#i would have done this sooner honestly but there's like this. weird shame that kept making me not
localrobosexual · 10 months
i think i'm gonna try one of those weekly meal prep delivery services because genuinely at this point trying to plan meals every week and setting aside the time to grocery shop and prep and cook and all that shit is really getting to me and it's not lookin good here folks lol
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
the second part/continuation of Sunrise, Sunset!
this boutta get interesting……. it gets kinda messy but don’t worry, it isn’t over yet 🙏🙏🙏 also trevor can’t spell over text to save his life
Lamar didn’t sleep that night. He couldn’t. He just kept thinking the whole situation over, trying his hardest to connect the dots. Make some sense of it, or at least find some logical way to deny the truth. Had it always been Franklin? It’s not like Lamar ever had a long term girlfriend, or even a chick he was hung up on like his… friend. How long had he been completely naïve? He felt stupid for not noticing sooner. He didn’t even have anyone to confide in. He obviously couldn’t confide in Frank right now. Shit. How would he face him? Lamar screwed his eyes shut tight. What the fuck was he gonna do? He tried thinking about who to turn to. Michael was obviously a no-go, what with the dynamic those two had. Then he thought about Trevor. Maybe he’d help. Maybe. It wouldn’t hurt to just ask, right?
crazy guy
wut leroy. u need smthn?
uh, yeah
sort of
wut iz it?
some complicated bs again. nothin new.
cant u go 2 frank 4 whtevr prblm ur having
not exactly
can i meet u somewhere private?
wut 4
u tryna fuk me leroy?
loco. no.
jus. meet me @ vanilla unicorn asap
Lamar sighed heavily, starting to wonder if this was gonna be a bad idea to try and talk to him about this. But Trevor was kinda fruity anyway, so at least he wouldn’t judge. His phone buzzed again.
alrdy hear bro
Lamar raced over to the strip club, going through the back entrance. Trevor was sitting on his desk, already waiting for Lamar’s arrival.
“LD! What brings you to my fine establishment at this time?” He stood up, but remained leaning against the desk behind him.
“Listen man, it’s.. it’s serious.”
Trevor’s faced lifted, looking surprised. Or.. whatever concerned looked like by his terms.
“How serious we talkin’ bro?”
“Ion know, just some stupid shit I’ve been tryna wrap my head around.”
“Uhh, elaborate on that?”
“It’s gotta do with Fr-…eaky shit going on with me.”
Trevor squinted at him, like he was trying to read Lamar’s mind.
“Something to do with love, I think?”
“Oh. Well. Why’d you come to me for help?”
“Because I..” He said, the words deflating in his mouth.
“I think you’re the only person who could understand where I’m coming from?”
“…I’m not reading ya. Just say it, Lamar. Jeez.”
“I think I’m in love with someone.”
A long pause filled the air with tension.
“That it?”
“Well, not exactly.”
“Jesus bro, what is the matter with you right now? You look like you’re gonna faint.”
“It’s, it’s someone we know, alright? There.”
Trevor squinted his eyes again, but not for long. His eyebrows flew to his hairline, and he stood upright from the desk he was perched on.
“Wait a minute…”
Lamar looked down at the ground, embarrassment swirling around in his stomach. He felt like some child that had been yelled at for stealing some candy. He didn’t like it. He was a grown fuckin’ man for crying out loud.
“You don’t mean..”
He stood there, saying nothing and grabbing his arm protectively. The silence was back, lingering for too long.
“I fuckin’ knew it.” Trevor said, almost inaudible.
“Wh.. what?” Lamar spluttered out, looking up.
“I fucking knew it!”
Somehow hearing those words comforted and pissed off Lamar. Obviously Trevor wasn’t planning on judging him for it, but how did he know before him?
“What the fuck you mean you knew?!”
“Oh please, Lamar. You aren’t a very subtle person.”
“I am too!”
“No. You’re not. You’re really not.”
“Tell me. How, how am I not subtle as a motherfucker?”
“Hmm… I can think of a few instances to count, but honestly a perfect example was that conversation we had dropping those cars off for he-who-shall-not-be-named.”
Lamar cocked his head sideways, confused. Trevor shook his head before starting his sentence back up.
“Remember when you ah… inquired about Michael and I? Our past?”
“Yeah, what of it?”
“You compared us to some.. I don’t know, divorced couple or something. Figuring it was romantic?” He averted his gaze, turning pink.
“Well, I mean after the whole rundown of our partnership, I asked you about how you and our boy Frankie met.”
“And you gave me some weird, uncomfortable story about you having a threesome with him- Which he apparently wasn’t even apart of to begin with. Didn’t know why he even appeared in that memory, but I guess it sort of makes sense now. It was also the fact you.. uh, deciphered my relationship, and tried to compare it to you and Frank. That’s how I started to catch on.”
“I mean I… I was in the same boat as you, kid. You were right, y’know.”
“I was?”
“Michael and I… were never perfect. But back then I was,” His voice lowered.
“…Am.” He corrected, voice barely above a whisper. Coughing, he continued.
“In love with him. Or something.”
“Shit, for real?”
“For reals homie. I know what you’re going through. Only difference is Mikey uh.. was a little more repressed than I was. But you didn’t hear it from me.”
Lamar stood in shock, eventually flopping down on the couch.
“What the fuck am I gon’ do, Trevor?”
“Well, I know I’m friends with him but I’m not exactly as close to him as you or Mike. So I can’t exactly say whether or not he’s like Michael in that regard, you know?”
“Fuck, man…”
“Hey.. I uh, I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help. I never really knew how to deal with those feelings towards Mike. It’s like, even harder to manage when you have a bond like that.”
“No, no. I needed this I think.”
“Go home, Lamar. Try to get some rest or something.”
As he got up, he placed a hand on Trevor’s shoulder.
For the first time since they met, Trevor gave him a genuine smile. He patted his hand and scooted him out the door. Driving back, he still felt sort of restless. Even if he did sleep, it wasn’t gonna be enough. When he got back home and in his bed, he pulled out his phone.
So you’re back.
i thought about what you said
Wait - really?
yeah. i’m a fuckin idiot
Doesn’t take a psychic to know that.
that’s uncalled for lady
What is it you need? It’s very late you know - is what I said keeping you up?
bingo bitch
and uh yeah, i need to know what the fuck u said to franklin
what does he know?
All I told him was that I saw you at his house - very frequently I might add.
I might’ve mentioned you were there in his old room all the time, in his bed with someone he knew - an older woman, perhaps? He didn’t take it too well.
wait a minute
his auntie? i mean she bad and all but
i never.. like did anything with her. not like that
He thought differently. The implications might’ve been misread - why would you choose his childhood bed for something like that? Shame on you
and i might’ve picked the wrong fuckin person to speak to
lady, what the fuck? i never fucked his auntie!
i wouldn’t do that to him, even if she got a dumptruck ass
You are a strange man Lamar. All I saw was you two in his bed, very, very often.
I wouldn’t have known you felt anything for him had you not contacted me - and even now you still made a pass at her!
all we did was talk! n there’s nothing wrong wit admiring ass.
Whatever you say - oh wait…
I’m seeing something
it better be good
I’m seeing you two again - and you’re right. You’re talking… about Franklin?
why else would we be in his room. if i was gon fuck his auntie we would’ve done it in hers or sumn
or in the livin room maybe.
I’m seeing something else now - he’s taken the place of his aunt. Oh. Wow…
what? what is it?
what do u see?
I… completely misinterpreted Franklin’s reading. It seems like it was supposed to be him in her place.
I’m not sure how he read it exactly - my best guess was that it wasn’t the latter.
And seeing as he no longer lived there, the vision got mixed up some how for both of us. You did have some connection to her though - don’t lie. That was most likely the problem.
i mean yeah. i hit on her a couple times
maybe thought it about it once or twice
More than that.
whatever. still, i ain’t do shit to her, ion stoop that low lady
Then I apologize. But I cannot fix this problem for you - you’re going to have to talk things out
Because right now, he’s assuming you’re acting weird because you actually *did* something with his aunt.
Fuck me man
this sucks
ur evil lady, u know that?
Hey, I’m not the one hanging out with his aunt. Now go to bed. I’ll deal with you another time.
hey wait
come back
“God fuckin’ damn it not again!”
He chucked his phone against the wall, and began yelling into his pillow. He wasn’t gonna sleep right at all until he fixed this mess. Fucking psychic lady.
The next morning when Lamar passed by his mirror he audibly gasped. He looked like shit. He looked like he was definitely hiding something. And he knew he couldn’t see Frank today. His phone buzzed and as soon as he glanced down he felt the urge to throw it across the room. Speak of the fuckin’ devil. Franklin was fucking calling him. Taking a deep breath, he hit answer.
“Hey L. How you feelin’?”
“Better. Thanks.”
“Yeah man. You know what was up wit’ you or…”
“I.. I think it was some sort of stomach bug man. Doin’ alright now tho.”
“Glad to hear.”
“So are you callin’ me for something or-“
“Actually yeah. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Later. Sunset? That cool wit’ you?”
“Uh yeah, yeah. Heard it’s a full moon.”
“Dope. Been meaning to talk about this for a while anyway, and you always dragging me around to go see the sunrise.”
“Makes sense.” More sense than the shit he was in the middle of.
“See you then?”
“Of course dog.”
Click. Lamar dropped his shoulders, which had grown tense during the duration of the call. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to understand what he was dealing with better. He thought to himself that he couldn’t possibly be gay, because he loved himself some hoes now and then. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel the same around Franklin. Women and men… was that possible? Could you be into men AND women? He looked it up on his phone, and found a definition that fit him. Bisexual? That’s a thing? He thought it was just, gay and straight. That you couldn’t be both. But… at least that was accounted for. Putting his phone away, he moved on to the next part of the puzzle. What was he going to do when night time came? He couldn’t straight up tell Franklin. That would ruin everything. But how would he explain that he didn’t fuck his Aunt? He had to have a reason to back it up. Either way, he was screwed.
Night came too quick. Lamar kept pacing his room, not taking his eyes off his phone that rested on his bed. Any minute Frank would call him. Any fucking minute now. He still didn’t have a plan. What was he going to do? The phone lit up, buzzing loudly. Oh no. He practically dove to answer it, feigning a nonchalant tone. It wasn’t very impressive.
“Heyyy Frank. I was waiting for word from you.”
“Hey. I’m on my way, be ready.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“See you in 5 L.”
Even after Frank hung up, he didn’t lower the phone from his ear. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, ohshit. He was panicking now, phone dropping to the floor. Not noticing how long he was standing there, he heard a car pull up, then honk. Oh, shit. He raced out the door clumsily, trying to shove his phone in his pocket. Opening the car door, he was hit with the now overwhelming scent of Franklin. Something along the lines of weed and the same cologne he’d be buying for years. He remembered how Tanisha had gotten it for him back when they first started dating as a gift. The detail only made him more nauseous.
“Hey LD.”
“Get in homie, I got a good spot for us, real sick view n shit.”
“Ah.. aight.”
The car ride wasn’t entirely awful for Lamar, listening to Collard Greens play loudly through the speakers. Franklin had taken them to some secluded spot near Vespucci beach, where no one would bother them. As they got out of the car, Lamar got a clear view of the sunset. It was even better than a sunrise. They found a bench to sit on, and Lamar felt like there wasn’t enough space between them. Did it magically fucking shrink as soon as they sat down? Shit. He cleared his throat, trying to seem neutral and not like he was internally freaking the fuck out.
“So uh… what’d you need to talk to me about?”
Franklin sighed, and Lamar’s stomach was in knots.
“It’s.. just somethin’ I been thinkin’ about for a while. I really jus’ didn’t know how to bring it up or whatever. But let’s jus’ enjoy the sunset right now.”
In contrast to how every sunrise went, the sunset contained shades of pinks and purples. There were also mixed shades of green, from the combination of yellow and blue clashing together. It was a miraculous sight. Frank was right, why didn’t they see sunsets more often? He watched the light sink down past the water, replaced by moonlight not much later. The two sat in silence, as stars filled the sky. The view had grown darker, but he could see the moonbeam reflect in the calm waves. He turned to Franklin, who had a serene expression on his face. He was blue in the moonlight, and it made Lamar feel all kinds of things he never felt for anyone before. Franklin side-eyed him, sitting upright. Here goes nothing.
“Lamar… I just. I gotta ask. I uh.. heard from someone,” Fucking psychic lady.
“That you uh.. and my.. Denise. My Aunt. Were uh.. you were at my house or something with her?”
Lamar eyes were wide. Franklin looked anywhere but him, clearly uncomfortable bringing the topic up. He kept tripping over his words, not knowing how to ask.
“Are.. and I won’t be mad if you are, but are you… and my Aunt.. Are y’all foolin’ around?” He scrunched his face up getting the words out. He almost looked hurt, like he was betrayed at the thought of it all.
“Are you fuckin’ my Auntie or what man?!” He forced out.
“Franklin. What.”
He knew the psychic lady had said he got the wrong idea, but hearing it out loud from him was just mind boggling.
“Jesus Christ Franklin, no. I’m not! Why would you even think that?!”
Now he felt hurt. Did he really think Lamar would do something like that?
“You say shit about her all the fuckin’ time! I don’t even know why, because she’s fuckin’ nuts man! I have heard a million and one remarks about her from yo bitchass self!”
“Yeah but I would never-“
“And in my fuckin’ bed man?! Are you for real?!”
“I’m not fucking her! I never was!”
“That’s not what I fuckin’ heard dog! And don’t think I haven’t noticed how weird you’ve been actin’, all guilty n shit. I knew you were hidin’ shit from me, I jus’ didn’t think it’d be my absolute worst fuckin’ nightmare!”
“Franklin! For fucks sake bro that’s not why I’ve been actin’ so weird!”
“Then tell me, exactly, what the hell your problem is!”
Lamar’s mouth hung open, looking for what the fuck to say.
“Homie. It’s not like that. I’m seriously, seriously not fucking her. I’m… just-”
“What, Lamar?!”
“I think I’m in love.”
Shock covered Franklin’s face. Complete, utter shock. His face then twisted into a furious expression.
“Are you fuckin’ for real right now? You’re not fuckin’ my Aunt, you’re in love with her?! Fuck you man!”
“Wait, no that’s not what was I was implying-“
Franklin shot up from his seat, throwing his hands up.
“You’ve officially lost yo mind dog. You two enjoy each other. I’m fuckin’ out of here bro.”
“Franklin, wait-“
“No, no. I.. I need to go. I need to clear my mind or whatever the fuck, because I am just… unbelievably pissed right now.”
“But I’m not-“
“Save it, LD. I’ll… catch you later. Or something. Bye.”
Franklin walked back to his car, abandoning Lamar. Some how, this was worse than confessing to him. He felt sick to his stomach. How the hell was he gonna fix this mess? He remained seated, watching the water lap at the shore. He needed to fix this. And he knew, although he wish he didn’t have to, that’d he’d have to come clean. He didn’t want to ruin his friendship, and some how still did by just not blurting it out. Soon. Soon, after Franklin was ready to talk to him again. He prayed to a higher being, hoping desperately it’d all work out.
//end of pt 2!!!!! i’m sorry this is kinda angsty or whatever :( but i am gonna write a happy ending for this!! lamar deserves the world i love his character sm *sobs* (also sorry this part’s longer than the last one LMAO)
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coolkat122 · 3 years
You Again: Vampire Gaara x Reader
Fandom: Naruto
Character: Gaara, Naruto, Sakura, Sai
Setting: Vampire AU
Inspired by: no
Requested no
"No please no!" I heard someone scream out before a sound of flesh being torn followed after shortly, I would most likely be too late to be of any help but I figure if I at least see who it is,  I could have some justice done for them. 
So instead of running in the opposite direction from the horrifying sounds I just heard like a normal person, I went toward it, as quietly as I possibly could as not to be noticed and end up meeting the same fate. I kept close to the wall slowly inching my way to peak around the corner.
And what I saw was a tall redhead with very pale skin d-drinking the blood from the guy that was screaming earlier, what's with this guy? Is he one of those people that believe they are 'vampires'? I don't know but what he is doing is just messed up. 
He drops the body and there's a big chunk of the man's neck missing and there was a woman a few feet on the ground with similar wounds as the male... so he wasn't this creeps only victim, this poor unfortunate (soul) woman was too. As the body hit the ground I heard the red-haired male tsk. 
"It's not enough.....I need more" When those words left his lips I felt scared so unbelievably frightened that if I am noticed I will be next since apparently his thirst as still not been quenched. 
I was thinking about leaving while I still can and before I'm noticed and just when I was putting those thoughts into action my phone started ringing, realizing that my hiding place was blown I quickly took off as fast as I could. 
I was pretty confident that I would make some damn good distance since I was one of the top track stars on my old high school team but I made the unfortunate mistake of not watching where I was going, I was looking back trying to see how fast he would catch up to me. 
I fell back onto my butt again without looking I begged whoever I bumped into asking for them to help me but when I looked up I saw that it was the man in the alley.
My eyes widened as I saw him, his eyes widened for a quick sec before glaring down at me with immense hate, no, nonononononono how? HOW DID HE CATCH UP TO ME!? No he has to be a twin right? 
"You" He roughly grabbed me by my shirt pulling me up to his level with his voice dripping with venom with each word he says and none of it made a lick of sense. "How are you still alive? You should be dead! IT'S BEEN CENTURIES!" 
"Let me go! SOMEBODY! PLEASE SAVE ME!" I screamed begging for somebody to save me to which he took some serious pleasure in.
"My have you changed, you've never begged to be saved before even when I drained the very life from you"..... just what is he talking about? A very sinister smirk grew onto his face. "This is actually not so bad... you being alive still, it just means I get to kill you all over again and as a bonus, I get to hear what I longed to from the first time I took your life" 
He opened his mouth and I saw a pair of very sharp looking fangs and I started to consider something I hadn't before... that this guy just might be a real-life vampire...  
When that thought sunk in I started to freak out even more and becoming sick to the stomach with fear, that this was it no one came and no one will my life was going to be taken and it was going to be by a vampire's hands or well mouth. 
I closed my eyes to brace for the pain but instead he hissed out in pain rather than it being me like one would expect as a matter of fact I felt no pain whatsoever and when I heard a strange voice from another male I pieced together why someone had come to my rescue.
A blond spiky haired male with blue eyes and weird markings on his cheeks had stood a couple of feet away holding some odd looking throwing stars, his smile was goofy looking and he was positioned like he was ready for a fight as he stared down at the red-haired male that was glaring at him.
"No worries lady I will save you!" At his words, I felt almost all of my fear fade but I was still concern about what if he fails I mean this dude was a VAMPIRE! He had to be much stronger and faster than this guy who I assume to be a normal human male. 
"You hunters always ruin everything!" He hissed dropping me to the ground but not before making it known that he would be back for me shortly as he walked over to the blond. 
The two fought as I sat on the ground watching as each one threw an attack landing some serious blows and it was starting to look bad the redhead was just too much for him like I had thought he would be.
"IT'S OVER!" The redhead screamed as he raised his sharp claw-like hands as if he were about to slice his throat open, I wanted to help and save him as he had done for me but I just sat there with the thought in my head, 'what could I even do to make a difference?' 
Thankfully I didn't have to be the hero someone unseen shot something and it hit the red-head right in his neck causing him to drop blondie, holding his neck while glaring at the direction that whatever he was shot with came from.
"Honestly you're such an idiot" The blond's eyes widen with joy that his friend showed up in time to help. 
"Sakura!" He shouted happily at the pink haired girl walked out from her hiding place along with an even paler male than the ginger only his hair was black.... he was smiling like blondie only wheres the blonds was goofy and uplifting, his was well....disturbing like he was trying to make it appear natural but was failing horribly.
The vampire looked at the two new people and growled before cutting to look at me like he was debating if he had time to kill me before fleeing I'm guessing the answer was no because he quickly jumped high into the night sky vanishing. 
"Hey, are you okay?" I looked to the blond, I don't know when he walked over to me but he was now standing a few inches away from me as he awaited my answer. 
"Yes. I-I'm fine" He helped me stand while the pink haired chick came over to examine me as she hummed. 
"No bites" She stood straighter and then looked me and the eyes for her question. "Did he make you drink his blood?" I shook my head as she sighed with relief. 
"Do you know him? On my way here just before saving you, it sounded like he knew you?" I shook my head, explaining that I had never seen him before until tonight.
"That's odd he sure acted like he had seen you before..." As I was about to say more the pale dude from before came over telling them about the two in the alley. 
They appeared to be saddened that they couldn't save them in time. "Th-that's a shame..." The pair's eyes were downcasted like they were ashamed to have to gotten here sooner.
"Okay Sai and I will take care of the bodies while you escort her home" She pointed to me while blondie appeared confused as was I, why would I need an escort? Not that I don't want one after what just happened but why would she feel the need to give me one?
"What? Why?" The blond asked what I was wondering as well. 
"I saw how he looked at her before leaving he was pretty dead set on wanting to kill her I don't think it would be safe for her to go home alone" He seemed to have understood now that she explained it and offered a thumbs up as he smiled.
"Oh okay leave it to me then" He turned to face me still with that goofy smile as he told me to lead the way, now normally I wouldn't go show some stranger the way to my home but since he just saved my life and there's a vampire out to get me I think now's a perfect time for an exception. 
We talked for a bit on the way there almost like old friends which is weird on how happy we were chatting as if neither of us was almost killed by a vampire though since he's a hunter I'm assuming he's used to it but for me to be so calm after that is certainly something to question.
But he just had something about him that seemed to make everything better like an air to him that could sooth anyone, by the time we arrived at my place we bid our farewells and I quickly went inside as my fear returned now that he was no longer around and a thought occurred to me just as he left my sights...
What if that vampire returns?....
Not connected to twisted teeth
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6
Chapter 7
The next few days were filled with lots and lots of self care. Your body was bruised and sore from their insatiable appetites. They bit and grabbed, sucked and pinched at your fragile body and you had the marks to prove it. The bruises were finally starting to lighten but you still made a point to avoid the general public. You assumed Vegeta was staying away out of guilt, and honestly you were partially in hiding for the same reason. It had also been a while since you’d seen Goku, which seemed odd.
You finally decided to rejoin civilization and find Goku. Mostly because you missed him but also because you needed to know if there was any weirdness. You knew a huge mistake was made and up to that point, it was easier to avoid facing it.
You knocked on Goku’s door and waited anxiously, itching to kiss and touch him again.
The door opened and your heart sank when it was Kyla that greeted you.
“Um, sorry, I’m looking for Goku. Is he home?” You couldn’t shake the panicked feeling in your stomach, especially after you saw the marks down the side of her neck.
Your anxiety convinced you it was from Goku, even though logic said it was probably from Vegeta.
“He’s in the shower.” She answered but gave nothing else away.
All logical thoughts went right out the window and you were in full panicked mode.
“Where’s Vegeta?”
“No idea, we broke up,” she answered, too calm for comfort.
“Are you and… did Goku do that?” Your mind raced and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“And what if he did?”
“Kyla… ” your voice cracked and tears started to form, “not him.”
The gravity of the situation and the repercussions began to sink in.
“Funny, that’s exactly what I was thinking every time you were around Vegeta. You didn’t give a shit.”
“I-I never-” you shook your head, either from trying to deny that there was anything between you and Vegeta or trying to wake yourself from this nightmare.
“Oh really? You never kissed him? Or fucked him? You deserve everything you’re feeling right now because that’s exactly what I’m going through.” She sneered.
“You fucking bitch. Why Goku? Why him? He doesn’t deserve any of this, he just… he just wanted me, not this bullshit.” You were starting to feel like your lungs had collapsed.
“Kyla? What’s going on?” Goku descended the stairs, pants hanging low on his hips while he continued to dry his hair with a towel.
“She finally showed up,” Kyla said, stepping aside.
“Would you mind giving us a minute to talk?” Goku asked, resting his hand on Kyla’s back.
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll be upstairs.” She gave you one final glare before she turned away.
“Before you get more upset, she’s been staying here since Vegeta broke up with her. She needed a friend.”
“I remember when you told Vegeta I needed a friend and you were there for me.” You couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
“Why didn’t you come by sooner?” He asked.
“So this is my fault? Since I didn’t visit you sooner you decided to shove your dick in someone else?” You basically shouted at Goku, something you never thought you’d do.
“Wait, what are you talking about? I didn’t-”
“Come on, Goku! I’m not that fucking stupid!” The tears continued to flow as you processed everything.
“I haven’t done that with her, she really just needed a friend.” He reached out for you and as much as you wanted to pull away, you couldn’t.
“You don’t have to lie to spare my feelings.” You sniffled against his chest, hating the way he instantly made you feel safe.
“I’m not. I only wanna do that with you,” he tightened his arms around you, “is that why you’re mad? You think I had sex with her?”
“What the fuck else am I supposed to think?”
“That I only think about you that way and I don’t want anyone else?” He said as if it should’ve been obvious.
You pulled away from him, tears still streaming. “You can’t fucking be real. No one is like this.”
“I am.” He flashed your favorite big goofy grin.
You had so much more to say, but none of it mattered. You grabbed his face and pulled him down into a kiss, pouring everything you had into that moment. His arms immediately snaked around you as he hoisted you up against his chest.
“You guys are disgusting,” Kyla said as she passed by to go to the kitchen.
“You said we were cute,” Goku called back.
“That was a goddamn secret, Goku, what the fuck?!” She shouted back. He pulled you into the house and closed the door.
“Sorry,” he laughed and pulled you into his lap on the couch.
“Whatever. Is the bitch staying for dinner because I’m not cooking for her.”
You were still trying to wrap your head around what was happening. Kyla seemed so at home in Goku’s house but you also knew he wasn’t lying to you.
“Just make a lot in case Yamcha comes over,” he replied before pulling you into a heated kiss.
“Yamcha?” You pulled away from his lips.
“Yeah, they’re kind of a thing now.” He shrugged and nuzzled against your neck.
“What the fuck? How long was I gone?” You felt like you’d missed a lifetime of information.
“Too long.” Goku held you closer, shifting beneath you so you could feel just how badly he’d missed you.
“Goku-” you felt odd having his dick rubbing against your ass with Kyla in the next room.
“Maybe we shouldn’t right now?” You said in a low voice.
“Yeah, I really don’t give a fuck. Do whatever you want, that’s kinda your thing, isn’t it?” Kyla shot back from the kitchen.
“Is she like this when I’m not here?” You asked loud enough for her to hear.
“Maybe you should leave and find out?” She yelled.
“Would it be better to go to my house?” You asked Goku, running your fingers along his jaw.
“Not at all, let’s go to my room.” He held you close and lifted you up with him when he stood.
“We’ll be upstairs for a while, Kyla, just leave the leftovers out for us,” Goku said as he carried you towards the stairs.
“I’ll leave them out for you, not her.”
“Bitch.” You grumbled.
“Slut.” She called out.
You opened your mouth to yell back but Goku silenced you with a kiss. He continued up the stairs and towards his room. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
He kicked his door closed behind him and lowered you to your feet.
“I missed you so much,” you said, pulling him into another kiss.
“I missed you too. I’ve needed you so bad,” he whined, pulling at your clothes.
“Why didn’t you come see me?” You asked between heated kisses.
“Thought you wanted to be alone.” He answered and trailed his lips down your neck.
He continued to paw at your clothes, trying to get you naked as soon as possible.
“Lay down for me,” you whispered against his lips.
He pushed his sweats down and let them pool at his feet before he stepped out of them and spread out on the bed.
“Tell me how much you need me,” you said softly.
He kept his eyes glued to you while you finished taking your clothes off.
“I need you now, please don’t make me wait anymore.”
You let your clothes drop to the floor while your eyes roamed up and down his perfectly sculpted body. His cock was already hard and it was difficult not to jump on him.
"Tell me how much you missed me.” You placed one knee on the bed beside him.
“I missed you a lot. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and… I-I made myself come to the thought of you.”
You were losing the battle to restrain yourself but all you needed was a little more confirmation that he was still 100% yours.
“When was the last time you made yourself come thinking of me?” You crawled on top of him, seconds from losing control.
“When I showered. Right before you got here,” he openly admitted.
“And how many times have you done it today?” You ran your fingertips down his chest, desperate to feel him.
“Three times before the shower.” He said, running his hands up your thighs.
“My needy little saiyan,” you cooed. A faint whimper escaped his lips and he pulled you down.
“No one has ever made me feel as wanted as you do,” you whispered as you leaned closer to kiss him.
“I do want you. All the time. Really badly.” He spoke against your lips, his hands moving down to squeeze your ass.
“You could have anyone you wanted, you know that? Someone better than me. That ChiChi woman sounded perfect for you.” You remembered when he first mentioned her, you didn’t have a second thought, but now just the image of someone else touching him was almost unbearable.
