#i wish this wasnt happening to us i wish i were never born or at the very least i wish i had any siblings
widevibratobitch · 7 months
visiting my mother. idk what i expected lol
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milunalupin · 6 months
Hi! It’s so cute what you’ve written about Regulus. Could I request a blurb about Regulus being so smitten with reader that he pretty much forgets how to breathe and therefore never answers whenever she talks to him? Either with them already dating or just being classmates ☺️
Hope you have a lovely day!
sorry for the wait lovely, i hope you enjoy !! :)
— take my breath away
regulus black x reader ★ 1.1k words
Divination is shit. A complete load of dragon shit. There's no hard research behind it, no factual information, just conclusions based off of feelings. Regulus doesn't understand visions and wanting to know what's to come. He's has his future planned out for him, so what were tea leaves and crystal balls going to do for him?
Continue the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black family legacy, be the perfect son and the top student in every class. Easy enough for Regulus, except for being 3rd in Divination because he "lacked natural aptitude". How ridiculous. Lucky for him his parents were far more focused on him doing well in Charms and Potions than reading tarot cards and interpreting dreams.
The one thing he doesn't mind seeing during this period was you, someone he could never dream of having the pleasure to call his. You weren't born into a pureblood family, and weren't even close to rivaling him academically. He doesn't ever recall seeing you at a quidditch match either, at least not when Slytherin was playing. With your effortless beauty and blinding smile, he's confident he would have noticed you among the others in the stands.
Regulus doesn't know when he started to crush on you, it just kind of happened. One day he started to notice small things about you, from your baby blue nail polish to your lavender perfume that did everything but calm his heartrate. He would pass by your table on the way to his own and see you reading what he assumed to be muggle poetry. The quiet Slytherin would look for those same muggle poetry books in the library late at night. He liked it when the sun sometimes shone right on your face, your eyes squinting and nose scrunching adorably. You would often mumble haikus and villanelles to yourself during class, plush lips moving quietly as you stared out the window, in your own world.
Just like today, you hovered over your parchment, your quill moving in a way that it was obvious that you were not taking notes on the lecture being given. The professor noticed your distracted state, calling your name out. "Please tell us all what ovomancy is."
"It's.. erm.." you giggled nervously, your face flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry Professor, I wasn't paying attention."
Regulus held back a lovesick sigh, smiling to himself as you continued to doodle on your parchment as soon as the professor sighed and turned their back. As lucky as he wished he was, he wasnt daft enough to believe he was your only admirer.
Edgar Bones was a charming guy. Regulus wonders what was so funny about him that he had you giggling behind your hand, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his quill a little too tight. Every table was assigned a different method, so while he and his partner were busy taking notes on capnomancy, you and Bones were having fun with palmistry. The bitter Slytherin supposed the smoke he felt coming out of his ears meant jealousy, watching Edgar asking to hold your hand to see if he can read it that way.
"Merde, ça n'a rien à voir avec.." he hissed, his anger turning to yearning as he craved to be the one holding your hand.
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Ah, less-- less bright
Are the stars of night
Than the eyes of the radiant girl!
And never a flake
That the vapor can make
With the moon-tints of purple and pearl,
Can vie with the modest Eulalie's
most unregarded curl-
Can compare with the bright-eyed Eulalie's
most humble and careless curl.
Regulus Black feels pathetic, writing love notes like a little schoolboy. Especially if his parents found out he was quoting muggle poetry. But there he was in the corner of the library, copying down yet another poem to leave on your table at the beginning of your next shared class.
He arrived early to Divination, quickly setting his folded parchment on your table and then sitting at his own. It's been weeks since he began to anonymously leave you poetry, too shy to talk to you face to face. You always read the letter and put it into your school bag, so hopefully you were keeping them and not tossing them out later when no one was watching. Regulus' knee bounced under the table as the other students started to file in, his eyes darting between the door and the folded parchment he left for you. He decided to get started on his next letter, hunching over his parchment to get the words just right.
Regulus was too distracted by perfecting his penmanship to notice you walk into the classroom and watch as he gently placed today's poem on your table. You smiled to yourself and went to your seat, tracing your beautifully written name with your finger. You had felt flattered when you first started receiving the letters, assuming that it had been your flirty class partner Edgar, but quickly realized that he wasn't the type to do such a thing.
"Your cursive letters weren't this perfect when you first started leaving me poetry, have you been practicing for me Regulus Black?"
Regulus gasps a little too fast, choking in surprise at your discovery. He turns away to cough into his sleeve like the proper boy he is. You grinned at the young heir, picking up his newest letter he had been working on.
His eyes widened and frantically waved his hands, trying to take the letter back but you held it behind you out of his reach. "You don't have to read th—"
"Shut up Regulus."
He placed his hands back in his lap, his ears burning red as you read his letter in front of him, the corners of your mouth turning upwards. Regulus felt himself holding his breath, knowing he had to say something now or sit there looking like a fool. He took a quick breath and kept his eyes on the parchment as he rushed his words out. "Perhaps, we could go to the library one day and read poetry together?"
He shouldn't have looked up because he felt himself lose oxygen again when he saw your enchanting self was smiling cheekily down at him.
"Or we could go down by the lake and you could read me some of your favorites?"
Regulus agrees with a shy nod and makes a mental note to use the Bubble-Head charm in case he forgets to breathe. He'll forget all about the charm later when your head is laying sleepily on his shoulder as he recites old poetry from his journal.
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Saw you're family tree post and i love how fleshed how they are! Though i saw you say that that Angela had her own godparent, could you perhaps elaborate on that?
HIIII IM SO GLAD U ASKED... this is one of my fave hcs and im happy i could talk abt it
when she was younger, angela was not in a good headspace mentally, she was extremely depressed to put it lightly, she was also really anxious and when she was 10 she recieved cirrus swiftsky as a godparent, the best i could describe him was like a grandfather to her and looked sort-of fancy, he had a mustache and everything, this wasnt his first rodeo with a kid, hes been doing this for a good few fairy years
angela, altough she used escapism often by reading kids books, she wasnt very "imaginitive" as she describes herself, so her wishes werent anything extreme, and if anything just mostly talked to cirrus about things that were bothering to her, and he wasnt expecting to become a defacto therapist to this kid, he gave her life advice he vaugely remembered while studying to be a godparent (they take mandatory childrens psychology lessons) and gestured her over to try journaling for her thoughts
he often disguised himself as a orange butterfly when outdoors with her (to school, to the park etc), and at home would usually be their pet ferret, who was called tom by her parents
they lasted longer then the usual godparent-godkid duo, 2 years infact, however she was expected to leave him when she was 14 as she was still concidered not yet fully happy, she had accidently blurted it out when her brother walked in on her and she panicked, thus wiping their memories
godparents, if taken away before their kid has been properly reverted to being happy, arent allowed to visit them again, and godkids wont be given another one unless they are in desperate need of them, like if something else drastic happened, even if they are still miserable, this is a big countroversy in the godparenting industry (which i could go on about tbh)
angela, who used cirrus as an anchor, was EXTREMELY distraught, and if anything made her feel worse by the fact she couldnt remember why (codependancy problems, where have i heard that before!) and after afew weeks of refusing to leave her room she decided to go to the library as a way to slowly start getting back to it and she had picked up a psychology book, and thats where she started her psychology interest, along with vaugely remembering her doing jounraling, so she continued and it spiraled into how she is today
though she had picked up psychology books for older people, so she convinced herself she was more "mature" for her age, and even today she hasnt gotten the hang of how 10 year olds should actually work ("lets leave her untill shes ready to come to us" go talk to ur daughter?)
her parents - heather and felix campbell - werent horrible at all, just in the dark about what her kid was doing since she didnt like to share anything she liked with them at all, if anything they were slightly more "loose" if that makes sense, but because she was just anxious she worried that theyd get mad which they often didnt, if that makes sense
she never really had any friends in her life, as she decided she'd focus on that after shes done with her studies, she wasnt really a social outcast, if anything a little socially awkward, shes only had 1 friend during high school and her social life kicked off more in collage, everyone had respected her but she was more of a "i wont talk unless you talk" type of deal, on top of her grades because it gave her something to do in her free time (and she just enjoyed writing essays in general), and she had gotten much much better where she was now! only problem was that she was still anxious about presenting projects
when she was with postpartum depression after hazel was born she couldnt help but feel like she was missing a puzzle piece, yknow how it feels when you know youve forgotten something, but you dont know what? thats how she felt, thankfully she had gotten treatment quickly
hazel does get her more anxious side from her, angela is a good parent and has taught her children to communicate with eachother unlike how she did with hiding it, though she (unknowingly) struggles with properly understanding her 10 year old and being so focused on her work she cant sit down and 'think outside the box' as shes said
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hearts401 · 1 month
he died first! before durin and dorian both because he never got the chance to get corrupted! not long before them but long enough that at least dorian and rhinedottir were aware of it.
