#i wish i knew how to colour gifs properly </3
the-real-treasure · 1 month
Treasure Treasure!
An anime Sanji x Reader
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Chapter One: A Game in the Courtyard
Summary: You and your Sanji abandon the nation that raised you after it tries to do away with it's only saving grace. They may never realise how long you'll hold that grudge for them.
SPOILERS FOR ASPECTS THE WHOLE CAKE ARC OF THE ANIME/MANGA AND SANJI'S BACKSTORY Trigger Warnings: Threats and descriptions of violence, mentions of major character death, yelling, Reader's Devil Fruit power is overwhelming and overstimulating Word Count: 4645
(Author's Notes: This is more of a prologue than a chapter 1, sorry it's not exactly what anyone was probably expecting. I'm still doing planning for the main body of this fic and I just wanted to get something in here properly.)
You had never wanted to fight a man as hard as you wanted to fight King-sama, even if the fear normally kept you frozen. You could see him on the walkways on the walls above you all as you stood resolute on the large, diamond shaped tile emblazoned with a bright yellow '3', watching as the Vinsmoke children fought before they would race across the castle, again, you thought about how you'd do it.
Maybe a big hammer. You pondered, letting your eyes fall closed as the wind ruffled your long hair. Or maybe if I wished hard enough the entire palace would explode! They opened again, as you heard laughter beside you. 
Rage rattled through you as you watch the smallest boy get beaten and beaten and beaten, red, blue and green brothers throwing everything they have at destroying him.
Your siblings hover at your sides, Denki cackling to your left, Hikaru beside him and Doku beside him watching as listlessly as the pink haired sister just ahead of you. Kuranku leaned in from your right.
"Maybe they'll finally kill him and we'll be rid of the two of you."
You scowled, teeth gritting together.
You scratch your hand. The brands seared onto your skin, a '66' for Germa and a scored out '3' for Sanji-kun, itched.
The boys were only a year or so older than you, but Creata-sensei always reminded you that although they were also children, they were above you in everyway possible. Even though you knew Sanji-kun wasn't as strong as his brothers and sister, they were all still stronger than all of you put together. You felt vindicated as the boy pulled his bruised and battered body upright while the other three boys take off, Reiju following behind them.
"Just because he's less developed than the others, does not mean he is some weakling to push around no matter what Queen-sama said, Y/n-Tomo." Creata-sensei was hovering at your side, filling a long needle with a clear fluid that you just knew was going to burn. "They are going to be the strongest in the world when Vinsmoke-heika and I are done with them, and you are going to be his closest confidant. But not his partner and never his equal."
As you watch the boy disappear from your view, you pout at the remembered words. Creata-sensei doesn't know anything about Sanji-kun, or Sora-sama. Compared to the rest of his brothers, Sanji-kun is sweet and good. And you know he gets that from his mother, just like his sister secretly did. Your brothers were no better than his, too be fair.
Doku was probably the best of them. Your oldest brother was born on an island in the North Blue, just like all the rest of you, and taken by Germa when he was two years old. His ginger hair was streaked with pink to match him to Reiju, just as your hair was streaked with matching bright true blonde like Sanji-kun's. They were redyed every few weeks to ensure the colour remains vibrant, the persona of Germa 66's royalty not allowed to falter for a moment, not even for so much as faded hair dye. Doku was three years older than you and your other brothers, a year younger than his Reiju-sama.  Hikaru, Denki and Kuranku were the bain of your existence, the trio obsessed with their Vinsmokes, just like you and Doku, but where you two were deeply lucky having Sanji-kun and Reiju-sama, the other three Vinsmoke brothers were terrible terrible creatures that made your life a living hell.
If you weren't in Creata-sensei's lab, being subjected to his mad experiments revolving around some line factor that he and King-sama were obsessed with, you were tailing your Sanji as his brothers and yours make him miserable.
You miss Sora-sama. You miss her happy smile, and the kindness she gave your Sanji-kun.
"Oooooi. Hikaru-Tomo!" Ichiji-sama's voice echoes through the courtyard, making your dark-haired and dark-skinned brother turn to him, face bored.
"You won again, Ichiji-sama?" The red-haired boy grinned smugly at his second, the large 1 plastered on his shirt matching the scored out version on Hikaru's.
"Obviously!" Niji-sama, Yonji-sama and Reiju-sama follow into the courtyard, coming to collect their own seconds. You sign softly as you peer around for Sanji, though you know he won't be here for a while. You ignore the sniggering around you.
"Don't worry, Y/n-chaaaaaaan." Niji-sama's voice is grating as his mocks his younger brother's way of calling you. Yonji-sama chitters a laugh with his brother before continuing
"Yeah, Tomo-baka! You won't be left here all night again. Probably."
They leave you in solitude in the courtyard, the echo of their laughter still bouncing off the walls around you. Doku is the last one to return to the castle, lingering at the archway looking back at you.
"I'll bring out dinner."
"No thanks." His eyebrows furrow at your answer. "Not unless Sanji-kun made it. I promised." He scoffs an eye-roll and turns away, leaving you to the silence of the fading light.
Night had fallen and faint starlight was your only reprieve from the crawling dark that hung in the air. Your stomach rumbled, the late hour eating away at your appetite. You could see the guards rotating out and more of the lights in the castle snuffing out the later the hour got. Your eyes were going together and you were swaying on your spot. Yonji-sama's jest wasn't accurate, you had never been left outside all night. Even on his worst days in comparison to his siblings, Sanji had never been this late to finish his training exercises.
The sound of footsteps approaching jolted you back to consciousness. It was even darker now, the moon higher in the sky and your eyes fell on King-sama as he moved towards you, Doku at his side. You blink at the pair, and your eyes flicker above them to the castle and they widen. A matching pair of images hang either side of the large doors, Sanji's smiling face staring back at you.
"Y/n-Tomo." Your eyes don't waver from the beaming pictures, even as the torso of King-sama fills your vision. "Come along. You will return to Sanji's room."
"What happened?" Your voice was a whisper, and Doku shot a glare at you for not addressing him correctly. "Where is he?!"
"He has died in a very sad accident." Your eyes shot up to his face as he turned away, "You will return to his room and wait there. We will find you a new position when the funeral proceedings are over."
Your eyes fill with tears as you whirl on your older brother who was already looking down at you.
"What does he mean? WHERE IS SANJI?!" Your face whips to the side. Moments later the sound of the slap actually registered in your ears. You lift your hand to your stinging cheek and look up at your brother.
"Don't be so stupid as to talk about the Vinsmokes so disrespectfully. Follow King-sama, you dull fool." Your tears burn as they trail down your cheeks and he points to King-sama's retreating figure. "Move."
The three of you march through the empty halls of the castle, footsteps muffled by the immaculate carpet. Your face was streaked with drying tear tracks and you kept your head down as you approached the Vinsmoke's bedrooms. Each door, numbered and coloured appropriately, had a bed nook carved next to it into the wall. That was where the Tomos slept, your brothers all asleep in their own, only yours and Doku's empty.
King-sama opened the black door marked with the yellow '3' and pushed you in, sending you stumbling into the barren room, devoid of all the life Sanji crammed into it. You look back at them as the door closes behind you, Doku's blank face finding yours as you're sealed into the room with nothing but rats and silence for company.
It had been two days. You knew that by the number of plates on the floor in front of you and the colour of the sky outside the window. The cuts of jerky and plain bread were brought in in the regular breakfast, lunch and dinner hours, leaving six plates to be picked at by Sanji's beloved rats. Several of them peruse them now, and you think they must be disappointed by the drop in standard compared to his cooking. There's plenty for them to scrounge in here from you at least. You won't be touching the food.
You had lain down in front of the bed when King-sama had herded you in, and you hadn't moved since, choosing instead to stare unwavering at the light outside the window. You ignore the opening of the door each time a guard walked in, depositing the plate in front of you before walking out again. In the otherwise still room, a rat scampers up to you, a small chunk of jerky grasped in their little claws as they offer it to you. As you stare in to the little eyes trying to be kind to you, your mind flashes back to Sora-sama's room.
The rain had been torrential on your walk over, and poor Sanji-sama had slipped in a puddle and fallen. You had only been given to the boy a few days ago, and with the order to follow him always, of course you would accompany him on his trip to see his mother, even in the relentless downpour.
Now you stood a few steps behind him, light shirt and training bottoms marked with his yellow '3' ringing with rainwater and dripping on to the pristine floor, your long hair drenched and water dribbling down your face and into your eyes. You don't dare move to wipe it as Époni serves the queen a beautifully made bento box, the one Sanji had prepared ruined on the trip over.
"Your majesty, this is from Sanji-sama." The queen smiled down at her son, his soaked hood still up and covering his eyes as he fiddled with his hands.
"Did you make this for me?"
"Mm. Mm-hmm." Your eyes flicked from him to her in confusion, and you accidentally caught her eye as she watched her nervous son. Her head snapped to the maid instantly.
"Époni!" She immediately began to sweat.
"Y-yes, your majesty?"
"Don't be presumptuous! Bring what Sanji really made for me."
"Well, yes. But it was damaged on his way here so I threw it in the bin..."
"...still good."
"Hm?" You flinch as both mother and son turn to look at you and you stutter a response, standing up straight and accidentally flicking water across the floor.
"I-it'll still be good. Sanji-sama is very good at food!" She smiled down at you.
"Oh? How do you know?"
"H-he made me fish the first night I was assigned to follow him because we Tomos have to wait for your majesty's to finish eating before we do! And he, uh-" Your eyes shift to his, the blue-grey full of happy sparkles at your words, "-uh Sanji-sama is very kind to me and wanted to make sure I was fed, Queen Sora-sama! Your majesty!"
In your panic to finish talking and to get the attention off of you, you drop into a bow on the floor, though you underestimate your strength and send a crack gaping across the tile, which startles a yell out of the prince. 
"Époni, bring me Sanji's food."
"Yes ma'am!" When the maid skitters off to retrieve the demolished bento, Sora-sama calls you closer.
"Tomo-chan, you think Sanji's good at making food." You lift your head and stand awkwardly, scooting past Sanji who was still staring at you with bright excited eyes.
"Yes, Queen Sora-sama. He's the best! I'll eat anything he makes me!"
"Then would you try his bento with me?" You peer back at the prince who is suddenly looking aghast at the thought of you both trying the ruined bento. Your brows furrowed and you steeled yourself.
You stood next to her bed as Époni placed the bento in front of Sora-sama.
"Wow, nice! Omelette rolls, fish and a banana?" Sanji clutched the sides of his hood and tugged it further over his head.
"I'm so sorry! I messed it up! I tripped over and dropped it on the way here. It's been crushed and got wet in the rain."
"It was the rain's fault, Sanji-sama! If that puddle wasn't there you never would have slipped! You worked really hard on it." You assured him as you looked over the demolished bento, missing the smile Sora sent you at your kindness for her son, or the way Sanji's eyes sparked at your words.
"Let's try it, huh Tomo-chan?"
"Yeah!" With a start you looked back at the prince, "Thank you for the meal!" You both scooped some up on a fork and chewed thoughtfully. Swallowing the food, you looked up at her as she looked down at you and you both turned as one to Sanji-sama.
"It's good!"
"DELICIOUS!" Sora-sama giggled at your enthusiasm as you bounced over to Sanji-sama, clapping excitedly beside him as he beamed and Époni flew back in shock.
"Yes!" He cheered and hopped up onto the bed with her, tucking in close to her chest as she cooed at him.
"Sanji, will you cook for me again?" He beamed up at her.
"Uh-huh!" She smiled down at him, holding him close and rocking gently, the walk and upset leaving him so exhausted he began to snooze against her chest. As she rocked him, she pushed down his hood and stroked his hair and looked over at you.
"What's your name?" You blinked in confusion as Époni cleared away the bento.
"No. Not that title, just your name. What do your parents call you?" You stare up at her, but quickly drop your eyes back to the floor.
"I don't know. Creata-sensei calls me Y/n."
When you look back up at her, Sora is smiling down at you, though there’s sadness in it and she reaches a hand out for you. “You can read wishes right Y/n-chan?”
Your voice caught in your throat. You didn't know she knew you, you were only there because Sanji was. “Y-yes.” Her eyes closed in satisfaction as she squeezed you hand. It was warm and love pulsed through your Devil Fruit powers as her truest desire sang through you.
(Save him.)
“Then I need you to make me a promise.”
(Keep him safe.)
“A very very important one.”
“I need you to stay with Sanji.”
“Don’t let him be alone. Stay with him and protect him.”
“Look after him for me. Can you try that for me?”
Your eyes filled with tears and clogged your throat and nose. Her fear and worry for her children burns through you as you look up at her. You couldn’t breathe.
“I’ll try! I promise I’ll try Sora-sama!!”
That shocked a laugh from her but tears filled her water line and she squeezes your hand tightly in hers. She ignores the pierce of your sharp clawed nails in her skin when you squeeze back.
“Thank you.”
You don't lift your head when the door opens again, though dinner had already been delivered. The darkness of the sky was pinpricked by silver stars, and the entire kingdom that had been silent since the announcement of Sanji's death, was rallying to attack another island so the din of movement and preparation had returned. It was suffocating, like someone had hidden the sun then plonked the entire moon on your chest and told you, live with it we have work to do.
Someone kicked your foot.
From the corner of your eye, you spot a head of orange hair.
"Get up Tomo-baka." Doku stares down at you, face blank but eyes shining with something unfamiliar. You turn your eyes forward again, going back to staring at the sky. "I said-" He grabs a hold of your arm and yanks you upright with little effort, "-GET UP TOMO-BAKA."
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You rip your arm free of him and stumble back staring confused as Doku pushes you back towards the door. You drop your head to look at the floor. "Just leave me alone, Doku. King-sama says I'll be leaving soon, if I'm bothering you so much." The ginger boy scoffs at you.
"No matter, Tomo-baka. Reiju-sama told me to come grab you, so I've come. To grab you." With a yelp from you Doku, who has several inches on your six-year-old frame, heaves you up under your armpits and shucks you over his shoulder. You screech and smack and claw at his back as he carries you through the castle corridors, the rest of your brothers watching from their nooks in confusion.
The guards didn't turn their heads as he carries you down the stairs into the dungeons, ignoring your wailing and shrieks, the already dim castle halls going darker as you descended. Tall thin windows allow streams of silver light to fall into the hallway and you continued your fruitless escape attempts against your older brother's grip. As the stairway begins to level out, your voice quietens as others echo from the darkness, ones that makes you freeze completely.
"You never learn..." Reiju-sama's voice rings out from beside the cell, wrapping a bandage around a small figure's arm. As Doku walks up behind her, you see the figure pull their arm from her grasp, bandages winding around them left loose and falling free of her grip. They're behind the bars of the cell, head obscured by a large metal helmet that completely covers their entire face except for the eyes. From the mask you can hear their stuttering breaths.
"Reiju, I..." Doku drops you to the ground and you stare wide-eyed as the figure turns, blonde hair obscuring one eye even under the helmet. "...I want to be a cook!"
You rush to the bars as tears begin to fall from his eyes, quiet sobs echoing against the barren walls and metal helmet hiding his face from you.
"Sanji-sama! Sanji!" Your eyes fill with tears as well as you grab on to his hands through the bars. "King-sama said you were dead! He said there was an accident-" Reiju's furious voice cuts you off and you flinch away from her, but not enough to break your grip on your Sanji.
"What did I say? Don't tell me that!" His head drops and his tears soak your joined hands as he pulls them closer to his chest. Your chest throbbed as his wish burned through you.
"If I can... run away..."
"...here in the East Blue... I'll never..." his hiccupping breaths catch in his throat
"...have to see...Dad's face again, right?"
Reiju's eyes fill with tears as well and she grabs a hold of the bars, screaming in both your faces.
"STEP BACK!" You drop Sanji's hands just long enough for her to pry the bars apart, leaving enough room for Sanji to squeeze through. "You only have one chance! Don't ruin it!"
You grab Sanji's hands again and haul him through the gap, and you all take off running up the stairs.
"Y/n-chan, you don't need to come, you can stay here with you-"
"No!" You cut Sanji off before he can even get the full sentence out. I made a promise. "I've already left you alone for too long! I'm not leaving you again, Sanji-sama! Not now, not ever again!! I'm coming with you, and I'll stay with you for as long as you'll let me!" The shrunken pupils in the centre of his eyes wobble as tears fill them again.
"O-Okay Y/n-chan.." The entire castle shakes as a barrage of cannon fire rains down on the Germa Kingdom.
"It's just begun! The key to your iron mask is in Father-sama's room! Go get it!"
"You can't send him ther-"
"Then go with him Tomo-baka if you're so worried!" Doku snaps, cutting you off, "We'll go see what it's like outside, now shoo!"
"Got it."
"When you get into his room, look for a skull symbol on the wall! You'll find a secret door there!"
As you both run into King-sama's room, you spot the huge skull emblem on the wall, though it is too high for either of you to reach. With Sanji's help you drag one of the chairs up to the wall and help him up on to it. Pulling open the wall, you can see the four sets of keys hanging, and you think they still might be too high, but Sanji just manages to grab a pair with a whisper of "I got it!" Your attention is pulled away by thudding footsteps behind you, and you spin to find King-sama standing and watching.
"What are you doing over there?" You grit your teeth, sharp canines digging into your lips and raise your hands, claw nails curved dangerously. "Sanji... why are you here?!" With a scream, Sanji slips and you scramble to catch him before he falls to the ground, making him land heavily on top of you as he panics and apologises. You help each other up and Sanji faces his father.
"We're gonna get out of this kingdom! Don't get in our way!" You throw a hand out in front of Sanji, shuffling slightly to create a barrier between him and his father. He sneers down at the pair of you.
"You got quite a sharp tongue while you were imprisoned. And Tomo, I told you to stay put!" Your body instinctivly freezes at the command but you don't drop your arm, the images of escape floating at the edge of your mind along with giant fish and crystal blue waters. "There is no easy sea where a normal kid like you can survive on your own! You'll die!" You both glare up at the man as he stares you down, your clawed hands quivering in rage as Sanji pulls free a small sword from his belt.
"SO WHAT?! You can't stop me!" Sanji screamed at his father, eyes full of rage as he aimed the tip of the blade at his father.