“ChiChi is great but I haven’t heard from her in a while,” he revealed. You weren’t sure if that was comforting or worrying. Maybe she was going to show back up and you would lose Goku even though he was never yours to begin with.
“About what happened… with Vegeta. Are you okay with all of that?” You asked.
“It was kind of fun, but I didn’t like this.” He touched one of the faint marks on your neck, presumably one of Vegeta’s.
“You don’t like the marks?" 
"I don’t like his marks.” He corrected you, further claiming his possession of you.
“You could’ve said no to all of that. If you weren’t comfortable with it.” You caressed his cheek and suddenly felt another wave of guilt over the position you put him in with Vegeta. The guilt coming at you from all directions was slowly eating away at you.
“I wasn’t uncomfortable. I could see that you wanted it and I want to make you happy.”
“You’re too good for me.” You cupped his face, brushing your thumb along his jaw.
“You deserve better.” He replied.
“No, I really don’t. I’ve been such a piece of trash lately, I can’t even look at myself in the mirror.” The shame and guilt were becoming overwhelming.
“Why?” He asked, pulling you to his chest.
“I would say it’s because of the trouble I caused with Vegeta and that is definitely part of the reason, but the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed knowing that he wanted me that much makes me feel like a horrible person.”
Goku rubbed your back and remained silent while you got your feelings about the situation out.
“And fucking him while he was in a relationship? Pure garbage.” You were hating yourself more, especially knowing Kyla had been put out because of you.
“But all of that is nothing compared to everything I’ve done to you, Goku.” You felt the heaviness in your chest growing.
“I finally know what you mean when you say Kyla is a lot to handle,” he laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
“I completely lost it when I thought you were fucking her. But it was also very eye opening,” you sighed. There was absolutely no love lost between you and Kyla but her attitude towards you was justified, as hard as that was to admit to yourself.
“I really do only want you,” he said softly.
“You shouldn’t.” You shook your head.
You should’ve let him go, avoided ever seeing him again and letting him move on from you, but you just couldn’t.
“But I do.” He pulled you into a soft kiss, holding you against his chest with his hands moving down to your waist.
“Because you make me happy,” he said before kissing you again. It was the simplistic answer you expected from him. It wasn’t complicated or awkward, it was straightforward and appreciated because there wasn’t a second of hesitation.
“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m fine. I’m sorry for trying to make you mine when you wanted someone else.” He kissed you again, enjoying the softness of your lips. 
“I’m not sure I know what I want anymore.” You admitted.
“Is it bad that I hope it’s me?” He asked with an adorable smile.
“Not at all.” You cupped his face and kissed him. It amazed you that someone like Goku even existed. You didn’t feel deserving of having someone like him in your life.
“Can we fuck now?” He asked.
“Such a needy saiyan.” You smiled, scooting back enough to feel his cock against your ass.
“I’ve missed you a lot so I don’t know if I can be soft.” He explained, gripping your hips.
“That’s okay, take what you need,” you said with a smile to reassure him.
You reached down and gripped his cock, moving the tip up and down your cunt to gather a little wetness.
You finally let the tip of his cock slide into you, both of you groaning like it was the first time. It had been too long.
“Fuck, Goku. Has your cock gotten bigger?” You eased down onto him more.
“I don’t think so,” he said, face scrunched up while he thought more about it.
You kept lowering yourself until he was all the way inside of you. “You feel so fucking good.”
Goku kept his eyes on you, his hands slowly sliding up and down your sides. 
“I’ve missed you so much.” You moaned.
“Want me to turn ultra instinct?” He asked.
“Not yet, I just need you like this for a while.” You rested your hands on his chest and moved a little faster.
“But you love ultra instinct, I don’t mind,” he offered.
“Yes, that’s true, but I also love… ” you trailed off, realizing exactly what you were about to say.
“Your base form is just as amazing,” you corrected.
Goku cocked his head to the side, a little confused, “I didn’t think you liked it as much.”
You moved slower and leaned down against his chest, “I’m starting to prefer it.” You kissed him softly and continued to circle your hips.
His hands moved down your back to cup your ass while you kissed him. He was being so gentle until you clenched around his cock. He abruptly flipped over, putting you on your back.
He looked at you with that adorable needy face and you were powerless against it. Saying no wasn’t even an option.
“Fuck me, Goku.”
You didn’t have to say it again as he eased out of you and slammed back in. The snap of his hips made you moan and clench around his cock again. He was still holding back and you wanted him to let go.
“Harder. I can take it.” You reassured him.
He began thrusting a little harder each time. You couldn’t stop the moans that came out. Having him inside of you again was the best feeling.
“I really hope I get to breed you one day,” he grunted before slamming into you again.
“I want you to… just not right now.” You admitted in the middle of pure bliss.
Your words seemed to strike something within him as he fucked you a little harder. He pushed his cock deeper with each thrust, short pants against your neck.
Taking you by surprise, Goku came first, as if he completely lost control. He groaned against your neck as his cum filled you.
“Fuck, Goku,” you panted. Knowing he couldn’t keep himself from coming turned you on even more.
“S-Sorry. I just missed you too much I guess.” He kept his cock inside of you until he was finished.
“It’s okay. I know you’ll be good to go again soon.” You smiled.
“Let me fix it.” He pulled out of you and slid down your body until his face was directly in line with your pussy.
“You don’t have to do-”
The words were cut short when his tongue slid up your cunt. He didn’t care that his cum was dripping out of you, he just wanted to make sure you were satisfied.
“Shit,” you gasped when his tongue moved faster.
He had you clutching the sheets in no time as he devoured you. His tongue moved quickly and you couldn’t hold back the barrage of moans that slipped through.
“G-Goku… fuck… don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop…” You screamed and came hard within a few more swipes of his tongue.
He cleaned you up with slow laps of his tongue while you recovered from your overwhelming orgasm.
“Fuck… that was… fuck,” you laughed, unable to form whole sentences.
He kissed his way up your body and settled next to you on the bed.
You turned to face him, both of your chests heaving as you both struggled to regain control over your breathing.
“You really are amazing.” You finally spoke, breaking the silence.
His cheeks flushed and he laughed, “you’re amazing too.”
You scooted up close and kissed him, desperate for all of the affection he was willing to give.
“Hey, fuckers, dinner is done. Come stuff your faces so I don’t have to hear you fuck,” Kyla said from outside the door.
“Does she have to be so rude?” You asked him.
“She’s not so bad if you can get past that part.” He shrugged and jumped out of the bed.
He helped you get dressed quickly, obviously excited about the food.
“I have my doubts, Goku. Especially because you don’t even dislike the people that have tried to kill you.”
“I think everyone deserves another chance.” He shrugged and smacked your ass.
Yamcha was lounging on the couch looking completely at home when you emerged from the stairs.
“Look who it is. Thought one of you was dying up there.” He chided.
“That’s what an orgasm sounds like, not that you’d know.” You rolled your eyes and followed Goku into the kitchen.
“Harsh but I can appreciate a good burn,” Yamcha said.
“I already made you a plate, Goku.” Kyla pointed to the mountain of food on a plate next to the stove. You couldn’t help but notice she didn’t even put an empty plate out for you.
“Wanna eat off my plate?” Goku asked, licking his lips as he eyed the food.
“We’ve tried that before, it didn’t work out too well, remember?”
“Oh, yeah. Guess I don’t like sharing food.” He laughed.
He almost took off one of your fingers last time and you weren’t keen on having it happen again.
“I’ll get my own plate.” You shuffled through the cabinets until you found the plates, Kyla offering nothing as she watched you.
You were hoping to retreat back upstairs but Goku was too distracted by his food as he sat down at the table. You pulled out the chair next to him. Having dinner with Kyla and Yamcha was not something you ever thought would happen.
About halfway through dinner, you dropped your fork, turning your attention to Kyla. “Will you ever stop glaring at me? Seriously, hate me all you want, I don’t care, but stop looking at me like that.”
“Maybe I’ll stop when you stop being such a slut.” She shot back.
“Seriously?” You weren’t exactly surprised but it was annoying.
“Vegeta told me everything. You couldn’t wait until we broke up?" 
You wanted to tell her he made the first move, but it didn’t matter.
"You know what, Kyla,” you thought about everything and the guilt you felt, “I’m… I’m sorry. I truly am.”
“Sorry doesn’t mean shit, you made the choice, now you live with my hatred,” she shot back.
Goku and Yamcha remained silent, focused solely on their plates to avoid getting pulled in.
“That’s fine. I hate you too for everything you did to twist and manipulate my best friend.” You were stirring the pot but being open about everything felt great at the time.
“I didn’t know that meant you could go around spreading your legs for every man you felt bad for.” She sneered.
Goku glanced at you with a mouthful of food, clearly questioning your motives with him.
“Unlike you, I’m not into pity fucks,” you said, glancing in Yamcha’s direction.
“What the hell did I ever do to you?” Yamcha exclaimed with a mouthful of food.
“Do you really want me to talk about the shit you pulled at Bulma’s party just so you could get her to fuck you again?”
“If we’re telling secrets then why don’t I tell Kyla the real reason you were fucking Goku?” Yamcha shouted back.
“Guys-” Goku said, mouth full of food and trying to keep the peace.
“It’s not like she doesn’t already know by now.”
“No, enlighten us. Why have you been fucking Goku, especially now that you can have Vegeta?” Kyla said.
“My reasons have changed but that’s none of your business, so back the fuck off,” you said, raising your voice little by little.
“Answer the question, I wanna know,” Goku said, taking you totally by surprise.
“It’s not something I want to discuss in front of them.” You said, trying to get him to wait.
“I think she’s lying.” Kyla added fuel to the fire.
“It’s between us, not you two.” You snapped.
“Something you’re trying to hide?” Yamcha asked. Having the three of them waiting for an answer was panic inducing.
“I’m not trying to hide anything, I just need time to figure shit out.”
Goku leaned closer and spoke low, “I really do wanna know, but I can wait.”
“Don’t let her off that easy. She needs to tell you instead of dragging you along.” Kyla snapped.
“Can you stop being a bitch for like 2 seconds?” You shouted.
“Not until you admit that you’re a selfish slut that doesn’t want anyone else to have them!” Kyla stood, kicking her chair back in the process.
“It’s not like that!” You shouted back, standing up and matching her anger.
“Really? Then what would you call fucking my boyfriend and your fuck buddy at the same time and then having the audacity to be upset at the thought of Goku fucking me?!”
“I had no intention of - ”
“Don’t even fucking say it! You wanted Vegeta so goddamn bad you were willing to mess up his relationship!” Kyla looked seconds from crawling over the table to fight and you were more than ready to defend yourself.
You hated the entire situation but you were fuming. Stooping low was never something you enjoyed, but she was pissing you off.
“Maybe Vegeta wouldn’t have fucked me so easily if he was actually happy with you.”
She glared at you for a split second before launching herself across the table at you. Goku grabbed you and pulled you out of the way before she reached you.
“You never even gave us a fucking chance! You were always there pulling his attention away, asking him to hang out when you knew we had plans,” she screamed while Yamcha held her back.
“So that’s why he was always coming to me frustrated from some bullshit you pulled?” You yelled from behind Goku. He was holding you in place and you were powerless to break free.
“You fucking bitch! He only came to you because you were always feeding him bullshit about me!” She struggled against Yamcha, trying to get to you.
“I didn’t have to feed him shit. He knew what kind of person you were!” You fought to get to her, but Goku held firm.
“Goku, we may need to split them up. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold her.” Yamcha said through gritted teeth as Kyla continued to fight.
Goku pressed his fingers to his forehead and the training field materialized around you.
“Goku, I love you but if you don’t take me back there right now I’m going to lose my shit worse than I already am!”
He stared blankly at you for a moment, “um, you love me?" 
Your eyes went wide and you snapped your hand over your mouth quickly, wishing to take back every word that you’d said in the last five seconds.
"Do you?” He asked again, clearly needing some confirmation.
You kept your hand over your mouth to avoid saying anything that might complicate the situation even more.
“It’s okay if you don’t… ” he trailed off. The sadness on his normally happy face was heartbreaking. You already knew the answer to his question.
“I do,” your voice cracked and tears were seconds from falling because everything was so fucked but two things were abundantly clear, you loved him and he deserved better.
He looked as though he was expecting something different to come out and it took him a minute to process what you said.
“You- You do?” It was almost as if he didn’t fully believe it.
“Yes, but… I love you, but you deserve someone so much better than me, Goku.”
“But you’re the best and I don’t want anyone else. Isn’t that enough?” He asked, confused by your back and forth.
“Yes, that’s enough but… ” you struggled to find the words to explain your hesitation, “I still have feelings for Vegeta that I need to face.”
“Do you love him the same way you love me?”
You knew the answer, you’d known it for a long time, but it wasn’t that simple to explain.
“I-Its more complex than that.”
Goku thought about your answer before closing the distance between you and pulling you closer, “I love you too. Only you.” His hand brushed against the side of your cheek.
His words made you feel even more like shit, knowing he only wanted you but you weren’t entirely sure you only wanted him.
“Goku, I need you to let me do something and I know it’s not fair to you but I have to figure this out,” your voice trembled, unable to hide the fear that what you were about to say would be the end.
“What is it?” He asked, weary of what he was about to hear.
“I need some time with Vegeta.”
“Oh…” He said as his gaze dropped from yours.
You cupped his face and pulled him back to meet your eyes, “I need to do this so I can be sure. I still love you.” It felt odd saying it out loud like it was nothing.
“Will you come back to me?” The sadness in his eyes was almost unbearable.
“I… I can’t answer that.” Your heart was shattering into a million pieces. Goku never deserved to get hurt or used and the fact that you were the one hurting him was unbearable.
“Okay… do you want me to take you to him?” He asked, barely making eye contact with you.
“Goddammit, Goku. Can you not be fucking perfect please? Make this easier on me.” You began to sob and your legs weakened.
You covered your face as you cried, wondering what you did to deserve him and why you kept hurting him.
“I just want you to be happy.” He said in a small voice.
You sniffled and looked up at him, “aren’t you mad? Don’t you hate me for what I’ve done to you and Vegeta?”
“I love you, how could I hate you? Besides, you were honest with me from the beginning.” He stepped closer and put his arms around you, letting you cry against his chest.
“Why is this so hard? Why am I such a fucking terrible person?” You sobbed into his shirt, letting the full weight of everything fall.
He held you and smoothed his hand down your back, “you’re not terrible. You’re just… uncertain.”
He held you until your tears subsided.
“I’ll take you to Vegeta and whatever happens… I still want you to come see me.”
All you could do was nod and dread the idea of ever just being his friend.
In the blink of an eye, you were at Capsule Corp. If Vegeta wasn’t at the field during the day, he was most likely at the gravity chamber and sure enough, you could see it moving up ahead.
You turned back towards Goku,“Goku, I-” but he was already gone, obviously trying to make things easier for you.
You took a deep breath and headed for the gravity chamber. You knocked on the window and Vegeta’s eyes immediately met yours. He finished off one of the bots and turned the machine off before opening the hatch for you.
“I take it you know about Kyla?”
“Yeah… we just had the mother of all shouting matches at the dinner table,” you said as you stepped into the chamber.
“Dinner table? Why the hell were you and Kyla having dinner together?” He asked, wiping his face with a towel.
“Today has been really fucking weird, let’s leave it at that for now.”
“Fine. What are you doing here then?” He grabbed a water bottle from the table.
“I needed to talk to you, about things." 
"Then talk.” He snapped.
His short tone made you feel small, like he didn’t want to hear a word from you.
“Are you- are you mad at me?”
“Does it matter? Just say what you have to say.” He opened the bottle and began to chug.
“Nevermind, I’m not talking to you when you’re like this.” Your nerves were shredded from everything, the last thing you needed was Vegeta angry at you too.
He immediately tossed the bottle aside and wiped his mouth as he approached you, “you came all the way here and interrupted my training. Say whatever it is you came here to say.”
“I came here to say I still care about you and… and…” you were trying to force the words out but his anger threw you off.
“You still care about me? Did I give you a reason to stop caring?” He snapped, staring a hole through you.
“No, I… Vegeta, please just tell me what’s wrong,” you pleaded.
“What’s wrong?! I’ll tell you what’s wrong. You’re what’s wrong. You force your way into my life and make me care about you, then you fuck Kakarot knowing it would piss me off. And to top it all off, you made me think there was a possibility of more between us.”
“Is that what you think happened?” You raised your voice slightly as anger and hurt took you over completely.
“I know that’s what happened!”
“I fucked Goku because I needed that release. I wanted you so goddamn bad and I knew I couldn’t have you. I wanted more with you and I’m trying to figure out if that’s even a possibility now.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better? That you fucked him because you couldn’t tell me about your feelings?”
“We’ve already gone over this, you were with Kyla.” You felt like you were getting nowhere.
“Yes, I was with her but you still could’ve told me!”
“No, I couldn’t! And why didn’t you tell me you had feelings? This goes both ways, Vegeta!” You shouted, growing more irritated by the second.
“I’m a saiyan, we don’t openly admit feelings to everyone we meet!”
“Well Goku sure does!” You shouted and immediately wanted to take it back.
“Imbecile. Kakarot doesn’t know what feelings even are, but if you want him so badly then go be with him.”
You wanted to scream until it hurt to let all of your emotions out. It was like talking to a brick wall.
“Vegeta! I’m standing in front of you asking if you want to give it a chance! What the fuck else do you want from me?”
You expected a barrage of saiyan insults to come spewing out of his mouth, but that’s not what you got at all.
“Do you still have feelings for Kakarot?” He asked calmly.
“I- he-” He wasn’t supposed to know about your love for Goku.
“Don’t deny it. I felt the connection between the two of you the other night.”
“Yes, I do have feelings for him but I’m here talking to you right now. I want to know if this could actually work,” you admitted. Again, he didn’t go off on you.
“And how do you propose we figure that out?”
“I don’t know, talk about it?” You really just wanted one thing from him, to tell you he wanted to be with you.
“If we decide to go through with this, be together, what of your feelings for Kakarot?”
“I can’t just turn the feelings off but… I also don’t want to miss the opportunity I’ve been waiting so long for.”
“You have to make a choice between us.” He moved a little closer to you, bare chest glistening with sweat.
“I need to know if I do this with you, that you’re all in too. That it’ll work out.” You were struggling to stay focused with him so close and half naked.
“You’ll never have that certainty, woman.” He moved closer, almost flush against you.
“But I can’t just-” Before you could finish, he grabbed you and pulled you into a seering kiss.
Your body responded to him immediately. You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist. He moved towards the nearest wall until your back was pressed against it, never once breaking the kiss.
One of your favorite Vegeta fantasies was coming true and it was just enough to silence the chaos in your head.
His hands gripped your ass, squeezing it as he continued to kiss you. Soft, gentle kisses quickly turned to desperate, feverish ones. You needed him everywhere right then and couldn’t get enough.
“Vegeta,” you panted, grinding against him.
He groaned and pulled you away from the wall, carrying you to the table a few feet away. He sat you down on the edge and unbuttoned your pants, nearly ripping them off of you. Once he tossed your panties aside, he bent down and hooked his arms beneath your thighs, lifting you up onto his shoulders.
He shoved you back against the nearest wall and proceeded to eat your cunt like he was starving. You wrapped your legs around his neck and grabbed a handful of his hair as you held on. He paused after a moment and narrowed his eyes at you.
“You let Kakarot breed you?!” He said in more of a growl than anything.
“I… yes… I went to see him and- ”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he lifted you off his shoulders and lowered you to the floor.
“Vegeta- ”
He abruptly turned you towards the wall and bent you over.
He gave no warning before shoving his cock into you, stretching you almost painfully. 
“It’s my turn to breed your tight cunt.” He growled against your ear.
“Vegeta-” you tried to turn to look at him but he gripped the back of your neck and pressed you against the wall.
“Fuck,” you moaned as he fucked you hard and fast. His anger brought out an animalistic side you had never seen in him and it was so much hotter than it had any right to be.
“You went to see him first, you let him fuck you, then you had the nerve to come here and ask for a chance? Ridiculous human,” he chided, keeping up his relentless pace.
“Vegeta, please-” you tried to move but his grasp on the back of your neck only tightened as he fucked you against the wall.
“Can’t make a simple decision, begging for one of us to make it for you.” He muttered, slamming into you over and over.
If it didn’t feel so good, you would be yelling at him for being an asshole. It wasn’t a simple decision and having him react like that was only complicating things even more.
“Admit you fucked Kakarot to piss me off,” he growled, slamming into you harder.
“I… I didn’t… ”
“Admit it!” He growled against your ear as he fucked his anger into you.
“It wasn’t like that.” You tried to hold on a little longer.
“The hell it was! There are plenty of worthless humans you could’ve done that with, but you chose him,” he snapped.
Your orgasm was seconds from leaving you a whimpering mess despite fighting it as much as you could.
“He offered!” You screamed.
“You didn’t have to accept! You wanted him, wanted to piss me off!” He gripped your hips harder.
“You’re so fucking frustrating!” You screamed at him just before your orgasm took you over completely.
“I’m frustrating? You’re the one that fucked Kakarot because you were too scared to admit your feelings,” he roared. You clenched hard around him as you came undone but he didn’t slow down, he just fucked you harder to push through.
You felt like he was going to fuck you right through the wall with the amount of force he was using. You continued to ride out your orgasm as he drove into you harder.
“Just tell me… will you end things with him for me?” He said through gritted teeth.
A few seconds passed while you caught your breath.
All you could manage was a very soft “yes.”
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ororowrites · 3 years
Stripped -  (Yahya x Black OC)
Sweet Thang Series - Chapter 2
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2,735
One-Shot: By the Open Fire
Chapters: 1
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By the end of the first song, Candace was in her comfort zone. Yahya never let his eyes leave her and she no longer felt shy. The club had rules about no touching but Candace suddenly wanted this man’s hands all over her. Those long fingers and smooth brown skin were doing things to her. Maybe it was the liquor making her horny over a man she didn’t even know. 
Little did Candace know, Yahya had thoughts racing in his mind too. He couldn’t stop thinking about her petite body under his or how her lips would feel on him. Candace was a beautiful woman and something about her intrigued Yahya. When she straddled his legs and began to grind on his lap, the urge to touch her grew. The scent of her perfume was as intoxicating as her hips, almost putting a spell on him. 
It must have been the alcohol that gave Candace the courage to make her next move. She could feel his breath on her lips before they were interrupted by the dance timer. The euphoria they had experienced quickly disappeared as they fell back to Earth. 
“Shit, sorry,” Candace apologized, swinging her legs to the floor. Yahya became any other customer and she held her hand out to collect her payment. “Thank you. You enjoy the rest of your night.” 
Yahya opened his mouth but Candace was already heading out the door, stuffing the bills in her bra. 
Well into the next morning, Yahya was still thinking about the mystery girl from the club. He’d been to many strip clubs and never felt a connection with any of the ladies he encountered. Something about her grabbed him and sucked him in and had her on his mind hours later. 
“You still stuck on that hoe from the club.” Damon lit his blunt and relaxed his head against the back of the sofa. “Nigga, we ain’t taking you to the club again.”
“Word on the street is that the shawties at Dynasty have golden pussy or some shit,” his brother added with a drug induced chuckle. 
“Respect the ladies, man. Being a stripper doesn’t make them hoes. And Kevin that’s enough kush for you. Golden pussy? Really,” Yahya snatched the blunt from his friend and put it back in the ashtray. 
“Aight, let me respect the skrippas. But still, you don’t know her. What if she’s crazy? You will be going back home tomorrow night and no tellin’ when you’re coming back to LA, so why does it matter,” Damon explained. 
“Both of ya’ll are some fucking haters. Trash asses.” Yahya grabbed his phone and took his troubles to the balcony. Kevin and Damon were great friends but their childish, misogynistic antics got on his nerves when he was around them. At times, he felt like he was outgrowing them, even though he still considered them brothers he never had. While he was looking to settle down sooner rather than later, they were stuck in the same phase they were in throughout high school and college and it appeared to be a never ending cycle. 
Was it ridiculous to think that the stripper he met at the club was the one? Yep. But, that didn’t keep Yahya from wishing he could see her again before he was back to the reality of being jobless. 
“Are you sure you saw him with her?” The very question had Candace’s heart pounding against her chest. Natalie, Maxwell’s ex-girlfriend, had entered the picture again after Candace thought her dropping out of school was the blessing they needed. Now with her back in California via North Carolina, she had access to Maxwell as did he to her. 
“Sis, would I lie to you? I saw that bastard with her in the Commons. Took everything out of me not to run up on them and start whooping ass,” Trinity said, fuming on her sister’s behalf. Truth be told, she never liked Maxwell and knew the type of guy he was from the beginning. Maxwell was charming and had the ability to make any girl weak in the knees. Especially a woman like her sister that was in love with being in love. 
Anger built from the pits of her stomach. Feelings of betrayal had never quite faded since they had made up and she ignored it in the name of love. “Did he see you?” 
“Nope. But I’ll make myself seen when it comes to my sister. Candy, why are you still trying to make things work with this immature, cheating ass, motherfucker? I try to hold my tongue like you ask but I refuse to hold it again. You’re too good for him.” When it came to family. Trinity was the sister that would physically fight for her siblings. At times, Candace admired her sister’s tenacity and wished she wasn’t as timid when it came to relationships with people. That was one negative trait that kept Candace anchored to people that did not deserve her time. 
“I honestly don’t know.” Tears began to form in Candace’s eyes as the shame set in for her. She knew Maxwell was no good for her but he always found a way back into her heart. “I’m...um...I’m going to talk to him.”
“Candace,” Trinity called out, noticing her sister’s emotions getting the best of her. “Please don’t cry over that man. Please.” 
If only Candace knew her worth. 
Candace took the scenic route to Maxwell’s apartment, playing different scenarios in her head on the way. If she murdered him, where would she hide the body? Did she just hit him with questions or soften him up first? 
None of those scenarios played out once Candace reached her destination and was met by Natalie in the hall outside Maxwell’s apartment. The three of them froze, each of them searching for words to break up the awkward moment. 
“I should get going. I’ll call you when I get home,” Natalie mumbled, lowering her eyes and pushing past Candace. 
“I knew that apology was a lie and you were full of shit,” Candace spoke through clenched teeth. She was taught to never put her hands on anyone and it took a strong prayer to keep her fists at her sides. “What the hell is Natalie doing here and don’t even think about lying.” 
Maxwell didn’t even put up a fight. Besides, after the news he had learned, he didn’t have the energy to lie or smooth talk his way out of this one. 
“What was she doing here, Maxwell?”
“Natalie’s pregnant,” he replied, leaning against the wall across from Candace. He watched as his girlfriend’s face fell blank. “I fucked up and I’m sorry for that. You don’t deserve the shit I put you through.” 
Still lost for words, Candace slid down the wall until her rear hit the concrete floor. Pregnant. That had to be the final straw, right? The game they had been playing for the past three years had come to a tragic end that Candace feared. 
“Baby, I’m so sorry. I know I stay apologizing but I mean it. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“Yeah, you did.” 
Maxwell kept his distance. “Did what?” 
“If you didn’t mean to hurt me, this would have stopped after the first incident. But I gave you chance after chance and you still didn’t fucking stop. I’m done, Max. I can’t put myself through this shit because it’s obvious you won’t stop. I’m foolish to even think you would,” Candace spoke in a hushed tone, never raising her voice or releasing the tears that threatened to fall. 
“I don’t wanna hear another one of your tired excuses. I sure the hell hope your dick is clean. I’ll come back for my shit another day.” 
“Candy, come on-” 
“Move! Don’t fucking touch me.” Blood rushed to Candace’s face as the embarrassment set in and she could no longer look Maxwell in the eye. This relationship had become a part of her identity and she allowed it to consume her so much that she forgot to love herself. “We’re done, Maxwell.” 
Candace ignored the apologies and groveling. A weight lifted off her shoulders and she didn’t intend to put it back ever again. 
Yahya had one more day to enjoy Los Angeles before he had to return to San Francisco to figure out his next move. He was desperate to burn off steam and decided to hit the park for a workout. The skies were clear, granting Yahya  a good dose of vitamin D while he ran the steps. He pushed himself to do one more set before taking a lap around the trail for a cool down. Yahya was so focused, he didn’t notice Candace approaching him from the opposite sidewalk. 
“Hey...wassup,” he said, removing his headphones when he finally saw the brown beauty in his path. 
“Hey. Didn’t think I’d run into one of my customers...ever,” Candace chuckled nervously. The breakup had her emotions all over the place and gave her the bravado to approach a man from the club. Keeping those two lives separate  was important to her except in that moment. 