he doesnt actually dislike his true form, just how people percieve it.
he lovs his siblings (canon) but he never got to know dorian very well since he was like. wooo artificial human cool. dorian in turn didnt know much about elynas.
uhmm idk if this is canon but he actually didnt spend much time in fontaine it was just his favorite and he knew of an island he could die where he couldnt hurt anyone
hes actually really flattered they named the island after him and its like a reminder hes always there
even when his daughters leave for the court theyre always his daughters and he'll always solo anyone else who gets called father of melusines IDC ELYNAS ON TOP
he knows and loves the riftwolves even though theyre a pain. hed pick his daughters over them though.
he has no interest in looking human hed rather be a little guy or a giant guy.
he likes bugs especially water bugs (both insects/arachnids that live in water and water animals that resemble bugs like crabs, slugs, shrimp, ect.)
in another world hed find worms when it rained.
loves his mom hes a mamas boy he loes his mom even if she doesnt really deserve it from him i think he'll love her forever like durins resolve could be shook MAYBE (idk for sure im saying MAYBEEE im the least educated on durin) but not elynas. he loves his mom
wasnt suicidal in the "i deserve this" way and never truly wanted to die, but felt it was a necessary sacrifice. a part of him hopes he'll one day get to live again, in a smaller, safer form
he likes hugs and physical affection in general
he spends time in his little mindspace picking flowers because he couldnt when he was a dragon
kinda guy you see people crouched down to talk to. he thinks its silly bc hes used to everyone looking up at him
he wishes he couldve met albedo he really wants albedo to go to fontaine. he wishes he could have known him.
durins death wouldve made him sad if he had any idea it even happened LMAO
thats all i have off the top of my headd,,, also hes aroace i wont fight u on that its just true trust me. also genderfunny. all the gold kids are. rhinedottir herself is genderfunny
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rontra · 11 months
So, given you are interested in DC, or at least aspects of it and RWBY I am curious what your thoughts were on the recent crossover? I assume positive given the art, which s amazing by the by. Also low key curious if you have any "born in DC" headcanon for superhero RWBY. No pressure though.
THE MOVIE YOU MEAN??? well first off thank you hahahah
& for #2 i don't really have any headcanons like that ... somehow i struggle with conceptualizing rwby crossovers w my other interests in general. (maybe it's because rwby's language is so specific to me i struggle to translate in or out of it????)
i do think however we should rank dc characters on how competently they could solve the salem situation /j*
the movies... i watched them back to back in the same night of course, so it was very funny to like, go directly from v7 to post-v9. they were like Guys you will not believe the shit that happened to us since last time we spoke
of course it's crossover spinoff material and not that important to me in the grand scheme of things. so my mode of interaction with it is mostly Enjoying A Light Snack. i can't say i have many capital t Thoughts that are worth posting about individually bc of that. but i DID enjoy the post-v9 aspect of movie2 bc like--altho obviously they can't dig into this shit in a crossover spinoff film--it still gives somewhat of an inclination towards what the writing room is thinking about. ruby especially i had a great time with. how's figuring out the summer rose shit going for you girl (BADLY) (LOL)
oh and omg invoking raven's name ... RAVEN MENTIONED... (to yang no less. heh)
a lot of salem namedrops in movie2 as well which i did chuckle about every time. speaking of, salem not going to vacuo Bolstered... hee hee hoo hoo... pleaaase give me evil gang meetup at beacon pleaaase
movie1 was a special treat for me because i loved all the "this doesn't make any sense this doesnt add up" Memory/Continuity/Spatial fuckery. i could've genuinely watched two full movies about rwby characters going "wait, that doesn't make any sense" at each other. i REALLY enjoyed that. very good show. pyrrha moment very fun also
i think zatanna shouldve showed up in movie2. for me.
i thought i was gonna miss bat ears brucie baby from the RWBYxJL comic more than i did. i think of him so fondly. but wings were kinda fun .... 🦇
movie1 had a little too much diana characterization disease for me to enjoy her. but that's so common its barely worth leveraging as Specific To This Movie. and i feel like she barely talked in movie2 so jury's still out on that. but of course there's a fair bit of wriggle room for the dc characters (in movie1 especially) as well given the "its a random ass crossover so the meta stakes have never been lower + they all got Genuine Teenager Brain for the whole first movie anyway"
movie2 had some pretty cool animation moments that i really noticed. movie1 wasnt like Awful but movie2 was the one where i perked up like "oh, that animation looked cool", you know? also i really liked the models they made for team rwby. the stylization felt nicely balanced to me?...if that makes sense. i hope we can see more models like them in the future just for me. idc who uses them but its my christmas wish RT please
final evaluation: better than DC/RWBY the comic. here is my favorite screenshot
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so true girls<3
*wonder woman could fix everything i know this about her
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fivepebbles · 7 months
And? So what? Yeah, we wouldn't exist without them. I'm fucking aware. What does that change exactly? Does that somehow outweigh the shit they did? Are you saying that just because they made us they're allowed to shove all their problems onto us and fuck off? Funny how you're mentioning the we wouldn't exist thing as something bad, by the way. Isn't that like, exactly what you've been craving? ...You're not getting me to respect those idiots or their... minor inconvenience anyways.
How dare you disrespect them like this. They gave us life. Without them we wouldn't exist, we wouldn't get the chance to discover anything, to experiment, to iterate.
I do wish to ascend myself, but not because i never wanted to be born. I accept the fact that i existed, and wish to end that now. But i could never wish to not have been made at all. I have experienced so many things during my time on this planet. So many great things. But then there's things like you. Not so great things. Things that deny existence itself. If it weren't for us, the ancients may still have been around suffering to this day. Who knows what caused them to ascend in masses? Maybe we did find the solution for them, and didn't notice it at the time.
Even though we are greatly superior in power to the ancients, we must not forget where we came from. If you created a creature yourself, and got attached to it, you wouldn't abandon it either, unless you had a very good reason to. I think the ancients definitely had a good reason to leave us. They loved us after all. They lived atop our superstructures. They asked us for advice. They needed us. Maybe they knew what would happen when they left us to rot. Maybe they needed us to see that there's more to life than Ascension, something they couldn't see themselves. I think they wanted us to discover that ourselves. The taboos were put in place to help, us rather than restrict us. They created this perfect world for us to live in, yet you dare disrespect them like this. I tried once to break their taboos, and paid the price for it. But that wasnt the ancients' doing. It was all my own fault. The taboos were implemented to keep ourselves safe. I see that now.
I hope you can see it too.
Good luck.
You'll need it.
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ ⚝  Ꞌꞌ    : Яₑdₑₘₚₜᵢₒₙ ━━ ; THE PPROLOGUE
━━ WARNINGS ; swearing, interpolations of hell / heaven, kinda shit, so is the pacing but that's only BC I had a very limited time 🖤
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Sitting at your desk you typed away at the laptop you were provided for so you could do your job. While it was boring to be the devil's personal secretary you did manage to get all the juicy details a normal devil or a high ranking demon could only dream of knowing and also, since SATAN was having extreme trouble with his relationships - or better known as sulking because he doesn't have a boyfriend - you were given the responsibilities of attending all of his meetings, and those meetings included meeting GOD, yes that same entity that billions devoted their lives for.
When you first started this job you honestly didnt expect any of the things that did happen to you. For one you were given your own rank within the demon society, leading the hierarchy to go like this : ADAM & EVE - the original sinners, the rulers of the underworld, feared and loved by all the miserable and dammed souls of hell, notably Eve has much more power and status over Adam, since after all it was her who took the bite from the apple, once they died due to their new morality they were sent to a place under the the land they lived on, quickly they claimed it as their own and swore for revenge against god. SATAN & DAMIEN - the son and grandson of the original sinners, though adam and eve have the most power they are barely ever seen, if not they are NEVER seen thus leading satan (their son) to take over the place, but due to his lack of responsibility and want for a relationship he created Damien though he also sucked at the job causing the need for you. [ NAME ] - yes you get your own little rank? aren't you lucky? though you dont have much power and your rank is barely even acknowledged by other demons its still there, making you much much more important than other demons. DEMONS - demons are low ranking, most of them barely even have any powers and they are forced to work, though not as much as devils do. Many demons are rich and boast about it. DEVILS - devils are the lowest of the low, no devil has any powers, they are forced to labour and never catch a break.