"WE'RE LEAVING! And you're never gonna hurt Sanji-sama ever again! Or I'll kill you!" You joined in, eyes wild with anger as you spat the words at the man who had terrorised the pair of you for so long.
"That's a relief." His words confused both of you, his imposing figure towering above you both as he continued. "I guess I'm human after all. Even though you're useless, I couldn't kill my own son. Too bad your Tomo is so loyal to you, they would have been useful to Creata-san's continued experiments. Oh well. You'll both leave voluntarily?" Sanji's blade began to shake as small sobs forced his frame to wobble. "I'm not gonna stop you. You can take the key to the iron mask." Tears dribbled down the sides of said mask, saturating his sleeves and the carpet at his feet. "But can I ask just one last favour as your father, Sanji? Don't ever admit that I'm your father..." Your hands slowly drift back down to your sides as you stare up at the King in bewilderment, Sanji still sobbing beside you. "...in front of other people! It's a shame that I don't want anyone to know! You realize that, don't you?" As Sanji's blade drops in defeat and his sobbing begins again in earnest, a snarl escapes your lips before you can stop it and you step forward, again blocking Sanji from his father.
"You're despicable! A pathetical useless nothing of a person! You don't deserve Sanji-sama, just like you didn't deserve Queen Sora-sama! You're evil! I'll never let you anywhere near Sanji again, not so long as I live! And when we're grown and strong, you'll realise how badly you messed up! I HOPE YOU DIE AND THIS KINGDOM EXPLODES!" Your face is red and your chest heaving from your yells, and you miss the wide bewildered eyes of the two Vinsmoke children and your brother staring at you as you refuse to drop your eyes from Vinsmoke Judge. You reach back an open hand, and Sanji takes it immediately. You keep eye contact with the King until you pass by his the edge of his long coat, tugging a still weeping Sanji along behind you as he unlocks and drops the iron mask to the ground.
Sanji is still shaking with sobs as Reiju points to the large cruise ship with the wine bottle figurehead.
"Get onboard that ship!" You, your brother and the two Vinsmoke children are all crouched behind a large rock formation on the beach as the Germa Kingdom soldiers raided the island you had landed on. Sanji's blonde hair was tousled and messy as he crouched beside you, tears still running down his face. "Sanji! You're a boy! Stop crying already!" Your eyes snap to her and a snarl leaves your grit teeth. She glares back as Sanji rubs at his eyes to try and stop the tears and she grabs a hold of his shoulders. "Listen! Don't ever come back here!"
"Uh-huh!" Doku watches you as your eyes glance up to him, his face carefully blank.
"You've already managed to make an enemy out of King-sama, so don't think you'd be welcome back.  Just assume from now on we'll be out to kill you if we ever spot you again."
"Thanks ani-san. I won't miss you."
"I won't miss you either, Tomo-baka."
"Ew, stop calling me that." Doku sniggers at you, but his face falls flat again.
"Maybe you shouldn't be called Tomo at all anymore. You're not exactly loyal to Vinsmoke anymore." Your eyes drift back to Sanji, Reiju ignoring your muttered conversations as tears filled her eyes.
"The sea is broad! You'll...You'll definitely meet kind people someday!!" With that she pushed him up the beach and he stumbled into a run. You abandon Doku to follow him immediately, giving a gentle nod to her as you pass. "Run! Don't look back! RUN SANJI!"
You both dash along the beach to the cruise ship, the name 'Orbit' resplendent across the side as a wave of desire rushes over you, the wood creaking under it's own weight as whisper rattle from it depths.
You scramble up the gangplank with a large group of other crewmembers, met with confused stares and mutters as the adults around you rush to their stations for a speedy departure from the ravaging of the island.
"OI!" A voice hollers from behind you, the captain making his way down the stairs of the aft castle towards you both. "Who're you?!" You can barely hear as Sanji begs to be allowed passage aboard, offering help in anyway possible, and the wood under your feet pulses and throbs with a desperate wish that may never be fulfilled. "-as your name?" Everything sounds like it's underwater as the wishes, dreams and desires of the boat you stand on and the people around you wash over you like a tsunami of want, something you had never experienced before. Did no one but Sanji and Sora-sama want anything in Germa? What is all this? "-SAID, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"
The screaming of the captain in your face brings you back to present, and you blink as spittle rains over your face. The title of Tomo nearly leaves your mouth, but you don't know this man, or if he knows Germa, and Doku was right, you weren't accompanying a Vinsmoke, you were going with Sanji, you were escaping with him, with your friend, your best friend. Your Sanji...
"Nakayoshi." Your voice was certain, more than your brain was anyway, "Nakayoshi Y/n."
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Next Chapter: (Nothing yet)
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little-buggy-beetle · 2 years
Cg jayson having to leave his littles with bruse and Alfred for the first time and leaving them with a list of instructions, sensory issues, safe snacks and comfort shows
Omg omg! You’re a genius Mothy!
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Everyone was entirely surprised when they met you!
Not only because you’re the most adorable thing they’ve ever seen, and they simply cannot comprehend it
But because they never expected to see Jason with someone so… wholesome
There was no question about it, you’re instantly part of the family. They wouldn’t have it any other way
Jason takes his role as a caregiver very VERY seriously. If there’s two things Jaybird doesn’t mess around with, it’s protecting his loved ones, and more specifically little ones,
Jason has seen and been through a lot. He would do ANYTHING in his power to make sure his baby bird NEVER has to know any of the horrors and atrocities he’s bared witness too. It would break his heart and he’d never forgive himself.
So naturally, he’s a little nervous the first time he has to leave you when you’re little. Jason doesn’t want to leave, but they way he sees it, keeping Gotham safe, is keeping you safe. It’s a very necessary part of his job. His mind would be on you the whole time he’s away, but he’s careful not to let it distract him, as he doesn’t know what he’d do if he got hurt or worse on a mission and you had to see him like that.
So he refuses to leave you alone. That was never even an option in his head. If Jay has to leave you, he’s going to leave you in the care of the ones he trusts.
Jason knows Alfred is fully capable. But he’s a little nervous when it comes to his father. He still holds a little resentment about the whole Joker, crowbar thing-
But he’s trying to fix that relationship, and entrusting his most precious baby bird to his father isn’t something he takes lightly. Hence why a list of detail instructions was drawn up, printed and laminated.
He’d make sure they knew all your favourite snacks, and had all of your comfort items on hand and ready. Even potential cues for when and what you would need. Jason knows Bruce is really good at reading people, so it won’t leave room for guess work in case you’re non verbal at the time.
If you like routine, he details it to Alfred so the older man can properly prepare to watch you. Pee Paw Alfie would make all your favourite foods and drinks. Make sure things are clean and quiet in case of overstimulation. Making sure you take care of yourself physically and go to bed on time.
Bruce is better at strutted activities like reading to/with you. Sitting and watching a show, of watching you draw and colour while he works down in the batcave (Jason lectured him about at least child proofing a section for you to be in) if you want to stim, Bruce has little bat chewys or fidgets he made just for you.
If you’re in a talkative mood, he’ll just sit and listen while he works. He loves hearing you ramble.
Alfred is better at the emotional comfort. Always checking in on how you’re doing. Holding you close if you need a moment and a hug.
Helping you to get dressed or bath if you’re too little to do it on your own. Also helping you eat, and he has so many sippies for you to choose from.
The butler keeps a pacifier in his apron at all times too.
Jason looses his mind if he comes home to find you asleep on Alfred’s chest. Or Bruce and your sleeping on a chair down in the bat cave.
It reminds him of why he stayed. But Jason can and will wake you. He missed his baby bird and he wants those cuddles. I wouldn’t say he’s a possessive caregiver, it’s more just there’s nothing more he wants that to see his little after a hard mission.
They help him to relax and feel normal for once. He’ll bring you to bed and wish you sweet dreams. And be patiently waiting for you to wake in the morning and tell him all about your busy day with you’re grandpas.
Him love his baby bird so much! 🥺
So he refuses to leave you alone. That was never even an option.
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derryctor-who · 3 years
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"Virtue is only virtue in extremis." DOCTOR WHO | 10.07
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shinescape · 3 years
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Cooking Show
Idol Seonghwa x Idol Reader
note: hi anon, hope you like how this turned out. This was my first time writing an idol au so it might feel awkward. Thanks again for this request <3 Enjoy!
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After a successful collaboration stage with Ateez’s Seonghwa, the both of you were invited to a cooking show. As a way to promote your groups as well as the special collaboration.
You’ve met Seonghwa almost everyday for practice for the past few weeks but never actually get to have a full conversation together. Even at the waiting room, both of you were seen either talking to your managers or eating quietly.
It’s not that you don’t want to but being in a new rising group, things could go wrong even by greeting each other. There were numerous eyes watching backstage and rumors could easily spread.
When both of you meet up again for the cooking show, you just had the urge to say hi to him. Seonghwa was sitting at one of the benches and was on his phone. It’s now or never, you thought.
You told your manager you wanted to go and greet him and after getting an ‘okay’, you took a deep breath and walked straight up to where he was. “Urm...hi Seonghwa. Are you nervous?” That didn’t come out the way you wanted but you acted normal anyway. “Hi, yeah a bit.” He smiled at you and ushered a bit for you to sit down.
“I hope we don’t burn anything later.” He laughed and you had to stop yourself from squealing right in front of his face. Your fans were aware that you adore Ateez as you mentioned about them a few times in your Vlives. But what they don’t know was that you’ve developed a slight crush on Park Seonghwa. It’s a secret that you’ll bring to your grave especially being in this industry.
“I’ll make sure to get the fire extinguisher ready, just in case.” You winked at him to which he laughed again.
“Show starts in ten minutes!” A staff shouted. Everyone was running around making sure everything was in place and whether the other celebrities were present. “Do you want to take a photo together?” You looked at him disbelieved. You’ve had photos taken by others due to promoting together but never a selfie. It was risky even if there were fans who understood and saw you both as colleagues.
“Sure thing.” You got a bit closer to him and smiled at the camera. Right after a few shots, you were called back by your manager to which for the first time you felt reluctant. Yes, you were going to see him in a bit but in front of cameras felt different. You had to show the best side of you which gets a bit tiring however you remembered that Seonghwa would be there as well. You felt a bit better.
Cameras rolling and the host introduced everyone that was present for the recording. Both of you were the youngest cast which made them tease how it was nice to be young and looking cute together.
“Before we begin with our weekly recipe challenge, I would like to invite our youngest guests here to showcase their special performance!” Both of you knew it was going to happen, it was in the script. But after the loud cheers from the other guest, blush crept up your cheeks, even Seonghwa looked shy.
The dance ended faster than you thought it would and more cheer erupted through the studio. You went back to your station and started to put on aprons since the others had already worn theirs while you performed. Amidst the host explaining about today’s challenge, Seonghwa was having a bit trouble wearing his apron and asked for your help. “Why does this apron have so many buttons?” He had a confused look on and you took the apron from him. You told him to lower his body a bit so you could hang the apron properly on him.
“Look at those two not paying attention.” The host playfully rolled his eyes. “Seonghwa was having trouble wearing the apron so I helped.” You smiled nervously. “Or did you do that on purpose to get more screen time, hmm?” The both of you quickly denied and everyone started laughing and teasing again.
Throughout the recording, the both of you had fun helping out cooking the recipe. You helped cut up the ingredients and Seonghwa would listen to the head chef every time they give out orders for the cooking process. He would occasionally stir the pot and help clean the counter. It felt like a dream cooking together even if it was just for a show. How you wished this would go on forever but the promotion was ending soon whether you liked it or not.
Once in a while, the host would come and ask how everything was going, to which Seonghwa answered, “I’m not incharge of cooking at the dorm but today I feel confident to cook anything.” “It’s because I’m here right?” You jokingly said and he nodded in response with a sweet smile on his face.
“Look at these two, they look like newlyweds cooking up dinner. I’m leaving you both to finish things up.” The host went away leaving both of you quietly finishing up. It was obviously a joke but somehow you felt happy hearing that comment.
You watched Seonghwa and saw that he was done plating the food and looked proud at his masterpiece. Yes, he’s tall and looked intimidating when he performed on stage but today he looked like any normal guy with an apron despite having unusual hair colour at the moment. You could sit there and admire him yet this was going to be the last schedule together. Time flies so fast when you’re having fun.
The recording ended when the head chef picked a winner after making rounds and tasted every group’s final dish. You were informed that there would be an after party with everyone and you somehow hoped Seonghwa would attend as well.
Your manager was explaining about the party and where it would be held when you felt someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to Seonghwa standing there with his phone in front of your face. “Do you want to take pictures again, Seonghwa?” You asked knowing how he loves to take pictures and it’s not like you minded.
“Can we exchange numbers instead?” He licked his lips and looked away. Was this really happening right now? You thought as your eyes observed how he was trying not to be embarrassed with his abrupt action.
“Of course we can. If that’s okay with you.” You replied. “I asked, so obviously I’m okay with it. You're funny, you know that?” He shook his head at your words. Both of you exchanged numbers and he told you that he’ll come to the party if only you would attend and you said you were going without hesitation.
“I’ll text you later, don’t miss me too much.” He joked.
“I won’t since I can bother you anytime I want now.” You waved your phone at him with a knowing smile.
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow - Part 2
You guys are literally the best! Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback for this little weird imagination in my head :’) BTW I have no clue how the movie business works or if this is even close to accurate but just bare with my fantasies here okay :D xoxo
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: It gets a bit very smutty people, be prepared, angsty ???idk
Word count: 3295 (so I went totally over the top with this once again)
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career.
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A couple minutes later you found yourself in your trailer alone. Images and thoughts were flashing in your head, all of them revolving around that kiss. That kiss that didn’t feel like a normal kiss, or any kiss you ever had before. That kiss had been pure magic. There was no other way to describe it. Alone the thought of it send your heart into overdrive and quickened your breath. 
And that wasn’t even the worst part, in a couple of hours you were expected back on set after a scene change and doing that kiss with Rudy over and over only half naked. 
You had to calm yourself down right this second. Your possible feelings for him couldn’t get in the way of your big break. There was so much more on the line.
A soft knock on your trailer door pulled you out of your thoughts and after opening the door you were faced with a grinning Madelyne and Madison who immediately snuck into your four walls for now.
“What was that?” Maddie C squealed as she sat down on the couch and pulled you down with her. 
“What do you mean?” You feigned innocence and looked at them quizzically. 
“Hun, you’re a great actress but not that of a good actress and neither is Rudy,” Bailey stated and raised a brow at you.
“Like, Chase and I had our moments on set and even JD and Bailey but we never got so into it that we ignored the ending of the scene,” Maddie pointed out, big smile on her face.
“Guys,” You groaned, just thinking about the embarrassing moment from before. “I don’t even know what happened out there,” You admitted quietly hands over your face as you leaned back.
The girls shared a worried gaze between them as they looked back at you.
“Are you okay though?” Maddie asked and patted your thigh lovingly. 
You were so grateful for these two in that moment. You wished you could just bawl in their arms and let all your frustration out but bigger matters were at hand.
“Yes, I’m fine… well I don’t really have a choice,” You mused and gave them a reassuring smile. 
Bailey looked at you with a sympathetic smile and closed her arms around you. 
“No matter what else might’ve happened out there, you were great. Really really great,” She praised you and you couldn’t help but laugh at her sweet words.
“Thanks for supporting my kissing skills, I guess.” The girls chimed in with laughter at that and you stayed cuddled on the couch until it was time to get back on set.
“You’re going to rock this,” Maddie assured you when she saw your faltering confidence the closer you got to that scene, “and then we can talk about it properly after you had some time to think.”
You squeezed both of the girls’ hands as they led you back to the cameras and the action. You were grateful for their support but the only person you wanted to talk to right now was Rudy. Maybe you shouldn’t have split immediately after the scene and actually talked to him so it wouldn’t be awkward now. But you were an actress after all, you could pretend to not care as much for just a bit longer. 
As he came into view with his soft blond waves, where hours before your hands had been entangled in, your heart stopped for a second. 
But he didn’t seem to be too bothered as he joked around with the guys and laughed carelessly. Had you been the only one affected by the kiss? Was he just a better actor than you had thought?  The thought stung but you knew it would only be for the better. You could be just as nonchalant as him. 
“What’re we laughing about?” You chimed in and smiled at the guys. You cringed a bit at your overly joyous voice but couldn’t take it back even if you wanted to as all eyes were fixed on you.
“Rudy just told us how terrible his first kiss was,” Chase explained and smirked at his co-star. 
So they had definitely talked about your kiss otherwise they wouldn’t be on the topic, would they? You tried your hardest to look unbothered by it, hoping your face wasn’t turning crimson again.
“Well, I sure hope that I wasn’t your first kiss then,” You joked, “For your sake and for mine.” You bit your bottom lip as your eyes traveled over his face. 
He regarded you with an amused little smile playing on his lips as he took you in. 
“What? Y/N, as if. Yours would win all the most passionate kiss awards in the country,” JD babbled which earned him a stern look from Rudy and an eye-roll from you.
“At Rudy’s first kiss he actually accidentally spit a piece of gum-“ Chase started giggly but got interrupted by Rudy pushing a hand over his mouth and pushing him out of your ear-shot.
“Would you shut up!” He warned him under his breath and you had to suppress a giggle at his antics.
You could imagine all too well what might have happened with the piece of gum and the poor girl. 
For now though, you were just happy that all seemed to be calm and collected between the two of you. 
Sooner than you would’ve liked however you were back in business and a dozen people were around you, giving you instructions, doing your make-up, positioning you right and and and…
You loved your job, you really did, but right now you just wanted some piece and quiet. 
You were led together into the bedroom of JJ in the Chateau for the scene. It was supposed to be a bit more intimate and shown sex scene than what Chase and Madelyne had done in the first season. You couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable but this wasn’t the first time that you did something like this and you were sure no one would ever get used to that kind of film-making. 
The directors sent everyone out of the room they did not especially need to make it as comfortable for the both of you as possible which you thought was infinitely thoughtful. 
“You guys have the scene in your hands okay?” Jonas assured you as he went over it with the both of you. “You do only what you’re comfortable with and stop whenever you want.”
“Thanks,” Rudy nodded at his kindness and dropped an arm around your waist. “You’ll tell me how far you want to go okay?” 
“We’ll work it out as we go?” You suggested and he pulled you closer to him with a sweet smile. His lips met your forehead in a soft kiss and your eyes fluttered shut for a second at the gentle contact. 
