others might develop an awareness of their own…
khvarena are spirits that can purify abyssal corruption. they were created by nabu malikata. another interesting bit of trivia is that khvarena used to be localized as Soul Light.
taking a gander here but what if this lady and other human heirs of the khvarena are people who have the khvarena inside of them? i have actually speculated about this before that kaeya's mother might have had khvarena inside of her which ended up neutralizing or suppressing kaeya's curse.
you see, khvarena can reverse the effects of the abyss. and it was said that the oasis could cure all ills. though i should add, it probably isn't very effective on khaenri'ahns who are already cursed, as we've seen with dainsleif who was actually there recovering at the amrita pool but is still zombified.
(khvarena is green energy, and what i found curious is that the lamp kaeya gives you actually emits green smoke when you touch it. kaeya's favorite drink is death after noon, which is green due to the absinthe within. in literature, absinthe is known as The Green Fairy...)
to me, the most intriguing part is that khvarena is based on khvarenah, the divine royal glory.
Khvarenah is an Avestan word for a Zoroastrian concept literally denoting "glory" or "splendour" but understood as a divine mystical force or power projected upon and aiding the appointed. The neuter noun thus also connotes "(divine) royal glory", reflecting the perceived divine empowerment of kings. The term also carries a secondary meaning of "(good) fortune"; those who possess it are able to complete their mission or function.
when you read this, does it not remind you of kaeya's character? we all know by now that kaeya is associated with nobility/royalty, and good fortune (with his lucky coin and some of his dialogue).
Mona: Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur… and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.
we don't know what kaeya's name is derived from, but it could be from the legendary Kayanians, who were also said to possess khvarenah!
anyway, back to the scions, i think it's possible that the following tribes are the scions of khvarena.
The matriarchs of the Tanit, Uzza, Shimti, and other tribes besides all refer to themselves as "Daughters of the Flower Goddess."
the Flower Goddess is nabu malikata who also calls the khvarena daughter of flowers, meaning these tribes are very likely to be the scions.
"My Khvarena, daughter of flowers…"
and like the lady on the card, matriarch babel of the tanit tribe has light pink hair.
(though, as a reminder, unbeknownst to her, babel was not actually born into the tanit tribe so we can't use her as a reference as she most likely did not have the blessing of khvarena, which is what i suspect is the reason she had to use poor JEHT.)
unfortunately, there's zero information about the other two tribes but shimti caught my eye here.
Ashima was a West Semitic goddess of fate related to the Akkadian goddess Shimti ("fate"), who was a goddess in her own right but also a title of other goddesses such as Damkina and Ishtar. 
shimti means fate!!!
mysterious lamp of fate ordained!!!!
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peacock accessories, gold accents and dead mom sidebraid!!!!
Traveler: I never knew you could inherit eye patches. Kaeya: My! (Traveler), how could you not know such common knowledge! This is no different from children inheriting their hairstyle from their parents!
kaeya last name shimti REAL you heard it here first-
ok you can laugh now but wouldn't it be nice if kaeya's mom turned out to be a pretty pink haired lady who is a descendent of nabu malikata? i think it would be nice 😌.
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Being Thor's best friend + Týr's Fiance part 2
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Reader: female | Thor x sister-in-law Reader (Platonic)| Týr x reader (romantic eventually)
Notes: you guys liked the last one so heres the second part!, Freyr also comes in! So cool! Also týr heavy, not much thor this time! Sorry
Warnings: bitchy moms bitchy moms oh so bitch moms
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If you fully honest
You didnt remember what happened when you woke up the next day in bed with you sketch book and a few pages spewed on the bed with yourself and a pencil
You felt a large hand, an unfamiliar large hand fall on your shoulder as you stay fake sleeping, a blanket being brought further up your body as your hair was swipped back for comfort and that was all.
You hadnt even been changed out your outfit of last night.
You sat up
"I did not wish to wake you." Týr spoke, Y/n's sketch book in his hand, setting it on the desk.
"Oh...thank you." Y/n spoke softly.
"You are tired still. I would be as well." Týr chuckled, "we had quiet the night."
Y/n was silent looking around, "You take your work very seriously."
Y/n nodded, oh, drilling another project she supposed, picking up one of the left over sketches some quick, other's well consumed on time.
"Ah....I was having trouble with the beard..." Y/n responded looking over the sketch, "I uh. Was never too good at draw braids."
"I had heard of your work prior, I am certainly impressed."
Y/n nodded, "thank you. Its an ever-growing skill."
Y/n looked at the other pages casually, he watching her intently.
"Uh...yes?" Y/n asked nervously.
"Oh. Breakfast?"
"Uh. Sure..." Y/n responded.
He had brought you breakfast in bed
Thats awfully nice
"Do you enjoy it?"
"Yes. Its good." Y/n spoke, "did you make it?"
He made it indeed.
Still you feel akward eating lunch with this man.
Its a rough start, the trying to get to know you part
He figures, once he starts getting you to talk, you wont be able to stop
Its true in a way, you enjoyed talking about your pass time, and he enjoyed listening.
But besides that you didnt open up much.
"You and Thor are good friends."
"Since we were kids."
"It's nice then. To return after your long journey to friends."
Y/n looked down into her bowl, "I was on a journey. Is that what they told?"
"You're own mother-"
"She's just as bad as your father." Y/n complained, "Both compulsive liars."
"Misery is good company they say."
That caused her to chuckle, he wasnt wrong.
He likes your smile, and you enjoy his witty humor.
You could atleast be friends it seemed like, he's kind, and carring. Good sense of humor.
Also he wasnt like your mother so big plus
Deep deep deep down, you know that you could of become friends with Týr on your own if you werent forced to marry him.
You guys kinda are forced to spend the day together
You both do try and see the postive, but the postive would you not having to wear a dress, so you didnt and came out looking like a bad ass bitch.
So you spend your day together, mostly walking, and sitting, and talking.
Until kids run up to you
"You bested Thor!" One cheered, "me and my sister are gonna be Valkyires! We wanna be like you!"
"Yeah you were so cool!"
"The first male Valkyire?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah!" They cheered, "The Valkyire twins!"
Y/n chuckled, "Well. I am no Valkyire. But. I know a few. And Im sure one day you'll both best the best."
"Come on! Lets go tell mom!"
And they ran off together with happy goodbyes.
Cute. Kids are cute, sometimes
"You're good with them."
"Kids?" Y/n asked, "truth me told I still think Im one myself"
He likes that your comfortable
And you both contuine your talking
It doesn't last long, a charge of kids come at you
"Can boys really be Valkyires!?"
"I wanna be a Valkyire!"
"Me too!"
"Lets battle!"
"Yeah! Come on! If we beat you! We're sure to be Valkyires!"