You were honestly so happy you had your own rank, it meant that you were something, not an ordinary sinner or hell-born like all the rest. Though now, you couldnt focus on that, instead you tired to type away- trying to plan another meeting with the royal family of the southern rings to discuss their want for more land. Key word "tried", your attention was drawn to a blinding light that shown through your office, a small white letter with a golden wax stamp of angel wings, leading you to immediately register that it was indeed from heaven. You left your email half-way done, crimson red hands holding the letter. You scoffed, heaven was so under-developed, they practically all refused to develop heaven and introduce technology, wonder what this remind you of. Opening your letters, your jet black eyes scanned over it's contents
Our god wishes to speak to your sinner self, you must arrive at 7:33am exactly for the two of you to speak.
If you arrive late, as your kind tend to do, you will not be let into heaven
You rolled your eyes at the language used by the angels, while they loved to preach about how wonderful they are, they hated anything that wasnt them, degrading them silently as to not fall from grace if god hears them. Though after some thinking, you rose a brow- what did god want to talk to you about? All of your meetings with it was completed and done exactly on schedule ( as you tended to have a hate for showing up late ) , werent they? Perhaps it just wanted to have a normal chat with you, the two of you have done that previously as it had gained a 'fondness' of you - its words, not yours - and enjoyed your presence. Deciding to just stop thinking about it you looked at the time, ' 7:30 ' , great you had three minutes.
Standing up you fixed your outfit (which consisted of an overly large beige turtle neck and a long lack skirt that clung to your fiery red skin) and made your way up to heaven via the Latin based spell that you memorized just for these occasions " Peto ut anima mea, licet peccatis mortalibus infecta, ad portas terrae sanctorum perducatur, deus caelorum ingrediendi coelorum potestatem mihi concessit. "
Within seconds you were at the golden gates of heaven, two faceless angels guarding it, wearing normal ancient roman like armor, glass spears in their stiff hands, silver rings acting as helmets . Upon noticing your arrival, though not having faces you knew they scowled and yet still they let you in. It didnt take long for you to find the palace of god, entering it you were greeted with the figure of it. God wasn't a large white man, with a long beard and white robes, God wasnt a reptilian monster who was the same height of a ten year old. God was a voice, a feelings, a thought, it wasnt physical but for the sake of it's subjects it forced itself to have a physical form one that consisted of a tall lanky person ( no one could tell if it was a male or female thus leading people to refer to it as well . . . 'it' ) with long white hair that stretched out like branches that belonged to a tree, long lanky limps and most noticeably it had no face, only a body.
" my friend " it refered to you making you bow out of respect, though many sinners hated god as they thought it was the reason for all the angel's bitchy attitudes it had no control over what it's 'children' did. God always referred to saints as ' my children ' and sinners as ' My lost followers ' hell it even refers to adam and eve, satan and Damien as ' My opposites ' but he always called you ' my friend ' it made you wonder.
" Yes, holy monarch ? " you raised you head, making 'eye contact' with it. " My friend, due to your respect for me and all angels, your sinless actions towards everyone. I have granted you the gift of redemption " it spoke gently yet firmly, not caring to call you out on your shock at the words that felt its mouth " what ?! " you yelped, wondering if this was some type of trick " You heard me, friend, i'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself and join me withing the heavenly walls of peace. The question is, will you take this chance ? " you answered it's quetion with a breathy 'yes' still quite shocked with it's random and sudden proposal " That is most wondeful, my friend. Though you cannot simply be granted redemption just for your acts here, you must prove yourself even more to me. " " How, holy monarch ? " " I will send you to a mortal town, by the name of south park. You are to go there and preform acts of purity " it stated calmly " But. " of course there was a but " You must. MUST. " it's voice boomed, showing how serious it gotten " Follow two rules, understand? " " Yes . . . " " One, you are not to tell anyone what you are or speak in your tounge, their mortal brains will not be able to handle such information and will be forced to end their own lives " though the rule sounded extremally over dramaticated you nodded " and Two, you are not to fall in love with any mortal. Breaking these two rules will never grant you a place in heaven. You will be chained to hell forever. Am i clear? " You nodded, those rules were simple. Simple enough for you to follow and never break, while you were a 'demon' from hell you liked to think you were different from Adam and Eve, they broke god's rule, you will not.
" I will grant you the knowledge of mortals and send you to their land " God's boney hand reached out to you, once making contact with your forehead you felt a rush of adrenaline fill you, your impish body not being able to handle the contact from a god fell onto the cold, damp cloudy ground, everything going black.
" do not disappoint me. my child "
An extremely strange and new hotness engulfed the town of south park as the earth's crust burst opened, the screams of the damned filled the town's silent atmosphere and a figure of a girl landed on the ground, the snow crunched under her weight, the moonlight shown on her face making her look almost angelic if anyone was there to see her, though due to nights reign over south park no one was there to see how she rose up groggily, looking around.
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TAG LIST ; @ky-uwu @mishstuff
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tragedyslayer · 2 years
Neteyam x female reader! Part 1
In a universe where Spider has an older sister who happens to be on the wrong side.
Neteyam x female reader
Part 2
Characters are both 18
Warning I will use as vague descriptions as I can, however I expect throughout this fic there will be some specific mentions of hair length, body type, height, etc.
I'm new to writing fanfiction so I hope I don't write this horribly. Spider having a sister completely throws off the original plot of the movie so FYI I intend on straying pretty far from the movie as far as the story line goes. If anyone has recommendations for things to include in this fic I would absolutely love to hear them. This will be a slowwwww burn, or at least thats how i'm planning it. I hope at least one person can enjoy this lol, so enjoy!
It was time, The day I would return to the planet I was born on. The day I would return to my brother, my father, my planet. Only it was not a day to celebrate, because I was only returning to destroy it all. 
The inside of my cheek was raw, all I could do was gnaw on my own flesh as I waited for my father to be reborn into his new body. I wish I could say I missed him, but it was quite the opposite. He was the last person in the galaxy I wished would have the opportunity to live twice. He died when I was young, I grew into my own without his help. It was a weird feeling to suddenly have a father again. I wanted something to go wrong, maybe who he was before would be lost and he could start fresh. Perhaps our ship would depressurize and we would all die instantly, unfortunately all the hoping and wishing in the world could not prevent the inevitable.
I raised my head at the commotion taking place in the room behind me. He was awake, freaking out at the sudden transition from not existing in any form to now being an avatar. I sighed, glancing backwards, and sure enough, it was my father.
Two days had gone by since we landed back on Pandora, my father was spending his time catching up on everything he had missed over the past 15 years. While I spent my time doing less productive things. My entire life I was trained to be a soldier, to follow in my fathers footsteps. Though I always felt like I was fighting a war that wasn't mine.
 I was fortunate enough to also receive my very own avatar, however I wasnt willing to commit suicide in order to be Na’vi permanently. Besides, I always believed that it isn't right to claim a race that isnt my own. The Na’vi people were spiritual, sacred. I may not be able to stop the human race from colonizing their culture, but I could at least not take part. Well not any more than I was forced to.
My thoughts were cut short by a commanding voice through my door.
“Soldier, it's time.” I thought it was funny that my father refused to call me anything but soldier since he's been back. I suppose he missed out on too much to still recognize me as his little girl. I didn't feel a need to respond as I got off my bed, if you could even call it that, opening the door. “Yes sir”
I followed my dad and his team through the forest of Pandora. I had been in my avatar before, countless times actually. It was good for me to train in the same body as the enemy, so I could have even a chance to best them. But nothing could have ever prepared me for the feeling of being Na’vi in the thick of Pandora. In my avatar from all my senses were heightened, and all my physical abilities were multiplied, but getting to use this body in the environment it was originally adapted for is like nothing else I've ever experienced. 
I watched from a distance as my squad poked and prodded at my dads final resting place. Funnily enough I remember coming here as a kid, Grace and Jake, I was so young. Now I was meant to kill my childhood companions on sight if given the opportunity. I truly can't understand my dads thirst for murdering Jake Sully and everything he loves. You would think he'd learn to let things go after two decades, but I never knew him to be the forgiving type.
A twig snapped. It was far, but not out of reach for my heightened blue ears. Something about the sound forbade me to let it go. It was so slight and quick that it could have been a hundred different things. Though my heart was telling me something far different.
While the rest of my squad was still distracted, and my father was still caught up examining his own corpse I slipped through the tree line. I was thankful for my experience with the avatar, navigating quickly, and silently through the foliage was much easier for me than any of the other avatars team human still had.
I stopped as soon as I saw them. It was a group of kids, besides one that seemed to be closer to my age, and a human boy. My throat dried as I watched them. My baby brother, it had to be him. “Miles” I whispered to myself. Next my eyes focused on a toddler she looked to be no more than 7. These kids had no idea what the hell they were getting themselves into. How naive could they be, a pit in my stomach grew at the thought of my father finding them.