“You’ll be great, I’m sure about that,” Valerie gave you a thumbs up and then cameras were rolling. 
Rudy’s arm was still around your waist as he led you to the beginning of the scene. 
“Promise me, you’ll be honest with me when it’s too much” He whispered, lips grazing the shell of your ear barely and a shiver went down your spine. 
You turned your head slowly, eyes locking with his and the incredible saturating blue colour. You didn’t realise how close he was until then. Just a step forward and you would be kissing him. 
“Promise,” you gave him your word and watched as relief washed over his face. A simple gesture as him making sure you were comfortable was worth more than any gifts and roses he could have gotten you. Your heart swelled as you looked at him, so grateful that everything in the world aligned for him to meet you in that way. The word ‘destiny’ was dancing around in your mind. 
“Action!” You heard someone call and then reality was hidden for the next moments and you were back playing a part. 
His lips found yours immediately, just as passionate as before if not even more, and your hands grabbed at him, anything to get him closer to you. 
One of his hands pushed the door to the bedroom open as the other sneaked around your waist and you stumbled into the room, lips never leaving another. 
“Jump,” Rudy or rather JJ instructed you and you locked your legs around his hips as he grabbed your thighs. Goose-bumps erected on your skin as you felt his touch on the back of your bare legs. 
The both of you were already breathing hard, as you couldn’t keep away from each other long enough to catch your breath. It was like your bodies were melting into each other, always closer.
At last his lips left yours and you almost whimpered at the loss of contact but he found a new home on your jaw and neck as he pressed you against the walls of the wooden cabin. Your hand locked around his neck, pulling at the blond waves at the base of it when he met a particular sensitive spot.
“You good?” He asked and you weren’t sure if it was Rudy or JJ asking you. The lines were blurred once again in your mind, but God yes you were more than okay.
“Yes, JJ, yes,” Your voice was slightly hoarse and you thought you heard him moan as he pulled you tighter to him and lifted you off the wall to bring you towards the bed in the middle of the room.
Gently he let you down and hovered over you for a second, admiring your flushed cheeks and red swollen lips. He pecked your lips sweetly over and over and you pulled him in-between your legs, wanting him as close to you as possible. Your breath hitched when he discarded his shirt and you were met with the bare skin of his torso. Your eyes admired every valley and hill of his muscles and soon your hands followed, carefully touching the soft and strong grooves of his abdomen.
A sharp breath escaped him as your cold fingers met his stomach and he leaned back down, reattaching his lips to yours. His right hand found its way to your waist where your shirt had ridden up slightly and you gasped at the contact. His hand wandered to the small of your back, pushing slightly, a signal for you to sit up.
You pushed into him further, your chest pressed to his and he was fingering the hem of your shirt.
“May I?” He inquired kindly and stopped his actions to take a moment to look at you. His brows were drown together as his gaze met yours and you instinctively reached out your fingers to caress the worry of his face. You nodded willingly before you pulled him back into a short kiss and then he stripped off your shirt.
Your head hit the pillows once again and you felt his wet lips on your stomach seconds after. You were only in your bikini top and a pair of shorts now and you tried hard to blend the other people in the room out. Rudy was making a fantastic job of distracting you on that part. 
You felt your heartbeat quicken, felt your breath going faster and you knew that this wasn’t anything you could tell your body to do. This was a genuine reaction to this wonderful boy on top of you.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire and drowning in ice-cold water like-wise. You couldn’t remember the last time somebody made you feel like that. The thought that this wasn’t actually real was pressed to the very corners of your mind as you stared into Rudy eyes, his shirtless form hovering above you. God, he was gorgeous. When he looked at you like that and touched your bare skin with his slightly calloused warm hands, it was too easy to forget all the cameras and people around you. But all this was just in your head and you were playing your part just as he did. How you wished in that moment it would be true.
He leaned down further, one hand on your waist drawing lazy circles there and the other one holding him up to not crush you. His lips wandered from your cleavage up your throat to the sweet spot under your ear. Your legs locked around his hips and pulled him closer, his groin meeting the spot between your thighs and you gasped at the sudden sensation, pulling his hair where your hands were entangled.
“Can I take your top off?” He whispered only for you to hear and goosebumps were flashing on your skin at the soft vibrato of his voice. 
“Yeah,” You breathed out and arched your back to give him access to the knot between your shoulder blades. 
His hand was resting there for a couple seconds without moving and you grew concerned and pulled back to look at his face.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He was genuinely trying to make sure you were comfortable with the scene and your exposed body. Nobody in the world could’ve made you feel more secure in this decision than him. 
“I would do everything with you,” You whispered just loud enough for the microphones to pick up. You weren’t talking to JJ in that second, you were talking to Rudy. The flashing spark in his eyes and the easy smile returning to his lips told you he knew that as well.
He pulled you up against him and sat up with you straddling him, so your back was turned to the cameras. You gasped surprised at the sudden change of position but it didn’t escape you that he moved you like that so your bare breasts wouldn’t be seen by anybody but him.
“Thank you,” You let out under your breath just for him to hear. You looked at him with so much adoration in that moment and couldn’t help but let your heart fall for him just a bit more.
His eyes moved over your face, just like one of his hands, as if he tried to memorise every plain and freckle on it. You leaned back down to connect your lips and felt an enticing shiver down your spine as his calloused hand opened the knot between your shoulder blades and moved up your spinal column to your neck to remove the top from your upper body. 
You welcomed the sudden cold on your bare skin, everything was too hot in that second. But as soon as Rudy pressed his own chest to yours, creating friction on your nipples, it felt like lava was flowing through your veins. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” He said between kisses and one of his hands wandered to your ribcage just below the soft skin of your breast, slowly caressing the skin there.
Your emotions were running high and so was your heart at his touch and his words. With your eyes closed you could pretend that he belonged just to you and nobody else was in the room. Just him and you. 
You started grinding on his hips involuntarily your body taking matters into its own hand and not listening to your mind anymore. You gasped when Rudy took one of your breasts into his way bigger hand.
“I need you closer,” He groaned and pressed his hands to the small of your back and your neck before he lay you down again, his chest pressed to yours so close, not allowing anyone to take a look at you.
His hand wandered down to your shorts and he looked down at you questioningly before you nodded and he removed another article of clothing. He removed his own shorts quickly afterwards leaving both of you only in your underwear. 
Before it could go any further however he grabbed a blanket lying around on the bed and covered both of you from the waist down and then pretended to pull your last clothes off as well.
“I’m gonna fuck you now, ok?” He groaned in your ear and you could feel his wicked smile pressed to your skin as he told you so. 
Holding your eyes locked to his he gave you one last sweet kiss and waited for your consent, which you gave, before he pretended to enter you.
You fake gasped as his hips bucked against yours and your fingers dig into his back as you held him close, chest to chest.
Even though this was all just pretend you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually share this intimacy with Rudy. What he would feel like inside of you. What he would to you and with you when no one else was around. The thought alone made you wet and your nipples harden. 
His head rested in the crook of your neck as he moved against you and breathed hard, occasionally leaving wet sloppy kisses on your too hot skin.
“Fuck, JJ!” You fake moaned and locked your feet around his tight ass as you pulled him closer.
Rudy picked up in pace, you could feel his member even through the hard protective underwear he had to wear for scenes like that. And it drove you absolutely crazy. He through his head back, breaths coming in gasps as his hips grinded into yours.
You wanted him so bad that you felt your insides twisting and knees buckle. Your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of him: his bright blue eyes and how they crinkled at the corners when he laughed, his brilliant smile with his adorable too sharp teeth, his sinful lips that drove you crazy, his strong body the shone in the late afternoon sun like a god’s. It was only him, him, him. 
“Cut!” You heard Jonas scream and the magic disappeared like somebody had hit you with a baseball bat right in the stomach. You could’ve killed him right there and then. 
Rudy hovered above you unmoving, still shielding you from the views of everybody else in the room and grabbed a shirt, JJ’s shirt, for you to cover up.
“Are you okay?” He asked once again as soon as the shirt was over your head. 
“Yeah,” You smiled at him thankfully, “Are you okay?”
“I am,” He laughed at your sweet question and pecked your forehead before pulling away from you so the both of you sat up in the bed. 
Your pulse was still a bit too fast as you faced the team surrounding you.
“Okay, that was wonderful. You two did great. Are you both comfortable?” Jonas asked and you nodded immediately. You were a bit too comfortable actually.
“I think, we’re gonna shoot this scene a couple more times, just to get some different angles and then just JJ and Y/C/N sleeping afterwards and you’re done for today,” Valerie mused and looked between the both of you and to Jonas. You all agreed and then the ordeal started all over again.
It didn’t get any easier to entangle your thoughts of JJ from your thoughts of Rudy however, no matter how often you did the scene. 
You were always just as enchanted by him as the first time. His skin on yours, his eyes, his lips, all this sent you right into an abyss of feelings and emotions where no return would be possible. 
You had always been good at differentiating between reality and fiction but right now you weren’t so sure if there was anything to keep apart. Because the way Rudy looked at you in-between scenes and during filming… it was the exact same passion and kindness in his eyes.
Tags: @lovelymaybankk​ @sspidermanss​ @1d5sosddl​ @arthiriticcricket​ @teamnick​ @lieswithoutfairytales
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asktensei · 3 years
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Previously on Tensei’s Birthday Bash:
“Love,” I tug your sleeve, “Is the option of going out still open?”
“Tensei, it’s almost midnight - we can’t go out now,” you retorted.
“I have a sudden urge to go to the beach,” I say, looking out of the window, “The sky looks amazing, doesn’t it?”
“I have to go to work tomorrow, honey,” you say, cupping my cheeks.
“Please, love… for me?”
You turned to face Tensei. You felt his grip on you tighten as you pressed your hands against his soft cheeks. You smiled, seeing him close his eyes and savour the small act.
How could you say no to him? Every single thing he does makes your heart leap. Even by just melting into your touch, all of your rationality is thrown out of the window - just to make this male’s wishes come true.
“You better make me breakfast tomorrow,” you whisper, trying to not break the tension you both built in this small haven.
“Come on, Y/N - it’s my birthday tomorrow! I’ll cook the day after.”
“I don’t care if it’s your birthday, you’re making me breakfast tomorrow,” you got off the bed and went to get your bag.
Once you got your bag, you turned to face Tensei.
God, this man is a literal baby.
“Fine, I’ll make breakfast tomorrow.”
You helped Tensei into his wheelchair and then proceeded to walk beside him, heading to the beach. You enjoyed the soft light hitting your skin, closing your eyes as you gripped the back of Tensei’s seat. A small hum left your lips as you took in the crisp, cold air of the night.
“I told you this was a good idea,” he said, a smug look painted on his face.
You looked at the dark-haired male, annoyed.
“I have work tomorrow, Tensei - I’m scared I might oversleep,” you say, sighing, “...but I do miss the beach.”
“It’s been a long time since we went to our little oasis, hasn’t it?” he said, happiness laced in his voice, “We made a lot of memories there, you and I.”
You smiled, reminiscing all the moments you’ve shared with the former Pro-Hero.
“Do you remember when you tried to burn that ice cream I was eating with your quirk?” you said, laughing, “I remember how disgusted you were when the cream actually entered your engines.”
He tried wiping the cream off of the metal piece but resorted to asking you since he couldn’t clean it properly.
“You remember when a crab pinched your cheeks?” He said, holding back his laughter, “You cried so hard.”
“You can only joke about that when you actually feel the strength of a crab with its claws,” you retort, annoyed by his actions.
“Hey, hey - Wasn’t I the one calming you down?”
He was. He ran to a shop nearby and got an ice pack to cool down your cheek. He sat beside you, rubbing your back as you cried due to the immense pain. He kissed you on your forehead in hopes of calming you down.
“You were - you always have been by my side, Tensei,” You say, ruffling his hair.
“Don’t plan on changing that anytime soon,” he replied, pulling on your sleeve.
You faced the male beside you and instantly you were in awe. The blue tone of the sky had perfectly painted itself onto him, the cool tones brightening his cerulean eyes. His hair softly swished against the strong winds, framing his face so well. You stared at his lips against the soft blue hue of the night. Even against the cold colours, the redness of his lips still managed to shine, making it look so soft.
“You okay?” He asked, worried.
Thank God he didn’t know how much you loved him under this soft light.
“I’m good, Tensei,” you say, turning to the road ahead of you.
You closed your eyes as you stepped into the sea, enjoying the feeling of the warm water brushing against your feet. The heat from the body of water warmed your whole body like a small blanket. You enjoyed the feeling of the soft sand against the soles of your feet, rubbing your skin like a massage. The fresh breeze hit your skin, waking your senses.
It felt as if you came home from a long day at work.
It was so relaxing, so calming.
You missed this - a lot.
You turned to face Tensei enjoying the sea as much as you did. His eyes were closed, taking in the salty yet fresh smell of the breeze.
The blue hues of the night painted his skin so well it was not fair. No one could deny how amazing he looked under the night’s palette - he carried it with such poise.
It was times like this where you were reminded how precious Tensei is. After all, he was the very person who taught you how to love.
His lips lifted into a smile as he opened them and saw you staring at him.
“I am just that good looking, huh?”
Scratch that - he was an annoying ass.
You stared at his legs your heart dropped.
This was the first time he’d ever come to the beach with his crutches.
You knew how much he loved the beach - he loved it even more than you.
He went on and on about his memories with Tenya, his friends and his personal ones that took place on the sand you stood on.
You knew how much he loved the beauty of this little oasis, but he could no longer enjoy it.
He was the one who brought you to this very beach, but could no longer feel the freedom it gave.
If he can’t stand by himself properly, he’ll stand beside me.
“Tensei,” you started, “Do you want to enter the waters with me?”
“I can’t, Y/N…” he trailed off, looking at his crutches.
“I only need to carry you to the sea. You know water buoyancy exists, right?” you remind him.
“But -”
“I’m coming there,” you say, getting out of the water and heading towards him.
You stood behind him, and slowly took his left arm off its crutch and placed it on your shoulder. You gripped his side, pulling him closer to you.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, Iida Tensei,” you say, laughing, “I’ve thought this through - it’ll work. Besides, you still have to get that right arm to work properly - you can do that, right?”
I like being the teaser once in a while, Iida Tensei.
“Stupid,” he chuckles as he turns to face the sea, “Let’s do this.”
“Ok! So there are roughly around 3 steps we need to do to reach the waterline. Once we reach there, you’re going to let go of your crutch and press your weight against me. I’ll carry you on my back and bring you into the water. From then on out, you just need to keep at least one limb on me. Clear?”
“Why don’t you just let me use my crutches until the waterline?” he asked.
“I didn’t think of it,” you say, smiling in embarrassment.
“Dumb,” he teased.
“Hey! I could easily drop you here, you know?” You say, chuckling.
“You wouldn’t,” he said as he kissed your cheek.
Damn you.
“Okay, okay - let’s move,” you said, focusing on the mission at hand.
“Damn, this is hard - why are you so weak, Y/N L/N?” Tensei said.
“Be careful, sir - your safety depends on me.”
“Why are you so heavy?” You ask, panting.
“I haven’t exercised in a long time and I eat a lot, I basically move using a wheelchair - you need more reasons?”
“Understood, sir.”
“Ok, we’re here,” he said, smiling.
“Yeah, yeah - smile. I have to literally carry you now,” you say, irritated.
“Hey! You suggested this, not me.”
“I did, didn’t I?” you say, sighing.
“How about I sit down on the sand first? After that, you can push me from the back?”
“Sir, have you heard of gravity?” you retort, “But sitting down for a while sounds nice.”
You gripped his sides tightly as you heard him drop the other crutch to the floor.
Time for payback, sir.
You immediately dropped him, making him fall on his behind.
“I did say your safety depended on me,” you replied, smiling.
Oh, shit.
Using his crutch, he hit your calves lightly but just enough to make you lose your stability and fall face-first onto the sand.
“I’m still smart, you know?” He replied, smug laced in his voice.
“I’m sorry - weren’t you the one who forgot the existence of gravity?” You retort, rubbing off the sand.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” he began laughing at your sand-filled face, “Why don’t have my phone with me? I need to take a picture of you!”
This idiot.
“You got a lot of guts to do that to me now, don’t you?” you say, forming a plan in your head.
“Well, you wouldn’t kill me, so I don’t see you doing anything that bad to me.”
I guess it’s time to prove you wrong.
You hit the back of his head with your shoe, earning a groan from him. You then began to tickle his sides, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. You heard his pleas to stop, but you didn’t care - he asked for it.
“I guess,” giggle, “I need,” giggle, “Oh, never mind.”
He pushed his back onto you, making you fall back onto the sand.
“You like sand, don’t you, Tensei?” you say, kicking his thigh.
He pressed his hands on the sand beside the two of you and slowly got up. Then, he turned himself to face your body laid on the dry sand.
“Knockout!” he shouted, making you laugh.
“You’re really dumb.”
“Tenya is the smart one, not me,” he said, moving closer to you.
He laid back against you, pressing his head against your chest. You grabbed his hands, once again playing with his fingers. His right hand found its place against your left cheek, the pad of his thumb rubbing your cheek in circular motions.
“You are still extremely heavy,” you say, cutting the silence between the two of you.
“You do this to me all the time!”
“On the bed! Not at the beach,” you retort.
He chuckled, enjoying your irritated expression.
“I love this,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
“I do too,” you say, ruffling his hair, “Next time, you be on the sand though.”
Laughter erupted from the male leaning against you.
You looked at his joy-filled expression. You can’t help but wish that this man before you remains as happy as he looked right now - preferably against the blue hues the sky had to offer. You want him to stay in your arms as you relish the moments you are in his. You want him to enjoy the riches of life he has provided to multiple residents of Musutafu. You want him to live his life by your side as you shield him from the harsh words of others.
“Thanks for this, Y/N,” he said, moving upwards to kiss your cheek.
“Happy birthday, Tensei. I love you.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I love you, too.”
You both, covered in sand with slightly wet clothes, shared a kiss under the pale moonlight of the night as a blue hue dusted your skin - maybe with a dash of scarlet on his, too.
“Now that that’s done…” Tensei whispered.
You were pushed by Tensei into the sea. The body of water’s salty liquid entered your body through your nose and your mouth, filling your senses with nothing but disgust.