Oh what have you done
Týr's laughing as a group of kids gang up on you
You have no choice but the crumble
They've resorted to tickling you now
But you wont let them win and chase them causing them to laugh and run.
He thinks it's really an eye opener to see how you are
Plus he thinks its really cute you with kids
Though he doesn't feel like its his place to ask your opinion on kids
Luckily you go through most of the walk without intruption
His talks of peace and all, really intrest you, he knows peace can brought on even without war.
You wish nothing but to agree with him, but you know how cruel people can be, he knows but still sees the postivey in them all.
You suppose no one wants to see there parents in that light, even the worst of them.
Changing the subject he ask what you'd like to do.
Your tempted to say drinking contest.
But end up saying drawing.
He'll admit he's not the best artist, but would love to contuine to spend the time with you
He's expecting a table, just drawing whatever you remember.
Not well. The adventure that comes with it
Climbing on the sea side cliffs, a dangerous but exilerating adventure.
Sure your both shuffling along but soon your jump from one cliff to another and he's worried you'll fall.
He soon learns this isnt your first rodeo, nor second. It's like you were born into this.
"Here we are," y/n spoke, hoping down onto the pebbly beach, "our subject matter and dinner."
Its a two in onw for sure, catching fish and drawing, intresting idea but for sure something he wouldnt mind doing again.
So you both sit together throughout the sunset and until the night takes over.
It wasnt so bad spending time with one another
You best be sure ya'll spendt the night on that beach.
The next morning you woke up on the beach, warm, and happily swaddled in large arms.
Tempted to go back to bed and temptation wins
You simply roll over and go back to sleep.
You wake up later in a bed.
How much later on you don't know, but you wake up alone and covered in thick blankets.
Sitting up you get out off bed, you're chlothes have been changed.
Your hair braided back for comfort
"You're up."
She came over with a pot in hand, setting it on the bedside.
"Týr explained to me you were cold to the touch, he was afraid of any sickness." She explained, "thats what happens when you spend your night on a beach shoeless. Do you feel ill?"
"Oh. Uh. No. Im fine." Y/n told, "thank you."
She nodded, "drink this. For security."
Freya poured Y/n a cup, she thankful and took it.
"How are you two getting along?"
"We're fine....I still dont think of him as..."
"A partner?"
Y/n nodded, "Suppose I am selfish-"
"Its arranged. It's normal to feel such a way. With your conditions especially."
You were quiet as you drank your tea. So Freya knew about what happened to you...
She talks to you a bit more about Týr mostly, and you answer the best you could
Your little "date" with him yesterday didnt go bad after all
"He cares very much about you already. He finds you liberating."
"Whats that suppose to mean?"
"You dont find too many Aesir with hearts tainted that still hold true to there holder."
With that she leaves you, and Thor is walking in.
"I heard a colds the one kick your arse."
"Oh please." Y/n complained, "Come for another ass beatin then?"
"Can't I check on ny friend?"
Y/n shook her head playfully, drinking her tea looking out the nearby window.
"Its good to have you back."
Y/n looked his way, "its nice to be back. Within reason. Cant stand to look at your father or my mothers face for two fuckin seconds."
He laughs at that, and so do you
Its the truth in full honesty.
You cant balme him. Its fucking funny
Yet its all cut short when your mother walks in.
You manage to shoo thor away, as she closes the door behind him.
She received silence, "Have you slept with him child?"
Y/n sipped her tea.
"Have you fucked thor."
"How the fuck am i suppose to sleep with Thor?" Y/n argued, "He's my friend-"
"What does your husband think about this-"
"He likes my fun." Y/n growled, "and he's not my husband."
"He will be within days time."
"He will be within days time."
"Dont you dare mock me. What are you? Five?"
"Oh please a five year old has more balls and intergerity than you'll ever have." Y/n argued.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving Y/n to her own devices.
Gladly you were by yourself, with your sketch book on the bed side.
You grab it and look through it looking through yesterday sketches.
The pebble beach was the peice of the day, and some pages included small things you found along the way, a small crab, some seaweed, the fire you two had made
And you had even tried sketching Týr a few times, small portraits
Final you decide to get out of bed and get dressed.
You make your way around, finding Týr talking with Sif.
"I'll leave you to it then."
"Sif hey."
"Y/n." She smiled with a quick bow of the head in acknowledgement, "I'll leave you to be."
Y/n watched her leave, "I am glad you are feeling better.
She looked up at Týr and smiled small, "just cold feet it all. You two talking bout smart people stuff?"
"Uh. A book." He responded.
"Which one?"y/n asked trying to make conversation, "Im assuming there is no war in it?"
It went silent, she confused and raised an eyebrow, "you good?"
"I apologize for lying to you." He started.
"I was rather asking how to woo you. You seem great friends with Thor, I suppose me and Sif are much more alike in that aspect of partner ship."
Y/n laughed it a cute sentiment: "very thoughtful of you. You want...an opinion? I would consider myself an expert."
"Very much I would."
"be yourself." Y/n smiled softly up at him, " but dont be afraid to ak me the hard questions. I can take em."
He chuckled, a smooth lightheared sound, "then may I ask: would we have been lovers on a diffrent path? One that is not arranged."
Y/n hummed, "i suppose blunt honesty is how I woo you?"
"Most certainly," he smiled, his fingeds coming up to tilt her chin up.
Despite his large form he was soft, and careful, and his touch could make anyone melt.
"I don't know." Y/n answered finally, "Truth be told Im surpised we even get along on the path we're currently on."
"And why do you say that?"
"I did beat your brothers ass at the accounment dinner."
Týr chuckled once more, "I believe that is what started our friendship."
You could only smile at him.
Then realized what the fuck was happening: your sharing your feelings, your open, your melting at a simple chin lift.
Your....developing a crush kinda sort off...
Oh fuck no
So you pull away, telling him you should...go...and well do something
You dont exactly know what your doing but your running away basically
To do what? To hide from your feelings
Top ten places to hide is the wheat farms especially when there ready to be harvested and its all tall.
Soon enough who you thought was Freya comes along with a baby dragon.
"Looks like we have a guest. Y/n? Right?"
"Im Freyr. Freyas brother."
"Oh. Nice to meet you."
He took a seat without a care, commented on the sky and got to chatting right away, the baby dragon coming into your lap to play
"Ready for the big day?"
"Eh. No one ever is."
"I dont want to marry him." Y/n complained, "not now."
"Well then dont." Freyr spoke, "its that easy isnt it?"
"Unfortunately not." Y/n responded.
"Well why not?" He asked, she shrugged.
"Just. Isnt..."
"But you do wanna marry him?"
"Well. No."
"You said not now."