“Oh, yeah? Well, I don’t want to think of myself as your customer. That’s a little weird,” Yahya admitted, earning a nod from Candace in agreement. “But since we’re outside of your job, can I get your real name?” 
“Nice to meet you Miss Candace. I’m Yahya.”
A short, awkward moment of silence gave Candace time to get a better look at the man she had danced on in a dark strip club. Beautiful dark brown skin covered a body that looked like it was sculpted with the utmost care. If you looked up tall, dark and handsome in the dictionary, Yahya’s picture would be used as the definition. Once her eyes traveled back up to his face, his bright, white smile captured her and held on for dear life. The man was fine and seeing him in the light had Candace acting like a shy, school girl. 
“You live around here,” Candace asked, breaking the silence. 
“No, I’m visiting my boys from back home. I’m living in San Francisco right now. I go back tomorrow evening,” he explained, looking Candace over. She was petite compared to his 6′3 frame. “You?” 
“I’m from Chicago but moved here to go to school. Trying to live the dream, ya know?” 
“I hear that,” Yahya nodded. “Well Candace, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we ran into each other. Would you like to get a recovery smoothie with me? My treat. Unless you’re still in the middle of your workout.” 
“I can cut out early. I know a good smoothie spot not too far from here if you don’t mind walking.” 
Yahya’s smile grew, “Sounds like a plan, let me put on a shirt.” 
Or not, Candace thought to herself. 
After the ice was broken, Candace and Yahya began to enjoy each other’s company. The break-up earlier that day was still on Candace’s mind, but she felt at ease being around Yahya. Sure, they didn’t know one another on a deep level, yet she could sense Yahya’s compassion. When she spoke, his eyes stayed on her and he truly listened. One thing that irked her about Maxwell was his inability to listen below the surface level. 
“That’s too bad. Many of these fellas out here don’t appreciate their lady until she’s gone.” Maxwell sounded like many men Yahya knew and the type of man his parents raised him not to be. He could see the hurt in Candace’s face when she described what had led up to the end of their relationship. 
“Yeah, it’s just a shame I wasted my time and my heart on a guy that didn’t want to protect it.”
“His loss, your win.” 
Dumping personal information on a stranger was not how Candace usually moved, nonetheless it felt good. “I’m sorry for treating you like a therapist.”
“Nah, you’re good. You had a rough day. I don’t mind listening.” 
“Thanks, but I wanna hear more about you. What do you do in expensive ass San Francisco,” Candace quizzed, sipping her raspberry/banana smoothie. 
Yahya hoped telling Candace about his unemployment wouldn’t ruin his chances. He still hadn’t shared the news with anyone else. “I was a City Planner for the Mayor’s office but I was laid off on Friday. I honestly don’t even know what the hell I’m going to do when I go back home.” 
One of Candace’s strongest traits was her empathy. She had no issue stepping into a person’s shoes and feeling what they felt. Those that were worthy enough to spend time with her felt Candace’s warmth right away. Yahya could feel it, which is why he felt comfortable sharing the news with her.
“I’m sorry, Yahya. Shit sucks when you get well into your career and your job is in another person’s hands,” Candace sucked her teeth and shook her head. “Are you thinking about staying there and getting another job?”
“To be honest, I need a change of scenery. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise because I think I got comfortable in my lifestyle. I loved my job but things were stagnant,” he explained, tracing the lettering on his smoothie cup. “Right now, I’m thinking about taking a break and figuring out what I want to do from there. I’ll get unemployment, so I’ll manage until I find another career that makes me happy.” 
“That’s brave of you. I’m too damn scary and would need to have a plan right away. Good luck with that. You seem to be a determined man so you’ll find your way. I’m hoping I can graduate and get into Yale then we will see if I make a career out of this acting thing. If not, I’ll go back to school for education and teach theatre.” 
“Wow, Yale? I did some acting classes back in the day and they seemed pretty cool. I don’t know if I have the talent to get into a school like Yale though. I need to work on my Denzel cry first.” The two shared a laugh and finished up their smoothies. 
Time passed as their conversation ranged from discussing their childhoods to recent life events. They were so deep into discussion, they didn’t notice that two hours had gone by since they first arrived at the smoothie shop. Candace was more easy going than Yahya thought. That shy exterior had fallen down, exposing the sweet and funny side of her. Like many women in the stripping industry, her persona in the club was a lot different from her true self. He wished he could get to know more of that side.
They walked back towards the park, where their cars were parked on a side street. Yahya walked Candace to her Jeep and waited for her to load the backseat with her duffle bag. 
“Thanks for the smoothie and talk. I needed that more than I thought,” Candace closed the back door and stood in front of the driver’s side door. “Dr. Yahya is a great listener, even though we’re complete strangers.” 
“It doesn’t have to be that way. I wasn’t kidding about taking some acting classes with you when I’m in town,” he replied, flashing his wide grin. 
“I’ll hold you to that Mr. Abdul-Mateen. Like I said, acting is like recess so it’ll be fun. Who knows, maybe you’re a natural at the shit.” 
“We’ll see, we’ll see. I won’t hold you up, you should probably get home before it gets too dark. Text me when you make it.” 
“Alright. Thanks again, Yahya. For real,” Candace’s soft curls blew over her face as the wind picked up. 
“You’re welcome. Thank you for listening to me ramble. Get home safely and don’t forget to let me know.” Yahya leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Candace’s cheek. The simple act almost made her melt into a puddle in the LA street. Opening her car door, Yahya waved her inside. “Bye, Candace.” 
“See you later.” 
Candace drove away feeling like a new chapter of her life was on the horizon and she was ready to face whatever it had in store. 
Taglist: @blackburnbook​ @just-peachee​ @emjayewrites​
Want a tag? Let me know. 
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Not As It Seems
Overhaul x F!Reader (xChrono??)
Warnings: Hella angst, small hint of fluff if you squint, bro code broken
A/N: I want to thank @zuffer-weird-girl for letting me write this! I All credit goes to her and her Chibi AU! I love angst and this was too good to pass up this opportunity. If you want to learn more about Her chibi au go check her out she has some really amazing au’s so if your done with this go check her out! 
They’re all 11 
“Oh hey Kai, what are you doing?” Hari asked his friend who seemed to be lost in his own world.
“Jesus! What do you want?” Kai said, finally snapping out of his daydream.
“Who were you thinking about?” Hari said, giving Kai a smug look.
“That’s none of your business now is it?” Kai growled at his friend who only laughed.
“You're thinking about (y/n) aren’t you!” Hari howled as he held his stomach trying to control his laughter.
“Lies! I am not!” Kai tried to argue but his face showed it all. His cheeks and ears were bright red.
“Sure you're not. Hey is that (y/n) over there?”
“WHERE?!” Kai turned his head quickly only to be disappointed when you weren’t there.
“YOU DO LIKE HER!” Hari put his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“Fine, maybe I do feel a sort of attraction to her. Is that so wrong?” Kai huffed looking at his friend who had calmed down.
“No nothing’s wrong at all, i just like to tease you because i find it hilarious.”
“Wow, such an amazing friend i have here.” Kai rolled his eyes as Hari caught his breath.
“Hi guys!” Kai yelped as the sound of your voice startled him causing Hari to burst into laughter again. Tears rolling out the corners of his eyes.
“H-hey (y/n)! How long have you been there…” Kai shivered at the thought of you hearing his inner thoughts.
“Oh i just got here! Is Hari okay?” Kai turned to Hari seeming him breathing heavily on the ground.
“Yes he’s fine.” Kai pouted. What was so special about him? Why didn’t you care about him-
“Kai? Why is your face red?” YOu put your hand on his head thinking he had a fever.
“I- uh..”
“Your head is so hot! Are you sure you don't have a fever?” Your face showing worry. You were worried about him. Not Hari…
They’re 16
“Yep! Chibi’s are the things that tell you who your soulmate is! But they cannot tell you your soulmate's name, that's against their rules.” The teacher answered. Kai and Hari sat at their desks and listened to the teacher tell them about what kind of future in romance they have.
“How does it work? Like is it someone random or is it someone the person knows?” Hari raised his hand out of curiosity. Kai was also curious. WHat if he got your chibi? You guys would be soulmates!
“50/50.” The teacher shrugged his shoulders as he answered the next person’s question.
“You know what that means hmm?” Hari moved his eyebrows up and down at Kai.
“Stop, you look like an idiot.”
“Rude much?” Hari only laughed as he looked at his friend who seemed to be lost in his own world again.
“So you think your soulmate will be (y/n)?” Hari said to Kai, making him snap his head in Hari’s direction.
“Shut up dammit.” Kai mumbled as he turned his head away from the snickering male to hide his red cheeks.
*after class*
“Hey guys! Did you hear about chibi’s?!” You asked excitedly as you sat next to them on the bench in the gym.
“Man they were so weird!” Hari interrupted Kai as he laughed with you. Hari was really starting to get on his nerves.
“They said it could be someone you know or someone you dont know! 50/50 pretty much.” Hari laughed as he nudged Kai. Trying to give him the ‘I'm setting you up to talk to her look’
“Really? Cool! What do you think about it Kai?” You said as your eyes gleaned up at him. HIs heart fluttered knowing that you asked him, not Hari.
“Interesting honestly.”
“Do you have anyone you want it to be?” You said nudging his shoulder as Hari chuckled at Kai. Kai got tense was at a lost for words the only thing that came out of his mouth was-
“REALLY! TELL ME WHO IT IS!” You squealed happy for your friend.
“No, do you have someone?” Kai quickly turned the spotlight away from him and onto you.
“Yep!” You said without a care in the world. How could you be so calm?
“Can you tell me-”
“No! You didn’t tell me so now i won’t tell you!”
“I say that’s fair don’t you Kai?” Hari snickered as he saw his friend giving him the most intense glare.
Kai mumbled under his breath before turning to you. Seeing your happy face ranting about how cool it is and how you were so excited for your chibi was all worth the mystery.
They’re all 20
“Why are you so down (y/n)?” Kai asked you as he saw you cover your face in a pillow while laying on the couch.
“Is it so much to ask to just want my goddamn chibi?!” You growled, your face not leaving the pillow.
“Patience is key.” Oh who was he kidding! He wanted his too. Neither him, Hari or you got your yet and it was starting to piss him off. You two were obviously made for each other so why was it taking so long? 
Hurried tip toes try to sneak past Kai only causing him to turn his head where he saw Hari sneaking past him.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“SHIT! Don’t scare me like that man.” Hari yelled at him as he nervously laughed looking away from Kai.
“Are you hiding something from me?” Kai's voice lowered an octave making him seem more menacing.
“Kai calm down, let the man be.” You said lifting your head up from the pillow causing Kai to sigh.
“FIne, do whatever you were going to do.” Kai told Hari, sighing in the process. Why did he have to have such a weak-spot for you? 
“Oh cool, I’ll be back in an hour or two.” Hari said as he zoomed past Kai and out the door. He should keep a closer eye on him. He’s getting a little suspicious. 
“Kai don’t you want your chibi to come soon?” You looked up at him with sad eyes.
“I don’t know really.” Kai lied through his teeth. Of course he does. He just wants more proof that you two were meant to be together.
“Well i can’t wait. I really want mine soon.” You sighed as you put your head back into the pillow.
“Like I said, patience is key.” He’s such a hypocrite.
*two weeks later*
Why were you so sad every time you saw him? Did he do something wrong? Not to mention Hari has been acting up too. You both weren’t your normal selves and it was starting to piss Kai off.
“Mimic, can you tell me why both Hari and (Y/N) are acting so strange around me?” Kai asked.
“Shit if i know.”
“Thanks for the help.” Kai grumbled as he tapped his fingers on his desk in frustration. Sooner or later he was gonna confront both of you but he had to think of a plan first.
“Mimic get me a copy of (Y/N) work schedule.”
“On it boss man!”
*1 month later*
He finally had the perfect timing! A whole month was prepared for this moment. He was gonna confront you and Hari about your suspicious behavior.
As he walked closer to your room a weird sound came from your door. He quietly tip-toed to your door and pushed his ear against the wood.
His eyes blow wide at the sound of you kissing someone in your room! Who in their right mind dare touch his angel?! You were his and you had been from the moment he saw you!
Once again another noise that made his vision go red with rage. You even had your chibi?! And you never told him?! How long have you had it?!
Shattered. Thats the best way to describe it. The sound of your voice calling out a name that wasn’t his. He wasn’t your soulmate,
His best friend was…
His whole world felt like it was shattering in front of him. For so long he kept his feelings bottled up inside waiting for the right time to confess. But now he would never get that chance.
His hands started shaking and even though he could help it but kick down your door. And the sight broke his heart further.
You both had your chibi’s. You were meant to be Hari’s, not his, Not now, not ever.
You both looked at Kai with shock and then sadness. Your eyes held guilt. There was nothing you could do even if you wanted to. You were destined to be with Hari. Not Kai.
Hari wasn’t much different. His face held shame and remorse. His best friend of year found out that you were his soulmate. He was hoping that Kai would have found his soulmate before Hari told him that you were his.
The room was dead silent. So quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. Both yours and Hari’s chibis looked up at Kai, sadness in their eyes as well.
“How long.”
“Kai I-”
“....I got my chibi first, the day you caught me sneaking behind you was the day I found out. (Y/N) found hers 2 days afterwards. Kai...I’m sorry-”
Silence plagued the room once more as the tension between Hari and Kai was so intense you could cut it like a knife.
“You were the only person I could trust…”
“What do you want me to do then Kai?” Kai couldn’t see it but Hari held on to your arm tight. He will never admit to him that all those years he too liked you but was willing to give you up just for Kai.
“Why didn’t you tell me (Y/N)?”
“ I didn’t want to hurt you…” You said as you refused to look at him.
“Well look where that got you.” Kai said venom in his words. You couldn’t even look him in the eye you were so overwhelmed with guilt. Tears started to flood down your face as you held Hari’s arms tighter.
“You knew I loved her.”
“You think i can change what’s been done Kai?! I can’t for your information and I’m sorry! Kai, you're my best friend for christ sake! I can’t choose which soulmate I get even if I wanted to!” Tears fell down Hari’s face as well. He never wanted this to happen. He only prayed that he would never find out.
“I want both of you to leave now.” You and Hari’s eyes were blown wide as you looked at Kai who shot you both the most terrifying glare you have ever seen.
“I won’t tell you again.” Hari knew what Kai would do if they didn’t hurry. HE snatched both your chibi’s and put them in his pocket before grabbing your hand and whisking you away from the room. 
And from Kai.
Years later
“Hari...I think you could come see this…” Your voice was in shock as you looked at the tv.
“What is it-” Hari’s voice stopped once he saw what was on the Tv as well.
On the tv was a live broadcast of where you all used to live together. In the Shie Hassakai compound.
“It’s completely destroyed…” You hold your hand to your mouth as tears stream down your face.
“How did this happen.” Hari sat next to you as you watched the TV. Both your chibi’s snuggled up next together as they shaked watching the tv with you both.
Both of your eyes went wide once you saw what Kai had been doing all those years you guys were away. Kai started testing on a little girl who was supposed to have enough power to erase people's quirks. 
You both watched in horror as the man you both once knew became something you’d now fear.
Seriously though go check @zuffer-weird-girl out, Do it or I’ll break your kneecaps UvU
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yixxes · 4 years
Hurt | p.p.
Tumblr media
Warnings: Homophobia, toxic parents/household, maybe a few grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, yall it’s 6 am and I still haven’t slept-
Word Count: 2413
"You make me sick!”  
You slammed the door behind you and you did not look back. It was all so suffocating, your family was so suffocating, living inside of a toxic household with such destructive, closed-minded people was so devastatingly harmful to your health and you couldn’t get away from it. Or, you never had the guts to storm out before. Things had gotten bad in the past, but this time was different from the others. This was no ordinary disagreement or argument. This was a direct attack initiated and orchestrated by the head of the household herself. There was something about the way that she spoke to you. The way that she spewed hate without an ounce of regard for your feelings or the fact that she was talking to another human being, her daughter, if that even counted for anything. The way that everyone else declared the side that they were on by not saying anything at all. You just knew that if you stayed there a second longer, you’d implode or combust. You wanted to vent. To say the words that you had been forced to swallow before you choked on them. There wasn’t a single person in your house that you wanted to speak to, so you rounded a familiar corner and started towards the place that felt more like home than your actual house these days. 
It was dark by the time you reached Peter’s doorstep and he got ready to scold you good when he opened up the door and saw you standing there. “Wh- Y/n!? Did you walk here, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” And then he saw your face. Your stature. Your shoulders were slumped, your cheeks were tear stained and the way that your eyes were filling up made it clear that you weren’t anywhere close to being done crying for the night. “Oh no, babe, what happened?” 
He sounded like he was about to start crying right along with you, and honestly, it was a big possibility. He told you a couple of times before that he had trouble explaining the way that he cared about you. Even before you got together, he cared about you so much as a friend. Before that, he practically idolized you as his crush but that was all at face value. As he got to know you better, he was just as mesmerized by your mind and your heart as he was by your beauty, or so he told you. Anyway, your pain really hit home for him. He hated to see you cry, so you showing up like this really affected him. It made his heart pick up a handful of beats more a minute and made his blood run cold. And when you threw your arms around him and began to sob into his shoulder, he was so overwhelmed that he started to cry, too. 
He’d seen you upset before, sure, any regular human being dealt with complicated emotions, everybody had their share of bad days, but this was different. Peter couldn’t remember ever seeing you like this before. Not only did the sight break his heart, he was also at a loss. He was so worried that he wouldn’t know how to fix whatever was wrong. What if he couldn’t get the tears to stop? Or what if he couldn’t make the pain go away? Peter wrapped his arms around your torso and held you close to him. 
He was new at this, so he tried his very best to choose his words carefully. “You’re okay,” he murmured quietly in your ear. You obviously weren’t okay, but you knew what he meant. You weren’t alright, but you were okay there in his arms. You were safe. “I got you, okay?” He rubbed his open hand up and down your back and it made breathing come just a little easier. “Not gonna let anything happen to you.” The promise was sincere but he made it more with himself and merely let you in on it. Knowing loss the way that he did made his determination to protect what he presently had strong. As long as he was around, he’d guard your happiness just as well as your life. 
Peter walked your hug back a couple of steps so that he could shut the door behind you. For a short while, the two of you stayed just like that. This was probably the closest to that you’d get all night to a cleared head and that was stressing you out. 
“Peter, who was at the-” you pulled yourself off of Peter to look at Aunt May and brought your hands together, rubbing them slowly against one another. “oh. Oh, sweetheart, what happened?”
You hadn’t even told Peter what happened yet, nor did you have a single clue how you were gonna go about it and you told Peter everything. May was a great confidant, but the thought of opening up to her about what happened tonight intimidated you. On the same coin, it was the least that you could do after barging into her home this way. You took in a breath and readied yourself to answer her, but luckily Peter swooped in before you had to say anything. 
“Aunt May, could I have a second with Y/n? Please?” It was almost like he read your mind. 
May nodded, eyeing you with a sad smile. “Of course,” she walked to you anyways, engulfing you in a warm hug. “I’ll be right down the hall if there’s anything that I can do.”
With a smile, you breathed a quiet “thank you” and watched her retreat to her room. As soon as he heard her door close, Peter led you to the couch, making sure to keep hold of one of your hands even after you sat down. Your mind was all over the place and your heart was starting to pick up again. Getting all of this out wasn’t gonna be easy. Peter had no clue what was going on, but that much was clear to him. 
“Hey,” his free hand touched your cheek. “we don’t have to talk about this right now, alright? If you’re not ready, we can find something to do, I’ll make you something to eat, or we can-”
You shook your head, making him stop short. It wasn’t gonna be easy, but you figured the sooner that you got all of this off of your chest, the better. “Remember how... I told you that I kissed Victoria Woodland at Donnie’s back to school party this year?” He nodded without comment, deciding it might be best to listen with as little interruption as possible. It was a confusing start, but he was confident that you’d connect the dots for him. “’N how I was dating Shelly Sinclair last year?” Peter nodded again and you took another breath. He didn’t miss how shaky this one was in comparison to the first one. “Well, my...” you pulled your hand from his and bound your fingers together tight, a nervous tick you had been doing for as long as you could remember. “my parents never knew about it, they..”
You desperately didn’t want to say these words. You didn’t want to tell this story. The deep shame that you felt took the physical form of a set of hands.  With each progressing word, it was like they squeezed tighter and tighter on your throat. 
“My mother expressed more than a couple of times that..” you swallowed thickly, cringing at the compilation of memories of your loving mother saying exactly what you were about to say word for word. “that no daughter of hers would grow to be so sick and weird.” Peter’s eyes closed and he turned his face for a second. He knew exactly where this was going and he hated it. Dread weighed on his heart in a way that he just couldn’t explain. 
You went on to explain how you dated Shelly for six months behind your parents’ back last school year. When things crashed and burned with her, it felt like your entire world was ending, so that’s the way most high school relationships go anyway, and you passed a couple of months of sorrow and heartache off as fatigue and sickness. Your adoring parents fed you cups of medicine and urged you to keep in mind the importance of rest, but naturally, it did nothing for you. They couldn’t reach your hurt. They couldn’t heal you. Even if they knew why you were in pain, they wouldn’t want to help anyways. You told Peter how Mrs. Sinclair and your mother knew each other and were even good friends since before you even knew Shelly. Yet, miraculously, the conversation never came up between Shelly and her mom. Shelly knew that you had to keep things under wraps, after all, so maybe she kept it from her mom too. God, how you wish that were true.
“It came up in casual conversation during a phone call.” Your voice was breaking and so was your resolve. “She couldn’t wait to lay into me as soon as she hung up.” You swallowed hard again, doing the best that you could to mentally prepare yourself for what you were about to say. “She asked me why I wanted to be like that. She called me weird. Said she didn’t raise me like that, she...” You cut yourself off there, tears already beginning to roll, and looked away from him. You squeezed your eyes shut and felt more tears fall. Go on, you scolded yourself. Say it. “S-she said.. she said-”
Peter wanted to let you finish. He truly did, but what he wanted didn’t hold a candle to his overpowering need to comfort you. He couldn’t let you finish that sentence. He wouldn’t. Not when he could see how much it was tearing you apart. If he let you say it, whatever was remaining of your badly bruised spirit would break and dissipate into oblivion, and he couldn’t have that. 
Peter pulled you into a tight hug, the both of your bodies alike leaning forward rather awkwardly, but you didn’t mind it at all, because being held by someone who just accepts you was an indescribable feeling that you wouldn’t trade for the world. Without letting go for a second, he slowly scooted towards you in hopes of getting rid of some of the discomfort and pressed his cheek into the top of your head, doing his best to cry as quietly as he could. Your body shook with cries in his arms and his heart broke all over again. You didn’t deserve this.
At first, Peter really didn’t know what to say, which was fine because he had some time to think about it. The two of you sat there for more than a little while until your breathing finally evened out. 
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am,” he said, nearly cringing at the broken silence. “you don’t deserve this.” He couldn’t relate to you on this level, but he had absolutely no problem meeting you where you were at and talking you through your own mind. He just knew that it was in heartbreaking shambles at the moment. 
Peter pulled off of you and caught your face in his hands. He needed to look you straight in the eyes and know that he had all of your attention when he said this. “Do you understand me? You don’t deserve any of this.” Occasionally, you could tend to be just a little impressionable, especially when the given situation involved your parents. He needed to make sure that you understood that you, nor anybody else in the entire world, for that matter, did not deserve to be defamed, spoken down to, or bullied for being themselves. “The things that she said... they’re pure evil, but you know none of it’s right. None of it’s true.”
He made quick work of swiping your tears away with his thumbs and shook you gently when you closed your eyes, whispering a soft, “please look at me.” He paused until he saw your eyes again. “You don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I don’t want you to ever apologize to anybody for being who you are, there isn’t a single thing wrong with you,” he shook his head and you frowned at the tears that spilled down his cheeks. “there’s not a single thing that I would change, okay?”
You nodded at his words, wishing a little less that you could shy away from him. This was the most intimate moment that the two of you had shared so far in your relationship. You felt vulnerable and exposed, but you couldn’t disregard the positive outcome. How nice it was to be yourself, loved, and accepted all at the same time.
“I’m sorry that she hurt you, I’m... I’m so sorry, and I’m sorry that I’m not saying the right thing, because honestly, I have no idea what I’m supposed to say right now, but I’ll spend the rest of the night thinking. I’ll say the right thing, I’ll do whatever you need me to do, I-I’ll be right here beside you until things get better, I promise.” How would things get better and where would anybody even start? He had no clue, neither of you did, but he knew that his words were true and that he’d be true to his word. “They’ll get better, they’re just bad right now, I...”  Peter sighed, defeated because he had no idea how much his words meant to you. “I’ll be right there, always. Until things get better and every time after.”
You watched his face fall when he had to wipe away more of your tears, but eyed the small smile on your face hopefully. 
“You’re incredible,” he murmured softly. “her words can’t change how amazing you are. And her words could never change the way that I love you. I know it seems impossible right now, but... please try not to let it change the way that you love yourself either.”
Things were bad right now. So inexplicably bad, but they could be worse. You could be going through all of this alone, but looking straight ahead and seeing this lovable, beautiful soul right in front of you, you realized that you were about as far from alone as you could possibly get. 
A/N: Thank you sm for reading 💓 shout out to my lovely relatives for inspiring me to write this 🙃 Stay safe, be strong, spread love, be kind to one another ✨
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10 with Bucky?
10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
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Discretion was key.  You and Bucky had decided on that.
The pair of you had been friends for years, practically since dippers.  As such the transition from James Buchanan Barnes, best friend to James Buchanan Barnes, boyfriend was still something you were getting used to.
You liked it. It was exciting, and wonderful, but still odd.  All those little fantasies you carried around in the back of your mind about being close to him, dancing together, holding his hand, kissing his lips, they were starting to become real.  You weren’t sure what to make of it, and kept expecting to be woken up at any moment.
Bucky seemed to be in the same boat you were.  The dates you went on were fun, but there was no denying the nervous energy at the start of them.  This was something new and neither of you knew exactly where it was going.
Until you figured it out, you had both decided not to tell Steve. 
Steve was your friend and suddenly dumping your new relationship on him could totally disrupt the dynamic the three of you had shared for well over a decade.  No, you needed to take your time with this.  You needed to make sure before stirring the pot anymore than you had.
And so, you carried on as you always did which included the three of you having breakfast together.  You alternated every few days, and today it was at your place. Nothing fancy just eggs, bacon and toast with coffee made just the way everyone liked it.
“So, what do you boys have planned for the day?” you asked, sitting down to join them.
“I finally got a commission,” Steve said through his mouthful of eggs.  “Lady wants it done by Friday.  I figure I should try to get it done by Wednesday just to make sure she doesn’t want any extra changes.”
“Please don’t tell me it’s another bible thumper,” Bucky said.
Steve shook his head. “No, I learned my lesson.  Strictly landscape.  Not my usual, but better than no rent.”
Bucky couldn’t help but nod in agreement before turning to you. “What about you? Got any plans?”
“Besides work, nothing.  I should have the evening to myself,” you said, shooting Bucky a subtle glance.  “I figured I’d stay in.”
A small smile came to his lips which he quickly covered by sipping his coffee.
“That’s a shame,” he said.  “I was thinking of going out tonight after my shift. But it seems like you two homebodies are going to miss out.”
Steve shrugged while you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“Speaking of shifts,” Steve prompted.
Bucky then looked to the clock against the wall and immediately shot out of his seat.
“Shit! I gotta go,” he said, taking one more sip of his coffee.  “I’ll see you guys later.”
He then leaned down and gave you a quick kiss to your lips.
He was two steps away and grabbing his coat when he realized what he did.
“What was that?” Steve asked.
“Uh...” Bucky froze turning back to you a Steve with a lost expression. “That was...”
“A kiss,” you said.  “You just gave me a kiss.”
Bucky nodded.  “I did. I did do that.”
He opened his mouth as if that would suddenly prompt a lie to come flowing from his mouth, but there was nothing but empty air. 
“You see Steve...”
“Bucky and I are dating,” you said, deciding to rip the band-aid right off. “We didn’t want to tell you because, we’re still kind of figuring it out and we didn’t want to make it weird.  I mean, you’re our friend and we know things would be different if we started dating, but we are and now we made it weirder and you already knew, didn’t you?”
The smile on Steve’s face would no longer be contained as he let out a loud laugh.
“Yep,” he said, proudly.
“How long?” Bucky asked.
“About a month,” Steve said, with a grin.  “You haven’t so much as danced with a girl in weeks.  Add to that, Y/N not sighing longingly in your general direction and I put two and two together.”
You weren’t sure whether to hide your face in embarrassment or smack Steve across the head. 
“So, how long have you been going together?” Steve asked.
“About a month,” Bucky mumbled.