Yep - still the same, annoying guy.
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biglittleblogg · 3 years
When I Get It Right - (2)
When I Get It Right
Part 1 // Part 2
Pairing: Max Verstappen x F!Reader
Rating: Mature
Notes: And so it begins mwhahah
 I have more chapters planned so I am so excited to see where this story goes!
Hope you enjoy!
Let me know if you have any ideas for best friends to lovers scenarios! or any prompts you’re keen to see written! <3
Warnings: Swearing, undoubtedly bad grammar
Summary: After Max's podium you prepare for an evening of celebration with his team.
Word Count: 1344
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“For fuck's sake!”
“Are you alright in there?” Max’s amused voice filtered through the bathroom door, only serving to deepen your scowl.
“Oh yeah, everything's fine and dandy.”
Your sarcasm was noted with a bright laugh from the dutchman who shuffled around the hotel room for a second before calling out once again, “I'm coming in to help in…Three...Two...” The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal Max with his eyes shut tightly, “...One!”
Despite your frustration, the sight of him made you smile. Dressed up in white shirt and neat trousers, his tie hanging loosely from around his neck, he looked like he was about to model for one of his Redbull campaigns. Reluctantly, you couldn’t help but think it would be a lot easier to avoid your attraction to him if he wasn’t so damn hot.
“It’s the zip.” You huffed, holding your green slip dress across your boobs firmly. The colour complimented your tanned skin nicely and softened the light of your eyes. But the hidden zip was jammed up the back and you didn’t have enough hands to fix it.
Max opened his eyes and stared appraisingly at you for a moment, his gaze slowly traveling from your legs to your arse before he snapped his eyes back to yours through the mirror.
Shuffling back, you blushed lightly as the driver offered his hands with no questions asked, lifting the zip from the small of your back and tugging on it with heavy fingers.
“It's so tiny.” He complained, ignoring your stifled laugh as you watched his forehead crease in concentration.
“Well... That’s what she said.” You couldn’t help but mutter, glancing up to see his reaction behind you.
Max simply rolled his eyes before poking you in the back.
“Shut up.”
His hands were cold as he slowly dragged the zip up, lightly grazing a path upwards from the small of your back. Getting to grips with the delicacy of his task, he paused when he reached your hair, scooping it out of the way with careful hands. For a moment, his fingers hovered over your neck and you resisted the urge to shiver at his touch.
“Sorry.” He murmured, watching goosebumps rise on your skin and mistaking their presence for discomfort.
Unbeckoned, you couldn’t help but imagine his touch somewhere else.... His hands on your thigh, higher. Across your cheekbone. At the curve of your waist. Just a tiny bit more pressure and you could imagine yourself breaking, confessing everything your heart felt but could not say.
But no. When you opened your mouth to speak you knew the time for confessions has passed.
“No...uh- thank you.” you managed, turning to face him. Meeting Max's eyes directly, you couldn’t get over how good your best friend smelled. Musky and yet cool. After the race he had showered and shaved, his aftershave lifting heat to your cheeks.
When had it come to this? To this endless wanting for more?  
For a moment, as Max studied you, his blue eyes clashing with your own as if he could see what you were thinking, you wished you could have stopped yourself from travelling down this stupid path years ago.
His eyes lingered on your face as a scarlet trail painted your cheeks before he nodded to himself, coughing lightly as he stepped back.
“You clean up nicely.”
Futilely, you tried to hide how flustered he was making you by wryly curling your lips into a smile, “Don’t sound so surprised, Verstappen.”
He smirked, rising an eyebrow, “Well I saw you in your tweens so everything's surprising.”
“Piss off.”
You smacked him across the chest, ignoring the way your heart fluttered when he caught your hand and unknowingly held it there, against his heart for a beat longer than necessary.
Face still burning hotly, when he let go of your hands stretched your fingers and turned, reaching awkwardly for your trusty leather jacket as if it could anchor you and your fanciful heart to reality.
Or you would have done, if Max hadn't snapped his arms up to capture your hands in his own once again.
“-No way, you’re not wearing that again.” 
“What? Its comfy!” You protested, but still Max held your hands firmly.
“You’ve worn it to the last six black tie events I've brought you to.” He laughed.
You scoffed, “And?”
Max reached for the leather itself before holding it in front of your face as if to prove his point. “It’s a leather jacket, not a handbag.”
“And? What do you know about women's fashion?”
“Enough.” He huffed, discarding the jacket on the bathroom counter.  
“But... I like the pockets.” You tried, already knowing he was far too stubborn to let this go.
“I'll take your stuff..." The dutchman firmly stated, shaking his head. "No jacket - it won't match your dress this time.”
A low groan escapes you at his tone. After so many years of friendship you both knew that you could never sat no when he talked like that. Indeed, When he talked with any type of authority, you had no idea how you continued to function properly or how on earth were you supposed to make any rational decisions.
"Fine..." You conceded,  "But for the record that jacket matches everything."
Max smiled and begrudgingly you handed him your room key instead, manoeuvring your way out of the bathroom and towards the front door.
“See, that was easy.”
You rolled your eyes, bending down to find your shoes amongst the rest of your race week clothes you'd hastily packed before flying to Portugal.  
As expected, when you stood up, Max had followed you into the hallway. A funny look on his face as his eyes followed the slit in your dress as you fastened your shoes.
If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was checking you out.
But the fact was, you did know better. And any action that neared that territory would be wishful thinking on your part.
Reaching forward, you gestured to his tie and Max presented each end to you gratefully, running a hand through his hair as you began the knot.
“You really do look great.” He told you softly, trying to catch your eye.
Steadily, you ignore the familiar pang of your heart and focus on the task at hand, finishing off Max's tie with a flick of your wrist and a pat down of his shirt. “Shut up.”
Somewhere in the back if your mind you reminded yourself that best friends shouldn’t do this... Act like a couple and then go their separate ways. It wasn’t fair. To him...or to you.
"You know…" Max frowned, "You have a funny way of making it hard for me to compliment you sometimes.”
You smiled at that, albeit a small and hesitant one.
"Maybe you should try it more often then."
Max laughed lightly, picking up his suit jacket and heading for the door, pausing as you trailed slowly after him, dreading the words that were sure to follow. "You're my best friend...You mean the world to me, never forget that."
His words were soft, but they hit you like a rock in your chest, dragging you down a hole that you've already spent years of your life trying to escape from.
"There aren't enough hours in the day to compliment you for everything you do that amazes me." He finished.
"...Max." You swallowed, unsure how to respond as the dutchman held your gaze for a moment longer. His eyes a darker shade of blue than they had been before.  
“You ready to go?” His question broke the heavy silence between you before you could think of anything else to say.
Soon enough, Max nodded to the door, shaking his head as he prepared himself for the evening.  
And before you know it, he's gone.
Like always, you find yourself trailing after him, wishing you could find the courage in yourself to tell him what stirs in your heart every time he so much as looks your way.
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ambivartence · 3 years
uuuuuuummmmm i heard bias loving hours 👀👀
soo i was debating between doing one for hyunjinnie or shua but celebrating the release of oddinary-- it's jinnie ( no promises that you won't find another ask bout me rambling about josh tho ;))
fav thing about them : HIS. SMILE. like look at this precious smile and tell me you don't feel all warm and fuzzy ?! the way his eyes don't curve like a 'c' but but they do curve-- also his laugh. the familiar ring of his laughter during their promotion videos is just *gestures* ALSO(2) how warm he is with stays but doesn't hesitate to pull our legs-- JUST UGH. STOP MAKING ME FEEL THINGS. IM SORRY BUT ALSO, HIS NOSE SCRUNCHES. his nose scrunches.
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the moment you knew they were your bias: the when the party is over dance cover. i felt something during that and I don't think I'll ever be able to express that properly. there was something so raw about that particular performance, i couldn't help but look at him in awe while also feel good about the chills it gave me ( i dont find goosebumps and chills very pleasant )
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fav looks on them: curly bangs, long hair jinnie, the glasses picture is ICONIC, untucked button up shirts that just sway along with his moves, autumn colours AND UM SUITS.
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fav verse or choreo: the jump during back door ( couldn't find a gif sorry), the SLIGHT head tilt during the back door chorus, the entire when the party's over cover choreo, idk what it's officially called but yk the part after "I'm sorry I'm dirty ratatatatata" part in thunderous? the move right after that has affects me like no other. coming to raps and singing: the miroh rap duet thingy with changbin, all of his parts in get cool, the "ne sonim" part literally has me on a chokehold. literally all his singing and rapping parts are amazing but I'll stop here.
your wish for them: i hope he gets to do what he loves without feeling the burden of the pressure to act according to his "image" and I'd love to see more of producer, song-writer hyunjin 👀
anything about them: this is more about me lol but I swear, no one ever has affected me like hyunjin does. i dont have a crush or anything but the admiration i have for him couldn't compare to anything i feel for anyone. what i feel for stray kids as a whole, i dont feel for any other group but hyunjin-- this man just makes me feel things so deeply whether it's the emotions through his dance or the firey passion through his raps. maniac hyunjin during the bridge and the second chorus will forever remain in my head from today.
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did you listen to their album? if so, thoughts? 👀
it's soooooo sad that I can add only 10 pics but thanks for reading huhu (sorry if there are typos lmao)
may the stars always listen to you,
heLLO sorry i am posting this so late maybe i was hoarding it to look at the pictures yES HIS LAUGH N HIS NOSE SCRUNCHES :((( n his dancing!!! the artistry n expressions!!!! the "I'm sorry I'm dirty ratatatatata" is so underrated i love how he n changbin both do that part <333 also all those looks r SO GOOD ugh ur so right...
reading this was so wholesome thank u for sending this n adding so many gorgeous pics hehe :) hyunjin absolute ATE in maniac!!! also i rly love his parts in venom and his raps throughout the album especially lonely st!!! and ofc his ttaeng!s freeze
> bias loving hours are (always) open <
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Heaven’s Jewel ~ Diavolo
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(( Honestly, this gif was cute, but it’s completely unrelated to the story x As well as that, to get some more relevancy to the story, I will use the name “Seraphine” for the reader, because she is going to be a Seraph, and describing her appearance would make much more sense with some particularities ^^ ))
Seraphine, otherwise known as the Heaven’s Jewel, God’s most favourite Seraph, as she was his most devout, his most beloved, his most beautiful angel, always by his side...Was forced to leave Heaven.
It’s not that she was against it, it was more like, she never had a choice of her own regarding her life, hence why she found refuge in praying and worshipping God during all days and nights, without rest.
Ever since she was a low-ranking angel, at her very beginnings, she showed immense potential, so Laila and Abbadon, two regular angels that were tasked with finding the perfect she-angel, forcefully recruited her, to make her become the perfect angel, and as well as that, the perfect lawful and obedient traditional wife.
Her role was now to become the perfect wife for her future husband, the future Prince of Devildom, Diavolo, as his father started pressuring him to find someone to marry and properly rule the Underworld - The only catch was that she wasn’t the only candidate, nor was she the sole race, and she was nervous.
Seraphine never knew what life was, only doing what she was taught and commanded, in fear of disappointing everyone in the Celestial Realm, especially God, so she tried her best, despite how bad it made her feel.
The fated day appeared, and Seraphine was garbed in the most pure angel robes, her long, pale pink hair cascading down her shoulders in graceful and effortless waves, as Laila brushed it.
“You know what you have to do, Seraphine. Just like we taught you. Hide your face and feet and only talk to us or the Prince, and that, only whispering in our ears. We don’t want anyone else to hear your voice, alright? They are not worthy of hearing a Seraph’s voice.” Laila spoke strictly, as she put a blue bow in her hair, and helped her get up. “Now get in your Angel form and let’s go. We don’t want the Prince to wait. You MUST succeed, no matter what. This is the connection that God wants, you mustn’t disappoint Him.” she warned, looking at her with cold eyes.
The girl only nodded, standing and turning into her Angelic form, her pink hair turning iridescent, 3 pairs of long, majestic wings that resembled matching iridescent feathers and light emanating from them, as she used the top pair to cover her face, and the bottom one to cover her feet, as the rule said, using the middle one to fly together with her two companions to the Castle, where they were greeted and guided by the steward into the large ball room where the auburn haired Demon Prince was awaiting with a huge welcoming grin on his face.
She knew she should peak through the feathers, but she couldn’t help but look with one eye at the man in front of her, but only that, as she didn’t want to attract attention, and she knew she’d be too intimidated by the other candidates.
His voice was so warm and inviting, she didn’t understand how he could be a Demon, as Laila and Abbadon would only preach how gruesome and malefic these Underworld being can be...But how can someone so cheerful be malevolent?
Succubi, demons, lower angels, vampires, fairies, werewolves, even humans and many more other races came to get a chance for wealth and power from this kind man in front of them, but no matter how much they tried to fake it, Diavolo could easily discern truth from lie.
And even so, his amber eyes were fixated on the highest ranking angel in the room, as she quite literally emanated light, kindness, warmth, safety and love, solely with her presence, and so, he was attracted to her like moths to the light.
Of course, as soon as Seraphine realised he was smiling at her, her eyes widened, so she quickly covered her face again, putting even her hands on her face to cover the blush of embarrassment as she was already screwing up.
This cute gesture seemed to warm up the Prince’s heart, however, as he chuckled mirthfully, commenting on her beauty.
“My, and I thought Lucifer was beautiful. You are, by far, ethereal, for lack of better words existing in any vocabulary. You must be Seraphine, am I correct?” Diavolo spoke, but as soon as she heard the familiar name being spoken, she gasped quietly, and scattered her feathers slightly, looking at him with her doe-like aquamarine eyes, almost as if they were trying to scream ‘Do you know Lucifer?’.
She quickly looked at her companions to earn the approval to talk, and as soon as they nodded, she slowly stepped to the Prince’s side, lifting her upper wings only by a little, to allow her to put a hand to his ear and whisper.
“Yes, my name is Seraphine, it’s great to finally meet you, Your Highness. You mentioned Lucifer...Do you perhaps know him?” the girl’s voice was soft and crystal-like, almost sending shivers down the Demon’s spine, and that alone was enough of a sign to convince him that she as the one.
Hell, he didn’t even care if he was going to marry her or not, but he wanted to have her by his side, to talk to her, to see her, to get to know her. He was sure he would eventually, or rather said, very soon, fall in love with her...But could such a pure and innocent being be able to grow feelings for a being so immoral and evil as he was?
In the end, Diavolo obviously chose Seraphine, and now, a long period of getting to know each other was going to follow, where she was going to stay by his side at all times, and act like the traditional wife she was supposed to be.
That night, in the grand bedroom of the Prince, Diavolo was dressed in his sleepingwear, while the girl was standing there, quite awkwardly, next to the door, her wings still hiding her, as she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do, and quite frankly, the idea of a ‘Bedding Ceremony’, as Abbadon called it, frightened her greatly.
Seeing her distress, Diavolo the quick to ease her worries, as he stood in front of her, speaking to her with an almost uncharacteristic sweet tone.
“Seraphine, dear, you don’t have to worry. I saw how they were treating you, but here, things are different. Nobody will tell you what to do. In fact, you can do whatever you want. If it will make you feel more comfortable, you can sleep in my room, and I will go to another one, I don’t mind. Oh, and you don’t have to keep this form if you don’t want to, most demons here, including me, prefer to keep a more casual form.” he told her as a way to ease her worries, which seemed to have an effect on her, despite still being reluctant.
Covering her face with her hands, she let the halo and wings disappear, as she stepped to the side, going on her tippy-toes to whisper in his ear, only to have him gently grab her wrists, putting them away from her face, gazing tenderly at her glowing, innocent face.
“Let me hear your beautiful voice, Seraphine. You don’t have to whisper any longer. Actually, I believe hearing your voice will be quite a blessing for everyone here.” he reassured her once again, as she nodded slightly, looking down, not able to look him in the eyes, due to the shyness. “A-Are you sure it is alright for me to speak so freely to other demons?” she asked in a quiet voice, but she was making progress. “Of course! You see, I believe in the equality of races, and above anything else, I wish to bring the Human World, the Celestial Realm and the Devildom together, to live in harmony. In fact, that is why I created an exchange-student program, and we even have 2 angels and 2 humans here.” he guided her to the sofa, where he lounged casually, while she stood stiff and upright, until the man chuckled and eased her into a more comfortable position. “I don’t understand...You seem light such a lovely person...You go out of your way to make sure I’m alright...And yet, I only heard terrible things of your kin. I-It’s not fair...” she hugged her knees to herself, before noticing the subtle frown on his face. “I-I-I’m sorry, forgive me for speaking out of place! I-I didn’t mean to offend you! I’m not used to...Speaking too much.” she hid her face with her hands once again, earning a soft chuckle. “Don’t worry, you didn’t offend me. I know there are countless prejudices, especially from lower-ranking demons...Even Lucifer refused to look at me, since I was not worthy, even a long time after he became one of the fallen.” Diavolo grinned playfully as he noticed the girl perk up as soon as she heard that name. “Lucifer...Is here as well...?” she looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes. “Of course. He has been here since the Celestial War. He was one of the Seraphim, along with you, wasn’t he?” Diavolo asked, already knowing the answer. “Yes...He was God’s most favourite angel, while I was Heaven’s Jewel. But he wasn’t alone. I always envied him for being allowed to stay with his brothers...I used to look up to him for his courage. And then, he rebelled, and they followed. The place became empty and dull...Almost like it lost its colour.” she explained the situation with obvious sorrow in her eyes. “Hmm...I have an idea! How would you like to become one of the exchange students? Surely, that would prove to be fun for you, and Lucifer and his brothers will be great guides for you. This place is always lively with them around.” Diavolo suggested, making the girl look at him with an expression that was starting to have life. “I-Is that really okay? I don’t want to be a bother to anyone! I don’t know how to behave around other people...And if they find out about...Us...They might treat me with more privilege and respect than I deserve, and I wouldn’t want that.” Seraphine pointed out, biting her lip softly. “Hahaha, don’t worry about that! The only people who are going to know are Barbatos, my steward, and maybe the angels who came here. If you don’t want, I won’t even tell Lucifer or his brothers. That’s going to make for even more fun.” he laughed mirthfully imagining that. “With so many different and unique individuals, there’s no way you’re going to be able to stay hidden in your little timid shell. I can see you are a curious little fawn, you just needed to be released from your cage. Now it’s your chance to see the world. You’re not going to cause anyone trouble, I promise. In fact, I’m positive your presence is going to be very welcomed by everyone.” Diavolo extended his hand towards her, to help her up, before planting a soft kiss on her forehead, making her look at him with great confusion. “What was that?” she asked in a voice barely above a whisper. “That, my dear, was a sign of affection. It was a kiss.” he answered, looking fondly at her blushing cheeks. “Affection...? What is that?” she asked once again, not sure of herself. “It’s a way to show that you care for someone dear to you.” he explained once again, with never ending patience. “That...Means that you care for me? Someone you just met a few hours ago? Is that possible?” she blinked in utter surprise at him. “Of course. Some people are just that special. And besides, by the look on your face, I’m quite sure you feel the same way about me, you just don’t realise that yet. It’s getting late, you should go sleep now. Barbatos is going to come by tomorrow morning and prepare you for school. Sweet dreams, Seraphine.” he smiled gently at her as he exited the room, leaving her all alone, confused and with a myriad of mixed emotions.