"I can see why Freya is the one that does all the talking,"
"Ooo, ouch." He hissed, "Someone got a little defensive."
"Is there a point? To your madness?"
"Theres always a point to madness is there not? Madness is what makes the world move forward."
"You are confusing."
"Thanks." He smiled settling down in the wheat, his body relaxed with the sun casting down on him, "lay back would you? Your blocking the sun."
Y/n sighed and scooted over allowing the sun to hit him, she just stared at him.
"You gonna ask me a question? Or ya gonna sit there and stare? I know Im beautiful."
Y/n sighed, "what happens if I do love him? I do marry him? My mother wins..."
"Ah yes. I hate her just as much as you do."
"You do?"
"Mhm. My sister and her got into it. While back." Freyr explained, "she hurt her is all I can say. Nasty blow out really."
"So I let her win?"
"From what I know of her she likes control, your out here. Sitting in a feild with another man. And a dragon." Freyr explained turning on his side, "has Týr expressed anything he likes about you to you? I know he has to Freya. Its yap yap yap since the moment he saw you. Yap Y/n Yap Y/n. Did you know Y/n draws? Yap yap yap. Just like that."
Y/n chuckled, the baby dragon gumming on her hand: "I suppose he does like that Im me...without my mother."
"Hm." Freyr hummed, "your mothers miserable anyways. Fuck it, do what you want. What makes you happy."
Y/n hummed in thought, "cheese sounds like it, it would make me happy right now."
Freyr looked at her, "that does sound good."
And thats how you became friends with Freyer, eating cheese outside the meed hall.
Your laughing with him, talking about things: life
Hes talking about his home realm, the beauty of it even inviting you to come
"Hey maybe you'll come on Honeymoon"
"Oh please."
You guys talk until night has long ago fallen.
So late that you hand over the dragon to him because it fell asleep when you part diffrent ways.
You return back to your room being quiet as possible, your sure everyones asleep at this hour.
Týr had fallen asleep with a book in your shared bed
You were quick to change into your bedware, quietly at that too, doesnt help you tripped over your own shoes
You grabbed the book from the bed and marked it for him putting it off to the side as he had many times for her.
Then carefully climbed over him, to find yourself a spot beside him before falling asleep.
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cosmobrain00 · 15 days
wanna talk about your ocs some moreee? (plsplsplsplsplsplspls)
DO I. vibrating at incredibly high frequencies rn what better place to start than once again w the yarrow siblings bc WOW. THEY DRIVE ME NUTS!! like. for example ive been thinking of bella again more recently n feel incredibly sick ovr it all, ik I briefly mentioned sm stuff abt her before BUT? shes actually this eldest sister of all time guys n let me explain:
where to even begin. she was the first of her parent's eventual "failures", while being graced w gen love n kindness at first from them they quickly grew "tired" of her n she could never understand why. one day they were indulging her whims, pinching her cheeks n letting her come everywhere w them, n the next she was tugging at her mother's skirt hem n her fathers hand asking to be picked up n they only tiredly looked at her this time n told her to "stop being fussy" n that was that. when she heard they were having another kid it felt like she was being "replaced" n her chest hurt so bad and her eyes welled up n she ended up running to her room n slamming the door n crying into her pillow bc she just wanted her parents back n knew that now she'd really never get to have them again. when her baby brother was finally born tho, her mother made her hold him n at first bella only frowned sullenly down at him bc really- this is what they were replacing her with? but something inexplicable softened inside of her against her will when he softly smacked his little fist against her chest n ended up snuggling closer to her, n she ended up walking around the house simply carrying him for a while until he fell asleep so her mom could rest. when they eventually realized there was something wrong w myer- that being his near inability to see pretty much anything- suddenly he wasnt their cute kid anymore he was something that was "too much work" bc of this, n so what do they do? they pawn him off on bella of course, n u can guess how well that goes over. not only have they replaced her but now they've turned her into myers sole caretaker pretty much bc theyre gone so much of the time (AT AGE 8 MIND YOU.) once, bella shut the door in myers face n told him to go away, only to open it hours later n see him sitting right outside fiddling w the carpet in the dark. she felt so guilty tht she started crying n hugged him close n said she was sorry over n over. like she really felt like he “took” her parents love at first, but now? it feels like he's simply in the same boat as her n she has no choice but to step up for him bc if not her then who else. tht doesnt mean she still didnt struggle w him, far from it in fact, but while she has these mixed emotions, she also knows that despite myer not being able to see her much, whenever he hears her voice its enough to bring him running from the opposite end of the house to her n that means something to her. AND I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO KEITH N LORELEI YET THE FUCK OF IT ALLLLL. when bella once AGAIN hears tht her mom is having another kid, TWINS this time she nearly loses it because she simply doesnt understand why both her n myer arent good enough n why theyve been discarded. when keith n lorelei arrive ofc its only a matter of time bf theyre all but pushed onto bella to take care of, n shes so so tired at this point but she simply steels herself n accepts bc she wont allow them to be abandoned. keith is a sullen little brat who's too angry so much of the time but she understands bc shes like that too deep down still. lorelei nearly never sleeps n her n keith cause so much trouble tgt but shes also the one to hug bellas leg n tell her she loves her no matter if they just fought or not. n bella may feel bitter but she'll still read them the books she found at the dump at night n listen to them all n let them pull on her apron n whine when shes trying to make things n like. they annoy her so much she wishes her parents never had them she doesnt know how to live without them now she'd do anything to protect her broken little family she wouldnt know what to do if she lost any of them, n all of these feelings just explode when the draft comes n her parents abandon them all n now its officially her turn to be the head of their fam. do not even get me started on bella being the one to go to the war in place of myer either bc I will not stop SOMEBODY SEDATE MEEEEE
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rosze-v · 2 years
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you're my four leaf clover
pairing: Sano Manjirou x Reader
tw: fluff, everyone is alive, Mikey is a soft soft boy, in love Mikey, Husband!Mikey, Mikey is a business owner with all the Toman members, don’t worry the business is good
w.c : 1k
a/n: Halu! I can’t get over Tokrev boys like asgasha, they’re so adorable bro. Mikey is my fav from Tokrev ever since the start, like I just wanna give this man a hug. I wish in a different timeline, Mikey will be able to experience this with his s/o. I wish all of them stay alive and stay happy. Anyway! I hope you guys like it! I think this one is one of my favs cause I really hope I’ll be able to experience it myself one day. Have an amazing day loves!
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You were reading a book and sipping on a warm cup of coffee, brew to perfection the way you like it. The candle you lit smell amazing, surrounding the living room you’re in. The sofa somehow felt a bit comfier than ever, your body sinking down in it a little deeper and everything feel almost perfect.
