#i wrote this instead of studying for my exam tomorrow
ace-of-d1am0nds · 9 months
im sorry for anything thats about to come out of my brain. I'm sick. AGAIN. this feels so ooc to me but i think i was being clever!
blah blah blah prompt: you know this guy?
read pt.7
@galladrabbles @sam-loves-seb
Relapse pt. 8
He trudges his way out of bed. Every limb feels like he’s being weighed down. Like he’s walking through sand. Like he’s on the surface of Jupiter.
He would give anything just to be able to breathe again.
Ian hasn’t washed his face in about 3 days, not to mention a shower. 
When he looks in the mirror, he can barely recognize the face looking back at him.
Ian feels Mickey embrace him from behind.
“You know this guy?”
“I love this guy.” 
Mickey nods towards Ian’s reflection.
Ian turns to face his rock, taking in the warmth.
“Come on…"
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starryshinyskies · 2 months
exams officially begin tomorrow so uh. wish me luck, guys.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Going to be a little self indulgent but how about Lestappen or Charlando and reader is so overworked and exhausted from studying. But she’s worn herself down so bad while the boys were gone they come back to her like that! Hope this is okay, I haven’t requested something in so long 🥺🩵💙🩵
Grief makes me write apparently
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"Yes Max, I promise I'll sleep," Y/N said into the phone as she held it between her head and her shoulder. "I'll just stay up long enough to watch the first corner."
"Mijn liefje, no. You've got a test tomorrow; you need sleep," Max said as he sat in his drivers room, using the last piece of privacy he had before the race. "Promise me you'll prioritise sleep over us."
Actually, Y/N's test was that day. Her test was in six hours, actually, and she hadn't yet gotten any sleep. She'd been either calling her boyfriends while he could or watching videos of them online. Y/N had tried to sleep. And if she wasn't sleeping, she was trying to study, but even that was proving fruitless.
"Okay, Maxie, I'll try," she muttered and wished him good luck for the race. They said goodbye and around a thousand 'I love you's' before Y/N hung up.
She scrolled down to the next name on her contact list.
Lightning Mclerc 🏎💖
Y/N swiped her finger across the screen and pressed the phone against her ear.
There was a good minute before Charles picked up the phone. "Chérie!" Charles cheered as he answered the phone. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
Y/N let out something of a sigh as she leaned back in her desk chair. "I've already done this with Max," she mumbled.
"So you should be sleeping."
"I just wanted to wish you good luck before the race."
"Aw," she heard Charles say down the phone. "Thank you, mon amour. Good luck with your test tomorrow."
She thanked him quickly. "Charlie," she began, dragging out the eeeee. "When are you guys coming home?"
"Soon, baby. As soon as the race is over, Max and I will come home to you."
"Thank you, Charlie. I miss you guys so much."
"I miss you too, Chérie."
After making her promise to try and get some sleep, Y/N hung up the phone. But she couldn't sleep. She had the build up to the race on in the background as she tried to study for her test and complete her essay. It wasn't going to tell.
Within half an hour Y/N was asleep, drooling on her notes.
She woke just a few hours later to her phone, blaring in her ear. She woke with a start, almost falling out of her chair. "Holy shit," she mumbled, wiping the drool from her face. Her notes were a mess, the ink smudged to the point of being unreadable. "Fuck, shit, fuck," she mumbled as she tried to sort through them.
Y/N made her way out to her test. She wasn't prepared, not in the slightest. The boys had probably just finished her race by the time she was heading out towards her campus.
Throughout the entire test, Y/N was sweating. Her hands were shaking as she wrote, but she got through it. She answered every question with little confidence, but the questions were answered, at least.
After the test, Y/N didn't speak to anybody. She walked out of her exam and made her way straight home, straight into her bed, trying her best to sleep.
She couldn't sleep. No. The test may have been over, but Y/n couldn't stop thinking about it. She couldn't go back, couldn't change her answers now, but she was still stressed about it.
Suddenly, the door to her apartment opened. Y/N jumped out of her bed, dressed in Charles' old Ferrari shirt, and made her way to the door.
There they were. Her boys. Tired and exhausted after the first ever race in Vegas, but they were there. They could have gone home to Monaco, but they'd gone to Y/N's instead.
"Oh my god," she muttered as she walked into their awaiting arms. "You're here. You're actually here." Her face was buried in Charles' chest as Max wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.
"We missed you too, Schat. So, so much," he said, pressing a kiss to her neck.
"How was your test, Chérie?" Asked Charles as Max took their things into the bedroom.
Y/N didn't answer. She kept her face buried in Charles' chest as he walked her further into the apartment. Not good, that much he could pick up on. The test hadn't gone well at all.
When Charles released her, Max grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him. "You look so tired, schat. Have you been sleeping?"
She nodded her head. Maybe it wasn't enough sleep, but it was still sleep. "But you guys must be tired, too," she said, leaning against them.
The boys settled on the sofa as Y/N ran to grab her laptop. "What're you doing?" Charles asked as she settled down between them.
"Uni work," she answered quickly as she opened the lid.
Before she could type in her passcode, Max pushed the laptop shut. "No, baby. You've just had a test. You can relax, now," he said as he placed her laptop down.
Reluctantly, Y/N accepted it. She cuddled up to her boys as the three of them watched television. If they weren't going to let her burnout, so be it (actually no, she was very grateful that they were forcing her to take a break. Y/N never would have done it on her own.).
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jasminsstories · 4 months
How finals week with Zayne by your side would be…probably:
gn!reader x zayne / fluff; just for fun, don’t take this seriously pls
will try to support you as much as he can, since he knows best how hard studying is
“I told you to start earlier than to cram the material in the last minute. It won’t stick in your long-term memory this way” “Zayne, I don’t care if it sticks in my long-term memory as long as I pass this exam”
“Come here and eat this before continuing”
Basically drags you daily to the kitchen table where he prepared healthy meals
“But why do only I have carrots in my salad?” “Because you need Vitamin B to stay fit for your exams” “Just say you gave all of your carrots to me, because you don’t like them!”
“If you continue to drink so much coffee, I am afraid I will see you in the ER soon because of arrhythmia… and I don’t want that” “Zayne, you can’t just hide my coffee machine!!”
opens the windows regularly to help you concentrate and makes sure you stay hydrated
definitely will try to lure you out for walks to get some steps in
“Didn’t you say you wanted to see the sunset?” “I do, I really want… but I have to get this done today” “Let’s go, you need some Vitamin D” *suddenly lifts you up bridal style* “Hey, let me down!!” *acts like he doesn’t hear you*
the more time passes and the deeper the night gets with every passing minute, you can’t stop yawning and rubbing your heavy eyelids; still you try to focus them on your bright notebook screen
“Go to sleep. You have to get enough sleep to function tomorrow as well” “I can’t afford to sleep now. Sleep can wait, the deadline for my essay won’t”
tries to get you to bed through various methods
first tries to make it less obvious and wants to make you jealous through your plushies
“Then Mr. Snowman will have to cuddle with me today..” “Mhmmm”
But quickly realizes that it doesn’t work and you don’t react to it
for his second try he sneaks up to you from behind and puts his hands on your waist, pressing a lingering kiss on the shell of your ear, whispering a tempting “Come to bed with me”
you try to stay strong though and ignore his attempt with the last endurance you have
the next time he comes up to your desk for his third attempt, he finds you asleep already, your face planted on the surface of your desk
he can’t hold back a chuckle and a fond glow is in his orbs as he gazes at your face; just looks at you for some minutes
carefully picks you up and carries you to bed, trying his hardest not to wake you up; whispers a “Good night, my angel” and gives your forehead a small kiss
tucks you to bed and will lay down beside you to watch you sleep
when you wake up the next morning you begin to panic because you weren’t able to pull the all-nighter you desperately needed to finish on time
“Breathe, Love. Don’t worry. You can do it, I know it”
“I look kinda like a Panda now with my dark circles, don’t I?” “Yeah…kinda. Maybe more like a raccoon”
when you are finally done with all of your exams and your essays, he will pat your head and smile proudly; “Good job, I knew you can do it”
with a relieved sigh you press a loving kiss on his lips
and now you can finally get revenge for the times he teased you
just the brain rot i have in my finals week. i am quite literally losing my marbles right now, so i needed some zayne fluff. did i write this instead of studying…maybe. i need this man so bad. actually working on a smut atm but since its been so long since i wrote one, it’s hard for me to get into the flow right now.
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zinya · 3 months
How brothers would react to an MC with bad grades ?
Because we've all had bad grades one day and we all deserve to be comforted.
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Being one of the students in the exchange program he will look at your grades very closely , he may even be aware of your grade before you do.
If it's just one bad grade he will lecture you and probably ban you from certain activities so that you work more (You can say goodbye to video game nights with Levi)
If it's several bad grades he will start asking you questions about what you don't understand and will give you lessons.