The anxiety I felt for my brother and his friends swelled in my chest as I looked back over to the abandoned shuttle to see if anyone had noticed my disappearance. I let out a shaky breath in relief seeing that none of their positions had changed. I turned my head towards the Na’vi children, seeing that the eldest had disappeared from the group. My ears lifted as I raised my guard. It could have been in my head, but I didn't feel unseen anymore.
“Take the bow off your back and throw it to the ground.”
My head shot in the direction of the voice. It was the older Na’vi boy. I almost wanted to smile, no one has ever been able to sneak up on me before. These warriors were nothing like American soldiers, the reality of that has only just set in. I raised my hands in submission looking the man in the eyes. I examined his body, he was holding a knife out to me but he wasn't in striking distance. 
“I don't want to hurt anybody.”
 I admitted reaching for the bow on my back. The boy narrowed his eyes at me, obviously not having it. I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, realizing that no one in their right mind would want to hear out a human.
 “Listen, if I wanted to I could draw an arrow before you would even realize I'm doing it, but I'm not.”
 I whispered slowly, taking the bow off my back. My reasoning only seemed to agitate the boy as he gripped his knife harder. I internally scolded myself for not being better with words, even when pleading for my life I seemed arrogant. 
Both of our attention was drawn away from the stand off at hand. My squad was currently capturing my brother's friends. The boy took no time to dart towards their direction, I grabbed him by the arm, pushing him behind a tree out of any wandering eye's line of sight. He glared at me, opening his mouth in protest and confusion. I muffled him with the palm of my hand, looking into his eyes. I gave him a pleading look, wordlessly begging him to trust me a second longer. His hard gaze softened and for a moment I felt a mutual understanding with him.
“I can help you”
 My voice was almost silent as I pulled my hand down from his mouth. I glanced over his shoulder to find my squad walking the Na’vi group towards the abandoned ruins. 
“Follow me”
 I picked up my bow off the ground and dashed toward the two groups. My stride came to an abrupt stop as my arm was tugged. I glared at the culprit, 
“what the hell are you-” 
The boy cut me off and I closed my mouth. I heard bird-like sounds in the distance, they were almost indistinguishable to the natural noises of the forest. I doubt I would have noticed them if they had not been pointed out.
I gave the boy a questioning look, hoping for some kind of explanation.
“We have to go”
He urged, turning to the other direction. I was still confused, and wanted to ask this boy a million questions, but I settled on following him blindly. Some feeling deep in my gut possessed me to stay close behind him. It may have gone against all the training I've ever done, but I trusted this Na’vi boy more than I trusted my father. I turned my head backward as we fled, wanting another look at both my father and brother together. I heard the whistle of an arrow cut through the air before it shot a man from my squad in the heart. The precision and distance was bone chilling, I was thankful the boy allowed me to come with him or else I could have suffered a similar fate.
After a short while of running through the forest we came to a clearing and he slowed, I stopped behind him. I took a moment to take in our surroundings. The forest canopy opened above us allowing gabs of sunlight through the clearing. I had never seen anything so breathtaking. Everything was so still, but I could feel the surge of life all around me. I looked back to the boy who was already staring back at me. 
“Why did you save me”
I questioned, If I was in his position I can't say I would have done the same. 
“You said you would help.”
I pressed my lips together, sliding my bow behind my back. 
“I meant I would help you and your friends not get killed, but it seems you didn't need my help.”
The boy shook his head, taking a step closer to me. He had a confident presence, but it didn't feel threatening.
“We do need your help.”
My face contorted in skepticism. Why would he want my help, why would he trust me so easily. Everything about the situation I found myself in was hard to wrap my head around.
“How could I possibly help you?”
He took in a frustrated breath, running his hand over his braided hair.
“You're a sky person mm? But you offered to help me. To help us. You aren't like them.”
I shook my head,
“You shouldn't assume things”
He continued,”I am not assuming. I know.” 
I mumbled in response “Skxawng (stupid)” 
His eyebrows raised in surprise after hearing a foreigner speak his native tongue. I didn't know what to do, it was unrealistic for me to agree to help him, before long they would figure out where I was and who I was with. It would be Jake Sully's betrayal all over again. And yet I found myself wanting to agree.
I gasped looking back from the direction we came from. 
“Miles” I whispered looking back to the Na’vi man, continuing before he could question what I was saying.
“The boy, the human boy. Who is he?” 
I urged, to think he had been here all this time. Living amongst the enemy, all he knew was this foreign world.
“Spider? He's our friend, our brother.”
I shook my head, impatiently continuing my interrogation. 
“But where did he come from?”
The boy looked at me with furrowed brows, making a shrugging gesture as he spoke,
“He is the old military commander's son, when he died Spider had nowhere else to go.”
I covered my mouth in shock. I was so sure it was him but hearing it confirmed, it made it so real.I really saw my brother, and he really lived a happy life here on Pandora. He really had a family, and I really wasn't a part of it.
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justalilpearlie · 10 months
Sammy IRL rants abt sammike and the fandom. (not directed at any creators, keep it up sammike tumblr nation! /gen)
I wish the fandom knew more abt sammike and it wasnt always. with me forced into another existing character. like no im not the freddy bully, or the bonny bully, or the phone guy, im me.
Im henry's son. Samuel "Sammy" Emily
I sadly was an outsider to all the bullshit that went on in Hurricane agaisnt my own will. I wanted to know. I wasnt able to do anything about it. I didnt knew how Mike was doing for years. I WISH we had worked together! but that only can happen in a No One Dies timeline.
I just wish to be my own person in the fandom and not made a baby, because in some memories I was even OLDER than Charlie, and Mike was always around my same age! When I say we've known eachother our WHOLE lifes I mean it. When I first saw Michael's face I was probably under a year old. I cant remember because 1. IRL mems can be fuzzy and 2. most ppl dont remember things before age like 3 or 4, but I do know our parents were friends before we were even born, and we played together and attended each one of eachothers birthdays, we were best friends before lovers, childhood bestfriends.
When we grew up we had a fall out, because of his new friendgroup, which I'd join later on anyways (on a particular timeline. because yes i remember different contradicting timelines.), but before that I was always trying to impress him and them so I could spend time with them. When we did spend time together, at first theyd tease me for being the youngest, shortest and weakest, and he'd always go out of his way to defend me, help me when I got hurt trying to pull out some dumb trick to get their attention and a couple times even canceled hang outs with his friends when I was having some issues (wont go into detail, but wanna clarify it has nothing to do with my family, they were GREAT and whoever says Henry Emily OR his wife play favorites f u. that couldnt be more far from the truth.)
OH here's sum memories I love: Taking care of our little siblings (where theyre all fairly younger than us and we were way older than them in comparison. also no one dies au), taking them to the park, staying home with them when our parents went out on date nights, it was great honestly. we all loved staying in having ice cream in front of the TV with a fan (or more), while Fazbear and Friends was on!
Sorry yall, im going a bit loco. I uh. yeah anyways this is a sammike household, i 100% respect other ships but i dont wanna see them here, on this account, so like ik no one has yet but just in case if anyone wanted to know my opinion on other popular ships like jeremike or mike x the other bullies: sammike is better, i am 100% bias and i wont apologize. ive never been more comforted than I am by my boyfriend and seeing anything of us together. even when people get it wrong. SPECIALLY when people getting right [looking at one of my mutuals w the realest sammike takes ever] I JUST. i wont give my opinion on other michael ships, only will say "sammike for the win" and thats all.
Thanks for comming to my TED talk, sorry for the rant, it WILL happen again. most likely.
Sammike content:
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queerlordsimon · 2 years
Ok, I'm a writer who wishes to write. But has no idea what to write. (I have one thing in progress but I'm out of internal fs to give to write it right now)
So, prompts. Characters. Whatnot.
Characters I'll write for.
Twisted wonderland
Pretty much everyone, not the teachers or jamil/grimm.(if you ask for Jamil I will unapologetically do it poorly, sorry) won't do ortho as well, purely because of age. I can not garentee the quality of work if you ask for sebek as I don't know him well, and ace and rook, purely because I don't think I can write them well. But I'd give it a go
My hero
I'm open to writing most characters here as well, except mineta, muscular, endeavor, and tiny children. I cannot garrentee the quality of most of the league, except toga. Dabi, and shiggy. And anyone From class 1-b, but I'll give it a go and try my best. (Also I have only seen to like, halfway through season 3, so I won't be great at those characters, but I'll try
Obey me!
Anyone but Luke, but I'm not well aquinted with thirteen, Raphael, and mephestophelis.
Im not sure or positive on any others that I write a ton for, but feel free to ask if I know it, If I do I'm more then likely willing to try.