Quite frankly, she has never experienced so much turmoil...Or rather said, hasn’t felt since the descending of Lucifer and his brothers, where she only watched with jealousy, as she wanted to do the same, but couldn’t, out of fear and restrained.
Diavolo was right, she was nothing more than a caged bird, an animal shackled and raised only for the purpose of forming an allegiance with the future Demon King...But Diavolo...He seemed to not care at all about these trivial things.  He seemed to genuinely care for her well-being and how she fares in this new place that she was brought against her will - He even let her sleep in his own bedroom, just to make sure she was comfortable.
She wasn’t used to such kindness, but she wasn’t going to turn it down.  She was going to make the best out of this situation and learn how to be herself, her curious little self, the one that has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and wants to see the world, every inch of it.
The next day, Barbatos came to serve her breakfast in bed, while informing her that she would be staying 5 days a week in the House of Lamentation as a guest, so she’ll have to adapt to living with Lucifer and his brothers, and how the elder brother is going to be her guide around their Dorms and RAD...Royal Academy of Diavolo.
With such a name, there’s sure to be lots of fun around.
As soon as she saw the brunet man, he looked at her with wide eyes, incredibly shocked at seeing the girl in front of him, dressed in her usual day to day angelic outfit, and even more, hearing she’ll be studying there for the rest of the year.
“My, I wouldn’t have expected the most beloved Jewel to somehow end up in a place like this, especially with those low-lives constantly around her. Tell me, how did you manage?” Lucifer smirked, seeing the girl pout. “We finally get to properly talk, after seeing each other for so many centuries, and the first thing you decide to do is jab at me. How cruel.” she shook her head, a playful smile on her face, before stopping stiff and looking at him with a worried expression, covering her mouth with her hands, as per the habit imbued in her. “I wasn’t mean, was I? I’m so sorry if I was, Lucifer, I didn’t mean to, I-I just-” she fussed over her words, only to have him genuinely chuckle at her attempt to apologise. “You worry over nothing. We are demons, you’re not going to offend anyone by being a shy little rabbit. In fact, I believe my brothers are going to fuss over you quite a lot. And if that wasn’t enough, Simeon and Luke are sure to steal you away from us.” he put his arm around the girl’s shoulder, as he felt himself at peace, much lighter and content, as he showed her around the place, until they had to go to class and Lucifer introduced the girl to everyone, earning a lot of gasps.
Of course, the girl couldn’t concentrate too much on the boring lecture, as she already knew everything that was being explained...After all, she was one of the Seraphim, she wouldn’t be worthy of one, and especially not one fated to marry the future King of Devildom, if she didn’t know such basic knowledge, so she indulged into doodling some flowers, waiting eagerly for the class to end, so she could talk to everyone, realising that the nervousness she felt was being overshadowed by curiosity and eagerness.
When the class ended, there were only the brothers and the angels left, while the girl could only blush softly from all the attention and wave as a greeting.
“It’s great seeing you again, Seraphine. I wasn’t quite expecting you to be brought here as an exchange student, but I’m more than happy to see more familiar faces.” Simeon’s gentle voice spoke up the first. “But! But! Why would you accept?! You’re a Seraph, this place is tainted! You shouldn’t have to taint yourself, you could have refused!” Luke whined in confusion and opposition. “Oh great, the Chihuahua is yappin’ again.” Mammon chuckled in amusement. “Chihuahua...? Y-You mean Luke? You nicknamed him Chihuahua?!” she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing, but in her eyes, a sparkle of amusement was obvious. “How dare you call me that! I may be a low-ranking angel, but I’ll have you know, I report directly to the Archangel Michael!” Luke started trashing around in anger, making the girl unable to stop her giggles, making everyone around her quiet, as her voice was nothing less than a loving lullaby to their ears. “I-I guess I can see the resemblance now.” she joked around, making the others chuckle as well. “H-How c-can you say that?!” Luke almost looked like he could cry, which made the girl pat his head gently. “We’re just teasing, don’t worry, we mean you no harm. Liven up a bit.” she smiled softly, which seemed to brighten up the whole classroom. “Hey, Seraphine, wanna play video games with me?” Levi practically bounced on his place, with a huge grin. “Sure, that would be fun, but you’ll have to teach me first. Please go easy on me!” she nodded eagerly. “Ehh? No, Raphie’s going to come shopping with me! Oh, I can even go to Diavolo and propose to let me design her uniform!” Asmo hugged the girl tightly, rubbing his face to hers, like a kitten. “O-Oi, Asmo, get the hell away from her! And besides, Seraphine’s comin’ gamblin’ with me! I’m sure she’d like to see different things from up there, right?” Mammon suggested, proud of himself. “Then, would you like to go to a restaurant with me, Seraphine? Taste the Devildom cuisine for the first time?” Beel smiled softly. “And then I can show you the best places to take a nap.” Belphie’s smile mimicked that of his twin’s. “And we can go to various book shops and cat cafes and discuss book and movie theories, if you’d like.” Satan suggested as well. “Do I really get no time with her? How selfish you all are.” Lucifer scoffed in annoyance. “Don’t worry, we have a whole year to spend together. I will allow all the free time I have for all of you!”  she flashed them a dazzling smile, and everyone seemed to calm down.
Of course, every day, she’d get caught up in one of the brothers’ endless shenanigans, and each night, she’d text and call Diavolo to ramble about her day and the new things she discovered, only to go full-hype when weekend came and she was able to go see him and spend the whole day with him.
From drinking tea together and gossiping, to having strolls around either Devildom or the Human world, seeing the sunrise and sunset together, going ice-skating, or watching a movie together, they didn’t even realise how much their feelings for each other started to grow.
She told him how her and Mammon had to hide from Lucifer as he got mad for going and wasting money on gambling, so she wrapped her wings around him to hide them from his elder brother.
She twirled around in her new uniform that had the colours of the Celestial Realm, but the pattern from RAD, so she learnt not to be embarrassed with showing skin, since it wasn’t improper, as she was told, and even better, that her and Asmo were designing the perfect dress for him, and they were looking around for materials.
She told him about all the wonderful books she read as per Satan’s recommendation, and even showed him the magic spells, just like in Harrison Porter’s book series.
She told him how she missed class one day because her and Levi were caught binge-playing video games all night long and weren’t able to wake up, and thus, she did the “this book is too high for me, can you help me?” trick on him, that she learnt from one of his dating sims, which amused Diavolo a lot, despite Lucifer being confused as hell.
She told him how Beel paid to show her all the best food around Devildom, so she could get a bite from all of them, and after that, Belphie guided them to the roof, where the breeze was just perfect, like the sight of the City, and they took a nap on his cow-patterned pillow.
And of course, last but not least, she told him how she tried to help Lucifer ease up, since he’s not a robot without feelings, and he should learn how to communicate and understand his family better, otherwise all his benevolent intentions will become misinterpreted.
That night, she stood on his lap, in his bed, as they gossiped carelessly, not caring that he was THE Prince and she was THE Jewel.  No, they were just Diavolo and Seraphine, two beings from different races, who understood each other and got along so well, despite all odds being against them.
“Hey, Hey, Dia. Can you show me your Demon form again? I didn’t quite get to see you then.” she grinned happily at him, as he could only chuckle and transform right under her in his true self. “Are you happy now?” he teased her lightly. “Ohhh, I knew it! You have gold ornaments on your horns! Ahhh, so pretty!” she exclaimed, running her fingers softly on his horns. “What is it like? To have horns? Does it hurt whenever you get back in your true form? Do you ever bump into things because of them?” she asked, not caring for even a second about the inhibitions she had in the past. “Hahaha, no, they don’t hurt, but I quite like when you touch them like that. And no, I never bumped into anything...No, actually, I did, when I was hurrying and opened a door, only for it to hit my horns and slam shut.” he laughed mirthfully, as he put his arms around her waist. “No waaaaay, poor dear! That must have been funny to watch!” she giggled, turning her head around to look at his bat-like wings, reaching out to touch them, only to stop immediately in her tracks, looking at him with an apologetic smile.. “Why did you stop?” Diavolo tilted his head in confusion like a lost puppy. “I forgot to ask for permission, I’m sorry. They are so beautiful, I forgot myself...Nobody ever touched my wings, so I would feel uncomfortable too if I were you.” she scratched the back of her head with a guilty smile. “If it’s you, I don’t mind. You are welcomed to touch them whenever you feel like it. Your touch does lots of things to me.” Diavolo chuckled lowly, but the girl paid no mind, as she started stroking them. “If it relaxes you, I’m happy. They are so soft too, woaw! This is amazing!” she grinned, as he used his wing to caress her cheek, making her giggle even more. “Will you show me yours now? It’s only fair, isn’t it?” he smirked playfully, as the girl looked at him with wide eyes, as she started blushing furiously. “Is that how you demons do things? Someone asks you something, and then you ask for something in return?” she jabbed back with no shame at all. “Forgive me, it’s in my nature to be a little jerk like that.” he chuckled lightly, as he got busted. “Well...Since it’s you...I guess it can’t hurt.” she muttered, looking away as she transformed in her Seraph form, and instinctively, she hid her form with her wings. “Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, Seraphine.” Diavolo’s voice became much softer, as he gently pulled away the wings to see her radiating face, as the whole room was engulfed with a divine light that seemed to ease his heart. “Don’t flatter me, Diavolo, you’re making me feel weird...” she muttered, looking down timidly. “I’m just telling the truth! You truly are the most ethereal being I have ever laid my eyes upon.” he confessed, caressing her face softly, looking at her with such a tender look that it made her heart skip a few beats. “Now I understand how Lucifer feels whenever you throw a bunch of random compliments at him.” she only blushed further, closing her eyes, feeling the warm touch of his hands. “That is true, but nothing compares to your cute face. But that’s only for me to see.” he chuckled, as he started stroking some of her feathers with one hand, while the other was snaked around her waist, pulling her flush against his bare chest, to stop her from jerking away in shyness. “You’re merciless.” she bit her lip, burying her face in the crook of his neck as her hands found refuge on his tanned chest. “Won’t you touch me more? Your touch is making me feel...What is the correct term...Heavenly.” he let himself hit the pillow and he guided her delicate hands down his chest, as the girl could only look at him with confusion. “I don’t really understand...How can my touch make you feel as good as you say?” she spoke with such innocence and naivite that it took every ounce of self-control the Demon Prince possessed not to hurry and taint her...He needed all the patience he has, and it will be worth it, for both of them. “If you’re that confused, tell me what you feel now.” he put his hand on the back of her head, slowly leaning her down to kiss her gently, her wings spreading completely as she melted into the kiss. “By your reaction, I can see that you liked it.” “...Heavenly.” she giggled softly, making the man laugh at her choice of words, as he pulled her gently beneath her, brushing away the hair from her face, and putting his forehead to hers.  “I love you, Seraphine. My days are always brighter when you’re by my side.” he confessed softly, kissing her once again, with more fire this time. “I love you, Diavolo. Thank you for choosing me...And for having so much patience with me.” she looked at him with so much love, a few tears glistening in her azure eyes, like diamonds in the mirror sheen of the ocean.
There was only one heartbeat, one soul, one body, and one love, as feelings were overflowing from both of them, and it seemed like the room’s temperature went up by 30 degrees at least.
Almost a year passed since Seraphine was sent to Devildom, and the exchange student program was almost at the end, which was rather sad, but even so, with how successful this was, Diavolo was sure something like this would happen again pretty soon, so more fun will happen.
However, that day, as Seraphine and Lucifer were walking down the RAD’s corridors, chatting casually, as all of a sudden, two beads of light appeared in front of them, only to reveal Laila and Abbadon.
“Uh...Hello? Long time no see?” the girl looked at them with a weird look on her face. “What is this behaviour?! Walking and talking out loud so casually with a Fallen? In such a skimpy outfit? And you’re not even hiding, like a true Seraphim would?! This is not how we raised you!” Laila yelled at her, making both Seraphine and Lucifer look at them with wide eyes. “...I don’t see what’s the problem. I’m not under your control anymore, so why are you talking like that to me? As long as Diavolo has no problem with what I’m doing, I don’t see why you should.” she shrugged nonchalantly, as Abbadon got in front of her, towering over her small form, his eyes holding strictness and harshness, as he grabbed her shoulders. “You are not fit to be the Wife of the future Demon Lord! You have become a disgrace...You stink of demon...You are tainted! We are taking you straight home for a purifying ritual. What a disappointment you turned out to be!” his rough voice growled at her, but for the first time, none of their threats had any effect on her. “You are in Devildom, you have no authority here. Lord Diavolo is the only one who is allowed any say in any matter in this place, so I suggest you watch you tongue, you are out of place here, angels.” Lucifer defended the girl, as he glared at them. “How DARE you speak to me with that vermin tongue of yours, you, Fallen?” Abbadon’s grip tightened on her shoulder. “Back off, or I will be forced to take action. You are on the property and under the rule of my soon to be husband, so I suggest you go away without a fight.” she slapped away his hand with ease. “You?! What can YOU do?! You are nothing more than an obedient little puppet for everyone to do as they please with you!” Laila chimed in, making the girl shake her head, hearing the other brothers rush to see what was going on. “I’m not sure you realised, but almost a year passed since you left me here. you think I am the same timid rabbit that used to hide? The one that you made me? Goodness, no, this time, I am myself. And I will have to remind you that yes, I AM Diavolo’s future wife, but that doesn’t mean that I am not also Heaven’s Jewel, also known as the most powerful angel in the Celestial Realm. And what are you? Some low-ranking angels? Are you even on Luke’s level? I mean, he DOES report to Michael, doesn’t he? While all you do is waste time. So please, leave now before you anger me. I am an angel, I wouldn’t want to give in to petty sins.” she flipped her long hair, looking at them with a bored, yet defying look in her eyes. “Diavolo’s wife?! What?!” were the collective gasps she heard from around her, making her groan in annoyance. “Great, look what you’ve done. This was supposed to be a secret until later on. Now you ruined it.” she shook her head in disdain. “It’s clear that Diavolo is unfit to become the future ruler of this hell hole! He can’t even control a stupid little angel, and what’s more, he picked up all the Fallen strays from the street, like he’s some garbage collector-” Abbadon started barking, but the girl, with a simple swish of her hand, was sent flying into the wall, breaking it. “Don’t you know it’s rude to talk trash about someone’s husband like that? Especially some low-lives like you who aren’t even the scum in the trash, compared to him. And if you continue to talk...You shall receive Divine Punishment...” her voice became lower, threatening, which seemed to send shivers down everyone’s spines. “You have dishonored the whole Celestial Realm, Seraphine! You don’t deserve to be one of the Seraphim! I will report to God and we shall have you removed! You will linger with these tainted Fallens for all eternity!” Laila threatened, as she helped Abbadon stand up, and they transformed in their angel forms, as Diavolo came by, putting his hands on Seraphine’s shoulders from behind. “I can feel the anger seething through you, darling. What is it that you want to do? I allow you to Punish them. This is my kingdom, and they came here, uninvited, out of their own accord, and insulted both rulers of this place. They are free kill, if it will make you feel better.” Diavolo spoke poison, just like a snake, in her ear. “What, the Prince is not even strong enough, so he needs his guard bitch to do the dirty work?!” Abbadon growled in pain. “With pleasure!” she grinned widely, as she stepped towards them menacingly, transforming into her angel form, and creating a large sword out of thin air. “Now you shall learn why nobody should oppose Heaven’s Jewel, dears.” she giggled darkly, as she summoned thorny vines to shackle them, as she impaled both of them.
Of course, that wouldn’t kill them, but it will serve for just the perfect amount of torturous agony for a long time.
“My Queen is absolutely breathtaking, don’t you think, Lucifer?” Diavolo hugged Seraphine from behind, rubbing his face to hers like a kitten would, only to bump the top of her head slightly with his horns. “Remember when you said you only hit the door with your horns? Add my head to the list...Because ouch, that hurt.” she shook her head, only to chuckle lightly, all the negative emotions flying away in an instant. “Why have you never told me you and Seraphine were going to get married?” Lucifer looked at Diavolo with a betrayed look. “Only Barbatos knew. We thought that if you, or anyone, for the matter, were to know, she’d be treated differently, and that wouldn’t have been fun. We wanted her to have fun and find herself and who she truly is, and hanging around with all of you helped a lot.” Diavolo chuckled as Lucifer’s frown turned into a smile, as he nodded. “Yes, you are correct, as usual. I’m happy for you two.” Lucifer congratulated, followed by the rest of the brothers. “Can I design your wedding dress?!” Asmo cheered in glee. “Can I be the Ring-Bearer?” Satan asked. “Lucifer’s definitely going to be the Best Man, so can I be the Maid of Honour?!” Levi chuckled enthusiastically. “Then can I come with the music?!” Mammon chimed in. “I’m in charge of the food.” Beel smiled softly. “I’d like to help with the decorations, then.” Belphie leaned on his twin brother, with a sleepy smile. “I say yes to all of them!” Seraphine grinned, putting her arms around Diavolo’s neck, resting on her tippy toes to reach him, as she looked at him with a tender look. “It’s going to be one hell of a Wedding, hmm~?” Diavolo chuckled, snaking his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Hella~!” she grinned, leaning in to kiss with passionately, as her wings unconsciously wrapped around him. “That’s the gorgeous smile that I love to see.” his own wings wrapped protectively around her as well.