Of course, if it's grades that start to weigh on your morale, once your homework is finished, you're welcome to his room to relax.
"I believe in you, don't be discouraged, my love"
welcome to the club
If it's a bad grade in math don't worry, The Great Mammon can help you.
Don't be discouraged human, he also has bad grades and lives very well
If he sees that you are depressed because of your grades he will suggest that you go out somewhere with him to take your mind off things. Do you prefer to go shopping or maybe go party somewhere?
If you don't want to go out then he will take you into his room and watch a movie in his arms while he comforts you and cuddle with you
I am convinced that he will show you anime with heroes at school to remotivate you "Hey I have a new anime called "I have bad grades and then everything changed the day I made friends"
If you don't want to, you can always watch TSL with him
But don't get me wrong he will encourage you to work too but he will come get you to take a break if it's been a long time
I don't know if devildom has computer science, but in any case if it's this subject that you're struggling with, he can help you.
Literally become your personal teacher after all, all his knowledge is yours.
Will lend you textbooks and workbooks
He will always encourage you to do your best
Like mammon he will also offer to go out and clear your mind: Do you want to buy new books? Go drink something at the cat cafe? Maybe the park?
Will read books to you or recite lessons at night in his room when you sleep together
Positive affirmations
Are you discouraged? Has your self-confidence taken a hit? Spend 10 minutes with him and none of this will happen
"Honey don't cry your pretty skin and your beautiful eyes will suffer "
Will ask you to go shopping with him and you will receive 2 or 3 gifts so he can see you smile
He will help you with the charms lessons (TP too perhaps XD)
You will have the right to take a bath in his bathroom with his products to relax
Will give you food to comfort you
Would like to help you with potions classes but we all know how it will end
Will give you hugs to comfort you and take you to exercise (if you want of course) to clear your mind
If you decide to study more he will come see you like Levi to take breaks and he will often bring you water or snacks
He will cheer you to death like you do during his matches
Maybe give you a kind of lucky charm to bring you luck for the next exams
Cuddle time
Since it concerns you, he will listen to you talk, like Asmo, about what is wrong
Then he will take you to the top of the Attic to sleep and relax with him
When you revise he comes and sleeps in your bed to keep you company
If you can't sleep because of stress you know where his room is , just kidding, he's already next to you in your bed, can't you see him?
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(I don't know who drew this but it's so beautiful.) Anyway, I wrote that instead of studying my exam for tomorrow haha 😅🥲
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language and sometimes I don't understand your abbreviations or expressions🤣
Tell me if you want the others
And don't forget that the most important thing is to do all you can and to be proud of yourself.
Have a Good day 💋
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the---hermit · 6 months
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Studying in the kitchen and the tiny bat my brother got me, aka my new emotional support lil guy
I took a couple of days break for family celebration purposes but now I am back to my studying and I very resentful about it. I wanted to take the full week off, but since I was sick last week and couldn't study for some days I now have so much to do before my exams in January and February. I will try to squeeze in a few more rest days, but before that I am trying to power through the book I am studying right now. The other goal is to try to see my bestie as much as I can since she won't be here for long. I have already spent time with her family on christmas day, as it is a tradition of ours for me to spend the late afternoon and evening at her place every year. And tomorrow, tho I plan to have a full day of studying, we should be able to spend time together in the late afternoon and evening. I am feeling quite energized even though I am annoyed I am stuck studying instead of minding my own business for a whole week. Today I read and highlighted almost two chapters and wrote down notes for almost everything I read today. I decided that this week in the mornings I will try to get as much reading done as I can and in the afternoon I will focus on writing notes down. This is the best way for me to follow my natural energy levels during the day and make the best of my time. I cannot wait to be done with this thing. I should also start setting up my journals for next year, but I have not been able to do that yet.
calm hobbit winter activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning (I am still reading Bookshops and Bonedust and you know what? I am not enjoying it as much as I expected. I am really struggling to get to the end, the cozy element feels a bit forced in this one compared to Legends and Lattes and the books should have definitely been shorter. I never thought I'd say it but I cannot wait for this book to be over and to move on to something else)
daily Irish practice on duolingo (and today I did a lot and felt very productive in this sense, working on duolingo in the early morning is definitely the best option for me, I need to keep it in mind)
read and highlighted two chapters of my book and annotated (almost) everything
updated my reading journal
started to outline my 2024 goals
wrote a couple of book reviews
mindless drawing while drinking herbal tea to calm my brain
📖: Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree, Nature Human Nature And Human Diversity by Justin Smith
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pleasantangelpaper · 8 months
To Keep You Warm
so, there’s a lack of Remus Lupin fluff on here, and I need to fix that. So, here is a silly fluff oneshot about him <3 Also this is my first time writing like genuine fanfic so I hope it’s good! (Also ignore if my paragraphs are formatted weird, I wrote this on my phone)
Warnings: none :)
gender neutral! reader, Unspecified House! Reader
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“Darling, would you like me to take you back to your dorm? you’re freezing” Remus Lupin whispered as he held y/n’s ice-like hand. The couple had been sitting in a cozy back corner of the Hogwarts library as Remus prepared for his D.A.D.A exam. It was a cold December afternoon as snow fell from the sky like salt from a shaker. Students drew shapes in the frosty windows as they got bored of studying and instead were dreaming of the winter break that would soon start. Remus’s lovely y/n sat by his side with their head rested on his shoulder as they read a muggle book called “Sense and Sensibility”. Remus’s eyes flickered over to his darling as they spoke,
“No, Rem, I’m fine, really, you need to study for your exams.” They spoke as they huddled closer to Remus inhaling the aroma of coffee and chocolate that seemed to swirl about him. Though they spoke with an air of confidence, Remus knew from their shivering that they would much rather be sitting in bed with a hot cup of tea than in the library, but it was a sacrifice they would make to be with him. Remus sighed and closed his book, a puff of dust from the desk below rose into the air. He gently tapped his partner so that he could push his chair out and begin to pack his things.
“Remus, what are you doing? Your exam is tomorrow. You need to study. I’ll be okay,”
He simply continued to put his books away as he grabbed their hand. Throwing his worn messenger bag over his shoulder, he gently pushed in his chair and ushered his partner to do the same. “Love, I already have made excellent marks in that class, but you will surely freeze if we are to stay here any longer.” He said with a tinge of worry and love in his voice. Y/n’s cheeks flushed at his remarks, and they quietly pushed their chair in as well and began to walk by his side. The couple walked through the corridors which were left empty due to the fact that most students were either huddled by the common room fires, or outside enjoying the winter weather. Noticing the guilt on his partner’s face, Remus let out a sigh and glanced at them, “You know I would do anything for you, dove.” “I know you would Mooney, but your grades are important, I don’t want you to fail out of the class you love the most just because I’m cold” Worry filled their voice as they stopped in their tracks. Tears prickled their eyes as they interlocked with Remus’s. He stopped and placed a slow kiss on their cheek. “Darling, I would fail every class if it meant I could keep you warm.” Y/n’s cheeks flushed a bright crimson red as they leant up and kissed Remus. His lips tasted like mocha with a hint of caramel, and warmth fell over the both of them as Remus pulled them closer, wrapping his arms around their waist. As they pulled away, Remus was now the one with flushed cheeks. The shy boy looked down at the ground, his hair flopping over his right eye. Y’n bent down to look into his eyes, and gently took his hand in theirs as they began walking to the Gryffindor commons once more.
The two walked in a comfortable silence together towards the Gryffindor common room, where their friends, James and Sirius, sat, bickering over something silly. “Sirius, you can’t catch a jumping frog in your mouth as it jumps, what if it tries to jump again while it’s in your mount??”
“ Yeah I can! Watch this!”
The boy caught the frog in his mouth and instantly spit it back out at James as it had tried to jump around in his mouth. The two continued their spat, until they noticed their friends’ entrance. “Mooney, why are you two back so early, I thought you were studying for your exam,” Sirius questioned, considering his best friend usually was quite the bookworm. The aforementioned boy simply continued to walk his lover to the grand red couch by the fire, “ y/n was cold,” he bluntly stated. The two other boys simply stared with their mouths agape. Their mooney was really head over heels for this person. James got up and awkwardly dragged a, still shocked, Sirius up to the boys dormitories as he muttered something about leaving the two alone. Y/n had turned a bright shade of fuchsia at the exchange. They laid their head on Remus and stared into the fire and wished that the moment could last forever.
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Guess who wrote a whole ass paragraph about Dean liking to kiss Cas instead of studying for my final exam whiCH IS TOMORROW BY THE WAY??
To be fair it’s a baller paragraph and a I had a sudden urge to write it so it was written in like 90 seconds.
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Also yes I did just type the whole thing in the alt so that others can enjoy it. I’ve given up on studying I’m gonna do fine on this test it’ll be great
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darklyndivinely · 2 years
All for you
Fandom(s) - Obey Me!