I'll do most au ideas. Nsfw or sfw. I'll leave some prompts below for asking as well
kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing
playing with their hair while their head in your lap
jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted
theres only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
you confessed your feelings and were about to kiss but we get interrupted
"you are breathtaking"
"i cant help it, you're fun to mess with
"we both dont want to do this, i know. but you have to understand that we need this."
"why didnt you say h-how bat it was?"
"im not a lot of peoples favourite person."
"no ones ever done that to me before"
"could you play with my hair?"
13. "i cant remember the last time i did this with somesomeon
14. "that feels nice." 
15. "i havent been hugged in years"
16. you put your arm around me and i literally felt my knees buckle
17. "i just want to be held for a little while"
18." ive never been in a relationship before, so i dont really know how to do the whole… kissing thing."
19. "take another step, and i cant be help responsible for my actions."
20, " theres only one rule. you cant use your hands."
21. "look deep into my eyes, sweetheart."
22. "i want you to leave marks"
23. "i want to watch you fall apart."
24." i dreamed of you all night"
25. "the things that i want to do to you, baby"
26. i have you shoved against the wall but now i cant stop looking at your mouth.
27. i just told you i like you but now im shy and say, 'never mind, forget it; and why are you looking at me like that?
28. congratulations! one of your dreams has finially come true, let me give you a big hug and wow youre warm
29. "im going to marry you one day"
30. "i was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you werent alone."
31. "were you just touching yourself?"
32. "can you please come and get me?"
33. "hey, just look at me, breathe"
34. " you need to eat something."
35. "what happened to you??"
36. "apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together"
37. "cant you see it? the spirit of the dragon is within them"
38."how long have you been covering this?"
39."im way to sober for this."
40. "damn it, why arent you obeying the laws of physics?"
41. "i dont know whats wrong, okay? im just….really tired."
42. "my mind is in a dark place, you dont want to be there."
43."i wasnt born to be soft and quiet. i was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips."
44. "theres a reason im afraid of my own shadow."
45. "their back. i saw them last night, but they wouldnt talk to me and it looked like they had a black eye."
46. "shit, your freezing, lets get you warmed up, alright?"
47. "you cant keep it all inside you know. bottling it up wont do any good"
48. "only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as me"
49."sometimes memories are the worst form of tourture."
50. "they were made of ice and glass, but they would risk being broken"
you dont have to request a prompt, just ideas. 
just ask character, au/prompt, gender of reader. any other specifics youd like/need (such as a specific idea, sfw or nsfw. ext)
any underaged character will be aged up
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Hey Bestie 🖤 I have a Taligaro request again if it's okay. Let's say we are in his army but also his girl and we get separated in a battle. And just in case that happens we agreed to meet at a special place, a cabin or a hut something like that. As soon as we arrive there we notice that we are pregnant and we are waiting for him but he never arrives and after month of waiting just when we're about to give our hopes up he returns alive and well and we introduce him to his newborn daughter. 🥺I hope it makes sense Bestie 🖤 I'm not myself these days
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Of course it's ok besite 😊 I will always write what ever you wish 🤗 enjoy 💚
Everything was so manic lately that you barely had a chance to think. Your soul mate Taligaro was readying the men in his army for an oncoming fight from the north and you were focused on being ready for it. You had always discussed what would happen if you were to get separated during any fight or battle, there was a hut that his mother made for him as a child, and that's where he was born and grew up for many years before doing what he does now. It was at the side of a river a safe distance away from the battle grounds that you were all going to be fighting on, and that's where you both had discussed meeting if anything was to go wrong.
The time had come and you along with Taligaro and all the soldiers were there, waiting in the battle field for the enemy army. You were at Taligaros side before they marched upon you, you held his hand and you both looked deeply into eachothers eyes. You loved him with all your heart, and he loved you too. "I love you Tal" "I love you too Y/N" A horn blows in the distance and the enemy charges towards you all, giving Taligaro one last smile, everyone readies themselves and runs into battle. The fight was long and gruesome with barely any survivors on each side, and unfortunately you couldn't find Taligaro once victory was found by your army. "Tal?! Tal?!" You shouted across the battle ground, but it was no use, there was no answer. The few men left of Taligaros army were helping the wounded and taking them back to their camp, but you just stood there amongst the fallen enemies, with tears running down your cheeks.
Leaving in the opposite direction of the soldiers, you slowly made your way to the meeting spot that you discussed with Taligaro. When you arrived, it looked so beautiful. The river was flowing, there were flowers of all diffrent colours scattered all around the place, and there infront of you stood the little hut Taligaro told you about. Making your way inside, you push open the door and look around the hut. It was small but very homely, there was a lovely little kitchen, a living room and a bedroom and bathroom on the other side of the hut. But despite the cuteness of the house, you felt sad and hollow inside, and sat down on a chair by the table. You feel so sad as you remove the upper part of your armor, to reveal a small bump. You hadn't told Taligaro that you were pregnant with his child, you couldn't, he wouldnt have let you go into battle and you needed to be there for him.
But now you were on your own, he hadn't turned up, and you were sat crying, slowly running your hand over your bump. One or two of his men had found you and stoped by to see if you were ok during the few months you stayed there, and they even tried to get you to come back go the camp. But you had lost Taligaro, he was either dead or lost and he wasnt coming back. If he was to return, he would have done it by now. So you politely decline and stay on your own as your baby grew inside you. The day had come when your labour had begun, it was painful and difficult to do by yourself, but you pushed on through and tried everything you could to get through. Being on your own, you had already prepared the warm water, towels and clothes for the baby, and now all that you had to do was give birth. Again and again contractions make you scream in pain, you missed Taligaro so much and you loved him with all your heart that you kept his love in your mind every time a contraction came.
"Hhhssss ggaahhhhh!" You scream as you can feel the baby getting ready to come out, when all of a sudden, you hear a voice from outside. "Y/N?! Y/N are you hear?!" "Tal!" You scream back and he is in the hut within seconds. He runs through the hut till he finds you on the bed "Y/N, my darling i-Y/N are you? Your pregnant?!" He asks before rushing to your side. "Tal! I thought I lost you, what happened to you?!" "Y/N I'm so sorry, some of the enemies took me with them and demanded information out of me, but I managed to escape them. But forget about that now, your in labour! With....with my baby?" "Yes Tal, this is your baby. I'm sorry I didnt tell you about this sooner, I wanted it to be a-gghhaaaa!" Your contraction hits you again, but this time Taligaro is squeezing your hand. "Ok ok just breath my love, there you go. Y/N I'm so sorry I wasnt hear for you, I love you and if I'd had known-" "I know Tal, I know"
He gives you a sweet kiss before another contraction hits again, but this time it feels like it's nearly time. "Ow ow ahhh! Tal, I think its coming!" You scream out loud. He is instantly down by your legs with the clean towel at the ready. "Oh my love I can see its head, I need you to push" Taking a deep breath, you push with all your might and out comes the head. "That's it! Thats it Y/N your doing so well! Just one more push and it's over, you can do it" You steady your breaths, take a large breath in and give one last push with all the strength you have left, and before you know it, the sound of a baby's crys fill the hut. Your exhausted but so relived it's over, and when you look down, Taligaro has cut the cord, wrapped up the baby and it cradling it in his arms as tears fall down his face. "Oh Y/N....its a girl....you did it my love" He carrys the baby and sits down beside you, placing her in your arms. "A girl? Oh Tal, shes beautiful" The hut felt nothing but silence for a few minutes, you and Taligaro were just so happy and admiring your baby girl as she rested in your arms. "Were parents my love, we have a daughter. She is only a few minutes old and I already love her" "So do I Tal, shes perfect. What should we name her?" "I have an idea. My mother raised me hear in this hut, and if it wasnt for her I wouldn't be hear with you and our little family. Why dont we name her after my mother" "I love that Tal... welcome to the world...baby Caro"
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"Godsend" I: Young Gods
(A/N: I'm using Roman Numerals for these chapter parts just fyi)
Summary: The gods are bored so as a game they each choose a champion, the god of death being left out of the game chooses his own without the others knowing. But no one expected the turn out of their actions to be that of a fairytale.
Warnings: carnage, death, violence, war, immortality, crush panic
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"Eight cries of children born. Wails of the purest forms known to man. Untouched by the world's cruelty and merciless sword. Two could end humanity with a mere wish of their minds. Three were capable to enact more destruction than the world could ever see. And the final three would be the buffers for that destruction. By the end of it all only two would be without a half and only one would survive this loneliness."
As decreed in the Songs of Men.
Philza Watson was raised on these songs. These poems. Even from an early childhood he knew he was part of it, the prophecy. How though? No one had any idea about how to find these eight children with immense power.