You picked up your phone, scrolling through the list of songs and then you saw a playlist your husband made you. Smiling to yourself, you press shuffle on the playlist, letting the music blare out of the speaker of your living room. You were deep into your reading when you heard the door to your husband’s office open up. Slowly, you rise up from the couch and saw your beautiful husband in all of his glory.
His blonde hair tied back to a man bun, black shirt clung into his body, you could feel yourself warm at the thought of hugging him. You always love hugging him, his warmth and the sense of comfort he gave you was always a delight. He was looking around, searching for you and when he saw you, his face exploded into a beautiful happiness, especially for you. His smile reaches his eyes, and the way he calls your name softly melts your whole body.
“What are you doing love?”. He asked, sitting down beside you and pulling you to his side as he strokes your hair, softly.
You smile as you answer. “Just reading a book baby, you’re done with your work?" His smile falters from his face as he grumbles.
“I can’t do it anymore, its annoying to take care of paperwork.” His scowl before turn into a mischievous smile as you squint your eyes in knowing.
“I asked Draken to do it”. Mikey said, rather proudly. You gently slap his chest and pinch his cheek as you say. “You know you can’t just give it to Draken right? You’re the boss you know.”
You could see a pout forming on his puffy lips as he mutters. “But I don’t wanna do it anymore. Draken’s good at it ‘nyways.” You shake your head and laughed at your husband’s antic.
“Well, Draken is good at everything Manjirou.” He nodded as he pulls you into his lap, holding your arms tight and letting your head fall on his shoulder. He turns his head to face you, his eyes looking down at you and another gentle smile on his face appears. He kissed your forehead as he whispers.
“Besides, I’m missing you so much already.” Your lips curve into a small smile as you answer with a kiss on his neck. The both of you stay like so while listening to the music and at times, you could hear Mikey hums to the music. His hand would rub up and down your arms while his other hand holds your hand tight, circling his thumb on your knuckles. Mikey has always been affectionate to you physically, even the early days of you dating him, hugging and cuddling is important to him.
Sometimes the Toman members would even jest at the both of your antics, telling the both of you to get a room but really, it was just the way it is. Though the Toman members would joke about you and Mikey, they always told you how glad they are that you’re with Mikey. You remembered a conversation you had with Draken, specifically on how glad he is to have you.
“You know, you should give yourself some credit for being Mikey’s girl.” You were munching on some crackers when Draken suddenly breaks the silence.
“What you mean bro?”. You asked, curious on why Draken and the others keep on telling you how grateful they are for you.
“You keep him sane. You keep him grounded and trust me bro, if you’re not with Mikey, he would be in the worse state.” You were staring at Draken now, who’s folding Mikey’s clothes.
“I'm- no, we’re really grateful that you love Mikey so much, that you were able to make him feel so much love. Thank you, really, for taking care of him.” You nodded as you promise him, that you’ll love him for a very long time.
You were going to fall asleep when Japanese Denim play on the speaker. Suddenly, you were lifted up and Mikey stood you up.
“What are you doing baby?”. He grins at you as he takes the both of your hands and wraps it around his neck. His hand then went over to your waist, as he gently sways the both of you to the music. Your face warms at his gesture, Mikey has always been so romantic and this is one of his favourite things to do.
“I wanna dance with my beautiful lover”. He whispers, you could see his face tinge with pink as you chuckle. You give him a peck on his lips, his soft lips moulding perfectly on yours. As you were going to lay your head on his shoulder, he pulls your face back and give you another kiss, deeper this time.
Your body and his flush tight together, the warm you felt before become much hotter. You place a hand on his cheek, pressing into his lips again in which he parts his slightly, allowing you to take it further. The coffee you had before tasted sweeter and when you felt that breathing becomes almost impossible, the both of you gently unlatch from each other. You could see his eyes fluttering opens slowly, clearly still in a daze. You run your thumb on his lips, his eyes now staring into yours, your chest swells with love and admiration for this beautiful man.
“I love you Mikey.” You whisper softly, letting the both of your body continue to sway to the music again.
“And I love you so much more baby, my four-leaf clover.” He admits as he softly sang to you, forehead touching against each other.
“I’m so in love, so in love”.
“forever’s a long time”.
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faegoddessog · 11 months
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 33/41
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Chapter 33: Overwhelm in the Stars
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, fellatio, fingering, forced orgasm, unprotected PiV( play safy ya'll )
Series Masterlist 
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 33: Overwhelm in the Stars
Special thanks to @purejasmine who partially inspired the action in this Chapter!
April turns into May and temperatures start to drop. Which you find bizarre being from the northern hemisphere. But as long as you don’t think about the month, the fall is quite lovely and mild. Restrictions ease, Austin takes to walking the beach, listening to Elvis in his headphones. Sometimes you go with him, holding hands on the relatively deserted beaches. You like to find a spot to paint or read while he wanders for a couple hours. It always makes you giggle to see people’s reaction to him when he is practicing Elvis’ words or sounds. The best one by far was Elvis’ laughter. He was on his way back to you, laughing, stopping, listening, laughing again. As you watched, one guy with a surfboard walked by him, then turned around and gave him the funniest look. You just cracked up, Austin barely noticed at the time, but turned red when you told him about it. 
Even though the situation is a bit scary and tedious at times, it has been kind of magical to have Austin all to yourself. Well, you share him with Elvis, but that doesn’t really bother you. Honestly it’s good that he has something to focus on.
You begin to email and text with Rita about her kitchen in Greece, getting roughly sketched floor plans and pictures and researching potential materials and construction regulations for the area.  You enjoy planning and sketching all old school with graph paper, cuz you got nuthin’ but time! 
June rolls in and, like the rest of the world, you are starting to get restless with the sameness of  every day. He still wakes up early, still asks to slide into you often. Sex has been nice, but routine. 
He comes out of his office room early one afternoon and firmly shuts the door. 
“Kitten, I need a break.” he says seriously, knife-handing for emphasis.
You look up at him from the couch where you are reading a book with big eyes. Does he mean from you? from Elvis? What did you do? What did you not do? What is happening? Your heart is beating in your ears. Why the fuck are you reacting this way? 
“I uh… Oh… Okay,” your voice stammers, frightened. Be cool, you said no hard feelings, shit, shit, shit. 
“Don’t let me go in that room for like a week,” he says, rubbing his eyes, head down. He has not noticed your panicked reaction. 
You feel like a deer in headlights, it takes a few seconds to understand what he said. 
He blinks down at you, probably expecting some kind of reaction. 
“OH!” you let out a shuddering breath you didn’t realize you were holding, hand partially covering your face, “I thought…. ” your voice sounds so small. 
He looks at you in confusion, then realization dawns on his face. 