Pairing(s) - Lucifer x gn!reader
Summary - Lucifer has been working hard, incredibly so. To make him take a well-earned break, you have a plan.
Warnings - Suggestive Content, Fluff, Romance, Reader and Luci make out, Stressed Luci=Needy Luci, Soft!Luci, cursing, Implied smut at the end.
Wordcount - 1k+
A/N - Wrote this today instead of studying when I have an exam in four fucking days. *shakes head* The chokehold this man has on me is insaane! Please enjoy the love-child of my procrastination and touch-starved heart.
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You knock on the door, balancing the tray in one hand. You are not surprised when no acknowledgement of your greeting rings out. You don't even remember the last time Lucifer had set foot in the dining room to take part in the family dinner, much less the kitchen for a bite of food. You had shared a maximum of a dozen words with him in the past week, as consumed as he was by his work.
You twist the handle of the door, feeling the familiar magic fizzle around your hand before the resistance ceases. You walk in; shifting the tray in both hands and gently nudging the door close with your hip.
Lucifer doesn’t look up at your entrance, still focused on the assortment of papers on his desk. He looks frantic as he works, forehead creased and fingers white from his deadly grip on the pen.
You set the tray on the little table by the hearth as quietly as possible and pick up his cup. He flips through a thick translucent file, scans a page, and notes down something on a small piece of paper. You inch closer to him surprised he hasn’t already noticed your presence. It must be extremely important paperwork for him to not be aware of his surroundings. Over his shoulder, you can see him calculating a bunch of eight-digit numbers.
He growls, slamming his hand down on the table. “Fuck!”
“Everything okay?”
He looks up from where he had thrown his head in his hands, doing a double take when he sees your wide eyes and the cup you hold in your hands. He softens, frustration seeping away for the moment. He rubs his eyes tiredly, inhaling heftily, and reaches out for the cup. “I apologize. Everything’s fine. Did I startle you?”
“No,” you reply, watching him sip the coffee you had made and feel a smirk flicker at your lips when Lucifer halts in faint surprise. The Hell Coffee had to be awfully bitter. The pause is brief though, he resumes his drinking quickly. You huff noiselessly and walk around his figure. His muscles are tense under your fingers, shoulders bunched with how long he’s been working.
Lucifer puts down the cup when you apply pressure on his shoulders, and leans back into your touch with a deep exhale. You massage his muscles firmly, taking care to press with appropriate pressure at the junction of his neck.
“Thank you,” Lucifer breathes. “I don’t say it often enough.”
You laugh. “It’s alright. You show it enough, that's all that matters.”
Lucifer grunts, reclining in his seat further. Peaceful silence thrums in the office, only filled by the dying crackle of the hearth and the soft ticking of the wall clock.
“I came across an error in last month's maintenance budget,” Lucifer starts, eyes closed and hands cupped around the warm cup. “Dire enough that I’ll have to talk it through with Diavolo.”
He pauses. “Tomorrow I’m having dinner with him. We're to finalize the categories for the Talent Hunt, and sort out the individual budgets." He brings the cup to his lips, "I would ask you to come along, but I imagine it’s going to be more work than fun.”
“Don't forget to put some food in you while you're there. Even demons need their occasional nutrients.”
Lucifer sighs, lifting his head to look at you upside down. “I'm sorry I missed the past couple dinners. The work has been piling up with incredible speed and I could no longer push through it steadily.”
You comb his bangs away from his eyes. “I get it, really. I just want you to spare some time for basic necessities, you know. Come down for food at the least, you don’t have to stay long, fifteen minutes at most, and then you can get back to your work again.”
Lucifer nods, turning around in the chair. He clasps your raised hands in his. “I promise. I’ll make sure to never miss dinner again.”
You smile at him and bring his hands to your lips. Your eyes gaze into his as you press your lips to his knuckles.
The change is instant. His eyes darken, the red of his irises flaring up against the black as his eyes fall onto your lips when you pull away.
“That Hell Coffee was much appreciated. However, it has made my mouth rather bitter.” Lucifer says, dark voice sending a thrill up your spine, “Now I’m craving something sweet.”
He stands, making you step backward. Sometimes you genuinely forget how tall your lover is. His hand sneaks around your waist, warm fingers igniting goosebumps all across your skin.
“You wouldn’t mind if I satiated my craving, would you?”
“No,” You breathe on his lips, “I don’t mind at all.”
Lucifer's hand tightens around your torso as he smashes his lips onto yours. A litany of curses lights up your mind, not unlike a display of dazzling fireworks. His lips are familiar against yours, a heady fragrance of cinnamon and woodsmoke capturing your senses. Why were you always so overwhelmed by the littlest of things this man did?
His other hand slides against your thigh and easily hoists you up. You lose yourself in him, in the feverish feeling of his hands roaming your body, the addicting taste of the coffee you had made on his lips, and the surprised moan he spills into your mouth when you tug at the hair on his nape. He walks over to the sofas in the center, navigating the familiar room easily.
He drops you on it as you look up at him. Pride blooms in your chest in roaring waves at the sight; Lucifer's tidy appearance had come undone beneath your fingers: popped collar, mussed hair, and reddened lips and deep creases in his shirt. All to think because of you. Somehow, Lucifer's eyes glaze over even more, and he takes in a shuddering breath before his lips pull apart in a beautiful grin.
"Oh, darling! All for you."
How lucky you were that Lucifer had taken your bait. Everything was going according to plan, and you loved it.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Too Drunk For This | Y.J
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Pairing: Yang Jeongin x Reader Word Count: 10,655 Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, mutual pining, there's not much going on but consent is implied for the things that DO happen. PDA. THERE IS PDA. (kissing, public area my bad... but i'll fokn do it again) A/N: I wrote this during a break from my EX series, because man am I on a writers block to end one of the chapters, but I think this helped and It will be coming soon I swear so pls accept this little Jeongin fic as a peace offering dfgvbskjbg
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And just like that, everything you had built up came crumbling down. Every wall you had built up was being torn away by the wrecking ball that was Yang Jeongin. 
The night had started off fine, your friend Momo had begged you to join her at a party she barely wanted to go to, and after asking a million and one times why not just stay in instead; you had been thoroughly convinced that a party would be just what the two of you needed. 
A break from the studying, and pain in the ass that was college life. 
“I still don’t get why we’re here.” you complained as the two of you walked up the steps of the home the party was being hosted in, the music blaring through the closed door; only to be made louder as you made your way inside. “You didn’t even want to come.” 
“I know but,-” she paused as someone caught her eye, and it hit you. The real reason she pulled herself out of the dorm room to venture out into an unforgiving territory. 
College parties are fun, but they are (in your mind) truly unforgiving. One mistake, one little thing to embarrass yourself and the entire campus will know before you even have a chance to wake up and process the excruciating pain of a hangover migraine. 
“Got it,” you huff as the two of you push past the crowd of people all mingling, dancing, and clearly drunk out of their minds; all letting themselves forget that it's a Thursday night and you all have classes in the morning, because whoever had the bright idea to host a rager on a weekday clearly had the right idea in most people's eyes because FUCK exams right? 
You had made the conscious decision not to drink tonight, because you truly didn’t want to attend tomorrow morning's lecture with a killer headache, unable to eat, and feeling like death incarnated. So instead you followed Momo around as she said hello to all her classmates, ones you barely knew. 
You and Momo may be friends, but you don’t share the same major. While she focused on the dramatic arts, you focused on architectural design. Most of the people attending this party happened to be in the arts and so you felt mostly left out. 
“Y/N?” a voice sounds from behind you, you turn to see your classmate walking towards you with a wide grin plastered on his face, “Y/N what are you doing here,” he laughed,
“Oh I came with- '' you turned to point out Momo who had disappeared in the three seconds it took to acknowledge Jeongin. “Momo, but it seems I may have lost her.” Jeongin let out a laugh as you looked around the room, trying your hardest to find your friend. 
“Makes sense, you don’t really seem like the party type of person,” he smirks as he takes a drink from his cup. In all honesty, you aren’t a party person. Big crowds of people isn’t really your thing, and you’d much rather have a few drinks at home with a few of your close friends around. One it’s just more fun to have people you trust around you while you’re drunk, and two it lessens the risk of anything going wrong, but Jeongin didn’t need to know that. 
“Bold of you to assume I don’t like parties.” you scoff. It was a mistake saying that, and you knew that clearly as the smirk returned to Jeongin’s face only this time, with a hint of mischief in it. Within a split second the boy had your wrist in his hand, as he dragged you through the home and to the kitchen, smiling as he pushed a bottle of soju your way. 
“Prove it. Y/L/N,” 
“I don’t have to prove anything to you Yang Jeongin.” you rolled your eyes, ready to walk away. You weren’t drinking tonight. 
Until you were.
 Six shots in and laughing loudly as Jeongin entertained you, pouring the both of you another one.  