Steve couldn’t help himself and let out another laugh at your expense. 
“So, I take it you’re okay with this?” you asked, deciding not to fight Steve on his victory.
“Of course,” he said, doing his best to calm his laughter.  “I always knew you guys would get together eventually. Honestly, I thought it would have happened a lot sooner.”
You and Bucky glanced at each other a moment, a question forming in both your minds that each of you would have to answer later.
Bucky opened his mouth to ask it right then and there, when the clock chimed the hour.
He looked between you and Steve, pointing in both your directions.
“We’re talking about this later.”
“Can’t wait,” Steve called as Bucky ran out the front door.
All things considered, you couldn’t help but smile.  Nothing had really changed.  It was all going to be just fine.
Send Me a Prompt
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Felassan/f!Lavellan: Complicated
Chapter 8 of The Love That Grows From Violence (Felassan x Tamaris Lavellan) is up on AO3! I’m a couple chapters ahead of my posting schedule and starting to get confused about what’s been posted and what hasn’t so here enjoy another early chapter sorry
~6390 words; read here on AO3 instead.
Tamaris slept poorly that night.
Her head was buzzing with a jumbled mixture of thoughts. Felassan was at the forefront of them, naturally; her unruly mind kept reminding her of his playful tone when he teased her and the spine-tingling sound he made when they kissed, and the darkness behind her eyelids was put to shame by the memory of the lambent magic and lust in his eyes after she’d leaned away from his lips. 
He made her uneasy. 
No, that wasn’t fair; Felassan wasn’t doing anything to make her feel uneasy, and she was undeniably attracted to him. But somehow, that seemed to be the problem. It was the attraction that was making her feel uneasy. Her desire was diluted by some kind of weird trepidation that she was not at all accustomed to. She was drawn to Felassan, with his shit-eating smirk and his casual stories and his warm amethyst eyes. But when she thought too hard about getting more intimate with him, something inside of her quailed. 
It was fucking frustrating. She hadn’t had this same kind of internal push-and-pull before sleeping with Bull, so why was it different with Felassan? 
Furthermore, why was she obsessing about this when nothing should be happening between her and Felassan anyway? No matter what he said, his lust couldn’t genuinely be focused on her. It was the Tranquility cure and nothing more, so the point was moot. 
So why the fuck was she still awake over this? 
Felassan wasn’t the only problem keeping her awake, though. She was also anxious at the thought of the mana-building exercises that she was supposed to help him with in the morning. It had been years since she’d done the exercises that Solas had taught her. Not only was she rusty at them, but she wasn’t sure how well she’d be able to teach them to Felassan. 
If Tamaris was totally honest, though, it wasn’t just her long hiatus or the teaching situation that concerned her; it was the thought of doing something that would be such a visceral reminder of Solas. There was a reason she’d stopped doing these exercises, after all. 
As it turned out, that visceral reminder came sooner than Tamaris liked. In her haste to escape from Felassan earlier tonight, she’d forgone their usual nightly ritual of a cup of dream-blocking tea. So of course, as sheer luck and fucking irony would have it, this was the night that she had to dream of him when she finally fell into a fitful sleep. 
She narrowed her eyes at the six-eyed wolf from atop the battlements at Skyhold. No matter how far away he was, whether it was the Frostback Basin or the Hissing Wastes or some strange verdant land she’d never seen before, it never felt quite far enough. 
She glared viciously at him but didn’t say a word; she had never been able to find the right words to say during these rare and fragmented dreams. Instead of trying to speak to him — or more accurately, to yell at him — Tamaris had somehow decided that if she stared at him for long enough, she’d figure it out. If she kept her eyes on him, forcing him to meet her furious gaze, then maybe she’d finally see.
When she woke up the next morning, however, her half-awake mind was already losing the fragments of dream that she’d collected, and she could no longer remember what it was that she was trying to see in the first place. All she could remember was the impression of a sad and watchful wolf.
The unwanted dream of Solas, contrasted with the very wanted and oddly intimidating memory of kissing Felassan… it felt like too much to cope with first thing in the morning, especially with her usual awful morning headache. She was of half a mind to avoid Felassan by foregoing breakfast to sit on the roof and smoke instead, but she ultimately decided against it; avoiding him would just make her seem both churlish and childish. 
It was thus a very surly Tamaris who made her way down the stairs for breakfast. 
As usual, Felassan was lounging on his nest of silk cushions in front of the fireplace with This Shit Is Weird. Without saying anything to him, Tamaris went to the kitchen to fetch her breakfast. When she came to sit at her usual spot at the dining table, Felassan looked up.
His lips were curled with a knowing smile. Tamaris wilted slightly and dropped her eyes to her plate of fruit-and-creme-filled crȇpes. He was totally within his rights to say something about her abrupt departure from the roof last night — she had acted like a complete ass, after all — but that didn’t mean she was prepared to talk about it.
“I have a question for you,” he said.
She slumped even further and popped a bite of crȇpe in her mouth. “Mm?” she mumbled.
To her surprise, he didn’t ask about last night. Instead, he tapped the book in his hand. “The orb. The one that Fen’Harel gave to Corypheus. He doesn’t have it, does he?”
She relaxed slightly and swallowed her food. “No. It broke when we were defeating Corypheus. It was an accident, but I’m fucking glad now that it broke.”
Felassan nodded. “I suspected as much. I wonder where we would be now if it hadn’t broken?” He rose to his feet and came to sit beside her.
“We’d be dead, obviously,” she drawled. “He’d have ripped down the Veil by now if he had that stupid orb.”
“I wonder,” he said thoughtfully.
She looked up from her delicious crȇpes. “You really think he wouldn’t have done it? Seriously?”
“He hasn’t done it yet,” Felassan replied. He poured a cup of tea from the enchanted teapot on the table.
Tamaris eyed him incredulously. What was he trying to imply? “He probably doesn’t have the power. Which is fucking terrifying, really, considering what he was like when I last saw him.”
Felassan slid the cup of tea over to her, and she raised her eyebrows. “What, no coffee?”
He smiled at her. “We’ve been living together for barely more than a week, and already you’re a pampered princess?”
She blinked at him, then snorted. “Shit, you’re right. I’m sorry. These are amazing, by the way.” She tapped her fork lightly on her plate.
“Thank you,” he said graciously. “Drink that tea. It’s medicinal.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Is this the tea for my withdrawal?”
“Indeed,” he said. “Chock full of fresh herbs: your favourite.”
His smile was endearingly mischievous. She huffed and offered him a little smile in return. “You really do pamper me, you know.”
“If pampering you brings the rare beauty of a smile to your face, consider yourself perpetually pampered,” he replied smoothly. 
She snorted and rolled her eyes. Despite his flirtation, she was starting to feel as relaxed as she usually did in his presence. There was nothing expectant or heavy behind the usual mischief in his eyes, and they’d been sitting here together for a good few minutes now without him bringing up the kiss. Maybe he was going to let her off the hook about it.
She lifted the cup to her lips and took a little sip, then grimaced. “Is this supposed to taste awful?”
He tsked. “Yes, Tamaris. Put some honey in it.”
“No, it’s fine,” she said. “It feels more medicinal without honey to cover the taste.”
He smiled faintly. “Wise of you. The good things in life don’t always come in the sweetest packages.”
She glanced at him. His tone was light and breezy, but his gaze was a bit pensive now as he surveyed her. 
She dropped her eyes to her plate and took too big a sip of the tea, scalding her tongue in the process. Felassan, in the meantime, turned the conversation back to Solas. “So Fen’Harel had acquired additional power in the time between his departure and your meeting again. Power enough to remove the mark from your hand, it seems.”
His words were a statement, but Tamaris could see the question in his face. She sipped the tea again and gave him an arch look. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll spoil the ending of This Shit Is Weird if I answer your question?”
He grinned. “Terrified. I do love a good surprise ending. But I’ll forgo the surprise in this case.”
She sighed and cut another piece of crȇpe. “Yes. He was way more powerful when I saw him last than when he was with us. Petrifying qunari and setting off huge explosions…” The memory sent a shiver down her spine. “He must have done a lot of fancy fucking Fadewalking during the time he was off plotting our collective murders.”
Felassan nodded slowly and tapped his fingers idly on the table, and Tamaris paused with a bite of crȇpe halfway to her mouth. “You know something about how he got so powerful, don’t you?” she asked.
“I have a theory, but… I honestly cannot say for sure,” he said.
Tamaris lifted an eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me the theory?”
“Aren’t you afraid I’ll spoil the ending?” he said teasingly.
She gave him a flat look and wiggled her metal fingers. “This is the fucking ending, Felassan.”
He chuckled. “You make a strong point. I will tell you if you wish, but I would actually recommend that you be patient with me and let me read more of that book first.”
“Why?” she said suspiciously.
“Because at this point, it’s as fantastical a theory as a fire-breathing nug with halla’s feet,” he said. “I might as well read to you from a children’s book.”
Tamaris exhaled in annoyance, and Felassan lifted his eyebrows. “I’ll tell you, if you like. But I might end up being incorrect later.”
She stared hard at him for a moment longer, then relented and picked up her fork and knife. “Fine. Then tell me something you do know for sure.”
“Such as?”
She cut another piece of crȇpe. “Tell me… tell me what it was like for you when you first woke up.”
He chuckled. “Ah, when I first woke up, ever so long ago. All right. I mentioned to you that I was woken about twenty-five years ago. I—”
“Wait,” she interrupted. “Woken? You were woken up?”
“Yes,” he said.
“By what?” she asked.
He raised one eyebrow. “You mean by whom.”
His expression was rueful, and Tamaris gaped at him. “Did… wait. Solas woke you? But — how is that possible? He was in uthenara too!”
“Yes,” Felassan said, “but uthenara is…” He paused and let out a soft exhale. “It may be one of the most subtle magics from our time, and the formation of the Veil made it… complicated. But suffice it to say that those in the long sleep of uthenara are able to communicate with others within the Fade.”
She raised her eyebrows. This was very strange to think about, but she supposed it made sense, especially for a somniari like Solas who had more mastery of the Fade than the real world. “Okay. Go on.”
“Fen’Harel came to me in the Fade when it was my turn to walk this world.”
Tamaris interrupted again. “Your turn?” she said. 
He tilted his head chidingly. “If you allow me to tell the tale, I’m fairly sure I’ll answer any questions you have.”
She made a little face. “Right, right. Sorry.”
He settled back in his chair and folded his hands comfortably over his abdomen. “Fen’Harel roused me from my refreshing nap about twenty-five years ago, when it was my turn to begin gathering information in this world. I’m by no means the only ancient elf to stroll inconspicuously among the shems, you see.” He waved his hand carelessly. “There were hundreds of us, all with a singular goal: to gather information for Fen’Harel here in this world while he gathered what he could from the spirits who observed this world from the other side.”
Tamaris couldn’t help herself; she interrupted him again. “There were hundreds of you?”
He gave her a reproving little smirk. “May I continue the story?”
She tsked impatiently. “Yes, yes. Go on.”
“There were hundreds of us,” he said, “spread over several thousand years — so we were more scarce than you are thinking, I’m sure. We were woken in waves to take our turns gathering information for as long as we could before our time came to an end.”
She frowned slightly. “You mean… you mean before you died?”
He nodded an acknowledgement. “I just had the fortune of being woken shortly before things got exciting.”
She huffed quietly. ‘Exciting’ was one way to put the shitshow of the past couple of decades. “Are there other ancient elves running around now?”
“Most certainly,“ he said. “But I can’t say exactly who they are. Only Fen’Harel knew who he was going to rouse and when.”
She frowned more deeply. “So… but… you never tried to find other ancient elves since you woke up?”
 “We were instructed to work alone so as not to arouse suspicion,” he explained.
Tamaris snorted. “A strange elf all on his own is pretty fucking suspicious, don’t you think?”
Felassan chuckled. “You are not wrong, avise. Nevertheless, those were our orders.”
She shook her head. “That’s… pretty shitty.”
“Is it?” he said mildly. “How so?”
“It must have been lonely,” she said. “Working on your own for all that time.”
A hint of softness entered his expression. “It could be, at times. Hence the hobbies.” He gestured at the pot of tea with a smirk. “But we all wanted what Fen’Harel wanted. We were committed, and we trusted his judgment. And so I did as he asked, right up until I didn’t.”
Tamaris nodded slowly and thought this over while she finished her breakfast. When only her tea was left, she crossed her legs and picked up her cup. “Maybe there was another reason he didn’t want you to meet with the others.”
“What reason is that?” Felassan asked.
“Maybe he didn’t want you to start talking amongst yourselves and change your minds about helping him.”
Felassan’s expression lifted into a broad smile. “You know Fen’Harel better than you think,” he said.
She raised her eyebrows. “Do you think that’s really why he kept you apart, then?”
He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “I have considered that. I even confronted him about it once, but he seemed… genuinely shocked at the suggestion. If it was his intent, he either hid it very well, or he wasn’t even aware of the intent.”
Tamaris scoffed. “You know what, I fucking believe it.”
“You believe what?” he asked. “That he hid his true motive, or was unaware of it?”
“Both,” she said. “Either. He’s always been convoluted that way.”
Felassan’s beautiful smile grew even wider. Then he let out one of those rolling laughs that made her heart flip. “I like this,” he said warmly. 
“What?” she said faintly. 
“Talking about him with you,” Felassan said.
She huffed in amusement and brought her cup to her lips. “Say what you really mean. You’re enjoying shit-talking him with someone who also knew him well.”
“Don’t act as though you aren’t enjoying it too,” he retorted.
She shrugged and sipped her tea, but she couldn’t help but smile in response to his mirth-filled tone. “All right, yes. I am,” she admitted. “It’s nice to have someone else to be a petty bitch with.”
He chuckled, then gave her a fond look. “You really do think you are a bitch, don’t you?”
“I am a bitch. There’s no ‘thinking’ about it,” she said. She shrugged again and idly swirled her tea. “It’s not always a bad thing. I got a lot done in the Inquisition by being a bitch. And when it backfired, well… that’s what having a spymaster and a pretty human ambassador are for.”
“You must have been something to see,” Felassan said. 
She glanced at him. His smile was soft and his eyes were warm, and she got stuck in them for a moment before a wriggle of anxiety in her belly made her look away.
She swallowed hard. “Look, I… I didn’t ask you about the waking-up thing because I wanted to talk about him.”
His face slackened with surprise. “Oh. Should I not have brought him up? We’d spoken of him before, so I thought–“
“No no, that’s not what I mean,” she said hastily. “I just meant I… I was wondering what it was like for you to wake up here alone. Solas briefly mentioned what it was like for him. I wanted to know what it was like for you.”
“You wanted to know how I felt waking up here alone?” he asked. 
His eyes were wide with surprise now, and Tamaris didn’t really understand why. “Yes,” she said slowly. “I mean, I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know.”
He raised his eyebrows further, and Tamaris put down her cup, bemused by his reaction. “What?” she asked. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” he said. “Not at all. I… you surprise me, that’s all.” His eyes moved carefully over her face as though he was studying her. “You are the only person in ages who repeatedly asks how I feel about things.”
Tamaris frowned. “Briala didn’t ask?”
“I discouraged her from asking,” he said. “I had to discourage her from asking a great many things.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “The agents of Fen’Harel are nothing if not practiced dissemblers.” 
“Oh. Right,” Tamaris said blankly. “What about… what about Solas himself, then? Didn’t he… he didn’t ask how you were doing with all that alone-time?” 
“He was preoccupied,” Felassan said wryly. “Several millennia’s worth of self-blame can be rather preoccupying.”
“He was your friend,” Tamaris said in a hard tone. “He should have asked.”
Felassan’s smile grew wider. “Are you saying you and I are friends?”
She gave him a sardonic look. “I’m not in the habit of sharing close quarters with people I hate, so yes, I’d call us friends.”
Felassan smiled at her for a moment longer, then shook his head and chuckled. “You know, the more time we spend together, the more endearing I find your bluntness to be.”
She rolled her eyes and idly flicked the handle of her mug. “Maybe I should start being all sweet and polite instead, then.”
“Please don’t,” he said. “I enjoy you as you are.” 
His tone was friendly and light, but his words lifted a sudden pulse low in her belly. I enjoy you...  Obviously he’d meant he enjoyed her company, but her stupid perverse mind was now presenting her with the idea of Felassan enjoying her in other, more carnal ways. 
He was still studying her as though she was something unique. She swallowed hard and abruptly stood up. “Let’s, um… those mana exercises. Let’s — we can practice in the library.” 
He nodded and rose to his feet, and Tamaris turned away and hurried through the study and up the short flight of stairs to the library.
The library featured two plush couches and two matching armchairs, a thick angora rug, and a couple of large silk cushions for lounging on — most of the cushions having been stolen by Felassan and moved to the space in front of the fireplace in the main room. Tamaris sat cross-legged on the angora rug, then looked up as Felassan sauntered into the room. 
He ran his fingers idly over the spines of a few books on one of the heavily-laden shelves. “Did I tell you I started reading Swords and Shields?”
She barked out a laugh. “You didn’t really.”
“I did,” he said with a smile. “I had to.”
“You had to?” she said drolly. “Why?”
“I couldn’t imagine my education about the last five years would be complete if I didn’t read it,” he said. “I’m a third of the way through already. Remind me to pass my compliments on to Varric.”
“No fucking way,” she said. “If you compliment him, he’ll write a third one.”
Felassan grinned wickedly. “Then I’ll be extra sure to compliment him.”
“Enabler,” she teased. “You’re a bad influence.”
He placed one hand on his chest and gave her a little half-bow. “Thank you, Tamaris. I try my very best.”
Tamaris scoffed and waved him over. “Come here and sit the fuck down.”
He sat down across from her and crossed his legs. “All right. Teach me the magical ways of Fen’Harel.”
As always, his tone was irreverent, and she shot him a chiding look, but she couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of him. His clothing, as always, was simple and comfortable: breeches and a plain linen shirt rolled casually to the elbows and lazily unlaced to the middle of his sternum, topped with a simple woven vest of light green. But his clothing was still somehow flattering, fitting his body as though it was made for him despite the fact that Tamaris could likely buy the exact same clothes at any clothing stall in Lowtown. He had loosely braided the sides of his long black hair before pulling it all back into a ponytail at his nape, and the effect of it all was a picture of dignified elegance, even though he was sitting humbly on the floor across from her.
“Is this part of the exercise?” he asked.
She blinked. “What?”
His lips curled suggestively at the corners. “I might go up in flames if you continue to inspect me in such a manner.” 
Fuck, she thought. She hadn’t meant to stare. She scowled at him. “Close your eyes, you brat.”
“Ah, insults,” she said cheerfully as he closed his eyes. “Always an excellent way of teaching.”
This time, she wisely ignored his words. She closed her own eyes as well. “All right. The idea is basically that people spend a lot of our time focused on the world outside of ourselves. But when you channel magic, you’re focusing inwards to draw on your mana and connect with the Fade. So… um, yeah. That’s the idea behind it.”
“Go on,” Felassan said quietly.
“Okay,” she said. “Well… the way Solas taught it to me was to start by just breathing. I mean, slow purposeful breathing. And then to sort of focus my attention on my own head, or in it. I mean, to pick a point on my head and to sink my focus there. And when I could feel the vibration of my own mana, that’s when I could try a spell.”
“Focus on your head?” Felassan asked.
She opened her eyes to find Felassan gazing curiously at her. “Yes,” she said. “He said that some mages focus on other body parts, like their hands or their heart or even their diaphragm, but most commonly the hands. But since I had the mark, he thought it would be less confusing to focus elsewhere than… than my hands...” She trailed off and scowled. Something had just occurred to her.
She sighed and dragged her fingers through her hair. “That asshole.”
Felassan’s eyebrows rose. “What’s the matter?”
She glared at him. “He purposely told me focus elsewhere because he knew I was going to lose my hand eventually, didn’t he? That fucking…” She clenched her jaw and looked away.
“Tamaris,” Felassan said.
His voice was soft. She took a deep breath to try and calm her anger before looking up. 
Felassan was gazing seriously at her. “You have two hands,” he said. “And you do not need them for this.”
She took another deep breath and nodded tightly. Felassan nodded as well and rested his hands humbly in his lap. “Will you show me how this process works?”
She inhaled again and nodded. “Sure. I’ll… I haven’t done this in a year or so, so bear with me.” She closed her eyes and breathed, and after a few minutes, when her anger had faded and she was focused on the ebb and flow of her own breath, she drew her attention to the center of her forehead. 
She imagined her mana there, like a faint glow of green: the same shade of green of a simple healing spell or a simple barrier. When she could feel the mana in her forehead, like tendrils reaching toward the Fade, she pressed her will into her right palm.
A small burst of energy lifted the fine hairs on her arms, and she sighed softly in relief. She was still able to make barriers, then. It seemed that the year she’d spent neglecting these exercises hadn’t totally eliminated her weak but hard-won magical abilities. 
She opened her eyes to find Felassan watching her with a distinctly wistful smile. “Nicely done,” he said. “That barrier was very cute.”
She recoiled slightly. “Cute?”
“Very,” he said. “Just like its maker.”
She scoffed. “Fuck you. My barriers are actually useful for being so small.”
“I imagine they’re extremely useful,” he said, and his tone was more serious now. “That barrier would deflect, what, one projectile or weapon strike?”
She eyed him shrewdly; he was exactly right. “Yes, if the strike isn’t too forceful.”
Felassan nodded. “Non-mages would not be able to feel that barrier. Even other mages might not detect it, depending on how strong they are. I imagine you used that often to throw enemies off? Fool them into thinking you’re making a reckless rush attack, and when their first blow glances off, you attack with your daggers?”
She raised her eyebrows, impressed despite herself. “Yes, exactly. How…?” She narrowed her eyes. “You figured all of that out just from seeing me make that one little barrier?”
“It’s a clever trick,” he said. “I am extremely fond of clever tricks. Especially when they involve cute barriers.”
She wrinkled her nose. “My barrier isn’t cute.”
He grinned. “It’s positively adorable. And its adorableness in no way detracts from its utility.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fuck’s sake, fine. My barrier is fucking precious. Now it’s your turn.”
Instead of closing his eyes to practice the exercise, however, he continued to gaze thoughtfully at her. “This process of focusing your mana. Does it not remind you of anything?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“It doesn’t remind you of any other gift you exercised in the past?”
“Oh,” she said. “You mean talking to spirits? Well, yeah, but that’s different. That’s — I’ve always been able to do that.” She frowned thoughtfully. “With that though, I find I’m focusing just past this spot on my forehead instead of…” She trailed off and gave him a shrewd look. “Wait a second. Why are you asking?”
He raised his eyebrows, and Tamaris scowled at him. “Don’t play dumb with me. You know this method already, don’t you?”
He hesitated, then pulled a little face. “I do,” he said apologetically. “It’s the method that’s first used to teach young children to do magical feats on purpose instead of by accident.”
She stared at him, then slumped and rubbed her forehead. “Of course it is. I can do baby magic. Great.”
“I didn’t say this to infantilize you,” Felassan said. “Quite the opposite, actually. Fen’Harel must have been proud when you learned to do this. How long did it take you to learn this? Six months?”
“Something like that, yeah,” she muttered. 
“That’s impressive,” he said.
“Shut up,” she said sourly, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his eye; her face was hot with humiliation.
He shifted closer and tapped her knee. “I mean it, avise. I found it hard to draw from the Fade when I woke, and I have — well, I had considerably more power than you. This is… more than I would have expected.”
Tamaris grunted. “That’s what he said.”
“What did he say?” Felassan asked.
“He said… well, not my magic exactly, but he said I was not what he expected.” She scoffed and idly rubbed at the tiny dent on her metal arm. “I still don’t know what the fuck he did expect.”
“Ridicule,” Felassan said. “Rejection. It sounds like you showed him neither.”
She finally looked up at him with a scowl. “You’re always defending him.”
“Explaining is not the same as defending,” he said calmly. “And I suspect that I’m not saying anything you don’t really know. From everything you’ve said, you did know him better than you believe.”
She glared at him for a moment longer, then shrugged irritably and looked down at her palms. “Well, I wish you’d told me this was magic for children before I started showing it to you.”
“It is not just for children,” he said forcefully, and the vehemence of his tone made her lift her head. “That is my mistake, Tamaris. I misspoke before. It’s not magic for children. It’s a foundation that needs to be mastered in order to do more subtle and intricate things.” He gestured at her forehead. “Your ability to connect with spirits is the same. You were just lucky to be born with that ability in this time rather than needing to practice rituals to do it.”
She nodded silently and looked down at her hands again, humbled by the kindness in his tone. After a moment of silence, she looked up at him again. “Did you ever talk to spirits in this time after you woke up?”
He tilted his head. “Why do you ask?”
She shrugged. “I was just thinking that maybe you wouldn’t have been so lonely if you had. They kept me company sometimes when I was young. Before I learned that I should avoid talking to them in front of the others in my clan.”
His expression softened, and he nodded. “Yes, I spoke to spirits at times. But they were not as easily accessible for most of the time that I was awake.”
Tamaris understood. “Oh, you mean before the Breach. I get that. But what about while dreaming? Solas took a lot of Fade naps to spend time with spirits.”
Felassan raised his eyebrows, then tutted and shook his head. “So he wakes up in your world, and that is when he learns to relax? He really is an ass.”
Tamaris snorted a laugh. Felassan smiled at her, and the warm complicity in his face made her heart thump unnervingly.
“To answer your question, no,” he said. “I’m not especially partial to ‘Fade naps’, as you charmingly call them. Furthermore, I was tasked to learn about this world, so this is where I spent my time.” He shrugged and stretched his legs out on the carpet. “I did spend some time with spirits when I was asleep, though, and it did take the edge off of the loneliness at times.”
She nodded, and they were both quiet for a moment. Then Felassan tilted his head quizzically. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, really,” she said. “It's just... nice having someone to talk about spirits with.”
Felassan nodded in acknowledgement. “He spoke to you at length about spirits, didn’t he?”
“Yes, he did,” she said. “Honestly, it was the main thing that brought us together. And when he was telling stories about the Fade, that’s when he was the most approachable. The most… loveable, really.” She huffed in a self-deprecating way and rolled her eyes. “That asshole seduced me with all his fucking stories about spirits.”
“Hm,” Felassan said thoughtfully. “Maybe I should talk about spirits with you more often, then.”
Her heart flipped at his provocative words. There was no way he could have meant that; it was way too bold a thing to say. 
She shot him a guarded glance. His ears were flushing a dark pink, but his clear violet eyes were steady and intense.
She huffed and dropped his gaze. Her heart was suddenly pounding. With a single focused look from Felassan, her pulse was rising, and she couldn’t decide if it was from excitement or from stupid, inexplicable fear.
“Rein it in, will you?” she said irritably. “It’s your turn to do these exercises now.” She gestured vaguely at him. 
“Tamaris,” he said quietly.
She pressed her lips together and didn’t reply. When Felassan spoke again, his tone was even softer. “Tamaris, look at me. Please.”
She forced herself to meet his gaze. His expression was still warm, but it was sympathetic now in a way that put her even more on edge. 
“What?” she said tensely.
He studied her for a moment before speaking. “I am being unconscionably bold, I know. I seem to have lost my ability to seduce you with any kind of charm. But I meant it when I said my interest in you is genuine.”
She tsked. “That’s… that makes no sense.”
“Why do you think that?” he asked.
“It’s… I’m…” I’m a fucked-up mess, she thought with a pang. But it was one thing to say this to Varric, and something altogether different to say it to Felassan, especially when he was looking at her this way. 
“Things are… complicated,” she said lamely.
“I know,” he said gently. “And I cannot say I know exactly what trials you’ve been through. But I know what it is to love the Dread Wolf. I know what it is to suffer terrible harm at his hands. Your past with him is complicated, and so was mine.” He gestured between himself and her. “This does not need to be complicated. I enjoy your company a great deal. This doesn’t need to be more complicated than enjoyable company of a more… physical kind.”
His tone and his smirk were suggestive, and she stared wordlessly at him with her heart in her throat. Uncomplicated, enjoyable company of a sexual nature… it was a tempting offer, and one that Tamaris would have easily agreed to in the past. It was what she’d had with Bull, after all, and it had worked out nicely for both of them without disrupting their working relationship or their friendship in any way. She was clearly capable of having a no-strings arrangement, so it made sense to have that arrangement with Felassan, especially since she was too scarred for anything more. 
So why did the thought of a no-strings liaison with Felassan make her feel like crying?
She looked away from him and didn’t speak. Once again, he was the one to break the awkward silence, and when he did, his tone was jocular once more. “Of course, it’s possible that I’m reading you completely incorrectly, and you are not interested. In which case, you should work on these magic exercises so you can learn to throw ice at me when I repeatedly come on to you.”