“Oh baby no! Shit I’m sorry hunny! Not from you, not from us, from Elvis!” He closes the gap between you in two long strides, sitting down next to you and pulling you close to him. Tears you didn’t know were holding in spill out.
“I don't want to do this without you, baby,” he strokes your hair as you bury your face in his chest. ”No, no we are good…. Are we good?” he asks, suddenly looking down into his chest at you.
 “Stupid inadequacy issues,” you puff out, shaking your head. You look up at his concerned face, with tear streaked cheeks and sniff. 
“Oh Kitten, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking. That’s what I mean, I’ve not been thinking about anything other than Elvis for too long. And you’ve been amazing and I’ve just been obsessed. That’s what I need a break from,” his words tumble out, trying to reassure you. His thumb wipes away your tears, he kisses your forehead. 
You take a big breath in, blowing it out, nodding your head. Apparently, you hadn't realized how deeply intertwined you two have become, when just the passing idea of him leaving brings you to tears. You are more upset that it affected you like this than you are about the misunderstanding. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I immediately jumped to that conclusion. This whole lockdown thing has me all….” you stick your tongue out to the side and roll your eyes.  You look in each other's eyes for the space of two heartbeats. You start sniggering at your own ridiculousness, holding your hand over your mouth. He chuckles and shakes his head, holding you to his chest. 
“Oh Kitten, I love you. I feel like I’ve been neglecting you and you’ve been so patient and caring,” he says, “and don’t tell me I’ve not been, cuz it’s how I feel. ” 
“Ok,” you say simply. 
“I wish I could take you out on a date, or lavish you with gifts or do something big for you right now,” he laments, his fingers rubbing on your forearm. 
“Austin, gifts and dates and grand gestures are nice,” you assure him, “but I don’t need them. What I really could use is just some you right now, plain and simple.” 
“You got it, Kitten,” he says, tilting your chin up to his mouth. His kiss is sweet and simple and present. You melt into him.  
You sit, cuddled up on him for a bit, he is rubbing in long strokes up and down your back. 
“How about we get out of here tonight,” he says.
“Ok, where though?” you ponder. 
“Let’s pack some food and bring blankets and stuff and just drive until we can see the stars, we just can’t cross the border,” he suggests. 
“Yes! I fucking love the stars! Let’s do it!” you sit up, excited for the first time in weeks, and throw your arms around his neck, kissing him hard. 
Austin makes PBJ’s and packs some random food into a cooler.  You gather pillows and blankets, toothbrushes and  a quick change of clothes for both of you. You come out from the 2nd bedroom triumphantly holding a big thermos up high. Austin is filling water bottles and you start heating water to make some hot chocolate. The excitement in the air is palpable.  
Thirty minutes later you are pulling out from the underground garage, Austin sitting in the seat next to you for the first time, instead of hiding. Who the fuck cares now anyway, plus no one is hanging around outside anymore anyway. 
You insist on using your own non-Elvis playlists for music, Austin agrees, he really does need the break. 
You drive west for almost two hours. It is marvelous and freeing to get away. No plan, just driving. 
The sun is getting low as you pull up to a picnic area next to Lake Moogerah that is scattered with pavilions. You find one next to the lake and cuddle together on the picnic table, munching on PBJ’s and watching the sunset.  You hear some crunching on the gravel behind you. You turn around to see a lady walking her dog towards you. 
“G’day, beaut of a sunset yeah?” she says, stopping about 10 feet from you guys. 
“Yeah it really is” Austin says. 
“Oh yanks are ya, well ya know ya can't park overnight here. Do ya have a place to stay?" she inquires.
"Oh, no we didn’t know, thank you,” Austin is always so polite, ”we might just drive back to the city later, unless you have any suggestions.” 
“I have a glampin’ tent  just up the road there that’s vacant. It has a heatah and access to the bathroom in the main house, has a queen bed and a minibah. We just got the go ahead to open today. So it’s yours if you want it.” 
Austin looks at you eyebrows raised. You are already nodding. 
“We’ll be up after sunset then,” he says. She gives you directions and says she’ll meet you there in a half hour.
The tent is amazing. It’s set up just in front of a huge Queenslander rental house, which is where your bathroom is. It opens up to a gorgeous view of the lake and mountains.  It is much larger than you expected, clean, warm and comfortable. It has a stocked snack and mini fridge bar and a coffee maker.  There are little fairy lights hung inside for soft lighting. There is no one renting the main house tonight, so you can make it really dark for stargazing. 
It’s not that cold out, just a chill in the air. Your sweatshirt would suffice, the blankets are just to make it cozier.  Austin pulls out the hot chocolate and you snuggle up with your blankets and pillows to watch the stars, sipping the sweet hot liquid. 
It’s so odd, because you grew up stargazing with your family, and these are definitely not your stars. You feel like you are on another planet. You open your phone app that helps you find constellations. It is magical, just being together under the stars, feeling so small in the universe, yet also expansive.
You are nerding out, finding several of the southern constellations including the southern cross and Canis major. Trying to point them out to Austin. 
“Why does that one look so damn familiar?” you are pointing up. You hold up the phone above your head
“I’m a goofy silly girl! It’s fucking Orion, just upside down!  My daddy always said heaven was in the middle star of his belt, see?”  you point up then  look over at Austin. He is just staring at you with soft eyes in the red glow of the phone.
“I think it’s closer than that,” he says to you. 
Your heart swells, then melts. 
Like the opposite poles of a magnet your lips are drawn together. Your leg swings up and over his body, bringing your blankets with you. Straddling him on his chair, kissing, hips pressed together. For a few minutes you are just teenagers making out, dry humping on the porch because your parents won’t let you be alone inside. You can feel his bulge through the double layers of jeans. 
He pushes you away just a little and reaches down to readjust his hardening cock. The nice thing is, you are not teenagers and no one is trying to restrict your access to this gorgeous man and his willingness to fuck the daylights out of you. 
“Why don’t you get that out for me,” you whisper in his ear. 
You duck down, between his legs, as he undoes his fly and pulls himself out, lowering his pants down his hips just a little.  
While he is doing that, you undo your own jeans under the blankets and manage to wiggle out of them, leaving your soft, stretchy undies on.
Holding him upright, you trace designs with your tongue on his shaft and up to his tip. You lick your lips under the dark blanket. Placing your tongue on the top, you use your lips to massage his tip. Retracting your tongue into your mouth and closing your lips around him, then dragging along his head as you push him out with your tongue. Saliva drips from your lower lip every time you push him out.  You hear him groaning on the outside of the covers. You push him in deep, slurping up all the spit you dribbled along his shaft. You ride him with your mouth for a dozen strokes or so. 