“Seriously Y/N, I didn’t think you’d actually give in,” he laughs, “You looked like you were going to punch me earlier,” you quickly take back your shot, the taste of the soju had begun to ease from the harsh perfumy alcohol to an easily taken sweet drink. Your mind was hazing, and the room spinning, but yet everything was warm and Jeongin was funnier now that you’d had more to drink. Of course you’d always thought of him as funny, and maybe kind of cute. But you never really spoke to him until now. Maybe in passing a few times during one of your shared classes but you never spent time with him outside of class. So when he took your hand and dragged you outside to the backyard to sit and talk, it took you a bit by surprise. Sure there was an initial shock of him dragging you to drink with him, but you’d assumed it was because it was only the two of you from your major at this party, so you just thought he wanted some sort of familiarity. 
Until every person that came through the kitchen stopped to say hi to him, and he’d have to introduce you to them. 
Everyone knows Jeongin. 
Jeongin sat beside you as the two of you spoke about yourselves, getting to know one another outside your class. It was weird talking to him for something other than a project or homework, but it was nice. The alcohol giving both of you the boost of confidence to speak to one another, because despite barely knowing him you couldn’t deny he was good looking, easy to speak to and of course funny. You couldn’t help but have a small crush on him, even though he’d probably never think of you in that way. 
Except he did. 
The moment Jeongin had seen you at the party, his mind already hazed from the drinks he’d already had, he knew it was his chance to try and get to know you. He wanted to know the person he’d catch himself staring at in the middle of a lecture, the person who sat in the row in front of him. The person who’s designs would surely make the next big thing in the architectural world. He was fascinated by you.
You didn’t often speak to a lot of people, and mostly kept to the few friends you already had. You did your work quietly, and diligently. You were passionate about the subject and he truly admired it. Though he had only found a few excuses to talk to you, by using the class assignments; he knew in the first few interactions he needed to know more. And so when you walked in, and decided to drink with him, he took that chance to try and get to know you better. 
He listened as you spoke about yourself, about your interests and dislikes; and he couldn’t help but think to himself I’m fucked. Because he was truly and deeply starting to fall for you. It wasn’t his fault you were so god damn smart, and it wasn’t his fault you always looked so fucking good. How was anyone expected to not have some sort of crush on you when you walked around so confidently, so sure of yourself, so perfectly? 
He couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander as you spoke, your lips just looked so soft, and his eyes kept wandering to them, quickly snapping back up every time he realized he was staring. But you didn’t notice, he was still safe. But the alcohol kept pushing him, and pushing him. 
“Jeongin?” You asked as he shook his head, trying to clear his mind as if it worked like an etch-sketch. “You okay?” 
“Uh, yeah sorry. Just thinking about something, sorry.” His face burnt into a light pink blush, 
“What about?” he didn’t offer an answer, only stared at you, and down at your lips. 
“Fuck.” He breathed out, before cupping your face and softly kissing you. Is this okay? Fuck. I shouldn’t have done that. He thought as you pulled away, eyes softly fluttering back open as he looked at you, i’m about to get fucking slapped. He thought, as he mentally prepared for the inevitable. But you didn’t. You just looked at him, with softness in your eyes, as if you’d just been waiting for him to make some sort of move. “Sorry,” he whispered as he looked to his hands, fiddling with the cup he held. 
A minute of silence passed before he looked back up at you, still you looked at him with soft eyes. Maybe it was a bad idea, maybe it wasn’t but fuck did he want to do it again, but this time you beat him to it, closing the gap between the two of you kissing him softly, and almost needily. He set his cup down as gracefully as he could before turning a bit to be able to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into him as much as he could without you literally being on top of him on the patio set outside the party. People opened the door only to close it when they saw the two of you but neither of you cared, both of you too distracted in the warmth of the other to even consider what you were doing and where. 
What started as a soft kiss quickly became a very heated makeout session, and you were ready to just get on him, let him have you in any way he wanted. But with the slightest move he pulled back, “Not here.” he mumbled as he grabbed your hand pulling you back into the house, bringing you into the closest washroom. Once the door was shut he was back on you kissing you like he’d never get the chance to again. You reached your hand up his shirt, as he shuddered at the sensation of your touch, as he pulled you tightly against his body. 
And just like that, everything you had built up came crumbling down.
Every wall you had built up was being torn away by the wrecking ball that was Yang Jeongin. You had spent most of your time in college so focused on just getting through it. After your first failed relationship, and then your second you’d decided that maybe just focusing on your work would do you better. Who needs a boyfriend when school life fucks you everyday right?
Wrong because what you felt, that need to be touched. And specifically by him, was taking over every cell within your body. Part of it may have been the fact that you were quite touch starved, the other part may have been the alcohol but everything felt right with him. He knew how to kiss you, where to touch to get the reaction he wanted out of you. As if he’d known your body for years and knew just exactly what it needed. 
“Fuck you don’t know how bad I’ve wanted to do this,” he sighs, kissing you harshly again. 
A knock on the bathroom door sends the both of you out of your heated daze, your makeup smudged, and lipstick staining his lips from the kiss. 
“Y/N?” Momo called from outside the door, “Hurry up I wanna go home,” she sighed, 
“Yeah coming!” you said shakily as Jeongin heald in a laugh, 
“Not yet, but I mean-” He joked, 
“Fuck, we are too drunk for this.” You sigh, Jeongin smiles running his hand through your hair before kissing you again, 
“We are,” he whispers, “So maybe next time.” he reaches for the door handle slowly opening it as you look to him, 
“You sure that’s not the alcohol talking?” you ask, 
“Not at all love.” he smiles before exiting, leaving you there to wonder what ‘Next time’ meant. 
Your walk back to your dorm with Momo was a blur, both of you too drunk to really be walking home alone, but somehow you managed to make it home safely. Momo crashing on her bed as you took your severely messed up makeup off in the washroom. 
Your phone buzzes, and you quickly glance at it,
Jeongin; dinner? Sunday? With me… you know so I Can properly confess, and not in some washroom drunk at a random party?
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kazemiya · 2 years
Hi kaze!! can i req Natsume & Leo (separate) x fem!reader that refuse to sleep so they have to drag her their way (in ur opinion how would they drag them) to bed :D if u dm can u also make it the scenario way instead of hcs, thank u & have an amazing day/night!
- 🐌non (i hope u don't mind me being the snail non hehe)
★彡 Natsume and Leo (seperate) dragging their s/o to sleep
a/n : HI 🐌 anon! This request is absolutely adorable and cute! I wrote this request in the scenario way instead of the hc way, but it’s my first time doing it like this so I hope it’s good! Thank you for requesting! I hope you have an amazing night/day too <3
♡ Natsume Sakasaki
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The towering stack of textbooks sat in front of you as you continued to type on your computer. The clock was ticking closer and closer to 3 a.m, and yet here you still were. Well, exams were drawing nearer and nearer, so you did not feel that there was anything wrong with sacrificing some sleep for studying.
Suddenly, two hands clasped your shoulders, slightly startling you. It was so late, who could it be?“My, My Y/n, what are you doing so latE?” He whispered softly, near your ear. His hair tickled your neck as he bent down and his warm breath fanned against the nape of your neck.
“Oh. It’s you Natsume.” Your words become slightly distorted as you yawn. “I’m just going to finish these last pages of the chapter then i promise to go to sleep” you continued.
“I don’t believe you for even a secOND, my love” he started combing his fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp. You could feel yourself slowly leaning into his touch and the tension in your muscles slowly melting. He whispered small “I love you”s and “y/n~” into your ear.
You softly mumbled “you’re putting me to sleep… stop”. Your eyelids felt as heavy as lead and slowly closing.
“That’s my purpose for all of thiS, didn’t you knoW?” He held your hand softly, leading you away from all the textbooks and your computer. Hand on the small of your back, he softly brought you to the direction of your shared bedroom. As you collapsed on the bed, you eventually drifted off for some much needed sleep.
Natsume kissed your forehead as he said under his breath “works everytIME~”
♡ Leo Tsukinaga
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Your eyes strained on the graphics on the television screen. The good part was about to come- Suddenly, your vision blurred and someone was lying on top of you. It was of course none other than your boyfriend.
“Y/n….” He groggily rubbed his eyes as he continued to spread him self on top of you much to your annoyance. “Y/n… its so late already don’t you think we should watch this together tomorrow?” Leos large doe eyes looked up at you.
“But its just the last five minutes-” Upon hearing that, Leo obscured your vision with his face and wrapped his legs around his face, threatening to stay in that position the whole night if it was what would get you to sleep. Showing no sign of giving up, he started peppering your face with kisses everywhere.
You pushed his face away and finally relented. “Fine but give me a few seconds, my legs feel tired from sitting for too long-AH” Leo had already begun to throw you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom. You hanged over his shoulder weakly, clearly surrendering.
At least you won some high quality hugs with your boyfriend, nothing better than cuddling into his chest, hearing his heartbeat, just for you right?