As soon as their kiss ended, she put her palms together and made a snow-white pure Lily flower, putting it in his hair, smiling softly at him. Grinning back, he created a flower crown of dark blue hydrangeas, putting it on her head.
“There you go. Now you are officially my Queen. You even have the crown to match!” Diavolo joked playfully, making everyone chuckle at the future Devil King’s antics.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (15)
Jaebum AU Series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / sixteen
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, romance, drama, mature  plot: you are getting bullied and jaebum decides to fake date you  a/n: this chapter is sponsered by sour skittles lmao <3 not edited, i hope y’all like it :) 
“Yah, are you stupid?” She glared at you. You groaned as you tried getting up from the nurse’s bed. She gently pushed you back down, and let out a loud and heavy sigh. 
“Y/n, I’m not saying this to be funny, or to sound strong, or whatever,” she looked into your eyes. You noticed the new wound on her bottom lip, and the bruise of her left cheek. You felt tears prickle your eyes as the image of those girls crowding around her flashed through your mind. 
“You are my friend, y/n,” Nora says, as she takes your cold hands into her warm ones. “I know you want to protect me. I want to protect you too. But jumping into those kind of situations, against seven other girls, is just stupidity.” 
You looked away from her soft gaze. 
You felt embarrased. Embarrased that you shared this horrible memory, that this was your reality, that you couldn’t even protect her properly and probably made it worse for her. 
“Next time, help me by getting help,” she told you softly, as she touched your chin making you face her. “Get help. Call someone. Don’t jump in.”
She held your collarbone where a purple bruise darkened. 
“You jumping in doesn’t help. All it does is make it the both of us instead one. Okay?”
You nodded, as your chin began trembling, as tears began streaming down your face. “Okay.”
The fluffy white clouds in the blue skies would’ve tricked anyone into believing it was a beautiful cool spring day, but the bitter chill that seeped through the old windows of the building reminded you otherwise. 
Winter had slowly creeped up, and it was getting colder with every passing day. You were surprised it hadn’t snowed so far into the season. However, the weather always so nice. The past few months had been ridden with storms and endless downpours of rain making the early winter colder. 
You stuffed your hands into your pocket of your winter jacket, as you let out a sigh. You wished for something hot and warm right now, but you didn’t want to go out of the old music room. 
You knew leaving this sanctuary would leave you exposed to the judging eyes of everyone, and you didn’t want to risk the chance of running into Jenny. 
The bullying had easied miraciously. Maybe pretending to go out with Jaebum did really help, but it didn’t deter everyone. Some still continued to treat you like trash as you passed the hallways alone. But never when you were with Jaebum, and that seemed to be often. 
Jaebum never left your side in school. At first, it made you nervous. You didn’t like the attention, you didn’t like the stares. And most of all, you hated being a burden on Jaebum. You hated that he carried you around everywhere to protect you from their harsh words. 
But as time has passed, you didn’t mind Jaebum next to you. 
You didn’t feel like a burden as much anymore. 
Not when Jaebum would sometimes forget the watching eyes and let out a laugh as you both joked. Not when Jaebum would hold your hands through the halls, or open doors for you. Not when Jaebum would smile at you and look at you as if you were the only good thing in the world. 
Im Jaebum was nothing like you thought he would be. He was all the good parts you expected him to be. You knew he was kind, nice and caring. But you had also thought he was a sex obessed succubus. 
Atleast that’s what the rumours painted him to be. They painted him like a sex god. As the boy who would only pay attention to anyone as long as he could gain something from them. 
But that wasn’t true. 
Jaebum was a dork. Jaebum was a good friend. Jaebum didn’t need anything in return for all that he was doing for you. Jaebum was a good person with a heart of gold. 
It bothered you that Jaebum wasn’t being sexual with you, because that’s what his nature was made out to be. But Jaebum never touched you more than he needed to. And even when he did, he did it cautiously. His eyes always looking into yours, searching for permission. His hands were always warm, large and gentle. 
Even in moments when you were so near that you could feel his minty breath dance on your lips. Even in moments when you wanted nothing more than Jaebum, his body, his lips, his hands all over you. Even in moments, where all Jaebum needed to do was breath the word and you’d snap and fall into him. Jaebum always managed to pull back, always stopped it before it went to far. 
You sighed as you slid down the wall, and sunk onto the floor. Your knees pressed against your chest, your head leaning against it. The music gently carried from your earphones, and you let it loosen you up a bit. 
You hummed lightly, closing your eyes, as your wrapped your arms around your knees. 
“I can’t wait to hear you sing,” his voice spoke over the music, resting in my chest feeling golden. He sat down two cups of hot chocolate and a bag of snacks. 
He sat down next to you, his shoulders pressed against yours. You tummy flipped, and your cheeks tinted pink. Jaebum didn’t notice and continued, “I always hear you hum, but never sing. I’m sure you’ll sound good.” 
Your cheeks got warmer at his compliment. You avoided his gaze, not sure how to reply.
“Maybe someday,” you replied, trying to sound cool about it, despite your racing heart. He thought you sounded good. 
Instead you searched through the back, and picked out the packet of sour skittles. You squealed happily as you turned towards Jaebum. 
“How did you know?!” You had been craving it for a whole week now, but never got around to buying it. You gave him a wide grin as you carefully opened the packet and held it out to Jaebum. “Hand.”
You took them out on Jaebum’s hand picking out the green ones, and putting them into your mouth. 
Jaebum hated any artifical food that was coloured green. 
“Thanks,” Jaebum mumbled before stuffing the lot in his palm into his mouth. His face contured as the sourness for the candy sharply assaulted his tastebuds. You laughed, as he shivered before chewing furiously. 
“Have the hot chocolate before it gets cold,” Jaebum gestured to the two cups between you two. You picked yours cup, sipping it slowly, letting the warm chocolate sink into your body. 
You smiled, as you thought of how much the drink reminded you of Jaebum. It was warm and sweet just like him. The darkness of eyes stealing the colour of the hot drink. His eyes were like hot chocolate; warm and soothing. He was hot chocolate. 
You looked over to Jaebum who was looking at you intently. Your cheeks tainted pink as you bit your lip. 
“What?” You whispered after a moment when he continued to look at you. 
Jaebum couldn’t help but think back to the first time you both were in this room together. He couldn’t help but compare you to the timid, shy girl who didn’t want to eat because she thought she deserved to. He couldn’t help but feel joy and find humour at how you stared at him, asking him questions, instead of stealing your gaze away from him.
He smiled to himself as he looked at you, making you frown in return. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, as making his smile get wider. 
“Jaebum, stop,” you pouted. “What is it? Why are you smiling at me like that?” 
You stared as the light from the heaven shown into the little room on the fourth floor of the old building. 
Jaebum threw his head back, his locks falling back. His throat long, his skin soft begging you to place a kiss on it. His voice bounced of the walls, his shoulders shaking as he barked out a laugh. 
You couldn’t even be upset anymore. 
You couldn’t even remember anything, as Jaebum laughed. 
The light radiating of him, his skin glittering emitting the sunlight. His dark locks glistening, the darkness breathing in the light, as swayed gently with his movement. His red lips open and turned upwards, his eyes squeezed shit, making his long lashes graze his high cheekbones. 
He was beautiful. 
He was breathtaking. 
You stared at him in awe, as he slowly settled down. He peeked at you from the corner of his eyes, as he coughed out the remaining laughter. 
He didn’t say anything. He reached over and patted your head before rubbing your hair. 
Your lips parted, as you stared at him in shock. You were sure your cheeks were as red as tomatoes, as you peered at him through your lashes. 
Jaebum smiled, and sat back down.
You stared at him. He was playing with you. 
You reached over and rubbed his black hair; you couldn’t help but notice the silkiness of it. It’s touch just as it looked like it would be. 
Jaebum gaped at you, taken aback. His long hair lay over his eyes, covering it slightly. But you could see enough to see the surprise in them, slowly turning into mischieve. 
“Jae, no-” Your yelp was cut off as Jaebum leaned in towards you. He was so close you could feel his warm breath fall over your lips. His eyes darkened, as they rested on your parted lips before meeting your wide eyes. 
Your heart shivered, as excitment and the urge to kiss him ran over you like an electric wave. 
His hands placed beside you on either side, caging you in. It made him surround you. It made him take over your mind completely, so all you could think about was him. 
“Jae,” you whispered, your chest heaving. You leaned back slightly, but Jaebum followed you. He came in closer like you were a magnet pulling him towards you. 
He was closer now; much, much closer now. So close that the slightest movement would make your lips brush against his soft ones. 
He lifted one of his and placed them on your waist. The slightest thought of Jaebum feeling the curves of your plump waist crossed your mind, but instantly they vanished, as Jaebum parted his lips. 
You wanted to lean in closer. You wanted nothing more than to press your lips against him, and pull his body onto you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss Im Jaebum. 
But, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You couldn’t move even if your wanted to. Your whole body stilled with anticipation as your blood ran hotter with every passing second. 
Kiss me. You thought, as if Jaebum could magically read your mind. 
But maybe he could. 
Jaebum’s eyes darted from your lips to your eyes; searching, reading. He smiled lightly, before looking back at your lips. His hands on your waist tightened, as he swallowed nervously. 
You closed your eyes, your hands moving from your skirt onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your fists clutching it, tightly. 
You felt Jaebum move for a second, the warmth of his breath moving for a spilt second. But then he was back. His one hand still on your waist, the other now on your cheeks. 
Your chest rose and fell. Your sweaty palms holding onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your eyes closed tightly. Your lips waiting for Jaebum’s.
After what felt like eternity, you felt the slightest brush of lips pressing against yours, when a loud shrill ran through the room. 
He jerked away from you. 
Your eyes snapping open, your arms outstretched from holding Jaebum’s jacket. 
Jaebum stared at you, and you felt yourself burn up. You were sure your whole face was on fire, as you looked away from Jaebum. 
Oh my god. 
Before Jaebum could say anything, you quickly grabbed your hot chocolate and ran out the classroom mortified. 
Jaebum walked into the room fifteen minutes after you. The lesson had started, but the teacher didn’t address Jaebum as he strudded into class and settled in his seat beside you. 
You felt his gaze remain on you the whole time, and lowered your head. You let your hair fall and become a curtain between Jaebum and your burning beetroot face. 
After a minute, you saw a green box slide onto your desk. It was the sour skittles packet. Upon closer look you saw a white note peeking out. You pulled it out, and could tell Jaebum was watching. 
Sorry you couldn’t resist my charm. 
You looked over at Jaebum, letting out a little snort. 
Someone snickered from in front of you, under their breath, “pig.”
Jaebum’s eyes darkened, his fist clenched, but he kept his gaze on you, watching you. 
You reached out and touched his hand, before giving him a small smile. 
This time Jaebum snorted, loudly, obnixiously. Even the teacher froze, but he didn’t turn around. He remained facing the board, his pen stopped midstroke. The whole class froze over, and no one let out a peep. 
Until from infront of the room, a girlish snort came. 
You looked over, and you couldn’t believe. 
She remained facing the front of the room, as the whole room erupted into a quiet roar of commotion. 
Jenny. It was Jenny. 
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lovebitesimagines · 5 years
Dangerous Love- Escape.
All I’m going to say about this chapter is, get used to the fluff now...because shit is about to go down.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Tags: @happyhostforsymbiotes @namelesslosers @brianaisasongbird @crazymofos021 @lifetimeofadventue @itsmissdahliahayward @biba3434  @onlythechicagoway
(There are a few others it won’t let me tag for some reason. I will message you all now).
Wanna be on the tag list? Just drop me a message x
Warnings: A lot of swearing, violence.
Can you and Alfie handle the aftermath of your news?
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 Alfies’ POV
           Alfie hadn’t heard of you in a few days. Every attempt in communication had been met with a deafening kind of silence, that chilled him to his core. He had toyed with the belief that perhaps you didn’t want him anymore, that maybe you had been having second thoughts about your engagement. The cruel idea kept him awake at night, replaying in his mind as he stared at the evening sky.
           It was as if a dark, grey cloud had been overcast above him. His days seemed less cheerful, as if he didn’t have a reason to look forward to anything. The silence reverberated around him, yet thoughts thundered dangerously loud within his mind. He had become subdued, a shadow of himself in the light of your absence.
           Everyone around Alfie, had realised the instant change in him. They had witnessed his unusually sunny disposition- a result of your previous evening spent together- become eclipsed and unsettled by the distressing theories that bloomed in his mind. Alfies’ temper became more temperamental than it had been before, his workers bearing the brunt of his outbursts of anger.
Alfie sat scowling at his desk, the wrinkles etched deep upon his face. His light blue eyes were hooded, staring unblinking into the space around him. His orbs showed a hidden sadness, a dejected expression he only wore in the privacy of his office, when no one was around to pinpoint his weakness.
He sighed softly, leaning back in his chair. The leather cried out in protest underneath him, the first movement he had made in quite some time. Alfie ran his fingers through his hair, letting his arm drop limply to his side. His hand felt empty without your fingers entangled in with his. He blinked slowly, squeezing his eyelids shut for a few seconds, tears spilling out onto his stubble.
Had he done something wrong?
The quiet of Alfies’ office, was interrupted by his door swinging open, the wood smacking against the wall. He growled slightly, his eyes shooting open to glare at the intruder. Ollie stood in the doorway, his warm grey eyes glancing nervously at Alfie, flinching slightly as his ferocious stare burned him.
“What the fuck, right, do ya’ fuckin’ want?” Alfie murmured, glancing back down at his hands, his words quietly tricking out into the silence of the room.  Ollie made his way in, the door closing shut quietly behind him.
“I have news. On (Y/N)” Ollie stated, moving to stand in front of the desk. Alfies’ head snapped up, intrigued by what Ollie had to say. He had ordered his men to keep an eye out for you but was surprised at how quickly information had come back.
“Go on”.
“We been told, by a few of their men, that she ain’t allowed to leave the house no more. That they keep her in there, because they found out about you two” Ollie began, his voice beginning to slowly falter as he saw Alfies’ face progressively grow darker. “They say The Peaky Blinders ain’t happy about you two at all, that they’re banning her from ever leaving again”.
           A sinister silence quickly descended into the office, settling uncomfortably between the two men. Ollie looked worryingly at Alfie, his bosses’ sudden thunderous expression making him feel slightly anxious. Alfie clenched his fists tightly, breathing in deeply, his jaw clenching.
“Grab the car Ollie” Alfie stated, his voice strangely calm in comparison to his murderous expression.
“What?” Ollie stuttered.
“Ya’ fuckin heard me, right? Get the fuckin’ car. We’re goin’ to Small Heath, sort these fuckin’ gypsies out”.
           The car ride to Small Heath was eerily silent, both men not saying a word to each other. It was as if both of them had premediated what was to take place, the moment their car stopped in front of The Shelbys’ house. Ollies’ knuckles where white as they gripped the steering wheel, Alfie never blinking as he determinedly stared straight ahead. They weren’t alone-a few cars behind Alfies’ men were following them, in preparation for an altercation.
           Alfie wasn’t sure how long the journey took them, his mind focused on you. Since Ollie had told him the news, not even an hour ago, his mind had conjured up dark thoughts of what condition you would be in. A soft smile broke upon his lips, as he imagined the colourful words that would have surely spilled from your mouth.
           The car pulled up alongside the house, Alfie grimacing slightly as he took in the sights around him. It was dark with a thick smoke which clogged up your lungs. Although it was similar to London in that sense, it possessed a foreboding air which his hometown did not have. He climbed out of the car, his cane sinking slightly into the mud as he gripped it tightly, his eyes darkening over again. Alfie could sense the eyes behind the curtains which watched him and Ollie, something which only seemed to encourage his temper to rise.
“Open the fuck up Shelbys!” Alfie yelled, as his fist smacked against the wooden door in front of him. He ignored the curious looks he earned from the few passers-by, knowing that his appearance would be the chosen subject of gossip.
“Is it that fucking Jew?” Alfie heard a male voice bellow from behind the door, identifying it as Arthur- the eldest of the Shelby siblings.
“Don’t worry Arthur. I’ll sort him out” Tommy Shelby stated, his voice becoming louder as he made his way closer to the door. Alfie could picture the smug expression upon the other mans’ face now, his frown becoming deeper.
“Of course ya’ fuckin’ will Shelby, ya’ fuckin’ cunt” Alfie muttered under his breath, his hand gripping tighter upon his cane. He heard the key turn in the lock, the door slowly opening to reveal Tommy Shelby stood in front of him.
“Nice to see you Alfie, although unannounced’ Tommy began, his voice ringing into the air. Alfie didn’t let him finish, his anger taking over him. He reached out to him, his fingers gripping at Tommys’ throat.
“Where the fuck is she?” he growled, his eyes never leaving Tommys’, hoping to see at least an ounce of fear in the other mans’ eyes. He didn’t react to the uproar that had exploded behind Tommy, his brothers pulling out their weapons in defence. Tommy lifted up a hand slightly to stop them.
“I can’t really talk properly, with your hand around my throat you see” Tommy stated coolly, his fearlessly smug expression never wavering. Alfie grunted, loosening his grip only slightly.
“I’m usually a patient man ya’ see, right? But right now, yeah, ya’ are gettin’ on my last fuckin’ nerve” Alfie responded, spitting each word out like venom in his mouth. “Where the fuck is my fiancé?”
           The sound of your voice quietly rang out, cutting through the commotion. Alfie dropped Tommy instantly, his heart swelling as his eyes met yours. You were stood on the stairs behind Tommy. Alfie instantly noticed the red rims around your eyes, standing out against your milky white skin. You looked exhausted, and fragile, as if you would collapse and fall through the World at any given moment.
“I thought I told you to fucking keep her upstairs?!” Tommy snapped, spinning to face a woman who had appeared beside you.
“I’m not keeping my fucking niece prisoner. Let her see the man” the woman snapped back at Tommy, her skin flustered and angry. He knew this must be the Aunt Pol, of which you spoke so highly of. Tommy stayed silent for a brief moment, as if contemplating the suggestion which Pol had thrown at him.
“Fine. You have five minutes” Tommy stated, stepping back to allow you to pass. Alfie opened his arms out wide for you, as you ran down the stairs to greet him.