“Or when you put your fucking feet on the table while I’m trying to eat,” she muttered.
“An excellent idea,” he said heartily. “That too.”
She shot him a tiny smile, then sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. “Look, this sounds like a fucking cliché, but it’s not you. It’s…” She sighed again and gave him a frank look. “I’m obviously attracted to you, okay? I admit it.”
“I figured as much,” he said complacently. “That kiss last night was certainly not powered by disgust.”
A sudden memory of his tongue in her mouth flashed across her mind. She ignored the ripple of heat it triggered and tutted at him. “Shut the fuck up. What I’m trying to say is, it’s not — you’re not the problem. I’m… I need to think.”
He bowed his head graciously. “Fair enough. If you decide you want to take this further, then you have only to encourage the terrible lines I’ll continue to use on you.”
She laughed despite herself. “Your lines aren’t that bad. I’ve heard much worse.” In truth, Felassan’s accidentally-flirtatious lines were quite smooth. 
Very smooth, actually. She could only imagine how seductive he could be if he was actually doing it on purpose.
“I don’t doubt it,” he said. “I genuinely can’t understand how anyone in this time is able to seduce each other in the common tongue.”
Tamaris blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“This language is very literal,” he said. “Everything means exactly what it sounds like. It’s exceedingly boring.”
She gave him a skeptical look. “Uh-huh. And flirting in ancient Elvhen is so much better?”
He smiled at her — a slow, knowing, predatory smile. “Yes, avise. Bedroom talk in our tongue is much better.” 
She swallowed hard. His voice was low and lilting and smooth, and it triggered a toe-curling bloom of heat between her legs, followed by an immediate panicked feeling of falling off the edge of a cliff.
Smug gorgeous brat, she thought desperately. She dropped his gaze and shifted away from him on the carpet. “Do your fucking mana-building exercises.”
He chuckled and crossed his legs. “Oh good, cursing. Another time-honoured teaching technique.” He closed his eyes and rested his hands palms-up on his knees, and Tamaris let out a quiet exhale of relief. It was so much easier to think when he wasn’t looking at her. 
This was the problem now, though. She’d told Felassan she would think about having sex with him, which meant she couldn’t keep deflecting him and storming off to her bedroom every time he unbalanced her. 
Which meant Tamaris needed to figure out why exactly he was unbalancing her so much. 
She studied him for a moment. His eyes were closed and his brows were drawn in a faint frown, and an unexpected little pang of fondness plucked at her heart.
She took a deep and slightly shaky breath, then closed her eyes. She’d think about it later. For now, she would focus on helping Felassan with his magic. 
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
Buried At Sea
(POV Gwen)
It has been a while since I have been to Johto. I need to remember the last thing I did here. Floyd took me out to Olivine’s red light district in order to celebrate after we disposed of someone for Haines. What was the story about the guy we offed? Who cares. Haines wanted him gone so he probably knew some information she wanted kept secret.
“’ello Gwen. You have changed since I last saw you.” The sound was coming from in front of me. An octillery made his way towards me. It’s so weird being tall than most mons now. “Sorry it is under these bad conditions.”
This Octillery is one of Floyd’s friends via business, Lister. From what Floyd told me this mon got him his scope and has served as a body disposal guy for close to a decade. We never talked often, usually Floyd would try to weave me into conversations those two had.
“Well I know that look on your face means you want to get this over with, so I will hoist Floyd up onto the boat.” Lister was always good at reading the room. Saved me from trouble when Floyd was not trying to stop me.
Time is as good as any to show how much I have grown.
I form a two layer force field around Floyd. The first to carry his body, and the second to make sure the tarp stays on. Lister looks like he just saw Lugia blow a load into the sky. Maybe it is likely that he expected me not to help, but come on; a psychic type uses telekinesis to lift something. Wait until he sees what a flying type can do.
“Oh. Alright I’ll show you where to place him on the boat.”
Floyd told me an interesting tidbit during one of our conversations.
Hey Floyd. You know I was wondering. What do you want done to your body when you die?
I was having a normal one for sure. I still remember he gave me a judgemental look. Thankfully I managed to not look like a psycho. 
I mean. Given our line of work, there could be a chance we would perish.
Oh. Well I’d like to be dumped in the deepest parts of the Whirl Islands. Right in a whirlpool if possible.
I want to wash up in Lugia’s cave and have it be confused. Plus I grew up going between both Olivine and Cianwood so I guess I just want to be dumped in the place I spent a lot of time at and become fish food...but mostly I want to possibly surprise a Lugia.
Heh. That’s still funny even to this day. Floyd was probably the closest mon I had to a dad. I still like to think on the training days.
Ow! What the shit was that?
We will spar with these rubber pellets. Think of it as paintball. Without the T.
I cannot channel electricity through this. It’s made of rubber!
I’m impressed you know that for having zero education. Guess you will have to learn how to project those with somethin-
It was because of that I learned I could channel signal beam energy for projectiles to push it. I even named them punch beams.
Augh you little snot!
You chose rubber bullets so I wouldn’t use electric attacks didn’t you?!
Maybe. But you have adapted well. Can you keep that-
Floyd was pissed that I shot him again before he could finish his lecture. I still remembered he punished me by making me buy my own drink at the bar that night.
Nice shooting! They didn’t know what hit them! Your drink is on me tonight!
Oh thanks! I have a...good teacher!
Kissing ass does not get you two drinks.
He still gave me two drinks that night. I thought it was to stop me from complaining but maybe he did it to be nice. Floyd could be nice from time to time.
Why am I being so sentimental now? I really hope I am not getting soft now. That reminds me after Nigel and I had a our falling out he managed to calm me down.
You know there are better ways to vent out your anger other than pointlessly shooting at trees right?
I cannot believe I spent all that time with that mother fucker Nigel! I wasted my whole life with a racist, pokemon trafficking scumbag!
Whole life? You met him in juvie right? That would be, what two years and some change? That’s less than a whole life.
Still. I spent way too much of my time and opened myself up to that asshole!
Yeah Nigel is something else. Honestly in terms of first boyfriends go, he was a bad first.
To this day I still remember the face he made after he said that to my face. Old man looked like he wanted to backpedal as far back as possible. I do remember I was about to shoot him for that.
But hey everyone makes a bad first call trust me. If we had time I could give a list of women I regret having any romantic flings with. 
To this day I question how truthful he was with that. I know he has had some flings, but I still doubts he was drowning in ladies like he claimed he was.
I think you should stop shooting those trees. You are going to knock down the whole forest if you don’t calm down.
But shooting something makes me feel better!
Gwen. I know this is going to sound weird coming from me, but you need to learn how to calm down. Don’t be so hard all the time. All that will do is make you do stupid things and given our line of work you will die way sooner.
He was not wrong either. Most things that used to make me angry just brush off me at this point.
Okay not everything. I’m still a work in progress but I’m better than I was when I was younger. Floyd did his best to help with that. In his own way.
“‘We’re here.”
Oh! I zoned out.  As soon as Lister snapped me out,  I felt the boat being jerked around by a whirlpool but we still managed to pass under the arch into one of the cave entrances. Weather has always babbled on how the Isles and the entrance into the deeper cave were a lot bigger in person than in photos. 
Maybe he wasn’t talking bullshit. 
Once we were in the cave, I saw and heard the waterfall and man it was massive. Even though we were too far away to see I could imagine the drop was high.
“This will be as close as we can get to the falls.” Lister knows better than me the strength of the current and I’m not going to argue with him on that. “Did you want me to hoist him into the water with the crane or were you going to use your telepathy?”
“Would you be okay if I used my telekinisis?”
The octillery did what I would call the closest thing to a nod. He pulled off the tarp and I see Floyd one last time. I have to commend that the mortician was able to reconstruct his head given how he died.
Lifting him up, I take a moment to look at Floyd one last time.
Hey Floyd.
Hmm. What is it?
Why did you take me in as an apprentice?
I’m surprised it took you two years to ask that. Well honestly, I heard about your record. I figured I would at least stop you from going postal by basically teaching you the ins-and outs of assassination. 
So it was basically to leash me?!
Well...when you put it that way yeah. 
Oh… Was I that bad?
That silence was probably one of the few times I felt shame. It was an eye opening moment for me.
Sorry. Should have been straight with you from the start.
Honestly I’m not mad. Looking back I’m just ashamed at how aimless I was.
You have improved. You aren’t perfect, but honestly you have come a long way. So just keep yourself sharp and try to not be on edge 24/7.
I need a motivator to give me a fighting edge.
Trust me. Being hard all the time will just lead to an early grave, and with few friends. Having some nice moments will help others from time to time. 
Cave’s moisture must be finally getting to me. I can feel some on my eye. It could mess with me as I lay him down. My stomach feels like a hole is forming in it as I see Floyd’s body slowly drift towards the edge of the falls.
It is ok to show emotions and not push others away.
I’m crying. This is the first time I have cried in years. Hopefully this is the last time
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adhd-sorcha · 4 years
Im trying to get into the medical field and I have a super hard time with adhd. Any advice for getting through all that schooling?
I am soooo sorry I took so long to answer this (good thing you didn’t go on anon!). I have no excuse, I’m just like this.
Before I get into anything, I just want to say that I was only diagnosed a few months ago, so I didn’t go through school consciously coming up with ADHD-busting strategies and there were definitely mysterious difficulties that I’m only now understanding but at the time I never managed to sort (*shakes fist at essay based subjects/exams*). I will tell you what I think were my accidental ADHD-helping techniques though! One other thing, I have predominantly inattentive ADHD ( or formerly ADD) so if you or anyone else are looking for tips on how to stay seated for extended periods or anything like that, I’m afraid I’m no help there. Sorry!! Also, since I don’t know what stage you’re at school-wise, I’ll include things that I found useful in secondary school too, in case it’s useful.
So, in no particular order! (this may get long...)
- Diary, diary, diary: In the schools (primary and secondary) here in Ireland you get given a diary at the start of the year. At the end of every class, the teacher writes up the homework and we copy it into our diaries. Great system!! The diary is only for school so it never needs to leave your school bag, so it should be hard enough to forget. I used to only write short notes, eg. Maths: pg 20, part a-e or something like that. It makes it easy to look through at the end of the day when collecting your books to bring home. I used to look at one line, put those books in my bag, then look at the next line. One at a time. And I often double-checked. It made me slower to get ready to leave than everyone else, but hey! I remembered my stuff! I got myself a diary for college when I moved on. They are soooo helpful. And it’s so satisfying to tick things off as you do them!!
- Have ONE school bag: Might sound weird, but I know people who, in college, just bring whatever handbag matches their outfit that day. No! You’re going to forget to transfer something over. With one bag, you can keep your school diary and pens and student card and things like that in it. They will always be in there. No need to go moving them around, they’ll only get lost if you do that. It just helps to limit the things that you have to remember to bring with you, if your bag is already kind of packed as a default.
- Take advantage of desk/locker space: Keep spare items at your desk/in your locker so that even if you forget to put them in your bag, you’re still covered. Things that I’ve kept at desks/in lockers include: spare pair of glasses, hair ties for labs, spare writing paper (so it doesn’t matter if you forgot your copy!), pens/highlighters/pencils, socks (it rains a lot here, probably not the most relevant...). Absolutely anything that you think you may be likely to forget and is safe to leave at school just keep a spare one already there! (maybe don’t leave valuables...)
- Set your timetable as your lockscreen/homescreen: I’ve never done this one personally. I kept my timetable in my diary. I find it easier to read. But, I know a few people who used to make out their timetable in Word or something and set that as the lockscreen on their phone. People tend to keep their phones somewhere that’s easy to reach, so it shouldn’t conflict too much with executive dysfunction or anything like that.
- Routine: Having a set routine can really help with getting homework done. It becomes a habit and so a certain amount becomes automatic. I used to do mine as soon as I got home from school/college. And I had a set time for when to start my work at the weekends.
- Bring the lecture slides to lectures: I assume this will vary by college, but our lecturers used to post their lecture slides to the class site before the lecture so you could bring them to class. You could either bring the pdf on a tablet/laptop or print them off. (If you’re using a tablet/laptop you can always download the notes when you get there so it’s okay if you forgot to do it before class!). I found these helpful because I only had to make note of the extra information that the lecturer said out loud or I could just highlight important words, thereby limiting the amount I actually had to write. When I just had blank paper, I was always trying to write everything for some reason and just became lost...
- Make study notes that suit you! I remember being shown in school how to make notes when studying. But I found the standard neat lines, black/blue pen that teachers wanted didn’t work for me. They were boring to look at so they were boring to use. So I made them interesting! I used lots of colourful pens, sticky notes just to create little ‘boxes’, scribbled in the margins, drew labelled diagrams instead of putting some things into words. People would actually ask from time to time how I studied from them XD Study notes are one of those things that we’re taught how to do, but there really isn’t a one size fits all approach to it, so don’t be afraid to do different things with your notes. I used mind maps to study history in school! Here’s an example of my 3rd year pharmacology notes (believe it or not there isn’t any colour-coding XD I just went with what was fun!). 
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- Have a study buddy: This seriously helped me when I moved from school to college. The two girls I became friends with in first year were so much better at organising study and assignment work between lectures than I was. They’d just automatically go to the library to get stuff done between lectures so I went with them and just worked on whatever they were working on. Having them around kept me on track. We did this informally (by which I mean I’ve only recently come to realise that copying their behaviour is why I got through my first two years so well, they have no idea that that’s what I was doing XD), but you could always formalise something like this with someone. There is no shame in needing someone to help you organise your study or needing someone around to work on assignments together.  You don’t have to do education on your own.
- Have multiple study places: I know study advice normally says have one dedicated location for study, but that gets so boring. I might be able to study at my desk in my room this month but then it gets boring and I can’t study. So, I have multiple dedicated locations for study. My desk at my room, the main college library, library on a different campus. People with ADHD like novelty, so sometimes I find having a change in study scenery can help focus on work!
- ASK FOR HELP: To be fair, this is one I still struggle with myself. But honestly, so many problems can be solved so easily if you just tell someone about them. Can’t remember when that exam is happening? Ask. Don’t know how to make that application/do that assignment? Ask. What did those instructions even mean? Ask. Forget where that office is? Ask. So many educators, particularly at third level, genuinely want their students to do well, but they can’t help if they don’t know you need it. I know for myself I don’t want people to know how disorganised or confused I get so I put off asking questions, but the sooner you ask, the sooner the problem gets fixed!
- If you need to do something differently, do it differently: Before I started my leave I was starting to realise that my having ADHD meant that I would have to do things differently to my neurotypical labmates. I was going to need to write more reminders of basic things for myself and stick them all over my bench. I was probably going to generate data more slowly than them because time management and organisation is difficult for me. I was going to need to have a detailed protocol next to me at all times instead of knowing the procedure off by heart like the rest of them. The neurotypical way is not the only way. Doing something differently does not make it wrong.
- Be kind to yourself: The education system is tough enough on it’s own, but those of us with ADHD have some extra obstacles in our way. There really is no point in comparing yourself to someone who doesn’t have ADHD (or similar problems) and berating yourself for not getting as much done as them or doing something slower etc etc. Don’t let ADHD limit you by any means, just remember that the route to success looks different for different people.
I think I’ll stop it here. This is getting quite long! Like I said, I’m newly diagnosed so there are things that I’m still struggling with myself (time-management is a big one!! I am 100% unqualified to give people advice on that one!!) and the things that I have done well have been more lucky accident than anything else. I hope these are somewhat helpful? Feel free to ask anymore questions though! And I wish you the best of luck with getting into medicine!!
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starker-stories · 4 years
The Cold, Chapter 6 - The Messages Series
This chapter on AO3
By @thestarkerisobvious​ and @starker-stories​​
New chapters in the series post every Thursday.
All links are to AO3. You don’t need to be a creator to have an AO3 account. You can have one solely as a reader. But to read anything at all in this series, you can just be an anonymous reader and/or commenter.
The best way to keep up with The Cold is to subscribe to the story on AO3. And the best way to keep up with the Messages Series is also to subscribe to it as well as the individual stories. That way you’ll know when the next book is added.
Tags: Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Feels, College Student Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tony Stark Still Has Arc Reactor, Arc Reactor Kink, Peter Parker is a Mess, Spider-Man powers, Communication, They Finally Communicate!, And Fuck Of Course Look at Who It’s Written By Of Course They Fuck, Avengers Compound
The entire Messages Series.  All links are to AO3.
Messages Unsent  (complete & posted)
Nothing More Than A Machine  (complete & posted)
Tomorrow  (complete & posted)
My Virgin (Revisited)  (completely & posted)
The Cold  (completely written) posts every Thursday  
The Opposite of Cold  ( in progress )
Untitled Book 7  ( in progress )
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Chapter 6: Batman and Robin
In the shower afterwards they held each other, whispering endearments and words of affection, laying out their plans for the next day. Peter had been exhausted a half-hour before, but became more animated as he listed the equipment he wanted to utilize and why, talking about it even after they had snuggled into bed for the night.
“I need to know how much I can bench press, and I want to clock my speed on the track. I honestly have no idea how fast I run because it’s faster traveling in New York by web. And what was that laser-grid room that Nat and Clint trained in? I always heard stories about it but never saw it. And the training room course? With those weird short hurdles where all those turrets are trying to kill you? When Fury had me train there I got across in 3.57 minutes — and I’ve got to admit, I was fencing left-handed that day. Everyone was looking at me weird and it made me nervous. I know I could break records in there. Oh! Oh! And the Evaluation Room?! The one Cap called ‘The Grinder?’ I have got to have another go at that one. The first day they put me in there I tripped over my own two feet because Nat told me you were on the observation deck. Added a whole forty seconds to my time. You don’t make me nervous anymore.”
“Those things are all still here. There’s data for what others scored on them to provide a baseline for you. And then, Dr. Cho has instruments that can objectively test your physical abilities.” Tony settled Peter in close, the way they usually slept, big spoon little spoon. He kissed the soft curls at the back of Peter’s neck. “You’ll get your answers, Pete.”
They were both pretending to fall asleep. Eventually it would come, but they were both restless and worried. Peter about the increase of his abilities, Tony about keeping that increase secret. Other than Peter, he trusted no one. And while he did trust Peter, he also recognized the kid was still incredibly naive.
He was getting less so, but he was no match for the duplicitousness that lived within the Avengers and SHIELD and those adjacent. Protecting Peter was Tony’s first, and only, priority. And he was already planning the steps he would need to take to do that. In the morning, while Peter was in the shower, getting ready for the day’s trials, he would set his own surveillance and blocks to anyone else’s. Scrub the servers of anything they collected since the helicopter landed… Tony was still running possibilities when sleep finally came.
The next day Peter was up and dressed before Tony. He was too nervous for breakfast. While they waited for Dr. Cho to become available, Tony took him for a tour of the prismatic accelerator that he used to create his new element. Alone in the vast, long room Peter raced up and down the length of the accelerator on his hands.
Tony saw Peter nearly vibrating with nervous excitement. “Why don’t you take a run through the tunnel? It goes underneath the buildings, underneath the fields. Big circular thing. Like running a really long lap. I should time you.”
Peter insisted on running it once at an easy pace (he called it the I’m-late-for-the-bus speed) and then again while ‘pushing it’. The lap around the entirety of the accelerator was seventeen miles. After his second run, he was keen to know if he had matched the running speed of Captain America. And frustrated to know that Tony didn’t have the information.
“But… wasn’t he Stark Tech? Don’t you have ALL that information? Nevermind, I can google it on my phone. There’s sixteen Old-Cap wikis at least.”
“That was Howard’s work, not mine. And Cap was never allowed down here.” It came out with more heat than he’d intended. “No one was, except Bruce. He helped with the calibration.
“You need to stop comparing yourself to Rogers,” he said, annoyed. “Arm wrestling with him, running his laps… Barnes’ metal arm is stronger than Cap ever was, and you’ve already stopped his punch. Running? It’s not good to compare yourself, an enhanced person, with someone created out of a test tube.”
“My spider was created out of a test tube. It’s not fair anyway, I know Cap trained in running. He was famous for it. And I use my leg muscles like, never. I’m a webswinger.
“And Tony?
“Can we run Nat’s laser-course thingy without staff?
“Yeah, that’s doable. Clint’s kept it active. He’s been training someone,” Tony said with a shrug, not impressed with Legolas’ attempt to replace himself now that he’d retired.
Tony went with Peter as he worked through the training exercises that were still active. Monitors were shut off, no one else allowed into the rooms, much less the entire levels they were using. He didn’t want anyone to have records of the things Peter was tested. But he kept them. Noting times and success/error ratios on his secured-by-FRIDAY phone.
Just by the numbers, the kid was scarily agile. Easily put Clint’s and even Nat’s scores to shame. Fast, he was faster than the current (non-enhanced) hundred meter record holder, but Tony expected that. He was surprised that he didn’t hit the mark for Cap’s hundred meter time. But then Cap was always good at running away.
They spent the most time inside “Nat’s laser-course thingy” where Peter insisted on running the same course repeatedly.His time was good, but kept insisting on a chance to do it better. “Just one more time,” he asked after each completion. They kept ‘one more timing’ it until well past lunch. Peter only took a break because Dr. Cho had finally texted Tony that she was free from her lab. His endless suggestions dried up as he nervously followed Tony toward her office. She met them in the courtyard, accompanied by an assistant.
“Helen, this is Peter Parker,” Tony said once they’d arrived in Helen’s office. He put his arm around Peter’s shoulders. “Peter is also the Amazing Spider-Man,” he said, teasing Peter with the name the tabloids gave him. “We have some questions. Medical. Enhanced Individual medical.”
“Wait… the Spider-Man?” she said, her face lighting up. “Oh I’ve read so much about you. Oh, I have a million questions… but…” she said, changing course suddenly when Tony raised an eyebrow. “Peter, allow me to introduce my associate Mr. Nguyen. He just completed his Masters in Biomedical Science at Columbia. You probably have a lot in common…”
Peter took the hint and shook hands with the good looking Vietnamese man. Shooting a nervous look at Tony, he followed the man back to the courtyard, leaving Tony and Dr. Cho in her office to talk.
“Spider-Man?” she whispered the moment Peter left. “You didn’t warn me that this was about Spider-Man, Tony,” she hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have been free hours sooner.”
“Telling you would’ve been a risk. The reason we’re here, as opposed to elsewhere, is because Peter’s not the first enhanced individual you’ve worked with.
“Only I’m going to need assurance that what gets discussed goes no farther than you. No records can be kept. Otherwise this can’t happen. And Pete needs for this to happen. There’s a sizable grant in it for you if you can keep an even more stringent standard than your basic doctor/patient confidentiality.”
Helen’s smile disappeared. “There isn’t a ‘more stringent’ standard than the basic doctor/patient confidentiality, Tony. And SHIELD is already paying me handsomely to be the team doctor. You don’t have to bribe me to do my job.”
“SHIELD paying your salary is exactly what I am worried about. There can be no divided loyalties. This isn’t for SHIELD. It isn’t for the Avengers. This is for me. And for Peter. No one else.” Tony paused. “Not even you.”
He paced nervously. It was one thing to trust Helen with his life, which he had done absolutely after his ‘death’, but it was another entirely to trust her with Peter’s life.
“Lately, Peter’s abilities have been changing. That has him worried. What he brought me here for, what I suppose he’s looking for, is a metric for his abilities. He has other questions as well. That might require DNA samples, blood work, things like that. He’s mentioned having an objective analysis of what his enhancement is doing to him.
“Whatever samples or blood work you take to determine that, there can be no holding anything back for your own experimentation. Privacy. Absolute. Without that, I’ll figure out another way to get Peter the data he needs. But honestly, I’d rather trust you with this. If I can trust you.”
“Excuse me? Tony? I’m a doctor. The moment I take on Mr. Parker as my patient everything we talk about falls under doctor/patient privilege. Even if it wasn’t a legal issue, it’s my job. No one will have access to what Mr. Parker and I talk about,” she said firmly.
She turned away, looking into the courtyard through her office’s large window where Peter was talking to her assistant. “Including you.”
“Look, I know Fury doesn’t give a damn about what standards the world outside his own little kingdom has. Not telling me? I…”
He was taken aback. He hadn’t considered that he wouldn’t be informed about everything to do with Peter. He was used to having total access to Peter’s life. Okay, it was mostly non-consensual total access, but not knowing something so important about the most important person in his life?
“I’m sorry, was he made your legal ward, Batman?” she asked. Then she shrugged. “Even in that case, it doesn’t matter. Robin is an adult now. What you want to know you’ll have to ask him. As he’s your partner, I’ll certainly I’m prepared to discuss with both of you whatever he wants me to share. But understand, I’m going to be his doctor…”
Tony smiled at the ‘ward’ comment, but he was impressed. If she was willing to exclude him, she’d be willing to exclude any of the people he was worried about. “I can live with that,” he finally said.
“You’ll be pressured to break those standards. I don’t know who will apply the pressure, but it will come.” Tony knew he was sounding paranoid. But he also knew his paranoia had a firm basis in history. “Keeping these secrets? That’s not covered by any professional standards. That’s covered by your word.”
“Tony,” Helen said quietly, taking a step closer to him until they were face to face. “Your murder-bot tried to kill me, and memebers of my staff. That scared me. Fury? Fury doesn’t scare me.”
“Still haven’t heard your word.”
“Do billionaires carry folding money in their wallets?” she asked casually, moving toward the door. Peter and her assistant were chatting amiably, but Peter had begun heading toward her office again.
Tony laughed. “Not really. Billionaires use electronic transfers.”
She opened the door to her office. “Peter?” she called out cheerfully. He entered and gladly pulled out his wallet when she asked him if he had any cash. Reaching into the billfold she pulled out a five and pocketed it.
“Congratulations, as of this moment I am your personal doctor,” she said cheerfully, shaking his hand. “Because of my profession I am under oath…” She turned and looked at Tony pointedly, “to prioritize your needs, and privacy, over any and all outside parties. As long as you don’t directly describe any crimes to me that you plan on committing in the future, neither wild horses nor the Supreme Court could get a word out of me. Are you familiar with HIPAA?”
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cesabutterflywrites · 4 years
The Duke of the Bay: Part 2
If you want to be put on a taglist for this please let me know!
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First Part, Ao3 Link, Next Part
Warnings: Guns, threats, alcohol, homosexual slang used pejoratively and positively, internalized homophobia ask me to add any if need be
Chapter Word Count: 2875
Summary: Patton O’Hearty was a great detective. Most people didn’t take him for one at first glance, especially when he dressed casual. He was abnormally chipper; he thought everything was the cat’s pajamas. He had a smile for everyone he met. He was always tipping his hat at the dames and gents when he walked the streets of the Bay Area.
The only person he could never catch was the leader of the planted mob in Emeryville, nicknamed The Duke. The Duke was good at hiding his dealings and joints well, and he rarely had a snitch in his ranks. The few who tried, well, somehow they disappeared before they could give the police any substantial information. He was well hidden, but popular among the residents of the town. People talked boldly of his rambunctious parties, never revealing the locations though. He was hard to catch, to say the least.
So what happens, when instead, the detective is the one that’s caught?
Logan closed his eyes in frustration. “Damn it.” 
“That’s no way to talk in the presence of young ladies,” Lola purred next to them. 
Logan jumped, and glared at the girls. “I don’t think someone who goes to places like this and dances as  provocatively as you counts as a lady.” 
Patton shot Logan a warning glance. He didn’t need more enemies in the room. Logan’s face quickly fell in shame. “I’m sorry, Lola. That was unkind of me.” 
Lola threw her head back and laughed. “Please, sugar, that’s the manliest you’ve acted all night. For a moment I thought you were a fairy,” she leaned in with a wink, “You know...a pansy.” 
Logan’s face flushed red. He sputtered like a broken faucet, unable to form a coherent response. “N-no! I’m not!” He vehemently denied. 
“Hey, don’t sweat it if you are, honey,” Alice tried to soothe, “We’re not exactly straight, ourselves.” 
Logan looked at them curiously, “You mean…?” 
Lola smirked, “If anyone asks, we’re cousins.” 
“Then why- then how come-what?” Logan’s brow was furrowed, trying to understand what they were trying to get up to. The girls just smiled at him. He looked desperately at Patton.  “Do you know what they’re saying?” 
“I think they’re trying to say that they're lesbians; kissing pals,” he winked at their blushing faces. “Though, I still think you’re a bit too young to know for sure, Alice.” 
Alice jutted her pointed chin in defiance, “I’m sixteen,” 
Logan choked on nothing, starting to cough in disbelief. Patton reached an arm out to steady him, but he was denied. Logan seemed to be having a rough time adjusting to the swinger’s life for the night. 
Patton ignored him, turning back to the girls. “Why were you dancing with us, then?” he asked for his speechless friend. 