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kiwi2229 · 11 months
Beauty in sadness
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 777 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: inspire
Regulus is sitting at the library in a big chair in a corner. It’s a perfect spot because right next to him is a big stained glass window that throws colourful reflections across the notebook in his lap. He spends hours here studying or just reading. But today he is not doing any of it. He is waiting for James to finish studying for his N.E.W.T.s with his friends. Regulus could be also revising for his exams, but true to be told he is perfectly ready. He always is. So instead of wasting time on reading articles he already read through he is watching the group by the table.
A year before he wouldn’t spare them a glance. Well except James, he always had a soft spot for him. And his brother, but that’s a totally different story. But the rest of them? Nah, he never cared. But now he spends a lot of time with them and they are not as bad as he thought they would be.
James is gesturing towards the book and passionately argues about something with Marlene. Regulus looks down again, where his hand is moving across the page. He is now sketching the stack of James’ books. The notebook is full of little sketches like this. Mostly of James but also of Regulus’ friends, he loves to draw Pandoras’ hair or different parts of the castle. Between the sketches are scattered different quotes or poems he wrote.
He sits there for another hour before the group finally calls it night and agrees to meet for further studying tomorrow. It’s getting pretty late, and James will probably be tired but maybe they can still go for a little walk before the curfew. He starts to pack all of his stuff so they can leave as soon as possible, but when James approaches him he just squeezes next to him and settles in the chair.
“Hi.” He breaths out wrapping himself around Regulus.
“Hello. So, are you smart already?” Regulus chuckles at the incoherent grumble as a response from James. Regulus closes his eyes and leans more into him letting the warmth of this boy wrap itself around him.
“Can I?” James whispers after a while into the silence. Regulus cracks one eye open to see what James is asking. The boy is holding his sketchbook. James knows he draws sometimes though he never showed him his work. But it’s nothing special so why not. He nods carefully watching James go through the notebook.
“These are amazing love. I never knew you draw this much.” James says without looking up.
Regulus hesitates for a moment before he says his admission. “You inspire me.” James gives him a smug grin. There is no point in denying there are significantly more drawings of James than other things.
James keeps flicking through the notebook before he speaks again, but this time it’s more careful. “What are these poems?”
“Some of them are quotes from books, most of them I wrote,” Regulus explains.
James is looking at him now. “Did I also inspire the ones you write?”
“Some of them, yes. Also, my friends or this place.” Regulus gestures around.
“But they are sad.” Regulus shrugs. He wouldn’t call them sad. More melancholic? He never saw it as a problem. It’s just part of who he is. “I guess so.”
“Do I make you sad?” James asks and tightens his arms around Regulus.
“Of course not. Why would you ask that?”
“Well, the poems are sad, and you said I inspire you so…”
“Oh, Jamie…” Regulus breathes out. Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. James truly looks worried. “it’s not a bad thing.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It goes together. Happiness and sadness. Love and fear. They can’t exist without each other. I write because I care. And because I care it’s melancholic or sad.” James still does not look convinced, and Regulus is not sure if he can express it in a way that makes sense. “You can love something so much that it hurts. It can be so beautiful that it’s almost too much to look at it. But you never look away. You bare the pain as it’s evidence of the feeling. There is nothing more devastating than apathy. You never feel sad about insignificant things. No, it’s only the important stuff that awakens these emotions inside us. There is beauty in sadness, because of how deep it runs.”
He gives James a soft kiss on his lips. It’s just a brush of a touch. James doesn’t even have a chance to react. “You are important to me. That’s why the poems are sad.”
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berryunho · 2 years
THE ANSWER: Saratoga
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Kim Hongjoong doesn’t like the word ‘cult.’ He prefers ‘sect.’ pairing: ateez x fem reader genre: cult au, thriller, angst check warnings on AO3
← previous || next → || masterlist chapter word count: 2,905
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Mingi sighs, staring at the blank document in front of him. 
This paper is not going to write itself, but, at this rate, neither is Mingi. The Google Docs cursor blinks at him, reminding him of the fact that he isn’t actively typing.
This is stupid, anyways. Why does his professor, who has spent her entire life studying the American Revolution, need Mingi to write a paper on the Battles of Saratoga? Like, shouldn’t she have enough of her own information? Does she really need some poor undergrad to write a paper about it? 
Mingi looks at all of the tabs that he has open, scanning across the tiny titles for anything that could motivate him to start this paper. Literally anything.
Considering the amount of tabs open, Mingi is lucky to be able to read even three letters on each tab, so that idea quickly proves fruitless. Groaning, he leans back in his chair, rubbing his face with his hands.
Writing a paper two days before it’s due in the biggest library on campus at two in the morning may not have been his brightest idea ever. But, hey, that’s finals week, right? Plus, he had spent all of yesterday goofing off with (Y/n) instead of writing, but that’s an entirely different thing. That was worth the cramming.
Mingi looks around the library, trying to clear his mind. 
Paper. The paper. The Battles of Saratoga. John Burgoyne. Horatio Gates. 10,000 words.
He looks back at the blank Google doc. “I’m gonna cry,” he whispers, leaning forward to rest his face on the desk in front of him. 
Mingi is vaguely aware that falling asleep right now would be a very bad idea. But its two in the morning and he’s tired. Would any paper that he wrote right now even be intelligible tomorrow morning? Probably not. Maybe he should just sleep…
Just as Mingi is about to accept his fate, there’s a tap on his back. He startles, quickly sitting back up in order to face the person that snuck up on him with shocking efficiency. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jongho says just as Mingi registers who it is. 
Mingi lets out a small laugh over his own actions, “No, no, it’s fine. I just didn’t know anyone else was here… What are you doing here?”
Jongho rolls his eyes, “My anthropology professor assigned us some last minute project and said we don’t have to take the final exam if we do this instead, so…” He nods toward Mingi’s open laptop, “Paper not coming along too well?”
“Very badly. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about either Battle of Saratoga, would you?” 
“What the hell is that?” Jongho frowns. 
The two laugh together for a moment, forgetting that they’re in the library. “Shit, we have to be quiet,” Jongho says, albeit between laughs. “Do you want to swing by the vending machines and get a Monster or something? You look tired.” 
“I really should probably just write,” Mingi thinks for a moment, “but, yeah, actually, that might help me focus.” He shuts his laptop, not bothering to bundle it up and take it with him. This late at night, who would there be to even steal it? 
Once they’re out of the main body of the library, they’re more free to talk normally. They walk side by side, down the hallway and toward the stairs. Whoever decided that the main library should be on the third floor, with the vending machines in the basement, Mingi would never understand. 
“So how��s (Y/n)?” Jongho asks, his voice echoing through the empty hall. 
“What do you mean? She’s fine, I suppose, maybe stressed about finals.” Mingi thinks for a moment, trying to recall how much he’s told Jongho about her.
Truthfully, Mingi and Jongho hadn’t been friends for very long. They had never even spent time alone together, this being the first time. Jongho was nice enough, but… there’s just something about him. Mingi knows for sure that he’s never met (Y/n), so the fact that he’s asking about her is a little strange. 
Jongho cracks a smile, “I mean how are the two of you, I guess. Any developments?” 
Mingi lightly shoves Jongho’s shoulder. “Shut up, we don’t like each other like that.” Mingi knows that Jongho is joking, having heard these types of comments from every single one of his friends before. It’s like some long standing bet that Mingi and (Y/n) will get together, but no one knows when. 
“Uh-huh. Okay. Whatever you say, Mingi.” The sarcasm is evident in Jongho’s voice, and Mingi supposes it’s for good enough reason.
Mingi definitely likes (Y/n) like that. But she doesn’t like him like that. So it’s just easier to act like he doesn't. Easier to bear the jokes and suck it up. Mingi would never risk losing (Y/n) over something as stupid as his feelings for her, so it’s just better to say nothing at all. Let his friends tease him as much as he wants, as long as (Y/n) doesn’t care, he doesn’t either. 
“Doesn’t it hurt, though?” Jongho asks, stopping in the hallway. The question comes out of the blue, and honestly isn’t something that Mingi feels like he has the right to ask. They hardly know each other. 
Mingi stops alongside Jongho, turning toward him. “What do you mean?” His tone is accusatory, to match the minor offense he feels by Jongho’s question. 
“Being hopelessly in love with someone that can’t tell, doesn’t that hurt?” Jongho looks genuinely curious. “I wouldn’t be able to do it, see her everyday and just pretend like I’m okay just being friends, but maybe that’s just me.” He shrugs. 
Mingi doesn’t respond for a moment, wondering if it is really that obvious that he loves her. And, if it is, then why hasn’t she noticed? Mingi blurts out his answer before he can think about it, “It would hurt more to not see her at all.” 
“You really think so?” Jongho resumes walking, his pace quite slow. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just rip the bandaid off? Let her reject you and move on with your life, if you really think that that’s what would happen?”
Mingi pauses, his stomach sinking. “Do you think she would reject me?” 