“Angel” Alfie mumbled into your hair, unashamed of the display of affection your brothers were witnessing. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, as if he was afraid to ever let you go. His shirt began to get damp, with the tears that spilled from your eyes. He lifted a hand up to your hair, his fingers smoothing gently against your (Y/C/H) strands in an effort to comfort you. He could stay like this forever, with you.
“Times up. I’ve had enough of watching this sick show” Arthur grunted, shattering the tender moment between you and Alfie.
           Alfie sighed softly as you slowly pulled away, his fingers gently trailing down your arms. He knew there was no point in fighting, not right now. He had seen the distress in your eyes, as his fingers dug into Tommys’ throat. He didn’t want to cause you any more torment by fighting your brothers, although the idea brought him great joy. Alfie stood back, watching the door close.
“We won’t be apart long angel. I promise ya’” Alfie whispered into the air where you had once stood, his heart smashing into a thousand tiny pieces.
           But did he believe the words himself?
           You fell back, sitting upon the bottom step, the slamming of the door shut ringing in your ears. Your eyes never moved, as if you were silently willing it to re-open again and for Alfie to magically appear. The warm, salty tears continued to spill down your cheeks, small pools forming upon your collarbone.
           You had wished so hard for things to change, for everything for once to simply just be okay. You had spent every waking moment, daydreaming about how life would be if you were not a Shelby. You wouldn’t have to worry about who you fell in love with, you wouldn’t have to second guess every single action that you made. Life, would simply be, better.
“Come on love. You can’t sit here all night” Aunt Pol whispered, her hand resting upon your shoulder. You knew your family had been having a meeting, something which you now had lost every ounce of interest in.
“He might come back” you croaked softly, your throat sore from spending the past few nights crying and screaming endlessly. You realised how stupid the words sounded, as soon as you spoke them. Alfie couldn’t come back. You heard Aunt Pol sigh softly, having heard such things from you for a couple of evenings. Her and Finn had been your only form of support through this, showing affection and providing comfort- something which your ‘beloved’ brothers had not done.
“What good will you be to him, without a nice bath to freshen yourself up?” she spoke softly, gently helping you onto your feet and leading you up the stairs. You had given up all the fight that you had, your feet moving you automatically into your room. You flopped down upon your bed, as Aunt Pol closed the door behind you both quietly.
“Pack a bag. Quick” she murmured. You blinked at her confused, only earning yourself a frown in response. “Look, I don’t know how long Finn can distract them for. Pack. Now”.
           Aunt Pols’ words seemed to light a fire underneath you, as you suddenly felt strength seep back into your weary body. You stood up quickly, pulling out your travel bag from underneath your bed. You didn’t care about what outfits you packed, inattentively throwing in a random selection of dresses, a rainbow of colours and fabric stuffed into your bag.
“Quick” Aunt Pol whispered again, grabbing you by your arm and dragging you back down the stairs. She quietly opened the front door, pushing you softly out into the streets of Small Heath. “I can’t explain much. He won’t have gotten far. Get to London, before the find out. I’ll say you’re sleeping. Go!”. She pressed a few coins into the palm of your hand, before closing the door in your face.
           The adrenaline that was currently pumping through your veins, made your body move. Your mind was wondering elsewhere, not focusing upon the path which your legs automatically knew what to take. The only sound you could hear, was your feet hurriedly moving against the cobbled paths.
           You were back in the shadows again.
           The gravel crunched underneath the tires, breaking into the silence of the evening. A light flickered in the downstairs window, shining brightly upon your arrival. You could just about make out a shadow inside, unmoving apart from the slow rise and fall of their shoulders.
           You handed over the coins Aunt Pol had given you, to the driver. You had been lucky, having an untroubled and quick journey to London. You had been even luckier finding somebody, who just so happened to know where the infamous Alfie Solomons lived, although you did have to pay extra for that piece of precious information.
           You closed the car door behind you, your hand gripping tightly onto the handle of your bag, as you made your way towards his front door. You stood frozen outside, your eyes scanning over the grooves upon the door, nerves suddenly possessing you. What if Alfie didn’t want to see you? What if this was a wasted journey?
           There was only one way to find out.
           Your hands trembled as you knocked upon the door, hearing the sound of a dog’s bark boom from behind.
“Whose there?” Alfie bellowed. Your throat tightened, finding yourself unable to speak. “Hush Cyril”.
           The handle turned slowly, the door opening only slightly, just enough for Alfie to par out from. He blinked in disbelief, as he saw you stood in front of him. You smiled nervously, swallowing hard as you both stood like that for a few moments.
           It was like time was moving at a slower pace than normal, as Alfie flung open the door, wood crashing against brick. His hands snaked around your waist, holding you close against him, his eyes still staring deeply into yours.
“I knew it. I fuckin’ knew we wouldn’t be apart for long, angel” he whispered, pulling away from you slightly to lead you inside. You stayed silent, your eyes taking in the surroundings.
           Alfies’ house was almost as you expected it to be, although it was slightly warmer than you had anticipated. The walls where bare, the lack of decoration and clutter you put down to his busy lifestyle. It was a lot larger than you had imagined, with rooms more spacious than you had seen before. Although, that could be down to the sad emptiness it seemed to hold, with only a few select pieces of furniture gracing the empty space.
           Your eyes met again, as you both came to a stop in the middle of the almost bare living room.
“I know it ain’t much, yeah, but-“Alfie began. You stood on your tiptoes, silencing him as you pressed your lips softly against his.
“I love it” you whispered against his mouth, before melting back into him.
           Time stood still, when you were with him.
           It was as if the World was holding its breath.
           Holding its breath, waiting for the explosions that would happen.
           After all, everyone knows that a Shelby and Solomons’ shouldn’t be mixed together.
           Bad things could happen.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 20
• Note: Screenshots for Hana are from @kennaxval , HIMEME YouTube Channel for Drake and Vika Avey YouTube Channel for Maxwell. Alright. Looks like this book will take another two chapters, fam!
• I feel like one will be for the final showdown between Liam and Anton, and the eventual aftermath, and the last one will be an epilogue of sorts, where the MC either has her coronation or is honoured in a special ceremony for her bravery. But I could be wrong, so don't take me altogether on my word.
• Wanna know how to be friendzoned by your spouse at your own wedding reception? Be Hana.
• I'm serious. Even if she's fucking married to you she's still expected to play the part of Professional Best Friend™. She acts more the bridesmaid than the actual bride.
• Title: A Warm Reception. Well that reception is about to get scalding hot by the end of this chapter!
• The chapter begins with a lovely sweet scene with your husband/wife (it's so nice to finally say it!!) and what they're looking forward to at the reception. In the options you get to hint at the main course you picked (if you paid the diamonds) or the cake (if you paid the diamonds) + the toast (for which you will now pay diamonds).
• We meet Ana de Luca at the boutique and she shows us a dress that...still looks like it would be more suitable for a wedding instead.
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Okay maybe a little risque for a wedding...but still. I guess I'm more used to the bride changing into a different colour for the reception (for us Malayali Christians, we usually change into saris of whatever colour - but mostly red - after the wedding and the mass is over).
Well of course I'm choosing this. The other option is the dreaded LBD (alright not that dreaded. It's a lot better than Bluebelle, after all).
• Madeleine is extra snippy and snarky compared to her usual, and is determined to change her job description from Press Sec to Professional ClamJammer/Cockblocker™.
• Look, you lucky sods who did the fling option. My MC has had no sex since Valtoria and SHE. IS. THIRSTY.
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• So we enter the hall, congratulated and complimented like any regular wedded couple, our friends surrounding us with joy and promises of a good time. Court members like Kiara and Penelope confess to crying over your vows (I'm guessing this crops up only if you chose the vow diamond option in Chapter 18).
• Boy they really are laying it in thick with Liam's heartbreak if he's not marrying you aren't they. Like they HAVE to drill it in you that THIS MAN STILL LOVES YOU AND IS IN PAIIIIIN before this entire betrayal fiasco occurs. They're like a few lines short of literally writing it on the poor man's forehead.
• In each playthrough, once you're done getting felicitations from everyone, you then get to meet the rest of the groom/bride's families.
In Liam's playthrough Regina and Leo tell Liam how proud they are of him, and Leo is impressed at his wedding taking place in Bossina Cathedral (hinting at the fact that if you married him in RoE, he was one of the few royals who did not get married there). In Drake's playthrough, the MC meets Bianca, and we find out more about both her and Jackson (Jackson wasn't a big fan of big events with lots of people, and Bianca can't wrap her head around the gazillion spoons and their purpose on the dinner table. Don't let your future son-in-law Bertrand catch you saying that, Bianca!). In Hana's playthrough, Xinghai and Lorelai sound nostalgic, and Lorelai tells Hana that she wishes Hana had let her braid her hair. Hana tenses up at the comment, but given the speech Lorelai gives later on, it seems more like a sentimental moment she wanted to share with Hana before the wedding. In Maxwell's playthrough, the family members are Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie, and Savannah uses her time with the newlyweds to...make pointed remarks about "how hard it is to take the leap" and give Bertrand shade for taking their relationship further yet. Um. Okay Savannah.
• We then move on to the main course. Now if you didn't buy the group scene at the festival in Castelserraillian, you do have a main course - they just don't specify what it is. If you do, however, the main course you chose will unlock a scene with the LI that recommended it. The chicken tagine unlocks some playful dialogue between Liam and Leo about how much Liam disliked this dish and how much his tastes have changed since then. The ash-e reshteh unlocks a cute scene between Hana and her parents about their experience in Iran during the Persian New Year, including a sweet story about how Lorelei had lost her bag and ended up walking around in a t-shirt instead. The feijoada stew doesn't give us any extra stories, but it does unlock a funny scene where Bertrand looks suspiciously at the stew ("It smells like...Drake". Bertrand Bertrand Bertrand. If only you knew how much grovelling you'd have to do in front of Drake later), Drake encourages him to try it, and Bertrand is bowled over by the taste. I guess that's to be expected, considering Drake only specified that he liked the taste of the stew rather than assign any personal connection to it. Overall...nice touch having the food item connected to the LI that suggested it to you, and it makes me a little sadder about the fact that they didn't assign one to Maxwell at all.
• The LI you married gives their speech for free, each in their own unique style, each giving us an insight into their individual stories:
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In their individual ways, each LI stresses on how their love story wasn't expected to work out, but did despite all the odds. Both Maxwell and Drake are self-deprecating: one speaks of how he - even now - cannot imagine that this beautiful feisty woman would choose a 'cynical bastard' like him, while the other highlights how fairytale-like her journey was expected to be and how he was the court jester who shouldn't have been getting the girl, but did. (Lol I also noticed that the married Drake now calls his spouse "Walker" 😄 Edit: Looks like this is by option. @i-dream-so-i-write tells me that in the carriage scene post the wedding, you get to choose what he should call you, which I missed. Nice touch!). Hana speaks of how her feelings towards the MC gradually developed over time, becoming stronger and more difficult to ignore even though she knew they were both supposed to be here on the same purpose (ie. vying for Liam's hand). Liam's highlights his constant fears that their relationship would be brought to an abrupt end several times, but above all, he speaks of her as Cordonia's Queen, reminds his subjects that she has proved her worth as a leader time and again. This is important, because it's a reminder that Liam will always belong to two: to his country, and to the woman who marries him.
• You then get a diamond option to hear the toasts of all your friends (the remaining LIs + Olivia) + a family member of that particular LI. In each playthrough, there are discrepancies: ones that seemed odd and confusing to me at first but that clearly show a pattern. Each LI will have just one fellow LI who will speak about them as well, rather than just the MC, and a family member who will reflect on that person's growth. Out of all of them, Olivia addresses only one directly with substantial attention to the LI: and that is Liam (she has a line directed to Drake that is doubtless funny but actually doesn't add anything and could have been done without really). Each one ends with a final toast from Bertrand. So here's what the breakdown of the toasts in each playthrough:
Liam: Toasts given by Drake, Olivia, Maxwell, Hana and Bertrand. Family member: Leo.
Leo's speech is primarily about bringing us back to the roots of the TRR story (his abdication and the aftermath of it all is how this story begins, after all), and reminding us of how it all began. He acknowledges the toll his decision must have taken on Liam, but also makes it clear that the MC has helped Liam find the balance between his duties and his needs that he so clearly needed.
The LI who focuses on Liam is Drake. This is but natural, given their deep bond and personal history. He speaks of Liam's "heart of gold" that matches the literal gold he's got around, and considers him his brother.
Maxwell and Hana focus on the MC, and only cursorily mention Liam (Maxwell does cute finger guns though lol).
Olivia's toast is special to the MC because it's where she makes clear her respect for her, and confesses that though she hated her in the beginning it turned into respect. Liam is perhaps the only LI Olivia properly acknowledges:
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In the rest of the playthroughs, Olivia may end up being Liam's eventual Queen, but in this one - she is affirming that whether he belongs to her or not, he remains her inspiration and she will always care for him. Kinda like a fitting goodbye to that dream I guess? Comparatively, she ignores the other LIs, except for Drake whom she baits and then declines to make a toast for.
Bertrand speaks of his personal journey with the MC, but does not make more than a cursory mention of Liam and the fact that the MC is now Queen.
Drake: Toasts given by Liam, Hana, Maxwell, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Savannah.
Savannah's toast is more centered around the MC than it is Drake, and possibly gives the MC more credit than is wise. Like yes, if the MC chooses she can convince Drake to actually reach out and talk to his sister, but she wasn't the one who - in Savannah's words - "found" Savannah. That was all on Drake. Drake was the one who found the address. He was the one who took initiative to check it out and see who stayed there. All the MC does is maybe give him the required push to stay, and even that is optional. In any case...when Savannah does talk about Drake it is to reaffirm his deep denial that there was anything between them up until he was able to get engaged to the MC.
The LI who focuses on Drake is Liam. He speaks of their long-standing friendship, how Drake deserves happiness, and hints at how much he has sacrificed for Cordonia without taking anything in return.
Again, Maxwell and Hana do not mention Drake except in passing, and their toasts are mostly dedicated to their friendship with the MC.
Olivia's toast is basically added here just because Olivia-roasting-Drake is popular, and I think it falls a little flat really.
Bertrand, being Drake's future brother-in-law, speaks briefly of his affection for the Walker family and therefore affirms his respect for Drake based on what he has heard of him from Savannah.
Hana: Toasts by Maxwell, Liam, Drake, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Lorelai.
Lorelai's toast ties in with what she tells Hana at the beginning of the reception. She brings up the way she used to braid Hana's hair as a reference point to her childhood, speaking at length of how close they were even if the relationship was a strained one. She speaks of how afraid she was of losing Hana, and how she is now coming to terms with the fact that by setting her free she is actually becoming closer to Hana than she ever imagined. Which is nice...but as with most things Hana related...it's a whitewashed pretty picture that really doesn't delve properly into this relationship as it has been depicted before.
The LI that focuses on Hana is Maxwell. It's clear that there is a tiny element of hero-worship there ("when I grow up I want to be like Hana Lee"). He acknowledges her particular manner of caring for people, her amazing dance skills and her kindness. It's quite sweet, even though frustrating because I've seen more of the LIs laud Hana's perfections in lieu of proper characterization. But that aside. It's sweet.
In this case, it is Liam and Drake who do not focus on Hana, instead stopping at their toast to the MC. Olivia does not directly address Hana either.
Bertrand, as with Liam's playthrough, doesn't have much to say about Hana the way he does about Drake and (understandably) Maxwell.
Maxwell: Maxwell's has only four options - the remaining LIs and Olivia. This is because Bertrand, Maxwell's brother and only surviving family, is also the MC's sponsor and speaks in that capacity as well. In the case of Maxwell's playthrough, he represents both the bride and the groom.
Bertrand's toast here is pretty much an extension of his toast in the other playthroughs, with him exploring his history with his brother. He recognizes Maxwell's gifts, acknowledges the childlike quality that is a part of him, confesses there is so much about Maxwell that he doesn't and may never really understand, and apologizes for making him feel like he deserves less than to know his brother is proud of him. It reflects on the journey the Beaumont brothers have taken, and how he finally realizes Maxwell's worth.
The LI that focuses on Maxwell is Hana. Like Maxwell she speaks of his excellent dancing skills, but then again she also speaks of his zest for life, his sense of humour, his playful spirit.
Liam and Drake focus on the MC instead of Maxwell, which feels a bit odd since they've known him for long enough as well, but I can appreciate that Liam and Drake are closer to each other than to anyone else in the group, and so are Hana and Maxwell.
Again, Olivia does not say anything about Maxwell either.
It looks like they decided to center the toasts around the MC for the most part, with a few insights on the LI from those closest to them. They spread that out by including a family member and an LI close to to them, and additionally in Liam's case, Olivia.
• Seeing Hakim try to say "WOO" and then ask if he's doing it right if you ask everyone to say make some noise, has to be the cutest thing about this chapter xD
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Yes Esther. He picked the song. From the HSS soundtrack.
• Each LI then speaks about/alludes to their previous dances with you. Liam recalls the first dance at the Masquerade, Hana alludes to the many dances they have done over the course of the story (mostly because dancing with her is optional), Drake speaks about wanting to get things right especially on their special day and Maxwell speaks about having the right mood and music depending on the situation. Quite sweet.
• Once the wedding dance is done, the LIs dance in a group together. Liam twirls Hana, Hana performs ballet, Maxwell challenges Drake to do spin kicks, Drake does some killer spin kicks, crediting self-defense with teaching him those moves. Penelope (and Kiara, very cautiously once she realizes Maxwell is volunteering to coach because she clearly wants all her bones intact by the end of the night) is so impressed she asks to be coached. Maxwell does the coaching.
• Olivia is not here, and Maxwell assumes she's gone to check out the hors d'ouvres. Hmm. Hmm.
• Cake cutting time! Now technically, if you didn't buy this option, it still happens - you just don't get to see what they're cutting. Choosing your cake allows you to see it and (more importantly in my opinion) gives you some lovely food descriptions. You also get gag options for cake cutting and for either feeding the cake to your spouse or smearing it all over their faces.
• If you're getting married to Liam and bought the gastrodiplomacy scene in Castelserraillian, you get an extra chocolate souffle. I wasn't sure they would remember this one post hiatus, but looks like they did. Now if only they'd remember Hana was an actual character deserving of a good arc with that much accuracy...