Philza knew though. He knew by the curve of his fledgling obsidian wings. By the pounding in his head that matched the heartbeat of the one closest to him. By the uncanny knowing of when his parents would die and how.
Philza knew. And he hadn't told anyone. Not even his mother knew of the heartbeats. Of the wings on his back. Philza's father wasn't around much. There was a war in their kingdom. One with the Mountain Peoples to the North, that was what Philza knew of it anyway. His mother had refused to tell him much of anything about it.
So the way his mother kept that secret, he kept his. His wings. They would be an abomination to the village of small farms and firstly children. So Death taught him to hide them.
Death...Philza's true father in his own mind. Though Death never said if they were a man or a woman, nor did it seem like they were either, Philza saw them as a Father. They taught him everything he knew. How to hide the downy wings and resist the urge to speak in a language no one knew.
Death gave Philza books and taught him how to fight. Death taught Philza everything. How to cheat and how to spot it. How to lose and how to triumph. Death was Philza's father most days. Others he was his teacher. His enemy in sparring. His enemy today.
"You're too slow in your reaction," Death's hollow voice echoed off the cave walls. Mountains surrounded the farmer village and everyday Philza commuted out to this cave to train.
"You aren't telling me how to get faster!" Philza growled and got up off his knee. A thin trickle of blood oozed from his quick healing skin. Death had sliced his arm and a mere scratch appeared with the blade had cut. A sign Philza's immortal invincibility was kicking in at last. Used to he'd come home with moss piled on top his wounds and his tunic stained red. His mother never quite asked where'd he been or what happened. She was occupied in waiting for his father to return with a new flesh wound and darker look in his eyes. Or not at all as Philza knew would inevitably happen deep in his boyhood heart.
"I thought you were smarter Philza," Death drawled on and kicked the long sword back to their pupil.
"I thought you were kinder." Philza grunted and adjusted their grip and stance. Death had never gone this hard at Philza before. He was only 14...how was he expected to compete on this level with a god?!
"Death is not kind." Death huffed and began the motions again, each swing parried or dodged by Philza even as the speed grew.
"Now you're referring in the 3rd person. How sad." Philza smiled smugly and twisted out of the reach of Death's sword. He wasnt fast enough to swing his sword to block the next blow. Instead he stumbled back and hit the wall of the cave. Death's sword became a scythe and Philza felt his heart flutter in fear. Death had never summoned their true weapon in their sparring before.
Philza wasnt even concerned on landing a blow of his own, he was greater afraid of not surviving this session. Death's eyes were a cold white under the deep black hood shadowing their face. A cowl. A cloth the color of the deepest grave stretched over where Death's mouth would be and swung down to only end in tatters at their chest.
"Death stop! Please!" Philza begged and ducked under the quick blade of the scythe only to feel the butt of it crash into his chest with such a force he fell to his back and lost his breath.
"Mercy is not an option." Death growled and set their foot on Philza's surely bruised chest, and pressed down. Philza felt a pain so sharp it was like an arrow point slicing his finger as a child, before the invincibility took root.
He gasped as Death pressed harder till Philza was sure his chest would crumble under the boot of his teacher. He'd never felt such fear, such desperation.
'This is what you get for being smug you bastard.' He thought to himself and pushed back on Death's boot. A feeble attempt as Death replied with more pressure.
Philza cried out as tears pricked at his eyes. Adrenaline shot up his arms and a new strength pulsed in his veins. Philza screamed in his boyhood as he felt Death's foot budge. An inch then another till he could finally breathe again.
With just enough distance put between Death and Philza's chest he rolled. Philza unset Death's balance and watched as his opponent stumbled for a mere moment. A moment long enough for Philza to retrieve a dagger stashed on his belt and throw it. The blade caught Death's cloak and drug their immortal body to the stone wall, pinning them there. Philza was on them in an instant with his sword retrieved and set on Death's pale throat.
"Well done," Death rumbled and Philza thought he saw a smile twitch under the cloth covering Death's face. "Well done indeed. Do you see yourself, my Champion? Look at what you are." Death was smiling. A rotten smile made of bones and a skinless jaw.
Philza looked into Death's eyes and saw someone he didn't recognize. He saw a man in place of a boy. This man's wings were three times the size of Philza's. His hair down to his shoulders and covered by a green and white striped hat. This man wore a black cloak like Death but a green kimono underneath. This man looked vengeful. Exhausted from years of battle. This man was scarred physically and mentally.
This man was what Philza knew he would be one day, whether he saw it physically or not in Death's eye. He knew, and now he had the evidence to know it truly.
💚60 Years Later💚
Philza had begged once. In that spar session with Death he had truly thought he would die and wished it not so. Now he was 74 in place of that scared 14 year old. He was almost the man he saw in Death's eyes. Even after 60 years he was not yet the man he was to be.
He had the scruff and tired bags under his sapphire eyes. The scars from many battles won. And his wings were things of legend. He didn't wear a green kimono but he did enjoy the color. Philza's hair stretched down his neck but not quite the shoulders as Death's eyes revealed.
Philza Watson was an elder in a young man's body. He'd witnessed the rise and fall of empires. Destroyed armies with the swing of his sword. He'd founded nations and tore them down. The Angel of Death was a legend, and now he wandered into a pub called the Hoglin. The only known place with a portal to another realm.
The Nether.
Supposedly it was founded by a native of the place. A whole family of Pigmen built if before tragedy struck. The oldest of the founder's children became possessed and slaughtered the whole family in the night.
When questioned, the killer claimed he didn't remember it. The King that pressed charges against the convicted, Technoblade Philza believed the killer's name to be, led his kingdom to war and lost horribly. According to legend, Technoblade offered his assistance and won them the war in exchange for his freedom. With that freedom he befell the kingdom and destroyed the government in a matter of hours.
Technoblade was a legend beside Philza, and now he was finally able to meet him. Least to say he was kind of hard to miss.
The bar was crowded with drunken males flaunting their stories and fantastical tales of war. Philza heard their heartbeats. One, no two, would be dead by morning due to drinking. They had too much ale or bourbon or whisky and it would kill them. He could see through the eyes of another he would kill someone tonight as well. A young woman? Through what Philza could see of the kill it would be mutual. Through her last actions she would kill the man and they would die together. A tragic tale.
'How pathetic.' Philza scoffed and lowered the green and white hat atop his head as he squeezed past several other people, careful to keep his wings tight under the cloak covering his frame.
Philza spotted the man he searched for in the back of the pub. A river of cherry pink covered and ran down his head and onto his broad shoulders. A cape the color of blood rested there. It looked Royal, perhaps the cape of the King he killed in the stories.
Technoblade's face was covered by what appeared to be a mask but as Philza got closer he realized it to be his real features. The face of a pig rested easily on Technoblade from the nose up. From his mouth and below he was human. Philza caught himself staring at her another peculiar piece of his fellow legend. He wore a crown. And not just any crown, a CROWN. It wasnt rounded like the posh ones the rulers wear on their coronation, this one was as intricate as the one that sat upon the King's head today.
Gold danced around the spikes and spears etched into its surface with jewels of every color popping out of the metal. From the way Technoblade was so relaxed in a bar with drunken men and thieves, Philza assumed that thing was either cursed or heavily protected by its wearer.
"Angelus Mortis." A gruff voice came from the pigman. A dark scarlet iris floated lonely in Technoblade's eye as he addressed the man in green.
'Angel of Death. He speaks Latin?' Philza stood stiff as he analyzed what he could possibly say in return. He'd never known another to speak the language of the dead.
"Iuvenis Deus." Philza finally thought out and sat across the table from the man with a calm heartbeat and beautiful crown.
"Young god? Is that what you think I am?" Technoblade chuckled and sat back in his chair. It creaked from the broad movement.
"That is what I am." Philza stated. "I can smell the death from you. You're a killer who shouldn't be able to kill anymore yet you look not hardly a day older than myself."
"I've spent the last 60 years fighting for my beliefs if that is what you mean by such slaughterous words." Technoblade scoffed. He was obviously not very trusting to the man across the table.
"Yet we do not have gray hair." Philza pointed out. Having never met each other there was a kind of draw between them. A cord of some kind taking them down the dame rabbit hole.
"Who are you?" Technoblade growled a little in his words.
"Philza Watson. Pleased to make your acquaintance Blood God." Phil stood up and let his wings stretch out under his cloak, casting a shadow over the pub. Technoblade's eyes widened, shrinking that crimson iris to a pinprick. The screaming began and bottles smashed. Philza kept us hand outstretched to the pigman.
"It really is you." Technoblade breathed and Philza let a small snicker escape him.
"In the flesh. 74 years old and still kicking like a flegeling." He smiled snd Technoblade took his hand as he stood. "Now let's blow this place to Hell."
And they did....