Lola looked at Alice and shrugged, “I still like men, but Alice makes me feel things no man has been able to.” 
Alice smiled fondly and nuzzled into her partner’s cheek. “Same here, Lola. There’s something soft about a woman’s touch that a man can’t remake.” 
Patton watched them carefully. “Aren’t you asking for trouble, flaunting that around?” 
“I’m surprised you haven’t noticed sooner, considering you’re one of the Duke’s friends,” Lola remarked, “Look around the room. There’s a reason this place is so well guarded.” 
Logan put his fist in his mouth, trying to keep up. “So you mean the Duke…?” 
“Doesn’t mind dropping the pins and letting his hair down,” Lola filled in. “So, neither of you are…?” 
It was Patton’s turn to blush, aware of no longer being an outsider watching a circus performance. 
He never gave it much thought. All he wanted was to make the world a better place. He never imagined how he’d settle down, or who with. He just expected it to happen one day. 
“I suppose I never gave it much thought,” Patton muttered. He looked at Logan who was staring intently at the floor. “But I know I don’t mind folks who are. My parents raised me to be a loving man, which includes men who love men.” 
Logan looked up at him, eyes conveying a secret bit of gratefulness. Patton just smiled encouragingly. He had his suspicions, but he knew Logan was a good detective no matter what. That was all that mattered, and in that moment there was an even bigger matter that was more important than discussing various sexualities. 
“Say, girls, what did you mean when you asked about us being the Duke’s friends and being...queer?” The word felt weird to say out loud, especially in reference to himself. It wasn’t bad. Just a little bit different. 
Lola giggled as Alice blushed then said, “We just thought, well, usually he only has special guests when they’re his arm pieces. We’re sorry for assuming.”
Patton took his fake glasses off to wipe the sweat off of his face. He felt the urge to get another gin, but he knew he needed his senses sharp so he could be prepared for talking to the Duke. He also felt a bit hungry.
“No worries, ladies. I think Mr. James and I need to go get something to eat, I’m famished.” He dipped his head as they smiled politely. 
He and Logan made their way to the table next to the bar, and grabbed some plates of food. They made their way to the dining tables in the room next door. There were a few couples in the room, and the music was less loud in there. Patton was keenly aware of Mr. Doris who entered the room behind them. He felt those intense eyes staring straight through his skull. 
He tried to ignore it while he ate with his companion. “So, what’s the attack plan?” 
Logan thought as he chewed. “Maybe we just go along, and if our lives get in danger we use our guns. They haven’t confiscated them from us yet.” 
“What if that was part of the trap?” Patton asked. “And further, why would the Duke lure us in? Why not have us kidnapped like he’s done with others?” 
Logan shuddered, “I don’t know, Pat, and I don’t want to consider that at this moment. We’ll save the why’s for later. We need to focus on gathering enough evidence, and getting out of here alive.” 
Patton just nodded. “So where do we go from here?” 
“I don’t know,” Logan muttered, tossing his fork down when he finished his meal, “There are a lot more questions than answers. Frankly, my mind is still spinning from that drink.” 
“It was barely half a glass of gin, Logan,” Patton snickered, “I’ve had worse.” 
Logan raised his eyebrow. “When?” 
“Before the prohibition,” he waved dismissively, “My pops used to let me have a bit of whiskey every Saturday night.” 
Logan tutted, “No wonder you’re so cheerful. There’s silly juice in your blood.” 
Patton laughed, “Yeah, well, I am Irish.” 
The moment of brevity disappeared as a shadow loomed over them. Mr. Doris, their guardian of the evening, loomed over them. “The Duke will see you now.” 
Logan was put into a separate waiting room upstairs as Patton was led to an office down the hall.
He gasped as he entered the room. The office was full of oddities. The shelves had bizarre jars full of mysterious colored horrors. There were stuffed animal mounts hanging on the wall, along with a few posters with graphic depictions of murders and scantily clad people of both sexes. 
“How professional, “ he remarked in a high pitch as he walked in. 
The Duke smiled behind his desk, “Thank you. I like to keep my office cozy.” He looked at his henchman, “Go wait by the door, Mr. Doris. I’ll call if he pulls a gun on me,” he winked at Patton. 
The scarred man just nodded, glaring at Patton as he left to guard the door. Patton gulped nervously. 
“Come in, detective, sit. Make yourself comfortable.” The Duke gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. 
Patton considered briefly before deciding to sit. The chair was surprisingly comfortable, but he didn’t let himself relax fully. He stared at the most dangerous criminal in the Bay. He was on guard, suspicious that the Duke would order him to be killed at any moment. 
“Why did you bring us here, Duke?” he asked with narrowed eyes. 
The man behind the desk snickered, “Oh, detective, please tell me you’re more creative than that? Try a different question. Something more...interesting.” 
Patton tilted his head in confusion. What was this man’s deal? “Uh...okay,” he spoke hesitantly, “Rumor has it you drop pins…?” 
The Duke guffawed, “Oh, there’s one I haven’t heard! Thank you!” He kept giggling as he spoke, “I’m sorry, it’s just, the usual gets so boring sometimes. ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What do you want from me?’ ‘Are you gonna kill me?’” Remus rolled his eyes, “But to answer your question, yes, I let my hair down.” 
He raised a brow at Patton seductively, “Does that bother you, good detective?” 
“No, Duke,” he said honestly, “That’s not why I’m on your tail.” 
“Oh, I wish you were on my tail,” the man sighed with a dreamy smile, “I bet you’d be a good one.” 
Patton blushed, “Just get to the point.” 
“Right,” The Duke slammed the desk. “I want you, your partner, and your other copper friends to lay off my people. Just turn a blind eye, and in reward we’ll take care of you.” 
“What if I refuse?” Patton asked warily. 
“Well, I guess I’ll have to run and hide deeper in the shadows,” the villain smirked. “If you want me, come and get me. Have fun trying, at least.” He spread his arms out. 
“You won’t kill us?” the detective asked in disbelief. “You won’t make us disappear?” 
“No,” the Duke truthfully told with his eyes wide, “I guess I won’t…” but he leaned forward with a wicked grin. “But you’ll never be able to lay a hand on me as I take over the town.” 
Patton stayed silent, considering his options. He could pretend to agree to the demands, and warn the captain in his next report. However, the Duke seemed smart. He’d probably have eyes and ears out anyways to know if any funny business was going on. Patton was starting to believe that Logan was right after all. Someone on the force was bought off already, just to get the Duke close enough to the lead detectives on his case.
The Duke stood up from behind the desk to lean over Patton, who blushed at the proximity. There was no denying the villain was handsome, and there was something seductive about the way he looked at Patton. Like a hungry wolf who cornered his prey. Patton shivered in dangerous delight. He tried to shake the lustful feelings coming over his body. His conversation with the young girls downstairs was playing through his mind. 
‘I never gave it much thought’, he had said then. Well, suddenly, he was giving it a lot of thought at that moment. The Duke must be a magician of some sorts, or that gin was stronger than he initially thought.
The man was staring at him, waiting for an answer. He looked like the devil before he was cast down to earth. He was beautiful, especially since Patton could look at him up close. His face was sculpted perfectly, and his grin was a mockery of purity. He was well kept, but looked like he could go feral at any moment. That only increased the seductive, dark aura he radiated. 
Patton shifted uncomfortably under the gaze. He didn’t really enjoy the way he was being looked at, mainly because it made him want to gaze back as intensely and succumb to his proposal…
He chose to focus on the case at hand. “You said you’d take care of us?” You’d take care of me?
The Duke tapped his chin in thought, “I didn’t expect you to cave in so quickly, Detective O’Hearty. I thought you were selfless. At least that’s the word on the street.” 
“Maybe I’m tired of being a slave to unreturned good deeds,” Patton lied. He had a plan forming, and it required getting the man’s guard down.
“Well, you’ll still be a slave if you work for me,” the Duke smirked, “But a willing one after time.
“Back to the subject of your benefits. Your precinct will be receiving an anonymous donation of 5% of our profits. My guys won’t interfere with any investigation outside of our operation, and maybe we can help you out but turning in some of our criminal rivals. Every now and then we might need your help, and you, along with your partner, will be at my personal disposal” 
Patton deflated. Those conditions were really good. Was this how cops turned? The mobsters sent in gifts and seducers to prey on the weakness of men. He  could end up doing a lot of good if they worked together, and really, they weren’t doing much harm to anyone except with their own criminals in their world. 
No. No, it was wrong. He pledged to uphold the law, to enforce a certain code of morals that kept the public safe. The man standing in front of him was a murderer, he was a psycho. He was clearly deranged. He was charming, and used his charm to nearly get Patton to budge. 
He needed to get out of there, but safely. The Duke made it clear that he may not be leaving alive, but he needed some time to think. An idea formed in his head. He was slightly disgusted with himself, but it had a larger chance of working than any other option. 
He stood up and took off his fake spectacles. He leaned in the Duke’s personal space to set them on the dark mahogany desk. He then stayed to look down at the grinning man. Two could play a Devil’s game. 
He played with the black tie that was set against the light green dress shirt. He heard the shorter man’s breath hitch. He leaned in a bit closer, setting his thigh discreetly between the shorter man’s legs. He lowered his voice to an unnatural pitch. 
“Tell, me, Duke,” he leaned in to whisper in the man’s ear, “Did you really suspect that I’d be squeaky clean?” 
Putting on the act was easier than it should have been, and a part of Patton panicked. He kept his cool, giving just a bit into his own budding desires to keep it all seeming authentic. 
He let go of the tie, choosing to use that hand to lean on the desk, subtly trapping the breathless man beneath him. He hesitantly bent in to stroke his nose along the soft neck of the criminal. 
“I think a part of you suspected who I really am,” he pressed his body further, completely molding him against the shorter man. He smiled in triumph as he heard a tantalizing moan slip from the mustached mouth. 
“Part of you knew my own sinful desires, didn’t you? You didn’t call me here for business,” he swallowed his nerves to kiss the soft skin below the earlobe he was speaking half-truths into. 
“No, I didn’t,” the Duke squirmed. 
Patton was intrigued.  He hadn’t expected such a powerful man to become so easily undone. He pulled away from his assault on the man’s neck to look into the man’s eyes, to see the truth. 
The truth in the crazy eyes he had made him momentarily forget all he ever learned in Sunday School. The nearly black eyes burned with heated desire. Patton felt some fear, with all that chaos was focused on him, he would surely break. He felt strange, completely out of his body. What was he doing?
The criminal pulled Patton in by his tie and they were kissing. Patton knew he let the scenario go too far by then. It felt so good, though. There was something more grizzly about kissing another man, and frankly the tickle of the mustache added to the appeal of the moment. He kissed back, shouting to himself that it was just to keep up appearances.
He needed to leave, before he tossed all his morals out the window. 
He pulled away, “Give me some time to think about your offer? As appealing as it is, I need to keep up appearances.” 
The Duke smiled maniacally, “My dear detective, but of course!” 
Patton tried to pull himself off of the other quickly, however the Duke gripped his hip and held him in place. Patton gasped as the man’s hand wandered across his waist. Then, he realized too late, that his gun had been pulled on him. 
He looked down in betrayal and shock, he had thought he was succeeding in getting underneath the man’s skin. 
“Don’t look so surprised, my dear detective, I didn’t get up to the top by my pretty looks. I do have some bit of intelligence,” he gestured to have Patton sit back onto the chair. “Though, let me tell you, with that little show you put on, I nearly did lose my marbles.” 
The Duke licked his lips and moaned rather loudly, “You’re a good actor. That surely will haunt my dreams tonight,” he looked to the door and called his henchman back in. 
Mr. Doris came back in, the permanent scowl on his face made him look like a sort of reptile to Patton. He walked to stand guard behind Patton, placing a yellow gloved hand firmly on the detective’s shoulder. Patton flinched at the touch, chastising himself for what he had sacrificed...only to fail.
Shortly after another younger, smaller guard brought Logan in. Logan was resisting, though it was futile. The kid had a good grip, and shoved the other detective into the seat beside Patton. He has unruly black hair, darker skin, and a hateful look in his eyes. He mimicked the other guard’s grip by having his own hand on Logan’s collarbone.
The Duke moved back behind his desk, grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. “Well, gentlemen, let’s talk business.” 
TAGLIST: @littlestr
Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist of this story!
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Surprise Girlfriend
A random quirk affect makes things a little more... interesting. 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex, cursing, dildo use, just naughty things in general Pairing: Fem!Bakugou x Koge (OC) (and regular Baku, too, a little) Words:  8,571
a/n: This was an idea that I’ve had for a long time and finally decided to just... go for it, even tho it’s super kinda weird and naughty. But y’know, I had fun, it was difficult and different for me so I think that was good to help me with my... funk, I suppose. I decided to stick with masculine pronouns for Bakugou during this, so sorry if it seems a little confusing or off when I describe him. There are some other quirk related accidents that can turn out in different ways that I have in mind, too, that I may be able to do eventually. Either way, enjoy. Also enjoy these horrible awful gross sketches that I did, even tho I don’t like them much I though I’d include them anyways lol. 
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BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Full story under the cut~
Cutesuki 6:09 PM: koge. im coming home. i want to hear NOTHING about how i look. NOTHING. 
Koge was pretty sure that a text had never confused her so much in her entire life, especially not a text from her lover. Many things about it didn’t make sense, but the fact that he used her first name along with capital letters made her increasingly nervous. What could possibly be the problem for him to send her such an ominous message? Had he gotten hurt? Was he covered in dirt and grime from a particularly difficult mission? Was he missing a limb? 
Me 6:11 PM: What in the world are you talking about Katsuki? (⊙_⊙) What’s wrong? Are you okay? (⋟﹏⋞)
Cutesuki 6:15 PM: im not hurt if that’s what you want to know, but i am not okay. i fucking mean it. one word and im getting a hotel for the next 24 hours. 
Me 6:16 PM: Whatever it is, it can’t be that horrible. (´・・`) Why don’t you just tell me, so I won’t be so surprised when you get home? (・ω・)b
Cutesuki 6:18 PM: no! you just had better act like nothing is different! nothing! 
With an annoyed grumble, Koge pulled her legs up onto the couch, adjusting her blanket over her chilled feet. If it was truly as serious as Bakugou was making it seem, there would be no possible way for her to just ignore it. She knew that she would end up saying something, as the words would just spill out of her mouth involuntarily, as they had a tendency to do anyway. At least it seemed to be something temporary, according to what he had said along with his threat to avoid her for twenty four hours. That put her at ease a little, though her curiosity was unquenchable. 
I wonder if he got turned into a cat person like I did not long ago. Though that ended up being fun. If he’s this upset about it, I think having fun is definitely going to be out of the question. 
Deciding to practice at pretending that nothing was going on, Koge dropped the topic and went on discussing normal, mundane things with him as she awaited his arrival home. Bakugou took to the normalcy well, not making a fuss or seeming off in any way. The only thing he seemed frustrated about discussing was the movie night they had planned, as he seemed quite set on just going straight to sleep. Even eating dinner brought about a frustration that Koge couldn’t understand just yet. It was as if he wanted the day to be over, to sleep as soon as possible. Perhaps sleeping was the way to get rid of what was ailing him? 
Eventually, the sound of rough and angry knocking reverberated through the room, prompting Koge to stand. Nervous butterflies rattled about in her stomach all the way to the front door of their apartment, and as she unlocked all the locks, they nearly burst out of her. As the last one was undone, she took in a deep breath, preparing herself to not make a scene. 
All of her preparation was useless. The instant she laid eyes on her lover, she gasped out in shock, instantly covering her mouth in an attempt to stop anything else from escaping. The person before her was indeed her lover, the man that she had grown up with and loved with every inch of her soul. But he was no longer a… he. A woman stood before Koge, dressed in the clothes that Bakugou had left in that morning with his familiar duffle bag slung over their shoulder. Although Bakugou’s regular height hadn’t changed, the clothing hung extra baggy off the figure of the woman, making it nearly impossible for Koge to see exactly what they looked like. Those particular points paled in comparison to their face, which was absolutely lovely, if not for the glare and typical snarl that arose when Koge let out her squeak of surprise. 
“Damn it, Utsuro, I told you not to act up!” The feminine growl of Bakugou’s new voice was foreign to Koge’s ears, leaving her in stunned shock as the stranger shoved their way into their home. Swallowing her shock, Koge shut and relocked the door, waiting until she was done before even attempting to speak. 
“Katsuki… I’m sorry, but you have to tell me what happened first. Was this done by a quirk?” She took the duffle bag as it was shoved into her arms, watching her lover curiously as he stripped off his shoes, not even bothering to put on slippers. Once shoes and jacket were removed to be left at the entrance, Bakugou stormed off towards the bedroom, hands shoved into his pant pockets. 
“Of fucking course it was a quirk! And it wasn’t even a villain! It was a pedestrian I helped get out of a fight zone, and she was so scared she activated her quirk on me. They didn’t need me there so I fucked off the instant it happened, so the media couldn’t see me. I’m fucking pissed about it!” 
Following the fuming blonde into the bedroom, Koge put the bag in her hands down in its usual spot, though she didn’t even get a glance at Bakugou before he was in the bathroom. The door slammed shut so loudly it made Koge jump, and she was sure the entire 40 story tall apartment building could feel it. “Did she at least tell you how to go back?” 
“I have to either sleep or sweat it off. She said that if I sleep it off, it will take longer, but it will go away within a day. If I sweat it off, it will be gone sooner. So my ass is going to do an intense workout, until I’m sweating my balls off, then going to bed!” The sound of shuffling clothes was mixed in with his voice, only making Koge curious again as to what this new body looked like. 
“But Katsuki, you don’t have any balls.” 
“Shut up! Get me my fucking tank and shorts out of the dresser!” 
Giggling, Koge made her way over to the commanded destination, pulling out Bakugou’s favorite black tank, loose workout shorts and a pair of boxers. She was unsure if these were even going to fit this new mystery figure, but she knew that none of her stuff would fit either. Bakugou was still much taller than her, and Koge doubted that the new feminine figure was any less muscular than normal. So, she brought the clothes over, knocking on the bathroom door lightly. “Here, love.” 
The door peeked open barely enough for Bakugou to peek out at Koge, his hand reaching through. Still, Koge kept the clothes close to her, peering up into that crimson glare she loved curiously. “Can I see you?” 
“What?! No, you can’t see me, give me that shit.” Bakugou’s cheeks flushed dark red, snapping his fingers to command the delivery of the clothes. “I mean it, I’ll fucking leave and go get a hotel if you keep bothering me!” 
With a roll of her eyes, Koge plopped the clothing into the slender waiting hand, which vanished back behind the door before it shut. “Honestly? I’m your girlfriend, you shouldn’t be scared to show me yourself. What am I gonna do? Take pictures and post it all over the internet? Laugh at you? You want me to act normal, but you’re the one acting like a spaz.” 
“I think I have every fucking right to act like a spaz, Utsuro! I was just turned into a fucking chick! Damn it, my tits are too big for this shirt!” 
Koge instantly began to laugh, though she covered her mouth to try and stifle the sounds as to not upset her lover further. “Well, that tank does fit you tight, even when you’re normal. You want just a normal big t-shirt instead?” 
“Everything’s too big, Utsuro. Even my damn boxers!” 
Beginning to actually feel bad for him, Koge tapped her finger against her chin, wondering what she could do. “You could just go without boxers, and wear the shorts. It’s no different than freeballing as a dude.” 
“It is different! I have a cunt now, it goes up inside my body, that’s gross! What if it gets all infected or some shit.” 
“Okay, now you’re being ridiculous. I’ve gone without underwear plenty, and you are well aware of many of those times. Have I ever gotten an infection? No. Just don’t go rubbing your pussy all over weird shit or shoving stuff up in there.” 
Bakugou groaned out loudly, a sound Koge knew well to be an expression of frustration and defeat. With a small tap of her fingers on the door, Koge sighed. “Come on, Katsuki. Come on out and I’ll help you find clothes that fit. You can’t avoid me all night. I’m not trying to make fun of you or anything.” 
After a long moment of silence that almost had Koge giving up, the door finally opened, revealing Bakugou in all his red-faced shame. He couldn’t even look at Koge, fiddling with the shorts to try and tighten the string to keep them as snug as possible. “I don’t like this, Utsuro… I feel fucking weird.” 
Comforting smile on her lips, Koge reached out and took Bakugou’s hands gently, leading him out into the bedroom. “Just remember that it isn’t permanent, love. It will go away, sooner than you think. If it helps at all, you’re seriously one smokin’ hot lady.” 
Face flushing darker, Bakugou scoffed, snatching his hands from Koge to cross his arms over his chest. “Tch, fuck off! You think I wouldn’t be?!” 
“Katsuki, you’re so beautiful as a man, there’s no way you’d be any less beautiful as a woman. Your boobs are even bigger than mine!” Tenderly, Koge reached up and cupped his cheeks, which were hot against her chilled skin. “Come here. I missed you today.” With a gentle tug, she got him to lean in for a kiss, pushing herself up on her toes to meet him halfway. She did have to admit that it felt different, his lips softer with just a hint of that characteristic roughness she was familiar with. It was still her Bakugou, and that fuzzy, warm sense of love filled her like it did any other day. 
He didn’t quite seem to agree, the furrowing of his brow hinting that he was still uncomfortable. “That doesn’t… bother you?” 
“Hm? No Katsuki, not at all. I mean, your lips are way softer but that’s it. Why would it bother me?” Koge sneakily wiggled her way into an embrace, her arms around his neck while he nervously locked his arms around her torso. 
“But, I’m not… I’m a fucking chick right now. That doesn’t make you feel weird?” 
“No. You’re still my Katsuki. I love more than just your body, you know. Everything about you is still the same. Just… you’re a lady right now. And that’s fine.” 
“But you’re not attracted to women.” His hands moved to caress her sides. “It has to be strange for you.” 
Koge gave a small roll of her eyes, pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him again. “It’s not! Sure, I’m attracted to your normal body, but that doesn’t make a difference. I love you for being you. Man or lady. Even if this was permanent, nothing about how I love you would change.” Her comforting words only made his cheeks somehow flush darker, a scoff leaving his lips before he shoved his face into her hair, squeezing her against him in his embarrassment. Smiling, Koge stroked his hair softly, glad to see that the texture and style of it hadn’t changed much at all. “Don’t stress out about that. It’s just temporary.” 
“I’m fucking glad it is. I don’t know what I’d do if I ended up a woman forever.” Bakugou peeled himself from her, making his way over to his dresser to dig about for clothes that might fit him better. It was obvious that he needed it, as the shorts would have fallen without him holding on and it was clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t think I have anything that will stay on…” 
“Hmmm.” Koge followed him over, stopping at her side of the dresser to dig around as well. “I might have some shorts, but they are like… girly shorts. And some normal underwear, too. Nothing frilly or… thong-ish. You could try them?” Pulling out the mentioned clothing items, she took a second to look over Bakugou’s body, trying to gage his size. His new figure very closely matched hers, with a soft athletic frame that was quite curvy. The only difference was really the height, so she figured that the shorts and underwear would probably fit. “I know you’d prefer your boxers and all, but if you’re worried about not being covered, these would be the most comfortable.” 
Bakugou glared at the clothing out of the corner of his eye, clutching a pair of his own shorts in his hands tightly. The reluctance was obvious on his face, but Koge could see that small spark of realization behind it. A new body required different clothes, and though it was clear that he didn’t want to succumb to his new female figure, it was something he’d have to suffer through. Roughly shoving his clothes back into the drawer, he shut it harshly with his knee before taking the clothes in Koge’s hand. “And what if they don’t fit?” 
“They should. You’re taller than me, but your figure isn’t all that different. If they don’t fit then we’ll… figure out something else. We can both just walk around naked or something.” Koge couldn’t resist a smile at the blush on his face, though she was happy to see that he only went to the bed instead of going to hide in the bathroom. “Ooh, not scared to be around me anymore, huh?” 
“Well don’t fucking watch me change! Fuck, Utsuro, keep it in your pants.” Bakugou glowered at her over his shoulder, waiting until she huffed and turned her back to him before letting the baggy shorts and boxers fall to the ground. Pout on her face, Koge crossed her arms over her chest, listening to the sound of shuffling clothes and the familiar snap of underwear band against skin. 
“Any luck?” 
“I suppose… How can you stand this stuff so tight against your skin? It’s irritating! Like having a permanent wedgie.”
Koge giggled, unable to resist a glance over her shoulder. She got a peek of his backside as he pulled the shorts up into place, and from the looks of it, they fit just fine. A little tighter on him than they were for her, but they still fit better than the loose shorts. “Well, we don’t really have anything hanging in the way, so it’s normal. Those look good on you!” 
Glancing at her with cheeks still as crimson as his eyes, Bakugou scoffed, adjusting the tank to try and pull it further down to hide himself. “Shut up, I don’t want to hear that… I just want to work out and go to bed so I can be rid of this.” 
“But you haven’t even eaten dinner yet. You’ll make yourself sick doing that without food. C’mon, let's cook dinner first and then we can work out together.” Koge smiled at him, gently taking his hand as he approached her. “You gotta get used to your body first before you start working out, anyway. I can tell you’re fumbling a bit with the boobs.” 
“They’re so in the fucking way… I hate them.” 
“Aw, I like them. You’re at least a double D, Katsuki. They’re super pretty and perky without a bra, too. You haven’t squeezed them or anything yet?” 
“No! I am not touching myself in any way, don’t be perverted.” 
“I’m not being perverted. I just assumed that most guys, if they suddenly had tits, they’d want to touch them. You like mine so much, I just assumed you would have given them a squeeze.” Koge reached up and squeezed her own breast, pushing it up a bit. “I’m kinda jealous of yours…”
“Don’t start. Let’s just eat some fucking food so I can get on with working out and be done with it!” 
Cooking, eating, and cleaning up afterwards went about as normal as any other day, though Koge could see that Bakugou was struggling. He had issues holding chopsticks, more than normal, and cursed every time he dropped some rice down between his breasts. Koge couldn’t resist her giggles every time he had to fish it out, nor could she resist teasing him when his nipples became visible with the cold. He didn’t react as badly as she would have expected, merely covering them with his arm or pulling his long legs up into the chair to pull his knees to his chest. He may have not liked it, but Koge found him to be ridiculously adorable. 
As they finished cleaning up after dinner, Koge gave a sigh as she hopped up to sit on the counter, patting her full belly a few times. “Man, I’m full! That was delicious as always, Katsuki. Thank you.” 
Bakugou only gave a grunt in agreement, currently drying his hands off on a small towel they kept hanging next to the sink. Once he was done and after placing it back into its spot, he turned his crimson gaze towards her. Koge could see his tension soften as it usually did when he was calm, so she beckoned him over with open arms, which he responded to instantly out of instinct. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to the edge of the counter, he kissed her sweetly, making Koge’s heart flutter. She let her own arms wrap around his neck, legs hooking around his waist to keep him close. 
He was so soft and sweet, kissing and caressing her body with that familiar touch that she couldn’t resist. Eating may have been a problem, but showering her with such sweet affection obviously wasn’t, not missing a beat in the way he kissed her. If it was a normal night, she knew very well that he would have scooped her up and took her to bed, but as his lips left hers with a frustrated sigh, she knew she wouldn’t have anything more. 
Grumbling, Bakugou rested his forehead onto hers, his crimson gaze locked onto hers with that familiar haze of lust. “This fucking sucks, Utsuro…” 
Koge caressed his cheeks softly, giving a quiet hum as she stroked his skin with her thumb. “I know… I will admit, I’m missing your dick right about now. I’ve been waiting for you to get home all day, after that teasing you gave me this morning and left me hanging. Unfair.” 
“I can’t do anything about it… And I sure as hell am not putting on a strap on.” 
“We don’t even have one. I mean… I have other toys-” 
Pouting, Koge let her hands fall to rest on his chest, running her fingers along his collarbone. “No? Why no?” 
“I’m not going to have sex with you while I’m like this. In any way. It's not happening.” 
“Why? It could be fun. A woman’s orgasm is completely different from a man’s, y’know. Aren’t you curious about what it feels like?” Her fingers traveled up and across the soft form of his jawline, waiting for that flicker of contemplation to cross his face. “You have to be, at least a little bit.” 
“You do realize my body is probably set up like a virgin, right? It wouldn’t be as fun as you’re thinking.” Bakugou gave a small shake of his head, his cheeks flushing at the thought. “It’d probably just fucking hurt.” 
“I’d treat you nicely, Katsuki. Nicer than you treated me.” 
“I treated you just fine! You weren’t even physically a virgin, you just hadn’t even been with a man before. You were the one telling me to fuck you harder, don’t even try to make me seem like an ass.” 