Then you emerge from under the blankets, kissing him with your wet sloppy mouth. You straddle him again, just below his now hard and exposed cock.  His hands land on your bare thighs.
“When did that happen?” he asks, indicating your pants-less state. 
“When you were distracted,” you smile.
“Well you are distracting,” he rubs you through the crotch of your panties, soaking your wetness through.  He slips his fingers under the fabric, then pulls it aside, dipping his fingers into you. 
“Mmmmmmm” a slow lazy moan falls from you. 
“Oh Kitten, I’m so sorry I've been neglecting you. I’m gonna make it up to you, promise,” he says, his forehead pressed to yours.
“Austin, you don’t…” you start, but he interrupts you with a kiss and his fingers running circles around your pussy. Fore and middle fingers around your opening, pinky and ring fingers brushing your clit.
It shuts you right up because it feels amazing.  Your hips drop forward toward his hand. 
“Oh mon Roi, that feels good,” you murmur into his mouth.   
His other hand drifts up your shirt and around your back, undoing your bra deftly. His cool fingers trace around to the front. You gasp through your nose since he was still occupying your mouth with his tongue. He rubs along  the line where your bra was tight, heightening  the sensations that much more. He massages your breast, nipple caught in the crux of his fingers, sending a needle like zing to your core.  Still his other hand is steadily working your pussy. The familiar warm glow is building  just behind your mons. You lift up, reaching for his cock to slide him into you. He sits up a bit, pulling his hips and mouth away from you. 
“Oh no, baby, this is just about you right now,” he says, “look up when you’re close, Kitten, I want you to cum in the stars.” 
Damn, how is it that he makes things that could be corny, sound so damn sexy. 
“Keep talking Austin, tell me dirty things,” you moan. Your hands are on his shoulders, holding on. You realize there is more light now, the moon is beginning to light up the sky, threatening to rise over the mountains. 
“God, I love seeing you worked up just from my fingers playing with your cunt,” his deep voice draws out that last, filthy word, enunciating the /t/. 
“I love your long gorgeous fingers,” you moan, eyes fluttering shut. 
“Yeah? Do you want them inside you?” he almost whispers.
“Uh huh,’ you bite your lip, nodding. 
“You want t’ cum on them?” he asks low, licking his lips. 
“Please, yes,” you would do anything to have him inside you right now. 
He starts pulsing the two fingers at your slit, but not going in. It’s driving you crazy. You try to grind yourself onto them with a closed-mouth pouting moan, but he won’t let you.
“Ah ah ah, baby. Just wait,” he admonishes you.
Pulling his fingers away and bringing them up to his mouth, he licks a long line between his fingers. You watch him like you are lost in the desert and he is the only water. You find yourself diving forward as his tongue reaches his fingertips. You press your open mouth partially to his upper lip, partially to his fingers, your tongues meet and play between his two digits, tasting of your slick. His fingers slide away and you keep kissing him, your hands on his face. You feel him sliding under your panties and  along your labia again, wet from both your tongues. 
He resumes his pulsing against your opening, still refusing to enter you. 
He is pinching your other nipple, mimicking his pulses at the same rate.
You pull away from his face, head tilted up in a pouting whine to the sky. You are trying to be patient, trying to wait, but your body wants him inside you. Your hips rock back and forth, desperate for penetration. 
“Oh Kitten, so wanton, wanting me inside you any way you can get me,” he chides, still pulsing at your entrance, “and I want you too, my gorgeous little hussy,” the last he breathes into the night air.  
Finally, his pulses start sinking into you, a little further with each one. 
“Oh- my- fucking- god,” your voice is rough and breathy with each pulse inside you. You are staring into his eyes. 
“Yes, I am your fucking god,” he slides his hand out from under your shirt and to his mouth. His eyes burning sexy, maddening holes into yours in the diffused moonlight. A hint of that dark fae around his edges.  
Sticking out his tongue, he slides the pad of his thumb over it. Watching you intently, he slips his wet thumb under your panties and onto your clit with a little roguish smile. He knows how it will affect you. 
“Oh god, yes, right there,” your hips are shaking under his ministrations. 
His fingers are fully seated inside you now, pulsing still, thumb rubbing in little circles.
“Don’t stop,” you moan.
“Oh, I won’t,” his tone is that of promise and threat. 
Moonlight spills over the top of the mountains. Silvery strands of light laying themselves upon you both. 
“Your naked skin would look so amazing in the moonlight,” Austin remarks, mostly to himself. 
Without a second thought,  you pull your sweatshirt and shirt off over your head, your bra tangled in amongst the fabric. 
“Oh baby, you’ll get cold,” he says, concerned. 
“Then you better keep me w–w-w-w-arm,” you moan out as his fingers find a particularly perfect rhythm.  The glow inside you is on the verge of spilling over. You lean back, your hands on his knees, head tilted up. The blankets fall back, the cool night air makes your nipples pucker and your skin pebble. But you barely notice the chill, Austin has you so hot. 
“Holy Mother, you are shining, baby,” he breathes. 
You move rhythmically, grinding into his hands. 
“The light on your throat, on your tits. It’s like the moon herself is cumming on you,” he says. 
Fuck, that is a thought you’ve never had. Hot, especially from Austin’s dirty, sexy mouth.
Each push forward into his hand is accentuated with a moaning “ah, ah, ‘ah.” Then you inhale in a gasping breath, holding it in as everything tightens, your hips vibrating against him. 
“Fuck yeah Kitten, cum on my lap, cum in those stars,” he urges you on. 
It starts deep in your seed center and waves up your spine in a rippling shudder. Even your eyelids shiver as you struggle to keep your eyes open and pointed up. When you finally exhale, it’s in waves. You barely make any other sound to the sky.
 You jerk forward, hunched over Austin, hands on his shoulders, pulling your hips away. 
“Oh no you don’t dirty girl,” he says. His hands are on your hips, pulling you back to him, “you aren't getting away from me.”
He straightens upright in order to wrap one arm around your low back, hand pressing to keep you close to him. Austin immediately takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking and flicking with his tongue.  His other hand is fliplped over, palm down, between you. The backs of  his first and middle fingers like snake fangs pointing down on either side of your clit. The tips of those long fingers falling against your inner labia. The sensations go deep as he pushes in and down, in and down, milking your clit. It’s such a small movement with such a big impact. 
You rut into his bent knuckles, clenching and releasing your glutes, your thighs, your pelvic floor. Your eyes are squeezed tight, head bowed to his.
“Open those eyes, look up,” he says, switching to the other nipple. 
You tilt back, supported by his hand on your back. You do your best to open your eyes. But as his mouth pulls hard at your nipple, you are lifted, tilted over the next edge. 
“Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod,” you chant. Your eyes close and you are jerking to get your sensitive clit away from his knuckles. Of course, he won’t let you get away. He is always so much stronger than you assume. Holding your hips tight, his hand flips over and rubs light and fast over the surface of your clit. You writhe. 
“Oh no, baby,  you are gonna keep cumming,” he asserts, unable to keep his mouth on your twitching tits. 
He refuses to give you any reprieve.  He buries his fingers inside you again, pummeling your pussy with his palm. The switch in sensation is like an upslope that lifts you higher. You freeze, still for a long moment. Holding your breath, you let him finger fuck you hard.  Sloppy, wet slapping sounds are the only thing breaking the night's stillness. 
You didn’t think you could clamp down any harder, but as everything funnels down to your core, you tighten around his fingers. Your back arches and a high pitched whine careens from your throat. Your pelvis grinds down onto his fingers as your voice modulates low “OH! Fuck me, YES!” His hand drips with your juices. 
Austin just chuckles low. “Not yet,  Kitten,” he is watching your face as you cum with each dig of your hips. 
Your hips come to a full and complete stop as does his fingers. Your ragged breath barely begins to even out. You lean down, hands on either side of his face and softly kiss him. 
“Mmm, that was good, baby,” you murmur into his mouth.  His hands disengage from your crotch.
He guides you off him, “Turn around,” he says, having made a decision. 
You stand up wobbly,  blankets and all.  Austin takes the opportunity to pull off his jeans and underwear. You are expecting a good hard fuck in the grass as he reaches up and yanks your panties off. But he pulls your hips down to sit between his legs on the chair instead.  The blankets spread over you both. 
“Lean back and spread your legs, beautiful,” his voice is low and gravely in your ear. 
You are not sure how he is going to get off in this position, his cock would be trapped behind your back, not in you.
‘Austin, I’m, I’m done, I’m good,  what about you?” you say, turning a little to look at him and reaching for his cock. 
“Oh hoh Kitten,” he laughs deviously, his gaze locking onto yours, “ I’m not done with you , I think I owe you a little more,” he pulls you back against him.
“Oh baby, you don’t-” you start trying to assure him once again, but his hand comes under your jaw. Thumb and forefinger spread, pressing just in front of the joint on either side, the rest of his fingers digging into the side of your neck.  You gasp, hand going instinctively to his wrist. It’s the closest he’s ever come to choking you, although there is no pressure on your throat. You are immediately putty in his hands. 
“Shhhh, Kitten, my darlin’,”  he purrs in your ear, “you still haven’t cum in the stars for me. So you are going to take it, and like it and beg me for more until you can’t handle it.”  
Your breath comes out in a shudder as your pussy drips. God, his voice, his words, his hands, how is this man possible? You didn’t know that was what you were in for tonight, but you fucking love it. 
“Now, spread your legs,“ he says pointedly. 
You do, looping your legs over his in the chair. Your wet pussy lips peeling apart under the blanket. 
Austin reaches down and starts moving against your already swollen, sensitive snatch. 
“There’s my good girl,” he whispers in your ear.
His fingers move in soft circles around your clit. You moan, eyes  closing.
“You like it when I play with this pussy, don’t you Kitten,” his voice like honey, dripping onto your neck.
“Oui, mon Roi,” you answer in French.
“Should I have fingered you in the car on the way here?” honey dripping in between your breasts.
“Uh huh,” your other arm reaches up, your hand curling into the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Oh this pussy is so wet, always so needy,” his fingertips push harder. 
“All the time, always for you, mon Roi,” you moan.
“God damn, you make me want you so much,” his hips are pushing against you.
You are flushing with heat, you kick the blankets away, the cool air tingling on your wetness. 
“Oh, such a naughty Kitten, you want to be exposed?” his breath hot on your neck, ”anyone could walk around the house and see me fingering you, watch me make you thrash. You would love that, wouldn't you.” 
Oh fuck, you didn’t know you had a an exhibitionist kink until this moment. The idea of being watched kicks you up a notch.
“I would,” you moan, nodding. 
“What if it was Loki,” he plays to your fantasies, “and I hold your legs open,” he wraps his legs on top of yours, holding them apart, “and let him fuck you, use you,” he disentangles your hand from his hair and pushes your own fingers into your cunt,  “just like this, while I rubbed you the way I know you like it.” 
Oh. My. God. The idea of a hot Tom Hiddleston with dark hair mercilessly sinking himself into you as Austin holds you. FUCK, that takes you to a whole other level. 
“OH Fuck Austin… yes. Yes, YES!!!!” you are crying out, fucking yourself with your own fingers. 
You are pushing back against him. His hand tightens on your jaw, holding your head tilted back against his shoulder as he works your clit. His cock, desperate for friction, is working between you, spreading his pre-cum on your low spine.
FUCK YES, It feels so fucking good, being held down by him, being so open to the sky, to the silky moonlight.
You skyrocket into the stars, your eyes shoot open and you are staring at Sirius, the dogstar. For long held seconds you are Sirius, with rays of light shining from your head as you ignite, lighting up the night. 
“There she is, my shining girl in the stars,” he is humming in your ear. Jerking, you stop your barrage into yourself.  Austin’s hand covers your pussy, pressing softly, soothingly,  drops of your cum cooling on your inner thighs. 
You get a long breath or two, shaking as you start to think about coming down. 
“Thank you Austin,” you say breathily.
“Oh no, don’t thank me yet,” he growls in your ear. Your orgasm-addled brain is confused. Until Austin slaps your pussy, jolting you back to him. It’s not super hard, but it makes you jerk.
“I’m still not done,“
“Oh, I don’t know if-” you begin. 
You gasp. 
“What a filthy, naughty girl, to be so turned on by someone else’s cock,” his voice is not angry, but husky with desire. 
“I think you like the idea too,” you risk, undulating against his cock, “it’s pretty wet back there.” 
Austin’s gruff laugh puffs out with a shake of his head. 
“Maybe, as long as I get to reclaim you as mine,” his fingers tighten on your jaw and neck for a long, pointed moment before releasing entirely to slide down to your breasts. His last word rumbles into your brain, sending shivers down your spine
“I’m yours, Austin, all yours,” your voice is light, airy, full of yearning. 
“Mmhmmm, yes you are,” he kisses your cheek tenderly. 
“Now, tell me you want more,” Slap
“OH,” you squeak and jump. You hadn’t expected it.
“Say it,” he demands. Slap
 “Oh- I,” you aren’t sure if you can go more. ‘ Yes you can, you want it and you know it.” your demon says.
“Tell me,” he says through gritted teeth. SLAP
“I want more,” you squeal a little on the last word. 
“Say my name.” SLAP 
You don’t quite register that this is your out, should you need it until you are saying:
“I want more Austin.” Fuck yeah you do. That bitch. 