Jongho shrugs again. “I don’t know her, but, just from knowing you, I’m gonna say that she wouldn’t. But, if she did, at least you wouldn’t be hung up on her for the rest of your life.’
“But if she rejected me and then I had to see her everyday, that might be hard, don’t you think?”
“Who says you would have to see her everyday?”
Mingi’s brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“Just that you don’t have to see her everyday, that’s all.” Jongho says it so nonchalantly that it almost throws Mingi off guard. Mingi can hardly imagine a life where he doesn’t see (Y/n) everyday, and can’t sooner imagine one where he wouldn’t want to. “If you really wanted to get away, I know a place.”
Mingi nods his head, leaving Jongho to be cryptic with himself. Mingi honestly has no desire to ‘get away’ at least not at this moment. Maybe get away from his stupid paper on the stupid Battles of Saratoga, but not from (Y/n), not at all.
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
“Can I talk to you about something?” Mingi asks, wringing his hands together in his lap. He hopes that (Y/n) doesn’t see, and he hopes that he can’t detect the nervous waiver in his voice. 
Okay, so, maybe Jongho had gotten to him. For whatever reason, Mingi couldn’t get the weird, two a.m. conversation out of his head. While he was able to get a good start on the paper after drinking the Monster he got from the vending machine, he wasn’t able to focus on much else other than (Y/n). 
From across the table, (Y/n) shovels a spoonful of soup into her mouth. “Sure?” 
Mingi clears his throat a bit, watching her eat her soup. It’s things like this that really make Mingi realize he loves her. The way she holds her spoon, the way she sets her phone down to look at him as he speaks, the way she holds her bowl steady, the way her voice changes as she asks a question, the confused yet comfortable look in her eyes, everything about her. His stomach flips, his nerves going crazy.
He hadn’t planned this speech at all. Hadn’t even thought he was going to say anything until three minutes ago. “We’ve been really close for a while now.” 
(Y/n) raises her eyebrows. Setting her spoon down in the bowl in front of her. “Uh-huh.” 
“How do you feel when our friends tease us about that? When they say we should just get together already?” Mingi is sure that if he put one of his hands on the table it would leave a noticeable hand print of sweat.
“Its kind of annoying, I guess,” she starts, shrugging, “can’t we just be friends? No one would say anything if we were both guys or both girls.” 
Mingi nods, feeling all of his hope deflate out of him. “Oh, yeah, I guess.”
“How do you feel about it?” She asks, “Does it not bother you?”
Shrugging, Mingi gathers all of the courage he can muster, “Maybe a little bit. But sometimes I wonder if they’re right.”
(Y/n) laughs across from him. Laughs. “Right about what? Us being a couple?” She goes back to eating her soup, then. “That’s funny, Mingi.” 
“The thought that we could be more is funny to you?” Mingi’s tone is angrier than he had expected it to be. He’s surprised by his own reaction, but there’s not much he can do to take it back. 
Her eyes widen. “Why do you sound mad? I just meant that I don’t think of you like that.”
“Sorry,” Mingi starts, standing, “I just don’t think the idea is that funny.” He takes that as his opportunity to walk away, leaving (Y/n) and her soup alone at the table. He has to fight the urge to turn back and look at her, see what her reaction to his statement is. 
His phone dings in his pocket as he continues walking. He pulls it out, greeted by a message from none other than (Y/n), “song mingi if you don’t turn around right now so help me god”
Mingi turns on his heel, still able to see (Y/n) from her spot at the table. She’s still sitting there, spoon in hand, as she stares at him. She quickly beckons for him to come back once she sees that he has her attention, but he shakes his head. 
Throwing her head back, she looks back at her phone, typing at such a fervent speed that Mingi gets the text only seconds later, “do you have something you need to say to me?????”
Mingi looks up from his phone to her, neither confirming nor denying. While he’s aware that he’s acting like a child, something in him can’t go back. He can’t face this issue right now, not when he’s emotional. In a way, he supposes that he should’ve expected this. Hadn’t he expected rejection anyway? Why is he disappointed? What did he really think would come from asking his best friend if she ever thought they would be together? It seems so stupid to Mingi now, staring at (Y/n) from across the room as she stares back at him in question.
Mingi doesn’t respond to (Y/n)’s text, and he doesn’t go back to her. Instead, he turns on his heel and exits.
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
Things go relatively back to normal after that.
Sure, Mingi doesn’t talk to (Y/n) for a couple of days, but he could never stay upset with her. Though there is a tiny bit of lingering awkwardness (at least on Mingi’s part), it’s not unbearable. For the most part, the pair ignore that Mingi had ever even said anything.
Not that that’s what Mingi had been hoping for. He had wanted to go back to (Y/n) and tell her everything the second after he left her alone with her soup, had wanted to make it some sort of cheesy romcom-esque love confession. Unfortunately, Mingi also knew that he needed to stay sane for the remainder of the week, and decided that embarrassing himself like that would not be the way to do it.
Still, Mingi wants to tell her. He does. The issue is completely compounded now. Now that Mingi was so close to telling her, the way he feels about (Y/n) is becoming almost unbearable. Everything she does, everything she says, every second they’re together makes him love her more. Mingi can feel the words brewing at his lips every time that he’s alone with her, thinking about how easy it would be to just spit out his feelings. 
But he doesn’t. He holds his tongue, because he can’t lose her. He couldn’t bear it. 
That is, of course, until he bumps into Jongho on his walk back to his dorm. He’s with someone that Mingi has never met before, which Mingi is absolutely positive about because he’s sure that he would remember someone so… interesting.
Mingi is intrigued enough to call out to them, “Jongho?”
“Oh, hey Mingi, we were just looking for you, actually.” Jongho smiles once he notices that he has Mingi’s rapt attention.
“Looking for me? Why?”
Jongho gestures to his friend. “I wanted to introduce you to Hongjoong.” 
Mingi looks Hongjoong up and down. In the most polite way possible, he’s… definitely something to look at. He’s dressed like he just walked off the set of Little House on the Prairie, for one thing. Mingi doesn’t like to judge people based on their physical appearances, not at all, but this guy has a mullet. Like an honest to God mullet. And a pretty bad one at that.
Mingi’s caught off guard when Hongjoong sticks his hand out, “It’s nice to meet you, Mingi.” 
He takes his hand, shaking it for as short of a socially acceptable time as possible, neglecting to return the sentiment.
“Hongjoong used to be a student here,” Jongho explains, “just wanted to reminisce a bit.”
Hongjoong gives a small laugh, one that Mingi senses isn’t very genuine. “Turns out theology wasn’t for me.”
Mingi uneasily laughs along, “I’ve had that moment plenty of times, though I’m a history major.”
The three men stand in silence for a moment as Mingi tries to think of an excuse to leave. His curiosity has been satisfied, he met the weirdo with Jongho, time to go. 
“Well, I actually have to get back to work on my pape-”
“I actually had something I wanted to ask you,” Jongho cuts Mingi off, “Hongjoong, could you give us a second alone?” 
Hongjoong nods and walks over to a bench sitting near the sidewalk, sitting down as Jongho lightly grabs Mingi’s arm and pulls him further away.
“Are you doing okay? I found out about (Y/n).” Jongho asks, sounding rather concerned.
How had Jongho heard about his blunder with (Y/n)? He hasn’t even seen Jongho since that night at the library, let alone spoke to him about her. 
“What are you referring to, exactly?” Mingi doesn’t want to share his little embarrassment with Jongho if he doesn’t have to.
Jongho’s brows furrow, “You don’t know? Apparently (Y/n) has been going out with some guy named Changbin?”
Now it’s Mingi’s turn to be confused, “What?” 
Why wouldn’t she say anything? Why wouldn’t Changbin say anything? Sure, they’ve flirted, but never seriously… at least, that’s what Mingi thought.
“I wasn’t there, but one of my friends told me he saw them at Dirt being rather… friendly with each other.” 
Mingi shakes his head, not ready to believe the story. “When was this?” Mingi had spent the past few nights studying with (Y/n), besides Thursday, so if Jongho says any other day, he’ll know that it wasn’t actually (Y/n) that was seen.
“Thursday.” Jongho’s statement deflates any remaining hope that Mingi held onto. “I’m sorry, Mingi, I thought you knew; I thought she would’ve told you.” 
Mingi nods, trying to wrap his head around what the hell Jongho just told him. If (Y/n) and Changbin are dating, why wouldn’t either of them say anything? Why had (Y/n) not told him when he tried to confess to her? Is it so new that they don’t want to say anything, in case it doesn’t work out? If that’s the case, though, would they be getting ‘friendly’ at Dirt? (Y/n) isn’t like that, not at all, so the thought is honestly perplexing to Mingi.
Why Changbin? Why not him? What did he have that Mingi didn’t? The guts to ask her out? Did she even like Changbin? She never talked to Mingi about him, outside of normal friendship things. Did he just wear her down enough that she eventually agreed to go out with him and realized that she was actually into him? There’s so many questions that Mingi doesn’t have the answer to.