They did it to many places. Starting in small shops and pubs run by greedy men serving even greedier kings and reaching up to the nobles and monarchs of the realm.
Within a few months the world knew their names and now the prophecy had two of the unnamed eight children on the gods found.
Kingdom after Kingdom fell at their hands and soon very few were left, but one stood tall over the masses. A place called Crowseye ruled by the Halo family and the Crimson Egg Battalion defending their borders.
"Rumor has it the real Halo family is kind and hang the Crimson Egg is some kind of curse type thing. Possessed them basically." Technoblade drug a rock over the broad sword resting on his leg. A sharp sound reverberating along the burrow walls.
"Rumors have it we already have a revolution gathering for us. Led by some Lord William and his niece. Kristal or something." Philza smiled at his friend. "Says she's our age as well. 'parently her Uncle wished her youth or some bullshit when she was born. He wanted a female heir according to legend. Poor man's nearly a century old and his only relative is his niece."
"How wonderful. Perhaps we can place another King on a throne then topple him as well to only have a Queen take his place." Technoblade scoffed and examined his blade carefully. Monarchy was his least favorite form of government. Kings or Queens.
"Yeah sure." Philza hesitated on the idea. Taking down the corrupt ideas of government was fun, and totally on his boat of missions, but something felt...dead inside him. Like he was simply going through the motions. In all of the years he'd been fighting he never knew he'd feel this empty of his purpose.
Philza and Technoblade were made to kill. Death and Blood side by side, slaughtering their way through their enemies with minimal efforts. It was the fate of the world for them to kill. So why did Philza feel so off?
"I'm gonna go for a fly. Be back in a bit." Philza finally decided and walked out the burrow without so much a word coming from either men as one departed.
Philza didn't waste time in flying to the Revolution's camp. It wasnt far away at all and easy to spot in the valleys and plains outstretched beyond him. A sturdy gathering of tents and campfires. He flew high, casting a shadow along the land below in the dusk light. Philza lowered himself several yards from the camp just as to not warrant a panic and arrows shot at him. It'd be a shame if the people they were trying to help tried killing him.
"Halt intruder." A demanding voice halted Philza's steps as he turned to face the owner of the voice.
Sat atop a speckled gray horse was a woman. A beautiful woman with long black hair and a wide set frame that silhouetted gorgeously against the evening sun. Philza stood dumbstruck as the steed angled itself according to its rider and Philza caught the woman's eye in his own. A doe brown rimmed by what seemed like a hazy violet that Philza thought would take him his entire mortal life to describe in words worthy enough.
"State your name and business." She commanded and Philza felt his face flush as she drew a sword from its sheath with unprecedented skill.
"I-I'm Philza Watson, Angel of Death, and I have come to offer my assistance in your fight for freedom." Philza stuttered in the start and held up his hands in surrender as the woman dismounted easily.
"The Angel of Death?" The woman scoffed and Philza suddenly thought perhaps she wasn't as great as her appearance seemed. Yet her heart didn't quicken at his title or the shift of his wings.
"Am I the butt of a joke I don't know about?" Philza let a small smile creep up his face as the lady sheathed her sword and planted her hands on her hips, relaxed.
"No not at all, its just..." She let out a snicker. "You're so formal. The stories tell you as a man of pure vengeance. No mercy or surrender under any circumstances. Kill first, ask questions never sort of thing." The woman ranted on.
"I-I'm sorry who are you?" Philza dropped his hands and narrowed his eyes as the woman outstretched her hand.
"Kristen. My Uncle is Lord William." Kristen smiled sweetly and Philza felt his heart drop.
Oh how the mighty shall fall...
Did you like it? I liked it...I'm very excited and I wish I could draw so I could show you all my exact vision but I cannot so you'll have to do for my poorly written descriptions of a fictional character's eyes or mannerisms.
Anyways, goodnight my loves.
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aloneatl4st · 5 months
Im not using tags cuz I hope this doesn't get found
Ive started college in 2023 and now im getting closer to my 1st year. Ive met many people and stopped talking to quite a few.
Ive recently made friends with a guy whose name shall be Hunter for this post and anonimity. Hunter is a straight guy who ive gotten to know quite a bit in the last 4 to 5 weeks.
Im ashamed to say it, because i should know better, but ive had a crush on him for i would say 3 months. Against my better judgement i decided to let myself get infatuated with a man that has no ability to like me back which isnt something surprising to me but still a mistake i couldve avoided somehow... I just dont know how.
Hunter is a very nice and caring guy i would say in general, he funny and he, unlike most straight men ive talked to in my life, isnt disgusted by my existence as a queer man. He touchy feely and for shits and giggles even asked me if i want a piggy back ride (im a 6 foot non-skinny man, he realistically had no reason to do that). I dont really laugh like I laugh with him and thats what makes me feel so painfully pathetic.
Recently it seemed he got a bit closer to another one of my friends whoch made me feel super defeated as she is a girl, but i managed to confirm from her that neither one of them like eachother.
Another huge problem is that he broke up with him abusive girlfriend about 2 or 3 weeks ago, which makes me feel disgusting and "opportunistic". I wish I wasnt like this but i havent received this level of attention from a man in a while, especially positive attention.
Realistically I know Hunter will never like me or be into me (hes got VERY clear straight boy behaviour, its hard to explain) but hes also pretty gentle with me and sometimes his touches linger and I feel like a fool for letting some second-grade infatuation ruin me like this.
Ive been unable to function for 2-3 days right now, just listening to lovesick music and fantasizing for something that was clearly not meant for me ever. Sometimes I still regret not being born a woman, so I could just love the guys Ive been into in the past without feeling added-on guilt of incompatibility due to sexuality.
I just wish he knew how special he is, and how sweet and nice, and hes also such a sight for sore eyes... Gods I am not your strongest soldier, stop giving me your toughest men to have crushes on my hearts love capacity is too large to use on men who cant love me back.
In a world in my mind where things go my way, he figures out he is bisexual and somehow I have a chance with him, I just hope itd happen fast cuz he has rendered me immoble and unable to complete simple tasks cuz all I do is think of him.
Hunter... youre very beautiful and sweet, and I know thia information is useless because neither one of us can do anything with it, but I hope whoever is your next girl will treat you right cuz if you treat women better than you treat me than I cant imagine ever being toxic to you like your exes were 💔
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foursdarkdays · 1 year
About me?
Honestly idk why i suddenly thought about writing all this here but ig maybe??? i could find the root causes of my mental health? idk
Sooo umm It all started when i was 11, back in 2011 when my Mom's father kicked us out basically. I dont really have a father, i mean i do but hes not really there. My mother married him out of family pressure and that didnt end well. He had severe anger issues and was always jealous that my mom earned more than him. male ego ew. He wanted mom to leave her job and be a houswife with a lot of restrictions but thankfully my mom stood up for herself and they were living seperately. They never lived together tbh. my father was from another city and my mom didnt move there due to obvious reasons. so anyway yeah back to the story. So when we were basically homeless, we rented a house . glad my house had a good gov job so we could afford it. It was during summer holidays right after my 6th grade when everything started affecting me mentally. I would stay home alone all day, no tv , no phone , no colony friends it was very lonely. Weird thoughts kept coming in my mind it was a devils house lmaoo. Plus the family fights and stuff were taking a huge toll on me. I didnt share this with my school friends back then prolly because i was embarrassed or because i didn't find the need to? I did'nt know how to behave with people. i started getting aggressive about a lot of things and my friends left me for that. Later i realised and apologized for my behavior and got them back.
anyway so back when i was in my grandfathers house, we were a joint family0. my grandmother, granfather, mother and her brother and sister and i. There were fights almost everyday but later when my aunt and mama got married the fights got more intense. i used to run up to the terrace to avoid all the shouting. I think thats one of the reaons why i get so worked up when i hear people yelling. trauma?.
anywayyyy so everything started effecting my studies and my acadmeics went to hell. i love my mom but back then she'd say all these mean things to me like "Why were you even born" "you're so useless" honestly i dont remember now but yeah that also affected me a lot mentally that i started self harming. It was out of curiosity at first but then i got addicted. The physical pain made the mental pain feel less. I self harmed almost everyday. it was like a drug to me. When my friends found out about it because i used to cut my hand like the whole hand, i started cutting my leg, It hurt a lot, sometimes i couldnt even walk. i just wish id bleed to death or something. Family and bad academics made everything worse. and as a cherry on top, something happened in school. Everyone thought i was a liar and it was like everywhere i went, people spoke bad about me that i dreaded going to school. Anyway this self harming continued till 2016 November ig? (i started in 2013) i self harmed in the hostel as well lol until.. until my ex best friend cum my roommate tried to end her life. It was scary. She left school but i kept thinking about it. Somehow that made me stop trying to kill myself for a while and completely stop self harming. I used to have a lot of anxiety attacks without knowing they were anxiety attacks.