“I’m not! What I’m saying is that I wouldn’t go all out on you… at first. Until you’re ready. And if you don’t want anything up in there, I can just play with your clit instead.” 
Bakugou’s face was dark red by the time she finished, glowering down at her with reluctance. “You don’t even know how to fuck a woman.” 
“I get the concept. And I know how to use toys. That’s something you don’t know about.” 
“Not happening.” 
With a huff, Koge shoved her face into his chest, enjoying the soft plush swell of his breasts. “Meanie. I bet you’re super wet just from kissing me.” 
Bakugou stroked the back of her head softly, a hint that he truly did feel guilty that he couldn’t give her what she wanted. “Yeah, and it’s fucking uncomfortable. Not as bad as having a boner, though…” 
Koge kissed Bakugou’s skin softly, trailing her lips and soft kisses up to his neck. “You have a lady boner. That throbbing and aching…” She let out a small, airy sigh, caressing the side of his neck. “Mm… I’ve been feeling that all day. It can be unbearable sometimes…” 
Bakugou moved his hands to her hips, his fingers edging under her shirt to feel her skin. “I get that Utsuro, but there’s just no way.” 
“Katsuki… You aren’t scared are you?” Koge smirked against his skin, feeling his grip tighten on her. “Or is it… You don’t think you’d be good enough? I bet you just wouldn’t know how to handle me as a woman…” 
Bakugou brought his hand up, digging it into her hair and gripping a handful, tight enough to bend her head back and make her squeak out in a mix of pain and pleasure. “You’d better watch your mouth, Utsuro. You’re the one that wouldn’t know how to handle me.” 
“Wanna bet?” Koge let her fingers slip under the rim of his shorts, feeling her cheeks flush from the grip on her hair. “I bet I could have you wiggling and panting. I can already tell that you’d make the cutest expressions while cumming… C’mon Katsuki. Just because you have a pussy now doesn’t mean you should be one.” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
“Do it. Pussy.”
Koge let out a squeal as she was scooped up off the counter, laughing when she settled over Bakugou’s shoulder as he headed towards the bedroom. “Wow, you’re still strong enough to carry me like a sack of potatoes!” 
“That’s because you are a potato.” Bakugou landed a firm smack on Koge’s ass, making her yelp and wiggle to escape. 
“Ow!! Mm, do it again-- oof!” Koge was denied her request as she was tossed down onto the bed, her body bouncing with the impact. She didn’t have time to move or react as Bakugou straddled her torso, sitting firmly down onto her lower stomach to keep her in place. With a huff, Koge glowered up at him, her hands gripping his thighs. “Well this is new.” 
Smirk on his lips, Bakugou reached behind him, his hand finding its way between her legs to rub and tease her clit on the outside of her shorts. “You really are just a horny little slut, Utsuro.” Free hand wrapping around her neck, he squeezed with just enough pressure to make Koge wiggle, and though his hands weren’t as big as normal, they still had a good amount of strength. “Soaked through your shorts and taunting me until I decide to fuck you. You’re going to regret it.” 
Struggling to breathe or make a single sound against the grip on her throat, Koge nodded, digging her nails into the skin of his thighs as she wiggled beneath him. “I’ll never regret it. I’m not the only one.” She slid one hand up, pressing and rubbing her thumb against Bakugou’s clit. “You’re just as wet as me. In fact, I think you’re worse. I can feel it on my stomach.” 
Bakugou couldn’t stop the furrowing of his brow or the slight rocking of his hips, confusion flashing across his features at the feeling. The clit and the head of a penis were decently similar, that much Koge knew, but she was also positive that they had a totally different sensation. He had grown so used to being the one to pleasure her, to taking control and turning her into the cock hungry bitch that she was. But now, he didn’t have that, and Koge was very curious to see how he was going to handle all the new sensations and pleasures that he was unfamiliar with. He may have known what places on the female body prompted reactions, but he had no idea how it felt. That would be Koge’s ace, her way to turn it around and make him the one to twitch and writhe. 
She wanted to see it so badly. Sure, Koge loved to be dominated by him, to be used and teased until she was filthy begging mess. But to tease him the same way, to use his temporary body to send him into the same bliss she felt was something she couldn’t resist. “Already wiggling your hips, Katsuki? I’m barely touching you.” 
“Shut up!” Bakugou’s middle and third fingers found their way into her mouth, gagging her to silence her teasing. That didn’t stop her fingers, however, which moved in rhythm with the way he was stroking her own clit. What she couldn’t mimic, however, was the direct contact that Bakugou was able to achieve, his hand shoved into her shorts and underwear. “That’s it, you bitch… suck on my fingers while I make you cum.” 
Although she wanted her chance, Koge couldn’t resist his demands, sucking and licking his fingers as if they were his member. Even though his hands weren’t as big, he didn’t lose any sense of technique, his fingers alternating from slipping into her cunt to rubbing her clit until she was moaning and squirming beneath him. She had completely forgotten about touching him, her hands once again gripping his hips as she had nothing else to anchor herself to. What she did notice however, was the way he grinded his hips against her stomach. It was just a slight movement, but it was enough for Koge to know exactly what he was doing. He was completely getting off on this, and that only turned Koge on more. 
Soon enough, Koge did just as he had said, cumming hard on his fingers as her teeth clamped down around the others. Removing his hand from her shorts, he gave her cunt a firm slap, making her squeak and gag on the fingers still knuckle deep in her mouth. “Fuck, Utsuro, you’re so sexy. And such a little horny slut, cumming so fast.” As he set her mouth free, Koge took a moment to cough. 
“How unfair, pinning me down so I can’t do anything to you. Still scared I’ll one up you?” She still didn’t have a chance to move as Bakugou shifted his body back between her legs, ripping her shorts and underwear off before gripping her legs behind the knee. With a push, he bent her legs over her body until her knees were on either side of her head, displaying her wet and throbbing cunt to him. 
“I have to let you know what you’re up against.” He gave her thigh a harsh bite, making her whine. As his lips and teeth continued to leave marks and kisses along her skin towards her dripping sex, he groaned out in frustration, eyeing every inch of her. “Fuck, I want to sink my cock into you so badly. I know what it feels like and I can’t fucking have it.” Tongue reaching her clit, he sent her into another round of pleasure and senseless moaning, her fingers digging into his hair. 
“I-I have a cock for us, Katsuki-- a-ah!! We just- oh fuck!” She gripped onto one leg as he released it, his fingers going in to pleasure her. His tongue on her clit and his fingers in her cunt drove her wild, making her nearly cum instantly again. “We have to p-pop your cherry first with s-something more- ah, something smaller.” 
Bakugou became increasingly aggressive with his movements, as if he didn’t want to give her a single chance to talk. Sure enough, Koge was silenced by her moans, until he brought her to yet another body shaking ograsm. Panting and already feeling her body becoming sticky with sweat, she ignored his chuckles of smug victory, focused instead on the feeling of his hands sliding back up her thighs. Even with more slender hands, his touch sent goosebumps across her skin, as did his snarky commentary. 
“Utsuro, you’d better have a fucking idea about what you’re doing. Because I haven’t been this fucking horny in a while, not since I fucked you in my office that last time.” 
Smirk crossing her lips, Koge put her feet against his chest, giving him a rough push to force him to fall backwards. Ignoring his grumbles of protest, she moved to straddle his body as he had her before, plopping down to sit on his lower stomach. “What’s that, Katsuki? Are you actually begging?” 
Snatching onto her thighs tightly, Bakugou glared up at her, though his face flushed with the feeling of her hands sneaking beneath his top. “I’m not begging for anything! I’m just fucking warning you, don’t even start this if you don’t think you can make me cum.” 
“Don’t worry,” Koge leaned forward and kissed him sweetly as she pushed his tank up over his breasts, lightly trailing her fingers against the soft flesh. “One way or another, I’ll get you there. And if not, then when you’re back to normal, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.” With another, more passionate kiss, she assumed that the way he kissed her back as a positive response. Becoming more excited with his silent approval, Koge did her best to mimic the way he played with her breasts. She lacked his roughness, but her tender touch is what she knew he liked, anyway. The hardness of his nipples and the way he gasped into the kiss with each roll or pinch beneath her fingers told her that she had to be doing something right. 
After a slight nibble to his bottom lip, Koge moved her kisses down across his jawline to his neck. They soon joined her hands at his breasts, making him gasp and tense up as her teeth clamped down around one nipple while the other was pinched between her fingers. Koge became rougher with this positive response, sucking, biting and rolling his nipples beneath her tongue. Shifting her body over to sit beside him instead, she continued with the attention to his breasts while one of her hands slipped beneath his shorts and underwear. 
The first thing Koge noticed was how hot and wet he was. Without bottoms on to catch the liquid, she was positive that he would be nearly dripping. She hadn’t expected him to be this turned on, but in relation to the way he acted in his normal body, she guessed that it was a pretty even reaction. Before she touched him, she moved her lips back up to kiss him, wanting to watch his expressions. “Are you ready, my Katsuki?” 
As he caught her gaze, Koge felt an intense fluttering of her heart and stomach, unable to believe how absolutely beautiful and flawless he was. His flushed cheeks and concerned furrow of his brow only made her want to pleasure him more, and as his face contorted with the first roll of that fleshy button beneath Koge’s fingers, her excitement only further boiled within her. His entire body trembled with just this delicate touch, and so she increased the pressure and speed of her rhythm, feeling the heat in her own body flare at the sweet moans that escaped him. 
It was obvious to her, however, that he was trying very hard to not seem overwhelmed by the feeling. The way his body tensed and how he held his breath were clear indications that he wasn’t letting loose, and Koge couldn’t allow that. 
With a quick kiss to his lips, which he seemed reluctant to let go, Koge changed up the direction of her fingers. In that moment of distraction from the kiss, Bakugou let out a sharp moan, before quickly trying to subdue it. Giving a small shake of her head, Koge kissed his cheek softly, before shifting her body between his legs. “That’s naughty, Katsuki. Don’t try to hold yourself back, that messes it up.” 
“I don’t want to sound like a desperate horny bitch, Utsuro.” He shifted his hips up so Koge could slip his shorts and underwear off, not even bothering to be embarrassed about hiding himself. “I already hate the way I sound.” 
“Don’t think about that.” Koge softly kissed her way down his stomach, giving him little bites and nibbles where she pleased. “Don’t hold your breath and don’t try to be quiet. No one can hear you but me. And I love the way you sound.” Hooking her arms beneath his legs to grip his hips, she ran her tongue along his sex, focusing all her attention on where her fingers had been before. Again, she used what he had always done to her as an example, instantly breaking his tough attitude into dust. His fingers dug into her hair as his body arched up into her, moaning without restraint. 
“F-Fucking hell, Utsuro, take it easy!” 
Giving a light nip to the swollen clit she was abusing, Koge couldn’t resist a smirk from crossing her lips as she gazed up his body. “This is me taking it easy, Katsuki. I think you’re just an extra sensitive woman. So cute.” Koge went right back to it, ignoring his choked complaint for her to not call him cute. 
This was something completely different for her, but just like when she would suck his cock, her only goal was to pleasure him. If she could turn him into a groaning mess then, she could do it now, and from what she could tell she was doing just that. She loved the feeling of his fingers digging into her scalp, his body rocking against her rhythm and thighs squeezing against her head when there were sudden spikes of pleasure. She loved him, and no matter what he may look like, all she wanted was to make him happy. 
In her moment of focus, her hand moved on unconscious impulse, adjusting her position just a bit to be able to slip two fingers into him. There was no resistance or pain as she expected. Instead, he gave an adorable squeak-like moan at the feeling, his body shuddering as his core squeezed her fingers. At first, Koge paused, worried she may have upset him until she felt a rough tug on her hair. 
“Don’t stop, Utsuro, for fucks sake!” 
Deciding not to punish him for being so demanding, she instead gave him what he wanted, continuing to pleasure him with her tongue and fingers. Within minutes, she could tell that he was getting very close, with the way his body moved and voice hitched. 
“F-fuck, I-- Koge--,” Bakugou couldn’t talk behind his moans, his body beginning to give those taletell signs that he was about to cum. Without skipping a beat, Koge pushed him all the way over the edge, until his entire body with jerking and twitching with the onslaught of his first female orgasm. It was as if he lost all control over himself, his fingers affectionately stroking through her hair as he calmed, sweating and trembling. Smiling and licking her lips, Koge sat up from him, removing her fingers from within his still throbbing cunt. 
“Mm… How was that, Katsuki?” Bringing her fingers up to her lips, she licked his essence off her fingers, finding that she quite liked the taste of him. Bakugou propped himself up on trembling arms, glaring up at her with obvious annoyance at her smug attitude. 
“You know damn well, I’m not going to say it.” 
“Do you want to be done?” Koge tenderly ran her hand up and down his inner thigh, watching his chest for a moment as he struggled to catch his breath. Bakugou’s brow furrowed at the question, his eyes glancing over at the nightstand which housed Koge’s collection of toys. He knew which one she had wanted to use, and now that it was quite obvious his body could accommodate such a thing without pain, he seemed… curious. 
“What would you want to use?” Sitting up all the way, Bakugou caressed her cheek softly, moving some of her hair out of her face. Cheeks flushing from the tender touch, Koge turned her lips into his palm to kiss it softly before looking over at the nightstand as well. 
“Well,” Koge placed her hand over is, her body tingling as his other hand moved up her thigh. “You know I have that one I bought on accident… That doubled ended dildo that I thought was like.. Two separate ones for some reason when I bought it.” 
“Hm…” Bakugou urged her closer until she was straddling his lap, his arms around her petite body in a comforting embrace, his lips exploring her neck. “Is that what you want?” 
Koge couldn’t resist a soft gasp at the feeling of his teeth nipping lightly at her skin, hiding her face into his hair as the fire within her grew stronger. “Katsuki, this has been and felt amazing as always, but I… I miss your cock so much. I miss feeling you inside me. A toy still can’t compare, but I think I need it to be satisfied… for now.” 
“Then get it out. I can’t let you go unsatisfied, Utsuro. You know I refuse to let that happen.” Bakugou’s hands slid up her sides, taking hold of her shirt and pulling it up to remove it. His tank was removed shorty after, leaving them bare. “Unless I have plans to tease and edge you like crazy before leaving you hanging for a while.” 
“Like you did this morning.” Koge kissed him sweetly before reluctantly peeling herself away from him, moving to the edge of the bed to dig through her nightstand drawer. Soon enough, the bright blue doubled ended and very realistic anatomy wise dildo appeared from the collection. “I got this one because it was so similar to your size. Widthwise, at least. But I didn’t realize it was like this.” She held the semi floppy toy out towards him, unable to resist giggling at the way he leaned his body away from it. 
“My dick doesn’t look like this, Utsuro.” With some hesitation that Koge couldn’t quite understand, Bakugou took the end of the dildo that was pointed at him, giving it a squeeze to test its firmness. 
Koge scooted in closer to him after she snatched another item from the nightstand, though she left it off to the side for now. “I didn’t say I got it for the way it looks. I got it for the size. How realistic it’s made is nice, too. Except for the color of course.” 
“Why do you even want this when you can have my dick whenever you want?” Bakugou glowered down at her, seemingly quite offended. “What’s the deal?” 
“You’re not always around, Katsuki. You have your business trips that can be up to three weeks that you’re gone! I get horny and lonely! What do you think I’m using when we sext or have phone sex, a pencil?” She snatched the toy from his grip, before giving him a punishing smack on the boobs for his stupid question. “I can barely get off using my fingers anymore, I need you, a dildo, a vibrator or a combination of the three.” 
“You’re just a-” 
“-A cock hungry slut. You’re right, I love dick. Your dick, to be specific. But,” With a sigh, Koge leaned back on one arm, picking up the other item she had pulled from the drawer a moment ago. Flicking the bottle open with her thumb, she squeezed a bit of the lube onto her hot and waiting sex, before using the dildo to spread it about and get a decent coating itself. “I’ll just have to use my imagination. Now come here, sit like me. Put your leg over mine, and I’ll put mine over yours… There.” While Bakugou got situation like instructed, Koge slipped the toy into her as far as it would go, her body tingling with the feeling of being full. 
Once settled, Bakugou watched her with a flushed and almost confused expression, as if he were unsure how to go about this. “This is weird.” 
“I know you’ve seen your fair share of lesbian porn, Katsuki. Here.” Koge shoved the lube into his hand, which he accidentally squeezed too hard in his embarrassed frustration, sending an excessive amount pouring over his inner thigh. Giggling, Koge ignored his frustrated cursing as she wiped up the liquid with her hand, leaning forward to kiss him as she spread it across his sex, unable to resist a bit of teasing to his clit. “You missed. It goes here, silly.” 
“I fucking know where it goes, bitch.” Digging his fingers into her hair, he gripped it roughly, swallowing her gasp as he kissed her with a more fierce passion. His impatience to move on overshadowing hers, Koge scooted her body just a tad closer, letting him take control. First, he focused on moving the toy within her, making her moan and gasp into the kiss as she clutched onto his leg. 
“Put it inside you, Katsuki,” Koge broke the kiss with her words, catching his gaze. “Please… I want to feel good together.” 
Bakugou couldn’t take his eyes off her eyes as he complied, shifting his hips to allow his end of the toy to slip inside him. Koge smiled as she watched his expression contort, pleasure and confusion fighting to take control. It was as if he couldn’t resist it, beginning to rock his body nearly the instant it was fully in place. After sharing another kiss, Koge leaned back on her hands, following his rhythm. This was something that she had never experienced before, but the feeling of the toy moving within her and watching him crumble to the pleasure only further spiked her own. 
It was clear that he didn’t know what to make of it, but was enjoying it nonetheless. Not just a little bit, either. He was taking full control of it all, setting the pace and even moaning without restraint. 
“W-what do you think?” Koge found a moment to speak, beginning to feel that bubble growing inside of her. Instead of answering her with words, Bakugou surprised her with a sudden change of position, grabbing her by the neck and forcing her down onto her back as he hovered his body over hers. Clutching his arm, the new pressure around her throat and sudden increased speed sent her pleasure spiking. Now, she was completely at his mercy, which was exactly how they both preferred it. 
“Yeah, I know you like that, you little horny bitch. Cum all over this cock, Utsuro.” 
“Y-you first.” A sly smirk crossing her lips, Koge reached down to grab the middle part of the dildo that wasn’t going into them, clicking a hidden button three times to set it to it’s fastest vibration. Bakugou’s tough front instantly faltered, increasing the speed and roughness of his movements. 
Koge had to admit, even though it was different, it was pure bliss. She never took her eyes off of him, if she wasn’t watching the way he moved than her eyes were on his face. The look of absolute desperation to reach climax and all willpower crumbling at the mercy of pleasure was something she could not only relate to, but also something she would never forget. 
“I-I’m going to cum! Katsuki--” Her nails digging into the skin of his arm, she did her best to hold off, noticing that his movements were becoming erratic and almost stiff. “Cum with me!” 
“S-shut up! I-- ah, fuck!” The way Bakugou’s voice squeaked as his body shuddered with his orgasm made Koge smile with her own, allowing her body to release the built up pleasure. It rolled across her body in strong waves, the vibrations only prolonging the experience. Bakugou couldn’t seem to take the excess stimulation, removing the toy from himself and thus from within her, pushing it away as if it were causing harm. Koge giggled softly at the action, reaching up to caress his cheeks. 
“Come here, you adorable thing. Love of my life.” She wrapped her arms around Bakugou as he rested himself down onto her, though he kept most of his weight on his arms. With a tired groan, he buried his face into her neck, giving Koge easy access to run her fingers through his hair. 
“No more,” He grumbled against her skin. “How can you have five or more of those in a session.” 
Koge gave a small shrug, prompting him to shift himself back up to look down at her. “I��m used to it, I guess. And you just make it so easy, just by being your amazing sexy self.” 
“Damn right.” After sharing a kiss, Bakugou let his lips trail across her cheek and to her neck, caressing her body to his with a tender touch that sent Koge’s heart fluttering. As he moved them to lay on their sides, Koge nuzzled her face into his chest, soaking in the warmth and soft plushness of his body. 
The time spent cuddling was short lived as Bakugou suddenly pulled himself from the bed, snatching his discarded clothes off the floor and putting them back on. Curious, Koge rolled over onto her side to watch him, though she quickly understood what he was doing as he pulled his arms up over his head to stretch. “You’re still going to work out?” 
“Fuck yes I am. I didn’t sweat nearly enough form that fuck, I have to sweat more to get this quirk out of my damn system.” 
So he did, working out until he was quite literally dripping with sweat. He did so for about an hour and a half, with Koge watching from the comfortable confines of their bed, her fluffy fleece blanket wrapped around her from chin to toe. Once he was satisfied that he had worked himself to the limit, he hopped into the shower with Koge, whom spent most of the time under the water playing with Bakugou’s breasts. At this point, he was so tired that he gave up after slapping her hands away a couple of times, letting her do whatever she wanted. 
Squeaky clean and dressed for bed, the couple buried themselves beneath the blankets. With a bit of juggling of positions and figuring out how to lay down comfortably with his breasts in the way, Bakugou squeezed Koge to him tightly. Koge couldn’t resist the smile on her face as he nuzzled his face into the side of hers, placing a firm yet affectionate kiss on her flushed cheek. “Mm, someone’s really sleepy. My sweet Katsuki…” Turning her head a bit, she caught his lips in a kiss, caressing his cheek softly. Bakugou returned the affection without question, though he did scoff once their lips parted. 
“Shut up, Utsuro. Before I kick your ass out of bed.” 
“You’d never.” Her fingers trailed along his jawline softly, keeping her gaze locked with his as she smiled against his lips. “Besides, we both know you like it when I’m all lovey towards you. Admit it.” 
“I couldn’t be in love with you if I didn’t.” 
Heart fluttering, she gave him one last kiss before cuddling herself in for sleep, her head resting comfortably on the swell of his breasts. “Mm… Boobs really are comfortable.” 
“Well enjoy them, because I expect to be normal by morning.” 
“I’ll have my big strong man back. Though, this is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Such fun.” 
“It wasn’t fun, Utsuro.” 
“Lies. You had fun. It wasn’t as fun as when I was a cat girl, but I still enjoyed it. And I know you did, too. At least a little.” 
“Whatever… Shut up and go to sleep.” 
“I love you.” 
With another affectionate kiss to the top of her head, Bakugou kept her close, filling Koge with such a strong sense of pure adoration. “I love you, too, Koge. I can’t wait to be back to myself in the morning…” 
The couple fell into a deep and restful sleep, with no alarm and no sense of urgency waking them up. What did pull Koge into consciousness, however, was the sudden pleasurable feeling of being full. A familiar form within her core sent that blissful tingling across her skin, forcing her to clutch onto the sheets and moan into her pillow. On her stomach, she could feel the weight of her lover at her hips, straddling her legs as his manhood filled her. How long he had been playing with her, she didn’t know nor did she care. All she could do was lift her hips up into him, feeling him reach into her depths like no toy on earth ever could. He was so hot and eager, his burning palms on her ass sending fire through every inch of her body. 
“Someone’s finally awake,” That deep growl of his voice made Koge’s heart flutter, opening her eyes to peer up at him over her shoulder. Bakugou was indeed back to his old self, his gorgeous muscular body looming over her. “I nearly had you cumming in your sleep just from fingering you.” 
Nearly feeling like he was reaching all the way into her stomach, Koge’s entire body was aching for him to move. “That’s mean, Katsuki… Not even waking me up to enjoy the fun.” 
“Who says I didn’t try? It’s not my fault you sleep like a fucking rock.” With that, he began to rock his hips, slowly and teasingly working himself within her. Unable to resist, Koge arched her hips up a bit more, an airy sigh of pleasure leaving her lips. 
“You just couldn’t wait, huh? Not that I can blame you… Fuck, it’s so hot… So deep--” A sharp moan interrupted her as he gave a rough thrust of his hips, picking up his pace as he leaned his body over her. After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek, he moved his lips to her ear, his voice nearly making her cum already. 
“Shut up, Utsuro… Now that I’m normal, it’s time for me to get you back for all that bullshit you put me through yesterday. So… tell me how good my cock feels inside you, and maybe I’ll give you what you’ve been missing.” 
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nozomijoestar · 5 years
 I had an idea for Violentine eventually getting married and because society as we know it has been dead so long they just get creative about the whole thing
Also time jump from the end of the game and Texas Two is now Big, AJ is a preteen, Clem and the older of the former kids can now pay their taxes if those were still a thing
BGM if you like that when you read, lyrics here
“Been a while huh Tenn? Everything’s so busy these days I haven’t had the time. I’m sorry.”
She sat cross-legged on the partly overgrown ground. A small wreath of fresh flowers hung from the top of a cross. The wood was faded and weather-beaten, but the name carved there could never leave her memory.  From her pocket she pulled a paper, unfolded it, then placed it. Violet sighed, even her smile seemed exhausted. Her eyes threatened to brim over with tears she thought she’d long left behind.
“AJ made that for you. He’s gotten a lot better at drawing you’d probably love it. He’s a little past your age now. Shit I’m, I’m taking too long to get to the point aren’t I?”
The breeze picked up making the trees rustle as though they communicated the will of ghosts. She looked around. The crosses had multiplied through the years, each one a new nick on her heart. She chewed her lip and fiddled with her bun. Now wasn’t the time for death. Her stomach churned butterflies. A genuine smile bled into her voice.
“I wanna ask Clem to marry me. Just saying it out loud feels weird and amazing all at once. I honestly didn’t think she’d want me this long but life kept happening.”
In one motion she laid spread eagle and stared into the pink clouds that signaled dusk. She closed her eyes as another sigh fell from the trees. The sound of people beyond the graveyard drifted in voices, laughter, and song. Though the years since there’d been largely silence were gone she could never shake a need to be prepared. Even if the walls had expanded far past the former Ericson gates, danger never slept. It was something Clementine loved to reinforce. 
The thought of the way her face went stern and her voice deepened made Violet chuckle. She rose to her feet and dusted herself.
“I should get a move on. It was great talking to you again.”
After a final readjustment of the wreath she passed through the yard. A flag decorated with many stitches flapped in the wind reading ‘Texas Two’. Sometimes she looked up at it and still laughed at its ridiculousness. Though since she’d been responsible for it, that was the same as laughing at her old self. Her old self, she pondered, the Violet who hadn’t dared to entertain the thoughts she did now. When had that person changed? She didn’t think she’d ever know.
Inside the old admin building echoed a section of Chopin’s ‘Winter Wind’ in A minor. The anxious dance her nerves were doing calmed. Louis would be finished teaching piano lessons for the day. Her stride became confident. If she was going to make a sappy fool of herself it would be out of public view. Of her old mannerisms she could at least keep that one. 
He sat continuing to play though he knew she’d come by the pattern of her gait. His lack of a tongue elevated a need to pay notice to the finer things in other ways. She leaned against the doorway and folded her arms. They carried on in silence. Violet closed her eyes again, taken by her imagination. The shrieking highs and nervous lows seemed to pull every worry she’d ever had like threads off a loom. 
She saw Clem’s head bashed open like a ripe fruit, or the paling of her bite ridden skin and its missing chunks. Right behind it came the thought of AJ’s neck dyed red as he took Tenn’s place at the bottom of a herd and picked clean. Their home at the bottom of smoldering ashes. Worst of all above the extremes, she would bare her soul for Clem greater than she already had to see her spirit fall. In one moment for some reason or other everything they’d made of love would fracture, and Violet might as well quit the venture entirely. 
As if reading the tone of her thoughts the music stopped. Her eyes reopened to find Louis scribbling on a scavenged notepad. With a grin he turned it to face her. His eyes twinkled with their unquenchable charm.
‘That get your attention?’
She tucked her raw feelings back into their cage. The processed version rolled off her tongue.
“A little too hard Lou. Guess that means you’ve graduated from sucking.”
She finished with a soft laugh seeing him flip her off. The way he wiggled his eyebrows told her he found it funny. He gestured for her to come over and made room on the piano seat. She sat with her hands folded and stared nervously into her lap. Her stomach churned while the words she wanted to find were slow to come. At the touch of his hand on her shoulder she shook her head.
“It’s nothing bad I’m only overthinking again. I just...tonight I’m gonna propose. I want to. What do you think?”
He smiled and stared wide eyed filled with glee. A rush of air she guessed equated to a gasp came as he clapped. It made her blush and seem sheepish curling into herself. The sound of Louis scribbling excitedly refocused her attention.
‘About damn time! I almost thought you’d never bring it up. My advice, take her to a spot important to you guys. Get her thinking about all the deep stuff you’ve done together. If you’re really feeling it serenade her. That’s what I’d do.’
“I want her taking me seriously not laughing her ass off. By now my singing’s gotta be shitty.”