Why not him?
“What were you telling me the other night? About a place to get away?”
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taglist: @knucklesdeepmingi @atzcoke @kpopnightingale @ferrethyun @silentiona @floatingpluto @wooandtaeluvr @atoz151
a/n: pls take this survey if you've read to this point lol!! i really appreciate the feedback hehe &lt;3
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pookiwookis · 4 months
SweetTooth1 and CurseDevourer
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playlist for the fic, no chronological order (except for like the first 4 songs maybe) and i might add more :3 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2p3NOFNTCignOBYNkqt2yF?si=b76cafe295d84fbf also i mostly wrote this fic for myself, also i suggest reading the tags beforehand but i hope u enjoy !! (ps. posted this on ao3 as @bunnyalien !!) (pps. if you do play add me my battletag is kiwi#26932 ( i main mercy <3 )) - mittens 🫧
Rated: G
Words: 1371
Pairing orientation: m/m
The screen lights up with a word written in red; 'defeat', "dude you could've touched the point" Satoru said in slight annoyance, and he could hear Suguru sighing on the other line "I swear to god if you say 'you could've touched the point' one more time I'm offing myself" he replied, they argue about who was in the wrong in the heat of the moment, but alas, they apologized to each other and then joined the game’s practice range while waiting to queue for another game.
Game handle names CurseDevourer, Suguru Geto and SweetTooth1, Satoru Gojo, have met through the game Overwatch and have been friends for over two years, they almost always find time after school to play for leisure (except Gojo who leaves studying for when an exam is a day or two away). Suguru and Satrou were never texters, especially Suguru who didn’t have any socials, so gaming was a great way for them to communicate, they would talk about their day and interests through it for hours until Suguru told him his curfew (that he had set for himself) is up and he has to go study, especially that he studies med subjects while Satoru studies humanitarian subjects, so he has more free time since it’s all pretty easy (of course not to mention he doesn’t really care). 
They had been friends for over two years, and yet they had never thought about meeting, it wasn’t an option since Suguru’s parents were so strict on his studying, that he had to be cautious about playing with Satoru as well. They had been friends for a while and sharing pictures of oneself was very one-sided, he was too scared to confess, scared that it would ruin their friendship, especially since Suguru had a history of toxic friendships in middle school. Suguru was curious about his crush’s thoughts on how he looked like, except he was too self-conscious to do so, his high school peers had bullied him for being friendless, an outcast, and although he would always stand up for himself, it still made him feel self-conscious. He was glad Satoru hadn’t pressured him to share a photo of himself when he refused and didn’t provide a reason. 
He liked Satoru, but he realized he had a crush on him in their third year of friendship, Suguru realized Satoru was in his head more often than he wanted, and the way he talked about the people in his life made him feel jealous and frustrated, he was happy his crush was happy but he still wondered; why does he have to live so far away? Why can’t they be in the same school? Why can’t it be him instead? Satoru was all he was thinking about, it made his studying difficult, but then he would get words of encouragement from him and would succeed still, so he couldn’t blame him. 
They still play the game even after their high school graduation and the entrance to their Universities, but when the time to study for exams came, Suguru warned Satoru about not being able to play anymore because he had to prioritize studying, Satoru asked him to make a social account for them to keep in touch, Suguru replied by saying he’s busy and he’ll do tomorrow.
Satoru waited til the next day, he logged into his play station, except it was updating and required him to sign in to his account, Satoru panicked, he didn’t remember his password or email, and he also did not connect his email to anything, so there is no back up for his account. And in an instant, they fall apart. Suguru logs in to tell Satoru about his account, and he waits, waits and waits, Suguru waits for a day, two, a week, and he gets busier and busier but still hanging on a thread in hopes of Satoru contacting him, but to no avail, so he eventually gave up. Suguru didn’t feel angry, though he did feel sad and confused that Satoru had disappeared without a trace.
A few years go by, and Suguru reminisces about the times he played with Satoru, he tried downloading the game again but there wasn’t any space, he used it all for his university studies, and now that he’s a successful adult with straight As, his parents are more lenient on what he wants to do, so he goes to a gaming cafe to play a little. Suguru arrives at a nearby gaming cafe, it is fairly empty, and he decides to sit in the corner, away from everyone else, he finds comfort in his lonesome. All was well until a few moments later, a guy sat next to him, he didn’t bother looking but he knew he annoyed him to the core, out of all the empty places he decided to sit right next to him?! 
He wouldn’t have minded it too much if he wasn’t in his personal space. How can someone be so loud even while others are wearing headphones? Suguru sighs loudly, he can’t even move elsewhere because he is already in a competitive game, he’ll be sure to move after this game though, he is not sitting through this throughout his whole session. The yelling stops shortly, and Suguru is reliev- “hey man could you help me out i have no idea what’s wrong with my game” said the man in frustration, Suguru’s eye was twitching. He turns to look at him and absolute shock fills his body “SweetTooth1?!” He yells involuntarily, “Oh my god.” said the other “CurseDevourer?!” He continued.
In the next couple of weeks, the duo's interactions became a delicate dance of emotions and unspoken sentiments. They continued their routine visits to the gaming cafe, each session revealing a bit more about the connection they shared. Casual conversations evolved into moments of shared laughter. Suguru found himself stealing glances at Satoru, wondering if he could sense the subtle shift in the air. Satoru, too, seemed more attuned to Suguru's presence, a warmth in his gaze that hinted at something beyond what they are right now.
One evening, during a gaming session, they found themselves sitting in their usual quiet corner of the cafe, the ambient noise of the gaming machines provided a comforting backdrop to their conversation. 
The tension between Suguru and Satoru grew like a thin rope that was being pulled from both ends. There were lingering glances and exchanged smiles that carried a weight of unspoken feelings. 
Suguru found himself wrestling with the emotions he had kept bottled up. Feelings he thought were long gone, but meeting the other had proved otherwise, there was no denial especially since his feelings for him bloomed brighter with each passing day.
 The gaming cafe became a familiar place for their encounters, each session held unspoken words and lingering tension.
Suguru felt a surge of courage, "Satoru," Suguru started, his voice slightly shaky but determined, "there's something I've been wanting to share with you. It's been on my mind, and I think it's time we address it."
Satoru turned towards him, an inquisitive glint in his eyes.
"It's about us." Suguru continued, trying to find the right words.
Satoru nodded, silently urging him to go on.
Suguru took a deep breath, his gaze meeting Satoru's. "I've never said this out loud, but... you mean a lot to me, more than just a friend. Our time together has become so incredibly important to me, Satoru. I care about you deeply, I want you to know because you deserve my honesty, and I don't want to keep my feelings hidden anymore."
Satoru's expression softened, and the air around them seemed to blossom with the emotions of that vulnerable moment. As Suguru and Satoru sat in the gaming cafe, the atmosphere heavy with profound emotions, adrenaline pumping through their bodies, leaned in, closing the gap between them. In that intimate moment, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss—a silent acknowledgment of the feelings they had finally expressed. The world outside the gaming cafe seemed to fade away as they shared the connection. The taste of exhilaration lingered with the warmth of newfound understanding, creating a moment paused in time.
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What Goes On In Your Heart? (MedStudent!reader x Paul)
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(Photo by Linda McCartney <3 also to note, I personally imagined 1964ish Paul in this but you can imagine whatever you like since it really has no impact on the story lol anyway, I chose this photo for *ahem* reasons)
This wasn't my original post plan (especially given I was due to post yesterday, oops) but I remembered I wrote this a couple weeks ago and thought I'd post it instead! It's heavily inspired by this post by @mysweetgeo (not connected but you should read theirs first because I said so /hj) and my stupid amount of knowledge on the cardiac system (thanks, autism!). That said, that hyperfixation was awhile ago, though I did research while writing it, but if anything is inaccurate, let me know and I'll make changes! Originally written with a specific character in mind, but changed to be a fem!reader, so if there are any remnants of her written Scouse accent, please ignore lol. Proofed in UK English, like all of my Beatles fics. Anyway, enjoy c:
CW: light nudity, brief sex joke (can tag if needed)
I walk into the bedroom I share with Paul. “Paul?” He hums a response as he continues flipping through the book he’s reading. “I have an exam coming up tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could help me study.”
He sets his book down. “’course I can. Not sure how much help I’ll be in your field, though.”
I giggle. “That’s alright. I mainly just need you as a dummy.” I stop before saying, “Not a dummy, like a mannequin!”
Paul chuckles. “I dunno. I fit the dummy quite well.”
I slap him playfully. “You do not! Er, could you strip to your pants for me? Professional reasons only!”
He smirks as he does as told. “What exam could you possibly have that needs me like this?”
“Exam on the cardiovascular system. Well, it’s less of an exam and more of a project. I’m supposed to give a cardio exam to someone I know and report the results,” I answer. “I’m gonna be using my stethoscope, alright?”