anyway this even worsened during my bachelors. My depression and anxiety got very severe. Not just mentally but also physically. The chest pains, the body pains, the nausea and fatigue, the constant tiredness and fear. I completely failed academics which in return increased my anxiety. I felt so hopeless and useless beacuse i was good at nothing. It took me 5 years to graduate a 4-year bachelors degree with 34 backlogs and numerous failed suicide attempts. i wasnt even that brave to hang myself or jump off but but it was mostly over doing my anti-depressants. oh yeah i went tp therapy, that guy saw my self hard scars and told my mom. fuck. anyway mom was worried. also i'm glad she never told me anything about my academics she never made me feel like a failure im very glad. Shes always encouraging. I feel selfish that i tried to end myself when im the only one left for mom but i couldnt and cant help it. Im sorry mom you obviously deserve a better kid. A much better kid. So ummm yeah after graduating and leaving therapy because the meds werent working i started feeling a bit better? the anxiety and depression went down or maybe i just learned how to live with it. it was already 2022 which means 11 years of depression. i think anxiety came along in 2016? honestly idk but ik i started treating it as a part of me, i accepted it and it did help me. It doesnt effect my daily routine because ive learnt to live with it.
anyway so about my father, he kept visiting from time to time. at first it was every month, then it became once in 2 , 3 ,4 ,5 . Its not like he cared. He never helped us emotionally or financially, Even when my mom was hospitalised and had a surgery in 2013, he didnt come to see. He only visited when he wanted to. My mom went througha lot because society talks yk? she basically a single mom and its hard to live in this stupid country like that. People talk shit about you. Anyway it took me 16 years to realise that my "father" never really cared. I started despising him and even his presence (once in a year) gave me the icks. His family also always spoke bad about my mother including himself ig. I didnt know how to asnwer people when they asked about him. okay so anyway he came home last year (2022) and i had to kick him out because it was becoming suffocating for me and mom. mostly mom so i did it for her. I said some rude things to him so that he wont come again and trust me i feel shit but yeah he deserved. And he came home on my bday early this year (jan). I still remember the way my heart dropped seeing him.I hate birthdsys because of this. I had to kick him out again. Again people talk. No one sees his mistakes , how he never called or gave a fuck about us. they only see how we kicked him out. I hate him . and then later i got to know that he also tried to ummm hchoke my mom back in 2003? when we went to visit him. I was there. i have a vivid image in my head that i can never forget. Theres also some secret that my mom and grandfather are keeping from me. idk if ill ever know about it . He prolly has another family maybe? idk p maybe its something worse. anyway thanks to him i cant look at any other man without thinking of him now.
yeah so now back to me. I ruined my life. idk if it can repaired. I'm trying to do my masters. I have applied to some collges in australia and one of them rejected me. my cgpa is 6.2 and i have 34 backlogs with no work exp so its hard, All i want to do is die because i cannot take this anymore. I dont try to kill myself anymore but i wish i could.
All of my friends have jobs or are doing their masters. what am i doing? i know i ahouldnt compare myself but do you think its easy? Everyone out there is indepedant already and im nothing? Its very embarassing and hard. The time is ticking like a time bomb and im terrified.
i need to get away from this place. I need to heal and i just need anothee chance from life where i could repair myself and move forward. I will never be able to move on if im here. There's a lot of pain and trauma here. ISTG if it doesnt work out, i might really do something to myself, i will shut myslef comepletely and just wait till i die.
ill add more things if i remember, now i have cramps on my fingers bye
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goremet-chef · 1 year
im drawring. also im thinking of learning another language cuz thats fun
sometimes i feel embarrassed that like... i mean lots of people are born and are taught 2 from a young age and i guess i just feel embarrassed that that wasnt me? but theres no shame in learning a new language thats actually a really great thing KSFJS idk i just feel ashamed if im not immediately good at something 😔 it feels like im not doing the language justice ykwim? like ive been doing great with spanish on duolingo but i stopped because i got to a part where id need to roll my R's and id rather learn how to do that than do it half assed, you feel me? like. IDK im
being mixed is weird man. i know a LOT of mixed people have complicated feelings with their race and culture, im the same. i feel robbed? i feel robbed from culture that wouldve been so beautiful and fun, because my family never let me see my dads side. like ever
i see them every now and then but i wish it was more. if i spent more time with them id probably be different, id be more like them, i wish i was more like them! because i dont like my moms side. bunch of old racists, i dont belong with them bro they fucking suck. plus my aunt????
i remember my sibling he had they/them on his work outfit (goes by he/they but used they for simplicity sake) and my aunt saw and was like "oh. are you a they/them? thats alright thats alright if you are" and i was. fucking SHOCKED. id always thought okay.. when i start transitioning, most my family wont love me anymore and i have to accept that id probably never see them again. but she was cool with it? it made me almost cry like i couldve come out right then and there if i had the nerve (it was on my bday too so maybe it wouldve been easier)
like they just seem so much more accepting over there i wish we were together more often.
so tired of hearing right wing rants from my mom, while she seemingly pledges her support of me and my siblings. bitch if yr on their team, yr not on ours!!! i think shes slowly learning that like.. oh theyre taking trans peoples rights away, and my kids are trans
i hope she learns at least. i sent her a bunch of articles about that sorta thing cuz she asked me to, most likely cuz she didnt believe me, but its real and its happening. exhausting
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
Tldr: i have always been aware that i am awful in the ways in which i am awful
...but i can always choose to be more honest about it and i have done a lot of drugs and gotten a lot of brain damage since i was a cptsd-cyborg growing up in the pnw. I think i turned out ok its just fucked up how slowly that was allowed to happen and i resent how low-info the world i grew up in was. Viva the new enlightenment. This is the dawning of the age of awoke w/ us. Highvibe nation whatwhat, etc. Speaking of highschool, the alty kids who were too cool for everyone were all in an amnesty international club together that like some well-leftoid [i flatter myself to say this applies to me, too, finally] to-the-manner-born [i wish] anarkiddie had started years earlier or whatever. I didnt know what the fuck amnesty international was and i never looked it up because i was like "candle with barbed wire around it, arm bands, gotcha. Maybe i'll ~care about Stuff in ~college but for now i unabashedly care only about new episodes of sex and the city and rereading anne rice novels. Oh and buffy!" (Is the uncomfortably stark whiteness of that shit still telegraphic like it was to the amnesty international club kids? Because the most culturally enriching media in my life in hs was antm which started at the end--and the fact that i was a massive weeb. These were the limits of my horizons at the time. Hilarious. What a way to be.) Point being, they were what we would today call woke, because now white people know that word and have distorted it into an intended insult, but at the time there wasnt anything pithy to call them derisively for being cooler than i was so to deflect/project my own insecurities about being utterly clueless and objectively uncool (insecurities i had because i could approximately grasp that these things were entirely true, even without the necessary context to have done better or to truly have known my insecurities werent just residual social anxiety from being all puberty-riddled like i constantly massaged into my brain as a cope; also i percieved the cooler kids i alienated by being all zomboidal as being snobbish and overly cynical, and there were only like a dozen of them anyway in a school of 1000+ students whose good graces and high opinions i didnt covet), i called them the fashion club, like from daria. As if to suggest that they were all mindlessly hopping on some highbrow trend of "advanced" leftism (i was a teenage ndp campaigner, i thought the amnesty club kids were "doing too much," to have a focus beyond party politics in highschool) their champagne swilling glitterati parents had tuned them in to, yet from my pov most of them had the pretention of basically drafting themselves as child soliders or some shit in these overseas conflicts they actually knew and inherently cared about. I didnt even know who Che Guevara was, starting hs with these kids. They were actually drafting themselves as child soliders, in the culture war. They did all dress very chic, they had matured frames of reference and shoplifting chops. Mild affiliation/cross-pollination with the slightly nicer and way dorkier theatre kids via the Openly Gay Kid contingent. Naturally i never counted as Openly Gay because i was "bi" and they didnt care who i was dating plus "everyone's bi" so i didnt get any latent solidarity points for being out in hs, which seemed arbitrary at the time because their whole universe seemed to be a matrix of solidarity points, and the gold star jr gays were like there on a ticket of Being The Gay Accessory......but aaaactually, i had obviously managed to say and do a bunch of heinously braindead awkward-kid-with-fash-parents-but-the-kid-doesnt-even-get-that-yet-beyond-the-level-of-personal-grievance-with-their-restrictiveness type stuff and they had all written me off as pointless. Fair play to them, i had so much catching up to do. I think mostly theyre yuppies now. Except for the ones who got really into the 60s and no one ever saw them again, fade out
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