‘Oh come on Vi, live a little. Singing or not the point is you may never do this again. Make it a memory. You two were doing just that all this time anyway.’
Violet sighed and rested her forehead against the piano, defeated. The keys she pressed let out a wail. Another note was put before her.
‘Don’t sulk tell her how you feel. Clem’s gonna love you more than she already does.’
“...How do you know she won’t say no?”
He cocked his head and interrogated her with a bewildered stare. Her stomach sank; her voice had been whiny like a child’s. In the end, she was being silly. It made the confidence she’d mustered drop in shame.
‘We don’t know Vi but if she’s stuck around this long it means something. Clem’s the kind of girl to take off if she really didn’t believe in what she sees.’
She groaned and the keys played an ugly sound. 
“You’re right. I’m being a coward. I fucking hate it. I thought that side of me was done with.”
‘It’s ok to be scared. This is a big deal! You know how you’re guaranteed to fuck it up though? Having a negative attitude. Positive vibes Vi, positive.’
“Yeah yeah. You’ve given me an idea. If you see her tell her to come to the bell tower tonight. That it’s urgent.” She said with a lazy smile.
They bid each other goodbye leaving Louis to start up the piano solo of Kreisler’s ‘Liebesleid’. He’d reached halfway using a laser-focused concentration when another, larger presence filled the door. His deft hands stopped. Clementine smiled and clapped as she walked towards him. Without a moment to waste he ripped out the used pages of his notepad; they were stuffed into his coat pocket. It didn’t go unnoticed when Clem raised an eyebrow but gave no comment. 
She stood balancing her weight on her natural leg and leaning against the piano. Were she anyone else, even Violet, Louis would’ve sooner scolded her for lacking manners. He looked down to find her prosthetic ( a newly improved design of Willy’s built with higher mobility in mind ) still in good condition. 
“Caught ya.” She said giggling.
He looked up at her strong face, thick eyebrows, and overwhelming mane of curly hair. She had a stern beauty that always caught him by surprise for its rarity and strength. Violet sure knew how to pick ‘em. 
‘Wanted to make sure your foot was ok. Doubt Willy would screw it up but still y’know?’
“Thanks. Listen Louis...are you free for a little while? There’s something I wanna talk about. I want your honest opinion.”
A glint in his eyes betrayed his excitement. His gut instinct gave him an inkling of what hovered unsaid. He almost laughed at the coincidence of it all. She slowly sat at his invitation and fiddled the keys. After a meandering pause she cleared her throat; he wore a grin.
“You know Violet and I have been together a while now. Longer actually than I ever thought possible. I’m grateful for it everyday. It’s sadly not something a lot of people can say. That’s why...I don’t know if this is still the right word but, I want her to be my wife.”
She stared at him and twiddled her thumbs. Rarely had he seen her hesitate, much less be meek. The sight made him sit up straighter, listen harder. From the corner of her eye she caught his expectant stare. 
“I guess regardless of what it’d be called these days that’s what I want. She’s too important for me to lose. It’s time she really knows it and how I feel.”
For a moment she gauged his face for the slightest reaction. The intensity radiating as if a conjured aura from her body reminded him of someone constipated; he again fought a laugh. It was as though she resigned herself to a do or die mission. A determination not a far cry from what she summoned up before a supply run. In his opinion, they both were taking this to lengths so ridiculous it bordered on comical. That however would remain a secret.
He nodded with enthusiasm and that seemed to lighten her worry. On his notepad this time he thought hard before writing. 
‘It can mean whatever you want it to Clem. You love her, that’s the most important part. I say go for it. Any plans on how you’ll ask?’
“Well there’s really only one way right? I have to tell her outright, just not sure where to do it.”
‘Y’know she asked to meet with you tonight on the bell tower. There couldn’t be a better spot if you ask me.’
“Did she? That makes this easier.”
She sighed in relief and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I love her Louis. More than she might know.”
‘Tell her not me.’ he said with a smile.
After dinner the night air blew warm embracing the essence of summer. Clementine found Violet pacing in front of the ladder they’d once helped construct. She remembered seeing her like this then too, anxious over everything turning out right. Her suspicion turned on and her eyes narrowed in concern. She had yet to be noticed from a distance. 
In seconds that weighed like minutes she sighed and mumbled to herself. 
“Alright Clementine all you have to do is talk. Sure Clementine, like it’s that simple. You’re stalling now. Get yourself together.”
“You sure don’t mind keeping a girl waiting.”
Violet’s voice seized her attention from the grasping hands of her thoughts. Before she could say another word laughter filled the silence. It made her blush even as she frowned in mock irritation. 
“I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“I wouldn’t have if we weren’t the only ones here. Feelin ok?”
“Yeah just was wondering what’s on your mind to have us meet at this place.”
She smiled feeling a kiss on her cheek. Violet wore the look that always came when an idea longed to burst out before it drove her mad. Clementine slowly trailed her eyes up and down as though they were meeting for the first time anew. The demure air in her posture broke the obscuring fog of Clementine’s own nerves. Her expression softened into a look of curious wonder. 
The streaks of moonlight cast across Violet’s face bent her grin toward the mysterious. She ran her thumb over Clementine’s knuckles and gestured at the ladder. 
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
Above them the stars filled the horizon into an infinity none would ever measure. The moon aided their brightness and bathed all it touched in an ethereal glow. The ground beneath her feet shined as though she walked on a river of silver; as though she were weightless. A breeze carrying the scent of flowers and wood-smoke, of life below, rustled Violet’s hair. Clementine felt her heart thud louder. 
The bell tower had remained untouched through the years save for a few new cracks and crumbling bricks. Vines entangled a section of broken stone railing, the same as the first night they’d sat together. She dared to imagine the ghosts of their old selves caught in a roller-coaster of teenage emotions; each burning more intensely than the last into love. They stopped and leaned against the railing beside the spot. 
They were gazing at the sky when Violet spoke first; her thoughts tumbled from her like a waterfall. A part of Clementine was relieved. 
“So uh, Clem, I wanna be real honest with you. These past seven years went by so fast some days it feels like my head’s spinning keeping track. All this below us? All these people? If you’d told me before we’d be dealing with this I’d have called you crazy. Hell, if you’d told me there’d be a time where I could have nights not having to worry something would break into the school, I’d never believe it.”
She took a break to breathe and look over the dozens of smaller lights in varying buildings that stretched into the pushed back treeline. Each one signified a condensed hope and dream from those it kept warm. Their numbers lifted Violet’s spirit to continue. Clementine stood mesmerized, her eyes trained to Violet and Violet alone. It was as though each word revealed a deeper truth than the last.
“We wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you. I know you can say it was a group effort, it’d be true, but you’re our motivation. I don’t think I’d be half the person I am today if I hadn’t met you and AJ. Point is...remember when I said once I couldn’t imagine life without you?”
“...Of course. It took me completely by surprise.”
“I still feel that way. Clem, I want you in my life till it ends someday.”
The breeze stirred into a mild wind as Clementine’s eyes widened softly. She stumbled to speak then went silent when Violet leaned closer. Her entire body pleaded a need for recognition, as if another chance would never come again.
“Marry me.”
Without hesitation Clementine pulled her into an embrace as their lips met. Her hands wandered to cup Violet’s face and not let go. They pressed together and sunk slowly to their knees. When at last they separated neither cared if anyone below had seen. Violet’s eyes shut in bliss feeling a gentle stroke on her chin and kisses peppering her face. There came a whisper on the verge of tears into her ear when Clementine hugged her tighter.
“You beat me to it you ass.”
“Heh, I can still keep you guessing.”
“Troublemaker.” came the reply with a grin.
AJ stood watching Ruby arrange bundles of wildflowers with the same care she gave all things. Though only twelve he’d nearly reached her height. He’d lost some inches shortening his hair to a buzz cut hidden beneath Clementine’s faded baseball cap. It was something he continued to be reminded of when Ruby’s motherly presence loomed so large. 
“Hey there shorty could ya give me a hand? These bouquets can get real messy.”
“Sure, but it’s Alvin Junior.”
“I know I know. Reminding me ain’t gonna help us no faster. I’ll tell Clem if you do good.” 
That made the hint of sourness in his expression bloom into an excited smile. Around them a small team of five busied themselves with the same task. They moved as Ruby directed to arrange each in a circle open only at the northern and southern sides. A myriad of colors blue, white, orange and so on occupied the center of the restored sports field. AJ sweated hoisting another bundle for the ring and nearly dropped it. Wordlessly Ruby caught it before it hit the ground and with that the last of it lay in place. 
They stepped back performing a final check several times until Ruby proved satisfied. On a clear spot amidst the flurry of activity around them (an army of chefs led by Omar; Willy’s team arranged benches) AJ rested. A sheen of sweat covered his face and exhausted eyes. The first clue he’d received for what lay ahead came when Louis slipped him a note and a wink at breakfast one morning. ‘Congrats on the new mom kid!’ he hadn’t understood what it meant; a part of him still felt he didn’t even when Clementine explained that no, weddings weren’t something you ate. 
As he felt the day’s work burn in his muscles he concluded whatever it looked like had to be worth the aches. He spotted Aasim approaching with a squirming bundle in his arms; AJ sprung to his feet. Every lecture he’d ever received on slacking echoed in his mind in unison. Aasim towered over AJ’s stature exuding an almost regal air were it not for the slight gruffness of his beard. In his shadow AJ straightened himself and stifled a laugh when a baby’s hand swatted his chin. His stare spoke of a sense of urgency matched in his baritone voice.
“Have you seen Ruby around AJ? It’ll be her turn to look after Susanna during the ceremony. Seems like that’ll start any minute now.”
“We worked on the flowers together but after that I’m not sure. Maybe she went to check on Clem and Vi-”
“The brides are ready Aasim, just had to go fetch ‘em after their fittins’.”
From behind them Ruby appeared with a blushing Clementine and Violet in tow. She pressed a kiss to Aasim’s cheek before reaching for the baby. 
“Guess everything’s ready. I’d have come sooner but we had to finish cataloging that cache of recovered books in the library.”
“It’s alright I’ve got her, you just focus on those two. Lord knows they’re eager to get started and I don’t blame ‘em.”
Susanna piped up in her mother’s arms and stretched a hand toward Clementine.
“Hey there Susie you doing ok?” Clementine cooed as she let her nose be patted.
“Looks like you’ve got a way with kids that aren’t AJ too.” 
“Well Vi she’s not Auntie Clem for nuthin’. Go on and say bye to Auntie Clem and Violet, Susanna.”
They waved in parting as Ruby left for the quickly filling crowd. Dozens well over a hundred sat chatting among themselves; more than a few stole curious glances to center stage. A hundred and so on more joined soon after. Clementine felt Violet graze her arm and gesture at a dazzled AJ. His eyes held awe that grew when Clementine pet his head. 
“Ruby told me you were a real help goofball. I appreciate it.”
“You guys...you both look amazing...”
“Thanks kid. The rest of it’ll blow your mind if you stick around and watch.”
Without needing to be told further AJ nodded and made way for the benches; he looked back only once wearing an encouraging smile. The field was bare save for its key players, and the crowd fell into silence. Aasim signaled to take places then addressed those seated with a wave of his arms. Clementine and Violet stared at one another on opposite ends of the ring; Clementine’s grin made Violet blush and stare at her feet.
“Good afternoon everyone! We’re here today to witness the ceremony of a union; one long in waiting. This couple wishes to affirm their love for one another through a promise of lifelong devotion. You may both enter the ring.”
They obeyed having eyes only for each other; it formed a safety net against the pressure of so many others upon them. Softly Violet mouthed “It’s ok.”
“We’ll begin the professions of love. Clementine you may start.”
She cleared her throat and traced over every inch of Violet, of her flowing hair and single braid that whipped up from the back of her tunic in the breeze. The blue fabric lined with white threaded patterns complimented her pale green eyes. A crown of flowers adorned her head. Every detail was memorized.
“For as long as we’ve known each other you’ve supported me; even if you took time to open up. There’re so many moments, so many close calls where I’d never have made it out if it weren’t for you. Each day makes me feel more alive than the last. Not just because of our friends, or because of all we’ve done, being able to know you’re there is enough. I dedicate this dance to your affection.”
Slowly she took a step forward then pivoted into a practiced twirl. A dance of passion sent her traveling about their arena. Sweat flew from her brow and splattered in places on her belt’s spinning tassels. One misplaced step threatened to topple her but slyly she recovered before worry could disturb Violet. 
With a grin she launched into a new phase. Her arms spun and, where able, her legs kicked. The movements blended so fluidly few could pinpoint the moment aggression gave way to softness. To even fewer it revealed its heart; a reflection of her lover’s metamorphosis. 
There were moves describing sarcastic defenses, cowardly silences, sections mapping the rush from kind words and intimate quiet. As if anew they were pulled into the haze of honest kisses, the whirlwind of lovemaking that went deep into sleepless nights. On occasion they were plunged headfirst before icy fear and protective worry that pricked to the bone. Those moments would be quickly broken by a return to memories of the warmth in living.
Almost instinctively the full result of a week’s practice strengthened its control as she neared the end. Her mind sank into an empty plane, speaking only what little remained unsaid through her rhythm. When it was done the sight of Violet brimming with tears told her everything. Wordlessly she gathered herself then bowed.
Aasim stood in entranced silence. The edges of his solemn eyes had grown misty, defying his self restraint. He gestured and caught Violet’s attention away from her thoughts.
“Feelings have been expressed that require an answer. Violet, you may give your reply.”
“I’ve heard them. Clementine you taught me it’s alright to feel; that holding everything in and running from help is what makes a coward. Choosing who I want to be in life by learning from others is a gift that takes courage. You kept trying even when I wanted to shut you out. I’d never seen anyone so dedicated. Because of you I remembered the people who care about me, away from the ghosts I wanted to chase. I dedicate this dance to your strength.”
This time the was an elegant start defined by tight turns and precise footwork. Each move linked firmly to the last and the next. Clementine’s chest tightened as she watched; her breath caught in her throat. Within the dance she felt herself be peeled back. There was the Clementine she saw herself as, steel willed and cautious, in places fragmented. It morphed to show the rare moments of worry and the storms that wracked her in anxiety. In a few moments that still churned her stomach she felt a lurking shadow of the cruelty that’d tumbled so easily from her whenever she’d been cast astray. 
Her body grew hot, her shoulders heavy before she saw the dance shift and the feeling passed. There was a return to gentleness and the power in mercy. Like glittering bubbles memories flooded her mind fresh as they days they’d been reality. She’d cried and screamed and torn her hair each time someone had been lost; yet she pressed forward hopeful. She’d witnessed distrust seize people’s eyes as they coveted rather than strive for understanding; yet never closed her ears to humanity. She’d cried awake sunken to the floor and teeth grit replaying each life she’d taken, each selfish need she’d served; yet her remorse was proof she retained a soul. 
Tears trickled down her face, and she felt not a care to stop them. The sensations of the present returned only when Violet had finished. In an instant that moved in her vision like slow motion she was embraced. Aasim’s voice grounded her beyond the sensation of Violet’s heart beating in time with her own. 
“We have witnessed them speak to each other’s deepest self. In this they have found unity, and taken hold of that which they seek for themselves in another. It is time for the final step. Let them now dance together and display the bond when two become one. Music for them, if you’d all please.”
Clementine felt Violet shift against her the crowd clapped a beat. 
“You ready?”
They took up position smiling through their flushed faces. The dance moved slow and contemplative as if longing to savor each moment. All else began to fade replaced by a rhythm that held a peaceful trance. Neither kept track of how long they swayed until Clementine said,
“Why don’t we show them what we’ve got?”
“Ready when you are partner.” Violet replied grinning.
In one motion they separated still holding on by one hand, throwing themselves into a spin that ended in a twirl. Violet laughed finding herself again in Clementine’s arms then out once more. She took her turn twirling Clementine, her eyes sparkling and heard racing. They spun holding each other then separated to link arms each facing the other’s back but continuing to lock eyes. It prefaced another separation as they spun alone only to jump back together. At this they laughed.
Violet’s vision was filled by the bright sky when Clementine dipped her then leaned close. Violet wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed their foreheads together.
“I love you.”
“Love you back.”
“Hell yeah.”
Their kiss found Clementine with hands roaming her hair but she didn’t care. A ways away the roar of the crowd filled their ears. Beside them Aasim clapped and wiped his face. He turned one last time to project his proud voice.
“I present to you all a married Clementine and Violet! May they have a happy life together.”
“That better not have jinxed anything Aasim.” Violet teased with a snicker.
“Shut it and go have fun with your wife. You guys deserve it.”
“Thanks for all this, really.”
“Keep treating her right Clem.” he replied smiling.
The after party blew quickly into a spectacle. Louis had attracted a cheerful gathering as he played pieces back to back. Clusters of people filled the admin building to the seams; further groups had piled into the school yard. The campus in its entirety lay at the heart of town from which hundreds of simple houses, storage, and shops fanned out. The multitude of guests had been guaranteed with more passing colorful banners AJ had overseen. 
A few carried weathered but functioning instruments, guitars, harmonicas, large and small drums. They formed a small band that led the tune of those dancing in the yard. A sizable banquet had been prepared from their surplus; beside Ruby chatted with Aasim while Susanna sucked on her bottle. From the balcony at the admin building’s face Clementine stood observing. Out of her regal wedding attire she nearly blended into the revelry were it not for her commanding presence. 
Any tension soon melted from her when she felt Violet’s arms around her waist. She smiled and leaned into the nuzzle against her neck. 
“How’s it feel? Thinking of anything?”
“I was wondering how things are closer to the wall and that group we sent out a day ago.”
“You mean Randy.”
“None of us can afford him screwing up. He’s been very...vocal lately. It’s giving me bad thoughts.”
“Hey none of that ok? Today’s our day to celebrate, we can worry about later when it comes.”
Clementine closed her eyes and pressed their foreheads together. 
“Where’s AJ?”
“With the other kids. Us grown ups are too intense for him right now. I don’t blame him, he seemed happy though.”
“I can think of one reason to justify that.” Clementine teased in a husky voice, her hand wandering below Violet’s waist.
“Clem not while everyone’s around.” came the reply followed by a giggle.
“Just teasing. We can go over it all later.”
“In that case you’ve got my interest.”
“Really? How about something like this to start.”
She pulled Violet closer and leaned her back against the railing. She studied the way Violet tilted her head as their lips met; saw the beauty in how her hair framed her face. Slowly she traced her fingers along her jaw, welcoming the feel of Violet grabbing a fistful of her shirt. They broke off at the whistles thrown at them from below. One glare and eye roll from Clementine silenced them. Violet chuckled. Her arms wrapped lazily around Clementine’s neck. 
“I’ll never forget today.”
“I hope not. If you ever do I’ll remind you.”
“Heheh, yeah.”
The music and chatter came to a sudden halt with a banging at the yard’s iron gates. Shocked dancers parted a pathway for a team in neat ranks, their boots marching in step. A man with a thick trimmed beard and thicker hair led them and adjusted the grip of his spear. It had a long curved edge akin to a beast fang and tassels that jiggled in time with the pistol on his belt. The well kept armor he wore, decorated in the motif of a cougar as his rank allowed, enhanced his bulk. His burly arms were defined by gnarled scars that betrayed his continued Old World hobby of rigorous exercise. 
He signaled a stop by raising his fist and was immediately obeyed. His beady eyes stared at Clementine without faltering. She read the challenge within them clearly and stood stiff backed,unwavering. From the crowd she felt multitudes looking to her in surprise that yielded to fear. Beside her Violet’s expression hardened and simmered with open disgust. The man spoke, his voice embed by a natural cunning.
“We’ve returned from our expedition with a generous offering from the community to the west.”
“Welcome back, I trust everything went well along with it.”
“Yes, yes of course. Nice to see we’ve been missed.” he said letting a sarcastic bite slip into his tone as he looked around.
“C’mon Randy we can talk about this anywhere but in front of everyone. There’s no need to put on some kind of show.” Violet added. 
His eyes studied her in frayed patience then flit back to Clementine. He made a gesture and his group dispersed.
“Sure I can be civil and play house with those wearing the big pants. Let’s have a private chat.”
He disappeared into the admin building. Clementine sighed deeply and let herself slacken. Tenderly Violet touched her hand, she took it without hesitation. She stared into the sky gathering herself until at last all her courage was summoned. With a nod she followed Violet’s lead into her office, something more animal than man fast approaching.
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aalissy · 5 years
The Press
Chapter 23 is done! I really enjoyed writing this one hee! Lemme know what you guys think <3!
“Ladybug! Ladybug! Is it true that you and Chat Noir are dating!?”
“Ladybug! Over here! Can you give your opinion on what people are deeming Ladynoir!?”
“How do you feel about Marichat?!”
“Wh-what?!” she sputtered as thousands of questions and microphones were shoved into her face. Cameras flashed at her as she blinked wildly against the bright lights.
“Are you or are you not secretly dating Chat Noir?!”
“Secretly dating?! With Chat Noir?! Are you insane?!” Ladybug choked.
“Then why have you been spotted making out with the superhero several times?!” a loud voice from the back shouted at her, causing a large uproar from the audience in front of her.
“It wasn’t several times!” she tugged at her pigtails in frustration, “It was twice! Once to stop him from attacking me and the second I don’t even remember!”
“So why does he keep calling you those adorable pet names then?” someone chuckled.
“I don’t know! That’s just Chat being Chat!” Ladybug groaned, “Besides, I can’t be dating him when I’m already dating someone else!”
What is wrong with me?! I’m not dating anyone else... Shut up!! Her mouth slammed closed as even more questions began firing off from the crowd.
“Who are you dating?!”
“Is it Queen Bee?!”
“No way! Guys, she’s totally dating Marinette! That’s why they’re never seen together! Right, Ladybug?”
Ok, that was it. Ladybug’s temper flared as she defensively snapped at the crowd, “No! It is not Marinette! Or Queen Bee!! I’m dating Adrien Agreste!” Her mouth clamped shut again as her eyes bulged out of her head.
Time to leave...
Her yo-yo immediately wrapped around a ledge as an onslaught of questions poured out of the press. Wincing, she flew to her room as fast as she could, making it there in record time. With a groan of misery and two hands covering her entire face in shame, Marinette flopped down inelegantly onto her bed.
“Marinette?” Tikki poked her uncertainly, “Are you alright?”
“No,” she moaned into her pillow, “I’m going to die.”
“Come on now,” she patted her shoulder, “It wasn’t that bad.”
“I said I was dating Adrien Agreste. If the shame doesn’t kill me first he definitely will,” Marinette mumbled before flipping over onto her back, “Well, Tikki, it was a good run. I really enjoyed being Ladybug.”
“Marinette! Stop! You are not going to die!” the kwami rolled her eyes, “Though I do think an apology is in order.”
“An apology to whom?” the designer said dryly, “All the designs I never got to finish,” she shot a forlorn look over to the latest dress she had been working on, mouthing an I’m sorry to the piece.
“No, silly,” Tikki giggled, “I meant to Adrien.”
“What?!” Marinette scrambled backwards, placing a pillow in front of her for protection, “Are you insane?! I just told you he was going to kill me and you want me to face my death now! No thanks, I’ll let the shame get me first,” she buried her face in the pillow and let out a loud scream.
“Marinette, you know he’s going to be confused. You have to explain.”
“No I don’t,” she shook her head furiously, “If I explain Adrien will hate me for life and then I’ll never see what our three kids, Hugo, Emma, and Louis will look like and the-”
Tikki cut her off by swatting the pillow off of her face, “Marinette, go apologize!”
The girl whimpered, “Tikki, please!”
“Unless you want to apologize tomorrow in class as Marinette, you had better go now!” she gave her a small glare.
“B-but what if he hasn’t even seen the press release yet?” the designer asked hopefully before Tikki’s glare grew even harsher, “Alright, alright! I’ll go!” she surrendered, before calling on her transformation.
Ladybug nervously swung her way over to Adrien’s mansion. Her movements were slow and hesitant, unlike the quick pace she had set when she had raced over to her own home. She chewed her lip nervously as she tapped the window tentatively. Closing her eyes, she counted to five before turning around, certain that the boy wasn’t home. Just as her yo-yo wrapped around a building and she was about to swing away, the window hurriedly open.
“Ladybug,” Adrien’s voice called from behind her, “Were you um, going somewhere?”
The heroine turned around slowly, scanning his face for any sign that he had seen the press release she had just given. Finding none, she breathed out a sigh of relief, “No, I was just um, never mind. Can I come in?” Ladybug gave him a confident smile.
“Sure,” he opened the window wider before a small smirk twitched at his lips. She stepped forward gratefully before Adrien leaned in close to her, tucking a stray strand of hair back into her ponytail.
“Uh, I-I, hi,” Ladybug breathed out nervously, her blue eyes widening as his own green ones flickered back at her mischievously.
“Hi,” he whispered back before his smirk grew wider, “I missed you today. After all, it’s not every day that your secret, superhero girlfriend informs the world that you’re dating before you even realized you were dating yourself.”
Her heart sank, as she shut her eyes closed tightly. She breathed in a deep breath through her nose in an attempt to calm herself.
Ok, so he knows about the press report. I can’t believe I thought he didn’t... It’s time for damage control.
“About that,” her two index fingers tapped together nervously, “That’s kinda the reason I came here. I wanted to apologize.”
“Apologize for what?” Adrien asked with a crooked smile, “For not telling me we were dating sooner?”
Ladybug nodded her head, “Yes! Exactly! I mean... wait, what? I meant that I was apologizing for telling the world that we were dating when we weren’t.”
“I figured,” he sighed, almost disappointedly? And what was that about? They weren’t actually dating... But it was cleared up by another bright smile, “So, why me?” Adrien plopped down on his couch.
“What do you mean?” she frowned down at him.
“Why out of everybody, did you pick me to be in a secret relationship with?”
“I, um, well, you see,” Ladybug chuckled nervously, “They were firing off these questions at me and I just kept getting more and more frustrated. And the next thing I knew, I was saying I was dating someone, when I wasn’t, and then after that, I was saying I was dating you.”
“Uh-huh,” Adrien nodded, “That still doesn’t answer my question of why me, though.”
She gulped nervously. I can’t very well say that it’s because I have a crazy crush on you, now can I, her eyes darted around the room. “You were just the first name that popped into my head, I guess.”
“I see,” he seemed to pout at the floor and before she could ponder on what that meant, he pushed up off the couch and walked over to her.
“I promise as soon as I see another reporter I’ll clear this whole thing up!” Ladybug said determinedly, “I honestly didn’t mean to drag you into this whole mess!”
“Ladybug,” Adrien placed a hand on her shoulder delicately, “It’s alright! I really don’t mind. I was more shocked than anything,” he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“Y-you don’t mind?” her blue eyes blinked at him, “B-but why not?”
“Well, um,” he cleared his throat, “I don’t know. I guess I just figured you might have said my name for some reason other than random chance and it got my hopes up,”  he peered down at her through his long lashes.
“W-what?” Ladybug stuttered.
“Nevermind, it’s stupid,” Adrien chuckled nervously, “I suppose you’re leaving now, though. I’ll open the window for you.”
She grabbed onto his arm, pulling him back to her and frowned, “Adrien? Why would me saying that we were dating give you hope?”
“I don’t know, it was just a weird feeling I guess,” he ran a hand through his blonde hair, messing up its neat look.
“Don’t lie to me. Just tell me the truth.”
 Adrien sighed before glancing away from her, “It may be because, well, I might have just a tiny celebrity crush on you,” he winced as he flicked his eyes back to hers.
Ladybug gaped at him as she stared at him in shock. The superheroine attempted to form words but her lips didn’t seem to function as they flapped open and closed repeatedly, “I, you, huh, wuh?”
“And I’ve made things totally awkward, haven’t I?” he flinched before shutting his eyes closed, “I’m so sorry. You can just go now and completely forget what I just said.”
Shutting her lips together firmly, she ignored using words and instead pulled him down to her. Her lips connected with his slowly as his eyes popped wide open. Adrien scrambled off of her, letting out a startled yelp as he hit the wall, “I, you, huh, wuh?”
A smirk twitched at her lips by his lack of vocabulary, “I lied. It wasn’t random at all. I said your name because I have a giant crush on you. Is that alright?” Ladybug bit into her lower lip gently.
“Y-you’re not making fun of me?”
“No,” she giggled, “I wouldn’t have kissed you if I hadn’t felt the same way.”
“Can I kiss you again, then?” Adrien came forward slowly, his hand making contact with her cheek as he caressed it gently.
Ladybug leaned into his hand with a soft smile, “Yeah.”
He pulled her closer, gently brushing his lips against her own. They continued to explore the other’s mouth before Adrien leaned back, “Does this mean the world really did know we were dating before we did?”
“Shut up and just kiss me,” she laughed before his lips connected with her own once again.
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