“Whatever you need, love.”
I straddle him—only because it’s the easiest position for what I’m doing—before beginning my run-through. “Right, so first I’m supposed to check a bunch of things; make sure you don’t have cyanosis or oedema or things like that.”
He chuckles. “I dunno what any of that means but I put my trust in you.”
I laugh slightly. “Well, you’re not blue, pale, or swollen and you’re breathing fine so that part’s finished.”
I run through the rest of the visual things very quickly. “Alright, now, give me your wrist, please.” He follows my directions. “Ninety. Interesting.”
As I write the number down, he asks, “Is there somethin’ I should know about that number?”
“’s normal, if that’s what you’re asking,” I reply. “Well, a bit high but still in normal range. Something on your mind?”
“Oh, no,” he answers sarcastically. “Just watchin’ my bird straddle me, stethoscope round her neck, lookin’ like the sexiest doctor I’ve ever seen.
I blush slightly. “Shut up! Can I have your other wrist, please?” I feel for a moment before saying, “Okay, good, that’s in sync. Right arm, please.”
“Aren’t you gonna explain any of what you’re doin’?” he asks, giving me his arm. “Most patients, includin’ me, don’t have a clue what you’re up to.”
I blush. “Right, I forgot that part. Alright, what I just did was check your pulse and made sure it was synced in both arms. Now, I’m checking your pulse in a different spot.”
He chuckles as he watches me. “How many times are you gonna check it?”
I stick my tongue out. “Well, I only had two more, but now you’ve earned a third, since you wanna ask stupid questions.”
He pouts. “That’s no fair.”
I roll my eyes with a smirk. “Bollocks, where have I left my— oh, it’s right here.” Paul chuckles at me as I continue, “Blood pressure. Checking it in both arms. Professor said lying and standing aren’t both required so we’ll just do lying.”
“I don’t like that thing,” he whines as I strap on my blood pressure cuff.
“You’ll be alright,” I reply. “’sides, you agreed to this, didn’t ye?”
He pouts again. “That was before I knew it entailed all this.”
“Keep quiet, I can’t hear!”
A look of pure sarcasm covers his face.
“126/80.” I write the number down as I continue, “A bit high but normal, to match that ‘a bit high but normal’ pulse you’ve got. Gonna check the other arm now.”
“How do you even know what you’re listenin’ for?” he asks when I finish the other arm.
“Identical,” I murmur to myself before saying, “Come here.” I strap the cuff around my own arm and situate my stethoscope. “I’m gonna squeeze the cuff. You’re gonna hear a thump, alright? That’s what you’re listening for.”
He nods—though I’m not sure he completely understands—before closing his eyes to dedicate his attention to his hearing. “Oi, I hear it!” he says after a second.
“What’s the number?”
He squints to read the tiny numbers on the metre. “110.”
“Alright, tell me when the sound is gone.”
A silent moment passes before he speaks, “There. 70.”
I give him a sly smile. “Congratulations, Macca. You’ve just done your first blood pressure reading.”
He gives a proud smile. “Alright, what’s next?”
“Take a wild guess,” I answer sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes. “Where this time?”
“Neck, but I’m gonna listen first. Chin up.” I place the diaphragm of my stethoscope against his neck. “Breathe in and hold, please.”
I can tell he’s getting a bit put out with the number of things I have to do in an exam.
“Right, nothing wrong there.”
“Pardon me for askin’,” he interrupts, voice dripping with sarcasm, “but what was that for?”
Ignoring the tone in his voice, I answer, “Just checking for murmurs and bruits so I don’t give ye a stroke.”
He quirks an eyebrow but chooses not to pursue the question. I place two fingers on his carotid pulse.
“Everythin’ good?” he asks, his voice vibrating my fingers.
“Yep, still ninety,” I reply. “Right, time for your punishment pulse check. Spread your legs for me.”
He blushes and asks, “Why?” as he follows my directions.
“Gonna check the pulse in your femoral artery,” I answer. I place my hand where his leg meets his groin, putting my other hand on top. “Interesting how the pulse here is 115.”
He blushes deep red. “I dunno why I agreed to this.”
“Because you love me, yeah, yeah, yeah,” I sing. “’sides, my professor didn’t ask for that pulse so I’m not writing that down. Right, here comes the fun part. Well, fun for me. Checking your pulse again but on your chest this time. Hands to your sides.”
He does as I ask before I place my hand on his chest. I check in a few different spots before he says, “I’ll bite. What you doin’ now?”
“Making sure I can’t feel any murmurs. You can feel some of ‘em, ye know.”
He makes a surprised face. “I actually didn’t know that.”
“Now this is my favourite part,” I say emphatically, donning my stethoscope. “Mainly because it’s the easiest since I’ve never actually seen a patient with a murmur.”
He chuckles a bit and asks, “Well, what do I need to do?”
“Be very quiet.”
He lets out a little chuckle before going silent as I begin auscultating every area of his heart with both the diaphragm and bell.
“How’s it soundin’ in there?” he asks, startling me slightly.
“Still ninety, if that’s what you’re asking,” I reply after gaining my composure. “Or are you asking for a listen?”
“Askin’ for a listen on you,” he teases.
I roll my eyes with a grin. I know he’s not serious, but I humour him anyway. “Mitral. Tricuspid. Pulmonary. Aortic.” I move the diaphragm around with each word. “And just for you, Erb’s point. Not a valve but we listen there anyway. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know.”
“Mitral’s my favourite,” he blurts.
“Don’t go all ‘cardiologist’ on me, Macca,” I laugh. “Don’t worry, it’s mine too. And with that, I can safely say you, Mr. McCartney, are healthy as a horse, as far as your heart’s concerned.”
He smirks. “So, what do I get for participatin’ in this?”
“I’ll give you a stress test later.” I give him a quick kiss before climbing off him and reporting the rest of my findings.
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study-with-aura · 4 months
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Friday, February 23, 2024
I am posting this on Saturday because H's mom needed to drop her off early since something came up on her end, so I never got the chance to post my Friday update. We had fun though. I still had my piano practice to do, so while I practiced, she worked on a few things that she needed to finish. On the other hand, she did say that my playing was beautiful, and I was elated to hear.
H also plays, but she goes back and forth between enjoying it and doing it because she wants to be done with it and her mom wants her to at least complete Level 10 and then if she wants to stop, she at least knows how to play extremely well in case she ever wants to come back to it in the future. I told H a while back when that was decided that I agreed with her Mom. It was good to at least have the knowledge as she didn't know what she would want in her future, so she plays often when she's in the mood and not often enough when she has no motivation. It works for her, so who am I to say anything?
I plan on doing ARCT and then I'll feel like I've mastered to where I want to be. I'm a completionist, and I actually do enjoy playing. It's why I'm trying to find more time. I want to finish by the time I finish my HS studies, but I also heard that I need ample time for the ARCT since it's a whole other level. If I pass my Level 9 exams, then I can start Level 10 and plan on completing that by the end 10th grade and then I would have two years to prepare for the ARCT exam. That's my plan anyway. My parents don't really care what I do as long I continue to enjoy playing. It's merely hard to find the time to practice! I can only do it by cutting short my supplemental study time, which I have done, but I don't really need a full 2-3 hours for that since I cut my reading down to only one extra book at a time instead of a supplemental book and a fun book along with assigned readings.
Am I doing too much? Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough at all.
It's time to practice again. I'll try to update about today (Saturday) a bit later.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed solving systems of equations graphically + reviewed equations of parallel and perpendicular lines + learned to find the distance between a point and a line + learned to find the shortest distance between two parallel lines + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 16-18 vocabulary + read second part of chapter 26 of Emma by Jane Austen + read about understanding poetry + read about how to analyze poetry + read poems and marked figurative language identified + wrote a short poem using figurative language describing a scene from a photograph
Spanish 2 - Copied new vocabulary
Bible I - Read Joshua 17-18
World History - Watched lecture videos on what and why on the origins of WWI + started writing an essay describing how Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances, and militarism led to WWI (due Monday)
Biology with Lab - Finished my human impact presentation + presented to dad
PE/Health I - Read an article about resources for teen depression and stress
Foundations - Read the definition of resourcefulness + completed one minute creativity exercise + identified fallacies in stories and arguments
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 6: Lesson 1 (parts 6-7) + completed High School Geometry Unit 6: Lesson 4 (parts 1-3) + Unit 6: Lesson 5 (some was assigned)
CLEP - None today
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 220-259 of My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron and finished the book
Chores - Dusted my bedroom, my bathroom, and the study + laundered my bedding
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Matthew 28)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful to have my friends over again tonight for a sleepover to get ready for our second to last cookie booth tomorrow.
Quote of the Day:
Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.
-Wilma Rudolph
🎧Symphony Op. 11 No. 1 in D major (Overture; 'L'amant anonyme') 1. Allegro - Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges
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