“What do you want, Kitten?” he prompts you. SLAP
 “Spank my pussy ‘till I cum again,” your succubus answers for you before you can think. Oh shit, that was your outside voice. 
“Oh, my filthy little insatiable harlot,” SLAP. His voice is full of unmet desire, you know he is just as turned on as you are. His hard cock is throbbing behind your back. 
He starts in on your mons, stinging slaps then rubbing your clit fast side to side. The combo is unhinging you.
“Holy shit Kitten, you’ve got me so,” SLAP, “fucking,” SLAP, “hot.“ SLAP. Each stinging smack a little harder than the last. Clearly it’s unhinging him as well. 
Flicking light and fast  over your swollen nub he growls in your ear “I’m going to fuck you so hard after this, you won’t have to open your eyes to see the stars.” SLAP. SLAP. 
You meet each new sting with a gasping moan. 
His hips are rutting against your back. You wish he was inside of you.
“Please fuck me Austin, I need your cock,” you whine and moan.
“Oh Hunny, cum for me and I will,” his voice vibrates against your back and into your brainstem.  How is he so fucking good? With each flick, each smack, you vacillate between being hungry for more and wanting him to stop.
Immense pressure is building behind your clit with every contact of his hand. You are forced over the brink yet again. You cinch down onto nothing. Every muscle straining  You curl and try to close your legs, writhing. But his legs are forcing you to stay open. He continues the actual onslaught of your pussy. SLAP. Rub. SLAP. Flick.  SLAP. Rub. 
It’s too much, and not enough all at once.  
“Nononono,” you are trying to pull his hands away from you, to protect your poor, wanting pussy. He grabs your hands and holds them tight to your belly and keeps rubbing and spanking you.  You are struggling against him in the most delicious way. 
“Beg me,” he growls in your ear.
“Please, please, stop, Austin, stop,” you whimper weakly.
“I don't think you really mean it,” his chuckle is deep in this chest. He slaps you again, and again, and again. Then his long fingers plunge into your dripping slit, stirring at your g spot. It pitches you into a spiral. Dangling over the chasm in his grip.
You are keening; cumming. You are biting into the meaty part of your own thumb; cumming. You are dripping around his fingers onto the chair; cumming. Cumming so hard, you are bewildered, disoriented and also laser focused on his fingers rasping against you again and again and again. You thought you were cumming before, it’s nothing compared to this. This is celestial devilry made carnal. Only the gods orgasm like this. You feel as much as hear your sweet fluid squirt out of you. 
“Please, I can’t, again” you beg, sobbing.
He ignores your plea, raking his hands from back to front in succession along your pussy, fingers digging into your slit as he drags them up, grasping and shaking your mons and clit in his palm at the top. Right. Left. Right. Left. Over and over again, triggering immense aftershocks. Your spine is undulating in time with his raking of you. Your screaming moans modulate with the motion of his hands.
With a final grip and shake on your vulva, he stops. You are still shaking. 
“Oh lord baby I need to be in you,” he presses you forward, up and off his lap.  You are unable to stand, fuzzy. You ooze onto the blankets that fell on the grass, lying on your back. He is on you in seconds, knees between your legs.  You are brought back to sharp focus by his cock sliding into your buzzing pussy. 
“Oh my god Kitten, you are so hot around me,” Austin moans.
It is nirvana to be filled with him at last. You wrap your arms and legs around him as he thrusts in and out of you, banging the hell out of you under the night sky. He isn’t holding back, chasing his own release.  He is right, you see the stars whether or not your eyes are open. 
Holy fuck you’ve never been pushed this far in so many ways. Your tight, clenching pussy feels so full, so stretched by his cock pounding into you. Nerves that have been overstimulated are on the verge of rebelling. Fuck you want him never to stop, and if he doesn't stop you may never recover. 
“Come on baby, one more big one for me,” the strain of his lust evident in his low gritty tone. It washes over you and you fracture. Your full throated scream echoes across the lake. You twist, and turn and thrash under him, your whole body contorting in inscrutable pleasure. No, pleasure isn’t right. It’s higher than that, harder, vehement. It rocks the foundations of what you believe to be true.  Only the gods fuck like this. 
“Ohmigod, my Kitten, fucking mine, all mine,” he underscores each thrust with a word. You are violently shaking under him as he surges into you, every muscle straining. 
Finally all motion ceases, you are crying into his shoulder, clinging to him as a touchpoint of reality. You aren’t sure who you are or where you are, only that Austin is here, keeping you from dying.
He lifts off you. Standing. Leaving you in the cold momentarily. You curl around your core, crying in overwhelm.  Then you are in his arms, floating. Crying into his shoulder. Being laid in a warm bed with his warm naked body protecting you. Holding you. Petting your head and rubbing your back. Whispering soft words of love. Pressing a water bottle to your mouth as your crying subsides into soft whimpers and then into shaky breaths. 
“You are here my love, with me” Austin is saying,” just breathe. I got you.”
You wake up in the morning to sounds of birds outside. Austin is asleep next to you, just where you like him to be. You sneak out to pee and take care of yourself, after last night's worship to Eros, you need a shower. 
When you get back, Austin is still snoring. You climb back into bed and cuddle up next to him. You doze. You wake up to the smell of coffee and Austin, also freshly showered, bringing you a cup. 
You sit up in bed and gratefully accept it. He sits down on the bed with you, sipping his own cup. He left the tent flap open and you can see across the lake. What a magnificent thing, to have that view while in bed, and this dreamboat of a man next to you. Bringing you coffee nonetheless! “Thank you for last night Austin,” you say, hands wrapped around the white steaming cup. 
“You are so welcome, my love,” he says with a smile, obviously feeling like he has ‘made it up’ to you. 
As you are leaving, the owner is walking her dog along the road towards you. You stop and roll down the window to thank her for everything. 
“I was comin’ to check on ya! Did ya hear that cougar screamin’ last night?” she says concerned, ”it sounded pretty close by.”
“Oh? I don’t think we did,” Austin says a little confused. 
“Yeah,” she says, “a month or so ago, one was spotted a bit north of here, but have never heard it before. It were erie, echoed across the lake.”
“Oh, well we are ok, glad we didn’t see it!” you say. 
You tell her thank you and that you’d leave a glowing review.
As you are driving away, Austin is shaking his head, “Wow, that is a little scary.” 
You burst out laughing. 
“What is so funny, we could’ve gotten attacked! Being just in that tent!”
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. That was no cougar she heard, it was me cumming last night. Cougars sound like a woman screaming.” 
“No way, you think so?” Austin is smiling realizing the implications.
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard them back home, I would have recognized it. 
“Oh my god, that is funny!” Austin joins you in laughing. 
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