• If you bought the cake scene, you also get to surprise your spouse with an extra dessert. Liam is willing to share his baklava with you after being outed by his brother as being a Joey (I DON'T SHARE FOOD), Hana loves the hot chocolate and wants to refine her recipe based on it, Maxwell calls it the "second best cake" he's had (the first being their wedding cake). Drake's is the s'mores, but the playthrough I saw shows him enjoying the Cordonian Ruby pie (which honestly looks more like its been filled with berries than apples) and speaking of how nice it is to have one down-to-earth dessert. I'm guessing he must have either a similar reaction to the s'mores, or there's some reminiscing of the time he prepared it for her back in Book 2.
• The scene now shifts to BertVannah, who are having an argument. Savannah looks pissed off about Bertrand not calling and informing her about the attack in the boutique (gee, I wonder how that conversation would've gone. "Hey honey. At the brink of death here. Toodles!"). But her real ire is because she wants to take things to the next level but is getting mixed signals from Bertrand. She tells him she will probably be joining her mother in Texas instead. The timing of all this is supposed to be terrible, because Bertrand was planning to propose. With that ruby ring from LoveHacks.
• What ensues is a diamond scene to help Bertrand give Savannah her fairytale proposal, one last exercise in teaching Bertrand words and this couple to hold hands. Whether you choose it or not, Bertrand proposes, Savannah says yes and we find out her middle name is Jane.
• The diamond scene itself is quite sweet. It begins with Bertrand buttering up to Drake to get his approval, the highlight of which is him imitating a chicken to prove to Drake that he would do anything for Savannah. It then moves ahead to the Cordonian barbershop quartet (Liam, Drake, Maxwell, Bertrand) agreeing to get together after their last appearance in Book 2 to help him with the proposal, which will be sung to Savannah during the bridal bouquet toss.
• Somehow, no matter what, the TRR writing team have to remind us that they don't consider Hana a bride at her own wedding:
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They somehow forget that Hana is a bride in this part of the Hana playthrough, have her round up the bridesmaids when that should be done by someone else (Madeleine or Kiara or literally any other woman), and make her stand in her fucking wedding gown in the line with the other bridesmaids. It's bad enough that she remains the "professional best friend" even after you're engaged, has to wear black at her own bachelorette and a glitch in the game during the ceremony directly affects her fans more than anyone else. Like if I were Hana I would circle the photo album of this day and mark it WORST WEDDING EVER. Yes. In red 😠
The MC is really out there treating her bride like a wedding planner on their wedding day. So much for making this wedding Hana's dream wedding, MC. Such love much wow.
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• Proposal done, it's now time to give the LIs their gifts. Very nice, very emotional, they all love what you got them and they're all adorable.
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You get the usual with the remaining LIs, and some extra kissing with your spouses. Overall, quite nice.
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That's a lie Hana and you know it.
• So Olivia is completely MIA post the toast, Gladys is walking around looking poker faced, Bastien is taking Mara's place while (I'm guessing) she recovers...and Madeleine is still being a colossal cockblocker/clam jam.
• You get a few last minute conversations with Kiara and Penelope, including a default acknowledgement of how much Kiara sacrificed to be here and how tough it was for her (nice try, PB, but I'm not forgiving you for Lythikos).
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We get a lovely call-back to the first chapter of Book 1, by having Not Henney be part of our wedding.
• Regina then comes up to talk to you, admitting that she was wrong in thinking that the MC would be "dangerous for Cordonia", and is now happy you're here.
• Gladys then comes and asks us to accompany her because someone is "impatient" to be with us.
• Uh huh, uh huh, I thought. Time for a diamond sex scene?
• But nope. It's free. (Waiiiiitaminute. Something is not quite right about this. We can't be boinking with our fiancé/es for free. What's going on!)
• ...oh. OH.
• Shame on you Gladys!
• When I asked you to call me Lamb Shawarma I didn't mean for you to turn me into one!
General Thoughts:
• If you're marrying Hana, Drake or Maxwell, they are lured into the maze first, and used as bait to catch hold of the MC. If you're marrying Liam, however, you're the bait.
• Prior to this, Olivia is missing as well, possibly for Anton to establish his "rightful" claim over his wife (good luck with that, buddy. I'd love for this to end with one of her knives on your throat) in the next chapter.
• Which is probably why Liam having feelings for the MC keeps coming up so much in the final few chapters. It propells him into anger either way, and seeing Olivia in a danger as well allows Liam to finally wake up to his possible feelings for her in the other playthroughs (I hope?)
• I think there will be a duel. I think it will be a parallel to the Costume Gala duel between Drake and Neville, except here the stakes are much much higher. Which is why Neville is shown in the chapter, after a long time of not being shown at all even though it's clear he's still part of the tour. He's probably there as a way to foreshadow what is to come. Also, it works as a bit of an inverse.
In the Costume Gala duel, Drake was clearly the underdog, and Neville clearly the noble who needed to be taught a lesson. Drake has spoken about agreeing to the duel to prove that as a commoner he has his worth and dignity, and it doesn't need to be trampled on.
In this duel, Anton appears to be the underdog fighting valiantly against the king of a "tyrannical" dynasty, and this is a rhetoric that at least some people take seriously, as we saw in the riot in Chapter 17, and in a little of what Gladys says before the betrayal.
But here...the tables are turned. Anton is the power-hungry candidate for the throne who is willing to destroy the livelihood of Cordonia's farmers and throw the economy of the country into shambles (ironically, since his father was part of the Sons of Earth), to get access to the throne. Liam has been established over and over as someone who genuinely cares for his people and wants them to prosper with him, not have himself prosper at their expense. So in this case, the non-noble here is established as the one who would be absolutely wrong for the country, and Liam as the monarch Cordonia needs and deserves.
• I wonder how much of this chapter will the actual duel take. I'm guessing half of it, with the LI, Liam, Olivia and the MC then going through the aftermath, and then eventually moving into the Coronation/honouring ceremony of the finale in another chapter.
• There will (hopefully) be some focus on Liam's emotional state? That man has been through way too much shit minus any space to actually talk about what he's been through. It's high time he gets his space to really open up about his trauma and actually get to heal, because this book has been keeping his state of mind in limbo for way longer than it should. It's been poorly worked on and poorly built, his overall crisis arc, but I'm hoping this coming chapter will make up for that.
• I deserve TWO sex scenes for the kind of crap I have to put up with at my own fucking wedding. An attack the day before! An attack before I dress! An attack at my reception! What BRIDE goes through this shit!
I'd better get great lingerie and explosive sex for the kind of stress getting married in Cordonia takes out of me.
• So technically Gladys is supposed to be our surprise element this chapter, and I guess it makes sense, since she is a recently introduced character and you can push her forward as shady without making it very obvious because she only enters the story when the book is close to being done.
• One thing I did find interesting is that if you choose to thank her while she leads you to the hedge maze, she looks sad and speaks of how "the nobles are usually too busy thinking of themselves on a night like tonight", leading the MC to feel sorry she's had such a bad experience. Which kinda gives us a hint why she might be in cahoots with Anton in the first place. Anton is not a nobleman (though he is married into a noble family), and seems to be preying on commoner emotions to get support for overthrowing Liam's government. I'm sorry Gladys, but I think you've been fooled.
• That's it for this chapter, guys. On to Chapter 21!
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chimbbles · 5 years
Up!au (ft. yoonkook)
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A/N: I finally watched Up and at 10am in the morning, I’m a sobbing soft bitch in the study room. I hope you like this <3
T/W: character death
  ↬ angst
yoongi’s well, yoongi. he’s often quiet, even after he’s well grown out of his puberty age. the others don’t think much of him, don’t see him even. and he’s very much alright with that I mean, he doesn’t mind not being the center of attention. but it was different when he met his partner, back then, he definitely didn’t foresee them being together, let alone married.
they were the opposite of him- loud, but never obnoxious; colourful, but not a blinding rainbow; kind and witty, always had him searching for words. a true happy-go-lucky, something he couldn’t comprehend, but truly adored from the bottom of his heart. he cherished them more than anything.
he remembers how they met at a musical theatre, a performance he’s saved up for years; how he was barely an adult and so were they; how he had gotten so worked up over the sheer disrespect of them talking excitedly and even bouncing in their seat. how he had told them to pipe down and to let others enjoy the show, and they responded to his outburst: a nervous laugh, apologizing and promising to never do it again, even talking to yoongi during the intermission.
he never would have thought they could make it till today, and all he has is the world to thank for. for blessing him with the most prized possession he could’ve asked for, an eternal bond with the very person who held his heart, a young man’s love fulfilled with the aging of time.
time and time again they’ve tried to save up for that trip to europe, to watch the grand orchestras perform the greatest tunes of all time, only to have their dreams crushed each and every time.
the once kind and considerate time turned cruel and unforgiving, soon, yoongi was left alone, all by himself. in a house built of memories, good and bad times. the wooden floorboards that held the creaks that once joined in on their daily conversation, the run down walls that heard all the silent weeps and the joyous laughs.
he was trapped in a house full of things he once had, things that took a lifetime to built, but only months to rob away. time was kind enough to have given him so much to live for, but cruel of it to have not given him a proper preparation. 
yoongi had quickly gotten over living alone, what else was an old, lonely man expected to do? he kept to himself only, rarely socializing with any newcomers that weren’t there to witness his best of times. he took up the stereotype of the neighborhood’s grumpy old man rather pliantly, it just seemed to make things easier.
in comes jungkook, knocking on his door one day when he was playing his shabby old piano by the window, notes going off-key and rather unpleasing to the ears. he shoos him off, like any grumpy old man would do. that old thing? he had nothing to do so he started playing it, or, what was allowed of his slowly degenerating joints.
jungkook’s persistent, determined to get his teeny little 5 year old fingers on that ‘slum’ of a piano. so yoongi ends up with no choice but to let this whiny kid in, but only for 5 minutes, touch and go.
the kid’s eager, fingers jammed up on the keys once he’s seated on the bench. he plays whatever’s displayed, and it turns out to be a self-written music sheet, with yellow edges and smudged writing, titled: stuff we did.
yoongi lets the brat play all he wants, he can care less. he’s sipping on his afternoon coffee when he hears it, the old tune he’s omitted for the longest of time. 
it wasn’t something meant to be played out in the open, it was like his version of a love letter, something he gifted his partner years ago, and continuously added new sections after each episode in their lives. it was something special only the two of them had understood, and having it played to him, forced a bittersweet reminiscence of what once was.
yoongi’s crying right there in the living room, scaring the poor fella who really just wanted to play some piano.
he ends up taking in the kid as a student, teaching him how to properly play a piano. of course, he fixes the damn broken keys first. after piano lessons came composing and producing, yoongi taught the kid everything he knew back from his young aspiring days.
long after that time, jungkook climbs up the red carpet at the award show. stepping on stage to accept yet another token of achievement, this time for his own rendition of what once was, titled what still is. thanking yoongi as the first ever music teacher he had, and for showing him one of the most magnificent ways to embed love into the world through everlasting music.
and that yoongi won’t yell at him for bringing the beautiful song to light, and wishes he spends his time well, up in the skies with his partner.
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masterlist   ask
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rkxluda · 4 years
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Lee Luda 🎔 Heartz Debut Journey mv + dance practise filming
The next day, she was taken to a hair salon. Luckily her hair was in good condition and already had the desired colour. While she would've liked a new colour, something fresh for summer, it was good that she could continue giving her hair a rest after the constant dying in the past 3 years. And a natural tone like this suited the concept best, besides the fact that she definitely didn't want her hair to fall out.
Two days later, she found herself on a plane to Tokyo. It wasn't Europe (which, if she was honest she was a bit sad about), but she knew Tokyo. It reminded her of her short trip some years back, which was still a bitter-sweet memory. She'd been fired from the library only a few weeks prior and was feeling lost, but it was also the time where she'd decided to become a singer.
Her Japanese probably got a little bit rusty over time, but she was sure she'd remember moreover time. And again, not being alone on the plane was a calming thought. Being here with Minhee was something she was really grateful for, had she been alone... she didn't want to imagine. A solo debut was a wonderful thought, but for an already established career, knowing what she was doing, rather than being pushed into the cold water. So really, this was a million times better than flying alone.
The clothes she was given were very pretty and just her style, and she wondered if this was part of the reason she’d been chosen. Luda especially liked the white outfit she wore while (aside from other poses) lying on the floor with flowers in her hands. It was fun but also exhausting to shoot the pictures, trying to fit into whatever the photographer had in mind with the little experience she had from previous projects.
Tokyo, like Seoul, was a busy place. Luda preferred quieter and calmer surroundings, but she enjoyed herself very much. As much as one could, when busy working all day.
On the next day the mv shooting began. She had a little more experience with acting than with modelling, though both mainly through the ktrookies project. The bit of experience wasn't enoughto help calm her down at all, though. She was visibly nervous at the beginning and didn't manage as well as she would've liked to right away, but then who, aside from experienced actors, would? The video didn't require anything too fancy, though, and she warmed up to acting. It was definitely a good thing that the video was similar in calmness to the song and she was a fittingly calm person.
Her favourite scenes were the ones with the cats. They were just too adorable. Cats had been her favourite animals since she could remember and she wished, just a bit, that they'd been assigned animals rather than colours (or both). The schedule was tight, spanning half a day, for three days straight. It was exhausting, but the more she warmed up to the daily routine, the more fun it was.
On the day before the last the two also filmed a music video for "I'll Be There", a much more upbeat song compared to the solo, but still nothing too extreme. It was even more fun to film together and (this seemed to become a pattern so far) having a friend by her side was very much calming. It definitely would’ve felt weird to act as friendly as they did with a stranger, or someone she barely knew. On top of that, Minhee was like the elder sister she's never had. Their outfits were also very pretty and she was surprised how much money they seemed willing to spend on a solo debut like this, when there was not much of a guarantee on the results. Then again, there was never a guarantee f success for any debut, whether solo or group. Once they were done she couldn’t help but be excited for the end result… though she was still worried that her acting didn’t turn out too well.
With the filming done, they were allowed to have some free time on the extra day and walking around Tokyo with Minhee was a wonderful experience, even if they were accompanied by their manager and Luda was seriously tired. She wouldn't have said no to an extra hour of sleep, but she liked being busy an could only hope for the best going forward. Specifically, she hoped the group debut wouldn't be cancelled eventually, one could never knew and news like that weren't even that rare.
On the 21st, once they’d been back from Japan for a few days already, they recorded a dance practise for the duet and she was happy that she was finally able to show some of her dancing. Even if it was a relatively calm choreography, it still showed that she could do more than just sing. Maybe she couldn't  show how much she’d evolved since the mgas, but hopefully the videos would showcase improved charisma and singing at least.
The new casting call came as a bit of a surprise, after all there were many trainees left in the project, but even more than that, Luda noticed they asked for a girl crush concept. She couldn't help but feel her heart drop to her pants. There really would be varying concepts for the solo and unit debuts and she had potentially gotten the least popular one. Deep down Luda knew she could blame neither song nor sphere for this, after all a song was only ever as good as the people or person performing it. Well, with the company's promotions playing a big part too. Luda simply didn't want to admit that in the end, the only thing that mattered was how good or bad she was. Failing would be her own fault.
But would it though? She thought, trying to make herself feel better through ignoring reality. If one concept is more popular than the other, can I really do anything about the outcome? She continued ignoring reality, pushing the blame wherever else she could. Hopefully she’d learn to deal with her self doubts one day, but that day had yet to appear.
She was happy that the filming was all done already or else she would probably not be able to concentrate at all after these news. Her insecurities on debuting were taking over again, the worry of not being good enough, of being taken out of the group even after her solo debut, or worse, the solo debut being cancelled last minute and given to someone else, completely re-recorded and re-filmed. Additionally, Luda couldn't help but worry for the girls in her practise group.
The end of the busy month neared quickly and Luda's nerves were fluctuating constantly between a calm "I can do this" and general panicking. She was anxiously awaiting the day the first teaser that showed her face would be revealed. And wondered how her friends and family would react, after all she’d really not told anyone about this, only the girls from the project knew. But she also worried about the ever sincere public. She didn’t even care to be popular anymore, that's how much she's been over-thinking this. She just wanted to not be hated, to not get "whatever, I don't care" kind of reactions.
It was pretty late at night, when she was lying in bed, awake. The other two were probably already asleep, or maybe not. It was dark, so she couldn’t see. She’d been in and out of sleep for a while and it was starting to bother her a little. Careful not to have the other two notice in case they were there and awake, Luda slid back into street clothes and snuck outside. Breathing in the fresh air was like cleansing her brain from difficult thoughts. Her shoulders lowered a little, her jaw loosened up and she felt like it was the first time of the day where she was actually breathing properly. She didn’t really want to walk around alone, so she just stood in front of the building, taking deep breaths and staring up at the sky. For some moments, her head was empty, though wild thoughts were soon to flood back in.
The constant to and from between self-doubts and trying to convince herself of being good enough was exhausting and it didn’t really help getting her anywhere. A long sigh escaped her lips and she leaned onto the wall, her fingers interlaced behind her back and her head wrapped in her sweater's hood. In the end Luda knew that all of her negative feelings stemmed from her own insecurities. She wasn’t really upset about her song, she wasn’t upset about the second round of auditions, after all, her spot was pretty much safe. Oh no, she was just worried about not being good enough, about disappearing into the background next to 11 other girls. It was quite obvious that the others that had been signed around the same time as her, whether through mgas or not, had made much faster progress. She’d been so sure of always having done her best. So was she simply progressing more slowly than them or had she overestimated herself so much after being praised in the mgas, to the point where she hadn’t worked to improve herself the way she should have?
Either way, she should strive to be better in the months between solo debut and unit debut and then from unit to group debut. It was too late to regret past decisions, and while she was a realistic person, she was also optimistic. Could she do this? She could do this, yes! Definitely!
On her way back inside, the girl slid her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through the pictures she’d taken. They seemed to be allowed to post pictures still, just nothing about the project, of course. She found a picture of two cats she’d met in front of a café and decided to post one of them after making sure that there was nothing on it, that anyone could make a connection to. No street signs, no reflective surfaces, neither her nor anyone else. Perfect. And yet it hinted at her music video with the cats.
The sns post was something small, nothing much, but somehow it helped bring a smile to her lips.
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